Be Prepared for More Chaos

By Cliff Kincaid

January 8, 2022

There’s no defending what happened at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. We’ve documented the dope-smoking New Agers, some apparently under federal direction and control, that were part of the event. Many were trespassers, ushered in by members of the Capitol Police. A would-be bomber remains on the loose.

Republican Senator Ted Cruz’ labeling of the event as a “terrorist attack” is another indication Republicans are divided over the meaning of January 6.

Call it what you would like – attack, riots, or “insurrection.”  It was wrong.

But the fact remains that one death was tied directly to that event, the murder of Ashli Babbitt, a U.S. military veteran. She was a Trump supporter. The Capitol Police killer was exonerated of any wrongdoing. That was a disgrace. That was a threat to our Republic. Our system of checks and balances failed.

China Joe’s speech this morning ignored that death while also ignoring the more than 800,000 dead from the China virus. “As we mark the tragic milestone of 800,000 American deaths due to COVID-19, we remember each person and the lives they lived, and we pray for the loved ones left behind,” Biden said on December 14.

We have to remember them now – and every day. The sickness and death continue on a daily basis and Americans don’t have the tests available to determined who sick and who’s not. Hence, the virus spreads.

The young will survive but the senior citizens, once targeted by Democratic Party governors in assisted living homes, will bear the brunt of the deaths.

The courts did not and won’t intervene in the election problems. Let’s face facts. Mike Lindell’s attempt to bring this matter before the Supreme Court is doomed. He couldn’t even prove Chinese cyber warfare in the election. He’s a total failure and a laughing stock. And the other two branches of government, executive and legislative, won’t expose federal involvement in the January 6 “insurrection.”

Trump continues to talk about “the rigged Presidential Election of 2020” but if that were the case, then why did he vacate the Oval Office? If this rhetoric is just an organizing tool, in order to get election integrity laws passed in the various states, so be it. But Mike Lindell’s crusade has become a joke. He keeps promising big results from the Supreme Court but none has resulted.

The crowd associated with Steve Bannon is counting on a Republican takeover in 2022. Don’t bet on it. He is promising a “sweeping victory” by MAGA in November. Don’t bet on it. I witnessed the same false promises in 2018.

This “Brown is the New White” strategy, backed by Barack Hussein Obama and Rep. Nancy Pelosi, was successful in the November 6, 2018 elections, as a real “blue wave” enabled a new socialist-oriented national Democratic Party to pick up as many as 40 House seats, take control of the House, and make preparations to impeach President Trump.

America’s Survival, Inc. was the only national conservative group to have predicted and outlined this winning strategy on the part of the communist-supported progressive movement.

Trump held a large number of rallies during the 2018 campaign. But his claim that his vigorous campaigning “stopped the blue wave” is just not true.

Bolstered by Sean Hannity of Fox News and the late Rush Limbaugh on the campaign trail, Trump was apparently convinced that talking about illegal immigration and the economy would save his House majority and get conservatives out to the polls. That strategy failed.

If you want the truth about the Republicans, read Steve King’s new bookWalking Through the Fire, on how the GOP leadership, led by Kevin McCarthy, purges strong conservatives. King is a living example of that. He was forced out by McCarthy and the Republican establishment.

King discussed what happened during an interview on my channel America’s Survival TV. This is the kind of “McCarthyism” that threatens our country.

Rep. Steve Stivers, who led the National Republican Congressional Committee, called King, who defends Western civilization against Marxist subversion, a white nationalist. It was a false charge.

Stivers, by the way, had predicted that the Republicans would retain their House majority in 2018. But it’s hard to do that when you’re attacking fellow Republicans.

To force through more socialist measures, and get Democrat Joe Manchin on board, an economic “correction” is coming. Interest rates are on the rise and the stock market is in decline. It could get worse than a “correction.”

All of this will be used by the forces behind China Joe to ram through more socialist measures, supposedly to rescue the economy from collapse.

We will have economic chaos, by design, as new variants of the virus emerge, killing more people.

As they say in my once-beloved Boy Scouts, “Be prepared.”

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.