Black Robed Tyranny: Eight Year Old Boy Falsely Imprisoned And Taught Transgenderism
The information from this article about a Nellie Muir School teacher in Woodburn, Oregon has been taken from a reporter named Whitey Woodworth at my Salem, Oregon Statesman Journal. Ironically, Nellie Muir grade school is the same school our children once attended in the sixties when the population was about 11,000. Today the population is 25,000 and ranked 21 in Oregon. It was on our local TV news on 5/8 so some national stations may have picked it up. The title on her article was taken from wording in the lawsuit that the parents have filed: False Imprisonment, negligent and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
The student was 8 years old when his teacher, after noting the boy used the staff bathroom, pulled him aside, kept him from recess and showed him videos and books “in an effort to promote (him) becoming transgender.” The then second grader and his parents had made arrangements with the school for him to use the staff restroom because of a digestive-related condition, which was never explained further.
The teacher assumed the boy was not comfortable using the public boys’ restroom because he was transgender. In April 2018, without notifying the parents and without any authorization from the school district, the teacher began developing a lesson plan to help the boy understand what it meant to be transgender.
She began keeping the student inside the classroom alone during recess at least three times to show him videos and teach him “it is acceptable to become transgender.” These lessons included episodes of the reality television series, “ I AM JAZZ” about a transgender gal named Jazz Jennings, books, “I Am JAZZ” and “WHO ARE YOU?” the Kids Guide to Gender Identity,” and discussion on the difference between male and female body parts.
The books and show, which were recommended by an unknown non-school employee transgender individual… “exposed the boy to sexual topics and sexual discussion”, according to the lawsuit. During the lessons, the student was not allowed to go outside for recess until he finished the videos or books. The lawsuit accused the teacher of singling out the boy by pulling him from regular student activities without the parents’ permission.
At the end of the school week, the teacher told the boy to take the books home and share with his family. That’s when the parents found out. (Matt. 10:26) There is nothing covered which shall not be revealed. “The parents were extremely shocked to find out she would expose (their son) to various sexual concepts, such as the difference between male and female body parts,” said the family’s attorney, EDGAR DIAZ in the lawsuit. The parents filed a complaint with the school but said school officials minimized what had occurred telling them “IF THIS HAPPENED IN PORTLAND, IT WOULD NOT BE A BIG DEAL.” Portland is #1 city in Oregon with a population of 628,000. Apparently in other districts across the U.S. we learn that transgender men perform ‘DRAG QUEEN STORY HOUR’ in front of public school children.
The lawsuit said the lesson had lasting damage causing the boy to become confused about whether he was going to turn into a girl. He now shies away from playing with “girl” toys or playing “girl related” games. He underwent personality changes, becoming more depressed, aggressive and isolated and now attends counseling. “He has also become afraid of attending the current school, seeing (the teacher) and using the boys’ bathroom,” Diaz said in the complaint. [Link]
His parents also struggle with anxiety, stress and depression following the incident. The parents now fear their son will have gender identity issues because the teacher, not them, taught their son about identity. The lawsuit accuses the teacher of false imprisonment for confining the student during recess time without a valid reason and claims the school breached the “special duty entrusted by the law” to supervise teacher and protect students from controversial topics and emotional harm.
I found it interesting that this nine page article by Anita Hoge about teachers being trained to break your child’s will suddenly “cannot be found.” But her opening said, “Our American children are being conditioned to blindly accept a planned global economy. That means American ideals as patriotism and love of country must be deleted from what is taught to our children…Competition and rugged individualism must be erased from their personalities…” and what better way than to change us into a SEXLESS SOCIETY.
Attorney Diaz said the school district failed to properly train and supervise the teacher. Furthermore, the teacher’s actions demonstrated “she either meant to inflict severe emotional distress or knew her conduct could result in emotional distress,” according to the lawsuit. Diaz said her actions “constituted an extraordinary transgression of socially tolerable conduct.”
