New Year

By Paul Engel

December 31, 2024

  • New Year’s Eve is often a time for drinking, followed by a hangover.
  • It’s also a time for making resolutions.
  • What can we learn from 2024 and what can we do better in 2025.

For many, New Year’s Eve is a time for drinking and partying, which frequently makes New Year’s Day a time for dealing with a hangover. For others, New Years is a time for making resolutions or promises to ourselves to be better. I rarely drink, so hangovers are not a problem for me. I also do not make New Year’s resolutions, not because I don’t think there are ways I can be better, but because I don’t wait until the New Year to act on them. That said, a new year is a good time to look at where we are and make plans for the future.

New Year

However you celebrate the holiday, I wish you a safe and enjoyable time. I also hope you’ll take some time to consider the year that is past and make plans for the year to come. After all, 2024 has been quite a year.

2024 in Review

Let’s start with some highlights from 2024


Remember back in January when a handful of states attempted to keep Donald Trump off the ballot, claiming that he had participated in an insurrection simply because they called the January 6th demonstration an insurrection? They seemed to ignore then President Trump’s admonition to the crowd to “peacefully and patriotically demonstrate” their displeasure with how the election was conducted.

Maine showed their general ignorance of the Constitution, and their willingness to throw away the republic as they attempted to join the “Interstate Compact to Elect the President of the United States by National Popular Vote.”

The Supreme Court

As usual, the Supreme Court handled several cases worth remembering. One of the most memorable was Trump v. United States when Donald Trump claimed Presidential Immunity in an attempt to counter the questionable legal charges against him. In this case the Supreme Court noted that there is not “Presidential Immunity” clause in the Constitution, then claimed that the President did have some limited immunity. If that confuses you, that’s probably a good thing.

There were several cases that restricted the overreach of federal agencies. In Louisiana, et. al. v. U.S. Department of Energy, the court found that the Dept. of Energy did not have the statutory authority to regulate water usage in whatever way they wanted. Then there was the case USDA v. Kirtz were the question of sovereign immunity was brought before the court. This was followed by Loper Bright Enterprises Et Al. v. Raimondo, Secretary Of Commerce, Et Al. where the court “overturned” a forty year precedent known as the “Chevron Doctrine” that illegally granted deference to executive agencies in direct opposition to federal law. And let’s not forget Securities And Exchange Commission v. Jarkesy et al., where the court said the SEC could not use their “Administrative Courts” to deprive people of their right to a trial by jury.


Not only did Congress continue to spend trillions of dollars they did not have, but some of their other acts are worth remembering. We had the CHIPs Act, which spent billions of dollars to help redirect chip manufacturers to build new plants while shutting down others.

Then there was the TikTok ban. Did Congress have the authority to tell private companies what apps they can provide on their equipment? Was there a better way to deal with people’s concern about the Communist Chinese control of that platform? Then there was H.Amdt.876 — 118th Congress (2023-2024), a proposed amendment to the infamous §702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Some claimed that this amendment to enforce the Constitution’s protections against unreasonable searches is itself unconstitutional, a position apparently held by President Biden.

And let’s not forget the political “investigations” held in both houses.


Then there was Joe Biden’s “pardon” of Hunter Biden. I put “pardon” in quotes because, while part of the document is a pardon of Mr. Biden’s son for crimes he was guilty of, there was some controversy over the expansion into what should be called a grant of immunity for crimes he may have committed.

Don’t let that distract you from the hundreds of billions sent to Ukraine to help them fight their war against Russia and pushing the transgender agenda on our schools,

Looking Forward to 2025

While none of us can know the future, contemplating the future is a fun way to pass time.

President Trump

Shortly after the New Year, Donald Trump will become only the second person to hold two non-consecutive terms as President. Even considering how few people have held the office, that is still quite a distinction. Mr. Trump has made many promises to the American people about what he will do with this opportunity, and based on his proposed appointments, he may even keep some of them.

Court Cases

There are several cases that have been heard and will be decided this year. The Supreme Court’s term finishes at the end of June, and that’s when they tend to release their opinions on the most controversial cases.

San Francisco v. EPA looks at the limits of the agency’s power to interpret the law. Garland v. Van Der Stock looks at the powers of the ATF to reclassify personally manufactured firearms. And United States v. Skrmetti is a challenge to Tennessee’s law prohibiting transgender treatments for minors.


Some states, most notably California, have been putting policies in place to prevent the Trump administration from enforcing federal immigration laws, protect abortions, and generally get in the way.

Resolution Ideas

As I said, I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, but I know many who do. So here are some ideas you may want to consider adding to your list.

Study the Constitution

Since this is The Constitution Study, resolving to study the supreme law of the land should be expected. Whether you read the document online, read a book, take a class, or follow other content on the Internet, knowing the supreme law of the land has plenty of benefits.

Hold an Elected Official Responsible

I’m sure, at some point in the year ahead, one of your elected representatives will screw something up. They will vote for some unconstitutional legislation, promote some unconstitutional policy, or do something in violation of their oath of office. Call them up on it. Write a letter, or better yet, visit their office and point out their mistake and the fact that you will remember it. If your elected official is a good one, they will learn from the experience. If not, then it’s time to start looking for someone better. But pledge to yourself that when you see an unconstitutional act, regardless of what government they are in, you’ll stand up to point out the mistake to your employee.

Defend Your Rights

Odds are that someone will enact or enforce some policy that will violate your rights. Don’t take it sitting down. Do your research, put together a sound argument, and then stand up and defend your rights. Maybe even get some of your neighbors to join you. I’ve had people reach out for help putting together their case or legislation. Join the list of those standing up to defend and assert their rights.


As we prepare to celebrate another orbit around the sun and look forward to a new year, let’s remember the lessons of our past year and use them to make next year better. Let’s not make the perfect the enemy of the good. By which I mean, don’t be put off by the fact you cannot fix everything, just fix something. And should we meet again at the beginning of another orbit, we can tell the tales of what we learned in 2025 and what we’re preparing to do in 2026.

© 2024 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

The Moral Achilles Heel for MAGA

By Cliff Kincaid

December 31, 2024

Our local pastor gave a Christmas Eve sermon on why the birth of Christ was God’s D-Day invasion in a spiritual sense of the Roman Empire. It was an interesting analogy. The influence of Christ lives on but America’s reputation as a Christian nation does not.

Those who thought that Donald J. Trump’s return to the White House is a mission ordained by God must be disappointed by the current internal MAGA debate over special high-tech visas for smart people from foreign countries, when the real issue for America is continued moral and spiritual decline.

Perhaps they are related after all. “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports,” declared General George Washington.

In this current debate, Trump has sided with the foreign brains, like Elon Musk, who have contributed immensely to the American nation.

I saw this for myself when one of my smart sons was able to compete for two years in the National Spelling Bee and the winners inevitably turned out to be young people from India. I learned a lesson.

America is enriched by foreign countries.

“Our American culture has venerated mediocrity over excellence,” Vivek Ramaswamy declared in the debate over special visas for foreign high-tech workers.

If Americans are honest, they must admit he is right. Equally significant, our mediocrity extends to being willing to stand up for what’s right, morally and spiritually.

If you want an example of American mediocrity in the moral sense, look at the collection of college football bowl games on television, including one called the “Snoop Dogg Arizona Bowl,” named after the notorious marijuana smoker who now markets alcoholic drinks.

The official and longer title, “Snoop Dogg Arizona Bowl by Gin & Juice by Dre and Snoop,” incorporates the “first time an alcohol brand has sponsored a bowl game,” according to a sports website. On the air, Snoop Dogg praised the new alcoholic drink as he and his fellow commentators laughed about it all.

I didn’t hear “Snoop” endorse dope smoking but perhaps the “Cannabis Bowl” will be featured next year.

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism cites estimates that each year there are more than 178,000 deaths (approximately 120,000 male deaths and 59,000 female deaths) attributable to excessive alcohol use, “making alcohol one of the leading preventable causes of death in the United States, behind tobacco, poor diet and physical inactivity, and illegal drugs.”

Trump, a non-drinker, has nominated Robert F. Kenndy, Jr. as Secretary of health and Human Services (HHS) and he promises to Make America Healthy Again.

It would seem that avoiding alcohol would be part of that equation.

Beyond this emphasis on food and drink, what America desperately needs is to Make America Moral Again (MAMA), a campaign launched by author and commentator Linda Goudsmit. Her column identifies the key problem as the influence of Marxism on American culture, undermining America’s founding principles and “designed to collapse the Judeo-Christian morality and infrastructure of the United States…”

As for Snoop Dogg, portrayed during the bowl game as a role model and humanitarian, he opened his first pot shop earlier this year in Los  Angeles and was labeled S.W.E.D. for his “popular” catch phrase “Smoke Weed Every Day.”

On Reddit, someone asked, “Does Snoop Dogg actually smoke a lot of weed?”

The responses included “It’s so wild to me because as someone who was a heavy smoker and can’t do it anymore because it puts me in a psychosis, I don’t understand how someone like him can continue doing this. I know everyone’s different but it’s wild to me.”

In addition to the link between marijuana and psychosis, the legalization of marijuana has been causing human suffering and environmental devastation on a scale most people do not yet comprehend.

There is an example from the NFL. Aaron Hernandez, the former NFL star and notorious pothead, became a convicted killer and then killed himself in prison. The subject of a Netflix series, “Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez,” he was a chronic marijuana user throughout college and his NFL career who experienced brain damage from the drug. The case proves a direct link between marijuana, mental illness, and violence.

More than a year ago, however, Snoop Dogg posted on X: “I’m giving up smoke.” It’s too bad he wasn’t serious. It turned out to be a marketing stunt for a smokeless fire pit.

For more evidence of American mediocrity, or worse, look at what just happened in Federick, Maryland, where a new “tavern” has opened in a Marriott hotel and installed a cocktail bar directly on what used to be a chapel’s high altar. The high altar, side altars, tabernacle, altar rail, stained glass windows, and statues all remain behind and around the bar.

The bar owners took over the space in the Visitation Academy, a private, all-girls, Roman Catholic school which was run by Catholic nuns until 2005, when its order was dissolved due to declining numbers.

Elyssa Koren, who initiated a petition to move the bar, says, “The chapel that brought me to Jesus is now a Marriott hotel bar with cocktails on the altar. They could have put the bar anywhere. The choice speaks to an utter disregard for the sacred.”

Koren is an example of righteous concern about the moral decline of America. Her petition seeks to restore the dignity of the chapel.

Without Christians like this, as well as Linda Goudsmit, arguing for Making America Moral Again, MAGA will fail. America cannot remain a mediocre nation spiritually and be strong in an economic and material sense.

© 2024 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Ms. Candace–Pretty Little Virulent Racist

By Joan Swirsky

December 31, 2024

Pretty counts, and pretty girls know from the time they’re two-years-old that prettiness has power.

Brains count, and pretty girls with brains are quite thrilled when they realize––about age four or five––that they’ve been doubly blessed.

Pretty brainy Black girls who were born into the right era came of age during the Obama regime. But sometimes those pretty brainy Black girls realized that if they wanted to get noticed, they could never join the poor-me, I’m-a-victim, racist mantra of Obama’s Democrat Party.

They knew they would have to distinguish themselves in an original and unexpected way, sort of like the hooker Gypsy Rose Lee, in the Broadway musical “Gypsy,” who sang “Ya Gotta Have a Gimmick.”

Aha! Why don’t we go the conservative route? Here is just one list of strong, independent-thinking, and often courageous Black women who were authentic in their embrace of conservatism.

Also on that list is pretty, brainy Black Candace Owens, but who was 100% fake and fraudulent in her conservatism––which is not racist––but who cleverly used that political identity to insinuate her way into widespread recognition.


From the start of her Oscar-worthy performance as an authentic conservative, Candace wanted you to know that she was nothing like those historically racist Democrats who created the Ku Klux Klan and created the Jim Crow laws which mandated racial segregation in all public facilities and were embraced by President Woodrow Wilson, Alabama Governor George Wallace (“segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever”) and West Virginia Senator Robert Byrd, et al – all Democrats! The Party that also voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Civil Rights Acts of 1968, and the Equal Opportunity Act of 1972.

Ms. Smarty Pants Candace wanted you to know how loathsome she considered racism and that she was acutely aware of and in contempt of the facts that:

  • In the 1980s, Democrat Senator Joe Biden supported the election of Robert Byrd (D-WVA), a former Exalted Cyclops and Kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan who also recruited 150 of his friends to start a new KKK chapter, as well as using the N-word on live television in 2001. When Sen. Byrd died, Sen. Biden delivered an impassioned eulogy about his treasured friend.
  • In the 1970s, a Democrat Congress named the Old Senate Office Building in honor of Richard Russell, a staunch segregationist from Georgia.
  • And going back, in the late 1930s, Democrat President Franklin Roosevelt nominated Hugo Black, also a former Klansman, to the U.S. Supreme Court, where he served for decades.
  • Even further back, it was Democrats who fought ferociously against President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, which freed 3.5 million Black slaves.

Ms. Candace wanted to emphasize that she, Ms. Conservative, was totally unlike those vicious racist Democrats, those “tolerant” liberals.


Then came October 7, 2023, when the career terrorists from Hamas violently raped, tortured, and gleefully slaughtered 1,200 Israeli civilians, took hundreds of hostages, and then filmed their savagery in order for the world to see their maniacal, murderous mentality.

Apparently, this bloodthirsty act animated Candace Owens, mobilized something within her that she had successfully concealed from the people who put her on the map––most prominently Orthodox Jews Dennis Prager and Ben Shapiro––and unleashed her colossally virulent, indeed malignant, hatred of both Jews and Israel. Just go to any search engine and put in Candace Owens – antisemitism to see the geyser of invective and lies she has vomited out since October 7, 2023.

Since then, she has been a leader in the pack of anti-Semites which recently garnered her the top award––among stiff competition––from as Anti-Semite of the Year for her non-stop blood libels, manufactured narratives, vicious lies, and fanatical obsession with, yep, both Jews and Israel…even going so far on her YouTube channel to defend Hitler and question historical facts about the Holocaust.


In the history of the world, there has never been a baby born with hate in his or her heart. Hate is taught. Hate is learned, usually at a very early age, from people who have great influence in shaping the thoughts and feelings of the recipients of their hate.

Did Candace learn her volcanic hatred of Jews from her parents. teachers, coaches, counselors, religious gurus, TV, radio, Democrats?

Or is Candace yet another “I’m a victim” Black person who is angry that Democrats destroyed the Black family, and that Democrats destroyed Black education, but like them suffers from terminal envy at the success of the Jews, who only comprise a miniscule 0.2 percent in America––or about six-million Jews, out of a population of over 330 million––while Blacks comprise a significantly greater number at 14 percent?


The human race is driven by emotion. It’s nice to fantasize that we’re driven by empiricism, facts, objective truths. But both history and everyday life contradict that fantasy. Emotion rules the day.

The most powerful human emotion is fear. We all know that it was fear that literally shut down the entire world because of the Covid-19 so-called pandemic.

The second most powerful emotion is jealousy. Most crimes––including murder––are committed in the name of this raging sentiment, and lesser crimes and everyday hostility are also caused by the monster of green-eyed envy.

On the surface, it seems obvious that Candace and her ilk are experiencing blind jealousy. “How come,” they seem to be asking themselves, “that with all my intelligence, talent, charm, connections, good looks and money, it’s the Jews who run Hollywood and the music business and Wall St. and the media…and me???”

After jealousy, the third and hugely powerful emotion is anger, an easy emotion to access, whether it involves dealing with an irritating relative, witnessing a boyfriend who hurt your daughter’s feelings, hitting a pothole that breaks your axle, even trying to reach your doctor by pushing 2, then 4, then 7, then more horrible music.


Underneath the paralyzing layer of fear, below the obsessive nature of jealousy, under the blind rage and anger, there is the devastating emotion of despair. Of feeling that it’s all too much, too impossible, too overwhelming. This is the stuff of clinical depression. This is the stuff of suicide.

After all, fear and jealousy and anger are mobilizing! What can I do? Which protest group can I join? Who can I wreak my revenge on?

But despair has no allies. It is lonely. It is scary. It is immobilizing.

It is also what the legion of anti-Semites are most afraid of, with good reason, as suicides among Blacks have recently escalated dramatically.

Is this what Candace Owens’ fanatical obsession with Jews and Israel is all about? Does this explain her fulminating vomitus of rage?  Is she fleeing from despair, or is she exulting in being the Black version of David Duke?

Bottom line, it doesn’t matter. Like all soapbox fanatics, her influence will wane, and she will join the pantheon of other racists who are remembered solely for their rank repulsive racist hatred.

