By Chuck Baldwin
April 14, 2016
[NOTE: This article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of NewsWithViews.com, it's employees, representatives, or other contributing writers. NWV's supports the state of Israel, and the Jewish peoples' right to their Biblical homeland.]
Let me begin with a cold, hard (albeit unpopular) fact:
1. The Neocons in Washington, D.C., are not only America’s greatest threat; they are the world’s greatest threat.
Compared to the threat that Neocons pose to world peace and the sheer numbers of people killed by Neocon-generated wars (numbering into the millions of people), militant Muslims are like children playing with squirt guns in a sand box. And forget the left-right, conservative-liberal paradigm you’ve always been taught. All of that is only for electioneering. The real battle is between Americanism and Globalism, and Neocons are ALL about Globalism.
Please read my column “What is A Neocon?”
Of course, Neocons can count success all the way back to the days of Richard Nixon and even back to Woodrow Wilson. But it was George H.W. Bush who snuck in the Neocon Trojan Horse while the American people were sound asleep. And his successors Bill Clinton, G.W. Bush, and Barack Obama have given Neocons almost total run of the place ever since. The political parties these men represent mean nothing. The real people they represent are the Neocons.
The reason we have been at war ever since Bush I invaded Kuwait and Bush II invaded Afghanistan and Iraq has nothing to do with those countries posing any imminent threat to the United States or anything of the kind. The reason we have been at war--and will stay at war--is because the Neocons want us at war. They enrich and empower themselves through war, and they fulfill their economic/political/cultural/tribal agendas through war. And this is the same reason the Neocons have set up ISIS, Al Nusra, et al. as proxy armies to take the war into Syria and eventually Iran.
I encourage readers to watch this excellent explanation of the whole Neocon/Muslim War issue in this video presentation by former congressman Ron Paul.
Recently, Paul Craig Roberts (Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under President Ronald Reagan) bluntly wrote, “The remaining danger is the crazed American neoconservatives. I know many of them. They are completely insane ideologues. This inhuman filth has controlled the foreign policy of every US government since Clinton’s second term. They are a danger to all life on earth. Look at the destruction they have wreaked in the former Yugoslavia, in Ukraine, in Georgia and South Ossetia, in Africa, in Afghanistan and the Middle East. The American people were too brainwashed by lies and by political impotence to do anything about it, and Washington’s vassals in Europe, UK, Canada, Australia, and Japan had to pretend that this policy of international murder was ‘bringing freedom and democracy.’
“The crazed filth that controls US foreign policy is capable of defending US hegemony with nuclear weapons. The neoconservatives must be removed from power, arrested, and put on international trial for their horrendous war crimes before they defend their hegemony with Armageddon.
“Neoconservatives and their allies in the military/security complex make audacious use of false flag attacks. These evil people are capable of orchestrating a false flag attack that propels the US and Russia to war.”
See Roberts’ column here.
Make no mistake about it: the Neocons control both major political parties in D.C. We have heard Ted Cruz promise if he’s elected to make “the sand glow” in the Arab nations. Meaning, he wants to launch nuclear missiles against Syria and Iran (but not Saudi Arabia, of course). And the rest of the Republican field has made similar promises. But Democrat Hillary Clinton has said much the same thing.
In a speech last year at Dartmouth College, Hillary said, “I want the Iranians to know that if I’m president, we will attack Iran…we would be able to totally obliterate them.”
See the report here.
Did Hillary make such a promise because Iran poses an imminent danger to the safety and security of the United States? No, but because in her mind, Iran poses an “existential threat to Israel.” That is exactly the same thing that Ted Cruz and the other Neocons in the Republican Party are saying. “War for Israel” is the cry of the Neocons.
This leads me to the second cold, hard (and VERY unpopular) fact:
2. The agenda of the Neocons and the agenda of the Zionists are one and the same.
It might be even safe to say that the Zionists are the ones pushing most, if not all, of the Neocon agenda. But the saddest part of this whole sordid affair is that it is America’s pastors and Christians that are most responsible for facilitating it all.
All over America, pastors such as John Hagee are egregiously misinterpreting God’s promise to Abraham in Genesis 12:3 that says, “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” (KJV), and applying it to the modern Zionist state of Israel. They completely ignore Galatians 3 that clearly and emphatically explains that the promise to Abraham was fulfilled in Jesus Christ and in those who have faith in Him. The promise to Abraham has absolutely nothing to do with the modern Zionist state of Israel. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
So, what has happened to the United States since 1948, when the United Nations created modern Israel? Has America been “blessed” by becoming little more than a vassal state of and war machine for Israel? What has been the result of allowing the Zionist/Neocons to assume control over so much of America? What have the John Hagees of the Christian world accomplished by brainwashing millions of America’s Christians with their “Israel-First” heresy?
Are our families better off since 1948? What about education? How are we doing in that department since 1948? What about U.S. jobs? What about our public and private debt? What about our social mores? What about crime? What about substance addiction? What about child molestation? What about aberrant sexual behavior? What about teen suicides and even veteran suicides? What about general honesty and integrity? How do all of these compare to 1948? Is the United States of America more blessed now than it was in 1948? Answer that in your own heart.
Take Hollywood
I love a good movie as much as anyone. I really do. But it is not even controversial to say that Hollywood has become the biggest polluter of our culture to ever exist. The lewdness, vulgarity, indecency, and blasphemy that emanates out of Hollywood has turned American culture upside down. Hollywood has made the perverse, the profane, and the vulgar vogue in our country. And network television is doing its best to keep up.
It is not uncommon today to hear small children (even children that go to church) using the “f” word and the Lord’s name in vain. Many church “services” more closely resemble movie productions, complete with scantily dressed women parading and dancing onstage. Hollywood has turned our society (and many of our churches) into a garbage dump.
So, who runs Hollywood?
My friend, movie producer James Jaeger, recently said, “Some of us remember when Marlon Brando was on LARRY KING and said the following: ‘Hollywood is run by Jews. It's owned by Jews and they should have a greater sensitivity about the issue of people who are suffering.’”
Jaeger went on to confirm and update extensive research done by author and entertainment-securities attorney, John W. Cones, by stating that:
“As much as 60% of the top executive positions--especially the current CEOs of the MPAA studio/distributors, TV networks and their parent conglomerates--are held by individuals that happen to be Jewish.”
To further substantiate the research, Jaeger reports that, “Ben Stein said in EOnline magazine, ‘First, it is extremely clear to anyone in Hollywood that Jews are, so to speak, “in charge” in Hollywood in a way that is not duplicated in any other large business ... Hollywood, in many ways the most successful cultural enterprise of all time and the most potent messenger of American values of all time, is changing, but it is still largely Jewish.’”
Jaeger further reports that, “Michael Medved said in Moment magazine: ‘It makes no sense at all to try to deny the reality of Jewish power and prominence in popular culture. Any list of the most influential production executives at each of the major movie studios will produce a heavy majority of recognizably Jewish names.’”
And lastly, Jaeger confirms that, “Joel Stein said in the LA Times ‘As a proud Jew, I want America to know about our accomplishment. Yes, we control Hollywood. Without us, you'd be flipping between The 700 Club and Davey and Goliath on TV all day.’”
Take the Warfare State
Think of this: the United States has not fought a single constitutional war since 1948. And it has not won a single war since, either. But in waging all of these unconstitutional wars, the American war machine has taken the lives of millions of innocent men, women, and children--especially in the Middle East.
Why is the United States killing so many people? Ted Cruz and Hillary have plainly told us. We are killing them on behalf of Israel. And Christians all over America are cheering it all on.
The following is taken from The UNZ Review: