Don’t surrender to the world brain – think

Some of the recent political convention speeches were a combination of Tony Robbins-inspired motivational techniques and transparent attempts at controlling and manipulating human consciousness, based on political platforms of outrageous lying and psychological manipulation. The political conventions with some exceptions were like virtual reality theatre directed by George Orwell. Nothing is what is seems to be and nothing is real. On the electronic menu of both political parties, false choices were offered up that were nothing more than illusions, and the politicians’ speeches were carefully crafted to appear as one thing, but are in reality completely something else.

All the psychological props and devices were employed to appease the parties’ demographic bases with virtual world candidates who appeared as pop-ups who used words like family, God, born-again, diversity, sustainable, “pro-life, but I don’t vote that way,” environmentalism, and racial identification. And there were promises and appeals to the working class, middle class, and various racial, religious, and gender groups. There was a Marxist candidate who apparently sold out his followers for money and globalist-elite candidates who masqueraded as candidates for the common people. The Joker or wild card in the “holodeck” (a virtual reality facility featured in the Star Trek movies and often used for recreational activities) is the major news media. The corporate media, which is totally controlled by six corporations owned by the global elite, offers nothing more than a “smoke and mirrors” show of endless babbling by inferior actors posing as journalists, who, with rare exceptions, are in reality nothing more than propagandists who offer almost nothing in the way of facts, accountability, and in-depth insights. It’s all the land of make believe like the Wizard of Oz, where we are not allowed to see the truth about the Wizard who hides behind the curtain.

How is it that so many of the American people fall for this stuff? Matt Drudge, the founder of the Drudge Report, made the comment that there is a sickness in the American people that makes them susceptible to leaders who lie and the irrational messages they give. What Matt Drudge was referring to was a kind of spiritual and psychological sickness that infects a very large percentage of the American public. In the last two decades this psychological sickness has taken hold over more and more minds, so that the majority of Americans are easily manipulated through emotion and slogans, rather than actual facts and logic. According to Michael Snyder of Economic Collapse “the percentage of Americans that own a home has fallen to the lowest level ever recorded.” Snyder continues “The reason for this, of course is that the Middle Class is dying. Last year we learned that Middle Class Americans now make up a minority of the population for the first time ever.” I go into this in detail in my book, A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016 – 2017 and explain how this is not an accident, but due to a deliberate “educational” strategy of the elite to artificially create a World Socialist Government.

Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World, warned us the power of totalitarian dictatorships using scientific mind control to dumb down the masses and make them compliant. He wrote about the use of non-stop distractions to keep people from paying attention to what is really going on in social or political situations. It’s kind of like the car chases, riots, celebrity craziness, and other media techniques to keep us watching our television screens.

Huxley writes “In their propaganda, today’s dictators rely for the most part on repetition, suppression and rationalization: the repetition of catchwords which they wish to be accepted as true, the suppression of facts which they wish to be ignored, the arousal and rationalization of passions which may be used in the interests of the Party or the State.” It sounds like Huxley is describing the programming content of politicians at convention, or a cable news network.

Aldous Huxley continues “As the art and science of manipulation come to be better understood, the dictators of the future will doubtless learn to combine these techniques with the non-stop distractions…” (Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited, (Perennial Library, 1958), pgs. 363-7.

Despite the virtual reality illusion of the differences between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, the middle class has been dying for decades under both parties, who exist primarily to serve the elite: Wall Street and wealthy special interest groups. According to the Social Security Administration, 51 percent of American workers make less than $30,000 per year. But even that number is misleading because $30,000 per year could have bought a decent middle class lifestyle and a home in the 1960s and 1970s. The Federal Reserve states that 47 percent of all Americans could not afford to pay a $400 emergency room bill without borrowing the money. On top of that hard working Americans who sacrificed and slaved in jobs where they were provided a fair and decent health plan have had their health plans stolen from them! They have been forced to accept inferior health plans where the price of health care sky rockets every year and their health care premiums are so high that many don’t have the money to pay for them and so they choose not to get treated for all kinds of serious medical conditions.

Both political parties participated in this betrayal of the American people and the Republican elite have no intention of repealing or seriously changing the highly expensive and horrible health care plans which citizens have been forced to accept which do not allow them to keep or choose their doctor or healthcare provider, and at the most vulnerable time in their lives older Americans’ health care cost keeps getting higher and higher.

On every front Americans are being bludgeoned to accept an educational system that saddles families and their children with enormous debt and throws the children into a job market which can no longer offer higher paying jobs with decent benefits. The mass media only give lip service to these issues and give no in-depth coverage of any relevant news because their entire purpose is to conceal the truth from the public with endless “shock and awe” events that occupy the consciousness of the average American like “bread and circuses” did during the Roman Empire.

The reality is that a secretive elite class rule the world like kings and queens and have turned nations in Europe, America, and the rest of the world into feudal states where the middle class has been turned into a serf or slave class. At the same time, the elite or one percent have become wealthier than at any time in history, although the media will never do any serious coverage of this, but simply tap dance around the issue with Manchurian-candidate-media personalities on the left and the right concealing the full ramifications of what this means to the American people by offering up diversionary coverage and ignoring the real facts. The primary fact is that with very few exceptions both Republican and Democratic politicians work hand in glove with Wall Street and the international banks and when they retire they can be highly paid lobbyists for corporations or foreign nations like China, Iran, Pakistan, India, and Russia.

Why is it that the vast majority of Americans on the left and right cannot see the obvious? It’s not that Americans were not susceptible to propaganda and manipulation in previous generations; it’s that we are now in a time period where several generations of Americans have lost the ability to perceive and think rationally. After decades of scientifically dumbing down the American public through the educational system, media, and entertainment, the average person has no sense of history and no desire to understand history, and the educational process has robbed people of the ability to be creative, to ask questions, and to look at the big picture. Common Core and educational programs that “teach to the test” are designed to shut down right brain development and fool parents into thinking their children are learning because they do well on a test.

However, doing well on a test consists of regurgitating back the information that the teacher and the curriculum spoon-fed to the student. The child is encouraged to enter into collectivist and groupthink educational environments where as a team students come up with approved answers. The masses of scientifically dumbed down people in America and around the world did not come about by accident. It was part of a deliberate and long-term plan.

In 1947, Julian Huxley, brother of Aldous Huxley, was the first head of UNESCO, the United Nations Educational Scientific Cultural Organization. Both Aldous Huxley and Julian Huxley were Fabian Socialists and were at the very top of the occult elite. Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World, which was a science fiction novel about a dictatorship where people were genetically bred for certain classes in society and were controlled by scientific brainwashing and psychotropic drugs. Aldous Huxley also created the term “Scientific Dictatorship,” which he spoke about at a convention of neurological scientists at the University of California at Berkley in 1961, where he said that in the truly scientific dictatorship men and women could be programmed to love their slavery.

This was not just theoretical for the Huxleys and the rest of the global elite; it was their action plan for creating a new kind of technological Babylon and global dictatorship. Julian Huxley organized UNESCO at the UN for the purpose of helping the “emergence of a single world culture with its own philosophy and background of ideas with its own broad purpose.” Huxley’s goal was a one world government that would be brought about by merging “two-super-nationalisms, or individualism versus collectivism; or the American versus the Russian way of life, or as Capitalism versus Communism, or as Christianity versus Marxism.” The psychosocial technology they would use to bring this about is the Hegelian Dialectic, which creates two opposites of extremes, thesis versus antithesis, to bring about a middle ground called synthesis. In the mass media and political arenas the liberal and conservative cable news networks serve as thesis and anti-thesis. In the political arena the Republican Party and the Democratic Party serve as thesis and anti-thesis.

On a global level the plan by Julian Huxley and others has been to create a single World Core Curriculum so that people of all nations think the same thing. This is what H.G. Wells intended when he created the “World Brain,” concept, or what others have called the “Hive Mind.” Computer technology is an essential part of this process and it is no accident that computer software billionaire Bill Gates is a primary backer of Common Core. Ironically, members of the elite like Gates send their children to non-Common Core private schools. In 2004, Bill Gates and Microsoft, along with UNESCO, partnered to create a globalist educational program for children worldwide.

The seeds of Common Core began in the 1940s, when Sir Julian Huxley created UNESCO to use global educational standards to indoctrinate students with a belief in “political unification in some sort of world government.” In 1949 UNESCO literature was distributed to use in the classroom to promote “world understanding.” UNESCO’s materials read “As long as the child breathes the poisoned air of nationalism, education in world-mindedness can only produce precarious results.” So, to deal with that, schools should use various means to “combat family attitudes.” UNESCO is clearly attacking nationalism or patriotism and targeting for destruction family attitudes or family values.

Later on, Robert Mueller, a former Deputy Secretary of the UN, created the details of Common Core as a planetary curriculum to be taught in all the schools on Earth. Robert Mueller is an occultist and Luciferian, a disciple of Alice Bailey, who founded Lucis Trust, formerly known as Lucifer Publishing Company, on the grounds of the UN. Alice Bailey was a disciple of Madame Blavatsky, the Russian occult teacher, who openly taught the worship of Lucifer.

The World Core Curriculum of Julian Huxley and Robert Mueller represents the Illuminati plan to create a one world government, one world religion, and one world economic system by using occult programs of scientific mind control along with computer technology to create global citizens who are content to serve as slaves in a “green” and “sustainable” New World Order. Like the Illuminati pyramid on the back of the U.S. dollar this will be a hierarchal and occult system that is diametrically opposed to Christianity, Christian moral values, national sovereignty, and the Bill of Rights and the freedoms it contains.

The entire global system is an anti-Christ system because it directly opposes Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Bible. It uses occult power and mind control terms like Sustainable Development, Agenda 21, and environmentalism to control the masses. But none of those words mean what they claim to mean. For example, Sustainable Development and Agenda 21 are simply code for radical socialist wealth distribution and top-down control systems.

In 1990 top level Vatican theologian Malachi Martin wrote The Keys of This Blood: The Struggle for World Dominion, where he outlined the goal of the globalist elite and the new humanist values they will promote, funded in part by the Carnegie Endowment Fund in partnership with organizations like the Moscow-based educational company Informatik, where the plan is to use the same kinds of textbooks all around the world. Malachi Martin explains the new kinds of values they will promote on a global level. For example, the word “good” will no longer have a moral or religious connotation. Good will simply mean global! The goal is to create a one-world community with a global mentality. (Source Malachi Martin, The Keys of This Blood (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1990).

In 1974, Alvin Toffler, who mentored “conservative” Newt Gingrich, wrote a report entitled, “Man, Education, and Society in the Year 2000.” Other participants were George Bush, James Baker of the Reagan Administration, and Edmund de Rothschild. They called for new values beyond the values of the home, church, and traditional school. What were these values?

“The home, the church and the school cannot be effective maintainers [of society] since the future cannot be predicted… The traditional cluster of knowledge, skills, values and concepts will not help our young face the future in their private life, the international situation…. Perhaps there is a need for the clarification of new values needed to solve future problems.” (Source “Man, Education and Society in the Year 2000,” a report issued by the Institute for Chief State School Officers, 1974. Summary written by Dr. Grant Venn, CSSO Institute Director.)

In 1984, The Robert Muller School in Texas, which uses Muller’s World Core Curriculum, was accredited despite Muller’s acknowledgement that his curriculum is based on “the teachings set forth in the books of Alice Bailey by [her spirit guide] the Tibetan teacher, Djwhal Khul.” The review team believed that the Robert Muller School curriculum was so outstanding that it should be used as a model for teacher education everywhere. In 1985 Robert Muller’s occult and globalist book New Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality was published, and it influenced leading educators around the world.

Dr. Thomas Sowell summarized this mind-changing process in a 1993 article titled “Indoctrinating the Children”:

“The techniques of brainwashing developed in totalitarian countries are routinely used in psychological conditioning programs imposed on American school children. These include emotional shock and desensitization, psychological isolation from sources of support, stripping away defenses, manipulative cross-examination of the individual’s underlying moral values, and inducing acceptance of alternative values by psychological rather than rational means.”(Source Thomas Sowell, “Indoctrinating the Children,” in Forbes, February 1, 1993, p. 65.

The reason that fewer and fewer Americans can rationally and logically process accurate information about the true content presented by political conventions and the media is that they have gone through the scientific process of mind-changing that both Dr. Thomas Sowell and Aldous Huxley describe. Dr. Sowell writes that the scientific techniques of brainwashing developed in totalitarian countries are now being regularly used in psychological conditioning programs imposed on American school children.

He states that “emotional shock and desensitization, psychological isolation from sources of support, stripping away defenses…” are being used in American schools. Think for a moment about the actual physical structure of modern American schools. They are built to look somewhat like prisons and they have conspicuously few windows for children to look out into the real world. Why? The stated purpose is to prevent distraction. Really?

Even Aldous Huxley warned about the use of scientific propaganda and the techniques of repetition, suppression, rationalization, and the use of catchwords.

The challenge before each of us as individuals and as a culture is to not surrender our individual brains into the “World Brain,” which is slavery. There is only one way to do that and that is to THINK.

In my new book, A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016 – 2017, I expose the global economic system and the future of America in light of Bible prophecy.

© 2016 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

How democrats deny science

We all know Democrats and Republicans differ on partisan politics. But there are bipartisan issues where everyone should agree. We should all agree on what facts and science tell us.

Democrats, in general, claim scientists like me “deny climate change.” The truth is these Democrats deny science.

Anyone who has an open mind to scientific truth will understand there is no evidence that our carbon dioxide emissions cause dangerous climate change.

Facts prove our carbon dioxide emissions are not dangerous. If anything, facts show we should try to increase the carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.

In Montana, Democrats promote their candidate for Superintendent of Schools. But Democrats have promoted their false climate religion in our schools and universities. Democrats have dumbed down our whole society.

The strongest argument for electing a Republican to Superintendent of Schools is to stop the destructive promotion of the false climate religion.

Science denial cuts both ways in our governor’s contest. Our Republican candidate believes our earth and universe are 6000 years old. Our Democrat candidate believes our carbon dioxide emissions cause dangerous climate change.

Which is worse for a Montana governor? Believing the earth is 6000 years old or believing our carbon dioxide emissions cause dangerous climate change?

The answer is obvious. The false climate religion causes far more damage to our economy than the belief our earth is 6000 years old. The false climate religion destroys our abundant cheap energy, the foundation of our economy.

At the presidential level, the choice is even more clear. Hillary will work to shut down America’s best sources of abundant cheap energy. Donald Trump will work to build up America’s best sources of abundant cheap energy.

About 5 to 10 percent of voters say they support Libertarian Gary Johnson. Johnson believes the false climate religion. Johnson can’t win but his supporters will help Hillary win.

Only Hillary or Trump can win. Fence sitters and third-party voters who claim to be conservatives are not conservatives. They are Democrats.

Some politically-active, Bible-thumping pastors will not support Trump. They are false prophets who lead their people astray.

True Americans support Donald Trump, not because he is perfect. No one is perfect. But because Donald Trump will be far better for America than liar criminal Hillary.

I correctly predicted Trump would win the Republican nomination. Now I predict he will win the presidency.

Vox Day explained why he supports Donald Trump:

I am often asked why I, a Christian libertarian and intellectual, would publicly support Donald Trump, a man of no fixed ideology, no apparent religious beliefs, multiple marriages, visible ties to the Clintons, and whose taste and sophistication tends to resemble that of a nouveau riche rhinoceros. It is a reasonable question. After all, how can anyone support a candidate whose public statements are, to put it mildly, inconsistent—when they are not completely self-contradictory.

The answer is as simple as it is conclusive and convincing. Donald Trump is the only candidate in either major party whose personal interests are aligned with those of the American public rather than with the interests of the anti-nationalist elite who see America as nothing more than lines on a map and Americans as nothing more than 300 million economic units in the global economy.

Ask yourself this: why did Donald Trump run for president in the first place? I believe the real reason is that he, like you, is deeply concerned about the current state of the United States of America, and he, like you, fears for its future.

I support Donald Trump because he loves the America that once was, and he is willing to put both his body and his reputation on the line in order to restore America to that unique state that was the envy of the entire world. That is what he means by Make America Great Again.

Donald Trump not only wants to make America great again, he wants America to be American. That is what distinguishes him from Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. And that is why I support him.

In the past month, I posted several new articles on climate change.

My July 5 article, Why Eric Grimsrud is wrong about climate, has 126 comments. My article on Soon’s, Sun not CO2 causes climate change, has 92 comments.

Some Democrat scientists have attempted to show these articles are wrong. They have failed to do so. Read the comments and judge for yourself.

Democrat David Appell added a comment wherein he denied the facts shown in a chart before him. His comment led me to post two more articles:

Data contradict government Climate Claims is John Christy’s full Testimony to U.S. House Committee on Science, Space & Technology on February 2, 2016. Christy shows why the Democrat climate change agenda is a religion rather than science.

Global Warming for Dummies and Activists is Roy Spencer’s talk at the International Conference on Climate Change in Las Vegas in 2014. Spencer presents a “sixth-grade” level of climate change that is very easy to understand.

© 2016 Edwin X Berry, PhD – All Rights Reserved

The masses need a course in economics, capital and freedom

Let’s start out with some simple, undeniable truths:

1. Only the profits from private enterprise create income, which can be taxed by government.

2. Government can only create jobs, or pay for social services, using the money from the taxes on private income. Government does not create money. It is a net absorber of money, even if it prints it. Government only creates debt. Government-issued currency is evidence of that debt.

3. Government over-regulation inhibits, or in some cases, prohibits the creation of jobs, start-up businesses, or the expansion of businesses. With too much regulation there is less capitalism and thus less private income to tax and decreasing jobs, forcing government to print what it needs to pay for the irrational promises it has made ….. for votes.

4. If government takes too much in taxes on private income, capital becomes less and less available to create private jobs, or create new businesses, or expand existing ones.

5. If there is not enough capital in the markets for new business creation or expansion because government is taking too much of the capital for social services, coupled with massive government inefficiency, waste, fraud, abuse and corruption, freedom cannot survive and socialism takes its place.

6. History proves that eventually, this expanding socialist system runs out of private capital and it collapses into fascism, or an absolute socialist oligarchy, or a dictatorship, where the people become nothing but slaves to an almighty government. That’s what most of the nations in Europe have become today.

7. Democratic Progressivism is a direct path to national bankruptcy and irreversible socialism.

8. Freedom dies when there are more people in the wagon than there are pulling the wagon. The people pulling the wagon are indentured servants to the people in the wagon by the force of government, at the point of a gun.

The next graph explains it all. [Link]

In approximately 55 years, the national debt went from somewhere near $1 Trillion to $19 Trillion, or a 1900% increase. In 2008, after two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and before Obama took office, the national debt was 76% of America’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). But wars always create debt. However, by 2015, under Obama, a Democrat, the national debt shot up to over 104% of GDP. On its current path with an anemic GDP growth rate of less than 2%, the national debt will increase to 136% of GDP in 10 years, a financial death spiral, created by mostly Democrats and over 100 years of Progressivism.

Even after World War 2 was over, the national debt to GDP was a little over 100% but was whittled down to around 30% by 1975. That decrease in the national debt was due to a robust manufacturing base during that period. There were lots of private sector jobs and the real unemployment rate hovered around 5%. Women who were in the war-time work force, came home and raised their children to be productive and honorable Americans. Returning war veterans were able to fill the millions of manufacturing jobs. America was a manufacturing powerhouse for the rest of the world.

But then Congress ratified and Bill Clinton signed into law, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1992, which started the steady decline of manufacturing jobs in America. Without a significant manufacturing base, the national debt could not be decreased and by 2015, under Obama, a Democrat, the national debt breached $19,000,000,000,000 (that’s Trillion), headed for $33,000,000,000,000 by 2026, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). [see: Link]

Combined with the loss of manufacturing jobs came an explosion in social benefits, especially under Obama, a Democrat, with the passage of the Affordable Care Act, euphemistically known as Obama Care. Obama Care is set to implode as more and more private insurance carriers abandon the program, which will rapidly accelerate the national debt, if something isn’t done to stop it.

As the jobs decreased and welfare benefits increased, government kept taking a larger and larger share of available capital from the profits of private industry for expanding social services. This government TAKING has been going on and accelerating since FDR created a massive increase in social welfare programs and subsidies, both personal and business. President Johnson exacerbated the TAKINGS with his Great Society. Obama and the Democrats further threatened America’s financial security with the passage of Obama Care. This is an inescapable path to national bankruptcy, socialism, or even fascism, brought on by Progressive policies based on buying votes to stay in power, under the guise of compassion.

As we have stated many times in past articles, there are now more people in the wagon than are pulling the wagon. Eventually, there became less and less capital available for new business starts, job increases and business expansion. The GDP slowed to less than 2% in 2016 and even though the unemployment rate allegedly decreased, most of the new jobs are on the low end of the pay scale.

On top of an exponential increase in social spending, came the inevitable increase in regulations, a natural outcome of a Democrat-driven, Progressive ideology. In spite of the picture they paint, Progressives abhor freedom. On the other hand Progressives love dependency (for votes) and control of the masses through ever-increasing social and environmental regulations.

Added to massive federal laws and rules from unaccountable bureaucracies, are the local and state laws and rules. There are literally millions of laws on the federal, state and local law books. Many of those laws are in direct conflict with each other, creating confusion and unequal application throughout the entire court system, assigned to enforce and prescribe punishment for violations of the laws and rules.

Laws and rules are meant to inhibit or prohibit human behavior, coupled with punishments for violations. However, every time legislators or bureaucrats write a new law, no matter at what level of government, they immediately trigger three very costly events: 1) Increase government employment to analyze, research and study not only the science to justify a new law, but to monitor the effects of the law; 2) Increase government employment to administer or defend the law; and 3) Increase government employment to enforce the law. Since new legislative bills are drafted by staff, with influence from special interests, the legislators seldom read the laws they pass. Therefore, each new law adds to government employment and government continuously grows, exponentially while sucking more dollars out of the private economy.

By just sheer numbers, the more laws that are written, the less likely the entire population will even know about the laws, or understand them, or know of their consequences or penalties for violation, much less be in compliance with them. The consequence of too many laws is that huge segments of the public are totally unaware of their existence. And yet, under the law, ignorance of the law is not a defense. Then, when the hapless individual comes face-to-face with the law, it results in anger and frustration for that individual and a spiraling degradation of freedom and liberty for all of us.

Many laws are written at the insistence of lobbying or special interest groups with very narrow and purposely hidden agendas. The public never has an opportunity for real input and society as a whole is not benefited. Partisan politics often compromises a new law into meaningless, often conflicting legislation, leaving loopholes over which lawyers can argue over for decades. Just ask the environmentalists. They have made an entire multi-million dollar industry out of suing government over government’s environmental laws.

But businesses must deal with tens of thousands of those laws and rules on a daily basis or face huge fines and penalties, or having their business shut down for persistent violations. Businesses create jobs. Individuals, especially poor ones, don’t. Thus, businesses are forced to deal with all the laws and rules and that burden comes at a huge price in lost profits, time and production. Those losses end up being added to the value of their product or services.

Many small businesses operate in the blind to the laws and rules until they get caught, when in fact there is no way they could possibly know of, or how to even comply with all the laws and rules, including the Internal Revenue Code. We acknowledge that some laws and rules are necessary, but there comes a point where too many laws and rules inhibit or stop businesses from starting up, or creating jobs, or expanding their business.

Sadly, this short course in economics, capital, regulations and freedom will reach only an infinitesimally small segment of the population. Those that do read the information are probably already aware of it. The over 60% of the population that should read it, will never see it and therefore will not know that what they are receiving from government in handouts and subsidies has an end to it. The end is when Democrat Progressive Socialism runs out of other people’s money to redistribute to the over 60% receiving it. When that happens is determined by politicians who are still bent on buying votes with a very limited supply of money and how rapidly they accelerate the draw down of that limited supply. With Democrats in control, the end will come much sooner, but the end will come nevertheless because America has gone past the point of no return.

Anyone who believes that somehow we can slow down this death train America is on, is delusional. Anyone who believes we can just continue spending money into oblivion and printing more money to make up the losses is living in the Land of Oz. There is always a day of reckoning to reckless behavior.

But long before the death train crashes, the revolution will begin. Too many Americans will not go quietly into the night without putting up a fight, a fight the outcome of which is impossible to predict. Americans are not docile Europeans who bend to the whip of the establishment order of the ruling class. There are millions of Americans who still believe in American freedom and are willing to pledge their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor in defense of that freedom. We’re not there yet, but it’s coming.

As further evidence of this outcome, we offer:

• “Millions of Americans Are Just Itching To Lock and Load”
• “Just How Are You Going To Unravel This Banana Republic?”
• “What is the Threshold At Which Americans Will Revolt?”
• “Just How Are You Going To Reverse Engineer History?”
• “Just How Are You Going To Overcome the Freeloader’s Vote?”

But don’t wait for the revolution. Start fighting back now. We have provided some of the tools to defend your self against all levels of government abuse and harassment, HERE. Either resist and fight back or become government’s slave.

[NOTE: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

© 2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved

Isis: modern day global version of Hitler’s SS

“Out of these troubled times… A new world order can emerge, a new era. Free from the threat of terror, today that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one that we have known… If we are successful… and we will be.” – George Bush Sr. (September 11, 1990)

Headlines: Former Gitmo Jihadi Arrested, Charged with being Top ISIS recruiter/Commander, TSA Report: TSA INVITED Muslim Leaders to Study Airport Screening Process, Jihad Terror Works: Our Civil Liberties Violated as Obama DHS Scrubs Records of hundreds of Muslim Terrorists, Obama Administration Refuses to Tell Congress (The people’s representatives) how it paid Iran (America’s sworn enemies) 1.3 billion, etc… And the American people still have not gotten this figured out. All of this coming to you by the foreign agent in the people’s White House (Deuteronomy 28:36, 43, 47, 49, 52, 58).

What is the link here?

Most people did not know that Adolph Hitler was aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood, which was founded in Egypt in 1928 by Hassan al-Banna, a 22 year old Muslim who admired Adolph Hitler’s hatred of the Jews and persistently wrote to Hitler to express his admiration for Hitler and his desire for collaboration with Hitler’s Nazi Party. When Hitler rose to power, his Nazis supported al-Banna, a school teacher, to grow the Muslim Brotherhood into its ally in the Middle East. By 1938, the membership of Muslim Brotherhood topped 200,000.

During World War II, members of the Muslim Brotherhood spied for Hitler’s Nazis in the Middle East and fought for Hitler as Nazi troops in two specially formed Muslim Waffen-SS Handschar Divisions (‘Handschar’ is German for scimitar, the curved saber used by the Muslim troops of the Ottoman empire).

Today, America has allowed the Muslim Brotherhood advocate, Barack Hussein Obama, to be in a position of power similar to that which Adolph Hitler used the Muslims, which the Bush Regime (Prescott Bush, Father and Grandfather to 2 U.S. Presidents, was indicted in 1942 for funding Hitler’s regime) also were a part. Adolph Hitler was attempting to establish a new world order through Nazi Germany, which was known as the Third Reich.

Remember what this devil said:

“What good fortune for those in power that people do not think.” –Adolph Hitler

What is going on? Answer: Leviticus 26:15-17

As a matter of fact, media resources, to which I contribute, even went so far as to doctor up or omit certain portions of my articles because they believed them to be too radical and controversial concerning the crimes of those they tolerate in America’s governmental positions. They believed it to be unthinkable that the criminal occupying the executive office is capable of doing the unthinkable (2 Thessalonians 2:11).

That is exactly what Obama has been allowed by the American people to do, the unthinkable. Some have even said that it was not what the intelligence world was saying, as if to take for face value what American agencies are releasing to the media resources was legitimate concerning terrorism. Apparently, they knew more the good common sense that The Lord has given (Luke 12:56).

Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook, of Inter-Services Intelligence, is on record stating:

“The truth is there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al-Qaeda. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But, there is propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive TV watchers to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this is The US…”

Simply examine the fruit of that which is hanging on this corrupt administration’s branches and judge for yourselves (Matthew 7:16).

Last week, former GITMO enemy combatant was connected to the Istanbul Airport Massacre.

The same week that President Obama released 15 Guantanamo Bay detainees, a former prisoner was arrested and charged with being a top recruiter for ISIS.

Abu Nassim was arrested in Libya just days after the State Department claimed that very few Gitmo detainees ever return to terror.

Nassim, whose full name is Moez Ben Abdulgader Ben Ahmed Al Fezzani, was reportedly trying to travel to Tunisia, where he is an ISIS commander and most-wanted terrorist.

He was arrested along with approximately 20 other ISIS supporters between the Libyan towns of Rigdaleen and Al-Jmail.

Nassim is considered a top jihadist recruiter in Italy.

Who released them?

According to the Washington Post:

Nearly 21 percent of those released prior to 2009 have reengaged in militancy, officials say, compared with about 4.5 percent of the 158 released by Obama.

Human rights activists say the statistics are suspect and cannot be verified because the administration provides almost NO information about whom it is counting and why.

Most of those suspected of re-engagement are Afghan, reflecting the large numbers of Afghans detained after the Sept. 11 attacks and the ongoing war there. More than 200 Afghan prisoners have been repatriated (Sent back to their own countries) from the prison.

Friends, this is all by design. Nothing is taking place by chance (Psalm 9:17; Proverbs 14:34).

“Germany will either be a world power or will not be at all.” –Adolph Hitler

The new world order has been defeated time and time again because Christian heroic spirits conquered the will of the corrupt men, “devils,” (John 8:44; 2 Samuel 23:9-10; Romans 8:37).

History does teach us that nobody in Germany believed that Hitler was guilty of attacking his own Reichstag and inciting his people against his political opposition until Germany was destroyed and 4.4 million dead. Then, and only then, did the people awake to the fact that Hitler was in fact the perpetrator behind all of the atrocities that took place. How did he get away with it? The people forsook God, gave their allegiance to corruptible man and were destroyed.

Can it happen here in America? It is.

© 2016 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

The Winslow plan for winning the war against Islam

While Barack Obama continues importing violent Muslims into the United States with his Syrian Refugee Program, communities across the nation feel the brunt of Islam’s violent tendencies.

Whether Muslims commit atrocities and massacres in Western countries or here in America, everyone must understand: as Muslim numbers grow in any country—welfare, violence, rapes, riots, arson and social upheaval accelerate. Examples abound: Paris, France massacre; Brussels, Belgium mayhem; Nice, France atrocity; 9/11; Boston Marathon killings; San Bernardino, California; Orlando, Florida and hundreds of other terrorist acts by single terrorists or organizations—along with endless terrorist attacks to hit us in the coming months.

See the shocking video below of Muslim immigration into Europe. This is what you can expect if Hillary gets elected as president. She wants 550% increase of Muslims in America over Obama’s numbers.

This interview with American citizen TL Winslow gives his solutions for eradicating Islam and its followers in America. Mr. Winslow gave these 10 points for stopping Islam’s march across the U.S. and the world.

“This is my ten point plan for stopping Islam worldwide,” said TL Winslow:

1) Begin Muslim Ideological Profiling (MIP) to screen all Muslims worldwide for signs of radicalization, and quit screening all non-Muslims and wasting resources. Identify, label, and ban all radicalized Muslims from international travel and from weapon ownership. Expel all Muslims from government positions and the military.

2) Stop Muslim immigration to non-Muslim countries until Islam as a viable political ideology has been exterminated worldwide, and the Muslim World has been disintegrated along with its ancient battle lines. End citizenship and deport all Muslims from non-Muslim countries back to where they or their forebears came from until the new apostate reeducated generation can be raised. Make Sharia a world crime.

3) Call up at least 50 million troops and switch to a wartime economy, with the goal of disarming all Muslims worldwide and keeping Muslims from access to arms. U.S. Winslow Plan allies will include hopefully the EU, Russia, China, and India.

4) (I have omitted this part of the plan.)

5) Force the U.N. expel the 57-member Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), including Saudi Arabia and Yemen, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Malaysia, Indonesia, and North African Muslim nations. If they won’t, the U.S. should expel the U.N. and set up its own that does to prepare for the new Muslim-free world order. Isolate, quarantine, and contract the Muslim World, and occupy and disarm their countries with the Winslow Plan force for as long as it takes to exterminate Islam as a viable ideology that makes its true believers enemies of the human race. Dissolve all official Muslim states including Pakistan and Bangladesh (and let India reintegrate them). Help Greater Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates solidify control and help lead ex-Muslims back into the human race as citizens of Israel (their option), or other new countries carved out of the old Muslim World.

6) End the ability of any Muslim nation to make or keep nuclear weapons, dismantling all weapons, nuclear materials, and nuclear facilities, and capturing all nuclear scientists and engineers.

7) Stop Sharia, disarm and dismantle all violent Muslim organizations, and imprison the members for life. Make it a world crime to arm a Muslim, or for a Muslim to be armed.

8) Take the women away from the men and the children away from the parents to break the cycle of indoctrination. Make it a world crime for the Quran to be taught to a child, with immediate arrest of all involved, it’s like stopping an infection. Recruit 30 million teachers and engage in long-term occupation until a new generation of children can be raised with a globalist secular mindset that breaks the cycle of indoctrination into the Quran, meaning they should never be allowed to see a Quran or set foot in a mosque or pray to Allah or read anything about Muhammad, and even their names must be secularized to make a clean break with the past, especially any name even remotely related to Muhammad or Allah.

The Arabic language should be banned except for scholars for safety. After reaching age 18-21 they will be set free and can choose any religion they want, or none, as well as any political ideology except Islam. If they choose Islam as a religion, repeat this step; at least the mental bacteria of the Quran will be greatly weakened when trying to take over a mature educated mind.

The educational curriculum should not only be secular, scientific and technology oriented, but nonpolitical and nonreligious, preparing the children to take their place in a global society. The local culture should be ignored as retro and dangerous, suitable for study only by mature educated adults.

9) Make occupied countries pay for our police services with their oil and other natural resources as best they can. Only after the new generation matures and proves they are worthy should political power be entrusted to them, in a phased manner, with the goal of having their former Muslim countries rejoin the human race without Islam.

10) Once the back of the Muslim World has been broken, help speed its disintegration by a mass immigration of non-Muslims from the West, India, and China et al. They can help green the deserts and turn this giant hellhole into a bustling vital part of the new world order economy.

© 2016 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

Do some illegal aliens deserve a break?

My allegiance, as my readers are well aware of, will always be with Mr. Trump. I cannot fathom what our country would become with Hillary as President. She has already stated she would allow 550% more Islamic refugees into our country, as well as her 100-day amnesty for those who are already here illegally, whether they are criminals or not. For 30 years we have heard 11 to 12 million illegals are in our country. In fact, the numbers are more likely 50 to 60 million. Donald Trump must win the election, or our nation is lost.

Mr. Trump is a planner, tactically and strategically. There are rumors that early on he met with two of the best constitutional professors in the country. Last year, he met with Scalia about executive power, orders, and right to revoke and repeal unconstitutionally mandated agencies with power exceeding that of legislative branch. Many believe Mr. Trump has a master plan that was formulated long before he announced his candidacy, and he’s following that plan to a “T.” 

The Insane Media

America’s future is hanging by a thread, and we are at the tilting point of sliding into a third world country led by dictators. Our people are angry, they’re afraid, and they do not like what has happened in the last 50 years, much less the deterioration during Obama’s dictatorial reign.

Yet, the likes of Glenn Beck, Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, and other neo-cons are not thinking of the American people, our children, or grandchildren’s futures. They are thinking of their globalist agenda, and how Mr. Trump would destroy those dreams. All Ted Cruz can conjure up in his self-aggrandizing mind is the 2020 race, and that he wants to be the next illegal alien to hold the office of president.

Never Trumpsters Foaming at the Mouth

Cruz lost the respect of many supporters at the RNC Convention when he didn’t think of our country and her future, but only of his own self-pride. Many finally saw him as a phony Christian when he failed to stand tall and endorse Trump for the good of the nation, and instead showed himself for what he really is…a prideful, bitter, and jealous man who would rather have Hillary in the White House than Mr. Trump. 

Today, they believe they have a reason to crawl out of their hidey holes and attack Donald Trump because they think he’s flip-flopping on immigration, but is he? 

We must remember this. Trump has always said that if you are here illegally, you will have to leave the country and then get back in line to become a citizen. That means no amnesty and no legalization for people who have come here illegally. Chris ChristieReince Priebus and Dr. Ben Carson have echoed Trump’s stance.

Sean Hannity Town Hall with Trump

Town Hall Video Here:

Here is part of the conversation in Austin, Texas with Sean Hannity during part
Two of their Town Hall.

Hannity says, “This is going to be a big issue. You’re not a criminal alien, you’ve committed no crimes, but you didn’t respect our laws and sovereignty. You also seem to be indicating there might be something other than ‘they have to go back.’ Am I reading that right?”

Trump states, “Look, we have to follow the laws of our country. We have to follow the laws! Now, can we be, and I’ll ask the audience…you have somebody who is terrific, who has been here a long time (Hannity says 20 years), long court proceeding, long everything, okay, in other words, to get them out. (He then asks the audience) Can we go through a process, or do they have to get out? Tell me.

When he restated the question and asked the audience, there was more applause when Trump asked again if these people should be given a chance.

Of course this echoes not only the empathy of the American people, but also of Mr. Trump. But are they right or are they sanctioning lawbreaking and theft?

Hannity says to Mr. Trump, “Initially you said they all must go, but you’re now saying we might give people like this a chance, but there’s no citizenship.” Trump echoes, “No Citizenship. And let’s go a step further, they’ll pay back taxes, and they will have to pay taxes, there’s no amnesty, but we work with them. I’ve had very strong people come up to me, really great, great people and they’ll say to me, ‘Mr. Trump, I really love you, but to take a person who has been here for 15 or 20 years and throw them and the family out, it’s so tough Mr. Trump,’ and I have it all the time. It’s a very, very hard thing.” 

No, it’s not a hard thing Mr. Trump. They are law breakers and tax dollar thieves. Your base has supported you because of your strong stance. Whatever support from Latinos you might gain is minor compared to what you could lose for changing your stance. The American taxpayer simply cannot keep sanctioning lawbreakers and theft. These illegals are bleeding our citizens of their hard earned dollars, and they are receiving far more than our military veterans receive.

The Dangers of Amnesty for Any Group

If there is any kind of amnesty for any portion of these illegals which says, “you can stay, but you can’t vote and you can’t become a citizen,” it is not going to be permanent, because any legislature can come along later and change all that. It would be within the legislative power. The Democrats will do it when they get back in power, and the Republicans could as well, and then we would have a situation just like they want, more democrat votes, more anti-western culture.

Marco Rubio’s Gang of Eight

Remember Marco Rubio? He said exactly the same thing about illegals who have resided in our country for a long time and appear to be good members of society. Rubio’s “Gang of Eight” amnesty with the likes of Illinois Democrat Dick Durbin, and New York Democrat, Chuck Schumer, was plainly an easy “path to citizenship.” Their Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill was nothing more than repackaged amnesty.

Fiscal Burden of Illegals to Taxpayers

Here are the costs of illegal aliens to the American Taxpayer, and these are probably low. [Link]

$113 Billion per year for illegals
42.2 Billion on education
10.8 Billion on medical care
9.6 Billion on general expenses
8.7 Billion on justice expenditures
5.3 Billion on welfare related costs

One child of an illegal alien family costs American taxpayers $12,000 a year. How do we recoup that loss from a family who has been here 15 or 20 years and had four or five children? Why should they be allowed to remain in our country when they’ve not only broken our laws, but have stolen so many of our tax dollars?

Here are the percentages of federal convictions of illegal immigration from the US sentencing commission:

18% in drug trafficking
30% in kidnapping/hostage taking
75% drug possession
10% money laundering
21% of national defense
5% of murder

The Cause of the Immigration Conflict

Again, the rage on all the news channels is Trump’s so-called flip-flop on immigration. And guess who started this mess? None other than Trump’s new Campaign Manager, Kellyanne Conway.

One would think by now, she’d figure out you don’t go on programs headed by the leftist talking heads, but she did, and she’s made several huge faux pas regarding Trump’s stand on immigration, or did she? Going on TV programs with her suggestive generalities has been extremely damaging, and has started this avalanche of attacks on Trump.

I will never abandon Trump because of the huge Islamic threat that only Trump can overcome, but I do believe Conway’s so-called “softening” of Mr. Trump’s message is not in the best interests of America’s citizens, or for Mr. Trump.
Campaign Manager, Kellyanne Conway 

Media Matters claims that the Trump Campaign is still paying Corey Lewandowski $20K per month, and that he is still an advisor to Mr. Trump. Inside sources have informed me that it was Lewandowski who suggested Conway as Campaign Manager.

Conway believes she now has complete control, that she is the media hound dog for Mr. Trump’s campaign, and that she’ll change him from what she likely considers unrefined and distasteful, into her form of polished candidate. I thought she was going to be the coordinator, not the spokesperson. What happened to that person? 

Any changes you try to make to Donald J. Trump will only help Hillary Clinton into our White House again! 

His former client was Rubio, and Kellyanne’s former client was Cruz.

Conway and Robert Mercer

Robert Mercer originally funded Ted Cruz with a $13.5 million PAC. Mercer put Kellyanne Conway in charge of the spending.

After Cruz’s failure to endorse Mr. Trump at the GOP convention, the Mercers issued a rare statement saying their support of Trump is rooted in their total opposition to Hillary. They are now using their monies to attack Clinton. Mercer put $2 million more into the super-PAC last month, and David Bossie is now marketing it to other donors as a way to fight the Democratic nominee without explicitly endorsing Trump. Its name: Defeat Crooked Hillary.

Mercer doesn’t bother me, other than the fact that Kellyanne was in charge of such a large chunk of funds for Cruz. 

Conway and the Independent Women’s Forum

Kellyanne is on the board of the Independent Women’s Forum (IWF). It is a GOP establishment organization, full of neo-conservatives with various ties to the Council on Foreign Relations.

The organizations who fund them would hardly be approved by true constitutional conservatives, and some of the awards they give out have been to CFR members, like Condoleezza Rice.

IWF is funded by the Koch Brothers’ Claude R. Lambe Foundation, the Harry Bradley Foundation, and Richard Mellon Scaife’s Sarah Scaife Foundation. I’ve written about the globalist Koch brothers many times, as well as Richard Mellon (Chase Mellon Bank) Scaife, who was always pro-choice, and whose own mother used to have Margaret Sanger into her home every Sunday afternoon for tea. The Bradley Foundation has on its board, CFR member, Robert George along with former editor of the Trump hating National Review, George Will. The Joyce and Donald Rumsfeld Foundation have also funded IWF. Rumsfeld is also a CFR member.

Who Should Be Allowed to Stay

The only ones who should be allowed to stay are the children of illegals who were brought into America 20, 30, or even 40 years ago. If they are productive members of society, we cannot send them back because they only know America. They grew up here through no fault of their own.

Mr. Trump has stated that all criminal elements and gang members will be deported and this will be started the first day he takes office. He suggested law abiding illegals who have been here for 15 or 20 years, may be allowed to stay, but…

Mr. Trump, they’re not law abiding! They have come here illegally, and they steal from taxpayers! The cost is in the trillions! There has to be some retribution for breaking the law! Go back, and come in legally, just as you’ve continually stated. Truly, if people have crossed our border and sneaked into the United States, they have no right to be here.

Has Trump really changed his stance? As a pragmatic businessman, he says what he thinks to the people who are supporting him. He actually asked us what we think! Go back and listen to the Town Hall again. How often does that happen that any politician really gives a rat’s pidutti what we think? Trump is tough, fair, and humane, and he speaks his mind to us daily.

We must have Mr. Trump’s “America First” Policy on Immigration, on Trade, on Islamic Refugees, on the Bill of Rights, on Veterans, on health care, on everything that he has told us he stands for. That is the reason I support him, and my support will not waver.

The Clinton calculus

Hillary Clinton and her surrogates depend on public ignorance and misperception to win the election. A substantial amount of evidence spanning her entire public career from 1975 until the present reveal repeated instances of abuse of power, unlawful conduct, and false statements that she and her surrogates variously deny or contend are of no consequence. The divide between the Clinton depiction of the facts and reality is wide and stark.

The evidence reveals that Hillary Clinton channeled all of her emails illegally through private servers, putting classified information and human intelligence at risk in violation of the Espionage Act and State Department regulations and violating the Freedom of Information Act requirements concerning public access to unclassified communication.

The evidence reveals that Hillary Clinton and her top aides worked in tandem to provide access to the Secretary of State and assistance to individuals who, and entities that, made financial contributions to the Clinton Foundation.

The evidence reveals that Hillary Clinton was grossly negligent when she failed to act in response to pleas from Ambassador Christopher Stevens and others to the State Department, resulting in the deaths of the Ambassador; U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith; and CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty, as well as the injury of 12 others. The evidence further reveals that Hillary Clinton lied to the families of the fallen when she told them at the very time that they received the bodies that the lives were lost due to a spontaneous uprising in response to an anti-Islamic video when in fact she knew the losses to be due to an act of terrorism. Through surrogates and in direct statements she perpetuated that lie to the American people.

The evidence reveals that Hillary Clinton propounded false accusations against long time White House Travel Office employees, including then travel office Director Billy Dale, alleging that they had embezzled funds from the travel office. As more information came to light, it became apparent that Hollywood Producer and Inauguration Chair Harry Thomason and his business partner Damell Martin wanted their travel business, TMR, to do all of the bookings and related work that had been done by the travel office. Eventually certain of the travel office employees, including Director Billy Dale, were charged with crimes only to be completely exonerated due to a lack of evidence. Their reputations tarnished and their personal resources depleted, those innocent individuals became victims of Hillary Clinton’s false statements, which coincided with the Clintons’ effort to give the White House travel business to friends Thomason and Martin.

The evidence reveals that far from advancing a feminist cause where it mattered most, in instances where she was directly privy to proof of abuse of women by men, Hillary Clinton instead advanced the causes of the abusive men. In the first instance, as the Director of the University of Arkansas Legal Aide Clinic, Hillary Clinton defended a 41 year old rapist of a 12 year old girl. She not only undertook the defense of a brutal rapist who left the child sterile but she gratuitously endeavored to destroy the little girl’s reputation by suggesting that she fantasized about having sexual relations with an older man. In the second instance, from the time he served as Attorney General of Arkansas through his service as President of the United States, Hillary Clinton not only defended her husband against charges of sexual misconduct with other women but went further to besmirch the reputations of those who brought the charges. Her actions have helped enable Bill Clinton’s philandering, including his illicit relations with a White House intern, Monica Lewinsky.

These are but a few of the many actions taken by Hillary Clinton over the course of her public career that reveal a lack of integrity, overt lies to the American people, and deliberate efforts to engage in misrepresentation and lack of candor. Indeed, Bill and Hillary Clinton have become so versed in character assassination as a means to diminish the standing and apparent credibility of their critics that they inculcate that approach into their public campaigns. Whenever accusations come to light that call into question their personal ethics or their adherence to the law, they respond with an unequivocal denial (e.g., “I did not have sexual relations with that woman . . .”). They then follow it by having surrogates attack the character of those bringing the charges, and they then come up with a “narrative” that explains what happened in ways that indicate innocence, lack of knowledge, or fault lying in someone else.

All of these calculated political ploys aim either to persuade the public that the Clintons are not culpable for their own wrongdoing or to befuddle the public, at a minimum, leaving people at a loss as to what the real story actually is. Through denial and obfuscation, the Clintons escape responsibility again and again. In other words, they depend on public ignorance and misperception to get their way, and to win elections.

Hillary Clinton is counting on this approach to carry her to the White House. The traditional part of her Democratic campaign depends on promising specific voting constituencies political favors that tempt them to vote for her (e.g., state paid education for college age kids; government paid health coverage for the elderly; taxing the rich and redistributing the revenues raised to finance a slew of new government programs to placate Sanders’ supporters, environmentalists, and certain segments of the Middle Class and the poor).

The nontraditional part of her campaign depends on redundant pronouncement of falsehoods in a planned, well-orchestrated effort by the candidate and her surrogates to flood sympathetic media with denials of wrong-doing and the false narratives to deflect attention away from the damaging truths that impugn her character, reveal her involvement in unethical or illegal activities, and invite further federal investigation.

All the while, those who bring evidence of the charges are themselves made the true victims. They are castigated and publicly condemned by her surrogates who fan sympathetic social media to maintain a constant flow of disparagement and character assassination.

Her overall approach is highly cynical. It condescendingly assumes the electorate to be comprised of people who can be bought with promises that are almost never fulfilled and who are either too ignorant or too fickle to discern evidence of wrong doing. If Americans elect Hillary Clinton president it will send Hillary and her surrogates a resounding message of confirmation, that the politics of dishonesty and character assassination is the winning way. It will also give her assurance that her long history of abuse of power and misrepresentation to the public can continue unabated throughout the term of her presidency.

© 2016 Jonathan W. Emord – All Rights Reserved

My conversation with General Michael T. Flynn

“There is something about the American soldier—despite our best efforts to shit on them, they rise to the occasion and perform miraculously.” —Gen. Michael T. Flynn, The Field of Fight

“Do you want to be ruled by men who eagerly drink the blood of their dying enemies?” —Gen. Michael T. Flynn, The Field of Fight

The Field of Fight

In General Michael T. Flynn’s new book, The Field of Fight, How we can Win the War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies, he states that we are no longer shocked or horrified by the jihadi terrorist’s slaughter of innocents. There have been too many videos, photos, and descriptions of suicide bombings, beheadings, mass executions, public hangings, burnings, stoning’s and crucifixions. As the General states, we have heard them say, “we love death more than you love life,” over and over again, and we have heard them chant, “Death to America.” It is now no longer as shocking as it once was.

Have we lost the shock factor? If so, we are in more danger than I suspected. Military men like General Flynn have fought to stop the jihads worldwide so that it doesn’t end up on America’s doorstep. We are now at that precipice, and this General, and others like him, know what it will take to win. Flynn states in his book, “We are in a World War with Islamic terrorists, but very few Americans recognize it, and fewer still have any idea how to win it.”

Gen. Flynn (Ret.) spent more than 33 years as an intelligence officer. He served as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, and was the Senior Military Intelligence Officer in the Department of Defense. He has since founded the Flynn Intel Group, a commercial, government, and international intelligence security and cyber firm specializing in defense, diplomacy, and development initiatives. 

I urge everyone to purchase Gen. Flynn’s new book. It is concise, well-referenced, easy to read, written in terms easily understood by laymen, and it is loaded with information we need to understand what our military and our country is facing. It truly is an amazing overview of where we are in this global war on terror. In Chapter 4 of the general’s book, he tells how we can and must win. It is a necessity for any freedom loving American to read this book in order to understand the jihadists, and why we absolutely must win. There are many direct quotes from, “The Field of Fight” in this article.

I was so pleased to have had the privilege of speaking with Gen. Flynn, and want to thank my friend, Allen B. Clark, who served as a U.S. Army Military intelligence officer in Vietnam, for the introduction.

Rebuilding Our Military

(Hat tip to a great group of Trump supporters in northern Indiana for additional questions.)

My first question posed to Gen. Flynn was off the record, and I asked if he already had a post within the Trump administration. His answer was explicit. He said, “It doesn’t have to be off the record. We have not even discussed this. Right now, Mr. Trump is in the final stretch of this race. He has had different people to help him in each area, the primaries, the convention and nomination, and now the home stretch. Steve Bannon will be wonderful for him. I am concentrating only on getting him elected on November 8th.”

I asked about the loss of many great generals under the present administration. Gen. Flynn stated, “We have a professional military, a military who swears to uphold the Constitution, and protect us from both foreign and domestic enemies. Our military is strengthened by the President who wears two hats, one of being the President, and one of being the Commander in Chief. When the leader himself strengthens and upholds the military, the morale is high. We need to rebuild that morale, and Donald Trump is the man to do just that. So even with those we’ve lost in the past, or those who were forced to resign, our military will rebuild with the right Commander in Chief at the helm.”

The General added that, “Rebuilding our military could happen rapidly with the right leader. It will happen quickly with a change in thinking and in the culture of how to win again. The readiness level will take some time. Our present leader has cut the military, there is no warrior class, and no sacrifice on behalf of our country which is backed by a good president. Hillary would be more of the same, and we cannot allow that to happen.”

In answer to my question regarding Mr. Trump’s plan to rebuild our military and infrastructure, the general said, “Donald J. Trump has stated where we need to go as we move forward, and he will give some strategic, but not exacting information.”

I wondered if the many military officers would return to service should Mr. Trump be their new Commander in Chief. Gen. Flynn said he didn’t know, I’d have to ask them. “We do have good people serving, and they certainly need an uplift in morale, so as not to lose recruiting ability. Both Obama and Hillary are disconnected from the military.”

Released Terrorists

Obama has released dozens of terrorists from Guantanamo Bay, and many of them are jihadists ready to kill, including Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. 

He was released by President Obama from the Iraqi prison in 2009, and since then he’s had time to form a plan and collect and train an army of terrorists estimated at 7,000 men. Late last year Baghdadi announced that he was creating a new group to be merged with a rival al Qaeda affiliate, active in Syria. 

I asked Gen. Flynn how we can recapture these terrorists, attain needed information, and ferret out the Islamists in America who mean us harm. He said that without Trump in our White House, it will not happen. 

He stated, “We must capture the enemy, interrogate with professionals, learn from these terrorists, and obviously keep Gitmo open.” He also said that about one-third of those released return to the battlefield and lead attacks against us and other allies.

See Something, Say Nothing, he makes it clear that this administration actually purged serious terrorist threats from the DHS. Obama declared one day after the Paris mass terror attacks, that the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, had nothing to do with Islam. The General has said, “You cannot defeat an enemy you do not admit exists.’

Arab Nations Would Help Us

Flynn mentioned the 21st Century Arab-NATO structure. We have not clearly defined the enemy, and it is taking too long because of the perils of Obama. We are focused on Iraq and Syria and now Turkey is in peril. No one trusts us. We have alienated our allies, especially the best friend we have in the Middle East, Israel. We need to support them.

In his book, The Field of Fight, he explains that numerous Iraqi Imams who rejected the revolutionary doctrines of the insurgents, chief among them was Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani. He counseled cooperation between Shi’ites and Sunnis. He was the strongest and most revered voice in the community, and we should have echoed it and denounced the Islamists’ embrace of suicide terrorism. It was our failure to attack our enemies’ ideology, yet we still defeated them every time we went after them on the battlefield.

Iran, Leading Supporter of Jihad

Gen. Flynn’s book heavily documents Iranian involvement in jihad along with criminal elements such as organized crime, drug cartels, and common criminals. Also included is Russia’s part in terrorism via the old KGB prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union. Iran is one of the most repressive regimes on earth. The General states, “Iran is in ruins. It has undergone an all-time record drop in its birth rate, the corruption of its ruling class is legendary, there are alarming rates of suicide, prostitution, depression and drug abuse, unemployment is high, and there’s a mounting shortage of fresh water. The country’s wealth is overwhelmingly being funneled into jihad and into the private accounts of the nation’s rulers.” 

Obama invested $1.7 billion of American tax dollars in the Iran deal, and Iran is permitted to pursue the construction of two newly announced nuclear plants under the parameters of this nuclear agreement. The latest revelations are that Obama did indeed pay a $400 million ransom to Iran for the release of Americans illegally held hostage by Iran. The administration calls the payment “leverage.”

“Iran also has the highest per capita execution rate in the world, and is second only to the People’s Republic of China. They have been at war with the US for 40 years.” They don’t negotiate, and this is why the entire Iranian deal cooked up by Obama, Iranian-born presidential advisor, Valerie Jarrett, and John Kerry, whose son-in-law is Iranian is a very destruction one for America. We know our tax dollars will go for jihad.

Iran calls us the “Great Satan,” and they still chant, “Death to America,” so why would any western leader believe they would enforce their agreement with us?
China’s Involvement in Jihad

I asked Gen. Flynn where China stood in this war on terrorism. He said, “They play a big part, and it is subtle and behind the scenes. They are financing foreign military sales with Iran, North Korea, and Pakistan.” Gen. Flynn has made it clear that we are facing an alliance between Radical Islamists and regimes in Havana, Pyongyang, Moscow, and Beijing. He also makes it clear that we are facing a working coalition that extends from North Korea and China to Russia, Iran, Syria, Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela, and Nicaragua. We are under attack, not only from nation-states directly, but also from al Qaeda, Hezbollah, ISIS, and countless other terrorist groups. (P. 76, Field of Fight)

The General stated that about 40% of China’s energy comes from the Persian Gulf, through the Strait of Hormuz and for half a century, the US has allowed energy to flow to them. 

China is increasing diplomatic engagement with Persian Gulf countries. The move coincides with the increase in tensions between the United States and Iran surrounding the Strait of Hormuz, and is part of an effort by Beijing to increase its cooperation with the oil-producing Gulf countries as a way to safeguard Chinese energy security and expand its economic influence in the region.

All our trade deals have given away America’s ability to protect her own people. China is developing its military (against many treaties) especially in the South China Sea, and Japan has had a defiant reaction to China’s latest navigation rules.

New Intel System Wins Wars

In Gen. Flynn’s book, The Field of Fight, he spells out specialized intelligence, developed by General Stan McChrystal and LTG Flynn, was called “Pattern Analysis.” Flynn describes it as, “a very detailed form of intelligence work that requires the complete breakdown of an enemy’s cell structure.” He also states that “a fundamental requirement for good intelligence was and is total commitment to the truth. Unfortunately, many of the intel officers, military and civilian alike, found ways to rationalize the production of seriously misleading information for the policymakers.”

Of course no one wants to be the messenger that delivers bad news to the leaders, and so many have kept quiet. Gen. Flynn says this is what is going on in our intelligence system today regarding our fight against Radical Islamists, and it all starts at the very top of our government.

The General explains that in Iraq, they would use unmanned surveillance to check on things they were learning in the interrogation booth, and then would direct human sources to go and check out what they learned from the detainees. This was a fusion of intelligence in the interrogation process with advanced communications technology and effective operation on the battlefield. He states, “In the end, we operationalized intelligence to increase knowledge for our tactical to strategic decision makers. This type of intelligence warfare was and remains a critical component of how to destroy Radical Islamism today and those enemies we will face in the future.” (P.52-53, Field of Fight)


“In order to beat this enemy we need to discredit the ideology. Muslims need to take a more public international stand. To do it they will have to be helped, prompted, and pushed by the U.S., something we are not doing now. We need to depend on Middle East allies like Israel, Jordan, and Egypt.

Our leaders don’t want to identify our enemies, and that puts us on the path to defeat. Today, we’re not nearly good enough. A big reason for that is that we don’t get inside their heads. Alas, our schools, media, and social networks are doing a poor job of helping Americans understand our enemies in order to defeat them. So is our government.”

“What will our lives be like if we lose this war?” Gen. Flynn answers that question, “We’d live the way the unfortunate residents of the “caliphate” or the oppressed citizens of the Islamic Republic of Iran live today, in a totalitarian state under the dictates of the most rigid version of Sharia. (P.159, Field of Fight)

The conclusion of the general’s book should be read by every American. We absolutely must win this war, and we cannot expect it to be won without a strong leader and determined Commander in Chief. This is why we so desperately need Donald J. Trump as our 45th President of the United States.

Politicians have no problem destroying your child’s health

Who in this country doesn’t want to see every child born be as healthy as possible and maintain good health for a lifetime? I wish it could be that way for every child on this planet.

The issue of harmful vaccines remains a huge issue in this country but gets very little media time other than the Internet. I covered this in depth in my book, Taking Politics Out Of Solutions, as well as the FDA (Federal Death Administration) because millions and millions of Americans don’t know the truth. They are force fed propaganda by doctors, the media and politicians bribed with campaign donations.

Just like our war against those dangerous ‘smart’ meters on the homes of tens of millions of Americans. Go look at the money trail for your state rep and senator and you’ll understand why they refuse to put the health of their constituents above big energy companies who don’t give a damn about your health or your family.

Politicians in the dying State of California either too ignorant to understand the subject matter or who depend on bribes from the big pharmaceutical houses have backed parents into a corner with mandatory vaccines. I say DAMN them and those who vote them back into office for forcing harmful vaccines before a child can enter school.

Yes, I am passionate about this because I have spent countless hours doing research. If you haven’t read my column, Polio Vaccine, Cancer and Dr. Mary’s Monkey, please take the time to read it if truth is what you seek. All the research I’ve done by individuals who are top notch in the fields of medicine and science are written off as anti-government tin-foil hat nut cakes who want to endanger your child as if they are the reincarnation of Josef Mengele. Not only is that an insult to those dedicated Americans imminently qualified on the subject matter, it is simply the standard smear tactic used everyday in this country by media and professional politicians.

California passed a mandatory vaccines law which went straight to the courts by parents who do not want to see their child either die from a vaccine (Try the HPV vaccine that has killed so many young girls and maimed thousands) or suffer life long major health problems. That is not hyperbole. Government watch dog groups like Judicial Watch and individuals who do nothing but document real cases of harm by certain vaccines aren’t making it all up.

US judge upholds state law requiring vaccinations, August 27, 2016

“A federal judge refused Friday to block California’s new vaccination law, which requires children in public and private schools to be inoculated against 10 contagious illnesses and eliminates an exemption based on their parents’ personal beliefs.

“Society has a compelling interest in fighting the spread of contagious diseases through mandatory vaccination of school-age children,” U.S. District Judge Dana Sabraw of San Diego said in denying an injunction against enforcement of the law, sought by 17 parents and four antivaccine organizations.

“The right to freely practice one’s religion, one of the rights invoked by opponents of the new law, “does not outweigh the state’s interest in public health and safety,” Sabraw said.

“The law was prompted by a measles outbreak in 2014 that was traced to youngsters at Disneyland who hadn’t been vaccinated. Implemented last month, the new measure makes California one of three states, along with West Virginia and Mississippi, to require all schoolchildren to be vaccinated against illnesses such as measles, mumps, tetanus and rubella, regardless of their parents’ religious or personal opposition. The only exceptions are for students with doctor-certified medical exemptions and for disabled students in individual education programs.”

No equal protection under the law for those parents.

Ah, the famous measles outbreak from kiddies at Disneyland. More people die from the measles vaccine than it helps. Here’s a second column of mine that covers both the Disneyland measles hysteria and more so I don’t need to rehash it here. And, grand parents, please make it available to your grown children with kids. Vaccine Safety: Why Media and Politicians Lie

The article above regarding the judge’s ruling also states: “While the law says that all children must be vaccinated, it requires parents to provide immunization records only when a student is entering kindergarten or the seventh grade. That means an elementary-school student with a previous parental exemption does not need to be vaccinated until the seventh grade, and students in the eighth grade or higher with a past exemption won’t require any vaccinations.”

Too many parents have emailed me over the years who deeply regret caving in and allowing their children to get vaccinated with anything other than the basics like for my family: small pox, polio and DPT: diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), and tetanus. No measles vaccine. My daughter received only those; she was born in 1975. Yep, we all got the measles and stayed home from school. Once it was over, back to school and no dangerous cocktail injected into our bodies. Those parents aforementioned all have children with either autism or chronic ailments like respiratory problems.

Parents can home school in California to escape the state using their child(ren) as guinea pigs but most either cannot afford to have the mom stay at home or either parent doesn’t feel they have enough schooling themselves to be able to teach their children. Let me tell you there are fabulous home schooling groups and organizations all across this country that can and will help parents with the process and curriculum. Yes, it means giving up leisure and fun times but your child’s health is paramount over anything else.

As soon as that sickening bill was signed into law by former cocaine sniffing governor, Jerry Brown, two couples and one single mother sent me email: That’s it, they moving out of California. One husband is selling their business and the other two are simply quitting their jobs as soon as their plan to relocate is firm. None of them can afford to home school so they are leaving. Not because they want children to die from diseases but because they have taken the time to study the research that is as solid as Mt. Kilimanjaro. Obviously, not every parent in California can do that and are faced with a terrible, terrible dilemma.

As with so many other issues so damaging to our country and citizens, it all begins with rotten politicians who think they know more than you. Career politicians bought and paid for by special interest groups for everything from ‘smart’ meters to fluoride to vaccines. What’s so tragic is those scoundrels continue to get reelected because the people don’t know the truth. Just like the misapplication of the federal income tax, Fukushima and so many other issues.

But, when enough people do know the truth, then the heat becomes so hot those rotten miscreants in state houses can be thrown out of office. In my two columns above is a plethora of sources for research. If you haven’t seen the documentary, VAXXED: From Cover Up to Catastrophe, I highly recommend (and I receive no compensation for recommending it) you see it. If you read my Dr. Mary’s Monkey column, you know what I’m talking about. A vaccine that ‘coincidentally’ saw an epidemic follow: cancer.

Theaters around the country are still showing VAXXED. If money is an issue, split the cost between friends for the DVD which finally comes out Sept. 13. MARK it on your calendar. You can also purchase it as a digital stream on your computer. If you do get the DVD, watch it and then hold a ‘watch party’ with not just family and friends, but invite your pastor, minister or priest if you personally know them. If you do know a member of your state legislature, invite that person.

Ask your pediatrician to watch the DVD. Now, I can tell you the first thing 90% of them will say is vaccines are safe, I don’t need to watch it and so forth. Try this that was so effective with my Why A Bankrupt America booklet. Ask your pediatrician to watch the DVD because you would like their qualified opinion on the content. Dr. Smith, I trust you with my child’s health so could you please watch this and tell me where the producers, doctors and scientists are wrong along with the research? That way you are not putting your pediatrician on the spot to call you a conspiracy nut. You’re asking for their medical opinion. It’s so important to start the dialogue off where the doctor doesn’t become defensive. Click here for ‘how to watch’.

Share my two columns cited above with everyone on your lists and social media. Drench this country with the truth: Some vaccines are safe but too many are not. The result has been heartbreaking. If you do skip my two columns cited above, this is one of the links:

“GAPS Nutritional Program: How a Physician Cured Her Son’s Autism. “Dr. Campbell is a medical doctor with a postgraduate degree in neurology. She worked as a neurologist and a neurosurgeon for several years before starting a family.” Think she is a conspiracy nut who doesn’t know what she’s talking about?

Prohibition ended because a large segment of people didn’t want it, refused to follow the law and crime became so deadly, it finally ended. Unfortunately, the vaccine issue is being enforced by denying your child the right to an education. Well, what passes for an education these days in the government’s indoctrination centers they call public schools. The only way to stop this on-going tragedy is mass education and it takes each of us to get the job done. Then you take on your state capitol like a tsunami.

[Devvy’s hot new book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions is now available. The most important issues destroying America are presented along with constitutional solutions neither the Republicans or Democrats will pursue. Get your copy now. Excellent discounts for 2 or more books, or bulk orders.]

© 2016 – and Devvy – All Rights Reserved

Donald Trump and his chicken little detractors

It’s late August, the campaign clock is ticking. Donald Trump’s poll numbers are down – and not just by slim margins – and Hillary Clinton’s camp has all but locked up the race.
So the story goes, anyway.
But Donald Trump, if nothing else, is a competitor. His entire campaign has been marked by detractors, scoffers, mockers, predictors of gloom, declarers of doom, prognosticators of losses and more losses – and yet, in the end, the candidate’s steadfastly risen to the top. The smart voter, the savvy pundit, ought not close the door on a Trump administration just yet.
Guessing in August which candidate will win in November is nearly as impossible as predicting the Second Coming – and that’s not even based on polls. That’s just common sense. Why? Polls are snapshots in time, fickle by nature. They’re also about as scientific as climate change modeling, with outcomes that depend largely on the data that’s inputted. A poll that queries, “If the election were held today, would you vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump,” is going to bring a lot different results than one that poses 10 questions about platforms, policies and issues and then asks, after each, “Which candidate, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, would do the best job” on the particular topic. Heck, polls are so persnickety that even the order of the candidates during the presentation of the question, or the phrasing – the inquiring, for example, of which would prove more “successful” versus “do a better job” — influences the respondents and therefore, the results.
Historically speaking, polls just aren’t always what they’re cracked up to be.

U.S. News & World Report wrote in September 2015, in a piece bluntly titled, “The Problem With Polls,” how Mitt Romney was supposed to beat Barack Obama, then-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was supposed to lose to political upstart Alison Lundergan Grimes and Scots weren’t all that decided on whether to declare independence from Great Britain – all according to separate surveys at the time. Well, how wrong the pollsters were, leading the news outlet to conclude “public opinion polls have racked up a few big-time fails in recent years, embarrassments that compelled a leading firm to conduct an internal audit to find out what went wrong.”
Yet here we are, a year later, gasping a collective breath about what MSNBC reports: “Latest polls reinforce Republicans’ sense of dread.” Fox News hosts and pundits Eric Bolling and Dana Perino gave a real-time sense of what this supposed dread’s all about during a recent televised discussion on Trump’s falling numbers and the validity and value of polls. When Bolling cited skewing as a factor, Perino blasted back, in essence: Don’t be absurd.
“The future of this party is at risk,” she tweeted, shortly after. And in another tweet, she vowed, “I will not lie to you about the state of this race.”
But really, isn’t the only truth here the one that says predicting the outcome of this presidential race is impossible?
Both Trump defenders and Trump detractors can find plenty in the polls to support their respective causes. On the pro-Trump side, there’s the botched Literary Digest straw poll in 1936 that predicted Alf Landon over Franklin Delano Roosevelt; the 1996 failure of three television stations to properly place Bob Dole in the race against Steve Forbes and Pat Buchanan for the presidential primary in Arizona; the epic exit polling fails, and subsequent mistaken media announcements, that gave wins to the wrong presidential candidates in 2000 — Al Gore over George Bush – and in 2004, John Kerry over again, Mr. Bush. Don’t forget the famous Ronald Reagan-Jimmy Carter campaign season, and the wide discrepancies in real numbers versus polled numbers.

On the “Trump’s going down in flames” side, however, there’s this: Polls sometimes prove correct. And just because they aren’t 100 percent accurate, that doesn’t mean they aren’t sometimes accurate.
If that’s the argument – and it has to be, because that’s the base truth of the matter – then the smart voter, the smart pundit, resists the panicked “sky is falling” politicking and realizes the race is long, the candidates are savvy, the campaigns are both making adjustments and in response, so will the numbers. Let’s not call the race just yet – let’s put Chicken Little back in the cage.

© 2016 Cheryl Chumley – All Rights Reserved

Illuminati, tin foil hats, and vast alt-right conspiracy theories

According to the mainstream media that is controlled by just six corporations there exists a vast “alt-right” conspiracy attempting to take down Hillary Clinton and the nation. During this election cycle paranoia runs deep as major political candidates on the right and on the left, along with television networks and news personalities put on tin foil hats to uncover this conspiracy consisting of far right fringe groups, white supremacists, and neo-Nazis. On the opposite side, the growing alternative media is suggesting that the Illuminati or a global elite is attempting to control the U.S. presidential election. In the book, The Babylon Code I document with my co-author, Troy Anderson, a Pulitzer Prize nominated journalist, the secret groups who are covertly controlling our nation.

On the Fox News Network, Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House, explained to the American public why the GOP Establishment has such a problem with Donald Trump. Gingrich commented that the Establishment sees Donald Trump as a threat because “He’s an outsider. He’s not part of the club. He’s uncontrollable. He hasn’t been through the initiation rites. He didn’t belong to the secret society.” Gingrich was implying that Trump was not a member of secret societies like the Illuminati, although there are some conspiracy theorists who believe that Donald Trump is working for the Illuminati. If Donald Trump were working for the Illuminati, then why would he be attacked by every globalist elite organization?

There is one thing that should be fairly obvious and that is no other presidential candidate has been under the constant assault that Trump has been under by the media and members of his own political party. America has never witnessed such an all-out 24/7 media attack on any politician, if you add to the unprecedented media attack against Trump the equally unprecedented betrayal by high-ranking members of the Republican Party.

There is no question that during the primaries, Donald Trump engaged in a guerilla warfare style of personal attacks and mockery of the other candidates. But what the Orwellian media has not reported is that many of these other candidates like Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz who like to appear squeaky clean were, according to many political insiders, engaging in highly personal and vicious attacks against Donald Trump through front groups in the form of political action committees who were buying millions of dollars in television commercial attack ads against him. Jeb Bush apparently spent over $130 million in television ads.

Whatever the real story is, Republicans like Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Marco Rubio, Mitt Romney, Glenn Beck, and others who have refused to endorse Donald Trump for President emerge as among the most selfish and dishonest men in the history of American politics. If they truly believed in the principles they campaigned for, they would support Trump because the next President will appoint numerous Supreme Court justices who literally have the power to destroy America as we know it, or preserve our precious Constitutional freedoms. Then these Republican leaders, which would include radio talk show host Glen Beck, despite his claim that he is an independent, have a moral and spiritual obligation to forget whatever personal insults they have received and support the presidential candidate who will appoint Supreme Court justices who will rule on the basis of our Constitution. The fact that these leaders are willing to allow our nation and the future of our children to be destroyed is an immoral selfishness rivalling that of Hillary Clinton. Whatever the outcome of the email scandals, they dwarf in comparison to the destruction that will come to our nation from Republican leaders who are so selfish that they would willfully choose to put their own egos and self-centered agendas above the good of our nation.

Whatever you think of Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party, they at least have the common sense to rally as one behind their candidate, Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton and the “Clinton machine” are formidable adversaries. She is a highly flawed candidate with far more allegations against her than Donald Trump has. But the Democrat Party unifies around their candidate despite all those allegations, and all of their key leaders endorse her. In contrast, the elite in the Republican Party do not endorse their candidate and are willing to throw the election to the Democrats, which reveals exactly who they are. The elite of the Republican Party are bought and paid for by the globalist elite and their real allegiance is not to the American people and ordinary Republicans, but to elite and whatever secret societies they may belong to.

This is where the Corporate controlled media and Hillary Clinton point in the wrong direction when they say there is an “alt right” conspiracy. There is a conspiracy, but it is not an “alt right” conspiracy; that is simply a diversion. The conspiracy is the elite who control the media and both political parties at the top. The proof of this conspiracy is that the Republican presidential candidates who lost and the GOP Establishment are willing to allow all the trade treaties and other globalist agendas to continue.

Do you think it was just by chance that during a Trump rally, right after Ted Cruz betrayed Trump by promising to endorse him during Cruz’s speech, that the crowd started booing? That it is just a coincidence that Ted’s wife, Heidi Cruz, ran out of the rally with the crowd shouting over and over again, “Goldman Sachs…Goldman Sachs”?

Heidi Cruz has held a high ranking position with Goldman Sachs, one of the most powerful banks in the world, and Goldman Sachs and the other major banks, Wall Street firms, and multi-national corporations are also supporting Hillary Clinton. They control both our main political parties and have been behind much of the evil that has been infecting our Republic. It is time for us to understand who is truly controlling both political parties and to put an end to the control of powerful special interest groups.

In my new book, A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016 – 2017, I expose the global economic system and the future of America in light of Bible prophecy.

© 2016 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

The future of America

There have been many times in America’s past when there was great doubt as to whether America would survive. Shortly after we won our independence from Britain we found ourselves embroiled in another war with them. At one point all of Washington, D.C. fled the city as British troops came in and burned the capital. As stated in a previous column Providence aided our side by bringing in a storm that had not been seen in that area and put the fires out.

As our nation struggled to establish itself there were many obstacles that had to be dealt with. A nation ruled by the people with their chosen elected officials had never been done before. There were many unknowns that the Founders faced. But because the Founders had their eyes on God these obstacles were overcome and by the 1830’s we had proven that our form of government could flourish. In 1835 Alexis De Toqueville travelled to America to see if he could determine why America was so successful. He was amazed at the way Americans viewed religion. In his book Democracy in America he wrote: “Freedom sees in religion the companion of its struggles and its triumphs, the cradle of its infancy, the divine source of its rights. It considers religion as the safeguard of mores; and mores as the guarantee of laws and the pledge of its duration.” He also stated: “Religion is no less the companion of liberty in all its battles and its triumphs; the cradle of its infancy, and the divine source of its claims. The safeguard of morality is religion and morality is the best security of law and the surest pledge of freedom”.[1]

Our Founders knew that our continued existence depended on our ability to keep God first in our lives and in our government. When the Civil War broke out both sides believed that they were right in God’s eyes. The South was fighting for States rights, the North fought for everyone’s rights. Abraham Lincoln was once asked if he thought that God was on our side and he responded that that was not his concern at all but whether the North was on His side. This mindset had been set throughout our history. When speaking about our Constitution James Madison stated: “We have staked the whole future of American civilization not on the power of government, far from it. We have staked the whole of our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves according to the commandments of God. The future and success of America is not in this Constitution, but in the laws of God upon which this Constitution is founded.”

