The Ukraine Crisis: Facts Versus Lies

Tom Ertl

February 2, 2022

In the old detective series Dragnet, the protagonist Sgt. Joe Friday became famous for his phrase, “Just the facts, ma’am!”

Is it possible today to get “just the facts” about anything in the Western world? No, because the corporate media is complicit in all the crimes of their global masters of the universe and have become the propaganda arm of disinformation advancing their worldwide globalist agenda.

This is the case with the globalist empire that is provoking Russia by way of Ukraine. Of course by “empire,” I mean the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire of the New World Order headquartered in the City of London with offices in Brussels, New York, and Washington, DC.

The Empire’s goal of world domination over the decades of the last century has been achieved through both deception and the force of arms. By the use of propaganda and disinformation, along with color revolutions, the Empire has funded proxies used to destabilize nations they seek to topple and absorb.

This is what is happening in the Ukraine right now. This ginned up “crisis” is not about the wellbeing of Ukraine, but rather it is about the Empire’s attempt to chip away at Russia and isolate them, since they are a firewall to the Empire’s goal of world subjection.

So let us look at the Empire’s media lies and propaganda and contrast it with facts. I write from the worldview of an American Protestant who places his Christian religion above his nationalism.



FACTS: Since the Soviet empire fell and the various satellite nations of the Eastern Bloc gained their independence, the present Russian Federation, created in 1991, has done nothing to threaten the United States or to compromise its borders. They have not planted military bases near the United States, nor have they posed any threat to our domestic economy. Yes, Russia is competing with the US to provide natural gas to Europe, but they are doing so—ahem—in a capitalist free-market manner. Their product is quicker and cheaper. Remember, it was Germany who asked Russia to build Nord Stream II.

If the question is formulated, “Was the Soviet Union an enemy of the US?”, then the answer would be yes. But there is no more Soviet Union, which Reagan accurately labeled “the Evil Empire,” with its expansionist military aggression.

Russian president Putin has come under tremendous criticism in his own country for being conciliatory to the US in his public addresses, referencing the US as “colleagues and partners.”

Putin, along with his foreign minister Sergei Lavrov, has always resorted to dialogue and cooperation rather than coercive military action, “foreign aid” bribes, or meddling in the internal affairs of other nations. When dealing with the Empire and NATO, the foreign policy of Russia toward Ukraine has been strictly defensive. Their time is running out. Just as the United States in the early ‘60s did not want Russian nukes in Cuba, so too Russia does not want NATO military bases and missiles in the Ukraine.

When one examines “just the facts,” what we see is Russia’s unbelievable forbearance in the face of ceaseless aggression of the Empire and the non-stop agitation of the Western propaganda machine.


FACTS: This mantra is chanted ruthlessly by “conservative” commentators such as Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Ben Shapiro. Nevertheless, upon examination, none of their inflammatory statements are supported by facts or evidence. Their propaganda relies on hearkening back to a bygone era, old Soviet stereotypes, and distant memories of past decades.

Putin is a European Russian. Out of a population of 144 million people, fully 111 million live west of the Ural Mountains in the continent of Europe. In religion and culture, Putin is much more European than Asian. Yet he is demonized by the West and assailed with constant lies.

In Putin’s last four presidential elections from 2000–2018, he had vote margins over his closest competitor of 23.9%, 58.1%, 46.2%, and 64.9%. What Western politician could ever have this level of admiration and respect from his people as Putin does?

Putin was secretly baptized as an infant in 1952 by his mother at an underground Orthodox Church ceremony. He identifies himself as a Russian Orthodox Christian and often attends Sunday services in Moscow. Is Putin’s faith genuine? That’s between him and God. What matters most to Russia’s people is Putin’s unwavering support of the church. He is very close to and supportive of the Russian Orthodox Church and has been instrumental in renewing Russia’s historic “symphonia” relationship between church and state. In America, the government attacks the church. In Russia, church and state work together to advance a Christian culture. The Russians know without Trinitarian Orthodoxy there is no Russia. Their 1,000-year Christian faith is their foundation.

George Orwell’s famous dystopian novel 1984 had its “two minutes of hate” where the people’s minds were conditioned to oppose anything the ruling party wanted them to oppose. Putin is the Empire’s new Emmanuel Goldstein.

In reality, Putin will go down in Russian history as one of its greatest princes if not the greatest. In miraculous fashion, he has decoupled Russia from the Western banking oligarchs, severed the Russian economy from Western parasites, restored Russian defenses, and shown the nation the path to full recovery after over 70 years of brutal communism. In the world of modern diplomacy, Putin is the foremost adult in a room of impulsive Western boys and avaricious megalomaniacs.


FACTS: This is one of the “whopper” lies. The fact is that the Ukraine is currently a vassal state of the Anglo-American Empire, and its shadow government is being run out of the United States embassy in Kiev, being led and orchestrated by a Russophobe, neo-con American, Victoria Nuland, who serves as the Under Secretary of State.

Any sovereignty Ukraine possessed disappeared when the US State Department engineered a coup d’état where democratically elected president Viktor Yanukovych was forced to flee in 2014. These events were called the “Maidan Revolution.” In the Western media it was called the “Revolution of Dignity.” It was one of the Empire’s many “color revolutions” to isolate and chip away at Russia and expand the Empire’s hegemony.

The main narrative created by the Empire, the American war party, neo-cons, and their supportive conservative pundits is, “Ukraine is a sovereign country, and it deserves our US protection and support.”

Yet the opposite is true. The US-led regime change in Ukraine’s government was under the direct control of the United States, which has installed its successive puppets. Americans are very comfortable with effecting “regime change” while hypocritically talking about “respecting sovereignty.” The dissonance could not be clearer.

If the American commentators are really concerned about Ukraine sovereignty, shouldn’t they be exposing the past actions against Ukraine’s sovereignty by the US State Department and NATO?


FACTS: This lie cannot be effectively understood without knowing the history of NATO (1949) and the dissolving of the Soviet Union in 1991.

NATO was created as a military alliance of Western European countries, including Canada and the US, to counter FDR, Churchill, and Truman’s assistance to Stalin’s invasion of seven Eastern European countries by 1948.

The Soviet Union was dissolved in 1991, and the Russian Federation formed with pro-Empire president, Boris Yeltsin, installed. At the time, George H. W. Bush, James Baker, and American diplomats assured President Gorbachev that NATO would not expand eastward. None of these agreements were put in writing (Gorbachev’s mistake) and the US went back on their commitment. NATO, which started with 12 members as an answer to the former Warsaw Pact nations, now stands at 30 members and is constantly working to surround Russia with additional NATO states. The Warsaw Pact was dissolved on July 1, 1991, after communism fell.

The issue over Ukraine membership in NATO, is Russian security and Article 5 of the NATO member states’ agreement. Article 5 is based on military alliance commitments that when one member state is attacked, all other NATO members must come to its defense. This absurd article is a sure path to war. This is similar to the “entangling alliances” over Serbia that compelled Europe to the disaster of WWI.

A simple application of the Golden Rule brings this all in perspective. How would we respond if Russia built and fortified military bases in Cuba, Mexico, and Canada, and stocked it with nuclear missiles? We all know how that went over. Why should anyone expect Russia not to respond similarly when NATO seeks to expand into the Ukraine and place massive amounts of military equipment and even nukes on its border? Why can’t we be honest about this? Why do our conservative commentators never bring this up for discussion?


FACTS: This lie is another whopper. The US, which runs Ukraine, has placed CIA operatives and numerous military advisers throughout Ukraine, along with offensive and defensive military weapons. Supplying military equipment to a border country is in itself an act of war.

In response, Russia has had to build up its defenses in its own country near the Ukraine border and in Belarus.

The Empire and NATO is moving toward Russia’s front porch, just miles from Moscow and yet Russia is the aggressor? Putin currently has stated that Russia has nowhere else to retreat. It is commonly said that the side which fires the first shot starts the war. This is not actually true. It is another neo-con trick. It is the one who makes firing the first shot necessary who starts the war. The Empire’s endgame with Russia is to encircle, attack, destroy, and subjugate.


FACTS: This claim is laughable. When the Empire decapitates a nation, installs their own puppets, and takes control of a country, that country ends up being plundered financially by being made dependent on their conquerors.

In the days of the Soviet Union, and even after the collapse of communism in 1991, the Ukraine was an agricultural and industrial center. Since 1991, and the Empire’s regime change in 2014, Ukraine has become Europe’s poorest country and has lost 14.7 million people.

Ukraine has fared no differently than other nations brought under Western hegemony, facing poverty, destruction of its defenses, massive loss of population, and third world dependency. Who is the real aggressor?

The only reason the US State Department is in Ukraine is in order to destabilize Russia. The Empire’s plan is to isolate Russia by the numerous color revolutions it organizes in the nations that border Russia. The most recent example is what just happened this January in Kazakhstan. The culprits in this recent Kazakhstan color revolution are always the same: CIA, English MI6, and Israel’s Mossad.


FACTS: No, the invasion has already taken place since 2005 and 2014 by the Empire and NATO. The Empire’s invasion was similar to invasions of other countries, regime changes, takeovers of the military, and running puppet governments from US embassies, turning Ukraine from its own sovereign nation into a vassal state.

If the Russian military enters Ukrainian territory, it will be for purposes of liberation of the Ukrainian people from their present conquerors. The liberation will be first in the Donbas region marked by Russian humanitarian aid, with some help to rebuild the Ukrainian infrastructure and economy which the Empire has destroyed.

Russia is committed to defend Russian people in the Donbas of Ukraine but has no desire to incorporate Ukraine into the Russian Federation.


The sources of power for a new order in the world are already in. The days of American hegemony, instituted at Bretton Woods (1944), are in full reversal. The world is fast moving from the Empires unipolar base to a multipolar base of power of Russia, China, Iran, and India.

Unfortunately, the Empire’s arrogance in their rejection of Russia forced the Russians eastward to China. However, Russia is ever so careful in their new relationship with China, not to mention an “alliance,” meaning militarily, but a “strategic partnership” which is mostly economic. Russia will never foolishly enter into the obligations of a military alliance.

This move has put Russia in a somewhat difficult position, especially if the relationship deepens. For Russia is Christian and China is atheistic. Russia’s hope here is the growing numbers and vigor of the Chinese church.

History demonstrates that when a major shift in power moves from an old order to a new one, that the transition period is never smooth. For despite being vassal states of the old order, the smaller states are often militarily and economically dependent on the empire. When an empire fades from power, old disputes immediately emerge and smaller economies go into freefall.

Also, despite Russia’s advances out of the Western financial systems, they remain tied to a Western-styled central bank. They will never be truly free from the Empire until they rid themselves from the City of London financial center. All of these things take time.

But what is certain is the tectonic plates of power have now shifted from the Empire’s old order to a new Eastern order. The old corrupt Empire must fall and, hopefully, a new multipolar order will provide a base for the nations to live in peace.


American conservatives and Christians need to start putting their Christianity above their nationalism and take an objective view of the foreign policy of our country. We will not be able to correct our disastrous international policies unless we take an honest look at what we have done.

The days of conservatives covering up the State Department’s international crimes with chest beating and shouts of “Oohrah” and “USA, USA” are over. We must stop listening to the Sean Hannity-matinee-commentator types who “see no evil” when they look at US foreign policy. The American neo-cons have been weighed in the balance and have been found wanting. War fatigue has set in. Americans have lost their stomach for their endless and pointless wars.

Questions are starting to be asked. Why does the United States military have over 750 bases in over 150 countries? Who gave the United States Department of State the right to rule the world? What is the real American interest in these foreign countries?

We must face the massive amount of destruction and human misery the US State Department has brought to the world since WWII. The US policy of war, economic sanctions, regime changes, created conflicts, blockades, currency devaluation, and trade restrictions have resulted in the biggest humanitarian crisis since the end of WWII. Does the average American recognize how much we as a country are hated and despised around the world because of our meddling? “Saving the world for democracy?” Oh, please.

I am afraid that the average American mind—having lived under decades of propaganda extolling US foreign policy as the epitome of righteousness with some kind of holy calling—will be unable to escape their mental conditioning.

But there is good news. The Anglo-American-Zionist Empire is in a freefall collapse. America’s military and worldwide hegemony is coming to an end. NATO’s disintegration is in process. There are already French politicians pushing a French exit out of NATO.

All empires fall. This one will also fall. Empires fall because they are unable to sustain the costs of hegemony and they go broke. The Empire’s defeat in Afghanistan is the start of a larger pattern that will continue to the utmost edges of the Empire.

The other good news is the ascent of the Russian Federation’s influence around the world. Russia, which seems to be the only voice of international reason in the world, has been a tremendously stabilizing influence in the last decade.

Russia has virtually ended the US funding and led proxy wars in the Middle East and is one of the few countries that can get the rogue state of Israel under control where they would be compelled to live in peace with their neighbors.

Russia had an empire once. It does not seek another one, but they would like to have security for their people from the evil, war-loving, sodomy-promoting, gender-confused, hedonistic, pro-abortion, porn-ified, anti-family, anti-Christ nations of the West.

To the West, leave Russia alone. Its recovery out of atheistic Bolshevism is the modern miracle of our time. Who could have seen a Christian Russia emerge from the rubble of communism, and all in just three decades?

America, let Russia finish its recovery. Let her new destiny run its course. A destiny that will once again bring her to a place as one of the great Christian nations of the world.

As for post-Christian Europe and America, all that remains is judgment. I believe it to be irreversible. The West has squandered its Christian heritage and blessings. Its 100 years of unending wars, state-sponsored terror, and institutionalized decadence has reaped the whirlwind. The collapse is not coming; it is already upon us.

Like Russia, the West also has its coming destiny which must run its course. After its collapse, Europe and America must rebuild again. Maybe in God’s gracious providence a Christian Russia could be our model and aid us in the renewal of a new Western Christian civilization.

© 2022 Tom Ertl – All Rights Reserved

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Swing State Legislators: “Is There Not a Cause?”

By Thomas Ertl

We are living in historic times, and I’m afraid many in our country cannot understand this fact or the long-term implications of this corrupt election.

We are witnessing a coup against a sitting U.S. president by both domestic and international actors through a well-planned theft of this election. This is a constitutional crisis that our country has not seen since the Southern States left the Union to form the Confederacy.

We haven’t seen an election crisis on this level since 1824, when John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay wrestled the presidency away from the electoral vote leader, Andrew Jackson. However, that crisis arose from a political coalition, not massive voter fraud during the election process.

Because President Trump’s margin of victory was so large, the Deep State operatives were forced to make huge last minute vote dumps for Joe Biden in the late hours of election night, followed by designed algorithm dumps.

See this important recent interview with Lt. General Michael Flynn and Lt. General McInerney about coup and treason in America.


Exclusive: 3-Star General McInerney Calls For Martial Law, Tribunals & Investigation of Treason

The Deep State’s engineered coup by their Democratic operatives was “in your face” and unprecedented in American election history. This was seen in the larger “swing State” cities where Democrat election officials and workers flaunted their theft.

So, without going over the details of “the steal” and the mountains of evidence, what needs to be addressed is the path President Trump’s legal team has available to thwart this theft.


There are basically five ways to remedy this treasonous theft.


This would not be a standard recount of the falsified ballots, but a forensic analysis of the count, including but not limited to chain of custody issues, signature matching, and eliminating ineligible votes from non-citizens, dead people, and ballots arriving after the deadline, as well as a thorough scrutinizing all the mail-in and absentee ballots.


This would involve rejecting the false certification of their State’s vote and seating Trump electors to the Electoral College. The State legislators have the right and responsibility to do this via the power granted to them in Article II, Sec. I of the U.S. Constitution.


The Supreme Court could do any one of four things:

A. Declare invalid and overturn individual State results and award the electors to Trump.
B. Invalidate unconstitutional late votes from the tally.
C. Avoid a decision and send the Presidential election to the U.S. House of Representatives.
D. Demand a new election in the States for all down ballot races.


Article II, Section I, Clause II of the U.S. Constitution says that in a contested election, the States will delegate one person to vote for that State to elect a President. Currently, the Republicans hold a clear advantage in the state delegation process.


This executive order signed by Trump. Sept 12, 2018 gave legal powers to prosecute those who are complicit in election fraud. This could include arrest and imprisonment of those responsible for altering the election results.

Of all five scenarios, the best and most effective remedy would be the first, to correct the vote by audit. The next most effective remedy would be where the swing States Legislature’s majority rejects the false certification and sends Trump electors. It seems the best way to secure the victory that Trump legitimately won Tuesday night would be through the State legislatures in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, and Arizona. Thus the key to a Trump victory rests with the Republican legislators in these five swing States.


Republican politicians have traditionally been very timid and lacked the courage to rise above their prevailing trait of cowardice.

The cowardice of our Republican legislators is what Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn spoke of at his famous 1978 Harvard commencement speech:

“A decline in courage may be the most striking feature which an outside observer notices in the West in our days. The Western world has lost its civil courage, both as a whole and separately, in each country, each government, each political party, and of course, in the United Nations.”

Solzhenitsyn so accurately described the prevailing moral breakdown within the political leadership of the West. Forty-two years later, fate has put the focus on a handful of legislators who have the duty and opportunity to change our destiny.

C.S. Lewis states:

“Courage is not simply one of the virtues but the form of every virtue at the testing point…”

Similarly, Winston Churchill adds:

“Without courage all other virtues lose their meaning.”


The phrase is a Biblical one (1 Samuel 17). When Goliath was taunting the armies of Israel, David offered to battle Goliath. His older brother scolded him, telling him to leave the battle and go home. David’s reply was, “Is there not a cause?”

Is not this fraud against the American people important enough for these “swing State” legislators to take a stand for their respective States and thereby stop this coup against the President of the United States?


There are critical times when circumstances give men in authority an opportunity to make a difference and change history.

As we age, we reflect on lost opportunities and ponder our regrets. Thoughts come to mind of what we would do differently. We also dwell on what legacy we will leave behind to family and country. The greatest thing we can leave behind is the testimony of our lives lived, our reputation, and our character.

To the Republican legislators in these five States, what is it you would like your grandchildren to say about you decades from now? Surely the answer should be, “My grandfather was in the State house in the middle of the 2020 election crisis. He never shrunk back like others but took a valiant stand with many of his fellow Republicans and overturned our State’s massive voter fraud.”

Is there not a cause?

© 2020 Thomas Ertl – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom Ertl:

Trump’s Electoral Path to Victory: Will it be Enough to Overcome “The Steal”?

Thomas Ertl

The outcome of the upcoming Presidential election on November 3rd is anyone’s guess.

Often campaigns have internal polls that give them a realistic idea of the results. This happened in 2016, when the Deep State propaganda polls showed Hillary with a clear victory, but Trump’s more accurate internal polling gave his campaign a higher level of confidence heading toward Election Day.

Normally a sitting President has a huge advantage running for re-election. If you discount George Bush’s loss to Bill Clinton because of Perot, then you have to go back to Jimmy Carter (1980) and Herbert Hoover (1928) to see where a sitting Presidents lost a re-election bid.

The incumbent has the advantage of using his popularity to grow his coalition. Considering the national and social conditions, Trump has now siphoned off a portion of voters from several traditional Democrat voting blocs, such as labor unions, black voters, law-enforcement, suburban women, and Hispanics.

In view all of this, it would appear that we will see a Trump victory, though not with the margins we saw with Reagan in 1984 or Nixon in 1972, but a substantial one nonetheless.

However, we must consider that 2020 is not a normal Presidential race. Because voter fraud is a very real concern, nothing is certain.

Big City voter fraud is an acquired skill of the Democratic Party. Any Republican national candidate has to overcome a percentage of stolen votes. But this year, the Covid-19 “plandemic” has provided the Democrats with the perfect backdrop for massive cheating: mail-in ballots. The use of fraudulent mail-in ballots and post-election ballot harvesting is well-documented and will occur at unprecedented levels.

In addition to the normal Democratic Party cheating, Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch has recently exposed that 353 out of 3,141 of the nation’s counties have more registered voters than their current population.

So the question is how far will the fraud go and where will it occur? The real concern is in the eight swing states of Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Nevada, and New Hampshire. These eight states will determine the election.


Trump has made great strides in winning over a significant portion of Democratic voters and redrawing the map of electoral politics. In 2016, 13.5% of black men voted for Trump. It is not unreasonable to think he could double that margin in 2020. If the black vote for Trump goes from 8% in2016 to the mid-teens, the Democratic vote margin in the big cities will take a severe hit.

Suburban white women are generally susceptible to demagogues playing on their feminine nurturing instincts. This demographic group split 50/50 in 2016; however, the recent riots have triggered their need for security. Thus Trump, with his law and order policies, should make significant gains here.

Hispanic Americans are another significant demographic group that Trump is flipping. Their 2016 vote for Trump was only in the high twenties, but an October MSNBC poll revealed that Florida’s 62/35 margin in 2016 is now Trump over Biden 50/46. If Trump can maintain these numbers with Hispanics, he will easily win Florida.


The following is a list of Electoral College scenarios that display Trump’s advantage and path to victory. Interestingly, he can win without two key states that he carried in 2016: Pennsylvania and Michigan. These states are where the most voter fraud will occur. Keep in mind, to win, a candidate must receive 270 electoral votes.


  • Trump carries every 2016 state that he won, minus two
  • Trump loses Pennsylvania (20) and Michigan (16)


  • Trump carries every 2016 state that he won, minus three
  • Trump loses Pennsylvania (20), Michigan (16), and Wisconsin (10)
  • Trump picks up Minnesota (10)


  • Trump carries every 2016 state that he won, minus three
  • Trump losses Pennsylvania (20), Michigan (16), and Wisconsin (10)
  • Trump picks up Nevada (6) and New Hampshire (4)

The electoral vote combinations of Wisconsin (10), or Minnesota (10), or Nevada/New Hampshire (10) work well for Trump in a close race.


In recent Presidential elections, third Party candidates have had a huge influence in swing states, where 1% or 2% can make a monumental difference.

Let’s not overlook the significant Libertarian vote in 2016 and how it’s now leaning toward Trump. The Libertarian vote, which tends to be mostly conservative, gave New Hampshire, Minnesota, and New Mexico to Clinton. The never-Trump evangelicals and Republicans that went Third Party in 2016 will now go to Trump, who now enjoys an unheard of 95% positive-response rating among Republicans.

The Libertarian Party is on the ballot of every State, and the Green Party is on the ballot of 31 States. The chart below shows the influence of the Libertarian vote in 2016. New Hampshire’s 4.2%, Minnesota’s 3.9%, and Nevada’s 3.3% gave Hillary those States. The current Libertarian candidate, Jo Jorgensen, is a “woke” left-leaning university professor from South Carolina who will siphon off far fewer Republican votes than in past elections, which could prove decisive.


NEW HAMPSHIRE 2,736 0.3 30,827 4.1 4
MINNESOTA 44,593 1.5 112,944 3.8 10
NEVADA 27,202 2.4 37,384 3.3 6
MAINE 20,035 2.7 37,764 5.1 3
NEW MEXICO 64,849 8.3 73,669 9.3 5
COLORADO 71,741 2.8 129,128 5.2 9


The Green Party candidate will help Trump in Florida, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, Colorado, and North Carolina. Ballot write-in voting in Wisconsin, New Hampshire, Arizona, and Virginia will also factor in.

The effect of Third Party candidates cannot be underestimated in view of Trump’s 2016 razor-thin victories in Wisconsin (22,748) and Michigan (10,704), as well as his narrow loss in New Hampshire (2,736).


On October 24th, 2020, Joe Biden stated: “We have put together, and you guys did for president Obama’s administration before this, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Whether he meant to say it or not, he confessed to what most conservatives already know: the undeniable reality of Democratic election theft.

In the 2018 Midterms, the Democrats in Orange County,California, by use of ballot harvesting, were able to unseat four previously solid Republican Congressional seats. They kept “finding” ballots until their candidate had enough to win. Will they repeat the “Orange County method” in the 2020 election in those 353 counties with more registered voters than population?

To pull off “The Steal” on November 3rd and the days following, the country will witness voter results being delayed in key cities, such as Philadelphia, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Milwaukee, Madison, Detroit, Miami, and Las Vegas. The “fixers” will not want to announce their totals until they know the results from counties that are heavily pro-Trump. They want to know how many votes they need to “find” to overcome the deficit and thereby alter the outcome. In 2016, they made the mistake of announcing the heavily fraudulent Philadelphia vote early and being shocked when some former Democratic rural counties came in late for Trump.

“The Steal” has been carefully planned, as Biden confessed, with thousands of ballots ready to be “discovered” as they are needed, legal counsel flown in from Democrat headquarters, and the mainstream media chanting the well-worn mantra of “every vote must count.”

But “The Steal” is not without its challenges for the Democrats because they know you can’t overcome a landslide or even a significant win without being detected. Democrats know their best bet is to steal an election with narrow margins. It starts to become too obvious if the real margin too big. Exit polling and re-counts expose any overreach. But then again, the Democrats plan may be to blatantly cheat everywhere in order to cloud a Trump landslide. Can you imagine a Ryder truck pulling up to a Clark County (Las Vegas) election office late Tuesday or Wednesday with 40,000 Biden ballots?


Trump definitely has a wider path to victory than he did in 2016. Trump’s gains in demographic groups that traditionally vote Democratic will yield small percentages across the board but, when added together, can make a significant 2-3% difference in swing states.

When you combine Trump’s popularity, his inroads with former Democratic voters, the increased Republican registration, his Electoral advantage, and Biden’s failing candidacy, things bode well for a significant Trump victory. But all of his positives can be meaningless if “The Steal” is successfully carried out.

Among the many things the Trump campaign must do in the last week is to prepare America for the possibility of massive voter fraud. Thus, the question remains, how will the Republicans respond when the Democrats cloud the election results with millions of fraudulent votes?

© 2020 Tom Ertl – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom Ertl:

The Fix Is In: Hillary To Replace Biden

Tom Ertl

The days preceding and those following March 3, 2020, Super Tuesday, proved to be a dramatic turn of events in modern Democratic Party politics. Dramatic because, before the South Carolina primary, Joe Biden’s, candidacy, the presidency seemed on the verge of collapse. Added to Biden’s dismal fourth place showing in Iowa and fifth in New Hampshire is the lingering Ukrainian/Burisma scandal and his incoherent speeches. All seemed lost before South Carolina and Super Tuesday, where a miraculous showing at the polls gave him 10 out of 14 states. Added to Biden’s recent success was his easy victory over Sanders in Michigan and their virtual tie in Washington state.

What preceded Biden’s turnaround was the national Democratic Party’s demonization of Biden’s chief rival, Bernie Sanders.  The recent flood of negativity hurled at Sanders was highly effective in landing Biden as the new Democratic Party front runner.

But all is not what it seems. The question be asked: Why would the Democratic hierarchy use its power and influence to propel the mentally challenged Biden into its top spot? The answer is, because “the fix” is in. It is very possible that the Party, which is run by Clinton operatives, has made the decision that Hillary Clinton will replace Biden as the nominee.

For “the fix” to work, Sanders must be significantly behind in primary wins. The Party cannot do to Bernie what they did in 2016, with the super delegate maneuver. The plan in 2020 is to eliminate Bernie early by building up Biden’s state totals and delegate count until Bernie’s path to nomination is impossible.

Then the Party must get Bernie to support Hillary again. They bought him off last time with an airplane. The price in 2020 may be a cabinet position in Hillary’s administration.


I ask the reader, have you ever seen a national politician from either party, like Joe Biden, who is unable to put two coherent sentences together?

The questions keep coming, even from some Democratic circles: What is wrong with Joe? Will Joe be able to survive as the Democratic front runner under the daily public scrutiny in the grind of a presidential campaign with all the required speeches, interviews, and debates?  The Democrats cannot allow Biden to be put on a public platform against Trump.  He would be a disaster.

So, how and when will Biden bow out?  He will need to hang in through most of the primary season in order to eliminate Bernie, and 41 of the 50 state primaries won’t be over until April 28th.  Can Biden survive for a little over six weeks till the end of April? Probably, with some help from the other Democratic candidates campaigning for him and the fake news media providing cover.

If Biden can make it through the next six primary weeks, then the best way for the Party to get Biden to hand over the reins to Hillary would be to have Biden exit because of a physical condition. A hospitalized stay from physical exhaustion may be the perfect scenario for the Party to remove him and select his replacement.


The shock of Hillary’s 2016 election night loss to Donald Trump was followed by a month of reflection and mourning. The very thing that she so desired for over four decades—the presidency—just slipped out of her hands by the mere swing of 42,000 votes.

Being the political trooper she is, by January of 2017, she had jumped right into 2020 campaign mode for the final run for her dream. But this run would be different and unique to an American political campaign. It would be an orchestrated plan where her political party (which the Clintons control) would draft her a few months before the nominating convention.

The plan, as of this writing, is right on schedule and, I must say, is brilliant. The “draft scenario” allows her to avoid the grind of campaigning, and the scrutiny, debates, and endless criticism that comes with it.

Looking back the last couple of years, one can see her strategy. After complaining that the election was stolen, she continued her criticism of Trump. Then came the constant stream of public appearances and interviews. She never left the news cycle and, of course, she never stopped fundraising. All she had to do in the last year was to let the incompetent and oddball list of Democratic primary candidates destroy themselves and implode.  So now they are left with two: Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden. One is a neo-Marxist, the other is neo-Alzheimer’s.

Time to send in the clowns!

One of the key elements in the “draft” plan was to marginalize Sanders so his delegate count would be at the place where the nomination is beyond his grasp. The second key element was to push the senile Biden into an insurmountable lead as the presumptive nominee.

