Change the Debate and Take Back Liberty Locally

By Tom DeWeese

December 10, 2024

Most Americans tend to think of private property simply as a home – the place where the family resides, stores their belongings, and finds shelter and safety from the elements. It’s where you live. It’s yours because you pay the mortgage and the taxes. Most people don’t give property ownership much more thought than that.

There was a time when property ownership was considered to be much more. Property, and the ability to own and control it, was life itself.

John Adams said, “The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the law of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.”

The great economist John Locke, whose writings and ideas had a major influence on the nation’s founders, believed that “life and liberty are secure only so long as the right of property is secure.”

Locke warned that human civilization would be reduced to the level of a pack of wolves and cease to exist because lack of control over your own actions caused fear and insecurity. Private property ownership, Locke argued, brought stability and wealth to individuals, leading to a prosperous society of man. That’s because legal ownership of property is the key to productive development.

Private property ownership is the reason the United States became the wealthiest nation on earth almost overnight. Free individuals, using their own land to create commerce and build personal wealth through the equity of their property, are the root of American success. Sixty percent of early American businesses were financed through the equity of property ownership. And sixty percent of American jobs were created through those successful businesses. That’s how a free-market economy is built. Private property ownership is the source of personal individual wealth for the average American.

John Locke advocated that if property rights did not exist, then the incentive for an industrious person to develop and improve property would be destroyed; that the industrious person would be deprived of the fruits of his labor; that marauding bands would confiscate, by force, the goods produced by others; and that mankind would be compelled to remain on a bare-subsistence level of hand-to-mouth survival because the accumulation of anything of value would invite attack.

One must only look to the example of the former Soviet Union to see clearly what happens to society when an outlaw government exercises brute force to take control of private property. Under that tyrannical government, each of Locke’s predictions came true. Throughout its history, the Soviet government excused its every action under the banner of equality for all. There were no property rights, no freedom of enterprise, and no protections for individual actions. Instead, the Soviet government enforced redistribution of wealth schemes, confiscating homes from the rich and middle class. Shelves were bare, freedom of choice was non-existent, and personal misery ruled the day.

The same basic redistribution schemes of the Soviets were later used by Zimbabwe’s former dictator, Robert Mugabe, to destroy that agriculturally rich African nation. Mugabe confiscated farmland owned by white farmers and gave it to friends of his corrupt government – most of whom had never even seen a farm. The result was economic disaster, widespread poverty, and hunger in a land that had once fed the continent. The nation of South Africa is now following in the murderous footsteps of Robert Mugabe as it attacks white farmers, taking their property and again putting it in the hands of those who know nothing about running a farm.

Clearly, John Locke’s warnings have been vindicated. Private property ownership is much more than a house. It is the root of a prosperous, healthy, human society based on the individual’s freedom to live a life of his own, gaining from the fruits of his own labor. Take that option away, and people will always react the same way. They stop producing.


In the 1990s, an all-out assault on property rights was well underway, led by a radical environmental movement, resulting in massive federal land grabs in the name of conservation. As one can imagine, courts across the nation were flooded with cases of people attempting to defend their property rights from government takings.

In the state of Washington, one of the major targets for such programs, the state Supreme Court realized it didn’t have an adequate definition of property rights to use in considering such cases. That’s when State Supreme Court Justice Richard B. Sanders wrote a “Fifth Amendment Treatise”, which included the following definition of property rights:

“Property in a thing consists not merely in its ownership and possession, but in the unrestricted right of use, enjoyment, and disposal. Anything which destroys any of the elements of property, to that extent, destroys the property itself. The substantial value of property lies in its use. If the right of use be denied, the value of the property is annihilated, and ownership is rendered a barren right.”

“Use” of the land is the key. Using the land in a productive way that is beneficial to the owner is what gives the land value. According to Justice Sanders, paying the taxes and mortgage while some undefined government entity can rule and regulate how the property is used, is a “barren right” that annihilates its value.

When you purchase property, how much of the land do you own? What is the depth of the soil? Do you own the water on the land? Do you own the air above it? As property rights expert Dr. Timothy Ball wrote, “All these questions speak to political issues that transcend private, regional, and national boundaries. Nationally and internationally, lack of this knowledge is being exploited by those who seek control…”


For several decades, the radical Left has been dedicated in its efforts to organize at every level of government while advocates of limited government failed to do the required “dirty work” of local organization and activism to protect our freedoms. We gave the Left a pretty clear playing field to organize and seize control, and now we are suffering under the result.

For the dedicated Left, no position is too small. No appointed board is ignored. When was the last time local Conservative activists cared about positions like City Attorney? Yet these are the very officials who enforced the COVID-19 lockdown policies. Local government is now infested with Planners, NGOs, and federal agencies dictating policies. And the only reason they have power and influence now is because the Left fought to elect representatives who then gave it to them.

Today, too many elected officials, even the honest ones, fail to understand the roots and goals of the “Sustainable” policies they are enforcing. In their ignorance they respond to critics, saying, “well, that’s just the way it’s done.” As they surrender their elective powers to appointed boards, do they even think of asking themselves, “Who do they actually represent – the voters or the NGOs and appointed boards?”

The threat of man-made climate change is the center of the Deep State’s hold on power. That’s the unrelenting fear tactic that claims the earth will become uninhabitable in ten years unless massive government power controls every human action. Power for the state!

Yet there is ample scientific proof that such claims about man’s effect on the environment are basically non-existent. However, many leaders of the freedom movement wrongly assume that all we need to do to counter the misinformation from the climate alarmists is to simply write a scholarly paper disproving it and set the record straight. It doesn’t work because few will understand it, fewer still will ever attempt to read it. In short, we badly overestimate the knowledge, intelligence and attention span of the average citizen and government official whom we are trying to convince. Emotions tend to decide debates rather than facts.

The first step in fighting back is to stop depending on one person, one icon, one president to lead us forward. We must take responsibility ourselves to ensure that the government does not move forward unattended. We need to be directly involved at every level, especially on the local level.

Change the debate to attack anti-freedom policies and expose non-governmental (NGO) carpetbaggers hiding in the shadows dictating policy. You can change the debate by making private property protection the key to your local fight. Sustainable policy cannot be enforced if private property is protected. Challenge local elected officials to stand with you in protection of private property. If they refuse – expose them. Force elected officials to be personally responsible for their actions.

Picture how different our nation would be if we dug in to elect a majority of governors across the nation who understood and operated under the Tenth Amendment, which acknowledges the States’ power to stand against Federal overreach. What if you had a county commission that refused to participate in non-elected regional government? How would your life change if your city council was made up of individuals who guided your community under the three pillars of freedom, including protection of private property, encouragement and support for local businesses, and the lifting of rules and regulations that stifled personal choices in your individual life? How do we make all of that a reality?

Set a goal to turn your local community into a Freedom Pod. Simply focus on making these goals a reality in your community and if successful, as prosperity spreads, the idea will certainly spread to a neighboring community and then to the next. The challenge is to create a successful blueprint and a cadre of dedicated elected representatives that will begin to move from the local to the state level of government.

That will set the stage for effecting a federal government as conceived by our forefathers. The result will be the growth of Freedom Pods across the nation. Here is the end game for the forces of freedom. No matter who is president, we must take control of our cities, counties, state legislatures, and governors. Only then can we stand up to the potential tyranny from Washington, DC. To live your life as YOU choose, start right there in your community – build that Freedom Pod. Act Local and Stop Global!

How do you do that? The American Policy Center (APC) is now working with organizations nationwide to train and motivate local residents to take action in their own communities to push back and restore American freedom. APC has created a Local Activists Handbook and a Tool Kit with all the details you need to start organizing, training, and improving communications between activists and organizations, to share tactics, ideas, and successes. Learn more at

© 2024 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese:

What Can We Expect on Election Day from the Forces of Tyranny?

by Tom DeWeese

November 4, 2024

There is growing concern over possible violence if Trump wins the election. What will happen the day after election day? While I obviously can’t know for sure, I can tell you from personal experience what can happen when an entrenched tyranny refuses to concede after a sound defeat.

In May, 1989, I helped sponsor the only privately-funded election observation team for the Panamanian presidential election. Dictator Manual Noriega was running for re-election. My team was there to watch for and report any voter irregularities. In other words, keep the vote as honest as possible.

Noriega did all he could to control who came into the country to observe the election, allowing the availability of only one embassy in Florida from which to apply for visas. One woman, under strict orders, was given the task of approving who could obtain permission to enter the country. Even the White House was unable to gain the document. But I did.

I sent one of my team to that Florida embassy. As he entered, there was a horde of news media and others demanding visas to cover the election. The lady in charge was trying to explain the restrictions as she was systematically turning them down. My team member stood quietly and waited. Finally, she turned to him as he said, in Spanish, it looks like you are having a very bad day and he smiled sympathetically. Those were the first kind words she had heard in weeks. She replied that she was not feeling well but had a job to do. Then she asked why he was there, and he replied, “I need visas.” Unexpectedly, she invited him into the conference room. they talked for a few minutes, and she said, “I’m going to grant you the visas.” Shocked – we were on our way. The White House even called one day and asked how we did it.

Now, we were in Panama, a nation that was suffering under one of the worst dictators in South or Central America. Soldiers were stationed on nearly every street corner. Everything was under strict surveillance, from the actions of local citizens to communications with the U.S. military base. I know this because one of my team members was a staffer for a U.S. Senator. On our first night in the country, we were invited to a reception at the home of the head of the Panama City Chamber of Commerce. While there, the Senate staffer wanted to find out if his boss had arrived. He was coming to the country through the U.S. military base. So, he called it from the home phone of our host. Suddenly the host asked who he called and was horrified to learn it was the base. Hang up, hang up, he pleaded. One week after we were gone, soldiers arrived and arrested the head of the Chamber of Commerce. That’s what happens when you live under tyranny.

Now to the election. First, the rules. On election day, everyone was restricted from traveling outside of their precinct and stay in your area until the polls closed. Second, every candidate for each office being voted on had their own ballot. As you entered the voting booth you selected the ballots of the candidates you supported and put them in an envelope then drop it in the ballot box.

Now, with everything in place, my team was provided with a local driver to take us around the city and inspect voting areas, to look for any irregularities. It didn’t take long to find them. First, it should be noted that most Panamanian voting sites were outside. That’s normal for an area in the warm tropics. Most of the voting sites were in schools and they were also outside classrooms.

The initial thing we noticed were huge gatherings of people standing around the voting site. We quickly learned why. Noriega had figured out quickly how to control the vote – don’t deliver the opposition ballots. Second, since citizens can’t leave their precincts on election day, so authorities simply put citizens’ names on voter rolls in a different precinct across town, so they can’t get there to vote.

These are the problems we began to run into as we traveled through Panama City. Citizens, noticing our Election Observer badges began to confront us with such problems.

As we traveled from precinct to precinct we came in contact with the opposition candidates. These included MOLIRENA Party Presidential candidate Guillermo Endara and his Vice-Presidential running mate, Guillermo Ford. They were desperately rushing to every polling place to plead with citizens to stay in line and not leave. It was an incredible sight to witness candidate Endara arrive. He would simply put his hands in the air and the huge crowd of hundreds would immediately rush to him, cheering. He would shout to the crowd, “We are working to get the ballots to you.” Then on to the next. At one such stop I was standing right in front of him as he was almost crushed by the enthusiastic crowd. Our eyes met as he just shook his head.

During a couple of breaks in our hotel lobby, we encountered a CBS News team covering the events. We talked with them, and finally, I said to the head of the news team, “you are seeing the exact same vote fraud we are witnessing. Why is this not being reported on the news?” His frustrated response was, “news editors in New York.” Yep, that explained it all. Meanwhile, as we passed public televisions in hotel lobbies, nearly every set was tuned to CNN, showing Former President and self-proclaimed “election expert” Jimmy Carter reporting that everything was going just fine.

At one of the main polling places in town, which just happened to be the home area for both Noreiga and opposition candidate Endara, I stood on a platform, observing the now familiar scene of frustrated voters standing in line, waiting for ballots. Meanwhile, buses began to arrive, delivering what were called Noriega’s “Dignity Battalions.” They began to surround the citizens. Then, almost like someone had set off a started pistol, they instantly began to chant and then attack the voters. Yet the people stood their ground and refused to leave.

Just before the polls were to close, a report of ballot fraud came in from a voting place located outside the city. We saw Jimmy Carter rush to his limo and head out there. Later, when I addressed the CPAC conference about this whole experience, I was asked how bad the election fraud was. My answer was, “It was so bad that eventually EVEN Jimmy Carter could see it.”

However, even after the polls closed, dictator Noriega wasn’t done. The MOLIRENA Party planned a news conference at its headquarters. As we drove up to the building to attend, we saw some people standing outside looking frustrated. They told us that all the power in that end of town had been cut off. So, the news conference was to be held at a hotel on the other side of town.

Upon arriving at the hotel, we found that the event would be held in the open rooftop event space above the hotel. I found it a little scary to see that the only way up or down was a very narrow staircase or an elevator that would hold only two or three people. As we entered the meeting space, there was everyone Noriega would like to remove from his country – the opposition candidates, news media, and the election observers. As I sat through what seemed like the longest news conference in memory, I kept thinking, all he had to do was send a helicopter armed with a machine gun and eliminate all of his problems. He didn’t act that night, but the next day was another story.

As I was preparing to fly back to Washington, DC, a couple members of my team decided to stay another day. There was to be a demonstration sponsored by the MOLIRENA Party and others to protest the fraudulent election. Thousands gathered to march. Local citizens saw my team and insisted they come in off the streets NOW! And then they saw why. On came the Dignity Battalions of Noriega thugs.

Opposition Vice Presidential candidate Guillermo Ford was personally attacked. His bodyguard was killed, and Ford was stabbed and beaten, along with hundreds of others, by the Dignity Battalions.

Meanwhile, I was at the airport where I saw the latest addition of the government newspaper offering the headline, “Noriega Wins by 55%.” The counting of the votes had stopped as Endara and Ford were leading by a three-to-one margin.

Will history repeat itself on November 5th? Are the Harris Dignity Battalions preparing to maintain their status quo? We must stand strong like the Panamanian people and refuse to leave, even if our polling place is threatened. We need poll watchers to oversee all aspects of the vote counting process. And we need to stay at the polling site all night, if necessary, to make sure surprise boxes of ballots don’t just suddenly appear without verification. Tyranny hates a bright spotlight. Freedom shines bright!

© 2024 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese:

What Can We Expect on Election Day from the Forces of Tyranny?

by Tom DeWeese

November 2, 2024

There is growing concern over possible violence if Trump wins the election. What will happen the day after election day? While I obviously can’t know for sure, I can tell you from personal experience what can happen when an entrenched tyranny refuses to concede after a sound defeat.

In May, 1989, I helped sponsor the only privately-funded election observation team for the Panamanian presidential election. Dictator Manual Noriega was running for re-election. My team was there to watch for and report any voter irregularities. In other words, keep the vote as honest as possible.

Noriega did all he could to control who came into the country to observe the election, allowing the availability of only one embassy in Florida from which to apply for visas. One woman, under strict orders, was given the task of approving who could obtain permission to enter the country. Even the White House was unable to gain the document. But I did.

I sent one of my team to that Florida embassy. As he entered, there was a horde of news media and others demanding visas to cover the election. The lady in charge was trying to explain the restrictions as she was systematically turning them down. My team member stood quietly and waited. Finally, she turned to him as he said, in Spanish, it looks like you are having a very bad day and he smiled sympathetically. Those were the first kind words she had heard in weeks. She replied that she was not feeling well but had a job to do. Then she asked why he was there, and he replied, “I need visas.” Unexpectedly, she invited him into the conference room. they talked for a few minutes, and she said, “I’m going to grant you the visas.” Shocked – we were on our way. The White House even called one day and asked how we did it.

Now, we were in Panama, a nation that was suffering under one of the worst dictators in South or Central America. Soldiers were stationed on nearly every street corner. Everything was under strict surveillance, from the actions of local citizens to communications with the U.S. military base. I know this because one of my team members was a staffer for a U.S. Senator. On our first night in the country, we were invited to a reception at the home of the head of the Panama City Chamber of Commerce. While there, the Senate staffer wanted to find out if his boss had arrived. He was coming to the country through the U.S. military base. So, he called it from the home phone of our host. Suddenly the host asked who he called and was horrified to learn it was the base. Hang up, hang up, he pleaded. One week after we were gone, soldiers arrived and arrested the head of the Chamber of Commerce. That’s what happens when you live under tyranny.

Now to the election. First, the rules. On election day, everyone was restricted from traveling outside of their precinct and stay in your area until the polls closed. Second, every candidate for each office being voted on had their own ballot. As you entered the voting booth you selected the ballots of the candidates you supported and put them in an envelope then drop it in the ballot box.

Now, with everything in place, my team was provided with a local driver to take us around the city and inspect voting areas, to look for any irregularities. It didn’t take long to find them. First, it should be noted that most Panamanian voting sites were outside. That’s normal for an area in the warm tropics. Most of the voting sites were in schools and they were also outside classrooms.

The initial thing we noticed were huge gatherings of people standing around the voting site. We quickly learned why. Noriega had figured out quickly how to control the vote – don’t deliver the opposition ballots. Second, since citizens can’t leave their precincts on election day, so authorities simply put citizens’ names on voter rolls in a different precinct across town, so they can’t get there to vote.

These are the problems we began to run into as we traveled through Panama City. Citizens, noticing our Election Observer badges began to confront us with such problems.

As we traveled from precinct to precinct we came in contact with the opposition candidates. These included MOLIRENA Party Presidential candidate Guillermo Endara and his Vice-Presidential running mate, Guillermo Ford. They were desperately rushing to every polling place to plead with citizens to stay in line and not leave. It was an incredible sight to witness candidate Endara arrive. He would simply put his hands in the air and the huge crowd of hundreds would immediately rush to him, cheering. He would shout to the crowd, “We are working to get the ballots to you.” Then on to the next. At one such stop I was standing right in front of him as he was almost crushed by the enthusiastic crowd. Our eyes met as he just shook his head.

During a couple of breaks in our hotel lobby, we encountered a CBS News team covering the events. We talked with them, and finally, I said to the head of the news team, “you are seeing the exact same vote fraud we are witnessing. Why is this not being reported on the news?” His frustrated response was, “news editors in New York.” Yep, that explained it all. Meanwhile, as we passed public televisions in hotel lobbies, nearly every set was tuned to CNN, showing Former President and self-proclaimed “election expert” Jimmy Carter reporting that everything was going just fine.

At one of the main polling places in town, which just happened to be the home area for both Noreiga and opposition candidate Endara, I stood on a platform, observing the now familiar scene of frustrated voters standing in line, waiting for ballots. Meanwhile, buses began to arrive, delivering what were called Noriega’s “Dignity Battalions.” They began to surround the citizens. Then, almost like someone had set off a started pistol, they instantly began to chant and then attack the voters. Yet the people stood their ground and refused to leave.

Just before the polls were to close, a report of ballot fraud came in from a voting place located outside the city. We saw Jimmy Carter rush to his limo and head out there. Later, when I addressed the CPAC conference about this whole experience, I was asked how bad the election fraud was. My answer was, “It was so bad that eventually EVEN Jimmy Carter could see it.”

However, even after the polls closed, dictator Noriega wasn’t done. The MOLIRENA Party planned a news conference at its headquarters. As we drove up to the building to attend, we saw some people standing outside looking frustrated. They told us that all the power in that end of town had been cut off. So, the news conference was to be held at a hotel on the other side of town.

Upon arriving at the hotel, we found that the event would be held in the open rooftop event space above the hotel. I found it a little scary to see that the only way up or down was a very narrow staircase or an elevator that would hold only two or three people. As we entered the meeting space, there was everyone Noriega would like to remove from his country – the opposition candidates, news media, and the election observers. As I sat through what seemed like the longest news conference in memory, I kept thinking, all he had to do was send a helicopter armed with a machine gun and eliminate all of his problems. He didn’t act that night, but the next day was another story.

As I was preparing to fly back to Washington, DC, a couple members of my team decided to stay another day. There was to be a demonstration sponsored by the MOLIRENA Party and others to protest the fraudulent election. Thousands gathered to march. Local citizens saw my team and insisted they come in off the streets NOW! And then they saw why. On came the Dignity Battalions of Noriega thugs.

Opposition Vice Presidential candidate Guillermo Ford was personally attacked. His bodyguard was killed, and Ford was stabbed and beaten, along with hundreds of others, by the Dignity Battalions.

Meanwhile, I was at the airport where I saw the latest addition of the government newspaper offering the headline, “Noriega Wins by 55%.” The counting of the votes had stopped as Endara and Ford were leading by a three-to-one margin.

Will history repeat itself on November 5th? Are the Harris Dignity Battalions preparing to maintain their status quo? We must stand strong like the Panamanian people and refuse to leave, even if our polling place is threatened. We need poll watchers to oversee all aspects of the vote counting process. And we need to stay at the polling site all night, if necessary, to make sure surprise boxes of ballots don’t just suddenly appear without verification. Tyranny hates a bright spotlight. Freedom shines bright!

© 2024 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese:

What City Planners ‘That sold Their Soul’ Are Really Planning and How to Challenge It

By Tom DeWesse

September 27, 2024

In nearly every community of the nation the policy called Sustainable is the catch-all term for local planning programs, from water and energy controls to building codes and traffic planning. The term “sustainable” was first used in the 1987 report called “Our Common Future,’ issued by the United Nations Commission on Environment and Development (UNCED). The term appeared in full force in 1992 in a United Nations initiative called Agenda 21.

According to proponents, the official definition of Sustainable Development is “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” In 1993, the UN further described its purpose, saying, “Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced.” The most often used phrase to describe Sustainable policy is that it’s a “comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society.”

These are strong pronouncements concerning our future. How could such ideas be imposed? Who could coordinate such an effort to reorganize our entire society? There are many private non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and government agencies involved in creating and implementing the national sustainable policy program on the state and local levels. But there is one that seems to stand in the center of them all.

The American Planning Association (APA) is the premier planning group operating across the nation. It has a long history in the development process, thus is trusted by elected officials to be a responsible force as they spread the gospel of “common sense” community planning to assure healthy, happy neighborhoods from which all may benefit. Above all, the APA strenuously denies any connection to the United Nations or any silly conspiracy theories like the so-called Agenda 21! Everything the APA promotes, they assure us, is based on local input for local solutions to local development planning. Here is a solid group you can trust!

So, it’s interesting to note that the American Planning Association is part of the Planners Network. The network is officially run by a group called the Organization of Progressive Planners. According to the Network’s website, it’s “an association of professionals, activists, academics, and students involved in physical, social, economic, and environmental planning in urban and rural areas, who promote fundamental change in our political and economic systems.”

On a visit to the website, one will find in its Statement of Principles this quote: “We study, teach, practice and fight for a form of planning that is transformative and anti-racist, geared toward the full realization of human rights, dignity and spatial justice. We seek public and social responsibility for meeting these needs, because the private market was never designed to do so.”

Then they explain what that really means. “We want progress away from racial capitalism (neo) colonialism and toward abolition and decolonization; away from environmental catastrophe and toward climate justice; away from patriarchy and toward feminist liberation; away from status quo and toward freedom.”

That statement of principles is advocating redistribution of wealth, social justice and even aspects of psychological manipulation, also called social engineering. And what does “feminist liberation” have to do with how to plan your city? Is there a mention in their plans for the protection of private property and the freedom it brings? No. These principles, as they have stated, is what planning groups in nearly every community advocate in their planning programs. It is clearly the official policy of the American Planning Association. Still the APA insists that its planning has nothing to do with Agenda 21 and its WOKE agenda, even though APA’s stated planning goals are the identical to Agenda 21, and its updated version called the 2030 Agenda.

Tactics used by the American Planning Association

Okay, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. How do planning groups like the APA really control opinions and gain support for their planning ideas? How do they overcome the fears as they impose plans that destroy private property and change the entire structure of the community?

Here’s a recent example:

A few years ago, with great fanfare, the American Planning Association (APA) reported results of a survey the group had conducted, “Planning America: Perceptions and Priorities,” showing that the anti-Agenda 21 “crowd is slim.” Said the report, only 6% of those surveyed expressed opposition to Agenda 21, while 9% expressed support for Agenda 21 and 85%, “the vast majority of respondents, don’t know about Agenda 21/2030.”

Typically, APA is using the survey to formulate the image that opponents to Agenda 21/Sustainable Development are just a lunatic fringe with no standing and of no consequence in the “real” world. They continue to portray Agenda 21 as simply a 30- year-old idea, and just a suggestion that planners and local governments might consider.

However, a closer look at the full survey, plus additional APA reports reveal some interesting and, in some cases, astounding facts. The survey was designed to show public support for “Planning.” This has become an obsession with the “planning community” because of the growing opposition to Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development.

According to the APA, the findings of the Survey reveal that: only one-third believe their communities are doing enough to address economic situations; it says that very few Americans believe that market forces alone (the free market) improve the economy or encourage job growth; 84 % feel that their community is getting worse or staying the same; community planning is seen as needed by a wide majority of all demographics.

Those are pretty astounding findings. It looks like these “honest” planners have their fingers on the pulse of the nation. Well, not so fast. Let’s look at the actual questions the APA asked to get these results.

For example, Finding #4: Community planning is seen as needed by a wide majority of all demographics (79% agree; 9% disagree; and 12% don’t know). Wow!

But here is the actual question that was asked: “Generally, do you agree or disagree that your community could benefit from a community plan as defined above? The definition provided in order to answer the question was this: “Community planning is a process that seeks to engage all members of a community to create more prosperous, convenient, equitable, healthy and attractive places for present and future generations.”

Asking the question in that manner is akin to holding up a picture of a rent-a-wreck car, alongside one of a Ferrari and asking which one would they want to drive. Give me the pretty one please – say 79%. In fact, in some actual planning meetings they do just that – hold up a picture of the downtown area depicting decaying, dreary buildings versus one of a shining, beautiful utopia, and they literally say, “which one do you want?” If the answer is (of course) the pretty one, then, YES, the community supports planning!

It’s obvious that the APA is playing word games with its surveys and definitions of planning. No wonder such an overwhelming majority answer in the affirmative to such questions. And, yes, maybe a lot of Americans don’t know what Agenda 21 really is. However, if the APA asked real questions that gave a solid clue as to the planning they actually have in mind, it’s fairly certain they would get a much different response – whether the person answering had ever heard of Agenda 21 or not.

For example, listed below are some sample questions that could help the APA take the real pulse of the community – if they wanted to be honest. I challenge the American Planning Association to ask THESE questions in their next survey:

10 Real Questions Planners Should Ask the Public

1- How do the citizens feel about planning policy that forces them to move from their single- family homes with the garage for the car/s and a backyard for the kids to play with the neighbor kids? Do they want to live in a high-rise where they have to take their kids down 12 flights of stairs and walk to the designated play park? Do they still support such “Planning?”

2- How do the citizens feel about planning with a goal to eventually ban cars? This will be accomplished by planning programs that will narrow or eliminate roads, making it harder to drive cars, then eliminates parking spaces, then forces cars to “share the road” with bicycles and foot traffic as regulations are put in place to make it illegal to even pass this slower traffic? Do they still support such “Planning?”

3- How do the citizens feel about planning that enforces the creation of light- rail public transportation with a limited number of riders – yet cost overruns could triple or quadruple their taxes so much that it would literally be cheaper to buy each potential rider a brand new Rolls Royce, and even throw in a chauffeur for good measure? Do they want to live without a car that would take them wherever they want to go, be it the grocery or the beach, on their schedule instead of a government created train or bus schedule? Do they still support such “Planning?”

4- How do the citizens feel about planning with today’s mandatory smart meters that can overcharge users by 284%? What if such planning forced you to buy all new appliances which can be controlled and even turned off by the utility company without warning – all to enforce energy-use levels as required by arbitrary and unsubstantiated “planning standards,” Do they still support such “Planning?”

5- How do the citizens feel about planning that forces taxpayers to pay for plug-in stations for electric cars that hardly anyone wants or uses, for the specific purpose of eventually forcing people to buy electric cars? Do they still support such “Planning?”

6- How do the citizens feel about planning that creates non-elected boards, councils, and regional governments to enforce their UN-inspired policies, which actually diminish (if not eliminate) the power of the local officials they elected, severely reducing citizen input into policy? Do they still support such “Planning?”

7- How do the citizens feel about planning that forces all housing to conform to specific government design, including projects of multi-family buildings that are forced into their neighborhoods, resulting in the reduction of property values and freedom of choice as to where and how each may live? Do they still support such “Planning?”

8- How do the citizens feel about planning that enforces international building codes and international electrical and plumbing codes designed to require major retrofitting in existing and new buildings to comply, including enforcing every building to look alike, have the same setbacks and even the same trees and shrubs. The result is the creation of a one size fits all society, ignoring local needs and desires of the residents? Do they still support “Planning?”

9- How do the citizens feel about planning that forces rental property owners and landlords to take in tenants that can’t afford their properties, so that they are forced to accept far less income for their investment, which will mean they cannot afford to maintain the property and earn their living, thereby destroying the rental industry and reducing housing choices? Do they still support “Planning?”

10- How do the citizens feel about planning that uses the power of eminent domain to take property and destroy small, locally owned businesses from lower income and ethnic neighborhoods, forcing the former residents into federal housing programs where their only option is to rent rather than having the chance to build equity and personal wealth through home ownership in the American Dream? Do they still have compassion for such “Planning?”

These are the realities of Sustainable Development planning programs, usually under the term Smart Growth. These policies are taking over local governments across the nation and the victims are mounting. Yet the planners ignore these results as they get fat off the federal grants that enforce the Sustainable plans.

Challenge the American Planning Association to stop whitewashing their plans into sounding like innocent, non-intrusive local ideas for community development. Ask the questions so that they reflect the real consequences of the plans, and then see if the 85% now are so eager to ignore the effects of Sustainable Development. The number one truth about the Sustainable policies that the APA imposes on every community is that none of it is LOCAL!

There is only one right approach for a community to come together to discuss and solve common problems: open discussion, honest debates and votes, and above all, a full concentration on the protection of private property rights as the ultimate decider.

© 2024 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

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The Real Way to End Poverty And It’s Not by Government

By Tom DeWeese

September 11, 2024

If one truly wants to help eliminate poverty, perhaps it’s time to rethink the process. To begin, one should ask this question – why are some nations (and individuals) wealthy and others are so poor?

The reason the United States has led the world in wealth, standard of living, and abundance is that every resident of the United States has had the ability and the opportunity to invest and produce their own capital and build personal wealth. Why is that possible? And why has most of the rest of the world failed, and continues to fail, at such an attempt?

The answer is actually very simple. The United States created a very easy, immediate, complete system for recording and securing ownership of all private property in the nation. In truth, this system makes the County Recorder’s office in every community in the United States the most powerful force of freedom in the world. In short, those records of ownership of all property provide proof of individual ownership. That proof of ownership is the root to building personal wealth, which leads of individual empowerment.

Peruvian economist Hernando DeSoto explains the root of American wealth in his book, The Mystery of Capital. DeSoto asks, “Why does Capitalism thrive only in the West, as if enclosed in a bell jar?”

“Capital,” he argues, “is the force that raises the productivity of labor and creates the wealth of nations. It is the lifeblood of the capitalist system, the foundation of progress, and the one thing that the poor countries of the world cannot seem to produce for themselves.”

Why not in other countries? Because the laws and practices of most countries in the world make it nearly impossible for average citizens to own and prove ownership of property. There are vast obstacles to gaining legal ownership.

For example:

*In Mexico it takes twenty years before a piece of property can be recorded.

*In Peru, it took de Soto’s team of experts 289 days to legally register a new business, even after paying over $1,200 in registration fees.

*In the Philippines a prospective property owner would first have to organize an association with his neighbors to qualify for a state housing finance program. The entire process could take 168 steps, involving 53 public and private agencies, taking 13 to 25 years.

And so it goes, country after country. The impact of a $1,200 fee in a poor nation is enough to forever discourage even the attempt to register property. In many developing countries such an amount may equal an entire year’s income.

In addition, it’s important to note the impact free markets and private property have on the income of a nation’s citizens. The per capita income for Americans is $41,400 per year. For Europeans, where more government control is exercised, the per capita income is $27,400. In the former Communist nations of Eastern Europe, now that free markets have been established, it’s now $3,295; yet, just a few years ago, it was $2,047. As more freedom and greater ability to own property grows, so does the per capita income.

If ownership of property cannot be properly recorded and able to be traced directly to the owner, then it cannot create equity and cannot be used as collateral for credit. Thus, the property is not, then, of value to the owner; it becomes nothing more than an expense. This situation has created, in DeSoto’s estimate, over $9.3 trillion in “dead capital,” i.e. property that cannot be used by anyone to create equity and therefore wealth. Without the ability to use it for productive purposes it’s useless – dead.

While it’s common practice in the United States for individuals to buy property, hold it for a few years, and sell it at a substantial profit or move up to a better home, thereby creating personal wealth, such a system is basically unheard of in most nations of the world. If one doesn’t have, or can’t prove title to a piece of property, then no bank will make loans on that property. In nations where property cannot be easily and legally registered, the only recourse is to go to friends and relatives, get a smaller loan (thereby reducing one’s ability to build a company) and still never have title to the property or to the business or its inventory. Though people may live on and pay for property for years, it is hidden in an underground economy not beneficial to the individual or the national economy because ownership cannot be proven.

“In the West, by contrast,” DeSoto argues, “every parcel of land, every building, every piece of equipment, or store of inventory is represented in a property document that is the visible sign of a vast hidden process that connects all these assets to the rest of the economy.” Seventy percent of all small businesses in the United States are started by equity loans on personal homes. Small, independently owned businesses employ the majority of people in the U.S.

This, then, is the hidden secret of why the West became so wealthy and much of the rest of the world has been mired in poverty. Obviously poverty can never be eradicated – and will actually increase – until government gets out of the way and everyone has equal opportunity to own and benefit from the wealth associated with private property ownership.

Today’s poor in undeveloped nations certainly want the same opportunities to advance, yet many now live in societies that are in some ways 3,000 years behind the modern world. Because of its system of private property ownership, the West created a world of advanced technology, health, education, and leisure where life expectancy increased each decade. In the West, people truly pursued a life of happiness.

Eradication of poverty in the world won’t come from endless aid programs designed to provide mere subsistence. Nor will it come from simply providing jobs. The answer to poverty will come only from providing to all people in the world the tools necessary to create new, independent wealth. Only then will they be able to achieve personal empowerment and live lives of individual independence.

© 2024 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

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The Compassion Cartel Getting Rich on Poverty

By Tom DeWeese

September 6, 2024

Eradicating poverty is the most popular excuse for the expansion of government power. It’s a crisis! Someone must do something! How can a civilized people allow their fellow humans to go hungry?

The statistics on global poverty are staggering. According to the United Nations Millennium Project, there are currently 1.2 billion people living in poverty. Fifty thousand deaths per day occur worldwide as a result of poverty. Every year more than ten million children die of hunger and preventable diseases. More than half of the world’s population lives on less than $2 per day and 800 million people go to bed hungry every night.

As a result of the constant drumbeat to “do something,” there are countless efforts underway to focus attention on poverty and pull at our heartstrings to just sacrifice a little more, for the good of humanity. We are all in this together, goes the guilt trip to “take action today!” Poverty reduction targets have been set. International goals have been announced. Deadlines have been determined. Agreement that poverty must be eradicated has been reached by every national leader in the world.

What is the government’s most preferred way to eliminate poverty? Redistribution of wealth. It’s the force behind the UN’s Agenda 2030 and its drive for social justice. In fact, redistribution schemes are the common excuse behind nearly every government poverty program as well as most private charitable programs.

Billions of dollars have been sucked from the pockets of citizens by way of taxes, always under the altruistic excuse of helping the poor. Poverty program schemes are all the same — tax money from the producers and give that money to the non-producers. Yet, as billions of dollars are taken for the “cause”, poverty steadily increases. Little progress, if any, has been achieved as poverty continues to escalate. In fact, there is an ever-growing disparity between rich and poor.

The entire world is now under the control of powerful national and international forces such as the United Nations, World Health Organization (WHO), and the World Economic Forum (WEF), promising a better life for all and the annihilation of poverty if only we give them more power and control of our land, food supply, energy policy, and our money.

Combined with over 20,000 non-governmental organizations (NGOs), these forces claim that only they can solve the misery of poverty worldwide. Their solutions, which grant them more power, simply respond to the visual effects of poverty such as starvation, ignorance, and poor health.

None of their efforts address the basic reason why poverty exists in the first place. In not one of their documents calling for the eradication of poverty is there an advocacy to help the poor help themselves, such as to own private property. A study of economics reveals that the inability to own private property creates poverty. It is also a fact that confiscation of private property never helps to eradicate poverty. As a result, rather than easing the situation, the number of poor continues to grow by design.

Most of the current anti-poverty efforts focus on redistributing funds from wealthier nations to poorer ones, primarily through mandatory taxation. This system ignores the fact that tomorrow the poor need to be fed again. Taxpayers are forced to dig into their own funds again and again to help. The process is repeated daily, each time the poor recipient is only temporarily helped, as the taxpayers become poorer themselves.

Meanwhile, as massive funds are moved in and out of governments, ever-growing bureaucracies are institutionalized to run the system. Eventually, more money goes to feed the machinery of poverty than actually gets into the hands of the intended poor. Such a system deliberately sustains poverty rather than eradicating it. As a result of never-ending regulations, truly private charities, those which really do help care for the poor through voluntary donations, are put out of business. Over-taxed citizens stop donating and simply shrug, saying I’m already paying government to take care of those people.

In short, no matter how much is taxed and spent to eradicate the problem, the result is that we have more poor! In truth, the promise of eradicating poverty is a growth industry – the “Compassion Cartel.” The more poverty in the world, the more powerful and rich the Cartel becomes. What possible incentive does it have to actually stop poverty?

© 2024 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

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Who Do Elected Officials You Voted For Actually Represent?

by Tom DeWeese

August 10, 2024

I’ve been told if I took the red pill, I would be able to see reality – the truth of what is really going on around us. Well, I just happened to have a red pill and I took it. Suddenly there was a bright light almost blinding my eyes. Then, like traveling through time, I was rushing forward, I grew dizzy, and then, as my eyes cleared and I could stand in a steady manner, everything became crystal clear!

I could see that the American people, and their every action, are being ruled, regulated, restricted, licensed, registered, directed, checked, inspected, measured, numbered, counted, rated, stamped, censured, authorized, admonished, refused, prevented, drilled, indoctrinated, monopolized, extorted, robbed, hoaxed, fined, harassed, disarmed, dishonored, fleeced, exploited, assessed, and taxed to the point of suffocation and desperation.

Then, more details started shooting out like fireworks! Policies. Politicians. Pronouncements. Power grabs. Everyday government, at all levels, is growing more out of control, more intrusive in our personal lives, more of a threat to private property – all in total and flagrant disregard of the expressed will of the electorate.

I see the politicians running for office, working to get your vote. They seek positions of power that will affect our every action. Congress, state legislature, county commission, and city council. To gain the attention of the voters, they paint powerful pictures to describe how they will make a difference, if only we give them the chance. “I will represent all the people! I will listen to you! I will be your voice! We will make progress together!” Oh, what a vision for our future, as we all will move forward together in a utopian society of peace, prosperity, and security. And so, they are chosen by the people to fulfill the promises.

How is it then possible that these candidates, talented enough to get elected, once in office, have no knowledge of some very dangerous issues they will be facing? They arrive in office, ignorant of the very roots of an agenda that now surrounds every issue and policy they must face? Worse, as they fill their terms, day in and day out, they seem to grow more unaware. In fact, when questioned by constituents about such policy decisions, they react with surprise and a lack of concern. That’s all because of a simple phrase that controls all public policy today – “That’s just the way it’s done – everyone is doing it this way.” And the thought process of those elected representatives ends.

Unnoticed by the voting public is a gang of private non-governmental organizations, almost 20,000 strong worldwide, dedicated to a powerful agenda they call a comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society. And they have surrounded your elected representatives, providing sample legislation and the grant programs to pay for it.

The list of NGOs includes such powerhouses as the Nature Conservancy, Sierra Club, ICLEI, National Education Association and Planned Parenthood, to name a few. Add to those the National League of Cities, U.S. Conference of Mayors and National Association of Counties. Those are private groups your elected representatives join for guidance. And that’s why they ignore you!

What is the tactic these groups are using to impose their agenda on every government decision? Fear. That’s the weapon. Fear of what? The fear of Environmental Armageddon! This tactic has given these forces the ability to shoot down any opposition. “It doesn’t matter how many rights you think you have, if you don’t have a planet to stand on.”

Yep, they have their agenda. And they have a goal, with very specific plans to impose it. And the dirty secret they do not want you to know is that their agenda has absolutely NOTHING to do with PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT. But that scare tactic works so well!

Under the environmental scam, the NGO mob has entrenched powerful tools of destruction. They ignore facts, deny logic, attack reason and reality. And they present a false science to justify it all.

Why did they focus on the environment as the root of their agenda? Because the environment doesn’t recognize political boundaries, including national, state, county, community, and those that define your own yard. The policies we face today are not just random ideas from some misguided politicians.

The question on everyone’s mind is … can they be stopped? Can we ever restore the Republic of our Founding Fathers. First, before we can effectively fight, we must understand what this agenda is. Here’s a brief overview.

Be on the alert for one single word – Sustainable! In reality, Sustainable Development is simply a trigger word designed to get you to voluntarily surrender your liberties. Sustainable. People hear that word, and their eyes glaze over and they comply. Today it’s used everywhere, to define farming practices, energy policy, manufacturing, and on and on. If it’s not “sustainable” then it’s a danger to the environment!

Every time you hear the word SUSTAINABLE, understand that it has nothing to do with protecting the environment. To fully understand what a massive threat this is to everything in your life, the very best description of Sustainable Development was provided by one of its most powerful opponents –the late Rosa Kori said, “Sustainable Development is the action plan to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all information, all energy, and all human beings in the world. INVENTORY AND CONTROL!”

We’ve already experienced the effects of Biden shutting down the nation’s oil supply, in the name of climate change. Next, the Biden Regime issued an executive order to lock away massive amounts of land in the U.S. The plan is called 30×30, locking away 30% of all the land and resources by the year 2030.

In addition to taking that land out of food production, there is a huge drive for the establishment of millions of acres of solar farms and wind farms. Wind and solar… (are you ready for it…) “Unsustainable.” They produce next to nothing in the way of energy. After the green forces have reached their goal to fully eliminate all other sources of energy to nothing but wind and solar, at best, it will produce about 4% of the energy we need. What it will do is wipe out birds in the sky and cover and destroy millions of acres of needed farmland – causing a massive food shortage.

Remember when we used to call environmentalists “Tree Huggers?” Well, where are they now? Why are they not standing up to stop wind and solar from destroying the environment? For example, in Scotland, the Wind industry has cleared over 17,283 acres for wind farms. To do it they have wiped out 14,000,000 trees – to save the planet.

Millions of acres of wind and solar farms run on huge wind blades and solar panels. These must be replaced every six to ten years. They are not degradable, so they must be buried in massive landfills. New evidence is showing that they are actually changing the natural atmosphere over the land and may help create hurricanes and tornadoes. All in the name of saving the environment!

But they are not done. The food we eat, meat and dairy, are on the chopping block along with how we would cook it. Cars too are set for elimination in 15-minute cities. A major effort is now underway to eliminate zoning protections for single-family neighborhoods. This is part of the Sustainable Smart Growth plan to eliminate private property and put us all in stack-and-pack high rises, where our energy use and transportation is fully controlled — Sustainable!

Each program has its own NGO, experts at writing program proposals and pressuring for their acceptance. And they know exactly what grants to apply for. It’s little known that these NGO forces spread their poison through that grant money. These groups, in fact, help write the grant programs as they work with federal agencies.

Sustainable development and regional planning create a one-size-fits-all process to enforce a specific agenda – that IS NOT LOCAL. Regional planning’s real purpose is to gradually silence opposition. It greatly diminishes the power of locally elected government which the people choose to determine the future of their community. These NGOs are not protectors of the Environment – They are destroyers of human society!

As we face these massive controls over our society, a great many good people are looking down in defeat, believing there is no way we can stop these powerful forces. The Republic is dead!

The question each of you must ask yourselves is this – will you join this fight, or will you just wait for someone else to do it? Do you want to be an isolated pessimist or an effective activist? We are not outnumbered – we are out-organized!

One of the main issues that our side must face is that we don’t really like government. We want it to be as small and unintrusive as possible. We just want to be left alone. We especially don’t like getting involved in local government.

The fact is state legislatures, county supervisors, city councils, and local school boards have the power to stand up and say no. But to make that happen, we, the citizens, must demand accountability from those we elect to represent us. WHO DO THEY REPRESENT! We must be there, standing in front of them, questioning their actions, and spreading the word community-wide. Expose them as they ignore us while surrendering their votes and policy decisions to the NGO gangs and appointed boards.

The only reason these private NGO forces have any authority in your community is because your elected officials give it to them! Stop being polite. Name names. Again, make them accountable!

Get on the offense. Protection of private property is a key. No sustainable policy can be enforced without destroying private property rights. Ask your local representatives to name one thing you can do on your property without their permission. What stake do they, as a council, have in your property that you pay for? What gives them the right to make all the decisions for the so-called owner who pays all the bills?

Yes – we are facing a dedicated, determined enemy like no generation of Americans has ever faced before. But — our Constitution and the Republic it created are not dead – just suffering from neglect.

Here is a vital new tool the Supreme Court just gave us to stand up against the NGOs, federal agencies, and the non-elected boards. In its decision in the case of Ohio VS the EPA, the Court ruled that the agency’s action is unlawful “if the agency entirely failed to consider an important aspect of the problem.” Now, consider so many of the environmental policies that are being enforced, yet are an actual danger to the environment. This is a powerful tool for local citizens to use to force elected officials to stop surrendering to the NGOs.

Change the debate, openly oppose anti-freedom policies, expose non-governmental (NGO) carpetbaggers hiding in the shadows dictating policy, force elected officials to be personally accountable for their actions. This is how we will drain the swamp – with dedicated activists that understand who the mosquitos are and stand ready at a moment’s notice to take action with a big can of Raid!

© 2024 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

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Dangerous Delusion of Biden and World Leaders of Transition to ‘Just Electricity’

By by Ronald Stein and Tom DeWeese

July 20, 2024

Policymakers are oblivious to the differences between ELECTRICITY and PRODUCTS

Since all hospitals, airports, communication systems, militaries, planes, trains, and vehicles are based on the products that did not exist before the 1800’s, that are now made from fossil fuels, today’s policymakers are incapable of sharing a plan to support a supply chain for the products and fuels demanded by today’s materialistic society and economy, as America tries to reduce its dependency on crude oil.

The elephant in the room that no one wants to discuss is that crude oil is the foundation of our materialistic society as it is the basis of all products and fuels demanded by the 8 billion on this planet, of which only one billion existed less than 200 years ago.

As a refresher for those pursuing net-zero emissions, wind and solar do different things than crude oil. Wind turbines and solar panels only generate occasional electricity but manufacture NOTHING for society.

Crude oil is virtually never used to generate electricity but when manufactured into petrochemicals, is the basis for virtually all the products in our materialistic society that did not exist before the 1800’s being used at these infrastructures like:  Transportation, Airports, Hospitals, Medical equipment, Appliances, Electronics, Telecommunications, Communications systems, Space programs, Heating and
Ventilating, and Militaries.

We’ve become a very materialistic society over the last 200 years, and the world has populated from 1 to 8 billion because of all the products for society, and the different fuels for jets, ships, trucks, cars, military, and the space program that did not exist before the 1800’s.

If the world governments want to rid the earth of crude oil usage, what's the back-up source that can manufacture the supply chain of products for refrigerators, tires, asphalt, X-Ray machines, iPhones, air conditioners, and the other 6,000 products that wind and solar CANNOT manufacture?

The products from crude oil are essential to human flourishing for the foreseeable future. The pursuit of “net zero by 2050”, without first identifying the crude oil replacement, would be one of the most destructive developments in human history.

Without crude oil, there would be nothing that needs electricity!! Everything, like iPhones, computers, data centers, and X-Ray machines, that need electricity to function is made with petrochemicals manufactured from crude oil!

Until a crude oil replacement is identified, the world cannot do without crude oil that is the basis of our materialistic “products” society.

One fact stands for sure, that the replacement for crude oil will not be wind and solar, as those “renewables” only generate occasional electricity but manufacture NOTHING for society, nor will these “renewable electricity’s” even come close to providing for our demands for continuous electricity. To put it bluntly, wind and solar are a joke, as they do generate electricity only when the sun shines and the breezes blow.

In addition, wind power needs enormous amounts of oil to make and turn the non-degradable turbine blades that are filling landfills when they wear out. To provide the infrastructure for the planned forests of turbines requires massive amounts of raw materials including limestone, steel, aluminum, lithium, cobalt, and nickel. To make way for the wind and solar farm fields, millions of trees are being cut down. Remember when we used to call environmentalists tree huggers? Where are they now?

Real science is now revealing that the massive span of solar panels over millions of acres of land are changing the natural atmosphere. The materials the panels are made of cause warming. In the winter they will cause cooling, thus exacerbating weather extremes. When air is warmed, as happens over the solar panels, it rises. Even small differences in ordinary land surfaces can create powerful forces of weather. In short, solar farms will become thunderstorm and tornado incubators and magnets. There is nothing green about green electricity. Farmers must beware of allowing their property to be used for these installations.

MOST importantly today, there is a lost reality that the primary usage of crude oil is NOT for the generation of electricity, but to manufacture derivatives and fuels which are the ingredients of everything needed by economies and lifestyles to exist and prosper. Energy realism requires that the legislators, policymakers, and media that are demonstrating pervasive ignorance about crude oil usage, begin to understand the staggering scale of the decarbonization movement.

In fact, all electricity is only possible with the parts made from the oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil for occasionally generated electricity from weather dependent wind turbines and solar panels, and for continuous and uninterruptible electricity being generated from coal, natural gas, nuclear, and hydroelectric power plants.

Many developing nations do not share the Western elite’s obsession with reducing emissions. Since life for most people on earth is still a battle against poverty, hunger and disease, many countries, particularly India and much of Africa, will continue to focus on becoming richer through fossil fuels and the many products that have made richer countries have a more comfortable living lifestyle.

World leaders continue experiencing a “dangerous delusion” of a global transition to “just electricity” that they believe will eliminate the use of the crude oil that made society achieve so much in less than 200 years. Without those products made from petrochemicals manufactured from crude oil, the policymakers must be imagining no jets, ships, defense, or space programs!

Looking back at the history of the petroleum industry, it illustrates that the black cruddy looking crude oil was virtually useless, unless it could be manufactured (refineries) into oil derivatives that are now the basis of chemical products, such as plastics, solvents, and medications, that are essential for supporting modern lifestyles. The more than 6,000 products that are based on oil are being used for the health and well-being of humanity and the generation of electricity did not exist a few short centuries ago.

Today, we have more than 50,000 merchant ships, more than 20,000 commercial aircraft and more than 50,000 military aircraft that use the fuels manufactured from crude oil. The fuels to move the heavy-weight and long-range needs of jets moving people and products, and the merchant ships for global trade flows, and the military and space programs, are also dependent on what can be manufactured from crude oil.

For aircraft and ships, just like that for the diverse options for the generation of electricity, they all utilize parts and components made from the oil derivatives manufactured from raw crude oil.

As a refresher of the limitations of wind and solar to achieve net-zero emissions, they do different things than crude oil.

Wind and solar renewables only generate occasional electricity but cannot manufacture anything. The problem with renewable electricity from wind turbines and solar panels is that they don’t work most of the time, and thus are unreliable for “just electricity”!

Then there is “the nameplate farce” of those renewables. There should be financial penalties for the subsidies and tax credits provided to wind and solar power plants for their inability to deliver at least 90 percent of their permitted nameplate ratings on an ANNUAL basis, like their backup competitors of coal, natural gas, and nuclear power plants that provide continuous uninterruptable electricity.

Of the three fossil fuels, coal and natural gas are used to generate electricity, but the third, crude oil, is virtually never used to generate electricity. However, when crude oil is manufactured into petrochemicals, it is the basis for virtually all the products in our materialistic society that did not exist before the 1800’s.

From this quick refresher, conversations are needed to discuss the difference between just ELECTRICITY” from renewables, and the “PRODUCTS” that are the basis of society’s materialistic world.

© 2024 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese:

[BIO: Ronald Stein  is an engineer, senior policy advisor on energy literacy for the Heartland Institute and CFACT, and co-author of the Pulitzer Prize nominated book “Clean Energy Exploitations.”

[BIO: Tom DeWeese is one of the nation’s leading advocates of private property and individual liberty. He is the National Grassroots Coordinator for CFACT, and author of the book, Sustainable, the WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property and Individuals, and President of the American Policy Center.]

The American Dream, Home Ownership – an Opportunity for Government Control?

By Tom DeWeese

July 12, 2024

Does your family live in a home located in a single-family neighborhood of your choosing? A place where your kids are safe to play in the yard, you can enjoy the sun in your own lounge chair, the grill is ready to be fired up for dinner, and your neighbors wave hello? Best of all, are you counting on the equity value growing with each mortgage payment, preparing for your financial future?

This is your home, your investment, your quality of life!

Well, get ready to lose it all, because a growing movement believes your happiness and success is divisive, racist, and ignores the plight of others who just don’t have the same opportunities and privileges as you.

Over the past few years, in several states and communities there has been a drive to eliminate zoning protections for single family neighborhoods such as yours. Those zoning protections were designed to keep your neighborhood in the same shape as you found it. A street of matching home styles, and of equal value, free of apartment buildings and excess crowding of those designed for lower income living space.

As Smart Growth programs began to take control of planning policy in many cities across the nation, single-family neighborhoods became a special target. Of course, Smart Growth is about control of development, not personal choice. Its main focus is to move people out of the rural areas and suburbs into the inner cities. 15 minute cities! In such a plan there is no room for traditional two-story homes and yards. The new housing plan is for high rise apartments squeezed together in an urban setting where few cars are necessary as you walk or ride your bike to the store; and take public transportation to work. It’s all to protect the environment!

But how do you get people to accept such a major change in life? Create a crisis, of course. So today, we have a housing shortage! Proponents of the scheme declare, “We can put 100 families in the space of your house and yard that today only holds four people!”

The main question that must be asked is do we really have a housing shortage? If so, why? Aren’t home building companies able to keep up with demand for housing? And why aren’t homes affordable to the average American?

The answer is, we don’t have a housing shortage, we have a government interference problem. For the past several decades, the government has been working to limit home building. Urban Sprawl, they call it. To protect the environment, we can’t have housing developments spreading all over the place. So, many communities have put up Urban Growth Boundaries around the city and allow no growth outside that line. The poster child for this practice is Portland, Oregon. Over twenty years ago the city installed such a boundary and the restrictions have barely changed. But the population has grown by almost 80%. Now Portland has a housing crisis!

Meanwhile millions of illegal aliens are flooding our inner cities, and suddenly we have a national housing shortage. And why are homes no longer affordable? Massive inflation caused by government destruction of the value of the dollar is the real culprit. It’s a crisis caused by bad government – not zoning protections for homeowners. In fact, such home ownership used to be called the American Dream. Now it’s a crisis.

To make the stakes even higher in our new world of social equity, the mayor of Minneapolis declared that people living in zoning-protected single-family neighborhoods are actually self-segregating themselves from those they don’t want to live next to. He summed up the charge saying single-family neighborhoods are racist!

Biden’s so-called infrastructure program calls for the end of zoning protections for single-family neighborhoods, to be replaced by the installation of Section 8 public housing projects. And Congress voted big money for such a plan. To implement such a plan, city councils would need to apply for the federal grants supplied through the legislation. Many have done so, but such a process would take time and there is no guarantee that every city would do it. Another approach was needed.

That plan came in June, through the bold efforts of Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman and Delaware Representative Lisa Blunt Rochester. Together they introduced in both Houses of Congress the “Reducing Regulatory Barriers to Housing Act.” Now, instead of waiting for local communities to make the decision to move forward with the assault on community organization, Congress can now make it a law!

In a joint statement, Fetterman and Blunt Rochester explained their motivation for introducing the bill, “Historically, zoning practices have been used to divide communities and concentrate poverty in under-resourced areas. By transforming our zoning regulations, more people would have access to affordable and diverse types of housing, high-paying jobs, and healthy and safe communities”.

Do you catch what they are saying? Single family neighborhoods are the root of creating ghettos (under-resourced areas), but, if you move that public housing to upscale neighborhoods, then the inhabitants will have “affordable” housing. Well, yes, that can happen because the values of the homes there will certainly plummet as property values are destroyed. But how “diverse” can the housing be when government will have to do all of the building in these newly created ghettos? Oh, and don’t forget, the new inhabitants will now get “high-paying jobs” by living in these newly constructed communities. I never knew that salaries on the job depended on the type of housing one lived in! And finally, everyone is going to have “healthy and safe communities” simply because of the location.

Let’s get something straight. Ghettos are created by government controlling the living space because it’s run by bureaucrats who care little about the quality of living there. If the air conditioning stops working, a window is broken, or the land around the building is overgrown with weeds, he still gets paid. Land owned by a private owner is nearly always better taken care of because it affects the value of the property. To believe that simply moving such a nightmare to a nice neighborhood will fix the problem of poverty is just ignorance of economics.

In addition, the Fetterman bill reads, “It is the policy of the United States to provide for fair housing throughout the country, and it is in the regional and national interest to have a supply of housing that is fair, affordable, adequate, and near opportunity”. And it goes on to say that any zoning ordinance that restricts housing opportunities based on economic status or income without good reason is “contrary to the regional and national interest.”

Now, under the Fetterman bill, they are not planning to just take your home by eminent domain and just rebuild the neighborhood. No, that would cause controversy and possibly pushback. They can’t have that opposition blocking their high ideas. That would be too messy. Instead, they will begin a steady movement forward. First, they will begin to promote new building in the neighborhood, perhaps to allow tiny homes to be built in the backyards, or apartments over the garage. Next will come the promotion of turning some existing housing into rental apartments. Slowly the atmosphere in the neighborhood will begin to change.

Over time, the original residents will begin to sell and leave. Their property will be bought by developers who are involved in the reorganization project, such as Blackrock. And the home will be torn down, and apartment buildings placed on the land. One at a time, the original homes will disappear. Finally, you too, will have had enough, and you’ll have no choice but to leave. Mission accomplished. Your personal choice, your investment, your ability to live as you chose for your family will disappear.

Do you want to stop this monster? Then the time has come for every homeowner in America to stand up and say NO! Your way of life depends on it.

© 2024 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese:

Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: How Sustainable Rule Took Over Your City

by Tom DeWeese

June 4, 2024

Solar and wind farms to eliminate gas and oil; 15 Minute Cities; eliminating single-family homes; eliminating gas-powered cars; stop eating beef; no more warm water showers; ban ice cubes and electric stoves; Sustainable! How did these radical ideas become official policies in our once great American cities, now on the verge of collapse? Here’s the story.

San Francisco is the birthplace of the United Nations. On June 5th, 2005, it was also the location for a major effort by the UN to circumvent national and state governments in order to reorganize human society. Coincidentally, the date was also World Environment Day. This time the UN was targeting mayors from all over the world to enlist them to be soldiers in the Sustainable war.

Like a scene from Michael Crichton’s landmark novel State of Fear, all the usual suspects, our self-appointed saviors, were there. There were UN bureaucrats seeking to increase their power and influence, NGOs with their private agendas, Hollywood celebrities acting like authorities on how Americans should rightly live, leaders of corporations seeking to help devise global regulations to kill their competition, and representatives from national and local news outlets that long ago had lost any pretense of delivering unbiased news.

They were all there. UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, along with the host committee, including San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown and Senator Diane Feinstein. Helping to host were the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Jonathan Lash of the World Resources Institute. Walking among the crowd were actors Robert Redford and Martin Sheen. As everyone fawned over them, singer Judy Collins could be heard inspiring the gathering with her emotional lyrics. Of course, to be expected were representatives from ICLEI. They had recently teamed with Robert Redford and the Mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah to form an environmental congress called the Sundance Summit. Also in attendance were the leaders of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), the legal arm of the radical Green movement that worked diligently to frighten Americans about everything in our society — from the food we eat, to the chemicals we use and the water we drink. Corporate sponsors included Federal Express, Toyota Prius, and Mitsubishi International Corporation Foundation, all dedicated to capitalizing on Sustainable Development practices. All of these forces were ready to do their dance and perform their magic tricks to influence your mayor to join their game.

As the cheerleading and drum circles faded, the gathering got down to the serious business. As part of their participation in the conference, the mayors were pressed to commit their communities to specific legislative and policy goals by signing a slate of United Nations accords. Two documents were presented for the mayors’ signatures.

The first document was called the “Green Cities Declaration,” a statement of principles which set the agenda for the mayors’ assigned tasks. It said, in part, “Believing as Mayors of cities around the globe, we have a unique opportunity to provide leadership to develop truly sustainable urban centers based on culturally and economically appropriate local actions.” The Declaration was amazingly bold in that it detailed exactly how the UN intended to implement a very specific agenda in every town and city in the nation. The document included lots of rhetoric about the need to curtail greenhouse gasses and preserve resources. But the final line of the Green Cities Declaration was the point of the whole affair: “Signatory cities shall work to implement the following Urban Environment Accords. Each year cities shall pick three actions to adopt as policies or laws.”

The raw meat of the agenda was outlined in detail in the second document, called the “Urban Environment Accords.” The Accords included exactly 21 specific actions (as in Agenda 21) for the mayors to take, controlled by a timetable for implementation.

Here’s a quick look at a few of the 21 agenda actions called for. Under the topic of energy, action item number one called for mayors to implement a policy to increase the use of “renewable” energy by 10% within seven years. Renewable energy includes solar and wind power.

Not stated in the UN documents is the fact that in order to meet the goal, a community would have to reserve thousands of acres of land to set up expensive solar panels and even more land for wind turbines. Consider that it takes a current 50 megawatt gas-fired generating plant about two to five acres of land to produce its power, yet to create that same amount of power through the use of solar panels would require at least 1,000 acres. Using windmills to generate 50 megawatts would require over 4,000 acres of land, while creating a deafening roar and chopping up birds. The cost of such “alternative” energy to the community would be vastly prohibitive, yet such unworkable ideas became the environmentally-correct order of the day that the mayors were being urged to follow.

Perhaps the most egregious action offered in the Urban Environmental Accords dealt with the topic of water. Action item number twenty called for adoption and implementation of a policy to reduce individual water consumption by 10% by 2020. Interestingly, the document begins by stating: “Cities with potable water consumption greater than 100 liters per capita per day will adopt and implement policies to reduce consumption by 10 percent by 2015.”

There is no basis for the 100 liter figure other than employing a very clever use of numbers to lower the bar and control the debate. One must be aware that 100 liters equals about 26 gallons per person, per day. According to the UN, each person should only have 10% less than 26 gallons each day to drink, bathe, flush toilets, wash clothes, water lawns, wash dishes, cook, and more.

However, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, Americans actually need about 100 GALLONS per day to perform these basic functions. Consider also that there is no specific water shortage in the United States. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, annual water withdrawal across the nation is about 407 billion gallons, while consumption (including evaporation and plant use) is about 94 billion gallons. Such restrictions, as outlined in the Urban Environment Accords, are really nothing more than a dishonest campaign by the UN to control water consumption. That’s why in San Francisco, the nation’s mayors were being pushed to impose policies to take away our free use of water. Control the water, control the people.

The rest of the Accords dealt with a variety of subjects including waste reduction, recycling, transportation, health, and nature. Perhaps the most outrageous promise of action was Action number sixteen in which the mayors were supposed to agree to: “Every year identify three products, chemicals, or compounds that are used within your city that represents the greatest risk to human health and adopt a law to eliminate their sale and use in the city.”

There you have it. Every year, our nation’s mayors were to promise to ban something! What if there isn’t a “chemical or compound” that poses a risk? Gotta ban something anyway!

That’s not an idle threat. In the 1990s, Anchorage, Alaska had some of the most pristine water in the nation. It had no pollution. Yet the federal government ordered the city to meet strict federal clean water standards that required it to remove a certain percentage of pollution from its water. It’s pretty hard to comply with such regulations when the situation simply doesn’t exist. But government never was built around logic. Regulations must be obeyed. In order to meet those requirements, Anchorage was forced to dump fish parts into its pristine water so that it could then clean out the required quotas of “pollution.” Your city’s mayor may have to ban the ink in your fountain pen to meet his quota — and ban it he will!

What was to be each mayor’s reward for destroying private property rights, increasing energy costs on less consumption, and banning something useful every year? He would get Green Stars! That’s right. According to UN documents, if your mayor could successfully complete 8 to 11 of the prescribed 21 actions, the town would get a green star and the designation, “Local Sustainable City.” Twelve to 17 actions completed would garner two green stars and the designation, “National Sustainable City.” Fifteen to 18 actions completed would bring in three green stars and the title, “Regional Sustainable City.” Finally, the energizer bunny mayor who completed 19 to 21 actions would get a full four green stars and the ultimate designation of, “Global Sustainable City.” Certainly, he or she would also get a plaque and get to sit at the head table at the next UN Sustainable Development conference.

Sustainable Development is truly stunning in its all-encompassing reach to transform the world into feudal-like governance by making nature the central organizing principle for our economy and society. It is a scheme fueled by unsound science and discredited economics that can only lead modern society down the road to a new Dark Ages of human misery. It is a policy of banning goods and regulating and controlling human action. It is systematically implemented through the creation of non-elected visioning boards and planning commissions. There is no place in the Sustainable world for individual thought, private property, or free enterprise. It is the exact opposite of the free society envisioned by this nation’s founders.

America’s mayors are the elected representatives closest to the people. They are the ones that our founders intended to have the most influence over our daily lives. The UN and NGO forces knew exactly what they were doing by going to the mayors to enforce the policies locally. It accelerates the process much faster, one city at a time, than going through the congressional process. But after decades of this process, alert Americans are beginning to understand that the ability of local citizens to choose their own locally controlled government is ceasing to exist under UN sustainable policy dictates. But signs, adorned with green stars certainly greet us at many city limit lines. Yet, inside those city limits are the inhabitants, stripped of their property rights, buried under huge tax burdens, and struggling under reduced energy flow. As they struggle to maintain a livable lifestyle, their proud mayor gleams in the global limelight under the banner “think globally and act locally.”

Again, the UN’s meeting with the mayors took place in 2005. Do the dictates of the Green Cities Declaration still guide the process? Well, as usual, over time the names change, but the policies become more targeted and radical.

Fourteen major American cities are part of a globalist climate NGO known as the “C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group.” The goal of the group is “0” meat and dairy consumption by 2030. Also included in the goals are “0” private vehicles owned by citizens, only “one” short-haul air flight per person every 3 years, and “3” new clothing items per person per year.

The group is funded mainly by Democrat billionaire Mike Bloomberg, and nearly 100 cities across the world are members. In the U.S. members include Austin, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Seattle. Most recently we’ve learned that Ohio cities, Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Dayton have recently joined.

Now as the plan is exposed, the group swears that these are “not policy recommendations,” but rather just “different emission-reduction alternatives and long-term urban visions.” But we’re watching them unfold daily.

Most notable, in the current era, is the Circular Economy, leading to Circular Cities. Of course, the main force promoting the Circular Economy is the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its Great Reset. The WEF actually provides instruction for local elected officials to help them impose the very same plans as outlined in the Green Cities Declaration.

One of the main policy goals of the Circular Economy is the elimination of cash money, to be replaced with digital currency. Once digital currency is in control imagine the control each mayor will then hold over each citizen. Every action will be monitored. Break the sustainable rule and every dime you have in bank accounts will be confiscated from such an unworthy citizen.

As the WEF’s head, Klaus Schwab said, “Own nothing and be happy!” Right out of the Green Cities Declaration. Freedom dies at the whim of a mayor competing for his next plaque.

© 2024 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese:

The Chinese Threat to Local Communities is Real

by Tom DeWeese

May 3, 2024

Do the citizens of a community have a right to take action to oppose the establishment of businesses that will negatively affect their way of life – especially if it’s a foreign source? And why are elected representatives ignoring the very people who put them in office to protect their rights? These are questions that need to be asked as every city, town, and rural area face a growing threat.

For the past several decades the communist regime in China has been driving toward world supremacy, both economically and militarily. The regime’s main target has been, and is, the United States of America. The latest tactic of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is to use the threat of Climate change to gain control of our American economy, our food supply, and our energy system.

To accomplish that feat, China has grabbed hold of the wind and solar industries, using its political influence, media contacts, and NGO allies to pressure Congress and state and city governments to impose wind and solar projects. On top of that, China is buying up thousands of acres of American farmland along with establishing factories to build the tools needed for the wind and solar scheme. According to a 2021 report from the Department of Agriculture, China now owns roughly 384,000 acres in the U.S. All of this gives China influence over every inch of America. And in many state legislatures and city councils elected representatives are just letting it happen.

It’s vital to make this fact clear – China is a communist dictatorship. There is no free market and there are no private corporations. All are controlled by the government — all for the growth and power of the communist dictatorship.

China is allied and works in partnership with the WEF to empower the Great Reset over OUR nation – not theirs. As China opens more and more coal mines for its own energy future, it is now on the march across this nation – pushing wind and solar as our only power sources. And while helping to destroy us – China gets rich from it.

Across America, vital farmland is being buried under millions of acres of solar panels and massive wind towers. Nothing else can grow on that land – including the food we need! Do not believe for a moment that these wind and solar farms are actually a saving grace to the environment — or that they are going to supply you with the electric power you need.

Wind and solar produce next to nothing in the way of energy. Once all other sources of power from oil, gas and nuclear are eliminated – at best these will produce about 4% of the power we need. And here’s a shocking new detail. When you have thousands of acres of solar panels lined up side-by-side, the materials they are made of actually cause warming!!! All in the name of stopping climate change!

Now add the fact that to produce the wind turbines and the solar panels it will take enormous amounts of oil, minerals, and energy to produce them. Almost all are controlled and supplied by China. Meanwhile, those turbine blades are not degradable, and they rarely last more than six years before falling apart. It’s the same with the solar panels. As you are being forced to recycle — imagine how fast millions of discarded wind turbine blades and solar panels will fill up landfills across the country – because they are NOT recyclable or degradable!

Biden has been leading a big drive to build offshore wind farms along most of the shoreline in this nation. Evidence is now beginning to come in that these wind towers are affecting sea life. Whales have begun washing ashore as their habitats are feeling the results of the towers turning above them. And fishermen are reporting that their industry is being damaged as sea life moves away from the towers that are affecting their habitats.

All of this goes with the destruction of the landscape and beautiful views that are being destroyed as these giant wind towers block the views. Of course the turbines – filled with oil – often explode and spew oil into the water, causing real environmental damage. Dare I mention what will happen to those towers in some really powerful hurricanes!?

And just for the record, CO2 is NOT a pollutant causing climate change. It is desperately needed by the trees and all other plants to thrive. History shows that when CO2 is higher – the land is greener. True science is revealing that the earth is entering a CO2 starvation. We need an average of 1,400 Parts Per Million (PPM) of CO2 to keep plants growing, but today, according to the U.S. Navy, we are at about 400 ppm. Disaster is on the horizon.

The carbon capture pipelines that are being spread across the nation are the most idiotic, and dangerous environmental program of all time. Eliminate CO2 from the atmosphere and you will succeed in turning Earth’s environment into that like Mars – bare of anything growing.

There is no indication of a human-caused warming taking place – perhaps except for these wrong-headed environmental policies. The air was much warmer in the 1930s than today. Climate change is the greatest hoax in human history.

In terms of saving the environment and providing us with electrical power – wind and solar are a joke. And China is laughing the hardest! Can you see the diabolical genius of the communist Chinese plan to force all of this on America? Losing our power source and the ability to feed ourselves makes us a very weak adversary against them.

And while China is pressuring us to be “environmentally correct” that communist nation is getting rich and powerful — because THEY are supplying the wind and solar machinery.

Across our nation, companies owned or controlled by the Chinese communist government are moving into communities, and many local governments are being tricked into believing these companies will bring in lots of new money for the community.

In a rural township in Michigan, plans are in place to build an electric vehicle battery plant, owned by a Chinese Communist party-linked company. The company is called Grotion, Inc. It’s a subsidiary of Grotion High Tech, which is owned by the Chinese Government.

The township had hastily approved a water line needed for the plant. But here’s the good news. People in Green Charter Township were so upset over the possibility of this Chinese-controlled plant that they voted out almost the entire incumbent township supervisors and elected a new board.

The new Supervisors’ first step was to rescind the water permit. One of the new supervisors told the media, “As township supervisor, my number one concern is protecting the interests of the people of Green Charter Township, and we will vigorously defend our township’s position on this. We might be a small community, but we refuse to be bullied.” Of course Grotion Inc has sued for breach of contract, but the Township intends to fight.

In Wisconsin, a wind company backed by an entity of the Chinese Communist Party is behind several wind projects in 16 communities. The company is called EDP Renewables. It pretends to be an American company, but its principal shareholder is Energias de Portugal, whose largest shareholder is the Chinese State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. Their webpage openly states that it “performs the responsibilities mandated by the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party.”

In both of these cases, state governments, including governors, are failing to support these communities and represent their citizens. In Michigan, Governor Gretchen Whitmer has signed HB5120 to take power over green energy projects from the local community government and give it to the Michigan Public Service Commission. Essentially, this bill has removed local control over land use. Again, state regulations are being used to eliminate local control, allowing the Chinese an open road for their scheme.

In Ohio, the small rural community of Pataskala is now threatened with the establishment of a massive solar panel assembly plant. It will employ over 800 people to assemble solar panels with all materials coming from China. Why is this a problem? Well, the lead company in the project, called Illuminate USA, isn’t really a company. It’s a shell designed to get around any future US regulations that would prevent a foreign company from owning property. 49% of Illuminate USA is owned by LONGI, a partner with Invenergy – a Chinese corporation.

A state organization called JobsOhio, which provided an undisclosed amount of incentives to locate the assembly plant in Pataskala, declared that Illuminate USA will be one of the largest solar assembly plants in the nation. It’s all a shill designed to pretend these solar panels are “American Made.” Of course, the mayor and city council of Pataskala just see dollar signs and are allowing this plant to move forward. According to a Wall Street Journal calculation, Illuminate USA could qualify for $350 million year in federal tax credits. It’s no surprise that, as Invenergy has hired a lobbyist to walk the halls of the Ohio Legislature, elected representatives have taken little interest in the issue.

Residents of Pataskala have risen up, protesting the plant. They have packed city council meetings, spread the word in the media, displayed yard signs, and held a large town hall meeting attended by over 200 people. They’ve done everything possible to get the attention of the mayor and city council to represent them and stop the plant. All they get is the mayor calling them “Radicals.”

Incredibly, the Mayor of Pataskala actually suggested that these residents and their efforts to oppose the Chinese influence in their community are receiving “dark money” to pay for their efforts! First, those activists haven’t spent a great deal of money. They have created yard signs, which they sell to pay for them. Some have donated small amounts of money for the effort. There is no massive expenditure – just concerned residents using word of mouth to spread the word. “Dark money” is a tool of the radical, rich, and powerful leftists. In all of my years as a conservative activist I have never seen a dime of dark money go to anyone promoting our ideals.

However, he organized attacks in the media have been relentless against the activists. The Columbus Dispatch, once a reputable news source ran an editorial titled “Actually no, The Chinese Communist Party hasn’t invaded Pataskala. But xenophobia has.” The editorial went on to say… “there is no evidence the company has villainous plans for the city or its residents.”

The Dispatch describes LONGI as simply a “privately owned Chinese solar panel technology company.” Nothing to worry about here! Go home residents and be happy your elected representatives are looking out for you!

Well, not so fast. Perhaps if Columbus Dispatch and other media actually had real reporters who investigated their stories instead of indoctrinated global village idiots, they might have found this item. In a hearing of the Congressional Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, held in January 2024, FBI Director Christopher Wray was asked about how CCP-affiliated businesses are used for espionage, and how those resources are used to harm America. In his testimony Wray acknowledged there is an almost non-existent line between “the Chinese government and its private sector.”

Wray went on to say, “Buying land, buying businesses, and so forth, while may be legal, can still raise national security concerns because it provides a vehicle for the CCP to, if they want to leverage that access, to conduct surveillance or other operations that determine our national security, and we’ve seen time and time again, where they have used that access, leveraged that access, to do that.” Please note, Christopher Wray cannot be labeled a right-wing xenophobe!

This is not just an issue of free trade and commerce with a foreign-based company. America is under attack by an enemy that has openly expressed its goal to bury us, and testimony before congress backs that up. Local, state, and federal officials who allow it are guilty of nothing less than selling our towns to Beijing! They are not representing the people who elected them to protect our liberties. A dotting news media is little more than propaganda tool that needs to be directly confronted and challenged to prove its misleading and incorrect reporting.

The fact is, the citizens of Pataskala, Ohio, Green Charter Township, Michigan, and the folks in the Wisconsin and many other states are right to be concerned about these Chinese companies and the threat they pose to their way of life. All Americans have a perfect right to challenge and question elected officials who are helping to promote them.

© 2024 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese:

Organized Theft in the Name of Government

by Tom DeWeese

March 9, 2024

Most Americans today tend to think of private property simply as a home – the place where the family resides, stores their belongings, and finds shelter and safety from the elements. It’s where you live. It’s yours because you pay the mortgage and the taxes. Most people don’t give property ownership much more thought than that.

There was a time when property ownership was considered to be much more. Property, and the ability to own and control it, was life itself. The great economist John Locke, whose writings and ideas had a major influence on our nation’s founders, believed that “life and liberty are secure only so long as the right of property is secure.”

John Locke advocated that if property rights did not exist, then the incentive for an industrious person to develop and improve property would be destroyed; that the industrious person would be deprived of the fruits of his labor; that marauding bands would confiscate by force the goods produced by others; and that mankind would be compelled to remain on a bare-subsistence level of hand to mouth survival because the accumulation of anything of value would invite attack.

In short, human civilization would be reduced to the level of a pack of wolves and eventually cease to exist because a lack of control over your own actions would cause fear and insecurity. Private property ownership, Locke argued, brought stability and wealth to individuals, leading to a prosperous society of man.

>From the very beginning, the United States was guided by the idea of private property ownership. It was written into our governing documents. Property and freedom – one cannot live without the other. James Madison said, “As a man is said to have a right to his property, he may be equally said to have a property in his rights.” John Adams argued, “The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.”

America, be aware, private property is quickly being destroyed across the nation, and note the growing lawlessness beginning to surround you. The fear of climate change has become the excuse for government to grow and dictate how every strip of land will be used.

Have you ever wondered why government now focuses so hard on the environment? That’s because the environment does not recognize political boundaries. The environment crosses rivers, fields, and mountains, all of which cross over national borders, state borders, county borders, city borders, and the boundary lines of your yard! That fact has given massive new power to those forces that seek to change our way of life and system of government. Who can stand in the way with a climate crisis at hand? So goes the argument.

As a result, the pack of wolves is quickly raiding every foot of this nation. Lawlessness controls our society as incentive, ingenuity, and entrepreneurship give way to fear of a government tyranny that drives for control, regardless of clear constitutional rights and the legal system that was designed to protect them.

Step by step, freedom dies, leaving shattered dreams, as tyranny grows.

The Biden cabal issued Executive Order 14008 at the beginning of its hold on America. The order, titled America the Beautiful, established a plan to lock away 30 percent of American land by 2030, under the pretext of protecting the planet. The federal government already has 270 million acres under its control, now under 30×30 it’s driving for another 680 million to be locked away from private use.

Eminent domain land grabs are turning millions of acres of vital farmland over to corporations like Blackrock and Vanguard – to feed their own vision of how human society must function. As more and more farmland disappears under wind turbines and solar panels, which produce next to nothing for our power grid, there’s little room to grow the food we need to survive. As a result, thousands of farmers are forced to just give up.

Other property owners in rural America are facing a new challenge – the elimination of vital dams that have controlled the flow of water, opening new land for productive use. But, says the climate change mantra, those dams aren’t natural, so they are a danger to the environment. They must go. Gone is more private property, a reliable water source, and the individual’s ability to thrive for their own goals.

In our once-vibrant cities, chaos is taking control. Private property ownership is under attack. In the name of Smart Growth your dream home could soon be banned as the space is being taken over by public housing projects.

Small businesses, the very foundation of our free market economy, are under attack. It’s bad enough that small retail businesses must now contend with the growing anarchy of thieves simply rushing in and grabbing any items they choose, as law enforcement is forced to stand by and do nothing. But what about the local restaurant that has always featured your favorite meal? Now, in the name of climate change, the government is moving to ban the stoves on which they cook the meals. And what would they be able to cook now that government is driving to ban beef and dairy? We used to have pesticides to get rid of bugs; now they are destined to be our next dinner!

However, as the federal government continues to rush ahead, state and local governments, designed by our Founders to be the first line of defense against tyranny, are now blindly falling in lockstep with the powermongers.

City councils across the nation are joining non-elected regional councils, which create a one-size-fits-all system of control, ignoring local differences. The regional councils delete the will of the local citizens by piling on federal grants and the federal regulations that come with them. Local elections become meaningless as their city council members surrender to the rule of the regional council and explain there is nothing they can do about it. So why elect them?

Fourteen major American cities are part of a globalist climate NGO known as the “C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group.” The goal of the group is “0” meat and dairy consumption by 2030. Also included in the goals are “0” private vehicles owned by citizens, only “1” short-haul air flight per person every 3 years, and “3” new clothing items per person per year. The group is funded mainly by Democrat billionaire Mike Bloomberg, and nearly 100 cities across the world are members. In the U.S., members include Austin, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New Your City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco, Washington, D.C. and Seattle. Now as the plan is exposed, the group denies these are “not policy recommendations,” but rather just “different emission-reduction alternatives and long-term urban visions.” But we’re watching them unfold daily. Own nothing and be happy!

In Belmont County, Ohio, the Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) established the Egypt Valley Wildlife Refuge. It encompasses over 28,000 acres of land that cannot be used for private enterprise or homes. As it was being put in place, the ODNR promised local citizens that tourism, lakes, trails, hunting, fishing, etc., would be developed to assist the local economy. None of those promises were fulfilled. And the ODNR pays no taxes or provides services. As a result, the county is in major financial difficulty. The average tax income loss for the county is $8,932,000 that would have gone to pay for schools, roads, law enforcement and public services. Citizens of the country suffer from a lack of local businesses, food services, and products.

In Pataskala, Ohio, a small rural community of about 17,000, a massive solar panel assembly plant is being built. It will employ over 800 people to assemble solar panels with material from China. Why is this a problem? Well, that’s in the details. You see, the lead company in the project, called Illuminate USA, isn’t really a company. It’s a shell designed to get around any future US regulations that would prevent a foreign company from owning property. 49% of Illuminate USA is owned by LONGI, a partner with Invenergy – a Chinese corporation. It’s all a shill designed to pretend these solar panels are “American Made.” Of course, the mayor and city council of Pataskala see dollar signs and are allowing this plant to move forward, in spite of the fact that a huge number of local citizens oppose the plan, fearing that it will drastically change the entire atmosphere of their rural community. The mayor is calling such citizen opponents “Radicals.”

In Michigan, Governor Gretchen Whitmer has signed HB271 into law as part of her drive to enforce ambitious climate change goals for the state. On the same day, she signed HB5120 to take power over green energy projects from the local community government and give it to the Michigan Public Service Commission. Essentially, these two bills have removed local control over land use. Again, state regulations are being used to eliminate local control.

Many parents are now beginning to understand that the public-school curriculum is little more than propaganda for climate change. Students have really become victims of this sinister plot to change society. As a result, all over the world, young people are being radicalized and encouraged to take drastic action against our entire way of life.

“STOP OIL” is a major nongovernmental organization (NGO) training students to lay on highways and block cars from passing. The goal, of course, is to make driving more difficult, resulting in people abandoning their gas-powered cars.

Even worse, in museums around the world, another NGO called “DECLARE EMERGENCY” is leading attacks on precious art, claiming we spend money worshipping the past rather than focusing on stopping climate change. In the past year, climate change radicals have defaced DaVinci’s “Mona Lisa,” Degas’ “Little Dancer,” and Monet’s “Haystacks.” Hate of our society, free enterprise, and private property are at the root of the demonstrations.