At this point, Candace fits neatly into my Vessel Theory of human behavior, which is simply that no matter how fancy or decorative a [human] vessel appears to be, the real measure of its value is its contents. A beautiful crystal vase, for instance, might contain urine; a ceramic creation, sludge, while a plain vessel might pour out pure spring water.

Lesson: what’s inside is the real thing!


The absolute cure for Black rage, jealousy, anger, and despair lies in one simple word: Emulate!

Spend one month of your entire life living with an observant Jewish family, reading the Bible, learning of the extreme emphasis Jews place on family unity, education, philanthropy, and mitzvahs––good deeds that can range from a simple smile to building a cancer research center to rushing all over the world to help in disaster areas.

Study why Jews, because of vicious discrimination, were forced literally to create Hollywood, why they were forced to build some of the best medical and research centers in America because they were barred from internships and residencies; the list of survival strategies is long and impressive.

Stop your jealousy. Stop your rage. Start joining us Jews in fighting the real enemy, the actual powerful forces that have kept you down, defeated, and depressed: Liberals, Leftists, and Progressive Democrats and a horrific public-education system.

Or, alternatively, stay in your perpetual rageful victim mode and see how far you’ve progressed in the next five or 10 or 1,000 years!

© 2024 Joan Swirsky – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Joan Swirsky:


“Anchor babies” are NOT Automatically U.S. Citizens – Part 1

Authored by Devvy Kidd not AI

Dec. 30, 2024

“A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”  ― Mark Twain

So-called “anchor babies” are illegal aliens just like the mother if she crossed our border ILLEGALLY.  They are NOT automatically granted U.S. citizenship if birth occurs on U.S. soil despite the rank stupidity of those out there who blast just the opposite.

ICE Deports Mother and Four Children, Including U.S. Citizen Newborn Twins, to Mexico, Dec. 22, 2024: “Cristina Salazar, a 23-year-old mother of four, was arrested along with her children during what was supposed to be a routine meeting to discuss her case, KHOU reported.

“Her husband, Federico Arellano Jr., a U.S. citizen, described the heartbreaking scene as his children cried and were forcibly separated from him. Salazar’s attorneys argued the missed hearing was a “technical violation” that should have been easily resolved.”

It appears the father is a U.S. citizen who married a Mexican citizen which makes all of their children illegal aliens because they entered the U.S. illegally (unless the father had the other two children by a woman who is a U.S. citizen but that isn’t mentioned in any of the articles).  Our courts are so over flowing dealing with illegal aliens – regardless of their home country – at OUR expense, more judges had to be hired years ago just to hear cases filed by illegals with the help of licensed attorneys here in the U.S. who don’t give a damn about our immigration laws.  Paid for by YOUR labor.

I’m sorry for their situation but they brought it on themselves knowing Mrs. Arellano was a citizen of Mexico, not the U.S. and violating OUR immigration laws.  Hell, 93% of asylum cases are thrown out and rightly so; off you go back to your home country.

Members of the Democrat/Communist Party USA, voters and elected officials, all have their panties in a wad about separating illegal minor alien children from the parent(s).  Their biased attorneys all try to use the Fourteenth Amendment as proof that an illegal mother who gives birth on U.S. soil, that baby is automatically a U.S. citizen.  Wrong.

Flashback, August 24, 2014 (Mine)

Our Federal Wallet Stretched To Limit By Illegal Aliens Getting Welfare’ “Even worse, Americans have seen heinous crimes committed by individuals who are here illegally.” – Senator Dirty Harry Reid, Democratic/Communist Party USA. “He also said that the U.S. open door policy is being abused at the expense of honest, working citizens. August 5, 1993, Dirty Harry’s office issued the following:

“In response to increased terrorism and abuse of social programs by aliens, Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) Today introduced the first and only comprehensive immigration reform bill in Congress. Currently, an alien living illegally in the United States often pays no taxes but receives unemployment, welfare, free medical care and other federal benefits. Recent terrorist acts, including the World Trade Center bombing, have underscored the need to keep violent criminals out of the country…

“Our borders have overflowed with illegal immigrants placing tremendous burdens on our criminal justice system, schools and social programs. The Immigration and Naturalization Service needs the ability to step up enforcement. Our federal wallet is stretched to the limit by illegal aliens getting welfare, food stamps, medical care, and other benefits often without paying any taxes.”

“Safeguards like welfare and free medical care are in place to boost Americans in need of short-term assistance. These programs were not meant to entice freeloaders and scam artists from around the world. Even worse, Americans have seen heinous crimes committed by individuals who are here illegally.”

I have been very vocal about for this for decades: States Must Fight Legal Fiction Called Anchor Babies. Judge Jeanine ‘Illegally Entering U.S. Is Not a Right to Citizenship‘ – She is on point and says it like it is: “I draw but one conclusion: Barack Obama is intentionally using the immigration crisis as an excuse to change the demographics and ultimately the electorate of this nation.” Illegals tell filmmakers: we were told to vote democrat, or be deported: “Livingston wrote that, prior to the 2012 presidential election, “the illegals were handed voter registrations and told they would be sent to states with NO ID check for voting.”

Continuing:  “His statements were to announce a bill he introduced back (1993) then titled the Immigration Stabilization Act [S.1351]. I’m betting it was not written by Dirty Harry, but by lawyers who know what they’re doing and the sure to come legal challenges. It covers the whole gambit of turning off the welfare train (in the trillions spent over the past 28 years since Reagan sold us out). One section I want to highlight this from the bill:



“In the exercise of its powers under section 5 of the Fourteenth Article of Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the Congress has determined and hereby declares that any person born after the date of enactment of this title to a mother who is neither a citizen of the United States nor admitted to the United States as a lawful permanent resident, and which person is a national or citizen of another country of which either of his or her natural parents is a national or citizen, or is entitled upon application to become a national or citizen of such country, shall be considered as born subject to the jurisdiction of that foreign country and not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States within the meaning of section 1 of such Article and shall therefore not be a citizen of the United States or of any State solely by reason of physical presence within the United States at the moment of birth.”

The important words in the Fourteenth Amendment:

“….any person born after the date of enactment of this title to a mother who is neither a citizen of the United States nor admitted to the United States as a lawful permanent resident, and which person is a national or citizen of another country of which either of his or her natural parents is a national or citizen, or is entitled upon application to become a national or citizen of such country, shall be considered as born subject to the jurisdiction of that foreign country and not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States within the meaning of section 1 of such Article and shall therefore not be a citizen of the United States or of any State solely by reason of physical presence within the United States at the moment of birth.”

Article 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.  No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

Illegal aliens “reside” illegally on U.S. soil.  They were not invited here legally.

The quoted research below is from Leo Donofrio. For those not familiar with his name, Leo is the attorney out in NJ who filed the first challenge to get Juan McCain and Barry Barack Soetoro Obama off the ballot in 2008.

“Dr. John Fonte, Senior Fellow of The Hudson Institute had this to say about the issue at a Congressional hearing on dual citizenship from September 29, 2005:

“The authors in the legislative history, the authors of that language, Senator Lyman Trumbull said, “When we talk about ’subject to the jurisdiction of the United States,’ it means complete jurisdiction, not owing allegiance to anybody else.” Senator Jacob Howard said that it’s “a full and complete jurisdiction.”

“This illustrates that Congress recently discussed the issue, and they can’t claim they were unaware. But we don’t have to take Dr. Fonte’s word for it. The following discussion by the various 14th Amendment Framers took place on the Senate floor. I took it from P.A. Madison’s research at (use his link for footnotes):

“It is clear the framers of the Fourteenth Amendment had no intention of freely giving away American citizenship to just anyone simply because they may have been born on American soil. Again, we are fortunate enough to have on the record the highest authority tell us, Sen. Lyman Trumbull, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee… and the one who inserted the phrase: “[T]he provision is, that ‘all persons born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens.’ That means ’subject to the complete jurisdiction thereof.’ What do we mean by ‘complete jurisdiction thereof?’ Not owing allegiance to anybody else. That is what it means.

“Then Madison quotes Sen. Howard, another Framer, concurring with Trumbull:

“Sen. Howard concurs with Trumbull’s construction:

“Mr. HOWARD: I concur entirely with the honorable Senator from Illinois [Trumbull], in holding that the word “jurisdiction,” as here employed, ought to be construed so as to imply a full and complete jurisdiction on the part of the United States, whether exercised by Congress, by the executive, or by the judicial department; that is to say, the same jurisdiction in extent and quality as applies to every citizen of the United States now.[3]

“Mr. Madison continues with even more proof of what the 14th Amendment Framers meant:. “Sen. Johnson, speaking on the Senate floor, offers his comments and understanding of the proposed new amendment to the constitution:

“[Now], all this amendment [citizenship clause] provides is, that all persons born in the United States and not subject to some foreign Power–for that, no doubt, is the meaning of the committee who have brought the matter before us–shall be considered as citizens of the United States. That would seem to be not only a wise but a necessary provision. If there are to be citizens of the United States there should be some certain definition of what citizenship is, what has created the character of citizen as between himself and the United States, and the amendment says that citizenship may depend upon birth, and I know of no better way to give rise to citizenship than the fact of birth within the territory of the United States, born to parents who at the time were subject to the authority of the United States.[4]

And: “No doubt in the Senate as to what the citizenship clause means as further evidenced by Sen. W. Williams:

“In one sense, all persons born within the geographical limits of the United States are subject to the jurisdiction of the United States…All persons living within a judicial district may be said, in one sense, to be subject to the jurisdiction of the court in that district, but they are not in every sense subject to the jurisdiction of the court until they are brought, by proper process, within the reach of the power of the court. I understand the words here, ’subject to the jurisdiction of the United States,’ to mean fully and completely subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.[5]

“Madison saves for last the greatest authority on the issue: “Rep. John Bingham of Ohio, considered the father of the Fourteenth Amendment, confirms the understanding and construction the framers used in regards to birthright and jurisdiction while speaking on civil rights of citizens in the House on March 9, 1866:

“[I] find no fault with the introductory clause [S 61 Bill], which is simply declaratory of what is written in the Constitution, that every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen…[6]

“It’s important to note this statement was issued by Bingham only months before the 14th Amendment was proposed.” End of excerpt.

The 14th Amendment

“This website serves to explain the original intent of the Fourteenth (14th) Amendment to the US Constitution, and how it is currently misinterpreted to give citizenship to children born in the United States of illegal alien parents. These children, via their birthright citizenship, act as anchor babies and can, upon reaching the age of majority, facilitate bringing their extended family* into the US in order to obtain citizenship. Although some experts believe that a Constitutional amendment would be necessary to remedy the misinterpretation, many believe that Congressional action would be sufficient and is urgently warranted.”

READ the sections on the left side and watch the short video.  I have been writing about stopping this anchor baby scam for two decades.  In 2014, I wrote a column:  STOP ALL WELFARE, STATE, FEDERAL, CITY, COUNTY – and you’ll see MILLIONS self-deport.  I’ve written to dozens of GOP Rep and Senators since, the last one, Rep. Chip Roy {R-TX].  NOT A SINGLE RESPONSE.

After Trump was elected in 2016 and sworn in, I wrote to him and his most trusted senior WH adviser, Stephen Miller, an alleged leader of deporting illegals. Crickets – and remember:  Republicans held the majority in both the senate and house for 18 months, plenty of time to get this done.  Not a single reply from any of them to this day.  Of course, at the time, Trump was being bombarded by corrupt scum (Chuck Schumer, et al) with lawsuits, ugly media smears and every effort under the sun to stop building a wall. And since I’m a nobody without a famous name, I doubt my letters regarding stopping ALL welfare were simply thrown in the waste basket.

There is NO excuse why the GOP controlled Congress under Trump’s first term didn’t get the bill written, passed and signed by Trump. The invasion we’ve seen since usurper, career criminal president, Uncle Joe Biden, would never have happened.  How many Americans would still be alive today instead of murdered by illegal monsters?

Instead, to this day it’s nothing but crickets and more dead Americans; raped girls and women and crimes committed against OUR citizens.  And let’s not forget finding the missing 325,000 illegal alien children, most being used for human sex trafficking.  Homan and other groups have and will continue to try to find those innocents and send them back to their family to whatever country they came from.

Now, Trump’s border czar, Tom Homan, is going after the worst of the worst first: killers, gang members, thieves as soon as Trump is sworn into office.  No doubt meetings and intense planning has been going on for months about the biggest deportation in history.  Sanctuaries Freed 22,000 Criminal Aliens Sought by ICE Under Biden, Nov. 14, 2024, Combatting Illegal Immigration on the State and Local Level,  JUST IN: Federal Appeals Court Reverses Judge’s Ruling, Allows Texas Immigration Law That Allows Police to Arrest Illegals to Take Effect, March 4, 2024

Believe me, Homan is a bull dozer and has given warning to these POS mayors like Denver’s “woke” mayor, Michael Christopher Johnston; lunatic governor of California, Gavin Newsom and the liar who stole the governor’s race in AZ against Kari Lake, Kati Hobbs, for aiding, abetting and harboring illegals.  That _itch is a real piece of work.

The new incoming AG needs to file criminal charges against governors and mayors who interfere with ICE and deportations but only YOU can make that happen by rising our voices and demand these elite toilet scum they are not above the law. Indict and arrest just one mayor and governor and the rest of the rats will scramble.

About damn timeTrump Advisor Warns 249 ‘Sanctuary City’ Officials That They Can Go to Prison for Interfering with Immigration Enforcement, Dec. 28, 2024

‘Sheer insanity’: Conservative watchdog puts ‘sanctuary’ officials on notice ahead of Trump deportation push, Dec. 23, 2024: “AFL’s notice letter to the 249 officials says that the federal government has ultimate authority over immigration, and points to clauses in federal law that prohibit state and local governments from restricting communications with DHS about immigration status, and that make concealing, harboring or shielding an illegal immigrant a federal crime.

“The group argues that sanctuary policies can therefore lead to criminal liability, and that victims of illegal immigrant crime may be able to sue for damages.

“We have identified your jurisdiction as a sanctuary jurisdiction that is violating federal law. Such lawlessness subjects you and your subordinates to significant risk of criminal and civil liability. Accordingly, we are sending this letter to put you on notice of this risk and insist that you comply with our nation’s laws,” the letter says.

“The group is also launching a new website that gives users a map of “sanctuary strongholds,” identifying jurisdictions with sanctuary policies and giving contact information for elected officials.”

A whole lot of sheriffs are just waiting for Trump to get sworn in and yes, they have their plans in place and the legal authority to enforce.  They are sick and tired of the crime imported into their cities and towns. The funerals, robberies, rapes and stealing jobs that belongs to Americans.

Blame the parents, not OUR laws

Homan’s response regarding “breaking up families”: “Here’s the issue,” Homan told the Post. “You knew you were in the country illegally and chose to have a child. So you put your family in that position.”

“He noted that it will be up to families to decide if they would prefer to be deported together or split up.” He got that one right. Illegal minors and that includes the phony DACA yarn spun by illegitimate, dirty, Marxist president, Hussein Obama. It is Not a law. Blame your parents for violating OUR immigration laws.

Instead of wailing over illegals being deported, think about the victims of their crimes and how this invasion is destroying OUR country.

Be sure to get the link to this column up on X, Instagram, MeWe and all the others plus your email list.  WE must control the narrative and truth.

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, Taking Politics Out of Solutions, 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

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UNPRECEDENTED: THE TRUMP EFFECT WORKING ON DEPORTATIONS NOW, Dec. 13, 2024.  Their new female president ducked:  JUST IN: The President of Mexico just said she is “ready to accept” illegally migrants deported by President Trump, Dec. 19, 2024.  Really?  I still will buy NOTHING from Mexico:  Mexico launching app for migrants in US, vows to defend citizens facing deportation, Dec, 28, 2024 –

“Mexico is developing an app that will allow migrants in the U.S. facing deportation to alert their family members and local U.S. consulates if they are about to be detained by authorities, a senior official said Friday. He added that his government plans to ensure that each Mexican citizen is given due process in the U.S. before being potentially ejected from the country.”

Their due process is to be treated humanely and then deported.  Period. 

New Texas DPS Mounted Border Team Tracks Down Migrant Got-Aways on Ranches, Dec. 7, 2024:  As Homan has said:  We’re coming for you and we WILL find you.

Another major blue city doubles down on vow to obstruct Trump’s mass deportations plan – Here’s a news flash: I wouldn’t visit or spend a penny in Boston. You want to play chicken? Think of all those tourist dollars blowing away in in the wind who are FED UP with this on-going invasion of OUR country.

State and Local Authority to Enforce Immigration Law – A Unified Approach for Stopping Terrorists

Number of Migrants Crossing Darién Gap Headed to the U.S. Plummets After Trump Election, Dec. 12, 2024 (Quit using migrants. They are illegal aliens.)