This was almost accomplished by March 3rd, after Biden’s victories on Super Tuesday. Then, as planned, came a stream of automatic Biden endorsements from the other Democratic candidates who dropped out. This was also followed by Hillary’s March 8th public praise of Biden’s campaign coalition. Then, in the further advancement of the “draft” plan, is the entrance of Hollywood, with the puff documentary series by Hulu called “Hillary” that started March 6th. What great timing!

So, if Biden can make it till the end of April, when 41 state primaries will have been completed, he can nail down a majority of delegates and the “draft scenario” could play out at any time.

There is an increasing amount of speculation with conservative commentators, like Mark Steyn, and in the alternative media that suspects Hillary will replace Biden.  Most of the speculation hints at brokered Democratic convention or a scenario that Hillary would accept a vice president position from Biden. Then, when Biden steps down either before or after the election, she will be president. Because of her ego, I don’t think she would accept that scenario. Plus, it’s too risky assuming a Biden/Hillary ticket could beat Trump. It would also look too contrived.

She needs a much better public relational strategy move to project her to the Democratic nomination. The draft by the Party faithful, after Biden steps down, is much more dramatic. It would place Hillary more as a political savior versus a political schemer.


If Hillary is drafted by the Party, what exactly would that look like? Let me entertain a possible scenario of events that would be a perfect public relations coup.

First, with Biden’s exit, the Democratic Party hierarchy would immediately call for a conclave of Democrats in order to select an alternative. Everyone would be there—Schumer, Pelosi, the primary candidates, and the billionaire donors.

It would be best for them to hold this conclave in Milwaukee without Hillary in attendance to give the secret meeting some symbolic authority. I could see the plan developing with Hillary back in Chappaqua, New York, at the Clinton’s home, waiting for word from the conclave. Then, upon getting the call, the Clintons would be whisked away to meet with the Democratic hierarchy.

Then, after a couple of hours, the conclave spokesperson would introduce Hillary to the press as their new nominee. Hillary’s speech would be the usual fabricated address with something about, “I have enjoyed my retirement from political life the last three years but after much thought, prayer and counsel I realized I must put my country and the American people first instead of my personal desires. With great humility and honor, I have accepted the call to be the Democratic Party nominee for President.”  She would have to add the disclaimer that the final decision to be the party nominee would be up to the convention delegates.


Most of the speculation on how Hillary could replace Biden thinks the replacement would be through the process of a brokered July convention in Milwaukee. This will not happen. The candidacy flip of Biden to Hillary will happen before convention time. The Democrats cannot afford the speculation, uncertainty, and negative publicity of a brokered convention and the rumors of behind the scenes deals.

I believe the very opposite will happen. It will be one of the most unified, trouble-free conventions the Democrats will ever have.

The whole array of Democratic primary candidates, including Sanders and Biden, will line up behind Hillary. It will be one glorious speech after another, with the theme that Hillary can beat Donald Trump.

The convention will also have some special guests brought in to further anoint Hillary. I could see the Obamas coming. President Obama would give a glowing speech outlining Hillary’s support for him in 2008 and 2012, ending with “now it is her turn.” Remember, a Hillary administration with an Eric Holder type attorney general would protect Obama from any future prosecution of his Deep State activities against Trump.

Also look for Joe Biden to give a short speech of appreciation for Hillary taking his place. The best possible public arrangement would be for a Biden coming to the convention with a hero’s welcome and ending his speech by giving Hillary a long embrace. The emotion would rip through all Democratic hearts.

The Democratic lords will make sure their 1968 convention riots in Chicago is not repeated in Milwaukee. Any protestors will be sectioned off blocks away, and every speech and program will be a choreographed display of Democratic unity.

Hillary’s acceptance speech will be filled with the usual demagoguery of an “inclusive America” and leading a “new national unity of all Americans.” Her two main talking points will be: “I can beat Donald Trump” and followed by, “In fact, I beat Donald Trump in 2016 in the popular vote but lost to him on a little technicality, which we call the ‘Electoral College’.” The mention of the “Electoral College” will fill the convention hall with boos.

Then Hillary will proceed with, “You know I have to admit we made some mistakes in our 2016 campaign. We did not take our message into Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. I am not going to make that mistake again. I promise we will take our message of a united America for all people to Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and we will win those states on November 3rd. We will win both the popular vote and the Electoral College.” The place will go wild.

She will leave Milwaukee with a unified Democratic Party that has anointed her with the great call to save the nation by defeating the evil Donald Trump. She will leave with authority and excitement, as if she won every primary race.

The Clinton’s strategy is brilliant and very much a possibility. She would have avoided the primary races and debates and entered the battle with the holy call to represent the Party and save America from Donald Trump.


When you stack all the Democratic primary candidates up and add Hillary to the mix, Hillary is by far the more formidable candidate to go against Trump. She is the opposite of Biden. She is a vetted Democrat, highly experienced politically, competent, an excellent speaker, and a seasoned interviewer. Despite her physical issues of 2016, she has none of Biden’s dementia concerns. Her greatest asset to Democrats is the fact she already beat Trump in 2016 by 2,864,974 votes. She lost three states by roughly 42,000 votes, which cost her the Electoral College.

Many will ask why Biden would allow himself to be used for and replaced by Hillary. You have to understand how Joe Biden thinks. Biden admitted early in his political career that he is not an independent or original thinker. He is a totally controlled politician and accepts his role of service to the Democratic establishment and donors.

Hillary, on the other hand, is exactly the opposite. Hillary Clinton is obsessed with political power and knows no moral or ethical limits to restrain her political ambition. She has been a Deep State player her entire political life and is preoccupied with her lifelong dream of the presidency. It is nothing for her to organize “the fix” and use then remove Biden for her entitled possession of the office of president.


All circumstances point to Hillary’s rise to the Democratic nomination for president. Though well planned, there is a bit of intrigue to “the fix.” The uncertainty of it all is over how long Joe Biden will last. The perfect plan would be for Biden to garner enough primary votes so Sanders will have to gracefully bow out without a fight. Ideally, the plan would have Biden last until late spring or early summer before Hillary gets the call; that way the Democrats would have time to perfectly choreograph their convention.

All the circumstances of the Democrat’s plan could change and be adjusted, especially on the timing of Biden’s exit. But what seems obvious is Biden’s departure and Hillary replacing him.

No one, except the few insiders, can know the exact details of what is to come.  My scenario of these future events comes from fifty years of watching the Deep State in action with its control of both political parties. The scenario I offer may seem incredible or even impossible, but the reader must understand that even the most extreme manipulations of political events are possible if those doing the plotting have the support of the controlled corporate media. However the particulars work themselves out, we will be in for a unique and wild political ride in the summer and fall of 2020.

The Republicans need to realize a united Democratic Party behind a Hillary Clinton candidacy will be a formidable one. It would be one that could beat Trump because the unusual circumstances of her candidacy will not matter to an invigorated Democratic Party, who will do anything, whether legal or illegal, to beat him.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom Ertl:

[BIO:] Tom Ertl is a home builder in North Florida.  For over three decades, Tom has worked with various Christian organizations, including Freedom Council in the ‘80s.  He is a former member of The Council for National Policy and has served in numerous Christian ministry and political organizations.  He is a member of a local Presbyterian Church (PCA).  He also publishes Christian historical and theological works and is a columnist for NewsWithViews.

Seven Reasons Why Trump Could Lose In 2020

The 2020 presidential election campaign received its official send-off with Trump’s recent Orlando, Florida rally. The standing-room only rally was the usual inspiring, optimism-filled event to kick-off a Trump 2020 election campaign.

The rallies’ expectation of victory has been a common theme of conservative commentators, and even from some establishment media sources, that Donald Trump’s 2020 re-election is almost guaranteed. Nothing could be further from the truth regarding these presumptive predictions. In reality, if all things stay the same, America could easily see a Trump loss in 2020. Good approval numbers and a robust economy is no match for an empowered and newly engaged Democratic Party who along with the Washington establishment will do anything to stop Donald Trump.

The ruling establishment and their deep state, who has been exposed by the Trump presidency, will not rest until he is defeated. America will see an unprecedented amount of Democratic funding and tireless efforts going toward their presidential candidate. In fact, it may not matter who the Democratic nominee becomes because their greater voting numbers, massive fundraising and energies will be at unforeseen levels.

The following is the political reality of the seven reasons why Trump could lose in 2020.


Overconfidence has been the demise of many a movement, business, individual, and political campaign. I put overconfidence as the number one obstacle to a Trump re-election. It has become a serious problem because there is a real sense within the Trump camp and support base that the 2020 election is in the bag; the very opposite is true.

In mid-June of 2019, there were reports within the Trump campaign that Oregon was in play. This is an absurd thought and the height of overconfidence. A Republican presidential candidate hasn’t won Oregon since 1984 when Reagan beat Mondale. Then Laura Trump, the president’s energized and articulate daughter-in-law, states on the Hannity show that she believes the election will be a landslide, followed two days later by Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale declaring, “I think we win in an electoral landslide.” This kind of rhetoric has gone from wishful thinking to absurd to extremely dangerous.

Overconfidence is defined as “an excessive amount of confidence in one’s ability and judgment that is not justified.” Overconfidence breeds complacency and laziness that comes with the assumption that success is automatic. This is the very real threat to Trump’s re-election effort. The Trump faithful have a sense that they can enjoy the political ride to his inevitable re-election, as if it has already occurred.

Is this not a similar overconfidence that the Clinton campaign and supporters had during the 2016 presidential election? I wonder if Trump’s opposition is not feeding this kind of presumptive optimism to disengage his supporters. If the present attitude within the Trump camp continues through 2020, we will be looking at a Democratic inauguration in 2021. The Trump team and supporters must realize this campaign in 2020 and his re-election effort will be much harder than Trump’s surprise victory of 2016. There will be no surprises and overconfidence from the Democrats in 2020.


One of the great stories of Trump’s 2016 victory was his ability to use social media to connect both himself and his message to the American voter, along with the vast alternative media effort to overcome the daily onslaught of the anti-Trump media. Much has changed since 2016. The radical Silicon Valley establishment has moved on the pro-Trump, conservative and Christian alternative media in a massive de-platforming campaign. The fruits of their success were the Democratic House victories in the 2018 midterms. Since then they haven’t stopped in their efforts to censor all alien political thought to their neo-Marxist, globalist agenda.

The critical issue among conservatives, concerning social media censorship, is the inability for conservative pro-Trump sites to communicate to their supporters and potential new voters. The good news is that Trump has finally moved against Big Tech with antitrust legal actions. These efforts to break up the social media establishment must be sure and prompt. If not, Trump’s ability to engage the base and recruit new voters will be significantly hindered.

Trump’s campaign efforts and supporters must make an end run around social media censorship and go directly to new voters. Also, Republicans must push hard to break up Big Tech and create new social media platforms outside of establishment control. If social media censorship is not fixed Trump will not win.


The one single thing the Democratic Party, at all levels is best at, is voter fraud. Joseph Stalin’s statement, “The people who cast the votes decide nothing; the people who count the votes decide everything,” has been the inspiration for big city Democrat operatives for decades. In fact, voter fraud is so prevalent in large Democratic urban areas that the art of stealing votes is part of every Democratic candidate’s election strategy and considered normal behavior.

The 2020 Democratic voter fraud effort will be concentrated in key swing state cities of
Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Miami, Orlando, Las Vegas, and Cleveland. I am sure the planning has already begun. 06/21/2019

The Trump campaign is aware that the states that propelled Trump to a 2016 electoral victory was won by the thinnest of margins, and had Democratic operatives added a few more votes in their large cities Trump would not have won. See the 2016 election vote chart:


PENNSYLVANIA      20                            44,292                                                      .07 %
MICHIGAN              16                            10,704                                                      .03 %
WISCONSIN            10                           22,748                                                       .07 %
FLORIDA                29                            112,911                                                      1.2 %

Reverse these four state vote tallies in the 2016 election and the win would have gone to Clinton with an electoral victory of 311 vs. 231 instead of the 306 to 232 Trump margins. Just a reversal of 38,872 votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan would have given Clinton a 278-260 Electoral College victory. Trump’s 2016 win was razor thin.

For the current Trump team to overcome and stop Democratic voter fraud they must combine their efforts at both the federal and state levels. This could be done through federal agencies overseeing the election process and by legislators and state houses that are controlled by Republicans.

The time to investigate and start criminal prosecution of election fraud is now; December of 2020 will be too late. The question is – do the Republicans have the fight and the will to stop Democratic voter fraud? So far they haven’t.


The new political term of ballot harvesting has taken on a more public notice to the practice Democrats have mastered in the last decade. Democratic mischief in this realm is unlimited and became well known in the 2018 midterms, especially in Republican strongholds like Orange County, California.

There, massive Democratic ballots appeared on Election Day and swept long-term Republican congressmen out of office. It was estimated that as many as 250,000 ballots were dropped off in Orange County alone on Election Day.

As long as no one is prosecuted or jailed for these illegal election activities the Democrats will continue them, for we are talking about a political party without a conscience or soul. Again, it is up to the current federal election oversight agencies and the state houses of government to curtail these practices. What is laughable in the corporate media is their false obsession with Russian election meddling, yet never mention the real fraud staged by the Democrats in every modern American federal election.

While Republicans hold rallies in huge stadiums for Trump, Democrats strategically work to flood America with illegal immigrants and future Democrat voters. We have great enthusiasm, but they have a strategy to win. Our side has great rallies; their side wins elections.


Trump’s great service in the first two and a half years has been the turning on of the U.S. economic engine. Trump’s economic successes are possibly his greatest strength. His America First economic policies to bring back long-forgotten industries, the increase of wages and the stock market boom will go a long way in efforts to attract more Midwestern voters that have traditionally been pro-labor Democrats. Trump’s present campaign dependency on his economic successes and the rise of the stock market is a perfect setup for the central bankers and international financiers to stage an economic collapse just before the election in 2020. A similar economic downturn in October of 2008 propelled Obama to victory in his first presidential run.

Considering the immense debt of the U.S. Treasury and the tenuous condition of the American dollar, presently held as the world reserve currency, it may not take much for our global financial masters to contrive an orchestrated economic collapse and to turn Trump into a one-term president. Bad economic news always hurts the party in the White House. The hope here is that if this is attempted by the global financiers, Trump would move against the private Federal Reserve and nationalize it.


President Trump’s increased threatening rhetoric against Iran puts him in a troublesome political situation. Complicating the issue is the western media and the Washington establishment constantly pushing the U.S. into a war with Iran.

The mid-June attacks on the Japanese and Norwegian tankers in the Gulf of Oman, with the immediate Iran blame game, were likely staged false flags. Why would Iran attack a Japanese tanker while the Japanese Prime Minister Abe was in Tehran encouraging the Iranians to come to the negotiating table with the U.S.? This operation seems to be a desperate attempt to drive Trump and the United States into war.

Trump’s neo-conservative (neo-cons) war-loving advisers have returned and are advocating a limited strike. The limited strike theory is a myth. A surgical strike is a provocation that could unleash the dogs of war that no one can control. Then pride and arrogance become the new order instead of reason and restraint.

Any kind of Trump-initiated war with Iran will destroy his bid for re-election. War with Iran is unwinnable. With Iran we are not dealing with weaker countries like Serbia, Libya or Iraq. Iran is a serious military power with 80 million people and a war against them will be long, protracted and costly. Trump would face a worldwide political opinion nightmare. The difficult questions would be unending and unanswerable. Pat Buchanan stated an Iran war would cause a worldwide recession and would be forever known as “Trump’s War.”

Trump campaigned against all these senseless and expensive Bush family Middle Eastern wars, and now he might be engaging in one himself. Also, what could he use as a legitimate moral reason for the war? What exactly is America’s interest? A war with Iran will not come with a valid moral reason even considering our new America First policy. Let us never forget the supposed Iraqi weapons of mass destruction that turned out to be a lie resulted in a war with significant American losses and seven trillions of cost. What will be the losses and cost against an Iran three times as large as Iraq?

War against Iran will daily weigh on Trump like the Vietnam War did on Lyndon Johnson. Johnson’s Gulf of Tonkin false flag incident and escalation of his war to appease the Military Industrial Complex was his undoing. Those living in the 1960’s can remember the monthly advanced deterioration of Johnson physically and mentally. The same could happen to Trump if he foolishly attacks Iran.

Hopefully, Trump will defer back to his non-interventionist instincts and campaign promises and disregard his neo-con war-loving counselors – the likes of Bolton, Pompeo, Kushner, Schenker, Greenblatt and Friedman. Maybe he will end any thoughts of an Iranian conflict like he did with his policy reversal in leaving Syria. We can only hope.


What soon became apparent in propelling Trump to victory in 2020 was the dominant white Evangelical vote for Trump that came in at 81%. To achieve this, Trump had to overcome the constant demonization and very public opposition of the Evangelical Never-Trump leaders like Russell Moore, Al Mohler, Erik Erikson, and World Magazine with their call to abandon Trump in the fall of 2016. The good news was that the Evangelical rank-and-file didn’t listen to their anti-Trump leaders.

As in 2016, forecasters have presumed that the previous heavy Evangelical vote for Trump will remain Trump’s most reliable voting block. His America First policies, Supreme Court nominees, and very public pro-life stance have endeared him to much of Protestant Christianity. However, the 2016 Never-Trumpers, along with others like Tim Keller and JD Greear (Southern Baptist Convention president), who are advocates of the modern social justice movement which has adopted cultural Marxism, are leading a large number of Evangelical millennials into the far left Democratic camp.

Many of the 2016 Evangelical doubters who eventually gave their vote to Trump are no longer concerned over him and his leadership. So, by all standards, it would seem Trump’s Evangelical vote numbers in 2020 could reach into the high 80s or even 90 percentiles. But, there are some obstacles to these numbers because of the concerted effort by the unrepentant Never-Trumpers to suppress Trump’s strong Evangelical vote. If Trump’s Evangelical numbers drop to the low-70 percentiles he will be in big trouble in some of the swing states.


During Trump’s current term in office the people have witnessed the exposure of three powerful enemies of America: the corporate media, the deep state and the Democratic Party.

It is hard to believe how radical the Democrats have become. They are now a Party whose passion and vision is to destroy anything that is virtuous . They despise the Christian faith, glory in the killing of babies, and promoting any form of human debauchery. They enthusiastically support the invasion of the Southern border and give aid and comfort to the invaders. The Democratic Party has become a political institution of evil and is hell-bent to pull down what remains of America’s Christian heritage and culture. We cannot allow such people to run our government.

2020 will be another critical and historic election. What Trump offers the country is a chance to hold back these Democratic forces of evil, the ability to change the Supreme Court and the federal Judiciary for a generation and the additional time needed to further expose and battle the Washington establishment and deep state.

The global establishment will hit Trump with everything in their vast financial and political arsenal. Trump, who has empowered and inspired the worldwide national sovereignty movement, will be singled out for their vengeance.

This is the very reason why Trump’s re-election is so important. He is a historic political reformer who has totally changed the geo-political narrative to the real issue of our time, nationalism versus globalism. The global establishment has seen, in two years, their 100 year plan for a total consolidation of their financial, political, and institutional power into world government implode before their very eyes.

The global elite, social media, corporate press, and the Democratic Party will all join forces to defeat Trump in 2020. The American people will witness the most political, corrupt, well-financed election battle in presidential history.

Engagement in the battle for a Trump re-election and a conservative House and Senate is a worthy one – just the thought of a radical Democrat president is enough to compel any sane American to action. It will take a heroic effort by the Trump campaign leadership and his individual supporters to bring millions of new Trump voters to the polls to have any hope of victory.

I would hope that this article and others would give Trump supporters a reality check to the tenuous situation we face in Trump’s possible re-election. We must out-plan and out-work our formidable opposition.

© 2019 Tom Ertl – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom Ertl:

Birthrates And The Future Of Western Christianity


The first weeks of March were some good days in “Trump World.” First came tariffs on steel and aluminum with plants expanding, establishment Republicans mad, labor unions praising Trump, globalists Cohn and Tillerson out, Navarro on the rise, North Korea pursuing peace, and McCabe finally fired. Then came the spending bill controversy. All of this is well worth a political article of sorts. However, after reading a couple of recent articles in the American-run website Russian Insider I was reminded of something much more important than pragmatic politics. It is regarding the realm of culture – the critical subject of birthrates in America and Europe and the survival of Western Christianity.

The first article quoted a famous Russian Orthodox priest, Dmitry Smirnov. Smirnov challenged his people to radically increase Russian birthrates for the survival of the Russian nation and culture.

The other article detailed the favorable results of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian Federation’s combined effort to improve Russian birthrates and to advance Christianity in the lives of their people.

I sent these articles to a good friend who lives in the most Protestant Christian region of Iowa with a demographic dominated by prosperous middle-class Christians of central European ancestry.

Here was his immediate response:

I took my wife out to eat last night and the restaurant was rather busy so we ended up standing in line for several minutes before we could be seated. We were standing next to two couples who apparently knew each other from years back but had crossed paths and probably haven’t seen one another for ten years or more. The women were doing what women do, comparing notes on children and family. It was obvious they both had two children. The one lady was boasting how they have two grandchildren. When she turned to the other, she asked, “So how many grandchildren do you have?” In the saddest voice that we have probably ever heard, almost choking up, she said, “Oh, I don’t think we’re ever going to have any grandchildren with our kids.” When my wife and I sat down we commented on this and both agreed it was the saddest thing we’d heard in a long time. I almost wanted to turn to them and say “How have 50 years of feminism and the sexual revolution worked out for you? It doesn’t seem so harmless now, does it?” My other possible response was, “I have 22 grandchildren so far, can I loan you one for the weekend!” But I just bit my tongue and we sat down, reflecting on the sadness of it all. Now take that and multiply it by millions across America. God bless this Russian priest and his love for Christian children.

My friend’s analysis of the demographic issue of so few grandchildren is multiplied by millions of similar stories all across America. It is more than sad; it is a tragedy.


He was also correct in exposing feminism and the sexual revolution as two culprits in creating the current mindset of the modern young American woman. She is a woman who has put family and children on hold for personal pleasure and career. The feminist worldview, along with birth control, free sex, and abortion, have been convenient aids in the creation of the new liberated woman who has rejected her Biblical and historical vision of a home, a husband, early marriage, and a large family. All of which, in the end, would have surrounded her with a joyful band of grand, and great-grandchildren, a lifetime of memories, and fulfillment as her days roll on to the passing of this life.

The feminist movement that started in the early 1960’s has been one of the most successful social revolutions in recorded history. Its success is measured in the transformation of the American family. The constant media psyop (psychological operations) and indoctrination have been tremendously effective in getting Western women to completely reject millenniums of historical traditions of family life replacing it with an entirely alien view of her feminine role in life and society. A young Christian woman must be strong in her faith to be able to resist the attractive lure of the feminist sales pitch which seeks to ensnare these gullible souls with a life of freedom, pleasure, achievement and of course empowerment.

The critical decade of her 20’s, when great families are created, is now spent on temporal things that fade like all other vanities. The modern woman spends her 20’s cheating Gods created order with  personal driven activities of a job, amusements, multiple relationships, a new car, a dog, and travel, all of which in previous civilized societies were reserved for the time after her family was raised. These were often the best days in a married couple’s life; times of travel, personal pursuits and endless grandchildren events. The woman who buys into feminism in her 20’s will never experience this because she will not be able to get back that critical lost decade nor control her biological mortality.

A foundational doctrine of feminism is an “anti-baby” creed which views children as a nuisance and hindrance to the modern woman’s pursuit of perceived personal happiness.  Volumes could be written on the tragedy of feminism, the suffering it has caused millions of women, and its massive destructive cultural ramifications. If an evil mind in some dark place could have ever invented a social philosophy that could ruin historic cultures and destroy whole civilizations it would be feminism.

But, the Christian reader must look beyond the proponents of radical feminism and consider the Biblical response and ask how such a destructive worldview was not effectively resisted and stopped by the Church, specifically by Protestants, who only a half-century ago had the ear of an important majority of Americans in the 1960’s-1980’s.


The radical feminist agenda that changed the American woman could have been quickly stopped and tossed in the dustbin of absurd ideas if Protestant pulpits across the country had risen to the challenge, routinely attacked it and gave their congregations the Biblical alternative of true Christian womanhood.

I ask the Protestant reader, when have you in your church life ever heard a series of sermons exposing and attacking feminism while presenting the contrasting Christian alternative? Or listened to an adjoining sermon series on the Biblical view of children in which your pastor challenged the young women to their historic call, to marry early and have large families? I have sat under 45 years of sermons and I’m still waiting.

So what has happened in the last half-century? Without a thorough Biblical alternative, our young Christian women have drifted along under the massive media propaganda campaign of feminism. They have ended up with a blended view of their calling, a view that has a little Christianity mixed with a lot of feminism. Many of these Christian women, with their compromised worldview will end up delaying marriage, and if they marry at all will have small families, many with just two children.

How Protestant pastors and the many family organization leaders could have allowed this to happen I do not know. Their timidity and irresponsibility to the truth and their calling bring with it a significant claim of dereliction of duty which they will have to answer to God. In the meantime, our Christian women, families, and churches suffer from this lack of leadership.


We have all seen the images of Islamic men and clerics holding up babies to the sky declaring to Europe, “We will conquer you.”

Islamic leaders understand the great weapon they have in their birthrates and know that if they can get the smallest foothold in an egalitarian European country, in a few generations that country will become theirs. Their confidence of victory rests in the fact that their women have remained in their traditional roles as wives and mothers and have not succumbed to suicidal Western feminism.

They boast about how their high birthrates will overcome Europe yet European leaders sit paralyzed with no response or plan on how their culture and people can survive. Then again, no people can outlive the loss of their religion.


One of the most amazing things to witness in our time is the Christian leadership coming from Russia and much of Eastern Europe calling for the resurgence of nationalism, culture, and family. A renewal of Christianity in these former Bolshevik controlled countries is fueling this new dynamic.

It is astounding to watch the re-formation of Christianity with the mutual effort of both civil government and the Church serving alongside each other in their national resistance to Islamic immigration and Western debauchery. It is as if God pressed the pause button on Russia in 1917 and the Eastern European countries in 1945 and then recently hit play, causing them to pursue their old faith and traditions without having to experience 60-100 years of Western religious apostasy, feminism and moral decay.

The joint cooperation of church and state reminds the Christian of the great Protestant Reformation where the magistrates walked hand-in-hand with the Reformers to advance Christ’s Kingdom and renew a Christian culture.

In Russia today the government is promoting a massive Orthodox Church building program in Moscow and other large cities so that their people can walk to church. The purpose of this government program is more than just advancing Christian traditions but also it is to increase birthrates. The government recognizes that citizens who come under Christian instruction are less likely to abort and more likely to pursue larger families.

In Vladimir Putin’s recent interview with Megan Kelly, she asked the Russian president, “what do you see as one of your greatest accomplishments as president?” He replied with comments on the doubling of the Russian economy and bringing millions of his people out from under the poverty line. Then he said this:

“Back in the early 2000s, our population shrank by nearly a million people a year. Can you imagine the scale of the disaster? Almost 900,000 people. We have reversed this trend. We have even achieved a natural population increase. We have very low infant mortality, and we have reduced maternal mortality to almost zero. We have prepared and are implementing a large-scale program of supporting mothers and children. Our life expectancy is growing at a high rate.”

Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, has a similar vision for his country. Half of Hungary’s media and banking is now Hungarian owned, after showing the door to the international bankers. The Hungarian leadership has also begun to elevate motherhood and encourage Christianity.

In Orbán’s February 19 State of the Union speech this year he declared:

“I believe that families form the unifying backbone of the entire country. I believe that everyone who commits to having children should be given all the support possible. I believe that mothers must be respected and honored. And I believe that if we do just this, then in the Carpathian Basin there will be more of us Hungarians, rather than fewer. I believe that we Hungarians have a future if we remain Hungarian: if we cultivate the Hungarian language, defend our Christian and Hungarian culture, and preserve independence and Hungarian freedom.”

Russia and Eastern Europe, with its vibrant renewal of Christianity, is providing worldwide leadership for the Church of Jesus Christ. Who could have seen this just 20 years ago? Is this not the work of God?


Western Christianity must take notice of Eastern Europe and start strategizing for its own self-interest and survival.

Personally, I don’t have much faith in the modern Protestant pastorate to expose and root out feminism in their churches and to challenge women in their congregations to obey God’s commands. Many of these men seem more afraid of their congregations than God.

Much of the Christian school movement and especially homeschooling was promoted, not by timid pulpits, but by Christian mothers concerned for the welfare of their children. The same may be necessary for the renewal of the traditional Christian family. Young women must start to see through the destructiveness of feminism, and on their own, seek to honor God in their Christian calling and dedicate themselves to having large families.

The hope one day, before it is too late, is for future church leaders to take on this critical task and help mothers in the church with what I call the “bambino strategy.” There are so many ways that churches can support mothers in their congregations and promote Christian womanhood with their young women. The practical means of aiding young mothers with large families are endless, starting with instructional classes from the older women to babysitting services.

One idea for a large church would be to dismiss the minister of music and allocate his salary to mother and children services. This could be combined with a church-run adoption agency for women in the congregation who are unable to have children.

For the “bambino strategy” to be effective the local church leadership must see that we are in a demographic battle for the survival of our religion and must begin to promote an aggressive pro-family vision to the congregation. Such a church may lose some offended members, but many more will come when the word gets out of their positive actions toward motherhood and the Christian family.

