Blissful ignorance

Sadly, the title of this article clearly states how most people prefer to live their lives. Ignorance, like sin, is bliss for a season. I guess there is some pleasure in living in this manner for a brief period (Heb. 11:25).

“There is a tranquility in ignorance, but servitude is its partner.”

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” -Goethe

“Ignorance is of a peculiar nature; once dispelled, it is impossible to reestablish. It is not originally a thing of itself, but the absence of knowledge; and though man be kept ignorant, he cannot be made ignorant.” -Thomas Paine

“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” -Thomas Jefferson

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (ignorance) because thou hast rejected knowledge (willful ignorance), I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” -Hosea 4:6

Just wanted to let you know that I’ve had all the “damned” lies I can handle without standing up, speaking out and exposing to all of us what fools we have become! (Ps. 14:1) A moral and virtuous people, filled with Godly wisdom, will not and cannot blindly pledge “allegiance” to any manmade government that denies the sovereign authority of the God of all creation. A nation ruled by corrupt men who ignore the eternal and immutable laws of Holy God, that demands obedience, or cause the people to err through immorality, depravity, decadence and debauchery cannot be obeyed by a righteous people! (Is. 9:16) Especially so for a nation that once knew the providence and protection of a righteous God. (Ps. 9:17) A nation that consisted mostly of a people who understood and realized that God alone must have preeminence in all things whatsoever in His creation. These people fled to an unsettled land to escape both a political and ecclesiastical tyranny under a corrupt king and a cult called Roman Catholicism. Both separately and together desired to rule the world!

These Godly people understood the authority given them by Christ Himself. (Mt. 28:18-20) They were determined to render to God alone their allegiance. They were determined to set up a “civil authority” that had but one purpose and that was to see that God’s laws alone were to be followed. Evil men were punished, the righteous were blessed with liberty (Rom. 13:1-6). They were willing to dedicate their lives to fulfill this “Holy” calling. These people who greatly desired to be righteous, established the first and truly “Christian” nation in history, that stood for approximately 200 years, from the early to late 1600’s to 1789. Yep, that’s right! 1789! Keep reading!

People who have a sincere desire for truth can find the truth, but they will not find it in the heathen, state run, “public fool” system we have all attended and still send our children to today! You will find very little of it in today’s 501c3 whorehouse we call the church! You can, if you are not too lazy to seek and find it in God’s preserved Word, the 1611 KJV Bible, using a Strong’s Concordance and a copy of the original 1828 Noah Webster’s dictionary. You can find actual copies of our nation’s first colonial covenants (constitutions) to read what our true founding fathers wrote about what our nation was formed for, but that is your call alone.

You may want to stop reading now! If you read any further, you will have your ignorance dispelled beyond repair. Again, the choice is yours. You could lose your ignorant bliss and blind patriotism!

If you will look at the original charters you will find that the colonists swore allegiance to Christ alone, for obedience and to further His Kingdom. To a king or civil authority, only a “limited” submission was given! To a self appointed “divine” leader who called himself Christ’s vicar on earth, no authority or submission was given. This man they knew is and was an antichrist. The colonists were so concerned about this issue, that many of their charters stated that only Protestant Christians could hold any office of authority.

Now, back on the original topic of Blissful Ignorance. How did such a once Godly, intelligent and industrious people become so “damned” ignorant to all things righteous and good? Without going into great detail, let me list just three points that should help us understand a major reason as to what happened.

Number one. Our true founders knew that in the original covenant God penned for men, the Holy Bible, that in the first four words He established His preeminence and sovereign authority over His creation was established and settled forever. The four words are, “In the beginning God..”

Number two. When the first founding fathers were about to come ashore and establish the first truly Christian colony, they realized that they needed a covenant written for all to sign and agree to, for righteous order of their new society. It was called the Mayflower Compact because it was written and signed while still onboard the Mayflower. It began simply with four words that set the standard for all of their society to agree to live by. “In the name of God.” In so stating, they recognized God’s sovereignty and rule of His law over all Creation.

Number three. The beginning of the end of God’s recognized sovereign authority over His creation. The first huge step to a dominant humanistic view in American society. As a matter of fact, this new covenant, compact, charter on constitutions was so inadequate that Patrick Henry would have nothing to do with it and Ben Franklin stated that it was “doomed to despotism”. Why? What could possibly be so out of place? We simply don’t have time to go into detail on these issues now, but here is the problem and destruction of America’s, once Godly, founding and fountain of blessings in three words! “We the people”! From the first, the founders recognized “beginning by, for and in God, in the name of God”, to “we the people” who became their own god. No longer would God’s laws alone be recognized! Now man, with and by his own understanding, could decide right and wrong. From Godliness to humanism in a manner of a few years. No, it didn’t dissolve overnight, but as the people became more and more ignorant of God’s sovereign right to govern in the affairs of men, they became their own gods, determined to govern themselves with their own ignorant devices. So here we are at 1789, 128 years later! Let’s examine the results of recognizing “mans rights”, (an oxymoron – more on that later ), without God’s righteous laws!

1. Countless ungodly wars of federal powers to conquer and control their own people. Huge wars to further the “empires” power and control all over the world that was allowed and tolerated by an ignorant people!

2. A forced state controlled educational system to destroy any recognition of God and His laws in society, to dumb down in order to further produce and control an ignorant people. 1963 was a very good year for this! And for the record, Thomas Jefferson did not produce a writing to keep God out of state affairs, but to keep the state out of church affairs! Separation of church and state is not in any of our nations documents, but it is in Russia’s!

3. 1954. Lyndon B. Johnson used his influence as a US senator to put the churches in America under control of the IRS. With the 501c3 clause giving the church the “privilege” of being tax exempt when they were already tax immune! An ignorant people claiming to understand God’s Word were thrilled to accept this. Ah! Wonderful ignorant blissfulness!

4. 1974. A woman’s “constitutional right” to murder her own child is given viability by a non authority, the US supreme court! This fruit of an ungodly nation has resulted in the torture and death of sixty million, 60,000,000, innocent children! There is no forgiveness for a nation that ignorance or cowardliness allows this atrocity! II Kings 24:4 This is one example of how we the people, as written in our 1789 document called the Constitution, have used mans so called rights to promote and protect evil.

5. 2015. Again, the same non authority stated that sexual predators, perverts and deviants not only have the “right” to exist in our society, but they have the “constitutional right” to marry! Again, an ignorant, cowardly and mostly indifferent society said or did very little.

These are a few of the bigger results and curses of an ignorant people. There are many, many more. They grow in severity as the people become more ignorant, cowardly and indifferent. Some of the lesser that an ignorant people ignored were income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, licenses, property seizures, child kidnapping by CPS tyrants and on and on we could go!

Most of the above have been established under supposed constitutional, civil or human rights! As I have said before, we have become a people that are straining at gnats and swallowing camels. Mt. 23:24 We protest taxation, gun control, government land grabs, police state tactics and the new world order, yet continue to allow the sacrifices of 4000 babies a day. We tolerate sexual deviants teaching our children in the public hell holes we call schools. God cannot and will not hear our prayers! II Chron. 7:14 does not fit us today!

Let me make one thing perfectly clear! Men do not have rights given to him by anyone, including a Sovereign God! Man was given commandments and duties by a Holy, righteous, totally and completely sovereign potentate King and Magistrate! Mans duties and allegiance is to God and Him alone! If we fulfill His duties, then He grants us blessings! NOT rights! For example, man has the blessing of keeping and bearing arms to fulfill God’s command and duty to protect himself, family and nation! Numbers chapter one, Neh. 4:14, Luke 22:36 and I Tim. 5:8 are a few scriptures to prove this point. Because, through ignorance of God’s Word, we have not fulfilled our duty to God to protect the innocent, we are facing the loss of the blessing, not right, to keep and bear arms. Folks, I could go further, but enough has been said on this issue.

We have, through ignorance and complacency become complicit in the sins of this once Godly nation. I, for one, will never pledge an allegiance to a symbol of a nation that has committed all of the abominations listed above! I am a veteran! I served before I knew the wickedness of this nation! Our young people haven’t died in a Godly war since the Revolution! All the rest were forced upon us from enemies, both foreign and domestic, who hunger for wealth, power and control. Our young people have been used as cannon fodder to further an American empire, not defending our freedoms!

How ignorant we are! Free to murder, pervert and destroy our children’s future! To allow our former pervert and chief in the white house, named Barry Soetoro, alias Barack Hussein Obama, to bestow America’s highest award on a sexual deviant lesbian named Ellen Degeneres!

No thanks! Not me! I am angry at what I see! I will no longer remain silent or soften my words to endeavor for unity! God’s Word is the only real truth on all manners! All of our so called founding documents are but dung without God’s authority recognized as the supreme and final word in all manners whatsoever!

We now have a new president, Donald J. Trump, who pledges to “make America great again.” Let us be hopeful and pray that this will happen, but while we tolerate the slaughter of 1,460,000 babies a year and the perversion of sodomy and lesbianism, God will not heal this land. Let’s be clear on this one indisputable fact!! No nation will be blessed or prosper without obedience to God’s moral laws!! (Ps. 33:12)

You must decide for yourselves who you will serve. You have been told the truth in this article! Joshua 24:15 is my decision. As our ministry name states, this is your “Call to Decision”. Let us no longer fulfill Christ’s warning in Matt. 15:14.

In Christ’s service

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© 2017 Pastor Butch Paugh – All Rights Reserved

America dodged a fatal bullet because of President Trump

As I sit here and write this missive today there are 70 rallies going on, all of which are anti-Trump and carrying the same type of message: “Do this
Trump or else!” I am so tired of listening to such rubbish; “Do this or else!”
What do those leftists believe they’re going to do when they say: “Or else!?”
All they can do is “whine” us all to death. They have no idea of the dire fate America was spiraling towards were it not for Donald Trump’s resounding victory. Allow me spell it out so simply and clearly that even the “hard-core left” can understand it.

Former President Obama was a community organizer, then he became a junior Senator while being an ardent follower of Saul Alinsky, and later on followed the philosophies of Frank Marshall Davis, and wrote about Alinsky in his book.

Hillary Clinton wrote her thesis on Saul Alinky and his teachings. Had she become the President the final destruction of America would’ve shortly been forthcoming because of her belief in Alinsky’s teachings.

Again, let’s keep this simple for our leftist friends out there. Who was Saul Alinksky that both Obama and Clinton admired so? He was a community organizer just like Obama. His teachings can best be found in his 1971 book “Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals.”

What were the teachings which Obama and Clinton so admired as written by Alinsky? He wrote that there are eight steps of control which need to be achieved if you want to create a social state. Here are those 8 steps as penned by Alinsky:

“The first is the most important.

1- Healthcare — Control healthcare and you control the people

2- Poverty — Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.

3- Debt — Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

4- Gun Control — Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.

5- Welfare — Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).

6- Education — Take control of what people read and listen to — take control of what children learn in school.

7- Religion — Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.

8- Class Warfare — Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.”

I’m sure these eight steps must sound familiar now by those with an operative cerebral cortex on the left however, let’s see if any/all of them were being attempted or accomplished by Obama and what would’ve most certainly have been continued by Hillary.

1) Control Healthcare: Can anyone say Obamacare??? What shocks me beyond comparison is when Nancy Pelosi had told members of Congress: “If you want to see what’s in this bill you’ll have to vote for it first.” Wait a second! Since when are we supposed to vote on anything before we see it? And, yet, that’s exactly what had happened. Still, the leftist which I have been seeing on various news stations in the past few days have been chiming, “But Obama got 20,000,000 Americans on Health Care.” Oh, really?! And at what cost? Most of those who got Obamacare had their premiums skyrocket through the roof so much so that most of them have dropped their coverage or lowered their individual level of coverage to where they can afford something. While at the same time those who couldn’t afford Obamacare still remain uninsured to this very day. And that is supposed to be a story of success? Remember, Salinsky said: “Control healthcare and you control the people.”

2) Control Poverty: Under the Obama Administration the poverty level has risen to unheard of numbers. More than 6,000,000 people (that’s a 19% increase or almost 1 in 5 of every adult Americans) have been added to the poverty level under Barack Obama, and the numbers are still climbing. Remember, Salinsky said: “…poor people are easier to control…”

3) Control Debt: Thanks to Obama the National Debt of all previous Presidents has been doubled. The National Debt will hit $20,000,000,000,000 shortly after Donald Trump takes office. Remember, Salinky said: “Increase the debt to an unsustainable level.”
4) Gun Control: In all of American history there has not been a President more determined to take away our 2nd. Amendment Rights then Barack Obama. I don’t even remember all of the new rules and regulations he enforced by bypassing Congress. Remember, Salinky said: “Remove the ability to defend themselves from the government.”

5) Control Welfare: Under Obama’s Administration, the Welfare State has grown by nearly 19% and now costs us taxpayers almost $1,000,000,000,000 extra per year. These are National figures and are factual, yet the other day when I listened to Obama’s Farewell Address to the Nation, he claimed he brought poverty levels down. Well, the facts and figures prove otherwise. Of Welfare, Salinky did say: “Take control of every aspect of their lives (food, housing, and income).

6) Control Education: As a former high school teacher I can honestly say that “Common Core” is the worst educational system I have even seen. It lacks so many of the fundamental tools for successful education that I could write an entire article on that alone. Yet, it was Obama and U.S. Secretary of Education Anne Duncan who shove Common Core down the throat of the American educational system. And, if you wanted to receive your government benefits you would cooperate. Remember, Salinky did say: “Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school.”

7) Control Religion: Can anyone seriously doubt that Obama is a Muslim? His wedding ring has an engraving on the inside which is a Muslim blessing. His preference of observing Muslim holidays over Christian ones (Christianity being the majority in America) has been painstakingly obvious. His condemning of Christianity was made very clear when he stated that “Christianity must not get on its high horse” when he was condemning Christianity for the Crusades. Plus, let’s forget another fact in which Obama claimed that “America is no longer a Christian nation.” Try telling one Obama to the adherents of the number one religion in America which is still Christianity. Consistently Obama has done so much to remove out national claim to Christianity, and has even had crosses removed from chapels in the military. On military bases you’re not allowed to witness of Christ and salvation, and you cannot openly keep a Bible on a desk if you work behind one. And, let’s not his preference of Islam over Christianity. Remember, Salinky said: “Remove the belief in the God from the government and schools.” And haven’t they removed God from the public school as Salinsky wrote of?

8) Control Class Warfare: I have been around since the Eisenhower Administration and in all that time I have never seen one President blame more on the wealthy than Obama. Even Hillary was constantly screaming her disapproval of Donald Trump for being so wealthy while on the campaign trail. And, yet, her so-called charity has somewhere in-between $150,000,000 – $200,000,000 in the bank. And just as bad, if not worse, Obama has been trying to give himself a raise in his retirement funds. This is ludicrous! Former Presidents are making tons of money by appearing at speaking engagements and by writing books. They certainly don’t need to bilk taxpayers out of more money. Even Donald Trump has publicly stated he will not take a pay for being the President. But, Obama had and now he wants even more! Remember, Salinsky said: “Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent, and it will be easier to take (tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.” So, according to Obama, Hillary and Salinsky we need to punish the wealthy for being successful. How moronic!

Folks, America has indeed dodged a bullet, a fatal one that could’ve very well been the death of America. Salinsky’s plans would’ve destroyed America if Hillary became the President because she is an ardent believer in Salinsky’s writings. Look at what we’ve just endured in the last eight years under Obama, another Salinksy follower. In his first year Obama made a “Global Apology Tour” around the world and apologized for America being so great.

Under Obama, by his application of the Salinsky’s teachings, America’s greatness has become a joke to most nations around the world. Internally America’s greatness is but a shadow of its former glory because of the application of Salinsky’s teachings. And had Hillary Clinton become the next President, dare I say that, America’s greatness would been all but a footnote in the annals of history. However, because of the will of the people, Donald Trump shall be the 45th President of the United States of America. And the one thing he espoused on the campaign trail was to: “Make America Great Again!” And, even though he isn’t the President until January 20, 2017 Donald Trump has already kept to his campaign promise of bringing jobs back to America. He’s already done this twice!

To my leftist friends let me ask this: “Do you really want the “GREAT” nation of America to continue along the Salinsky/Obama/Hillary path where we eventually end up as a socialist, and then a fascist State or, shall we once again bring back the “GREATNESS” that had been America? It doesn’t matter who’s in control of Congress; the Senate and the House of Representatives.

What does matter is that we are governed in such a way that America becomes GREAT again. That can never be achieved by Salinsky’s teachings nor by his followers. So before you even begin to condemn him (which many already have), let’s give Donald Trump a chance. Let’s see what his first 100 days in office will become. Remember, he’s not even the President yet but, Donald Trump has already kept to one of his campaign promises and has brought jobs back to America. Surely that’s not worthy of condemnation, but it is worthy of praise and most beneficial to Americans who want a job.
Let’s be reasonable and give Donald Trump a chance. We did so with Obama. Let’s be reasonable and give Donald Trump’s plans a chance. Afterall, Hillary had no clear cut strategy for America while she was on the campaign trail. And, let’s be reasonable and allow America to be GREAT once again!

© 2017 Doc Marquis – All Rights Reserved

Unashamed anti-zionism and demagoguery of Pastor Chuck Baldwin

It is rare in these days to see such unashamed anti-Zionism displayed loud and proud by a seemingly conservative author, whose language and arguments are, however, more appropriate to the vile socialist left. Mr. Baldwin resorts to demagoguery by mixing together both valid and very invalid issues, i.e., anti-Zionism rants. [Link]

It is surely a valid observation that the spread of homosexuality in America is not confronted enough by our spiritual leaders, and worse, some priests and rabbis pander to and fear the homosexual Mafia more than God.

Yet, it is wrong and ugly to speak about Zionism as though something reprehensible.(*) It is wrong to blame renowned pastors such as John Hagee for their friendliness to the State of Israel and for being a Christian Zionist. In fact, every consistent Christian must be a Christian Zionist as I will explain. And, it is particularly ugly to blame the President-elect Donald J. Trump, for his promises to honor the rights of Israel for her land and capital, while the entire world, pandering to the left and Islam, have turned hatred against the Jewish Homeland.

It is both base and ugly to sarcastically characterize the year 2017 and Trump’s presidency as though it represents “The Year of the Zionists.” Your language, Pastor Baldwin, is no different than that of the Soviet Politburo. What a badge of honor you wear!

Let me clarify some of the basics of Zionism for you, Pastor Baldwin.

1) In a secular sense, Zionism is merely a case of the general formula that “Nation X belongs to people X” just as France belongs to the French, Britain belongs to the Brits, Germany to Germans, Spain to Spaniards, Greece to the Greeks, and yes, Israel to the Jews! Zionism is no different than Frenchism, Germanism, etc., except that the Jews ownership of their land began 3,000 years ago, before France, Britain, and Germany even existed.

2) The restoration of Israel on her ancient land is an act of immense significance in terms of both social and spiritual justice. Since ancient times, Israel has been a victim of colonialism and oppression. Therefore, as a social issue, Zionism is the most justified case of a national liberation movement, one which delivered the Jewish people, victims of extreme oppression and genocide for centuries, to their national liberation and the restoration of their nationhood.

3) As a spiritual issue, Zionism is a realization of God’s plan, an act of the highest spiritual value for Jews and consistent Christians. Yet, Israel is the only nation refused basic justice by the rest of the world, the world which was ready to sacrifice Israel for whatever minute reason, or for no reason at all. Any expectations of justice for Israel from this world are futile (Eric Hoffer).

To be a Zionist is a badge of honor. That is Zionism. To be an anti-Zionist is a mark of baseness.

4) Pastor Baldwin, you are saying that contemporary Israel is not exactly like the model promised by God…fair enough. However, who else is such a model? Whose existence, security, and national interests are questioned and conditioned by other foreign nations? Here is a quote for you. Remember Europe in the 1930s?

Ask yourself this:

• Is it possible for the whole world to be against Jews? Yes.
• Is it possible that the whole world can be wrong? Yes.

• What was the motivating factor then? Antisemitism.
• What is the motivating factor today? Antisemitism.

• Then the world opposed the existence of one Jew.
• Today the world opposes the existence of one Jewish state.

Back then, the world opposed the existence of one Jew. Today, the world opposes the existence of one Jewish State. And yet you are concerned with 2017 being “The Year of the Zionists” for America.

5) America was founded as a Judeo-Christian nation, not anything else. It is a spiritual obligation of America to take the side of Christians and Jews in world affairs. And, it is in America’s national interests to support Israel, the only free nation in the Middle East, and America’s strongest ally in the region.

As Eric Hoffer wrote in 1968 “Israel is our only reliable and unconditional alley. We can rely more on Israel than Israel can rely on us.” [Link] These bitter words are even more true now. And you, Pastor Baldwin, are displeased already about future actions of President Donald J. Trump towards making America a more reliable and honest ally of Israel! Shame on you and your ministry!

(*) It is very puzzling and illogical of the hatred to Israel by Western nations and some of their so-called conservatives. Their actions and reasoning exactly replicate the Soviet Politburo.

Soviets hated Israel for too many reasons. First of all, because she allied with America and the West rather than with the Soviets, and because the Soviets hated the very possibility that some small fraction of their population may even contemplate the idea of leaving the USSR for good, or even to be somehow associated with Jewry in the external world. This is the exact reason that Soviets made Zionism a curse word, and a reason for persecution in the USSR! Even learning Hebrew could trigger criminal prosecution back then.

Indeed, the KGB created the PLO, Arafat and the so-called “Palestinian people,” (trained in various Soviet military camps, including one near Odessa, the city where I lived.) And, indeed, it was Soviets who promoted the UN resolution equating Zionism and Fascism (a gross cynicism in itself). But that was the USSR.

To imagine that anyone in the West would follow the same propaganda line is unthinkable! It is as if the West borrowed the Soviet talking points for bashing the allies of the West such as South Vietnam, South Korea, or West Germany! And yet, the West, and some of western conservatives, did borrow the Soviet talk points to bash Israel. That is a grotesque reality these days.

[NOTE: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, advertisers, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

© 2017 Alexander Gofen – All Rights Reserved

View of the inauguration from israel

As the preparations and hype for the inauguration of Friday, January 20, heat up and the anticipation grows, many people across the world are watching. Through live streaming of news from computer monitors or TV screens, the events will be watched by Americans and non-Americans in Israel. Because it’s happening on a Friday, which is Sabbath in Israel, those who are observant will have to wait until Saturday night re-runs, but the interest is still high.
Much has been expressed about the transition from Obama to Trump. All of the major Israeli online news sources are covering stories leading up to Friday’s main event. The biggest issue in Israeli media about Trump is his promise to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The big back-story here is that, though it is a law on the books in the US, every president since its passage has utilized a waiver to avoid the controversy which is threatened to erupt if this is done.
Israeli Trump Fans
The problem is that anything that changes the policy on Jerusalem is an excuse for the Arabs in Israel and in the Palestinian Authority to riot and protest. They still think they will be able to steal Jerusalem from the Jewish people as part of their proposed state. However, the issue has been put six feet under by most Israelis, since for 20 years at least, the Arabs have not accepted any offers of land from Israel, other than Jordan. Moving any embassy to Jerusalem is a proclamation that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Of course it is the capital and has been for 3000 years. It’s never belonged to any people called “Palestinian”, since they are a new people which was created in 1964 by Yasser Arafat, an Egyptian. Besides, their state is supposed to be Jordan, which was given land from Palestine-Israel decades ago.
The newest update on the Jerusalem issue is that Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat has begun his own campaign which encourages Israelis to welcome Mr. Trump in his new role as US president. The first part of his campaign is to post a petition online endorsing Mr. Trump’s support of Israel and his promise to move the embassy. The mayor then will present the petition with signatures to the new Trump administration.
Barkat exemplifies the hopes that the new administration is bringing to Israeli citizens. He says, “After the eight dry years, a true friend has come to the White House. And I, along with all the citizens of Israel, welcome President-elect Donald Trump as he is elected leader of the free world, and thank him for his support of Israel and his efforts to move the embassy to Jerusalem.
“The call to sign the petition comes in light of Israel’s enemies’ strong opposition to the move. I’ll direct all sectors of Israeli society [to it] and together, we’ll send a signal to leaders in Washington that the U.S.’s greatest friend is still here.”

It’s interesting to note that Mayor Barkat referred to Mr. Trump’s election as that of “elected leader of the free world.”
Yishai Fleisher, a leader of settlers in Judea, though he lives on the Mt. of Olives which cannot be called a settlement, also expressed hope in the new president. Anyone familiar with the Bible, and particularly the New Testament, realizes how important the Mt. of Olives was to the events revealed in the Bible. Yet to Obama and the UN, the whole area east of Jerusalem is now called an illegal settlement which, along with the Temple Mount and the Western Wall, is Islamic.
Fleisher wrote that “most indications show that he does not share your [Obama’s] contempt for Israel, for Jerusalem and for the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. We are looking forward to the next four years.”
After writing the above, I went to a birthday party in my neighborhood. Some of my friends were discussing where the embassy could be built and the length of time it would take to build it. The best solution seems to be the most obvious. A few years ago a new US consulate building was completed in Jerusalem, right smack on top of the imaginary armistice line of 1948. So it is in between Arab and Jewish neighborhoods. It is in the valley and there is lots of room to build more buildings, if other countries wanted to move their embassies there.

As with most things, it’s hard to get definite answers to questions, because when we try to find out if this new consulate building was indeed planned to turn into a an embassy when the time came, we have been told both yes and no. Whatever the plans were, it does seem prudent to just turn the consulate into an embassy. Then Mr.Trump could easily check one major promise off his list. More than that, he would be demonstrating his courage, along with his support for an ally which has been much maligned in the past eight years.

And the Arabs? This would be a major calling of their bluff. The only reason they can protest is the same old argument about borders of their never-gonna-happen state. The building is already there, the personnel are mostly Arab, there would be no change to the neighborhoods or the way of life in the area. So it’s a good guess the Arabs would back down and not start another war which they know they’d lose.
So Israelis have had much to talk about these past two months and the conversation has intensified as the final day of Obama approached. From where I sit in the outlaw territories deemed by the UN and Obama to be illegal for Jews, a great time of celebration will ensue on Saturday night after sundown. At that time we’ll all rush to check our internet, to make sure Mr. Trump is indeed the 45th president of the United States.
© 2017 Cathy Sherman – All Rights Reserved

Supporting Trump through Inauguration Day

Trump’s Inauguration is less than a day away. While president elect Trump appears to be extraordinarily strong dealing with the tsunami of 24/7 vitriol launched at him from the Left and Washington establishment, he is still a human being.

The Bible says when Moses grew tired, “Aaron and Hur held his hands up–one on one side, one on the other–so that his hands remained steady till sunset.”

Folks, it is extremely crucial that we hold Trump’s hands up through Inauguration day. The Left is incensed over the prospect of Trump emancipating us from their 8 years of dictatorial slavery. As delusional as this sounds, the Left hopes to block Trump from being sworn in as the 45th president of the United States.

Numerous left-wing wacko groups including paid protesters vow to ”shut down” the Inauguration.

Nut case, Rosie O’Donnell wants to impose martial law to delay Trump’s Inauguration.

Joseph Goebbels said, “If you tell a big lie enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” The Left is relentlessly repeating their huge lie that the Russians hacked the election. They want Americans to believe Russia tampered with the vote count, stealing the election from Hillary. The Left’s lie is absurd.

Concluding that no gutter tactic is too low to stop Trump, CNN and BuzzFeed partnered in promoting an unverified bogus claim that Trump hired prostitutes to urinate on a hotel bed slept in by Michelle and Obama. Yes folks, this is how disgusting and evil the Left’s insanity to block Trump has become.

As I said, at the heart of the Left’s panic, fear and rage is the prospect of Americans liberated from 8 years of Leftists forcing their far-left radical, anti-God, anti-America and anti-traditional values agenda down our throats.

Pray for our president folks. Let’s all join together and hold his hands up high.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

The political divide

Recently I was viewing an episode of The O’Reilly Factor with Bill O’Reilly on the FOX Network. Among the topics of discussion was the horrendous race relations in America. FOX News senior political analyst Britt Hume joined OReilly to discuss the great political divide in America. As to the problem with race relations. Of course, race relations could be better. But I am not as pessimistic about current or future race relations in America as some others are. Of course, relations race took a nosedive during the ultra divisive Obama years. In fact, Barak Husein Obama’s administration was the most socially, racially, economically and morally divisive regime in the history of our republic.

Rather than try and encourage Americans of all stripes to build upon America’s many positives, the Obama administration chose to promote negativity. Both individuals and progressive groups were encouraged to show outright disdain for the United States and to never be satisfied with any possible solutions to problems often complained and exaggerated about, such as the tired racist behind every doorknob complaints. Obama’s minions like Black lives matter and code pink, preferred to either block traffic or berate others in order to feel better about themselves. Such sad sacks that they are.

In fact, despites what Obama said, he was no more interested in solving problems in America than the members of the negro thought police Congressional Black Caucus, which prides itself on only complaining about problems, including those that no longer exist like separate drinking fountains and slavery. Basically, the satanic inspired anti American instructed those warped enough to abide by his dogma to constantly agitate for “justice,” but as I stated before never ever be satisfied. No matter what, the agitators are programmed to never accept authentic solutions to problems they complain about.

For example, the negro thought police, their white progressive masters and the street gumps are all focused on turning America into a brutal lower rung on the ladder nation. The nations they admire most are Cuba, Venezuela and others of that ilk. Congressional Black Caucus members have for eons taken annual visits to Cuba to learn from that nations dictators how to undermine America from within. For years, progressive blacks and others have complained that republicans seeking political office do not visit black neighborhoods or address black gatherings. Yet when Donald Trump went to more black neighborhoods than Mrs. Clinton could have nightmares about to explain his positive vision for America, the negro thought police complained from the heights of heaven, to the depths of hell. Of course they also reamed black Americans like Steve Harvey for listening or Dr. Ben Carson for accepting a position in the Trump Cabinet. I must say, my observation of their hypocrisy is 100 percent correct.

Progressive Congressional Black Caucus member John Lewis has said that Donald J. Trump is an illegitimate president. If we go by Mr. Lewis’s point of view or standard, then he himself should be judged as an illegitimate congressman. He does not support any policies that would promote actual economic growth and equal opportunities for those he claims to represent. Both he and his fellow Black Caucus members supported the gang violence and destruction of property and blocking traffic throughout America, but rail against any ideas to help black people help themselves without the need for government handouts.

Another reason to conclude that Rep. John Lewis and others are nothing but hypocrites is how they demand tolerance for different points of view, ways of life, etc, etc. Yet, if you are a republican who simply wants to protect our borders, rebuild every good aspect of American life, leftists like Lewis simply scorn you and consider you not worthy of any cooperation. Such a small-minded lot are they.

But enough of the obvious negative stuff, the good news is that in spite the current racial divide I see a nation that will soon live up to it’s creed of “One nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all.” I see “We the People” of this republic working together to stand beside her and guide her through victory after victory over whatever evil plots, plans, tricks and traps the progressives may set.

I see America reconnecting with her true allies around the world, including the apple of God’s eye Israel. I implore you dear reader to get ready to be amazed at the dramatic positive changes that will unfold in America over the next few years in every aspect of our republic including the inner cities. I believe that even our enemies will once again respect the United States of America who will once again deal with our rival nations from a position of strength. In spite of even those enemies from within, America the beautiful shall soon be great again and united in the grace of God.

Don’t miss a page from The Edwards Notebook commentary overnights on the Captain’s America-Third Watch, simply the best Live overnight radio show broadcasting across the United States from flagship radio station AM 860 The Answer. Also via the internet on Conservative radio, iHeart, Freedom in America Radio, Net Talk World and more.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

The solution to healthcare reform

As the Republicans in Congress struggle to present a workable replacement to Obamacare, the solution is staring them in the face. It’s called free enterprise.

The only reason we need massive insurance programs today is because of government meddling in healthcare. It started with Medicare in which government dictated percentages it would pay for services. Insurance companies followed suit. Therefore, forcing doctors and hospitals to raise prices to make more money from those established percentages. To prove that fact, simply go to a hospital as an uninsured patient and observe how much they deduct from your final bill. Insurance would have had to pay the higher price.

Then, with the intrusion of government came the inevitable paperwork. Lots of it. Today, under the Affordable Care Act doctors and hospitals need full time staffs just to fill out the paperwork. That costs money. Eliminate it.

Now there are rules and regulations on who must be treated and what procedures must be used. Of course, like all things government, these rules and regulations haven’t been written by doctors, but by bureaucrats serving various special interests who stand to gain financially. Eliminate them.

What’s the solution? It’s simple. Get government completely out of the healthcare industry where they don’t belong. Don’t try to write whole new policies. Let the insurance companies create policies to fit the market’s needs. Let them advertise for customers. Let them fight it out among themselves in the market place and let the customers choose which company has the policy that fits their needs.

Repeal Obamacare with no government replacement and watch how fast and creatively these insurance companies rush to the solution, just like every industry, including car insurance.

Oh, but wait. You can’t do that, say the liberals with great compassion. We have these poor who can’t afford to pay for insurance. Well, there is a solution and it’s full of compassion.

In the America of the past we had a great legacy of charity. Americans are a generous people. We used to have community funds, service clubs and churches dedicated to helping the less fortunate. What happened to them? Nearly everyone has been replaced by a government program. Instead of people helping voluntarily according to their ability and interest, they have been ruthlessly and unrelentingly taxed to the point of suffocation. As a result, they have stopped giving to charities which subsequently have disappeared.

Yet, there is still a fantastic example of human generosity, concern and caring that exists today, even in the socialist world of control. Organizations like St. Jude Children Center and the Shriners Hospital collect money from private donations and provide services free to families in need. Imagine how such programs would soar and fulfill the needs of every American if we were all simply allowed to make our own choices with our own money.

Congress, just repeal Obamacare and let the free market work for everyone. Now, let’s get on with draining the rest of the swamp!

© 2017 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

Listen to the bad guys

Our secular humanist overlords keep dropping hints about what they’ve got in mind for us, and we ought to pay attention. Put them all together, and the message they add up to is quite clear.

For instance, did you know the German legislature—well, its Green Party members, at least—is considering a plan to subsidize trysts with prostitutes? Okay, it’s not free ho’s for everybody. Just for “the elderly and the disabled,” and others in need of “sexual relief.” They tried to sneak this into the National Health in Britain a few years ago, but the public didn’t like the idea of their tax dollars paying for other people’s dates with hookers. And in the Netherlands a night in the cat-house is a deductible medical expense.

So maybe this scheme—they could call it “Fornicaid”—is an idea whose time has come. You know Obamacare would be a lot more popular if the government were fixing its dependents up with prostitutes. Oh, excuse me—we’re supposed to call them “sex workers.”

When we’re not visiting the sex workers, our rulers would kind of like us to be eating nice, healthy, tasty, sustainable… insects. Remember, to create their secular utopia, they will need absolute power over every aspect of our lives—including what we eat: right, Michelle? And they would like us to eat bugs. It has something to do with Saving The Planet.

No, not Barack Obama, John Kerry, any Clinton, or any of that Davos crowd eating bugs—good grief, no! It’s you who ought to eat bugs. They get the Kobe beef. They also get to keep their air conditioners, mansions, private jets, etc. Shut up and pay your taxes—and here, have a crunchy fried palmetto bug.

All the while they’re degrading us, destroying our self-respect with bugs and hookers, our lords and masters would also like to drive us crazy. Evidence of this has emerged in northern Spain. There, with the backing of the local governments, posters are being hung in many towns and cities—posters that proclaim that “Some girls have penises and some boys have vaginas.” Illustrated with frontal nude pictures of little kids with mixed-up body parts, the posters are being paid for by “an anonymous American donor” whose initials are, I suspect, G.S. Not that he’s the only reprobate who could be guilty.

The whole project of the worldwide Left originates with Satan, the author of confusion. Its whole aim is to overthrow God’s created order and replace it with an order created by moral imbeciles and lunatics. That’s what this whole transgender thing is all about.

How badly do they wish to confuse us? Try “totally.”

Toward that end, the European Parliament is pondering legislation to declare robots “electronic persons,” complete with certain “rights” and “obligations.” No blame to you if you think this ridiculous story is a hoax; but alas, it’s not. The EU big shots are that far gone.

A few thinkers are a tiny bit concerned that we might lose track of the difference between robots and human beings. Robots, for instance, can be programmed to simulate human emotions. That doesn’t mean they have those emotions. But try telling that to the poor schnook who’s madly in love with a vending machine. But what the heck: our sages don’t study nature anymore, but study computer models that they’ve created, and the simulation tells them whatever they want to hear about Climate Change. So who needs the real thing when you’ve got a simulation?

Study the message. First they’ll debauch us, then make fools of us, then plunge us into utter confusion—and finally replace us. Oh, I think they’d rather keep us around: there’s no fun in being a tyrant if you don’t have people to tyrannize, and bullying a lot of machines, well, that just doesn’t cut it. The secular humanist dream has always been a handful of elite rulers and scientists lording it over an enormous mass of ignorant, defenseless serfs. For their own good, of course.

Don’t say they haven’t warned us.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog,, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Sanctuary cities slap every lawful American in the face

It’s not just cities that are providing a safe haven for illegal alien lawbreakers that include aliens who have been deported, murderers, robbers, thieves, rapists, pimps, con artists, drug smugglers, human trafficking perpetrators, terrorists and others of a deplorable nature, and yes, some non-criminal individuals and families. There are several states, as well as multiple counties in almost every state that defy Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) with their sanctuary policies. About 300 jurisdictions in America have been identified by ICE as having a policy, or are non-cooperative when it comes to immigration enforcement. Many cities, like Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and New York are in open defiance of federal immigration law, with their respective mayors publicly thumbing their collective noses at immigration authorities.

From sources we learned that from January 1, 2014 to September 30, 2015 these sanctuary jurisdictions rejected more than 17,000 detainers for illegal immigrants, 11,800 of which had a prior criminal history. A detainer is issued by ICE to gain custody of specific criminal aliens for deportation, being held in another law enforcement jurisdiction. These illegal alien criminals are free to commit their crimes with impunity, thanks to illegal sanctuary policies. Who are their victims ….. lawful American citizens?

The illegal immigration problem is massive. One in four inmates in American prisons are illegal immigrants. In 2014, 36.7% of all felony convictions were illegal immigrants. Regarding the cost to taxpayers, the Heritage Foundation reports that: “in 2010, the average unlawful immigrant household received around $24,721 in government benefits and services while paying some $10,334 in taxes. This generated an average annual fiscal deficit (benefits received minus taxes paid) of around $14,387 per household. This cost was borne by U.S. taxpayers. Amnesty would provide unlawful households with access to over 80 means-tested welfare programs, Obamacare, Social Security, and Medicare. The fiscal deficit for each household would soar.”

Most illegal immigrants have less than a 10-year education and are among the lowest wage earners, thereby contributing the least amount to taxes, compared to the benefits they consume.

Sanctuary states, counties and cities exacerbate these statistics by protecting criminals, undesirables and those illegal immigrants that have violated our laws by coming here illegally, raising the total cost to taxpayers for illegal immigration by billions of dollars.

In open defiance of their mandated duties and swearing to uphold the law of the land, an official of the Department of Justice of the Obama Administration confirmed in 2010 that the agency would not take any action against cities, or other sanctuary jurisdictions, that defy the “Illegal Immigration and Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act of 1996.” (Pub. Law 104-208) True to their word, they haven’t taken any action.

There is an unwritten policy on the Democrat side of the federal government who purposely look the other way on illegal immigration and are not concerned that our borders are as porous as Swiss cheese. The rationale is that these illegal immigrants will eventually receive legal status and will vote Democrat because most of them come from socialist countries, thereby securing perpetual Democrat control of power in America. The Democrats compassion rationale is hollow and only results in more illegal immigration.

Federal Law (8 USC 1227) describes in detail who is a deportable person and the list is lengthy.

But one of the provisions in the law “(2)(A)(i)(I)(II) “General Crimes” states that:

(i) Crimes of moral turpitude

Any alien who — (I) is convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude committed within five years (or 10 years in the case of an alien provided lawful permanent resident status under section 1255(j) of this title) after the date of admission, and (II) is convicted of a crime for which a sentence of one year or longer may be imposed, is deportable.

Moral Turpitude is a very broad term but has been defined in greater detail by court decisions and “refers generally to conduct that shocks the public conscience as being inherently base, vile, or depraved, contrary to the rules of morality and the duties owed between man and man, either one’s fellow man, or society in general” and includes murder, voluntary manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter, rape, spousal abuse, child abuse, incest, kidnapping, robbery, aggravated assault, mayhem, animal fighting, theft, fraud, and conspiracy, or attempting to, or acting as an accessory to a crime.

In every sanctuary city, county and state in America there resides thousands of illegal immigrants who are guilty of moral turpitude under federal immigration law, as defined, and as such are deportable. In a flagrant, criminally negligent act, ICE released 86,288 illegal immigrant criminals into the general population from 2013 to 2015, according to ICE Director Sarah Saldana in written testimony to Congress. Those persons in our government, who made the decision to release known criminals, violent or otherwise, should be in jail themselves.

When illegal immigrant criminals are released into the general population, or come here illegally, where do you think they go? They migrate to sanctuary cities, counties and states of course, where the criminals will be shielded from federal prosecution by the governor of the state, or mayor, the city or county council, prosecuting attorneys, judges and law enforcement, by specific written or verbal sanctuary policies. Kate Steinle was a victim of and killed by one of those illegal alien criminals who had been deported 5 times and ended up in San Francisco, a sanctuary city.

ICE issues what are called detainers for illegal immigrants that are subject to deportation. Most if not all illegal immigrants are subject to deportation under 8 USC 1227, whether criminal or not. Under this statute, deportable persons are defined as:

“Any alien who is present in the United States in violation of this chapter or any other law of the United States, or whose nonimmigrant visa (or other documentation authorizing admission into the United States as a nonimmigrant) has been revoked under section 1201(i) of this title, is deportable.”

One can safely conclude that anyone who has entered the U. S. illegally is deportable, unless they are seeking asylum for reasons covered under the law, subject to judicial review.

What seems to have gone unnoticed here is that the leaders of these sanctuary states, counties and cities are guilty of harboring fugitives from justice and potential terrorists by their policies, written or verbal and are “principals” under 18 USC Section 2, making them personally liable for their actions. Federal law 18 USC 1071 covers this harboring of fugitives by sanctuary cities wherein it states:

“Whoever harbors or conceals any person for whose arrest a warrant or process has been issued under the provisions of any law of the United States, so as to prevent his discovery and arrest, after notice or knowledge of the fact that a warrant or process has been issued for the apprehension of such person, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; except that if the warrant or process issued on a charge of felony, or after conviction of such person of any offense, the punishment shall be a fine under this title, or imprisonment for not more than five years, or both.”

Under the “harboring” statute, 18 USC 1071, a “process” would be construed as an ICE detainer. It is logical to assume that sanctuary city leaders, or local law enforcement, have been issued those detainers, or had knowledge of them and flagrantly ignored them. In fact an ICE “detainer” was issued to the Sheriff of San Francisco County for Kate Steinle’s killer, which said Sheriff promptly released the illegal immigrant criminal, purposely ignoring the ICE detainer. Therefore, the Sheriff directly violated 18 USC 1071. The San Francisco city and county leaders indirectly violated the statute by establishing the policy. Each of them should be tried for criminally violating federal law and held personally liable for their complicity in Kate Steinle’s death. San Francisco’s sanctuary city policy was a direct contributing factor in her death.

The Kate Steinle murder by an illegal immigrant criminal is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. A website was established to memorialize those Americans who were killed by illegal aliens HERE. It is not a complete list and it doesn’t include those tens of thousands of Americans that were or will be severely injured or killed by other illegal aliens. The list is long and grows by the day because the federal government has allowed millions of illegal aliens to enter America, criminal and otherwise, with little or no penalty, thereby creating a magnate for further illegal immigration. As a result of government’s negligence to properly manage our immigration system and our borders, there are somewhere between 11,000,000 to 30,000,000 illegal aliens residing in America (no one knows for sure). Hundreds of thousands of those illegal aliens are dangerous criminals and potential terrorists, preying on lawful Americans. Any sanctuary policy that shields illegal aliens, is a direct threat to national security.

It is possible that a Trump Department of Justice (DOJ) under Senator Jeff Sessions, the incoming U. S. Attorney General, will reverse the Obama Administration policy of coddling illegal aliens and start a vigorous enforcement of immigration law inside America and on her borders. Part of this vigorous enforcement should be a full frontal attack on sanctuary states, counties and cities by cutting off federal funding and bringing to trial those state, county and city leaders that harbor illegal criminals in violation of 18 USC 1071.

But we aren’t waiting for the Department of Justice, or the Congress, to take on sanctuary states, counties and cities. We will be filing a formal Complaint and Request For Investigation with the U. S. Attorney in multiple districts, against these state, county and city leaders, under 18 USC 1071, with a copy forwarded to the incoming U. S. Attorney General, Jeff Sessions. This could take us several days to reach all of the relevant U. S. Attorneys. We have posted a sample of our Complaint on our website HERE. Our single Complaint, by itself, may not trigger an investigation, much less indictments. However, if hundreds of our readers used our sample Complaint and Request for Investigation and filed their own Complaint with specific U. S. Attorneys and the U. S. Attorney General, it is more likely that an investigation would commence into this open, festering, illegal alien wound that slaps every law abiding American in the face.

Each American citizen is required to obey the law or face penalties, fines and even imprisonment for violation of the law, depending on the severity of the violation. If you screw up your income taxes, or make a mistake, or don’t pay what they think you owe them, or don’t file, the IRS will be all over you and it could take years to get them off your back. Why isn’t ICE just as relentless on illegal immigrants as the IRS is on taxpayers?

In fact, why are sanctuary jurisdictions thumbing their noses at federal immigration law while the rest of us must obey the law? Why do not their sanctuary actions fly in the face of justice, fairness, equity and the law? Why are illegal aliens, especially criminal ones, above the law and are entitled to sanctuary, or a status superior to lawful Americans? Why is it OK for lawful Americans, hapless victims of criminal and non-criminal illegal aliens due to government negligence, be forced to pay for those same illegal aliens that are sucking up government benefits and committing the crimes? Why indeed!

In a nation of laws, if laws aren’t enforced equally across the board, then there is no law, only injustice and eventually anarchy and chaos.

When are the people of America going to rise up against sanctuary jurisdictions? When will they revolt against government-instituted injustices and crimes committed by illegal immigrants? If you are as incensed as we are against sanctuary states, counties and cities in America and you truly want to make a difference, please join with us in filing your own Complaint and Request for Investigation with multiple U. S. Attorney’s offices and the U. S. Attorney General, as we are doing. All it will cost you are a few stamps, some paper, some envelopes and some of your time. Everything you need is on our “SANCTUARY” website page, including interactive maps and the U. S. Attorneys list. Or, view our new “Sanctuary City Video.”

If you would like to receive a Microsoft WORD copy of our Complaint and Request for Investigation by e-mail, please click HERE. Be sure to include your name, county and state you live in. We will not e-mail the Complaint to blind mail addresses.

[EDITORS NOTE: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

© 2017 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved

Investigation exposes plots for sabotage, criminal activity at Trump inauguration

In a newly released video, renowned investigative journalist James O’Keefe continued his far reaching probe of the Democratic Party’s connections to anti-Trump, anti-GOP activities many of which border on criminal action, perhaps even acts of terrorism.

O’Keefe, famous for bringing down President Barack Obama’s top supporter known as ACORN, uncovered a secret organization calling themselves the DC Anti-fascist Coalition who are planning an attack using Butanoic cid at the National Press Club during the Deploraball event scheduled for the evening of Thursday January 19.

The substance has also been used as a stink bomb by animal-rights groups to disrupt whaling crews, as well as by pro-life activists to disrupt operations at abortion clinics.

Although the evidence doesn’t point to any direct connection with the Democratic Party or its minions in the news media, some suspect that those members of the U.S. Congress such as Rep. John Lewis, Rep. Luis Gutierrez and Rep. Keith Ellison, are boycotting the inauguration on Friday because they are aware that there will be violent incidents by Democrat-supported protesters and want to maintain their deniability.

“Anyone who is a student of history recognizes these anti-Trumpers as being very much like the Nazi Party ‘Brown Shirts’ who created havoc that helped the rise to power of Adolf Hitler. Also, look for these people to seek creating a ‘martyr’ to hold up to the people of American with the help of less-than-honest news media organizations,” said former NYPD detective and U.S. Marine Michael Snopes. [YouTube Video]


According to news analysis by former law enforcement official, Jim Kouri, appearing on the Conservative Base, security surrounding the inauguration of Donald Trump is proving to be the most challenging in recent history, according to senior officials involved in its planning, largely because of the same forces of political rancor that shaped the race for the presidency.

The dozens of government and contracted agencies responsible for security at the Jan. 20 festivities are preparing for the possibility of large numbers of protesters pouring into the capital, along with what may be nearly 1 million supporters of Trump. For example, there is talk of one group of anti-Trump “potheads” who are claiming they will handout thousands of marijuana “joints” for protesters to smoke while protesting the inauguration.

In 2009, Obama’s inauguration was the first transfer of power in the post-9/11 era — and the first in which an African-American was taking the oath of office. Obama faced a rash of racist threats, as well as concerns about a terrorist plot that ultimately proved unfounded but sent the president-elect and top aides scrambling on the eve of his swearing-in.

Even so, Obama did not face the kind of large-scale protests expected to greet Trump when he officially arrives in Washington. The 2009 crowd of nearly 2 million people, a record, included few, if any, protesters and did not lead to a single arrest, according to Christopher T. Geldart, the director of homeland security for the District of Columbia.

A vast planning board of intelligence analysts, military personnel, and law enforcement officers numbering in the tens of thousands will be working to protect the inauguration and related activities.

In total, more than three dozen different agencies spread out across the capital will be working to prevent the occasion from becoming a platform for individuals or groups looking to do harm. Their work, begun months ago, has taken on a new urgency since Election Day and will soon include the imposition of a security perimeter around the Capitol, the Mall, and large parts of the city. [YouTube Video]

Soldiers and airmen from the South Dakota National Guard are preparing for joint support of the 58th Presidential Inauguration in Washington, Jan. 20, 2017, according to Air Force Master Sgt. Christopher Stewart.

“They will join hundreds of National Guardsmen from across the country to assist with security, crowd control and traffic management throughout the national capital region when President-elect Donald J. Trump takes the oath as the 45th president of the United States,” Sgt. Stewart wrote. “This joint service security group is preparing with refresher training on the safe and secure movement of civilians prior to, during and after inauguration events.”

“The purpose of the training is so that the two branches can blend together and work together as a cohesive team,” said Army Sgt. Kurtis Brown, 235th Military Police Company team leader. “For a joint operation like the Presidential Inauguration we all want to be on the same page.”

Instructors from a local air ambulance service provided medical training on Dec. 3 that was focused on medical issues civilians might develop at the inauguration.

“The practice was needed and beneficial to all of us, said Air Force Lt. Kristopher King,” 114th Security Forces chief of information protection. “It’s a great opportunity to make sure everyone is speaking the same language and using the same techniques.”

The costs of security alone are expected to exceed $100 million.

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

The fake news – fake narrative epidemic Pt. 1

The CIA and FBI say Russian hackers influenced, or tried to influence, last November’s election, with Vladimir Putin himself directing the covert cyber-attacks. These claims have been made without evidence to back them up. There have now been tens of thousands of references to “Russian hackers” in mainstream media over the past month. Most of these, as a lawyer would say, assume facts not in evidence. I guess repetition counts as evidence these days, however.

Fifteen years ago the CIA said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, and that there was a real and living threat he would use them against the U.S. This evidence-free claim led, back in 2003, to the worst foreign policy blunder of the new century, as Bush II launched the Iraq War. Saddam’s regime was brought to its knees in less than a month. But then what? An insurgency began; over 4,000 Americans ended up losing their lives; tens of thousands of Iraqis were also killed, with tens of thousands more people displaced as war spread across the region, today’s hotspot being Syria. Small wonder Donald Trump could call U.S. foreign policy “complete and total disaster.”

No weapons of mass destruction were ever found in Iraq. This turned out to be the fake news story of the decade.

Fake news is the order of our times. In mid-2015, when Trump first announced, his candidacy was a joke. The “experts” said so. He would never be taken seriously. Then, of course, he was. The “experts” went on to say he had no chance at the nomination. Then, as one by one, his empty-suited competitors fell, he did. Trump, who was invoking issues the GOP base cared about such as outsourcing, immigration, globalism, and jobs, began racking up delegate votes, until Ted Cruz was his only opponent. Then he won the GOP nomination. He still had no chance against the Clinton machine. The pundits said so. The major polls all said so. Then Trump won the Presidency!

The rationalizations began. It was “whitelash” (said Van Jones). Then it was James Comey’s fault and Email-gate. Then it was fake news on Breitbart, Facebook, and Twitter. More recently it became Russian hackers. One could make a case for the first of these. Many white people are fed up with political correctness. They have had it with being told they have “privileges.” They are fed up with official narrative on race, gender, homosexuality, and so on. Trump actually said little about these, but what he did say appealed to the white working class. Ergo, he’s a racist, a sexist, and so on. This is Exhibit A in the decline of critical thinking skills amongst the “experts” of our era, and certainly among so-called progressives. At one point, Trump told black America, “Your schools are terrible.” This is the truth. Most public schools are terrible. Some are worse than others, though, and those of the inner cities border on dysfunctional.

We are awash in fake narratives, promulgated in universities and government as well as major media. Fake narratives form the backdrop that gives mainstream media fake news credibility. If the subject is race, the fake narrative begins with the premise that America is a structurally racist society, that what is harming blacks today is the legacy of slavery, not their own behavior; that they continue to face unjust discrimination; that their visceral hostility and violence is to be blamed on the “white majority,” and that more “education for diversity” is the cure.

If you don’t agree, then you’re a “basket of deplorables” racist, “irredeemable” and possibly even a “white nationalist” or “white supremacist.”

Thus you will not read about black crime in any general way, even if a few dramatic incidents like the four blacks who kidnapped and tortured the autistic white kid in Chicago might be covered. You will read that Black Lives Matter, but you will be told that to respond, “all lives matter,” is to be racist. You will not read that blacks are 13% of the population but commit well over 50% of all violent crimes in the U.S., and in big cities, this number rises to over 90%, most of it against other blacks. There is far more violent crime by blacks against whites than by whites against blacks. There is far more hatred of whites by blacks than there is hatred of blacks by whites. These, too, do not fit the fake narrative, any more than does the occasional black conservative who has figured all this out. Thus if you assert them, you must again be a “deplorable” and possibly a “white… Well, you get the idea.

Or take gender, that “social construct” (i.e., academic superstition) that is something other than biological sex. Women are held back by the “glass ceiling”; never mind that one just ran for president and would have won had it not been for the Electoral College. Women, it seems, face hostile environments, because everywhere they go, they face the “patriarchy.”

Universities have a “rape culture” where one in five (one in six? one in four?) girls can expect to be sexually assaulted at some point. Another fake narrative. Recall the “campus rape” story at the University of Virginia fraternity house that Rolling Stone reported? Completely discredited, this sordid tale owes its existence to the fake “rape culture” narrative. The article has been taken down. I am not surprised. It is embarrassing. Read (I copied and saved portions of it):

“Jackie was sober but giddy with discovery as she looked around the room crammed with rowdy strangers guzzling beer and dancing to loud music. She smiled at her date, whom we’ll call Drew, a good-looking junior – or in UVA parlance, a third-year – and he smiled enticingly back.

“Want to go upstairs, where it’s quieter?” Drew shouted into her ear, and Jackie’s heart quickened. She took his hand as he threaded them out of the crowded room and up a staircase….

Drew ushered Jackie into a bedroom, shutting the door behind them. The room was pitch-black inside. Jackie blindly turned toward Drew, uttering his name. At that same moment, she says, she detected movement in the room – and felt someone bump into her. Jackie began to scream.

“Shut up,” she heard a man’s voice say as a body barreled into her, tripping her backward and sending them both crashing through a low glass table. There was a heavy person on top of her, spreading open her thighs, and another person kneeling on her hair, hands pinning down her arms, sharp shards digging into her back, and excited male voices rising all around her. When yet another hand clamped over her mouth, Jackie bit it, and the hand became a fist that punched her in the face. The men surrounding her began to laugh. For a hopeful moment Jackie wondered if this wasn’t some collegiate prank. Perhaps at any second someone would flick on the lights and they’d return to the party.

“Grab its [sic.] m********* leg,” she heard a voice say. And that’s when Jackie knew she was going to be raped.

She remembers every moment of the next three hours of agony, during which, she says, seven men took turns raping her, while two more – her date, Drew, and another man – gave instruction and encouragement. She remembers how the spectators swigged beers, and how they called each other nicknames like Armpit and Blanket. She remembers the men’s heft and their sour reek of alcohol mixed with the pungency of marijuana. Most of all, Jackie remembers the pain and the pounding that went on and on….

When Jackie came to, she was alone. It was after 3 a.m. She painfully rose from the floor and ran shoeless from the room. She emerged to discover the Phi Psi party still surreally under way, but if anyone noticed the barefoot, disheveled girl hurrying down a side staircase, face beaten, dress spattered with blood, they said nothing. Disoriented, Jackie burst out a side door, realized she was lost, and dialed a friend, screaming, “Something bad happened. I need you to come and find me!” Minutes later, her three best friends on campus – two boys and a girl (whose names are changed) – arrived to find Jackie on a nearby street corner, shaking. “What did they do to you? What did they make you do?” Jackie recalls her friend Randall demanding. Jackie shook her head and began to cry. The group looked at one another in a panic. They all knew about Jackie’s date; the Phi Kappa Psi house loomed behind them. “We have to get her to the hospital,” Randall said.

Their other two friends, however, weren’t convinced. “Is that such a good idea?” she recalls Cindy asking. “Her reputation will be shot for the next four years.” Andy seconded the opinion, adding that since he and Randall both planned to rush fraternities, they ought to think this through. The three friends launched into a heated discussion about the social price of reporting Jackie’s rape, while Jackie stood beside them, mute in her bloody dress, wishing only to go back to her dorm room and fall into a deep, forgetful sleep. Detached, Jackie listened as Cindy prevailed over the group: “She’s gonna be the girl who cried ‘rape,’ and we’ll never be allowed into any frat party again.”

This story began to unravel almost at once. Efforts were made to identify “Drew,” something “Jackie” had refused to do from the start. There was no evidence he existed. And are we really supposed to believe that these people rolled around in broken glass for three hours? Or that following a brutal gang rape, she and her friends would be pondering the future of their social lives?

It turned out that when someone checked its calendar, the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity had not held an event the night of the alleged “gang rape.” As “Jackie’s” friends were located, they had different stories of what happened that night, leaving investigators with an incoherent mess. “Jackie” stopped cooperating. Surprise, surprise.

Had this “gang rape” actually happened as described, would there have been the slightest doubt? Ever knocked a drinking glass to your kitchen floor by accident? Of course you have; we all have. You locate the pieces and pick them up gingerly, unless you want to sustain a few painful cuts. For part two click below.

© 2017 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

The fake news – fake narrative epidemic Pt. 2

A girl on her back in broken glass being raped is going to end up with more than a few cuts. She would have been dripping blood and leaving an easily-followed trail as she left the house. The first passersby she encountered outside would probably have called for an ambulance, as obviously she would have needed immediate medical attention. The police would have gotten involved, and probably nailed the boys involved as they’d also have a few gashes of their own. (It was pitch dark in there, remember? How would they have avoided all that broken glass?)

This was fake news. It didn’t happen. But it fit the fake narrative (the campus “rape culture”). That it was published is more testimony to collapsing critical thinking skills at major publications. Rolling Stone used to be a good source for information I’d not see elsewhere. I don’t know that I’d trust them now. They may have learned their lesson, given the lawsuits they’ve faced including from a university administrator contending that her career was badly damaged by “Jackie’s” allegation that she didn’t take the campus “rape culture” fake narrative seriously enough.

Fake narratives give rise to fake news about “hate crimes” (by, e.g., Trump supporters against minorities) that never happened. Fake narratives are frequently promulgated by intellectually dishonest means. Note how many “phobias” we have now. Homophobia, xenophobia, transphobia, Islamophobia … did I miss any? A phobia is an irrational fear, of course. There are legitimate phobias, such as claustrophobia and agoraphobia. You don’t argue with their sufferers, you try to cure them or manage their conditions if you can.

But try to challenge one of the fake phobias, or fake narratives more generally, and something quite interesting happens. Basket of deplorables type remarks allude to it.

Around the end of the 1980s, I tried on several occasions to reason with my fellow academics about “affirmative action.” Silly me, thinking that arguments (in the sense of logic: presenting conclusions backed up with evidence) were what mattered. I once gave a carefully referenced, 30-plus slide presentation on the subject at a humanities conference, showing first how vague the concept and directives on affirmative action were from the outset, how this alone spelled trouble as no one could be sure what the law required, and then how Supreme Court decisions such as Griggs v. Duke Power (1971) shifted policy from nondiscrimination to racial realignment, presuming an unstated ideal no one could certify was attainable. This, I observed, was the source of common words like underrepresented group, which logically and conceptually presuppose correct representation. Based on this I laid out the reasons why (1) it was not working, if the intent was to increase the representation of black faculty on campuses; (2) one reason it could not work was that government programs cannot “give” people motivation and skills; (3) the number of officially designated underrepresented groups would expand, because federal law had created a spoils system able to be taken advantage of; and finally (4) the results would drive groups apart instead of bring them together. It would breed hostility from white males when they realized their legal disadvantage, and it would breed hostility from blacks when the programs failed. Awarding freebies to some at the expense of others always does this. Always.

I might as well have been talking to the walls.

Afterwards — most of the audience having sat quietly with a constrained chill — I tried to open up a dialogue with a woman who had challenged my motives during the Q&A session. Without looking me in the eye she snapped, “I’ve heard it all before!”

Eventually I ceased talking to female academics.

Before long I was encountering reasons to believe that purposeful deafness to basic logic when it went up against a dominant narrative was the order of the day on topics other than that one. These included many features of history, where academic historians have a blind spot over what they brand as “conspiracy theories”; they include globalization, which we are assured by economic “experts” is a good thing; they include the origin of life and human origins (evolution), involving myriad claims about states of affairs that are scientifically untestable; they include man-made climate change over claims which should be testable and rationally decidable, but where we now have scientists resigning their positions over the oppressive conditions this official narrative has created.

Challenge any of these narratives, and you won’t be answered with reason. You’ll get snarky, condescending responses. You’ll be treated as uninformed, unintelligent (or “uneducated”), or worse. A decision to challenge a fake narrative can be career-ending.

A more interesting question is, How did all these fake narratives, the basis for the real fake news of mainstream media, government, and academia, get started? What purpose do they serve? In the case of dominant media, one has to go back a full century. One learns of Oscar Callaway, then a Senator from Texas, writing in 1917 on the controlled press following the loss of his Senate seat due to his opposition to U.S. entry into what became World War I. His observations were entered into the Congressional Record:

In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interest, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press.… These 12 men worked the problems out by selecting 179 newspapers, and then began, by an elimination process, to retain only those necessary for the purpose of controlling the general policy of the daily press throughout the country.

They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers. An agreement was reached; the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers…. This policy also included the suppression of everything in opposition to the wishes of the interests served.

The effectiveness of this scheme has been conclusively demonstrated by the character of the stuff carried in the daily press throughout the country since March, 1915. They have resorted to anything necessary to commercialize public sentiment and sandbag the National Congress into making extravagant and wasteful appropriations for the Army and Navy under false pretense that it was necessary. Their stock argument is that it is “patriotism.” They are playing on every prejudice and passion of the American people.

Callaway, who had been attacked in the press for his lack of “patriotism” (rather like the critics of Bush II’s war), wanted an official investigation. Nothing was done, and the whole thing fell down the memory hole. Media consolidation has continued ever since. It took a quantum leap when Bill Clinton signed the 1996 Telecommunications Act. This act eased restrictions on media cross-ownership, so that one conglomerate could own multiple concerns. It was part of neoliberal so-called deregulation. What it did was allow was the dominant corporate actors to strengthen their control over information through buyouts and mergers. Today over 90% of mainstream media, which includes newspapers, television networks, cable stations, web concerns, magazines and their websites, Hollywood production companies, and much more, is owned by six megacorporations.

It’s all about the attempt to control narratives as much as possible. The purpose of fake narratives is to create an artificial reality — often an economic reality where things are rosier than they really are, by, e.g., presenting an “unemployment rate” that excludes you from the labor force if you haven’t looked for work in a month. Numbers can be made to look impressive even if they don’t mean much. A fake narrative now is how the Obama administration has overseen a “recovery” with massive job growth, etc.

Economics, however, is now mostly mass psychology. Its purpose is to make the visible national elites look good, just so long as they have the favor of the globalist elites, of course. Obama had that. Trump will not, so that even if his policies bring about a jobs renaissance, we will likely hear nothing except downsides. The fake news story about Russian hackers as well as repeated accounts of how Hillary Clinton “won the popular vote” have already done plenty to delegitimize the Trump presidency before it has even starts.

This isn’t over, however. Until the Internet era, media corporations could rely on their narratives for a controlled public. Alternative media has changed the rules of the game. People can get their news from or or instead of the Clinton News Network (CNN), or MSNBC, or ABC, or even FOX.

Mainstream media have lost control. They want it back! Hence their fake news about “fake news.” If nothing else, it is embarrassing to a multi-billion dollar operation like CNN to be proven wrong over and over, rendered almost irrelevant, by little outfits run on shoestring budgets out of home offices by guy with websites and a handful of researchers and writers most of whom work for free!

But that’s what we’ve got!

Information has never been more widely available than it is today. It might be a good idea to make use of it, because I’ve got a hunch a crackdown of some kind is coming. That, however, is another article.

© 2017 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

Ending the politics of division

They call it diversity, but what they really celebrate is racial divisions. The war tactic of divide and conquer is as old as war itself. It continues to be a primary tool of all who hate freedom, liberty, real diversity and equality, simply because it works… It is one of the most powerful political tools in the leftist arsenal.

When it comes to “racial hate groups” in America, none is better known than the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). A white supremacist organization whose entire agenda is based on advancing the interests of all “whites” in America, based solely on “race” and nothing else.

The KKK has been around since the late 1800s, with an on-again off-again rise and fall history that saw its peak in the 1920s with an estimated 5-6 million members. The current KKK was re-established in the 1940s and today, boasts only 5-8 thousand members nationwide. We very rarely see any headlines in the country related to any KKK activities, violence towards other ethnicities or even public rallies. It is an idea whose time has long passed in the most culturally diverse nation on earth.

But just as the politics of division still use Nazi or Hitler references to invoke hatred and division between anti-American and pro-American elements in the USA, references to the KKK persists for the same reason. It’s a method of stamping an ugly well-known label on political opponents to silence their political views and render them as nothing more than politically incorrect haters.

Meanwhile, one of the most racist hate groups in America operates in the open with total immunity from public or legal scrutiny.

The Congressional Black Caucus [Link]

There is nothing shocking, illegal, unethical or unconstitutional about Democrats caucusing with other Democrats, or Republicans caucusing with other Republicans in Congress. But can you even imagine an attempt to establish a Congressional White Caucus that would caucus exclusively with white members of congress only and focus upon matters of interest only to white’s, to the overt exclusion of all blacks?

If there were a Congressional White Caucus, the press would publish pictures of that group that look like this…

But press images of the “Black Caucus” look like this…

The only difference between the two groups above is – one is demonized by the media, while the other is glorified by the media. Both are dangerous “race based hate groups!”

Racial divisions are not a natural element of a free people in the most racially diverse nation on earth. Social divisions based upon race or ethnicity alone are unnatural and thus, they must be manufactured, indoctrinated, seeded and perpetuated in the social psyche to exist. They must be groomed and passed from generation to generation to exist in perpetuity. Without these conscious efforts, such divisions would not exist at all.

So, why is a Congressional White Caucus “racist” but a Congressional Black Caucus isn’t?

It follows the flawed thinking that racism is a one-way street. That it is only possible for white’s to be racist against blacks. It is not possible for blacks to be racist against white’s. Black Lives Matter… but no other lives do.

In reality – what the KKK is to the exclusively white agenda, the Black Panthers, Black Nationalists, Black Lives Matter and Black Caucus is to the exclusively black agenda. They are two sides of the same coin, both based upon racial division – both perpetuating and promoting hatred towards the opposite race, for political gain.

All races and ethnicities lose as political agendas drive racial divisions from all sides. The only difference between the white KKK and these black organizations is the color of their skin. Both have neo-Nazi behavior patterns, both seek to harm the other – and both are willing to use any method available, including acts of intimidation, terrorism and violence, to achieve division between the races.

They are able to exist only so long as both sides perpetuate the hate. Both exist because someone wants them to exist. Someone needs them to exist… That someone is politicians!

The Political Power of Racial Divide

Political power in any democratic society rests in the ability to control entire voting blocs of people.

Political power is gained via the voting booth. The ability to control what happens in the voting booth is vital to political power. Huge sums of money are raised via racial divisions, by groups like The Black Caucus Foundation. That money is used to perpetuate racial divisions in America, all for the purpose of promoting racial tensions and controlling racial voting blocs in America.

Facts are seldom part of the equation… it does not matter that it was Republican Abraham Lincoln who freed the slaves with his signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. It does not matter that it was Republicans in congress that supported and passed the Civil Rights Acts, as many congressional Democrats stood opposed. Democrats controlled both chambers of Congress at the time, as 80% of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 40% of Democrats voted against it.

It does not matter that black slavery ended in America centuries ago, or that Civil Rights for all passed Congress over fifty-years ago, thanks to Republicans, or that it was largely Democrats who owned slaves in this country to begin with…

The ongoing rhetoric designed to separate Americans down racial lines continues and may even be worse today than in 1964 when the Civil Rights Act passed.

In 2008, Barack Hussein Obama was not elected President of the United States because he had a résumé full of past leadership experience, had success of any kind in his history, or because he was in any way uniquely qualified for the most powerful political office in our land. His campaign and the election was based upon “making history” by electing a person based solely on his presumed race. An act that will likely be recorded in history as not only an enormous error on the part of American voters, but the most racist event since the days of Jim Crow.

Just this week in D.C., The Congressional Black Caucus has gone after President-elect Donald Trump on alleged “racial” grounds, which have no foundation at all in Trump’s history. They testified against Trump nominees in Senate confirmation hearings with false accusations of “racist” tendencies, which are easily debunked by the public record of those nominees.

Meanwhile, the Black Caucus insisted on hanging an anti-law enforcement painting on congressional walls, three times, until Congress was forced to remove the painting for good. The Black Caucus threatened violence in response.

The Congressional Black Caucus does not work to “end racism” in America – it works to promote racism in America. It also works to promote hate towards the Rule of Law and Law Enforcement, as well as divisions between the “haves and have-nots,” between the sexes, between homosexuals and heterosexuals, between Democrats and Republicans, between Christians and Muslims, Jews and atheists – and between those who believe in a fundamental Right to Life and those who believe in a constitutionally protected right to kill.

In sum, The Congressional Black Caucus is a divisive “hate group” no different, no better than the KKK. It should not be allowed to exist. If there was a Congressional White Caucus, it would no doubt appear on the Sothern Poverty Law Center list of dangerous racial hate groups – So should the Congressional Black Caucus appear on that list!

So long as this “black caucus” and their fellow orgs exist, they will continue to create racial divides in this country, for their own political power, at the expense of every race and ethnic group in America. A racism free government will not have either a white or black caucus…

It is time to shut down the (private) Ku Klux Klan and the (government) Congressional Black Caucus. Unless and until both are a thing of the past, racial divisions and tensions will remain a horribly destructive part of our future.

When we are no longer a country with a racist agenda, public policy, elections or governmental bodies based solely on race, we will be country free from racism and not a moment before! As long as these “race based groups” exist, racism will exist, as will great political divisions.



© 2017 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

Farewell to abomination

“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.” (Proverbs 29:2). Have you been groaning for the past eight years? As I sit down to write this message, Obama has less than a week left to occupy our White House. For some of you, by the time you hear this program, he will, Lord willing, already have left. I dearly HOPE that this will be the last time I need to speak about Barack Hussein Obama, but I feel it is necessary to bring closure to what has arguably been the most devastating eight years our country has ever endured at the hands of a single enemy within.

I remember the day he was chosen. Millions rejoiced and danced in the streets. The press labeled him the “new messiah,” because of the way millions seemed to worship him. As I watched the events unfold on televison that night, I?was reminded of the Israelites dancing around the golden calf, a false idol, as our rebellious country shook it’s collective fist at God Almighty. “At last,” the ‘liberals’ rejoiced — “we have an advocate who will do away with the last vestiges of our American heritage, and help us remake America in our own image.”

His first order of business was to make phone calls to leaders of Islamic countries around the world. No one knows what was said in those conversations, but immediately after that, he called a meeting of the joint chiefs to order “a new mission” for how our military would proceed going forward. He has since proven himself to be a loyal ally and adherent to Islam. He even wears a sacred ring on his finger, inscribed with the words, “There is no other god than allah.”

Time does not permit to even begin to address ALL the ways this single individual has harmed our nation. But let’s take a few minutes and reveiw the Obama legacy.

After a world-wide apology tour, bowing down to Islamic kings, princes and leaders, he got to work. He filled his staff with devout Muslims. Perhaps you are not aware of this. Let me clue you in: John Brennan, current head of the CIA is a Muslim. Obama’s top advisor is Valerie Jarret, a Muslim born in Iran where her parents still live. She wrote her college thesis on how she wanted to change America into a Muslim-friendly nation.

Hillary Clinton’s top advisor, even as Secretary of State, was Huma Abedin, whose family is part of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for HOMELAND SECURITY is also a Muslim. The Homeland Security Advisor HIMSELF is a Muslim. Another Obama advisor has been Salam al-Marayati, founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council. And are you aware Obama has a “Sharia Czar?” That would be Imam Mohamed Magid of the Islamic Society of North America.

Nancy Pelosi appointed Representative Andre Carson as the first Muslim lawmaker on the House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Carson receives intelligence on the threat of Islamic militants in the Middle East. He has suggested that US?schools should be modeled after Islamic madrassas, where education is based on the Qu’ran. And you may remember Minnesota congressman Keith Ellison, as he took HIS oath of office on a copy of the Qu’ran.

Before Obama took office, intelligence reports and training manuals for the military showed clear evidence of the threat of Islamic terrorism. But Obama took care of that, literally ERASING from every official document, every instance where Islam was linked to terror. Many have wondered, why, in the face of clear evidence, on a CONTINUAL, DAILY BASIS, why Obama would steadfastly refuse to utter the words “Islamic terror.” BECAUSE, You see, to do so would be to blaspheme Islam, an offense punishable by death.

But what about the rest of his legacy? In his farewell speech, he claimed “the American people are much better off today than before I took office.” According to the Independent Journal Review, he claimed, “healthcare costs are rising at the lowest rate in fifty years.” But today, Americans are facing another round of cancelled insurance plans and premium increases. In some states, premiums increased more than 100% this year.

He also claimed, “race relations are better than they were 10, or 20 or 30 years ago.” Tell that to the citizens of Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, Milwaukee or any number of other cities where Obama has done his best to inflame racial tension, division and hatred.

Obama also claimed, “We shut down Iran’s nuclear weapons program without firing a shot.” In point of fact, in addition to billions of dollars given to the Iranians, the Obama administration just recently agreed to another shipment of uranium to Iran — 116 metric tons — enough to build ten nuclear bombs. In addition, his “Deal” with Iran includes a stipulation that they are allowed to “self monitor” their nuclear program. In other words, we are “taking their word for it,” even as they continue to shout “Death to America,” and are vowing to wipe Israel off the map.

He claimed, “No foreign terrorist organization has planned and executed a terror attack”?on American soil while he was in office. Time does not permit to list all the Islamic attacks on American soil, because they have gone on constantly. But let us remember all the murders committed by Muslims here in America as fathers killed their own children in “honor killings.” And in 2009, the founder of a Muslim TV station in Buffalo, New York who beheaded his wife because he found out she was seeking a divorce.

Then there was the attack on the military recruiting station in Little Rock Arkansas in 2009. Another Islamic “honor killing in Glendale, Arizona in November of 2009, when a father ran his daughter over with a car for being too “westernized.” Three days later, a Muslim gunned down thirteen unarmed soldiers in Fort Hood, Texas while shouting praises to allah. Ashtabula, Ohio, 2013: a Muslim walked into a church service with a Quran and shot his father to death while praising allah. Three weeks later, the Boston Marathon bombing.

And let us never forget Colleen Hufford, who was beheaded at her job in Moore, Oklahoma by Islamic co-worker Alton Nolen. Or the two New York police officers ambushed by Muslims in Brooklyn that same year. How could we forget what happened in Garland, Texas, when two people were killed by Muslims at a community center, where an event was taking place that featured cartoon drawings of Mohammad? Then there was the Islamic suicide attack at a recruiting center in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Need I mention San Bernardino in 2015?? Orlando Florida last June? Or St. Cloud Minnesota, where a Muslim brutally stabbed ten people at a shopping mall after first asking them if they were Christians. ISIS itself claimed responsibility, calling the attacker, “a soldier of the Islamic State.” And most recently, the carnage that took place at the Fort Lauderdale airport. These are only a few of the instances of Islamic terrorism in our country since Obama has been in office. I’d be here all day if I were to attempt to list them all. You see, Obama LIES. In Islam, it’s known as Taqiyya.

He also singlehandedly increased our national debt more during his eight year tenure than all other US presidents combined. His family vacations alone cost American taxpayers $85 Million.

We have an all time record high of Americans who are no longer in the work force. Average household incomes have dropped substantially. Under Obamacare, the average family plan now costs $18,000 a year, substantially more than most people pay for their mortgages…. and because of absurdly high deductibles, most never receive anything of value from their mandated insurance policies. We have a record number of Americans on welfare and 45 million Americans living in poverty.

Obama has also fomented hatred between citizens and police and even today, in our nation’s capitol, the Obama democrats are proudly displaying a painting which depicts police officers as pigs. He has also worked to weaken, feminize and homosexualize our military. This past July, the Pentagon issued a comprehensive manual detailing protocol for service members undergoing a sex-change transition, providing them with extended time off and a host of other special benefits. The manual also mandates how heterosexual service members are required to submit to the new rules and accept the special privileges afforded to “transgenders.” Incidentally, those with Obamacare insurance will find they are covered for sex-change operations, while the elderly and military veterans are often denied coverage for critical and necessary healthcare. Need I mention his attempt to force transgenderism into all our public schools, allowing boys to use the girls’ restroom and shower facilities and vice versa?

Further, Obama has undermined our Constitution, writing his own laws using his magic pen and phone, and allowing the Supreme Court to make laws on their own out of thin air, to fit his “new world order” agenda. He has promoted socialism, using his skills as a Community Organizer, skills honed by the likes of Bill Ayers and his mentor, Saul Alinsky. He’s alienated our allies around the globe while bowing down to Islamic leaders worldwide. He’s erased our borders to allow a free flow of illegal immigrants into our country. These illegals are then transported and dispersed nationwide, and given free housing, healthcare, welfare and a myriad of other government benefits, all paid for by you and me…. while WE go without. He’s flooded our cities with Muslims. And he has used the IRS and the EPA?to attack those who object to his tyranny.

One of his favorite things to do is to bask in the spotlight and rub elbows with celebrities, and of course, raise funds. I do not recall any other “president” in my lifetime handing out so many Presidential Medals of Freedom. Here is just a short list of some of the recipients who received Medals of Freedom from Obama:

Meryl Streep • Barbara Streisand • Robert DeNiro • Tom Hanks • Cicely Tyson • Stevie Wonder • Gloria Estefan • James Taylor • Bruce Springsteen • Warren Buffet • Oprah Winfrey • Ellen DeGeneres • Bill Gates • Harvey Milk • Gloria Steinem • Angela Merkel • Madeline Albright • Stephen Hawking • Billie Jean King, and most recently, Joe Biden. Can anyone say “PAY TO PLAY?!”

As we prepare for Donald Trump to take office, I?am encouraged; finally, we will have someone in the Oval Office who is actually an American, legally, and at heart. He has lived the American dream, and he has accomplished REAL things in the REAL world. He has not spent his entire life as a politician, nor has he spent his life as a professional anarchist or Community Organizer. I truly believe he wants to unite this country and lead us out of the pit of socialism and tyranny we have all had to endure for so long. He can’t do it alone, but he has surrounded himself with the best and the brightest of advisors, not because they have passed the Muslim Litmus Test, or because they made large contributions to his campaign, but simply because they are the best ones for the jobs.

Having said that, I don’t believe Trump knows much at all about Christianity. But neither is he a Muslim or a socialist, and he is willing to identify the enemy and protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I honestly do not believe that was true of his predecessor.

I still have some concerns and reservations about Trump, don’t get me wrong. He has a lot to learn, but there is hope. As Christians and as Americans, we need to hold him accountable as he has promised to drain the swamp in DC. Now is not the time to withdraw, saying “peace, peace, when there is no peace.” For we know from Scripture, it is when people are saying “Peace and safety,” that destruction will come suddenly. We should never look to ANY government or leader to be our “messiah.” GOD is our king, and He has instructed us to not be cowardly, but rather to stand up and as HIS Church, once again be a restraining influence, salt and light in a world ruled by darkness.

It’s going to be hard work for all of us. The battle is only just beginning. The devil’s team is not ashamed or hesitant to spread his lies. And like trapped wild beasts, they are now about to lash out and fight for the false gods they worship.

As a new day dawns on America, I pray we are ready to stand against the attacks of the enemies within that are surely coming. It is because the Church has been so apathetic that we have suffered the Lord’s wrath for so long. If we repent and turn now, back to God, He promises to hear our prayers and heal our land. I pray we will have the courage and the willingness to be true Christians, unashamed to represent and glorify HIM, and that we may all be part of the healing process that is so needed in our country…so that when we meet Jesus face to face, He will know us, and we will hear those joyous words, “well done, thy good and faithful servant.”

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066. Or email and ask for message number 187.

© 2017 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

Obama’s scorched earth exit policy

As the countdown to inauguration day moves forward, across America the anticipation grows. Americans can’t wait to see the tail lights of those moving vans pulling away from the White House – hopefully with less stolen goods in tow than when the Clintons vandalized and pillaged the people’s house.

But the biggest problem that will confront President Elect Trump on January 20th is the scorched earth policy Obama has implemented since November 9th. One reports, “Obama is inflicting damage on anything that could help the transition of incoming President Trump, such as friendly relations with world leaders. Right now, Obama is fueling so many international fires that President Trump will likely spend his first 100 days in office simply putting them out.”[1]

Obama “is now attempting to provoke Russia into military conflict. He has now begun expelling Russian diplomats from the USA as a cover story for the democrats’ completely fabricated “Russian hacking” conspiracy theory regarding the hacking of email accounts belonging to Jon Podesta and the DNC.”

And on the domestic front, he is conducting a war on the freedom of the press. He is using “the full resources of the corrupt sectors of his regime to wage cyber warfare against independent journalism in order to halt the only remaining free press from warning Americans about what Obama is actually doing…the website, which has remained a highly effective thorn in the side of the Obama regime, was taken offline for 90 minutes by a coordinated DDoS attack believed to have come from the U.S. government itself.”[2]

Add to this the blizzard of regulatory handcuffs, poison pills and trip lines he has imposed across the Federal bureaucracy and most egregiously enacting rules preventing States from defunding Planned Parenthood. Would to God that this lame duck would remain immobile till January 20th. It reminds me of the spoiled child who steals toys from another child, and when the parents catch on, the thief then incapacitates or damages the toys before they are returned to their rightful owner.

On the positive side of developments “On January 20, Trump is set to inherit dozens of vacant federal judgeships: 103 of them, to be exact. That’s in addition to the Supreme Court seat left open by the late conservative justice Antonin Scalia.”[3] Regarding other appointments we have seen twenty-seven who have been vetted and chosen, nine of which will not require Senate confirmation hearings.[4] And one of the most positive developments of all in my view is the news from Alabama. If Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions is confirmed as Attorney General by the Senate, then Alabama’s Governor will have the privilege of naming a replacement to fill his seat. Reports we hear on the ground in Alabama give high probability that choice will be Chief Justice Roy Moore. Imagine that, a true Constitutionist in the Senate.

All of this process reminds me of a far greater appointment system that is related to a far greater sovereignty than these united States. It is the appointment process conducted by the King of kings and Lord of lords in the Kingdom of Our Lord Jesus Christ. His Kingdom is far greater, far more powerful and it alone is the eternal Kingdom that shall never be defeated nor destroyed.

In contrast to the kingdoms of this world it is the ultimate and eternal Kingdom. By comparison any position of notoriety, or prominence in the Federal government is ultimately a small thing by contrast with a position in the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. How can one obtain such a high honor, what are the criteria for those noble positions, what is the appointment process?

This morning we embark upon a new study in the New Testament Epistle which God inspired Paul to write to his disciple Titus. In the opening verse of this Epistle we have that appointment process revealed, what the criteria for those noble positions are as well as how one can obtain such a high honor in the Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2017 Rev. David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

What the politicians you elected have done to America Pt. 2

We have allowed politicians to do things to America that should have never be allowed. This is why Donald Trump won. He believes in America first where the majority of politicians in D.C. believe in globalism which demands wealth redistribution to less fortunate nations. These fools believe that the earth can only maintain a population of 500,000,000. I guess they don’t think God thought of this before He started this project. Just a thought on that, you could put the present entire world population in the State of Texas have the population density of Paris, France. That fact alone blows their theory out of the water.

But these people have adopted what is called a ‘sustainable development’. Watch for the usage of that word ‘sustainable’, it will become a part of our thought process from here on out. One of their plans to control population is something they call ‘soft kill technology’. This is attained through medicine, vaccines and not addressing the root of a disease but only treating the results of the disease. The other is through food. Yes, I said food. What food could do this you may ask? Genetically Modified Organisms or GMO’s. Over 90% of our corn and soy grown in the United States are GMO. Potatos, wheat, tomatoes, apples and many other ‘foods’ are now GMO. They are genetically engineered with Roundup to be resistant to Roundup. The basic ingredient in this is what was called Agent Orange in Viet Nam. My brother died from exposure to this while he served as a Sea Bee in Nam. Many others were affected by it and still suffer to this day.

Bill Gates Foundation is involved in vaccines that are designed to cripple and kill: He was a seemingly nice guy in the first half of his life. An average American who made his fortune by selling hardware and software worth of billions, becoming a worldwide icon and a living example of the American Dream.

But, in the second half of his life, he teamed up with the world’s “elite” in an attempt to reduce the world’s population by billions… and he means business!

He soon became one of the most infamous depopulation activists, lecturing on genocidal vaccines, conducting vaccination campaigns that crippled and killed countless people in the third world countries, designing GMO mosquitoes that could carry and inject deadly viruses, and he’s constantly finding new methods of achieving his sick plans.

I am, of course, talking about Bill Gates, the man who recently pushed the population control agenda one step further: he announced the development of a remote-controlled contraceptive microchip, which can be implanted under the skin and last up to 16 years.

How does it work?

After the microchip is implanted, it will start releasing a daily dose of the controversial contraceptive levonorgestrel, which is a hormone used to prevent pregnancy.