In this last century we have seen America drift away from these moorings to the point now that the Democrat Party thinks they are God. Nancy Pelosi stated a few years back the “We don’t need God any more we have the Democrat Party”. In the 2012 Democrat convention when there was a vote to put back into their platform a mention of God a voice vote clearly said no. The vote was take twice and it is clear, both times, that the answer was no but the moderator said the yes vote won and the crowd booed. In 2008 we had drifted so far from our founding that a muslim was elected to the presidency.

And then in 2012 he was re-elected. I firmly believe that massive voter fraud allowed this to happen. Many counties across the nation reported 100% of their votes were for Obama, a statistical impossibility, and there were hundreds of districts that reported well over 100% voter turnout. Colorado had one county with 132.00 registered voters recorded 247,000 votes, all for Obama.

This election will determine the future of America. We will either begin a reverse course and become great again or we will follow the path of Venezuela and Greece. I believe that God has used America as the main source for the gospels spread throughout the world. I don’t think He’s done yet and that means that America isn’t done.

© 2016 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved


1. Roger Anghis, Defining America’s Exceptionalism, (Bloomington: Westbow Press 2012), p. 17.

What America needs now according to our founders

I have been teaching a homeschool class this summer our United States Con-stitution Course. We are at the point where having examined the standards our Founder’s established, we are about to look into what happened from that point forward. I have found that in the numerous times I have taught our course that this section stirs up anger. Knowing the standards and then seeing all the violations that have been done over the years and are now being daily done by Washington, D.C. upsets most people. Having been lied to, it is an-gering to discover those lies.

It is frustrating to see those lies continuing and knowing that the vast majority of the people in our land are still under the de-lusion created by those lies. The question that inevitably arises is this What went wrong? How did this system of Government designed to curtail tyranny turn about to actually promote the tyranny we see in our day? We share some of the significant elements in that course and speak to the major factor, the one where we the people can have a direct impact. What is that factor?

Our second President John Adams spoke to it, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the govern-ment of any other.”[1] And it was Charles Carroll who signed the Declaration of Independence representing Maryland who wrote, “Without morals a re-public cannot subsist any length of time; they therefore who are decrying the Christian religion, whose morality is so sublime and pure (and) which insures to the good eternal happiness, are undermining the solid foundation of morals, the best security for the duration of free governments.”[2]

And it was James Garfield, the twentieth president of the United States, in 1877 who said, “Now more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the national legislature…. If the next centennial does not find us a great nation … it will be because those who represent the enterprise, the culture, and the morality of the nation do not aid in controlling the political forces.”[3]

We the people are responsible for the corrupt government we have in Wash-ington, D.C. We have tolerated the corruption, we have elected the constitu-tional ignoramuses, the reckless and the corrupt. We have rewarded them with re-election after re-election. We have not demanded of them the high qualities and the moral purity President Garfield spoke of. We are 139 years down the road from his statement and we can see he had a prophetic eye. Indeed those who represent the enterprise, the culture, and the morality of the nation did not aid in controlling the political forces. Who is that responsible body of citizens President Garfield was referring to? Who are those into whose hands are committed the responsibility of controlling the enterprise, the culture, the morality of the nation? Occasionally you will hear someone identify the pulpits of America as the source of this failure.

And I believe that is exactly correct. But the question is how was it that the pulpits failed? One understanding would claim that the pulpits alone are to be that voice to represent the enterprise, the culture and the morality of America. And while that is true in part it misses a significant piece. The job of the pulpit is not to do the work of the ministry, it alone is not to bear the responsibility. It’s task as described by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 4 is “to equip the saints for the work of ministry.” The job of the pulpit is the prepare the saints to go out into the world and in every corner of life proclaim the gospel, do the work of the ministry and make disciples of those who come to faith in Christ. So while the pulpit bears a great share of the blame for the terrible state of things in America today, it does not bear all the blame. There is a major portion which the disciples of Jesus Christ in America bear as well.

The average Christian has no vision of what President Garfield was talking about. He does not see himself in terms of this work in this land – representing the enterprise, the culture, and the morality of the nation [and] aiding in controlling the political forces. He thinks that is the work of so called profes-sionals, something that is above his pay grade. In short the average Christian in America has no idea of the vitally important role that God has called upon him to play as Salt and Light in America. Not knowing it is his job indeed is a failure on the part of the pulpits of America. A century has gone by without this being clearly proclaimed from the vast number of pulpits in the land. It is high time to change that disastrous course.

In Exodus 29 we continue in our study of the instructions God gave to Moses on the Mountain – we have seen how God instructed him to build the taberna-cle, and detailed instructions regarding each of the furnishings for the Holy of Holies, for the Holy Place as well as the Court of the Tabernacle. Last Sunday we studied the garments that God instructed Moses to have made for the High Priest as well as the other Priests. In Chapter 29 God gives Moses the instructions regarding the investiture of those priests; the ceremony, the sacri-fices and the order in which everything is to be done to install the priests in the office they were to fulfill.

Now I believe this has a direct bearing on the problem in America. The truth of God’s Word is that in the New Covenant, every believer is a Priest of the Most High God. And as His priest we have high and noble duties to preform, we have an honorable and very influential calling to fulfill. If we know nothing about this role, nothing about its importance, its solemnity, or its influence, if we don’t understand that a priest of the most High stands as a go between, representing man to God as well as God to man, if we don’t grasp that we are the pace setters in the land, setting the moral tone, or we don’t comprehend that we are responsible for the enterprise, the culture, and the morality of the nation, and that we are those who must aid in controlling the political forces, then we will fail to be the force for righteousness that God designed us to be.

Learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2016 Rev. David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

If you think big brother is bad – beware of big sister

I received the following message from one of my Facebook friends. He was writing to all of his Facebook friends. I have deleted the names because they are not important to the idea I present.

My friend wrote:

To all of my Facebook friends…

The last few months, I have been very immersed in the political arena, especially the presidential election. I have been a loyal advocate of Donald Trump, not because he was the ideal candidate, or that he oozed presidential characteristics; no, it was mainly because I agreed with the bulk of what he says, but not necessarily the way he said it. But more than that, it is because I feel Hillary Clinton is so despicable, and so dishonest, a criminal, at best. I felt it prudent that I kept preaching the Trump gospel. The downside to my demeanor is that it has potentially cost me some friends that do not support Trump, in fact, they think he’s dangerous and insane..

The truth is, some of my best friends are Democrats. They are all intelligent and thoughtful people that simply don’t see things the same way as I do. People have told me that those friends who are not talking to me over my very vocal support for Trump, were never really good friends to begin with. I don’t agree with that. I think that I may have pushed them too hard, debated with them too much, and that pushed them away. I am a very strong willed person, and very passionate about everything that I take on. However, the reality is that my vote, and my opinions in this matter will amount to nothing in the grand scheme of things. I have devoted a tremendous amount of my time and energy into something that has, in my opinion, proven to be destructive to me. At this point, I’m not changing anybody’s mind, so what am I really doing, aside from alienating non-like minded people that I really care about?

So, while my opinions and support have not yet changed, what will immediately change, is my propensity to initiate conversations of little else, other than politics.

I went out to dinner with some friends the other night, and not once did I bring up politics in any way. It felt like a real accomplishment.

Comment #1: We are all Americans. Sometimes we just see things differently.
Comment #2: Well articulated!
Comment #3: It’s been a particularly intense election year.
Comment #4: Mitchell Goldstein (the author)

I truly wish that I could let this slide, but the stakes in this election are too high, e.g. the Supreme Court.

I am sure that these well-meaning and intelligent friends will make all the appropriate excuses when martial law is invoked because of some false flag operation created by an anti-American Clinton administration, similar to the recent fake coup in Turkey, a country now under almost dictatorial control by a militant Muslim currently holding our military personnel hostage.

Just like Bill, it is clear that Hillary Clinton is working to gain complete governmental control over US, create a plutocracy, where a small group makes all the decisions and the rest of US dangle on their string, plainly called “The New World Order” by fellow anti-American conspiratorialist, George W Bush.

How many times have we heard the same old slogans? We all know the problems that need fixing. Isn’t it obvious that since the problems have not been fixed – that the political class does not want to fix the problems. The Miscreant Political Class promises things to get elected, knowing full well that people will hope against hope that this time it will be different. Besides being stupid and gullible, these people are cowards! That these fellow Americans refuse to acknowledge the facts in front of their nose proves that they lack the knowledge and the courage of conviction needed to uphold a pro-freedom agenda.

I have never understood how it is not obvious that a government solution is the worst possible path to solve any issue. However, know that these will be the same “friends” who, when it comes to it, will sell you out for a few food ration coupons; just ask any emigre from Eastern Europe or from Cuba.

Of course, they will feel bad about their betrayal, but their personal survival is paramount, isn’t it? Political correctness, liberalism, et. al. has sapped the moral fortitude from our culture. Our “Me-centered” narcissistic culture justifies any action so long as we each get what we “feel” we want.

At this time, we all need to choose “friends” based upon who we would want in the foxhole next to US. You are well rid of these noxious individuals. Their only utility is to supply you with monies so you can buy more items to help your family survive the coming Anschluss – an Anschluss that they helped perpetuate with their decision to turn away from the obvious treason unfolding in front of their eyes.

Bottom Line – When you look at the long list of Hillary’s crimes and compare them to the idea that Trump is not saying something the way we would like him to say it – it is easy to pick the better party – Trump. To be acceptable, Trump merely needs to learn how to speak “PC.” However, don’t expect Hillary to undo a lifetime devoted to Statist ideals, i.e. she is devoted to a totalitarian agenda. If you thought Big Brother was bad; Beware of Big Sister!

It might help to turn people against Hillary were we to know details about some Obama/Hillary/New World Order policies, e.g.

• the North American Union where the US, Canada and Mexico are being planned to be merged into one regional country similar to the EU, and under the egis of the UN;
• the details of TPP, ex: that companies can import foreign workers into the US and pay them the prevailing wage of the country they came from rather than the competitive wage in America; Indian engineers would be paid $17000, Vietnamese engineers, $8000;
• Agenda 21 and 2030, a UN treaty amongst whose covenants require that US property rights be subject to UN approval, ex: if you want to put an addition on your house or business, you would need to get UN approval, etc.;
• the International Monetary Fund’s plan to have only one currency in the world, thus removing the constitutionally mandated control of our finances from Congress and into the control of some New World Order plutocracy;
• acceptance of the New States of America Constitution as written by the Ford Foundation.
• These are only a few of the plans that are in place to enslave US. If you don’t know the details of these and other issues then it is hard to effectively show how our government has gone off into a direction that will eventually turn America into a dictatorship.

Another friend Skyped me. He has turned hard left and has embraced the ideal of the Socialist Anarchist. We parry back and forth with him never admitting to the dictatorial zeal of the left.

Friend: What’s UP?

Mitchell Goldstein: The AC repairman just left. He repaired a leak in the central AC. Last month a previous repairman had repaired a bad braze which was leaking at the same joint. How to “prove” it was the same leak so as to mitigate the $500 bill? How will the company “prove” that it was a different leak or that the joint was damaged in some way, creating the leak? Conundrum!

Friend: You don’t prove it, you pay and move on. The nature of “Work” in our capitalist society is that it’s completely alienated. Marx spoke of this, and this is one of the consequences. The fact that “companies” exploit the labor has also been true, they’ve gotten so compartmentalized that they now also exploit their customers.

Mitchell Goldstein: A certain standard in the quality of work is to be expected, otherwise simply showing up is sufficient to bill and collect. It is appropriate to demand a level of quality and that the work stand up to ordinary conditions.
Friend: Sure, it’s “appropriate” it’s just not effective.

Mitchell Goldstein: It didn’t used to be this way. There used to be a much higher standard that was expected and provided in quality and service. Now, corp’s are in the midst of a “throw-a-way” standard, not a “make it last” standard. This purposeful lackadaisical attitude has affected all areas of society, to our detriment. Honda has made a reputation of maintaining high standards and it has been “effective” for them.

Friend: Yes, this is what happens over time with capitalism. Predicted almost to the stroke by Marx. National brands are largely immune to some of these problems but even those who have “quality” get awards for it LOL. Because quality isn’t its own reward, it would seem.

Mitchell Goldstein: It is not Capitalism that is at fault, but Socialism. The cartels and near monopolies that are currently ruling US are antithetical to Capitalism. The corp giants are allowed to combine and their virtual monopoly is created by lobbyists whose special interest legislation gives special benefits. The corps do not get bigger through better competition but by legislative fiat. They eliminate competition and create monopoly practices. That is not the fault of capitalism. It is the fault of installing socialist plutocratic practices, also desired by Marx.

Friend: It must be scary for you living in the world.

Mitchell Goldstein: It truly is

Friend: By the way, I completely disagree with what you wrote…in title but not in conclusion. Good thing is Marx’s words are written. So we can see he’s “right” about what’s happened.

Mitchell Goldstein: What I’ve never understood is that large corps are reviled for their monopoly power, yet, there never seems to be any worry about how a plutocracy, e.g. the Central Committee, will rule in socialism. They are uniformly authoritarian.

Friend: Um, “never” is a strange choice of words. But, beyond that, Noam Chomsky has very eloquently addressed that if you’d like to hear it
Mitchell Goldstein: send link

Friend: YouTube Video

Mitchell Goldstein: Of course, even if Chomsky has some theoretical ideas that have merit, the reality of all socialistic regimes are that they are authoritarian.
Friend: Socialist regime is like speaking of a geocentric solar system. That is… all REGIMES are authoritarian. Not all socialist economic expressions are regimes. They speak to different questions. Much like atheism and agnosticism. They speak to different questions

Mitchell Goldstein: We’ve been down this road many times in our conversations. While there are technical differences, the general theme is that socialistic regimes all concentrate power for the explicit purpose of concentrating power. The aim, at the least, is to control people, or, at worst, to enslave them, for the aggrandizement of the select few.

Friend: …again, better if you say “all regimes” Socialism is a “coincidence” in much the same way that if you objected to a theft and kept calling the person a black thief. That would show a bias and racist one…even if it happened to be true (coincidental) to the thief. The “race” is not the relevant part.

Socialism answers a question about production and distribution and it can be and often is much more democratic than capitalism.

Mitchell Goldstein: Socialism is nothing but a marketing system, meant to keep control of the population in the hands of the plutocracy. It uses flawed economic theory and class warfare to fool people into gaining support.

Friend: no, it is that economic theory. You may feel there are those who use it to their benefit, but that’s not a critique of the theory. As far as flawed, theories, what makes you say that? Belief?

Mitchell Goldstein: The proof is the failed Soviet Union, Cuba, Eastern Europe, etc. The proofs are the testimonies of emigres who run from these “wonderful” societies because they hate their constricted life.

Friend: Ah, okay, faulty thinking on you part is the proof. And worse, “anecdote” without considering incentives.

By the way, that’s not how you test theories.

Mitchell Goldstein: The real proof of the theory is the reaction of the society. You believe it doesn’t matter if the outcome is bad; was the idea well intended even if the outcome is bad? I don’t believe that the idea was well intended.

Friend: Of course… But, that an “outcome” is bad doesn’t mean it was an outcome “of” the idea or the perception of it.

For example… Your eye tells you that the St. Louis Arch is taller than it is wide. But we have a way to test that theory. We measure it, and we learn that your perceptions are wrong. What’s interesting is that like this subject for you…knowing your perception is wrong doesn’t fix the perception… that is, it continues to look taller than it is wide.

Mitchell Goldstein: You constantly refer to technical differences that don’t create real distinctions. I don’t perceive anything except the testimony of those who have run away from their county, leaving behind all possessions and family
Friend: For example, say that something has a 10% chance of X and a 90% chance of Y. It’s a good idea to do it if you want Y. The “x” outcome doesn’t invalidate the approach. Right, bad self-selected bias. Probably one of the worse ways to test something. Get this, you’re not only perceiving …you’re perceiving about a “feelers” perception.

Consider someone who leaves the Orthodox Jewish Lubavitcher faith. Would you trust their perceptions about the problems of Judaism?

Mitchell Goldstein: If 90% left, yes.

Friend: LOL. Making up numbers again. And thank you for admitting you WOULDN”T. You know why Baptists think that sex is bad, right? …they’re convinced it will lead to dancing.

Mitchell Goldstein: Do you have any doubt that if an honest poll were taken within Cuba or Soviet bloc countries, that the population would roundly express their disappointment and ask for something better.

Friend: I wouldn’t make the mistake of thinking it says much about socialism. But it might say a lot about the power of economic sanctions and threats from an empirical power like the US…. and other issues such as Castro’s failure to live up to his ideals…the reason that Che G. left and went to AFrica after the revolution.

Mitchell Goldstein: Interestingly, Che went on a killing rampage. He could have continued to do that in Cuba; killing in the name of freedom and doing it for your own good, of course. Che kills you because he loves you.

Friend: Yes, it’s interesting that he was willing to put down the doctor’s bag and pick up the rifle and fight for the people.

Mitchell Goldstein: He was fighting for personal power – period.

Friend: Not what I see in his biography. Unless by personal power you mean merely equal power. He left because Castro wouldn’t give the land to the people as planned but saved it for authoritarian favors and power.

Mitchell Goldstein: I know. But Castro’s actions were entirely predictable. As I’ve said, socialists use marketing to gain control. Have you come to the idea yet that, like Che, it is OK to kill regular folks if they will not fall in line with your ideals?

Friend: Do you mean “ethical” by the question OK? And by “fall in line” do you mean “follow blindly” or do you mean “resist the power of the people?” Of course it’s legitimate and ethical to have revolution.

Mitchell Goldstein: You label a lack of desire to follow the dictates of a dictator as “resisting the power of the people.” That is very Stalin-like of you.

Friend: It is not ethical to kill people who “disagree” … freedom of thought is ONLY possible in a collectivist society. Dictators have nothing to do with what I speak of.

Mitchell Goldstein: Now who is being silly?

Friend: Unlike you, I have a full and complete distrust of abiding authority. You are a Minarch. You believe in a “constitutional power.”

Mitchell Goldstein: Yes I do believe in a highly restricted government. Explain how a collectivist society can have freedom of anything, especially freedom of thought or expression?

Friend: Well, the irony is it’s the ONLY way you can. Without the collective, without “relationship” there is no way to test/expand one’s views… If one were “isolated as an individual” they would only have their automated thoughts, instinct, bias. Only by having a relationship to others can we identify thought…and only in an anarchist society can we have freedom.

Mitchell Goldstein: In some ways, it is sad there is no possibility of having an anarchist society. However, dictatorial collectivism abounds… “Collectivism means the subjugation of the individual to a group — whether to a race, class or state does not matter. Collectivism holds that man must be chained to collective action and collective thought for the sake of what is called ‘the common good’.” — Ayn Rand,

Collectivism in the real world is slavery – not freedom. Only in the ivory tower is a noxious idea like Collectivism believed to be a good.

Friend: It means the proper understanding that the individual is a sort of illusion. That the meaningful expressions of humanity can only be understood as a social level. So in one “sense” it subjugates. But in another way entirely, it’s the ONLY way for the individual to do well

For example, a guaranteed minimum income would open up levels of individualism we’ve never seen and…growth for the collectively we’ve never seen. And, by the way, people admit this all the time when they’re honest. Things like… recognizing the special exploration of identity that comes in a marriage contract…or upon becoming a father/ mother. These are collective relationships.

Mitchell Goldstein: There is some possibly that a guaranteed income would provide some good; you could be accurate to some degree.

The part that I fight within myself is the idea that without the “collective” or “the village” to help, the religious congregation or fraternal organizations are not always enough to help in continuing difficult situations, e.g. bad health or significant unemployment. However, I’ve always seen that the negatives of the collective far outshine the positives to society.

Friend: There is no “society” without the collective. Do you really not get that?
Mitchell Goldstein: I do. But your collective will always morph into plutocracy.
Do you really not get that?

Friend: I get that it doesn’t happen most of the times…and does happen when we lose site of the collective. The collective cannot be plutocratic, because it’s inherently democratic and anarchistic.

Mitchell Goldstein: That is philosophical silliness. The collective, in the way you are thinking of it, starts out well, well-meaning and well-run. Then, talented individuals rise, gain more control, and their natural tendency is to gather more power, until the ideal is ruined. The weak amongst US are as lambs led to the slaughter. Lord Acton was absolutely correct about power corrupting.

Friend: LOL So are you part of the weak?

Mitchell Goldstein: Yes, to some degree. Mostly not.

I have ability. But that ability is constrained by the collective – for the collective – in the name of the collective – and enforced by the collective – but, it is for the benefit of the individuals at the top, the plutocracy.

Friend: Ha! “Enforced by the collective” What the F would that even mean?
Mitchell Goldstein: The legitimate collective of the people has been taken over by the plutocracy that had planned to do so all along. It always uses the collective “good” as its purpose for enslaving US.

Friend: See any good movies? (Changing the subject.)

I have come to understand that liberals just want things to be “nice.” That, everyone should “just get along” as Rodney King proposed. Well, the competitive spirit in man prevents that. The best we can manage is to be comfortable with chaos, i.e. to manage chaos, via a legal system, a moral system and an economic system, all that are essentially fair.

Some men will always seek power. They will use power to promote themselves and to aggrandize themselves. They will gather and surround themselves with servile yes-men. They will all lie, cheat, steal and promote policies for their own benefit which are inimical to the population they control.

In the latest brazen show of power, the FBI Director has manipulated (rigged) the system to let Hillary off. By all rights, she should now be sitting in jail in a highly fashionable orange jump suit.

G-d Bless US – we really need it!

© 2016 Mitchell Goldstein – All Rights Reserved

Truth verses the testimony of Hillary Clinton

Winston Churchill is credited with saying, “Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry on as if nothing ever happened.”

Newt Gingrich was recently interviewed on Fox News’ “Fox & Friend.” He was puzzled by the FBI’s decision not to interview Hillary Clinton under oath, stating, “At this stage of the investigation, I would have thought, they would have wanted to put her into a position where if she lied it was perjury.”

The former Speaker of the House also made the claim, “This is a person who has lied repeatedly. She lies about lying and now she lies about having lied about lying.” Gingrich said, “This is the Clinton model, which is to drag it out, to lawyer it up, to say whatever you need to to get through the next interview.”

This got me to thinking about the whole idea of truth.

What is the essence of truth? What is “the truth”? Where does the truth come from and how do you know it when it’s told to you?

For example, many Americans claim that Hillary Clinton is a liar, and that is the “truth.” Then others claim that those Americans are lying about Hillary Clinton lying, and that is the “truth.”

My point here is that whatever (or whoever) you may blithely accept as the source of truth is going to determine your opinion and guide your actions.

You may think that the government or a certain political party is the source of truth.

Or, you may think that if you saw it on TV, it must be the truth.
But if your source is false, then your judgments and your actions are doomed to result in error, failure and chaos.

In the 14th chapter of John’s Gospel, Jesus Christ says “I am the way, the truth and the life.” And, in Hebrews 13, Verse 8, it is written, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.”

Putting these two truths together, our founders were able to construct a government where law and truth were unchangeable, reliable and just.

Justice is lost today because our legislatures, governors, judges and president have rejected God’s Word as the source of truth.

Lets’ exchange our lies and confidence in man’s standard for what our Founders termed “self-evident truths.”

As Winston Churchill stated, you just stumbled over the truth. Will you pick up and “hurry on as if nothing ever happened,” or will you walk in the truth given to you?

Learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and his “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2016 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

FDA issues revised draft for new dietary ingredient guidance for supplements

I truly wish that I had been wrong. Four years ago I predicted in writing that the whole-food industry’s jubilance over the decision of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to revise the FDA’s Draft Guidance for Industry: Dietary Supplements: New Dietary Ingredient Notifications and Related Issues would be short-lived and lead to nothing more than crumbs for the industry and consumers alike. And, on August 11, 2016, the FDA finally issued its revised New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) draft Guidance,[1] proving me right and throttling any industry glee in its collective throat. Crumbs for all of us, imperiously cast down by a rogue agency that does not listen to Congress or to its supposed, ultimate masters, the U.S. citizenry.

But, then, my prediction was an easy one. We live in a time when all government agencies are rogue and out-of-control, where they defy the wishes of the people and even assault them continually with new taxes disguised as “fines,” stultifying rules and regulations, and arbitrary and whimsical dictates. Yes, a five-year-old could have made my prediction; it just took recognizing the nature of the Beast – a nature that will not ever change through our feeble begging.

The NDI Draft Guidance

The FDA’s Draft Guidance, as you will recall, requires, among many other things, that all dietary ingredients introduced into the marketplace as of and since October 15, 1994, undergo drug-like safety testing prior to marketing. The tests – which are actually more onerous than those for new drugs – could cost millions of dollars per each new ingredient.[2] And, that includes each variation on those ingredients too.

These requirements will not make supplements any safer than they are today but they will require supplement makers to lay aside 20 years of profits to conduct the tests. To make matters worse, tens of thousands of workers could lose their jobs as the supplement industry would be forced to remove products from store shelves and smaller supplement companies close their doors.

In addition, the original Draft Guidance stated that a synthetic herb or botanical would not be considered a dietary ingredient; and it called for NDI submissions to the FDA for each new product even if the ingredients in that product had originally been the subject of an earlier NDI notice. These are all onerous, unrealistic and unjustified requirements on any industry.

Unfortunately, in its own haste to seek clarity on new dietary ingredients, the industry itself created this Frankenstein monster of a Guidance when some members lobbied for inclusion in the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act of 2011 (FSMA) of a clause actually directing the FDA to issue a Guidance by July 2011. As is often said, “Be careful of what you ask for. You might just get it.” In this case, we all did, good and hard.

Victory Has 100 Fathers

So, four years ago, when the news started to spread that the FDA might actually back down from its then-published Draft Guidance, the industry and consumers were, of course, jubilant. A breakthrough in the Industry–FDA fight over this Guidance, it appeared, had at long last emerged. One can especially imagine that the morons responsible for the inclusion of the FSMA clause were especially jubilant, and relieved.

“There’s an old saying that victory has 100 fathers and defeat is an orphan.” These words spoken by John F. Kennedy, and others before him, resonate in this situation. Some trade organizations and two health-freedom organizations immediately sent out news releases jubilantly trumpeting “their” victory, while also effusively applauding the FDA for its willingness to revise the Guidance document. So many claimed the credit, in fact, it was hard for me to tell who was truly responsible for this “victory.”

Unfortunately, there was no victory. All we ever had were words from the FDA, hardly the most trustworthy of agencies. After all, wasn’t the FDA the same agency that had originally promised it would not enforce the Draft Guidance until it became final only to see it then immediately send out 10 enforcement letters complaining about purported new dietary ingredients? Rather, we have an orphan, so where now are all of its fathers? Busy wiping the egg off their collective faces we can assume.

The Applause Was Premature

Now that the FDA has issued its revised Draft Guidance, five years later, what has the Industry achieved? Frankly, after five years of “consultations” between Industry and the FDA, there are few changes in the Draft Guidance. Yes, the new Draft Guidance says that a synthetic copy of an herb or botanical ingredient may qualify as a dietary ingredient under Section 201(ff)(1)(E) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, as amended, if the synthetic ingredient has been lawfully used as an ingredient in the conventional food supply. And, yes, the revised Draft Guidance does now allow a manufacturer or distributor to submit only one NDI notification to the FDA in place of the multiple notifications (with costly support) and when the conditions of use for any new dietary supplement are still within the conditions of use stated in the original NDI notification. And, yes again, the FDA has conceded that a list of grandfathered-in supplement ingredients could be developed in the future. However, after five years, that is really all that has been gained.

Except for one thing. Those five years of delay have given the FDA time to place and gradually tighten the yoke of wrongful NDI notifications upon an increasingly compliant industry. As one commentator wrote, “the howls of outrage heard in 2011 are silent.”[3] Yet this same commentator essentially tells us “to get used to it.” We are asked to accept what has been a wrongful usurpation of authority in the first place, not authorized to this extent by the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (“DSHEA”), by a rogue agency that is allowed to continue to destroy an industry that provides health and jobs to millions. Again, where is the outrage?

This is No Time to Beg for Crumbs

This latest development sets the stage for the continuation of regulatory misinterpretation, confusion, and misguided enforcement by the FDA on the subject of new dietary ingredients. Nowhere in DSHEA is the FDA authorized to impose this kind of burden upon dietary ingredients, old or new. It simply usurped to itself the authority to override the intent of Congress when Congress passed DSHEA, deliberately imposing costly and burdensome regulations upon “new” dietary ingredients.[4]

The FDA has yet to be either humbled by the judiciary or sent a clear directive by Congress. There is nothing in the last 22 years of FDA conduct or in the FDA’s recent regulatory actions that provides us with even the least hint that it will act in good faith.

Yet, the regal FDA has thrown us a crumb and industry yawns. This bodes poorly for our future bargaining positions with the FDA. Look at it through the eyes of the FDA: It ignores our views for 17 years, and then really another five, and then when it changes a few, measly “dots and dashes” in an abominable guidance document that it never, ever should have created and that is wildly off the mark and exceeds FDA authority, the industry yawns and simply settles into its yoke with a slave’s willingness to shoulder an undeserved burden. Who could blame the FDA for thinking we are easy marks?

Keep the Pressure On

All of this explains why the National Health Federation (“NHF”) came out with legislation in the Fall of 2011, so that consumers and industry would not have to supplicate the FDA for mercy. H.R.3380, the Dietary Supplement Protection Act (DSPA) was introduced by then-Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN) and intended to thwart for the time being the FDA’s attack on new dietary ingredients. It was to do this by moving the defining date of October 15, 1994 (separating “old” supplements from “new” ones), to a more realistic and then-recent date of January 1, 2007.

By this one simple act, the Bill expanded the protection of the grandfathering clause to include all of the “new” dietary-supplement ingredients that had appeared in that almost 13-year interval (1994-2006) and that would otherwise be subject to the onerous requirements of the Guidance. The bill would have drastically narrowed the arbitrary power the FDA wants to exercise over new supplements and thereby protected thousands of supplements that have been safely consumed from being removed from the marketplace. It also would have set a precedent for altering the date in the future as well.

Unfortunately, only a few health-freedom groups supported NHF’s legislative action, while one (which ironically now calls upon its members for congressional action) actually opposed our legislative efforts! Some in the industry were aghast and worried that Pandora’s Box (i.e., DSHEA) might be opened. So, after much effort on NHF’s part, the bill died in committee and Rep. Dan Burton retired from Congress.

H.R.3380 may have failed, but we must still maintain pressure on the FDA through action both in Congress and in the courts. Just hoping that talks with the FDA will produce tangible results is foolish. Even attorney Jonathan Emord has acknowledged that “substantial changes are rare” on the part of the FDA. Pressure must be kept on the FDA. And most likely, that will have to be through litigation. After all, how many times did Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw have to sue the FDA over health claims for supplements just to force the FDA to follow the law enacted by Congress? The FDA gives an upright middle digit to Congress just as often as it does to us.

But, still, keep the pressure on FDA. Write your congressional representatives at Also, contact NHF at if you wish to join us in a lawsuit against the FDA[5]. Donations toward the lawsuit can be made here. And finally, you may still make known and publish your thoughts to the FDA by submitting your comments directly to the FDA. You have sixty days from the date of the Draft Guidance’s issuance on August 11th to submit your comments to the FDA.

The Ultimate Questions to Be Asked Here

As health researcher and writer Bill Sardi has repeatedly asked of these FDA actions, ‘What are we trying to fix? What is actually broken?” There is nothing that needs fixing. Are we really improving the safety of supplements through complex and costly regulatory guidance? Supplements are already safer than water and aspirin, not even to mention heavily regulated drugs! More paperwork and more money spent will not make our supplements any safer than they already are.

Let’s be honest with ourselves and others. The real reason for FDA’s Draft Guidance has nothing to do with safety; it is intended to drive more supplements off the shelves, raise their prices beyond the reach of everyday Americans, and to bankrupt or drive out of business the smaller dietary-supplement companies, thus paving the way for the large pharmaceutical industry’s use of many of the very same ingredients, with now-skewed molecular structures, to sell them as drugs at a premium.

Safety has never been a real concern for the FDA when it comes to supplements; safety is simply its tool to use to force the public to accept a drug-happy world of medicine. If the FDA were truly concerned about safety, then it would turn away from enforcement actions on the dietary-supplement industry and focus its efforts upon the industry where the real deaths occur: the pharmaceutical industry.

Make no mistake, the revised Draft Guidance will drive up dietary-supplement costs, destroy jobs and companies, stifle innovation in the supplement industry, seriously harm the health of Americans, and move consumers yet further towards dangerous drugs and vaccines and away from safe supplements. But our paperwork will be in order! This nonsense must be opposed and stopped.

We must remember Felix Frankfurter’s advice. Written some 70 years ago while a Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, he noted, “the history of liberty has largely been the history of observance of procedural safeguards.” The FDA has shown itself all too often to be a rogue agency that refuses to adhere to procedural safeguards. It must be reined in, through clear laws binding it down. Write your congressional representative now and help fund a lawsuit to halt the FDA’s destructive rampage. This is no time for half-hearted measures. The yoke that will break the back of the supplement industry while it breaks your health is being locked in place.

© 2016 – Scott Tips – All Rights Reserved


1. This Guidance can be found here.
2. Keep in mind, that in a compromise agreement under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (“DSHEA”), “new dietary ingredients” were arbitrarily defined as those ingredients introduced into the marketplace from the date of enactment of DSHEA, October 15, 1994, onwards. It is an entirely artificial date that has no correlation with the safety of any dietary-supplement ingredient. Indeed, “new” dietary ingredients have been proven historically to be as safe as “old” ones.
3. Stephen Daniells, “NDIs: The biggest changes may be on the industry side,”, August 16, 2016.
4. In a well-written article entitled, “Does the NDI Draft Guidance Significantly Impact the Safety of Supplements?” (, Cara Welch, Ph.D., and Liz Hurst of the NPA quite correctly pinpoint the many ways in which the FDA’s Guidance has strayed from the intent of DSHEA. Unfortunately, though, one solution suggested by the authors is to increase funding for the FDA. With a budget pegged at $2.5 billion ($4.5 billion if user fees are included), the FDA is a badly bloated agency that does not need even another dime when it cannot properly allocate and use those resources it has already been given. No, the FDA needs less funding, not more. With its major fat trimmed, coupled with wiser and more-core-mission-focused leadership, the Agency might just rediscover its pro-consumer roots.
5. Comments may be submitted electronically here. Submit written comments to the Division of Dockets Management (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, Room 1061, Rockville, Maryland 20852. All comments should be identified with the docket number FDA-2011-D-0376.

Patriots must carry Trump across the finish line

Patriots, to save our country, it has become clear that we must hoist Trump up on our shoulders and carry him across the finish line into the Oval Office. The mainstream media has blatantly joined crooked Hillary and her minions to brand Trump unfit to serve as president. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

I cannot stomach watching CNN. Almost every evening I am at my local gym on an aerobic machine working to keep my blood sugar numbers good. CNN is always on a few of the TV sets hanging from the ceiling. Reading headlines posted on the lower third of the screen with the sound turned down is quite revealing. It makes it plain to see CNN’s relentless efforts to demonize and destroy Trump.

For example: The news that the father of the Pulse nightclub shooter was seated behind Hillary at her rally was not helpful to her campaign. A day or so later, CNN’s lower third headline read, “Disgraced Congressman Sits Behind Trump at Rally.” This was CNN’s attempt to defend Hillary by saying, see, a not-so-good person was seated behind Trump at his rally.

I have seen numerous lower third graphics on CNN purposed to portray Trump as a racist and a nut case (standard Leftist tactics to silence and destroy).

The other night at my gym, the CNN lower graphic read, “Breaking News: Confederate Flag at Trump Rally Tonight”. Do you see what CNN was attempting do? CNN, along with most of the mainstream media are Hillary operatives disguised as news outlets. CNN wanted to convey the message that a Confederate flag at a Trump rally means Trump and his supporters are rabid racists.

Leftists are divisive, dishonest and evil folks. Leftists do not care if they stir-up racial hate as long as it generates enough racial division, hate and fear to cause duped voters to vote for Democrats. I hate that Leftists continue to successfully dupe the masses into perceiving them as paragons of compassion. In reality, the Democratic Party (Leftists) is the birth place and is still the home of racism. Leftists are the polar opposite of true compassion.

Folks, we have seen Leftists use this tactic from their “How To Make Patriots Abandon Their Heroes” playbook before. We (patriots) prayed for a hero to come along and push-back against political correctness; someone who would courageously and boldly defend and fight to preserve traditional values that have made America great and exceptional. Our prayers were answered in the form of a beautiful woman named Sarah Palin. I was touring on Tea Party Express back then. I witnessed first hand the massive crowds and excitement whenever Palin spoke at our rallies. Fearing Palin’s power, the Left launched a shock-and-awe, 24/7, no-holds-barred campaign to destroy Palin. I expected the Left to trash Palin. However, it turned my stomach the way many conservatives abandoned her when she failed to walk on water.

We are in the midst of Hillary and her operatives using the same tactics they used against our strong advocate Palin to take-out our strong advocate Trump. Hillary and company seek to brand Trump so toxic and crazy that Republicans and conservatives will run to the tall grass out-of-range of the Left’s bombings of him.

Folks, we cannot allow that to happen. When one of my brothers parroted Hillary’s rhetoric about Trump, I lovingly laid into him, setting him straight; telling him he must vote for Trump.

A relative told my wife Mary she dislikes both candidates and was going to write in “Mickey Mouse”.

Mary told her this is not a time to be cute. Mary explained to the relative that she must vote for Trump. This is what all who love America as founded must do this election. America cannot survive patriots pulling a “Palin” on Trump, abandoning him because of Hillary and company’s smear campaign.

Another way to help Trump is to host a Tea Party for Trump rally Sunday, August 28th. Tea Party for Trump will follow up the rallies with a massive, well-orchestrated, national get-out-the-vote campaign.

It is truly repulsive hearing Hillary attempting to brand Trump unfit while she is the epitome of an unfit candidate. Even more disturbing is watching the Left (corrupt federal government, mainstream media and Hollywood) spin a cocoon-of-protection around her.

Dinesh D’Souza’s movie, “Hillary’s America” exposes the Clinton’s well documented history of deceit, corruption and criminal activity. D’Souza revealed that Hillary went from zero to $300 million on a government salary. That is impossible folks.

As a black American, it is insulting hearing Hillary pander and talk down to black audiences. Using her best colored people accent, Hillary spouted, “I don’t feel no ways tired.”

Hillary is a panderer. She panders around, around and around. Hillary told a black radio host that she carries hot sauce in her purse.” Folks, it is time to vote this evil woman out of our lives.

Patriots, we MUST carry Trump to victory. We can do this folks. Together, we have great power. I look back with fond memories of the 2010 rally to stop Obamacare. I sang at that rally. Despite a mainstream media blackout insidiously ignoring the protest rally, we got 1.7 million patriots to come to DC to protest Obamacare. We used word-of-mouth, social media and the internet.

We the People MUST carry Donald Trump across the finish line. He ain’t heavy, he’s our next president.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Globalism + super capitalism = formula for disaster

For many, the Statue of Liberty symbolizes what America stands for: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Embracing the underdog characterizes America at her best. I’m reminded of Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan. A priest and then a Levite evaded acts of kindness thereafter rendered selflessly by a common Samaritan.[1] I’m also reminded of U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy to “exercise intelligent forethought of decisive action sufficiently far in advance of any likely crisis.”[2]

Lest the proverbial “golden door” open up to anarchy, lawlessness must never be tolerated.[3] Take, for example, Seattle’s Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) program. In a nutshell, LEAD arguably enables nonviolent drug offenders by offering them a lenient option other than incarceration. While touting statistically significant impact on reducing likelihood of new arrests (University of WA, 2015), LEAD likewise contributes to the flood of “tired, poor, homeless and wretched refuse” now roaming Seattle’s drug-friendly streets and overtaking the city’s public parks.[4]

Add to indigents an escalating swarm of unabated criminal aliens,[5] and threat to public comfort, health, and safety swells to the level of a national security concern. Today, tens of thousands of criminal aliens account for in excess of one-fourth of prisoners in Federal Bureau of Prisons facilities, thereby draining the federal budget an estimated $1.5 to $1.6 billion per year. Countless additional non-citizen criminals live free and undetected. Some milk the welfare system; others plot to inflict unspeakable harm on their host country.

Corrective measures include greater federal and local government cooperation to identify criminal elements. Through a centralized identity verification system, we must deny jobs to illegal intruders and ensure that criminal conviction leads to deportation with permanent exclusion from the country.[6] Useful in that regard, the expansion of the Secure Communities program is no substitute for the 287(g) program that trains and deputizes local law enforcement personnel in immigration law enforcement.[7]

Limitless Inclusion is “Christian” [8]

Some argue that Jesus moved toward, not away from, potential violence. The Jesus Way, we’re told, requires our moving toward “the other.” Only if we cross borders that divide can we know and love our enemy.[9] But consider this: When Jews sought to stone Him for blasphemy, Jesus withdrew, concealed Himself, and miraculously passed unhurt through the midst of the angry mob.[10] When His enemies sought to seize Him again, Jesus “withdrew from their power” and “escaped from their hand.”[11] The apostle Paul did likewise. In boarding a ship for Syria, Paul learned that Jews were plotting to kill him. Instead of running toward potential violence, Paul wisely charted an alternate route via Macedonia.[12]

Others argue that servitude rendered to “the least of these, my brethren,” is credited as servitude to Christ. Keep in mind the Greek word for “brethren,” adelphos, references a member of the same religious community. “Given to hospitality,” Christians are compelled to “distribute to the necessity of fellow saints” (i.e., believers).[13] Ensuring that a houseguest feels comfortably at home does not presuppose open access to the host’s bank accounts or his marriage bed.[14]

Biblically, extending to an adelphos all that hospitality entails (food, drink, shelter) is ministering to Christ. Aiding and abetting a criminal is not.[15] Such wayward thinking is anathema—that is to say, it’s ill-fated. Contrary to fashionable ecumenical trends, partnering righteousness with lawlessness is a snare that, in the end, diminishes liberty for all.

Freedom allows for prosperity and success achieved through hard work in a society with few barriers, thereby affording workers and their families upward social mobility in the land of the free and the home of the brave.[16] In pursuit of the American Dream boasting democracy, individual rights, liberty, opportunity, and equality, Americans must never forget the key foundation of liberty—namely, rule of law.[17]

Contentious Controversy

Immigration reform ranks among the most contentious political issues of our day. Demand to limit, or temporarily suspend, immigration is met with ire. We’re told it’s racist, un-American, and unconstitutional to deny liberal access through America’s “golden door”—especially when targeted groups represent specific ethnicities, nationalities, and even religions.

With an open mind and heart toward “tempest-tossed, huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” our charge is to champion America and Americans first.[18] Our forefathers gained legal entry onto this nation’s God-kissed shores. In turn, we welcome legal immigrants who assimilate and contribute their best to America.

• Asylum Trap [19]

To safeguard “liberty for all,” asylum applicants must be screened expeditiously and, when warranted, denied access. Purportedly for needed healthcare, revolutionary Imam Fethullah Gülen gained ready access to our country. Despite the fact that countless observers, including the FBI, label Gülen and his “peace movement” a “radical threat,” and despite alleged immigration fraud—not to mention FBI raids, possible scandal involving a national Internet program, bribes, and kickbacks—Gülen has since been awarded extended visa status.[20] Significantly, no deportations, nor arrests, have ensued among his cohorts. Moreover, some 155 Gülen charter schools in twenty-six states (and counting) cost American taxpayers about $150 million each year.

Critics rightly contend that H-1B visas were designed for companies to employ highly skilled, temporary foreign workers in biotechnology, chemistry, engineering, and other specialized fields.[21] In reality, no one applies for more H-1B visas than Fethullah Gülen, who’s bringing in large (and growing) numbers of Turkish teachers, K-12. The object, many fear, is to “force feed” American children educational programs that feature Islamic incentives, especially via summer studies abroad.

• Selective Immigration Ban

Unknown to many, selective immigration is law. A 1952 act allows for the President to suspend entry, or to impose restrictions, whenever entry of any class of aliens proves to be detrimental to the interests of the country. The act further requires applicants for immigration to be of “good moral character” and “attached to the principles of the Constitution.” This naturally excludes foreign criminals.[22]

Since the Qur’an forbids Muslims to swear allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, all suspected Muslim fundamentalists warrant, at the very least, a second look. Toward ensuring safety of law-abiding citizens, lawful American Muslims included, said qualifications speak to common sense practice, not hateful racism.[23]

No rightwing zealot, Baptist Jimmy Carter utilized the McCarran-Walter Act (Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952) to keep out Iranians. Also in 1979, Carter required a check-in for all Iranian students in the country whereupon some 15,000 Iranians (seven thousand in violation of their visas) were forced to leave. While progressives applaud Carter’s foreign policy acumen, they disdain comparable conservative policy as “archaic protectionism.”

“America First!” [24]

Truth be told, fully half of new IT hires are foreign guest workers; and only half of America’s technology graduates are able to find a job in his or her field. Our mandate is to expose the giant myth that America suffers a crisis-level shortage of qualified tech workers. If an American citizen (no matter race, gender, ethnicity, religion) is equipped to do a job, that American, by law, should top the hiring list.

Unfortunately, hundreds of productive American workers who, for years, have served companies (mostly in the tech field, but also in accounting) are being fired en masse—this, in deference to foreigners typically earning some twenty-five percent less than nationals. Requiring workers to train their replacements, then enforcing gag orders that forfeit basic constitutional rights, inflicts insult onto injury. Even more, the practice is illegal.

Every year one million Green Card holders enter the country. By 2025 that number will reach ten million. Yearly, fifty thousand lucky, if not worthy, lottery winners are awarded “Diversity Visas”; but this is no game, people![25] Outsourcing and offshoring American jobs will result in the eventual downfall of America. It has already compromised your privacy, and mine, with our banking and medical data being placed in offshore databases.

Formula for Disaster [26]

Political correctness aside, there’s always room to rethink policies based on their likely and actual consequences.[27] Before it’s too late, a foreign workforce spurred by merging globalism with super capitalism can and must be stopped. How? First, all Americans need to educate themselves on implications of issuing hundreds of thousands of H-1B, J-1[28], and F-1[29] visas. Patriots must lobby against leniency toward the 11-30 million illegal aliens (and visa over-stayers), as well as for a reliable national entry-exit database enforced by horse sense vetting processes. The DOJ, division of civil rights, must prosecute companies that discriminate against American nationals—this, in violation of Title VII (Civil Rights Act of 1964)—and DOL must prosecute H-1B abusers.

Our action, or inaction, will define the nation inherited by our kids and grandkids, so let’s say we do them proud!

© 2016 Debra Rae – All Rights Reserved


1. Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25–37).
2. Big Stick diplomacy, or Big Stick policy, refers to President Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy, “Speak softly and carry a big stick.” Roosevelt described it to mean “the exercise of intelligent forethought and of decisive action sufficiently far in advance of any likely crisis.”
3. 1 John 3:4 pairs lawlessness (breaking the law) with sin, and Psalm 1:5 specifically excludes sinners from the assembly of law abiding citizens.
4. Sarah Jarvis. “Drug Program for Low-Level Offenders.” The Seattle Times, 2016.
5. Non-citizens who commit crimes
6. A Congressional Research Service report (August 2012) found that, over a 33-month period (October 2008-July 2011), more than 159,000 illegal aliens (arrested by local authorities and identified by the federal government as deportable) were released back onto the streets. Subsequently, nearly one-sixth of them were arrested for criminal behaviors.
7. In 2009, ICE revised the 287(g) delegated authority program, strengthening public safety and ensuring consistency in immigration enforcement across the country by prioritizing the arrest and detention of criminal aliens.
8. (Accessed 8 August 2016)
9. “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,” Matthew 5:43ff.
10. Therefore they picked up stones to throw at Him, but Jesus hid Himself and went out of the temple,” John 8:59
11. Therefore they were seeking again to seize Him; and He eluded their grasp,” John 10:39 (Weymouth New Testament and Webster’s Bible Translation).
12. “And there he spent three months, and when a plot was formed against him by the Jews, as he was about to set sail for Syria, he decided to return through Macedonia,” Acts 20:3 (NASB).
13. In Romans 12:13 (NASB), Paul enjoins contributing to the needs of the saints (i.e., “holy” or “called-out” ones), while practicing (or pursuing) hospitality. “The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me,’” Matthew 25:40.
14. The “marriage bed” is undefiled—that is, to be honored by all (Hebrews 13:4). Christians pray for those who would “despitefully use” them. Should one take their cloaks, Christians offer their outer coats as well (Luke 6:28-29). To offer “the other cheek,” or one’s coat, does not suggest falling prey to evil actions and/or demands of others. Passages, as these, are metaphors intended to illustrate magnanimity. They are not literal commands.
15. “Do not be bound together (unequally yoked) with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness,” 2 Corinthians 6:14 (NASB).
16. “If a man will not work, he shall not eat,” 2 Thessalonians 3:10.
17. “Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. For this is the will of God …,” 1 Peter 2:13-17 (ESV).
18. In providing for material needs, not to focus first on one’s own household is to “deny the faith” and to behave “worse than an infidel,” 1 Timothy 5:8.
19. debra284.htm (Accessed 17 August 2016).
20. “While people are saying, ‘Peace and safety,’ destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman; and they will not escape,” 1 Thessalonians 5:3.
21. Temporary foreign workers in specialty occupations include management and computer systems analysts, programmers, software developers, networks and computer systems administrators, accountants, auditors, and electronics engineers. [Link] (Accessed 17 August 2016).
22. Authenticated at: [Link] (Accessed 17 August 2016).
23. “Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment,” John 7:24 (ESV).
24. (Accessible 6 September 2016 and thereafter in the archives).
25, [Link] (Accessed 17 August 2016).
26, [Link[ and [Link] (Accessed 17 August 2016). Note: Protect US Workers provides free review of severance agreements and free legal advice.
27, “Criminal Alien Statistics: Information on Incarcerations, Arrests, and Costs,” Government Accountability Office, 24 March 2011. Martin, Jack and Erick A. Ruark, “The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers,” FAIR, July 2010. “Arrested illegals who were released charged with 16,226 subsequent crimes,” Daily Caller, 9 August 2012.
28, The J-1 Visa offers cultural and educational exchange opportunities in the United States through a variety of programs overseen by the U.S. State Department.
29, The F-1 visa is a type of non-immigrant, student visa allowing foreigners (who maintain a full course of study) to pursue academic studies and/or language training programs in the United States

The Alinsky accomplishments of the queen of corruption

Truly evil people don’t just hurt others. They take pride in the pain they cause and then try to blame their victims.

Why We Must Vote for Trump

There are some in our electorate who are still unhappy that Cruz didn’t win. They have vowed to not vote for Trump, and in effect, are casting a vote for Hillary. In voting for anyone other than Mr. Trump, we could easily end up with the vile and deceitful Hillary Clinton as president. Truly, this election is our last chance to turn America around. Our children and grandchildren will pay the price if we allow Hillary back in our White House. We simply must put aside any discontent, and cast a ballot for America and for our children’s future. Slavery under the caliphate and Sharia, is not what I want for my descendants. 

The Two Main Spoilers

Gary Johnson is running on the Libertarian ticket. He is the former governor of New Mexico. He is strongly pro-abortion and pro-Constitutional Convention.

Then there’s “Never Trump” Evan McMullin, the former chief policy director for Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives, and former CIA operations officer. He is a CFR member, has also worked at Goldman Sachs, as well as a volunteer refugee resettlement officer for the United Nations. Fellow Mormons, like Beck and Romney, are backing McMullin, along with the Never Trumpsters like Erick Erickson. 

Apparently these people believe in thwarting the will of the people to save America from Mr. Trump, thus giving us the most corrupt women in American politics, not to mention the influx of millions more illegals and Islamic refugees.

The Unlikeable Sister Frigidaire

Unlikeable, states that Bill had Hillary take lessons from the Clintons’ friend, Stephen Spielberg, in how to be more likeable. So Spielberg supplied Hillary with acting coaches to help her when she had to give a speech. Unfortunately, she didn’t like it, and she has remained her cold, abusive self. 

At a high school soccer game during cold weather, Hillary commented to a competitor on how cold it was. “I wish people like you would freeze to death,” said the girl. 

When Hillary asked how the girl could feel that way when the girl didn’t even know her, the young soccer player responded, “I don’t have to know you to hate you.” 

Hillary just couldn’t understand that maybe there was something about her that the other girl just didn’t like. (Page 33, Hell to Pay).

Hillary’s Past “Accomplishments”

This ill-tempered, violent, loud-mouthed, hateful and abusive woman wants to be your next President, and have total control as Commander-in-Chief of our Military, the very Military for which she has shown incredible disdain throughout her public life.

Remember her most vile comment about Benghazi: “What difference at this point does it make?”

It made a lot of difference to the families of those who died. Their pleas for help went unanswered, and security was told to stand down. Tig Tiegen and Mark Geist refused the order, and went to help, nearly losing their own lives. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton went to bed.

The Lessons of Watergate

Another little insight into Hillary comes from the book, Without Honor: Crimes of Camelot and the Impeachment of Richard Nixon, where Jerry Zeifman, who was Chief Counsel for the Judiciary Committee, states that he fired her for repeatedly lying and stealing records that were essential to a fair trial of Nixon, because the documents implicated Democrats in illegal actions during the Camelot years. Is this true? I’m not certain of that.

Hell to Pay, she tells about what Hillary learned in working Watergate, and how it came into play 20 years later.

John Doar, a liberal Republican, was special counsel in charge of the House Judiciary investigation of the president, and took a liking to Hillary Rodham who worked long hours in a cramped office. She had Doar’s confidence. Zeifman, on the other hand, stated, “It seems to me that Haldeman and Ehrlichman are crude amateurs at arrogance in comparison to the more polished and sophisticated arrogance and deceit of some of Doar’s assistants.”

Nixon ended up being his own worst enemy. John Connally, the most trusted member of Nixon’s cabinet had told him to gather the tapes in the Rose Garden and proudly burn them. Barbara Olsen stated that from the standpoint of Machiavellian tactics, of course, Connally was right. Had Nixon burned the tapes, he would have been seen by his supporters as standing up for the rights of the presidency, and daring his tormentors to impeach on the remaining evidence. Nixon thought he could survive by admitting half of the truth. Goldwater later actually convinced him to resign for the good of the country.

Nevertheless, Hillary witnessed the path that led to Nixon’s ruin. She and her husband later demonstrated what she’d learned as the final lesson of Watergate and that was that any compromise with a criminal investigation is fatal. So, what did they do? They obfuscated, stonewalled, denied the undeniable, destroyed evidence, and attacked the accusers. 

Alinsky Taught Hillary Well

This is exactly the same thing that Hillary is doing today with the email debacle and the Clinton Foundation. It is the same thing that she did with Benghazi, and Libya, Whitewater, Travelgate, Troopergate, Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky, Vince Foster’s suicide, Juanita Broaddrick, looting the White House, Filegate (FBI files on enemies, Chinagate (the sale of high-tech secrets), landing under sniper fire, missing law firm billing records, Pardongate (Remember the Rich’s), and countless other scandals she’s wormed out of by using the tactics she learned from her good friend, Saul Alinsky, and from a front row seat in Watergate and watching Nixon’s mistakes. 

See what I mean?


The fifth rule in Saul Alinsky’s dozen Rules for Radicals, has been successfully used by Hillary Rodham Clinton, many times throughout her life.

* RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

She’s used it against her enemies, against her competitors, against her husband’s paramours, and she’s using it every day of the campaign, just as she’s used every other Alinsky Rule all her life. She learned them early under the tutelage of her Park Ridge Methodist youth minister, Don Jones, who introduced her to Alinsky, and Marxism. Up until Jones’ death in 2007, he would occasionally travel with Hillary as her “spiritual advisor.”

The seeds of this woman’s actions, attitudes, and beliefs were planted early on, in 1961. She has become even more skilled than Alinsky ever imagined. It is another reason that she must be defeated. Our nation simply cannot endure and survive four years of her corruption, much less eight.

Gary Johnson is progressive not libertarian

The “never Trump” sycophants are so blinded by their personal envy of Donald Trump that they appear willing to support progressive Gary Johnson in order to help Hillary Clinton take the White House from Trump, who has set records in Republican voter support winning 38 of 50 state Republican primaries.

Johnson holds a LEFT position on most issues and always has… which is why he is targeting former Bernie Sanders supporters left high and dry by the Marxist candidate who in the end, abandoned his supporters and threw his support to Hillary Clinton at the DNC Convention.


• Pro legalized drugs
• Pro legalized prostitution
• Pro amnesty for illegal aliens
• Pro open borders
• Pro jihad resettlement in the USA
• Pro free trade with communist regimes
• Pro unrestricted abortion
• Pro affirmative action
• Pro same-sex marriage
• Pro separation of church and state
• Soft on crime
• Anti- death penalty for violent offenders
• Anti-military
• Anti-national security
• Pro isolationism
In other words, the only two things Gary Johnson has in common with Republicans or conservatives is his opposition to taxation and government regulations. Aside from these two positions, Gary Johnson stands side-by-side with Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders on every other issue facing our nation today.

Original libertarianism, as-in the Jeffersonian context, was to believe in and support a maximum degree of personal liberty within the confines of reasonable measures of law and order designed to create a civilized society of free people capable of self-governance in a safe and secure environment.

But todays “libertarian” is often much more akin to todays so-called “progressives,” more accurately labeled “democratic socialists.” Johnson is a perfect example of a progressive masquerading as a libertarian, every bit as socially left as Clinton, Obama and Sanders, but pretending to be fiscally conservative.

The problem is this… socially liberal policies always result in fiscally liberal spending. Over 63% of the Federal Budget is social spending today, all of it a direct result of social ills caused by socially liberal policies. This is a problem among many youth voters today, who do not yet grasp the reality that nothing on earth is FREE and socially liberal decisions produce social ills that later result in social spending to address those ills.

Modern libertarians (independents) want to have their cake and eat it too… They want to appeal to socially liberal, aka morally bankrupt voters, while claiming to be fiscally conservative, happy to support the practices that result in massive out of control social spending, while pretending to oppose social spending that has driven our nation to $20 trillion in debt plus another $100 trillion in unfunded federal promises, aka taxpayer liabilities.

The anti-Trump media is happy to prop up a nut-job candidate like Johnson, who will not even appear on many state ballots across the country, with no chance of ever winning an election, just because they prefer to see Hillary Clinton in the White House rather than Donald Trump. The status quo media is on the side of the status quo establishment in D.C.

According to all current national polling data, Trump and Clinton are running dead even with Johnson pulling at around 9%. That’s not enough for Johnson to ever win an election, but it is more than enough to help Hillary Clinton to secure the White House in November.

Since Johnson is by no means conservative or Republican, or even libertarian, and he has no chance at all of ever winning any election, why are people supporting Gary Johnson?


GTCR LLC —————– $10,800
Morning Star Co———— $8,100
O&G Industries————- $6,400
Gbi————————- $5,400
McRae & Metcalf Pa——– $5,200
Marijuana Policy Project—- $5,000
Druid Hills Capital LLC—– $5,000
IBM Corp—————— $4,297
Control Concepts Inc.——- $4,100
Cato Institute————— $3,700

The Libertarian Party seized on Ted Cruz’s anti-Trump rhetoric at the RNC Convention…

“Last night at the Republican National Convention, Sen. Cruz encouraged Americans to “vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend freedom and to be faithful to the Constitution.” – The Libertarian Party agrees.”

In short, the Johnson campaign is based entirely upon attracting malcontents from the political spectrum, Sanders to Cruz. The goal of winning the White House for Johnson is not within Johnson’s grasp. But the goal of preventing Donald Trump from entering the White House may be.

We have seen this play out before, when Ross Perot assisted Bill Clinton in 1992 by grabbing 19% of the Republican vote from George H.W. Bush and again in 1996 when Perot grabbed 9% from Robert Dole.

If the goal is to prevent Donald Trump from becoming the next President of the United States, the Johnson campaign may just be what the doctor ordered, or what Hillary had hoped for…

Of course, if Donald Trump is not the next President of the United States, Hillary Clinton will be… Not Gary Johnson!

“TRUMPED” AVAILABLE at News with Views bookstore

© 2016 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

Quick return to rule of law and unlimited prosperity

Most of you do not know, nor want to believe, what I am going to tell you even though most of it is based upon facts gained from more than 80 years of study and experience. What you think you know is mostly wrong because it is the result of Marxist indoctrination in schools and false information reported by the Establishment owned Media and government officials. Because of this propaganda you can be forgiven for being an ignorant Communist supporter of Criminal Traitors to our God Given Constitution provided you will learn the truth and become a patriot. It is an absolute fact that Marxism,( Socialism, Communism, Progressivism, Liberalism) and Crony Capitalism (not to be confused with Capitalism) has failed, and is failing, in the United States and where ever it has been tried resulting in death and poverty for millions.

At my age I would not be surprised to die soon of natural causes. But, I am also under no illusion that writing the truth about Corrupt Establishment minions could also cause my death much quicker. Even the Media had to report recent assassinations of those reputed to have been associated with released emails that had a negative impact on Hillary.

Now is the time for The Donald to play his Trump Card ending all Income Tax payments by the people resulting in unlimited prosperity from the return of most manufacturing jobs by reversing the progressive action on tariffs. When Donald J. Trump also terminates unconstitutional government departments, such as Education, Health, Transportation and benefit programs there will be additional funding to reduce the debt. Service of the Public Debt will soon consume one third of all government income leaving little or nothing for anything but National Defense, Social Security and Medicare.

It is impossible for poor and working class people to have any degree of security unless they are armed and as one with the police, while their city is being run by Communists aka Democrats..

When Donald J. Trump wins this Presidential Election you can expect a return to full employment, the Rule of Law and a government ruled by the Constitution for the first time in years. President Trump will end Crony Capitalism aka Pay for Play (Theft from the people with support of the government) and perpetual theft from the people by the Establishment and its Minions in both parties for power and profit.

The Establishment, Democrat and Republican Parties, Universities, Elected Officials, Judges, Media, and their employees know that President Trump will deprive them of their unlawful power and ability to rob the people contrary to the Constitution. Based upon experience I expect Democrats to stir up their low information base with half truths, pay for votes, vote the dead and non-citizens many times, and then cheat on the vote counts. Most of the big money donors in the Establishment support Democrats while the few big donors on the Republican side withhold their backing of Donald Trump because they are afraid to lose their power and money if he is elected.

All benefit programs paid by the Federal Government except Social Security and Medicare (when funded by beneficiaries) are unconstitutional and subject to instant termination. Individual states could fund and continue any of these programs they wish.

We can’t continue to fund public k-12 Schools and Universities to indoctrinate our children in failed economic concepts such as the many variations of Marxism. Faculties refuse to teach Capitalism and our Constitution much less its benefits over Marxism. About half of our people were taught that they are entitled to live off of other people’s money and they plan on voting for Hillary Clinton the most corrupt person in the history of politics who will destroy our country.

Most of our cities are crumbling examples of a failed Communist experiment run by Democrat Officials, who, by the very definition of Communism, can’t support teachings of the Church which are required for Civilization, Families and Constitutional Rule of Law. Very soon the free stuff will end and without Rule of law, the mobs will rape and pillage until the Communist cities are nothing but piles of rubble. Communist Officials want individual attempts at building business to be destroyed by thugs to keep all the people at the same dependant poverty level. For proof see Ferguson, Mo., Baltimore, Md., Milwaukee, WI., et al. In all of these cases the Communist Officials running these cities wrongly threw their police under the bus. There will be no way of ending an uprising once it has started without major loss of life and property.

I blame all of the loss of life and property on the dirty rotten Communists/Democrats who run the cities and the corrupt Federal Justice Department with support of the Establishment and its minions in both parties.

There is only one way to stop these disasters in the near term. You must return to the proven principles of the Constitution, Religion and the Rule of Law. Don’t you dare tell me I don’t know what I am talking about, I was a Peace Officer in the Fifties and lived it. You must return to the Rule of Law where the lawless are shot dead in the streets when attacking people or property and refusing to obey the law. Long term solutions require a father and mother in the home, decent schools, churchs and employment opportunities.

Police can’t protect the people without support of the citizens. Police should arm and train honest residents to help protect themselves and their property from the thugs. From personal experience I can tell you that police officers are not attacked if thugs know for certain that attacking an Officer has one result, being shot dead. I must admit that citizens I protected, unlike today, were armed to the teeth as per the Constitution, many were poor, but none were Communists.

Police Officers in cities run by Communists must have support of the honest citizens because they are the only groups with anything in common. Police must arm and train honest Citizens so that combined they can defend each other. Recent events in Ferguson, Baltimore and Milwaukee, et al. have reinforced historical facts that public officials who are mostly communist will destroy police and citizens for exercising their Constitutional rights. Our Constitution gives us the right to keep and bear arms as a last ditch protection against a corrupt government, like the one run by the usurpers now in office.

Many will take exception to my comments and some will be Communist indoctrinated Police Officers. But my words come from experience as a Peace Officer in the fifties when I was taught to kill people with kindness or if required to kill them by gunshot, not by fighting, not by beating. I never cursed anyone and the people had my back if required. I am giving you a glance at police work under Common Law and the Constitution. I think you can see the result of today’s failure to follow the Rule of Law and our Constitution.

All failures in the Communist cities are due to the guaranteed failures of Communism and can’t be corrected by the police while under control of Marxist officials or others with no loyalty to our Constitution. Based upon unlawful orders given to police by superiors in rioting cities it is surprising that police did not arrest their own officials for Treason.

You must accept that, everything is controlled by the ESTABLISHMENT (also known as the Rulers), which is composed of the elite super rich families, and they control BOTH POLITICAL PARTIES, educational institutions, media, major corporations, elected officials, and judges. With few exceptions they comprise a criminal gang of thugs who control and steal everything for their own benefit while the people live in fear, suffer and die on the leftovers. Dreadful economic moves have been made by the Establishment to further line their pockets which will cause terrible hardship of the people igniting deadly retribution.

Both parties are a criminal part of the Ruling Establishment, but the Democrats are Crony Capitalists, Progressives, Liberals, and Marxists, with most of the money. Republicans are gutless Crony Capitalists with much less money. Anyone who opposes either party will be destroyed or killed, there is no Rule of Law for the Establishment, none, they do as they please.

After the first 13 states, all new states that were formed were given the public lands within their borders and if the Federal government wanted any of it they had to pay for it (see Article 1, section 8, clause 17 of Constitution). This would deprive the Establishment of ongoing profits and power of 840 million acres ( ¼ of land in 12 Western States) so they established unconstitutional government bureaucracies with dictatorial powers to control the State’s rights and those of ranchers, miners and lumbermen et. al. to make a living. As justification for Treason, the Self Ruling Bureaucratic Traitors pretend that the States were not Constitutionally given the land within their borders, and that the Supremacy Clause, Property Clause, and Government Authority over Public Lands still applies to lands now within a States boundaries. That is not what the Constitution says, but the corrupt lawyers and judges do not agree with me. Of course they also support their position with a lot of double talk. But, not once do they mention the Equal Footing Doctrine that mandates that all new states be treated the same as the original states. All of this is important because honest hardworking people (excepting some communist residents in cities) in the Western States are serial victims of framing and murder by the Federal Government. This is critical because people in the Western states hate those who are causing them so much pain.

These traitors have replaced our Constitution with so called Administrative Law based upon unlawful concepts from Progressivism, Liberalism, Marxism and Sharia. A majority of government departments, agencies and programs are unconstitutional, and all of them function contrary to the Constitution.

Elected Officials in Congress must continue to honor and fund constitutionally specified departments such as Departments of Defense, Justice, Treasury and State. But unconstitutional departments and activities without Constitutional authorization must be terminated. The people must be given back their ability to make presentments directly to Grand juries for indictments of criminal officials without intervention by criminal prosecutors or judges.

It has been starkly demonstrated repeatedly, and for years, that there is no way for lawful citizens to obtain justice in this country at the federal level. Donald J. Trump has promised justice for all when he is elected. If he can’t keep his promise I would expect the people to exercise their Constitutional rights to obtain justice.

It should now be obvious to everyone that the Establishment, both of its political parties, the media, and everything else it controls is out to stop Donald J. Trump from winning the election at any cost. As an Economist I can tell you that if Trump wins there will be unlimited prosperity and freedom growing to maximum proportions if Congress supports Trump.. If Trump is defeated we will have an Economic decline of major proportions and elected officials will suffer the ire of the people.

There is no Constitutional Rule of Law now in this country. There is no way to convict a member of the establishment, you can’t take a case before a Grand Jury or ask for help from the Militia of the Several States. Our Constitution has been replaced with an Unconstitutional Administrative Law Procedure and a majority of Federal Departments are unconstitutional and all of them are functioning in an unlawful manner. How can half or more of the Supreme court function contrary to their oath to the Constitution?

In a few words, the Establishment is using progressive, liberal, Marxist, and Sharia concepts to run our Republic which is nothing less than treason.

I must give you a strong warning. These Establishment members of both parties have everything to lose if you force them to return to the rule of law. There is nothing terrible that they won’t do to you to prevent losing trillions of dollars.

If Donald J. Trump is elected President he can return the country to prosperity and full employment with no income tax or Private Federal Reserve Bank within 18 months by using tariffs. Contrary to the Communists, tariffs did not put us into the Great Depression, that was done by the private Federal Reserve Bank (according to the Chairman).

There are many federal benefit programs payable to individuals who did not pay or perform service for the benefits. These programs should be sent to the States for termination or to be continued.

Social Security and Medicare should only be paid to those who paid into the funds.

I proudly served in the Military during the Korean War. The Military was never perfect, but it was honorable and I was proud that other members of my family served. That is not true today, there is no honor in the Officer Corps. You need only look at what the political ass kissers did to those at Centcom who refused to support the Obama lie about the war. They allow their troops to go to war with improper rules of engagement and poor equipment. Anyone who uses proper procedures to question actions that are not legal will be court martialed in a corrupt military court and put in prison.

Mr. Robert Quinn has reported at length how Army Lt.Colonel Terrence Lakin was put on military trial and was denied due process by not being allowed to introduce evidence that might embarrass Obama. about his qualifications. After 18 years of service Lt. Col. Lakin received a dishonorable discharge and time in prison. This is a Military that does not protect its people.

They allow the politicians to load up the Military with Sodomites who are subject to dangerous costly physical and mental illnesses. Sodomites make up less than 2% of the population but over time they will concentrate in the Military causing a major breakdown in recruiting and morale. Ask the Catholic Church. I woke up to an attack by a predatory Sodomite in the fifties when I was in the service, primal instincts instantly kicked in without any thought, and I tried to kill the SOB. I feel sorry for the Sodomites, I wish them no harm but I want no part of their sickness.

They have put women in combat, whether they want it or not and can survive or not, .most can’t, except for a few who can compete with men. Men don’t want women in combat and neither do their parents, only the communists and Femi- Nazis want women in combat. If women had the upper body strength of men weighing twice as much they would be on men’s sports teams. The military tested women and all but a hand- picked few failed, the military is putting them in combat for political reasons. Most men love women and know these actions by perverts of both genders is wrong and will result in the killing of even more men and women.

It is estimated that approximately thirty million illegals are in our country raping, killing, robbing, molesting and taking jobs from our own people while we pay for everything they need.. Several Presidents deported them, and so can we. Our corrupt politicians in both parties know the people want the wall built and the illegals deported but they won’t do it. The illegals are bringing all kinds of dangerous diseases into the country. There is one simple solution, deport all illegals and allow no further immigration of any kind for 25 years.

They take an estimated $ 50 Billion out of our economy and send it to their Home Countries. About one third of our prison population is illegal. The Medical and Education costs of illegals is unbearable. Contrary to popular opinion unless one parent is legal the baby is not a citizen. Democrats want the illegals for votes and Republicans want them for cheap labor. Legal minorities want the illegals deported.

Black Lives Matter has replaced the KKK as the strong arm of the Democrat party and after recent meetings with Obama has been given millions of dollars. From past experience you should expect them to use all manner of violence to disrupt the election process with full support of the communists in government.

All citizens must exercise their Constitutional Rights to keep and bear arms in a lawful manner. Do it right now before it is too late. Always let the criminals and traitors shoot first before you shoot them dead in self defense.

© 2016 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

Castrated churches

[NOTE: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers. We believe that Mr. Trump was God sent to save this Republic and will go down in history as our greatest president.]

Christian filmmaker Jason Charles recently wrote a powerfully astute column entitled “The Neutered American Pastors.” He began his column saying:

“The Apostle Paul in Galatians 5:12 wished castration upon the doctrine perverting Judaized preachers of his day.

“‘I would they were even cut off which trouble you’ Galatians 5:12 (KJV)

“‘As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves!’ Galatians 5:12 (NIV)

“Neuter: A general term used to describe the castration of a male animal.

“Can you imagine? An Apostle of Jesus Christ using this phraseology at all? But he did when addressing the usurping teachers that came in among the congregations of churches that he planted, especially in the Church of Galatia. To get the whole back-story read through Acts Chapter 5, and also read the entire book of Galatians. You will quickly realize he is talking about the Judaizers.

“The reason why the Apostle Paul was vehemently opposed to these Judaizers was because in an ultimate sense, it was false doctrine that taught the superiority of the Mosaic Law over Christ. That meant it immediately became a salvation issue for Paul. Therefore he brought it to the wisdom and counsel of the other Apostles in Jerusalem, as seen in Galatians 5. At that counsel the Holy Spirit affirmed the total forsaking of the Judaizers among all congregations in no uncertain terms.

“We learn by reading in these chapters that the Judaized ‘Christians’ were really agents of the Pharisees. They were highly trained orators that worked to convince gentile Christians to take on the religion of Judaism as being superior to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, even teaching the need to circumcise their grown boys and men. So the Apostle Paul stated he wished they wouldn’t stop at circumcision, but instead emasculate themselves in entirety. That is the spiritual illustration he thought most appropriate when speaking of his arch-enemies, these Pharisee agitators. Christian teachers who pander to power, fame, and money have emasculated themselves as well. They get up every Sunday and preach absolute drivel. Simply because they lack the man-stuff that is required, to unabashedly preach the Truth and the Word of God.

“The Pharisees were the ultimate political panderers. Instead of preaching against the paganism and corruption of the Roman government, or the unjustness of the occupation of Rome, they jumped in bed with the power elite. They did it for the money, fame, power, and spiritual authority. How many pastors out there would rather neuter themselves preferring large platforms, power and money over the satisfaction of uncompromisingly preaching the entirety of God’s Word in the Truth and Power of the Holy Spirit? Judging by the state of our country currently, we have a lot of emasculated ‘preachers’ out there, shepherding a lot of emasculated Christians. This is the direct result of the Judafication of the American churches.”

See the column: The Neutered American Pastors

I believe Jason’s trenchant and timely treatise is spot-on. For the most part, America’s pastors and churches have been spiritually castrated.

And, as Jason notes in his column, the 501c3 non-profit organization classification of churches plays a big part. All the government needs to do to silence today’s pulpits is to politicize anything contained in the Bible, and, ABRACADABRA, pastors are prohibited from publicly preaching about it without jeopardizing their precious tax-exempt status. And try to name the spiritual sin or criminal conduct condemned in Holy Writ that ISN’T politicized these days! So, in effect, to stay on the smiley side of the Internal Revenue Code, pastors and churches are pretty much prohibited from saying anything about anything. So they don’t.

Why do you think the Pied Piper of Prosperity Preachers, Joel Osteen, has tens of thousands of pastors all over the country mimicking him? He says absolutely nothing that could be remotely considered “political” or “controversial” by the powers that be, and people by the millions across the country love it–and so does the government in Washington, D.C.