Most recently, two activists of DECLARE EMERGENCY charged into the United States National Archives, where the original copies of our Declaration of Independence and Constitution are on display. They smeared red powder on the glass covering the constitution and declared, “We are determined to foment a rebellion. We all deserve clean air, water, food and a livable climate.”

And finally, there is this situation. In a Washington, D.C. court a major case was heard and the decision could seriously affect anyone who would speak out in opposition to the climate propaganda that now surrounds us. Michael Mann, a climate scientist who is one of the major promoters of the questionable climate change fear tactics, filed suit against two scientists who had openly questioned Mann’s credibility. A jury awarded Mann a million dollars in damages. This is an absolute attack on free speech and the ability for anyone to question scientific findings.

Is it then a surprise that Senator Ted Cruz is probing ongoing efforts to quietly train federal judges on the Left’s climate change agenda? The Environmental Law Institute’s Climate Judiciary Project, funded by left-wing nonprofits, is quietly training judges nationwide on climate change litigation. So, don’t you dare question any of their policies, or it may be jail for you!

History has shown not a single success from top-down government control, whether socialist, communist, or today’s drive for a global Great Reset. All we’ve gained are a legacy of broken promises, poverty, misery, and the inevitable tyranny that follows. Yet, the Siren’s Song continues to draw its desperate believers. Today’s drive to eliminate free enterprise, individuality, and private property will not lead to an environmental paradise; rather, it will result in shattered American dreams.

© 2024 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

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Who Do Elected Representatives Think They’re Representing?

By Tom DeWeese

January 26, 2024

How is it possible that someone is talented and involved enough to run for political office and win the election – but once in office, has no clue of the origins or purpose behind the very policies they are forced to consider? Specifically, policies dealing with comprehensive planning, such as Smart Growth, 30×30 land issues, energy, and transportation, all of which affect day-to- day life in the community. These are the issues that every city council and county commission in the nation is now faced with imposing on the community.

Yet when citizens attend council meetings and seek to speak out in opposition, discussing how such policies are negatively affecting their property rights, small businesses, and their neighborhoods, they are often met by their elected council members staring at them, with arms folded, scowls on their faces, and gavels in hand, ready to stop their testimony. Even worse, if opponents try to explain that such policies are rooted in the global Agenda 2030, the Green New Deal or the Great Reset, now the officials really become agitated. You will get several different responses. A council member will say, “I have never heard of this before.” Another will chime in and say, “These policies are all local.” And then comes the final comment on the issue, “This is just how it’s done; everyone is doing it.”

A growing tactic by local and county governments is to hide behind the edicts of government-appointed boards. As I’ve worked across the country to stop the assault on private property and the farm industry, many elected officials have responded saying they oppose such plans, but there is nothing they can do because appointed utility boards oversee the issue. This was the case in Iowa and South Dakota as local residents fought to stop the enforcement of the Carbon Capture Pipelines in which private corporations were using appointed public utility boards to gain the power of eminent domain to just take the land they wanted for this private corporate project.

The fact is appointed boards are created by elected officials, usually to be the workforce to carry out programs that they approved. These appointed boards represent no one. They do not have the right or the power to make policy. They certainly do not have the power to prevent elected officials from representing and protecting the wishes of their constituents. The elected officials are the Boss of appointed boards! Any politician who uses the lame excuse that they have no authority to stop the actions of the appointed board has a different agenda. They want to avoid dealing with the very people who put them in office specifically to protect their rights. In short, they are cowards working against the people!

Where is the Republican Party? As insanity spews out of the Democrat Party, the long-time overseer of limited government, free enterprise and individual liberty has no response, no unified plan to counter the Democrats, and, indeed, seems confused rather than offended by the Socialist antics.

For the election of 2023, the Virginia Republican Party’s official plan to win the statewide election to control the Legislature was to encourage Republican voters to sign up for mail-in ballots or to be sure to vote early rather than to wait and vote on election day. For the past three election cycles the Democrats have proven this ballot strategy to be the kingpin of ballot insecurity. Democrats have the people in place to watch all of the early ballots as they arrive. This allows them to gain an early knowledge of how the vote is going and where they need to push for more ballots for their own candidates. The result of the Virginia election was no surprise to anyone knowledgeable in how the Democrats operate – the Republicans lost everything!

How could the leadership of the party not understand that they were falling right into the Democrat trap? Why won’t the Republican Party, nationwide, take up the fight to demand election day voting with paper ballots, as the means to assure election integrity? A great example of how effective this works is the recent Iowa Republican Caucus, where votes were all cast at the same time on paper ballots and the results were known almost instantly. For over two hundred years this is how the United States conducted elections in a fair and honest process. Yet the Republican Party remains silent and complicit in assisting its own demise.

At the congressional level it gets even worse. A few years ago, as Republicans were faced with the most open and blatantly radical agenda yet proposed by the Democrats, they missed their greatest opportunity to go on the attack and expose the insanity of the real goals of the Global Left. The Green New Deal represents the largest step ever taken by the Socialists/ Sustainablists forces that have been pushing Agenda 21 for over 30 years.

Introduced by one of the most radical members of Congress, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortrez, Republicans like Senate leader Mitch McConnell simply laughed, saying it was just too radical to be taken seriously. Then the laughing really started when the Republican-controlled Senate brought the Green New Deal up for a vote and the tally was 57-0. The Dems didn’t even vote for it themselves, went the joke. Such a silly, stupid little girl, they said with great hilarity!

Leaders of many establishment conservative organizations in Washington, DC laughed too.

Well, the fools are the Republicans, and some of those establishment Conservatives, as they failed to understand the determination of these forces behind that “silly little girl.” The Democrats set a trap and the Republicans marched right into it.

What really occurred is that the Socialist Democrats made a classic negotiating tactic. They came to the table and delivered the most radical, complete, all-inclusive agenda for the total take-down of the American Republic, our free enterprise system, our property rights, and our way of life.

The Republicans were completely unprepared for it. Since they have ignored the warnings of those of us who have led the fight against Agenda 21 for 30 years the Green New Deal sounded too nuts. Too far out. No one would fall for it. They laughed and dismissed it without a thought. The Senate vote showed them!

But, true to form for these elected officials who refuse to take the time to research and understand the true goal of such policy, the Republicans fell into the trap! For example, Florida Republican Representative Matt Gaetz announced that he was working on the Green REAL Deal! Said Gaetz, his bill would be more reasonable. The classic response. In the Senate, Tennessee Senator Lamar Alexander countered with his “Manhattan Project for Clean Energy.” The difference from the Green New Deal? Almost nothing! Senator Lindsey Graham said “We owe it to the country to have an alternative to the Green New Deal.” He said he was frustrated because large parts of the Republican Party still resist the idea of climate change legislation.

Did any of these “leaders” ever take the time to study the roots of such legislation and read what the forces behind it say it’s all about? Sen. Graham and other faltering Republicans seem to not understand that any attempt to provide “an alternative to the Green New Deal” actually serves to legitimize the dangerous, wrong-headed leftist environmental movement.

This is exactly what the Democrats were counting on. They made an outrageously radical proposal that moves the agenda miles down the road and then – to be more “reasonable” the stupid Republicans join right in with just a little smaller proposal. That’s how we lose our nation – by being “reasonable” to tyrants.

This is the tragedy that is taking place across the nation, at every level of government. Those elected to represent the people don’t take the time to research and understand the true origins and purposes of the issues. They are surrounded by Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) that serve as the ground troops for the global forces. The NGOs bring them the legislation, the talking points, and the grant money – all in a neat little package. And they apply pressure to ensure the officials support their agenda. Incredibly, the officials call the NGO’s stakeholders – like they are their constituents who elected them. Meanwhile, except for a few, we aren’t there. They feel no pressure from us, no threat to their future. Is it any wonder why local citizens who do try to speak out, get the evil eye when they come to oppose those policies?

To change this situation before the nation is completely lost, Americans who oppose such policies must learn a very important lesson. The other side has a clear agenda, and they will not back away from it. They will not accept defeat. BUT – supporters of the American tradition of Freedom do not have such an agenda. We have simply been reduced to defending freedom. It’s not working as we have lacked the ability to express what we mean by freedom.

We must find a way to define our own agenda and get on the offensive, demanding freedom in every government action at every level of government. We must learn to paint a clear picture as to what life in America will be like under our vision of freedom. Make your opponents responsible for their own policies. Put their names to them. Make them defend their plans.

In the founding documents of this nation, we were assured that the government didn’t grant us our rights -we are born with them. Our rights are not “Constitutional” rights. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights grant us nothing. You have those rights despite those documents. We are “endowed by our Creator,” Government’s job, according to our founders, is to protect what we have naturally.

In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson said that our liberty is “self-evident.” In today’s language that would mean “obvious.” Unfortunately, there is nothing obvious. As sad as it is, Liberty should be obvious. It is to some, but we make the mistake of thinking it is obvious to our fellow Americans.

Today, we do not have a government that respects those rights. Just as our founders experienced with the King, we now have a long train of abuses from the government. We now stand in the same place as our founders stood in 1776 when they took action to end the tyranny of a king who refused to address their grievances.

We the People created Congress and all other levels of government. Unlike a kingship, they work for us! They’re out of control because earlier generations allowed them to do so. For too long, we haven’t been there to ensure they are listening to the people. But the forces who seek total control are there, and so elected representatives think they are representing them, not you and me.

Today’s freedom activists must organize effectively. That specifically requires action at the local level. The further government gets from the people, the more corrupt it becomes. Let’s organize to change that. Now is the time to prepare for this year’s vital election. Do not accept ‘the defeatist attitude’ that we can’t win. Get involved. Don’t let your local Board of Elections cop out by saying the State legislature makes the rules, so there is nothing they can do. Organize to keep the pressure on them to make sure all is run fairly and legally. Volunteer to be election observers and ensure votes are counted legally and accurately, and don’t allow anyone to push you out. Forces which may want to do harm are less likely to do it if they know they are being watched.

Tyranny ends when free people stand strong. That is our duty for this new year.

© 2023 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

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Give ‘Em The “Dickens”

By Tom DeWeese

December 25, 2023

Now that the trial is over the truth can finally be told. Bob Cratchit and Scrooge’s partner, Jacob Marley, conspired to steal the business holdings of Ebenezer Scrooge. Also involved in the diabolical plot were Scrooge’s housekeeper, Mrs. Henderson, and Bob Cratchit’s wife.

In the end, they were caught, of course, but not before it looked as though they were completely successful, and not until many years later. Their demise came when young Tiny Tim grew to maturity and learned the whole truth.

Cratchit had forced Tim to live his life, pretending to be crippled, in order to gain the townspeople’s sympathy and their support in his plan to discredit Scrooge. Having learned all of this, Tim turned his father and co-conspirators over to the authorities. During the trial all the sordid details were disclosed. Their scheme was to cause Scrooge to suffer a complete mental breakdown. Like the team from Mission Impossible, Marley and Cratchit carefully plotted their moves.

They began with the fake death of Scrooge’s partner, Marley. No longer encumbered with the day-to-day chore of working with Scrooge, Marley moved behind the scenes, recruiting those he needed to carry out the plan. He started false rumors about Scrooge’s character, creating an image that showed him to be harsh, cruel, and one to be scorned. Marley even intercepted checks Scrooge had written to various charity organizations.

Meanwhile, Bob Cratchit worked to reinforce Marley’s actions by saying that Scrooge was a harsh taskmaster. Using the excuse of his supposedly crippled child, Cratchit played on the sympathy of the townspeople and turned them against Scrooge.

All of this began to take a toll on Scrooge’s business. He became worried and despondent, finding it difficult to understand why the community refused to deal with him. As money grew short Scrooge was forced to cut back on office personnel. Marley, of course, used this opportunity to spread false rumors that Scrooge simply wanted all the money for himself. Cratchit was now the only worker left in Scrooge’s employ. He then seized that opportunity to ask for a raise, knowing full well what the results of the request would be. When Scrooge refused the raise, Cratchit told the townspeople he needed the money for Tiny Tim’s medical bills.

Finally, Marley and Cratchit knew the time was at hand to complete their plan. Sinister as they were, the two chose the Christmas season for the background to their final play. On the morning of December 24th, while Scrooge was at the office, Marley visited his housekeeper, Mrs. Henderson, and gave her a small vial. It contained a white powdery substance. He paid her one hundred dollars and handed her an envelope containing instructions on how and when to use the contents.

Later that afternoon, Cratchit informed Scrooge that he wanted to leave early to join his family for Christmas Eve. Scrooge was expecting a very important shipment of special-order goods, but he had to attend a business meeting. He then asked Cratchit to please stay, at least until it was delivered. In fact, Cratchit was not planning to go home at all, rather he was to meet Marley to finalize plans for that night. He waited for Scrooge to leave for his meeting and then promptly closed the office and left.

That night, as Scrooge prepared for bed, Mrs. Henderson brought him hot milk. Upon drinking it the entire room seemed to grow dark and misty as if in a dream. Moments later, Marley, whom Scrooge believed to be dead, appeared before him. The effect was devastating.

Throughout the night, Marley and Cratchit, using special effects and psychological torment, systematically tortured their victim, now in a weak mental state. They spun his bed; they led him into the cold night dressed only in a nightshirt and cap; and Marley continually changed costumes, pretending to be several different characters, each accusing Scrooge of various crimes.

Consider the testimony of Constable O’Malley, who told of seeing three men on Baker Street at approximately 4:00am, December 25th. One, dressed only in a nightshirt and cap, was babbling incoherently, and was understood to cry out, “No more, Sir, please, I don’t want to see anymore.” One of the men with him was tall and wore a hooded robe. He did not speak. As the Constable approached them, a third man, who had been following about as half a block behind, quickly rushed forward and nervously told the Constable that all was well, “My grandfather has just had a little too much Christmas ‘spirit’ and we’re just taking him home.” According to Constable O’Mally, the spokesman matched the description of Bob Cratchit.

The traumatic night, of course, took its toll on Scrooge. He suffered the planned mental breakdown and was reduced to a babbling idiot who, every day, walked through London’s market exchange, shouting Christmas greetings to all and handed out plucked turkeys to the vendors. Finally, Bob Cratchit managed to have Scrooge committed to a mental hospital and Cratchit himself was appointed guardian of his estate. Authorities found Scrooge on a July afternoon, wandering through the exchange, shouting his Christmas greetings. They loaded him into a wagon and took him to the Home for the Euphorically Deluded.

Years later, as reported, Tiny Tim learned the truth behind the whole story and reported it to the authorities. It was too late for Scrooge, who died in the Home, a broken man. Jacob Marley too had died, never able to enjoy his ill-gotten gain. He also had suffered a breakdown brought on by an identity crisis. Bob Cratchit, his wife, and Mrs. Henderson did stand trial and were found guilty. They were sentenced to work in a sweatshop run by the government.

Tiny Tim was granted control of Scrooge’s estate. He invested the money in a toy company and soon built a vast financial empire by hiring a marketing firm. Together they were able to turn Christmas into a huge commercial buying season for toys. Tiny Tim hung a huge sign over is factory so that all could see. There, written in gold letters, was the name of his corporation, “HUMBUG ENTERPRISES.”

© 2023 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

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Setting the Agenda for Freedom’s Comeback

By Tom DeWeese

December 3, 2023

For more than 100 years the free market economy of the United States has been used to prop up the failures of socialism throughout the world. Over-taxed Americans have been forced to pay for it through foreign aid schemes and leftist pretend charity cartels. Armed with plundered American capital, global looters have had free rein to pillage some of the naturally richest nations in the world, now destroyed by socialism. Yet, all the while the socialists were gleefully accepting the cash to finance their failures, Americans were derided for being so rich. Now, many see America as the last source of funds for the plunder. When the lights go out in America’s once shining abundance of freedom and riches, what will these locusts have left but darkness?

Years ago, someone said to me, “One day freedom may rush to our shores from somewhere else.” It’s possible that the first drops of such a flood have begun.

Shockwaves are rushing through the international Deep State. It seems there are cracks opening in their well-planned drive for global control. The cause? Javier Milei, a limited government, free enterprise candidate was just elected president of Argentina and news reports tell us, “The red caste is shaking.”

For decades Argentina has been controlled by the same cabal that has set its sights on global control. Beginning with Juan Peron and his wife Evita, continuing with the regional influence of communist Fidel Castro, and ultimately the strong, destructive influence of Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, Argentina has suffered all the usual socialist casualties to freedom.

President-elect Milei declared, “We want to be the moral beacon of the continent. We want to be the defenders of freedom…” He has called socialist leaders, “trash” and “human excrement”, and said, “Now, Argentina’s administration will be an ally to the U.S. and Israel administrations, to Europe, and to free countries. We’ll no longer see Argentina’s foreign service siding with dictators.”

Most exciting for freedom lovers around the world, who have hungered for a revolutionary voice of reason, Milei, sounding much like Ronald Reagan, stated, “The state is not the solution, the state is the problem.” Then he announced his proposal to eliminate eleven of the nineteen federal agencies, These include the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development; the Ministry of Women, Gender, and Diversity; and the Ministry of Education, which he called “the Ministry of Indoctrination.”

The people of Argentina, facing over 159% inflation, have spoken as they rallied, demonstrated, and turned out at the polls, shaking the globalist foundations as they delivered 55.7% of the votes to Milei. There is joy amid the rusting structure of a once free society. But caution must be added to firm determination for success.

Now Milei faces his greatest challenge as he takes office on December 10th and challenges the entrenched globalist political establishment. Like Donald Trump in 2016, he’s new to the office and is the direct target of the all-powerful cabal which has no intention of surrendering power. As we have seen with Trump, no stone will be left unturned, no tactic is out of the question in stopping this interloper from succeeding in his promises to the people. Milei appears to be a dedicated freedom fighter, well prepared for the fight. Time will tell if he succeeds.

But freedom advocates in the United States must take heart in what has been achieved in Argentina. For it represents a growing mood as many citizens, internationally and nationally, have finally felt the blunt forces of tyranny and are fed up with the corruption of those in power. Now is not the time for Americans or citizens of other nations to look down in defeat, but to take heart that tyranny, rather than growing, may be starting to crumble. Let me give you some recent examples right here in the U.S.

I’ve already reported on the developments in Iowa and South Dakota where local citizens succeeded in blocking powerful corporations and NGOs from taking their property for the idiotic carbon capture pipeline. Many said it couldn’t be stopped, but the local farmers refused to be intimidated, and forced the state legislatures to take action on their behalf. It’s a great start in the national plight of farmers.

As China plots a determined drive to buy and control vast amounts of American land, unchecked by the U.S. Government, Arkansas became the first nation to pass a law to block it. More states are considering such legislation. Texas Congressman Chip Roy has offered legislation in Congress to ban China’s land drive nationwide. It’s called, “Securing American Land from Foreign Interferences Act” (H.R. 344). Finally, some in Congress are starting to stand for American sovereignty and independence, in defiance of the drive for global governance! Meanwhile, local citizens in the tiny rural community, Pataskala, Ohio, are rising up to stop a Chinese company from building a massive plant to build solar panels. Others are rising up in Michigan and Illinois for the same purpose in their areas. Stopping China is a growing movement.

Tennessee has become the second state, behind Alabama, to pass significant legislation to ban enforcement of Agenda 21 policy in state legislation. More states are looking into similar legislation. This could lead to the ultimate death of the Green New Deal and the Great Reset.

In a direct blow to the climate change agenda, which is determined to replace oil, gas and any reliable energy source with worthless wind and solar, a major campaign is underway to block this threat to society. CFACT, the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, is leading efforts along the East Coast to stop the construction of offshore wind turbines. And it’s working. CFACT has revealed the hypocrisy of the radical environmental movement that spreads propaganda about saving endangered whales, yet they support the offshore wind turbines that have resulted in a disturbing amount of whales washing up dead on beaches. As a result, CFACT launched the STOP WINDMILLS SAVE WHALES campaign. In recent months more than one third of the offshore wind mill projects supported by the Biden administration have been stopped.

As many believe that the Republican Party is a lost cause, a major victory for the forces of freedom was achieved in the recent election in the state of Louisiana where every single elected statewide office fell to the Republicans. These included Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, Treasurer, Secretary of State, and Commissioner of Agriculture. In addition, Republicans hold a 2/3rds super majority in both the House and Senate.

In addition, in Oklahoma at the national convention of the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW), a few dedicated activists showed what can be done when determination and principle are employed. As the organization prepared resolutions to be considered at the convention, two vital resolutions were blocked for consideration by the NFRW president. One dealt with men’s and women’s sports and the other defined what a woman is. When the president refused to include them, 4 brave, smart women prepared ahead of the convention for a floor fight. They had a platform; they were determined; and they worked together. They won. Their victory has now inspired others to run against their leadership in state conventions, and 99% have been successful.

Meanwhile, common citizens across the nation are making their feelings felt against the WOKE corporations which are working to enforce radical change in our culture. Bud Lite beer, once number one in the nation, has dropped to number 14; the movie Sound of Freedom, exposing the horrible details of child trafficking, has become the most successful film of the year; the country song, “Try This In a Small Town” became number one on the charts; Disney has lost over $900M on their last eight movie releases; and Electric Vehicles, promoted as the replacement of gas-powered vehicles, have crashed and burned in the market.

All of this shows that the time has come for local activists to take action at home. As I have told my audiences across the country, we are not outnumbered – we are out organized. It’s time to fix that. People are ready for our solutions.

I’ve been teaching citizens across the nation to build Freedom Pods in their communities. Too many lack the confidence to get started. Here are a few suggestions to get the ball rolling. Keep it simple. Work against school district tax increases; demand protection of property rights; get your county council to cut county money to outside agencies; get your people to run for several county boards and make sure to sit on special committees when citizen input is required. Above all, get your people on the local Board of Elections! Be heard! Be consistent. And keep it direct and simple.

Juan Milie is now President of Argentina. He intends to lead his people to protect property rights, free markets and smash the Great Reset power cabal in his country. Incredibly, I’ve also just received this news, hard-right firebrand Geert Wilders has just been elected Prime Minister of the Netherlands. He is known as the “Dutch Donald Trump.”

If Donald Trump can find a way to assure honest ballot counting and is elected, more shock waves will rush through the entire world. The Great Reset will be splintered. Break the back of the global power elite and other nations will respond. More freedom leaders will be elected. You can feel it in the air. The whole world is watching and waiting. Now is the time.

© 2023 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Grassroots Activists Are Winning Battles Against Powerful Green Forces

By Tom DeWeese

November 6, 2023

“The global forces are just too big and powerful. There’s no way to stop them. We are locked out of the process. Our elected officials just won’t listen to us!” This is what I hear every day from activists who truly want to stand up for freedom – but, instead, are looking down in defeat.

STOP IT!!! We have just won a major victory in Iowa as the Navigator Heartland Greenway has announced they are pulling their request from the Iowa Utilities Board to build the carbon capture pipeline. This is a direct result of dedicated grassroots activists standing up and fighting back, demanding the protection of their private property from an arrogant and powerful private corporation that didn’t think mere peasant citizens could stop them.

For the past year, I’ve had the pleasure of working with some of the most dedicated activists in Iowa, South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, and Nebraska, fighting to stop the most idiotic of environmental schemes of all time – to bury CO2 in the ground under the excuse of protecting the planet from global warming. I say idiotic because CO2 is not a pollutant, it’s a natural and necessary source of food for our plants. A true environmental scientist knows that. Only greedy corporations seeking to fill their pockets with our tax dollars, and political zealots determined to impose a radical agenda support such lies.

Meanwhile, in North Dakota, state regulators, responding to pleas from farmers, denied another corporation, Summit Carbon Solutions, a route permit for its carbon capture pipeline, as it threatened to seize private farmland for the project. Minnesota is considering similar action.

As opposition began to build against the two pipeline projects that are to crisscross the five states via 2,000 miles of pipeline and the threat of taking thousands of acres of vital private farmland, the politically connected corporations began to take an arrogant stand against their opposition. First, the corporations tried holding public meetings to “help the people to understand the true purpose of the pipeline.” However, nearly every meeting, in every targeted state, became packed with local citizens voicing strong opposition to the plan.

I personally barnstormed Iowa and South Dakota, urging locals to stand up in opposition. I was most adamant that county supervisors take a stand to protect their citizen’s property rights. Many of the elected supervisors responded and began to take action. Two counties in South Dakota (Brown and Spike) passed temporary moratoriums, blocking construction permits. In North Dakota, another county passed a resolution blocking building unless 100 percent of targeted property owners voluntarily agreed to allow their property to be taken.

Obviously, the corporations grew nervous and apparently decided that enough was enough and the opposition must be stopped. That’s when Brown County, South Dakota experienced a shocking incident. So-called surveyors for Summit Carbon Solutions suddenly appeared unannounced on the property of Brown County farmer Jared Bossly, a strong opponent of the pipeline. Jared never met or talked directly with the surveyors, yet, they walked across his private land, including his small farm shop and other areas that had nothing to do with the pipeline path planned to cross the property. After leaving, the surveyors reported that Bossly had threatened their lives. There was a trial and Bossly was not found guilty of such a threat, but the judge put a restraining order on him, denying his right to interact with Summit employees whenever they might again invade his property.

Then two weeks later it happened. Summit sent another team to his property, complete with armed guards and huge equipment designed to drill 90-foot holes into his soil. They drove this monster equipment over his soybean and corn crops, damaging them. There was never an explanation provided by Summit as to the purpose of the act or the reason for the digging of the deep hole.

However, the true purpose was obvious. Intimidation. Not only as a warning to Jared Bossly to stop his opposition to the pipeline but to all others opposing the project. To all farmers the message was clear, keep it up and this will happen to you.

If it truly was Summit’s plan to intimidate and silence the opposition, it has backfired in spectacular fashion, The action against Bossly enraged the farmers and they rallied in the South Dakota State Capital, held a rally of several hundred on the capital steps, and filed more than 2,000 petitions demanding that their property be protected from Summit’s actions. Several state legislators took up the cause and helped in pressuring fellow state representatives to join the cause as it gained national media attention.

Now, as local citizens have learned that they are not captives in the plans of these private corporations, opposition has continued to grow. Apparently, Navigator CO2 Ventures has learned that moving forward is futile and so has canceled its pipeline project. In addition, Summit has announced a two-year delay on its pipeline plans. Reuters News Service, in announcing these actions said, “The cancellation of one of the biggest projects of its kind is a setback to the development of carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects in the U.S. which are the pillar of President Joe Biden’s climate strategy…” That statement is a huge revelation that the radical green agenda can be stopped.

These actions have become a great opposition rallying cry across the five targeted states. However, locals must heed this warning; now is not the time to sit back with a victory smile on your face. Understand that there is still a huge amount of money and power behind this scheme and they don’t quit that easily. Summit says they are delaying their plans for a couple of years, but also says, “it’s well positioned to add additional plants and communities to our project footprint.” In other words, they are not done yet! Vigilance and continual demands for government action is now the order of the day. Don’t let Summit sneak through a new deal. They must see an unwavering resistance from local residents.

At the same time, resistance to federal government overreach is growing across the nation. The fight against the carbon capture pipeline is one of the most visible examples of successes recently earned by local activists. But there are more. Arkansas just passed legislation to stop communist China from owning land in that state. More states are considering such action. After ten years of effort, local activists finally succeeded in getting Tennessee to join Alabama in passing legislation against Agenda 21 and Net Zero policy. More states are now looking into it. Many organizations across the country are now teaching local activists and state legislatures to invoke Nullification to block unconstitutional federal legislation. Meanwhile, CFACT (Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow) is running a successful campaign to stop construction of off-shore wind towers that endanger sea life, including whales. CFACT has already succeeded in stopping about one-third of Biden’s plans for off-shore wind farms. And my efforts to build Freedom Pods for local action is taking hold!

Take one victory at a time, but do not stop. Local residents must send a message that they will not back down and accept this assault on their property rights. Make it known that these forces had better not cross that line. Continue to demand that local, county, and state governments provide strong legislation to protect the rights of the people they represent. As Rocky Balboa famously said, “That’s how winning is done!”

© 2023 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

We Must Fight Back at the Local Level

by Tom DeWeese

October 4, 2023

Recently I addressed the Stop 30×30 Summit in Dallas, Texas, sponsored by the American Stewards of Liberty and CFACT. Here is what I had to say to help encourage local activists to fight the seemingly endless number of attacks on our freedoms now coming from the powerful global forces and the Federal Biden Cabal.

Throughout history there has always been some individual or force that wanted to dictate and control the world. In the past, such forces formed armies, invaded, broke things, killed people, and subjugated whole societies.

Today, we are up against the most diabolical force freedom has ever faced. They have come up with a way to get us to voluntarily surrender our liberties. What can be such a powerful weapon to get us to do that? FEAR! Fear of what? The fear of Environmental Armageddon — Climate Change.

How many times have I had radical environmentalists get in my face and arrogantly proclaim, “It doesn’t matter how many rights you think you have – if you don’t have a planet to stand on!” Oh wow, FEAR tactics at work!

The question then is how do we stop it? Can we stop it?

Of course, most see that these threats are coming from the top – the federal level – and focus on stopping it there. Well, we do have great organizations fighting on the national level. CFACT, American Stewards for Liberty, and the Heartland Institute are at the top of the list — and they are doing a great job at that level. But they can be MORE effective if we create a groundswell of support at the LOCAL level. And that’s what I’m working directly with CFACT to achieve.

Think about this. Why do these forces for control use the environment as their weapon? Because the environment does not recognize political boundaries — national, state, county, community and your yard.

What boundaries does 30 X 30 respect? We are looking at half the land in the nation to be locked away. That will obviously include states, counties, local communities, farmland, ranchland, local businesses, and private homes.

We can’t just fight this battle through Congress. It also has to be fought in your community and in your yard. We’ve seen what can be accomplished when angry moms get involved in the local schools to protect their children. Those moms are fighting with passion. We need that same passion to protect our property. That’s how we will change the debate – get off the defense and get on the offense. Stop defending freedom and start demanding it — right in your community.

How do you get the attention of local governments to stand and fight with you? We have to stop being polite and start learning how to fight effectively. Here’s a suggestion. Overlay current political boundaries — congressional districts, and the districts of local, county, and state elected representatives — with the map of the 30×30 lock away. This will shock those officials as they perhaps see their own district disappear. Do you think that might get their attention to help you fight this?

I’m here to tell you that we can stop it. And I’m going to provide you very quickly with some valuable ideas on how to fight back against this massive assault on our liberties – right there in your local community. I call it building a Freedom Pod. As I begin, keep this fact in mind — we are not outnumbered – we are out-organized!

First, property rights of individual owners must be protected. Private property ownership is the key to individual and community prosperity. If you are determined to protect private property then you need a good definition of what is private property. Too many people think it just means the place where you pay to store your stuff.

Here is a definition that was written by Washington State Supreme Court justice Richard B. Sanders a few years ago:

“Property in a thing consists not merely in its ownership and possession, but in the unrestricted right of use, enjoyment and disposal. Anything which destroys any of the elements of property, to that extent, destroys the property itself. The substantial value of property lies in its use. If the right of use be denied, the value of the property is annihilated and ownership is rendered a barren right.”

There is one word in that definition of property rights that would cause an explosion in the brains of the radical greens. That word is “UNRESTRICTED.” I have actually had a couple of legislators attempt to use this definition in a bill. In one state, the Greens mounted a major campaign to stop it by going to every mayor in the state and demanding their opposition. The example they used in their opposition (I’m not joking about this) was, “If someone has the right of UNRESTRICTED use of their property… then someone will put a smelly old pig farm next door!!!!” Apparently Greens really hate pigs!

Now here is the proper response to these charges. First, Sustainable Development policies are a one-size-fits-all proposition with a government bureaucrat making all of the decisions concerning the use of your property. However, since the beginning of human settlements, there have been nuisance laws designed to protect your property in case your neighbor is simply oblivious to the damage his actions may cause.

For example, perhaps your neighbor has a bright light shining in your window at night, has loud music playing, or has trash piled up and it’s affecting your property. So, you go to him and say, “Charlie, can you turn that light off at night, it’s shining in my window and I can’t sleep.” If Charlie is a good guy, he of course turns it off. If Charlie is a jerk, then you take him to court for a nuisance violation. That’s neighbor to neighbor – taking care of business. That’s how a free society works.

One of the main issues that our side must face is that we don’t really like government. That’s why we want it to be as small and un-intrusive as possible. We just want to be left alone. Many especially don’t like getting involved in local government.

When was the last time many of us really cared about who served on local planning boards? Yet these are the very officials who are deciding the fate of our own property.

But we’re not there! As a result, those of us who don’t really like government have gotten more government!

If you want to transform your community into a Freedom Pod you must start from scratch. You must build a permanent infrastructure from which to carry on a continuous fight.

Here are the basic points needed to organize on the local level. To win every public movement needs a team. Most people just don’t know how to get started. Let me give you some ideas.

First, form a committee of three or four to get things started. These need to be the spark plug to get things started. Contact more who are interested and get them involved. Your task is to build a team.

Then create a research team to get to know whose land is affected by planning projects. What effect will the locking away of private property, such as called for in 30×30, have on the community? You need to know what and who you are dealing with. Look at your city’s comprehensive plan. What programs does it contain? In any part of the comprehensive plan do the words “protection of property rights” appear? I’m quite certain it doesn’t. Sustainable projects cannot be imposed if private property is protected.

Then you need two to three people to volunteer to attend every public meeting so you are constantly on top of what is happening in your local government. We call them the Watchers This is how you determine the players and who to target.

Pick three or four of your best Speakers to represent your ideas before the public and in local government meetings. Keep focused on the issues and present them in a reasonable way.

Your research will show you who the Victims of these policies are. Go to them and recruit them to your efforts.

You need a couple of people who will stay in contact with the local Media. But you can also do some other things to get your message out to the people. Start your own newspaper or take flyers door to door. I am working with several groups who are doing both of these things. The main point is to establish a method of communication with the citizens of your community to expose and build opposition to the policies.

If you’ve got some young people on your team, have them create a social media page and use it to post your information. The key is to get information to the people in any and every way possible.

New people are intimidated to get started but want to do something. They can show up for rallies and help pack council chambers when you need a show of force. It’s a great way to get new people started. I’m working to create tools that will be easy for local activists to use. This includes creating a Grading System to reveal how well elected officials are defending liberty: I am also working on a series of detailed questions that can be asked of local officials and planners – that puts them on the spot. We are finding that most planners and local officials can’t answer these questions. That gives you a lot of power to build opposition. If the planners can’t answer then why should they be allowed to impose the policies on you?

This is just a very quick rundown on how to set up your own freedom pod. But these tactics are beginning to work.

For the past couple of years, I have been barnstorming the nation, teaching these tactics. And we are seeing some very positive results. I wish I had time to give you the full picture. But most recently our fight to stop the idiotic Carbon Capture pipeline has taken a dramatic and positive turn.

In Iowa, I called out to the county commissioners to stop hiding behind appointed boards. Stand and represent your people. Stop being cowards. They responded and have begun to take action.

In South Dakota, I traveled to four different areas, calling on farmers to stand up and oppose the pipeline. The private corporations got arrogant and tried to intimidate farmers from opposing their land grab. It backfired on them as farmers finally demanded the state legislature take action to protect their property rights. As a result, the state utilities board has blocked any further development of the pipeline in that state. Just last week, while I was doing it again across Minnesota, I was informed by a leading activist in South Dakota that my teaching of these Freedom Pod tactics was a major motivator to the farmers.

Build that permanent infrastructure. Then, every time the NGOs come up with a new plan – you won’t be caught flatfooted – you will have your organization ready to immediately jump into action and smash it.

What does victory look like? Well, if you have done your job and applied the proper pressure on your elected officials – making them fully aware of your presence and determination to expose their plans — then, the next time the NGOs come to your elected officials with their latest plan, complete with the grant money, here is what will happen. Your elected officials will look at the plan, then at the NGO and say, “Are you nuts? Do you know what my constituents will do to me if I support this?” That’s what winning looks like and that’s what you must work for!

We can stop them when we exercise the same passion and determination for a free society as they do for their Great Reset agenda. That is our task if we are to live in a society of our choosing. Please – join me and let’s go get them!

© 2023 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

The Green Drive to Reorganize Human Society

By Tom DeWeese

August 33, 2023

It’s getting crazy out there. More and more of the policy proposals put out by the Green activists reveal their movement is more about forcing radical changes to our lifestyles and not about climate science or the environment. It’s like a religion where infidels must conform to their rites and rituals and heretics must be silenced.

Each day they are pushing harder and faster to implement it all. They are moving to eliminate cheap, reliable energy and gain control over our food supply, ability to travel, housing choices, available jobs, and our personal lifestyle choices.

How do they expect to accomplish all of that? Let me give you just a few of the most outrageous policies the radical Greens are promoting right now!

Banning gas stoves: Yep, California is already leading on this one. The excuse – “NATURAL” gas is a danger to the NATURAL environment. So homeowners, restaurants, hotels, and anyone trying to cook their food will have to surrender their gas stoves to government regulations. Pizza just might be forced into the history books!

Restrictions on Ice Cubes: You see, it takes energy to make ice cubes…so the drive is on to end our unsustainable use of ice cubes. Scientific American magazine says it takes a lot of water and energy to make manhattans and margaritas. Could we do it with less ice? The time has come for “climate-friendly” cocktails!

Canceling fireworks: This past July 4th Los Angeles canceled several fireworks shows after a radical green NGO group filed a lawsuit claiming some fireworks displays violated the Clean Air Act by discharging plastic pollutants into the water. Isn’t it ironic that no such problem had ever been detected in over 240 previous years of Independence Day celebrations?

Banning short-haul airline flights: It’s much easier to control populations if you can keep everybody in place and monitor their every move. You say you just want to fly over a couple of states and visit mom? Well, not so fast. Several European nations, including France and Germany, are already banning short-haul flights under 2 hours “to cut carbon emissions.” The fact is these flight controls will have little, if any, impact on climate. In reality it’s all a fake, symbolic gesture to pretend they are fighting the “climate crisis.”

Blocking out the sun: This is the latest idiocy to come out of the over-active mind of Bill Gates. He says to slow global warming, we must put a layer into the atmosphere to block out the sun. There is no science to back up this scheme. And anyone who knows anything about the environment knows that every living thing on Earth needs the sun to thrive and grow. But hey – grant money drives the science!

These radical Green forces, coupled with the global powers like Klaus Schwab and his Great Reset, the Green New Deal and as I have warned for decades — Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, are determined to reorganize human society – with them in control.

Yet, such programs are already proving unworkable and damaging to society.

For example, Biden’s “Climate Czar,” John Kerry, has been exposed as a major hypocrite as he pushes for more and more control under climate change policy. Kerry, of course, is a big promoter of such plans as the elimination of gas stoves and your favorite pizza being cooked in a wood burning oven.

But guess what! It’s now reported that in 2021, Kerry’s private jet emitted an estimated 116 metric tons of carbon in less than a year. By comparison, a wood-burning stove, such as you might use to bake a pizza, would have to bake for 849 years to equal what Kerry’s jet puts out in one year!! Of course, the elite, like John Kerry, must travel on planes to meet with fellow elites to create new dictates for you to follow. But short flights for you to meet Mom – nope! That would damage the environment!

The drive to eliminate gas-powered cars is on the front lines in the climate change battle. California has already passed laws banning the sale of them after 2035. Eighteen more states are planning to do the same. The drive is on to replace them with electric vehicles. But the electric vehicles that the auto industry is now counting on to take them into the future, are not selling! Only about 7% of those manufactured in the last year have sold. Thousands of unsold EVs are piling up on car lots.

Electric vehicles are massively expensive. The batteries are only reliable for a few years, but then cost tens of thousands of dollars to be replaced. It takes hours to recharge them and long trips become a major hassle — not to mention the incredible damage done to the environment to mine the lithium needed to make the batteries. People don’t want EVs and they are not selling.

This could be the death of the auto industry. And the incredible fact is the radical Greens see that as a positive development. After all, in their planned 15– minute smart growth cities, the goal is to eliminate cars!

And that brings us to the greatest threat of all green policies – the eliminating of gas, oil, and nuclear energy sources that have fed our needs for a century. All to be replaced by wind and solar.

Right now, across the United States, vital farmland is being covered with thousands of acres of solar panels and massive wind towers and there’s much more to come). Nothing is damaging the environment more and doing less for human society than wind and solar power. No crops can grow under solar panels. And as they move to eliminate oil from our energy supplies, they have to have oil to manufacture the panels. And millions of trees are being destroyed to make room for the thousands of acres of solar farms.

And with thousands of acres of wind turbines, nothing will be flying in the air – endangered birds will pile up at the bottom of them. Keep in mind, to make the massive turbines turn they too need oil! Now wind towers are also being placed in our oceans where they negatively affect sea life and the fishing industry.

This is what the Greens call protecting the planet. And for all of the expense and destruction, if they manage to eliminate all other sources of power, wind and solar will provide only about 4 to 12 percent of the energy we need to run our society.

This is insanity, and it must be stopped!

The good news is they are moving way too fast – average citizens are starting to grasp the danger and feel the effects. That gives us a great leg up to build opposition to stop them.

I have recently joined forces with CFACT, a very influential force on the international and national levels. Together we are already successfully exposing these forces and slowing down their progress.

Remember when the Greens led the campaign to “Save the Whales?” They said they were so concerned about these great sea creatures and, of course, blamed human society for their demise. Well, once again, their hypocrisy is showing as the green drive for offshore wind construction spoils our coasts and threatens marine life, fishermen, boaters, and all who treasure our oceans. As the wind industry grows, more dead whales are washing ashore.

CFACT president Craig Rucker just led a very successful public protest against the offshore wind towers called Save the Whales – Stop the Windmills. Craig’s CFACT protest was joined by members of the fishing industry and got huge national media coverage on Fox News and the NY Post.

Meanwhile, I have been helping to lead the fight in Iowa, South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, and Minnesota to stop the idiotic Carbon Capture Pipeline that threatens thousands of acres of vital farmland and private property. I have been working with the farmers to help them stand up and resist the private corporations trying to take their property.

Recently, one of those corporations attempted to intimidate and silence farmers from speaking out. The corporation invaded Jared Bossly’s farm in South Dakota with armed guards, damaging crops and disturbing the soil. Their message to all farmers was to keep quiet, or this would happen to all of them.

The tactic completely backfired. Instead of being intimidated, the farmers stood up and took action. Hundreds of farmers converged on the South Dakota Statehouse and demanded the state legislature take action to protect their property. This is a huge win for our cause! Similar action is happening in Iowa, The North Dakota Public Service Commission just took decisive action against development of the pipeline by denying Summit Carbon Solutions a route permit over the state.

But this is not the time for local activists to step back and congratulate themselves. Summit has already warned that this is simply a pause in their progress to enforce the pipeline. North Dakota’s Governor and presidential candidate Doug Burgum supported Summit to use eminent domain to finish the job. South Dakota’s Governor Kristi Noem has also refused to side with the farmers, saying “It’s out of my hands…am I supposed to fight all your battles?”

It’s no wonder that many feel defeated and hopeless about stopping these forces. Sometimes it seems impossible. We face a dedicated, determined enemy armed with an agenda they will not back away from. But we must understand that we are not outnumbered – we are out-organized. Our Constitution and the Republic it created are not dead – they are suffering from neglect.

To stop them, freedom activists must bring the same passion and determination into fighting for our property, local business, and personal freedoms. We have made vital progress in Iowa, North Dakota and South Dakota. And I know the powerful corporations are worried. More people are starting to see the threat. Build on that and win.

© 2023 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Farmland Lost is Farmland Lost Forever

By Tom DeWeese

July 14, 2023

“Farmland lost is farmland lost forever.” That catchy phrase is a popular slogan distributed by the Virginia-based land trust called the Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC). While it’s an accurate statement, apparently, the PEC and its like-minded Green brethren are only concerned about losing vital farmland to housing developers. Meanwhile, thousands of farmers and ranchers are losing their industries to radical environmental policies supported and promoted by such groups. Obviously, hypocrisy runs deep in the leftist Green movement.

However, farmland is under attack across the nation, mainly under the guise of climate change and environmental protection. Let’s review some of the main threats America’s farmers are facing.

The central unifying issue driving the attack on America’s farming industry is “climate change.” SUSTAINABLE! That’s the trigger word driving the attack on farming. Green activists say we face an impending apocalypse and so society, they warn, must pursue a stated goal of achieving “sustainable development” or all will be lost. “Sustainable development” determines how food will be grown, processed, packaged, and marketed. Very specific rules determined what kind of crops may be grown, and how much land may be used for that purpose, while much of a farm’s private property is forced into open space for habitat, wetlands, and “supposedly endangered species.

Meanwhile, Biden’s Energy Czar, John Kerry, has accused small farms of being significant emitters of nitrogen. Of course, this is the primary attack on cattle for their burps, flatulence, and manure. The current term is “Climate Smart.” As sustainable development forces higher costs on the farmers, Biden’s massive inflation makes it nearly impossible for farmers to stay afloat.

While the Biden cabal is pushing to maneuver it all into place, the real driving force is being driven by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its Great Reset agenda. The WEF has actually launched something called its New Vision for Agriculture (NVA) initiative, which it defines as a “roadmap for Stakeholders.” Stakeholders are not farmers, property owners, or others in the agriculture industry. They are Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) many of whom have been working directly with the United Nations for decades to direct climate change policy.

“The World Economics Forum’s New Vision for Agriculture initiative is led by 17 global companies that are Industry Partners of the Forum,” according to the WEF/McKinsey report. It continues, “the 17 global companies that championed the initiative are Archer Daniels Midland, BASF, Bunge, Cargill, The Coca-Cola Company, Dupont, General Mills, Kraft Foods, Metro, Monsanto company, Nestle, PepsiCo, SABMiller, Syngenta, Unileve4r, Wal-Mart Stores, and Yara International.”

Now add the funds of private foundations such as the Rockefellers, Blackrock, and Gates Foundation, then the true road map of those stakeholders and their funders begins to emerge. These forces are NOT protectors of the environment; they are destroyers of it and 0ur current living standards.

Now comes the implementation of the plan. How do they intend to ultimately change the entire food production system of the nation and make it sustainable? Answer: target the land.

Wind and Solar

Reports from the solar industry as far back as 2017, indicate that the Midwestern states are the “growing hotspot for solar and wind power” to replace traditional coal and gas power plants – meaning thousands of acres of valuable farm land would be required to replace current energy sources that now use only a few acres. A World Bank study published in 2017 admitted that “clean energy” technology is “significantly more material intensive” than hydrocarbon energy sources, and that estimate didn’t even consider farmland destruction.

The solar panels are made of plastic – which takes oil to produce. Underneath those solar panels that run end to end, row by row, for thousands of acres, is cement for infrastructure wires. Little can grow underneath them – no grass, no animals. That’s how farmland is being destroyed.

In addition to solar, the Midwest states are also targeted for wind power. Wind power needs enormous amounts of oil for the turbines to turn. And those blades are not degradable when they no longer work. Again, they also need the massive infrastructure under the planned forests of turbines. How much raw material, including limestone, steel, aluminum, cobalt, and nickel will it take to produce a single wind turbine? And what about the transmission lines needed to get the electricity onto the power grid?

Picture thousands of acres of these turbines – the death of scenic views, of peaceful land, and in the air, nothing will be flying. Millions of birds, rapture, and endangered species destroyed – in the name of environmental protection. Ask the Interior Department how many birds are killed yearly. Such information, they will tell you, is classified. Why?

Wind and solar are a joke. Remember when we used to call environmentalists “Tree Huggers?” Well, where are they now? Why are they not standing up to stop wind and solar from destroying the environment? For example, the Wind industry has cleared over 17,283 acres in Scotland for wind farms. To do it they have wiped out 14,000,000 trees – to save the planet!

Wind and solar processes produce next to nothing for the power grid. If all other sources of fuels were banned and all power was to come from wind and solar, estimates are that it would only provide between 4% and 12% of the energy we need to run the country. Yet millions of acres of vital farmland – private property needed to produce our food supply — are targeted to be buried under this insanity.

Carbon Capture Pipelines

Those pushing for more solar and wind energy also champion carbon capture pipelines. They insist that manmade CO2 is driving climate change and therefore pipelines are needed to be used to safely bury this threat from fossil fuel plants into the ground. Here’s the scheme.

Private corporations have targeted thousands of acres of privately-owned, food-producing Midwest Corn Belt farmland to build several interconnecting pipelines. A letter being sent to targeted property owners from Navigator Heartland Greenway LLC says, “Navigator is proposing to build a large-scale carbon capture pipeline system spanning 1300 miles across five states in the Midwest…” The letter goes on to explain that “the pipeline will materially reduce the participant’s carbon footprint and further the global goal of carbon neutrality… The pipeline system… will capture carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from local facilities before these emissions reach the atmosphere and transport the CO2 safely via pipeline to a permanent and secure underground sequestration site in Illinois.”

There is no sound scientific reason for such a project. Trees and plants need CO2 to live. Here are some actual scientific facts that prove CO2 is not a pollutant but is necessary for a sound environment:

  • More CO2 enhances plant growth.
  • More CO2 boosts crop yields which helps feed more people worldwide.
  • Nearly all plants increase photosynthesis in response to increasing CO2 (CO2
    fertilization). More plant growth means less topsoil erosion.
  • More CO2 makes plants grow faster, with less stress and water. Moister soil.
  • More CO2 helps plants to create natural repellants to fight insect predators.

The Carbon Capture Pipelines are unnecessary and dangerous to all of human society. Many scientists warn of a growing CO2 shortage that will lead to famine. The U.S. Navy has produced a chart entitled “CO2 Starvation. The chart reports that average CO2 needs for plant life is 1,600 Parts Per Million(PPM). However, according to the Navy. we are currently at 400 PPM. These figures have been verified by other scientists, including Climate expert Dr. Willy Soon and Dr. Lee Merritt. Dr. Merritt also predicts a “dust bowl” phenomena as a result of plants starving from CO2. Millions of acres covered by solar panels and wind turbines will lead to the destruction of the environment.

Today, in targeted states, including Iowa, South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, and Minnesota, there is growing opposition to the pipelines. Farmers are beginning to understand the threat to their property rights. In response, the corporations behind the scheme resort to ruthless intimidation tactics to scare the farmers into compliance as they boldly trespass on private farmland with armed guards and heavy equipment, damaging crops. With this tactic employed, will local and state governments stand with the farmers who feed us or the powerful corporations?

Attack on the Cattle Industry – Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef

“Meat consumption is devastating some of the world’s most valuable and vulnerable regions, due to the vast amount of land needed to produce animal feed.” The quote is from a report issued by one of the most powerful environmental NGOs, the World Wildlife Fund. They have made it their mission to stop beef consumption. How can they do that, you may ask?

First, the WWF was influential in creating the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef. Quick to join were the four min packing companies that control access to the beef market, including Tysons, Cargil, JBS and National Beef. Next to join was the National Cattleman’s Beef Association (NCBA), the largest association representing the beef industry.

Working together, these organizations began to create new rules that coerced cattlemen to be “certified” to attain what is called “Beef Quality Assurance” recognition from the federal Department of Agriculture. This would grant them the label of being “sustainable,” of course. In the name of environmental protection, these new rules placed restrictions on water grazing, reduced productive uses of the ranchland to make way for wildlife habitat, and forced cattle growers to have smaller herds. All this served to make the ranching process more expensive.

Worst of all is the removal of “Nation of Origin” labeling, so consumers don’t know where their beef is coming from. This allows the packers to use foreign beef which is exempt from the strict Roundtable rules, making it much cheaper than American beef.

The WWF’s Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef is nothing short of a monopoly controlling the industry. There is no free market per se. A few years ago, an independent company called Northern Beef Packers was created at an investment cost of approximately $50 million to create an independent packing company not tied to the Roundtable. The four major packers simply lowered their costs to block the competition by making the price of beef so low that it drove the independent company out of business.

Many suspect the goal is to stop beef consumption and replace it with the fake meat now being offered by Bill Gates and others. Of course, the packers will still have something to market without contending with the animal rights lobby. These corporations will continue to stuff their pockets while gaining the power to set what products will be offered to consumers.

It’s important to once again emphasize that one of the main packing companies, Cargil, is one of the 17 global companies that are Industry Partners of the World Economic Forum’s New Vision for Agriculture, which, as already reported, is dedicated to transforming the U.S. food industry. Another piece of the puzzle put in its place.

The threat from China – buying up American Farmland

China now owns roughly 384,000 acres of U.S. farmland, according to a 2021 report from the Department of Agriculture. Of that, 195,000 acres are owned by 85 Chinese investors. It is vital to make clear China is a communist dictatorship. There is no free market in China, so there are no private corporations. All are controlled by the government. So, even if it appears that a Chinese individual or company is purchasing land, the power behind it is the government which is an avowed opponent to the concept of free markets, private property or individual liberty. Allowing such a force to purchase massive amounts of American land is a direct threat to American sovereignty, especially when much of the land they buy is within visual range of American military bases.

China is pushing hard for the U.S. to accept wind and solar power while we eliminate gas and coal. Yet, China is leading the world in reopening oil wells and coal mines for their OWN energy needs.

China is behind much of the drive to convert to electric vehicles, away from gas-powered cars. Does it surprise you that China has influence over much of the lithium resources in the world necessary to power those gas cars? China says America must follow the globalist dictates of “Sustainable” policies – but China doesn’t.

China is allied and works in partnership with those in Davos championing the Great Reset – designed to destroy our free market system. The more American land China controls, the more influence it can exert over U.S. policy.

China is an avowed enemy of free markets and American influence. It has proven over the years that it will support or undertake actions that would impact American security and prosperity. That includes the use of American farmland. Through the purchase of American farmland China can add power to the push for the carbon capture pipeline, thereby helping from the inside to destroy American food sources. China can increase the spread of wind and solar over valuable American farmland, decreasing more of the farm industry. Plus, they can use American farmland to raise crops and ship them back to China for their own use, while American grocery shelves grow empty.

In Florida, twelve Chinese investors have already put $16 million into an aquaculture project on 100 acres in Fellsmere, Florida. In Virginia, the Chinese bought Smithfield Foods and its 460 large farms and facilities in 26 states, employing tens of thousands of Americans. Additional projects such as these are in literally every state in the Union.

So serious is the threat that legislation has been introduced in Congress to control or prevent Chinese purchases of farmland. Texas Congressman Chip Roy has introduced the “Securing American Land from Foreign Interference Act” (H.R. 3244). The specific purpose is to block Communist Chinese farmland purchases in America. China has labeled the bill racist against Asians.

However, in the state legislature of South Dakota, legislation was introduced to block China from buying farmland in that state. Yet, the bill faced opposition from nearly every agriculture industry group. According to reports, the farm industry pushed to block the measure because big corporations, now working to destroy the small farmers see an opportunity to extend the global influence of the Great Reset over the United States.

Small, independent farmers are facing extinction. Their replacement will be powerful corporations that will no longer cater to consumers. Instead consumers will have to accept what the big corporations decide to provide – fake meat and all.

Americans must stand up to save and protect farmland because American Farmland lost, is America lost forever.

© 2023 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

What Price Liberty? A Family Answers the Call

by Tom DeWeese

July 5, 2023

When their ship from the Netherlands docked in the harbor of New Amsterdam (now New York City) in 1688, Garrett Hendricks DeWeese, and his wife Zytian, could not have known of the historic events that would direct the destiny of their future family. Nor could they have known how those future sons and daughters would be central figures in molding those events.

Almost one hundred years after Garrett landed on American soil, his descendent joined others in a great struggle to overthrow the oppressive rule of the King of Great Britain. The growing DeWeese family found themselves heavily involved as some served in the militias, while others served in the Continental army and navy.

Philadelphia became the hotbed of revolutionary activity as the Continental Congress met in Independence Hall. The Congress struggled over monumental decisions. Should a new nation be declared or should a list of grievances be presented to the King by loyal subjects? The stakes were high. Never had any British colony broken from the mother nation.

But the passion for true liberty from tyranny began to burn deeply in the hearts of citizens, and so finally, the decision was made. The Congress produced a Declaration of Independence. By signing that document, the members pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor, not only their own, but that of every citizen in what was to become their newly declared nation.

The Congress signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, but it was not until a few days later that it was officially presented to the people. It was a monumental occasion, full of drama, apprehension, and anticipation. The American people would never again witness a more significant event for their nation – its actual birth.

It was decided that the public reading of the document would take place on July 8, in front of Independence Hall. John Adams assigned the task of organizing the event to the High Sheriff of Philadelphia. His name was William DeWeese, Sr., a direct descendent of Garret DeWeese.

But, as Sheriff DeWeese stood on the platform listening to the defiant message as it was addressed to the most powerful force on earth, the King of England, little did he know the pain and suffering his actions would cause his family in the coming years. Hit especially hard would be his own son, William DeWeese Jr., who lived somewhat north of Philadelphia.

The year following the signing of the Declaration of Independence was disastrous for Washington’s Continental Army as it suffered a series of setbacks, lacked needed food and supplies, and lacked solid military training.

Starving, freezing, demoralized, and unmercifully chased by the British, the Continental Army, in the dead of winter, showed up on the doorstep of William DeWeese Jr. You see, he owned part of a forge. The community around William’s property was named after the business he was involved in. It was called Valley Forge.

And so, for one fateful winter, the young nation’s only hope, its army, rested, regrouped, and trained on the grounds of William DeWeese’s land. As the Spring arrived, the army marched on, eventually to victory.

But for William DeWeese Jr, the experience was a disaster. Not only did the Continental Army eat him out of house and home, ravage the countryside, but the British also brought havoc by burning some of his buildings and destroying his business. William was even briefly thrown into a British jail. William never fully recovered financially, living the rest of his days in poverty. A bill he sent to the government for reimbursement for helping to keep the Continental Army alive during its worst winter stands today, unpaid. Americans can still visit William’s house, preserved at the Valley Forge national park.

Interestingly, one of the soldiers who served at Valley Forge and even lost a toe to frostbite, was my great, great Grandfather, the Reverend Joshua DeWeese. After the war he resided in Fayette County, Pennsylvania. From there, n 1804, two of his sons, Thomas and Jethro and their wives, decided to make the trek west, heading for Columbus in the Ohio territory. They began to suffer illness as they travelled westward across the unsettled territory. Finally, as they reached the banks of the Licking River, still more than 35 miles from Columbus, and still weak from the illness, they could go no farther. As they lay there, not knowing what to do, some people who lived in the area discovered them and nursed the party back to health.

Thomas and Jethro were so impressed by the kindness of these folks that they decided to stay in the new community that was just being established there on the banks of the Licking River. It was named Newark, Ohio. There they purchased property, started farms, and raised their families. 145 years later, another Thomas was born on the banks of the Licking River, and resided on the east side of Newark, less than five miles from where the first Thomas had owned his property. Yes, I am a direct descendent of that Thomas.

Other DeWeeses moved further west, to Kentucky, Indiana, and the plains of Kansas. They traveled the Santa Fe Trail, lived in sod houses, and taught their children in one-room schoolhouses. They constructed businesses and established farms to help build the economy of the new nation. And the record shows that time and again, DeWeeses took up the call to fight for the nation which William and his son sacrificed so much to help create.

Thomas B. DeWeese of Michigan served in the U.S. Calvary under General George Armstrong Custer during the desperate battle of Gettysburg. Another DeWeese rode with Teddy Roosevelt up San Juan Hill. And a DeWeese even rode with Doc Holiday, creating unknown havoc. Throughout history, DeWeeses continued to impact the nation. There is a DeWeese Gulch in the Bad Lands of the West, and a DeWeese Museum in Canon City, Colorado.

I regularly receive letters from people all across the nation, describing encounters they have had with a DeWeese, perhaps a teacher, a neighbor, or a business owner. All want to know if I am related. The answer is yes. All DeWeeses, no matter how the name is spelled, are related to that first family member to come here, Garrett DeWeese. The DeWeese family, working arm in arm with millions of other courageous pioneers, defied certain death from the wilderness that surrounded them by creating the means then needed for survival. And they risked their lives, their fortunes, and on occasion, even their sacred honor to assure that their children would be free to create an even greater nation.

So which generation faces the greater foe? That of our fathers who challenged a vast, untamed wilderness with primitive tools and boundless courage, or that of their sons and daughters who now face mad men attempting to bring back the wilderness and denounce human progress? Today, our children face a much more insidious foe than any imagined by the troops that camped around the DeWeese house at Valley Forge in that desperate winter of 1777. The very homes and businesses that were the crowning achievement of our forefathers’ struggle from the wilderness may be wiped away as this new enemy seeks to abolish private property rights. This monster even seeks to erase our proud history from textbooks and “de-educate” our children.

It must be asked. Will we, the descendents of those patriots, exert the same dedication, the same profound belief in the freedom of the individual, and the same passion for ownership of the land as did our forefathers to defeat the enemy of freedom? Remember, they stood ready to sacrifice everything, including their homes, wealth, and safety, for the right to make their own decisions and live as they chose. Will we be willing to engage in the debate to defend those principles against the new force which denies these truths of our founding fathers? For that is the very root of the meaning of liberty.

I’m proud of my family and its incredible history. And I do not hesitate to stand and fight for those principles of freedom, just as they did. As I continue pushing forward in the unending battle for liberty, two visions keep reappearing in my mind, and they will not let me rest. First, when I take my last breath and finally stand in front of the Pearly Gates, I find myself looking straight into the approving eyes of William DeWeese and the rest of the DeWeese family. In the second vision, I am greeted by George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams, each with hands extended as they say, “Well done, Tom.” Then I’ll know I’ve made it to the Camp of Freedoms Heroes. Until then, there will be no rest.

© 2023 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Living with Equity in a Free Society

By Tom DeWeese

March 24, 2023

Social Equity has become the root for almost every policy coming from government, school curriculum, human resources on the job, and even in our entertainment. It’s a revolution intended to change our entire social structure to affect how we all interact with each other.

To understand the full impact “equity” will have on our daily lives, let’s look at its intended definition, as prepared by its promoters. United Way of the National Capital Area (a long-time charity) defines Equity as “The quality of being fair and impartial. Social equity is impartiality, fairness and justice for all people in social policy. Social equity takes into account systemic inequalities to ensure everyone in a community has access to the same opportunities and outcomes. Equity of all kinds acknowledges that inequalities exist and works to eliminate them…Social equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome.”

Well, if our American society intends to reach the goals of true social equity, we have a lot of changes in our everyday lives that must be made! Let’s get down to it.

If we are to make sure that everyone has access to the same opportunities and outcomes, the very first thing that must be eliminated is “competition.” We must face the fact that not everyone has the same abilities or even the same intensity to get ahead. It’s just not fair to judge any action on who did it the best. Who won! However, as our young people are growing up, they are constantly confronted with some kind of competition. Almost everything in the structure of our society is based on competition. It’s all around us. How are they to learn and accept the peaceful and honorable ideas of a world without competition? After all, isn’t competition the root of hatred, and doesn’t that lead to war?

So, logically, competition is the root of the main obstacle for imposing equity thus, if we are to have peace and harmony, we must deal with it now. Let’s take a look at all of the sources of competition in our every day lives that indoctrinate us into rejecting the ideals of equity.

The number one source of anti-equity competition is sports. Now, some schools are already involving kids with games in which scores are not kept. That way they will learn that the true purpose of the game is the fun in playing. The children are taught that talent and skill have nothing to do with it. Thus the vicious cutthroat attitude that comes with the completion to win is eliminated. Such an attitude will set us free and bring the new goal of world peace and love to reality.

Obviously, the influence of sports competition is huge. As the children reach high school age, the influence and pressure to join competitive sports is enormous. School spirit and honor in winning is represented in the glass trophy case, usually displayed in the lobby of the school. Friday night is game time, and almost everyone, especially parents, turn out to support the team and encourage their victory.

Those players who show the most potential then begin to compete for sports scholarships that will give them a free ride to the college of their choice. Of course, how they pick which college depends a great deal on how competitive the school is on the playing field. Why does that matter? Because the more successful the sports program is at each college impacts the ability of players to enter professional sports after graduation. In fact, many of the finest players don’t even wait for graduation, as they receive competitive offers from the pros offering incredible salaries.

Now let’s face it. Those monster sports salaries are not equitable! Remember the definition of equity… “to ensure everyone in a community has access to the same opportunities and outcomes…” Those who don’t have the same skills also don’t have access to the same opportunities and outcomes. Therefore, to guarantee imposition of equity into our culture, competitive sports, including professional baseball, football, basketball, soccer, hockey, etc., must be eliminated! And that will also affect the millions of fans who cheer on their favorite teams to WIN! Do these fans understand how they are damaging the vital culture of equity? Have you seen the riots that break out when the local team loses? Where is the peace and love we so desperately need? Ban competitive sports, NOW!

What else in our society encourages anti-equity influence? How about television game shows? If ever there was an example of a lack of equal opportunities or outcomes, these shows are it.

For example, how about Let’s Make a Deal. Almost every contestant follows the rules. They did everything asked of them. They take the time off from their normal lives to be in the studio. They arrive in costume and with enthusiasm, ready to play. Yep, it’s a competition. But what about the ones who didn’t get called on to make a deal? They end up with nothing. Where is their equitable opportunity? Are the Zonks fair? Some got incredible prizes. Is it fair how the host gets to pick who will get to make a deal? Maybe one costume caught his eye over another. That’s competition, and it’s not equitable.

The same is true for Wheel of Fortune. Here we watch a contestant who is really rolling along, getting each letter, racking up the points. They are doing the work. But then they hit a bankruptcy and it’s all gone in a flash. Imagine their heartbreak as they see the next player win easily after they had supplied most of the necessary letters.

Perhaps the least equitable of all the game shows is Jeopardy. First, the questions are very hard. Some contestants may be in a line of work that would supply them the answers. Others would have no clue. How is that an equal opportunity? On top of that, is the finally tallies of the winnings. During the competition, each player racks up many dollar points. It can be amounts like $10,000 and more. They might be just a few points behind the final winner. They have given the game their all. But then something outrageous happens. In the finally tally, the winner gets to keep all their points and have them converted into dollars. However, the second-place contestant watches all of their hard-earned points reduced to a mere $2000. Worse yet, third place only gets $1,000.

Moreover, the audiences of these shows are usually supporting different contestants to win. That continues to feed the force of competition, making a truly equitable society unreachable. It would be much more equitable and fairer if every contestant got to share in the winnings as they are divided equally. That way there would be no competition. Equitable game shows.

But there are more situations in our society keeping us from reaching the goal of an equitable lifestyle.

How about politicians who compete for office? Shouldn’t government really be run by diverse volunteer committees who are just concerned that good things happen for everyone? Elections are competition. How about the massive amounts of money which politicians are earning as they sell their favors to the highest bidders? It’s a competition to see who will get the most. And the wealth they gain is way out of range of the income of the ordinary people they pretend to represent. Nothing is more non-equitable than politicians.

And let’s not forget the competition among the news media. They not only make a mad dash to be the first to grab a story. But they are also in the game to sell how they will report a particular story. Again, as in the running of our government for all of the people, shouldn’t money be eliminated from the equation? Shouldn’t the news be reported by non-competitive, voluntary sources for the good of all?

Now, how about you and your life? Do you own a home with extra rooms? Look at all those homeless folks who lack the opportunities you’ve experienced that have allowed to you prosper. In an equitable society you would gladly share those rooms with other families. More importantly, to be truly equitable, we should give up competing for higher paying jobs. Universal income for us all. Everyone earns the same. Stop stepping on others as you push to climb that ladder of success. It’s anti-equity and only leads to strife and unhappiness.

All of these situations feed our society against the ideals of social equity. There is no way this goal can be achieved with so many non-equity practices running our society. All must be eliminated. And kids, that includes video games that are built on the very root of competition. We are surrounded by the ingrained negative competitive influences of the old culture. It has to be eliminated before every citizen understands the new fair equitable society and complies. As Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum has said, in a truly equitable world, “you will own nothing and be happy.” Now you know what he meant, and the only way to achieve it.

OK, enough of this globalist doublespeak. Let’s deal with reality. If you have bought into any of these ideas and want to impose an equitable world – WAKE UP! We are not sheep that just follow the leader, or chickens that just sit on the roost. An equitable world is a controlled, well-ordered society. Anyone thinking differently, bringing new ideas or inventions, would cause a major disruption to the contrived peace. Someone might advance beyond their neighbor. That can’t be allowed.

We are human beings. We are all different, motivated by different things. Not everyone thinks alike or is motivated by the same things. Those who don’t have athletic skills may have other skills that allow them to compete in a different kind of game. Some may like to quietly ponder ideas and solutions – they become inventors. Some may just like to help others. Perhaps they become doctors. Others excel at business and find ways to provide the supplies and services we need. All are motivated for different reasons.

Hopes, dreams, goals. Those are things you rarely hear about today. It used to be the driving force for our lives. These were the first things our parents instilled in us. “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

Competition and individual thought are the keys to happiness and freedom. Think of such a society when all competition is eliminated. Every day is exactly the same. There would be no motivation to do anything. Life would be drudgery with every step repeated over and over again.

America was born under the freedom to compete and to chase your individual dreams. It’s the reason why millions flocked here from nations where they were stuck in one place, unable to even think of dreams. Here they prospered because that’s what free humans do.

Before America, most societies were controlled by an upper class they were born into. The rulers made the rules. Everyone else simply served as a cog in the wheel. Individual thought, actions, and ideas were not allowed. People were stuck in one spot, without property or the ability to build personal wealth, and society stagnated. They were the peasant class. There were no Edisons, Fords, or Wright Brothers to freely act on their own ideas. Why bother. It would just be taken away by the ruling class. But that was a world of equity amongst the non-ruling people, an equity of poverty.

In free America, which is now being denigrated as a racist, closed society, everyone actually did have the opportunity to throw off the labels they were born with and move forward in a life of their own choosing via their striving for better. . However, that freedom was slowly destroy by an ever-growing government plantation full of false promise and hidden controls over free action. Now, the rulers of that plantation of deceit, who stole the liberty our Founders sought to protect, insist they have the solution to the problems they created, based on the false premise of equity.

In reality, social equity is the re-creation of the ruling class over the peasants. If you’ve bought into any of this, thinking it will bring you hope and happiness then, you are already a sad and pathetic victim of a new monarchy of misery. Existing simply as a cog in a well-controlled wheel is little more than experiencing death during life. You still have time to say NO!

© 2023 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Global Agenda for World Domination

For the better part of 30 years I have been trying to sound the alarm over the dangers of Agenda 21 to human society. For my efforts I have been labeled a conspiracy theorists, spreading fear and hate against a reasonable and sound desire to simply protect the environment for future generations.

The Southern Poverty Law Center has issued four separate reports on me. I’ve been attacked on the front page of the Sunday New York Times. Newsweek called my American Policy Center extremists who are spreading untruths about Agenda 21 to discredit the United Nations. says I publish “unverifiable information” and labels APC’s “Conspiracy Level” all the way to “tinfoil hat!” And on and on the charges have gone by Mother Jones magazine, Esquire, Washington Post,, and more.

The funny thing about these charges is that all I have really done is quote the proponents of Agenda 21 and its policy of sustainable development. It started with Agenda 21, then we got a remake called Agenda 2030, followed by the Green New Deal, and most recently the Great Reset. In every case, proponents assure us it’s all just a progressive (and voluntary) drive toward a better life for everyone.

Well, is it? I have an idea! Why don’t I let them tell us in their own words – you know – the ones I’ve been quoting for the past thirty years. Then you can decide for yourselves – conspiracy theory – or threat to all human society?

In Their Own Words – Not Mine!

Comprehensive Blue Print for the Reorganization of Human Society

The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All of these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be over come. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.Club of Rome

Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced. A major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level.” United Nations on Agenda 21

Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable.” Maurice Strong, Chairman UN Earth Summit 1992

We must go through a wrenching transformation to rid us of the horrors of the Twentieth Century’s Industrial Revolution.” Al Gore, Earth in the Balance

Climate Change – Truth or Fiction – It Doesn’t Matter

We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.”

Timothy Wirth (President, United Nations Foundation)

No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.

Christine Stewart (Former Canadian Minister of the Environment)

It doesn’t matter what is true. It only matters what people believe is true.”

Paul Watson (co-founder of Green Peace.)

This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the industrial revolution.”

Christiana Figueres (Executive Secretary, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change)

My three main goals would be to reduce human population to about 100 million world-wide, destroy the industrial infrastructure and see wilderness, with its full complement of species returning throughout the world…

Population Control – Get Rid of the Worthless Humans

Dave Foreman (Co-founder of Earth First)

The native ecosystems and the collective needs of non-human species must take precedence over the needs and desires of humans.”

Reed Noss, (A Creator of the Wildlands Project)

Human beings, as a species have no more value than slugs.”

John Davis (Editor of Earth First Journal).

Among environmentalists sharing two or three beers, the notion is quite common that, if only some calamity could wipe out the human race, other species might once again have a chance.” Richard Conniff (Audubon Magazine)

Childbearing should be a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license. All potential parents should be required to use contraceptive chemicals, the government issuing antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing.

David Brower, Sierra Club

Sustainable = Globalism

All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan… We are determined to take the bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path. As we embark on this collective journey, we pledge that no one will be left behind.”

Preamble to Agenda 2030

The emerging ‘environmentalization’ of our civilization and the need for vigorous action in the interest of the entire global community will inevitably have multiple political consequences. Perhaps the most important of them will be a gradual change in the status of the United Nations. Inevitably, it must assume some aspects of world government.” Mikhail Gorbachev (address to the State of the World Forum)

A massive campaign must be launched to de-develop the United States. De-Development means bringing our economic system into line with the realities of ecology and the world resource situation.” Paul Ehrlich (Prof of Population Studies, Stanford U.)

Enforcing the Global Agenda Locally

Regionalism must precede Globalism. We foresee a seamless system of governance from local communities, individual states, regional unions, and up through the United Nations itself.” UN Commission on Global Governance

No one fully understands how, or even if, sustainable development can be achieved. However, there is growing consensus that it must be accomplished at the local level if it is to be achieved on a global basis.”

The Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide, published by ICLEI, 1996

We believe planning should be a tool for allocating resources…and eliminating the great inequalities of wealth and power in our society…because the free market has proven incapable of doing this.” Statement of Principles,, American Planning Association.

Resetting the Entire Economic System

What then is the most effective transition strategy? The essential aim is not to fight against consumer-capitalist society, but to build the alternative to it.”

Author Ted Trainer, Transition to a Sustainable and Just World.

Simply shutting down the economy is not going to get us to our goal. So, just like we need innovation for COVID-19, we also need to get rid of emissions from all the different sectors and bring down climate change… This crosses many areas, transportation, industry, electricity, all those things, and agriculture – contribute to emissions…

Bill Gates on the COVID lockdowns.

Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective.

Harvey Ruvin (ICLEI)

The right to full employment and ending unemployment by guaranteeing a job at a living wage in a safe workplace, empowered by labor unions; single-payer Medicare for all, tuition-free education from pre-school to college, and the right to affordable housing.” The Economic Bill Of Rights – the Green New Deal

Within a year, 77% of institutional investors intend to stop buying into companies that aren’t, in some way, Sustainable. If it’s not done by following Sustainable rules, it will not be financed.” Klaus Schwab, Covid-19: The Great Reset

No industry or business will be spared from the impact of these challenges. Millions of companies risk disappearing and many industries face an uncertain future; a few will thrive.” Klaus Schwab, Covnd-19: The Great Reset

The chaotic growth of cites will be replaced by a dynamic system of urban settlement…The region is formed by the economic interdependence of its development… The region has a single system of transportation, a centralized administration, and a united system of education and research.”

Soviet Russian architect Alexei Gutnov. The Ideal Communist City. 1968

Well, there you have it. Now what do think they really want? Am I the nut for simply telling on them? There are tons more quotes I could use, but it would just be over-kill.

Our nation is in chaos,

  • with our economy locked down
  • the ability to own and control our own property is disappearing
  • the public schools are becoming factories turning out compliant “global village idiots”
  • the national debt is soaring
  • gas prices are skyrocketing
  • the nation’s health-care system is being destroyed
  • the farming industry is being forced to accept unworkable sustainable policy
  • the growing threat of a total surveillance society is watching our every move.

Do you see any connection to the above quotes and these current realities taking place across the globe?

Let me finish with one more quote. This one is from my friend and powerful warrior against Agenda 21, the late Rosa Koire. “UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the action plan to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all information, all energy, and all human beings in the world. INVENTORY AND CONTROL!”

What we are truly facing is what every one of these quotes is advocating: regulation of every aspect of our lives to enforce their agenda to inventory and control everything on earth. Their words – not mine!

Either we stand up to stop it, or suffer the consequences. I rest my case!

© 2023 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

The Silver Bullet For Victory

By Tom DeWeese

February 3, 2023

Is tyranny our fate?

The question now becomes, what do we do? Obviously, we have one of two choices. We accept our fate, or we fight. Are we finished? Do we quit? Do we surrender?

It would be easy to do any of those things. No one would blame us. We gave it the good fight. We could hide behind the idea that ancient conspiracies set our fate long before we were born. Some argue that members of secret societies somehow trumped every ideal we hold, and overpowered every move we made.

We could pat ourselves on the back and say, well, they were just too strong. What could we do? Tyranny is our destiny. Is that what you want to tell your grandchildren when they ask you what you did to preserve the ideals of America?

In another era, we could have loaded up boats and sailed to a new world to live by the ideals we hold. But that was already done. People ran from tyranny. They came here – to America. Now tyranny has caught us. And there’s nowhere else to run. We either accept our pre-ordained “fate” or make a stand. This is it, my friends. This is the moment when we decide the future of our ideals.

You know the ideals I’m talking about:

That you are born with liberty.
That it is your natural right to speak your mind, start a business, own and control property, build your dream home – and expect it to be there for as long as you like,
practice your religion exactly as you believe, and, above all,
expect that the government will protect those rights at all costs.

We know by witnessing history that totalitarianism does not work. Government control of the actions of the people only leads to poverty, misery and death. We know that people pinned under the heavy hand of government do not produce for their masters. We know that that there are no such things as faceless, nameless masses in some undefined “common good.” We know that the United States was the first nation ever created that recognized the God-given natural rights of individuals – and America’s history has proven that such a system is the only one that produces prosperity and happiness.

Do we fight for those ideals of liberty? Or will we allow them to be lost forever under some global village? Do nothing, and they have made the decision for us. What can be easier than that?

Fighting Back

But if we decide to fight, then we truly must know what we are doing. Half – hearted attempts at rallies and letter writing, like we’ve done in the past, didn’t get the job done then and certainly won’t get it done now. No short cuts. No silly rhetoric.

I’ve got to tell you that I get some pretty strange stuff in my office. Letters, e-mails, phone calls. People write to me with ideas they think will put us on the road to victory. Everybody’s looking for that one quick fix. The right slogan. The silver bullet – that will defeat our enemies and restore freedom to America. Almost daily, I receive someone’s solution – the great plan that no one else has thought of.

For example, a good friend of mine wrote a huge book that carried all of the facts and figures to prove his position against a certain government program. He called me to say all we had to do to turn things around was to get a copy of the book into the hands of every single Member of Congress.

I told him that the main fallacy in his plan was that he thought congressmen could read. In fact, they now have the votes in Congress operating exactly like a fast food restaurant. Truly, about the only question they ask now is, “Do you want to super-size that?”

I’ve received buttons, bumper stickers and tee shirts – all created to provide “the message” that will turn everything around. I’ve received phone calls resulting in long discussions about how to come up with just the right sound bite that will capture the nation’s imagination and send the scoundrels to the tall grass. And my personal favorite – “we’ll use words that will be so innocent sounding that the other side won’t know what we are really up to”.

The Silver Bullet

So, what is the real silver bullet to save our liberty? I’m going to give it to you.

I often hear it lamented that the Republic is dead and that we are now controlled by Washington. You know what – I have found that isn’t true. The Republic is still there buried under the weight of un-elected planning commissions, visioning statements, and review boards. The Republic isn’t dead, it’s just rusty from lack of use. It’s still there and still armed with the silver bullet the founders provided to guarantee that no one could take it away. You see, our founders created this Republic to be self-protected by making government at the local level the most powerful force.

The Silver Bullet is the “precinct captain”. You scoff? You were hoping for something much more exciting! Well, that’s probably the very reason we’ve ignored it. We would much rather turn our attention to Washington, Congress, or the President. Why then, are these government entities so powerful today? Because we’ve let them become powerful by placing all of our attention on them – while ignoring involvement in local government.

But the power still lies in the LOCAL precinct captain. Our opponents know it. They have left no lowly office untouched. Check it out. Go to your local government and check out the policies being implemented by the game warden and the dog catcher – Sustainable Development and animal rights, most likely. City treasurer. City clerk. The people who collect the taxes and issue permits. What are their policies? How about the planning/development department and its policy for building permits? Sustainable Development? Now move on up to City Council and Mayor.

In 2005, the United Nations held a major conference in San Francisco on Sustainable Development. The main targets for the conference were the mayors. Those who attended were asked to sign two documents – the Green Cities Declaration and the Urban Environmental Accords in which the mayors pledged to undertake 21 action items over the next few years to implement Sustainable Development.

These action items included water policy, energy policy, transportation, and health. The mayors were provided sample legislation and pledged to enact it. The policies called for the implementation of the Kyoto Global Warming Treaty and Agenda 21.

One week later, in Chicago, the U.S. Conference of Mayors called for the very same policies, making Sustainable Development and Kyoto the two priorities of the nation’s mayors.

In short, our enemies know that the power to impose this tyranny on us is now at the local level. It will do little good to spend time trying to stop it through Congress or the White House. What does the UN understand that you and I don’t? That it doesn’t matter what Washington’s policy is. They will just get the local cities and towns to do it anyway – because the towns and cities have the power to decide for themselves.

Think Globally – Act Locally

Think globally – act locally is not just a slogan. It’s an agenda. Now, to save our Republic and way of life, we need to make it our agenda. The Founding Fathers did.

Make a chart of every single position available in your county. Break it down to the precinct level and then the ward level. List every office and every board position. Now you will begin to see how large a task it is. But take it one step at a time. Start to fill those spots.

Work quietly. Please don’t hold a press conference to announce your actions to the community. You don’t have to wait for a political party to organize the precincts. Organize a local group of activists – I call it building a Freedom Pod. Find individuals in local neighborhoods who are willing to talk to their neighbors, take them literature, and make phone calls. Soon, they will learn who the neighbors are who share our goals and principles. On Election Day, those volunteers will call those neighbors and herd them into the polls. The goal here is to get our people who understand the Sustainablist agenda into places of decision making.

It would be a dream come true to have candidates from every party running on the same issue. It’s a goal to shoot for. The other side seems to have achieved it. But make sure those candidates are people who understand the entire picture of Sustainable Development and Agenda 21. It will do you no good to help elect candidates who are, perhaps, good on one issue, like gun control or abortion, but fail to see the whole picture. Those are the very people who will fail you later.

You will need precinct workers to make sure our people get to the polls. You will need poll workers to make sure our votes are counted. Make sure they are people you can trust.

Run a candidate for the lowest office in town. Control it. No position is without power. Then do it again. Go up the ladder. Get more precincts. Grow, neighborhood by neighborhood.

Step by step. Control enough precincts and eventually, even presidential candidates will seek you out for help in getting elected. Again, only help elect local officials who oppose Sustainable Development. Refuse to support the lesser of two evils.

Pay attention to the non-elected review boards, policy committees, and planning commissions. Can you get one of your people on it? Who is doing the appointing?

Can you imagine the damage we could do to Sustainablist goals by getting one person on the local architectural review board?

You need to have the ability to create controversy against policies by current office holders. This will help you find like-minded folks to join you. And it will help create issues so your candidates can win. Remember, most people would oppose the Sustainablists if they knew the truth. Tell them. Spread out.

A New Chamber of Commerce?

Consider this idea. If your local farm bureau or chamber of commerce isn’t representing you – start a rival one. They aren’t government, they are private organizations to which people pay dues to have them represent their interests. Understand this – you don’t have to just take their double dealing. Go around them. To spread the word and build your new organization, show up at council meetings, or at the meetings of any agency or board that purports to make policy that affects you. State your positions.

As a new group representing business interests, homeowners, or farmers, demand your say. Back up your demands by issuing news releases and doing interviews on local radio and television – representing your new group. Start by saying over and over again that these governing bodies aren’t representing the interests of your neighbors.

If you make enough noise as the group which is truly standing up for farmers or businesses, or homeowners, many will join you. You will pull the power structure right out from under the established organizations that have been taken over by our enemies.

