Balkanizing America to a Point of No Return
By Frosty Wooldridge
October 30, 2023
Let all Americans bow their heads in prayer at the loss of actor/comedian Mathew Perry this past weekend. He created laughter, joy and smiles throughout his ten years on the sitcom, “Friends.” He battled alcohol and drug addiction throughout his life. We suffer millions of Americans in our country battling alcohol addiction as well as hundreds of thousands of drug addiction deaths. We’ve got up to 20,000 deaths on our highways annually from D.U.I.’s. We suffer thousands more dying from “texting” drivers. Countless drivers ply our nation’s highways while high on any number of drugs.
Such horrors continue because we fail to address the core reasons. We fail to provide more stringent policies for allowing people the privilege to drive. Until we create greater consequences such as massive fines and jail time, millions of kids and adults will continue to drink and drive. Mothers Against Drunk Drivers reported that 14,000,000 motorists are drunk on America’s highways 24/7.
As a lifelong trash picker-upper, I can verify that alcoholics toss millions of beer, wine, shooter and whiskey bottles at rest stops, at entrances and exits to the Interstates, and just about anywhere they want along our nation’s roadways. We simply don’t fine them enough. We don’t take away their driver’s licenses. We don’t take away their cars. We don’t put them in jail. We don’t make it more prohibitive to drink and drive—-so alcoholics continue their driving on every road in America at any hour.
May Mathew Perry rest in peace. He lived a tortured, secluded life. His memoir reads like a bleak novel of loneliness and addiction. May God help all Americans addicted to alcohol and drugs.
Balkanizing America to a Point of Destruction of Our Country
Definition of Balkanization: Balkanization is the fragmentation of a larger region or state into smaller regions or states, which may be hostile to, or uncooperative with, one another. It is usually caused by differences in ethnicity, culture, religion, and some other factors such as past grievances. The term is pejorative; when sponsored or encouraged by a sovereign third party, it has been used as an accusation against such third-party nations.
If you look around at America in 2023, you’re seeing this nation becoming SO Balkanized via mass legal and illegal immigration—that there will come a point where we cannot secure our own liberties, freedoms or a safe and civil society.
If you look closely at the mass slaughter of 1,400 Jewish people in their own country on October 7, 2023—you saw Muslims carrying out the mandates of their Qur’an. It tells its followers to, “Convert or kill all non-believers.” If allowed, Muslims of the world would eradicate all Jewish people. That means, they would exterminate them. Whether it is Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran or any other Islamic country…they want to kill all Jews.
So, here in America, everyone enjoys the practice of their own religion via the U.S. Constitution. But the fact is, we’ve imported 4,000,000 to as high as 6,000,000 Muslim followers who do not subscribe to our Constitution. Therefore, did you notice the thousands of kids and adults who demonstrated in favor of Hamas killing those Jews on October 7, 2023? That’s in our own country.
What happens when we import more and more disparate religious groups who do not subscribe to our values or the sacred laws that allow everyone to follow their own religion? What happens when we import enough political/religious Qur’an followers that they simply stampede our civil society into anarchy and religious zealotry? What happens when those incompatible religions create their own enclaves in our cities to a point where they refuse to become Americans?
Guess what? That’s already happening in New York City, Miami, Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Denver and many more cities.
What about the latest and largest Hindu temple at 87,000 square feet in Robbinsville, New Jersey? Do you realize that Hindu’s feature three classes of humans? There’s the top of that caste, the Brahmins, who are privileged. Next, come the middle class, Kshatriyas. At the bottom, the untouchables, the Shudras. They can never change or climb out of their class. It’s brutal, and, it’s in America, big time! Everything in that religion stands against everything in America’s culture, laws and way of life.
What about importing more Kurds, Shi’ites, or Sunni’s…all Muslims? They cut each other throats for the sheer hatred of the other tribe. They separate themselves in Iraq because they hate each other. How many do you think we can continue importing into America? How long will we survive their angry, violent, tribal rituals?
There are some Washington D.C. bureaucrats who want to import Ukrainian refugees. There are millions of them. Others in that 535 set of geniuses want to import Palestinian refugees from Gaza. What’s the problem? Answer: those Palestinian refugees are Muslims who want to eradicate all Jewish people. What happens when they go after American Jews like what happened in Detroit last week when a Muslim stabbed to death the last Jewish leader in the last synagogue in Detroit?
Are you ready for that kind of a future for our country? What do you think those 8,000,000 illegal aliens that Biden invited into our country in the past 33 months are going to do when they receive voting power? Is anyone thinking about what we’re bringing down on ourselves? Is anyone thinking about our cultural costs, our language costs, our way of life?
Has any country in history ever survived such an invasion of immigrants? Answer: not one single country.
If you, or your senators, or your house members don’t stop this invasion, we’re going to look like Gaza, Israel, Ukraine, France, Sweden and worse. France is on the verge of civil war as you read this column. They’ve imported over 5,000,000 Muslims that do not and will not identify as “French.” Sweden has already lost its society. They will not recover their country.
Do you think I’m kidding? Read Civil War II: The Coming Breakup of America by Thomas W. Chittum. He wrote it 30 years ago. “Social, political and economic forces are pulling America apart and driving her toward a bloody war that may fracture the nation into different countries, dividing along ethnic lines. Riots, gangs, militias, exploding crime rates, mass immigration, rising unemployment, falling wages…these are the factors that will fuel the fires of war.”
Then, you have to ask yourself, “Will my family and I survive the projected 100 million more immigrants added to America within the next 25 years?”
Answer: about as much chance as a snowball in a frying pan.
Do you see it? If you don’t, why aren’t you paying attention?
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