We must continually remind Christian women of the blessings of motherhood. Two such accounts are found in the Bible. The first and greatest of all is Mary, the mid-teen woman from Nazareth who was chosen to bare the Christ Child. To her Gabriel declares:

“Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!” —Luke 1:28

Another was to Isaac’s wife Rebekah:

“And they blessed Rebekah and said to her, ‘Our sister, may you become thousands of ten thousands, and may your offspring possess the gate of those who hate him!’ “ —Genesis 24:60


To the Christian woman who asks “I would love to be married and have children but where are the responsible Christian men?” I entirely understand your frustration and a proper answer would need five additional articles. But, since I am writing about birthrates, and we all acknowledge that women run the relationship, marriage, and baby business, I am obliged to address women first.

I have hope that the day will come when Christian women can recapture their historic roles as wives and mothers and glory in their Biblical calling and where a Protestant can arrive at church on any given Sunday and view rows and rows of families in pews filled with Christian children. It would be a day when families with four children would be considered small and many would have seven or more. Six would be the norm.

Before that day comes, Christian people must realize that they are in a war against the forces of humanism, a battle for their very survival. We will never win this war against humanism politically for God has ordained the role of civil government to be a limited one. In God’s sovereign plan with His people, we must never forget that culture always trumps politics.

True societal reformation must be religious in nature and go to the heart of where people live. When we witness the rekindling of the Biblical family among the people of God, it will be an indication that a new reformation of Christianity is coming to the West.

Young Christian woman, unto you is given a great gift that is unique to your gender; the ability to bring children into this world. It is a gift that comes with a high and honorable calling to be guardians of society and keepers of civilization. Will you take on this call like countless previous generations of women or will you drawback and embrace a life the world offers you free from self-denial and sacrifice with promises of personal fulfillment, convenience and comfort?

© 2018 Tom Ertl – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom Ertl:

The Swamp Strikes Back: Destroys Roy Moore

I delayed any attempt to analyze the recent Alabama Senate race until most of the comments came in from the Republican leadership and conservative press. I was appalled at their unrelenting vitriolic language heaped on Judge Roy Moore. After reading many of these opinions I wondered exactly what race they were all analyzing! With few exceptions their reports had two glaring omissions:

  • Who was Judge Moore’s real opponent?
  • Who was responsible for his loss?

First, though his visible political opponent was Doug Jones, the Democrat, his real opponent was Republican Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell. This Alabama Senate seat is one of the safest in the country which is almost impossible to lose, unless the candidate was in daily defensive mode against the Republican Majority Leader and his own party’s intrigue, distracting him from running a normal and rather easy campaign against a far left Democrat?

Second, the most obvious omission of the Establishment and conservative press was the non-existent coverage of the real reason why Moore lost. The Establishment followed the repeated mantra that Moore was a “flawed or the heavily flawed candidate.” None seemed to mention the fact that Judge Moore could never overcome the McConnell/GOP Establishment’s defamation crusade involving the orchestration of slanderous accusations by false witnesses which in the end destroyed the chance of a Moore victory.

When a statewide race is lost by 1.5 percentage points, there are always dozens of things that could have been done differently to eke out a win. The same could be said for this race.

What was commonly understood was that the Judge was not a natural campaigner. He wasn’t a particularly polished interviewee. Neither was he an experienced fundraiser. However, those campaign abilities are not necessary for a Republican to win in conservative Alabama.

What the Judge has is an impeccable record of Christian character, his Viet Nam military service after a West point graduation, and a history of courageous stands for conservative and constitutional issues in his state. This was more than enough for a landslide victory.

However, putting the secondary what-ifs aside, the fact remains that if the Republican Establishment had not carried out their character assassination campaign against Judge Moore, he would have easily won, possibly by 10 plus points. Yet, both the liberal and conservative press in their analysis writes as if the GOP take-down against Moore never happened. The major news of the campaign, the GOP subterfuge, is now totally ignored.

In the end, the GOP smear against a good man was tremendously effective in suppressing the Republican turnout in Alabama. It was a vote that didn’t show. Postelection stats show that some 600,000 Republican voters declined to vote in comparison with other recent general elections.


The savage attack on Judge Roy Moore has all the making of a classic Karl Rove “seek and destroy mission.” Three days after the Washington Post hit piece, Roger Stone, long time conservative insider, in an interview stated the following:

“My sources tell me that the attacks against Judge Roy Moore which are almost 40 years ago. Listen these are not convictions but merely accusations, looking sketchier and sketchier the more they are examined.  I am told this was cooked up and packaged by the diabolical Karl Rove at the behest of Mitch McConnell.  This is the payback for the pasting of their handpicked candidate Luther Strange.  Ah, they are endangering a seat for the Senate and don’t seem to care.”

Then later in the campaign, it was revealed through series of published text messages that a Republican Establishment operative was involved in giving the scandalous disinformation on Moore to the Washington Post reporter, Beth Reinhard. The operative was Tim Miller, Jeb Bush’s 2016 communications director and co-founder of a Mitt Romney super PAC. Miller boasted to Charles C. Johnson of that he was responsible for the Washington Post hit piece on Moore.

What’s clear is the fact that the GOP leadership did not hide their dislike for Moore or their involvement to destroy his candidacy. They announced openly what they were going to do in case Moore won and how they were going to keep him out of the Senate. The GOP even had operatives in Montgomery the Monday before the election searching Moore’s previous financial disclosures for irregularities to be used against him if he won.

The whole GOP takedown of Judge Moore, a fellow Republican, is unprecedented in modern politics. In the 1964 presidential election when Nelson Rockefeller, George Romney and the GOP Establishment abandoned Barry Goldwater they didn’t stoop to planting false sexual assault charges against him but withdrew their support and let him die politically.

In the Alabama race, the D.C. Republican’s and Alabama’s other senator Richard Shelby did the unthinkable: worked to elect a liberal, socialist, pro-abortion Democrat over a solid conservative. They were willing to jeopardize the Supreme Court and the whole Trump agenda because they didn’t like Moore’s Christianity and brand of conservatism.  These RINO’s, (Republicans in Name Only) would be willing to put their nation at risk by losing the Senate majority thus handing the country over to the destructive policies of the Democratic Party than to have a true conservative patriot serve with them.

What the GOP did to Judge Roy Moore in Alabama and Republicans nationwide is nothing short of political treason.


What was unexpected and extremely disappointing was the widespread abandonment of Judge Moore by his fellow evangelical Christian leaders. Abandonment by a politician is one thing, but when it happens from those of a similar faith it is more difficult to accept. Many leaders stayed silent while others felt they had to add to the condemnation of Moore.

Christianity Today (which many now view as Christian publication co-opted by the left) published numerous articles with absurd conclusions.  The most ridiculous one was entitled “How Black Women in Alabama Saved Evangelicalism.”

The Christianity Today editor in chief Mark Galli in his article “The Biggest Loser in the Alabama Election” left the reader wondering what exactly was his religion.  His reasoning and conclusions strayed far from orthodox Christianity and its Bible.

The same could be said of three other prominent Judge Moore attackers: Rev. Albert Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Russell Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, and Marvin Olasky, editor-in-chief of WORLD Magazine.

Mohler and his close associate Russell Moore, both outspoken and unrepentant “Never-Trumpers”, piled on with the Establishment and attacked Moore.  Mohler stated, “I do find those charges credible…” Mohler added to his condemnation;

“On the other hand from a Christian worldview perspective, the election of Roy Moore would also have been a disaster; it would have been a moral disaster for the state of Alabama. A moral disaster that would have taken the form of having a United States senator, against whom such accusations had been made, but also when it comes to Roy Moore a candidate, and, if elected, a senator in the United States Senate who would’ve supported some of the most outlandish ideas far outside of any traditional pattern of American conservatism.”

Wow, what a statement revealing Dr. Mohlers compromised epistemology and Biblical worldview. What exactly is outlandish with Judge Moore’s honoring of Gods Law and his conviction to reign in a runaway judiciary? In Mohler we have a picture of a trained theologian who can’t seem to understand the basic Biblical requirement for the prosecution of the crime of sexual assault which requires both witnesses and evidence. Instead of defending Moore against the criminal act of slander found in the Ten Commandments, Mohler gives a pass to Moore’s false accusers.

When these men had a chance to support fellow conservative Christian leader Judge Roy Moore, they took the cowardly route and joined the Establishment in the defamation of the Judge.

If  Mohler, Russell Moore, and  Olasky could be transported back into Biblical times, they would have sided with Potiphar’s wife, defending her charge of sexual assault against Joseph as “credible allegations.” And the “innocent and helpless” Mrs. Potiphar had something better than a forged yearbook for evidence; she had a piece of Joseph’s clothing. Yes, the Mohlers, Russell Moores, and Olaskys would have declared Joseph’s release from prison a “moral disaster for Israel” and would have publicly demanded more prison time.

Our times call for fearless Christian leaders to aggressively engage in the defense of the faith, but many, for the sake of image and reputation, drawback and play it safe, while others defect and side with the Establishment. These type of men glory in Reformation past. Yet, if they had lived in that age, their timid spirits would have recoiled at a Luther, admonishing him for being uncharitable, harsh, and unchristian. These men cannot be relied on to take a courageous stand in times critical for Church and country.

If they were put in charge of the Bible they would bleach out a third of the names of the lineage of Christ for “unacceptable behavior” like Rahab the harlot and King David the adulterer. Their religious perfectionism blinds them to see how God sovereignly accomplishes His work through flawed and sinful men. At important times they fail to discern the bigger picture of the purposes of God, because their requirements of leadership are “higher and holier” than God’s.

The good news is that the advice of these “Never Trump” leaders like Mohler, Russell Moore, and Olasky were not embraced by rank and file evangelicals, who in 2016, voted overwhelmingly (81%) for Trump. The Donald Trump whom they routinely criticized has now become a champion for the Christian faith.

They have done an enormous disservice to the Church by attacking Judge Moore and unknowingly have paved the way for Establishment forces to continue their strategy to defame them and other Christian leaders using dishonest charges with impunity.

Rev. Mohler should, for the sake of Christian community, lay aside his daily diet of seven plus liberal newspapers and leave the commentary of culture and politics for those more competent and courageous and return to what he does well, running a seminary. For the others, the Church would greatly benefit from Marvin Olasky’s retirement from geo-political discussions and for the Southern Baptists to find a replacement for Russell Moore.

The current age in which we live is not made for weak Christian leaders who wear silk underwear.

McConnell’s War on Bannon

After a week of the GOP trashing Judge Moore, Mitch McConnell has moved on to

his great nemesis, Steve Bannon, mocking him with the comment “The political genius [Bannon] on display throwing away a seat in the reddest state in America is hard to ignore.”McConnell’s new tactic is inspired from the Joseph Goebbels school of disinformation, “Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty of.”

So if I have this correct, we have the Republicans of Alabama overwhelmingly voting for Judge Roy Moore in the primary to run for the U.S. Senate. McConnell doesn’t like Moore because he is too conservative so he does the unthinkable and works to de-fund Moore’s campaign and vilifies him with false witnesses. Moore looses, then McConnell blames the loss on Steve Bannon. Unbelievable!

McConnell’s new round of attacks on Bannon reveal the real battle of the Alabama special election. The battle of who will control the future of the Republican Party, the old GOP Establishment wing led by Rove, McConnell and Ryan or the new populist America First movement of Trump and Bannon.This Alabama race was all about McConnell destroying Moore to stop Bannon’s political momentum.

This race was one giant GOP Swamp psyop (psychological operations) on the people of Alabama which made a mockery of a functioning democracy where the people choose their representatives. Welcome to the GOP’s new brand of “Banana Republicanism.” Expect more of the same from McConnell in the 2018 Senate primaries battling Bannon over candidate recruitment with his plan of raising up more Establishment recruits of the likes of a McCain, Flake and Corker. Steve Bannon is one of the best things to happen to Republican politics in decades and McConnell is at war with him.

McConnell and the Republican Establishment have their political infrastructure, the House and Senate leadership, donor lists, D.C. offices, think tanks and friends in the press. They have all the necessary institutional structures to control a political constituency, but they lack one critical thing. It is the one thing that Trump and Bannon have and what propels the new populist conservative movement: THE PEOPLE.


Despite the pain felt by conservatives in the GOP’s defrauding of Judge Moore’s election, one election loss does not signify the end of a movement. On the contrary this should be a nation-wide teaching moment for the new populist conservative movement which is made up of evangelicals, Roman Catholics, and liberty constitutionalists who seek their country’s greatness, desire limited government and a restoration of the American republic.

The Trump phenomenon is ever growing as the president continues to deliver his campaign promises. Trump’s agenda and his alpha-male pro-America leadership have greatly increased his political base. Also, this Alabama election does not diminish the political leadership of Steve Bannon who remains the best conservative leader with the right ideas, vision, and courage to lead the movement into the future. The opposition toTrump and Bannon is the Republican Establishment who’s political vision is globalism and is driven by personal greed and lust for power. THESE MEN CAN NEVER BE TRUSTED.

The people know that the election was taken from them by the devious work of GOP operatives. Nationwide, conservatives are not happy and will not forget. The GOP Establishment won this battle but they have over-played their hand. Their victory will be short-lived, because they have created a nationwide resentment among their base. If an election was close to being fair and a candidate lost, supporters would accept it and move on. In this election, there is no moving on.

The Alabama loss was a painful defeat, but it will make the conservative base wiser, especially to the intrigue and Deep State operations within the Republican Party, who have abused their legitimate authority and influence by resorting to political thuggery and slander to force their way. The loss of the Alabama Senate seat by Judge Moore and the people of Alabama will not be forgotten.

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom Ertl:

An Open Letter To Alabama’s Christian Community: “You Are Being Played”

Dear Alabama Christians,

In my 50 years of following national political races I don’t know if I’ve ever seen one as strange as the current U.S. Senate race in your state.

First, we had the national Republican Party in the September Senate run-off working against the state’s more popular candidate Judge Roy Moore in favor of their establishment candidate, and former D.C. lobbyist, Luther Strange. The D.C. Republicans flooded Strange with money only to see him lose by a significant 9-point margin.

Then, in the general election, this very same GOP-Washington establishment continues to undermine Moore in favor of electing a Senator from the Democratic Party. We might have to go all the way back to Goldwater to find anything that resembles these unusual political circumstances.

In their attempt to destroy their own candidate, the Republican hierarchy has colluded with their media nemesis, the Washington Post, to promote a smear campaign against Judge Roy Moore.


On November 9th, 2017, the Washington Post broke the story of four women with their alleged accounts of their 38-year-old dating experience with Roy Moore. As soon as the story broke, the usual cast of “Swamp” creatures surfaced with feigned outrage demanding that Moore step down from the race. McConnell, McCain, Flake, and Romney issued their immediate demand without any examination of facts. Their instant condemnation of Moore gave evidence of their orchestration. Within days, other GOP establishment elites including Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, chimed in to condemn Moore.

The Washington Post describes the accusers claims of dates they went on with Moore when they were in their late teens. The more serious charge of the four was given by Leigh Corfman who alleged that, when she was 14, Moore sexually assaulted her.

Corfman would have been the key witness in bringing down Moore, but within days, substantial credibility issues of this witness were uncovered when it was found out that Corfman had been married three times, filed bankruptcy three times, and had accused three pastors of sexual misconduct. The last of these points completely discredited her testimony, but the national press and the GOP establishment continue to repeat the allegations as though they were true.

The Post story further crumbled when one of the accusers, Debbie Gibson, turned out to be a Democrat operative, having worked for Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and at the time was campaigning for Doug Jones.

So when the initial round of accusers lacked the hoped-for effect, the establishment rolled out one Beverly Young Nelson on November 13, accompanied by none other than the infamous feminist, Gloria Allred, all set for a prime time New York City press conference. Should we expect anyone less than Ms. Allred for such an event?

Ms. Nelson produced a tearful scene of Moore taking her in his car when she was 16 years old behind a restaurant and sexually assaulting her. It was compelling theater complete with a yearbook signature, tears, tissues, and comforting hugs from Ms. Allred. So convincing was the display that at the time it moved some conservatives away from Moore.

But like Ms. Corfman, upon closer examination of the evidence, Ms. Nelson’s accounts also started crumbling. Within hours, photos of the yearbook were examined and found to be a forgery. Ms. Nelson’s step-son went public, declaring his step-mother’s allegations to be “one hundred percent lies” and on the following day, evidence surfaced revealing that Judge Moore had presided over Mrs. Nelson’s 1999 divorce without her objection. A second Moore accuser totally discredited!

By this time the citizens of Alabama were starting to awaken to the lies and smear campaign against Judge Moore.


The tactics used against Judge Moore are right out of the Marxist, Saul Alinsky’s playbook in his Rules for Radicals.

Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

“If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside.”

“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)”

The opposition to Judge Roy Moore used a classic Alinsky approach of destroying the man, not his ideas. They know they cannot win the election debate over issues that affect the people of Alabama so they sought to destroy the person.


Always throughout human history, a deep pool of false witnesses has been available anytime and at any price, and 2017 Alabama is not an exception.

Usually, in the more public high-profile cases where corrupt men procure their liars, they do a more thorough job of vetting their false witnesses.  Ms. Corfman and Ms. Nelson’s credibility was destroyed so quickly that we can conclude that their organizers have been very sloppy in their recruitment and orchestration.

Alabama Christians, do you think that the four women who came out at the same time on November 9 to give their story to the Washington Post did this spontaneously after 38 years had  elapsed? Do you think Ms. Nelson also, after 38 plus years, had a sudden inspiration to call Gloria Allred to help ease her pain?

No and no. All of this has been orchestrated by political agents looking to destroy a good man. Can you imagine the expense, time, and research these men must have gone through to coordinate these attacks on Judge Moore?  We also know from our own biblical history, false witnesses do not come without a cost.

Let me also ask you your thoughts on the Washington Post. Do you think that this deep-state paper which has continually labored to keep the pedophilia and assorted sexual perversions of their political associates under wraps, now on November 9, suddenly became concerned with the welfare of women in Alabama dating from 1977? Has the Washington Post suddenly seen the light about the moral condition of the country and its politicians?

No, not at all. BUT THEY KNOW YOU DO. They know that the Christian people of Alabama demand character in their political leaders while across the political aisle; issues of character are mostly irrelevant.

Thus, we have the real purpose of the Washington Post article: to orchestrate a smear campaign against Moore in order to suppress the Christian vote in the Alabama Senate race.

These people know the mind of the average Christian and their desire for godly character and public morality. If they can take the experience of dating  younger women and turn it into the perception of an under-age sexual assault, then they would have driven a permanent wedge between Christian voters and their Christian candidate.

My call to the Christian community in Alabama is to stop being naïve. Seek to know how the world works. YOU ARE BEING PLAYED. Being played is defined as:

“Lied to, set up to be taken advantage of. To be cheated by a set up of actions or circumstances that have been deliberately planned.”

Do you think that instead of being emotionally manipulated by false reports it would be prudent to reserve judgment until the facts are discerned?  Do you think the proverb applies to the circumstances regarding Judge Moore?

“The first one to present his case seems right, Until another comes forward and questions him.”  Proverbs 18:17


In times past, bearing false witness (or more commonly known today as ‘slander’) came with severe penalties. In the case laws of the Bible, slander came with a greater civil penalty than many sexual sins and thievery. One can always restore a stolen bike or a car but how can a good name be restored after it is dragged through the mud with lies and deceit?

As a Christian, should not your outrage and anger be directed at these false witnesses and those who have orchestrated such lies?

For these women to bring up accusations based on an alleged incident 38 years ago is on its face, absurd. This is why in the Christian West we have “Statutes of Limitation” written into our legal system.

Sir William Blackstone, the most respected jurist who greatly impacted early American jurisprudence, wrote in his Commentaries on the Laws of England:

“The use of these statutes of limitation is to preserve the peace of the kingdom and to prevent those innumerable perjuries which might ensue if a man were allowed to bring an action for an injury committed at any distance of time.”

If the ruling establishment is successful in Judge Moore’s election defeat, then what Christian man in Alabama or the nation would not be susceptible to the same defamation when allegations, by themselves, become the new standard for guilt?


Conservatives across the country have written much about the out of state influences in your Senate race. There is an ever-growing number of Alabamians who realize that their Senate election is being manipulated by political operatives in Washington, D.C. They do not view this kindly.

The tide has taken a turn in the second week after the Post story broke. Many national commentators including President Trump are now taking a more reserved position, declaring: “Let the people of Alabama decide their own election.”

Christian, naiveté is not a virtue. Be aware of the deceptions of this world and the devices of how corrupt men manipulate both mind and emotion for their political purposes. Use your common sense and biblical wisdom to understand the recent events in your state.

Your Senate race has garnered national attention because it is one of the most important ones in decades, important because it will help determine the leadership and future direction of the Republican Party and to the eventual restoration of the American republic.

This election goes beyond a battle between two opposite political views and candidates of Moore vs. Jones. It is also a battle against two forces with two different visions for the future of the GOP. The players are McConnell and Ryan on one side, representing the older establishment, globalist, Bush wing of the Republican Party vs. Steve Bannon and President Trump, who embody the America-First, anti-globalist, economic nationalism movement.

NOT voting for Judge Moore on December 12, is a vote for partial-birth abortion, same-sex marriage, globalism, open borders and a liberal Supreme Court.

Finally, remember the account in Genesis 39 when Joseph was falsely accused of a sexual assault by Potiphar’s wife. Joseph spent two years in an Egyptian prison before he was vindicated. We don’t have two years to wait. Judge Roy Moore needs to be vindicated by the people of Alabama on December 12.

© 2017 Tom Ertl – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom Ertl:

Steve Bannon And The Takedown Of The GOP Establishment

We are living in an unprecedented time in American political history. The term, “sea change” is not enough to describe what we are witnessing. A “non-violent political revolution of the middle class against the ruling order” may be a better phrase.

Whatever you call it, it is true realignment leading to an electoral shift of voting patterns within the conservative movement. There is also, because of Trump, a change within the socialist movement, especially with the Democratic Party going further to extremes in its political positions. The combination of extremism and weaponized rhetoric from the deep state-controlled media has driven Democratic Party followers to unforeseen violent responses.

On the other side, there has been a tremendous awakening that has led to a maturing of the conservative movement in the past few years – once a sizeable conservative voting bloc finally realized that the Republican establishment had compromised them and their country.

Over the last decade, the conservative resistance movement and Trump together have uncovered and outed the Republican Party. Its former loyal voters during the previous five decades have now have been awakened – like the abused wife who has left her unfaithful husband – and is looking for a new life and a new man who will love her and protect her interests.

It is a story of the faithful woman who ran out of love for her cheating man. The Republican Party has been exposed by Trump for cheating on America and the middle class. The unfaithful Republican establishment is consistently facing a steady diet of vitriol and hatred from their once loyal base. The breach is so severe that the typical conservative voter despises Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, and John McCain more than Schumer, and Pelosi.

Roger Stone says that we have in the “Swamp” a “two-party duopoly”: false polemics by day, cocktails, dinner, and laughter by night. Mr. Bannon also refers to the Swamp as a “profitable business model” protecting the status quo.

For decades the conservative voters’ anger over the Republican establishment has been suppressed by people who felt they had nowhere else to go with their votes and money. Now Steve Bannon has given them leadership and viable political options. He is the conservative base’s divorce attorney, who will get the spurned woman out of a failed marriage by leading her into the arms of her new man.


In the early days of the American republic the nation was overwhelmingly Christian and conservative. Due to the loss of its faith and vigilance, the American republic has over time allowed an alien worldview to wreak havoc in all the critical institutions of government and life. A new conservative movement appeared on America’s political scene in the in an attempt to save the country.

It started with Father Coughlin’s radio attacks on FDR’s New Deal and the central bankers. This led to the America First movement of Lindbergh, then Goldwater. Then Nixon’s Southern Strategy, followed by Reagan’s conservative rhetoric, then by Buchanan and Perot. Perhaps this was a necessary progression to lay the foundation for the movement’s new advance with its new leader and spokesman, Donald Trump.

On June 16, 2015, with Trump’s announced run for the presidency, the real estate mogul became the new leader of the conservative movement. He changed the narrative from left vs. right and conservative vs. liberal to America First vs. globalism. The movement overnight altered the polemic from ideology to nationalism and from policy to national sovereignty.

If Trump is the movement’s chief spokesman, then Steve Bannon is his general and top strategist. Both men are made with the same alpha male aggressive stock – the kind of men a movement like ours so needs. They are modern men of exemplary courage – fearless and passionate in their love for the welfare of the people they represent.

In any political endeavor, success can only be achieved with courageous leadership. This is what the conservative movement has in Steve Bannon whose political genius also makes him a formidable leader. He has the courage not just to stand his ground, but to take the offensive and attack. He is able to give direction and encouragement, and to invent political rallying cries that mobilize others to fight.  An earlier battle cry was, “we are working to deconstruct  the administrative state.” His latest rallying cry is, “the elites have committed economic hate crimes on the working men and women of America.” This has proved to be the military standard held up for the troops in Bannon’s battle against the Republican elites.

Steve Bannon, who, before 2015, was politically unknown, has come on the scene to give able leadership to the conservative movement in its next step in the battle for America. That next step is to root the establishment tares out of the Republican field.


 Steve Bannon’s declaration of war against the ruling establishment is first a battle against Mitch McConnell and his National Senatorial Committee, which has for years funded and supported Republican campaigns of establishment men. Bannon has declared war on all the remaining establishment Republican Senate candidates who are up for re-election in 2018 with the exception Ted Cruz. Bannon and the Great America  PAC have been busy recruiting American nationalist candidates committed to the Trump agenda to unseat McConnell’s establishment choices.

Bannon’s plan is two-fold: Recruit American nationalists who will be faithful to Trump’s agenda to run against Republican establishment candidates, and to lay siege to McConnell’s supply lines of campaign funding tying the pariah Mitch McConnell to opposition candidates in the 2018 Senate primaries.

In Bannon’s Sept, 25, 2017, interview with Sean Hannity, Bannon declared: “The elites hold me in contempt. They think I’m a bad guy. They think I’m a dangerous guy. I wear their contempt as a badge of honor. They have helped destroy this country. They have done nothing but allow economic hate crimes against working men and women in the heartland of this country.”

Bannon’s war strategy is one of EXPOSE-DIVIDE-REPLACE. Naïve conservative leaders seek Republican unity, but Bannon knows unity can only come when victory is achieved: when the Republican Party has been transformed as the people’s party and when true America First Republican nationalists dominate the halls of Congress. Till then, the conservative movement’s new general continues with his “expose, divide, and replace” game plan. Central to Republican unity is American interests, not the Party’s agenda.

Yoram Hozony, in an October 15, 2017, Wall Street Journal opinion piece titled, “Is Classical Liberalism Conservative?” articulated the current change in conservatism and shift in Republican politics:

“But the conservative unity that Never Trumpers seek won’t be coming back, even if the president leaves office prematurely. An apparently unbridgeable ideological chasm is opening between two camps that were once closely allied. Mr. Trump’s rise is the effect, not the cause, of this rift.”


Bannon often cries out about “economic hate crimes” committed by the establishment’s political class against the hard working American men and women. It is a genius phrase that profoundly resonates with much of the middle class who have seen their politicians more interested in serving the moneyed class of Wall Street and the multinationals than them.

The middle class may shuffle along with life in resigned acceptance of their decreasing financial circumstances, but deep down they know something is wrong at the top. They sense that the elites have rigged the whole system and that the politicians have not protected the voters’ interests. They still remember the massive loss of wealth in the Wall Street orchestrated mortgage scandal a decade ago, and how the federal government funded and secured the financial class, while hanging them, the hard-working citizens and voters, out to dry.

Bannon is raising the standard of resistance for this silent majority of Americans.

His resistance movement is nothing new in history. Wealthy men from antiquity to the modern age have schemed to secure government control for their own advantage and wealth creation at the expense of the people. Each time, the people eventually come to the end of their willingness to tolerate such abuse, and they begin to resist. We are at the “resistance” stage of this process in America.


Money used to be the critical asset in securing votes in federal elections. During this resistance stage of American political life, what once worked is no longer a guarantee of success. The massive amount of campaign funds spent on losing candidates and recent federal elections is unprecedented phenomenon in our modern political world. Here are three obvious examples:

JEB BUSH: Jeb spent $14 million in the South Carolina primary and received 8% of the Republican vote. Donald Trump spent 1.8 million and received 32.5% of the Republican vote. Jeb Bush also spent over $150 million in his primary run but only received four delegates. That’s $37.5 million per delegate.

HILLARY CLINTON: Hillary spent $1,191 million in the general election compared to Donald Trump’s $647 million. She out-spent Trump nearly 2 to 1 but was handily defeated.

LUTHER STRANGE: Big Luther, the Republican establishment darling, in the recent Alabama special election runoff was given $31 million by the McConnell Senate Committee and other PAC’s. The populist candidate Judge Roy Moore spent about $1.5 million. Moore won by a whopping 10 points, and his victory caused the announced retirement of Tennessee establishment Republican senator Bob Corker, and sent shock waves through the Republican political establishment.

What was once the mother’s milk of election victories’, campaign money, may now become a liability, especially if it is tied to Mitch McConnell.  Also, of great concern to the GOP hierarchy is the fact that McConnell’s corporate money may be dying out because typical Republican donors don’t like spending money on losers.

“We’re building a grassroots army,” Bannon said. “It’s going to be their money versus your muscle.”


After the excitement of Trump’s historic election victory, the Trump faithful became very concerned with the immediate efforts to destroy him and his presidency. They were far more troubled at the Republican establishment’s commitment not to stop until Trump was destroyed and run out of Washington than they were with any threat from the Democrats.

Bannon referenced those very same Republican elites at a recent rally for Kelli Ward in Arizona. Bannon said the “populist revolt is an incredibly powerful movement” of “working-class and middle-class people” who are fed up with the “permanent political class and the globalist set of elites that want to rule over you from an imperial city like a new aristocracy.”