Sure, we are way behind. Sure, we have a massive job ahead of us and we would be fools to delude ourselves otherwise. But, after all our hard work over the years, after being a lone voice in the wilderness, something has started here. Many more people are starting to understand something is very wrong. Give them an alternative voice and lead them to an effective outcome.

Now is not the time to circle the wagons or give up. Now is the time to move out, get involved, and turn the tables. Stop being polite to your oppressors! Tell them their time is through. Tell those who pretend to speak for you in Washington, the state legislature, the county commission, or the city council, to either get on board with our agenda – or get out of the way. We are no longer going to go quietly into the night.

Get mad, but let the anger be your energy source. Get busy and do what it takes to win. Organize at the local level – use the power the Founding Fathers gave us to preserve the Republic – and throw off the yoke of tyranny.

Write this down and keep it in front of you at all times: “The right of the individual to own and control private property is the foundation of liberty.” And now write this: “Precinct Captain is the root to victory.” That’s the silver bullet that leads to sustained liberty. Put the two together and restore and preserve this Republic.

Now that’s something to tell your grandchildren when they ask what you did in the great war to preserve American liberty. Salute, and tell them “I was a Precinct Captain.”

© 2023 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

They Are Not Protectors of the Planet But Destroyers of Human Society

By Tom DeWeese

December 31, 2022

They told me that if I took the red pill I would be able to see reality – the truth of what is really going on around us. Well, I just happened to have a red pill and I took it. Like traveling through time, things rushed forward, I grew dizzy, and then I saw things around me become crystal clear!

Suddenly, I could see that the American people, and their every action, are being ruled, regulated, restricted, licensed, registered, directed, checked, inspected, measured, numbered, counted, rated, stamped, censured, authorized, admonished, refused, prevented, drilled, indoctrinated, monopolized, extorted, robbed, hoaxed, fined, harassed, disarmed, dishonored, fleeced, exploited, assessed, and taxed to the point of suffocation and desperation.

And then, more details started shooting out like fireworks! Policies. Politicians. Pronouncements. Power grabs. Everyday governments, at all levels, grows more out of control, more intrusive in our personal lives, more of a threat to private property – all in total and flagrant disregard of the expressed will of the electorate.

Al Gore warned of a “wrenching transformation of society.” That transformation just happens to be a clever mix of fascism, socialism and corporatism. It’s not communism. Perhaps a better term would be “common-ism.” Common borders; common currencies; common property – Common-ism.

The process by which it’s implemented creates a matrix of locked away land — or severe land use controls; control of energy and energy production; control of transportation; control of industry; control of food production; control of development; control of water availability; and control of population size and growth.

Always in the past there have been forces seeking domination over others. Kings saw it as their duty. Megalomaniacs like Napoleon, Hitler, and Stalin lusted for the control and power to satisfy their hatred, mistrust, and insecurities. They sent armies. They tortured, killed, and subjugated their enemies through force.

However, today, as I can now clearly see through my improved red pill vision, the forces we face are much more diabolical. These modern-day power mongers have found a way to keep their aggression under wraps, out of sight from those they intend to conquer, until it is too late. No armies in the field. No shots fired. Instead, the intended victims quietly pull in the Trojan Horse and celebrate its arrival.

The plan is to organize the world under a single unifying plan, accepted by nearly everyone as fact and necessary. Acceptance of that plan has nearly every nation voluntarily surrendering independence and sovereignty to the global aggressors. Most are even raising money to help pay for the aggressor’s system of control. These new rulers issue exact orders to be followed by all, gaining more and more power with each dictate. People now are voluntarily forgetting their history and rejecting their culture. “Was it not always so?” they will later ask.

What could be such a threat, so powerful that the entire world would lie down to accept such global servitude? How about the threat of Environmental Armageddon! We must save the planet!

What if you dared to oppose such a plan? “I’m free! I’m independent! I have rights,” you would claim as you held up your copy of the Constitution.

Of course, to oppose such a plan is a direct threat to humanity. The mob, fearing such dangerous thoughts, would surround you and rip up your Constitution as it shouted, “It doesn’t matter how many rights you think you have if you don’t have a planet to stand on! Only selfish zealots who refuse to give up their creature comforts would oppose efforts to save Mother Earth!”

Well, I’ve taken the red pill and I can now tell you that it’s no secret. The aggressors have written down every detail of their plan and have told us in their own words how it’s to work. But those who have taken the blue pill refuse to see its threat. Let me pull back the curtain for those who don’t/won’t see.

What do they call this new diabolical tool that now leads the forces of global control over all humanity which is quickly invading every single level of our government, our communities, and our neighborhoods? Its name is Sustainable Development.

Sustainable Development involves a progressive transformation of the economy and society. It is based on international interdependence and redistribution of wealth. It demands that we all live on less. It opposes free enterprise and demands its destruction. Instead it merges environmental policy with economics in decision making — with nature always overriding man.

David Brower of the Sierra Club made it all pretty clear when he said, “The goal now is a socialist redistributionist society, which is nature’s proper steward and society’s only hope.”

Maurice Strong, the Chairman of the 1992 Earth Summit left no doubt of the Sustainable Development goal when he said “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrial nations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” At that Earth Summit, 50,000 delegates agreed to support the agenda to achieve the goal – it was called Agenda 21 – the “Comprehensive Blueprint for the Reorganization of Human Society.” Since then, it has been updated and detailed, first under Agendas 2030 and then the Green New Deal. Today, they are aggressively moving under the banner of the Great Reset.

Sustainable Development is the policy for achieving that agenda. It calls for the elimination of free markets, national sovereignty and independence, and the elimination of private property ownership. It certainly calls for redistribution of wealth and a huge reduction of human populations. Some have called for reductions as high as six billion people.

The Sustainable shock troops – private, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have flooded governments at every level pushing their unending flow of legislation – all designed to regulate nearly every human action. They put controls on how and where we can build our homes. Controls on small farmers over what crops they can grow and how they will grow them; and they imposed controls on our own private transportation decisions. Cars are their enemy because it gives us freedom of movement.

As property rights are being destroyed the wealth of our nation has begun to diminish. There is no doubt that Maurice Strong’s goal of collapsing our nation is well underway.

The issue is so vast and overwhelming that people rightfully have trouble wrapping their heads around it. It encompasses every aspect of our lives, from housing, to jobs, to education, to healthcare, to gun control, and even if we are allowed to keep living.

Specifically, Sustainable Development is an all-out attack on private property. Private property is in their way as they sit behind closed doors to make plans for your future.

A few years ago, former New York mayor Bill DeBlasio openly revealed their goal when he said this in an interview in New York Magazine: “What’s been hardest is the way our legal system is structured to favor private property. I think people all over the city, of every background, would like to have the city government be able to determine which building goes where, how high it will be, who gets to live in it, and what the rent will be.” That’s a pretty raw look behind the scenes. He is telling you exactly what they want. Total control over how and where you will live.

In every community today, planners and independent NGO groups have surrounded your local governments to enforce such plans. You will hear them speak of the need for well controlled planning for your community’s future. It’s necessary, they say, to make sure everything is well ordered. Otherwise, they warn – we will have “chaotic growth.”

If you are one of the dedicated activists who have actually attended local planning meetings – see if this quote sounds familiar to what you have heard there: “The chaotic growth of cities will be replaced by a dynamic system of urban settlement…The region is formed by the economic interdependence of its development. The region has a single system of transportation, a centralized administration, and a united system of education and research.” This quote was written by a Soviet Russian architect named Alexei Gutnov, published in a 1968 book entitled, “The Ideal Communist City.” Could it be that Sustainable Development really is an extension of the master plan for the ideal communist city?

Make no mistake, Sustainable Development, using the threat of Environmental Armageddon as its rallying cry – is the totalitarian’s dream weapon to conquer the world’s freest society. It is an international scheme disguised as national and local policy, created to rein in the radical ideas of individualism, and personal property ownership, as well as to “harmonize” all nations under a central, global control.

The main question of the day – as our eyes are opened to the problem – What do we do about it? So many don’t know where to even start to fight back. The issue is massive. People get overwhelmed – where to start?

Let me make it as simple as possible. There are three basic tactics that have been used to enforce it:

  1. Destroy private property ownership and control.
  2. Impose non-elected regional councils, taking government further away from the people.
  3. Feed the plan with federal grant money.

The truth is Sustainable Development cannot be enforced without destroying property rights. So that’s the place to start pushing back. Stand up for property rights and we can stop sustainable development and put the cork back in government growth.

You must understand – your fight must start on the local level – not in Washington, DC. At the local level is where we can have the biggest impact. Succeed there and then the issue will rise to the state level and then eventually to the national level. But it will take trench warfare in every city council meeting and in every county commission meeting.

Number one goal – stop your officials from taking the grants! Grants from federal agencies, including EPA, HUD, and Department of Transportation are not free money. They come with very specific strings attached for compliance. Those strings are tied to creating the regulations that enforce Sustainable Development. Many of those grants were actually written by the NGOs and they know exactly which grant to apply for to impose such policies. Most local elected representatives are unaware of these hidden strings. To cut federal control in your city – don’t take the grants!

Number two – get a clear definition of property rights so you have a platform to stand on. Here it is: “Property in a thing consists not merely in its ownership and possession, but in the unrestricted right of use, enjoyment, and disposal. Anything which destroys any of the elements of property, to that extent, destroys the property itself. The substantial value of property lies in its use. If the right of use be denied, the value of the property is annihilated and ownership is rendered a barren right.” Washington State Supreme Court Justice Richard B. Sanders. Private property ownership and its unrestricted use is the foundation for a nationwide revolution of Freedom. Demand it!

Meanwhile, we have many wonderful elected officials in city councils, county commissions, and state legislatures. But here again, usually they are outnumbered and unable to be effective. There is a way for them, even in a minority, to make a difference.

In your state legislature, imagine if you had ten good members who wanted to fight to protect property rights, but they are outnumbered and shut down at every turn. Here are some ideas on how they can turn that around.

First, those in the minority (meaning they actually support the ideas of limited government and personal freedom) can form a freedom coalition among them, pledging to support limited government, free enterprise, property rights and personal freedom (the three pillars of freedom).

Next, those in the Freedom Coalition can reach out to like minded legislators in neighboring states and encourage them to create their own Freedom Coalition in their state. Let us say they are successful in organizing freedom Coalition in ten states.

Then, on the exact same day, at the exact same time, all of these legislators introduced the exact same bill, or set of bills, into their respective state legislative hoppers that call for limited government and property rights protection. Then, the Freedom Coalition members all hold a news conference at the exact same time in each of their ten states, announcing their actions.

Meanwhile, we have local activists in each of those states ready to support that legislation – plus we also have a network of patriot radio shows and social media ready to launch support.

These actions would gain national, if not international, media coverage. It would succeed in changing the national debate and start a serious movement demanding limited government and property rights protection. It would lead millions to take the red pill!

Most important to our movement is to know that these exact tactics can also work in city councils and state legislatures, and, in some cases, local school boards.

We have to start putting elected officials’ feet to the fire. Do they or do they not support your right to be secure in your home, free of the fear that private developers and greedy politicians are going to take it at their whim?

The bottom line is this. If we can protect private property in your community, then we can preserve freedom in our nation. Obviously this is a huge job. It will not be settled nor won over night. It will be hard. But is there anything more precious than your freedom?

Imagine those who fought in the American Revolution and the incredible odds they faced as they took on the most powerful army in the world. So great was the challenge and the danger of total destruction of their lives that it caused Thomas Paine to write these words: “These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will in this crisis shrink from the service of their country, but he that stands it now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have the consolation with us that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheaply, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives anything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its good; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated.”

General George Washington ordered that Paine’s words be read aloud to the entire Continental Army. He wanted them all to hear what was truly at stake. He wanted them to see what would happen if they didn’t take the fight seriously. He wanted them to know the difference between the sunshine patriot and the dedicated freedom fighter.

On that day, when Washington had those precious words read to his army – they all took the red pill. And from that day forward the Continental Army would fight on to the shocking victory that all the experts insisted couldn’t be won. Now I have given you the red pill. Now you know what must be done to take back our property and restore our Republic.

Sam Adams told us how to win with our small band of patriots. He said “It does not take a majority to prevail. But rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires of Freedom in the minds of men.”

In the 1980s Ronald Reagan was about the only person in government who refused to accept the idea that communism and the Soviet Union were permanent and inevitable. He stood up to it and shocked the world when the Berlin Wall came crashing down – along with the Soviet Union. He knew the truth and he fought until he won.

New Video: The Globalist Chickens are Coming Home to Roost

Today, you and I need to know that the tyranny of Sustainable Development is not inevitable. It can and it will be stopped. Ignore your nay-saying neighbor – the sunshine patriot. The one who only gets into the battle when it is already won – when it’s become fashionable. The one who laughed at you for fighting when there seemed to be no hope. They will not help you win. They will only gladly demand their share of the spoils afterwards.

They Are Not Protectors of the Planet But Destroyers of Human Society

By Tom DeWeese

December 24, 2022

They told me that if I took the red pill I would be able to see reality – the truth of what is really going on around us. Well, I just happened to have a red pill and I took it. Like traveling through time, things rushed forward, I grew dizzy, and then I saw things around me become crystal clear!

Suddenly, I could see that the American people, and their every action, are being ruled, regulated, restricted, licensed, registered, directed, checked, inspected, measured, numbered, counted, rated, stamped, censured, authorized, admonished, refused, prevented, drilled, indoctrinated, monopolized, extorted, robbed, hoaxed, fined, harassed, disarmed, dishonored, fleeced, exploited, assessed, and taxed to the point of suffocation and desperation.

And then, more details started shooting out like fireworks! Policies. Politicians. Pronouncements. Power grabs. Everyday governments, at all levels, grows more out of control, more intrusive in our personal lives, more of a threat to private property – all in total and flagrant disregard of the expressed will of the electorate.

Al Gore warned of a “wrenching transformation of society.” That transformation just happens to be a clever mix of fascism, socialism and corporatism. It’s not communism. Perhaps a better term would be “common-ism.” Common borders; common currencies; common property – Common-ism.

The process by which it’s implemented creates a matrix of locked away land — or severe land use controls; control of energy and energy production; control of transportation; control of industry; control of food production; control of development; control of water availability; and control of population size and growth.

Always in the past there have been forces seeking domination over others. Kings saw it as their duty. Megalomaniacs like Napoleon, Hitler, and Stalin lusted for the control and power to satisfy their hatred, mistrust, and insecurities. They sent armies. They tortured, killed, and subjugated their enemies through force.

However, today, as I can now clearly see through my improved red pill vision, the forces we face are much more diabolical. These modern-day power mongers have found a way to keep their aggression under wraps, out of sight from those they intend to conquer, until it is too late. No armies in the field. No shots fired. Instead, the intended victims quietly pull in the Trojan Horse and celebrate its arrival.

The plan is to organize the world under a single unifying plan, accepted by nearly everyone as fact and necessary. Acceptance of that plan has nearly every nation voluntarily surrendering independence and sovereignty to the global aggressors. Most are even raising money to help pay for the aggressor’s system of control. These new rulers issue exact orders to be followed by all, gaining more and more power with each dictate. People now are voluntarily forgetting their history and rejecting their culture. “Was it not always so?” they will later ask.

What could be such a threat, so powerful that the entire world would lie down to accept such global servitude? How about the threat of Environmental Armageddon! We must save the planet!

What if you dared to oppose such a plan? “I’m free! I’m independent! I have rights,” you would claim as you held up your copy of the Constitution.

Of course, to oppose such a plan is a direct threat to humanity. The mob, fearing such dangerous thoughts, would surround you and rip up your Constitution as it shouted, “It doesn’t matter how many rights you think you have if you don’t have a planet to stand on! Only selfish zealots who refuse to give up their creature comforts would oppose efforts to save Mother Earth!”

Well, I’ve taken the red pill and I can now tell you that it’s no secret. The aggressors have written down every detail of their plan and have told us in their own words how it’s to work. But those who have taken the blue pill refuse to see its threat. Let me pull back the curtain for those who don’t/won’t see.

What do they call this new diabolical tool that now leads the forces of global control over all humanity which is quickly invading every single level of our government, our communities, and our neighborhoods? Its name is Sustainable Development.

Sustainable Development involves a progressive transformation of the economy and society. It is based on international interdependence and redistribution of wealth. It demands that we all live on less. It opposes free enterprise and demands its destruction. Instead it merges environmental policy with economics in decision making — with nature always overriding man.

David Brower of the Sierra Club made it all pretty clear when he said, “The goal now is a socialist redistributionist society, which is nature’s proper steward and society’s only hope.”

Maurice Strong, the Chairman of the 1992 Earth Summit left no doubt of the Sustainable Development goal when he said “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrial nations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” At that Earth Summit, 50,000 delegates agreed to support the agenda to achieve the goal – it was called Agenda 21 – the “Comprehensive Blueprint for the Reorganization of Human Society.” Since then, it has been updated and detailed, first under Agendas 2030 and then the Green New Deal. Today, they are aggressively moving under the banner of the Great Reset.

Sustainable Development is the policy for achieving that agenda. It calls for the elimination of free markets, national sovereignty and independence, and the elimination of private property ownership. It certainly calls for redistribution of wealth and a huge reduction of human populations. Some have called for reductions as high as six billion people.

The Sustainable shock troops – private, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have flooded governments at every level pushing their unending flow of legislation – all designed to regulate nearly every human action. They put controls on how and where we can build our homes. Controls on small farmers over what crops they can grow and how they will grow them; and they imposed controls on our own private transportation decisions. Cars are their enemy because it gives us freedom of movement.

As property rights are being destroyed the wealth of our nation has begun to diminish. There is no doubt that Maurice Strong’s goal of collapsing our nation is well underway.

The issue is so vast and overwhelming that people rightfully have trouble wrapping their heads around it. It encompasses every aspect of our lives, from housing, to jobs, to education, to healthcare, to gun control, and even if we are allowed to keep living.

Specifically, Sustainable Development is an all-out attack on private property. Private property is in their way as they sit behind closed doors to make plans for your future.

A few years ago, former New York mayor Bill DeBlasio openly revealed their goal when he said this in an interview in New York Magazine: “What’s been hardest is the way our legal system is structured to favor private property. I think people all over the city, of every background, would like to have the city government be able to determine which building goes where, how high it will be, who gets to live in it, and what the rent will be.” That’s a pretty raw look behind the scenes. He is telling you exactly what they want. Total control over how and where you will live.

In every community today, planners and independent NGO groups have surrounded your local governments to enforce such plans. You will hear them speak of the need for well controlled planning for your community’s future. It’s necessary, they say, to make sure everything is well ordered. Otherwise, they warn – we will have “chaotic growth.”

If you are one of the dedicated activists who have actually attended local planning meetings – see if this quote sounds familiar to what you have heard there: “The chaotic growth of cities will be replaced by a dynamic system of urban settlement…The region is formed by the economic interdependence of its development. The region has a single system of transportation, a centralized administration, and a united system of education and research.” This quote was written by a Soviet Russian architect named Alexei Gutnov, published in a 1968 book entitled, “The Ideal Communist City.” Could it be that Sustainable Development really is an extension of the master plan for the ideal communist city?

Make no mistake, Sustainable Development, using the threat of Environmental Armageddon as its rallying cry – is the totalitarian’s dream weapon to conquer the world’s freest society. It is an international scheme disguised as national and local policy, created to reign in the radical ideas of individualism, and personal property ownership, as well as to “harmonize” all nations under a central, global control.

The main question of the day – as our eyes are opened to the problem – What do we do about it? So many don’t know where to even start to fight back. The issue is massive. People get overwhelmed – where to start?

Let me make it as simple as possible. There are three basic tactics that have been used to enforce it:

  1. Destroy private property ownership and control.
  2. Impose non-elected regional councils, taking government further away from the people.
  3. Feed the plan with federal grant money.

The truth is Sustainable Development cannot be enforced without destroying property rights. So that’s the place to start pushing back. Stand up for property rights and we can stop sustainable development and put the cork back in government growth.

You must understand – your fight must start on the local level – not in Washington, DC. At the local level is where we can have the biggest impact. Succeed there and then the issue will rise to the state level and then eventually to the national level. But it will take trench warfare in every city council meeting and in every county commission meeting.

Number one goal – stop your officials from taking the grants! Grants from federal agencies, including EPA, HUD, and Department of Transportation are not free money. They come with very specific strings attached for compliance. Those strings are tied to creating the regulations that enforce Sustainable Development. Many of those grants were actually written by the NGOs and they know exactly which grant to apply for to impose such policies. Most local elected representatives are unaware of these hidden strings. To cut federal control in your city – don’t take the grants!

Number two – get a clear definition of property rights so you have a platform to stand on. Here it is: “Property in a thing consists not merely in its ownership and possession, but in the unrestricted right of use, enjoyment, and disposal. Anything which destroys any of the elements of property, to that extent, destroys the property itself. The substantial value of property lies in its use. If the right of use be denied, the value of the property is annihilated and ownership is rendered a barren right.” Washington State Supreme Court Justice Richard B. Sanders. Private property ownership and its unrestricted use is the foundation for a nationwide revolution of Freedom. Demand it!

Meanwhile, we have many wonderful elected officials in city councils, county commissions, and state legislatures. But here again, usually they are outnumbered and unable to be effective. There is a way for them, even in a minority, to make a difference.

In your state legislature, imagine if you had ten good members who wanted to fight to protect property rights, but they are outnumbered and shut down at every turn. Here are some ideas on how they can turn that around.

First, those in the minority (meaning they actually support the ideas of limited government and personal freedom) can form a freedom coalition among them, pledging to support limited government, free enterprise, property rights and personal freedom (the three pillars of freedom).

Next, those in the Freedom Coalition can reach out to like minded legislators in neighboring states and encourage them to create their own Freedom Coalition in their state. Let us say they are successful in organizing freedom Coalition in ten states.

Then, on the exact same day, at the exact same time, all of these legislators introduced the exact same bill, or set of bills, into their respective state legislative hoppers that call for limited government and property rights protection. Then, the Freedom Coalition members all hold a news conference at the exact same time in each of their ten states, announcing their actions.

Meanwhile, we have local activists in each of those states ready to support that legislation – plus we also have a network of patriot radio shows and social media ready to launch support.

These actions would gain national, if not international, media coverage. It would succeed in changing the national debate and start a serious movement demanding limited government and property rights protection. It would lead millions to take the red pill!

Most important to our movement is to know that these exact tactics can also work in city councils and state legislatures, and, in some cases, local school boards.

We have to start putting elected officials’ feet to the fire. Do they or do they not support your right to be secure in your home, free of the fear that private developers and greedy politicians are going to take it at their whim?

The bottom line is this. If we can protect private property in your community, then we can preserve freedom in our nation. Obviously this is a huge job. It will not be settled nor won over night. It will be hard. But is there anything more precious than your freedom?

Imagine those who fought in the American Revolution and the incredible odds they faced as they took on the most powerful army in the world. So great was the challenge and the danger of total destruction of their lives that it caused Thomas Paine to write these words: “These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will in this crisis shrink from the service of their country, but he that stands it now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have the consolation with us that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheaply, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives anything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its good; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated.”

General George Washington ordered that Paine’s words be read aloud to the entire Continental Army. He wanted them all to hear what was truly at stake. He wanted them to see what would happen if they didn’t take the fight seriously. He wanted them to know the difference between the sunshine patriot and the dedicated freedom fighter.

On that day, when Washington had those precious words read to his army – they all took the red pill. And from that day forward the Continental Army would fight on to the shocking victory that all the experts insisted couldn’t be won. Now I have given you the red pill. Now you know what must be done to take back our property and restore our Republic.

Sam Adams told us how to win with our small band of patriots. He said “It does not take a majority to prevail. But rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires of Freedom in the minds of men.”

In the 1980s Ronald Reagan was about the only person in government who refused to accept the idea that communism and the Soviet Union were permanent and inevitable. He stood up to it and shocked the world when the Berlin Wall came crashing down – along with the Soviet Union. He knew the truth and he fought until he won.

Today, you and I need to know that the tyranny of Sustainable Development is not inevitable. It can and it will be stopped. Ignore your nay-saying neighbor – the sunshine patriot. The one who only gets into the battle when it is already won – when it’s become fashionable. The one who laughed at you for fighting when there seemed to be no hope. They will not help you win. They will only gladly demand their share of the spoils afterwards.

Now, today, dedicate yourself to the fight – regardless of what others say or think. Understand that the perpetrators of the radical environmental movement are not protectors of the planet, they are destroyers of human society. We are fighting for our right to exist.

© 2022 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Appointed Boards Are NOT Lawmakers!

By Tom DeWeese

November 5, 2022

This alert is directed specifically to local, county, and state elected representatives. As for local residents and activists, I ask that you share this with your elected representatives and demand that they take action to protect you from the jaws of power hungry corporations that are working through appointed boards, run by hired bureaucrats, to impose an agenda to control and destroy American food, energy supplies, property rights, and liberty.

To those elected representatives I ask, DO YOU ENJOY BEING THE DOORMATS OF HIRED BUREAUCRATS WITH AN AGENDA? The belief of elected representatives that they are powerless to oppose the dictates of appointed boards – that is the root of the problem. Such an attitude is leading to the destruction of representative government. And it must be confronted immediately. Appointed boards represent nobody!

Originally, appointed boards were created by elected officials as a means to carry out certain bureaucratic and administrative tasks and oversee specific policies that the elected representatives have voted to deal with. But today they have become all-powerful forces within themselves as they have morphed into semi-autonomous overlords who no longer answer to anybody, including the very legislature who created them. If liberty is to be saved, that must be changed.

It must be made clear to these boards that they do not have the power to create regulations or laws on their own. They work for the elected county board, city council, or state legislature. They certainly do not have the power or the official position to dictate policy to elected lawmakers.

Yet too many lawmakers fail to understand that fact. Instead, when faced with an issue they either don’t understand or would rather not get involved, these elected representatives of the people prefer to cower in the corner like helpless children and exclaim “there’s nothing we can do, it’s up to the board!”

Hogwash! It’s time for them to grow up and face reality. These elected bodies are allowing non-elected appointed bureaucrats to usurp their power and authority to represent the people and, in doing so, steal the voice of the people. That is tyranny! Shane on you!

Elected representatives, including mayors, governors, city councils, county supervisors, state legislators, and county sheriffs, are elected by the people to represent them and protect their rights. They are the forces we count on to stand up to the overreach of government agencies at any level. In addition, elected representatives are also cowering to the power and influence of private, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) such as those in the radical environmental movement. Plus, there are now private corporations which use those appointed boards to help them grab private land to build their private enterprises.

These private corporations include the infamous Blackrock, which is using the force of Eminent Domain to become the largest landlord in the nation. They are using threats and intimidation to force farmers to sacrifice their private property. If the property owners don’t comply voluntarily, then the corporations plan to take it though the power granted to them by appointed utilities boards. That’s the tyranny which those who supply our food are living under.

Such private corporations are NOT public utilities. Yet this is how elected representatives take the coward’s way out. Instead of courageously defending constituents and their rights against powerful forces, they meekly succumb to their agenda. “There’s nothing we can do. The board has decided.” THIS IS HOW YOU REPRESENT YOUR PEOPLE? That’s not representation – it’s a sell out! It’s a shameful outrage!

Of course, the main scare tactic employed to intimidate and force elected representatives to comply is Climate Change. That so-called threat is behind nearly every policy you are facing. The fear of Environmental Armageddon is being used to get us to voluntarily surrender our liberties. Massive amounts of money are being deployed from the federal government, rich and powerful NGOs, and the corporations themselves. As a result, governments take more control over our lives, NGOs get more powerful to enforce their agenda, and corporations get richer. That is why the forces behind it, from the global and federal levels, are freely disregarding Constitutional law – because we have a global crisis! Do we? Let’s see.

Here are the true facts of the SCIENCE concerning Climate Change:

  1. There is no evidence whatsoever to back up the claims of man-made climate change. Or that CO2 carbon from man-made emissions is a danger. There are more scientific studies to back up the claim that carbon is good, than there are legitimate studies supporting man-made climate change and these studies are honestly peer reviewed.
  2. There is no consensus of scientists. Those who oppose the theory are simply unfunded and silenced. The only consensus on the dangers of climate change come from bought scientists. The money determines the science.
  3. Nearly every program promoted as environmental protection is in reality a much bigger threat to the environment than anything man is doing. Here are some examples.
  • Forest Service refuses to remove dead trees from the floor of forests, creating 8 feet or more of kindling – causing the worst fires in history.
  • Mining of lithium for battery powered electric cars destroys huge areas of land- never to recover. Imagine when all gas powered cars are banned and millions of electric cars replace them. We will see lithium mines deeper than the Grand Canyon. And there is a lot more oil and gas than lithium in the world.
  1. Wind and Solar produce next to nothing for the power grid. If all fossil fuels were banned and all power was to come from wind and solar, it would provide 4% of the power we need to run the country.
  • 17 million acres of solar farms are planned for the mid-west states to replace coal and gas power plants – which take up only a few acres.
  • To build those solar farms will take a massive amount of copper- yet mining is being restricted.
  • The solar panels are made of plastic – which takes oil to produce.
  • Underneath those solar panels that run end to end, row by row for thousands of acres is cement for infrastructure of wires. Nothing grows under them – no plants grow, no animals can build their homes. Valuable farm land is virtually destroyed.
  • Sun light is necessary to produce energy through solar panels. Nothing is provided after dark. When it snows the panels are covered – no electricity is produced in such storms.
  • WIND Power – 250 million acres are targeted in the Midwest states for wind power.
  • Wind power needs huge amounts of oil for the turbines to turn. And those blades are not degradable when they no longer work. Most of the turbines work only for a few years.
  • Again, there is massive infrastructure needed under the planned forests of turbines.
  • Picture 250 million acres of these turbines – the death of scenic views, of peaceful land, and in the air – nothing will be flying. Millions of birds, raptors, and endangered species are destroyed – in the name of environmental protection. There is already evidence that fish are being endangered under the turbines placed off shore.
  1. Sustainable ESG – the global plan to control energy.
  • ESG stands for Environmental Social Governance. Social. It has nothing to do with environmental protection – but rather economic tyranny.
  • Net Zero means no carbon emissions. Much of Europe has marched toward this over the last 30 years. Today they are facing a massive energy crisis and are giving up on wind and solar power. Now they are reopening coal minds and returning to oil. So is India – and China! But the United States, ignoring all of this recent history, is marching in the wrong direction.
  • SUSTAINABLE – that is the term of the policy to impose it all. It’s a trigger word designed to get us all to give up our liberties voluntarily. The late Rosa Kori, founder of Democrats Against Agenda 21, produced this definition of Sustainable: “Sustainable Development is the action plan to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all information, all energy, and all human beings in the word. INVENTORY AND CONTROL!
  • Dr. Lee Merritt, environmental scientist, points out that the destruction of topsoil from solar and wind may be creating a new “dust bowl” phenomenon. She says plants are starving for CO2, and they are not growing as well because they don’t have the ground cover. AGAIN, ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY HELPING TO DESTROY THE ENVIRONMENT.
  • Finally, this detail concerning co2 capture pipelines: In a small town in Mississippi, a carbon capture pipeline ruptured. A green cloud descended over the town, blocking oxygen and creating a foul smell. Dozens of people became disoriented, nauseated, and dazed. Many collapsed in their homes. Even car engines shut off because they too need oxygen. And there has never been emergency training for first responders to deal with it. Months later some people are still reporting metal fogginess. That makes carbon capture pipelines a major health risk!

But today, all these lies, designed to lead to the destruction of our free society, economic system, and property rights, are being empowered because of the lack of understanding and outright cowardice of elected representatives who will not stand up for their own constituents.

Elected Representatives – that’s the garbage YOU are allowing to be imposed because you will not stand up to appointed boards and corporate greed. YOU SHAMEFUL DOORMATS!


Do you want to do the right thing? Do you care to actually represent your constituents? Do you want to protect their rights to own and control their own property? Then lead the fight to protect your constituents. Just say no!

YOU must take direct action right there in your own jurisdiction.

You must fully understand that you are not pawns to appointed boards and the corrupt bureaucrats behind them. You have the power and the obligation to stand up and lead – protect your people. You have the power and the duty to take legislative action to stop this assault on private property.

Here is a step-by-step plan to guide you:

First, in your counties, form a Liberty Coalition consisting of those elected representatives who support the return to freedom — even if you are a minority on your county board or city council. Pledge to each other that you will stand together to protect property rights of your residents, support local free enterprise, and protect the individual rights of your county constituents. These are the three pillars of freedom.

Next, prepare a legislative plan to protect the local land that has been targeted for wind and solar farms or carbon capture pipelines. Give the owners the right to say no to the corporations. Property rights protection is the number one weapon to use against Sustainable policy because if property is protected then sustainable policy cannot be enforced.

You will need a definition of property rights: “Property in a thing consists not merely in its ownership and possession, but in the unrestricted right of use, enjoyment, and disposal. Anything which destroys any of the elements of property to that extent, destroys the property itself. The substantial value of property lies in its use. If the right of use be denied, the value of the property is annihilated and ownership becomes a barren right” Justice Richard B. Sanders 1997. Washington State Supreme Court.

Resolution of Property Rights

My American Policy Center (APC) has sample legislation, written by a state legislator, designed to protect private property and stop the tyranny of eminent domain use for such projects. APC also has sample resolutions which can help to clearly establish the county’s position on property rights protection. We are ready to help. Are you ready to fight?

As you are pulling together your Liberty Coalition, once the legislation is in place, extend your hands to all your neighboring counties to work together in united Liberty Coalitions. Introduce the exact same legislation in each county – and do it all on the same day if possible for greater effect.

This will put you back in charge of the debate. You will have drawn a line in the sand and a warning to the appointed boards and to the corporations that you will tolerate neither intimidation nor land grabs.

Finally, with all of it in place, hold news conferences on the same day, at the same time in each county to announce your actions. Then boldly declare your counties protected! You will have defended the uniqueness in every county and each county’s right to decide for themselves. It’s called self government.

Even if you only get a few counties to join this effort, you have created a road block that will send a message for the appointed boards and corporations to back off. Your territory is off limits to them. Stand up – join hands and say no and do not back down.

And here is one other piece of advice for you to protect yourself. If anyone comes up to you to apply pressure or a bribe to make you stop this effort – head immediately to the nearest camera and expose them.

Above all — Do not plead with appointed boards – Stand up with your legislative powers and take control.

Understand this – those behind these land and power grabs are terrified that you will finally wake up and understand your true power to act. Do it. Stop hesitating. Stop hiding behind the excuse of appointed boards. And stop allowing their tyranny. That’s why you were elected by the people. Do this and they will come out strong for you.

© 2022 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Teachers, Preachers and Greens… The Unholy Alliance Transforming America

By Tom DeWeese

November 4, 2022

“The first step in liquidating a people is to erase its memory, destroy its books, its culture, and its history.Then have somebody write new books, manufacture a new culture, invent a new history. before long the nation will begin to forget what it is and what it was. The world around it will forget even faster. The struggle of man agasinst power is the struggle of memory against forgetting.” (milan kundera)

When Communism “fell” in the late 1980’s, those who were busy scheming to impose global governance on the sovereign nations had a problem. Suddenly, the only super power in the world was the United States – the only nation on Earth based on the ideals of limited government, individual liberty and free enterprise. If American bedrock ideals of freedom took hold in the emerging nations of the old Soviet Empire, global governance was impossible.

What to do? The answer was obvious. Change America. Get her to join the community of nations with a proper attitude. Force her to learn her proper place. Target: America’s attitudes, values and beliefs. And to force us to quickly question those American ideals, elements of guilt and fear would be essential.

Two specific targets were identified: the American public school system and America’s Christian churches. These were the breeding grounds for the out-of-step American ideas. The schools taught us of the Founding Fathers and their courageous battle to recognize that we are all born with our rights as free individuals. And they taught us that its government’s job to protect those rights. Moreover, the very source of those ideals, as stated by the Founders over and over again, came from Christian teachings. In short, Christianity is the root of American culture.

The guilt and fear elements of the scheme were to come from a campaign that told us that American selfishness and mass consumption were destroying the planet. In short, the modern environmental movement was chosen as the shock and awe tactic to force America into the global village. Over the next three decades these forces combined to rapidly and drastically change America in a very significant way. As Ronald Reagan said, “We are but one generation away from losing our liberties.” Change the attitudes, values and beliefs of just one generation and America will forget its founding principles and fall in line with the globalist world view.

School reform = Indoctrination

Throughout American history, parents took on the role of teaching children boundaries, without which a free society cannot function. Children were taught at a young age to respect the rights of others; they were taught the rules of games, without which they could not be played; they were taught to not go into a neighbor’s yard without permission; they were taught modesty and loyalty and pride in their school, town, and nation. They were taught to be independent and take care of their own, without expecting someone else to do it for them. And they were taught that their property, ideas and dreams are their own, to control and pursue. These are attitudes, values, and beliefs that make a free society possible. To get America to fall in line and accept the concept of global governance, these things needed to be changed – and fast.

It is fairly well known what has happened to American schools since the 1990s, when massive “reform” took place through the establishment of the federal Department of Education and programs with names like Goals 2000, School to Work, Workforce Development and later, No Child Left Behind. Of course today we have Critical Race Theory. Local control of American schools disappeared and a federal curriculum based on behavior modification, focusing on a global outlook replaced basic academics and true American history. A psychology-driven curriculum instead focused on breaking down the structure of American society.

Parents were virtually eliminated from the education process, kept from visiting classrooms, participating in homework assignments and banned from seeing copies of tests and evaluation exams. In time, Americans began to notice that their children changed after entering school. Children were not learning to read and write. Math skills declined. Knowledge of basic American and world history was near non-existent.

But children suddenly announced that they were now vegetarians (usually at about the third grade). Parents began to notice that environmental questions or statements started popping up in math, language and history text books. Children were obviously learning little about America’s unique history or the ideals of the Founders, other than the fact that some of our greatest founders were slave holders.

Today, in the classroom, rather than basic academics, the children are fed a steady stream of pictures and stories of environmental destruction, supposedly caused by man. The text books speak of the earth only as a fragile victim of man’s development. The students are taught that the earth is their “mother” from which all good derives.

A fourth grade math book called Quest 2000 contains “math” questions like this one: Mindy read that a typical goldfish lives for 6 years. Mindy has a goldfish six years old. Should Mindy continue to buy goldfish? Explain your thinking.

Representatives of groups like the Sierra Club and People for the ethical Treatment of Animals (PeTA) are brought into the classroom for days on end to talk to the children and indoctrinate them in the “green” message. There are no opposing views introduced (because that would interrupt the behavior modification process). Only a few years ago, some children were forced to watch Al Gore’s film, “An Inconvenient Truth” as many as four times during their school days.

The children, after being fed a constant diet of such dribble, are then assessed and evaluated on the progress of their behavior modification. Parent’s think those assessments are about testing for academic ability. If children fail to respond with the proper attitudes, they are given special courses and “personalized” computer programs to help them along the way. And then they are tested again and again until they submit.

After twelve years of this indoctrination your children will certainly have all of the proper environmental attitudes, unable to think or reason for themselves, ready to accept and support whatever message those in charge hand down. In other words, your child has become the perfect anti-property, anti-technology, anti-industry, unquestioning, simple-minded, global village idiot.

And the indoctrination is taking its toll. Children have been known to break out into tears when meat is served for dinner because they’ve been assaulted by PeTA in the classroom – told not to eat their friends, the animals. One six year old girl refused to sleep in a beautiful old four poster bed inherited from her grandmother. When asked why, sobbing, she told her mother, because they had to kill trees to make it. Another young boy compared lumber jacks to rapists and murderers. Vegan activists now storm into grocery stores, blocking meat departments and pouring bottles of milk on the floor.

The American public education system has become a major tool in the drive to destroy from within the American ideal.

Green Invasion of Christian Churches

Some worried and concerned parents try to find comfort that their children are safe in their church Sunday school, where they will at least learn the proper attitudes, values and beliefs from a solid Christian view. They are about to be shocked out of that comfort zone.

The lesser noticed and perhaps more covert effort to modify American society has been the assault on Christian churches. It’s an invasion specifically designed to change the very root of Western culture. Beginning in 1993, 67,000 Christian congregations were targeted by a highly organized and well funded effort to change, and ultimately remove Christianity as a threat to their agenda.

The driving force behind the assault on Christian churches is called the National Religious Partnership for the Environment (NRPE). The Partnership is a formal agreement among four of the nation’s largest religious organizations, including the U.S. Catholic Conference, National Council of Churches, Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life, and the Evangelical Environmental Network. In addition, The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) holds a special “consultative” relationship with the Partnership. Funding comes from (among others) Pew Charitable Trusts, Stephen C. Rockefeller, the Turner Foundation, W. Alton Jones Foundation and the New World Foundation.

The Partnership operates out of an Anglican church in New York City called St. John, the Divine. The Cathedral is also the home of the Gaia Institute and the Temple of Understanding. The Temple is an official United Nations Non-Governmental Organization (NGO).

The former Executive Director of the Partnership, Paul Gorman, said, “…how people of faith engage the environment crisis will have much to do with the future well-being of the planet, and in all likelihood, with the future of religious life as well.”

But don’t be misled into thinking these are just good Christians seeking to address environmental issues. The exact opposite is the case. The programs of the Religious Partnership for the Environment seek to steer churches away from Christian teachings and, instead engage in spreading the worship of the earth – “Gaia” – in the name of the Christian religion. Worship of Gaia, in fact, calls for man to worship the creation rather than the creator – the exact opposite of Christian teachings.

Today’s environmental movement promotes a social order for a global society organized around the notion that the earth itself is the giver of life. They advocate that man is not part of the ecology, but in fact, is the destroyer of it. Disciples of the Gaia hypothesis believe that all living things (except for man) are interconnected and to damage or destroy even a tiny insect is to damage whole ecological systems.

Such a position is the basis for the Wildlands Project that calls for “rewilding” 50% of all the land in every state, a massive assault on the concept of private property, and state and national sovereignty. That idea, created by the radical Earth First group, quickly made its way into a major UN document called the Biodiversity Treaty, and though never ratified by the US Senate, is now being implemented across the nation, with millions of acres of land being locked away from human use. It is also the basis behind wolf and bear reintroductions; behind the destruction of dams; behind the blocking of building projects for the sake of flies and sucker fish; and it’s the very root of Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development that is now dictating development policy and so-called social justice in nearly every city and county in the nation.

Meanwhile, the Religious Partnership for the Environment is moving to bring all of the world’s religions in line to spout from their pulpits the Gaia position as the true source of life and spirituality and, therefore, the only relevant object of worship. They are, in short, changing Christianity to match their world view.

Regularly, the Partnership sponsors conferences and seminars to bring pastors, priests and rabbis together for instruction. They prepare sermons, issue papers and Sunday school materials to carry the Gaia message into the churches. The documents are carefully written in the language or style of each religion so the church leader can easily incorporate them into church policy. Shortly after attending such a meeting, it is not surprising to hear a pastor suddenly preaching carefully worded sermons, which, upon investigation, are found to contain earth- worshiping paganism – a fact the minister would no doubt be shocked to learn.

In May, 1992, the Partnership issued a Declaration of the “Mission to Washington.” The document was a statement of purpose on how the Partnership intended to deal with our nation’s environmental policy. The final line of the document stated, “Understanding that the world does not belong to any one nation or generation, and sharing a spirit of utmost urgency, we dedicate ourselves to undertake bold action to cherish and protect the environment of our planetary home.” The language is straight out of the scriptures of Agenda 21, the Biodiversity Treaty, Gaia, Al Gore’s book, “Earth in the Balance,” and the Sierra Club.

The document was then signed by a wide array of religious leaders including Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, President, University of Notre Dame; Reverend Gilbert Horn, Ex. Dir. Colorado Council of Churches; Mrs. Annette Kane, Ex. Dir, National Council of Catholic Women; Dr. C. William Nichols, Pres. Christian Church (Disciples of Christ); The Reverend Dr. William Phillippe, Ex Dir, General Assembly Council, Presbyterian Church, USA; Rev. Tyrone S. Pitts, Sec Gen, Progressive National Baptist Convention; Dr. Howard Ris, Ex. Dir. National Baptist Convention; Dr. Foy Valentine, former Ex Dir. Christian Life Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention; and Dr. Richard Land, Ex. Dir. Christian Life Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Also signing the document were such notorious environmental leaders as Mr. George Frampton, President, the Wilderness Society; Chief Global Warming alarmist Dr. James Hansen, Director, Goddard Institute for Space Studies; The Rev. Thomas Berry, Director, the Temple of Understanding; and Dr. Howard Ris, Ex. Dir. Union of Concerned Scientists.

In short, these respected Christian leaders locked arms with some of the most radical environmentalists in a document that declared its determination to enforce radical environmental policy based on pagan earth worship and anti-American, anti-free enterprise policy.

Here, these radicals speak for themselves: Helen Caldicott, of the Union of Concerned Scientists:

“Capitalism is destroying the earth.” Please note that the UCS was started in the late 1980s as a part of the Nuclear Freeze movement, which was proven to be funded in part by the Soviet KGB. The membership of the UCS has always consisted of less than 10 percent scientists and more than 90 percent generic America-bashers.

Father Thomas Berry, a dissident Catholic Priest, is a prime spokesman for Gaia. Father Berry contends that Christianity promotes a “deep cultural pathology of human greed and addiction.” He advocates that the earth is disintegrating and that Christianity is to blame. In his book, “Dream of the Earth,” (published by Sierra Club Books) Berry never uses the word “God” but speaks of a supernatural force in the universe. He says that “we should place less emphasis on Christ as a person and a redeemer. We should put the Bible away for twenty years while we radically rethink our religious ideas.”

Also part of the Temple of Understanding was the late Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN’s Earth Summit, which produced the Biodiversity Treaty and Agenda 21. Strong owns a ranch in Colorado where he has built a Babylonian sun god temple. Strong famously said, “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”

Mathew Fox, a former member of the Dominican Order and a self-proclaimed New Age leader and Gaia spokesman, said, “the world is being called to a new post- denominational, even post- Christian belief system that sees the earth as a living being – mythologically, as Gaia, Mother Earth – with mankind as her consciousness.”

How does all of this pagan earth worship affect American society and, moreover, affect the average Christian American in their church pew? Are the efforts of the Partnership and its supporters reaching their goal of changing the attitudes, values and beliefs of American society to fit into the global village? You be the judge. Following are a few actual events that have taken place around the nation since the assault on Christianity began.

ITEM: As the congregation sat in their church pews in the great Cathedral of St. John, the Divine in New York City, the priest stands at the alter, ready to receive a procession of animals for the annual Feast of Saint Francis blessing. Down the aisle comes a procession of elephants, camels, donkeys, monkeys and birds. These are followed by members of the congregation carrying bowls of compost and worms. Next, to the sounds of music, come acrobats and jugglers. In the pulpit, former Vice President Al Gore delivered a sermon, saying, “God is not separate from the Earth.”

ITEM: Meanwhile, in Kansas City, at the Westin Crown Center Hotel, in an event sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas, a North American native Indian prayed to the grandfather spirit. And he prayed to the spirits of the Four Directions. He prayed for these spirits to bless the Earth and oversee the conference.

Then, former California State Senator Tom Hayden, a founder of the radical Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), offered an earth prayer, claiming the earth was speaking through him as he said, “On this Earth Day let us say an earth prayer and make an earth pledge.” “In the Bible,” Hayden said, “Ruah means both wind and spirit, so let us take time to breathe with the universe, connect with the earth and remember what we need to know and do.” Hayden continued his prayer by saying, “Celebrate that ancient spirits are born again in us, spirits of eagle vision, of coyote craft, of bear stewardship, of buffalo wisdom, of ancient goddesses, of druids, of native people, of Thoreau and Sitting Bull – born again and over again in John Muir and Rachel Carson and David Brower and Alice Walker.” Hayden then asked the congregation to commit to carry the written word of Al Gore into official deeds.

Then, musician Paul Winter entertained the congregation with his saxophone. He explained that he had gone into the Superior Forest and taped exchanges of howls between his saxophone and a wolf. He then asked the congregation to join him in a “Howl-le-lu-ia Chorus.” He made a wolf sound, and nearly 200 Episcopalians from Kansas howled back, expressing their oneness with the wolf.

ITEM: On a hillside, just outside Boulder, Colorado, 200 Americans “found their own space” and began meditating and resonating – using vibrating sounds that sounded something like locusts.

Leader of the meeting was Jose Arguelles, leader of PAN (Planet Art Network) and New Age Transformation. Arguelles is the man who claimed to have “decoded” the Mayan calendar and predicted great catastrophe for the world by 2012, unless we rejected our current calendar and adopt the natural time Thirteen Moon 28-day calendar. As usual, the dire predictions of the radical greens failed to materialize.

However, addressing the gathered crowd, Arguelles presented them with a new idea – that of seeing the earth as a living, spiritual being that could feel pain. The group was asked to tune into the crystal matrix frequency – what he called Mother Earth’s heartbeat. He told them to relax. Many went into a trance-like state. As people felt they were being filled with the Earth’s energy, they became vocal, with sounds rising and falling rhythmically. Some swayed and some fell down on the ground and began writhing.

Then Jose Arguelles stood before them and brought them to silence. Arguelles told the group to concentrate on a cloud floating over head, just drifting, and then he told them to invite the cloud in to fill the empty spirit, the empty soul. He then said to invite PAN in – to accept Pan as the leader and guide for their lives.

Jose explained that Pan was the first son of Mother Earth and used to live close to his mother in the primeval forest with his brothers and sisters. Pan’s brothers and sisters, he said, were the ones who went out and founded the temple-building societies. He meant the Aztecs and the Egyptians, etc.

But when Pan refused to join his siblings in the cities, they called him evil and “Satan.” The siblings, Jose said, invented their own selfish religion – Christianity, which, he said, must be removed because it includes a vision of an Apocalypse.

The Boulder audience was told that right now, Mother Earth is bringing Pan back to save us and lead us into the New Age. The audience was told it could help by surrendering to Pan, tuning into the crystal matrix frequencies and carrying out the directions while tuned in. Arguelles then explained this might included the physical removal of Christians because they are the biggest obstacle to transformation.

Can Americans have any doubt as to where the Earth worshipping, radical environmental movement intends to take American society? Why are “Christian” leaders and officials locking arms with such foes of the American ideal of freedom, and to help them destroy the very religion they profess to lead?

America is in a life or death battle for its very soul, both in its public school classrooms and in its Christian church pews. Freedom is in the balance.

© 2022 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Carbon Capture Pipelines = Environmental Idiocracy!

By Tom DeWeese

August 12, 2022

I have just returned from one of the most important speaking tours I have ever undertaken. In fact, it wasn’t really a speaking tour – I was barnstorming the state of Iowa. I was there to cause trouble and stir up the citizens – AND I DID IT!

You see, in Iowa, along with North and South Dakota, Minnesota, and Nebraska, the push is on to enforce a plan to capture CO2 and bury it in the ground. Of course, the excuse is to protect the earth from Climate Change!

In all of my years of fighting the lies and insane policies of the radical environmental movement, this is without doubt their DUMBEST plan ever – but it’s also one of the MOST DANGEROUS that we have ever faced.

Here’s the scheme. Thousands of acres of privately-owned, food-producing Midwest Corn Belt farmland are targeted for a new 1300-mile long-pipeline. But NOT a pipeline to bring us desperately needed fuel oil. No – the purpose of this pipeline is to capture carbon dioxide and TRANSPORT IT UNDER GROUND!!!!

Two main forces are pushing these Carbon Dioxide Pipelines. They are private companies named Summit Carbon Solutions and Navigator CO2 Ventures. These private companies have already sent out letters to farmers across Iowa, South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, and North Dakota. Explaining the project, they are saying, “Navigator is proposing to build a large scale carbon capture pipeline system spanning more than 1300 miles across five states in the Midwest…” “The pipeline system… will capture carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from local facilities before these emissions reach the atmosphere and transport the CO2 safely via pipeline to a permanent and secure underground sequestration site in Illinois.” The letter goes on to explain that “the pipeline will materially reduce the participant’s carbon footprint and further the global goal of carbon neutrality.”

These are private companies. They are not public utilities. Yet, their letter to property owners contains this threat. “We intend to file a petition with the Iowa Utilities Board for permission to build the pipeline.” It goes on to say, “Our goal is to reach voluntary agreements with all landowners along the Project route, though if we are unable to do so, we may need to request the right of eminent domain (condemnation) from the Board.” So, the message is clear to property owners… be real nice and give up your land voluntarily, or we will just take it!

Just as I’ve been warning for over thirty years, all of this is part of the plot as called for in Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, The Green New Deal, and now the Great Reset. Clear back in 1992, when Agenda 21 was first introduced, its radical environmental promoters at the United Nations described it as “A blueprint for the reorganization of human society.”

Now, America’s farmers are on the front lines of the ground war to enforce that reorganization. And this is just the beginning to get it all started. As their land is confiscated, farmers won’t be allowed to grow food. No crops will be grown. The pipeline won’t be placed on the edges of the farm property — but will drive right through the middle, rendering much of the rest of the farm’s land useless. The first step in creating the pipeline will be to rip up the topsoil. Farmers are promised, if they will sign an easement agreement to voluntarily give up the land, in the first year they will be paid eighty percent of what they would have brought in for crop production. Sixty percent is promised for the second year, and forty percent for the third year. Little has been mentioned for what is to come after that.

As less and less farmland is available, the Great Reset scheme is to grow most of our food inside factories, providing only synthetic substitutes like the fake meat that is being marketed now. It’s interesting to note that, again, Bill Gates is right in the middle of this scheme. As he is busy buying up millions of acres of farmland, he’s also one of the biggest promoters of synthetic beef.

The Climate Change threat is a complete hoax, designed to create fear to get you to voluntarily give up your liberties. There is no scientific evidence whatsoever to back up the claims of man-made global warming.

Along with the drive for the carbon capture pipeline to eliminate CO2, there is a separate drive to lock away thousands more acres for wind and solar farms, in order to eliminate all oil and gas energy.

One plan calls for the locking way of seventeen million acres of solar farms in the Midwest to replace coal and gas power plants. It’s interesting to note that those coal and gas power plants take up only a few acres.

The solar panels use large amounts of plastic, which is made from oil. In addition, large amounts of copper are necessary for the wire infrastructure underneath. Plus, under those rows and rows of solar panels over thousand of acres is cement to cover the wires. Nothing grows under them – no grass or small animals. Valuable farmland destroyed.

In addition, plans also call for 250 million acres of wind farms. Wind turbines need huge amounts of oil in order to turn. They also need large amounts of copper, limestone, steel, aluminum, cobalt, and nickel to produce a single wind turbine. Some experts say that it will take more energy to produce a single wind turbine that it will create in its lifetime.

Wind and solar power are jokes – but they’re much worse than jokes to our environment. Picture 250 million acres of wind turbine forests. Gone will be scenic views, or peaceful land, and in the air, nothing will be flying as millions of birds, raptors, and endangered species will be destroyed. All in the name of protecting the environment.

Meanwhile, if the sun isn’t shining or the wind blowing, no energy is produced. In fact, if the goal is reached and all power is to come from wind and solar, it will supply only about four percent of the energy the nation needs.

Today, the same forces behind the wind and solar scheme are pushing the carbon capture pipeline. The most important food-producing farmland in the nation is about to be confiscated – all under the insane lie of environmental protection.

But here are some scientific facts that you won’t hear from these so-called science experts. Scientists, including Dr. Lee Merritt, an Iowa-based CO2 expert, reports that the earth is actually suffering from a CO2 shortage. The earth needs an average of 1,600 Parts Per Million (PPM) of CO2 in the atmosphere to support us. Currently, we have 410 PPM. In other words, nature is facing a CO2 starvation. Plants – including those we need to feed us — won’t be able to grow.

In addition, the massive deployment of wind and solar farms over thousands of acres may well create the beginnings of a new dust bowel that will destroy even more farmland.

And there is this shocking news. Carbon capture pipelines have now been proven to be major health hazards to people living close to them. A carbon capture pipeline in Mississippi ruptured near the small town of Satartia. A green cloud descended over the town, blocking oxygen and creating a fowl smell. Dozens of people became disoriented, nauseated, and dazed. Many collapsed in their homes. Even car engines shut off, because the also need oxygen to run. Months later, some people are still reporting mental fogginess. And first responders had no idea how to deal with it.

But the drive is on to build more of these dangerous, useless, and totally unnecessary carbon capture pipelines. Private companies like Summit Carbon Solutions and Navigator Co2 Ventures have no real reason to build them except that there is money in the Biden Infrastructure bill offering big bucks.

Opposition across Iowa and other affected states is strong. Public meetings designed to sell the idea are filled with citizens and property owners who stand opposed to the scheme. Many county supervisor boards have written letters to the Iowa Utilities Board (IUB) to express opposition. However, their commitment to a plan to stop it is weak. Some county officials have already surrendered to this tyranny, saying, “There’s not much we can do. It looks like it’s just going to happen.” One newspaper reported that “local governments have no legal power to stop carbon dioxide pipelines.” They are wrong!

And that’s why I went to Iowa and barnstormed the state. The good news is that no land has yet been taken. It’s still in the planning stage. I provided a series of plans on how citizens can organize and make this a very public issue. They don’t have to just accept it! Plus, I gave the elected officials a full game plan for fighting this in local and state government.

First, citizens and their elected representatives must understand that these companies behind the pipeline are private companies They don’t have the power to enforce eminent domain. They must have government force behind them. That’s why they are looking to the Iowa Utilities Board as their ace to give the power to take the land. I have a plan to stop that.

As I spoke directly to county supervisors, I didn’t pull any punches. Frankly, I was appalled that most of the county boards across the state have taken such a weak stand against the pipeline.

One county board had written a letter to the Iowa Utilities Board, pleading with them to not use the power of eminent domain. The letter ended by saying “…we respectfully ask that you refrain from utilizing eminent domain in your pursuits.”

I read that line to them in my public meeting and then shouted “This is how you represent your people? By pleading? Shameful!


I then outlined a plan to win. First, stop taking the coward’s way out by hiding behind an unelected, appointed board that doesn’t represent the people.

Second, I told them to prepare solid legislation that will protect the property rights of those in the path of the pipeline – Then I gave them several examples to choose from. I told them, “Declare your county protected from the pipeline.”

Third, I told them to now reach out to other county boards. Encourage them to take the same action in their county. Then, every county that takes the action must lock arms together and stand firm. In that way, they will create an impenetrable wall around their county and the state that these private companies and appointed boards cannot pierce.

One more piece to the puzzle will assure victory. If they have strong Constitutional Sheriffs that will enforce that property rights legislation, arrest any representatives of these private companies that come on private land to map it and pressure the landowners, that threat will end.

To assure these tactics are used, dedicated local citizens must demand that their elected representatives act. Then the citizens must organize to support them. Working together in that way, community by community, will result in this outrageous carbon capture pipeline never being built!

I must tell you, the response from my audiences was powerful. As I write this, they are now working to build the effective organization I called for. The citizens must do the work to convince their County Board of Supervisors to take these actions. I am now getting reports from the leaders I’ve been working with that this is starting to happen. Opposition is building.

In fact, after I returned home from the trip I was thrilled to receive a report that two counties in South Dakota (Brown and Spink) have just passed moratoriums, blocking any permits or construction on the pipeline!

This is what we can accomplish when we take a strong stand and refuse to buckle under.

© 2022 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Will You Submit To The Plandemic Partners, Or Stop Them?

June 4, 2022

The Great Reset is a massive plan to completely reorganize the entire structure of the planet – economically, socially, environmentally, and politically. Nothing will be untouched by the plan. Global Governance is the goal.

Here is a small taste of the background leading up to the Great Reset. The first step was to create a diabolical plan for control that would get us all to fall in line – preferably voluntarily.

Fear. That was to be the weapon. Fear of what? The fear of Environmental Armageddon! “It doesn’t matter how many rights you think you have, if you don’t have a planet to stand on.” Under such a threat, people have been frightened into voluntarily giving up their liberties. Climate Change became the mantra. The weapon to combat such a threat was called Sustainable Development.

The Club of Rome, one of the premier power forces working under the UN tent said in one of its reports, “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. All of these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”  The goal was set.

Then, in 1992, the UN held the Earth Summit in Rio. 50,000 delegates attended, along with 179 heads of state, including George H.W. Bush. Also included among the diplomats were thousands of independent, private, Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who brought their own agendas and ideas for fulfilling the goal.

Introduced at that event, and approved by all in attendance, was a document that became known as Agenda 21. The UN described that document as a “Comprehensive Blueprint for the Reorganization of Human Society.” Let that sink in.

As the plan was introduced to the delegates, the Chairman of the Earth Summit, Maurice Strong said: “Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable.” Today, every one of those vital pieces of our society is under attack.

Strong then summed up his address, saying, “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrial nations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” Continuing to build on that message, Al Gore said, “We must go through a wrenching transformation to rid us of the horrors of the Twentieth Century’s Industrial Revolution.”

Sustainable Development is the action plan to impose Agenda 21 policies. In reality it is a trigger word designed to get you to voluntarily surrender your liberties.

To fully understand what a massive threat this is to everything in your life, the very best description of Sustainable Development was provided by one of its most powerful opponents — The recently deceased Rosa Kori, of Democrats Against Agenda 21. She said, “UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the action plan to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all information, all energy, and all human beings in the world. INVENTORY AND CONTROL!        

Every time you hear the word SUSTAINABLE understand that it has nothing to do with protecting the environment – it’s the actual blueprint to subvert current governments to global control. And so, with Agenda 21, they were on their way toward the goals to reorganize human society.

Next, in 2015, came the second part of the agenda. This time it came with more details. It’s a 15-year plan called Agenda 2030. The preamble to the plan says, “All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, WILL implement this plan.” It goes on to say, “We are determined to take the bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path.”

Christiana Figueres, the Executive Secretary of the UN Framework on Climate Change, and the person in charge of making it all happen, said, “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reining for at least 150 years, since the industrial revolution.” 

Next, in 2017 came The Green New Deal. While sold as an environmental protection plan, most of its policies have nothing to do with the environment. It deals with jobs, medical care, tuition-free education and housing. Of course, it also calls for redirecting investment into wind and solar, away from fossil fuels, enforce sustainable agriculture and forestry. But most disturbing are its plans to create public-owned banks that function as non-profit utilities.

The first target in changing human society is to cancel our culture. Change the language. Call any thought contrary to the agenda “hate speech.” Control freedom of movement. Erase history and books that present positions contrary to the globally acceptable truth. Force compliance. One economic pot. One sanctioned thought process. 

Enter the Covid Pandemic – followed by the Great Reset. In both 2018 and 2019 Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum took part in two simulations of a national and international pandemic response.

Then the simulated crisis became a reality in 2020. The world was shut down because of a pandemic. How to keep it going? Once again – Fear – push the charge that the pandemic was caused by man’s destruction of the environment. Now there are warnings of annual pandemics – because of climate change and human environmental damage.

In 2020, at the onset of Covid, the media began to spin Sustainable Development as the only means with which to live in a “post” Covid -19 world. The pandemic and its lockdowns were a practice run. The proof of that is in their own words, all written down for us in a bestselling book, written by Schwab. Its title is “Covid -19: The Great Reset.

Schwab has written the updated Blue Print detailing exactly what they have in mind for us all. Schwab breaks down the Great Reset into three parts:

  1. Interdependence
  2. Velocity
  3. Complexity

Interdependence: “An interdependent world is a world of deep systemic connectivity, in which all risks affect each other through a web of complex interactions.”

These include, economics, geopolitical, societal, environmental, and technological. “… Infectious diseases risk is bound to have direct effect on “global governance failure, social instability, unemployment, fiscal crisis, and involuntary migration.”

Velocity: “in today’s world, everything moves faster than before, If just one thing were to be singled out to explain this astonishing increase in velocity, it would undoubtedly be the internet.” “We can see velocity everywhere; whether it’s a crisis, social discontent, technological developments and adoption, geopolitical upheaval, the financial markets and, of course, the manifestation of infectious diseases…”

Complexity: “In its simplest form, complexity can be defined as what we don’t understand or find difficult to understand.” In other words, we need experts from the top to interpret and guide us through all of these fast moving changes.

Now, how do they put all of that into policy to change the world?

Schwab lamented that the massive lockdowns only achieved about an 8% reduction in CO2 emissions. He said, “Considering the severity of the lockdowns, the 8% figure looks rather disappointing. It seems to suggest that small individual actions –(consuming much less, not using our cars and not flying) are of little significance when compared to the size of emissions generated by electricity, agriculture, and industry, the big-ticket emitters.”

This is the warning – even though they managed to lock down the entire economy of the world, according to the global forces, it had no significant effect on their unproven claims that carbon emissions are causing global warming! They insist more must be done!

Schwab defines the Great Reset as a means of addressing the “weaknesses of capitalism” that were purportedly exposed by the COVID pandemic. He wrote, “No industry or business will be spared from the impact of these challenges. Millions of companies risk disappearing and many industries face an uncertain future; a few will thrive.”

Now, how do they grab hold of a powerful free market such as ours? Answer – target Wall Street. Wrote Schwab: “Within a year, 77% of institutional investors intend to stop buying into companies that aren’t, in some way, Sustainable. If it’s not done by following Sustainable rules, it will not be financed.”    

Money managers on Wall Street are now saying climate change is their main concern. This could well be a $120 trillion transformation of investment money, away from oil and gas, to electric vehicles, and even the way we think of car ownership all together.

Will you be allowed to own one? Perhaps you will be forced into public transportation. This new sustainable investment drive will affect the $5 trillion global transportation industry, the $9 trillion healthcare industry, the $850 billion airline industry, the $600 billion exports industry and the $26 billion food delivery industry.

Companies will have to report their climate information to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for a climate risk assessment. Biden has already ordered the SEC to require public trading companies to not only calculate their own greenhouse emissions, but those of their suppliers, customers, and logistics operators. Every company will be affected. In anticipation of this 506 page SEC ruling, accounting firms have been hiring thousands of new employees to prepare for the coming onslaught of climate change financial paperwork to be forced on public companies.

Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, and Bank of America are already working on these policies.  MasterCard is promoting a carbon-limit credit card that quantifies the CO2 emissions generated from each transaction. The card comes with a monthly CO2 limit and shuts down charges if you exceed it.

Such are examples of how you are being prepared to force your compliance to the Great Reset. And as usual, it’s all hidden under the labels of climate change, environmental correctness, and Sustainable.

Here are a few of the ways the Great Reset is being put into place. We’ve already experienced the affects of Biden shutting down the nations oil supply, in the name of climate change. Next, the Biden Regime issued an executive order to lock away massive a amount of land in the U.S. the plan is called 30×30 – locking away 30% of all the land and resources by the year 2030.

Thousands of acres of privately-owned, food producing farmland in the Midwest Corn Belt have been targeted for a new 1300 mile long pipeline. NOT a pipeline to bring us desperately needed fuel oil. No – the purpose of this one is capture CO2 and transport it under ground! All as an excuse to stop global warming.

Right now, letters are going out to targeted farmers in five state, telling them of the coming Heartland Green Way and asking them to voluntarily give up their valuable land. The letter goes on to inform them that if they don’t join in voluntarily – their land will have to be confiscated by eminent domain.

In addition to taking that land out of food production, the plan also calls for the establishment of 17 million acres of solar farms and 250 million acres of wind farms.

Wind and solar is a joke. It produces next to nothing in the way of energy.  At best it will produce about 4% of the energy we need. What it will do is wipe out birds in the sky and destroy thousands of acres of needed farm land – causing a massive food shortage.

The American beef industry is now forced to comply to the rules of the Global Round Table for Sustainable Beef. These rules force expensive and unnecessary rules for growing beef. As a result, we have lost thousands of beef producers. More attacks on our food supply.

But they are not done. In the cities, a major effort is now underway to eliminate zoning protections for single family neighborhoods. This is part of the Sustainable Smart Growth plan to eliminate private property and put us all in stack and pack high rises, where our energy use and transportation is fully controlled. Sustainable!

How about your personal choices in life? How will they be affected? How will you be forced to toe the line? You’ve witnessed the unrelenting drive for a complete digital lifestyle, where everything about you is on-line, from your bank accounts, to all that you purchase at the grocery, to your posts on social media.

If your buying habits — as recorded on your credit cards and online bank accounts — show that you have purchased a gun or ammunition — that will begin a personal profile of you. Add to that the kind of food you buy – perhaps you purchased beef, but not enough vegetables — that may indicate you are not living a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. How much electricity do you use? Where have you traveled and how did you get there? How many buildings do you own? What kinds of things do you invest in?

Each of these things represents your climate footprint and your dedication to social justice. Are you a proper citizen in this reorganization of human society?

Now, here is how all of this will personally affect you. Each of these things will be regularly entered into your profile and each one will affect your personal credit rating. A low credit rating will prevent you from getting a loan to buy a car, obtaining a mortgage, or even a business loan. This will effectively cut you out of society if you don’t change your habits and personal beliefs.

This is just a sample of what will happen if the Great Reset is allowed to move forward. Eighty-one international banks have joined in partnership with the World Bank, along with the International monetary Fund and the U.S. Federal Reserve — which oversees all U.S. banks, plus our money supply.

Paper money will be replaced with digital currency that can disappear with a single key stroke, should you fail to conform. Universal income will finally make us all equal – equally poor and under control of whatever gang is in charge of the government plantation.

Perhaps you’ve heard this slogan about the Great Reset: No one will own anything and be happy about it. What does that mean? Schwab calls it a Circular Economy. For example: A clothing store sells shirts for profit. The shirts have value because they are needed by society. But in the circular economy, the clothing store will not sell the shirts – they will rent them. Then when you return the shirts, the store will create a new second hand product to continue renting them. The same will go for housing, furniture, appliances, and cars.

Under the Great Reset there will be no independent sovereign nations. That’s the force behind the invasion of our borders with illegals pouring over. There will be no democratic representation. All decisions will be handed down from the top. Appointed regionalism is to be the new representation.

There will be no private property. All housing will be government rental property. This is the reason for the major push to eliminate zoning protection for single family homes. It’s the first step.

Social equity will rule every decision. Universal basic income for everyone – all fair – all equally poor. Corporate Social Responsibility – all companies controlled from above. Beef consumption stopped. Farming practices forced to comply with strict sustainable rules. Netzero requirements will eliminate all sources of energy but wind and solar – which do not work.

The Great Reset is the reinvention of communism. It is the total destruction of our culture, economic system, and personal freedom. The forces behind this care not one whit about you, your future hopes and dreams. It’s about power – their power to enforce an agenda of global control.

The incredible fact every American must understand is that the Great Reset is being enforced through your local city council, county commissioners, state legislature, and federal edict. It can be stopped – but only if you finally stand up and say NO! Your time for decision – to live free or to just submit — has finally come. The choice is yours.

© 2022 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Can We Take Back Our Election Process?

By Tom DeWeese

May 20, 2022

What If We Just Said None of the Above!

The clamor is growing louder every day. “They don’t listen.” “We have no real choice of candidates.” “The system is rigged for the elite.” “There’s no difference between the two parties.”

You hear it every election. Endless talk about the need to create jobs, build the economy, make the nation a “better place to live for our families,” and, my favorite, “restore trust!”

Who’s not for those wonderful things! The slogans work for Democrats and Republicans alike. These so-called issues are interchangeable. They are, in fact, nothing more than empty rhetoric.

Meanwhile, do we hear any serious discussion about how to stop our money from becoming more worthless every day from government spending and rampant inflation? The last serious statement I heard was from Biden, telling us to avoid inflation by not buying things! What about the destruction of our education system as it’s used for behavior modification while true academics are eliminated from the curriculum? Has any elected representative from either party taken the lead to stop schools from simply becoming factories that produce global village idiots?

Does any candidate dare mention the hopelessness taking over our inner cities as federal welfare policies enslave whole generations to the ever-expanding government plantation? As the hopelessness grows in these government compounds, invaded by drug dealers and violent gangs, as disinterested bureaucrats ignore broken windows, trash pileups, and broken air conditioning, government policy is demanding more government control of housing in the name of environmental protection. When have we heard these issues is ever mentioned in local, state, or federal campaigns? Never! Any candidate who would try would be immediately labeled an extremist!

Our political parties choose candidates that are “acceptable,” middle of the road, not rocking the boat, and not too extreme. In short, they force us to choose between two equally bad evils. Election after election the drone goes on. And what are we to do? These are the candidates the power mongers have chosen for us for city council, county commission, state legislature, Congress, and President. Yes, we have primaries to choose from, but I think we all know they have rigged just about all elections to assure the powers in charge get whom they want. Open primaries assure that.

Is it any wonder millions of Americans don’t vote or participate in our nation’s debate because they think it doesn’t matter anyway? The “average voter” increasingly feels that the decisions have been made for them. Worse, those who hold conservative points of view that our nation should live within the Constitution now believe socialism is inevitable, so why bother going to the polls. The Republic is lost, they say. The poor understand they are simply pawns in a vice grip between big money and special interests that control the elections.

And the growing proof of massive cheating in the last Presidential election has increased the feeling of helplessness which now rules the world’s once greatest democratic Republic. What political party is currently leading the charge to fix the election system? Meanwhile, as people stay home or trudge to the polls to hold their noses to vote for the next lesser of two evils, 93% of incumbents are routinely returned to office – year after year after year.

The instant a candidate is elected and joins the ranks of the incumbents, they begin the dance. Get the money for the next campaign. How? Special interest groups, corporations, and foreign interests flood into their offices to make deals, promote their agendas and show the way to fame, fortune and perpetual office – if only the incumbents go along. They have the whole process well in hand. Campaigns become little more than big PR projects, promoted in positive platitudes, specifically designed to assure nothing negative sticks. Just get through it and keep the gravy train running.

Above all, do not talk about controversial subjects like dollar values, global trade, or immigration; just stick to issues like health care, and the environment – coincidentally, two issues bought and paid for by the special interests. See how it works?

So year after year, we officially hold elections and politicians pontificate about how our going to the polls is a revered right, a valued tradition, underpinning a free society. And they wonder why there is such division in the nation! How did we end up in such a mess? We voted for these guys. But did we enjoy it? Are we satisfied with the results? Would we like to demand a do-over?

Is it hopeless? Is there any way to change it? Do you want the people to have control of the election process and the choice of candidates offered? Do you want to force the power elites to listen to you? I’ve got a solution.

Don’t despair. Don’t give up. There is a logical, effective way out of this. But it won’t happen by depending on political parties to lead the way. We have to take things into our own hands. We need an effective, binding form of protest to say “NO” to bad candidates. There is such a way.

Imagine going into the voting booth and looking down the list of candidates offered. None really appeal. None seem to offer satisfaction as an answer to the issues that concern you. If only there was something else you could do. A write-in won’t help. It would be a difficult and very expensive effort. It rarely works.

Then you look further down the ballot. Something new. It says “NONE OF THE ABOVE.” It’s a final choice at the bottom of the list of the candidates in every category, from president, to congress to the city council. What does it mean?

It means you have the power to decide who will hold office – not the power brokers. When the votes are tallied, if “NONE OF THE ABOVE” gets a majority of votes over any of the candidates listed, then “NONE OF THE ABOVE” wins. And that means none of those candidates will win the office. The office will remain vacant until a new election is held. To set up another election and fill the spot would work exactly like the process provided in the Constitution when an incumbent dies or resigns, and a special election is held. Now new candidates will have to try to win the public’s support.

Fixing the election process could be that simple. You, the voter, would be completely in the driver’s seat with the power to reject candidates, forcing a new election with new choices. The political parties would be forced to provide candidates the people want — or face being rejected. They would have to talk about real issues – or face being rejected. Incumbents would have to answer for their actions in office – or face being rejected. “NONE OF THE ABOVE.” Period. The power of labor unions and international corporations would be broken.

Think of the consequences. No longer would voters have to settle for the lesser of two evils. If all the candidates are bad – none would be able to force their way into office. It would mean that powerful special interests could no longer rely on their money to buy elections. They could buy all the ads they wanted, spend millions on “volunteers” going door to door and slinging their dirt, but if the voters aren’t buying, none of it will save their candidate from being rejected by “NONE OF THE ABOVE.”

Moreover, the power of entrenched incumbents who have been unbeatable because of their massive war chests and party ties would be broken. Picture McConnell or Pelosi unable to run for office because they were rejected by “NONE OF THE ABOVE.”

However, to work, “NONE OF THE ABOVE” would have to be binding. It would have to have the power of law behind it. It cannot be just a “protest” vote that has no other meaning. “NONE OF THE ABOVE” is completely non-partisan. There is no way to control its outcome. There is no need for a massive campaign chest to support “NONE OF THE ABOVE,” although it could certainly be done. But the option, once permanently placed on the ballot, would always be there. America’s representative system would be restored.

To get the job done, activists in every state would have to begin a campaign to demand that “NONE OF THE ABOVE” be given a permanent spot on the ballot. It would not require a Constitutional Amendment. It would have to be done state by state. Some states have ballot referendums and initiatives using petition drives to get an issue on the ballot, so the people can decide. It’s difficult and expensive to do, but popular ideas have a chance.

In other states, “NONE OF THE ABOVE” advocates would have to find a friendly state representative or senator to introduce the idea before the state legislature and then get enough votes to pass it in both houses and then have it signed by the governor. The main drawback to that effort is obvious – in that it has to pass in state legislatures where, if successful, then every one of those incumbent legislators will have to face “NONE OF THE ABOVE” on the ballot for their re-election. They probably won’t be too excited about the idea.

So why would they support the idea? It would be only because supporters succeed in creating a strong movement of voters which demand it. No one is saying this will be an easy process. But such movements have succeeded before. For example, local activists could begin by demanding that candidates support the measure, much like they now sign “no tax” pledges. In short, they would support it because there is strong popular support, and they simply have no choice. We must change the political debate – why don’t elected officials support my right to have a “citizen’s choice?”

Of course, one of their main objections to the “NONE OF THE ABOVE” idea would be the requirement for holding a new election, should it win. Too expensive, our responsible public servants would say, as they dismissed the idea. However, if it means getting better candidates, isn’t it worth it to hold a new election, especially considering how much a very bad candidate would cost us if he got into office? The fact is, such a need for a new election would probably not arise often once political power brokers began to understand that they must offer candidates acceptable to the people rather than to the special interests. That’s all they really must do. It’s all we want. It only takes a couple of “None of the Above” victories to see that the electorate is back in charge.

The idea of “NONE OF THE ABOVE” has been around for a long time. Over the years, most states have had legislation introduced supporting the concept. Nevada actually has it on the ballot – but it is not binding. It doesn’t force a new election. It is just a measure of protest. That’s not good enough to make it effective.

One of the reasons it has not been successful is because there has never been a serious national drive to promote the idea. However, with the growing dissatisfaction voters are feeling with the lack of quality candidates seeming to get worse every election, perhaps there has never been a better time to start a national discussion on the issue.

The best part is that “NONE OF THE ABOVE” isn’t a conservative or liberal idea. It’s not a Republican of Democrat proposal. Republican leadership might see it as a good way to break the back of big labor’s influence over elections. Equally, Democrats could see it as a way to stop the power and influence of the Republican’s big business money. However, the parties want to look at it, the bottom line is that the voters win.

This will be a long-term process, and is primarily aimed at local, state, and congressional candidates. The real power comes from rejecting the candidates at ever level.

But all of that depends on the voters. Do you want to take back control, or are you satisfied to have your choices made for you behind closed doors? Because that’s what we have now. How’s that working for you?

© 2022 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Can We Take Back Our Election Process?

By Tom DeWeese

May 12, 2022

What If We Just Said None of the Above!

The clamor is growing louder every day. “They don’t listen.” “We have no real choice of candidates.” “The system is rigged for the elite.” “There’s no difference between the two parties.”

You hear it every election. Endless talk about the need to create jobs, build the economy, make the nation a “better place to live for our families,” and, my favorite, “restore trust!”

Who’s not for those wonderful things! The slogans work for Democrats and Republicans alike. These so-called issues are interchangeable. They are, in fact, nothing more than empty rhetoric.

Meanwhile, do we hear any serious discussion about how to stop our money from becoming more worthless every day from government spending and rampant inflation? The last serious statement I heard was from Biden, telling us to avoid inflation by not buying things! What about the destruction of our education system as it’s used for behavior modification while true academics are eliminated from the curriculum? Has any elected representative from either party taken the lead to stop schools from simply becoming factories that produce global village idiots?

Does any candidate dare mention the hopelessness taking over our inner cities as federal welfare policies enslave whole generations to the ever-expanding government plantation? As the hopelessness grows in these government compounds, invaded by drug dealers and violent gangs, as disinterested bureaucrats ignore broken windows, trash pileups, and broken air conditioning, government policy is demanding more government control of housing in the name of environmental protection. When have we heard these issues is ever mentioned in local, state, or federal campaigns? Never! Any candidate who would try would be immediately labeled an extremist!

Our political parties choose candidates that are “acceptable,” middle of the road, not rocking the boat, and not too extreme. In short, they force us to choose between two equally bad evils. Election after election the drone goes on. And what are we to do? These are the candidates the power mongers have chosen for us for city council, county commission, state legislature, Congress, and President. Yes, we have primaries to choose from, but I think we all know they have rigged just about all elections to assure the powers in charge get whom they want. Open primaries assure that.

Is it any wonder millions of Americans don’t vote or participate in our nation’s debate because they think it doesn’t matter anyway? The “average voter” increasingly feels that the decisions have been made for them. Worse, those who hold conservative points of view that our nation should live within the Constitution now believe socialism is inevitable, so why bother going to the polls. The Republic is lost, they say. The poor understand they are simply pawns in a vice grip between big money and special interests that control the elections.

And the growing proof of massive cheating in the last Presidential election has increased the feeling of helplessness which now rules the world’s once greatest democratic Republic. What political party is currently leading the charge to fix the election system? Meanwhile, as people stay home or trudge to the polls to hold their noses to vote for the next lesser of two evils, 93% of incumbents are routinely returned to office – year after year after year.

The instant a candidate is elected and joins the ranks of the incumbents, they begin the dance. Get the money for the next campaign. How? Special interest groups, corporations, and foreign interests flood into their offices to make deals, promote their agendas and show the way to fame, fortune and perpetual office – if only the incumbents go along. They have the whole process well in hand. Campaigns become little more than big PR projects, promoted in positive platitudes, specifically designed to assure nothing negative sticks. Just get through it and keep the gravy train running.

Above all, do not talk about controversial subjects like dollar values, global trade, or immigration; just stick to issues like health care, and the environment – coincidentally, two issues bought and paid for by the special interests. See how it works?

So year after year, we officially hold elections and politicians pontificate about how our going to the polls is a revered right, a valued tradition, underpinning a free society. And they wonder why there is such division in the nation! How did we end up in such a mess? We voted for these guys. But did we enjoy it? Are we satisfied with the results? Would we like to demand a do-over?

Is it hopeless? Is there any way to change it? Do you want the people to have control of the election process and the choice of candidates offered? Do you want to force the power elites to listen to you? I’ve got a solution.

Don’t despair. Don’t give up. There is a logical, effective way out of this. But it won’t happen by depending on political parties to lead the way. We have to take things into our own hands. We need an effective, binding form of protest to say “NO” to bad candidates. There is such a way.

Imagine going into the voting booth and looking down the list of candidates offered. None really appeal. None seem to offer satisfaction as an answer to the issues that concern you. If only there was something else you could do. A write-in won’t help. It would be a difficult and very expensive effort. It rarely works.

Then you look further down the ballot. Something new. It says “NONE OF THE ABOVE.” It’s a final choice at the bottom of the list of the candidates in every category, from president, to congress to the city council. What does it mean?

It means you have the power to decide who will hold office – not the power brokers. When the votes are tallied, if “NONE OF THE ABOVE” gets a majority of votes over any of the candidates listed, then “NONE OF THE ABOVE” wins. And that means none of those candidates will win the office. The office will remain vacant until a new election is held. To set up another election and fill the spot would work exactly like the process provided in the Constitution when an incumbent dies or resigns, and a special election is held. Now new candidates will have to try to win the public’s support.

Fixing the election process could be that simple. You, the voter, would be completely in the driver’s seat with the power to reject candidates, forcing a new election with new choices. The political parties would be forced to provide candidates the people want — or face being rejected. They would have to talk about real issues – or face being rejected. Incumbents would have to answer for their actions in office – or face being rejected. “NONE OF THE ABOVE.” Period. The power of labor unions and international corporations would be broken.

Think of the consequences. No longer would voters have to settle for the lesser of two evils. If all the candidates are bad – none would be able to force their way into office. It would mean that powerful special interests could no longer rely on their money to buy elections. They could buy all the ads they wanted, spend millions on “volunteers” going door to door and slinging their dirt, but if the voters aren’t buying, none of it will save their candidate from being rejected by “NONE OF THE ABOVE.”