Incoming Border Czar Tom Homan Says Trump Administration Will Investigate Foreign Countries and NGOs Behind Border Invasion, Nov. 30, 2024

*- Chain migration.  More leeches to steal from you to support them along with “free” health care which is sinking hospitals across this country in debt. Not to mention natural born and naturalized U.S. citizens have to wait weeks or months to see a doctor. Illegals come first and not a penny out of their pocket.

The Under-Registration of Births in Mexico: Consequences for Children, Adults, and Migrants: “More than 7 million people in Mexico currently lack a birth certificate, according to a recent statement by Carlos Anaya Montero of the National Registry of Population. Due to a lack of an official government-led study, nongovernmental organizations and demographers have estimated the unregistered population in Mexico — especially with respect to children — variously (and with some degree of uncertainty). The Child Rights Information Network, for example, has found that as many as 30 percent of children under the age of 5 are unregistered and practically invisible to the eyes of the Mexican government.”

No problem. Buy one on any street corner north of the Mexican border in California, AZ, NM or along some of the border towns in Texas.

Nearly 38,000 Chinese Illegals Still in U.S. Despite Deportation Orders, Dec. 12, 2024: “For instance, some 37,908 Chinese; 2,618 Iranian; 7,760 Pakistani; 1,708 Afghan; and 22,749 Venezuelan illegal aliens are still in the U.S. after having been found to have no legitimate asylum claims and thus ordered deported.

“House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green (R-TN) said President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have “hamstrung ICE’s ability to detain and remove those here illegally — even those who have been ordered to be removed by immigration judges.”

“Similarly, more than 32,000 Haitians, nearly 18,000 Indians, over 38,000 Brazilians, almost 4,000 Mauritanians, and nearly 1,000 Uzbeks are in the U.S. despite final deportation orders.

“The figures show that the overwhelming majority of the more than 1.4 million illegal aliens still in the U.S. but ordered deported are from Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. Close to a million of these ordered-deported illegal aliens are from these four countries.”  I haven’t purchased ONE melon, fruit or any vegetables since NAFTA was signed into law by serial adulterer, Billy Clinton in 1994. I simply do without. Their governments are greatly responsible for the mass invasion destroying our country for decades, not just Biden.

Tying This Year Up In A Bow: 2024

By Frosty Wooldridge

December 30, 2024

Without a doubt, 2024 brought America some big HIGHS and some horribly sad LOWS. Good things happened most of the time and some really BAD things happened that shake-up your faith in humanity. Let’s examine a few of them.

Let’s give tribute to Jimmy Carter, our 39th president, for his 100 years of service to America. From a poor peanut farmer without running water or a toilet, or electricity in South Georgia, he rose through the ranks of the United States Navy, and later, to governor of Georgia, to become president of the United States. While some berated his presidency, history will show that he was one of our most honorable, honest and compassionate presidents. He honored the Bible, taught Sunday school classes, built homes for “Habitat for Humanity”, and led the world by example toward peace and harmony.

Next, let’s honor the most Gold Medals in swimming by Katie Ledecky in the summer games in Paris, France. And, at the top of the crown jewels of gymnastics, Simone Biles captured our hearts with her incredible feats of brilliant athletic maneuvers. Who can forget Patrick Mahomes bringing home the crown jewel of the Super Bowl for a third time? At the same time, the University of Michigan won the national title. America enjoys SO many exceptional athletes. We bow our hats to all of them.

Yet, for each little leaguer who took home a trophy in every state of the Union, his or her triumphs made a lot of moms and dads proud. Sports binds us together like no other medium. Whether it’s tennis, racquetball, triathlons, Iron Man, NHL, MLB, NFL, Kentucky Derby, and so many other sports—America stands rich in athletics for all of us to enjoy.

In 2024, thank you to every teacher and college instructor who gave your “all” to educate our children toward accomplishing their highest and best in America. Thank you to every police officer and firefighter, and/or first responder for saving lives and giving hope when others turned away. Thank you to every registered nurse or aide that helped someone in need. Thank you to our doctors and staffs for giving others a chance to live. Let’s honor St. Jude’s, and Tunnel to Towers, and the Humane Society for their work to save humans and animals.

Obviously, the saddest aspects of 2024 continue as wars provoked by Russia against Ukraine. Hard to figure out why one man would want to kill hundreds of thousands of young men. And, why one religion wants to eradicate another religion off the face of the planet. We humans remain the strangest and oddest, and most violent species on this planet.

Then you have an illegal alien come to this country to light another person on fire in a New York subway until she burned to death. That one broke this journalist’s heart.

For those tens of thousands of homeless in America, why can’t we find solutions? What are we waiting for in this richest nation on Earth?

Thank you to Daniel Penny, former U.S. Marine, in a NYC subway for standing up to protect others from harm. Thank you for every Marine, Navy, Army, Air Force and Coast Guard service man/woman for defending our country. This country stands as the beacon for freedom and the light around the world.

Thank you to each “trash picker-upper” who takes a bag out on the highway every spring to pick up the trash from cars, trucks and others who toss millions of pieces of trash every year. I call them “litter-bums.” I’m with you as you walk out there along our nation’s highways, lakes, rivers, and streams to keep them clean.

Thank you to each mother and father who treats your children with honor, respect, kindness, and maintains their “curiosity” at school and in life. You’re the real heroes that make this nation thrive.

While there is very little “good” to say about our outgoing president, let’s hope a new form of leadership in 2025 brings us a more peaceful, prosperous and ecologically balanced world.

Let’s hope that common sense and rational minds deliver us from “WOKE” thinking and “WOKE” stupidity such as men competing in women’s sports. Let’s toss off the stupidities of D.E.I. and turn toward personal merit, education and effort. Let’s cast off the lines of the insanities of Critical Race Theory, and become a nation where everyone enjoys an equal chance, equal respect and equal life opportunities.

While we respect everyone’s right to LGBQT+, let’s keep it out of our elementary classrooms. Let those children grow up healthy and balanced in their developing years. They’ll learn about other ways soon enough.

For heaven sakes, let’s stop “transgender” operations of children. We need to pass laws that no one can mutilate a child until that child is aged 21 to choose with a more rational mind, if they want to disfigure their bodies. It’s like tattoos; once you disfigure your body with ink, you cannot change the damage. Once you disfigure your body by cutting it up, you cannot get back what you once enjoyed as body parts.

Let’s hopefully move our politics to “term limits.” We’ve been led by a man who suffers from Alzheimer’s Disease for the past four years. He caused the press to lie for him. He caused his wife to lie for him. His closest associates lied for him. His press secretary lied for him. His four years in office have made him the second worst president in United States history, according to historian Bill O’Reilly in his latest book. Little wonder when you realize that this president did not have command of his mental faculties. We’re lucky to have survived as a nation under such lies and deceit.

Nonetheless, history marches forward. This New Year promises new possibilities. Dana Perino at FOX NEWS said, “Scientists are going to find a cure for Alzheimer’s in 2025.” I immediately burst out crying because every day of my life is affected by that cruel disease.

Maybe humanity will find a way toward peace in 2025. Let the Russians let the Ukrainians live their lives in peace. Let Hamas allow Israel to live in peace. Let citizens of Iran change their leadership to that of peace and harmony toward their neighbors.

Let’s move toward feeding the world’s starving masses. Let us help one another toward a better world where everyone thrives in freedom, peace, opportunity and happiness. While that may be a tall order, remember what Gandhi said, “You must be the change you want to see in the world.” God bless America!

© 2024 Frosty Wooldrisge – All Rights Reserved

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By Kat Stansell

December 29, 2024

The Holidays are passed. We have thanked our Lord, dined and laughed or cried with family and friends. Another season of grateful celebration has come and gone. We have had much for which to be thankful this year.

The story of our Savior is remembered yet again; His strength, His power, His love and forgiveness for us all. This year, somehow, it all felt a little different. More real perhaps? Seldom have we seen, at least in our lifetimes, the direct hand of God working among us. We saw that this year, I do believe.

We have also seen Lucifer and his followers on blatant display.

We’ve seen and learned a lot this year. Some, has stunned us, by showing us a reality we had hitherto only speculated about. Our President – the duly elected one from 2020, was the target of mad assassins not once but twice. They were of our unelected government, almost assuredly. Donald John Trump stood up bleeding and curled a fist in the air, mouthing, “Fight”. Then, he kept on keepin’ on.

God 2, Lucifer 0 on those two fields of sport, Butler and West Palm Beach. Let’s run up that score in 2025!

Donald Trump has gone on to inspire us all, in the moments and months after the attempts on his life. There is zero doubt that the Lord, whose birth we celebrate this day, was watching over the life of a man who is sorely needed by a world that is in shreds.

Just as we remember our God, our Savior in our own religious traditions, we head into a new year, anno domini 2025 with a fresh reminder that the power of God, combined with the strength of man, will create a better world. I am not trying to deify Trump in any way, believe me!

I just think that, looking back over this crazy incredible year, perhaps the Lord has shown us that He wants our help, too, to turn our ship of state away from the rocks of evil, so that our course may be corrected, everywhere, with peace and a plan, instead of violence and bloodshed. So many of you have helped already. I am constantly in awe of your efforts, everywhere in every field. Thank you. Thank you all.

Blessings to us all in the work ahead,

© 2024 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

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A Rude Awakening is Headed Our Way

By Pastor Glynn Adams

December 29, 2024

“For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, to hew for themselves cisterns – broken cisterns that can hold no water.” (Jeremiah 2:13)

Almost everyone throughout the nations, except our enemies, want things to get better in America. But the problem is that few want to face the reality of where we are today spiritually and how we got to where we are today. We love our religious systems so much we don’t want anyone to come into our sectarian religious sects and change anything – including God!!! The reality is people in America have done two evil things: We have forsaken God who gives peace and the living waters of life and we have made for ourselves, religious systems that forget sin, cannot resist evil, or produce the good spiritual things of God.

I don’t think we know very much about the nature of God in the Old Testament and the New Testament!!! God hates sin!!! What happens when men disregard the truth of the Word of God and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ? The greater the knowledge; the greater the sin. The modern-day religion has taken away the threat and condemnation of sin. In America, we have made God in our image and we feel no threat or condemnation of our sin today and we have absolutely no fear of God!!! This is spiritual suicide!!!!!

For many years, many watchmen of God, including yours truly, have been warning and begging the people in America and especially the Body of Christ, that we have drifted more each day toward a false religion and a form of godliness and away from the ways of God. But no one was listening nor where we paying attention to the extreme judgments of God that were bearing heavily on this people and nation. Instead, we continued to attend these false religious systems and play our religious games.

God gave us 9/11 as a wakeup call to get our attention but that did not work. Then He gave us an economic crisis in 2008, but that did not work either. Then God gave us an evil leader as President to get our attention but that failed. God has sent us crisis after crisis and we have totally ignored His warnings. The Body of Christ in America is still sound asleep, unfaithful, and disobedient. We refuse to repent of our evil ways and we refuse to resist the evil before us. Even today we are not turning to God for help because we think a new President will help us. “Know therefore and see that it is evil and bitter for you to forsake the Lord your God. And the dread of Me is not in you declares the Lord God of hosts.” (Jeremiah 2:19b)

A rude awakening or “times of sorrows” are coming upon America because we have not listened to the warnings of God. These rude awakening and sorrows will include more terror, violent social unrest, economic collapse, more wars, acts of God in weather, fire, and floods. Persecution of Christians in this nation will increase, our Constitutional crisis will get worse, tyranny will increase, our bondage will increase, food and water shortages are highly likely, and God will bring back the diseases of the world upon America. Most of these rude awakenings and sorrows are already at work in this nation and will intensify. In these times, little else will matter but survival. America’s mercy, grace, and peaceful times are running out.

Do not be fooled or deceived about these rude awakenings and sorrows. Do not falsely place the blame on the President, our Congress, on liberal Democrats, the Muslims, or any other thing that comes to mind. If the Body of Christ knew God, the Word of God, and the history of God in the Old and New Testaments, we would know where the blame for these rude awakenings and sorrows is and act accordingly. The responsibility for these “rude awakenings” and “time of sorrows” rest solely upon the Body of Christ in America because we have been unfaithful and disobedient to God.

The Body of Christ can deny this, ignore this, and disregard the watchman’s message as you have done in the past but the truth is clearly in the Word of God. God truly blesses His People when they are faithful and obedient to Him but brings judgment on them when they are not. When the Body of Jesus Christ ignores God’s warnings, His mercy, His grace, His love, and His goodness to lead us to repentance and we refuse to repent, then His consequences are always certain and harsh as attested by the Word of God.

Can these sorrows be averted? The Word of God tell us “repentance, faithfulness, and obedience” calms an angry God. I don’t know about you but I am not too proud to confess my sin, humble myself to God, to fear God, and to obey God, repent of my wrongful and evil ways because I want God to be pleased with me and on my side when sorrows come. That is my choice and you have yours!!!!

But God continued to send watchman to warn but we would not heed to the correction of God. God even gave us an imperfect leader who loved the church and Israel to give the church protection as we were to get our spiritual house in order to enter this war of Satan against the Body of Christ in America. God gave us peace, gave us oil independence, closed the border, better trade agreements with nations, high employment, and more money in our pockets.

But what did the Body of Christ in America do? We missed our day of visitation; we made an idol out of our President, and cheered him on to make America Great Again. We did not get our spiritual house in order and we did nothing!!! So, our loving God who is a God of justice also, took our judgment to another level. In the election, God took away our leader who was friendly to the Body of Christ and gave us a leader that was not friendly to anything we hold dear in this nation.

We now have a President who can’t think or reason but that is not near as dangerous to our nation as the stiff-necked, rebellious, and stupidity of the Body of Christ in America!!! So how have we responded to all of this? Not only have we not repented and changed our ways but we are eagerly looking to the world system – the coming elections – to make things better in America.

We don’t listen to God, we don’t take corrections, we won’t repent, and we still support and defend our religious systems. We love our false pastors who feed us milk and bless us with their seeker– friendly messages that feed and satisfies our flesh. False pastors who won’t challenge our problem with sin and false doctrine, who won’t equip us for war or teach us how to resist evil overtaking this nation. False pastors who can’t see a world past their religious systems as well as a people who can’t see past their problems and religious systems. According to Jeremiah 23:21-23, if God sent these pastors, they would have stood in the Council of God and announced His words to His people and would have turn them back from their evil way and from the evil of their deeds. In our wickedness and evil, we still want the promises of God without meeting the conditions to get the promises.

A good tree cannot bring forth bad fruit and a bad tree cannot bring forth good fruit. Jesus said you will know them by their fruit!! Just look at our bad fruit and what has happened on our watch: ungodliness, violence, and immorality has increased in the land. Our God has been dethroned in America, Satan rules America, our culture polluted,, our heroes defiled, our values assaulted, our children being destroyed, gender confusion, sexual perversion, no moral compass in the land, marriage redefined and defiled, no Bible allowed in the land, no prayer allowed in the land, no law of God allowed in the land, no justice in the land, evil is all over us, cursed with lawlessness, cursed with debt, cursed with the invasion of aliens, cursed with drugs and pharmaceutical medicines, cursed with sickness and diseases, cursed in our cites, cursed with suicides, and cursed with bad leaders and politicians and I could go on and on and on.

If we understood the nature of God, we would not do all this evil. All we talk about in the Body of Christ in America is the love of God. But I remind you that the angels that worship around the throne of God are not saying, love, love, love but holy, holy, holy. God is love but He is also a holy God and a just God who demands justice. God has anger, wrath, hates sin, can be provoked, corrects, and judges. If we had a fear of God we would repent and change our religious ways.

Body of Christ in America, we cannot continue like this. In our disobedience to God and our false religious ways, according to Hebrews 10:26-31, we have trampled underfoot the Son of God, we have regarded as unclean the blood of the covenant, and we have insulted the Spirit of grace. Our sin before a Holy God is we have failed to realize the sacredness of the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross!!! Sin is not mere rebelliousness against the Law; sin is the wounding of the love of Jesus Christ. Our Comforter who is our Helper who guides us to all truth, teaches us right from wrong, we in America who have systemically ignored and disregarded His voice and warnings which is an insult to the Holy Spirit of God.

“For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins but a certain terrifying expectation of judgment and the fury of a fire which will consume the adversaries. Anyone who has set aside the Law of Moses dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witness. How much severer punishment do you think he will deserve who has trampled under- foot the Son of God and has regarded as unclean the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified and has insulted the Spirit of grace. For we know Him who said, ‘Vengeance is Mine, I will repay’ and again, ‘The LORD will judge His people.’ It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” (Hebrews 10:26-31)

Perhaps the ultimate judgment is already on us in America. For years now Satan has been coming after our seed – our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren in daycare, kindergartens, elementary schools, high schools, universities, Disney, programming on TV, movies, media, cell phones, music, in all areas of our culture – there is nowhere to hide.!!!!! Our children are being bombarded from kindergarten to university on hardcore sex education, homosexuality, lesbianism, masturbation, oral sex, being coached on gender change and making them available for interviews without parent’s knowledge, and men can have babies.