Explaining his departure from the White House, Bannon replied: “It’s not gonna be over if we fight and help President Trump. He needs help. It’s the reason I left. I told him I was going to go after the establishment, go after the establishment first and the Democrats later.” Bannon may not even have to go after the Democrats who are already headlong in a political death spiral.

The conservative movement needs to take the next step in its path to political maturity. That step is for its people to join forces with General Bannon and to help rout the establishment out of the Republican Party. This 2018 election cycle is critical to the movement’s goal to take back control of its government.

Everyone living in these crucial Republican primary states needs to help raise an army of supporters for these new pro-Trump primary candidates as they emerge. If you are not living in one of these states, then send money to these populist candidates and support the great American PAC. We are not going to be successful with the American-First agenda until these establishment Republicans are defeated and replaced.

General Bannon already has three establishment scalps: Strange, Corker, and Flake. More to come!

© 2017 Tom Ertl – All Rights Reserved

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Media beat-down, deep state and the Lord’s prayer


On January 13, 1964, 53 days after the deep state’s involvement in the assassination of an American president, Bob Dylan released his famous album, The Times They Are a Changin’.

Though Dylan was promoting a 60s style radicalism of social and political upheaval, the album title and lyrics to the theme song run true to these epic times of American history in which we live.

I write after the politically eventful week of February 12-18, 2017, and following President Trump’s Friday afternoon tweet that the media is “the enemy of the American people.”

He, in classic Trump form, lays down another gauntlet to the Establishment-controlled media after Wednesday’s total beat-down press conference of the same media. A theologian and friend in Switzerland who viewed the entire press conference writes:

I was enthralled.

I found it amazing for its simplicity, familiarity, forthright speaking of the truth and extraordinary frankness and its non moralizing manner. The concern for the good of the nation (and even that of the media) was manifest at every moment.

One very remarkable thing in the whole press conference is that Trump was berating his enemies in their very presence and before that immense Grand Jury of the whole American nation.

Of course, not forgotten at Saturday’s rally in Melbourne, FL, was the First Lady of the United States leading America in praying the Lord’s Prayer. Who can remember something similar by any other First Lady?

The first three weeks of the Trump presidency have been daily doses of conservative political bliss. One great move after another has had the Establishment spinning. Then came the Monday of February 13, and the resignation of General Flynn as national security advisor. This was a painful turn of events considering that Flynn was a favorite of many patriots. In his resignation, Trump lost an irreplaceable advisor who was well aware of the CIA and the Bush/Obama duplicity in the promotion of failed Middle East conflicts, not to mention the fed’s aiding of Al-Qaeda and ISIS forces.

Next to Steve Bannon, General Flynn was probably Trump’s most important appointment. Soon after the story broke of Flynn’s resignation, triggered by a conversation he had with the Russian ambassador, the news and discussion shifted to the questions of who surveilled and taped Flynn’s phone conversation, and how the Washington Post and New York Times obtained the written phone record.

In his article for Bloomberg on February 14, Eli Lake stated that General Flynn “did nothing illegal nor improper.” He later used the phrase, “creepy authoritarianism” concerning intelligence operatives entrusted with national secrets who would dare disclose them to the press to undermine an elected president and his administration.

Others made similar claims of these rogue United States operatives, using the words “terrifying” and “unnerving.” Even the anti-Trump press of Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal sounded the alarm over “the spooks,” secretly planning to destroy the Trump presidency through illegal intelligence activity. Even the Establishment media can occasionally see the evidence of a police state.

Then, as Monday passed into Tuesday, another news shift occurred. Monday’s lamenting by conservatives on the loss of General Flynn, and the Trump administration being put on the defensive, turned to discussion aimed at the legitimacy and credibility of all U.S. intelligence agencies. Trump went on the attack and declared that the leak to the press was a “criminal act.”

By Tuesday, from noon all the way to 6 o’clock, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity went on the attack against the U.S. intelligence agencies, even verbalizing the words forbidden in respectable conservative circles: “DEEP STATE,” “SHADOW GOVERNMENT,” “POLICE STATE.” It didn’t stop there. For the rest of the week, almost every political article and commentary took their lead and started talking about these supposedly conspiratorial and extreme categories.

To my amazement, the “deep state” was the talk of the week in American politics, dominating the Establishment and conservative media. Those who understood globalism have tried in vain for five decades to awaken American conservative and Christians to the great threat of the shadow government and deep state. Now, in the course of one day, these terms have become mainstream conservative talking points. Who could have seen this coming?


During the 2016 campaign, Trump changed the conservative talking points from the old and tired left vs. right paradigm and the false Republican vs. Democrat polemic. He created the new political discussion points of Americanism vs. globalism. Trump’s attack on globalism has served as a base of all future conservative political narratives.

Building on that base, now, is the additional narrative of the deep state, shadow government, and police state. For the first time, the American public is learning about the dark side of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), and other U.S. intelligence agencies. In the process, globalism’s use of these agencies as private secret police has been exposed to the world as the internal enemy of this country.

Previously the average American naively viewed the CIA and other intelligence agencies as departments of government set up to keep America safe. Their naiveté has been shattered with last week’s revelation of the intelligence community’s attempt to take down an elected president who has a pro-American agenda.


The 12-noon to 6pm radio time is the key 6-hours for the modern American middle class to develop their political worldview. Through the many years since Rush Limbaugh has ascended to the top of radio commentary, both he and Hannity have shied away from conspiratorial talk – until last week, which became a monumental week for conservative talk radio.

They finally stepped over the “first-base line” into the reality field of the deep state, the shadow government, and the police state, and they did it with great energy. In fact Hannity’s preaching against the deep state last week was so intense that, at one point in his broadcast, he had to catch himself and say, “I’m not talking about a conspiracy theory.” (But, of course, the deep state is a conspiracy.)

So, as the week of February 13 commenced, American talk conservative radio has finally gone into the conspiratorial realm reporting on the dark side of the shadow government. They have a ways to go, but it is an encouraging development.


Globalist elites have been in control of American intelligence agencies for decades and have used these agencies and the American military for regional destabilization and regime change – all done in stealth, unabated, with American tax dollars, and hidden from public scrutiny.

The deep state can only operate in stealth, pushing their criminal agenda, with the cooperation of the mainstream media. For years, the deep state has shaped public opinion, through media, academia, and Hollywood, but their influence over the middle class has been greatly eroded because of talk radio and the immense volume of documented information on the internet.

Trump has furthered the media’s demise by calling them out as liars. This has never been done by a modern U.S. president. Trump’s huge success against the media also facilitates the defeat of the globalists in the information war.

Patriots who, in times past, dared to address the tyranny of global shadow government were often tossed into the “conspiracy theory” briar patch. This has been going on at least since 1967, when the CIA first created the term “conspiracy theory” to mute all JFK assassination inquiries. It has been a tremendously effective psychological tool to quell investigations of the government by its citizens.


Fundamental to the governing concept of the American Republic is that the government must not infringe on the people’s rights and that the people allow the government to operate by consent.

When the dark side of the US intelligence has to resort to deception and coercion as a means to conduct their shadow government, they lose their legitimacy and eventually lose the consent to govern entrusted to them by the people. For them, the open attack on a sitting president, withholding intelligence from him, and working to destroy his presidency are all acts of treason. This will not sit well with America’s citizens.

All of the recent developments of these shadowy agencies has now opened them up for daily discussion in the new conservative narrative with the hope of eliminating the some of these rogue agencies combined with a major house cleaning in the others.


There is an old phrase patriots have used for years about the final establishment of global government and its New World Order: “They will have to run naked the last 100 yards.” This means that, nearing the final stage of setting up their one-world government, globalists will have to come clean and openly announce their plan for tyranny.

Yet, on the journey to this New World Order, Western resistance movements have become so aggressive and successful that, in order to maintain their gains, globalists are starting their naked run prematurely.

In the States, the outgoing CIA director, John Brennan, has instructed the new president: “Watch your mouth.” New York Senator Schumer has, on national TV, threatened Trump saying, “the CIA has six ways to Sunday to retaliate.” Bill Kristol, neo-con and former editor of the Weekly Standard, tweeted this week: “I prefer the Deep State to the Trump State.”

Globalism is being exposed and outed by Trump, and its plans disrupted. Picture with me the symbolism of 5 foot-nine inch, 97 year old Henry Kissinger, 88 year old Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Bill Kristol on a 100 yard naked dash to the finish line of their New World Order! This is the ugly future picture of globalism. I can hardly tolerate Kristol fully clothed!

Last week, there was a major meeting of the global elites in Dubai. Alex Newman of the New American magazine titled his article on the confab, “At ‘World Government Summit,’ Top Globalists Drop The Mask.”

The UN Secretary-General António Guterres lamented that “people no longer trust their rulers and globalist organizations they established.” Then came Elon Musk with his Huxleyite technocratic dreams of men merging with machines.

Newman concluded:

“Despite the growing public revolt against globalism and statism across the West – most recently seen in Brexit and Trump’s election – the globalist establishment clearly has no plans to let up or even slow down, as evidenced by the speeches offered at the World Government Summit this week by top peddlers of global governance. If liberty and self-government are to survive and thrive, then, the agenda for technocratic planetary rule must be exposed and halted as quickly as possible. But with globalists increasingly dropping the mask when it comes to their true intentions, the time to do that has never been better.”

In Europe, most every member country of the European Union (E.U.) has a thriving exit movement. The E.U. leadership is running so scared that they have recently threatened their rebellious member nations with the E.U army. The suggested use of military force is a true sign of their loss of legitimacy – and prophetic of their eventual defeat.


Last week the shadow government of American intelligence picked off one of our heroes, General Michael Flynn. But along with that casualty came an exposure of America’s rogue dark side, federal agencies, along with a backlash against them.

If Flynn’s loss was the cause of the deep state’s exposure, and the launch of a new political narrative, then it was well worth it. The new narrative will serve the American people well in the ongoing battle against the Establishment and their globalist plans.

Yes, we are in a battle for who controls America: the American people or the global elite, who for 100 years have planned and schemed for global governance and the loss of American sovereignty. The times are epic and the political narratives have changed to deal with the severity of the situation and the protracted battle that lies ahead for us.

The difference in our day is that the people finally have a true American leader in Donald Trump: one of their own, a real man who has the ability and the courage to take on the leviathan. And, as is often the case, one man’s courage begets courage in the many.

Dylan’s lyrics to his The Times They Are A Changin’ so fit our present national battle. Below are three of the verses:

Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won’t come again
And don’t speak too soon
For the wheel’s still in spin
And there’s no tellin’ who that it’s namin’
For the loser now will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin’.

Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don’t stand in the doorway
Don’t block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There’s a battle outside ragin’
It’ll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin’.

The line it is drawn
The curse it is cast
The slow one now
Will later be fast
As the present now
Will later be past
The order is rapidly fadin’
And the first one now will later be last
For the times they are a-changin’.

© 2017 Thomas Ertl – All Rights Reserved

Trump Inauguration: an eyewitness report “is this heaven, no it’s Iowa”

There are times in all of our lives when monumental events take place that require our attendance. The days of January 20th and 21st of 2017 were such a time, compelling many thousands of Americans to Washington, D.C., for the inauguration of Donald J. Trump as President of the United States.

The faithful, knowing the significance of what was to take place, would not allow the issues of home, business, job, travel, and money to keep them away. They were richly rewarded for their sacrifice.

We arrived Thursday evening for Friday’s inauguration and left Saturday evening after the feminist rally. What an eventful two days!

I assume the inauguration and its activities were no different than any others. The day was filled with the usual snafus of losing relatives in large crowds, long lines for almost everything, security everywhere, mazes of fences. It took 30 minutes to walk two blocks. Phones were dead by 2:00pm. Cold, wet, lack of sleep, tickets that didn’t work, and being late for everything.

But none of the inconveniences mattered because we all came, not so much to witness another inauguration, but to witness history.


We arrived in the red section by 7:15am for the program that was to begin at 9:30. Being my first presidential inauguration, I was quite impressed with all of the pomp and splendor of the ceremony.

I agreed with all political persuasions over the impressive display of our Constitution in action with the 220 year tradition of the peaceful transfer of power for the office of chief magistrate – the president. There was a real sense of American pride in the ceremony because nothing in life, especially in politics, lasts 220 years.

As the ceremony got closer to the swearing in of the new president, things became more emotional because of who soon would be given the oath of office. It wasn’t the usual globalist-controlled establishment candidate of either party. It was Donald Trump, the true American nationalist.

It was then that I thought, “Is this really happening? I can’t believe it. Maybe it really is!” With the emotion came a Field of Dreams moment, “Is this heaven?” While meditating on what seemed to me to be a miracle of a Donald Trump presidency, on the big screen came the next speaker, Chuck Schumer. Then reality set in and, “No, it’s Iowa.”

After a good round of booing for Senator Schumer, which came from the cheaper seats in the back and then moved toward the front, came the time for Donald Trump to take the oath of office and become the 45th president of the United States.


From the ceremony we moved as quickly as possible to the parade checkpoints where we were met with a line that took 90 minutes to get through. Our parade bleacher ticket was useless because security would not allow any crossing of Pennsylvania Ave. So we spotted an open area near 11th and Pennsylvania.

On the way we had to go through a gauntlet of protesters who did not seem to like my Trump hat and proceeded to put their signs in my face, complemented by a barrage of unpleasant language.

We were fortunate to see the new president and his family in his short inaugural walk. While waiting, we heard the stories of riots on K Street, windows being smashed and cars burned. Between the option of finishing the parade or checking out the action on K Street, we decided to head toward the riot area. There’s something about being a teen in Wisconsin in the 60’s that compels one towards riots. It’s just part of our upbringing.

On the way to K Street and the protest at Franklin Park, we saw the broken windows at McDonalds, Starbucks, and Wells Fargo. From there, we came upon the Washington Post building with a completely burnt stretch limo in front.

I couldn’t help but laugh to see the 90+ riot police having to guard the entrance of the Washington Post, a national newspaper which for decades has encouraged leftist revolutionary activity, and who now needed riot police to protect their building from the revolutionary anarchists they helped create. The same goes for the damage at Starbucks – well known as a business icon of political correctness. Sometimes anarchists just don’t know when to stop.

One other humorous note, something I didn’t notice until I viewed the pictures, was the ‘for lease’ sign at the ground floor level of the Washington Post. What has happened to America’s former #2 newspaper? Riots, police protection, and now having to lease out office space?


Visiting the District of Columbia from here in North Florida, ten minutes from the Georgia line, was a little more intense than when Andy, Aunt Bee, and Opie visited Raleigh. I was not aware that we were twice going to engage in heated arguments on the D.C. metro line.

Friday night, decked out in our tuxes and headed to the ball, we took the metro from Maryland. On the second stop, an older man entered and, seeing our tuxes, let out a blast loud enough for everyone to hear: “Donald Trump is a fascist pig!” To which I followed with equal volume, “What university did you attend to learn to talk like that?” After a few more exchanges we ended our discussion.

After the ball, we made our way across Chinatown to the metro station only to witness an old Cadillac speeding down the street being chased by six cop cars. I guess this is what happens on Friday night in the nation’s capital.

After midnight, we barely caught the last metro back to Maryland. On our next stop, two female protesters in their mid-20s entered. We struck up a conversation with them about feminism and it went south when I asked the question: “Don’t you girls eventually want to find a husband who loves you, have babies, raise a family, and have grandchildren you can enjoy in your old age?” Well, when I mentioned the baby word, one of them became enraged and followed my question with, “You can take your f______ Bible, beer and ________, and put it up your _______.” From there, I sued for peace and wished them well as they left.

I need to be a little better prepared for the metro on my next visit to D.C. But, all things considered, it was a very difficult week for the inhabitants of the nation’s capital.


As in all inaugurations, there must be a plethora of inaugural balls, and to my surprise, my ticket to the Freedom Ball actually did work. We arrived around 9:00pm and were able to see the new president speak and dance with the first lady. Fittingly, they danced to Sinatra’s “My Way.”

I asked an older couple from Alabama, “Is this a political victory celebration party or a beauty contest?” I witnessed one dolled-up beauty after another. In light of Saturday’s D.C. invasion of feminists, it was wonderful to see conservative, female, Trump supporters, who not only like real men, but delight in the fact that God created them to be the fairer sex. My thought from the ball was that Trump’s people need to use photos of the ball as a recruiting tool to pluck out the last few remaining men in the Democratic Party.


Some time Saturday morning, after breakfast with friends, we decided to take the Doobie Brother’s 1976 advice by “Takin’ It to the Streets,” and spy out the Women’s March on Washington.

Near the capital, we were met with a huge crowd of feminists shouting and carrying their homemade signs. We heard the noise of the rally speakers so we worked our way through wall-to-wall protesters. After 90 minutes, we finally got within 120 feet of the stage. On the way, we took in every possible sign. My favorite was two older ladies holding duplicate signs with the Mad-Man actress January Jones on the bottom and a text above which read, “I can’t believe we are still having to fight this s___.”

So much of the signage was filled with vulgarities and female sexual anatomy. It was disheartening to see young girls holding up these kinds of signs that their mothers had made. It is such a tragedy to see them so radicalized at such a young age.

Soon after we arrived near the stage, out strolled the 60’s revolutionary icon and Communist Party leader, Angela Davis. Instead of “where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?” I changed Simon and Garfunkel’s lyric to, “Where have you been, Angela Davis?” Angela, it’s been 45 years! Her revolutionary activity now seems to be directed at the perceived evils of male patriarchy. Oh well, it was still an experience to see her in person.

Soon after Davis, to the podium came the 58 year old Madonna, looking fit and energized. Her infamous reputation was not damaged in the least by her behavior.

The word “profane” is not enough to describe the “material girl.” Out came one vulgarity after another to the delight of the crowd. The worst the language, the louder the cheers. Her threat to blow up the White House has now gotten her into trouble with the Secret Service.

After three hours inside the modern feminist movement, it was time to leave. I left thinking of the great disservice these feminists did to themselves and their cause with all of the foul language, signage, anger and radical rhetoric. What normal woman would join such a foul movement?


In advance of the inauguration, I wondered what the text of the inaugural speech would be. Would it be an olive branch offered to his many enemies with conciliatory language? Or would Trump seek a text with flowery language and try to come across as some kind of new American statesman? We ended up with neither.

Trump’s inaugural address was epic; a speech for the ages. It was unique to Trump and will prove to be one of the greatest of all presidential inaugural speeches. It was classic Trump – nationalist to the core. A speech for his people and one easily understood. The most striking thing in his talk was the gauntlet he threw down to those who follow the legacy of his predecessors, and those in the platform of both parties. It was also a declaration of war on all things Establishment. A war, he explained, against those who use government to enrich themselves at the expense of the American people.

Trump’s war is one where he will gladly be the leader of the forgotten people of America: the middle class. It will be a war against the global establishment for the prosperity of the American people.

Instead of softening his campaign rhetoric, he doubled down on anything and anyone who was anti-American. It was pure, classic, Trump Americana. So much could be said about his speech. Two of the best articles on this subject would be recent ones by Peggy Noonan and Joseph Farah.

The great fear of the enemies of America is not so much the speech, but the man Trump, who they know will deliver on his promises.


Having attended the Republican convention in August, an accurate comparison between Cleveland and D.C. would be that Cleveland was a carnival with displays of protests, while D.C. was a war.

For the attendees visiting the inauguration in Washington, D.C. came a realization of what President Trump is up against in the battle against the forces of globalism, and in his efforts to drain the D.C. swamp.

His most challenging internal enemies who will seek to oppose his reforms will not be the Democratic Party, but will be Paul Ryan and other establishment Republicans within his own party.

I am writing this article 5-days into the Trump presidency, on Wednesday of his first work-week, I’m still trying to sort out all the great things he accomplished on Monday. A friend called and said, “it’s like Christmas every day!” What a start for our new “America reformer.”

In his first week in office, I was taken again with another Field of Dreams moment: “Is this really happening? Is this a miracle from heaven?” Then I watched a replay of his inaugural speech and saw Paul Ryan sitting in the background and came back to reality, “No, it’s Iowa.”

Yes, the reality of “Iowa” and our present national condition should prompt from us two immediate actions:

• We must aggressively pray for the protection of our new president and seek to help him in his grand efforts to reform the federal government.

• We must also never forget that the realm of civil government is a limited realm. Our new “American reformer” can only do so much because his sphere of authority is a limited sphere. But what is unlimited are the reforms initiated by individual Americans, Christian organizations, and the church. My reference here is to the realm of culture where we all live. This realm is unlimited.

Some of the areas where we need to labor are the reform of local government, the family, the rejection of feminism and the restoration of true womanhood, the vision for large families, the rejection of government schools, giving our children a Christian education, and teaching our people a thorough and comprehensive Christian worldview so they can take their gifts and callings into the culture and change it to the glory of God.

We’ve been given a reprieve in Trump – a reprieve we don’t deserve. We have experienced a historic political awakening that has given us President Trump with a new and better political vision for America.

The greater and more important awakening that has not come yet is the awakening of Christian people. This is an awakening that will someday take place where the Christian people will set aside all their religious games and activities for a new vision to expand Christ’s rule and Kingdom in the earth; a vision where the church can once again be the greatest and guiding influence within the nations and peoples of the world.

We are still “in Iowa.” Do not look to our new president as some sort of cultural savior. We need to get to work while there is still time. Western Civilization is a creation of applied Christianity and its restoration cannot come politically. It must come in the culture and in the lives of the people.

© 2017 Thomas Ertl – All Rights Reserved

President Elect Trump: Early evaluation

It is hard to imagine a more heated month of speculation following a presidential election victory than what we’ve seen with Donald Trump. It’s been fun to see the Establishment media jump immediately into a hyper state of fluster that keeps getting more shrill as January 20, 2017 gets closer.

Much of the discussion has involved the stream of candidates we are seeing arrive at the Trump Tower to be interviewed for cabinet positions.

As cabinet selections are made by Trump, criticism has been mounting, not only from predictable Establishment circles, but also from the libertarian realm with commentators like Joel Skousen and Chuck Baldwin. Skousen has detailed the Establishment background of Trump’s current selections. Baldwin also directed criticism at Trump’s selections, wondering if “JEB won the election,” not Trump.

An example of their concern would be Steve Mnuchin, tabbed as Secretary of the Treasury. Mnuchin was a Goldman Sachs executive, was a hedge fund operator who worked with Soros, and is a Yale member of the Skull and Bones secret society. He represents everything Establishment that Trump has been against.

So, is there reason for alarm? Maybe, maybe not! Let’s wait and see. I say “maybe not,” holding out much optimism for the future Trump presidency.

I have great respect for the libertarian thinkers who have been critical of Trump’s appointees, but I would take a different opinion analyzing the first 30 days of the president-elect.


Trump has to reward politicians who stood for him in the difficult days of the campaign, men we may not care for, but whose support was very helpful in his election victory; men like Christie, Gingrich, Giuliani, Carson, and Priebus.

To date, the ones with an appointment are Priebus and Carson. Christie has been marginalized, and Gingrich and Giuliani will probably not take appointments because their present sources of income would be unavailable to them if they took a government position.

The Republican Establishment’s hope for a Trump loss became their worst nightmare. Not only did he win, but he won overwhelmingly by doing the impossible: breaking through the Rust Belt wall, capturing five upper-Midwest states. Reality set in late in election night for the Republican Establishment that Donald Trump is now a political force – and leader of the Republican Party.

Trump could have immediately turned his convincing win into an Al Pacino moment where he waited for rivals to come and kiss his hand, and then attack and dismiss the remainder of his Republican Party adversaries. But he didn’t. In magnanimous fashion, he reached out to Republican rivals and enemies and sought to bring them into the Trump fold.

I do not believe his actions are a sign of weakness. They are a strategy to reshape the Republican Party into a Trump nationalist party.


Louis XIV, French king from 1643 until his death in 1715, was France’s longest and most prominent reigning king. In his political genius to consolidate power, he required France’s provincial nobles to come to Versailles and participate in his court.

Long before Machiavelli’s phrase became well-known in Mario Puzo’s The Godfather: Part II, Louis XIV was practicing “keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”

His strategy co-opted any potential resistance to his crown by giving titles of lordship to potential rivals and preoccupied them with activities within his court. Rebellion and resistance to his government was practically impossible.
Politically Trump’s greatest enemy is what’s left of the Republican Establishment’s politicians, lobbyists, donors, and party officials. So is Trump’s appointment of Reince Priebus to Chief of Staff, his tolerance of Paul Ryan, and his conciliatory language and outreach to his past Republican opposition his way to eliminate opposition within his own party?

Is it also Trump’s strategy to get his party enemies to embrace him and his populist vision that in turn will transform the Republican Party into a true “America First” party? By eliminating his enemies will he be able to mold the Republican Party into a populist, American nationalist party?

Gina Loudon in her 12/4/16 article for World Net Daily writes of the “crazy like a fox” Trump, who while “some of us are playing checkers Trump is playing chess.” She continues:

The strategy of candidate Trump in this election was positively fascinating for the psychological analyst to watch…But, we must be careful not to view Trump’s action through the prism of the old political playbook or we will continue to misjudge and underestimate him just as we have for the past 17 months.

It is too early to tell but I sense he is up to something and not even the sharpest of commentators can figure out. Whatever he is planning, the “Never Trump” crowd is dwindling, and if he can find success, especially economically, he may be the one to transform the Republican Party into a true workers’ party with a generation of electoral dominance.


Trump is difficult to figure out politically. One day he names an Establishment insider to a cabinet position then the next day an outsider. One day he meets with Goldman Sachs then the next day he is trashing globalism. In one day and out the next.

He knows far more of the complex national and geo-politics than conservative commentators give him credit for. I bet his zigging and zagging is a strategy to silence his enemies and to build a new coalition within the Republican Party.


Trump’s recent speeches, like the one in Cincinnati, underscore how agenda-driven Trump is. In early December, during the first leg of his “Thank You Tour,” he doubled down on many of his campaign commitments.
On the economy, “The era of economic surrender is over. We are going to fight for every last American job. It’s time to remove the rust from the Rust Belt and it’s time to usher in a new industrial revolution.”

On foreign policy, “At the same time we would pursue a new foreign policy that finally learns from the mistakes of the past [neo-cons]. We will stop looking to topple regimes and overthrow governments…Remember 6 trillion dollars in the Middle East…our goal is stability, not chaos.”

Then in a classic Trump rant he reaffirms his America First vision by attacking globalism:

Now is the time to embrace the one thing that truly unites us. You know what that is? America. You hear a lot of talk about how we are becoming a “globalized world.” But the relationships people value in this country are…family, city, state, and country. They’re local. We will compete in the world where is a two-way road—not the one way around. The advantages will come back to our country, and they haven’t for many years. There is no global anthem. No global currency. No certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag and that flag is the American flag. From now on it is going to be: America first. Okay? America first. We’re going to put ourselves first.

Trump’s anti-globalist rants are almost too much for my starving American conservative soul to take in. We have gotten so little politically over the last 50 years it’s hard to imagine America is within five weeks of having a president who routinely attacks the real enemy of the country, globalism. More so than his rhetoric is the obvious fact that he clearly sees the destructive evil of globalism and seeks to reverse its course.

Who of us who have followed national geo-politics for five decades saw the Trump phenomenon coming? In the first month after his election he is aggressively on the offensive. These are all good signs of what may come.

While he is eliminating his enemies and unifying the Party his aggressive agenda remains the same and in some areas (globalism) more intense. It seems the agenda is what makes Trump Trump, more so than staff. The staff, no matter the political persuasion, is there to promote the Trump agenda.


We all agree Donald Trump is not like Ronald Reagan or any Republican politician we have ever seen. He is really his own man. For example, where Reagan was conflict averse, Trump seems to embrace conflict. So, if one of his cabinet appointees starts to drift, undermining his agenda, he will have no reservations about handing out a pink slip. This is evidenced in three different campaign teams within a 3-month period, and his firing of Christie as transition chief.

Reagan’s internal softness gave us a full two terms of a Bush Sr. vice presidency. Conversely Trump has a nature that demands loyalty to him and his agenda. If political expectations are not met, there will be immediate replacement. So, who we see in cabinet positions in January may not be the same people in those positions the following January.


Our current national economic, political and cultural dilemma did not occur overnight. It came about by the 100-year planning and a concentrated effort by international banking and multi-national corporate elites. It took a century for the globalists to spin their control web over America and it will not be removed overnight. Tyranny takes time to work its destructive course and reversing that tyranny will also take time.

Reforming and replacing an old corrupt order will not yield immediate results. The process over time often involves using the system and bringing people out of the old order with a new vision and worldview.

This was commonplace in the 16th-century reform movement of the Protestant Reformation. After being challenged with the truth many entrenched Roman Catholic priests embraced the Protestant faith and became some of its best leaders.

The current movement against the Establishment has exposed the old order that needs reform which is the Republican Party, not the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is beyond help and would be best left alone to implode under its own weight.


The election of Trump is quite the political miracle in itself. Trump’s election was aided by the timing of the greater resistance movement of the middle class pushing back against the ruling order. This is a huge historical breakthrough in American politics.

The restoration of the American republic into a true functioning democracy subject to the people will be a process. The globalist control web over the country will not be easily broken nor will it happen overnight. Trump’s great courage to take on the global establishment and his unprecedented election victory has earned him our prayers and support to carry out his reforms.

Our support for Trump is not blind and without criticism. The same time we scrutinize his decisions and appointees we must also give our “New American Reformer” time to work his plan and see through his agenda.