From the days of Israel’s Old Testament prophets, to the we-must-obey-God-rather-than-men New Testament apostles, to the Anabaptists living under the Roman-controlled governments of the Dark Ages, to the Reformation leaders in Germany and Switzerland, to the Black Robed Regiment pastors in Colonial America, dictatorial governments have hated courageous, truth-telling preachers. And nothing shuts up a potential courageous, truth-telling pastor these days like the promise of government-sanctioned prosperity.

Jason is also correct when he rightly highlights the way America’s pastors and churches have allowed themselves to be Judaized. In truth, today’s Zionists are nothing more than the Judaizers of Jesus and the disciples’ day. One cannot find a single social or cultural industry of any magnitude that is not heavily influenced by Zionists, including the entertainment industry, the mainstream media, the pornography industry, the LGBT movement, the Neocon political establishment, the Warfare State, political correctness, the burgeoning Police State, the anti-Second Amendment caucuses, the anti-Christian organizations, ad infinitum. And currently, Zionists are pulling out all of the stops and calling in all of the favors to make sure Hillary Clinton is elected President.

Sadly, a majority of Christian pastors and churches willingly and enthusiastically identify with these modern-day Judaizers. As such, they are blind to the root of America’s real problems. In other words, they are spiritually castrated.

John the Baptist, Jesus, and the apostles clearly had no stomach or patience for these Judaizers or the Pharisees that controlled them. Yet, all over America, today’s pastors and Christians sympathize with them, support them, and shill for them. If you want to get a taste of how viciously vengeful these people can be, just say something unfavorable (in any notable public forum) about the modern state of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, or Zionists in general, and see what happens.

Yet, here are a few examples of what Christ and the apostles said to and about these Judaizers and the Zionist Pharisees that led them:

“The child of hell”
“Blind guides”
“Ye fools and blind”
“Whited sepulchres”
“Are within full of dead men’s bones”
“Full of uncleanness”
“Full of hypocrisy and iniquity”
“The children of them which killed the prophets”
“Ye serpents”
“Ye generation of vipers”
“Whose mouths must be stopped”
“Who subvert whole houses”
“Such are false apostles”
“Deceitful workers”
“His [Satan’s] ministers”
“Of the synagogue of Satan”
When is the last time you were in a church where the pastor quoted these scriptural passages or, if he did, made them relevant to anything today?

For this reason, I urge readers to watch my series of messages (on two DVDs) entitled “The Church And Israel.” Forget what you’ve been taught all of your life. Look at the Scriptures honestly and objectively for yourself. You might be shocked at what you will discover. I know I was. These two DVDs have helped thousands of people to better understand the scriptural teaching of Biblical Israel.

Find them here: The Church And Israel Combo

You might also enjoy my message series (on one DVD) entitled “Christ And The Pharisees.” This was the message series that birthed “The Church And Israel” series.

Find it here: Christ And The Pharisees

Fear of losing tax-exempt status; fear of being controversial; fear of losing tithing members; fear of being politically incorrect; fear of the Judaizers. It all adds up to the same thing: castrated churches.

© 2016 Chuck Baldwin – All Rights Reserved

Re-Christianizing America

I had the pleasure, this weekend, of reviewing a “Christian movie” that turned out to be good.

I use the quotation marks to signal my awareness that the entertainment market’s full of “Christian” movies, TV shows, and whatnot that are just like the secular movies and TV shows, only not as good, and with some little bit of Christian additive slapped onto it like a decal. If you scraped it off, no one would notice. Not that there’s anything at all bad about showing one of the characters in the story coming out of a church, where he has obviously attended a service—but it does need to go farther than that.

“Fragile World,” though, really is a Christian movie, in that the main characters’ problems cannot be solved, or even understood, until they recognize that God is truly God, and dare to put their trust in Him. Writer-director Sandy Boikian has come up with a very tricky story that will keep you guessing—so much for Christian movies being simple-minded!

This is a movie that’s worth something. It matters because, over the past hundred years or so, we Christians have conceded to Non-belief practically the whole enormous territory of our popular culture.

People spend up to hundreds of hours a week watching movies and TV, listening to popular music, reading novels and comic books, and playing video games—vastly more time than they spend in school or family activities, to say nothing of the comparatively little time they give to God in prayer, worship, or Bible study. By far, gobbling up pop culture is how we educate ourselves. This is what we feed into our minds, day and night; and what comes out is only a manifestation of what goes in.

In consuming pop culture, we gorge ourselves on crime and fornication of all kinds, on selfishness, shallowness, and every form of short-term, thoughtless gratification. Who needs saints and prophets, when you’ve got costumed super heroes?

Religion in general, and Christianity in particular, is almost invisible here. An observer from Mars might be excused for thinking, after a careful study of our entertainment media, that religion plays only a negligible part, if any, in our daily lives. How would he be wrong in thinking so?

Is it any wonder that we habitually elect villains and dunderheads to govern us, when it’s been so deeply planted in our minds that corruption and foolishness are the normal workings of the world? What can we hope to accomplish in our politics, as long as millions of us, come election day, are willing to vote a notorious and habitual criminal—Hillary Clinton, trailing behind her almost 40 years of scandal—into the highest office in the land, and go to bed thinking nothing the less of themselves? That’s our toxic culture doing our voting for us. That’s the monster coming out of the tar-pit that we’ve made of our culture.

But in a story like “Fragile World,” the lessons are different—love instead of mindless sex for the asking; faith instead of magic; giving instead of endless taking; reality instead of wishful thinking. In this story, it is not taken for granted that no one has a conscience.

What if we consumed movie after movie, novel after novel, in which the protagonist is not mocked as a holy joe for being honest, telling the truth, being considerate of others, or simply being good? What if decency and integrity were presented not as oddities, but as normalcy?

In my own “Bell Mountain” books, if I may say so, I’ve set myself the goal of “re-normalizing religion”—depicting faith and communion with God as everyday aspects of life for ordinary people, even as they once were for most Americans. These are fantasies, and “Fragile World” is much harder to categorize.

One novelist, one movie-maker, can only stake a claim to a very small piece of the ground. But as servants of God, our position is never hopeless. A lot of little pieces of ground will add up to a bigger one. As Nehemiah told us, the new wall of Jerusalem was built not from one great stone, but from many smaller ones.

Re-building a Christian culture in America will have to be the work of many generations.

But if it were impossible, God wouldn’t be calling us to do it.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog,, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

They are swamped in Louisiana

It seems like disaster is striking one after the other in rapid fashion. No sooner do the floods in West Virginia slip into our memory holes than Mother Nature throws another tantrum in different section of the country.

Actually, I don’t think it is Mother Nature who is angry…I believe it is Father God. We are rapidly coming to the realization that God has more disaster than the government has relief.

Just six weeks ago we asked you to help with our efforts in Clendenin, West Virginia and you responded graciously. Last week we made our second delivery of bread products to the Clendenin area. Your donations enabled us to deliver nearly $60,000 in FREE BREAD. No middle men…no government red tape…church to church…person to person…no big “CEO” salaries and benefits.

We are asking for your help again as we head to the Baton Rouge area. But this outreach will be different. The area affected is massive in scale.

Many say the devastation is greater than Hurricane Katrina…which the area still has not recovered from. But the IMMEDIATE need is simple…everyday living supplies. Diapers, milk, cleaning products, ice, hot food, hammers, nails, bleach…lot’s of bleach…imagine if EVERYTHING you owned was gone.

This is our chance to BE THE CHURCH to our neighbors in need.

It is easy to look at the devastation and simply admit that our little efforts would be futile. But there are individual lives involved and it is better to do something than to do nothing. We will not be driving 20 hours with a truck load of bread, but rather, putting much needed supplies into the hands of PASTORS…ON THE GROUND…supplying the needs of families in their communities.

We believe it is the job of the CHURCH to meet the needs of the people…and it is time that we encourage people to look to JESUS for their provision…not the Federal government. PLEASE HELP US MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!

Take one minute and watch the video. We have networked with our friend Pastor Dale Sochia in New Orleans who is working as a go-between with a group of Pastors in the flooded area. We want to put supplies in THEIR hands so that they can meet the needs of the people in THEIR communities. Not FEMA…not the Red Cross…not Obama…but man to man…church to church…are we our brother’s keeper?

I will be leading a team with boots on the ground this weekend. If you would like to go with us simply drop me an email. We will provide a place to stay (bring a sleeping bag) and put food in your stomach. But you will be there to SERVE…

Can you swing a hammer? Can you make a sandwich? Can you say a prayer? Can you offer hope? Whatever you can do we will put you to work. Please come and join us. Perhaps your church would provide the gas for your trip? Maybe your Sunday school class would donate to help purchase supplies.

Our team will be heading south on Thursday Aug 25 and will serve on the ground Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We will head home on Monday and we would love for you to join us. The experience will change your life.

One of our Salt and Light Brigade members is driving a food truck from which we hope to feed the volunteers who have rushed to Louisiana to help. We plan on serving over 4000 meals this weekend.

In addition, our crew will spend most of our time pulling up carpet, wiping down walls, ripping out dry-wall and encouraging those who have lost everything. Authorities say that 80% of the 40,000 homes affected have no flood insurance.

We hate asking for money. That is one of the things that give Christian ministries such a bad name. We wish there was some other way. But our friends need our help and we have no one to turn to but you. We have a ministry but we are not a “church.” YOU are our congregation. We know most of you can’t go, but we can. You can make a difference by helping us put “boots on the ground.” Everyone can donate something and no gift is too small.

With the devastation so great “what difference, at this point, will it make” Hillary may be asking. Financially…probably not much. But showing Christian love to others in their time of need will go a long way in helping the victims climb the huge mountain that lies before them.

Many of you have helped us in the past. You know we deliver on our promises. Our friends in Louisiana need our help.

Thanks for caring.

© 2016 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

Obama, Holder, Sharpton, Farrakhan incited race war, says former DOJ prosecutor

The rioting in the Wisconsin city of Milwaukee — that resulted from an alleged shooting death of an African American armed-suspect by a black police officer — is yet more evidence of the racial disharmony that’s intensifying under the current government and civil-rights leaders.

In fact, a former prosecutor from the U.S. Department of Justice was already in the process of suing President Barack Obama, former Attorney General Eric Holder, civil rights activist Rev. Al Sharpton and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, for inciting what amounts to a race war that led to a number of cop killings including Dallas police shootings.

The founder of two top government watchdog groups — Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch) Larry Klayman filed the class-action lawsuit in federal court. Klayman is seeking more than $2 billion dollars in damages from all those named as defendants.

“That amount of damage is for everybody who’s been harmed here,” Klayman told the Fox Business Network’s anchorwoman Deirdre Bolton. “It’s law enforcement across the board—whether it’s black, white or whatever color, race or creed—police have been trashed, law enforcement trashed… it’s a severe crisis. This President would like to think that he’s king, but he’s no Martin Luther King. In fact, he’s closer to Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton in terms of the way he does things.”

Klayman is also quoted as saying, “[The lawsuit] is about racial equality, it’s not about prejudice. Meaning everybody should be treated equally.”

Klayman claims that President Obama has not been representing all of the American people.

Besides this latest lawsuit, on August 8, Klayman appeared in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia with the heartbroken parents of Benghazi victims (Tyrone Woods and Sean Smith) Charles Woods and the outspoken but ignored Pat Smith, and filed lawsuit against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who is in the midst of a presidential campaign.

Woods and Smith are seeking justice against Clinton for her allegedly causing the death of their sons at the hands of Libyan Islamic terrorists. They are also charging her with defamation as well as intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress.

Besides her allowing former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, who served as a contract security agent in Libya, and Sean Smith, a foreign service officer with the State Department, to be killed by Islamists, the plaintiffs claim Clinton blamed the attack and the killings on a U.S. filmmaker’s movie denigrating the Muslim religion and its leader Mohammed. She later denied she told the family members about a film and insinuated they were liars.

Upon filing suit, Klayman made a statement to the news media on behalf of the aggrieved parents of the brave men who died for their country in what the survivors call The Battle of Benghazi. “Having used a secret private email server that we now know was used to communicate with Ambassador Christopher Stevens with confidential and classified government information, and which we also now know was likely hacked by hostile adversaries such as Iran, Russia, China and North Korea aligning with terrorist groups, it is clear that Hillary Clinton negligently and recklessly gave up the classified location of the plaintiffs’ sons, resulting in a deadly terrorist attack that took their lives,” said Klayman.

“To add insult to deadly injury, Hillary Clinton told the plaintiffs that their sons were killed as the result of a video mocking the Islamic prophet Mohammed when she knew that they were murdered by Muslim terrorists. When the families exposed her lies, she called them liars to protect her reputation and to further her own presidential ambitions. She thus defamed the parents of fallen heroes Tyrone Woods and Sean Smith, as well committed other wrongful acts, as alleged in the complaint.,” declared the experienced attorney.

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

The unmistakable rumblings of an America about to pop

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” — John F. Kennedy

Put two people in a room and disagreement, at times, is a virtual certainty. Put 320,000,000 people in a nation and disagreement, sometimes violent, is a daily fact of life. Now add to the mix a heavy dose of multi-culturalism and the brew gets even more volatile. Then add 86,000,000 Americans being forced to pay for the livelihoods of 148,000,000 unproductive Americans and the brew becomes explosive. (Those 148,000,000 Americans think everything is just fine and they can vote to keep it that way.)

In that same nation, millions of illegal aliens are allowed to enter, almost unimpeded and encouraged by a liberal government. They get on the welfare rolls thus costing those 86,000,000 productive Americans billions of dollars in taxes for illegal-alien subsistence and millions of lost jobs, not to mention the drugs, rape, robbery and murder brought to America by the fairly large illegal-alien criminal element.

Let’s not forget the effects of radical environmentalism on the cost of goods and the loss of property rights, fueling rising distrust and anger in our rural communities all across America. We know a lot about that anger and discontent of rural landowners by the calls and e-mails we get every week from besieged landowners. We try to help them with the tools our organization (NARLO) provides, but it isn’t enough. The ability of the government, local, state, or federal, to harass and abuse landowners is greater than our ability to counter it. (See “Rural America In the Crosshairs”)

Add a Federal Reserve that is neither federal or a reserve and an exploding national debt to pay for over one hundred years of liberal, give-away policies, a debt that could lead to a devastating financial collapse and you have a recipe for not only anger and discontent, but the potential for rising violence.

Americans have had difficulty remaining united under any circumstances, except when it is threatened by a foreign enemy. But today, almost eight years of President Obama, it would seem the nation is coming apart at the seems. The great “Uniter” is in fact the great “Divider” and he has done so with malice afore thought to implement his twisted vision of America.

Obama’s Blacks think they are getting a raw deal and invented Black Lives Matter for non-existent injustices, with a giant boost from the nation’s wealthy liberals. They are stirring up trouble, chaos, violence and riots in every big city in America just for the Hell of it. Blacks voting in a block for Democrats is not because Blacks like liberal policies. It’s because they like the Democrats stealing from everyone else to give to the Blacks. It’s there form of reparations for past American sins.

Latinos are all upset because millions of legal Americans are finally saying enough is enough to illegal immigration, whether it is from Mexico, Central and South America, or the Middle East. The INS and ICE have lost control of the immigration process and are instead just throwing billions of our tax dollars at it, releasing tens of thousands of criminal aliens into the general population and failing to keep track of the millions of visas given out to foreigners.

The Indians are angry because of losing the war 150 years ago and are getting even with the White man by erecting casinos all over the place and confiscating land and water rights using ancient treaties, with the help of the government and radical environmentalists.

On top of that, radical Islam (ISIS and Al Qaeda) is threatening to annihilate our very way of life and our government, sworn to protect us from all enemies, foreign or domestic, is doing so little to crush the enemy that the enemy is free to come to America and kill Americans. Obama’s policies of appeasement and non-confrontation at any cost, are reaching out to bite us in a very big way, with the prospects of it only getting worse. Do you think twice now before going to the mall or the theater?

Then there are the laws. The America government, at every level, has passed so many laws against every human activity to the point that Americans have become lawbreakers every day of their lives, without knowing it …. that is until they get caught.

The wide-eyed, radical academic environmentalist Bill McKibben wants to give wartime powers to government against climate change, giving government the absolute power to do anything it deemed necessary, including confiscation of property, coercing businesses into supporting the effort, telling businesses what to do, when to do it and whom to hire, along with strict control over the economy. Bill has millions of groupies, academia and the news media on his side. But waging war, at any cost, including the loss of liberty, against a boogieman, backed up by unsettled or bad science, is the epitome of tyranny.

But worse, we have allowed growing secularity and worldly forces to rip out the cultural fabric of our Judeo-Christian heritage by allowing certain minorities rights that are in direct conflict with cultural norms and the natural order.

Our public schools and colleges have become institutions of liberal propaganda and indoctrination. Each generation learns less and less about America’s beginning and foundation of freedom. This is born out by millions of young Americans finding socialist Bernie Sanders a fitting presidential candidate. Then you have millions more Americans eager to put one of the most corrupt individuals in American politics, on the Clinton dynasty throne.

Soon the old ones will die off and their perspective of a free and prosperous America will be lost forever. With no heritage of liberty available from the seniors in our midst and no teachings of freedom in our schools, liberty will surely die.

We can’t imagine why proud, self-reliant, responsible Americans are so angry, frustrated and ready to do harm to someone or something. We can’t imagine why millions of those same Americans are listening to Donald Trump and liking what they hear. Or, can we?

Donald Trump, as flawed as he is, is channeling America’s anger, however imperfect his style and demeanor. For the millions of Americans that are sick and tired of business as usual and the institutional corruption, Donald Trump has given them a voice. But Trump is not a Superman that can leap tall buildings in a single bound. He cannot, with a wave of his extended hand, eradicate poverty, provide everyone with a job and kill our enemies. But most of all he cannot change the mindset of a “gimee!” national mentality that has become accustomed to sucking at the teat of mother government. Unfortunately, that “gimee!” mentality can vote to keep the “milk” flowing and they are in the majority.

But there is more to the problem than just an out-of-control government. We as individuals cannot just abdicate our responsibility to hold government accountable if we want to remain free. We cannot give a pass to our kids when they misbehave or act out. If we don’t set standards for them and demand they meet those standards, they end up derelicts on the street, criminals, or workers and businessmen without a moral compass …. or God forbid, Democrats.

John Scolinos, a famous baseball coach, gave a speech at a coach convention in Nashville, TN back in January of 1996. John stated that: “This is the problem in our homes today, with our marriages, with the way we parent our kid and with our lack of discipline. We don’t teach accountability to our kids, and there is no consequence for failing to meet standards. This is the problem in our schools today. The quality of our education is going downhill fast and teachers have been stripped of the tools they need to be successful, and to educate and discipline our young people.”

If our young people are not brought up with true knowledge, discipline, standards and moral underpinnings, they will be incapable of holding government accountable and will be easily manipulated by or become dependent on government.

We are running out of time. So just how long will self-reliant, independent, responsible Americans, worried about the loss of their freedoms and the collapse of the Republic, put up with:

The government erecting a multitude of new offices, and sending hither swarms of officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.

The government has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving its assent to their acts of pretended legislation:

For imposing huges taxes on us without our consent to pay for the unconstitutional promises they have made to millions of our citizens for their votes.

For taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuable laws and altering fundamentally the forms of our governments:

In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury.
We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us.

We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred. to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.

Millions of Americans have not seen this language before, or know the vital importance of its words, because they have no knowledge of how America came into being and the fundamentals of liberty contained in its beginning documents. They are truly freedom ignorant. How can they defend or care about what they don’t know?

The first reaction to tyranny is resistance. The final reaction to tyranny is revolution. We are in the first stages in the reaction to tyranny and we strongly urge Americans to resist wherever they can before the second stage becomes unavoidable? All it takes is a flash point and the whole experiment with freedom could begin to unravel overnight, if it hasn’t already.

But then how can we peacefully stop a tyrannical government and the mob mentality it created, if we don’t have the votes? Short of revolution, there is only open and defiant resistance.

Ladies and gentlemen, the colonials broke with England in revolution for far less than what the American government has heaped upon its citizens in the quest for power, lust, greed and control over the masses. If government continues this abuse and usurpations upon its citizens, eventually they will make “peaceful revolution impossible and make violent revolution inevitable.”

America is about to boil over, especially if Hillary Clinton is elected President. That 86,000,000 minority that is paying for everything, the rich and middle class alike, may just decide to stop paying. Some of the wealthiest among us already have. If that 86,000,000 minority wants to be free from the yoke of liberal servitude they had better start resisting and they better start now because their vote means nothing against the liberal mob.

When the checks don’t show up at the welfare or unemployment office, or there is no food at the local Albertson’s store, we guarantee you there will be riots, mayhem and burnings in the street in every city in America. That leads to insurrection and civil war. In such an event, what is to stop the government from declaring martial law and suspending the constitution and all of the rights it promises? Absolutely nothing! Abraham Lincoln and Congress suspended Habeas Corpus during the Civil War. It’s only a small step to suspend the whole constitution, or to confiscate all your money you have in the bank, or in your retirement accounts.

The fate of America, freedom or tyranny, is in the hands of its people that is if the people have even the slightest concept of what freedom means or place any value on it. We’re not convinced they do because of several generations of Progressive and one-world-government brainwashing.

John Galt where are you when we need you?

Let us know if you LIKED this article. Constructive comments are welcome.

[NOTE: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

© 2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved

Massachusetts Uber tax sheds light on the socialist mindset

Massachusetts has a new tax aimed at punishing Uber and Lyft drivers who dare to compete with the government regulated taxi companies.
Of course, the tax advocates don’t describe it that way. Rather, they say the 20-cent fee – and note, it’s always a fee in bureau-speak, never tax – is a win-win for all that will take a cut of all Uber and Lyft rides to distribute among the taxi companies, the cities and towns and to the state. The estimated pot of this fee-not-tax could reach millions of dollars annually, and provide big bucks to the state’s transportation fund. On top of that, the revenues will also be used to help taxi services identify and put in place “new technologies and advanced service, safety and operational capabilities” that could also lead to more workforce development, according to the text of the bill signed into law by Gov. Charlie Baker, a Republican no less.
Wow. It’s like a wonder drug — a cure-all for the state’s transportation and job opportunity woes that seem to include failing taxi technology, whatever that means. But peer past the politicking and take a whiff of the stink. The tax, which take a nickel per Uber ride for the taxi companies, a dime per ride for the local governments, and another nickel for the state to deposit in its transportation coffers, is rooted in socialist ideology.

As Reuters reported, Larry Meister of the Boston-area Independent Taxi Operator’s Association cheered its passage by saying it’s about time –“ Uber and Lyft drivers have been dodging the regulations that taxi companies have had to abide for years. One such regulation? Vehicular inspections by police.
“They’ve been breaking the laws that are on the books that we’ve been following for many years,” Meister reportedly said.
So the answer is more laws – more fees, taxes and government controls and interventions? That’s a miserable mentality that has no place in a free-market America.
As Kirill Evdakov, the chief executive of Fasten ride service, said while opposing the tax in the same Reuters story: “I don’t think we should be in the business of subsidizing potential competitors.”
That’s exactly right.
Only a socialist – someone who thinks the government should oversee and control business and the economy – could applaud a tax that takes money from a private enterprise and siphons it into the hands of another private enterprise. It’s particularly galling, though, when the money being taken from the private business is being used to bolster the bottom line of a competing business – and then sold as a “safety” benefit for all.

This is theft, pure and simple. And the perpetrator is the government.

Calling it a fee, dressing it as a workforce development benefit, touting it as a safety measure and talking it up as a fairness issue that levels the free market field so all can compete is nothing but spin. You want an equitable playing field for both taxi and Uber drivers – one that provides a fair shot at profit for all? Think less government, not more. Think capitalism, not socialism.
Taxi drivers ought to be fighting for less regulation of their companies, not more rules and burdens for their competitors. That, after all, is the free-market way.

© 2016 Cheryl Chumley – All Rights Reserved

Back to school: the cesspool of illegal indoctrination

Former Education Secretary under Ronald Regan said, In America today, the longer you stay in school, the dumber you get…” –William Bennett

Outside of the fact the federal government is illegally (Violation of Article 10 of The Bill of Rights) and intentionally indoctrinating American students in public schools through International Baccalaureate, No Child Left Behind, and now Common Core, you have to ask the question, “Why are 86% of them that complain about what is going on dropping their kids off at the school gate?” The 86% just happen to be Professed Christians, Patriots, and Conservatives? This 86% should also realize that which is being taught today is not what was taught 50 years ago in this country.

Case and point: In complete contradiction to America’s foundational principles, the National Education Association agrees with humanism. Humanism is summed up in the following excerpt by John Dunphy in his article, “A Religion for a New Age”:

“The Bible is not merely another book … it has and remains an incredibly dangerous book. … I am convinced that the battle for humankind’s future must be waged and won in the public classroom by teachers who correctly perceive their role as the proselytizers of a new faith. … These teachers must embody the same dedication as the most rabid fundamentalist preachers, for they will be ministers of another sort, utilizing a classroom instead of a pulpit to convey humanist values in whatever subject they teach. … The classroom must and will become an arena of conflict between the old and the new – the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all its adjacent evils and misery, and the new faith of humanism, resplendent in its promise of a world in which the never-realized Christian ideal of love thy neighbor will finally be achieved.”

Furthermore, here are examples of what the public indoctrination center are teaching concerning various subjects.


In Texas, the State Board of Education found a total of 109,263 errors in math textbooks reviewed for use in 2008 alone. Yes, I said 109,263 errors. The board had to go so far as to place a possible fine of $5,000 per error found if they were not fixed by spring of the same year.


In textbooks all across America, science (the study of Creation) is well-known for being laced with the dangerous theory of evolution, which wars against Christianity, the Bible, God and His Law, which is the foundation of our Republic.


The little Girl Who Knew Better

Concerning history, I had one principal jokingly tell me, “Science and history books are being changed every three to seven years.


In Virginia, a state review committee found a slew of errors in many history textbooks. A committee of five historians caught errors ranging from the incorrect year John Rolfe married Pocahontas to quotes that do not even appear in historical records. One book illustrated Virginia soldiers in the Revolutionary War wearing red coats, when in fact, they wore blue. Another textbook erroneously stated many colonial Americans were illiterate. In fact, literacy rates were extremely high.

Retired Library of Virginia historian Brent Tarter wrote in his review of a textbook titled Our Virginia, “I also found some very significant omissions, some internal inconsistencies, and some erroneous or questionable descriptions and analyses of historical events. Some are so ludicrous and difficult to explain that I cannot understand where the misinformation came from.”

Muslim Indoctrination in Public Schools:

Interestingly enough, in recent years, American public schools have been indoctrinated with the Muslim religion. Studies have shown over 500 historical errors in public school textbooks, giving an Islamic slant to our youth.

As a result, our youth are subject to the following teachings and practices:

• Learning to become a Muslim
• Fasting for Ramadan
• Learning the five pillars of Islam
• Memorizing verses of the Quran
• Adopting a Muslim name
• Staging a Jihad (war against non-Muslims)

Muslim Infiltration

They are even subjecting elementary school students to the D.A.R.E. program, which has statistically proven to educate the students as to how to commit the crime of drug abuse rather than prevent it.

What of antidepressants prescriptions? They are simply attempting to set students up for the fall to prescribe dangerous psychotropic drugs.

Leon Eisenberg (Father of ADHD), in his last interview before his death, said, “ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease.”

There has been a dramatic rise in the sale of antidepressants in the past decade alone. According to IMS Health, sales of antidepressants in the United States surpassed $11 billion in 2010.

Antidepressants are one of the most commonly prescribed drug classes. Four out of five physicians prescribing antidepressants are not even psychiatrists, and the drugs are increasingly being given for non-psychiatric uses.

This dramatic increase in usage could possibly be in direct connection to the controversial TeenScreen survey given to children as young as 9 years old in public schools. TeenScreen has been responsible for policing the mental health of students over the past decade.

More and more public schools have brought in the manipulative survey for children, setting them up for a prescription. For example, one of the questions asked is: “Has there been a time when you felt you couldn’t do anything well or that you weren’t as good-looking or smart as other people?” Another question is: “In the last year, has there been any situation when you had less energy than usual?”

Nearly 20 percent of students who take the survey are then labeled mentally ill, which leads to a prescription. This process is being sold as suicide prevention; however, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force found “no evidence” that screening for suicide risk reduces suicide attempts.

In past generations, parents would train their children in the way they should go, using the rod of correction (Proverbs 22) to drive foolishness from the hearts of their children, while the pharmaceutical companies compete for the position contrary to that which God commanded.

In the meantime, pharmaceutical companies are raking in hundreds of millions of dollars a day while America’s students are used as political and medical guinea pigs.

Most Americans don’t even realize that Obama is attempting to deputize the medical industry to screen the mental health of every American. [Video]

Herein lies the “attention deficit.” The deficit lies within the responsibility of the parents, not the child.

To further add insult to injury with the help of the NEA, students are being made a prey to teachers. [Video]

The real question to ask here is “Why are there public schools?”

Only you can answer that.

© 2016 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

The end of the wicked witch of the left?

Could the death of the Hillary Clinton campaign be looming?

Even the left-wing MSM seems to be sensing that events could be moving to a cataclysmic end for Hillary’s presidential aspirations.

Every day (sometimes hourly), there are new revelations about missing, deleted emails that are being recovered; more and more evidence that points to Hillary’s deteriorating health; previous scandals that have gained new traction; more to come from WikiLeaks…but the thing that is truly proving to be the albatross hanging around Hillary’s neck is the Clinton Foundation scandal.

By now it should be patently obvious that this so-called charity is nothing more than a money laundering scheme where political influence and favors are sold to the highest bidder. The millions that have poured into the Clinton Foundation from corporations – and even worse – foreign interests, have been influencing government policy.

It is especially egregious that these activities occurred while Hillary was Secretary of State. While supposedly her ethics agreement precluded Hillary from conducting such activities, other State Department employees – including gal-pal Huma Abedin were busy arranging access to Hillary by foreign mega-donors to the Clinton Foundation. The left-leaning website Politico broke this story about Abedin brokering a meeting with Crown Prince Salman of Bahrain.

The New York Times ran a story over the weekend detailing the problems facing Hillary regarding conflicts of interest due to multi-million dollar donors to the “charity” being from Saudi Arabia – as well as other foreign nations.

Donald Trump and Mike Pence have naturally, both called for the Clinton Foundation to be shut down. What is surprising is that they are being joined by others from the left. Even the notoriously left-wing “Huffington-Puffington” Post has called for an end to the Clinton Foundation.

You know it’s getting bad when even Barack Obama has begged off an appearance at the final meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative (an entity that is shutting down, but was operated under the auspices of the Clinton Foundation). Obama claims this is due to a “a function of schedule”, and not because of the current controversy involving the Clinton Foundation. Sure…

The reality is that Hillary Clinton couldn’t be trusted to keep her “charity” separate from her duties to the State Department – so why would anyone trust her to do so as President?

The Clintons have more skeletons than a New Orleans cemetery, but it is the Clinton Foundation money laundering, influence peddling scheme that has made her so toxic that a number of her fellow travelers on the left are cutting her a wide berth.

This could ultimately be the house that squashed the wicked witch of the left.

© 2016 Chip McLean – All Rights Reserved

Monsanto’s legacy upon the earth: Killing bees, creating diseases

Monsanto Corporation spent millions to defeat genetically modified labeling in the last election. They won, too! The only state to pass a GMO labeling law: Vermont. Action by Monsanto executives: suing them in court to stop the labeling process.

Twenty years ago, one child in 20,000 suffered from autism. Today, that number renders one child in 110 live births ends up with autism.

Why? The makers of Agent Orange used in the Vietnam War to destroy rain forests, Monsanto Corporation, continues to poison the US food chain with its variety of chemicals such as Roundup. Evidence points to glyphosate toxicity from the overuse of Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide on our food.

MIT researcher Stephanie Seneff, PhD, published 170 peer-reviews on toxic poisoning. She concentrated on the relationship between nutrition and health as to Alzheimer’s, autism and cardiovascular diseases.

At a conference last month, in a special panel discussion about GMOs, she stunned the audience when she declared, “At today’s rate, by 2025, one in two children will be autistic.”

Nonetheless, Monsanto bribes, bends and manipulates our U.S. Congress to remain benign to the toxic poisoning of our foods through it Frankensteination of corn, wheat, soy and other crops.

“She noted that the side effects of autism closely mimic those of glyphosate toxicity, and presented data showing a remarkably consistent correlation between the use of Roundup on crops (and the creation of Roundup-ready GMO crop seeds) with rising rates of autism,” said the report. “Children with autism have biomarkers indicative of excessive glyphosate, including zinc and iron deficiency, low serum sulfate, seizures, and mitochondrial disorder.”

But you won’t see the report or any change in the Main Stream Media. Too much money changes hands to keep the status quo while you and your kids suffer poisoning at the supermarket because you can’t tell an organically grown “real” vegetable from all the GMO foods.

A fellow panelist said, “All of the 70 or so people in attendance were squirming, likely because they now had serious misgivings about serving their kids, or themselves, anything with corn or soy, which are nearly all genetically modified and thus tainted with Roundup and its glyphosate.”

Glyphosates reach into corn and soy, all soft drinks and candies sweetened with corn syrup and all chips and cereals that contain soy fillers have small amounts of glyphosate in them, as do our beef and poultry since cattle and chicken are fed GMO corn or soy.

The report said, “Wheat is often sprayed with Roundup just prior to being harvested, which means that all non-organic bread and wheat products would also be sources of glyphosate toxicity. The amount of glyphosate in each product may not be large, but the cumulative effect (especially with as much processed food as Americans eat) could be devastating. A recent study shows that pregnant women living near farms where pesticides are applied have a 60% increased risk of children having an autism spectrum disorder.”

You face serious consequences if you continue buying GMO foods, packaged foods, soda pop, corn syrup-laced foods and all processed foods.

My wife and I shop at Natural Grocers, Whole Foods, Alfalfas and the Famer’s Markets in Golden, Colorado. We must control what we put into our bodies.

You cannot count on the USDA because Monsanto’s fingers extend into the inner most power bases in Washington DC to hide any facts on GMO consequences.

Earlier this year, Dr. Senneff spoke at the Autism One conference and presented many of the same facts; that presentation is available on YouTube.

She said, “Monsanto claims that Roundup is harmless to humans. Bacteria, fungi, algae, parasites, and plants use a seven-step metabolic route known as the shikimate pathway for the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids; glyphosate inhibits this pathway, causing the plant to die, which is why it’s so effective as a herbicide. Monsanto says humans don’t have this shikimate pathway, so it’s perfectly safe.”

Dr. Seneff said however, “Our gut bacteria do have this pathway, and that’s crucial because these bacteria supply our body with crucial amino acids. Roundup thus kills beneficial gut bacteria, allowing pathogens to grow; interferes with the synthesis of amino acids including methionine, which leads to shortages in critical neurotransmitters and folate; chelates (removes) important minerals like iron, cobalt and manganese; and much more.”

Glyphosate shows up high quantities in the breast milk of American mothers, at anywhere from 760 to 1,600 times the allowable limits in European drinking water. Urine testing shows Americans have ten times the glyphosate accumulation as Europeans.

“In my view, the situation is almost beyond repair,” Dr. Seneff said after her presentation. “We need to do something drastic.”

What can you do?

Sign or start petitions in your state to label all GMOs. Find out how: ; ;

Shop at “Organic only” grocers like Natural Grocers, Whole Foods and Alfalfa’s. Also, Farmer’s Markets.

Demand that your grocery store offer organically grown and no chemically induced foods.

Avoid all boxed, canned and packaged foods. Eat organically grown meats, fowl and fish.

Write letters to the editor, to your radio talk show hosts to address GMOs and Monsanto’s criminal behavior.

© 2016 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

Trump adds bannon and Conway for race to the top

Manafort Resigns

The MSM is screaming Trump campaign shakeup, and yammering night and day about trouble within the campaign. What a load of horse hockey! The Clinton campaign has hundreds of staffers, and when Trump hires two new staffers, they call it a shakeup! Idiotic. It is common in the home stretch of a campaign to beef up the pack for the win. Paul Manafort stated much the same.

Mr. Manafort was set up by the Clintonistas and the NYTs in particular. [Link] Make sure you read Roger Stone’s article, Donald Trump, Paul Manafort and the New McCarthyism, for all the details. Stone also exposed John Podesta’s brother as having done what they’ve accused Manafort of doing. [Link] John Podesta is Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Manager.

What the MSM reported were lies, purposely put out to damage the Trump campaign, and this is the reason Mr. Manafort resigned. He wants Trump to win, and certainly does not want this negative publicity to splash back onto Mr. Trump. The campaign has lost a brilliant political consultant, all because of lies by the enemies of freedom.

Conway and Manafort

Saving our Country

Our very country is at stake in the 2016 election. We are at the tipping point, and only Donald J. Trump can level our nation again. Many grassroots Americans are working overtime to help Mr. Trump become our 45th President of the United States. And now, at the bottom of the 9th, he’s added two of my most favorite people to his campaign, so the bases are loaded, and here comes the grand slam! 

Bannon, and Conway now head up the Trump campaign, along with a lot of other brilliant people and great advisors, including my favorite intel officer, LTG Michael Flynn. One must remember the fabulous RNC convention we tuned into for four nights. It was Manafort who gave us the finest convention we’ve seen in over 50 years! He promised an exciting GOP gathering in Cleveland, and that’s exactly what we got, truly the ultimate reality show. Not only was the entire program informative, but it was totally entertaining.

The latest addition of Kellyanne Conway and Stephen Bannon is a bold and productive move on the part of Donald Trump. Both these people are top tier skilled politicos.

Kellyanne Conway

Kellyanne Conway is a veteran pollster. Her husband, George, is a New York lawyer who was part of secret efforts to boost the lawsuit of Clinton accuser Paula Jones. He is a litigation partner at the law firm Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen and Katz. 

Her company biography callsher a “fully-recovered” attorney, and says she is admitted to practice law in four jurisdictions (Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and the District of Columbia). She has practiced law, clerked for a judge in Washington, DC and for four years, was an adjunct professor at George Washington University Law Center.

In 1995, Kellyanne founded The Polling Company, Inc., which is “a nationally-regarded primary research and consulting firm based in Washington, DC, with offices in New York City.” Bloomberg calls Conway “a 49-year-old movement conservative from New York” and says she is the “first woman to manage a Republican presidential campaign.”

Conway was also employed by the Cruz campaign as a strategist for Keep the Promise I, a pro-Cruz super-PAC, bankrolled by hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer, that ran attack ads against Trump during the primary campaign, including one blasting the real estate mogul for supposedly supporting government-run healthcare, which of course wasn’t true. Robert Mercer now has a Super Pac which is running attack ads against Hillary Clinton.

Remember, for Kellyanne, it was a job. She supports Donald Trump for president, and she’s dynamite at what she does.

By the way, Carl Icahn called into CNN today to announce that he is backing Mr. Trump. Icahn is worth $17 billion. He believes the American blue collar and middle class workers will all support Mr. Trump. Why? Because Trump will bring back American jobs, and because Trump is the “blue-collar billionaire.”

Stephen Bannon

Government Accountability Institute, where he helped orchestrate the filming of Clinton Cash. He is also the former executive chairman of Breitbart News LLC, the parent company of the Breitbart News Network. He resigned in order to work for Mr. Trump.

Seinfeld. He sold the company in 1998.

Bannon then became an executive producer in Hollywood. He produced Anthony Hopkins’s 1999 film, Titus. He also became a partner with entertainment industry executive Jeff Kwatinetz at The Firm, Inc., a film and television management company.

Bloomberg thinks Bannon is the most dangerous political operative in America, because he wants to take down Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush, and he’s doing a very good job of it.

According to the Bloomberg article, 

Bannon sits at the nexus of what Hillary Clinton once dubbed “the vast right-wing conspiracy,” where he and his network have done more than anyone else to complicate her presidential ambitions—and they plan to do more. But this “conspiracy,” at least under Bannon, has mutated into something different from what Clinton described: It’s as eager to go after establishment Republicans such as Boehner or Jeb Bush as Democrats like Clinton.

In 2004, Bannon made a documentary about Ronald Reagan titled In the Face of Evil. During the making and screening of this film, Bannon was introduced to Peter Schweizer, who wrote Clinton Cash, and publisher Andrew Breitbart

Breitbart actually apprenticed under Matt Drudge, and later Drudge introduced him to Arianna Huffington, who was then still a Republican, and Breitbart actually helped her start Huffington Post. We lost a great one with Andrew Breitbart.

Democrats believe that Bannon and his ilk have been more effective than conservatives who targeted Bill Clinton 25 years ago. In fact, Bannon has come out with so much on the Clintons, including a focus on how the donors in Clinton Cash violated many of the principles liberals hold dear. The Clintons have basically played a lot of people for fools, and they’ve enriched themselves beyond belief while doing it.

That’s not all, Peter Schweizer’s e-book, Bush Bucks: How Public Service and Corporations Helped Make Jeb Rich, examines how Bush enriched himself after leaving the Florida governor’s mansion in 2007. The rot is in both the right and the left.


One must always remember that Donald J. Trump is a businessman and not a politician. He has even stated this in his last few speeches. He has also stated he is a leader, and that is what our country needs…a leader who will put America back on the track of freedom and liberty for all.

He is a man who takes charge. He knows in his gut and his heart what is right and what he needs to do. Like his first wife, Ivana said, “If Donald says he’ll do something, you can count on it being done.”

Mr. Trump has had to learn politics as he’s traveled through this snake pit of MSM, GOP, and Democrat attacks. He fills stadiums to capacity while Hillary Clinton struggles to fill a high school classroom. His campaign has been ramped up to where it is now on steroids. It is up to us to help him fulfill his promises for Making America Great Again. Get everyone to the polls on November 8th, and vote Trump!

Bill Gates – a God in his own mind Pt. 1

America’s Answer to Bill Gates Hitler Youth Movement

For most of us the most important thing in this world is our children. We do everything we can to protect them from danger, keep them well and are willing to work at destroying anything and everything out to cause them harm in any way.

Millions of American parents now realize there are many of our elected legislators both in their State and Federal government who claim they are passing legislation that is good for our children, but we parents know better.

I want to acknowledge I understand parents have been busy working, playing, parenting, dealing with aging parents, their own health issues – this very thing has been a round robin forever. However, what you didn’t have time to pay attention to was the “deliberate dumbing down” of all of us since the beginning of the 20th Century. 

For years now legislation has been passed leading up to the passage of the 2015 ESSA or “Every Student Succeeds Act” which if it wasn’t so dangerous to our children would be comical. Many of these individual’s names appear and re-appear time after time on bills to continue down the path to destroying our children and to be put under the CONTROL of the FEDERAL government advancing to the New World Order (NWO).

If you have the time and are so inclined I invite you to read “TIMELINE OF THE DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA THROUGH THE EDUCATION OF OUR CHILDREN”

Whether you want to believe it or not, everything that has been put in motion in this country since 1896 has been a path to a “New World Order”. We also have non-elected corporate individuals who believe their money can buy them anything they want and that is for the most part true. Our elected’s are only interested in what money is flowing into their wallets which is why they could care less what we think about anything.

When you mention Bill and Melinda Gates names in some circles reporting they are not the “good guys” they want you to think they are, people respond with “Well look at all the money they give away!” Have you really ever looked at all the things they have used their money for? Who the recipients were?

Gates financial input into the push for Common Core is public knowledge. One must ask why he is such a strong supporter of this inferior form of education for the masses of the children while his own children and grand-children (and those like him) are attending schools which DO NOT use Common Core.

I can answer that because Gates 2 children have attended Lakeside School in Seattle which is a “private” school for Middle and High School grades. Disturbing to me is the 5th grade is focused on global themes such as change, interdependence, diversity, human migration, human rights, quality of life, and sustainability to explore the history of Washington State and the Pacific Northwest Grade 6 Eurasia and a touch of Aldous Huxley, (poet) who wrote about despair, poverty, violence and alcoholism who was also a Humanist and Marjani Satrape an Iranian film maker for ELA.

The truth is, the children of the elite are to remain the “elite” overseeing the rest of us and the rest of us are to be the “workforce”. They are along with those in public schools being taught Global Warming is truth

What is the point of placing your children in Charter schools when they are still teaching Common Core? Placing your child in a private school with a voucher gains you nothing because a voucher requires your tax $$ to cover your child’s education and the whole set-up is an oxymoron since once a private school takes one red penny from the federal government they are now under federal government regulations.

Our youth have been so flooded with messages of immorality aligned to the Communist Manifesto that our country is now set up for anything goes. The schools and news media are bombarding our children with lies (they admit are lies) about “global warming” and festering their minds with how great it will be with a New World Order in place. 

Our children are being indoctrinated in school with messages which separate them from their parents and the family structure with phrases like “out with the old and in with the new”. Even some far right religious sects are following the same theme preaching the bible out of context telling our children and adults “their” version of the Bible should be the “new” enlightenment for the future of the WORLD. Keep in mind when being preached to that, if it is “new” it is “wrong” and if it is “old” it is “right”.

Any takeover of any nation must and has begun with the entrapment of the children by propagandizing them into a nation of new goals with leaders who are selfish and evil. In America this has been done by the imbedded lie that we “must” send our children to school 5 days a week for 6-7 hours for 13 years of their life (now to include Pre-K) to be trained by strangers who in some cases have been trained to turn your children into non-thinking robots.


But be aware, there are NEW youth programs cropping up around the country with the direct purpose of undermining your parental authority. These Hitler type movement’s springing up are spreading the message that conformity is good and individual expression of liberty is undesirable. In other words “group” think is right – belief and support of the Constitution is wrong since it is outdated and outmoded (thank you Mark Levin).

John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute commented on the brainwashing of our American youth: “How do you persuade a nation of relatively freedom-loving individuals to march in lock step with a police state? Among other things you indoctrinate the young people to your way of thinking, relying primarily on the public schools and popular culture’ to get the job done.

Obama told us he was going to create a civilian military force which of course is to be aligned and beholden to him. What do you believe this is going to give us?

Look at this way! What do you suppose the mental development and thought process of a 16-18 year old is when you make them a part of the Dept. of Homeland Security’s “first responder’s” especially when you know Obama has been increasing FEMA’s ammunition and heavily-armed fighting vehicles and you are putting guns into the hands of these 16-18 year olds. Do you believe these children will think before firing when they have been told they are working under a “population control” agenda?

BCFS, a part of the Dept. of Health and Human Services, doesn’t want the American people to know about the diseases accompanying these refugees. Employees are under threat of firing if they leak information about the camp. 

Bill and Melinda Gates have initiated an offshoot of Agenda 21 programsknown as Global Citizen Nights. Also supported by Forbes, Global citizen nights are designed to lure in youth and young adults and have them engage in some kind of global service with regard to the UN agenda’s such as water sanitation, Ebola, youth protection and health. In exchange for their good deeds, the participating teens earn points and then are able to exchange their “globalist points” for high valued items such as concert tickets. Personal servitude to society sends the message to the young that your life does not belong to you. Charity towards one’s own community should be borne out of a desire to help or heel in the name of some cause that has personal appeal to a young person. Mandatory compliance to these “volunteer program’s” conditions youth that their lives do not belong to them and that the state has the final authority of one’s actions. A “mandatory volunteer program” is just another oxymoron – the two just do not fit.

Why do you believe Sen. Lamar Alexander, Joel Klein, Chester Finn, Marc Tucker, Hillary Clinton, Linda Darling-Hammond and others are such strong supporters of so much government control rather than parental control over the raising of our children?

When one joins this globalist propaganda program, they are told that “Bill Gates recognizes that individuals have diverse passions and offers the Global Citizen network as one where, ‘some people will pick women’s reproductive rights, some will pick agriculture and then there are NGOs in each of those areas that you can volunteer for, give money to, and feel connected.” [LINK]

Once again I want to remind the reader’s, America has and is pouring BILLIONS of dollars into the United Nations every year for programs such as these very programs listed for the children to “volunteer” their services for “credits”

Is it the fault of the American people that after 60+ years the countries the UN was supposed to help are still just as sick and poor? What have they done with all that money? Where are the audits? Where is the accountability from an agency which is being used to turn our world into their idea of a world – a New World Order?

Are you aware the only reason for the creation of the United Nations was to become the head governmental agency of a New World Order? Too bad our government and these corporations are not as interested in our homeless and hungry including our veterans.

“Global Citizen” is copyrighted 2012-2016 Global Poverty Project, Inc. When one joins this globalist propaganda program, they are told that “Bill Gates recognizes that individuals have diverse passions and offers the Global Citizen network as one where, ‘some people will pick women’s reproductive rights, some will pick agriculture and then there are other areas they might support. Add into the mix the NGOs in each of those areas that you can volunteer for, give money to, and feel connected.”

To give a “positive” note, the Global Citizen Nights are intended to replace the drug-infested raves. However, rather than destroying their bodies with drugs such as ecstasy, the youth are destroying their minds with globalist propaganda. One of the central themes of the Global Citizen Nights is the deliberate denigration of national sovereignty (e.g. “sovereignty is so 20th century) and the adoption of the globalist agenda at an age when young people’s minds are prone to extremist thinking. Hence the huge following of our college students for Bernie Sanders!

Forbes is one of the biggest supporters of this movement. Never forget that it is the “elite” of the world that want us “average, low-life” to be the workers of the world, supporting them while we have nothing. Indoctrinating our children to believe the GLOBAL WAY is the right way which is teaching our children they should have no appreciation or allegiance to include their values and morals which created this great country. Their vision is for our children to be GLOBAL!

Even Michael Farris, the over Lord of the Home School Legal Defense Fund and supporter of the Convention of States wants to place an amendment to the Constitution regarding “parental rights” – offering parental rights come from “man or government” rather than God. 





PARENTS – This is exactly what Current Common Core is intended to do and now with the endorsement of the ESSA, there is no path to saving our children other than taking them out of Public Schools and Homeschooling! 

UNESCO‘s aims.”

United World] Our children would be trained, not just to conform to UNESCO’s agenda, but to serve as activists ready to serve, promote, spy and fight for a world government with zero tolerance for traditional values.

Hang onto your babies – we have a rough ride ahead!

How do you spell “CORRUPTION?” C.L.I.N.T.O.N.

Emails released by the State Department to Judicial Watch form yet another window into Hillary Clinton’s conduct in public office, a window that reveals conflicts of interest that suggest the Clinton State Department granted special treatment and favors to Clinton Foundation donors and other Friends of Bill. Truth be told, ethical violations and influence peddling have been a part of the Clinton modus operandi for a very long time, since at least the mid-1970’s when Bill Clinton served as Attorney General of Arkansas. Influence peddling and unethical conduct are, however, but one wellspring from the very dark pool we may collectively call the Clinton soul. It was from that dark pool which Hillary drew, early in her career, when she laughingly recounted her success at liberating from a long prison sentence a 41 year old man who brutally raped a 12 year old girl.

There is perhaps no more profound reflection of Hillary Clinton’s moral ambivalence and disregard for victims than what arises from responses she gave to questions posed her in an interview with Arkansas reporter Roy Reed in 1975. The audio recording of that 1975 interview first published in 2014 by the Washington Free Beacon is chilling in that it exposes a callous disregard for the welfare of a 12 year old girl and proof of legal ethics violations.

In 1974, Hillary Clinton left Washington, D.C. (where she served as a lawyer on the House Judiciary Committee’s Impeachment Inquiry Staff) to live with her fiancée, Bill Clinton (who she first met at Yale Law School in 1970), and serve as the Director of the University of Arkansas Law School’s newly formed legal aid clinic. Clinton was contacted by an Arkansas prosecutor who asked if she would defend Thomas Alfred Taylor, a 41 year old man accused of brutally raping and beating into a coma a 12 year old girl, Kathy Shelton. Clinton agreed to defend Taylor. Her defense proved successful, resulting in a plea deal that reduced what was a potential 30 year prison sentence to just 10 months in the county jail (with 2 months excused as already served).

The 41 year old Taylor lured the 12 year old Shelton into a car. He violently raped her, tearing genital tissue, and he beat her repeatedly into a coma. Following her recovery in a local hospital, Shelton was informed by physicians that her wounds made it unlikely that she would ever conceive, a diagnosis confirmed years later by another physician. Now 54, Shelton remains traumatized by the horrible ordeal. She explained the relevant facts to the Daily As one would expect, Shelton does not have a high regard for Hillary Clinton, viewing her as anything but a sincere defender of the rights of women and children. Indeed, although in most interviews she asked not to be identified, Shelton recently went public, fearing that Hillary will be trusted by women when she claims herself a defender of women and children’s rights, claims Shelton regards as insincere.

An attorney myself, I find Hillary Clinton’s actions and subsequent description of them to reporter Roy Reed evidence of a deep moral depravity, not to mention of legal ethics violations. I would never defend a person who I believed guilty of a criminal offense, let alone the heinous act of raping a 12 year old girl (indeed, I have always refused to undertake any criminal case). The Reed interview makes it clear that Hillary Clinton represented a person she believed to be guilty of a brutal rape of a child. In the Reed interview, Hillary disclosed the confidential content of a lie detector test done on her client along with her own apparent view that he was guilty of the offense for which she personally mounted a defense, even executing an attorney affidavit in his favor that cast aspersion upon the rape victim, a 12 year old girl. Clinton’s affidavit suggested that the girl fantasized about having relations with an older man and invited the assault. Quite clearly, based on the Reed interview, Clinton spent time engineering a defense beyond the evidence, even to the point of executing an affidavit under penalty of perjury that besmirched the character of a little girl. Her apparent delight at succeeding in reducing the sentence of a man she believed guilty of a brutal rape and her callous disregard for the welfare of the child victim of that rape are revolting, wholly inexcusable and profound character flaws.

Although committed when she was a young attorney, and arguably capable of being rectified thereafter, the character flaws evident in the Reed interview have become a staple of Hillary Clinton, presaging many more acts of corruption and abuse that followed from that time to the present.

In her interview with Reed, Clinton revealed that she knew her client to be guilty of the brutal rape charge, stating with a laugh: “I had him take a polygraph, which he passed—which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs.” Clinton built her case against the 12 year old in part upon speculative content that besmirched the girl’s character in an affidavit she executed, wherein she called into question the role of the child’s psyche, representing that the girl probably fantasized about an encounter with an older man. She also worked to gain the testimony of a New York blood expert, who questioned the forensic evidence. Clinton was most proud of her “accomplishment” in achieving a reduced sentence for the rapist, boasting that she succeeded in getting a First Degree rape charge (carrying a 30 year sentence) reduced to a plea of unlawful fondling of a minor (carrying a 1 year sentence). “Oh,” she said in the Reed interview, “he plea bargained. Got him off with time served in the county jail, he’d been in the country jail for about two months.” So Taylor received freedom from a life sentence he richly deserved, while thanks to Hillary Clinton, Shelton, rendered infertile and emotionally scarred for the rest of her life, received no justice at all (and not a single word of sympathy from Hillary Clinton).

Indeed, in her subsequent books and interviews, Hillary Clinton rewrote this despicable real life chapter from her own legal career, professing that she had always been a defender of the interests of women and children, conveniently ignoring this politically inconvenient truth. One would hope the just among us would never forget Kathy Shelton and the injustice Hillary caused Shelton to suffer. Shelton has endured much physical and mental hardship, compounded by the callousness of Hillary Clinton and Clinton’s successful defense of the rapist. So much for the self-proclaimed champion of women and children. This November, will those who view themselves advocates of the rights of women and children reward Hillary Clinton with the presidency or will they remember Kathy Shelton and finally give Kathy a semblance of justice by denying Clinton the presidency?

The Reed interview exposes what many suspect about Hillary Clinton based on numerous occurrences since: that she cares little for those her actions adversely affect so long as she stands to gain. Hillary Clinton pursues her ambitions blindly, leaving casualties in her wake. If the rules are inconvenient for Clinton, she ignores or violates them (witness the patent violation of the Freedom of Information Act and the Espionage Act from her transfer of all of her State Department emails to private and unsecure servers). She did not care that her use of a private server put the nation’s intelligence operatives and secrets at risk. She wanted to keep her correspondence from public release through the Freedom of Information Act, even if it meant placing lives and classified information at risk. When called to produce the emails, she selectively deleted 33,000 of them, keeping from us evidence that may have made her direct involvement with the Clinton Foundation abundantly clear.

It is important for us to remember that Hillary and Bill Clinton are lawyers (albeit Bill had his license suspended from 2001 to 2006 for giving false statements under oath, denying that he had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky). Hillary and Bill graduated from Yale Law School in 1973. In law school, we study legal ethics. We learn about conflicts of interest and rules designed to prevent not only overt conflicts but even the appearance of conflicts. Consequently, lawyers proceed with a high degree of awareness, trained to steer clear of conflicts of interest and be ever mindful of the conflicts of interest laws. In other words, Hillary and Bill are even more culpable than the non-lawyer, because they understand well the rules and the reasons why the rules are in place along with the consequences that follow from transgressing the rules.

During her tenure as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, through her top staff, worked in tandem with the Clinton Foundation and Bill Clinton to develop a lucrative financial empire, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, the Clinton Foundation. Ordinarily, consistent with conflicts of interest regulations and disclosures, government officials who assume public office identify potential conflicts and divest themselves of all conflicting involvement and interest before assuming office. Rather than do that, Hillary Clinton professed non-involvement with the Clinton Foundation but then proceeded to allow her office to involve itself intimately with the Foundation and act on her behalf. On occasion, Hillary herself took actions that benefited the Foundation by giving access to and performing special favors for individuals who, or companies that, paid large contributions to the Foundation or paid Bill Clinton speaking fees.

Ordinarily the FBI investigates conflicts of interest by public officials and, upon finding proof, files charges. Indeed, that was the fate of former FDA Commissioner Lester Crawford (whose wife held undisclosed interests in the stocks of pharmaceutical and food companies regulated by the FDA). Crawford was investigated by the FBI, charged with violating the conflicts of interest and false statement laws, forced to resign, and then entered into a plea whereby he paid $50,000 to the United States Treasury.

The 44 emails obtained by Judicial Watch document what appear to be conflicts of interest or, if not, give rise to the appearance of conflicts, which Clinton condoned by nothing to eliminate them while she served as Secretary of State. Indeed, Clinton senior staff assisted the Clinton Foundation, corresponded with the Foundation, and promised favors for those who made contributions to the Foundation. On occasion, Clinton took actions as Secretary of State that stood to benefit contributors to the Foundation.

Indeed, it appears that on repeat occasions Bill and the Foundation milked Hillary’s position as Secretary of State for speaking fees or Foundation contributions, leading major donors to realize that they might obtain special access to the Secretary or favors from her by paying handsomely. Although still subject to discovery through legal process (assuming that a United States Attorney will do his or her job and investigate), there is more than enough publicly available to justify a complete investigation of the conflicts of interest.

Take the case of Frank Giustra, a Canadian billionaire, in the mining business. He contributed a whopping $100 million to the Clinton Foundation in 2005. After Bill Clinton and Giustra held a meeting with President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan in 2005, Giustra’s mining company received authority to do business with three state-run uranium mining companies in Kazakhstan. The Russian Atomic Energy Agency acquired the three companies, which arrangement was approved by the Clinton State Department. Following a dinner with Giustra, Bill and Hillary Clinton met in 2010 with the President of Columbia. Thereafter, a company in which Giustra has a financial interest obtained rights from the Colombian government to perform logging operations in ecological habitats along the Colombian coastline. So much for Hillary’s oft touted concern for the environment. This is but one of several highly suspicious trails of evidence that warrant detailed investigation.

At a minimum, the evidence shows indifference by Hillary Clinton to the presence of conflicts of interest and a purposeful failure on her part to take any action to avoid those conflicts. At a maximum, they reveal a pay for play racketeering operation whereby Hillary operated the Clinton State Department as a lure for obtaining funding to the Clinton Foundation and Bill Clinton personally in exchange for grants of special access or favors. That would most definitely be a crime. We have a right to know how far this goes, and the Department of Justice or the United States Attorneys in upstate New York ought to investigate.

In a recent article by Robert Zapesochny, published in the August issue of The American Spectator, he reports that at least 181 individuals, companies and foreign governments made contributions to the Clinton Foundation while lobbying the State Department during Clinton’s term in office. The total amount of donations received by the Clinton Foundation from 2001 to 2015 is staggering: $2 billion.

The amount raked in by Bill Clinton in speaking fees, not to mention those obtained by Hillary since resigning as Secretary of State, surpasses that of any prior president in both amount per speech and number of speeches, including in excess of 650 speeches, earning over $130 million in fees.

The Clintons have proved themselves willing to break the rules of legal ethics and to go to the very edge of law violation and even transgress it, in service to themselves or in furtherance of their own blind ambitions. Their entire public lives they have used the instrumentalities of government, the offices they have held, and the trust the public has given them to feather their own nests at the expense of the nation and the public. We have once endured the disgrace of a White House where a President committed acts of infidelity with an intern and then lied about them under oath and where even the Lincoln bedroom was made available to financial donors. What is to prevent even greater abuses from occurring when Hillary and Bill return to the White House? Are we to expect an abrupt halt to Bill and Hillary’s legacy of corruption and abuse that has taken place over the last forty years?

© 2016 Jonathan W. Emord – All Rights Reserved

Bill Clinton and the selling of America’s National Security

This may be the greatest scandal in 50 years of American history. It makes Watergate look like a jay walking charge. It makes the Iran Contra affair look like a small time operation. This is what House Republicans should have Impeached Bill Clinton for instead of lying about a White House Intern giving him head in the Oval Office. It’s called treason.


Bill Clinton is at the center of the greatest foreign policy deceit ever perpetrated on the American people. He used the power of his office to allow the selling and delivery of high tech missile defense components to governments of countries that are listed as threats to this country and the stability of the world. Russia was one of the benefactors of deals Clinton made without proper authorization from Congress. Ignoring CIA and Pentagon reports that showed how Russia was continuing a major and secretive modernization program for its strategic nuclear missile systems, Clinton allocated over $1 billion to “help” the Soviets “dismantle” their nuclear weapons. In 1995 the General Accounting Office (GAO) wrote that Moscow refuses to permit American audits of the $1.25 billion disarmament aid. This is an important issue because it allowed the Russians to use American taxpayer’s money to build new offensive nuclear weapons that directly threaten the United States.

Under U.S. law, no money can be spent in Russia until the Clinton administration certified that Moscow is not engaged in any military modernization program that exceeds legitimate defense requirements. The Clinton administration along with U.S. Air Force General Eugene Habiger, the commander of U.S. Nuclear forces signed off on the Russian aid package after returning from an exploratory trip to Russia to investigate construction of a huge secret underground base in the Ural mountains. True, the base is as big as the entire area of Washington D.C. and is defensive in purpose. In addition to the base, the Russians built two cities to house the more than 30,000 workers involved in the project. By 1996 authorities had barred defense attaches from going into the facility.

Known as Yamantau Mountain (translates to ‘evil mountain’), the facility is being constructed to offer a safe place to retaliate in the event of an American nuclear attack. To me, this represents a direct conflict of interest. Clinton gives the Russians over one billion dollars to help them take down their nuclear weapons but instead they use that money to build a huge bunker where they can wage nuclear war on the U.S.

Not only that, the Russian Strategic Rocket Forces issued a statement suggesting that nuclear missiles can be secretly deployed at the base as part of what is being called the “dead-hand doomsday system” where nuclear missiles can still be fired automatically by a command program. This means even after Russian leadership is destroyed, and no one is there to push the ‘button’, missiles will be fired automatically against the perpetrators allowing for complete destruction on a world wide scale. By April 1996, reports confirmed the automatic nuclear attack system listing it as being in the final stages of operation.

It’s more than a coincidence that 1996 saw a massive Russian military build up including major improvements to the Tu-95 and Tu-160 strategic nuclear bombers as well as the long range cruise missiles they carry. Money had also made it possible to design and construct a new class of nuclear submarines called “the Borei-class strategic missile boat.” At least part of Russia’s miraculous financial bonanza is the direct result of United States money. As usual, all the public knows is that the U.S. is helping Russia to “dismantle” some of its nuclear programs.

Bill Clinton wants Americans to know that he has worked very hard to show that Russia and the United States are together in making the world a safer place. In a speech to Moscow University students, he said; “Look what our partnership has already produced. We reversed the dangerous build up of nuclear weapons. We’re two years ahead of schedule in cutting nuclear arsenals under START 1 ( Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) START 2, which still awaits ratification in the Duma, will reduce our nuclear forces by two-thirds from Cold War levels. President Yeltsin and I already have agreed on a framework for START 3 to cut our nuclear arsenal even further.”

Clinton also announced that the two super powers agreed to share warning information on worldwide launches of ballistic missiles and space launchers. Clinton referred to an agreement by which Russia and America would no longer target each others missiles. Yet in a secret CIA report to Congress, “detargeting” is purely symbolic and does nothing to affect the targeting of strategic nuclear missiles. Placing nuclear missiles in a non target status is like putting your DVD player on pause. When you’re ready to launch, just hit the retarget button and bombs away. What’s more, there is no way of verifying if Russian missiles are in detargeted mode or not.

President Clinton went to great lengths to satisfy political debts. Of this there is no doubt. As Governor of Arkansas he saw to it that cash donors to his political campaign were given special consideration and awarded with lucrative contracts, and that same pattern stayed with him throughout his entire political career and beyond.

In 1998, CIA Director George Tenet testified that the radical Muslim regime in Iran was getting a great deal of technical assistance and materials from Russia. The year before he had testified that along with Russia, North Korea was providing technology to Iran and that it wouldn’t be more than a year before Iran would have their own medium range nuclear missiles. In 1999 Tenet once again told the Senate that the flow of missile technology had not stopped and in the last six months Russian expertise and material was flowing to Iran’s missile construction allowing them to develop more sophisticated weapons and longer range missiles. Before sanctions could be brought against various Russian companies, Iran conducted the first test flight of its new medium-range missile. This act of aggression clearly showed that Iran was now capable of destroying any threat in the Middle East as well as most of Central Europe with chemical and biological weapons.

In no uncertain terms, Clinton had helped Russia modernize her weapons systems to the tune of billions of dollars, while at the same time and behind our backs, Russia continued a secret campaign to weaponize Iran. Clinton, for all his attempts at marginalizing the seriousness of Russia’s nuclear weapons programs had failed to properly assess the Russian threat.

That Russia was involved in nuclear proliferation to our enemies was a national security failure of monstrous proportions. That a United States President would willfully and knowingly sell, trade, or supply nuclear weapons technology to our oldest adversary is one of the greatest crimes committed against the people he is sworn to protect. It gets worse. Clinton was aware that Russia had been supplying highly sensitive technology and materials to our enemy, the Iranians.

In a closed door meeting held at the Kremlin, in May of 1998, White House National Security Adviser Samuel Berger told Russian Security Council Secretary Andrei Kokoshin: “One and a half years after President Yeltsin told President Clinton that ballistic missile technology transfers to Iran would stop, it still continues….Now time is running out; the stakes are great….Unless this problem is solved we see a potential trainwreck in our relations.” Why was it up to Yeltsin to end the transfers? Why was Clinton allowing Russia to give defense secrets to Iran? Did Clinton have something to gain from allowing this? The answer can be found in a shocking conversation. On March 13, 1996, Clinton and Yeltsin met in Egypt. The minutes of this meeting were recorded in a classified document called “a memorandum of conversation.”

The document was obtained by Bill Gertz of the Washington Times and discloses President Yeltsin saying to Clinton that because of his global stature he should “support Russia and that means supporting Yeltsin.” Clinton responds by raising an issue: Russia’s refusal to allow imports of American chicken. At the time Russia was importing about 40% of America’s chickens. The major supplier of chickens in the U.S. comes from Tyson Foods of Arkansas. Owner Don Tyson, just so happens to be one of Bill Clinton’s biggest financial donors. The Russian ban on chicken imports was not without reason: the U.S. had been flooding Russia with poor quality chicken. With the ban in effect, Tyson’s profits were suffering and he needed Clinton to do something about it. Clinton, according to the classified document, assured Yeltsin that the situation was being handled. Yeltsin agreed to resume imports for continued support from Clinton. Within one week, the chicken dispute was settled and Tyson was back in business.

It was less than 50 years ago that two American citizens were tried, convicted and executed for passing information about the atomic bomb to the Russians. Their names were Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. A co-conspirator, Harry Gold was sentenced to 15 years for being the courier. They were convicted under Section 2 of the Espionage Act of 1917, 50 U.S. Code 32 (now 18 U.S. Code 794) which prohibits transmitting or attempting to transmit to a foreign government information “relating to the national defense.” In my opinion, Bill Clinton violated the same statute and should suffer the same consequences.


In 1996 President Bill Clinton, at a fund raising dinner in New York City said this: “There are no more nuclear missiles pointed at any children in the United States. I’m proud of that.” But by 1998, the CIA’s National Intelligence Daily stated that “thirteen of China’s 18 long-range intercontinental ballistic missiles are targeted on the United States.” How could such a discrepancy occur? When did Clinton know and what did he do to prevent this dangerous situation? These are valid questions and in light of Clinton’s involvement in Russia’s nuclear weapons advancements, I shudder to think that this too was a result of Clinton’s business dealings.

CNN reported how China has been stealing our most sensitive nuclear secrets in an article dated May 25, 1999 and posted on their website. The article was called: China stole U.S. nuke secrets to ‘fulfill international agenda’ . The article reveals that China has been stealing the most sensitive nuclear secrets for several decades and despite high-level knowledge of the thefts, security at U.S. nuclear labs still “does not meet even minimal standards.” The CNN article goes on to state that President Clinton had known since 1995 and yet little was done about it. In April 1998 Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-California) disclosed detailed information that U.S. aerospace companies had helped China improve its strategic nuclear missiles as part of a major ICBM modernization effort. The named companies were listed as Loral Space & Communications Ltd., Hughes Electronics, and Motorola as supplying the Chinese with space launch technology which China used to improve its nuclear missiles. Congressman Rohrabacher went on to say : “There is ample evidence that American technology was transferred to this hostile potential enemy of the United States….(providing) the Communist Chinese the guidance needed to upgrade and perfect highly sophisticated weapons systems, increasing the reliability and capability of Communist Chinese rockets…” “This has given, what anyone has to admit is at least a potential enemy of the United States, a better ability to deliver nuclear warheads to our country, to American cities, to incinerate millions of our people.” Was there a connection between Bill Clinton and any of the three corporations named as supplying China with materials that improved the lethality of their missiles? I’m glad I asked that question.

The chairman of Loral Space &Communications was a heavy financial donor to Bill Clinton and the Democratic Party in general. His name is Bernard Schwartz and in a six year period between 1992 and 1998 he donated over $1.1 million to Clinton and the party. To show his appreciation, President Clinton allowed Schwartz to travel to China with U.S. Commerce Secretary Ron Brown. Clinton loosened export controls which enabled Schwartz to purchase Chinese booster rockets for use in launching Loral’s satellites. The relaxing of controls was a two way street and gave the Chinese an avenue with which to import hi tech materials from Loral and other U.S. corporations that dealt in sophisticated electronics.

Hughes Electronics was also named in Rohrabacher’s report. Its CEO, C. Michael Armstrong lobbied Clinton to relax the export controls of sensitive technology. An internal White House memo dated December 8, 1993 and originating from the National Security Council, detailed how Armstrong pressured the administration into easing the trade restrictions with China. Armstrong had threatened to launch a major publicity campaign against the administrations sanctions if the controls were not relaxed. In 1996, a Chinese rocket (missile) carrying a $200 million Loral satellite exploded on its launch pad. Loral and Hughes put together a team of scientists to investigate the problem. The problem(s) were identified and the information was given to the Chinese consortium Great Wall Industry, a subsidiary of China Aerospace Corporation. Armed with the information supplied by Hughes and Loral, the Chinese were able to upgrade their nuclear ICBM’s.

Why did President Clinton allow this? Well it was determined that the Chinese were secretly funneling large donations to the Clinton campaign. Federal investigators found that China Aerospace Corporation had given $300,000 to Democratic fundraiser Johnny Chung for Clinton’s election. In 1993, it was discoverer that China was selling missile technology to Pakistan. Under tremendous pressure from Congress, Clinton banned U.S. space industry from using Chinese rockets to launch their satellites. The ban didn’t last long and in October 1994, Clinton lifted the ban. Despite reports that China had continued to sell nuclear technology to Pakistan and missiles to Iran, Clinton signed waivers for four U.S. satellites to be launched by Chinese rockets. Clinton did this over strong objections from the State and Defense Departments. Johnny Chung and Loral’s Schwartz donated another $100,000 each to Clinton.

The fact that Clinton personally issued the waivers to allow shipments of U.S. technology that greatly improved the accuracy and reliability of Communist China’s missiles is grounds for impeachment, regardless of whether or not there was any quid pro quo for those decisions.

President Bill Clinton did more to damage U.S. national security than anyone else in American history. He is a traitor to our interests and he is guilty of espionage. He should have been arrested, impeached and convicted. The question is, how did this story escape mass media attention?

I would like to credit these sources from which I have acquired information.

Betrayal: How the Clinton Administration Undermined American Security by Bill Gertz, Regenery Publishing Inc. 1999

• The Phyllis Schlafly Report.
• Report: China Stole U.S nuke secrets to fulfill international agenda.
• Clinton’s Damage to U.S. Foreign Policy

[Editors Note. In order to wake up the population, we need to reach more people. Please use this material, and call into talk radio programs (like Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh, etc.) and mention on the air while discussing the content of this article, write letters to newspaper editors, and speak to your friends. Spread the word, and in doing so, we have a chance to save America.]

© 2016 Roger Stone – All Rights Reserved

Will we let them steal the election again?

I have been writing about vote fraud since 1993. And yet, despite the overwhelming evidence, electronic and human fraud has been stealing our elections for more than four decades, Americans continue to go to the polls every two years using easily hacked machines. There is a considerable movement in my estimation regarding vote fraud but not enough Americans have said enough is enough to their state legislatures.

Not enough candidates and general population voters have stormed their state capitols and demanded ALL forms of electronic voting get scrapped and return to hand counted PAPER ballots in front of selected precinct watchers from all parties. Not enough voters have stormed their state capitols and demanded a crack down on absentee ballots AND purging voter rolls of illegal aliens, deceased and any other category that bars someone from voting. Not enough voters have demanded Congress repeal the Motor Voter Act of 1993 which opened the flood gates to vote fraud.

The result has been good, decent, qualified candidates losing against congressional incumbents for decades. I know. I ran for Congress and what happened on primary night in 1996 was nothing short of fraud big time:

“…in 1996 even though I was only 7% behind the incumbent right up to “election” night with all it’s fraud in my race. At one minute after the polls closed, Peter Jennings (deceased) called all 52 house seats in California; none of the numbers changed when they quit counting votes at 4:13 am – including my race. What a remarkable feat.

“Incumbents in most districts are so far ahead – by 40% to a challenger, it’s not likely it will turn around. Gee, isn’t it strange the old 81% to 18% for an incumbent popped up? I voted for Shannon Thomason to replace the state rep shoved down our throats because of redistricting; he’s a real dog, Rep. Darby. I know Shannon from local community meetings. He’s allegedly losing 81 to 18.

“From my Blind Loyalty booklet of nothing but vote fraud, check these winners/losers that night (primary March 26, 1996): 85-15, 81-18, 85-15, 81-18, 85-15, 86-14, 87-13, 81-18 and 81-14 which was my race. Those were the results for incumbents vs challengers for the U.S. House throughout the state. Every incumbent voted for NAFTA, all challengers including me were opposed. Wonder why we allegedly lost?

“Those house seats were scattered all over the state of California. Unless you’re specifically looking at a particular race, in a state the size of California or Texas, people don’t put together the pattern, but it sure as hell is there.”

RAT Paul Ryan should never have won his primary earlier this month. Ryan who is owned by the anti-American U.S. Chamber of Commerce and mega anti-American corporations who want to replace American workers with cheap foreign labor. Ryan is one of the slimiest pieces of excrement in the U.S. House and currently the most powerful as Speaker. Low information voters in his district apparently have NO clue about Ryan and his traitorous voting record and how he wields his power.