Moreover, the power of entrenched incumbents who have been unbeatable because of their massive war chests and party ties would be broken. Picture McConnell or Pelosi unable to run for office because they were rejected by “NONE OF THE ABOVE.”

However, to work, “NONE OF THE ABOVE” would have to be binding. It would have to have the power of law behind it. It cannot be just a “protest” vote that has no other meaning. “NONE OF THE ABOVE” is completely non-partisan. There is no way to control its outcome. There is no need for a massive campaign chest to support “NONE OF THE ABOVE,” although it could certainly be done. But the option, once permanently placed on the ballot, would always be there. America’s representative system would be restored.

To get the job done, activists in every state would have to begin a campaign to demand that “NONE OF THE ABOVE” be given a permanent spot on the ballot. It would not require a Constitutional Amendment. It would have to be done state by state. Some states have ballot referendums and initiatives using petition drives to get an issue on the ballot, so the people can decide. It’s difficult and expensive to do, but popular ideas have a chance.

In other states, “NONE OF THE ABOVE” advocates would have to find a friendly state representative or senator to introduce the idea before the state legislature and then get enough votes to pass it in both houses and then have it signed by the governor. The main drawback to that effort is obvious – in that it has to pass in state legislatures where, if successful, then every one of those incumbent legislators will have to face “NONE OF THE ABOVE” on the ballot for their re-election. They probably won’t be too excited about the idea.

So why would they support the idea? It would be only because supporters succeed in creating a strong movement of voters which demand it. No one is saying this will be an easy process. But such movements have succeeded before. For example, local activists could begin by demanding that candidates support the measure, much like they now sign “no tax” pledges. In short, they would support it because there is strong popular support, and they simply have no choice. We must change the political debate – why don’t elected officials support my right to have a “citizen’s choice?”

Of course, one of their main objections to the “NONE OF THE ABOVE” idea would be the requirement for holding a new election, should it win. Too expensive, our responsible public servants would say, as they dismissed the idea. However, if it means getting better candidates, isn’t it worth it to hold a new election, especially considering how much a very bad candidate would cost us if he got into office? The fact is, such a need for a new election would probably not arise often once political power brokers began to understand that they must offer candidates acceptable to the people rather than to the special interests. That’s all they really must do. It’s all we want. It only takes a couple of “None of the Above” victories to see that the electorate is back in charge.

The idea of “NONE OF THE ABOVE” has been around for a long time. Over the years, most states have had legislation introduced supporting the concept. Nevada actually has it on the ballot – but it is not binding. It doesn’t force a new election. It is just a measure of protest. That’s not good enough to make it effective.

One of the reasons it has not been successful is because there has never been a serious national drive to promote the idea. However, with the growing dissatisfaction voters are feeling with the lack of quality candidates seeming to get worse every election, perhaps there has never been a better time to start a national discussion on the issue.

The best part is that “NONE OF THE ABOVE” isn’t a conservative or liberal idea. It’s not a Republican of Democrat proposal. Republican leadership might see it as a good way to break the back of big labor’s influence over elections. Equally, Democrats could see it as a way to stop the power and influence of the Republican’s big business money. However, the parties want to look at it, the bottom line is that the voters win.

This will be a long-term process, and is primarily aimed at local, state, and congressional candidates. The real power comes from rejecting the candidates at ever level.

But all of that depends on the voters. Do you want to take back control, or are you satisfied to have your choices made for you behind closed doors? Because that’s what we have now. How’s that working for you?

© 2022 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Cesar Chavez Was No Hero

By Tom DeWeese

April 1, 2022

March 31st is celebrated annually as a holiday in ten U.S. States to honor United Farm Workers Union founder Cesar Chavez as an American hero. I beg to differ!

Cesar Chavez is portrayed to the American public as a champion of poor Hispanic migrant workers who were paid mere pennies to work in the grape and lettuce fields of California. According to the tale, the farmers got rich off the backs of the migrant labor, selling the lettuce and making expensive wines from the grapes. Meanwhile the poor, misused migrants carried meager belongings on their backs and traveled from farm to farm, hoping to find work, perhaps a meal, and a place to sleep. Even little children were forced to work in the fields – just to keep the family alive. So goes the tale.

Into the breach of this John Steinbeck vision of misery steps one of the workers who braved the wrath of the “MAN.” Cesar Chaves, so the tale continues, stood bravely against threats of bodily harm, maybe even death, to help bring the poor migrant workers a decent wage and stable working conditions. He organized the United Farm Workers Union (UFW), organized protests and set up picket lines, staged fasts to get the media’s attention. His minions took on the battle cry “Huelga” (strike) and called on all Americans to boycott “non-union” lettuce and wines.

The 1960s and ‘70s was an era of unrest and college protests. That’s when students across the nation took up the UFW battle cry and participated in the boycotts. It became fashionable for liberal leaders to stand with Chavez. California Governor Jerry Brown (the first term) joined Chavez and all the usual Hollywood celebrities in protest marches in Sacramento. Bobby Kennedy flew in to embrace Chavez for the cameras during one of his famous fasting protests.

Chavez was hailed a hero to the oppressed poor. Streets and schools all over the state of California are named after him. Children wear tee shirts with his name and image emblazoned across the front. There was even a movie produced to reconstruct his heroic memory. However, labeling Cesar Chavez an American hero is akin to labeling Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky as Russian heroes.

Here are facts about Cesar Chavez that you will never read in a school text book, current history book, or see in the film.

♦ There is no evidence that Cesar Chavez ever worked in a farm field in his life. He was a pool room thug selected and hand picket by radical communist organizer Saul Alinsky to create unrest among farm workers.
♦ Chavez was well trained in the Alinsky propaganda and organizing techniques that are, still today, recognized as the most effective tools to misdirect and force radical ideas into the general population.
♦ Cesar Chavez never tried to organize real migrant workers – those who had no real home, who carried their belongings on their backs and were basically nomads on the road.

For the most part, the workers Chavez picked on lived in nice homes, in stable neighborhoods and made a decent wage. The only migration they did was to move from farm to farm in their area to harvest the crops. It provided them steady work with farmers who regularly employed them. At night, they slept in their own beds.

♦ Chavez never organized “non-union” workers. They were already members of the Teamster’s Union. What Chavez sold to the nation as a fight against “non-union” lettuce and grapes was really a jurisdictional fight against the Teamsters. Pretty hard to call the Teamsters “non-union.”

And so, for more than ten years, Cesar Chavez used the media, politicians, Hollywood, and college students to change the buying habits of the nation and paint a picture of big business oppressing the poor.

In 1974, when I served as Ohio Chairman of Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) I was also running for a seat in the Ohio state legislature. My district was a small slice of Columbus that included the Ohio State University. My opponent was a dedicated left wing radical. Our district contained no farm land other than the agriculture department of the university. Yet, the main issue of our campaign became the debate over Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers.

In March of that year, Chavez came to the OSU campus. My opponent in the legislative race, Mike Stinziano, was seated next to Chavez on the stage. I was out front of the auditorium manning a picket line and protest. Eventually, as Chavez prepared to speak, My picketers and I marched inside the auditorium, straight down the aisle and sat on the edge of the stage to continue our protest. Stinziano and I eyed each other in this strange setting for a political campaign.

Chavez began to speak to the wide-eyed college students, teaching them organizing songs and getting them to shout “Huelga.” Then Chavez began to spin a tale of the terrible conditions of the non-union workers in the fields. Paul Bunyon would have been impressed. He told the students that to reduce payments to his union members, the farmers had developed a mechanical devise to pick the grapes. He said it was a huge vacuum designed to suck the grapes off the vine. But, said Chavez in a hushed tone, the machine also sucked up spiders, snakes and rabbits, all to be processed into the wine As the crowd began to stir and make faces at the thought of it, Chavez quickly added, “so, if you won’t boycott Boonesfarm wine for our cause, at least do it for your own health.” That was Cesar for you… always concerned about the well being of others!

Two months later, I was invited to Toledo University by the local YAF chapter there to provide rebuttal to a separate appearance by Delores Huerta, Vice President of the United Farm Workers Union.

She taught the students the same organizing songs, peppered with the chants of “Huelga.” Then she proceeded to tell the same story of the great machine. Only this time she described it, not as a great vacuum cleaner, but as a picker with huge fingers that plucked the grapes along with the snakes, rabbits and spiders. I pointed out to the audience that if the UFW was going to fan out across the country to tell lies, they should at least be consistent lies.

Huerta proceeded to call for a boycott of all “non union” lettuce and grapes. I again pointed out that many of the farm workers picking the grapes were, in fact, members of the Teamsters Union and had been so for many years. I asked when the Teamsters became non union and the only response offered was that I was a Teamster lackey! Sigh…

Huerta went on with her well rehearsed tale of the terrible lives of the non-union farm workers, and demonstrating the success and power of the UFW by claiming that 200,000 farm workers had now joined their union. An interesting trick, since there weren’t 200,000 farm workers in the state.

What both Chavez and Hureta both failed to tell their audiences was:

♦ How the UFW formed “goon squads” designed to intimidate the non-UFW workers in the fields by threatening them with physical harm if they continued to work.
♦ How the UFW used Catholic priests to intimidate the deeply religious workers by calling them scabs.
♦ How the majority of those on the UFW picket lines were actually college students bussed in from across the country.
♦ How UFW negotiations actually resulted in less pay for farm workers.

If this is the kind of America we have become, where a pool room thug, trained by a Marxist, can be officially honored by as many as ten states, as a hero, then there truly has been a silent American revolution and truth, justice and the American way has lost.

The farm workers in California, in the 1970s, knew what a threat Chavez was to them and they hated him. They tried to tell America then, but the media, Hollywood, and liberal politicians had their own agenda to promote. Does that sound familiar? So, puffed up on their own “compassion” and in the name of their version of justice for the poor, they sacrificed the very people they claimed to help… all for the “cause.”

In a truly moral and honest society, Cesar Chavez would be relegated to the trash heap where he belongs. It’s time to push back.

© 2022 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Double-Speak, Lies, and the Drive For an Article V Convention of States

By Tom DeWeese

February 19, 2022

The drive for an Article V Convention of States is assaulting state legislatures at an intense level. Obviously, proponents of such an action are counting on the discontent of Americans as the Biden cabal proves the misery of massive federal intrusion into every aspect of our lives. Americans naturally want to rein it in.

The problem is the Article V Convention of States strategy is a false hope being perpetrated by forces pretending to be conservative, promising a workable solution to balance the federal budget, stop out-of-control regulations, and give the government back to the people. In truth, the Article V Convention of States movement is one of the greatest flimflams ever perpetrated on the American people. It’s nearly the equivalent of combining the lies of the covid pandemic with election fraud and climate change. In short, the drive for the Article V Convention of States is just that dangerous because unaware state legislators are falling for it, and naive and trusting constituents are supporting them. The Republic is at stake.

The Convention of States Project is the main force pushing the lie in state legislatures. 1984 author George Orwell would have been impressed by this group’s mastery of “double-speak.” They claim that Article V of the U.S. Constitution allows the States to call for a convention that will only consider amendments to the U. S. Constitution. They insist that such a “Convention of States” is not a Constitutional Convention. They claim that the states can control the convention agenda as well as the process of choosing the delegates. Further, they claim that, since anything the convention produces must be approved by a three-fourths majority of the states, there is no possibility that bad things can happen. Worse, they create the impression that freedom-loving advocates of limited government will control the process – you know – Conservatives! NONE OF THESE CLAIMS ARE TRUE!

Here Are the Facts

Article V of the Constitution grants only the following powers regarding such a convention:

First, state legislatures must apply to Congress for a convention.
Second, when two-thirds of the States have presented such an application Congress then calls for the convention.
Three-Fourths of the States are then needed to ratify the actions of the convention.

That’s it. Those are the only guidelines provided in the Constitution for a Convention of States. There are no guidelines on how delegates will be chosen, or how the agenda will be decided. Once enough States apply for the convention, all those decisions concerning when there will be a convention, where it will be held, and who will be delegates, are decided by Congress. This becomes a Constitutional Convention or a Con Con. There is no such thing as a Convention of States controlled by the States.

Today, that means that Nancy Pelosi will lead the decision process on how delegates are chosen and who they will be. Can you imagine what that delegate line-up will look like under her direction? Picture every radical interest group like ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter joining forces with the producers in global corporations and the wonderful insight of the World Economic Forum. And, of course, we will need a solid representation of illegal aliens, who will have so much at stake in the outcome of such a historic gathering. Yep, let’s put the genius of Madison, Jefferson, and Washington on the operating table for these forces to give it a lobotomy! Do you think anyone who isn’t marching in goose-step with, or having ideas and credentials not in line with cultural Marxism will be allowed?

Yet, Convention of States Project head, Mark Meckler is busy assuring state legislators that the States can bypass Congress, States will make the rules, control the delegates, limit the convention topic, and will consider only amendments to the Constitution.

The fact is, once chosen, the delegates to a Constitutional Convention become the most powerful force in the country. They have no boss. They are free to move forward as they see fit. To prove that point, here is a little history.

There has been only one Con Con in U.S. history. That was in 1787. It was not intended to be a Con Con. At the time the nation was operating under the Articles of Confederation. There were problems with how the states were dealing with each other through interstate commerce and it was known that the Articles of Confederation needed some revisions. So, it was decided to call a meeting of the States to discuss such revisions. The States did not want this convention to create a new constitution. Rhode Island refused to send delegates for fear that it could become such a convention. Delegates from several other states were given specific instructions by their state governments to not participate in a Constitutional Convention. There was also a very strongly worded resolution by Congress limiting the meeting to the “sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation.” Those instructions were completely ignored. As soon as the delegates arrived in Philadelphia, the doors were closed, and the meeting was kept secret until finally they were opened to announce a completely new Constitution for the nation. That is a Precedent!

Second, the Articles of Confederation specifically ordered that no changes could be made to that legal document unless 100% of the States supported the changes. Obviously a new Constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation qualifies as a change! However, then a very radical event took place. As the new Constitution was presented to the people to be ratified by the States, the 100% rule of the Articles of Confederation was completely ignored. Instead, Article VII of the new Constitution, which at this point was only a proposed document to be considered, was used as the guideline to ratify the new constitution. Article VII says “But ratification of the new Constitution The Ratification of the Conventions of nine states, shall be sufficient for the Establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the Same.” So, in fact, the rules of an unratified document were used to ratify itself. That is a Precedent!

Why are these details important to the debate over an Article V Convention of States? Because, as Mark Meckler and his Convention of States Project are assuring that such things could never happen, that states will control the issues discussed, and that there will not be a Constitutional Convention, there are very specific precedents to the contrary already established. You can be assured that they will be used by those forces who seek to trash the current Constitution. For example, what would stop the delegates from writing a new constitution that simply said the majority of delegates could formally ratify it into law? There would be no need for the states to approve it. It would simply become law. The precedent is there to allow it.

New Constitutions have Already Been Written

Now add to the debate that many forces have already written their own preferred versions of a new constitution to replace our Republic. There are more than twenty such constitutions in existence, just waiting for the opportunity offered from a Convention of States.

The National Constitution Center, a quasi-official branch of the federal government, sponsored a Constitution Drafting Project. They brought together three teams of leading constitutional scholars. The three teams included Team Libertarian, led by representatives from the CATO Institute and the Goldwater Institute; Team Progressive, led by representatives from the Georgetown Law School, Columbia Law School, and the New York University School of Law; and Team Conservative, led by representatives from Princeton University, Stanford Law School, and Arizona University. Just the folks you would want to replace James Madison and Thomas Jefferson. In 2021, they released their three proposed new constitutions.

According to constitutional expert Publius Huldah, each would transfer massive new powers to the Federal government and would legalize many of the unconstitutional acts that have been going on for 100 years. The Progressive Constitution would make abortion, pedophilia, and bestiality constitutionally granted rights. Team Conservative was headed up by Princeton professor Robbie George, who also happens to be a Board Member of the Convention of States Project. That version of a Conservative constitution makes a severe attack on gun rights, authorizing the state and federal governments to ban the possession of all arms, unless they are “ordinarily used for self-defense recreational purposes…” The question must be asked, why would a board member of the very group which promises that there would be no new constitution, actually help write a new constitution?

Meanwhile, a second movement dedicated to writing a new constitution is called Constitution 2020. George Soros heavily bankrolled this movement. The project seeks to create a “progressive” consensus as to what the U.S. Constitution should provide. It would focus on the issues of Equity, Citizenship, and “hopeful pragmatism.”

Mark Meckler of the Convention of States Project argues that there is no possibility of a runaway convention, because the states would be in control of it. The reality is that the runaway has already begun as massive forces are gleefully preparing what will happen when the convention doors are shut to the public.

If the American Republic is to survive, then state legislators must see through the lies and deliberate fraud contained in the Convention of States resolutions which they face. Know this. The Constitution of the United States is not in need of fixing. Instead, those we have entrusted to protect it must be eliminated. The Constitution cannot protect us unless we protect the Constitution.

© 2022 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Plastic Is NOT a Environmental Threat

I am fed up to my burning ears with the carte blanche castigation of plastic. Plastic is one of the greatest inventions ever, not only for modern society, but also for the environment. If plastic seems to now pose an environmental threat, it’s not plastic’s fault – but the fault of the environmental movement itself.

The use of plastic reduces the need for other natural resources. Plastic bags, cups, and plates save the need for more paper. It saves the tress the greens are so concerned about. Plastic tables and chairs and lamps also save the demand for wood. Plastic bumpers on cars elimiinate the need for chrome, a natural mineral the greens worried about a couple of decades ago – plastic provided the saving solution. And the use of plastic in cars makes them lighter and therefore more fuel efficient. Plastic makes heart transplants possible. Plastic is used in a wide variety of medical devises, without which people would either die or be denied happy, useful lives. There is no natural wood, paper, or glass substitute.

It’s interesting to note that the decade-old American obsession with bottled water resulted from environmentalist scares over possible chemicals in municipal tap water. Green radicals like the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) spewed horror stories of tap water full of rocket fuel, arsenic, germs, feces, lead, and pesticides.  Plastic bottles provided the solution. Now the pendulum has swung and we’re all supposed to forget the earlier scaremongering over tap water and obey the new scare over water bottles. Crisis to crisis – whatever keeps up the green fundraising and power-building.  It’s also interesting to note that one of the biggest promoters of the return to tap water is the National Conference of Mayors. Many cities are now taxing each bottle used. A classic move – right out of the government handbook. Vilify it and then tax it.

So the mantra goes, plastic bottles and products are filling the landfills. Says one ad (by a water filter company with an ulterior motive to compete with plastic water bottles), America uses enough plastic water bottles to ring the earth several times in a year. Plastic bottles don’t degrade, they say, so they will be in the ground forever. The collectively acceptable answer, of course, is that we simply must ban them and any other use of plastic, if possible.

One corporation using the anti-plastic propaganda is the Whole Foods super market chain which forces its suppliers to provide “sustainable” and recyclable packaging for their products or they will be banned from the store’s shelves. The chain also does not use plastic carrier bags. Instead, it uses either paper bags or encourages customers to bring in their own reusable cloth bags. Whole Foods is a large enough force in the grocery market that such policies force other chains to follow suit. That, of course, is its political strategy.

Whole Foods CEO, John Mackey, is a full-fledged promoter of Sustainable Development as a political policy. He talks of corporations “doing good,” through a policy of “Conscious Capitalism.”  I love the use of those words, “responsible;” “good,” “conscious.” Says who? Rather than a businessman, Mackey is ultimately promoting his own political agenda on the buying public. That isn’t free enterprise; it’s a form of activism designed to covertly enforce behavior modification techniques on the buying public.

In addition, Mackey’s drive to “do good” has a lot of unintended consequences. First, he has helped to perpetrate lies and prejudices to encourage lawmakers to ban valuable products. That causes job loss in that industry. Second, he is taking away the right of choice from those who don’t accept his position. Third, all so-called sustainable policies lead to one specific conclusion – higher prices for consumers. Fourth, his actions may well lead to endangering the health of many consumers. For example, removing plastic bottles for shampoos and conditioners and replacing them with glass bottles will be a hazard in the bathroom when they inevitably fall on the floor.

Finally there is a growing hypocrisy from the do-good faction. Some governments, such as in Fairfax County, Virginia are now charging 5 cents tax for every plastic bag, with the intention of returning us to the paper bags that were banned in the name of environmental protection for trees. The difference now is that the government will get to fill its coffers from the unnecessary regulations it imposed.

Of course, when political power is at stake, consumers are simply pawns to be manipulated. In San Francisco, where the city government banned the use of plastic bags, one resident wrote, “I remember when it began to rain last year while I was carrying my groceries home in a paper bag. As I chased my cans down the street, I cursed our idiot mayor and whoever among his stooges had decided to ban rainproof plastic bags in San Francisco. Paper is certainly biodegradable, for the process started even as I was carrying the bag home.” Where was her freedom of choice?

When one is driven by political correctness or globally-acceptable truth, one has a hard time looking past the “allowable” thought patterns to ask obvious questions. Are plastic bottles really a threat to landfills?  Is there another way to dispose of plastic other than throwing it in landfills? Is there any other reason landfills are filling up, and is there a solution? There are answers to these questions, but they will surely make the greens choke on their tofu as they read them.

The fact is, according to a 2010 report by Angela Logomasini of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, plastic bottles are not filling up landfills. They represent less than one percent of landfill waste. She goes on to agree that they don’t degrade, “but nothing does.”

In addition, we have an artificial shortage of landfills because environmental regulations prevent new ones. We have no lack of land in America and could open numerous new land fills to meet growing needs. Angela Logomasini agrees that we have plenty of landfill space and adds, “one large landfill 44 miles by 44 miles could manage 1,000 years of our waste. Simple enough, but completely politically in-correct in today’s attack on logic. It’s much more acceptable to regulate and ban valuable products. That has become the American way.

Those old landfills, once full, could be used for other uses. By researching the subject I found a list of 10 former landfills around the nation that were converted to parks, golf courses, playgrounds, soccer fields, and shopping centers. One in Virginia Beach, VA, was converted into a full-blown city park called Mount Trashmore. We’re supposed to envision landfills as a no man’s land of devastation and waste forevermore (hence the need to block the creation of new ones). But, again, it’s not true.

Finally, there are at least two possible scientific solutions to the disposal of plastic — first, heat. Plastic products are produced and shaped through the use of heat. It melts at a very low temperature. Instead of throwing massive amounts of money into propaganda to destroy the plastics industry, those concerned over the disposing of plastic could develop and purchase heat-generating machines (without smokestacks) and place them at every landfill. Then, melt the plastic into reusable liquid. Well, perhaps that’s not as much fun as bullying us with anti-plastic police forces.

In 2020, scientists working at the University of Portsmouth developed and even better solution. According to their findings, Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) is the most common thermoplastic, used to make single-use drink bottles, clothing, and carpets. Usually, PET takes hundreds of years to break down in the environment, the leading attack against plastic. However, scientists have re-engineered a plastic-eating enzyme called PETase into an enzyme cocktail. Incredibly, this new PETase process can shorten those hundreds of years of plastic breakdown into a matter of days. That will revolutionize plastic recycling and eliminate the environmental danger.

However, as many now understand, little in these attacks against industrial revolution products have anything to do with science or truth. The roots of the environmental movement’s agenda lay in the determination to destroy free markets. The use of fear of ecological Armageddon creates political power and massive funding for them. So, actually solving the problem means losing the power and the money. That’s why no headlines have promoted solutions beyond banning the products.

Instead, there is now a steady march by the stores, which have always provided the bags (whether paper or plastic) for free, to embrace government regulations that will ban the bags. Providing those bags for free to every customer is a considerable cost for the store. Now, however, with the government’s new tax, in the name of environmental protection, they are succeeding in getting consumers to purchase their own “reusable” bags which the store now sells to you for a profit. It’s a new profit center built on environmental guilt. “Conscious Capitalism,” indeed. Partnerships between government and private corporations, for the sake of political power, is more accurately called fascism, and truth and liberty always lose in that game.

© 2022 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

The Kitchen Militia – The Renewed Line of Defense for Education

By Tom DeWeese

December 28, 2021

The alarm sounds throughout the countryside. As the alert is heard, one by one, two by two, the patriots respond. They are a loosely organized, ragtag band, without official leaders or official orders. Some gather in small groups, others work alone. But, armed with an overpowering idea of truth and an urgency to protect their children, they are determined to expose and drive back their foe.

They are not the Minute Men of 1775, turning out to keep the King’s men from ransacking their supplies. These are mothers of 2022 answering the call against the federal assault on their children’s local schoolhouses. A proper name for them should be the “Kitchen Militia” and their targets are Common Core, Equity Collaborative, Social Emotional learning (SEL), Critical Race Theory (CRT), and any other federal education program that threatens to dumb down their children or subject them to behavior modification.

For several years individual mothers have been fighting alone to get to the bottom of an education crisis that seems to grow unabated. It’s getting worse, even as the education establishment and politicians talk of education “reform” and pour money into a system that continues to turn out children who can’t read or perform simple math.

These are the children they nurtured for the first five years of their lives. Yet, once those children are released into the public education system, something begins to happen. Some become rebellious and angry. Some of those once-happy children become quiet and withdrawn. Where once they showed quick ability to learn, now they seemed unable to grasp even the simple basics of knowledge.

When the moms try to help with homework assignments, they’re told by the children that moms aren’t allowed to help. Then, when those moms go to the school to get to the bottom of the problem, they are turned away or casually disregarded. Said the co-founder of Equity Collaborative, “Adults are in the way…kids change much faster.”  And the crisis continues to grow.

This attack on parents and their values is not new. During the 1973 International Education Seminar, Harvard psychiatrist Chester M. Pierce, speaking as an expert in public education, said: “Every child in America entering school at the age of five is mentally ill because he comes to school with certain allegiances to our founding fathers, toward our elected officials, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, and toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity. It’s up to you as teachers to make all these sick children well by creating the international child of the future.”  And thus began the drive to change the American education system away from teaching academics, into one that focuses on behavior modification of attitudes, values, and beliefs usually instilled from parents.

This scenario is classic throughout the nation. New generations of moms continue to ask the same questions. In each case somewhere a mom begins to get angry and starts researching this new education system that no longer teaches real math or the ability to write in cursive, discourages literature, and focuses, instead, on “feelings!” At the beginning they are just concerned and want to understand. In each case as they uncover more of the corrupted material they are not only horrified by what they find, but, one by one, they discover each other – more moms in the same crusade, nationwide.

With the help of the home computer and social media, they begin sharing information and research. Today, school board meetings have become the battle ground.

But the politicians, including school board members, who used to encourage parental involvement, now openly oppose their right to question education policy. Federal intrusion grows with more programs that don’t seem to make sense. The children are spending less and less time learning basic skills and more time with the school psychologist or in group sessions openly discussing personal family business. SAT test have been dumbed down to make it appear the education “reform” programs are working. California is now taking steps to remove “Ds” and “Fs” from the grading system as basic skills continue to diminish. In reality, kids can’t read beyond a fourth-grade level or figure out what 9 percent of 100 might be. It’s now more important for teachers to help students identify their differences instead of their common American identity.

Meanwhile, the moms who used to keep the household running and keep the kids in crisply ironed clean clothes, now sit in front of their terminals or on the phone diving ever deeper into the underbelly of an education system gone mad.

The moms have begun to find a new language of terms like “higher order thinking skills”, “gender norming,” “classroom facilitator”, “site-based management”, “career education” and “life role competencies”. This is the language of Outcome-based Education. What does all of this mean? The moms are finding out fast.

They’ve learned that their kids are no longer considered to be children or students but “human resources.” Schools are no longer places of education but are becoming “one stop social centers.” Racial identity has become more important than math. Above all, they’ve learned that the world of “education reform” is a dark and smelly place. One thing is clear, it is no place for their children.

A lesson that the education establishment is about to learn is that they should never ignore or anger a concerned mom. Tired of being ignored, tired of doing the politician’s job, tired of fearing for their children’s futures, the moms have begun to strike back with all the force they can muster – and their punch may be strong. Many brave moms are sounding the alarm at school board meetings, even under the outrageous threat of arrest by the FBI for simply expressing their concerns.

In truth, the Mom’s fight, while now getting headlines over the Critical Race Theory issue, is not new. Back in 1996 it began in earnest as moms began to notice troubles in the classrooms. One of the leaders at that time was Chey Simonton who headed up a group called the National Citizens Alliance. She is the one who originally made up the term “Kitchen Militia.”

At the time, Simonton issued a declaration for the moms, which needs to be rekindled today. It stated simply: We are thousands of mothers and grandmothers-cum-researchers located in every state of this country. We have micro-researched every facet of the so-called “restructuring” and in the process have become experts on the United Nations, the US-Soviet Education, Technology and Cultural Exchange Agreements, federal and state legislation (past and present), philosophy, sociology, psychology, and pedagogy. In short, if there is any program or agenda we perceive as a threat to our families, somewhere there is a Kitchen Militia mother who tracks it down and gets the word out on the grapevine: radio call-in shows, fax networks, audio cassette, video tape or any other jungle drum available.

We’re not armed with guns! Guns are so messy…we’ve got Congressional records, legislation, and official documents. We document whatever we say and hoard quotes from air-head politicians like a miser hoards his gold…

We are the most dangerous threat to the “restructuring” of this nation. Remember the old slogan, “the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” This is fair warning. The fastest growing militia group in this country is the Kitchen Militia. Our numbers swell every day, every time some new piece of socialist garbage is introduced that threatens our families.

Time has passed, but the battle has now grown fierce. For over thirty years the educrats have controlled the field of battle as children suffered and mothers tried to make sense of it all. Today, the true purpose of education “reform” is clear and the moms have all the knowledge they need to take direct action for their children. Now is the time for the moms to renew Chey Simonton’s battle cry and to organize into a lean, mean, effective effort, taking direct action in every school board meeting. Let that be fair warning to any politician who thinks “business as usual” will continue.

The Kitchen Militia is finally becoming a true grassroots movement of angry moms. There are thousands of them – too many to name. But every time another mom finds her child to be a victim of education “reform”, every time she takes those few minutes to just “check into the situation”, that mom finds herself unknowingly heading down a road of no return – down the road that leads straight to the camp of the Kitchen Militia.

Now, as they wage their valiant fight, those moms are all headed down another road as well – the one that leads straight to the camp of Freedom’s Heroes.

© 2021 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Public Education: Factories Producing Compliant Global Village Idiots

By Tom DeWeese

November 17, 2021

As innocent children come into the world, their minds are a clean slate, ready to listen, absorb and learn. They trust and follow those that have been assigned the task of leading them to knowledge. For decades, that same innocent trust has been accepted by the parents to feel confident that the American education system is designed to teach basic academic knowledge to their children, while it’s up to the parents to provide love, family values, and moral integrity.

And so, every day, from early in the morning until supper time, these precious children head off to exciting days in the classroom, to learn how to read and write; to be inspired by historical events, and be prepared to make the independent choices they will face in their adult lives.

Little do most families know that over the past several decades this Norman Rockwell vision of the American education system has been steadily usurped and transformed by a cynical system that is designed to ignore the need to teach basic academics as it, instead, focuses on controlling and remolding the children’s minds.

The deliberate intent to not teach academics was recently made quite clear by an official of the consulting firm hired by Loudoun County, Virginia Public Schools. The firm, “Equity Collaborative” was hired to incorporate equity and inclusion initiatives into their learning curriculum for students. This highly paid private consulting firm is now asserting that public education should be more about “relationships” than “learning.” Said an official of the firm, “I think the thing that public education offers… because I certainly don’t think we offer learning… are relationships… What historically high schools were for was dissemination of information very quickly… Well, actually the internet is better than the high school is… Truthfully, the teacher in relation to the dissemination of information is obsolete. But the teacher in relationship to relationships is the thing.” He concluded, saying, “Kids change much faster, adults are in the way.”

How did this corruption of American education get its start in our schools?  With the creation of the Federal Department of Education, under the Carter Administration there grew a massive industry in mind manipulation. In November 1992, following the election of Bill Clinton to the Presidency, Marc Tucker, president of the National Center for Education and the Economy (NCEE) wrote an 18 page letter to Hillary Clinton. He excitedly outlined the opportunity the Clinton Administration now had to “remold the entire American system…” He provided a detailed blueprint for a revolution to completely change our nation and its citizens by training children from a very young age to properly serve the global economy. A global citizen is the idea that all people have a civic responsibility to the world as a whole, not to just their community or nation. In such a definition, the American ideal of limited government and natural rights do not exist.

There was little in Tucker’s plan that had anything to do with teaching how to read, write or calculate. That wasn’t important. Instead it was a plan to control the children’s knowledge base to fit Tucker’s vision of creating the proper global citizen. Today, Tucker’s proposal, made to Hillary Clinton that fateful day, is completely in place. The process started in earnest with Goals 2000, designed to create a new system of standards that no longer taught our American system of free enterprise and limited government. In fact, it taught them that such ideas were dangerous and selfish. Then came School-to-Work, which focused on job training rather then academics. It was all glued together by a new method of psychological control called “Outcome-based Education” (OBE).

OBE created a computer database on every child and focused on mental, psychological and behavioral evaluations. The data bases were made available to the schools, the government and future employers. Teachers were designated as counselors to decide if problem children needed drugs to control their behavior. Ritalin over-use was born.

Then, a system called “Transition” was employed which featured small groups of children sharing their thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Transition contains no academic significance whatsoever. It contains tactics such as role playing. Its purpose is to strip search the students for their ideas, attitudes, values , and beliefs,  so that a special personal curriculum can be created to assure those attitudes, such as love of family or country, for example, can be systematically deleted. It slowly trains them to not question authority.

Next came Common Core. It simply encompassed all of these forerunners to the plan to remold American education, and ultimately change American culture by dictating the thought and belief process of its citizens.  The indoctrination of the children is now in full swing.

In 2011, the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), another private group contracting with the Department of Education, advocated the “Whole Child Approach,” saying Whole child education is the expansion of education beyond just learning reading, writing, and arithmetic to include student health, community engagement, and social emotional learning (SEL). The ASCD report goes on to explain that “SEL focuses on feelings, emotions, and self-reflection, leading to inclusion of social responsibility and social justice initiatives.”

The Department of Education then planned to use the SEL process to rate schools on their “non-academic” factors through its new initiative called “Every Student Succeeds Act” (ESSA).

Most recently comes Critical Race Theory (CRT) and the elimination of personal identity, cleverly designed to create personal guilt for being part of certain races, plus the elimination of genders and the elimination of one’s ability for personal identity.

The bottom line for all of this mumbo jumbo is that children have been designated to be patients that are sick and in dire need of cure. If they believe they are unique individuals; if they love their families, believe their nation is a bastion of freedom; love God; and accept scientific facts of race and sex, etc. then they are deemed unhealthy, deluded and in urgent need of care.

In the nineteenth century famed writer Victor Hugo wrote a story called “The Comprachicos.” Hugo said the term was a compound Spanish word meaning “child-buyers.” The Comprachicos traded in children. Hugo went on to describe why they bought and sold the children and how they prepared them for purchase. They created monsters. Why? To make people laugh. Kings in their courts needed to laugh. The people needed side shows to make them laugh. To fill the need, the Comprachicos created freaks.

The making of freaks for everyone’s pleasure became an art form. They had a talent to disfigure. They operated to change faces into hideous masks. As Hugo described it, the process was a sort of “reverse orthopedics. “Where God had put a straight glance, this art put a squint.” Worse, the Comprachicos became masters at erasing the child’s memory so that they had no recollection of a life before they were horribly disfigured. “Was it not always so?” The perfect freaks were created.

I see now that the Comprachicos of our day are found in the public school classrooms. Only today, they don’t physically deform the children. Today the education system is designed to deform the children’s minds. In this way these modern day Comprachicos are much more dangerous and evil than those Hugo wrote about. It’s much more difficult to see the immediate results of the deformity. Many, even the parents, find it nearly impossible to see the destruction that is occurring. And so, the Comprachicos can work out in the open in complete secrecy.

The “curriculum” that now surrounds them drills home the need to openly seek to remake the world in areas such as health care, climate regulation, and “sexual politics.” Children are graded on their activism, volunteerism, and commitment to community rather than academic knowledge. Children are taught that only whites can be racist because racism is power and only whites have power. American civics is ignored. Our founding ideas are dismissed as organized slavery, controlled by the rich. Capitalism is evil. Wealth must be destroyed. Government control is the answer to all questions. These things, the children are assured, are the proper attitudes, values, and beliefs. And it is their duty as citizens of the world to not only promote and carry out such ideas, but to consider any contrarian thoughts as evil, and to be stopped at all costs. These are the children of today.

In my novel ERASE, I write of a process called “Globally Acceptable Truth.” This is an actual policy promoted through the United Nations. It advocates that the reason we have war, poverty, and strife is because there is too much knowledge in the world. That, we are told, forces people to struggle to understand too many ideas in order to make decisions for their lives. It’s just too much to of a burden to live under. It’s the reason, we are told, that so many are failing today. They just can’t take the stress of life. So under Globally Acceptable Truth, these decisions are made for them, making their lives less stressful. That is the purpose of today’s education system.

Now, after decades of this mind control and manipulation passing as pubic education, what is the true outcome? Well, simply watch the nightly news as young people take to the streets to protest freedom of thought, loot stores because they represent evil capitalism, and charge every contrary value to be racism. Listen to what they say. They are terrified at these politically incorrect ideas.  They oppose policies that seek to keep our nation independent and sovereign. They label any thoughts of the reduction of federal spending programs as hateful and racist. They loath the idea that people can have differing opinions. To advocate ideas of individuality, limited government, pro-second amendment, sound science, free enterprise can now get one labeled as unstable and possibly insane. Such dangerous thoughts must be cured.

So well have these modern day Comprachicos done their job that the once happy, innocent, trusting children now need counseling and safe spaces to protect them from ideas and opinions that are outside of their acceptable truth. They are reduced to coloring books and Playdoh to cope. Their minds have been remolded into the shape of a hideous, empty vessel, kept in a state of planned adolescence where they remain pliable.

Many will say that the education system has failed. That’s wrong. It is working perfectly for what it’s been designed to do. If you think it has failed that’s because you are still operating under the incorrect assumption that the purpose of schools is for teaching academics. In fact, the Comprachicos of Yale and Harvard, and every “institution of higher learning,” along with public school classrooms, have succeeded in creating the perfect, pliable, unquestioning, obedient global village idiots, ready to take their selected spot in this well-ordered utopia. Of course, in reality, the process is nothing short of child abuse.

If you desire to save the American way and preserve our Republic, then gaining back control of the education system must be the first goal. It can still be done!

© 2021 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

An Agenda for World Domination is Real

For the better part of thirty years I have been trying to sound the alarm over the dangers of Agenda 21 to human society. For my efforts I have been labeled a conspiracy theorists, spreading fear and hate against a reasonable and sound desire to simply protect the environment for future generations.

The Southern Poverty Law Center has issued four separate reports on me. I’ve been attacked on the front page of the Sunday New York Times. Atlantic Magazine scoffed that we Anti-Agenda 21 nuts declared that the UN was using “bike paths to achieve world domination.” And Newsweek called us Extremists who are spreading untruths about Agenda 21 to discredit the UN by claiming it is a attempting to enforce a New World Order to “seize private property and advance the causes of communism and to crush all dissent.” And on and on the charges have gone.        

The funny thing about those charges is that all I have ever done is quote the proponents of Agenda 21 and its policy of Sustainable Development. It started with Agenda 21, then we got a remake called Agenda 2030, followed by the Green New Deal, and most recently the Great Reset. In every case, proponents assure us it’s all just a progressive (and voluntary) drive toward a better life for everyone.

Well, is it? I have an idea! Why don’t I let them tell us in their own words – you know – the ones I’ve been quoting for the past thirty years. Then you can decide for yourselves – conspiracy theory – or threat to all human society?

In Their Own Words – Not Mine!

Comprehensive Blue Print for the Reorganization of Human Society 

The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All of these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be over come. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” Club of Rome    

“Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced. A major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level.” United Nations on Agenda 21

“Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable.” Maurice Strong, Chairman UN Earth Summit 1992

“We must go through a wrenching transformation to rid us of the horrors of the Twentieth Century’s Industrial Revolution.” Al Gore, Earth in the Balance

Climate Change – Truth or Fiction – It Doesn’t Matter

“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.”

Timothy Wirth (President, United Nations Foundation)

“No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.”

Christine Stewart (Former Canadian Minister of the Environment)

“It doesn’t matter what is true. It only matters what people believe is true.”

Paul Watson (co-founder of Green Peace.)

“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the industrial revolution.”

Christiana Figueres (Executive Secretary, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change)

Population Control – Get Rid of the Worthless Humans

“My three main goals would be to reduce human population to about 100 million world-wide, destroy the industrial infrastructure and see wilderness, with its full complement of species returning throughout the world…”

Dave Foreman (Co-founder of Earth First)

“The native ecosystems and the collective needs of non-human species must take precedence over the needs and desires of humans.”

Reed Noss, (A Creator of the Wildlands Project)

“Human beings, as a species have no more value than slugs.”

John Davis (Editor of Earth First Journal). 

“Among environmentalists sharing two or three beers, the notion is quite common that, if only some calamity could wipe out the human race, other species might once again have a chance.” Richard Conniff (Audubon Magazine)

“If I were reincarnated I would wish to return to Earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.” Prince Phillip (World Wildlife Fund)

“Childbearing should be a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license. All potential parents should be required to use contraceptive chemicals, the government issuing antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing.”

David Brower, Sierra Club  

Sustainable = Globalism

“All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan… We are determined to take the bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path. As we embark on this collective journey, we pledge that no one will be left behind.”

Preamble to Agenda 2030

“The emerging ‘environmentalization’ of our civilization and the need for vigorous action in the interest of the entire global community will inevitably have multiple political consequences. Perhaps the most important of them will be a gradual change in the status of the United Nations. Inevitably, it must assume some aspects of world government.” Mikhail Gorbachev (address to the State of the World Forum)

“A massive campaign must be launched to de-develop the United States. De-Development means bringing our economic system into line with the realities of ecology and the world resource situation.” Paul Ehrlich (Prof of Population Studies, Stanford U.)

Enforcing the Global Agenda Locally   

“Regionalism must precede Globalism. We foresee a seamless system of governance from local communities, individual states, regional unions, and up through the United Nations itself.” UN Commission on Global Governance  

“No one fully understands how, or even if, sustainable development can be achieved. However, there is growing consensus that it must be accomplished at the local level if it is to be achieved on a global basis.”

The Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide, published by ICLEA, 1996

“We believe planning should be a tool for allocating resources…and eliminating the great inequalities of wealth and power in our society…because the free market has proven incapable of doing this.” Statement of Principles,, American Planning Association.   

Resetting the Entire Economic System

“What then is the most effective transition strategy? The essential aim is not to fight against consumer-capitalist society, but to build the alternative to it.”

Author Ted Trainer, Transition to a Sustainable and Just World.

“Simply shutting down the economy is not going to get us to our goal. So, just like we need innovation for COVID-19, we also need to get rid of emissions from all the different sectors and bring down climate change… This crosses many areas, transportation, industry, electricity, all those things, and agriculture – contribute to emissions…”

Bill Gates on the Covid lockdowns.   

Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective.

Harvey Ruvin (ICLEI)

“The right to full employment and ending unemployment by guaranteeing a job at a living wage in a safe workplace, empowered by labor unions; single-payer Medicare for all, tuition-free education from pre-school to college, and the right to affordable housing.” The Economic Bill Of Rights – the Green New Deal

“Within a year, 77% of institutional investors intend to stop buying into companies that aren’t, in some way, Sustainable. If it’s not done by following Sustainable rules, it will not be financed.”  The Great Reset

“No industry or business will be spared from the impact of these challenges. Millions of companies risk disappearing and many industries face an uncertain future; a few will thrive.”  Klaus Schwab, Covnd-19: The Great Reset

“The chaotic growth of cites will be replaced by a dynamic system of urban settlement…The region is formed by the economic interdependence of its development… The region has a single system of transportation, a centralized administration, and a united system of education and research.”

Soviet Russian architect Alexei Gutnov.  The Ideal Communist City. 1968

Well, there you have it. Now what do think they really want? Am I the nut for simply telling on them? There are tons more quotes I could use, but it would just be over-kill.

Our nation is in chaos,

  • with our economy locked down,
  • the ability to own and control our own property is disappearing,
  • the public schools are becoming factories turning out compliant global village idiots,
  • the national debt is soaring,
  • gas prices are skyrocketing,
  • the nation’s health care system is being destroyed,
  • Christianity is being assaulted,
  • and the growing threat of a total surveillance society is watching our every move.

Do you see any connection to the above quotes and these current realities taking place across the globe?

It’s interesting to note that Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum, issued his book titled Covid 19; The Great Reset, claiming it is based on what has been learned during the Covid lockdown. Yet the book was published in August, 2020, just five months into the lockdown. The purpose of the book, claims Schwab, is to take what we learned during the lockdown to guide us on how to govern in this new, dangerous era. The book clearly hints that the pandemic is a result of man-made climate change, and we will suffer endless pandemics unless we reorder society – exactly the same message of Agenda 21.

Considering that an idea for a book takes time to conceive, research, write and then publish – to do it all within five months from the beginning of the pandemic, is either super human — or the Covid experience and its Great Reset were all planned way in advance. Add to that the fact that Dr. Fuchi said in 2017 that Donald Trump was definitely going to face a surprise pandemic – well you get the picture.

Let me finish with one more quote. This one is from my friend and powerful warrior against Agenda 21, the late Rosa Koire.  “UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the action plan to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all information, all energy, and all human beings in the world. INVENTORY AND CONTROL!”

That’s what we are truly facing. That is what every one of these quotes is advocating – regulation of every aspect of our lives to enforce their agenda to inventory and control everything on earth. Their words – not mine!

Either we stand up to stop it, or suffer the consequences. I rest my case!

© 2021 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Agenda 21: Cancel Culture on a World-wide Scale

By Tom DeWeese

Since 1992, we, at American Policy Center have been pointing out that one of the major goals of Agenda21/Sustainable Development is to reduce the human population by over 90%. Yet many laugh and call us conspiracy theorists. What I don’t understand about this statement is that we had been hearing for decades that the world is overpopulated; that we will run out of space and room for everyone; that we can’t feed so many. At the same time that we were reading Paul Ehrlich’s Population Bomb and Population Explosion and the Club of Rome’s The Limits to Growth, America was being called the breadbasket of the world. Of the world! We were sending food all over the world to feed people. So, the problem was not about feeding us dirty hordes of skeptical people. It was, and is, that some of us – especially Americans – believe in the right to property and liberty, which prevents the globalist cabal from just taking all the land they want, reducing the whole world’s population by some 90+%, and living in “Marxist Nirvana” (contradiction of terms notwithstanding).

But because we never stopped saying that this catastrophic reduction of humans on the earth was a major part of the plan, we were seen as nut cases since, by then, they had already either got people to believe in their catastrophic scenario or because many more didn’t think a reduction was going happen. Nevertheless, the globalists have been using many methods to reduce the population for decades, but none as huge as COVID. Remember the Tuskegee Experiment from 1932 to 1972? For 40 years the goal was to “observe the natural history of untreated syphilis” in black populations, but the subjects were completely unaware and were instead told they were receiving treatment for bad blood when in fact, they received no treatment at all. And the Gates Foundation putting birth control meds in vaccines in Africa?

Then there is the fact that every day in the United States, abortions kill more humans than were killed in the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers. That is a substantial number, no matter what your view is on abortion. I would love to go into the Food Pyramid, school lunch programs, and others to show how the general populace is being lied to about health and diet. But I’m not. I do suggest that, if you are interested, check out Bedrock Living or Natural News.

Now, Bill Gates and the Chinese have bought up a great deal of America’s farmland. This globalist acquisition of farm and ranch land has also been in the works for years, but in the past few years, it has been accelerated greatly. Excuse me if I suppose that their aim is to starve us Americans to death – or capitulation (I expect it to be a lot of the former and a little of the latter). America is the only truly free nation in the world with a constitution that was written to protect the individual and his/her God-given rights – from other people and, especially, from the government.

The sad thing is that we are not – yet – leading the revolt against all the unconstitutional laws, edicts, and orders being levied on us and most of the world. I see three reasons for this:

  • Most of the population under 40 has been brainwashed and dumbed down in our education system that was set up for that very reason. (See Cancel Culture on Education.)[1]
  • The asymmetrical warfare we have been under attack from for decades is now on overdrive and many people are having a hard time coping with it psychologically.
  • Many, who do understand at least some of the problem, do not understand that we are in a mind-war, not an arms war, and they are waiting until they can begin firing. By the time we reach that stage, it will either be too late, or that the civil war to help erase a great number of us will have begun – either by provoking patriots who are itching for a fight, or for staging red flag events to precipitate the war. And this will help reduce the human population, whatever is used to ignite it.

So what I want to address are the reasons behind the reduction of the human population, who are instigating and carrying it out, and how it is being done.

According to Ted Turner, media mogul and a founder of the Club of Rome, “The total population of 250-300 million people is ideal That means a reduction of 95% from present levels, which would be even more ideal.” Many of the other numbers I have heard from world leaders is usually around 500 million, which would be a reduction of only just over 90%.

World Wildlife Fund President Prince Phillip of the UK said, “Human population growth is probably the single most serious long-term threat to survival. We’re in for a major disaster if it isn’t curbed. We have no option. If it isn’t controlled voluntarily, it will be controlled involuntarily by an increase in disease, starvation and war.”

He went on to say: “I was in Sri Lanka recently, where a United Nations project set out in the late 1940s to eradicate malaria. It’s an island and it was, therefore, possible to destroy the mosquito carrying the disease. What people didn’t realize was that the malaria was actually controlling the growth (ital. mine) of the population. The consequence was that within about 20 years the population doubled.”[2] Definitely a negative outcome in his mind.

In 1971, the UN Population Commission designated 1974 as World Population Year and requesting the UN Secretary-General to “… study the possibilities of developing a global population strategy, including population movements, for promoting and coordinating population policy in Member States with the objective of achieving a balance between population and other natural resources (ital. mine).[3]

Now we are told, “The transferable birth quota plan proposes that scale and distribution of the rights to bear children be determined by the community at large, but that these rights then be traded in the free market.

“This plan is based on the perception that the right to reproduce can no longer be treated as a free good. It must be seen as a scarce good in a full world.”[4]

I could give you a hundred more quotes re population reduction needs, but let me just give one more, by Mr. Population Bomb himself, Professor Paul Ehrlich, in the prolog to his book The Population Explosion: “Our position requires that we take immediate action at home and promote effective action worldwide. We must have population control at home, hopefully through a system of incentives and penalties, but by compulsion of voluntary methods fail…. We can no longer afford merely to treat the symptoms of the cancer of population growth, the cancer itself, must be cut out.” (ital. mine)

But how many must die? What numbers will be allowed to live on this mortal coil if the Deep Greens, Deep State, and Globalists get their way? Let them tell you:

  • Ted Turner, “A total world population of 250-300 million, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.”
  • Mikhail Gorbachev, “We must speak more clearly about sexuality, contraception, about abortion, about values that control population, because the ecological crisis, in short, is the population crisis. Cut the population by 90% and there aren’t enough people left to do a great deal of ecological damage.”
  • MIT professor Penny Chisholm, “The real trick is, in terms of trying to level off at someplace lower than that 9 billion, is to get the birthrates in the developing countries to drop as fast as we can. And that will determine the level at which humans will level off on earth.”
  • Jacques Costeau, “In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it is just as bad not to say it.”

Last, but not least, the co-founder of Earth First and founder of the ReWilding Institute, •Dave Foreman, “My three main goals would be to reduce human population to about 100 million worldwide, destroy the industrial infrastructure and see wilderness, with its full complement of species, returning throughout the world.”

We were not lying about the globalist plan to reduce the world. It is a key to all the rest of the plan – “wilding” at least 50% of the earth’s surface, canceling the right to property, and establishing a one-world Marxist government. Just because we understand that a Marxist government can only destroy, not build or “build back better”, otherwise this one-world government will soon be on the ash heap of history, it doesn’t sit well with me that we will allow this.

Most people consider themselves environmentalists. And I would claim that the true environmentalist is a farmer, rancher, landowner, logger, fisherman, and all those who live closest to the land and work in symbiosis with it. Those who live in high-rise buildings, fight to “protect” nature from any human use, and, as Ted Nugent said, “never put their hands in a gut pile”, are fake environmentalists. They have little or no understanding of the biological workings of the flora and fauna on this earth. And they do not realize we humans are part of nature, part of the food chain. They speak of how important it is to save every little species – otherwise, the whole ecosystem of the world will collapse. Then, how much more important must it be to save one of the most prevalent species on earth? Where are the common sense, reason, and logic in their thinking?

For at least two reasons, I would suggest that they start using sound science, critical thinking, and logic and realize that 1. Human extinction will likely collapse the system, and 2. We “useless eaters” in their vernacular are the ones who make their world go round – produce not only the food but all the stuff that gives them great living standards – housing, clothing, computers, you name it.

We are on the verge of civilization collapse, but not for the reasons the environmentalists, globalists, and anti-humans believe. We are on the verge of collapse because of the evil, anti-humanity schemes, plots, and plans they are forever coming up with. Now is the time for us to throw the sabot into the machinery and stop the Marxist, Communist, Globalist plans, and bring back the Great American Experiment. And now is the time for people to wake up to the fact that we have tried to get through to them that a cataclysmic restructuring of the world is in the near future if people don’t finally accept that when the Globalists declared a needed reduction of the human population on a scale that is unfathomable to any thinking being, is a major part of their plan.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese:  Contact Tom DeWeese


[2] “Environment”, People, December 1981, p.56 

[3] Claire Chambers, The SIECUS Circle: A Humanist Revolution, 1977, p.338.

[4] For the Common Good, by Daly and Cobb. 1994

The Gospel of Climate Change – Is Smart Growth Racist?

By Tom DeWeese

In the 1990s, religion became the center of attention for the radical green movement with the establishment of the National Religious Partnership for the Environment (NRPE). Now, worshiping the creation instead of the creator would be the root of religion united throughout the world. After all, Christianity was the root of western culture and had to be eliminated if we were going to save the environment.

For the past three decades the NRPE, which operates out of a United Nations-sanctioned Non-governmental organization (NGO) called the Temple of Understanding,  has been the driving force behind the assault on Christianity. The Partnership is a formal agreement among four of the nation’s largest religious organizations, including the U.S. Catholic Conference, National Council of Churches, Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life, and the Evangelical Environmental Network. In addition, The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) holds a special “consultative” relationship with the Partnership. Funding comes from (among others) Pew Charitable Trusts, Stephen C. Rockefeller, and W. Alton Jones Foundation.

The former Executive Director of the Partnership, Paul Gorman, said, “…how people of faith engage the environment crisis will have much to do with the future well-being of the planet, and in all likelihood, with the future of religious life as well.

Today, NRPE’s efforts to impose its pagan framework into religious doctrine finds an overwhelming number of Christian churches accepting and promoting the Left’s radical WOKE propaganda agenda designed to promote victimhood and divide the races through the lie of environmental racism.

One of the most recent examples of misguided messaging pouring out of the new Christianity comes from a so-called “Adult Education Curriculum” produced by the National Council of Churches entitled, African Americans and Climate Change, and is listed under their category of “Eco-Justice.”  The policy taught in the program is directly related to the Biden Infrastructure plan designed to destroy private property ownership and control. Why? Because it’s racist, of course!   

This new curriculum document includes instruction for organizing and hosting sessions for facilitating the pre-selected conclusion with Black church members that “African Americans are disproportionately impacted by climate change.” The class is first asked to write on a piece of paper this statement: African Americans in particular should be concerned about the issue of climate change.  Then the are to put an X next to either Strongly Agree or Strongly Disagree. Then the facilitator is instructed to host a discussion where each participant’s opinion is now – at the start of the class. That’s how the facilitation setup works – know who’s with you and who isn’t.

Next are a series of statements to be asked, with each participant answering whether they are true or false. Interestingly, the teaching document for the facilitator provides the correct answer – according to the doctrine. The statements include the usual positions on how climate change is the release of carbon dioxide and how 90% of all scientists agree it’s all caused by man. Each answer to these statements is marked true.

Then there are statements (with their predetermined answers) like these: Climate Change has a direct impact on ministry in our churches (true); Climate change does not impact the cost of housing (false); Unemployment and economic hardship associated with climate change will fall most heavily on the African American community (true); There is a direct connection between social justice, economic justice, and climate change (true).

Once the setup is established, there follows an intense discussion on all the usual climate change propaganda, particularly focusing on the suggestion that “heat waves will increase. Air pollution increases, and infectious diseases spread, under climate change.” The obvious purpose for this line of statements is this position, “Most people don’t think of climate change as a public health issue, and not as one that particularly affects African Americans.” Heat waves,” says the curriculum, “have stronger effects on urban populations, and especially the urban poor, African Americans are nearly twice as likely as whites to live in poverty.”  There it is! The full purpose of this propaganda coming from the official doctrine of the church!

Of course, none of these climate change charges, presented as facts are true. Climate Change alarmists claim that about 2700 scientists agree with them and that these represent about 97% of all scientists. And so, they claim, it is an undisputable fact. But the fact is, there is no consensus in the scientific community over Climate Change. A U.S. Senate minority report says more than 650 scientists express dissent over man-made global warming claims. In addition, over 30,000 scientists have signed onto a petition that says there is no convincing evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane or other greenhouse gasses causes or will … cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.

But, without true facts presented, these charges become a powerful weapon to back up charges that Capitalism is a threat to human health – especially the poor — and will become a never-ending plague of pandemics, and that family neighborhood housing is keeping whites safer and therefore racist! Now, with such propaganda being pounded relentlessly into the minds of these folks, operated by a professional facilitator, trained in psychology to lead it all to the predetermined consensus, the outcome is obvious – division of the races, hatred for our economic system, and destruction of our culture. How dare the National Council of Churches spread such lies and hate? How does this fit into the true teachings of Christianity?

Again and again throughout the curriculum of this instruction, the subject of heat in the inner city as a threat to the poor is addressed as a health issue. “Urban areas are typically covered in surfaces such as asphalt and concrete, which retain heat…” The United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is quoted, “It’s the poorest of the poor in the world, and this includes poor people even in prosperous societies, who are going to be the worst hit.

The new drive across the nation, especially outlined in Biden’s Infrastructure legislation, to remove zoning protection for single-family homes is an agenda to destroy private property and freedom of choice for housing. The mayor of Minneapolis recently said that people living in single-family, zoning-protected neighborhoods are actually self-segregating themselves from people they don’t want to live next to, and so that is racist! So now, the plan is to reestablish the poor residents from the inner city into public housing projects in single-family neighborhoods. That, they claim, is social justice!

Let’s review: environmental damage that has led to climate change has made living in heavily populated cities dangerous. Heat is far worse in the inner cities, causing disease, hardship, and higher cost of living, leading to more poverty.

Isn’t it interesting to note that today, in every single community in the nation, city councils and county commissions are busy working in their back rooms with environmental NGO groups to map out a whole new kind of city as they plan development for the future. The term is Smart Growth. Smart growth calls for the elimination of single-family neighborhoods, which have been labeled “urban sprawl.” Instead, planners like the American Planning Association (APA) are directing the rebuilding of neighborhoods close to down town – the inner city – to be converted into high-rise, pack and stack skyscrapers, containing hundreds of apartments. The plan calls for the elimination of private cars as they sell the idea that in this brave new city they can now walk to work or ride a bike to the grocery, or take public transportation for longer trips. Smart Growth – the new utopia, where we all are to live in harmony.

Hmm. Doesn’t that mean more concrete and asphalt, instead of single-family back yards of grass, thereby generating all that heat? In addition, the Green New Deal is calling for the great reduction in the use of air conditioning. Won’t that result in more heat? And as we have just passed through this covid pandemic, isn’t it interesting that the most cases have been in the inner cities where more people are congregated? Will Smart Growth now lead to more pandemics? Keep in mind, the stated purpose of Smart Growth is to change development in order to protect the environment!

So, it must be asked. Is Smart Growth racist? Based on the teaching by the United Council of Churches for African Americans, where they advocate that inner city living is more damaging to minorities, what other conclusion can we come to?    

One more thought. Most environmental activists promoting these ideas, such as the Sierra Club, World Wildlife Fund, and the Nature Conservancy are run by whites. Are they racists to push such policies? According to a recent report in the Daily Wire, a group of minority rights activists are challenging the anti-climate change movement’s unquestioning embrace of sixteen-year-old Greta Thunberg and calling support of Thunberg over “woker” eco-spokespeople “racism,” and evidence of
white supremacy.”

The fact is, none of this has anything to do with protecting the environment, uplifting poor minorities, or promoting Christian faith. The purpose of it all is to promote an agenda of submission to an all-powerful global control, as it destroys our economy, system of government, and freedom of choice for our own lives. Lies, fear, and ignorance are the most useful tools for their well-laid plans to tyranny, as we all suffer in their created misery. To echo that hard-to-forget voice of Greta Thunburg – HOW DARE YOU preach this gospel of lies?!

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

How Can We Stop National Heritage Areas?

By Tom DeWeese

The Threat of National Heritage Areas And How to Stop Them: Part Three

National Heritage Areas serve as a valuable tool for the forces of control. Allow them to grow and watch as private property, community development, and even the community tax base necessary for existence disappear. Keep in mind the goals of a full “Sustainable” reset of society. Rural areas will be uninhabited, with farming tightly controlled on specific lands, and communities unable to expand beyond established boundaries. Energy sources, water availability, cable, and internet services will only be provided in specific chosen areas. National Heritage Areas are the perfect stealth tool to put such plans into place. Local resistance is the only effective way to stop this scheme of control.

Local forces were able to effectively stop the Caddo Lake NHA in a very rural area of Louisiana when the locals took effective public action and let the sponsoring Congressmen know there was strong opposition. In a panic over the surprise opposition, the sponsoring congressmen pulled the bill. NHA legislation begins in Congress where it must be passed. That’s where is can be stopped at the very start. Many congressmen mistakenly think NHAs are just a great way to honor history. To stop the legislation requires that local citizens speak out. Condemn them as a stealth land grab as money is funneled through the National Park Service to a horde of NGOs to push their private agendas. That must be the focus. Demand that your Congressman reveal who is going to get the money and for what purpose.

Another way to stop NHAs is to pressure any county boards that are inside the borders of the Area. That’s how we stopped the proposed Crooked Road NHA in Virginia. A majority of County Commissions stood up and opposed it. The sponsoring Congressman talked to me and I informed him of all the pitfalls. Instead he went to the public and told them he was working with me to make sure the bill was a good one. It was a total lie and I sent out an action alert saying so. The County Supervisors then began to vote it down. After more than half of the affected counties did so, he pulled the bill.

A few years ago I asked one co-sponsoring Congressman why he was supporting NHA legislation. He answered that it was to support tourism. I told him he could do that simply by issuing a Congressional Proclamation declaring the area special and then the local Chamber of Commerce and historical society could use that proclamation to promote the area. He agreed and proposed such a bill. It was quickly voted down because NHAs are not about honoring historic places. Almost all real historic places are already preserved. This is about a land grab to control development and enforce one-size-fits- all rules and regulations as promoted by the NGOs feeding off the Park Service money.

Here are some questions to ask officials who are supporting NHAs:

  1. Why is the official Heritage Area needed? What historic thing is being honored and preserved? When they mention a historic place as the answer — point out that it is already preserved, so this is a waste of tax money.
  2. Ask them to name a single Heritage Area that has improved tourism. None exist.
  3. Ask them if property rights are protected. They are not. They probably will point to the useless property rights language added to most NHA legislation, claiming that property owners may opt out. Point out to them that such language may be there but that language is worthless because the National Heritage Area creates a federal boundary that includes whole towns and counties. When can a property owner ever opt out of a federal boundary?

The best way to fight this is through exposure. To stop NHAs requires swift, strong opposition. Take these suggested questions and keep asking them. They have no answers. They may well pull the legislation out of frustration. The folks in Shreveport went door to door in the affected area and passed out flyers showing how the residents would be victims of the designation by explaining how related regulations would affect them. They also packed city council chambers and made reasonable presentations and told the councilmen they could stand up and stop this. And they flooded the Congressmen’s phone lines in opposition.

Ask the local media reporters these same questions. Do not let anyone automatically accept that the proposed NHA has anything to do with heritage preservation. It doesn’t — at any level.

Start a social media page and reach out to neighbors that way. Keep a steady line of details and actions posted. This will help it become controversial. And it will grow. That can become a powerful tool. The Shreveport grew from 5 people to 4,000 by using social media in this way.

Finally, do this; Research to find which NGOs are in line to get the Park Service funds. Development Planners? Environmentalists? Relentlessly drive home the question — what do any of these have to do with Heritage preservation?

These are the ways to fight. You cannot stop them unless you create major vocal opposition. You can recruit local officials by asking them reasonable questions, as listed above. Act fast, and with some power. A well-organized group of ten people can lead this to victory and it can happen quickly. Don’t allow them to build their own momentum. Stop it now!

The big government control freaks well know that those of us who want to reduce the size of governmental influence over our lives, strongly opposed the massive environmental sustainable agenda, such as the Green New Deal. They also know that we love our country and want to honor and preserve our heritage. The creation of National Heritage Areas is a calculated and cynical tactic to pull us into supporting the very policies we have so strongly opposed.

The fact is, National Heritage Areas can still be stopped at the local level. I know because I’ve helped to stop three of them. Stand up, stop them when proposed in your area, and truly honor our heritage by keeping big government under local control.

© 2021 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Locking Up American Property Rights

The Threat of National Heritage Areas And How to Stop Them: Part Two

There are 55 National Heritage Areas across the country, so far – with more, being proposed. Along the Mississippi River there are two, including Mississippi Delta National Heritage Area and Mississippi Gulf Coast National Heritage Area. Now, here is a region rich in history. There must be all kinds of good things happening along the mother of all rivers in the name of heritage preservation.

Well, today you won’t find people participating in one of the grand historic traditions of the river – living on riverboats. There were once whole generations of river people living on such boats. Talk about American heritage – right out of Mark Twain!

But, back in the 1990s, those living on houseboats were moved off the river. Certain other boat traffic and river activities were also curtailed. It was all in the name of environmental protection, of course. In addition, the traditional flood plain designations were moved back to an extreme distance from the river, making it impossible for existing homes built inside the original flood plains to get flood insurance, thereby stopping any further building along the river. This was called land-use planning. Where was the preservation of the heritage of those homeowners whose families had lived along the river for generations?

So, what are the Heritage Areas used to honor? Certainly not life on the river. They are essentially putting the Mississippi River in a museum.

In West Virginia we find the National Coal Heritage Area. Introduced in 1996 by former Congressman Rahall, it was sold as a way to honor the coal industry. Apparently, Rahall thought that since the miners had lost their jobs due to environmental regulations on the coal industry, perhaps, he could make up for it by throwing a few extra bucks their way by giving tours of their bankrupt area and closed mines.

I will make this challenge – just try to mine a single lump of coal inside the National Coal Heritage Area. Not on your life. Restricted. Taboo. In short, they put West Virginia coal in a museum.

What about property rights protections? When property owners express concern that their property could be taken in the process – proponents have a ready-made answer. Don’t worry, they say — they quickly point to language in the Heritage Area bills that assure property rights protections.

Written into each and every Heritage Area bill is this line: “Nothing in this subtitle…abridges the right of any property owner… including the right to refrain from participating in any plan, project, program, or activity conducted within the National Heritage Area. . .” In other words, say proponents, homeowners are assured that they actually have the right to opt out of the Heritage Area – so there is absolutely no threat to your property rights. Wow!

That language is nothing but a flimflam to keep you calm and ease your concerns, because it is physically impossible to opt out of an official government boundary that has been created by federal legislation and federal funds. It is also impossible to simply declare that you are going to opt out of any of the land-use regulations, down-zoning, or other restrictions that result from the Heritage Area designation.

When I addressed an audience of 400 residents who live inside the proposed boundaries of the Caddo Lake NHA I asked for a show of hands from everyone who wanted to opt out of it. Every hand in the room went up. As the restrictions on property are steadily legislated into place due to the NHA, opting out is simply not an option.

As I and others worked to oppose National Heritage Areas, we asked proponents in Congress if they had commissioned property rights experts to look over the legislation to find any dangers.  We said, “Have you put these bills before experts, specifically public interest property rights attorneys?” The answer we received was “No, and we dont plan to.”

The federal designation, made through congressional legislation, creating federal regulations and oversight by the National Park Service, require a form of contract between state and local governmental entities and the Secretary of the Interior. That contract is to manage the land-use of the region for preservation. That means federal control and zoning, either directly, under the terms of the “management pact”, or indirectly.

Such “indirect” control is the real danger. In spite of the specific language in the bill which states property rights will be protected, the true damage to homeowners may well come from the private non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and preservation agencies which receive public funds through the Park Service and then use those funds to promote their own private agendas.

The experience with many existing National Heritage Areas clearly shows such groups will convert this money into political activism to encourage local community and county governments to pass and enforce strict zoning laws, which enforce their own radical environmental agenda and have no real association to the stated goals of the NHA.

While the tactic makes it appear that home rule is fully in force, removing blame from the federal designation, the impact is fully the fault of the NHA designation. The result means private property owner’s rights are diminished and much of the local land-use and development is brought to a standstill.

Property that is locked away for preservation is no longer productive and stops providing the community with tax dollars. Some roads most assuredly will be closed “to protect the integrity of the historic area”. That means land is locked away from private development, diminishing growth for the community, even if that land has nothing to do with historic preservation. It also means hunting and recreational use of the land may well be curtailed.

Eventually, such restrictions will take away the community’s economic base. Communities with sagging economies become run-down and uninviting. Preservation zoning and lack of jobs force ordinary people to move away. Experience has shown tourism rarely materializes as promised. And it’s never enough to save an area economically.

These are the reasons why the specific language in the Heritage Area legislation designed to protect private property rights is basically meaningless to the actual outcome. While the land may not be specifically locked away in the name of the federal designation, its very existence creates the pressure on local government to act. The result is the same.

The fact is the National Heritage Area designations are completely unnecessary. Most of the true historic sites, like presidential birthplaces and battle fields, are already well preserved and under the control of the National Park Service.

In short, the greatest threat from the Heritage Area is that it creates a pipeline of federal money – and consequently political power – for these national organizations to promote their specific agendas over your community and its development. In addition, there is virtually no accountability for tax-exempt NGOs on how they actually spend the Federal Park Service funding. Their books are closed. No FOIA. No open meetings. No public hearings. No elections. How does that honor American heritage?

© 2021 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Why Are National Heritage Areas a Threat?

By Tom DeWeese

The Threat of National Heritage Areas And How to Stop Them: Part One

Proposals for new National Heritage Areas (NHA) are raising their ugly, land-grabbing heads again in Congress and they must be stopped. Here’s why.

National Heritage Areas are one of the most despicable stealth land grabs in the nation. Americans love our history. We love preserving significant places that played an important role in the making of our unique nation. So, when we hear of a new plan in our area presented offering a chance to preserve some of our local heritage we are interested and even supportive.

But, in this day of massive government control over so much of our land, our economy, and our basic ability to live free lives, we must be cautious and look at the details of plans, no matter how innocent or well meaning they may seem.

National Heritage Areas are such a concern because they are sold to residents as simply a means to honor historic or cultural events that took place in a specific locale. We are told that they will preserve our culture and honor the past, that they will preserve battlefields where our forefathers fought and died for freedom, and that they will preserve birth places, homes, buildings, and hallowed grounds for posterity. Most importantly, we are assured that NHAs will help build tourism and boost local economies.

As described by property rights expert Leo Schwartz in 2007, in reality, NHAs are a massive sham, full of government pork, imposed by dishonest, anti-heritage, anti-private property elitism. Politicians, federal agencies, and private non-governmental organizations (NGOs) use the NHAs as a tool to gain votes, political power, and wealth. Moreover, these forces use the NHAs to impose politically-motivated restrictions on private land.

Wrote Schwartz, “In the 1980s, the National Park Service’s record of abusive land acquisition practices had become a political nightmare. It needed a new approach to continue expanding its power. During the mid-1970s, several national land use control studies proposed innovative methods for federal control of private property. Applying these methods, NHAs were designed as a ‘new kind of national park.’ Seen as pork-laden gravy trains, many elected officials eagerly jumped aboard and the empire building continued.”

It’s worth noting that in 1928, then-Interior Secretary Hubert Work said National Park Service policy “is to eliminate all private holdings in our national parks”. So, it is an honest question to ask, if NHAs are a new kind of national park, does that not mean that all of the private land located inside the massive federal boundaries established for the Heritage Area now federal park property?

Private organizations and planning groups are the actual recipients of most of these funds supposedly earmarked for the Heritage Area. These entities operate as the promoters of the NHA in partnership with the Park Service. Eventually they form a commission or a “managing entity” to enforce the “vision” to implement the Heritage Area.

Typically, such commissions consist of strictly ideological special interests groups. In the mix of these groups, one will find all of the usual suspects: environmental groups, planning groups, historic preservation groups — all with their own private agendas, and all working behind the scenes, creating policy. The managing entity then sets up non-elected boards and regional councils to oversee policy inside the Heritage Area that stretches over numerous communities and counties.

In many cases, these groups actually form a compact with the Interior Department to determine the guidelines that will make up a land use management plan and the boundaries of the Heritage Area itself. The management plan is their goal for how they envision the territory inside the boundary to be run. The plan will include guidelines for development goals, energy use, bike trails, undefined conservation controls, tourism, and anything else they want to control.

Now, after the boundaries are drawn and the management plan has been approved by the Park Service, the management entity and its special interest groups are given the federal funds, typically a million dollars a year, or more, and told to spend that money to get the management plan enacted at the local level.

Here’s how those special interest groups operate with those funds. They go to local county boards and city councils and announce that Congress has passed legislation designating the Heritage Area and that the community is now within those boundaries. They pull out maps and announce the properties they have identified to be significant for preservation.

However, as the managing entity, they dont have the power to make laws, but the local elected officials do and so the partnership is born, fed by the federal money. Now the managing entity will help create tools, legislation, guidelines, and whatever regulatory procedures are needed to make the management plan come into fruition.

Incredibly, proponents argue that National Heritage Areas do not influence local zoning or land-use planning. Yet, by definition this is precisely what they do. Found right in the language of most Heritage Area legislation, the management entity is specifically directed to restore, preserve, and manage anything and everything that is naturally, culturally, historically, and recreationally significant to the Heritage Area.

The biggest threat to citizens living in a National Heritage Area is that it includes all the land in the designated boundary areas, not just recognized historic sites. This sweeping mandate ensures that virtually every square inch of land within the boundaries is subject to the scrutiny of Park Service bureaucrats and their managing partners. That means private property, homes, businesses, and whole communities now come under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service.

Of course, as with so many other invasive planning schemes, we are always assured that these are local initiatives, and that these are something citizens want in order to bring an honorary federal designation to help drive tourism into their regions. That simply isnt the case. The private, non-governmental organizations and planning groups are the ones who want the plan because they get to enforce their private agendas and then get to live off the grant money as they implement them. As proponents talk about historic preservation inside the Heritage Area, one will also find the catchwords “resource conservation” and “resource stewardship,” for example. Those are the clues to watch for.

It’s all about control. Control of the land, control of resources, control of decision making. How does that fit with their stated purpose of preserving American culture – which, of course, was built on the ideals of free enterprise and private property? In fact, it does the opposite by making government more powerful and dictatorial, and the property owners loose both the use and value of their property.

As I said above, proponents of NHAs also claim that they are “locally driven” projects. Nothing could be further from the truth. Landowners within the boundaries of proposed Heritage Areas are left in the dark throughout the entire process. For example, the final official map for the 2018 proposed Caddo Lakes National Heritage Area, revealing its official boundary, was not to be released to the public until after the actual Congressional legislation was passed!

In addition, Heritage Area proponents refuse to supply a simple written notification to property owners that their land will be inside the boundaries. Seemingly the Park Service and their management “partners” are not too eager to share all the good news with the local citizenry.

I have personally been in meetings with congressional staffers to discuss Heritage Areas. I asked them if they intended to notify affected landowners living inside the boundaries of a specific Heritage Area. They looked at me like I had two heads. They shuffled their feet and looked down at the table and then said, “There’s no way to do that.” “It would be too costly.” “How could we reach everyone?” I then suggested that they research a little know federal agency called the U.S. Postal Service. Mailmen appear to deliver to each and every one of the homes in the designated area every day.

The fact is, they don’t want to tell you in advance. You might object. And that would disrupt the “process.” No matter how noble a project may sound, alarm bells should go off when proponents want to enforce their vision in secret.

National Heritage Areas depend on federal tax dollars because they lack local interest— and not a single National Heritage Area has ever succeeded in attracting strong tourism throughout their entire infinite lives. The federal money is the villain. If you just wanted to honor an area for its historic or cultural achievements, a simple resolution from Congress and a plaque at the county line could do that. The local Chamber of Commerce could then pick it up from there and build the expected tourism.

But of course, it’s not about that. It’s about control and money – lots of money in the pockets of private groups promoting their own agendas. Including taking control of people’s private land.

© 2021 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Social Justice, Affordable Housing, and Government Tyranny

You are a poor minority living in a government housing project called “Affordable.” It’s all paid for by the tax dollars of mostly middle-income Americans. Included in still more government programs are monthly checks and coupons to supply food, free healthcare, free education, and let’s also throw in free cell phone.

Does that not make us a generous nation? Are not the poor well cared for and satisfied? Aren’t the taxpayers proud of their contribution to the common good?

The answer to every one of these questions is NO!

First, consider these facts about that stipend income from the welfare check. Originally, it was called “assistance” and the purpose was to help out when the paycheck wasn’t quite covering needs. Then that system was changed and the welfare check means you can’t hold a job as you are collecting that monthly check. If a recipient even tries to put some away in savings, just an attempt to get ahead, it is confiscated and possibly the welfare check stops. It’s no longer “assistance” during hard times. Now it’s control.

Then there is that public housing situation. Here’s what it’s like to actually live in those government projects. In many cites these neighborhoods are drastically rundown in disrepair as lights, air conditioning, and appliances fail to work. The roof leaks, windows are broken, and the plumbing backs up. Trash around the grounds is in ever-growing piles, is rarely, if ever cleaned and hauled away. Don’t even think about any kind of yard work to create a place for the children to play. Worse, the residents live in fear of gang elements like MS-13 that have taken over the neighborhoods to rule as their territory. Pimps, pedophiles, and drug dealers prey on the children. And no matter how many times residents may ask for repairs, it never happens.

Why are the conditions so bad in this government-controlled housing? Government is a monopoly that has no incentive to be efficient. The taxpayers are forced to pay and the money rolls in so the politicians can puff out their chests over how generous THEY are in helping the less fortunate. Meanwhile, the management of these properties is by government bureaucrats with no personal stake in the projects. Their paychecks keep rolling in, no matter what happens to the properties they manage. Only private owners care about the condition of their property.

In such an atmosphere, the inherent hopelessness leaves little room for making future goals for their lives. There is no way out once the system has a hold on you. By herding African-Americans, other minorities, and low-income families like cattle, the government is committing them to a future worse than poverty. They have lost their rights, their choices, and their ability to excel through self-determination and personal growth.

Yet, proponents of government’s fair housing want you to think that those favoring the programs are the compassionate ones, helping minorities to survive in an oppressive capitalist world of the rich. Essentially, fear is the common tactic used to keep minorities in their programs. Anyone who opposes their system of control and, instead, argues sound economics and a system of equal opportunity, is accused of heartlessness and racism, determined to pull the plug on their lifeline.

To promote the fear and division, politicians, the news media, and the public education system continually drive home the message that our nation’s founders created an oppressive society in which Whites got all the goodies and minorities are deliberately oppressed. In addition, goes their propaganda, the free enterprise system is designed to take the money from the poor and put it in the rich man’s pocket. The result is strife, jealousy, and hatred between the races.

This, then, is the announced mission of today’s Democrat party and the official policy driving the Democrat-controlled Congress and the Biden administration. They are determined to be the saviors of the oppressed. Government oversight, redistribution of the wealth, and social justice are the chosen tools to enforce equality.

However, it’s interesting to note that the U.S. government has been on a drive to artificially enforce “equality” since Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” in the 1960s. Trillions have been spent as government size and power has mushroomed, and a whole segment of the population has come under its control, all in the name of compassion. Yet, the only true result has been the massive growth of poverty.

Now this current failed government housing model is being prepared for all of us.  

The new drive is to eliminate single-family home zoning protection. Our new controllers insist that such policy is really designed as a means for wealthy homeowners to “self-segregate” themselves from those they don’t want living in their neighborhoods. Specifically they charge that private property ownership is racist. To establish true “FREEDOM” in America, they tell us we need to open these “white privilege neighborhoods” to allow federal fair housing programs, including high rise government rental units in every neighborhood. They claim single family home neighborhoods contribute to a growing housing shortage. Why, don’t you know, we could put ten families in the area where only one now lives in those neighborhoods. It’s only fair!

Baltimore, Maryland became one of the first cities to feel such pressure and threats as the NAACP sued Baltimore over alleged housing segregation. The NAACP argument was that Section 8 subsidized housing programs “bunch people together, and that it only fuels more crime and other problems.” Not fair!

The solution, says the NAACP, is to “integrate the poor among wealthier families.” Outrageous as it sounds, such social justice mongers actually accuse those living in affluent neighborhoods of “self segregation for white privilege.” Racism!

The pressure from these groups, has resulted in Baltimore being forced to agree to spend $30 million of tax-payer dollars over the next ten years to build 1,000 low-ncome homes in affluent neighborhoods.

The result will be a destruction of property values and the loss of equity for the homeowners. In short, destruction of earned wealth, leading to destruction of the middle class.  More poor. It’s a growth product.

In Portland, Oregon, the infamous “poster child” of federal Smart Growth development policies, the city council unanimously approved a new tax to raise $12 million per year to pay for “affordable housing.”

Says Portland Commissioner Dan Saltsman, “The lack of affordable housing is the greatest crisis facing our city right now.” Perhaps he should take a long look at the twenty-year Smart Growth history of Portland in which massive amounts of land were locked away to limit the “sprawl” of the city. This led to land shortages, which led to bans on single-family homes, which led to the need for massive high rise apartment buildings, all of which led to higher costs and shortages of homes. Now, Portland has a “crisis “of low-income housings. Their solution is another tax on construction, driving up housing costs even more.

These same attacks on private property are growing across the nation. The Biden Administration is backing the bans on single-family home zoning as part of its official policy. Landlords are being labeled the new boogey men of our day, as taxes, rules, regulations, and even a ban on their ability to qualify potential renters as to whether they can afford to live in the building. Such policy is the destruction of private property rights, targeting an entire industry.

Of course, the government doesn’t say it that way, preferring to pretend that denying people who can’t afford to pay the rent to live in your property is “discrimination.” And how can the landlord survive and provide his property for housing if the tenant can’t pay? The only result will be fewer landlords and fewer choices for housing. Housing shortage, indeed!

All of these policies, instituted in the name of social justice and redistribution of wealth, will very quickly lead to one final solution. Private homes, privately owned rental properties, and the individual owner’s ability to prosper, will disappear. That means the rule of law is dismissed in favor of “fairness.” Social Justice is purely based on redistribution of wealth. Your wealth. That’s money you worked for, saved, invested, and protected for YOUR needs; YOUR dreams; YOUR future.

Eventually – and very soon – the only source of housing will be from government. Take a good look at the destroyed neighborhoods now under government control and see your future. Property rights and personal ownership is an equal opportunity for everyone to build wealth and freedom. It’s how the United States quickly became so prosperous. Government destroys personal choice, incentive, and the wealth created from it. It’s the reason we are now plummeting into poverty.

© 2021 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Does Biden Executive Order Announce All-Out Lockdown of Political Opposition?

By Tom DeWeese

It has been barely noticed, but on April 15th Joe Biden signed a very questionable and possibly unconstitutional executive order, titled “Executive Order on Blocking Property with Respect to Specified Harmful Foreign Activities of the government of the Russian Federation.” The official position for the EO is to be emergency sanctions against Russia and its “harmful foreign activities.” In particular, those specified harmful foreign activities by Russian include intervention in our election process.

The main body of the EO directly details punishment for anyone deemed to be acting as agents for the Russian Federation operating in this country. And how are these “agents” to be found guilty of such nefarious behavior? That will be “Determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, and … in consultation with the Attorney General.”