Liberty/conservatives have been waiting for 50 years for an awakening of America’s middle class to rise up against the Establishment and for an aggressive “America First” nationalist like Donald Trump to come along and lead the movement. Now is not the time to overly critique or abandon the new American reformer that we have so long been waiting for.

Remember, perfection is awaiting God’s people in the next life; it is not obtainable in this life. Politically, if perfection and purity is demanded, often what is very good is passed by.

The work of reform is never clean, neat, and ideal, whether in religion or politics. The very word reform necessitates something is corrupt and in disorder. Such is our national condition. Reform comes in steps through a long process. Our new reformer is deserving of our assistance, loyalty, and patience.

© 2016 Thomas Ertl – All Rights Reserved

National security crisis: Hillary as president


Republicans, conservatives, and Evangelical Christians have the ability to change the future of their country by electing the American nationalist, Donald Trump, as president. If these three constituency groups do not respond for Trump at the polls they will have to face the reality of their greatest nightmare, Hillary Clinton as president.

With Election Day a few weeks out, a looming fear is stirring among conservatives – and even some moderates – that a 60’s revolutionary with a Marxist worldview could actually become president of the United States.

The fears can be seen in commentaries and opinion pieces including ones found in the Wall Street Journal, Lou Dobbs, and other corporate mainstream publications. The rumbling of unrest can also be felt in middle tiers of the military and inside federal agencies among patriotic men and women in government service.

It has a feeling of a national security crisis – the thought of giving over control of the government to a destructive radical who would seek to significantly alter the country.

Imagining Hillary Clinton as president is not a pleasant thought and need not occur. But, given the possibility, Americans need, before Election Day, to understand the reality of what four – or really eight years – of Hillary Clinton would mean for the country?


Hillary Clinton as president is Hillary Clinton with final authority; Hillary Clinton without constraints.

She no longer will have to exercise patience and hold back as she has done previously as the wife of a governor, as first lady, and as secretary of state under a president.

As president, she can govern with confidence that the Supreme Court and federal courts will not restrain her agenda. A weak Republican opposition of Paul Ryan and his cohort Mitch McConnell, combined with an adoring press, will give her complete freedom to act.

Hillary’s political and personal history show extreme contempt for people. Her Alinsky/communist training comes with the conviction that ideology rules and people are expendable. She will be true to her training and govern with a contempt for the American people. The public record is clear on the abusive way she treats her dedicated staff and the contempt she has shown for her secret service detail. This is her personal history.

Steve Baldwin, former California legislator and executive director of the Council on National Policy sums it up:

“This is not just another election. America is at the tipping point in all the ways described above. Hilary has dreamed of this role her entire life and her writings reveal an incredible thirst for power. Indeed, 30 years of researching Hillary confirms she will do anything to obtain power and once in power, she will do everything to destroy her opponents.”

Baldwin also writes:

“Moreover, Hillary will use the power of the federal government to harass and intimidate anyone who stands in the way of her agenda. Voters have forgotten that during Bill Clinton’s presidency, enemies of the regime were audited by the IRS and harassed by numerous other agencies, all instigated by First Lady Hillary Clinton. This time around, it will be worse; Hillary will use the IRS, DOJ, DHS, EPA, EEOC, BLM, OSHA, and numerous other agencies to harass churches, property owners, small business owners, Christian schools, gun owners, tea party members, ranchers, cattle farmers, and other groups that refuse to cooperate with her big government, socialist agenda. That is what she has always done and will do again. Hillary does not see government as a collection of agencies performing work on behalf of the taxpayers; rather she sees government as a vehicle by which she rewards friends and punishes enemies.”

She will use every federal agency and the federal court system to destroy her opponents. Her attorney general will be her great crusader in ruthless fashion using the office’s unlimited prosecutorial authority to go across the land attacking all of her political enemies.


Let’s look at some of what would be coming under Hillary’s reign.


Clinton could appoint up to four Supreme Court judges in her first term: Scalia (open), Ginsberg (83), Kennedy (80), and Breyer (78). Just these three appointments will push the court to the very far Left with a six to three advantage.

In Obama’s two terms he has appointed 394 federal judges. Currently there are 103 federal judicial vacancies. Clinton, combined with Obama’s appointees, will have a dominant influence in the federal courts for years to come.


The new people’s press, the alternative media, will come under severe attack in a Clinton administration. She will go beyond invented “hate crime” laws to outright banning of the alternative press. She will work in conjunction with the UN to censor her opposition’s use of the internet.


Clinton will follow Obama’s example of flooding the country with third world immigrants. With the support of her courts she will vastly increase Obama’s numbers and she will strategically place these illegal immigrants in conservative areas and suburbs to destroy the social order.

The courts will support her orders for a general amnesty of current illegal aliens. All of this will be done with a massive voter registration drive for the Democratic Party.


Hillary’s greatest of enemies has been Christian people and organizations. She will be ruthless towards the Church. She will go well beyond forcing homosexual rights in the Church, attacking the pulpit and content of sermons, and forcing immoral regulations on Christian schools.


Clinton will never be able to pass anti-gun legislation so she will use executive orders to restrict gun ownership and use. She will order federal agencies to increase public raids on individual gun owners and use her courts to harass the same.


She will continue the economic policies of the Obama administration which is a Wall Street profit center policy. Much of her and Bill’s wealth and support have come from Wall Street and international investment banks to which she is beholden.

Industry will continue to leave the country and the economic decline will further pinch the American worker. We will continue to watch the downward slide of the middle class.


Clinton’s very pro-Islamic beliefs and policies will advance the growth of Islam and terrorism in the country. Her worldview of creating conflict and offering government solutions will be her reason to bring in more radicalized Islamic immigrants.

In her battle against Christianity, she will promote Islam by greatly increasing Muslim immigration. A growing number of minarets will dot American city skylines.


The international conflicts that have been started with Clinton as Secretary of State will continue – and escalate. Hillary’s tie to the global establishment will continue to use the US military to force additional conflicts.


One of the worst things a Clinton administration could foist on America would be a war with Russia. As Secretary of State and as a candidate, Hillary has routinely agitated Russia and Putin. From her track record, is it obvious she will further inflame the delicate military situations in Syria and Ukraine.
Both her war agenda and her foreign policy will be conducted from behind the scenes by her globalist controllers.


To Republicans, conservatives, and evangelicals: By withholding your vote to American nationalist Donald Trump you have made the path much easier for Hillary Clinton to become president of the United States. Is this what you really want?


Trump has done what the Republican Party would have called impossible. He has taken a large section of blue-collar workers’ loyalty away from the Democratic Party that has controlled them for most of the last 80 years. His appeal has brought a massive new group of middle- to lower-class Americans into the fold as newly registered Republicans.

This ONLY could have happened with a Trump candidacy and his nationalistic message. It has presented an unbelievable opportunity for the Republican Party to become the permanent majority party. Four to eight years of a Trump presidency could leave the Democratic Party with an eroding base of fringe, radical elements.

Are you going to let this once-in-a-100-year opportunity slip away by not voting for Trump? There will be no going back to the status quo. Hillary’s coming flood of registered illegal and non-citizen voters will put the Republican Party into permanent minority status.


Trump at this time is not the constitutionalist that conservatives would like; nor does he have the purest conservative ideology. The good news is that his nationalist positions are mostly consistent with the conservative policy agenda.

Fellow conservative, do you not see that we are experiencing in America and the West, a massive movement of nationalism? This movement of the last few years is much bigger than any candidate and is something for which life-long conservatives have been hoping for decades. Trump’s “Americanism not globalism” zeroes in on the heart of the issues, giving a name and identity to the global oligarchy that is the real anti-God and anti-sovereign America enemy of the republic. Trump’s movement is creating a pushback against the ruling Establishment, which is key to securing the restoration of our American republic. This anti-Establishment movement is a gift for those who have worked in conservative politics, a gift we never saw coming.

Conservatives, are you willing to withhold your vote for Trump, allowing Hillary Clinton to terminate this historic American awakening that we may never see again? Should we not seize the moment and capture this unique opportunity? The movement, the awakening, is much bigger than Trump, and is the future of conservatism.


As a fellow Evangelical, I can understand some of your reservations about Trump. We’ve been trained to emphasize the importance of character and biblical morality. Unfortunately, we have squandered the “Christian” America of our past. Today, we usually face a choice between two flawed candidates. To demand morally impeccable candidates means, in effect, you will never vote.

The video release of the Trump/Billy Bush conversation was a planned psyop by the Establishment to pull the Evangelical leadership and vote away from Trump. Many took the bait to their own demise.

Christian, do not go down the trail of our weak and cowardly leaders like Russell Moore, Al Mohler, John MacArthur, John Piper, and Max Lucado, who are more concerned about their own reputations than for the future of the country. Added to these faint of heart is the anti-Trump editorial boards of World Magazine and Christianity Today who have greatly aided the campaign of the radical anti-Christian Hillary Clinton. If Clinton becomes president these misguided leaders, who are clueless to the consequences of their actions, will be held responsible.

However, in contrast, there are many courageous, highly respected Christian leaders standing strong for the Trump/Pence ticket such as James Dobson, Tony Perkins, Franklin Graham, Robert Jeffress, Jerry Falwell Jr., Wayne Grudem, Pat Robertson, James Robison, Eric Mataxes, and Steve Strang.

I would encourage you to vote for the one who would be best for your family, your children’s future, the Church, and the country. As a Christian, you must consider your own faith and self-interest.

Not voting for the superior candidate, Trump, is to give the White House to the radical anti-Christian Hillary Clinton, and put in jeopardy everything we as Christians hold dear. Do you really want to hand over the Supreme Court and federal courts to Hillary’s appointed judges who will continue the practice of killing the unborn and repealing our Christian liberties?

Christian, is your conscience so sensitive it cannot tolerate Trump’s language, but the same conscience is not convicted of the need to stop an adamant anti-Christian, pro-abortion presidential candidate? Are Trump’s character issues, tone, and language more important than the future of your children, Church, and country?


The country is heading down the final two week stretch of a volatile presidential election season; a season unlike any other in American political history.

What makes it totally unique is the fact that an outlier candidate, Donald Trump, has made it through the Establishment gauntlet of media, financial power and political party control. Furthermore, his courageous strategy has been to attack the global governance Establishment. This is unprecedented in our lifetime. It’s hard to believe what we have witnessed in the last 18 months in Trump’s breakthrough and massive national popularity.

Since Reagan, conservatives have had to suffer through presidential races in which both candidates were Establishment picks – until 2015 and the coming of Donald Trump.

Call his candidacy a miracle, call it whatever you want, it presents a once-in-half-a-century or more opportunity for the people of the United States to take back the control of their government and financial system from the ruling global Establishment that has brought us to a state of national ruin.

This political opportunity can give the American people again a true functioning democracy in a renewed American republic.

Republicans, conservatives, Evangelical Christians, do you not see this? Do you not see this tremendous opportunity you have been given?

Voting third party or abstaining to vote for Trump is an indirect vote for Hillary Clinton by denying Trump the margin needed for victory. This fact is simple election math. Friend, lay down your personal dislikes and issues for the American nationalist and do the right thing on November 8th. Do it for your children’s future, for your Christian faith, and for your country.

© 2016 Thomas Ertl – All Rights Reserved

Evangelical vote will decide the election

For those who have followed past US presidential elections this 2016 campaign has to be one for the ages. The American electorate has seen everything from the rigging of “super delegates,” to the Democratic candidate falling out in a NY city street, to the Republican candidate who had record primary numbers, yet some in his own party tried every possible tactic to destroy him.

The most unique element of this unprecedented campaign is the peoples’ support for the Republican who is not owned by the ruling global Establishment and who has endured unbelievable resistance.

Then came Friday evening, October 7th’s and the video bomb from the Establishment revealing a private conversation of Donald Trump discussing women sexually. Trump’s lewd conversation occurred in 2005.

Heading into the last two months of the campaign, the Trump supporters knew these kind of media drops would be coming because the Establishment is desperate to stop Trump. They have created a world over the last 100 years headed toward full-scale global governance and they will not allow a wild boar to run free in their vineyard destroying their plans for their New World Order and surrender of US sovereignty.

The Establishment, in union with the Democratic Party, has set aside a large amount of funding and staff to vet and investigate every aspect of Trump’s 70 years of life. They know Clinton cannot win on the issues that face the country so they are left with the strategy to personally expose and destroy Trump. The Establishment is becoming more desperate as November 8th nears and is capable of doing anything to stop him.

Interestingly the conservative Reagan who was Hollywood’s most X-rated womanizer in his day was given a pass for his illicit behavior because the Establishment thought they could control him. They have no such thought of Trump. [Link]

Trump followed the video revelation with an immediate apology:

I’ve never said I’m a perfect person, nor pretended to be someone that I’m not. I’ve said and done things I regret, and the words released today on this more than a decade-old video are one of them. Anyone who knows me knows these words don’t reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong, and I apologize.

I’ve traveled the country talking about change for America, but my travels have also changed me. I’ve spent time with grieving mothers who’ve lost their children, laid-off workers whose jobs have gone to other countries, and people from all walks of life who just want a better future. I have gotten to know the great people of our country, and I’ve been humbled by the faith they’ve placed in me. I pledge to be a better man tomorrow and will never, ever let you down.

Let’s be honest — we’re living in the real world. This is nothing more than a distraction from the important issues we’re facing today…

I don’t take much stock in private conversations but Trump did the right thing with a sincere apology. His words were genuine, changed by the people he has met and humbled by their faith in them.

What ensued over the weekend was a barrage of internet discussions. Many had support for Trump because it was a private discussion illegally made public without his permission. Others imagined what it would be like if their private conversations were videoed and made public. This is why the Framers gave the 5th Amendment protection over our private thoughts and conversations from public intrusion.


Since the Trump video went public I have been hit with many emails and calls. One came from a close friend who is an Evangelical pastor whose name has been changed. My friend has always been an Evangelical Never Trumper.

Here’s my response:

Dear Joe,

Here is my response to your email entitled, “Trump’s Final Fail”:

You and many other “holier than God” Christian people are being played by the Establishment to suppress the Evangelical vote in order for Clinton to win the presidency. Do you not see this?

Joe, lay down your “sin meter” and look up to see the big picture. We finally have a candidate for president who is taking on the Establishment, the big banks, and multi-national corporations who are destroying our country, and you have your sin meter and microscope out dissecting Donald Trump’s life looking for sin.

This is the most critical presidential election in our lifetime that could change the direction of our country for a generation or more and you’re emotionally upset over a private conversation of Trump’s from 11 years ago!!

Joe, I am afraid if you were living in the time of Cyrus, King of Persia (559–530 BC), you would not approve of Cyrus being used by God to promote the covenant religion and the restoration of Israel. Your “sin meter” would have detected too much improper behavior and lifestyle in Cyrus and you would have worked against his campaign to send God’s people back to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple and city walls. You would have been blogging to the saints exposing Cyrus’ multiple wives, concubines, treatment of women, idol worship, and builder of pagan temples.

You and your following would have been left in Babylon resisting God’s great plan to bring His people back and to renew the nation and restore the worship of God. All because the vessel God had chosen in Cyrus was not acceptable to you and your self-styled religious standards.

God called Cyrus “His Anointed” (Isaiah 45:1) who did a great work for God and His people (Ezra 1:1–4), but you would have called him the “chief of sinners.” Why the difference??

Pastor, have you forgotten the story of Samson who was a judge of Israel and protector Gods people for 20 years? Samson, the morally flawed man with big hair, who drank no wine yet had a weakness for pagan women. I ask, how could a holy God use such a man and bless him as Israels most famous judge? Because Gods ways are not our ways.

After you complete your work to defeat Trump may I suggest that you start your new project to re-write Christ’s lineage in Matthew 1. For as you know that list is filled with way too many unacceptable sinners.

The lineage starts with polygamists, a prostitute, a user of prostitutes, an owner of a house of prostitution, two pagans, a murderer, and two adulterers. Then comes King Solomon with 700 wives and 300 concubines. This is all in the first 15 generations, no time for the remaining 27.

Added to this the writer of Matthew starts the lineage with two of the titles God gave His Son Jesus Christ, Son of Abraham and Son of David. The first had sex with his servant girl and the other committed adultery and murder.
I am sure with a little study you could bleach out a good 30% of the names in Matthew 1 and do the Church a great service!

Joe, the difference between God and you is that in your standard of holiness gauged by your “sin meter” automatically disqualifies men for unacceptable behavior. But, God is different. God, the great redeemer of sinful men is not afraid of human sin but delights in taking flawed men, redeeming them for His glory, using them for His purpose and plan in the earth.

The difference is that God is a God of grace, redemption and renewal; you are a Christian who has taken on the task to be an arbitrator of sin who decides if men’s behavior is proper enough for service.

Be not mistaken, I am not making light of sin. I, like you, am a lover of God’s Holy Law as a standard for all men. In no way do I write to excuse sinful behavior but I am attempting to understand the human condition in light of God’s providence. But, don’t use His Law to limit God and override His providence and plan. God works through time and history on behalf of his people and often uses very imperfect men to accomplish his plan. Let God do as He pleases and do not strive against the wonders of His providence.

Who of us can know the will of God and plan He has for our great country. But, can you not see He is up to something big in the candidacy of Donald Trump. Even bigger than Trump is the historic rebellion and political awakening pushing back against the ruling Establishment throughout much of the Western world. What we are experiencing in our country is also running through Europe. This awakening in unprecedented in our lifetime.

Joe, put your “sin meter” away and look up to see the great stirring that is going on before our eyes. In God’s mysterious ways He seems to be raising up Donald Trump for a reason. And does it not seem that this flawed candidate is committed and passionate to help our people, nation, and even the Church.

You do know that some of Trump’s top campaign people are committed Christians? Kellyanne Conway, Stephen Bannon, and David Bossie are all pro-life conservatives. Can we as Christian people ask for a better Vice-Presidential choice than the committed Christian Governor Mike Pence?

Remember our own history of the Early Church and the blessing of Constantine, emperor of Rome. Constantine the Great (272–337) had his share of moral issues of multiple wives, having one of them executed combined with a questionable personal faith. Yet he gave the Church in the Edict of Milan (313) its freedom and sanction and its greatest creed with his call to convene the Council of Nicea (325), over which he presided. 1700 years later this imperfect man as a civil magistrate and emperor of Rome is still considered the Church’s greatest champion. Could Donald Trump be a champion for the Church in our day?

I am sure if elected Mr. Trump will surround himself and his administration with many more capable Christian people who may end up as his closest advisors. His pro-life stance is the best we have seen in any Republican candidate. Add to this his excellent policy positions and potential Supreme Court nominees. Can we as Christian people ask for any more? The answer is no.

Trump has pledged to protect the millions of endangered Middle-Eastern Christians whose very lives are in jeopardy because of the war policies of the neo-conservatives under Bush, Obama, and Secretary Clinton. Maybe, just maybe, Mr. Trump could be a modern-day Cyrus and as president a great defender of the Christian religion and the Church. Only time will tell.

I suppose it would be a plus if Mr. Trump had the external character of President Jimmy Carter, who had one marriage, was a Southern farmer and Baptist Sunday School teacher. But, then again, Mr. Carter as president didn’t work out too well, remember?

The Carter/Trump comparison is an excellent example of the two-fold nature of a man’s character. Jimmy Carter was the first well-known “born again” Christian in our modern era to run for the presidency yet was one of the worst presidents. Carter had impeccable outward character of speech, fidelity, and humility, yet he greatly lacked in the internal character traits of what God intended for men. Trump on the other hand is often flawed in visible outward character but excels in his internal manly attributes. By internal standards, he exhibits tremendous alpha male characteristics of courage, fearlessness, and aggressiveness blended with a natural ability to lead people. These internal God-given traits are what would make Trump an exceptional president leading and protecting a nation.

Let me end this letter to encourage you in faith and practice to understand that God’s ways are not our ways and He often does things and works His plan with vessels we cannot understand. For who can know the mind of God?

Christian Regards,

Tom Ertl


After the video release the remnant of the “Never Trumpers,” who have been in hiding, have been revived going public in voicing their great disgust of the video. You have to love these chaste and pure-living Republicans and their “utter shock” at Trump’s discussion of women.

Just when we think the Augean Stables have been cleansed of its political manure more of these dumplings come to the surface to be washed away by Trump and his “Americanism.” [Link]

Trump, the largest vote-getter in Republican primary history, drawing massive crowds, has the ability to make the Republican Party into a permanent majority party, and yet “Never Trumpers” want him to step down. Unbelievable. This is beyond idiotic for it reveals they would rather embrace Hillary Clinton, a horribly corrupt Establishment puppet, and give the country 4 to 8 years of political hell and socialist revolution.

The bottom line with this new herd of “Never Trumpers” is their protest of Trump will help elect the worst possible candidate, Hillary Clinton.

Also, have you noticed that the “Never Trumpers” never get around to critiquing Secretary Clinton and her massive trail of corruption yet pounce on Trump for his indiscretions? The bottom line is the “Never Trump” Republicans desire Clinton over Trump because they want the status quo.

An interesting spin on these weak Republicans is the fact that they now have opened themselves up to unauthorized videos of their private conversation. It will be interesting to see what surfaces in the lifestyles of this sanctimonious crowd.

I believe this whole video incident will in the end backfire on the Establishment.

In contrast to the “Never Trumpers” key Evangelical leaders have continued to stand behind Trump despite the embarrassing video. These noted Church leaders include Tony Perkins, Jerry Falwell Jr., Franklin Graham, James Dobson, and Robert Jeffress.


To the modern Christian nothing comes easy in American politics. Our desire is that all of our civil authorities at all levels would be committed Christians who understand their biblical role as a magistrate and have the wisdom to apply the Law of God to civil law.

But, the Christian consensus that once was is no longer a reality. It is as though the Christian in modern America is living in a type of Babylonian exile in a land our Christian ancestors created. Despite the large Christian population we can no longer say America as a nation is Christian. All of our important institutions, laws, and culture have been secularized. This is our own fault, for we have allowed this erosion of our Christian heritage.

Thus we go to the polls seeking to please God in our political choices, but are often given a choice between two imperfect candidates. Such is life in Babylon. So we choose between two flawed candidates who would best promote our biblical position.

Often our current political involvement is based on the strategy of holding back the forces of evil to allow the Church more time to fulfill its responsibility in life and culture. For we know there is no salvation in politics because God has ordained civil government to a limited role. However, what is unlimited in scope is the work of the Church, individual Christians, and Christian organizations redeeming life and culture to the glory of God.

So until the day comes when Christian people start applying their faith to all areas of life and we experience a comprehensive Christian renewal we are left with going to our Babylonian polling station choosing between two flawed candidates, voting for the one who is best for our families, the Church, and country.


To my fellow Evangelicals, you must realize you are being played by the Establishment to move your heart and vote away from Trump. The Establishment has used our religious call for upright character to manipulate us away from the candidate they must stop.

They know Trump must get Florida and other battleground states to win. The Establishment’s intent with the video drop was to suppress the Evangelical vote in Florida, Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. If they could ding Trump’s huge Evangelical turnout by 10% it would be enough to give these key states to their candidate.

Christian, you must look beyond issues of personality to the bigger issue that is our country and faith. Which candidate for president of the United States in 2016 would be better for our nation’s future and for the betterment of the Church? Could the contrast be any greater? Are you willing to let Hillary Clinton take her evil agenda throughout the land destroying everything we hold dear?

If you still have reservations about Donald Trump then vote for his running mate, the Evangelical Mike Pence and vote for a pro-life Supreme Court.

By not voting you will in effect be voting for Hillary Clinton, her socialist political revolution, and for a pro-abortion Supreme Court that could last for a generation. You hold the key to your families’ well-being and the survival of our nation.

Evangelicals, it’s up to you. What will you do?

© 2016 Thomas Ertl – All Rights Reserved

Trump: cleansing the augean stables

In the final stretch of a heated presidential election there are often significant political transformations and paradigm shifts that take place, but are overlooked. One such major shift has occurred, the steady removal of tares from the conservative movement.

I was reminded of this recently when a good friend from Switzerland emailed me the question: “Is Donald Trump cleansing the Augean Stables in preparation for his presidency?” Of course my answer was “yes,” adding, “the Augean Stables, what perfect symbolism for the Trump phenomenon!”

On cue, within a few days of the email, a perfect illustration presented itself: an organized group of 50 former Republican national security and foreign policy top-level bureaucrats who had worked in administrations from Nixon to George W. Bush, in a joint signed statement, expressed their strong opposition to the candidacy of Donald J. Trump.


If you haven’t heard of this timely story from Greek mythology of Hercules cleansing the Augean Stables, here is my short version of it:

In Greek mythology, King Augeas kept 3,000 divine oxen in the massive Augean (o-jean) Stables. They had not been cleaned for thirty years. Hercules cut a deal with the king. His offer was if he could clean out the stables in one day, the king would give him a tenth of the cattle. Considering the impossibility of the task, the king agreed. So Hercules took the king’s son as a witness then proceeded to open the two opposite walls of the stable. Next, he dug wide trenches to two rivers which flowed nearby. Then, he redirected the rivers in the trenches and the ensuing flood of water soon flushed out 30 years of manure. The king refused to pay Hercules, so he took the king to court using his son as a witness and prevailed.

“GANG OF 50”

The “Gang of 50” or, as Limbaugh calls them the “50 clowns,” can be found in various positions of privilege within the ruling establishment. They are men who serve the power elites who run with the global oligarchy. Simply, they are men whose allegiance is not to America but to their international masters and their New World Order agenda. They have no real interest in American sovereignty or prosperity. For the most part they operate in stealth and have extensive influence in US domestic and foreign affairs.


• Michael Hayden: former CIA and NSA Director
• Robert Blackwill: Former Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Planning
• Michael Chertoff: Former Secretary of Homeland Security
• James Jeffrey: Former Deputy National Security Advisor
• John Negroponte: Former Director of National Intelligence
• Tom Ridge: Former Secretary of Homeland Security
• Nicholas Rostow: Former Legal Adviser to the National Security Council
• Kristen Silverberg: Former Assistant Secretary of State for
International Organizations
• William H. Taft IV: Former Deputy Secretary of Defense
• Dov Zakheim: Former Under Secretary of Defense
• Roger Zakheim: Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
• Robert Zoellick: Former US Trade Representative; President of World Bank (2007–2012)
• Eric S. Edelman: Vice President Dick Cheney’s National Security Adviser

They attacked Trump’s character and ability to lead as president in international affairs. You have to love this statement:

“Indeed, we are convinced that he would be a dangerous president and would put at risk our country’s national security and well-being.”

The very thing they accuse Trump of becoming a threat to national security and well-being is what they have promoted and caused their entire careers.

Here is my interpretation of the letter from the “Gang of 50”: We neo-cons love endless wars, international destabilization and are committed in our service to the global financial oligarchy. Trump scares us because he would bring sanity to American foreign policy, promoting peace among the nations. So we would like you all to join us in voting for Hillary Clinton because she will continue our work of international conflicts and bring America under global governance.


“The names on this letter are the ones the American people should look to for answers on why the world is a mess, and we thank them for coming forward so everyone in the country knows who deserves the blame for making the world such a dangerous place. They are nothing more than the failed Washington elite looking to hold onto their power, and it’s time they are held accountable for their actions.

“These insiders – along with Hillary Clinton – are the owners of the disastrous decisions to invade Iraq, allow Americans to die at Benghazi, and they are the ones who allowed the rise of ISIS. Yet, despite these failures, they think they are entitled to use their favor trading to land taxpayer-funded government contracts and speaking fees. It’s time we put our foot down and declare that their gravy train is over: no longer will Crooked Hillary Clinton and the other disasters in Washington get rich at our expense.

“Instead, I offer a better vision for our country and our foreign policy – one that is not run by a ruling family dynasty. It’s an America first vision that stands up to foreign dictators instead of taking money from them, seeks peace over war, rebuilds our military, and makes other countries pay their fair share for their protection. Together, we will break up the rigged system in Washington, make America safe again, and we will make America great again.”

In Herculean fashion, our American hero, in a tweet of three short paragraphs, dismisses the “Gang of 50” into political oblivion with the revelation of their huge policy failures.

Trump’s brilliance is always in his aggressive leadership style. When attacked, he attacks back. Instead of the usual Republican candidate’s defensive response and efforts to win back support, Trump instead exposes and dismisses. He not only won this political battle, but went much deeper and exposed their whole political careers. Dismissed in public view were their years of education, mentoring, global ladder-climbing, government service and influence. Their whole careers were swept away out of the Republican stable into a dung pile somewhere down the backside of the Trump flood of “Americanism.”

In their own misjudgment and arrogance, the “Gang of 50” revealed themselves to the world as American policy failures. They mistakenly thought the gathering of 50 signatures of prominent policy men protesting Trump would actually have had an effect on the race. In their effort to destroy Trump they in turn have destroyed themselves by their own devices.


Trump’s fast-moving river is his steady stream of America first rhetoric. “Americanism” is the language that infuriates the globalist imposters. For their whole concern and view of the world is centered around America being brought under the banner of a one-world government.

When the upstart Donald Trump came along and pounded out his message of “America First,” “Americanism not globalism,” and “no more nation building,” these globalist imposters could not bear it any longer, and went public with their objections, thus exposing their Establishment allegiances.

Their difficulty is not only in Trump’s rhetoric but in the fact that he has immense electoral support. It is more than they can bear. Their frustration is also in the realization that their lifetimes’ work and political accomplishments have been exposed and upended by Trump. They fear a great policy reversal if Trump becomes president.


What has occurred in the past year’s election cycle is a sorting out of the conservative movement and Republican Party that has been nothing short of phenomenal; something we have not witnessed in the last 50 years in national politics.