Ryan’s opponent wasn’t exactly a constitutionalist but he most certainly was on the right track. He ran a solid campaign with both ads, public appearances and bill boards. Yet, like my race and so many others, Paul Nehlin allegedly was crushed 84-15. There’s that old number again that pops up every time a heavy in Congress is challenged. Why such a landslide? The answer is easy – to send a message. Voters in Ryan’s district approve of everything Ryan has done while selling them and America out to special interests and protecting liars, cheat, thieves, murderers and rapists. That would be illegal aliens. Voters sent a strong message they support everything their incumbent has done to them. Ryan’s destruction of not only his state because of his votes on ‘free’ trade but the rest of America. Well, I can tell you that a whole lot of people in his district literally hate Paul Ryan and worked like warriors to throw him out of office.

If you go look at his voting record, Paul Ryan wouldn’t know what the U.S. Constitution says if James Madison stood in front of him and read it word by word. But, his district sent a message to the people of America: 84% of us want Ryan back in Congress instead of someone who would work to stop the other Paul Ryan’s who are going right back to Congress. I don’t believe it for a second. Powerhouse Eric Cantor’s loss in 2014 took everyone by surprise. There would be no repeat in Ryan’s race. Did Nehlin challenge the vote? No and that’s the problem I have written about until I’m blue in the face. Challengers just walk away after an alleged loss against an incumbent and so the fraud continues – for decades.

As I have covered in so many prior columns, John Kerry won the election in 2004, not Bush, Jr. That is a fact. Vote fraud in 2008 and 2012 absolutely put the criminal impostor Barry Soetoro aka Obama in the White House. Despite the best efforts of thousands of people, the fraud was allowed to stand. That is a fact.

I used to analyze the outcome of a few dozen key states during primary season but I finally gave up as few were interested, least of all challengers. Demorats say vote fraud doesn’t exist and Republicans seem oblivious to mountains of evidence to the contrary. As long as they keep their seat in Congress or a state house they could care less. At least the poor, misguided Comrade Bernie Sanders supporters got it about how their candidate was cheated:

A Report on the Fatally Flawed 2016 Democratic Primaries, July 26, 2016. “On April 19th, a judge in New York grudgingly agreed that someone may have tampered with Alba Guerrero’s voter registration. Judge Ira Margulis changed his decision from moments earlier that Guerrero would be denied the right to vote in New York’s Democratic primary, after evidence emerged that Guerrero’s signature had been forged, switching her to Republican without her knowledge or consent.[1] Had she not been willing to take several hours to appear before a judge that day, Alba would not have been able to vote for Senator Bernie Sanders. Video evidence available online confirms the forgery. [2]” More than one in that article.

Massive Clinton voter fraud in NY, April 19, 2016. “According to a recent emergency lawsuit filed in a Long Island federal court, there have been “reports of thousands of NY voters being erroneously purged from the rolls.”

“Many of these purged voters seem to be Bernie Sanders supporters, leading to fresh questions about whether Hillary Clinton’s campaign is trying to steal the New York primary. Under state laws, only registered Democrats can vote in today’s Democratic primary. That has led thousands of Sanders supporters in recent months to register as Democrats so they could vote. Now, many of those voters are learning that their registrations have been misfiled or have inexplicably gone missing. This is eerily similar to what happened in at least one other state where Clinton ended up eking out a victory.”

Below is just a tiny sampling from the massive file I keep on vote fraud:

Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire: 100,000 Stolen Votes in Chicago. “Chicago, however, is known for its fires, and there was a roaring one there in 1982 that resulted in one of the largest voter fraud prosecutions ever conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice. The telltale smoke arose out of one of the closest governor’s races in Illinois history; and as for the fire, the U.S. Attorney in Chicago at the time, Daniel Webb, estimated that at least 100,000 fraudulent votes (10 percent of all votes in the city) had been cast.[2] Sixty-five individuals were indicted for federal election crimes, and all but two (one found incompetent to stand trial and another who died) were convicted. [3]”

• DANGER: Obama Administration Plotting to Usurp Control Over Elections
• Mississippi NAACP leader sent to prison for 10 counts of voter fraud, July 29, 2011. A real eye opener.
• Democrats Vote the Mentally Disabled, November 22, 2012
• This County Had 124% More Registered Voters Than Eligible Voters – Counting Dead People and Felons, September 5 , 2013
• Arapahoe DA charges four after voter-fraud investigation in Colorado, November 22, 2013
• Non-citizens caught voting in 2012 presidential election in key swing state, December 18, 2013

• Second one: CONFIRMED by Experts! Voting Machines in Maryland, Illinois Rigged to Support Democrats
• Programmer Testifies About Rigging Elections With Vote Counting Machines, May 23, 2014. “Clinton Eugene Curtis testified under oath, before the Ohio State legislature, that he wrote a program to rig elections. This program would flip the total vote from the real winner to the candidate who had been pre-selected to win by the electronic vote counting machines.”
• McDaniel: We’ve Found 1,000 Examples of Ineligible Voters in One County, June 27, 2014 – That’s more than enough to throw an election

In Chicago, a Voting Machine Was Pre-Wired to Vote for Democrats Only, October 21, 2014 – SCHAUMBURG, Ill. –” Admitting his confidence in Cook County ballot integrity is shaken, State Representative Candidate Jim Moynihan (R-56), was shocked today when he tried to cast a vote for himself and the voting machine cast it for his opponent instead. While early voting at the Schaumburg Public Library today, I tried to cast a vote for myself and instead it cast the vote for my opponent,” said Moynihan. “You could imagine my surprise as the same thing happened with a number of races when I tried to vote for a Republican and the machine registered a vote for a Democrat.”

• More Voting Machines Have ‘Calibration Issues’ (i.e. Rigged for Democrats) October 9, 2014; Maryland and Illinois
• EXCLUSIVE: Undercover video shows North Carolina poll workers offering ballots to ineligible impostor – TWENTY TIMES – putting voter ID battle on the front burner, November 3, 2014. “‘Of all of the undercover investigations I’ve conducted, this was by far the easiest, ‘he said Monday. They were willing to pass out fraudulently obtained ballots like it was Halloween candy.”
• Voting machine password hacks as easy as ‘abcde’, details Virginia state report, October 15, 2015
• Undercover video exposes eye-popping ease of voter fraud, August 2, 2016
• America’s Electronic Voting Machines Are Scarily Easy Targets, August 2 , 2016
• Illegal Aliens Caught Stealing US Elections Via Felonies In New Studies

• James O’Keefe Obtains Eminem’s Ballot, August 4, 2016
• Princeton Professor Shows How Easy It Is To Hack An Election In Just 7 Minutes, August 8, 2016
• Can the 2016 election be rigged? You bet, August 16, 2016. “Europe has rejected electronic voting machines because they are untrustworthy. This is not a secret. The media continues a drum beat insisting voter fraud is non existent without ever addressing the more ominous question of manipulation of the voting machines. It keeps those in control in control.”
• If they can’t even speak English, how do we know if they’re even U.S. citizens? Federal judges across this country are blocking voter ID laws; they should be thrown off the damn bench because what they’re doing is putting out the welcome mat for illegal aliens and non-citizens to vote and we know they vote Democrat.
• Nevada Voting Machine Auto-Selecting Obama, October 25, 2012
• Early NC voters complain ballot cast for Romney resulted in vote for Obama

• Diebold Voting Machines Can Be Hacked Remotely
• Voting Machines Flipping Votes Caught on Video – West Virginia
• Vote Fraud – Diebold Whistleblower Speaks Out
• e-Voting Company Could Intercept and Change Ballots Without a Trace, October 22, 2012. “The Free Press has previously reported, Scytl, a Barcelona based e-voting company will be counting votes in 26 states. They will be doing so through something called the Federal Overseas Voting Program or FVAP. FVAP is a program designed to allow military personnel and other overseas Americans to vote in their home districts seamlessly through electronically delivered absentee ballots.

“Intercepting and changing these ballots, as well as voting electronically on behalf of service people that have no idea such a thing is happening, is something that Scytl is uniquely positioned to do because of their cellphone spyware sister company, CarrierIQ. These stolen votes, distributed throughout jurisdictions across the country, could become a critical component of any scheme to defraud the 2012 presidential election. By means of changing a relatively small number of votes, and laundering those stolen votes in the correct places, the net effect would be a near silent theft.”

This one is a MUST read by Jon Christian Ryter. It’s lengthy but tells the true story about vote fraud and machines. Please bookmark and read over lunch or after dinner or on the weekend because there’s no question powerful forces behind the scenes are going to try to pull off a Clinton win using those damnable machines.

What to do?

First off, the election starts mid-October with early voting. Second, Reince Priebus who is head of the RNC needs to put out a memo to every Republican precinct captain in this country warning them vote fraud is very real. That memo needs to be specific about what needs to be done in testing every electronic gadget before anyone votes. If you read Jon’s article highlighted above you’ll understand why. Third, we need a virtual army of volunteers to not only be precinct watchers, but day after the election if Trump allegedly loses.

What will those volunteers do? Get the list of registered voters from the county clerk. Next, get a copy of every precinct sign in book that shows how many people voted in that precinct. Get a copy of the count for early voters. Compare the number of registered voters to the number of people who voted. You’ll have to check to see how it’s done in your county, but it’s critical to get those registered voters even if they’re allowed to vote without declaring a party. In this case you want the number of registered Republicans vs the Republican vote as well as indpendents. If 350 people are registered and 471 voted that day, you’ve got them.

In my research over the years and I listed a hundred examples in my Blind Loyalty booklet of the number of votes cast in a county were greater than the number of registered voters in the county by party. I can tell you the most egregious I found were both tiny precincts where there were 8 people who signed in but 12 votes cast to precincts with 20,000 or more voters. I can tell you that in some precincts I investigated registered voters appeared as A. Martinez, B. Martinez right through the alphabet, then A. Gonzalez repeats for about 60 voters all with the same address. Those were in the LA area.

I have signed up on Trump’s web site to be an election volunteer. If he allegedly loses I will take the time, hopefully with a couple of friends, to go through the voting rolls, votes counted and more, but it HAS to begin the day after the election. Votes have to be certified usually within 30 days to become official so no time to waste. There’s more:

Where are the Ballots? Laura Pressley’s Election Lawsuit. Laura ran for office in Austin, Texas. “Number of Ballots exceed the number of reported voters in Early Voting, Corrupt Mobile Ballot Box errors occurred during vote tabulation on election night, Missing data log entries in the vote tabulation systems, Mathematical patterns and anomalies observed in the Runoff Election results that show them to be erroneous and not credible, Travis County instructing election officers to not print and retain election records listing specific vote results for each candidate, Voting equipment security seals were improperly sealed, subsequently unsealed and replaced, Not producing, counting and retaining statutorily required ballot images, Obstructing official poll watchers after the polls closed.”

The question of chain of custody of ballots is very important. In my 1996 primary a precinct worker came forward and was willing to sign a sworn affidavit: When she got to her precinct as a volunteer the ballots were spread all over a table in the back room which was against the law in California at that time; don’t know what it is today. She was told to butt out and go work in the main area. Ballot boxes are supposed to stay sealed and turned over to the sheriff once voting closes and transported to the county clerk for counting.

My name also wasn’t on the ballot in the biggest precinct in the biggest county in the district! Imagine my surprise when I went to vote. The Republican Secty of State didn’t have a problem with that. After my alleged loss I said (despite the wonderful encouragement from so many) I would never run for office again as long as any electronic voting and/or counting machines were used. That’s also when I walked from the Republican Party and became no party.

Please if you’re going to volunteer, go to which is run by the wonderful Bev Harris because she has a virtual gold mine of information on stopping vote fraud and how to recognize it. Contact your precinct captain and hold meetings to go over how many volunteers you have and what needs to be done (security of those early voting ballots or machine data is a priority). True The Vote – Free & Fair Elections for All Americans are serious Americans doing a fabulous job and can greatly help you. Just click on their site and hit the boxes front and center.

Donald Trump and his people are fully aware of vote fraud. I am not privy to what goes on in his campaign so I don’t know what ground work is being done on this. Democrats every four years (prez election) have hordes of lawyers all over the country just waiting to jump on any perceived vote fraud, altho’ corpses voting is something they covet. Don’t get me wrong. Republicans are dirty, too, but it’s people and machines who count the votes that determine the outcome of our elections.

Are we going to allow the dark forces to steal yet another presidential election from we the people? What good will all the work by volunteers and Trump be just to see everyone’s hard work go down the crapper because vote fraud once again rules the ballot box?

If you are going to vote for Donald Trump then please volunteer to stop the vote fraud we know will happen – especially in these critical states which are the worst documented for vote fraud: Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and California. Sign up here. I’m sure in the not too distant future you will be contacted, but WE have to take the initiative. Show the crooked scum controlling those machines we are NOT going to sit back this time and allow the election to be stolen.

(The people in Louisiana are hurting. The flooding there is far worse than people realize. FAR WORSE. It’s not to late to donate. Trump haters in the media, parroted on social media by fools, accused Trump of doing nothing more than a photo op when he visited the other day while Obama played golf (Obama Squeezes in Tenth Round of Golf Before Louisiana Trip) and Hildebeast rested up for a fund raiser with Cher on Sunday in swanky Nantucket. They neglected to tell people that in the video that big 18-wheeler truck full of all kinds of stuff was paid for by Trump and he, true to form, never said a word. Please, if you can, even a $5.00 donation will help our fellow Americans in so much pain. See horrific photos here, here and here.

Good Samaritan’s Purse, any other organization you know of and while I don’t particularly like the Red Cross they are there and on the ground. Please don’t forget the critters; they mean so much to families. Here, here and here. One is the LA SPCA trying to help with flooded animal shelters. Make sure when you call to designate your donation to the LA flood victims. If doing it on line, that’s what is being collected for right now. Thank you.)

[Devvy’s hot new book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions is now available. The most important issues destroying America are presented along with constitutional solutions neither the Republicans or Democrats will pursue. Get your copy now. Excellent discounts for 2 or more books, or bulk orders.]

© 2016 – and Devvy – All Rights Reserved

Blue lives matter celebration: honoring America’s police

Headline: Riots in Milwaukee. “They’re beating every white person!” “Black power!” These extremely disturbing comments are from the audio of the riots aired nationwide. I thought, “Well, Obama, Democrats and mainstream media, are you happy now?

Their relentless spreading and nurturing of the bogus narrative that America is racist and cops routinely murder blacks is responsible for unprecedented assassinations of police, chaos and violence in our streets. For decades democrats have controlled major cities, enslaving blacks on inner city plantations. Democrat overlords filled their black slave’s heads with victim-hood-ism and hatred for whites and America. This is the cause of blacks launching a race war on white America and police. The Democrats’ chickens have come home to roost.

It is truly unfortunate that democrats filling blacks with such negativity has cost them so much, robbing far too many of them of pursuing their full potential. Many moons ago I was a young black man in my mid twenties. I became a born-again Christian and wanted to save the world. I visited youth detention centers and jails to tell them about Jesus. I was struck that so many of those incarcerated were black. I also could not help noticing that many were handsome, bright and even gifted. Their biggest problem holding them back was their negative attitudes. Why try? The white man will stop you and so on. I was politically clueless back then and never tied their hopelessness to democrat/liberal brainwashing.

Two cops shot in the head while eating lunch in their patrol car, another ambushed from behind, killed while pumping gas in his patrol car is extremely disturbing. These men were husbands and fathers. As Americans, we must come together and counter the Left painting targets on the backs of our nation’s brave men and women in blue.

Saturday, September 10th, I am hosting a Blue Lives Matter Celebration event. National response has been wonderful. Candidly, I had to let it go that some politicians and local law enforcement have backed away; not wanting anything to do with such an event.

Think about that folks. Some Americans are so intimidated, bullied and controlled by evil people that a family event featuring comics, dancers, speakers and singers coming together to celebrate, thank and encourage America’s police is too scary to be a part of. Lord help us. Every-time we shy away from doing the right thing for fear of angering bad people, we embolden them.

I have reached out to several national celebrities to participate. I will announce them as they confirm. Tea Party Express has signed on to help.

This quote by Edmund Burke is probably overused, but so appropriate. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Folks, the Left’s slander of our nation’s police is pure evil from the pit of hell.

Please, please help to pull-off this extremely important event. I prayerfully hope it will spark many more nationwide. At minimum, I need about $10,000. The Ocean Convention Center costs $2000. The production company providing lighting, video, camera with tech, two huge video projection screens and sound system costs $6000. We have to provide light-fare food for the cast and crew. There are other miscellaneous expenses. I am seeking volunteers, but I must provide transportation getting guests to and from the airport. Thus, I need around ten grand to make this event happen.

By the way, Black Lives Matter, the evil hate group that declared it “open season” on killing whites and cops received over $30 million from George Soros.

The Ford Foundation and other liberal groups are raising $100 million for Black Lives Matter. Meanwhile, I am struggling to raise $10,000 for an event supportive of our nation’s police. What has gone so terribly wrong with our country folks?

Please go to and give using the crowd funding link. You can also give here.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

America will survive

America has seen a lot of things. America has endured a lot of things. At the beginning of our nation we stood up to the strongest army in the world at that time and refused to back down. It took a few years but we won our independence from Britain. The War of 1812 strengthened our resolve and we even got a little help from providence when the British decided to burn down Washington. While they were setting fire to our capital God was arranging a rain storm to put the fires out. God was defending the nation He was building up.

Providence has been on our side all through our history. During the Revolutionary War we saw several instances where Providence stepped in on the side of America. “Many times the hand of God was on the American troops. In one instance in August of 1776 British General Howe had trapped Washington and 8,000 of his troops Long Island. Desperate to remove his men, during the night Washington began to ferry his men across the East Rover. When dawn came he still had a large number of men on Long Island exposed to the British troops. A most unusual change in the weather caused a very thick fog to rise and it did not lift until Washington’s troops had made their retreat.”[1]

In another instance we see the hand of Providence on our side again when Washington was in retreat and was almost overtaken bu Cornwallis. “In another instance in February of 1781 Lord Cornwallis nearly overtook the American army at the Yadkin River. As he watched the American troops getting out of the river on the other side the river unexpectedly rose almost to flood stage preventing him from giving chase. Later that same month the American troops were being pursued by the British and had crossed the Dan River a few hours ahead of the British but when the British arrived the river had risen to the point where they could not pursue the American troops for several days. British Commander-in-Chief Henry Clinton explained it this way: Here the royal army was again stopped by a sudden rise of the waters, which had only just fallen (almost miraculously) to let the enemy over, who could not else have eluded Lord Cornwallis’ grasp, so close was he upon their rear.”[2]

When our nation was at war in WWI and WWII it seems that our enemies suffered greater losses than we did. In the Battle of Iwo Jima we had 6,821 killed but the Japanese lost around 18,375.[3] The battle for Tarawa was similar with the US losing 1,696 and the Japanese losing 4,690.[4] The Guadalcanal campaign resulted in 7,100 US deaths and the Japanese lost 19,200.[5] Solomon Islands created 10,600 casualties for the US but Japan had 86,000 losses.[6]

God has favored America from the first settlers from Europe. And I believe that He will continue to favor us until the day the church is taken out. God has allowed certain people to rule over us that have been a major detriment to our nation, Like Obama, FDR, Jimmy Carter and even Bill Clinton because America had to be in a particular place to wake up the people and get America back on His time line. Even though there is a good chance for electronic voter fraud in the upcoming elections I believe that they will be unsuccessful. God is not through with America yet and won’t be until the rapture. He can make the voting machines do the opposite of what they have been programmed to do, i.e., register a vote for Hillary as a vote for Trump. Some may think that I am a conspiracy theorist about voter fraud but all evidence proves me right. In Pennsylvania there was evidence of massive voter fraud: “The Market Daily News reported on those 100 precincts in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, that on election day gave Romney zero votes, and Obama got 99 percent. “In more than 50 different precincts, Romney received two votes or less,” the report said. “One would think that such improbable results would get the attention of somebody out there.”

According to, 59 voting divisions in Philadelphia produced a “head-spinning figure,” not one vote for Romney. “The unanimous support for Obama in these Philadelphia neighborhoods – clustered in almost exclusively black sections of West and North Philadelphia – fertilizes fears of fraud, despite little hard evidence,” the newspaper said.

A poll watcher told WND up to 10 percent of the ballots cast at a polling station in Pennsylvania reverted to a default, which gave Barack Obama a vote no matter who the voter had selected. The incident took place in the state where officials claimed Obama got a total of 19,605 votes in 59 voting divisions to zero for Mitt Romney and not far from the 100 precincts in Ohio where Obama got 99 percent of the vote, a feat not even achieved by third-world dictators. It was in Upper Macungie Township, near Allentown, Pa., where an auditor, Robert Ashcroft, was dispatched by Republicans to monitor the vote on Election Day. He said the software he observed would “change the selection back to default – to Obama.”[7]

Are there organizations that are fund false studies that say the obtaining voter ID disenfranchises minority voters? Yes there are and the biggest one is none other than George Soros: “WND previously reported a radical group that has a history of biased research provided data utilized in both cases that blocked the new voter ID laws.

The Brennan Center for Justice, heavily funded by billionaire activist George Soros, has been at the center of providing data claiming voter ID laws will disenfranchise minorities.

However, WND reported the very voter ID data used by Brennan has been called into question by experts and has been contradicted by other credible studies and even by the group’s own footnotes in the one study it conducted.

The three-judge panel in the landmark Texas case, for example, ruled that evidence showed the cost of obtaining a voter ID would fall most heavily on poor African-Americans and Hispanics in Texas and that such groups would face discrimination if the law were to be applied.”[8]

Even some of the most impoverished nations in the world require voter ID. “In August, 1993, the Election Commission of India ordered the making of photo identity cards for all voters of the country in an attempt to improve the accuracy of the electoral rolls and prevent electoral fraud.

To take advantage of the latest technological innovations, the Commission issued revised guidelines for the Electors Photo Identity Card (EPIC) Program in May 2000. More than 450 million voter identity cards have been distributed across India till now. The voter ID card or EPIC is an identification card issued by the Election Commission to all eligible voters (Indian citizens who are above 18 years of age) to enable voter identification on Election Day. All those who are already enrolled in the voter’s list are eligible to receive a voter ID card. These cards carry personal details and a distinct identification number. (In future, data of a biometric nature like digital signature and fingerprints may also be contained inside a microchip, embedded in the given card.)”[9] If this can happen in India where the average income is less than $3.00 a week then it can happen here.

Our nation is on the verge of becoming nothing more than a historical note. If the Democrats win, that is what we will be. Is it the fault of the Democrats? Yes. Is it the fault of the Republicans? Yes. But it is mostly the fault of the churches who refuse to be involved in the political process. Trump wants to reverse the Johnson Gag Order of 1954. This is an unconstitutional law in the first place.

But whether it is reversed or not, the church must get involved and I’m not talking just the pulpit bit the pews too. The pews must get involved even if the pulpit won’t. God gave us a nation and a vote and we will answer to him with what we did with that vote. If you did nothing, I don’t want to be in your shoes. Forty million evangelicals didn’t vote in 2012. If that happens again we can pretty much say goodbye to America. Ok, your candidate did win the nomination. So what? You still have a vote and a non vote is a vote for the most evil woman that has ever sought public office. We have NEVER had anything but the lesser of two evils so that excuse holds no water. Even when your candidate won you voted for the lesser of two evils. Take the responsibility God has given you and vote!

I believe Providence will be on our side but we still have to get out there and vote. Give Him something to work with.

© 2016 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved



1. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) p. 92.
2. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) p. 92.
3. Battle os Iwo Jima.
4. Battle of Tarawa.
5. Guadalcanal Campaign.
6. Solomon islads campaign.
7. The big list of vote fraud reports.
8. Did dirty tricks get Obama Elected?
9. What is a voter ID card and its use.

On our knees for America while domestic government agencies increase their arms

America is in trouble. I came across three items this week which illustrate that fact.

“WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange appeared to suggest Tuesday that re-cently murdered Seth Rich, a 27-year-old Democratic National Committee staffer who was shot near his townhouse in Washington, D.C. last month, was the source of the WikiLeaks-exposed DNC emails.

Assange hinted at the newest revelations during an interview on the Dutch television program Nieuwsuur.

“Our whistleblowers go to significant efforts to give us material, at often very significant risks,” Assange said. “There was a 27 year old, works for the DNC, who was shot in the back, murdered just a few weeks ago for unknown reasons other than that he was walking down the street in Washington.”[1]

Some posit that Seth Rich should be added to the growing Clinton body count. If so, what high mountain of hubris did the pantsuit candidate stand on at her convention to call for more gun control in light of Seth Rich’s assassination?

And by the way with all the politicians drooling on themselves to take guns from the hands of citizens what they are not telling us is the very sinister side of this.

Our Founders warned us of the severe danger of having a standing army. Since World War II we have ignored that warning. But now a new threat is that we now have a force the size of an army on our soil that is not officially military but has as great a fire power as the entire force of U.S. Marines.

“Open the Books, a taxpayer watchdog group, released a study Wednesday [June 22, 2016] that finds domestic government agencies continue to grow their stockpiles of military-style weapons, as Democrats sat on the House floor calling for more restrictions on what guns American citizens can buy.

“The ‘Militarization of America’ report found civilian agencies spent $1.48 billion on guns, ammunition, and military-style equipment between 2006 and 2014. Examples include IRS agents with AR-15s, and EPA bureaucrats wearing camouflage.

“‘Regulatory enforcement within administrative agencies now carries the might of military-style equipment and weapons,’ Open the Books said. ‘For example, the Food and Drug Administration includes 183 armed “special agents,” a 50 percent increase over the ten years from 1998-2008. At Health and Human Services (HHS), “Special Office of Inspector General Agents” are now trained with sophisticated weaponry by the same contractors who train our military special forces troops.’

“Open the Books found there are now over 200,000 non-military federal officers with arrest and firearm authority, surpassing the 182,100 personnel who are actively serving in the U.S. Marine Corps.

“The IRS spent nearly $11 million on guns, ammunition, and military-style equipment for its 2,316 special agents. The tax collecting agency has billed taxpayers for pump-action and semi-automatic shotguns, semi-automatic Smith & Wesson M&P15s, and Heckler & Koch H&K 416 rifles, which can be loaded with 30-round magazines.

“The EPA spent $3.1 million on guns, ammo, and equipment, including drones, night vision, ‘camouflage and other deceptive equipment,’ and body armor.”

Harrington continues, “Open the Books appealed to both liberals like Bernie Sanders–who has called for demilitarizing local police departments–and conservatives in its report.

“‘Conservatives argue that it is hypocritical for political leaders to undermine the Second Amendment while simultaneously equipping non-military agencies with hollow-point bullets and military style equipment,’ Open the Books said. ‘One could argue the federal government itself has become a gun show that never adjourns with dozens of agencies continually shopping for new firearms.’”

And add to that “how many millions of rounds of ammunition their local and State police agencies are amassing. And don’t let anybody tell you all of this ammunition is for “practice.” We are talking about hollow-point pistol rounds and military rifle rounds such as 5.56 and .308 calibers. [Chuck Baldwin states,] I would take an educated guess (based on my conversations with both ammunition and arms suppliers and police officers themselves) that your local police agencies have enough ammunition stockpiled to kill the entire population of your community four or five times. But these numbers pale in comparison to the numbers of guns and ammunition being amassed by federal agencies–including agencies that nowhere come close to being categorized as “police” agencies….So, while federal agencies in Washington, D.C., are being increasingly militarized, the American people are being told they need to surrender their means of self-defense.”[2]

The third item relates to the warning President Eisenhower issued in his 1961 speech,“

“This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence — economic, political, even spiritual — is felt in every city, every State house, every office of the Federal government… we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of un-warranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the militaryindustrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”[3] That was in 1961.

He warned us that the interests of businesses who make money from perpet-ual war in collusion with politicians and high level members of the military whose interests are served to push for perpetual war will lead to the destruc-tion of our land.

Well consider the 2016 update given at the first weekend of August, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange added to that warning with this,

“Google has been to the White House, on average over the last four years, once per week—more than any other single company. It spends more money lobbying Washington, D.C., than any other single company. Hillary Clinton’s former staffer, Jared Cohen, was hired by Google in 2009 to head up Google’s internal think tank. There’s a lot of other interconnections between Google and the state. Eric Schmidt is now also, at the same time as being chairman of what is now Google’s parent company, Alphabet, is chairman of the Pentagon innovation board.

So you have a connection between Google, the Clinton campaign, which will be almost certainly the next White House, and the Pentagon. And this triangle is extremely worrying, because, as time goes by, Google is understanding that it does have an ability to influence election campaigns. It’s also bought more than 10 drone companies. It’s integrating its mapping data in order to better be able to fly and navigate drones around the world, is expanding into every country in the world.

And it has a very strange, quasi-religious vision of the future, of this vision of the singularity. It’s really a—I’ve done research that it’s very disturbing what they believe in Silicon Valley, that they believe they can create a massive artificial intelligence, more powerful than any human being or any society’s ability to think. And, of course, we all know what happens when such power is in limited hands.

And so, Google in the White House will be, essentially, an unregulatable company… you can just completely forget about any kind of antitrust legislation being used on Google if there is a Hillary Clinton White House.” Then his interviewer asked, “I’m reminded that Benito Mussolini, the fascist dictator, said that fascism more appropriately should be called corporatism, because it merges the private power of corporations with the military might of the nation-state. And, of course, he thought that was a good thing. It occurs to me that you were describing our newer, kinder, gentler, smiling face of fascism, where all of the information that we receive is controlled by that same collusion between government and major transnational corporations, and now our ability to even talk to myself, or ourselves.”

To which Julian replied, “Yes, there is a merger going on at a rapid pace be-tween the largest American corporations and the traditional aspects of the U.S. state, the military intelligence aspects.”[4]

America is in trouble. What should we as disciples of Jesus Christ do? Turn to 1 Peter 2:5, because the first thing we must understand is who we are in this world and then what it is that Jesus Christ calls upon us to do.

Learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2016 Rev. David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

American idols

Throughout all of man’s history, man has always found a god to worship. One god, or a conglomerate of many gods, mankind has always found someone or something on which to bestow their adoration or worship. Some of wood, some of stone, some heavenly, stars, planets, etc. Some fleshly – pharaohs, Caesars, kings, emperors, religious leaders, political leaders and others.

A few blessed nations were given the true origins of life, and taught about the only true God. The Creator of all things both known and unknown. It’s truly unfortunate, but nonetheless a truism that all nations and cultures, whether blessed with the knowledge of the One True God or not, have always turned away from the truth to idols and false gods, and in turn have damned themselves and their children. From being wise to being fools. (Romans 1:22) Although real history reveals the fact that the societies that taught the “right” worship of the one and only true God of creation prospered and flourished for at least a brief period. Right up until they forgot Who it was that prospered and blessed them. (Hos. 4:6) The one thing that came as a blessing that seems to be the single most destructive force that destroys a nation and societies is prosperity! (Hos. 4:7) All nations that prospered eventually became lazy, apathetic and indifferent to the power and authority that gave them the ability to prosper and live in peace. We were warned in Deut. 8:17-20 and Matt. 6:33.

Let’s look at a few names mankind has given their gods over generations from different nations and cultures. Please keep in mind that most nations and societies were never given the blessings of knowing the One True God and His laws and the blessings that follows obedience to these laws. Psalms 9:17 does not apply to them at the same level as it does nations like Israel, Europe and America. Most of those cultures and societies that never know the One True God and His laws became what we know today as “third world nations”. Poverty, diseases, immorality, slavery and tyranny are usually the best nations that never knew Yahweh God, can hope to attain for themselves. This list of nations and their gods is nowhere near a complete list:


1. Anu: The god of the highest heaven.
2. Murduk: National god of Babylon.
3. Ishtar: Goddess of love and fertility. (Other names are Diana in N.T.) Queen of Heaven in Jer. 7:17-19, Easter in America)
4. Kishar: Father of earth.
5. Anshur: Father of heaven.


1. Osiris: God of the dead.
2. Isis: protective goddess. Also wife of Osiris. Their offspring was Horus.

All pharaohs were considered a living Horus. (Civil authority became god.) Egypt had at least a dozen more gods that fulfilled different roles.


1. Aether: The god of the upper air and light.
2. Chaos: The nothingness from which everything else came.
3. Eros: The god of love and attraction. (Where the word “erotica” came from).
4. Gaia: Goddess of the earth. Mother earth. (Same as New Age earth worshippers in saving the earth by reducing population, etc.)
5. Phanes: The god of procreation.


1. Apollo: Son of Jupiter and Leto. God of music, The Archer, he taught men medicine, drove the chariot to take the sun across the sky.
2. Ceres: Corn goddess.
3. Diana: Fertility goddess, moon goddess, huntress goddess, lunar virgin, mother of creation. (Modern day Easter.)
4. Jupiter: Ruler of the gods.
5. Mars: God of war.
6. Mercury: God of trade – merchants.


The culture worshipped fifty or more gods or goddesses.

1. Thor: Son of Odin, god of thunder and battle.
2. Ve’: One of three gods of creation.
3. Eastre: Goddess of spring. (Again Easter).

Folks, volumes could be written just covering false idols, gods and goddesses and their “duties” and how they were worshipped. Let’s take a look at two more cultures. Both of which knew and followed the Only True God of all creation, but turned their backs on Him to follow false gods. In most cases when the false gods were initially introduced, many people refused to follow them, but over a few generations, the false practice of pagan worship became acceptable and the word of the True God was forgotten (Hos 4:6-7) With great blessings comes great duties and responsibilities. (Luke 12:48-49). Straight forward warnings and severe punishments are given to a people who once knew the True God but turned away from worshipping Him. (Ex. 20:1-6, Deut. 28, Ps. 106:34-43), just to name a few.

Some false gods and idols Israel turned to and the scriptures where they are mentioned:

1. I Samuel, Chapter 8: National god or idol – political “savior” and “provider”. (Same in America)
2. I Kings 11:5 and 33: Ashtoreth (Easter again),
3. II Kings 14:18-23, 25-28: Baal.
4. Acts 18: 24, 27-28, 34-35: Diana and Artemis.
5. Acts 14:12: Merdoch – Murduk.
6. Jeremiah 17:18, 44:17-19 &25: Queen of Heaven, known as Ishtar (Easter).
7. II Kings 17:21: Tummuz. There are at least a dozen more.

As in Israel, so too in America. Same gods and goddesses, just different names. It is truly sad and unfortunate, but true. All nations that once followed the True God of Creation, as America did for a brief time, and accepted His salvation through His only begotten son Yashua (Jesus Christ), and followed His laws that cover individual ecclesiastical and biblical laws have been abundantly blessed. Sadly America has turned away from Him to their own means. (Hos. 4:67) Evolution of nations from liberty back to tyranny by Alexander Tyler makes the point very clearly. (Jer. 5:30-31)

1. From bondage to spiritual faith.
2. From spiritual faith to great courage
3. From courage to liberty.
4. From liberty to abundance. (Jos. 4:7)
5. From abundance to selfishness.
6. From selfishness to complacency.
7. From complacency to apathy.
8. From apathy to dependency.
9. From dependency to bondage.

America, in just a brief period of time turned their backs on following God’s righteous laws, judgments, and justice and started worshipping a new god they named “We The People”. For a brief period of history, even under this new god, things went fairly well because most of society remained mostly moral. But that soon changed. Although we were a nation brought forth by God Almighty, and followed His righteous laws, our true founding fathers in the colonies refused to make any laws in “addition to” God’s law because they recognized the sovereignty of God in all spheres of life. Even the now “Christianized” thoroughly pagan holiday of Christmas and Easter were forbidden. Our original “Founding Fathers” knew this was an abomination to God Himself.

Just a few short years after “We The People” became our own gods, men’s main desire was for wealth and power. The men that the people “chose” to rule over them became corrupt and greedy. Men started turning to their elected “officials” to do what Israel wanted in I Samuel, chapter 8. In 1861, another war of independence was fought and lost. For whatever reason, God did not allow His people to divide again over taxation and control. (See, I Kings, Chapter 12).

America, for many reasons, soon became the most prosperous and powerful nation in all of history. For a long while after the new god of “we the people” was introduced, America still grew and was blessed because of the moral foundation that was laid by our once Christian founders, the colonists. De Tocqueville made this truth very clear in the following statement:

De Tocqueville, Alexis (1805-1859; French author, historian, philosopher and statesman):

“I sought for the key to the greatness and genius of America in her harbors…; in her fertile fields and boundless forests; in her rich mines and vast world commerce; in her public school system and institutions of learning. I sought for it in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution.

Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits FLAME with RIGHTEOUSNESS did I understand the secret of her genius and power.
America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”

Soon though, the people heard the siren cry of man’s benefits to save them from poverty, sickness and too much “responsibility”. No need to plan for the future. Our newest and biggest idol ever, government, will provide! Need food, shelter, clothing, children’s education, health care and more? No problem! Just put your trust in your benevolent and all-wise “gods” and they will provide for you from the womb to the tomb! At least, if they want to. All you have to do in return is obey! After all, “obedience is worship” and “worship is obedience”. (Romans 6:13 & 16, Acts 5:29)

Now our idols, gods and goddesses can tell you that the God you once served no longer exists or is irrelevant. Very few resist! After all, if they do, they will lose their benefits and lazy way of existing! It seems that most of God’s people have forgotten Christ’s teaching in Mt. 6:24-34.

Never fret, America, the gods we call Republicans, or Democrats, or Greens, or Independents or others will save us! Just support who in your mind is the lesser of evils! Never mind God’s word on how to choose your leaders in Deut. 17:14-20. After all, things have changed. Our idols and gods have changed for sure! But folks, God’s Word will never change. He will never change His mind or will! Ps. 119:89, Mi. 3:6, James 1:17, Rev. 1:8)

America – End Time Babylon – has been weighed in the scales and has been found wanting! (Daniel, chapter 5)

You have been warned people! America is Damned! But it’s not too late for “we the people” to repent and follow Jehovah God as best as we know how, and be ready to give up all for His glory! Stand up! Speak up! Don’t be ashamed of the truth , or afraid of the enemy! (Josh. 24:15, Phil. 3:8, Mt. 10:34-42) .

In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Butch Paugh, P.P.P.

Feel free to contact Pastor Butch with any questions or concerns. Tune in to our broadcast Monday-Friday at 9:00 PM Est. on your S.W. ATTENTION! 7.520 & 3.215! Also on your computer on Check out our website for all other stations we’re broadcasted on.

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© 2016 Pastor Butch Paugh – All Rights Reserved

Obama’s illegal $400-million ransom deal with Iran

Why Are We Ransoming Dual Citizen Iranians?

At the risk of being accused of political incorrectness, allow me comment that not only is the news that Obama has paid $400-million to Iran illegally – through a scam of flying U.S. dollars to Europe and converting the dollars to Euros and Francs — further evidence of the utter totalitariaan arrogance and deceitfulness of the Progressive Liberal Obama-Hillary Democrat Regime— it also raises the question:

Why are all of these men who just cost Americans $400-million called “Americans,” and not what some if not all are, i.e., Iranian “dual citizens” of America and Iran?

I have a problem with that–I don’t know how to swear exclusive allegiance to America and America’s terrorist enemy, the Islamic Terrorist Republic of Iran, at the same time.

Why were dual citizen Iranians back in Iran in the first place, knowing the knowing the risk created by the totalitarian reality of the terrorist Muslim theocracy from which they or their families fled, in which they may even remain “citizens”?

Why should Americans pay $400-million for the release of pseudo- Americans, or Americans “for convenience,” who gain legal American citizenship but maintain dual citizenship in Iran or other Islamic cesshole?

If they or other Muslims are still citizens of Iran, then they should go there and stay there. If their Iranian co-citizens toss them in jail, they should stay there without demanding that non-“dual” American citizens pay a ransom for their return.

Any Iranian “dual citizen,” or any other person from Iran or any other Islamic cesspool, or anyone else who is of descent from those Islamic terrorist cesspools who is in America but returns there, should have to sign an “assumption of risk” agreement before being allowed to travel there.

Once in Iran or other totalitarian Islamic nation, they should be on their own. Not a dollar should be paid to ransom them — even if the federal law foorbidding doing business with Iran in U.S. Dollars is deceitfully evaded by converting U.S. Dollars to Euros or Francs before handing millions to the terror-sponsoring Ayatollahs of Iran.

$400 million to ransom Iranian citizens, “dual Americans” claiming the legal (not cultural) status of Americans citizens, when the Obama regime claims it just doesn’t have enough money fulfill its duty to provide effective health care to American veterans, or process the hundreds of thousands of unprocessed claims of veterans for earned benefits, many dying while waiting for care or decisions on claims?

If “dual citizen” Iranians, or others with roots in Islamic countries, will not renounce their citizenship in those countries, Americans should not spend a dime’s worth — in U.S. Dollars, Euros, oor Francs — to ransom them back when they have deliberately put themmselves in harm’s way.

Legal fictions of “dual citizenship” notwithstanding, a person cannot serve two masters at the same time, as the Bible states.

It has been the articulated policy of America, including by the Progressive Liberal Democrat regime of President Barack Hussein Obama and his Secretaries of State Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, that America does not pay ransoms for the release of Americans taken captive by terrorists or terrorist nations.

Obama has made a lie of that policy with his $400-million payoff to Iran to ransom “dual” citizen Iranian Americans. That purported American policy of no dealing with terrorist body snatchers is now revealed as empty of meaning as Obama’s famous false threat of real response should Obama’s “red line” be crossed Syria.

Thus, this despicable, illegal, payoff to Iran by Obama-Hillary-Kerry, in untraceable “small” Eurodollars and Francs, flown to the Ayatollahs in an “unmarked plane,” without notice to Congress — is further evidence of the utter totalitarian arrogance and deceitfulness of progressive liberal power-driven “progressive-liberal” Democrats in power, of which Obama and Hillary and Kerry are excrescent exemplars.

It is one more thing about them to “remember in November:” Progressive Liberal Democrat Lies Matter.

© 2016 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

Obama plays golf, Hillary sleeps, and Donald Trump sends supplies to Louisiana

“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” —Charles Dickens

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9

Where is Obama?

While Obama plays his umpteenth round of golf, the nation suffers, especially the State of Louisiana where flooding has caused 13 deaths, wrecked 40,000 homes, and affected more than 100,000 residents. These survivors are now homeless. Louisiana felt the horrible flooding was being totally ignored by the rest of the nation, and they were right.

Aid workers were there helping, and a word from the President would have helped too.

The leader of the free world didn’t care. Golfing in Martha’s Vineyard was more important to him than helping the people in Louisiana. 

Where is Hillary?

Hillary Clinton didn’t care, she is too busy taking days off to rest and nap. She’s probably thinking, “At this point, what difference does it make?”

Where is Donald Trump?

He and Mike Pence were there in Louisiana. They met with Franklin Graham of Samaritan’s Purse and talked to the people who need help.

Behind the scenes, Trump met with several families and told them to stay strong, that they would rebuild. But what none of them even knew was that Trump had sent an 18-wheeler loaded with supplies to the devastated area, and it was being unloaded without anyone knowing about it until CNN found out and reported it … but just once.

You can see in the above video that Mr. Trump had sent supplies which were desperately needed.


It’s not the money folks, because Obama and the Clintons both have enough money that they could have done the exact same thing and sent an 18 wheeler full of supplies. But they didn’t even think about it. As president of this country, wouldn’t you think Obama should have gone immediately to Louisiana? As candidate for President, wouldn’t you think Hillary would have shown up?

Had Obama or Hillary sent supplies for the people, the photo-op would be spectacular, but not with Trump. Everything he did was done silently.

As for me and mine, this is the kind of man I want in our White House as President of the United States.

Donald Trump, Paul Manafort, and the new McCarthyism

Clinton dirty trickster, Sidney Blumenthal, and Clinton crony and oligarch, Viktor Pinchuk, pedaled bogus charges against Paul Manafort using Ukrainian intelligence. Pinchuk gave the Clinton’s $10 Million to buy approval of a coup in Ukraine against an unpopular, but democratically elected Head of State. Clinton’s Charity Ties With Oligarchs Behind Ukrainian Coup Revealed

Blumenthal is the same thug, who Hillary’s emails show, invented the lie that the attack on our mission in Benghazi was caused by an anti-Islamic video shown online in Turkey. Sid was also caught trying to line his pockets in a Libyan side deal that he never disclosed to Hillary Rodham Clinton when he was urging the toppling of Gaddafi.

Blumenthal thinks he’s Ted Sorensen, but he’s Al Capone. When the Pinchuk thugs found nothing legitimate regarding Manafort’s entirely legal campaign services in three democratically held elections, they simply had Ukrainian intelligence create a co-ledger with correspondence to no known financial transfer records. There is no evidence admissible in a court that Manafort took any illegal payments. The “ledger” found at some party clubhouse was most likely fabricated by the Pinchuk-owned-Ukrainian Intelligence Service.

Incredibly, the August New York times, owned by the largest single donor to the Clinton Foundation slush fund, a vehicle set up for the facilitation of multi-million bribes, put this steaming pile of horse dung on page one, above the fold, although the story admits that Manafort is not the subject of any investigation. Pinchuk’s minions said what they were supposed to for this hit-piece. Nothing there. A total nothing burger manufactured “news.”

Recognizing that the mainstream media refuses to see through the baseless and unfounded charges against him, Paul Manafort, not wanting to become a distraction or feed the entire Russian-Putin Trump canard, resigned his position. Manafort did what Cory Lewandowski should have done when accused of manhandling a woman reporter, resigned.

Manafort put the good of Donald Trump and his campaign first. That is a real pro!

The entire spin by the Clintonistas that Trump and Manafort are somehow in bed with Putin and the Russian’s when Trump has never met or communicated with Putin, and Putin dislikes Manafort because of the latter’s pushing of Yanukovych to have Ukraine join the EU.

This is the “New McCarthyism.” The Clinton’s and their vassals essentially accuse Trump and Manafort of treason against their own Country, when in fact it’s Bill and Hillary who have profiteered in the Ukraine as well as taking millions from oligarchs and interests aligned with Putin.

Into this breach comes my friend, Stephen K. Bannon, a tough minded street fighter, who understands the New Media, where most voters get their information on politics.

Bannon also knows the deepest, darkest criminality of Clinton’s revealed in both “Clinton Cash,” and “The Clinton’s War Against Women,” both essentially excerpted by Breitbart News.

I still predict a Trump victory and have written about my concerns about rigged computerized voting machines.

Donald Trump favors a period of Nixon-style détente and hard-headed negotiation with Russia that would preserve peace between our countries, and allow us to work together to more effectively crush ISIS. He is not only the Law and Order candidate; he is also the Peace Candidate.

[Editors Note. In order to wake up the population, we need to reach more people. Please use this material, and call into talk radio programs (like Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh) and mention on the air while discussing the content of this article, write letters to newspaper editors, and speak to your friends. Spread the word, and in doing so, we have a chance to save America.]

© 2016 Roger Stone – All Rights Reserved

Pope Francis visits Poland, scolds poles who don’t want their country invaded

I’m not a Catholic, but I do appreciate the importance of the Papacy in Western history. And I would admire a pope who would defend Western Civilization, traditional values and Christendom.

Apparently, Pope Francis is not that guy. The Argentine Pope steadfastly refuses to fault Islam in any way, shape or fashion for the recent spate of Islamic terror attacks on the European continent and beyond.

This stubbornness was on blatant display on the Pope’s recent visit to Poland, a country which is still attempting to defend its sovereignty.

Ironically, the Polish government may be the most pro-Catholic government in Europe. But it doesn’t matter to this Pope, who for some inscrutable reason wants Poland to open its gates to the Muslim masses.

The expression “More Catholic Than the Pope” might well be an apt description of Poland’s ruling Law and Justice party, which currently enjoys a majority in both houses of the Polish parliament.

Law and Justice is a pro-Catholic party, and its policies exemplify Catholic social teachings. Law and Justice opposes abortion and the homosexual agenda, and it also supports universal health care.

So naturally, when the current Pope Francis visited Poland, he had to scold the Polish government for its opposition to being swamped by Muslim “refugees”.

Looking at Polish history, one might sympathize with a strong Polish aversion to being invaded.

In 1939, in the now mostly-forgotten secret protocol of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Hitler and Stalin divvied up Poland. The Nazis invaded from the west and the Communists from the east.

Going back a few hundred years, in the 18th century Poland was partitioned between Russia, Prussia, and Austria and ceased to exist as a national entity for over a century.

So yes, it’s totally understandable that Poles don’t want to be invaded by Muslims.

As the Daily Mail reported, “Pope Francis has urged Poland’s leaders to ‘overcome fear’ and welcome desperate migrants fleeing conflict and hardship. In his first speech in the city of Krakow, at the start of his five-day visit to the country, the Pontiff said opening doors to migrants requires ‘great wisdom and compassion’. Francis chastised the right-wing Law and Justice government for refusing to share the burden during Europe’s worst refugee crisis since World War II.” (Source: Pope Francis slams Polish government and demands they admit more refugees who are fleeing the horrors of war Jake Polden, Daily Mail, 27 July 2016)

One might point out to the pontiff that if the goal is really to aid real Middle Eastern refugees, it is cheaper to help them in the Middle East than move them elsewhere. If your goal, however, is to transform Europe (and America) then it would be logical to import Middle Eastern refugees.

According to the Daily Mail, “Fears run deep in the strongly Catholic nation that Muslim refugees could endanger its security and erode its Christian traditions.” Well, duh.

And the Mail reported this profound quote from Pope Francis, which ought to rank up there with the sayings of the great doctors of the church: “In Poland, the Pope declared that ‘We must not be afraid to say the truth, the world is at war because it has lost peace.’

Pope Francis followed that up with this little gem: “When I speak of war I speak of wars over interests, money, resources, not religion. All religions want peace, it’s the others who want war.”

The Pope said that “Needed is a spirit of readiness to welcome those fleeing from wars and hunger, and solidarity with those deprived of their fundamental rights, including the right to profess one’s faith in freedom and safety.”

Once again, true Middle Eastern refugees can be helped in the region. There’s no need to bring them to Europe. And, when you Islamicize a society, then “the right to profess one’s faith in freedom and safety” is in danger. If Pope Francis really supports religious freedom, he ought to be aware of that.

Poland’s President Andrzej Duda, according to the Daily Mail article, “did appear to signal a softening of Warsaw’s stance following closed-door talks with the Pope”. Duda said that “If someone wants to come here, especially if they are a refugee, fleeing war to save their life, we will of course accept them.” Well, I hope President Duda isn’t planning to go full Merkel over this.

Coincidentally, The Daily Mail also reported that on July 25th, Polish authorities had “charged an Iraqi man…with possessing trace amounts of explosive material.”

Consider that, out of a total population of over 38 million, Poland has an estimated 31,000 Muslims, with about two-thirds of them of the Lipka Tatar ethnicity which has resided there for centuries and is well-integrated.

So how prudent is it for Poland to start bringing in hordes of “refugees”?

On the 31st of July, Pope Francis spoke to a mass rally of 1.5 million youth. As the Associated Press reports, “Pope Francis told young people who flocked by the hundreds of thousands to his words Sunday that they need to ‘believe in a new humanity’ stronger than evil, and cautioned against concluding that one religion is more violent than others.” (Source: POPE TO YOUNG ON POLAND TRIP: BELIEVE ‘IN A NEW HUMANITY’ Frances D’Emilio, Associated Press, 31 July, 2016)

That sounds more like New Age mumbo jumbo than traditional Catholic doctrine. Indeed, in that speech Francis started to sound more like John Lennon than St. John.

Quote the Pope, “People may judge you to be dreamers, because you believe in a new humanity, one that rejects hatred between peoples, one that refuses to see borders as barriers and can cherish its own traditions without being self-centered or small-minded.”

Actually, Pope Francis, borders are by definition barriers.

According to the AP, Francis went “…to a church in Krakow, where he prayed that God protect the world from the ‘devastating wave’ of terrorism.”

So Francis prays for protection from terrorism while he urges Europeans to bring in more Muslims?

On the way back to the Vatican, some reporters on the plane tried to put him on the spot.

As reported by the AP, “Flying back to Rome Sunday night from Krakow, [Pope Francis] was asked by reporters why he has never used the word ‘Islam’ when denouncing terrorist attacks. Francis said he thinks ‘it’s not right to identify Islam with violence.’ He added that every religion has its “little group of fundamentalists.'” He said that if he speaks of violent Islam, he’d have to speak of violent Catholicism, since Catholics kill, too. [See A.W. Morgan’s excellent refutation of that argument here.] Referring to Isis, also known as Islamic State group, Francis said it ‘presents itself with its violent identity card, but it’s not Islam.’ ”

The Caliph of the Islamic State, Abu Bakr al -Baghdadi, reportedly has a PhD in the study of the Koran, the source book of Islamic doctrine. But we’re to believe that Pope Francis knows more about Islam than Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi?

Although Francis tells Europeans how they need to open the floodgates to Middle Eastern Muslims, the Pope himself has very good security while traveling.

According to the AP, “When the pope travels, a corps of Vatican bodyguards travels with him, running alongside his popemobile or scrutinizing crowds along the route. At Sunday’s Mass, several Polish police vans followed the pope’s open-sided popemobile as he rode through the wide flat meadow in the middle of hundreds of thousands of pilgrims. Motorcycle police rode close to metal barriers keeping the crowd away.”

Wait a minute Francis, what about that “new humanity” you were lecturing the young Poles about? What about that “refusing to see borders as barriers”? You actually had a barrier between yourself and the friendly crowd you were talking to!

Surely all European Catholic clergy can’t be living in La La land like Pope Francis?

Well, no, they aren’t. In fact, that previously-cited Daily Mail article reported that “Christopher Lamb in Catholic weekly newspaper The Tablet added that many of Poland’s bishops are ‘at odds with the direction of his papacy.’ “

Several days after Pope Francis’ Polish trip, Gyula Marfi, Archbishop of Veszprem in Hungary, was interviewed, revealing a European Catholic clergymen whose view of Islam is radically different from that of the Pope.

Archbishop Marfi asserted that the Muslims’ “will to conquer” is a key factor in the current influx into Europe. (Source: Archbishop Warns Europe Migration Crisis Fueled by Muslims’ ‘Will to Conquer’ Thomas D. Williams, PhD., Breitbart, Aug. 3, 2016)

Archbishop Marfi was even asked about the Pope’s approach, and he said that the Pope didn’t criticize Islam so as not to endanger Christians in the Middle East. There might be something to that. But Pope Francis’ comments go beyond not criticizing Islam. The current pontiff goes out of his way to justify Islam and its invasion of Europe, suggesting there is something else going on there.

Anyway, Archbishop Marfi’s comments displayed understanding of the topic and a loyalty to Christendom and Western Civilization.

Some relevant comments by the Archbishop:

Migration Cause and Purpose “Migration does not only have causes, it also has a purpose such as the destabilization of Europe and the Euro.”

Jihad and Shariah – “Jihad is a principle for Muslims that means they must expand.The earth must become dar al-Islam, that is, Islamic territory, by introducing Shariah—Islamic law.”

On Muslim Morality: “I have never dishonored the Muslims but their morals are completely different from ours. What for us is a sin, for them is a virtue.”

Christian Love – “…just because we love the wolves, as God’s creatures, doesn’t mean we let them enter among the sheep, even if they come in sheep’s clothing…Jesus told us to be as gentle as doves, but also as astute as serpents.”

Archbishop Marfi has a good understanding of the situation and when it comes to the “refugee” question, it would be more advantageous for Europeans to listen to the Archbishop than the Pope.

© 2016 Allan Wall – All Rights Reserved

Growing disaster of our multicultural society

Over the weekend, Milwaukee, Wisconsin exploded in flames when police chased and shot a black, armed suspect who fled the scene.

“Shortly after stopping the vehicle, both occupants fled on foot, one armed with a semi-automatic handgun. Officers pursued the suspects and shot one in a yard in the same area, according to police. ‘The man was shot in the chest and the arm.’” (Milwaukee, , August 14, 2016)

In response to the shooting, over two hundred black youths set fire to a liquor and grocery store. They shot at police cars that arrived on the scene. By midnight, looters broke into Harris Bank and set it afire.

Ironically, the 23-year-old Milwaukee man who died at the scene sported a lengthy arrest record. Police discovered that he stole the weapon from a Waukesha store along with 500 rounds of ammunition.

Nonetheless, black youth set fire to buildings and looted them. Today, whether in Baton Rouge or Dallas, police become the targets of anarchy and assassins on the streets of any city in America. Poignantly, black neighborhoods suffer the most crime as well as fatherless babies, in fact, 3 out of 4 African-American children enter this world without fathers. But, when a black man flees police offers and suffers consequences, the rest of the black community riots, burns and blames. It’s a “Catch 22” for everyone.

Additionally this weekend, on the streets of Queens, New York, a gunman executed Imam Maulama Akonjee, 55, who moved to the city from Bangladesh two years ago. While walking away from their mosque, his unlucky companion suffered a second bullet to the back of his head.

Two weeks ago in London, England, a 19-year-old Muslim following the Qur’an’s dictates of violence, knifed an American woman to death as well as several other people walking down the street. Hundreds of these events occur throughout Europe weekly from rapes to accosting people. A carload of Muslims used a bullhorn to scream outside a Christian church this past week, “Allah Akbar.”

Father Josiah Trenham mentioned “intimidation” to the parishioners of St. Andrew Orthodox Church, Riverside, California and he was quite right: Islamic supremacists and jihadists routinely traffic in intimidation. That’s based on a Qur’anic command: “And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know, whom Allah knows” (Qur’an 8:60).

Whether you look at Orlando, Boston Marathon, San Bernardino, Fort Hood, Chattanooga, 9/11, Chicago, Queens or any of the growing acts of anarchy across the American landscape—one item becomes abundantly clear: multiculturalism threatens the existence of our society.

British speaker Pat Condell said it best:

Amazingly, Condell speaks simple facts. You watch Europe being eaten alive by Muslims. The violence continues at breakneck speed.

Yet, Hillary and all of Congress continue importing 100,000 legal immigrant refugees every 30 days. At some point, they won’t be able to keep the rioting and burning away from their own gated communities.

This quote proves itself the most compelling of our time:

Journalist Daniel Greenfield wrote, “When you turn on the evening news and see a running death toll, it’s happening more and more often. The new brand of Islamic terror only needs one thing… Muslims. Lone wolf terrorism operates off the existing Muslim population in a particular country. The bigger the Muslim population, the bigger the risk. The FBI or other law enforcement agencies cannot monitor even a fraction of the Islamic settler population sympathetic to terror. As the Muslim settler population in the country increases, the number of cases will grow.” (Source: Right Side News, Stop Lone Wolf Terrorism by Ending Muslim Immigration, August 2, 2016)

Where will the next Orlando event occur? The next San Bernardino event? The next Boston Marathon event?

The more Muslims we add into the American multicultural chaos, all of us face airport bombings, mass shootings, rapes, intimidation and more ominous chaos when they target our electrical grid. Once they gain enough power and numbers to destroy our electrical grid, we face incredible societal collapse.

Don’t think they aren’t planning it, either. Muslims remain the most violent, determined and committed barbarians on this planet. Unfortunately, we swallowed the Muslim virus starting with 1990 when Congress began importing them by the millions, and now they spread among us like a modern day rendition of the Ebola and Bubonic plague.

Because we no longer remain “one” people, we face fragmentation and fracturing of our society worsened every year via more legal and illegal immigration.

If you don’t want a Paris, France or San Bernardino event in your community, it’s time to call for a total “Immigration Shutdown Now.”

Call your senators and House rep: 1-202-224-3121. Demand a stop to all immigration and stop to any Syrian immigration.

Definition of slogan: “Immigration Shutdown Now means the American people want a total shutdown on all legal and illegal immigration. That means we want all illegal immigration stopped by arresting, prosecuting and jailing employers of illegal aliens. We deport all illegal aliens by taking their jobs away and as we catch them. We want English mandated as our national language. We demand a cessation of Muslim immigration in order to protect our culture, language and way of life. We can’t save the world but we can destroy our civilization. We demand a stable population that allows everyone to live, work and thrive into the 21st century. Especially our children.” FHW

That’s why you need to take action. Send this series to everyone in your network. Educate them. Urge them to take action by joining these websites to become faxers of prewritten letters and phone callers. We must force Congress into an “Immigration Shutdown Now!

Share these videos all over America: ; ; ; ;

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five minutes to see for yourself.

“Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck
This 10 minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

America: ; ; ;
United Kingdom:
Australia: Sustainable Population Australia

© 2016 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

Obsession with bible prophecy: devil loves it

Christians of all stripes and persuasions believe in the return of Christ, nuances of prophetic interpretation notwithstanding. Furthermore, personal interpretations of prophecy are NOT fundamental to our salvation or our service to God. One will find faithful and unfaithful believers at every point along the prophecy spectrum.

That said, after more than four decades of pastoring, it is my firm conviction that the obsession with Bible prophecy demonstrated by a host of professing Christians today is one of our country’s BIGGEST problems. On the whole, obsession with prophecy either takes those obsessed completely out of the freedom fight or it actually puts them on the side of those who are trying to usurp our liberties.

For some (especially those who believe in a “pre-tribulation Rapture”), prophecy has mostly turned them into indifferent, apathetic facilitators of tyranny. They say things like “This is all predicted in the Bible, so there’s nothing we can do about it” or “Jesus is coming soon, and I won’t be around to see it, so I’m not worrying about it” or “Since this is all part of prophecy, we should not even try to resist, because to resist is to interfere with God” and similar nonsensical, asinine statements.

Others see all kinds of self-interpreted “signs” proving whatever they WANT to believe in order to convince people that their prophetic predilections are superior to everyone else’s for the purpose of exalting their own hyperinflated, super-spiritual egos. In other words, these particular folks are living in their own self-created fantasy world that renders them absolutely worthless–or even detrimental–to the freedom fight.

Still others are so jaded in their prophetic infatuation with the modern state of Israel that they interpret everything through the dark lenses of misguided obfuscation to the point that they are unable to see events clearly and accurately, which makes them prone to the manipulations of Neocons and other enemies of freedom.

People have been interpreting Bible prophecy to suit their own fancies for over 2,000 years. The fact is, no one knows exactly how and when the events surrounding Christ’s return will take place. NO ONE. I don’t care how “smart” and “knowledgeable” they think they are on the subject. THEY DON’T KNOW.

But in the meantime, their inflated opinions of their own brilliance mostly serve to make them totally indifferent to the loss of liberty or even actively supportive of the forces that are trying to usurp our God-given liberties. Either way, freedom loses.

The first question the disciples asked our Lord after His resurrection from the dead concerned prophecy: “When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?” (Acts 1:6)

Look carefully at Christ’s response to them: “It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.” (Acts 1:7)

Did you get that? “IT IS NOT FOR YOU TO KNOW.”

Students of the scriptures have been studying “end time” prophecies since the completion of the canon of Scripture. And the interpretations have been, and still are, as varied as the people proffering them.

We could assemble the most brilliant apologists in the world for the various interpretations of Bible prophecy and let them present the reasons for their interpretations and each of them would be able to present a very coherent and convincing scriptural case for their position. And the fact is, the best any of them would be doing would be making a studied, educated GUESS at how it all MIGHT happen.

Come on! Get real, folks! Some of the smartest men of history have been making educated guesses regarding the return of Christ since the Apostle John finished writing the Book of The Revelation. Date setters have come and gone–along with the dates they set–for 2,000 years. And the educated guessers of today are no smarter than they were then.

Jesus wasn’t kidding around when He told the disciples (and us), “IT IS NOT FOR YOU TO KNOW.” The one thing that He did want us to know is that it is our duty to “Occupy till I come.” (Luke 19:13) Therefore, until Christ comes (whenever that is), we are to “occupy” or “take care of business.”

Regardless of one’s private interpretation of prophecy, our duty as Christians is the same: we are to take care of business. We are to tend to our family business, our vocational business, our spiritual business, our community business, our national business, etc. Until He comes, we have a divine mandate to “take care of business.”

Premillennial. Postmillennial. Amillennial. Pre-tribulation. Mid-tribulation. Post-tribulation. Complete Rapture. Partial Rapture. No Rapture. Dispensationalist. Preterist. When it comes to our duty to “take care of business,” IT DOESN’T MATTER. We all have the same duty.

Unfortunately, the preoccupation and obsession with Bible prophecy has diverted people’s attention away from the business at hand. So many, many Christians have become so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good. And pastors and preachers are mostly to blame. They spiritualize everything to the point that they have rendered the scriptures of NO practical relevance whatsoever.

Talk to the average Christian about his or her duty to their country, and they immediately zone out into a trance and start regurgitating hackneyed clichés about how “God is in control” and we are not supposed to be concerned about it because it’s not a “spiritual” issue or how they are going to be “raptured” to heaven and escape all of the bad stuff, etc. Furthermore, to the average pastor, duty to country amounts to nothing more than some nonsensical drivel about mindless submission to government. It seems to most pastors (well, American pastors anyway) government is GOD. Romans 13 is the only Scripture they know to cite–and they grossly misinterpret it to boot. To most pastors, the stories of Daniel, the three Hebrew children, the judges of Israel, David and Saul, Christ and the Pharisees, the early church and the Judaizers, etc., are of NO practical consequence to life today.

It was for this reason that my constitutional attorney son and I wrote our book, “Romans 13: The True Meaning Of Submission.” The fallacious interpretation of Romans 13 is turning once courageous, freedom-loving Christian men and women into sheepish slaves of the state. Without a doubt, Romans 13 is one of the most misinterpreted passages of Scripture in the Bible. I urge readers to order our book.

Order “Romans 13: The True Meaning Of Submission.”

I challenge you to press your pastor with this question: “Were America’s Founding Fathers scripturally justified in rebelling against the British Crown?” Come on! I dare you to press your pastor for an answer to that question. You might be shocked at just how many pastors actually believe our Founding Fathers sinned by rebelling against the government of Great Britain.

Yet in pulpits all over America, pastors lead their churches in celebrating Independence Day on or around each July 4th. They wave the flag, sing patriotic songs, and get up and talk about how thankful they are to live in a free nation. But wait a minute! This country they are celebrating is a nation birthed in rebellion. If these pastors believe our founders were unjustified before God in fighting that war for independence, how dare they turn around and celebrate the victory of an act that they claim to find sinful? Talk about hypocrisy!

It is little wonder why Christians are among the highest percentage of people in the country who don’t vote; why Christians are among the biggest cheerleaders for America’s incessant wars of aggression overseas; why Christians are among the largest percentage of viewers of the mainstream propaganda media (especially FOX News); and why Christians (at least Christians in the United States) are among the most gullible and easily duped people by Neocons and Zionists on the planet. (Can anyone say G. W. Bush, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, and Ted Cruz?)

And guess what the most consistent common denominator is for all of the above? You guessed it: Bible prophecy. It is no hyperbole to suggest that the more people obsess over Bible prophecy, the more the devil likes it. Why? Because for the most part the obsession and preoccupation with Bible prophecy takes a majority of Christians completely out of the freedom fight. On the whole, churches stopped being the “salt of the earth” decades ago. If you want a freedom fighter in the foxhole with you, you will largely need to look somewhere besides the average pastor and church.

I would dare say that the subject of prophecy takes up the greater percentage of all of the sermons, Bible conferences, books, videos, seminars, television and radio broadcasts, etc., in modern Christendom. And what has it done for us? What has it done for the church? What has it done for America? What has it done for the suffering saints across the globe? What has it done for a lost and dying world that desperately needs spiritual direction, leadership, and purpose in this life? NOTHING. Not a dad-blasted thing (as my father used to say). All it has done is rendered the church completely ineffective, indifferent, and impotent. Oh, yes, and conceited, arrogant, and proud.

Study prophecy all you want, but if doing so puts you on the wrong side of liberty, it only fulfills the purposes of Satan, not God.

P.S. Again, order our book “Romans 13: The True Meaning Of Submission.”

© 2016 Chuck Baldwin – All Rights Reserved

Can our 2016 election be rigged? you bet

Donald Trump has said publicly that he fears the next election will be rigged. Based both on technical capability and recent history, Trump’s concerns are not unfounded.

A recent study by Stanford University proved that Hillary Clinton’s campaign rigged the system to steal the nomination from Bernie Sanders.

What was done to Bernie Sanders in Wisconsin is stunning.

Why would the Clintons not cheat again?

The issue here is both voter fraud, which is limited but does happen, and election theft through the manipulation of the computerized voting machines, particularly the DIEBOLD/PES voting machines in wide usage in most states.

POLITICO profiled a Princeton professor – who has demonstrated how the electronic voting machines that are most widely used can be hacked in five minutes or less! Robert Fitrakis Professor of Political Science in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Department at Columbus State Community College has written a must-read book on the strip and flip technique sued to rig these machines. Professor Fitrakis is a Green Party activist.

A Computer hacker showed CBS how to vote multiple times using a simple $15.00 electronic device.

To be very clear both parties have engaged in this skullduggery and it is the party in power in each state that has custody of the machines and control of their programing. This year the results of machines in Pennsylvania, Virginia and Ohio where Governor John Kasich controls the machines must be matched with exit polls for example. Illinois is another obvious state where Trump has been running surprisingly strongly in what has become a Blue state. Does anyone trust Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a longtime Clinton hatchet man. not to monkey with the machines. I don’t. He was using City funded Community groups to recruit anti-Trump “protestors” who posed such a threat to public safety the Trump Chicago event was canceled when the Secret Service couldn’t guarantee his safety.

How do the pols of both parties do it. As easy as determining, on the basis of honest polling, who is going to win. Then, if it isn’t your candidate, simply have the votes for the other guy be given to your guy and vice versa. You keep the total vote the same. This is where the “strip and flip” technique described by Professor Fitrakis comes in.

Maybe you don’t need all the votes the other guy was going to get. If you have a plan in mind, involving votes and their redistribution, you can find a programmer who can design the machine instructions to produce that outcome. Or you can hack the machine you are voting in with that $15 device that you can get at BEST BUY.

Europe has rejected electronic voting machines because they are untrustworthy. This is not a secret. The media continues a drum beat insisting voter fraud is non existent without ever addressing the more ominous question of manipulation of the voting machines. It keeps those in control in control.

Additionally some states still use machines that include no paper trail. The ‘evidence” is destroyed. Florida’s machines have no paper trail in Bush v. Gore.

In Europe, they use exit polling to determine who won and lost. The tabulated vote only serves as a formal verification. But that is done with paper ballots and hand counts under supervision, the way we used to do it.

Here’s the recipe now:

(1) Publish a poll contrived to suggest the result you are going to bring about.
(2) Manipulate the machines to bring about precisely your desired outcome.

As someone with great sentimental attachment to the Republican Party as I joined as the party of Goldwater, both parties have engaged in voting machine manipulation. Nowhere in the country has this been more true than Wisconsin where there is irrefutable evidence that Scott Walker and the Reince Prebus machine rigged as many as five elections including the defeat of a Walker recall election.

Mathematician and voting statistic expert Richard Charnin has produced a compelling study by comparing polling to actual results and exit polls to make a compelling case for voting machine manipulation in the Badger state.

When the Trump vs. Cruz primary took place the same pattern emerged again of a Marquette University poll showing a 20 point shift from Trump ahead by 10% to Trump behind by 10%, which was simply absurd. Shifts like that don’t happen over brief intervals of time, absent a nuclear explosion. It didn’t make any sense—unless you knew what was going on was an “instant replay” of Walker’s victories. The machine Priebus bill was delivering for Cruz big time.

Today the polling industry has been reported to be “in a state of crisis” because they are altering their samples to favor Hillary. The Reuters poll actually got busted for oversampling Democrats in order to inflate Hillary’s lead. We even had the absurdity of a Gallup poll proclaiming that 51% of those who had heard Trump’s speech were less likely to vote for him, which was endlessly repeated by the shills at MSNBC.

I predicted that Trump would lead in the polls after his highly successful convention (despite the media frenzy over the non issue of a Melania Trump staffer plagiarizing a handful of words). In fact post convention polling for the Trump effort by Hillary hasn’t exactly had smooth sailing.

Julian Assange of Wikileaks said he had inconvertible proof that as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton armed Isis LINK. The IRS has opened an investigation to the Clinton Foundation and it’s many offshoots and Hillary got caught lying about what FBI director Comey did say.

But you will see less of Hillary’s problems in the mainstream media, which has gone completely overboard in its relentless, even hysterical, efforts to lambast Trump and promote Hillary. Every remotely objective commentator has been stunned. Trump will however have an opportunity to drive these points home in the debates.

We are now living in a fake reality of constructed data and phony polls. The computerized voting machines can be hacked and rigged and after the experience of Bernie Sanders there is no reason to believe they won’t be. Don’t be taken in.

[Editors Note. In order to wake up the population, we need to increase the hits to reach more people. Please use this material, and call into talk radio programs (like Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh) and mention on the air while discussing the content of this article, write letters to newspaper editors, and speak to your friends. Spread the word, and in doing so, we have a chance to save America.]

© 2016 Roger Stone – All Rights Reserved

Truth lies bleeding on the campus

For a nation to be ruled by witless bullies requires a witless population that is used to being bullied.

That’s where college comes in.

You’d think you’d be safe from abba-dabba crazy left-wing politics if you took a course in the history of art. But you couldn’t be more wrong.

At the University of Florida, an art history professor has forbidden her students, on pain of losing course credit, to speak or write the term “melting pot.” That term, of course, denotes the antiquated, racist, biggited, and totally un-hip vision of America as a place where people from all over the world come—to become Americans.

If you want to earn a degree at this citadel of idiocy, you must earn at least three credits in “Diversity” courses. You must also “support” each and every one of a long list of Academe’s favorite “groups,” from people who come here illegally, and even vote illegally, to men who say they’re women, women who say they’re men, and those who say they’re hamsters. Students are required to “support” all of them, if they want to graduate.

As the wacko professor explains it, “We support diversity, not sameness”! That’s why it’s so important for every human being on the campus to have exactly the same opinion—or else.

Is this gigantic hypocrisy something that academics have to learn—well, they’d better learn it, if they know what’s good for them—or is it hard-wired into their psychology? “Diversity” equals uniformity of opinion, strictly enforced. Their version of “diversity” is the very opposite of what you’ll find in any dictionary.

Well, all right, that’s art history for you. Surely the students must be safe from this if they major in any of the sciences.

No such luck.

Some months ago, our glorious government doled out more than $400,000 of defenseless taxpayers’ money to another nutty professor in Oregon for a paper he wrote urging scientists to adopt “a feminist political ecology and feminist postcolonial approach” to… the study of glaciers. Yes, said the professor, to rightly understand how glaciers work, we must explore “the connection between gender and glaciers.”

Does that make any sense to you? Heaven help you if it does.

We wait breathlessly for the day when a “Diversity curriculum” will be applied to the study of physics. We may then be treated to such glittering jewels of pure, pristine humbug as:

“There are no laws of physics; there are only social and political constructs.” Like gravity, for instance.

“You can be a proton one day and an electron the next, depending on how you feel.”

“E=mc-squared is only a hateful colonial relic of White Privilege.”

“Black physics matters!” Maybe even more than feminist physics.

Just try sending a rocket to the moon with that kind of twaddle in your head.

Google will give me a black eye, or a red flag, for saying this, but I’ll say it anyway.

The function of our university system is to turn students into idle lackwits who can easily be ruled by villains, thieves, and ninnies. Terrified of saying, doing, or even thinking anything that might transgress against the dogma of Diversity, the college graduates, weighed down by ignorance and “knowledge” of things that aren’t so, will tamely go wherever their all-wise leaders choose to herd them. They will have learned to be incapable of any kind of opposition.

Truth lies bleeding on the campus, left for dead, and students and faculty, pretending not to see it, not even daring to look at it, tiptoe around the body as if it weren’t there.

Nothing good can come of this; and nothing will.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog,, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Trump is right, election can be rigged and vote fraud is real

It is a sign of the times that the absence of meaningful ID requirements in many states leaves our voting process vulnerable to fraud and allows legal votes to be cancelled out by illegally cast ballots. —Virgil Goode

It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. —Joseph Stalin

Remember the Deal

Voter Fraud, Thank Howard Baker.

In 1982, Republican Senator Howard Baker of Tennessee, entered into an agreement with Democrat and former Klansman, Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia. The agreement they made, in effect, barred Republicans from pursuing suspected cases of voter fraud without first getting a federal court’s approval. This agreement is good until December 1, 2017. I highly doubt that some leader won’t extend this insane arrangement for another 35 years.