According to Gate’s Foundation, a woman can choose when to deactivate (or reactivate) the chip using a wireless control, but considering the dark past of Bill Gates’ involvement in depopulation, we would be crazy to trust them![1]

Gates is very involved in the depopulation of the earth: “In a recent TED conference presentation, Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates, who has donated hundreds of millions of dollars to new vaccine efforts, speaks on the issue of CO2 emissions and its effects on climate change. He presents a formula for tracking CO2 emissions as follows: CO2 = P x S x E x C.

P = People
S = Services per person
E = Energy per service
C = CO2 per energy unit

Then he adds that in order to get CO2 to zero, “probably one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty close to zero.”

Following that, Bill Gates begins to describe how the first number — P (for People) — might be reduced. He says:

“The world today has 6.8 billion people… that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”

You can watch this yourself here. [2]

They have employed Electro-magnetic field (EMF), smart meters, even mobile phones. Smart meters have been pronounced unhealthy by many doctors some claiming that there is ‘no evidence whatsoever that smart meters are in any way safe for humans.’ “Dr. David Carpenter MD, a graduate of Harvard Medical School and a physician who has worked in the area of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and public health for over 18 years, has a few choice words for power companies that are forcing smart meters down the throats of their customers all over the United States.

Dr. Carpenter adamantly insists that there is no evidence whatsoever that smart meters are in any way safe for human beings. He goes on to say that there is, in fact, ample evidence that demonstrates “convincingly and consistently” that exposure to radiofrequency radiation (RFR) at elevated levels for long periods of time increases the risk of cancer, damages the nervous system, and adversely affects the reproductive organs.

Dr. David Carpenter MD, a graduate of Harvard Medical School and a physician who has worked in the area of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and public health for over 18 years, has a few choice words for power companies that are forcing smart meters down the throats of their customers all over the United States.

Dr. Carpenter adamantly insists that there is no evidence whatsoever that smart meters are in any way safe for human beings. He goes on to say that there is, in fact, ample evidence that demonstrates “convincingly and consistently” that exposure to radiofrequency radiation (RFR) at elevated levels for long periods of time increases the risk of cancer, damages the nervous system, and adversely affects the reproductive organs.”[3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]

There is also the Codex Alimentarius Commission which is supposed to set standards concerning our food. They even have a nutritional labeling code but the United States refuses to force the labeling of GMO products. Many food producers do voluntarily but this last session of Congress a bill, HR 1599, called “The Dark Bill” which prevents mandatory GMO labeling was passed. I thought Congress was supposed to act in the best interest of the people. The FDA is supposed to see that all foods are safe and no study done by independent researchers have ever concluded that GMO’s are safe. All conclude they are bad for human health. Only studies done by the manufacturers of GMO’s have come to the conclusion that GMO’s are safe.
These are the only studies the government pays attention to. Think about this, Monsanto, one of the largest producers of GMO seeds only serves organic food in its cafeterias. “Food companies would not have to disclose whether their products include genetically modified ingredients under legislation passed by the House Thursday.

The House bill is backed by the food industry, which has fought mandatory labeling efforts in several states around the country. The legislation, which passed 275-150, would prevent states from requiring package labels to indicate the presence of genetically modified organisms, or GMOs.

So far, Vermont is the only state set to require the labels. That law will take effect in July 2017 if it survives a legal challenge from the food industry. Maine and Connecticut have also passed laws requiring the labeling, but those measures don’t take effect unless neighboring states follow suit.

The country’s largest food companies say genetically modified foods are safe and that labels would be misleading. They say a patchwork of laws around the country would be expensive for companies and confusing for consumers.

“The reality is, biotechnology has time and time again proved safe,” the bill’s sponsor, Kansas Republican Rep. Mike Pompeo, said on the House floor. “We should not raise prices on consumers based on the wishes of a handful of activists.”

Advocates for the labels say people have a right to know what is in their food and criticize the legislation for trying to take away states’ ability to require the labels.

“What’s the problem with letting consumers know what they are buying?” asked Vermont Rep. Peter Welch, a Democrat.”[9]

This has been being put on Americans a little at a time all in the name of safety for Americans but it is really small steps to control everything we do and slowly reduce the earth’s population to what the elitists believe to be ‘sustainable’. The biggest thing they talk about is we can’t grow enough food for all these people. People across the world are starving. Yes they are but not because we can’t grow enough. It is because of dictatorial governments that won’t allow free markets and these governments demand to have absolute control over the people. In the 1970’s The United States had 6% of the farmable land in the world. Russia had 30%. Russia couldn’t feed itself but we fed the world. The difference? Free Market economy. Trump wants to bring that back and the American people agreed.

© 2017 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved



1. Bill Gates Foundation announces.
2. Vaccines and Bill Gates.
3. Harvard medical doctor warns against smart meters.
4. Is your Smart Meeter at your home making you sick?.
5. Customers believe smart meters cause health issues.
6. Smart Meters making some metro detroiters ill.
7. Customers says OGE smart meters making them sick.
8. Concerns grow, consumers are getting sick from wireless smart meters.
9. House passes bill to prevent mandatory GMO food labeling.

Top Bishop: Europe Will Soon Belong To Muslims

Choice, charter schools and the disappearing american dream pt. 1

How the “CHOICE” Fix Won’t Fix Common Core

Is There Such A Thing As A Parallel School System? Looking at the plans puzzling together for a Trump Presidency, education is front and foremost on many parents’ minds. Parent warriors have become concerned to the point of being totally stressed over the appointment of billionaire Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education. Why is this?

President-Elect Trump promised a vision of life without Common Core—

• A day of looking forward to our kids not being manipulated with the behavioral conditioning processes of teacher-trained Skinnerian techniques;
• A day without government data mining our children and inputting their private behavioral data over to the Feds.

Is our battle over yet? Can we rest assured that Donald Trump will keep his promise to rid our schools of all of the Common Core baggage? Are solid academics on the horizon, again?

Unfortunately this just doesn’t seem to be happening. President-Elect Trump has jumped off the TRUMP TRAIN and he has jumped on the phony CHOICE TRAIN. Keep in mind that Vice President-Elect Mike Pence is a pro-“CHOICE” Governor, and he muffled the true spirit of academic freedom by cleverly rebranding the Common Core standards in Indiana:

“Indiana governor Mike Pence has made a serious miscalculation on what could easily become the sleeper issue of the 2016 presidential campaign, Common Core. After dramatically withdrawing Indiana from participation in Common Core, Pence was poised to become a hero to the grassroots movement resisting this egregious bid for federal control of America’s traditionally independent and locally run education system. Instead, Pence has created the illusion of quality and independence, while installing second-rate standards that are little more than Common Core rebranded.” [Source]

And on the charter school “CHOICE” agenda Governor Pence has pushed charters:

“But Pence has a robust record on the issue. As governor, he pushed through the most significant increase in charter school funding in years, according to Chalkbeat Indiana. Pence worked with the legislature to create a $10 million grant fund that would offer an extra $500 per student to charters that post better outcomes than traditional public schools. And if Pence had his way, the funding would have been even more robust—he initially pitched a $1,500 per charter school student increase.” [Source]

Since the election, every new word coming from our President-Elect is beginning to sound a bit too familiar. It reminds us of the Senator Ted Cruz S 306 legislation that we parents fought when Sen. Ted Cruz was running for President against the TRUMP TRAIN. Not quite the words we wanted to hear from Mr. Trump. This sort of government-sponsored CHOICE sticks in our throats because we know the outcome–more oppression over our children and more Common Core for ALL. [Source]

Do we want this kind of “CHOICE”?? No! This is a false CHOICE, and it is not the pathway that will lead our children to educational excellence. Phony CHOICE is not the answer to American exceptionalism. Government-controlled CHOICE is globalism, not Americanism. That scrap of money tied to the child will determine future ambitions and pathways. It is linked to the government’s similarly aligned obsession to create “human capital” – i.e., the government determining the worth or worthlessness of your child as a commodity in the future workforce. Do elected officials realize just how offensive this is to America’s parents? Our children are not “human capital”!

This sort of government-controlled CHOICE is a trap, Mr. Trump. “CHOICE” is a pretty cozy word that assumes freedom. Little do parents understand the tentacles of federal strings that accompany federal assistance. Or, maybe they haven’t thought of it in those terms. But, yes, CHOICE is accepting federal assistance. And with that comes the “Have To’s”, where all children, parents, teachers, and schools will be forced into the federal government’s obsession with domineering over the lives of our little children.

Many advocates of this CHOICE appear to think that killing public education is OK. Betsy DeVos, President-Elect Trump’s new pick for Secretary of Education, thinks so. “Detroit Public Schools, she argued, should simply be shut down and the system turned over to charters, or the tax dollars given to parents in the form of vouchers to attend private schools.” [Source]

She believes that our public schools are an

“…antiquated, top-down model of education in this country that originated in the 1800s in order to “educate the masses.”

And her CHOICE:

“is beginning to transform to a student-centric model that respects every child’s unique learning style.” [Source]

Well, isn’t this interesting. This is the exact personification of COMMON CORE! ESSA, The Every Student Succeeds Act passed by Congress this past year, legislated this and more. Every child must meet Common Core standards, with digital individualized career plans and diagnostic supports that will help Johnny and Suzy attain government-determined “proficiency” in collectivist style mental health and globalist attitudes, values, beliefs, and dispositions.

But this isn’t why the citizens voted for you, Mr. Trump. We want you to STOP COMMON CORE!

Pending Education Secretary DeVos also explains her views that

“Educational choice is an essential part of the solution to our nation’s education challenges, including the greater issue of education inequality in America. The idea that no child should be defined or limited by his or her ZIP code or family’s income is deeply rooted in our movement’s commitment to social justice. Every parent should be free to choose the best educational environment for their children and low-income and minority children are too often the ones without choice. The only way to truly improve and innovate our nation’s system and help these students is through educational choice. The public is recognizing that true choice will break open our nation’s closed education system, encouraging innovation and education entrepreneurs to develop new ways for children to learn and reach their full potential.” [All emphases added]

DeVos’s version of CHOICE will certainly “break open,” or better defined, “smash down” the public school system. Is the destruction of local public schools what American citizens voted for? The biggest problem with this DeVos thinking is that Common Core does not allow or encourage academic attainment, nor opportunity for advancement. If her CHOICE is initiated, Common Core remains – because of ESSA. Didn’t we all just vote to get RID of Common Core?

Here is how it will work. DeVos’s fake CHOICE will saddle every school with Common Core that forces individual children to have an individualized personal “plan” to meet those government standards, no matter which ZIP code or school they will attend. And this is the ominous end goal for little Johnny or Susie. It is a new way to learn, but it isn’t academics. Social justice is equated with “individuality,” giving way to the forced struggle for ”equity” and molding children into cookie-cutter drones. Inequality in ZIP CODES sounds like re-distribution of wealth, with CHOICE being wielded as the useful tool to get American education nationalized. But that also means a leveling of wealthy ZIP codes to be the same of the inner city. Now, that’s equality. That’s what socialized CHOICE looks like, and this is what Betsy DeVos is all about!

But is this what President-Elect Trump is all about? Is anyone honestly talking to him about the direful impacts of her freedom-diminishing sort of CHOICE? To date there has been NO discussion of the effects of this CHOICE for every child, not to mention the dreadful longterm effects this will have on communities, taxes, local control, and the market value of local homes and properties.

Common Core + Government CHOICE ? true freedom of choice. It is a pending disaster…the disappearing American dream.

Others driving the CHOO-CHOO CHOICE Train

Jeb Bush announced that the DeVos pick was “outstanding…a passionate change agent to press for a new education vision.” Of course he would say that. She is Chairwoman of the American Federation for Children (AFC), a charter school promotion group, and she is also a board member of Bush’s non-profit Foundation for Excellence in Education (FEE). Bush and his foundation have served as champions for the Common Core standards. [Source]

Oh course, “low energy” Jeb’s vision is totally Common Core, artificial CHOICE, and pro-charter schools. When Jeb served as Governor of Florida he was a prominent supporter of the individual data-mining performed on children, with Florida becoming the national model for the collection of personally identifiable information of children. Jeb is also a leader in the change agent/Common Core enablers. His connections, plus his opinion of DeVos for Secretary of Education, give him an inside track to legislation and a soft welcoming chair in future Secretary DeVos’s office. [Source]

Congressman Messer (R-IN), who introduced the Scholarships for Kids Act in 2014, is also a CHOICE enabler. Congressman Messer’s bill is the companion to the bill introduced by Senator Lamar Alexander, who is Republican Chairman on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee and formerly served as Secretary of Education under President George H.W. Bush.

Senator Alexander, along with Speaker Paul Ryan, pushed through the Reauthorization of No Child Left Behind called ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act, which codified the Common Core/mental health agenda nationally, effectually making President Obama’s Flexibility Waivers law, thus further diluting a real academic education. Note how Senator Alexander stated this about the 2014 Scholarship for Kids Act:

“This is the most ambitious proposal ever to use federal dollars to enable states to expand school choice, and is a real answer to inequality in America, giving more children more opportunity to attend a better school. I look forward to working with Congressman Messer to get this bill through Congress and signed into law.” [Emp. added.]

Of additional concern,

The Scholarship for Kids Act, introduced in the Senate by Senator Lamar Alexander and in the House of Representatives by Rep. Luke Messer, would re-direct existing federal education funding (Title I) to provide up to 11 million scholarships for low-income children. The scholarships created under this bill would follow K-12 low-income children as they attend either the public or private school of their parents’ choice. The money for these scholarships, up to $24 billion a year, would come from existing funds directed towards schools, meaning no new spending and no funds cut from education. [All emphases added] [SOURCE]

Readers, notice that the money goes directly to schools, bypassing state legislatures’ budgets. This is a states’ rights question for sure. The Messer/Alexander bill actually allotted more money than President-Elect Trump’s proposed $20 billion for “CHOICE”. Also remember that Rob Goad, aide to Rep. Messer, has been tapped by the Trump campaign to advance this same CHOICE agenda. This pile of money may grow. The Scholarship Act has not been passed but shows the direction of this sort of CHOICE thinking.

The Messer bill aligns to Senator Ted Cruz’s bill to include homeschools. Let’s look at what the Messer proposed bill would also require: state Common Core standards and tests, provides that parents are able to use that money to pay for private school tuition and fees, supplement their public school or charter school budget, attend a school outside of their district or purchase tutoring services or homeschooling materials. It further

Requires participating states and their local educational agencies to continue to: (1) work toward state academic content and achievement standards; (2) conduct annual assessments of student progress toward those standards; and (3) issue annual report cards of student progress, disaggregated by specified student subgroups, toward those standards.

“No child should have to go to a school where they won’t have a meaningful chance to learn,” said Congressman Luke Messer. “This bill empowers parents with the personal freedom to choose the best learning environment for their child regardless of income. Quality education is the great equalizer in the game of life, and bills like this one, which offer parents a choice, level the playing field.”

Questions for Congressman Messer:

• Has Congressman Messer ever explained to taxpayers what “leveling the playing field” means?
• Has he explained to school board members and homeowners that pay taxes for public schools how this is a massive redistribution of wealth?
• Has he explained that with his fake CHOICE, Title I CHILDREN are not just poor children, and that SCHOOL WIDE encompasses the entire school to have access to CHOICE not just certain poor children?
• Has he explained how the exodus of children out of public schools will eventually kill public education and destroy local districts?
• Will he admit that teachers will no longer be hired by the local school district?
• Will he try to evade questions about the apparent coming dissolution of elected school boards?
• Has he answered penetrating citizen questions about how taxes would be collected and where they would be sent when local neighborhood schools collapse?
• Has he addressed the terrible effects this will have on property values when the playing field is leveled, wealth is redistributed, and equity becomes the commitment to social justice agenda of changing the complexion of your entire ZIP code?

I don’t think so. So what is this CHOICE all about? Is it about the change necessary to end representative government to move toward globalism? I fear so. . . .

© 2017 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

Choice, charter schools and the disappearing american dream pt. 2

Why the Mantra of “Separation of Church and State” Will Not Matter Under a Trump/ DeVos CHOICE Agenda… and they know it.

Will CHOICE explode over the issue of the separation of church and state? No, CHOICE sidesteps the issue. Here’s why.

At this year’s American Federation for Children Policy Summit, Education Secretary-elect Betsy DeVos boasted about the growing momentum for her “education revolution.” Rob Boston, a spokesman for Americans United for Separation of Church and State, stated this about DeVos:

“It’s very alarming,” referring to DeVos as a “four-star general in a deceptive behind-the-scenes war on public schools and church-state separation.”

“People support school vouchers for different reasons. Some make a free-market argument because they are opposed to public schooling. Others want to prop up sectarian teachings with taxpayer money,” Boston said. “DeVos has a foot in both camps, which does not bode well for our public schools.” [Source]

The question is certainly one that must be answered. What is the result of a Trump/DeVos government-controlled CHOICE (versus true free choice) agenda? DeVos believes the church has been displaced by public schools. She believes not just in funding Christian schools, but wants to reform the whole system to bring “greater Kingdom gain.” In essence, DeVos wants all children to be baptized in Common Core for a new world order globalism kingdom.

Perhaps what Rob Boston doesn’t know is that when Title I money “follows the child” and is deposited in an Education Savings Account (ESA), there is no beneficiary to the religious or private school since the money goes to the parent. An Arizona Court of Appeals ruled that a separation of church and state exists. The idea of giving money to religious schools does not meet the legal standard, so this is bypassed when government funds are deposited into an ESA belonging to the parent.

The Nevada Supreme Court ruled that ESAs belong to the individual parent and thus are not “public funds” subject to that church-state limitation. Here is an excerpt from the decision:

Once the public funds are deposited into an education savings account, the funds are no longer “public funds” but are instead the private funds of the individual parent who established the account. The parent decides where to spend that money for the child’s education and may choose from a variety of participating entities, including religious and non-religious schools. Any decision by the parent to use the funds in his or her account to pay tuition at a religious school does not involve the use of “public funds” and thus does not implicate Section 10.”

In this situation the child could still considered a Title I FEDERAL CHILD under federal guidelines in ESSA, particularly if that child has been determined Title I by the local school district labeling the child. Therefore when ESSA states that public school CHOICE means “direct student services” it means that the services follow the child, which are Title I Common Core mental health support services. The questions then become:

• Must the social, emotional, behavioral baggage of Common Core be implemented as mandated in ESSA in every school that accepts a CHOICE child?
• Does this also mean that an ombudsman will oversee the implementation of these psychological services in every private, religious, and homeschool?

The law is the law. Perhaps President-Elect Trump should push to repeal ESSA! Otherwise this phony CHOICE comes with tentacles – governmental intrusion into private family homes and reaching deep into the religious schools of America’s children.

So, is the next frontier in education the Education Savings Accounts (ESAs)? Aligning the Stars for the DeVos Common Core CHOICE agenda.

What has been achieved so far to make Common Core CHOICE happen:

• Common Core standards mandate directly to the child, bypassing local control.
• Title I At-Risk students are identified under Common Core as disadvantaged—not poor.
• Title I SCHOOL WIDE blankets an entire school—all kids are Common Core disadvantaged.*
• Title I Per Pupil Expenditures in ESSA sets up the “equitable” money following the child.
• FERPA weakened privacy through President Obama’s EO 12866 by allowing 3rd party vendors access to Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
• State longitudinal data systems tracking students with a national unique ID in which psychometric dossiers are collected and shared.
• IDEA (special ed) uses CHILD FIND to identify normal children with disabilities. (Progressing)
• IDEA’s remediation of social, emotional, and behavioral state standards identify the child with mental health coding.
• Psychological treatment named in ESSA means hiring more psychologists, psychiatrists, etc.
• Psychometric dossiers on children are then transferred to the Feds, NCES/IES. (Progressing)
• IES monitors, evaluates, and creates algorithms on children, teachers, and the curriculum is matched and cross-referenced to identify weaknesses in meeting the government’s Common Core standards.
• 3rd party vendors research and validate curricula, tests, and software directed to Common Core. Corporations profit from Common Core.
• IDEA coding sets up MEDICAID billing for mental health wrap-around “direct student services” for which the psychological techniques are named in ESSA legislation.
• ESSA further expands charter schools as a replacement for all public schools. When this government-sponsored CHOICE is implemented local public schools will fail.

Achieving “future shock” of disappearing representative government—but achieving CHOICE for all children.

Both Senator Cruz’s S 306 and Congressman Messer/Senator Alexander Scholarship Act legislation meet the criteria for the DeVos CHOICE plan.

Betsy DeVos will have the total support of the Heritage Foundation, sponsor of the agenda of the “controlled” political Right for several generations, to plot the next steps to move forward with the Charter/CHOICE globalist plans. The Heritage/DeVos plan will eliminate representative government, shut down PARENTS’ and citizens’ voices in education, delete a citizens’ right to have their vote represented, and remove the local school board as the community’s taxing authority. Regional workforce industry clusters will be developed to gather taxes, or taxes will be directly sent to the state. Teachers will be hired from the state level.

This dark and foreboding future for American’s parents and their precious children—not to mention the crumbling apart of local towns and communities—is exactly as President OBAMA planned with his equity agenda. This is further complicated with the smearing of the lines between the Democrats and Republicans. They are both working off the same game plan to destroy our Constitutional Republic and representative form of local government. [Source 1], [Source 2], [Source 3]

I am able to call ESSA, and the set-up for what was named in the prior legislation in 2013, the “same-game plan” because when the Democrats were in power, Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) sponsored SB 1094. The Per Pupil Expenditure was referred to as FEDERAL SCHOOL CHOICE, whereas in the 2015 ESSA legislation it is called PUBLIC SCHOOL CHOICE. [Source]

Here’s the “same-game plan” (Republicans and Democrats in bed together) that you can expect with the passage of any forthcoming Heritage/DeVos Common Core CHOICE legislation:

• Legislation to make Title I funds portable to cover ages 0-21, to be used as a scholarship for every child in any public, charter, private, religious, or homeschool.
• Set up an ESA, education savings account, for government accountability and oversight over every family receiving federal financial CHOICE assistance. The federal camel will have its nose under your family’s tent.
• Define exact government criteria to receive funding for all educational uses and “quality” evidence-based curricula (i.e., it all must be aligned to Common Core standards.)
• Demand testing/curricula align with Common Core for national evaluative purposes, based on the national assessment test, the NAEP.
• Defined “direct student services” will mandate that public school CHOICE be used as mental health specialized student support services for meeting government standards. This will include all children from birth to age 4, universal daycare, K-12, and through 2 years of free community college, which means hiring or contracting psychological personnel for support services.
• All schools eventually bill Medicaid for support services—which is ObamaCare ages 0-21.
• All schools—whether charter, private, religious or homeschools—become “chartered” under authorized charter management as an ombudsman named in ESSA.
• Schooling is nationalized under the banner of Common Core CHOICE government schools.

Was this Mr. Trump’s promise? Could this possibly be what parents want? Is this what American citizens want?

There is a seductive carrot and a sharp stick for this CHOICE plan. Officially, a family would be able to receive $12,000 per year (split between federal, state, and local taxes), multiplied by 18 years, which is a lot of money to ignore. A $216,000 jackpot awaits those parents who will give up their children to the government’s sci-fi agenda of wonky inferior Common Core and experimental psychobabble. BUT, no one is sure if parents can turn their backs on the money once their child is determined to be Title I and needing IDEA psychological support services by Special Education scavengers looking to mislabel normal children as disabled to get “free” money, i.e., CHILD FIND. This serves a warning to parents who decide to jump on the CHOICE TRAIN: because your decision may be forever for your child’s future.

My final say about this Common Core CHOICE TRAIN: You are bound to lose, not money, but your children. And, Americans, you are about to lose your FREEDOMS. Because this is government-controlled CHOICE from start to finish, a diabolical plan that will put tentacles of control into the private thought life of every single American child. Big Brother is looming. . .

*A Final Note: President Obama and former Secretary Duncan removed Title I poverty levels in schools in which the 40% guideline of free and reduced lunch children was lowered to “0”% by illegally “waiving” the No Child Left Behind federal law. The criteria of a Title I child could be “At-Risk” or “becoming” At-Risk of not meeting Common Core. The Title I guideline called Schoolwide is a net that covers ALL children in a school whether FAMILIES are poor or wealthy. ALL children would become Common Core disadvantaged. In reality, ESSA codifies the Schoolwide agenda and prepares a nation for “NO REAL” CHOICE for every child when the expansion of Per Pupil Expenditures mandate Common Core to every private, religious, and homeschool.

Source HR 5 2013 Republican legislation:

“SCHOOLWIDE Programs: The bill eliminates the 40 percent poverty threshold for SCHOOLWIDE programs, allowing all Title I schools to operate whole school reform efforts. This change, included in the Obama administration’s waiver package, will allow low- income schools greater flexibility to consolidate programs and focus their efforts on raising the achievement of all students.” [Emp. added.]

© 2017 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

Coddling millennial snowflakes pt. 2

Social Emotional Learning in Public Education

At its convention in Washington, D.C. (2016), America’s “largest, richest, brass-knuckled labor union,”[1] the National Education Association, recently passed two new mental health-related resolutions.[2] While addressing mental health in public education isn’t new, the burgeoning “field” of mental health in schools is.

In general, mental health researchers name five key competencies.[3] While allegedly fostering them, “safer schools” aggressively nurture a culture of shame. For example, to atone for human violence toward the planet, “well” children are shamed into Earth servitude. Kids whose families enjoy affluence, while less fortunate counterparts merely scrape by, are made to feel discomfited. Should a shy girl decline to share a school restroom or shower with an anatomic boy identifying as female, it’s the girl who’s labeled “at risk” for demonstrating “intolerance.”

Given the unexpected outcome of our 2016 Presidential election, edu-clinicians at all levels pulled out all stops by extending recess periods, offering yoga, meditation, and mindfulness work (K-8). Up to and including college level, schools staged “cry-in’s,” “group screams,” and “walk outs.” Some provided nap- and crying- rooms equipped with therapy dogs, coloring books, Play-Doh, and healthy snacks. Disappointment, students learn, is to be coddled and/or acted out in civil disobedience.

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) [4]

Through school-linked services (i.e., afterschool programs; wellness, health, and family resource centers), school-community coalitions advocate for social-emotional learning in classroom settings.[5] SEL teaches skills for setting personal goals aimed at working well with others, feeling sympathy/empathy, identifying problems and, while making ethical choices, initiating help-seeking and help-giving behaviors.

Schools are not in the mental health business, yet they are deemed essential partners in the two-fold mission (1) to promote mental health of youngsters and (2) to reshape thinking about mental health.[6]

• Promote Mental Health

With upsurge of SEL, one might reasonably expect augmented resilience. To the contrary, well over half of students in urban schools suffer learning, behavior, and emotional problems.[7] In reality, personal pathology is rare.[8] Notwithstanding, at great expense, onsite mental health clinics continue to pop up; and the vast majority of American schools extend access to mental health services beyond special education to all students.

Because the same entities purporting to promote “mental health” also normalize categories that traditionally qualified as disorders—i.e., homosexuality and bi-, pan-, trans- gender identification/ fluidity—it’s no wonder nearly three-quarters of schools studied reported social, interpersonal, or family problems as most frequent for boys and girls alike.[9]

Reshaping Attitudes Toward Mental Health

With appearance of suicide education in the 1980s, mental health services have continued to multiply.[10] The expressed intent is school-community intervention to (1) nurture overall child development and (2) curtail obstacles to learning. To “reshape feelings” at the national level, health professionals promote urgent, large-scale, systemic reform initiatives.

In 2002, President George W. Bush created the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health. Congress appropriated funds for early mental health screening but, truth be told, personal pathology is by no means the primary obstacle to learning. Low-bar standards, trumping academics with unmanageably exhaustive behavioral objectives, permissive policies, experimentation with flavor-of-the-month strategies, politically correct nepotism, and countless unnamed variables no doubt fuel the problem.

Mental Health Screening

DSM-1V[11] criteria for mental illness lack clear, empirical support data, and dubious diagnostics force answers likely to yield false positives. Under auspices of “gun violence,” President Obama quietly unleashed a cache of federal dollars toward ordering mental health testing for youngsters. With no evidence supporting reduced suicide attempts or mortality as a result of its extended use,[12] the Columbia University-based program called TeenScreen was used to detect depression in students at risk of suicide, anxiety disorders, and drug/alcohol abuse. Last month it was announced, “The National Center will be winding down its program at the end of this year.”[13]

All too often, voluntary, informed, and written parental permission for administering mental health screening is bypassed. Even for religious reasons, parents in Nebraska and West Virginia are denied the right to refuse screening.[14] Flexibility as to who administers and scores tests should raise further concern. There are reported instances of underhanded methods used to coax kids into “voluntary” participation.

An inadequately trained administrator is tempted to view common emotional and behavior problems as “symptoms” to be designated as disorders.[15] Comprehensive search for some “hidden” anomaly suggests need for mental illness to be “ferreted out and captured like a rabid animal.”[16] Once “caught,” the culprit is tagged, but applying labels from the constantly expanding list (i.e., attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, oppositional defiant and/or adjustment disorders, learning disabilities, and depression) tends to skew public policy. Case in point: Since 1995, the number of children diagnosed as bipolar has increased by forty percent. Predictably, there are increasingly more referrals than can be served.

Diagnosis and Remediation

Assessments invite misdiagnoses coupled with expensive, sometimes unwarranted interventions.[17] In actuality, “connecting kids with treatment” is code for prescribing psychotropic drugs, resulting in dangerous, “off-label,” prescriptions (not intended for pediatric use), over- and/or mis-medication. Remarkably, in 2012, multiple prescriptions for children exceeded spending on antibiotics or asthma medications.[18]

Most pscho-active medicine is no more effective than placebos yet, when used by minors, antidepressants pose calculable risk. Disturbingly, the Bush commission linked mental health examinations with “state-of-the-art” treatments using specific medications (e.g., antidepressant and anti-psychotic drugs) for specific conditions.[19]

As drug coercion becomes a condition for public school attendance, noncompliant parents fear they will face charges and/or unwelcomed intervention of Child Protective Services. Despite protest, the NEA continues to urge affiliates to support legislation at all levels (community, state, and national).

Follow the Money

There’s good reason why schools typically don’t assign high priority to mental health services. Simply put, school-financed student support services do not reflect the school’s essential mission. Nevertheless, the Federal Department of Education and Centers for Disease Control persistently advocate for federal initiatives that advance “full-service” schools.[20]

Among the top five funding sources is Medicaid. Wraparound mental health services effectively rob from Peter to pay Paul. Given the political-pharmaceutical alliance that operates for monetary gain, conflict of interest is to be expected. By way of example, TeenScreen advisory board members served in leadership positions for at least two entities heavily funded by drug-company “educational grants.”

Cradle-to-Grave Monitoring and Intervention

Results of routine, comprehensive mental health screening for every child, preschoolers included, are integrated with electronic health records. Longitudinal national electronic databases, including treatments and personal family information, can be accessed by insurance companies, federal and state agencies, special interest groups, and eventual employers. Even fictional “mental disorders” follow a child for life. Without parental consent, DNA data collected on newborns through KIDSNET in Rhode Island are linked to educational databases.[21]

In conclusion, the late President Ronald Reagan got it right: “The most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.’”

© 2017 Debra Rae – All Rights Reserved


1. Forbes magazine.
2. Resolution B-66 advances competencies relating to decision-making, self and social awareness/management skills. Resolution C-5 showcases comprehensive school health, social, and psychological programs/services, pre-K through higher education. Education Reporter, Number 367, August 2016. 3-4.
3. Durlak, Weissberg, Dymnicki, Taylor & Schellinger, 2011.
4. Http:// (Accessed 19 November 2016).
5. Greenberg et al., 2003; Hawkins, Kosterman, Catalano, Hill, & Abbott, 2008.
6. E. Marx and S. Wooley with D. Northrop (Eds.). Health is Academic: A Guide to Coordinated School Health Programs (New York: Teachers College Press.1998).
7. University of California at Los Angeles, 2003.
8. Howard S. Adelman, Ph.D. and Linda Taylor, Ph.D. “Mental Health in Schools and Public Health.” Public Health Reports 2006 May-June 121(3). 294-298.
9. Foster et al., 2005.
10. Education Reporter, Apr.-May 1987.
11. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
12. Education Reporter, Number 309, October 2011. 1,4.
13. Teenscreen shuts down. (Accessed 12 December 2016).
14. Education Reporter, Number 359, December 2015.
15. Adelman, 1995a; Adelman & Taylor, 1994; Dryfoos, 1990.
16. Alliance for Human Research Protection, The Brown University Child and Adolescent Behavior Letter, 8-01-04.
17. Lyon, 2002.
18. Education Reporter, Number 316, May 2012.1.
19. Education Reporter, Number 316, May 2012.1,4.
20. For example, grants programs for the Integration of Schools and Mental Health Systems.
21. Howard S. Adelman, Ph.D. and Linda Taylor, Ph.D. “Mental Health in Schools and Public Health.” Special Report on Child Mental Health, Volume 121, May-June 2006. 294.

Is terrorism tax coming to America?

France Taxes It’s Citizens To Pay For Terrorist Attacks Committed By Muslims

U.S. Democratic Party leaders seem to have a proclivity for duplicating European governments’ policies, laws and tax rates. A perfect example is Obamacare and the push to move towards “single-payer plans.” So it’s not hard to imagine American lawmakers attempting to again emulate France’s politicians when it comes to finding rationales for picking citizens pockets for more cash in order to buy more votes.

French citizens are now paying an extra 1.60 euro ($1.69 US) on their property insurance policies to help increase the funding to assist victims of terrorist attacks which have recently hit the country.

The de facto tax increase officially began on New Year’s Day and requires French insurance policy holders to contribute 5.90 euro ($6.21 US) instead of 4.30 euro ($4.53 US) on each monthly premium payment.

France’s workers are the most taxed in the European Union and the United States. French salaries are taxed at 57.5 percent on average, compared to a European figure of 45.2 percent. Figures from the Molinari Institute show that average tax rates in the UK account for just 35.29 percent of income, while the figure for Germany is 52.36 percent. The lowest taxed nation in the EU is Cyprus, where the average rate is 23.85 percent.

French government officials had claimed they started the Guarantee Fund for Victims of Terrorist and Other Criminal Acts (FGTI) to prevent insurance companies from developing side industries that might profit from acts of violence.

More than 200 people have died in France as a result of terror attacks in less than two-years, with hundreds injured, some seriously. The French city of Marseille has an estimated 30 to 40 percent Muslim population and has been ranked as the most dangerous city in Europe.

“French progressives claimed they were afraid the marketplace wouldn’t provide such coverage, and I imagine they saw an excellent way to tax families without having to worry about them squawking about their taxes increasing during a bad economy,” said George Pollack, a former counter-terrorism team member in the United States. “I wouldn’t be surprised to see our own liberals try this scheme and complain that anyone against the tax is not patriotic,” Pollack predicted.

According to American Military News:

• Within the last two years alone, over 200 people have died at the hands of Islamic extremists. On November 13, 2015, 130 French citizens were murdered by seven violent jihadists that were stationed in populated areas and executed a coordinated series of attacks around Paris.

• On Bastille Day in July of 2016, 86 people were murdered and another 434 were injured when a 19-ton cargo truck drove through the crowded streets in Nice where people were celebrating the holiday.

• The Bastille Day and November Paris attacks cost the country between 300 and 400 million Euros each.

• Another 17 people were killed and 22 injured when a group of Islamic Extremists stormed the office of a satirical magazine called Charlie Hebdo with guns and shot at the employees because the magazine had run a cartoon depicting the prophet Mohammed.

The Bastille Day truck attack in Nice which left 86 dead this summer cost between 300 and 400 million euro, approximately the same as the November 13 attacks in Paris, which killed 130 people.

“The French government has some nerve with this latest tax. Their political elite allowed hundreds of thousands of unvetted Muslim refugees into their country. And when some of them kill French citizens or destroy property, the French taxpayer is expected to foot-the-bill. It’s comical to everyone except the liberal-left,” said U.S. military and police veteran Nelson Glover.

The French city of Marseille has an estimated 30 to 40 percent Muslim population and has been ranked as the most dangerous city in Europe.

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

To be or not to be a career politician

The Founding Fathers of America understood the importance of not being a career politician. It was the humble attitude of first president George Washington that set the proper tone of how government office should be first approached and then be walked away from. Washington displayed a humble appreciation, first for being asked to militarily lead the fledgling republic to victory over Britain. Then later as our republic’s first commander in chief. Washington was universally loved and could have remained president for life, he stepped down at the end of his second term.

Washington then gladly returned to private life on his estate with his wife Martha and operated successful businesses. He didn’t crave power. Thus, it was not a struggle for him to walk away and enjoy the benefits of what he and his colleagues developed. In other words, Washington and the other framers sought to govern on behalf of the people, not for the advantage of an overlord progressive government that seeks to dominate us from cradle to grave.

Our nation’s founding father George Washington believed that “We the People” would function much better with a closer relationship with God than with government. He along with the majority of his fellow founders, with perhaps the exception of alexander Hamilton disdained the immoral concept of a massive centralized overbearing government.

The book of Proverbs shares with us that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” The American Patriots Bible points out that the Founders certainly understood the obvious truth and from the beginning stressed the important relationship between a sound education based upon Biblical moral absolutes and the future of the nation.

In 1776, the future president John Adams said, “statesmen…may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is religion and morality alone, which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand.” That mindset was widely held among the Founders who helped shape the political, educational, and legal foundations of the new nation. Men such as Daniel Webster, Benjamin Rush, Samuel Adams, and George Washington echoed these same sentiments. They believed as do I that the strength of the republic was dependent upon the morality of her people, and that faith in our creator must undergird it. They saw the education of young minds being at the heart of it all.

I will never forget my own Dad telling me that what is taught to one generation dictates the direction the nation takes in the next. That has never proven more true than right now. Since the 1960s the progressives have been working via indoctrination centers, known as government schools, colleges and universities to gain control of the moral compass of society. They fanned out and gained control of the media, movie industry, and in some cases even mainline Christian denominations have tumbled into spiritual darkness and fell asleep at the wheel.

In fact, in recent decades Christians allowed their societal authority to be snatched away by the sheer influence of those who utterly disdain the concept of our constitutionally limited republic. Those haters also revile capitalism, the middle class, our Bill of Rights and most of all, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who shed His grace upon America.

But alas, another new age of awakening has dawned in our beloved republic. Outgoing president Obama and his ilk tried their best to place knockout blows against America. Obama’s legacy has left a dwindled middle class, a hollowed out American military, the spread of Islamic terrorism via ISIS, diminished race relations, illegal immigrants, American hating Muslim refugees, dwindling manufacturing productivity and no regard for the separation of powers.

But guess what, at the end of the day and despite Obama’s mission of destruction our America will once again assume her rightful place as the respected leader of the free world. Many people (including yours truly) have and continue to pray. I believe God has heard our prayers and will heal our land. It will not be easy as America transitions back toward greatness. But the needed effort will be worth it. Not only will our children and children’s children thank us, but more importantly they will thank God almighty who I believe will openly bless our republic. Lastly, America the beautiful will soon again be that beacon of liberty and light to the world. God Bless You, God Bless America and May America Bless God. I am also proud to announce more growth for The Edwards Notebook commentary which now Blows Away the Myths and Reveals the Truth on every evening at 6:00 PM ET.
Don’t miss a page from The Edwards Notebook commentary overnights on the Captain’s America-Third Watch, simply the best Live overnight radio show broadcasting across the United States from flagship radio station AM 860 The Answer. Also via the internet on Conservative radio, iHeart, Freedom in America Radio, Net Talk World and more.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

Government control not gun control

The perpetrator in the latest U.S. gun rampage is Esteban Santiago, a 26-year-old Iraq war veteran who just one month ago told Federal Bureau of Investigation agents that he believed U.S. spies were controlling his mind. While blaming government mind-control is not a suitable alibi for many, I believe government gun control is.

Following the tragic shooting in Ft. Lauderdale on Friday, Barack Obama told George Stephanopoulos of ABC News, “We’re heartbroken for families who have been affected,” and, “These tragedies have happened far too often during the eight years that I’ve been president.”

Despite numerous attempts by this administration, their cronies, and their ilk to eradicate what the Second Amendment acknowledges as the God-given right to self defense and arms, Obama has admitted his own failures to protect American citizens.

So, since government gun control is an absolute failure, I thought I would call on more government-control, NOT more gun-control. We need to regulate the government from its insubordination to its God-given duty of “securing the rights of the people.” This insubordination called “gun control” has proven to be far more lethal to American life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness than the criminals from which it claims to protect.

I know this to be a fact: the plurality of American people are disgusted with the attempts of government to dominate their right to self defense. They have not only voted at the ballot box, but convincingly their wallets are talking. Gun manufacturers and retail stores cannot keep up with the demand for guns and ammo. Even the once extremely common .22 rim fire ammunition is as scarce as a dollar in the social security trust fund.

The promulgation of emotional ignorance has always been the tool to convince people to give up this right of self-preservation in favor of trusting that criminals will give up their crime and that government can boundlessly protect you.

As seen in every single mass shooting, the government is completely incapable of protecting the citizenry from these kinds of attacks. If the people do not protect themselves, there is no protection. All “gun-control” laws do is fight or obstruct the people from protecting themselves. This is why state leaders have an obligation to declare any and all federal gun-control laws to be null and void, and boldly declare to the people of their states that they will honor and protect the people’s right and duty to defend themselves.

Agreeing with this godly precedent and our Second Amendment, Declaration signer Richard Henry Lee stated, “To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.” (Federal Farmer No. 18, January 25, 1788)

I believe today more than ever that our leaders should be advocating, endorsing and sponsoring the protection of our God-given right to life, liberty, and property.

Like John Kennedy I believe that, “Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom.”

Learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and his Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2017 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

Masculine men and feminine women

I love my wife.

That may sound corny, but I really do love her. Although my bias is obvious I would not hesitate to place her in the top 10% of all over-sixty women in America.

I’m talking about her beauty…her physical attractiveness…not simply the fact that I have grown to love her more with each passing year. Michele is a real head-turner. Without the benefit of plastic surgery, Botox, or heavy make-up, she is just a petite, sweet, attractive little package of love.

I tell her that regularly. It matters to her that her husband of 37 years appreciates all she does to keep herself looking attractive. I never pressured her into staying thin…or keeping her hair attractive…or looking sharp when we go out together. She just does it. I often tell her I would love her no matter how she looked…but her beauty sure makes it a lot easier.

She knows I am kidding. But she also knows that there is truth in humor.

Michele and I have two daughters. They are both thirty-ish and they take after their mom. It is a work of nature, really, because I raised both of them to be Tom-boys. Heck, what else is a football coach supposed to do with two young daughters? We raised them to be strong women and much of their strength was developed through the ups and downs of athletics.

Both of them were accomplished athletes. The elder, Abby, played four years of softball at Hillsdale College, while her baby sister Maggie was a four year starter in centerfield for Marietta College. But in the rough and tumble life of athletics we always encouraged them to be ladies.

“Being a jock doesn’t mean you have to act like a man,” I often cautioned them. “Discipline, hard work, and success have no gender. Down and dirty on the field doesn’t mean rude and manly off of it.”

Today, they are both happy, successful stay-at-home moms, with strong, manly husbands. I love the women in my life. I especially love them because they are…well…women.

I was counting my blessings the other night and thanking Jesus for the wonderful women He has given me. (Michele and I also have three granddaughters.) As odd as this may sound I am most proud of how feminine the women who surround me are. Their femininity makes their strength less noticeable. I credit their Mom with teaching them to be ladies.

I was struck yesterday by the word “feminism” as I was reading a story about how much Trump “hates women.” What does that word even mean, I wondered out loud? What does being a feminist have to do with being feminine? Why is it that the one thing that so many feminists lack is femininity?

Calling most feminists feminine is an oxymoron…sort of like putting a boat in “dry dock.” Why is it so hard for my mind to equate femininity with feminism?

So I went to the dictionary to see if I could make sense of the nonsensical. A quick online search revealed this.

Feminism—the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities.

I’m for that. Michele is for that. So are Abby, Maggie, and most people I know. So I looked up femiNIST and found it that refers to someone “who supports equal rights and opportunities for women.” That sounds like me.

Where is the disconnect I asked myself? Why do I, and all of the women in my life, support equal rights and opportunities for women, yet not feel comfortable with the label “feminist?”

So, stubborn as I am, I went deeper into the English language and researched the word feminine—“having qualities or appearances TRADITIONALLY associated with women especially delicacy, prettiness, soft, delicate, gentle, graceful.”

Bingo. The war on women that is currently being waged in America is not so much a war against females as it is a war against tradition. Feminists don’t want to be women; they want to be women with the qualities of men.

But men are supposed to be masculine. What does the dictionary have to say about someone who is masculine?

Masculine—having qualities or appearances TRADITIONALLY associated with men; especially strength and aggressiveness. Virile, macho, rugged, brawny, robust, manly, vigorous.

Where does one sign up to be a masculinist? When is the march for masculine rights?

Once again we have been snookered by the wordsmiths.

There has been a real role-reversal in the American society. Men are acting like women and women are acting like men. No wonder Americans are so confused.

Men and women are CREATED equal but it would be foolish to believe that their talents and skills are equal. Equality is true at birth and is supposed to be true in the eyes of the law. But it is mere foolishness and folly to think that there is no difference between men and women.

Why do we teach such malarkey to our children?

Five years ago I overheard a conversation our Abby had with one of her college friends shortly after giving birth to their first child.

“I can’t even explain the feeling,” I heard her say. “Giving birth to my daughter was the greatest thing I have ever done in my entire life.”

We waste so much of our time trying to be something we are not. Life would be so much easier if we simply played the roles that nature spelled out for us.

Men to be Masculine and women to be feminine was God’s idea. “Male and female created He them…”

Why do you think they call them role models?

© 2017 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserve

Satan’s culture killers

I have come to believe that the whole left-wing, secular humanist, utopian project is satanic to the core, and that R.J. Rushdoony was right, many years ago, when he called it nothing less than a concerted effort to overturn God’s created order and replace it with an order created by moral imbeciles.

The project has scored its greatest successes in screwing up our culture. If you can’t hold onto the culture, you can’t hold on to anything: no amount of political victories will save you.

“Male and female created He them” (Genesis 1:27) is a Biblical statement foundational to human life, and “progressives” have a really big problem with it. They have made it their favorite target—because if they can destroy the foundation, that’s a big chunk of their work done and promotions all around in Hell.

Consider: in New Jersey, a woman who asserts that she is now a man, because she’s been surgically mutilated and shot full of hormones, has sued a Catholic hospital for declining to remove her uterus. The hospital administration considers this woman’s hysterectomy to be part and parcel of a “gender reassignment” caper, and they won’t do sex-change operations because they object to it on moral and religious grounds. And here comes the lawsuit.

This is a predicament straight out of The Screwtape Letters. If the Catholic doctors perform the hysterectomy, they are saying, tacitly or explicitly, “You are still a woman.” That leaves them open to being called haters and biggits, etc. How dare they contradict some intensely disturbed individual’s self-identification? But if they go along with the delusion, then they collide with the fact that a man doesn’t have a uterus for them to remove.

“Facts? You’re talkin’ facts? Well, we don’t do facts anymore! Facts are an instrument of oppression!” And so on.

It gets confusing; and as the author of confusion, Old Nick is highly pleased. His whole kingdom is based on confusion. He doesn’t do facts, either.

And then there’s the wholesale moral corruption of the culture, another treasure of progressivism.

The Fox TV network gets a lot of heat from libs because it produces Fox News, which libs say tricks ordinary dumb and stupid people into becoming conservatives who, if not snookered by these “fake news” programs, would just naturally and inevitably believe whatever liberals told them. But at the same time, Fox TV cranks out the same kind of culture-killing garbage as the other networks.

This month Fox TV debuted a new “comedy” featuring a six-year-old boy who is supposedly “transgendered.” That is to say, he insists he’s a girl, he sometimes wears bondage gear, and talks about “my vagina.” Richly amusing, eh? Presenting a child in such a way, as a sexual object, can easily be classed as child abuse—maybe even kiddy porn. Beats me how they get away with it.

But there is rejoicing in Hell, because thousands of people, under the impression that they are merely consuming real cutting-edge “entertainment,” are giving their tacit approval to a form of pedophilia. Some of them aren’t even aware they’re doing that. “Waddya mean? It’s just a TV show!” We might also wonder what this child actor’s parents are thinking. “Wow! Our little boy’s a TV star!” And Down Below, the enemy is tickled pink.

Oh, but nobody who’s all grown-up believes in the Devil anymore! The more fool them.

This is the fundamental transformation of America that really counts. We can probably repeal Obamacare, we can probably secure our borders, probably cut taxes, and maybe even chase some of the thieves and globalist kooks out of our government.

But if we can’t secure our culture, revive our Christian faith and moral standards, wake up and see that the foundational statements in the Bible were put in there by God to do us good—well, if we can’t do that, then probably none of the other stuff will matter in the end.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog,, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Now we get it. Putin good, America bad

Now before you turn all red faced and apoplectic from the title, we’ll explain. Our last week’s article was entitled “Putin Needs to be Injected With a Large Dose of Estrogen“. In the 11 years we have been writing a weekly column, we have never received so many vitriolic, vile and openly hostile responses to one of our articles. The “hate America” crew and 911 Conspiracy Theorists came out of the woodwork to attack the entire premise of the article, which was Putin just isn’t a good guy and is in fact an existential threat to American sovereignty and security.

A couple of the “crew” were from Canada, but most of the arguments of the dissenters were focused on the idea that Putin had every right to invade and claim Crimea for Russia because George Soros, with American involvement, put $5 Billion into destabilizing Ukraine. And correspondingly, Putin had every right to invade Ukrainian territory because the people in the eastern part of Ukraine were of Russian descent.

Many of the critics to the article used language fit for a teenage boy’s locker room. Many of them were rude and impugned our character and intelligence. Some said they would never read our articles again. A woman critic named Nancy claimed she had an advanced degree “in something” (didn’t say) but her use of the English language was guttural, if not sewer like, at best, belying her claim of being well educated. One critic stated that the “neocons want war with Russia so that it can join the New World Order.” Most of this “hate America” crew are devotees’ of the discredited Conspiracy Theorist Paul Craig Roberts who believes the Tsarnaev brothers didn’t set off the pressure cooker bombs in Boston.

But the argument that it is OK to invade another country because the inhabitants of that country share common ancestry with the aggressor, doesn’t wash. If that were the case, then Mexico could invade southwestern America, or vice versa, because many of the inhabitants of Southwestern America share a heritage with native Mexicans. Without national boundaries there is no sovereignty. An invasion of another country, for whatever reason, is an act of war by any definition. 

Now we don’t claim to be a world expert on geopolitical issues. However, there is enough information to know that the major superpowers are playing a geopolitical push and pull chess game with smaller countries and not just in Eastern Europe. Europe and the U. S. were trying to pull Ukraine away from Russia and into NATO. Russia didn’t like that as Ukraine was part of the old Soviet Union.

None of the criticisms justify Vladimir Putin to march into sovereign territory and claim it by force of arms. In a predictable response to Putin’s military overtures in Eastern Europe, opposite military pressures are mounting against Putin. As we speak, NATO battle groups are being sent to the Baltic’s and Poland that include U. S. Special Forces. Do they want a war? NO! They want to deter a war.

But let’s get back to George Soros. George Soros’s involvement in the Ukraine was to benefit George Soros by manipulating the political process, the currency and taking over or buying outright, strategic companies like the Ukrainian State Gas Company, Naftogaz. George Soros is a currency manipulator extraordinaire and could care less where the chips fall, just so long as “the chips” benefit George Soros and his radical socialist ideologies, as implemented by his Open Society Foundations and his billions of dollars. He buys off everyone and anyone to that end, including American puppets. George Soros has engineered the downfall of whole countries. George Soros profited big time when England joined the EU and the Pound fell like a rock. George Soros is doing everything in his power to manipulate America into a socialist nation, including massive meddling in the political process. But this article and our last were not about George Soros. They were and are about Putin’s Russia and Obama’s America.

During the Russian-Separatist aggression in Ukraine, an attempt was made by the countries of Ukraine, France, Germany and Russia to stop the fighting in Eastern Ukraine under the Minsk Protocol Agreement signed in September of 2014. The Russian-backed separatists, fully armed with Russian heavy hardware, immediately started violating the Agreement. So again in February of 2015 the countries got together to hammer out the provisions of a Minsk 2 Protocol. Minsk 2 was repeatedly violated over the next year. Separatists’ violations only began to decrease after Russia entered the Syrian conflict.

Putin will continue to agitate the situation in Eastern Ukraine and the fighting will not stop until Ukraine prevails or Russia claims Eastern or all of Ukraine for Russia. Let’s not be fooled here. Russia, under Putin, is the continuing provocateur in all cases of the conflict, as he expands Russian boundaries to the edges of the old Soviet Union.

As we stated in last week’s article: “Putin openly lamented the breakup of the Soviet Union and from his actions it appears he has designs on restoring Soviet power as a dominant force in all of Asia and parts of Eastern Europe. Russia’s invasion into the Georgia provinces of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, are a peek behind the Putin curtain of his vision of Soviet dominance. The annexation of Ukrainian Crimea and invasions into Eastern Ukraine in 2014 added to Russian boundaries, in Putin’s desire to restore the power, influence and grandeur of the Soviet Union. Putin has his eyes set on the Baltic nations of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as well, which were once part of the USSR.”

On January 5th 2017, members of the Intelligence Community testified before Congress that they were 100% certain that Russia was behind the hacking of the DNC and John Podesta’s e-mails, with the motivation of affecting the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. Further, they stated that the Russian hacking was known by or instituted by the highest levels of the Russian Government, meaning Putin. Are they lying? We don’t know, but why would they ALL lie? Here is the link to the report. You decide.

Senator John McCain called Russia’s interference into America’s election process an act of espionage and was therefore an Act of War. We fully agree with Senator McCain even though that Act of War may have saved America’s freedom, sovereignty and prosperity from the clutches of a perpetual Progressive – Socialist ideology under Hillary Clinton.

But the push-pull chess game by superpowers is not a new phenomenon. It’s been going on for millennia. When England was the major superpower and it claimed territory around the world for England, it was playing a geopolitical chess game for territory, natural resources, finance and control of merchant shipping, in an overt act of open imperialism. The boundary lines of many nations that exist today were shaped and re-shaped by English rule, under the threat of the powerful British Navy. The boundaries of India, Pakistan, Israel, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq resulted from British partition. Wars are still being fought over these British-engineered boundaries.

For years, other countries, including the United Nations, have been playing a push and pull chess game with Israel and Palestine, with most countries, including the United Nations and now Obama’s America, vehemently opposed to Israel, a Democracy and supposed American ally.

Today, China is expanding its powers throughout its region of influence, including taking over portions of the South China Sea by building military bases on manufactured islands in international waters. It continues to threaten to re-claim an independent and sovereign Taiwan. Once again, China, a superpower, sensing weakness in American resolve, is pushing the limits of its boundaries and claiming land and sea it does not rightfully own under international law, while Obama does nothing. China engages in cyber attacks against American business interests and our government, with no counter actions by the Obama Administration. In other words, there is no price to pay for any other country engaging in acts of cyber war against America. That ladies and gentlemen is national weakness and an invitation to national suicide.

Meanwhile, Commander-in-Chief Obama has ordered every carrier task force back in port. There is no carrier task force at present, prowling international waters to respond to acts of aggression by other nations, leaving America in a perilous military readiness condition. Was this by accident, or by Obama’s premeditated design to weaken America around the world just prior to leaving office?

Russia and China, both superpowers, are pushing the limits of their sovereignty as far as they can go without starting World War 3, because America, under Obama, has failed to project its power to stop them or make them pay a price. As we stated in our previous article: “Either subdue the bully or the bully will own you, or enslave you, or kill you.” Had President Kennedy not militarily challenged the Soviet Union under Khrushchev, there would still be Soviet missiles in Cuba aimed at America. If Trump does not stop or hold-in-check these bully superpowers, the future of a free, sovereign and prosperous America is in grave doubt, along with world peace.

We’ll admit that America’s foreign policy leaves a lot to be desired, especially under Obama, but at least we aren’t invading sovereign territory with military force, with the exception of those flagless, radical Islamic barbarians that attack us, hiding in other countries.

Ukraine did not attack Russia. It was the other way around. However, the “hate America” critics to our last article seemed to put a halo over Putin’s head. Their distorted logic is, Putin’s OK, because America has done the same thing and is just as bad, or worse.

Nevertheless, the facts in our last article were indisputable. Putin did invade Crimea and claimed it for Russia by force, in violation of international law. Putin did invade Ukraine and now occupies territory in a sovereign nation, again in violation of international law. (One critic stated unequivocally that there was no such thing as international law.)

Putin did join with Bashar al Assad of Syria, another brutal bully and despot, to crush the Syrian opposition. Putin’s Russia is also an ally of the largest exporter of world terror on the planet, Iran and openly defies American interests. Putin, the alpha male, easily ran circles around Obama, the omega male. Putin is a bully, a thug, a narcissist, a killer, a murderer, an assassin, a brute and a despot. He is, without any doubt, an existential threat to world peace and to American sovereignty and security. America ignored Hitler and his defeat came at great cost. How long will America wait before it openly challenges the bully Putin?

It would appear that our recent article on Putin has brought out a number of people who reside on the extreme edges of the “Bell Shaped Curve”, some of whom resorted, unprofessionally, to expletives undeleted. This apparent “hate America” crew, appear to elevate all foreign leaders and their national interests above American interests, while demeaning American interests. Is America perfect, of course not?

The main point of our last article, in our opinion, is that Putin is no “clean cut Russian boy.” In fact he is very dangerous. It seems strange that some people are having such a hard time understanding that. Still, the criticisms to our last article continue to drift in. Hopefully, THIS article will inhibit any further criticisms, but we aren’t holding our breath.

Regardless of the vitriolic criticism of and attempts to emasculate our last article on Putin, we stand by it ….. without apology. This will be our last word on the subject and we will move on to other subjects in subsequent columns. In the words of one French philosopher: “let … que mes critiques manger le gateau.”

[Even though we write about national and international issues, our organization’s major focus is being advocates for America’s rural landowners. If you are a rural landowner, you owe it to yourself to check out the NARLO website HERE. The information and services we provide to rural landowners is without equal.]

[EDITORS NOTE: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

© 2017 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved

The nature of constitutional law

The advent of constant constitutional infringements against the people and their states over the past years has caused an increasing number of Americans to return to the Founding documents for guidance. Some 240 years after our founding as a free independent nation, it is once again in style to be a “constitutionalist” in the model of our Founding Fathers. 

However, being a constitutionalist circa 2017 isn’t as easy as one might think. Although the Constitution and Bill of Rights were written and ratified in simple English, as opposed to legalese, many struggle to glean the truth when working to reestablish and enforce the Rule of Constitutional Law – So few words, so many interpretations of what those simple English words mean. 

Because interpretations are most often driven by political agenda, by policy makers, law professionals, the news media and political activists from the full spectrum, an endless debate over the meaning of words has often placed the grasp of the Founders intent out of reach for average Americans who rely on “experts” to interpret for them, that which they can easily interpret for themselves.

Natural Law vs. Common Law

In the effort to know, understand and uphold the U.S. Constitution, the first step is the most important step. You cannot head east by setting your first foot down headed west. 

The Declaration of Independence established the basic foundations for everything. 

The opening preamble to the Declaration reads as follows;

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

The preamble establishes both the purpose of the declaration, “to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station;” our independence, and under what legal foundation, “to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them;” 

From this moment in history forward, everything the Founders created in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights that followed, was erected upon this founding principle and set of laws, “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.” The modern term for this set of laws is Natural Law, a set of inalienable universal laws which apply to all of mankind, endowed by our Creator, existing as part of the natural condition and beyond the authority of legislators, magistrates or governments.

Today’s law professionals will tell you that you have “constitutional rights” and that our “Common Law” courts exist to protect these rights. If this were true, our Constitutional Republic would not be on the brink of extinction today.

What Americans have is “natural rights” that are “endowed by our Creator” – which are protected by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Common Law is “the part of English law that is derived from custom and judicial precedentrather than statutes, often contrasted with statutory law.” Because Common Law is derived from custom and judicial precedent, it is the mortal enemy of Natural Law, which means, the mortal enemy of Natural Rights as well.

The Basis of Natural Law

By definition – Natural Law is a body of unchanging moral principles regarded as a basis for all human conduct; an observable law relating to natural phenomena. This is the basis for all “inalienable natural rights,” beginning with but not limited to Life, Liberty and the individual pursuit of Happiness. The Bill of Rights is not a set of additional specific rights, it is additional protections for certain specific inalienable natural rights.

Thus, any statue or even constitutional amendment which is at odds with any fundamental natural right, is “unconstitutional” and unenforceable on its face. But according to modern Common Law lawyers, these unconstitutional acts enjoy “federal supremacy.”

The source of information of Natural Law for our Founders was Vattel’s Law of Nations, which is not an international “treaty” or law, but rather a world renowned “treatise” on the broad subject of Natural Law. We know this because our Founders recorded such reference in their writings. Common Law professionals seek power using legal customs and precedence to undermine constitutionally protected natural rights. 

In recent years, these British Law practices have been used by U.S. Courts to undermine the Constitution and subvert the Natural Rights of the people and their states, making Common Law a mortal enemy of Natural Law and the U.S. Constitutional Republic.

The Natural Born Citizen example

Natural Born Citizen is a requirement for both President and Vice President of the United States, with good reason. For the past eight years, there has been an ongoing debate over what those three simple English words mean, even though all three words appear in every English dictionary and Vattel’s Law of Nationsspends an entire Chapter (XIX) explaining the Natural Law concept of Natural Born Citizen.

Attempts to amend Article II requirements for the Oval Office by way of Common Law arguments and precedence are responsible for all the confusion over those three simple words. To put a fine point on the matter, every Common-Law citizen is a “naturalized citizen,” the opposite of Natural Born. Only a citizen via Natural Law is a Natural Born Citizen.

The Common Law Threat

Founder Thomas Jefferson said it best in a letter to William Jarvis, Sept. 28, 1820 – “You seem . . . to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy. Our judges are as honest as other men, and not more so . . . and their power [is] the more dangerous, as they are in office for life and not responsible, as the other functionaries are, to the elective control. The Constitution has erected no such single tribunal, knowing that to whatever hands confided, with corruptions of time and party, its members would become despots.”

Jefferson concluded in a letter to Thomas Ritchie, Dec. 25, 1820 – “The judiciary of the United States is the subtle corps of sappers and miners constantly working under ground to undermine the foundations of our confederated fabric. They are construing our constitution from a co-ordination of a general and special government to a general and supreme one alone. This will lay all things at their feet, and they are too well versed in English law to forget the maxim, ‘boni judicis est ampliare jurisdictionem’ [good judges have ample jurisdiction]. . . . A judiciary independent of a king or executive alone, is a good thing; but independence of the will of the nation is a solecism, at least in a republican government.”

It has only gotten worse since Jefferson made these statements! Not only has the judicial branch failed to uphold and preserve the Constitution, it has become its greatest threat, acting in concert with the Executive branch in subversive fashion.

Draining this Swamp

The 2016 election that hoisted anti-politician Donald J. Trump to President-elect was a nationwide voter revolt against the ongoing destruction of our sovereign Constitutional Republic.

In May of 2016, Tim Harrington and I released what became the most critical FIVE STAR rated book available in 2016 – TRUMPED: The New American Revolution. This 14 chapter fast read defines the swamp in great detail and how to drain it… Many who thought it was a campaign book for Donald Trump fast learned that the book is far more than that. 

It’s an expose’ on who created the swamp, when, why and how they created it, and what the American people must do to drain it. The election of Donald Trump buys the American people a little time and opportunity to do that… But without understanding the swamp, they will never succeed in draining it.

We are a Constitutional Republic only so long as the American people know what that is… where its foundations come from… their role in protecting and preserving it and how to drain the swamp.

Without this critical knowledge, they will not drain the swamp, nor will they continue to be a free sovereign Constitutional Republic of, by and for the people of the United States.

The Nature of Constitutional Law is to prevent men from ruling over mankind via British Common Law tactics of custom and precedence. The nature of Common Law is to undermine Constitutional Law and eliminate all Natural Rights.

JB Williams is a writer on matters of history and American politics with more than 3000 pieces published over a twenty-year span. He is co-author of the just released book – TRUMPED – The New American Revolution – with co-author Timothy Harrington, published by He has a decidedly conservative reverence for the Charters of Freedom, the men and women who have paid the price of freedom and liberty for all, and action oriented real-time solutions for modern challenges. He is a Christian, a husband, a father, a researcher, author and writer as well as a small business owner. He is co-founder of action organizations The United States Patriots Union, a civilian parent organization for The Veteran Defenders of America. He is also co-founder of The North American Law Center, a citizen run investigative legal research and activism organization focused upon constitutionally protected Natural Rights under Natural Law. Williams also co-hosts TNALC Radio every Sunday evening at 5:00 PM ET with TNALC Lead Counsel Stephen Pidgeon and he receives mail at:

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A monetary litmus test for Mr. Trump Pt. 2

Second, if the Board of Governors and the Federal Reserve regional banks are to be “abolish[ed]”, so too must Federal Reserve Notes disappear. For “Federal reserve notes, to be issued at the discretion of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the purpose of making advances to Federal reserve banks * * * and for no other purpose, are authorized”; and only “[t]he Board of Governors * * * shall have the right * * * to grant in whole or in part, or to reject entirely the application of any Federal Reserve bank for Federal Reserve notes”. 12 U.S.C. §§ 411 and 414. (Conversely, if Federal Reserve Notes are to be retained, the Board and the Federal Reserve regional banks must continue in operation as the mutually complementary sources of those Notes.) Federal Reserve Notes, however, make up the great bulk of the circulating currency of the United States. The questions then arise: If Federal Reserve Notes were “abolish[ed]” as the necessary consequence of “abolish[ing]” those components of the Federal Reserve System which could be “abolish[ed]” (that is, the Board of Governors and the Federal Reserve regional banks), then what currency would most Americans use in their day-to-day commercial and other private transactions? And in what currency would taxes and other public dues, and various governmental expenditures, be paid at every level of the federal system?

D. Some individuals argue that, in order to reinstate sound money in this country’s economy, it would not be necessary to “abolish the Fed”, as long as Congress repealed the statute which provides that “United States coins and currencies (including Federal reserve notes and circulating notes of Federal reserve banks and national banks) are legal tender for all debts, public charges, taxes, and dues”. 31 U.S.C. § 5103. Were this provision stricken from the United States Code, these people contend, anyone could use any currency for the payment of debts; and everyone (in the exercise of rationality) would sooner or later take advantage of that freedom to choose currencies more stable than Federal Reserve Notes. The ensuing competition among currencies would work a reversal of Gresham’s Law, in the long run driving Federal Reserve Notes out of general circulation. This notion, unfortunately, is ill informed.

In law and fact, today no one is required to employ only Federal Reserve Notes as “legal tender” in any private contract. Anyone can contract for payment in any legitimate currency, including gold and silver, to the absolute exclusion of Federal Reserve Notes. Confusion arises on this score because many Americans seem to be possessed by the notion that Congress has outlawed so-called “gold-clause contracts”. Indeed, Congress did so in 1933. But that prohibition has been set aside with respect to private obligations issued after 27 October 1977. See 31 U.S.C. § 5118(a) and (d). And the States cannot disable themselves from entering into enforceable “gold-clause contracts”. See U.S. Const. art. I, § 10, cl. 1. (But the government of the United States has statutorily crippled itself in that regard. See 31 U.S.C. 5118(b) and (c).)

The problem with competition among currencies for private parties and the States is that, in order to take advantage of economically sound and constitutional currencies as alternatives to Federal Reserve Notes, Americans must have at hand mechanisms which will enable them to employ those currencies efficiently in their day-to-day transactions within the free market and with the States’ governments. Such mechanisms do not now exist to any worthwhile extent. The “member banks” in the Federal Reserve System, for example, do not provide their customers with the option of opening “gold accounts” or “silver accounts” through which ownership of aliquots of precious metals can be transferred from one account-holder to another by checks, electronic transfers, and so on, in the same manner as Federal Reserve Note balances. Until the “member banks” do provide that option, or States in significant numbers establish gold and silver depository-banks of their own (as Texas is doing), no real competition between gold and silver, on the one hand, and Federal Reserve Notes, on the other hand, can take place.

E. In the absence of gold and silver currencies circulating side-by-side with Federal Reserve Notes in open and fair competition, Americans are compelled by circumstances to depend upon those Notes (and bank-deposits payable therein) as their only practical currency. So, if the Federal Reserve System should collapse, and Federal Reserve Notes should become next to worthless through hyperinflation, America’s economy would tumble into the black pit of chaos. The Globalist International is, of course, preparing for that eventuality—and may even be plotting to bring it about during the first years of the Trump Administration. However such chaos may arise, when it does the Globalist International, through the International Monetary Fund or some other monetary machinery of “the new world order”, will impose upon this country a new fiat currency—controlled, of course, by the Globalist International. This will shackle Americans more tightly to “the new world order” than ever they have or could have been chained through the Federal Reserve System.

In order to avoid this dire fate, the Trump Administration must set competition among currencies in motion well before the present economic crisis degenerates into a full-blown monetary and banking catastrophe which prevents such competition from even starting. With the benefit of contemporary computer technology, it would be easy enough, through a gradual process mediated by the free market, to establish economically sound and constitutional alternative currencies of gold and silver as viable competitors against Federal Reserve Notes. In the short term, the introduction of such alternative currencies would to a large degree obviate, or at least mitigate, the immediate danger that a collapse of the banking system could (almost surely would) leave Americans with no functioning currency at all, until the Globalist International proffered one at the cost of this country’s sovereignty. In the long run, the introduction of such alternative currencies would bring the full force of the free market to bear against the Federal Reserve System, leading to its gradual self-abolition, as the “member banks” found themselves compelled by economic pressures beyond the Globalist International’s ability to resist to replace Federal Reserve Notes with the alternative currencies as their customers’ preferred media of exchange. And requiring the “member banks” to establish gold and silver accounts for their private customers and perhaps the States as well would not run afoul of the statutory prohibition in 31 U.S.C. § 5118(b) that “[t]he United States Government may not pay out any gold coin”, for the self-evident reason that neither the private “member banks”, nor the States, nor even the private Federal Reserve regional banks are “[t]he United States Government”.

F. My NewsWithViews commentary “Presidential Questions” describes how a patriotic President could use 12 U.S.C. § 95(a) to compel the banks in the Federal Reserve System to make sound and constitutional alternative currencies available to their customers. (The same statute could also be employed, for example, to require the banks to abide by the principles of the Glass-Steagall Act; to punish financial gambling by compelling the banks to write off many of the fantastic “derivatives” on their books as the unenforceable wagers they really are; to impose accountability on the extremely dangerous profession of central banking by passing through from the banks as institutions to their officials as individuals the responsibility to make up the losses their customers may suffer from the banks’ negligence or intentional wrongdoing; and even to prohibit the banks from advancing the agenda of “gun controllers” through discrimination against businesses that deal in the firearms necessary to secure “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms” which the Second Amendment declares “shall not be infringed”.)

That, in the present economic and political circumstances confronting this country, 12 U.S.C. § 95(a) should be bent to those and other worthwhile purposes needs no elaborate explanation. It suffices to remind the readers of this commentary that, at the height of the monetary and banking crisis of the 1930s, Congress extended to President Franklin D. Roosevelt the authority now to be found in that statute, which mandates that,

[i]n order to provide for the safer and more effective operation of the National Banking System and the Federal Reserve System, to preserve for the people the full benefits of the currency provided for by the Congress through the National Banking System and the Federal Reserve System, and to relieve interstate commerce of the burdens and obstructions resulting from the receipt on an unsound or unsafe basis of deposits subject to withdrawal by check, during such emergency period as the President of the United States by proclamation may prescribe, no member bank of the Federal Reserve System shall transact any banking business except to such extent and subject to such regulations, limitations and restrictions as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, with the approval of the President. Any individual, partnership, corporation, or association, or any director, officer or employee thereof, violating any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or, if a natural person, may, in addition to such fine, be imprisoned for a term not exceeding ten years. Each day that any such violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense.

What deserves emphasis is that, if President Trump hopes to defend his Administration successfully against dirty dealings, defiance, domination, and even destruction by the Globalist International, he must rein in the Federal Reserve System by employing in a determined, definitive, and decisive manner the very tools Congress provided to President Roosevelt. For no better tools are available. And he must act right now, not later on. The Globalist International will afford him no other option. He must, as it were, bite the bullet today, or else bite the dust tomorrow. All that is needed is for President Trump “by proclamation [to] prescribe” an “emergency period”, and to extend his “approval” to the necessary and sufficient “regulations, limitations and restrictions as may be prescribed by [his] Secretary of the Treasury”. Neither Congress nor the Judiciary need be called upon to take any action.

First, President Trump must seize the initiative—acting, rather than reacting. He cannot wait for the present economic crisis to burst forth in a cataclysm for which the “mainstream media” will unfairly but unrelentingly hold him personally accountable. Rather, he must unstintingly and unsparingly assign the blame for the hard times ahead to the individuals and institutions actually responsible for these troubles. The American people are entitled to know the malefactors’ names, to see their faces, and to review the rap-sheets that record their wrongdoing.

Second, President Trump must announce, in no uncertain terms, that his Administration will no longer tolerate privileged sanctuaries from which bankers and their cronies on Wall Street can launch future campaigns of financial aggression and looting against the American people, and then within which they can shelter from their impoverished victims’ legal and political retaliation, retribution, and justifiable demands for restitution. Under the Trump Administration, no banks, bankers, or Wall Street financial casinos and speculators can be deemed “too big to fail” or (especially) “too big to jail”. Or “too big to be subjected to constant and close surveillance” in order to deter failures born of negligence and to punish criminal offenses—for if average Americans who pose no conceivable threat to this country’s economy can be exposed to the NSA’s interminable probing into every last one of their innocuous e-mails, surely the operations of the bankers and speculators who have already gutted this nation’s economy through their incompetence and crooked deals, and absent strict supervision can be expected to continue to blunder and cheat, deserve no less microscopic examination.

Third, through the contemporary equivalent of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “fireside chats”, President Trump must go over the heads of the “mainstream media” to explain in detail to the American people what he is doing, why he is doing it, and especially the source of his authority for those actions.

Fourth, one may expect the bankers to whine that President Trump’s employment of legislation as draconian as 12 U.S.C. § 95(a) will disregard—indeed, will put paid to—the vaunted “independence” of the Federal Reserve System. That “independence”, however, is purely mythical. Under the Constitution, Congress could have licensed the Federal Reserve System to devise and put into effect “monetary policy” only if Congress enjoyed the power to set the terms of “monetary policy” itself. And Congress could not have delegated this power, in whole or in part, to the Federal Reserve System in such a manner that it could never rescind that delegation, in whole or in part, whenever and to whatever degree it saw fit. So the Federal Reserve System could never claim “independence” from Congress—or from the President, exercising the authority Congress extended to him in 12 U.S.C. § 95(a). Moreover, even if under color of some aberrant legal theory Congress could have purported to delegate its authority over “monetary policy” completely and irrevocably to the private banks in the cartel—a notion at war with the principles enunciated in the Supreme Court’s decision in A.L.A. Schechter Poultry Corporation v. United States, 295 U.S. 495, 529-537 (1935) (“[s]uch a delegation of legislative power [to private cartels] is unknown to our law and * * * utterly inconsistent with the constitutional prerogatives and duties of Congress”)—in fact it has never done so. Quite the contrary: Section 30 of the original Federal Reserve Act wisely provided that “[t]he right [of Congress] to amend, alter, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved”. An Act To provide for the establishment of Federal reserve banks, to furnish an elastic currency, to afford means of rediscounting commercial paper, to establish a more effective supervision of banking in the United States, and for other purposes, Act of 23 December 1913, CHAP. 6, 38 Stat. 251, 275. And the terms of 12 U.S.C. § 95(a) make it pellucid that the latter statute is an amazingly foresightful exercise of the authority Congress so reserved.

Fifth and last, President Trump must premonish the bankers that, if they refuse to coöperate to their utmost in implementing “such regulations, limitations and restrictions as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, with the approval of the President”, then one and all they will be held personally accountable under the statutory directive that “[e]ach day that any such violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense”. The bankers might rightly consider this the very zenith of bad news; but neither they nor their megaphones in the “mainstream media” would be able to dismiss it as “fake news”.

If President Trump passes this litmus test, then in the fashion of the Big Bad Wolf the Globalist International can huff and puff and threaten to blow America’s economic house down to its heart’s content. But, with 12 U.S.C. § 95(a) as a Sword of Damocles hanging over the bankers’ heads, Mr. Trump and “the Deplorables” whose welfare he has promised to champion can weather that storm of bluff and bluster, and lay the indispensable monetary groundwork to “make America great again”

Click here for part —–> 1, 2,

© 2017 Edwin Vieira, Jr. – All Rights Reserved

Left’s mission accomplished: blacks torturing whites

Upon hearing that 4 blacks kidnapped and tortured a disabled white man, I wanted to say to the Left (Democrats, mainstream media, Hollywood and Black Lives Matter), “Mission accomplished.” The 4 pieces of pond-scum forced their white hostage to say f*** Trump and f*** white people.

Folks, make no mistake about it. While some on the Left claim to be upset, this is exactly the hate and violence they hope to generate throughout Trump’s entire presidency. A farmer does not plant corn and then is surprised when stalks of corn begin to grow. The Left has been planting seeds of racial hate and division ever since white America elected Obama. Why? Because the Left needed to be able to scream “racism” whenever anyone opposed Obama (their Trojan Horse) implementing their far-left-radical socialist/progressive agenda.

Leftist billionaire George Soros gave Black Lives Matter $33 million to wreck havoc in our streets; sowing seeds of racial paranoia, fear and hate. The Leftist Ford Foundation pledged $100 million to Black Lives Matter to sow lies about cops and whites. And what did BLM do? BLM declared it “open season” on killing cops and white people.

Leftist Hollywood idiot director, Quentin Tarantino planted hate in blacks at an anti-cop rally calling cops murderers of blacks.

Obama irrigated fields of discord planted by the New Black Panther Party when his DOJ allowed the hate group to illegally offer a $10k bounty for George Zimmerman.

Despite evidence confirming that Michael Brown was shot while attacking a police officer, Leftist media relentlessly nurtured the lie that the black youth was shot while surrendering with his hands up, yelling, “Don’t shoot.”

The Democrat Party doubled down using their “white-cop-murdered-Brown-lie” as fertilizer to feed their seeds of hate planted in the minds of black Americans. The Democrats despicably invited Brown’s mom to speak at their national convention.

As a decent human being, you are probably asking, “Lloyd, why would Democrats sow lies to grow racial hate in black Americans?” Answer: The more the Left can get blacks hating and fearing cops and whites, the more blacks will vote for Democrats. The more Democrats in government, the more the Left can force its wacko agenda on Americans.

When voters blew the Left’s mind by selecting Trump over Hillary, the Left tripled down on their sowing seeds of hate and fear, fertilizing their seeds with fowl smelling evil lies. Upon Trump winning the WH, the Left immediately hired Trump protesters to riot, paying them $1500 per week.

How could the Left relentlessly sow seeds of fear and hate 24/7 and not expect a harvest of attacks on innocent whites and assassinations of police? Do not be fooled folks. The Left is ecstatic that they are reaping exactly what they planted; black rage and violence against cops, whites, Trump, his voters and America.

Will this horrific incident of blacks torturing a disabled white man cause the Left to abandon lying, sowing seeds of hate, fear and violence? Quite the opposite. The Left is fast and furiously seeking new ways to broadcast their seeds of destruction to greater audiences. This is the satanic evil we are dealing with folks.

All one needs to know about the Left is implementing their socialist/progressive, anti-God, anti-America and anti-traditional-values agenda trumps everything. National security, national race relations and American lives are deemed acceptable collateral damage.

Meanwhile, these evil people receive high marks for compassion. The reality is Leftists have no regard for individuals, viewing them as mere pawns for furthering their agenda. Leftists stomp the life out of anyone preventing them from shoving their evil agenda down the throats of the masses.

Now is the time to call-out the Left and defeat them.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Are the CFR conspirators trying to overthrow Trump

In a previous article I explained how the CFR globalist conspirators created the Central Intelligence Agency only to protect and advance their own interests, and how the Agency has never worked for the American people.[1]It seems that currently they are using their CIA to overthrow President-Elect Donald Trump.

Granted, this is not the first time the CFR conspirators have used the CIA to overthrow world leaders who don’t comply with their wishes. Just a few years after they created the CIA in 1948, they used it to overthrow the Prime Minister of Iran and the President of Guatemala.

Initially, the CIA was structurally divided into four different directorates: Intelligence, Support, Administration, and Plans, each one headed by a Deputy Director. Eventually the Directorate of Administration disappeared, and the Directorate of Science and technology was created. As is everything related to the CIA, however, the name “Directorate of Plans” was intentionally highly misleading. It actually had to do with the armed branch of the CIA, the one devoted to covert military operations of sabotage, subversion, terrorism, and psychological warfare.

After the end of World War II, Allen Dulles served as a government consultant in matters of intelligence. In 1948, after the CIA’s “failure” to forecast Colombia’s Bogotazo riots of April 9, 1948, Dulles was appointed to chair a three-man commission responsible for assessing the U.S. Pintelligence system and the CIA’s failure to predict the Bogotazo.[2]

The Dulles Report of 1949 (also known as the “Dulles-Jackson-Correa Report”) was a hatchet job on CIA Director Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter. It held Hillenkoetter responsible for what it considered a major and ongoing failure in intelligence coordination.[3] It is interesting to see that the common explanation for CIA’s alleged “failures” —not connecting the dots for lack of inter-agency communication— was an excuse invented less than a year after the Agency was created and the CFR conspirators have consistently continued using it ad nauseam. One of the latest examples was the 9/11 Commission Report.

Hillenkoetter was a professional military man, the first CIA Director and the third Director of Central Intelligence of three short-tenured directors of a transitional organization called the Central Intelligence Group —the first two had been Admiral Sidney Souers and General Hoyt Vandenberg. When in the spring of 1947 the Central Intelligence Group was renamed Central Intelligence Agency, Admiral Hillenkoetter, who was not under the control of the CFR conspirators, became CIA’s first Director.

As a result of Dulles’ biased report and his conspiratorial activities behind the curtains, supported by undersecretary of State Robert Lovett (CFR-controlled, Skull & Bones) and Robert Blum (CFR), an aide to Defense Secretary James Forrestal (CFR),[4] in October 1950 Hillenkoetter was substituted by General Walter Bedell Smith, a CFR member.[5] A year later, in 1951, Dulles was made CIA’s Deputy Director for Plans, the CIA’s clandestine arm in charge of covert operations.

Two years later, in 1953, CFR agent President Dwight D. Eisenhower appointed Allen Dulles Director of Central Intelligence and CIA Director. Finally, the CFR conspirators were in full command of the aberrant monster they had created: the CIA. The very same year he was appointed CIA Director, Dulles and his Wall Street masters used the CIA to overthrow the Iranian nationalist leader, Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh.

In 1928 the Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, the Royal Dutch-Shell, and the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company had formed a powerful oil cartel. But Mossadegh nationalized Iran’s oil production, breaking the oil cartel. This action sealed Mossadegh’s fate. Some American oil companies, in which Dulles was directly involved, feared their interests had been threatened by Mossadegh’s nationalist views. In 1953 Dulles used the newly created CIA’s covert action branch to overthrow Mossadegh by a CIA planned and executed coup d’ètat. The CIA had used its covert action capacity not to protect the interests of the American people, but the interests of the CFR conspirators.

The Iranian operation was so successful, that they repeated it a year later. In 1954 the CIA planned and executed Operation Ajax, the coup d’ètat that overthrew Guatemala’s democratically-elected head of state President Jacobo Arbenz. The reason for this was not because Arbenz threatened the American people but because, a few months after being elected, he nationalized some unused land owned by the United Fruit Company.

Allen Dulles and his brother John Foster Dulles were partners in the Wall Street law firm of Sullivan & Cromwell. Among their important clients was the Rockefeller-owned United Fruit. With John Foster Dulles heading the State Department and Allen Dulles heading the CIA, they were the czars of Eisenhower’s foreign policy, and they made sure that the interests of Sullivan & Cromwell clients weren’t ignored.

The Guatemalan coup, which cost American taxpayers $20 million (a considerable amount of money at the time), was perhaps a setback for American interests in Latin America, because it reinforced the image of an imperial U.S. forcibly affecting the destinies of her Latin American neighbors. It was, however, a total success for CIA director Allen Dulles and his powerful CFR masters.

The Mossadegh and Arbenz operations were so successful that the CFR conspirators have repeated the same procedure again and again with good results. Some years later they repeated it again in Chile.

In 1973, after a long process of destabilization carried out by both the CIA and Fidel Castro, democratically-elected Chilean President Salvador Allende was overthrown by a coup d’ètat. The Agency had run a powerful propaganda campaign against Allende, directed at convincing the conservative middle classes that Allende was a Stalinist would-be despot and a tool of Moscow and Castro. On his part, Castro carried out a propaganda campaign directed at convincing the Left that Allende was not radical enough.

It was not a coincidence that John McCone (CFR), a former CIA Director, headed ITT, one of the U.S. corporations actively involved in the coup. Also, war criminal Henry Kissinger (CFR) played an active role in the coup against Allende.

But the CIA’s nefarious activities have not been limited to actions abroad. Despite the fact that the CIA is not supposed to act in US territory, CFR agents infiltrated inside the Agency have used it to overthrow at least two American presidents: John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon, and were very close to overthrowing President Reagan to bring their secret agent George H.W. Bush into the White House.

What is new, however, is that the CFR conspirators are currently using the CIA in a desperate effort to overthrow not a sitting US president but a President Elect. Now, in order to fully understand why the CFR conspirators are planning such an unprecedented thing we need to really understand what really happened in the past presidential election.

If you believe what the mainstream media and the disinformers of both sides of the Repucratic coin are trying to make us believe, the past election was a victory for Republican candidate Donald Trump over Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. Moreover, it was a victory for conservative Americans in their fight against liberal, progressives.

 Nothing could be farther from the truth.

The result of the past election was not a victory for Donald Trump. Actually, it was a calamitous defeat for the forces behind the New Gay World Order, particularly the CFR conspirators and their minions.

To top it off, Trump’s election by the American people has coincided with the Brexit, the growing collapse of the European Union, Russia’s strong opposition to their New Gay World Order, the CFR’s failure to overthrow Assad in Syria to give control of the whole Middle East to extremist Muslims, the refusal of Philippine’s President Duterte to play their game, and the Colombian people’s rejection of a Peace Accord with the murderous, corrupt FARC guerrilla.[6]

No wonder the CFR conspirators are so nervous and concerned about their future. It seems, though, that they still refuse to accept the reality of their defeat and are desperately planning to avoid at all costs that Donald Trump becomes the next president of the United States — even if to avoid it they have to push America into a nuclear Armageddon. The CIA, Obama, and their lapdog John McCain, a traitor and one of the most despicable characters of American politics, are working hard to push America into it.

