Brain Fog at Foggy Bottom

By Sidney Secular

February 14, 2023

They keep tweakin’ the campaign to weaken Russia for an eventual kill, but instead they are killing the West. If this keeps up, we will surely hit bottom. Joe “Blowhard” Biden and his Secretary of “Offense” Lloyd Austin have about run out of Ukrainian meat to grind even as the Ukrainian conflict grinds on. But unless Putin starts puttin’ his foot down and playin’ footsy, the situation will devolve into a type of trench warfare with a faux “Maginot” line running down the spine of the country and separating the two sides. With all the massive armament the West has supposedly been supplying to the Ukrainians and all the military wherewithal Russia has, we believe, held back from using, either side could easily take over all of Ukraine if a surprise blitzkrieg were launched. We must remember that it was just such an attack that allowed the Germans to “outflank” the vaunted Maginot line in the first place. But there’s apparently no will to launch any such an offensive and thus there appears to be little hope that it will happen. At present, Putin appears happy enough to just let the fog-brained operatives at Foggy Bottom and NATO do their thing because he is benefiting immensely without over-using his military forces while the West’s military-industrial complex appears content to keep operating at full capacity so long as the massive-budgeted government largesse – and probably black budget billions – keep coming down the pike!

The “slimes” who run the (NY) Times and the rest of the “sicko-phant” media keep eggin’ the combatants on with a constant “above the fold” fodder of lies spewed out daily claiming the Russians are being ground down and folding. Their latest whopper to encourage continuing conflict is the allegation that the number of Russian troops killed or wounded in Ukraine is approaching 200,000, which is an outright fib. Scratch that blather and baloney because the Russian forces in Ukraine have hardly been scratched, while the much smaller Ukrainian forces gradually are being decimated. That was the strategy Grant used against Lee’s more inspired but far smaller number of patriots and it inevitably works in a meat grinder situation, but it takes time and a much larger number of soldiers on the part of the aggressor.

The Russians are stronger in several ways now. Shifting their oil exports to more reliable Asian customers encourages them to increase oil production. Kicking Russia out of the SWIFT global payments system prompted the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) to build their own trade settlement system so they wouldn’t have to rely on the dollar. Cutting Russia off from general trade with the West has stimulated her to manufacture the items she used to obtain via trade with Europe. Confiscating Russia’s off-shore assets has  caused an unfavorable reaction from the rest of the world and has prompted many nations to dump their dollar assets, including US Treasury Bonds, before they too suffer economically. Much of the world is sick and tired of American hubris and domination and the attacks on Russia have only intensified these feelings.

Modern wars waged by Western powers for over a century whether among themselves or over third world countries are solely motivated by power, money and economic or resource concerns dressed up as ideological struggles and the elimination of supposedly dictatorial regimes. These and other similar “globaloney” are used as excuses for military adventurism so as to procure the acceptance by the people of the consumption of resources and money being frittered away on non-productive and wasteful enterprises. Of course, the end result is that the people suffer while the military-industrial complex thrives and grows. The kernel of this all-consuming crusade to continue America’s dominance in world affairs really comes down to maintaining the supremacy of the US dollar in global trade settlements. But US and NATO sanctions and other actions have adversely impacted the rule of the dollar in world economic transactions and continued American hegemony hedges on reversing that situation. However, the West keeps wallowing in the quicksand it has created and the more it tries to extricate itself, the deeper it sinks into the mire of constant conflict and adverse reactions to its meddling! As a result, its levels of debt expand exponentially, while we continue to dig ourselves into an ever deeper financial hole. The problem is, having created the scenario, we failed to also create a way out!

Comparing Russian with American prospects requires some historical perspective as well as forward projections. Russia emerged relatively unscathed as the USSR crumbled, only losing some of its Eurasian outlands, but these were never “Russian” in the first place. As well, the country is so big and has such great resources that the constriction of its geographical area wasn’t particularly earth shaking as little blood was shed in the process. As there was no real understanding of private property in the USSR, when it collapsed few were affected by eviction or foreclosure. Very few people had cars but there was well maintained mass transportation, so the city centers were still intact and the people could continue to travel on buses, trams and trains as before. The food system had been badly botched from the beginning of the Communist regime due to low-incentive collectivism, but the Russians were a clever people who made the most out of planting family gardens while city dwellers had little plots of their own outside of town that tided them over during long periods of travail.

Compare the Russian situation with America’s prospects in the coming economic meltdown!  Even piddling Social Security payments may be reduced and it is clearly suggested that retirement accounts set up by American workers may simply be cancelled, leaving many without income in their “golden years.” Americans will have their homes foreclosed out from under them by our “unibanks” and corporations like of BlackRock. When all the guarantees upon which we as Americans have depended for generations are simply “gone,” we as a people will hit rock bottom. Renters will face eviction from rentals they can no longer afford but this will not save the landlords whose existence depends upon that rental income. Everything will be “foreclosed” and we will find ourselves as we have been told; that is, we will own nothing, but whether we will be “happy,” is improbable. Let’s face it, we Americans are spoiled. Today’s we can’t seem to tolerate not having a new car every couple of years, long before the useful life of a car ends! Meanwhile, used cars are getting more expensive the result of which is that the “reepoh” men have “field days” every day! But, like foreclosures, such “transactions” help no one. An economy based on foreclosure means that sooner or later, even those who benefit from repossessing assets run out of things to “repossess.”