We are paying for the mental and moral destruction of our seed. I have been warning parents for years now and sex education gets worse every year. I see no evidence that most parents really care. Nothing has been done by parents. Like other evil in America, we tolerate it. It has been proven what a nation tolerates, seldom do they ever change it!!! Of course, the churches are silent. Until parents get mad and angry, and fed up with this spiritual mess not much will change. Parents, you will be held responsible by God for what your children are taught and who teaches them. Wakeup!!!! God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams

“For My people are foolish, they know Me not. They are stupid children and they have no understanding. They are shrewd to do evil but to do good they do not know.” (Jeremiah 4:22)

© 2024 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

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The Coming Wave of Anti-Corporate Terrorism

By Cliff Kincaid

December 28, 2024

“To the Feds,” stated terrorist murderer Luigi Mangione in his manifesto. “I’ll keep this short, because I do respect what you do for our country. To save you a lengthy investigation, I state plainly that I wasn’t working with anyone.” This in-your-face admission of guilt is obviously a ruse, a ploy to obscure the fact that he got the gun and his fake I.D. with the help of “others unknown.”

Let’s hope the FBI isn’t fooled by this. Mangione isn’t alone. He is just one member of a network of environmental rights extremists, other eco-socialists, and anti-technology activists. Their tactics in the past have included bombings and arson attacks but the assassination of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson suggests a new and ominous turn of events, coinciding with President Trump’s return to the White House.

Indeed, this has been the year of the assassins, a terrible time for America as many hope and pray for a new beginning under President Trump, himself the target of two assassination attempts.

Murdered CEO Brian Thompson wasn’t known to be a backer of President Trump but he was viewed by his killer as a symbol of American capitalism and modern industrial society.

This is significant since many believe we are living amid a scientific revolution that includes such innovations as cryptocurrencies, artificial intelligence, new forms of transportation, and space exploration. “The golden age of America is upon us,” President Trump says.

All of that could be challenged by a wave of anti-corporate or Marxist terrorism.

The FBI has to know that  Trump and his advisers, especially Elon Musk and other business leaders, are targets.

In this case, however, a legal columnist for the left-wing outlet MSNBC Barbara McQuade got it right when she noted that the killer Luigi Mangione was “serving as judge, jury and executioner for a pattern of corporate conduct that is not known to have violated any criminal laws.” What she did not say was that this is the sign of a killer who believes, as the Marxists do, that private property is itself evil.

Thompson’s company UnitedHealthcare did not create the healthcare marketplace. It provided a service and product to the consumers of health care.

To the Marxists, this is a sin because, in their view, the federal government should run and manage the health care system. They believe that private health care companies are, by their very nature, the problem.

The firm was under investigation but there were no findings of guilt and, in any case, there was no evidence that Thompson himself denied health care to anyone. He was running a successful company that provides important services, such as popular Medicare Advantage plans, to millions of people.

People may have gripes about insurance companies but that doesn’t mean the companies have violated the law and, in any event, they are not guilty of anything when it comes to this left-wing lunatic Mangione. He wasn’t even a client of UnitedHealthcare. McQuade had it right. This was an act of terrorism. What is more, it was left-wing terrorism.

President Trump proclaimed, “This is communism in America,” as the courts proceeded to try to bankrupt him and rob him of his private property. Abolition of private property is the cornerstone of Marxism.

In the case of Brian Thompson, they couldn’t bankrupt his company so they decided to kill him, viewing him as a symbol of the company. This sends a message to other would-be assassins.

From what we can determine, the Ivy League terrorist Luigi Mangione was not an advocate of Marxism per se. Instead, he worshipped the Harvard-trained Unabomber, who hated industrial society and the advances it produced, which have brought material comforts and prosperity to millions. The Unabomber lived in the woods in a cabin, something that our ancestors left behind as human progress was made.

It is likely Mangione was indoctrinated in this philosophy of hatred of capitalism when he attended college,

In college, he would have learned about so-called “surplus value,” which is said to amount to exploitation of workers under capitalism and constitutes one of the major concepts of Marxism. It justifies the hatred of and violence against private property owners – the capitalists.

“The doctrine of surplus value is the corner-stone of Marx’s economic theory,” stated V. I. Lenin. Surplus value may sound esoteric but the concept is necessary in understanding the appeal of Marxism and the basis for revolutionary activity.

The notion of surplus value is supposed to reflect the amount of output that exceeds the cost of the workers to produce a commodity. Under Marxism, this “surplus value,” the source of what is commonly called profit, constitutes exploitation of the workers. It is the basis for government control of the economy and elimination of the property owners once the workers supposedly take charge.

The Communist Manifesto explains how the Marxist agenda is being implemented through centralized planning (abolition of private property), and Cultural Marxism (abolition of the family).

Tax cuts, a return of private property to those who earned it, were part of the agenda of President Trump, who produced an unprecedented economic boom with $3.2 trillion in historic tax relief before China released its deadly virus on the world. That occurred through the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. They must be renewed in 2025.

Mangine made it clear that he was opposed to health care insurance companies as well as oil and gas companies, which he blamed for heating up the planet.

He wrote, “Fossil fuel companies actively suppress anything that stands in their way and within a generation or two, it will begin costing human lives by greater and greater magnitudes until the earth is just a flaming ball orbiting third from the sun. Peaceful protest is outright ignored, economic protest isn’t possible in the current system, so how long until we recognize that violence against those who lead us to such destruction is justified as self-defense.”

This left-wing terrorist was clearly brainwashed by those pushing socialized medicine as well as “climate action” to “save the planet.”

This is their playbook as they move forward in 2025.

The new FBI, under Director Kash Patel, must be prepared.

© 2024 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Oregon State Office Swapping

By Dennis and Diane Linthicum

December 28, 2024

Some thoughts about the upcoming session and changes in our office…

Throughout my husband’s private sector career, Dennis was blessed with a myriad of opportunities. He started as an astute programmer and he worked well with others.

And…, as often happens, if the guy at the keyboard is good, works hard and is not too nerdy then he might get promoted. That’s what happened to Dennis.

He joined Hughes Aircraft Co. just before we were married and was involved with data-structure design, management and implementation endeavors when processing power was slow and expensive.

At the time programing was batch process oriented. The data came from data entry operators because scanner and sensor technologies were still in their infancy. Dennis worked in an environment where CPU time-slices were shared by multiple business (like renting CPU time…). Back then, few could afford the high initial costs for computer gear, space and cooling.

So, every bit and byte mattered because of technological limits and cost. Dennis spent part of his time exploring ways to pack and unpack data by coding it into specific bits. This sounds like a lot of work for little gain, to me.

But there was a point. The space needed to store the data was too expensive. Many of you might remember the rampant Y2K fear-mongering stories from twenty-five years ago when we were misled about our own demise because of 2-digit date shorthand (instead of 4-digit date designations).

It was remarkably similar to the 24/7 fear cycle regarding Climate Change, Global Warming, Global Freezing, or the next big earthquake on the Pacific Coast.

I mention these things simply to note that just like today our past had its share of fake news and fear-mongering. The problems were real and needed solutions. But we must remember that government is rarely the right tool. Problems are more readily solved in free, unhampered markets rather than by confiscating vast sums of money from misled taxpayers for poorly conceived ideas.

Let’s begin 2025 inspired by the wisdom in President Reagan’s famous 1981 quote:

“In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem. From time to time, we’ve been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people. Well, if no one among us is capable of governing himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else?”

As the your newly elected state Senator for District 28, I predict, we will see more problems arise because of a failed mindset that places too much faith in government. I’ve been involved at the capitol long enough to know that political players tell stories.

So, I’ll be on hand to let you know what to make of the news and I’ll report on how the battle goes during Oregon’s struggle to throw off the extreme left.

Claim your $50 Year-End Tax Credit

Diane’s Election Website

© 2024 Diane Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Linthicum:

Three Existential Threats to the West at the End of 2024, Part 4

By Steven Yates

December 27, 2024

This is the worst of the three threats. Reader Discretion Advised… 

[Author’s note I: the opinions expressed here are my own, and should not be attributed to the editorial staff or any other writers.]

[Author’s note II: due both to the approach of Christmas and family issues outside my control, this will be my final article of 2024. I am grateful to my subscribers, and any others who find their way onto this site and see benefit to what I am doing.]

Praying that all my readers will have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Note to Readers….

As this piece developed, I realized I did not want to publish it, especially this close to Christmas. Parts of it were giving me nightmares. I’d promised four parts, however. Plus: one of my core values is telling the truth to the best of my ability. No one ever said that the truth would make us happy. All of which militates in favor of publishing this, so here we go.

Nuclear War? The Ultimate Existential Threat to Civilization.

Once, eons ago, there was a serious antiwar movement on the left. There were conspiratorial suspicions on the right that it was controlled by the communists. Be that as it may, that left is deader than a doornail. Present-day cultural leftists are more interested in pronouns, protecting the “right” to kill unborn children, and demonizing Trump (or his appointees).

The upper echelons of the present-day left answer to corporate leviathans. The fact that over a billion flowed into Kamala Harris’s coffers following her endorsement by “Joe Biden” testifies to this.

Since these upper echelons include “legacy” corporate media (CNN, MSNBC, PBS, CBS, etc., etc.), we can’t expect anything truthful about, e.g., the Russia-Ukraine War: from eight years of events leading up to the hot war, to who is presently winning.

Hint: Putin’s special military operation of February 22, 2022, was not “unprovoked”; nor is Ukraine “winning.”

Now, as I noted in Part 1, missiles have been fired — endorsed by the U.S./NATO axis. Putin has threatened repeatedly that such recklessness could lead to a nuclear exchange.

Author and investigative reporter Annie Jacobsen has written what may be the most important book ever on just what a nuclear war would look like: Nuclear War: A Scenario (2024).

If Turchin’s book has the most intellectual depth of anything published during the 2020s so far, Jacobsen’s is definitely the most frightening. It relies on dozens of interviews with scientists, engineers, past defense department officials, and others associated with nuclear weapons design and testing — a few of whom deeply regretted their involvement with something able to kill millions of people in less than a minute.

To say that nuclear war would be horrific doesn’t even begin to cover it!!

First, it’s common knowledge that today’s nukes make what was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki look like cherry bombs by comparison!

What we have today would be civilization-ending! It would make the dangers discussed in preceding sections academic! It would trivialize any debate on whatever is happening with the climate! That’s all there is to it!

We have a moral obligation to make sure the scenario to follow never happens!

The Scenario.

Were a single one-megaton nuclear weapon to strike a major city, it would create a fireball over a mile across in a matter of a few seconds. Everything inside that mile would be incinerated by temperatures magnitudes hotter than the interior of the sun (think: 180 million degrees at ground zero!).

A blast wave of superheated compressed air would surge outward at hundreds of miles per hour and level every structure for another three miles in every direction. The intense heat would shatter concrete structures, melt windows and asphalt streets, and ignite vehicles’ gas tanks. Megafires would rage as tankers bearing combustible substances exploded like lesser bombs.

Everything within 100 square miles or so would be destroyed. This would happen in under thirty seconds. A few parking garages and other underground structures might survive outside a ten-mile radius, but with the power out and generators fried, anyone who chanced to be in them would be in total darkness and quickly suffocate when the air became unbreathable.

The fireball would rise to a height of around three miles. A weird wind reversal would take place on the ground, as smoke and soot and debris were pulled in and upward inside a column as the iconic mushroom cloud began to form and darken the sky.

According to Jacobsen, millions would die in minutes. Those within the reach of the initial fireball would be instantly vaporized without regard to race, ethnicity, sex, age, “gender” identity, class status, national origin, or ideological belief. Those outside the immediate blast radius would die horribly (but quickly), clothing ignited and their flesh burned off in seconds (this science fiction sequence is not improbable — discretion advised!!), or struck or impaled by objects (chunks of masonry, parts of vehicles, shards of glass) flying at supersonic speeds. Those five, ten, fifteen miles out would suffer less severe but still third degree burns, now more from unquenchable megafires than the initial blast, and die less quickly!

Anyone who chanced to look at the fireball, even from a distance of fifteen miles, would be blinded. Its extreme brightness would fry their retinas.

Now imagine this scenario multiplied fifty to a hundred times, however many nukes struck U.S. soil (the same things would be happening in Russia, North Korea, China, or any other country that had allowed itself to be drawn into the war).

Plumes of smoke and ash would rise miles into the atmosphere from every blast point, mushroom clouds thirty to forty miles across would consist of pulverized objects … and human remains reduced to carbon.

Those far enough out to avoid the intense heat and fires, and not be crushed by collapsed buildings or struck and killed by flying debris, would die of radiation poisoning acquired from fallout filled with radioisotopes released into the air. Depending on their degree of exposure, during a period of time ranging from a few hours to a few days their hair would begin falling out; they would experience extreme nausea, begin vomiting blood, have uncontrollable diarrhea; lesions would form on their skin like blisters and burst; severe internal pain would set in as their internal organs disintegrated. Jacobsen’s description is horrifying. Radiation poisoning is about as horrible a death as you can imagine.

There would be no medical help for anyone. Hospitals would be destroyed. Every communications channel would be down, so no 9-1-1. Those who survived this long, however badly burned or injured or suffering from radiation sickness, would be on their own.

There are underground facilities in Cheyenne, Wy., Omaha, Neb., and beneath the Pentagon. If Jacobsen could learn of them, you can guarantee that Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un know about them. There are missile siloes in the hinterlands. “Flyover country” would not be spared from attack, nor from deadly fallout.

Survivors would envy the dead. Jacobsen quotes the late Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev who clearly understood this as he and President John F. Kennedy agreed to the standdown that ended the Cuban Missile Crisis back in 1961. Even then, our arsenal had around 20,000 nukes; the Soviet Union had a smaller but no less deadly number, when a single nuke hitting a major city would kill ten million people.

The Aftermath. Nuclear Winter.

Those sufficiently far into the wilderness to avoid dying in the first 24 hours would still be at risk of contracting leukemia, a product either of exposure to low-grade radiation in airborne particles or from having ingested irradiated food. This could show up anywhere from a few months to five years, again depending on degree of exposure to remaining radioisotopes with half-lives of years (e.g., strontium-90, caesium-157).

Survivors would have lost everything including loved ones. Most would quickly be sick and malnourished. They would die like animals, many of them alone and terrified, and while Jacobsen doesn’t mention it (that I recall), I would not rule out cannibalism by those sufficiently demoralized, desperate for food, and ruthless.

(Another book to read, if you can handle it, as it is strongly suggestive of taking place during a nuclear winter, is Cormac McCarthy’s The Road.)

Temperatures would have begun to drop. They would go down 27 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Thus would begin nuclear winter, as around 50 million tons of ash and soot blanketed the planet and blocked out sunlight, especially in the northern hemisphere. Many inland regions would experience unbroken subfreezing temperatures for a period long enough to entomb every body of fresh water under a thick sheet of ice. Coastal regions, too, would be solidly iced in.

While there is disagreement about how long nuclear winter would last, Jacobsen cites scientists suggesting that it could take as long as ten years for the atmosphere to begin to heal itself. That would be long enough to destroy remaining food-growing capacity except in a few southern hemispheric countries like New Zealand and Australia, or in South America (Chile, Argentina, Paraguay).

Is this why some of “our” corporate elites are quietly having underground bunkers built in the first of these?

In the aftermath of an all-out nuclear exchange, there would be large swaths of land with no edible food, no uncontaminated water, no heat. Corpses of animals and humans would be everywhere. Insects largely impervious to radiation and previously kept in check by natural enemies now extinct or almost extinct would breed out of control.

Yes, a nuclear war would be an ELE (extinction-level event).

Jacobsen contends, based on her scientific and technical sources, that in the long run at least 5 billion people would be dead. Those not killed by radiation or by the cold temperatures would starve to death.

Gradually, nuclear winter would dissipate. The sun would return, but remaining survivors would face a new problem. The many firestorms would have released mass amounts of nitrous oxides into the air. These would filter up to the stratosphere and reach the ozone layer, with which they would react chemically and destroy as much as 75 percent of its shielding power against the sun’s ultraviolet radiation.

People would have to go underground.

Some bunkers are designed to sustain small groups potentially for years. Superelites able to ride out a nuclear winter in such facilities had better pray to whatever God they believe in that they weren’t discovered by those above ground, and that they still had ammo. Above-ground survivors, some still dying of leukemia or cancer, others rendered sterile due to chromosomal damage, a few able to give birth to children born with grotesque deformities, wouldn’t mess around. Anyone capable might figure he had nothing to lose by killing the elites where they stood and occupying their facilities.