Currently, the same people who told us that Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction in Iraq are now desperately trying to delegitimize Trump by claiming that the Russian government influenced the results of the election. Moreover, impostor Barry Soetoro has declared that he plans to stay in Washington D.C. with Michael in order to create a “shadow government” to fight President Trump.[7] Now, given the fact that Soetoro is a mentally-retarded moron, one has to conclude that his “shadow government” will be fully under the control of the Invisible Government controlled by the Wall Street bankers, oil magnates and CEOs of transnational corporations ensconced at the Council on Foreign Relations in Manhattan.

Nevertheless, we should not be surprised by the globalist conspirators’ knee-jerk reaction. They have plenty of reasons to be scared to death.

It is evident that one of Trump’s goals is to disassemble the New Gay World Order machinery the globalist conspirators have so carefully been assembling during the past hundred years. An investigation of Obama’s true place of birth may bring him to a long vacation in a federal prison and will automatically invalidate all his executive orders and maybe even his nominations to the Supreme Court. An investigation into Hillary’s shady deals through her Foundation may send her to join Obama. An investigation of McCain’s activities at the Hanoi Hilton may uncover his dirtiest secret. An investigation of the roles of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and other CFR members in the 9/11 events may bring stiff penalties to them and their accomplices. Even worse, an investigation of the treacherous role of the Council on Foreign Relations may result in its destruction.[8]

Obviously, the CFR conspirators cannot risk these possibilities. For them, preventing a Trump presidency is a matter of life or death.

During a 1992 interview with Sarah McLendon, at the time a senior journalist of the White House press corps, George G.W. Bush told her: “Sarah, if the American people ever find out what we have done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us.”[9] Well, currently a large majority of the American people has found out, and apparently the CFR conspirators have not yet realized that the only person who stands between them and the lynch mobs is Donald Trump. He is their only chance they have to solve this problem in a legal, civilized way.

So, the traitorous CFR conspirators should tread carefully, and not underestimate Trump and his allies. The fact that he has already selected for this cabinet several prestigious retired military officers indicates that he is prepared for any contingency, including an attempt at coup d’etat.

The best the CFR conspirators should do is accept their defeat, keep their agents and puppets under a tight leash, and avoid an incident that may bring them dire consequences.

Servando is the uthor of Psychological Warfare and the New World Order and I Dare Call It Treason, and the DVDs Treason in America and Partners in Treason, all of them available at NewsWithViews.


1. Servando Gonzalez, “Ban the CIA. Now!”, December 23, 2006.
2. For an in depth analysis of the Bogotazo and Fidel Castro’s role in it see Servando Gonzalez, Psychological Warfare and the New World Order.
3. In his study of the first years of the CIA, The Central Intelligence Agency: An Instrument of Government to 1950 (University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1990), Arthur B. Darling, the Agency’s first official historian and a scholar of honor and integrity, heavily criticized the Dulles-Jackson-Correa report. When Allen Dulles became CIA Director in 1953 he restricted access to Darling’s study, which was not made public until 1990.
4. Forrestal eventually became one of the CFR’s strongest critics, but at the time of the Hillenkoetter affair he was still under the control of the conspirators. Like many CFR critics, Forrestal committed suicide under strange circumstances.
5. In honor to truth, at that time even some CFR members were not fully under the control of the CFR conspirators. I think General Bedell Smith was one of them.
6. According to some analysts, the main reason why the “No” won the plebiscite was because of the several mentions of special treatment for LGBT people. See Nicholas Casey, “Colombian Opposition to Peace Deal Feeds Off Gay Rights Backlash.” The New York Times, October 8, 2016. Given the fact that the initial document allegedly was created in Cuba, I have the feeling that it was actually written at the CFR.
7. See Roberet Jonatan, “President Obama Creating an Anti-Trump Shadow Government, Author Ed Klein Claims,”, December 19, 2016.
8. In 1956 FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover (not a CFR member) received hundreds of letters from concerned citizens and members of Congress, accusing the Council on Foreign Relations of treason and promoting communism through its agents infiltrated in the U.S. government. Hoover ordered an investigation but, soon after, President Eisenhower (CFR) dictated an order prohibiting the FBI from investigating federal government employees. For the whole story see “Warning! How the FBI’s Criminal-Espionage Investigation of the CFR Was Foiled. [Link]
9. Robert Morrow. “Jeb Bush, Oliver North and the Murder of CIA Drug Smuggler Barry Seal in 1986.” Daily Kos. May 13, 2013.



A monetary litmus test for Mr. Trump Pt. 1

PART 1 of 2

Recently, various analysts and commentators in the alternative media have darkly speculated that, rather than presenting a real opportunity to “make America great again”, Donald Trump’s ascendency to the Oval Office actually provides the Globalist International with the perfect opportunity to take a giant stride in the direction of a “new world order” in which America will be reduced to a mere satrapy in a grandiose scheme of totalitarian “global governance”. Their negative appreciations of the situation and prognostications generally follow these lines:

(i) The world is now confronted by an ever-intensifying economic crisis which is insoluble within and through the present international arrangements of fiat currencies, fractional-reserve central banking and allied financial dealings, politically orchestrated “free trade”, and so on.

(ii) When this crisis finally explodes in a worldwide catastrophe—whether in the form of an economic contraction in comparison to which the Great Depression of the 1930s will appear as a period of prosperity, of the hyperinflation of major currencies such as the Federal Reserve Note which will dwarf the Weimar inflation of 1923, or of one followed by the other—entirely new arrangements will have to be made.

(iii) The onset of such a catastrophe could be the result of chance. Or it could be brought about by the Globalist International, which now controls all of the world’s major financial institutions through the engineered collapse of which the cataclysm could be triggered at almost any time.

(iv) In either event, although in fairness Mr. Trump cannot possibly be blamed for any of the circumstances which are leading up to and will cause the catastrophe—for which, self-evidently, the Globalist International should be condemned as fully responsible, its political puppets having been in power throughout most of the Western world since the end of World War II—the Trump Administration will be held at fault. Not only that, but the surge of national populism which elected Mr. Trump will be discredited. And the mass of Americans who supported him will be left disconsolate, depressed, and politically disarmed in the face of the Globalists’ taunt that “we told you so”—leading to the ascendancy of the Globalist International’s candidates in the next Congressional and Presidential elections; and then to the enactment of legislation, ratification of treaties, and signing of “executive orders” and other decrees necessary and sufficient to secure the final victory of globalism over Americanism.

(v) Some analysts and commentators even go so far as to impugn Mr. Trump as actually nothing less than a “Manchurian Candidate” deviously put up by the Globalist International in order to preside over the catastrophe as its own front-man. Others argue that, although the Globalist International was truly surprised by Mr. Trump’s election, it immediately realized that it could turn his Presidency to its own advantage by accelerating the arrival of the inevitable catastrophe during the next few years, and will set about to do so soon after Mr. Trump is inaugurated. The latter scenario, of course, depends upon the accuracy of the Globalist International’s apparent assessment that, being only an amateur in the fields of Ponzi economics and criminal politics, Mr. Trump will prove unable to foresee, let alone to thwart, the Globalist International’s machinations.

To be sure, if Mr. Trump is a “Manchurian Candidate” after all, that is the end of the matter. America is likely doomed, unless “the Deplorables” realize—and take decisive action based on their realization—that (in the words of the Declaration of Independence) “a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object [has finally] evince[d] a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism”; and therefore “it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security”. At that juncture “in the Course of human events”, though, all bets will be off. For no one can predict whether “the good People” of America will prove able to secure for themselves, “among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them”, but which the Globalist International is intent upon wrenching from them.

Without far more evidence than anyone has adduced to date, I am unwilling to entertain the “Manchurian Candidate” thesis, or to conclude that a “Declaration of Independence situation” now confronts this country with the desperate choice to do or to die. Yet I am no less disinclined simply to abide events, merely hoping for the best. The political-scientific method is to apply a litmus test to determine what Mr. Trump’s political pH actually is with respect to the economic crisis. Such a test is mandatory, because this is THE problem which his Administration must solve, or go under, taking the United States with it.

In every major country throughout the world, the main source of the Globalist International’s power has been, and remains, its stranglehold over money and banking—embodied, in the United States, in the Federal Reserve System. The present economic crisis has arisen, not only because (as sound economic theory teaches and repeated experience has confirmed) the Federal Reserve System—indeed, all central banks—are unworkable in principle, but also because in practice the Globalist International has systematically employed that System—indeed, all central banks under its thumb—to loot most of the people of every country in which such banks have operated, for the benefit of minuscule minorities of those country’s populations, and will continue to do so until some irresistible force puts an end to its depredations. Moreover, perforce of the Federal Reserve System’s monopolistic position and claimed “independence” from political supervision let alone control, the Globalist International has been, and remains, able to threaten every American President and Congress with the specter of financial and then general economic chaos and attendant social upheavals should the government fail to satisfy the bankers’ incessant and insatiable demands for all sorts of abusive special privileges—from the prohibition of “gold-clause contracts” and the seizure of private citizens’ gold during the Roosevelt Administration, to the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act’s safeguards during the Clinton Administration, to the first big ($700 billion) “bail out” of financial institutions supposedly “too big to fail” during the Bush Administration, to the “too big to jail” policy which effectively immunized those institutions during Mr. Obama’s residence in the White House, to whatever the bankers’ menaces can pry out of the Trump Administration in the future. Therefore, in order to deal with the economic crisis—and to disarm the Globalist International of its most potent weapon—the Trump Administration must bring the Federal Reserve System to heel, immediately if not sooner. Whether Mr. Trump can muster the foresight, the insight, the prudence, and the courage to do so will be his critical litmus test. The question, then, is “What should he do?”

A. Some people imagine that President Trump can improve the performance of the Federal Reserve System by appointing new members to the System’s Board of Governors. Inasmuch as the theory of central banking under which the Federal Reserve System operates is hopelessly flawed, this suggestion is no less ridiculous then the expectation that a new set of chemists could improve the performance of a laboratory even though they were still required to conduct their experiments according to the erroneous precepts of the Phlogiston Theory.

B. Numerous voices have called for an “audit” of the Federal Reserve System. What the speakers have in mind would not be an “audit” in the commonplace sense of that term, looking to ferret out run-of-the-mill institutional waste, fraud, and abuse—such as whether the Board of Governors and the Federal Open Market Committee have spent inordinate amounts on plush oriental carpets for their offices, or on lush lunches catered by posh French restaurants in the District of Columbia. Rather, the purpose would be to examine why those bodies have settled on certain “monetary policies” rather than others, and what the consequences of those policies have been—apparently with the “auditors’” goal being to establish that the Federal Reserve System has been incompetent, ineffective, counterproductive, or in some other way deficient as an instrument of “monetary governance”. That such an “audit” would serve that end is, however, a naïve hope.

First, the necessity for such an “audit” is not apparent. “The Chairman of the Board [of Governors already] shall appear before the Congress at semi-annual hearings”, at which “[t]he Board shall * * * submit a written report * * * , containing a discussion of the conduct of monetary policy and economic developments and prospects for the future, taking into account past and prospective developments in employment, unemployment, production, investment, real income, productivity, exchange rates, international trade and payments, and prices”. 12 U.S.C. § 225b(a) and (b). In addition, the Board is already required to “place on its home internet website * * * a repository of information made available to the public for * * * not less than 6 months following the date of release of the relevant information”, including various reports, annual financial statements, and “such other information as the Board reasonably believes is necessary or helpful to the public in understanding the accounting, financial reporting, and internal controls of the Board and the Federal reserve banks”. 12 U.S.C. § 225b(c). Do these requirements not amount, in their own ways, to a rather extensive on-going “audit”?

Second, even an arguably more comprehensive “audit” of the Federal Reserve System would prove next to nothing, in light of the broad statutory language with which Congress has seen fit to license the Board and the Open Market Committee to “maintain long run growth of the monetary and credit aggregates commensurate with the economy’s long run potential to increase production, so as to maintain effectively the goals of maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates”. 12 U.S.C. § 225a. One need not be overly cynical to conclude that a mandate of this verbal elasticity could and would be stretched so as to rationalize any and every “monetary policy” which the Board and the Committee might have imagined to be advisable under the ever-changing economic situations to which they have been required to respond. What “smoking gun” of gross impropriety, then, could an “audit” of how the Board and the Committee have implemented this statute be expected to disclose? For each and every decision of “monetary policy” there might be (likely would be) a dozen or more ostensibly plausible reasons “pro” and an equal number “con”, as well as equal numbers of entirely different conclusions which the Board and the Committee could have justified with seemingly valid arguments. Thus, such an “audit” would simply provoke endless disputations over the efficacy or inefficacy of this or that policy—all of the debate larded to the gagging-point with the sort of Keynesian claptrap, complex econometric obfuscations, and bureaucratic gobbledygook extolling the Board’s and the Committee’s “expertise” which would leave the general public thoroughly befuddled. Certainly less expensive, and probably no less useful, than such an “audit” would be to conduct an on-going seance aimed at “channeling” the opinions of former officials of the Federal Reserve System who have passed on to the afterlife—for their spirits at least could inform the public as to how they have been rewarded, or (more likely) punished, for their implementations of the central bank’s “monetary policies” during their earthly incarnations. Perhaps the rumored success Hillary Clinton has claimed in “channeling” Eleanor Roosevelt would qualify her as the medium best suited to deliver these messages.

C. Not a few individuals want to dispense with an “audit” and instead simply “abolish the Fed”. To be sure, “abolish[ing] the Fed” in some manner will ultimately be necessary at some point on the road towards eventually imposing sound economic as well as thoroughly constitutional principles on “monetary policy” in both the District of Columbia and the several States. But the slogan “Abolish the Fed!”, with its implications of totality and immediacy, cannot be taken seriously.

First, contrary to popular usage, there is no monolithic “Fed” to “abolish”. The Federal Reserve System is a complex cartel, the three main components of which are: (i) the Board of Governors; (ii) twelve private Federal Reserve regional banks; and (iii) numerous private “member banks” (including National and State banks) scattered throughout America. Whatever the final fate of the Board and the regional banks, the “member banks” cannot be “abolish[ed]” outright without depriving this country of necessary banking services. Foe part two click below.

Click here for part —–> 12,

© 2017 Edwin Vieira, Jr. – All Rights Reserved

Rita Cosby, former W.H. Press Secretary discusses liberal media and Trump

[Acknowledgement] Special thanks to Emmy Award-winning news correspondent, best selling author and talk show host – as well as friend of NWV news writer Jim Kouri and the National Association of Chiefs of Police – Rita Cosby for her invaluable help in getting the material for this news story.

On this Sunday morning’s “Rita Cosby Show” on WABC Radio in New York City, former George W. Bush White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer trained his dislike toward the liberal media, by noting that he’s never seen such hostility towards an incoming US President before and saying… “Donald Trump will go into office on Day One with a Trump Derangement Syndrome… When George Bush won after the recount, there was hostility, but it wasn’t this pronounced as now. It became even more pronounced as the Bush administration went along, to the point where it became that derangement syndrome.”

Fleischer continued, “You know Donald Trump is a fiery fellow. I mean he’s earned a piece of this. But I’ve never seen the left go so nuts, so early, so hard, and lament this, I regret this.” In regards to the divisiveness he’s seeing in the country, “I am a bit surprised by it. You know, you hope that at some point people are just gracious.”

Fleischer also predicts that incoming White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer will face very harsh treatment at the hands of the media. “It’s going to be very difficult, and it’s going to test his patience, and he’s going to need a healthy amount of patience because on the one hand he must represent the President, that’s his job. And on the other hand, he’s going to have to suffer daily being turned into a human piñata by the press corps, because that’s what they do. And that’s why it’s a burn-out job.”

Fleischer continued, “It’s going to be harder for Sean than it has been for almost all his predecessors, and that’s because of the media’s hostility to Donald Trump. The media has made no secret of its hostility to Donald Trump, and Donald Trump’s returned the favor. And so Sean is the man caught in the middle.”

In regards to how to make relations better, Mr. Fleischer suggested each side needed to make a move. “Donald Trump has his role to play in this as well. I think it is very important that Donald Trump engages in a civil fashion that can help bridge some of these wounds in our country, as he pledged to do in his 60 Minutes interview, and we need to hold his feet to the fire to make sure he does that. But it needs to be reciprocated as well by his political opponents.”

The FULL AUDIO from the 8 minute Interview is in the following (**) LINKS: ** [LONG LINK] ** [SHORT LINK]


On the Negativity on the part of Democrats towards Trump:

00:34 AF – “You know Donald Trump is a fiery fellow. I’m mean he’s earned a piece of this. But I’ve never seen the left go so nuts so early so hard, and lament this, I regret this.”

On the Negative Reaction towards Trump’s Inauguration:

00:55 AF – “I am a bit surprised by it. You know, you hope that at some point people are just gracious.”

On the Divisiveness in the Country:

02:00 AF – “Donald Trump has his role to play in this as well. I think it is very important that Donald Trump engages in a civil fashion that can help bridge some of these wounds in our country, as he pledged to do in his 60 Minutes interview, and we need to hold his feet to the fire to make sure he does that. But it needs to be reciprocated as well by his political opponents.”

07:35 AF – “When George Bush won after the recount, there was hostility but it wasn’t as pronounced as now. It became even more pronounced as the Bush administration went along to the point where it became that derangement syndrome. Donald Trump will go into office on Day One with a Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

On Incoming White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer:

12:03 AF – “It’s going to be harder for Sean than it has been for almost all his predecessors, and that’s because of the media’s hostility to Donald Trump. The media has made no secret of its hostility to Donald Trump, and Donald Trump’s returned the favor. And so Sean is the man caught in the middle.”

12:42 AF – “It’s going to be very difficult, and it’s going to test his patience, and he’s going to need a healthy amount of patience because on the one hand he must represent the President, that’s his job. And on the other hand, he’s going to have to suffer daily being turned into a human piñata by the press corps, because that’s what they do. And that’s why it’s a burn-out job.”

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Trophy hunter killed in fall while stalking innocent animals

Radio Host, producer, TV personality and national columnist Jerry Newcombe alerted us to this news item that took place Saturday. The story he sent absolutely made my day. It was a classic case of poetic justice, which we are seeing more and more of these days. CHEERS!

Italian trophy hunter, Luciano Ponzetto, posed happily on-line with his trophy kills, beautiful animals who posed no threat and were simply going about their lives before being cruelly cut down by a REAL beast.

Photo Caption: Luciano Ponzetto with Lion he mercilessly killed.

This heartless murderer, who killed innocent animals in order to cut off their heads and display them in his home would proudly announce that he was a big game hunter, as if that were a status symbol. This made him feel like a man and a conqueror. This coward was neither.

There was nothing big or grand about this misfit mental case. No animal stood a chance with him since he was armed with high powered weapons that would tear them apart on impact. So this was a totally one-sided “conquest.”

Ponzetto had just returned from another cruel hunting trip in Canada and was hunting with friends in Colle delle Oche near the northwest city of Turin on Saturday.

During this latest killing spree, according to The New York Post, when he made each kill, this deranged creep would pose with the dead animal, with a sickening victory smile on his face…see photo.

For his hunt in Italy, Ponzetto slipped on ice and fell 100 feet down a canyon splattering onto the rocks below. He died instantly from the fall. Pity. The magnificent animals he cut down in cold blood did NOT die instantly, but suffered intensely for a period of time that seemed to be an eternity for the animals, something these sickos seemingly take pleasure in.

His body was recovered by helicopter and taken to a local hospital even though nothing could be done since he was already dead.

It is to be noted that these mentally unstable people actually enjoy causing living creatures to suffer. They seem to enjoy that feeling of ‘power,’ the same as the Nazis who tortured their captives. In countries like Venezuela, young soldiers are taught that when they torture someone, causing them to suffer, they become a man.

What is shocking, is that this sick maniac, Luciano Ponzetto was…now sit down…a veterinarian (!), and states that he “loves animals.” Yea, he loves them dead with their heads hanging on the walls of his den. And people brought their pets to him? Surely they did not know who and what he actually was.One cannot love animals who takes pleasure in bringing unspeakable suffering to them.

It is too bad that this jerk did not linger while suffering after he fell down that canyon. The animals he murdered for his own ego certainly did.

At the Brooklyn Zoo in New York, there is an exhibit of scary animals. Then visitors are ushered into a dark special enclosure, where they are to see the most dangerous animal on earth. It is a spooky encounter. Everyone was ushered into the dark room uneasily. After a time, the light came on and all were standing in front of a mirror, to see the most violent dangerous animal on earth. Yes, the human…us.

The death of this Italian trophy hunter is not a case where the world was deprived of a life, but rather freed from the despicable life of a man with no heart that the world is better off without. Karma has struck once again.

Final Note: Animals are God’s creatures. They have the same feelings and emotions we have; They experience pain, anxiety, fear, love, happiness and grief, exactly as we do. The next time you are injured and in excruciating pain, remember that animals feel the same full impact that we feel. Luciano Ponzetto should be buried in asbestos undergarments. Where he is going he will need them.


© 2017 Rev. Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

Rebuilding of the republic – God is at work in America

The year of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 2016 has come to a close. As we look back over that year we might label it the year of Family Destruction.
The doubling down against the God ordained family government was palpable in 2016. Added to the wrecking of our economy which caused many families to fall from middle into lower class, Obama increased the national debt burden to a crushing load causing multiple generations to become debt slaves. Health care has become increasingly unaffordable thanks to his evil designs. Dr. Laurence Kotlikoff, Professor of Economics at Boston University tried to wake up our leaders in testimony before the U.S. Senate. He stated emphatically that “Americas fiscal insolvency and it’s generational consequences means our country is broke. It’s not broke in 75 years or 50 years or 25 years or 10 years. It’s broke today. Indeed, it may well be in worse shape (currently almost $19 trillion in debt) than any developed country, including Greece.”[1]

The Marxist agenda to destroy the family has been clear since the origin of that Satanic cult. We now know what Obama meant when he promised to fundamentally transform America – he meant the destruction of the family. What we came to realize in 2016 is that the redefinition of marriage was only the beginning of that destruction. We can see this most clearly in his abuse of his power against schools forcing transgendered bathrooms upon them. For his goal to be realized it would mean that the reality of what God made, male and female, “is redefined by law under the guise of transgenderism and gender identity theory.” This would accomplish the Marxist goal of the destruction of the family.

It would undo the foundation of our society and crush liberty under its heel because the family is the basic institution of liberty. “There would be no legal definition of men and women in the traditional sense and the idea that fathers and mothers have separate but equal roles to play concerning the raising of children would thus be irrelevant and have no real meaning.”[2] By redefining family you are claiming that its God ordained power and purpose in society are irrelevant and you are stripping real families of all legal status.

This agenda is adding to the other factors of destruction already powerfully at work in our land. For example,

Actress Jennifer Lawrence, in an ABC interview with Diane Sawyer, 11/25, 2013 stated. “I don’t know if I ever will get married. And I’m okay with that. I don’t feel like I need anything to complete me. I don’t really plan on getting married:… I definitely want to be a mother.”

So Ms. Lawrence envisions single motherhood without every getting married. She “is among the foremost actresses of her generation and her opinions and choices in many spheres are likely to be trend setting. But with regards to marriage and family formation, she is simply reflecting social trends already underway in America. Divorce rates in America remain relatively high and family formation through marriage is declining.”[3] In fact the divorce rates don’t tell the whole picture as many men and women are never bothering to marry in the first place so their breakup is never statistically seen. “About a quarter (24%) of never-married young adults ages 25 to 34 are living with a partner, according to Pew Research analysis of Current Population Survey data.” Where to from here?

Those who know God’s Word, know that Satan is a destroyer. He never cre-ates anything, he only destroys that which God creates. So it is clear that Obama is of his father, his father the Devil.

We face a unique opportunity as disciples of Jesus Christ in this day. The de-struction leaves a gaping void. A civilization will implode if the family is successfully destroyed. Just as with the Fall of the Roman Empire, when all the destruction was complete, the only thing which remained was the disciples of Jesus Christ who with intact families gathered in congregations throughout the Empire to worship and serve the Lord Jesus Christ.

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What emerged from the ashes of that Empire as the only stable institutions were family government and church government. We have that same oppor-tunity today as the crumbling of the American Empire is also underway. In Exodus 40 as we complete not only our series On the Mountain with God, we find here in teaching which relates to the building project our Lord has placed before us in 2017, to rebuild what is desperately needed in our land.
The power and resources for rebuilding in our day all relate to what took place at the close of the book of Exodus. This is exactly what we need in our time in this point in the history of God’s work in America.

Learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2017 Rev. David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

What the politicians you elected have done to America Pt. 1

For the last decade I have been stressing how we, the American people have failed to pay attention to the quality of people that we are sending to Washington. Our Founders believed that the system of government they established required men of high character that would abide by the Constitution that they established and the people ratified. As far back as 100 years ago we elected Woodrow Wilson who was no lover of our Constitution. He was what was called a ‘progressive’ which changed to liberal because it proved to be a negative label and then back to progressive by Hillary when liberal became negative. He felt the Constitution was cumbersome and was one of the first to believe that it was a ‘living, breathing’ document that changes with the times: “The trouble with the theory [of limited and divided government] is that government is not a machine, but a living thing. This is where the living and breathing constitution comes from. It is modified by its environment, necessitated by its tasks, shaped to its functions by the sheer pressure of life.”[1] He also commented: “Living political constitutions must be Darwinian in structure and in practice. Society is a living organism and must obey the laws of life, not of mechanics; it must develop. All that progressives ask or desire is permission-in an era when ‘development,’ ‘evolution,’ is the scientific word-to interpret the Constitution according to the Darwinian principle; all they ask is recognition of the fact that a nation is a living thing and not a machine.”[2]

But a true constitutionalist does not agree as basic laws never change. The late Antonin Scalia stated: “That’s the argument of flexibility and it goes something like this: The Constitution is over 200 years old and societies change. It has to change with society, like a living organism, or it will become brittle and break. But you would have to be an idiot to believe that. The Constitution is not a living organism, it is a legal document. It says something and doesn’t say other things.” He also stated: “It is difficult to maintain the illusion that we are interpreting a Constitution, rather than inventing one, when we amend its provisions so breezily.”

When we have people that ignore the Founding Principles of America we begin to go down a path that is not scripted by the Founders. They established a system of government that gave us the right to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Wilson began us on a path that gravitates towards government control of relieving social problems.[3] Our Founders believed in limited government and the people be allowed to fair for themselves.

For the last hundred years we have str ayed far from the path the Founders put us on. Wilson got us going in the wrong direction and Franklin Deleno Roosevelt engrained in the American people the socialist agenda. He believed that the government was what was needed to spark the economy and began programs that ‘put people to work’. But these programs were complete failures as the nation stayed in a depression for almost his entire four terms. Though the nation was in the depression when he was elected he did nothing necessary to get out of it. Warren Harding experienced the same market crash in the early twenties and he did what government should do under those circumstances, he cut peoples taxes 50% and cut government spending 50%. Within eighteen months the economy was booming and people were working. Under FDR’s programs from 1933 to 1941 not a lot of progress was made. He raised taxes and punished companies that didn’t invest in their companies because they didn’t know where the economy was going.

Our Founders designed a system that worked on very limited government involvement in business. The free market system will always fix itself unless government interferes as it did in the 1940’s, in the 1970’s with Jimmy Carter and under the Obama administration. They all did the same thing, spend, spend, spend and tax. tax, tax. All it did was make the problem worse. Obama has issued an average of 60 new regulations a day to businesses adding expenses, $44 billion just on his latest issue of regulations, and time to running a business.[4], [5] The Founders wanted as little government interference as possible. We have, over the last hundred years, began to use public money, taxes, to pay for things that our Constitution does not have provisions for, The Department of Education, Medicaid, Medicare just to name a few. Thomas Jefferson stated in 1808: “The same prudence which in private life would forbid our paying our own money for unexplained projects, forbids it in the dispensation of the public moneys.”

We have politicians that believe that the government should pay for abortions. Even Jefferson knew that this isn’t something that government should do: “To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.”

With all of this happening you have to ask why can’t we see what is happening? Keep in mind that this has been going on for at least a hundred years. It has accelerated under Obama exponentially but as I’ve been saying, we don’t pay attention to who we put into office. Case in point in the 2012 the approval rating for Congress was 9% yet we returned over 90% of them to D.C.! We have to keep in mind that when the economy crashes it was caused by these people. They are supposed to represent the people that have elected them but what the majority of them do is represent the Party they are in. We have been trying to get these politicians to close the border since Reagan was president but it has never been done. They have voted to build a fence/wall but have never voted to fund it. These are people of very low character. They are in both parties but the Democrat Party is rife with them.

There are reasons for this and all we have to do is understand that most of the people in Congress are globalist. This means that they pass laws that benefit the global community at the cost of the American people. That is why our trade deals benefit everyone but America. There is a United Nations resolution, Agenda 21 which has been revised to Agenda 2030.

There are many things that this resolution calls for that Americans will not accept outright. So they have been instigating them a little at a time. It’s like putting a frog in a pan and slowly raising the temperature until you’ve boiled the frog to death. The object is to slowly initiate the agenda a little at a time and then one day we wake up and we have a One World Order and America id history.

The fact that too many people pay no attention to what is going on makes this process really easy. I will go over their goals and then look at what has happened in America so we can see how they, a shadow government, have been implementing this agenda without the majority of us knowing about it at all. This is why there was so much resistance to Donald Trump. He is for the American people AND upholding the Constitution. He’s a populist. ALL the other candidates in the Republican Party that he ran against are globalists!

© 2017 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

Saudi Arabia Warns Trump on blocking oil imports

Who is checking the fact checkers?

Ever since private emails from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party exposed massive crime and corruption inside those organizations during the 2016 election, so-called “fake news” has become a hot topic with propaganda networks and social media outlets promising to police and censor what they deem to be “fake news” in the future.

To accomplish this, they intend to use “fact checkers” to identify “fake news” and remove it from public view, in a system Goebbels would be very proud to call his own.

But who is checking the so-called “fact checkers?”


Snopes is the brainchild of husband and wife team Barbara and David P. Mikkelson, launched in 1995 at the pinnacle of the “MoveOn” from the Bill Clinton impeachment era. As reported by Daily Headlines – “Snopes main fact checker is Kim Lacapria, who was formerly with Inquisitr, a site known for publishing fake quotes and hoaxes. Lacapria was a huge disaster as a writer with many of her stories getting just 10 to 20 shares. She is a vitriolic far left wing blogger. While at Inquisitr she described herself as an openly left leaning liberal.”

David P. Mikkelson was accused of embezzlement in a divorce proceeding and arrested on charges of fraud and corruption. Mikkelson’s wife is reportedly a “non-voting Canadian.”

Yet, Snopes has been quoted as a reliable “fact checker” even recently, including by a few ill-advised or downright corrupt Federal Judges. For anyone to rely on such an overtly unreliable operation is either gross ignorance or an intentional misinformation op.

FACTCHECK is a creation of Annenberg Project, which of course, begs the question — who and what is Annenberg Project?

For starters, Annenberg Project is Barack Hussein Obama’s first community organizing employer in Chicago, as exposed by Thomas Lifson at American Thinker in 2008. Obama was a star student under the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, working in concert with lifelong cohorts William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn of Weather Underground fame.

On a broader view, Annenberg is a well-funded national community organizing operation highly active on college campuses. is a subsidiary of Annenberg, designed to help control the public dialogue on behalf of Annenberg community organizing interests by simply labeling any information not favorable to their community organizing efforts as “fake” or “false.” Again, Goebbels would be proud.

A glimpse into the quality of fact checking by Annenberg is seen in their fact checking opinion of Snopes, which is almost comical. Essentially, these orgs are part of a closed-circuit left-leaning community organizing info-op that grant each other credentials based on utter nonsense. That’s the same system they use to check facts.

EXAMPLE: Snopes continues to promote the claim that “Russia hacked the 2016 elections” despite open disclaimers by the same Intel Agencies on that matter. Lead Snopes “fact checker” Brooke Binkowski is a San Diego backpack reporter who has spent most of her ink time on the subject of border security and illegal migration, writing for the Voice of San Diego.

Of course, the cyber-intercept of damning unsecured emails on the Clinton and DNC servers – leaked to the public by Wikileaks ahead of the election, now inappropriately referred to as “hacking the election,” isn’t actually “hacking” in traditional terms. But if you read Snopes and FactCheck data on the matter, you will see the hair-splitting mind-numbing journalistic gymnastics they go through to perpetuate the “fake story” against Russia, as the real story, crime and corruption in the DNC, remains off-topic and irrelevant according to these “fact checkers.”

Someone lies, then someone confirms the lie as “fact-checked” and true, and then someone confirms the credentials of their fellow fact checker. The cycle is complete and the lie stands as fact.

This circus has escalated in the “Russian hacking case” to Chairman of the Senate Arms Services Committee, John McCain, placing the United States on a war footing by accusing Russia of committing an “act of war” for allegedly exposing political corruption to American voters in a fashion that once made Woodward and Bernstein famous. Fortunately, not all Senators are as nuts as McCain and Graham.

So, who is checking the fact checkers? Who can be trusted as the gatekeeper of truth and justice in America? Snopes? FactCheck? Annenberg? The DNC? The RNC? ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, CNBC, PBS, NPR… anyone?

The only person you can rely on to check your facts is YOU! Of course, even YOU are not reliable if your facts are driven by an agenda, or if you are unwilling to do your homework. In a self-governed nation created of, by and for the people, only the people themselves are qualified to decide what is or isn’t true. To rely on anyone else is to become a willing victim of mass disinformation.

© 2017 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

Is anarchy on the horizon?

As I begin to draft this article, it has been one year since the January 2 standoff in Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon caused by decades of persecution by the federal government that led Western farmers and ranchers to a breakpoint. On January 4, 2016 Oregon rancher Dwight Hammond and his son Steven began their second prison sentence entering the Federal Correctional Institution on Terminal Island, a low security prison in L.A. Harbor. They were prosecuted as “terrorists” under the federal Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 for controlled burns on their property in 2001 and 2006 that got out of control and spread to around 150 acres of federal Bureau of Land Management land (on which the Hammonds own/have grazing rights). The fire caused no real damage and no threat to lives, homes or property of other citizens. The example below is an example of many of these “controlled burns” by federal agencies started in defiance of common sense and agency protocols, under conditions, that even the complete greenhorn would understand to be inherently dangerous and ripe for catastrophic results. But Hammonds ended up in prison…


In February 2016 the Forest Service started a fire in North and South Dakota that got out of control and millions of dollars in damage which the government refused to pay and no one was held accountable. But then in March I discover the reason the federal government was kicking ranchers off their land was on behalf of Russia. The New York Times carried the story. It seems the Clinton Foundation was pocketing massive payoffs from Russia for Mining Rights in Wyoming and Oregon and the Hammond Ranch was part of the deal.

In fact, the BLM acknowledged that the 2001 fire for which the Hammonds were prosecuted had actually “improved range conditions” on the public lands. Ammon Bundy, one of the sons of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy came to Oregon to support ultra-conservative protests against federal land-use restrictions against Dwight Hammond resulting eventually in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Environmental groups have long urged the federal government to seize Cliven Bundy’s cattle, which the controversial Nevada rancher has let graze freely for years in defiance of federal land-use restrictions. His 2014 standoff with the government over his refusal to pay grazing fees energized rightwing land-use protesters across the region.

Harney County sheriff David Ward refused to exercise the standoff’s constitutional right tell the Feds to get lost. Thus far, no one had been killed at Malheur but a trip to an adjoining county to seek that sheriff’s support was stopped by authorities and completely out of control use of force by Federal thugs who do not respect the rule of Law nor follow their of office shot Lavoy Finicum. Earlier Oregon’s dumbed down Governor Kate Brown said the Militia at Malheur was “intolerable” but said that federal officials told her to limit her comments to avoid escalating the situation but said she’s been paying close attention and has been in contact with officials in Burns. Where was her courage? Why didn’t she take this opportunity to bring up the Tenth amendment and State’s rights? A local T.V. station recently sent a reporter to Burns to see how they were doing. The public education simply doesn’t teach Civics or the constitution any more so I got the idea there were some divisions (just like with the election of Trump) from lack of a proper education on such important matters. One person did say they have tried to moved on.

Eight people ended up getting arrested at the Malheur Refuge. Ammon Bundy and his co-defendants have pleaded not guilty to conspiring to impede federal employees from carrying out their work at the refuge through intimidation, threats or force. Five defendants also were charged with possession of a firearm in a federal facility. Two face an additional charge of theft of government property. They prayed and went to trial on September 12, 2016. Defense lawyers signaled a push for change of venue, wider jury pool in federal conspiracy case. The jury consisted of of 12 people and eight alternates. Four jurors were from the metropolitan Portland region. Three are from the Eugene/Springfield areas and others live in St. Helens, Klamath Falls, Baker City and Hood River. On Oct. 27, 2016 all Malheur defendants involved have been found “Not guilty” after many months of trial. The bailiff tackled Bundy’s lawyer taking him to the ground and one Voice from KOIN radio was heard saying he was stunned how they could “trash” the Malheur refuse and get off… Yes, the jury found them Not Guilty.


Some of the sophisticated snobs on the East Coast see our land as a “vacation play ground” but do not have a clue what has taken place on this side of the country where United Nations Regional administrators never accept defeat so they come back time and time again as they’ve done with the Hammonds who have refused to sell their land to the BLM. Year after year forests in Western U.S. burn due to lack of proper forest management by the BLM and no accountability but the Hammonds went to prison as “terrorists.” I trust other disenfranchised Americans will make sure President -elect Trump will hear about these upcoming February trials and we’ll see what he twitters about this injustice. The standoff in Oregon is attracting other supporters and I see many deaths ahead if Trump doesn’t put a stop to it.

Yes, the jury found some “not guilty” in Portland, Oregon but prosecutors plan to pursue a second Oregon standoff trial for seven others accused of participating in an armed occupation at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge and then we learn Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy is accused of leading a group of more than 200 armed followers to stop federal agents who were rounding up about 400 of Bundy’s cattle on federal lands. Bundy is accused of allowing his cattle to graze on public lands for more than 20 years while refusing to pay grazing fees and ignoring court orders to remove them. Bundy and others could face life in prison if they are convicted of felony charges, including conspiracy, obstruction, extortion and assault on law enforcement officers. According to the Las Vegas Review Journal and AP, their next trial date is for February 8, 2017 and includes 18 others charged in the 2014 standoff near Bunkerville, Nevada.


The root causes of these abuses by our Federal Government is probably due to some overpaid, unqualified, college-educated hypocrit with some degree in land management declaring that the pounding of cattle hoofs caused dust bowls during dry months and mud during the rainy ones. One can’t fine cattle and sheep, nor jail them, so the ranchers must take the blame. The Environmental fanatics (Greenies) then force BLM to crack down on grazing. This caused the Sagebrush Rebellion then, and will also cause another one now over the same land.


After watching the post-election George Soros-financed riots, I began to wonder what more rotten things are being cooked up for the coming inauguration. Soros, along with some similarly satanically-controlled people, had their professionally prepared signs reading, “Drop Trump” appearing miraculously soon after Donald Trump whipped Clinton. Think about it. It was obvious to me, at least, that an order for those signs all saying the same thing had been placed many weeks in advance.

And then after The Donald beat Hillary, the poor losers claimed Hillary won the popular vote. But, again, if common sense is applied, Hillary had problems getting people to fill the seats in the small arena in which she spoke while Trump was packing his huge arenas leaving people outside who couldn’t get inside.

Project Veritas exposed the “election rigging” actions of Clinton and the Democrat National Committee (DNC) In one hidden video released by Project Veritas, Democrat operative Bob Creamer admits that Hillary Clinton directed illegal coordinated campaign expenditures by paying to have activists in Donald Duck costumes holding signs demanding to see Donald Trumps’ tax returns. Creamer can be seen saying, “In the end, it was the candidate Hillary Clinton, the future president of the United States, who wanted ducks on the ground. So, by god, we would get ducks on the ground?” He later admitted the Democrats have been rigging elections for years.[1]

As he apparently realized how damning that admission was, he followed it by saying, “don’t repeat that to anybody.” Project Veritas repeated it to anyone with both Internet access and the willingness to hear it. In an earlier Project Veritas hidden video, another DNC operative admits the Left paid for and organized violence to create a path to the White House for Clinton which they called “conflict engagement.” One operative would brag of “conflict engagement in the lines at Trump rallies” and proudly sways, “We have mentally ill people that we pay to do s**t, make no mistake. We’re starting anarchy here.”


Paul Schrader, who was involved in writing or directing many movies took to Facebook on November 11 to fan the flames of the violent protests. He wrote: I have spent the last five days meditating on Trump’s election. Upon consideration, I believe this is a call to violence. I felt the call to violence in the 60s; and I feel it now again. Now if they are aiming to cause violence, will that take place before Donald Trump is sworn in on January 20th which would mean the fraud currently in the White House could call for Martial law and remain in office. Of course, Schrader is used to playing the role of director. Rather than take part in any violence himself – which might get him hurt or killed and would almost certainly lead to his arrest – he is content to do what he does best: direct from a safe distance.

Schrader is not alone in calling for violence. Monisha Rajesh, who has written for both THE GUARDIAN and THE TELEGRAPH, woke up to the election news and appears to have at least temporarily lost her mind. She took to twitter and in a string of angry tweets, she wrote, “Just woken up, checked Twitter, felt the swirling sickness of Brexit, but this far worse. The whole world is f**ked.” She followed up with a tweet to photographer and travel writer Mark C O’Flaherty, saying “It’s about time for a presidential assassination.” O’Flaherty replied, “Haaaaa- that’s all we’ve talked about for the last hour.” Both accounts have since been deleted.[1] (P.19)


Soros also funded much of the Black Lives Matter movement as a tool of social revolution. The Craigslist ad began to run as early as October and Soros was recruiting young folks 30 and younger- preferably minorities- offering $15/hour, $1500/month plus benefits and then he made arrangements for busses to pick these rioters/protests up and deliver them to certain rallies.[1] Of course these are the “politically correct” millennials indoctrinated in the communist public school system for decades.

While it was happening in all the big cities across the country controlled by Democrats, I am only familiar with the state of Oregon and especially Portland. I had an old high school friend call me from Eastern Washington to ask me what all the crazies in Portland, Oregon were doing with protests that went on for days and much damage to businesses. While right-wingers participated in the electoral process seeking to bring about change, the anti-Trump riots as seen in Portland protested. The local NBC affiliate reported that “at least seventy-nine demonstrators either didn’t turn in a ballot or weren’t registered to vote in the state’s Vote By Mail.” That means that most of the 112 rioters arrested did not even bother to vote in the very election they were protesting.

The report says: Following Tuesday’s presidential election of Donald Trump, thousands of people took to the streets in downtown Portland for five straight nights. The activity included at least one night that the police declared to be a riot, with more than $1 million in property damage. The bulk of the arrests happened on Friday and Saturday evenings as protesters faced off against police.

KGW compiled a list of the 112 people arrested by the Portland Police bureau during recent protests. Those names and ages provided by police, were then compared to state voter logs by Multnomah County Election officials. (1)
Records showed 39 of the protesters arrested were registered in the state but didn’t return a ballot for the November 8 election. Thirty-five of the demonstrators taken into custody weren’t registered to vote in Oregon and were, no doubt, bussed into the city.


If the communists wanted to expand its Luciferian agenda, long ago they chose Oregon due to its low- church attendance compared with the rest of the country. In September 1998 we were “blessed” with a visit from V.P. Al Gore at the dedication of Portland’s Light rail which was rated #1 in public transportation in 2011. A few years later found a Russian-flagged ship full of global-warming “scientists’ and journalists” on a mission to study melting ice in Antarctica stuck in record levels of ice and had to be rescued at taxpayer expense by fossil fuel-guzzling vessels. In order to program Portlanders to choose bikes over cars, in 2012 Portland was getting $2 million from the Feds for bike improvement paths and to buy bikes for its “Portland Bike Sharing” program which is now in full swing and has become known as the city of Bicycles and Thefts. But, “peddle power” has its limits even in bike friendly Portland, Oregon. Police are now giving out tickets to those who ride their bikes on the sidewalks and skate boarders are told they can skate outside of the downtown area but they are not wanted downtown.


Way back in 1976 I was reading doom and gloom stories about how our automobiles were becoming terrible polluters and ultimately we’d have piles of junk to desecrate the landscape and that they were no longer a wondrous method of freeing man from his immobility. Do you remember when Obama was paying people “Cash for Clunkers” And now I hear Uber’s “rent a car” idea is expanding to allow our cars to work for us while we are at work or they are in our driveway or a parking lot.


In 2014 Portland was determined to be one of the best vacation spots and the New Age environmental pollyanas were attracted to Oregon. They participate in Naked Biker events – one of several around the world and the largest with thousands participating in conjunction with the Gay Pride Parade on Father’s Day. On Valentine’s Day in 2015 Portland held a “cuddle convention.” Portland is #2 in Vegan friendly cities. In 1992 HUD gave $3.6 million to be used for rental and housing for groups for the mentally ill, developmentally disabled, the homeless and recovery drug abusers; however, today Portland is overrun with homeless setting up homeless camps next to wealthy neighborhoods and recently one such person who ended up in Salem, Oregon said Portland had given them bus tickets to leave. And recently Portland was declared a “Sanctuary” city.

[1]. 12/19/2016 New American magazine

© 2017 Betty Freauf – All Rights Reserved

The family unit has to be destroyed

It’s Christmas morning and all through the house, not a sound can be heard, not even a mouse. The kids are all grown up, and at the same time the number of those who belong to the family has grown and now the worries have multiplied ten-fold and leave us to moan occasionally.

I have often referred to myself as “blessed” but then again at times I feel I have been “favored”. I know that must sound prideful, but when I look at my family of children I can’t think of a better word.

This family was raised under the umbrella of God knowing he was an important part of our family. Did we always go to church – NO, but then we were a military family for years, always somewhere new and a new church didn’t always feel that comfortable or you just hurt after making more new friends and having to say good-bye again. Sometimes it was just easier to minister at home through actions and words.

Ours for years was an unhappy home a great deal of the time. Their father might not like me saying that but it’s true and somehow the kids managed to overcome it all and become upstanding citizens and now they also have found a great Dad in their new “Pop”. I want you to know I include Pop’s kids in this also and what a combined family we are.

I like to take most of the credit for my children turning out so well, but I know God had a very heavy hand in it – he had to, for the outside sources want the American family structure destroyed.

As I proudly tell you about the kids after watching us all gathered at our annual Christmas Eve family time, the word pride does not cover what I feel for my children and their spouses, grandchildren and their dates or fiancé’s and those 4 beautiful great-grandchildren dancing (running) about the rooms.

When I first started researching education I had not a clue what I was doing – I just knew there was something very wrong and it was definitely hurting our children. What a surprise when I discovered some of those participating in this ugly game of “dumbing down” were our own country’s elected or those who had always wished they were but had the money to back up their evil without being elected.

Control of the world is a very large task and it takes many busy hands and mouths working in basic alignment to try and pull something like that off. Senator McCarthy and others have tried to warn us of the looming agenda of some wanting to “rule the world”. Even JFK, in all seriousness just months before his assassination told us in part:

“For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”

At the time, most Americans including myself, really didn’t hear the words or if they did, had no understanding of what he was speaking about. We do now!

Most of you have heard of John Dewey and his Marxist idea of raising children. Basically, they were to all be the same – in growth, play and learning to work at keeping them mindless, but easily “taught” as in Skinnerian’s idea that a young child could be trained like a caged rat or dog to dance to the tune of their “trainers”.

The educational reformers of the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries dealt with the two distinct aspects of children’s problems. One concerned the claims of childhood as a specific and independent stage in human growth. This problem arises from the efforts of adults subjecting growing children to ends foreign to their own needs and basically pressing them into molds shaped, not by the requirements of the maturing personalities, but by the external interests of the ruling order. Rousseau protested against this when he wrote: “Nature wants children to be children before they are men. Childhood has ways of seeing, thinking, and feeling, peculiar to itself, nothing can be more foolish than to substitute our ways for them.” So very, very true.

In the Communist Manifesto, we are told of specific goals that are expected to be completed – not by any real-time period as Communists have a great deal of patience. Those of the greatest concern to me and should be to you are those laid out which play with the character of our children and their relationship to God, family and friends.

Over and over throughout the document, the two things that stood out to me were to (1) preserve the Communist Party/Country’s at all cost and (2) leading the children to an ungodly life acceptable to all and to be supportive of everything they had formally been taught was immoral or disrespectful:

• 17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
• 19. Use student riots to foment public protests programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
• 24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.
• 25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
• 26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
• 27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a “religious crutch.”
• 28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.” (It was the Communist/Socialist individuals who came up with “separation of church and state”)
• 29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
• 30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.”
• 31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the grounds it was only a minor part of the “big picture.” Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
• 40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
• 41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
• 42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use a united force to solve economic, political or social problems.

This represents over ¼ of the Manifesto being directed at faith, children, family, and morals. How do you think they have done with their “social justice” and continued emphasis on stating the need for more funds in education for the “low-income” but the low-income are not equally treated or educated – just an end to a means.

As a result of the past election, has America woken up enough to understand what has been happening in the back ground? Do you understand the purpose of the United Nations? The goal pertaining to the UN is one of the most significant since it basically lays out the whole plan and most have missed it until recent years with Obama at the helm: 11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.

We have warned you about the North American Union and presented to you a self-absorbed Jesuit Pope who is in alignment with the United Nations and presents welcoming arms to Sharia Muslims telling us Chrislam is right and we are wrong.

The alarmists like Al Gore, Prince Charles and their minions keep telling us their concern about global warming is all about man’s stewardship of the environment. But we know that’s not true. When the top United Nations official confirms what most of us have known is a farce from day one, why argue?

At a news conference, last week in Brussels, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism. As she so proudly put it, “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution,” she said.

Referring to a new international treaty environmentalists hope will be adopted at the Paris climate change conference later in 2015, she added: “This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history.”

Now you know the true meaning of “redistribute the wealth”!

It is imperative that we as a country emphasize to Mr. Trump that we could care less about moving Israel’s embassy, but that we want the United States to get out of the UN entirely. We are being ripped off to the tune of billions of dollars a year carrying the largest financial load and at the same time those from within are working to bring about the demise of this country and yet no change to the poor countries we were told the UN was going to heal in over 60 years and trillions of $$.

Hopefully, Americans will take on a little researching of their own. I know I was also one of the ones who used to think that Reagan walked on water until I began doing research. There were things that happened from 1981 through 1989 that should be viewed as crimes against the American people, and until we can take an objective view at history we will never learn from it.

Harcourt-Brace and Pearson Publishing trying to re-write our History books cannot change the true History of this country – only that which is being fed into our children’s minds.

It wasn’t bad enough to discover Reagan had signed 2 education treaties with Russia, but that it was during his presidency that something like Rex 84 would surface and who saw it coming? I am no fan of Oliver North who worked along with George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton during the Iran Contra mess to begin heavily bringing drugs into this country and then have them all come out “smelling like roses”.

Have you ever heard of Rex 84? Rex 84 was short for “Readiness Exercise 1984.” Rex 84 was prepared by Oliver North and there were things that happened from 1981 through 1989 that should be viewed as crimes against the American people, and until we can take an objective view at history we will never learn from it.

From 1982 to 1984, Colonel Oliver North assisted FEMA in drafting its civil defense preparations format. Details of those plans emerged during the 1987 Iran-Contra scandal and they included executive orders providing for suspension of the Constitution, the imposition of martial law, internment camps, and the turning over of government to the President and FEMA.

There is no statement in Rex 84 or any Executive Order written by G.W. Bush or Obama that excludes American citizens. Do you think all the citizen news and pictures showing FEMA camps and trains carrying supplies and ammunition to those camps are lies? To your detriment.

The total ruination of the education system is laid out to muddle the minds of our children and take away their reasoning powers. The awful new math is confirmation of that. Who ever heard of tell a child “we don’t care if you get the answer right or right – just that you did the problem the way we told you to”?

Some friends and myself are launching a new website which is going to take a great deal of our time but it will be focused on exposing all the backroom room underhanded and nefarious plans, deals, negotiations, treaty’s, legislation and deceit which will be presented in direct correlation to the using of the United Nations for the sole purpose of destroying this country and creating a New World Order/One World Government.

Keep your eyes out for

Those telling the truth are always accused of sounding insane when telling what the insane are actually doing.

© 2017 Diane Kepus – All Rights Reserved

Good riddance – Megan Kelly has cheapened journalism

I write this in exasperation at encountering news on the internet, television, and radio all about Megan Kelly moving from Fox News to NBC. Why is this news? On what basis is fame awarded to those who only read, announce, or chatter about the news made by other people who actually do something other than “observe” what others do and report or comment on it? Why, for the first time, have those whose role it is to report the “news,” become the “news”?

This particularly applies to Megan Kelly. She, and more and more other television “journalists,” think and act like they are the story; they are the celebrities; and those who actually make the news by doing things are just props for the “reporters” to put on a show in which the reporter is the star. For Kelly, as a “reporter,” its “all about her,” as the reporter, instead of who she is reporting on.

It wasn’t always this way. Once upon a time many years ago, I was what is called “an award winning investigative reporter” for a large circulation newspaper in one the most corrupt urban areas of the country. Among other things, I wrote a series of more than twenty parts on corruption, drugs, gambling, bookie joints, whore houses, public housing and other corrupt “poverty programs” that made organized crime, government officials, and “poverty program pimps,” rich by payoffs and graft.

Death threats began after the first installment of the series appeared. By the third day, I was ordered into the managing editor’s office. Two FBI agents informed me they believed the death threats were serious Thereafter, although death threats continued as the series went on day after day, I had 24-hour FBI-supervised protection, Where I went, they went. As I slept, they guarded. A corrupt mayor and a number of other government figures ultimately went to prison for corruption. That was professional journalism, and I was proud to be a small part of it.

But that was a long time ago and far, far way from contemporary television broadcast journalism, epitomized by Megan Kelly. Today, purported professional journalist Megan Kelly has become a celebrity broadcast journalist whose career move is reported on endlessly by other “journalists” in a breathless worshipful manner that used to be reserved for teenage readers of fan magazines. “Will she or won’t she?” “What will Megan do”? “Megan Kelly announces she will…! Provoking the question: Knowing how Megan Kelly has cheapened journalism, why should anyone care where she sells her soul?

This celebration of purported journalist Megan Kelly in endless purported “news reports” by other purported journalists takes place even as she almost nightly cheapens the profession of journalism.

Kelly has cheapened professional journalism by cheapening herself, to the present and future injury of other women who really are or want to be ethical professional journalists, but don’t want to be hired, promoted, or judged on an “eye-candy” standard of sexual attractiveness, allure, or suggestiveness.

Consider: What is the lesson of Kelly’s career actions for other women, especially young women, if they want to get ahead and be respected as a professional journalist ?

First, following the Kelly model, what a woman needs to do to get ahead in television journalism is to pretend to be a professional journalist but dress on television “news programs” like a high class call girl on her on her way to an assignation as soon as the broadcast ends.

And do such other things as Kelly has done to promote herself, such as: Going on the Howard Stern Show and chatting all smiles with Dirty Howard about matters sexual. Giggle without objection as Kelly did when drooling Howard complimented her leeringly as “a great piece of ass.” Carry on with Howard as Kelly did in titillating banter about sexual acts and practices like a low class hooker being probed, so to speak, by Dirty Howard, and enjoying it. Really high class, professional journalist conduct by Kelley to get ahead.

Or, following the Kelly model, do a “come-and-get-it” soft-porn photo spread for GQ or similar magazine, as Kelly did, while simultaneously insisting all you want to be recognized for is your professionalism as a journalist and not as a woman trying to get ahead on her sexual attractiveness and attributes.

Most importantly, exploit your position, as Kelly did on Fox as its eye-candy news queen, to make yourself famous by doing something really cheap but self-promoting, as Kelly did in ambushing Donald Trump in the first presidential campaign debate with an accusation posing as a journalistic question regarding Trump being abusive of women by, inter alia, calling Rosie O’Donell a “pig.” ( That apparently is being abusive of women even if true about Rosie O’Donnell, at least to the degree that Rosie O’Donnell is one, although it isn’t clear that she “identifies” as one.)

Kelly gained fame by her cheap ambush of Trump, but by the same act she lost all credibility personally as an objective journalist, and cheapened the profession. But that doesn’t mean Kelly won’t get ahead at NBC, which, especially through MSNBC, has evidenced that it has even less journalistic integrity than Kelly, and will say or do anything if it is self-promoting, no matter how cheap.

In sum, Kelly has cheapened journalism by the way she has sought advancement by figuratively selling sex. There is a word for that when the sale is literal rather than figurative. That word sometimes fits when the sale, replete with come on, remains figurative. That word, in my opinion, fits Megan Kelly, and fits the kind of “journalism” of which she is the exemplar.

Megan Kelly’s is not the kind of professional journalism that should be celebrated by “journalists” as “news” in story upon story about Meagan Kelly’s career change. Cheap is as cheap does, and Kelly does it cheap, indeed. All that needs be said of her are words that are ancient, but wise, and fitting for Megan Kelly: “Go, and sin no more.”

© 2017 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

Inauguration Day: Trump must become most protected president in U.S. History

When Donald J. Trump takes his oath of office as President of the United States only weeks from now, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria warns it will use his inauguration on January 20, 2017 to declare war on the United States and its allies. ISIS is calling that important ceremonial event “Bloody Friday,” according to the National Association of Chiefs of Police on Monday.

According to the political insider Josh Brernbaum, in addition to launching an attack on Trump’s inauguration, ISIS has recruited multiple English-speaking jihadists — many of them women — to reach out to the infidels with their death threats.

“ISIS is angry over the results of the American election that brought to power a President who they believe will give no quarter in the war on Islamic terrorists. They are also angry that in the waning months of his administration, President [Barack Obama] is taking credit for what others are doing in Mosul (Iraq) and Aleppo (Syria). He has also allowed U.S. military presence in Afghanistan to fester,” said former counter-terrorism operative Milton Sedgewick, now working as a security contractor.

Security services in European countries are also facing a new paradigm: an upswing in the number of female jihadists who are recruited by ISIS to engage in terrorists acts, according to Homeland Security News Wire.

Security surrounding the inauguration of Donald Trump is proving to be the most challenging in recent history, according to senior officials involved in its planning, largely because of the same forces of political rancor that shaped the race for the presidency.

On top of the daunting threats to any inaugural ceremony, the three dozen agencies responsible for security at the Jan. 20 festivities are preparing for the possibility of large numbers of protesters flooding the capital, along with what may be nearly 1 million supporters of Trump. For example, there is talk of one group of anti-Trump “potheads” who are claiming they will handout thousands of marijuana “joints” for protesters to smoke while protesting the inauguration.

The agencies are worried about the possibility of confrontations between groups of Americans still deeply divided over the election — and at a moment when millions of people around the world will be turning their attention to Washington. At the very least, officials said, protests would put additional pressure on the region’s already-stretched security apparatus.

And in 2009, Obama’s inauguration was the first transfer of power in the post-9/11 era — and the first in which an African-American was taking the oath of office. Obama faced a rash of racist threats, as well as concerns about a terrorist plot that ultimately proved unfounded but sent the president-elect and top aides scrambling on the eve of his swearing-in.

Even so, Obama did not face the kind of large protests expected to greet Trump when he officially arrives in Washington. The 2009 crowd of nearly 2 million people, a record, included few, if any, protesters and did not lead to a single arrest, according to Christopher T. Geldart, the director of homeland security for the District of Columbia.

A vast overlapping patchwork of intelligence analysts, military personnel, and law enforcement officers numbering in the tens of thousands will be working to protect the inauguration and related activities.

In total, more than three dozen different agencies spread out across the capital will be working to prevent the occasion from becoming a platform for individuals or groups looking to do harm. Their work, begun months ago, has taken on a new urgency since Election Day and will soon include the imposition of a security perimeter around the Capitol, the Mall, and large parts of the city.

Soldiers and airmen from the South Dakota National Guard are preparing for joint support of the 58th Presidential Inauguration in Washington, Jan. 20, 2017, according to Air Force Master Sgt. Christopher Stewart.

“They will join hundreds of National Guardsmen from across the country to assist with security, crowd control and traffic management throughout the national capital region when President-elect Donald J. Trump takes the oath as the 45th president of the United States,” Sgt. Stewart wrote. “This joint service security group is preparing with refresher training on the safe and secure movement of civilians prior to, during and after inauguration events.”

“The purpose of the training is so that the two branches can blend together and work together as a cohesive team,” said Army Sgt. Kurtis Brown, 235th Military Police Company team leader. “For a joint operation like the Presidential Inauguration we all want to be on the same page.”

Soldiers and airmen intermixed and practiced moving as squads and platoons. They also practiced various formations while using specialized equipment.

Beneficial Training

Instructors from a local air ambulance service provided medical training on Dec. 3 that was focused on medical issues civilians might develop at the inauguration.

“The practice was needed and beneficial to all of us, said Air Force Lt. Kristopher King,” 114th Security Forces chief of information protection. “It’s a great opportunity to make sure everyone is speaking the same language and using the same techniques.”

The costs of security alone are expected to exceed $100 million.

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Extreme vetting or destruction

Whether sovereign citizens or the federal government wants to admit it or not, despite the election of pro-American Donald Trump for president, our republic is still under major attack. The onslaught is in full operation from both external and internal enemies who have or continue their mission to destroy our nation, they are working to change her either into a communist utopia or an irritating abusive Muslim enclave. Liberal FOX News contributor Juan Williams on a recent episode of the Five talk show was uttering his usual progressive drivel. The topic of discussion was refugees coming into America. Greg Gutfeld, Dana Perino, Eric Boling, Kimberly Guifoyle all agreed that Trump’s call for extreme vetting is reasonable.

Especially, considering the circumstances America is in due to Obama’s evil mission to get as many illegal immigrants and Islamic terrorists as possible into the USA before he leaves office. The one exception was the progressive Juan Williams who firmly believes in Obama’s open borders policy.

The majority of Middle East refugees being brought in are young Islamic men who are true believers in the concept of converting the people or destroying the society they immigrate to. A much smaller number are women and children who are also bigoted believers. Of course, Mr. Obama has refused to allow many Christian refugees from the Middle East into our country. He does not care that the Middle East Christians are more persecuted than their Islamic counterparts. The Muslims are hell bent on killing Christians and Jews, or raping little boys like they do in Afghanistan. I’ll never forget when an American soldier got in trouble for protecting a little boy from being raped by adult Muslim men. The reason given was that is part of their Muslim culture. YIKES

Again, Mr. Obama’s goal is to bring in as many Muslim refugees into our republic as possible. He hopes to have so many Muslim refugees in America that pro American Donald Trump cannot be able to reverse the changes he hopes will be inflicted upon our republic. This dastardly mission is chronicled in the book Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest through immigration and the resettlement Jihad. Let us never forget, that Obama proclaimed that “America is no longer a Christian nation.” Now he is flooding America with Christian, Jewish and black people hating Muslims to try to make his sick vision a reality.

Obama is so full of hate for our exceptional nation that he will be the first retired president to immediately go to political war against efforts to rebuild, restore, reinvigorate America and protect our borders.

The election of Donald J. Trump is a great accomplishment. But unless “We the People” who agree with his message and goal of making America great again and do not keep the pressure on our representatives to work with Trump, our hope of a renewed republic will be dashed. Then the progressives who want America permanently removed from greatness could possibly get their way. Because of a lack of Biblical based moral instruction over the past four decades, many Americans are now far less inclined to do the right thing. My Dad used to tell me when I was a little boy that the government is a reflection of “We the People.” Thus, over the past eight years the government that is constitutionally mandated to protect us from enemies both foreign and domestic has done the opposite. The wayward people lacked wisdom and elected a progressive enemy as president. They have also elected at least one hundred congressmen and women who are card carrying communists who hate America and the concept of personal liberty as much as Obama does. If you are wayward morally and are not at the very least rooted in common sense you will make awful choices, including destruction of the republic you live in.

The American government has been filled with many individuals who like the individuals who voted for them do not know right from wrong. They have been no more inclined to protect our borders than foxes elected to protect a chicken farm. Many in government have been working with president Obama to fill our nation with those who would destroy our nation after slitting our throats, if given the chance. Also, globalist republicans like John McCain and Lindsay Graham have sabre rattled against Russia for supposedly hacking into our nations election process. But those two sidewinders have yet to raise their voices against murderous minions being unleashed throughout our republic.

Chamber of Commerce, globalist republicans like governors Nikki Haley of South Carolina, John Kasich of Ohio and Rick Snyder of Michigan all support Obama’s mission to fundamentally transform America even if it means bringing harm to you and I via non vetted refugees that hate our way of life.

If you don’t believe me, please tell me why they have supported Obama’s mission to push more and more Islamic Somali American hating refugees into Columbus and Minneapolis. As a result, there are have been numerous terror recruitment problems in both of those cities.

Our America has been granted a chance to reverse from the Obama, United Nations and the democrat party plot to irreparably harm our republic. I also believe we shall soon overcome and witness a true revival fortunes and greatness in America. May God Bless you, God Bless America and may America Bless God.
Don’t miss a page from The Edwards Notebook commentary overnights on the Captain’s America-Third Watch, simply the best Live overnight radio show broadcasting across the United States from flagship radio station AM 860 The Answer. Also via the internet on Conservative radio, iHeart, Freedom in America Radio, Net Talk World and more.

© 2017 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

Why our CO2 emissions do not increase atmosphere CO2 Pt. 2

Over 4000 people, including hundreds of scientists, read my article “Why our CO2 emissions do not increase Atmosphere CO2”. As I write this (January 3, 2017), there are 112 comments.

One well-respected scientist wrote to me:

Your article is (in my opinion) the BEST commentary yet that I’ve seen on this topic. I cannot see any way to shorten it. Your analogies are fantastic.

This article brings the (atmospheric physicist) scientific level of understanding down to the level of a 6th-grade education.

Just science, facts. No politics, no hysteria, and no hype. I love it.

I appreciate that comment because that is my writing goal. However, I have a scientific goal as well. That is to prove the arguments to support alarmist Claim #1, namely, that “Human CO2 emissions caused all or most of the observed rise in atmospheric CO2,” are wrong.

The discussion in the 112 comments shows I have proved by logic that their 4-step argument to prove Claim #1 is invalid. Also, I proved the arguments that use carbon isotopes to prove Claim #1 are wrong.

All alarmist arguments for Claim #1 include the classic mathematical error of having more unknowns than equations. Therefore …

There exists no scientific basis to claim that human CO2 caused all or most of the increase in atmospheric CO2.

The comments by one Icarus62 and my replies best illustrate the core of the debate:


It couldn’t be simpler: We’ve emitted twice as much CO2 since the preindustrial as remains in the atmosphere today. Therefore, nature had been a net sink of CO2 from the atmosphere over this period and we’re responsible for 100% of the 120ppm rise. Agreed? It cannot possibly be otherwise.


Dear Icarus62, Thank you again for your comment. “It could not be simpler,” said the Aztec priests. “We simply cut out beating hearts and roll heads down the temple steps … and it rains.” They all believed it.

What is missing? The scientific method and good physics are missing. You are using what Richard Feynman called Cargo Cult science.


1. Anthropogenic sources have emitted ~2,000Gt of CO2 since the preindustrial.
2. Atmospheric concentration has risen by ~850Gt / 120ppm.
3. The remaining ~1150Gt is no longer in the atmosphere – it has been sequestered by the land and oceans.
4. Hence the land and oceans have been a net sink for atmospheric CO2 over this period, and 100% of the 120ppm rise in atmospheric CO2 is anthropogenic.

This proves your argument wrong. If you disagree, please let me know which of these four items you dispute, and why. Thanks…


Dear Icarus62, Thank you for your comment because it is directly on point. You have presented the key 4 steps of the standard argument that human CO2 caused 100% of the rise in atmospheric CO2.

They are the same 4 steps that I present and rebut in my article above. The 4 steps fail because of invalid wording in steps 3 and 4. The phrase “land AND oceans” should be “land OR oceans.” The fact that (land + oceans) is less than 0 does not prove (land is less than 0) AND (oceans is less than 0).

Land can be a net sink even while oceans can be a net source for atmospheric CO2. Therefore, step 4 is invalid.

The 4-step argument does not prove human CO2 drives atmospheric CO2. That is because there are other scenarios where oceans can drive atmospheric CO2, while still meeting all the constraints of steps 1-3 after the “and” in step 3 is changed to “or” as required by logic.

My Fig. 1 above is a scenario were land absorbs all the human CO2 while oceans absorb and much CO2 as they emit. In that scenario, atmospheric CO2 remains constant. Steps 1-3 (with the “or”) do not exclude this scenario.

A second scenario can be where land absorbs all human CO2 emissions while oceans add CO2 to the atmosphere. (Simply change the ocean input in Fig. 1 from 44 to 46.) Steps 1-3 (with the “or”) do not exclude this scenario.

As you can see, there are an infinite number of scenarios that prove the 4-step argument is wrong.

You are not the first to challenge me with this 4-step argument. Keith Pickering, writing for Peter Gleick and company, challenged me with the same 4 steps. Keith acknowledged that I would win if I could produce even one scenario that showed his argument wrong. I did and Keith provided no counter argument.


Your comment is not a valid rebuttal. I can replace “the land and oceans” with “the natural world” and the logic is still the same – it’s immaterial how that 1150Gt of anthropogenic CO2 that is no longer in the atmosphere has been partitioned between land and oceans. The natural world (land + oceans) has been a net sink of CO2 from the atmosphere since the preindustrial and there is no scenario in which we can be responsible for less than 100% of the 120ppm rise in atmospheric CO2.

To take one of your scenarios as an example:

If the land had absorbed 2,000Gt CO2 since the preindustrial, while the oceans had added ~850Gt to the atmosphere, the net natural change would be -1150Gt, i.e. a net sink. 100% of the 120ppm rise in atmospheric CO2 would be due to us, because in the absence of our emissions, the natural world would have caused a decline to 130ppm, instead of the increase to 400ppm we have observed. Not a physically realistic scenario, but it does demonstrate why your argument is wrong.


Dear Icarus62, Thank you again for your comment.

You make an invalid assumption. You assume the “natural world” does not adjust to human input of CO2. Only a very small adjustment by the “natural world” will easily compensate for all human CO2 emissions.

If humans add CO2 to the atmosphere, land will absorb more CO2 and oceans will reduce their CO2 transfer to the atmosphere. That is because transfer rates are controlled by partial pressures of CO2.

Nothing in the 4-step argument excludes that ocean temperature can control the rate of change of atmospheric CO2. Since the 4-step argument cannot exclude this alternative, the 4-step argument is NOT proof that human CO2 caused all the rise in atmospheric CO2.

Further, the 4-step argument does not exclude the Fig. 1 alternative that shows atmospheric CO2 can remain constant if atmospheric CO2 is at equilibrium with ocean temperature. In Fig. 1, the “natural world” is a net sink but atmospheric CO2 remains constant.

Remember, to be proof, the 4-step argument must exclude all possible scenarios where atmospheric CO2 can remain constant in the presence of human CO2 emissions. The 4-step argument does not accomplish that proof.

The 4-step argument is a case of having more unknowns than equations. For example, if there were an equation that proved land and oceans emissions would not adjust to human CO2 emissions, then that would be sufficient to be a proof. But there is no such equation. So, the 4-step argument is based on an invalid assumption.


The ‘4-step argument’ explicitly states that the natural world has adjusted by absorbing around half of our CO2 emissions, thus becoming a net sink. Any scenario in which we’re not responsible for 100% of the rise in atmospheric CO2 is logically ruled out. I illustrated this with one of your scenarios above (land = -2000Gt, ocean = +850Gt, net natural change = -1150Gt CO2, thus 100% of the 120ppm increase in atmospheric CO2 is due to anthropogenic emissions, and none of it is due to nature).


Dear Icarus62, the 4-step argument incorrectly assumes the natural world absorbs only enough human CO2 emissions to account for the excess in its argument. That is illogical because it does not allow the natural world to absorb any more than this amount.

What physics would constrain the natural world to absorbing only enough human CO2 to support the unfounded alarmist hypothesis?

None! It is a hand-waving argument with no physical basis, and no support from the argument itself. If the natural world can absorb about half, the natural world can absorb all human CO2 emissions.

The 4-step argument assumes the natural world cannot absorb more CO2 than an amount specified in the assumption. And, lo and behold, the 4-step argument concludes its own assumption is correct. That is a perfect case of garbage in, garbage out. Sorry. That proves the 4-step argument is a religion and not a science.

The 4-step argument still has more unknowns than equations.

Maybe Icarus62 will return but my argument will prevail.

There exists no scientific basis to claim that human CO2 caused all or most of the increase in atmospheric CO2.

My article references Murry Salby’s videos and book. My lake analogy conveys the same correct physics that Salby puts into differential equations.

Alarmists claim Salby’s calculations do not “conserve carbon.” They are wrong. Salby’s calculations conserve carbon, just as my lake example conserves water.

Alarmists claim I needed to included ocean acidification, land and ocean absorption limits, etc., to refute their hypothesis. My response is as follows:

1. The alarmist hypothesis claims human CO2 causes all the observed rise in atmospheric CO2.
2. The alarmist hypothesis includes only data on human CO2 emissions and atmospheric CO2.
3. I showed their hypothesis fails by including all data in their hypothesis.
4. I do not need to include data that alarmists did not use in their hypothesis.

There is no end to the illogic of climate alarmists.

What if we could do an experiment to prove whether human CO2 increases atmospheric CO2?

We could stop all human CO2 emissions and see if atmospheric CO2 goes down. Fat chance of pulling off that experiment.

We could increase human CO2 emissions and see if atmospheric CO2 increased its slope – or rate of increase – as the alarmist hypothesis predicts.


• If atmospheric CO2 increases its slope, the alarmists win.
• If atmospheric CO2 does not increase its slope, the alarmists lose.

Well, we did that experiment. It is at the end of my article. Here it is again.

After 2002, human CO2 emissions increased its slope by three times. At the end of 2012, human CO2 emissions were three times where they would have been if we continued “business as usual.”

Atmospheric CO2 scaled did not change its slope.

The alarmist hypothesis made an incorrect prediction. Therefore, the alarmist hypothesis is wrong.

Human CO2 emissions do not significantly increase atmospheric CO2. As the alarmists like to say, “the science is settled.”

Soon-to-be President Trump is correct. Our CO2 emissions do not cause global warming or climate change. We do not need to restrict our CO2 emissions.

© 2017 Edwin X Berry, Ph.D – All Rights Reserved

We are losing our children – where are the fathers?

I don’t know how we cannot see it. Even those who were raised in “Christian” homes seemed to be wandering aimlessly in the moral cesspool known as America. The Scriptures warn us that “When there was no God in Israel everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”

Young American Christians are afloat in a sea without a compass. We have failed to train them to navigate the rough waters of the debaucherous American culture. If today’s parents don’t lose their children in high school they are sure to lose them in college.

It is my experience that for most of the Millenials I come in contact with “religion” is not the guiding factor in the moral decisions that they make. We have taught them to FEEL, not to think. Emotions are a poor foundation upon which to build moral values.

It is time to wake up and look around. We are losing our children to the world. Do you understand that? Whatever we are doing in our churches is not working. Why is it that our children are rejecting the values of their parents? Why is it that the Millenials are cancelling out the votes of their grandparents? Why are time-honored values no longer valued? How did we reach the point where following Biblical values became old-fashioned?

In California, Democrats passed a law SB 1322 decriminalizing under age prostitution and Governor Jerry Brown sign it. Not one pastor stood publicly against it, not one. The apathetic public ‘that keep voting these low life scoundrels in office’ stood by and did nothing as well. We truly get the government we deserve.
We treat symptoms in America. Make a visit to your family doctor and you will see what I mean. Our medical professions have been trained to treat symptoms and that no matter what your malady; the pharmaceutical industry has a drug to treat it. Just watch the commercials on your favorite cable channel and you will understand what I am saying. Does “an erection lasting longer than 4 hours” ring a bell?

The foundational institution upon which the American Republic was built is crumbling. America is sick because the family is sick. Fatherhood has become a trial-by-error- proposition. You aren’t a man when you can make a baby…you are a man when you can raise one. Fatherhood is on life support.

Our churches have failed us. Although their intentions may have been noble, our pastors have trained the family to depend upon the church and church programs to pass Christian values to the children. Youth ministries and youth programs have taken the responsibility of “training up a child in the way he should go” off of the shoulders of the fathers.

Very few fathers today have any idea how to pass their values to their children. It isn’t learned through osmosis, or passed to the children in the DNA. The transference of values has to be intentional.

What can possibly be responsible for the startling statistic which shows that nearly 75% of Christian kids leave the church when they go to college? What has happened to us that even in families where a father is in the home that so many young adults reject the values they were raised with?

Could it be they were never taught those values in their home? Is it possible that the fathers trusted the church and its flashy programs to instill those values in their kids? Maybe the Dads were ill equipped for the successful transference of fundamental moral values to their kids.

What in the name of all that is righteous are we being taught in our churches? What does it prosper a man to gain the whole world and lose his children? The “church” is hemorrhaging young people. The consequences will have an eternal impact.

Only fathers can make their family great. Only great families can make the church great. Only great churches can make America great. It is time for fathers to get back in the game.

Let me ask you Dad, when was the last time you sat down with your son and explained to him that a real man honors women? Have you told him that an honorable man will not take advantage of a young woman hungry for male affection? Have fathers instructed their sons that the job of a man is to protect the weaker sex?

And how about your daughters? Have you relinquished the moral training of your daughter to your wife? Have you looked your daughter in the eyes and explained to her chastity and WHY it matters? Have you told how important her character is to you and to the Lord?

Have you explained to your children the value of fidelity, purity, and integrity? Have you equipped them with the tools to stand firm against the deluge of sewage that they will face when they go to college? Have you given them a firm foundation upon which to stand or have you trusted the “youth pastor” at your church to train your children?

Every experience in life has the opportunity to teach life-lessons to your children. Only the enduring values passed from the father to the family have that chance to endure.

Our 6 year old granddaughter loves to sit and watch old Andy Griffith shows. She loves the interaction between Andy, Barney, Opie, Aunt Bee…and even Otis the drunk. Watching them with her makes me slip back into the good old days of Father Knows Best, Leave it To Beaver, Donna Reed, and all of the family shows that I grew up on.

It dawned on me the other night as we sat watching a rerun together that all of the moral values being taught in those TV shows were values that were emanating from Dad. Although church was mentioned, I can’t remember one show where the strongest influence in the family was a pastor.

Man up Dad. Your kids will learn their values from someone. Shouldn’t that be you?

There was a reason why it was Father Knows Best…not Pastor knows best. Put down the remote. Your family, and this nation, is counting on you.

© 2017 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

The long way back to sanity

The American people won a great victory in the 2016 election, repudiating the utopian statist vision of “fundamental transformation” of their country. We have won that battle, but we still have a long, hard war to win: the wackos who embrace that vision are not about to give up on it, nor are they restrained by anything we might recognize as morality.

When they finally got the Supreme Court to impose same-sex pseudomarriage on America, the Left gleefully announced the culture war was over, and they’d won. Well, not so fast, there.

There is still a culture war, and we must win it. Liberty and prosperity won’t survive in just any culture medium, and certainly not in the kind that Democrats have been brewing up for us. If we give up on the culture, we might as well give up on everything.

At the last minute of 2016, a federal judge in Texas ruled that Obamacare cannot force the public to pay for “gender reassignment” surgery. Obamacare includes a “gender fluidity mandate,” boldly proclaiming that one’s sex is not a biological fact, but only “a state of mind.” If not for that judge, we would have gone into 2017 burdened by yet another load of rank insanity.

It’s already a heavy burden. As it is, New York City now recognizes 31 different “genders” and has made it a law—well, not a real law that elected representatives voted to enact, but rather a regulation stuffed down our throats by bureaucrats—that persons trying to do business in the city had better recognize them, too, or else. Can you even remember 31 “genders”? There’s stuff on this list that a normal person never even heard of.

If your city, state, or county has anything like a “human rights commission,” your city, state, or county is over-budgeted and has more of your money than is good for you. This madness in New York is the work of the NYC Commission on Human Rights.

Back in May the commission invented a whole new crime—“misgendering”. Businesses are now required to use the “correct gender pronoun” preferred by whatever addled wacko comes strolling into the shop, and heaven help you if you don’t. Employees who “persist” in “misgendering” are to be fired. So you have to remember, somehow, all these crazy newfangled pronouns like “hir” or “ze,” or get nailed for “misgendering.”

In December, 2015, the commission first unveiled this plan, announcing a maximum $250,000 fine against business owners and employees guilty of “misgendering.” We have not yet heard whether anyone has actually been slammed with this, but the regulation lets the city yo-yos do it if they want to.

Go ahead, anybody, I dare you—explain how any of this makes the world a better place.

This is the madness that needs to be rolled back. It’ll take more than four years, more than eight years, to do it, but it must be done. And it’ll be hard, too: because the loonies who’ve been pushing it are firmly entrenched in our schools and universities, our government bureaucracies, our legal system, our publishing industry, and what we like to call our entertainment industry. They will not give up their liberal/progressive dream of controlling every aspect of everybody else’s life. They’ve been working on it since the 19th century and they’re not about to abandon it now.

If you think a free, stable, prosperous republic can be maintained in a culture of radical moral uncertainty, please think again.

The issue is ultimately a religious one. Marriage and the family, liberty of conscience, the rights of private property, equality before the law (rather than “protected categories” of citizens sticking it to the rest of us), truthfulness, compassion—these are Christian values: these are the blessings of God’s laws. Christianity is their context; the Bible is their voice. They could not be born, and certainly not maintained, in any but a Christian culture.

Our country’s founders knew that.

Do we?

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog,, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Putin needs to be injected with a large dose of estrogen

“Either subdue the bully or the bully will own you, enslave you, or kill you.” -Ron Ewart

Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, or dictator if you will, is the ultimate alpha male, loaded with testosterone, insane as a bull elephant in musk and crazy like a fox. He is the mirror image of most despots in the persona of a Hitler, a Lenin, a Stalin, or even Mao of China. He’s obsessed with himself and obsessed with power, as are all despots.

Born in St. Petersburg in 1952, the youngest of three children, he began his early career as a foreign intelligence officer in the KGB in 1975. In his sixteen years with the KGB, Russia’s spy agency, he rose to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He moved to Moscow in 1996 and joined then President Boris Yeltsin’s administration. Rising quickly through the ranks, he became acting president when Yeltsin resigned. During his first presidency, Putin’s popularity rose with the rise in oil prices as the Russian economy grew for eight straight years. But that was not to last.

Putin’s rise to power would appear to be a carbon copy of most despots and dictators. Raw, or irrational ambition drives them to high positions of power. As evidence of this ambition, at age 12, Putin began to practice sambo and judo because he wanted to emulate the intelligence officers portrayed in Soviet movies.

Putin studied law at Saint Petersburg State University and graduated in 1975. His thesis was on “The Most Favored Nation Trading Principle in International Law.” It is easy to construe that Putin was thinking internationally at an early age. While at the University, he was required to join the Communist Party. Like Hitler, he later rejected Communism.

He studied German in high school and speaks German fluently. This served him well when he was assigned to East Germany in 1985 as an intelligence officer, under cover as a translator.

But it is what despots and dictators do after they become powerful that defines their character and eventually their legacy. Putin openly lamented the breakup of the Soviet Union and from his actions it appears he has designs on restoring Soviet power as a dominant force in all of Asia and parts of Eastern Europe. Russia’s invasion into the Georgia provinces of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, are a peek behind the Putin curtain of his vision of Soviet dominance. The annexation of Ukrainian Crimea and invasions into Eastern Ukraine in 2014 added to Russian boundaries, in Putin’s desire to restore the power, influence and grandeur of the Soviet Union. Putin has his eyes set on the Baltic nations of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as well, which were once part of the USSR.

Sensing weakness in American President Barack Obama, (Obama being the very definition of an omega male as opposed to an alpha male) Putin joined forces with Iran and Syria’s President Bashar al Assad to wipe out the militants and insurgents backed by the United States. After Obama did nothing to respond to his so-called redline in the sand when Assad used chemical weapons against his own people, Putin brokered a deal that embarrassed America and rubbed Obama’s nose in it. Putin’s Russia was one of the countries supporting the Iran Nuclear Agreement, which benefited both Russia and Iran, but not America.

Every step of the way, Putin has used American weakness, as projected by Obama, to further his own territorial and power ambitions. Putin has exploited Obama’s refusal to protect American interests abroad. It began early in Obama’s presidency when he halted the missile defense shield in Poland. (Source)

Putin has played Obama like a neophyte in a poker game. When Putin went into Crimea, Obama should have sent a Carrier task force into the Black Sea to militarily counter Putin’s annexation plans, but he didn’t. Crimea became Russian territory by force of arms in violation of international law. When Putin sent his troops into Eastern Ukraine, Obama should have immediately sent heavy arms and aircraft to Ukraine. He didn’t. Putin’s troops are still in Eastern Ukraine waiting for summer to push deeper into Ukrainian territory.

Putin is also making advances in Turkey, a member of NATO and a key ally of the United States in its battle with ISIS. Russian intelligence is already operating in Turkey. How long will it be before Turkey’s President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, tells America to get out of Turkey in favor of a Russian alliance?

Putin is no dummy but he is a bully, a thug, a narcissist, a killer, a murderer, an assassin, a brute and a despot and he is way more dangerous to world peace, stability and security than the manufactured crisis of man-caused global warming, or even ISIS, Al-Qeada, or the Islamic Caliphate. He has no compunction against silencing his critics.

His ambition to restore the old Soviet Union threatens the free world just as much as Hitler’s ambition for world domination that cost the lives of over 50,000,000 to 80,000,000 soldiers and innocents before and during World War II. With our allies, America can crush ISIS, Al-Qaeda and the Islamic Caliphate. But attempting to tame the bully Putin could easily ignite World War 3 and possibly bring an end to civilization, as we know it, if not handled deftly.

There is no love lost between China and the United States. Our alliances are purely based on trade and economic interests. In fact, most of Asia despises the U. S. with the exception of Japan and South Korea. If America challenged Russia militarily, a Russian-Chinese military alliance is a distinct possibility. A military conflict between these three superpowers could result in a biblical Armageddon.

But what are the consequences of not confronting the bully Putin? The consequences will be Russia becoming the primary world power, with America capitulating to every Russian wish, request, or demand because we fear a military confrontation.

Putin is grabbing up resources wherever he can. He has claimed vast regions of the artic for oil. Putin cares not one whit about climate change. Although Russia is economically weak, Putin knows that to become a superpower, he must become an economic power. But Putin has a hard road to follow to improve the Russian economy, TO-WIT:

“Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the first decade of transition from a centrally-planned economy to market economy was disastrous for Russia: nominal gross domestic product (GDP) fell from USD 516 billion in 1990 to USD 196 billion in 1999, which represented a plunge of over 60%. In an attempt to address the economic turmoil and follow the recommendations from the IMF, the Soviet government began to privatize many Russian industries during the 1990s. Important exceptions were, however the energy and defense sectors. The Russian economy experienced two major shocks in 2014, narrowly avoiding recession with moderate growth of 0.6%. The first shock was the sharp decline in oil prices during the third and fourth quarter of 2014, exposing Russia’s extreme dependence on global commodity cycles”.