The exposure and sorting out of the fakes, opposition agents, imposters, and infiltrators is never an easy process because imposters are trained to hide under the power elites’ political cover.

The worst of the bunch are the Republican neo-conservatives (neo-cons) who are falsely given the “conservative” label. These men are just as much an enemy to America, human life, and liberty as the Democratic Party hierarchy.

Their lust for war and death makes them the cruelest of political men. Every generation seems to have ruthless men of blood and this generation’s are the American neo-cons.

Chief among the neo-cons is their poster boy, Paul Wolfowitz, former President of the World Bank and chief architect of George W. Bush’s 2003 Iraqi War. This was an illegal and unconstitutional war which makes Bush and Wolfowitz directly responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent human beings, let alone the massive destabilization of the Middle East. Today’s immigration problem in the West is a direct result of this corrupt warmongering.

Recently Wolfowitz has gone public against Trump, calling him a “national security risk” and “unacceptable.” Then he adds that he will probably support Hillary Clinton which leads to the rumors of him as a possible Secretary of Defense or State in a Clinton administration.

No matter the presidential outcome, one of the benefits of this political awakening is the total discrediting of warmongering neo-cons like Wolfowitz. They must never again be allowed in any discussion of policy within conservatism.



• Bush Family
• Neo-cons: Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Kagan, Wurmser, Abrams, etc.
• Ted Cruz
• Karl Rove
• Paul Ryan
• Mitt Romney
• John Kasich: 2016 Presidential Candidate
• Lindsey Graham: US Senator South Carolina
• Ben Sasse: US Senator, Nebraska
• Christine Todd Whitman: former Governor, New Jersey
• Susan Collins: US Senator, Maine
• Mark Kirk: US Senator, Illinois
• L. Brent Bozell III: activist
• Meg Whitman: finance co-chair for Governor Christie’s presidential campaign


• Glenn Beck: radio host
• George Will: columnist
• Bill Kristol: editor, Weekly Standard
• Charles Krauthammer: commentator
• National Review
• Weekly Standard
• National media
• David Brooks: columnist
• Mona Charen: columnist
• Jonah Goldberg: columnist
• Stephen F. Hayes: columnist, National Review
• Mark Levin: radio host


• Michael Farris: Home School Legal Defense Association
• Russell D. Moore: Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission
• Erick Erickson: political commentator


One of the fascinating developments in this election cycle is Trump’s direct tie to American nationalism: to attack Trump is to attack America. Attacking Trump now identifies the attacker’s allegiance to the Establishment in the eyes of American conservatives.

Trump’s “Americanism” identity message is so clear and so resonates that when any politician, commentator, or religious leader attacks Trump, it is perceived as an attack on America.

The other Trump element in play is the resolve of the middle-class awakening and pushback against all things Establishment. Trump has been the voice of this historic American political movement. The “E”-word (Establishment) has become, and will continue to be, politically deadly to the electorate of any leader in politics, media, or religion.


Gordon Lightfoot’s first Top 10 hit reaching #5 on the pop charts in 1970 was “If You Could Read My Mind.” His ending lyric was, “I don’t know where we went wrong. But the feeling’s gone and I just can’t get it back.”

To all of the fake conservatives who have been hiding in the Conservative/Republican stable who now have been exposed, we say “the feeling’s gone.” It’s over. We will never listen again to your broadcasts, nor read your articles or follow your political advice. You have abused our trust, and when trust is lost it’s lost for a lifetime, and we just can’t get it back. To Beck, Kristol, Will, and the others – good luck on finding your new political home and constituency.


The Trump phenomenon did appear overnight, but not in a political vacuum. It was built on the foundation of previous movements over 52 years. First, it was Goldwater in 1964, then Reagan. Then came Perot and Buchanan, which later gave way to the Tea Party and its rebellion against the Republican Establishment. Historically, peaceful political revolutions are always established in a process over time.

Senator Sessions described the modern political awakening best in a recent campaign speech. “Something big was happening — the people are taking their country back.”

The forces are lining up and picking sides. One side is a massive middle-class rebellion against the ruling Establishment looking to reestablish a true functioning democracy in a restored American republic; the other is the powerful forces of the dark side pushing for global government and the end of American sovereignty.

Establishment Republicans and the controlled corporate media have created a narrative that Trump is destroying the unity of the Republican Party. It’s often heard that the Party is being torn apart. This is false.

The true narrative is Trump’s cleansing of the political manure that has been piling up for decades in the conservative stables. Do not lament their departure. Let all the conservative imposters leave, washed away in Trump’s “Americanism.”

For a year we have witnessed the Trump cleansing operation doing its thorough work. Finally, the air in the stable is becoming tolerable while room is being made for new elements to come into the renewed conservative house.

All effective renewals of political movements must go through the stage of shedding its compromisers and traitors. This can be a difficult and messy process, but a necessary one, before new people — and truth — are brought in with vitality.

All of this is extremely healthy in the rebirth and the maturing of the Conservative movement. Let the cleansing continue.

© 2016 Thomas Ertl – All Rights Reserved

Donald Trump: champion for Christians

The following is a list of the political resolves and policy positions Donald Trump has made in support of the Christian faith and the Christian community.


On May 18, 2016 he announced his list of potential judges to fill any future Supreme Court vacancies. This list was viewed by knowledgeable conservative jurists as men and women who take a strict view of the Constitution, thus protecting Christian liberty. The contrast to potential Clinton nominees could not be greater.


Prior to the Republican Convention, some members of the Council on National Policy (CNP is a Christian leadership organization) served on the GOP platform committee. They were very pleased with the result and the support of the Trump campaign for a conservative and pro-life platform.

After Trump got the evangelical positions accepted as part of the official Republican National Committee platform, he asked the evangelicals, “What else can I do for you?” No other president or candidate in modern time has incorporated evangelical positions in the official party platform to that degree.


Donald Trump openly draws attention to persecuted Christians in parts of the world being decapitated, burned alive, and drowned. Other key Republican politicians never focus on these atrocities and bring them to the forefront of discussion. Trump vows to be a strong protector of Christians, at home and abroad.


Kellyanne Conway is a dedicated Christian and member of the Council on National Policy. On August 17, 2016, Trump appointed her as his campaign manager.


1- AMERICAN INDUSTRY/JOBS/TRADE: Would not his strong position to bring back American industry help Christian men better able to support their families and the work of the Church?

2- SEAL MEXICAN BORDER: Trump’s insistence on sealing the Southern border can prevent anti-Christian radicals from entering the country.

3- ANTI-ISLAMIC POLICY: Trump has championed this policy to greatly limit or eliminate Islamic immigration. He has stood alone on this issue. Islam and Christianity are not compatible.

4- SECOND AMENDMENT: Gun rights are another critical issue for the Church and Christian families is to be able to defend themselves from attack, foreign and domestic.

5- REDRESS FOREIGN POLICY: Trump’s non-intervention, non-nation-building anti-Bush wars foreign policy would bring stability back to the Middle East with much less loss of innocent life. This is an important pro-life issue. Our Christian sons will not need to be sacrificed in these destructive neo-con wars of aggression. Trump’s commitments will defeat the Islamic rebels in these areas, restoring peace to the millions of our Christian brothers in these Middle-Eastern countries.

6- PRO-LIFE: Over the past 10 years, Donald Trump has admittedly moved to a pro-life position, and he has publicly and repeatedly stated that he is pro-life. His precise position as a candidate is that he is against abortion except in the cases of rape, incest, or danger to the life of the mother. While some Christians would not include these exceptions, Donald Trump has taken a strong public stance to defend life in the womb. The biblical command against the “shedding of innocent blood” takes our pro-life position to other areas of life as in the killing of innocents in unjust wars of aggression. Trump’s non-nation building, anti-wars of aggression stance would save millions of innocent lives especially considering the bloody Bush/Obama Middle East, North-African wars of the past two decades.


Much has been said and criticized in the Christian community about Trump’s tone, language, attack style, and overall aggressive nature. Christians forget that an aggressive, alpha male characteristic was very evident in our Lord, the Apostles, and Protestant Reformers. Christ whipped the “investment bankers” in the Temple and name-called the Establishment Jewish leadership – “white-washed tombs, brood of snakes, father was the devil.” Our Protestant faith was founded by aggressive alpha males of the likes of Zwingli, Farel in Switzerland, and Knox in Scotland, and of course the triple alpha male, Luther. Aggressive male leadership in defense of the truth and the people of God is a Christian virtue, not a character defect.


This key theme of Trump’s campaign, “Americanism not globalism,” is his most important political position, yet the one least understood by Evangelicals. Globalism, the work of the unelected global elites, is the direct source of so many of America’s political, economic, social, and cultural troubles. Trump’s “Americanism not globalism” theme is a direct assault on the worldwide financial elites’ plan for global governance.

Trump has changed the political narrative from the older, outdated, and co-opted. “Conservatism vs. Liberalism” to “Americanism not Globalism.” This change directs the conservative attack on the real enemy of American sovereignty, our Christian heritage and the work of the Church. This is a huge, critical political breakthrough.

Globalism is the ultimate demonic expression of humanism, man playing God. The battle against globalism and its one-world government is much more than a political battle. Our Christian fight against one-world government is also a spiritual battle against the “city of man” and the reviving of Babel. Finally in Trump we have a political figure with the courage to battle the destructive evil of globalism. This will be the great political battle of our time.


Trump is very supportive of the Christian position and seeks the support of the Christian community. He gives every indication that he will continue this if elected. That would be a significant change from previous Establishment Republican presidents.

Considering presidential candidates of the last half century, is it possible to find a more pro-Christian candidate for president than Donald Trump?

© 2016 Thomas Ertl – All Rights Reserved

2016 republican convention: an eyewitness report

There are times in American life where history is made and, looking back, many of us wish we would have been in attendance at these historic events. I wish I could have seen the Democratic Convention of ’68 – but was glad to miss Woodstock.

What happened July 18-21, 2016 in Cleveland, Ohio at the Republican National Convention was history in the making, and I wasn’t going to miss it.

Tuesday night’s roll call giving Trump the nomination was surreal. I was waiting for Rod Sterling to come out on stage with a new version of the Twilight Zone: “What you are experiencing did not really happen.”

If God gives me 25 more years, I never would have imagined I would have witnessed all that transpired during those four days in Cleveland with an anti-Establishment American nationalist getting the Republican nomination.

The convention itself, probably like many others, created a carnival-like atmosphere in downtown Cleveland, filled with everything imaginable. Fourth Street, the walking mall of the downtown area, right outside the convention hall was where much of the action was. The street was jammed with delegates, guests, vendors hawking their political goods, protestors, national media booths, hundreds of reporters, fake nuns on stilts, street preaching, what was left of the ‘60’s hippies, Don King and his entourage, and Roger Stone, Alex Jones, and Al Franken sightings.

The police presence was brought in from all over the country, complete with the Fort Worth cavalry. The police far outnumbered the protestors and did a terrific job.

There were reports of only some 25 arrests. Soros’ “rent-a-mob” did not show. It seemed most of the protestors were younger and probably local.

Shop workers would go to their store windows to see the commotion as protestors moved down the street in packs of 20-40. As they went shouting against Trump, they were followed by flocks of press, who were followed by filming tourists. It was quite a scene that reminded me of something out of the French Revolution.

Inside the convention hall, security was everywhere. Wayne Madsen in his report mentioned a few of the convention snafus: the press sitting on floors searching for any electrical outlet they could find, the empty seats in the upper deck, and some roll call issues.

One negative of the four days was the typical neo-con speeches of Giuliani, Gingrich and Christie. Some of what they stated disagreed with Trump’s positions so it’s assumed their speeches weren’t edited. However, what made this convention so different was the fact that so few politicians spoke. The podium was filled with business people, servicemen, Trump’s family, actors, and some ordinary people. This was tremendously refreshing not having to listen to politicians all night.

The convention was truly a historic event in America. Future histories will record the American uprising of the middle class against the ruling elites and their globalist controllers.


I went into the convention with my questions. One was, “What would be the response of the floor delegates to Trump?”

We all heard of the “Never Trump” movement and the potential rebellion of, and compromise of, the delegates away from Trump during the convention. But the “Never Trump” resistance ended early on the first day.

Still the floor was filled with many traditional Republican delegates who had allegiances to other non-Trump candidates, but were obligated to Trump, so there was some early suspense for how things were going to be received in this convention.

What transpired over these four days was very encouraging and demonstrated the unity of Republicans to their dominating, vote-getting, American populist candidate, Donald Trump.

Every day after each speaker, the delegates and guests, no matter their preconceived doubts, warmed up to Trump. The words of the Trump children talking about their father moved the audience further towards Trump.

Then came the unthinkable on Wednesday night when Senator Cruz made a fool of himself by refusing to endorse the overwhelming people’s choice of Donald Trump. What was supposed to be a night for Eric Trump and Mike Pence on Wednesday became the Cruz show of arrogance and political suicide. In the end it pushed most of the remaining doubters to Trump.

Then on the 4th night came the heartfelt introduction of Ivanka Trump of her father with Trump’s powerful America First speech. Everyone left united behind their candidate.


During the convention Trump unveiled his greatest political weapons: his wife and children.

Monday it was Melania, Tuesday it was Donald Jr. and Tiffany, Wednesday it was Eric, and Thursday it was Ivanka introducing her father. One day I saw a sign near the Nebraska delegation: “Don Jr. for President.”

Every one of their speeches moved the delegates and greatly endeared them to their nominee. The children’s speeches touched the hearts and brought some to tears. We who have raised children know it’s nearly impossible for children to fake well their thoughts of their parents. Any attempt to embellish is easily seen as disingenuous.

I could imagine many in attendance thought as they listened to the Trump children’s love, respect, and great appreciation for dad, that if they could get 20% of such words from their own children they would be a very happy mother or father.

One political commentator mentioned of Trump’s children the biblical phrase, “by their fruits you should know them,” and went on about commending Trump for his excellent children. Trump’s children must be one of his proudest accomplishments, and they truly shined at the convention.


One of my favorite events in American political conventions is the traditional delegate roll call vote. At this convention, the attendees heard of the glories of world-renowned Idaho potatoes and of another Alabama NCAA football championship. This event every four years symbolizes and reminds us of the importance and uniqueness of each state.

At this time, came the day many informed American conservatives were looking for but never really truly anticipated.

2 hours, 47 minutes, and 47 seconds into day two of the 2016 Republican National Convention, the Bush family legacy was finally over. It officially ended when Chairman Paul Ryan mentioned that Jeb Bush, the 2015 frontrunner Republican candidate, after spending $150 million, received just three delegates. Yes, that is correct: three delegates. That’s $50 million per delegate.

This was the ultimate embarrassment for the Bush family when Jeb, favorite son of mom and daddy Bush, was swamped by the outsider, Donald Trump, 1725 delegates to 3. The dagger to the Bushes came at 2 hours, 48 minutes, and 14 seconds into Tuesday night when Ryan had to announce that Donald Trump, having received the majority of the votes, had been selected as the Republican nominee. It must have been a “Pepto-Bismol” moment for the entire Bush operation.

Much could be said of the 20 years of the Bushes’ presidential administrations. I include the 8 years of Reagan because it was filled with many Bush operatives. Much could also be said of the disastrous policies of the Bushes and their passion and labor for a New World Order and its technocratic control by global elites with the goal of one world government. The Bushes are globalists, not true Americans. Trump began exposing the whole family and eventually pushed Jeb out of the Republican primary by humiliating him in South Carolina. The events of July 19 in Cleveland, Ohio made a great day for American sovereignty and liberty with the announcement of “three votes for Jeb Bush.”


Donald Trump graciously gave his prominent primary opponents an opportunity to speak unconditionally. Christie, Carson and Rubio were all heard. The same opportunity was given to Ted Cruz.

As Cruz went further into his 23-minute speech, the Republican attendees were getting more and more anxious waiting for his endorsement of Trump. Then he uttered the code words of the “Never Trump” movement: “vote your conscience,” and all bedlam broke out. The crowd shouted, “Endorse Trump,” and broke out into rounds of boos. They bombarded Cruz. He did get in one more – sarcastic– comment to the New York delegation: “I appreciate the enthusiasm of the New York delegation.” From that point, he could not effectively finish his speech.

Cruz then departed to casino magnate Sheldon Adelson’s luxury suite from which he was repelled by Adelson’s aide, Andy Abboud, who told Cruz he was not welcomed. Then things became even more volatile on the floor for Cruz’s wife, Heidi, and dad, Raphael. As they were leaving the floor, delegates were booing his father and yelling at his wife: “Goldman Sachs! Goldman Sachs!” Cruz supporter from Virginia, Ken Cuccinelli, had to grab Mrs. Cruz, call for additional security, and escort her out to safety from the increasingly volatile crowd of delegates moving towards her.

Whether Cruz’s speech was planned or changed matters little; surely he miscalculated the response. A New York Times reporter wrote, “… he managed to do the unthinkable — make Mr. Trump look like a victim.”

The other unthinkable thing is the fact that Ted Cruz, who was the second leading Republican vote-getter and supported by many in the Party, turned himself into a political pariah. Cruz had to have his wife and father escorted out of their own conventional hall under security from their own Party delegates. Has anything like this happened before in modern Party convention history? His own arrogance overcame political prudence.

What Cruz did was similar to a wedding where the minister asks, “Does anyone oppose this marriage? Speak now or forever hold your peace,” and Cruz stands up at the service explaining his opposition to the groom, and tells the bride to go with her conscience. Unbelievable, tacky, and inappropriate, was Cruz, yet he just couldn’t help himself. He would have been better off staying home.

The next morning at breakfast Cruz doubled down defending his actions of the previous night before the Texas delegation that booed and heckled him.

Gov. Christie best described Cruz’s behavior:

I think it was awful. And quite frankly, I think it was selfish. And, he signed a pledge. And, it’s his job to keep his word. And Donald Trump gave him the opportunity to speak here at this convention tonight and I think it was too cute, and I think he saw by the end of the speech that the crowd was waiting for him to do the right thing and realized that once again he wasn’t going to do it. And I think the performance you saw up there is why Ted has so, so richly deserved the reputation that he’s developed on Capitol Hill.

… [H]e gave Donald Trump a promise the same day I did, the same day everyone signed that pledge did. We didn’t give it to Donald Trump, we gave it to each other. The 17 of us gave a promise to each other, and we signed it, and we said no matter what happens, we’re going to support the Republican nominee for president. I don’t know what kind of conversations he and Donald may have had since that time, and that’s not what I’m talking about. Every one of us signed a pledge, and our word should matter, and that’s what disgusts people out in your audience, that they give their word, and they think that’s negotiable.

What became obvious to many conservatives was that Ted Cruz was more concerned about Ted Cruz’s political future than his own country. They saw he would accept a Hillary victory and the country in ruins, so that he could run in 2020.

I believe he is done in national politics. He will never recover from his 2016 wild adventure in Cleveland. I’m sure there will be an opening for him at Goldman Sachs.


Trump’s RNC acceptance speech was a powerful blast against all things “ruling establishment.” He hit political correctness, media elite censorship, corporations, globalism, anti-American trade deals, big business donors, nation building, illegal immigration, NAFTA, TPP, excessive regulations, Evangelical involvement and free speech. He ended with highlighting that our system is “rigged,” but “I am with you—the American people. I will be your voice.”

It was a powerful, America First, anti-establishment speech that many of us have been awaiting for half a century.

Some of Trump’s key speech quotes were:

• “We cannot afford to be so politically correct anymore. So if you want to hear the corporate spin, the carefully-crafted lies, and the media myths [of] the Democrats…”
• “…plain facts…have been edited out of your nightly news and your morning newspaper.”
• “…the legacy of Hillary Clinton [is]: death, destruction and weakness.”
• “Tonight, I will share with you my plan of action for America…our plan will put America first. Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo…This will all change in 2017. The American people will come first once again.”
• “A number of these reforms that I will outline tonight will be opposed by some of our nation’s most powerful special interests. That is because these interests have rigged our political and economic system for their exclusive benefit. Big business, elite media and major donors are lining up behind the campaign of my opponent because they know she will keep our rigged system in place. They are throwing money at her because they have total control over everything she does. She is their puppet, and they pull the strings.”

• “Every day I wake up determined to deliver for the people I have met all across this nation that have been neglected, ignored, and abandoned.”
• “I have joined the political arena so that the powerful can no longer beat up on people…”
• “We must abandon the failed policy of nation building and regime change…”
• “We are going to build a great border to stop illegal immigration…”
• “I have a different vision for our workers. It begins with a new, fair trade policy that protects our jobs and stands up to countries that cheat.”
• “I am going to turn our bad trade agreements into great ones.”
• “Remember, it was Bill Clinton who signed NAFTA… Never again.”
• “The TPP will not only destroy our manufacturing, but it will make America subject to the rulings of foreign governments. I pledge to never sign any trade agreement that hurts our workers, or that diminishes our freedom and independence.”

• “We are going to enforce all trade violations, including through the use of taxes and tariffs, against any country that cheats…That includes renegotiating NAFTA.”
• “Then we are going to deal with the issue of regulation…Excessive regulation is costing our country as much as $2 trillion a year, and we will end it. We are going to lift the restrictions on the production of American energy.”
• “At this moment, I would like to thank the evangelical community who have been so good to me and so supportive. You have so much to contribute to our politics, yet our laws prevent you from speaking your minds from your own pulpits.”
• “I am going to work very hard to repeal that language and protect free speech for all Americans.”
• “No longer can we rely on those elites in media, and politics, who will say anything to keep a rigged system in place.”
• “My pledge reads: ‘I AM WITH YOU — THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.’ I am your voice.”

Trump blended his theme of making America great again with numerous examples of what’s wrong and how he’s going to fix the rigged corporate system.

The critics claim it wasn’t a “statesman-like” speech or one of “political eloquence.” Aren’t we tired of eloquent statesman speeches by so-called conservatives who give us words and no action on key issues? America is ready instead for blue collar, real life speeches that push for action on issues that put America first. Trump’s speech at the Cleveland convention may go down as one of our great turning points in our political history.


When I heard Trump speak and proclaim, “Our plan will put America first. Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo,” I almost fell out of the Alabama alternate delegate section over the rail onto the concrete below.

No self-respecting establishment Republican would disparage “globalism,” or contrast it to “Americanism.”

After studying US national politics for over 45 years, I thought I would never hear such an assertion against globalism from a national political candidate. This phrase shows how advanced Trump is in knowing how the world works, and who is in control. While Rush Limbaugh is constantly incorrectly hyping liberalism as the enemy of America, Trump lays aside the symptoms of liberalism and zeros in on the symptoms’ source, “globalism.”

Critical and telling of Trump’s phrase against globalism is the use of the word “credo.” His use of this word purposely tells of his fundamental commitment to Americanism first and the battle against globalism. The word “creed” has a transcendent religious conviction and meaning to it. A “creed” is defined as “a set of beliefs, a dogma, a principle, and tenant that guides action.” Trump’s use of “credo” was brilliant and gives his Americanism an immovable foundation to build upon.

Later in his speech, Trump doubled down on globalism with, “we must abandon the failed policy of nation building and regime change.” Wow! Another political phrase no traditional Republican would mention. His statements repudiated the disastrous Bush wars, the Obama/Clinton destabilization of North Africa, and the use of the American military and NATO as the global elite’s private army.

These two phrases of Trump’s speech were the most powerful in his talk, and very telling of his planned direction and leadership of the country.


When I look back at my time at the 2016 Republican National Convention, I am left thinking, “Wow, what an incredible time in our nation’s political history.”

The convention was a product of something bigger than its events of four days. It is a true political awakening of the people against the ruling establishment, and this awakening is far greater than any one convention or any one candidate.

No one can tell what lies before us. The global establishment has been in control of Western governments and finance for over 100 years, and will not lay down to a Trump presidency to see their control grid dismantled.

We do not know what they have in place to deal with the wild boar, Donald Trump, who got loose in their global vineyard. Whether it’s assassination, voter fraud or an orchestrated economic depression and societal breakdown, we do not know.

Nonetheless, we need to be reminded that the people did not lose control of their government overnight and it will not be taken back overnight. Securing personal liberty and national sovereignty is a process. We have gone through two initial stages of the process: the rejection of the Republican Party establishment (Jeb), the candidacy of a citizen representative (Trump) and his nomination as a major party’s candidate for president.

These are two monumental steps in the right direction in the long process of the American people taking back their government.

© 2016 Thomas Ertl – All Rights Reserved

Conservatism: ideas not executed have consequences

With Donald Trump as the eventual presidential nominee of the Republican Party, the old Republican guard is still in shock over what has happened to their former control over the conservative Republican electorate. They now have to face the reality of Trump representing the Republican Party in the general election. Their current narrative is that Mr. Trump isn’t genuinely conservative. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! But is there any basis for their criticism of Trump’s conservative credentials?

The doubters are from the usual sources in talk radio and among Republican operatives. Here are some of their many comments:

• “Is Trump really a conservative?”
• “I don’t know what Trump is but he’s not a real conservative.”
• “Trump is not a conservative purist.”
• “With Trump, what will happen to true conservatism?”

My favorite lines come from the old-guard commentators:

• “[Trump] must work harder to earn conservative votes.”
• “Will Trump destroy the conservative movement?”

Then long-time conservative leader Richard Viguerie adds:

• “He is not part of the Republican conservative family. He needs to prove he is worthy of our support.”
• “Right now conservatives are mostly on the sidelines waiting to see if Trump governs as a conservative.”

These comments are laughable, especially the ones by Mr. Viguerie. We have a candidate in Mr. Trump who has received more conservative votes in Republican primary history, peeling off a considerable number of voters from the enemy party, and the gatekeepers of an ineffective conservative political system are worried he is going to damage their system of conservatism, a system that has had very little influence in government for decades!

That’s like worrying about someone hindering the Washington Senators of the late ‘50s: can you get any further in last place? They act as if modern conservatism is this great engine rolling through the land, changing politics and culture everywhere it goes, and, therefore, has something to lose from Donald Trump’s leadership.

You have to love Viguerie’s lament that Trump is not part of the Republican conservative family. Maybe that’s why he was so dominant in the Republican primaries—because the voters were fed up with the conservative Republican family!
It sounds like the old-guard Republicans are losing control over THEIR “conservative” movement—and they don’t like it.


This primary season is challenging all thoughtful conservatives to reflect on the meaning and effectiveness of conservatism with much needed introspection.

We have come to the place politically where people are asking: “What does ‘conservatism’ actually mean anymore?” The answer should be, by definition: conservatism is a political and social philosophy promoting the preservation of traditional, historic, and social institutions of culture and policy.

Has modern conservatism been “conserving” America’s traditional Christian, historic, and social institutions?

The following is a statement by Robert Lewis Dabney (1820–1898) lamenting the Northern conservatism of his day in his 1871 pamphlet, “Women’s Rights Women.” Dabney was a Presbyterian minister and Southern statesman. When you read Dabney, see if he is not describing Bush Republicanism and the politics of John Boehner and Paul Ryan.

Northern conservatism: This is a party which never conserves anything. Its history has been that it demurs to each aggression of the progressive party, and aims to save its credit by a respectable amount of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation. What was the resisted novelty of yesterday is today one of the accepted principles of conservatism; it is now conservative only in affecting to resist the next innovation, which will tomorrow be forced upon its timidity, and will be succeeded by some third revolution, to be denounced and then adopted in its turn. American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always advances near its leader. This pretended salt hath utterly lost its savor: wherewith shall it be salted? Its impotency is not hard, indeed, to explain. It is worthless because it is the conservatism of expediency only, and not of sturdy principle. It intends to risk nothing serious for the sake of the truth, and has no idea of being guilty of the folly of martyrdom. It always—when about to enter a protest—very blandly informs the wild beast whose path it essays to stop, that its “bark is worse than its bite,” and that it only means to save its manners by enacting its decent role of resistance. The only practical purpose which it now subserves in American politics is to give enough exercise to Radicalism to keep it “in wind,” and to prevent its becoming pursy and lazy from having nothing to whip.

I borrow from Mrs. Clinton when I ponder modern conservatism and ask, “What difference does it make?” Modern conservatism is not a political movement that actually conserves anything of what was traditional America. It has become a political movement whose primary purpose is an exercise of discussing conservative ideology but has no real influence on the practical issues of American life.


R.L. Dabney’s commentary on Northern conservatism of the late 1800s is true in every generation and transcends time because he addresses the failings and temptations of human nature and of political men.

His words are an analysis of political realities and also a warning to future conservatives. He nails the reason why conservatives in his day always “acquiesce” and “never conserve anything”—because of their timidity. Timidity within the political guardians of conservatism gives the reason for its “impotence.”

Courage—what in life amounts to anything without courage? What religious, political, business, or social endeavor succeeds without courage? It is the internal drive that gives the politician the ability to stand strong on the traditions of the past and refuse political innovation.

When Dabney writes of risking attacks by standing in “sturdy principle” he is really introducing a religious element into politics. How can a politician stand against progressive innovation unless he has a transcendent, religious conviction for the truth. Without such conviction the politician will always fall to expediency.

Dabney wrote of Alexis de Tocqueville’s prediction that political innovators will always be successful in America because of the selfish timidity of her public men:

It is the nature of ultra democracy to make all its politicians timeservers; its natural spawn is the brood of narrow, truckling, cowardly worshippers of the vox populi, and of present expediency. Their polar star is always found in the answer to the question, “Which will be the more popular?” As soon as any agitation of this kind goes far enough to indicate a possibility of success, their resistance ends.

Dabney concludes his list of conservatism’s failures by describing its fake “role of resistance.”

This corruption has been exposed as Washington’s fake Left/Right paradigm of public political polemics by day, and dinners and companionship by night.