Speaking of God….

I know Christians who believe God wouldn’t allow a scenario as awful as this to happen, that He would intervene directly to stop it.

Maybe He would. But—

Does anyone know this?

Matthew 4:7; Luke 4:12: “ … You shall not test the Lord your God.”

There are passages in Revelation (e.g., Rev. 8) strongly suggestive of a nuclear exchange.

Are many Evangelicals “testing the Lord [their] God,” thinking they will be raptured away before something like this could happen, so they aren’t as motivated as any non-Christian to speak up?

I wouldn’t count on God saving us from the consequences of our leaders’ stupidity, or our own if we are stupid enough not to do whatever it takes to prevent this!

The Day After.

Many of us probably remember the 1983 made-for-TV film The Day After. With brutal realism, this film depicted a fictional nuclear war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, and its aftermath.

Over 100 million Americans watched that movie. (Attack scene here; again, viewer discretion advised!!)

I was one of them, then in my 20s, doing graduate work. That movie scared the crap out of me. I gathered that was the intent.

Reagan saw it. He’d been a nuclear weapons hawk. Not after seeing The Day After. He sought a meeting with then Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev: the Reykjavik Summit happened in 1986, in neutral Iceland. Whatever their differences — the summit was only partly successful — they agreed that “a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.”

Deterrence was already the philosophy behind nuclear proliferation. Supposedly, the fact that “we” have nukes and “they” have nukes prevents either of us from using them.  Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)!

Annie Jacobsen’s motivating question, was: what if deterrence for some reason fails?

I’ve often thought that a nuclear war would only happen if the global ruling elite class believed it was losing control with no possibility of recovery. One of their controlled minions in the political class would then be the first to push those buttons.

Consider: their covid power grab arguably failed. There are more of us aware of them and what they’ve done to the world than ever before.

A CBDC gambit (discussed in Part 3) would have no guarantee of succeeding if enough people rejected it and opted out, whatever the price.

It is important to realize that despite their immense resources, the globalists are not omnipotent. They don’t control everything.

They’re not God, however much they want to transcend their humanity!

They could not prevent, e.g., a rogue figure from an unstable Middle Eastern nation detonating a nuke in a major city, something that could easily escalate.

Computer Error. Should We Be Worried About AI?

Nor could the globalists prevent a computer error, such as the one back in 1983 that “saw” four nuclear missiles on their way to the Soviet Union from the U.S.

Soviet official Stanislav Petrov, doubtless paralyzed with fear, refused to believe what his instruments were telling him, and yes, it turned out to be a false alarm.

That was our closest call to date!

Now think of how the use of artificial intelligence (AI) is proliferating, how more and more decisions are handed to something that, as I noted in an earlier segment, isn’t human, isn’t sentient, isn’t intelligent, despite the hype. AI simulates certain aspects of human intelligence, and its recursive programming enables it to “learn” within those limits.

It won’t become Skynet (the computerized villain of the Terminator films) or come to control the Matrix.

AI may not be conscious, but its controllers and those who stand to profit handsomely from its use certainly are. What AI is most likely to do is put several hundred thousand more people out of work before the end of the 2020s, because AI demands neither pay nor time off nor any other inconvenience associated with human workers.

But never mind that here. How prone might an AI be to interpreting as real an erroneous signal that North Korea has launched, unannounced, a nuclear-tipped missile against the U.S.?

Or misreading some natural atmospheric phenomenon, which is what happened in the 1983 case?

We can’t know in advance, and that’s just the problem!  


Summing up Part 4 of this series:

Once, as I said, long ago, there was an antiwar movement on the left.

That movement is dead.

The task has fallen to “right wing” counter-elite podcasters like Tucker Carlson and a few counter-elite author/journalists like Paul Craig Roberts — and investigators like Annie Jacobsen — to outline how a nuclear war might start and how it would unfold, in all its graphic violence and intensity.

There are still people who will declare this to be communist propaganda. Others will say these figures are exaggerating and that I’ve fallen for it hook, line, and sinker.

Do you really want to take that chance?

Read the book (Annie Jacobsen’s)!

Sadly, most people will never see this. My readership remains discouragingly small.

What will it take? We’ve reached the point in our society where the only way of getting people to put down their phones and pay attention is to hit them over the head with something they can’t ignore!

Neither Putin nor the Bidenistas will take the use of nukes off the table. At least they announce nuclear tests in advance to each other, to minimize the danger of a civilization-ending mistake. This realization transcends all their other differences.

North Korea conducts nuclear tests unannounced. Arguably, Kim Jong-Un is the least mentally stable foreign leader who has nukes.

Which may be why Annie Jacobsen chose North Korea as most likely to initiate the hypothetical attack that in her scenario ends civilization.

Joe Biden has had dementia for the past four years, leaving us wondering who has really been running the Executive Branch of the U.S. government! The Bidenistas are on their way out, after four years of demonizing Trump and trying to destroy him.

One hopes that whoever is still in charge isn’t insane enough to pull some kind of stunt at the last possible minute!

To save democracy, of course!

Whatever else, this is a deadlier threat than economic inequality, or indebtedness, which will exact their consequences over time. Nuclear war would exact its consequences in a matter of seconds and minutes. Most of us would be equally dead, and our debts resolved when we came face to face with the Almighty (whom I doubt would be in the best of moods!).

This is a deadlier threat than man-made climate change, even assuming that’s real and not another hoax perpetuated in the name of The Science. We’d go from global warming based on computer models and hockey sticks to a sustained multiyear winter in the real, physical world: a veritable ice age that would reduce the small fraction of the human race that survived to hunter-gatherer status, if even that.

Annie Jacobsen compares nuclear war to the event many geologists believe killed the dinosaurs: an asteroid a few miles across hitting the Earth somewhere on what is now the Yucatan peninsula, in Mexico.

An asteroid, she says, is not something we could do anything about.

This, we can do something about!

Let’s revive that antiwar sentiment … and ensure that it isn’t steeped in an ideology of the left or the right, but in our common humanity and the intrinsic value of every person on this Earth!

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4,

© 2024 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:


Steven Yates’s Substack site is called Navigating the New Normal. You’ll find content there that isn’t available here. While more and more of the Internet is disappearing behind paywalls, NtNN is still free. Consider subscribing, as that is how the Substack algorithm knows I exist.

Steven Yates is a (recovering) ex-academic with a PhD in Philosophy. He taught for more than 15 years total at several universities in the Southeastern U.S. He authored three books, more than 20 articles, numerous book reviews, and review essays in academic journals and anthologies. Refused tenure and unable to obtain full-time academic employment (and with an increasing number of very fundamental philosophical essays refused publication in journals), he turned to alternative platforms and heretical notions, including about academia itself.

In 2012 he moved to Chile. He married a Chilean national in 2014. Among his discoveries in South America: the problems of the U.S. are problems everywhere, because human nature is the same everywhere. The problems are problems of Western civilization as a whole.

As to whether he’ll stay in Chile … stay tuned!

He has a page. Donate here and become a Patron if you benefit from his work and believe it merits being sustained financially.

Steven Yates’s book Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011) can be ordered here.

His philosophical work What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (2021) can be obtained here or here.

His paranormal horror novel The Shadow Over Sarnath (2023) can be gotten here.

Should you purchase any (or all) books from Amazon, please consider leaving a five-star review (if you think they merit such).

Holidays: State and Federal

By Paul Engel

December 27, 2024

  • Do you know that there are more than one Christmas holiday in this country?
  • In fact, when the United States was formed, we didn’t even have holidays.
  • When we celebrate Christmas this year, let’s not forget the reason for the season.

There are many things most Americans will take for granted this Christmas Holiday. For example, even that fact that it is a holiday is something most of us don’t even think about. So let us take a look at this federal holiday in America.


Since we will be discussing federal holidays, we should define what a holiday is.


  2. a day on which one is exempt from work

Holiday – Merriam Webster’s Online Dictionary

Interestingly, the first sense of the word “holiday” is that of a “holy day”.

a day set aside for special religious observance

Holy Day – Merriam Webster’s Online Dictionary

In this day and age, the more common usage of the term ‘holiday’ is to identify days when most of us are exempt from work.

Federal Holidays

There’s an important point I need to mention: We will be focusing on the federal holiday of Christmas, not the state holiday. We tend to think of holidays as “national” holidays, but since Congress doesn’t have the legal authority to create national holidays, they have so far avoided attempting to do so.

While Christmas has had an interesting history in the colonies and early United States, it does not become a holiday until 1870 with the passage of H.R. 2244.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following days to wit: The first day of January, commonly called New Year’s Day, the fourth day of July, the twenty-fifth day of December, commonly called Christmas Day, and any day appointed or recommended by the President of the United States as a day of public fast or thanksgiving shall be holidays within the District of Columbia,

H.R. 2244, 41st Congress

Congress passed a law identifying several holidays, but unlike today, the first purposes of these holidays are fasting and thanksgiving, not a day off. We should also notice that these holidays are only within the District of Columbia. This is in large part because Congress doesn’t have the legal authority to define holidays for the country. It does however have the power:

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States

U.S. Constitution Article I, Section 8, Clause 17

Since Congress is authorized to create general laws only for the district that became the seat of the government of the United States, they can write general laws for the District of Columbia.

and shall for all purposes of presenting for payment or acceptance for the maturity and protest, and giving notice of the dishonor of bills of exchange, bank checks, and promisory notes or other negotiable or commercial paper, be treated and considered as is the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday, and all notes, drafts, checks, or other commercial or negotiable paper falling due, or maturing on either of said negotiable paper falling due, or maturing on either of said holidays shall be deemed as having matured on the day previous.

H.R. 2244, 41st Congress

So holidays in the District of Columbia served two purposes. They were to be calls to fasting and thanksgiving and, for the purposes of financial instruments, would be treated as Sunday, meaning no business was done. These federal holidays were eventually extended to all federal employees. Then in 1938, laws were put in place to make these paid holidays for federal employees, (5 USC §6103).

State Holidays

As I’ve already mentioned, Congress can only create federal holidays. Each state creates their own holidays. While these state holidays correlate closely with their federal counterparts, there are differences. For example, the federal holiday is listed as “Christmas Day, December 25” (5 USC §6103), but in Tennessee it’s merely listed as “December 25” (Tenn. Code Ann. § 15-1-101). Under Tennessee law:

on which holidays and half-holidays all public offices of this state may be closed and business of every character, at the option of the parties in interest of the same, may be suspended.

Tenn. Code Ann. § 15-1-101

Tennessee law specifically states that business have the option to close on these holidays, thus recognizing the limitations of state power. I suggest you check your own state laws and see how they differ from both federal holidays and your assumptions about them.

Purpose of Holidays

As I noted before, today it seems most people focus on the second sense of the word Holiday, “a day on which one is exempt from work.” And that is certainly the point of the federal law on holidays. But what if we looked more at the first sense of the word, a “Holy Day”?

a day set aside for special religious observance

Holy Day, Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary

This idea may seem strange to modern ears, especially after decades of having a false interpretation of “Separation of Church and State” drummed into our heads. That phrase came from a letter Thomas Jefferson wrote to the Danbury Baptist, where he said:

“I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should “make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” thus building a wall of separation between Church and State.”

Jefferson, Writings, Vol XVI

It seems the purpose of this wall of separation was not to protect the government from religion, but to protect religion from the government. This need for religion and morality was a key subject in George Washington’s farewell address as well.

Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity.

George Washington’s Farewell Address

If our political prosperity is supported by both religion and morality, should we not support them? Our first President went so far as to claim that someone could not claim to be a patriot if they denied that importance of religion and morality in the nation. As Mr. Washington points out, religion and morality are central to more than just churches.

Let it simply be asked: Where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice ? And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.

George Washington’s Farewell Address

Why is religion so important to morality? Simply put, religion reminds us both that there is someone (or in some religions something) greater than ourselves, and that we will one day be held accountable for our actions, even if not here on this earth. That’s why it’s so important to a sense of justice, and why courts have you swear or affirm on a bible to tell the truth. We hold to these traditions not merely because they bring a sense of solemnity to the occasion, but as a reminder of our obligation to seek justice as we participate. As the Declaration of Independence states:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,

Declaration of Independence

If our unalienable rights come from our creator, then we must believe that there is a being that created us and who endowed us with those rights. If any being has the right to judge our lives, it’s the one who both created us and those rights we so cherish.

Holy Days

So if these holidays were originally set aside for special religious observance, shouldn’t we take this opportunity to restore them to that high cause? Why not start with Christmas? I’m not saying we have to give up our traditions, but wouldn’t this be a good time to remember the purpose of the holiday? A day to remember the birth of Jesus, whom many of us, then and now, have accepted as our Lord and Savior? A time of year to not just sing carols, but to put into action their calls for “peace on earth, good will to men,” “tidings of comfort and joy,” and even a “Silent night, holy night”? If religion and morality are indispensable supports to our political prosperity, should we not lift them up on these days we, as a people, have set aside as Holy Days? Perhaps, if we treated these days with more holiness, our politics would less like Ebenezer Scrooge’s were. I’m not saying our politicians hearts will grow three sizes that day, but maybe, just maybe, they’ll be less of a grinch while in office.

© 2024 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

Foreign Agents in America

By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.

December 26, 2024

On Page 25 of Volume 2 of my Conspiracy series, I wrote how my mother’s nurse in the Covid ward of the hospital was from Wuhan said, “The Chinese Ministry of Health assigns me where to go.” In the same city as the hospital, at the rehab facility, mother’s physical therapist said he was from Siberia. Shortly thereafter, the woman at the front of the main grocery store (named Marina) said she was from Siberia, and about the same time, a woman from Siberia came to work for Wells Fargo. She was not just a teller but a “personal banker.” This means when directed from Communist Moscow she could cause significant damage to the customers at Wells Fargo and others in the U.S.

This same hospital to which the Chinese nurse from Wuhan was assigned also had 16 nurses (agents) from Nepal assigned. Nepal is close to where the descendants from Atlantis supposedly settled. Former N.C. Gov. Jim Hunt was a Ford Foundation Fellow to Nepal. All of this is not coincidental as the Hunt Institute at NC State University is where the disastrous education program Common Core was developed. Hunt also developed a global “Child Health Plan” which included eugenics, as he supported a $1 million elective abortion fund because he said, “We must concentrate on raising new generations of children who aren’t stunted or handicapped in some way.”

Jim Hunt was controlled by secret Power Elite member Bert Bennett whom Vice-President Hubert Humphrey called, “the Lord God Almighty of politics.” Between NCSU, UNC, and Duke University is Research Triangle Park where the National Center for Health Statistics is located and included all American’s health statistics which was shared with Moscow. Hunt’s oldest son, a lawyer, bought the condominium next to me the better to spy on me. The foreign agents are assigned in many different fields of work all over America and abroad.

© 2024 Dennis Cuddy – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Cuddy:

Someone Is Always Singing Somewhere in the World

Frosty Wooldridge

December 26, 2024

If you look out across movie-land during this Christmas season, you see Gladiator II, which depicts how Roman rulers entertained 60,000 of their blood thirsty citizens via the famed Coliseum. When I visited Rome on my bicycle ride from Nord Kapp, Norway to Athens, Greece—I took a guided tour around the arena. Over 1,000,000 men died in that Coliseum and another 3,000,000 animals during the 400 plus years of the “games.” For some reason, even in 2024, we “love” violent movies, Stephen King’s books, scary movies, robot killing machines and all sorts of mayhem. That’s why Hollywood keeps pumping them out. It’s little wonder that our youth shoot each other at the drop of a hat in our big cities. They’ve been trained by violent video games, movies, and TV shows. Personally, I don’t watch horror movies because I don’t want that kind of “gruesome activity” scaring me half to death in my dreams. Once you see a horror movie, it remains in your head for your lifetime. I also don’t like wars, violence, or deviant human behavior. But every time you turn around, you read about disturbed people committing all sorts of horrible acts of every conceivable type.

So, for a moment, let’s get away from the violence, the horrors, the endless bad news—and take a bicycle ride with me. You may have read this story before, yet it shows the beauty that humans create through song.

The mystique of bicycle travel fascinates most people. Why would anyone “endure” the pains of providing their own locomotion via pedaling rather than the comfort and speed of a car, boat, plane, or train? The answer lies in the antiquity of “pedaling bliss.” It thrives in the meshing of your energy with the vivacity of the universe. It rushes into the secret corners of your mind to explore the world on your own terms. Too much comfort leads to tedium or the indolence of life. Once you swing your leg over the saddle of a bicycle, a whole new mental, physical, and spiritual dimension opens to every cell in your body. You “fly” at the “perfect speed” with a comet’s tail of memories following you into eternity.

(Frosty Wooldridge, outside the Coliseum in Rome, Italy.)