“Tentative signs that Russia could soon exit its recession continued in the final quarter of 2016 after the economy contracted at the slowest pace in the third quarter since the slump began nearly two years ago, according to preliminary GDP data. Following sluggishness in domestic demand in the first three quarters, business survey data and industrial production in October signaled a strengthening of economic activity towards the end of the year. Lack of policy support is nevertheless still constraining Russia’s path towards recovery. The Central Bank has decided to keep interest rates on hold, at least until the first quarter of 2017, and the government’s 2017 draft budget set ambitious consolidation targets for the next three years. The government expects to drastically reduce the fiscal deficit by 1% of GDP each year on the back of spending cuts and increased revenues. The latter will be achieved through higher taxes on the extraction of minerals and oil, dividend payouts from state-owned companies and higher excise taxes.” (Source)

Mitt Romney was right when he said in the presidential debate of 2012, that Russia poses an existential threat to American security and sovereignty. If Putin is successful in converting Russia to a true super power, it could very well be the real and disastrous legacy of Obama’s eight-year failed presidency ….. unless Trump re-asserts American power, economically, diplomatically and militarily around the world. Hopefully, Trump will be able to outsmart Putin or negotiate him into an inescapable corner. Having said that, we have serious concerns about Trump’s unwillingness to label Putin a thug, a bully and a despot.

Short of assassinating Putin (yes, we know, America doesn’t assassinate the leaders of its enemies any more) and with all due respect to the fairer sex, we could send in a covert operative to inject Putin with a large dose of estrogen, or hire a Russian cook to put estrogen in his food every day. Something must be done to counter the vast amounts of testosterone surging through his alpha male veins, or America will be stuck with this bully until he dies from natural or man-made causes, or catapults the planet into World War 3 in just another quest by one more megalomaniac to dominate the world.

Climate change and ISIS are pinpricks compared to Putin. He has the power to set the planet on fire, if America lets him. For some reason man seems destined to repeat history time after time, even with potentially irreversible threats, in open view, starring him in the face. Our leaders always let a megalomaniac go too far before they stop him.

This festering international problem now rests in the hands of the Trump Administration. If Trump doesn’t stop this bully now, there may be no stopping him and America could be reduced to third-world status, or the world plunged into the final war of humanity that only ends with the extinction of the human race. Yes, it is that dire! This isn’t 1941, it’s 2017 with a proliferation of nuclear weapons all over the planet with the power to erase the human race for several millennia ….. if not forever!

Some of our readers are curious about NARLO’s “The Dynamic Impetus” for 2017.

[EDITORS NOTE: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

© 2017 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved

Trumpcare is no solution for Obamacare

President Barack Obama has scheduled an upcoming meeting with congressional Democrats to discuss saving the Affordable Care Act — or Obamacare — from President-elect Donald Trump and congressional Republicans.

With Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s call to make repealing and replacing Obamacare “step one” in the GOP agenda this year and House Speaker Paul Ryan’s design to “privatize” Medicare, Obama, Pelosi and their ilk are a bit frantic, and are urging fellow Democrats to hold events to warn voters in their district about the GOP plans.

Many claim that the Obama scheme is a disaster and a very bad idea for America’s future. They say it will bring much debt, suffering, sickness and death for you and for your family. They feel that we need to use unconstitutional government power to replace this broken scheme.

I agree that Obamacare is a bad plan and an unconstitutional plan. But these are not the same thing.

To say that something is a bad idea and to say it is unconstitutional is to say two different things. Let me explain…

Suppose you invite me to your house for dinner and while I’m there I notice that your window treatments are shabby and that your furniture does not match your wall colors. So, the next day, while you’re not at home, I break into your house and change the windows and the walls. For the sake of argument, let’s say I actually make it look better than it did before I broke in. I’m still guilty of the crime of breaking and entering and trespass.

Do you see that even if it was a good idea to change the décor, it was a crime because it was outside of my authority to do it?

So all the talking heads and millions of others that are screaming that the government takeover of the health care system is a very bad idea are right. But even if it was a good idea, it would be a criminal scheme all the same, because the Constitution provides no authority for the federal government to involve itself in “health care” or in “health care financing” or in “insurance” of any kind. Furthermore, to replace the current system of health care with a “better idea” will still remain unconstitutional; therefore, illegal and criminal.

The operative clauses to look up here are Article One, Section Eight, of the Constitution, as well as the Tenth Amendment. It will only take you about six minutes to read and understand that Obamacare, or any variation of it, is more than just a bad idea for the health care of Americans. It is a dangerous and tyrannical trespass into American homes and lives.

All the smoke and mirrors about what “Obamacare” costs, or newly appointed head of the Department of Health and Human Services Tom Price’s plan to fix the current problems we see with the Affordable Care Act, are irrelevant.

Simply put, there is no right way to do a wrong thing. To repeal Obamacare is the correct Constitutional solution, but to replace it means we will still have a unconstitutional Federal Healthcare system. Trumpcare is no solution for Obamacare.

Learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and his Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2017 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

California democrats decriminalize under age prostitution

Pedophiles celebrate New Year’s Day with Golden State’s new child prostitution ‘free-for-all’ Law.

The so-called U.S. Golden State, California, can now add one more progressive action to its list of legal shenanigans including California’s illegal-alien sanctuary cities, transgender toilet regulations, and anti-American education curriculums. Starting on New Year’s Day 2017, minors both girls and boys will be open for business as legal prostitutes thanks to Gov. Jerry Brown and the Democrats. The question good folks are asking ‘why is the church leadership silent?’

Unfortunately, the news media in general are either ignoring this new law that prohibits police officers from arresting streetwalkers who are under the age of 18-years-old or they are claiming it doesn’t encourage youngsters to sell their bodies to adults for sex. But more and more citizens are wondering how politicians can justify passing such a heinous law and still look at themselves in the mirror.

“When my sergeant told a room full of patrol officers about this new addition to our state’s penal code, I thought it was a joke. It wasn’t and many of us cops have teenagers who will now be unprotected by law enforcement,” said California police officer Joseph McCaffrey. “We were simply told that beginning on Jan. 1, 2017, prostitution involving minors will be legal in California, McCaffrey told

Senate Bill 1322 forbids law enforcement officers throughout the state from arresting sex workers who are under the age of 18 for soliciting or engaging in prostitution, or loitering with the intent to do so.

Senate Bill No. 1322 Mitchell. Commercial sex acts: minors.

Existing law makes it a crime to solicit or engage in any act of prostitution. Existing law makes it a crime to loiter in any public place with the intent to commit prostitution.

This bill would make the above provisions inapplicable to a child under 18 years of age who is alleged to have engaged in conduct that would, if committed by an adult, violate the above provisions. The bill would authorize the minor to be taken into temporary custody under limited circumstances.

This bill would incorporate additional changes to Section 647 of the Penal Code, proposed by SB 420, SB 1129, and AB 1708, that would become operative only if this bill and one or more of those other bills are enacted and become effective on or before January 1, 2017, and this bill is chaptered last.

This bill would incorporate additional changes to Section 653.22 of the Penal Code, proposed by AB 1771 that would become operative only if this bill and AB 1771 are enacted and become effective on or before January 1, 2017, and this bill is chaptered last.

Now girls and boys in California will be free to trade sex for cash without having to worry about being arrested and prosecuted. Also, there is no longer a fear of having a criminal record since prostitution of children is no longer considered a crime in the Golden State.

Progressives’ Sexual Free-For-All?

This shocking legislation was written, proposed, sponsored and passed by progressive Democratic lawmakers who are in total control California’s state government with a two-thirds “supermajority.” In addition, the executive branch of California’s political cesspool is none other than the man known to his detractors as “the space cadet,” Gov. Jerry Brown.

They have rationalized this latest legal outrage as decriminalizing underage prostitution to bring about fair public policy that will help victims of sex trafficking.

According to a video in the Examiner, “[T]he reality is that the legalization of underage prostitution suffers from the fatal defect endemic to progressive-left policymaking: it ignores experience, common sense and most of all human nature — especially its darker side.”

California’s Democrats claim the law will not stop police officer from arresting pimps and human smugglers. Pimping will still be considered a crime whether it involves adult women or young girls. But legalizing child prostitution will only helping increased sexploitation 2of underage girls. Immunity from arrest means law enforcement can’t interfere with minors engaging in prostitution — which translates into bigger and better cash flow for the pimps. Simply put, more time on the street and less time in jail means more money for pimps, and more victims for them to exploit.

Even worse, the news media such as NBC News defends the Democrats for passing this perversion, according to Mike Baker, a former attorney and political strategist. “The backers of this Godless law deny that children will be hurt and say if they [the children] are arrested a stint in juvenile detention will again victimize them.”

“The law is supposed to protect vulnerable children from adult abuse, yet we brand kids enmeshed in sex-for-pay with a scarlet ‘P’ and leave them subject to shame and prosecution,” said an NBC news story.

Baker claims the news media play word games and if Americans just read the new law as written “they will see how evil this whole scenario is.”
Nancy O’Malley, an attorney and national leader on child sex-trafficking issues, said in a statement, “It just opens up the door for traffickers to use these kids to commit crimes and exploit them even worse.” If pimps and human smugglers should be given free rein to write a law helpful to themselves, SB 1322 would be it, according to the criminal prosecutor.

Unfortunately for Californians, SB 1322 isn’t the end of the liberal-left assault on decency. It’s only the latest in a long line of socially destructive legislation. 2017 will see the Golden State subjected to one after another of laws taking effect that are passed by politicians ignorant of human behavior and studies by criminologists. Ivory tower dwellers are preferred by the Democrats over those who bring practical experience in sex crimes investigation but disastrous embodiments of neo-liberalism.

California’s undeterred Democrats have also taken action to make their state’s youth unemployment rate — one of the nation’s highest — even worse by boosting the minimum wage.

Any economist worth his or her salt knows that minimum-wage hikes increase unemployment among young people who are the least skilled and most in need of entry-level jobs. Like so many other liberal policies, this latest minimum-wage legislation will only lead to fewer jobs for our youth.

When a progressive politician begins trying sell a new policy or law, one is best served by reviewing the costs and damage caused by the pride of the Obama administration – the Affordable Care Act of 2010.

And the list goes on. Thanks to other new Democratic-sponsored bills, an estimated 50,000 felons will be voting in the next state election, many from their jail cells; if you go hunting with a buddy and lend him your shotgun, you’ll be breaking the law; state employees will be forbidden from traveling on business to states which prohibit transgender bathrooms. The parade of inane and idiotic legislation in California is virtually unending.

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

DHS takes child from mother gives custody to alleged sex abuser

The MacLaren Nightmare

What would you think about a four-year-old child who, when you wanted to take them to a relative’s home, became so agitated in not wanting to go, and so visibly scared that they wet themselves? Would you think there was a real problem; perhaps a dangerous problem? Or, would your first inclination be that the child must have been coached? Unfortunately, for one child and her mother that is exactly the position Department of Human Services (DHS) employee Cori McGovern has taken by asserting the mother introduced the ideas into her own child. By taking this position, DHS has taken the child from her mother and placed her with the girl’s father, the exact person the girl so vehemently acted out against being around. It begs the question, how is it that some abused children get lost in the system that is supposed to protect them and wind up being more damaged? One thing is certain, that is exactly what has happened in this nightmare of a case.

According to records, In the Spring of 2015, Christi MacLaren was initially told by her daughter (then four-years-old) that Sean Lenzo (biological father) had rubbed, “magic cream” on her vagina in a really fast motion until bleeding occurred. Next, the young girl claimed Lenzo took a picture of her vagina while it was bleeding, eventually showing her the photo as he laughed. In shock, Christi immediately contacted several professionals that very day. Her main concern was her daughter’s safety and seeking help. Unfortunately, there was no help for Christi and her daughter, only horrific damage according to mulitple witnesses.

“Cori McGovern (DHS) has previously been successfully sued for placing a young girl in the hands of child molesters” — Witness

Lenzo isn’t the only one with a dark history. The caseworker herself, Cori McGovern, has previously been sued and found liable for placing a young girl in the hands of child molesters, resulting in the young child be raped, repeatedly. According to one Attorney who represented one of McGovern’s victims, “DHS settled his client’s case for a large sum of money.” Instead of being fired for placing the child with rapists, and previous actions, DHS simply transferred McGovern to another office in a nearby town. Today, McGovern is doing the exact same thing to another young girl, Christi’s daughter.

Temporary Visitation

Gabriel and Christi with their other daughter

On December 19, 2016 Christi MacLaren, along with her husband Gabriel, and her parents attended a hearing before Jackson County Circuit Court Judge Ronald Grensky regarding Christi’s now six-year-old daughter. The hearing was set because the biological father, Sean Lenzo, refused to adhere to a previous order, and prevented the grandparents from seeing the child. Lenzo also claimed Gabriel was a danger to the young girl. Without any factual evidence or witnesses, Lenzo alleged Gabriel abused Christi.

All the facts and evidence are contrary to Lenzo’s desperate attempts to smear Gabriel. In fact, 38-year-old Gabriel has no criminal convictions EVER, nor any record of domestic abuse whatsoever. Gabriel was a youth group counselor at his church, and has previously worked with the Oregon Youth Authority requiring extensive background checks to be passed before he could be around children. After hearing Lenzo’s unsupported story full of vague details, Judge Grensky sided with Christi, her parents and Gabriel, rightfully allowing visits until the trial date to establish custody is over.

Case History

Sean Lenzo Sean Lenzo

“I don’t want to be with him!” — Daughter

Signs of sexual abuse were witnessed by several people; one being a pre-school principal who stated she heard the young child scream, “I don’t want to be with him” (Lenzo) as the little girl urinated on herself. Claims of self harming by the young girl were also investigated and confirmed by people other than the mother. According to many professionals, these actions are severe symptoms of sexual abuse.

“I recommend all contact (daughter and father) stop immediately, including supervised visits.” –Victoria Bones, Licensed Clinincal Social Worker

Another professional, Victoria Bones, a court appointed expert licensed clinical social worker found that, “It is highly unlikely that the child could react the way she does so consistently and repeatedly” if she had been coached. Bones continued, “I recommend all contact (daughter and Lenzo) stop immediately, including supervised visits.” Bones finished by saying, “to force (child) to continue to have contact with her father is re-traumatizing her in my opinion.” Bones met several times with the young girl. Judge Grensky has never heard this evidence due to the actions of DHS forcing a settlement without a trial.

“Christi MacLaren is a 40-year-old, bright, well educated, married, mother of two who displays no evidence of a mental defect.” –Dr. Jerry Larson M.D. Psychiatrist

Another professional, Dr. Jerry Larson M.D. Psychiatrist stated, “Christi MacLaren is a 40-year-old, bright, well educated, married, mother of two who displays no evidence of a mental defect.” Dr. Larson continued, “I find the DHS (Cori McGovern) action puzzling at best.”

Other experts found disgusting examples of abuse by Sean Lenzo, to put it mildly. Some of the reports are too intense to describe, yet McGovern didn’t only disbelieve Christi, she has essentially not believed any of the experts – professionals who are highly educated and have the ability to diagnose, whereas McGovern does not.

At the hearing on Dec. 19th, Attorneys for both parties began litigating intently. Judge Grensky showed a deep concern to want this case resolved – fast. After previously stating he did not want to hear expert witness testimony, and that he wanted the parents to “work things out”, Grensky did an abrupt 180 degree turn from his previous actions in the case. Thankfully he finally took this case as serious as he should have nearly eight months ago.

Lenzo’s attorney, Jamie Hazlett began questioning Gabriel, the step-father, drilling him over and over again, unnecessarily. Judge Grensky stepped in and stated, “Ms. Hazlett I’m going to be frank with you. Why is that every time we have a problem with a judgment you’re on one end of it. Why is that? I don’t understand, but it’s always you.” Hazlett responded, “Alright well that may be your take on it…” Judge Grensky replied, “It is my take on it.”

Cori McGovern (DHS)

After DHS caseworker Cori McGovern got on the witness stand, Judge Grensky stated to her, “let me be succinct… Now that it looks like that (daughter being kept from mother) may go down the drain, you’re not so happy anymore. That’s the bottom line, right?

McGovern responded, “It is our (DHS) belief that [the daughter’s] behaviors were caused by mother.” McGovern continued, “That she (Christi) influenced, that she coached the child and that (child’s) behaviors – the self harming, the unrealistic fear of her father, that those were being driven by her mother.”

Basically, McGovern said that if Christi sees her daughter unsupervised, that DHS will take custody of the young girl and put her in foster care. Remember, several professionals who have the ability to diagnose, disagree with McGovern and DHS. These are experts that have not been able to testify in front of Judge Grensky. Considering this line of questioning by the Judge, it appears that he has finally taken a keen interest in what should rightfully be done.

“…A review was held and it was decided that there is not reasonable cause to believe that you (Christi) are responsible for the mental injury of (your daughter).” –DHS

How can McGovern declare that the mother is the cause of abuse when McGovern’s own superiors issued a letter dated Sept. 23, 2016 that read in part, “…A review was held and it was decided that there is not reasonable cause to believe that you (Christi) are responsible for the mental injury of (your daughter).” Furthermore, once the letter was written, how is it that McGovern could continue to make these claims against Christi? Is there no chain of command at DHS? Or, do caseworkers get to do anything they want without accountability?

According to McGovern herself, the case DHS had against Christi was closed in April of 2016, five months before her superiors took action at the request of Christi’s attorney Samantha Malloy. So, the question remains, how can McGovern be allowed to testify under oath that Christi is an abuser while McGovern’s own superior, Greg Thomas from Salem, OR., states there is no proof Christi caused abuse?

Christi MacLaren

Christi MacLaren had already taken one mental health evaluation which she passed, but DHS’ Cori McGovern wasn’t willing to accept that report. Instead, McGovern, along with Lenzo’s attorney Jamie Hazlett, pushed for a court order to force Christi to choose one of two “DHS approved” mental health evaluators. Christi, at the advice of her attorney, chose Dr. O’Connell – the doctor DHS wanted. Christi had no funds to pay for the mental health evaluation as she had been fired from her previous place of employment because of the false “founded abuse” report that Cori McGovern had previously made. Christi’s employer was forced to fire her due to insurance liability, preventing Christi from having an income and leaving her scraping to get by with the bare essentials. Eventually, Christi was able save enough to pay for the $1,400.00 exam that took several days to complete. The report from Dr. O’Connell was finally produced just before the Dec. 19th hearing. The result: Christi is a satisfactory parent.

Although Christi has now passed two mental health evaluations, DHS’ Cori McGovern was still not satisfied, claiming on the witness stand that she hadn’t seen it yet, insinuating that she would not accept it because she wasn’t able to talk with the doctor even though the court had already agreed that any communication from anyone regarding the exam would have to be done in writing, as part of the record. Cori McGovern apparently didn’t want to communicate on the record. Did McGovern want to pressure the doctor to give a fraudulent report that bolstered an ill conceived agenda?

Sean Lenzo

Furthermore, Christi has no criminal record while the biological father reportedly has an extensive one, including three felonies. According to one witness, two of the felonies were dismissed through a plea deal, and another felony conviction in California simply just disappeared. Could DHS have a hand in that? Although the felonies may be gone, his acknowledgement of them is not. Lenzo confirmed his drug abuse history during a deposition. According to Lenzo’s Facebook page, he now has a gun which has caused much more fear for Christi and her family. Christi had a previous restraining order against Lenzo because he threatened harm to her and her parents.

“If Sean Lenzo has been convicted of felony drug charges, it would be next to impossible for him to ever possess a firearm.” –Law Enforcement Officer

One law enforcement professional stated that, “If Sean Lenzo has been convicted of felony drug charges, it would be next to impossible for him to ever possess a firearm.” Unfortunately, that doesn’t appear to be the case in this instance.

Backing up to the May 19th hearing, Judge Grensky stated to Christi, after not allowing expert testimony, “All of this is going to be on you (Christi). We’re not gonna be sitting there monitoring every single step of the way.” The Judge ended his statement by saying, “I don’t tell DHS what to do.” Although the Judge’s tone at the recent hearing purportedly leads one to believe he is finally doing the right thing, his prior statement that he doesn’t tell DHS what to do is what has terrified Christi MacLaren beyond belief. She’s concerned that the Judge’s power is not enough to protect her, or her daughter because of the continuous threats by DHS. It’s all been but guaranteed according to McGovern that DHS will take her daughter again if the Judge rightfully gives her custody.

A trial to determine custody of Christi and Lenzo’s daughter is scheduled for January 11-12, 2017 at the Jackson County Courthouse.Christi has spent approximately $37,000.00 in the past two years attempting to protect her daughter. If you can support Christi, we humbly ask that you donate to her GoFundMe account. Attorney bills are piling high and every cent contributed will be graciously appreciated.

Again, please give even the smallest amount. Christi’s family is in desperate need.

If you have any information regarding anyone involved in this article, the US~Observer asks that you contact us immediately. Your information will be kept confidential upon request. You may reach out by going to, or emailing:, or calling 541-474-7885. Any information provided is greatly appreciated.

UPDATE: On the evening of December 21st, 2016 the US~Observer received a call from a blocked number. The caller asked, “Why are you pushing on Cori McGovern?” When asked to identify himself the caller stated, “It doesn’t matter.” The caller was told that we wouldn’t talk to him unless he identified himself to which he responded, “Okay, I’ll have to come see you in person, if that’s the way you want it.”

It appears Cori McGovern doesn’t just like to throw her weight around in cases where children are involved. It is more likely than not that she had this “stranger” call to try to intimidate us. We will not be intimidated, and it just made our resolve even greater.

The US~Observer stands on the side of the truth and is backed by experts involved in this case. Article reprinted by request.

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© 2017 Joseph Snook – All Rights Reserved

Islam is not a religion

Let us be totally clear; Islam is not a religion qualifying for religious exemptions including Freedom of Religion. It is instead, a violent political ideology with the goal of taking over the world. Islam teaches its followers to murder any and all “infidels,” meaning those who do not accept their manifesto of hate.

They are taught, not to become better people with integrity, but to lie in order to further their ideology. They are taught in their “holy book” The Koran, to kill innocent people in cold blood, plus, they are taught that raping children, including toddlers, is perfectly OK. Indeed they can sexually abuse anyone without consequences. That brutal ideology does not consider these violent sexual assaults illegal or sinful, but indeed permissible. The founder of Islam, Muhammad, married a 7 year old girl.

The most disturbing fact of the followers of that false religion is that they are all pedophiles and are justified by their own (Sharia) laws, the same as NAMBLA, the North American Man/Boy Love Association to make acceptable the rape of boy children, while most of the Muslims are after little girls.

And they are absolutely uncontrollable in their lusts. Obama has thrown open the borders of America to any and all of his fellow Muslims who want to come in as “refugees.” Following their entry, violent rapes have been brought in with them as well as Jihad murders of our citizens, all from within.

In Twin Falls, Idaho, these ‘migrants’ have been forced in by the Obama Administration, allowing them to live in that state, where they all receive welfare, free housing, medical benefits and food stamps.

One family moved into an apartment building. Shortly after moving in, two young Muslims in that family stalked and raped a little five year old girl who lived in that complex, not only brutally tearing her little vagina which would be exceedingly painful, but then had to further abuse that innocent child by urinating on her. These people are sub-human.

And who is protecting those Muslim savages? The Obama appointed U.S.Attorney for Idaho Wendy J. Olson, who has threatened prosecution against anyone in that town who speaks badly of that Muslim family. WHAT?? So this horrific rape of a little girl was set in place by the actions of Obama. The people, however, ran those Islamic thugs out of that apartment building. They probably are still in the U.S. where they will rape again.

Now the big question: What is religion? Religion is based upon God, or a manufactured god. The purpose of any religion, where a deity is worshiped, is to become better people and to do charitable work. That is why religious organizations are given freedom to follow their religions without interference.

Islam, however, is not any of the things associated with religion. It is based upon a hoax by Muhammad who claimed the Angel, Gabriel, had revealed the text of the Koran to him to share with the world.

How’s that again? Gabriel is the Archangel of Israel! So Gabriel has ditched God to assist in the formation of a false religion that will overthrow God? Ridiculous!

Muhammad claims, as true, that he was taken by Gabriel to Israel where he put his feet on the Temple Mount and became familiar with the area. That also is a yarn. Muhammad never set his foot in Israel.

When cornered on this he stated that the trip to Israel was given to him in a vision, a much different story than he told his followers and the world for years. But remember, Muslims are given full encouragement to lie in order to further their cause. The real God says; “thou shalt not lie”. Big difference.

And this created “religion” hates Jews, God’s chosen people, and is dedicated to slaying every Jew that can be found? And the Archangel of Israel will help carry out this dastardly deed? We don’t think so.

True religion encourages morals,Islam does the opposite. Indeed, if a Muslim gets killed by killing innocent people, which is a grave sin, he is considered a ‘martyr’ and ushered directly into Heaven where, it is promised, 72 virgins will be there on silken pillows awaiting each new arrival, where the ‘martyr’ will receive unlimited perverted sex for all eternity. We wonder what the wives and girl friends left behind think about this?

Here is something else to think about regarding that phony 72 virgins promise: When one does go to heaven, he does NOT take his body with him. The body stays here. Only one’s SPIRIT goes to heaven or hell. So how can that “martyr” who is now a spirit and the 72 virgins who are only spirits, have sex? Answer: It would not be possible since sex requires physical bodies to carry out that desire.They all are transparent with only a spiritual body. It would seem that minimal thinking would have figured this out.

In any case, a true God would never be an immoral god. The “god” that Muslims have been conned into worshiping would be just that, an immoral god.

The Ten Commandments teach that one should not kill, something all religions teach….EXCEPT for Islam where murders of innocent people means lifetime tributes to the killer with the photos of the ‘martyr’ and his family prominently displayed in their mosque.

They are so focused on killing that they look for what is called, ‘soft targets,’ meaning targets that cannot fight back such as hospitals, nursing homes, schools and Christian churches. These “holy warriors” are total cowards who kill people where they are assured they will not get hurt in the process.

These misguided people who follow that cult try to con the world by saying that Muslims and Christians worship the same God. NO THEY DO NOT! Muslims worshiped the pagan moon god, Alilah, who had two daughters. This is why the emblem of Islam is a half moon and a star.

Muslims worshiped Alilah but were forbidden to worship her daughters. When Mohammed convinced the world that he had been given a new religion, he changed the moon god name, taking the “i” out of her name to provide the more masculine name, Allah, which came to signify the higher power over the universe.

To give them credibility, Muslim leaders tried to convince the world that we worship the same God, which of course is not true. Indeed that is a lie, which Muslims are instructed to do to further their cause. And by the way, Muslim is not a race, it is an ideology. Muslims are mostly Arabs.That is their race.

It was duly noted that right after the 9/11 attacks in New York City a prominent Muslim cleric bragged on television right after the attacks: “This just proves that OUR god is more powerful than YOUR God.” By the words spoken on TV by that Islamic leader (I saw that interview right after the attacks), his very words on TV PROVED that they do NOT worship the same God as Christians and Jews.

He also bragged that this attack would attract many new recruits to ‘the cause.’ And amazingly, many misfits did join them in the midst of that carnage falsely believing that this would give them purpose, identity (and,as dumb as it is), worth. Yes “worth” by causing havoc, suffering and death, which means to them that this shows power. Such soulless malcontents are very vulnerable and easy to manipulate.

These recruits are being deceived, used, abused and exploited by colossal lies. Muslims, you are better than this. You have been duped into joining this political cult when you, like everyone else, has a seed of greatness within. This means everybody. But that seed must be nourished so it can grow. With that, you can be better than you are and can achieve real recognition and respect in this life without blood on your hands along with grieving survivors of your attacks.

Instead of becoming great people, whom you were created to be, you have been manipulated into sins that anger God, transforming you into wicked men and women totally separated from the true God. See these Words in the actual Holy Book The Bible: “But if ye shall still do wickedly, ye shall be consumed (put to death and sent to the flames of hell with eternal torment), both you and your king (your Islamic leaders).” 1 Samuel 12:25.

If you wonder why you have a hard life and have very little of what you desire and need, here is the answer as written in Jeremiah 5:25: “Your iniquities have turned away these things and your sins have withheld good things from you.” This means that it is your own sins that deny you the good things of life. You only need to renounce these sinful activities and learn about Jesus, the Son of God.

Even though mosques are protected under “religious freedom” in this country, a mosque is not a holy sanctuary but more like a union hall to recruit workers. It is in the mosque where the inside attacks of this country are preached and planned. There is nothing “holy” about it. It is a place of devious planning and instructions for murder and destruction. It is by no means a church and should not be recognized as such.

Muslims can be charming and very hospitable. They are the most dedicated people to their cause that can be found on earth. However, that dedication leads to the wrong path that leads straight to hell.

Muslims have been and are constantly being misinformed. What they are taught in the mosques are lies…which of course is fully acceptable if it advances the cause. Haven’t we heard that before? It is in the Koran, the so-called, “holy book.” That in itself is a lie.

Muslims who have unexpectedly encountered Jesus have left everything behind to follow Him. And you will find no more dedicated Christian than those who have learned the truth. A million Muslims a year have had that experience and have left Islam to follow Christ. The lies that Islam has pushed on unsuspecting recruits has taken them away from any decency and productive lives they might have had by turning them into heartless savages and right into the fires of hell.

There is certainly more on this subject that can be found, but what has been proven here is that Islam is not a religion. Which means that Islam does NOT qualify for protections under the “Freedom of Religion” laws which they have exploited in order to intrude into countries and to set up their mosques which is not to become better people, but to stir those who gather there to hate and slay all Jews and Christians, even though hospitality was extended to them by the very country they invaded.

But what about moderate or ‘good’ Muslims? There may be. But as long as they read the Koran and go to the mosque, they cannot be trusted. If they denounce and get rid of their Koran and disassociate themselves from the mosque, then they might be in a position of trust, but not before then. Meanwhile the open borders must stop for our own survival.

Our leaders must be contacted and persuaded to take all mosques and Islam off the religion protection list. They are NOT a religion.


© 2017 Rev. Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

Tyrants react to the birth of the king of kings

While angels, shepherds, godly men and women in Jerusalem rejoiced at the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, there were those whose reactions were exactly opposite.

When the Magi came to Jerusalem and asked King Herod the whereabouts of the babe born King of the Jews he was not pleased to say the least.
Matthew 2:3 records, “When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.”

Herod was notorious throughout the Roman Empire for his murderous response to anyone who might even vaguely threaten his tyrannical regime. He had killed his favorite wife for this reason, he also killed three of his own sons and countless others.

“The historians explained a recurring pattern in the life of Herod. He would hear a rumor that somebody was going to bump him off and take over his throne, but Herod would kill that person first. He would then go into depression. After awhile he would come out of his depression and would build, build, build. He would hear another rumor and would kill that person, then go into another depression. After awhile he would come out of this depression and would build, build, build. This cycle repeated itself a number of times in which numerous people were killed, including one of his ten wives as well as three of his sons! The shrinks diagnosed Herod the Great as a paranoid schizophrenic.”[1]

Herod is the reason for the dark side of the Christmas account, the murder of the innocents in Bethlehem.

Matthew 2:16-18 “Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceed-ing wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men. Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not.”

Some criticize this passage because writers of that day either did not record the event or because those who did, none of their writings were preserved. But the facts of Herod’s history would point to the reality that this act recorded in Matthew is consistent with the deeds of Herod.

“It is true; Josephus does not record the slaughter of the innocents in Bethlehem. He does, how-ever, record a number of ruthless murders by Herod in order to keep his throne secure.

Herod was crowned “King of the Jews” by the Roman Senate in 40 BC in Rome. He was, how-ever, a king without a kingdom. Upon his return to the Land of Israel, he was given a Roman army and was eventually able to capture Jerusalem. The first order of business was to eliminate his Hasmonean predecessors. Mattathias Antigonus was executed with the help of Mark Antony and Herod killed 45 leading men of Antigonus’ party in 37 BC (Antiquities 15:5-10; LCL 8:5-7). He had the elderly John Hyrcanus II strangled over an alleged plot to overthrow Herod in 30 BC (Antiquities 15:173-178; LCL 8:83-85).

Herod continued to purge the Hasmonean family. He eliminated his brother-in-law, Aristobulus, who was at the time an 18 year old High Priest. He was drowned in 35 BC by Herod’s men in the swimming pool of the winter palace in Jericho because Herod thought the Romans would favor Aristobulus as ruler of Judea instead of him (Antiquities 15:50-56; LCL 8:25-29; Netzer 2001:21-25). He also had his Hasmonean mother-in-law, Alexandra (the mother of Mariamme) executed in 28 BC (Antiquities15:247-251; LCL 8:117-119). He even killed his second wife Miriamme in 29 BC. She was his beloved Hasmonean bride whom he loved to death [literally, no pun intended] (Antiquities 15:222-236; LCL 8:107-113).

Around 20 BC, Herod remitted one third of the people’s taxes in order to curry favor with them, however, he did set up an internal spy network and eliminated people suspected of revolt, most being taken to Hyrcania, a fortress in the Judean Desert (Antiquities 15:365-372; LCL 8:177-181).

Herod also had three of his sons killed. The first two, Alexander and Aristobulus, the sons of Mariamme, were strangled in Sebaste (Samaria) in 7 BC and buried at the Alexandrium (Antiquities16:392-394; LCL 8:365-367; Netzer 2001:68-70). The last, only five days before Herod’s own death, was Antipater who was buried without ceremony at Hyrcania (Antiquities 17:182-187; LCL 8:457-459; Netzer 2001:75; Gutfeld 2006:46-61).

Herod the Great became extremely paranoid during the last four years of his life (8-4 BC). On one occasion, in 7 BC, he had 300 military leaders executed (Antiquities 16:393-394; LCL 8:365). On another, he had a number of Pharisees executed in the same year after it was revealed that they predicted to Pheroras’ wife [Pheroras was Herod’s youngest brother and tetrarch of Perea] “that by God’s decree Herod’s throne would be taken from him, both from himself and his descendents, and the royal power would fall to her and Pheroras and to any children they might have” (Antiquities 17:42-45; LCL 8:393). With prophecies like these circulating within his kingdom, is it any wonder Herod wanted to eliminate Jesus when the wise men revealed the new “king of the Jews” had been born.”

So Herod’s wicked deed recorded in Matthew is consistent with the extra biblical data we have regarding his character. The King was threatened by the birth of a baby boy in Bethlehem.

Ever since the birth of Jesus Christ, tyrants the world over have had a similar reaction to He who was born King of the Jews. We have seen that for the past eight years with the current administration in the White House. We have seen that with the abuse of the followers of Jesus Christ who refuse to bow to the Sodomite totalitarians in our land. We have seen that in government run schools where even the word Christmas is banned all the while children are learning prayers to Allah. What is clear for the anti-Christ forces in our country, anything but Jesus will do. You can teach Wicca, Mohomendanism, Hinduism or any other belief system except Christianity. Why is that so? Because the babe born in Bethlehem is still a threat to those modern day tyrants.

Learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2017 Rev. David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

Christians elect stupid people then expect them to do good works

The Church and the New America

As America begins a new year and a new president we need to assess what we, the church, needs to do. It is going to require more than voting in the 2016 election and then doing nothing. The church is the most important aspect of this plan. For the last two general elections the church has acted like there was no election. They have stuck their pious noses in the air and declared that neither of the candidates were worthy of their effort to vote. WRONG! God expected us to vote for the one that represented Him the most. Keeping in mind that no candidate will ever be perfect, ever.

The church has been absent in its mandated role in our political arena. I know that many will cry separation of church and state, the church isn’t supposed to be involved in the political arena.

To those who claim this I will ask you to read the Constitution again AND the 1801 letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote to the Danbury Baptist Association when they wrote him because they feared the federal government would do what England had done and that was establish a national church, tax the people to support it and govern what the church taught. You will see in that letter that the only separation of church and state the Founders called for was to keep the federal government out of the operations of the church and the actions of the individuals concerning their religious beliefs. We are instructed by scripture to put godly men in places of authority: Exodus 18:21 Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens. We no longer do this and haven’t for decades. We stopped doing this long before the Johnson Gag Order of 1954.

We continually put ungodly men in office and then pray they do godly things. Stupid on steroids! We not only have the right but an obligation, mandate if you will, to put godly men and women in positions of authority. Our Founders did. The Evers vs Board of Education decision of 1947 that began to take our Christian influence out of the public arena is NOT what the Founders intended. In fact the federal government has no Constitutional authority to restrict prays in schools, public meetings or public displays of our Christian faith. Many of the progressive fools that believe that there can be no Christian influence in our halls of government and use only five words out of Thomas Jefferson’s response to the Danbury Baptist association need to hear his comments concerning this subject: “[No] power over the freedom of religion . . . [is] delegated to the United States by the Constitution.”[1] “In matters of religion I have considered that its free exercise is placed by the Constitution independent of the powers of the general [federal] government.”[2] “[O}ur excellent Constitution . . . has not placed our religious rights under the power of any public functionary.”[3] “I consider the government of the United States as interdicted [prohibited] by the Constitution from intermeddling with religious institutions . . . of exercises.”[4] Jefferson had witnessed the government’s intrusion into the religious practices of the people and believed it to be an unhealthy aspect to liberty.

He elaborated on this in a letter to Noah Webster:

“It had become a universal and almost uncontroverted position in several States that the purpose of society is to not require a surrender of all our rights to our ordinary governors . . . and which experience has nevertheless proved they [the government] will be constantly encroaching on if submitted to them; that there are also certain fences which experience has proved peculiarly efficacious [effective] against wrong and rarely obstructive of right, which yet the governing powers have ever shown a disposition to weaken and remove. Of the first kind, for instance, is freedom of religion.”[5]

In doing any research on this subject dealing with our Founders and the church comingling its principles with government, no intelligent person, without an agenda, can come to the conclusion that the 1947 United States Supreme Court came to. The influence of the church in the political arena is a must if we are to keep America as the Founders gave it to us. One example is the display of the Ten Commandments in our courts. Common sense tells us this is appropriate simply because our system of laws is based on Scripture! Even the Supreme Court has decided that the Ten Commandments cannot be displayed in a public court yet on the inside of the huge wood doors of the Supreme Court the Ten Commandments are carved into those doors to let the jurists remember the basis of our laws. John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, stated this: “Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest, of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.” I don’t want to nit-pick but I think one of the Founders knows more about the comingling of our Christian faith in our government than an arrogant fool that sits on that court in 1947 or even today.

James Kent, known as the Father of American Jurisprudence, stated: “Christianity, in its enlarged sense, as a religion revealed and taught in the bible, is not unknown to our law.” The Bible used to be the only school book used but now it is banned on the grounds of separation of church and state but islam is readily being taught in our schools. I’m not talking as a part of history, I’m talking the tenants of that political ideology! [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]. The only thing that should be taught about islam is the fact that it is a barbaric, vile and bloodthirsty ideology that has murdered over 270 million people. Is intolerant of any other religion, is deceitful in its practices and allows lies, theft, killing and anything else that helps advance its ideology.[11] It is far from the peaceful religion that it claims to be.

We, the church, have been absent from the political arena for way to long. Some say that the law says we can’t. That ‘law’ violates our religious freedoms, our free speech rights and that makes it unconstitutional. Then these cowards say that Romans 13 tells us to obey the laws but even Peter and John refused a direct order from the powers to be: Act 4:18 And they called them, and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus. Act 4:19 But Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye. Act 4:20 For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard. Oh to have pastors that are more afraid of God than the IRS. When I say the church I mean more than the pastor. Everyone in the pews must remain vigilant too. We have to support the party that supports God.

That means that no Christian can support the Democrat Party as it supports all that God is against, abortion, homosexual marriage, supporting the enemies of Israel while at the same time ignoring Israel. Obama just this week refused to veto a UN resolution condemning Israel for building on its own land. The resolution goes as far as to make it illegal for the Jews to pray at the Western Wall.[12]

We can no longer allow ungodly men to be in places of authority. It is the church that can keep them out IF they vote according to God’s Word instead blindly following a political party. God will hold the church accountable for the condition of America NOT the ones that led it down the wrong path. As John Jay stated we are a Christian nation and we became the greatest, the most powerful and the wealthiest nation in the world following God’s principles. We will only stay there by doing the same thing. We simply have to return to our roots and those roots are deeply embedded in the Word and principles of God. President-elect Trump has said that he wants to reverse the Johnson Gag Order of 1954. When he does, just how many churches will get back into the political arena? How many will be too afraid to offend the political parties and continue to be useless to the kingdom of God?
America is the churches to lose.

© 2017 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved



3. Jefferson, Writings, Vol. XVI, p.325, to the Society of the Methodist Episcopalian Church on December 9, 1808.
4. Thomas Jefferson, Memoir, Correspondence, and Miscellanies, From the Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Randolph, editor (Boston: Gray and Bowen, 1830), Vol. IV, pp. 103-104, to the Rev. Samuel Miller on January 23, 1808.
5. Jefferson, Writings, Vol. VIII, pp. 112-113, to Noah Webster on December 4, 1790.
7. Islamic indoctrination being taught in LA public schools.
8. Islam in Tennessee public schools.
9. Islam in public schools across the country.
10. Mandatory Islam Instruction in Georgia Schools Outrages Parents.
11. Must watch, 1400 yrs. of Islam history in a few minutes.

Obama, Islam and the whore United Nations

The Underhanded and Nefarious

Being a Christian, I try very hard to understand the reasons that people do some of the things they do. I have found it impossible to reason out any of the actions of Barack Obama or whatever his name is.

Since I am NOT a PARTY person, but rather choose to pick the candidates I support because of who they are and not what party they belong too, the fact Obama is a Democrat has nothing to do with this except it just re-enforces some of his actions against Americans and others.

I wrote about him about 2 years after he took office having noted he is a Colonialist, disliking America and his objective to destroy as much of America and her people as he could all in the name of the under-privileged when what he did for them was bury them deeper into nothingness and dependency.

His latest actions since his meeting with President-elect Trump have been nasty, vile and intentionally disruptive and damaging to not only the future of America but other parts of the world, namely Israel.

Back in 2011, Obama began showing his distaste for Israel when he urged Israel to hand over half of Jerusalem, the Wailing Wall, Temple Mount, Old Jerusalem, Via Dolorosa and the tomb of Jesus Christ to various radical Islamic organizations.

Again in 2013, Obama tried to talk Israel into just handing over the holist Christian and Jewish sites to those very same Islamic groups. 

This man Obama cannot possibly be a Christian even though he supposedly sat in Rev. Wright’s church for 20 years. We learned long ago of the antics being carried out by Wright and the black, male members of his church. 

Obama as the Muslim I believe he is, must be questioned as to his concern that Palestine be recognized as a country entitled to the land owned by Israel. It is currently being rumored that John Kerry at the direction of Obama is currently finalizing a document that Obama hopes will form the basis for a UN Security Council resolution that will officially recognize a Palestinian state before the end of Obama’s term on January 20th. 

If Obama is not a Muslim, than from my way of thinking, he just hates Americans.

If he were a Christian, he would have never considered doing what he did thru the U.N. in telling the U.S. not to veto against Resolution 2334. 

Obama the man has proven over and over that he is a liar and he has never shown that to be more true than with his actions since his meeting with Trump. He sat there in an interview with Trump and reporters, telling the world what a great meeting they had and how he intended to help with the transition into the change-over and he lied. 

After wasting all our tax-payer money flying around the country supporting Hillary and now since she has lost and his meeting with Trump is over, he talks about how he should have pushed to re-run for a third term arguing that a majority of Americans continue to support his progressive vision for the country not caring the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution says he could not – but then when has Obama ever cared about anything in the Constitution?

This ego ridden individual also decided to turn his back on Clinton and criticized her for how she ran her campaign refusing to see that the American people are just plain tired of being lied too and “ruled” by a “self-serving president/government and illegal Executive Orders.

I personally have no doubt it will be proven that Obama was behind this recent attack against Israel. Both Hillary and Obama have brought Muslims of very questionable character and relationships into the White House. 

Many Muslims have become good American citizens assimilating to our country and its government. Some have even fought in the US Armed Forces and against radical Islamic terrorism. But our elected president has deliberately brought within the folds of our government members of the Muslim Brotherhood (the progenitor of Jihadism), and its front groups, the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR), and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC).

Slowly and methodically over the past 8 years, Obama has been filling the Washington bureaucracy to include DHS, National Security Council, CIA, White House, State Department, DOD, US Armed Forces and every US Intelligence Agency with members of the above-mentioned groups. Obama has acted as a “tool” for the Jihadi movement in the U.S. 

To make matters worse, Obama senior appointee Lois Lerner, IRS Director at the time, is now implicated in providing material support to Malik Obama. Malik Obama is a known Muslim Brotherhood terrorist and has been granted undeniable special privilege under U.S. law and in granting that privilege, Lerner even used an alias and a private email server initially to complete the act. In other words, she knew what she was doing was treason and she was attempting to cover it up. 

Yet the Obama administration has brought numerous members of the Muslim Brotherhood into the White House and given them positions near and dear to classified information.

See Something, Say Nothing” explaining the backroom maneuvers going on to deceive America’s citizens. 

Since 2007 a subtle play has been happening at the UN between the Organization of the Islamic Congress (OIC) countries led by Pakistan and the West (mainly EU, US and their allies).

What is also becoming apparent is that Western values no longer have the power they once had in the United Nations (UN) and our platform of democracy and equality is also being eroded. The growing Muslim voting block of nations is slowly but surely introducing Sharia Law into the UN and apparently without anyone really noticing.

On 18 December 2007, the UN General Assembly adopted the resolution “Combating Defamation of Religions” by 108 votes to 51 with 25 abstentions. The resolution expresses “deep concern about the negative stereotyping of religions and manifestations of intolerance and discrimination in matters of religion or belief”. But the only religion mentioned by name was Islam.

What this resolution did was in effect give Islam Human Rights status—something that should be only accorded to human beings not to an ideology or religion.

One day after a prominent U.S. Muslim leader reacted to the November 2015 Paris attacks with a declaration that the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, has nothing to do with Islam, President Obama made the same assertion. Watching these two video’s will give you all the information you need along with showing you the deliberate direction the Obama administration has taken against this country.

Our government has been supporting and approving the operation of over 165 Muslim Gulen Charter schools in this country since 2000 on YOUR tax dollars hidden under various names. American parents are actually sending their non-Muslim children to these schools. Have American parents totally lost their minds?

This video by Bill Whittle exposes how Obama has been impeding Federal Law Enforcement from identifying and effectively fighting “Radical Islamic Terrorists” within the US.

Just who is the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations – certainly not a person favorable to the United States:

 Samantha Powers is the wife of Cass Sunstein Obama’s former regulatory czar who has been labeled the most dangerous liberal in America.
 Powers passionately hates Israel and her remarks here and hereand here prove it.
 Powers once worked for the George Soros’ ‘think tank’ ICG (International Crisis Group)
 In a 2002 interview she stated the U.S. should pour billions of dollars of taxpayer money into a new state of Palestine.
 She was re-hired in 2009 as Obama’s Special Assistant to President Barack Obama and Senior Director of Multilateral Affairs on the Staff of the National Security Council.

Among other results the report showed “more than half” of some 16,000 U.N. staffers and 164 executive managers consulted by the examiners who had completed a “fraud perception survey” indicated that they believe that fraudulent behavior goes unpunished in their organization.

The United Nations has continually been linked to fraud and corruption. The pay their staff receives is approximately 38% higher than the average comparable employee in the U.S. government. U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s New York Secretariat stated, “Fraud is not considered a corporate risk within the Secretariat, and no specific fraud risk assessments are conducted.”

In 2012, the Heritage Foundation and others called for the US to rein in the UN’s lavish salaries after having discovered that U.N. employees in the professional and higher grades in New York earn a net remuneration (take-home salary) that averages 29.5 percent higher than that of equivalent U.S. civil servant grades in Washington, D.C. Moreover, U.N. employees enjoy benefits that in many cases exceed those of U.S. civil servants.

Is it not enough the UN has consistently over the years paid money intended for those in need to their country’s dictators? The world should be enraged at the billions upon billions of $$ that have continually been funneled through the United Nations and the countries they were supposed to help are still in poverty, sick and starving.

Ban Ki-moon once again calling for emergency funds earlier this month for Global Humanity which he claims has quadrupled over the years, leaving more than 128 million people in need of assistance. Did these people just crop up or have they been ignored for years and the money sent to their dictators? I say “get your house in order and in fact we just need to close you down”.

And if for one minute you think this world is not being pushed to Globalization and total acceptance of Islam/Sharia check these out:

 George Washington University has eliminated its United States history requirement for history majors in order to attract more students in our “globalizing” world. [Link]

 The Alwaleed Islamic Studies Program at Harvard University is dedicated to furthering the scholarly study of Islam and the Muslim world. [Link

Fellows will receive a stipend of up to $5,000 per month and are expected to promote the development of policy papers “at the intersection of Islamic law and relevant issues of U.S. policy.” These policy papers will include short commentary on recent cases or other Islamic law sources, longer policy briefs, or op-eds, according to the law school website. Here comes Sharia Law in America!

Do I need to remind you once again that if our children are not taught about what our founders gave us and personally gave up so that we had this wonderful country, they will have no allegiance to it?

Millennials a product of communist educational system

In an earlier article entitled Parents Gave Up Rights to Educate, I noted all the chaos we are experiencing is the result of the Harvard/Unitarian/Progressive enlightened snobs way back at the turn of the 19th Century attempting to bring communism to the U.S. which would require getting control of education away from the Calvinists Christian parents. Well, the Trump presidential candidacy did to one thing – educated people on the Electoral College. I know 80 year olds who didn’t know what it was.

History is not only written by the victors but by the ignorant, the biased and the devious. If, in addition to distortions of the history record, one adds another factor – the intentional “dumbing down” of a people, then the disintegration of a country can be accomplished even more quickly. As those who were listening and watching soon saw our Constitutional Republic being dismantled ever so quietly by these enlightened snobs. I cringe every time I hear another elected leader call our country a democracy. The lack of Civics in our public school system has been the biggest problem. Suddenly we found ourselves confronted by an incredible societal transformation – a tectonic shift of enormous magnitude – had taken place before our eyes. However, it has been the last generation of what are now called millennials is the most frightening and they seem to be the ones billionaire George Soros paid to protest Trump’s election.


A great journalist Alan Stang passed away in 2009. He warned when the Communists impose their version of Socialism on a country, they always destroy its history. They stop teaching it in the schools. They don’t talk about it in the media. They delete and pervert it in the movies and we know who owns Hollywood. Nationally, if you don’t know history, you are no longer a nation. You are people without cohesion, disunited and easily conquered.
Now if all this rings a bell, please study what he’s written about Islam. No. 30 of the 45 declared goals for the communist takeover of America is to discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.” No. 21 says to belittle all forms of America culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the “big picture” and No. 32, support any socialist movement to give centralized- control over any part of the culture – education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

Muslims train their children at an early age how to handle guns and explosives. They are taught to hate and while Americans were brainwashed to believe two children was enough, the Muslims are having lots of babies.
Recently there is much talk in our news about the 18-wheeler truck driven into the Berlin Christmas party and we are being warned by the intelligence community America is going to be next; however, google HOAX Global war on Terrorism. According to news reports, some communities such as Dearborn, Michigan have already taken over large portions of the town and the insistence that the women must wear burkas that cover their whole body plus their faces, automatically becomes a source of contention and anxiety in these communities.

Now for immigrants to bond together in certain areas is not unusual. This has happened since they got off the boat at Ellis Island in search of a better life and couldn’t wait to become citizens but the Muslims refuse to assimilate as described in their dress above and one can find no U.S. flags in the areas. Some men have up to four wives and receive welfare assistance. Eventually they will run for some public office in a district where they can guarantee election and one by one they will bring in others.


Yes, this is what happens when God turns a nation over to Satan. (Romans 1:18-32) The goal of the Muslims is to take over the world and install Sharia law. They come to our country and support themselves with our “politically correct” welfare system. Recently psychologist Dr. James Mitchell an expert on the Muslims say it only takes one or two people to cause great carnage like allegedly recently happened in Berlin and this terror threat is worldwide.

Germany’s first female chancellor, Angela Merkel, is the daughter of a Lutheran minister and is compassionate to a fault with the refugees. Like white guilt caused America to vote into the White House not once but twice two total communist groomed frauds, Merkel’s type of WWII-Hitler “guilt” stops Germany’s ability to defend themselves.

But we also see President Barack Obama doing likewise. In addition, before he leaves office, he’s granting clemency to hundreds (maybe thousands) of those in prison primarily on drug charges – he calls them low level offenders. And guess where the Muslims recruit – at our prisons!!

Nations with strong families are survivors. So the first attack was to destroy a mother’s self worth with the women’s movement which encouraged women to go to work outside the home. Spankings were called “child abuse so in order to protect the children from abusive parents, the Child Protective Services (CPS) was created to intervene into what used to be God’s command – spare the rod, spoil the child. (Prov. 29:15) And yes, abuse did occur but the authority that should have been called and asked to investigate would be the duly elected county sheriff and not a bunch of unqualified and unelected pecksniffians in CPS. (Hypocritically affecting benevolence or high moral principles – character in Charles Dickens Novel Martin Chuzzlewit – 1843)

In 1994 it was noted a growing number of sex researchers were supporting the idea that pedophilia could be healthy and should be legalized and promoted. Way back in 1984 one homosexual spokesperson said “We will Sodomize your sons.” Alan Stang in his 2007 book NOT HOLIER THAN THOU wrote about the sodomizing of children and by whom- A pervert by the name of Craig Smith “maintained a call boy ring that catered to the political elite and, unlike most D.C. call boy rings, offered children to its clients.” Stang told how the Republican Party had homosexuals worm their way into important jobs. One example was sodomite lawyer Roy Cohn, who, dying of disease in a hospital bed, was still trying to arrange homosexual liaisons.

The Psychiatry profession once labeled homosexuality as a mental disorder but applied pressure on the profession got that classification removed. The 6/30/03 New American magazine gave names of homosexual serial killers and the numbers they killed.


Corrupt the young, get them away from religion and get them interested in sex is the communist rule for a revolution. No. 27 of communist goals: Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a “religious crutch.” To further this experiment, SIECUS (Sexuality Information and Education Council of the U.S.) entered the picture. It’s January 1993 report called for “respect for the diversity of values and beliefs about sexuality” and asserted that “sexuality is a natural healthy part of living” and each individual must have the right to make “responsible sexual choices. These generalizations belie the fact that SIECUS lacked respect for religious, traditional sexual beliefs and has resulted in bitter fruit but the experiment went on. And in 1994, sex clinics became known and condom clinics cashed in under President Clinton’s “Health Security Act. (S1757) The bill scheduled $50 million a year for “School Health Education” which, of course, is popularly known as sex education. This is where counselors would smuggle PG girls out the back door for an abortion without parental knowledge. Since Clinton’s sex life with Monica Lewinsky was exposed, 12 and 13 year olds in middle school began having oral sex. Kids are dirty dancing at high school events. A December 2002 NEWSWEEK magazine said 46% are having sex. The number of kids having sex before 14 is increasing. They have sex in the bathrooms, science class, and the parking lot.

Democrat President Jimmy Carter created the unconstitutional Department of Education. So basic reading and writing, arithmetic skills, Civics and the Constitution were ignored and replaced with sex education under the premise parents were incapable. The overall goal of sex education program was stated to enhance self esteem , increase decision making capacity, enable adolescents to make responsible decisions about sex. Embarrassed students were asked to tell what they like and did not like about the instruction, the group, the size and appearance of their own sex organs. Education aides included rubber like models of sex organs, Play Doh for students to shape into sex organs, fruits and vegetables to represent parts of male and female anatomy – all this without the knowledge of the parents.

Judith Reisman writes about “Kinsey’s Kooky Shrinks” and says anyone who believes that sex professors are just objective, high-minded intellectuals has never attended a sex conference. Communist collective-bargaining unionized teachers also lacking in history allowed themselves to become change agents instead of whistle blowers. And now President elect Donald Trump has selected Betsy DeVos to head the Department of Education which should have been repealed years ago! Americas used to be #1 in education worldwide, now we are 36th.

And sex education has morphed into mass confusion in the minds of our young people and we now have 300 million grandparents who are now either having their children and grandchildren living in their homes or are helping them out financially. The advent of political correctness and social networks has broken down traditional barriers and expanded boundaries to unacceptable dangerous lifestyles to where it is difficult to protect our children from sexual deviants.

Gender identity is the theme of today’s sexual indoctrination and Planned Parenthood and our school system wants to make your child so confused in hopes they will begin to question who they really are – enhancing therefore, the homosexual lifestyle. In 2016 California began to indoctrinate seven year olds with the new LGB T curriculum. So we now have young folks wanting the government to pay for their sex reassignment surgery and transgenders want access to all public restrooms.


And for the New World Order, death education will play as important a part in changing attitudes toward death as sex education played in changing attitudes toward sex information and wide acceptance of various lifestyles.
They offered death education classes. Such classes promoted conditioning of these young minds and desensitizing of the masses to the mass genocide to come, with abortion, euthanasia, necrophilia, cannabalism, group death and cruelty. The Illuminati listed 25 ways to smash America’s resistance to the global Agenda and #19 was the death culture to promote the conditioning of young minds so now we know why young people kill. And then an increase in suicides by young people….

And we’ve seen videos how Islam parents are conditioning their children early to kill the infidels. That which was once Normal, has suddenly become Political Incorrect as Saul Alinsky came on the scene to socialize or nationalize everything (one step below communism and a dictator) and he was Hillary Clinton’s as well as many others mentors. And what Bill and Hillary Clinton have done is not well known by today’s young snowflakes who began to melt down when their leader, Hillary Clinton, lost the presidency.

And after more than a hundred years of universal public education indoctrination, we can say that it nowhere resembles the Utopia vision that drove its proponents to create it and public schools have become a shelter for incompetent communistic collective bargaining teachers who were trained by the majority of communist professors in these worthless colleges. I can use Bill Ayers as an example. Because of prosecutorial errors, Ayers went free boasting, “guilty as hell, free as a bird,” for killing a policeman. It was no accident that Barack Obama chose Ayers as mentor in his run for the Illinois Senate. This felon Ayers went on to become a college professor spewing out his dangerous doctrine to heads full of mush.

So now newcomers who have suddenly awakening to the deception carried on by the education elites should be able to better understand why it has all happened. Look at how their futures are desolate because of what they’ve been taught. These young folks protesting now and bemoaning the fact that their evil leader, Hillary, lost are products of an education presented to them by a bunch of miserable, unhappy, constantly angry intellectuals and elitists who have created an army of mind-numbed ill educated robots who will spend the rest of their lives miserable and unhappy, unsatisfied and it has been done on purpose. Yes, politics and the social media can become a mental disorder and few exit the system untarnished.

© 2016 Betty Freauf – All Rights Reserved

Obama’s last act – throw Israel to the wolves and incite war with Russia?

In my life and its memories, I have seen Presidents come and go. My personal recall goes back to the last days of the first Truman administration. He had entered office as a Vice President and became President when Franklin Delano Roosevelt died in 1945. My personal memories of hearing the radio discussions about the upcoming election stem from 1948. Truman was expected to become a “lame duck” in 1948, but it did not happen.

Truman went to bed with news that Dewey had won. He awoke to learn that he, instead had prevailed. Truman was succeeded in 1952 by Republican Dwight David Eisenhower. My parents paid attention to that election where they had voted for Eisenhower in the first election and the Democratic candidate in the 1956 election.

President Eisenhower was succeeded by the candidate of the opposite party by Democrat John Fitzgerald Kennedy. That was 1960. I was a Junior in high school. I do not remember public rancor and anger during that transition, even though Richard Nixon, Eisenhower’s Vice President had a surprise loss. The Kennedy years were brief with his tragic assassination in Dallas on November 22, 1963. He was succeeded by Lyndon Baines Johnson, his Vice President. Johnson was re-elected over Barry Goldwater in 1964. The years to follow were tumultuous and very reminiscent of what is happening now. Lyndon Johnson was exceedingly unpopular among many Democrats and did not seek re-election for what would have in effect been a third term in 1968. Richard Nixon instead was elected. Although the times were turbulent and the Cold War was on, I do not recall an ugly transition period — at least in my then perception.

President Nixon was re-elected in 1972. There was turbulence, but that turbulence seemed to stem more from Nixon’s insecurities, the ongoing Vietnam War, and what was shaping up that we came to know as “Watergate.” Gerald Ford succeeded fallen and disgraced former Vice President Spiro Agnew in that office and then became President of the United States upon President Nixon’s resignation in disgrace. Although times were turbulent indeed, I do not recall an ugly transition period when Jimmy Carter took office as President of the United States (POTUS). I do not recall, however, the December 1976 through January 1977 being an ugly or tumultuous period in terms of the Presidential succession.

Carter was a one-termer, having been defeated in 1980 by Ronald Reagan. Although Democrats were saddened at the loss, I do not recall the transition period being an ugly one. Ronald Reagan after serving two terms was succeeded by his Vice President George H. W. Bush who served only one term as President after having served two full terms as Vice President. William Jefferson Clinton was elected President. Although the Republicans were disappointed, I recall the inauguration and transition period proceeding smoothly and cooperatively.

There was real turbulence in 2000 when Vice Presidential Albert Gore and George W. Bush’s races collided. There were angry and politicized Supreme Court challenges that fell in favor of George W. Bush. Nevertheless, the transition proceeded smoothly despite the rancor.

Then we came to 2008 when Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton had a tumultuous primary race where Obama prevailed. Obama was elected President over John McCain his first term and over Mitt Romney his second term. The Bush-Obama transition went smoothly.

Now we come to the very last days of the Obama Administration. Suddenly, globally precipitous moves are made by the outgoing administration, obviously designed to make the transition anything but smooth. President Obama, in his declining days, it appears, has made war on both Israel and Russia. I don’t get classified briefings, nor do I know what the full facts are, but it is a safe bet that both countries have been actively spying on the other — but the accusation that Hillary’s defeat blamed first on FBI director James Comey and now on “the Russians” is unique in our history, at least as my personal recall goes.

It is my impression for better or for worse that what Barack Obama is doing is working actively to prevent a smooth transition of power and to create a far more dangerous world for Israel and for the United States than existed before. The actions against Russia are provocative to say the least.

My prayer is that Russia does not take the bait! May the Lord help us all!

© 2016 – Constance Cumbey – All Rights Reserved

Obama delivers a contemptuous farewell present to Israel

A day before Chanukah, a Friday right before Shabbat started, the UN Security Council voted unanimously to pass Resolution 2334, which forbids Israel from “settlement activity” in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank to those who reject history). They not only included new settlements on land no one has used in centuries, but places in which Jews have had a presence for thousands of years – East Jerusalem and the Western Wall of the Temple Mount. Basically they called “outlaws” all the 800,000 or so Jewish inhabitants of this disputed territory.
The US was complicit as the White House said “Netanyahu brought the US abstention on himself”. So this tells me that the US president brought suffering on 800,000 Jews because he has a personal vendetta against a Prime Minister. Wow. What a foreign policy that is. Your legacy, Obama, is a judgment that will bring dishonor on your head. What leader of the free world espouses a foreign policy of personal vendetta except for the Islamic terror state leaders?
This essay isn’t about the history of the disputed land, as volumes have already been written on this. Some history does, however, need to be summarized to provide context for the conflict. But basically, the land was part of Israel historically and Biblically. It includes the part of Jerusalem in which the Temple sat for centuries. Though the Jewish nation was scattered for 2000 years, there were always some Jews remaining in the areas of Judea and Samaria and the Old City of Jerusalem’s Jewish Quarter. It was controlled mainly by the Ottomans and the British for centuries, though neither did much with this land overlooking the Jordan Valley. When Israel was made a state in 1948, Judea and Samaria became part of the state of Jordan, the part of Palestine which was supposed to be for the Arab refugees of Israel.
It didn’t work that way, of course. Muslims and Arabs are not known for keeping their word. They value taquiyya – lying – as a way to obtain their wants, in addition to terror and murder. For nineteen years, though Jordan “occupied” Judea and Samaria, they did little with the land. Then in 1967, when they held the “West Bank” in their control, several Arab nations attacked Israel. Miraculously, Israel won and not only protected small Israel, but advanced to the Jordan River and took possession of Judea and Samaria.
Normally when one state wins territory in a war, to end the fighting, a peace treaty is signed, awarding the land won to the winner. For some reason, Israel agreed to stop fighting even without such a treaty. Jordan and Israel did later sign a peace agreement, but the land Israel now occupied was left for some later negotiation.
Enter the Arab refugees, who were given Jordan for their state, when Palestine was split in 1948. Rather than do so, as the Jordanian king, being an Alawhite, didn’t want more of the refugees, the Arabs created the “Palestinians”. Even though Jews were also Palestinians, that inconvenient fact is not relevant to the Arab narrative, which suddenly became the need for the Arab Palestinians to have their own state. These were Arabs who moved to the area largely to work for the new state of Israel, since so many jobs were opened as the Jews needed help building infrastructure. Many of them were not the refugees who had lived in Israel and fled during the War of Independence in 1948. Despite the fact that there is no historical basis for a “Palestinian” state in Israel, many of the Arabs living in the area were incited to terrorize Israelis until land could be taken from Israel for their state.
However, it soon became clear – from their own words – that the Arab nations were supporting these “Palestinians” because the Arabs had failed in every war they waged against Israel. Their new weapon was the terrorism of the incited Arabs who were brainwashed to believe that Judea and Samaria were their lands. The goal has always been – as was the goal pre-1967 – to wipe out all of the Jews in the Middle East. Muslims can’t have a total caliphate in the Middle East with a nation of upstart Jews thriving in it. And this is the cogent, all-important basis behind all of the Arab-Israel conflict.

So that brings us to December 23, 2016, when the UN Security Council finally voted to outlaw the settlements which were built on land Israel had been controlling for 50 years. This ruling made outlaws of the hundreds of thousands of Jews living in this land. These Jews came to this area because they wanted to live on the land where King David walked, where their ancestors had lived, where the Tabernacle – and later the Temple – had been located. This was the land in which the sons of Jacob, David and others pastured their flocks. It is the land of Jewish heritage.
So I ask the UN and US – why do you wish to destroy Israel? Anyone who has lived in Israel knows we cannot survive living among warring Arabs without the protection provided by the highlands of Judea and Samaria. We cannot long survive without our control of the Temple Mount, the holiest site of our history and faith – our very heart and soul.
For years the UN policy and rulings stated that no one could dictate to the Jews and Arabs how the solution would be worked out to the conflict, but that Jews and Arabs would have to work out a “final status agreement”. Now the UN, for the umpteenth time, has violated its own previous rulings and policy. It has imposed Muslim desires upon Israel for no good reason, other than to rid Judea and Samaria of Jews and hand over the Judenrein-to-be area to the favored Muslims.
UN Security Council members and the UN-supporting world which remains silent: for what sins do you persecute us Jews?
• Is it for the sin of the provision of the Bible and the world’s first monotheistic faith?
• Is it for the provision of the foundation for the Christian faith?
• Is it for the provision of thousands of medical cures and treatments?
• Is it for Israel’s aid to countless nations such as Haiti following the cataclysmic events which brought suffering to each one’s citizens?
• Is it for our countless scientific and technological developments which have brought better living to many areas of the world?
• Is it jealousy that we continue to prosper throughout centuries of attempted annihilation?
• Is it our huge impact on the entertainment industry?
• Is it our long list of Nobel prizes in Literature, Chemistry, Medicine, Physics and Economics?
• Is it that we have the highest percent per capita of University Degrees?
• Is it because we have the highest percent per capita of museums, zoos, orchestras, and home computers?
• Is it because we’re the only country in the world with more trees at the beginning of the 21st century than at the start of the 20th?
• Is it for Israel’s high number of contributions to the advancement of agriculture?
• Is it for Israel’s high number of incredible environmental advancements in the world?
• Or perhaps, do you persecute us because we represent God’s will on earth when living in the land where He chose to put His Name? Are you really trying to stamp out God and His revelations to humans? After all, if you can eliminate the people whom God promised to save, you could make Him out to be a liar.
Is that your ultimate desire and goal? Because you might as well give up now, as you will only bring down trouble on your heads, and always fail.
So, for which of these things, or other more heinous crimes, do you persecute the Jews of Israel?

© 2015 Cathy Sherman – All Rights Reserved

The Constitution vs. The Constitutionalist

After many years of abusive and tyrannical federal intrusions into state, local and private personal affairs, protected freedoms and liberties, well beyond the constitutional authority granted to the federal government in the U.S. Constitution, it has become necessary to return to our founding principles and values, to restate and enforce the Rule of Constitutional Law in preservation of our once free republic.

It has also become socially popular to proclaim the name of constitutionalist, an indication of both knowledge of and reverence for our Charters of Freedom. Yet too many constitutionalists are not even vaguely familiar with the Charters of Freedom, often calling for alterations to our form of self-governance in the name of constitutional conscience, but at odds with constitutional text, wisdom and intent.

The Obama Administration has indeed been historic in many ways, first and foremost, the failed but extreme effort to “fundamentally transform” our sovereign Constitutional Republic into a secular socialist member of a criminal global commune. No previous President has ever done so much to destroy the republic or their own political party, Obama having lost the Democratic Party more than 1000 political seats in less than eight years.

The 2016 revolt of the people that resulted in the historic election of political outsider Donald J. Trump also resulted in Republicans gaining control of both chambers of Congress, 2/3 of the state governorships and all but 13 of the 50 state legislatures. In short, the Obama era has been disastrous for both the country and his party.

Still, even Barack Hussein Obama claims constitutional expertise and reverence, as he works day in and day out to destroy everything the Founders created some 240 years ago. Like many modern lawyers trained in Common Law [noun: common law is the part of English law that is derived from custom and judicial precedent rather than statutes;] instead of Constitutional Law based in Natural Law, experts with a left-leaning agenda may be experts, but use that expertise to undermine and subvert the Rule of Constitutional Law rather than uphold and preserve it. Three great examples of this is demonstrated by the open assault on States’ Rights, the call for congressional term limits and the end of the Electoral College.

Because the vast majority of Americans stopped being forever vigilant in self-governance long ago, many now seek what they believe to be shortcut solutions to solve the natural consequences of a society no longer informed or engaged in self-governance. These notions are at odds with both constitutional text and intent.


People have referred to the U.S.A. as a “democracy” for far too long. The Founders took great pains to avoid establishing a pure “popular vote” only form of democracy, referred to by our Founders as nothing more than “mob rule.”

To assure that the U.S.A. would never be a pure democracy ruled by popular referendum alone, the Electoral College was created to prevent an entire nation from falling under the rule of “the mob” huddled in a handful of high population centers which always lean left politically due to the inherent challenges of inner city life.

The 2016 election provides a perfect example of exactly what the Founders had in mind when they established the Electoral College. Of our 50 states in the union, Trump won 30, or 60%. Of our 3142 counties across the country, Trump won 2523 (80.3%) to Clinton 490 (15.6%). Without the Electoral College, Hillary Clinton would have (allegedly) won the 2016 election by popular vote (pure democracy), despite 80.3% of the counties and 60% of the states voting against her.

I say “allegedly” because the actual popular vote numbers are horribly tainted by vote fraud and illegal alien votes in places like California. We actually don’t know (and never will know) the real outcome of the legitimate popular vote, which is again, why the Electoral College exists.

To eliminate the Electoral College would be to destroy the Founders constitutional guarantee to every state of the union under Section 4 of Article IV, a republican form of government, as opposed to a democracy.

So, why do many modern self-proclaimed constitutionalists demand an end to the Electoral College?


Many constitutionalists seek a quick fix for a general lack of public oversight of congress by arguing in favor of congressional term limits. Once again, this concept is wholly at odds with constitutional text and intent.

To be certain, past alterations in constitutional intent for congress, such as the 17th Amendment which ended states representation in the U.S. Senate by using popular vote instead of state legislatures to elect senators, along with the power of incumbency, has made the concept of term limits look attractive to many.

But as is the case with all alterations to the original design and intent, those alterations come at a high price. Some even seek term limits for the U.S. Supreme Court, at risk of great peril. Members of that court or any other can be removed from the court in an instant for anything deemed to be “bad behavior,” which should certainly include failing to uphold and enforce the Supreme Law of this land.

The House of Representatives (by congressional district) was originally intended to be the most powerful branch of the federal government, as it was designed to be the branch closest to the people with only two-year terms. Members are term limited to two years of service, unless the people re-elect.

The U.S. Senate was originally designed to represent States’ interests only, which is why senators were to be elected by State Legislatures (not popular vote) and each state assigned the same number of senators regardless of population, two per state. The passage of the 17th Amendment eliminated the U.S. Senate as a body representing State interests and essentially eliminate states’ rights in the process. Senators are term limited to six years of service unless reelected.

The problem is the people are not forever vigilant. Incumbency has become so powerful not just because of the money available to incumbent’s vs challengers, but because the people tend to reelect repeatedly unless a senator is such a bad actor that they simply must replace them.

The downside to additional term limits is that it is not the incumbents being tossed out, but rather the voters. The will of the people is overruled by the clock. No matter how good a member of congress might perform, they are forced to leave when the clock runs out. There are no guarantees that the seat will be filled with someone better suited to the position, just because the clock ran out. In fact, more often than not, we would end up with someone worse, as most decent and honorable people do not seek public office at all.

Had the Founders seen a need and benefit to additional term limits, they would have placed them in Article I of the U.S. Constitution. They didn’t… So, why do many constitutionalists seek to alter the Founders design when it comes to term limits?


The primary rights of every state of the union is to be secure in their independent sovereignty and they are guaranteed a republican form of government, not a democracy.

So, when the federal government becomes abusive or destructive of state sovereignty and rights, it is the power of each state to check the federal government and force it back into constitutional boundaries, alter or abolish it altogether.

For the past eight years of the Obama regime, many states have sought to check the federal government abuses by numerous means, from State Level 10th Amendment bills like The Balance of Powers Act to individual issue nullification efforts, or even chatter about State Conventions and secession, all of it thwarted by left-leaning politicians and courts seeking to expand federal authority beyond constitutional boundaries via broad interpretations of federal supremacy.

Now that Trump will be taking the reins of the federal government on January 21, 2017, even many democrat politicians are suddenly supportive of 10th Amendment protections against federal abuses of power – something they entirely opposed while their dictator-in-chief was in power.

But once again, many constitutionalists overlook the power of the 10th Amendment and the states to force the federal government back into constitutional compliance in their efforts to find a quick cure-all for federal tyranny. They know that the federal government was created by and exists at the pleasure of the member states, but fail to look to those states to solve federal abuses and expansions of power.

The truth of the matter is that no matter which political party or person is in power at the federal level at any given time, none of them will operate within constitutional boundaries unless forced to do so by the states and the people.

The Constitution vs. The Constitutionalists

Not everyone who claims the title of constitutionalist is one. Many have never even red the document much less the underpinning for everything in it, Natural Law. Thus, many find themselves working for “unconstitutional” solutions to problems easily remedied within the original constitutional text and intent.

Political points of view and related agendas drive the dialogue. People with progressive-leanings interpret constitutional text entirely different than those with libertarian-leanings. Those who think we are a democracy will interpret text entirely different than those who know why we are a republic. The agenda drives the interpretation, instead of the original text and intent driving the agenda.

No true constitutionalist believes that the original document can be improved upon with additional alterations. Every real constitutionalist knows that the document has been altered far too much already. The solution is not to alter it further, but rather to unwind some of the past alterations that have served only to undermine the original text and intent.

When considering which “constitutionalist” to follow in your political activism, look at who is seeking to further amend the original document vs who is looking to restore and enforce the original text and intent.

Despite the human tendency to see ourselves as the smartest person in any room these days, the reality is there is no one alive today who is wiser than the original Founders. There is no one alive today who can improve upon the divinely inspired work of our Founding Fathers.

Only someone who understands this is a true constitutionalist!

© 2016 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

The legend of Hillary

It is said that in every legend there is a grain of truth.

Well, in some more than others.

We are privileged to be living in a time when a new legend is being created right before our eyes. Swirling around in the mists of the past are the origins of such famous legends as those of King Arthur, Hercules, the Trojan War, and Robin Hood. We can’t be sure whether any of them were real people. Closer in time we have, for instance, the legend of Davy Crockett. He was a real person; but the umpteen Davy Crockett Almanacs, published during his lifetime, are utterly worthless as historical documents. They’re just tall tales, one whopper after another. But no one was expected to believe a word of it, even back then: those tales were entertainment, nothing more.

Today we watch in amazement as Democrats labor to create the legend of Hillary Clinton.

This started quite a while ago with the claim, made publicly and often, that Hillary Rodham was named for Sir Edmund Hillary, the New Zealand explorer who became world-famous when he climbed Mount Everest in 1953.

Hillary was born in 1947.

If you don’t believe that her mother was clairvoyant, you have to wonder why this extremely silly claim was bandied about for all those years until the Clinton campaign—and The New York Times—finally admitted that it was just a story… in 2006. Did no one have access to an encyclopedia? And the excuse offered by a Clinton campaign spokeswoman: “It was a sweet family story her mother shared to inspire greatness in her daughter, to great results I might add.” Ugh.

As this year’s presidential campaign neared its climax, the legend-spinners got down to business on the social media, creating a kind of weird cult called “Pantsuit Nation.” We are asked to believe that some 2.5 million women signed on to this effort to transform an incompetent, lying, corrupt, foul-mouthed, power-hungry drunkard into a deathless icon of Woman’s Struggle for Equality, blah-blah.

Oh, my stars. They went so far as to liken their candidate to Rosie the Riveter, the muscular figure who symbolized women who worked in factories in World War II to defeat Hitler. If you can even imagine Hillary working in a factory, you are probably insane.

Brewing up a legend is hard work, and after Hillary lost the election that she was supposed to win by a landslide, the work continues. In the Middle Ages, hundreds of years after the real King Arthur, if there was a real King Arthur, monks and bards and storytellers were still at work on his legend, claiming that he never really died and that someday, when he was needed most, he would return. But first they had to account for his disappearance, which they did by claiming that he was the victim of monstrous treachery within his own family.

The Legend of Hillary must come up with some explanation for her failure to win the election. Well, take your pick. Putin rigged the election. FBI Director James Comey betrayed her. Minority voting was suppressed. “Fake news.” College students forgot to show up on Election Day. The women’s vote betrayed her. The Electoral College betrayed the whole country by not handing her the White House.

None of this quite has the ring of Lancelot and Guinevere committing adultery and destroying the unity of the Knights of the Round Table, setting the stage for Mordred’s rebellion against the king—but give them time, they’re working on it. They’re bound to come up with a compelling story in the end. We are, after all, talking about people who stood up and cheered, during the Democrat Convention, when an addled B-List celebrity described Hillary—former captain of the Bimbo Eruption team, who smeared and tried to destroy the women who’d been sexually assaulted by her husband—as the defender and champion of woman who have suffered from sexual harassment. If they believed that, they’ll believe anything.

They will create a legend; and future generations of Democrats—if there are any future generations, given liberals’ penchant for feeding babies to Planned Parenthood—will believe it. They may even believe that Hillary will come again.

The grain of truth in this legend will be downright microscopic.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog,, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Hillary’s election night meltdown revealed

(BREAKING UPDATE: Donald Trump Won the Electoral College Votes today. Only one Soros pressured Republican elector defected. The people have spoken.)

This past election night meltdown account was forwarded to us by our Anonymous Minister Friend…he’s not shy, mind you, but church talk would say…he’s humble. The writer and sender of the text below is listed as a lawyer in Upstate, New York. He could not be reached by phone and there were no other contact sources for him so a fact-check was made.

The Fake News Media–new name for ‘main-stream’ media courtesy of MilesTones–reported nothing of the meltdown of the century, which in itself should have clued us into the fact that this is a true story of great interest.

The entire episode as described was like the Wicked Witch of the movie, The Wizard of Oz melting down to nothing after being splashed with water, screaming, “AHHHH….what a world…what a world!”

We found that a version of the election night episode had been published by American Spectator and Breitbart, both credible news sources, and that was it. Here is what we received.

Dumped on Prom Night

Hillary Clinton’s post election celebration plans included hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of fireworks, live performances by various celebrities, such as Cher, who came believing that Hillary was going to win the election, a five-hundred-thousand-dollar special effect glass ceiling that she would break through in a dramatic display once she walked out on stage at her H.Q., among millions of dollars worth of other celebratory preparations, all paid for by the Clinton Foundation in full.

The most notable damage was located deep in the VIP room of the Clinton camp. A custom 150 inch ultra HD TV, a gift from the Saudi Arabian government, was found with a broken screen. The damage was caused by a $950,000 bottle of champagne that was believed to have been thrown at the screen by the former presidential candidate some time during the election.

Early in the morning, the custodial staff were greeted by flipped-over tables as the floors were covered with expensive food, drinks, and appetizers. Broken champagne flutes and gilded silverware were also seen scattered around the would-be party room.

The most telling sign of a massive meltdown was the cake. The pastry that had once proudly displayed the presidential seal, was violently flung against the walls in chunks. A broken topper from the cake in the shape of the white house was discovered lodged firmly into the drywall near the dessert table.

Clinton ’s splurge on party supplies was merely an echo of all the left-leaning polls and hype that “confirmed” Hillary Clinton’s indubitable win. Misled by just about every prediction, Hillary Clinton personally planned one big party for her assumed victory. Once it became clear that it would not be Clinton ‘s night, however, the mood of the party soured rapidly.

A former staffer, who was fired during the rampage, said that the atmosphere around Clinton went from “queen of the hour” to “the girl who was dumped on prom night” in only a few moments.

Hillary Clinton reportedly became “physically violent” towards her own campaign staff after she realized she had lost the presidential election, according to radio host Todd Kincannon. “CNN reporter tells me Hillary became physically violent towards Robby Mook and John Podesta around midnight; had to be briefly restrained,” tweeted Kincannon.

It was Podesta who was sent out to talk to Hillary’s dejected supporters shortly before Hillary called Donald Trump to concede, with Clinton nowhere to be seen until the following day.

When asked about rumors that Hillary was drunk on election night, Kincannon responded, “She was. I posted about that too. She was in a “psychotic drunken rage” according to my reporter friend. A doctor added sedatives to the mix.”

Kincannon then claimed that CNN blocked the reporter from publishing what would have been a bombshell story. “The CNN reporter didn’t fail to report it. His editors will not let him. CNN has banned all “Hillary in the bunker” stories,” he tweeted.

Secret Service officials and other staff who worked closely alongside Hillary have previously reported her problems with angry tantrums on numerous occasions. Last year it was also reported that Clinton ’s own campaign staffers feared she could have a serious meltdown and that Hillary had “been having screaming, child-like tantrums that have left staff members in tears and unable to work.”

In addition to claims that she became irate, author Ed Klein said a source told him Hillary cried inconsolably to a friend after the results came in, blaming FBI director Comey and President Barack Obama for not doing enough to stop the FBI investigation into her email scandal.

Having spent time in D.C. and in The West Wing where I talked with Hillary staffers I was told that Hillary, like a wicked queen, forbid staff members from making any eye contact with her in the hallways. Indeed when they did see her coming they could not look at her, and had to duck behind a pillar or anything else so as not to be seen by her. These and other things revealed to me makes this story seem perfectly plausible.

And to think that this is the woman we might have referred to as: Madame President. Phew! Thank you Lord.

© 2016 Rev. Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

Twas the night after Christmas in 1776

The Battle of Trenton was fought early on the morning of December 26, 1776. Humiliating defeats pursued the Continental Army for 5 months and it appeared Washington’s ill-clothed, barely fed, and literally dying troops were near total annihilation.

It was then, as Americans celebrated the birth of our Savior, an act of Providence occurred which has forever changed the world. Washington’s men successfully crossed the freezing Delaware River in sleet and snow to Trenton, New Jersey, determined for victory. The boldness of General Washington exclaimed, “Tell General Sullivan to use the bayonet. I am resolved to take Trenton.”

Listen as I give the play by play of this night written by Institute on the Constitution’s Chapter Leader *Gary Porter as recounted by the defeated Friedrich von Gröthausen:

‘Twas the night after Christmas, when through Trenton Town
Not a soldier was stirring, not even Corporal Baum;
The muskets were stacked by the doorway with care,
In case General Washington dared to come there;
The grenadiers were nestled, all warm in their beds;
While visions of lebkuechen danced in their heads;
Colonel Rall in his kerchief, and I, Lt. Friedrich von Gröthausen, in my cap,
Had just settled down for a long winter’s nap.

When out on the outskirts there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.

Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow,
Gave a lustre of midday to cannon below.

When what to my wondering eyes did appear,
But an army of Continentals and eight …enormous field guns, (must everything rhyme?) With a tall, poised Commander, erect on his horse,
I knew in a moment ‘twas the General, of course.

More rapid than eagles his forces they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name:
Now Mercer, now Moulder, now Morris and Tilghman!
On Haslet, on Johnson, on Chester and Gilman!
To the top of the hill! to the top of the wall!
Now fire away! fire away! fire away all!”
As smoke from their guns drifted up to the sky,
I wondered whether kegs of our powder had stayed dry.

Up at King Street end, Washington’s force
Gave us volley upon volley, on foot and on horse.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the street,
Prancing and pawing, dragoons beating feet.

As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
In the doorway, General Washington came with a bound.

He was dressed blue and buff, from his head to his foot,
Shoe buckles tarnished by powder and soot;
A gleaming long sword hung by his side,
And he looked, well, like a soldier, all beaming with pride.

His eyes—how they twinkled! his dimples, how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His firm little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the hair of his wig was as white as the snow;
The sword at his side now came out of its sheath,
He circled it high, … and knocked down a wreath;
He had a firm face and a slightly round belly
That looked like it held some of Martha’s grape jelly.

He was tall and commanding, a distinguished old skate,
And I laughed, … then I cried, … as I considered my fate;
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
Emptied our wardrobes; then turned with a jerk,
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, out the doorway he goes;
He sprang to his horse, to his guards gave a whistle,
And away they all flew with a final dismissal.
But I heard him exclaim, so as not to confuse —

“Happy Christmas to you, von Gröthausen, but my men need these shoes.”

The present delivered that morning in Trenton has continued to bless Americans every Christmas. Let’s not forget in all the festivities to pass the knowledge of this gift to our future generations.

* Mr. Porter is Executive Director of the Constitution Leadership Initiative, a project to encourage a better understanding of the U.S. Constitution and other Founding documents among the American people.

Learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and his “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2016 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

NATO Auditor General is found shot dead in suspicious circumstances

The final year of an Obama legacy contrasted with God’s will

As we approach Christmas it is but a short week till the end of the year. This is often a time when we evaluate our year past and set goals for the year ahead, some even make resolutions. We are also reaching the end of as disastrous political era on January 20, 2017.

It is interesting to see the propagandist hard at work to put a good face on this disastrous era of American history. May this progressive era be buried forever. If you listen closely you can hear them trying to put lipstick on a pig.
What is the Obama legacy? Things like Obamacare is declared an unrivaled success, when in fact it is an abysmal failure. “Already, American families have grappled with skyrocketing health insurance costs and limited health insurance choices. They can expect for these problems to worsen dramatically over the next year, the Obama administration revealed [in October].

The “Affordable” Care Act has drastically failed to deliver on its promises of cost-effective insurance, and the Obama administration conceded [in October] that pre-subsidy premiums will skyrocket by an average of 25 percent nationwide.

American families will feel the pain. After polling 20,000 consumers, Morning Consult reported in September that the top budget concern for Americans was the rising cost of health-insurance premiums… [October’s] announcement also showed just how tough it will be to persuade millennials to buy insurance and pay into the common pot.”[1] So even the Administration admits it is failing while on the other hand proclaiming its success.