Take note! Fortunately, this agreement does not bind GOP state committees. 

Nehlen v. Ryan Primary

Absolutely voter fraud does exist. Look at the recent primary in Wisconsin where Paul Nehlen was leading at 49% to Ryan’s 41%. Paul Ryan had tanked! Yet, we end up with Paul Ryan again, and with 76% of the vote. Something is definitely rotten in Denmark! Here is the Wisconsin approved voting equipment.

Yes, Virginia, Vote Fraud Exists

Roger Stone said the following on the Milo Yiannopoulos show:

I think we all know, that in this day and age, a computer can do anything. These voter machines are essentially a computer. Who is to say they could not be rigged?” asked Roger Stone on the topic of voter fraud.

“There’s a mathematician called Richard Charnin, a very eccentric fellow. Last time I met him he was wearing a ski jacket in 90-degree weather, he’s one of those. He’s also brilliant.”

“He’s a retired mathematician and he’s a genius. He’s written an extensive monograph on how every election in the state of Wisconsin (think Nehlen v. Ryan) in the last decade has been stolen, and you figure this out by comparing the polling, on a district by district basis, to the results, and then you’ll find a swing that is mathematically impossible,” Stone claimed. “In other words, you were losing a given precinct by four points, and then you’ll win it by twelve. Such a swing is unlikely to say the least.”

“The elections are rigged for one entity or another. So, who are the perpetrators? The perpetrators are the people who manufacture and sell these machines. The most common electronic voting machine, which is really just a computer, is a company called Diebold,” Stone replied.

Diebold’s top executives and owners of the company are major donors to the Bush’s. Is this a major factor on how George W. Bush quite improbably beat John Kerry?” 

“I think we have widespread voter fraud, but the first thing that Trump needs to do is begin talking about it constantly,” Stone said. “He needs to say for example, ‘I am leading in Florida. The polls all show it. If I lose Florida, we will know that there’s voter fraud. If there’s voter fraud, this election will be illegitimate, the election of the winner will be illegitimate, we will have a constitutional crisis, widespread civil disobedience, and the government will no longer be the government.’”

“If you can’t have an honest election, nothing else counts,” he continued. “I think he’s gotta put them on notice that their inauguration will be a rhetorical, and when I mean civil disobedience, not violence, but it will be a bloodbath. The government will be shut down if they attempt to steal this and swear Hillary in. No, we will not stand for it. We will not stand for it.”

Check out Roger’s latest article in The Hill, Can the 2016 Election be Rigged? You Bet

Hacking the Machines

A ragtag group of obsessive tech experts is warning that stealing the ultimate prize—victory on Nov. 8—would be child’s play in the article, How to Hack an Election in Seven Minutes.

We know there will be a strong attempt to steal this election. As we’ve seen with both parties in this race, they are determined to keep the globalists in power, and will use any means to do just that. The following eight-minute video clarifies how very easily an election can be stolen. I strongly urge you to watch it.

Diebold accused this gentleman of foolishness, and apparent negligence, insisting that only authorized persons should test their systems for security. They said that the hack was equivalent to leaving your car unlocked, with the windows down and the keys left in the ignition.

However, scientists at Berkeley University confirmed the findings on this video. In fact, they discovered 16 further security flaws in Diebold’s touch screen machines. Diebold claims they’ve updated their software to make it even more secure. They also insist that their electronic voting systems are more accurate than their predecessors. But we must ask, “Why can votes be altered without leaving a trace?”

The Diebold Machine Fraud

An article in Politico states,


Unfortunately, what Mr. Trump doesn’t understand is that most of the fraud is perpetrated by the voting machines themselves, and he had better be talking about it.

Despite many groups like True the vote, Judicial Watch, Defend the Vote, Show ID to Vote, and many others who work to allow only registered legal voters into the voting booths, these groups do nothing to validate that the machines are not programmed to spew out false results. The worst culprit machines are Diebold, and Diebold controls 40% of America’s precincts, and again, they are major donors to the globalist Bush’s. 

Election observers are fine, but how do they know anything about the inner workings of the machines, and who has programmed them? In the documentary, Hacking Democracy, which I strongly urge everyone to watch, it shows how easily it is for programmers to put malicious software into the computer that adds up the votes. Unfortunately, we do not have anyone who actually checks the validity of the very computers who tally our votes. How do we know the votes are even counted correctly by that same computer? This documentary states:

Inside the voting machine, there is not a person taking dictation as to our votes, but there are lots of people involved in writing the software, and lots of people who could have touched the software before it went into the machine. If one of those people put something malicious in the software, and it’s distributed to all the machines, then that one person could be responsible for the change of tens of thousands of votes, maybe even hundreds of thousands across the country. That’s a very dangerous situation.

It is a secret how these voting machines actually work. The companies that make them keep it a secret. None of the computer scientists felt they could even look at the code, because the code was supposed to be a secret. The certification labs who examine it keep their process a secret of what they do. Even the election officials who buy the equipment are prohibited by their contract from ever looking to see how it works.


Hacking Democracy” has been broadcast many times on HBO, exposing the dangers of the voting machines used in America’s mid-term and presidential elections. Electronic voting machines count almost 100% of America’s votes in county, state and federal elections. The Diebold voting machines and their hackable software are still used today in twenty-seven states. The security holes and complete lack of transparency still pose an extraordinary risk to US elections.

Election officials need to be more demanding of the vendors as to the technical specifications of this equipment. The vendors are driving the process of voting technology in the United States. It would be far better if citizens were to select technology that satisfies their needs.

Unfortunately, Donald J. Trump can hire thousands of observers for each polling place, but they will never see the real fraud being perpetrated by the very machines which count the votes.

It is up to all of us to flood the polls this November, and to constantly talk about the fraud which has been proven over and over again with these Diebold machines. As always, our politicians will do nothing. We simply must demand that citizens select the technology we want, and without computerized machines, and it is mandatory that Trump supporters get to the polls in droves.

Roger Stone’s best advice, “The single best thing that the Trump people can do is to register a million new voters in the ten swing States. What I would do is take the margin by which Romney lost, double it. That would be my target for new registration.”

Welcome to the cushy congressional boys and girls club

“The only difference between death and taxes is that death doesn’t get worse every time the Congress meets.” -Will Rogers

Article I, Section 1 of the U. S. Constitution

“All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”

“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.” Alexis de Tocquerville

Of the 435 House members and 100 Senate members of Congress, more than half are millionaires. Many Congressmen and Senators start out in political life with middle class incomes but leave Congress as millionaires. When they leave Congress they can command obscene speaking fees. Most of the rest of us do not have that kind of access to where the “money” flows.

The legal profession is also well represented in Congress. As of 2015, 160 House members and 53 Senate members are lawyers. Perhaps that explains why medical tort reform is so difficult to pass.

Then there are the very lucrative salaries. The Speaker of the House makes $223,500 per year. House majority and minority leaders make $193,400 per year. Your run-of-the mill House and Senate members take in $174,000. On top of that, throw in their healthy per diem and expense accounts and junkets to foreign lands, paid by the taxpayer. The best number we could find for total appropriations to pay for Congressional salaries and benefits was $4.1 Billion in 2014. Are they worth $4.1 Billion? We’ll let the reader decide.

Congressmen and Senators receive retirement benefits under the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) through a formula depending on years of service and the last three year’s salary. A full pension is available to Members 62 years old and older with five years of service. It is also available to any Member at any age with 25 years of service. For 32 years of service a Member can earn a pension up to $139,000 per year. It is no wonder that Congressmen and Senators work so hard to get re-elected.

House and Senate Members do not participate in Obama Care. They have their own medical benefits through private insurance that also insures other federal workers, with little to no deductibles and small co-pays. The government, that’s you and me, pay 72% of their health insurance premiums.

In contrast, the middle class worker is subjected to rising premiums under Obama Care, along with high deductibles and significant co-pays. The out-of-pocket expenses under Obama Care are so high that the average individual essentially self-insures their health care, while their high premiums pay for everyone who can’t seem to afford health care. Today, there are too many people in the “wagon” and too few people pulling the “wagon.”

Senators and Congressmen and women don’t care about the debates they hold or the bills they pass, just so long as they can sit in their ivory towers of power, rule over the masses and suck up the unbelievable benefits that accrue to being a “politician.” They don’t really care if their party is in the majority as long as they can stand on the floor and put up the charade of acting like “representatives of the people.” They spend half of their time while in Congress going across the street to a phone bank center and dialing for dollars to cover the cost of their re-election. The majority and minority leaders demand this fund-raising activity. It is a “requirement of employment.” Would you pay a full day’s salary for a person who only worked half a day?

Even with their fund-raising efforts, Congressmen and Senators cannot get elected without the votes. They need the money for advertising and getting their message out, but they need something else to put them over the top. They have to buy votes using the public treasury. The Democrats discovered this over 100 years ago with the rise of the Progressive Movement and that has propelled the Democrats into having a virtual monopoly over the majority of votes in America.

The Democrats purposely engineered the one-man, one-vote concept that was upheld by a liberal U. S. Supreme Court. That decision turned America into a Democracy, ruled by the mob, rather than the Constitutional Republic the Founders intended it to be. The one-man, one-vote principle is also why the Democrats vehemently oppose voter ID laws.

Buying votes is why the U. S. debt has skyrocketed to almost $20,000,000,000,000. Obama, in his 8 years of expanding the welfare state, has nearly doubled the debt. If Hillary becomes President, watch the debt skyrocket even more. The General Accounting Office reported that no matter who becomes President in 2016, the debt will increase to $33,000,000,000,000 (that’s Trillion) by 2026 if America stays on its present course. That un-payable debt is a result of Congress, mostly Democrats, making promises of money and benefits to millions of Americans, paid for by a shrinking number of working Americans.

Then there is the lobbying of Congress. In 2014 it was reported that there were 12,281 registered lobbyists in DC. But some estimates put the number closer to 100,000 as lobbyists use increasingly sophisticated strategies to obscure their activities. Lobbying in the federal capitol is a $9 Billion dollar annual industry. $2.6 Billion of that $9 Billion is spent to influence what happens in Congress. Now there are strict rules and reporting procedures for lobbyists. But in a corrupt system there are many ways for the lobbyists to get around those rules, for the benefit of the politicians the lobbyists attempt to influence. Multi-national corporations are the biggest lobbyists and that is how America got trade deals that shoveled millions of American manufacturing jobs offshore.

Washington DC has the infamous distinction of being surrounded by the richest counties in America. It would be ludicrous to believe that those riches came from the politician’s salary.

As alleged representatives of the people, what do these ruling-class elite do for their salary and benefits? Very little and many of them are hopelessly corrupt.

Here is an example of the corruption that goes on in the U. S. Congress every day. That’s every day! Senator Rand Paul gets up on the Floor of the Senate and describes Senate corruption in detail. See his damning testimony at the following link. Then listen to former Senator Jim DeMint at this link, where he accuses the Senate of passing 94% of its bills in secret. 94% mind you ….. in secret! We can’t be a country controlled by the rule of law, if the lawmakers won’t follow the rules ….. much less the law, or pass laws that are so large and so complex that no one can understand or interpret them, except obscenely high paid lawyers. That is corruption on a grand scale and can only lead to enslavement of the people.

“It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man who knows what the law is today can guess what it will be tomorrow.” -James Madison, Federalist No. 62, 1788

Political corruption is not a new phenomenon. It started when man invented politics, some 5,000 years ago. There always has been political corruption and there will always be political corruption because the propensity towards corruption is a human failing, especially for those who hold political power over the masses, or control over large sums of money. The only thing that holds corruption in check is the people. If the people don’t care and will not hold those that govern them accountable, political corruption grows and becomes institutionalized, just like it is now in America and has been in Europe for centuries. The inescapable truth is, freedom cannot co-exist with political corruption.

One of the protections against corruption was the fourth estate, or a free press, imbued with strong journalistic ethics and unbiased objectivity. It follows then that if the press is corrupt or biased in its reporting, as it is today, the people will not be properly informed of political corruption and the corruption will flourish in the darkness of ignorance that no light can penetrate.

The evidence of political corruption in the mainstream news media is not hidden any more. The bias towards and for anything Progressive or liberal is blatant and notorious. Every day we are drowned in Trump missteps but the coverage of Hillary’s corruption is glossed over, ignored, or under reported.

The same is true for the U. S. Congress. Congressional Democrats recently shot down sanctions for sanctuary cities and “Kate’s Law.’ Why? How can the Democrats be against punishing sanctuary cities for openly violating federal law and be against “Kate’s Law” that punishes deported criminal illegal aliens guilty of aggravated felonies with five-year mandatory sentences? Why hasn’t the press highlighted the duplicity of the Democrats in this open defiance of good and reasonable law? The answer is all too obvious.

Consequently, ladies and gentlemen, unless corruption can be controlled in politics, business, or the individual lives of the people, any peaceful attempts to preserve freedom will be fruitless. Only the people can control political corruption. If the people are corrupt, or are without honor, or don’t care, controlling corruption becomes impossible and thus freedom becomes a far-off shimmering mirage that can never be reached.

But then these are just words. Without action, the words are meaningless. Unfortunately, things aren’t bad enough in America for people to get active in trying to restore it. They don’t see what is happening behind the curtain and most don’t care. By the time they do care, it will be too late.

Right now, all there is out there is “talk” and “words” and lamenting on how bad it is. But no one will lift a finger to change it, even if they knew what to do. Perhaps it is just too big to change. What we are certain of is that the destruction of America is too far gone and has become too corrupt for peaceful means to alter its course. We have reached the point where the Colonials stood in 1776. Only violence will restore freedom, if freedom is to be preserved. All this stuff about presidential elections and representatives of the people are just a smoke screen to cover up the corruption and dupe the people into thinking we are still free and still living in a representative Democracy.

America has always been in a state of torment and turmoil from its beginnings. But the shift towards mob Democracy and socialism and away from a Constitutional Republic started in the early part of the 20th Century under the banner of Progressivism when: “Congress discovered it could bribe the public with the public’s money and tax them heavily using the IRS to pay for the bribes.” Now Congress not only bribes the people with the public money for their votes, but they lie to and deceive the public to cover up their corruption, leaving representative government lying dead and emaciated, face down on the ground.

In fact, the people of America are on a train gaining speed on a long, long straight track. Everything is comfortable on the train and the people are content and happy for the most part. But what the people on the train can’t see is the sharp curve at the end of the long straight stretch.

The “engineers” (Congress) know the sharp curve is there, but will do nothing to prevent the calamity. As it stands right now, no one is slowing down the train. There is no way the train can make it through the curve without crashing. At the crash, the American Republic will die and an Absolute Democrat Monarchy, or a dictatorship will take its place.

Bow to her majesty Queen Hillary, princess Chelsea, heir to the throne and the Duke of Debauchery, Prince William Jefferson Clinton!

A new royal kingdom under a Clinton Dynasty is a fitting end to a nation where most of the people became dependent on government and got to vote to maintain their dependency, rather than becoming independent, self-reliant, responsible individuals who cherished and preserved freedom.

[NOTE: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

© 2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved

Executive orders: attempting to out gun americans

“Our government rests in public opinion. Whoever can change public opinion, can change the government.” –Abraham Lincoln

From Hillary Clinton deliberately and blatantly lying about running guns to Syria to Barack Hussein Obama running guns to Mexican drug lords through “Fast and Furious,” both having be found aiding and abetting the enemies of America (which is nothing short of treason). You would think that the American people would be well aware of the pill that is in the jam when it comes to this criminal administration’s lawless executive orders (Psalm 12:8).

Furthermore, we now find that there are more government bureaucrats with guns than U.S. Marines, as well as government now targeting gunsmiths with enormous fees in latest gun prohibition measure.

Barack Hussein Obama, along with his incompetent outlaws, has set his sights on law-abiding gun owners in an attempt to “infringe” upon rights (Amendment 2 Bill of Rights) during his last year of his incumbency. He is doing this with permission from the American people in violation of the law. [YouTube Video]

As a matter of fact, he wants to put forward more unconstitutional executive orders to accomplish this. How does that work? Sway the public opinion by playing the emotions to policy rather than principles to the law (Ephesians 4:14). [YouTube Video]

Understand that The Declaration of Independence underlies the Constitution. It holds that the rights of the people come from God and that the powers of the government come from the people (Exodus 18:21). This is, in fact, the reason that this government is at war with God and His people (Revelation 12:17).

Executive orders are defined:

United States Presidents issue executive orders to help officers and agencies of the executive branch manage the operations within the federal government itself. Executive orders have the full force of law (Enumerated laws found within the United States Constitution) when they take authority from a legislative power which grants its power directly to the Executive by the Constitution, or are made pursuant to Acts of Congress (The representatives of the American people) that explicitly delegate to the President some degree of discretionary power (delegated legislation).[1] Like both legislative statutes and regulations promulgated by government agencies, executive orders are subject to judicial review (Not by them that want to interpret what common sense laws state. Nor are judges there to judge the standard by which they are judged by), and may be struck down if deemed by the courts to be unsupported by statute or the Constitution.

There is NO constitutional provision nor statute that explicitly permits executive orders. The term executive power Article II, Section 1, Clause 1 of the Constitution, refers to the title of President as the executive. He is instructed therein by the declaration “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed” made in Article II, Section 3, Clause 5 or face impeachment. Most executive orders use these Constitutional reasonings as the authorization allowing for their issuance to be justified as part of the President’s sworn duties,[2] the intent being to help direct officers of the U.S. Executive carry out their delegated duties as well as the normal operations of the federal government: the consequence of failing to comply possibly being the removal from office.

An executive order of the president must find support in the Constitution, either in a clause granting the president specific power or by a delegation of power by Congress to the president.

Therefore, if the executive order is not congruent with the United States Constitution, then it is simply “null and void,” period.

There is no judicial interpretation, no compromise nor debate. Why? It is because neither this nor any other administration has the power nor the authority to act out of their scope of authority.

“All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void.” (Marbury vs.Madison, 1803.)

“Every law consistent with the Constitution will have been made in pursuance of the powers granted by it. Every usurpation or law repugnant to it cannot have been made in pursuance of its powers. The latter will be nugatory and void.” (Thomas Jefferson, Elliot, p. 4:187-88.

“…the laws of Congress are restricted to a certain sphere, and when they depart from this sphere, they are no longer supreme or binding. In the same manner, the states have certain independent power, in which their laws are supreme.” (Alexander Hamilton, Elliot, 2:362.)

“This Constitution, as to the powers therein granted, is constantly to be the supreme law of the land.… It is not the supreme law in the exercise of a power not granted.” (William Davie, Pennsylvania, p. 277

“It will not, I presume, have escaped observation that it expressly confines the supremacy to laws made pursuant to the Constitution” (Alexander Hamilton, concerning the supremacy clause The Federalist Papers, #33.)

“There is no position which depends on clearer principles than that every act of a delegated authority, contrary to the commission under which it is exercised, is void. No legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid.” (Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist Papers, #78.)

So, how is it that this administration gets away with what it gets away with? I can tell you. They do so due to the ignorance of the American people who have not taken the time to know the difference.

Remember, Thomas Jefferson said, “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free it expects what never was and never will be.”

“The problem with the American people is that they are being indoctrinated by corrupt, self-serving politicians who do not know, nor care to know, what the Constitution says.”

It may look like law, have the color of law, but it is not law! (Luke 11:21)

America quit allowing them that have not been taught to teach.

© 2016 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

Four ways to use fear and deceit to destroy our culture

“Once such control of thinking is established, it’s just a short journey to rejecting morality and losing the ability to know right from wrong. Then, they set themselves up as the answer.” -Harold Riggers, ERASE

Our nation is being attacked and torn apart from four very specific directions. Americans are desperate to find answers and strategies to stop it. Before we can do that we must first understand how it is being done and by whom.

I have just released a new book that, through a fictional thriller approach, gives great insight to such questions. The book is titled ERASE and features a four pronged story line. It details how we are being divided, manipulated and dumbed -down to prepare us to participate in our own demise.

Of course the most obvious attack is seen through government policy. The federal government, through the EPA, HUD, the Department of Transportation, and many more agencies are openly attacking the very concepts of free enterprise and private property rights. The American dream of owing a home, driving a car and planning for ones own future have become direct targets of such agency policy. Moreover, the legal structure of locally elected representatives deciding the future for our communities based on the wishes of those who elected them, is being destroyed through the establishment of non-elected boards and regional governments that do not answer to the people. Hordes of private, non-elected, non-governmental organizations and planning groups apply pressure for policies that many times overrule the will of the people. It’s all being funded through government grants that now give federal agents almost complete control over local decisions.

Second, that same federal control over the nation’s education system has seen the near destruction of knowledge. This will result in the creation of basically ignorant, unaware children good for little more than job training and the preparation of global citizenship. The new “citizens” come out of the public schools with nearly zero knowledge of the nation’s history, its philosophy or economic system. They are taught that there are no right or wrong answers and whatever works for them is ok. The concept of a fully rounded education that allows students to prepare for any eventuality has been replaced with little more than job training. Moreover, days in the classroom have become a drudgery of non-stop propaganda and behavior modification to impose a “proper” thought process called “Globally Acceptable Truth.” This concept advocates that the reason for wars and poverty is too much knowledge, confusing students, making life more difficult. Obedience and conformity are the true purpose of the curriculum in today’s American public education system.

Third, Public/Private Partnerships (PPPs) between government and business are becoming the new business model. There is one major problem with it. It’s not free enterprise; rather it is right out of the Mussolini fascist model. In the United States, government is assigned the task of protecting businesses to guarantee their ability to engage in commerce. But that doesn’t mean there should be partnerships between the two. The result of such PPPs is that certain companies that agree to play ball get to go to the head of the line for the best locations and tax advantages handed out by government. Business can use its cozy partnership to assure policies that will help put their competition at a disadvantage. to prosper and use government to help put competition out of business. Moreover, companies will use their promotion dollars to help sell the government party line, such as the need to use certain products to protect the environment. In this way they are getting us to voluntarily sacrifice our freedom of choice; change our eating habits; our mode of transportation; and our home buying decisions, all falling in line with desired government policies. Finally, in the same manner, technology is being used to control our knowledge to erase our cultural ideas. In the old days, to achieve such an end, totalitarians had to use the unsavory tactic of book burnings to destroy history. Today, with all of our knowledge parked inside computer databanks and e-books, bonfires aren’t necessary. The simple control of a delete button makes it all go away without our even noticing it.

Why the viscous attacks on Christianity, many have asked. We see the Ten Commandments banned from public display and even military chaplains barred from performing Christian services. It seems to be insanity. However, one needs to understand that Christian teaching is the root of the ideas of private property and individuality and even free enterprise. If you seek to destroy those concepts, then you need to destroy the root. Yet, to outright ban Christianity is a task that even those striving for such a goal lack the guts to do. So, instead, they have chosen to use Christianity as a tool for their own means. We change worship of God to worship of Mother Earth. For the past thirty years there has been a massive drive by those seeking global control of the earth to create an “inter-religious consensus” to bring all religions together under one banner. They have held major meetings to organize Evangelicals, Catholics and Jews together in a unified commitment to “ecological concerns.” Slowly, they are converting Christianity into a force that worships the creation as it ignores the Creator. Such a change, done slowly over time, makes it much easier to mold staunch believers into their vision of the proper citizen of the Earth. Once fully indoctrinated they voluntarily fall into the trap as they march in lockstep with pure pagan teachings coming from their own pulpits. This has helped to render Christianity as merely toothless opposition to ruthless Islamic sharia law.

My new book ERASE is a searing glimpse into a future for America that encompasses all of these situations. In a tense and entertaining story, ERASE exposes how such tactics are being used to destroy our nation from within. I have used one central villain to portray the evil force that threatens us. However, in reality he lives inside hundreds of such power mongers that now act as an unseen hand to pull the strings in the back rooms of local, state and federal centers of government.

In the book’s story a teacher, a businessman, a preacher, a political activist and a homeless man all learn the frightening truth about a secret, powerful force plotting to bring it about. What can they do to stop it? Eventually they learn of a secret document that holds the answers. It names the perpetrators and details the full plan for the destruction of America. These heroes understand the great need to possess and expose such information and they begin a desperate race against time to find it. Of course, as in any fictional thriller, through that search some make the ultimate sacrifice to save their nation.

This is a fictional depiction. However, every single policy presented in the book, from the use of technology to change our culture; to the use of the public school classrooms to eliminate true knowledge; to the destruction of Christianity in a drive to meld all religions into one powerful tool for government, is all true and happening at this very moment.

Help preserve our free society. I invite you to read my book ERASE. It is far easier to understand these attacks on our liberty through an entertaining fictional story than to try to muddle through and rely on the mainstream media to sort out truth from deception.

One central character named Brad Jackson is a teacher who takes great pride in his ability to inspire his students to understand and accept true history. He loves books and prizes his collection of them. When he is confronted with the news that evil forces are working to eliminate our history and culture, he asks another character an obvious question: “How do they think they can stop knowledge? It’s there, no matter what.” The other character, who knows the secrets and is working to stop such a destruction of the nation, answers him by saying, “They stop knowledge by banning it.”

That is what is happening to our nation right now, in every area of our lives. It’s happening quietly, in stealth. Many Americans hardly notice. But it’s there; control through our personal choices, our bank accounts, even our use of social media. Now is the time to stand up and stop it. Or, very soon, we will wake up to find that our nation, our culture, our history are wiped from the face of the earth. The answers are in my book, ERASE.

© 2016 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

Pokemon go politicians and social bot elections

The vast majority of the American people, media, and politicians in the 2016 Presidential Elections are living in a past tense reality based on a faulty perception of politics and the nation. The 2016 American Presidential race is a “Pokémon Go” election that is taking place in “augmented reality” where “social bots” motivate people to vote for one candidate or another by manipulating their moods via social media.

Pokémon Go is an augmented reality game where a person follows virtual characters or objects that appear on their smart phones through real world environments. In the first two trading days after the game was released on the market the stock of Nintendo, the games manufacturer, rose $7.5 billion.

The latest psychological research tells us that voters make choices based on emotions rather than logic and facts. In other words, voters are not making up their minds because of political debates they are watching on the cable news networks where statistics and other hard facts are being discussed. Across all educational levels people are voting on the basis of emotion.

For over a century experts in persuasion have understood that it is the manipulation of emotion that influences an election. However, with computers, algorithms, social media, and the internet, the ability to analyze and influence emotions has exploded. For example, the latest data suggests that the manipulation of emotions can also affect voter turnout. If tech companies like Google, Apple, Twitter, or Instagram manipulate emotions to increase positive feelings among people who are Democrats or Republicans, that can produce greater enthusiasm about the election. Depending upon which party the enthusiasm is generated in, that candidate will have far greater turnout. In the same way, if social media is used to generate negative emotions about a candidate, that candidate will get far lower voter turnout.

There are many ways tech companies, political parties, social movements, and governments can manipulate emotions through the Internet. The term “emotional contagion” means spreading strong emotions to millions of people through social media, emotions such as anxiety, anger, happiness, enthusiasm, depression, despair, hopelessness, peace, and euphoria. A targeted demographic can consist of any group of people such as those in a specific geographic location, a religious group, political group, ethnic group, or by age, sex, or any number of categories.

By manipulating search engines or rankings or linking negative articles or blocking positive information about a particular candidate, negative or positive emotions can be created in a person using the search engine. Another way emotions can be manipulated in potential voters is through the news feeds generated by tech companies which appear in people’s social media accounts like Google, Facebook, AOL, Apple, Twitter, Instagram, etc. By bombarding voters with either negative or positive news stories, images, videos, or emails the public can be programmed about how to feel about a particular candidate, religion, political issue, social issue, or the economy. There have been allegations by some that tech companies like Twitter, Apple, Google, Instagram and others are attempting to defeat Donald Trump.

“We do not merely destroy our enemies; we change them.” George Orwell, 1984.

Just like in Pokémon Go, millions of people are not seeing the real world; they have entered a socially engineered “augmented reality” where politicians have been transformed into Pokémon Go virtual characters that can be followed in the real world. There is a growing awareness that the world of the Internet is not real, but a virtual world or “augmented reality” generated by some kind of hidden elite. It is this Technocratic Elite who are using technology like Social Bots that expose private information on any individual and specifically social media users for the purposes of tracking, control, or blackmail. Social Bots can be used to destroy individuals and grassroots organizations that challenge the official politically correct dogma.

For example, people who use blogs and social media to expose the dangers of GMOs or Big Pharma or advocate for any other cause can be destroyed by Social Bots pretending to be real people. Social Bots can be used to artificially enlarge the numbers and influence of one group over another. An example of this would be the collusion of the cable news networks and certain tech giants which only show close up photographs or videos of Donald Trump speaking at rallies where the real attendance ranges between 15,000 -30,000 people. In contrast, there are many Hillary Clinton rallies where only 1,000 – 3,000 people show up, but that visual evidence of low turnout is concealed from the audience. This is an attempt to diminish Trump’s power and influence and create a false impression in the minds of the public.

Social Bots are infiltrating target populations of people who are completely unaware that they are being manipulated by things like social media rankings and analysis of the number of people who listen, watch, click, download, post, or read things. There are numerous mainstream media outlets and social media platforms which are being artificially propped up with false numbers, rankings, and ratings designed to increase the flow of advertising revenue and take away revenues from alternative media.

BOTS is short for software robots. CHATBOTS operating on algorithms can pretend to be human and hold conversations, make posts, write comments, and infiltrate blogs, websites, Facebook pages, and internet news sites by the millions and discredit, tear down, defame, attack, and attempt to destroy any group or individual by making comments, or writing reviews or posts or replies in an attempt to destroy individuals and groups who choose to reject groupthink.

Anyone who holds any viewpoint, liberal, conservative, or whatever, if they are intellectually honest, should comprehend that the right to think freely, speak freely, and act freely is in grave danger. For the moment, the Technocratic Elite will use a corporate controlled media and internet to promote viewpoints that benefit their interests. But the moment they find that promoting those viewpoints is no longer of benefit to them they will turn and destroy them. They will do it with new technologies that go way beyond Social Bots. They will literally electronically erase memories and replace them with artificial memories that further their long-term agenda. All these activist groups, politicians, activists, celebrities, journalists, bloggers, and others who temporarily are benefiting from social media algorithms will soon find that they are nothing more than what Lenin called “useful idiots.” Largely because they do not read history or philosophy and have divorced themselves from the great religious texts from Mankind’s origins, they do not understand the nature of Mankind and where we are going.

C.S. Lewis, the author of numerous fantasy books like The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, along with science fiction and books on Christian apologetics wrote in That Hideous Strength that “Despair of objective truth had been increasingly insinuated into scientists; indifference to it, and a concentration on mere power, had been the result…Dreams of the far future destiny of man were dragging up from its shallow and unquiet grave the old dream of Man as God.”

The end game is revealed by the United Nations’ lust for ever more data on every individual on planet Earth. The United Nations, which is dedicated to creating an all-powerful world socialist government, wants data on the private sector and is cultivating partnerships with the big social media companies. The purpose of gathering data on every ordinary individual is for control. The Technocratic Elite or what Aldous Huxley called The Scientific Dictatorship wants information because information represents the power to control every person on Earth. The name of the game is to maintain the illusion of democracy and choice while manipulating every human thought, emotion, belief, and memory.

This is not just about this political election. This is about the future of Mankind and where we are going. If you think Pokémon Go is just a game and Social Bots are just the latest technology developed to control people’s thinking, like an evolutionary jump from the television commercial, you don’t get it yet. Pokémon Go is about programming people to accept “augmented reality” or a virtual world to replace the real world. Social Bots are already starting to be driven by artificial intelligence…and none of this is random. The Technocratic Elite want to become “god-kings,” as I explain in my book, A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016-2017. If you embrace Social Darwinism, where might makes right and there is no such thing as absolute right or wrong, than you have to take it to its next logical conclusion. Those who have the “might” and the power have the evolutionary right to rule, control, and dominate by brute force. This is what the elite believe, and since there is no such thing as right or wrong, it is inevitable that because you have the power, you can do whatever you choose to do. What most people do not understand is that there exists an elite who are in the process of firmly establishing themselves as the absolute rulers of planet Earth. Whether they choose to attempt that through the smokescreen of illusion and smoke and mirrors, or whether they will attempt it openly with brute military force, death and destruction is their choice.

This is about the final consolidation of their power as the rulers of Earth, with the rest of Mankind becoming their slaves for the purpose of producing, building, and maintaining what they want. They are constructing the Hive Mind, using technetronic control to make millions of people serve them. But the time will come when the human slave race is obsolete.

Already, the so-called protected occupations like journalism, medicine, and other fields are being replaced by computers, robots, and eventually by cyborgs and androids. In addition, a global economic system where no one can buy or sell without a microchip implant is almost here.

The manipulation and control of Humanity through science and technology is being finalized all around us. If you are still capable of thinking outside of your programming, you will notice there exists a door out of this “augmented reality.” The door is called Truth, but of course many people cannot see that door because they have decided it does not exist. There is a difference between augmented reality and final reality. Augmented reality has been altered through technology or some other means. In that reality there is no door. Final reality is the reality that really exists, whether or not you and I choose to believe it. Final reality is final because it stands apart from our belief system. So which is the real reality? Is it augmented reality? Is it the reality you choose to create? Or is it final reality? All I know is I saw a door and walked through it and there was something very real on the other side of it.

In my new book, A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016 – 2017, I expose the global economic system and the future of America in light of Bible prophecy.

© 2016 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

The qur’an: A handbook for creating Islamic terrorists

Whether you look at the recent throat slitting of an 86 year old priest at his church in Normandy or the slaughtering of 84 people in the streets of Nice, France or the San Bernardino killings in California—and a hundred other violent massacres of innocent people—the holy Qur’an teaches individual violence against non-believers as well as mass violence against infidels around the world.

The Qur’an instructs its followers to ‘honor kill’ 10,000 women annually according to United Nations reports. Muslim husbands, fathers and brothers justify such murders by the dictates of the Qur’an. Women hold less status in Islamic countries than cattle.

The mainstream media in America and in Europe report individuals as “deranged loners”, when in fact; each one of them carries out the decrees of the Qur’an.

Take note! No ‘moderate’ Muslims exist. They all follow the Qur’an, which, when their numbers reach a majority, they take over a community or country. They follow a similar protocol as the Nazi’s in World War II Germany. Each Islamic jihadist or group follows the Qur’an with savagery and passion:

“Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them.” Qur’an 2:19
“Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable.” Qur’an 3:85

“Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam.” Qur’an 5:33

“Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies.” Qur’an 22:19

“Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an.” Qur’an 8:12

Thus, Muslims terrorized Europeans at Charlie Hebdo; Paris, France; Brussels, Belgium; Vienna, Austria; Stockholm, Sweden where no women can walk down a street without fear of being raped; Muslim riots in Germany and Norway; and more violence to come in riots and outright civil war.

Few Americans understand the scope of Islamic savagery, even in the face of the Boston Marathon bombings, beheadings in Moore, Oklahoma, shootings at Fort Hood and outright massacre at Orlando, Florida.

Each time, U.S. media blames ‘deranged’ or ‘mentally challenged’ loners, but in fact, each one or each Muslim group followed the Qur’an’s mandates as specified in 162 violence-provoking passages in that book. It’s a handbook for terrorists. Muslims in the Middle East start their children on the path to terrorism by age five—with rifles and suicide vests.

“In 2015 there were 2,860 attacks by members of the religion of peace in 53 countries with 27, 596 killed and 26,145 injured.” (Source:

Notice Muslim ‘moderate terrorist’ Khizr Khan’s speech at the Democratic National Convention. His son died in 2004, but he chastised Donald Trump for wanting to ban Syrian Muslim immigration until we can vet them before jihadist refugees blow up more of our communities. The mainstream press crucified Trump. Little did the America people know about Khan’s membership in the Muslim Brotherhood, which remains on course to destroy Europe and America. Additionally, Khan advocates Sharia Law in America over our Constitutional laws. Thus, he promotes Islamic violence toward our country, women’s rights and freedom of speech. He’s been at the helm to import more Muslims by buying land and citizenship in our country through his legal firm in New York.

You must understand that Muslims find every way possible to undermine countries in which they infiltrate.

When you look at the intimidation against Europeans as to sexual assault, Sharia gangs on the streets, endless riots, unreported honor killings and endless ‘female genital mutilations’—these actions don’t come from ‘deranged’ individuals, but in fact, an entire ethnic group that follows the dictates of the “Holy Qur’an” as Barack Obama called it.

The Qur’an doesn’t fool around; it means business.

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any faith, but to become dominant. The Qur’an should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” Omar Ahmed, director of Council on American Islamic Relations.

I researched over 20 historians who wrote about Islam. They all came to similar statements:

Dayanand Saraswati, Indian sage, said in 1883, “Having thus given a cursory view of the Koran, I lay it before the sensible person with the purpose that they should know what kind of a book the Koran is. I have no hesitation to say that it cannot be the work of either God or of a learned man, nor can it be a book of knowledge. Here its very vital defect has been exposed with the object that people may not waste their life falling into its imposition. The Koran is the result of ignorance, the source of animalization of human beings, a fruitful cause of destroying peace, an incentive to war, and propagator of hostility among men and a promoter of suffering in society. As to defect of repetition, the Koran is its store.”

We, as a people, and as a nation, must ask ourselves if we want to continue down our current path. If we vote Hillary Clinton into the White House, she assures us of millions of amnesties for illegal aliens and millions of added Muslims. If we vote Trump, he assures us of stopping Muslim immigration and changing legal immigration rates. The future of our country awaits your vote in November.

© 2016 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

An open letter to Donald Trump

Dear Mr. Trump:

As the only true challenger to a failed government in the race, you are expected to run an unconventional campaign, but you suffer from polling that reveals a public trust deficit. That deficit is fed by certain members of the public who buy into the Clinton/Obama argument that you are not fit to lead (the pot calling the kettle black) and by other members of the public who doubt you will fulfill your promises.

To eliminate that trust deficit requires immediate action. I recommend demonstration projects along with the identification of cabinet heads who will lead the effort in your administration. Below I offer five areas where you could prove to the public that you have your program to resurrect American greatness in place and ready to go, if only they will vote you into office.

Making the American Military Great Again. You should form a group that would be comprised of retired officers and heads of defense and intelligence agencies of excellent reputation who support a major revitalization of the American military, ensuring that we have the best, state-of-the art equipment, force type and size, and command necessary to wage war against Islamic terrorists and against conventional enemies all over the world. They would pinpoint precise needs, expenditures, and R & D commitments needed to create a global military power second to none. You would emerge from this meeting naming who would be your Secretary of Defense and precisely what you plan to expend and do to make the American military the most formidable. You would devote one week of the campaign to this theme, appearing with your Secretary of Defense at locations in America where manufacture and production of the new military would most likely be engaged and at locations where acts of terror have been committed on American soil, reminding Americans that the acts of terror could have been prevented had Clinton and Obama engaged ISIS vigorously, destroying it at the outset.

Making the American Economy Great Again. You should form a group that would be comprised of leading conservative economists and deregulation experts, Republican governors past and present who have succeeded in revitalizing state economies, along with the heads of manufacturing concerns from small to large who support your plan for tax and regulatory relief. They would identify the precise problems that stymie the development of a vibrant and free economy and the reforms needed to revitalize the American economy, making it a free market leader of the world. You would emerge from this meeting naming who would be your Secretary of Treasury and your new Deregulation Czar. You would devote one week of the campaign to this theme, appearing with your Secretary of the Treasury at select economically depressed locations across America, faulting Clinton and Obama for advocating costly regulations and taxes that keep Black youth, unemployed people over 45, and women (indeed explaining that Clinton’s “free” tuition for all, single payer socialized medicine, and massive new welfare programs will catapult the $21 trillion deficit into the stratosphere) at historically high levels of unemployment and underemployment and that stifle innovation and deny America its place as free market leader of the world.

Making America Safe Again. You should form a group that would be comprised of security experts, state law enforcement leaders, former intelligence officers, former border patrol officers and builders who support your commitment to cause local, state, national and international law enforcement to have better coordination and to ensure full support for local law enforcement efforts to combat domestic terror and who support your commitment to build a wall and greater security along America’s Southern border to stem the flow of illegal immigrants into the nation. You would emerge from this meeting naming who would be your Secretary of Homeland Security and who would be the head of Border Patrol. You would devote one week of the campaign to this theme, appearing with your Secretary of Homeland Security and head of the Border Patrol along the Southern border at key locations where illegals have crossed in large numbers.

Making America a Nation of Law and Order. You should form a group that would be comprised of leading conservative law professors and attorneys who advocate restoration of constitutional limits on government power and defense of the Constitution who support your list of nominees to the Supreme Court and oppose Clinton/Obama executive actions that violate the separation of powers, make and enforce law without the consent of Congress, and defeat representational democracy by enabling the unelected heads of federal bureaucratic agencies to exceed constitutional limits by enacting through regulation almost all federal law. You would emerge from this meeting naming who would be your Attorney General and who would be your Solicitor General. You would devote one week of the campaign to this theme, appearing with your Attorney General and Solicitor General in Philadelphia to remind Americans that our greatness depends on the rule of law and that the Constitution must be honored in word and deed by Justices of the Court who are subservient to it rather than who presume extraconstitutional powers in support of unlimited government.

Making American Government Honest Again. You should form a group that would be comprised of leading critics of corrupt government practices, waste, fraud and abuse, along with former inspectors general and private attorneys who have sued the government successfully and that would focus on corruption and unlawful activity within the federal departments and agencies. They should catalog the corporate cronyism in the agencies, the revolving door phenomenon in Washington, and the abuse of position and privilege for personal gain (such as Hillary Clinton’s abuses via her private email server and corrupt connections while serving as Secretary of State to donors supportive of the Clinton Foundation).

You should emerge from this meeting naming a new top criminal lawyer and investigator who would serve in a new office within the Department of Justice dedicated to ferreting out and prosecuting those engaged in corrupt and unlawful activity within the federal government and to drafting new laws designed to permit private parties victimized by corrupt acts and practices to sue those government agents individually and recoup damages.

Mr. Trump, if you were to focus your campaign on these themes and provide a clear roadmap to implementation of your agenda via this approach, you would set the national debate on your terms; dispel the public trust deficit; and instill confidence in voters that you have the plans to restore American greatness and the people necessary to do it already in place. You will thereby outflank Clinton and reveal by contrast the vacuous nature of her charges against you. In short, the moves I recommend here will add tremendous gravitas to your campaign beyond rhetoric, enabling Americans to appreciate as never before precisely what a Trump presidency would mean for America.


Jonathan W. Emord

© 2016 Jonathan W. Emord – All Rights Reserved

Murdered DNC staffer leaked Hillary emails to Wikileaks: Julian Assange

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange implied in an interview that a murdered Democratic National Committee staffer was the source of a trove of damaging emails the rogue website posted just days before the party’s convention.

Speaking to Dutch television program Nieuswsuur Tuesday after earlier announcing a $20,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of Seth Rich’s killer, Assange said the July 11 murder of Rich in Northwest Washington was an example of the risk leakers undertake.

The 27-year-old man who worked for the Democratic National Committee was shot and killed as he walked home in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Northwest Washington, D.C., police and his family said.

Seth Conrad Rich died after he was shot multiple times three blocks east of Howard University Hospital, said members of the Metropolitan Police Department on Sunday, July 11.

The victim’s mother, Mary Rich, said police told her family her son may have been the victim of an attempted robbery.

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued a statement on Monday mourning the death of Rich, who worked as voter expansion data director.

“Our hearts are broken with the loss of one of our DNC family members over the weekend. Seth Rich was a dedicated, selfless public servant who worked tirelessly to protect the most sacred right we share as Americans – the right to vote,” she said. “He saw the great potential of our nation and believed that, together, we can make the world a better place,” said Wasserman Schultz, who is having political problems of her own thanks to a Wikileaks document dump.

Meanwhile, presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton spoke about Rich: “Just this past Sunday, a young man, Seth Rich — who worked for the Democratic National Committee, to expand voting rights — was shot and killed in his neighborhood in Washington. He was just 27 years old,” she said.

“Surely we can agree that weapons of war have no place on the streets of America,” Clinton added, even though police didn’t identify the weapon in the few news reports on the killing.

“[Police officers] did not release any information on the type of weapon the shooter may have used so it’s not known how Clinton knew it was a ‘weapon of war?'” said police forensic expert Saul Levinson.

He was talking on the phone with his girlfriend when she heard noise on Rich’s end of the line, Mary Rich said. Her son told his girlfriend not to worry about it.

“There had been a struggle. His hands were bruised, his knees are bruised, his face is bruised, and yet he had two shots to his back, and yet they never took anything,” she said.

“Police are calling it an attempted robbery gone wrong, but once the victim was shot dead, they had sufficient time to empty his pockets, which they didn’t. They took nothing but Rich’s life,” said Levinson

“They hurt the community, and they hurt the long-term possibility of what he could have done. They took his life for literally no reason. They didn’t finish robbing him, they just took his life,” Mary Rich said during a press briefing.

Rich lived in the neighborhood, Acting Capt. Anthony Haythe of the Metropolitan Police Department’s homicide branch said at a news conference Monday morning.

Fifth District police officers were patrolling the area about 4:20 a.m. when they heard gunshots, police said.

When police arrived on Flagler Place, they found Rich suffering from multiple gunshot wounds.

Police have no witnesses and are searching the area for surveillance video footage, Haythe said. The acting captain said he could not comment on whether the killing was related to recent robberies in the area.

Rich worked for the Democratic National Committee, his father said. He graduated from Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, and previously worked on Democrats’ campaigns, for the U.S. Census Bureau and as a boating instructor at a summer camp, according to his LinkedIn page.

“I have an enormous interest in public service and working towards making the world a better place,” Rich wrote on the page.

Seth Conrad Rich was the Voter Expansion Data Director at the DNC and had been working on exposing the recent cases of election fraud and voter suppression during the recent primaries around the country, according to his listing. Some Internet web sites that cover politics have said Rich was a whistleblower who discovered irregularities in Democratic Party voting patterns.

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

The new America Pt. 3

What America looks like today is far from what it looked like in the 1950’s when I was growing up. My generation, the baby boomers, are the progeny of the Greatest Generation and I am amazed at the difference between the two generations. The Greatest Generation would do whatever was necessary to make a living. A man’s word was his bond. He would keep his word no matter what it cost him. An agreement was solidified with a handshake. Too many of the kids of the Greatest Generation expect to be taken care of. Government assistance is rampant because one can actually make more money living off the government than actually working. The kids of the Greatest Generation rarely keep their word and even if they signed an agreement they find ways to get out of it. We have lawyers that their specialty is breaking contracts.

Our schools are pathetic at best. Teachers unions have destroyed our education system. We were #1 but now we are 14th. There are third world nations that rank higher that the US! According to Pearson, the United States has a “cognitive skills and educational attainment” score of 0.39, which makes the United States rank fourteenth out of forty countries ranked in that category.[1] Our kids are no longer taught OUR history because there is too much religion in our history. What that has to do with anything is beyond me. Our history is our history! We teach about islam and even have them learn verses out of their so-called holy book but can’t even have a picture of Jesus hanging in that same school. Our kids have no idea of the sacrifices our Founders made in establishing this nation nor do they know how great America once was. We, as a nation, are only a shadow of what we were, but we are still the nation that people are willing to risk everything to get here. Noah Webster stated: “Every child in America should be acquainted with his own country. He should read books that furnish him with ideas that will be useful to him in life and practice. As soon as he opens his lips, he should rehearse the history of his own country.” The new America sees no thing exceptional about America.

There are few things that the US leads in any more and I believe it is the fault of the American people not paying attention to who we are electing. The Us is however ranked 1st in incarceration: According to the Brookings Institution, in 2013 there were 710 Americans imprisoned for every 100,000 residents. This makes the United States rank first out of thirty-four OECD countries ranked in that category. The average incarceration rate among the OECD nations is 115.[2] Now that’s something to be real proud of. Iceland only has 47 per 100,000. I believe that the US ranks 1st in abortions, child pregnancies and drug use.

When we established our Bill of Rights it was to state what rights were granted to us by God and the government was to guarentee us but that’s something the government can’t wrap it’s head around because they feel that THEY give us our rights, but I digress. We established that we would have Freedom of the Press. We could print what we felt was needed to be put out there for the people to know. If a politicain was doing shady deals he was exposed to all. But today’s press is a complete joke. During the 2008 Presidential campaign the press ignored so much about Obama and his ineligibility. Our Constitution calls for a Natural Born Citizen (NBC) for the office of President. Both parents have to be citizens at the time of birth for a child to be considered NBC. Obama’s dad never became a citizen. Even in this 2016 campaign we saw the press ignore two Republican candidates that were not qualified. Rubio was an anchor baby, born in the US but neither of his parents were citizens. They eventually did become citizens but too late for him to be a NBC.

Cruz is a whole new ball of wax. He was born in Canada, his dad was a Cuban national and his mother, even though born in Delaware was a Canadian citizen when he was born. He has stated that she held dual citizenship but true to lying Ted’s reputation, dual citizenship was not allowed in Canada until 1977, seven years after he was born.

She had to be a Canadian citizen to be able to vote in 1970 and she is listed on the voter rolls. I have tried to bring this up to the Cruzbots that fought at the convention to be able to ‘vote your conscience’ and they refuse to even discuss the matter. That is not something a person of integrity would do. Cruz supposedly had the Constitution memorized in high school and should have known that but memorizing something and understanding what you have memorized is two different things. In the America I grew up in the media would have exposed Obama, Rubio and Cruz but not the media of today. As I brought up in a recent column virtually all media moguls are members of the Counsil on Foreign Relations and their goal is a new world order. No borders, no personal property, no sovereignty personal of national, wealth distribution, i.e. giving all of America’s wealth to developing nations whether we want to or not.

Out of the 17 cnadidates that were in the Republican primaries all were globalists except Trump. Does all the opposition to him make since now. He will stop the draining of America’s wealth and that goes against the globalists agenda. The America I grew up in always had the best interests of the American people in the forefront.

The Democrats had begun to be infiltrated by the CFR, the Illuminate, the Builderbergs and others that push the NWO. Let’s look at comments from some of the party elites. “In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.” Strobe Talbot, President Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State, as quoted in Time, July 20th, 1992.; “Today the path of total dictatorship in the United States can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by the Congress, the President, or the people. Outwardly we have a Constitutional government. We have operating within our government and political system, another body representing another form of government – a bureaucratic elite.” – Senator William Jenner (R), 1954; “We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

David Rockefeller, Baden-Baden, Germany 1991; “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” – Henry Ford; “Some even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” – David Rockefeller, Memoirs, page 405; “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.” – David Rockefeller.

The road we are on has been a long time in the making. Little by little we have let our great nation slip into the hands of people who are not patriots. Have we begun to wake up to the obvious threat to our way of life, our culture, our future? I would hope so. We do have on our side the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and if we call upon Him He will heal our land, 2 Chronicles 7:14. I hope that we call upon Him this election for wisdom and grace. The forces against us are great but they are not undefeatable. If God be for us, who can be against us? Their ultimate goal is the destruction of America’s patriotism, America’s religion, Christianity, and all that we have dear.

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.” – Brock Adams, Director UN Health Organization. This is what we fight against. God expects us to fight. You may not like the candidate or you may use the lame excuse that you won’t vote for the lesser of two evils but you’d better. Here is a portion of an article by David Barton (pictured above) that all Christians need to read. Christians who won’t vote for Trump, Barton said, need to realize that “maybe God’s got a different standard than what we do. Maybe at a national leadership level, there are people who do good things for the nation who have character flaws … What God calls great leaders wouldn’t fit your litmus test, but maybe you need to catch up with where God is rather than expecting God to catch up with where you are.”

“Voting is not a right, it is a responsibility,” Barton said. “God wants you to be locked in that room with a ballot box and don’t come out until you vote. And if you have that approach, then you’re going to have to find the best you can of what is there and vote for it.”

“We will stand before God one day and answer for everything we’ve said and thought and done,” he continued. “[God will say,] ‘I gave you your country, what did you do that with?’ ‘Well, I didn’t do anything because I didn’t like any of the candidates.’ Really? You think God is going to buy that? In Matthew 25 and Luke 19, the guy who was given something to do and didn’t do anything with it, he’s the one who got in trouble with the master. He’s going to say, ‘I gave you a vote. What did you do with that vote I gave you?’ ‘Well, I couldn’t use it for anybody.’ And again, we’re back to Matthew 25 and Luke 19 where Jesus turned to him and said, ‘Wait a minute, you didn’t do anything with what I gave you, at all?’ And that is the one who got thrown into outer darkness.”[3]

© 2016 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved



1. The U.S. ranks 115th in linguistic diversity.
2. The U.S. ranks 7th in wireless broadband subscriptions.
3. David Barton: Christians Who Refuse To Vote For Donald Trump Will Have To Answer To God.

“Hillary’s America” – no! American America

After a weekend of speaking in the great state of Ohio I was encouraged yet again to “go and see Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party.” Well I had the time Sunday night so I went.

A few comments on the movie itself: It was a very in-depth exposition to the history of what American’s know as the Democratic Party. It highlighted the close ties of this political party to slavery, lynching of black Americans, eugenics, racism, and the exploitation of the poor and defenseless. This behavior is abhorrent, abominable; the almighty gracious God hates it and will take vengeance on them that commit such acts and the people who promote and allow it!

But are all Democrats and Americans guilty? And are all Republicans the antithesis of the above criminals I just described? It would appear to some that the movie’s creator, Mumbai, India native Dinesh D’Souza is implying just that, or perhaps he is just trying to expose some forgotten history to Americans in contradistinction to what he believes are authentic American ideals that need to be resurrected in our American body politic.

Whatever his reason I submit that what is most important is that we act like Americans and elect only Americans to seats of power in this nation.

So just what does it mean to be American? What is it that separates us from the rest of the civilized world? What is the American View of law and government?

As we have discussed many times, this view was summarized by Thomas Jefferson and our Founding Fathers in our Declaration of Independence:

1) There is a God.
2) Our rights come from Him.
3) The purpose of government is to secure these God-given rights.

So how do we restore our American Republic?

To start, our favorite candidate should be someone who understands their oath of office, that they are to fear God and believe that there is an eternal system of rewards and punishments that applies to them personally.

This is precisely what an oath is all about.

But they need to show us more than just fear of The Eternal. They must demonstrate that they understand the Biblical limitations of civil government as well as the limitations placed on them by the Constitution of these United States.

Moreover, our candidate must not only show us that they know what is required of them, but they must also demonstrate that they will act on that which they know. It won’t do us any good electing someone who knows what to do but won’t do it, whether out of fear of men or desire to be re-elected, or whatever. This would be a vain thing, indeed.

To summarize, your precious vote can only be spent on a candidate that:

* Acknowledges and fears God
* Demonstrates that they have an American view of law and government
* Demonstrates that they will take actions that are driven by and in harmony with God’s law and the limitations of the Constitution

No matter what your political affiliation, this must be our resolve if we desire to remain American.

Learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and his “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2016 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

The birth of the queen of corruption, Hillary Rodham Clinton

“If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men (or women) shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.” — Samuel Adams (1722–1803) Father of the American Revolution, Patriot and Statesman

Evil is a cancerous and destructive force that destroys everything around it. One who plays host to demonic/satanic entities will eventually be destroyed by those same forces they have given themselves over to…. And this person has the blood of thousands on her hands and soul. A tree is known by its fruit and hers is foul and rotten beyond human comprehension. — Ralph Rowe, on Hillary Clinton

High School with Hillary

In 1960, I started high school at Maine Township H.S. East, in the Village of Park Ridge, Illinois. Park Ridge was a strongly conservative and Republican suburb in the northwest area of Chicago. In 1961, Hillary was at the exact same school. I graduated in 1964 from the largest class who ever attended at Maine East, 1,029 students, and in 1965, Hillary transferred to the brand new Maine South for her senior year.

Hillary’s first book, “It Takes a Village” was based on the name of the town she was raised in, the Village of Park Ridge.

I was not a friend of Hillary Rodham’s, but I was a Goldwater girl with her and knew her from that perspective. For readers who are too young to remember Barry Goldwater, he was our last truly constitutionally conservative Republican nominee in 1964. Many writers have compared Donald J. Trump and his treatment by the GOP to the same treatment received by Barry Goldwater. As a matter of fact, George Romney, father of Willard Mitt, who was in the primary that year, was so angry that he didn’t win, that he and his entire family voted for the corrupt and murderous Lyndon Baines Johnson. Sounds like so many of our traitorous GOP today!

A mock election, where Hillary was for Senator Goldwater, was held Hillary’s class, and she supported Goldwater who won the school election.

Yes, Hillary Clinton was a strong Republican in those days. Paul Carlson, who taught US History and government for 50 years at Maine East, actually received a letter from Hillary Clinton stating she would always be a strong conservative Republican. Paul Carlson was just that, and he was beloved by every student who was fortunate enough to have him as their teacher. He passed away in 2008 and taught more than 14,000 students. Once you were in his classes, your life was changed forever.

Hillary’s real personality came through over and over during high school, and I can testify to her arrogance and self-aggrandizement. A perfect example is when she pretended to be a journalist from Time magazine conducting an interview, with herself as the subject. Much of the interview featured her own accomplishments, even interrupting herself to expound on her attributes. In this self-interview, the last question she asked was, “What was your ambition in high school?” Her answer was, “To marry a senator and settle down in Georgetown.” Quite obviously, she’s attained the goal and more.

Hillary was very accomplished as well as an honor roll student. This websitecontains a full overview of her high school activities.

Here is her bio from the 1965 Senior Class Yearbook.

One must remember that when she transferred from Maine East, which had a student population of over 5,000 youngsters, to Maine South, the population of her class was then less than half of what it had been. Her competition was greatly reduced, giving her higher percentages, which she wouldn’t have had at Maine East.

Hillary, Methodist Youth Minister Don Jones, and Saul Alinsky

Don Jones became the Youth Minister at the Methodist Church in Park Ridge in 1961. 

He was instrumental in destroying the traditional upbringing of many of his young charges, and Hillary Rodham was one of them. Jones was a liberal social justice Methodist youth minister who became a mentor to Hillary Rodham in the early 60s. He was the one who pulled her away from her father’s “Goldwater Girl” roots via Alinsky.

I dare say few people who have done research on Hillary actually understand that Don Jones was the catalyst who changed her and brought her into the world of Alinsky. Even Dinesh D’Souza’s latest movie doesn’t tell this.

From CNN’s article on Hillary’s Park Ridge Methodist Youth Minister, Don Jones, it states:

So just two years after he moved to Park Ridge, Jones left. And although it is not totally clear, Ricketts and others said his unorthodox style may have been the reason.

How sad it is that Hillary Clinton even met Saul Alinsky, and we have Rev. Don Jones to thank for changing this young girl and many like her, from Constitutional conservatives into the Luciferian Marxist anti-God beliefs of Saul Alinsky.

Hillary would later describe Alinsky as a “great seducer” of young minds, as did Jones, which was apparently the reason that Jones brought his wide-eyed teens to meet with the radical whose politics Jones liked. Jones succeeded. Hillary was taken in, and she has been forever lost to the leftist, agnostic, Alinsky who dedicated his book, “Rules for Radicals” to Lucifer.

And you see the results today. Again, we must look at the roots of where her cancerous evil comes from, just as my friend Ralph Rowe stated in the quote above.


Hillary Clinton should never be anywhere near our White House again. This woman is corrupt and rotten to her very core. We cannot survive four years of her running the country. There is so much more to tell about this Queen of Corruption!

The Devil enters politics Pt. 1

The Lord of the Flies; Beelzebub; Lucifer, the fallen angel; the Evil one; the Anti-Christ; The Devil and His minions of devils… but no matter the label means that there is a historical force metaphysically and physically that once accepted as the choosing the wide road to travel leads to hate, cruelty, suffering, finally chaos and death and damnation.

One should first read the great writer C.S. Lewis and his famous Screwtape Letters where Screwtape is an experienced devil. His nephew Wormwood is at the beginning of his demonic career and has been assigned to secure the damnation of the young man. The instructions begins least obvious of its intent whereby innocuous thoughts are instilled only to be developed into a larger pattern of reasoning until they manifest them-selves into the opposite of good.

It’s easy to say that viewing nudity on TV is the appreciation of the human body, but concentrating on the body’s sex organs opens the door to further puerile interests leading to pornography and sexual obsessions. The same pattern is true where history is written by those with an opinion contrary to truth with an objective to formulate a philosophy within readers that is so diverse to existing morals, ethics, goals and interests that when introduced into the public education and antireligious thoughts, a whole society reaches for the lowest aspirations of human endeavor. Today’s problems are manifestly the same as were in ancient Rome or for that matter at the time of Moses for there was right positive and left negative, one leading on to a straight and narrow path and the other, the wider road that leads to chaos.

No one can say that the Devil is stupid, in fact he is so smart that he’s known as the grand master of the world and its inhabitants. The secret is he offers temptations so basic to human nature that few remain un-tempted but far too many succumb to his offerings.

In previous ages, and politics there was a feeling within most citizens that leaders were essentially chosen by destiny to insure the good of the people. The means of communication and travel were extremely limited and there were no delusions that life was anything but hard. Therefore, dependence was mainly on the king, the emperor, the Pope and the station in which one was born. Any small gesture of giving was the means to placate the hoi polloi. The major manifestations of the awakening from past devotions led to outright rebellion against the governing powers was in 1776, the American Revolution against King George III and in 1779 the beginning of the French Revolution where God and Man were not placed on the same footing God became the servant of man. In 1919 the Russian revolution began and ended in 1963.

The age of modernism, of change from religious controls and moral controls were replaced by hedonisms whereby the majority of the new orthodoxies became the antithesis of the past. Yet, those who follow the wider road in each of the revolutions succumbed to a painful and evil experience. In the American Revolution, the process included the Indian nations being cruelly subjugated; slavery existed for blacks until a Civil War, but even then, during the reconstruction period the Klu Klux Klan’s ruthless abuse of the Constitution and the power under the Democrat Party’s subjugation of minorities lasted until the 1960s. It was the unspoken law of the South.

The mass immigrations, took place mostly after 1800 to include Chinese railroad workers, later the Irish famine, and thousands of Germans leaving Bismarck’s rule were in essence the pre 20th century’s desperate people in search for the experience to improve their futures. Ellis Island was used as the filter to accept or reject immigrants, based on health; a means of support until becoming employed; and denial of access because of political persuasions opposed to our Bill of Rights.

Until the great depression of 1929, which lasted through 1937 until war clouds caused arming the nation preparatory to World War II, December 1941. These were years that tested the metal of most America’s citizens. Afterwards, they bore the scars of two world wars, depressions that honed themselves to a stamina to survive in hard times, comprised of loyalty to country and hard work; to be competitive and not to expect free handouts.

After WW I during the Wilson Administration years social causes were introduced, suspended during the Coolidge Administration years … the gangster years of Al Capone, Baby Face Nelson and Dillinger, a period mainly born within Chicago that adopted out of control hedonisms where the speakeasies spread to squash the nations thirst for Canadian whisky and bathtub gin. But the rest of America was still recovering from WWI at the time and concerned with agricultural problems. Not until the Roosevelt years, subsequent to the failure of the Hoover Administration purported failure to stem inflation allowing the banks to clamp down on bank lending practices that caused the Great Depression, did the dream of Woodrow Wilson’s socialism and Roosevelt’s social planning, stuffing of the Supreme Court, the bank holiday. the WCC Camps, Social Security and Lend Lease all of which unleashed socialism that is now at its apex today.

The spillover of Marx and Engels, of communism, of atheism and all the failures of what transpired in every country that participated in their adoption of socialism ended in disaster, yet the present candidate, Hillary Clinton, is still willing to adopt the disastrous Obama Administration’s legacy, an experiment in every measure that embellishes the socialist/communist, world government and Muslim’s sheria law antithetical to the US Constitution.

Communism is evil, socialism is one step toward communism, and the Party that supports those ethics and purposes are not composed of Democrats of yesteryear who were simply just following a liberal persuasion. But today’s Democrat leaders and many Neocon Republican establishment, congressional members benefit by the outlandish Democrat perversions that cater to preserving slavery of the masses and destruction of the middle class. This can only end in the failed Soviet System where the select upper class survives with all its privileges. KGB boss Vladimir Putin is one of those nommekultura survivors.

What most voters don’t realize is that there are as many millionaires/billionaires in the Democratic Party, perhaps much richer than those within the Republican Party. George Soros, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett are examples of mammoth wealth supporting the Demonkrats.

© 2016 Joe Kress – All Rights Reserved

Thank you, Mr. Trump

Some CFR-controlled Republican disinformers are still mentioning the old theory that selecting Trump as the Republican candidate will guarantee Hillary’s victory. Just the opposite, however is true. What Trump is doing is systematically destroying the CFR conspirators’ carefully-conceived deception to guarantee Hillary’s victory.

It is not, as some have speculated, that the GOP establishment hates Trump so much that they prefer Hillary. The Republican plan, which now has become evident, was to elect as a candidate a loser — most likely Cruz – which would guarantee that the CFR’s previously-selected candidate — Hillary — would be elected.

This is nothing new in American presidential politics. This was exactly the role Gore, Kerry, McCain and Romney played in previous elections.

Nevertheless, Donald Trump has single-handedly outshined, outclassed, upstaged, eclipsed, surpassed, outdone, outperformed, beaten, bettered, topped, capped and put in the shade all his enemies, detractors and critics. In one word, he has trumped them!

Even more important, Trump has shown that the seemingly all-powerful globalist conspirators are nothing but a bunch of cowards hiding in the shadows like cockroaches. A single, fearless American has destroyed all their psychological warfare operations that were carefully planned in their think tanks.

Donald Trump has proven that the CFR conspirators are nothing but a paper tiger — a mouse that roared. Now they are suffering defeat after defeat on all fronts, and are staging a disorganized retreat. Their New Gay World Order is falling apart, and they don’t know what to do to avoid the final disaster.

And most of it is thanks to Donald Trump.

Now, do I agree with Donald Trump in everything he says? Of course not.

I don’t agree with Trump’s idea of continuing to use torture against terrorist suspects. In the first place because torture has proven a very inefficient way of extracting information. A person under torture will say anything and confess any crime, to stop the people torturing him.

Moreover, torture is not only inefficient but also illegal, immoral and inhumane. It is also dangerous because it degrades not only the tortured but also the torturer and, once we create the profession of torturer, in order to advance their careers, the torturers will always find ways to find people who deserve to be tortured — which may include you and me.

Like a scorpion, torture will eventually turn against us. That’s why I don’t approve the use of torture on any persons suspected of committing a terrorist act — not even against Bush and Cheney, the main suspects in the 9/11 events.

Another thing that I don’t agree with Trump is his idea that a big fence alone would stop illegal immigration coming from Mexico. The only way to stop illegal aliens coming from Mexico and other countries south of the border is to stop the need of their people to leave their countries by allowing these countries to develop their economies and eventually raising the standard of living of their citizens.

Most of these countries, particularly Mexico, are not only rich in national resources but also have a mass of hard-working, educated people. One reason they cannot develop their economies is because corrupt politicians lead them. The main reason, however, is because they live south of America’s border and the Invisible Government of the U.S. wants to keep them underdeveloped and under its control.

Proof of this is that in 1980, Mexico was poised to fully industrialize and become a developed country, but the CFR globalist conspirators used the IMF to step in to stifle Mexico’s economy. National Security Council advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski (CFR) is quoted as saying that they didn’t want a “Japan south of the border.” The policy proposals which later appeared in U.S. sources, whether “conservative” or “liberal” shared the same basic goals: how to assure the globalist conspirators’ control over Mexican oil, and prevent Mexico from developing as an advanced industrial nation.[1]

What Donald Trump has done is to tear down the house of cards the CFR conspirators built. Trump has effectively taken a wrecking ball not only to the GOP but also to politics as usual. No presidential candidate in American history has ever exposed the inner workings of both the Republican and Democratic National Committees the way Trump has done.

We need to thank Mr. Trump for showing beyond any doubt that both Republicans and Democrats are the two sides of the same corrupt, counterfeited coin.

We need to thank Mr. Trump for forcing the so-called neocons to drop their masks of patriotism and show their ugly faces. It is a disgrace that this bunch of cowards and traitors, most of them CFR members, at some time had considerable influence over U.S. foreign policy.

What truly distinguishes this 2016 campaign season from all the previous ones is that there has been a veritable avalanche of unprecedented disclosures about the corruption and criminality of the CFR-controlled U.S. government. Trump has shown how thieves, criminals and psychopaths have occupied the highest offices in the U.S.

The CFR-controlled administrations of Clinton, Bush I and II, and now Obama, have acted with a degree of lawlessness and impropriety surpassing previous administrations. Donald Trump has shown that the USA is but a shadow of its former self, which explains why most of the American people share his dream of making America great again.

America has sustained irreparable damage and the globalist conspirators infiltrated into the U.S. government are fully responsible for the present state of affairs. They sold their souls to America’s enemies and it is time to clean the Augean stables.

In their frantic attempt to justify the unjustifiable unending wars and launching a new Cold War, the conspirators’ agents in both the Democratic and Republican parties are now trying to convince Americans that Donald Trump is a commie in the closet and an agent of Vladimir Putin. Fortunately, however, a large majority of the American people has awakened and is not buying this lie.

Once Donald Trump is sworn into office and becomes the 45th President of the United States, one of the first things he should is to cut by 50 percent the pay and retirement benefits of generals and admirals of the U.S. armed forces. Though many of them have arguably protected us from our foreign enemies, most of them have failed miserably in protecting us from our domestic enemies.[2] Despite the fact that they took an Oath of Office by which they swore to defend and protect the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic, the only two recent generals who have tried to protect us from our domestic enemies are Smedley Butler and George Patton.

So, if they have done only half of the job they were supposed to do, they should get just half of the pay.

In the opening scene to the pilot episode of HBO’s “The Newsroom,” Will McAvoy, played by Jeff Daniels, gives a convincing explanation of why America is not the greatest country of the world anymore. What he fails to say, though, is that America is not the greatest country of the world anymore thanks to the concerted efforts of a small group of globalist conspirators and their agents in both branches of the Repucratic Party, the judiciary and the mainstream press. This explains why all of them fear so much Donald Trump’s plan for making America great again.

It is up to us to help Donald Trump send the globalist conspirators and their minions to the dustbin of history and make America great again.

Servando is the uthor of Psychological Warfare and the New World Order and I Dare Call It Treason, and the DVDs Treason in America and Partners in Treason, all of them available at NewsWithViews.


1. Kissinger-Haig Policy on Mexico Fed on Conservatives, Executive Intelligence Review, March 27, 1979.
2. Far from protecting the Constitution from its domestic enemies, some officers have committed treason by joining the Council on Foreign Relations, an organization that for many years has openly declared its intentions to abolish the Constitution. See Servando Gonzalez, Psychological Warfare and the New World Order (Oakland, California: Spooks Books, 2010), pp. 289-294.

© 2016 Servando Gonzalez – All Rights Reserved

2016: The election bigger than any candidate

In a nation intended to be self-governed by and for the people themselves under the Constitution and Bill of Rights, the tradition of becoming campaign star struck by any person seeking an office of public service is strange in and of itself. It seems Americans have developed a self-destructive habit of treating wannabe politicians like movie stars and elected public servants like royalty. Then they sit and wonder why their “heroes” see the people as mere peasants…

Much of the time, an election seems no more important than which restaurant to pick on date night, as life seems to just keep rolling along no matter the outcome of an election. But once in a while, an election is so critical that it threatens the very life, liberty and happiness of every American. That election is bigger than any candidate.

Such is the case in 2016…

I was born one of six children and have two of my own now, one in college, the other soon to be. Their K-12 experience was quite different than my own, almost every child they met, from a broken home, a family in some form and level of crisis, and we live in one of the finest areas of the country.

Unlike when I was growing up, some of their schoolmates died of a drug overdose or committed suicide before they could graduate high school. A few were pregnant before they could even enter high school. Many were “confused” about their sexuality, were bullied into a deep depression, or destroyed by the social media rumor mill, as they watched others their own age gunned down by classmates in cities across the country.

No, their America was not my America. We were experiencing two very different America’s.

In the America I grew up in, it took a good family to raise a decent human being. The America my kids were growing up in didn’t want good parents to raise children anymore… they wanted society at large, “the village” to raise the children and there was nothing decent about it. The commune was raising a generation of indecent young people and pitting them against their parents, their country and even themselves.

My kids called our home “Williams Island,” where things worked very differently from the rest of the world, according to my children, who were quite certain at the time that mom and I simply “did not understand how the real world works now.” Because the world was so different, my kids often thought of “Williams Island” as a maximum security prison. Much of what was acceptable in “the real world” was simply not acceptable on “Williams Island.”

My kids were right about one thing – the world is very different now. It’s not the America that I grew up in.

By 2016, a known card-carrying Marxist Bernie Sanders seemed the best hope for the future to the young voter. In their minds, having been raised by the commune and indoctrinated in K-12 and on the college campus to believe that freedom and liberty were evil imperialist ideas and the greater good of the commune was good, they gathered behind Sanders as if he was the pied piper of American Marxism.

In the end, they watched their hopes for a devoted Marxist go up in flames as Sanders sold them out by endorsing known criminal Marxist Hillary Clinton at the summer DNC Convention. Angered by the sell-out of their Marxist hero Bernie, they exited the convention in protest, leaving only a smattering of DNC delegates in the convention hall by the time Clinton took the stage for her “historic” speech as the “first female presidential nominee” in U.S. history.

History was being made alright enough… but the gender of the candidate had nothing to do with it. The open outright theft of a nomination was historical in nature and every Bernie Sanders supporter knew it. The young had just gotten their first taste of rotten DNC politics and they didn’t like it.

Meanwhile, over in the Republican Party, voters watched as a record seventeen GOP primary candidates were eliminated one-by-one, state-by-state until only one GOP candidate would remain standing, the dark horse outsider Donald Trump, who was drawing passionate reaction from both those who love him and those who hate him.

Throughout his private sector career as a builder of things, Trump was well-known as an unapologetic self-promoter – a loud and sometimes brash public figure who had seemed to master the art of free publicity by simply tossing verbal grenades into the news room and waiting for someone to react. Trump spent less money defeating sixteen GOP opponents than Clinton spent defeating Bernie Sanders, just because he knows how to play the media for free exposure.

But some of those antics frustrated some and confounded his opponents, while it mesmerized others. Many who had spoken out against political correctness in the past, were now calling for Trump to “tone it down” and become more “politically correct” (aka presidential) in his messaging. They wanted Trump to stop ruffling the feathers of DC insiders and their minions in the press.

Now that we have covered the “candidate” part of the 2016 election, let me get to the real issue of the 2016 election… an issue bigger than any candidate.

It does not matter if you love Trump or hate Trump. What matters is whether or not you love America… not the America my kids had to grow up in after decades of leftist influence in America, but the America that I grew up in, before leftists destroyed my country.

In the America that I grew up in, not only did we all own guns at a young age, many of us carried them with us to school because we were going hunting either before or after school. No one ever brandished a weapon at a schoolmate or shot anyone.

There was no social media, where kids could “cyber-bully” each other until someone shot their bullies or themselves. The victim didn’t receive the same punishment as the bully in a world where “equality” meant that both attacker and victim were guilty of the crime.

Authority figures had authority because they lived by and enforced the rule of law, not because they were above the law. The laws pertained to and were equally applied to everyone, regardless of race, creed or color. The pledge of allegiance and morning prayer was not only welcome in every classroom, but encouraged in every facet of American life.

Politicians weren’t movie stars or royalty, they were public servants, elected by the people to represent the will of the majority without any right to trample on any minority through political process. Lying and cheating was an unacceptable behavior, as opposed to today, when even tyranny, treachery and treason appear to be totally acceptable behaviors, seldom even reported by the press or held to account by the voters.

2016 must be a turning point election, or it will be the point of no return election.

The 2016 election is not an election about Hillary Clinton, the first criminal Marxist female candidate, or Donald Trump, the bombastic business mogul outsider. It is an election about much more than any candidate, party or partisan interest item.

2016 is the final tipping point for America.

The point at which America votes itself off the cliff, into a Marxist global abyss run by criminals and tyrants, or votes to inch its way back from the cliff, buying itself a little time, not for Trump to “Make America Great Again,” a worthy cause which no one person is capable of achieving alone, but for Americans to make America great again.