The complaint requested $79,999 for current and future counseling, medication, doctor’s appointments and therapy and $920,000 in non-economic damages. It is my fervent prayer that more families find a good attorney and sue these evil doers into oblivion which should eventually force closure of the unconstitutional public schools controlled by communist teacher’s union getting their marching orders from such REGRESSIVE TOTALITARIAN MARXISTS as the nonprofit Southern Poverty law Center, a Civil Rights organization that attacks conservatives. Will this 83 year old grandma be next? (Psalm 46:10)
Then there is the case of a Texas dad who lost custody of his six-year-old-son for not affirming transgender identity. James Younger, who since the age of three has undergone social transitioning to be identified as a girl. Jeff Younger, the father, and friends of James maintain James really desires to be a boy when he is not in the presence of his mother, who is responsible for enrolling the child into school as a girl and having the child undergo psychological assessments.
The child is currently in the process of social transitioning before he can begin chemical hormone therapy at the age of eight. In the divorce, the mother has sought the father to pay for James to visit a trans-affirming therapist and also pay for any medical alterations or therapies that James may need to transition to female as he gets older and subsequently the courts agreed and have required the father to pay at least 50 percent for future gender-related medical expenses as well as the father being banned from talking to the boy about the sex change and cannot share religious teaching with his son on sexuality or gender. Of course not. What does the Bible say about the Alphabet Agenda (LBGTQ). The Bible says there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28)
The Psychiatry profession once labeled homosexuality as a mental disorder but applied pressure to the profession to get the clarification removed, a decision I hope they regret today because now Christian businesses are being targeted and succumbing to the gay agenda.
Michael Swift way back in 1987 told the parents they were planning to “sodomize your sons….” Larry Kramer in 1987 is on record confessing he may have killed many partners with AIDS. In the book A QUEER THING HAPPENED TO AMERICA on Pg. 136 he talked about the sweet young boy who didn’t know anything and was in awe of him. “I think I murdered him.“
In the 2007 book NOT HOLIER THAN THOU, Alan Stang wrote about how children were being sodomized. He mentioned a person named Craig Spence who “maintained a call boy ring that catered to the political elite, and, unlike most D.C. call-boy rings, offered children to its clients. Some of them were kidnapped and held prisoner. Sports fans may remember former Penn state assistant football coach, Jerry Sandusky who was arrested and jailed in 2011 on a new child sex abuse charges brought by two new accusers, including one who claims Sandusky molester him numerous times in a basement bedroom. He now faces 50 charges stemming from accusations he molested boys for years on Penn State property, in his home and elsewhere.
And I guess the most recent tragedy to expose mental health problems with transgendered people and which the mainstream media has done its best to be low key in reporting is Jennifer and Sarah Hart, both 39. They are a lesbian couple posing as foster parents who had been under investigation by Child Protective Services, in their home in the State of Washington. They decided to take their six foster children for a ride, drove through Oregon and down the California coast where the driver took a 100 foot plunge into the ocean at 70 mph. All of the children except one had been found. Each had been heavily sedated. [Link]
Robert W. Peck in his article WHAT’S WRONG WITH BEING TRANSGENDER? reminds us that 35 percent of transgender youth attempt suicide. That statistic makes encouraging children to experiment with transgenderism the equivalent of handing them a revolver with two loaded chambers and encouraging them to experiment with Russian roulette or driving off a California cliff at 70 mph.
So, instead of exposing transgender madness as being a mental illness, we’ve been brainwashed into believing it sets a person free to be who they really believe they are and we are not to discriminate. Here’s another example: The New York Post recently reported the parents of the young shooter in the Colorado school shooting are more concerned about what pronoun is being used for their child than the shooting. The shooter, born Maya McKinney, is listed as 16-year-old female, but the child prefers the name Alec and wants to be known as a male. The teen’s lawyers asked that the pronoun “he” be used for their client. McKinney and Devon Erickson, 18, are accused of fatally shooting one classmate and wounding eight others at the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math school in Highlands Ranch outside Denver.