And what are to be the actions that will get such an agent to be found guilty by this tribunal? Well, Parts B and C of the Executive Order make it very specific. Part B says “Interference in a United States or other foreign government election.” Part C says explicitly, “actions or policies that undermine democratic process or institutions in the United States or abroad.” The purpose of these statements cannot be ignored. Interference can mean you are guilty of election interference if your political speech promotes anything positive regarding the Russian Federation. And to do so could deem you a Russian agent. Part C indicates that it could be a crime to criticize election fraud.

Now, does that not sound exactly like the news reports we have been hearing daily from mainstream media? Russian agents are the ones who hacked the election, we are told. They are guilty of perpetrating fraud. And notice how even the Republican Party leadership refuses to talk about the fraud. Moreover, Donald Trump colluded with the Russians, say the Democrat impeachment charges, starting in 2016.

It gets worse. The punishment for anyone found guilty of such actions are severe. Once the Biden-appointed tribunal determines that you are a dangerous Russian agent in any manner, all property is confiscated, it becomes illegal for others to provide you with legal representation, sell food to you, provide medical care, or even assist in hosting your website. You become known as a “Deprived Person” and any assistance to you becomes prohibited. Anyone who does attempts to assist you then shares your guilt as a Russian agent and is subjected to all of the same confiscations of property and prohibitions of services. In fact, if you are a leader, senior executive officer, or member of a board of directors of an entity determined to be Russian agents, then you could also find yourself facing the same punishments.

Section 4 prohibits transactions that “cause a violation” of this EO, even absent of intentionality. This is a warning to anyone to immediately cut ties with any person or entity that is targeted by the Biden regime. Those determined to be “Deprived Persons” become political pariahs that should be avoided at all costs. Even their relatives are not safe from guilt by association. A clear violation of the Constitution and the legal premise of “Innocent until proven guilty.”

Do you doubt the seriousness of the Democrats intentions to stop all opposition to their drive to reorganize American society? Then consider these details. Several people who attended the January 6th Anti-fraud rally in Washington, D.C., that has been labeled an insurrection, are being deprived of their Constitutional rights. More than 300 have been arrested and charged with rioting have been released while they await trial. However, several dozen of them are blocked from flying on commercial airlines, and some cannot even live in their own homes.

Many more are still in custody and have been placed in “restrictive housing.” While detained, they are isolated for up to 23 hours a day, yet have not been convicted of any crime. Moreover, there are reports that, as they are unlawfully imprisoned, they are being beaten, tortured, and treated like terrorists. In fact, reports on their treatment is so bad that even Democrat leftist Senator Elizabeth Warren is speaking out against the cruelty. Warren says she worries that law enforcement officials are out to “punish” those detained, or “break them so they will cooperate.” When a Democrat, and especially Warren, is saying that, you know that it  is egregious.

One more outrageous event has drawn some attention that could be directly connected to the Biden EO.  The early morning FBI raid on the home and office of Trump attorney Rudolph Giuliani came just days after the EO was issued. Was it the opening salvo for a complete expungement of conservative opposition as called for in the Executive Order?

We have experienced the massive censorship by the global social media companies, blocking anyone who attempts to post election fraud details. Banks and credit card companies have deprived conservative organizations from using their services, claiming they are engaged in illegal activity if they oppose the “progressive” agenda. Now we find this EO putting in concrete the premise that the Russians are guilty of interfering in our elections, and any U.S. citizen who also opposes Democrats could be found guilty of helping the Russians.

In Congress, the Democrats are rushing to pass their election overhaul bill (SR1) in the Senate, which will legalize all of the voter fraud tactics used in the last election. It now seems obvious that the Biden EO is intended as a partner to that bill in a systematic drive to silence all opposition to their tyranny.

© 2021 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Why Property Rights Matter: Part 4 – How to Fight Back

How do we effectively fight to restore private property, and our freedom of movement in America? Most think that just getting a president elected is the answer, but what if we lose that race? Or, what if we win the Presidency but lose the House of Representatives and the Senate? What chance do we then have to make any progress in protecting liberty? We have to live in the days after an election. We have to make our way forward in our lives. So, do we simply surrender and accept our fate? Or do we create a new path to protect and promote the ideals of freedom?

The first step to answer that question is to stop depending on one person, one icon to lead us forward. We must take the responsibility ourselves to assure that government does not move forward unattended. We need to be directly involved at every level, especially on the local level. Change the debate to attack anti-freedom policies, expose non-governmental (NGO) carpetbaggers hiding in the shadows dictating policy, force elected officials to be personally responsible for their actions, and organize to assure the election of leaders who promote and defend the principles of freedom.

Picture how different our nation would be if we dug in to create a majority of governors across the nation who understood and operated under the Tenth Amendment which acknowledges the States’ power to stand against Federal overreach. What if you had a county commission that refused to participate in non-elected regional government? How would your life change if your city council was made up of individuals who guided your community under the three pillars of freedom, including protection of private property, encouragement and support for local businesses to operate and compete in free enterprise, and the lifting of rules and regulations that stifled personal choices in your individual life? How do we make all of that a reality? Set a goal to turn your local community into a Freedom Pod.

Simply focus on making these goals a reality in your community and, if successful, as prosperity spreads, the idea will certainly spread to a neighboring community, and then to the next. The challenge is to create a successful blueprint and a cadre of dedicated elected representatives that will begin to move from the local into the state level of government. That will set the stage for effecting a federal government as conceived by our forefathers. The result will be the growth of Freedom Pods across the nation.

For several decades the radical Left has been dedicated in its efforts to organize at every level of government while advocates of limited government failed to do the required “dirty work” of local organization and activism to protect our freedoms. We gave the Left a pretty clear playing field to organize and seize control, and now we are suffering under the result. For the dedicated Left, no position is too small. No appointed board is ignored. When was the last time local Conservative activists cared about positions like City Attorney? Yet these are the very officials who are enforcing the COVID-19 lockdown policies, dictated by governors and mayors. After witnessing this current election crisis, don’t you wish people with Conservative values had been interested in gaining positions on the local Board of Elections? Local government is now infested with Planners, NGOs, and federal agencies dictating policies. And the only reason they have power and influence now is because the Left fought to elect representatives who then gave it to them. So, if you want to transform your community into a Freedom Pod you must start from scratch.

Here is the end game for the forces of freedom. No matter who is president, we must take control of our cities, counties, state legislatures, and governors. Only then can we stand up the potential tyranny from Washington, DC. To live your life as YOU choose, start to grow your Freedom Pod today.

The American Policy Center (APC) is now working with organizations across the country to train and motivate local residents to take action in their own communities to begin to push back and restore American freedom. APC has created a Local Activists Handbook and a Tool Kit to help with training, and improving communications between activists and organizations, to share tactics, ideas, and successes. Learn more at

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Why Property Rights Matter: The Growing Attack on Property Rights, Part 3

The increasing encroachment of government regulations, pontificating politicians and the enforcement of Social Justice schemes have led to a loss of understanding of the terms private property and property rights.

Once it was understood that the unauthorized entering of private property was a violation to the utmost. The property owner was justified and supported in taking necessary actions to remove the trespasser and secure that land. Today, such ideas in the new America are considered radical, old fashioned, out of touch, and even reprehensible. The homeowner can be arrested for defending against an armed intruder. The intruder can actually sue a homeowner for shooting them even as they break down the door intending to rob and do harm. Home protection is called violence, perhaps even racism. It’s a whole new world of compliance, fear, and acceptance rather than pride, protection, and prosperity in ownership.

The Green New Deal is the current name for the agenda to control living standards and obliterate private property and sound energy sources. Massive wind and solar farms bury massive amounts of land under their steel and concrete infrastructures, as private land and farms lying in their path find it nearly impossible to co-exist. Driving people off the rural lands and into the cities is the stated goal.

Inside the growing high rise city forests, the new Biden Administration is now preparing an all-out assault on private property ownership. In the name of Climate Change, Biden plans to form “denser, more affordable housing next to public transit.” This is be done by removing zoning protection for single-family neighborhoods, destroying property values as public housing complexes are moved into the neighborhood.  This is already being done in Oregon and in cities such as Minneapolis, where the mayor calls single-family zoning, “racist.”

Landlords are also under attack as some new policies are actually forbidding them to even ask if a potential tenant can afford to pay the rent. Meanwhile, more regulations on landlords are raising costs, yet forbidding them the ability to raise rents.

Most of these programs come under programs with names such as Smart Growth or Sustainable Development, and are enforced through community comprehensive development plans mandated by state legislatures and funded through federal grants, primarily from HUD, EPA, or the Department of Transportation. Compliance to the grants dictates even more Sustainable policy.

The most recent attack on property rights, now gaining momentum across the nation, is called 30×30. The plan calls for locking away 30% of America’s land and waters. Under Biden’s new EO, at least 30% of all land in the U.S. would be permanently set aside and maintained in a natural state. Activities such as energy development, forest management, livestock grazing, mineral exploration and development, and many recreational uses would be prohibited. This would require at least 680 million acres of land to be set aside – more land than the entire federal government currently manages.

Most of the land dedicated to achieving the 30 x 30 goal necessarily will be the federal land found in the 11 western states and Alaska. Forcing rural communities and businesses that depend on the use of public lands and national forests to bear the brunt of the program would be inequitable. There is no other alternative, however. The bottom line is that “30 x 30” is an excuse to end the productive use of public lands and national forests and to set aside massive tracts of land to remain fallow.

If these policies for community development, landlord control, and confiscation of rural lands are allowed to carry out to their logical conclusion, eventually there will be no private property in the United States and all housing, farming, and industry will be simply government programs. In a word, communism.

© 2021 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

What the Great Reset Will Really Do To You

By Tom DeWeese

The lines used to be so clear. On the one side were free markets, free societies, and openly-elected representative governments.

On the other, was the force of totalitarianism choking off individual initiative, private ownership of property, and providing a ballot box with but one choice, normally defined as communism.

The ideological lines were drawn as a titanic battle ensued across an iron curtain. The Western world united in a mixture of proud, independent, sovereign nations to fend off the creeping black plague that swallowed whole nations and erased their identities. In the end, the “Evil Empire” disintegrated under the weight of its own ignorance of human nature. Or did it?

Conservatives hailed the victory, dispatching communism to the “ash-heap of history.” Many Conservative leaders put forth the idea that we would now be living in a “Conservative era”. The demise of communism, some said, would allow a spirit of cooperation among nations, bringing the benefits of world-wide prosperity and a universal increase in the standard of living. Believing they had finally won the Cold War, many Conservatives went to sleep and left the world to a new threat that many old anti-communist warriors still haven’t recognized.

The assaults on property rights and personal privacy, along with the transformation of local schools under federal programs, and, above all, the seeming lack of concern for national sovereignty and protection of the nation’s borders, are the obvious contradictions to the proposition that Conservative ideas of limited government, free enterprise, and individual choice now reign supreme.

Other goals are now openly taking center stage. The rule of law in our Republic, designed to insure individual rights from intrusive government, is being replaced by an undefined term called social justice, which demands that the concerns of interest groups supersede the inherent rights of the individual. Further, the interests of the United States of America now tend to take a back seat to those of something called the “Global Commons.” National identities and individual religions are being morphed into non-descript and indistinguishable arrangements called global religion. The teaching of history has become an exercise in group-promotion and political correctness, with little regard for truth. Science has been reduced to nothing more than a convenient tool to promote political agendas. Self determination is being replaced with group-think.

This is what happens when the forces of freedom decide to nap as the forces of tyranny radically changed tactics from the old Soviet Union days. For thirty years I’ve been labeled conspiracy theorist, scaremonger, extremist, dangerous, nut case. I’ve been denied access to stages, major news programs, and awarded tin-foil hats, even by Conservative entities. It’s all because I began to sound the alarm over a movement to establish a global agenda of tyranny that would replace our independent Republic.

The forces of tyranny have actually been very vocal about their goals, but they have cleverly hidden the full intention behind innocent sounding purposes such as protecting the environment, eliminating poverty, and making society more diverse and acceptable.  Yet, in 1992, they boldly opened up, as 50,000 activists, heads of state, and powerful Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) met in a United Nations summit and revealed their Agenda for the 21st century. As they introduced it to the world, and 179 heads of state signed it, they boldly claimed it as a “Comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society.” That sounds like a pretty serious gathering of some very powerful people. Could their intention be any clearer? Yet, to this day, many, including those who claim to be devoted forces for the cause of freedom, continue to deny the agenda exists. They ignored Agenda 21, laughed at Agenda 2030, and think the Green New Deal is just too radical to be taken seriously. Well, get ready. Here comes the final step.

The Great Reset

What they mean by the Great Reset is exactly what they warned that Agenda 21 was all about – the reorganization of human society. That means a massive change, or the outright elimination, of our economy, income sources and jobs, private property, personal privacy, individual choice, families as we know them, information sources, communication, entertainment, energy source and use, education process, food source, housing, cities, farms, health care, national sovereignty, and our system of government. And the goal is to accomplish it all by 2030. Now, how could that be possible?

It’s all been laid out very clearly in a new book entitled COVID-19: The Great Reset, written by Klaus Schwab, the head of the World Economic Forum. Interestingly the book was published in August of 2020, just five months after the Covid lockdown began, yet it claims to be based on much that was learned during that process. Considering that an idea for a book takes time to conceive, research, write and be printed and published, to do it all in that short of a time, is either super-human – or the Covid lockdowns and the Great Reset were all planned way in advance. Knowing what I have learned in the past thirty years, I’m going with the latter. So how do they plan to enforce the Great Reset and reorganize human society?

For decades the forces of globalism have been quietly and steadily organizing for this moment. The United Nations is the center of the storm, directing the action. The World Health Organization (WHO) sets the rules for global health policy. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) control money and trade. The World Economic Forum (WEF) has created the blueprint for how it all merges together. As this cabal announced its plans for the Great Reset, world leaders, heads of state, banks around the globe, philanthropic foundations, and global corporations all jumped onto the plan. In the U.S., federal agencies, Wall Street, and the Federal Reserve have also joined in.

The Great Reset details a plan to create global interdependence, both an economic and a societal reset, detailing “The return of big government.” In addition, it details a geopolitical reset – designed to change our system of government, an environmental reset, mainly based on the threat of climate change and the continuing threat of pandemics. It even calls for an industry reset, which is a technocrat’s way of saying banning capitalism and free markets. And, finally, it outlines our coming mental health issues and well-being that will be affected as we cope with the shock of the destruction of our society through the Great Reset.

Now, many might justly think this is all simply the wish list of raving tyrants with no hope of pulling it off. Well, without going into massive detail, let me just share some of the highlights of exactly how they plan to carry this off as they affect every aspect of your life.

Throughout 2020 and now into the beginnings of 2021, the world has been locked down over fear of a global pandemic. Businesses shut down, healthcare facilities overrun and controlled by global and federal agencies; people forced to stay in their homes, wear masks, and not allowed to gather; offices and small businesses closed; sporting events with no audiences and entertainment near non-existent. We were told it was all necessary to “flatten the curve” of the disease so we could all get back to normal.

Meanwhile, as we were all lockdown in this panic, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) such as the Security and Sustainable Forum, were busy holding on-line town hall sessions to train activists, local officials, and the news media to “Examine commonalities between the pandemic preparedness and climate change action.” They proposed a plan on “where the world can be heading after the Covid 19 pandemic.” Meanwhile the WHO and the UN urged governments to focus on a plan to “flatten the climate curve.” The Brookings Institute issued a report entitled “How the Sustainable Development Goals can help cities focus Covid-19 recovery on inclusion, equity, and sustainability.” (By the way, those three items are the three principles of Agenda 21). At the same time the Club of Rome, one of the authors of Agenda 21, issued its own report, calling for a “Green Report” after the pandemic. These were all the beginning steps – the marching orders — to prepare the world for the true purpose of the Great Reset and the pandemic was the practice test. Climate change is to be the rallying cry.

Microsoft founder, Bill Gates then took the lead, demanding a worldwide, mandatory vaccine for an undefined disease with a recovery rate of 98.5%. Moreover, Gates, who has now become the largest farmland owner in the nation, has called on the nation to stop eating beef, instead suggesting we move to 100% synthetic beef. This is not just an idle suggestion. The national cattlemen are now being subjected to a Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef that enforced restrictions on beef producers which is putting thousands out of business. Incredibly, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association has embraced it and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) a major opponent to beef consumption, is now basically in control of the American beef industry.

Meanwhile, as G. Edward Griffin reports, “The Biden administration has launched a technocratic war on America’s food supply and is accelerating a global collapse in food production. This is being done by paying farmers NOT to grow food, ordering the Department of Agriculture to pursue a zero-growth policy, and placing restrictions on grocery stores, restaurants, and meatpacking plants. On top of that, the US is reeling from a severe shortage of fertilizer, which will cause crop yields to decrease and prices to rise. The US is completely sold out of food to export and other countries have stopped exporting their surplus to protect their domestic supplies in the face of a looming global famine.”

But Gate’s hasn’t stopped with just destroying the farm and beef industries. In addressing the Covid lockdown and the fact that entire economy has been nearly shut down, Gates said, “simply shutting down [the economy] is not going to get [us] to our goal. So just like we need innovation for COVID-19, we also need to get rid of emissions from all the different sectors and bring down climate change.” How do we do that, according to Gates, and the Great Reset cabal he speaks for? “This crosses many areas,” he said. “Transportation, industry, electricity, all those things – and agriculture – contribute to emissions…With climate, we need… increased speed and more. We need policies, we need more [research and development] money, we need more risk capital of all those hard areas.” How will that be done?

Well, now comes, perhaps, the most terrifying tactic to be used in the Great Reset to gain full control and bring about the destruction of our economy, system of government, and personal lifestyle. You’ve witnessed the unrelenting drive for a complete digital lifestyle, where everything about you is on-line, from your bank accounts, to everything you purchase at the grocery, to your posts on social media. It’s all now being prepared to use as a weapon to force your compliance to the Great Reset. And as usual, it’s all hidden under the labels of climate change, environmental correctness, and Sustainable. Here’s how it will work.

Within a year, 77% of institutional investors will stop buying into companies that aren’t, in some way, sustainable. Money managers on Wall Street, are now saying climate change is their main concern. This could well be a $120 trillion transformation of investment money, away from oil and gas, to electric vehicles, and even the way we think of car ownership all together. Will you be allowed to own one? Perhaps you will be forced into public transportation. This new sustainable investment drive will affect the $5 trillion global transportation industry, the $9 trillion healthcare industry, the $850 billion airline industry, the $600 billion exports industry and the $26 billion food delivery industry. If it’s not done by following “SUSTAINABLE” rules, it will not be financed. Companies will have to report tier climate information to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for a climate risk assessment. Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, and Bank of America are already working on these policies.

How about your personal choices in life? How will they be affected? How will you be forced to toe the line? If your buying habits, as recorded on your credit cards and online bank accounts, show that you have purchased a gun or ammunition that will begin a personal profile of you. Add to that the kind of food you buy – perhaps you purchased beef, but not enough vegetables, that may indicate you are not be living a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. How much electricity do you use? Where have you traveled and how did you get there? How many buildings do you own? What kinds of things do you invest in? Each of these things represent your climate footprint and your dedication to social justice. Are you a proper citizen in this reorganization of human society?

Now, here is how all of this will personally affect you. Each of these things will be regularly entered into your profile and each one will affect your personal credit rating. A low credit rating will prevent you from getting a loan to buy a car, obtaining a mortgage, or even a business loan. This will effectively cut you out of society if you don’t change your habits and personal beliefs.

Perhaps you’ve already seen reports that the Bank of America was providing information on any of its cardholders who were in Washington, DC on January 6th when the violence occurred on Capitol Hill. They reported any charges for hotels, food, or transportation. This is just a sample of what will happen if the Great Reset is allowed to move forward. Eighty-one international banks have joined in partnership with the World Bank, along with the International monetary Fund and the U.S. Federal Reserve — which oversees all U.S. banks, plus our money supply.

Space does not allow me to go into detail on the growing assault on private property and single-family neighborhoods, now being implemented through the Biden Administration. In addition, private rental properties and landlords are under siege as rent controls and higher operating expenses and taxes threaten to put them out of business. Paper money will be replaced with digital currency that can disappear with a single key stroke, should you fail to conform. Universal income will finally make us all equal – equally poor and under control of whatever gang is in charge of the government plantation. That all conforms with the Great Reset as WEF head Klaus Schwab has said that in the future, no one will own anything and be happier for it. Under the Great Reset there will be no private property.

The first target in changing human society is to cancel our culture. Change the language. Call any thought contrary to the agenda “hate speech.” Control freedom of movement. Erase history and books that present positions contrary to the globally acceptable truth. Force compliance.

If only the world had read and acted upon the rantings of Adolph Hitler’s “Mein Kampf,” we could have prevented World War Two. If only the world had acted to toss Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto on the trash heap, we could have saved Russia 70 years of horror – and millions would not now be suffering the tyranny of Red China.

Today you and I have another chance. We now know where the Great Reset is headed. There are millions of Americans, and others around the world, who are alarmed by what we are all witnessing and want to stop it. We can. But to start, we must focus, first on the local and state levels by fighting on four distinct fronts. These include education, where the fight must focus on academics and an end to the psychology-driven behavior modification federal programs; the right to privacy, where an all-out effort must be made to stop the establishment of federal data banks that document personal information; private property rights, which guarantee private ownership, control and protection of real and intellectual property; and protection of national sovereignty and independence.  

No matter how powerful these forces are, if we can protect our fundamental rights then they cannot impose their tyranny. Your city council and state legislature have much more power than most even know, including protecting election integrity. Organize and use that power. Stop them on those four fronts and the Great Reset will cease to exist.

There is a Great Awaking taking place as more begin to understand the lies of the Great Reset cabal. The tyrant’s greatest fear is that the oppressed will finally get off our knees, stand up, and say no!

© 2021 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Why Private Property Matters: Part 1

by Tom DeWeese

Prosperity – Stability – Freedom

Most Americans tend to think of private property simply as a home – the place where the family resides, store their belongings and find shelter and safety from the elements. It’s where you live. It’s yours because you pay the mortgage and the taxes. Most people don’t give property ownership much more thought than that.

There was a time when property ownership was considered to be much more. Property, and the ability to own and control it, was life itself. The great economist, John Locke, whose writings and ideas had major influence on the nation’s founders, believed that “life and liberty are secure only so long as the right of property is secure.”

John Locke advocated that if property rights did not exist, then the incentive for an industrious person to develop and improve property would be destroyed; that the industrious person would be deprived of the fruits of his labor; that marauding bands would confiscate, by force, the goods produced by others; and that mankind would be impelled to remain on a bare-subsistence level of hand-to-mouth survival because the accumulation of anything of value would invite attack.

One only has to look to the example of the former Soviet Union to see clearly what happens to a society when an outlaw government exercises brute force to take control of private property. Under that tyrannical government, each of Locke’s predictions came true there.

Throughout its history, the Soviet government excused its every action under the banner of equality for all. There were no property rights, no freedom of enterprise, and no protections of individual actions. Instead, the Soviet government enforced redistribution of wealth schemes, confiscating homes from the rich and middle class.

The same basic redistribution schemes of the Soviets were later used by Zimbabwe’s former dictator Robert Mugabe to destroy that agriculturally rich African nation. Mugabe confiscated farmland owned by white farmers and gave it to friends of his corrupt government – most of whom had never even seen a farm. The result was economic disaster, widespread poverty, and hunger in a land that had once fed the continent. The nation of South Africa is now following in the murderous footsteps of Robert Mugabe as it attacks white farmers, taking their property and again putting it in the hands of those who know nothing about running a farm.

Locke warned that human civilization would be reduced to the level of a pack of wolves and cease to exist because lack of control over your own actions caused fear and insecurity. Private property ownership, Locke argued, brought stability and wealth to individuals, leading to a prosperous society of man. That’s because legal ownership of property is the key to productive development. Private property ownership is the reason the United States became the wealthiest nation on earth, almost over night. Free individuals, using their own land to create commerce and build personal wealth through the equity of their property, are the root of American success. Sixty percent of early American businesses were financed through the equity of property ownership. And sixty percent of American jobs were created through those successful businesses. That’s how a free-market economy is built. Private property ownership is the source of personal, individual wealth for the average American.

Clearly John Locke’s warnings have been vindicated. Private property ownership is much more than a house. It is the root of a prosperous, healthy, human society based on the individual’s freedom to live a life of his own, gaining from the fruits of his own labor. Take that option away and the people always react the same way. They stop producing.

© 2021 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

The Fraud of Climate Change And the Drive for Control

by Tom DeWeese

Man-made Climate Change is being used as the catalyst for tall tales of melting ice caps, drowning polar bears, and flooded islands. It’s even being blamed for a rise in wars and poverty. In the name of Climate Change there is a drive to destroy Free markets and the very concepts of limited Government, private property, and individual liberty.

We’re told that we must all sacrifice and give up our “selfish” lifestyle as we are required to “live on less” – to save the planet. And above all, we are warned not to question any of this because the science is settled. The debate is over. Stop talking about it – We must act NOW!

But what are the facts? What is the basis of the Climate Change charges, and why is there no room for a difference of opinion, no matter what new facts may be discovered? In short, what is the true “end game?”

Climate Change alarmists claim that about 2700 scientists agree with them and that these represent about 97% of all scientists. And so, they claim, it is an undisputable fact. But the fact is, there is no consensus in the scientific community over Climate Change. A U.S. Senate minority report says more than 650 scientists express dissent over man-made global warming claims. In addition, over 30,000 scientists have signed on to a petition that says there is no convincing evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane or other greenhouse gasses causes or will … cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.

Now, I’m not a scientist, but neither is Al Gore. However I know that true science is rarely settled. Consensus means nothing. Science isn’t a democracy in which the one idea with the most votes wins. Science is based on fact – provable fact. It doesn’t matter how many agree or disagree. Truth in science is all that matters. But if you cut off anyone’s ability to even question someone’s findings you have fallen prey to a specific political agenda. And that is exactly what we are facing.

You can obviously run down a lot of rabbit holes in trying to discuss man-made Climate Change. But the real question is this – is climate change caused by man or is temperature change really just from natural causes? That is the debate – the ONLY debate. The answer to that question is mandatory before we allow Climate Change forces to begin to impose massive regulations that will control, perhaps even destroy human existence.

Those pushing the Climate Change position insist that it is not of natural causes. They declare that the warming is purely man-made from pollution – specifically emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere. They say that is creating what has been called a Green House effect as the CO2 becomes trapped, forcing a warming of the Earth.

It’s absolutely vital that they win that argument because IF climate change is actually proven to be from natural causes and not man-made, then their entire argument would fail and their entire political agenda will collapse along with their influence over government policy and their access to massive amounts of money. Is it any wonder that they are very nervous about those they call climate skeptics – those scientists and spokesmen who dispute their dire findings about the climate?

That’s why, to maintain control, radical environmental forces, such as the Sierra Club, Nature Conservancy, and the World Wildlife Fund, have used their power and influence over scientific journals to block the publication of any reports to the contrary. They have moved to block research grants to anyone who doesn’t toe the party line. Al Gore has called for Nuremberg-style public trials for anyone publicly questioning or disputing the claims of global warming. No discouraging word is to be heard.

But if Global Warming is so real – non-debatable – then what are they so afraid of? Why such dire efforts to stop anyone from expressing doubts? The fact is – and they are well aware of this – there simply is no evidence of man-made global warming.

According to scientist Joanne Nova, a former climate change alarmists – turned skeptic, if greenhouse gases are warming the earth, then, by now, we are supposed to see the first signs of it in a patch of air 10 kilometers above the tropics. But this hot spot just isn’t there.

MIT scientist Willie Soon, wrote that the warming during the past 30 year period was basically caused by storm activity on the Sun. He titled his report, “It’s the Sun, Stupid!”

In 1985, Ice cores extracted from Greenland revealed temperatures and CO2 levels going back 150,000 years. The original data seemed to indicate that temperatures and CO2 were locked together, thus giving birth to both the theory of the “greenhouse effect” and the climate change movement. But in 1999, scientists began to find that carbon levels actually rose and fell “AFTER” the temperatures did. And by 2003 scientists had much better data to show that the lag between temperatures rising and rising carbon levels was a lag of as much as 800 years.

Skeptic scientists who question the validity of the man-made Climate Change argument say that, if CO2 was a major driver of temperature change then they would rise indefinitely in a “runaway” greenhouse effect. That hasn’t happened in 500 million years. Their conclusion is that CO2 is obviously trivial in determining what causes temperature changes. Something else is causing global warming.

What we have experienced is a tsunami of data from computer models and government warming data collection thermometers screaming about massive warming taking place. The models are man-made and THEY are wrong. These are the facts: There has been no warming – at all – in the past 18 years. If anything, we are seeing a cooling period beginning. That is completely natural. It gets cold. It gets hot. The North and South Poles are not melting. The ice is actually growing thicker. Global sea ice is at a record high.

So the sea levels are not rising and islands are not about to drown. And neither are polar bears. Their population is actually increasing by large numbers. Tropical rain forests are growing faster than scientists thought, due to rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. CO2 is actually good for nature.

What, then, is the true end game? Why are they so desperate to hang on to the Climate Change argument, no matter how many times it is disproved?

Christine Stewart, the former Canadian Minister of the Environment, said, “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.”

Timothy Wirth, formally of the Clinton Administration, and now the President of the UN Foundation, said, “We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.” In other words, the end justifies the means!

What do these two quotes tell you? They hint that there is a bigger agenda than environmental protection in the Climate Change enforcement drive. They talk about economics and justice. Can it be that the environment serves simply as the excuse to disguise a larger plan?

Can such a diabolical plan exist? Or is that just a conspiracy theory from paranoid right wing fringe fanatics. The Club of Rome, one of the premier power forces working under the UN tent said in one of its reports, “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. All of these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”

National sovereignty, free enterprise, and private property ownership were all targeted as an evil oppressor that must be eliminated in the name of peace, health and happiness. As this process moved forward there were public statements that hinted of what was to come.

Paul Ehrlich, now a Professor of Population Studies at Stanford University said, “A massive campaign must be launched to de-develop the United States. De-development means brining our economic system into line with the realities of ecology and the world resource situation.”

And then in 1992, the United Nation’s Earth Summit in Rio introduced the master plan – what they called a “Comprehensive Blue Print” for reorganizing human society. It was called Agenda 21.

The UN explained Agenda 21 like this, “Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced. A major shift n the priorities of both government and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level.”

Maurice Strong, Chairman of the Earth Summit, summed it all up in his official address to the Summit when he said, “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrial nations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”

And isn’t that exactly what we see happening in the United States and in industrial nations around the world? Always the same three words were used to describe the all-encompassing reach of this new Comprehensive Blue Print. Those words are, Economy, Equity, and Environment. Better known as the Three Es. It started as Agenda 21, then became Agenda 2030, now it’s the Green New Deal, and its racing into policy across the nation from city council, to county commission to state legislature.

Social Equity

Social Equity is based on a demand for “social justice.” Social Equity and Social Justice require that the world’s wealth be redistributed according to government dictates. No private property. No private industry. Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA are demonstrating how Social Justice will work for you. Pay attention.

Economic Prosperity

At the root of Agenda 21 economics are Public/Private Partnerships – pulled together into a government-driven economy called “corporatism.” The partnerships allow for special tax breaks; access to certain lands for some developers, but not others; non-compete clauses in government projects that guarantee profits for some, access to grants and lucrative special government projects, and much more.

Corporations that play ball get the power of government and Government gets to hide behind the independence of private business. Nearly every state is now working on legislation to make this official government policy. It’s called Benefit Corporations.

This is the new way business is being run in America under Sustainable Development. The business plan of the day – lobby for regulations. Destroy your competition with regulations and gather the goodies for yourself. Watch how many millions of dollars these global corporations are donating to BLM to achieve more power.

It’s not free enterprise. The true description is government-sanctioned monopolies, right out of the Mussolini fascist play book.

Ecological Integrity

That’s just the excuse for it all. To understand the power of this transformation of society under sustainable development, consider this quote from the UN’s Biodiversity treaty which was also introduced at the 1992 Earth Summit:

“Nature has an integral set of different values (cultural, spiritual and material) where humans are one strand in nature’s web and all living creatures are considered equal. Therefore the natural way is the right way and human activities should be molded along nature’s rhythms.”

This quote lays down the ground rules for the entire Sustainable Development agenda. And only a strong, central, all-powerful government can protect the environment. Individuals and limited government can’t be trusted because man is nothing more than a swarm of locusts which swoops down on nature and sucks it clean until there is nothing left. Nothing good comes from man, according to Sustainablist doctrine.

Agenda 21 is a threat to our nation, to your local community, to you – because it IS a comprehensive blueprint specifically designed to change our way of life and our form of government. Al Gore, in his book, Earth in the Balance, said we would have to go through a “wrenching transformation” to rid us of the horrors of the Twentieth Centuries’ Industrial Revolution.

Christiana Figueres (Executive Secretary, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change), the woman in charge of the drive to impose global warming policy, said just couple of months ago, “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the industrial revolution…” Can their goals be any clearer?

But, how do you take such radical, obviously Socialist ideas and enforce them in the number one free market nation on Earth? Answer: impose it on the local level in every community in the nation.

The American Planning Association is the largest planning group in the nation. They are operating in almost every community. The APA is part of the Planners Network which promotes a statement of principles that reads, “We believe planning should be a tool for allocating resources…and eliminating the great inequalities of wealth and power in society…because the free market has proven incapable of doing this.” That is what every planner in every community believes and that is what is incorporated in every planning program they create.

Author Ted Trainer, explains how and why to impose the local process as he described it in his book, “Transition to a Sustainable and Just World.” “Consumer society cannot be reformed to make it sustainable or just; it must be largely replaced by a society with fundamentally different structures. Local planning focuses on curtailing energy and natural resource and land use.” Says Trainer, “The essential aim is not to fight against consumer- capitalist society, but to build the alternative to it.” And that’s exactly what Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development are designed to do – build an alternative to our American Republic of elected, representative, limited government.

There are three main targets of attack:

Destroy private property ownership and control.
Impose regional councils and government, taking government further away from the people.
Feed the plan with federal grant money.

From the 1992 UN Earth Summit, the process moved forward rapidly. President Bill Clinton created by Executive Order, the President’s Council on Sustainable Development. Through the Council, the same Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) which had helped to create Agenda 21, now fanned out into the federal bureaucracy. They helped to write the grant programs through nearly every federal agency. These grants, touted as voluntary, came armed with specific dictates to any community that took the grant – detailing specific programs and guidelines that must be followed. Those guidelines were the specifics of the implementation of Agenda 21.

Armed with such regulations and the federal grants, the same NGO’s then descended on state legislatures to pressure for passage of regulations to force every community to prepare a comprehensive development plan. Then those same NGO’s headed to the local communities to “help” them write and implement those master plans. And of course, they came loaded down with the necessary money to pay for it – the federal grants. The grants, through HUD, the EPA and nearly every other agency in the Federal Government are the kool-aid used to spread the policy into your community.

The rules impose guidelines created on the international level for building materials, building, plumbing, and electric codes; installing bike lanes; building apartment buildings with no parking lots, and establishment of public transportation, including light rail trains to discourage the use of private transportation. Not to mention restrictions on water and energy use.

If a community takes the grant, they accept the restrictions. In short, they must implement the guidelines of Agenda 21. In the back rooms of city hall and the state legislature, your government officials work hand-in-hand to write policy with the very NGOs which created Agenda 21.

And what are the results of this internationally-created, federally-funded, and state-enforced assault on your local community and your own home? Private property rights are disappearing; energy is being tightly controlled; jobs are disappearing; community development means pack and stack high rise housing; and bike paths are jamming roads as taxes are skyrocketing.

The function of legitimate elected government within the Sustainablist system is fast becoming little more than the rubber stamp to create and enforce the dictates of something called Stakeholder Councils – run by – you guessed it – the same NGO organizations that wrote Agenda 21 in the first place. It’s the demise of representative government.

The UN Commission on Global Governance said: “Regionalism must precede globalism. We foresee a seamless system of governance from local communities, individual states, regional unions and up through the United Nations itself.” Is it then a coincidence that regionalism is becoming the fastest growing change in how our government is operating?

Why does it seem so difficult today to deal with government – to get them to listen to you? Because you don’t count. Local control is gone. They make their plans in the back rooms, out of sight and out of reach of the people. These non-elected regional councils should never have the power to legislate. That must only be done by actual elected bodies directly representing and answerable to you. This is how government is spiraling out of control under Sustainable Development. The main change from all of this growth in the power of government is corruption and loss of control by the people.

The economics of so-called Sustainable Smart Growth are sobering and hit few harder than the poor and young families just starting out. A recent report by the real estate data firm Zillow says that developers are no longer planning to build starter homes for young or low income buyers. The only homes they plan to build are those for the rich or federally-subsidized low-income apartments.

To get you out of your cars, the State of Washington’s legislature has set a target of reducing per capita driving of cars by 50% by 2050. Oregon is the first state to implement plans to measure how many miles you drive per year and tax it. Oregon is also the first state to ban zoning protections for single-family homes. There are plans now to install devises that will allow the government to shut off your car if your drive too much.

In the San Francisco Bay Area, thousands of low income families are being uprooted from their homes and relocated, often against their will, into “Preferred Development Areas.”

Yet, as Americans are being forced to live this way, all under the excuse of environmental protection – here is the kicker – the little known fact- that none of it is necessary – because it doesn’t work.

A few years ago, the American Planning Association did a study to see if all of their efforts to enforce Smart Growth worked. Would you be shocked to learn that the APA’s own study reported that Smart Growth does not work?!

Here is the final concluding paragraph of that APA-sponsored study:

“The current planning policy strategies for land use and transportation have virtually no impact on the major long term increases in resource and energy consumption. They generally tend to increase costs and reduce economic competitiveness…In many cases, the socioeconomic consequences of less housing choices, crowding, and congestion may outweigh the very modest co2 reduction benefits.”

The fact is, Smart Growth really means the end of private property rights and single family homes, to force us to live in stack and pack high rises where residents are over-taxed, over-regulated, rents are high and individual thoughts and actions are viewed as a threat to the “well-ordered society.”

THIS is what your local officials are telling you is a LOCAL plan. Yet, every plan is the same – across the nation. And every single one of these programs is now being enforced in your local planning boards.

This top down control is the perfect description of a “Soviet.” And THAT is what Sustainable Development is. THAT is what the comprehensive blue print is in action! THAT is what regional planning really is. THAT is Agenda 21. And THAT is the root of the Biden Administration’s “Great Reset” policy.

© 2021 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Immigration and China’s Threat to Our Sovereignty, Part 2

By Tom DeWeese

Is the U.S. Being Colonized?

For the past few decades the Communist regime of China has been driving toward world supremacy, both economically and militarily. The regime’s main target has been, and is, the United States of America. China’s plan to grab power has been clever and unprecedented, seeking victory without firing a shot, reducing its targets to mere frogs in a boiling pot.

Pundits and politicians alike, when excusing their strategic dealings with China, are quick to remind their audiences that today’s China is a “centuries old civilization” rich in tradition and ancient religious discipline. A Confucian civilization that is still upset over wrongdoings during the European colonization period.

Such a view is wrong. The China we are confronted with today is nothing like that pre-nineteenth century nation. Since the reign of Mao Tse-tung began in 1949, Communist China, much to the dismay, torture, and death of its own citizens, has been governed by tyrannical thugs, thirsty to expand their dictatorial regime and unrelenting in their hatred of Western Civilization and the United States.

Militarily, China has literally surrounded the US. Once there was a Monroe Doctrine to forbid any foreign power to exert influence in American’s backyard, meaning South, Central, and North America. All nations respected that doctrine as America vigorously imposed it. That is, until China played on the growing weakness of American foreign policy, as when Jimmy Carter gave away the Panama Canal and scuttled all American bases in one of the most strategic locations of American defense.  Since then, China has established relationships and bases in several South and Central American nations.

The Chinese are now building the world’s largest and most powerful navy, aggressively challenging US naval passage in international waters; it now claims the entire South China Sea as an internal Chinese lake; and it is building an aggressive space program that will give it the ability to counter US satellite supremacy, resulting in its ability to spy on every location on Earth and counter US military supremacy.

The difference between the Chinese threat today and what turned out to be a hollow challenge to the free world by the Soviet Union during the Cold War, is economics. The genius of the Chinese system is that they are using its growing industrial might to create wealth the Soviets could never have dreamed of possessing. China is using its vast wealth (trillions of dollars) compiled from the glut of Chinese goods sold in American stores, to buy its power. As a result, it’s buying American debt, gold reserves,  and wielding heavy influence on the American economy.

Now, however, that Chinese economic power is taking a bizarre and exceptionally dangerous turn in local American communities, America, it appears, is on the brink of being colonized, because China is fast becoming the largest landowner in America.

This fact is mostly a result of a program through the U.S. Citizen and Immigration Service (USCIS), called Immigrant Investor Regional Centers. The program is known in Washington-Speak as EB-5 Centers, so called because they represent a fifth category of employment-based immigration. In reality, it’s a foreign investment program pretending to be a jobs program. To qualify for the plan, applicants must invest $1,000,000 in a US business or at least $500,000 if the business is in an area of high unemployment or rural area. That investment must create or preserve 10 full-time American jobs. In exchange, the immigrant will initially gain legal residency and U.S. Green Cards for their entire family. If the enterprise continues and jobs are created, then the applicant can apply for permanent residence.

According to government reports, since it started in 1990, the EB-5 visa program has brought approximately $6.7 billion to the US and has created 95,000 jobs. Entrepreneurs across the nation have set up regional centers for foreign investment to market local EB-5 projects to investors. There are now at least 480 EB-5 regional centers located in all 50 states. California alone has 116 of the centers. Many of these projects are focusing on building housing developments. Others are concerned with buying up dairy farms, cattle ranches, meat packing plants, and other sources of American food supplies. Still more are centered on getting a piece of American energy sources. Some of the centers are state run, others are private investment entities.

Beyond the Green Cards and residency, the immigrants running these projects can also expect government sponsored benefits such as federal and state grants (taxpayer dollars), tax breaks, or perhaps no sales taxes on supplies and materials they purchase to put the projects in place. Along with federal agencies, the projects work directly with state and county development corporations for more cooperation and help getting through the regulatory mine fields that ordinary American companies must endure.

EB-5 Immigrant Investor Regional Centers are promoted as jobs programs and as a way to help financially strapped communities to bring in much needed money. As a result, the projects are growing across the nation with little concern expressed over the impact and end result of such foreign involvement in American communities. Marriot and Hilton hotel chains have successfully worked EB-5 investment deals to build new hotels. Sony Pictures Entertainment and Warner Brothers have used EB-5 investments to fund film projects. Even the new home of the NBA’s Brooklyn Nets, Barclay Center, was funded through EB-5 investments.

While the program is open to immigrants from around world, the main interest appears to be from Communist China. According to a report by Michael Snyder (“Chinese Buying Land in US Communities all over America”), in 2012 – 2013, 6,900 visas were issued to Chinese nationals out of a total of 8,567 EB-5 visas issued. In 2014, the number of applicants was 50% higher – again driven by Chinese applicants.

When considering this large influx of Chinese-funded projects, it must be understood that there are no private companies in China that are free to act on their own. China is a Communist regime. Nothing happens there without the express permission and backing of the government. Individuals posing as Chinese corporate leaders are part of that government. They simply wouldn’t have that position if not approved by the government. For the most part they are a front. Forty-three percent of all corporate profits in China are produced by companies that the Chinese government controls outright. And all the rest of their companies are subservient to the power of the government and are very careful not to stray. Individual Chinese citizens are not free to invest as they wish or to leave the country by their own decision. It takes a complicated process through the Chinese bureaucracy for that to happen. And that’s why massive Chinese investments in the EB-5 program are cause for alarm. What are they up to?

In San Francisco, California, China Vanke signed a deal for a $620 million luxury condo project. In Oakland, California, another Chinese company (Zarsion) signed a deal for $1.5 billion for a development deal. In Irvine, California, a housing development will include some of the nation’s largest developers using Chinese money. In New York City, Zhang Xin, CEO of Soho China joined with Banco Safra Bank of Brazil to buy a piece of the General Motors Building in Midtown. A Chinese developer, Dalian Wanda Group, is planning to build a luxury hotel in Manhattan. In Florida, Chinese investors have put $30 million into the state’s Charter Schools and are intending to invest even more in coming days. Twelve Chinese investors have put $16 million into an aquaculture project on 100 acres in Fellsmere, Florida. In Virginia, the Chinese bought Smithfield Foods and its 460 large farms and facilities in 26 states, employing tens of thousands of Americans. More recent efforts show the Chinese making major investments in the Detroit auto industry. In Thomasville, Alabama, the Golden Dragon Precise Copper Tube Group is negotiating with city officials to build a new plant. The town is ready to give them a 40-acre site that includes a 50,000 square foot building built by the city – with taxpayer money. More such projects are in the works in Idaho, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, and literally every state in the Union.

In 2014, Americans were shocked to witness a near massacre in the Nevada desert as rancher Cliven Bundy stood his ground against an army of government agents from the Bureau of Land Management. He was accused of letting his cattle graze on public lands, endangering the Desert Tortoise, even though cattle and the Desert Tortoise have coexisted on the range for 100 years. Was it for this excuse that the federal government amassed an army? Well, not so fast. There is much more to the story. It seems a certain U.S. Senator was involved with EB-5 real estate deals and that issue had close ties to the Bundy situation.

ENN Energy Group wanted to build a 5 billion-dollar solar farm in the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone, on which Bundy’s farm is located. Who were the investors for ENN? The Chinese, using the EB-5 program. Who represented ENN in its negotiations? Rory Reid, former Senator Harry Reid’s son. This little band had already run off 52 other ranchers in the area. Bundy was the last one left. So, was the BLM there in force for turtles or as the private enforcement machine of a corrupt senator seeking to fill his pockets with cash? Senator Reid is the one who said, “This isn’t over yet.” He was apparently in a position to know.

However, Reid wasn’t the only public figure involved in EB-5 schemes. A little research will also reveal an EB-5 deal by Anthony Rodham, Hillary Clinton’s brother, and former son in law of Barbra Boxer. Also in that deal was Terry McAuliffe, former Clinton advisor and then Governor of Virginia. These two gained EB-5 investments for their car company. And then there is Alejandro Mayorkas, who helped push through the deal for McAuliffe and Rodham. Mayorkas then became the number two man at the Department of Homeland Security under Barack Obama, aided in getting that position through some questionable maneuvering during his confirmation hearings by none other Senator Harry Reid.

But perhaps the most aggressive Chinese project is moving forward in Sullivan County, New York, in the Catskill Mountains. This project is called China City. It will eventually cover over 2,000 acres spread over the towns of Thompson and Mamakating. It will include a Chinese-themed gambling/entertainment complex, hotels, China-related businesses, a high school, a college, and 1,000 residences. According to the plan, every province of China will have an office there and the city will be full of symbols of Chinese culture. When finished it would be a $6 billion project, including a $65 million federal grant of taxpayer money along with the other incentives such as tax breaks on building supplies and property taxes.

At a public meeting held in 2014, a local citizen asked the China City spokesman if Americans would be allowed to live there. The vague answer was “Well, you can visit our amusement park and stay in our hotels.” Is this how Americans are to be treated in their own country, in a project paid in part by American taxpayer dollars? And exactly what American jobs will be created (as required) in a planned city where no Americans can live? Will the Chinese government send its own workers to do the construction of the city? And what security process will be used to assure such workers are not involved in espionage?

This is a legitimate concern when dealing with the Communist Chinese government. While brilliant in its strategy, it is single minded in its goal – supremacy. The United States has always stood in its way to achieve that supremacy. But the waning American economy and a US government that no longer sees communism as a threat, makes us vulnerable to a power that knows exactly what it seeks.

American communities are so hungry for money that they will ignore almost anything. Red flags should go up when locals are told they can’t live in China City. Why? Is this simply about an investment opportunity, or is China City, and other Chinese investments, actually to be Chinese colonies? Why will it house offices from every China province? Do we know what those offices are to do? Who will man them? Obviously, that is not where the 10 permanent American jobs will come from.

It’s important to note that the Canadian government has decided recently to halt its immigrant investor program due to the large number of Chinese applications that were found to be fraught with fraud and corruption and to be of little economic benefit to the country. Meanwhile, the US is expanding such programs to make it much easier for foreign investment and ultimately unfettered foreign espionage. We’re creating special foreign trade zones (FTZ) designed to give special US customs treatment to US companies that go along with the EB-5 projects. That means security will be lacking in the interest of “good relations.”

Yet, it was only a decade ago that US intelligence discovered the Chinese had taken control of both ends of the Panama Canal. Using a shill company called Hutchison Whampoa, which was wholly owned by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, it negotiated a 25 to 50 year lease for the Canal ports. As the United States pulled out of our Panamanian bases and headed home, corrupt Panamanian officials were busy selling former US property to the highest bidders and Columbian drug lords, Russian Mafia, while a horde of Chinese “immigrants” filled the void. It was like the bar scene in Star Wars.

Would the Chinese put in missile bases with weapons that could reach the US? As Bill Clinton assured us that everything was just fine, the Chinese were busy negotiating with the Cuban Communist regime and several other South American countries to create a Chinese presence in the entire region surrounding the Panama Canal. They now considered it their territory for the taking.

Is this now what faces American cities where EB-5 investment programs are being imposed with Chinese Communist money? As a new assault by hordes of Chinese “immigrants” legally invade our nation, filling housing developments and building their own cities, our culture will be affected. Even our system of government could change in areas where Chinese populations begin to grow and perhaps even outnumber Americans. Most recently, evidence is growing that the Chinese were heavily involved in the recent election fraud. All from an enemy we let through the front door in a government program, based more on greed than American interests.

Like the invasion of the body snatchers, it appears the Chinese, aided by a compliant American government, have a well-devised strategic plan to literally colonize the once great United States of America – without ever firing a shot.

Special thanks to New York Property Rights activist Lynn Teger for her help in researching this article.

Immigration and China’s Threat to Our Sovereignty, Part 1

© 2021 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Lies, Rewritten History, and a Bust In the Oval Office

On the first day of his occupation of the White House Oval Office, it was reported that Joe Biden quickly removed the bust of Winston Churchill and replaced it with one of Cesar Chavez. This move is supposed to demonstrate Biden’s support for the working man.

Cesar Chavez has been portrayed to the American public as a hero and champion of poor Hispanic migrant workers who, it was claimed, were paid mere pennies to work in the grape and lettuce fields of California. According to the tale, the farmers got rich off the backs of the migrant labor, selling the lettuce and making expensive wines from the grapes. Meanwhile the poor, misused migrants carried meager belongings on their backs and traveled from farm to farm, hoping to find work, perhaps a meal, and a place to sleep. Even little children were forced to work in the fields – just to keep the family alive. So goes the tale.

Into the breach of this John Steinbeck vision of misery steps one of the workers who braved the wrath of the “MAN.” Cesar Chaves, so the tale continues, stood bravely against threats of bodily harm, maybe even death, to help bring the poor migrant workers a decent wage and stable working conditions. To stand as their champion, he created the United Farm Workers Union (UFW), organized protests, set up picket lines, and staged fasts to get the media’s attention. His minions took on the battle cry “Huelga” (strike) and called on all Americans to boycott “non-union” lettuce and wines.

In an era of unrest and college protests, students across the nation took up the battle cry and participated in the boycotts. It became fashionable for liberal leaders to stand with Chavez. California Governor Jerry Brown (the first term) joined Chavez and all the usual Hollywood celebrities in protest marches in Sacramento. Bobby Kennedy flew in to embrace him for the cameras during his fasts.

And now, Chavez is forced again into the nation’s reconstructed memory through Biden’s dramatic flair, putting Chavez’ image right there behind the Resolute desk of the President of the United States as an American hero.

Well, here are facts about Cesar Chavez that you will never read in a school text book or current history book:

  • There is no evidence that Cesar Chavez ever worked in a farm field in his life. He was a pool room thug selected and hand picket by radical communist organizer Saul Alinsky to create unrest among farm workers.

Chavez was well trained in the Alinsky propaganda and organizing techniques that are, still today, recognized as the most effective tools to misdirect and force radical ideas into the general population.

  • Cesar Chavez never tried to organize real migrant workers – those who had no real home, who carried their belongings on their backs and were basically nomads on the road.

For the most part, the workers which Chavez picked on were not migrants, instead, lived in nice homes, in stable neighborhoods and made a decent wage. The only migration they did was to move from farm to farm in their area to harvest the crops. It provided them steady work with farmers who regularly employed them.  At night, they slept in their own beds.

  • Chavez never organized “non-union” workers. Most were already members of the Teamster’s Union. What Chavez sold to the nation as a fight against “non-union” lettuce and grapes was really a jurisdictional fight against the Teamsters. Pretty hard to call the Teamsters “non-union.”

And so, for more than ten years, Cesar Chavez used the media, politicians, Hollywood, and college students to change the buying habits of the nation and paint a picture of big business oppressing the poor.

In 1974, when I served as Ohio Chairman of Young Americans for Freedom (YAF), I was also running for a seat in the Ohio legislature. My district was a small slice of Columbus that included the Ohio State University. My opponent was a dedicated left wing radical. The district contained no farm land other than the agriculture department of the university. Yet, the main issue of our campaign became the debate over Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers.

In March of that year, Chavez came to the OSU campus. My opponent in the legislative race, Representative Mike Stinziano, was a major supporter of Chavez and, consequently, seated next to Chavez on the stage. Before the program began, I was out front of the auditorium manning a picket line and protest. Eventually, as Chavez prepared to speak, I and my fellow picketers marched inside the auditorium, straight down the aisle and sat on the edge of the stage. Rep. Stinziano and I eyed each other in this strange setting for a political campaign.

Chavez began to speak to the wide-eyed college students, teaching them organizing songs and getting them to shout “Huelga.” Then Chavez began to spin a tale of the terrible conditions of the poor non-union workers as they suffered in the fields. Paul Bunyon would have been impressed. He told the students that to get around paying for his unionized workers, the cheapskate farmers had developed a devise to mechanically harvest the grapes. He said it was a huge vacuum designed to suck the grapes off the vine. But, said Chavez in a hushed tone, the machine also sucked up spiders, snakes and rabbits, all to be processed into the wine. As the crowd began to stir and make faces at the thought of it, Chavez quickly added, “So, if you won’t boycott Boones Farm wine for our cause, at least do it for your own health.” That was Cesar for you… always concerned about the well being of others!

Two months later I was invited to Toledo University by the local YAF chapter there to provide rebuttal to a separate appearance by Delores Huerta, Vice President of the United Farm Workers Union.

She taught the students the same organizing songs, peppered with the chants of “Huelga.” Then she proceeded to tell the same story of the great machine. Only this time she described it, not as a great vacuum cleaner, but as a picker with huge mechanical fingers that plucked the grapes along with the snakes, rabbits, and spiders. I pointed out to the audience that if the UFW was going to fan out across the country to tell lies, they should at least be consistent lies.

Huerta proceeded to call for a boycott of all “non-union” lettuce and grapes. I again pointed out that many of the farm workers picking the grapes were, in fact, members of the Teamsters Union and had been so for many years. I asked when the Teamsters became non-union and the only response offered was that I was a Teamster lackey! Sigh…

Hureta went on with her well rehearsed tale of the terrible lives of the non-union farm workers, and demonstrating the success and power of the UFW by claiming that 200,000 farm workers had now joined their union. An interesting trick, since there weren’t 200,000 farm workers in the state.

What Chavez and Hureta both failed to tell the audience was:

  • How the UFW formed “goon squads” designed to intimidate the workers in the fields by threatening them with physical harm if they continued to work.
  • How the UFW used Catholic priests to intimidate the deeply religious workers by calling them scabs.
  • How the majority of those on the UFW picket lines were actually leftist activist college students bussed in from across the country.
  • How UFW negotiations actually resulted in less pay for farm workers.

So, in this age of irrational double-speak and rewritten history, schools, streets, and parks are named after Chavez, holidays are declared, and even a movie was made to enshrine his legacy as a defender of the oppressed poor. Now Biden puts his image in the Oval office, calling him an American hero.

Labeling Cesar Chavez an American hero is akin to labeling Lenin, Stalin, and Trotsky as Russian heroes. The farm workers in California, in the 1970s, knew what a threat Chavez was to them and they hated him. They tried to tell America then, but the media, Hollywood, and liberal politicians had their own agenda to promote. And so, puffed up on their own “compassion” and in the name of their version of justice for the poor, they sacrificed the very people they claimed to help… all for the “cause.” Does that sound familiar?

A good start to reclaiming American freedom would be to relegate Chavez to the trash heap where he belongs. It’s time to push back.

© 2021 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Immigration and China’s Threat to Our Sovereignty

by Tom DeWeese

Part One: Betrayal of the Golden Venture

One of the key arguments used by proponents of open borders is that America has always welcomed the downtrodden of the world to join us. Americans are a compassionate people with a strong sense of right and wrong. We believe it is our duty to help those who cannot help themselves. It’s how we celebrate our own birthright of freedom.

However, while Americans are happy to extend a helping hand they also don’t want to be taken for suckers. We are a nation – a proud one – with our own culture combined with a rule of law that has made us the envy of the world. It’s the very reason many want to come here. Our arms are open to share what we have – but we must also reserve the right to insist that we share on our terms.

The fact is, there are immigrants who come here legally. In addition, there are illegals who fight to get here for very good reasons, and they come with our blessings. Of course, there are “damned illegals” who come here in defiance, openly biting our extended hand of assistance. These are the ones who are wearing down our natural reaction for compassion. Americans must understand that all illegals are not the same. Not all come here for the same reason. Motive and purpose should be strong arguments in deciding who enters and who doesn’t. Laws, not political games, should decide. Consider the following:

In June of 1993, 286 people, mostly from China, boarded a rickety, rusty old ship named the Golden Venture to sail to the United States in a desperate attempt to escape the brutal Chinese communist regime. Their flight to freedom had taken most of them a year of running through steaming jungles, hiding from pursuing authorities, and surviving the cramped, stifling, tiny hold of the ship. Finally, as the ship got within 300 yards of the promised land – the shoreline a few miles from Manhattan — it hit a sand bar and ran aground, forcing the passengers to swim to shore in icy waters.

But as they stood on the shore in the shadow of the Statue of Liberty, the trouble for these scared, desperate, cold, hungry refugees had just begun. One might wonder which was worse — the tyranny they fled in China, or the brutally impersonal, tortuous manipulation of the American bureaucracy and the betrayal of an American president they were about to face.

24 of the Golden Venture’s passengers were women. Each of them tells a horrifying, yet inspirational story of their failed dash to freedom that rivals the legends of freedom fighters from throughout the ages. For each of them was running away to escape the quick, cold scalpel of the Chinese abortionists. You see, the women had broken Chinese law against multiple births. And so, with a death sentence over their head, they ran.

Dai Bo Mai was a tiny woman of 34, born in a remote farming village near Shanghai. She was guilty of having two children, a boy, 15, and a girl, 12. Multiple children are illegal in China, so the government fined her $3,000 and told her that she must be sterilized for having her daughter.

She ignored the order for sterilization until one day a gang of thugs captured and tied her and delivered Dai Bo Mai to a crude clinic for forced sterilization. There was no sanitation and she became infected. The resulting pain and infection prevented her from working in the fields. Because she could no longer work or have babies, her husband rejected her. She went back to the clinic and complained that they had ruined her life. They laughed and raised her fine to $10,000 and had her house destroyed.

Knowing she would never see her children or family again, Dai Bo Mai decided to flee to America by walking out of China, climbing across the mountains, and eventually boarding the Golden Venture.

Another woman, Qu Ai Yue came from the same primitive agrarian background. She had two children and became pregnant with a third. The government found out and forced her to have an abortion at six months. Then they told her she must be sterilized. Afraid of the operation, she and her husband ran to hide in the city.

Both she and her husband wanted to try to make it to America, but there was only money for one. He sent her on her way, across the mountains and through the mosquito-infested jungles of Burma. She almost died of disease along the way. In Thailand she spent three months in a small, crowded room waiting for a ship. Finally, she, too, boarded the Golden Venture.

After the ship ran aground, the passengers were rounded up by U.S. Immigration and detained in jails around the United States. Under the first Bush Administration, the United States had shown compassion for refugees of brutal Chinese “family planning” policy, offering asylum to such victims of Chinese tyranny.

But the Clinton Administration changed the policy. Two days into his Administration, Bill Clinton rescinded the Bush order. He wanted to make an example of these women in order to stop more from fleeing. Instead, INS agents were ordered to detain all of the passengers, rather than release them on bond, which had been the previous policy. Why? Politics. In 1996, even after the U.S. Congress passed a bill that would reinstate asylum for such women and grant those from the Golden Venture their freedom, Bill Clinton vetoed it. It’s embarrassing to the Chinese, you see. Clinton didn’t want to harm trade relations with such a respected member of the international community.

Clinton’s actions basically put a death sentence over the heads of the Golden Venture women, for to be sent back to China would surely have meant just that. As they waited in their cells, Bill Clinton awarded the Chinese government with “Most-Favored Nation” status.

The women waited in their cells for three long years, waiting, not knowing their fate. Finally, with pressure from caring Americans, President Clinton did parole 53 of the passengers, but they were given no legal status and 14 years later some remain in limbo, a kind of virtual cell, with no ability to travel, settle down or even see their families. But they are alive.

Meanwhile, open-border advocates use examples like the Golden Venture as an excuse to open U.S. borders to all. In words oozing compassion they tell of poor people who just want to improve their lives at America’s trough of freedom. The G.W. Bush Administration demanded amnesty for more than 12 million who had dashed over the border, swelling our welfare rolls, flooding our schools and swamping our hospitals. Do these “migrants” as the politically-correct now call them, seek America’s freedom like the tortured souls of the Golden Venture?

Crimes committed by alien criminals, such as rape, murder, or drug distribution, cost U.S. taxpayers $1.6 billion in prison costs alone. The figure doesn’t include the cost of lost property, medical bills of the victims, time lost from work to recover, higher insurance costs, etc. Today, illegal aliens make up twenty-nine percent of the U.S. prison population – well over a million illegals filtered throughout the nation.

Latino gangs like Mara Salvatrucha 13 (MS13) constitute most of the crime from the ranks of the illegals. They originated in El Salvador and today their U.S. leadership still comes from there. They steal cars and use them to run drugs over the border. They terrorize local citizens with violence. They are the chief source of drug sales for the cartels. And they are racists.

In Los Angeles, Mexican gangs declared “ethnic cleansing zones” in specific parts of the city. They kill whites and blacks. In New Jersey, MS13 gang members killed three college students — execution style.

But we are told these are extreme examples. There are respectable alien groups who seek to “work within the system” to promote their agenda. One of the most prominent Hispanic organizations pushing for “immigrant rights” is the National Council of La Raza – the Council of “the Race.” The mainstream media and many members of Congress treat La Raza as little more than a Hispanic Rotary Club. La Raza has received millions in federal government grants which it uses to fund “get out the vote” drives and lobbying efforts for open-border polices.

Behind its false front of respectability lies La Raza’s real agenda. La Raza organizes with “secondary” groups like the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan – or Chicano Student Movement of Astlan (MEChA.) MEChA seeks to carve a racist nation out of the American West. It opposes assimilation into American society and is the leader of the “Reconquista” or reconquest of our western states. La Raza’s slogan is “For La Raza to do, Fuera doi las Raza nada.” Translation: “For the Race everything. Outside the Race, nothing.”

While Americans are happy to share abundance and freedom with some of the world’s oppressed, this new invasion seeks to swamp us, changing our culture and our economy. This invasion is not necessarily driven by a great desire to live the American ideal, but rather a sinister goal by the Mexican government to expand its territory and allow American taxpayers to foot the bill for its failed economic policies.

You see, it’s not just the rantings of some radical elements among the Hispanic illegals. It is an orchestrated effort by the Mexican officials to flood our nation with their own people. Former Mexican president Ernesto Zedillo told a loudly cheering Chicago audience of La Raza in 1997, “I have proudly affirmed that the Mexican nation extends beyond the territory enclosed by its borders.” Carlos Gutierres, head of the Institute of Mexicans Abroad, said in 2005, “The Mexican nation goes beyond the borders of Mexico.”

Clearly this is a foreign national policy to invade the United States and change it forever, and our own government is aiding the effort in the name of free trade. This is not about compassion for the oppressed — and never has been.

Obviously, there is a difference in immigrants and their motivation for coming to our land of the free. Americans should never allow themselves to feel guilty for acting on their survival instincts that tell us to close the borders. This war over illegal immigration is not about racism or prejudice. It’s about values and the rule of law – American law.

Human beings are all different. Some take great pleasure in controlling others. Some readily accept the control and set about to mold their lives to fit the circumstances. But a few carry a flame in their hearts. As they pace their cages of tyranny and crash against its bars, a constant thought burns in their mind, “I want to be free.”

Americans have a natural passion for such souls. It’s who we are. And such passion has now become a tool for manipulation for those seeking to open America’s borders for political purposes. They know we want to stop suffering. Americans are proud to share our abundance. But there is a vast difference between compassion for the oppressed and being made a sucker.

Those who came here on the Golden Venture believed in the American dream of freedom. There is little doubt they would have been proud to have the opportunity to become American citizens and promote the ideals of individual liberty, free enterprise and limited government. Certainly, one who has lived through the horrors of the Communist Chinese experience knows the danger signs of the growth of an all powerful government.

But there is now another game of politics being played over the immigration issue. Just as Bill Clinton sought to appease the Chinese government by tossing back the women of the Golden Venture, today, the Bush Administration, sought to appease the Mexican government by letting it push hoards of illegals into our country for political purposes not supported by the fair-minded, generous American people. Obama crafted the tactic into a mighty anti-American weapon. Trump has taken massive steps to turn the policy around and protect American interests and sovereignty.

Americans should be proud of their willingness to help – and they should never lose it. But we must also realize that our generous nature to help those like the victims of the Golden Venture is being used against us to ultimately bring about our own destruction.

True American immigration policy demands that we close our borders to protect our way of life — and yet, still give us room to exercise our natural compassion for those who truly seek freedom on our shores.

© 2021 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

What Do I Mean By a Freedom Pod?

By Tom DeWeese

How do we effectively fight to restore liberty in America? Most think that just getting a president elected is the answer, but what if we lose that race? Or, what if we win the Presidency but lose the House of Representatives and the Senate? What chance do we then have to make any progress in restoring liberty? We have to live in the days after an election. We have to make our way forward in our lives. So, do we simply surrender and accept our fate? Or do we create a new path to protect and promote the ideals of freedom?

The first step to answer that question is to stop depending on one person, one icon to lead us forward. We must take the responsibility ourselves to assure that government does not move forward unattended. We need to be directly involved at every level, especially on the local level. Change the debate to attack anti-freedom policies, expose non-governmental (NGO) carpetbaggers hiding in the shadows dictating policy, force elected officials to be personally responsible for their actions, and organize to assure the election of leaders who promote and defend the principles of freedom.

Picture how different our nation would be if we dug in to create a majority of governors across the nation who understood and operated under the Tenth Amendment which gives the States the power to stand against Federal overreach. What if you had a county commission that refused to participate in non-elected regional government? How would your life change if your city council was made up of individuals who guided your community under the three pillars of freedom, including protection of private property, encouragement and support for local businesses to operate and compete in free enterprise, and the lifting of rules and regulations that stifled personal choices in your individual life? How do we make all of that a reality? Set a goal to turn your local community into a Freedom Pod.

Simply focus on making these goals a reality in your community and, if successful, as prosperity spreads, the idea will certainly spread to a neighboring community, and then to the next. The challenge is to create a successful blueprint and a cadre of dedicated elected representatives that will begin to move into the state level of government. That will set the stage for effecting a federal government as conceived by our forefathers. The result will be the establishment of Freedom Pods across the nation.

For several decades the radical Left has been dedicated in its efforts to organize at every level of government while advocates of limited government failed to do the required “dirty work” of local organization and activism to protect our freedoms. We gave the Left a pretty clear playing field to organize and seize control, and now we are suffering under the result. For the dedicated Left, no position was too small. No appointed board was ignored. When was the last time local Conservative activists cared about positions like City Attorney? Yet these are the very officials who are enforcing the COVID-19 lockdown policies, dictated by governors and mayors. After witnessing this current election crisis, don’t you wish people with Conservative values had been interested in gaining positions on the local Board of Elections? Local government is now infested with Planners, NGOs, and federal agencies dictating policies. And the only reason they have power and influence now is because the Left fought to elect representatives who then gave it to them. So, if you want to transform your community into a Freedom Pod you must start from scratch.

How to Build a Freedom Pod in Your Community

Here is a brief outline on how you can get started building your community into a Freedom Pod. And remember, the first rule is to focus on the local level. The rest will follow.

  1. Start with Research: You need to know your enemy. Who are the players down at City Hall? Most of these planning groups and NGOs are operating in cities all over the nation. They have a history. What programs have they promoted, how are they funded, who are their leaders? In addition, look at your city’s comprehensive plan. What programs does it contain? Here’s a major hint to look for; Is there a specific part of the city that will be affected by the plan? Where is the money to come from for enactment of the plan? In any part of the comprehensive plan do the words “protection of property rights” appear?
  2. Build a Team: To begin to push back, every public movement needs a team. Your team should include 8 parts. 1. Research as described above. 2. The Watchers – this is a team of three or four who volunteer to attend every single public meeting, to record what is said and who said it, determine who are the main movers in the meetings – the leaders pushing the agenda. The Watchers will soon see how the NGOs and Planners operate and note the influence they wield.  This is how you determine the players. 3. The Strategist. This will be the main leader for your efforts. The Strategist looks over the research, the comprehensive plan and the players and begins to develop your approach to fight. 4. The Agitators. These are the people who will be your spokesmen to address public meetings, and present your oppositions and your case. They will coordinate as a team to assure their position is presented in a powerful and effective manner. 5. The Victims. These are the people whom the promoters of these policies fear most. The people who will be most affected and perhaps damaged by those policies. Get them in front of elected officials with a compelling story or their plight. 6. The Media Team. Two or three people to stay in constant touch with your local news media. You must build a relationship with local reporters so that they will come to rely on your information for stories. Don’t fear the media. Talk openly with them. This can also include helping citizens to write effective letters to the editor. Make your side heard. 7. The Team of Activists. These are the people who will show up to do the grunt work, rally, carry signs, protest in front of City Hall or pack the Council Chamber when you need a show of support. 8. Social Media Team. If you’ve got some young people on your team this is right up their alley. Develop a website where you can get the word out. Start an online petition concerning a policy you are targeting. You may find that local officials are watching to see if it grows.
  3. Take Legal Action: The reason so many local officials ignore our position is because they receive no consequences for their actions. Even if a victim successfully sues the city over a damaging policy, your elected representatives pay no fines or, legal fees nor do they face jail time. But, if handled properly, they are not immune to being held personally responsible. One legal tool to this end is Section 1983 of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Planning meetings carried out in secret in backrooms of City Hall, often including non-elected NGOs that result in takings of private land, closing of businesses and enforcing arbitrary rules may violate your civil rights. And under that situation, the offending officials, who took an oath to defend the Constitution, may be held personally liable. Just the threat of filing such a suit could have incredible impact. Another possible tool is Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. Research can lead you to the appropriate action. It is just important to know that these tools are there to help you wipe the smirk off the faces of arrogant officials who think they are above the law.
  4. Build a Campaign: The most effective way to take control of policy is to elect representatives who support your positions. Many times these people will be found in your organization – the ones who have become the most effective leaders or spokesmen for your cause. To assure you can run an effective campaign, the very first task required is to build an effective Precinct organization in every neighborhood. To begin, make a chart of every single elected position in your community, no matter how small. Begin to find candidates to run for every one of them. Appoint a Precinct Captain for every single precinct and assign them the task of getting to know all of their neighbors. List who is a likely supporter for your cause and make sure they are registered and will get out to vote. The Precinct Captain is like the trail boss getting the herd to market. Organize effectvely and candidates, even governors and presidential candidates, will seek you out to help them. You will affect the outcome.
  5. Build a Grading System to Reveal How Well Elected Officials Are Defending Liberty: It’s a scorecard. Select specific issues dealing with laws and regulations that have been passed or at least voted on in City Council. Set up the scorecard based on a 1 – 10 grade with 1 being the lowest score – or tyrannical. 10 is the highest – a Freedom’s Hero. How did these policies affect the three pillars of Freedom? Did they cause needless regulations on local enterprise? Did they take or control private property? How about controls on your energy use or travel restrictions?  Put together a report, describing each bill or regulation and then give your local officials an individual grade for each one and then an overall grade. Praise the heroes and attack the tyrants. Send the scorecard to the news media and to social media. You will definitely get the officials attention and it will give you major influence in the community.

These are some very basic guidelines to help start your drive toward building a Freedom Pod in your community. There is obviously much more to be done to create a powerful organization, but these are the baby steps necessary to begin.

The main point is not to fear speaking out. Don’t wait for some iconic face to represent you. If they lose so will you. For too long that’s what we have done. Now it’s time for you to stand up, speak out, take the lead and others will join you. If you don’t take these steps then your government will be in someone else’s hands, controlling you just as the Left has already done.

Here is the end game for the forces of freedom. No matter who is president, we must take control of our cities, counties, state legislatures, and governors. Only then can we stand up the potential tyranny from Washington, DC. To live your life as YOU choose, start to grow your Freedom Pod today.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

How Ocasio Cortez’s Socialist Green New Deal is Creeping Across America

Tom DeWeese
They had a vote in the U.S. Senate and the result was 57 – 0 as the Republicans declared that the crazy, radical, unworkable Green New Deal was dead in the water! Apparently its supporters didn’t get that message. The Green New Deal is currently, stealthily, creeping across America.

© 2020 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s Betrayal of Its Own Industry

Tom DeWeese

My address to the Colorado Independent Cattlemen’s Association

I’m not a cattleman and I’m not going to pretend I know everything you are facing. But I do know that the major weapon being used against your industry is the misnamed control devise called Sustainable Development. I know why and I know who the players are. I hope I can leave you today with some ideas on how to fight them.

To begin, let’s set the terms and make one thing very clear. The use of the word sustainable may sound like a comfortable term, not threatening. After all, you, your parents, and those before them have probably been successfully working the same land for decades. That’s true sustainability. But that is not what it means to those forces pushing that term today. Sustainable today means sustained control. Sustained power. And very soon – sustainable poverty for many.

Most people immediately equate Sustainable Development with environmental policy. Of course, concern for the environment is the justification most often used for its implementation. But, in fact land, and economic control are at the heart of Sustainable policy and, assuming it is simply good environmental stewardship proves to be a serious and dangerous mistake.

The term “Sustainable Development” was born on the pages of the 1987 United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development. It is basically the policy for the implementation of Agenda 21 which came along in 1992. The announced purpose of Agenda 21 was a “comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society”.

Now to make this blue print effective they needed us to voluntarily give up our liberties. What could be such a powerful threat to get us all to do that? Well, how about the threat of Environmental Armageddon? It doesn’t matter how many rights you think you have if you don’t have a planet to stand on! Climate change is the tool of choice to scare us all into voluntarily surrendering our liberties to this BLUEPRINT to change human society. And that’s why they will not give up on this scam – no matter how much true science debunks it.

If you doubt that then let me share this quote from Christina Stewart, the former Canadian Minister of the Environment: “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony … climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.” That “justice and equality” she speaks of is redistribution of wealth – which means socialism. Sustainable Development is not just a conservation policy to assure we are good stewards of the land: rather, it affects every corner of our lives.

The Sustainable ground troops are made up of hundreds of Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs), including the Nature Conservancy, Sierra Club, National Resources Defense Council, Greenpeace and the World Wildlife Fund. They, and hundreds more like them, helped to write Agenda 21.

How many of you have heard of the Wildlands Project? In the 1980s one of the most radical environmental organizations emerged – named Earth First! Its leader was Dave Foreman. Earth First! saw themselves as “Eco-Warriors” the Esprit de Corp of the radical environmental movement. Monkeywrenching was their tactic of choice. Sabotage. They destroyed mining equipment, blew up power transmission lines and spiked trees. That little bit of fun meant they drove a spike into a tree. When the timber company then cut the tree down and sent it to the mill, as the saw blades hit the spike they would explode. Timber production stopped! Victory for the Eco Warriors.

Forman had big plans. He said, “My three main goals would be to reduce human populations to about 100 million worldwide, destroy the industrial infrastructure and see wilderness, with its full compliment of species, returning throughout the world.” Do you see any room for you and your cattle in that vision?

Oh, but these were just the ravings of a radical lunatic – not to be taken seriously. Well…not so fast! You see, Foreman’s ideas became the basis for the UN’s Biodiversity Treaty. “Rewilding” became the term to lock away over 50% of all the land in every state – back to the way if was before Christopher Columbus came this way. No human activity. No roads. No homes. No industry. That became the basis for the whole Sustainable movement.

Foreman got specific about how he saw YOUR future. “Our vision is simple. We live for the day when Grizzlies in Chihuahua have an unbroken connection to Grizzlies in Alaska. When gray wolf populations are continuous from New Mexico to Greenland.”

One of Foreman’s fellow Earth First!ers said, “The native ecosystems and the collective needs of non-human species must take precedence over the needs and desires of humans.” You see, this “vision” became the driving force for the entire radical environmental movement. It was first expressed in the 1970s in the UN’s Habitat 1 Conference that said, “Land… cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principle instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore contributes to social injustice.” That’s how you reorganize human society.

Thomas Lovejoy, a Clinton appointed Science Advisor to the Department of Interior said, “We will map the whole nation…determine development for the whole country and regulate it all.” That is Sustainable Development.

Why is the excuse of environmental protection their most diabolical weapon? Because the environment doesn’t obey political boundaries. Rivers run through many towns and states. Then we have the corridors of crops and wildlife patterns. So environmental protection becomes the perfect excuse to move national sovereignty out of the way and open the borders to the “natural migration” of people.

On the county level we then have a need for a coalition of multiple counties working together on “mutual” needs, thus reducing your power at the ballot box to elect the kind of local government you desire. Then there is the matter of that boundary around your house – your private property – that the community needs to control – just to protect the environment, of course.

It is essential that every American understands that these leading issues we face today are not just random concerns that accidentally find their way into the forefront of political debate. They are all interconnected to be policies of Sustainable Development and the restructuring of our way of life. Their selected tactic is to control the land, water, energy, and population of the Earth. To achieve these ends requires, among other things, the destruction of private property rights and elimination of every individual’s ability to make personal life-style choices, including personal diet. That’s why the American Beef Industry is such a tasty target.

Of course, no totalitarian-bound movement would ever put their purpose in such direct terms. That’s where the environmental protection excuse comes in. Instead, American cattle producers are simply assured that no one wants to harm your industry, just make it safer for the environment. The gun industry might recognize that such an assurance sounds a bit familiar. Same source, same tactics, same goals.

Enter Bill Clinton’s President’s Council on Sustainable Development, (which was created a year after Agenda 21 to assure it’s policy of Sustainable Development became the rule of law). The President’s Council included representatives of most federal agencies, many of the NGOs who helped write Agenda 21 at the UN level, and representatives of global corporations. The President’s Council laid out the “Principles of Sustainability” called “Our Vision of a Sustainable United States of America.”

To carry out these plans, the President’s Council created a task force called the Sustainable Agriculture Task Force. The purpose, according to the report – “The Sustainable Agriculture Task force is developing an integrated vision of sustainable Agriculture, focusing on sustainable production practices and systems. The Task force will recommend goals and actions in the areas of agriculture-related research and education, technology, and farming practices and system to the Council for National Action Strategy.” So the offered solution to “fix” the beef industry is “sustainable certification”. All the cattle growers have to do is follow a few simple rules and all will be fine, peaceful, and profitable.

Now, enter the World Wildlife Fund and the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (GRSB). The task force led the way to its creation. In all of their “expert wisdom” based on this Taskforce, here are some of their reasons why they claim the beef industry is not sustainable.

Deforestation – the claim is that farm animals require considerably more land than crops to produce food. The World Hunger Program calculated that if the land was used to grow grain and soy instead of cattle the land could provide a vegan diet to 6 billion people. Do you get that – a vegan diet!

Of course, as I’m sure you know, most grazing land in the U.S. cannot be used for growing food crops because the soil wouldn’t sustain crops. It’s also interesting to note that in Brazil, the WWF managed to force that government to lock away almost 50% of that nation’s land into unusable parks. Now they are working on that same goal in the American west.

Fresh Water – they claim that the America diet requires 4,200 gallons of water per day, including animal drinking water, irrigation of crops, processing, washing, etc. Whereas a vegan diet only requires 300 gallons per day. Apparently they don’t plan to irrigate the land to grow wheat or to wash the vegetables.

The interesting thing about this detail is that the actual sustainable policies they are enforcing to fix this problem destroy the small family farms in favor of the very giant corporate factory farms they profess to oppose.

Food Productivity – say the Greens, food productivity of farmland is falling behind the population and the only option, besides cutting the population, is to cut back on meat consumption and convert grazing lands to food crops. However, the only places where such shortages may exist are in totalitarian societies where government is controlling food production and supplies – Just like the Green’s plan for sustainable beef.

Global Warming – here we go! Say the Greens, global warming is driven by energy consumption and cows are energy guzzlers.

But there’s more to the story. Cow flatulence! A single dairy cow, they claim, produces an average of 75 kilos of methane annually. Meanwhile, environmentalists want to return the rangelands to historic species, including buffalo. And a buffalo, grazing on the same grass on the same lands, would emit about the same amount of methane. It’s a non-issue.

Not long ago many farmers were being harassed by government agents over pollution in streams running through their land. The government charged that the cattle were the cause and demanded they build a fence to keep the cattle from the stream. They demanded, they harassed, and they threatened. Then they found that the pollution wasn’t being caused by the cows, rather the source was feral hogs. Of course, an environmentalist, who has never worked a ranch or farm and rarely comes out of his New York high-rise, might not know that.

So, these are some of the reasons why it’s charged that beef is unsustainable and must be ruled, regulated and frankly, eliminated. These are charges brought by anti-beef vegans who want all beef consumption stopped. In cahoots, are environmentalists who seek to stop the private ownership and use of land under the excuse of environmental protection.

And the sad fact is, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), the organization many have been trusting to represent your interests, has betrayed you by allowing itself to be used as the Judas Goat to lead the industry to sustainable slaughter.

To bring the cattle industry into line with this world view the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association has accepted the imposition of the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef, which is heavily influenced, if not controlled, by the World Wildlife Fund, one of the top three most powerful environmental organizations in the world and a leader of the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), which basically sets the rules for global environmental policy.

This is the same World Wildlife Fund that issued a report saying, “Meat consumption is devastating some of the world’s most valuable and vulnerable regions, due to the vast amount of land needed to produce animal feed.” The report went on to say that, to save the Earth, it was vital that we change human consumption habits away from meat. Again, the fact is, most land used for grazing isn’t capable of growing crops for food.

Regulations using these principles impose a political agenda that ignores the fact that smaller, independent cattle growers have proven to be the best stewards of their own land and that for decades have produced the highest grade of beef product in the world. Instead, to continue to produce you will be required to submit to a centralized control of regulations that will never end and will always increase in costs and needless waste of manpower.

To follow the sustainable rules and be officially certified, you, as a cattle grower, must agree to have much of the use of your land reduced to provide for wildlife habitat. There are strict controls over water use and grazing areas. This forces you to have smaller herds, making the process more expensive and economically unviable for the industry. In addition, there is a new layer of industry and government inspectors, creating a massive bureaucratic overreach, causing yet more costs for you.

The Roundtable rules are now enforced through the four packing companies that control the entire American beef market. Your ability to get your cattle to market is getting harder every day – unless you comply with rules that are simply designed to put you out of business. And yet, if you do comply, you will certainly go out of business.

Do you understand the game that is being played on you? You are not supposed to win – you are supposed to quietly comply and then die. You cannot reason with them. You cannot compromise with them. You follow their rules. They own the game.

So as the packers, Cargill, Tyson, JBS and National Beef, force their expensive, unnecessary, and unworkable sustainable certification on American cattlemen, they are systematically bringing in cheaper product from other countries that don’t necessarily adhere to strict, sanitary, safe production. As a result there is a noticeable rise in news reports of recalls of diseased chicken and beef in American grocery stores. They get away with this ruse because their first step was to remove the Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) from the packaging in stores so consumers have no idea where the product is coming from.