Look at the international scene. We been involved in the longest war in the history of our land, the so-called War on Terror. Is the world a safer place to-day than before 9/11? Have the number and violence of terrorists been re-duced? Has the homeland been protected by all the trillions spent by the mul-titude of intelligence services and all the nation building around the world? Indeed I think an honest examination shows that much of the work and spending has been for nought. In fact the tragedy in Bengazi reveals a very sinister aspect of all this. It revealed that our State Department was arming rebels in Syria to overthrow that duly elected government. It was our weaponry that armed and equipped ISIS. How do you fight terrorism by creating terrorists? I think our foreign policy has been an abject failure.

What about the economy? Are we better off than even just 8 years ago? Again the statistics show a real loss of jobs, and an increasing rate at which the middle class has been falling into the lower class and to top it off we have been swamped by design of the Administration with illegals who will work for less. American’s in general are far worse off economically. We could examine many other areas,

• Such as racial conflict, with a White House occupied by one who claimed he could heal and unite, he has actually done the exact opposite.

• I can think of many other areas of failure but just consider the one area where there was an advance in this Administration – persecution of Chris-tians, bakers, florists, photographers attacked by sodomites with the full support of the Administration, and every public school forced to have boys in the girls showers and bathrooms.

I don’t see any area where America is better off in the past 8 years. So it will be interesting to watch the liars for hire trying to put lipstick on these awful past 8 years. Obama’s legacy is that by and large America has rejected his anti-Christian and anti-Constitution attempt to fundamentally transform America.

We pray for a reset back to the Bible and back to the Constitution. The chil-dren of Israel serve as a good lesson for us on how to do this personally as well as a country. Turn to Exodus 36 where we see that they Began well…. and then in Exodus 39:32-43 we see that they Ended Well.

• We ought to work in light of that final inspection – knowing that there will be a final inspection of the work we accomplish here on earth.

• It is not for salvation, but for rewards we will be judged and our works tested by fire to determine if they are enduring gold, silver or precious stones verses wood, hay and stubble.

• Israel passed inspection with flying colors having done all that the Lord had commanded. The detailed inspection of the work they completed showed that when it was held up against the standard of God’s Word, it was as it should be. Let us begin well but most importantly let us end well.

“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2

Learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2016 Rev. David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

Obama and Texas democrat Mayor sneak Muslim refugees into his ‘sanctuary city’

While the news media provides wall-to-wall coverage of President-elect Donald Trump and his family — most of it consisting of negative stories — and continue to portray a failed president as having eight-years of achievement, they are once again purposely ignoring the federal government breaking laws, regulations and agreements regarding immigration.

After Governor Greg Abbott of Texas clearly stated that Texas is stopping the resettlement of so-called Syrian asylum-seekers, the President Barack Obama and his minions went behind Gov. Abbott’s back secretly colluding with the Democratic mayor of Texas’ most liberal city.

Austin, Texas, Mayor Steve Adler offered illegal aliens continued sanctuary and the Syrian Muslims are being provided with a welcome mat, according to a top nonprofit, non-government organization (NGO) based in the nation’s capital. The plan is said to entail the continued sending of unvetted Syrian Muslims to the Lone Star State, according to the government watchdog group Judicial Watch.

Gov. Abbott, who previously served as the Texas Attorney General and is no stranger to large-scale litigation, initiated a court action to end the flow of Syrian and other Middle Eastern-North African Muslims. During Christmas week, Judicial Watch successfully obtained records of the administration’s secretive program to send more Syrian Muslims to Texas, in spite of opposition from state officials over the security threats created by refugees from an Arab nation that’s a hotbed of terrorism.

“As is common for President [Obama], he is welcoming Muslims by the thousands into the United States but the number of Syrian Christians is fewer than 1% of the number of Muslims,” said former police anti-terrorism unit member Daniel Fierstein, “And Obama knows that the majority of Americans oppose his actions,” he added.

According to officials at Judicial Watch: “The White House looked to Austin [Texas] Mayor Steve Adler, going around the governor to confer with a city leader who espoused the controversial Syrian resettlements, the records show.”

Following Gov. Abbott’s announcement to Texans and the rest of the American people — that the state would no longer accept any more Syrian refugees — the Obama administration responded by colluding with ultra-liberal Adler, according to records of a conference call between the mayor’s office and the White House.

“The administration also furnished Adler with “talking points” involving the refugee resettlement and the parties discussed Abbott’s lawsuit. It seems bizarre that the feds would discuss legal action with a town mayor operating in the state suing them,” said officials with Judicial Watch. .

“Texas and California resettled the overwhelming majority of refugees in 2016, according to federal data, and Texas has absorbed the most Syrians. More than half of the nation’s governors oppose letting Syrian refugees resettle in their state for security reasons. Among them are Michigan, Arizona, Illinois, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, Georgia and New Hampshire,” Judicial Watch said in its statement.

A recent national poll revealed that the a large majority of Americans are opposed to the Obama administration allowing Syrian Muslim refugees into their neighborhoods. Only about 36% claimed they are for their country accepting more Syrian refugees into the United States, the poll found. The Judicial Watch survey shows a large decline in citizens accepting Syrian refugees in the last year and a half.

Muslims Allowed Sanctuary Despite Texas Citizens and Texas Laws

When advocates for these asylum seekers discuss the religious beliefs held by Muslims, they begin or end each of their arguments with a sympathetic pull at the heartstrings with “facts” that the U.S. has a history of providing asylum to those endangered by foreign enemies or domestic despots

But such statements are not germane to the issue. For example, according to Judicial Watch, the Islamic terrorists who carried out the deadly attacks in Paris had come into Europe as Syrian refugees, who originally entered Greece by posing as refugees fleeing from the Syrian conflict.

“The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) has confirmed that individuals with ties to terrorist groups in Syria have tried to infiltrate the United States through the Obama refugee program that has admitted more than 12,000 Syrians and counting. FBI Assistant Director Michael Steinbach has also conceded that the U.S. government has no system to properly screen Syrian refugees,” noted a Judicial Watch press release dated December 20, 2016.

Gov. Abbott cited the French case in his own lawsuit, which was dismissed by a federal judge in Dallas who ruled that the state didn’t have grounds to sue the federal government. According to Judicial Watch:

In the complaint, Texas accused the federal government of breaching its legal duty because the state was prevented “from receiving vital information to assess the security risk posed by the refugees in advance of their arrival” and that federal authorities refused “to consult with the state in advance on placement of refugees in Texas.” The state appealed the ruling to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals but quietly withdrew it a few days after a separate appellate court rejected a similar appeal from Indiana.

Adler, who has served as Austin’s mayor since 2014, has proudly boasted that Syrian Muslims would be welcomed by the city’s close to one-million residents. In his official press statement — “Syrian Refugees are Welcome in Austin” — Adler promises Texans living in Austin, which is the state’s capital city, that “any Syrian refugee coming to the United States faces the most stringent background checks of anyone entering the country.”

But according to more than a few law enforcement officers who spoke with Conservative Base about Obama’s obsession with Muslim refugees, even the FBI Director Jim Comey told congress during his testimony that he has no idea how one goes about vetting people who have no documents and come from war-torn nations that barely have a functioning government bureaucracy.

“Obama is proven liar. Adler is repeating lies. And the federal judge in this case, is a political hack. That’s how I see it,” said Nickolas Patranos, a former civilian police officer and military police member.

“This mayor claims the U.S. investigations of refugees’ backgrounds entails screening by the inept United Nations followed by vetting by the FBI Terrorist Screening Center and other federal agencies. Texans and Americans are being sold another fraudulent bill of goods by a administration famous for making empty promises,” said Patranos.

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Why our CO2 emissions do not increase atmosphere CO2 Pt. 1

The genius of Al Gore

Give Al Gore an A for marketing and an F for science. But, hey, we all know the sale is in the marketing. The genius of Al Gore was to make his invalid myth simple:

1. Our CO2 emissions increase Atmosphere CO2, and
2. Atmosphere CO2 heats the Earth.

What could be simpler? Al Gore assumed his two invalid claims were true. His marketing job was to make you believe bad things happen when Atmosphere CO2 rises.

Everybody believed Al Gore. Well, almost everybody. His simple, inaccurate description of how our climate works created a generation of science deniers, some with PhD’s. Al Gore turned climate science into a political-environmental movement.

The alarmists’ goal is to scare you into believing our CO2 causes climate change. Once scared into an invalid belief, you will tend to hold that invalid belief forever.

Those who believe Al Gore’s marketing believe they can make the Earth cooler by reducing our CO2 emissions. Al Gore has sold them a bridge to nowhere.

Climate alarmists are like the Aztecs who believed they could make rain by cutting out beating hearts and rolling decapitated heads down temple steps.

Both of Al Gore’s two assumptions are wrong. This article shows how his first assumption is wrong. Nature, not human CO2 emissions, causes the changes in Atmosphere CO2.

The Logical Fallacy of Climate Change

Climate alarmists tell us climate change causes bad stuff to happen, and if bad stuff happens, they claim it is our fault. The alarmist logic goes like this:

If human CO2 causes climate change, then bad stuff will happen.
Bad stuff happens. Therefore, human CO2 causes climate change.

This alarmist claim is the well-known logical fallacy called “Affirming the Consequent.” Here is an example that illustrates this logical fallacy:

If Bill Gates owns Fort Knox, then Bill Gates is rich.
Bill Gates is rich. Therefore, Bill Gates owns Fort Knox.

The logical error is to assume that every result has only one possible cause. Shrinking glaciers do not prove we caused them to shrink.

The relevant climate change questions are about cause and effect.

The relevant climate change questions are not whether the climate has changed. Climate always changes. The only relevant climate change questions concern cause and effect:

1. Do Human CO2 emissions significantly increase Atmosphere CO2?
2. Does Atmosphere CO2 significantly increase climate change?

Climate alarmists must prove BOTH answers are YES. Otherwise, they lose their case.

This article shows why the answer to the first question is NO. A future article will show why the answer to the second question is also NO.

Why Human CO2 emissions do not cause climate change.

Fig. 1 shows why nature’s CO2 emissions, not Human CO2, are the major cause of the observed change in Atmosphere CO2.

All numbers in this article represent amounts of CO2. CO2 units are in parts per million by volume (ppmv) of CO2. Gigatons of Carbon (GtC) convert to ppmv using: 1 ppmv of CO2?= 2.13 GtC.

In the middle of Fig. 1 is a box that represents the CO2 in our atmosphere. The amount of CO2 in our Atmosphere in 2015 was 400.

Land and Ocean CO2 emissions into the Atmosphere total about 100 each year (plus or minus ten percent). An almost equal amount flows from Atmosphere CO2 to Land and Ocean CO2 each year (CDIAC, 2016; IPPC, 2007a; IPPC, 2007b).

Let’s use an analogy to help understand Fig. 1. Let water in a lake represent Atmosphere CO2.

Two large rivers flow into the lake. One river represents Land CO2. The other river represents Ocean CO2. Together, they supply about 100 units per year to the lake.

Lake water spills over a dam. The inflow of 100 raises the lake level until the outflow over the dam equals the inflow.

Similarly, the flow of Land and Ocean CO2 into our Atmosphere increases the amount of CO2 in our Atmosphere. Increased Atmosphere CO2 increases CO2 outflow to Land and Ocean. Like the lake, Atmosphere CO2 is at equilibrium when outflow equals inflow.

If inflow exceeds outflow, the lake level (Atmosphere CO2) will rise until outflow equals inflow. If outflow exceeds inflow, the lake level will fall until outflow equals inflow.

Fig. 1. Our Atmosphere’s CO2 is like a big lake. It receives CO2 from two big rivers (Land and Ocean) and from one small river (Human). Temperature controls CO2 flow from Land and Ocean to Atmosphere. Lake level rises or falls until outflow equals inflow.

The dam separates the CO2 spill into two parts. One part goes back to Land. The other part goes back to the Ocean.

Fig. 1 includes the much longer CO2 cycle where Land CO2 becomes Fossil Fuels. Human CO2 emissions complete this CO2 cycle by returning Fossil Fuel CO2 to the Atmosphere.

A small river, with a flow of 4, also flows into the lake. This small river represents the Human CO2 flow into our Atmosphere. This small river adds only 4 percent to the Land and Ocean flow of 100 into the lake. This small river raises the total flow into the lake to 104. This will raise the lake level until the outflow equals 104.

The contribution of Human CO2 to the new lake level (Atmosphere CO2) is only 4 percent of the lake level above the dam, or only 4 percent of the total flow into and out of the lake. Ninety-six percent of the CO2 flow into and out of our Atmosphere is due to nature.

Fig. 1 shows a scenario where the total inflow into the Atmosphere equals the total outflow, and where the Human CO2 contribution goes to Land to support vegetation growth. Because inflow equals outflow, Atmosphere CO2 will remain constant whether Atmosphere CO2 is 400 or 300 or any other value.

Salby (2016) comes to the same conclusion. Salby (2012) authored the comprehensive textbook, “The Physics of the Atmosphere and Climate.”

Our Atmosphere does not treat Human CO2 any differently than CO2 from Land and Ocean. Human CO2 is simply another input to Atmosphere CO2 that will increase the outflow of Atmosphere CO2 to Land or Ocean by the same amount as the Human CO2 flow into the Atmosphere.

Temperature controls Atmosphere CO2.

Salby (2015) shows, directly from data and with no hypotheses, that Temperature sets the rate at which Atmosphere CO2 increases or decreases. This means temperature sets the equilibrium value of Atmosphere CO2. Fig. 1 indicates the Temperature effect by the symbol for the Sun.

If the Sun, cloud cover, or ocean currents change to increase temperature, the increased temperature will cause more Land and Ocean CO2 to flow into Atmosphere CO2. This will increase Atmosphere CO2 until outflow balances inflow.

Temperature is like the accelerator in your car. Atmosphere CO2 is like the speed of your car. Atmosphere CO2 follows Temperature like the speed of your car follows your accelerator. Press down, your car speeds up. Let up, your car slows down.

Contrary to what Al Gore told you, CO2 does not control temperature. Temperature controls CO2.

Climate alarmists present their case.

Climate alarmists claim our CO2 emissions cause 100 percent of the observed rise in Atmosphere CO2. We will show why their claim is unphysical and invalid.

Here is the alarmists’ four step argument they claim proves their case:

1. From 1750 to 2010, humans added 171 units of CO2 to our Atmosphere and Atmosphere CO2 increased by 113 units. This leaves 58 units.
2. Land and Oceans absorbed the 58 units of Atmosphere CO2.
3. Therefore, Land and Oceans are net absorbers of CO2.
4. Therefore, Human CO2 caused 100 percent of the increase in Atmosphere CO2 since 1750 and 1960.

Here is my rebuttal to the Alarmists case:

During the same period that Human CO2 emissions added 171 units of CO2 to our Atmosphere, the Land and Ocean CO2 emissions added 26,000 units to our Atmosphere. Land and Ocean also absorbed about 26,000 units of CO2 from our Atmosphere, including the 171 units from Human CO2. There were no 58 units left over.

Fig. 2 illustrates how Land & Ocean CO2 emissions compare to Human CO2 emissions during this period. The ratio is 152 to 1.

Fig. 2. Land and Ocean CO2 emissions are 152 times greater than Human CO2 emissions during the period from 1750 to 2010.

The alarmists case fails because it omits Land and Ocean CO2 emissions. Their omission leaves Human CO2 emissions as 100 percent and makes their claim that Human CO2 caused ALL the Atmosphere CO2 increase artificial.
During the 260-year period, Human CO2 caused “at most” 0.7 of the 113 rise in Atmosphere CO2.

“At most” is because Salby (2015) showed that Temperature controls the rate of change of Atmosphere CO2, and the equilibrium value of Atmosphere CO2. Under that scenario, Land and Ocean emissions and absorptions will adjust to neutralize the effect of Human CO2 emissions, and the effect of Human CO2 on Atmosphere CO2 will be ZERO!

The Atmosphere does not know whether its CO2 came from Land, Ocean, or Human CO2 emissions. No matter what the source, the greater the total Atmosphere CO2, the greater the flow of Atmosphere CO2 to Land and Ocean CO2. Therefore, Atmosphere CO2 will seek the same balance level with or without Human CO2 emissions.

Land can absorb CO2 from the Atmosphere while Ocean provides CO2 to the Atmosphere. Fig. 1 shows this scenario where Land absorbs ALL Human CO2 emissions while Atmosphere CO2 remains constant.

In 2015, Human CO2 emissions were 4 percent of Land and Ocean CO2 emissions. Therefore, Human CO2 emissions caused “at most” only 4 percent of the rise in Atmosphere CO2.

A small river with a inflow of 4 cannot cause an outflow of 104. Yet this is what climate alarmists claim happens. The following tale illustrates the absurdity of the alarmist case:

An elephant crosses a bridge. A mouse, riding on the elephant’s back, says to the elephant, “We sure made that bridge shake, didn’t we?”

The alarmists’ case is a shell game. They would flunk physics.

Three more reasons Human CO2 emissions do not control Atmosphere CO2.

Fig. 3 shows Atmosphere CO2 scaled to fit Human CO2 emissions and the annual change in Atmosphere CO2 (NOAA, 2016; CDIAC, 2016; IPCC, 2007b).

Salby (2016) makes the following three arguments using Fig. 3.

1. Human CO2 emissions increased significantly after 2002 due to China (Oliver, 2015). Yet Atmosphere CO2 continued its same steady rise.
2. Annual changes in Atmosphere CO2 (jagged line) do not follow the smooth increase in Human CO2 emissions. (Also, Courtney, 2008.)
3. In some years, particularly the period from 1988 to 1993, Atmosphere CO2 falls while Human CO2 emissions continue to rise.

Therefore, Human CO2 emissions do not control Atmosphere CO2.

Fig. 3. Human CO2 emissions, annual change in Atmosphere CO2, and Atmosphere CO2 scaled (by subtracting 266 and dividing by 50).


Climate alarmists claim Human CO2 causes ALL the increase in Atmosphere CO2. Their argument fails because they omit Land and Ocean CO2 emissions that are many times greater than Human CO2 emissions.

Climate alarmists also omit how Land and Ocean CO2 emissions and absorptions balance Atmosphere CO2 with or without the presence of Human CO2. Temperature sets the equilibrium Atmosphere CO2 independent of Human CO2 emission.

Here are three more reasons Human CO2 does not cause ALL the rise in Atmosphere CO2:

1. Human CO2 emissions increased significantly after 2002, yet Atmosphere CO2 continued its same steady rise.
2. Annual changes in Atmosphere CO2 do not follow the smooth increase in Human CO2 emissions.
3. In some years, particularly the period from 1988 to 1993,
Atmosphere CO2 falls while Human CO2 emissions continue to rise.

Therefore, Human CO2 emissions do not increase Atmosphere CO2.

Most public climate alarmist arguments use this invalid logic:

If human CO2 causes climate change, then bad stuff will happen.
Bad stuff happens. Therefore, human CO2 causes climate change.

Such arguments are invalid because they do not prove Human CO2 caused the change.

If we stopped all Human CO2 emissions today, it would not change future Atmosphere CO2. For part two click below.

© 2016 Edwin X Berry, Ph.D – All Rights Reserved

Every forward step we take makes a difference

I founded the American Policy Center (APC) thirty years ago, back in 1986. I had goals to accomplish and dreams of success. Mostly I just wanted to make a difference in protecting our culture and our unique American form of government as a republic that protects the individual, the free market and the security of our homes.

Over the years, I’ve focused on issues including personal privacy, illegal immigration, public education, and of course the assault on our very way of life through the UN’s creation of Agenda 21. I know that APC has had an impact on these issues. But I never really knew just how to measure our reach or success. Have I been able to make the difference I had hoped for? Have I changed lives? Well, over the past few weeks I was finally able to get an idea of my reach and it came in several very surprising ways.

As the results came in that Donald Trump had won his surprise victory to the White House, I saw that, finally, we had a definite opportunity to make a real difference. Now we could change the national direction that has been barreling unchecked toward a federal dictatorship. It was equally crystal clear that, as with the Obama Administration, under a Hillary Clinton administration there would have been no hope of affecting presidential policy.

So, my first reaction to the Trump victory was to help get the right people into positions in the Administration where they could affect policy. I quickly sent out an APC Sledgehammer Action Alert asking supporters across the nation to write to the Trump team in support of two very able local officials. I nominated one to serve in the EPA and the other to serve as Secretary of HUD. I felt nothing was more important than to have these two agencies run by people who would stop the assault on private property and industry. In fact, I believe that if this was the only accomplishment of a Donald Trump presidency then it would be enough to assure a strong future for our nation.

To my surprise, after issuing the alert, I received many emails from supporters telling me they had sent in my name to be HUD Secretary. That was very unexpected. It’s a heady feeling to know people have such respect for you. Of course, Ben Carson is now up for the job. But this was only the beginning of what was to come.

Next, a very powerful political leader from South Carolina contacted me to say he had offered my name to the Trump team for a position in the Department of Interior. Wow, I thought. I had never even considered such a thing. Yet, wouldn’t it be great for them to appoint me as head of the BLM. I’d free the Bundys from jail. I’d begin a process to give lands back to the states and open even more areas that have been locked away from human use. Yes, that would be interesting. I then posted this news on Facebook and was overwhelmed by the number of comments I received by very excited people who certainly wanted to see me in such a position.

Just a few of days later I was to receive an even bigger shock. Richard Viguerie – the long time Conservative leader and Washington, DC iconn – posted an article in his daily online report “Conservativve HQ,” listing what new HUD Secretary Carson would need to succeed in that post. As I read the article my head almost blew off. It proposed three people Carson should add to his team. My name was included on that very short, impressive list. Said the report: “Mr. DeWeese has been a fierce opponent of HUD’s overreach and perhaps more than anyone has been able to capture the emotional impact Americans feel when they are deprived of their property rights by AFFH and other HUD overreaches.” Mr. Viguerie’s HQ Report is read by approximately 100,000 people, many of them are major Conservative and political leaders from around the nation. To be recognized by such a powerhouse is certainly an honor.

My heady couple of weeks in the sun was about to get even better as I was invited to attend a special Climate Change briefing sponsored by the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), held in the Dirksen Senate Office Building hearing room on Capital Hill. CEI heads up a group called the Cooler Heads Coalition, which is made up of groups and policy makers working to expose the global warming scam and fight any policy to enforce it.

There were three speakers for the event, including Dr. Timothy Ball, a Canadian. He is an author of several books exposing the global warming hype. The featured speaker for the briefing was recently elected Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts. He has caused quite a stir in the Australian government as he has already established himself as an aggressive opponent to that country’s climate change policies.

I had never met or corresponded with either of these men. While I was talking to a few folks by the hearing room door, a man walked up to me and in his Australian accent said, “You’re Tom DeWeese, aren’t you?” It was Senator Roberts. Somehow he recognized me and complimented my “outstanding work.” He said he had been reading my materials for years.

As the program opened, Dr. Ball began to speak, using his power point presentation. To my surprise he brought up a slide depicting the United Nation’s power structure clearly showing Agenda 21 as the center of the plans to enforce climate change policy to bring about global governance.

The reason that was such a surprise too me was the fact that, in the 20 years I have led the fight against Agenda 21, I have been ignored and stonewalled by many leading conservative groups as they refused to even utter the words Agenda 21. Now, in a Senate hearing room was a man they respected and had come to absorb his wisdom. And what was he saying? Exactly the message I had been trying to get them to hear all these years. After the program, I went up to thank Dr. Ball for talking about Agenda 21. I mentioned my struggle to reach some of these folks about the issue. He said he understood, explaining how he hadn’t believed the dire warnings about Agenda 21 at first either. Then he started to read my articles, among others, and that had led him to the truth. He said he knew my work well.

Next up was Senator Roberts to address the group. He was magnificent in his presentation. He hit all the right points on the global warming farce, backed by a genuine passion for the fight to stop it. But my biggest shock was about to be dropped on me. As he spoke, making his points, he suddenly said my name. In fact, not once, but three times during his talk! He told the crowd about how I was a leader in the fight, producing effective and important materials. To understand the significance of that fact, you must know the culture of Capital Hill. When someone of influence and respect, like Senator Roberts, starts pointing out your achievements, not once, but three times, it gets noticed! And it certainly was that day. Suddenly, after the program a lot of people wanted to say hello to me.

I tell these stories not to toot my horn, but to make a specific point. These two weeks of activity, being endorsed to serve in the new administration and to be recognized by strong leaders, was vindication for the reach and impact that I and the American Policy Center have made. The excitement of so many supporters to accept that I might have an influence from inside the Trump Administration is a testament to APC’s never wavering battle to get out the truth. Senator Robert’s remarks simply confirmed to me that APC clearly has an international reach and is making a difference in world wide policy. It certainly tells me that the fight thus far has been worth it. People are listening to APC and me. Now, with this new administration we really do have a once in a lifetime opportunity to restore our precious Republic and stamp out the growing tyranny that has threatened it.

There is another lesson in this for all the local activists who work so hard in their own communities; those who sometimes get discouraged because they don’t win the fight. Please learn this truth what yoou do has an impact, no matter how insignificant you think your efforts may be. Writing a letter to the editor or speaking out in a meeting just might be the spark that moves someone else to take major steps forward, like a random article that moves a future Senator in Australia to lead the effort to change his nation’s policy.

I don’t know if I will get a position in this Administration. To tell you the truth, all I want is an open line into some of the agencies I have been fighting all these years, especially HUD. If I can become a resource of ideas to Secretary Carson I couldn’t ask for more. I shall pursue that opportunity to make it reality.

However, all of us on the front lines in the battle to preserve property rights and stop government tyranny must recognize one vital fact. A Trump presidency will not solve these problems for us. We must continue to be in the trenches fighting. If this election has proven anything to us, it’s that those who have had power will stop at nothing to keep it. If we now go home and think all is solved, nothing will change.

Those Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and planning groups operating in every community in the nation are not going to give up their power and influence and the money that goes with it. We are going to havee to fight trench warfare to boot them out and restore local control over government. We must fight in the grass roots to force the Congress to act against these runaway agencies. We must teach elected officials of the dangers and how to stand up against such policy. And we must organize local activists to back them up when they do take a courageous stand.

That is the mission of the American Policy Center in this new Era of Trump.

© 2016 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

Obama backstabs Israel

A widely distributed political cartoon shows Barack Hussein Obama embracing Raul Castro, the totalitarian Communist leader of Cuba, and the Ayatollah leading the fascist Islamic Republic of Iran. It is one of the best evidences of Obama’s self-promoting hypocrisy and Machiavellian duplicity.

This is especially true since it was published on “another day which will live in infamy” — Dec. 23, 2016. That is the day on which the United States, two days before Christmas, by order of Barack Hussein Obama, aided and abetted the Muslim dominated United Nations General Assembly, fascistic Islamic theocracies, and overt Islamic terrorist organizations like ISIS, al-Queda, Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Palestine Liberation Organization, in adopting a resolution condemning Israel in the Israel-Palestinian conflict and declaring as a matter of international law (since U.N. resolutions have that status) that Jews have no right to settle outside of the 1948 borders of Israel, forbidding them to live even in the “Jewish Quarter” of Jerusalem.

Eight years of Barack Hussein Obama ruling by race in the U.S. and by pro-Islamist policies in the world, has come to this disgraceful end of his presidency in the U.N.

If anyone needed further proof that Obama — America’s first and hopefully last Affirmative Actiion President who was elected not because of his achievements but because of, not in spite of, his race — is an utter conmann who deceived Americans as to what he really is at his progressive liberal neo-socialist anti-American core in which it is and always has been “all about him.”

The duped and deceived by Obama include in particular Israel supporting American Jews, secular and observing, who voted for him despite his utter lack of achievement and contributed millions in support of his elections in a percentage almost as high as American blacks who voted by race (96% in 2008; 93% in 2012).

Note that Obama waited until after the 2016 election — that is, after American Jews had contributed their financial support all but exclusively to Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party — to reverse American policy by abandoning Israel by “abstaining” on the resolution condemning Israel in the U.N.

Indeed, the Machiavellian hypocrisy is blatant— the U.S. vetoed the same resolution in 2011 when Obama was running to be re-elected in 2012. Now, when Obama’s term is ending and he cannot run again, Obama reverses the U.S. position of 2011 and stabs Israel in the back.

Thus, Obama betrays and makes dupes of all Americans who believed him, and in him, including the American Jews whose millions in campaign contributions helped to elect him twice when in both campaigns Obama gave assurances that U.S. unwavering relationship in support of Israel would not change if he was elected.

Further, while Obama issued the order to “abstain” and thus effectively support the Muslim UN attack on Israel, Obama claims his disgraceful decision was taken with the support of Democrat Party leaders Hillary Clinton, who ran in 2016; John Kerry, who ran in 2004, and Joe Biden, who now says he will run for President, again, in 2020. Thus, they, too, and the Democrat Party which they lead, are guilty.

But it is Obama who issued the order and owns this disgraceful decision to align the U.S. with the totalitarian Islamic theocracies in the U.S. and to weaken Israel. This despicable decision is further evidence, if any was needed, that Obama is not only the “First Black U.S. President” he is also the “Worst U.S. President.”

Now that his presidency has ended and he can’t run again, watch Obama campaign, overtly and as well as covertly, to be elected Secretary General of the U.N. He will be able to tell the Muslim nations which have numerical superiority in the General Assembly to remember how he sided with them in his presidency, from his “Apology For America Tour” and kowtowing to Islam “Cairo Speech” in the beginning of his presidency in 2009, to the U.S. action in the U.N.on Dec. 23, 2016.

President-elect Donald Trump denounced this anti-Israel dirty deal of Obama and the U.N. and promised that American policy will change on July 20, 2016, when he is inaugurated as President. Not a minute too soon.

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This shameful overt anti-Israeli U.N. action, which manifestly strengthens and supports totalitarian Islamic governments and Islamic terrorist organizations, and weakens Israel — the only democracy and America’s only true ally in the Middle East — is an infamous betrayal of America as well as of Israel.

It should be the last straw for “We, the People” of America regarding the value of the U.N. as presently constituted; and regarding “the value,” first and foremost, of Barak Hussein Obama and his “historic election as the first black president,” as well as “the value” of Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Joe Biden, and the other leaders of the Democrat party who supported and are responsible for this disgrace in the U.N.


© 2016 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

Christmas in America again – thanks to President Elect Trump

Election night in 2008 a dark cloud fell over the United States. It began a time of almost hopelessness and despair. Barack Obama had become the 44th president of the United States and the research I had done on him left a sinking feeling in my gut. He was not the man he said he was and he was not the man MSM portrayed him to be. I found it difficult to understand how a man of this low character had been able to win over the people of America.

My assessment of him had nothing to do with the color of his skin so don’t write me letters and claim I’m a racist. Remember that he is half white too! I have just as many friends that are black as I have that are white. I knew that America was going to go down a path that we really didn’t want to go. Obama stated a few days before the election that “we are a few days away from fundamentally changing America.” America needed change but not what this man and his policies were going to bring. I knew that we were in for at least four years of hell when Obama to Cantor “I won.” It ended up being eight years of hell. His upbringing was not clothed in American values. He was raised muslim. His grandparents who raised him were communists. The freedoms of America and the rights we have, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of press, bearing arms did not sit well with him. I remember him stating in a private fund raising event in California that too many Americans ‘cling to their guns and their religion”. I wonder if he notices the irony of how the radical muslims cling to their guns and religion?

Obama began his fundamental transformation almost immediately. He signed an executive order to close down Gitmo, a place that should stay open. He then began to release the jihadist that was in there. There have been about 60% of those released that have gone back to killing Americans in the Middle East. To me that is treason. He is releasing more in the next few days even one that has declared that when he gets out he will kill as many Americans as he can. He has been the most destructive president to the military of this great nation that we have ever had. Our levels of preparedness are below pre-WWII and this is while we are still in a war with islam. He has stated that we are not and never will be at war with islam. That, again, is a treasonous act because islam has stated that they are at war with us. He ‘negotiated’ a deal with our enemy, Iran, giving them a path to a nuclear bomb. That’s like giving Japan a way to develop a nuclear bomb during WWII. All this time Congress sat on its backside and did nothing to curb in Obama’s overreach of his executive authority.

Obama’s immigration policies have devastated the American workplace. He has refused to enforce our immigration laws, wrote a few of his own, which he does not have the authority to do. His Attorney General decided which laws he was going to enforce. Voter ID was not allowed to take hold in any State that tried to implement them. Eric Holder also stopped States from cleaning up their voter rolls, which was a requirement by law. As a result in 2012, 2014 and 2016 there were almost seven million people registered in more than one State. Again, Congress did nothing. I believe that it was political correctness that kept them from stopping Obama. But as I’ve stated for years, if you’re politically correct you’re probably wrong.

Obama has put a regulation strangle hold on American businesses by adding about sixty new regulations a day since he took office. These regulations cost businesses time and money that only restricts how a company can operate and grow. Government is supposed to create an environment that will allow a business to thrive. I have yet to see a Democrat administration that does that in the last century except for the Kennedy administration in the 1960’s. The Obama administration has yoked businesses with restraints like we have never seen: The Obama Administration is responsible for an unparalleled expansion of the regulatory state, with the imposition of 229 major regulations since 2009 at a cost of $108 billion annually (using the regulatory agencies’ own numbers). The actual costs are far greater, both because costs have not been fully quantified for a significant number of rules, and because many of the worst effects—the loss of freedom and opportunity, for example—are incalculable. The need for reform is urgent.

The White House, Congress, and federal agencies routinely breach legislative and even constitutional boundaries, and increasingly dictate lifestyle choices rather than focusing on public health and safety. Immediate reforms should require legislation to undergo an analysis of regulatory impacts before a floor vote in Congress, and require congressional approval of each major regulation before it can take effect. Sunset deadlines should be set in law for all major rules, and independent agencies should be subject—as are executive branch agencies—to the White House regulatory review process.[1]

The list of atrocities this man has done to America would take several columns to discuss. His healthcare disaster that almost destroyed the best healthcare system in the world, his demand that abortion be taxpayer paid, his shoving down the throats of Americans the homosexual marriage agenda makes him the most ungodly man to ever hold that office. There are only 27 days of this hell left. Our new president, who is not perfect, but did wake up 81% of the evangelicals who had been in a coma for the last two presidential elections will begin the process of turning all this around. He plans to defund Planned Parenthood, build our military back up so we can defend ourselves, deregulate businesses so they can operate again and get rid of the worst healthcare system in the world. He will shut down Obamacare. The only problem that he will face is we returned to office 94% of the people that helped create the problem we are in by their inaction and refusal to hold Obama to his Constitutional pledge. But I still have hope. We dodged another Clinton presidency that would have completely destroyed America. That is a miracle in itself. We have people that will be directing our economy that have actually been very successful in business. Obama only had 6% in his cabinet that had run a business. Trump has 100%. We have people who know how to do things and we have a leader who has been successful himself and that can coordinate all of it.

I felt that dark cloud lift on the evening of November 8th this year. The left is still in its death throes over this election. The Russians did it, voter fraud, fake news and whatever else they may try to come up with. Death threats to the Electoral College and our great AG Loretta Lynch refuses to prosecute those people threatening the EC. Congress still does nothing. But I still have hope. This election is like opening a present at Christmas and it was exactly what you wanted. We finally have a man that is for the American people, who will stand for them and their constitutional rights. A man who is more interested in making America what the Founders intended it to be, a man who will look out for the best interests of the American people instead of allowing our enemies to prosper at our expense.

He may not accomplish everything that he said he would do but it will be the fault of Congress if he doesn’t. Hopefully we will be able to clean out some of the carrier politicians that have been in D.C. for 20-40 years. They are the problem. They get entrenched and try to gain power and wealth for themselves. They get rich in their legislation. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has been in D.C. since 1978 and has now an annual salary of about $165,000 a year but is worth $17 million.[2] How do you accumulate that kind of wealth on that kind of salary? Harry Truman said that you have to be crooked to get rich in politics. Look at the Clintons. Proof positive of that statement.

Trump doesn’t have to make money. He is wealthy on his own. People that do business with him verify that he is honest. The last president we had that was honest was Reagan.

When Reagan was running for re-elected in 1984 his campaign declared ‘It’s morning in America.’ Trump may not be perfect but neither was Churchill during WWII. He was crass, sometimes drank too much, told off color jokes and even insulted a woman who berated him for being drunk. He told her I may be drunk but you’re ugly and in the morning I’ll be sober, but you’ll still be ugly! He wasn’t perfect but he was the right man for the job at that time in history. I believe that Trump is the right man for the job today. We weren’t electing a pastor but a leader who would be willing to stand up for America and all her greatness and even bring some of that greatness back that we lost over the last 30 years because of gutless politicians that support globalism instead of Americanism.

Yes, it’s not just morning in America again, it’s Christmas in America again!

© 2016 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved


1. Red Tape Rising 2016: Obama Regs Top $100 Billion Annually.
2. Richest politicians Mitch McConnell.

Things that matter most

This year has been intense. Probably no one reading would argue with that. Perhaps, with the Christmas / New Year’s Eve 2016 season having arrived, the time has come to step back from all the politics and reflect on what matters most in human life. I haven’t written a whole lot about my Christian beliefs. This article will be an exception.

Exactly one year ago, I was spinning out an article series on materialism and how inadequate it is on all fronts as a worldview. What is the ultimate grounding of value? It isn’t to be found in politics, or economics.

Recently I’ve been involved in a discussion group based here in Santiago.
We’ve met once a week, each Wednesday at noon, to have lunch and study Colossians. As time passed, we found ourselves with a larger project: communicating those things that matter most, and how to approach different audiences. While our theologies haven’t meshed perfectly at every juncture, we agree on what follows.

The first thing to communicate is that man is a sinner. Do we not, every day, do things we shouldn’t do, and think thoughts we shouldn’t have? All of us, if we’re honest. Human nature is sinful. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Rom. 3:23.* Humanism, in whatever form, denies this. It implies we can build Utopia here on Earth, or create its conditions. But if Paul was right, we have an explanation why all attempts to do so, whether coming out of the individualistic and capitalistic economic philosophies that began with Adam Smith and Carl Menger or with the collectivist and Marxian ones that came later, have failed or become corrupted.

Sin stands at the root of all personal and institutional failure, all corruption whether in politics or business, all war and violence, all casual cruelty, and many other sources of grief. The humanist believes we can conquer these ourselves: with better education, more economic growth, better political leadership, or still more advances in science and technique. Recent history suggests otherwise. Our educational institutions are a disaster. Our economy has been hijacked by a tiny, unaccountable power elite. We’ve just turned our political system over to Donald Trump and the cabinet he is assembling. We have little choice but to pray for the effectiveness of the new administration, but it would be a grave mistake to place too much hope in any one human being or in any team he assembles.

The consequences of sin are worse than earthly ills, however.

“The wages of sin is death …” begins Rom. 6:23. Death in this context doesn’t mean mere physical death of the human body. It means permanent separation from a perfectly holy God whose absolute holiness cannot accommodate the presence of sin.

But what is important here — and what we celebrate during Christmas season (or should) — is that this perfectly holy God made the ultimate provision for us. The above verse continues, “ … but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

We cannot save ourselves, but Jesus Christ can save us. “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom. 5:8). This might seem a tall order. Unbelievers typically cannot get their brains around it. Christ took the punishment for our sins. Having been both God and man, and therefore the one man to walk the Earth sin free, He went willingly to His death on the Cross with our sins placed on Him — to be resurrected again sinless, the “wages” of our sins paid for.

These were supernatural acts — theological mysteries our rational intellects were not designed to fathom. Those who place their trust in their intellects alone, therefore, usually turn away. But: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding,” warns Proverbs (3:5). Our rational intellects may solve a lot of problems in this world (or not). They will never solve the problem of human sin and our eternal destiny, because they are themselves tainted by sin.

So what must you do to get around this? Your best bet is to become a Christian, if you have not done it already? As did the founders of Western science, early modern philosophy, and philosophical theology, who understood that in the absence of a God who is not just perfectly holy but perfectly “rational” in His creative powers, Western science had no basis, for there was no reason to assume the world is a place of discoverable order and not ultimate chaos. The trajectory of the postmodern academic intellect towards skepticism, nihilism and despair seems to confirm this.

The Psalmist says (19:1) “The heavens declare the glory of God …” Paul told the Romans (1:20), “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and God head, so that [we] are without excuse” (1:20).

One of the most fascinating things about modern space exploration is the uniqueness of every celestial body our unmanned probes have approached and photographed. I expect this to continue as our technological capacity to peer into the depths of space and into other solar systems increases. Physicist Hugh Ross, moreover, once listed a concatenation of over 20 physical constants and other measurable phenomena of this universe and our Earth and observed that if any of them was only slightly different (sometimes by a billionth of a percentage point!), life on Earth would be impossible!

Are we really supposed to believe with the materialists that all of this, and all we are, are collective cosmic accidents?

Returning to our personal, Earthly situations, Paul advises, again in Romans, “if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Rom. 10:9-10). And most famously, from John’s Gospel (3:16): “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”

This alone, not honoring rituals such as going to church on Sundays and taking communion, or doing good deeds, or even devoting one’s life to serving others, are sufficient. “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9).

So no, Christians do not have a monopoly on moral behavior. No honest Christian says he never sins; the most he can say is that his sins are forgiven. We are obligated to turn from sin and try to be more Christlike. We may not succeed. No, I take that back. We will not succeed. Christians remain sinners, but their sins have been forgiven, and they can be assured of living eternally with God in the Next Life, where there is no sin.

No other faith provides this assurance. With Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc., at their best, one is never sure one has done enough, or has followed the “paths” sufficiently. This is because all other faiths offer whatever rewards they offer continent on actions taken by us. Christianity alone sees this as futile. Christianity says, there is nothing you can do about your sinfulness except confess it to Jesus, ask Him to save you, and then sincerely and prayerfully turn from it. Perhaps this is why Christianity is so unpopular. It is humbling in its unsparing account of human nature. But its plan of salvation is simplicity itself, defying all intellectualizing.

This surely applies to our political thinking as we begin a New Year — a year likely to be as troubled and unrestful as this one was, possibly more so.

I and others have argued passionately that a power elite — or superelite — has come to dominate world affairs from behind the scenes, typically operating through global finance but hardly limited to that. Superelite dominance did not begin yesterday. There is a sense in which this kind of outcome is virtually inevitable in a world that is developing economically and advancing technologically while remaining in sin: both because a minority of persons are fascinated with power and pursue it to the exclusion of all else (money having become a fast track to power in the West), and because the majority has unwittingly given them power, trading freedom for security and avoidance of toil. “Make us your slaves, but feed us,” Fyodor Dostoevsky’s cynical Ivan Karamazov mocks the masses in the classic “Grand Inquisitor” section in The Brothers Karamazov (1880).

The idea of a consolidation of secular power is perfectly compatible with Biblical Christianity: “Finally, my brethren,” writes Paul, again to the Ephesians, “be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places….” (6:10-12f.).

Paul was writing in the first century A.D. He could have been writing to us in the twenty-first. His words would be just as true. Check this out. (Warning before clicking that link: disturbing images! Under no circumstances should children view it!)

Is that a Satanic ritual, or was someone with an incredible amount of money to burn, an amount sufficient to fund a performance like that, just incredibly bored that day?

We would be remiss to place our full confidence in any one human leader, or any one political party, or any one agenda. As an expat I’ve become acquainted with folks who urge a complete withdrawal from the “bread and circuses” of politicking, participating in elections by voting, etc. Their idea of liberation is to form small groups and even autonomous colonies “off the grid,” as it were. I am sympathetic to such notions, which, if by some chance the Trump administration is sabotaged, may be inevitable. But if such groups are not organized along Christian principles, they, too, will fail and leave their supporters even more disillusioned and bitter.

One of the things non-Christians cannot wrap their brains around is the presence of evil in the world in the form of seemingly unrecompensed suffering? Why does God permit such things? Why do evil men often soar to the top in this world? That it made sense to ask such questions was evident to the earliest Christian philosophers. Augustine of Hippo (354 – 430 A.D.) wrote about it. “Where then is evil?” he pondered. “What is its origin? How did it steal into the world?… Where then does evil come from, if God made all things and, because he is good, made them good too?” His answer comes down to original sin and rebellion against God, which tainted creation itself (Gen. 3:17-19). The larger answer is that God “sees the big picture.” We do not, and cannot.

It might be useful to remember that nowhere does Scripture promise Christians a life free of suffering, especially for their beliefs. If anything, Scripture promises it! “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake,” says Jesus. He continues, “Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you” (Matt. 5:11-12). Remember, too, whatever we suffer is trivial and minuscule compared to what Jesus Christ suffered, both prior to and during his crucifixion — easily one of the most brutal, prolonged, and torturous forms of execution sinful, sadistic humans have ever devised!

So our task, hard though it may sometimes be, is get things into perspective and “keep our eyes on the prize,” as it were. We were not put here to fashion a Utopia on Earth. I keep hearing about some group called Dominionists. I think it is mostly critics and haters of Christianity using that term; I cannot find much evidence of such a group or ideology called that which has much influence over our secularized body politic.

There are people in what used to be called the New Right who fell into this kind of trap, however. And others advocate something just as misguided, the so-called prosperity gospel (“Jesus wants you to be rich!”). The Jesus of history instructed us, “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon” (Matt. 6:24).

Be all this as it may, it should be clear: Christians need to be very, very cautious in their political thinking, and not fall into thinking they have what it takes to build a Utopia, be it a Utopia of politics or a Utopia of money. We cannot build such a thing by our own efforts, any more than we can save ourselves by our own efforts.

What does Scripture say instead?

“These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them from afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For those who say such things declare plainly that they seek a homeland. And truly if they had called to mind that country from which they had come out, they would have had opportunity to return. But now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly country. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a City for them.” (Hebrews 11:13-16).

Doesn’t sound to me like a command to build a Dominion (or some such thing).

The truth: in this world, Christians are bound to be outsiders! And this is a good thing!

But “as it is written: ‘Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God as prepared for those who love Him” (I Cor. 2:9).

And: “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).

To my faithful readers: Merry Christmas! And Happy New Year!

*All Biblical quotations are from the New King James Version (1982).

© 2016 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

Presidents I’ve known

Sometimes you come across a piece that you could never make any better yourself and this is one of those pieces. The fact it was written by a retired military man makes it even better since military men of earlier years were pretty darn smart and observant.

Unfortunately, some of our military today are very liberal and have lived and served under the Obama regime for the past 8 years quietly standing by as he tried to turn our military into a “bunch of whining, sniveling” followers. It was very apparent Obama was not a leader of men by his actions and back stabbing of “some” of our active military.

Our military needs to know AMERICANS – TRUE AMERICANS care about them and pray daily for their safe return home in one piece. We are truly thankful for your service as we enjoy the freedoms so many have given their lives for.

Because I am a “lifer” in the military, I’ve seen the impact of a president more than many of you can imagine.

I enlisted with LBJ as president and saw just what a Democrat cluster flock was all about.

I went to Vietnam and saw how we were constantly and incessantly bombarded with micromanagement from Washington that got thousands of military people killed.

I sometimes wonder if I’ll get to heaven, but if I go to hell, I’m sure I’ll still be a few hundred floors above those bastards Robert McNamara, LBJ, John Kerry, Jane Fonda, and yes, even the “hero” John McCain.

After Johnson “abdicated” rather than having his ass waxed, I lived through Nixon who was hawkish but allowed the generals (and there WERE a few real generals back then versus now [like Creighton Abrams]) run the show. He was so out of touch that he never knew North Vietnam was about to surrender when the Paris Accord was presented.

Only God could help us after Gerald Ford was beaten by Jimmy Peanuts who’d been funded by Saudi money. The military was turned into Section 8 and even the White House suffered the austerity.

Then the light began to shine and Ronald Reagan swept into the fray. He not only loved the country and the military, they loved him back. Esprit d’corps was off the scale during his presidency.

The Liberals were slowly turning into socialists, however, and about this time all the draft dodgers of the 1960’s who’d been given amnesty by Jimmy Peanuts were turning out college graduates with degrees in socialism.


Bush 1 was an enigma from the CIA, and though he never did much either way, he NEVER DID MUCH EITHER WAY.

Welcome to Bill Clinton. Clinton spent most of his two terms wagging the dog and creating the Oral Office, sending a bomber to blow up Quaddafi’s tent and killing a goat or two, while allowing the UN to set up the infamous Black Hawk Down situation. He made history by becoming only the second president to be impeached.

I actually felt sorry for Bush 2. He was doomed to infamy from the start. He thought most of America was still the rah-rah patriots of WWII, when they were simply socialists waiting to feed him to the sharks.

Then there came the Manchurian Candidate with a faked (OK Dems, let’s say “of questionable origin” to assuage your PC brains) birth certificate, who’d gotten a free ride through college under a foreign student exemption, and whose college records and complete life history had been sealed. (We know more about Thomas Jefferson’s supposedly bastard children than we do about Obama, Michelle, OR their two kids.)

From his inaugural address, he slandered America and within days had begun to encourage dissension of the races, as well as slandering police who “acted stupidly.” That was mild compared to the crap that would come in doubling the national debt from what had been built by ALL PREVIOUS PRESIDENTS COMBINED, feeding us bullspit about how Muslims built this country, and nationalizing American industries. Fueled by George Soros’ money and using the Air Force fleet as his personal charters, he appointed malcontents and traitors into positions of authority. He trashed the Constitution by installing “czars” (interesting he chose a title like that) to bypass Congressional authority.

By that time, Congress was completely corrupt on both sides of the aisle. No one had balls to impeach this charlatan. Mysteriously, the lone outspoken conservative Supreme Court Justice suddenly dies in his sleep, his body immediately cremated without an autopsy, at an Obama pal’s hunting lodge and the Supreme Court is evenly split. Finally, Congress shows some balls and rejects Obama’s nomination.

The Libtards aren’t worried because the fix is in. Soros has paid demonstrators to cause turmoil at all the Republican gatherings, Obama concedes that illegal aliens should vote as they won’t be prosecuted, and Soros-manufactured voting machines are caught switching votes in certain precincts. Hillary has cheated her way to the nomination and her lies are completely ignored by the brainwashed minions of sycophants who follow her.

But a shocking thing happened on the way to the forum. Middle America had had enough and although the pollsters and the pipers tried to convince them not even to bother to vote, they were fed up with the denizens of the swamp. It was time. 

Florida was designated a “swing” state ignoring that all those old retirees living in St. Petersburg, and the fed-up Cuban-Americans in Miami weren’t interested in their platform. Ohio and Pennsylvania where coal production was blacklisted and where Obama had ridiculed them for “clinging to their Bibles and their guns,” lay waiting for the supposed “landslide” Hillary vote and creamed it.


The Socialist world of the Democratic Party disintegrated. An American who expressed unbridled love of country and respect for police, firemen, and military steamrolled across the heartland and the liberals realized their scheme was trashed.

Now, the same party who’d ridiculed Trump on his comments about the election being rigged, started screaming that the election was rigged. They even advocated having the election repeated. They created mobs that burned and pillaged, stopped traffic, threatened murder, batter, and rape of Trump supporters, and became the anarchists that the socialist dream thrives upon.

They run like castrated pigs for safe zones and use diaper pins as their national symbol. This is exactly what happens when political correctness takes over and participation trophies are awarded to everyone. They can’t conceive how disgusting and subservient they have become.

Donald Trump may NOT be the best person for the job, but he’s such a welcome respite from the candy-assed whimps who’ve been running the swamp that it’s refreshing to see. At the very least, Donald Trump derailed the Socialist train and bought us precious time. If he only does half of what he’s promised, we’ll still be legions ahead of where Obama has dragged us. Already countries who held us in contempt are lining up to be found in the favor of America.

So for you liberal lurkers and you half-assed fence-sitters, kiss off. You had your big hurrah and now your party is over.

For you staunch Republicans in office, don’t gloat so much yourselves. You’ve been put on notice by the American people that we’re fed up with ALL YOU BASTARDS, and if you don’t start putting America first, you do so at your own peril. You might want to buy a copy of George McGovern’s autobiography and see how shocking and humbling it can be for a professional politician to try to find legitimate work once he falls from grace.

This election was pure, unadulterated AMERICAN. Hillary was beaten and AMERICA won the election.

You can claim he’s not “your president” all you want, but unless you forfeit your American citizenship, YES, HE IS!!!! Go cry a river some place they need water.

By George Roof, Chief Master Sergeant (Retired) USAF 

For those of you who never think about our founders and what they gave and sacrificed in the creation of this great country, this piece will mean nothing to you. Your history books refuse to tell you the truth because the men and women behind them today are liars and fools.

Their goal is that this country become “their” One World Order leaving freedom and equality at the borders as they allow illegals to share in our earned wealth helping to change our country into something it was never, ever meant to be.

Too bad this piece couldn’t embrace the evil done by the elected especially since the Kennedy’s years. Both sides of the political farce have passed legislation setting up the next to carry it one step further as to not cause “shell shock.”

And all you entertainment types who make your living off of the American population and continue to say you are going to leave America if you don’t get your own way – what are you still doing here? Just creating more havoc and discontent. 

As Americans, we don’t want or need you here and we insist you honor your promise to leave – AND don’t let OUR door of Liberty hit you in your backside as your leave. We will be just fine after you are gone.

Disband the CIA – now!

Currently, the same people who created “Remember the Maine,” “Remember Pearl Harbor,” “Remember he Gulf of Tonkin” and “Remember 9/11,” have pulled another rabbit out of their magician’s hat: “Remember the Russians.” Seemingly, they want to kill two birds with the same stone: stealing the election from Trump and begin the new Cold War they have been craving. Obviously, they are still under the wrong assumption that we are nothing but a bunch of idiots.

The ongoing disinformation campaign has been orchestrated by the CFR’s globalist conspirators using their beloved CIA[1] to launch a disinformation PsyOp accusing the Russians of messing in the recent election in an effort to undermine the nomination of President-Elect Donald Trump. Nevertheless, the CIA’s role in the charade has given us the best opportunity to get rid once and for all of this treacherous organization.

It is difficult, however, to understand the CIA’s current behavior without taking a look at the true reason why it was created and who created it.

After the disaster at the Bay of Pigs[2] President Kennedy in private cursed “CIA bastards” for luring him into the debacle and told a friend he wanted to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds.”[3] Then, he fired CFR agent and CIA Director Allen Dulles. Soon after, it was the CIA, in close collaboration with their agent Castro, the ones who splintered Kennedy into a thousand pieces.[4]

The CIA was the illegitimate child of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), a spy agency fully under the control of the CFR globalist conspirators.[5] A spate of books has been written about the OSS’s heroic actions during WWII. The truth, however, is quite different. The OSS’s three main successes were serving East Europe to Joe Stalin on a silver platter, creating the Rat Lines to allow Nazi war criminals escape from justice, and assassinating General George Patton.[6]

Of the many books about the CIA, written by both apologists and critics, only a few authors have found the true key to decipher the mystery behind this secretive organization. One of them is Col. L. Fletcher Prouty, U.S. Air Force (Ret.), and the other is Ralph W. McGehee, a retired CIA officer.

In his excellent study of the CIA, The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World, Prouty explains how a group of CIA officers managed, through the administration of selective information to the President and other government leaders, to virtually control the U.S. Government. According to Prouty, “The CIA is a great, monstrous machine with tremendous and terrible power.”

Prouty’s book was initially published in New York by Prentice Hall in 1973, but the book was practically censored and disappeared from the bookstores. Then, new editions were printed in 1992 and 1997. In the Preface of the second edition of his book, published in 1992, Prouty affirms:

I was the first author to point out that the CIA’s most important ‘Cover Story’ is that of an ‘Intelligence’ agency.” Of course the CIA does make use of ‘intelligence’ and ‘intelligence gathering,’ but that is largely a front for its primary interest, ‘Fun and Games.’ Its allies, and its method of operation, are the principal subjects of this book.

In the Preface to the 1997 edition of his book, Prouty expanded even more on the subject,

The CIA is the center of a vast, and amorphous mechanism that specializes in Covert Operations … or as Allen Dulles always called it, “Peacetime Operations.” In this sense, the CIA is the willing tool of a higher level High Cabal, that may include representatives and highly skilled agents of the CIA and other instrumentality’s of the government, certain cells of the business and professional world and, almost always, foreign participation. It is this ultimate Secret Team, its allies, and its method of operation that are the principal subject of this book.

Contrary to other authors and perhaps conscious of the principle that in intelligence and espionage things are seldom what they seem, Prouty was not fooled by misleading appearances. At the very end of his book, he clearly states that, though the CIA is very powerful, “. . . in the majority of cases, the power behind it is big business, big banks, big law firms and big money. The Agency exists to be used by them.”

Moreover, in an article Prouty wrote for the February 1986 issue of Freedom magazine, he clarifies even more the issue:

The CIA is the best friend of the top executives of America’s biggest business, and it works for them at home and abroad. It is always successful in the highest echelons of government and finance. … Translated into everyday terms, [William] Casey’s CIA, as was Allen Dulles’ CIA, is one of the true bastions of power as a servant of the American and transnational business and financial community.

The other author who cut to the chase was Ralph W. McGehee, a former CIA officer. In the Introduction to his book Deadly Deceits: My 25 Years in the CIA, McGehee states,

… the CIA is the covert action arm of the Presidency. Most of its money, manpower, and energy go into covert operations that, as we have seen over the years, include backing dictators and overthrowing democratically-elected governments. The CIA is not an intelligence agency. In fact it is an anti-intelligence agency, producing only the information wanted by policymakers to support their plans and suppressing information that does not support those plans. As the covert action arm of the President, the CIA uses disinformation, much of it aimed at the U.S. public, to mold opinion. It employs the gamut of disinformation techniques from forging documents to planting and discovering “communist” weapons caches. But the major weapon in its arsenal of disinformation is the “intelligence” it feeds to policymakers.[7]

At the end of his book McGehee gets even closer to the source of the problem when he modifies his previous statement that the CIA is the covert arm of the President, and changes it to affirm that actually it is the covert action arm of the President’s policy advisers. And that simple modification makes a great difference, because in it resides the hidden truth of the matter. I am quoting below his statement in full:

The CIA is not now nor has it ever been a central intelligence agency. It is the covert action arm of the President’s foreign policy advisers. In that capacity it overthrows or supports foreign governments while reporting “intelligence” justifying those activities. It shapes its intelligence, even in such critical areas as Soviet nuclear weapon capability, to support presidential policy. Disinformation is a large part of its covert action responsibility, and the American people are the primary target audience of its lies.[8]

If you still don’t know it, most CIA Directors and foreign policy advisers of U.S. Presidents since WWII have been members of the treasonous Council on Foreign Relations.

So, it is obvious that both Prouty and McGehee were convinced that, far from being the ultimate culprit, the CIA is just a tool. But, whose tool? Unfortunately, neither Prouty nor McGehee name names. But it is obvious that both authors are talking about the people behind the curtains who control our lives, the ones Prouty calls “The Secret Team,” and others have called the Invisible Government of the United States of America.[9]

More recently, a few more authors are reaching the same conclusion. For example, Paul David Collins is convinced that,

The problematic intelligence organization seems to have been engaged in nefarious activity since its inception. What is the explanation for the Agency’s seemingly systemic corruption? Anti-government writers claim that CIA corruption stems from the fact that the Agency is an organ of a corrupt government. However, this contention is a gross oversimplification. While the Agency does have a government charter, it can only be considered a quasi-governmental organization. For the most part, the Agency is the enforcement arm of its “founding fathers.” While these “founding fathers” use national governments as their personal prostitutes, they inhabit a stratum that exists above governments. The “founding fathers” are the Power Elite.[9]

Another author who pointed exactly to the right direction is Henry Makow. According to Makow,

Our main misconception about the CIA is that it serves U.S. interests. In fact, it has always been the instrument of a dynastic international banking and oil elite (Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan) coordinated by the Royal Institute of International Affairs[10] in London and their U.S. branch, the Council on Foreign Relations.[11]

In an article entitled “Chinagate: The Third-Way Scandal,” author Richard Poe reaches a similar conclusion. According to Poe, “When the Cold War ended, the CIA took on a new job —helping U.S. corporations compete in the global marketplace.”[12]

Poe’s assertion, however, is not fully true. The CIA didn’t take a new job. Since its very creation — actually since its very conception in the minds of its true creators— the CIA’s real, secret job has never been protecting and advancing the interests of the American people but of the Invisible Government of the United States: Wall Street and international bankers, oil magnates, and CEOs of global corporations. The CIA’s job is not new, the only difference is that the Agency is now doing it more openly and that the corporations the CIA is helping in their fight to destroy their competitors are transnational, not American.

Since its very creation the CIA has never been an intelligence agency, but an elaborate hoax, a subterfuge and a cover to justify and disguise the existence of the conspirators’ secret military arm. It has also served as a sort of bullfighters’ red cape to distract the American people’s attention by focusing it on the puppet instead of the real source of the problem: the puppeteers who control the action behind the curtains.

On July 26, 1947, President Harry S. Truman signed into law the National Security Act establishing the National Security Council (NSC). It also created the Central Intelligence Agency as well as the Secretary of Defense, the Joints Chiefs of Staff and a separate Air Force branch of the military. This marked the official beginning of the Cold War, an artificial creation of the CFR conspirators.

The NSC was allegedly created to manage the bloated foreign policy, military and intelligence apparatus of the U.S. government. But the National Security Act, like most important U.S. Government documents, had not been written at the White House but at the Harold Pratt House in Manhattan, headquarters of the CFR. Given the fact that at the time some American presidents were not fully under the conspirators’ control, its true purpose was to create a shadow organization whose members, acting as blinders, controlled the presidents by controlling the information reaching them. It is not a coincidence that, since its creation, most National Security Council members, including the Presidents’ National Security Advisors, have been secret CFR agents.

The National Security Council included the President, the secretary of state, the new secretary of defense, the secretaries of the military departments, and the chairman of the new National Security Resources Board. According to the act, the responsibility of the NSC was:

To advise the President with respect to the integration of domestic, foreign, and military policies relating to the national security so as to enable the military services and the other departments and agencies of the Government to cooperate more effectively in matters involving the national security.

The National Security Act gave the National Security Council just advisory, not executive powers, much less gave the newly created CIA authority to carry on covert operations abroad. But, just a few months later, on December 1947, NSC directive 4-A made the Director of Central Intelligence responsible for psychological warfare.

Then, less than a year after it was created, the NSC pushed the envelope even further and illegally assumed executive powers. On June 18, 1948, the National Security Council produced NSC 10-2, a directive that superseded NSC 4-A and was kept secret from the American government and people for many long years. NSC 10-2 authorized the CIA to conduct not only psychological but also all types of covert warfare operations.

The result is that, since the end of the Second World War, the CFR conspirators, through their secret agents in the NSC, have been putting blinders on American Presidents and giving them the mushroom treatment — keeping them in the dark, and feeding them manure. This guarantees that the President’s most important policy decisions are the ones already made at the Harold Pratt House in Manhatttan.

If one is to believe he U.S. Government’s narrative about the 9/11 events (which I never bought), the CIA, the NSA and the rest of alphabet soup of intelligence agencies failed miserably to alert us about the attacks. Surprisingly, however, nobody at the CIA or the NSA was demoted, much less fired, as the result of such catastrophic failure to accomplish their mission for which We the People pay billions of dollars every year.

So, I think that, as soon as he is sworn into Office, the first thing President Donald Trump should do is to sign an Executive Order disbanding the National Security Council, the CIA and the NSA and passing their functions to the military — the place where such functions belong.

Or, even better, he should sell the CIA and the NSA tax free to Amazon and Apple so they can create their own CIA (Central Intelligence Amazon) and their own NSA (National Security Apple). This way they may save some dough by not having to redesign their logos and we, the American taxpayers, will save a lot of money by not paying for the work of these bunch of useless incompetents and traitors.[13]

Servando is the uthor of Psychological Warfare and the New World Order and I Dare Call It Treason, and the DVDs Treason in America and Partners in Treason, all of them available at NewsWithViews.


1. Out of unavoidable oversimplification, people always refer to actions taken by intelligence services as “the CIA knew,” “the KGB acted,” “the Mossad believed,” etc., forgetting that intelligence services are not homogeneous entities. Due to the application of the need-to-know and compartmentation principles, an inherent characteristic of all intelligence services, the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing, and vice versa. Therefore, when one says, “the CIA knew,” it actually means “some people at the CIA knew.” In the case of critical operations, as in the case of assassination attempts on a foreign leader, it is likely that most people at CIA, including very senior officers, were left in the dark about the operation. On the other hand, there is some evidence that, since the Sixties, the CIA has been not only teeming with liberals but it has had some crypto-leftists among its ranks. Contrary to what most people think, Castro has always had many secret admirers among CIA officers. Some CIA defectors, like Philip Agee, were notoriously pro-Castro. By the way, the story that the CIA tried to kill Castro on several occasions, but always failed due to incompetence, is just bovine manure. For Castro as a secret CIA agent see my book Psychological Warfare and the New World Order.
2. The Bay of Pigs operation was actually a success for the CFR conspirators. Its goal was to destroy the anti-Castro opposition and consolidate him in power so that the Russians accepted him as member of the communist camp, and both goals were accomplished. See Servando Gonzalez, Psychological Warfare and the New World Order (Spooks Books: Oakland, 2010), pp. 193-200.
3. “CIA: Marker of Policy or Tool? Survey finds widely feared agency is tightly controlled,” The New York Times, April 25, 1966.
4. The assassination of President Kennedy was a CIA-Castro joint operation. More on this on a forthcoming article.
5. On the OSS see, Servando Gonzalez, The Secret Fidel Castro (Spooks Books: Oakland, 2001-2016), pp. 91-107.
6. On the role of the OSS in the assassination of Gen. Patton see Servando Gonzalez, Psychological Warfare and the New World Order, OpCit., pp. 103-107.
7. Ralph W. McGehee, Deadly Deceits: My 25 Years in the CIA (New York, Sheridan Square Publications, 1983), p. xi.
8. Ibid., p. 192.
9. Paul David Collins, “Unholy Matrimony: The Tie Between the Cult of Intelligence and the Cult of Oligarchy,” Conspiracy Archive, Sept. 9th, 2006.
10. The RIIA later changed its name to Chatham House.
11. Henry Makow, “Gloria Steinem: How the CIA Used Feminism to Destabilize Society,” (July 1, 2002).
12. Richard Poe, “Chinagate: The Third-Way Scandal,” in Christopher Ruddy and Carl Limbacher Jr., (eds.), Bitter Legacy: Reveals the Untold Story of the Clinton- Gore Years (West Palm Beach, Florida:, 2001), p. 83.
13. Due to limitations of space, the vision of the CIA I have painted is not totally accurate. Actually there are some true patriots working at the CIA. For a more in-depth analysis of the CIA, see my Psychological Warfare and the New World Order, pp. 108-149.

© 2016 Servando Gonzalez – All Rights Reserved

Obama’s birth defect captured by Sheriff Arpaio

On Thursday, as announced, Maripoca County Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio held a press conference to settle, once and for all, the legitimacy of the birth certificate Obama produced to prove he was born in the U.S. Known as America’s toughest law-enforcement sheriff, he declared he would prove that the certificate in question was a phony….and….he did!!

This has been an exasperating and contentious issue even before Obama was shoe-horned into the Oval Office. All of his identification papers including his birth certificate, college records, marriage certificate, family records were SEALED. Those records became a “no go zone,” in true Muslim fashion.

The Obama apparatus spent millions of dollars on high-powered lawyers to block any and all information about him from being seen or released, which made no sense. Muslims who come across our borders are vetted in case they are jihadists intent on attacking our country from within.

But the man who would be put in the office of President of The United States was NOT and has not been vetted and anyone who questioned this was vilified by the Soros controlled media, like they have done with Sheriff Apaio and others.

Obama’s citizenship and birth details raised suspicions immediately. One must be a natural born citizen to run for the office of President of The United States.

Born under the name, Barry Soetoro and raised as a Muslim, he was required to adopt a Muslim name, which was and is, Barack Hussein Obama. Not much was known about Obama except that he had a history of homosexuality.

His handler George Soros invented him, had him schooled by Communists and managed to get him into U.S. political leadership as a Senator from Illinois. This prompted the Kenya newspapers to brag: “A fellow Kenyon, born here, one of us…is now a United States Senator!” That says it all.

This writer logged onto the Kenya newspaper’s website to see this. In their zeal about ‘one of us,’ they joyfully included that very birth certificate showing him born in Kenya which we saw. After he was manipulated into the Oval Office, his birth certificate was scrubbed from that site. What is more, they were hostile to any inquirers who came to the country to obtain information, including Jerome Corsi of World Net Daily.

Now that ‘one of their own’ was named President of The United States, Kenya wanted to hang on to that distinction and put roadblocks in front of anyone seeking the truth.

We do not know all the details about Michelle, their marriage, or their children. First of all, when this is examined, there must be DNA samples from both Obama, Michelle and their two children. That will provide some extraordinary revelations.

Soros, the billionaire Hungarian Jew, who sold out his own people during the holocaust, came to America, became a citizen where he is able to work from the inside to transform our country into a 3rd world Communist controlled country.

Obama was his man to destroy America, the only country standing in the way of the New World Order. And why? Because the majority of Americans are Christians, churches dot the landscape, and it is not possible to enslave the mind of a devoted Christian.

Soros and his evil empire began to tote a ‘first black president,’ and added that this would help rid whites of their guilt for slavery, and that the country should consider the social condition of ‘white privilege,’ which of course, undermines blacks. That was continually hammered home by the wooden soldiers, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and others who have become, as Stalin named those who helped him do his dirty work, “Useful Idiots.”

An entire guilt campaign was unleashed against whites while the newspapers (also considered ‘useful idiots) made certain to mention and exploit any black man shot by a white police officer “for no reason.’

These events, they say, are fueled by racism, not by any black committing a violent crime or posing a danger to law enforcement. This was part of the agitation leading to the race wars which are now building under the Soros title, Black Lives Matter.

Blacks murdering whites, or other blacks, was not and is not an issue, and totally ignored by the press.

Those who voted for Obama, and they were few, were boosted by the proportion of illegal votes, multiple votes and the incredible number of dead people listed as having voted. Whites were basically ‘shamed’ into voting for him. Soros had to give the impression that Obama was indeed, voted in by the people. No hanky-panky involved doncha know.

And anyone who questioned Obama’s legitimacy, or any insane ruling he made including opening our borders to those who would destroy us from within, was pegged, ‘RACIST.’ Any criticism was and is based on….yes that useful word again….racism.

After pressure mounted, Obama finally produced a Hawaiian birth certificate. This columnist saw it and knew it was a fake. First of all, in the box, “Race” he was listed as–now get this–African American. How’s that again? In the 1960’s that term was not used. The term then was, ‘Negroe.” We got on the horn and let that be known.

Then he produced another Hawaiian birth certificate. In this one the “Race” box had been taken out altogether. And it is to be noted that the woman in Hawaii who was in charge of records, and had the truth in front of her, was “whacked,” a CIA term meaning killed in a plane crash. Many of those have happened over the years, particularly during the Clinton administration.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio has been unmercifully hassled, slandered, libeled, and his very position as sheriff was jeopardized. Soros was able to recruit the number of Ui’s–ooowees? (useful idiots) to try with all their might to bring him down.

His news conference, which was live streamed, shows vividly that the birth certificate Obama presented was indeed a fraudulent document and experts showed exactly how that certificate was created. What an eyeopener!

This means an investigation must follow and charges be filed immediately against the most incredible hoax ever pulled in history along with the man who fraudulently posed as ‘president.’ Plus, that provocateur who put him into the Oval Office, George Soros, MUST be charged and prosecuted for treason and sedition.

Below are more details of the news conference by World Net Daily with video of the document inspectors showing in detail how that false certificate, which had nine errors, was not legitimate: Check out this link.


© 2016 Rev. Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

Arms wide open and eyes wide shut

Anyone who has been the least bit interested in the presidential race has been subjected to numerous political headlines, political analysis, political polling and political posturing (ad nauseam) over the importance candidates have placed on capturing the “evangelical Christian” vote; particularly as we saw in Iowa. I’m not going to discuss the personal faith of any candidate–whether they’re sincere in their beliefs (I have no reason to doubt) or even raise the possibility that their statements of faith could be simply a tool to garner more votes.

Here’s my question and it’s not for the candidates. Watching and listening to all the religious rhetoric has led me to wonder: Since when are Christians not supposed to be evangelical? In my naivety, I’ve just always assumed that those who called themselves Christian believed that we were given the Great Commission by Jesus Christ to go into the world to make disciples and to be light in a dark world. I believed that all those who called themselves Christian held certain fundamental truths to be nonnegotiable, irrespective of some theological differences held by various denominations.

Silly me.

I forgot how we are repeatedly warned that deceiving doctrines and whispering lies would be the new norm in our churches and from behind our pulpits. Blatant heresy and blasphemy is not only being whispered from the pulpits, it’s being blared from mega horns while being embraced by ignorant sheeple sitting piously in the pews every Sunday-with arms wide open and eyes wide shut. If you are a professing Christian, you must be aware that there’s a scary whirlwind swirling around you of new thought, new practice, new doctrine and new terminology that is more than capable of knocking the moors right out of your foundation of faith. This is the first of a series of articles that will examine false teaching and how it has infiltrated the churches and, in some cases, the minds of believers.

Case in point is the theology of “progressive Christianity”. An article, “State of the Union: Progressive Christianity”, was recently published where the author provided a background and a history of the progressive Christian movement and extolled the growing numbers of converts within their ranks.

Here are a few excerpts that may interest you (all emphasis mine):

1.“…The Christian clergy who embraced Wellhausen’s work began to understand that the Bible should not be read as a book of definitive facts and eternally-valid moral prescriptions, but rather as a mythic and poetic record of humanity’s spiritual and social evolution. Pastors who embraced the emergence of science, and the emerging field of biblical textual criticism, preached that Christianity had to evolve and change in light of new knowledge. Many of these pastors also had a strong concern for social justice as a central concern for Christian faith. They preached in the churches of the mainstream, mainline Protestant establishment in Britain, Germany, America, and elsewhere….”

2.So let’s get started at the beginning: just what is progressive Christianity? More to the point, who are progressive Christians?

I’ve been pondering this question for about two decades now, and have been coming up with “tag lines” by way of answers. Here’s my list:

Progressive Christians keep the faith and drop the dogma.

For us, God is Love, not a Guy in the Sky.

Since God and Nature are one, science is a way to learn about God.

We do Christianity without pelvic issues.

Faith is about deeds, not creeds.

We take the Bible seriously because we don’t have to take it literally.

Spiritual questions are more important to us than religious answers.

The morality of what happens in the war-room and the board-room matters more to us than what happens in the bedroom.

Other religions can be as good for others as our religion is good for us.

Our church parking lot is for cars, not brains.

God is bigger than our ideas about God.

God evolves, and so does our religion.

3. “…Christians who weren’t fundamentalists languished, feeling misunderstood by the wider culture. And then along came John Shelby Spong. In 1991, he wrote a book called “Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism”. He was an Episcopal bishop in the US who went on the airwaves and said it in no uncertain terms: Jesus did not physically rise from the dead. This gospel story is vitally important as a myth that expresses the transformational power of love. The miracle stories in the Bible are not to be taken literally or factually…”

4. “…By calling ourselves progressive Christians, we mean we are Christians who…

1. Believe that following the path and teachings of Jesus can lead to an awareness and experience of the Sacred and the Oneness and Unity of all life;

2. Affirm that the teachings of Jesus provide but one of many ways to experience the Sacredness and Oneness of life, and that we can draw from diverse sources of wisdom in our spiritual journey;

3. Seek community that is inclusive of ALL people, including but not limited to:

Conventional Christians and questioning skeptics,

Believers and agnostics,

Women and men,

Those of all sexual orientations and gender identities,

Those of all classes and abilities;

4. Know that the way we behave towards one another is the fullest expression of what we believe;
5. Find grace in the search for understanding and believe there is more value in questioning than in absolutes;
6. Strive for peace and justice among all people;
7. Strive to protect and restore the integrity of our Earth.
8. Commit to a path of life-long learning, compassion, and selfless love.

Do not be fooled. There is nothing “Christian” about these beliefs. They deny the work of the Cross, they deny the resurrection, they deny the “faith of our fathers”, and they deny the moral absolutes of the Holy Word. They have replaced the gospel of Jesus Christ with a false gospel of social justice with love, unity, tolerance, and peace as the cornerstones of their doctrine which, by the way, can only be obtained by the work of the Holy Spirit within the hearts of believers.

I could quote scripture about the unchanging character of God–the God who is the same “yesterday, today, and tomorrow” and who is certainly not a God that evolves as society evolves. I could use scripture to defend the belief that the only true way into a relationship with God is through Jesus Christ. I could use countless verses to verify the authority of the Holy Word that in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (oops! I did it anyway!). However, it would be a waste of my time.

In their own reason and intellect, progressives have deconstructed the primary tenets of Christian faith. Why? What is so abhorrent about the Christian faith held dear by so many that would cause man in his own pride and intellect to position himself as more all-knowing than God himself? Easy. That stumbling block whose name is Jesus.

More than ever we need to know what we believe and why we believe it. I truly think that “the wheat is being separated from the chaff”. Hear me on this. True Christians, those who believe that our purpose on earth is to bring glory to the name of Jesus Christ, are not going to have their faith destroyed by the world. No, it’s going to come from within. We must learn to rightly discern the words of man. How? By comparing their words to the truth of God’s Word.

© 2015 Lydia Goodman – All Rights Reserve

President Elect Trump: Early evaluation

It is hard to imagine a more heated month of speculation following a presidential election victory than what we’ve seen with Donald Trump. It’s been fun to see the Establishment media jump immediately into a hyper state of fluster that keeps getting more shrill as January 20, 2017 gets closer.

Much of the discussion has involved the stream of candidates we are seeing arrive at the Trump Tower to be interviewed for cabinet positions.

As cabinet selections are made by Trump, criticism has been mounting, not only from predictable Establishment circles, but also from the libertarian realm with commentators like Joel Skousen and Chuck Baldwin. Skousen has detailed the Establishment background of Trump’s current selections. Baldwin also directed criticism at Trump’s selections, wondering if “JEB won the election,” not Trump.

An example of their concern would be Steve Mnuchin, tabbed as Secretary of the Treasury. Mnuchin was a Goldman Sachs executive, was a hedge fund operator who worked with Soros, and is a Yale member of the Skull and Bones secret society. He represents everything Establishment that Trump has been against.

So, is there reason for alarm? Maybe, maybe not! Let’s wait and see. I say “maybe not,” holding out much optimism for the future Trump presidency.

I have great respect for the libertarian thinkers who have been critical of Trump’s appointees, but I would take a different opinion analyzing the first 30 days of the president-elect.


Trump has to reward politicians who stood for him in the difficult days of the campaign, men we may not care for, but whose support was very helpful in his election victory; men like Christie, Gingrich, Giuliani, Carson, and Priebus.

To date, the ones with an appointment are Priebus and Carson. Christie has been marginalized, and Gingrich and Giuliani will probably not take appointments because their present sources of income would be unavailable to them if they took a government position.

The Republican Establishment’s hope for a Trump loss became their worst nightmare. Not only did he win, but he won overwhelmingly by doing the impossible: breaking through the Rust Belt wall, capturing five upper-Midwest states. Reality set in late in election night for the Republican Establishment that Donald Trump is now a political force – and leader of the Republican Party.

Trump could have immediately turned his convincing win into an Al Pacino moment where he waited for rivals to come and kiss his hand, and then attack and dismiss the remainder of his Republican Party adversaries. But he didn’t. In magnanimous fashion, he reached out to Republican rivals and enemies and sought to bring them into the Trump fold.

I do not believe his actions are a sign of weakness. They are a strategy to reshape the Republican Party into a Trump nationalist party.


Louis XIV, French king from 1643 until his death in 1715, was France’s longest and most prominent reigning king. In his political genius to consolidate power, he required France’s provincial nobles to come to Versailles and participate in his court.

Long before Machiavelli’s phrase became well-known in Mario Puzo’s The Godfather: Part II, Louis XIV was practicing “keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”

His strategy co-opted any potential resistance to his crown by giving titles of lordship to potential rivals and preoccupied them with activities within his court. Rebellion and resistance to his government was practically impossible.
Politically Trump’s greatest enemy is what’s left of the Republican Establishment’s politicians, lobbyists, donors, and party officials. So is Trump’s appointment of Reince Priebus to Chief of Staff, his tolerance of Paul Ryan, and his conciliatory language and outreach to his past Republican opposition his way to eliminate opposition within his own party?

Is it also Trump’s strategy to get his party enemies to embrace him and his populist vision that in turn will transform the Republican Party into a true “America First” party? By eliminating his enemies will he be able to mold the Republican Party into a populist, American nationalist party?

Gina Loudon in her 12/4/16 article for World Net Daily writes of the “crazy like a fox” Trump, who while “some of us are playing checkers Trump is playing chess.” She continues:

The strategy of candidate Trump in this election was positively fascinating for the psychological analyst to watch…But, we must be careful not to view Trump’s action through the prism of the old political playbook or we will continue to misjudge and underestimate him just as we have for the past 17 months.

It is too early to tell but I sense he is up to something and not even the sharpest of commentators can figure out. Whatever he is planning, the “Never Trump” crowd is dwindling, and if he can find success, especially economically, he may be the one to transform the Republican Party into a true workers’ party with a generation of electoral dominance.


Trump is difficult to figure out politically. One day he names an Establishment insider to a cabinet position then the next day an outsider. One day he meets with Goldman Sachs then the next day he is trashing globalism. In one day and out the next.

He knows far more of the complex national and geo-politics than conservative commentators give him credit for. I bet his zigging and zagging is a strategy to silence his enemies and to build a new coalition within the Republican Party.


Trump’s recent speeches, like the one in Cincinnati, underscore how agenda-driven Trump is. In early December, during the first leg of his “Thank You Tour,” he doubled down on many of his campaign commitments.
On the economy, “The era of economic surrender is over. We are going to fight for every last American job. It’s time to remove the rust from the Rust Belt and it’s time to usher in a new industrial revolution.”

On foreign policy, “At the same time we would pursue a new foreign policy that finally learns from the mistakes of the past [neo-cons]. We will stop looking to topple regimes and overthrow governments…Remember 6 trillion dollars in the Middle East…our goal is stability, not chaos.”

Then in a classic Trump rant he reaffirms his America First vision by attacking globalism:

Now is the time to embrace the one thing that truly unites us. You know what that is? America. You hear a lot of talk about how we are becoming a “globalized world.” But the relationships people value in this country are…family, city, state, and country. They’re local. We will compete in the world where is a two-way road—not the one way around. The advantages will come back to our country, and they haven’t for many years. There is no global anthem. No global currency. No certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag and that flag is the American flag. From now on it is going to be: America first. Okay? America first. We’re going to put ourselves first.

Trump’s anti-globalist rants are almost too much for my starving American conservative soul to take in. We have gotten so little politically over the last 50 years it’s hard to imagine America is within five weeks of having a president who routinely attacks the real enemy of the country, globalism. More so than his rhetoric is the obvious fact that he clearly sees the destructive evil of globalism and seeks to reverse its course.

Who of us who have followed national geo-politics for five decades saw the Trump phenomenon coming? In the first month after his election he is aggressively on the offensive. These are all good signs of what may come.

While he is eliminating his enemies and unifying the Party his aggressive agenda remains the same and in some areas (globalism) more intense. It seems the agenda is what makes Trump Trump, more so than staff. The staff, no matter the political persuasion, is there to promote the Trump agenda.


We all agree Donald Trump is not like Ronald Reagan or any Republican politician we have ever seen. He is really his own man. For example, where Reagan was conflict averse, Trump seems to embrace conflict. So, if one of his cabinet appointees starts to drift, undermining his agenda, he will have no reservations about handing out a pink slip. This is evidenced in three different campaign teams within a 3-month period, and his firing of Christie as transition chief.

Reagan’s internal softness gave us a full two terms of a Bush Sr. vice presidency. Conversely Trump has a nature that demands loyalty to him and his agenda. If political expectations are not met, there will be immediate replacement. So, who we see in cabinet positions in January may not be the same people in those positions the following January.


Our current national economic, political and cultural dilemma did not occur overnight. It came about by the 100-year planning and a concentrated effort by international banking and multi-national corporate elites. It took a century for the globalists to spin their control web over America and it will not be removed overnight. Tyranny takes time to work its destructive course and reversing that tyranny will also take time.

Reforming and replacing an old corrupt order will not yield immediate results. The process over time often involves using the system and bringing people out of the old order with a new vision and worldview.

This was commonplace in the 16th-century reform movement of the Protestant Reformation. After being challenged with the truth many entrenched Roman Catholic priests embraced the Protestant faith and became some of its best leaders.

The current movement against the Establishment has exposed the old order that needs reform which is the Republican Party, not the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is beyond help and would be best left alone to implode under its own weight.


The election of Trump is quite the political miracle in itself. Trump’s election was aided by the timing of the greater resistance movement of the middle class pushing back against the ruling order. This is a huge historical breakthrough in American politics.

The restoration of the American republic into a true functioning democracy subject to the people will be a process. The globalist control web over the country will not be easily broken nor will it happen overnight. Trump’s great courage to take on the global establishment and his unprecedented election victory has earned him our prayers and support to carry out his reforms.

Our support for Trump is not blind and without criticism. The same time we scrutinize his decisions and appointees we must also give our “New American Reformer” time to work his plan and see through his agenda.

Liberty/conservatives have been waiting for 50 years for an awakening of America’s middle class to rise up against the Establishment and for an aggressive “America First” nationalist like Donald Trump to come along and lead the movement. Now is not the time to overly critique or abandon the new American reformer that we have so long been waiting for.

Remember, perfection is awaiting God’s people in the next life; it is not obtainable in this life. Politically, if perfection and purity is demanded, often what is very good is passed by.

The work of reform is never clean, neat, and ideal, whether in religion or politics. The very word reform necessitates something is corrupt and in disorder. Such is our national condition. Reform comes in steps through a long process. Our new reformer is deserving of our assistance, loyalty, and patience.

© 2016 Thomas Ertl – All Rights Reserved

Planned Parenthood facing criminal prosecution by Trump’s Justice Department

Senator Chuck Grassley, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch and FBI Director James Comey referring four Planned Parenthood affiliates in California and three fetal tissue brokers for investigation and possible criminal prosecution. While the current Attorney General Loretta Lynch isn’t budging on the Obama administration’s disregard for the unborn, many believe that after the January 20 inauguration of President Donald Trump there will be legal action against those involved in the sordid practices of Planned Parenthood.

Following the investigation of Planned Parenthood as the result of the release of a series of videos by citizen journalist David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), the U.S. Senate’s Judiciary Committee obtained additional evidence revealing that Planned Parenthood, its affiliates, and the fetal tissue traffickers have violated the federal ban on buying and selling the body parts of unborn babies.

Moreover, the Judiciary Committee discovered that Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the Department of Justice are refusing to enforce the federal fetal tissue trafficking statute, failing to prosecute even one entity under the law, despite substantial evidence of a criminal conspiracy.

The Committee’s investigation found that the following entities engaged in the purchase and sale of baby body parts for profit: “I don’t take lightly making a criminal referral. But, the seeming disregard for the law by these entities has been fueled by decades of utter failure by the Justice Department to enforce it,” Grassley said. “And, unless there is a renewed commitment by everyone involved against commercializing the trade in aborted fetal body parts for profit, then the problem is likely to continue.”