It really has very little if anything to do with Donald Trump. Love him, hate him, it makes no difference.

Trump is a human being… He is one man. He is less than perfect, just like every other human being. He may fully intend to “Make America Great Again,” and I hope he is sincere in that endeavor. He is a very capable human being, as proven by his personal track record of achievements. But he is still just one imperfect man, alone, incapable of the lofty goal he has set as the foundation of his campaign.

Only Americans can Make America Great Again

More than at any time in my life, the 2016 election is a make-or-break election. It’s not about Trump or Clinton. It’s about what kind of America we want as American citizens – The kind I grew up in, or the kind my kids were forced to grow up in, where “Williams Island” was the only safe and secure refuge from the so-called “real world” we all find ourselves forced to tolerate these days.

Do we want a decent America, or the indecent America that the global political left has forced upon us all for decades now? Do we want a free, sovereign and secure America, or do we want to be part of a borderless global Marxist commune where everyone is equally destitute?

The 2016 election is just that simple, and just that important.

This column is why Timothy Harrington and I decided to write and release our first book, TRUMPED: The New American Revolution… not a book about mere politics, or a cheerleading book for any political candidate.

The American people simply must know the whole truth about who and what we are fighting in this country today, or they are certain to lose the 2016 election and their country forever. Like the election, the book TRUMPED has nothing to do with any candidate. It is about a movement spreading across America in a last ditch effort to walk America back from the brink of extinction.

I don’t believe that American voters can or will make the right choices in November without knowing what that choice is really all about. If voters allow themselves to be hoodwinked again by their press and the party machinery, they will get this election wrong, just as they did in 2008 and 2012.

This time, they will lose their country for good. If the price of TRUMPED is too high for the future of this election, then we have already lost this election. Lose this election and you lost your country.

When America is no longer sovereign, free and secure, no place on earth will be…

Here’s a comment about TRUMPED that just arrived this morning from an accomplished literary expert who simply signed, Char!

Dear JB,

TRUMPED is just splendid. It’s written with such dynamic momentum with no wandering around into side issues that many wannabe political writers use to expand less than solid presentations. Every paragraph is so well-crafted, and the facts supporting your reasoning are unassailable. Millions upon millions of American voters – ON BOTH SIDES! – should have this excellent political handbook – and ELECTION GUIDE! No one could vote for the deeply and irrevocably corrupt status quo after reading this valuable treatise.

Every chapter is a gem of analytical persuasion, but the section that focuses on the deadly harm that has been done over the past 15 years by unfettered immigration – both from over the southern border but from Islamic populations – is tremendous.

I sincerely hope that you, your colleague and close political allies have already targeted powerful groups who are working with you to get this book wide distribution. If enough Americans read it, it could be a game changer.

Be well. Have faith and trust in our Creator. I feel that there will be Divine Intervention in this season of poisonous snakes that – so far- has strangled our blessed America.

Sincerely…………and a big BRAVO to you!

AVAILABLE at News with Views bookstore

© 2016 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

LGBTS vs 1st amendment: the fight for religious freedom ratchets

Tread carefully, America. The skirmishes around the nation centered on rights for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders are not really about rights for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders.
They’re about the decimation of the First Amendment and the destruction of traditional family. And the latest local battle to drive a wedge in the national norm is in Utah, where 25 groups dedicated to advancing the LGBT rights’ movement have signed on to a letter urging the Big 12, which is considering a team expansion, to turn a blind eye on Brigham Young University.
Of the Mormon school, the coalition wrote: “[BYU] actively and openly discriminates against its LGBT students and staff. In fact, through its policies, BYU is very clear about its intent to discriminate against openly LGBT students, with sanctions that can include suspension or dismissal for being openly LGBT or in a same-sex relationship. … Given BYU’s homophobic, biphobic and transpphobic policies and practices, BYU should not be rewarded with Big 12 membership.”
But that’s typical special interest-driven bunk.
BYU, a private facility in Provo that’s owned and operated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, does in fact have policies regarding homosexual relations. It also has them – and curious, but the coalition’s letter doesn’t speak to this – for heterosexuals. In fact, the school’s honor code, which speaks to the need of students and staff to “demonstrate in daily living on and off-campus those moral virtues encompassed in the gospel of Jesus Christ,” is specific in its expectations for everybody who attends. It requires all BYUers to “be honest,” to live a chaste and virtuous life,” and to “participate regularly in church services.” It doesn’t even allow them to swear – or drink coffee or caffeinated tea.
It’s in the context of discussing the do’s and don’ts of proper BYUer behaviors that homosexuality is brought up, in a special section that makes clear: “Homosexual behavior is inappropriate.”

But before cracking the “see, I told you so” whip wielded by the rabidly pro-LGBT rights’ crowd, read a little bit more. Simply professing same-sex attraction is not a code violation.
“One’s stated same-gender attraction is not an Honor Code issue,” the policy reads. “[BYU] will respond to homosexual behavior rather than to feelings or attraction.”
That means an honor code violation is only given in those instances when students or staffers act on those sexual attractions. But here’s the part the LGBT agenda-drivers conveniently overlook and ignore: BYU’s sex-based prohibitions apply equally to homosexuals as well as heterosexuals. In other words: the honor code demands chastity for all unmarried students and staffers, no matter their sexual preferences.
If the whole LGBT movement is aimed at demanding and receiving equal rights and equal treatment – at getting the same types of societal benefits as heterosexuals – then the reaction to BYU’s honor code should be this: Mission accomplished. But it’s not. And that’s because the LGBT community’s clamor for rights at choice spots around the nation in recent months has little to do with justice and equality and everything to do with destroying societal roots, norms and standards.
In 2012, lesbian activist Masha Gessen said in a speech “it’s a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist” and that sanctioning a man and a woman as the legal caretakers of children is ridiculous.
In 2013, the far-left Nation published opinions from LGBT activists Tamara Metz and Amber Hollibaugh who said, respectively, the next step for the movement was to “disestablish marriage” and to “queer” the country’s economy.
“I want a LGBTQ movement that queers the reality of Walmart line jobs, sex work and homeless shelters,” Hollibaugh wrote.

And in 2016, the Huffington Post’s “Queer Voices” section blasted this headline in a story about offering stock photographs of gays to wire services like Getty: “Redefining the ‘Traditional’ American Family in 7 Stunning Images.”

Meanwhile, the battle over bathroom genders goes on, with entities from the White House to Target retail demanding men dressed as women be given access to female facilities, and vice versa. But this BYU battle is a First Amendment religious freedom hit in disguise. What the coalition of LGBT groups is in effect saying in their letter is that Christian-based organizations have a right to their religious beliefs – so long as those religious beliefs don’t conflict or oppose the LGBT agenda. And they’re trying to steamroll that belief into the common culture via the sports world. Americans, particularly those of Christian faith and patriotic bent, take heed. BYU today; the local church tomorrow.

© 2016 Cheryl Chumley – All Rights Reserved

The war party is nonpartisan

It is imperative that people understand that Neocons are politically neutral; they are neither Democrat nor Republican. The only party to which they belong is the War Party. They use Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, and Christians and Muslims to promote their radical pro-war agenda. Political labels mean absolutely nothing to these people.

Neocons care nothing about social and domestic issues either, except as they assist the war agenda. For example, if liberals want to promote the LGBT agenda, Neocons don’t interfere. If conservatives want to promote pro-family legislation, Neocons don’t interfere. Neocons are one-issue driven; and that issue is perpetual war. For the most part, the only domestic issues that Neocons care about are a mushrooming Police State, so-called free trade deals, and maintaining open borders, because a burgeoning Police State, Neocon-controlled trade deals, and open borders directly enhance and promote the Warfare State.

Make no mistake about it: Hillary Clinton is the War Party’s perfect candidate, which is why Neocons in both major parties are flocking to her candidacy. If Adolf Hitler’s rise to power made World War II inevitable, the election of Hillary Clinton will make World War III inevitable (not to mention the war for our right to keep and bear arms).

Over the past several days, news sources from the left, right, and center are warning the American people that a Hillary presidency portends global disaster. Anyone with half a brain (from any political point of view) should be able to see what Hillary Clinton really is: a war monster.

Here are three expert evaluations of what I’m talking about: one from the right, one from the left, and one from the center.

From the Right:

“In the top echelons of political power, there is only one major party in American politics, and that is the globalist war party. In case Americans needed more evidence that party labels are largely meaningless to the bipartisan ruling establishment, influential members of the establishment wing of the GOP–neocons, warmongers, globalists, and so on–are abandoning the Republican Party and in many cases jumping on board the Democrat Hillary Clinton campaign. From Bush-era war hawks who misled Americans into war to pseudo-conservative operatives of the globalist-minded Council on Foreign Relations, Republicans In Name Only (RINOs) are showing their true colors and allegiances. Blasting Donald Trump, more than a few of the globalist RINOs and neocon warmongers are now proudly on the Hillary Train.”

“Consider: At the top of the list of prominent alleged Republicans pushing Clinton is globalist bankster Henry ‘Hank’ Paulson. Among other supposed accomplishments, the Goldman Sachs CEO and George W. Bush Treasury secretary helped oversee the redistribution of trillions of dollars in public money from middle class and poor Americans to billionaire Wall Street insiders. According to lawmakers, they were threatened by Paulson and his cronies with a declaration of martial law if Congress refused to approve the “banker bailout” heist. Now, Paulson spends much of his time pushing the discredited man-made global-warming theory hoping to profit from the radical policy schemes.

“Also featuring prominently on the list are many of the neocons responsible for squandering trillions of tax dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives–if not millions–on undeclared, illegal wars based on lies. Chief among them is neocon Robert Kagan, a senior fellow at the far-left globalist ‘think tank’ Brookings Institution and a co-founder of the fringe Project for the New American Century that helped lead America into Iraq under Bush. Aside from his own non-stop warmongering seeking to send your children off to die in undeclared wars, Kagan is married to senior Obama official and fellow warmonger Victoria Nuland. Naturally, Kagan is on Team Hillary.

“Another senior neocon globalist on the Hillary Train is Max Boot, a left-wing Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) operative who claims to have been a ‘lifelong Republican’ despite his love for Big Government. ‘[Hillary Clinton] would be vastly preferable to Trump,’ Boot was quoted as saying, adding that he hopes the GOP will split. ‘What she basically espouses is a pretty mainstream view.’ Of course, what Clinton espouses is so far from mainstream, it’s hard to believe anyone, including fringe neocons, actually believes something so ridiculous. Just a few days ago, a poll showed eight in 10 voters want more restrictions on abortion, while Clinton wants even less restrictions and more tax funding for it. Almost no Americans except Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and fringe abortion activists support any tax funding for abortions. And that is just the start.

“Others on the list of disgraced ‘Republican’ neocons, globalists, and establishment insiders who are pushing a Clinton presidency include Bush globalist and leading Iraq war booster Richard Armitage; Ken Adelman, assistant to Iraq warmonger Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and later a senior disarmament bureaucrat; Tony Fratto, deputy propagandist for George W. Bush; former ‘regional EPA administrator’ Alan Steinberg, also from the second Bush administration; Mark Salter, a ‘former speechwriter’ for embattled neocon globalist Senator John McCain of Arizona; and more. Also listed are people with politically toxic titles like ‘Republican lobbyist,’ ‘Republican strategist,’ and a handful of mega-donors and crony capitalists.”

See the report: Neocons, Warmongers, And Globalists Abandon GOP For Hillary

From the Left:

“A new low in presidential politics was reached with a candidate representing Washington’s lunatic fringe, a neocon war goddess drooling for endless conflicts.

“If elected, Hillary risks committing greater high crimes of state than her predecessors, including possible nuclear war–why it’s crucial to defeat her in November. Humanity’s fate hangs in the balance.

“Her Thursday night acceptance speech was what you’d expect–featuring rambling lofty rhetoric, dreary and dull pontificating, empty promises, an unprincipled display of dishonesty.

“Claiming ‘economic and social justice issues (are) front and center where they belong’ on her agenda belies her record as a corrupt lawyer, first lady, US senator, secretary of state and influence-peddler to the highest bidders through the Clinton Foundation, for self-aggrandizement and wealth enrichment.

“Hillary represents a new low in US politics, featuring unrestrained imperial lawlessness, endless wars of aggression, risking WW III by confronting nonexistent Sino/Russian threats, serving monied and warmongering interests exclusively, along with ignoring the welfare and concerns of ordinary people.

“Defeating her presidential ambitions tops all other priorities for people everywhere.”

See this report: A New Low In US Presidential Politics: The Anointment Of Hillary, The Neocon “War Goddess”

From the Center:

“There is a good reason why so many neocons and retired military brass are opting to support Hillary Clinton for president. It is Clinton’s support for continued American military intervention in battle zones abroad and her brinkmanship with Russia that has so many former supporters of George W. Bush opting to rally to Mrs. Clinton’s presidential candidacy.

“For the neocons, Clinton is a natural candidate. The older generation of neocons were originally found nested in the Lyndon Johnson administration as pro-Vietnam War Democrats. When Richard Nixon became president, a few neocons migrated over to support the Republican president, but a vast majority, including Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, and Scooter Libby, found a leader in the war hawk Democratic senator from Washington, Henry ‘Scoop’ Jackson. Jackson’s support for confrontation with the Soviet Union and his lavish sycophantic support for Israel provided the neocons with a senatorial base from which to operate, especially during the Carter administration. The neocons disdained Carter and his human rights advocacy.

“When Ronald Reagan ran for president in 1980, challenging Carter, the neocons saw their chance to become, once again, part of a pro-war administration. Perle, Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, and other neocons avidly supported Reagan and were rewarded with key administration positions as a result. The neocon support continued for both George H. W. and George W. Bush. With the isolationalist-oriented Donald Trump winning the Republican nomination, the neocons have returned to their original roots in the Democratic Party. The party’s platform on issues of war and an interventionist foreign policy were not affected in the least way by Bernie Sanders’s supporters. The Third Way, formerly the Democratic Leadership Council, has praised the Democratic platform for its likeness to past Republican planks on foreign policy and defense.”

“As far as Republicans supporting Clinton is concerned, it should be noted that most of them look forward to Clinton’s war hawkish policies to benefit their own political and financial interests. Richard Armitage and Brent Scowcroft, past members of Bush administrations, are totally involved in the military-industrial complex and see Mrs. Clinton as an insurance policy for their continued lucrative paydays. Hewlett-Packard CEO and GOP candidate for governor of California Meg Whitman has financial interests in the high-tech industry that will do well when Clinton sinks more taxpayers’ money into the bloated Pentagon budget. The same goes for her fellow California high-tech entrepreneur colleague Marc Andreessen, the co-founder of Netscape. Individuals like Whitman, Andreessen, and other wealthy high-tech executives who endorse Clinton see only dollar signs from four to eight years of American wars abroad.

“As for Representative Richard Hanna, the first Republican member of the House of Representatives to endorse Clinton over Trump, the Lebanese-American’s Mohawk Valley district, which includes Rome, Utica, and Binghamton, has a number of Pentagon contractors, including BAE Systems, ITT Corporation, and Rome’s Information Directorate of the Air Force Research Lab. For Hanna, Clinton means wars and wars are good for his congressional district.

“A Hillary Clinton administration, from a defense and foreign policy viewpoint, will look very much like that of George W. Bush.”

Subscribe to the Wayne Madsen Report here.

While I will reserve a more detailed analysis of Donald Trump’s candidacy for another column, I do not believe Trump belongs to the War Party. But while the War Party is going ALL OUT for Clinton, they are still trying to infiltrate Trump’s staff with Neocons, including successfully convincing Trump to select Neocon Mike Pence as his running mate. How much more they succeed with Trump will depend on how aware Trump is to the whole Neocon agenda and how truly opposed to it he is. These are big unknowns, but his selection of Pence is not encouraging.

What is NOT unknown is how corrupt and committed to the war agenda Hillary Clinton is. And the War Party machine, including its propagandists in the mainstream media, has called for a full-court press to put Hillary in the White House.

Joel Skousen has this part of the story:

“In prior months I have documented the establishment’s attempt to co-opt and control Donald Trump by surrounding him with globalist advisors and ‘friends’ like Newt Gingrich, Chris Christie, Rudolph Giuliani and Paul Manafort. That worked partially, as Trump has absorbed all of the neocon propaganda about ISIS and the war on terror, but they haven’t been able to dissuade him from opposing globalist trade agreements and being a roadblock for illegal immigration. . . . It appears that the establishment has given up even trying to control Trump, and has opted instead to create a landslide defeat for the business mogul, with negative attack ads (featuring his own words), articles highlighting his business and personal mistakes and even election fraud, if necessary. In contrast, the criminal sins of Hillary Clinton, which are legion, will continue to receive no coverage or excused as partisan attacks.”

“As long as the media continues to hide the mountains of dirt and corruption on Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump is going to be the target of the day–every single day!”

Subscribe to Skousen’s World Affairs Brief here.

Plus, you know that the Bush machine, along with the GOP establishment (including Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell), are working feverishly behind the scenes to elect Clinton.

What this presidential election is proving beyond all doubt is how totally nonpartisan the Neocons are, how committed they are to promoting global war, and how deep the mainstream media is in their hip pocket.

P.S. From a spiritual/scriptural perspective, the greatest crime any nation can commit is the Crime of Aggression. This truth is rooted in both Natural and Revealed Law. God destroys nations (or allows them to destroy themselves) who stubbornly ignore and violate this universal law. America has been routinely ignoring and violating this divine law since the end of World War II. I am afraid God’s patience with America may be running out. When it comes to our national sins, this is the one that pastors and Christians should be focused on–but on the whole, they seem to be totally oblivious to it.

Not long ago, I brought a message on this important subject. The Message is called “The Crime Of Aggression: Condemned By The Law Of Nature And Nature’s God.” I urge readers to obtain this DVD and share it with as many people as they can–including and especially their pastors and church leaders. We will continue to ignore this Natural law to our own destruction.

Order the DVD of my message “The Crime Of Aggression: Condemned By The Law Of Nature And Nature’s God”

© 2016 Chuck Baldwin – All Rights Reserved

The reality of Trump endorsements

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” —Mahatma Gandhi

Trump’s Incumbent Endorsements


My friend Jim said this,

If you’ve read, “Art of the Deal,” you’ll understand exactly what Jim is saying.
My friend, Henry, commented, 

Kel, what do you think would have been the reaction if last night the Donald had said the following, “I have been asked by the GOP establishment to endorse Paul Ryan, John McLame and Kelly Ayotte in their primaries for the sake of party unity. Since these people stand in opposition to most of what I and the American people stand for, I will not endorse them but rather endorse their opponents.” 

I think the crowd would have gone bonkers, and he would have gained thousands more voters, and let the chips fall where they may. I do not think that his lacking the support of the GOPe traitors or a divided GOP party will harm his chances of being elected. Just my 2 cents. Plus, it would show once again that the Donald is a man of integrity and does not budge in that regard. We would all love it.

I agree with both of my friends, but my take is just a bit different. If all three of these globalist traitors are reelected, how do you suppose Mr. Trump would get them to work with him when he’s elected? They may still give him a hard time, because he is not in their globalist cabal, but you know they’d never help him at all without the endorsement.

Here is the video where Trump endorsed Ryan, McCain, and Ayotte. Skip to 1:12 and listen. Note that he had to read this portion of his speech. He rarely reads anything.

I want them all to be dumped, I hope their challengers win in a landslide, especially Paul Nehlen and Kelli Ward!

Legend Phyllis Schlafly thunders for Ryan’s ouster and says, “Get rid of him!” [Link] This 91-year-old woman attended the RNC Convention, and is all for Donald J. Trump!

We would all like a purist, and someone who did not have to play the political games, but for the sake of expediency and of gaining the prize, Trump takes them all on and then brushes them aside.

Behind the scenes, Trump’s people are working to elect the challengers. In Arizona, the third person spoiler has dropped out, and now the primary is between Kelli Ward and John McCain. So far, McCain cannot seem to get higher than 40% ratings. Go Kelli!

Bottom line, Mr. Trump does have to keep his eyes on the prize, the rest is just a distraction. The war is against Hillary for the White House.

Democrats Endorse Trump

Working for the Good of All.

On 5 August 2016, he was interviewed by Anna Kooiman on Fox Business. The life changing experience he had was a massive cardiac arrest. He said he died, saw the bright white light, saw the love of God and was, “Good to go.” Several hours later he woke up on a respirator and the rest is history. Ken said he didn’t need to come back, he was raised in Cleveland’s projects, had only a high school education, but a great family and a great community, and was helping a lot of local people, and learning to survive and thrive.

Ken Lanci answers a question from Anna regarding his support of Mr. Trump by saying, “Donald Trump doesn’t fully realize yet the plan God has for him.” He then talks about doubting Thomas who needed to see Christ’s hands and side to fully believe he was alive, and then he says, “When Donald Trump puts his hands on that Bible, the Hand of God will be there with him because there’s no man or woman, who can do the job without strong faith and the help of God.” 

Muslims Endorse Trump

Now this just absolutely blows my mind. Louis Farrakhan has actually endorsed Trump, and what he says in this interview withAlex Jones, most conservatives would agree with. Yes, I know he’s a Muslim, and I know he called his people to kill white folks. 

And we know other things that Farrakhan has said, that are anathema to the freedoms of all Americans. Yet, I would still urge you to watch this video because it’s surprisingly telling and it’s only 12 minutes long. 

Civil Rights Leader Endorses Trump

Charles Evers, brother of slain civil rights leader, Medgar Evers, has endorsed Donald Trump for president. Although Charles Evers, 93, also has a storied history in Mississippi’s civil rights movement, he was also the state’s NAACP field secretary and the first black mayor in Mississippi post-Reconstruction. He became a Republican in 1980, and endorsed Ronald Reagan for president that year.

Evers said, “I haven’t seen any proof of Trump being a racist. All of us have some racism in us. Even me.”

This is a righteous and decent man, a man who needs to be lauded for seeking truth.

Losers who Were #NeverTrump

The adamant #NeverTrump lawmaker, Rep. Tim Huelskamp, has lost to pro-Trump challenger Roger Marshall. Though Huelskamp is considered ‘tea party’ he was one of the most vocal anti-trump members of Congress and has close political ties to Senator Cruz. Does this surprise anyone????

From the AP on Huelskamp, “A doctor backed by agriculture and business groups ousted U.S. Rep. Tim Huelskamp Tuesday in a Kansas Republican primary race that focused on the tea party-backed incumbent’s battles with GOP leaders and criticism that he was too cantankerous to be effective.

Great Bend obstetrician Roger Marshall won the tough contest against Huelskamp in the 1st District, which spans western and much of central Kansas.”

Trump’s Campaign Donations

For the month of July, the Trump campaign raised $80 million, nearly $30 million more than in June! That’s an all-time record! However, the love fest between the DNC/MSM said absolutely nothing!

The Jeff Bezos owned Washington Post reported that Hillary Clinton’s campaign raised $63 million, and was praising the amount that they raised. Bezos hates Trump, but he apparently can’t add or subtract, because Trump raised much more than Hillary.

Wonder why we never hear a word about it? It’s because the DNC and MSM are in bed together, and you can bet that if Hillary raised this amount, it would be on every station and every talking head would be yammering about it.
Paul Ryan is No Friend of Freedom

Ryan says he’s worried about the Republican majority in Congress! What a joke. He’s so in bed with Obama that he should have a “D” behind his name rather than an “R,” but then there’s so danged many of them in Congress who are just like him, including John McCain.

The New York Times reports. These two multi-billionaires plan to spend more than $42 million on this election cycle to keep the GOP majority in the Senate. Their efforts include fully disavowing Trump, even if it could distance his core voters, and developing ads that distinguish GOP candidates from Trump. These Marxist globalists do not want the status quo to change. [Link]

McCain Should Retire

Surely by now we all know about McCain and his extreme leftist leanings, not to mention his wife and daughter’s leftist activities. But that aside, McCain took the side of Sharia promoting Khizr Khan rather than standing by America’s Republican choice for president. By now, everyone knows what Khizr Khan really is all about and what a blatant traitor to his son’s sacrifice this man became. Why? Because he’s promoting someone who will allow Muslims to overtake America, and that someone is Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Bill Koch Supports Trump

Another Koch brother is endorsing Trump and raising money for him. Bill Koch, a lesser known Koch brother, who with his brother Frederick, split from Charles and David years ago, is hosting a fundraiser for Mr. Trump. Bill Koch plans to host a private fundraiser at his Cape Cod, Mass. home. Tickets for the event will range from $2,700 a person to $50,000, depending on commitment-level of supporters. [Link]

Supporters and Detractors

Here is a long list of those who endorse Mr. Trump, yet it is not complete. 

By now we all know those who are against him, and we should take notice that those very same people do NOT have the interests of the American people in their hearts or minds. 

Those who are against Trump, and I’m not just talking about Ryan, Kasich, Cruz and other top dogs, but the likes of Bilderberger Irving Kristol, Ron Paul, Tom Sowell, Brent Bozell, Erick Erickson, Club for Growth’s pro-amnesty David McIntosh, Michael Medved, Cliff Kincaid, controlled-opposition Heritage Foundation’s Ed Meese, Cal Thomas, and other so-called “conservatives.” Excuse me, but man’s best friend doesn’t deserve to be equated with these globalist toadies. My apology to toads.

The word “conservative” loses its meaning when applied to this ilk. These people are no more conservative than Feinstein or Schumer. They are the neo-conservative Trotskyites, or slow Marxists…and by now, many Americans have caught on to them. Remember too that the media is all owned by leftists, so stop listening to their lies.

Donald J. Trump rallies are still huge, while Hillary suffers to even fill the seats. So take heart folks! The man of the people is still the front runner, and we desperately need him to lead our nation. Pray for him and his family.

Who cares what they say

I am so sick of the propaganda. I am so sick of the spin. I am so sick of what passes for news in America today.

Just because someone happens to make it onto the television does not make them an expert. Have you ever asked yourself “how did this talking head get this gig on television?”

“What makes him an expert? Why am I supposed to believe anything I hear on the any ‘news’ program?”

I saw a clip of David Gergen on CNN the other night. Can someone tell me why I should give a rip about anything he says? Who made him an expert? Am I supposed to believe that he is unbiased and doesn’t have friends in the upper echelons of the establishment of both parties?

Who signs his paycheck? Who selected him to be an “expert” on CNN? I think these are some pretty important questions.

It is all a game. They are playing us for fools. Anyone with a modicum of common sense knows that Hillary is not more popular than Trump. She is yesterday’s news. She is a hag. Most men I know cannot stand the Nurse Ratchet similarities that she exudes.

They are setting us up. They want to convince us that she is leading when she is probably 20 points behind. But if they can convince us that the race is close then they might be able to steal the election through voter fraud.

Bush didn’t beat Gore and Obama didn’t beat Romney.

They just tell us that they did because the “polls” showed that the race was close.

But the polls are rigged. The polls are designed to convince you that the race is close. They are not used to show what is really going on but what they want you to believe is going on. Fair and balanced…

Really? Fair and balanced? Really? Just tell me the friggin truth. There are no two sides to the truth. The Truth is not fair and balanced. The Truth is the Truth. Public opinion will never change the truth.

So the media networks flood us with their “experts.” The “experts” are hand selected to drive an agenda. It is all an illusion. It is all propaganda. They are playing us for fools. Homos anchor the news.

I didn’t watch one second of either the RNC or the DNC conventions. Not one stinkin second. I couldn’t care less what the speakers had to say and I certainly couldn’t care less how the experts spun the whole thing.

I have not turned on the TV since the Cleveland Cavaliers won the NBA championship. That was June 19th. The TV in our home has not been on since that game ended.

It may not EVER be on again.

More and more of us are coming out of the matrix. More and more of us are beginning to understand just how the game is played. More and more of us have decided that we will not allow our minds to be poisoned by the propaganda that is spewing forth from all of the bought-and-paid-for-experts spewing their bought-and-paid-for-opinions on the bought-and-paid-for-media.

I am sick of it. I wish the election were tomorrow. I wish Americans would shake their freakin heads and wake up from the mind-controlled news that is trapping inside the left/right box that the media masters have tried to imprison them.

I am sick of it. I don’t give a damn what they say. I’m not watching their stupid shows and I am not drinking their deadly Kool Aide. I m sick of the divide and conquer techniques currently being used to imprison the minds of the American people.

I couldn’t care less what Don Lemon thinks. George Step-all-over-us is full of crap. Danna Brazille, Paul Begalla, The Five, Bill O’Reilly, Wolf Blitzer…has anyone seen Candy Crowley…get out of my freakin life and out of my freakin head.

Turn ‘em off. Turn ‘em all off. They are not giving you the news…they are manufacturing the news. They are tilting the new. They are altering the news. They are editing the news. They are creating the news.

They are all in on it. A two-card Monty. Limbaugh, Hannity, and Levin, verses Anderson Cooper, Rachel Madcow, and NBC, ABC, CBS…turn them all off. Disney owns ABC. Disney owns ESPN. Disney’s leftist-influence would make Walt Disney blush.

Who cares what MSNBC Says? Why are you watching them? Who cares what Lester Holt or Katie Couric says? Do you really believe they are independent? Do you really believe they are telling you the truth? Do you really think Megan Kelly is not controlled by those who pay here massive salary?

Turn them all of. Let your mind clear.

Think Man, think. So much of what they are telling you isn’t true. So much of what you believe is not true.

The courts are lying. The churches are lying. The media is lying. The Government is lying.

Stop repeating the talking points that some talking head injected into your brain.

It is all a scam. It is all a sham. God gave you a brain. Use it.

Turn them off. Turn them all off. Think for yourself.

Our nation is at risk. Lies and liars are ruling the day.

I couldn’t care less what some expert on the TV says. Stop swallowing their slop.

Seek the truth…it is all that can set you free…wake up while you still can.

© 2016 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

College, the brain-masher

America’s university system needs to be shrunk, not expanded. There are already way too many colleges with way too many people in them going deep into debt to earn degrees in useless and ridiculous pseudo-subjects.

That doesn’t stop Democrats from beguiling the intellectually defenseless with promises of free tuition, at least at community colleges, for everyone who wants to go, plus various schemes for forgiveness of student debt. The means that those who incurred the debt won’t have to pay it; this trillion-dollar burden (not an exaggeration) will simply be tossed onto the backs of taxpayers whose country is already $18 trillion in the hole. But what’s another thousand billion?

“Free tuition” means more students pouring into college, more college buildings erected, more professors and instructors hired—lots more—and more pensions to be paid. It also means many thousands more people kept out of the work force. Oh, well, the jobs are drying up anyway, so, as Careless Clinton likes to say, what difference does it make?

Once they get into our overgrown higher education system, what will all those new freebie students be learning? Two recent examples of what they are learning, or not learning, make the point.

At the University of Houston, the vice president of the student government was suspended for repeating the now-forbidden words, “All lives matter”. This harmless truism, about as confrontational as a fortune cookie message, was denounced by the university authorities and other idiots as “unthinkably offensive.” And not only was the young woman suspended; she was also sentence to do time in a “diversity workshop” where she will learn to say only what everybody else says and think only what everybody else things. “Diversity” is college-speak for enforced uniformity.

Silly girl—didn’t she know that only black lives matter? Well, they’ll make sure she gets the message. Or else.

We know the colleges are good for delivering a certain kind of message. In a poll taken by Harvard University, of a thousand “millennials” aged 18 to 29, a majority (51 percent) of those young people said they now “reject capitalism” and the free market economy.

How about that? Year after year, day after day, of left-wing indoctrination really works! Tell ‘em often enough that capitalism is “unfair,” racist, homophobic, a catalyst of dreaded Climate Change, blah-blah, and eventually they’ll believe it. They’ll lose the ability to challenge these claims: no question will ever cross their stunted minds. The teachers do to brains what horticultural artists do to bonsai plants.

But as if to demonstrate that a college education is a great tool for addling the brain, the same poll found that only 33 percent of those millennials favored… socialism! The poor little college critters don’t know what they want—unless it’s more free stuff and a long life of sitting around unemployed, texting and playing videos games.

These, of course, are only two isolated incidents out of thousands of other incidents exactly like them, nationwide. If you’re looking for something to turn your offspring into confused, ignorant, angry, idle, and unemployable dingbats, you just can’t beat a modern college education. If five years of Gender Studies don’t turn a student’s brain to mush, I don’t know what will.

Intellectual disarmament is not a good thing for any individual.

For an entire nation, it will prove disastrous.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog,, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Clinton-Obama-democrat ‘coincidences’ never stop

In a recent article we wrote:

“It is a well-known fact that nothing happens in Washington DC by accident. There are no coincidences. It was not a coincidence that former president Bill Clinton suddenly appeared on the tarmac when U. S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s plane landed in Phoenix. It was no coincidence that he entered her plane and talked with her for 39 minutes without witnesses. It was no coincidence that the attending FBI agents wanted no pictures taken of the “chance” encounter. It was no coincidence that the FBI interviewed Hillary Clinton the following day. It was no coincidence that a few days later that FBI Director James Comey gave a fifteen minute statement absolving Hillary Clinton of any crime, because he said, there was no “criminal intent” even though she was carelessly negligent and the statutes didn’t require criminal intent. It was no coincidence that U. S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said she would accept the FBI’s recommendation, without her own review of the investigation.” (Full article HERE.)

All those who believe that Hillary is innocent are corrupt or 10 cards short of a full deck. But there are way more “coincidences” than Hillary’s dubious and scandalous escape from jail time.

Of course it was just a coincidence that Obama and the State Department sent $400,000,000 in cash (not U. S. dollars) on an unmarked cargo plane to Iran on the very same day that four American hostages were released. Obama says it is just a coincidence. Iran says it was cash for hostages, a blatant violation of federal law. Iran just seized two more Americans. How much will the U. S. pay to get those two released, now that a precedent has been set ….. ransom for hostages?

It was no coincidence that a Muslim Gold Star Family, Khizr Muazzam Khan, a Pakistani American, who lost his son in Iraq in 2004, spoke at the Democrat National Convention. His son may be a war hero but Khan, the elder, is hardly a model American. He’s a lawyer, which is one strike against him. He specializes in international trade law in Saudi Arabia. What is he doing in America? He studied in Saudi Arabia and is a scholar and promoter of fundamentalist Sharia Law here in the U. S., which is a second strike. Finally, the third strike is that he appears to be an open advocate and associate of the Muslim Brotherhood. Khan acknowledges the contribution to one of his Sharia articles as Said Ramadan, head of the Islamic Center in Geneva and a major icon of the Muslim Brotherhood. Ramadan is the grandson of Hassan Al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. Ramadan also has connections to Huma Abedin and Abedin’s parents, (all Muslims) a Hillary Clinton confident and aid. Abedin, raised in Saudi Arabia, is, or was, married to ex-congressman and sexual pervert, Anthony (take my naked picture) Weiner. (source: Click here)

So why are Obama, Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party attaching themselves to all kinds of Muslims, as well as members of the Muslim Brotherhood? It is not a coincidence. This has a “Muslim Trojan Horse” written all over it.

Do you think it is a coincidence that our borders are wide open and the Border Patrol’s website tells illegal aliens how to avoid being caught? That is a directive from higher up. Higher up leads all the way to the White House and Barack Obama.

Of course it is just a coincidence that Department of Home Land Security and ICE release tens of thousands of criminal aliens onto the streets of America to offend again ….. or kill. Allegedly it is cheaper to let them go than deporting them …. cheaper for whom? Don’t take our word for it. Check it out at the following links: [YouTube Video 1], [YouTube Video 2]

It’s no coincidence that the Democrats have done everything in their power to stop congressional sanctions on sanctuary cities and have blocked “Kate’s Law” providing mandatory prison sentences for aggravated illegal felons returning to America after being deported. What they are doing makes sense to Democrats. After all, illegal aliens, whether from Central, South America, or the Middle East, are future Democrat voters, especially if the Democrats are successful in granting them amnesty. So what if a few of the illegal aliens are violent criminals or terrorists?

It was just a coincidence that the ever-neutral DNC plotted against Bernie Sanders, in favor of Hillary Clinton. Sure it was!

But let’s not forget good ‘Ole U. S. Attorney General Eric Holder, a Democrat, who was saved from a Congressional Contempt-of-Court charge by Obama declaring executive privilege, over the gun running scandal called “Fast and Furious”. This wasn’t a coincidence it was a blatant cover up of government-sponsored criminal activity by Obama.

Do we dare call into question the fake investigation of the IRS by James Comey’s FBI, over the illegal targeting of conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status. No one was fired, no one went to jail and Lois Lerner got a nice fat pension. Couldn’t be a coincidence there ….. could it? The IRS is still doing it! But that’s OK. We developed ways to beat the IRS and other federal agencies. Check it out HERE.

And it’s no coincidence that the environmentalists and the Federal Government have colluded with the American Indian to rob urban and rural landowners of their land and water rights. We have been tracking this issue since the Judge Boldt decision (1974) gave the Pacific Northwest Indians 50% of the Salmon harvest. Then came the Puyallup Indians (1990) who won a $162,000,000 settlement (taxpayer dollars) by clouding the title of thousands of acres in Pierce County, WA. The Puyallup Indian population at that time was about 1,200 Indians. Divide 1,200 into $162,000,000 and see how rich they became on the taxpayer. They opened a hugely successful casino with the money on the very land they clouded title. The Boldt decision and Puyallup Indian and the Alaska Native Corporation settlements set huge precedents for all other tribes to emulate or imitate.

The Coeur d’Alene Indians tried to take title to Coeur d’Alene Lake (1997) based on an old treaty, but thankfully, they lost. Today, with huge legal precedents and settlements on their side, the Flathead Indians in Montana have taken over the water rights in Western Montana, with the help of the State and Federal Government.

Then there is the Klamath Indians that have convinced the FEDS and the environmentalists that they have to remove four dams on the Klamath River for a two-inch fish …. for the Indians. A final settlement was reached this year to remove the dams. Removing four dams on the Klamath River decimates local agriculture and robs farmers and ranchers of irrigation, flood control and hydro electricity that have been there for 100 years. Indians 1 .…. Americans 0. Coincidence? Hardly!

If you care about the issue, view the video here.

California is in a severe drought. They need more dams, not less. America used to build dams, but not any more. The environmentalists have stopped all dam construction.

The story goes on and on and government and the environmentalists are helping the Indians do it based on ancient Indian Treaty rights. But we guarantee you ladies and gentlemen it is not about treaty rights. It’s about naked, radical, international environmentalism leveraging old American Indian treaties to further implement their radical agenda. Didn’t we win that war? Guess not.

Perhaps the reader thinks that pushing inefficient alternative energy sources (wind and solar) and man-caused global warming by government and the environmentalists are a coincidence? Hardly! Once again, it’s about control of the planet’s masses through strict environmental regulations on developed nations. It’s also about wealth re-distribution to third world countries because the West, including America, is bad and must be punished for their wanton ways. It is also just another step closer to creating the one-world-order.

Now some of you may think that the international trade deals like NAFTA, CAFTA, the North American Accord between the U. S., Canada and Mexico and the proposed Transpacific Partnership (TPP), are a good thing. Why would shipping American jobs offshore be a good thing? America started going down hill economically when it started losing its manufacturing base. It turned Americans into consumers, not producers. It also put a lot of Americans in the unemployment line.

Manufacturing was the source of our economic wealth and was a large percentage of our GDP. Manufacturing paid off the Second World War debt. But now the biggest percentage of our GDP comes from people buying products (70%). What should be readily apparent to everyone is you can’t buy a product if you don’t have a job.

But trade deals benefit mega corporations not the American worker. Mega corporations lobby Congress to get what they want and they usually get it. Even more than that, trade deals are just one more cog in the wheel of the one-world-order. Trump is promising to reverse this course. Hopefully, he will win and pursue that promise with vigor and determination.

Then there is the Black Lives Matter movement, which Hillary Clinton and Obama have endorsed. It is no coincidence. This anarchist group couldn’t have risen without money. The very liberal group known as the Democracy Alliance attracts liberal donors to the Black Lives Matter cause. The Alliance is described in a Politico article thusly:

“The Democracy Alliance was created in 2005 by a handful of major donors, including billionaire financier George Soros and Taco Bell heir Rob McKay to build a permanent infrastructure to advance liberal ideas and causes. Donors are required to donate at least $200,000 a year to recommended groups, and their combined donations to those groups now total more than $500 million. Endorsed beneficiaries include the Center for American Progress think tank, the liberal attack dog Media Matters and the Democratic data firm Catalist, though members also give heavily to Democratic politicians and super PACs that are not part of the DA’s core portfolio. The Democracy Alliance last year voted to endorse a handful of groups focused on engaging African-Americans in politics ? some of which have helped facilitate the Black Lives movement.”

Other donators to Black Lives Matter include executives of Google, Netflix and Twitter. The entertainer Jay-Z donated $1,500,000. Google executives have donated over $2 Million. Why would liberals be donating to a movement that advocates violence, but worse, advocates violence against police? It is no coincidence. Blacks are huge voters for liberals and liberal causes (over 90%), especially those liberal programs that give handouts to blacks to buy their votes.

Gay marriage and the institution of gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender individuals into the military are not a coincidence. The left is playing directly to the LGBT community for their votes. In addition, Democrats have bought off the Blacks, the Latinos, the elderly, the women, the poor and everyone else they can think of to maintain a virtual lock on political power.

The pattern here should be abundantly obvious to those with a lick of intellect. There are no coincidences. It’s all a well thought out plan by the Progressives and their plan has worked amazingly well. All of these events we have described are happening for three reasons: 1) the establishment of an Absolute Democrat Monarchy in America; 2) total control of the masses by buying them off for their votes, regulating them to death with socialist and environmentalist policies, taxing the Hell out of them and making millions of them dependent on government; and finally, 3) the implementation of the one-world-order.

The American people are being played for fools and they are acting like the fools they are, not the self-reliant and fiercely independent individuals that were born on the battlefields of freedom. If they elect Hillary as their president, they are even greater fools than is possible to imagine.

It is said the meek (fools) shall inherit the earth. It is also said they will get what they deserve. It appears that they are. Strong, stalwart, courageous men never let the bully win. One might ask, what happened to America’s strong, stalwart, courageous men who conquered a continent and built the strongest, most prosperous and free nation on earth?

Who among you STAND with the strong, stalwart, courageous men and women of America?

Do you want to stop HILLARY? Send us an e-mail HERE and request a copy of the copyrighted image in this article. We will e-mail you a JPG image so that you can print it up in color and circulate it all over America. A picture IS worth a thousand words. If this image, even by itself, was circulated nationally, it could expose Hillary and Obama as inseparable and two peas in a pod and it could significantly reduce her chances of becoming president. She must never set foot in the Oval Office as President, or you can kiss what’s left of a free and prosperous America goodbye.

[NOTE: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

© 2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved

The American Chameleons

[NOTE: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers. NWV loves Donald Trump and we believes that Mr. Trump is America’s only hope.]

“We (People) are like chameleons, we take our hue and the color of our moral character, from those who are around us.” –John Locke

Over the last week, I have taken in insult after insult, as have I reaped absolute disdain, contempt and scorn from those who should know better for pointing out the obvious concerning the ignorant that are crying out, “We have no king but Trump” (Luke 23:28; Amos 5:10). They have been doing this while stumbling over the rock because they are offended for the truth’s sake (1 Peter 2:8). It’s not that the truth confronts Donald as much as it does themselves, and whom they serve. It’s sad to say, these hypocrites are easily in a majority that professes to be Christians (1 John 2:4).

Truth demands a response, and did I get their response! Just expose their golden calf (Exodus 32:4) for what it is, and for what they are, and soon enough, they have the rocks in hand ready to stone you to death. Yet, these are the ones declaring that they have the process in hand; all the while straining at the gnat as they swallow the camel (Psalm 119:86-87).

Americans know that both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are hand delivered options given by the establishment. The American people are corralled into the barn only to feed off of the options that they have been given by the establishment that they complain about.

Some examples:

“I would gather that you’re helping Hillary at this point since you’re trying to destroy the only hope America has for turning the globalist agenda around.”
As if to say that Trump would be the one to do that.

“Bradlee, are you telling us not to get involved with the political process?”

I have always encouraged just the opposite.

“So Bradlee, does this mean you will sit out this the most important election in our time and pat yourself on your sanctimonious back for being such a good little neoPharisees?”

Pharisees concealed the truth, they did not reveal it.

“Bradlee, by deterring people from Trump, you are giving a sure vote to Hillary.”


The corrupt political machine has the American people right where they want them.

After that last one, I have got to say, “Look at what the grown-ups have done with this world” (Matthew 18:3).

I want to tell you why some are looking to Trump to be president. They would rather serve a demoralized and debased man than a Holy and Just God (Jeremiah 9:24). Furthermore, Americans are looking for an easy fix! Instead of the American people taking responsibility and being a part of the political process by lawfully tearing down (Judges 6) the corrupt establishment (Our fathers’ altars) that they complain about, they want Donald Trump to do for them what they are unwilling to do.

We have a representative government in place where those who have been entrusted to serve “We the People” as a Republic under the Laws of God and not men (Exodus 18:21). Our form of government is not one in which we the people serve the government as a monarchy through arbitrary government or the will of corrupt man. We do not have a king! God is the giver of Law and not man.

America, we have no king outside of King Jesus.

John Adams, the 2nd president of the United States, stated:

“The Church is the moral compass of society.”

How can the Church be the moral compass of society when it surrenders its authority to the state and subordinates its law to the statutory control of the civil government? Who listens to slaves?

In other words, where the Church fails to obey God’s moral law and submits to man’s fallen policy, she counters her intended authority. That is why America is being ruled through man’s ten thousand policies because Americans will not obey God’s Ten Commandments (Exodus 20).

Furthermore, the Church hierarchy in America is leading the pack in their delusional endorsements. We have James Dobson, Jerry Falwell Jr., John Hagee, Tony Perkins, etc., all endorsing a man who advocates that which God condemns, and they expect liberation (Matthew 15:14).

America, are these not the same Church leaders that Americans have followed rather than Christ (Job 36:13)? They have led ignorant Americans into the position which she is now in (1 Corinthians 11:1).

No wonder why the professed Christians in America think that it is the right choice when it comes to the endorsement of Donald Trump.

This is the same Church in America that has failed to keep the commandments and judgments of the Most High God (Leviticus 26:14). This is the same group that has said away with God’s moral law and yes to a false grace!

“Cheap grace is the grace we bestow on ourselves. Cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline, Communion without confession…Cheap grace is grace without discipleship, grace without the cross, grace without Jesus Christ, living and incarnate.” —Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Woe to the rebellious children, saith the Lord, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin: That walk to go down into Egypt, and have not asked at my mouth; to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, and to trust in the shadow of Egypt! Therefore shall the strength of Pharaoh be your shame, and the trust in the shadow of Egypt your confusion….That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the Lord: Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits: Get you out of the way, turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us. Wherefore thus saith the Holy One of Israel, Because ye despise this word, and trust in oppression and perverseness, and stay thereon: Therefore this iniquity shall be to you as a breach ready to fall, swelling out in a high wall, whose breaking cometh suddenly at an instant. –Isaiah 30:1-5, 9-13

These have failed to read the Word of God for themselves (John 7:17), though they have been commanded to follow Christ, not man (1 Corinthians 11:1). Where men fail to follow Christ, they begin to justify themselves and make war with God (Micah 3:5).

How do they do that? They begin to advocate what God condemns.

John Locke rightly said, “We (People) are like chameleons, we take our hue and the color of our moral character, from those who are around us.”

Yet, if it were Christ who Americans were following, they would not tolerate what they do.

There are just some people who are literally hell-bent towards lawlessness, and you can do no more for them. At least I can say that I loved them enough to tell the truth regardless if they hate me (Proverbs 27:6; Ezekiel 33). Remember, it is the truth that makes men free (John 8:32). [YouTube Video 1], [YouTube Video 2]

Listen to Bradlee Dean on The Sons of Liberty Radio Here

Who is Bradlee Dean?

© 2016 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

When reality ceases to be real

The toxic foolishness brewed in our colleges and universities sooner or later seeps into the everyday world the rest of us inhabit, to taint it and confuse it.

Not very long ago, colleges began to teach that the meaning of any text can only be whatever the individual reader wants it to mean. Or, to put it more honestly, whatever your neo-marxist wacko professor says it means. Thus was born the postmodern notion that reality isn’t really real, but is only what you say it is.

They used to keep you in a padded cell for denying solid aspects of reality. But now this loony worldview has become the philosophical basis for the whole gay-transgender-waddyacallit movement, and has lately manifested itself in our politics.

Democrats have taken to it in a big way. Denial of objective reality has always been a part of liberalism. Now it has been shown to be the very core of a major party’s ideology.

First we had President *Batteries Not Included pitching Hillary “Careless” Clinton as “the most qualified” person ever to run for president. More than James Madison, who wrote most of the Constitution. More than Thomas Jefferson, who wrote our Declaration of Independence. More even than George Washing, who led our fight for independence from Great Britain. I realize I’ve just mentioned three things that many of our public school and college graduates don’t know: but contrary to the progressive mind-set, not knowing something doesn’t make it untrue.

The president’s boldly fatuous statement came on the heels of another flat denial of reality, this one by FBI Director James Comey—who, after first laying out the damning case against her, asserted that Mrs. Clinton hadn’t broken any of the laws he’d just proved she had.

But these whoppers were soon topped by a bigger one from TV-pipsqueak Lena Dunham. In her speech to the Democrat Convention, Ms. Dunham hailed Ol’ Careless as the protector and champion of women who have suffered sexual harassment—and this with the all-time king of sexual harassment, Mrs. Clinton’s husband, sitting right there in the audience for everyone to see.

This was a denial worthy of a nut who claims to be able to shinny up a flashlight beam. Hillary Clinton, chief of the Clinton campaign’s famous Bimbo Eruption damage-control team. Hillary Clinton, who led the efforts to smear, discredit, and trash all those women harassed by her husband, the president. Who ran interference for him as one woman after another testified against him. Dunham’s speech was a denial of reality seldom seen outside of a lunatic asylum.

But even this was topped, just a few days later, by the editors of Cosmopolitan Magazine, who called the Clintons, both the serial adulterer and his enabling wife, “great role models for marriage.”

Does that take the cake, or what?

Consider the sheer vastness of that lie. It takes your breath away. Great role models for marriage—those two? If there is any pair of reprobates on earth who have desecrated marriage more than Bill and Hillary Clinton, let them come forward and receive a trophy.

Lying has always been a part of politics, but outrageously crazy lies, which virtually everyone knows to be lies, that’s something new. And consider the audience at the Democrat Convention, who lapped up Ms. Dunham’s speech as if she were delivering the Sermon on the Mount. They’re as loopy as she is.

Our God—at least for those of us who still know Him to be God—is the God of truth. God is not a man, that He should lie. Much less is He a psychotic who blurts out truly preposterous lies.

What must He think of a nation that has fallen so far into folly?

So all respect for truth is vanishing. Even the very idea that there is any such thing as truth, our university professors deny. This is what they preach. And this is what their students, and, increasingly, society in general, have been taught they want to hear.

No man or woman can prosper, or even live for long, by living according to a set of ridiculous lies. And no nation can, either.

But don’t take my word for it. Just deny that the lawn-mower is really there, and stick your hand under it. And see what happens.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog,, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

If Trump loses: It’s going to be an unrecognizable America

Tucker Carlson, host and journalist for FOX News said, “If Trump loses, it’s going to be a new America.”

No truer statement could be said about America’s fate in the 21st century. If Hillary Clinton wins, she promises to bring in 100,000 more Syrian Muslim refugees if not more during her four-year term. She promises total amnesty for 20 to 30 million illegal aliens. She stands with Muslims like Khizr Khan who openly advocates for Sharia Law being implemented into America to supplant U.S. Constitutional law. Hillary Clinton works for open borders to create an even greater flow of all immigrants into America.

The results of Hillary Clinton’s immigration juggernaut will be a whopping 100,000,000 (million) third world immigrants from 190 different countries imported into the United States of America within 30 years. We will jump from 324 million in 2016 to 438 million by 2050. One hundred million of that number will be legal immigrants and their children, plus chain-migrated relatives. Those demographic facts face our children or anyone around the age of 30 today. (Sources: US Census Bureau, U.S. Population Projections by Fogel/Martin, Roy Beck,,

If Trump loses, it will be “everybody’s America” but it won’t be America with Americans anymore. It will become a polyglot of incompatible races, cultures and religions—fighting among themselves for power and position. No one will be pulling in the same direction because they will all be pulling toward multiple directions. You may call it an “international free-for-all” within our country.

Muslims will work to establish Sharia Law as their numbers grow by using the power of the ballot box. They create parallel societies completely at odds with U.S. Constitutional law.

Latinos will work for Spanish as the national language because they will become the majority ethnic group by 2042—a scant 26 years from now. They will work for de facto Mexican dominance in the Southwest to return at least four states back under Mexican rule.

Blacks will dominate inner cities and congregate in the south while whites flee to northern climes. Black Lives Matter and other organizations like the Black Panthers will disrupt cities with violence at the drop of a hat.

It will be a ‘new America’ but it will no longer be the United States of America. It’s coming as surely as the dawn. Note this passage from Governor Richard Lamm’s famous 2003 speech on “How to Destroy America”:

Lamm said, “If you believe that America is too smug, too self-satisfied, too rich, then let’s destroy America. It is not that hard to do. No nation in history has survived the ravages of time. Arnold Toynbee observed that all great civilizations rise and fall, and that, “An autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide.” We gallop toward that destiny!

One look at Detroit, Michigan shows any American that Muslims mean business. That city now features hundreds of mosques, Arabic in their schools, displacement of Americans and the call to worship five times daily. It resembles a “Little Baghdad.” De factor Sharia law already governs Detroit in the Muslim enclaves. Nine out of 10 Muslim immigrants enjoy total welfare for their sustenance. One of the Qur’an’s mandates: “…conquer foreign lands and live off the spoils of war.”

No one ever dreamed that Muslims would conquer America or Europe by living off the West’s welfare programs, and then, simply out birthing host countries to become dominate. Note: Belgium will become the first Islamic caliphate in Europe. Followed quickly by Norway and Sweden. It’s happening right before our eyes. And, as the Muslims dominate, more violence such as Paris, Charlie Hebdo massacre, Brussels, Nice, stabbings in London this week by another jihadist Muslim, rapes in Sweden, Boston Marathon, Orlando, San Bernardino, beheadings like Moore, Oklahoma, honor killings, FGM and the list grows.

In New York City today, linguistic experts show that 800 languages dominate that city with 36 percent foreign-born residents. Notice hundreds of different national flags waving in the breeze along side of “Old Glory.” Notice European-Americans fleeing the Big Apple by the thousands as crime, language and incompatible creeds overwhelm American culture.

One look at Chicago shows over 2,000,000 (million) illegal aliens who will be given amnesty by Hillary. They will tap into more food stamps, medical care and social services with their children and other dependents. Today, Chicago remains a violent third world enclave with hundreds of murders annually. Shootouts dominate the evening news. European-Americans flee for their lives.

Take a look at Los Angeles. Over 100 languages dominate its school systems. Millions of kids subsist off food stamps, free breakfasts and lunches and Section 8 Housing—all paid for by American taxpayers. Legal and illegal immigrants dominate 60 percent of the prison population.

This scenario plays out in every major city in America: Miami, Baltimore, Atlanta, Cleveland, Denver (172 different languages in Denver Public Schools, my home town), Minneapolis, Buffalo, Boston, Seattle, Cincinnati and the list grows.

As a six continent world bicycle traveler for the past 45 years, I’ve seen it; I watched it and I’ve cringed to see it developing at Warp 9 speed into America. And, the American people don’t possess a clue as to their children’s future.

If Hillary Clinton wins, Tucker Carlson hits it dead on as to his charge that it will be a new America.” It will be a fragmented, fractured, linguistically conflicted, racially tense and religiously tormented country. It will eventually fragment into sections or degrade to third world misery—much like India.

Again, to drive it home. This passage from Governor Richard Lamm’s famous 2003 speech on “How to Destroy America”:

Lamm said, “If you believe that America is too smug, too self-satisfied, too rich, then let’s destroy America. It is not that hard to do. No nation in history has survived the ravages of time. Arnold Toynbee observed that all great civilizations rise and fall, and that, “An autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide.”

We gallop toward that destiny!

© 2016 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

No second American revolution is necessary

Only in rare instances have I prepared a commentary for NewsWithViews in response to something which someone else has been published elsewhere. But a recent column by John W. Whitehead, entitled “There Will Be No Second American Revolution: The Futility of an Armed Revolt” (18 July 2016), has received such generally favorable attention on the Internet that it seemed meet for me to fashion a few dissenting remarks for the record. As Mr. Whitehead’s article is fairly long, I cannot address all of the points he makes. Therefore I encourage my readers to review his article for themselves. After they do so, they can judge whether the following critique is just.

Mr. Whitehead’s article begins by rehashing in great detail (for he is a keen student of these matters) the rapid development and deployment of a national para-militarized police-state apparatus in this country during the recent past. His description of events contains little that most perceptive observers have not already noticed. But Mr. Whitehead draws from these dismal facts the distressing conclusion that “[t]he powers-that-be want us to feel vulnerable. * * * Most of all, the powers-that-be want us to feel powerless to protect ourselves and reliant on and grateful for the dubious protection provided by the American police state. Their strategy is working.”

Of course, I cannot say whom Mr. Whitehead includes among “us”. But I do know that countless Americans do not believe that any “protection [can or will be] provided by the American police state”. So, with respect to those Americans, the “strategy [of the powers-that-be] is [not] working”, and will never work. Ironically, though, Mr. Whitehead’s article itself provides rather striking evidence that the “strategy [of the powers-that-be] is working” at least as to him and those whom he influences. For no perceptive analyst can plod through that piece without concluding that Mr. Whitehead believes—and wants to convince his readers—that Americans not only are “vulnerable” but even are utterly defenseless against the overwhelming power of “the American police state”.

On that point, Mr. Whitehead waxes emphatic: “There will be no second American Revolution. There is no place in our nation for the kind of armed revolution our forefathers mounted against a tyrannical Great Britain.” Of course, that is precisely what many people at the time said about the first “American Revolution”, only to be proven wrong by its outcome. So, as a lawyer by trade, Mr. Whitehead should not feel too secure in the face of the adverse precedent which he himself cites. In any event, Mr. Whitehead presents a rather disquieting argument:

The message being sent to the citizenry [by the powers-that-be] is clear: there will be no revolution, armed or otherwise.

Anyone who believes that they can wage—and win—an armed revolt against the American police state has not been paying attention. Those who wage violence against the government and their fellow citizens are playing right into the government’s hands. Violence cannot and will not be the answer to what ails America.

Whether instigated by the government or the citizenry, violence will only lead to more violence. It does not matter how much firepower you have. The government has more firepower.
* * * * *
* * * [B]y generally making peaceful revolution all but impossible, the government has engineered an environment in which domestic violence has become inevitable.
What we are now experiencing is a civil war, devised and instigated in part by the U.S. government.
The outcome for this particular conflict is already foregone: the police state wins.
The objective: compliance and control.
The strategy: * * * when all hell breaks loose, clamp down on the nation for the good of the people and the security of the nation.

An underlying difficulty with these pronouncements is that “the government” to which Mr. Whitehead loosely refers is not, in fact and law, “the government” at all. (As a lawyer, he should know as much, and try to craft his language accordingly.) From the constitutional perspective, “the government” is that set of actions by individuals in public office which is consistent with their lawful powers and disabilities. No “government” in this country is empowered to set up a police state, to “devise[ ] and instigate[ ]” a “civil war” amongst its own people, to enforce “compliance and control”, or to “clamp down on the nation” for any reason. To be sure, rogue public officials may attempt to engage in such usurpation and tyranny—but in the perpetration of such misbehavior they are acting not in the capacity of “the government”, but in the capacity of lawbreakers.

Even leaving aside Mr. Whitehead’s imprecision as to what constitutes “the government” in this country, what must one conclude is “the bottom line” of his argument? That the powers-that-be intend to foment widespread violence as their excuse for the “final solution” of thoroughly subjugating the American people, and then oppressing them without limit! So, according to Mr. Whitehead himself, there will be a “second American Revolution” after all—instigated, interestingly enough, by the police state’s provocations, just as the first “American Revolution” was to a great degree instigated by provocations emanating from “a tyrannical Great Britain”. Indeed, America is already in the midst of this “civil war”. But, this time, the patriots are fated to lose the “American Revolution”, no matter what. All of us have already been defeated before the battle has even been joined, and therefore should sheepishly accept our fate, no matter how dire it may be.

Rather than acquiesce in Mr. Whitehead’s unpleasant fantasy, I must point out that “no matter what” is the critical factor in any analysis of this kind. And I suspect that he (in his own words) “has not been paying attention” to recent developments. As a lawyer, he should consider the evidence for the defense, as well as for the prosecution, before he makes his plea to the jury.

The fact is that Americans—indeed, people throughout the civilized world—are waking up to what the powers-that-be are planning for and doing to them. Here at home, what I might label “the Trump Phenomenon”, even with all of its obvious faults, demonstrates a widespread, profound, and intransigeant disgust among ordinary Americans with careerist politicians, bureaucrats, police-state operatives, propagandists in “the mainstream media”, and the shadowy “powers-that-be”(especially in the big banks and Wall Street’s financial casinos) who pull the strings from behind the screen. So if the powers-that-be imagine that they can easily impose a full-blown police state on a population of millions of people increasingly aware of and fed up with their corruption and criminality, they are playing with fire.

Once the powers-that-be have lifted the lid of Pandora’s Box through what Mr. Whitehead describes as “a civil war, devised and instigated in part by the U.S. government”, how could they know, let alone how could they be sure of their ability to control, what might leap out? For example, can anyone unerringly predict how individual Americans, in thousands of different situations across this country, will react when agents of the police state start seizing firearms, persecuting dissenters for “sedition” and “anti-government hate speech”, and rounding up leaders of opposition movements for incarceration in secret prisons and camps? Easily foreseeable, though, is that many of these and other targets of police-state repression will know perfectly well that they have nothing to lose by resisting, and will act on that understanding of their plight. So, even were Mr. Whitehead correct in his assertion that “[v]iolence cannot and will not be the answer to what ails America” in general, the victims of police-state oppression will doubtlessly believe that violence is their only recourse in particular. After all, would not armed resistance, no matter how desperate, be preferable to consignment to slow death in a forced-labor camp, let alone to simply being murdered out of hand by the police state’s psychopathic storm troopers? Can the powers-that-be really expect to prevail against millions of people, spread across an entire continent, who not only despise them but also have nothing to lose by resisting their aggression? Would even Mr. Whitehead himself simply “go along quietly” when they came for him?

Mr. Whitehead is, of course, correct to observe that the burgeoning “American police state” disposes of many “boots on the ground”, possessed of a great deal of raw “firepower”. Nonetheless, in a nationwide crisis in which (as he predicts) widespread “domestic violence has become inevitable”, could the powers-that-be depend upon these forces? Might not a significant part of them change sides and support the people, or set itself up as some sort of third force looking out solely for its own interests? Moreover, even in the absence of defections, could the powers-that-be really expect that their armed forces could subjugate the entirety of the United States, when the parts of those forces wielding the most “firepower” have been unable to defeat gaggles of rag-tag troglodytes in Afghanistan, or pick-up teams of hired terrorists such as “Al-Qaeda” or “ISIS” running loose in the sand boxes of the Middle East?

To be fair to Mr. Whitehead, he does not recommend that we all should simply start unreservedly to “love Big Brother”. Rather, he proposes a kind of subterranean revolution:

If there is any hope of reclaiming our government and restoring our freedoms, it will require a different kind of coup: nonviolent, strategic and grassroots, starting locally and trickling upwards. Such revolutions are slow and painstaking. They are political, in part, but not through any established parties or politicians.
Most of all, * * * for any chance of success, such a revolution will require more than a change of politics: it will require a change of heart among the American people, a reawakening of the American spirit, and a citizenry that cares about their freedoms more than their fantasy games.
To this, a skeptic might object that such a program would likely entail efforts spread out over ten, twenty, or fifty years at least—when the real issue is what Americans should do right now that might pay dividends right now, or at least in the reasonably foreseeable future.

Furthermore, to be effective for “reclaiming our government and restoring our freedoms”, such “change” and “reawakening” will presumably need to manifest themselves at some definite point in time in some sort of open collective action with manifest political goals. And just what will the supremely powerful, irresistible “American police state” be doing while the denizens of this country are changing their hearts and reawakening their spirit for the very purpose of overthrowing the powers-that-be? Well, Mr. Whitehead himself informs his readers that “[t]he message being sent to the citizenry [by the powers-that-be] is clear: there will be no revolution, armed or otherwise.” So, according to his very own analysis, his own proposal of “a different kind of coup”—the course of action which he describes as the only one with “any chance of success”—is a hopeless pipedream. Nothing can be done—not now, not ever.

Well, not really. The fundamental fault in Mr. Whitehead’s proposal is not just that it is utterly unrealistic in terms of the time necessary to put it into practice, or that it offers no strategy for dealing with the predictable reactions of the powers-that-be. In addition to those demerits, it contains no suggestion as to what institutions Americans should employ for “reclaiming our government and restoring our freedoms” once the requisite “change of heart” and “reawakening of the American spirit” have occurred. Had Mr. Whitehead given thought to those institutions, he might have realized that the most important steps for “reclaiming our government and restoring our freedoms” need not be put off until the distant future, but might be taken in the present.

Now, I do not predict, let alone advocate, and for various prudential reasons would not welcome a “second American Revolution”. I believe—and, as my readers are well aware, have consistently emphasized over the years (and shall point out once again here)—that America’s present malaise can be cured without recourse to “revolution” or any sort of widespread violence or other political or social upheaval. The Constitution already provides the necessary and sufficient means for dealing peacefully yet decisively and permanently with the problem which so discomforts Mr. Whitehead.

The critical danger confronting America is a burgeoning domestic police state. No one doubts that. One may debate how close to complete domination of the populace this apparatus has come to date. I submit that it is still far from achieving such control—or commentaries such as this would already be prohibited from publication, on the Internet or anywhere else. The opposite—indeed, the antagonist—of “a police state” is “a free State”. Therefore, if “a police state” is to be suppressed while there is still time, “a free State” must be supported immediately if not sooner. What institution does the Constitution declare to be “necessary to the security of a free State”? Do I really need to recite all of the first thirteen words of the Second Amendment?

The question to which I should appreciate a straight answer from someone is: “Why do people such as Mr. Whitehead persist in disregarding the Constitution on this point, when it is as vital as it is obvious?” Why, through their studied silence, do the members of what Joseph Schumpeter aptly described as “the chattering class” deny or cast doubt upon the truth and the urgency of those thirteen words when “a free State” in America is under open, incessant attack from the architects and practitioners of “a police state”? What betokens such silence from people whose inclination (if not actual business) it is to talk, and that volubly, about every other issue? Is their implicit message that Americans are to disbelieve whatever the Constitution says? Or that the first thirteen words of the Second Amendment were wrong in 1791? Or that they are wrong now? Or that they are simply out of date, and needful of being reinterpreted into irrelevance or oblivion according to the perverse precepts of “the living Constitution”?

Most perplexing to me is why “the chattering class” seems incapable of comprehending that under the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution no dichotomy can possibly exist between the American people, on the one side, and “the government”, on the other. WE THE PEOPLE are not outside of “the government” and subject to its unfettered control. Rather, WE THE PEOPLE are the very source of “the government”, and are (or should be) direct participants in “the government”, day in and day out, through the most puissant force of “government” imaginable: the entire community exercising the Power of the Sword through the Militia. So, were the Militia functioning as they should, no one would be worried about “the government’s” setting up a national para-militarized police state, because—pursuant to the constitutional authority and responsibility of the Militia “to execute the Laws of the Union” (and of their own States as well)—the Militia would perform or supervise all “police” functions at every level of the federal system. WE THE PEOPLE would no longer distrust, let alone fear, the police, because WE THE PEOPLE would be the police.

If revitalization of the Militia might figuratively be characterized as a “second American Revolution”, it would be a “revolution” without any necessity for what Mr. Whitehead decries as “an armed revolt”. For it would hardly amount to any sort of “revolt” for Americans to revitalize the very institutions of government which, from the foundation of this country, the Constitution has declared to be “necessary to the security of a free State”. The “revolt”, if any there were, would be on the part of rogue public officials who attempted to prevent WE THE PEOPLE from asserting their supreme governmental authority through the Militia.

In the title of his article, Mr. Whitehead applies the word “futility” to “an armed revolt”. He would have done better to recognize the “futility” of disregarding how the first thirteen words of the Second Amendment unerringly point the way towards dealing once and for all with “the American police state”. For if by definition “a police state” cannot exist within “a free State”; and if “[a] well regulated Militia” is “necessary to the security of a free State”; then “a police state” cannot exist in the presence of “[a] well regulated Militia”. Where “[a] well regulated Militia” exists, the only individuals confronted with “futility” are those who attempt to set up “a police state”.

All that remains to be considered, then, is the practical question of whether an attempt to revitalize the Militia would inevitably prove futile under present political, social, and cultural conditions. Nay-sayers will assert that it would be difficult, probably impossible, to revitalize the Militia today. But I suspect that, to perform this task, there are enough Americans left who still subscribe to the old saying: “The difficult we do immediately; the impossible takes a little longer.” In any event, why not try? Is the alternative acceptable? In fact, there are many ways to go about revitalizing the Militia, step by step from the bottom up in one State after another—as well as from the top down, if the right individual were the President of the United States.

On the other hand, is the program Mr. Whitehead proposes devoid of difficulty? And even if, after who knows how long, his program were to succeed in bringing about “a change of heart among the American people, a reawakening of the American spirit, and a citizenry that cares more about their freedoms than their fantasy games”, the Militia would still have to be revitalized if “the security of a free State” were to be guaranteed from that point on.

Finally, Mr. Whitehead and those who follow his lead should ponder whether the process of promoting, and then implementing, revitalization of the Militia could itself be the catalyst for “a change of heart among the American people, a reawakening of the American spirit, and a citizenry that cares more about their freedoms than their fantasy games”. For it would be impossible for anyone who participated in revitalization of the Militia not to realize that the Militia embody the original “American spirit” of “a citizenry that cares more about their freedoms than [anything else]”—and not to absorb that spirit in its full strength through that participation. So, if Mr. Whitehead desires to “reclaim[ ] our government and restor[e] our freedoms” through “a different kind of coup: nonviolent, strategic and grassroots, starting locally and trickling upwards”—then he needs to begin thinking seriously about revitalization of the Militia.

© 2016 Edwin Vieira, Jr. – All Rights Reserved

The problem with being Hillary

Undecided and independent voters are called upon to assess whether statements made by Donald Trump that may have irritated or offended them are of equal or greater gravitas than actions taken by Hillary Clinton in public office. While Trump’s “counterpunches” land hard on those he “hits” and offend many sensitive to their implications, they have never placed in peril American intelligence operatives or methods; have never resulted in the death of Americans overseas; have never misled the American public concerning the actions of terrorist enemies of the United States; and have not placed the most vital secrets of this nation at risk. That horrible history is the unique legacy of Hillary Clinton in public service. Viewed fairly and impartially, nothing Donald Trump has said or done comes close to equaling the dire consequences to our nation that stem from what Hillary Clinton has said and done.

In short, while one of the chief pro-Clinton partisans, President Obama, calls Donald Trump “unfit” to serve as President, the fact is that Donald Trump has done nothing that would constitute a basis for legal disqualification, but the same cannot be said of Hillary Clinton. Indeed, Hillary Clinton is directly responsible for a failure to take action in response to pleas from Ambassador Christopher and his fellow Americans serving in Benghazi, a gross dereliction of duty that resulted in the deaths of those Americans.

She is also responsible, while serving as Secretary of State, for lying to the families of those lost to this act of terror, stating to them that the event was the result of a spontaneous uprising to an anti-Islamic video while telling her daughter shortly before that the Benghazi attack was in fact the result of an act of terror. She is responsible for violating State Department regulations and the Espionage Act by having all email correspondence that she received while serving as Secretary of State delivered to her unsecure private email servers and blackberries, acts that violated regulations defining secure communication channels for Espionage Act compliance purposes, and placing at risk, for the sake of her own convenience, the lives of American intelligence operatives and exposing their methods to risk of hacks.

Add to the foregoing Hillary Clinton’s repeated false statements to the American people (from her lies about the source of the Benghazi attack to her lies denying receipt of classified information to her private server to her lies to the families of the Americans slain by terrorists in Benghazi) and we have a consistent pattern of deceit and obfuscation in public office. While we do not yet have a final determination on probes into the connection between donations to the Clinton Foundation, payments to her husband for speaking engagements overseas, and her actions taken while serving as Secretary of State, the evidence revealed to date, including the employment of State Department employees by the Foundation, reveal at a minimum the appearance of impropriety and at a maximum State Department favors for those who paid hefty sums.

Are we to believe that a person who has been engaged throughout her public career in this kind of reprehensible conduct will spontaneously change and be converted to honesty? Are we to place no stock in the direct email evidence of dishonest tactics in her campaign against Sanders, in her underhanded dealings with the DNC related to Sanders, and in her most recent statements in response to Fox News’s Chris Wallace? A pattern created over thirty years up to the present is not likely to change over the course of four or eight years.

By contrast, some think Trump’s statements are, on occasion, offensive, but none of his statements rises to the level of acts that imperil national security, sacrifice human lives, or violate federal law. Consequently, while we may objectively say, with ample evidence, that Hillary Clinton is indeed unfit to serve as President of the United States; we may not say that, objectively, of Trump. Those, like the President, who contend that Trump is unfit are casting aspersion without requisite fact. Between Clinton and Trump, Clinton alone holds the record for acts of public corruption. That fact ought to weigh heavily on the minds of undecideds and independents who plan to vote in November.

© 2016 Jonathan W. Emord – All Rights Reserved

Chaos, confusion, booing, Wikileaks and the DNC convention

Our country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit: by consolidation of power first, and then corruption, its necessary consequence. —Thomas Jefferson

Communism has never come to power in a country that was not disrupted by war or corruption, or both. —John F. Kennedy

but for the DNC convention, they had to hire people to fill the vacant seats!

Hillary and the Military

Tig Tiegen and Mark Geist were guest speakers at the Republican Convention. These two men disobeyed the order to stand down at Benghazi. The audience loved them.

As you watched the DNC speeches, the Trump bashing, the anti-gun rancor, the hypocrisy of the left spewing their hate against everything American, just stop and think what kind of leadership will be in charge of our military. It’s now apparent the folks serving in our armed forces are one step ahead of them, and they already have a plan, if Hillary takes the oval. [Link]

Benghazi survivor and former CIA operative John “Tig” Tiegen, said special forces are already leaving in droves, and even more will leave if Hillary is elected. Why? Because they know that if they call for help, they may never receive it. That’s not the America they signed up to serve and protect.

Trump wants to make the military strong again. He also wants our veterans to get the best possible health care which they greatly deserve, without waiting so long that they die. 

Hillary and Wasserman-Schultz

For the sake of brevity, let’s call her Debbie WS.

We all know about Debbie WS by now. She actually showed up at the RNC Convention to take notes on how to counter whatever Donald Trump said. But that’s not the big story. The big story is that WS is a mole, and she’s the one who stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders for Hillary!

Following the resignation of WS from her role as Chairman of the DNC, Hillary Clinton issued the following statement:

“I want to thank my longtime friend, Debbie WS for her leadership of the DNC over the past five years. I am grateful to Debbie for getting the Democratic party to this year’s historic convention in Philadelphia, and I know that this week’s events will be a success thanks to her hard work and leadership. There’s simply no one better at taking the fight to the Republicans than Debbie–which is why I am glad that she has agreed to serve as honorary chair of my campaign’s 50-state program to gain ground and elect Democrats in every part of the country, and will continue to serve as a surrogate for my campaign nationally, in Florida, and in other key states. I look forward to campaigning with Debbie in Florida and helping her in her re-election bid–because as President, I will need fighters like Debbie in Congress who are ready on day one to get to work for the American people.”