This, then, is the situation that is threatening the American beef industry. If one reads the documents and statements from the World Wildlife Fund, the United Nations Environment Program, and others involved, it is not hard to realize that the true goal is not to make beef better, but to ban it altogether. And believe it or not, the fact that some of the beef sold in stores is becoming lower grade and even diseased, works in the Sustainablist’s favor too – because the ultimate goal is to stop the consumption of beef. So fear is a valuable tool.

The question must then be asked, why is the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association allowing this to happen, and indeed, joining with the Sustainable Beef Roundtable to force these policies on its members? The answer is actually quite tragic. They have beaten you into submission with that word Sustainable. American ranchers, farmers and livestock growers have been targets of the environmental and animal rights movements for years.

You just want to be left alone to work your farms and herds like your forefathers have done for more than a century. But the pressure is growing day by day. So, many have come to believe that if you just go along – put the sustainable label on your product — then this pressure will stop. In short, it would be a pressure valve release.

I’m sorry to tell you that it is not a release. Compromising and trying to play ball with these zealots is not going to make it go away. You must understand that the goal is not about improving your industry or environmental protection. The tragic reality is this is a drive for the destruction of your industry. Remember, the UN calls this the reorganization of human society. You and your way of life are to be reorganized to fit their view of human existence.

The attack has now grown to major proportions with the Green New Deal. Beefeaters have no place in the sustainable paradise of city apartment dwellers who accept government controls to choose for them what they are permitted to eat.

R-CALF USA, the courageous group leading the fight to save you, has managed to slow the Sustainable capture of the industry. But the packers’ control is a major roadblock if you can’t reach the market. R-CALF has filed Abuse of Conduct suits to shed light on the anti-trust activities of the monopoly tactics of the packers. It’s a good and valuable start.

However, the beef industry cannot recover on its own. Your story must be told to the consumers. They must become outraged about the real reasons prices are soaring and quality is going down, as the danger to their own health is increasing. You must focus on how to get your message out to consumers that a force is loose in our country that is robbing them of the freedom of choice for their own dinner plate, perhaps even for their own health. You know these facts – but the average American doesn’t. Now how do you do that? You are in a crisis situation. That calls for drastic, creative measures.

You must get dramatic to get the attention of consumers. You must get the American people to understand the threat to the beef industry. I have a modest little suggestion as to how you can get the attention of the entire nation – and start a nation-wide discussion on your plight.

Here is my modest suggestion to help you get the public’s attention. Start a cattle drive right down the main street of cities across the country. Drive your cattle right to city hall or the state capital. As you pass through town people are going to be very startled and curious, to say the least. Take advantage of that by passing out leaflets that tell them why you are doing this.

Now that you have everyone’s attention, tell your story. Hold a news conference right there on the steps of city hall or the state capital. In that news conference, demand that “Country of Origin” labels be put on all beef products so you know where your food comes from.

Second, demand that the Department of Agriculture reject this sustainable myth and protect the American free market that has always provided superior products.

Third, expose the packers by name. Help the American consumer become your ally in every grocery and steak house in the nation. Demand American beef for Americans! So, if they see that cute little WWF panda on the label – they’ll drop it like a hot potato.

Above all, publicly call out the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association to get its collective head out of the sand and join you before the entire industry is destroyed. Expose the fact that the NCBA is working directly with your mortal enemy, the World Wildlife Fund, which believes that beef consumption must be stopped in order to save the earth.

At your news conferences ask this question of the NCBA: Why would the WWF be welcomed into any part of your industry? It means they can effectively destroy you from the inside. And that is exactly what they are doing.

Can you imagine the impact this would have if you had five cattle drives in five cities in one day? It would get international attention. The only way you can survive is to fight.

I know some of you may be thinking this idea of a cattle drive is over the top. Perhaps it will cause more trouble than it’s worth. Well, just a few weeks ago several thousand farmers in the Netherlands staged a protest over similar government restrictions on their industry by blocking the roads into The Hague. The resulting traffic jam brought nearly the entire country to a halt. And the people supported the framers. The national government immediately reacted and called an emergency meeting to discuss the situation. The point is you must do something dramatic to get the nation’s attention!

So-called sustainable policy is not a free market. It is a government-sanctioned monopoly that is little short of a criminal enterprise. This is a dark, evil force with a one-sided goal designed to put you out of business and control or destroy your industry.

If you intend to survive, you must all become modern day Paul Reveres. That means taking direct, creative action. The very future of our nation and its ability to feed itself, while remaining free and strong, depends on the choices you make today. As martyred rancher LaVoy Finicum said, it matters how you stand!

© 2019 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Growing Government Tyranny – Democrats Empower it. Republicans Are Clueless

Tom DeWeese

Where is the Republican Party? As insanity spews out of the Democrat Party, the long-time overseer of limited government, free enterprise and individual liberty has no response, no unified plan to counter the Democrats, and, indeed, seems confused by the Socialist antics. The only part of the long-lost Republican cause that seems to be functioning is their near hysterics over the massive funds the Democrats are raising. Said a recent such Republican fund letter, “I’m hoping you have the courage and determination to fight for what we believe in.”

Of course, if the Republicans had the courage and determination to fight over the past two years for “what we believe in,” their fund-raising would be soaring. Instead they run candidates with nothing to say, seemingly clueless to the massive assault on our liberties. Now they wonder why they are being ignored in the elections.

Earlier this year I addressed the leadership of the Constitution Party. I presented them with the real agenda of the Democrats and I asked this question, “Do you want to be the majority party?” They answered with a resounding YES! I then gave them a strategy to win. It occurs to me that all freedom-loving Americas, no matter what party, can benefit from this strategy to use in their own local elections.

So, here is the speech I presented to the Constitution Party. Now, understand your true enemy, take these ideas, drain the swamp in your city or state, and take American back!

My Address to the Constitution Party Leadership

There has always been some kind of force loose in the world seeking domination over others. They built armies to invade, break things and kill people in order to grab resources, build wealth and power, enslave people and conquer.

We’ve lived through such threats from megalomaniacs like Napoleon, Hitler and Stalin. Secret societies have plotted to gain power in different ways.

In every case the efforts have failed. No one has ever managed to rule the entire world. In some cases they just pushed too far, too fast. Or they miscalculated the weather conditions in the lands they intended to control. It’s incredible to note that both Napoleon and Hitler failed to remember that Russia has a severe winter which ultimately led to their downfall and defeat.

However, what if such power mongers could find a way to keep their aggression under wraps and out of sight from those they intended to conquer – until it was too late.

Better yet, what if they could actually get their targeted victims to help them achieve control over them? No armies. No shots fired. Instead the victims quietly pull in the Trojan Horse and celebrate its arrival!

What if there was a way for a small, dedicated group to rule the world by simply organizing under a single unifying plan, accepted by everyone as fact and necessary?

Acceptance of the plan would see every nation voluntarily surrendering its independence and sovereignty to the aggressors!

What could possibly be such a powerful message that some of the world’s oldest and proudest nations would do that? What could get the world’s strongest religions to turn their back on their most fundamental beliefs? What would get the freest nation on earth to join in and agree?

How about the threat of Environmental Armageddon! Who could oppose saving the planet? Only selfish zealots who refuse to give up their creature comforts would oppose efforts to save Mother Earth! It doesn’t matter how many rights you think you have if you don’t have a planet to stand on.

The truth it, that’s exactly the force you and I are facing today as it drives, almost unopposed to change our life style, economic system, and system of government.

The Club of Rome, one of the main forces behind this hidden plan to rule the world openly explained their tactic and goal saying, “The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All of these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” Diabolical! Turn man against himself so that he voluntarily submits to subjugation. The threat of global warming became the weapon of choice.

And it doesn’t matter if true science refuses to cooperate in this scheme as actual global temperatures really are not rising and there continues to be no evidence of any man-made affect on the climate. Truth hasn’t been important to the scaremongers.

Timothy Wirth, President of the UN Foundation said, “We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.”

To further drive home their complete lack of concern for truth, Paul Watson of Green Peace declared, “It doesn’t matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true.”

Christiana Figueres, the Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change told us outright what the real goal of the threat of Environmental Armageddon truly is. “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the industrial revolution.” Of course, she means free enterprise.

The blueprint for the implementation of this grand plan was revealed in 1992 at the UN’s Earth Summit. It was called the Agenda for the 21st century – or just Agenda 21.

From its inception in 1992, at the United Nation’s Earth Summit, 50,000 delegates, heads of state, diplomats and Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) hailed Agenda 21 as the “comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society.”

The 350-page, 40 chapter, Agenda 21 document was quite detailed and explicit in its purpose and goals. They warned us that the reorganization would be dictated through all-encompassing policies affecting every aspect of our lives, using environmental protection simply as the excuse to pull at our emotions and get us to voluntarily surrender our liberties.

So in their zealotry to enforce the grand agenda, social justice became the “moral force” over the rule of law as free enterprise, private property, rural communities, and individual consumption habits became the targets, labeled as racist and a social injustice.

Such established institutions and free market economics were seen as obstructions to the plan, as were traditional family units, religion, and those who were able to live independently in rural areas.

Finally, Agenda 21 was summed up in supporting documents this way: “Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced. It requires a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals, and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level.”

The policy of Agenda 21 is called Sustainable Development. You hear the term used in every part of our society, from community development to production of our food supplies, to manufacturing of nearly every product.

While sold as a means to secure a happy, healthy future of equality for all as it protects the environment, sustainable development policy, as it is enforced in every single community in the nation, has proven to be a direct attack on free enterprise, private property, and individual choice in our lives. It is the epitome of tyrannical, out of control government.

Ironically, its perpetrators were quite open and honest in their plans. We just didn’t want to listen.

The official report from the UN’s Habitat 1 Conference explained the reasons for the attack on private property. It said, “Land…cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subjected to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principle instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore contributes to social injustice.” That is a direct attack on the entire American economic system

But it gets even clearer. Peter Berle of the National Audubon Society said, “We reject the Idea of Private Property.”

Thomas Lovejoy, science advisor to the Department of Interior admitted, “We will map the whole nation…determine development for the whole nation, and regulate it all.”

Harvey Ruvin, the Vice Chairman of ICLEI said, “Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective.”

That is Agenda 21!

For over twenty years I have been labeled a conspiracy theorist, scaremonger, extremist, dangerous, nut case. I’ve been denied access to stages, major news programs, and awarded tin foil hats. All because I have worked to expose Agenda 21 and it’s policy of sustainable development as a danger to our property rights, economic system, and culture of freedom.

Now, the Sustainable forces have taken their plans to the ultimate, inevitable point. No longer are they trying to hide its true goal – global domination. Now we have the Green New Deal.

I warned that Agenda 21 would control every aspect of our lives, including how and were we live, the jobs we have, the mode of transportation available to us, and even what we eat. The Green New Deal is a tax on everything we do, make, wear, eat, drink, drive, import, export, and even breathe.

In opposing Smart Growth plans in your local community, I said the main goal was to eliminate cars, to be replaced with bikes, walking, and light rail trains. The Green New Deal calls for the elimination of the internal combustion engine. Always higher and higher taxes will be used to get the public to “voluntarily” reduce their use of such personal transportation choices. That’s how it works, slowly but steadily towards the goal.

I warned that under Smart Growth programs now taking over every city in the nation that single-family homes are a target for elimination, to be replaced by high-rise stack and pack apartments in the name of reducing energy use. That will include curfews on energy use, mandating power be turned off during certain hours. Gradually, energy use of any kind will be continually reduced. The Green New Deal calls for government control of every single home, office and factory to tear down or retrofit them to comply with massive environmental energy regulations.

I warned that Agenda 21 Sustainable policy sought to drive those in rural areas off the farms and into the cities where they could be better controlled. Most recently I warned that the beef industry is a direct target for elimination. It will start with mandatory decreases in meat consumption until it disappears form our daily diet. The consumption of dairy will follow. Since the revelation of the Green New Deal the national debate is now over cattle emissions of methane and the drive to eliminate them from the planet. Controlling what we eat is a major part of the Green New Deal.

I warned that part of the plan for Agenda 2030 was “Zero Economic Growth.” The Green New Deal calls for a massive welfare plan where no one earns more than anyone else. Incentive to get ahead is dead. New inventions would disrupt their plan for a well-organized, controlled society. So, where will jobs come from after we have banned most manufacturing, shut down most stores, stopped single-family home construction, closed the airline industry, and severely regulated farms and the entire food industry? This is their answer to the hated free markets and individual choice.

In short, the Green New Deal represents the largest step ever taken by the Socialists/ Sustainablists forces that have been pushing Agenda 21 for 27 years.

But just as I was met with scoffing and charges of being a conspiracy scaremonger, the Green New Deal has now been met with scoffing and lack of concern. When I said the Green New Deal was the most radical step to enforce Agenda 21, many of my own supporters sent me snarky emails laughingly telling me that, “This is too nuts to ever be made into law!” Ha Ha!!!!

Then the laughing really started when the Republican-controlled Senate brought the Green New Deal up for a vote and the tally was 57-0. They didn’t even vote for it themselves, went the joke. Such a silly, stupid little girl, they said with great hilarity!

Leaders of many establishment conservative organizations in Washington, DC laughed too.

Well, the fools are the Republicans, and the establishment Conservative Movement in Washington, DC, which have failed to understand the determination of these forces behind that “silly little girl.” They set a trap and the Republicans marched right into it.

What really occurred is that this Green New Deal pushes the radical agenda way beyond anything ever imagined by Republicans and conservative leadership. In short, the Socialist Democrats made a classic negotiating tactic. They came to the table and delivered the most radical, complete, all-inclusive agenda for the total take-down of the American Republic, our free enterprise system, our property rights, and our way of life.

The Republicans were completely unprepared for it. Since they have ignored my warnings for 27 year, the Green New Deal sounded too nuts. Too far out. No one would fall for it. They laughed and dismissed it without a thought. The Senate vote showed them!

But watch what has happened since the Senate vote and the laughing began. One hundred Democrat Members of Congress have signed on to the House bill. Almost every one of the 20+ Democrat presidential candidates is talking about it. The news media is filled with stories on pieces and parts of the Green New Deal. The discussion is growing.

But here’s the kicker – here’s where the laughing stops as the Republicans fall into the trap!!! Florida Republican Representative Matt Gaetz announced that he is working on the Green REAL Deal!!! Says Gaetz – his bill will be more reasonable. In the Senate, Tennessee Senator Lamar Alexander is countering with his “Manhattan Project for Clean Energy.” The difference? Almost nothing! Senator Lindsey Graham said “We owe it to the country to have an alternative to the Green New Deal.” He said he was frustrated because large parts of the Republican Party still resist the idea of climate change legislation.

Sen. Graham and other faltering Republicans seem to not understand that any attempt to provide “an alternative to the Green New Deal” means an automatic endorsement of the radical and wrong-headed leftist environmental movement.

This is exactly what the Democrats where counting on. They made an outrageously radical proposal that moves the agenda miles down the road and then – to be more “reasonable” the stupid Republicans join right in with just a little smaller proposal. That’s how we lose our nation – by being “reasonable” to tyrants.

The fact is, almost 50% of the Green New Deal is already in the works. California has set a deadline to force homeowners to install wind and solar power as traditional energy sources of oil and gas will be phased out within ten years.

In Minneapolis, Minnesota, the City Council is moving to eliminate zoning protections for single-family homes, calling such protections “racist.” That same attack on single-family homes is taking place in the Oregon state legislature, the Chicago city council, and the Baltimore city council, to name just a few. This marks the drive to abolish private property rights.

Smart Growth programs are in every city in the nation – targeting the elimination of private cars for transportation, in favor of public buses, trains, and bikes — just as called for in the Green New Deal.

Landlords are being targeted as the drive is on for rent controls – even as government is piling on the costs through higher taxes and more and more controls on energy use. How long can the landlords hold out?

And now comes this news. As the Congress, news media, and presidential candidates debate the “good ideas” of Green New Deal, New York City Mayor William De Blasio has rushed to introduce his own version. It’s a bundle of ten bills designed to meet the massive reduction of energy use called for in the UN’s Paris Climate Agreement which President Trump refused to join. Among its provisions are a ban on glass skyscrapers, hot dogs, and massive cut backs in energy use. Just as called for in the Green New Deal, the legislation seeks to eliminate more than one million cars from the road.

State by state, city by city, the radical provisions of the Green New Deal are being put into force – or at least openly considered. Controls on what we eat, how we live, and how we move about. Call it Agenda 21 or the Green New Deal – it’s a disaster to our economy and our way of life. It’s happening at a rapid rate. So who is laughing now?

The challenge to us is, what do we do about it? The fact is, every political party is talking about taxes, healthcare, immigration, and gun control. But no party is addressing the pain of the ranchers who are under siege of the federal government that is taking their land and their water.

No political party is talking about the attack on our food supply such as the World Wildlife Fund’s take over of the beef industry. Yet we are getting reports daily now of dangers found in diseased beef.

No political party is talking about the over-taxing, and destruction of single-family homes and neighborhoods.

No political party is even discussing the destruction of our local system of government through the establishment of non-elected regional councils. These councils are eliminating political boundaries and the power of locally-elected representatives. The American system is disappearing in silence.

No political party is talking about the massive influence and control of the private, non-governmental organizations and planners that have invaded every single level of government, pushing these insane policies we now recognize in the Green New Deal.

NGOs are deeply entrenched in Congress, every state legislature and every county commission and city council. There they lobby, push, demand, and intimidate to get your elected officials to make their private agendas law. The fact is they are not government agencies and they have no power unless your elected officials give it to them. And they have no intention of giving up their power.

The only way we can toss them into the street is to elect people who understand their tyrannical agenda and will take strong action to remove them from the halls of government.

Democrats empower them. Republicans are clueless. Libertarians are pathetically confused by the whole process, continuing to believe that Public/Private Partnerships are free enterprise.

The Constitution Party is the only party that understands what needs to be done. You’ve never had a better opportunity to grow and change things and achieve your mission to restore the Constitution.

Do you, as a political party, want to get the attention of millions of Americans who are suffering from this government over-reach? Do you want to defeat the socialist democrats and the ‘Me Too’ Republicans? Do you want to restore the American Republic?

Then get mad and be the party that takes on these issues. Thousands of victims are desperate to hear any elected official, any party, even mention these policies that are overrunning every single city, county, and state.

They are losing everything. They have been shut out of the American dream. And if they hear you take on these issues in upcoming campaigns at every level of government – they will flock to you. Americans are starting to wake up to these dangers and they desperately want a new voice that stands for freedom!

Run candidates for city council, county commission, and the state legislatures, who will articulate these issues. Make it your mission to run these enemies of freedom out of town on a rail.

Speak to these victims – these desperate Americans. Name the names of the NGOs – challenge them. Challenge their policies and their funding sources. Show the pubic what a danger they are. And then challenge your opponents as to why they are giving these NGOs such power and influence.

Elected officials keep referring to these NGOs and planners who live off the federal grants as “stakeholders.” They are not stakeholders! You are the stakeholoders. They are carpetbaggers – there to grab everything they can.

Paint a clear picture as to what life in American will be like under these policies. Will every choice Americans make in their lives be like a visit to the DMV? Make your opponents responsible for their own policies. Put their names to them. Make them defend their plans.

Help the people see the truth! That’s how you drain the swamp and restore the United States of America!

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Growing Drive To Destroy The Beef Industry

The American beef industry has long been a tasty target of the environmentalists and their allies in the animal rights movement. To understand the reason is to know that protecting the environment is not the goal, rather the excuse in a determined drive for global power. Their selected tactic is to control the land, water, energy, and population of the Earth. To achieve these ends requires, among other things, the destruction of private property rights and elimination of every individual’s ability to make personal lifestyle choices, including personal diet.

Of course, no totalitarian-bound movement would ever put their purpose in such direct terms. That’s where the environmental protection excuse comes in. Instead, American cattle producers are simply assured that no one wants to harm their industry, just make it safer for the environment. The gun industry might recognize that such assurance sounds a bit familiar. Same source, same tactics, same goals.

So the offered solution to “fix” the beef industry is “sustainable certification”. All the cattle growers have to do, they are assured, is follow a few simple rules and all will be fine, peaceful and profitable. Enter the players: the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (GRSB), and the U.S, Department of Agriculture.

First, let’s reveal the Sustainablists’ stated problems with the beef industry. What’s not sustainable about raising beef? According to the environmental “experts”, there are ten reasons why the meat industry does not meet sustainable standards:

1- Deforestation – the claim is that farm animals require considerably more land than crops to produce food. The World Hunger Program calculated that if the land was used to grow grain and soy instead of cattle the land could provide a vegan diet to 6 billion people. Do you get that – a vegan diet! The fact is, most grazing land in the U.S. cannot be used for growing food crops because the soil wouldn’t sustain crops.

2- Fresh Water – they claim that the America diet requires 4,200 gallons of water per day, including animal drinking water, irrigation of crops, processing, washing, etc. Whereas a vegan diet only requires 300 gallons per day. Apparently they don’t plan to irrigate the land to grow wheat or to wash the vegetables.

3- Waste Disposal – factory farms house hundreds of thousands of animals that produce waste. They claim these giant livestock farms produce more than 130 times the amount of waste humans do. The interesting thing about this detail is that the actual sustainable policies they are enforcing to fix this problem destroy the small family farms in favor of the very giant corporate factory farms they profess to oppose. In addition, those global corporations which join the Green cabal have the ability to ignore many of the “sustainable” restrictions, unlike the small, family farms that are much better at protecting the environment on their own.

4- Energy Consumption – For the steak to end up on your plate, say the Greens, the cow has to consume massive amounts of energy along the way as the cattle are transported thousands of miles to slaughter, market, and refrigerate. And let’s not forget, the meat must then be cooked! Well this transportation argument is a direct result of the existence of a limited few packing companies in cahoots with the Green Lords that dictate the market as they work against a more decentralized, local industry. Meanwhile, last time I checked, Tofurkey – made from soy — also has to be cooked!

5- Food Productivity – say the Greens, food productivity of farmland is falling behind the population and the only option, besides cutting the population, is to cut back on meat consumption and convert grazing lands to food crops. As noted in point 1, most grazing land cannot be converted. Everything dealing with the sustainable argument is based on some unseen crisis. Yet we do not have a world-wide food shortage or pending famine. In fact, the media is persistently reporting “price-depressing crop surpluses.” The only places where such shortages may exist are in totalitarian societies where government is controlling food production and supplies – kind of like the Green’s plan for sustainable beef.

6- Global Warming – here we go! Say the Greens, global warming is driven by energy consumption and cows are energy guzzlers. But there’s more to the story. Cow flatulence! A single dairy cow, they claim, produces an average of 75 kilos of methane annually. Meanwhile, environmentalists want to return the rangelands to historic species, including buffalo. And a buffalo, grazing on the same grass on the same lands would emit about the same amount of methane. It’s a non-issue.

7- Loss of Biodiversity – What are some of the examples the Greens give for loss of biodiversity? Poaching and black market sale of bushmeat including everything from elephants and chimpanzees to birds??? Please explain what this has to do with the American cattle industry – other than a pure hatred of anyone who eats meat of any kind. And that, of course, is the argument from the animal rights/vegan wing of the Green movement that is leading the assault on cattle.

8- Grassland Destruction – apparently this is based on the Green premise that domesticated animals like cows replaced bison and antelope, which, in turn, caused a loss of biodiversity of species. I’ve got two pieces of news for you. First, the Native Americans so revered by the Greens, hunted bison before the white man arrived. Take a trip to Bozeman, Montana and see the cliff where they used to run entire herds to their death, not just selectively choosing a few to eat. Second, the Greens, not the cattle ranchers, forced the reintroduction of wolves, and that has caused a near annihilation of the antelope and elk herds.

9- Soil Erosion – the Greens claim that U.S. pastureland is overgrazed, causing soil erosion. In truth, a great many of today’s cattlemen are third and fourth generation on their land. Those ranches could not have existed for over a hundred years if they were so careless in taking care of the land. It is vital to their survival to assure the land stays in good shape. Of course, an environmentalist who has never worked a ranch or farm and rarely comes out of his New York high-rise might not know that.

10- Lifestyle Disease – this is my favorite of the reasons why beef is supposedly unsustainable. In short, it’s because of stupid people! This one is blamed on “excessive” consumption of meat, combined with environmental pollution and “lack of exercise” leading to strokes, cancer, diabetes and heart attacks. So it’s the beef industries fault that people eat too much and refuse to exercise. The solution – ban meat consumption. Yet, doctors are now realizing that meat eating is not the problem, carbs are.

So, these are the ten main reasons why it’s charged that beef is unsustainable and must be ruled, regulated and frankly, eliminated. These are charges brought by anti-beef vegans who want all beef consumption stopped. In cahoots, are global Sustainablists who seek to stop the private ownership and use of land, all hiding under the blanket excuse of environmental protection.

To bring the cattle industry into line with this world view the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association has accepted the imposition of the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef, which is heavily influenced, if not controlled, by the World Wildlife Fund, one of the top three most powerful environmental organizations in the world and a leader in the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), which basically sets the rules for global environmental policy. This is the same World Wildlife Fund that issued a report saying, “Meat consumption is devastating some of the world’s most valuable and vulnerable regions, due to the vast amount of land needed to produce animal feed.” The report went on to say that, to save the Earth, it was vital that we change human consumption habits away from meat. As pointed out earlier, the fact is most land used for grazing isn’t capable of growing crops for food. Further, to have the WWF involved in any part of the beef industry is simply suicidal.

It’s interesting to note that the “Principles for Sustainable Beef Farming,” issued for the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef by the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Working Group (SAI), follow the exact guidelines originally presented in the United Nations’ Agenda 21/ Sustainable Development blueprint. Agenda 21 divided these into three categories including, Social Equity, Economic Prosperity and Ecological Integrity. Using almost identical terms, the SAI plan for Sustainable Beef uses the following headings for each section of its plan: Economic Sustainability, Social Sustainability, and Environmental Sustainability.

Under Social Sustainability are such items as Human Rights, Worker Environment, Business Integrity, and Worker Competence (that means that workers are required to have the proper, acceptable sustainable attitudes and beliefs). Under the heading Environmental Sustainability are Climate Change, Waste, and Biodiversity, for the reasons already discussed.

Regulations using these principles impose a political agenda that ignores the fact that smaller, independent cattle growers have proven to be the best stewards of their own land and that for decades have produced the highest grade of beef product in the world. Instead, to continue to produce they will be required to submit to centralized control by regulations that will never end and will always increase in costs and needless waste of manpower.

To follow the sustainable rules and be officially certified, the cattle growers must agree to have much of the use of their land reduced to provide for wildlife habitat. There are strict controls over water use and grazing areas. This forces the growers to have smaller herds, making the process more expensive and economically unviable for the industry. In addition, there is a new layer of industry and government inspectors, creating a massive bureaucratic overreach, causing yet more costs for the growers.

The Roundtable rules are now enforced through the packing companies. You see, the cattlemen actually have no direct market. Instead, they first bring their product to feedlots for final preparation. The feedlots then sell the cattle to the packers. The packers are the ones who then have direct contact with stores, restaurants and other entities that actually buy the beef. The packers are a major force in the Roundtable, working side by side with the WWF, and so dictate the rules to the feedlots to comply with sustainable certification for the cattle they will buy from the growers. If the beef they obtain isn’t grown according to the sustainable beef principles then the packers refuse to buy it. That has quickly put smaller feedlots out of business. Consequently, it also destroys the cattle growers who rely on the feedlots to take their product.

There are only four main packing companies in the United States. These are Cargill, Tysons, JBS and Marfrig. These packers have already successfully taken control of the hog and poultry industries. Tysons is now raising its chickens in China to ship here. JBS and Marfrig are both from Brazil. It’s interesting to note that one of their first tactics was to remove the country of origin labeling from the packaging so that consumers have no idea where their product is coming from. So as the packers force their expensive, unnecessary, and unworkable sustainable certification on American cattlemen, they are systematically bringing in cheaper product from other countries that don’t necessarily adhere to strict, sanitary, safe production American producers are known for. As a result, there is a noticeable rise in news reports of recalls of diseased chicken and beef in American grocery stores.

Some cattle growers have tried to fight back by creating new packing companies to compete and provide an honest market. However, the costs to do so are huge, as high as $50 million. One such company called Northern Beef Packers was formed, using all the latest state of the art, high-grade processing. The four established packers reacted by drastically reducing their prices to the grocers, thereby destroying any hope of establishing a market for the new packing company.

This then is the situation that is threatening the American beef industry. If one reads the documents and statements from the World Wildlife Fund, the United Nations Environment Program and others involved, it is not hard to realize that the true goal is not to produce a better grade of beef, but to ban it altogether. The question must then be asked, why is the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association allowing this to happen, and indeed, is joining with the Sustainable Beef Roundtable to force these policies on their members?

The answer is actually quite tragic. American ranchers, farmers and livestock growers have been targets of the environmental and animal rights movements for years. They are beaten down. Like the rest of us they just want to be left alone to work their farms and herds like their forefathers have done for more than a century. But the pressure is growing day by day. So, they have come to believe that if they just go along – put the sustainable label on their product — then this pressure will stop. In short, they see it as a pressure valve.

The reality is it’s not going to go away because the goal is not environmental protection, rather the destruction of their industry and control through what the UN calls the reorganization of human society. The attack has now grown to major proportions with the Green New Deal. Beef eaters have no place in the sustainable paradise of city apartment dwellers who accept government controls to choose for them what they are permitted to eat.

There are efforts to fight back. A group of cattlemen has organized under the banner of R-CALF (Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund) and they have managed to slow the Sustainable capture of the industry. But the packers’ control of the industry is a major roadblock if the cattlemen can’t reach their market. R-CALF has filed Abuse of Conduct suits to shed light on the anti-trust activities of the monopoly tactics of the packers.

However, the beef industry cannot recover on its own. There must be outrage from the consumers who are facing higher prices, possible inferior meat, and the danger of disease because of this sustainable tyranny. If you want the right to your own food choices instead of the dictatorship of radical Greens, then get mad. Demand that “Country of Origin” labels be put on all beef products so you know where your food comes from. Demand that the Department of Agriculture rejects this sustainable myth and protects the American free market that has always provided superior products.

The so-called sustainable policy is not a free market. It is a government-sanctioned monopoly that is just short of a criminal enterprise. Stand with American farmers and cattlemen. If Americans don’t fight back now we will lose the freedom to our own dinner plates in the name of sustainable lies.

© 2019 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Green New Deal Reveals The Naked Truth Of Agenda 21

Sometimes if you fight hard enough and refuse to back down, no matter the odds, your truth is vindicated and prevails!

For twenty years I have been labeled a conspiracy theorist, scaremonger, extremist, dangerous, nut case. I’ve been denied access to stages, major news programs, and awarded tin foil hats. All because I have worked to expose Agenda 21 and its policy of sustainable development as a danger to our property rights, economic system, and culture of freedom.

From its inception in 1992 at the United Nation’s Earth Summit, 50,000 delegates, heads of state, diplomats and Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) hailed Agenda 21 as the “comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society.” The 350-page, 40 chapter, Agenda 21 document was quite detailed and explicit in its purpose and goals.  They warned us that the reorganization would be dictated through all-encompassing policies affecting every aspect of our lives, using environmental protection simply as the excuse to pull at our emotions and get us to voluntarily surrender our liberties.

Section I details “Social and Economic Dimensions” of the plan, including redistribution of wealth to eradicate poverty, maintain health through vaccinations and modern medicine, and population control.

To introduce the plan, the Earth Summit Chairman, Maurice Strong boldly proclaimed, “Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable.” Of course, according to the plan, if it’s not “sustainable” it must be stopped.

In support of the plan, David Brower of the Sierra Club (one of the NGO authors of the agenda) said, “Childbearing should be a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license.” Leading environmental groups advocated that the Earth could only support a maximum of one billion people, leading famed Dr. Jacques Cousteau to declare, “In order to stabilize world populations, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day.”

Section II provides the “Conservation and Management of Resources for Development” by outlining how environmental protection was to be the main weapon, including global protection of the atmosphere, land, mountains, oceans, and fresh waters – all under the control of the United Nations.

To achieve such global control to save the planet, it is necessary to eliminate national sovereignty and independent nations. Eliminating national borders quickly led to the excuse for openly allowing the “natural migration” of peoples. The UN Commission on Global Governance clearly outlined the goal for global control stating, “The concept of national sovereignty has been immutable, indeed a sacred principle of international relations. It is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global environmental cooperation.” That pretty much explains why the supporters of such a goal go a little off the rails when a presidential candidate makes his campaign slogan “Make America Great Again.”

The main weapon for the Agenda was the threat of Environmental Armageddon, particularly manifested through the charge of man-made global warming, later to conveniently become “climate change.” It didn’t matter if true science refused to cooperate in this scheme as actual global temperatures really are not rising and there continues to be no evidence of any man-made affect on the climate. Truth hasn’t been important to the scare mongers. Timothy Wirth, President of the UN Foundation said, “We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.” To further drive home their complete lack of concern for truth, Paul Watson of Green Peace declared, “It doesn’t matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true.”

So in their zealotry to enforce the grand agenda, social justice became the “moral force” over the rule of law as free enterprise, private property, rural communities and individual consumption habits became the targets, labeled as racist and a social injustice. Such established institutions and free market economics were seen as obstructions to the plan, as were traditional family units, religion, and those who were able to live independently in rural areas.

Finally, Agenda 21 was summed up in supporting documents this way: “Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced. It requires a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals, and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level.”

Of course, such harsh terms had to be hidden from the American people if the plan was to be successfully imposed. They called it a “suggestion” for “voluntary” action –  just in case a nation or community wanted to do something positive for mankind! However, while using such innocent-sounding language, the Agenda 21 shock troops lost no time pushing it into government policy. In 1992, just after its introduction at the Earth Summit, Nancy Pelosi introduced a resolution of support for the plan into Congress. It’s interesting to note that she boldly called it a “comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society.” In 1993, new President, Bill Clinton ordered the establishment of the President’s Council for Sustainable Development, with the express purpose of enforcing the Agenda 21 blueprint into nearly every agency of the federal government to assure it became the law of the land. Then the American Planning Association issued a newsletter in 1994, supporting Agenda 21’s ideas as a “comprehensive blueprint” for local planning. So much for a voluntary idea!

However, as we, the opponents started to gain some ground in exposing its true purpose and citizens began to storm city halls protesting local implementation, suddenly the once proud proponents lost their collective memories about Agenda 21. Never heard of it! “There are no blue-helmeted troops at city hall,” said one proponent, meaning policies being used to impose it were not UN driven, but just “local, local, local”. “Oh, you mean that innocuous 20 year-old document that has no enforcement capability? This isn’t that!” These were the excuses that rained down on us from the planners, NGOs and government agents as they scrambled to hide their true intentions.

I was attacked on the front page of the New York Times Sunday paper under the headline, “Activists Fight Green Projects, Seeing U.N. Plot.” The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) produced four separate reports on my efforts to stop it, calling our efforts an “Antigovernment Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory.” The Atlantic magazine ran a story entitled, “Is the UN Using Bike Paths to Achieve World Domination?” Attack articles appeared in the Washington Post, Esquire magazine, Wingnut Watch, Mother Jones, and Tree to name a few. All focused on labeling our opposition as tin-foil-hat-wearing nut jobs. Meanwhile, an alarmed American Planning Association (APA) created an “Agenda 21: Myths and Facts page on its web site to supposedly counter our claims. APA then organized a “Boot Camp” to retrain its planners to deal with us, using a “Glossary for the Public,” teaching them new ways to talk about planning. Said the opening line of the Glossary, “Given the heightened scrutiny of planners by some members of the public, what is said – or not said – is especially important in building support for planning.” The Glossary went on to list words not to use like “Public Visioning,” “Stakeholders,” “Density,” and “Smart Growth,” because such words make the “Critics see red”.

Local elected officials, backed by NGO groups and planners, began to deride local activists – sometimes denying them access to speak at public meetings, telling them that Agenda 21 conspiracy theory has “been debunked”. Most recently an irate city councilman answered a citizen who claimed local planning was part of Agenda 21 by saying “this is what’s “trending.” So, of course, if everyone is doing it is must be right!

Such has been our fight to stop this assault on our culture and Constitutional rights.

Over the years, since the introduction of Agenda 21 in 1992, the United Nations has created several companion updates to the original documents. This practice serves two purposes. One is to provide more detail on how the plan is to be implemented. The second is to excite its global activists with a new rallying cry. In 2000, the UN held the Millennium Summit, launching the Millennium Project featuring eight goals for global sustainability to be reached by 2015. Then, when those goals were not achieved, the UN held another summit in New York City in September of 2015, this time outlining 17 goals to be reached by 2030. This document became known as the 2030 Agenda, containing the exact same goals as were first outlined in Agenda 21in 1992, and then again in 2000, only with each new incarnation offering more explicit direction for completion.

Enter the Green New Deal, representing the boldest tactic yet. The origins and the purpose of the Green New Deal couldn’t be more transparent. The forces behind Agenda 21 and its goal of reorganizing human society have become both impatient and scared. Impatient that 27 years after Agenda 21 was introduced, and after hundreds of meetings, planning sessions, massive propaganda, and billions of dollars spent, the plan still is not fully in place. Scared because people around the world are starting to learn its true purpose and opposition is beginning to grow.

So the forces behind the Agenda have boldly thrown off their cloaking devices and their innocent sounding arguments that they just want to protect the environment and make a better life for us all. Instead, they are now openly revealing that their goal is socialism and global control, just as I’ve been warning about for these past twenty years. Now they are determined to take congressional action to finally make it the law of the land.

Take a good look, those of you who have heard my warnings about Agenda 21 over the years. Do you see the plan I have warned about being fully in place in this Green New Deal?

I warned that Agenda 21 would control every aspect of our lives, including how and were we live, the jobs we have, the mode of transportation available to us, and even what we eat. The Green New Deal is a tax on everything we do, make, wear, eat, drink, drive, import, export and even breathe.

In opposing Smart Growth plans in your local community, I said the main goal was to eliminate cars, to be replaced with bikes, walking, and light rail trains. The Green New Deal calls for the elimination of the internal combustion engine. Stay alert. The next step will be to put a ban on the sale of new combustion engines by a specific date and then limiting the number of new vehicles to be sold. Bans on commercial truck shipping will follow. Then they will turn to airplanes, reducing their use. Always higher and higher taxes will be used to get the public to “voluntarily” reduce their use of such personal transportation choices. That’s how it works, slowly but steadily towards the goal.

I warned that under Smart Growth programs now taking over every city in the nation that single-family homes are a target for elimination, to be replaced by high-rise stack and pack apartments in the name of reducing energy use. That will include curfews on carbon heating systems, mandating they be turned off during certain hours. Heating oil devises will become illegal. Gradually, energy use of any kind will be continually reduced. The Green New Deal calls for government control of every single home, office and factory to tear down or retrofit them to comply with massive environmental energy regulations.

I warned that Agenda 21 Sustainable policy sought to drive those in rural areas off the farms and into the cities where they could be better controlled. Those in the cities will be ordered to convert their gardens into food producers. Most recently I warned that the beef industry is a direct target for elimination. It will start with mandatory decreases in meat consumption until it disappears form our daily diet. The consumption of dairy will follow. Since the revelation of the Green New Deal the national debate is now over cattle emissions of methane and the drive to eliminate them from the planet. Controlling what we eat is a major part of the Green New Deal.

I warned that part of the plan for Agenda 2030 was “Zero Economic Growth.” The Green New Deal calls for a massive welfare plan where no one earns more than anyone else. Incentive to get ahead is dead. New inventions would disrupt their plan for a well-organized, controlled society. So, where will jobs come from after we have banned most manufacturing, shut down most stores, stopped single-family home construction, closed the airline industry, and severely regulated farms and the entire food industry? This is their answer to the hated free markets and individual choice.

The Green New Deal will destroy the very concept of our Constitutional Republic, eliminating private property, locally elected representative government, free markets and individual freedom. All decisions in our lives will be made for us by the government – just to protect the environment of course. They haven’t forgotten how well that scheme works to keep the masses under control.

Though the label “Green New Deal” has been passing around globalist circles for a while, it’s interesting that its leaders have now handed it to a naïve, inexperienced little girl from New York who suddenly found herself rise from bartending to a national media sensation, almost over night. That doesn’t just happen and there is no miracle here. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a created product. They probably needed her inexperienced enthusiasm to deliver the Green New Deal because no established politician would touch it. Now that it’s been introduced and she is set up to take the heat, the gates have swung open allowing forty-five members of Congress to co-sponsor it in the House of Representatives as established Senator Ed. Markey (D-MA) has sponsored it in the Senate. That doesn’t just happen either. Nothing has been left to chance.

Behind the sudden excitement and rush to support it are three radical groups each having direct ties to George Soros, including the Sunrise Movement – which markets itself as an “army of young people” seeking to make climate change a major priority.   Justice Democrats – which finds and recruits progressive candidates, and New Consensus – organized to change how we think about issues. Leaders of these groups have connections with other Soros-backed movements including Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall Street. According to The New Yorker magazine, the plan was written over a single weekend in December, 2018. Ocasio-Cortez was included in the effort, chosen to introduce it. This may be the single reason why she was able to appear out of nowhere to become the new darling of the radical left.

So there you have it — Agenda 21, the Millennium Project, Agenda 2030, the Green New Deal. Progress in the world of Progressives! They warned us from the beginning that their plan was the “comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society”. And so it is to be the total destruction of our way of life.

To all of those elected officials, local, state and federal, who have smirked at we who have tried to sound the alarm, look around you now, hot shots! You have denied, ignored, and yet, helped put these very plans into place. Are you prepared to accept what you have done? Will you allow your own homes and offices to be torn down – or will you be exempt as part of the elite or just useful idiots? Will you have to give up your car and ride your bike to work? Or is that just for we peasants?

Over these years you have listened to the Sierra Club, the Nature Conservancy, the World Wildlife Fund, ICLEI, the American Planning Association, and many more, as they assured you their plans were just environmental protection, just good policy for future generations. They have been lying to you to fulfill their own agenda!  Well, now the truth is right in front of you. There is no question of who and what is behind this. And no doubt as to what the final result will be.

Now, our elected leaders have to ask real questions. As the Green New Deal is implemented, and all energy except worthless, unworkable wind and solar are put into place, are you ready for the energy curfews that you will be forced to impose, perhaps each night as the sun fades, forcing factories, restaurants, hospitals, and stores to close at dusk? How about all those folks forced to live in the stack and pack high-rises when the elevators don’t operate? What if they have an emergency?

How much energy will it take to rebuild those buildings that must be destroyed or retrofitted to maker them environmentally correct for your brave new world? Where will it come from after you have banned and destroyed all the workable sources of real energy? What are you counting on to provide you with food, shelter, and the ability to travel so you can continue to push this poison? Because – this is what’s trending — now! And how is it going to be financed when the entire economy crashes under its weight? Is it really the future you want for you, your family, and your constituents who elected you?

Every industry under attack by this lunacy should now join our efforts to stop it.  Cattlemen, farmers, airlines, the auto industry, realtors, tourist industry, and many more, all will be put out of business – all should now take bold action to immediately kill this plan before it kills your industry. Stomp it so deeply into the ground that no politician will ever dare think about resurrecting it.

For years I’ve watched politicians smirk, roll their eyes, and sigh whenever the words Agenda 21 were uttered. As George Orwell said, “The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those who speak it”. Today I stand vindicated in my warnings of where Agenda 21 was truly headed, because it’s not longer me having to reveal the threat. They are telling you themselves. Here’s the naked truth – Socialism is for the stupid. The Green New Deal is pure Socialism. How far its perpetrators get in enforcing it depends entirely on how hard you are willing to fight for freedom. Kill it now or watch it die.

© 2019 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese:  Contact Tom DeWeese

Are Single-Family Homes Considered “Racist?”

The Growing Assault on Private Property

One of the main indicators used by economists to measure the health of the nation’s economy is housing starts – the number of private homes being built around the nation. In 2018 housing starts fell in all four regions of the nation, representing the biggest drop since 2016.

While many economists point to issues such as higher material costs as a reason for the drop in housing starts, a much more ominous reason may be emerging. Across the nation, city councils and state legislatures are beginning to remove zoning protections for single-family neighborhoods, claiming they are racist discrimination designed to keep certain minorities out of such neighborhoods. In response to these charges some government officials are calling for the end of single-family homes in favor of multiple family apartments.

Minneapolis, Minnesota: the city council is moving to remove zoning that protects single-family neighborhoods, instead planning to add apartment buildings in the mix. The mayor actually said such zoning was “devised as a legal way to keep black Americans and other minorities from moving into certain neighborhoods”. Racist, social injustice are the charges

Chicago, Illinois: So-called “affordable housing” advocates have filed a federal complaint against the longtime tradition of allowing City Aldermen veto power over most development proposals in their wards, charging that it promotes discrimination by keeping low-income minorities from moving into affluent white neighborhoods. Essentially the complaint seeks to remove the Aldermen’s ability to represent their own constituents.

Baltimore, Maryland: The NAACP filed a suit against the city charging that Section 8 public housing causes ghettos because they are all put into the same areas of town. They won the suit and now the city must spend millions of dollars to move such housing into more affluent neighborhoods. In addition, landlords are no longer permitted to ask potential tenants if they can afford the rent on their properties.

Oregon: Speaker of the Oregon House of Representatives Tina Kotek (D-Portland) is drafting legislation that would end single-family zoning in cities of 10,000 or more. She claims there is a housing shortage crisis and that economic and racial segregation are caused by zoning restrictions.

Such identical policies don’t just simultaneously spring up across the country by accident. There is a force behind it. The root of these actions are found in “fair housing” policies dictated by the federal Housing and Urban Development Agency (HUD). The affected communities have all taken HUD grants. There is very specific language in those grants that suggest single family homes are a cause of discrimination. Specifically, through the HUD program called Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH), the agency is taking legal action against communities that use “discriminating zoning ordinances that discourage the development of affordable, multifamily housing…”. The suits are becoming a widely used enforcement tool for the agency.

To enforce its social engineering policies HUD demands the following from communities that have applied for or taken HUD grants:

First, HUD forces the community to complete an “Assessment of Fair Housing” to identify all “contributing factors” to discrimination. These include a complete breakdown of race, income levels, religion, and national origin of every single person living there. They use this information to determine if the neighborhood meets a preset “balance,” determined by HUD.

Second, HUD demands a detailed plan showing how the community intends to eliminate the “contributing factors” to this “imbalance.”

Once the plan is prepared, then the community is required to sign an agreement to take no actions that are “materially inconsistent with its obligation to affirmatively further fair housing.”

Americans who have grown up experiencing private home ownership as the root to personal prosperity must quickly learn of the threat of the HUD/AFFH program. They must fully understand why cities like Chicago, Minneapolis and Baltimore and states like Oregon have suddenly announced actions to eliminate single-family home zoning. These cities have already taken the grant poison and must now comply. The ultimate government game is to reorganize our cities into massive urban areas where single-family neighborhoods are replaced by the Sustainable/Smart Growth model of “Stack and Pack,” wall-to-wall apartment buildings.

To the frustration of those Sustainablists determined to change our entire economic system, the legal protection of private property rights and ownership have proven to be a roadblock for implementation. New York Mayor William DeBlasio best expressed the frustration of those driving to control community development when he was quoted in New York Magazine saying, “What’s been hardest is the way our legal system is structured to favor private property. I think people all over this city, of every background, would like to have the city government be able to determine which building goes where, how high it will be, who gets to live in it and what the rent will be.”

Most importantly, HUD and its social engineering advocates have sold these so-called sustainable policies using the well-worn excuse that such programs are simply to help lower income families to succeed. In fact, these programs are actually at the very root of why many of them are NOT succeeding.

Tom DeWeese, President of the American Policy Center, an internationally recognized private property advocacy groups says, “The immediate result of eliminating single-family homes and in turn, destroying private property rights, is to degrade the property values of the homes so many have worked to build. It used to be called the American dream. Now it’s labeled racism, discrimination, and social injustice.”

DeWeese continues, “Eradicating poverty is the most popular excuse for the expansion of government power. Yet, it’s interesting to note that not a single government program, from the federal to the local level, offers any plan for eradicating poverty except the well-worn and unworkable scheme of wealth redistribution. After decades of following such a failed policy the only result is that we have more poor.”

Today, as demonstrated in Oregon, Minneapolis, Baltimore and Chicago, we hear the claims that there is a “housing crisis” and so government must take a dramatic step to solve the very crisis is has created. As economist Thomas Sowell has said, “The first lesson of economics is scarcity: There is never enough of anything to fully satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics.”

Concludes DeWeese, “It is interesting to note that, as private property ownership shrinks under these misguided policies, so too does the nation’s wealth. Sustainable policies are at the root of nearly every local, state, and federal program. Each step diminishes individual freedom, personal and national prosperity, and the destruction of the hopes and dream of every American. The American Policy Center is determined to lead the fight to end this misnamed and disastrous ‘Sustainable’ course for our country.”

© 2019 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Trump Haters Real Goal For All The Riots Is The Elimination Of The Electoral College

Many seem bewildered by the anti-Trump riots and demonstrations that have covered the nation since the 2016 election. And many keep trying to find a reasonable response. Give it up. You can’t reason with them with words.

Here is my take. They know full well that they aren’t going to overturn the election. These privately funded forces are being used to create pressure to destroy the Electoral College so they won’t have to deal with it next election. This is how the Left operates. Make a big deal over here to force the hidden agenda over there. The plan is to make enough trouble that Congress will move to abolish the EC to get some peace.

For clues on who is behind this effort one only has to watch to see which member of Congress would propose such action. The answer, of course, was California Senator Barbara Boxer. It only took a week after the election for her to come to the rescue of the broken and distraught Left.

The danger is real and gaining ground. But it didn’t start with the 2016 election result. A campaign to eliminate the Electoral College and “let the people elect the president,” has been gaining steam for several years. A group called “National Popular Vote Interstate Compact,” started in 2006, has won commitments from eleven states to award their electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote. These include Maryland, New Jersey, Illinois, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, Massachusetts, California, New York, Hawaii, the District of Columbia and Connecticut. These states control 172 electoral votes. They only need states representing 98 more electoral votes to join and the Electoral College will be a thing of the past. Meanwhile, such legislation is under consideration in Missouri, Oklahoma, and Arizona, to name a few.

When a state passes legislation to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, it pledges that all of that state’s electoral votes will be given to whichever presidential candidate wins the popular vote nationwide. These bills will take effect only when states with a majority of the electoral votes have passed similar legislation. States with electoral votes totaling 270 of the 538 electoral votes would have to pass NPV bills before the compact kicks in and any state’s bill could take effect.

As usual, it’s easy to get people to join this cause – yet another sound bite based on emotion rather than knowledge or logic. “Let the people decide.” “It’s the American way.” “It’s Democracy at work.” Yep, that’s why America was never set up as a democracy. Here’s another sound bite for you – “Democracy is a lynch mob.” Here’s another one – “Democracy is three wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for lunch.” Majority rule violates the rights of minorities. It’s not a good thing.  Get the picture?

The United States was created by the individual sovereign states. They were already free and independent governments on their own. As they came together to create a central government they feared it would grow too strong and overpower the states, making them subjugated to the central government. So, to prevent that, the states created the Electoral College to make the election of the President a STATE election.

Throughout history, certain factions have challenged the legality of the Electoral College. Opponents point out that our President is actually elected by 538 virtually unknown people who are members of 51 small delegations in fifty States and the District of Columbia. Moreover, in most states, the electors are not even bound to vote for the candidate that won the popular vote. In fact, many Constitutional scholars believe that’s just what the founders intended, 538 independent thinkers, bound to no one. There is reason and logic behind the idea.

The Founding Fathers, particularly those from small States, were very concerned that they would be smothered by the larger states. Under the representative republic (not a democracy) established by the founders, the United States is made up of fifty sovereign States. Under the Constitution, except for limited powers specifically defined for the central government, power for the rule of law is intended to reside in the States.

To deal with the problem, the founders decided on a compromise that would establish two chambers for the Congress; the House of Representatives, whose size would be dictated by the population in each state and the Senate in which every state would get two representatives, regardless of its size or population. You see, in the beginning, the states appointed Senators to be their representatives in Congress. But, like these so-called scholars of today who want to wreck the Electoral College, previous “experts” came up with the idea that Senators should be elected by the people – “It’s only fair,” went the mantra! The result is an imperial Senate that answers to no one but their own elite club members. That’s what happens when you mess with the real genius of the Constitution.

The same problem arose in deciding how to select a President, the one nationally-elected official. Here again, there was the fear that election by popular vote would overwhelm the will of smaller States. Again, a compromise was reached to address the issue in a fair and equitable manner in order to maintain the power of the states. Each state was assigned a number of presidential electoral votes equal to its representation in the House and the Senate. In each state, the electors would vote for a President and Vice President. The candidate receiving the largest number of electoral votes would be elected.

Under the plan, the connection to the popular vote was the selection of state electors. The popular vote was to be used to select individuals trusted by the people to select the President. Each presidential candidate has a slate of electors committed to them. As the people vote for a candidate, they are actually electing his/her slate of electors. Again, the selection of electors goes directly to local control of the process. Under the Constitution, even the smallest state was assured at least three votes in the process. To provide a further check to protect the smaller states, in the event no candidate won a majority of the electoral vote, the names of the top five would go to the House of Representatives, where each state delegation would cast one vote for one of the candidates. In this process each state, again, is equal.

To understand the Electoral College one must realize that the Founders considered the states as the dominant power in the nation. Election of the office of President was a bit like the selection of the Chairman of the Board, with the states serving as the board of directors for the nation. The great mistake Electoral College opponents make is to believe the President was supposed to be elected by the people. It was never the plan.

There are fundamental and often regional differences in how Americans view the role of government and the leaders they elect to run it. Little wonder those who seek to strengthen the power of the central government prefer that elections be decided by the popular vote. It’s a great sound bite- but the results will not give “the people” the “fair” result they desire.

Such a move will eliminate the power of individual states in favor of elections decided by the population of large, politically liberal cities. I’ve actually heard it said by residents of California, San Francisco, in particular, “why do we even let people in Ohio and Iowa vote?” Such elitism is behind the “National Popular Vote” movement which apparently believes that only the East and West Coasts count. The rest is just flyover country.

Keep these facts in mind as we watch the enforcement of Sustainable Development policies that lead to Smart Growth cities. The stated plans of such ideas are that most people will eventually be ‘persuaded” to leave the rural areas and migrate to the cities. In addition, we now are witnessing the invasion of illegal immigrants who normally land in such communities and swell their size.

The “feel good” propaganda of the National Popular Vote movement insists that a popular vote would not change the face of the nation. However, by design or not, the fact is their scheme plays right into the hands of the Sustainablists who openly seek top-down control through the establishment of megacities. By forcing the massive majority of citizens into such areas, a majority vote in just a few will drown any other area in the nation.

In such a planned agenda for the 21st Century, individuals living in the majority of the nation’s territory will quickly learn how little their “popular vote” counts if the Electoral College is abandoned by the “National Popular Vote” scheme. Those smaller states (and therefore their votes) may have no impact on the election of the President, just as our founders feared. Control by a few over the many can only be defined as tyranny.

The abolishment of the Electoral College would, in fact, establish an election tyranny giving control of the government to the massive population centers of the nation’s Northeastern sector, along with the area around Los Angeles. If these sections of the nation were to control the election of our nation’s leaders, the voice of the ranchers and farmers of the Mid and Far West would be lost, along with the values and virtues of the South. It would also mean the end of the Tenth Amendment and state sovereignty.

Not happy to even let the states decide if they want to support the idea of the National Popular vote or not, the hard Left has manufactured the unrest in the streets to pressure a fast solution. In 2016 Senator Boxer answered the call with legislation to end the Electoral College. Such demands to end it masquerade as the answer to the people’s unrest. If achieved the end, the result will have nothing to do with Donald Trump. He is just the convenient excuse.

Allow that to happen now and the great silent majority of middle America in this nation will never again have a fair say in who is elected our president. And that is the true goal of today’s unrest.

© 2018 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese:  Contact Tom DeWeese

Not One Inch: The Battle Cry For Property Rights

I have been pushing hard lately to let people know that, no matter how big and powerful the opposition, the assault from big government forces can be stopped. That’s why I want to tell you about a recent major victory in Louisiana where a wonderful, determined group of residents rose up and stopped the implementation of the Caddo Lake National Heritage Area. By the way, this is the second NHA we’ve stopped. The Crooked Road NHA in Virginia was successfully shut down by us a few years ago.

National Heritage Areas are one of the most despicable stealth land grabs in the nation. Here’s why. Americans love history. And we love preserving significant places that played an important role in the making of our unique nation. So when we hear of a new plan in our area presented offering a chance to preserve some of our local heritage we are interested and even supportive.

But, in this day of massive government control over so much of our land, our economy, and our basic ability to live free lives, we must be cautious and look at the details of plans, no matter how innocent or well meaning they may seem.

National Heritage Areas are such a concern because they are sold to residents as simply a means to honor historic or cultural events that took place in a specific locale. We are told that they will preserve our culture and honor the past, that they will preserve battlefields where our forefathers fought and died for freedom, and that they will preserve birth places, homes, buildings and hallowed grounds for posterity. Most importantly, we are assured that NHAs will help build tourism and boost local economies.

The residents affected by the Caddo Lake NHA were suspicious because so little information was being released about the project. Who was behind it? Where was the money coming from? Above all, what specific areas were going to be affected?  So some determined residents did their homework. They learned the promises of increased tourism and boosts to the economy were, at best, empty. Rather, they learned NHA’s are little more than pork-barrel earmarks that endanger private property rights and local governmental powers. And a very specific danger is that Heritage Areas have very definite boundaries that come with very definite consequences for folks who reside within them. That’s because funding and technical assistance for Heritages Areas is administered through the National Park Service, a federal agency with a long history of hostility toward private landowners.

Private organizations and planning groups are the actual recipients of most of these funds supposedly earmarked for the Heritage Area. These entities operate as the promoters of the NHA in partnership with the Park Service. Eventually they form a commission or a “managing entity” to enforce the “vision” to implement the Heritage Area.

Typically such commissions consist of strictly ideological special interests groups. In the mix of these groups one will find all of the usual suspects: environmental groups, planning groups, historic preservation groups, all with their own private agendas – all working behind the scenes, creating policy. The managing entity then sets up non-elected boards and regional councils to oversee policy inside the Heritage Area that stretches over numerous communities and counties.

In many cases, these groups actually form a compact with the Interior Department to determine the guidelines that will make up a land use management plan and the boundaries of the Heritage Area itself. The management plan is their goal for how they envision the territory inside the boundary to be run. The plan will include guidelines for development goals, energy use, bike trails, undefined conservation controls, tourism, and anything else they want to control.

Now, after the boundaries are drawn and after the management plan has been approved by the Park Service, the management entity and its special interest groups are given the federal funds, typically a million dollars a year, or more, and told to spend that money to get the management plan enacted at the local level.

Here’s how those special interest groups operate with those funds. They go to local county boards and city councils and announce that Congress has passed legislation designating the Heritage Area and that the community is now within those boundaries. They pull out maps and announce the properties they have identified to be significant for preservation.

However, as the managing entity, they don’t have the power to make laws but the local elected officials do and so the partnership is born, fed by the federal money. Now the managing entity will help create tools, legislation, guidelines and whatever regulatory procedures are needed to make the management plan come into fruition.

Incredibly, proponents argue that National Heritage Areas do not influence local zoning or land-use planning. Yet by definition this is precisely what they do. Found right in the language of most Heritage Area legislation, the management entity is specifically directed to restore, preserve, and manage anything and everything that is naturally, culturally, historically, and recreationally significant to the Heritage Area.

This sweeping mandate ensures that virtually every square inch of land within the boundaries is subject to the scrutiny of Park Service bureaucrats and their managing partners.

Of course, as with so many other invasive planning schemes, we are always assured that these are local initiatives, and that these are something citizens want in order to bring an honorary federal designation to help drive tourism into their regions. That simply isn’t the case. The private, non-governmental organizations and planning groups are the ones who want the plan because they get to enforce their private agendas and then get to live off the grant money as they implement them. As proponents talk about historic preservation inside the Heritage Area, one will also find the catchwords “resource conservation” and “resource stewardship,” for example. That’s the clue to watch for.

It’s all about control. Control of the land, control of resources, control of decision making. How does that fit with their stated purpose of preserving American culture – which, of course, was built on the ideals of free enterprise and private property? In fact, it does the opposite by making government more powerful and dictatorial.

Proponents of NHAs also claim that they are “locally driven” projects. Nothing could be further from the truth. Landowners within the boundaries of proposed Heritage Areas are left in the dark throughout the entire process. For example, the final official map for the Caddo Lakes National Heritage Area, revealing its official boundary, was not to be released to the public until after the actual Congressional legislation was passed.

In addition, Heritage Area proponents refuse to supply a simple written notification to property owners that their land will be inside the boundaries. Seemingly the Park Service and their management “partners” are not too eager to share all the good news with the local citizenry.

I have personally been in meetings with congressional staffers to discuss Heritage Areas. I asked them if they intended to notify affected landowners living inside the boundaries of a specific Heritage Area. They looked at me like I had two heads.

They shuffled their feet and looked down at the table and then said, “There’s no way to do that.” “It would be too costly.” “How could we reach everyone?” I then suggested that they research a little know federal agency called the U.S. Postal Service. Mailmen appear too deliver to each and every one of the homes in the designated area every day.

The fact is, they don’t want to tell you in advance. You might object. And that would disrupt the “process.” No matter how noble a project may sound, alarm bells should go off when proponents want to enforce their vision in secret.

National Heritage Areas depend on federal tax dollars because they lack local interest— and not a single Heritage Area has ever succeeded in attracting that interest throughout their entire infinite lives. The federal money is the villain. If you just wanted to honor an area for its historic or cultural achievements, a simple resolution from Congress and a plaque at the county line could do that. The local Chamber of Commerce could then pick it up from there and build the expected tourism.

But of course, it’s not about that. It’s about control and money – lots of money in the pockets of private groups promoting their own agendas. Including taking control if people’s land.

There are 49 National Heritage Areas across the country so far – with more, now being considered around the country. Caddo Lake NHA, if legislated, would affect 900 square miles of private property, businesses, and whole communities. That’s a massive area to cover.

Along the Mississippi River there are two Heritage Areas, Mississippi Delta National Heritage Area and Mississippi Gulf Coast National Heritage Area. Now here is a region rich in history. There must be all kinds of good things happening along the mother of all rivers in the name of heritage preservation.

Well, today you won’t find people participating in one of the grand historic traditions of the river – living on riverboats. There were once whole generations of river people living on such boats. Talk about American heritage – right out of Mark Twain!

But, back in the 1990s, those living on houseboats were moved off the river. Certain other boat traffic and river activities were also curtailed. It was all in the name of environmental protection, of course. In addition, the traditional flood plain designations were moved back to an extreme distance from the river, making it impossible for existing homes built inside the original flood plains to get flood insurance, thereby stopping any further building along the river. This was called land use planning. Where was the preservation of the heritage of those homeowners whose families had lived along the river for generations?

So, the Heritage Areas were used to honor what? Certainly not life on the river. They are essentially putting the Mississippi River in a museum.

In West Virginia we find the National Coal Heritage Area. Introduced in 1996 by former Congressman Rahall, it was sold as a way to honor the coal industry. Apparently, Rahall thought that since the miners had lost their jobs due to environmental regulations on the coal industry, perhaps, he could make up for it by throwing a few extra bucks their way by giving tours of their bankrupt area and closed mines.

I will make this challenge – just try to mine a single lump of coal inside the National Coal Heritage Area. Not on your life. Restricted. Taboo. In short, they put West Virginia coal in a museum.

What about property rights protections? When property owners express concern that their property could be taken in the process – proponents have a ready-made answer. Don’t worry, they say – they quickly point to language in the Heritage Area bills that assure property rights protections.

Written into each and every Heritage Area bill is this line: “Nothing in this subtitle…abridges the right of any property owner… including the right to refrain from participating in any plan, project, program, or activity conducted within the National Heritage Area. . .” In other words, say proponents, homeowners are assured that they actually have the right to opt out of the Heritage Area – so there is absolutely no threat to your property rights. Wow!

That language is nothing but a flimflam to keep you calm and ease your concerns, because it is physically impossible to opt out of an official government boundary that has been created by federal legislation and federal funds. It is also impossible to simply declare that you are going to opt out of any of the land-use regulations, down-zoning, or other restrictions that result from the Heritage Area designation.

When I addressed an audience of 400 residents who live inside the proposed boundaries of the Caddo Lake NHA I asked for a show of hands from everyone who wanted to opt out of it. Every hand in the room went up. As the restrictions on property are steadily legislated into place due to the NHA, opting out is simply not an option.

As I and others worked to oppose Heritage Areas, we asked proponents in Congress if they had commissioned property rights experts to look over the legislation to find any dangers.  We said, “Have you put these bills before experts, specifically public interest property rights attorneys?” The answer we received was “No, and we don’t plan to.”

Real private property ownership lies in one’s ability to do with your property as you wish. Zoning and land-use policies are local decisions that have traditionally been the purview of locally elected officials who are directly accountable to the citizens that they represent. But National Heritage Areas corrupt this inherently local process by adding federal dollars, federal mandates, and federal oversight to the mix, along with an army of special interest carpet baggers who call themselves Stakeholders.

It must be understood that the Heritage Area affects all the land in the designated boundary areas, not just recognized historic sights. The federal designation, made from congressional legislation, creating federal regulations and oversight through the National Park Service, require a form of contract between state and local governmental entities and the Secretary of the Interior. That contract is to manage the land-use of the region for preservation. That means federal control and zoning, either directly under the terms of the “management pact” or indirectly.

Such “indirect” control is the real danger. In spite of the specific language in the bill which states property rights will be protected, the true damage to homeowners may well come from the private non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and preservation agencies which receive public funds through the Park Service.

The experience with at least 49 such Heritage Areas now in existence nationwide clearly shows such groups will convert this money into political activism to encourage local community and county governments to pass and enforce strict zoning laws.

Heritage Areas proponents like to hold up a report from the Government Accounting Office that says “National Heritage Areas do not appear to have affected private property rights. . .” And this is why that report is meaningless.

While the tactic makes it appear that home rule is fully in force removing blame from the federal designation, the impact is fully the fault of the Heritage Areas designation. The result being private property owner’s rights are diminished and much of the local land-use brought to a standstill.

In their own words, proponents say their feasibility study for the Caddo Lake Heritage Area is to “identify and evaluate alternatives for managing, preserving, and interpreting nationally important cultural and historic landscapes, sites, and structures existing under and around Caddo Lake.” For everyone of those descriptions there is an NGO that makes it their mission to impose it, and there is a federal grant to enforce it. That leads to a lot of control you’ve never experienced before.

Property that is locked away for preservation is no longer productive and no longer provides the community with tax dollars. Some roads most assuredly will be closed (to protect the integrity of the historic area). That means land is locked away from private development, diminishing growth for the community. It also means hunting and recreational use of the land may well be curtailed.

Eventually, such restrictions will take away the community’s economic base. Communities with sagging economies become run-down and uninviting. Preservation zoning and lack of jobs force ordinary people to move away. Experience has shown tourism rarely materializes as promised. And it’s never enough to save an area economically.

These are the reasons why the specific language in the Heritage Area legislation designed to protect private property rights is basically meaningless to the actual outcome. While the land may not be specifically locked away in the name of the federal designation, its very existence creates the pressure on local government to act. The result is the same.

The fact is the Heritage Area designations are completely unnecessary. Most of the historic sites are already under the control of the National Park Service. Most Presidential birthplaces and significant historic sights are also well preserved.

Every step of land in America had something from the past occur on it. Proponents of Heritage Areas are using our great love of history as an emotional sledgehammer to impose a massive federal porkbarrel scheme that enriches the pockets of private advocacy groups by helping to impose draconian controls over the dreams of average American homeowners.

In short, the greatest threat from the Heritage Area is that it creates a pipeline of federal money – and, consequently political power – to these national organizations to promote their specific agendas over your community and its development.

The proposed Caddo Lake Heritage Area includes the classic ingredients of all other Heritage Areas now enforced across the nation. It is massive in size. It is being pushed by the same special interests.

Property owners located around the lake have proven themselves to be the best stewards. That’s why it’s beautiful and teeming with wildlife. And that’s why those who seek to enforce the Heritage Area covet to control it. There is already a thriving tourist industry and there are lots of environmental protections on and around the lake. The Heritage Area only serves to create another layer of bureaucracy and massive grant money.

The property owners inside the proposed boundaries of the Caddo Lake did their homework and realized that if they owned property on the shore line most likely they would see their use of that land pushed back from the edge of the lake. They would most likely lose their private boat docks. Worst of all, decisions over natural habitat would take precedent over their own, even though they had lived in harmony with the environment and encouraged a thriving local flora and fauna for two hundred years. That’s how it works. Little by little, the restrictions set in.

So the people in the Caddo Lake area saw the storm that was headed their way and they said no! They stood up to the behemoth of the partnership of government and powerful private NGOs determined to force their “vision” on them. They called themselves “Caddo Lakes Last Stand!”

The residents attended meetings, asked questions, researched, handed out reasonable arguments, and they never allowed the proponents to dismiss them or their opposition. They fully understood that they were engaged in a battle to preserve the unique American system that our Founding Fathers worked so hard to guarantee. That is true heritage preservation.

Above all, they understood that the only way to make sure government doesn’t abuse its power is to not grant it in the first place. Those resident know they have only won the first round. The special interests will be back to try again. They always do. That’s why the battle cry of the Caddo Lake’s Last Stand is “Not one inch of this ground will be put in a National Heritage Area.”  That kind of determination wins battles.

It’s the battle cry every property owner in the nation must take against the many efforts to destroy this precious land. Not one inch.

© 2018 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese:  Contact Tom DeWeese

Why Property Rights Matter – Prosperity, Stability, Freedom

There is an all out assault taking place in nearly every community against private property ownership. It’s being perpetrated at every level of government and funded by taxpayer grants. Yet few property owners raise objections, mainly because today most don’t have the basic understanding of the right of property ownership and its vital place in preserving our nation’s prosperity, economic stability and foundation of freedom.

Most Americans tend to think of private property simply as a home — the place where the family resides, store their belongings and find shelter and safety from the elements. It’s where you live. It’s yours because you pay the mortgage and the taxes. That’s about the extent of thought given to property ownership in today’s America.

There was a time when property ownership was considered to be much more. Property, and the ability to own and control it, was life itself. The great economist, John Locke, whose writings and ideas had major influence on the nation’s founders, believed that “life and liberty are secure only so long as the right of property is secure.”

Locke advocated that if property rights protection did not exist then the incentive for an industrious person to develop and improve property would be destroyed; depriving that person of the fruits of his labor; that marauding bands would confiscate by force the goods produced by others; and that mankind would be impelled to remain on a bare subsistence level of hand to mouth survival from fear that the accumulation of anything of value would invite attack.

Homeownership, and the equity it creates, has been the main source of wealth for millions of Americans. It’s the reason the United States was able to build incredible wealth and rise above much older nations. Sixty percent of American businesses were created by homeowners using the equity from their homes. Where private property is disallowed teeming and unrelenting poverty is the result.

Locke’s fears have become reality today through the innocent sounding term called “Sustainable Development. Under that banner, the very concept of property rights is being targeted as unrealistic in a drive to reorganize our communities through strict planning regulations.

Proponents define Sustainable Development as: “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”  According to its advocates, to achieve that goal requires massive amounts of land and natural resources to be permanently locked away from use; which translates to control, not conservation, as many perceive it to mean.

Sustainable Development requires a complete transformation of American society that will affect our system of justice, our economic system, and our ability to make individual life choices such as careers, family size, and the location of our homes.

The best known form of the Sustainable transformation is called Smart Growth. We’re told this policy is necessary to create the community of the future, to guarantee effective planning, and, most importantly, to protect the environment by reducing our carbon footprint to combat climate change.

Attending a local public meeting where the community‘s new “visioning” plan is being promoted, citizens will be assured that everything has been prepared by local leaders simply to address unique problems and well-laid plan for the future. However, a little research will show, ironically, that almost every community in every state has a nearly identical plan in process, usually ending with numbers like 2030 or 2050. One can also search the Internet and find such plans as Jamaica 2050 and Dubai 2050. They cover the world and most importantly – they are all the same basic plan no matter where they are, nationally or globally. One thing they all have in common – none of them are LOCAL!

Across the United States, most of these plans are being implemented by the same associated planners, fueled by the same grant programs, and aided by the same non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Working in well-oiled teams, they cover the nation, reaching out to local and state officials to promote the programs. Each of these NGO groups has their own specific programs to promote, such as bike trails, conservation easements, or energy conservation, and they bring the grant programs with them for the local officials to apply. It’s mostly done in backrooms, out of sight of the general public. Unseen hands dig in to decide the community’s future.

A look into the workings at City Hall will reveal multiple NGOs and planners all working in lockstep behind closed doors, huddled with elected officials and planning departments to form a well-organized matrix that eventually morphs into the community long-range visioning plan.

As a result, there’s a near endless number of programs and processes being used in cities across the nation to impose the plan. Most are funded by federal grants with specific strings attached, in particular from HUD, EPA and the Department of Transportation, that assure the sustainable policies are enforced.

The sales pitch is for a perfect lifestyle in what they call healthy, happy communities — where neighbors interact, parents play with their children, and there is no stress from long commutes because all the conveniences of living are just a walk down the street. It all sounds so warm and wonderful, creating images of a near Eighteenth-century atmosphere of peace and tranquility, yet with all the conveniences and technology of our modern age, leading toward a “sensible growth plan” for future development.

The main enemy of the dedicated Sustainablist is the automobile. To them “urban sprawl” is the breeder of cars. The sustainable planners, like the American Planning Association (APA), diligently devise new schemes to get people out of their cars as the first role of Smart Growth. That means the focus for future housing will be the establishment of high-density neighborhoods with residents living in high-rise condos. Walkable communities, as the Sustainablists call them, mean the use of private cars will be discouraged in favor of public transportation, bicycles, or walking.

How is that done? Higher taxes on cars and on gasoline – and there are now plans being developed in various states to tax every mile you drive. Your mileage is kept in the computers of today’s cars, like the black boxes on airplanes. Mandatory auto inspections by the state will provide the opportunity to read that information, determine the number of miles driven and a bill will be sent to the car owner each year.

Smart Growth is being imposed on our cities in order to transform them into federally-controlled spheres. The programs used to achieve this dominion come in many names and forms. Each one is just a small piece of the whole puzzle. Perhaps as a single program, each could be harmless. However, fused together they become a threat that destroys private property, controls living habits and divides populations into specific categories making each more easily directed.

Here are a few examples:

Form-based code “is a means of regulating land development to achieve a specific urban form.” According to their own literature, form-based code is a plan for regulating the form, scale and character of buildings. It coordinates floor area ratios, dwelling units per acre (Smart Growth pack-em and stack-em condos), parking ratios, and more. It assures all buildings are consistent and predictable as they are the same size and design, with the same set-backs, plantings and functions; in short, it prevents any distinctions in buildings. Basically, all communities will eventually look exactly alike. There’s little room in Smart Growth cities for single-family homes.

What Works Cities are located in every region of the United States. This NGO operation supplies communities with workshops, training, data, and all the information needed to guide your city into the “right” programs that work. By adopting the WWC Standard, the community becomes part of a national network of local governments. In short, they will be fully invaded by armies of NGOs to help them “do it right!” Of course, all WWC policy is based on Sustainable Development programs.

New York City implemented what is called “progressive street projects.” They built more than 400 miles of new bike lanes, and they created a massive pedestrian plaza in Times Square by closing five blocks of Broadway to cars.

The announced purpose was to “change the culture.” The pedestrian plazas are placed in the center of what were once busy streets, blocking off traffic, and, again, making it difficult to drive in the city. One of the leaders of this project said, “What we’re trying to do is see equity of public space. When you build your streets for cars, you’re actually building in the expectation that people are going to have cars.” So, if you stop having streets, obviously people will stop wanting cars.

The increasing encroachment of government regulations, pontificating politicians and the enforcement of Social Justice schemes have led to a loss of understanding of the terms private property and property rights. Once it was understood that the unauthorized entering of private property was a violation to the utmost. The property owner was justified and supported in taking necessary actions to remove the trespasser and secure his land.

Today, such ideas are considered radical, old fashioned, out of touch, and even reprehensible. The homeowner can be arrested for defending against an armed intruder who can actually sue a homeowner for shooting them even as they break down the door intending to rob and do harm. Home protection is called violence, perhaps even racism. It’s a new world of compliance, fear, and acceptance rather than pride, protection, and prosperity in ownership.

If property ownership and control is to be restored to challenge the Sustainable assault, then a solid understanding and specific definition needs to be brought into the pubic debate. There is such a document, written by Washington State Supreme Court Justice Richard B. Sanders in a “Fifth Amendment” treatise which included the following definition of property rights. It says:

Property in a thing consists not merely in its ownership and possession, but in the unrestricted right of use, enjoyment, and disposal. Anything which destroys any of the elements of property, to that extent, destroys the property itself. The substantial value of property lies in its use. If the right of use be denied, the value of the property is annihilated and ownership is rendered a barren right.”

This definition speaks specifically to the right of use of the property. It does not infringe on government’s ability for local rule or to impose reasonable, legal zoning policy, so long as such policies recognize and protect the owner’s use of their private property.

Under current policies property rights are being violated daily. Local governments are creating partnerships with private developers, using the powers of eminent domain to confiscate property for the building of private enterprises such as shopping malls, manufacturing plants, and housing developments with the express purpose of raising tax revenues. Governments at every level routinely trespass on private land to measure, photograph and map, with the express purpose of creating new regulations.

The very idea of “unrestricted right of use” by the property owner terrifies the powers in charge as they race to control every inch of land and its use. The result is that private property rights, according to Justice Sander’s definition, have indeed become a “barren right.”

Meanwhile, the economics of Smart Growth is sobering and hit few harder than the poor. As growth boundaries limit space, new home construction drives up housing prices beyond the reach of most.

For example, in Portland, Oregon, after decades of Smart Growth development, exorbitant living costs have driven over 10,000 minority families out of their urban homes. The city recently announced a new regulation to force homeowners to have the government conduct Home Energy Surveys to force compliance with Sustainable energy regulations before their homes can be put on the market for sale. Meanwhile, homebuilders are vastly reducing plans for building new homes because Portland is running out of buildable land, even though outside the tightly controlled urban growth boundary there is plenty. As the population continues to grow, home availability will disappear. High-rise condos will become smaller until they are little more than dormitories.

Private property ownership and the right to its unrestricted use are vital to the preservation of freedom, prosperity and independence. It’s urgent that every American fully understand the purpose and recognize the players in their local planning schemes before our entire society is completely transformed to their agenda.

© 2018 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese:  Contact Tom DeWeese

Will Brett Kavanaugh Stand For Property Rights?

There’s lots of talk about where Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh stands on the Roe v Wade abortion decision and if he would vote to rescind it. There is another very controversial Supreme Court decision made just few years ago, supported by the Anthony Kennedy, the justice he seeks to replace. That is the Kelo decision that basically obliterated private property rights in America. So, where does Brett Kananaugh stand on protection of private property rights? With Kennedy or the Constitution?

In 2005, the Supreme Court of the United States handed down an opinion that shocked the nation. It was the case of Susette Kelo, et al. v City of New London, Connecticut, et al. The issue: “Does the government taking of property from one private owner to give to another private entity for economic development constitutes a permissible ‘public use’ under the Fifth Amendment?”

In 2000, the city of New London saw a chance to rake in big bucks through tax revenues for a new downtown development project that was to be anchored by pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. The company announced a plan to build a $270 million dollar global research facility in the city. The local government jumped at the chance to transform 90 acres of an area right next to the proposed research facility. Their plans called for the creation of the Fort Trumbull development project which would provide hotels, housing and shopping areas for the expected influx of Pfizer employees. There were going to be jobs and revenues A-Go-Go in New London. Just one obstacle stood in the way of these grand plans. There were private homes in that space.

No muss – no fuss. The city fathers had a valuable tool in their favor. They would just issue an edict that they were taking the land by eminent domain. The city created a private development corporation to lead the project. First priority for the new corporation was to obtain the needed property.

In July, 1997, Susette Kelo bought a nice little pink house in a quiet fort Trumbull neighborhood of New London. Little did she imagine that warm, comfy place would soon become the center of a firestorm.

She had no intention of selling. She’d spent a considerable amount of money and time fixing up her little pink house, a home with a beautiful view of the waterfront that she could afford. She planted flowers in the yard, braided her own rugs for the floors, filled the rooms with antiques and created the home she wanted.

Less than a year later, the trouble started. A real estate broker suddenly showed up at her door representing an unknown client. Susette said she wasn’t interested in selling. The realtor’s demeanor then changed, warning that the property was going to be condemned by the city. One year later, on the day before Thanksgiving, the sheriff taped a letter to Kelo’s door, stating that her home had been condemned by the City of New London.

Then the pressure began. A notice came in the mail telling her that the city intended to take her land. An offer of compensation was made, but it was below the market price. The explanation given was that, since the government was going to take the land, it was no longer worth the old market price, therefore the lower price was “just compensation,” as called for in the Fifth Amendment. It was a “fair price,” Kelo and the homeowners were told over and over.

Some neighbors quickly gave up, took the money and moved away. With the loss of each one, the pressure mounted. Visits from government agents became routine. They knocked on the door at all hours, demanding she sell. Newspaper articles depicted her as unreasonably holding up community progress. They called her greedy. Finally, the bulldozers moved in on the properties already sold. As they crushed down the houses, the neighborhood became unlivable. It looked like a war zone.

In Susette Kelo’s neighborhood, the imposing bulldozer was sadistically parked in front of a house, waiting. The homeowner came under greater pressure to sell. More phone calls, threatening letters, visits by city officials at all hours demanding they sign the contract to sell. It just didn’t stop. Finally the intimidation began to break down the most dedicated homeowners’ resolve. In tears, they gave in and sold. Amazingly, once they sold, the homeowners were then classified as “willing sellers!”

Immediately, as each house was bulldozed, the monster machine was moved to the next house, sitting there like a huffing, puffing dragon, ready to strike.

Finally Susette’s little pink house stood nearly alone in the middle of a destruction site. Over 80 homes were gone: seven remained. As if under attack by a conquering army, she was finally surrounded, with no place to run but to the courts. Under any circumstances the actions of the New London government and its sham development corporation should have been considered criminal behavior. It used to be. If city officials were caught padding their own pockets, or those of their friends, it was considered graft. That’s why RICO laws were created.

The United States was built on the very premise of the protection of private property rights. How could a government possibly be allowed to take anyone’s home for private gain? Surely justice would finally prevail.

The city was backed in its appeal by the National League of Cities, one of the largest proponents of eminent domain use, saying the policy was critical to spurring urban renewal with development projects. However, the Supreme Court had always stood with the founders of the nation on the vital importance of private property. There was precedent after precedent to back up the optimism that they would do so again.

Finally, her case was heard by the highest court in the land. It was such an obvious case of government overreach against private property owners that no one considered there was a chance of New London winning. That’s why it was a shock to nearly everyone involved that private property rights sustained a near-death blow that day.

This time, five black robes named Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg, Kennedy, and Breyer shocked the nation by ruling that officials who had behaved like Tony Soprano were in the right and Susette Kelo had no ground to stand on, literally or figuratively.

These four men and one woman ruled that the United States Constitution is meaningless as a tool to protect individuals against the wants and desires of government. Their ruling in the Kelo case declared that Americans own nothing. After deciding that any property is subject to the whim of a government official, it was just a short trip to declaring that government could now confiscate anything we own, anything we create, anything we’ve worked for – in the name of an undefined common good.

Justice Sandra Day O’Conner, who opposed the Court’s decision, vigorously rebutted the Majority’s argument, as she wrote in dissent of the majority opinion, “The specter of condemnation hangs over all property. Nothing is to prevent the state from replacing a Motel 6 with a Ritz-Carlton, any home with a shopping mall, or any farm with a factory.”

Justice Clarence Thomas issued his own rebuttal to the decision, specifically attacking the argument that this was a case about “public use.” He accused the Majority of replacing the Fifth Amendment’s “Public Use” clause with a very different “Public Purpose” test. Said Justice Thomas “This deferential shift in phraseology enables the Court to hold against all common sense, that a costly urban-renewal project whose stated purpose is a vague promise of new jobs and increased tax revenue, but which is also suspiciously agreeable to the Pfizer Corporation, is for a public use.”