II Tim. 4:3-4 says “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine” and simultaneously pastors who should be warning people of this sin “feel limited in their ability to speak out about homosexuality.” We are experiencing corrupt religion in our modern time. A very large part of the problem is that many pastors are now afraid to preach the entire truth from God’s Word. According to a recent study, about one half in the U.S. are worried about offending their congregations. In particular, the report indicates that 44% feel limited in their ability to speak about homosexuality. [Link] I wonder how many chose Bible College instead of a little time serving in the military where boys are developed into men.
In the Living Bible, Acts 9, Paul, who was threatening with every breath and eager to destroy every Christian, went to the Hi Priest in Jerusalem requesting a letter addressed to the Synagogue in Damascus, requiring their cooperation in the persecution of any believers he found there. As he was nearing Damascus on the mission, suddenly a brilliant light from heaven fell upon him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, “Paul, Paul, why are you persecuting me? “Who is speaking?” Paul asked and the voice replied in V. 5- “I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting: it is hard to kick against the pricks. “ The King James Version was not as kind as the Living Bible. One of the definitions in the dictionary says a “prick is a nasty, obnoxious contemptible person.” We have become humanity without a conscience. The most recent Democrat and gay person running for President told us as he held hands with his partner if we aren’t comfortable with his lifestyle, speak to God. WELL, GOD HAS SPOKEN TO THE PRICK. Amen! We can blame the U.S. Supreme Court on June 26, 2015 for approving SAME SEX MARRIAGE now causing the confusion. Maybe that decision should be overturned???
To add insult to injury, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants an “EQUALITY ACT” (HB 2282) added to the 1964 unconstitutional Communist Civil Rights Act which would add “gender identity” and “sexual orientation”, honoring pedophilia, open all restrooms to transgenders and make it ILLEGAL to disapprove of the poor LGBTQ “victims.” Jesus says they are pricks and not to be pitied. They need to repent and ask Jesus for forgiveness. Don’t forget the teacher in Nellie Muir who was beginning the “grooming” process on an 8 year old in school.
Henry Makow says, “It helps to see heterosexual love as a mystical dance. The male leads; the female follows. You can’t have a graceful dance without each partner playing his part.” Heterosexuality is not based on “Equality.” Women empower men by surrendering to them in exchange for love. Femininity is based on the exchange of power for love. When men do it, they are emasculated. ATTENTION: TAKE ACTION NOW BY SENDING YOUR U.S. REPRESENTATIVE A MESSAGE TO VOTE ‘NO’ ON THE EQUALITY ACT.
And now, this being election season, every day on our news we see pictures of these Queers involved in politics shown in pictures with their partners, such as Jared Polis, a wealthy tech and education entrepreneur and former five-term congressman from Boulder who has been elected the first openly Governor of Colorado shown with his partner, Marion Reis. However, what they fail to recognize, the state of Oregon has the FIRST gay governor, Kate Brown (I am ashamed to report). The Polis election was celebrated by LGBTQ advocates nationwide, however, at this time in Oregon, the Republican GOP senators finally displayed some spine and as I draft this article, have walked out of the Capitol so that the Democrats can’t have a quorum to implement their REGRESSIVE TOTALITARIAN MARXIST agenda and Kate has asked the State Police to bring them back…but more on that in another article.
One of the recent Democrat and gay person running for President, is Peter Buttigieg, who proudly announced his presidency with his partner in the spotlight with him. After WHITE GUILT twice elected the unqualified candidate, Barack Hussein Obama, nothing would surprise me anymore. The word “gay” replaced sexual preference in the early 1990s. [Link] Pete says “if you have a problem with who I am, your problem is not with me, your quarrel sir, is with my creator.” The Bible clearly declares that the righteous Kings of old would rid their lands of the sodomites (homosexuals), while in the present, those who want to be the king (Isaiah 14:14) literally want to fill the land with sodomites.
Yes, indeed folks, Daniel 7:25 describes a time when we are changing “times and Laws” working towards a “genderless” society. [YouTube Video]
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