• StemExpress, LLC;
• Advanced Bioscience Resources, Inc.;
• Novogenix Laboratories, LLC;
• Planned Parenthood Mar Monte;
• Planned Parenthood Los Angeles;
• Planned Parenthood Northern California; and
• Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest.

The Senate Judiciary Committee also found evidence of conspiracy between Planned Parenthood Federation of America and its affiliates, since PPFA knew about the violations and changed oversight procedures in order to allow the violations to continue. The Judiciary Committee’s findings are available in a Majority Staff Report published this month.

Planned Parenthood Mar Monte is the largest Planned Parenthood affiliate in the nation, operating 33 facilities in California and Nevada and taking in over $96 million annually. The four affiliates referred for prosecution represent over $263 million in annual revenue.

“Life Legal Defense Foundation looks forward to the confirmation of Senator Jeff Sessions as [President Donald Trump’s] new U.S. Attorney General,” stated the group’s executive director, Ms. Alexandra Snyder. “Senator Sessions currently sits on the Judiciary Committee and we anticipate that he will thoroughly investigate Planned Parenthood’s activities and prosecute the affiliates to the fullest extent of the law.”

If not for David Daleiden’s videos, Congress would not have initiated investigations into Planned Parenthood’s business model that includes profiting from the sale of fetal organs and tissues. We would not have seen firsthand the cavalier and callous manner in which the abortion industry discusses the dismemberment of innocent human beings.

“Daleiden’s heroic efforts to expose the multi-billion-dollar corporate abortion industry have not come without a great personal cost. He continues to battle four separate lawsuits filed against him by some of the very entities that are on the prosecution referral list,” noted Life Legal’s press statement.

Life Legal represents David in three lawsuits filed by StemExpress, the National Abortion Federation, and Planned Parenthood. All of the Planned Parenthood affiliates referred for prosecution are plaintiffs in the lawsuit, as is StemExpress. Another Planned Parenthood affiliate, PP Gulf Coast in Texas, is also a plaintiff and was referred for prosecution by the House Select Panel investigating Planned Parenthood’s role in the fetal tissue trade.

While Hillary Clinton served as the Obama administration’s Secretary of State, Planned Parenthood, which is now in the midst of a gruesome scandal, had gone to Mrs. Clinton with their hats in their hands requesting and receiving millions and millions of taxpayer dollars from foreign policy agencies over the past few years, according to a news reports on Thursday.

As the nation’s top diplomat, Mrs. Clinton attacked government policies that ban federal funding of abortion overseas. As a result, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), a major bureau within the State Department, funneled upwards of $100 million to Planned Parenthood and its international affiliates between 2010 and 2012, according to the Government Accountability Office. Pro-abortion organizations received up to 20 percent of the half-billion dollars received from taxpayers unbeknownst to the 52 percent of Americans who claim they are pro-life.

“Mrs. Clinton knew darn well that federal funding of abortions is prohibited even under Obamacare which was passed in 2010. Yet, here we see money from the State Department — hardly a healthcare agency — channeling money to the liberal-left’s greatest achievement which is the killing of unborn and defenseless babies,” said former police officer and corruption investigator Iris Aquino.

Hillary Clinton has reportedly received close to $70,000 in campaign contributions from Planned Parenthood and its employees. Clinton has spoken to Planned Parenthood on a number of occasions. In 2014, Clinton was honored with the organization’s Margaret Sanger award. One of the biggest cover ups in U.S. history is the racism of Sanger and her ideology some compared to 1930’s European fascism.

Also, arguably one of the most liberal courts in the nation which is in the city of Los Angeles gave Stem Express — which has been identified as a company that procures body parts of aborted infants from Planned Parenthood — a temporary injunction forbidding the release of more videos obtained by undercover journalists from the Center for Medical Progress. CMP had recorded conversations with Stem Express officials at a meeting in a public restaurant during which the unborn babies’ body parts were discussed.

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

The Son of God is with us

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me.” –Psalm 23:4

Sometimes the Son of God is really with us. Really.

In Daniel 3, the Bible tells us that Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, erected a gigantic golden idol and ordered all his subjects to bow down to it whenever they heard the music play. Anyone who didn’t, he warned, would be pitched into “a burning fiery furnace.”

Three Jews—Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego—refused to bow down to the idol. When the king threatened them with death, he added, “And who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands?”

They answered boldly, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.” Notice that they did not say that God would indeed deliver them: they left that up to God Himself. Whether God chose to do so or not, they would not bow down to the idol and serve a false god.

So the king ordered them cast into the furnace. And then something happened that made the king doubt his own senses.

“Did not we cast three men bound into the midst of the fire?” he cried. “Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.” And the men came out of the fire unharmed, for God had delivered them; and the king was humbled.

This was not the only time that God performed such a miracle. Fast-forward into the 20th century.

As Europe was tuning up for World War I, explorer Ernest Shackleton set out on an expedition to cross Antarctica by land. But his ship was crushed in the ice, and he and his men made a narrow escape to a desert island. There they would surely die, unless they were rescued.

After many hardships and extreme peril on the sea, Shackleton and two companions arrived on South Georgia Island, where they then had to hike over mountains and glaciers in hope of reaching the whaling station on the other side of the island, from whence word could be sent to summon rescuers. It was a grim and difficult march, a race against death.

Now let Shackleton tell us what happened during that march.

“When I look back at those days I have no doubt that Providence guided us, not only across those snow-fields, but across the storm-white sea that separated Elephant Island from our landing-place on South Georgia. I know that during that long and racking march of 36 hours over the unnamed mountains and glaciers of South Georgia it seemed to me often that we were four, not three. I said nothing to my companions on the point, but afterwards Worsley said to me, ‘Boss, I had a curious feeling on the march that there was another person with us.’ Crean confessed to the same idea. One feels ‘the dearth of human words, the roughness of mortal speech’ in trying to describe things intangible, but a record of our journeys would be incomplete without a reference to a subject very near our hearts.”

For two persons, let alone three, to have the same hallucination at the same time is exceedingly unlikely, and may not even be possible. We have heard of this same miracle happening on other occasions, but Shackleton in his time was a very famous man, not one to squander his reputation on tall tales, and his witness is worth very much. Its similarity to the Biblical account cannot be ignored.

It would have been pugilistically interesting to see what would have happened, had anyone dared to call Shackleton a liar to his face; but no one ever did.

We will not always emerge from the valley of the shadow physically alive or unharmed.

But we will not walk through it alone.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog,, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

My greatest Christmas present came Nov. 8, 2016

Popeye Meets the Bullies

I don’t know about you but Christmas came early for me. As is usual, all of the members of my family are asking what I would like to have for Christmas.

“Nothing.” I tell everyone who asks. “There is nothing you can get me that will top what I received on November 8, 2016. It was Christmas and my birthday all rolled into one. Nothing you could get me will ever top the gift left under my tree on that night.”

“What are you talking about?” they ask me.

“I’m talking about the election of 2016. The American people freed my life from the Clintons, Obamas, Pelosis and the God-hating Democratic Party!! They are the biggest bullies in the history of the United States and they are out of my life. How could a man ever want a better present than that?”

Some always want to argue with me about the “harshness” of calling my Democrat friends “God-haters”, so I have softened my rhetoric a bit. The leadership of the party hates God. Those who vote for them have simply recreated their own god in their own image. That is why whenever I hear someone chortle out God bless America I always take the time to ask, “Which God?”

It would be wrong to assume that all “Christians” serve the same God. I know some self-identified Christians who have NO IDEA what the Bible teaches. Those are the ones who usually vote for the lefties. Perhaps they don’t really hate “their” god…it is the one in the Bible that they have a problem with.

Obamas, Clintons, Pelosis, Reid…they are as much of a Christian as they are a poached egg. I am so glad they are gone.

They are the real bullies of America. Even though they and their same-sex loving friends like to call me and my ilk bullies…hateful…intolerant…it is they and their demon-loving acolytes that love to boss people around. The tyranny of the minority took a big hit in November and it has brought me a quasi-sadistic kind of joy to watch them squirm in their disappointment.

Don’t let the door hit you in the rear end on the way out.

According to the dictionary, to bully means “to affect by means of force or coercion; implies an intimidating or an overcoming of resistance usually by urgings, demands, or threats.”

Well, the real bullies finally got their butts kicked and that is the sweetest gift under my tree. It is as if Popeye finally awoke, squeezed open his can of spinach, and declared for the entire world to hear “I’ve had all I can stands and I can’t stands no more.”

Permit me to refresh your memory of some of the left’s more egregious disregard of democracy.

They bullied little babies in the womb.
They bullied those who oppose abortion into paying for it with tax dollars.
They bullied bakers into making cakes for sodomite marriages.
They bullied county clerks into violating their consciences.
They bullied school districts to silence prayers before football games.
They bullied school districts to remove the 10 Commandments.
They bullied politicians into changing laws to accommodate deviant sex.
They bullied parents into permitting their children to be taught homosex was normal.

They bullied churches into accepting their sin.
They bullied into silence anyone who opposed their sin.
They bullied Americans into accepting Obama Care.
They bullied us into accepting the criminalization of free speech by calling it hate.
They bullied us into forfeiting our God-given right to hate.
They bullied us into forfeiting our right to freely speak of Jesus.
They bullied us into putting Mohammed on equal footing with Jesus.
They bullied us and restricted our religious beliefs to inside the church building.

They bullied us into closing our coal mines.
They bullied us into reducing fossil fuel use.
They bullied us into the acceptance of mass Islamic invasion.
They bullied us into paying for those “migrants.”
They bullied us into accepting race was an excuse for immoral behavior.
They bullied us into changing the meanings of our holidays.
They bullied Jesus out of His own birthday.

They bullied us into accepting the killing of police officers.
They bullied us into accepting terrorism as natural hazard of life.
They bullied us into permitting the courts to make law.
They bullied us to accept that the Supreme Court was above the Supreme Being.

They bullied us into believing our rights came from government.
They bullied us into accepting that all cultures and all values are equal.
They bullied us into believing that America was a democracy.
They bullied us into believing that white people are privileged.
They bullied us into believing that our leaders were above the law.
They bullied us into believing that the mainstream news was honest.
The bullied us into accepting a fraudulent presidential birth certificate.
I am so glad the bullies are gone. Ding dong the witch is dead. Popeye finally voted them out. Pass the spinach.

Merry Christmas America.

© 2016 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

A Christmas tribute to America’s grandfathers

NOTE: For those of you looking for another hard-hitting article on America’s troubles, you will be disappointed. This time we are taking on an emotional issue, to which only grandfathers and grandmothers can relate. But if you are not now a grandfather or a grandmother, one day you will be and then you will be able to appreciate the story we are about to tell.

The morning of July 25, 1996 did not start out nor end as an ordinary day. In fact, that very day turned out to be the termination of two allied business ventures that went sour from the gross negligence of my two partners. At that moment, I was neither feeling grateful or thankful. I was a little over a year away from my 60th birthday. Mustering up the courage to start over and face the aftermath of a failing business entity was a daunting task. The loss of those two businesses sucked the very life out of me. On that day, I wasn’t sure I had the energy, much less the desire to continue.

But something else happened that day, a “something” that changed my life and altered it in a way that I could have never imagined. Because you see, a living, breathing, pure and loving creature entered the world on that day.

A year or so before, my son of thirty odd years finally found the love of his life and were married at a family ceremony. I was even honored to play my guitar and sing the “Wedding Song” during the event. The product of that union was the most beautiful, adorable human creature I have ever seen. On that fateful morning of July 25, 1996, my grandson was born.

Now I have heard all of the stories from other aging parents about becoming a grandfather and I have to admit to a little “so what” attitude. I love my own two children, now a man of 52 and a woman 42, both highly successful in their own right. I deeply love my wife of now 54 years, in a very special way. But there was no way that I was ready for the almost immediate, spectacular attachment to my grandson on that fateful day. Why does he touch me so?

We were very fortunate to be only 15 minutes from my son’s home so we became, with great relish I might add, the baby sitter of first resort. My wife and I were only too willing to give whatever time was available to our beautiful grandson. Did I mention his name was Preston?

From the very first time we came in contact, it was clear that a special bond was forming. I’d lay with him on the ground and talk to him in low tones. Or I’d play my guitar and sing to him. As he grew, I played with him in any way possible. He would smile and coo. I would laugh and hold him. When he seemed a little troubled just prior to going to bed or he couldn’t sleep and was restless, I would hold him close to me and hum a lullaby or talk softly to him about anything. He would lay his head on my shoulder and cling to me with his tiny arms.

When he finally began crawling we would have crawling races. My wife has several photographs showing our posteriors heading away from the camera. It’s no wonder that most of my pants had holes in the knees. And I’d keep asking myself, why does he touch me?

I’m not a religious man by any means and I don’t take much stock in the biblical connections to human love. I take no stock in the “original sin” or repentance, as I could never believe that a precious little baby is “guilty” of anything. Nevertheless, I believe strongly in the nuclear family because it makes pragmatic sense to have a father and a mother who love each other and pass that love on to their offspring. There is no substitute for soft, gentle love when building character in a young human being. Yes, discipline is important but not as much so as unbounded love.

A baby is probably the most helpless creature on the face of the earth. Even newborn animals seem more prepared to suffer the rigors of their environment than a human child. And human offspring remain helpless for much longer than the creatures with which they share this earth. Without the love, caring and nurturing of their parents there is literally no chance of survival. Even if a newborn has parents and those parents are not capable, for whatever reason, of delivering that love, caring and nurturing, the child of this loveless union has little chance to survive normally.

Even knowing all this, why does he touch me? I’m not his father. Is it because he was so free with his love for me? Was it the constant hugs? Was it the giggles of contentment and glee when we would play hide-and-seek, or peek-a-boo? Was it because of his excited attention when I would read to him? Was it because his face would literally light up when he would see me? Or could it be a biological sort of thing? You know, seed of my seed. Even if it were so, it is only part of the equation. In the case of Preston and me, it appears to be something much deeper.

When he became a little more mobile, I would sit him on my knee and play the piano for him. I’d marvel at his attempt to mimic my hand movements. I would try to teach him “single finger” playing but he would grace the piano with his two fists instead. It made more noise that way. When he came to visit, first he would crawl then run immediately to the piano. To sit on grandpa’s lap and play the piano must have been a kind of joy for him.

Maybe it’s because love, freely given in both directions, undemanding and non-judgmental, becomes the critical mass for a different, deeper kind of love. Or maybe there is a special grandfather – grandson love that can only be felt when you become a grandfather.

Whenever he came to visit, I would take special attention to take him around our home and show him things like a tree, a leaf, a unique hole in a rock, a bug, a bird, or the kitty. I pushed the bird feeder and he seemed fascinated as it swayed back and forth on its suspending rope. I showed him all of the colors of the different flowers and we would feel and touch the grass, and the fence, and the tree bark, and the hard surface of a rock, and the cement. We’d stop at the strawberry plant and sample the sweet rich taste of a ripe strawberry. I’d look up and point at the blue sky and I’d say “sky” and he would say “sky” back. At night, during the summer, we’d lie back on the patio lounge chair in the warm evening, looking up at the darkening sky and the emerging stars and I’d tell him stories.

I’d take him inside my car and let him hold the steering wheel in his hands. Then we would call his grandmother on the car phone. She’s in the house, not 50 feet away. Then, grandma was “ga-gi”. I was “ga-ga”. He knew who we were and we knew who we were and loving every minute of it. Soon we will be known as grandma and grandpa. But we will never forget “ga-gi” and “ga-ga”.

This little guy even brought my wife and I closer together. Having sustained a severe business reversal, Preston made life a little more bearable, a little more tolerable. Maybe because of him, I did not lose my courage or my energy to forge on into a new business and I did. Later, I would start the National Association of Rural Landowners, now a nationally known organization that plays an advocacy role for the government-besieged American rural landowner.

I remember experiencing the joy of family on Preston’s first birthday. His second Christmas was only a month away then. We couldn’t wait to see him again. He brought an indescribable kind of joy to our lives. This all-too-brief time in his life will pass on to a new phase, but we will never forget how a tiny, smiling human baby came into our lives and changed us forever.

New life in any form is a promise and a continuance. They are the sun that brings the welcoming light to the dawn. They are the refreshing sound of a river as it makes its way to the sea. They are as the soft wind in the trees in summer. They are the explosion of flowers in the spring. They are as the gentle drifting of new snow as it dresses the ground for winter.

Preston, appearing out of nowhere, became my promise, my continuance. Why does he touch me so? Shall it be the miracle I’ll never know?

He was 14 months when I wrote this story. He’s 20 now and in his second year in college. In those 20 years we have forged a special kind of intellectual bond and we talk every week on the phone.

A few years after Preston’s birth, our second grandson was born and not too long after that, we were blessed with a granddaughter from our daughter and her husband. Each brought us a new kind of joy and each was special in their own right, as each individual is special in their own way.

I remember my own father being in failing health. He was ill and tired and suffering from acute diabetes and heart trouble. But he said to me one day, “all I really want to do is to see my grandchildren and watch them grow up.” He never really got that chance. One night he visited our young son and he seemed almost euphoric and full of life. He died the next day just prior to his 62 Birthday. My daughter was born just four months before his death and he never got to know her.

For all of the ups and downs that life can throw at you, they all seem to melt away when a grandson or granddaughter enters your life. My wife and I consider our selves blessed beyond our dreams with two loving and successful children and three beautiful grandchildren that have added a special kind of irreplaceable richness to our lives. We have sympathy for those who have not been so blessed.

Even though my perspective is as a grandfather, in no way am I trying to demean or ignore the role of grandmothers in this Christmas tribute to grandfathers. A grandmother in a grandchild’s life is just as important as a grandfather and maybe even more so. Parents, grandparents, children and grandchildren are the very essence of life and happiness on planet earth and no doubt the grand scheme of a loving creator. During this special Christmas season, it is our privilege to honor the grandfathers (and the grandmothers) of America and the special experience and the all-important contributions they give freely to their grandchildren.

We wish all of our readers a very joyous Merry Christmas and an especially prosperous and happy New Year and we further wish all you grandfathers and grandmothers the opportunity and pleasure to experience the great joy we have, with your grandchildren.

Until next year then, when we return to continue our weekly column of information, inspiration and opinion, as we take on the many important issues facing every American.

If you LIKED this article you are welcome to share a comment or your own experience with a grandchild.

[EDITORS NOTE: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

© 2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved

Will we really drain the swamp?

Once again, the leftists took another spanking on the 19th when their efforts to derail the Trump election via buying off Electors resulted in a net loss. In the end, Trump lost two “faithless” electoral votes and Hillary lost five, a net loss of five more Electors for Hillary and the Democrats.

The left still has no clue that it isn’t Donald J. Trump who “trumped” them in 2016, but rather the American people. The leftist counter-revolution to destroy America from within hit a brick wall in 2016, with the uprising of the traditionally silent majority, who had clearly had enough. Americans from all races, creeds and colors simply wanted America to be great again and they no longer bought the leftist lies.

On the 19th, one “faithless” Trump Elector voted for Ron Paul and another voted for John Kasich. The other 304 Electors kept their oath and confirmed the election of Donald J. Trump. But Hillary Clinton lost five electors on that day, three to Colin Powell, one to Bernie Sanders and another to Faith Spotted Eagle, leaving Hillary Clinton with 229 Electoral votes to Trumps 304.

The L.A. Times reports – “Indeed, instead of an uprising against Trump, the day’s voting was punctuated more by small, but persistent, gestures of Democratic discontent with Hillary Clinton. A handful of electors deserted her and a few more tried to but were deterred by state “faithless elector” laws. Some of the Democratic dissenters were supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who lost the primaries to Clinton but galvanized the party’s left wing. Others were backers of an abortive effort that had tried to recruit Democrats and Republicans to unite behind a third candidate other than Clinton or Trump.”

As the left and their complicit “fake news” press tries to blame everyone from Russia to Wikileaks for their devastating loss, they continue to lose even more support as more and more Americans defect from the “faithless” Democratic Party in a growing revolt. Hillary just can’t stop losing…

The snakes and gators in the swamp are in panic, as the incoming administration prepares to “drain the swamp.” But are the people REALLY ready to “drain the swamp?” Is Trump, or are Congressional Republicans really ready to drain the swamp?

I submit for consideration, that we can either pretend to drain the swamp, by symbolic gesture on hot special interest items that can only have a short-term effect, or we can actually drain the swamp, by hitting the key elements that keep the swamp in business.

In my opinion, there are three critical targets that are must hit targets if we are serious about draining the swamp once and for all. If we hit all three, we can drain the swamp. But if we don’t hit all three, we will only pretend to drain the swamp.


1. The Article II natural born Citizen clause must be enforced and violators must be investigated and prosecuted. Evidence now proves that the entire Obama Administration was based upon fraud. That fraud, left standing, makes it impossible to protect the Oval Office from foreign invasion and occupation. We cannot drain the swamp so long as this remains the case. Barack Hussein Obama and his fellow criminals must be held fully accountable for that fraud, or the Oval Office is unprotected. (SEE P-I and P-II on NBC) – Congress must immediately open this investigation!

2. The arrest and prosecution of George Soros, and the seizing of all assets and organizations funded by George Soros for the overt purpose of sedition and subversion of the sovereignty and security of our Constitutional Republic. These organizations are the root enemy within that must be eliminated, or the swamp cannot be drained. This is the fuel and ammo supply for all enemy operations within the United States today.

3. The people must file civil suits against their mayors and governors of “sanctuary cities” for threatening the safety, sovereignty and security of their own cities and states by “aiding and abetting” known criminals and criminal activities, as well as “harboring fugitives” from justice under United States Immigration and Naturalization laws. Once again, the swamp cannot be drained while mayors and governors protect “illegal invaders” at the expense of all “legal U.S. citizens.”

Now, if we are serious about draining the swamp, we cannot look past these three key elements to draining the swamp. Without a full-scale assault on these three critical targets on day one of the Trump Administration, the enemies within will continue to operate with impunity to subvert any and all otherwise meaningless efforts to drain the swamp.

While the list of high priority “things to do” is nearly endless, a hundred years into the destruction of our country from within, none of the items on that list are of higher priority than the three items above. Attention to the little things will be fruitless so long as these three elements are allowed to exist.

If we are serious about draining the swamp, we will have to hit these three targets first and hit them hard, with no mercy. If we fail to do so, we will fail to drain the swamp.

We will know how serious Trump and Congress are by their willingness to address these three top priorities. If they turn a blind eye to the three targets above, they will only create the impression of draining the swamp while allowing the swamp to remain full of snakes and gators.

The people must demand that these three items be immediately addressed. The likelihood that both Trump and Congress will turn a blind eye to these matters is high. The people will have to make it happen and they proved in the 2016 elections that they hold that power!

© 2016 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

The political significance of Christmas

In their effort to make a point, those who discuss law and government and politics for a living often miss the most crucial – the most critical point of all. So, as we celebrate Christmas, this is a good time to take a deep breath and revisit first principles.

We should remember the political significance of Christmas. Now don’t get distracted by arguments that early Christians latched onto a pre-existing pagan holiday to establish the date of Christmas. That may be true, but it is a distraction from what’s truly important. The important thing is the birth of the Savior, Jesus Christ.

The birth of the Savior is the most significant political event in human history. This bears repeating. The birth of Jesus Christ is the most significant political event in the history of the universe.

Why? Well simply put, it is because liberty does not and cannot exist absent the acknowledgement of the Almighty, Omniscient, Living and Everlasting God of the Bible whose Son is Jesus Christ — Who created the world, entered His own creation and sacrificed His life to cover our sins and make us presentable before the Throne of Grace.

For liberty to exist in the world this acknowledgement of Christ’s authority must exist in the hearts of the people and it must be the operating principle of civil government.

If it is, then peace on earth will prevail. But to the extent that the hearts of the people are distracted and the civil government forgets that it is a ministry of Jesus Christ, then injustice, chaos, corruption and tyranny will prevail.

And the hearts of the people are, indeed, distracted from this truth; and this is no accident. It is the result of purposeful manipulation of the culture by those who control the major means of communication. The primary tool of this manipulation is the mantra of “Separation of Church and State.”

Through the ceaseless repetition of this voodoo mantra, the culture has been conditioned to consider any public prayer, or any private prayer in a public place, or any acknowledgement of the Lord Jesus Christ, as an inappropriate encroachment of the Church. But this is a word trick and a mind trick. A prayer is not a church. An acknowledgement of God’s authority over civil government in the form of a prayer before a legislative session, or a court session is not a church. It is rather an expression of a political philosophy. And this particular political philosophy is the American political philosophy.

It is contained in the Declaration of Independence which is the organic law of these united States.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong or illegal about such an expression. Indeed, the acknowledgement of Jesus Christ as the Source of Law and Government is the very first presupposition of American government. Far from violating any law, worship of or acknowledgement of the authority of the Savior of the World through Christmas Nativity displays, public prayer, Ten Commandment displays and all other forms of Christian witness are consistent with and supportive of the American View of Law and Liberty and are the essence of American government.

Publicly celebrating the blessed birth of the Savior of the World is patriotic in the purest sense and ultimately politically correct.

Learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and his “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2016 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

Santa’s surprising origins

MYRA – (Editor’s Note: This story was first published on December 20, 2001. It has been picked up and re-published all over the world every year since, becoming a Holiday Tradition–with updates.)

He is lovable, congenial, giving and jolly. What’s more he knows everything, as any child will readily testify. He is a colorful old man, whose visits are eagerly awaited by millions of children each year and who, for a little while,makes the world a much happier place

Is Santa Claus a good influence on children, or a bad influence whose image merely commercializes Christmas and who takes the reason out of the season, as some charge?

Where did Santa come from? It will surprise many to learn that Santa Claus (as we know him today) came out of the church itself through the charity of a very devout and caring priest. Now bear in mind that this is a true, historically documented account.

Approximately 200 years after the birth of Christ, a meeting of the elders of a little church in Myra, Turkey had just been called to order. They needed to appoint a bishop but no fitting candidate could be found. So great was the need that they decided to pray.

Out at sea, a ship battled a raging storm. The crew valiantly fought to keep it afloat. Trunks were being thrown overboard to lighten the load as frightened passengers held onto whatever they could to keep from being swept overboard while others huddled in their cabins. The ravaging waves tore some wood from the sides of the ship.

“Nicholas…NICHOLAS!” someone yelled frantically. It had been noised about that a man named Nicholas, who was known to be a man of God, was on board. Out of a cabin, in response to the call, came a man with a long white beard. Holding on to the rail of the tossing ship, he began to pray for the storm to cease. As he prayed he lifted his hands heavenward. Miraculously, the storm calmed. The crippled ship drifted into the harbor of Myra.

The elders of the little church in Myra suddenly stopped in the midst of their intense prayer, opened their eyes and looked around at each other, startled at a message from God that had come to each of them in the form of a vision; they were to appoint as their bishop, the first man named Nicholas who would, within the hour, enter the church to pray.

As the leaning ship hobbled into the port and was docked, Nicholas disembarked and made his way into the village to seek a church. He wanted to give thanks to God for His intervention during the storm that could have killed everyone on board.

Finding the church, he eagerly approached it. The heads of the elders turned toward the door as it slowly opened. The stately man with the snow-white beard entered, and, focused on the altar, made his way down to the front and knelt in a prayer of thanksgiving. As he rose to leave the elders approached him. “What is your name?” asked one. “Nicholas.” was the reply.

“God has sent you to us to be our new bishop,” said another. The group joyfully fitted the surprised Nicholas with a long red priestly robe and miter. Nicholas quickly became known as, “The Bishop of Miracles,” because of so many spectacular answers to his prayers.

Unlike most priests, Bishop Nicholas was wealthy through family inheritance. In his mind, wealth came from God and belonged to God. The very reason for his existence was to serve God. And that is how he lived his life.

Nicholas became increasingly concerned about a custom in Turkey. If little girls did not have a dowry so that they could marry, they would be sold into slavery, which included prostitution. Bishop Nicholas had given away most of his own fortune so he went about and managed to collect gold from admirers.

On December 6th, under cover of darkness, he wrapped the gold coins in several little bags and visited each home that had a daughter without a dowry, dropping a bag of gold through the windows of each, which landed on the hearth where the little girl’s clothes would be drying. When the gold was discovered the next morning, the family rejoiced. Their little daughters were saved from slavery.

Nicholas continued what was to become an annual tradition. Nobody knew the identity of the mysterious benefactor who would slip around the village on that date each year. On one such night, as Nicholas put his arm through the window to drop the bag of gold, instead of it landing on the hearth, the bag fell into a stocking that was hanging in front of the fireplace to dry. It was found the next morning, to the delight of the family. Which, by the way, is how the custom of hanging up Christmas stockings came to be.

Shortly before Nicholas’s death, which occurred on December 6th, the date of his annual visit, it was learned that he was the individual who brought so much joy to so many families.

Five hundred years later, in the 9th Century, Nicholas was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church, hence the name, Saint Nicholas. And since the celebration of Christmas came after the life of St. Nicholas, he actually preceded Christmas, as we know it today.

As the story of St. Nicholas spread, French nuns in the 12th Century began making annual night-time visits to poor families with children, leaving fruit and nuts, which these families could not afford.

The nuns made their gift-giving rounds on what became known as, “St. Nicholas Eve,” December 5th. The tradition spread throughout the Old World and across the ocean to the New. Many people to this day celebrate Christmas on December 6th.

St. Nicholas became the Patron Saint of many countries including Russia, becoming a major ingredient in the Russian Christmas celebration. England made St. Nicholas, “Father Christmas.” Germany picked up on that title, and in France he became known as “Papa Noel.”

As the various forms of Nicholas began to emerge in the secular world over the years, some unanticipated problems arose: protests which came out of…the church! Martin Luther pounded his pulpit proclaiming that the true Christmas message was being lost by the Saint Nicholas connection.

The Dutch came to the rescue and adopted what they believed to be a more religious view of Nicholas that would satisfy the critics. The Dutch-German Protestant Reform Movement brought with it the idea that the Christ child should be the standard bearer for Christmas. The German word for Christ child, “Christkindl,” evolved to, “Kris Kringle,” yet another version and another irritant for Luther.

In 1822, on the night before Christmas, which the world began to celebrate on December 24th, Clement Moore wrote a poem about the gift-giver for his six children. That poem, “The Night Before Christmas,” was published the following year in the Sentinel of Troy, New York. Up to that time, Nicholas had taken various forms. He was portrayed with a black beard, then a white beard. He was shown dressed in everything including buckskin.

Mr. Moore defined Nicholas once and for all and renamed him, Santa Claus. He had, no doubt, been influenced by the Dutch who named him, “Sinter (Saint) Klass (short for Nicholas) and that had become, “Sinterklass.”

Others who spoke broken English, knowing that gold had been found on the hearth by the fireplace, started a new legend. The gift-giver came down the chimney and would land in the cinders of burning embers, so they called him, “Cinder Klaussen,” which would in Moore’s hands become, Santa Claus.

Clement Moore’s poem made Santa famous. He even named the reindeer. Not only did he name them, he made them fly. He might have taken that idea from the poet, Washington Irving, who wrote a book in 1809 about a Dutch Colonist’s dream in which St. Nick came riding over the tops of trees in a wagon wherein he brings yearly presents to the children.

An artist named Thomas Nast, who was a Harper’s Weekly cartoonist, began to show what Santa looked like. He dressed him in red, which had been the official color of the priestly robes worn by St. Nicholas and went further by making Santa plump and jolly.

To show how much of a church connection to Santa there is, Clement Moore’s father was the Episcopal Bishop of New York, and, Clement Moore himself was Professor of Theology at Union Theological Seminary.

In 1897, a little girl named, Virginia O’Hanlon, had been told that there really was no Santa Claus. She was so disturbed about it that she wrote a letter to the editor of The New York Sun, whose name, by the way, was Francis P. Church…can’t get away from that connection. He responded with a story titled, “Yes Virginia, there really is a Santa Claus.” And the world breathed a sigh of relief.

It is interesting to note that the clearest image of Santa came not from the church, or from a poet, but by, of all things, a soft drink company advertisement! That drawing, known as ‘the Coca Cola Santa,’ created and drawn by Haddon Sundblom, made him totally definable. And the elves? Well, they were first seen in Ireland as Leprechauns.

St. Nicholas has been replaced by the created, Santa, who does indeed delight millions of children. But maybe through the hustle and bustle we have lost the very core of what Christmas is and should be; a time of love and sharing with people in need (whether we know them or not), rather than an orgy of gift giving, receiving, and thinking of one’s personal wants. I would like to see the original idea of giving and charity, as set forth by the real St. Nick, with nothing expected in return, brought back.

As for the commercialization of Christmas, there still is a bright side. It is the one time in the year where we can hear songs proclaiming the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, with others heralding the birth of The Holy Child, Jesus Christ our Savior coming through the loud speakers of the malls and shopping centers of the secular world (even though that is changing as the secular world is trying to strip all mention of Jesus Christ out of Christmas).

Homes are still decorated with lights to proclaim Him. And people are a little nicer to one another at least once a year. So maybe this commercialized version is better than having no celebration at all.

Extra Note: Since the first publication of this story, a Christmas war has been declared with the goal of making the word Christmas illegal. They are even trying to abolish Santa. What is worse, this story of the real Santa, which began in Turkey, has taken a dark turn with the Turkish Education authorities suddenly forbidding Christmas plays, celebrations or even singing Christmas Carols in their schools. Fortunately this war on Christmas will be over when the new American President takes office. Religious freedoms will be restored which will set the stage for the greatest revival the world has ever known. It is coming.

© 2016 Rev. Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

The wisdom of the electoral college

Since the recent Presidential election, the media have overflowed with rather rancorous debates about the legitimacy of the Electoral College, in contrast to a simple count of the overall national votes for the two major candidates, Donald Trump (who, it seems, has won a majority of the Electoral College) and Hillary Clinton (who, it appears, has won a majority of the popular vote). These debates have usually assumed the simplistic form of one side’s contending that, as a supposed “democracy”, America should elect the President by majority vote; while the other side counters that the United States is a “republic” in which majoritarianism is not always desirable, let alone controlling. Both of these arguments miss a crucial point which derives from the federal system in general, and the duties of the States and the powers of the President within that system in particular.

In The Federalist No. 39, James Madison explained that

[t]he executive power will be derived from a very compound source. The immediate election of the President is to be made by the States in their political characters. The votes allotted to them are in a compound ratio, which considers them partly as distinct and coequal societies, partly as unequal members of the same society.

Here, Madison recognized the importance of the States’ continuing positions as semi-sovereignties within the Constitution’s federal system. As such, although they do not retain all of the rights, powers, privileges, and immunities of full and independent sovereignties, they continue to enjoy many of those legal attributes as component parts of that system. See, e.g., U.S. Const. amend. X.

Arguably the most important of these rights, powers, privileges, and immunities—and under the Constitution a duty as well—is for each of the States to maintain an armed force suitable to the “Republican Form of Government” which the Constitution requires each of them to preserve, and all of them, acting in the capacity of the United States, to “guarantee” to one another. See U.S. Const. art. IV, § 4. For sovereignty is the quintessence of political power; and all “‘[p]olitical power grows out of the barrel of a gun’”. Quotations From Chairman Mao Tse-tung (Peking, China: Foreign Languages Press, 1966), at 61. This armed force is what the Second Amendment identifies as “[a] well regulated Militia”, which it declares to be “necessary to the security of a free State”. Each of the States must maintain “[a] well regulated Militia” in order to remain “a free State”, and thus to preserve for herself (as well as for her sister States) “a Republican Form of Government”. Moreover, each of the States must maintain “[a] well regulated Militia” in order to secure for Congress the forces the Constitution empowers it “[t]o provide for calling forth * * * to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions”. U.S. Const. art. I, § 8, cl. 15.

Now, the Constitution invests the President with the status of “Commander in Chief * * * of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States”. U.S. Const. art. II, § 2, cl. 1. Furthermore, except to “engage in War” when “actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay”, the States have at their own disposal no permanent armed forces other than their Militia; for they may not “keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace” “without the Consent of Congress”.
U.S. Const. art. I, § 10, cl. 3. And today, through the mutual “Consent of Congress” and the States, those “Troops, or Ships of War” are organized in the National Guard and the so-called Naval Militia, which in certain circumstances can be brought under the President’s authority as “Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States”. Compare U.S. Const. art. II, § 2, cl. 1 with, e.g., 32 U.S.C. § 101(3) through (7). Thus it is entirely fitting—indeed, one would think compulsory—for the President to be elected by a process which to the greatest practical degree maximizes the influence of “the States in their political characters”, as opposed to a simple majority vote within the nation as a whole which more or less disregards or even negates that influence.

For the Constitution plainly contemplates situations in which the States’ “‘[p]olitical power [which] grows out of the barrel of a gun” will be exercised by the President directly. One may question whether the Electoral College is, in abstract theory, the very best means to this end imaginable; but, in practice, it is undoubtedly one efficacious means, and the means the Constitution specifies.

Thus, the arguments put forward by those in Mrs. Clinton’s camp against the political wisdom of the Electoral College and in favor of raw majoritarianism as the best way to select the President are basically at odds with federalism in theory and constitutionalism in practice—and should be rejected on that ground alone.

© 2016 Edwin Vieira, Jr. – All Rights Reserved

Democratic party McCarthyism for the 21st century

I’m old enough to remember the unpleasant days from my childhood when the “Cold War” started, Joseph McCarthy accused practically everyone and their brother of having Moscow “Red” links, and “Russian connections.” Back in those days, it was often the Republicans making the charges against the Democrats that they called “fellow travelers” to alleged Communist influencers.

Well, here we are in the 21st century, nearing the end of the second decade of same, no less. The current administration of the United States Executive Branch, i.e. President Barack Obama was shown during the latter days of his first term assuring the Russians that he could work much more closely with them once he had been re-elected.

And so there was “peace on earth” or so it illusorily seemed.

All that appeared to change in my eyes once Barack Obama who once espoused marriage as between a man and woman then publicly “evolved” his view to one of “marriage equality”, i.e. man marries man, woman marries woman. The winter Olympics were set to be held in southern Russia. The conservative Russian Orthodox community promoted laws passed by the Russian government outlawing “homosexual propaganda.” The United States sent openly “gay” members to Russia to represent the United States government in the Olympic doings. Vladimir Putin said to the USA and to all that “gay” athletes were welcome to come but “please leave our children alone.”

Maybe coincidence, maybe not, but suddenly the “Cold War” was back on and heating up at that. EXCEPT this time the accusers were generally Democrats accusing Republicans and Evangelicals of being “Russian sympathizers.” At an annual Press Association “roast”, Barack Obama cynically stated that conservatives liked Vladimir Putin. Perhaps he was referring to some of Pat Buchanan’s public observations — perhaps something else. After all, I don’t get “classified briefings.”

That the intelligence services of the USA appear at least superficially to this observer to have been to at least some extent “politicized”, I am more than skeptical about the late claims reached by “consensus” (mostly Democrats with dissenting Republicans). That John McCain is angered and perhaps holding a grudge against Donald Trump is understandable. Senator Lindsay Graham is no great surprise either.

Suddenly, Barack Obama demands an investigation to be completed before his rapidly expiring term of office ends. And now today, we read from an on-line news source, “The Hill” in major news presentations from MicroSoft, the following:

At least 10 members of the Electoral College are asking U.S. intelligence officials for more information on ongoing investigations surrounding President-elect Donald Trump’s relationship with Russia.The electors, including the daughter of Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, Christine Pelosi, wrote an open letter to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper asking for the information ahead of their Dec. 19 meeting to vote for the next president. “The Electors require to know from the intelligence community whether there are ongoing investigations into ties between Donald Trump, his campaign or associates, and Russian government interference in the election, the scope of those investigations, how far those investigations may have reached, and who was involved in those investigations,” the letter read.

“We further require a briefing on all investigative findings, as these matters directly impact the core factors in our deliberations of whether Mr. Trump is fit to serve as President of the United States.”Nine democrats and one Republican signed the letter.”Separate from Mr. Trump’s own denials of Russian involvement in the election, the confirmed communication between Trump’s aides and those associated with the Russian election interference activity raise serious concerns that must be addressed before we cast our votes,” the letter read.

I, for one, smell a big, fat rat? How about the rest of you?

© 2016 – Constance Cumbey – All Rights Reserved

A presidency based entirely on fraud

As the Electoral College prepares to elect President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence on December 19th, Hollywood Marxists are working through a leftist Soros-funded network of political PACs to threaten EC Delegates, encouraging them to “vote their conscience” (translation – vote against Trump).

According to these anti-American Marxists, Trump is “unfit” for the Oval Office and they are trying to “save our country and freedom itself” from the tyrannical reign of an unfit Trump administration. The Obama administration is accusing Russia of interfering in the 2016 elections on behalf of Trump, C.I.A. Director Brennen appearing to be the sole source of that accusation, as Russia categorically denies.

Meanwhile, social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter are also being blamed for the electoral upset of Hillary Clinton, resulting in Facebook promising to police “fake news” by using “fake fact checkers” SNOPES and FACTCHECK as their gatekeepers of truth and justice, both of which are well-known propaganda machines for the political left directly associated with the Democratic Party.

Leader of the American Grassroots Left, Van Jones is going mainstream, with a regular spot on CNN and even co-hosting morning chat shows like Live with Kelly. The communists are trying to make friends with the average American voter who rejected them in the 2016 elections.

In short, the Democrats who belittled Trump for suggesting that the election system was “rigged” are now crying that the election was rigged, for Trump. It is nothing short of astonishing…

But here’s the big story – as all this nonsense consumes the headlines of the real “fake news” agencies in America, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, NPR, MSNBC and even FOX, the proof that the entire Obama Administration of two terms was built upon an overt act of fraud is nowhere to be found in the daily headlines!

In a press conference held in Maricopa County Arizona on December 15, 2016, hard proof of Obama’s forged certifications for office documents were released to the general public and turned over to the U.S. Congress for prosecution. VIDEO HERE

Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Lead Investigator Mike Zullo provided forensic proof well beyond any reasonable doubt that the document presented by Barack Hussein Obama to prove his constitutional eligibility for the Oval Office was a complete and total fraud. WATCH FOR YOURSELF

At the same time, Fox News Commentator Sean Hannity was interviewing Wikileaks Julian Assange, who confirmed that all the information they had leaked on Hillary Clinton and the DNC was 100% authentic and accurately displayed and that none of it was acquired through or in any way associated with Russia. In fact, it is now known that the DNC and Clinton leaks came from someone inside their own camp, who was disgusted by what they saw going on inside the Democratic Party.

During his interview with Hannity, Assange went so far as to prove Hillary Clinton lied under oath to Congress when she falsely claimed that she had no idea that ‘c’ or ‘C’ on an official document meant CLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL. This also blows F.B.I. Director Comey’s conclusion that “there was no intent” on Hillary’s part.

So, nothing the American people are hearing from the “fake news” main stream press is based in truth today. Russia had nothing to do with the leaking of Clinton or DNC emails – the election was not “hacked” on behalf of Donald Trump – it is Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton who are unfit for office and Trump nor Russia had anything to do with that reality.

In fact, with the release of Maricopa County forensic evidence yesterday, the entire eight years of the Obama Administration was built upon a fraud, a forged document used to protect a known usurper to the Oval Office from exposure and accountability. Everything that happens under the color of fraud, is also a fraud.

Further, it appears that the election was indeed “rigged” in certain areas. Thanks to the recounts launched by Green Party candidate Jill Stein, evidence of election box stuffing in Detroit Michigan, among other places, was uncovered. That evidence has only been found in areas where Hillary Clinton did well, involving dead voters again and more votes than voters, as well as more votes counted than actually cast in those districts. Massive voter fraud was also found in Nevada and California allowed illegal aliens to vote across that state.

Since it has now been proven that Barack Hussein Obama proffered a forged document to affirm his eligibility for the Oval Office, this means that the DNC Certification Documents to place Obama on the ballot in 2008 and 2012 in fifty states were also issued based on fraud.

Many of us knew and tried to tell others for years, as in this September 2009 column – The Theory is Now a Conspiracy and Facts Don’t Lie – and Part II and Part III.

The North American Law Center has been calling for the Impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama on this basis for years now. But no one in the media or Congress had the decency, honor or courage to act on their oaths to protect and preserve the Constitutional Republic from truly “unfit” individuals who defrauded Americans into their office, to destroy our country from within.

The so-called “conspiracy” is much larger than Barack Obama, however. The larger issue is the End of the U.S. Presidency, ushering in an era when anyone from anywhere without so much as a legitimate U.S. birth certificate could occupy the Oval Office. In short, the Obama fraud makes it possible for any foreign agent to occupy the Oval Office and destroy the USA from within. It is a fraud which must not be allowed to stand!

But where is the U.S. news media on the matter? As they circulate total nonsense in an overt effort to undermine the incoming Trump Administration, the real threats to the USA remain unreported by the “fake news” press.

What will Congress do with the evidence just handed over by the Maricopa Sheriff’s office?

When there is no accountability for any of these acts, many of which rise to the level of treason, then how do you even pretend to “drain the swamp?”

© 2016 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

Does a cross on a city Christmas tree violate the first amendment?

Did you know the ACLU is currently suing an Indiana town over a cross that stands on top of the city’s Christmas tree? Yes! The ACLU sued the city of Knightstown on behalf of resident Joseph Tompkins, alleging the cross on the tree violates his First Amendment rights guaranteeing “separation of church and state.” The suit is demanding the cross’s removal and payment of damages to Tompkins for being “forced to come into direct and unwelcome contact with the cross display.”

This phrase “separation of church and state” has been repeated so many times that many actually believe it is part of the First Amendment. Those that use it want people to join them in removing God from everything in our lives today. They also want to remove our godly heritage from our history. The truth is, the words “separation of church and state” are nowhere in the First Amendment or the text of the U.S. Constitution.

The actual words “separation of church and state” are taken from a letter President Thomas Jefferson wrote to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802. President Jefferson was answering the concerns of the Danbury Baptist Association in the state of Connecticut in regards to the establishment of a State religion or denomination. Our third president assured them that their First Amendment rights would not be infringed, using these words:

“I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; thus building a wall of eternal separation between Church and State.”

Jefferson’s meaning was one that protected churches from state encroachment; not individuals from seeing municipal references to God.

Couple this with the following words of George Washington’s Farewell Address:

“…Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labour to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens.”

I have often wondered what type of words George Washington would exchange with groups like the ACLU? At the very least Washington would have publicly marked the ACLU as un-patriotic and therefore un-American. Using his own words, I believe our first president would have advised them that:

“The mere Politician, equally with the pious man ought to respect and to cherish them (religion and morality). A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. Let it simply be asked where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths, which are the instruments of investigation in Courts of Justice?”

Understanding the source of national morality, I will conclude my article with Washington’s final exposition on the topic:

“And let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that National morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”

Learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and his “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2016 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

Russia election hacking, Obamacare and Newsweek magazine

Let’s get one thing straight. Vladimir Putin with the force of Russia had NOTHING to do with this past presidential election victory in the U.S. This latest retarded idea and charge claiming that the Russians were able to hack into our government political and election systems to pull out and expose Hillary’s government classified emails and then release them to the public in order to make her look bad which would put Donald Trump into office is not only ridiculous but is is just plain stupid.

Of course, this is what the Communist Party Democrats, led by George Soros, are counting on, America being stupid, so as to not be able to think clearly, but simply giving in to whatever happens without challenging it or standing firm against it.

In other words, George Soros arrogantly thinks that we are so unpatriotic and such slaves to a government-backed immoral life style, that he can manipulate America to fall in line for whatever he thinks up. So far that has worked. Until now.

What DID put Trump in office were the millions of evangelicals who had not voted in years but knew that we were about to lose America altogether, as Hillary was set to carry Obama’s goal to the finish line.

Evangelicals knew that the results would finish our country and way of life with our country becoming a Communist dictatorship with all of us living behind barbed wire. Christians came out in droves after praying fervently for God to give our nation one more chance to repent and come back to God. Otherwise it would all be over. God heard those prayers. Make no mistake about it.

The totally leftist controlled ‘main stream media’ had, and still are, aiding and abetting this agenda and filled their news with lies about Trump, innuendos and unsubstantiated insinuations while regurgitating over and over that Trump is a racist, anti-women and not fair to his employees, none of which is true. This is why the “mainstream media” has become classified as purveyors of fake news.

The head of the FBI has refused to seek charges against Hillary for letting those classified emails be seen by our enemies. The CIA Director is proclaiming that yes, it was Vladimir Putin and Russia who hacked into our system—now get this—to sway the election and the election results should be cancelled and Hillary put in the Oval Office.

And while making these charges against Mr. Trump, they quoted only unnamed ‘sources.’ Nothing to substantiate what they were putting out to the public.

This is why Donald Trump says that he intends to drain the swamp of D.C. Perhaps he should also flush the toilet.

Strangely, when Hillary, with the help of Soros, managed to find a video tape made decades ago following a television program, without Trump’s knowledge, he was heard shooting the breeze with Billy Bush using vulgar references to sex and women, Soros had that widely released to the world for the precise goal of sabotaging Trump’s campaign in favor of Hillary. Yet, not one word was published about that tactic as being inappropriate or chages of trying to manipulate an election.

Yet it was OK for Hillary to release top secret information to our enemies damaging our security. This is a double standard that is going to change. And it was Wikileaks that released her email information to the public, not Russia.

The Soros controlled news media has already rushed in to shoot down Trump’s pick for Secretary of State since his candidate had done business with Russia and has a good relationship with them. This disqualifies him for that office, they cackled. Well duh! Isn’t it important that a Secretary of State have good relationships with world leaders?

Trump’s victory was totally unexpected. Christians had kept quiet about voting for Trump due to the severe threats and intimidation’s coming from the left. Hillary’s win was so decided that victory celebrations had already been arranged. Newsweek magazine had released their election issue two days before the election with her cover-photo titled, “Madam President.”

It was the sheer number of disenfranchised Christians who came out of the shadows, where they had been forced, and kept quiet about who they would vote for because of the tremendous intimidation they would face. And THIS is what brought about the victory of President Elect Donald Trump. Millions of evangelicals who voted properly. Not the yarn about Russia aiding Donald Trump.

Obamacare Finally Explained

There are 10,535 pages of Obamacare condensed to 4 simple sentences:

1.) In order to insure the uninsured, we first have to uninsure the insured.

2.) Next we require the newly uninsured to be re-insured.

3.) To re-insure the newly uninsured, they are required to pay extra charges to be re-insured.

4.) The extra charges are required so that the original insured, who became uninsured and then became re-insured, can pay enough extra so that the original uninsured can be insured, so it will be ‘free-of-charge- to them.

This dear readers, is called “redistribution of wealth” or by its more common name, SOCIALISM, or “PROGRESSIVE-ISM,” the politically correct names for COMMUNISM Comrade!

A Notre Dame University engineer figured this out. We are grateful to our anonymous minister friend who alerted us to these facts.


© 2016 Rev. Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

The rebuilding of the American politics

As we watch the Democrat Party in what appears to be its death throes we are seeing a Party that seems to be adamant about ignoring our Constitutional process. They want to ignore the Electoral College completely and use only the popular vote forgetting that we are not a democracy but a constitutional republic. They forget that Richard Nixon won the popular vote in 1960 but John Kennedy won the Electoral College. Nixon quietly conceded the race and there was not rioting, burning of businesses, cop cars, looting and general chaos from the Republican Party.

We have never elected a president by popular vote but now, the generation that always got trophies for ‘participation’ wants our Constitutional system trashed so their candidate can win. I’m a Bronco fan and we didn’t do real well last Sunday. We lost but gained more yards than our opponent. The Bronco fans didn’t riot in the streets and demand that the results of the game be reversed and the Broncos declared the winner because we had more yards. No, we sucked it up and accepted the loss because the one with the most points wins the game. That’s the way the game has always been played. In the presidential election the one with the most Electoral votes wins. That’s the way the game has always beed played.

Looking at the results of the election we can see why the Electoral College was put in place. There are 3141 counties in the United States. Donald Trump won 3,084 and Hillary won 57. This is according to Breitbart: Fifty-five point seven million out of the 109.3 million Americans who cast their ballots in those counties voted for Trump, while only 48.1 million voted for Hillary Clinton, according to the latest county by county election results reported at Politico. The remaining 5.4 million voted for other candidates.

Trump’s 7.5 million popular vote landslide in America’s heartland, a resounding 7 point victory in those 3,084 counties over Clinton, 51 percent to 44 percent, gave him a 306 to 232 Electoral College landslide. (On Monday night, the director of elections in the office of Michigan’s Secretary of State said that Trump had won the state’s 16 electoral college votes by a narrow margin of 13,107 votes.)

Hillary Clinton, in contrast, had an 8.2 million vote margin in a narrow band of 52 coastal counties and five “county equivalent” cities stretching from San Diego to Seattle on the West Coast and Northern Virginia to Boston on the East Coast. That narrow band included two major cities–Washington, D.C and Baltimore, Maryland–included in the five “county equivalent” cities, and three major cities–Philadelphia, New York, and Boston–which are included in the 52 counties.[1] This information has been refuted by Snopes [2] but that site has been proven wrong on many occasions giving false information AND being funded by George Soros, it is not even a site that can be trusted with any information that is anti-Clinton. When you think about it why should 57 counties out of 3141 determine an election?

We have all these liberal snowflakes totally incapable of facing the fact that their liberal candidate was overwhelmingly rejected by the American voter needing counseling, puppies, safe spaces, coloring books and crayons so they can deal with this drastic event in their life. I’ve always understood our ‘educational’ systems were to prepare students to deal with the real world.

Needing counseling because your candidate lost isn’t a sign of good preparation for dealing with the real world. Conservatives lost the last two general elections and there was not one riot, demonstration, no conservative students needed counseling, puppies or coloring books required so we could deal with the election loss. We put our big boy pants on and worked at winning the next election. And we did!

We may have had good reason to protest those elections. Voter fraud was rampant. There were almost seven million people registered to vote in more than one State. Some 6.9 million Americans are registered to vote in two or more states, according to a report from an election-watch group.

“Our nation’s voter rolls are a mess,” says Catherine Engelbrecht, True The Vote president. “Sensible approaches to roll maintenance are fought tooth and nail by radical special interests who can use the duplicity in the system to their advantage.”

The latest interstate voter cross check tallied 6,951,484 overlapping voter registrations, and they’re just the tip of the iceberg.

The cross-check program involves only 28 states and does not include the three largest: California, Texas and Florida.

“Duplicate registration is an open invitation to voting fraud,” said Clara Belle Wheeler, a member of the Election Board in Albemarle County, Va. “This ability to vote more than once dilutes the legal votes and changes the results of elections.”[3]

Many States made an attempt to clean up their voter rolls but were stopped by the Obama administration: With critical midterm elections less than four weeks away, the failure to scrutinize voter registrations and clean up voter rolls leaves our system vulnerable to voter fraud, and a Justice Department whistleblower says the Obama administration is actively trying to stop states from bringing records up to date and ensure only eligible voters are casting ballots.

J. Christian Adams further asserts that voter fraud does occur and is indirectly responsible for the passage of Obamacare.

Adams is author of “Crimes Against the Republic: How the Democratic Party’s Voter Fraud is Fundamentally Transforming America.” He left the Justice Department early in the Obama administration and has regularly spoken out about what he considers to be partisan actions by Attorney General Eric Holder on voting and other civil rights issues.

Two flash points he frequently mentions are the DOJ’s decision not to prosecute the New Black Panther Party on voter intimidation charges in 2008 and the battle between Holder and several states over requiring photo identification to be presented before being allowed to vote.

However, Adams said there’s a much bigger problem than either of those matters.

“We have millions of people on the voter rolls who are not eligible to vote, millions of people who are not actually valid registrations,” Adams said. “Absolutely nothing is being done about that from the government’s perspective. Only private organizations have done anything about it. Eric Holder, of course, is the attorney general who could do something about it but does not.”

According to Adams, there are all sorts of people influencing our elections who have no business casting a ballot.[4]

This election Detroit has what appears to be massive voter fraud with an estimated 37% of its precincts reporting more votes than possible: Voting machines in 37 per cent of Detroit precincts recorded more votes than mathematically possible during November’s presidential election, according to records obtained by The Detroit News.

Reports obtained by the newspaper from Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett found that in 248 of the city’s 662 precincts, more votes had been counted than the number of people who had been marked as having voted, which might serve as evidence of voter fraud across the city.

Following the report, Michigan’s Secretary of State Ruth Johnson announced plans to conduct a full investigation into the irregularities. Detroit was one of the areas in which Hillary Clinton’s support was particuarly strong.

“We’re assuming there were (human) errors, and we will have discussions with Detroit election officials and staff in addition to reviewing the ballots,” said Michigan’s Elections Director Chris Thomas on Monday.[5]

There are even videos that show how Democrats have admitted committing voter fraud for the last fifty years. Busing in voters from out of state and utilizing voter rolls that have not been updated for decades.[6] Is it any wonder why Holder fought states that attempted to clean up their voter rolls?

This is what American politics has come to. I will have to say that the Republicans have their fair share of problems but I’ve never heard of them being as deeply involved in denying the American voter their right to vote in this manner and to this depth.

Donald Trump says he wants to ‘drain the swamp’. It needs draining. But it will do no good unless the American people, Christians specifically, get involved in the politics of this nation. John Adams stated “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” We have not followed that principle for many decades. We don’t have moral people in office for the most part. The church has stepped away from its responsibility and the state of this country is solely the fault of the church.

Churches that won’t speak up against abortion, homosexual marriage, living together outside the institution of marriage and the many other things preachers are afraid to talk about because it might offend somebody are going to find that voice they might have today, even though it may be great, will be taken from them and given to those that dare to preach the truth.

There were nationally known black preachers that supported Obama in 2008 and 2012. There was really no excuse other than “I have to support the brother”, which I heard many times, to vote for him in 2008. There was enough evidence that he was not the Christian he said he was and by 2012 you had to be deaf, dumb and blind to still think he was a Christian. These people will lose the voice they have because they refused to support the candidate that will uphold godly values. God will not be mocked, what you sow, you reap.

Will we re-establish the constitutional process by putting people in office that believe in that process or will we let things go on with the Party making our decisions? That has failed miserably. Let’s do it the way the Founders intended.

© 2016 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved



1. Donald Trump Won 7.5 Million Popular Vote Landslide in Heartland.
2. Counting blue counties.
3. Nearly 7 million Americans registered in multiple states.
4. Obama blocking voter roll cleanup.
5. Report: Evidence of Detroit Voter Fraud, Too Many Votes in 37% of Precincts.
6. Sting Video Purports To Show Democrats Describing How To Commit Voter Fraud

Did Trump really win the election?

Hillary won the popular vote—Trump won the Electoral Vote—or did he?
Dec 19th the Presidential Electors cast their votes—Jan 6th we’ll know who captured the White House—or will the House of Representatives decide?

It seems pretty cut and dried that Trump captured the White House. Usually the Presidential Electors are a meaningless “rubber-stamp” weeks after the popular vote winner in each State is declared. However, this year the complaining, protesting, rabble-rousing, turmoil and battle continue—to defeat Trump.

The Presidential Electors have been bombarded with continual email, snail mail, petitions, and phone calls to persuade them to vote for anyone but Trump. The goal is to reduce the Electoral votes below 270, and let the House of Representatives make the choice.

How did our presidential election process deteriorate to become so loathsome and degenerate? Three main reasons: political parties, campaigning and popular vote.

Why do we assume the loudest Huckster makes the best President?

The Framers intelligently created a constitutional federation—not a democracy. We describe the structure as a complex constitutional representative republic.

The Framers of the Constitution very carefully outlined in Article II, the procedure for electing a President for the United States. Nowhere in the Constitution does it authorize: political parties at all (let alone taking over the election process), office seekers campaigning across the nation, or popular vote by the people—mass democracy.

Nothing seems to be more misunderstood than the reasons why the Framers outlined in the Constitution, the use of Presidential Electors in the process of electing a President for the United States. It is known as the Electoral College.

There have been many recent articles defending the Electoral College and many articles demanding we eliminate the Electoral College by going to a national popular vote. Tragically, the genius of the purpose and benefits of the system, outlined in the original Constitution is totally unknown today. Even the articles coming to the defense of the Electoral College, are missing the most important points.

The Presidential Electors were not designed as an “after-thought” to be merely a “rubber-stamp” after years of campaigning—self-aggrandizing office seekers, boasting their qualifications, while trying to cover-up their criminal actives and minimizing their own misdeeds; while tearing their opponents to shreds. The constitutional election process was designed to avoid political campaigning across the nation, party primaries, state and national conventions, office seekers running on promises which are usually legislative issues, not their prerogative at all, as an Executive. Candidates promise people so called entitlements, buy votes with bribes, and take millions from special interests on their way to capture the White House. The best salesman wins the war. Or as I asked earlier, “Is the loudest Huckster the best President?”

The Framers designed an ingenious system which was the opposite of all of this. As I mentioned, it was designed to avoid all campaigning, rabble rousing, tumult and disorder because the Office of the President was not elected by the people! He was not the “King of the people.”

The Framers had discussed many options for selecting a President, and they rejected the idea of a popular vote for President. The one and only national office to be elected by the people was member of the House of Representatives.

Here is one of the critical missing facts in every discussion: Every national level office was outlined to be elected using a different method, by a different group of people, representing different (and sometimes conflicting) interests. Each position was to serve a different term in office and was given different enumerated responsibilities. Each office was to represent a different interest and check other offices from usurping delegated prerogatives. (Party politics only represents the party interests at every level.) Each position outlined by the Constitution was designed for thinkers and statesmen at every level.

The method for electing the President was described in detail in Article II of the Constitution. The ingenious system designated the Electors as the first step in the process. The Electors were the “forethought” not the rubber-stamp “afterthought”.

The Presidential Electors in every State had a very important assignment. This group of carefully selected intelligent individuals, chosen in whatever manner their State Legislature decided, would meet in their individual states on the same day across the nation. Each independent Elector was to recommend two outstanding individuals who could be presidential possibilities. Nominate two (not campaign for one) who they thought would best represent the interest of the Nation and carry out the will of Congress as the Chief Executive. Their recommendations would be based on past performance and service to their state or to the nation—not campaign promises.

The President’s responsibility was not to appeal to the will of the people—he was not the “King of the People.” The President was the chief Executive of the Union of the States.

The list of names recommended by the independent Electors in each State with the number for votes for each, were then signed, sealed, certified and submitted to the Seat of Government. The lists would be opened in joint secession of Congress. The process of opening and tallying the Electors’ nominations determined who the candidates would be. The 5 most recommended individuals by the Electors were the candidates submitted to the House of Representatives for election by the States. The Representatives from each State formed a delegation which had one vote. The Vice-president was to come from this same pool of outstanding statesmen.

This system for electing a President is so ingenious, because one group outside of government control and influence—the Electors, representing the people of the various States, would make the recommendations, and another group which was part of government, the peoples’ House of Representatives, would make the final election, as equal states.

The Framers outlined and established a “Constitutional Federation”, not a democracy. This was a truly ingenious structure of government. They created a “more perfect union,” established justice, safeguarded freedom, individual liberty and prosperity.

We claim that constitutional government was destroyed by party government. The first branch to fall was the Executive Branch. The hastily written and ratified 12th Amendment was a result of party machinations usurping the assignment of the independent Electors to recommend outstanding presidential possibilities. Parties encouraged political campaigning, running for office and led the country from a constitutional federation to mass democracy.

We invite examination of our research and analysis in our book, The Evolution and Destruction of the Original Electoral College. From NewsWithViews

Previous articles for more details:

1 – Sore-Losers
2 – The Framers Designed a Far Superior Process

Carolyn Alder

The original Constitution was truly the “Formula for Freedom.”

Please, click on “Mass E-mailing” below and send this article to all your friends.

© 2016 Carolyn Alder – All Rights Reserved

Trump must save our children from the Federal Dept. of Education

This past Halloween I had an opportunity to take part in an activity that I haven’t done in a couple of decades- hand out candy to the children on Beggers Night.

It was fun to see the creative costumes. Some of beautiful princesses; others, usually the boys, dressed as scary monsters from movies. The scariest was, hands down, a young man who dressed up as Michael Meyers from the Halloween movies. Even the other kids wanted to stay clear of him. He had it down so well, the jump suit, the walk. He said nothing as he approached, we carefully put the goodies in his bag.

A few of the kids simply wore outfits to look like bums or super heroes. I remember doing similar things as I prepared to rush the neighborhood in a contest to see how much I could collect. It was a good time with fine memories that rushed back as each new batch of kids came up with their open bags yelling “Trick or Treat!”

My main attention, however, was on the little children. So innocent. Some not really sure why their parents were encouraging them to approach these strangers. And why were they giving out candy? But always, with their parent’s encouragement they accepted and said “tank too.” So sweet. They made you want to huge them.

The parents of the little ones seemed to be having the best time with the experience. You could feel their love of their children. This was a family outing. This was Americana at its best. Family. Neighbors hugging neighbors.

But as I watched this wonderful experience a thought went through my head and anger seeped in to my happy feelings. I kept thinking about the following Monday when these children would be forced into the local school house, away from their loving patents and into the control of a system that was designed to take advantage of their innocence and rob them of their trust. My anger grew as I thought about how these young children, taught by their parent’s love to feel secure around others in authority, are to be subjected to a dictatorial federal system that has been transformed away from teaching basic academics to one that instead, focuses on controlling and remolding the children’s minds.

These thoughts reminded me of a story I had read several decades before, written by Ayn Rand in her book entitled The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution. In the book Rand included a story written in the nineteenth century by famed writer Victor Hugo. The story was called “The Comprachicos.” Hugo said the term was a compound Spanish word meaning “child-buyers.” The Comprachicos traded in children.

Hugo went on to describe why they bought and sold the children and how they prepared them for purchase. They created monsters. Why? To make people laugh. Kings in their courts needed to laugh. The people needed side shows to make them laugh. To fill the need the Comprachicos created freaks.

The making of freaks for everyone’s pleasure became an art form. They had a talent to disfigure. They operated to change faces into hideous masks. As Hugo described it, the process was a sort of “reverse orthopedics. “Where God had put a straight glance, this art put a squint.” Worse, the Comprachicos became masters at erasing the child’s memory so that they had no recollection of a life before they were horribly disfigured. “Was it not always so?”

Later, in China, the process became more perfected as they learned to put the very young children in a box or a bottle so that as their little bodies grew, they grew into the shape of the container. The perfect freaks were created.

Now, why did I have such thoughts on this Halloween night? It wasn’t because of the costumes. Those were make believe and a personal choice by the children. They were simply playing.

No, my thoughts of the Comprachicos were from the second half of Rand’s article when she made her point in the telling of the Hugo story. She saw, as I see now, that the Comprachicos of our day are found in the public school classrooms. Only today, they don’t physically deform the children. Today the education system is designed to deform the children’s minds. In this way these modern day Comprachicos are much more dangerous and evil than those Hugo wrote about. It’s much more difficult to see the immediate results of the deformity. Many, even the parents, find it nearly impossible to see the destruction that is occurring. And so the Comprachicos can work out in the open in complete secrecy.

With the creation of the Federal Department of Education there grew a massive industry in mind manipulation. In November, 1992, following the election of Bill Clinton to the Presidency, Marc Tucker, president of the National Center for Education and the Economy (NCEE) wrote an 18 page letter to Hillary Clinton. He excitedly outlined the opportunity the Clinton Administration now had to “remold the entire American system…” He provided a detailed blueprint for a revolution to completely change our nation and its citizens by training children from a very young age to properly serve the global economy.

There was little in Tucker’s plan that had anything to do with teaching how to read, write or calculate. That wasn’t important. Instead it was a plan to control the children’s knowledge base to fit Tucker’s vision of creating the proper global citizen cog. Today, Tucker’s proposal made to Hillary Clinton that fateful day is completely in place.

It started with Goals 2000, designed to create a new system of standards that no longer taught our American system of free enterprise and limited government. In fact, it taught them that such ideas were dangerous and selfish. Then came School-to-Work, which focused on job training rather then academics. It was all glued together by a new method of psychological control called “Outcome based Education.” OBE created a computer database on every child and focused on mental, psychological and behavioral evaluations. The data bases were made available to the schools, the government and future employers. Teachers were designated as counselors to decide if problem children needed drugs to control their behavior. Ritalin over use was born. A system called “Transition” was employed which featured small groups of children sharing their thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Transition contains no academic significance whatsoever. It contains tactics such as role playing. Its purpose is to strip search the students for their ideas and attitudes so that a special personal curriculum can be created to assure those attitudes, such as love of family or country, for example, can be systematically deleted. It slowly trains them to not question authority.

Today, the new term is Common Core. It simply encompasses all of these forerunners to the plan to remold American education, and ultimately change American culture by dictating the thought and belief process of its citizens. The indoctrination of the children is now in full swing.

In 2011, the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), another private group contracting with the Department of Education, advocated the “Whole Child Approach,” saying Whole child education is the expansion of education beyond just learning reading, writing, and arithmetic to include student health, community engagement, and social emotional learning (SEL). The ASCD report goes on to explain that “SEL focuses on feelings, emotions, and self-reflection, leading to inclusion of social responsibility and social justice initiatives.”

The Department of Education is now planning to use the SEL process to rate schools on their “nonacademic” factors through its new initiative called “Every Student Succeeds Act” (ESSA) that is to be enforced in the 2017-1018 school year.

The bottom line for all of this mumbo jumbo is that children have been designated to be patients that are sick and in dire need of cure. If they believe they are unique individuals; if they love their families; believe their nation is a bastion of freedom; love God; etc. then they are deemed unhealthy, deluded and in urgent need of care.

The “curriculum” that now surrounds them drills home the need to openly seek to change the world in areas such as health care, climate regulation, and “sexual politics.” Children are graded on their activism, volunteerism, commitment to community rather than academic knowledge. Children are taught that only whites can be racist because racism is power and only whites have power. American civics is ignored. Our founding ideas are dismissed as organized slavery controlled by the rich. Capitalism is evil. Wealth must be destroyed. Government control is the answer to all questions. These things, the children are assured, are the proper attitudes, values and beliefs. And it is their duty as citizens of the world to not only promote and carry out such ideas, but to consider any contrarian thoughts as evil, and to be stopped at all costs. These are the children of today.

In my book ERASE, I write of a process called “Globally Acceptable Truth.” This is an actual policy promoted through the United Nations. It advocates that the reason we have war, poverty and strife is because there is too much knowledge in the world. That, we are told, forces people to struggle to understand too many ideas in order to make decisions for their lives. It’s just too much to of a burden to live under. It’s the reason, we are told, that so many are failing today. They just can’t take the stress of life. So under Globally Acceptable Truth, these decisions are made for them making their lives less stressful. That is the purpose of today’s education system.

So now, after decades of this mind control and manipulation passing as pubic education, what is the true outcome? Well, simply watch the nightly news as young people take to the streets to protest the election of Donald Trump. Listen to what they say. They are terrified at these politically incorrect ideas. They oppose policies that seek to keep our nation independent and sovereign. They label any thoughts of the reduction of federal spending programs as hateful and racist. They loath the idea that people can have differing opinions. To advocate ideas of individuality, limited government, pro-second amendment, sound science, free enterprise ? all such ideas can now get one labeled as unstable and possiblyy insane. Such dangerous thoughts must be cured.

So well have these modern day Comprachicos done their job that the once happy, innocent, trusting children now need counseling and safe spaces to protect them from ideas and opinions that are outside of their acceptable truth. They are reduced to coloring books and play dough to cope. Their minds have been remolded into the shape of a hideous, empty, vessel, kept in a state of planned constant adolescence where they remain pliable.

Many will say that the education system has failed. That’s wrong,. It is working perfectly for what it’s been designed to do. If you think it has failed that’s because you are still operating under the incorrect assumption that the purpose of schools are for teaching knowledge and learning academics. In fact, the Comprachicos of Yale and Harvard and every “institution of higher learning” and public school classrooms have succeeded in creating the perfect, pliable, unquestioning, obedient global village idiots, ready to take their selected spot in this well-ordered utopia. Of course, in reality the process is nothing short of child abuse.

I weep for those wonderful little bright eyed children from that Halloween night. And for all the children just like them across this country. If you dream of taking the country back, start by saving the children from mental dismemberment by these modern day Comprachicos.

To make the nation great again Donald Trump’s new Administration must set this very specific goal: Tear down the federal Department of Education and set free these young minds so that they may have a life of their own. For that is Freedom.

© 2016 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

What kind of choice has Obama prepared for President-elect Trump? pt. 1

Mr. Trump must understand the Obama-Driving Forces that have begun to transform the Republic – especially the Obama “Equity” Agenda in Education.

Will Mr. Trump keep his Promises? Or will he embrace President Obama’s Plans?

President Obama’s key objectives for education were to redesign schools and reform how schools were funded. Instead of distributed funds based on ZIP CODE, funds would be based on student “need”. The federal government WOULD develop a mechanism to monitor and enforce student PERFORMANCE through systemic Common Core. To make sure the federal government’s investment would be tied to federal funding and federal outcomes, President Obama initiated so-called “CHOICE IN EDUCATION” based on a “per pupil expenditure.” Everything would be tied to the individual STUDENT, your child in the classroom.

Speaking in terms of “equity and excellence,” President Obama had a very well defined “CHOICE” plan to establish a complete “equitable” Democracy – and to extinguish our Republic – with the force of the federal government behind it. His “CHOICE Plan” has already been written and has been laid bare for anyone to read it. It is called For Each and Every Child: A STRATEGY FOR EDUCATION EQUITY AND EXCELLENCE.

Here is President Obama’s idea of CHOICE and EQUITY. As you read this ask what “Equity” means. (Source)

On page 17 of President Obama’s report it states: “The time has come for bold action by the states—and the federal government—to redesign and reform the funding of our nation’s public schools. Achieving equity and excellence requires sufficient resources that are distributed based on student need, not zip code, and that are efficiently used.”

Page 19: “Accordingly, this commission believes the time has come for bold action by the states—and the federal government—to redesign and reform the funding of our nation’s public schools.

“…and develops mechanisms that allow the federal government to MONITOR and ENFORCE the ongoing performance of its new equity and excellence investments to make sure those investments are, in fact, enhancing student achievement.”

Page 20: “ENFORCE its equity mandates in a fair and intelligent manner. ENFORCEMENT mechanisms should be tied to federal funding and equity of outcomes.” (All emphases added.)

What has President Obama accomplished to date? National standards, a national curriculum, a national test, national teacher standards, and a national database to monitor all of the above.

The “big picture” features key elements that President Obama designed to shape and mold his “rebirth” in education. He started with Common Core standards designed and benchmarked by ACT that were developed from the Department of Labor’s blueprint for training a new global worker. Individual students must attain proficiency aligned to national testing, but no one really knows what that means. Outside federal actors, the CCSSO (the Chief State School Officers club) and the NGA (National Governors Association), copyrighted the standards that were attached to accepting Race To The Top funds. States obliged and jumped through hoops for the funds.

Obama’s Executive Order 12866 changed FERPA privacy laws that unlocked personal data on children. This promoted data-mining on individual students, and expanded state longitudinal data systems identifying young citizens and teachers with a unique national ID. Schools were a target for “turnaround.” Obama’s illegal ESEA Flexibility Waivers combed the country, scouring for traditional teachers or any principal (also with a unique national ID), to remove them for not abiding by Common Core. The curricula, software, and testing were all validated and aligned to Common Core. Through this process third party vendors are able to access the data, utilizing cross-referencing capabilities of algorithms designed to monitor and assess teacher and student behavior. Teachers must teach to the test because they will be evaluated on the outcomes of how their children fare on national tests.

Using IDEA funds (special education) means that teachers who acquiesced to this Total Quality Management (TQM) system were re-trained in psychological interventions and techniques. This effectually moves the entire education establishment into mental health conditioning through implementing social, emotional, and behavioral standards into everyday classrooms. The personally identifiable data on each child is now entered into state longitudinal systems that devise psychometric dossiers on students. These intimate dossiers are digitized instantly in national data warehouses of the NCES/IES.

Funding is the next requirement that would totally control all aspects of schooling, teachers, and student. While the other goals have already been accomplished through ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015), the focus has turned to the money “following the child.” This would be the last step in complete federal control of education.

Regulations are currently being written for ESSA that focus on funding the individual child. This is the last piece of the Obama Title I equity and excellence agenda.

The new ESSA legislation creates a model for how schools will be refinanced to be sure that all children are funded equally the same, called “per pupil expenditures.” This is a major portion of the ESSA legislation. These new financial rules change how schools would be funded and transfers the focus to the child. ESSA refers to this aspect as a “per pupil expenditure” and the funding is defined in the legislation as “public school choice.” (Source: ESSA, ‘(D) PUBLIC SCHOOL CHOICE; PAGE 92) The word that must be remembered here is PUBLIC. Public school “choice” is an oxymoron, since what the government monitors and regulates is not true parental “choice.”

Parent warriors know that Common Core standards shifted the power away from the teacher in the classroom. This was done with NO LOCAL VOICE, no local CONTROL. The local school boards of America must follow the federal Common Core prescription. Common Core standards “follow the child” and are the 85% the same in every state. States only have the limited ability to change 15% of their curriculum to truly LOCAL or state-initiated. Consider that 95% of students must take the national test. The regulations mandate that the states comply with the feds by the enforcement of the 95% rule that prohibits no more than 5% of children to opt out of tests. So much for parental freedom of choice!

Parent warriors also know that the National Center for Education Statistics, Institute For Educational Sciences (NCES/IES) set up each state with grants to expand their state longitudinal data system that monitors, collects, and allows data mining on individual children, complete with a unique national ID and a dossier that “follows the child.” Common Core data elements have the digital sameness in every state, thus resembling a nationalized curriculum. This is aligned to the Common Core accountability system, with cross-referencing capabilities to monitor if the children or the teachers are meeting Common Core goals.

But what’s missing? Truly equitable funding! The money must “follow the child” and every child will have the same amount of money as a stipend. But ask: WHICH money has been targeted for traveling with the child? Title I that moves with the child is called “portability” but don’t confuse it with true choice. In reality it’s that sameness that follows that same pattern that aligns the individual child to the Feds. Thus the impact of “equitable” funding ultimately intends to destroy your neighborhood school, as well as demolish your property rights, state’s rights, and your local voice in education. Here’s why:

How Will Title I Enforcement Measures Force School Districts to “Equalize” Student Funding?

The U.S. Department of Education stated that the typical public school in the United States spends approximately $12,000 per year for each child enrolled. This suggests that a child who is enrolled in a public school from kindergarten through the end of high school will have as much as $150,000 spent on primary and secondary education. In essence, President Obama’s Plan will use Title I “supplement not supplant” regulations that will force local schools to divvy-up 50% of total money given by the Feds. Public school “CHOICE” also allows a public school child to go to the public school of their CHOICE, including charter schools. But the Feds define and control this “choice”.

The following is a summary of the Obama regulations being written as you read this passage. (Source)

“Purpose of This Regulatory Action: On December 10, 2015, President Barack Obama signed the ESSA into law. The ESSA reauthorizes the ESEA, which provides Federal funds to improve elementary and secondary education in the Nation’s public schools. ESSA builds on the ESEA’s legacy as a civil rights law and seeks to ensure every child, regardless of race, national origin, socioeconomic status, background, or zip code, receives the support needed to succeed in school.”

“As the statute affirms, the purpose of title I, part A of the ESEA is to “provide all children significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps.”?

“The new ESSA statutory language focuses not on costs and services, but on funds. Specifically, section 1118(b) of the ESEA requires that an LEA “demonstrate that the methodology used to allocate State and local funds to each [title I school] ensures that such school receives all of the State and local funds it would otherwise receive if it were not receiving assistance under [title I].”

“Importantly, States and LEAs need not shift resources among schools in order to comply with this provision, but instead may elect to provide additional State and local educational funding to title I schools to ensure compliance with the supplement not supplant provision of the law.”

“…hundreds of LEAs across the country, title I schools are receiving, on average, hundreds of thousands of dollars less in State and local funding than the average non-Title I school. These are critical funds that could be spent on, for example, wrap-around services, high-quality preschool, access to advanced coursework, or incentive pay for educators who choose to work in high-need schools.” (Emp. Added.)

So, what does all this mean? The “supplement and supplant” equation means the Federal regulations will force the local school district and state to pay up. The Feds pitch in $6000 for each child and the local school MUST pitch in $6000 for every child. This 50/50 bargain will use an equalized per pupil expenditure from both federal and state/local funds as a new way to finance children… NOT SCHOOLS! Did you catch that? The Feds are financing your CHILD! So ESSA Title I is setting up the grand bargain that says every child should be funded exactly the same and all parties MUST give the same amount. No one has asked the KEY QUESTION of how state legislatures will be willing to give up their state sovereignty when Title I money would bypass their state budgets with the federal money directly funding the child. Will Title I Portability create a Constitutional Crisis in states’ rights?

Will Per Pupil Expenditures and Title I “Supplement and Supplant” Equation Be Used for Private School CHOICE?

Mr. Trump vowed this last September:

“As your President, I will be the nation’s biggest cheerleader for school choice. I want every single inner city child in America who is today trapped in a failing school to have the freedom – the civil right – to attend the school of their choice.’’

The question that must be asked is this – Is President-Elect Trump really only focusing on poor inner city children, OR has he aligned his agenda with President Obama’s “no poverty” guidelines to encompass ALL children in EVERY SCHOOL, which is called the SCHOOL-WIDE Title I Common Core net? And, will this be the money that President-Elect Trump targets for use in his proclaimed CHOICE agenda?

Bear in mind that Sen. Ted Cruz proposed Title I portability to be those equitable funds in his S 306. In other words, Common Core would be a yoke around the Title I child’s neck and Senator Cruz wants to hand these Title I children over to private, religious, and homeschools – schools that he redefined as a “private” school. But note: the Feds link the money to the child! Rep. Luke Messer (IN-R) aligned himself with this same agenda when he proposed legislation last year for “CHOICE”. Rob Goad, aide to Rep. Messer, has been tapped by the Trump campaign to advance this “CHOICE” agenda. Never forget: When the Feds control the money they control the process from start to finish in order to mandate compliance. The Feds will have their hooks tethered to little Johnny and Suzy via government-sponsored and controlled “choice.”

We might wonder if Mr. Trump is getting ALL the information he needs to Make America Great Again. Or, worse, has there been a rerouting of his agenda to make America socialized? That question has not been answered as yet, but the writing is beginning to appear on the wall. Vice-President Elect Pence may also be a guide as to which “CHOICE” the Trump campaign will deliver, as well as Mr. Trump’s selection for Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, who is an adamant supporter of Common Core school “CHOICE” and charter schools. What can we expect from the Trump Presidency? For part two click below.

© 2016 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserve

What kind of choice has Obama prepared for President-elect Trump? pt. 2

Say Good-Bye to your Individuality and Freedom as a Private School.
Say Hello to Private and Religious School Title I “CHOICE”
– Where you MUST Teach Common Core
– Where ALL Schools Become Federal Government Schools!

Let’s introduce the real facts about “Equitable CHOICE” for ALL children that would allow ANY student to take that public school scholarship to ANY school of his/her “CHOICE”.

The 50/50 share in President Obama’s Plan will force local schools to divvy-up and contribute 50% of the total money given by the Feds. It applies to any child attending private and religious schools, or even home schools. Your local school district must give their 50% of the Title I fee that “Follows the Child” to parents who make the “CHOICE” of which eligible school their child will attend. In this way the Federal money will follow the child, quite literally into your local church-based school or even into your home! In this way Uncle Sam’s tentacles over your child will extend into your living room.

With the exodus of children from their neighborhood school, it appears that public schools will eventually financially collapse, especially since when these children flee 50% of funding from the local treasury will go with them. As more public schools collapse financially, more charter schools will be funded and expanded with their monies. Ask yourself why money is being funneled into charter schools and NOT your public neighborhood schools.

Thus, the expansion of charter schools with unelected boards, usually for-profit, funded by wealthy investment companies and tycoon bankers, will get a cut of your hard earned tax money. Your tax dollars go straight into their pockets! This fact proves this is a move away from having local representatives invested in our schools. No voice, no vote for you, the parent or citizen, which means the real goal is the total “privatizing” of education – with Federal strings attached and Federal control. In this way our American system of government, local citizens who elect local representatives who are directly accountable to them, will be eroded and demolished.

As more Common Core Title I children continue to flood charter, private, and religious schools, demands for accountability expand the “enforcement” mechanism of Title I Common Core, ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015). This in turn, forces accountability toward an authorized but UNELECTED charter school management team for all schools – charter, private, religious, and home schools – with the goal to achieve the elimination of public schools all together. (We know this for certain because the eradication of local control goal has been stated openly in legislation and education reform documents for three decades.) The new overseer for this accountability process is named as an ombudsman in the ESSA regulations. With the elimination of public schools, your elected officials who balance your local tax treasury will lose control. Besides, how will students be monitored for money received when transferring to multiple different schools, even in different states?

How Do ESA’s Work in the Equation?

Moving forward with this idea, parents must have a government vehicle age 0-21 to deposit that public money. ALL “school wide” identified Title I CHILDREN enrolled in any public, charter, private school, religious school, and homeschool will be able to open an Education Savings Account (ESA) into which federal, state, and local funds can be deposited. Remember: “school wide” means ALL children, not just poor children. This bag of cash gets bigger and bigger as ESSA allows all monies to be accrued in the Title I bag. (Source: ESSA: Page 290; Eligible Federal Funds for equitable distributions of state and local taxes)

ESSA names 50 pilot schools to go to bat for sameness, in which in three years all schools can switch to a per pupil expenditure. It will

“create a single school funding system based on weighted per-pupil allocations for low-income and otherwise disadvantaged students. (Source: pages 278-279; ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act)

Parents must question the definition of who are “otherwise disadvantaged students” – it means any child not meeting Common Core!

You might ask this next question: MUST private and religious schools admit Common Core Title I CHOICE children? Yes! Private and religious schools would have to admit these CHOICE/Title I children.

Can’t they just say NO to the funds? It doesn’t work that way. They would have to say “No” to the child and this opens a federal can of worms.

Children already enrolled in private and religious institutions also become branded with the “SCHOOL WIDE” banner. This is due to the fact that their funding would also be determined as originating from their local school, where they would normally be enrolled, which had previously been determined as “school wide.”

The private and religious school does not directly receive the Title I federal funds and local tax mix. They receive the funds from the PARENT’S Education Savings Account (ESA), sidestepping the federal government’s separation of Church and State. And if a school objects to admitting the Title I child, all hell breaks loose and a charge of discrimination under Civil Rights will be brought forward. This is a no-win situation for private and religious schools with how this system is being set up. See below of how an empowerment “CHOICE” scholarship was ruled on in Arizona:

Arizona Court of Appeals upheld a ruling in a unanimous decision. Judge Jon W. Thompson wrote for the court, “The specified object of the ESA is the beneficiary families, not private or sectarian schools. Parents can use the funds deposited in the empowerment account to customize an education that meets their children’s unique educational needs.” (Emp. added.)

This means a private or religious school CANNOT object to admitting the Title I “CHOICE” child who comes with a Common Core yoke around his/her neck. Not only must these children be accepted in the school, BUT they must receive the social, emotional, and behavioral interventions directed under the Specialized Student Support Services in ESSA. This means Common Core mental health non-academic teacher training and standards for children MUST be performed in private and religious schools! And to be deemed as “equitable” as public schools, they must implement the social, emotional, and behavioral interventions slated in ESSA!