Astonishingly the members of the Supreme Court have no other job but to protect the Constitution and defend it from bad legislation. They sit in their lofty ivory tower, with their lifetime appointments, never actually having to worry about job security or the need to answer to political pressure. Yet, these five black robes obviously missed finding a single copy of the Federalist Papers, which were written by many of the Founders to explain to the American people how they envisioned the new government was to work. In addition, they apparently missed the collected writings of James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and George Washington, just to mention a very few. It’s obvious because otherwise, there is simply no way they could have reached this decision.

So, in a five to four vote, the Supreme Court said that it was okay for a community to use eminent domain to take land, shut down a business, or destroy and reorganize an entire neighborhood, if it benefited the community in a positive way. Specifically, “positive” meant unquestioned government control and more tax dollars.

The Institute for Justice, the group that defended Susette Kelo before the Supreme Court, reported that it found 10,000 cases in which condemnation was used or threatened for the benefit of private developers. These cases were all within a five-year period after the Kelo decision. Today, that figure is dwarfed as there is seemingly no limit on government takings of private property.

The Kelo decision changed the rules. The precedent was set. Land can now be taken anytime at the whim of a power elite. So again, the question must be asked: if Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court, will he stand to protect private property rights against massive overreach by local, state, and federal governments? Will he support an effort to overturn the Kelo Decision?

© 2018 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese:  Contact Tom DeWeese

Bundy’s and the Hammond’s Pardoned By President Trump

It Matters How You Stand

Justice has finally been achieved as the federal government’s war against western ranchers and property owners has taken a second major hit.

First, Cliven Bundy and his sons, Ryan, Ammon, Dave and Mel, were released in January, 2018, after three trials that never found them guilty of a crime, yet they spent close to two years behind federal bars, while being physically tortured and abused by cheating and lying Bureau of Land Management (BLM) thugs. As they were forced into solitary confinement, subjected to daily body searches, and other physical abuses, they were labeled by the government and mainstream media to be nothing more than paranoid right-wing loons.

Finally, a judge found that it was the BLM which was dangerous, guilty of perpetrating violence and spreading lies in an attempt to take control of the Bundy Nevada land that had been in the family’s possession since the 1880s. The BLM started the range war against the Bundys, claiming that Bundy cattle were a danger to the desert tortoise. And so, as the BLM openly bragged about roughing up Dave Bundy, grinding his face into the ground, they confiscated the cattle from land on which the Bundys had legal grazing rights dating back one hundred years.

Meanwhile, in Southwest Oregon, Dwight and Steven Hammond, also multi-generation cattle ranchers, were imprisoned for allowing a routine controlled-burn fire to leak onto a small portion of neighboring public grazing land. It’s a standard practice by ranchers to use the burns to keep down weeds and debris that would feed large forest fires. It also helps keep burnables away from ranch buildings. In short, its just good land management. The forest service does it too. In fact, the accidental spread of the  Hammond fire onto federal land surely helped improve government land.

The federal government worked to throw the book at the Hammonds, charging them with intentionally and maliciously setting fires on public lands. The Department of Justice actually charged Steven Hammond with lighting the fire to cover an illegal deer hunt on land that was managed by the BLM. It filed a civil suit that cost the Hammonds over $400,000. Meanwhile the government vigorously worked to prosecute the Hammonds to put them behind bars.

Yet the Jury acquitted them on most of the charges and U.S. District Judge Michael Hogan, considering the fact that the Hammonds were upstanding citizens,  decided that the usual minimum sentence of five years was too harsh for the supposed crime. Thus, Dwight Hammond received only three months and his son Steven was sentenced to a year and a day. They served that time and returned home to their ranch in Diamond, Oregon.

The Obama Justice Department actually accused the Hammonds of terrorism and demanded more time be served, so prosecutors filed an appeal to overturn Judge Hogan’s lighter sentence. As a result the Hammonds were forced back into jail to complete the full five years.

This injustice by the federal judicial system is what forced other ranchers, including the Bundys, to travel to Burns, Oregon in January 2016 to occupy the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. The point was to expose the government’s war on ranchers, of which the Hammonds were the latest victims of this massive government overreach.

Once again, the government reacted with massive firepower. This time, as several of the protestors were on their way to a public meeting to explain their purpose and try to work out some sort of solution, federal and state agents arrested Ammon Bundy in a road block. Meanwhile, officials forced the car carrying rancher and protest leader LaVoy Finicum, off the road, into a trap. As LaVoy exited the car with his hands up in an attempt to protect the others still in the car, state police and FBI officers opened fire and killed LaVoy Finicum as they claimed he was going for a gun. Video has proven he was not. His wife, Jannette Finicum has now filed a wrongful death lawsuit.

For decades, ranchers across the American West have endured such intimidation and lawlessness by the federal government. Finally, some of their strong, independent neighbors said enough is enough. All they desire is to live in peace as good stewards of the land. And so, against all odds, they took a stand against the powerful government forces. Frankly, the outcome seemed hopeless. How does an individual gain justice in a rigged system that controls the court rooms and the media?

But a new battle cry is being heard as more and more Americans are beginning to see through the government smokescreen of intimidation and persecution. The Bundys and the Hammonds have led a renewed battle for the very issue that built this nation’s freedom and prosperity –the right to own and control private property.

On Tuesday, July 10, 2018, President Donald Trump fully pardoned Dwight and Steven Hammond and they too are headed home. They and the Bundys endured oppression from an out of control American government unlike anything we could have imagined existed in our nation. They fought an unwavering battle for freedom. And they have won. Now the American public must honor their sacrifice by demanding a full investigation into the lawless behavior of the BLM and U.S. Forest Service. American ranchers must never again be subjected to the tyranny endured by the Bundys and the Hammonds. As LaVoy Finicum once said, “It matters how you stand!”

© 2018 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

Contact Tom DeWeese

Policy Expert Sounds The Alarm On Growing Assault On Private Property

Tom DeWeese, recognized expert on private property rights, has released a new book entitled Sustainable: The WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property and Individuals. DeWeese’s book describes in detail the process being used at every level of government to reorganize our society through the destruction of private property.

According to DeWeese, the American system of free enterprise, private property ownership and individual liberty is under attack by a political force that, while plainly out in the open for all to see, is little understood and mostly ignored. Yet private non-governmental organizations (NGOs), city planners and federal agencies have teamed up specifically to change human society under the banner of Sustainable Development. It is gaining power in every state, county, and community under the false threat of Environmental Armageddon, demanding that we completely reorganize our economic system, our representative form of government, and our individual lifestyle.

While termed in positive sounding lingo, in reality Sustainable policy imposes massive government regulations enforced through state and local governments. These policies place severe restrictions on energy and water use. Development schemes seek to ban the use of cars, instead forcing ridership on massively expensive and inconvenient public transportation systems. Meanwhile, so-called “Visioning” programs follow enforcement of international policies to reorganize communities into a one-size-fits-all straightjacket.

In Sustainable, author Tom DeWeese clearly makes the case that such policies are a war on free enterprise, private property ownership, and individual choice.

  Why private property matters
  The only real solution to eradicating poverty
  The lost definition of property rights
  Who’s behind the transformation?
  10 real questions city planners should be asking the public
  10 vital questions to ask before signing a conservation easement
  10 facts every community needs to know about regional plans
  Who takes the “Walk of Shame” in the destruction of property rights?
  How to restore private property rights

…And much more

The assault on the inner cities – destroying hope

Low income and ethnic neighborhoods have traditions, history and family ties. Yet city Smart Growth programs, funded by federal grants, attack with bulldozers, destroying small local businesses and private property. Massive high-rise condos and corporate businesses replace the original residents who are now unable to afford to live in their old neighborhood. Their fate is to be forced into government housing and welfare programs, from which there is little ability to leave or plan lives of their own.

Tools to move people off rural lands

How do you remove people from the rural areas and herd them into the cities?  Make it impossible to live there. Control water and energy use as the land is locked away from human activity.

Selling an international agenda as “local”

The agenda is being sold to the public as a “comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society.” And it is exactly that. Yet, the public is being conned to believe it is being created locally. But all of the policies enforce international building, electrical and plumbing codes.

Is 2018 turning into 1984?

Who really owns and controls your private property…you or Big Brother? Rules, regulations, taxes, licensing… It’s all governments at every level talk about. Rarely does one hear a word about protecting an individual’s property, or encouraging building the economy with free enterprise, or individual creativity. Such concepts have become a threat to well-laid government plans and projects. Those who propose such ideas of freedom are labeled as radicals. Meanwhile government invades every aspect of our lives — unabated.

Tom DeWeese argues that private property ownership is the single most effective tool to eradicate poverty, yet it is being systematically eliminated under these programs. For homeowners across the nation, property rights have been reduced to the obligation to pay taxes and the mortgage, while nearly every other decision about the use of the property is made by a government agency. Says DeWeese, “Without the right of use, property ownership becomes a barren right. Individual choice is eliminated by the dictates of the collective and free enterprise is replaced by partnerships between government and huge corporations. Those private corporations then use their collusion with government to help eliminate competition, all under the innocent sounding excuse of Sustainable Development.”

Tom DeWeese, President of the American Policy Center suburban Washington, DC, passionately believes in the rights of the individual over a powerful, tyrannical, collective society. He is also the author of the policy book Now Tell Me I Was Wrong, and the fiction political thriller, ERASE. To promote his strongly held philosophy of free enterprise, national sovereignty, and limited government, he travels extensively across the nation speaking out as an advocate of private property rights and personal privacy protections. Recognized internationally as an expert in these fields, Tom DeWeese has been quoted in such national publications as the New York Times, Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal, while making regular appearances on a large list of national and local radio and television news programs.

Sustainable: The WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property and Individuals, reached #1 Best Seller status in its category on Amazon. Tom DeWeese is available for interviews.

© 2018 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

Contact Tom DeWeese

A Challenge To The American Planning Association

In nearly every community of the nation the policy called Sustainable is the catch-all term for local planning programs, from water and energy controls to building codes and traffic planning. The term “sustainable” was first used in the 1987 report called “Our Common Future,’ issued by the United Nations Commission on Environment and Development (UNCED).  The term appeared in full force in 1992 in a United Nations initiative called Agenda 21.

According to proponents, the official definition of Sustainable Development is “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”  In 1993, the UN further described its purpose, saying, “Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced.” The most often used phrase to describe Sustainable policy is that it’s a “comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society.”

These are strong pronouncements concerning our future. How could such ideas be imposed? Who could coordinate such an effort to reorganize our entire society? There are many private non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and government agencies involved in creating and implementing the national sustainable policy program on the state and local levels. But there is one that seems to stand in the center of them all.

The American Planning Association (APA) is the premier planning group operating across the nation. It has a long history in the development process, thus is trusted by elected officials to be a responsible force as they spread the gospel of “common sense” community planning to assure healthy, happy neighborhoods from which all may benefit. Above all, the APA strenuously denies any connection to the United Nations or any silly conspiracy theories like the so-called Agenda 21! Everything the APA promotes, they assure us, is based on local input for local solutions to local development planning. Here is a solid group you can trust!

So, it’s interesting to note that the American Planning Association is part of the Planners Network. The network is officially run by a group called the Organization of Progressive Planners. According to the Network’s website, it’s “an association of professionals, activists, academics, and students involved in physical, social, economic, and environmental planning in urban and rural areas, who promote fundamental change in our political and economic systems.”

On a visit to the website, one will find in its Statement of Principles this quote: “We believe planning should be a tool for allocating resources…and eliminating the great inequalities of wealth and power in our society … because the free market has proven incapable of doing this.”

That statement is advocating redistribution of wealth, social justice and even aspects of psychological manipulation, also called social engineering. That, then, is what nearly every planning group in nearly every community advocate in their planning programs. It is clearly the official policy of the American Planning Association. Still the APA insists that its planning has nothing to do with Agenda 21, even though APA’s planning goals are the exact goals of Agenda 21, and its undated version called the 2030Agenda.

Tactics used by the American Planning Association

Okay, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. How do planning groups like the APA really control opinions and gain support for their planning ideas? How do they overcome the fears as they impose plans that destroy private property and change the entire structure of the community?

Here’s a recent example:

A few years ago, with great fanfare, the American Planning Association (APA) reported results of a survey the group had conducted, “Planning America: Perceptions and Priorities,” showing that the anti-Agenda 21 “crowd is slim.” Said the report, only 6% of those surveyed expressed opposition to Agenda 21, while 9% expressed support for Agenda 21 and 85%, “the vast majority of respondents, don’t know about Agenda 21/2030.”

Typically, APA is using the survey to formulate the image that opponents to Agenda 21/Sustainable Development are just a lunatic fringe with no standing and of no consequence in the “real” world. They continue to portray Agenda 21 as simply a 20- year-old idea, and just a suggestion that planners and local governments might consider.

However, a closer look at the full survey, plus additional APA reports reveal some interesting and, in some cases, astounding facts.

First the survey:

It was designed to show public support for “Planning.” This has become an obsession with the “planning community” because of the growing opposition to Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development.

According to the APA, the findings of the Survey reveal that: only one-third believe their communities are doing enough to address economic situations; it says that very few Americans believe that market forces alone (the free market) improve the economy or encourage job growth; 84 % feel that their community is getting worse or staying the same; community planning is seen as needed by a wide majority of all demographics.

Those are pretty astounding findings. It looks like these “honest” planners have their fingers on the pulse of the nation. Well, not so fast. Let’s look at the actual questions the APA asked to get these results.

For example, Finding #4: Community planning is seen as needed by a wide majority of all demographics (79% agree; 9% disagree; and 12% don’t know). Wow!

But here is the actual question that was asked: “Generally, do you agree or disagree that your community could benefit from a community plan as defined above?” The definition provided in order to answer the question was this: “Community planning is a process that seeks to engage all members of a community to create more prosperous, convenient, equitable, healthy and attractive places for present and future generations.”

Asking the question in that manner is akin to holding up a picture of a rent-a-wreck car,  along side one of a Ferrari and asking which one would they want to drive. Give me the pretty one please – say 79%. In fact, in some actual planning meetings they do just that – hold up a picture of the downtown area depicting decaying, dreary buildings versus one of a shining, beautiful utopia, and they literally say, “which one do you want?” If the answer is (of course) the pretty one, then, YES, the community supports planning!

It’s obvious that the APA is playing word games with its surveys and definitions of planning. No wonder such an overwhelming majority answer in the affirmative to such questions. And, yes, maybe a lot of Americans don’t know what Agenda 21 really is. However, if the APA asked real questions that gave a solid clue as to the planning they actually have in mind, it’s fairly certain they would get a much different response – whether the person answering had ever heard of Agenda 21 or not.

For example, listed below are some sample questions that could help the APA take the real pulse of the community – if they wanted to be honest. I challenge the American Planning Association to ask THESE questions in their next survey:

10 Real Questions Planners Should Ask the Public

1- How do the citizens feel about planning policy that forces them to move from their single- family homes with the garage for the car/s and a backyard for the kids to play with the neighbor kids? Do they want to live in a high-rise where they have to take their kids down 12 flights of stairs and walk to the designated play park? Do they still support such “Planning?”

2- How do the citizens feel about planning with a goal to eventually ban cars? This will be accomplished by planning programs that will narrow or eliminate roads, making it harder to drive cars, then eliminates parking spaces, then forces cars to “share the road” with bicycles and foot traffic as regulations are put in place to make it illegal to even pass this slower traffic? Do they still support such “Planning?”

3- How do the citizens feel about planning that enforces the creation of light- rail public transportation with a limited number of riders – yet cost overruns could triple or quadruple their taxes so much that it would literally be cheaper to buy each potential rider a brand new Rolls Royce, and even throw in a chauffeur for good measure? Do they want to live without a car that would take them wherever they want to go, be it the grocery or the beach, on their schedule instead of a government created train or bus schedule? Do they still support such “Planning?”

4- How do the citizens feel about planning with today’s mandatory smart meters that can overcharge users by 284%? What if such planning forced you to buy all new appliances which can be controlled and even turned off by the utility company without warning – all to enforce energy-use levels as required by arbitrary and unsubstantiated “planning standards,” Do they still support such “Planning?”

5- How do the citizens feel about planning that forces taxpayers to pay for plug-in stations for electric cars that hardly anyone wants or uses, for the specific purpose of eventually forcing people to buy electric cars? Do they still support such “Planning?”

6- How do the citizens feel about planning that creates non-elected boards, councils, and regional governments to enforce their UN-inspired policies, which actually diminish (if not eliminate) the power of the local officials they elected, severely reducing citizen input into policy? Do they still support such “Planning?”

7- How do the citizens feel about planning that forces all housing to conform to specific government design, including projects of multi-family buildings that are forced into their neighborhoods, resulting in the reduction of property values and freedom of choice as to where and how each may live? Do they still support such “Planning?”

8- How do the citizens feel about planning that enforces international building codes and international electrical and plumbing codes designed to require major retrofitting in existing and new buildings to comply, including enforcing every building to look alike, have the same setbacks and even the same trees and shrubs. The result is the creation of a one size fits all society, ignoring local needs and desires of the residents? Do they still support “Planning?”

9- How do the citizens feel about planning that forces rental property owners and landlords to take in tenants that can’t afford their properties, so that they are forced to accept far less income for their investment, which will mean they cannot afford to maintain the property and earn their living,  thereby destroying the rental industry and reducing housing choices? Do they still support “Planning?”

10- How do the citizens feel about planning that uses the power of eminent domain to take property and destroy small, locally owned businesses from lower income and ethnic neighborhoods, forcing the former residents into federal housing programs where their only option is to rent rather than having the chance to build equity and personal wealth through home ownership in the American Dream? Do they still have compassion for such “Planning?”

These are the realities of Sustainable Development planning programs, usually under the term Smart Growth. These policies are taking over local governments across the nation and the victims are mounting. Yet the planners ignore these results as they get fat off the federal grants that enforce the Sustainable plans.

Challenge the American Planning Association to stop whitewashing their plans into sounding like innocent, non-intrusive local ideas for community development. Ask the questions so that they reflect the real consequences of the plans, and then see if the 85% now are so eager to ignore the effects of Sustainable Development. The number one truth about the Sustainable policies that the APA imposes on every community is that none of it is LOCAL!

There is only one right approach for a community to come together to discuss and solve common problems: open discussion, honest debates and votes, and above all, a full concentration on the protection of private property rights as the ultimate decider.

This article is taken from information included in Tom DeWeese’s new book, “Sustainable, The WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property, and Individuals.” Book details and ordering may be found at

© 2018 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese:  Contact Tom DeWeese

The Code For Reorganizing Human Society Is: Sustainable Development

It’s in every community in the nation. We hear it talked about in county commission meetings and state legislatures. It’s even used in advertising as a positive practice for food processing and auto sales. It’s used as the model for building materials, power sources and transportation policy. It’s sold as the bold visionary plan for the future. The nation is being transformed under the banner of “Sustainable Development.”

We are assured by elected officials that Sustainable Development is simply a tool or a guideline to help direct the carefully-planned growth of our cities and rural areas while protecting our natural resources for future generations. “We must guard against a chaotic, unregulated growth in our cities,” say its earnest proponents as they sell the concept through familiar, non-threatening words and beautiful pictures.

Citizens are assured by their community leaders that all such plans are just local, local, local, created with the participation of the whole community. Sustainable Development policy, they say, is just an environmental land conservation policy, a sensible development policy. Sustainable…what’s wrong with that?

As usual, the answers are hidden in the details. Are we hearing the truth? What are the consequences of the policy that has taken over every level of government? Are there hidden dangers most just can’t see? Or, as its proponents claim, is opposition to Sustainable Development really just a silly, overblown conspiracy theory found in a twenty-year-old meaningless document called Agenda 21?

The UN’s Brundtland Commission on Global Governance described Sustainable Development as “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of the future.” It’s just common sense to assure we don’t overuse our resources, say proponents. If everyone will do their part, we can achieve total sustainability.

A couple of years later, in 1992, at the UN’s Earth Summit, 50,000 delegates approved a plan describing in great detail how to meet those future needs. They issued a document called Agenda 21, which the UN labeled as a “comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society.” The UN sold Agenda 21 as a “soft law” policy, meaning it was an idea that nations would need to take up and impose through their own mechanisms.

To that end, in 1993, newly elected President Bill Clinton created the President’s Council on Sustainable Development. Serving on the Council were the representative of nearly every federal agency, along with representatives of Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) who had helped to write Agenda 21 on the international level. Also on the Council were representatives of major global corporations. Their task was to create the policies to turn the Agenda 21 goals into official government policy and provide the means to fund it.

The President’s Council released a report describing its Sustainable Development goals, saying, “Sustainable communities encourage people to work together to create healthy communities where natural resources and historic resources are preserved, jobs are available, sprawl is contained, neighborhoods are secure, education is lifelong, transportation and health care is accessible, and all citizens have opportunities to improve the quality of their lives.” 

It all sounds pretty neat. Nothing to fear here! It sounds like Utopia is truly ours for the taking. Again, what are the details? How do we put such ideas into action? What are the consequences? Is the environment better off? Are we better off? Well, let’s take each of these glowing ideas one at a time and just see where it all leads!

* “Sustainable communities encourage people to work together…” There certainly are members of our society who take the whole Sustainablist agenda to heart and love to get involved improving their community. They clean out riverbanks, collect trash along roadways, recycle, watch their thermostats, and ride their bikes whenever possible. Good for them. That’s their decision and they are free to make it.

But there are others who may have a different vision on how they want to live. Perhaps they don’t agree with the dire predictions that we must comply or face environmental Armageddon. How do they fit in the Agenda for the 21st Century?

They are dealt with. Children in the public schools are pummeled with the political correctness of being proper environmental stewards, as detailed in Agenda 21. Guilt plays a huge part in that indoctrination. It’s necessary that everyone think alike without questioning policy so future generations will be prepared to “work” together in their communities. In addition, in many schools now, the children are required to fulfill a certain number of hours of community service in order to qualify for their diploma. In a Sustainable world, proper attitude is more important than academic scholarship. Today’s curriculum to ensure proper citizenship is called Common Core. It is the curriculum of Agenda 21 and is intended to be “life-long, ” and the key focus is Sustainability.

Cooperation from adult citizens is just as structured. In the recent past, public meetings to discuss new policy were based on the guidelines called “Roberts Rules of Order” through which everyone got a fair chance to have their say and then a vote was taken. Today, in the Sustainable world, we have “facilitators” trained in psychology to assure they lead a gathering in exactly the direction needed for the predetermined and desired outcome of the community planners. If the facilitator is really good at his job, everyone in the meeting will believe the outcome was their idea. And those in charge hail the meeting as a huge success in which all in the community “worked together” to put these plans in place.

*…to create healthy communities…” This can mean many things. Healthy? We see the growing power of the food police today who have declared many things in our diet unhealthy. We see the Mayor of New York declaring large sodas unhealthy and banning their sale. We see fast food establishments picketed for selling fries made with grease or hamburgers that are cruel to animal rights. There are mandatory vaccinations, without which children can’t be enrolled in schools and parents are charged with child abuse. New policies are beginning to arise that lean toward mandatory exercise and controls on diets. These are called Blue Zones.

Local governments enforce grand comprehensive plans designed to pack and stack people on top of each other in massive highrise buildings. Is that what they mean by healthy? History would show that forcing people into massive containers reduces quality of life, spreads disease and promotes violence. These aren’t healthy communities. The Russians called them Gulags.

*… Natural resources are preserved… The message is that over-consumption will bring shortages of natural resources, and so the sustainable plan is to erect endless forests of windmills. That is the natural way, we are told. Man will live on the surface of the Earth doing no harm. Of course, they never seem to mention that the huge wind turbines will take more energy to build than they will ever generate in their lifetime. In addition, to bring the power online so it can be used by society requires a massive infrastructure of wires, cement and roads. While one nuclear power plant located on ten acres can supply enough energy for a megacity, wind power would require thousands of acres of clearcut, cement wastelands. Then the power proves to be unstable and unreliable, causing the power grid to falter, forcing controls on home thermostats that fail to hear or cool the homes when needed. How is that healthy for our communities? Moreover, there is the not insignificant side effect of millions of birds that are chopped up in the turbines, including “endangered” raptors like eagles. And they call that environmentally sound?

And one more question comes to mind as we lock away resources for future generations. At what point would these locked away resources ever be allowed to be used by a society so afraid of itself? Won’t there always be a future generation that might need them? Meanwhile, science keeps discovering that the dire predictions of resource depletion are outrageously overblown. It has recently been discovered that the United States has the largest oil and gas supplies in the world. Hydraulic fracturing is a benign American technology that is ecologically sound and economically advantageous. But it has been deemed “unsustainable” by those enforcing Sustainable policy as they quickly oppose any source of cheap energy. Yet, fracking stretches our energy reserves several hundred years into the future. That would certainly give science ample time to come up with new workable technology.

“…historic resources are preserved…” Frankly I have no idea what a historic “resource” is. But I do know that Sustainablists prey on America’s love of history as an excuse to lock away any land where once a historic person may have taken a walk. And they use it to generate massive federal grants so planners can stop development, even in towns where nothing of historic significance ever occurred. It’s a growth industry in the world of sustainable lock-aways.

* “…jobs are available…” What will magically happen in a Sustainable Community to suddenly create jobs that aren’t there now? Government doesn’t create jobs. Creative, driven, free people create jobs to fill needs they have discovered. No government-controlled economy would ever have created a factory that makes designer clothes, dandruff shampoo, or little pieces of plastic that go on the ends of your shoe laces. Bureaucrats don’t think that way. They only think in terms of need, urgency – bare minimum. Luxury is never part of the government plan. The fact is, Sustainable Development is one of the biggest killers of jobs. Its rules and regulation make it near impossible for many companies to survive. The EPA, enforcing Sustainable policies, is killing power plants, mines, and farms. They’re destroying economies of whole states. So where will these glorious Sustainable jobs come from? Government jobs! Perhaps the highrise apartments in the mega cities will need lots of NSA type eavesdroppers for mandatory surveillance to assure people are following the rules for compulsory health policy!

* “…Sprawl is contained…” Evil sprawl (suburbia to normal folk) — those areas of community growth where people run to escape the mega cities. In nearly every case, those new homes in their shiny developments are a place where families first opened the front door with smiles on their faces because this was their home. They have backyards where the kids can play. They have a real sense of community. And those terrible strip malls that spring up around the new developments that supple goods and services for the new residents also create jobs and enhance the economy. Stack and pack cities are not livable if you actually believe in fresh air and a place for the kids to play. Cities are full of government regulations, high taxes, drugs, and disease. Do the Sustainablists focus on stopping murders by drug cartels and beatings by gangs of illegal aliens? You never seem to hear anything about that in their plans. All of these facts were actually exposed in a report by the American Planning Association on the effects of Smart Growth. The report revealed that it doesn’t work. But that hasn’t changed the APA’s policies because Smart Growth is full of government grants. And that’s the real game – Sustainable income for Non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

* “…Neighborhoods are secure…” How is this done? Massive police control? Cameras on every corner? Gun control? TSA in the subways and bus stations? NSA listening in on every conversation, and computer keystroke? Security over privacy and individual choice? Certainly, there is no Sustainable “freedom” in such a scheme.

* “…Transportation is accessible…” This one is easy. Public transportation. Trains for long distance, bikes for the quick run to the store. No cars. You will rarely leave your neighborhood. Imagine the hassle involved in taking the family on a trip to the beach using inconvenient train schedules? Of course, humans flocking to the beach are an unsustainable danger to the environment. Ban that too. Stay in the city.

* ”…Healthcare accessible…” Well, we used to have accessible healthcare, then government got into the game. Perhaps you think it’s unfair to mention Obamacare in an article about Sustainable Development. Simply Google “Sustainable Medicine” and find more than 5,850,000 references on the subject, and you will find almost all the provisions of Obamacare.

* …all citizens have the opportunity to improve the quality of their lives…” Really? What part above leads to improvement of the quality of life? We used to call it tyranny – now we call it quality of life. As George Orwell said in his landmark book, 1984, it’s all called doublespeak. Look around you now as Sustainable policy is being forced on us. America’s economy is in shambles and not improving. Costs of everything, especially healthcare, food and energy are skyrocketing. These industries are the very first to be impacted by Sustainable Development. How will it improve under a policy of planned shortages and locked away resources? What or who are they counting on to pull us out? Answer: individuals who will continue to produce no matter how many shackles they lock them in. Eventually, even the most determined give up.

The Sustainablists use such innocent, attractive sounding descriptions of their plans for us. Then they deny they are even doing it, and anyone who calls them on it is labeled a fringe nut. But there is another way to say it, a much older description of Sustainable Development that explains the motivation behind the policy in a much more direct manner: “From each according to his ability. To each according to his need.” If you recognize that quote, then you fully understand the true nature of Sustainable Development.

Here are two more quotes that will drive reality into daylight of the true purpose of Sustainable Development.

First, does this sound like something your local planners may have said? “The chaotic growth of cities will be replaced by a dynamic system of urban settlement…The region is formed by the economic interdependence of its development, from the industrial complex to the industrial region. The region has a single system of transportation, a centralized administration, and a united system of education and research.” This was written in 1968 by Alexei Gutnov. He was a Soviet Russian architect writing in a book titled The Ideal Communist City.

And finally there is this very recent quote from New York City Mayor William DeBlasio from an interview in New York magazine. “What’s been hardest is the way our legal system is structured to favor private property. I think people all over this city, of every background, would like to have the city government be able to determine which building goes where, how high it will be, who gets to lie in it, what the rent shall be.”

These quotes represent the true origin and process of Sustainable Development and its goal to reorganize human society. In such a process, there is no room for the independence of free enterprise, private property ownership or individual choice. This is why we fight to stop it.

This article is taken from information included in Tom DeWeese’s new book, “Sustainable, The WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property, and Individuals.”
Book details and ordering may be found at:

© 2018 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese:  Contact Tom DeWeese

It’s Time To Bring The Southern Poverty Law Center To Justice

There are many powerful forces operating today across the nation to divide the American people and silence opposing views. One of the most active of these efforts is the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

There are two very serious reasons why the SPLC is in many ways more dangerous than other organizations that are fueling the flames of the far left radicals who use violence and lies to stop honest political debate.

First, the SPLC has contracts with the federal government, specifically the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), serving as advisors to help define what a domestic terrorist or hate group is, even helping to write official policy for this agency of our government. Here are just a few examples:

In 2009, the Department of Homeland Security issued a report entitled “Right-wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.” It targeted conservative groups that supported local rule over federal control. And it singled out groups that opposed abortion or illegal immigration.
Two weeks later, DHS issued a Domestic Extremism Lexicon to define Right wing extremists = those who are concerned over the economy, had antagonism toward the Obama Administration or oppose the UN.
According to these reports and many more, the list of potential terrorists, according to these reports and many more, included anyone who voted for Ron Paul for president, for example.

These reports were basically written by the Southern Poverty Law Center! And they were sent to law enforcement agencies across the nation. Soon after the issuing of these reports police department nationwide could be observed providing bulletins to their officers to be on the watch for dangerous right wing activity.

In 2010 DHS organized a “Countering Violent Extremist Working Group.” Its purpose is to teach local law enforcement how to counter terrorism. It was basically the root of militarizing local police forces.

Serving on this “advisory group” was Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society if North America, who has been accused of funding terrorist organizations. Also serving as an advisor to this group was Richard Cohen, President of the Southern Poverty Law Center. The conclusion of this report is that conservative organizations and spokesmen are possibly bigger domestic terror threats than ISIS!

The SPLC also runs the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center which issues official certification to police groups all over the country for fighting “hate” groups, i.e. Right wing groups. And it is funded by the Department of Homeland Security!

In 2013, released a report by Judicial Watch confirming a direct connection between the DOJ and SPLC. The report states, “Judicial Watch, a Washington, D.C. based non-partisan educational foundation, released some two dozen pages of emails it obtained  revealing connections between the Department of Justice Civil Rights and Tax divisions and the Southern Poverty Law Center.”

The second reason the SPLC is a dangerous threat to American freedom is its so-called “Hate List.” Each year, the SPLC updates its list of “extremist” groups and individuals it declares to be dangerous. Does the list include Black Lives Matter, ICIS, ANTIFA, or any of the forces that have taken credit for opening fire on crowds attending public events? Nope. SPLC’s list of hate groups are those who oppose Obamacare and  NAFTA, are concerned about the economy, and perhaps stockpile food to prepare for possible bad economic times. These are “Right Wing Extremists.” The list goes on to include people like Stewart Rhodes, founder of the Oath Keepers and Senator Rand Paul. A few years ago it included Dr. Ben Carson, now HUD Secretary. The list also includes nearly any conservative and Christian organizations that advocate limited government or Christian teachings or government adherence to the Constitution.

There is now a new trend moving across the nation that makes inclusion on this list dangerous to the very existence of those listed on it. Since President Trump’s election, the SPLC has ramped up its attacks on the Right with the clear purpose of destroying conservatives’ ability to speak out and counter SPLC’s assault on free speech and freedom of choice.

Joining SPLC in these attacks on the Right are major corporations and social media giants like Facebook and Goggle. These corporations are, in fact, using the SPLC hate list to deny services to some organizations and individuals who are listed. Here are some examples:

Discover Card, one of the nation’s leading credit card companies, denied a conservative group the use of their card to accept donations.
Quick Books cancelled a subscription of its product to a Christian organization because it opposed same sex marriage.
PayPal has refused to let a conservative group use its service for fund raising.
There have been several reports of social media giant Facebook censuring and banning conservative posts and pages.
Google has taken steps to deny Internet searches of conservative websites.

Clearly, there is a drive to deny conservative and Christian organizations the ability to exist in the market place or in social media. How far off is the day when conservative leaders are denied access to public transportation, the rental of halls for meetings, or bank accounts are seized, all under the guise of protecting the public from hate and racism? Well, the answer is already in front of us.

First, there was the outrageous and planned violence in Charlottesville, Virginia in which two opposing sides supposedly clashed over removal of Robert E. Lee’s statue. The obvious fact is that the event was staged to make the Right look like the perpetrator. More importantly, the Ku Klux Klan was used as the villain. I’m going to go out on a limb to say there is hardly any real KKK activity taking place in the nation, especially any strong enough to create such violence as the Charlottesville incident. The fact is, the KKK basically exists only in the demented minds of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which loves to place it on the hate list next to groups like the NRA as a broad brush visual tactic. The reality that such groups have nothing to do with the KKK isn’t important to the SPLC.

However, the desired affect of the clash worked. Immediately after the Charlottesville incident, Congress, without any public debates, rushed to approve Public Law 115-58, which “urges the President and his administration to speak out against hate groups that espouse racism, extremism, and xenophobia.”

How is the President to choose what are actual “hate” groups? Of course the plan is for him to use the official list – the Southern Poverty Law Center’s hate list, of course. Again, who is on that list? The NRA, the Family Research Council and the American Policy Center, to name a very few.

It’s interesting to note that the very group that is now looked on by our government as the official definer of hate in our nation, has actually committed one of the most outrageous and dangerous acts of terrorism against certain American citizens.

In 2015, the SPLC issued a “Hit List of U.S. Women Against Sharia Law.” The list targeted 12 leading conservative women who have specifically spoken out against radical Muslims and their authoritarian doctrine that inspires Islamists and their jihadism. The hit list not only named the women, but listed the cities where they reside. Anyone who has studied radical Islam clearly understands that this SPLC hit list put these women in grave danger of reprisal from Muslim extremists.

The SPLC is a dangerous organization, guilty of the hate it claims to fight. Yet it works closely with our own government in its quest to destroy any Americans who hold opposing views, even to the point of denying them a place in society.

The fact is the SPLC would just be another run of the mill leftist outfit if it didn’t have such close ties with our government. Those ties need to be thoroughly investigated by the Congressional Homeland Security Committee and then severed immediately.

To demand those hearings, the American Policy Center (APC) has issued a petition to Representative Michael McCaul, (R-TX), Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security. The petition calls for hearings and an immediate investigation into the government connections with the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The only way to end the SPLC’s reign of terror is to pull its teeth – its powerful connections with our government that make it a threat. Concerned Americans can sign the APC petition at our website.

The Southern Poverty Law Center labels any American who advocates that the U.S. Constitution is the law of the land as a potential domestic terrorist, dangerous to the nation. The question that must be answered is why the Department of Homeland Security and major corporations are working with them to make those attacks legitimate. If enough Americans will sign the APC petition, perhaps we will finally get some answers and perhaps even a little bit of justice.

© 2018 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

Contact Tom DeWeese

How the Media Twists Facts To Enforce its Propaganda Bias

It’s become obvious that our fight against Agenda 21/2030 is beginning to have an affect when a reporter writes not one, but two attack articles about the same event. That’s what happened as a result of my recent talk in Rexburg, Idaho.

In mid-October I traveled to three cities in Idaho (including Rexburg) and to Spokane, Washington, speaking about Agenda 21 and the growing assault on private property and individual choice. Below is one of two reports on the Rexburg event, as reported by reporter Bryan Clark. I’ve inserted my remarks in the body of his article to show what I actually said in contrast to his innuendos and lack of facts.

Conspiracist warns of plot for global domination

Posted: October 19, 2017 5:31 p.m.

By BRYAN CLARK, Post Register

His original article is in  ♦Italics♦

♦ REXBURG — Most people don’t think concentration camps and bike paths have much in common, but Tom DeWeese sees a connection. He sees lots of connections. Everywhere.

Of course, I never mentioned concentration camps in my talk. For that matter I didn’t mention FEMA camps or chemtrails either.

♦ DeWeese is one of the nation’s most prominent exponents of the Agenda 21 conspiracy theory, which has gained increasing traction among Idaho’s far right, being recently invoked in the debate over proposed wildlife overpasses near Island Park.

Of course, using terms like “conspiracy theory” and “far right” are a direct attempt to bias the reader from the start. It’s a common tactic in political advocacy, but has no place in legitimate journalism. In truth, I actually spent considerable time at the beginning of my talk producing official government documents showing that specific government programs clearly claimed to be implementation of Agenda 21. Each of these documents used the exact same description for the purpose of Agenda 21 as a “comprehensive blueprint” with the intention of reorganizing human society.

Here are my exact words as I held up each document:

In 1994, the American Planning Association (one of the largest and most respected planning groups in the nation) put out a newsletter calling Agenda 21 a Comprehensive Blueprint for Sustainable Development that was adopted at the recent UNCED conference in Rio de Janeiro (the Earth Summit).

In 1997 the United States issued a 70-page report to the United Nations Department for Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development, detailing the progress the US was making to implement Agenda 21. The second chapter of that report is titled “International cooperation to accelerate sustainable development in developing countries and related domestic policies.”

In 1998, the Federal Register issued a report on the EPA’s Challenge Grant Program. That report says, “The EPA’s Challenge Grant Program is also implementation of Agenda 21.”

In 2011, the EPA issued a revised report entitled “History of Sustainability.” It details how EPA policy on Sustainability was developed. The Fifth item on that report is Agenda 21, calling it a “comprehensive process of planning and action to attain sustainability.”

And on and on it went, about Agenda 21. The blueprint. The plan. The consensus. The direction for changing how people live. Here was the plan for the 21st Century!

Of course, my point in bringing out these official documents was to show their excitement, support, and determination to impose this “plan to reorganize human society” domestically and worldwide. Again – that was the entire point of my presentation.

♦ DeWeese, who bills himself as an expert on property rights (though he claims only a degree in journalism), gave an extended lecture on his theory Wednesday night at the Romance Theater in Rexburg. The event was put on by the John Birch Society and local activists. Conservative activist Maria Nate emceed the proceedings, and several government officials, including state Rep. Ron Nate and Rexburg Mayor Jerry Merrill, were in attendance.

First, I do not have a degree in journalism and never claimed to. I simply worked for two small newspapers in my younger days. Second, I have been involved in the property rights issued for over thirty years. My organization has been invited to testify before Congressional committees on the subject several times. I have met with legislators in several states, including Maine, Michigan and Virginia. I regularly work directly with elected officials at many levels, helping them to craft property rights legislation. I was even invited to debate the UN issue before a 200-year-old debating society at England’s Cambridge University. In fact, that night in Cambridge I debated the former UK Ambassador to the UN, the head of the UN’s Millennium Project, along with a member of the British Parliament. Those people apparently thought I was an expert or they wouldn’t have gone to the expense of flying me to England.

♦ It’s in things such as zoning, bike paths and conservation easements that DeWeese sees the advent of global totalitarianism. DeWeese invoked Hitler and Stalin, Mussolini and Napoleon, saying this time things would be much worse. He warned that unspecified “secret societies” sought to organize the entire world under a single “diabolical plan,” which he variously characterized as communist and fascist.

I only “invoked” Hitler, Stalin and Napoleon in saying there have always been those who have sought to rule the world. In fact, here’s what I actually said:

“There has always been some kind of force loose in the world seeking domination over others.

Usually it’s a drive for power for power’s sake. Conquer other tribes, kingdoms or nations. Grab their resources. Enslave their people. Build wealth and power. Rule the World!

Kings saw it as their duty. Megalomaniacs like Napoleon, Hitler, and Stalin lusted for the control and power to satisfy their hatred, mistrust, and insecurities. Secret societies have plotted global control for their causes, however demented it might be.”

I was pointing out that these forces used war and violence to try to take over the world.

Then I said: “However, what if such power-mongers could find a way to keep their aggression under wraps, out of sight from those they intend to conquer – until it was too late?

Better yet, what if they could actually get their targeted victims to help them achieve that goal to control them? No armies in the field. No shots fired. Instead, they quietly pull in the Trojan Horse and celebrate its arrival.

What if there was a way to organize the world under a single unifying plan, accepted by nearly everyone as fact and necessary?

Everyone would be convinced that to oppose such a plan would be a direct threat to humanity. Acceptance of that plan would see every nation voluntarily surrendering its independence and sovereignty — to the aggressors. They would even raise money to pay for the aggressor’s system of control.

These new rulers would issue exact orders to be followed by all, gaining more and more power with each dictate. People would voluntarily forget their history, reject their culture, and never ask questions about it. Was it not always so, they would later ask?

What could be such a threat, so powerful that the entire world would lie down to accept such global servitude?  How about the threat of Environmental Armageddon? Who could be opposed to saving the planet?

♦ “There is such a plan for world domination,” DeWeese said, his voice rising in volume and urgency as he went on. “It is rapidly taking over with a pace and scope that no force or power ever experienced in history. Hitler would be so envious watching what is being done, so powerful and controlling is this force.”

This is what I actually said: “In truth there is such a plan for world domination and it is rapidly taking over at a pace and a scope that no force of power ever experienced in history. So powerful and controlling is this force that, so far, it certainly hasn’t even had to fire a shot as it gains new power every day.

The incredible part about it is that it’s no secret. Everyone in the world knows about it. The aggressors have written down every detail of their plan and have told us in their own words how it’s to work.

Citizens of the world, the direct targets of the plan, accept each new dictate in its name as most nations enthusiastically help to put it into place.

The Club of Rome, one of the leading forces behind the scheme, openly admitted their purpose and goals saying, “The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All of these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”

Diabolical! Turn man against himself so that every aspect of human life is a threat. So — in order to subjugate the entire human race — get man to imprison himself.

First to be targeted, of course, would have to be the three pillars of freedom: free enterprise, individuality, and private property.

What do they call this new diabolical tool that now leads the forces of global control over all humanity, which is quickly invading every single level of our government, our communities, and our neighborhoods? Its name is Sustainable Development.”

♦ Things such as bike lanes, walkable downtowns and efforts to decrease urban sprawl will usher in “a dark ages unlike anything seen in human history,” DeWeese said.

Of course I didn’t say bike lanes and Walkable communities would usher in a Dark Ages.  Instead, I went into great detail as to how sustainable/Smart Growth programs are being used to change our society – in the name of environmental protection. I demonstrated how, through these programs government is being taken from the hands of the people as NGO organizations, planners, and federal agents are usurping the power of elected representatives.

Here is part of what I really said – and by the way, I’ve had these details confirmed by elected officials across the nation:

“So how is Sustainable Development being used to change your government? Well, there are three main points of attack through the enforcement of Sustainable policy:

1- Destroy private property ownership and control.
2- Impose regional councils and government, taking government further away from the people.
3- Feed the plan with federal grant money.

Let’s start by attending your local city council or county commission meetings, or planning committee meetings.

First, you will hear a completely new language being used.

Wetlands, conservation easements, watersheds, viewsheds, rails – to- trails, biosphere reserves, greenways, carbon footprints, partnerships, preservation, stakeholders, land use, environmental protection, development, diversity, visioning, open space, heritage areas, and comprehensive planning, are all part of the new language of government.

What you will rarely hear are references to private property, free enterprise or considerations for individual choice.

You will also notice a lot of faces that aren’t really local people, who seem to be wielding a lot of influence during the meetings. In fact, you may notice your elected representatives giving them a lot of attention.

Who are they? They are planners and representatives of private organizations – or non-governmental organizations (NGOs). They call themselves Stakeholders. In fact, you will find representatives of these same organizations in nearly every single local government meeting in the nation. Most likely, they are national, and many are international organizations, all working toward the goal of reorganizing human society.”

♦ The local face of this force could be seen in places such as Envision Madison, local participants in the talk claimed. One participant described them as the “blue helmets” in city hall, a reference to the helmets worn by United Nations peacekeeping troops.

♦ (Envision Madison is, in fact, an effort by Madison Economic Partners, a local economic development agency, to conduct surveys, workshops and other efforts to collect local input that can be used to shape long-term city and county planning decisions.)

These were issues brought up by local residents, not by me. They were concerned that their local government is spending millions of dollars for projects without true public input. Though the proponents of these constantly state their plans are “all local,” in fact they are usually identical to international programs designed to infringe on private property and increase the size of government.

♦ This time, DeWeese said, shadowy forces aiming to “take over the world” want to “keep their aggression under wraps.”

This is an amazing misrepresentation of what I actually said. Never once in my presentation did I make reference to “shadowy forces. I openly stated who they are, including The Sierra Club, Nature Conservancy, Planning groups like the American Planning Association, the International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) and hundreds of similar non-governmental organizations that push various agendas such as controls on energy, waters and land use.

♦ In an unusual move for an alleged secret cabal with a secret plan “to subjugate the entire human race” and “control all the world’s resources,” as DeWeese put it, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held a well-publicized, week-long international summit in Brazil in 1992, and published a 351-page document outlining the suggestions developed at the Agenda 21 conference.

I never said it was a secret cabal. In fact I openly said everyone in the world knows about the plan.  In fact, I gave very specific details about the origins of Agenda 21:

In 1992, 50,000 delegates made up of 179 heads of state, diplomats, business leaders, government bureaucrats, and members of thousands of non-governmental organizations converged on Rio de Janeiro, to introduce to the world a document they called a “Comprehensive Blueprint” for reorganizing human society. Yes, for reorganizing human society.

Obviously, they thought it was pretty serious stuff.

Then Nancy Pelosi introduced the idea to the US Congress that fall, calling it a Comprehensive Blueprint. (I‘ve got the Cspan video on my website).

The UN, in a 1993 publication, described Agenda 21 like this: “Agenda 21 proposes an array of actions which are intended to be implemented by EVERY person on Earth…it calls for specific changes in the activities of ALL people… Effective execution of Agenda 21 will REQUIRE a profound reorientation of ALL humans, unlike anything the world has ever experienced.”

♦ There is no means of enforcing the goals, no penalty for deviating from them and no system of incentives for nations to implement the goals. The document only outlines broad goals such as international cooperation to preserve the environment and reduce global poverty. Efforts to come to actual international agreements, such as the Kyoto Protocol to control global greenhouse gas output, which was proposed five years later, failed to gain crucial U.S. support (the Senate never ratified the treaty).

This is the standard lie told by the proponents of Agenda 21, assuring us that it’s just an innocent suggestion, a voluntary guideline for helping us to protect the environment and make us all happy. In fact, they conveniently leave out the existence of President Bill Clinton’s 1993 Executive Order to establish the President’s Council on Sustainable Development. Its specific, stated purpose was to bring the “suggestions” of Agenda 21 into federal policy. Serving on that Council were many of the same groups that had helped to write Agenda 21, including the Sierra Club and Nature Conservancy. Also serving were representatives of major corporations, including Enron, along with representatives of most of the agencies of the federal government, including the Department of Interior, HUD, EPA and several more. Together they created grant programs that came with very specific strings attached that resulted in the creation and enforcement of Agenda 21 policy. That’s why the EPA Challenge Grant Program, for example, states in the Congressional Record that it was “also implementation of Agenda 21.”

In addition, planning groups like the American Planning Association, work in nearly every community in the nation to implement these policies. In reference to the APA, I said in my talk: “The American Planning Association is the largest and most respected planning group in the nation. They are operating in almost every community.

The APA is part of the “Planners Network.” The Planners Network is officially run by a group called the Organization of Progressive Planners.

It’s an association of professionals, activists, academics, and students involved in physical, social, economic, and environmental planning in urban and rural areas, who promote fundamental change in our political and economic systems. Along with the UN, the Planners Network openly advocates that free markets and private property are not sustainable.

So, go to the website, and read its statement of principles. It says, “We believe planning should be a tool for allocating resources…and eliminating the great inequalities of wealth and power in society…because the free market has proven incapable of doing this.”

That is what every planner in every community believes. And so that is what is incorporated in every planning program they create. In short – it’s social justice and redistribution of wealth.”

♦ DeWeese touted his listing as an extremist by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups and political extremism. He said the group had characterized him as a “domestic terrorist.”

♦ (The SPLC’s profile of DeWeese, in fact, contains no mention of terrorism. The SPLC labels DeWeese an extremist tied to the radical right-wing antigovernment movement.)

Of course I was saying this in a joking way. It actually got the largest applause of the night because nearly everyone in the audience knows that the Southern Poverty Law Center attacks anyone who disagrees with their political vision and labels them a hate group. The SPLC has produced four separate reports on me. They have now started a vigorous campaign to destroy organizations and individuals they put on their annual hate list. Some organizations are now losing their ability to use credit card companies to raise funds. They are being censored by Google and Facebook. The purpose is to destroy any voice of opposition. Does the SPLC  consider folks like me to be a domestic terrorist in opposition to their worldview? Their tactics to destroy us would indicate that they see us as such a threat. Considering that the SPLC has contracts with the federal government to help train law enforcement to recognize “domestic terrorists,” and that training labels as a threat anyone who opposes the UN or promotes property rights, I think it’s a safe bet they consider me to be one.

♦ DeWeese urged those in attendance Wednesday to “rise up and make sure (elected officials) feel pain” for support of Agenda 21.

Of course here I was referring to political solutions, specifically to run campaigns to defeat anyone who promotes these policies.  It’s called participating in the American system.

♦ The roughly 70 people at the talk applauded at the end of DeWeese’s hour-long lecture. One man, who said he had figured out Agenda 21 on his own, asked how he could spread the word without alienating his friends or turning people off.

♦ DeWeese advised focusing on more neutral terms such as “property rights” rather than giving an extended lecture that people might tune out. Break down information into small bites, and slowly win people over, he advised.

♦ “Don’t even mention Agenda 21,” he said.

I am asked this question a lot – how do I reach my elected officials and get them to listen. The fact is, the proponents of Sustainable policy have had great success in getting elected officials to ignore anyone who even mentions Agenda 21. We get the “eye roll” and the “sigh,” and then are dismissed from the discussion. I pointed out in my talk that one of the problems on our side is that we try to tell someone everything we know in the first five minutes of meeting them. It turns people off. They aren’t ready to hear it. So I advise we take it slow and focus on the specific issue or policy first. We can teach them the rest when they understand that part. Take baby steps, I advise. But of course this reporter interpreted that to mean “conspiracy!”

The most amazing part to me in this so-called journalistic report was that the reporter never once asked me a question. Instead, he obviously came to the event with his own opinion of me and my message and made it his mission to discredit me.

Also interesting is that he completely ignored my comments about how these policies are negatively affecting low income and young people.  I said:

“These Smart Growth economic realities are now forcing low income and young people out of their ethnic neighborhoods and into public housing programs – as expensive high rise condos replace their homes and destroy their local businesses – they call that improvement. The poor have little hope of ever buying a home and experiencing what used to be called the American Dream.

Again, in Portland, Oregon, after decades of Smart Growth development, exorbitant living costs have driven over 10,000 minority families out of their urban homes.

In the San Francisco Bay Area, thousands of low-income families are being uprooted from their homes and relocated, often against their will, into Preferred Development Areas.

And in Seattle, the city government intends to charge a new construction tax to pay for the government housing – raising prices even higher.

As Smart Growth policies are fully implemented, the only property owners in the future will be rich corporations that build and own the massive condo structures. And they will make all the decisions on living conditions — in direct partnership with government. That isn’t freedom.

Obviously that information didn’t fit his pre-planned narrative about racist, right-winged “Conspiracists” who have no compassion for the poor. And this is what passes for journalism in today’s Sustainable society. That’s why I fight!

© 2017 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese:  Contact Tom DeWeese

Barbarians At The School House Door

The barbarians have finally broken down the school doors and are now plundering knowledge. Books are their target. Banning them is the goal.

In New York City, administrators at the Life Sciences Secondary School have ordered all textbooks rounded up and removed. Books, they say, are antiquated. Instead, technology is to be the new god of learning.

Of course the excuse is that books are expensive. The schools complain that the kids lose the books or that they wear out and there is no budget to replace them. And more importantly, using iPads means they can be automatically updated with the latest information, scientific discovery and technology. So the schools need to keep up with all the latest developments to keep the kids on top, they say. It’s a wide, wonderful brave new world! Aren’t our children lucky to live in these times? Everything in today’s school house is apparently designed for the comfort and ease of the children. No stress. No demands. No expectations.

And so the books were piled up in the hallway of the school. Next stop – the trash bin. Most were in good condition, including hundreds of math, algebra, geometry and various English literature text books. Also strewn around the floor were copies of Romeo and Juliet and A Street Car named Desire.

The technocrats will argue that the World Wide Web contains vast knowledge for the taking with the right tools. They argue that printed books are limited. That printed text books soon become antiquated. And so the future of learning is achieved by opening up this super highway of knowledge in the class rooms so every child has access. Thus, throw away the books and unchain their minds.

The incident at the middle school in New York is not isolated. It’s a growing trend. Cushing Academy, a private prep school in Massachusetts, just dumped its 20,000 library books. Instead, the library has been revamped into pseudo Internet café. Here the students can watch the three television flat screens or just sit and talk.

Say schools officials, “The library is trading its 20,000-volume collection for a database of millions of digital books. All of the students can read any of the books, either through the 68 Amazon Kindles cycling around the campus or in the laptop that each of the school’s 450 students is provided.”

Said Headmaster James Tracy, “If I look outside my window and I see my student reading Chaucer under a tree, it is utterly immaterial to me whether they’re doing so by way of a Kindler or by way of a paperback.”

Actually it does matter. First, traditional libraries were always ordered to be quiet areas because students were absorbing information, researching or writing papers. The atmosphere now is loud with lots of talking taking place. That doesn’t provide a learning atmosphere. Second, printed books cannot be changed. The content in iPads can be changed and controlled by outside forces. In short, one can’t trust the content to be accurate. Third, those same outside forces can actually control what information is available. They can control knowledge.

Today we are a divided society. Freedom verses control. Can anyone deny that there are powerful forces that seek to change how we think in order to fulfill a revolution to literally change our entire society? We have observed massive changes in our culture over the past ten years. Free enterprise is racist and evil. Private property ownership is a social injustice. Individual thought is dangerous. Marriage and sexual orientation are in great turmoil. Free speech is a threat. The mere mention of a certain presidential candidate can send college students into turmoil requiring therapy and major thumb sucking.

Do you think these changes are just happenstance? No, they are the result of a carefully orchestrated takeover of the public education system with the specific purpose of creating a new kind of citizen for the future. One that doesn’t challenge authority and official dictates. How do you create such a product? Keep them ignorant of history, philosophy and contrary ideas. If you don’t know there is even a question then you will never ask it.

Printed books can be dangerous as they can’t be changed. If allowed to remain they can be discovered by future generations. In printed version, their message remains intact, ready to spark questions to a hungry mind.

The Founding Fathers studied all kinds of government styles and philosophies before deciding on our Republican form. They wanted one that would protect the freedom of thought, movement and our ability to benefit from the fruits of our own labor. Individuality, private property and free enterprise were the roots of the government they chose. To keep the freedom which these policies created, the Founders fully understood that knowledge was key. Thomas Jefferson said, “If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed.”

Today, the revolution in our classrooms has robbed the children of the philosophy behind our founder’s actions. They have never been taught that private property ownership is the only true way to eradicate poverty. They have no idea that free enterprise is the true system that gives then freedom of choice and control over the quality and quantity of products and services we purchase. And as they color their hair purple, dress in outrageous fashions, and take on the usual youthful defiance to claim their individuality, they slavishly cling to their public school teachings that individuality is selfish and must be controlled. They do so automatically because their ability to think and reason has been removed through lack of knowledge.

Behavior modification, social justice and an all out assault on attitudes, values and beliefs have replaced academics in the public education system as it churns out the perfect global village idiots. Leaving old books and their anti-revolutionary ideas lying around is a danger to their revolution. Soon, books with contrary ideas will not be available in your favorite E-book. Google will not provide the answers in a search. Facebook will censure contrary postings. Oh, wait, all of that is already happening.

I read the report on this trashing of books with great interest because such action was a major part of the plot of my recent political thriller ERASE. In my fictionalized world an evil force called LEAP was systematically taking over the publishing industry, slowly eliminating outlets for printed books and replacing them with their own E-book version. LEAP even made a massive gift to the schools across the nation by giving every school kid a LEAP iPad to replace their school books. The only problem was that now LEAP controlled the content and could change it at will.

I wrote ERASE to be fiction. I didn’t intend to provide the forces of evil with a “How To” manual! Yet, now my fiction has certainly become reality and it’s growing in schools across the country.

In one scene of ERASE a teacher asks the question, “How do they think they can stop knowledge, it’s there, no matter what? The answer came back to him, “They stop knowledge by banning it.” In our modern age, controlled by technology, book burning is no longer a necessary tool for tyrants. All they need to do is press a button and knowledge, history, indeed entire societies disappear in an instant.

© 2017 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese:  Contact Tom DeWeese

Can We The People Take Back Our Election Process

The clamor is growing louder every day. “They don’t listen.” “We have no real choice of candidates.” “The system is rigged for the elite.” “There’s no difference between the two parties.”

You hear it every election. Endless talk about the need to create jobs, build the economy, make the nation a “better place to live for our families,” and, my favorite – “restore trust!”  Who’s not for those wonderful things! The slogans work for Democrat and Republican alike. These so-called issues are interchangeable. They are, in fact, nothing more than empty rhetoric.

Meanwhile, do we hear a discussion about our money becoming more worthless every day from government spending and rampant inflation? What about the destruction of our education system as it is used for behavior modification while true academics are eliminated from the curriculum? Does any candidate dare mention the hopelessness taking over our inner cities as federal welfare policies are enslaving whole generations to the ever-expanding government plantation? And of course there is the fear campaign in every city in the nation about the need to control development and population, leading to the utter destruction of private property.

None of these issues are ever mentioned in local, state or federal campaigns. Any candidate who tries is immediately labeled an extremist!

So our political parties choose for us candidates that are “acceptable,” middle of the road, not rocking the boat, and not too extreme. In short, we are forced to choose the lesser of two evils. Election after election the drone goes on. And what are we to do? These are the candidates those in charge have chosen for us for city council, county commission, state legislature, Congress and President. Yes, we have primaries to choose, but I think we all know those are pretty much rigged to assure the powers in charge get whom they want – just ask Bernie Sanders.

Is it any wonder that there are millions of Americans who don’t vote or participate in our nation’s debate because they think it doesn’t matter anyway? The “average voter” increasingly feels that the decisions have been made for them.

Those who hold conservative points of view that our nation should live within the Constitution now believe socialism is inevitable, so why bother going to the polls.

The poor think they are simply pawns in a vice grip between big money and special interests which control the elections. Why bother? Helplessness now rules the world’s greatest representative democracy. As people stay home or trudge to the polls to unenthusiastically vote for the next lesser of two evils, 93% of incumbents are routinely returned to office – year after year after year.

The instant a candidate is elected and joins the ranks of the incumbents he/she begins the dance. Get the money for the next campaign. How? Special interests groups, corporations and foreign interests flood into their offices to make deals, promote their personal agendas and show the way to fame, fortune and perpetual office – if only the incumbents go along. They have the whole process well in hand. Campaigns become little more than big PR projects, promoted in positive platitudes, specifically designed to assure nothing negative sticks. Just get through it and keep the gravy train running.

Above all, do not talk about controversial subjects like dollar values, global trade or immigration; just stick to issues like health care, and the environment – coincidentally, two issues bought and paid for by the special interests. See how it works?

So year after year, we officially hold elections and politicians pontificate about how our going to the polls is a revered right, a valued tradition, the underpinning of a free society. And they wonder why there is such division in the nation. How did we end up in such a mess? We voted for these guys. But did we enjoy it? Are we satisfied with the results? Would we like to demand a do-over?

So is it hopeless? Is there any way to change it? Do you want the people to, again, have control of the election process and of the choice of candidates offered? Do you want to force the power elites to listen to you? I’ve got a solution.

Don’t despair. Don’t give up. There is a logical, effective way out of this. But it won’t happen by depending on political parties to lead the way. We have to take things into our own hands. We need an effective, binding form of protest to say “NO” to bad candidates. There is such a way.

Imagine going into the voting booth and looking down the list of candidates offered. None really appeal. None seem to offer satisfaction as an answer to the issues that concern you. If only there was something else you could do. A write in won’t help. It would take such a difficult, expensive effort. It rarely works.

Then you look further down the ballot. Something new. It says “NONE OF THE ABOVE.” It’s a final choice after each of the candidates in every category, from president, to congress to city council. What does it mean?

It means you have the power to decide who will hold office – not the power brokers. When the votes are tallied, if “NONE OF THE ABOVE” gets a majority of votes over any of the candidates listed, then “NONE OF THE ABOVE” wins. And that means none of those candidates will win the office. The office will remain vacant until a new election is held. To set up another election and fill the spot would work exactly like the process provided in the Constitution when an incumbent dies or resigns, and a special election is held. Now new candidates will have to try to win the public’s support.

Fixing the election process could be that simple. You, the voter, would be completely in the driver’s seat with the power to reject candidates, forcing a new election with new choices. The political parties would be forced to provide candidates the people want — or face being rejected. They would have to talk about real issues – or face being rejected. Incumbents would have to answer for their actions in office – or face being rejected. “NONE OF THE ABOVE.” Period. The power of labor unions and international corporations would be broken.

Think of the consequences. No longer would voters have to settle for the lesser of two evils. If all the candidates are bad – none would be able to force their way into office. It would mean that powerful special interests could no longer rely on their money to buy elections. They could buy all the ads they wanted, spend millions on “volunteers” going door to door and sling their dirt, but if the voters aren’t buying, none of it will save their candidate from being rejected by “NONE OF THE ABOVE.”

Moreover, the power of entrenched incumbents who have been unbeatable because of their massive war chests and party ties would be broken. Picture John McCain or Nancy Pelosi unable to run for office because they were rejected by “NONE OF THE ABOVE.”

However, in order to work, “NONE OF THE ABOVE” would have to be binding. It would have to have the power of law behind it. It cannot be just a “protest” vote that has no other meaning.

“NONE OF THE ABOVE” is completely non-partisan. There is no way to control its outcome. There is no need for a massive campaign chest to support “NONE OF THE ABOVE,” although it could certainly be done. But the option, once permanently placed on the ballot, would always be there. America’s representative system would be restored.

To get the job done, activists in every state would have to begin a campaign to demand that “NONE OF THE ABOVE” be given a permanent spot on the ballot. It would not require a Constitutional Amendment. It would have to be done state by state. Some states have ballot referendums and initiatives using petition drives to get an issue on the ballot so the people can decide. It’s difficult and expensive to do, but popular ideas have a chance.

In other states, “NONE OF THE ABOVE” advocates would have to find a friendly state representative or senator to introduce the idea before the state legislature and then get enough votes to pass it in both houses and then have it signed by the governor. The main drawback to that effort is that, if the effort is successful, then every one of those legislators is an incumbent who will have to face “NONE OF THE ABOVE” on the ballot for their re-election. They probably won’t be too excited about the idea.

So why would they support the idea? It would be only because supporters succeed in creating a strong movement of voters which demand it. No one is saying this will be an easy process. But such movements have succeeded before. For example, local activists could begin by demanding that candidates support the measure much like they now sign “no tax” pledges. In short, they would support it because there is strong popular support and they simply have no choice.

Of course, one of their main objections to the “NONE OF THE ABOVE” idea would be the requirement for holding a new election, should it win. Too expensive, our responsible public servants would say as they dismissed the idea. However, if it means getting better candidates, isn’t it worth it to hold a new election, especially considering how much a very bad candidate would cost us if he actually got into office?  The fact is, such a need for a new election would probably not arise often once political power brokers began to understand that they must offer candidates acceptable to the people rather than to the special interests. That’s all they really have to do. It’s all we want. It only takes a couple of “None of the Above” victories to see that the electorate is back in charge.

The idea of “NONE OF THE ABOVE” has been around for a long time. Over the years, most states have had some kind of legislation introduced supporting the concept. Nevada actually has it on the ballot – but it is not binding. It doesn’t force a new election. It is just a measure of protest. That’s not good enough to make it effective.

One of the reasons it has not been successful is because there has never been a serious national drive to promote the idea. However, with the growing dissatisfaction voters are feeling with the lack of quality candidates seeming to get worse every election, perhaps there has never been a better time to start a national discussion on the issue.

The best part is that “NONE OF THE ABOVE” isn’t a conservative or liberal idea. It’s not a Republican of Democrat proposal. In fact, Republican leadership might see it as a good way to break the back of big labor’s influence over elections. Equally, Democrats could see it as a way to stop the power and influence of the Republican’s big business money. However the parties want to look at it, the bottom line is that the voters win.

This will be a long-term process and is primarily aimed at local, state and congressional candidates. While it should certainly be used in presidential elections as well, the real power comes from rejecting the lower level candidates.

But all of that depends on the voters. Do you want to take back control, or are you satisfied to have your choices made for you behind closed doors? Because that’s what we have now. How’s that working for you?

© 2017 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

Petition To Support H.R. 899 Terminate The Department Of Education

“The Department of Education shall terminate on December 31, 2018.”

Those words are the entire content of a new bill, H.R. 899. This bill was introduced by courageous Congressman Thomas Massie (R – Kentucky).

H.R. 899 is revolutionary.

H.R. 899 will end the destruction of America’s education system.

H.R. 899 should have been introduced 37 years ago.

But no Republican has had the courage to do the right thing in all those years – until now.

That’s why I’m asking you to stand with this courageous Congressman to help him get this vital bill passed in Congress and delivered to President Trump’s desk for his signature.

Please sign the enclosed petition to Congressman Massie telling him you support H.R.899.

Petition To: Terminate The Department Of Education

And I will personally deliver your signed petition to him so that he may display yours and thousands more to show Congress the American people demand an end to the federal Department of Education.

This is what you and I have been waiting for.

It’s the end of the federal government messing with the minds of our children, indoctrinating them with leftist propaganda.

The end of Common Core!

The end of the power of the National Education Association (NEA) the most powerful union in the nation – and the one that directly affects your child’s future!

These programs and policies are the NEA’s agenda:

Goals 2000, School to Work, Workforce Development Boards, pumping drugs like Ritalin into our children. And now today – Common Core.

Classrooms are torturing your children with idiotic programs like Common
Core where the questions make no sense – defy logic and cause them to quit.

American history has been removed. Instead of learning about the Declaration of Independence the children have been indoctrinated to accept the UN’s Declaration on Human Rights.

Academics have nearly disappeared from the classroom and the children are pummeled with propaganda on global warming.

The Department of Education’s policy is to determine that your children are sick if they believe in their nation as a bastion of freedom. Or if they love God and their families.

As a result of 38 years of the Department of Education our children have been successfully turned into ignorant, pliable global village idiots!

Does that sound harsh?

Then take a good look around you. Look at the surge of young people who unquestioningly supported avowed Socialist Bernie Sanders for president.

Look at the sick images of college students who need counseling and coloring books to deal with anyone who expresses opinions other than those deemed to be politically correct by the Education establishment.

It’s all fed through the Department of Education. And if our nation is to survive it must stop!

That’s why you and I must take a stand to help Rep. Massie succeed in terminating the Department of Education.

Petition To: Terminate The Department Of Education

In introducing his H.R. 899 Rep. Massie said, “States and local communities are best positioned to shape curricula that meet the needs of their students.”

And he is absolutely right.

That’s why we have 50 state school boards. And it’s why nearly every community in the nation has a locally-elected school board – so parents have a say in their child’s education.

Through that system of local control the United States education system was the envy of the world. Today it is a pathetic failure.

H.R. 899 has been long overdue.

In 1980 Ronald Reagan promised to get rid of the Department of Education that was started by Jimmy Carter just a year before. Reagan was betrayed by the same type of establishment Republicans that now threaten Donald Trump.

In 1996 the Republican Party Platform said the “federal government has no constitutional authority to be involved in school curricula… That is why we will abolish the Department of Education, end federal meddling in our schools and promote family choice at all levels of learning.”

Republicans lost the presidential race that year and so the Department of Education survived.

Today you and I have a new chance.

During the recent campaign, President Trump called for slashing the Department of Education Budget. He certainly sees the danger.

And I am quite certain that new Education Secretary Betsy DeVos would gladly see her position ended if it also meant the end of the Department of Education. That would be a victory for her and the Trump Administration.

Petition To: Terminate The Department Of Education

So let’s take the right action today.

Let’s end the power of the National Education Association.

Let’s save generations of children from being enslaved in ignorance.

Let’s save millions of tax payer dollars.

And let’s take the first vital steps in draining the swamp and restoring our nation’s precious Republic.

All of that can be achieved by passing a simple one-line bill.

“The Department of Education shall terminate on December 31, 2018.”

It’s that simple.

I started my fight against the Department of Education in the 1990s when Bill Clinton was president. He had introduced Goals 2000 and the rest of the policies to change our education system. This was before Common Core.

I walked all over Capitol Hills meeting with Members of Congress, begging them to stop these programs. Incredibly, Republicans were actually sponsoring many of them.

I actually succeeded three times in stopping the passage of the Workforce Development Act – then called the Careers Act – until I was betrayed by a U.S. Senator from Ohio – Mike DeWine. He lied on the floor of the Senate by saying I and Phyllis Schlafly supported the bill. His lie passed the bill.

Please, join with me in supporting Congressman Thomas Massie’s bill H. R. 899. We can finally terminate the federal Department of Education and return education policy to the local level where you have a say in how it is done!

Please sign my enclosed petition of support to Rep. Massie so he can prove the American people support his bill and demand an end to the Department of Education.

Petition To: Terminate The Department Of Education

Also, if you can, please call you congressman and ask for his support of the bill. In fact, if you can, ask him/her to co-sponsor it. He has 7 co-sponsors so far. If we can get 50 Members of Congress to sign on we can pass H.R. 899!

You can call your Congressional Representative at 202-224-3121. Just ask for him/her by name. You will be automatically connected.

I am doing everything I can to build support for the bill. Will you help me lead that effort across the country?

But we can win this battle to terminate the Department of Education because the American people are finally fed up with these tyrannical policies of the Left.  We’ve never had a better opportunity.

H.R. 899 is our best chance to stop the destruction of our American way.

Petition To: Terminate The Department Of Education

© 2017 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

The Solution to Healthcare Reform

The Republican leadership in Congress today rolled out their replacement for Obamacare. This legislation goes in the wrong direction from what President Trump promised on the campaign trail. The main reason healthcare costs are skyrocketing as quality of service diminishes is GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT. To correct the problem demands that government must get out of the way. The new Republican bill does not do that. it continues the myth that government must control how and where Americans buy their healthcare plans while regulating the options.

Senator Ran Paul is on the correct path in insisting on a competitive free market approach, getting government out of the process. My recent article, posted below, clearly states how this can be done. We must not let Speaker Paul Ryan and those entrenched Washington establishment Republicans fail us again through tough talk yet wrong policy!

Please contact your Senators and Representatives in Congress and demand they join Senator Rand Paul’s efforts to truly fix the U.S. health care system by getting government out of the way and let the free market system handle the needs of the people, as I have described below. The nation’s health, physically and financially, depends on it. Tom DeWeese

As the Republicans in Congress struggle to present a workable replacement to Obamacare, the solution is staring them in the face. It’s called free enterprise.

The only reason we need massive insurance programs today is because of government meddling in healthcare. It started with Medicare in which government dictated percentages it would pay for services. Insurance companies followed suit. Therefore, forcing doctors and hospitals to raise prices to make more money from those established percentages. To prove that fact, simply go to a hospital as an uninsured patient and observe how much they deduct from your final bill. Insurance would have had to pay the higher price.

Then, with the intrusion of government came the inevitable paperwork. Lots of it. Today, under the Affordable Care Act doctors and hospitals need full time staffs just to fill out the paperwork. That costs money. Eliminate it.

Now there are rules and regulations on who must be treated and what procedures must be used. Of course, like all things government, these rules and regulations haven’t been written by doctors, but by bureaucrats serving various special interests who stand to gain financially. Eliminate them.

What’s the solution? It’s simple. Get government completely out of the healthcare industry where they don’t belong. Don’t try to write whole new policies. Let the insurance companies create policies to fit the market’s needs. Let them advertise for customers. Let them fight it out among themselves in the market place and let the customers choose which company has the policy that fits their needs.

Repeal Obamacare with no government replacement and watch how fast and creatively these insurance companies rush to the solution, just like every industry, including car insurance.

Oh, but wait. You can’t do that, say the liberals with great compassion. We have these poor who can’t afford to pay for insurance. Well, there is a solution and it’s full of compassion.

In the America of the past we had a great legacy of charity. Americans are a generous people. We used to have community funds, service clubs and churches dedicated to helping the less fortunate. What happened to them? Nearly everyone has been replaced by a government program. Instead of people helping voluntarily according to their ability and interest, they have been ruthlessly and unrelentingly taxed to the point of suffocation. As a result, they have stopped giving to charities which subsequently have disappeared.

Yet, there is still a fantastic example of human generosity, concern and caring that exists today, even in the socialist world of control. Organizations like St. Jude Children Center and the Shriners Hospital collect money from private donations and provide services free to families in need. Imagine how such programs would soar and fulfill the needs of every American if we were all simply allowed to make our own choices with our own money.

Congress, just repeal Obamacare and let the free market work for everyone. Now, let’s get on with draining the rest of the swamp!

Stop AFFH: Get S.103 to Trump’s Desk

I have a vital update for you on our battle to stop the HUD assault on private property.

Senator Mike Lee of Utah has just introduced a new bill to stop the AFFH Rule.

This bill MUST be passed in Congress!

That’s why it’s URGENT that you sign the attached petition to Senator Mike Lee right now!

Let me explain:

Last year, the federal agency – Housing and Urban Development (HUD) began enforcing the “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule,” (AFFH).

This was Barack Obama’s most radical assault on American private property rights and locally elected governments.

It’s actually worse than Obamacare!

The AFFH Rule is designed to destroy your property RIGHTS.

The AFFH Rule will destroy your property VALUES.

The AFFH Rule will destroy whole neighborhoods.

And the AFFH Rule will virtually erase the very concept of local rule by the people you have elected to run your city and county – overriding them through the dictates of federal agents.


Here are the facts.

Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing requires EVERY community that applies for HUD grants to perform massive demographic analyses locally and regionally to determine if there are enough low income and minority people living in every neighborhood.

HUD will search the records of every person in each neighborhood for income levels, race, color, religion, national origin and much more.

If there aren’t enough of each category to satisfy HUD’s vague rules, HUD will claim that the community is in violation! Next, HUD will file law suits against the community to enforce its will. HUD is already doing this in many communities across the nation.

This is social engineering at its worst.

And HUD will demand such an assessment of every neighborhood every five years!

You will have no choice of the kind of neighborhood you wish to live in.

You will see your property values plummet. Your equity in the home you have worked so hard to create will be lost.

And even worse – AFFH is the total destruction of your locally elected government. Home rule in America will die under AFFH.

If you think AFFH will not apply to your community – you are wrong!

It won’t matter who you elect to city council or county commission. Even if you elect people who are opposed to AFFH and the HUD invasion.

HUD is already pouring over the last census reports to map out their strategy for your neighborhood.

In each step HUD maintains control.

And more…

As I’ve been warning you about Agenda 21 for over 20 years, nearly every community in the nation has already put together their comprehensive plans to impose Sustainable Development Smart Growth policy that controls development, energy use, water use, and enforces public transportation over your private use of your car.

In every one of those communities that have put these plans in place – they have taken HUD grants to pay for it.

Now my worst fears have become reality. The federal government, through AFFH, is becoming nothing less than a dictatorship. 

As I have issued my warning over the years, people laughed when I said Sustainable Development turned your communities into little Soviets? Well – here it is!

AFFH is redistribution of wealth.

AFFH is destruction of private property ownership.

AFFH is a top down dictatorship that destroys local control.

But let’s not beat around the bush. Let’s call AFFH what it really is!


Can it be stopped?


But you must take action today – right now!!!!

Here’s how.

Senator Mike Lee is a huge opponent of the AFFH Rule.

That’s why, as soon as the new 115th Congress began, he immediately introduced the “Local Zoning Decisions Protection Act” (S.103).

The Bill’s specific purpose is to defund AFFH and restore local home rule to your city council and county commission.

That’s why it’s URGENT that you sign the petition in support of Senator Lee’s S.103 Bill.


He must be able to show the rest of the Senate that he has the support of the American people to pass this Bill.

Senator Lee introduced the same Bill that into the Senate last year. But with Barack Obama serving as president there was simply no hope that it would be signed into law, even if it passed the Senate.

But now we have Donald Trump in the White House and he supports defunding AFFH. He will sign the Bill — if it reaches his desk.

S.103 must be passed in the Senate. And I have been assured that Representative Paul Gosar from Arizona will then lead the Bill through the House of Representatives and get it to President Trump’s desk for signing.

We are this close to wiping out one of the worst actions taken by Barack Obama!

That’s why it is URGENT that you take three actions right now.

First, sign the attached petition to Senator Mike Lee giving your support to his Bill – the Local Zoning Decisions Protection Act (S.103). He needs thousands of signed petitions in support of his amendment to show other members of the Senate that he has strong support from the American people.


Second, call your two U.S. Senators and demand that they support S.103. Also, ask them to also sign on as a co-sponsor. Tell them we must stop funding for AFFH to restore private property rights and local home rule in America. 

Click here for a directory of phone numbers

Third, please send an emergency contribution to me at the American Policy Center so I can lead this fight to stop AFFH. As you know, APC has been the leader in the fight to stop Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development. There will be an option to make a donation on the petition.

The fight to stop AFFH is our most important battle in that fight. If we loose the effort to stop AFFH, then we will have no ability to stop Agenda 21. It’s that simple!  I must have your financial support to stay in this fight.

Please take these actions right now. You and I must build support to pass S.103 or our private property and local rule are lost.

Public/private partnerships: government-sanctioned monopolies

President Trump is calling for a major new investment for rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure of highways, bridges and more. There is no question that it needs to be done. However, it’s vitally important that local, state and federal government agencies avoid calls to fund this massive effort through so-called Public/Private Partnerships (PPPs). Local officials must understand that there is a vast difference between calls for a competitive biding process to select private companies for the projects verses an actual partnership with government.

During the first years of the Clinton Administration in the early 1990s, there was much fanfare about a new policy to “reinvent government.” It was sold as a way to make government more efficient and less costly. It would, said its proponents, “bring business technologies to public service.” In addition, the promise was that the new way would bring in private money to programs and projects, rather than tax dollars.

Pro-business, anti-big-government conservatives and libertarians were intrigued. The backbone of the plan was a call for “public/private partnerships.” Now that sounded like their kind of program. Government, they said, would finally tap the tremendous power of the entrepreneurial process and the force of the free market into making government more effective and efficient. It sounded so revolutionary and so American.

There are certain areas where private business contracts do jobs such as running school cafeterias through a competitive biding system. That type of arrangement certainly does serve the tax payers, encourages innovation and provides better service. That, however, is not how Public/Private Partnerships work.

Today that Clinton-led “reinvention” has revealed itself to be the policy known as Sustainable Development, which in reality is much more government operating through a top-down managed society. Sustainable Development policy calls for population control; development control; technology control and resource control. It is a direct assault on private property ownership and single family homes. It is the root of massive reorganization of American cities known as Smart Growth. It’s all tied to a specific agenda with a pre-determined outcome. To enforce the Sustainable policies proponents have worked hard to recruit private international corporations to work directly with them to promote the policies through the creation of Public/Private Partnerships.

It is little understood by the general public how Public/Private Partnerships are actually used, not as a way to diminish the size of government, but in fact, to increase government’s power. In truth, many PPPs are nothing more than government-sanctioned monopolies. These privileged few businesses are granted special favors like tax breaks, free use of eminent domain, non-compete clauses in government contracts, and specific guarantees of return on their investments. That means the companies, in partnership with the government, can fix their prices, charging beyond what the market demands. They can use their relationship with government to put competition out of business. This is not free enterprise, nor is it government controlled by the people.

A private developer, which has entered into a Public/Private Partnership with government, for example, can now obtain the power of eminent domain to build on land not open to its competitors. The fact is governments in partnership with private developers simply considers all property to be their common domain, to be used as they desire under the excuse of some undefined common good. For example a lower middle class neighborhood with a hundred small homes on quarter acre lots can be torn down and replaced with an upscale high-rise development. This gives builders, developers and the real estate industry new products to market. The new building will also generate more tax dollars for the community, thereby benefiting the “common good.” All will seem to benefit with the exception of the original property owners who were pushed out and displaced ?? all for the common good. That’s how PPP’s are sold as a positive for the community. But other citizens are losers too as voters lose control of their government.

Private companies are now systematically buying up water treatment plants in communities across the nation, in effect, gaining control of the water supply and controlling water consumption, another major goal of Sustainable policy blueprint. At an April, 2007 meeting in Calgary, Canada, as part of the Security and Prosperity Partnership, then being promoted by former President George W. Bush to create a North American Union, government officials, business leaders and academics met to discuss redistributing Canada’s water to Mexico and the U.S. Southwest.

Canada has water, lots of it, and the Public/Private Partnerships of the SPP were swarming on it like locusts as they sought to drain it from Canada’s rivers and lakes and ship it to potential profit centers south of the Canadian border. Los Angeles was a prime prospective buyer.

The most popular PPPs involve the nation’s highway system. Private companies are buying control of them through PPPs with state departments of transportation. Herein lays the direct threat if PPP’s should become the driving force behind President Trump’s plan to rebuild infrastructure.

Of course, it’s not just American companies entering into PPPs with our government. Foreign companies are being met with open arms by local, state and federal officials who see a way to use private corporations and their massive bank accounts to fund projects.

As the Associated Press reported on July 15, 2006, “On a single day in June (2006) an Australian-Spanish partnership paid $3.6 billion to lease the Indiana Toll Road. An Australian company bought a 99 year lease on Virginia’s Pocahontas Parkway, and Texas officials decided to let a Spanish-American partnership build and run a toll road for 50 years.”

PPPs were the driving force behind the proposed Trans Texas Corridor that was to run from Mexico, clear through the center of the United States to Canada. A Spanish Company called Cintra was given the contract to build the TTC. There was no competitive bidding process. Cintra was the only candidate for the project.

In fact, that Spanish-American partnership in Texas and its lease with the Texas Department of Transportation to build and run the Trans Texas Corridor contained a “no-compete” clause which prohibited anyone, including the Texas government from building new highways or expanding existing ones which might run in competition with the TTC.

The highway was to provide few exit ramps. Communities that currently ran in the path of the existing state highway depended on traffic from it to provide business for restaurants, hotels and gas stations. The lack of exit ramps was done specifically to allow Cintra to build its own such services right in the middle of the TTC, eliminating the need to exit. Why was this important? Because the Cintra contract with Texas provided the company guaranteed profits.

Second, the TTC was to cut directly across 500,000 acres of prime Texas farm land. With no exit ramps farms and ranches would be cut in two. A barn might be on the opposite side of the massive highway from the rest of the farm, causing the farmer to drive as many as 50 miles to get to it. Property rights were not a consideration in the PPP contract for the highway. Communities, also, were to be cut in two, preventing police, fire, ambulances and school busses from reaching certain areas. Local rule was not a consideration in the PPP contract. That is not free enterprise.