On a bicycle tour through the enchanting history of Europe, my friend Gary and I sweated our way into the Italian Alps. We pushed our bikes around hairpin curves, through boreal forests and across mountain ramparts. At Spluggin Pass, we coasted 37 kilometers along a winding, sharply descending mountain road that carried us through dark tunnels that led into bright sunshine and flowery Italian meadows.

Ancient Roman ruins dotted the landscape. At lower elevations, 1,000-year-old stone homes housed farmers who worked the land. At the bottom of the Alps, we entered Lago Como (Lake Region) for a ride south into the enchanting land known as Tuscany. If you watched the movie “Under the Tuscan Sun” with Diane Lane, you felt the romance of that vineyard-filled region of fine wines and superb dining.

When you travel through Italy, you travel back in time to walled-cities that protected their inhabitants from the constant charges of competing armies from other towns. Whether you travel through Sienna, Cali-val- Delsa, Florence, Naples, or Rome—all those cities once featured or still maintain thickly layered brick ramparts surrounding their main living and commerce areas. And always, each walled-city features an ancient, marble church with tapestries, paintings, stained glass windows and stunning architecture.

One night, we pedaled through a hilly region of Tuscany until we reached a river with a hill that swept upward.

“Let’s bed down up on that ridge after we take a bath in the river,” said Gary.

“Roger that,” I said.

Upon washing the day’s grime off our bodies, we walked the bikes up the hill about 150 feet above the highway to a flat spot. We pitched the tents, cooked dinner, and watched the night sky reveal millions of twinkling stars.

Next morning, we pedaled along the same road until, in the distance, we discovered a walled-city perched high on a hill.

“Let’s check that one out,” said Gary.

“I’m with you,” I said.

We pedaled through woods and fields until the road spiraled upward toward massive 150-foot-high brick walls over 1,500 years old. Along the way, we passed a small, abandoned chapel where a work crew repaired furniture. We stopped to see old paintings and statues along the church walls. Those repairmen didn’t think much about working with artifacts and antiquities from centuries ago.

Finally, after sweating up the road, we reached the massive 20-foot-high wooden gates of the city. They hadn’t been closed for a hundred years or more. Once inside the city, we stopped at a water fountain to fill our bottles and splash cool liquid into our faces. Around us, shopkeepers and patrons walked along the inside of the walls. A few kids pedaled their rusty bikes as they stared at us. About 100 feet from the fountain, a gray, marble cathedral soared toward the sky. At the top, stained glass windows perched atop beautiful carved frescos.

“Do you hear kids singing?” I asked Gary.

“Sounds like a children’s choir inside that cathedral with someone playing a guitar,” he said.

“Let’s check it out,” I said.

We walked up the marble steps of the church. “Look at these steps,” Gary said. “They’re worn down an inch at least from the centuries of worshipers coming to church. Generation after generation for over 1,500 years. Man, this is living history.”

We entered the church to sit in 1,500-year-old wooden pews that sat 100 people. In the front, about 20 children and a guitar player practiced their songs in Italian. Their young voices mesmerized us.

For the next half hour, children’s voices carried like musical chariots across the inner chamber of that ancient church. The sun shone through the stained glassed windows like colors from a double rainbow. The scent of history permeated every painting. Gray marble columns rose 150 feet over our heads. A stunning statue of Christ hung from a cross with blood dripping down from his hands and body.

For the next 30 minutes, we sat in sublime joy with Italian songs floating through the air. We couldn’t understand the language, yet our hearts and spirits felt their beauty.

While my bicycle carries me into magical moments on this planet, that day in the cathedral with a children’s choir lifting their voices to the heavens must be one of the most sublime moments of my lifetime. Afterwards, we thanked the children with, “Grazia” and “Molto bene” (exceedingly good) from our limited Italian language talents.

Back into the sunshine of the day, we remounted the bikes for our journey through the enchanting countryside of Tuscany. I thanked Gary for his friendship. I thanked the children for their voices. I thanked my lucky stars to bear witness to the beauty humanity offers in music, spiritual quest, and architectural beauty.

On our touring bikes, we added another thread into the tapestry of our lives.

© 2024 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

The Moral Degeneracy of the Catholic Pope

By Cliff Kincaid

December 25, 2024

On Fox News, former federal prosecutor Andrew Cherasky wondered what was behind Joe Biden’s gift of life for convicted murderers sentenced to death. The answer is the Soros-funded ACLU, working in concert with Catholic Pope Francis. Guest host Raymond Arroyo, a prominent Catholic, had to have known this fact.

“Fox News contributor Raymond Arroyo calls out the commutation of death row inmates on ‘The Ingraham Angle’” was the headline over the Fox News story about his guest appearance and commentary on the issue.

Arroyo contrasted Biden’s actions on behalf of cop killers and child killers with his lack of mercy for the innocent unborn.

But he only went so far. He mentioned the Christian tradition of allowing the state to execute convicted killers but failed to hold Francis accountable for his prayers on behalf of those on federal death row.

Before the “Catholic” President Joe Biden saved the lives of these killers, Pope Francis had specifically prayed that the sentences of inmates on death row in the United States would be commuted or changed. It was a public display of mercy for saving the lives of child killers, a rapist, and a drug kingpin from execution.

Also playing a role in this was the ACLU, which, in an end-of-year message, stated that “it’s been a busy year for civil liberties – and advocacy from supporters like you made all the difference” and declared that “Together, we…

  • “Compelled President Biden to commute the sentences of 37 peopleon death row.
  • “Enshrined and expanded the right to abortion in 6 state constitutionsat the ballot box.” (emphasis in the original)

Notice the word “compelled.”

While Biden has obvious mental deficiencies, Francis seems to be in charge of his mental faculties and knows what he is doing.

Francis is a committed left-wing ideologue whose ascension to the papacy was itself strange, as Pope Benedict was forced out in what seemed like the kind of coup the American intelligence agencies attempted against President Trump.

The ACLU agenda is clear as well. The ACLU (and Joe Biden) want to spare the lives of convicted killers and facilitate the destruction of unborn innocent human lives. This is their deliberate policy.

I once had an exchange with Jonathan Turley, a famous commentator on Fox News, who claimed that the Catholic Church opposed capital punishment. That was false.

It’s true that Pope Francis and the U.S. Catholic Bishops had then launched a campaign to end the use of the death penalty, but this was not the official Catholic Church position until Pope Francis unilaterally changed it in 2018.

Article 2267 of the Catholic catechism, an authoritative compendium of church teaching, had said the church “does not exclude recourse to the death penalty, if this is the only possible way of effectively defending human lives” against criminals.

Turley had also suggested at the time that Justice Antonin Scalia, a Catholic, may be violating church teaching by endorsing capital punishment. In fact, Scalia had noted that the death penalty is not immoral and that support for it has been part of Christian and Catholic tradition in the old and new testaments.

In the 7-2 pro-death penalty ruling that came down from the Supreme Court in 2008, five of the seven endorsing capital punishment were Catholics.

In a 2016 case, the Supreme Court ruled 8 to 1 that death sentences handed down against three men, in what became known as the “Wichita Massacre” in 2000, should not have been tossed out by Kansas’ highest court. Scalia wrote the decision. The sole dissenting opinion came from Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, an Obama appointee.

The case involved what the court called a “notorious Wichita crime spree [which] culminated in the brutal rape, robbery, kidnaping, and execution-style shooting of five young men and women.” The victims were white and the Carr brothers are black.

Justice Samuel Alito, a Catholic, said it involved “some of the most horrendous murders that I have ever seen in my 10 years here. And we see practically every death penalty case that comes up anywhere in the country. These have to rank as among the worst.”

St. Augustine, a Catholic bishop considered one of the most important Christian thinkers of all time. wrote in The City of God:

“The same divine law which forbids the killing of a human being allows certain exceptions, as when God authorizes killing by a general law or when He gives an explicit commission to an individual for a limited time. Since the agent of authority is but a sword in the hand, and is not responsible for the killing, it is in no way contrary to the commandment, ‘Thou shalt not kill’ to wage war at God’s bidding, or for the representatives of the State’s authority to put criminals to death, according to law or the rule of rational justice.”

In 2018, however, Francis unilaterally ordained that the death penalty was “inadmissible because it is an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person,” and declared that the church would work with determination for its abolition worldwide.

At the time, Arroyo declared that “The change of the Catechism’s teaching on the death penalty today has triggered a lot of anger among Catholics on social media…”

It’s worse than that. Many Catholics do not see Francis as legitimate.

Hopefully, Francis will be met with opposition to his many liberal stands by President Trump’s nomination of Brian Burch of the conservative group Catholic Vote as his next ambassador to the Holy See. Burch is considered to a critic of Pope Francis.

A courageous Catholic, Burch was a signer of a letter sent to Attorney General Merrick Garland in June 2022 requesting that the Department of Justice respond to a series of attacks against churches and pro-life organizations as well as act to prevent and prosecute those behind the assaults.

According to official statistics from the Catholic Church, at least 360 incidents involving hatred of Christianity have occurred across 43 states and the District of Columbia since May 2020. These incidents include arson, statues beheaded, gravestones defaced with swastikas and other destruction and vandalism.

The FBI was caught with a memo authorizing surveillance of traditional Catholics but FBI director Christopher Wray disavowed the memo. We now understand that the assignment was subcontracted to Pope Francis, who sacked a conservative Bishop in Texas. This does far more damage to the Catholic Church than anything the FBI could do.

Strickland was NOT caught in a sex scandal, and his Tyler, Texas, diocese did not have to go bankrupt because of sex scandal payouts to victims. Instead, he was accused of criticizing the pope.

“The only answer I have to that,” referring to his removal, “is because forces in the Church right now don’t want the truth of the Gospel,” he said.

Most Catholics understand their faith is under assault by what Strickland called “dark forces” in the Vatican (and the FBI).

An analysis of the results of the November 5 presidential election found that Trump won the national Catholic vote by a 15-point margin, winning 56 per cent of the Catholic vote against the 41 per cent achieved by Kamala Harris.

The Catholic News Agency reported, “This shows a much larger victory for Trump among Catholic voters than the [Washington] Post’s 2020 exit polls, which showed Trump with only a five-point lead above President Joe Biden, 52 percent to 47 percent.”

The 2024 results also demonstrate that most Catholics do not regard the words of Francis on such matters as the death penalty to be the Gospel.

However, on January 10, however, Pope Francis will warmly receive our so-called “Catholic” president Joe Biden at the Vatican, just days before President Trump is inaugurated.

It’s bad enough that President Trump will have to deal with wars and rumors of wars and the “enemies within,” such as the intelligence agencies. Now he will have to take on the global agenda of the pope.

Tragically, Francis has become a significant impediment to the restoration of the fundamental values of Judeo-Christian civilization.

© 2024 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Christmas: Did The Apostles Memorialize His Birth, Or His Death?

By Bradlee Dean

December 25, 2024

Everybody loves to celebrate Christmas, the birth of Christ (most scholars believe He was born in September between 6 and 4 BC).  Yet, what did the disciples commemorate?

Today, we love to get together, eat, give each other presents, enjoy the beautiful lights, and a baby in a manager.  Who can’t get excited about a baby?

People make much of the birth of Christ, but did you know that in the Bible, we find no record that the New Testament Church ever celebrated Christmas?  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think it’s wrong to celebrate the birth of Christ.  However, when it comes to a memorial, the New Testament Church didn’t have a monument to remember the birth of Christ.  What did they memorialize?  They remembered Christ’s death in the Lord’s Supper. Read 1 Corinthians 11:23-34.

There are many traditional images we have surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ, the Word that was made flesh as a sinless human being, and dwelt among us (John 1:14).

We see images of Mary and Joseph in a humble stable with cows, oxen, a donkey, some sheep, and a baby lying in a wooden manger slightly overflowing with hay or straw.

We see the shepherds worshipping Him and the wise men are there bowing before Him as they present their gifts.  We may even see a little drummer boy standing nearby, although he is not found in the Scriptures.

We think of the dramatic, brilliant, and startling angelic announcement that heralded the arrival of the Savior to the shepherds as they kept watch over their flocks by night.

“And the Angel of the Lord said unto them, for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a Manger.” – Luke 2:10-12

The Greek word for manger is ‘phatne’, which means ‘stall.’

These shepherds were officially entrusted to care for flocks that produced unblemished lambs to be sacrificed as sin offerings in the temple.

The sign to the shepherds was that the baby was wrapped in swaddling clothes with special strips of cloth wound around the baby lying in a stall.  How could it be that this sign would tell the shepherds exactly where to find the baby Jesus?

Micah 5:2 tells us that out of Bethlehem would come a ruler over Israel.

This was confirmed by the chief priests and scribes when the wise men came to Jerusalem to look for the new-born King.  They asked, “Where is He that is born King of the Jews?” (Matthew 2:2)

But did you know that in the time of Jesus, just outside of Bethlehem, there was a former military watchtower that was called in Hebrew, Migdal Eder, which means “tower of the flock.”

The lower level was used for birthing lambs which would be closely examined and later be used for sin offerings in the temple in Jerusalem.  This structure contains stalls for sheltering ewes who were about to bear their lambs.
We are told there was one particular stall where the newborn lambs were placed and wrapped in swaddling clothes to protect them from damage and/or blemish in order for them to be acceptable.

“And thou, O tower of the flock, the stronghold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee it shall come, even the first dominion; the Kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem.” – Micah 4:8

So, at the direction of the angel, these shepherds, who knew, raised, cared for, and closely examined sacrificial lambs, understood exactly where to find and examine the newborn King.  It was in the tower of the flock, lying in a stall where the lambs that were to be examined for sacrifices were located.

God arranged the perfect birthplace for His only begotten Son, the perfect Lamb to be sacrificed for the sins of the world (John 1:29).

In conclusion:  What was to commemorate? Christ’s death, not His birth.

It seems that the more carnal a person is, the more they will make much of his birth, and the less they will make of his death.

People love to celebrate the cradle.  Yet, they, somehow or another, hate the cross (Philippians 3:18-19).  That same giddy crowd that will be dancing around the cradle on Christmas evening will be the same giddy crowd that will be in a drunken stupor on New Year’s Eve singing the devil’s songs (John 3:6).

These people don’t see that this baby Jesus is the sovereign King.  They don’t see Him as the sinless deity, the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world.  They don’t see Him as the sacrificial Savior who was going to die a death, an ignominious death on the cross, and shed His blood as the propitiation for the sins of the world (1 John 2:2).  This is scriptural what we, as Christians, should be commemorating and memorializing.

© 2024 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

Three Existential Threats to Civilization at the End of 2024, Part 3

By Steven Yates

December 24, 2024

Public debt collapses economies and could presage the near-future’s biggest power grab.

Author’s note (I): although the opinions and conclusions expressed here are research-based, they are my own and should not be attributed to the editorial staff or any other writers.

Author’s note (II): due both to the approach of Christmas and family issues outside my control, this article, now to be delivered in four parts, will be my final work of 2024. I am grateful to my subscribers, and any others who find their way onto this site and see benefit to what I am doing.

Praying that all my readers will have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Part 1, Part 2.

Nick Giambruno’s Account of the Existential Threat of Public Indebtedness.

A week or so ago Doug Casey’s daily International Man newsletter featured Nick Giambruno’s account of the dangers of public indebtedness based on a history of how debt cripples civilizations. Many of Giambruno’s observations dovetail nicely with Peter Turchin’s.

Here’s the pattern (I’ve paraphrased and elaborated somewhat, mainly to integrate these observations with previous sections):

Stage 1: Societies achieve success, typically because they solved problems associated with both economic development and community stability, with all that these involve, including a stable, reliably-backed currency.

They then grow expansionist, overconfident, complacent. They turn into empires.

Stage 2: Expansionism, overconfidence, and complacency lead to extravagant expenditures on domestic luxuries and foreign incursions that turn into wars when others do not want their ways of life disrupted and dominated.

Stage 3: Empires finance all this by going into debt. Eventually they abolish backing on their currency (e.g., the U.S. empire scrapping the gold standard). The superelite and elite classes are already living beyond their means. Their economy begins to overproduce everything (not just aspiring elites). The peasants must buy what the economy produces, or it crashes. The pundit class thus encourages peasants to spend on credit and go into debt, also living beyond their means which has become a structural requirement of an economy that is overproducing. Thus:

Stage 4: Debt accumulates and becomes a burden as interest on the debt begins to build.

Stage 5: Empires have a choice of financing debt through taxation, or currency debasement, or some combination of both. (Peasants don’t have such options, of course.)

Stage 6: If raising taxes is a political liability, the population still bears the brunt of debt repayment through currency debasement, which destroys the currency’s purchasing power: inflation, which is just more debased currency chasing goods and services. Inflation, combined with stagnant wages, immiserates the previously prosperous public. Over time this leads to civil unrest, individual acts of violence, and increasing instability.