The regulations state specifically that these psychological services are to be carried out by IDEA (Individuals With Disabilities Act) special education. The legislation also specifies the exact psychological services to be administered: Response to Intervention, multi-tiered system of supports, positive behavior Intervention and supports, Early Intervening services, and universal design for learning. Notice none of this has to do with academics; it is psycho-social and behavioral conditioning.

This proposal initiates the old HillaryCare/Mental Health/IDEA/Medicaid yoke that is tied around the child’s neck. Education (ESSA) and ObamaCare (the old HillaryCare) is merged that extends health/mental health services to children at school ages 0-21. Schools and daycare centers will be able to bill Medicaid for these social, emotional, behavioral/mental health services at school. (SOURCE)

So, what does this all mean?

The odds are stacked against President-Elect Trump. Why? Because President Obama and Hillary Clinton’s HillaryCare has already been legislated and implemented in our schools. It’s time to “drain the swamp” in education. There is still time to stop the Obama regulations being written for ESSA. There is still time to switch the appointment of Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education.

What are Parent Warriors to do? Parents supporting Donald Trump have been enthusiastically awaiting for his plan to dump Common Core and save our children. However, his current “CHOICE” plans, and selection of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education, prove more than disappointing to those who understand the system. Trump needs our help.

So, how can we help the Trump Presidency? President-Elect Trump can turn the corner on Globalism in education, and move the clock back to Americanism. Trump should immediately stop listening to his Heritage Foundation advisors! Heritage has been a major purveyor of phony “choice” for decades. Mr. Trump must vet his education candidates wisely, and study the education issues thoroughly, to ensure that it is HIS vision that gets implemented and not the other way around.

Trump should stop and take a second look before he furthers the anti-American freedom agenda of Hillary and Obama! Mr. Trump’s vision, as he articulated it, is to help the poor, the inner cities, and give these kids a chance. We do NOT think his vision includes leveling wealthy school districts by redistributing the wealth, or getting federal control of private and religious schools! I would doubt if he means to collapse the public school system in favor of Common Core, “CHOICE”, and charter schools for all. That is not what he campaigned on. Unless….. Will he keep his promises?

Your job, President-Elect Trump, is HUGE. Do not turn your back on America’s children!

Please email, tweet, and Facebook President-Elect Trump and remind him, today, tomorrow, and next week… To Keep His Promises!

© 2016 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

The attempt to steal the presidency from Donald Trump

I’d hoped they would go away: the unsupported allegations that for all intents and purposes Russian hackers hijacked the November 8 election. Even though not even the FBI has endorsed these allegations, and there is doubt within the ranks of the agencies themselves over “fuzzy” and “ambiguous” CIA conclusions, yet another official narrative is falling into place, trumpeted within the halls of government and from all mainstream media outlets — and an extremely dangerous one at that!

I am getting the impression, observing day by day, this is worse than I imagined it would be. I’d thought, following a federal judge’s declaration the other day, that the adults would prevail. Now, I am not so sure. For starters, Electoral College electors, especially in swing states, are being bullied and harassed 24/7! Some are reporting having received death threats! Their names and contact information have been made publicly available on websites put up by irresponsible left wingers! Some electors now fear for their safety and the safety of their families!

It should have been clear long ago: many leftists are basically unhinged. If you want to see how unhinged unhinged can get, check this out. I had enough confrontations in the old days to know this (exchanges of letters to the editor, later in online forums which I soon gave up, a few by email, a very few face-to-face). I am not sure how far leftists will go, how much mayhem they would risk, to prevent someone whom they hate with a passion from entering the White House next month, as he represents everything they scorn and despise.

Here is the situation: as Trump had 306 electoral votes when the dirt settled, 270 having been required to claim the presidency, if 37 electors can be persuaded to change their votes on Monday to someone else, they officially deny Trump the presidency and throw this election into the House of Representatives. A hard-left “Constitutional” law professor at Harvard (where else?), Larry Lessig, is offering legal counsel to the 20 electors (so far) who are contemplating changing their votes — in light of the allegations about the Russians, about which they are demanding more information. Democratic Party insiders (e.g., John Podesta) are irresponsibly fanning these flames. (Here)

Should this happen, at least three possibilities ensue. (1) The GOP-controlled House could do the sensible thing and vote for Trump. (2) They could vote to install Hillary Clinton and defend their action by saying she won the popular vote, which would show that they no longer accept, or realize, that the U.S. is not a direct democracy. (3) They could throw their weight behind an Establishment Republican who wasn’t even on the ballot, whom no one (except moneyed interests) would see as legitimate!

Team Trump will already have appealed to the Supreme Court for intervention (one hopes!). It is hard to know what the latter would do. What amounted to a soft coup would be technically legal. But the technically legal thing is not necessarily the sensible thing. Were either Congress or the Supreme Court to uphold a choice for anyone but Trump, given his Electoral College victory on November 8, they risk massive civil disobedience. The reason is not hard to see. One reason many people, especially middle class and rural working class whites, voted for Trump is their having gotten fed up with being discriminated against, bullied, ridiculed, and humiliated by what they increasingly see as an alien and hostile “blue” culture of the big urban areas. Now that they have made a difference in the voting booth, playing by the rules, if this election is stolen (this is how they will perceive it, and I doubt they will be much interested in legal niceties), I wouldn’t be surprised if many refuse to sit still and just take it!

Even if the so-called Hamilton Electors get cold feet on the 19th, on January 6 their votes are counted. Trump could still be denied the presidency on January 6!

Trump won this election by rules that have governed elections for as long as I or anyone else reading this have lived! An official decision for anyone else, whether it came from the House or from the Supreme Court, would be reasonably interpreted as a coup! Whoever made the final decision would own the consequences, which could be very serious!

Beginning on Monday, in other words, the U.S. enters a period of extreme danger! We know Trump has enemies. Trump’s worst enemies, I submit, are not these unhinged lefties, much as they’d like to think so, but the far wealthier and more powerful globalist superelite whom Trump has stood in opposition from the get-go. He is the only Republican to have used the term globalism! This speaks volumes about the level of threat he represents, openly exposing their actions!

Trump’s worst enemies won’t try to assassinate him, as some fear. That would be too obvious. I wouldn’t put it past some leftist loon to take a shot at him, especially if January gets here and all efforts to derail a Trump presidency have failed. Such a person would discredit the left even more completely than it has already been discredited by events of this past year, getting every poll and every prediction about Trump’s chances of winning this election dead wrong. But I doubt the loon would be thinking in those terms.

What none of us peons can fully discern, of course, is the exact superelite strategy for undermining and destroying the freedom (i.e., “populist”) rebellion that has been gaining ground all over the Western world against their brand of political-economic domination. Does it involving trying to destroy the Trump presidency with a massive economic downturn, as Brandon Smith believes (and has a very sensible argument)? The Federal Reserve, which just raised interest rates on the strength of the meaningless U-3 unemployment number, could create conditions for such an event with more rate hikes, or by turning down the money printing spigot which has been propping up the Obama-era house-of-cards economy.

Or could the plan be to allow leftists to destroy the Trump presidency before he ever gets into office, empowering them to attack “populists” elsewhere, e.g., in France? Marine Le Pen’s National Front is making headway there, given the string of terrorist events as well as the transformation of entire neighborhoods in and around Paris into third world hellholes, attributable to Muslim immigrants that would not be there absent the EU’s open-borders policies. Antiglobalists understand that if you don’t have border protections you soon don’t have a country.

These latest threats to the Trump presidency, let us not forget, are based on allegations for which no evidence has been shown to exist: the claim that Russian hackers tilted the outcome of the November 8 election in Trump’s favor. All we have are anonymous claims and supposed evidence, at the time of this writing still behind closed doors, assuming it exists at all. This from the same organization that told us how Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, the result being a destructive war-of-choice the consequences of which are still being played out. This is the same organization, incidentally, that created the “conspiracy theory” meme back in the 1960s, a meme that, for half a century now, has been highly successful in circumventing evidence-based criticisms of government-approved narratives.

We are supposed to accept these pronouncements about Russian hackers on faith? How stupid do they think we are, anyway???

Incidentally, no one appears to have a problem with George Soros or the Saudis having generously supported Hillary Clinton! If these do not constitute “foreign interference” with a U.S. election, then what does?!

Hypocrisy, thy name is the American Left!

First, it was “whitelash,” one-time Communist Van Jones’s term — given that white has become, all by itself, a term of disdain in far-left circles, racist in any logical sense of that term. Then it was the FBI, accused of hurting Clinton’s chances with its 11th-hour allegations which (I believe purposefully) went nowhere, on which Smith based his conclusion that Trump was the globalist superelite’s desired victor, as they want someone they consider an ideological foe in the White House who can then take the fall when they pull the plug on the house-of-cards economy. Then it was this “fake news” stupidity (solidly smacked down here). Now it’s the Russians. Anyone with a functioning brain knows that had Hillary won and Trump alleged Russian interference, he’d be dismissed as a “conspiracy theorist.”

The Left, of course, gets a pass on such things!

What experience I have had (in the past as an academic, and then more recently) has only reinforced my conviction that most leftists are what Lenin called “useful idiots”: people some of whom believe they are the movers and shakers of modern events but are actually as helpless as they are clueless, as without the money flows coming from the George Soroses of the world, they would all be forced to get real jobs waiting tables or emptying hospital bedpans.

I cannot foresee clearly how the immediate future plays out. What is clear: Trump’s real enemies are the globalists, the superelite, not American leftists most of whom cannot think their way out of wet paper sack. The globalist superelite cannot be properly described as either “left” or “right.” Worship of money and unbridled power have no ideology. Globalists make nice with Communists, or for that matter, with Fascists, if doing so will advance their goals. They place no value on individual human lives, which they have used as cannon fodder for generations, bankrolling both sides of bloody wars which “cull the herds.”

Make no mistake about it: these people are evil in any sense of the word one wants. Their goal is to establish a global state (world government) that will serve, and be served by, the leviathan corporations they control, and which will be used to institute a monoculture based on mass-consumption, obedience, and systems of reinforcements and Orwellian persuasions intended to (as Chomsky once put it) “keep the rabble in line.”

One can only hope that the Electoral College electors will remain steadfast, and stand their ground against something unprecedented. They accepted this responsibility when they agreed to be electors, although I have a problem with the idea that having to deal with personal threats is what they signed on for. I am hereby praying, and am requesting prayers, for their safety and for the safety of their families, as they do the right thing on Monday. Should they fail in this task, caving into leftist demands, one can then hope and pray that the House of Representatives, or if it comes to it, the Supreme Court, will do the right thing, the sensible thing, and allow put Donald Trump in the White House according to the rules governing U.S. elections put in place over 200 years ago. Otherwise they will be responsible for whatever happens next, be it a “presidency” which will never be deemed legitimate even if it is tolerated in the interests of national peace, or be it massive civil unrest and possibly worse!

© 2016 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg to Label Fake News

The church of global warming

While the Democrats’ post-election tantrum goes on and on, the Roman Catholic Church is looking to get in on the act.

The Supreme Pontiff, Pope Francis I—the Red Pope, Jesuit, a solid Liberation Theology guy (that’s liberal Catholic code for “Marxist”)—is, well… pontificating. Recently he announced that new priests, from now on, are to preach and teach the gospel of Climate Change. The Pontifical Academy of Sciences has ruled that Global Warming is “real,” and caused by “human activity.”

That ought to jazz up the confessions. “Bless me, father, I have sinned. I used half a dozen sheets of toilet paper in my visit to the loo this morning! And I turned on my air conditioner last night! And I drove here in an SUV.” And so on.

Globalism, and its drive toward world government, has been taking it on the chin of late. The crown jewel of globalism is, of course, its hysterical assertion that only a fantastically enlarged and empowered government can Save The Planet from the catastrophe of Man-Made Climate Change. And the Pope’s on board with that, big-time.

Climate Change is “real,” in a sense that it’s always happening, has always been happening, and happens as a result of vast natural processes that our ruling class can neither start nor stop. We have recent scientific findings that the “warming,” however much of it there ever was, was caused by an unusually strong El Nino event in the Pacific Ocean. That event is over now, and the temperatures are coming back down to where they were before this latest El Nino occurred.

We are unable to confirm reports that the Pope intends to excommunicate El Nino.

Meanwhile, we continue to be pestered by alarm bells rung by the politically-driven nooze media. Have you heard that reindeer in the Arctic are “shrinking” because of Global Warming? Hey, unless we buckle down and pass that Carbon Tax, Santa’s gonna have to hitch his sleigh to smart cars. In the same nooze story, we are told the reindeer face imminent extinction—and that their “numbers have been steadily increasing over the past two decades.” Imagine that. And it is not mentioned that deer population numbers naturally go up and down. Ask any hunter.

The Pope was rooting for the Clinton crime family to win the election, sweep back into the White House, and cut loose with its deluxe fun-pak of open borders, high taxes, thousands of shiny new rules and regulations, countless new thought crimes for the government to investigate and punish—especially the crime of “Climate Change Denial”—and transferring more and more power to the United Nations.

It would have been a good time for him to bring back the Inquisition, to chase after those Climate Change heretics who eluded the Attorney General.

But then along came Donald Trump and spoiled it. All they needed was a leader with some guts, and the American people gave a big thumbs-down to the whole damned thing. I say “damned” to indicate the transcendent wickedness of the globalist enterprise.

Nothing good can come of the RC Church hopping into bed with power-hungry politicians chiefly distinguished by their constant readiness to lie. The church might catch something from them that might prove fatal.

But I guess Pope Francis thinks it’s just too good a gig to pass up.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog,, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

John Kasich, Trump, little children and the cowardly church

Another Republican Sellout

Well the covers just keep being pulled back and more and more RINOS are being exposed. Our eccentric governor John Kasich is the latest one to have his private parts exposed and it is now obvious for everyone to see that he does not possess what is generally required to make a man a man.

John Kasich is a cross-dresser when it comes to “family” values. This week Governor Ka-Sick vetoed the “Heartbeat Bill” which would have protected by law and by love every unborn baby that has a detectable heartbeat. Since scientific evidence shows that a heartbeat develops in a young child somewhere between five and six weeks of gestation this bill would have protected nearly 93% of all unborn children who are currently headed towards the abortionist’s weaponry.

This battle for life was a long five year struggle as pro-life activists, led by pro-life warrior Janet Porter, relentlessly pushed for the legislature to send the bill to the Governor. This week, both the House and the Senate passed and forwarded this landmark legislation to “pro-life” John Ka-Sick for his expected signature.

Ka-Sick, who loves to brag that his father was a mail man, failed to deliver the mail and with the stroke of a pen refused to rescue the nearly 20,000 children per year this bill would have protected. It wouldn’t pass court review, this gelded RINO explained as his reason for the veto.

In the spirit of full disclosure I was ambivalent about the Heartbeat Bill because of the fact that it didn’t protect ALL unborn children. In my opinion, the Personhood Amendment, which declares the unborn child a “person” at conception thereby securing the unalienable right to life, was a much more fully inclusive legislative idea which would protect ALL unborn children.

However, once the Heartbeat Bill cleared the Legislature I rejoiced that the life of fewer unborn children would be in jeopardy. Despite my desire to protect all children, 93% seemed like a pretty good number and I rejoiced with Mrs. Porter and her valiant efforts to see the vote to a successful conclusion. What a country this would be if we all had her tenacity for life!

But the full story of this mockery of the legislative process gets a bit stickier. It seems that Ohio Right To Life (ORTL) was busy behind the scenes lobbying our “pro-life” Governor Ka-Sick to veto the legislation. Yes, you read that right. Ohio Right To Life came out publicly and urged Ka-Sick to x-out the legislation for fear that “the courts” would strike down all “pro-life” legislation that ORTL had worked to put into place.

The truth is now out. Both Governor Ka-Suck and ORTL are actually pro-CHOICE with exceptions. They don’t want to stop abortion; they simply want to regulate it. As calloused as this may sound, what would all of those lawyers, lobbyists, and abortion foes do for employment if abortion was ever re-criminalized? Fighting abortion is their business and business is good.

I don’t know what the story is in your state but here in Ohio many of the local Right To Life groups are no longer affiliated with either the National Right To Life organization or the Ohio Right To Life group. I would suggest that all folks who really want to see abortion outlawed will stop giving to the compromised State and National Right To Life organizations.

John Ka-Sick made a fool of himself in his recent run in the primaries for the Republican nomination for President. His recent drift to the left was a purposeful ploy in his desire to reshape the Republican Party after Donald Trump’s expected resounding defeat in the general election. Today, shock and dismayed, Ka-Suck seems to be a politician without a party. He is term limited here in Ohio so look for him to pop up at Goldman Sachs or some other cheesy spot where he will feather his nest as a reward for his leading the #nevertrump crowd.

Did I mention that he was rumored to have taken money from George Soros in order to bring down Trump? Today a story popped up that he actually took money from the Hillary Clinton campaign in his treasonous attempt to block Donald Trump.

The election of Donald Trump has changed all the political winds in America. It is believed that the reason that, after languishing for five years, the Heartbeat Bill finally cleared the heavily Republican Legislature was because of the likelihood that Trump will change the make-up of the SCOTUS to a more pro-life position. For this reason alone, the Republicans moved the bill to Governor Ka-Suck’s desk.

Could it be that the signing of the Heartbeat Bill would have been an admission on the part of Ka-Suck that Trump was going to deliver on his pro-life judge’s promise and that was a bit more than the #nevertrump governor could carry in his mailbag?

The saddest part of the whole saga is that Ka-Sick will pay no price for his betrayal. He is term limited and the weak, anemic, cowardly church will not stand up and demand that the Governor defend the precious babies. This legislation would certainly have made its way through the court system and at some point would have been argued before a Trump appointed Supreme Court that will lean decidedly pro-life.

Who could have ever dreamed that the two greatest obstacles to protecting unborn children would be the largest “pro-life” organization in Ohio and a “pro-life” sitting governor at the top of a solidly pro-life State Legislature?

Jesus warned us that “your enemies shall be those of your own household.” I think He knew a thing or two about betrayal.

Shame on John Ka-Sick and Ohio Right To Life. There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed.

© 2016 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

The establishment’s fake news Russian conspiracy

I would say that the establishment is having a full-blown panic attack concerning Donald Trump’s impending presidency, but that would be insulting the rationality of those who suffer panic attacks.

The MSM, the Dems and the establishment Republicans all seem to be coalescing around the latest spectacular fake news narrative – that somehow the election was stolen from Hillary because Russian “hackers” won the election for Donald Trump.

The increasingly irrelevant New York Times ran a story where they reported that the CIA was claiming there was a “swell of evidence” that proved this was the case.

Buried in the article are the facts that there is no new information that supports this.

Also buried near the end of the article it is revealed that the FBI does not share in this opinion.

In addition, Reuters is reporting today that the Top U.S. spy agency has not embraced the CIA assessment on Russian hacking. According to their sources:

The CIA conclusion was a “judgment based on the fact that Russian entities hacked both Democrats and Republicans and only the Democratic information was leaked,” one of the three officials said on Monday.

“(It was) a thin reed upon which to base an analytical judgment,” the official added.

In addition, the exclusive Reuters report said:

In an angry letter sent to ODNI chief Clapper on Monday, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes said he was “dismayed” that the top U.S. intelligence official had not informed the panel of the CIA’s analysis and the difference between its judgment and the FBI’s assessment.

So, not only is there no new evidence regarding Russian hacking since before the election plus the FBI does not concur with the CIA, the CIA also failed to report this rather glaring discrepancy to the House Intelligence Committee.
Despite this, the New York Times article, with its damning headline is heavily implying that this conspiracy is proven fact – their rather inconspicuous caveats notwithstanding.

Essentially the NYT is recycling the same conspiracy theories they were postulating during the campaign going back to at least July of this year.

Then there is the matter of CIA director John Brennan. Brennan has a long history of being an activist left-winger. WND’s Joseph Farah summarizes Brennan’s career in a point by point example of how this Obama political hack has been at odds with this country’s national security.

I would suggest you read Farah’s article for his list of Brennan’s “accomplishments”, but just briefly, Brennan voted for a communist for president in 1976. He also, when sworn in was done so, not on a Bible but on the US constitution – minus the Bill of Rights. Hmm…

But why this frenzy from the MSM, the Dems and RINO Republicans such as John McCain, Paul Ryan and Lindsey Graham?

The quick answer is that they are all terrified at the prospect of a Trump presidency – a presidency that will be challenging the status quo and shaking up the business as usual establishment-globalist-neocon cabal that wants nothing whatsoever to change.

All of their plots during the campaign to take out Trump failed and Trump was elected fair and square.

After the election, there were George Soros funded riots in several cities in order to try to delegitimize Trump’s election. It didn’t work.

When that backfired and Trump’s popularity increased, Soros funded Jill Stein with millions of dollars in failed recount efforts. Stein who barely got one percent of the vote had no chance, therefore no legal standing to challenge the results. She was simply being a proxy for Hillary Clinton in still another effort to overturn a legitimate election. The one state where they finished a recount was in Wisconsin, which actually netted Trump an additional 162 votes. So that also didn’t work.

There are also the efforts to sway electors not to vote the will of their state’s voters, which is why they have brought back the “Russia interfered in the election” narrative – again.

These folks are not only desperate, they’re persistent. This has become a case of throwing everything against the wall, and hoping something sticks.
For this to work, they would have to peel off 37 electors committed to vote for Trump. They have one, but can they get anymore, much less 37?

It isn’t very likely, but they will certainly keep trying – which means they will keep pushing this fake news narrative that there was “interference” in our election.

Well, there’s some interference for sure, but we need not look to Moscow to find it.

© 2016 Chip McLean – All Rights Reserved

Send environmental hypocrites back to the stone age

To millions of Americans, the environmental movement has become a cult-like obsession that has consumed the collective mindset with emotional hogwash, propaganda, outright lies and irrational guilt. Some have labeled this cult, “The Green Plague.” (The “Plague”)

The “Plague” is based on the false premise that humans are a virus infection on Mother Earth and every aspect of human life most be regulated to the “nth” degree to protect the “Mother”. In reality, humans are but a part of the evolutionary and natural processes of Earth and those processes, not environmentalists or governments, will determine the final outcome.

The method to environmentally indoctrinate the human is to make him or her feel guilty for all of his or her environmental sins and that guilt will then manifest itself in the correct “green” behavior, as prescribed by the carriers of the “Plague”. As long as the mind is infected with the “Plague”, we will continue to get such things as economy-destroying, expensive, man-caused global warming legislation, as well as endangered species acts and environmental protection laws that virtually eliminate constitutionally protected property rights. Victims of the “Plague” will end up totally brainwashed, obsessed and scared, while those same carriers of the “Plague” continue their onslaught on the human mind and the control of all human activity. The “Plague” is the antithesis of freedom, liberty and constitutional property rights and is just another tool to merge America into global government. (See: “Environmentalism – Building Blocks for Global Government”)

People who are infected with the “Plague” believe that there are just too many humans on the planet that are destroying “their” mother Earth. To the point, John Davis, editor of the Earth First Journal said, “I suspect that eradicating smallpox was wrong. It played an important part in balancing ecosystems.” Prince Phillip, former president of the World Wildlife Fund, said, “If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.”

One of the more deleterious effects of the “Plague” is its attack on fossil fuels, or more particularly that energy produced from the black gold called crude oil. But its attack doesn’t stop with black gold. The “Plague” attacks energy produced by hydro electricity, atomic energy, natural gas and coal. If it could, it would destroy dams, refineries, oil tankers, electric transmission lines, pipelines, mines and mining. The only energy the “Plague” doesn’t attack is its precious renewable energy from wind, the Sun, biomass and geo-thermo energy. It especially hates the gasoline, diesel and kerosene that power our cars, trucks, trains and planes because they come from that dreaded of all evils, crude oil.

So let’s start with some facts on where American energy is produced.

• Coal = 33%
• Natural gas = 33%
• Nuclear = 20%
• Hydropower = 6%
• Renewables = 7.3%
• Biomass = 1.6%
• Geothermal = 0.4%
• Solar = 0.6%
• Wind = 4.7%
• Petroleum = 1%
• Other gases = <1% (Source: "U. S. Energy Information Administration") Environmentalists, carriers of the "Plague", lament the use of energy other than renewable energy sources, as being harmful to the environment. And yet renewable energy sources produce only a little over 7% of the total U. S. energy demands. Yes, renewable energy is growing, but it has no chance to power the massive energy needs of a growing U. S. economy, not to mention the rest of the world. Renewable energy will not miraculously replace the other 93% of our energy needs in the next Century, or even beyond. Environmentalists hate cars but they "love" walking, bicycles, mass transit, 25-story concrete towers in high-dense urban jungles where indentured slaves live and they "love" renewable energy. However, our cars and trucks (in fact all of transportation) use 70% of all the by-products from crude oil. Renewable energy has no capability of powering our cars and trucks so according to environmentalists, all of us should be shoved into big cities where we walk, ride our bicycles, or take mass transit. In 2015, about 140.43 billion gallons (or about 3.34 billion barrels) of gasoline were consumed in the United States, a daily average of about 384.74 million gallons. To give you a perspective on just how much our annual consumption of gasoline is, think of 3.34 billion barrels stacked on top of each other. It would rise almost 1,800,000 miles into the vacuum of space and environmental hypocrites, who use just as much gasoline as the rest of us, want to eliminate gasoline and crude oil and replace our power sources with Sun and wind energy ..... an impossibility! We wrote a prediction on what a gasoline, crude oil, nuclear-free nation might look like entitled, "Back To The Future: The Obama Legacy") Our cars became the next step to the freedom of movement and replaced the ever-so-slow horse and buggy. Nevertheless, environmentalists would willingly deprive us of the fuel for that freedom. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), created as a Cabinet Agency under the President in 1970, is the instrument environmentalists use to further their environmental takeover of the American people and adopt the "rules" that implement their goals. We will not argue against some of EPA's responsibilities, such as cleaning up hazardous waste sites and regulating the use and disposal of toxic chemicals. However, by EPA's very size, like any large government agency, it accretes, not unlike a river delta. It just keeps getting larger and larger. Now, with over 15,000 employees and a 2016 budget of $8.1 Billion, it has immense power to disrupt the lives of every America citizen, not only in the cost of its policies on the over-all economy, but its ever-growing power over all land, water, air, transportation, mining, noise and energy. As we speak, the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers continue to lobby Congress to remove the word "navigable" from the Clean Water Restoration Act, a re-write of the Clean Water Act. They are threatening that if Congress doesn't do it, the EPA will just adopt a "rule." Removing the word "navigable" from the Act would mean that the EPA and the Corps would have dictatorial control over every water body, wetland, or mud puddle in America. The EPA is run by environmental zealots and unaccountable to the people. Hopefully, a president Trump can at least arrest the EPA's headlong charge into environmental slavery by appointing a rational director who will, "Drain the Swamp." Energy is not the only thing that environmentalists hate, or champion. They are absolutely obsessed with eco-systems, wetlands, mountains, rivers, lakes, oceans, deserts, grasslands, or jungles, together with animals, plants, birds, insects and microbes ..... or God forbid, endangered species. For some obscure or irrational reason, environmentalists want to stop time in the 21st Century and secure it for future generations, or to preserve all life as it exists today, without regard to natural evolutionary processes. (See: "Putting A Face On Radical Environmentalism") One of the ways to further control Americans and their land under the irrational premise of environmentalism came from the passage of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in 1973. The Act has become another "tool" by which environmentalists and environmental groups use to further control and restrict human behavior and land ownership. The ESA has turned the 5th Amendment on its head. But to see environmentalism or endangered species clearly, you have to put them in perspective. Over the 4.5 billion year lifespan of planet Earth, over 99% of all species that ever lived are now extinct. Why should all species that live in only the 21st Century be preserved? Why should that preservation interfere with the natural, God-given rights of American citizens and force them to pay for these insane policies? Think about it. Geologist and Earth scientists have determined that at one time Earth was one giant frozen planet. 12,000 years ago, one-third of the Earth's surface was covered in a layer of ice more than one mile thick. During the most current ice age, which lasted longer than civilized man has lived on Earth, there were no animals, plants, insects, or habitat that could survive under this harsh, frozen environment. But life on Earth still managed to survive in other places less hostile. The ultimate thaw of that ice age and the resulting rushing torrent, carved deep gouges and massive channels in the Earth's surface. It created riverbeds and dry falls and lakes and inland seas and other features in the Earth's crust, not there before. Now that was global warming on a grand scale. Man had absolutely nothing to do with the thaw of the last ice age, as he was still a hunter-gatherer. He certainly had nothing to do with the Earth becoming an ice ball millions of years ago. Environmentalists cry "wolf" on very little data and way-too-short time periods to come up with meaningful predictions, as they have with the fraud of man-caused global warming. To spend billions of dollars to preserve alleged endangered species, introduce and manage wolves and grizzlies where they don't now exist, radically control CO2 emissions and at the same time repeal the 5th Amendment to the Constitution, should be called what it is, environmental insanity, if not outright treason. Is man having an effect on planet Earth, certainly? But if man became extinct, which is almost certain to happen by man-made, terrestrial, or extra-terrestrial forces, his effect on the Earth, other than concrete-steel reinforced buildings and some old pyramids, would be almost virtually erased in less than ten thousand years, a blink of geologic time. The Titanic sunk in April of 1912, a little over 100 years ago and scientists are predicting, at the present rate of decay, there will be nothing left of the Titanic in another 100 years. Earth is a vicious, mindless, self-correcting, self-cleaning organism and its self-correcting mechanisms are at work all the time. Animals, planets, insects, birds and microorganisms are going in and out of extinction at this very moment and their extinction has absolutely nothing to do with human habitation of the planet. There is a distinct possibility that the natural, violent processes of Earth could very well drive man to extinction. Are we saying we shouldn't clean up our act, of course not? If you live in filth you could very easily die from that filth, as millions of people on the Earth came to learn from past plagues and mass virus and bacterial infections. Cleaning up one's filth just makes common sense. But that doesn't mean in cleaning up the filth we have to throw our individual, unalienable rights and our Constitution to the four winds in exchange for an Absolute Environmental Monarchy! Environmentalism used to be a practical and pragmatic word. Now it is just another word for an irrational religious, one-world cult that is working diligently to brainwash all of humanity on a false premise and re-distribute the wealth of successful nations to failing nations using radical environmentalism, climate change, the power of national and international governments and collective American guilt as their tools of the trade. (See: "Slavery At the Hands of Environmental Fascists") But let's see. If we could convince all national and international environmental hypocrites to quit using their cars, disconnect the power from their homes, quit consuming both sugars, vegetables and proteins and quit emitting CO2 from their lungs and other bodily excretions, it is our prediction that we could reduce man's impact on the Earth in a decade or two and restore our unalienable rights. In short, if we could just "send all environmentalists back to the Stone Age ..... on another planet", Earth would begin to heal almost overnight. The fact is, there are just too many radical environmental hypocrites among us, using too much land, oil, gasoline, cars, food, water, materials and electricity. They are a direct threat to individual liberty. With tongue in cheek we say, something must be done to stop and/or neuter them if Americans expect to remain free. If you LIKED this article, or even if you didn't like the article, send us a constructive comment. [EDITORS NOTE: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it's employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.] © 2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved

C.I.A. Investigation of Trump’s connection to Putin a sham: experts

The Obama administration has done very little in the past to investigate government agencies being victimized by cyber criminals and hackers. But now that the DNC has been hacked and the Democrats were embarrassed by released emails they wrote to one another, Obama is suddenly demanding a full investigation by an intelligence community so politicized it has become almost useless as far as national security.

Just prior to Election Day, President Barack Obama’s intelligence team accused Russia of perpetrating a hacking operation that targeted the Democratic National Committee and led to embarrassing emails being released.

The intelligence officials say that Russia’s apparent goal was to help Trump beat Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton for the presidency. The report about the intelligence assessment comes after outgoing President Barack Obama directed his national security heads to probe the hacking allegations and accusations that Russia’s actions were designed to assist President-elect Trump.

The lead agency, the Central Intelligence Agency run by Obama loyalist John Brennan, released a report filled with allegations, but failed to give any information that led to the agency’s assertions. But Brennan’s own emails were hacked in the past and he’s the Director of the CIA.

“The U.S. government has been allegedly hacked by Russia, China, North Korea, and others. They have hacked the Pentagon, the intelligence community, the IRS and other government agencies that routinely deal with classified information. And Obama and his administration gave those incidents scant attention,” notes Michael Baker, a former police officer, attorney and political consultant.

“But the Democratic Party’s headquarters becomes a victim of a hacker or hackers, and suddenly cyber security becomes a big deal with these politicians. The DNC should pay for its own investigation into the hacks, not the American taxpayers. The intel community does have more important things to do to protect the nation and the American people instead of preventing political hacks from being exposed,” Baker added.

In addition, President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team is casting doubt on the CIA report that claimed Russia tried to aid him in the U.S. election. The Obama intelligence community has been less than candid in the past, with 50 intelligence officers and analysts blowing the whistle on the Obama administration’s “re-editing” of intelligence reports so that they backup Obama’s statements and claims.

According to the CIA, individuals with connections to the Russian government provided WikiLeaks with hacked emails and other documents that were damaging to the Democratic Party and its presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton. While the Democrats and their fellow-travelers in the news media claimed the emails were fraudulent or they were meant to hurt the Democrats, they never once denied the contents of the documents released, which were rife with racist, sexist and disparaging remarks.

In addition to the CIA, the Department of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence jumped onto the Obama bandwagon and accused the Russian government of hacking Democratic Party organizations in a letter posted online Friday.

They claim the cyber attacks that targeted a political organization were “intended to interfere with the [November’s] election process.” It also accuses senior officials within the Russian government of approving the hacks.

“Such activity is not new to Moscow — the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there,” the official letter said. “We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.”

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Does the constitution need to be interpreted?

Ever since the US Constitution was ratified the question asked over and over is: who has the prerogative and responsibility to interpret the Constitution? Early on, the Supreme Court assumed the right to exercise this function but nowhere in the words of the Constitution (the document itself) is this practice authorized.

Before jumping to the conclusion that the Constitution requires interpreting and accepting anyone’s interpretation, I would ask what I consider a much more pertinent question and its corollary: Does the Constitution need to be interpreted, and if so why?

I can think of only three possible reasons why our Constitution would need interpreting which I will list and examine in the increasing level of likelihood and incidence of interpretation.

• The way a clause is worded doesn’t make sense.
• The way a clause is worded is ambiguous or imprecise.
• Part of the Constitution doesn’t say what we want it to say.

As I will demonstrate, interpret generally is used as a euphemism for disregard or make the Constitution say what its actual words don’t.

Case 1 – The way a clause is worded doesn’t make sense.

I can’t think of an example of such gross incompetence in the original Constitution, but the Twelfth Amendment states that a presidential Elector can’t vote for a presidential and vice-presidential candidate both from his own state.

The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves;

If you assume that the Electors were designed to cast a final vote, (which I don’t), that means that if the Electors are given a list of candidates and one presidential and one vice-presidential candidate are from Delaware, all of the Electors except those from Delaware could vote for both. What sense does that make? Someone needs to interpret some sense into that one.

Case 2 – The way a clause is worded is ambiguous or imprecise.

Probably the most glaring example of this concerns the issue of slavery, the worst blight in our history as a nation. This ambiguity allowed a practice to continue beyond the 20 year period that barred the federal government from interfering, while giving time for the states to get rid of that abhorrent practice. (see Article I Section 9, also Article V)

The migration, or importation of such persons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed on such importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each person.

Even though they couldn’t bring themselves to write the words slave or slavery in the Constitution, by dancing around the issue with euphemisms, a conversion time was allotted. The only part of the system that ended up being addressed was the foreign slave trade which to the credit of congress was abolished in January of 1808. It took a horrible war which devastated the nation and claimed the lives of 620,000 Americans to finally resolve the issue.

Case 3 – Part of the Constitution doesn’t say what we want it to say.

Now we come to the part of the issue that seems both most pervasive and most perversive. This is the problem with most interpretations and interpreters. Rather than studying the Constitution and trying to figure out what it is saying, we usually try to find a way to make it say what we want it to say. By our “cut and paste” methodology—taking a piece here, ignoring a piece there, and interpreting a piece somewhere else, we arrive at a system of government that is a modified democracy rather than the modified federation that the original Constitution defined.

To illustrate this point, we can look at the First Amendment and the way that it has been interpreted.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

This amendment contains a list of things that congress may not do. Rather than follow the Constitution, our government has declared a wall of separation between church and state and made themselves the arbiter of that separation. Freedom of speech is now interpreted to include disruption of the daily activities of others and even destruction of property, and not only are we free to petition government but the First Amendment supposedly allows rowdy gathering and protesting of any entity or organization that seems to be doing or not doing things the particular mob assembled wants them to do or quit doing. How does that become peaceably assembling? What freedom of speech and freedom of religion do not include are things like prayer in schools and expressions like “Merry Christmas” or “God Bless You”. If Congress can make no law concerning these things, where did all this nonsense come from?

Probably the most common interpretation given to the Constitution by educated people who should know better, is the notion that it defines a two-party (or any party) system of government. Unfortunately the “two-party system” is the system that supplanted “Constitutional Federalism” when America turned its collective back on the original Constitution. It happened so early in our history that Americans almost without exception assume that party politics is constitutional. It led to replacing the recommendations of the best presidential candidates by independent Electors to the confirmation of the least-worst options as determined by a party-controlled popular vote between self-nominated and self-interested demagogues who bribe the people with legislative promises which they have no constitutional authority to fulfill if they do get elected.

Most of the time the popular vote for President coincides with the party manipulated electoral votes, but the election of 2016 was an exception. Now there are many who are trying to manipulate the vote of the Electors in different directions. It will be interesting to see how this works out. There is some hope that this confusion will lead to a study of the actual words of the Constitution and the concepts that those words convey. Time will tell.

Article VI of the Constitution reads:

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution;…

which invites this rhetorical question: when the officers take the oath to support this Constitution, are they bound by the words of the Constitution or by some interpretation; and if so which one?

Having analyzed the reasons why the Constitution could need some interpretation, I conclude that what is needed most is careful study of the actual words of the Constitution by both the elected officials and all Americans. This study must include a look at the whole picture not just a few select pieces. If the incumbents do not follow the Constitution, they must be replaced. If after careful study, changes seem appropriate, let them be made by amendment not by interpretation.

As George Washington said in his farewell address:

It is important, likewise, that the habits of thinking in a free country should inspire caution in those entrusted with its administration, to confine themselves within their respective constitutional spheres, avoiding in the exercise of the powers of one department to encroach upon another. The spirit of encroachment tends to consolidate the powers of all the departments in one, and thus to create, whatever the form of government, a real despotism.

A just estimate of that love of power, and proneness to abuse it, which predominates in the human heart, is sufficient to satisfy us of the truth of this position. The necessity of reciprocal checks in the exercise of political power, by dividing and distributing it into different depositaries, and constituting each the guardian of the public weal against invasions by the others, has been evinced by experiments ancient and modern; some of them in our country and under our own eyes. To preserve them must be as necessary as to institute them. If, in the opinion of the people, the distribution or modification of the constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by usurpation; for though this, in one instance, may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed. The precedent must always greatly overbalance in permanent evil any partial or transient benefit, which the use can at any time yield.

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© 2016 Gary Alder – All Rights Reserved

Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell Back Obama’s CIA Not Trump

The political fight ahead

Even though the Republicans kept the House and the Senate and won the White House that doesn’t mean we will have sunshine, lollipops and roses for the next four and maybe eight years. We still have RINO’s in the Republican Party, Paul Ryan, John McCain, Lindsey Grahamnesty Graham and a few others that actually belong in the Democrat Party. None of the above seem to want to represent the American people and their values. When Paul Ryan was elected Speaker of the House his first act was to block amendments to improve a flawed refugee resettlement bill: ‘The first major action Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) will take as Speaker of the House is blocking amendments with a closed rule process on a flawed bill dealing with immigration.

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mike McCaul’s (R-TX) American Security Against Foreign Enemies (SAFE) Act – which he claims “puts in place a robust vetting process for refugees” – is under heavy scrutiny as it heads for a vote on the House floor Thursday. Members of both the Republican Party and Democratic Party have criticized it—President Obama has even threatened a veto of it if it ever reaches his desk, while several Republicans believe it’s simply a show vote that won’t fix the problem. Now it’s official, as of late Wednesday evening: House GOP leadership is blocking any amendments from being offered to the bill as the legislation is rushed to the House floor.

Despite all of the talk that the process in the House would open up under Ryan in the wake of now former House Speaker John Boehner—who resigned from Congress after being driven out of the Speakership by members of his own party furious with his lack of openness in legislative process—Ryan has, on his first major move as Speaker, shut down the process entirely. It’s unclear if it will ever get better.”[1]

One of the reasons he was put in that position was because John Boehner would not even make an effort to stop Obama’s immigration policies ignoring America’s immigration laws. Ryan was no better. He allowed the Omibus Bill to fly right through the House funding Obama’s illegal immigration program. “Speaking before the Senate floor, Sen. Jeff Sessions cited Paul Ryan’s omnibus bill as one of the reasons GOP voters are in open rebellion.
After examining the contents of the bill, he couldn’t be more correct.
Specifically in regards to the issue of immigration, the bill won’t “make America great again,” to say the least.

Let’s just examine the various perks for illegal immigrants contained in Ryan’s omnibus bill, beginning with young illegals:

Though much of the public attention has surrounded the President’s 2014 executive amnesty, the President’s 2012 amnesty quietly continues to churn out work permits and federal benefits for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens. Paul Ryan’s bill funds entirely this 2012 executive amnesty for “DREAMers”—or illegal immigrants who came to the country as minors.

Many of us would like more legal immigration, and it’s specifically desirable to have high-skilled immigrants. Ryan funds just the opposite:

The provision “would quadruple the number of H-2B visas for unskilled guest workers, for a total of more than 250,000,” writes immigration attorney Ian Smith. The Americans who fill these jobs are typically “society’s most vulnerable — including single women, the disabled, the elderly, minorities, teenagers, students, and first-generation immigrants,” Smith explains.”[2]

This is NOT the action of a man that is concerned about the concerns of the American people. It is the action of a globalist thumbing his nose at the electorate and stabbing them in the back. Even in the face of muslim terror attacks on American soil, San Bernardino, Fort Hood, Boston, Orlando when Trump called for a moratorium on immigration from the nations that sent us the people that did these things, Ryans comment was, “That’s not who we are.” House Speaker Paul Ryan said at a press conference that Trump’s comments are “not who we are as a party” and violate the Constitution.

“This is not conservatism,” the Wisconsin representative said, adding, “Some of our best and biggest allies in this struggle and fight against radical Islam terror are Muslims.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said such a ban would be “completely inconsistent with American values.”

“(And) to show how completely and totally unworkable it would be, King Abdullah of Jordan, a great friend and ally of ours, would presumably not be able to come to the United States,” McConnell said. “How about President Ghani of Afghanistan, a great friend and ally of ours who would not be able to come to the United States. This suggestion is completely and totally inconsistent with American values.”[3]

There will be opposition from many Republicans on many things that the people themselves want. Just today it was revealed that the House will not move forward with the impeachment of IRS head John A. Koskinen:
Members of the House failed at another attempt to impeach Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John A. Koskinen this week. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) introduced the measure, H.Res.828, which “[r]esolves that John Andrew Koskinen, Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), is impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors and that specified articles of impeachment be exhibited to the Senate.”

A motion to table the measure failed while a motion to simply refer the matter back to the Judiciary Committee passed with a 342-72 vote. The final tally showed 166 Republicans joining 176 Democrats to vote yes, 72 Republicans voting no, and 19 members who did not vote. You can see how your Representative voted here.

If that sounds like progress, it’s not: it’s a step backward. Earlier this year, the House sidestepped a similar resolution introduced by Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) to move impeachment proceedings forward; yet another resolution from the fall of 2015 also failed.[4] It is hard to hold people accountable when you refuse to make them accountable. You have to ask yourself, ”When will our so-called leaders be held accountable for their actions?” You cannot convince me that Ryan wasn’t behind this. Ryan has given everything to Obama that he has wanted.

Trump has few friends in Congress and that means that Americans have few friends in Congress. Our only hope is that Trump exposes those that oppose the things that are needed to turn America around and he will. McCain was part of the Gang of Eight and has become worthless to the Republican Party.
Lindsey Graham and fellow traitor Chuck Shumer are putting together a bill to make Obama’s unconstitutional Dreamers Executive Order law! An amnesty created by executive action can be rescinded by executive action. And as chance would have it, the incoming president is an outspoken opponent of amnesty, exactly the kind of guy who’d be inclined to rescind.

DACA, Obama’s programs for DREAMers, could be history less than two months from now. What’s a border dove like Lindsey Graham to do? Why, write a bill that would give DREAMers legal status under federal law, of course. Then the issue would be settled and there’d be nothing President Trump could do to take that status away.

Seems like a logical project for amnesty fans to take up in the lame-duck session. Except that … Graham’s not trying to get this done in the lame-duck. He’s expecting Trump to sign the bill into law next year. And really, he has no choice on the timing: It’s hard to imagine Mitch McConnell ramming an amnesty through for Barack Obama’s signature with a Republican successor just weeks away from taking office.[5]

This is the group that Trump is going to have to work with. He wasn’t supposed to win any primaries, but he did. He wasn’t supposed to win the nomination, but he did. He wasn’t supposed to win the election, but he did.
They say he would get done what he promised he would do. He’s already saved 1100 jobs and has brought investments to America that will bring tens of thousands of jobs to America. He’s only been president-elect for 30 days and he’s done more good for America than Obama has done for the last eight years. The Stock market was supposed to crash if he was elected. It’s been setting new highs on a daily basis. “Don’t fight the trend” is an often-used expression on Wall Street. It may be truer now than ever. Casting a dubious eye on what has amounted to a spectacular rise for equity markets since Donald Trump became president-elect in November is proving a costly enterprise.

Whether the advance for equities can sustain itself over the next month and into 2017 is anyone’s guess, but for now investors who have been reluctant to embrace the unabashed exuberance that has gripped stock investors ought over the past month are losing money.

Underscoring that point, four closely watched gauges of the health of the market ripped higher Wednesday to mark fresh closing highs, even as health-care stocks IBB, -2.94% were stumbling badly after Trump suggested that he may crack down on the pricing power some drugmakers wield.”[6]

We can only sit back and watch. In my opinion, our prospects are 1000% better than it would have been with Hillary. Just like the Democrats told us to give Obama a chance, they need to do the same with Trump. They might if they can give up their pacifiers, coloring books and safe spaces long enough to do what they demanded we do, work with Obama. We did and he failed miserably. But then he had never accomplished anything in his life prior to his political carrier. There could be no expectations of great things. Trump has accomplished many things and will outperform Obama probably before his first day in office.

Only Time will tell.

© 2016 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved


1. Paul Ryan’s First Major Act as Speaker of the House: Block Any Amendments to Flawed Refugee Resettlement Bill.
2. Paul Ryan’s Omnibus Funds Illegal Immigrants, Syrian Refugees.
3. Priebus, Ryan and McConnell rip Trump anti-Muslim proposal.
4. House Says No To Renewed Efforts To Impeach IRS Commissioner.
5. Lindsey Graham drafting bill to legalize DREAMers who are subject to Obama’s executive amnesty.
6. Trump rally has punished doubters as the stock market roars to all-time highs.

NPR guest says all Trump voters are racist

Attica Locke is another successful black woman who is an author-novelist and writer for the Fox drama Empire, who complains about the put-down of blacks by whites and stated on NPR that every Trump supporter is racist. That is a broad statement if there ever was one–double-entendre not intended. Meanwhile she lives in wealth with more privileges than most whites. Yep, she sure is mistreated.

This columnist takes her outrageous ramblings personally, and, according to, she suggested that it was the white people who put Trump over the top to barricade blacks from having any say in the election or their future.

When asked by NPR Morning Edition Anchor David Greene if African-Americans failed to turn out for Hillary Clinton, she snapped back: “God no! And I will daily stop that narrative! More white women showed for Donald Trump than showed up for Hillary. I wouldn’t say that any way black folks under-performed. So I would say that white race races over-performed.” How’s that again?

And, of course, everyone who criticizes Obama in any way for his treasonous sell out of our country is racist and that is the reason we dislike him. Sure….but that one word gives an excuse for their failures.

However here is the latest woman to take up the torch of racism. And this woman is not a failure but very successful.

It appears that blacks can never be satisfied no matter how much success they attain and constantly seek a way to be ‘offended.’ Pity, considering the professional talent that so many of them possess. They do not need excuses.

Since I take this misguided woman’s remarks personally, I will address the issue personally. I have been a friend of blacks all my life. In my younger years I worked with black children living in poverty in New York City to teach them performing arts skills and staged a public circus with them being performers. I worked in various settlement houses throughout the city.

For seven years I taught in the Warwick School for Boys upstate once a week, a reformatory, and had a hand in seeing lives totally turned around. Most of the inmates were black.

Have you seen the number of blacks in television commercials today? It is this columnist who made that happen.

Working as a writer in New York City for the weekly trade paper, Show Business, I took the editors’ place while he was out of the office. A news release came in the mail which I opened. The letter was from the black actress Ernestine McClenden. She mentioned that no black actors or actresses could be seen in television commercials and went on to point out that black consumers were numerous and needed to be recognized.

It was good that I was at the editor’s desk. That news released had been ignored by all trade publications. I did a compelling feature story on this issue, so compelling that things turned around immediately, first one or two blacks, then numerous black citizens were and are featured.

It is also to be noted that when I went to college in the early 2000’s (yes, I started in later years) a question came up about the “race” box on applications, meaning, black, white, Hispanic or ‘other.’

I suggested, just fill in the word, “human.” Yes the only race is the human race. And that stuck and is recognized today.

I have been a constant friend of blacks and totally resent Ms. Locke’s off-base assumptions. Indeed if she had any character at all, she would make a public apology and I mean it. Something else about me. I am colorblind…this means physically colorblind. So much so that I was rejected by the air force, and wound up in the army infantry instead. My wife pairs up my socks.

I only see shading. This morning I went to my new barber in the state where I now live. Following the cut, my wife asked what I thought about her orange hair. What? To me it looked simply bland. I could absolutely not see that her hair was orange.

So do not, ever lump all white people together as ‘born’ racists as blacks have viciously proclaimed. Yes, this made me mad.

Special message to Blacks: I see you all as beautiful talented people. There would be no race riots and division if we were left alone. We would all get along fine. But one man, George Soros, a billionaire communist who wants to cause division in this country by stirring up America, to weaken us, so we will not be able to fight with strength against the communist foes determined to knock us down and bring in Communist rule.

Soros has been irked that America is the ONLY country preventing a total One World Order under the red flag. And why is American the only country standing in its way? Because the majority of Americans are church going Christians and a Christian cannot be mentally enslaved.

Do not be ‘useful idiots,’ as Stalin described those who could be manipulated to do his dirty work. So even though you are being paid to to this, you will only be considered idiots by George Soros, a disciple of Stalin. You are not only losing respect by taking part in the riots with chaos, violence and looting. but also, you are causing your own stereotypes.

To see an in depth look at George Soros, see the story on my website. Here is the direct link to that informative story.

Please, whites and blacks, stop this madness. Let’s meet each other on the streets and offer a handshake and greetings even if it is someone you do not know. Let this become a habit. I do this already. Will anyone fall in line behind me?

Let’s close this up with something very funny regarding a re-written song, It’s The Most Wonderful Time in the year. Don’t be drinking coffee when you watch it. I did and wound up with coffee in my nose. Here is the YouTube link.


Photo Caption: Writer-Author Attica Locke

© 2016 Rev. Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

The murderous kleptocrat Fidel Catro is dead

The left was effusive with praise this week in the wake of the death of that brutal dictator Fidel Castro. “It wasn’t just liberal politicians who lavished praise.… Major newspapers, network television shows and celebrities also offered their adulation. But why is the political left so enamored with a man who killed more than 100,000 people, stifled basic rights and even canceled Christmas?…

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump pulled few punches in outlining his opin-ion of Castro’s reign.

“Today, the world marks the passing of a brutal dictator who oppressed his own people for nearly six decades. Fidel Castro’s legacy is one of firing squads, theft, unimaginable suffering, poverty and the denial of fundamental human rights,” stated Trump.

“While Cuba remains a totalitarian island, it is my hope that today marks a move away from the horrors endured for too long, and toward a future in which the wonderful Cuban people finally live in the freedom they so richly deserve,”

Many people don’t know that, “Prior to Castro, Cuba took in more immigrants as a percentage of population than the United States, including the Ellis Island years. Most of these immigrants came from the first world. More Americans lived in Cuba prior to Castro than Cubans lived in the U.S. And that was at a time when Cubans were perfectly free to leave.”

The Castro record pales in comparison.

“He took that prosperous and happy country that attracted immigrants from around the world and turned it into a place where 20 times as many people have died trying to escape it as died trying to escape East Germany.”
Anyone not on board with Fidel’s rule was ripe for execution, imprisonment or persecution.”[1]

Fidel was a Stalinist to the core turning a new page in the marxist mantra, ‘from each according to his ability to each according to his need.’ What this looked like in real time was “According to the scholars and researchers at the Cuba Archive, the Castro regime’s total death toll–from torture, prison beat-ings, firing squads, machine gunning of escapees, drownings, etc.–approaches 100,000. Cuba’s population in 1960 was 6.4 million. According to the human rights group Freedom House, 500,000 Cubans (young and old, male and female) have passed through Castro’s prison and forced-labor camps. This puts Fidel Castro political incarceration rate right up there with his hero Stalin’s.”[2]

In reality the marxist maxim is this ‘from each according to his ability to enrich the ruling elite who live in luxury while everyone else is ground to powder.’ What is Castro’s legacy? Suspension of human rights, no freedom to travel, speak, publish, read and see media, imprisonment, torture and summary executions, massive theft of everyone’s property and among other human rights violations, forcing one neighbor to spy on the other. That, is Fidel’s Legacy.

Castro was a murderous outlaw, a vicious torturer and as of this Friday he begins to receive a just reward for all of his evil. His wicked tyrannical rule raises this question what is human civil government for? Is it for the powerful thieving, murdering, torturing class of elites to abuse every human being they can sink their blood thirsty claws into? Or was human civil government de-signed by God for something good in this world? And in light of what God designed human civil government for, how much of the earnings and wealth of the citizens should the government take? Should they take 90% as FDR at-tempted to do? Or is 50% acceptable, or should something less than that be the norm? Join me in studying Exodus 35 and Exodus 30 for the answer.

Learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2016 Rev. David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

Tribute to John Glenn—a great but also good man

John Glenn, Boy Scout, Marine, Astronaut, Senator, Patriot, was a great American hero, and also that very rare being: A great man who was also a good man, a humble man, a man who went to the heavens not only in a space ship, but in his heart, with an abiding faith in God.

There are many many tributes to John Glenn on his passing at age 95 on Dec. 8, 2016, for his heroic achievements. But for me, what struck me was a story I read years ago in the book “Right Stuff” about the Apollo Astronauts. The very “down to earth” story about Glenn, as a man, as a husband, went like this:

Then Vice President Lyndon Johnson decided that a great publicity opportunity presented itself should Johnson go to Glenn’s home to comfort Mrs. Glenn while John was off on astronaut duty with the whole country watching in anticipation. So, Johnson arrived in his limousine and his entourage, including media, at the Glenn home.

John’s wife, however, was very shy, including about a stutter in her speech, and did not want to have to participate in any media event. So, she wouldn’t let Vice President Johnson in. Instead, she locked the door and telephoned John, informing him of what was going on and that it distressed her.

John Glenn, whom the media dubbed “the Boy Scout among the Apollo Astronauts,” knew, of course, that embarrassing the Vice President could mean the end of Glenn’s Astronaut career. So, what did Glenn do? He stood up for his wife, no matter the risk of outraging Vice President Johnson and ending John’s career. John told his wife not to let Johnson in, and went on to raise holy hell that Johnson would do what he did to the distress of Mrs. Glenn, which would not be tolerated even if Johnson was Vice President.

John Glenn had incredible courage, indeed — from sitting alone atop the Apollo when there was a very high risk that he might die at any moment from an explosion at blastoff (one in four attempts failed), in Space, or coming home. But he also had the courage, the manly chivalry, to stand up in defense of his wife, even though the offender was the Vice President of the U.S. who had the power to end Glenn’s career in a peeve.

So, Mrs. Glenn remained inside behind her locked door as the uninvited visitor, VP Lyndon Johnson, sat outside stewing in embarrassment as the Boy Scout, Marine, Astronaut, American Hero — the “Man,” John Glenn, would not retreat. “What a man,” as used to be said of such men as John Glenn “back in the day” before the Feminist Movement emasculation of American males.

John Glenn survived his Apollo flight, the first American to orbit the earth in space, and survived his face-down with the Vice President of the U.S. in defense of his wife’s right to choose with whom to speak, when, and how. That was perhaps a “little thing,” a small act in the scope of all that John Glenn did in a magnificent, honorable, heroic life, including returning to outer space at the age of 77. But that “little thing,” standing up for his wife no matter the risk to his career, meant a lot to me when I first read it, and now, about what kind of man John Glenn was. That love, that marriage of the Glenns, lasted seventy (70) years by the time of John Glenn’s death.

John Glenn was an extraordinary American hero, but he was also what American men used to want to be, and were: First and foremost– “A Protector.” Males willing to do what is necessary to protect others, including females, no matter the consequences (and no matter the shrieks and howls of the politically correct elitists and the feminists i.e., female supremacists perpetually aggrieved by manliness).

John Glenn, a great man who was also a good man, a humble hero, said his historic Apollo flight into space, while a great scientific achievement, made his faith in God stronger, not weaker. May the God John Glenn served now embrace and keep him; may the country which he served always honor and never forget him. Godspeed, John Glenn. Godspeed.

© 2016 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

Roger Stone: Donald Trump and the politics of marijuana

One of the most controversial decisions a President Trump will have to make is whether to continue the federal stand-down by the us Justice department in which DOJ does not enforce federal marijuana laws where they contradict state laws legalizing the legal use and sale of marijuana in the 37 states where it is currently legal in some form. Although he has a long standing personal opposition to drug use Trump has also expressed support for the medicinal use of marijuana in the states where it is legal.

Canceling the order by Obama attorney general Eric Holder to stand down on Marijuana would cause a major dislocation in multiple states that are currently budgeting millions in state revenue from the taxation of marijuana and un-employing hundreds of thousands of people currently working in an industry legalized by the states. I would urge President-Elect Trump to view this as a business man; U.S. government cannot turn back the clock on federal marijuana law enforcement.

Just over one year ago, on November 23, 2016, GQ Magazine published a video interview of Donald J. Trump while he was campaigning for POTUS. In this interview, he was asked his opinion about legalized marijuana, to which he answered “Legalized marijuana is always a difficult question . . . for medicinal purposes, for medical purposes, absolutely, it’s fine.”

A month before, on October 29, 2015, then Candidate Trump told the Washington Post: “In terms of marijuana and legalization, I think that should be a state issue, state-by-state. Marijuana is such a big thing. I think medical should. And then I really believe we should leave it up to the states. And of course, you have Colorado. There’s a question as to how it’s all working out there, you know? That’s not going exactly trouble-free.”

While many Internet sources say that sometime in 1990, the Sarasota Herald Tribune published an article that Donald J. Trump said the War on Drugs was a joke, this researcher has found that what actually occurred was on April 14, 1990, at a Company of the Year Award luncheon, sponsored by the Sarasota Herald Tribune for their annual prize announcement, Donald J. Trump was invited to speak. Trump said he thought the Drug Enforcement Agency efficacy was a joke, and that “we’re losing badly in the war on drugs … you have to take the profit away from these drug czars … tax revenues from a legalized drug trade could be spent to educate the public on the dangers of drugs.” Portugal tried this model in 2001, and it is considered a great success by the Portuguese more than fifteen years later.

While Donald Trump is on record at the 2015 CPAC making a statement about recreational marijuana, “I say it’s bad. Medical marijuana is another thing, but I think it’s bad, and I feel strongly about it.” Donald was speaking to Conservatives, and while that might have been the reasoning behind making such a marked change of direction from his position in the 1990’s, his position on Medical Marijuana, even in the face of these same Conservatives, remains unchanged.

During the same election that won Trump the Presidency, there was another vote on the Florida ballot. Amendment 2 passed with an overwhelming majority, with more than 71% of the States votes, on the Left and the Right, approving of Medical Marijuana. This is a far higher percentage of the population than voted for Donald Trump, which reported by the State of Florida, stands at just over 49%.

Florida was not alone, as California, Nevada, and Massachusetts approved of recreational marijuana, and North Dakota and Arkansas passing their own Medical Marijuana provisions.

All told, twenty-eight States and Washington D.C. now have legalized Medical Marijuana. A clear majority of States and population are for it, nationwide.

A great many pro-marijuana organizations, publications, and Internet outlets put their support behind Donald Trump based on his positive statements about Medical Marijuana. People who have marijuana rights as their primary political issue turned to Trump, many against long time party affiliation, in hopes of greater freedom and less abuse at the hands of Federal Agencies.

If, after winning the election, Donald Trump listens to the likes of Chris Christie and Jeff Sessions he risks alienating his base and his newly won supporters in a very tangible way. Both Sessions and Christie come from ‘Old World’ War on Drugs thinking.

Criminalized Marijuana has directly lead to the persecution of countless individuals, the vast majority of whom are poor and minorities. That this was the desired result of the designers of the system of criminalization cannot be reasonable doubted.

“Laws to suppress tend to strengthen what they would prohibit. This is the fine point on which all legal professions throughout history have based their jobs security.” —Frank Herbert

We cannot leave it to ‘Law Enforcement’ types to decide what is to be allowed and what is to be prohibited. The People must decide for themselves, and they have decided. Overwhelmingly so. They have decided they want legalized marijuana.

“If the people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.” —Thomas Jefferson

Drain the Swamp. Limit Federal Power. Reel-in out-of-control Alphabet Soup agencies. Return respect for law. These are all things Donald Trump made as major issues for his campaign platform.

“The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced.” —Albert Einstein

A precipitous move by the Trump administration to change the equation on legal marijuana in the states could in fact bring action by congress where a coalition of liberal Democrats and libertarian republicans are moving towards legislation to legalize the plant.

© 2016 Roger Stone – All Rights Reserved

Tangled webs: Google, Microsoft, Facebook and the internet giveaway

The use of lies and deception has been a standard tool of the trade for over a century by the government and their willing and/or unwilling stooges in the main stream media.[1] A few examples include Newspaper owners William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer, with the unspoken blessings of US President, William McKinley, spreading lies to stir up the masses enough to start a war with Spain.[2] This allowed McKinley to start an American empire by taking over the Philippines, Guam, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico at the close of the 19th century. In the following decades, the media has obediently followed along coving up such things as the fraudulent Gulf of Tonkin [3] incident, the governmental attack on the Branch Davidians, [4] 9/11, [5] and the Obamacare fiasco. [6] In spite of the lies and distortions presented by the government then spread by an obedient media, there were still some journalists who were doing their job by reporting the truth.

In 1983, fifty companies controlled 90% of the American media, today it is just six multinational corporations.[7] They are Viacom, Comcast, Time-Warner, Disney, CBS, and News Corp and these companies are working very hard to make sure that the news you hear is the news they and the government want you to hear. From the anti-Muslim video that “caused” the killing of four Americans at Benghazi, [8] lying about the state of the economy before the 2008 meltdown, [9] to the massive push to promote Obamacare, [10] the main stream media is relentless in pushing the government/corporatist agenda to its audience. This control is the dream of every tyrannical state in history and the US government has almost achieved it.

Only, they have, like the American Army in the WWII Battle of Arnhem, [11] pushed their power too far and too fast causing the American people to no longer trust the main stream media. In the spring of 2016, a major poll was conducted by the Media Insight Project, a partnership of The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and the American Press Institute; they found that just 6% [12] of those polled have confidence in the main stream media for news. The bias and outright lies have become so bad that even a 30 year insider like Sharyl Attkisson [13] commented on it: “There is unprecedented, I believe, influence on the media, not just the news, but the images you see everywhere. By well-orchestrated and financed campaign of special interests, political interests and corporations. I think all of that comes into play.”

“ICANN is arguably the single most powerful institution in the world” —Jeff Baron [14]

In every format, the main stream media is losing patrons. From failing newspapers to falling television ratings, the old model is dying because of the internet. The Internet has become the primary source for information for a huge percentage of Americans today. In fact, in the last 25 years the internet has transformed the world. It has completely revamped the way people do business, communicate, purchase household goods, plan vacations, find friends, look up information and just about every human activity imaginable. Since it first became available for average Americans, the internet has been a way to find information the elites did not want exposed and they have been looking to shut down that freedom of information for years. Subsequently with the support of numerous multinational corporations like Microsoft, Google, Dell, Yahoo, Amazon, and Facebook along with the blessing from globalist mouth pieces like the Council on Foreign Relations, the LA Times, NBC, the International Chamber of Commerce and Human Rights Watch, President Obama failed to renew the contract with ICANN [15] effectively giving the control over the internet to a private company.

That company is ICANN [16] (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) and it is a CA based nonprofit corporation. In 1998, the Commerce Department began contracting with ICANN, to take over management of IANA (The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) and the internet’s domain name system. The US Commerce Department has, for the most part, let ICANN govern itself, but it maintained the authority to pull the nonprofit’s contract. In essence ICANN records the numbers (easier for computers to use) using words (easier for humans to use) through DNS.

Domain name system (DNS) is basically a directory for internet-connected devices that helps translate domain names to numerical IP addresses. Without DNS it is difficult for people to access websites as it requires remembering large numbers of IP address, a series of numbers such as “”. So President Obama just ceded power over the allocation of domain names from to your church’s website without the consent of Congress [17] and over the objections of millions of American citizens.

Those supporting the transfer are quick to report that there is nothing to fear from this transfer, after all ICANN is a “private” company under a global multi-stakeholder group to oversee its Board of Directors. What can possibly go wrong with the internet in the hands of a “private” [18] company? Plenty. [19]

ICANN is first and foremost, a complete monopoly. [20] It has exclusive rights to allow and renew [21] domain names and that is a power it has not always been used benevolently. It also has complete control over how much to charge for a top level domain such as .com, .net, .biz and several times in the past, it has abused [22] those powers. For instance it allowed a top level domain named .sucks to be purchased by the company Vox Populi which charges $2,500 to protect a company’s or individuals name from being purchased and slandered with a sucks [23] after it, then failed to rein the company in when it was running an extortion operation. ICANN has also been accused numerous times of siding with those who have the most to pay its fees and since it costs over a million dollars to have ICANN officially look into a complaint, not many decisions are overturned.

Another troubling aspect of ICANN is that ICANN has made a fortune off of its rapidly expanding list of Generic Top Level Domain Names (gTLDs). Names like .lawyer; .google; .africa are going for at least $200,000 each and then annual fees. The .web domain brought $135,000,000 [24] into their coffers giving them not only a complete monopoly on issuing domains but the means to create a very monopolistic self-supporting group of elites.

Amazon, [25] the giant online retailer, applied to register the gTLD .amazon. ICANN has written limitations that govern the sale of a domain name but since the name .amazon does not fall, into any of the categories that are forbidden there should have no problems with Amazon’s request. Only there was, the South American countries of Brazil and Peru, through the interest group Government Advisory Committee (GAC), declared this application to be illegal, based on the fact that the Amazon River is a geographical area inhabited by some 30million people. ICANN sided with the governments proving that the advantage of being a monopoly is that you get to make up rules as you go along. Amazon is now in the process of suing [26] ICANN over the matter.

The exact same thing happened to the sports company called Patagonia [27] when it filed for the .patagonia domain. The governments of Argentina and Chile objected and ICANN decided against selling the name to the company. This trend shows that not only are rules made to be broken but governments are meant to be appeased. This pattern is more than disturbing considering that since 1998, nations that routinely censor the internet of their citizens including Russia, China, Iran and Saudi Arabia have pushed extremely hard to place the functions of ICANN under the control of the U.N.’s Russian dominated International Telecommunications Union (ITU) [28] and President Obama may very well have just handed them their chance.

For, as stated above, ICANN holds a COMPLETE monopoly over the World Wide Web root zone and complete monopolies in private hands are illegal in most of the world. When operating under contract with the Commerce Department, ICANN becomes a legal monopolist as it becomes a “instrumentality” of government.

As L. Gordon Crovitz points out in his article [29] “U.S. Surrender: Internet Giveaway to the U.N.?,” once ICANN became independent, they lost that umbrella of US Government protection leaving them open to legal challenges from every despotic government on earth looking to force them under the control of the United Nations. Hence President Obama, in another case of “if you want your doctor, you can keep your doctor,” [30] simply lied again when he pledged that ICANN would not replace U.S. control for a “government-led or an inter-governmental organization solution.” This fact is verified on 10/14/16 When Obama gave a speech in Pittsburg, [31] PA in which he glorified the days of the three major networks delivering the news that most people trusted.

Obama went on to say “We are going to have to rebuild within this wild-wild-west-of-information [32] flow some sort of curating function that people agree to. There has to be, I think, some sort of way in which we can sort through information that passes some basic truthiness tests and those that we have to discard, because they just don’t have any basis in anything that’s actually happening in the world,” Obama added.

“That is hard to do, but I think it’s going to be necessary, it’s going to be possible. The answer is obviously not censorship, but it’s creating places where people can say ‘this is reliable’ and I’m still able to argue safely about facts and what we should do about it.” he added.

There should be no longer any doubt as to why Obama went against Congress and the people to give away the internet; we can no longer have the “wild-wild-west-of-information flow” out there to inform the people of what is really going on in the world.

German Chancellor Merkel, [33] speaking at a press conference with out-going President Obama on 11-17-16, reinforced what ship we will soon see coming to the internet port; censorship. She christened the surge of populist or right wing politics as a “wave that engulfs us that emanates from the United States.” [34]

“Look at the European parliament. There are a lot of people who are looking for simplistic solutions and are preaching simplistic solutions which are very unfriendly policies. We have them here in Europe; too, we have them in Germany too.”

“Digitization is a disruptive technological force that brings about deep-seated change and transformation in society. Look at the history of the printing press, when this was invented what kind of consequences it had, or industrialization, what consequences that had.”

“Very often, it led to enormous transformational processes within individual societies and it took a while until societies learned to find the right kinds of policies to contain this, to manage and steer this. We live in a period of profound transformation.”

Directing her ire against the Germans who are angered with her flooding Germany with Muslim invaders and massive job loss, she lashed out against PEGIDA, the anti-mass migration and counter-Islamisation movement, repeating their slogan: ‘Wir Sind Das Volk’ — ‘We Are The People’ — the chancellor said:

“The most important and noble task of politicians these days is to see that each and every person can find his place. But those who purportedly belong to certain groups say ‘we are the people, and not others’.”

In another of those frequent ironies so often dumped on the citizens, Merkel, a former (?) East German communist, now says of PEGIDA:

“At the time when we had [this saying] in the GDR [East Germany] when the people stood in the streets and said ‘we are the people’ it filled me with great joy, but the fact these people have hijacked it does not fill me with joy.”

How long will it be before other world leaders join Ms. Merkel and president Obama in demanding web censorship? Certainly foreign media is now calling for it as Germany’s Zeit newspaper published a piece calling for controls to prevent “a German Donald Trump”, while Britain’s Independent former newspaper website published a list of “fake” news sites which they claimed may have “swayed votes towards Donald Trump”. Even the British news outlet “The Guardian” is in on the fake news bandwagon. That list is the same list being circulated by Google and Facebook.

Consequently, now, the very instrument that has become the great equalizing force against corporatism/globalism’s control over the main stream media might now become just another weapon in their arsenal of global censorship. Unfortunately, it is only one of several ways the internet is being manipulated for corporatist/governmental advantage. One only needs to look at the two most popular search engines and the most popular social media site to see complete censorship in action. [35]

What kind of drug does one have to take to believe Microsoft is a friend? —Dr. Roy Schestowitz [36]

Google, Bing and Facebook have an unbroken record of suppressing sites, postings and searches that don’t follow their world view. Of the three, Bing is certainly the smallest but being part of Microsoft, perhaps they try harder. Bing claims to be neutral and in fact, the subscriber can set the search engine to their own preference of conservative; liberal; Christian; etc. so how can they be biased? Well the Bing [37] headline on August 16, 2016 for the conservative bias setting in Bing featured three negative Trump articles:

– Donald Trump plots strategy on ISIS — and campaign revival (CNN)
– Analysis: Making Sense of Donald Trump’s Disjointed Foreign Policy Pitch (NBC News)
– Early Voting Limits Donald Trump’s Time to Turn Campaign Around (New York Times)

The first headline implies Trump’s campaign had stalled and needs revival. The second inferred Trump’s foreign policy was chaotic and the third noted that the early vote will give Hillary such a lead that discouraged Trump supporters won’t vote. Microsoft, [38] donated $650,000 to the Hillary Clinton campaign and both Bill and Melinda Gates [39] were considered as possible Vice Presidential running mates for her Presidential campaign.

This is the Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, whose obsession with globalism [40] and censorship [41] is well known and on Sept. 20, 2016 at a conference in Vancouver, B.C. he openly stated that opposition to globalism is “a huge concern,” [42)] and says the underlying issues of resistance to it warrant a close examination. This is the same Bill Gates that along with Steve Ballmer (Microsoft CEO) spoke at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland [43] in early 2015 on the critical need for immigration and more H-1B (44] visas because of a shortage of high tech workers, and then laid off some 18,000 American high tech workers. [45]

In 2010, China demanded that Google and Microsoft censor the results of their search engines in China. Google resisted but Microsoft was more than willing to go along. Bill Gates even criticized Google’s decision to uncensor their search engine in China by saying “You’ve got to decide: do you want to obey the laws of the countries you’re in or not? If not, you may not end up doing business there.” Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer then said “If the Chinese government gives us proper legal notice, we’ll take that piece of information out of the Bing search engine.” Chinese President Xi Jinping [46] also stopped in for dinner at Bill Gates house in September of 2015 before meeting with the heads of Microsoft, Google and Facebook amongst other business leaders.

So great is the Bing Censorship of China that the Chinese Web anti-censorship monitoring service has gone to great lengths to show that Bing censors content in China even more than the Chinese State owned search engine “Baidu” [47] does. But don’t worry; Microsoft’s support of the ICANN was completely in the name of a “free” internet.

Privacy is no longer a “social norm.” [48] —Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook is just as bad. In addition to being an outspoken advocate of globalism and a liberal, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is the controlling force behind the most powerful social media platform ever created. Facebook controls the global dialogue used by over a billion people with an invisible touch that is unprecedented. Almost two-thirds of American adults get news from social media, with 44% of them getting their news from Facebook alone. This means Facebook’s algorithms dominate the information of almost half the American public. As Gizmodo’s Michael Nuñez puts it, “with Facebook, we don’t know what we’re not seeing.” And he controls that platform with an iron grip.

Facebook has conducted numerous studies to better understand how information spreads in a social network. For instance, in 2010 Facebook conducted a secret experiment on 61 million unknowing people by tampering with their news feeds to find out how successfully it could manipulate the real-world voting habits of those people. Later, Facebook released the findings and claimed that they increased voter turnout by more than 340,000 people. Facebook regularly skews the news it posts; in 2012 it manipulated the feeds on 700,000 people without their consent to make them feel sad and then published the results in the respected (?) scientific journal “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.” The results showed fairly conclusively that Facebook had found the key to intentionally influencing people’s emotions. That year they did the same type of experiment on 1.9 million people to influence the US election. In 2014 Facebook used the rainbow flag as another experiment to get people to be more accepting of same-sex marriage.

Facebook has made an empire of selling information about every person they can. It openly manipulates the feeds and posts they allow on Facebook and the posts people are allowed to place for other members of Facebook. Facebook is now “reluctantly” being “forced” to manipulate their algorithm to crack down on “fake” news being posted on Facebook. Though this sounds like a noble goal, the potential for censorship is unmistakable, especially when one looks at the list of websites they plan on censoring. The sites Facebook and Google are going to censor as “fake” was created by a self-proclaimed feminist assistant professor at Merrimack College who did not like the sites her students citing in their research papers. Sites like Breitbart; Realfarmacy; Lew Rockwell; Zerohedge; and World Net Daily. Though all have posted articles that have proven to be false, Facebook has no problem with posting articles from even less reliable news site like USA Today; MSNBC; CNN; BBC and the New York Times. Google is now planning on using this same list to censor content. It does not take a rocket scientist to see where this censorship is headed.

“We know where you are. We know where you’ve been. We can more or less know what you’re thinking about.” —Eric Schmidt

The last of the big three masters of manipulation is Google, and they are arguably the biggest of the bunch. Google CEO Eric Schmidt is about as open with his liberal bias as one could ever be. The Bilderberg attendee bankrolled a startup company called “The Groundwork” to provide technical experts Hillary Clinton needed to run her campaign. Schmidt was instrumental in getting Barack Obama elected both times as he was the main supplier of technical experts for all three campaigns.

Technology is right up Schmidt’s alley as Google is the defacto gateway to information. Google averages some 40,000 search queries every second equaling over 3.5 billion searches per day and 1.2 trillion searches per year worldwide. Google conducts over 64% of all internet searches in the US and over 90% in some countries. Google has indexed some 45 billion web pages while Bing, its closest competitor has only 14 billion.

Of course the 45 billion web pages are only part of the Schmidt plan to control everything on earth. Schmidt has stated that privacy is an excuse to hide wrongdoing: “If you have something that you don’t want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place.”

In his plan to deprive you of your privacy, Schmidt has employed some of the world’s top technocrats to find ever more powerful ways to pry into every corner of your life since Google’s business is, literally, mass surveillance, and they have become amazingly good at it.

They are also a contractor to the US Government, including the NSA and several military contractors as well. When Edward Snowden revealed to the world the unimaginable world of government spying on US citizens, he also revealed that the NSA has direct access to the information stored on Google’s computers as they do to Facebook, Twitter, Bing and every other company storing online information on you.

In a US News and World Report article published on 6/22/16, contributor Robert Epstein wrote an extremely troubling article on just how powerful Google is. According to Epstein “When Google’s employees or algorithms decide to block our access to information about a news item, political candidate or business, it causes opinions and votes to shift, reputations to be ruined and businesses to crash and burn. Because online censorship is entirely unregulated at the moment, victims have little or no recourse when they have been harmed.”

Epstein then exposes blacklists that Google wields like Jack the Ripper did his knives with the first being the autocomplete blacklist. This one is simple enough; it quietly guides the searcher to where the company wants you to go. From directing away from negative articles on Hillary Clinton to pointing to negative articles on Donald Trump, there is little doubt that Google had a large impact on the recent US election. In any search you make, the algorithm is your spiritual guide.

Google maps is a stalker’s dream showing just about every house and area in the US and huge sections of the world. They did not ask for permission to film your house, they just did it. Military installations and a few other places are excluded but chances are, your house is there.

Google’s You Tube blacklist allows users to tag certain clips as inappropriate and Google’s censors may or may not remove them. However, You Tube is notorious for removing politically and morally conservative videos on a regular basis while never doing the same to liberal videos. They are also willing to work with foreign governments to determine which videos will be allowed to be shown in the country.

The Google account blacklist can cut people’s access to their own email account as well as You Tube and other Google products without any notice or recourse.

The Google News blacklist is insidious in every way. They are the biggest news aggregator on the planet, tracking tens of thousands of news sources daily and converting them to numerous languages. They have been accused on numerous occasions of excluding conservative news feeds as well as certain writers and competing companies. This is an incredibly powerful and nearly unnoticeable tool to promote political, moral and/or religious agenda.

Google Adwords blacklist is how Google gets the lion’s share of its money (some $56 billion annually) by selling keywords to the highest bidders. These keywords are how the website is found by searchers so if your site does not have them, you are going to sink. On numerous occasions, Google has simply deleted those keywords on sites effectively making them invisible and financially crushing them.

The search engine blacklist is a make or break situation for many web pages. Google, for many unknown reasons will push web page down the list of rankings effectively ruining many businesses in a very short time.

The power to “blacklist” a site is Google’s most dreaded weapon however. Google claims this power is to keep the internet free from malicious malware which, they claim is a public service. The problems with this argument are many however. Google’s crawlers often make mistakes, blacklisting websites that do not contain malware.

Because of how extensively Google crawls the web, all the other main search engines use their “blacklist” which means that once on the list, the site is effectively cut off from public access. Google has used this power on numerous occasions on people they do not like. Google even profits from this arrangement as they collect information from every user that accesses Google’s results and then sells it. Google has, for all intents and purposes, become the internet police man and they use this power to further their globalist agenda on a regular basis and it is now supporting the same list of “fake” news sites that the British Independent and Facebook are touting.

Google, Microsoft and Facebook have all three censored users on the behest of world governments and all three; have consistently censored users for no apparent reason. They, along with Twitter (another social media monster) sided with Obama to give away America’s right the control the internet.

“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” —Voltaire

Tragically, the US now finds every purveyor of media has been compromised and censored by those with globalist views. Once ICANN loses its independence to the UN, the corporatist/governmental takeover will be complete.

Controlling access to information is every tyrant’s dream and our government is no different. The main stream media did a masterful job of concealing the 2008 economic meltdown from the masses just like they have the corruption of Hillary Clinton; the imploding Deutsche Bank; the growing threat of nuclear war with Russia; the threat of an EMP from North Korea and now the escalating violence of the Clinton supporters after the election of Donald Trump. It was only the access of the people to alternative news sites that alerted and continue to alert those willing to listen to truth that news of these events get out at all.

With a growing population of closed minded bigots unwilling to even listen to opposing opinions or facts, the US is slowly returning to the Dark Ages with only a few sources controlling access to information. Freedom loving people everywhere should all be asking themselves why this particular time was chosen for Obama to open the door for the UN takeover of an already censored internet. It is past time to look into a ham radio and other forms of communication that cannot be controlled by the elites. Here in the Pacific Northwest we have an excellent source for information called the “Radio Free Redoubt.” Time is of the essence as the days of the open internet are coming to a rapid close.

“Hell is truth seen too late.” —Thomas Hobbes – Leviathan

Additional Reading:

 Cortana: The spy in Windows 10
 Google Is Burying Negative Search Suggestions For Hillary Clinton, New Study Shows
 Google to Bias Search Engine Based on ‘Facts’
 Google will soon ban fake news sites from using its ad network
 Google is Liberal and Biased
 7,000 Sources or just a few favorites
 Analyzing the Google bias
 Why we should care about Facebook and Google’s political bias
 How Google Skewed Search Results
 You Think Google Wight be Biased?
 Ban on “Fake News:” What is Fake News?
 ICANN’s War on Whois Privacy
 ICANN Can Be Fixed
 ICANN faces first post-transmission test of U.N. power
 Obama Admin Wants To Surrender US Control Over Internet To Global Bureaucracy
 FCC Commissioner Hits Back at Internet Handover Proponents
 Internet giveaway day? US gov’t relinquishes control of web’s ‘address book’
 U.S. to relinquish remaining control over the Internet
 Please Stop Sharing These Sites:
 Fake news sites, deceptive memes, and the rise of post truth politics
 Liberal News, Conservative News and Fake News
 False, Misleading, Clickbait-y, and/or Satirical “News” Sources
 List of Fake News Websites
 Two-thirds of the world’s internet users live under government censorship: report
 Donuts Inc.’s major play for new Web domain names raises eyebrows
 Not Obama’s to Give Away
 Clinton’s Russian roulette
 *BREAKING* Anti-Trump Globalist Zuckerberg Weaponizing Facebook to Influence 2016 Election
 Facebook admits human role in news operation but denies left wing bias


1. Why the Media Lies So Much
2. Selling Empire: American Propaganda and War in the Philippines
3. 5 Times When The Mainstream Media “Created Fake News”… And People Died As A Result
4. Waco, Texas: Where A Part Of America’s Heart And Soul Died.
5. The Great 9/11 Cover-up
6. ABC, NBC Ignore All Obamacare Failures in 2016, CBS Barely Covers
7. Six Corporations Control 90% of American Media
8. Hillary’s Worst Crime Was Against the ‘Filmmaker’
9. The media and the financial crisis: Journalism failed
10. The Great ObamaCare Failure Our Corrupt Media Can’t Talk About
11. Animated Map: The Battle of Arnhem
12. Just 6% of the People
13. Former CBS Reporter: ‘I Was Called a Troublemaker for Pursuing Benghazi’
14. Obama Admin Wants To Surrender US Control Over Internet To Global Bureaucracy
15. Statements in Support of the IANA Stewardship Transition
16. What Does ICANN Do?
17. Critics fear censorship as Obama hands control of internet to multi-national body
18. Here’s Why We Should Go through the IANA Transition
19. US to Hand Over Internet’s Naming System, But Is ICANN Ready for Transition?
20. U.S. Surrender: Internet Giveaway to the U.N.?
21. Governing Cyberspace: ICANN, a Controversial Internet Standards Body
22. In Congressional Hearing, Stakeholders Highlight ICANN’s Failures and Need for Reform
23. ICANN reports .sucks to the FTC over “predatory” pricing
24. ICANN Transition is Premature
25. ICANN’s Amazon Problem
26. Amazon files appeal on rejected .amazon domain
27. Governments kill off Patagonia’s dot-brand bid
28. US hands internet control over to ICANN
29. Stop Obama’s Internet Giveaway
30. Lie of the Year: ‘If you like your health care plan, you can keep it’
31. Obama: We Have to Change ‘Wild West’ Media Landscape
32. Obama Says He Wants To Change The Free Flow Of Information
33. Merkel With Obama: Internet ‘Disruptive’ Force that Has to Be ‘Contained, Managed, and Steered’ by Government
34. Obama Merkel – Internet Censorship Will Control Middle Class Rebellion
35. Obama, Merkel Blame Social Media for Being Politically Disruptive
36. Microsoft is Still an Evil Company, Don’t Believe the Reputation Laundering ‘Campaigners’
37. Liberal Media Bias
38. How Bing Search Engine Plays Politics in Election 2016
39. Tim Cook and Bill Gates Might Have Been on Hillary Clinton’s Vice President List
40. Gates Foundation accused of ‘dangerously skewing’ aid priorities by promoting ‘corporate globalization’
41. Web censorship in China? Not a problem, says Bill Gates
42. Bill Gates: Voter opposition to globalization is ‘a huge concern’ — and a wake-up call
43. Bill Gates says in order to keep talent in America the country must overhaul ‘perverse’ immigration laws
44. Soros & Fellow Billionaires for Open Borders Lobby GOP on Amnesty
45. Microsoft Lays Off Thousands While Demanding More H1-B Visas
46. Xi Jinping in Seattle to meet with CEOs of Apple, Microsoft and other tech giants
47. New research claims that Microsoft’s Bing censors heavily within China, even more so than Baidu
48. Is Facebook Trying to Turn you Into a Globalist?
49. The end of Trump’: How Facebook deepens millennials’ confirmation bias
50. Zuckerberg proves he is Facebook’s editor by allowing Trump’s hate speech.
51. Will Facebook Replace the News?
52. Facebook is a Media Company, Treat it as One
53. 61 million person experiment in social influence
54. Facebook Deliberately Experimented on Your Emotions
55. Facebook wants you to vote.
56. Did YOU change your Facebook picture to a rainbow?
57. Meet leftist prof who wrote ‘hit list’ of ‘fake’ news sites
58. Facebook Censorship
59. How Facebook Censors your posts
60. Facebook to crack down on spread of misinformation
61. The Top Ten Things We Can’t Believe Eric Schmidt Ever Said
62. Of Course Facebook Is Biased. That’s How Tech Works Today
63. Wikileaks: Google’s Eric Schmidt Planning Hillary’s Campaign Since 2014
64. The Groundwork
65. Google defends its search engine against bias it favors Clinton
66. Eric Schmidt Dismisses Movie Driven Fear of AI
67. Google Search Statistics
68. Search Engine Ratings
69. Google’s power of censorship: who controls the controllers of the internet?
70. Google controls what we buy, the news we read — and Obama’s policies
71. The new mind control
72. The NSA’s Bulk Collection Is Over, but Google and Facebook Are Still in the Data Business
73. The New Censorship
74. NSA Prism program taps in to user data of Apple, Google and others
75. You’re a Criminal in a Mass Surveillance World – How to Not Get Caught
76. Radio Free Redoubt

© 2016 – Steven Neill – All Rights Reserved

We’re with you President Trump, Louisiana here we come

During his amazing speech at his Thank You USA Rally, president elect Trump said what Americans have been desperately longing to hear since the day mega-millions cast their vote for Obama.