Private companies operating in the free market lack one thing government has – the power of coercion. That’s a good thing. The free market operates with you making the decisions based on personal choice. Under Public/Private Partnerships the choices are decided for you in meetings behind closed doors.

Meanwhile, private companies that are not part of a PPP are unable to compete with those which are. They are shut out of competition from the establishment of economic development zones, which provide the chosen elite with reduced real estate taxes and financial aid. Companies, which find themselves outside of the elite status of the PPP may suddenly run into regulatory difficulties to get their own projects completed. It’s not just a coincidence? All of these things are happening through agreements between certain industries and government.

PPPs are one of the reasons many people find they can no longer fight city hall. The private companies gain the power of government to do as they please – and the governments earn the independence of the companies, no longer needing to answer to voters. It’s the perfect partnership. Their power is awesome and near absolute.

What Public/Private Partnerships are not, however, is capitalism or free enterprise, though it may have some of the trappings of such. The marketplace is still there. Its laws have not been repealed. But ultimately, corporatism does not trust the marketplace to do what the elites want.

In truth, Public/Private Partnerships are little more than a Mussolini type fascism of government and private industry organized in a near impenetrable force of power and collusion. Local and state governments interested in free market solutions and lower costs to tax payers must resist the temptation for an easy fix through the trap of the PPPs. For they only lead to higher costs and more government control.

© 2017 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

Five actions Ben Carson must take to control HUD’s tyranny

After twenty four years of a relentless drive for centralized government power through Clinton, Bush and Obama, finally there is a chance to roll back some of the destruction to our Republic. Donald Trump has an historic opportunity to fulfill his promise to “drain the swamp,” meaning getting rid of the corruption, the power grabs, and the disregard for Constitutional law.

It’s vital to understand that federal agencies are basically operating without oversight, free to create thousands of rules and regulations that become the force of law. These rules come complete with threats of legal action and intimidation. Much of this enforcement is done behind the scenes, away from the public eye. But the result can destroy property, business, and lives.

To take effective action against this situation and fulfill on his promise, President Trumps must set a very specific priority for federal policy:

1. Assure the complete protection of private property rights for every American.
2. Immediately begin the process of reigning in the power, over reach, and illegal policies of every federal agency. One of the worst offenders of federal overreach and intimidation is fully represented in the day to day operations of the agency for Housing and Urban Development (HUD.)
HUD pretends to be the agency that represents low income citizens to assure they have “fair housing” choices and are protected from discrimination. In reality HUD’s policies do massive damage to the poor and steal away their ability to improve their station. After years of HUD intervention in development policy, the net result is more poor, bigger ghettos and less hope of improvement.

If President Trump intends to end poverty and help rebuild American wealth and restore the hopes and dreams of the poor and middle class, then private property ownership is the single most effective way to achieve it. Welfare and government programs will not do it. The poor simply have no avenue available to build personal wealth. All that is provided to them is a routine government handout which assures lifelong servitude to the government.

Right now HUD is enforcing a program called Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) to destroy the property rights and property values of the middle class in communities across the nation. In the campaign candidate Trump promised to end this program. Now he must do it!

HUD is using the program for pure social engineering to change the very culture of the nation, and destroy the concept of property ownership. In the process, AFFH is using law suits and intimidation to destroy the founder’s concept of local rule in communities by taking away their freedom of self determination and development.

Now Trump has appointed Dr. Ben Carson as the new HUD Secretary. Many say he’s not qualified to run such a massive agency. Does he understand the problems he faces with this agency’s unrelenting assault on property rights and local home rule? What must he do to reign in this renegade agency? Here are a few immediate steps Carson can take to stop this assault on property owners and local communities, while actually helping the poor.

First. Stop the grants. HUD and other agencies dangle federal money in front of local communities as a trap to force them to impose the HUD policies. These grants come with specific strings attached that make the communities spend more money and create more rules and regulations. The end result is that local rule is compromised, property rights and values are destroyed and cities are eventually transformed into politically correct, environmentally propagandized stack and pack utopian nightmares.

To help curb this federal assault on local communities Dr. Carson must greatly diminish availability of grant programs and make sure the remaining programs are written in precise, straight forward language clearly outlining the rules for use of the grant.

Second. Stop the drive for the establishment of regional non-elected governments. They force on communities a “one-size-fits all” approach and take government further from the people. Only the representatives chosen by the people should make policy for the community.

Under AFFH rules, HUD is automatically placing communities into specific regions and enforcing a once size fits all policy. Many times local officials are not even informed that they are placed in such regions. Regionalism is the most effective tool for controlling private property, using rules and regulations from a ruling body no one voted for and no one can challenge or questions its policies.

Third. Work with Congress to write specific legislation that limits the Agency’s ability to create regulations beyond the intended scope of the programs. Over the years Congress has deliberately written legislation in near neutral language, leaving it up to the agencies to make their own rules. This failure to define exactly the meaning and intent of the legislation has allowed the bureaucracy to impose hundreds of thousands of rules and regulations that help to destroy the economy while building the power of the agency.

Fourth. Encourage whistleblowers to report on bad policy inside the agency. Who knows the situation better? Allow them to speak. Reward them for new, workable ideas for cutting costs and streamlining agency practices. Everyone knows that the federal bureaucracy is a mess in inefficiency, overreach and waste. The agency should be rewarded for cutting its budget rather than engaging in the annual “spend it or lose it derby” that encourages waste and spending to avoid budget cuts.

Cut the HUD budget to a point that it can only conduct the programs intended, thereby stopping its over reach, using congressional oversight to assure it remains under control.

Fifth. Move immediately to close down the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule. Federal agencies are to be of assistance to local communities, not a threat. Under AFFH law suits are becoming a way of life for local officials. It is the very definition of tyranny from the federal juggernaut. If Donald Trump wants to drain the swamp, AFFH is the number one alligator to be eliminated. Senator Mike Lee of Utah has already introduced legislation to de-fund it. He is ready, willing and able to work with Secretary Carson to get it done.

These guidelines are a good start and should be Carson’s goal for the first 100 days. Then he might want to consider starting a serious effort to eventually abolish HUD completely. It’s a socialist dinosaur and a threat to limited government in a free America.

© 2017 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

The renewed drive to exit the United Nations

Alabama Congressman Mike Rogers has introduced a new bill (H.R. 193) to end U.S. membership in the United Nations. The bill is the reintroduction of his American Sovereignty Restoration Act (H.R. 1205) from the last Congress. And of course, that was basically the same bill introduced year after year by former Congressman Ron Paul.

In the past, both Paul’s and Roger’s bills have been ignored by Congress, but things are changing. Americans are beginning to understand the UN threat. Obama has actually stood before the UN General Assembly and called for Americans to surrender our national sovereignty to this world body.

As Obama worked feverishly to build UN intrusion into our lives through actions like Agenda 21 and by joining the UN’s Strong Cities Network to militarize our police, the rest of the world has started to revolt against UN global policies that are destroying their national independence and economies.

The Brexit vote in England was the shockwave heard around the world. The European Union is the first such organization of the UN’s goal to create such unions in every region of the world, including North and South American Unions; an Asian Union and so forth. The EU was to be the wave of the future. England struggled under its shackles until it could no longer stand it and so revolted. As the vote came in suddenly other members of the EU started thinking ? if England can escape, why not them? Sudddenly the global New World Order juggernaut has begun to show cracks.

Meanwhile France is about to elect its own Trump-style president ready to pull back its global policies as Italy rebels in its own way. Worst of all for the UN globalists, their one excuse for power, Climate Change, is being discredited as President Elect Trump prepares to throw out the Paris Treaty along with the TPP.

However, it was the most recent Obama shenanigans in allowing a massive UN attack on Israel over its settlements in favor of a non-existent Palestine that has created the strongest ever anti-UN sentiment in the U.S. Pulling back on paying UN dues has been expressed by several in Congress as support for such a sentiment has begun to grow across the nation. Without the United States and its money the UN is nothing. It will cease to exist in a very short time, just as did the old League of Nations.

Now, to feed that growing sentiment Congressman Rogers has again introduced the legislative means to make it happen. This time more and more Americans are listening.

To help readers understand why the UN is such a threat to our nation and freedom-loving people everywhere, I am reissuing my opening statement given in a debate over the UN before the 200 year old English debating society, Cambridge Union in 2006. At the time I was debating the former UK Ambassador, Lord David Hanney; the head of the Liberal Party and member of Parliament, Simon Hughes; and the head of the UN Millennium Project, Salil Shetty.

Rep. Mike Rogers’ H.R. 193 must now be seriously considered and passed by Congress. The time is finally here to make a strong stand to get the United States out of the United Nations.



October 26, 2006

“This House believes that the United Nations is a dead loss.”
It is reasonable that honest, compassionate people seek a means for governments to come together to discuss and air their differences.

It is also reasonable that honest, compassionate people should desire some way to voluntarily pool resources to provide charitable aid to those who are starving or are victims of natural disaster.

Indeed this is the image of the United Nations that has been sold to the world since its inception.

It is not, however, the reality.

The world is in chaos and, quite frankly, it’s the UN’s fault. It gives validity to zealots and petty bigots. It helps to keep tyrannical dictators in power. It gives a voice to international terrorists.

Delay. Negotiate. Recommend. Study. Reconsider. Do nothing. This is the game the UN has played in nearly every international crisis.

It is the reason North Korea remains a threat after 50 years.

It is the reason Zimbabwe’s murderous Robert Mugabe is able to steal his election and then steal the land of white property owners, drive the nation into economic ruin and starvation without an international protest, boycott, or sanction. Instead, Mugabe is given a voice in the UN’s Sustainable Development conference in South Africa.

It is the reason why the Chinese government is able to ignore UN rules not to its liking — while growing as an international military and economic threat.

And it is the reason why a terrorist nation like Syria can be given a seat on the UN’s Human Rights Council.

The United Nations, internally, is a mess. It now finds itself buried under scandals.

It has Oil-for-Food scandals. Smuggling scandals. And theft scandals.

Peace keeping missions actually bring fear to the local citizens they are supposed to protect. Rob, rape and pillage seem to be the UN’s modus operandi. How can we be surprised by such revelations?

Who has the power to oversee and control its actions? The people don’t vote on UN actions. The media has little access behind the scenes. Who audits the accounting books?

Of course, even its supporters will readily agree that such problems exist. They are quick to jump in and call for “reform.” However, when talking reform, one must be very careful of what the word may mean.

UN reports on reform don’t indicate a simple desire to plug holes in UN spending — or to clear up scandals. Quite the contrary. According to Kofi Annan, Maurice Strong and many others, reform means global governance.

Since its inception, the UN has advocated the desire to eradicate sovereign nations — while imposing what it calls “world-mindedness.” A 1949 UNESCO document said, “nationalism (is) the major obstacle to the development of world-mindedness.” In the 1990’s, Maurice Strong said, “it is not feasible for sovereignty to be exercised unilaterally by individual nation/states, however powerful.”

There in lies the true goal of the United Nations. And that belies its public image as simply a place where nations may come to air their differences and act responsibly. Instead, the UN is openly working to gain power for itself in order to become independent and supreme over its member nations.

To do that it needs the power to tax. On September 19th (2006) plans were approved to begin the creation of a global tax, mostly through airline tickets to help pay for the treatment of aids. They of course euphemistically call it a contribution.

There are several other tax schemes on the UN wish list, including a carbon tax on Co2 emissions, a currency tax on transactions of foreign currency exchanges, and taxes on the Internet, to name a few. If the UN gains the power to tax and the enforcement power necessary to collect them, then the UN will become an unstoppable force in the world. A monster free from its chains.

And, of course, the UN wants its own military. It already has its own court.

These three things; the ability to collect taxes to provide nearly unlimited funds from independent sources; the ability to enforce its will with a military force; and a court system to impose its own brand of justice, are all that is required to create a government.

Imagine a world run by the justice of China, with the economics of Cuba and the military might of the United States. Such is the world of the future under United Nations global governance.

Public relations propaganda aside, clearly, the United Nations wants to be much more than a place where nations can come together to air their differences under a voluntary membership association.

The truth is, today, fifty years after the inception of the United Nations, the international community is a dangerous place. Today the world has more wars, more poverty and more suffering that anytime in human history.

Obviously, the United Nations is irrelevant as a body to deliver world peace. Just as obviously, the UN is more interested in meddling in the sovereign affairs of nations, seeking to impose its own agenda over development, production and what it calls social equity in a drive to set itself up for global governance.

Using images of dire environmental emergencies or life-threatening diseases or starving children, the UN promotes an agenda which really seeks to redistribute the world’s wealth. Its only answer is government control – and confiscation of individual wealth and property.

Nowhere is there mentioned in a single UN document that I have read an advocacy for the right to own private property. In fact, quite the opposite is the case as nearly every UN document, report, working paper, program, treaty, protocol, declaration and resolution is dedicated to the confiscation, redistribution, regulation and tax of someone’s property.

It is a fact that the inability to own private property creates poverty. It is also a fact that confiscation of private property never helps to eradicate poverty. It is bad economic policy. Yet that is the UN’s only solution to the massive suffering throughout the world. Take it from one source to give to another. And that, I contend, is the very root of the suffering – not the solution.

The UN was wrong from its very beginning and wrong now because it has always sought to interfere with national sovereignty rather than to provide a unique forum to help keep the peace.

The United Nations is not “dysfunctional” as some “reformists” have claimed. It is a criminal enterprise in which no moral nation should ever participate, let alone perpetuate.

© 2017 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

The solution to healthcare reform

As the Republicans in Congress struggle to present a workable replacement to Obamacare, the solution is staring them in the face. It’s called free enterprise.

The only reason we need massive insurance programs today is because of government meddling in healthcare. It started with Medicare in which government dictated percentages it would pay for services. Insurance companies followed suit. Therefore, forcing doctors and hospitals to raise prices to make more money from those established percentages. To prove that fact, simply go to a hospital as an uninsured patient and observe how much they deduct from your final bill. Insurance would have had to pay the higher price.

Then, with the intrusion of government came the inevitable paperwork. Lots of it. Today, under the Affordable Care Act doctors and hospitals need full time staffs just to fill out the paperwork. That costs money. Eliminate it.

Now there are rules and regulations on who must be treated and what procedures must be used. Of course, like all things government, these rules and regulations haven’t been written by doctors, but by bureaucrats serving various special interests who stand to gain financially. Eliminate them.

What’s the solution? It’s simple. Get government completely out of the healthcare industry where they don’t belong. Don’t try to write whole new policies. Let the insurance companies create policies to fit the market’s needs. Let them advertise for customers. Let them fight it out among themselves in the market place and let the customers choose which company has the policy that fits their needs.

Repeal Obamacare with no government replacement and watch how fast and creatively these insurance companies rush to the solution, just like every industry, including car insurance.

Oh, but wait. You can’t do that, say the liberals with great compassion. We have these poor who can’t afford to pay for insurance. Well, there is a solution and it’s full of compassion.

In the America of the past we had a great legacy of charity. Americans are a generous people. We used to have community funds, service clubs and churches dedicated to helping the less fortunate. What happened to them? Nearly everyone has been replaced by a government program. Instead of people helping voluntarily according to their ability and interest, they have been ruthlessly and unrelentingly taxed to the point of suffocation. As a result, they have stopped giving to charities which subsequently have disappeared.

Yet, there is still a fantastic example of human generosity, concern and caring that exists today, even in the socialist world of control. Organizations like St. Jude Children Center and the Shriners Hospital collect money from private donations and provide services free to families in need. Imagine how such programs would soar and fulfill the needs of every American if we were all simply allowed to make our own choices with our own money.

Congress, just repeal Obamacare and let the free market work for everyone. Now, let’s get on with draining the rest of the swamp!

© 2017 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

Every forward step we take makes a difference

I founded the American Policy Center (APC) thirty years ago, back in 1986. I had goals to accomplish and dreams of success. Mostly I just wanted to make a difference in protecting our culture and our unique American form of government as a republic that protects the individual, the free market and the security of our homes.

Over the years, I’ve focused on issues including personal privacy, illegal immigration, public education, and of course the assault on our very way of life through the UN’s creation of Agenda 21. I know that APC has had an impact on these issues. But I never really knew just how to measure our reach or success. Have I been able to make the difference I had hoped for? Have I changed lives? Well, over the past few weeks I was finally able to get an idea of my reach and it came in several very surprising ways.

As the results came in that Donald Trump had won his surprise victory to the White House, I saw that, finally, we had a definite opportunity to make a real difference. Now we could change the national direction that has been barreling unchecked toward a federal dictatorship. It was equally crystal clear that, as with the Obama Administration, under a Hillary Clinton administration there would have been no hope of affecting presidential policy.

So, my first reaction to the Trump victory was to help get the right people into positions in the Administration where they could affect policy. I quickly sent out an APC Sledgehammer Action Alert asking supporters across the nation to write to the Trump team in support of two very able local officials. I nominated one to serve in the EPA and the other to serve as Secretary of HUD. I felt nothing was more important than to have these two agencies run by people who would stop the assault on private property and industry. In fact, I believe that if this was the only accomplishment of a Donald Trump presidency then it would be enough to assure a strong future for our nation.

To my surprise, after issuing the alert, I received many emails from supporters telling me they had sent in my name to be HUD Secretary. That was very unexpected. It’s a heady feeling to know people have such respect for you. Of course, Ben Carson is now up for the job. But this was only the beginning of what was to come.

Next, a very powerful political leader from South Carolina contacted me to say he had offered my name to the Trump team for a position in the Department of Interior. Wow, I thought. I had never even considered such a thing. Yet, wouldn’t it be great for them to appoint me as head of the BLM. I’d free the Bundys from jail. I’d begin a process to give lands back to the states and open even more areas that have been locked away from human use. Yes, that would be interesting. I then posted this news on Facebook and was overwhelmed by the number of comments I received by very excited people who certainly wanted to see me in such a position.

Just a few of days later I was to receive an even bigger shock. Richard Viguerie – the long time Conservative leader and Washington, DC iconn – posted an article in his daily online report “Conservativve HQ,” listing what new HUD Secretary Carson would need to succeed in that post. As I read the article my head almost blew off. It proposed three people Carson should add to his team. My name was included on that very short, impressive list. Said the report: “Mr. DeWeese has been a fierce opponent of HUD’s overreach and perhaps more than anyone has been able to capture the emotional impact Americans feel when they are deprived of their property rights by AFFH and other HUD overreaches.” Mr. Viguerie’s HQ Report is read by approximately 100,000 people, many of them are major Conservative and political leaders from around the nation. To be recognized by such a powerhouse is certainly an honor.

My heady couple of weeks in the sun was about to get even better as I was invited to attend a special Climate Change briefing sponsored by the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), held in the Dirksen Senate Office Building hearing room on Capital Hill. CEI heads up a group called the Cooler Heads Coalition, which is made up of groups and policy makers working to expose the global warming scam and fight any policy to enforce it.

There were three speakers for the event, including Dr. Timothy Ball, a Canadian. He is an author of several books exposing the global warming hype. The featured speaker for the briefing was recently elected Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts. He has caused quite a stir in the Australian government as he has already established himself as an aggressive opponent to that country’s climate change policies.

I had never met or corresponded with either of these men. While I was talking to a few folks by the hearing room door, a man walked up to me and in his Australian accent said, “You’re Tom DeWeese, aren’t you?” It was Senator Roberts. Somehow he recognized me and complimented my “outstanding work.” He said he had been reading my materials for years.

As the program opened, Dr. Ball began to speak, using his power point presentation. To my surprise he brought up a slide depicting the United Nation’s power structure clearly showing Agenda 21 as the center of the plans to enforce climate change policy to bring about global governance.

The reason that was such a surprise too me was the fact that, in the 20 years I have led the fight against Agenda 21, I have been ignored and stonewalled by many leading conservative groups as they refused to even utter the words Agenda 21. Now, in a Senate hearing room was a man they respected and had come to absorb his wisdom. And what was he saying? Exactly the message I had been trying to get them to hear all these years. After the program, I went up to thank Dr. Ball for talking about Agenda 21. I mentioned my struggle to reach some of these folks about the issue. He said he understood, explaining how he hadn’t believed the dire warnings about Agenda 21 at first either. Then he started to read my articles, among others, and that had led him to the truth. He said he knew my work well.

Next up was Senator Roberts to address the group. He was magnificent in his presentation. He hit all the right points on the global warming farce, backed by a genuine passion for the fight to stop it. But my biggest shock was about to be dropped on me. As he spoke, making his points, he suddenly said my name. In fact, not once, but three times during his talk! He told the crowd about how I was a leader in the fight, producing effective and important materials. To understand the significance of that fact, you must know the culture of Capital Hill. When someone of influence and respect, like Senator Roberts, starts pointing out your achievements, not once, but three times, it gets noticed! And it certainly was that day. Suddenly, after the program a lot of people wanted to say hello to me.

I tell these stories not to toot my horn, but to make a specific point. These two weeks of activity, being endorsed to serve in the new administration and to be recognized by strong leaders, was vindication for the reach and impact that I and the American Policy Center have made. The excitement of so many supporters to accept that I might have an influence from inside the Trump Administration is a testament to APC’s never wavering battle to get out the truth. Senator Robert’s remarks simply confirmed to me that APC clearly has an international reach and is making a difference in world wide policy. It certainly tells me that the fight thus far has been worth it. People are listening to APC and me. Now, with this new administration we really do have a once in a lifetime opportunity to restore our precious Republic and stamp out the growing tyranny that has threatened it.

There is another lesson in this for all the local activists who work so hard in their own communities; those who sometimes get discouraged because they don’t win the fight. Please learn this truth what yoou do has an impact, no matter how insignificant you think your efforts may be. Writing a letter to the editor or speaking out in a meeting just might be the spark that moves someone else to take major steps forward, like a random article that moves a future Senator in Australia to lead the effort to change his nation’s policy.

I don’t know if I will get a position in this Administration. To tell you the truth, all I want is an open line into some of the agencies I have been fighting all these years, especially HUD. If I can become a resource of ideas to Secretary Carson I couldn’t ask for more. I shall pursue that opportunity to make it reality.

However, all of us on the front lines in the battle to preserve property rights and stop government tyranny must recognize one vital fact. A Trump presidency will not solve these problems for us. We must continue to be in the trenches fighting. If this election has proven anything to us, it’s that those who have had power will stop at nothing to keep it. If we now go home and think all is solved, nothing will change.

Those Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and planning groups operating in every community in the nation are not going to give up their power and influence and the money that goes with it. We are going to havee to fight trench warfare to boot them out and restore local control over government. We must fight in the grass roots to force the Congress to act against these runaway agencies. We must teach elected officials of the dangers and how to stand up against such policy. And we must organize local activists to back them up when they do take a courageous stand.

That is the mission of the American Policy Center in this new Era of Trump.

© 2016 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

Trump must save our children from the Federal Dept. of Education

This past Halloween I had an opportunity to take part in an activity that I haven’t done in a couple of decades- hand out candy to the children on Beggers Night.

It was fun to see the creative costumes. Some of beautiful princesses; others, usually the boys, dressed as scary monsters from movies. The scariest was, hands down, a young man who dressed up as Michael Meyers from the Halloween movies. Even the other kids wanted to stay clear of him. He had it down so well, the jump suit, the walk. He said nothing as he approached, we carefully put the goodies in his bag.

A few of the kids simply wore outfits to look like bums or super heroes. I remember doing similar things as I prepared to rush the neighborhood in a contest to see how much I could collect. It was a good time with fine memories that rushed back as each new batch of kids came up with their open bags yelling “Trick or Treat!”

My main attention, however, was on the little children. So innocent. Some not really sure why their parents were encouraging them to approach these strangers. And why were they giving out candy? But always, with their parent’s encouragement they accepted and said “tank too.” So sweet. They made you want to huge them.

The parents of the little ones seemed to be having the best time with the experience. You could feel their love of their children. This was a family outing. This was Americana at its best. Family. Neighbors hugging neighbors.

But as I watched this wonderful experience a thought went through my head and anger seeped in to my happy feelings. I kept thinking about the following Monday when these children would be forced into the local school house, away from their loving patents and into the control of a system that was designed to take advantage of their innocence and rob them of their trust. My anger grew as I thought about how these young children, taught by their parent’s love to feel secure around others in authority, are to be subjected to a dictatorial federal system that has been transformed away from teaching basic academics to one that instead, focuses on controlling and remolding the children’s minds.

These thoughts reminded me of a story I had read several decades before, written by Ayn Rand in her book entitled The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution. In the book Rand included a story written in the nineteenth century by famed writer Victor Hugo. The story was called “The Comprachicos.” Hugo said the term was a compound Spanish word meaning “child-buyers.” The Comprachicos traded in children.

Hugo went on to describe why they bought and sold the children and how they prepared them for purchase. They created monsters. Why? To make people laugh. Kings in their courts needed to laugh. The people needed side shows to make them laugh. To fill the need the Comprachicos created freaks.

The making of freaks for everyone’s pleasure became an art form. They had a talent to disfigure. They operated to change faces into hideous masks. As Hugo described it, the process was a sort of “reverse orthopedics. “Where God had put a straight glance, this art put a squint.” Worse, the Comprachicos became masters at erasing the child’s memory so that they had no recollection of a life before they were horribly disfigured. “Was it not always so?”

Later, in China, the process became more perfected as they learned to put the very young children in a box or a bottle so that as their little bodies grew, they grew into the shape of the container. The perfect freaks were created.

Now, why did I have such thoughts on this Halloween night? It wasn’t because of the costumes. Those were make believe and a personal choice by the children. They were simply playing.

No, my thoughts of the Comprachicos were from the second half of Rand’s article when she made her point in the telling of the Hugo story. She saw, as I see now, that the Comprachicos of our day are found in the public school classrooms. Only today, they don’t physically deform the children. Today the education system is designed to deform the children’s minds. In this way these modern day Comprachicos are much more dangerous and evil than those Hugo wrote about. It’s much more difficult to see the immediate results of the deformity. Many, even the parents, find it nearly impossible to see the destruction that is occurring. And so the Comprachicos can work out in the open in complete secrecy.

With the creation of the Federal Department of Education there grew a massive industry in mind manipulation. In November, 1992, following the election of Bill Clinton to the Presidency, Marc Tucker, president of the National Center for Education and the Economy (NCEE) wrote an 18 page letter to Hillary Clinton. He excitedly outlined the opportunity the Clinton Administration now had to “remold the entire American system…” He provided a detailed blueprint for a revolution to completely change our nation and its citizens by training children from a very young age to properly serve the global economy.

There was little in Tucker’s plan that had anything to do with teaching how to read, write or calculate. That wasn’t important. Instead it was a plan to control the children’s knowledge base to fit Tucker’s vision of creating the proper global citizen cog. Today, Tucker’s proposal made to Hillary Clinton that fateful day is completely in place.

It started with Goals 2000, designed to create a new system of standards that no longer taught our American system of free enterprise and limited government. In fact, it taught them that such ideas were dangerous and selfish. Then came School-to-Work, which focused on job training rather then academics. It was all glued together by a new method of psychological control called “Outcome based Education.” OBE created a computer database on every child and focused on mental, psychological and behavioral evaluations. The data bases were made available to the schools, the government and future employers. Teachers were designated as counselors to decide if problem children needed drugs to control their behavior. Ritalin over use was born. A system called “Transition” was employed which featured small groups of children sharing their thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Transition contains no academic significance whatsoever. It contains tactics such as role playing. Its purpose is to strip search the students for their ideas and attitudes so that a special personal curriculum can be created to assure those attitudes, such as love of family or country, for example, can be systematically deleted. It slowly trains them to not question authority.

Today, the new term is Common Core. It simply encompasses all of these forerunners to the plan to remold American education, and ultimately change American culture by dictating the thought and belief process of its citizens. The indoctrination of the children is now in full swing.

In 2011, the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), another private group contracting with the Department of Education, advocated the “Whole Child Approach,” saying Whole child education is the expansion of education beyond just learning reading, writing, and arithmetic to include student health, community engagement, and social emotional learning (SEL). The ASCD report goes on to explain that “SEL focuses on feelings, emotions, and self-reflection, leading to inclusion of social responsibility and social justice initiatives.”

The Department of Education is now planning to use the SEL process to rate schools on their “nonacademic” factors through its new initiative called “Every Student Succeeds Act” (ESSA) that is to be enforced in the 2017-1018 school year.

The bottom line for all of this mumbo jumbo is that children have been designated to be patients that are sick and in dire need of cure. If they believe they are unique individuals; if they love their families; believe their nation is a bastion of freedom; love God; etc. then they are deemed unhealthy, deluded and in urgent need of care.

The “curriculum” that now surrounds them drills home the need to openly seek to change the world in areas such as health care, climate regulation, and “sexual politics.” Children are graded on their activism, volunteerism, commitment to community rather than academic knowledge. Children are taught that only whites can be racist because racism is power and only whites have power. American civics is ignored. Our founding ideas are dismissed as organized slavery controlled by the rich. Capitalism is evil. Wealth must be destroyed. Government control is the answer to all questions. These things, the children are assured, are the proper attitudes, values and beliefs. And it is their duty as citizens of the world to not only promote and carry out such ideas, but to consider any contrarian thoughts as evil, and to be stopped at all costs. These are the children of today.

In my book ERASE, I write of a process called “Globally Acceptable Truth.” This is an actual policy promoted through the United Nations. It advocates that the reason we have war, poverty and strife is because there is too much knowledge in the world. That, we are told, forces people to struggle to understand too many ideas in order to make decisions for their lives. It’s just too much to of a burden to live under. It’s the reason, we are told, that so many are failing today. They just can’t take the stress of life. So under Globally Acceptable Truth, these decisions are made for them making their lives less stressful. That is the purpose of today’s education system.

So now, after decades of this mind control and manipulation passing as pubic education, what is the true outcome? Well, simply watch the nightly news as young people take to the streets to protest the election of Donald Trump. Listen to what they say. They are terrified at these politically incorrect ideas. They oppose policies that seek to keep our nation independent and sovereign. They label any thoughts of the reduction of federal spending programs as hateful and racist. They loath the idea that people can have differing opinions. To advocate ideas of individuality, limited government, pro-second amendment, sound science, free enterprise ? all such ideas can now get one labeled as unstable and possiblyy insane. Such dangerous thoughts must be cured.

So well have these modern day Comprachicos done their job that the once happy, innocent, trusting children now need counseling and safe spaces to protect them from ideas and opinions that are outside of their acceptable truth. They are reduced to coloring books and play dough to cope. Their minds have been remolded into the shape of a hideous, empty, vessel, kept in a state of planned constant adolescence where they remain pliable.

Many will say that the education system has failed. That’s wrong,. It is working perfectly for what it’s been designed to do. If you think it has failed that’s because you are still operating under the incorrect assumption that the purpose of schools are for teaching knowledge and learning academics. In fact, the Comprachicos of Yale and Harvard and every “institution of higher learning” and public school classrooms have succeeded in creating the perfect, pliable, unquestioning, obedient global village idiots, ready to take their selected spot in this well-ordered utopia. Of course, in reality the process is nothing short of child abuse.

I weep for those wonderful little bright eyed children from that Halloween night. And for all the children just like them across this country. If you dream of taking the country back, start by saving the children from mental dismemberment by these modern day Comprachicos.

To make the nation great again Donald Trump’s new Administration must set this very specific goal: Tear down the federal Department of Education and set free these young minds so that they may have a life of their own. For that is Freedom.

© 2016 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

Anti-Trump riots are a smoke screen

The Real Goal – Eliminate the Electoral College

Many seem bewildered by the anti-Trump riots and demonstrations. And many keep trying to find a reasonable response. Give it up. You can’t reason with them with words.

Here is my take. They know full well that they aren’t going to overturn the election. These privately funded forces are being used to create pressure to destroy the Electoral College so they won’t have to deal with it next election. This is how the Left operates. Make a big deal over here to force the hidden agenda over there. The plan is to make enough trouble that Congress will move to abolish the EC to get some peace.

For clues on who is behind this effort one only has to watch to see which member of Congress proposes such action. The answer of course is California Senator Barbara Boxer. It only took a week after the election for her to come to the rescue of the broken and distraught Left.

Meanwhile, hidden forces are now meeting with and brow beating members of the Electoral College to get them to change their vote from the true winner of their state and vote out Trump.

The danger is real and gaining ground. But it didn’t start with this election result. A campaign to eliminate the Electoral College and “let the people elect the president,” has been gaining steam for several years. A group called “National Popular Vote Interstate Compact,” started in 2006, has won commitments from eleven states to award their electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote. These include, Maryland, New Jersey, Illinois, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, Massachusetts, California, New York, Hawaii and the District of Columbia. These states control 165 electoral votes. They only need states representing 105 more electoral votes to join and the Electoral College will be a thing of the past. Meanwhile, such legislation is under consideration in Missouri, Oklahoma and Arizona, to name a few.

When a state passes legislation to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, it pledges that all of that state’s electoral votes will be given to whichever presidential candidate wins the popular vote nationwide. These bills will take effect only when states with a majority of the electoral votes have passed similar legislation. States with electoral votes totaling 270 of the 538 electoral votes would have to pass NPV bills before the compact kicks in and any state’s bill could take effect.

As usual, it’s easy to get people to join this cause – yet annother sound bite based on emotion rather than knowledge or logic. “Let the people decide.” “It’s the American way.” “It’s Democracy at work.” Yep, that’s why America was never set up as a democracy. Here’s another sound bite for you – “Democracy is a lynch mob.”- Here’s another one – “Democracy is three wolves aand a sheep voting on what to have for lunch.” Majority rule violates the rights of minorities. It’s not a good thing. Get the picture?

The United States was created by the individual sovereign states. They were already free and independent governments on their own. As they came together to create a central government they feared it would grow too strong and overpower the states, making them subjugated to the central government. So, to prevent that, the states created the Electoral College to make the election of the President a STATE election.

Throughout history, certain factions have challenged the legality of the Electoral College. Opponents point out that our President is actually elected by 538 virtually unknown people who are members of 51 small delegations in fifty States and the District of Columbia. Moreover, in most states the electors are not even bound to vote for the candidate that won the popular vote. In fact, many Constitutional scholars believe that’s just what the founders intended, 538 independent thinkers, bound to no one. There is reason and logic behind the idea.

The Founding Fathers, particularly those from small States, were very concerned that they would be smothered by the larger states. Under the representative republic (not a democracy) established by the founders, the United States is made up of fifty sovereign States. Under the Constitution, except for limited powers specifically defined for the central government, power for the rule of law is intended to reside in the States.

To deal with the problem, the founders decided on a compromise that would establish two chambers for the Congress; the House of Representatives, whose size would be dictated by the population in each state and the Senate in which every state would get two representatives, regardless of its size or population. You see, in the beginning, the states appointed Senators to be their representatives in Congress. But, like these so-called scholars of today who want to wreck the Electoral College, previous “experts” came up with the idea that Senators should be elected by the people ? “It’s only fair,” wentt the mantra! The result is an imperial Senate that answers to no one but their own elite club members. That’s what happens when you mess with the real genius of the Constitution.

The same problem arose in deciding how to select a President, the one nationally-elected official. Here again there was the fear that election by popular vote would overwhelm the will of smaller States. Again, compromise was reached to address the issue in a fair and equitable manner in order to maintain the power of the states. Each state was assigned a number of presidential electoral votes equal to its representation in the House and the Senate. In each state, the electors would vote for a President and Vice President. The candidate receiving the largest number of electoral votes would be elected.

Under the plan, the connection to the popular vote was the selection of state electors. The popular vote was to be used to select individuals trusted by the people to select the President. Each presidential candidate has a slate of electors committed to them. As the people vote for a candidate, they are actually electing his/her slate of electors. Again, the selection of electors goes directly to local control of the process. Under the Constitution, even the smallest state was assured at least three votes in the process. To provide a further check to protect the smaller states, in the event no candidate won a majority of the electoral vote, the names of the top five would go to the House of Representatives, where each state delegation would cast one vote for one of the candidates. In this process each state, again, is equal.

To understand the Electoral College one must realize that the Founders considered the states as the dominate power in the nation. Election of the office of President was a bit like the selection of the Chairman of the Board, with the states serving as the board of directors for the nation. The great mistake Electoral College opponents make is to believe the President was supposed to be elected by the people. It was never the plan.

There are fundamental and often regional differences in how Americans view the role of government and the leaders they elect to run it. Little wonder those who seek to strengthen the power of the central government prefer that elections be decided by the popular vote. It’s a great sound bite- but the results will not give “the people” the “fair” result they desire.

Such a move will eliminate the power of individual states in favor of elections decided by the population of large, politically liberal cities. I’ve actually heard it said by residents of California, San Francisco, in particular, “why do we even let people in Ohio and Iowa vote?” Such elitism is behind the “National Popular Vote” movement which apparently believes that only the East and West Coasts count. The rest is just flyover country.

Keep these facts in mind as we watch the enforcement of Sustainable Development policies that lead to Smart Growth cities. The stated plans of such ideas are that most people will eventually be ‘persuaded” to leave the rural areas and migrate to the cities. In addition, we now are witnessing the invasion of illegal immigrants who normally land in such communities and swell their size.

The “feel good” propaganda of the National Popular Vote movement insists that a popular vote would not change the face of the nation. However, by design or not, the fact is their scheme plays right into the hands of the Sustainablists who openly seek top down control through the establishment of mega cities. By forcing the massive majority of citizens into such areas, a majority vote in just a few will drown any other area in the nation.

In such a planned agenda for the 21st Century, individuals living in the majority of the nation’s territory will quickly learn how little their “popular vote” counts if the Electoral College is abandoned by the “National Popular Vote” scheme. Those smaller states (and therefore their votes) may have no impact on the election of the President, just as our founders feared. Control by a few over the many can only be defined as tyranny.

The abolishment of the Electoral College would, in fact, establish an election tyranny giving control of the government to the massive population centers of the nation’s Northeastern sector, along with the area around Los Angeles. If these sections of the nation were to control the election of our nation’s leaders, the voice of the ranchers and farmers of the Mid and Far West would be lost, along with the values and virtues of the South. It would also mean the end of the Tenth Amendment and state sovereignty.

Not happy to even let the states decide if they want to support the idea of the National Popular vote or not, the hard Left has manufactured the unrest in the streets to pressure a fast solution. Senator Boxer has answered the call with immediate legislation to end the Electoral College. Her bill masquerades as the answer to the people’s unrest. And the deal is done. Just like that. In the end, the result will have nothing to do with Donald Trump. He is just the convenient excuse.

Allow that to happen now and the great silent majority of middle America in this nation will never again have a fair say in who is elected our president. And that is the true goal of today’s unrest.

© 2016 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

The first step in liquidating a culture – erase its memory

What happens when the forces of evil gain power and the necessary technology to destroy an entire culture for their own means? That is the story of my new political thriller entitled ERASE.

ERASE is set in today’s America. Every government policy I use in the story already exists in our system. Much of the dialog I have given to my characters was said by real policy makers. Many of the scenes in the book really happened. And many of my characters are based on people you may recognize. In my pages they are forced to clearly express their true intentions. It’s not sugar coated!

As Jay Lehr of the Heartland Institute said of ERASE: “The book has all the ingredients of a mystery thriller including murder, mayhem and intrigue, villains, heroes and heroines – but all placed in a framework of today’s reality only slightly exaggerated for impact.”

If you are one of the real heroes out there on the front lines fighting to preserve our freedom then you have faced many of the same evil forces; the same outrageous regulations; the same dire consequences as do my book’s heroes like teacher Brad Jackson; pastor Dave Delray; businessman John Lloyd; and activist Mack Richards. Together they represent the four pillars necessary to preserve our precious Constitution, including: Education, Free Enterprise, Christianity and Political Action.

Like today’s desperate patriots, they are in a race against time to save our precious liberties before it’s too late. To the true heroes in our nation, the folks who attend the council meetings and the school board meetings; those who swallow hard and then speak out against dangerous policies; and who return again and again -I dedicated this book -ERASE. My goal was to give every American the ability to ssee the whole picture and the hope needed to keep fighting.

The reviews are starting to come in and I am humbled as several of the comments and reviews have compared my book to the likes of Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged and George Orwell’s 1984.

Here are a few of the reviews and comments I have already received about ERASE:

Jay Lehr of the Heartland Institute said:

“I think ERASE maybe the most important political novel since 1984, Atlas Shrugged, Brave New World and State of Fear.”

Richard Viguerie’s Conservative Headquarters wrote:

Must Read Book: Tom DeWeese’s ERASE:

Like Atlas Shrugged and the Left Behind series Tom DeWeese’s ERASE presents a fictional path through a dystopian future. However, in ERASE every single policy presented in the book, from the use of technology to change our culture; to the use of the public school classrooms to eliminate true knowledge; to the destruction of Christianity in a drive to meld all religions into one powerful tool for government, is all true and happening at this very moment.

Here’s what other readers have said:

“I am reading Tom DeWeese’s new novel ERASE which has all the flavor of the late Michael Crichton’s State Of Fear and Rand’s Atlas Shrugged.”

“ERASE? in my opinion, is a 21st century version of George Orwell’s 1984.”

“DeWeese ties the Global Agenda into a fictional, fast moving, interesting story that would make anyone understand what is happening to our Country, even if they’d not been paying attention for the past 20 to 30 years. This will be a best seller shortly.”

“Murder, greed, tyranny, Agenda 21, and New World Order, all tied up in a package of deceit … and lying at the front door of the White House. You are going to love this one.”

“It is eye opening, it is necessary, it is suspenseful, it is just well written. The characters are faced with the same fears, the same trying to stop it, the same helplessness that many of us are facing daily as we fight to stop such a dark demon from destroying our real lives.”

“I think the author did an excellent job in tying in all aspects of the world we live in today. Everyone should read it. It is in story form for the benefit of those who can not wrap their minds around the world today. Factfiction I guess you would call it.”

“ERASE gives me hope, that everything wrong will be corrected, that good triumphs over evil.”

“Erase is so incredibly believable; I guess that is because most of the things in it really happened or are happening now in America. It is so good to have it in a novel.”

“You are a terrific writer. It really flows

“It is eye opening, it is necessary, it is suspenseful, it is just well written.”

“I highly recommend the book, both as an excellent suspense novel and maybe one that will open some eyes to a real threat.”

“We finished Erase. WOW!! We really enjoyed it!”

“I finished your book and it really had me thinking, that’s the point right!”

“I am also enjoying your book.”

“Oh it’s good.”

“Exciting read! Each chapter makes you look forward to the next. Relevant to today’s America.”

“I didn’t want to finish it because I didn’t want it to end!”

My book ERASE is a vital new tool to help average Americans understand the imminent dangers now threatening the freedoms we have all taken for granted. Through a fictionalized story ERASE shows everyone the root of those dangers and lets them clearly see what will happen to our society if we don’t take action to preserve our American culture against those who seek to destroy it.

As Harold, the ERASE Graffiti Bandit said, “Check Your Premise? all is not as it seems!”

© 2016 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

Four ways to use fear and deceit to destroy our culture

“Once such control of thinking is established, it’s just a short journey to rejecting morality and losing the ability to know right from wrong. Then, they set themselves up as the answer.” -Harold Riggers, ERASE

Our nation is being attacked and torn apart from four very specific directions. Americans are desperate to find answers and strategies to stop it. Before we can do that we must first understand how it is being done and by whom.

I have just released a new book that, through a fictional thriller approach, gives great insight to such questions. The book is titled ERASE and features a four pronged story line. It details how we are being divided, manipulated and dumbed -down to prepare us to participate in our own demise.

Of course the most obvious attack is seen through government policy. The federal government, through the EPA, HUD, the Department of Transportation, and many more agencies are openly attacking the very concepts of free enterprise and private property rights. The American dream of owing a home, driving a car and planning for ones own future have become direct targets of such agency policy. Moreover, the legal structure of locally elected representatives deciding the future for our communities based on the wishes of those who elected them, is being destroyed through the establishment of non-elected boards and regional governments that do not answer to the people. Hordes of private, non-elected, non-governmental organizations and planning groups apply pressure for policies that many times overrule the will of the people. It’s all being funded through government grants that now give federal agents almost complete control over local decisions.

Second, that same federal control over the nation’s education system has seen the near destruction of knowledge. This will result in the creation of basically ignorant, unaware children good for little more than job training and the preparation of global citizenship. The new “citizens” come out of the public schools with nearly zero knowledge of the nation’s history, its philosophy or economic system. They are taught that there are no right or wrong answers and whatever works for them is ok. The concept of a fully rounded education that allows students to prepare for any eventuality has been replaced with little more than job training. Moreover, days in the classroom have become a drudgery of non-stop propaganda and behavior modification to impose a “proper” thought process called “Globally Acceptable Truth.” This concept advocates that the reason for wars and poverty is too much knowledge, confusing students, making life more difficult. Obedience and conformity are the true purpose of the curriculum in today’s American public education system.

Third, Public/Private Partnerships (PPPs) between government and business are becoming the new business model. There is one major problem with it. It’s not free enterprise; rather it is right out of the Mussolini fascist model. In the United States, government is assigned the task of protecting businesses to guarantee their ability to engage in commerce. But that doesn’t mean there should be partnerships between the two. The result of such PPPs is that certain companies that agree to play ball get to go to the head of the line for the best locations and tax advantages handed out by government. Business can use its cozy partnership to assure policies that will help put their competition at a disadvantage. to prosper and use government to help put competition out of business. Moreover, companies will use their promotion dollars to help sell the government party line, such as the need to use certain products to protect the environment. In this way they are getting us to voluntarily sacrifice our freedom of choice; change our eating habits; our mode of transportation; and our home buying decisions, all falling in line with desired government policies. Finally, in the same manner, technology is being used to control our knowledge to erase our cultural ideas. In the old days, to achieve such an end, totalitarians had to use the unsavory tactic of book burnings to destroy history. Today, with all of our knowledge parked inside computer databanks and e-books, bonfires aren’t necessary. The simple control of a delete button makes it all go away without our even noticing it.

Why the viscous attacks on Christianity, many have asked. We see the Ten Commandments banned from public display and even military chaplains barred from performing Christian services. It seems to be insanity. However, one needs to understand that Christian teaching is the root of the ideas of private property and individuality and even free enterprise. If you seek to destroy those concepts, then you need to destroy the root. Yet, to outright ban Christianity is a task that even those striving for such a goal lack the guts to do. So, instead, they have chosen to use Christianity as a tool for their own means. We change worship of God to worship of Mother Earth. For the past thirty years there has been a massive drive by those seeking global control of the earth to create an “inter-religious consensus” to bring all religions together under one banner. They have held major meetings to organize Evangelicals, Catholics and Jews together in a unified commitment to “ecological concerns.” Slowly, they are converting Christianity into a force that worships the creation as it ignores the Creator. Such a change, done slowly over time, makes it much easier to mold staunch believers into their vision of the proper citizen of the Earth. Once fully indoctrinated they voluntarily fall into the trap as they march in lockstep with pure pagan teachings coming from their own pulpits. This has helped to render Christianity as merely toothless opposition to ruthless Islamic sharia law.

My new book ERASE is a searing glimpse into a future for America that encompasses all of these situations. In a tense and entertaining story, ERASE exposes how such tactics are being used to destroy our nation from within. I have used one central villain to portray the evil force that threatens us. However, in reality he lives inside hundreds of such power mongers that now act as an unseen hand to pull the strings in the back rooms of local, state and federal centers of government.

In the book’s story a teacher, a businessman, a preacher, a political activist and a homeless man all learn the frightening truth about a secret, powerful force plotting to bring it about. What can they do to stop it? Eventually they learn of a secret document that holds the answers. It names the perpetrators and details the full plan for the destruction of America. These heroes understand the great need to possess and expose such information and they begin a desperate race against time to find it. Of course, as in any fictional thriller, through that search some make the ultimate sacrifice to save their nation.

This is a fictional depiction. However, every single policy presented in the book, from the use of technology to change our culture; to the use of the public school classrooms to eliminate true knowledge; to the destruction of Christianity in a drive to meld all religions into one powerful tool for government, is all true and happening at this very moment.

Help preserve our free society. I invite you to read my book ERASE. It is far easier to understand these attacks on our liberty through an entertaining fictional story than to try to muddle through and rely on the mainstream media to sort out truth from deception.

One central character named Brad Jackson is a teacher who takes great pride in his ability to inspire his students to understand and accept true history. He loves books and prizes his collection of them. When he is confronted with the news that evil forces are working to eliminate our history and culture, he asks another character an obvious question: “How do they think they can stop knowledge? It’s there, no matter what.” The other character, who knows the secrets and is working to stop such a destruction of the nation, answers him by saying, “They stop knowledge by banning it.”

That is what is happening to our nation right now, in every area of our lives. It’s happening quietly, in stealth. Many Americans hardly notice. But it’s there; control through our personal choices, our bank accounts, even our use of social media. Now is the time to stand up and stop it. Or, very soon, we will wake up to find that our nation, our culture, our history are wiped from the face of the earth. The answers are in my book, ERASE.

© 2016 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

Listen this time or grant money from H.U.D. Will destroy your city

Trading control of local development to the federal government for grant money

America’s homeowners should be shaking in their shoes. The federal government has decided that people who have worked, saved and planned so they can buy homes in nice, safe neighborhoods of their own choosing, are racists. They charge that it is a “social injustice.” The government now claims that it’s unfair unless everyone can have the same, whether they earn it or not. And it doesn’t matter whether they can afford such a home. We’re told that it’s racist to deny someone an equal home, just because they don’t have the money for it. White privilege, don’t you know.

You may be watching the “Black Lives Matter” protests taking place on city streets around the country. You may be alarmed that such violence can happen in your downtown. And you may wonder what is behind such activity. Well, get ready for the same kind of threats and violence to possibly come directly into your own neighborhood simply because you have a nice house.

Does that sound far fetched? Well you need the details on how the federal Housing and Urban Development agency (HUD) is working to enforce its new rule called Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH).

Social Justice is the name of the game under AFFH. That means the rule of law is dismissed in favor of “fairness.” Social Justice is enforced on us using pure emotion, basically operating on the level of a twelve year old girl in a pet shop who doesn’t like seeing the puppies with their sad eyes looking out from a cage. “Let the poor little doggies out,” she cries. Social Justice is purely based on redistribution of wealth. Your wealth. That’s money you worked for, saved, invested, and protected for YOUR needs; YOUR dreams; YOUR future.

“SELFISH,” cries the social justice mongers. Why should you have so much when others have so little? Never mind that you had to save your money while forced to pay 50% of it in taxes that theoretically went to those less fortunate. The fact is, there is no “justice” in such a policy. Envy, desire, jealousy and theft are much closer to the truth.

Do you think that sounds harsh. Well, Mr. and Mrs. Property Owner, tell me how harsh this sounds! As reported by John Anthony of Sustainable Freedom Lab:

• First HUD is forcing every community which is applying for its grants to complete an “Assessment of Fair Housing” to identify all “contributing factors” to discrimination. These include a complete break down of race, income levels, religion and national origin of every single person living there. They use this information to determine if the neighborhood meets a preset “balance,” determined by HUD.

• Second, HUD demands a detailed plan showing how the community intends to eliminate the “contributing factors” to this “imbalance.”

• To produce the community’s plan for compliance, HUD rules demand that a wide array of “interested parties” participate in its creation, just to assure community input and to keep things fair, of course. These include civil rights groups, affordable housing developers and civic activist organizations. They call this “civil society.” All have a specific, left-of center agenda and a definite interest in the outcome.

• Once the plan is prepared, then the community is required to sign an agreement to take no actions that are “materially inconsistent with its obligation to affirmatively further fair housing.”

• Once the community provides answers as to how they will implement the grant under these guidelines to HUD’s satisfaction, then they will receive the grant.

These are the rules your locally elected representatives are forced to agree to in order to get that “free” grant money. And nearly every city council and county commission in the nation has already taken such grants.

Now ask yourselves, just why HUD would be so insistent in demanding that the community tie itself to the so-called civil rights groups in order to get the grant. The answer to that question is diabolical.

You see, if the community hesitates to comply in any way; perhaps local voters decide to turn down a program, or there aren’t enough local funds to fully comply, then HUD has a secret weapon waiting for them. Lack of compliance, in HUD’s eyes, results in law suits over civil rights violations.

The civil rights groups them become a useful tool. They start protests and demand “fairness.” They get on television. They pressure city hall. And to the rescue comes HUD with its own law suits.

Baltimore, Maryland became one of the first cities to feel such pressure and threats as the NAACP sued Baltimore over alleged housing segregation. The NAACP argument was that Section 8 subsidized housing programs “bunch people together, and that only fuels more crime and other problems.”

The solution, says the NAACP is to “integrate the poor among wealthier families.” Outrageous as it sounds, such social justice mongers actually accuse those living in affluent neighborhoods of “self segregation for white privilege.”

The pressure from these groups, along with the massive force of HUD backing them, has resulted in Baltimore being forced to agree to spending $30 million of tax-payer dollars over the next ten years to build 1,000 low income homes in affluent neighborhoods. The result will be a destruction of property values and the loss of equity for the homeowners. In short, destruction of earned wealth, leading to destruction of the middle class. That’s what socialism does. It creates more poor.

On top of that, Baltimore has moved to destroy the property rights of landlords by denying them the ability to not rent to people who can’t afford their properties. Of course the government doesn’t say it that way, preferring to pretend that denying people who can’t pay for your property as “discrimination.” And who will pay the landlord when he is stuck with the bill? The only result will be fewer landlords and fewer choices for housing.

In Portland, Oregon, the infamous “poster child” of federal Smart Growth development policies, the city council has now unanimously approved a new tax to raise $12 million per year to pay for “affordable housing.” “The lack of affordable housing is the greatest crisis facing our city right now,” says Commissioner Dan Saltsman. Perhaps he should take a long look at the twenty year Smart Growth history of Portland in which massive amounts of land were locked away to limit the “sprawl” of the city. This lead to land shortages, which led to bans on single family homes, which led to the need for massive high rise apartment buildings, all of which led to higher costs and shortages of homes. Now, they have a “crisis “of low income housings. Their solution now is another tax on construction, driving up housing costs even more.

Do they ever learn? Government control over every aspect of our lives, as demanded by socialism never works. High costs, shortages and sacrifice are the only result. It has never been different wherever it has been enforced.

Now HUD is rushing to enforce AFFH with a vengeance. HUD has raced to make Westchester County, New York the example for more suits. Right out of the new HUD playbook, a private civil rights group called the Anti-Discrimination Center sued the county under the Federal False Claims Act, claiming Westchester County lied when they filled out the HUD compliance form for their grant. Since there is no official definition of “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” the definition is whatever HUD declares it to be. There is no way for the local government to win such a suit. The result of the suit against Westchester County was $62.5 million – a sum greater than all of the community development and related funding received by the county from HUD.

More suits are being filed against communities across the nation as HUD steps up its enforcement and local officials are scared, wondering what they can do to fight back, if anything. Some have tried to stand up to HUD, refusing to comply. But once the law suits are filed, and the “community organizers” start their pressure, most have quickly backed down.

Let’s make one thing clear. The civil rights legislation of the 1960s made it illegal to bar people from neighborhoods based on their color or ethnic background. It guaranteed them the opportunity. But it said nothing about forcing people into neighborhoods to live beyond their means. No one, no matter their color or ethnic background, has a right to force their way in to a neighborhood they can’t afford. Instead, they must do the same thing those who already live there did; work, save, invest and prepare. Then no one can stop them. It has noting to do with race or some perceived special “privilege.”

For twenty years we opponents of Agenda 21 and Smart Growth have warned of the dangers of taking these HUD grants. We were ignored and called conspiracy nuts. The result now is that HUD has taken the gloves off. There is no longer a pretense that any kind of local control over spending the grant money exists. HUD now controls your community. Property rights are dead, property values are dying, and the local officials you elected to guide your community have been rendered irrelevant by HUD mobsters who have come back to collect.

So what do local community representatives do? First and foremost STOP TAKING THE GRANTS!!!!! Second, stand up to these thugs who intend to rule our communities. Stand up to the law suits and stand up to the pressure of the special interest groups. In short, represent your community as you were elected to do. And finally, you might try listening to those of us who have studied these policies for decades instead of the slithering snakes of the American Planning Association and their ilk who fill their own pockets with those grants.

Our American liberties are counting on local and state officials to start standing on your own two feet and represent US, instead of cowering in a corner because you sold us down the river.

The American Policy Center is now working with officials who want to understand and fight back to save their communities. Recently we held a conference call for such officials. Here is a link to it so you can hear first hand of the dangers you are facing and some solutions for you to fight back. Perhaps this time you’ll listen.

© 2016 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

Six issues that are agenda 21

Every day, in meetings at all levels of government, representatives of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), planning groups, and federal agents surround elected representatives and insist that their policies have nothing to do with international agendas. They regularly publish reports and rail against anyone even mentioning the names Agenda 21 or the new Agenda 2030. “No, no, no,” they insist. “Those people are just crazy conspiracy theorists. Ours is just a local plan for our community.”

Elected Representatives are often confused. Issues and policies suddenly appear in front of them with sample, ready-made legislation. And then the unending pressure begins for them to pass it. There is confusion, uncertainty and there is the herd mentality to pass legislation. And it’s passed without knowledge of its origins, its purpose, and especially a lack of understanding of its consequences. “Just do it,” goes the mantra.

What most of these legislators fail to understand is the direct relationship much of this legislation has with a much larger agenda. Most legislation interconnects with other pieces and parts contained in other legislation. Like the children’s song goes “the toe bone’s connected to the ankle bone” And it’s donne so well, wrapped in innocent-sounding, positive wrapping, so that most elected representatives will argue vigorously that they passed no such thing. And most of all, they will answer, Agenda 21, never heard of it. Just local. Just local. Just local.

Well, let me show you how it works and how the toe bone gets connected to the ankle bone ending up with the Frankenstein monster. Here are six issues that are rarely connected to Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development (especially when we are assured that Agenda 21 has nothing to do with local, state or federal government policy). However, these seemingly unrelated policies, once implemented, help enforce the stated Agenda 21 goal of “reorganizing human society.”

Issue 1: Global Warming/Climate Change. It has been so discredited in the true scientific community that proponents have become almost hysterical in their continued attempts to enforce Climate Change policy. Most recently the Justice Department is considering legal action against “deniers.” Why don’t they stop, even to question if their science is sound? They instead use great energy to attack any scientist who does dare ask questions or finds data contrary to the “official” line. Why is it so vitally important that they continue to promote something that clearly is, to say the least, questionable?

It’s because all of Agenda 21 policy is built on the premise that man is destroying the Earth. Climate Change is their “proof.” To eliminate that premise is to remove all credibility and purpose for their entire agenda. They are willing to go to any length, even lies, to keep the climate change foot on our throats.

On the local level this translates into planning policy that controls energy use and the efforts to cut down on the use of cars, enforcement of the building of expensive light rail train systems and bike paths and installation of smart meters, etc.

But don’t take my word for it. I’ll let them speak for themselves:

“No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.” Christine Stewart (Former Canadian Minister of the Environment)

“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.” Timothy Wirth (President, UN Foundation)

“It doesn’t matter what is true. It only matters what people believe is true.” Paul Watson (Co-Founder of Green Peace.)

Issue 2: Fear of over population is the central driving force behind nearly every Sustainable policy initiative. It’s the real force behind Stack and Pack Smart Growth cities.

The fact is, in developed nations populations are actually going down. The only real growth in the US population in recent years has been from immigration, legal or otherwise. Open border immigration policy is actually implementation of Agenda 21 as part of the drive to destroy national sovereignty and “nation states.”

Environmentalists insist that the borders must be open to allow as many to immigrate here as possible. They argue that the U.S. has a greater ability to control them and protect the environment than if we left them in third world countries. That’s because the Greens already have a stranglehold over our nation’s industry through massive environmental regulations.

In the face of their fear of overpopulation, however, studies have shown that there is no world wide over population crisis. In fact one study insists that we could put the entire population of the world in an area the size of Texas with a population density of Paris, France. Over population, and its accompanying environmental degradation, is a problem primarily in countries where the poor are deprived by government to improve their conditions. Nations that refuse to legalize private property ownership for the masses, for example, are a primary reason for growing poverty.

Meanwhile, Sustainablists work to keep these nations from developing or increasing energy use, thereby keeping them poor. Green regulations stop the building of infrastructure. They panic at the idea of increased energy use in developing nations. Instead of working to solve the real problems – the root of poverty- they exploit the excuse of over popuulation and advocate enforcing polices to drastically reduce populations. China’s brutal one child policy of forced abortions and sterilization has become their model.

Do you think I’m joking? Then consider these quotes from the Sustainablists:

“Childbearing should be a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license. All potential parents should be required to use contraceptive chemicals, the government issuing antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing.” David Brower (Sierra Club)

“A reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society at the present North American material standard of living would be 1 billion. At a more frugal European standard of living, 2 to 3 billion would be possible.” United Nations Global Biodiversity Assessment.

Issue 3: The destruction of the free market system. We have heard statement after statement from the UN; from members of Congress; the news media; and from Hollywood, all deriding the free market system as evil, corrupt and a tool of the rich to hold down the poor. So now, after deciding that the poor are expendable for the sake of stopping overpopulation, suddenly the planners are worried about them – iff it leads to their ability to raid our bank accounts. So are they really worried about protecting the environment – or are they actually&nbssp; honoring the tactics of Jesse James?

Redistribution of wealth is behind every policy that comes out of the UN, and now the Obama Administration as well. The EPA is the attack dog to shut down entire industries like coal. It has become very difficult to operate a manufacturing business in the US, and nearly impossible to start a new one. Environmental protection is always the excuse, even when Obama’s own State Department said the Keystone Pipeline was not an environmental threat. A couple of years ago, radical greens, wielding torches, demonstrated outside the home of the head of the Keystone pipeline company. Visions of the terror of the Dark Agenda?

At the UN’s Rio + 20 Summit held in 2012, the idea of “Zero Economic Growth” was advocated – just to keep things fair. It was stated that even the building of new roads upsets the status quo and disrupts a well ordered society. Such idiotic ideas are the driving force behind Sustainable Development. Again, images of the Dark Ages come to mind.

Yet, consider “local” planning programs that cut off access roads, and again, discourage cars. What about the EPA’s war on industry. Pretty hard to have economic growth without industry. The timber industry is killed and communities die. Dams are torn down and farmers disappear. Zero Economic Growth in the making. Just local?

Again, not my words, let them tell you themselves:

“We must make this an insecure and inhospitable place for capitalists and their projects. We must reclaim the roads and plowed lands, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to wilderness millions of acres of presently settled land.” Dave Foreman, (Earth First).

“Global sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced resource consumption and set levels of mortality control” Professor Maurice King (Population Control Advocate)

“We believe planning should be a tool for allocating resources…and eliminating the great inequalities of wealth and power in our society… because the free market has proven itself incapable of doing this.” Statement of Principles. the American Planning Association is a member and supporter of these principles.

Issue 4: Cheap Energy is the enemy of the Earth. To the average person the drive to stop any ability to obtain cheap energy makes no sense. People are hurting economically. Jobs are lost. Energy costs are skyrocketing. Any attempt to drill oil, fracking of shale gas, and mining coal are all vigorously blocked by government and green policy. Yet the government spends billions of dollars on “alternative energy” such as wind and solar, which provides less than 3% of our energy needs. Why? What is the motivation to put such shackles on the US economic engine? The excuse is that energy use drives up CO2 emissions and accelerates global warming – the excuse necessary to “harmonize” the US into the socialist, Sustainable global noose.

Many current state and local policies now are moving to increase taxes at the gas pump to keep energy costs high. In addition, Obama just issued an Executive Order to ban any off shore drilling of oil. So, just as the consumer started to get a break at the pump, higher taxes and Obama’s action will force prices back up. As the prices rise the “planners” will insist that the only solution is to enforce the building of expensive public transportation.

But, according to some anti-energy advocates, the fear of cheap energy goes beyond environmental protection – energy availability helps build wealth for individuals and removes them from the rolls of the dependent – the opposite goal of sustainable policy.

“Giving society cheap, abundant energy is the worst thing that could ever happen to the planet.” Prof. Paul Ehrlich (Professor of Population Studies, Stanford University).

“Complex technology of any sort is an assault on human dignity. It would be little short of disastrous for us to discover a source of clean, cheap, abundant energy, because of what we might do with it.” Amory Lovins (Rocky Mountain Institute).

“The prospect of cheap fusion energy is the worst thing that could happen to the planet.” Jeremy Rifkin (Greenhouse Crisis Foundation).

Issue 5: Common Core. Many people see the reorganization of the public school issue as separate from Agenda 21. It’s not. Those who are promoting what they call the Agenda for the 21st Century understand that it is going to be a long drawn out process. To “reform” a nation created on the ideals of limited government, free enterprise and individual liberty into one that unquestioningly accepts government top down control will take time and a determined effort. There’s no room in a Sustainablist society for those who believe that we were born with our rights and that government’s job is to protect those rights. The sustainable system says government will grant us our rights.

To enforce such a radical turn around of our society requires that the children be indoctrinated to accept it. The effort started in earnest in the 1990s under the Clinton Administration through the massive growth of the Department of Education in such programs as Goals 2000, School To Work and Workforce Development Boards.

The original American education system effectively provided an overall academic education from which students could choose their own futures. No longer. Today, the new curriculum has morphed into what is called Common Core. It’s a State run central curriculum that revamps schools into little more than job training and indoctrination centers.

Because, you see, today’s public education system is also designed to strip the children of their attitudes, values and beliefs that parents may have instilled, and indoctrinate them into accepting global values – global citizenship and a global economy based on the sustainable agenda. Little of American civics and history are taught in today’s classroom. But text books contain whole chapters on the Five Pillars of Islam, while ignoring the 10 Commandments of Christianity. The children are fed an unending diet of the evils of capitalism; the selfishness of individualism, and the social justice of redistribution of wealth. It punishes students for possessing individuality and is designed to eliminate such natural human tendencies. That is the “common” in Common Core. Common values, common goals, common future. Don’t rock the boat of a well ordered society.

Common Core is the nationally dictated curriculum necessary for the acceptance and implementation of Agenda 21. Of course, we still elect local school boards pretending they have some say over the curriculum. It makes us all feel safer for our children. How, then do we explain the surge of Bernie Sanders and the Tsunami of Socialism? Well, today nearly every adult up to the age of 40 has gone thought this indoctrination, trained to accept a future chosen for them by someone else.

The education system was fully outlined in a very detailed letter to Hillary Clinton from Marc Tucker of the National Center on Education and the Economy in November, 1992, immediately after Bill. Clinton was elected President.

Said Tucker: “First, a vision of the kind of national – not federal – human resources development system the na nation could have. This is interwoven with a new approach to governing that should inform that vision. What is essential is that we create a seamless web of opportunities to develop one’s skills that literally extends from cradle to grave and is the same system for everyone — coordinated by “a system of labor market boards at the local, state, and federal levels” where curriculum and “job matching” will be handled by counselors “accessing the integrated computer-based program.”

Issue 6: Healthcare. How is healthcare connected to Agenda 21? Simply Google “Sustainable Medicine” and you will find more than 5,850,000 English language references to the subject. Read through the ideas expressed there and you will find nearly every provision of Obamacare.

An expert on Sustainable Medicine, the late Dr. Madeleine Cosman, put it this way: “Sustainable Medicine + Sustainable Development = Duty to Die.” Sustainable medicine makes decisions through visioning councils that determine what shall be done or not done to each body in its group in its native habitat. Sustainable medicine experts do not refer to citizens in sovereign nations, but to “humans” in their “settlements.” Sustainable medicine is the pivot around which all other Sustainable Development revolves. Principle #1 of the Rio Declaration that introduced Agenda 21 is that all humans must live in harmony with nature.

The translation means rationing healthcare, low technology for health care treatment and emphasis on medical care not cure. And that, of course, will lead to population reduction, as called for in Agenda 21.

These are the issues that are not usually discussed or connected to Agenda 21. Yet they are being implemented, step by step, by local planners in policies that are approved by befuddled elected representatives. It’s all driven through pressure from private NGO groups and funded by federal grants. That’s how it’s done, constantly driven a little bit with each innocent sounding idea. Then, without warning, Frankenstein rises from behind the smokescreen, toe bones and anklebones fully operational.

Americans must understand and connect these dots to everyday issues so they can clearly see the root and long term goals of these policies that are affecting our personal lives. Elected representatives at every level of government must come to understand that legislative actions have consequences far beyond their understanding. Agenda 21 is the “common core” and it has already invaded every level of our society. Our battle cry must be to stop this monster or watch freedom perish.

© 2016 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

Private property ownership and the First American right

“Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can…” John Lennon wrote these words for a fantasy song to glorify his understanding of the road to peace. John may not have understood the true origins of his thoughts, but we know it as Communism. Barack Obama knows that too and is determined to make sure you understand the consequences of “no possessions.” In government-speak it’s called the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule.” (AFFH) Once it becomes a reality you will be able to fully appreciate John’s statement = imagine no possessions.” For if AFFH is alloowed to stand, the concept of private property is about to die in America.

The Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule is federal enforcement of Sustainable Development Smart Growth Cities. Until now there was at least a pretense that Smart Growth development was a local process. That, of course, is what the American Planning Association (APA), Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) and your city council have assured citizens. Now, through the revelation of AFFH, it is clear that such development is a top-down dictatorship, overseen by the department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Announced July 16, 2015 by HUD Secretary Julian Castro, the excuse for the 377 page ruling is to promote and assure discrimination and achieve balanced and integrated living patterns for all citizens. To achieve that goal, AFFH is specifically designed to move people out of rural areas into mega cities and tightly control who may stay in reduced suburbs. Exactly as we’ve been warning about Smart Growth policy.

To achieve its goals, AFFH requires agencies and communities that apply for HUD grants to detail income levels, religion, color, and national origin of every single person living in every neighborhood of the community. They will then determine any imbalances and, if necessary, force a massive shift of people into such neighborhoods to achieve the desired balance. This is nothing less than social engineering!

Worse, the AFFH rule will effectively eliminate local government rule over development. Where once there was at least the pretense of local communities making their own decisions and could spend the HUD grants as they determined best for their communities, now, under AFFH, HUD will control those decisions to its satisfaction. And the local governments will be forced to comply. The result is the destruction of local representative rule. Communities must supply updates to HUD on the break down of its communities every five years to check on and assure progress.

So what does this mean to average American citizens – in plain English? It means the destruction of neighborhoods, loss of control of their own property and loss of property values. If government funded high rise apartment buildings are forced into neighborhoods of single family homes, the value of the properties will fall. It’s possible that, should a neighborhood find itself in a shortage of residents representing certain ethnic backgrounds or income levels, then a homeowner trying to sell their home may find they can only sell to someone representing that imbalance. Imagine the affect that will have on the already depressed real estate market.

For those who live in ethnic neighborhoods of their own choosing, being close to family and friends that share traditions and outlooks, it means being forced into neighborhoods where they are not wanted and where they do not want to be. It means a loss of freedom of choice and loss of the right to be secure in their home. In this day of constant accusations of racism for nearly every act, does no one see the irony of the built- in racism in a regulation that assumes those of certain ethnic origin or economic level are oppressed and unhappy simply because they live in a different kind of environment from that of the enforcers? What could make them feel more lost and hopeless than to be forced into living in government controlled housing in a neighborhood where they are shunned and resented?

This past September the United Nations made a big deal out of its new 2030 Agenda as it vows to eliminate poverty by 2030. Of course the only remedy to poverty offered in any UN policy is redistribution of wealth. That means taking from those who created their wealth (wealth translates to whatever amount you may have in your pocket or bank account at the time) and give a portion to someone who has failed to create their own wealth. However, the missing ingredient in these so-called solutions is a plan to actually help people build their own wealth. Take just a small amount today to feed someone in need and tomorrow they will need more. Again and again and again.

Taking from a producer time and again will cause two results. First, the producer eventually loses their wealth. If government takes enough then the person who once had wealth will have none and will in fact need assistances themselves. Result = more poor, not less. Second, the producer will finally learn that it is a waste of time to keep trying to produce and will stop producing. Result = again, more poor, fewer opportunities. No solution to get people out of the poverty cycle. Moving them into your neighborhood will not stop poverty. It will make you poorer as your property values decrease.

The fact is, America became the wealthiest nation on earth in a very short time precisely because of the ability of every American to own and control their own property. Ownership produces equity = that is a process to build wealth. 60% of small bbusinesses in America were financed by the equity in the owner’s private property. And eventually 60% of Americans were employed by companies that were financed in that manner. Private property ownership is the path to building wealth and eliminating poverty.

However there is no mention of such a plan in the UN’s Agenda 2030. Instead we see quotes like this one from the National Audubon Society’s Peter Berle: “We reject the idea of private property.” Those promoting these policies tell us that private property ownership is a social injustice because not everyone owns private property. So, they plan to make it impossible for anyone to own property = just to keep us all equal.

Professor Paul Ehrlich of Stanford University explained the goal best when he said, “A massive campaign must be launched to de-develop the United States. De-development means bringing our economic system into line with the realities of ecology and the world resource situation.” Ehrlich, by the way, is the father of the discredited population explosion theory that drives much of today’s environmental movement.

As a result of current Smart Growth policies, federal subsidized low income housing is taking the place of single family homes, thus eliminating the ability of low income Americans to buy their own property and achieve their own wealth = what wwas once called the American Dream.

According to, which reports on trends in the building industry, homebuilders are no longer planning to build starter homes for young families or low income buyers. They only plan to build single family homes for the rich and federally subsidized apartment buildings for the rest of us. Why? Because the housing industry is being taken over by the federal government through plans such as AFFH. It is setting the standard for the future of housing.

In cities around the nation, such as Portland, Oregon, Boston, Massachusetts and Seattle, Washington, their Smart Growth plans are forcing them to end the availability of single family homes. In July, 2015, Seattle mayor Ed Murray and the City Council called on community leaders to develop a Housing Affordability and Living Agenda for the city. One of the main recommendations was to get rid of single family homes. Smart Growth forces an artificial line around the city outside of which no growth may take place. As the population grows, density grows. Eventually the city has no where to grow but up – into pack and stack high-rise apartment buildings. That is what has happened to Seattle. Now home owners will begin to see Eminent Domain used to take their single family home and replace it with the high-rises. It is the end of private property in Seattle.

One of the great outrages coming from the enforcement of such policy is the National Association of Realtors (NAR). This is the national organization that has set itself up as the champion of private property ownership and the idea that home ownership is the root of the American Dream. Yet, the NAR has sold its soul for a few grants and it is now a major promoter of Smart Growth policy. Every realtor in the nation should rise up against the NAR and threaten to leave it if it doesn’t stop promoting Smart Growth policy. If realtors continue to be cowed by the NAR they will soon wake up to learn they will have no product (homes) to sell. The future of every realtor in the nation is at stake. They could and should be a powerful voice in stopping this destruction of property rights. But today they remain silent and ignorant of their own organization’s actions, to their own peril and that of every homeowner in the nation. The NAR and its member realtors take a walk of shame everyday that they let this outrage go forward.

However, some members of Congress are trying to stop AFFH. Representative Paul Gosar of Arizona introduced a bill in July to ban funding for AFFH. His bill passed the House 229 – 193. Then Senator Mike Lee of Utah introduced the “Local Zoning Decisions Protection Act (S.1909). His bill has six co-sponsors including Presidential candidate Marco Rubio. The plan was to get both bills passed in their respective houses, then merge them together in a conference committee and add the final version to the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations bill (THUD). That bill was considered to be “must = pass” legislation making it more likelyy that Obama would have to sign it or see HUD shut down.

Unfortunately the plan didn’t work. House Speaker Ryan and Senate Majority Leader McConnell once again betrayed efforts to reign in the Obama juggernaut by eliminating the language from the massive trillion dollar omnibus spending bill passed in December. In fact, the final spending bill actually increased HUD’s budget by $2.6 billion, assuring it has plenty to enforce AFFH.

However, in a conversation I had with Lee’s legislative director, he assured me that S.1909 is still alive and that the Senator is determined to stop AFFH. It is vital that Americans who see the danger in AFFH take action now to stop it. We must flood Capitol Hill with calls supporting S.1909 and express our strong opposition to AFFH.

The American Policy Center has also prepared a petition addressed to Senator Lee to encourage him to continue the fight. With thousands of signatures he can use the petition to show other members of the Senate that he has strong support for S.1909. Readers can sign the petition here. If American private property rights are to be saved then we must stop AFFH!

Clearly HUD’s plan to enforce the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule is a major tool for killing private property and de-developing the United States. It is the enforcement of social justice. It is pure social engineering designed to reorganize human society, just as was promised with Agenda 21.

The one growth industry coming from Agenda 21, the 2030 Agenda, and the AFFH rule is government. It is getting bigger with each new rule and grant. The obvious result of such massive growth is corruption at all levels of government. When people have no say in how their lives are being engineered government rushes in to fill the void and dictate the rules. It’s a pretty hopeless feeling to stand alone against such a behemoth.

For twenty years the warnings have been issued. We warned that Agenda 21 is the reorganization of human society. That local planning is the enforcement of Agenda 21. That Smart Growth will force people off their land and into cities of stack and pack high-rise tombs. That Sustainable Development will control your food and water; transportation choices; family size. And that shortages and misery are your future.

We warned that our American form of representative government will be replaced by non-elected regional councils and dictated to by a central government. That Free Enterprise will be replaced with fascist-style public private partnerships as international corporations will use their influence with government to stomp out mom and pop stores; government agents will join in group hugs with Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and corporate presidents as they carve up the goods of our once free society.

I’ve delivered all of these warnings for more than 20 years. And frankly I’m weary of it. I’ve been laughed at by elected officials and ignored by national news shows. I’ve been called a conspiracy theorist and a liar.

As we tried to warn Americans of these dire consequences, they have been easily diverted and maneuvered with the chosen issue of the day; totally engrossed in a presidential election that is a year away; sniping at who said what; who offended whom = Meanwhile, the real issue of the compllete destruction of our society, our values and our way of life are ALL encompassed in Agenda 21. And it moves forward almost unabated, as Americans would rather think about something else.

Well America, get ready to receive your due! Barack Obama has just nationalized your home. Along with that, he has put your local government in chains and he and his central government will now make the rules in your local community. If you do nothing now then it won’t matter whom you elect to city council or county commission. It won’t matter how loud you scream. Imagine no possessions. I wonder if you can! Ignore this warning to take action today or you’re going to learn.

Sign the petition now

2016 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

Time to make candidates face the real issues

The election campaigns are in full swing. Yet, have you heard a single candidate for President, or even for a lower office, mention the destruction of property rights or representative government to be a problem worth their time to address?

Our nation is being destroyed from within and candidates aren’t even discussing it. Worse, voters aren’t making them discuss these things, such as:

• The massive destruction of American industry by the EPA and other over-reaching government regulations — killing jobs by the thousands?

• The near complete usurpation of private property rights in communities and rural areas under the tiresome excuse of environmental protection? Who stands with the property owners as they see their American dreams shattered under the innocuous title of “community development?”

• The growing imposition of non-elected boards and regional governments that are fast replacing our elected representatives in making local community decisions — all powered by the imposition of federal grants that dictate poolicy, making most states and communities serfs of the federal government?

How do we make the policies of Agenda 21 a major issue in the upcoming election campaign? There’s only one way! Take it directly to the candidates, in front of their own audiences!

Several months ago I prepared three vital questions that would force candidates to focus on these issues. I then asked activists in communities across the nation to begin to pummel candidates with these questions. Make them answer. Embarrass them in front of their supporters when they couldn’t answer. I said then, that this would force the candidates to begin to study the issue of property rights so they wouldn’t be embarrassed again. And in that way, I argued, we could force the property rights issue into the forefront of this election.

Now, why did I believe that tactic would work? Because in the 2012 election, as the presidential candidates campaigned they were confronted with this question: “What about Agenda 21?” As the candidates struggled to answer, others from the audience would shout, “Call Tom DeWeese!” I was told this was done over and over again.

Finally, one day as I sat at my desk, the phone rang. It was one of Newt Gingrich’s policy staffers. He said, “We’ve been told to call you. Can you tell me about Agenda 21?” We chatted for about 30 minutes and he said, “That’s the best explanation I’ve ever heard, thank you.”

About a week later the Internet lit up as Newt Gingrich appeared on the Sean Hannity radio show when he said, “I want to talk about Agenda 21.” Then Gingrich mentioned Agenda 21 in one of the debates. And then he did it again in another appearance.

That’s why I thought in this year’s campaign we could put an organized effort together to really make it a major issue. We have so many more activists working in local communities now. We could force Agenda 21 onto the main stage of every debate and every appearance by the candidates. Finally, we would see this issue where it belongs, in the forefront of America’s discussion on future policy. Finally, under such a spotlight, we could stop its devastating destruction of our way of life.

The response to my effort was a deafening silence. A resounding thud! Nothing.

Why? What happened? Why didn’t any of our dedicated Freedom activists ask the questions? I took the blame. Perhaps I didn’t push the idea hard enough. Maybe my prepared questions were too detailed or clumsy.

Well, it’s not too late to start the effort. The campaign is really just getting down to the serious candidates. Today, as they have gotten comfortable in delivering their prepared talking points, now is the best time to knock them out of that comfort zone.

So, again, I’ve prepared three questions that go to the heart of the main assault of Agenda 21.

1. The attack on property rights.
2. The creation of non-elected regional councils and governments that destroy Locally-elected governments.
3. The forced use of federal grants to fund it all.

These are the issues and the tactics that are destroying the very fabric of our nation. These are the issues that must be openly discussed if this election is to mean anything. And these questions can be asked of candidates at every level including President, Congress, and state, county and local candidates. All must understand because Agenda 21 is being imposed at every level.

Ask these questions in a public forum and watch those clueless candidates squirm. Most won’t have an answer. In fact most won’t even know what you are talking about. They will try to evade or put some positive spin on it. But you will know. You will understand that such candidates have no idea how to even address such issues, let alone how to fix the problem. And you will have made your point. Do this to them at enough public gatherings and I guarantee they will start to look into the issue so they aren’t unprepared the next time.

It is time for our movement to take aggressive action against these slithering candidates. We need to descend on pubic forums. Organize. Place our people strategically around the room. And one by one begin to ask these questions. When they can’t answer, have someone else ask it again, and again. Let them know they had better give these issues some thought. Let them know that we are going to be there every time they appear in public. And let them know we are going to make them look like fools in front of audiences until they decide to actually talk about issues that mean something to real Americans.

Please pass these questions on to your fellow activists and friends and let’s start a revolution to force this election to finally mean something! Spread the word and make sure the candidates face these questions at every public event.

A word of caution – do not take this action alone. Organize with at least three friends. Have each choose one of these questions to ask the candidates. If you have more people to join you, then have the others prepared to do follow up questions if the candidates fail to answer.

If you have the time to read the entire statement I’ve provided before asking the question in bold — fine. If not, then just readd the questions. And if it is better for you to ask the question in a different way, perhaps tying it to a local issue, for example, then of course, ask the question in the way that works best for you. JUST BE SURE TO ASK THE QUESTIONS!

Here are the Three Questions

Property Rights Question:

1. Private property rights are under assault in communities and rural areas across the nation as local, state and federal governments move to enforce new planning development programs, particularly under the labels of Sustainable Developments or “Local Visioning.”

If elected, what actions will you take to protect the unrestricted right of use, enjoyment and disposal of private property by its owners?

Regional Government Question:

2. It’s a growing situation that local elected representative government is being overshadowed by the establishment of non- elected boards, councils, planning commissions and regional governments. These non-elected organizations are, in effect, taking government further away from the people as they deal in backrooms, unseen and unapproachable. Yet, while not elected by the people, they are creating and enforcing policy that affects private property, tax rates and much more.

If elected, what actions will you take to oppose the creation of non-elected boards, councils and regional government boards and help restore the rightful duty of elected representative government?

Federal Grant Program Question:

3. Communities across the nation are being pressured by federal agencies such as HUD, DOT and EPA to accept grants for creation of local “sustainable” projects that affect property right diminish local control. Taking federal grant money means federal control over the use and outcome of that money, regardless of what the voters select for their own communities.

If elected, will you take action to help stop the erosion of local control by ending these federal grant programs?

Ask these questions and, make the candidates focus on these vital issues. Force the discussion on the need to restore America’s property rights, resurrect locally elected representative government, and stop the federal dictatorship that comes through the grants.

In short, stand up before the candidates who seek to lead this nation, demand answers from them, and begin the process to TAKE AMERICA BACK!

© 2016 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

Tom Deweese Archive 2002 – 2015