Simultaneously the empire’s military adventures grow increasingly irrational and unfocused. (Examples: Iraq in the 2000s, our proxy war against Russia in Ukraine 2010s, 2020s.)

By this time, the pundit class, serving the increased integration of state and corporate power, is desperately trying to hide from the peasants just how much trouble the empire is in — presenting, e.g., doctored economic statistics and misleading accounts of what is happening on various war fronts.

Those with the means have begun fleeing for greener pastures.

Stage 7: Soon, the debt burden prevents the empire from financing both its military and its domestic obligations, especially with interest on the debt accumulating. This becomes the tipping point.

Stage 8: Underfunded militaries plus loss of trust in institutions make empires vulnerable to domestic strife and possible civil war, or foreign invasion.

Stage 9: The empire collapses, often to a smaller and less complex political unit in the manner of Joseph A. Taintor’s The Collapse of Complex Societies; but what sometimes results is invasion, and sometimes dissolution.

These sorts of things brought down the Roman Empire, Imperial Spain, pre-Revolutionary France, the Ottomans, the British Empire, and others.

Now it’s our turn.

At $36.2 trillion, the U.S. has the biggest national debt the world has ever seen! The debt is rising exponentially and uncontrollably. The official figure does not include Social Security and Medicare obligations.

Giambruno observes that “annualized interest on the federal debt exceeded $1 trillion for the first time in 2024…. The cost is already higher than the defense budget and is on track to exceed Social Security and become the biggest item in the federal budget.”

He cites historian Niall Ferguson:

“Any great power that spends more on debt service (interest payments on the national debt) than on defense will not stay great for very long.”

The U.S., argues Giambruno, is presently between Stages 6 and 7, nearing the point at which crushing debt will make it hard to keep financing military spending.

Present-day public immiseration in those outside the privileged top 10 percent is nearing a breaking point with inflation rendering the combination of housing costs, utilities, healthcare, and groceries increasingly unaffordable — especially for those also making car payments, servicing student loan debt, etc.

And when pundits say “inflation is coming down,” all they are really saying is that prices are rising at a slightly lesser rate than they were a few months ago. Another verbal deception.

The Bidenistas sent hundreds of millions to Ukraine! No one in his right mind can think this rational, since no one in his right mind thinks Ukraine can ultimately outlast the far larger, more advanced, and better equipped Russian army.

This is money literally being thrown down a bottomless well!

Ideally, Trump will negotiate a peace settlement (which will make him even more unpopular with the warmongers than he is now). This won’t end the need for a strong national defense. It won’t stay strong for very long if the federal government can’t fund it.

Paraphrasing Giambruno again: the U.S. federal government will face a choice. It can either (1) make deep cuts in defense spending amid the most chaotic geopolitical period since the second world war; or (2) default on its promises regarding Social Security, Medicare, Veterans benefits, etc.

Either would be political suicide for whoever is in the White House when these two collide.

Consider, too, that the need for Social Security and Medicare payouts will increase as tens of millions more Boomers (around 22 percent of the population) try to retire.

The warmongers won’t allow military spending to be cut.

Result: more money created out of thin air, more currency debasement.

Governments tend always to take the path of least resistance based on desperate, range-of-the-moment thinking.

Further consequence: more and increasingly debilitating waves of inflation! Which in the absence of equivalent higher wages, will mean more people living in tents, cars, under bridges!

This will mean more crime and more physical as well as mental illness, as more and more people see no way out and are unable to cope! Expect the suicide rate to climb.

Also expect more multimillionaire or billionaire CEOs to be assassinated if they can be located by the few who refuse to go quietly into the night. Just sayin’.

And if the right leader appears and organizes the have-nots… Imagine a much younger Trumpian figure — someone with all of Trump’s charisma, but none of Trump’s weaknesses, such as his chronic lack of focus. (J.D. Vance, four years from now?)

Will we see a new Storming of the Bastille in America by 2030?

Here is where authors like David Rogers Webb might chime in. (Commentary here.)

The superelite, who never let a good crisis go to waste, may try solve the currency debasement problem in one fell swoop by introducing central bank digital currency (CBDC).

Their Big Promise will be that early adopters will be able to buy food and stay housed.

The price tag of cooperation will be an end to their control over “their” money, their privacy, their basic freedoms, as CBDCs are programmable. They can be designed not to work outside a certain radius from one’s home if one hasn’t gotten permission to travel. They can be programmed not to work after a given date, precluding saving.

Dissidents will face simply having “their” money turned off, and if cash has been criminalized, they will be unable to buy food.

The peasants in this techno-feudal order will indeed own nothing, have no privacy, but be happy, in the manner of World Economic Forum globalists.

Questioning peasants and counter-elites are figuring this out, and CBDCs are being resisted all over the world including in the U.S.

Counter-elite “populism” continues to rise, exemplified by the “far right” figures and parties all over Europe: Hungary, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Poland, Romania, elsewhere.

More and more of us did not buy, do not buy, their narratives about, e.g., covid.

I see no reason to think the superelite globalists will give up this fight of the century. They want to offer us peasants a stark choice: “global governance” (i.e., de facto world government), or starvation!

They are, however, running out of time!

Bottom line: they can’t change the laws of nature. The laws at the center of attention here: unless they are God (they aren’t!!), they cannot create genuine wealth out of nothing, any more than they could create matter or energy out of nothing. And neither a ruling class nor those ruled over can live beyond their means indefinitely.

And you can only push people so far before you get revolt of various sorts, be it an organization of “alternative” political movements or “wild card” rogue personalities who take direct action as did Luigi Mangione.

On a very guardedly positive note, I just read that many people are making paying down and getting out of debt a priority item for 2025. It’s always a good idea to get out of debt. But it may be too little, too late, and won’t affect the larger system. Neoliberal pundits will point out that getting out of debt means less frivolous spending on “stuff” and contend, not unreasonably given the systems put in place over the years, that less consumer spending hurts the economy. So how did we get into the predicament in which what benefits individuals and families hurts the economy as a system, and what benefits the economy as a system (if it really does) harms individuals and families?

A debt-caused collapse of the neoliberal, Anglo led “rules-based world order” will presage an even more unstable multipolar world. Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc., are already preparing, asking themselves regarding the U.S., “Why start a war when your enemy’s debt burden is already leading them to defeat?”

No, it seems more likely that the Anglo axis will be the one to start the really destructive war that could end it all. Or, with more and more AI being used in place of human labor because it is infinitely cheaper, a computer error could do the job.

Part 4 in a couple more days.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4,

© 2024 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:


Steven Yates’s Substack site is entitled Navigating the New Normal, where you will find ideas and content not available here. Consider subscribing.

Steven Yates is a (recovering) ex-academic with a PhD in Philosophy. He taught for more than 15 years total at several universities in the Southeastern U.S. He authored three books, more than 20 articles, numerous book reviews, and review essays in academic journals and anthologies. Refused tenure and unable to obtain full-time academic employment (and with an increasing number of very fundamental philosophical essays refused publication in journals), he turned to alternative platforms and heretical notions, including about academia itself.

In 2012 he moved to Chile. He married a Chilean national in 2014. Among his discoveries in South America: the problems of the U.S. are problems everywhere, because human nature is the same everywhere. The problems are problems of Western civilization as a whole.

As to whether he’ll stay in Chile … stay tuned!

He has a page. Donate here and become a Patron if you benefit from his work and believe it merits being sustained financially.

Steven Yates’s book Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011) can be ordered here.

His philosophical work What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (2021) can be obtained here or here.

His paranormal horror novel The Shadow Over Sarnath (2023) can be gotten here.

Should you purchase any (or all) books from Amazon, please consider leaving a five-star review (if you think they merit such).

The “Christmas Thing”

By Kelleigh Nelson

December 24, 2024

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.  —John 3:16 KJV

For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.  —Isaiah 9:6, KJV, Handel’s Messiah

It’s Christmas, with all the joy and frenzy and shopping, and food, and family gatherings, and it’s the Celebration of our Savior’s birth, a giant birthday party.  Can you say Hallelujah!  I love Christmas…I simply love it!

Christmas Cookies

Most folks know I own a wholesale commercial bakery and I’m very busy this time of year.  In August I start baking Christmas cookies to be shipped all over the country the Monday after Thanksgiving.  It is the part of my business that I enjoy the most.  I love creating the cookies, buying the boxes, ribbon, and ornaments for packing, and sending them to all the folks that look forward to them every year.

It’s a labor of love, and I enjoy this part of the Christmas preparations the most.  That might sound crazy to some of you, but my great-great grandfather was a restaurateur, confectioner, and amazing baker in Philadelphia, PA.  He also owned an ice cream shop along with his three restaurants.  G. Byron Morse actually developed the pinafore bread that became the Hoagie bun.  So, the baking gene runs in my blood.  This, however, is not what Christmas is all about…yet, it too is a part of the joyous celebration and the joy of giving.

Christmas Cards

Christmas cards are special for me.  Every year, the local Christian bookstore runs a 60% off sale on Christmas cards the day after Christmas.  Since I’ve lived all over the country, we send out over 100 cards every year, and we want them to express the truth of why we celebrate the birth of Messiah.  So, I’m there at 7 a.m. the morning after Christmas.

My sweet friends in Florida sent us a beautiful Christmas card this year that I want to share with you.  Like the cards I choose, this one relays the essence of Christmas…it was the Christ child, born for us, to die on a cross for our sins, so we could approach the throne of God with the blood of Jesus having washed away our sins, gone, not just covered over, but gone.  This card was so lovely in its message, I simply had to share it.  So here it is:


Just a little donkey, but on my back, I bore, the one and only Savior, the world was waiting for.

Just a little donkey, but I was strong and proud–I gladly carried Mary through the chaos of the crowd.

I brought her to a stable where she made a tiny bed…A place for Baby Jesus to lay His little head.

I pray the world remembers that special Christmas night, when just a little donkey carried Heaven’s Precious Light.   Rita S. Beer

I hope the sentiment in this card touches your heart as it touched mine. It is the story of the King of Glory who humbled Himself to come to earth as a baby, to die on the Cross for all of us.  The cards are special greetings to those we know and love who are brothers and sisters in the faith, and they are a part of Christmas, but not the full essence, just a part of the whole celebration of the King’s birth.


There are not many places in America bereft of Christmas decorations, except perhaps Dearborn, Michigan. Many of the yards and windows of homes are adorned with lights and wreaths put up around Thanksgiving.  Holley Gerth wrote about the wonderful Christmas Wreath:

“The Christmas wreath is more than just a decoration…it’s a special reminder of Jesus, the reason for our celebration.  The circle of a Christmas wreath is a never-ending ring, a reminder of eternal love from our Lord and King.  The Christmas wreath is a sign of welcome, inviting all to enter in… a reminder of Christ’s invitation for all to come to Him.  The middle of a Christmas wreath is a bare and empty space, a reminder of what life would be without Christ’s love and grace.  So, each time you see a Christmas wreath hanging from a door, may your heart rejoice in the One that Christmas is truly for!”

When I was a child, my mother and I would get on the train and go into Chicago to see the decorated store windows on State Street: Marshall Fields, Wieboldt’s, Carson, Pirie, Scott and Company, Goldblatt’s, and so many more.  In the 1950s, there were amazing crèche displays in the store windows…and of course Santa and the reindeer.  The crowds were enormous.  Decorations were everywhere.

When I see all the homes alight with decorations, I think of them as candles on the Savior’s birthday cake.  This is another part of the celebration of Messiah’s birth, and it speaks to believers and non-believers…”We have lighted up our homes to celebrate the birth of the Savior of the World.”   


Then there’s the shopping.  Since I have owned my bakery for 35 years, my shopping has to be finished before Thanksgiving and ready to ship to out-of-town family the Monday after Thanksgiving.  I really don’t like to shop during December, especially on the weekends, and I don’t do Black Fridays…not ever.  I love sales, but…

Having said that, the joy of the celebration is in the majority of stores.  The time goes quickly for employees when it’s busy and they all seem to be smiling and happy and saying, Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas.  Of course, I prefer Merry Christmas, but Happy Holidays is from the original, Happy Holy Days. So, when I’m wished “Happy Holidays,” I always answer them with, “Merry Christmas to you and Happy Holy Days!”

This is the south and we’re in the buckle of the Bible Belt, so most everyone smiles!  Shopping is the part of Christmas where we buy gifts to give to our family, friends, and those less fortunate, to share the love of the Christ child whose birth we celebrate.

One of my wonderful Christian cyber buds sent me a short email of vast import.  When you’re out doing the hectic last-minute shopping thing, remember this story,

“Who Started This Christmas Stuff?”

A woman was out Christmas shopping with her two children. After many hours of looking at row after row of toys and everything else imaginable; and after hours of hearing both her children asking for everything, they saw on those many shelves, she finally made it to the elevator with her two kids.

She was feeling what so many feel during the holiday season time of the year – overwhelming pressure to go to every party, every housewarming, taste all the holiday food and treats, getting that perfect gift for every single person on our shopping list, making sure we don’t forget anyone on our card list, and the pressure of making sure we respond to everyone who sent us a card.

Finally the elevator doors opened, and there was already a crowd in the car. She pushed her way into the car and dragged her two kids in with her and all the bags of stuff. When the doors closed, she couldn’t take it anymore and she stated, “Whoever started this whole Christmas thing should be found, strung up and shot.”

From the back of the car, everyone heard a quiet, calm voice respond, “Don’t worry, we already crucified Him.”

For the rest of the trip down in the elevator, it was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. This year, don’t forget to keep “the One who started this whole Christmas thing” in your every thought, deed and words. If we all did it, just think of how different this whole world would be.

It’s not simply the baking and cooking, it’s not the cards, or the decorations, it’s not the shopping, or the family gatherings, it’s all of these things!  It’s because this is the month of the birthday celebration of the King of Glory, our Messiah.

Ahh, yes, the “Christmas thing.”  The “Christmas thing” is Christ.  The “Christmas thing” is the Savior of the world. The “Christmas thing” is that He came and died for all of us. The “Christmas thing” is the joy in knowing that we have everlasting life because the perfect, sinless, creator of the world shed His blood for us. The “Christmas thing” is that God loves us so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die for us.  The “Christmas thing” is that we are to celebrate His birth with joy, love, peace, kindness and gentleness.  And we’re to share our reason for that joy!

So, for the month of December…you might want to answer those who say Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas with a resounding, “Happy Birthday Jesus!”   That’s the “Christmas thing!”

© 2024 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

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It’s A Wonderful Life With Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed: But How And Why?

By Frosty Wooldridge

December 23, 2024

Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed starred in Frank Capra’s 1946 iconic Christmas movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life.”  At the time of its release, critics condemned it, and movie-goers gave it a lukewarm reception.

But most baby boomers have watched it over 50 times in their lives. I know I have!  It pulls at my heart strings.  It pulls at my sense of friendship, purpose, dreams and wishes.  The brilliant underlying theme remains to this day that we all need love, friends, family and purpose in our lives.

At the end of the movie when George Bailey stands on the bridge in a snowstorm about to end his life, he is granted his wish to come back to his time and be with his family. The angel Clarence said, “No man is a failure who has friends.”  Of course, because Clarance did a good turn to help George Bailey from committing suicide, the little daughter said, “Every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings.”

This Christmas in America, Canada, and Europe where Christianity still tugs at peoples’ heartstrings, millions of people will celebrate the birth of Christ. That divine birth stands as “renewal” for living, hope, and faith. Our species needs “hope” in the face of the multitude of challenges we have created for ourselves in the 21st century.  Often times, I’m at my wits end as to how America is going to survive our exhaustion of energy, our overpopulation crisis, our water crisis, our immigration predicament, catastrophic climate destabilization, species extinction rates, our national debt, and terrorism.

What’s happened lately with that Mangione kid executing that CEO of United Healthcare—-just leaves me sickened. Worse, 40 percent of Generation Z kids support his killing the CEO Brian Thompson.  It tells me that their “moral relativism” will tear at the foundation of our “rule of law” and sense of living in a free society.  You just can’t go around shooting people…and think it’s okay for your reasons.  Chicago and New Orleans, the murder capitals of the United States, cause everyone to fear for their lives just walking down the street.  That’s where “moral relativism” ends up.

This Christmas, many people will spend time with friends and family. Many other people, less fortunate, will spend Christmas living on the streets in their rags, tents and sleeping bags.  Their only comfort might be a bottle of Scotch, or a syringe filled with some horrible drug.

It’s the dichotomy of life in the United States and around the world.  We’ve got tens of thousands being killed in Ukraine on both sides of the battle line.  We’ve got starvation and death in Gaza.  We hear about 3.1 million children who have starved to death in 2024 around the world.  Another 10 million adults died from starvation and malnutrition in 2024.  Even in the richest country in the world, we see 1 in 6 people in America facing food insecurity. Soup kitchens find long lines of desperate people. If you live in a large city, you see beggars on many street corners.