“For too long Washington has tried to put us in boxes. They separate us by race, by age, by income, by geography, by place of birth. We spend too much time focusing on what divides us. Now is the time to embrace the one thing that truly unites us. You know what that is? America!”

Imagine the awesome impact of these unifying words had they come out of the mouth of Obama 8 years ago, America’s first black president.

As a black man who despises the Left’s on-going campaign to keep Americans divided into supposed victimized voting blocs, Trump’s words were beautiful music to my ears.

President Trump also humbly said We the People are the movement and that he is only the messenger. Trump called upon us to help him make America great again; make America first.

I am with you Mr President. My Conservative Campaign Committee is on our way to Louisiana. The Left is desperately trying to deceive Americans into believing Trump does not have a mandate to hit-the-brakes and turn America’s bus around from continuing down Obama’s road to making America last. Therefore, Democrat’s have pumped over $2 million into the December 10th U.S. Senate Louisiana runoff race between Republican John N. Kennedy and Democrat leftist-radical Obama minion Foster Campbell.

The mission our CCC team has chosen to accept is to go into Louisiana and secure a rock-solid in-your-face victory for Kennedy. Thus, Kennedy’s strong victory will help thwart the Left’s lie that Trump does not have a mandate. Any help you can give us would be awesome; phone-from-home and etc. The election is less than a week a way.

Oh, our CCC team also plans to enjoy some great Louisiana gumbo.

“I’m melting!” cried the Wicked Witch after Dorothy threw a bucket of water on her. It appears buckets of millions of anti-Hillary pro-Trump votes have not been able to destroy America’s Wicked Witch of the West, Hillary Clinton. This deplorable woman simply will not go away.

While Jill Stein is the public face of the 3 state recount scheme to steal the election from We the People, Hillary is behind it. Leaving no unprecedented conniving stone un-turned to thwart the will of voters, Wicked Witch Hillary has implemented, “Operation Rub-Out the Electors.” Her people sent threatening letters to electors trying to bully them to go against the will of voters in their states by not voting for Trump on December 19th. Imagine Wicked Witch Hillary’s behind closed-doors temper tandem, “Screw you voters, I’m taking this @%&#@*% election!”

Hillary’s delusional plots to overturn the election are also about branding Trump’s victory illegitimate; furthering the Left’s lie that Trump does not have a mandate. And may I say the Left is pulling out all the stops to destroy/undermine Trump’s presidency even before the man is inaugurated. You can not turn on your TV without being bombarded with a tsunami of news shows attacking Trump, putting a negative spin on his character, decisions and intellect.

This is the same media that gave Bill Clinton a pass, claiming any president offered oral sex from an intern would have gleefully accepted it. The same media that had no problem with Obama lying to Americans about keeping their doctor and giving our enemy $150 billion to fund terrorism. The same media that could not care less about Hillary’s documented lies, multiple crimes and scandals.

Wacko black Democrat talking head operative Symone Sanders was on TV claiming Trump saying “make America great again” is racist, taking us back to slavery. This woman is insane. She is spewing the absurd crap from the Left we have been putting up with for 8 years.

Meanwhile, political brainy-acs on both sides still do not understand why We the People excitedly rallied behind alpha-male Trump. All we wanted was a leader with the courage to say, “Enough!”

Ms Sanders and her ilk should be rejected and thrown on the putrid smelling junk-heap of Leftist divisiveness to rot in the bright sunlight of freedom, liberty and national brotherhood. Folks, I am so done with these evil people on the Left.

We the American People have your back President Trump. Go for it brother! We are with you all the way! Thanks and God Bless!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Restoring free speech: The Trump effect

Years ago, Rush Limbaugh coined the term, “Low-info Voters.” The term perfectly describes Americans, like 95% of my family, who only get their news from the mainstream media. Consequently, low-info voters do not know that the mainstream media is not fair and balanced. The mainstream media has become strong-arm enforcers of political correctness and operatives of the Democrat Party; 100% focused and committed to furthering the socialist/progressive agenda.

Yes, I remember when I was a kid my black Baltimore City firefighter dad told me, “The Republicans are for the rich and the Democrats are for the little guy; the working man.”

A few years ago, I was able to convince my 89 year old dad that this “ain’t” his Democrat Party of his youth. Dad’s Democrat Party has been hijacked by old hippies. They reject Christianity while vowing to arrest anyone speaking badly of Islam. They use public schools to teach our kids to despise all things traditional, wholesome, patriotic and good.

They are the ones who have, for the most part, made it criminal to publicly say you believe marriage should remain as it has been for thousands of years and how God intended; between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:24). They are the ones banning Nativity scenes and banning saying “Merry Christmas.”

They are the ones banning teachers addressing students as boys and girls, claiming gender distinctions are intolerant, discriminatory and bigoted. They are the ones pushing the extinction of blacks via a disproportionate high number of black abortions. This it why it continues to frost me when low-info idiots in my black “Christian” family continue to pledge their brain-dead loyalty to Democrats while calling me their Uncle Tom relative.

The Left uses a highly effective tactic. They brand any push-back to them cramming their progressive agenda down our throats “extremism.” This tactic works great with so many low-info voters.

Here is how it works. The Left says they want burly men with beards, dressed like lumberjacks to be permitted to use women restrooms if they inwardly feel like a woman that day. Husbands, fathers and brothers across America politically said, No-way. We are not allowing grown men in restrooms with our little girls, wives and mothers.

Government mandating this insane restroom policy and Leftist businesses like Target embracing it has led to rapes and molestation in women restrooms. And yet, guess who the mainstream media and Democrats attack, calling them extremist? Answer: All who oppose men in women restrooms. In an attempt to demonize and silence American’s common-sense disagreement, the Left claims anyone opposing men in women restrooms hates homosexuals and want to see them tortured and murdered.

If you oppose the Left removing crosses from memorials, removing the Ten Commandments from public buildings, banning Nativity scenes and banning saying “Merry Christmas”, the Left claims you’re an extremist who hates homosexuals, suppresses women and want to cram your religion down everyone’s throat. Do you see how the Left’s extremism tactic works? They are the aggressors, but call you an extremist when you simply say, “No.”

Clearly, the Left has launched a pedal-to-the-metal campaign to cram their progressive agenda down our throats. For example: A Zales jewelry TV commercial featured a lesbian wedding. Homosexuals are only 2% of the population. So why is featuring a lesbian wedding necessary? Fearful to admit it, most Americans still instinctively know marriage is between one man and one woman. But if they dare say it out loud, the Left will try to destroy them by branding their belief in tradition and biblical teaching extreme; outrageously claiming they hate homosexuals and want to see them tortured and murdered.

The Left’s tactic of branding the slightest opposition “extremism” has silenced many. I believe Trump in the WH has already begun liberating Americans from the Left’s tyranny of political correctness; muzzling free speech. I realize the Left will distort my statement to mean Trump has opened the flood gates to express hate. Nonsense.

The truth is Leftists are the ones who boldly and relentlessly spew hate against Jesus, Christians, Republicans, Conservatives (black and white), white people and police. Heck, Leftists have even given marching orders to their minions, declaring it open season on killing whites and police. Have you heard the slightest rebuke from the mainstream media? No.

All I am saying is Trump has Americans timidly coming out from the shadows; feeling a little less afraid of exercising their Constitutional right to express their religious and political views.

And that brothers and sisters is good for all Americans.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Germany: Muslim refugee rapes, murders government official’s daughter

GERMANY – A Muslim asylum seeker from Afghanistan was arrested on Friday in Germany for the rape and murder of the 19-year-old daughter of one of the European Union’s top officials, One America News Network (OANN) disclosed in one of the few news reports by major media outlets that described the brutal murder case.

Maria Ladenburger, a 19-year old medical student who had volunteered at a refugee charity center in her spare time, was found dead in Freiburg, Germany, located near the German border with Switzerland. The abduction, rape and murder occurred in mid-October, 2016.

According to German estimates, there are more than one million Muslim refugees in their country, with hundreds suspected of being members of “sleepers” for the terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Public anger over the refugee arrivals has been intensified due to violent crimes involving Islamic refugees. There have been reports of rapes and other sex attacks at public swimming pools and other violence in Germany attributed to the refugees.

Miss Ladenburger’s father, Dr. Clemens Ladenburger, is a lawyer who works for the legal director of the EU’s European Commission.

According to former police homicide detective Benny Cardona, the case received very little attention in the West’s news media, especially in the United States, where the Democratic Party and the news media are in agreement with President Barack Obama’s desire to bring tens of thousands of Muslim refugees with no plausible method of “vetting” the asylum seekers.

“While President Barack Obama’s sympathies lay with the Muslim refugees, he and his media sycophants want to public to buy into their narrative of desperate Muslims asylum seekers. They don’t wish to explain why out of thousands of Syrian and Iraqi refugees less than 60 are Christians? Or why 70% of the refugees are males? Or how do they conduct background checks to prevent terrorists and criminals from entering the U.S.? asked Det. Cardona, a decorated police officer.

While liberal-left Germans – like those in the United States — have welcomed refugees, there has been strong opposition from a vocal citizenry. A string of sexual assaults and robberies on New Year’s Eve in Cologne blamed primarily on foreigners also fed fears, as well as accusations that the media were slow to report on such incidents.

According to German news media, Chancellor Angela Merkel has condemned the rape and killing of the young student calling it a “tragic event.”

“If it turns out that (the perpetrator) was an Afghan refugee then that needs to be condemned, absolutely, just like with any other murderer,” Merkel stated. “But that shouldn’t be combined with a rejection of an entire group, just like we don’t draw conclusions about an entire group from (the actions of) one person in other instances.”

“Sounds as if [Merkel] believes she did nothing wrong by bringing thousands of Islamic people from countries knee-deep in terrorism and anti-Western actions with even the semblance of a background investigation. Sounds as if in Merkel’s world, the poor student is just unlucky that she crossed the path of a sex-crazed murderer, and Merkel and her supporters have no blood on their hands,” said Det. Cardona. “That’s nonsense! She’s as guilty as our own progressives who believe Americans might be killed as a result of their immigration agenda,” he added.

The victim disappeared while on her way home from a party in Freiburg. Her body eventually discovered floating in a river. German police officers said that the suspect, is connected to the crime through evidence such as DNA and a video shot from a nearby CCTV camera.

Freiburg police formed a task force of about 70 officers who questioned more than 1,400 people and checked more than 1,600 clues. DNA of the perpetrator was found among other evidence on his bike, which was discovered 200 miles from the crime scene.

Rainer Wendt, head of the German police union stated, “This and many more victims would not be, if our country would have been prepared for the dangers that are connected to mass immigration.”

Meanwhile the German police chief, Jörg Meuthen, said: “We are shocked about this crime, and realize at the same time, that our warnings of the uncontrolled immigration of hundreds of thousands of young men from patriarchal Islamic cultures were depreciated as populism.”

The rapist-killer, who entered Germany last year as an unaccompanied minor, hasn’t made a statement. His arrest, however, has played into ongoing tensions about the arrival in Germany last year of hundreds of thousands of immigrants from Muslim nations. His name hasn’t been released to the public.

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© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Donald Trump and the fourth turning

In 1997, William Strauss and Neil Howe published their The Fourth Turning: An American Prophesy (Broadway Books). The book triggered something of a national conversation which continues to this day. Their thesis was that U.S. history has passed through lengthy cycles, each lasting 70 – 75 years. Each cycle comes divided into smaller units called turnings. Each turning has its own cultural identity, preoccupations, and mood.

According to The Fourth Turning, the first turning in any cycle is called a High. The second, an Awakening. The third, an Unraveling. The fourth, a Crisis. Highs are characterized by strong institutions and institution-bound values, conformity, and a generalized spirit of optimism. An Awakening calls institutions and their values into question. Individualism appears, via demands for free expression; conformity is increasingly rejected, but not optimism which is into cultural idealism and a mass desire for transformation. Eventually the Awakening gives way to an Unraveling. The preceding values have lost their legitimacy, but it is increasingly unclear what replaces them. People decide this for themselves. A do-your-own-thing individualism thus reigns. Optimism gives way to cultural pessimism, especially among those still loyal to preceding valuations. Finally, a Crisis hits, often in the form of a severe shock to the body politic or the economy. Sometimes other transitions from turning to turning are marked by sudden jolts, although this is not always the case.

Different turnings give rise to generations with different mindsets based on how they are raised and what is happening around them when they come of age. A Prophet Generation is born during a High and comes of age during an Awakening. Their parents are often authoritarian, in tune with the spirit of the High, and their children rebel. Think of the Baby Boomers, who ranged across the hippies and “consciousness raising” gurus to the first high-tech whiz kids such as Steve Jobs. A Nomad Generation is born during an Awakening and comes of age during an Unraveling. Think of so-called Generation X: latch-key kids, punk rockers, goths in black, etc. Their parents were busy “finding themselves,” and the economy was also beginning to struggle, forcing both parents into the workforce. They were often on their own psychologically, and adapted.

A Hero Generation is born during an Unraveling and comes of age during a Crisis. Their parents were often just trying to survive. They learn resilience, and sacrifice for the future. I think of my parents’ generation, who fought and won World War II and went on to build the real economic boom of the 1950s – 1960s. The Millennials fall into this category now, which means that whatever has been dumped on them (soaring college tuition and massive debt amidst a lousy job market), much may be required of them in the near future if the country is to survive intact. Finally, an Artist Generation is born during a Crisis and comes of age during a High. They often serve as foot soldiers for the Heroes but also, through their works, begin to inspire the next generation of Prophets. Read William Whyte’s The Organization Man (1956) or Alan Harrington’s Life in the Crystal Palace (1959). Or Jack Kerouac’s On the Road (1957), one of the defining novels of the Beat Generation which preceded the hippies. The oldest of the upcoming generation of Artists are in their teens. They will come of age during the next High.

When Strauss and Howe wrote The Fourth Turning, the country was eyeball-deep in an Unraveling: NAFTA, the unending Clinton scandals, the credit-fueled tech bubble, the so-called culture wars, growing anxiety about international terrorism, etc. Strauss and Howe predicted that something nasty would end the Unraveling. Their timetable suggested it would happen within five years. On September 11, 2001, the Twin Towers fell. Media regaled us for days with images of the burning towers.

However one interprets those attacks, the mood of the country changed dramatically. A Crisis shakes national identity as events play out. The nation emerges changed, redefined, with new goals and new values. The stage is set for the next High.

Are these cycles real? Begin with 9/11 and go back 72 years. What do you find? The Crash of ’29, which ended the so-called Jazz Age portrayed in such classics as The Great Gatsby (1925) by F. Scott Fitzgerald, a Nomad born during the early Progressive era (an Awakening). Go back another 69 years. We encounter South Carolina’s Ordinance of Secession (December 1860), the opening salvo that set conditions for the bloodiest war ever fought on U.S. soil: a Crisis in any sense of that term. By the time it was resolved, original federalism involving dual sovereignty and states’ rights was dead. The cycle before that began following the battle over the Constitution’s acceptability and eventual ratification (1791).

Thus the most recent High in the U.S. began with start of the post-war boom (1947-48) and ended with the Kennedy assassination (1963). My six-year-old mind knew something dreadful had happened to the country. The ensuing Awakening continued for perhaps 20 years, into the Reagan era. The country had been through a lot: the campus rebellion and aftermath, the disastrous conflict in Southeast Asia, Watergate, the Iranian revolution / hostage crisis, and more. But the idealism that took root during the 1960s was still around and had transformed a lot of minds and lives. This was true across the political spectrum. One saw a firmly entrenched academic left, but also the libertarian movement and resurgent conservatism.

In the early 1980s, that is, it was “morning in America.” But what became clear with 20/20 hindsight was that we’d entered a period of national drift. Conservatism, Ronald Reagan notwithstanding, lost its identity; by the mid-1990s leaders of those who self-identified as conservative had few ideas what they wanted to conserve, aside from abstractions like “family values” and the U.S. as the “exceptional nation.” An Unraveling is a period of great change.
Some of the changes may be good: the tech revolution and the Internet.
Others are not so good: this era also gave rise to Clintonism and a war machine that rivaled anything the Soviet Union had come up with — willing to impose “liberal democracy” on the rest of the world by force so global corporations could make billions.

According to one account, the last Unraveling came to a screeching halt with 9/11. Other who conduct Fourth Turning discussions hold out for the Meltdown of 2008 as the beginning of the ensuing Crisis. I prefer the former, as we clearly crossed a threshold that day, but see no point in starting an internecine war over the matter.

Everyone who studies this agrees: we have been in a severe Crisis for a sufficiently long period of time that resolution, one way or another, is imminent!

Thus we come to the Donald Trump victory, and the Trumpist brand of economic and cultural rebellion against globalism, elitism generally, and political correctness.

It is important to note that the Strauss-and-Howe version of recent history is only partially deterministic. The cycles and patterns of turnings may be fixed, but not the specifics. A given turning might be similar economically to its ancestor 70-odd years before, but otherwise sharing little by way of mood.

The Crisis of the 1930s, the Great Depression, retained a sense of optimism because the people were still basically Christian. Some suffered terribly, but God was in charge. Anyone who doubts this need only listen to the upbeat big band music and swing that was popular during that era. The present Crisis has occurred in a country secularized and turned materialist during preceding turnings — and gone nihilistic. No one is “in charge.” We inhabit a violent world in a dead universe. Listen to our gangsta-rap, heavy metal, or Goth rock, or note how many rock stars have either died young (often from drug overdoses) or committed suicide (Ian Curtis, Kurt Cobain).

Nothing guarantees that the cycles and turnings will continue indefinitely. A sufficiently destructive war would put an end to the whole shebang in one fell swoop. Still larger discernable civilizational cycles suggest that the pattern Strauss and Howe claim to have discovered is only temporary.

There are no guarantees, that is, that our present Crisis will end well. It depends on what Donald Trump does in office, who he surrounds himself with, whether or not the resulting administration is able to function amidst the hostility presently coming from the alliance of globalists, so-called progressives, and corporate media types, and how much it can accomplish.
I can envision two conceivable scenarios.

One: Trump continues to confound the “experts.” He confounded them by winning the GOP nomination and then the presidency. Some who worked for Trump believe that his administration could lead an economic renaissance. A friend of mine wrote from my former home state of South Carolina:

“… I am of the opinion that our economy has been depressed, just barely above flatline for the past ten years, in spite of running the printing presses. I think the economic policies outlined by President-Elect Trump will create lots of good paying middle class jobs. Particularly if he follows through with deporting aliens, cutting the corporate tax rate, and renegotiating trade deals. Once the middle class has employment security again, there is a HUGE pent-up demand for consumer goods, including houses and cars, that people have been deferring because of ten years of economic hard times. I see a real boom. If the boom happens based on private sector money, and real demand, as opposed to government subsidies and printing presses, it will be an actual boom, not just an artificial bubble. Allowing American energy production will turn much of the U.S. into a Willitson, N.D. style boom town. Get rid of Obamacare mandates and employers will be ready to hire again.”

This, of course, is predicated both on Trump being able to govern and people’s being ready and able to go back to work. Is Trump truly independent or not? The relentless attacks by so-called progressives and via corporate media surely suggest so. So-called progressives on college and university campuses are increasingly embarrassing themselves with their “cry ins” and counseling sessions since the election. Academics were blindsided because with few exceptions they’ve been living in a leftist echo chamber, talking only to each other, as with elite media based in big cities.

The latter are launching a rearguard action against “fake news” sites (,, Drudge, your host here, etc.), i.e., trying to reclaim their territory now that this election has seriously damaged their credibility — an effort hardly helped by their lunatic notion that “the Russians did it!” Think about it: despite the most blatant media bias we have ever seen, pollsters who consistently put Hillary Clinton in the lead, countless “experts” who said she would win in a landslide, and attacks from within his own party, Trump won! “Alternative,” Internet-based media promoted him, along the way debunking the nonsense about his “racism,” his “sexual assaults on women,” his “ties to the Russians,” etc. It has become increasingly clear that mainstream media, over 90% of which is controlled by six leviathan corporations all in bed with globalism, is filled with overpaid empty suits and is propped up by consumer habit, propaganda, celebrity titillation, the wealth of its owners, and very little else.

Should Trump bring about the desired business renaissance amidst a new spirit of nationalism and a repudiation of PC rubbish, the stage will be set for one kind of High.

The second scenario isn’t as optimistic. Brandon Smith has argued at length (here, here, here, here, and here, with abundant other relevant analysis on the same site), that despite all this, those I call the superelite wanted, and planned for, a Trump victory. In this case, all of us including yours truly were fooled. We made the assumption that a Trump victory would damage the globalist cause and so would not be allowed; Hillary was their woman. But according to Smith, she was not their choice, he was. If this sounds crazy, consider: (1) Despite her connections and support, it is possible the globalists were never at ease with Hillary Clinton because of her obvious egotism and arrogance, the likelihood that she and her husband would use her presidency to pad their wealth and promote their foundation rather than serve superelite goals; her clear recklessness and dishonesty; ongoing scandals sure to mar her presidency and distract from what they wanted done; her explosive temper; and her predilection to provoke Russia for no good reason, a predilection clearly still in evidence.

Smith’s argument: (2) globalists despise “populists” as loudmouthed, inferior rabble, and have seen at least two golden opportunities this year to set them up. The first was Brexit; the second was the Trump victory. Smith argues that they will allow “conservative populism” room to breathe across the northern hemisphere, perhaps for a year to a year and a half, and then pull the plug on Western house-of-cards economies, especially Great Britain and the U.S. propped up by money printing and creditors’ blind faith. The British collapse, possibly spreading to the EU itself, will be blamed on Brexit, while the U.S. tailspin is blamed on Trump. Elite-controlled media and academia will contend that the reason the economic and financial worlds collapsed was that “populists” have no grasp of economics and hence no idea what they are doing. I have acquaintances in academia who are already sounding this conditioned response, calling Trump “incompetent,” a “buffoon,” when not reciting the usual litany (“racism, sexism,” etc.). Trump cannot, after all, single-handedly, by sheer force of will, build his economic renaissance without the cooperation of many others who — in this scenario, anyway — are only feigning loyalty to his success.

The economic uptick of the two weeks following the election (the Dow’s surge, a stronger dollar, etc.) might well lend support to this idea. These suggest that big business is happy with Trump. The idea here is that the superelite is taking a step back in preparation for a large leap forward, while supplying us plenty of bread and circuses in the form of campus protests and attempts to undercut the Electoral College. These will prove futile: the former, as we noted, are only embarrassing themselves; the latter would open an unprecedented legal and constitutional Pandora’s Box.

The Crisis, in this case, will culminate when the plug gets pulled, the “global economy” tanks as hundreds of billions in fiat money simply disappear back into the nothingness from which they came, and controlled mainstream media blames Trump and other “populists” and “economic nationalists.” The superelite doubtless hope this will utterly demoralize the “deplorables,” Trump’s white working class and former middle class supporters, as all they had hoped for will disintegrate in front of their eyes.

Then the superelites and their cadre of technocratic “experts” will ride to the rescue, which will come with powerful strings attacked. Full recovery will require full-fledged, masks-off and gloves-off globalism: global economy via “free trade” deals such as a revived TPP; world government via the unaccountable organizations such deals create, likely to include a new global reserve currency replacing the dollar, and a global tax (something the UN has been pushing for years); national borders reduced to lines on maps, for the purposes of instigated mass migrations which will further demolish white, achievement-oriented, Western and Christian culture; a global “spirituality,” perhaps, intended to end Christian predominance; control over information, which will mean control over the Internet and a forced shutting down of websites demonized as “fake news”; finally, unbridled media and academic demonizing of the “populism” / nationalism / sovereignty / Christian white male “supremacy” axes, all as “causes” of the preceding chaos.

The next High begins as corporation-controlled world government is installed and its central banks flood the world with investment money — the new global currency. Its institutions will demand — and receive — totalitarian surveillance and dominance over populations with no other live options.

Those of us writing for sites like this one will be forced to go underground. I imagine some of us will end up living out our lives and then dying in extreme poverty.

Goes without saying, I very much pray to God that Brandon Smith’s scenario is wrong. But every prediction he’s made for this year, he’s gotten right.

Once it begins in earnest (2020?), the next High may continue for a time comparable to the last one, which lasted from 1948 to 1963 (15 years), or until around 2035 (?).

The future depends on which of these scenarios ensues: a successful economic and cultural renaissance under a Trump administration, or globalism returning with hurricane force.

We must do our part now to bring about the former, by (among other things) exposing this nonsense about “fake news” on the Internet; continuing debunking bogus “hate speech” and “hate crimes” blamed on Trump or his supporters; and above all, refusing to be intimidating by robotic allegations of “racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, Islamophobia,” the whole litany of weaponized words used to demonize.

© 2016 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

The presidents role with American businesses

Recently President elect Donald Trump has taken to Twitter and made some bold statements such as:

“The U.S. is going to substantially reduce taxes and regulations on businesses, but any business that leaves our country for another country, fires its employees, builds a new factory or plant in the other country, and then thinks it will sell its product back into the U.S. without retribution or consequence, is WRONG! There will be a tax on our soon to be strong border of 35% for these companies wanting to sell their product, cars, A.C. units etc., back across the border. This tax will make leaving financially difficult, but these companies are able to move between all 50 states, with no tax or tariff being charged. Please be forewarned prior to making a very expensive mistake! THE UNITED STATES IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS.”

So, is Mr. Trump exceeding the Constitutional authority he will soon have as President of the United States?

I must first establish the premise that as the Chief Executive, the president does not run our country, nor is he the primary authority in our Constitutional Republic or of American businesses. The office of the president’s few and defined powers are written clearly and succinctly in Article Two of the United States Constitution. These powers include the duties to:

• Pardon offenses
• Be the Commander in Chief of Army and Navy, as well as state militias when called into federal service ONLY when a war has been officially declared by Congress
• Make treaties with the concurrence of 2/3 of Senators
• Give a State of the Union address
• Recommend, but not introduce, legislation to Congress
• Convene emergency session of Congress
• Receive foreign ambassadors
• Commission all federal officers
• Faithfully execute all laws of the United States made by Congress.

Understanding the nature and the limits of the authorities and powers granted to the Executive Branch of the federal government by the Constitution is very liberating unless you countenance tyranny.

Because the Constitution specifically forbids preferential treatment in Article 1, Sec. 9, stating, “no titles of nobility shall be granted by the United States”, the president cannot create immunities that favor one socioeconomic group over another. In the time of our founders, the entire federal government budget survived on tariffs only, where certain businesses and/or individuals importing foreign goods paid a tariff at a level determined by congress, not the President.

Therefore the constitutional solution for this topic is for the President elect to equally draw back the regulatory powers that he and his administration have on all businesses in America. Next he should eliminate unconstitutional agencies that illegally assume authority over American businesses.

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Finally, if the 16th Amendment was properly ratified as some believe it was, then all business taxes in America should be rolled back and rather than taxing businesses manufacturing off shore and bringing products back in, a 35% tariff should be assessed by Congress to those products. This will truly give the American work force the advantage when bidding for the work and ultimately keep jobs here.

God-ordained Constitutional authority can always be used lawfully to accomplish the general welfare of Americans. It is when individuals in America blur the lines, speak to quickly, and don’t pay attention to their words and actions that American liberties are threatened.

Learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and his “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2016 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

To Liberals—no thanks

Liberals are always astonished when they insult you and you don’t thank them for it.

The alleged educators in Oregon’s Hillsboro public school district recently banned all “religious-themed Christmas decorations”. The ban included Santa Claus, who, last time I looked, appears nowhere in the Bible. It’s a pity we should have to point this out to educators, but Santa Claus, Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer, and “You’ll shoot your eye out with that BB gun” are not, in fact, part of Christmas as a religious occasion.

As would have been expected by anyone but clueless liberals, this nonsense in Hillsboro soon became a hot topic in the social media. So hot, in fact, that school officials were moved to pull in their horns and announce that they would not be “policing classrooms”—do you like that choice of words?—as assiduously as originally proposed, and would take action only when classroom Christmas decorations were, as they put it, “over the top.”

What does that mean? What top? But I think we can guess: in a predominantly Christian country, any acknowledgment that Jesus Christ was born in the flesh to be our Savior and our king, liberals, the least liberal people on the earth, would consider “over the top,” and thus forbidden.

And they’re amazed that we don’t like it.

The higher you go up the public education ladder, the sillier it gets. It also gets increasingly nasty. While Hillsboro school officials were trying to stamp out Santa Claus, Hampshire College in Massachusetts—oh, those Blue states!—caved in to public pressure and decided to allow the American flag to fly from one flagpole on its campus, after all. The college had taken down all American flags in an idle protest against Donald Trump’s election as president, declaring that America’s rejection of the Clinton crime family proves we’re a country full of racists, biggits, and deplorables.

Military veterans objected en masse, a lot of people invaded the campus with flags flying proudly, and the college president backed down. He never meant to hurt anybody’s feelings, he explained: “Heck, I was just showing all those stupid peasants what a bunch of racist biggits they are. You’d think they would’ve thanked us for it!”

And while all this goes on, they’re threatening and trying to bribe electors to overturn the results of the election, thinking that America will thank them for it in the end. “Oh, boy, we’re gonna have open borders after all! And higher taxes! And Obamacare forever! And lots and lots of unvetted Muslim immigrants, just like Germany! And here we thought we were gonna have to do without all that! Thank you, Democrats!”

That’s what they don’t get—we really don’t want to buy what liberals are selling us. “How could they just vote against their own best interests?” liberals lament. Like we would actually benefit from transgender bathrooms and an Attorney General “investigating” the newfangled “crime” of Climate Change Denial, when everybody knows, claim liberals, that the only way to Save The Planet is by raising our taxes and giving tin-pot politicians vast new powers to push us around and meddle in our lives. The truth is that none of what they have to offer would be of any benefit to anyone—except themselves.

But we’re not alone. All over the world, people are waking up to what their leaders want to do to them. Britain votes to leave the European Union. Italy smacks down a major power grab and forces its head honcho to resign. France is rumbling with discontent. No, we’re not alone anymore. We’ve got plenty of company.

And soon even the one-world wannabes are going to know it.

They may have no king but Caesar, but Our Lord is the King of Kings, and He will set us free.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog,, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Who occupies the swamp that needs to be drained?

In our article entitled: “The ‘System’ – Impenetrable, Inflexible and Un-Yielding!” we wrote:

“The ‘system’ is an intertwined entanglement of interlocking national and international interests of commerce, finance and trade, accompanied by government enablers of the ‘system’ in the executive, judicial and legislative branches of government. The tentacles of one interest are inextricably interwoven into the tentacles of all the other interests. Finding out what drives one, leads to a complex maze of closed doors, backrooms and secret meetings. All the sources are purposely hidden and camouflaged. Traces to find the truth go down dead end paths, or are blocked by impenetrable obstacles. Sources of the ‘system’s’ power are elusive and they are anything but constitutional. The ‘system’ exists because of citizen apathy and survives, thrives and grows on the people’s money and special interests.”

“Law drives the ‘system’ and as laws increase, the ‘system’ becomes more inflexible, expensive and grossly inefficient. Eventually, these metastasizing maladies of inflexibility, rising costs, inefficiency and resistance to change, drive the “system” into corruption. The “system” becomes so powerful that it becomes virtually impossible to change without an extraordinary effort. Sometimes violence is the only way to change the ‘system’.”

But a strange thing happened in the presidential election of 2016. The “System” met a brash challenger, a challenger that channeled a growing, collective anger against the “System”, a challenger that promised to “Drain the System Swamp.”

The term “Drain the Swamp” in a political sense allegedly goes back to 1903 when Winfield E. Gaylor, State Organizer of the Social Democrat Party, said, “socialists are not satisfied with killing a few mosquitoes which come from the capitalist swamp, they want to drain the swamp.”

In more recent times, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has used the term to demean those pesky Republicans. Ronald Reagan used the term as well but more directed at the bureaucracy.

In the more pragmatic sense, “Drain the Swamp” meant to get rid of the environment in which allows mosquitoes carrying the Malaria virus to grow.

But who are those fierce alligators and blood-sucking mosquitoes in the political swamp that certain politicians and the people want to eliminate, since “Draining the Swamp” takes away the eco-system that allows the alligators and mosquitoes to thrive and survive. Obviously, it depends on your point of view.

Now if you are a freedom loving, second amendment, God-fearing American, you want to eliminate those politicians and bureaucrats in the “Swamp” that don’t subscribe to, or support the Constitution of the United States, as designed by the Founding Fathers. In their minds “Draining the Swamp” means to get rid of all the politicians and bureaucrats that overtax, overspend and pass laws and regulations that interfere with their perception of freedom. Since most politicians overtax, overspend and over regulate, getting rid of a large percentage of those politicians or bureaucrats would be the ultimate goal.

But if you’re an on-the-dole freeloader, or a Democrat voter, you want to eliminate those politicians and bureaucrats (and those Republican voters) that interfere with the timely arrival of your government check or benefit. If you are a Democrat politician or bureaucrat, you want to make sure that those government checks and benefits arrive safely in the freeloaders (or an illegal alien’s) mailbox so as to assure your election or re-election. (See “A 1, 2, 3 Punch That Doomed America’s Constitutional Republic”)

Which brings us to President-Elect Donald Trump and his efforts to build a cabinet and fill other government posts, prior to taking office in January of 2017. Much criticism has been levied against Trump for choosing cabinet candidates and other posts that would seem to be the same carnivorous alligators and blood-sucking mosquitoes in the very swamp Trump says he wants to drain.

A few notables come to mind, one being the Ex-Governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney, a second being former Goldman Sachs executive Steven Mnuchin for Treasury Secretary and a third being Elaine L. Chao for Transportation Secretary. Although Mitt Romney has yet to be appointed to any cabinet position at this writing, he is, without a doubt, an establishment Republican and a fierce critic of Trump. Steven Mnuchin is a financial insider with a history at Goldman Sachs and making movies and Elaine Chao was the previous Labor Secretary under George W. Bush, but is also the wife of Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, a clear conflict of interest. There is a lot of inter breeding, incest and nepotism in the “DC Swamp”.

Romney is a fraud, apparently an ambitious one and devoid of honor. If Romney hated Trump so bad that he would work diligently to see that Trump didn’t get the Republican nomination and then work against Trump in the general election, why then he would he take a position in the Trump cabinet? But more importantly, why would Trump even consider Romney for a cabinet post? Mnuchin and Chao are just more “denizens of the swamp.”

Having said that, in spite of all these ferocious alligators and blood-sucking mosquitoes in the political swamp, to which group of people does Trump go, to build a presidential cabinet?

In a recent article we wrote:

“It must be abundantly obvious to anyone with half an intellect that the huddled masses and the poor don’t build or run anything. So if it wasn’t for powerful, wealthy, ambitious men, steel wouldn’t have been made, skyscrapers, bridges, locomotives and ships would have not been built, oil would not have been extracted from the earth and refined into gasoline, fuel oil, paints, resins and nylon stockings, and a largely untamed land would have not been tamed. And if it weren’t for the bold financiers who took the huge risks to fund those ventures, none of it would have been possible.”

The same applies to running a huge government with many bureaucracies and departments. There are only so many people in America that have the experience to run a huge government bureaucracy, much less a United States Congress. You don’t just pull someone off the street and ask him or her to be Secretary of State. The American people, bright, dumb, or dull, elect their representatives and whom they elect is a reflection in a big, giant, political mirror. But presidents appoint their cabinet posts, subject to the advice and consent of the U. S. Senate and they must draw upon the available “talent.”

Sadly, the available “talent” can become obsessed and addicted in a rich environment of power where billions of dollars change hands in an hour, an environment that creates the “swamp” of political corruption. So, once again, who are those people that occupy the political swamp that everyone wants to drain, but for different reasons? The ferocious alligators and the blood-sucking mosquitoes in the political swamp are the very politicians that the people keep electing and directly reflect what over 50% of the masses want.

Ladies and gentlemen, we cannot expect our politicians to be free of corruption if the American people themselves are corrupt, hopelessly apathetic, or just plain stupid. If the American people are without honor or intellect, it is quite likely that those they elect to public office will also be without honor and subject to the endless temptations of power, money and sex, not necessarily in that order. It is folly to expect our representatives to be more perfect than those that put them in office.

But a nation still needs powerful, wealthy and ambitious men and women to create, finance, invest, invent, market and build things and yes, to run government offices, local, state and federal. The trick is to keep their power, their wealth and their ambition in check. Laws can’t do that alone. Only the American people who are honorable and care about their freedom can do that. After over two centuries of trying, we are rapidly failing. As a result, our identity as a free nation and a people and our very sovereignty are slipping away.

Maybe Trump can change all that, but it is still up to the people to reflect the principles of a free nation and project those principles to their leaders and representatives, if the people even understand the meaning of freedom. If our parents and our teachers don’t teach those principles to America’s offspring, then new generations won’t project those principles to their leaders and representatives.

In the final analysis, the American people get what they want from government and they get what they ultimately deserve by their own choices. If the people want “free” things, paid for by someone else, then the people will inherit individual and national weakness, massive debt and the “denizens of the political and corrupt swamp.” If however, the people grow tired of weakness, debt and corruption and want honor, honesty, integrity, individual strength and freedom instead, they will get an honorable, honest, financially sound and a strong, free nation. It’s that simple.

Maybe November 8, 2016 was a turning point, but we aren’t holding our breath in anticipation. There are just too many Americans who want the “free” things, paid for by someone else and they can vote for the alligators and blood-sucking mosquitoes in the political swamp to preserve those “free” things.

If you LIKED this article, let us know.

[EDITORS NOTE: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

© 2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved

Pearl harbor survivor remembers: a day of infamy

December 7, 2016, Pearl Harbor Day, marks the 75th anniversary of the Japanese air attack on U.S. naval and air installations at Pearl Harbor, HI, at 7:53 a.m., Dec. 7, 1941, without a declaration of war.

It was then the worst attack on American soil in history: Some 2,403 died, 2008 of them Navy personnel; another 1,178 were wounded.

Eighteen Navy ships, including the U.S.S. Arizona, were sunk or damaged. Almost all the planes at the island bases were destroyed or damaged while still on the ground.

President Franklyn D. Roosevelt memorably called December 7, 1941, “a day which will live in infamy” in his dramatic speech to Congress, which then declared war on Japan.

Only the sneak attack on America by radical Islamic terrorists on 9-11-2001 in New York resulted in more deaths. But for many Americans of this generation — and millions of immigrants, legal and illegal — the significance of Pearl Harbor is not fully known, or appreciated.

One for whom it does “live in infamy,” is Pearl Harbor survivor S. J. Hemker, now 97, of Banning, California. A retired three-war combat Navy veteran, and an American Legionnaire, Hemker remembers Pearl Harbor up close and personal:

“Ordinarily, we would have been at sea. We were at Pearl Harbor because we had to repair an engine that had been sabotaged at the shipyard back in California. I was up on the fantail of our ship, the USS New Orleans, a heavy cruiser, with the Chief Master at Arms. The Quartermaster was there, getting ready to raise the flag,” Hemker recalls.

“It was 7:53 a.m. when we saw the Japanese planes. They were flying so low I could see the pilots’ faces in the cockpit. They were grinning at us as they went down toward Battle Ship Row. Grinning at me and the Chief. They were so close, you could have thrown something at them and hit them. A potato, maybe. They were that close. Just skimming the top of the water. Torpedo planes. The pilots grinning at us,” Hemker reluctantly, but vividly recalls.

“The loudspeakers blared: ‘Man your battle stations – the Japs are attacking’. All hell broke loose.. It was terrible, horrible, …,” he says, pausing in his remembrance.

“I spent the next eight hours down in the magazine loading for our five-inch anti-aircraft guns. We fired everything. If we had been hit, that would have been it for us in the magazine. We would have been blown up. We had a big crane over the top of our ship. I think that’s what saved us,” he states matter-of-factly as to his own circumstance., then somberly relates:

“The Arizona capsized. Thirteen hundred men went down with her. Half the guys I was with in boot camp died on the Arizona. That’s where the Memorial is today. They say that oil still leaks out every day. Those guys…they’re still down there,” Hemker says quietly, his voice trailing off, as if physically turning away from a memory, and reality, which is still too painful to talk about.

Getting Hemker to talk about it at all is no easy task. Like many of his fellow World War II veterans, he still doesn’t talk about his war experiences, never expects any thanks or gratitude, and never, ever boasts about it, despite the fact that after Pearl Harbor he served America in battles and combat zones for the duration of WWII, in the Korean War, and in Vietnam.

Hemker is a widower whose wife died more than 20 years ago. He has three sons. All served in the Vietnam War. Hempker, still roguishly handsome and possessed of a sly sense of humor, charms the ladies in the Legion Auxiliary with country gallantry.

He is universally admired by his comrade veterans in the American Legion. “I’m not able to do what I used to do, but I do what I can,” he says.

Reflecting on Pearl Harbor seventy-five years after surviving it, Hemker, who has lost his eyesight but not his vision for America, observes:

“We Americans should never forget. If we forget our past and those who died, we won’t have a future. A free one, anyway. Look at what happened on 9-11. More people were killed on that day then were killed at Pearl Harbor. It can happen again,” he warns.

“I don’t think people remember Pearl Harbor and what it means, the way they used to do,” Hemker concludes. “That’s too bad. A lot of us can’t forget. An awful lot of really good people died to keep America free. They shouldn’t be forgotten.”

© 2016 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

United Methodist Church In Waco Texas Now Embracing Islam

Do “Birthers” still have an issue?

For the past eight years, millions of Americans have been trying to restore national reverence for the founding principles and values set as the cornerstone of freedom and liberty in the Charters of Freedom. If successful, they would have also disqualified Barack Hussein Obama from the Oval Office, a natural consequence of constitutional accountability that no one in Washington D.C. was going to allow.

Although “progressives” have demonized that endeavor by labeling those people “birthers” or “alt-right” constitutional crackpots full of conspiracy theories, those documents, the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights are the only thing that stands between peaceful national sovereignty, security, freedom and liberty… and global tyranny. They only exist to the degree and extent that they are enforced.

To be clear, the movement focused on where Barack Hussein Obama was really born, Hawaii or Kenya, the foundation of the so-called “birther” movement, had little to do with the enforcement of the Founders intent of the natural born Citizen clause in Article II of the Constitution. It had much more to do with the fact that when Obama was challenged on his eligibility, he chose to issue not one, but three different “Certification of Live Birth” documents, none of which were a “Birth Certificate” and all of which turned out to be forgeries.

In this regard, the “birthers” still have an issue, as those three forged birth documents remain the only documentation of Obama’s U.S. citizenship today, and they remain forgeries. Law Center calls for impeachment were ignored by every member of congress, despite a mountain of evidence.

However, the issue of who is or is not eligible to occupy the Oval Office under the natural born Citizen clause is of far greater importance, as Obama prepares to vacate the Oval Office and pass the national baton to President-elect Donald J. Trump. The issue of who is or is not eligible for that office remains unsettled.

Over the past eight years, efforts to enforce the natural born Citizen clause largely resulted in a plethora of competing politically motivated opinions about what the Founders originally meant by that term and whether it remains relevant today. Despite the politically motivated hyperbole on the matter, those three simple English words do have a very simple, well-documented and well-known meaning.

For over a hundred years now, the judicial branch has been used to amend the Constitution by way of broad interpretations of constitutional text. Just as Jefferson had realized and warned in the early 1800s, the judicial branch, left unchecked and able to undermine the Constitution by mere broad interpretations, had indeed become the greatest threat to the Constitutional Republic.

Nowhere was this more evident than in the endless discussion over what the Founders meant by “natural born Citizen.” The debate over the meaning of this term was complicated by the reality that Barack Hussein Obama had managed to steal the 2008 DNC nomination from Hillary Clinton and was now sitting in the Oval Office, unconstitutionally. To avoid a nation crisis, or “constitutional crisis” per some, the term had to be made “ambiguous” to protect Barack Obama from removal from office.

For eight years, no one would be allowed to settle on the true meaning of natural born Citizen.

Making matters even worse, the GOP allowed no less than three non-natural born Citizens to seek the Oval Office under their banner in the 2016 elections, resulting in even more unconstitutional opinions of what a natural born Citizen is, in the end, making the term nearly meaningless.

US News wrote a column confirming that Sen. Ted Cruz is NOT a natural born Citizen, stating – “Constitutional scholars are dusting off their crystal balls as they are asked to discern what the Founding Fathers really meant by “natural born” citizen. Let me join the chorus of opinions by saying that based on the original framework of the Constitution and the 14th Amendment, Sen. Ted Cruz does not appear to be constitutionally eligible to hold the office of the president.”

Meanwhile, some of Ted’s friends at Harvard had a different opinion – as did Cornell Law – and the LA Times – and Heritage Foundation as well as numerous Law Professors as reported by the Washington Post – Salon – Slate and even Wikipedia. There was no shortage or opinions or legal theories supporting those arguments. But isn’t the truth much more obvious than indicated?

Still, it remains the only three words in the entire Charters of Freedom that prevents a foreign agent from ever occupying the most powerful political office not only in the United States, but in the world.

In short, the debate over what a natural born Citizen is falls on the following competing views;

1. Someone born on U.S. soil and under the jurisdiction thereof? (The definition of native born citizen per the 14th Amendment.)
2. Someone naturalized to the United States, as defined by U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Amendments and statutes? (The definition of a naturalized citizen.)
3. The Natural Law definition of natural born Citizen, the natural offspring of a legal U.S. citizen Father, who naturally inherits their citizenship from their birth Father at birth? (The Law of Nations definition)
4. The “birther” definition, someone who is both native and natural born and not naturalized.

The first key to unlocking the real answer to this question is the word natural; which means a condition produced by nature alone, and not a man-made act by any legislative process. A natural right, which is inalienable by man, such as the right of every child born to an American Father to also be an American at birth.

The fundamental importance of this issue is the fact that all inalienable rights are natural rights. If we do not understand or revere natural rights, then we have no inalienable rights. Natural Born Citizen is the most fundamental natural right and it too, like all natural rights, is inalienable, which means, beyond the reach of legal opinions and legislative act.

Now, in order to protect our Constitutional Republic from foreign invasion and occupation at the highest levels, our Founders made it a constitutional requirement that only a natural born Citizen, as opposed to native born or naturalize citizens, can occupy the Oval Office.

An in depth historical accounting of the Founders use of the term is presented in the following two-part essay…

A Natural Born Citizen is a True Citizen, Part 1, 12-11-14
A Natural Born Citizen is a True Citizen, Part 2, 12-11-14

Is this still an important issue as Barack Obama leaves his tenure as President of the United States?

In my opinion, it is more important than ever and here’s why…

Because Obama was allowed to complete two terms in the Oval Office without ever being held accountable for his massive fraud; and because too many Americans buy into the lie that this sets some type of “legal precedence” equal to “settled law,” from this moment forward, anyone from anywhere on earth without so much as a legitimate U.S. Birth Record can become president of the most powerful nation on earth.

In other words, those three simple words placed in Article II of the U.S. Constitution to prevent foreign invasion and occupation of the people’s White House can no longer provide that protection, unless and until, the true meaning of natural born Citizen is known by every American and enforced as a constitutional requirement for high office.

Until then, this constitutional protection of the Oval Office is no more use that the immigration and naturalization laws that have not been enforced since 1986. Our laws say that unless you enter this country through our immigration and naturalization process, you are in our country illegally. But some 200 U.S. cities are now sanctuaries for these illegal invaders and the same people have also worked to undermine and subvert the natural born Citizen clause.

Until the people insist that this matter be corrected, there will be no way to protect the Oval Office or the Constitutional Republic, much less make America great again!

The 2016 Revolution was based entirely upon a “fed up” attitude of average American voters from all political affiliations, towards elitist Beltway insiders from both parties. With a new incoming administration, now may be the best time to strike and set the record for the future.

Since no one would allow the conversation to take place so long as the usurper Obama was in office, right now might be the perfect time to resolve this matter before another usurper decided to seek the Oval Office. In fact, like the critical nature of the 2016 election itself, this might be the last chance we ever have to resolve the so-called “birther” issue, for all posterity.

© 2016 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

The myth of racist America

Be honest. In your real-life everyday American experience is racism an issue? I am confident the answer is no. And yet, the Left (Democrats, Black Lives Matter, Hollywood and mainstream media) have convinced many that America is a hotbed of racism where black boys are gunned down by cops for simply “walking black.” Words cannot express my contempt for the Left’s ongoing campaign to spread lies to generate racial hate and divide Americans solely for selfish political gains. The Left poisoning young black minds with their lie that white America is their enemy robs blacks of realizing how blessed they are to be born in the greatest land of opportunity on the planet.

Cops shooting blacks are rare. When a cop does shoot a black, the cop is usually black or Hispanic. On the other hand, blacks are routinely killing each other in record numbers in major cities run by democrats.

Is there racism in America? Absolutely! Racism will exist along with every other sin under the sun until Jesus takes us home. But, is racism really an issue in the lives of most Americans? Absolutely not. Despite the Left’s efforts to make everything about race, the truth is Americans of all races work and play together extremely well.

Black seniors are prone to experiencing “racism paranoia.” I am in my late sixties. Did I just say that out loud? I remember suffering racism in my youth. Consequently, there have been situations in which I found myself anticipating racism only to be greeted with warmth and hospitality. I know blacks my age and older who are suffering racism paranoia; imagining racism in every situation, accusing innocent white store clerks and etc.

It is amazing how the Left so easily uses racism paranoia and lies to keep blacks believing their lie that white America hates them. For example, an over sixty year old relative of mine says she supports Black Lives Matter because of racism targeted at her late husband 60 years ago. Her reasoning is absurd. Shouldn’t having a black man in the WH tell her America is not the country it was 60 years ago? And yet, she enthusiastically devoured the Left’s divisive poison like a brain-dead zombie hungry for brains.

The tragedy of her irrational thinking is it keeps blacks voting for democrats. Despite 50 years of democrats controlling cities and promising to make things better, blacks are suffering more than ever; 40% of black males drop out of high school, record black unemployment under Obama, and 72% of black kids are raised in fatherless households. A whooping 93% of black homicide victims are killed by other blacks.

Remarkably, stupid blacks are still allowing the Left to con them into supporting Planned Parenthood, an organization founded to exterminate blacks. Please forgive me for calling them stupid. But their willful ignorance has as my late mom would say, plucked my last nerve.

It is extremely disturbing that black racism against whites has become in vogue; considered cool and enlightened, a virtue of authentic blackness. The Left says if you are black and do not harbor resentment against whites, you are either an Uncle Tom idiot or suffering with Stockholm Syndrome. The Left says whites who do not feel guilty for their birth (white privilege) are redneck, inbred, fly-over-country racist – ripe for government mandated reconditioning/sensitivity training. Don’t laugh folks. This is the evil the Left has been instilling in our kids for decades from kindergarten through college.

Why has white America tolerated Leftist public education abusing their children; teaching them to feel guilty and ashamed of who they are?

Isn’t it interesting that our Leftist controlled government has bullied us into celebrating Homosexual Pride; claiming homosexuals were born that way. And yet, that same government tells white Americans it is racist and soon to be criminal to take pride in the way they were born; the race God chose for them.

Hollywood produces movies based on the premise that all whites are racist. A lovable, funny black lead character humorously points out white racism, while endlessly joking about how stupid and lame white people are. White characters enlightened of their racist instincts vow to do better. One final joke about stupid white people. Laugh, laugh, laugh! The End. Roll credits.

In 2008 white America overwhelmingly voted to elect the first black president. They were, in essence, saying lets heal this racial divide once and for all. The dirty little secret is the last thing the Left wanted was to bring the races together as one American family. I wish I could get more of my family and other blacks to realize that the American Left are nothing more than cold calculating political grifters, (con artists). These political con artists cruelly exploited the good and trusting nature of Americans by using Obama’s skin-color to silence any opposition to him implementing their far-left radical agenda.

Consequently, Obama has behaved like America’s first king. He ignores the Constitution and laws at will. Republicans are petrified to oppose him. Still, the mainstream media lied, convincing Americans that racist Republicans opposed Obama at every turn.

Realizing they had been conned into electing the Left’s socialist/progressive Trojan Horse, concerned Americans formed the Tea Party. The mainstream media immediately launched its campaign to brand the Tea Party racist. In the minds of far too many black Americans, the media’s false branding stuck.

The Left despicably continues to use the Myth of Racist America to make blacks hate and fear whites and police.

The Left is going crazy because Trump does not submit to their decreed rules of engagement and dictates for acceptable republican behavior; walking on eggshells careful not to offend Leftists. I employ each and every decent American to follow president elect Donald Trump’s lead; call out evil and stand up for what is right. There’s a new sheriff in town.

Folks, I am a black man who loves this country. I know I am incredibly blessed to be born here. My simple desire to see fellow blacks abandon the democrats’ stifling deplorable “you’re a victim lie” and pursue their dreams. Freed black liberal plantation slaves such as I pose a major threat to the Left’s Myth of Racist America; keeping other blacks in check.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

The beast is finally dead

At end of Fidel Castro’s long life one has to pass a balance and ask what were his biggest successes and what were his biggest failures. I think that the Cuban tyrant had several major accomplishments in his life, and just a single, big failure.

One of his main accomplishments was to fool both friends and enemies into thinking that he was a Communist. Evidence, however, shows that Castro’s ideology — or lack of it[1] — was much more closer to fascism than to communism.

Castro was the son of a rich landlord who sent him to be educated by the Jesuits at the Belén High School in Havana. At the school he fell under the influence of some reactionary priests, and became an avid reader of works by Mussolini, Hitler and Spanish Fascist Primo de Rivera.

Despite his claims on the contrary, Castro was never a Marxist or a Communist, nor a member of the pro-Soviet Cuban Communist Party. By his own admission, he was totally ignorant of Marxist doctrine. Paradoxically, the ones who over and over have claimed that he was a Communist have been Castro himself and his enemies in Miami.

Evidence of Castro’s fascist leanings is shown in his last words in his own defense at the trial for his failed assault of the Moncada Garrison in 1953, “Condemn me, never mind, History will absolve me.” They were very similar to Hitler’s final words in his own defense at the trial for the frustrated 1923 beer-hall putsch “Condemn me, never mind. The Goddess of History will absolve me.” Castro’s words didn’t pass unnoticed to the Cuban Communists,[2] who many times called him a “putchist” — communist lingo for Fascist.

Another of Castro’s accomplishments was his excellent work as a secret agent first for the CIA and later for the CIA’s masters, the CFR globalist conspirators.

In early 1948, when he was a law student at the University of Havana, Castro became a secret tool of the American invisible government when he was recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency, recently created by the Council on Foreign Relations’ conspirators, and sent to Bogotá, Colombia as an agent provocateur to participate in the assassination of leader Jorge Eliécer Gaitán and instigate the Bogotazo riots. Castro’s job was to plant false clues implicating the Colombian communists and the Soviet Union for the riots. The CFR conspirators blamed the Communists for Bogotazo, and used the fear of communism and the Soviet Union to justify the beginning of a long psychological warfare operation against the American people called the Cold War.[3]

Some years later, in 1956, Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev had launched his new policy of Peaceful Coexistence. According to Khrushchev, the competition between the Soviet Union and the U.S. should continue, but in the commercial, cultural and technological field, not as a military confrontation. The CFR conspirators saw this as a threat to dismantle the enemy they had artificially created. So, they called their good agent Castro to help them solve their problem.

As soon as the CFR conspirators allowed Castro to take power in Cuba in 1959, he managed to infiltrate the Soviets. Nevertheless, to their utter surprise, as soon as they accepted him as part of the Communist Bloc, he began attacking Khrushchev’s doctrine of Peaceful Coexistence. To this end, he created and bankrolled anti-U.S. guerrilla movements in Latin America and terrorist groups all around the world and destroyed the pro-Soviet Communist parties in Latin America.

Acting on behalf of his CFR masters, he heated up the Cold War. Nevertheless, despite the fact that Castro was an agent of the most reactionary right, the world leftists saw him as a man of the Left. They failed to see that he was actually a secret agent of the most reactionary people in this planet: oil magnates, international bankers and CEOs of transnational corporations. Nevertheless, he was extremely successful in fooling the lefties and “progressives” of the world to think that he was a man of the Left who cared for the rights of the poor farmers and workers.

Castro’s second main accomplishment in his life was using Cuba as a successful testing ground for the New World Order.

The New World Order conspirators ensconced at the CFR believe that the world is overpopulated and that we the people consume too much of the world’s resources that, by natural law, belong to them. So, their two main goals are depopulation and deindustrialization. That is exactly what Castro accomplished in Cuba.

Contrary to common belief, before Castro took power in 1959, Cuba was not an underdeveloped country. The standard of living and mind-set of average Cubans was so close to their American neighbors that, since the early Fifties, many American marketing companies were using the Island as a proving ground to test their products before launching them in the U.S. Seemingly, the use of Cuba as a testing ground for American products, services and ideas, did not end when Castro took power in 1959. Actually, Castro’s Cuba became a large-scale experiment in social engineering, a test run of the New World Order before its worldwide implementation by the globalist conspirators.

And Castro was highly successful. Less that ten years after he took power, Cuba became one of poorest countries in Latin America. At the time of his death, in most economic and social indexes Cuba today ranks barely above Haiti.

Because of its intrinsic faults, communism was a social and economic failure. But what we are witnessing in Cuba today is not a failure as a result of unsound policies, much less the inefficient American “embargo,” but the success of the deliberate planned destruction of a country and its people, very similar to what the CFR conspirators and their minions have been doing in the U.S.

Castro’s third major accomplishments is having managed to keep having the support and admiration of the American “progressive” Left despite being the main killer of leftist leaders.

There is strong evidence indicating that Castro, acting on behalf of his CFR masters, played a key role in the assassinations of U.S. President John F. Kennedy[4] Chile’s President Salvador Allende[5] and Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez.[6] Also, he betrayed Che Guevara and allowed for Che’s capture and killing in Bolivia.[7]

Another of Castro’s greatest accomplishments is that, despite his hatred for homosexuals, American gays still love him.

Since Castro took power in Cuba, his regime was particularly repressive toward homosexuals, and imposed a maximum 20 years sentence for public expression of homosexuality. Even Castro-friendly CFR agent Herbert Matthews, who visited Cuba several times and moved freely among senior officers of the Castro government, once commented that “There seems to be an unusually strong emotional aversion to homosexuals in Cuba — which Castro shares.”[8]

In 1963 Castro approved Operation P, so called because of a big, black “P” (for prostitutas, pederastas, proxenetas—prostitutes, pederasts, pimps) painted on the uniform of the inmates. Operation P was a massive dragnet that began with a nation-wide census of effeminate homosexuals. Operation P was the first step leading to the creation of the UMAPs (Military Units to Help Production), a euphemism for concentration camps for effeminate homosexuals and other “deviates.” UMAP inmates were under a regime of hard labor and subject to constant verbal and physical abuse, including open attacks and homosexual harassment from their butch, macho jailers.[9]

Those are what I consider Castro’s main accomplishments. But, what about his failures?

I think that Castro’s major failure was his unsuccessful attempt when to destroy the U.S. and the world in 1962. Contrary to his wishes, Castro never became the greatest killer in the modern history of mankind. But it was not for his lack of trying. Neither Hitler nor Stalin ever came as close as Castro to setting off a worldwide nuclear holocaust that would have made the horrors of WWII look pale in comparison.

On October 3, 1962, a few days before the onset of the Cuban missile crisis, Castro sent one of his trusted men, trained terrorist Jorge Santiesteban, to New York on a key mission. As soon as Santiesteban arrived in New York, he contacted the rest of his team that, according to FBI estimates, ranged from twenty-five to fifty people. Their mission was to blow up a big portion of Manhattan, including the Statue of Liberty, Macy’s department store, several subway stations, the 42nd street bus terminal and Grand Central Station, as well as several refineries along the New Jersey shore, including the Humble Oil and Refining Company in Linden. To this effect they stored a huge cache of explosives at Garcia’s shop.[10]

But the saboteurs’ plan was too ambitious and included too many people, and soon the FBI got word of it and detained the main conspirators. Had their plan worked out the way it had been conceived, it would undoubtedly have ignited American public opinion and prompted retaliation against Cuba. Had it occurred during the tense days of the crisis it may have been taken for a Russian preemptive attack on the United States and may have triggered a spasm-like retaliatory strike on the Soviet Union, with unpredictable consequences.

Fortunately, the plan failed. But Fidel Castro is a very resourceful man. After his failed attempt to create a provocation that may have brought a nuclear confrontation between the superpowers, Castro pulled another ace from his sleeve.

On October 26, 1962, at the most critical moment of the Cuban Missile Crisis, Castro visited the Soviet embassy in Havana and stayed through the early hours of the next day writing a letter to Khrushchev. The most important part of the letter is Castro’s efforts to convince Khrushchev that an American invasion of Cuba was imminent, and his request that, in case of such invasion, the Soviet Union should launch a preemptive nuclear attack against the United States. This attack, if carried out, would have unleashed a devastating nuclear exchange that would have killed most of the people in the northern hemisphere.

Fortunately, the Soviet leader didn’t pay attention to Castro’s wishes and the world was saved from nuclear Armageddon. Obviously, Castro’s letter scared Khrushchev, because that same day he began sending conciliatory messages to Kennedy in a desperate effort to put an end to the crisis.

Nevertheless, Castro’s obsession with destroying the U.S. and the world did not end when he wrote this letter to Khrushchev. The next day, at the apex of the crisis, on October 27, 1962, an American U-2 spy plane was shot down on the eastern part of Cuba by a Soviet surface-to-air missile (SAM). Several explanations, some of them conflicting with each other, have been given to explain that bizarre event, but most people agree that the missile was fired in violation of orders from Khrushchev and the Soviet high command.

Following Castro’s orders, and disregarding Soviet advice, in the morning of Saturday, October 27, antiaircraft batteries manned by the Cuban army began firing at American low-flying reconnaissance planes, damaging at least one. As Castro himself told Tad Szulc, “I am absolutely certain that if the low-level flights had been resumed we would have shot down one, two, or three of these planes. . . With so many batteries firing, we would have shot down some planes. I don’t know whether this would have started nuclear war.”[11] Though Cuban crews were operating anti-aircraft guns, the powerful surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) were under the Soviet’s tight control, and the Cubans had no access to the bases and didn’t know how to operate them. Nevertheless, at about 10:00 a.m. of that same Saturday morning, an American U-2 was shot down by a SAM fired from a battery at Los Angeles, near Banes, Oriente province.

Some years later, in 1989, Aleksandr Alekseev, former Soviet ambassador to Cuba and a senior KGB officer who was “turned” by Castro, said that the U-2 was shot down by a “trigger-happy Soviet air defense commander.”[12]

There is, however, another version to the story. According to Seymour Hersh, there is strong evidence that, on October 26, 1962, a Cuban Army unit attacked and overran a Soviet-manned SAM base at Los Angeles, near Banes, in the Oriente province, killing many Soviets and seizing control of the site. Hersh based his article on information partly drawn from an interview with former Department of Defense analyst Daniel Ellsberg, who was himself citing classified material from a post-crisis study of the event. The speculation is based on an intercepted transmission from the Soviet base at Los Angeles indicating heavy fighting and casualties. Adrián Montoro, former director of Radio Havana Cuba, and Juan Antonio Rodríguez Menier, a senior Cuban intelligence officer who defected in 1987 and was living in the U.S., seem to confirm Ellsberg’s report.[13]

Though both Castro and the Russians have categorically denied that the attack took place, Raymond L. Garthoff, Special Assistant for Soviet bloc Political/Military Affairs in the State Department during the Kennedy administration, claims that, in fact, from October 28, the Cuban army did surround the Soviet missile bases for three days.[14] It is evident that, whatever really happened, Castro was trying to precipitate a nuclear confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States.

The Cuban missile crisis was finally resolved in a peaceful way, which apparently was not the way Castro envisioned. Evidence indicates that, since the crisis days, Dr. Strangelove Castro dreaming about pulverizing the United States, and he took strong steps to fulfill his cherished dream. And don’t be misled by the relatively small size of the island of Cuba when compared with the United States. Rest assured that Castro was no small enemy. Herbert Matthews, who knew Castro well, once said, “He is the most dangerous enemy that the United States has ever had in the Western Hemisphere.”[15]

Nevertheless, it seems that Castro never forgot his dream of destroying America and the world.

In 1989 General Rafael del Pino Díaz, the highest-ranking Cuban defector, said that at the time of the Grenada operation in 1983, Castro ordered Cuban MiG 23 pilots to program their computers to attack targets in Florida. Among the selected targets was the Turkey Point nuclear plant, which Castro said had the potential of producing a nuclear disaster larger than Chernobyl.[16] According to Gen. del Pino, Castro’s words were: “I don’t have nuclear bombs, but I can produce a nuclear explosion.”[17]

Gen. del Pino said that, in 1968, when a group of Cubans were authorized to recover a MiG-17 taken to the U. S. by a defector, Cuban agents secretly made detailed photographs of Homestead Air Force Base in Florida. The base, Gen. del Pino said, had been targeted for an air attack by Cuban planes. The intention of the attack, Castro told the Cuban Air Force officers, was to provoke the United States into an even stronger action “so the Soviet Union would become involved.”[18]

So, I think that not being able to become the destroyer of the world was Castro’s main failure in his life.[19]

Finally, if I had to sum up the man in a single sentence, what would I say?

Many years ago, when he was a Law student at the University of Havana, Fidel Castro told a friend that his main ambition in life was to have a page in Cuban history. Well, he may not have a full page dedicated to him, but it is likely that he will get at least one sentence. Fifty years from now, Cuban history textbooks will show a very short mention of Castro in a single sentence:

“Fidel Castro: a corrupt, bloodthirsty tyrant who lived in the times of singer Celia Cruz.”

My hope is that very soon Henry Kissinger, George Soros and their master David Rockefeller may join Fidel Castro in Hell.

Servando is the uthor of Psychological Warfare and the New World Order and I Dare Call It Treason, and the DVDs Treason in America and Partners in Treason, all of them available at NewsWithViews.


1. I think that Castro’s true ideology was absolute power. Fidel Castro was basically a Castroist. Proof of it is that Celia Sánchez, Castro’s secretary since the guerrilla days and one of the few person he trusted, was a known anticommunist.
2. Jules Dubois, Fidel Castro (New York: Bobbs-Merrill, 1959), p. 83, and elsewhere. For a comparison of Castro’s and Hitler’s words in their own legal defense see “History Will Absolve Me,” in F. Castro and R. Debray, On Trial (London: Lorringer, 1968), p. 40, and Konrad Heiden, Der Führer (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1944), p. 206. See also William Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (Greenwich, Conn.: Fawcett, 1962), p. 118.
3. The whole event is told in detail in my book Psychological Warfare and the New World Order (Spooks Books: Oakland, California, 210), pp. 150-179.
4. On Castro’s role in the assassination of President Kennedy see Servando Gonzalez, The Secret Fidel Castro ((Spooks Books: Oakland, California, 2001), pp. 96-131.
5. Both Castro and the CIA collaborated in destabilizing the Allende government —the CIA by painting him as a radical leftist and Castro by openly criticizing him for not being radical enough. Moreover, if information that surfaced a few years ago is true, Allende did not commit suicide: the chief of his security detall, Cuban General Patricio de la Guardia, killed him following Castro’s direct orders. See my article “Fidel Castro: Asesino de Allende?,”
6. Servando Gonzalez, “Hugo Chavez: Another Victim of Castro’s High-Tech Political Assassinations?,”
7. On how Castro betrayed Che Guevara see Servando Gonzalez, “We Have Seen the Enemy and He is One of Them,” Part Two.
8. Herbert Matthews, Revolution in Cuba (New York: Scribner’s, 1975), p. 333.
9. See Servando Gonzalez, The Secret Fidel Castro (Spooks Books: Oakland, California, 2001), pp. 220-223.
10. Andrew Tully, White Tie and Dagger (New York: Pocket Books, 1968), pp. 74-78. Tully mistakenly believes the plot was a Soviet idea, but it was Castro’s. The plot is also reported in Andres Oppenheimer, Castro’s Final Hour (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992).
11. Daniel Ellsberg, “The Day Castro Almost Started World War III,” The New York Times, October 31, 1987, p. A7.
12. Dino A. Brugioni, Eyeball To Eyeball (New York: Random House, 1991), pp. 462, 463.
13. [Seymour Hersh, “Was Castro Out of Control in 1962?” in the Washington Post, October 11, 1987; Adrián Montoro, “Moscow Was Caught Between Cuba and U.S.,” the New York Times, November 17, 1987; Rodríguez Menier in personal communication to the author, December 20, 1994. Menier claims he heard the story from Gen. José Abrahantes.
14. James Blight and David Welch, On the Brink (New York: Hill and Wang, 1989), p. 56.
15. See Herbert Matthews, Cuba (New York: Macmillan, 1964), p. 105. CFR agent Herbert Matthews was wrong. The most dangerous enemy of the United States is not foreign but domestic. It is the Council on Foreign Relations, the true masters of Fidel Castro, who allowed him to get in power in Cuba and have been secretly backing him all these years.]
16. See Ernesto Betancourt, “Is Castro Planning a Preemptive Strike Against the U.S.? (Washington, D.C., 1996), p. 4.
17. Jeanne Kirkpatrick, “Is a Stubborn Castro Testing U.S. Defenses?,” the Miami Herald, March 31, 1991, p. 3C.
18. Joseph B. Trester, “Defecting General Says Cuba Has Plans to Raid Base in the U.S if It Is Attacked,” the New York Times, October 11, 1987.
19. American liberals and “progressives” claim they are scared because Trump may push the U.S. to nuclear war, but love from he bottom of their hearts the monster who has brought the world closer to nuclear Armageddon. They are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites.

© 2016 Servando Gonzalez – All Rights Reserved

Obama thumbs his nose at Trump’s immigration agenda

President Barack Obama is thumbing his nose at his successor, President-elect Donald Trump by bringing as many Islamic refugees as he can in his remaining weeks in office. Fact, Obama entered into a secret deal with Australia to take as many refugees as possible who were turned down for asylum by Australia, according to a number of sources.

In fact on Thursday, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley wrote a letter of complaint to both Secretary of State John Kerry and Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson. In his letter he reportedly condemned reports that President Obama was going to admit thousands of Muslims into America including “asylum seekers” the Australian government believed were a danger to their citizens.

“Apparently, Australian officials are more concerned with national security and the safety and security of their people than our own President,” claims former police official David Renauldi. “This is an example of how little the Democrats care about the American people. Their hearts are with illegal aliens, Muslim terrorists and other anti-American groups they consider ‘constituents,’” retired Capt. Renauldi said.

The refugees involved are nationals from global hotspots including Iran, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia and Sudan. Grassley called these nations places where it’s almost impossible to vet people.

One of the most pressing issues Trump faces is the enormous problem of illegal immigration and the implementation of his plans to secure U.S. borders and apprehend and deport criminal aliens. Coupled with that is the American left’s obsession with importing thousands of refugees from countries that harbor or are run by terrorists, with no viable means to conduct background checks.

As far as his ideas on immigration reform, Trump’s rhetoric and his plans appear to coincide with the opinions of a majority of Republicans and so-called Independents despite Republicans and Democrats in the news media who claim the majority of Americans want Obama-style amnesty for the millions of illegal aliens already living in the United States. And as far as voters are concerned – and not just Republicans — Donald Trump has a winning formula for fighting immigration-related violence and crimes.

While Democrats and some Republicans warned Trump about pushing his immigration agenda during his campaign against open-borders advocate Hillary Clinton, a Rasmussen Reports national survey appeared to show that many Americans agreed — and continue to agree — with Trump’s views on border security and criminal aliens.

Donald Trump had released a policy paper that calls for getting tough on illegal immigration. He even used a Rasmussen poll to show that contrary to what the news media say — that his immigration policy is outside of the mainstream — his proposal to end automatic citizenship for children born to illegal immigrants in this country is far from being outside the mainstream of Americans’ political thought.

Rasmussen pollsters found that 70 percent of likely GOP voters agree with the GOP presidential hopeful that the United States should build a wall along the Mexican border to help stop illegal immigration. Seventeen percent (17%) of GOP voters disagree, while 13% are undecided.

Ninety-two percent (92%) of Republicans agree that the United States should deport all illegal immigrants who have been convicted of a felony in this country. Only four percent (4%) disagree.

Among all likely voters — Republicans, Democrats and Independents — 51 percent favor building a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border; 37 percent disagree, and 12% are not sure. A whopping 80 percent said that they support the deportation of all illegal immigrants convicted of a felony; while only 11 percent are opposed and nine percent aren’t sure.

Cops urge Trump to restore equipment confiscated by Obama

President-elect Donald Trump’s victory over Democrat Hillary Clinton was the result of a number of actions that the news media chose to ignore, but the American people still discovered. For example, an overwhelming number of law enforcement fraternal and labor organizations broke ranks from the rest of the unions to endorse candidate Trump. That included the federal officers with the U.S. Border Patrol, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, and the nation’s largest police union representing local and state police, the Fraternal Order of Police with more than 300,000 members and affiliates.

Now many cops are urging President Trump and his Attorney General to rescind Executive Order 13688 which was meant to decrease the protection of police officers by reducing their self-defense capabilities. The goal was to appease rioters, activists and certain politicians who felt threatened by police officers based on “how they looked.”

Last year, President Barack Obama pushed his administration to implement his executive order to take away certain weapons and equipment away from local police and sheriff departments throughout the nation in reaction to police anti-riot tactics in which they utilized military-style vehicles and weapons.

According to 13688, high-tech weapons, equipment and vehicles are to be confiscated from law enforcement agencies across the country by the Obama administration despite the country’s sheriffs and lawmakers complaining that the equipment is more than ever necessary to protect communities from violence including incidents perpetrated by jihadists who are expected to attempt a repeat of attacks occurring in France, Belgium and other countries.

Sheriffs such as Arizona’s Joe Arpaio and Wisconsin’s David Clarke have complained that losing armored vehicles and other equipment that are defensive not offensive will place police officers and sheriffs’ deputies, in addition to their communities, at risk from violent crime, riots and terrorism.

“These things are useful tools and the president taking them away will put more officers in jeopardy and at risk of harm or even death. I don’t know how he can sleep at night knowing his actions will have those repercussions,” argues Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Alabama.

Rogers explained that President Obama had issued Executive Order 13688 after the anti-police riots in Ferguson, Missouri, Baltimore, Maryland, and other riots. Amid the violence, there was outcry by liberal-left activists and Democrat lawmakers about the alleged “militarization” of the police while there was practically silence about the rioters looting and torching businesses.

“The do-gooders were more concerned about the [safety of] rioters and looters than about the officers who had to face them and worry about how they used their weapons and equipment,” said former police officer and attorney Joseph Fitzgerald. “In fact, Obama and his Attorney General at the time [Eric Holder] took action even before the investigation that followed the shooting of a black man by a white officer was completed. By the way, the verdict in that case was that the officer was correct in his use of deadly force against a 6’8? 300 lbs. assailant,” explained Fitzgerald.

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

The left’s inability to face reality

We are seeing a complete meltdown on the left because of the results of the election. In my life I have never seen such pathetic reactions to a general election. To some extent some of these reactions would be justified because of the election then re-election of Obama, a man who was the most unqualified person to ever hold the office of the president. He had never held a job, run a company, been responsible for making a payroll, knew absolutely nothing about business, foreign policy, had never accomplished anything in his life and was not even qualified under our Constitution to hold the office not being a Natural Born Citizen. For that I blame on Congress as they ignored the part of our Constitution, as well as many other parts of the Constitution during his presidency, that requires that both parents must be citizens to be a NBC. It was never questioned by Congress and the MSM never brought it up even though they did questioned McCain’s eligibility because he was born out of the country while his father served our nation.

The left, though mostly through paid protestors, are have having a fit about Trump being elected. I am sure that they thought they had enough illegals and dead people voting to overcome and beat Trump. But because they didn’t, so now they are pounding on the fact that Hillary won the popular vote. Well, only if you count the dead people and the illegals. But what they need to understand is the United States has NEVER elected a president via the popular vote. It has always been through the Electoral College. They seem to forget that Nixon won the popular vote but Kennedy won the Electoral College. Republicans didn’t complain and Nixon even shunned a recount. Too bad the left doesn’t have half the class of the only president to have been pushed from office because of a scandal. Now the Democrats tried to elect the most corrupt person with so many scandals it would take four or five columns to discuss them.

The protests in the streets, the violence, the destruction of innocent people’s property because your candidate didn’t win is a disgrace to the heritage of our nation. Of course all the violence and destruction is being done by people who are being paid to do so: A Craigslist ad allegedly posted by Bernie Sanders supporters offered people $15 an hour to protest at Donald Trump’s rally in Janesville, Wisconsin, on Tuesday.

The ad, which was removed from the site, said it would provide shuttle buses, parking and signs to protesters who attended the Republican presidential front-runner’s event, in addition to $15 an hour for up to four hours.[1] Thousands of people marched in Denver on Thursday night to protest the election of Donald Trump.

Protesters, chanting and carrying signs, bemoaning the president-elect, started from the west steps of the state Capitol just after 5:30 p.m. and marched down the 16th Street Mall.

So many people marched that some chants drowned out others. Employees of businesses along the mall came out of shops and captured images of the throng as it streamed by. Some diners in restaurants along the way did the same, with some waving at protesters.[2]

What direction is our nation taking when we have to pay people to protest the outcome of an election? What direction is our nation taking when colleges have to offer counseling because a democrat lost an election?[3], [4]

They’re offering coloring books, crayons and puppies all to help them deal with the results of the election. These are college students! Supposedly grownups. This is what happens when you don’t have winners and losers in school functions, sports, contests and other things. Everybody gets a participation trophy. Schools are supposed to be training students to be successful, productive members of society. Participation trophies don’t cut it. In the real world there are winners and losers. In the real world things don’t always go the way you want it. When that happens our kids will have to know how to handle that setback. Kids today freak out, demand that the election be reversed so their candidate wins. It doesn’t help when their candidate declares that if you don’t accept the results it is a threat to our democracy: “To say you won’t respect the result of the election, that is a direct threat to our democracy.”[5] then she joins in on the recount effort. By the way, Hillary is wrong, we don’t have a democracy we have a Constitutional Republic. There is a difference.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg concerning what our kids are being taught or not being taught. These supposedly mature people needed counseling earlier in the year when the saw ‘Trump 2016’ written in chalk on the sidewalk on their college campus.[6] These poor little snowflakes even had to have counseling for seeing Halloween costumes that offended them![7] I remember a song that the late Merle Haggard did back in the 1970’s, yes I’m that old and I do like the song, called The Fighting Side of Me and one verse in that song states:

I read about some squirrelly guy
Who claims he just don’t believe in fighting
And I wonder just how long
The rest of us can count on being free
They love our milk and honey
But they preach about some other way of living.

That’s the part I don’t think these fools, including their so-called teachers/professors, understand. They love what we have in America. Our freedoms and our prosperity but they don’t want to do what it takes to get it or keep it. The worst part is I don’t think they even know what it takes to get it. We don’t teach our history anymore because it has too much religion in it, like that’s a reason to not teach our history. Kids today have no idea what our Founders believed and sacrificed so they could have the freedoms they have today. It is a disgrace what we call an education system.

Today’s college grads couldn’t pass an eighth grade final exam. What used to be the number one education system in the world is now 14th.[8] When it comes to knowing what is going on in our nation we are generally stupid! Most people don’t have a clue. We rank second in ignorance concerning what is going on in our nation. According to the research firm IPSOS Mori, the United States ranks second out of fourteen countries in general ignorance about social statistics such as teen pregnancy, unemployment rates, and voting patterns. Italy is the most ignorant of the fourteen countries.[9]

Donald Trump has stated all through his campaign that he wants to make America great again. I believe that he can do that. He has been very successful in his business ventures and knows how to make things happen and get things done. He isn’t even in the office yet and he has already saved 1000 jobs from going to Mexico and is working on keeping more here. Under Obama we have less manufacturing jobs today than when he took office but Obama’s press secretary Josh Earnest claims that 805,000 jobs have been saved by Obama.[10] It must be nice to live in a dream world where you can make up your own stats.

If nothing else it will be nice to have a president that loves his nation, is truthful, will actually have a transparent administration and is placing people in his administration whose goals are the same as the peoples, Make America Great Again. He may be the devil we don’t know, what candidate isn’t, but Hillary is a devil that we do know and we know that we don’t want her or her policies under any circumstance.

Trump stated he wants to rebuild our military and have a military that will be a force that the rest of the world won’t want to mess with. Today he chose General James Mattis as Secretary of Defense. He will be a no nonsense leader. His pick for Health and Human Services, Representative Tom Price, has been working on getting rid of Obamacare since its inception.

We should give him the opportunity to perform just as the Democrats said we had to do with Obama. He never did. Of course he had never done anything in his life so that is no surprise. Trump has accomplished things and has been successful. We will be eagerly waiting to see what he will do, at least those of us that aren’t snowflakes and not in counseling.

© 2016 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved



1. Craigslist Ad: Get Paid $15 an Hour to Protest at a Trump Rally.
2. Donald Trump Denver protest.
3. Letter-to-editor Fresno Bee
4. Nashville school offers post election counseling.
5. Hillary not accepting election results.
7. University Of Florida offer counseling to students offended by halloween costumes.
10. GOP Briefing Room

Way more than draining the swamp

The Law of the Lord is Perfect in every way. A country is blessed when its leaders follow God’s Law.

The President elect has promised in his words, “To drain the swamp.” Perhaps a better analogy would be to drain and dismantle the cesspool. This is a daunting and enormous task which begins with the careful selection of the right people over seeing each department in the Executive branch.

He needs someone to take hold of the vipers den known as the IRS and rid it of those who were involved in persecuting organizations that stood for the government our Founders established. He must also cull those snakes who were part of Obama’s weaponization of the IRS as the scourge of every Obama opponent. That might take out more than half of that agency, and it would be best that no one replaces those empty seats. The next bold step for the new Commissioner would be to return to the Constitutional standard which completely prohibits capitation taxes on citizens. That prohibition is contained in Article One Section nine clause four, and don’t believe the lie that the Sixteenth Amendment altered that prohibition as the Supreme Court itself just after the Amendment ruled that the Amendment gave no new taxing powers to the Federal government – meaning the prohibition on capitation taxes still stands to this day. That would mean the IRS could only tax corporations and resident aliens, legal aliens and illegal aliens. The individual’s fair share of the Federal Tax bill is zero. Wouldn’t that make April 15th and wonderful day, a day we could celebrate the restoration of Constitutional taxation in America?

Another Department that is a rat’s nest is the Department of Education. It has no Constitutional authority and therefore should be abolished. I am encouraged to see the President elect has chosen one who, as her critics say, has been working hard “in an effort to dismantle public education in Michigan.”[1] I pray that there will be success at dismantling the Federal Department of Education and once and for all breaking the monopoly on education that has existed America since the 1850’s. Perhaps the Eduction Secretary, while weaning States from the teat of the Federal Department of Education, could bring an end to the education monopoly. The Secretary could bind those States who receive Federal Education dollars to legislatively breaking the link between property taxes and education such that only those who choose to use the Government run system pay for the Government run system. Every one else, would be set free from the existing monopoly. What an idea. That would be a true service to the parents of America who want to actually choose where their family’s education dollars go. Then once the monopoly is broken, the tap of Federal education money must be sealed forever and that illegal organization known as the Federal Department of Education closed forever.

There is a long list of the other alphabet soup agencies and departments that need to receive similar treatment, things like the completely unconstitutional EPA, BATFE, Department of Energy, National Labor Relations Board, and how about the Department of Homeland Security and Agriculture and Housing and Urban Development, Transportation, Interior and on the list goes. Just consider the A’s in the list of unconstitutional Agencies – 57 in the A’s alone:

• Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
• Administration for Native Americans
• Administration on Aging (AoA)
• Administration on Developmental Disabilities
• Administrative Committee of the Federal Register
• Administrative Conference of the United States
• Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
• Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
• African Development Foundation
• Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
• Agency for International Development
• Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
• Agricultural Marketing Service
• Agricultural Research Service
• Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Bureau (Justice)
• Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (Treasury)
• American Battle Monuments Commission
• American Samoa Home Page
• AMTRAK (National Railroad Passenger Corporation)
• Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
• Appalachian Regional Commission
• Architect of the Capitol
• Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board)
• Archives (National Archives and Records Administration)
• Arctic Research Commission
• Armed Forces Retirement Home
• Arms Control and International Security
• Army Corps of Engineers
• Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Interagency Coordinating Committee
• Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
• Administration for Native Americans
• Administration on Aging (AoA)
• Administration on Developmental Disabilities
• Administrative Committee of the Federal Register
• Administrative Conference of the United States
• Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
• Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
• African Development Foundation
• Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
• Agency for International Development
• Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
• Agricultural Marketing Service
• Agricultural Research Service
• Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Bureau (Justice)
• Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (Treasury)
• American Battle Monuments Commission
• American Samoa Home Page
• AMTRAK (National Railroad Passenger Corporation)
• Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
• Appalachian Regional Commission
• Architect of the Capitol
• Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board)
• Archives (National Archives and Records Administration)
• Arctic Research Commission
• Armed Forces Retirement Home
• Arms Control and International Security
• Army Corps of Engineers
• Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Interagency Coordinating Commit-tee[2]

And that is just the A’s, it is a much longer list before you reach the W’s with Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars being the last. There are all unconstitutional, they should all be abolished. There is a whole lot of undoing to be done by the new Administration.

And would to God that Washington D.C. would obey the command of Scrip-ture in Ephesians 4:28, “Let him that stole, steal no longer.” Every expenditure of funds by the Federal Government not directly authorized by the Compact We The People made in forming that government, which is our Constitution, is not simply an illegal expenditure, it is actually theft; the taxation is theft and the expenditure is theft. So “Let him that stole, steal no longer.”

What would it take to achieve that kind of dramatic change in America? A total change of heart on the part of Americans – a return to our Founders un-derstanding that There is a Creator God, the God of the Bible, that our Rights come from Him alone and that the sole purpose of human civil government is to secure those God given rights, nothing else.

This reminds me of what Jesus taught in Matthew 9:17 “Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.” New wine needs new wine skins.

Learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2016 Rev. David Whitney – All Rights Reserved