Surely, Hillary’s statement is enough to make any thinking American gag! Corruption at the core, and she thanks the very woman responsible for getting her the nomination when we all know Bernie actually won.

Jim Marchant said this about Debbie WS:

“She is evil. When I was involved in Politics in Florida, I served on a Task Force that included her. I actually had to sit by her the entire time the task force was in effect. 

She also hated me and I wear that proudly as a badge of honor.”

Apparently Bernie supporters and a large segment of the Democrat party have grown weary of the lies, corruption, and deception. Ahem! On the first day of the DNC convention, WS was booed off the stage at the morning breakfast by the Florida delegates when she rose to speak. Obviously, the votes of those who supported commie Bernie were negated by the WS organization, and their voices were removed from the debate.

Unfortunately, Sanders has shown himself to be a tool of the cabal when he endorsed Clinton to loud boos from the Convention delegates.

“He made a commitment to run for president. He had made a commitment to contest this convention. He hadn’t conceded. He hadn’t suspended. He hadn’t released us. And he told us that he would be grateful for our vote,” said Jim Boydston, a delegate from California. “And then he just handed it off.”

Bernie Supporters Protest and Walk-Out

While some thought the Bernie supporters would fall in line and vote Clinton, many of them stated they would not. They claimed they were cheated of their rightful candidate. And yes, as Trump stated, Debbie WS was guilty of stacking the deck for Hillary. He said, “It’s a rigged system,” and he’s right. Bernie supporters were emboldened by the email leaks, and took to the streets to protest. With chants of “Hell no DNC, we won’t vote for Hillary,” and “Lock her up,” the protesters made it clear they would not be casting their votes for Hillary Clinton. Instead, many of them stated they’d vote for Trump.

Sanders protestors became even more stoked with the release of 20,000 hacked DNC emails. These emails also document the DNC ties with the media, including Politico’s submission of articles to the DNC for approval before publication.

Many delegate supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders walked out of the Democratic National Convention after a roll call determined Hillary Clinton to be the nominee. Supporters from all states headed toward the exits and left the convention. 

Here’s a video of the empty seats in the convention after Bernie delegations left. No voter enthusiasm! The place was emptied out.

Bill Speaks for Hillary

Bill Clinton’s speech at the Democratic Convention was almost humorous. If you believed his lies about his devoted and wonderful wife, then we should ask him point blank, over and over again, “If Hillary was so wonderful, why did you screw around on her all the years of your marriage, and even rape Juanita Broaddrick?”

Hillary’s Illicit and Illegal Actions

How can Hillary still be allowed to be the DNC nominee with everything we know about her? Let’s just look at a few of her disreputable and sordid actions.

1. In 1974 she was fired for being a liar by a supervisor who described her as an “unethical, dishonest lawyer.”
2. Her inaction in Benghazi that cost four American lives.
3. Clinton Foundation scandals that just keep coming.
4. Her laughter about defending a child rapist and setting him free while destroying a 12-year old’s life.
5. Hillary’s radical pal, Saul Alinsky, a friendship which started in college, but actually was ignited in high school by her Methodist youth minister, Don Jones.
6. Whitewater which resulted in jail time for her friends, but not for them.
7. Vince Foster’s death
8. Emailgate, which put our nation at risk over and over again, and yet Director of the FBI, Comey, and Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, let her skate on all charges.
9. Huma Abedin, Filegate, looting the White House and countless other illicit and illegal and corrupt actions by this woman and her husband.

There’s so much more and we all know it. Yet, this woman is running for President of the United States when she should be on trial for her treasonous activities. 

Bill Clinton Sleep’s Through Hillary’s Speech

When the former first lady was speaking about his policies about the Daesh (ISIL) Takfiri group, Bill was nodding off.

I guess Bill has heard her boring tele-prompter speech too many times to stay awake late at night, and he dozed off while sitting between his daughter, Chelsea, and Hillary’s VP candidate, Kaine.

Kaine actually tried to hide Clinton’s napping from the cameras by leaning over and shielding his body. It didn’t work, he was caught. Bet Hillary gave him what-for over this, but the poor man is worn out, and it was past his bedtime.

Ugly State of Affairs at the DNC Convention

Devvy Kidd’s recent column, Bill and Hill’s Convention, Beyond Obscene, gives a great birds’ eye view of the lies, wickedness, depravity, turpitude, and disgraceful attacks against truth which occurred at the 2016 DNC Convention. Our country is in decline for many reasons. The number one reason is the total elimination of God in our society, and the murder of innocents in the womb and elderly in their final days. God said CHOOSE LIFE, and I have no doubt that Hillary Clinton would actually vote to kill born alive infants.


It is now or never. This is our last chance. I believe God gave us Donald J. Trump as the man who could and would turn our nation back to God and back to the heart and soul of her founders. Should our nation choose otherwise, we are ultimately doomed. We simply must choose Mr. Trump and allow him the opportunity to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Urgent: clock running in your state capitol

While the country is honed in on the last and final presidential election the American people will have to stop the corrupt, vile Clinton machine, the clock is running for your state legislatures and bills for January.

It is imperative the American people in all 50 states pound on their state reps and senators NOW in order to get badly needed new laws on the books. Right now your state reps and senators are working on legislation that will get passed to committees so that all is ready to go once state capitols open their doors for business in January.

Our legislature here in Texas, Montana, Nevada and North Dakota are the four states of the Union that only meet for a few months every other odd year. The other 46 are annual and all begin new sessions each new January. This January all 50 states will open for session. If you want a new law for whatever issue and contact your state rep or senator in November, December or February, it’s already too late. It’s very difficult to get a new bill worked into the ‘hopper’ after October.

We know America is in a fight for our very existence up against a tyrannical government that makes King George look downright benevolent. All 50 states of the Union are sovereign unto themselves. We know the fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment destroyed the right of the states to be represented in Congress called the Senate. We know the U.S. Constitution gives LIMITED authority to pass legislation for external issues:

• “Another not unimportant consideration is that the powers of the general government will be, and indeed must be, principally employed upon external objects, such as war, peace,
• negotiations with foreign powers and foreign commerce. In its internal operations it can touch but few objects, except to introduce regulations beneficial to the commerce, intercourse and
• other relations, between the states, and to lay taxes for the common good. The powers of the states, on the other hand, extend to all objects, which, in the ordinary course of affairs,
• concern the lives, and liberties, and property of the people, and the internal order, improvement and prosperity of the state.” –Joseph Story, associate justice, U.S. Supreme Court,
• Commentaries on the Constitution, 1833

We know how far down the road lying, corrupt politicians from both parties in the Outlaw Congress as well as too many state houses have taken us. I know time is an issue, but this column is by far and away the best article on that:

EVERYTHING IS RIGGED: Medicine, science, elections, the media, money, education, search engines, social media… you are living in a fabricated fairy tale, August 2, 2016

“After witnessing how Reuters just blatantly cooked the presidential election polls this week to favor Clinton and how the mainstream media is so terrifyingly biased in favor of Clinton that the very foundation of democracy is now in crisis, it’s time to tell you something that perhaps a lot more people are finally ready to hear: EVERYTHING IS RIGGED.

“Every institution in America is sold out, corrupted and politically rigged to favor Big Government and Big Business. “America is a lost country,” explains Paul Craig Roberts. “The total corruption of every public and the private institution is complete. Nothing remains but tyranny. And lies. Endless lies.”

At the federal level we know corruption has been eating away at this republic for decades. We know the big issues like destructive ‘free’ trade treaties and an open border that has allowed a human invasion bankrupting we the people as well as demanding we flush our history, our traditions and culture along with terrorists crossing must be fixed for good.

The states can only do so much but what they can do can cripple the agenda driven two party machines in Washington, DC hell bent on destroying our constitutional republic. In 2012, I wrote ‘ four ‘working papers for our state legislature and mass mailed it to all of them: Seventeenth Amendment fraud, a constitutional sound money bill, booting Agenda 21 out of the state altogether and reconstituting the constitutional militia.

Our legislature passed a stupid non-binding resolution that Texas didn’t like Agenda 21 and sent it to Congress and the criminal impostor in the White House. Oh, good. A waste of paper that accomplished nothing. I provided those state reps and senators all the information they needed to duplicate what the State of Alabama did in Jun 2012: Alabama Adopts First Official State Ban on UN Agenda 21. A MAJOR victory in kicking the UN, Agenda 21 and all its tentacles out of the State of Alabama. Why the hell our state legislature couldn’t do the same thing instead of some worthless resolution is beyond me. What Alabama did must be duplicated in as many states as possible.

Our state did nothing on the fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment. As regular readers know I filed a lawsuit which went to the Appeals Court here in Texas. Despite ironclad proof that amendment fell two states short of ratification, the appeals court said they didn’t care, the fraud stands.

Politicians in our state houses are either so ignorant on the subject of the Second Amendment or too damn cowardly to uphold its true meaning: “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” The real meaning of those words is completely lost on Second Amendment advocates who have been brainwashed into believing the Second Amendment was created so they could go deer hunting. The real meaning of those words is ignored by cash cow machines like the NRA who otherwise do great work in areas like firearm safety and training.

Dr. Edwin Vieira has written on the constitutional militia and the Second Amendment for NWVs for the past 11 years. His little quick read, Thirteen Words, is a must read not only for anyone who owns a firearm as well as every state rep and senator.
Yet, despite his dedication in an effort to educate Americans about why we MUST reconstitute the constitutional militia, to date only one state passed a law which is sorely lacking to say the least. That would be Arizona, one of the gateway states for the human invasion pouring across the border everyday. So, just where is Arizona’s so called constitutional militia as illegals, terrorists and drug dealers continue to pour over their state border? Missing in Action is an understatement. A true constitutional militia law would long ago have put the militia on the border to assist the U.S. Border Patrol in a positive role. Just go read this column over lunch and you’ll know what I mean: Mexican pirates vs. constitutional militia

Thankfully, last year our legislature finally got their act together and Gov. Greg Abbott signed a bill into law to protect Texas when, not if, the Fed and the economy collapses. It is by no means perfect, but it is a huge step for our state:

Texas Governor Signs Bill Creating Nation’s First State-Level Gold Depository, June 17, 2015 – Even though our legislature was out of session, they got it done.

“In 2013, Capriglione told The Texas Tribune that a gold depository would protect the state in the event of a future financial crisis. “For us to have our own gold, a lot of the runs on the bank and those types of things, they happen because people are worried that there’s nothing there to back it up. So I think this cures a problem before it can happen.”

“Rick Cunningham, executive director of the Texas Center for Economics, Law and Policy, who drafted the first version of the law, testified in favor of a gold depository before the Texas House Appropriations Subcommittee on Budget Transparency and Reform on April 23, 2013. Cunningham called the depository “a wholly unique solution” to “what nearly happened to the financial industry as a result of the 2008 collapse of the debt instruments and debt derivatives that lay at its heart.”

The bill that is now law also contains this critically important section: “The Texas law also contains a provision that seeks to protect depositors from any future confiscation of gold by the federal government similar to the executive order signed by President Franklin Roosevelt on April 3, 1933 that prohibited “the hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States.”

Sadly, your state, unless you live in Texas, will go into mass chaos WHEN the stuff hits the fan and it’s underway. I believe the ‘Fed’ and the forces behind it are doing everything they can to prop things up until after the November 8th election. A very dedicated group of Texans worked hard to get that legislation introduced and signed into law and I thank them. It’s boots on the ground that makes things happen.

• Greg Abbott says $1 billion in gold bullion headed to Texas from Federal Reserve
• Texas Gold Bill Has Potential to Uproot Monetary System:

“We are not talking Fort Knox. But when I first announced this, I got so many emails and phone calls from people literally all over the world who said they want to store their gold … in a Texas depository. People have this image of Texas as big and powerful … so for a lot of people, this is exactly where they would want to go with their gold. But isn’t New York, where most of the world’s gold is stored, also big and powerful? Why does the state of Texas want to go through the trouble of building its own storage facility? There are precisely two important reasons. One involves distrust in the current storage system. The second threatens the paper money system as a whole.”

“Paper is poverty, …. it is only the ghost of money, and not money itself.” — Thomas Jefferson, 1788

Very important read. The stupid, ignorant Democrats on their banking committee killed the bill in committee. Edwin Vieira’s Testimony on Montana House Bill 513, March 14, 2011

I must insert this because it is a blatant example of one of the most corrupt cash cows in this country, the cash rich Southern ‘Poverty’ Law Center cretins who hate the Constitution and anyone fighting to turn back federal tyranny with Soviet-style propaganda:

Around the U.S., state legislators are proposing laws influenced by radical-right ideas. Most are flatly unconstitutional

“Virginia lawmakers have proposed the creation of an independent state currency, premised on “the destruction of the Federal Reserve System.” In Georgia, another currency bill would require banks to accept gold or silver as legal tender, thus overriding federal monetary regulations.”

Just the opposite is true. The “Federal” Reserve Banking Act of 1913 IS grossly unconstitutional and the states are well within their right to create sound money bills.

“A group of Kentucky Republicans introduced a law exempting the state from the jurisdiction of the Environmental Protection Agency. Montana’s “Sheriffs First Act,” would give local sheriff’s veto power over any federal law enforcement activity in their counties; those who failed to comply would face jail.”

The EPA IS unconstitutional and a cabinet we don’t need because all 50 states have their own environmental protection agencies. One size fits all when it comes to the environment is a mess. The EPA is critical in destroying capitalism and businesses with thousands of unconstitutional regulations. See here.

The rest of that article is nothing but crap. It is worded carefully to appeal to Americans who know nothing about the origin of cabinets, their constitutionality or why they must be abolished which I cover in my book. The Southern ‘Poverty’ Law Center is supposed to be about civil rights. Bull. It is nothing but buckets of cash for the despicable Morris Dees and his useful idiots. What does the EPA, the ‘Fed’ or other issues covered in the article have to do with hate groups? Not a damn thing. The SPLC uses their organization to promote the destruction of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Those four issues are critical but there’s more that must be addressed and action taken by state legislatures instead of business as usual; think Monsanto. In my new book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions, I go through the litany of high priority issues, how the problem got started and more importantly the solutions and how to get it done. I know that sounds a bit self-serving because I wrote the book, but I spent almost a year writing it with all the research to back it up. Unlike many of the great single issue books, there’s no other book like mine because of how I put it together.

In 1993 I wrote a 45 pg booklet titled Why A Bankrupt America and sold 1,653,000 copies of my booklet at cost; I didn’t make one penny from it. In 1996 I wrote my second 45 page booklet, Blind Loyalty, dealing with vote fraud stealing our elections. I sold 700,000 copies of that booklet at cost; I didn’t make one penny from it. Because we are in such deep doo-do, this time I wrote a comprehensive book that not only educates our fellow Americans but also state reps and senators that the solutions are there if only they will get off the dime. That won’t happen unless tens of thousands of citizens in each state demand bills get introduced and passed. BOOTS ON THE GROUND and a copy of my book to your state rep. Don’t just assume someone else will do it. Then follow up. You can use my ‘working papers’ cited above with links. While I wrote them in 2012, the problems still remain and only get worse with time.

This is a true story. I had a rally in Washington, DC on September 29, 1996. The purpose was to deliver more than a million and a half petition signatures to abolish the ‘Fed’ and income tax. Boy, how green I was back then! While going to congress critters offices delivering signatures with my momma in tow, a funny thing happened at worthless Sen. Orrin Hatch’s office. I handed the receptionist lady a copy of my Why A Bankrupt America booklet. She kinda laughed and said the senator was sick of getting them and to stop putting them in his in box. Oh, my. Touch a nerve with my booklet, did I? Poor Orrin would have fainted if he knew that while the rally was underway on the steps of the nation’s capitol, we collected almost 26,000 more signatures and a large number came from employees inside the capitol; they all had ID badges handing around their necks.

If you don’t know how a problem got started you cannot fix it. While there are millions of Americans trying to stop the rampage by corrupt politicians in the Outlaw Congress and our state capitols, if those folks don’t understand why we will never have financial prosperity until the ‘Fed’ is abolished, they can’t fight back effectively and with the facts.

As I said at the top of this column, right now your state reps and senators are writing legislation to get their bills into committees. Kicking the UN out of our states, passing a constitutional sound money bill, dealing with a law that doesn’t exist, the Seventeenth Amendment fraud and the reconstituting the constitutional militia as well as the issues in my book that CAN be done at the state level. But, I can tell you from being in the trenches full time the past 26 years, too many state reps and senators are woefully ignorant about solutions because they don’t understand how specific problems started.

There’s power in numbers and that means hooking up with existing tea party groups at the local level (forget national level tea party organizations), 9-12 chapters and all organizations, like ALIPAC on the illegals issue, working to stop the destruction of our country.

• List of tea party chapters nationwide
• Tea Party Local Groups by State just in case you can’t locate one in the link above
• 9-12 groups by state
• While I am against legalizing pot for recreational use, the Tenth Amendment Center has done fabulous work with state legislatures and educating Americans on exactly what the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution means, the great tool called nullification and why they’re so important in our fight to turn back federal tyranny. Their site also keeps a running list of bills under consideration so you can, in your state, make your voice heard.

There are many more with different names, but you would be surprised at how effective they are at networking – especially with social media today. There are thousands of groups across the country and getting involved with one generally leads to finding out about ten more.

Very important Americans understand jurisdiction. See here, scroll down to section Federal Jurisdiction. Believe me, I learned a lot from reading those items over the years. It’s important because the states have to stand up to the feds when it does come down to jurisdiction.

The clock is ticking. NOW is the time to go after your state reps and senators even if your legislature is out of session. Their district offices are open and that’s where you can get access to them.

[Devvy’s hot new book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions is now available. The most important issues destroying America are presented along with constitutional solutions neither the Republicans or Democrats will pursue. Get your copy now. Excellent discounts for 2 or more books, or bulk orders.]

© 2016 – and Devvy – All Rights Reserved

2016 republican convention: an eyewitness report

There are times in American life where history is made and, looking back, many of us wish we would have been in attendance at these historic events. I wish I could have seen the Democratic Convention of ’68 – but was glad to miss Woodstock.

What happened July 18-21, 2016 in Cleveland, Ohio at the Republican National Convention was history in the making, and I wasn’t going to miss it.

Tuesday night’s roll call giving Trump the nomination was surreal. I was waiting for Rod Sterling to come out on stage with a new version of the Twilight Zone: “What you are experiencing did not really happen.”

If God gives me 25 more years, I never would have imagined I would have witnessed all that transpired during those four days in Cleveland with an anti-Establishment American nationalist getting the Republican nomination.

The convention itself, probably like many others, created a carnival-like atmosphere in downtown Cleveland, filled with everything imaginable. Fourth Street, the walking mall of the downtown area, right outside the convention hall was where much of the action was. The street was jammed with delegates, guests, vendors hawking their political goods, protestors, national media booths, hundreds of reporters, fake nuns on stilts, street preaching, what was left of the ‘60’s hippies, Don King and his entourage, and Roger Stone, Alex Jones, and Al Franken sightings.

The police presence was brought in from all over the country, complete with the Fort Worth cavalry. The police far outnumbered the protestors and did a terrific job.

There were reports of only some 25 arrests. Soros’ “rent-a-mob” did not show. It seemed most of the protestors were younger and probably local.

Shop workers would go to their store windows to see the commotion as protestors moved down the street in packs of 20-40. As they went shouting against Trump, they were followed by flocks of press, who were followed by filming tourists. It was quite a scene that reminded me of something out of the French Revolution.

Inside the convention hall, security was everywhere. Wayne Madsen in his report mentioned a few of the convention snafus: the press sitting on floors searching for any electrical outlet they could find, the empty seats in the upper deck, and some roll call issues.

One negative of the four days was the typical neo-con speeches of Giuliani, Gingrich and Christie. Some of what they stated disagreed with Trump’s positions so it’s assumed their speeches weren’t edited. However, what made this convention so different was the fact that so few politicians spoke. The podium was filled with business people, servicemen, Trump’s family, actors, and some ordinary people. This was tremendously refreshing not having to listen to politicians all night.

The convention was truly a historic event in America. Future histories will record the American uprising of the middle class against the ruling elites and their globalist controllers.


I went into the convention with my questions. One was, “What would be the response of the floor delegates to Trump?”

We all heard of the “Never Trump” movement and the potential rebellion of, and compromise of, the delegates away from Trump during the convention. But the “Never Trump” resistance ended early on the first day.

Still the floor was filled with many traditional Republican delegates who had allegiances to other non-Trump candidates, but were obligated to Trump, so there was some early suspense for how things were going to be received in this convention.

What transpired over these four days was very encouraging and demonstrated the unity of Republicans to their dominating, vote-getting, American populist candidate, Donald Trump.

Every day after each speaker, the delegates and guests, no matter their preconceived doubts, warmed up to Trump. The words of the Trump children talking about their father moved the audience further towards Trump.

Then came the unthinkable on Wednesday night when Senator Cruz made a fool of himself by refusing to endorse the overwhelming people’s choice of Donald Trump. What was supposed to be a night for Eric Trump and Mike Pence on Wednesday became the Cruz show of arrogance and political suicide. In the end it pushed most of the remaining doubters to Trump.

Then on the 4th night came the heartfelt introduction of Ivanka Trump of her father with Trump’s powerful America First speech. Everyone left united behind their candidate.


During the convention Trump unveiled his greatest political weapons: his wife and children.

Monday it was Melania, Tuesday it was Donald Jr. and Tiffany, Wednesday it was Eric, and Thursday it was Ivanka introducing her father. One day I saw a sign near the Nebraska delegation: “Don Jr. for President.”

Every one of their speeches moved the delegates and greatly endeared them to their nominee. The children’s speeches touched the hearts and brought some to tears. We who have raised children know it’s nearly impossible for children to fake well their thoughts of their parents. Any attempt to embellish is easily seen as disingenuous.

I could imagine many in attendance thought as they listened to the Trump children’s love, respect, and great appreciation for dad, that if they could get 20% of such words from their own children they would be a very happy mother or father.

One political commentator mentioned of Trump’s children the biblical phrase, “by their fruits you should know them,” and went on about commending Trump for his excellent children. Trump’s children must be one of his proudest accomplishments, and they truly shined at the convention.


One of my favorite events in American political conventions is the traditional delegate roll call vote. At this convention, the attendees heard of the glories of world-renowned Idaho potatoes and of another Alabama NCAA football championship. This event every four years symbolizes and reminds us of the importance and uniqueness of each state.

At this time, came the day many informed American conservatives were looking for but never really truly anticipated.

2 hours, 47 minutes, and 47 seconds into day two of the 2016 Republican National Convention, the Bush family legacy was finally over. It officially ended when Chairman Paul Ryan mentioned that Jeb Bush, the 2015 frontrunner Republican candidate, after spending $150 million, received just three delegates. Yes, that is correct: three delegates. That’s $50 million per delegate.

This was the ultimate embarrassment for the Bush family when Jeb, favorite son of mom and daddy Bush, was swamped by the outsider, Donald Trump, 1725 delegates to 3. The dagger to the Bushes came at 2 hours, 48 minutes, and 14 seconds into Tuesday night when Ryan had to announce that Donald Trump, having received the majority of the votes, had been selected as the Republican nominee. It must have been a “Pepto-Bismol” moment for the entire Bush operation.

Much could be said of the 20 years of the Bushes’ presidential administrations. I include the 8 years of Reagan because it was filled with many Bush operatives. Much could also be said of the disastrous policies of the Bushes and their passion and labor for a New World Order and its technocratic control by global elites with the goal of one world government. The Bushes are globalists, not true Americans. Trump began exposing the whole family and eventually pushed Jeb out of the Republican primary by humiliating him in South Carolina. The events of July 19 in Cleveland, Ohio made a great day for American sovereignty and liberty with the announcement of “three votes for Jeb Bush.”


Donald Trump graciously gave his prominent primary opponents an opportunity to speak unconditionally. Christie, Carson and Rubio were all heard. The same opportunity was given to Ted Cruz.

As Cruz went further into his 23-minute speech, the Republican attendees were getting more and more anxious waiting for his endorsement of Trump. Then he uttered the code words of the “Never Trump” movement: “vote your conscience,” and all bedlam broke out. The crowd shouted, “Endorse Trump,” and broke out into rounds of boos. They bombarded Cruz. He did get in one more – sarcastic– comment to the New York delegation: “I appreciate the enthusiasm of the New York delegation.” From that point, he could not effectively finish his speech.

Cruz then departed to casino magnate Sheldon Adelson’s luxury suite from which he was repelled by Adelson’s aide, Andy Abboud, who told Cruz he was not welcomed. Then things became even more volatile on the floor for Cruz’s wife, Heidi, and dad, Raphael. As they were leaving the floor, delegates were booing his father and yelling at his wife: “Goldman Sachs! Goldman Sachs!” Cruz supporter from Virginia, Ken Cuccinelli, had to grab Mrs. Cruz, call for additional security, and escort her out to safety from the increasingly volatile crowd of delegates moving towards her.

Whether Cruz’s speech was planned or changed matters little; surely he miscalculated the response. A New York Times reporter wrote, “… he managed to do the unthinkable — make Mr. Trump look like a victim.”

The other unthinkable thing is the fact that Ted Cruz, who was the second leading Republican vote-getter and supported by many in the Party, turned himself into a political pariah. Cruz had to have his wife and father escorted out of their own conventional hall under security from their own Party delegates. Has anything like this happened before in modern Party convention history? His own arrogance overcame political prudence.

What Cruz did was similar to a wedding where the minister asks, “Does anyone oppose this marriage? Speak now or forever hold your peace,” and Cruz stands up at the service explaining his opposition to the groom, and tells the bride to go with her conscience. Unbelievable, tacky, and inappropriate, was Cruz, yet he just couldn’t help himself. He would have been better off staying home.

The next morning at breakfast Cruz doubled down defending his actions of the previous night before the Texas delegation that booed and heckled him.

Gov. Christie best described Cruz’s behavior:

I think it was awful. And quite frankly, I think it was selfish. And, he signed a pledge. And, it’s his job to keep his word. And Donald Trump gave him the opportunity to speak here at this convention tonight and I think it was too cute, and I think he saw by the end of the speech that the crowd was waiting for him to do the right thing and realized that once again he wasn’t going to do it. And I think the performance you saw up there is why Ted has so, so richly deserved the reputation that he’s developed on Capitol Hill.

… [H]e gave Donald Trump a promise the same day I did, the same day everyone signed that pledge did. We didn’t give it to Donald Trump, we gave it to each other. The 17 of us gave a promise to each other, and we signed it, and we said no matter what happens, we’re going to support the Republican nominee for president. I don’t know what kind of conversations he and Donald may have had since that time, and that’s not what I’m talking about. Every one of us signed a pledge, and our word should matter, and that’s what disgusts people out in your audience, that they give their word, and they think that’s negotiable.

What became obvious to many conservatives was that Ted Cruz was more concerned about Ted Cruz’s political future than his own country. They saw he would accept a Hillary victory and the country in ruins, so that he could run in 2020.

I believe he is done in national politics. He will never recover from his 2016 wild adventure in Cleveland. I’m sure there will be an opening for him at Goldman Sachs.


Trump’s RNC acceptance speech was a powerful blast against all things “ruling establishment.” He hit political correctness, media elite censorship, corporations, globalism, anti-American trade deals, big business donors, nation building, illegal immigration, NAFTA, TPP, excessive regulations, Evangelical involvement and free speech. He ended with highlighting that our system is “rigged,” but “I am with you—the American people. I will be your voice.”

It was a powerful, America First, anti-establishment speech that many of us have been awaiting for half a century.

Some of Trump’s key speech quotes were:

• “We cannot afford to be so politically correct anymore. So if you want to hear the corporate spin, the carefully-crafted lies, and the media myths [of] the Democrats…”
• “…plain facts…have been edited out of your nightly news and your morning newspaper.”
• “…the legacy of Hillary Clinton [is]: death, destruction and weakness.”
• “Tonight, I will share with you my plan of action for America…our plan will put America first. Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo…This will all change in 2017. The American people will come first once again.”
• “A number of these reforms that I will outline tonight will be opposed by some of our nation’s most powerful special interests. That is because these interests have rigged our political and economic system for their exclusive benefit. Big business, elite media and major donors are lining up behind the campaign of my opponent because they know she will keep our rigged system in place. They are throwing money at her because they have total control over everything she does. She is their puppet, and they pull the strings.”

• “Every day I wake up determined to deliver for the people I have met all across this nation that have been neglected, ignored, and abandoned.”
• “I have joined the political arena so that the powerful can no longer beat up on people…”
• “We must abandon the failed policy of nation building and regime change…”
• “We are going to build a great border to stop illegal immigration…”
• “I have a different vision for our workers. It begins with a new, fair trade policy that protects our jobs and stands up to countries that cheat.”
• “I am going to turn our bad trade agreements into great ones.”
• “Remember, it was Bill Clinton who signed NAFTA… Never again.”
• “The TPP will not only destroy our manufacturing, but it will make America subject to the rulings of foreign governments. I pledge to never sign any trade agreement that hurts our workers, or that diminishes our freedom and independence.”

• “We are going to enforce all trade violations, including through the use of taxes and tariffs, against any country that cheats…That includes renegotiating NAFTA.”
• “Then we are going to deal with the issue of regulation…Excessive regulation is costing our country as much as $2 trillion a year, and we will end it. We are going to lift the restrictions on the production of American energy.”
• “At this moment, I would like to thank the evangelical community who have been so good to me and so supportive. You have so much to contribute to our politics, yet our laws prevent you from speaking your minds from your own pulpits.”
• “I am going to work very hard to repeal that language and protect free speech for all Americans.”
• “No longer can we rely on those elites in media, and politics, who will say anything to keep a rigged system in place.”
• “My pledge reads: ‘I AM WITH YOU — THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.’ I am your voice.”

Trump blended his theme of making America great again with numerous examples of what’s wrong and how he’s going to fix the rigged corporate system.

The critics claim it wasn’t a “statesman-like” speech or one of “political eloquence.” Aren’t we tired of eloquent statesman speeches by so-called conservatives who give us words and no action on key issues? America is ready instead for blue collar, real life speeches that push for action on issues that put America first. Trump’s speech at the Cleveland convention may go down as one of our great turning points in our political history.


When I heard Trump speak and proclaim, “Our plan will put America first. Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo,” I almost fell out of the Alabama alternate delegate section over the rail onto the concrete below.

No self-respecting establishment Republican would disparage “globalism,” or contrast it to “Americanism.”

After studying US national politics for over 45 years, I thought I would never hear such an assertion against globalism from a national political candidate. This phrase shows how advanced Trump is in knowing how the world works, and who is in control. While Rush Limbaugh is constantly incorrectly hyping liberalism as the enemy of America, Trump lays aside the symptoms of liberalism and zeros in on the symptoms’ source, “globalism.”

Critical and telling of Trump’s phrase against globalism is the use of the word “credo.” His use of this word purposely tells of his fundamental commitment to Americanism first and the battle against globalism. The word “creed” has a transcendent religious conviction and meaning to it. A “creed” is defined as “a set of beliefs, a dogma, a principle, and tenant that guides action.” Trump’s use of “credo” was brilliant and gives his Americanism an immovable foundation to build upon.

Later in his speech, Trump doubled down on globalism with, “we must abandon the failed policy of nation building and regime change.” Wow! Another political phrase no traditional Republican would mention. His statements repudiated the disastrous Bush wars, the Obama/Clinton destabilization of North Africa, and the use of the American military and NATO as the global elite’s private army.

These two phrases of Trump’s speech were the most powerful in his talk, and very telling of his planned direction and leadership of the country.


When I look back at my time at the 2016 Republican National Convention, I am left thinking, “Wow, what an incredible time in our nation’s political history.”

The convention was a product of something bigger than its events of four days. It is a true political awakening of the people against the ruling establishment, and this awakening is far greater than any one convention or any one candidate.

No one can tell what lies before us. The global establishment has been in control of Western governments and finance for over 100 years, and will not lay down to a Trump presidency to see their control grid dismantled.

We do not know what they have in place to deal with the wild boar, Donald Trump, who got loose in their global vineyard. Whether it’s assassination, voter fraud or an orchestrated economic depression and societal breakdown, we do not know.

Nonetheless, we need to be reminded that the people did not lose control of their government overnight and it will not be taken back overnight. Securing personal liberty and national sovereignty is a process. We have gone through two initial stages of the process: the rejection of the Republican Party establishment (Jeb), the candidacy of a citizen representative (Trump) and his nomination as a major party’s candidate for president.

These are two monumental steps in the right direction in the long process of the American people taking back their government.

© 2016 Thomas Ertl – All Rights Reserved

The new America Pt. 2

The American dream has become almost an impossibility in the last 25 years. In a nation that was founded on freedom to live how we want, where we want and to pursue what we desire with very little interference from government, we have come to a point where the entrepreneur is restricted on so many levels that attempting to start a business has the businessman running into a wall at every turn. The Obama administration has issued an average of 65 new regulations a day since he took office in January of 2009. The regulations have added billions of dollars to the operating costs for the small businessman. Hillary Clinton made a comment at the start of this presidential campaign concerning job growth in America: “Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.”[1]

She has made the insane comment that increasing the minimum wage will create jobs but all the data proves the exact opposite: Besides, Hillary’s argument here is entirely divorced from reality and actual data. The miminum-wage bill for which Hillary Clinton voted passed in 2007 and took effect in stages, beginning that summer. In June 2007, the Household Survey of the BLS showed that the US economy had 146.063 million jobs in June 2007, just before the increase took place. Last month’s data showed that the US economy had 146.6 million jobs — an increase of less than 500,000 in over 7 years, not “millions of jobs” as Hillary claims here. In fact, the 146.6 million is the highest it’s ever gotten since the passage of that law. In the same period, the civilian workforce participation rate has gone from 66% to 62.7%. On a population basis, there are a lot fewer people working after the last minimum wage hike, not more, and wages are actually down, not up.[2]

The so-called leadership that we have in BOTH parties today have no resemblance to the leaders we had in 1776. Obama stated that there is no other person so qualified to be president than Hillary Clinton, not himself, not Bill, nobody! She isn’t the grime under the fingernail of any of the Founders! She isn’t, in my humble opinion, qualified for janitor at a dog pound. The party she represents was just exposed for rigging the primary in Hillary’s favor and she is claiming ignorance of that. She wants to up the amount of Islamic refugees 550% even though those same refugees are rioting in France, raping women all over Europe, demanding that everybody abide by shariah law and forcing these cultures to change to an Islamic culture. Most of Europe is unarmed. We are not.

We will not stand for that kind of treatment from people who come here from other nations. Assimilate or leave! Democrats have opposed all efforts to properly vet these refugees. Donald Trump believes that we should stop any immigration from these radical nations until we can verify who we are bringing in. The Democrats have gone nuts concerning that idea forgetting that FDR did the same thing in the 1940’s and even put Japanese Americans in camps, confiscated their property which most never got back. Jimmy Carter stopped immigration from Iranians during the hostage crisis in the 1970’s and even deported 15,000 Iranians that were here. It’s okay for a Democrat to do this but a violation of human rights if Republicans do it.

This mindset is not what our Founders had. Immigrants, though welcomed, were strictly regulated for numbers and character. They believed and rightfully so that if too many came in the economy would not be able to support a large influx of people. In 1924 Calvin Coolidge saw the same thing occurring after the First World War: “On May 26, 1924, President Calvin Coolidge signs into law the Comprehensive Immigration Act, the most stringent immigration policy up to that time in the nation’s history.

The new law reflected the desire of Americans to isolate themselves from the world after fighting the terrible First World War in Europe, which exacerbated growing fears of the spread of communist ideas. It also reflected the pervasiveness of racial discrimination in American society at the time. Many Americans saw the enormous influx of largely unskilled, uneducated immigrants during the early 1900s as causing unfair competition for jobs and land. Under the new law, immigration remained open to those with a college education and/or special skills, but entry was denied to Mexicans, and disproportionately to Eastern and Southern Europeans and Japanese.”[3]

This is exactly what we are seeing today not only coming across our southern border but being brought in as so-called refugees. The only problem with the refugees is they refuse to assimilate. They demand that we accept their ideology and culture. They should adapt tp ours or stay where they are. Early immigrants were excited about coming to America and becoming Americans. These muslim immigrants demand that they be allowed to come here unvetted and demand that we change our culture to theirs. Our Founders would have had them out on the next boat but too many in the Republican party and most in the Democrat party feel that we need to pander to them and give them what they want and in the process they are giving away our country to ungrateful thugs.

The fact that we need to maintain our American principle no matter who wants to migrate here seems to be foreign to all too many. Politicians like John Kasich, Jeb Bush, Michael Bennet and Diane DeGette feel they need to be compassionate towards the refugees and the illegal immigrants when they should be thinking Americans first. They are putting the refugees and illegals first at the cost of jobs and benefits for Americans. These politicians are traitors in my book to America. We see most of the Democrat party that will vote for benefits for these people over our legal citizens. Obama even made an agreement with Mexico that if social security benefits are cut only American citizens will be cut. Benefits to illegals won’t be cut. Social security is not an entitlement. Citizens have paid into it all of their working lives and the government is giving it to people who should be getting no benefits at all, bankrupting they system.

Our Founders would have never given illegals and refugees anything that would be a detriment to the American people. Today’s leaders could care less about the American people, believe that we should have open borders. This is all part of the redistribution of the wealth of America to the rest of the world. It is the communist ideology that everyone should be equal. Our Founders believed that everyone should have an equal opportunity but they believed that how you ended up was in your hands. Given the same opportunity as everyone else, hard work and persistence you could achieve the American dream but the leaders today in both parties want the end to be equal and the only way that can happen is to take away from those that worked hard and give to those that don’t have the ambition for hard work.

Thomas Jefferson stated “The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” I know that some people can’t work but the majority of those on some form of federal assistance are able to work, they’re just to lazy to do so. They can in too many cases make more form entitlements than working. Our Founders would have shamed them into work. Obama actually advertises for people to go on assistance. That is NOT the America I grew up in. That is not the America I want to leave my kids.

The state we are in began almost a hundred years ago and a lot is entrenched into society that we will never be able to get out without a major catastrophe. I would hope that we won’t have to experience anything of that nature but if we don’t turn around the way we are going that is exactly what will happen.

The last two elections have only taken us further down the path to destruction with the policies of Obama and the Democrats. Their candidates this year are nothing but socialists bound and determined to take our freedoms and our future away from our kids.

The Republicans fought the person who is now the nominee every inch of the way because he is NOT part of the establishment and they can’t control him which shows you just where our politics have come to. Elections are nothing more than something to make you think you have a choice. This year I believe we do have a choice. When the party elites from both parties, foreign nations, illegals and Hollywood are against him, you probably have the right man for this time.

It is our choice. Return to what we once were or keep sliding into a one world order where you have no freedom, no rights, no future. Try explaining that to your kids. Why you let that happen.

© 2016 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved



1. Hillarynomics: Businesses don’t create jobs, Government does.
2. Hillarynomics: Businesses don’t create jobs, Government does.
3. In 1924 Coolidge signs stringent immigration law

Why does the democratic party disdain God?

The Democrat convention got off to a curious and raucous start as the “preacher” who led the invocation was heckled in the middle of that prayer. Todd Starnes notes, “the jeers turned into chants for Bernie Sanders, “Bernie, Bernie…I was at their convention in 2012 — when they not only booed God — but they tried to vote the Almighty out of their party platform.”[1]

Whether you agreed with the prayer or not – and I do not agree with the con-tent of her prayer – how disrespectful can you be, and not just to the “preacher” but above all disrespectful to the Lord God. It demonstrates again that there is no fear of God in their hearts.

Looking at that Democrat Platform approved by the delegates to their con-vention in Philadelphia shows how depraved those hearts are which do not fear God. Under the title “Guaranteeing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans-gender Rights” (By the way we need to understand that these are religious statements, they reveal a belief system based upon a set of presuppositions. I need to mention this because the modern propaganda campaign would have us believe these are something other than a religious belief system.)

Their platform states, “We support a progressive vision of religious freedom that respects pluralism and rejects the misuse of religion to discriminate. … We will also promote LGBT human rights and ensure America’s foreign policy is inclusive of LGBT people around the world.”

So I understand what they are saying in that party platform by ‘progressive vision’ is they want religion to shift away from its historic moorings, from its past standards of right and wrong. They want religion to respect pluralism – that is never dare critique any of the truth claims of any belief system. They demand that all religions adopt their religion of total relativism and believe that there is nothing absolute, no standard of right or wrong. So they lie, because they claim they stand for religious freedom, but only if you believe what they believe. Then they assert that it is a misuse of religion to discriminate. This word discriminate has come under sustained assault in our day. So let’s look at what our Founders knew this word meant.

To discriminate according to Webster’s 1828 Dictionary,

“1. To distinguish; to observe the difference between; as, we may usually discriminate true from false modesty.
2. To separate; to select from others; to make a distinction between; as, in the last judgment, the righteous will be discriminated from the wicked.”
I love Noah Webster’s use of the Bible in these definitions. Clearly our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ at the last judgment will discriminate, that is He will distinguish between the righteous and the wicked, the later of which He will consign to the lake of fire for eternity.

So their party platform would have us not act as Jesus Christ will act, not distinguish right from wrong, and by respecting so called pluralism, we will then never warn people headed for eternity in the lake of fire that their eternal immortal soul is in grave danger. In other words they would have us not help people understand the laws of the universe, not be able to distinguish between right and wrong. In essence then the Democrat platform condemns evangelism and discipleship which are the calling of every true Christian. They are saying that faithful obedience to Christ is the “misuse of religion.” And further they say that the violation God’s Holy law in regards to sexual morality is a human right. The platform states, “We will also promote LGBT human rights and ensure America’s foreign policy is inclusive of LGBT people around the world.” That is they claim we have a right to do what God says in wrong. That humans have the right to sin. And they are so devoted to this Satanic vision they intend to force every nation in the world to comply with it through the means of bribery of those other governments with U.S. Foreign aid and Foreign policy to promote sodomy.

The real agenda underlying all of this is the destruction of family government and church government such that the only entity left standing is an all powerful civil government which alone commands worship, obedience and total undivided loyalty.

Think of the implications to our land if their agenda is followed – the destruction of family and church, the exaltation of every form of wickedness and immorality. They scheme to accomplish this by eliminating all sin from society by redefining sin and calling it good, moral and righteous. Look at how closely this agenda aligns with Satan’s strategy. His design is to drag everyone to hell with him. All he has to do is persuade them to worship some idol other than the one true God, and get them to believe that they are not sinners headed to hell and therefore there was never a need for a redeeming sacrifice for their sins. If Satan can keep them locked in bondage to this belief system until they draw their last breath, he will have them in hell for all eternity.

If you were to make a simple comparison of the major belief systems in the world – all of them have a standard as to what constitutes sin. They also have a system of sacrifice to seek atonement for sin. There is only one religion that doesn’t do this but rather denies the very existence of sin altogether and that belief system is Satanism. It would seem that Satanism is the religion adopted by the Democrat platform.

Now the Democrats are not alone. Consider what our culture is doing – it is eliminating the whole idea of sin; thereby eradicating all ability to distinguish between right and wrong. Their way of dealing with the universal problem of human sin is to wave their magic wand and using some invented incantation make sin disappear completely. This is of course is a Satanic deception. Sort of like the ostrich with his head in the sand; he thinks to himself, ‘if I don’t see it, or if I pretend that it does not exist then it cannot harm me.’ This is a deception of the deepest sort, in fact it is delusional. We live in the universe created by the One True God. He established all the laws, both physical and moral that govern His universe. His laws cannot be overturned, they are immutable.

Satan would have his victims believe they are alright just the way they are; furthermore that anything they did wrong at any time is actually irrelevant because sin is really in the eye of the beholder. So if you don’t believe sin exists, say the words and poof, it magically disappears.

I think this is why Satan is working over time to promote sodomy in our day as good and moral. Every human knows deep in his heart that sodomy is an abomination. So if even this most egregious violation of God’s Law, as re-vealed in nature and above all in God’s Holy Word, if even this can be magi-cally transformed into something noble and good, why then all other sins can in the same manner be transformed as well – lying, stealing, and murder can be magically transformed into something good, moral and righteous.

This Satanic lie is very attractive for the sinner; when they choose to believe this lie then they think their sin problem is eradicated. But woe to those who swallow this lie, they are far worse off than a sinner who knows the great problem and the penalty of his sin.

So what is the real way of dealing with sin? For the reality is that all men are sinners, all have fallen short of the glory of God and that the wrath of God is reveal from heaven against all unrighteousness with the result that the wages of sin is death. This is the great Human Dilemma. Romans 6:23 states, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” The only payment for sin acceptable to God must be a sinless substitute whose blood is spilled as He dies in our place. Christ fulfilled each element of this by His death on the cross.

Learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2016 Rev. David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

Muslims in America, let’s read the constitution

Though Donald Trump and his recent feud with the father of a decorated Muslim Army captain killed in Iraq has brought the discussion about Muslims in America to the public forum, it is not a new discussion.

During the time of our founding, Islam was a major religion in many parts of the world. Therefore, there were numerous Muslims living in America during the time of its founding. Naturally, there was great concern over Muslims taking over Amer-ica’s Christian value system, especially since America was in a war against Islamic terrorists – the Barbary Powers War – that spanned over the presidencies of George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison.

Concerning the fear of Muslims holding high office in America, Supreme Court Justice James Iredell, who was nominated to the Court by President Washington, stated:

But it is objected that the people of America may perhaps choose representatives who have no religion at all, and that pagans and Mahometans (Muslims) may be admitted into offices. . . . But it is never to be supposed that the people of America will trust their dearest rights to persons who have no religion at all, or a religion materially different from their own.

The purpose of the clause found in Article 6 of the U.S. Constitution stating “no reli-gious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States” was born out of the overwhelming concern that our new Republic might establish a national religion. This was extremely dangerous to our founders and reasonably so! Europe and England alike had recently plunged into horrific religious persecutions sanctioned by civil governments!

The Anglican Church of England had at its head none other than the King of England, and the brutal tactics of those under his authority proved to be calamitous and tragic to Americans who often worshiped, taught, and evangelized in churches not sanctioned by the king.

The intent of our founders was not to sanction religions outside of Christianity, but rather in words of Supreme Court Justice and Father of American Jurisprudence, Joseph Story, “The real object of the (First) Amendment was, not to countenance, much less to advance Mahometanism (Islam), or Judaism, or infidelity, by prostrating Christianity; but to ex-clude all rivalry among Christian sects, and to prevent any national ecclesiastical estab-lishment, which should give to an hierarchy the exclusive patronage of the national gov-ernment.”

Lastly, we definitely need to understand that when our founders referred to religion they were referring to the blessed religion of our Lord Jesus Christ – the same Lord they ac-knowledged when signing the Constitution “in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven.”

Why were they so exclusive? Simple, because Christianity is the ONLY system of wor-ship designed to bring liberty and freedom to all mankind who were created in God’s im-age.

Learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and his “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2016 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

North Carolina bathroom battle brings out Obama’s big guns

…DOJ Plus Big Business
Talk about a federal clamp-down. Nearly 70 of the country’s largest corporations have jumped into the LGBT boat with the Obama administration’s heavy-handed Department of Justice and set course toward one target: North Carolina’s bathroom law.
Who’d have thought transgender rights would be the issue that finally moved this administration past campaign rhetoric and into the field of actual action?
After all, America suffered through red line after red line in the Syria fiasco – in wwhich President Obama kept threatening, then backtracking on threats, then threatening again to take military action if President Assad didn’t turn over his cache of chemical weapons. Then Americans suffered through month after month, turning to year after year, of dismal job prospects, all the while tuning in to national TV to hear a do-nothing Obama brag about the feds’ more positively skewed statistics. Then the world watched and waited for Obama to take decisive action on terrorism and ISIS – and, sadly, as any goood Orlando, Florida, or Nice, Paris, resident could confirm, is still watching and waiting.
But making sure girls’ bathroom doors are open to boys, and women’s to men? Obama’s on it.
His latest is to make sure North Carolina, which passed a law – (Note to Obama: You know, that thing that goes through the legislative process and is duly debated and decided by the constitutionally elected?) – called the “Public Faciilities Privacy and Security Act,” requiring individuals to use the public restrooms that conform to their birth genders. The law was North Carolina’s defense against Obama’s unilateral – meaning, devoid of Congress – dictate to stateates, via Justice Department and Education Department letters, to open public school restrooms and changing facilities to those of both genders, so that boys who went to bed on Monday as males but awoke on Tuesday as females could then use the girl’s facilities.

North Carolinians didn’t agree with that line of thinking, and thus, HB2 was born, via electorate-supported legislation.
But Obama doesn’t agree with North Carolina’s stance, aligned with the Tenth Amendment and states’ rights as it is, and sent out his federal top law enforcement dogs to issue a quick smack-down. The Justice Department in early May filed a suit to halt North Carolina’s law from taking effect – and this time, dozens of big businesses piled on to pressure the state to back down. Specifically, in early July, almost 70 of the country’s top corporations, including PayPal, Nike, Capital One, IBM, Salesforce, Apple, American Airlines and Marriott, jumped into the legal fray and filed a legal brief with the Human Rights Campaign in support of the Obama administration and its Justice Department’s demands.
What a heavy boot for something like 0.3 percent of the country’s population. If only Obama could amass such a speedy and hefty show of force against America’s enemies – against radical Islamists, for example, or North Korean dictators vowing to obliterate the West.
But this battle for transgender rights being waged by the Obama administration is not really about transgender rights. It’s about upsetting a republic and overturning a Constitution – about tossing out the traditional and heralding in aa new order, one that talks a talk of fairness and justice but walks a walk of intolerance for all views tinged with conservatism, Christianity or even unbridled American patriotism.

With the suit, this is the message Obama, the Justice Department and Big Business send: White House wishes trump legislatively enacted law.

Or, as Justin Danhof, legal counsel and director of the Free Enterprise Project for the National Center for Public Policy Research put it: “Since the DOJ doesn’t have the constitutional authority to rewrite laws, it is trying to seek the same result by establishing precedent with this court case. Such a result would irreparably damage America’s unique separation of powers and open the floodgates for increased executive branch control over state and local matters.”
In other words, not only would Obama get to play king, once again. But future presidents, both Democrats and Republicans, would have a clear path to play the king’s role themselves. Bathroom rights? Think longer term. Transgender justice? Hardly. This battle over gender is about power, control and the fate of Americans to govern as Founding Fathers envisioned.

© 2016 Cheryl Chumley – All Rights Reserved

Danger: Gulen charter schools and the Fethullah Gulen movement Pt. 4

Replacing Erdogan with Fethullah Gulen

“You must move in the arteries of the system without anyone noticing your existence until you reach all the power centers … until the conditions are ripe, they [the followers] must continue like this … The time is not yet right. You must wait for the time when you are complete and conditions are ripe.” —Fethullah Gülen June 1999

It has been brought to my attention it could possibly be dangerous exposing anything about Gülen. Not that I think my writings are that important, but I do thank my friends for informing me about the abduction of the Turkish journalist who was going to write a book about Gulen’s “private” life. Haydar Meric was found dead at sea 18 days after having been abducted. For as much information as I have found, that must mean there is a great deal more out there to be able to write a book.

Gulen stated on his application for permanent residency in 2007 his position as the Founder and Head of The Gulen Movement having overseen the establishment of a conglomeration of schools throughout the world, in Europe, Central Asia, and the United States – also listing numerous Institutions and Foundations.

This should be the notice to all parents of Gülen Charter schools in America that they are using our schools for indoctrination. 

In 2009, the Citizens for National Security (CNFS) presented their lengthy report on a high school pro-Islam History book to a large group in Orlando, FL after an extensive analysis of history books being used around the state. They had focused on the textbook “World History” by Prentice Hall. Noticeably, Islam was in and Christianity was out. I was at that gathering. 

Over 27 Florida History and Social Studies textbooks being used at the time of the study showed over 200 false or misleading statements. In one 7th grade History book there were 34 pages regarding Islam and Sharia and NOTHING in regard to Christianity. Our goal as parents in working with GNFS was to ask the schools to supply the teachers with a supplemental booklet with corrections – all district superintendents contacted refused.

School superintendents when asked about the “World History” book stated they didn’t choose what the school was to use the state did. Then the state said “no that’s not true, all we do is give the districts a list of acceptable books and the districts choose.” I won’t bore you with you with who assessed the books. 

With the support of the CIA, Gülen in his move to obtain permanent residency in the U.S. was referred to by the U.S. State Department as a “radical Islamist” and at the same time investigations have proven he is a true, dyed-in-the-wool Islamist who wishes to transform the U.S. and Turkey into Sharia states and return to the Ottoman Empire.

Just three years ago, Time magazine had Gülen listed as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. His congregation’s from around the world are estimated to be from 3 to 6 million people and the worth of his schools and affiliated institutions to be worth billions. 

However, Gülen and his followers appear to wear masks hiding their real intentions in regard to their beliefs and purpose. Each passing day, contradiction between their smiling masks and their accumulated hatred, goals, lies, deceptions, cheating, manipulations, and anger becomes clearer. Americans are beginning to see as the rest of the world this is not a man of peace as portrayed by the CIA.

By our government allowing this manipulating man and his organizations to use our children through education to further their cause is definitely not living up to their oath of office to “protect and defend”.

Although Gülen is portrayed in this country as a protagonist of moderate Islam and a peacemaker who invented the inter-religious dialogues, his Movement hopes to reach non-Muslims (our children), people for whom Gülen and his followers wear interfaith dialogue masks, especially outside Turkey, to show them that his interpretation of Islam is different than that of any other Muslims. Those who study Islam know that Islam is Islam, and there is no such thing as moderate or contemporary Islam because the Quran is the main source of Islam, so that any genuine Muslim will follow the interpretations of the Quran, not those of Gülen.

Gülen has always looked to make his associations with other strong men. He has put on the mask of being an anti-communist which is what gained him favor of the CIA in the first place. 

When Gülenists opened their schools and businesses in Central Asia after the fall of Communism in 1989, there were two sects of Muslims that were trying to influence the new independent states in the post-Soviet era, the Iranian Shi’a sect of Islam and Gülen’s version of Islam. The CIA chose Gülen.

Gülen is now also faced with being in opposition to Turkey’s most powerful politician, Recep Erdogan. In the past they were seen as friends but today they each have their own thoughts and agenda as to the direction of Islam. Gulen accuses the Turkish government of not being transparent and then wears his victim’s mask to gain the support (financial) from the government and wealthy businessmen.

For 17 years from his hide-a-way in the Poconos Mountains Gülen has run his global empire all the while plotting to overturn the Turkish government while at the same time his schools indoctrinate our children into the world of Islam.

Gülen is a mind controlling, dishonest cult and our government is protecting him from the top down. Gülen has even hinted to his followers that Erdogan will die soon, and then everything will be fine, that they just need to be patient, because their victory is close like the victory of their prophet Mohammed.

Make no mistake, the seditious effort by the Muslim Brotherhood to not only take over the U.S. and the rest of the world by “destroying from within” by using a “civilian jihad”, is exactly how the cultist organization overseen by Gülen is operating.

Take the time to read the Center for Security Policy’s new book: “The Gulen Movement: Turkey’s Islamic Supremacist Cult and Its Contribution to Civilization Jihad in America.”

Gülen’s beginning as an Imam was to middle class Turks and has grown into millions following his thoughts on the path to Islam and plenty of funding. 

In 1976 Gülen and his followers opened up the first dormitory/school and proceeded to become one of the best high schools in the country. They began adding more schools and then moved on to college preparatory courses. In 1991 a group of Gülenist businessmen established the first international school in Azerbaijan. They soon spread to Mexico and Japan.

This is how the “Project” was implemented – if we can do it in these few countries why not all over the world. “We will educate them teaching our doctrine at the same time and when they come out of universities we will help them get jobs and even into politics in various countries.” Having once been told what a marvelous idea this whole thing was, Gülen replied “I never claimed that this project came out of my head … These are all blessings of Allah.”

In 1979 he and his “followers” founded Kaynak Holding comprised of 23 companies in a variety of industries ranging from retail to information technology. This past November, 2015 Turkish “caretakers” forcibly took over the companies belonging to Kaynak Holding due to alleged ties with U.S.-based scholar Fethullah Gülen, a former government ally now considered the head of the “Fethullah Terror Org.” (FETÖ).

March 2016, the Turkish government seized the newspaper Zaman, sponsored by the Feza Media Group on the grounds that the media outlets supported terrorism based on their affiliation with the Justice and Development Party (AKP) enemy, the Fethullah Gülen Movement. It is believed by outsiders that these seizures were merely a means to take control of Gülen’s assets.

In March, 2016, another report was released and sponsored by the Bipartisan Policy Center which had Morton Abramowitz, Eric Edelman and Blaise Misztal once again criticizing Erdogan for his treatment of the Turkish media and his government’s seizure of businesses related to Gülen. The Bipartisan Policy Center was formed in 2007 by former Senate Majority Leaders Howard Baker, Tom Daschle, Bob Dole, and George Mitchell.

Former handlers of Gülen Graham Fuller and Morton Abramowitz can say all they want in support of Gülen, but Americans are not as stupid as you wish they were – at least not the ones educated before you started your big push for “Dumbing Down America”.

Fethullah Gülen continually argues he has no direct connection to the Charter schools, Foundation or Institutes here in the United States. We as Americans must take responsibility for him being here because we have not stopped the corruption and deceit in Washington.

Peace Islands Institute website will tell you “The Gulen movement, named after the prominent Turkish scholar Fethullah Gulen, has a sphere of influence on the global scale. Active in more than a hundred countries with schools and intercultural centers, the Gulen movement is considered to be one of the most significant social movements that arose from the Muslim world.

The balance of the Home page will give you a pure explanation of “The Gülen Movement, Dialogue and Tolerance “, but of course according to Gülen himself he will still contend he is not connected to any of this. Isn’t this a little like the “pot calling the kettle black”?

In the meantime, he continues to make a fortune off of America’s tax dollars.
Gülen’s hide-a-way in the Pocono’s was purchased sometime around 1989 by a US-based Turkish association who bought a 150-acre farm in Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania, for $250,000. He has said in the past he considers his time in the U.S. as “imprisonment” but refuses to return to Turkey. He told journalist Mercan he would return when the conditions are ripe.

I think with all the information out there Americans should say enough is enough. We want Fethullah Gülen out of this country or at least let the FBI do their job and file their lawsuits against his organizations and the CIA get out of the whole thing. But this isn’t going to happen because they want to use Gülen to their own ends and they don’t care if he is using American taxpayer $$ to do it.

The Fethullah Terror Organization (FETÖ) was established in the Netherlands and originates from the Gülen Movement, which evolved from a faith-based group into a politically-motivated one which relies heavily on aid from the Turkish business world, some of whose members have pledged allegiance to Fethullah Gülen.

Do not misunderstand me – Erdogan is certainly not clean as been shown in the past couple of years. The two men continually are trying to bring the other down, however both would like to see Turkey go back to the Ottoman Empire. In 2015 Erdogan and his government held another trial against Gülen finding him guilty of multiple charges mostly around taking over the Turkish government. He was found guilty and was sentenced to life in prison.

Arrests have been ongoing of any businesses or financiers known to be funding or funneling monies through to the Gülen Movement and that includes employees of the Bank Asya a lender to Gülen.

I don’t know if the man is guilty or not to the charges in Turkey, but the charges there sound very much like what Americans are saying in America about Gülen.

Anyone wishing to form a national coalition to remove all Fethullah Gulen activities from the U.S. may contact me at

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Obama deceives voters about ransom paid to Iran

…Hillary avoids subject

A shocking — but not surprising — news report appearing in Wednesday’s Wall Street Journal revealed that President Barack Obama and his minions transported a secret payment to the terrorist-supporting Iranian that appears to be a ransom for the release of abducted Americans.

“The Obama administration secretly organized an airlift of $400 million worth of cash to Iran that coincided with the January release of four Americans detained in Tehran, according to U.S. and European officials and congressional staff briefed on the operation afterward,” stated the WSJ story.

Reporters described unmarked wooden crates overflowing with paper money including Euros, Swiss francs and other currencies, but no U.S. dollars, that were loaded onto a cargo plane secretly flown into Iran, according to these officials. “The U.S. procured the money from the central banks of the Netherlands and Switzerland,” they stated.

While Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton was involved in negotiations with Iran while Secretary of State, she is avoiding the subject as details are being revealed that it was a “sucker deal.”

Despite more and more information surfacing during the day, Obama’s officials, including his press secretary, Josh Earnest, denied any link between the payment and the American prisoner release. They claim the entire episode is coincidence and what it appears: quid pro quo.

But GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump states it’s a “scandal” that President Obama’s administration paid $400 million dollars to Iran around the time four American hostages were released by the radical Islamist nation.

The fledgling TV cable news channel OAN is also reporting that members of the Department of Justice opposed the delivery of $400 million to Iran saying it would be viewed by the world as a ransom payment and place other Americans overseas in danger. But Obama overruled the DOJ and the Attorney General remained silent.

The Iranian government’s experience dealing with the Obama administration, especially Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her successor John Kerry, has shown a total lack of respect or fear of American power.

For example, speaking candidly and openly to a number of high-level Iranians in both public and private sectors, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, in a speech claimed the United States, under President Barack Obama’s leadership, no longer possesses the might and awe it once enjoyed, according to Middle Eastern news sources.

Speaking during a meeting of Iran’s Assembly of Experts in Tehran, the Ayatollah promised that the current “world order” will be replaced with a new world order that is already emerging not only in the Middle East but also in the West.

“The realities in the region and the world show a serious uncertainty in the [America’s] principles of power and might; therefore, we should understand the realities correctly to prevent wrong analyses,” Khamenei said.

According to Iran’s ABNA news agency, Muslim leaders working in the U.S. as a de facto Fifth Column are hoping to garner another million voter registrations from within the nation’s Muslim communities. They are pushing the registration drive as combating the anti-Muslim Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

The Iranian news agency claims that there are about 3.3 million Muslims in United States, but campaign organizers said, “Muslim voters could have an outsize impact in swing states that are key to the November general election, such as Virginia and Florida.”

“We want the Muslim community to understand that if you give up your rights voluntarily, no one will come and give it back to you,” said Osama Abu Irshaid of the U.S. Council of Muslims.

Imams have been asked to encourage their congregations to register to vote for Hillary Clinton. The Democratic Party hopeful reportedly helped to create what’s now called the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Organizers have sent canvassers to college campuses, bus stations and gas stations in Muslim neighborhoods but will register non-Muslims who support their Islamic neighbors.

Important information:

Assange: Why I Created WikiLeaks’ Searchable Database of 30,000 Emails from Clinton’s Private Server

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Journalist killed: more suspicious deaths linked to Hillary & Bill Clinton

A well-respected commentator for the American Free Press named Victor Thorn was found dead near his home in the mountains of Pennsylvania. The initial cause of death was listed as a gunshot wound. Police officials, family members and some close friends believe that Thorn took his own life on his birthday, August 1. Thorn was 54.

During a prolific writing career, the self-appointed watchdog authored a whopping 20 books. Thorn also reported for the American Free Press newspaper for over a decade, writing thousands of articles. He is best known for his investigate research on both President Bill Clinton and his wife, presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton.

“Thorn had a wealth of knowledge about the Clinton family and its series of questionable — even illegal — acts which ended Bill’s career as an attorney [when he was disbarred] and resulted his paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to victims,” said Caleb Dirksen-Morris, a former police detective now serving as a political consultant. “Many of his colleagues believe he had plenty of fresh material on Hillary Clintion, who Thorn believed was the most devious and corrupt politician since Lyndon Baines Johnson,” said Morris.

Thorn, who changed his name from Scott Robert Makufka, wrote a three-part book series — the Clinton trilogy— that covered the history of two of America’s most powerful and corrupt individuals. He also covered Bill Clinton’s sexual assaults of women, and the suspected CIA drug running out of Mena, Arkansas while Clinton was governor of the state.

Conspiracy theorists have for years alleged that an inordinate number of people who get close to Bill and Hillary Clinton’s world have met untimely deaths through homicides, apparent suicides, and suspicious accidents. After they left the White House, those mysterious deaths were all but forgotten. However, within the last two months, two men connected with Hillary Clinton met their demise through suspicious circumstances, including a DNC whistleblower.

Last month, a 27-year-old man who worked for the Democratic National Committee was shot and killed as he walked home in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Northwest Washington, D.C., police and his family said.

Seth Conrad Rich died after he was shot multiple times three blocks east of Howard University Hospital, said members of the Metropolitan Police Department on Sunday, July 11.

The victim’s mother, Mary Rich, said police told her family her son may have been the victim of an attempted robbery.

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued a statement on Monday mourning the death of Rich, who worked as voter expansion data director.

“Our hearts are broken with the loss of one of our DNC family members over the weekend. Seth Rich was a dedicated, selfless public servant who worked tirelessly to protect the most sacred right we share as Americans – the right to vote,” she said. “He saw the great potential of our nation and believed that, together, we can make the world a better place,” said Wasserman Schultz, who is having political problems of her own thanks to a Wikileaks document dump.

Meanwhile, presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton spoke about Rich: “Just this past Sunday, a young man, Seth Rich — who worked for the Democratic National Committee, to expand voting rights — was shot and killed in his neighborhood in Washington. He was just 27 years old,” she said.

“Surely we can agree that weapons of war have no place on the streets of America,” Clinton added, even though police didn’t identify the weapon in the few news reports on the killing.

“[Police officers] did not release any information on the type of weapon the shooter may have used so it’s not known how Clinton knew it was a ‘weapon of war?'” said police forensic expert Saul Levinson.

He was talking on the phone with his girlfriend when she heard noise on Rich’s end of the line, Mary Rich said. Her son told his girlfriend not to worry about it.

“There had been a struggle. His hands were bruised, his knees are bruised, his face is bruised, and yet he had two shots to his back, and yet they never took anything,” she said.

“Police are calling it an attempted robbery gone wrong, but once the victim was shot dead, they had sufficient time to empty his pockets, which they didn’t. They took nothing but Rich’s life,” said Levinson

“They hurt the community, and they hurt the long-term possibility of what he could have done. They took his life for literally no reason. They didn’t finish robbing him, they just took his life,” Mary Rich said during a press briefing.

Rich lived in the neighborhood, Acting Capt. Anthony Haythe of the Metropolitan Police Department’s homicide branch said at a news conference Monday morning.

Fifth District police officers were patrolling the area about 4:20 a.m. when they heard gunshots, police said.

When police arrived on Flagler Place, they found Rich suffering from multiple gunshot wounds.

Police have no witnesses and are searching the area for surveillance video footage, Haythe said. The acting captain said he could not comment on whether the killing was related to recent robberies in the area.

Rich worked for the Democratic National Committee, his father said. He graduated from Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, and previously worked on Democrats’ campaigns, for the U.S. Census Bureau and as a boating instructor at a summer camp, according to his LinkedIn page.

“I have an enormous interest in public service and working towards making the world a better place,” Rich wrote on the page.

Seth Conrad Rich was the Voter Expansion Data Director at the DNC and had been working on exposing the recent cases of election fraud and voter suppression during the recent primaries around the country, according to his listing. Some Internet web sites that cover politics have said Rich was a whistleblower who discovered irregularities in Democratic Party voting patterns.

In addition, there are major questions being raised about the suspicious death of former United Nations (U.N.) official John Ashe last month. Serving as president of the U.N., Ashe had contact with both Bill and Hillary Clinton, according to news reports.

A bombshell report shows that Ashe, who was found dead last week, supposedly due to a heart attack, is having the reason for death brought into question.

Police officers in the city of Dobbs Ferry, New York have claimed he instead died by a crushed throat in a “workout accident.”

Ashe was scheduled to testify in court, along with Ng Lap Seng – a Chinese businessman and co-defendant – who received more than $1 billion during his term as president of the U.N. in donations.

Sing also found ways to illegally funnel money to Democrats during President Bill Clinton’s term in office.

Ashe, was accused of tax fraud, died in his home in Westchester County, New York. The U.N. said he’d had a heart attack. But the local Dobbs Ferry police said Thursday that his throat had been crushed, presumably by a barbell he dropped while pumping iron.

As he was due in court with his Chinese businessman co-defendant Ng Lap Seng, who is charged with smuggling $4.5 million into the US since 2013 and lying that it was to buy art and casino chips.

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

A magnificent con by the Muslim Khan

At the Democratic National Convention in July, Pakistani immigrant and Muslim Brotherhood member Khizr Muazzam Khan held up a booklet containing our U.S. Constitution in condemnation of Donald J. Trump’s plans to ban Muslim immigration.

Did the mainstream media speak up to expose the fact that Khan advocates for Sharia Law to be implemented in the United States? Did “Meet the Press” moderator Chuck Todd expose the fact that Khan’s membership in the Muslim Brotherhood equates to conquering and destroying America’s constitution? Did John Dickerson at “Face the Nation” expose Khan’s legal firm ‘buying’ U.S. citizenships for his Muslim brothers in Saudi Arabia?

Not a word! In fact, the mainstream media jumped all over Trump rather than defend their own country from the Muslim immigration threat. Its consequences play out all over Europe in accelerating lone wolf massacres and subsequent parallel societies.

Journalist Daniel Greenfield wrote, “When you turn on the evening news and see a running death toll, it’s happening more and more often. The new brand of Islamic terror only needs one thing… Muslims. Lone wolf terrorism operates off the existing Muslim population in a particular country. The bigger the Muslim population, the bigger the risk. The FBI or other law enforcement agencies cannot monitor even a fraction of the Islamic settler population sympathetic to terror. As the Muslim settler population in the country increases, the number of cases will grow.” (Source: Right Side News, Stop Lone Wolf Terrorism by Ending Muslim Immigration, August 2, 2016)

Notice none of the mainstream outlets expose Hillary Clinton’s top aid Huma Abedin stands first, last and always—a Muslim. The same media that enjoys our 1st Amendment rights never touches the fact that Obama employs 13 Muslims on his staff. One of them named Mr. Magid works on implementing Sharia Law in America. He’s known as the Sharia Law czar in the White House.

Ironically, Khan conned our nation with its sympathies toward his son killed in 2004. In the intervening years, Khan’s work to bring in more Muslim Brotherhood members and selling citizenship to Saudi Arabian Muslims—illustrates his long term goal: to displace the U.S. Constitution with Sharia Law wherever his Muslim immigrants grow in numbers and strength. If allowed or he gained the power, Khan would implement Sharia Law across America in a heartbeat.

Journalist Theodore Shoebat said, “Khan is a promoter of Islamic Sharia Law in the U.S. He was a co-founder of the Journal of Contemporary Issues in Muslim Law. During the eighties Khan wrote a paper titled Juristic Classification of Islamic Sharia Law. In it he elucidated on the system of Sharia law expressing his reverence for “The Sunnah — authentic tradition of the Prophet Muhammad.” (Source:, August 2, 2016)

In other words, Khan advocates for total subjugation of women’s rights, loss of free speech, loss of religious choice, loss of children’s rights and loss of women’s rights to dress as they choose. He works to undermine everything that Americans fought and died for in the last 240 years.

Make note of this reality: Hillary’s work with Huma ABedin and men such as Khan illustrates how deep Islam imbeds itself into our country. Khan pulled out all the stops on sympathy for his son, when in fact; he works to destroy the foundation of our country with every day and every breath.

Search Al-Wathaiq, Al-Siyasiyah from Arabia on violent jihad. Khan promotes it in his writing and actions.

Which brings a huge question as to the final intent of America’s mainstream media: why don’t Scott Pelley, David Muir, Lester Holt, John Dickerson, Chuck Todd, Terry Gross, Steve Inskeep, Robert Siegel and a host of other top journalist ferret out the accelerating Islamic invasion of our country?

Why not expose what’s really happening to Europe and to the USA? Are they waiting for Sharia Law to snuff out their voices? Are they waiting for more terror attacks by ‘deranged’ men following the Quran? Why haven’t they exposed Obama’s continuous assault on our country with his open borders and unconstitutional executive orders amnesties?

Passage from Governor Richard Lamm’s famous 2003 speech on “How to Destroy America”:

Lamm said, “If you believe that America is too smug, too self-satisfied, too rich, then let’s destroy America. It is not that hard to do. No nation in history has survived the ravages of time. Arnold Toynbee observed that all great civilizations rise and fall, and that, “An autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide.”

We gallop toward that destiny!

© 2016 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

Khizr Kahn, Trump, and the “real story”

Excuse me for not joining in the hypocritical frenzy of liberal media and supporters of Hillary Clinton over the so called “Khan Family” controversy in which Donald Trump is portrayed as an evil anti-Muslim ogre unwilling to prostrate himself to be lectured at by Hillary Clinton supporter and Muslim immigrant immigration lawyer Khizr Khan, whose son, Army Capt. Human Kahn heroically gave his life in service.

It happens I believe in the Biblical injunction that the sins of the father should not be visited on the sons. I believe also, however, that the heroism of the son should not be visited upon the father.

In this case, the son is U.S. Army Captain Humayun Kahn, who gave his life in service. He is a hero who indeed should be honored by all Americans for his sacrifice.

The father is Khizer Khan. He is a Pakastani Muslim immigrant and immigration lawyer who is neither hero nor a person otherwise to be honored.

Indeed, Khizr Khan has made his wealth in America as a Muslim immigration lawyer associated with a large law firm by importing other mostly wealthy Muslims in the notoriously corrupt “EB5” immigration visa program. That EP5 cash-cow for immigration lawyers is, of course, threatened by the possible election of Donald Trump.

After his appearance as a speaker at the Democrat Convention where he was used to attack Trump on behalf of Hillary Clinton of Benghazi infamy, Khizr Khan, emulating the corrupt Hillary Clinton who deleted her e-mails from public view, has deleted his law firm’s website from the internet lest Americans find out how he has been making his money in the corrupt EB5 immigration program.

Oddly enough, despite the media frenzy over Trump’s failure to genuflect before Khizr Kahn as he exploited his son’s death for his own fame and glory and preservation of his EP5 Immigration wealth, all of this about Khizr Kahn was first exposed by Breitbart and by Robert Spencer’s “Jihad Watch” (, not by the mainstream media.

Further, although Khizr Khan dramatically waved a pocket-copy of the U.S. Declaration of Independence and Constitution in his star turn as Democrat Party tool, he in fact is the author of tracts supporting the desirability of elevating Sharia Law over our Constitution, as also exposed by Robert Spencer in his Jihad Watch columns.

Therefore, allow me to to salute and honor the heroic service of the son, Army Captain Humayun Kahn, who paid the ultimate sacrifice in military service for America.

But excuse me from visiting the heroism of the son on the father, Khizr Khan, who has exploited his son’s death as he has exploited America to enrich himself as Muslim immigration lawyer in one of the most corrupt aspects of immigration law, the EB5 program, all the while authoring articles advocating Sharia Law over Constitutional Law.

Further and finally, allow me to associate myself with the position and comments of Kris “Tonto” Paronto,. He is the American patriot and hero who survived the Muslim attack on the American consulate on 9-11-2012 in Benghazi despite the absolute failure of duty of then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton allowed the U.S. Ambassador and three other Americans to be killed by Muslim terrorists as she did nothing to save them. Among other things, Hillary did nothing to save the Americans — for over 13 hours — in part because of her fear Muslims would be “offended” if U.S. troops were sent in uniform to rescue the Ambassador and other Americans. The blood of Benghazi is, indeed, indelibly on Hillary Clinton’s hands, disqualifying her from holding any office, let alone Commander-in-Chief, even Muslim immigration lawyer Keizer Khan supports her.

In contrast to Hillary Clinton is Benghazi hero “Tonto” Paronto, who co-authored “13 HOURS: The Inside Account Of What Really Happened IN BENGHAZI”. “He is now heading the “Leading From The Front” effort of the American Legacy Center. He writes there regarding the Kahn Family Controversy worked up by the Hillary, the Democratts, and the media (

“This is getting ridiculous. The debate we’re having about Donald Trump and the parents of slain U.S. Army Captain (and hero) Humayun Kahn is a complete waste of time.

“After essentially ignoring Pat Smith, whose son Sean was killed in Benghazi, the mainstream media is now fanning the flames of this latest controversy, and every candidate and elected official in America from dogcatcher up is being asked to take a side.