Courage: it has no replacement and it is the very thing that has attracted the conservative electorate to Donald Trump. Trump’s courage is a character trait they haven’t seen in a generation and it is the very thing they’ve been craving in their political leaders.


Modern conservatism has evolved into more of an academic institution than a political one.

The academic dimension of the last six-decade conservative movement bears a similar resemblance to academia in the university. There is, in both domains, much emphasis on discussion, publishing, policy papers, and conference after conference. In both institutions theory always takes priority over implementation and application.

Conservatism has succumbed to an intellectual discussion and debate over “purity” of ideology. Every 2 or 4 years we debate which controlled Republican candidate is the purest conservative, then we vote for him, and he goes to Washington and eventually becomes part of the Washington Republican Establishment and serves the money oligarchy like the others. With all of the wonderful rhetoric during the election cycle, we never get a bill that is written, passed by a Republican-controlled committee, voted on the floors of House and Senate, passed and sent to the president for his signature. It is what Donald Trump is forever saying, “All talk and no action.”

I ask again, what does it matter anymore who is the “purest conservative”? It doesn’t matter. We have all these great ideological Republican conservatives in Congress and all they do is oversee the demise of the country—illegal immigrants streaming over the border, the destruction of our industrial base and jobs, trillions poured down the never-ending hole of these endless wars of the neo-conservatives. We elect supposed conservatives, and they do nothing and conserve nothing.

For 40 years all we’ve got has been Reagan-esque speeches and more New World Order control, less income, and less freedom. None of the wonderful conservative ideology ever becomes a tangible reality, filtering down to practical improvements in the lives of Americans.

So while our conservative leaders are pontificating over political ideology, writing policy books and holding more conferences, the globalist establishment is continually applying an aggressive plan for their New World Order run by central bankers and multi-national corporations.

This is the very heart of the historic rebellion against the Republican Establishment ruling class. In the last decade Republican candidates were sent to Washington with a mandate to implement a clearly acknowledged conservative ideology and in the end did nothing.


Conservatism’s iconic guiding phrase by Richard Weaver since 1948 has been, “Ideas have consequences.” Sixty-eight years later, in the maturing of the conservative movement, there should be room for a new phrase to fit our present condition: “IDEAS NOT EXECUTED HAVE CONSEQUENCES.”

The meaning of the above statement is two-fold. The best political ideas held in the abstract are of little value, and whoever has the vision and will to implement their ideas will rule the day.

People do not live in the abstract; they live in the physical world. Ideas and life are never held in a vacuum. Life rolls down the corridor of time and in this life someone’s ideas will be implemented. Whoever can implement their ideas in the realm where people live can determine the direction of the culture and nation.

While conservatives are debating the “purity of conservatism,” an alien political worldview is being adapted and applied in the institutions, laws, and culture of American society.


What is starting to become clear to a wider conservative electorate is the reality that Wall Street controls the government and their money controls federal politicians. This is evidenced in Mrs. Clinton’s donor speech list filled with international bankers, pharmaceutical conglomerates, foreign companies and governments.

Money from Wall Street funds Establishment candidate campaigns (see Ted Cruz) with the expectations of future payments due.

In just a few years, your bright, passionate ideological conservative becomes just another controlled Republican who can’t even tie his shoes in Washington without permission from someone.

This may be the single greatest reason that “ideas are never executed” in Washington—that politicians serve the money interests, not the people.

A vast majority of Republican congressmen and senators and all their leadership are controlled and beholden to the money oligarchy.


The “conservative” label does not matter anymore. What does it even mean coming from the few who are still hanging on to a term that was gutted long ago of its original substance?

One of the phenomenal benefits in the ascent of Donald Trump is his masterful job of exposing the faults of political operatives who had been hiding in the conservative tent for decades. The list is long and it starts with the Republican Party elites and apparatus, Fox News, Karl Rove, Bill Kristol, talk radio hosts like Glenn Beck and Mark Levin, the Republican leadership of McCain, Graham, Boehner, Ryan, National Review, Weekly Standard, the ever-long list of neo-conservatives, and, of course, Bush Republicanism.

Of course, the greatest of the fake operatives are the neo-conservatives. They have exercised great influence, beyond their numbers, in American foreign policy with their promotion of all the disastrous Middle Eastern wars.

A significant number of these prominent neo-conservatives have dual citizenship with the United States and Israel. With few exceptions, the first love of these dual citizens is always Israel. The purpose of their U.S. citizenship is for the benefit of personal wealth and to give them a platform to lobby and promote Israeli interests.

These neo-cons of divided loyalties have dominated US foreign policy in the last three decades and have done much damage to the image and position of the Unites States abroad.

These men and their policies need to be further exposed and rejected as infiltrators within conservatism.

One by one, these people and organizations are taking on water as the Trump candidacy gives them over to self-destruction. In their protests of Trump, they expose their own false political allegiances. As so-called conservatives, they were among us but they were not really part of us. They have been exposed by Trump, and they will never regain their legitimacy with the conservative electorate.

With their departure goes their corruption, their false political doctrines, and their misguided worldview, which involve American imperialism, national poverty through free trade, illegal immigration, preventative wars, corporatism, and the national pillaging by Wall Street’s crony capitalism.

The constant lamenting of the old guard about the loss of conservatism is really about them being exposed for not being truly conservative with their addition of illegitimate elements to the historic American conservative movement.

The hope is that once the internal battles within American conservatism settle a new conservative movement would arise, cleansed of the infiltrators and fakes. It will be good riddance to them all.

Trump has shown that the safeguard to a “new conservatism” is one with an America first nationalistic appeal. As Trump has said, “No country has ever prospered that has not put its own interest first.”


In consideration of a new political conservative movement replacing the old, one must start with a thorough cleaning of the “old house” with all of its imposters.

Then new men, with truth, courage, conviction, and resolve must replace those timid, old, compromised leaders of the old order.

The best of any conservatism is always rooted in a transcendent religious foundation. For America, that religious tradition has been orthodox Christianity based in the Law of God.

Its Law gives the civil realm a basis for its law system and its guardians the courage and conviction to “conserve” such great religious and civil traditions for the good and well-being of its people.

© 2016 Thomas Ertl – All Rights Reserved

Christian right establishment: big failure in leadership

In war, after a great battle ends, the wounded are attended to and the dead are counted. When the dust settles, analysis of the conflict becomes much clearer. From there, the historian can see where the battle was won and lost, which general excelled, and which failed.

By late spring of 2016, a similar time had arrived in the heated battle of the 2016 Republican primary. The Republican primary season of nine months was much more intense than typical primary elections. And it was a battle of the political ages; one that may go down as the beginning of a great political revolution in American history.

It started with 17 combatants and ended with one man standing by Tuesday, May 3rd, the evening of the Indiana primary.

The symbolism of war is appropriate for what transpired. The Establishment/Goldwater battle of ’64 was nothing compared to what we have seen this election season.

One by one, the upstart Donald Trump picked off his opponents. The ones who left early—Paul, Christie, Carson, and more—left with fewer wounds. Those who continued—Jeb Bush, Rubio, and especially Cruz—may have suffered politically mortal wounds.

The primary war even inflicted damage on non-combatants such as the two former Bush presidents with their legacy which was hit hard by Trump’s verbal artillery against brother Jeb and the Bush family.

The other non-combatant who suffered severe wounds was the candidate supply line known as the Republican Party Establishment. Traditionally, in primary battles, the party establishment remains in the background, taking a neutral position, waiting for a winner to emerge.

Instead, in an unprecedented fashion, the Republican Party Establishment has entered the battlefield, seeking to take down the leading general. History may well show that they have suffered the greatest wounds of all, having lost the loyalty of their troops for a long time due to their duplicity. Who knows if they will ever get it back? When an organization’s corruption is exposed and trust is lost, it is difficult for them to recover loyalty.

Another big loser in this historic primary battle is the Christian Right leadership. By the end of the battle, this leadership was seen in retreat behind Rubio and Cruz. Only a few of these leaders has sided with the winning general. Despite so many Christian Right leaders backing Establishment candidates, over half of their Evangelical supporters broke rank and placed their support behind Trump, many switching allegiances in the middle of the battle.

The louder the Evangelical officers yelled at their forces to hold the line for Cruz or Rubio, the worse things got, until, in South Carolina, a huge Evangelical backing of Trump shocked the Christian Right leadership. The rest of the southern troops soon followed. No amount of name calling by the Christian Right officers could hold the line against Trump. The greater the threats, the more their men went to the outsider from New York.

The primaries have shown that Evangelicals do not vote as a monolithic group and that the Christian Right leaders cannot control their own people anymore. This exposure and embarrassment of the Christian Right Establishment during this public primary battle has deeply wounded them. You can’t be leading if nobody is following.

Of course, the primary setback for these Christian Right leaders did not come as a surprise. It is the culmination of four decades of failed leadership. They have failed to make the case for distinctively Christian positions on issues for decades, so a tipping point had to appear at some point as the beginning of the end of their influence.


A glaring weakness in the leadership of the Christian Right is their unwavering allegiance and servitude to the national Republican Party. Their loyalty is based on some kind of supposed common ground: as if the Republican Party is synonymous with liberty, the Bill of Rights, conservatism, and the Christian faith.

This is the Republican Party that is state-ist, big government, pro-central banks, pro-Wall Street pillaging, pro-war and pro-NSA illegal spying—and has been for decades. Is there anything Christian about these positions? The Christian Right is to the Republican hierarchy what the black constituency is to the Democratic Party. The Party placates them on a few issues, and then uses them for political advantage while finding reasons to ignore those “social issue” positions.

These Christian leaders are tied too closely to the Republican Establishment so they can’t confront them and call them to reform the Party. This has been made very clear in the 2016 Republican primary season. The Republican Establishment of insider politicians and donors has been railing against Donald Trump. They have enthusiastically conspired against their own electors’ overwhelming choice for president. During the primary there was a period in which every week was filled with stories of secret meetings among Party Establishment donors and operatives desiring to destroy their own frontrunner.

Despite this unprecedented behavior of corruption, compromise, and treacherous policy from the Party hierarchy, many in the Christian Right leadership remained silent, while others publicly joined in with the Republican elites to destroy the peoples’ candidate. As the Republican Party was being exposed weekly, complaints came in from everywhere, but the Christian Right remained silent, revealing their compromised alliance with the GOPe.


The modern Christian Right leader has little understanding of the leadership and influence the historic Church has had in its 2000-year history in relation to its high calling and authority in the world. Instead, today’s Western Church has become a place of seclusion and comfort; an institution hidden away from the secular world that seeks to destroy it.

The true biblical picture of Christ’s Church is of an institution that is on the offensive, storming the gates of hell, tearing down secular strongholds and philosophies that are alien to God and His Word. It is a picture of a huge force of redeemed saints of God, seeking daily to advance the cause of Christ, building His Kingdom. The modern Christian activist has replaced this vision for the humanist notion of political salvation whereby politics is the singular means to expand God’s Kingdom. This heretical and false hope that has permeated the leadership of the Evangelical Establishment has muted its prophetic voice against the evils of our day, including the corruption within the Republican Party.

Outside of their three comfort issues—abortion, marriage and human sexuality—the Christian Right has not showed up for the battle over American culture. They have been AWOL in the great fight over human destiny. The enemies of Christianity—many of whom are members of the GOP—have romped to cultural victory after victory, unopposed by the Church.


The lack of the prophetic voice of the Church is ever so clear in the realm of US foreign policy, and the endless, unbiblical, unconstitutional wars of aggression.
The Bible is clear concerning the prohibition of the “shedding of innocent blood” and the terrific loss of innocent human life by unjust wars. But the Christian Right leadership would rather embrace the worldview of war-loving neo-cons with the illegal Bush Middle Eastern wars than take a biblical stand for life.

Christian Right leaders will mobilize and unite to save one life like Terri Schiavo, which is admirable, but if they see 1½ million innocent dead Iraqis and Afghanis, they will not lift a finger. The neo-con warmongering worldview has captivated the Christian Right leadership, and they have greatly compromised their pro-life position. Being pro-life is more than being anti-abortion.

History will haunt the Church with the question, “Where was the Church in this great human slaughter in the Middle East and North Africa?”


Over the last thirty years, the Christian Right leadership has embraced the “Social Conservative” label. The implication of this self-labeling is that there are other issues for which there are conservative positions, but those issues are of lesser import because they do not exist within the new synonym for “Christian.” That’s a politically expedient classification of issues, but it’s not a biblical distinction.

Social conservatism has generally limited itself to three areas of action: abortion, family, and human sexuality. This strategy of addressing only self-styled “social” issues has been a recipe for disaster in the manipulative hands of the national Republican Party. Establishment Republicans only have to win over the vote of the Christian Right by giving lip service to three issues, while doing as they please on the multitude of other important issues of life. The modern American Church has handed to the enemies of God the right to set the agenda and ethics for all the other areas of interest to our political masters; this includes economics, sound money, taxation, war, foreign policy, civil jurisdiction and limitations, all realms of education, and the many other areas of culture.

Within the three social conservative issues, the Christian Right leaders have always taken the most compromised positions to appease the governing establishment. For a long time the Christian cause has lost tremendous ground in these three areas that the Christian Right leadership holds dear. They hold these issues as their own, but in political battles over them they often compromise in a moment. They never seem to be able to see the fight through to victory and in the end they appease the politicians and betray the Christian position.


The problem is not simply one of ethics. The Christian Right leadership has sought to engage in the political sphere without a fully developed epistemology (source of knowledge), dealing with all the issues relevant to political theory. Their worldview has been an eclectic mixture of a little Bible, some general conservative thought, American traditions, talk radio, and Fox News. Their worldview is a syncretism from many sources.

The result of this limited and faulty theological worldview not based solely on Holy Scripture is the ineffectiveness of the Christian Right to advance the true foundational Christian position in the political sphere.

Issues of interest in the political arena are many, and can be very complex. For the Christian to speak into all these areas he must be equipped with a conviction of the sufficiency of Scripture alone, and the proper intellectual tools of an unpolluted comprehensive biblical worldview that flow from this conviction to battle those who oppose the Christian faith.

Christian Right political leadership has also been largely reactionary instead of proactive—because they have not developed a comprehensive worldview to apply God’s truth to every area of life; to the world in which their people live.


America’s Christian Right leadership has also compromised itself when it comes to the sources of news it has supported, advocated, and uses. The daily gathering of truthful worldwide news is of critical importance to be able to effectively determine policy and to speak into the issues of our national life and culture. Christian Right leadership, for too long, has been dependent on the news feeds from the various corporate venues of the Establishment media.

Christians should be the most interested of all people in truth, searching diligently for it, instead of naively accepting whatever is handed to them. Yet the Christian Right would rather be spoon fed propaganda from neo-con networks like Fox and talk radio than making the effort to find truthful sources of news.

The national and geo-political world is complicated, but one that could be understood with some effort. The modern world of publishing and the internet has given everyone in political leadership a wealth of resources to sort out all of the Establishment media’s disinformation. Yet the Christian Right never seems to venture past their easy sources of news information.


For several decades, influential Christians have taken on the role of drafting political policies, leading political causes, promoting political parties, and endorsing candidates. With their vast resources and organizations, they have not developed influential think tanks and theological centers to do this work, so they suffer without sufficient biblical training in the vast realm of Christian political theory. These men are grossly unqualified for this important public task, yet these are the leaders of the Christian Right.

These men often raise vast sums of money for political activity, but do not have the biblical epistemology, worldview, and wisdom to effectively represent Christian positions. Instead, their activism has often supported non-Christian views. Evangelical witness has suffered greatly from these “low-information leaders.”

A new group of Christian Right leaders must start to develop a host of schools, organizations, and think tanks to train a new generation of leaders who will have the courage and intellectual capabilities to press the total claims of Jesus Christ and His Word into a hostile political world and culture.

The Church’s enemies have done the painstaking work to create such institutions of their own to train their leaders. This is what thoughtful people of vision do. The Church historically has advanced with such vision, but the modern American Church has walked away from this legacy.


The definition of “naïve” so accurately describes the Christian Right leadership: to be trusting, simple, gullible, innocent, and immature. Another definition: lacking worldly experience, knowledge, and understanding, thus not having critical judgment and a developed ability of analysis and reasoning.

Denny Burk writes, “…among Evangelicals, there is a naïve belief that if only we were winsome enough, kind enough, and compassionate enough, the culture would welcome us with open arms.” Evangelical leaders operate in their own moral idealism that often hinders their judgment in the battle over politics and culture.

Evangelical leaders think the CIA is there to protect them and American interests, and that the Republican Party is their friend. They are unaware of how the world works and think elected politicians run the federal government. They always seem to exalt Israel’s interests above the Church. Evangelical leaders couldn’t give a simple paragraph on who is Prescott Bush, or provide a 30-second definition of the history of central banking.

I can’t think of an American political constituency as unaware and naïve as the Christian Right. Why? Is it Christ’s own words in Luke 16:8: “…the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light”?

Yet in Church history when the people of God were faithful you did not see such a naïve understanding of the world as you do in our modern era. No matter the reason, this present naivety does a huge disservice to the testimony of Christian faith in the world of politics and culture.


The lure of power politics so captivates the minds of many who pay it homage. 21st-century American culture is dominated by politics. Political rhetoric and promises dictate the conversations and lives of so many people. Its pull is at times inescapable.

A December 14, 2015, article in National Review revealed a closed, secret meeting of some 50 Evangelical leaders led by Family Research Council president Tony Perkins. The meeting’s purpose was to achieve a consensus where the group could publically endorse a candidate for president. After 5 ballots and discussions until dawn, Ted Cruz held the majority vote, and soon after, some of its members started publically endorsing Cruz.

The 50 assembled Christian Establishment leaders were mostly members of the Council of National Policy and of the more secretive Arlington Group. They were hoping that unity among them would be adequate to bring their Evangelical support base with them in support of their endorsed candidate. In the end, with all their efforts at king-making, their Evangelical constituency didn’t heed their endorsements.

Underlying most Evangelical political activism is the same salvific hope embraced by today’s heathen world—that their redemption will come from their political saviors. Among activists, it includes the hope that if they can get the right bill passed, a particular politician elected, a majority on the Supreme Court, or Republican congressional majorities, then they can turn around this culture and have a Christian country. They seek a political revolution by power politics instead of an ethical reformation accomplished by applying the Word of God to all realms of life.

Civil government is but one of many spheres of life God has given Christians to redeem for His glory, but it can only accomplish so much. Its biblical jurisdiction is limited; Christian civilization cannot be accomplished by political activism alone. Cultural transformation of a society is a painstakingly long-term grind where plans and strategies must be developed over time—generationally—to redeem every area of life.


In a January 8, 2016, article by Matthew Sheffeld, titled “Mike Huckabee: The Religious Right is a Giant Scam,” he touched on the abusive fundraising practices of the Religious Right:

Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee lashed out against religious conservative leaders Wednesday, accusing them of trying to bilk gullible donors out of money while actually having no desire to pursue goals like outlawing same-sex marriage and banning abortion.

“A lot of them, quite frankly, I think they’re scared to death that if a guy like me got elected, I would actually do what I said I would do. We would abolish abortion based on the 5th and 14th Amendment. We would ignore the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage decision.”

Because he would take such actions as president, Huckabee said that he presents a problem for many Religious Right organizations since they would no longer be able to raise money to promote such causes.

“A lot of these organizations wouldn’t have the ability to do urgent fundraising because if we slay the dragon, what dragon do they continue to fight? And so, for many of them, it could be a real detriment to their organization’s abilities to gin up their supporters and raise contributions…”

Many of these Christian Right groups have turned fundraising into an art form under the appropriate motto “we’ve never seen a crisis we couldn’t exploit.” Huckabee’s complaint hit two key areas of much of the Christian Right’s fundraising.

First is the constant reactionary chasing of every national moral and political crisis with donor pleas for money. Second is the acceptance—unconsciously or otherwise—of the political status quo with never any hope or goal of political victory. Year after year, these Christian Right organizations settle for losing, and accept being the controlled opposition. Political losses are embraced as long as their organizational funding, salaries, status, and power are maintained.

These organizations put their constituency in constant panic mode, living off of crisis after crisis with no real plan for any advancement of the Kingdom of God or of Christ’s Church being the dominating influence in American culture.

Their bilking of the base will not change until Evangelical donors wise up and realize they have been conned by religious profiteers, and start shifting their giving to Christian organizations with sacrificial, long-term, victory-centered plans for true cultural reform.


Whenever the Christian Right leaders engage in public debates over their social positions, it is never with an apologetic using the standard of God’s Word/Law. They always default to humanist natural law reasoning as their strategy of defense. They appeal to cause and effect, statistics, demographics, and various studies. There is no appeal to transcendence or a higher order so it becomes a polemic of their logic over their opponent’s logic.

The Christian Right has made it their strategy to engage on their opponent’s turf of human reasoning thus they never have any kind of home court advantage. As a result, they keep losing. This is not a matter of spouting endless Bible verses in debate; it’s about the use of the transcendent claims of God over his creation and of the clear principles in His Word in the face of empty and weak humanistic speculation.

The Christian Right should take a page out of George Washington’s playbook. In a speech to the delegates at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, he said: “If to please the people, we offer what we ourselves disapprove, how can we afterwards defend our work? Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair [rally]; the event is in the hand of God.”

If the Christian Right used this approach, then, win or lose, God is honored and truly represented in the public sphere. That in itself will lead to future victories in the culture war—because a holy standard of biblical truth has been raised.


Joel Skousen, in his June 3, 2016 version of his World Affairs Brief, stated the following concerning Al Mohler:

In an interview with National Public Radio, Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, said that culturally and theologically conservative Christians “are on the losing side of a massive change that’s not going to be reversed,” regarding the definition of marriage and other moral issues. From his perspective, “Christians must adapt to the changed cultural circumstances by finding a way to ‘live faithfully in a world in which we’re going to be a moral exception.’”

I was shocked at this key Christian Right leader’s statements admitting and accepting the defeat of Christianity in the United States. But, then again, Dr. Mohler’s comments are typical of today’s Christian Right and Protestant church leaders. They have raised the white flag and have declared to the enemies of Christ: “You have won; your god is greater than our God. The giants of your anti-Christian culture are too great for the Church to overcome.”

Why do these Christian Right leaders not encourage their people, no matter the current circumstances, of the great promises in God’s Word of Christ’s victory in time and history? Do they think the Great Commission of the future – the great Christian renewal, where the nations are discipled and bow before Christ – is simply a suggestion and not a promise?

As popular culture is destroying itself with sexual immorality, humanistic education, and low marriage and birth rates, it provides a tremendous opportunity for the Church to prevail in this unique time in history.

We have the numbers and resources, but not the will – the “want to” – or leaders who have courage and a biblical vision of victory for superior Christian culture and civilization. In the midst of all the cultural decay, the Christian has a world that is theirs for the taking if they will show up for the fight.

To demonstrate Christianity’s capacity for victory, Christian leadership has to demonstrate biblical leadership in only two areas of life: education and children. Develop a nationwide Evangelical movement to get every Christian child out of our enemy’s (government) schools and teach from the pulpit the biblical command and blessing of large families.

Think of a future generation of Christian children sent out into the world that far outnumber their enemies, all with a sound Christian worldview. Is there anything the Church could not accomplish?

But, this advice will never be taken by the present leadership of the Christian Right, for such a strategy would involve long-term planning, work, sweat, and courage. Republican politics is much easier and gives the appearance of influence.


This unprecedented day of American political change and upheaval has given way to a new American nationalism with the rejection of the old established order. The failures of the old order are being exposed more broadly and deeply with revelations of the corruption in both political parties and the ruling oligarchy in Washington, including a good deal of light being shed on the banking and corporate ruling Establishment.

Also facing more examination and criticism is the leadership of the Christian Right, and its unholy alliance with the Republican Party and their neoconservative worldview. They will have to give an account for the way they have sold out the prophetic voice of the Church and the Kingdom mandate from God.

Christians are seeing their Evangelical leadership as politically impotent; they have been unable to achieve any victories or accomplish the smallest goals in politics or culture. They can’t even get Planned Parenthood defunded at the federal level and in most states. They now view their leaders as part of the status quo or “controlled opposition.”

We are in the midst of a historic political movement, a sea change in the political landscape for many years to come, and most of the Evangelical Establishment leadership has no idea what is happening politically right before their eyes. Instead of embracing this historic national rebellion and pushback against the Establishment, admitting their four decades of mistakes and compromise, rethinking their positions and strategies, they remain stuck in the thinking the past, endorsing Establishment Republicans with the hope of maintaining their status quo positions and living off the political crumbs that fall from the GOPe table.

The Establishment Christian Right leadership has again promoted and endorsed Establishment candidates in the Republican primary. What’s interesting this time around is that the Evangelical rank and file is no longer respecting and listening to their misguided leadership. In increasing numbers they are voting and promoting the candidacy of the American nationalist Donald Trump.

When followers see their leadership compromised and ineffective they begin to reject their guidance and start the process of looking for new leaders.

© 2016 Thomas Ertl – All Rights Reserved

Trump vs. The standard of Ronald Reagan

Donald Trump has dominated much of the Republican Primary over the past few months and has carved out for himself a wide popular appeal with the American voter.

Despite his historic run, there are still conservatives and Evangelicals who strongly oppose his candidacy. The two reasons for their opposition are an insufficient conservative ideology and issues of moral character.

In order to determine the legitimacy of these concerns, it would be helpful to compare Trump to a true standard of American conservatism. Instead of using the comparison of contemporary Republicans like Cruz, Rubio and Bush, this study would be best served if Trump was held to a much higher standard, that being the conservative icon, Ronald Reagan.

We often hear Ronald Reagan invoked in speech after speech as the true representative of American Conservatism for the last half of the twentieth century. For conservatives, Reagan is THE standard for conservative politics. He is the standard in character, the standard in conservative ideology and the standard in his conduct as President.

This brief comparison of Trump vs. Reagan will range from areas of personal faith, morality to political policies.


TRUMP: Trump was a Presbyterian from his upbringing with his Scottish-born mother.

Gwenda Blair in an October 6, 2015 article for Politico writes of Trump’s parents’ religion, Trump’s religious upbringing, and the influence of their NY Presbyterian pastor Norman Vincent Peale:

His parents, Fred and Mary, felt an immediate affinity for Peale’s teachings. On Sundays, they drove into Manhattan to worship at Marble Collegiate Church, where Peale was the head pastor. Donald and both his sisters were married there, and funeral services for both Fred and Mary took place in the main sanctuary.

“I still remember [Peale’s] sermons,” Trump told the Iowa Family Leadership Summit in July. “You could listen to him all day long. And when you left the church, you were disappointed it was over…”

In his adult years there is not an indication that he was a regular churchgoer. However, Trump remains a strong advocate of Christianity.

REAGAN: Reagan also was raised Presbyterian by his mother in Illinois. He attended church as a youth, but there is not much of a record of his church attendance when he moved to Hollywood at 26. He was never noted as a consistent church attendee. He joined Bel-Air Presbyterian Church in Los Angeles and was a member from 1988 until his death in 2004.

Reagan, like Trump, was never outspoken about his faith, but he was a strong supporter of the Christian faith.


TRUMP: Trump’s colorful strong outspoken personality offends some Evangelicals. Evangelical leaders complain that his moral shortcomings disqualify him from public office.

REAGAN: Ronald Reagan had two very different lives: one in Hollywood and one in politics. When Reagan came to Hollywood he became a relentless womanizer. Some of the women associated sexually with Reagan were Lana Turner, Betty Grable, Susan Hayworth, Ava Gardner, Patricia Roc, Piper Laurie and Marilyn Monroe. His recent biographers report up to 50 women with whom he was sexually involved. His promiscuity continued between his first and second marriages. It seems with his second marriage to Nancy Davis he, to his credit, amended his lifestyle and became a stable husband and father, and he and Nancy were blessed with 52 years of marriage.


TRUMP: Trump has been married three times.

• First: Ivana Zelnícková (1977–1991)
• Second: Marla Maples (1993–1999)
• Current: Melania Knauss (m. 2005)

REAGAN: Reagan was married twice.

• First: Jane Wyman (1940–1949)
• Second: Nancy Davis (1952–2004)

Christian Right leaders constantly vilify Trump for his three marriages but never mention Reagan’s two. Is there a new religious standard where two marriages is okay, but three is over the limit? Are two marriages acceptable but the third becomes a great moral defect?


TRUMP: Most of his life he has been registered as a Democrat. In 2012 he switched back to the Republican Party and remains there today.

Republican: 1987–99, 2009–11, 2012–Present
Independent: 2011–2012
Democratic: before 1987, 2001–2009
Reform: 1999–2001

REAGAN: He grew up in Illinois as a Democrat and remained so for much of his life including most of his time in Hollywood. In 1962, at the age of 51, he changed party affiliation to Republican.

[Bear in mind that the Democratic party of the past is not the same as the Democratic party of today. The Democratic party of today has embraced much if not all of the Communist platform and ideology.]


TRUMP: The record of who Trump gave campaign money to is discussed often by his opponents. Some of the high-profile Democrats Trump gave campaign funds to are the Clintons, Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel, Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy and Charlie Crist. In fairness to Trump, he gave this as a businessman, not as a politician. He also endorsed Mitt Romney in 2012.

REAGAN: It would be difficult to follow Reagan’s trail of campaign donations, but his endorsements are clear. Here are some of them:

• WWII-era: Endorsement of FDR
• 1948 Election: Endorsement of Democrat Harry Truman over Republican Thomas Dewey
• 1948 Senate: Endorsement of Democrat Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota
• Other: He also was a strong advocate of radical union leader Walter Reuther.

In fairness to Reagan, he made these endorsements before his political career.



