Birthrights are NOT from Government

By Lex Greene

February 11, 2025

By now you’ve heard numerous “legal” opinions about what is and isn’t a “birthright” in the United States, mostly focused on the subject of citizenship, all the result of tortured unconstitutional court opinions on the subject.

From Mark Levin (the great one) to Tea Party attorney Kris Anne Hall, the extreme left to the extreme right, and a lower court all the way to the Supreme Court, a variety of opinions have been floated by the “experts” concerning birthrights and citizenship.

In every case, they all seem to think that birthrights come from government, via governmental actions in the form of our Founding documents, legislation, amendments to the Constitution or court opinions. But in this case, they are all wrong.

What Are Your “Birthrights?”

For starters, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness…Not because these Rights are granted by our public servants, but because they are “endowed by our Creator.” Anything “endowed by our Creator” is beyond the authority of any government or man.

In reality, our “Birthrights” are far too many to ever number. Basically, any power or authority that “the people” did not officially assign to government in a Federal or State Constitution, remains a “Birthright” of “the people.”

In contrast, rights authorized by government, are mere “privileges,” not Rights. The Bill of Rights protects the “birthrights” of all legal Americans citizens. These protections are not for foreign threats, but rather from threats arising over time from the halls of our own government.

Where Do They Come From?

As established in our Declaration of Independence, they are “endowed by our Creator” based upon “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.”

“Legal experts” will almost always make their arguments based not upon Constitutional Law, but rather English Common Law, as that is what our courts have unconstitutionally practiced since 1803, and all that our law schools have taught since the mid-1940s. Do you really believe our Founders fought a bloody war to rid us of British rule just to adopt British Law and customs? How silly, right?

To be fair, some like Levin and Hall are getting some of the “common law” history on the subject correct. The problem is, they all fall short of establishing the true source of all “birthrights,” produced by nature and the Laws of Nature alone.

Instead, they engage in an age-old legal debate tactic of using the parsing of words as they prefer it, just like their opponents do on the other side. In the case of “birthright citizenship,” they have decided to hang their expert hats on this section of the 14th Amendment, “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof.”

In other words, it’s not enough to be “born on soil” as the extreme left would have it. A child must also be “subject to the jurisdiction thereof,” in order to be an alleged “birthright citizen” via the 14th Amendment. However, the term “birthright” isn’t in the 14th Amendment at all, because it has nothing to do with any “birthrights.” And…everyone present in the USA is “subject to our legal jurisdiction” while in the USA, no matter how or why they are here, those with “diplomatic immunity” being the only exception.

Of course, by doing so, the debate remains open to “interpretation” and since our courts wrongly use English Common Law instead of Constitutional Law to interpret any way they see fit, always to suit a particular political agenda, Marbury v. Madison would allow the Supreme Court to eventually rule upon what your “birthrights” are and aren’t.

We are talking about a court that found a right to gay marriage in the 14th Amendment, when that amendment has nothing whatsoever to do with marriage or gay rights. But “common law” is what allows courts to make it up as they go, later labeled “settled law” even though they have no such authority, and there’s nothing “legal” or “settled” about it.

Interpret v. Invent

Obviously, when the U.S. Supreme Court found an alleged right to gay marriage in the 14th Amendment (circa 2015), they didn’t “interpret” the meaning or clear intent of the 14th at all. Instead, they used “English Common Law” powers to “invent” unwritten text in a manner totally inconsistent with the text, purpose or intent of the 14th.

In 1787, the word “interpret” simply meant for a court to explain, or translate for a lay person, legal language into plain English so that every citizen could know their rights. However, our Founding documents were intentionally written in plain English, not legalese, so that no citizen was dependent upon any “expert” to translate or explain something as important as our Rights.

No Experts Needed

If you can read and comprehend plain English, then you can properly interpret our Charters of Freedom for yourself, which is one very important reason why every “immigrant” to the USA should immediately learn to read and comprehend plain English, so that they too know their Rights in our country.

But even lawmakers, members of our State and Federal Legislatures, even Presidents, have come to depend upon “expert opinions” on matters they can easily know for themselves. As a result, they are easily misguided by the “experts” believing that the “experts” know better, when in fact, the “experts” have been using English Common Law to undermine all Natural Birthrights for 200-years now.

EXAMPLE: For more than four years now, a mountain of evidence showing massive election fraud in 2020 and 2022 has been uncovered and exposed. But to date, not one court in the country allowed any of that evidence to be presented in court. English Common Law “Rules of Procedure” created by the courts to keep constitutional challenges out of the courts have been used to block evidence of election fraud from ever entering a courtroom. Rules of Procedure exist for both Civil cases and Criminal cases. These rules exist to create an uneven playing field to benefit government, at the expense of the people.

Death by a Thousand Cuts

Over the past 200-years or so, no one has done more to undermine and damage our Constitutional Republic and Natural Birthrights than the “legal experts.” Read the Bill of Rights to see just how many of our natural “birthrights” are at grave risk today.

Then think about what I’m saying here, maybe even take the time to read my previous work on “Birthright Citizenship” in the new old light.

True “birthrights” are all the Rights we have as Americans. Everything else is just a “privilege” granted by your public servants, which will eventually be taken away by the same people.

You only have the Rights you know and defend. Birthrights are “inherited” Rights. Every “inalienable Right” you have, was inherited from your natural birth Father and no governmental action has any authority to strip you or your children of those Rights.

Rights from Birth are inherited from your natural birth parentage, according to the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God, your natural birth Father. Just as you are born with the natural right of inheritance to all of your Father’s earthly goods, all Natural Birthrights are inherited as well.

They are you “heritage” passed from generation to generation.

Learn it, know it, defend it, or lose them all!

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