The omnipresent haphazard suburban sprawl structure on the outskirts of many metropolitan areas based mainly on car use will atrophy or be abandoned because of a lack of adequate public transportation and business from customers. Right now, plans are already underway for so-called “fifteen minute” cities that are specifically designed for the population to live within severely limited areas that require no “transportation.” These “cities” will have legal boundaries requiring “passports” when one wishes to pass into another “city” and too much movement by any citizen will result in government chastisement of a determined nature. Freedom as we know it will cease.

The American food system has been built primarily on manufactured, denatured and processed foods with little nutritional value causing massive overeating and obesity leading to big profits for big pharma and the medical-industrial complex as the eventual result. The New World orderlies are conducting a massive campaign of destruction and sabotaging of these food processing facilities which will cause food prices to skyrocket even further and food supplies on grocery shelves to shrink even more. The shortages of essentials during the Covidiocy was a precursor of much worse shortages to come during the economic meltdown, and, furthermore, resulted in the sheeple getting used to shortages of essentials without questioning the reason for those shortages. Many Americans are ignorant as to where their food comes from and don’t appreciate the value of quality foods. Most of our younger generations never had home gardens or grew their own food. Many of those already unhealthy because of poor nutrition will sicken and die as they did during the plannedemic thus further thinning out the population as the Great Reset gets settled in. As well, many of our so-called “useless eaters” will not be able to afford food and thus be reduced to “dumpster diving” much as we see among our “homeless” populations in large blue cities. Of course, this is a double tragedy as most of these unfortunates are addicts and/or mentally ill. But they do make a dandy population for our elites to practice genocide upon. After all, who cares about them? Nobody, really.

Underneath all the perverse conditions of Soviet life, Russia still had a national identity and consciousness – especially a great Christian consciousness, and a coherent culture unadulterated and untrammeled by waves of third world immigrants and the dictates of diversity and “multicultism.” We Americans have thrown away our coherent national identity and the culture provided by the Founders of the Historical American Nation – a Christian culture – and instead we have adopted Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (the DEI movement) thus diminishing the productivity of the populace by excluding its potentially most productive members. Even the profit motive has been despoiled and downgraded as capitalism transmogrifies into socialism. Without its once formidable industrial base, America is reduced to relying on service industries to fill the gap, which increases economic insecurity as the immigrants and illegals take away many of the jobs and opportunities citizens used to have. Of course, decades ago, the decision was made by our ruling elites that America would become a country whose income was generated by “service industries.” Manufacturing was going to be “exported” to countries with much lower standards of living mirroring the much lower hourly wage of the “worker!” As a result, the “American industries” creating the most wealth involve playing with the stock market, producing porn and video games, gambling, and engaging in drug enterprises, both legal and illegal.

Meanwhile, the political culture has become totally degenerate as can be seen by the ease with which “elections” are “stolen” and efforts to end political corruption through the courts is routinely rendered null and void. Of course, major problems with the political system as well as those involving the culture in general are swept under the rug or “addressed” in such a way as to insure that nothing changes. On the national scene, no one is held accountable for anything no matter how clear and obvious the blame is made known. Every and all the mounting failures, blunders, and moral/ethical turpitudes are made public in a day and then disappear like last winter’s snows. Of course, there are efforts to “affix blame,” but rest assured that those efforts are intentionally directed at the only group of people whose well-being and very existence is contrary to the desires and agenda of the elites: that is, whites! And so we see the blame for all problems from climate change to racism on “systemic” or white racism, usually, but not always, directed at paleo/conservatives, interestingly enough even when such people aren’t white! The purveyors of this beyond the pale poop continue to push it in the faces of Americans and other Westerners in the expectation that decent people will eventually give in as we have so often done in the past.

And so, today reason and truth are passe and, as they say, we must do it their way. But this time they run risk of waking up the goyim and the sheeple to their plight and also the identity of the purveyors of these schemes and agendas because these perps are massively “overreaching” with their actions as they hope to fulfill the agenda of the Great Reset. Hopefully, the facts about the so-called Covid pandemic and all that occurred as a result will wake up at least some – and especially those who have had loved ones suffer the SAD (Sudden Adult Death) syndrome! As well, perhaps the Ukrainian project will collapse and Americans will wonder what became of all that armament we supplied to the “noble Ukrainians” just as we wondered what became of all the armaments we left in Afghanistan. Knowledge of the Biden family’s racketeering is slowly spreading throughout the country by word of mouth even as the media continues to shove it down the memory hole. With any luck, reality will finally blow up in this country’s face as frauds and evil forces are exposed. But if that doesn’t happen, our foundations as a nation will continue to erode, and we will continue to falter and finally fail as the world’s last, best hope becomes a hopeless remnant of what it once was. Remember, as Ronald Reagan pointed out, when America is gone, there’s no place else to go!

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