• In California, he signed a Mulford Act which prohibited the carrying of firearms on one’s person in public buildings, in the street and in one’s auto.
• As President in 1986, he signed the Firearm Owner’s Protection Act, which banned any fully automatic rifle that was not already registered by the date of the bill.
• He supported the Brady Bill.


• In California, he raised taxes 7 out of the 8 years he was in office.
• As President, he pushed through a $3.3 billion fuel and gas tax.
• Social Security tax increased $165 billion over the 7 years of his presidency.
• He raised corporate taxes by $120 billion over 5 years and closed loopholes for another $300 billion in the same period.


• He granted amnesty to 3 million illegal immigrants in 1986 bypassing Congress.


• In California he strongly opposed the Briggs Initiative to ban homosexuals from teaching in the California public schools.


• He stated pre-election that he was going to eliminate the Departments of Energy, Education and Veteran Affairs. They were never eliminated. Instead they were given significant budget increases during his presidency.
• Presidents Ford and Carter grew the federal government by 1.4%; Reagan by 3%. The national debt under Reagan tripled from $900 billion to $2.7 trillion.
• Federal entitlements went from $197.1 billion in 1981 to $477 billion in 1987.


• Foreign aid rose in Reagan’s presidency from $10 billion to $22 billion. He also increased America’s contribution to the International Monetary Fund by $8.4 billion.

These numbers can be confirmed by Sheldon L. Richman’s article, “The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan.”


Trump has strong positions against gun control, federal taxation and illegal immigration. He has stated that as President he wants to eliminate the Department of Education and have education handled locally. Trump is also adamant on drastically reducing foreign aid.

Is it possible that Trump is actually more politically conservative than Reagan? I will leave that question to the reader to answer.



On September 5, 1969, as governor of California, Reagan signed the nation’s first no-fault divorce bill. After California’s lead, by 1973, 25 more states penned no-fault divorce legislation. No-fault divorce proved to be one of the most destructive laws for the break-up of the American family. Because of the unprecedented destruction of the American family, spawning many of today’s politically active “pro-family” activist and lobby groups — thanks in no small part to Reagan.


Six months into his governorship, on June 14, 1967, Reagan signed the Therapeutic Abortion Act. North Carolina, Hawaii and California were the first three states to legalize abortion. Abortions in California went from an average of 518 a year to over 100,000.

Reagan’s cabinet secretary and de facto chief of staff, Bill Clark, who was a strong Catholic, gave Reagan mountains of anti-abortion material to consider. Reagan still signed the bill.

Later, Reagan greatly regretted signing the bill and subsequently became a strong pro-life defender.


Trump, like Reagan (and the Bushes), has moved from a pro-abortion position to anti-abortion.


Within the American conservative and Christian Right leadership there seems to be an accepted double standard: one in which everything Trump has said or done in his pre-political days as a businessman can and will be used against him; conversely, whatever Ronald Reagan did or said before or during his presidency is forgivable.

I ask, why does Reagan get a free ride on personal morality and political policies, yet Trump’s every move is scrutinized, critiqued and vilified? It is obvious Reagan is given a pass on all of his issues, and Trump’s issues, which are fewer, are vilified to the heavens. Why the double standard?

What I would say to the conservative and Christian Right leadership is to be consistent in their candidate evaluation process. Do not single out one candidate for wrath while you pass on the others. You owe it to the Republican and Evangelical voter to be consistent.

Furthermore, I cannot imagine anything Trump could say or do morally or politically that could put him in a more damning place than Reagan’s two signatures on those terrible no-fault divorce and abortion bills. Yet, American conservatives who know of these two dreadful pieces of legislation also knew of Reagan’s remorse for what he did and responded with leniency and grace, forgiving Reagan.

Should not that same grace be available to other political candidates guilty of lesser sins?

© 2016 Thomas Ertl – All Rights Reserved

An evangelical analysis of the Trump candidacy Pt. 1 of 2

On February 29, 2016, the day before Super Tuesday, I attended a Trump rally in Valdosta, Georgia. I was not prepared for what I was to see. I have followed presidential races since 1964, in the days of Johnson and Goldwater, and I must say I have never seen anything like what I witnessed at the Valdosta Trump rally.

8,000 south Georgians were packed into a 5,000 seat arena two hours before the time Trump was scheduled to speak. Another 12,000 were outside and could not get in. For two hours, I was watching a new wave of American political history as it flowed through this state, a populist insurrection. It is a movement fueled by the indignation and frustration of middle class people against the established ruling order, a movement that has found its mouthpiece in the newly ordained political persona of Donald J. Trump.

How can a brash New York City businessman become embraced and adored in 2016 as the national political leader of rural south Georgians?

The answer to that question is not hard to understand. After several decades of failed representation and disillusionment, the people see in Trump a political candidate who finally appears to be willing to represent them and take their values to Washington. Here is a man who gives them some hope for the representation of their 30, 40, 50 years of built-up frustration against America’s political class and their tearing down of this once great nation.

I will attempt to examine Donald Trump as an option for Evangelical Christians in the 2016 presidential race. But the question of a Trump candidacy cannot be effectively answered or understood without first explaining some political fundamentals. These have to do with the national and geopolitical situation and the place the Christian Church has in modern America.


It is generally believed by Americans across the political spectrum that elected federal politicians in the legislature (House and Senate) and in the executive (President and Cabinet) hold the true authority and real political power in the United States.

This statement could not be further from the truth. Western countries are, in fact, dominated and run by private central banks and multi-national corporations. This fact is not difficult to discover considering the tremendous amount of information available. Yet, because of the banking and corporate control of the media, Americans are led to believe that the elected federal politician holds the authority and that their vote actually counts for something.

Since the end of 1913, with the passing of the Federal Reserve Act, where Congress gave the issuance and control of the US currency over to private European bankers, the United States has lost its economic sovereignty. One hundred years later, it has also lost much of its national and political sovereignty.

Instead of a government for and by the people we have a government for and by the central bankers and their multi-national corporations.

Thomas Jefferson’s warning has never been more pertinent.

If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered… I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies… The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.

It is interesting that Jefferson feared central banks more than foreign armies.
Much more could be written here, but for the sake of space, I will label this globalist control grid and call it the Establishment.

The Establishment not only determines most aspects of American economic life, but also controls all federal regulatory agencies (for example, Monsanto has 21 executives in the Food and Drug Administration). Not only is the federal government run by the Establishment, but it also rewards the Establishment with a state monopoly maximizing their profits.

With this understanding, we realize that the purpose of elected politicians is to serve the banking and corporate establishment. The modern American politician is there to serve the money oligarchy (which is why the term “crony capitalism” was coined). Without this basic understanding of the American political power structure, all political analysis is skewed.


The other fundamental fact that is highly important for the Christian to understand is that America is no longer a Christian country. The United States of America in its public institutions and government is not Christian. Though many of its people are Christian, the nation has been secularized.

Practically, we do not have enough of a national Christian consensus to elect a Christian candidate with a pure biblical ideology. The Church is living in a form of internal exile – a modern type of Babylonian captivity – in which the people of God have very little influence in the public affairs of the country. The Church is on the outside looking in to a country their spiritual ancestors once created. This is another important fact for Evangelicals to appreciate when considering a Trump candidacy.

In our current context, it’s worth noting the captivity of Israel in ancient Babylon and the call of God on Cyrus, King of Persia. Cyrus was a typical idolator in antiquity who built pagan temples to false gods, yet God calls him His “shepherd.” Isaiah 44:28:

Who says of Cyrus, “He is My shepherd,
And he shall perform all My pleasure,
Saying to Jerusalem, ‘You shall be built,’
And to the temple, ‘Your foundation shall be laid’.”

Looking back, we see in God’s providence the raising up of a pagan ruler at a critical time in Israel’s history to protect and bless the people of God. The lesson here is for the church to be open to God’s providence that may be very different from our own spiritual expectations including the kind of leaders he may raise up in unusual times.


We live in a time and are witnessing before our eyes a historic pushback and outright rebellion against the Establishment and all of its controllers, especially those within the Republican Party hierarchy. The rebellion is not so much one of political ideologies but more of the middle class rejection of the rule of the Establishment.

Peggy Noonan, Reagan’s speechwriter, stated in a February 13-14, 2016 Wall Street Journal article on the “American Rebellion”:

What is happening in American politics? We’re in the midst of a rebellion. The bottom and middle are pushing against the top. It’s a throwing off of old claims and it’s been going on for a while….There’s something deep, suggestive, even epochal about what’s happening now….Yes, it is about the Democratic National Committee, that house of hacks, and about a Republican establishment owned by the donor class.

Laura Ingraham, after the South Carolina primary, said:

The establishment GOP is lying to itself. This election at its core is a rejection of their globalist economic agenda and failed immigration policies — and of rule by the donor class.

Roger Stone, the 45-year GOP insider, in discussing the Primary domination by Donald Trump, said:

The anti-establishment vote…is repudiating the foreign policy, immigration policy, trade policy, fiscal policies of the Bush wing of the Republican Party.

The rebellion is quite extensive. It has found its way into criticizing what a decade ago was considered acceptable and even untouchable in conservative and Republican circles. This includes the Bushes, Fox News, Neo-Cons, The Weekly Standard, National Review, Rove, McCain, Graham, Romney, Boehner and Ryan.

In this year’s Primaries, the Republican electorate is repudiating 40 years of Republican bipartisanship in the economic and cultural dismantling of America.

This revolt against the established order is truly historic and it did not begin with Donald Trump, but Trump recognized what was going on and positioned himself to represent this Movement in the current presidential election race and, because he did, he is seeing his popularity soar. The people see in him a leader who represents them, and who is quickly earning their trust because he speaks their language and seems to have the track record and strength of personality to bring them and their principles out of 40+ years of political wilderness. Especially with a strong leader, this rebellion by the conservative rank and file has the potential to change the political landscape for a very long time.


The Republican Party has launched a full-frontal attack on Donald Trump and, therefore, also against its own Republican voter base. They behave as if they hate their own base. Reports even surfaced about the Republican Party Establishment wanting to resurrect Mitt Romney as a preferred alternative to Trump as the Party’s presidential nominee.

The Republican Party is in the process of committing political suicide as it rejects the people’s choice for president. If they are successful, the ramifications of their arrogance will be felt for a generation. This may well involve the introduction of a new federal conservative party to replace the dying husk of the 162-year-old GOP.

Over the past four decades, the Republican base has voted dutifully for the Party’s candidates and has sent their sons off to fight Republican Neo-Con wars, and what have they got for it? Political civil war by Party leadership that is willing to go great lengths to exploit these foot soldiers of the party to advance their own interests. Amazing!

The Republican Establishment would prefer a Hillary Clinton presidency than Trump’s victory. That is where their ideological loyalty lies. Trump, to his credit, is smoking out of the Republican tent the Neo-Cons and liberals who really belong in the Democratic Party. As he wins more races, the curtain will be pulled back further on the Party bosses. They are no friend to our Christian faith.


In the selection of their civil leaders Christian people often use a somewhat narrow “spiritual” standard for making their decisions. If a candidate declares he is “born again” or verbalizes some acceptable religious lingo, he can capture a huge block of Evangelical voters. The man may be incompetent — or worse, a tyrant — but he passed their self-styled spiritual test.

Sixteenth-century Swiss Reformer Pierre Viret wrote that there were certain “detestable, villainous” rulers who “pretended the Christian religion” for social and political reasons. That tactic is nothing new.

I agree with Viret that “the best magistrates are Christian magistrates,” and we must always aim for such a time when this is the norm. However, considering life in Babylon, a much more important requirement than a surface spirituality would be a candidate’s commitment and ability to preserve personal liberties and limited government in the battle against the Establishment.

Dick Knodel, an Ohio pastor, writes, “Many Christians don’t seem to have the capacity to think broadly and strategically (philosophically). They only think morally, or theologically. The problem with that kind of thinking is Genesis 4:16-26, where such thinking would accuse the Living God of promoting the world of unbelief. God uses the many facets of creation (culture) to accomplish his ends, not just theology and personal morality. And right now, he’s promoting Donald Trump — for our nation’s good. It’s a mercy. I don’t pretend to understand it, but I can see it.”

This presidential election is very unique in comparison to any federal election in the last half century. Everything in national politics has changed. The traditional method of selecting the best candidate based on a precise evaluation of character and political positions, though important, is not as relevant as it once was.

The reason is the change in the American electorate and of their massive pushback against the Establishment and Republican Party. It is a historic revolt of the middle class against its ruling elites.

So, it is not so much a battle of ideas as it is a battle of authority and control of the federal government and the people looking for representation against the moneyed institutions that have ruled them for a century.

Instead of promoting the politician with the purest of ideas, the nation is in greater need of a president to lead the resistance against the ruling national and global oligarchy which is directly responsible for the devastation of much of the country.

The approval of today’s candidates is more based on which candidate has the courage, spirit, and will to fight to represent the American people in this historic political battle of authority.

The Christian must understand the times and respond in a proper and new way: “And the children of Issachar, who were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do…” (1 Chronicles 12:31).


Knowing the real source of political power, we can have a clearer view of what are the primary and critical issues of our day.

The primary political issues are not homosexual acceptance, the definition of marriage, pornography, educational decline, family breakdown, or even socialism, the Democratic Party or liberalism. These are all symptoms and downstream manifestations of the political beast, not its core or head.

This is why the 50-year effort of the Conservative Movement and the Christian Right has experienced limited success: its activism has always aimed at the symptoms and manifestations of its enemy, not at the foundation or the head. This mal-informed, defensive, rear-guard action has produced failure after failure in what has become known as “Culture Wars,” conserving nothing.

The head of the leviathan is the international banking cartel’s control of the money supply, political parties, media, American military, foreign policy and immigration policy, and the control of multi-national corporations over public and private life. These represent the key elements of Establishment control, and they form the head of leviathan that is the enemy of America and of Western Christian civilization in the 20th and 21st centuries.

It is critical for Christians to recognize the times in which we live. We are seeing in the political realm a historic awakening and monumental shift that is far greater than one personality, and yet Donald Trump has become the political figurehead and catalyst of this movement at this time because he has tapped into this populist spirit of dissatisfaction and fomented it with hope and expectation for a better America. In this upheaval and insurrection against the failed old guard, Christian people must see the bigger picture of the Establishment power base and aim their political activism at this source. This is the way the American population is moving, if Christians don’t figure out what’s going on, they will be playing catch-up once again instead of exercising leadership in the next stage of American history.


Donald Trump’s personality, as well as some of his business issues, have made it difficult for many Evangelicals to support him. He is often crass and uncouth, disrespectful and abrasive. There’s his cursing and arrogance, his casino ownership, three marriages, and questions of personal faith. He is what he is and his shortcomings are obvious to all.

Trump is a brawler; when attacked he will attack back. His fighting spirit is not something we have seen much in recent political figures, especially on the national stage. This may be an unfamiliar and an uncomfortable characteristic, but is it objectionable?

But we have to remember that in life in Babylon we are not going to get many faithful Christian candidates for federal office. We also have to remember we are not voting for a national pastor but for a civil office.

Most Evangelicals probably have not seen an “alpha male” like Donald Trump in operation very often. Western men, since the emergence of feminism in the early 60s, have been weakened and feminized.

An “alpha male,” by definition, is a man who assumes a dominant role in his affairs. He is an assertive, persistent and purposeful man. This defines Trump and his lifestyle of a 20-hour work day. With Trump, you have a man who is similar to his peers of three generations ago. Today, the “alpha male” character type is actually still very highly esteemed – but only when it’s exhibited by women!


Movement conservatives complain that Trump does not have a pure conservative ideology. That may be so. He certainly has some views that are contrary to my conservative liberty ideology.

I disagree with him on eminent domain, subsidized ethanol and in some areas concerning the role of the Federal Government. Cruz is better on some of these traditional conservative issues. I would differ with Trump on the partial defunding of Planned Parenthood. He, like Reagan and the Bushes, has come late to the correct side of the abortion issue. Some of his views are still in the process of development. Trump only entered the political stage nine months ago. These issues are much more important to a politician than to a businessman. But these areas of disagreement are matters of secondary importance on today’s political battlefield. Trump is setting his sights on primary issues. Matters like eminent domain and transgender rights are not critical until the Establishment is exposed and judged, and a law-order and a framework for liberty and justice are re-established in a functioning Christian republic.

The GOP Establishment is not made up of purist conservatives either, but they have established litmus test issues or have learned how to answer correctly those issues that have become litmus test positions by interest groups, including Evangelical organizations. They have also put forward their political candidates who would successfully champion these issues and advance their reforms. These conservative leaders apparently have a great product, but they can never get it to market. The people never see and benefit from all this great and true conservatism.

Trump calls it “all talk and no action,” but it is really worse than that because these so-called “Movement Conservatives” end up backing politicians who are subservient to the corporations and the money elites who bankroll them. So the middle class never gets any practical delivery of their ideas via the candidates screened by the Republican Establishment. Instead, the government money trucks seem to flow to Georgetown and the suburbs of Northern Virginia where the donor class live, and especially to Wall Street. These deliveries never seem to be interrupted no matter who is in office. For part two click below.

© 2016 Thomas Ertl – All Rights Reserved

An evangelical analysis of the Trump candidacy Pt. 2 of 2


During the present election cycle, we are seeing the usual endorsement of candidates by Christian Right leaders alongside all the other endorsements being announced. Most Christian Right endorsements are going to Cruz and Rubio. Very few prominent leaders have endorsed Trump; exceptions are Jerry Falwell Jr., Pat Robertson, Phyllis Schlafly and Dr. Robert Jeffress.

Sadly, many of these Evangelical Establishment leaders are not qualified to make informed political assessments. They may well be effective and successful businessmen and administrators. They are no doubt sincere and well-qualified for the day-to-day work involved in their ministry leadership. Most of them, however, do not have a biblical view of civil government and have not been theologically and strategically trained in the art of Christian political theory. American elections are plagued by “low information voters.” Evangelicalism suffers from its “low information leaders.”

Most of these leaders get much of their political knowledge, insight and beliefs from Fox News, thus the term “Fox News Christians.” Their political worldview is taken more from Krauthammer, Kristol, and Will rather than from Augustine, Calvin and Beza. In fact, most of them have no idea who Theodore Beza is, much less his Christian political theory published in the 16th century. Charles Krauthammer was a Mondale speechwriter, Bill Kristol’s father, Irving, was a Marxist and a disciple of Leon Trotsky. George Will is a self-proclaimed soft atheist. Relying on sources like these for one’s political worldview and, baptizing these views with a thin veneer of “Christian-ese” is a recipe for failure. Today’s supposedly conservative outlets for news and commentary are more often part of the problem rather than contributors to real solutions.

These are the Evangelical leaders who have enthusiastically supported all of the unbiblical, unconstitutional Bush Middle East wars and the slaughter of over 1.5 million innocent lives. They have never studied or understood the historic Christian theory of just war, established long ago by Augustine and the Protestant Reformers. Their promotion of this Neo-Con, Republican blood-letting has greatly compromised their pro-life doctrine and stands in direct violation of the command in Scripture against the “shedding of innocent blood.” Do the fifty-one verses against the shedding of innocent blood mean anything? Well, at least Trump is dealing with this critical pro-life issue with his criticism of American foreign policy.

These respected Christian leaders are often tied too closely to the Republican Establishment, so they can’t prophetically confront them and call them back to truth and justice. These men are easily manipulated by the Republican Establishment, which figured out long ago how to manipulate Christian Right leadership. Give them a little “God talk” (“I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ”), tell them you support the sanctity of life and traditional marriage and, voila, you have their support and their vote. The Evangelical Establishment should be hammering the Republican Party for their treasonous policies and their sell-out of the country to the money class. They should be calling for a new party or a complete overhaul of the present one, yet they remain silent.

The Christian Right has been politically irrelevant on the federal level mainly because of its limited two issue constituency. The four decade failure of the Christian Right to influence American culture is because they have been a reactionary group in their strategies and organizations instead of one with an aggressive Christian vision of cultural renewal. They have failed to take a comprehensive worldview in every area of culture and life and develop strategies to build new Christian institutions in the places where ordinary Americans live out their daily lives.

What is interesting about Trump’s candidacy is that the Christian Right rank and file is separating from their leadership and voting for Trump. They seem to be expanding beyond the traditional two issues to the ones Trump is raising. They are very worried about the future of their country, its economic and national security.

Both the GOP Establishment and Evangelical Establishment lost big in the South Carolina Primary. The people are finally starting to figure out who the GOP really is. The indignation is at unforeseen levels. The peasants are mad. The trust is gone. In the recent primaries, if you add the numbers of both Trump and Cruz, who are considered as anti-Establishment candidates, you get an anti-Establishment vote well over 60%. I don’t think the GOP will ever recover from this to re-establish its control over its base. This is a historic battle and a positive step towards liberty.


Along with Donald Trump’s populist theme of “Make America Great Again” come many key issues on which he is outspoken.

This is where I see his real strength. Trump goes after issues of national interest that other politicians won’t touch. Many of these issues are of primary importance and so are more critical than the ones raised by conservative purists.

Trump, labels himself as a “common sense conservative,” not a purist but, in doing so, he shows himself to be the most conservative of all the Republican candidates on the issues he is raising. Following is a list of some of his political positions.


o He is firm in his position of building the wall, sealing the border, and talks of changing immigration policies.

o He talks aggressively of reversing all of the anti-American trade agreements that have sent industry overseas. He might possibly undo NAFTA, GATT, WTO and TPP.

o The US industrial base is being dismantled by the globalists and their politicians and Trump seeks to reverse it.
o He talks about dealing with the US corporate tax rate to get industry back on American soil.
o He uses threats of tariffs to get industry back.
o He talks about dealing with China’s internal tariffs that hurt US industry.

o He has attacked present healthcare which he says was written by corporate interests for the enrichment of the corporation. He promotes a repeal of the current system with a plan that involves much more free enterprise.

o He has been a huge critic of the Bush foreign policy that is used to serve global interests rather than that of the United States.

o He is a constant critic of the human and financial cost of the Iraq War and calls it a 2 trillion dollar fiasco.
o He questions US soldiers in Europe and South Korea for over 70 years.

o He knows that the Federal Reserve is a private corporation. What he will propose here is unknown. At least he is making an appeal for an audit here.

o He has gone after hedge fund ethics and he talks of reform in this area.
o By not taking Wall Street donations he may be more effective in dealing with their criminal activity.

o He questions the toxic vaccine industry and complains that pharmaceuticals, because of their control of the political class through donations, get a free ride. He said he will start bidding on federal pharmaceutical purchases.

o This is where most of the Establishment works for their dream of a world government and one world currency. Trump might reject any movement in this direction in favor of American sovereignty.

o Trump has come out against the Federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and has called them a “dictatorial agency.”

o He advocates the elimination of the Department of Education and Environmental Protection Agency and states that he will go after government fraud and waste.

o Solid on the 2nd Amendment.

You can see with this list that Trump is going after the Establishment’s financial and corporate control. This is the heart of many of our national issues, including issues related to US sovereignty and protection of the American people’s interests.

Related to Trump’s policy positions is his constant attack on elements of the Establishment, whether Wall Street, corporatism, or Republican Party policy. This courageous stance, if continued, will reap many political rewards. Trump, in his policy positions, is truly going after the head and core issues that have led to our national demise.


Donald Trump follows two lines of populism in American presidential history.

The first is that of 19th-century populist Andrew Jackson. Jackson was the “alpha male” in his time. He had the tremendous courage and determination to take on the international banking Establishment represented by Nicholas Biddle. He was victorious in that great battle against the Second Bank of America and the Establishment of his day.

Jackson has been criticized for his lack of personal refinement, his crudeness, and his questionable manners. Sounds like Trump!

The second line of populism came in the 20th century. Here Trump is in the line of four American populists, Charles Lindbergh and his America First Committee of the early 1940s, Senator Robert Taft of the 50s and Pat Buchanan and Ross Perot of the 90s. A common characteristic of national populism is its attack on the Establishment’s agenda.

Trump’s aggressive America first populism is his tremendous appeal. In a day of undelivered political promises made by compromised conservative politicians, we have Donald Trump addressing the areas where Republicans have sold off America’s future and economic well-being. He is exposing how these so-called conservatives have promoted all these horrendous trade agreements where our country has lost its economic and political sovereignty. These agreements, supported by the Bushes, McCain, Cruz and Rubio, will one day create a North American union of the United States with Mexico and Canada. This would be intolerable to Trump and most Americans. All such agreements could be dealt with and possibly reversed by the new American populist Donald Trump.


At this stage, does one have to say much to make the case that Marco Rubio is the Establishment candidate? If he loses to Trump in the Florida primary, his donors will ask him to bow out. They may then recruit Romney or Ryan to take his place as their man.

Ted Cruz is a whole different candidate, and is not who he appears to be. In-depth research on him and his wife, Heidi, is very revealing and shows strong ties into the Establishment. He is an Ivy Leaguer, having attended Princeton and Harvard Law School.

Ted Cruz was a “Bushman” and an insider and top policy advisor to George W. Bush. It was Cruz who vetted and encouraged Bush to nominate John Roberts to the Supreme Court. So much for principled conservativism!

Cruz is also a confirmed Neo-Con and very much a supporter of the disastrous Bush wars and the current aggressive involvement of the American military in the Middle East and beyond. He has former CIA directors as his advisors and recently hired Neil Bush to join his national finance team.

His wife Heidi Cruz worked under Condoleezza Rice in the Bush Administration in the crafting and implementing the North America Free Trade Agreement. She is also tied to David Rockefeller’s globalist, one world government organization, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). She is still listed on their site as a member who worked on the Taskforce of the Future of America.

She served as deputy to U.S. Trade Representative, Robert Zoellick, who was formerly president of the World Bank (2007-2012). She worked with the globalist, Zoellick, on the U.S.-China trade policy.

Mrs. Cruz is on leave from her vice-president position at the notorious investment bank, Goldman Sachs, which is well known as a key player in the Establishment’s global financial control apparatus.

You can hardly get more Establishment than the Cruz family. Their close political association inside the Establishment would be detrimental to the sovereignty and future well-being of the United States.


Age and experience always temper political hopes and excitement. Despite Trump’s high energy and passionate promises to bring our country around, as president he will need a consensus with Congress to move aggressively on his agenda. Even more difficult in carrying out his agenda will be all the maneuverings of the Establishment that would seek to undo the Trump agenda. The latter is of greater concern.

Even with that understood, commentator Alex Jones says that if he can deliver only 20% of what he promises, he will be in the presidential category of a George Washington. Geo-political expert Joel Skousen says if he could only seal the border and build the wall, it would be a monumental accomplishment in light of our useless Republican leaders.

The Christian is told in Scripture “Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help” (Psalm 146:3). How wise. This puts our political hopes in perspective with the reality of the human condition, putting our final rest in God’s sovereignty.

As president, would Donald Trump become some kind of a great Christian statesman? No, probably not. But, in a Trump presidency, we hope we would get someone who will fearlessly go after the Establishment, its financiers and corporations that, in monopolistic fashion, have pillaged the country. He may make a tremendous leader who will hold back the forces of evil and of further destruction of our country and culture, benefitting the Church in the process.

When considering a Trump presidency there is still the unknown. If he starts to appoint Establishment men as his close counselors – vice-president, chief of staff and cabinet positions – then his effectiveness as an American populist will be greatly diminished and possibly co-opted.

This was the case with Reagan. The Reagan revolution was over before it began when he succumbed to Establishment pressure and appointed George H.W. Bush to the vice presidency and Bush confidant, James A. Baker, to Chief of Staff. Reagan, the outsider, became president over a Bush, Establishment, CFR staffed administration. The reform of government was stopped in its tracks and all we got thereafter was great speeches.

The pressure on Trump to line his administration with globalist, CFR insiders would be beyond intense. It would take a tremendous depth of courage to reject the Establishment and staff his administration with true American patriots. Reagan caved! Will Trump? Time will tell.


In our political activism and responsibility in the public sphere we can never forget the goal of our faith. The Word of God gives us the assurance of Christ’s triumph in time and history. The Christian also is to build for the day when the nations of this world are discipled (as per the Great Commission), and bow their knee to Jesus Christ as Lord. Until we see a worldwide Christian renewal, we work to keep our enemies at bay and to labor with what we can to improve the Church’s situation in the world.

We are in the midst of a historic political movement, a sea change in the political landscape for many years to come, and most of the Evangelical Establishment leadership has no idea what is happening politically right before their eyes. Instead of embracing this historic national rebellion and pushback against the Establishment, admitting their four decades of mistakes and compromise, rethinking their positions and strategies, they remain in the comforts of the past, endorsing Establishment Republicans with the hope of maintaining their status quo positions and living off the political crumbs that fall from the Republican table.

Fortunately in this election cycle, the Evangelical rank and file is not listening to their Establishment Evangelical leaders.

Many Americans, for the first time, are beginning to understand how the geo-political world works. This means they are also grasping the bigger picture in the domestic battle over the future of America. They are seeing that the real enemy is not secondary institutions like the Democratic Party (within the false ideological/political paradigm of left and right) but the Establishment itself.

Fundamental to Christian responsibility is questioning anything that comes out of the Establishment. The rejection of their influence goes beyond that of the political parties to their policies and their candidates for federal office. A candidate who espouses so-called conservative ideology but who is tied to the Establishment should be rejected by the Christian voter because that politician will end up falling in line with Establishment policies. Marco Rubio is a case in point.

Evangelical Christians are now given a unique opportunity in American political history to play their part in reversing the fortunes of Establishment control and redressing the Establishment’s pillaging and destruction of their country.

© 2016 Thomas Ertl – All Rights Reserved