“But here’s the real story that every single American should be focused on — in its online magazine this week, ISIS showed a picture of Captain Khan’s tombstone in Arlington National Cemetery with the caption: “Beware of dying as an apostate.” The article then urged American and other Western Muslims to either migrate to ISIS-controlled lands or carry out lone wolf attacks “where it hurts them most.”

“I know this enemy, and while we’re focused on politics, they’re butchering 84-year-old priests at the altar.”

© 2016 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

DNC: emanating a putrid smell across America

At my local gym using an aerobic machine, I saw on TV Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood speaking at the DNC. Seeing this despicable, cold, calculating and evil woman at the podium defined the Democrat party as the source of the putrid smell spreading across our country. The DNC emanated the foul odor of America’s moral decline. Richards is running a national dead-baby-body-parts chop shop. And yet, this vile woman had the audacity to deceptively portray herself as an advocate for women and Trump as anti-woman.

After the release of numerous undercover videos exposing the horrors and illegality happening behind the walls of Planned Parenthood, why on earth would the Democrats gift the abortion factory’s president hero status at their national convention?

Rev Joseph Prince says a key component of spiritual warfare is to relax and trust God. In other words, lay your burdens at God’s feet and trust Him to make things right. Mary and I decided to have a spiritual warfare day, relaxing at New Smyrna Beach, FL. Note: we stay close to the shore in shallow water. Shark attacks at New Smyrna are up.

We posted “Trump” signs on the beach beside our tent. Responses from people driving and walking on the beach were overwhelmingly positive; 99% in favor of Trump; honks and thumps up. Some yelled, “Make America great again!” Clearly, that theme really resonates.

A tall muscular white guy approached our tent. He was a tourist from South Carolina. He said our Trump sign renewed his faith in Florida. As we chatted about the decline of our country, it became obvious that he was a Christian. He asked if we could pray together for our country. Mary and I jumped at the opportunity. We joined hands as he lead us in prayer. It was awesome. Very cool. After he left, it dawned on me that we never exchanged names.

Comfy in my beach chair, I read, “You Can If You Think You Can” by Norman Vincent Peale. Upon reading the following passage, I thought, Oh my gosh, this book was published back in 1984. And yet, Peale’s statement perfectly describes and rebukes the mindset of Bernie Sanders disciples and the message Democrats are using to con Americans at their national convention.

Peale wrote:

“One wonders what has come over this great, free country. We are the descendants of a once great breed of men who had problems and had them plenty. But did they whine and whimper and crawl through life on their hands and knees piteously demanding of some so-called benevolent government that they be taken care of? Not on your life! They stood solidly on their feet and they took care of themselves. And they built the greatest economy in the history of the world– one that has made available more goods and services to more people than any other in the long life of mankind on earth.”

Peale succinctly explained my repulsion with the Democrats. They have successfully brainwashed far too many Americans into believing they are victims; they are owed; they are weak and they can not make it without daily sucking on the breast of government. Bernie Sanders supporters eat that crap up.

Also contributing to the putrid smell emanating from the DNC is the party’s aggressive attempts to divide Americans into victimized camps, repeal more personal freedoms, spread hate for traditional values and spread hate for cops. Their convention flat out stinks to high heaven folks.

As a matter of fact, Rush Limbaugh offered Trump the script for an extremely effective short speech.

“Black Lives Matter, New Black Panthers, Occupy Wall Street, stripping God from their party platform, transgender bathroom advocates, pro-death panels in health care, baby butchers at Planned Parenthood, a candidate who violated the Espionage Act thousands of times, pedophiles, illegal immigrants, Sharia law Muslims, Marxists! That’s the modern day Democrat Party,” and you close it with a simple ending: “It’s time to clean up this mess.

“We deserve better. Let them manage their own affairs. Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America.”

Folks, Rush nailed it. This is the modern Democrat Party. Disgusting.

Just when you thought the depravity of the democrats could not descend any deeper into the pits of hell, this act broke the needle on my evil-meter. The democrats featured the mothers of black men killed by police. In essence, the democrats poured a boat load of gasoline on the flames of hatred for cops. They had to know that featuring the moms would further the lie that cops murder blacks and inspire the assassination of more cops.

Clearly, the democrats deem the lives of our brave men and women in blue acceptable collateral damage in their quest to secure the black vote for Hillary. It is hard to believe that such evil is being spread by a major political party in the United States of America.

I am passionately campaigning for Trump. For those who see little difference between Trump and Hillary, Americans have died due to decisions made by Hillary. Clearly, her personal political ambitions and agenda take priority over American lives. That is really scary.

Staying home or writing in another candidate, in essence, equals giving this wicked, wicked woman, and her democrat minions our WH. This is the simple obvious truth. God bless.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

More government bureaucrats with guns than U.S. Marines

Writing for, Elizabeth Harrington summarized a comprehensive report by a taxpayer watchdog group that chronicles the exponential increase in the militarization of police agencies in the United States during the past several years.

Harrington writes, “There are now more non-military government employees who carry guns than there are U.S. Marines, according to a new report.

“Open the Books, a taxpayer watchdog group, released a study Wednesday [June 22, 2016] that finds domestic government agencies continue to grow their stockpiles of military-style weapons, as Democrats sat on the House floor calling for more restrictions on what guns American citizens can buy.

“The ‘Militarization of America’ report found civilian agencies spent $1.48 billion on guns, ammunition, and military-style equipment between 2006 and 2014. Examples include IRS agents with AR-15s, and EPA bureaucrats wearing camouflage.

“‘Regulatory enforcement within administrative agencies now carries the might of military-style equipment and weapons,’ Open the Books said. ‘For example, the Food and Drug Administration includes 183 armed “special agents,” a 50 percent increase over the ten years from 1998-2008. At Health and Human Services (HHS), “Special Office of Inspector General Agents” are now trained with sophisticated weaponry by the same contractors who train our military special forces troops.’

“Open the Books found there are now over 200,000 non-military federal officers with arrest and firearm authority, surpassing the 182,100 personnel who are actively serving in the U.S. Marine Corps.

“The IRS spent nearly $11 million on guns, ammunition, and military-style equipment for its 2,316 special agents. The tax collecting agency has billed taxpayers for pump-action and semi-automatic shotguns, semi-automatic Smith & Wesson M&P15s, and Heckler & Koch H&K 416 rifles, which can be loaded with 30-round magazines.

“The EPA spent $3.1 million on guns, ammo, and equipment, including drones, night vision, ‘camouflage and other deceptive equipment,’ and body armor.”

Harrington continues, “Open the Books appealed to both liberals like Bernie Sanders–who has called for demilitarizing local police departments–and conservatives in its report.

“‘Conservatives argue that it is hypocritical for political leaders to undermine the Second Amendment while simultaneously equipping non-military agencies with hollow-point bullets and military style equipment,’ Open the Books said. ‘One could argue the federal government itself has become a gun show that never adjourns with dozens of agencies continually shopping for new firearms.’”

See the report: There Are Now More Bureaucrats With Guns Than U.S. Marines

Most Americans would be shocked if they knew how many millions of rounds of ammunition their local and State police agencies are amassing. And don’t let anybody tell you all of this ammunition is for “practice.” We are talking about hollow-point pistol rounds and military rifle rounds such as 5.56 and .308 calibers. I would take an educated guess (based on my conversations with both ammunition and arms suppliers and police officers themselves) that your local police agencies have enough ammunition stockpiled to kill the entire population of your community four or five times. But these numbers pale in comparison to the numbers of guns and ammunition being amassed by federal agencies–including agencies that nowhere come close to being categorized as “police” agencies, such as those mentioned in the above report.

To realize that the alphabet agencies of the federal government have more armed agents (assigned to domestic duties) than our premier combat branch of the U.S. military (the U.S. Marines), whose job is to engage America’s enemies in direct combat, is a staggering thought. Tell me again exactly who it is that our federal government deems to be the enemy. And they wonder why more and more Americans are arming themselves?

Couple the militarization of our domestic police (and non-police) agencies with the increased call from many in Washington, D.C., to strip the American people of their right to keep and bear arms–especially their right to keep and bear semi-automatic rifles–and one can understand why so many of the American people are “on edge” and have lost all trust in their federal government.

Understanding and acknowledging the Providence of God notwithstanding, the ONLY thing standing between us and abject tyranny is a massively armed citizenry. America is the last nation in the free world that instilled the right to keep and bear arms not only in its Constitution but also in the very heart and soul of its citizens. Should the American citizenry ever cease to be an armed citizenry (and I mean armed with semi-automatic rifles with high-capacity magazines), the entire free world would collapse into the Dark Ages.

I’m saying it straight out: the only reason that Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Sweden, New Zealand, Australia, etc., have the modicum of freedom that they do is because the American citizenry is an armed citizenry. It is NOT the U.S. armed forces that are keeping this country and the rest of Western Civilization free; it is the armed citizenry of America that is protecting whatever vestiges of liberty Western Civilization has left. Disarm the American people and the entire free world falls into the abyss of tyranny and oppression–maybe for a thousand years.

Listen to Daniel Webster: “Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster, and what has happened once in 6000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.”

When Webster talked about holding onto the Constitution, he was including the Second Amendment to the Constitution. And Daniel Webster was not alone in his veneration for the Second Amendment. To a man, America’s Founding Fathers equated the preservation of liberty with the freedom to keep and bear arms.

Listen to our founders:

“What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms.” (Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, December 20, 1787)

“Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of.” (James Madison, “Federalist No. 46”, January 29, 1788)

“To disarm the people…[i]s the most effectual way to enslave them.” (George Mason, referencing advice given to the British Parliament by Pennsylvania governor Sir William Keith, “The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution.” June 14, 1788)

“Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every country in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States. A military force, at the command of Congress, can execute no laws, but such as the people perceive to be just and constitutional; for they will possess the power, and jealousy will instantly inspire the inclination, to resist the execution of a law which appears to them unjust and oppressive.” (Noah Webster, “An Examination of the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution,” October 10, 1787)

“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined.” (Patrick Henry, 3 J. Elliot, Debates in the Several State Conventions 45, 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1836)

“The great object is that every man be armed. . . . Everyone who is able might have a gun.” (Patrick Henry, Debate in Virginia Ratifying Convention, Elliot 3:380–95, 400–402, June 14, 1788)

“The supposed quietude of a good man allures the ruffian; while on the other hand, arms like laws discourage and keep the invader and the plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property. The balance of power is the scale of peace. The same balance would be preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside. And while a single nation refuses to lay them down, it is proper that all should keep them up. Horrid mischief would ensue were one-half the world deprived of the use of them; for while avarice and ambition have a place in the heart of man, the weak will become a prey to the strong. The history of every age and nation establishes these truths, and facts need but little arguments when they prove themselves.” (Thomas Paine, “Thoughts on Defensive War” in Pennsylvania Magazine, July 1775)

“[I]f circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form an army of any magnitude that army can never be formidable to the liberties of the people while there is a large body of citizens, little, if at all, inferior to them in discipline and the use of arms, who stand ready to defend their own rights and those of their fellow-citizens. This appears to me the only substitute that can be devised for a standing army, and the best possible security against it, if it should exist.” (Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 29, January 9, 1788)

What could be plainer? Our Founding Fathers did not engrave the right to keep and bear arms in our Constitution for the purpose of hunting or target shooting or even simply as a deterrent to domestic criminals (as necessary as those things are). No. The purpose of the Second Amendment was to keep the American people FREE, including if our own government was the enemy trying to enslave us.

For the most part, utopian globalists have successfully disarmed the citizens of Western Civilization. All over the “free world” only governments are armed; citizens have been stripped of their right to keep and bear arms. Even the people of Switzerland are extremely regulated in this regard.

Again, I’ll say it plainly: if citizens are not able to freely keep and bear semi-automatic rifles, they are effectively DISARMED.

The semi-automatic rifle is to us what the Roman sword was to the people in Jesus’ day. It is the preeminent self-defense tool. It is no coincidence that Jesus commanded His disciples to buy a Roman sword, even if they had to sell their clothes to do so. (Luke 22:36) And by the way, it was against the law for Jews to own a Roman sword at that time. That’s right: when Jesus told His disciples to buy a sword, He was telling them to break the law. Tell this to your pastor and see what he says. His response will give you a little hint as to 1) his honest understanding of scriptures and 2) his honest commitment to liberty.

I submit that we would not even be having a discussion of this issue if the pastors of America were doing their jobs from the pulpit. Instead of trying to mimic Joel Osteen and Rick Warren, they should be following the example of America’s patriot pastors and equipping their people with the Biblical Natural Law principles they need to protect and defend their homes, communities, and country. And that requires teaching them the God-ordained duty of self-defense.

When Barack Obama and Dianne Feinstein tried to make it illegal to possess semi-automatic rifles back in 2013, the vast majority of America’s pastors either said absolutely NOTHING or they actually told their churches, “If the government outlaws your guns, Romans 13 tells us to turn them in.” NO! Romans 13 teaches NO SUCH THING.

When I realized the dearth of pastoral leadership regarding the Christian duty to keep and bear arms, my attorney son and I wrote a book to teach believers (and anyone else) the scriptural truth regarding their responsibility of self-defense. The book is called “To Keep Or Not To Keep: Why Christians Should Not Give Up Their Guns.” We show from the scriptures–all of them, including Romans 13–that self-defense is much more than a constitutional right: it is a God-ordained DUTY. We show that to surrender our means of self-defense (and that especially includes the semi-automatic rifle) is to DENY the Christian faith.

If readers have not been taught this truth and are in any way uncertain or confused about it, I strongly urge you to get the book. And if you have a pastor or Sunday School teacher that doesn’t understand and courageously teach this truth, buy a copy for them.

To order “To Keep Or Not To Keep: Why Christians Should Not Give Up Their Guns,” click here.

Thankfully, Obama and Feinstein failed to outlaw our semi-automatic rifles back in 2013 (no thanks to most of America’s pastors), but you can rest assured if Hillary Clinton is elected the confiscation of our semi-automatic rifles will be NUMBER ONE on the agenda. And even if she isn’t elected, Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan are standing in the wings to compromise away every liberty we have–including the right to keep and bear arms.

So, while federal agencies in Washington, D.C., are being increasingly militarized, the American people are being told they need to surrender their means of self-defense. It is no hyperbole to say that the fate of the civilized world rests with the American people–not with the U.S. armed forces, but with a free and resolute armed citizenry.

© 2016 Chuck Baldwin – All Rights Reserved

Paul Ryan, refugee resettlements and open borders

He therefore is the truest friend to the liberty of this country who tries most to promote its virtue, and who, so far as his power and influence extend, will not suffer a man to be chosen into any office of power and trust who is not a wise and virtuous man. The sum of all is, if we would most truly enjoy this gift of Heaven, let us become a virtuous people. —Samuel Adams

Paul Nehlen is running against Paul Ryan in the Wisconsin primary on August 9th. In early July, I interviewed Mr. Nehlen and wrote an article which included his answers to my questions. I strongly endorse Paul Nehlen for Congressman of Wisconsin’s 1st district as Paul Ryan has proven he is a big government globalist. 

If you didn’t like Ryan’s $1.1 trillion Omnibus bill that gave Obama every nickel he asked for, you certainly will not like the number of Islamic refugees he wants to bring to America. Paul Ryan, (worse that former speaker John Boehner), is a traitor to the once conservative Republican party, and he is a traitor to the American citizenry.

Ryan on Immigration

Ryan has secretly been working behind the public’s back to round up enough votes to fully fund Obama’s increase of refugees from 70,000 to 85,000 this year, and 100,000 next year.

All of these refugees come from third world countries, including Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan, and Iraq. These countries are not only bastions of ISIS jihadists, but include al-Qaida and the international Muslim Brotherhood. Paul Ryan’s stance on open borders and immigration is absolutely horrifying to American citizens.

video of Ryan and Gutierrez stumping for Sen. Marco Rubio’s amnesty bill in which the two make a candid pitch for unlimited immigration shows just how far Ryan is willing to go to push for open borders policies. Paul Ryan takes money from the veterans and gives it to illegal aliens. See video below. 

“Get rid of him! We don’t want anybody who believes in open borders,” Phyllis Schlafly told Breitbart. “Obviously Paul Ryan is not an ‘America first’ guy.” And she’s totally right! 

Breitbart reported on July 25th that American mothers, whose children were killed by illegal aliens, said that House Speaker Paul Ryan and members of his security detail fled from his guarded (and walled) estate on Saturday, as they attempted to present Ryan with the photos of their murdered children, and show him the true cost of his open borders agenda. Ryan ran because he knows his stance on open borders kills American citizens every day.

Paul Ryan is paying for and helping Obama transplant dangerous Muslims into all of America!

Ryan on Refugee Resettlements and Obama

The first major act that Paul Ryan took as the new Speaker of the House, was to block any amendments with a closed rule process on a flawed bill dealing with immigration. [Link] House Speaker Paul Ryan, is a major resettlement facilitator. In last year’s must-pass Omnibus bill, Ryan could have defunded Obama’s resettlement program which would have effectively ended that program. That same filthy Omnibus bill fully funded Obama’s refugee resettlement operation, all Mideast immigration programs, Sanctuary Cities, Obama’s continued executive amnesty for DREAMers, and the resettlement of illegal aliens within the U.S. interior. [Link]

Transforming America and at the same time exposing citizens to potential terrorist threats should be, but is not, dead on arrival in a Republican-controlled Congress.

Leader Ryan has worked hard to ensure that the resettlement surge goes forward, and that President Obama will achieve one of his most coveted goals before he leaves office.

In another article by Breitbart on August 1, 2016, Paul Ryan received a standing ovation from wealthy donors after denouncing the views of Republican voters, who are skeptical of so-called “free trade” deals. This includes the Republican Nominee, Donald J. Trump! 

At a meeting hosted by the globalist Koch Brothers, Paul Ryan touted the importance of free trade, an issue Trump has railed against, and said it was essential that party leaders make a better case for the free market. Trump argues that free trade agreements have hurt American workers, and that better deals are needed. Trump is right, but Paul Ryan is a globalist who loves free trade, and who doesn’t care one whit about Americans having jobs.

This is one horrible filthy rotten agreement that will screw American workers and destroy even more jobs, leveling us to a 3rd world country. Watch Senator Sessions speak about this rotten TPP.

Critical Alert: Jeff Sessions Warns America Against Potentially Disastrous Obama Trade Deal,” they report:

Only Two Republicans Admit They Have Actually Read Secret Obama Trade Deal – Both Unsupportive” reports on a survey they did of Senate Republicans where they asked three questions: (1) Have you read the TPP, specifically the ‘living agreement’ in the trade deal that allows the deal to be changed and countries added without congressional review? (2) Does the Senator agree with Sen. Sessions’ call to make the TPP available to the public? And, (3) Will the Senator vote for fast track Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) if the TPP hasn’t been stripped of the ‘living agreement’ section that would allow countries to amend the deal without Congressional approval, and to even add countries (like China, if they wanted to) to the deal without Congressional approval?

Janna Little Ryan

Paul Ryan is married to Janna Little Ryan, a flaming left wing liberal progressive, anti-Constitutional, big government George Soros supporter who voted for Barack Hussein Obama twice. Since Paul Ryan is so desirous of pleasing Barack Hussein Obama, perhaps pillow talk means more to him than the country. [Link]

The Choice Has to be Paul Nehlen

Donald Trump has praised Paul Nehlen, and he has not endorsed Ryan. Here are the 10 things Paul Nehlen says he’ll do within the 60 days after he’s elected. Congress has, at best, a 5% to 9% approval rating. If we elect more men and women like Paul Nehlen, the ratings will definitely improve. I believe this man will honor the oath of office, and it is why I support him with all my heart.

Please do all you can to promote Mr. Nehlen’s efforts to unseat Paul Ryan in the August 9th Wisconsin primary. Donations can be made through his website, and an address is included should you wish to send a check.

Hillay will finish off what’s left of America

I knew that when I wrote last week’s column declaring that I was going to vote for Donald Trump that the reaction was probably going to be strong. But the push back was far more than I could ever have expected. Because of that I thought I would write a second column that might clarify some issues.

My Facebook page blew up and I became the whipping boy of the Never Trump crowd. It is hard to believe that I could raise such ire over a vote for President. I want you to know that I have not changed my mind, I am still going to vote for Donald Trump, but I would have felt better if I had worded it differently.

I am not so much voting FOR Donald Trump as I am voting against Hillary Clinton. To me it is not voting for the “lesser of two evils” as it is voting AGAINST the greater of two evils (Hillary and Bill). Permit me to explain.

But before I do, please feel free to vote your conscience. The purpose of last week’s column was to point out how ALL of us compromise in the decisions that we make. It was not an attack about the conscience of the Never Trump folks. It was an attempt to point out that there are many things that we do, that if we were to look hard at, we would see requires a violation of conscience to do. Putting one’s children in public schools is one of the examples I used. It would be hard to think of anything more dangerous to the spiritual condition of a young child that to place he/she in Caesar’s indoctrination centers.

In my mind that is far more destructive than casting a vote for an unrepentant sinner as President. I didn’t mean to imply the Never Trumpers were people who lacked integrity. I am sorry if that is how some of you took it. My point was, we are all forced with decisions of conscience everyday and that who one voted for was simply another of the choices that we all have to make.

Vote for whomever you want. As long as it satisfies YOUR conscience I am happy with that. You vote YOUR conscience and I’ll vote MINE. I think we can still be friends after the November election.

But I look forward to voting AGAINST Hillary Clinton.

Let’s stop right here for a minute. I am operating from the premise that either Hillary or Trump will be elected. Neither one would be my first choice…but one of them is going to win. Therefore I have decided I want my vote to COUNT…not just soothe my conscience. I am PROUDLY, and with a clear conscience VOTING AGAINST HILLARY. I believe that is a noble thing to do. Trump said he will eliminate the Johnson Amendment that was made law to muzzle the churches in 1954 (that’s 501C3) folks. No presidential candidate from the past has ever done that before.

Bill and Hillary Clinton have done more to destroy the moral fiber of America than any couple to ever occupy the White House. Because of Bill Clinton I, and millions of parents just like me, had to explain to our children what oral sex was. Bill Clinton lied under oath. He lost his law license and his tom-cat behavior did more to lower the standards of President than any candidate in history. And he got away with it. Have you forgot Waco and Janet Reno? With Hillary it’ll be much worse.

The public oath is not something to take lightly. When our elected officials break their oath it is called a HIGH CRIME which is determined not by the crime committed but by the position of the person who commits the crime. Any crime an elected official commits is a HIGH Crime because of the authority of his office. The HIGHER the office the HIGHER the crime. President is the highest office and we should have the least tolerance of a crime committed by the person holding that sacred trust. Our elect officials MUST be held to a higher standard. They aren’t.

It would appear that Donald Trump has had instances of great moral failures in his life. I understand why that is offensive to people. It is offensive to me. But Donald Trump has not committed any of those moral failings as an ELECTED official who has taken an oath to uphold the Constitution. His past is not what I would desire in a President, but at least his sins were against himself and individuals rather than against the people he was sworn to protect and defend.

Hillary is another story. Not only has she had some shady dealings in her personal life but she has committed violations of the law WHILE HOLDING PUBLIC OFFICE. I won’t replay her dastardly deeds here…we all know what they are…but no one has held her accountable. The current President hasn’t. The Congress hasn’t. The Justice Department hasn’t. NO ONE has held her accountable.

Well, WE THE PEOPLE can. Instead of gripping and moaning about how she has gotten away with all of her crimes we have the opportunity to hold her accountable by making sure that she and her husband never hold public office again. We the people, by merely casting a vote AGAINST these public miscreants, can banish them to the ash heap of American history. It is what they deserve. I will be honored to cast my vote for such a noble cause.

“Trump is no better,” I hear many of you saying. You may be right. He might be a disaster. But I know this; either Hillary or The Donald will be living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue next January. I wish it were not the case. But baring something unforeseen, no one else has a chance to win. I am not voting out of fear. I am voting with a purpose.

I don’t know what kind of President Donald Trump will be but there sure is a long track record of violations of the public trust by Bill and Hillary Clinton. What will I say to my children and grandchildren if I had the opportunity to rid America of this evil couple and chose not to do so?

Vote your conscience. That’s what I’ll be doing. And I think it would be a God- honoring thing to bring JUSTICE to Bill and Hillary and rid America of this blight on our nation. A vote against the Clintons is a vote to bust the boil from Arkansas that has been oozing for long enough. They deserve the boot.

The American people ARE the Lower Magistrate. How can we expect our elected officials to remove the rotten fruit when we won’t do it when we have the chance?

Hey! Hey! Ho! Ho! Bill and Hillary have got to go!!

I’ll be proudly voting to remove them from our American government. I can’t wait to do it. It is the right thing to do.

© 2016 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

Khizr Khan exploits his son’s death to attack Trump

Muslims are allowed to lie to unbelievers in order to defeat them. There are two forms:

verse 5:32 (that if anyone kills “it shall be as if he had killed all mankind”) while neglecting to mention that the rest of the verse (and the next) mandate murder in undefined cases of “corruption” and “mischief.” 

Know When to Hold Them, Know When to Fold Them

I have been blessed to get inside the Trump Organization and speak to a great number of Trump’s people. I absolutely believe this man will do everything he can to straighten out our country and bring her back to a semblance of decency. I also love Mr. Trump, because I’ve done so much research on him. Having said that, he needs to know when to hold them, and know when to fold them, a la Kenny Rogers. He needs to know when to counterpunch and when to leave it alone. He should have told Mr. Khan, “I’m sorry your son died. I was against this middle east war, and had I been president, your son would still be alive today.”

The commie democrats and neo-con republicans don’t care about us or the Muslims infiltrating this country, they care only about power and money. The interests of the American citizens are not even in their scripted lies and propaganda to the American people! They don’t even mention it!

Hillary Hires Khan to Attack Trump

Khizr Khan caused a sensation the last night of the DNC convention when he and his wife took the stage (a stage with a wall around it), and challenged Donald J. Trump’s proposed ban on Muslim immigration. He even asked Mr. Trump if he had ever read the Constitution, and then stated that Mr. Trump had never sacrificed anything or anyone. 

He said that Trump has a black soul. Well, Mr. Khan, Trump’s soul is probably the purest and most Godly soul we’ve seen in a Presidential candidate in decades. I wouldn’t even venture what kind of soul belongs to Hillary Clinton or Islamic terrorists. Actions speak so much louder than words, Mr. Khan!

Trump took sharp offense, saying that, “While I feel deeply for the loss of his son, Mr. Khan who has never met me, has no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution, (which is false) and say many other inaccurate things.” 

In previous remarks, Trump has acknowledged the positive contributions of most Muslims, while focusing on the need to fight radical Islamic terror.

Of course Mr. Khan never made any mention of radical Islam or terrorists who for hundreds of years have attacked and brutally murdered innocent men, women and children and even animals. According to a recent Breitbart article, Khan claimed that terrorists have nothing to do with Islam. I have to wonder if Mr. Khan has ever read the Hadith or Quran. 

He also falsely claimed that the Constitution does not allow a ban on Muslim immigration, and walls on our borders are unconstitutional. 

The audience immediately reacted with applause. However, Khan apparently chose to disregard the American legal system which operates under the Constitution. The president actually does have the authority to implement such an immigration ban. Democrat Jimmy Carter used it when he banned Iranians from entering our country in 1980. (Not to mention Theodore Roosevelt and Dwight D. Eisenhower)

Title 8, Section 1182(f) specifically states:

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.

The 1952 McCarren-Walter Act, motivated by concerns over communist subversion also allows for restrictions. This law was written by two Democrats and required immigrants to be of good moral character, to honor and uphold the principles of the Constitution, and to assimilate into American society. Only those who were willing to accept these conditions were allowed into the country.

Gold Star Mothers

Mrs. Khan, is a Gold Star mother, and as such she is off limits for any comments. I find it sad that after 12 years she couldn’t have said something about her son while she was on the stage with her husband. All Gold Star mothers are highly respected by veterans as well as they should be by all Americans. 

Humayun S. M. Khan, posthumously awarded the Purple Heart and Bronze Star, was just 27 years old when he was killed in Operation Iraqi Freedom on June 8th, 2004 by a taxi car bomb that exploded in his base. According to the Department of Defense Captain Khan was an exemplary soldier, and served the US military with distinction. He saved the lives of those around him telling them to “hit the dirt” moving toward the speeding vehicle to intercept it.

Hillary on Sean Smith’s Mother, Patricia

When Hillary called Patricia Smith a liar after her speech at the RNC convention, where Mrs. Smith stated that Hillary lied to her, the media and DNC colluded to besmirch Mrs. Smith. She lost her son, Sean, because Hillary Clinton and the administration refused to send much needed help to Benghazi. It is just fine for the media to attack one mother who has lost a child because of the incompetence and disregard for human life of this administration and Hillary Clinton in particular.

However, because Mr. Trump intimated that Mrs. Khan didn’t speak because she’s a good Muslim wife, his statement created a whirlwind of controversy, as though he’d attacked a Gold Star mother, which is not what he was doing or saying at all. He knows full well that in Islam, women are second-class citizens, and that is what he was referring to with only her husband speaking at the convention.

The double-standard is glaring and so very obvious. Hillary, whose negligence contributed to Sean Smith’s death, essentially called Patricia Smith a liar on national TV, and few in the media objected. Some, in fact, joined Clinton’s attack. And what was done to Sean Smith’s mother when she lost her son because of Hillary’s incompetence, is far worse than anything Mr. Trump has said.

Just Who is Khizr Khan?

Khizr Khan Believes the Constitution ‘Must Always Be Subordinated to the Sharia’.

accused of selling US citizenship.

Remember that Hillary Clinton has received $25 million plus from the Saudi’s through the Clinton Foundation. 

reported by Walid Shoebat, used to work at the law firm Hogan Lovells, LLP, a major D.C. law firm that has been on retainer as the law firm representing the government of Saudi Arabia in the United States for years, which the Washington Free Beacon exposed weeks ago. 

This same firm handles Hillary Clinton’s taxes and has since 2004, and is also connected to the email scandal. They think they’re fooling us…no way.

What The Media Is Not Telling You About the Muslim Who Attacked Donald Trump: He Is A Muslim Brotherhood Agent Who Wants To Advance Sharia Law And Bring Muslims Into The United States.

The article states that Khan is a promoter of Islamic Sharia Law in the U.S. He was a co-founder of the Journal of Contemporary Issues in Muslim Law (Islamic Sharia). Khan’s fascination with Islamic Sharia stems from his life in Saudi Arabia. During the eighties, Khan wrote a paper titled Juristic Classification of Islamic [Sharia] Law. In it he elucidated on the system of Sharia law expressing his reverence for “The Sunnah [the works of Muhammad] — authentic tradition of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).”

Khizr Khan wrote that any writings on judicial matters “must always be subordinated to the Shari’ah and open to reconsideration by all Muslims.”

Should this connection give us pause? Absolutely, it should!!!!!!

Despite what David Barton or Khan may believe, Sharia Law and the Constitution are not compatible.


In an effort toward clarification, Donald Trump released a statement:

“Captain Humayun Khan was a hero to our country, and we should honor all who have made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our country safe. The real problems here are the radical Islamic terrorists who killed him, and the efforts of these radicals to enter our country to do us further harm. Given the state of the world today, we have to know everything about those looking to enter our country, and given the state of chaos in some of these countries, that is impossible.”

A Blue Star mother wrote a letter to Mr. Khan that was brutal in its response. Here is that letter, and it needs to be read by every American who loves freedom and liberty. Please let me know that you’ve read it!

Mr. Trump is again right, and righteous! He holds us all to a higher standard for the citizens of our country.

Delusion is believing your vote will save America

Every four years we go through this aggravating and irritating charade called a presidential election. From the Primary to the General it becomes a year-and-a-half long, 24/7 barrage of “He said – She said”, pre-empting all other news. Wild promises are made on both sides, most of which will never come to pass. The only promises that usually come to pass are the ones that buy votes for a particular party. That is why the national debt is approaching $20 Trillion.

In reality, only 11 states will cinch an election for president. With the exception of California, Nevada and Colorado, the other 8 states determining the presidential election exist in the Eastern half of the United States. The people in the other 38 states might as well stay home.

The Eastern half of the United States, because of the density of population, has evolved into socialist states because of that density. The original thirteen colonies that started this experiment have all morphed into democratic socialist states, thus giving rise to a Bernie Sanders. High dense urban cities are hopeless centers of interminable dependency on government. Dependent people vote for the party that will allow them to remain dependent. Over 100 years ago, one party determined that its path to perpetual political power would be determined by how many votes they could buy with public dollars, without any regard to constitutional limitations. The vast number of dependent Americans that exist in America today, illustrate that party’s huge success.

The Heritage Foundation, in a November 2013 article, stated: “The great and calamitous fiscal trends of our time—dependence on government by an increasing portion of the American population, and soaring debt that threatens the financial integrity of the economy—worsened yet again in 2011 and 2012. This rise in government dependence happened despite the nation undergoing an economic recovery after the economic collapse of 2008 and 2009. The United States has reached the point at which it must reverse the direction of both trends or eventually face economic and social collapse.”

But this is hardly a new warning. Treasury Secretary William E. Simon wrote a book in 1980, 36 years ago, entitled “A Time For Action” and in that book he warned of what would happen if the welfare state were allowed to continue unabated. Even under Republican presidents, the welfare state has grown. Under Democrat presidents the welfare state has grown exponentially to the largest of all welfare programs, Obama Care. Democrats passed Obama Care in 2009 without a single Republican vote.

Listening to Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders during the current presidential election cycle, their vision is to expand the welfare state even more, without regard to how to pay for it, except by increasing the national debt and taxing the rich and the middle class into oblivion. Do Democrats or socialists really care about the plight of the poor, disadvantaged, the disaffected and minority groups? YOU ARE delusional if you believe that. The votes from these constituency groups are only a path to Democrat political power.

According to the Census Bureau in 2012, 109,631,000 Americans lived in households that received benefits from one or more federally funded “means-tested programs” — also known as welfare. That number represents 35.4% of the total population. Total benefit takers, including Social Security and Medicare amounts to 48.5% of the total population. With the addition of Obama Care, Americans wholly or partially dependent on government, together with illegal aliens and asylum seekers, are now well over 50% of the population. America has reached the point of no return, where there are not enough votes to restore it to the vision of the Founding Fathers no matter who becomes president.

Buried deep in the Census Bureau statistics you will find that 86,400,000 full-time private sector workers are supporting 148,000,000 benefit takers, an astounding and unsustainable imbalance. Benefit takers include government workers along with welfare, food stamp, Medicaid, social security and Medicare (veterans not included) recipients. Since income tax revenues can’t begin to cover these exploding costs, the government borrows the money against the income of future generations, thus creating a steadily rising, un-payable national debt.

Voters that are dependent on government will lobby heavily to maintain their benefits. Many well-funded, socialist, minority and immigrant organizations enhance that lobby. Any politician that even hints at undoing the welfare state or reforming Social Security starts losing votes by the tens of thousands immediately. President Bush the younger tried to tamper with social security in his last term. His initiatives were dead on arrival at Congress. Long-term Senator Slade Gorton of Washington State campaigned on reforming Social Security. He lost the election.

The unrelenting push by Progressives for the last 100 years to buy votes to stay in power has created a nation of takers. Nothing else could explain the huge popularity, especially among the younger set, of socialist Bernie Sanders who has promised the “moon” on the backs of the wealthy and middle class. Almost every American institution, including government offices, public schools, academia and the news media has been infected with this socialist mindset. Recent immigrants from foreign lands have added to this mindset because most of them come from impoverished, socialist countries.

The Democrat Party is and has been left of center for a very long time and the bar keeps moving left with every election cycle. In order to pander to the Bernie Sander’s supporters, the Democrat Party has moved even further left to the point that the Democrat Party platform is now the most “Progressive” in the history of America.

Democrats and the machine behind them are so obsessed with maintaining political power, they engage in voter fraud and other tricks to skew the popular vote in their favor. Between voter registration fraud and bussing the poor and minorities to the polls, that may or may not be registered voters, the Democrats have managed to control the entire election process for decades.

Even if conservative voters are successful in electing Donald Trump as president, it won’t change the Democrat/Socialist system that has been built up around the Progressive ideology. Democrats have wooed ethnic minorities for many decades, to the point that Blacks and Latinos owe their souls to the Democrat company store. Women, the elderly and the gay-transgender community have been bought off as well. Democrats have set their sights on destroying the Judeo-Christian ethic that built America and have systematically tried to tear it down from every conceivable angle.

Any constituency group that gets or wants something from government will ask the Democrats and they will get it. Their votes keep the Democrats in power to continue this unconstitutional sham. Each year, more Americans get or want something from government and their vote is aligned with what they are getting from government, or what they want from government. If every American that could vote did vote, the Republican Party would cease to exist virtually overnight.

In fact, the days of a conservative party in America dedicated to constitutional principles, less government, independence and self-reliance are numbered, that is until those 86 million workers supporting the other 148 million takers suddenly decide that enough is enough and put on the brakes. If there are more people in the cart than there are people pulling the cart, the cart will never make it up a hill.

So you can cast your vote for president this year but you are delusional if you think it will change anything. No matter who is elected, the SYSTEM will not change, except under Hillary Clinton it will just get more entrenched. The SYSTEM is bigger and more powerful than the power of the people to change it because the power of the people is fragmented, divided and scattered to the four winds. Until the people coalesce around the foundation of freedom as they did in 1776, the SYSTEM will continue to govern and get more powerful. Right now the Democrat-Progressive ideology is the blood in the SYSTEM. The SYSTEM is in dire need of a blood-of-freedom transfusion and just voting each election cycle isn’t enough. As in 1776, only the blood from conflict, peaceful or otherwise, will provide the needed blood-of-freedom to provide that transfusion. We are not holding our breath in anticipation of this happening.

If you AGREE, let us hear from you.

[NOTE: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

© 2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved

We have no king but Caesar

[NOTE: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers. NWV loves Donald Trump and we believes that Mr. Trump is America’s only hope.]

“If we mean to support the liberty and independence which has cost us so much blood and treasure to establish, we must drive far away the demon of party spirit and local reproach.” – President George Washington

Americans are once again caught up in the political cycle and settling for what has been handpicked and presented as an option. Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton are both immoral. Trump has been married 3 times. If he cannot be faithful to God, swearing to uphold his marriage oath, how can he be faithful to this country? How would he, or how could he, be faithful to the laws of our Constitution to keep America free? Clinton is a high profile repeat criminal, yet both advocate that which God condemns (Sodomy and abortion), therefore both are illegitimate and unqualified candidates. Furthermore they both claim to be Christians (1 John 2:4; Matthew 24:5). How does that Kool-aid taste? Nothing could be further from the truth (2 Corinthians 11:15). [You Tube Video]

Furthermore, you were warned by President Franklin Roosevelt, who blurted out the truth in his confusion, when he stated, “Presidents are selected, not elected.”

Yet, Americans have been exposed to this truth every single step of the way, over and over, but most do not take heed (Deuteronomy 6:12).

America, how long are you going to let these criminals control the game in which they have caught you up? [You Tube Video]

I remember when the Constitution Party candidate for the presidency of the United States in 2004 told me, “If you were to take Ronald Reagan and put him into a room, and Jesus Christ into another room, that room with Ronald would be packed with followers, whereas Jesus would be left alone.” How right on was his statement?

Look at the idolatry of the American people who do not learn from history, throwing off God while submitting themselves to a corrupt man or woman (Jeremiah 17:5).

These candidates are doing their best to deceive, as well as to get the American people to forget about our Christian heritage. In fact, this has been the objective of Barack Hussein Obama from the beginning of his corrupt administration. Remember that he was going to fundamentally transform America? How do you do that? Attack the foundations, which are our Christian heritage and the United Stated Constitution.

Let me take you back to the 2012 election cycle at the Democratic National Convention where it was reported that Republicans were calling out the Democrats for removing references to “God” from their party platform. While the Democrats refused, God the Republicans gave it over to their foreign and false gods (Deuteronomy 10:17).

Now, these anti-Americans have to be told to put the American flag into the convention. The Communists and anti-Christ’s are on full display today. 1 John 2:15-19

Harmeet Dhilion opened the second night of the Republican Convention with a Sikh prayer by singing the invocation in Punjabi and then translating it into English. [You Tube Video]

Then we have Sajid Tarar, who delivered up an benediction at the Republican National Convention, praising the prophet Muhammad.

Earlier in the campaign season, we saw a woman introducing Hillary Clinton and citing the words from the Pledge of Allegiance, but purposefully ignoring “under God.” [You Tube Video]

Apparently, these foreigners, as well as the Republicans, have forgotten that we are a Christian nation. That is why people left their native countries and came to America.

“The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were… the general principles of Christianity… I will avow that I then believed and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence of and attributes of God.” –President John Adams

Today’s Republicans are yesterday’s Democrats! Secondly, for them that have been dumbed down to believe that we have a two, three or four party system, here is a newsflash: We have one Constitution; we do not have a two, three or four party system. There’s no better way than to divide and conquer, is there? This is the mentality taken on by those who look no further than what they are told.

“There is nothing I dread so much as a division of the Republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader and converting measures in opposition to each other.” – John Adams

This all reminds me of when Christ was being delivered up by the transgressors of God’s Law (Exodus 20; 1 John 3:4) to be crucified (John 8:46) by the religious hypocrites and the Herodians (Mark 8:15). These people asked for a guilty criminal to be released while delivering up an innocent man, namely the Son of God, in an attempt to justify themselves before one another. What they did not realize is that they were bringing judgment upon themselves (Matthew 27:25).

And they cried out all at once, saying, Away with this man, and release unto us Barabbas:

(Who for a certain sedition made in the city, and for murder, was cast into prison…)

But they cried, saying, Crucify him, crucify him.

And there followed him a great company of people, and of women, which also bewailed and lamented him.

But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children.

For, behold, the days are coming, in which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck.

Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us; and to the hills, Cover us.

For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry? -Luke 23:18-21;27-31

So far as any persons are implied, we must think of our Lord as speaking of the representatives of Roman power. If Pilate could thus sentence to death One in whom he acknowledged that he could find no fault, what might be expected from his successors when they had to deal with a people rebellious and in arms? – Elliot’s commentary

Soon enough, America’s idolatry and mockery of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and the absolute disdain for His Son Jesus Christ who hath shed His grace upon thee will all be over with. America is being turned into hell, and she still thinks it’s a party (Jeremiah 9:1-13)

© 2016 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

Prevention vs Reconstruction

Eleanor Roosevelt said it 50 years ago; “We must prevent human tragedy rather than run around trying to save ourselves after an event has already occurred. Unfortunately, history clearly shows that we arrive at catastrophe by failing to meet the situation, by failing to act when we should have acted. The opportunity passes us by and the next disaster is always more difficult and compounded than the last one.”

In this exclusive interview with George A. Phelps, retired US Army officer of the 1st Calvary, he examines “prevention versus reconstruction” as it relates to what’s happening to our country.

The main reason I present these interviews: more and more Americans understand what I’ve been writing about for 30 years. We must stop mass immigration if we expect to survive this century.

Mr. Phelps:

“I am a ‘preventionist,’ that is I believe that to prevent a disaster is the most sensible action rather than allowing a disaster to occur and then reconstructing or restoring the damage. We are lousy at prevention but very good at reconstructing after a disaster. It should be vice versa.

“This doesn’t mean I oppose military action as a preventative tool. For example: North Korea has developed nuclear bomb capabilities and the system to launch them against their neighbors, i.e. South Korea and Japan. The North Korean President has been waving around his ‘nuclear sword’ and threatening to use it. He has even declared that he can reach the United States using his Intercontinental Ballistic Missile capability. It is questionable that he has that capability, but who knows?

“If he were to launch nuclear attacks against Japan and South Korea it would kill tens of thousands of human beings and destroy the terrain and the facilities that were reconstructed after the Korean War.

“Since we know exactly where his launch facilities, nuclear development plants and storage facilities are located, we could easily send in stealth bombers and ‘take them out’ thus preventing the consequences of his attacks. It would also prevent any attack on the United States.

“The capability to perform ‘surgical’ bombing would minimize any ‘collateral damage’ resulting from our preventative action.

“Now that is one example of a threat being prevented while protecting other countries from the catastrophic results of a nuclear attack by a rogue nation led by a dictator intent on gaining power, control and dominance over other societies.

“That same ‘strategy’ applies to all terrorists intent on destroying the ‘civilized’ world and imposing their beliefs and form of government on the rest of the world.

“If preventative action isn’t taken against these enemies, reconstruction would cost more than the civilized world could afford, assuming reconstruction would be allowed by the conquering barbarians of the Middle East and Korea. No telling how many lives would be lost if we allow the Muslim terrorists or the North Korean dictator to prevail.

“President Theodore Roosevelt is quoted as saying, “Speak softly but carry a big stick.” The United States is in decline as the sitting President is reducing our military capabilities to the point where they are of little threat to those who are intent on waging war against us. Without the military prevention tool, they very well could be successful in their endeavors to conquer the free/industrialized world, imposing an ancient and barbaric religion and government upon the world.

“We MUST take preventive action against our enemies that are constantly threatening us literally every day, declaring continued terrorist acts, or in the case of North Korea nuclear attacks.

“It is imperative that we stop the reduction in our military capabilities and rebuild our armed forces to a war preparedness footing as a deterrent to the enemies we face. The Muslim terrorists are wreaking havoc all over the world including attacks right here in the United States.

“The people we elect are doing nothing to secure our nation and protect the citizens, and that is essentially their primary duty and responsibility based on our Constitution. The oaths of offices of the Congress and the President contain the oath to defend the Constitution.

“First and foremost we must secure our borders, ports of entry and air corridors. France has already ‘closed’ their borders to protect itself from Muslim terrorism. We must do the same.”

If you don’t want a Paris, France or San Bernardino event in your community, it’s time to call for a total “Immigration Shutdown Now.”

Call your senators and House rep: 1-202-224-3121. Demand a stop to all immigration and stop to any Syrian immigration.

Definition of slogan: “Immigration Shutdown Now means the American people want a total shutdown on all legal and illegal immigration. That means we want all illegal immigration stopped by arresting, prosecuting and jailing employers of illegal aliens. We deport all illegal aliens by taking their jobs away and as we catch them. We want English mandated as our national language. We demand a cessation of Muslim immigration in order to protect our culture, language and way of life. We can’t save the world but we can destroy our civilization. We demand a stable population that allows everyone to live, work and thrive into the 21st century. Especially our children.” FHW

That’s why you need to take action. Send this series to everyone in your network. Educate them. Urge them to take action by joining these websites to become faxers of prewritten letters and phone callers. We must force Congress into an “Immigration Shutdown Now!

Share these videos all over America: ; ; ; ;

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five minutes to see for yourself.

“Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck
This 10 minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

America: ; ; ;
United Kingdom:
Australia: Sustainable Population Australia

© 2016 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

Black lives matter to who?

As has been the case in American politics of divide and conquer for far too long, race relations are once again center stage in the 2016 Democratic Party campaign for power, this time under the Black Lives Matter banner. Once again, a political election is being framed around manufactured social divisions created by politicians – to benefit politicians.

For the record, Black Lives do Matter… to me and many others in America who want the same freedoms, liberties, opportunities and hopeful future for all Americans of every race, creed and color. But I am highly troubled by those among whom black lives seem to matter very little… Those who see African-Americans as a sub-human species that requires special treatment and benefits as if they were somehow mentally or morally deficient by birth.

For most conservatives like myself, every human life matters and the color of one’s skin tone has nothing to do with the subject. In fact, nothing on earth matters more than the fundamental natural right to LIFE and the individual power to pursue happiness under personal liberty. These all-American natural rights are indeed colorblind. At our very foundation, Americans believe that all men (mankind) are created equal and endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights. All men… (mankind)

But clearly, there are people in our country among whom Black Lives Matter very little, beyond their usefulness as a tool for division in the political arena. Despite the historical reality that slaves were freed by Republican Abraham Lincoln, or that the Civil Rights Acts of the 50s and 60s were drafted and passed by Congressional Republicans, opposed by Congressional Democrats at the time, the black community has been a very reliable voting block for the Democratic Party for decades now.

Yet it is the Democratic Party who cares about nothing more for Black Lives than their usefulness in elections and it is easy to demonstrate this reality.

“Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of. So that Roe was going to be then set up for Medicaid funding for abortion.” (Which has since happened)
The above quote was stated by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in a July 7, 2009 New York Times Magazine interview. Since then, several attempts have been made to retract that statement or assert that Ginsburg was misquoted. However, the above quote is taken directly from that interview and is not in any way taken out of context.

The fact is Ginsburg, a lifelong Democrat and supporter of abortion on demand, was sharing a truth which many democrats have denied the entire time they have supported abortion rights and even taxpayer funding for abortion – knowing the entire time that abortion is the single largest cause of deaths in the black community.

In reality, Roe vs. Wade was not even an abortion case. It was a case concerning the rights of a wife to make reproductive decisions independent of her husband’s desires. The court simply ruled that the husband had no right to force his will upon his wife in her decision to carry the child to birth, or abort the child.

It is Democrats who then used that ruling to expand the decision via broad interpretation to claim abortion on demand rights for all women and then target poor communities (aka undesirables) for extermination via government funded abortions through Medicaid. Those poor communities were predominantly black communities.

Black Lives Matter to who?

The African-American population in America represents about 13% of the population. But it also represents a disproportionate 52% of violent crimes in America, according to F.B.I. crime statistics tracked since 1980. Further, in Chicago alone, African-Americans are the victim of 75% of murders. 83.4% of those murders are shootings, 97% of which are with handguns, not assault rifles.

Most significant are the following facts:

• 90% of these victims are male
• 77% of all homicide victims have a prior arrest record
• 87% of the shooters also have a prior arrest record
• 72% of victims are between ages 17-35
• 71.3% of the shooters are black
• The vast majority of other shooters are Hispanic
Statistics in other major U.S. cities are very similar. Black on Black violent crime is not only responsible for the vast majority of black deaths in America, second only to abortion, the circumstance has only worsened in recent years. The more politicians claim to solve the problem, the worse the problem seems to become.

Nationwide, over 70% of all black deaths as a result of violent crime were committed by a black assailant. Well over 70% of those incidents were committed by assailants with a prior arrest record, most of them between the ages of 17-35.

Black Lives Matter to Who?

Black Lives Mattered to Lincoln and to the Republicans who authored and passed the Civil Rights Acts of the 50s and 60s, in the face of strong opposition from Democrats at the time. Black Lives Matter to the vast majority of American conservatives who vote for and support freedom and liberty for ALL Americans without any regard for race, creed or color.

But how much do Black Lives Matter to democrats who have targeted the black community through government funded abortion on demand? How much do they matter to people who target Second Amendment Rights for assault rifles, while 97% of all black gun deaths are committed with hand guns?

The current Black Lives Matter movement was launched by two women who live in California, Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi, a Nigerian-American living in New York, all three of whom are highly politically active community organizers for the political left and grassroots strategists for the Democratic Party.

Black Lives Matter to Who?

You will never hear anyone in the current Black Lives Matter movement mention any of the following statistics…. (provided by the CDC)

• 354,392 American blacks have died via violent crime since 1973
• The vast majority of those deaths were at the hand of a black assailant
• 245,322 American blacks have died of AIDS during the same period
• 15.5 million American blacks died via abortion since 1973
If Black Lives really mattered to the people behind the movement, they would be addressing the single largest cause of death in the black community, abortion… and they would be working to stop the vast majority of black deaths via violent crime by addressing the reality that most of these deaths are at the hand of a black assailant, the vast majority of whom have prior arrest records.

But no…

Instead, the community organizing effort is not at all focused upon protecting Black Lives. It is focused upon manipulating the black community for benefit of Democratic Socialist policies that are in fact responsible for the overwhelming majority of black deaths.

• Abortion on demand – 15.5 million black deaths
• Sexual freedom – AIDS – 245,322 black deaths
• Open borders and free drug trade – gang violence – government projects that perpetuate the problem and the targeting of cops instead of black assailants with prior arrest records – 354,392 black deaths
In truth, no group in America has been more harmful to the black community than Democratic Socialists in today’s Democratic Party. But these are truths never told on or near government housing projects, or on Democrat campaign stumps, or by the folks running or behind Black Lives Matter.

Now, I realize that these truths are highly unpopular among the politicians who benefit from the lies they tell. But these are truths that every member of the black community needs to hear, whether they want to hear them or not… Yes, Black Lives Matter to me… but do they really matter to you?

Is it really “equality” that you want? Do you really want black lives to matter?

When the color of your skin makes no more difference to you than it does to me, you will be equal. When you start to care about 15.5 million black abortions, black lives will begin to matter. When you stop blaming cops for the fact that most black street deaths are the result of black on black crimes and start addressing the reality that most of those crimes are at the hand of someone who has a prior arrest record, blacks will stop dying in the streets.

Blacks are not alone in this leftist political scam. Hispanics and Latinos are being played too.

The notion that America (an immigrant nation) is anti-immigration is insane on its face. Americans are anti-illegal immigration…. American citizens are expected to respect and abide by our laws and as a result, all law-abiding Americans expect all visitors to our country to respect our laws as well, beginning with our immigration and naturalization laws. Both ethnic groups are being manipulated by democratic socialists, plain and simple! Learn from this experience and self-correct, or your plight will continue to be your plight.

© 2016 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

Hillary’s ‘dangerous’ immigration plan same as Obama’s

The U.S. Border Patrol agents’ national union, after more than 7-years of being marginalized by President Barack Obama, is now similarly being handcuffed by presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton’s plan to keep America’s borders open and grant amnesty to illegal immigrants already living in the U.S.

“Clinton and Obama both agree that they must appease the radical extremists in their party’s furthest fringe,” the National Border Patrol Council said in a statement posted on its website on Thursday, just hours before Clinton formally accepted the Democratic party’s presidential nomination at the Philadelphia convention.

On the same subject, Congressman Bob Goodlatte, R-Virginia, chairman of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, issued a statement this week — in the midst of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia — criticizing the Obama Administration’s latest over-reach of its executive-branch powers which will be honored and expanded by a Hillary Clinton White House.

The statement blasts President Obama for expanding his policy allowing certain aliens, including those who have received his own brand of executive amnesty, to have their relatives living in Honduras, Guatemala, or El Salvador brought to the United States to live.

“Once again, the Obama Administration has decided to blow wide open any small discretion it has in order to reward individuals who have no lawful presence in the United States with the ability to bring their family members here. Today’s expansion of the Obama Administration’s policy is simply a continuation of the government-sanctioned border surge [that brought thousands of children, teenagers and young adults into the United States], said Rep. Goodlatte.

According to the congressman, tens of thousands of illegal immigrants continue to pour across the U.S. Southwest border and are benefiting from Obama’s lax immigration enforcement. This latest surge creates another category of immigrants who can simply use this Obama government program to enter and stay in the United States at taxpayer expense.

“By allowing unlawful immigrants to benefit from this program, the Obama Administration undermines the integrity of our immigration system and the rule of law, and makes the system unfair for those who seek to come to the United States legally. Rather than take the steps necessary to end the ongoing crisis at the border, the Obama Administration perpetuates it by abusing a legal tool meant to be used sparingly to bring people to the United States and instead applying it to the masses in Central America,” stated Goodlatte.

The State Department and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) on Tuesday had announced an expansion of a program that allows certain aliens – lawful permanent residents and those with temporary protected status, parole, withholding of removal, deferred action, and deferred enforced departure – to petition for relatives in Honduras, Guatemala, or El Salvador to come to the United States.

The program currently allows these aliens to petition for their unmarried children under the age of 21 and their current spouse (if they live with the child) to be considered for in-country refugee processing. The program is now expanded to their children over the age of 21; their parents; and caregivers of their minor children who are related to them, such as grandparents, aunts and uncles, according to the statement.

If these relatives do not meet the refugee requirements under the law, they can then be considered for parole into the United States, a tool that is, even according to the Administration itself, meant to be used sparingly on a case-by-case basis.

President Obama has boasted that his administration has deported more illegal aliens than any previous administration, but his claim met with an abundance of pushback by Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents who complain this administration is “cooking the books.” One method is to count those illegal aliens who are caught attempting to enter the U.S. – and who are quickly sent back – as deportations even if it’s the same person attempting illegal entry several times. Each attempt is logged as a deportation, according to agents.

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Democratic disunity

Ted Cruz asked to speak at the Republican National Convention. Donald Trump graciously consented, allowing him to deliver the speech Cruz wanted to give. Cruz was thus given a precious opportunity. In anticipation of Cruz’s remarks, the media drew parallels to the masterful address by Ronald Reagan at the 1976 Republican National Convention, where Reagan effectively snatched political victory from campaign defeat. Would Cruz rise to the occasion, would he replicate the example of Reagan, would he prove himself to be the great hope of conservative America, the promise of 2020?

Campaigns for President are often filled with harsh words which can sting. The sting is particularly hurtful to the thin skinned. The petty reaction is to harbor a grudge. The noble, to rise above and to forgive those who spitefully hate you. The party’s national convention is ordinarily a time for healing after the battle, when the hatchets are buried, at least in public, for the good of the party and of the country. Only the petty refuse to bury the hatchet, refuse to let go of the bitterness that ordinarily fills a struggle for the highest office in the land. Only the petty remain personally affronted and place their selfish pride above the goal of maximizing the chance that the shared goals of the party bear fruit in the election of the party’s nominee.

Ted Cruz proved himself the exception to the rule, not in the way Ronald Reagan proved himself exceptional but in the pedestrian way of one who reacts out of spite and conceit. He could not bring himself to endorse the party’s nominee, yet he arrogantly assumed it appropriate nonetheless to speak at the party’s nominating convention.

Cruz had the opportunity for a Reagan moment, but he proved himself to be no Ronald Reagan. As convention speeches go, Cruz’s was mediocre. He unexceptionally played upon emotion, using the example of a slain Dallas police officer’s bereaved daughter, but while he spoke broadly of freedom, he did not develop that theme beyond platitudes, and he never defined how America could overcome its obstacles and reestablish its empire of unparalleled strength, flourishing free enterprise, and individual liberty. He appeared uncomfortable. Although he caused listeners to feel sympathy for the plight of a family victimized by violent racial bigotry, he failed to inspire them to appreciate the American capacity to overcome all obstacles and transform defeat into victory. Rather, his speech contained an enormous, obvious logical whole. He neither told us precisely how to overcome the violence that plagues our country from radical Islamists, racial bigots and anarchists nor did he inspire us to appreciate our inherent capacity to achieve victory. In the end, his call to action was a lame and generic one, to vote your conscience.

Having delivered a mediocre speech, and having failed to be gracious and endorse the party’s nominee, Cruz appeared selfish and bitter, not altruistic and grand. He missed his opportunity for a Reagan moment. He instantly became forgettable. Few listening to his words would think him the inevitable choice in 2020. His words made him a distant also ran.

When Reagan finished addressing the convention in 1976, everyone (Gerald Ford included), knew that we had not seen the last of this great man. The words Reagan spoke were inspirational and brought the delegates to their feet in thunderous applause, even tears of regret that the great man had not been named the nominee.

The speech caused delegates to yearn for 1980 and the chance to vote for Reagan. Reagan rose above defeat to define the way to victory. He graciously called for party unity, embraced Gerald Ford despite a bitter contest, and he turned his campaign defeat into political victory.

By contrast, when Cruz finished addressing the convention of 2016, everyone knew that he had failed to capitalize on the Reagan moment given him. That spoke volumes about his lack of leadership. He allowed his campaign defeat to define him, leaving him broken and embittered. The words Cruz spoke fell flat. The delegates booed him. He proved himself a fallen man, not an inspirational leader. He did not define the way to victory. He ungraciously refused to endorse Trump, refusing to let go of his selfish bitterness.

© 2016 Jonathan W. Emord – All Rights Reserved

Donald J. Trump upset the applecart of racism 30 years ago

All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy and hope. —Winston Churchill

Both of the above quotes belong to Donald Trump because of his actions over 30 years ago when he purchased Mar-a-Lago, a 28-room, 70-year-old mansion built by cereal heiress Marjorie Merriweather Post. Trump paid about $7 million for the 17-acre property.

Mar-a-Lago was one of the centers of upper crust social circles in Palm Beach. It was where old money would meet and party and give to charities at elite social functions. This old money was mostly inherited and trust fund wealth. 

Donald Trump’s Palm Beach story is much like the 1947 movie, Gentleman’s Agreement with Gregory Peck, Dorothy McGuire, and one of my favorite actresses, Celeste Holm. In the movie, Greg Peck is the journalist assigned to write a series of articles on anti-Semitism. Searching for an angle, he finally decides to pose as a Jew, and soon discovers what it is like to be a victim of religious intolerance.

No “Gentleman’s Agreement” for Trump

Mr. Trump has waged successful battles against anti-Semitism and racism over the decades. He challenged Palm Beach society by using the legal system to overturn institutional discrimination when he purchased Mar-a-Lago and changed Palm Beach society.

So what exactly happened in Palm Beach, Florida? In a 1997 WSJ article, it told about Donald Trump’s upsetting the old order of things in the then-racist Palm Beach elites. In 1987, James Jennings Sheeran, the publisher of the Palm Beach society magazine, estimated that approximately 65% of the residents lived on inherited or trust fund monies. He claims that today only about 25% do. He said it was a nice clean senior citizen community, but now there is junk bond money all over the place.

Another society writer states that she doesn’t go to Mar-a-Lago because it doesn’t attract high-end money. Really? The snobbery is anathema to Donald Trump’s beliefs and attitudes.

Trump Battles the City

In the early 1990’s as a way to combat the $3 million yearly maintenance costs, Trump decided to divide the Mar-a-Lago property into smaller lots for residential development. That started the first battle with the city. Palm Beach had earlier approved such a plan from another developer, but rejected Trump’s plan.

Trump sued the city for $50 million, but then later dropped the suit when he decided to turn Mar-a-Lago into a private club. The city agreed, but told him he couldn’t have more than 500 members. When the club opened, the city was appalled because Trump wasn’t catering to old established money, but to new money and to younger people.

Trump had asked the city to lift other restrictions on the club, but they had not. His lawyer sent each of the council members a copy of “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner,” a film that deals with upper class racism. He even asked certain council members not to vote because of their membership in other clubs, because it was a conflict of interest.

When the council refused, Trump filed a $100 million suit alleging that the discrimination against Mar-a-Lago was because it allowed Jews and African Americans as members of the club.

Of course, the town denied the allegations saying it was merely a matter of zoning!

Trump Changes Palm Beach Society

Gradually, things started to change in Palm Beach, and Jewish and African Americans were admitted to other clubs. But back in the late 90s, when a group decided to hold a meeting at Mar-a-Lago, they’d receive threatening letters and emails. Nevertheless, their meetings were well attended.

Estelle Curran, from the older set of wealthy, stated, “Mr. Trump has made so much trouble in this town. A lot of people feel that if we boycott the place, we won’t help him make money.”

They sure didn’t like the change brought by Donald Trump to Palm Beach, but Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League said this, “He put the light on Palm Beach, not on the beauty and the glitter, but on its seamier side of discrimination. It has an impact.”

Mr. Foxman said that Jewish residents have told him how the clubs in Palm Beach have changed. Most have begun to admit Jewish patrons and people of color. One who was well known for its discriminatory behavior, actually named a Jewish resident as its chief officer.

The Real Donald J. Trump

website. She is also an African American.

Blue collar billionaire, Trump, tells the American people at all his rallies that he loves them, and he truly does!

Bill and Hill’s convention: beyond obscene

Painful as it was, I watched large segments of both conventions. I haven’t belonged to any political party since 1996 (I left the Republican Party that year) and have been to two Republican conventions; 1996 in San Diego and 2008 in Minneapolis/St. Paul. They are very carefully crafted, scripted events. Well, except for this year when ignorant supporters of communist crank, Bernie Sanders, went off the rails. Adding in corruption by the DNC to ensure Hildebeast Clinton got the coronation and the scramble was on to corral the herds. On the Republican side we watched citizen of no country, Ted Cruz, fry himself in hot oil after the equally foolish ‘Never Trump’ players stomped off the field after losing in their efforts to defeat Trump.

As someone who has been in the trenches for the past 26 years, I know all the players, the agendas and who controls the players. However, this election cycle for president has shocked the world because of Donald Trump. In a good way. The global elites are in a panic and doing everything they can – with the help of fools who represent the ‘Never Trump’ constituency – to destroy Trump and make sure he doesn’t receive enough electoral college votes to win. Sure, the focus is on voters and polls. But, ultimately, if you know how the system works, it’s those critical electors from the Electoral College that matter.

John Kerry won the presidency in 2004. No question vote fraud put Bush, Jr. in the White House. Bush lost Ohio and because he lost that state Kerry had the required number of electoral college votes to win. Not my opinion, but proven by an epic forensic examination of ballots and other evidence.

There are those working to abolish the electoral college for nefarious reasons. I can’t highly recommend enough the book, Evolution and Destruction of the Original Electoral College. A quick read at 100 pages it’s critical voters understand how it works and how it’s been manipulated by political whores for their desired outcome. I didn’t fully understand it until I fell into doing what I do, but it’s very important Americans understand the system, why it was put into place and why it works.

“There is no national election for president, only separate state elections. For a candidate to become president, he or she must win enough state elections to garner a majority of electoral votes. Presidential campaigns, therefore, focus on winning states, not on winning a national majority. It also means that — at least in theory — electors can thwart the popular will and vote for a candidate not supported by the voters of their state. In practice, however, electors are pledged to cast their votes in accordance with the popular vote, and “faithless electors” who go against the popular vote are extremely rare.”

Of Interest: 10 Presidents Who Won with Less Than 50% of the Vote – Includes Billy Clinton & Bush, Jr.

Going back to the conventions. As I said, while it pained me greatly, I watched a lot of both conventions during the evening hours. Not too many surprises if you know the game. However, watching Bill & Hill Clinton was truly obscene. I’m old enough to have lived through the Clinton years in the White House as well as done enough research on both of those career criminals to make anyone sick. Those two upstanding citizens stole furniture, china and art work from the White House they were later forced to return. THAT is a fact.

“Paul Goldman of the Democratic National Committee said, “Mr. Clinton didn’t just take the White House china; he took its soul and flushed it down the toilet.” Attribution see link below.

Bill and Hillary’s 11th House Crime Spree is meticulously chronicled by Barbara Olson who was murdered on 9/11. She was on Flight 77 that allegedly crashed into the Pentagon; I believe that’s not true, but she did die that day. Available on Amazon: The Final Days.

The scandals that plagued the Clinton’s while soiling the White House were endless: Bloodgate, Cattlegate, Travelgate, White Water, Commerce Dept’s ‘pay to play’ which resulted in the murder of Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, the murder of Vince Foster (allegedly had an affair with I believe bi-sexual Hillary), renting the Lincoln bedroom and the one which should have resulted in Bill Clinton being tried for treason, Chinagate. Of course, millenials know nothing of all those which is what Bill & Hill are counting on. The rest of her supporters and decades long clean up crew don’t care, she has something for everyone. A very accomplished carnival barker. For an accurate and comprehensive list of the aforementioned plus Billy’s ‘women’, click here.

The Chinagate scandal is now back big time. EXCLUSIVE: ANOTHER ’90s scandal returns to haunt the Clintons – billionaire accused of being front for Chinese Communist bid to influence Bill’s 1996 election finally faces being questioned after years on the run, July 29, 2016

“A Chinese billionaire at the center of a 20-year-old Clinton foreign donor scandal is being called in to answer questions from Congress about his role in the influence-buying scheme, in a move that could revive yet another Clinton controversy from the 1990s. The House Oversight Committee told Daily Mail Online that it will seek an interview with Ng Lap Seng, 68, who evaded congressional investigators for years.

“He has now re-appeared in the United States and is being held in New York on unrelated bribery charges. One campaign group is even suggesting that Congress grant him immunity from the charges in return for testifying. Ng, a Macau businessman with ties to the Chinese government, was accused of funneling over $1 million in illegal foreign donations to support Bill Clinton’s reelection campaign in 1996.”

Watching Bill Clinton stand on that stage recite his love story about meeting Hildebeast was almost too much to bear. So lovely, so wonderful a spouse. Show a little weepy, Billy. He forgot the part about Chelsea Clinton being the daughter of Webster Hubbell. No question Billy is not her father in my opinion and for that I feel very sorry for Chelsea. Hillary Clinton has lied to her own daughter and the world about her biological father. I always give credit where credit is due: I do believe Bill Clinton truly loves Chelsea as if she were his own. His body language and open affection for her over the years is genuine. After introducing her mother on stage that night, body language was everything. While Chelsea obviously adores her mother, if you watched Hildebeast, there was a detached coldness as she embraced Chelsea. A fakeness.

(When Billy left office he pardoned more than 100 convicted felons and one in particular in serious trouble. “Former CIA Director John Deutch…Deutch’s pardon spares the one-time spy chief and top Pentagon official of facing criminal charges in connection with his mishandling of national secrets on a home computer.” He did not pardon Web Hubbell.)

What Bill Clinton left out of his soppy recitation is his endless affairs – some for more than a decade each: Jennifer Flowers and Dolly Kyle Browning. Bill Clinton screwed anything from 16-60 the entire time he’s been married to Hillary. Some have received wide media attention from Paula Jones, his groping of Kathleen Willey while in the White House, and of course, to the hapless intern, Monica Lewinsky. The one woman who could have brought Bill down for good is Juanita Broaddrick and her credible charge of rape against him. Even Democrats at the time who saw the documentation in a ‘secured’ location in a congressional building came away in tears. They knew Juanita Broaddrick was telling the truth: Bill Clinton raped her.

For a man who supposedly was so enamored with his wife, loved her for 43 years, what a great person she is, blah, blah, blah, Billy has spent ALL of his married life dipping his wick in an endless list of women. A serial adulterer.

How the two of them stood on the stage and celebrated after Hildebeast’s speech. Two of the biggest crooks ever to serve in public office. A total failure as a U.S. Senator and Secretary of State and a husband who has never been able to keep his zipper closed for which Billy has absolutely no regrets. Hooray! Let the balloons loose and celebrate! How obscene.

None of Bill’s cheating has mattered to Hillary Clinton – except when it got big coverage in the media. That’s when she hauled out her wounded wife persona and forgave her cheating man. Enough to gag a maggot. Of course, she probably isn’t too worried these days as Bill looks like a skeleton half the time and I believe has Parkinson’s Disease. NO self-respecting woman would put up with what Billy has dished out to the poor, suffering Hildebeast for all the world to see, but then again, it is and always was a marriage of ambition for power hungry Hillary.

None of the above seemed to matter to all those screaming delegates cheering on one of the most corrupt, least accomplished public ‘servants’ in the history of this country. It doesn’t matter to Hildebeast voters regardless of their skin color or lot in life. As I said, Hillary has something for everyone as she has perfected the art of lying through her teeth for the past 40 years. Any campaign promise will do for votes. One example: Hildebeast is going after Wall Street and the big banks. Sure. They own her sizable backside. She’s taken millions from Wall Street and now we’re to believe she’s going to pinch off the teat that’s been squirting green cash her way these past decades? Well, it does sound good on stage with all the lights, confetti and koombaya.

The Clinton’s are a target rich pair for Donald Trump. Hildebeast’s unprecedented failure as illegitimate Secretary of State alone can severely damage her as ISIS continues their savagery that is surely going to spread here in America. Not to mention the Benghazi slaughter on her watch.

Everyone believes that since the Director of the FBI, James Comey, let Hillary get away with crimes related to her email servers that she is off the hook. Perhaps not. Comey may have just set Hildebeast up for a fall: The Clinton Foundation. Those 33,000 emails Hillary destroyed, I believe, are crossovers relating to another ‘pay to play’ while she was playing Secretary of State and the Clinton Foundation. We are to believe 33,000 emails were nothing but chit-chat about her daughter’s wedding and yoga classes. Horse manure. Where there’s smoke there’s fire and right now a massive forest fire is starting to smoke. The only thing dirtier than Bill and Hillary Clinton is a dirty baby diaper.

(Who writes and sends 33,000 emails on any subject? I know there were over 66,000 but, jeez, one would have to spend all their time doing nothing but emails. I mean how many emails is that per day while she held office illegally as Secty of State? 66,000 total? Where’s time to go to yoga classes that obviously haven’t done much good.)

The Clinton Foundation is nothing more than a scam that has enriched those two career criminals beyond imagination. Unfortunately, they have dragged their daughter, Chelsea into the sewer right along with them as she draws a huge paycheck as a salaried member of that phony foundation. That scandal is will follow her from now until November and hopefully afterwards so someday Hillary Rodham Clinton will go to prison where she rightfully belongs. Julian Assange of Wikileaks who released the emails ten days ago that forced out the detestable Debbie Wasserman-Schultz as head of the DNC, said last week that another huge batch of emails are going to be released this week that will bring an indictment against Hildebeast. From his lips to God’s ears.

Meanwhile, some important lawsuits are still making their way through the courts:

Judicial Watch Goes to Court On Clinton Testimony, July 22, 2016
Judicial Watch Special Report: Hillary Clinton’s Secret Email Scandal
Klayman and Freedom Watch Move to Depose Lawyers of Hillary Clinton Who FBI Director Comey Said Last Week Permanently Destroyed State Department Documents in Email Investigation; see filing here.

Question: Why haven’t those Clinton lawyers been charged with destroying government property?

There’s one other thing that could cause Hildebeast to drop out of the race and that’s her health. I believe she is hiding serious problems. What you see in these videos are not normal. Hillary can’t seem to make speeches without shouting. Even during the parts that are benign, she seems to always want to shout. We know she sometimes wears special glasses due to the concussion she suffered about four years ago. I think it’s something more serious. Her ‘official’ doctors say she’s just fine. Hillary has the money to see any doctor in the world and keep it secret. She was the most traveled Secretary of State in history.

I’ve seen all the declarations that people are not going to vote for either Hildebeast or Trump. Stay home on election day! Stop being so damn foolish. We know what’s at stake here: Likely 3-4 appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court, the Second Amendment, the illegals invasion will be unstoppable as will bringing in millions more Muslims and refugees, and a third term for the criminal impostor in the White House. Clinton will continue Obama’s planned destruction of this republic make no mistake about that. Loretta Lynch will remain as Attorney General and we will continue to sacrifice our military in the Middle East as Hildebeast is a war hawk.

If that’s your desire, don’t vote and congratulate yourself on being part of the continued destruction of our country. I’ve said it in so many columns during elections: Ballots are more than just a presidential candidate. There’s candidates for your state capitol, Congress critters, sheriff’s, local offices and sometimes state constitutional amendments. So don’t bitch if later down the line some jerk becomes your sheriff or mayor. Which reminds me of a catchy phrase I saw the other day: Life’s a bitch, don’t vote for one. Naughty me…

I am voting for Donald Trump. He deserves the chance to do his best to right the sinking ship. I don’t care if you have to hold your nose as you did when you voted for Romney and McCain, vote. I don’t care if you have to hold your nose with a clothespin but refusing to vote IS a vote for that wretched piece of baggage. Is that what you want?

Important links:

RNC request Clinton not receive national security briefings starting today has been denied:

1 – HIGH TREASON: Hillary Sells Arms to Qatar, Transfers 20% of US Uranium Production To Russia,
Sides With BLM Over Land Grab, Receives TONS of Money from Nigerian Terrorist Billionaire, July 28, 1016
2 – Pat Caddell Blasts Reuters’ Back-Rigging Polls to Show Clinton Winning, July 30, 2016
3 – Tracking polls showed a 17-point swing in favor of the Republican nominee Donald J. Trump
4 – Declassified docs: Hillary aided rise of ISIS
5 – EXCLUSIVE: How Hillary Clinton Mainstreamed Al-Qaeda Fundraiser Abdurahman Alamoudi, July 27, 2016
6 – Hillary Clinton fired for lies, unethical behavior – Watergate Investigation
7 – Hildebeast: Putting modern US missiles in the hands of the Taliban
8 – Hillary Clinton under fire after saying America should ’empathize’ and ‘show respect’ to its enemies

[Devvy’s hot new book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions is now available. The most important issues destroying America are presented along with constitutional solutions neither the Republicans or Democrats will pursue. Get your copy now. Excellent discounts for 2 or more books, or bulk orders.]

© 2016 – and Devvy – All Rights Reserved