For this journalist, this time of Christmas grows my sense of gratitude for my good fortune.  Unlike George Bailey, I did get to travel the world.  Thankfully, in the United States, most people live decent lives.  We’re the fortunate ones.  We’re the lucky ones.  Yes, for certain all of us have faced some nasty persons in our lives like that banker scoundrel Mr. Potter.  That guy would cut your throat for a dollar.

But you know, I have discovered in my long life, that nasty people like Potter get their “Karma” returned because they lack honorable friends, family and standing in the community.

The one rule that I follow when I meet up with such insidious characters that lie, cheat and/or steal from me—-I maintain my integrity.  I forgive them.  I thank God that I am not one of them.  Definitely, the world is full of pickpockets, embezzlers, liars, cheats and thieves.  They can keep that negative energy and negative life force. I’ll move toward the light.

I’ve always chosen education, hard work, and determination to guide me along my life’s path.  Last year, trying to get a movie contract for one of my books, I got conned out of a chunk of money.  After it happened, I said to myself, “Never again!”

As you watch the different dark paths that George Bailey walked during the movie, you can’t help but understand the genius of the writer who created the script that was a short story by Phillip Van Doren Stern, “The Greatest Gift”, in 1943.  You must know that WWII had all our parents by their throats for five years.  Millions of kids died in WWII.   It’s tough trying to look at the good side of life, but Stern created his masterpiece that we all watch 70 years later with Donna Reed and Jimmy Stewart.

So, this Christmas, wherever you are in your life, whatever your age, whatever your family, and whomever your friends—take stock of your blessings.  Please know that your friends depend on you for laughter, fellowship, listening ear, love and heart.  Many times, they cannot express it, but each person they touch, or you touch, makes a difference in all our lives.  A civilization like ours succeeds when we respect one another, care about each other, and work toward the common good.  That’s the beauty of the United States of America.

May God bless you. May God bless your family. May God bless your community.  Vaya con Dios!

Merry Christmas from Sandi and Frosty Wooldridge, Golden, Colorado

© 2024 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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His Birth, His Death. His Resurrection

Authored by Devvy Kidd not AI

December 23, 2024

“I hold the precepts of Jesus, as delivered by himself, to be the most pure, benevolent, and sublime which have ever been preached to a man.” Thomas Jefferson to Jared Sparks, November 4, 1820

In two days, Christians by the billions around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Lots of cheer, the Christmas tree, gifts.  I hope everyone is able to be with their loved ones. Of course, our troops are still not home, but I’m not going to use this column for any commentary on the money machine called war. Just wish to say God bless our troops and their families.

History shows early Christians were tortured and persecuted for their belief that Jesus is the son of God, yet they persisted despite fear of torture and death. In their hearts, they knew the truth and could not turn away, no matter the consequences. Here we are more than 2,000 years later and the attack on Christianity has worsened next to the attacks on Jews.

Despite their propaganda to remove Christianity and all references to God from the fabric of this nation, we continue to successfully fight their toxic daily flogging of what is and isn’t unconstitutional on that issue. Some plaintiffs wait years for SCOTUS IF that court even decides to hear a case.

Make no mistake about the intention of the global elite money grubbing scavengers: totalitarian government which mandates removal of God from the American landscape and inculcate the state as “parent” to the peasants. Supreme Court Stunner: Secret Gender Transitions at Schools Allowed to Continue, Dec. 10, 2024: “Alito explained, “This case presents a question of great and growing national importance: whether a public school district violates parents’ ‘fundamental constitutional right to make decisions concerning the rearing of’ their children…when, without parental knowledge or consent, it encourages a student to transition to a new gender or assists in that process.”

“Thomas joined in the statement that added, “We are told that more than 1,000 districts have adopted such policies.”

“It is the transgender ideology, which puts its faith in the science-defying concept that boys can become girls and girls can become boys, that has been promoted literally around the globe by the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris regime in Washington. Actually, being male or female is embedded in the human body down to the DNA level and does not change.

“The situations involving schools, activist employees, teachers and administrators repeatedly getting caught encouraging children to pursue the transgender ideology and keeping those actions secret from parents.

“The case came out of the Eau Claire Area School District in Wisconsin, where parents sued over a district policy that helps facilitate gender identity transitions while concealing the child’s new identity from his or her parents.”

There is no “gender ideology”.  It’s a cult destroying the lives of thousands of confused kids and even young adults.  There are only two sexes and no amount of mutilating a child’s body can change that scientific fact.

So, teachers and administrators have the green light thanks to the U.S. Supreme Court to convince your little girl to hack off her breasts and boys their Johnson in secrecy while parents are left out of the decision making for THEIR child.

Allegiance to the state provides “privileges” from the state. That’s how slaves are made. As the attacks on every pillar of freedom and liberty continues, many will want to simply hide their head in the sand. They will get on their knees and accept the chains of slavery and hopelessness.

Remember what Council on Foreign Relations member James Paul Warburg, said before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1950: “We shall have world government whether or not you like it — by conquest or consent.” Warburg was wrong. He has badly underestimated the resolve of tens of millions of Americans to fight for our rights and to remain a free nation Under God.

I am frequently reminded of a wonderful song (from one of the most successful ever Broadway musicals) reminiscent of our current situation. The lyrics are not about Christmas; Man of La Mancha is about a man imprisoned by the Inquisition for an offense against the Church. However, the theme is common with our fight for freedom, for what is right and for all the blessings that God has given this republic:

The Impossible Dream
from Man of La Mancha (1972)
music by Mitch Leigh and lyrics by Joe Darion

To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go

To right the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star

This is my quest
To follow that star
No matter how hopeless
No matter how far

To fight for the right
Without question or pause
To be willing to march into Hell
For a heavenly cause

And I know if I’ll only be true
To this glorious quest
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm
When I’m laid to my rest

And the world will be better for this
That one man, scorned and covered with scars
Still strove with his last ounce of courage
To reach the unreachable star

Make no mistake:  2025 is going to be a fight (metaphorically speaking) once Donald J. Trump is sworn into office.  Socialists/communists (self-identified Democrats and too many “independents”) vs. freedom and liberty.

God commands us not to sin: Kill, lie, cheat, steal, commit adultery, worship false gods, honor our parents and so on. Unbelievably, today too many modern pastors, ministers care no more about saving souls than they do about an ant on the sidewalk.  Build multi-million-dollar get-together “feel good” churches while the message and teachings of Christ is lost.

I would say given the state of the world and our republic, mankind has failed miserably in keeping God’s Commandments. We are all sinners, but we can ask for God’s forgiveness. He knows what is really in your heart no matter how you try to fool Him.  As a dear email friend recently wrote me, “God is paying attention, as you know. Do not be deceived. God is not mocked. A man will reap what he sows.”  Satan is after your soul. Eternity is a long time.

If we desire God’s blessings, can we expect them if we lie, cheat, steal, kill unborn babies in the womb, use His name as a curse word, wallow in the filth of sexual deviancy, sleep around like dogs on the street and worship mega pastors who lead their flocks astray?

Can we expect God’s blessings by picking and choosing which of his commandments we like even though the act of disobedience brings the stain of sin upon our soul? Can we expect God’s blessings by forgetting His gift to the world, His son, Jesus Christ – except when we want something material?

As my dear cousin in S. Dakota says:  I’ve yet to see a U-Haul being towed by a Hearst on the way to the cemetery.

A long time ago, when extraordinary, brave and courageous men, were spilling their blood to birth a free nation – reaching for that seemingly unreachable star – George Washington, said this to his troops in 1776:

“The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged and destroyed, and themselves consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver them. The fate of unborn millions will now depend on God, on the courage and conduct of this army. Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance, or the most abject submission. We have, therefore, to resolve to conquer or die.”

As Washington knelt in the snow during the winter of Valley Forge (1777-1778), most likely feeling such despair as to overwhelm the average man, he put his faith in God and his sword to freedom. We ask for God’s blessings, for strength to fight for what’s right and to keep our troops safe as we work to bring them home.

I know secularists in this country disparage people of faith. The good news is, I really don’t care. Secularism is a system of political or social philosophy that rejects all forms of religious faith and worship. Those who believe in nothing are but one heart-beat away from eternity. I would not want to be them.

I also wish to send God’s blessings to everyone and hope this day brings joy in your heart.  We dearly love our spouses, parents, children and good friends, but God’s love above all is what we seek through his son, Jesus Christ. I believe that’s what Christmas is all about, isn’t it?

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

© 2024 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  John 3:16 KJV

My Christmas Message – A Time for Truth – Insanity

By Pastor Glynn Adams

December 22, 2024

It looked for a while like America was waking up to spiritual things. But most Christians still refuse to face reality. While darkness is overtaking our nation and our enemies are gathering all around us, there is no sense of urgency in our churches. Christians today are doing the same thing that caused our nation to be over taken by this evil Marxists Socialism, which is insanity.

Let’s take just one area of darkness in our nation – “Marxists Socialism.” Since 1968, our children are being given the full dose of how wonderful Marxists Socialism is. They are hearing only one side of the story. They are being lied to everyday about this darkness. As a result, most children think Marxists Socialism is cool and better than our current government system.

Few people realize that in this century alone, 130 million people have lost their lives to tyrants who aspire to socialism. Your children actually think they can keep their car, cell phones, property, and wealth under socialism? Bernie Sanders has a following of young people in our nation. They are socialists and want everything from free food to free education through college.

Marxists Socialism is pure evil. The Bible does not teach socialism as some claim in Acts 4 and 5. But our churches continue to ignore evil rather than resist evil. Satan and his creation of Marxists Socialism are building demonic strongholds, doctrine of demons, and evil spirits to spread the gospel of socialism in America. He has little to no opposition from the local churches scattered all over this nation. Moses warned God’s People about curses. The Apostle Paul warned us about being overtaken by vain philosophies. Jesus warned us about causing the children in our culture to stumble and the dire consequences to a nation.

The basic concept of Marxist Socialism is that the state either owns or controls property and the means of production. Those who had private property and defended it died under Marx, Engels, and Lenin by the millions. However, the Bible teaches the concept of private property. Peter said to Ananias in Acts 5, “While it remained unsold, was it not your own?” Barnabas in Acts Chapter 4, was not forced to sell his property. In socialism, he would be forced to lay the money at the feet of Pontius Pilate, Caesar, or the local tax collector. But the Spirit led Barnabas to freely lay it at the feet of the apostles.

Hell is opening its door wide to receive the cowards, carnal, worldly, asleep, deceived, disobedient, unfaithful, and unfruitful church goers in America who hate the Lord Jesus by pretending obedience to Him. We refuse to defend the government God gave to us. Today evil has more influence in our nation than Christianity. This is insane!!! If you attend a local church in this nation led by false prophets and hirelings, it is time for a gut check. What the average church is doing in this nation is an affront to God and is not working.

While millions attend church this weekend, our nation will ascend deeper into evil. It is evil to sat in a church all of your life and bear no spiritual responsibility or fruit. It is totally insane for a person to worship, pray, hear the Word, and not open their heart to the love and truth of God, and not devote their will and life to the purpose of God. It is pure evil and insanity – doing the same things over and over in church and not get spiritual results.

The only hope for America is for the Body of Christ to repent and to lead this nation to repentance. Folks, we are we in big, big trouble as insanity, and not God, rules America!! We will have a new President soon. Do you remember in his last term, the Body of Christ was to get their house in order and help this President and WE DID NOT!!! And God took our leader from us and gave us an unfriendly leader to the Body of Christ. Well, if we do not step up this time, then we can only expect severe judgment to come upon our nation!!! God bless, I remain His watchman and minister, Glynn Adams.

© 2024 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Glynn Adams:

Birth of the Antimessiah (Antichrist); June 2022?

By George Lujack

December 22, 2024

Is the Antimessiah (Antichrist) alive today in the year 2024? Scripture Truth Ministries believes that he is. Is the Antimessiah (Antichrist) Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu, Emmanuel Macron, or King Charles III of England, as some speculate? No.

Scripture Truth Ministries believes that the Antimessiah (Antichrist) was recently born, is a European Jew, and will reign for 7 years from 2055-2062.

This ministry believes that Satan has signaled the birth of the Antimessiah (Antichrist), just as God announced the birth of the Messiah (Christ) (Isaiah 9:6-7, Matthew 1:18-25). Satan is not God, but as the god of this world – a counterfeit god, he imitates some of God’s practices.

How has Satan signaled the birth of the Antimessiah (Antichrist)? Through the popular cultural 2023 and 2024 Super Bowl Halftime Shows.

A notably pregnant pop star, Rihanna, dressed in all red in the 2023 Super Bowl halftime show, was followed by a no-longer-pregnant Alicia Keys, dressed similarly in all red in the 2024 Super Bowl halftime show. Could this be a Satanic message announcing the birth of the Antimessiah (Antichrist)?

Scripture Truth Ministries believes that the Antimessiah (Antichrist) is probably the Rothschild baby boy born to Nicky Hilton Rothschild and James Rothschild in June of 2022, whose unique first name ‘Chasen’ had been withheld from the public for 22 months.[i]

Chasen is a name meaning huntsman. Chasen sounds and spells similar to Chosen, and this baby may indeed be the chosen one whom the elitists of this world will raise and groom to be the Antimessiah (Antichrist). “Chasen” and “Rothschild” are both Jewish surnames. Remember the words of Yeshua (Jesus)…
“I have come in My Father’s name [YESHUA = YAH SAVES], and you [JEWS OF ISRAEL] do not receive Me [AS YOUR MESSIAH]; if another comes in his own [JEWISH SUR]name, him you will receive [AS YOUR MESSIAH].”

Why will the nation of Israel receive a Rothschild as their Messiah? The Rothschild family is a wealthy Ashkenazi Jewish noble banking family originally from Frankfurt, Germany. The Rothschild family reportedly has an estimated net worth of between $1.2 trillion and $20 trillion. The Rothschilds have had a long history of supporting the creation of the Jewish State of Israel. The Jews of Israel rejected their suffering Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus), and will receive a worldly conquering king as their Messiah.

Scripture Truth Ministries believes that the Rothschild baby boy is probably the Antimessiah (Antichrist), but not 100% sure. Israel owes its existence to the Rothschild family, and it’s very conceivable that Israel will accept a Rothschild as their Messiah. The Rothschilds have always been about attaining money and power by any means, and power and control are what the Antimessiah (Antichrist) will desire. The Antimessiah (Antichrist) will be positively identified when he sits in the rebuilt temple of Israel and declares himself to be God.

Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin [THE ANTIMESSIAH (ANTICHRIST)] is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the [REBUILT] temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

The Jews of Israel will initially receive the Antimessiah (Antichrist) as their Messiah, but when he erects the image of the beast / abomination of desolation idol on the Temple Mount site in Jerusalem and demands that the world worship this image (Matthew 24:15), the Jews of Israel,  remembering their lesson from the golden calf incident at Mt. Sinai (Deuteronomy 9:7-21) and after hearing the testimony of the two witnesses Revelation 11:3), will reject the Antimessiah (Antichrist) as their Messiah. Many Jews will be killed, but a remnant will flee to the Israeli wilderness mountains to a place that has been prepared for them by people of God (Revelation 12:6).

Some may be disturbed that someone would speculate and post “innocent” baby pictures of who the Antimessiah (Antichrist) may be. After all, it can be emotionally reasoned that all babies are innocent. Yet we are called to watch for the signs, and this child may very well one day assume the role of the Antimessiah (Antichrist). Adolph Hitler, likewise, began his life as an innocent baby boy and afterward became the monster responsible for millions of deaths through the Holocaust and World War II.


The speculation that Chasen Rothschild may be the Antimessiah (Antichrist) is conjecture based on the following compilation of circumstantial pieces of evidence:

  1. Based on Scripture Truth Ministries’ Prophecy Timeline, the Antimessiah (Antichrist) will reign from around 2055-2062, and if our timeline is close to being accurate, the Antimessiah (Antichrist) must have been recently born. If Chasen Rothschild is the Antimessiah (Antichrist), he will be about 33 years old when he begins his 7-year reign.2. At the 2023 Super Bowl 57 halftime show, Rihanna, dressed in all red like a she-devil, was visibly pregnant, and this was possibly a sign from Satan announcing the birth of the Antimessiah (Antichrist).3. Chasen Rothschild is the child of a super-rich, elitist Rothschild family and is a European Jew bearing a Jewish surname. That fits the model for the Antimessiah (Antichrist) perfectly.4. ‘Chasen’ is a unique name that sounds like ‘Chosen,’ and ‘Rothschild’ is a Jewish surname. Yeshua (Jesus) said: “I have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive. ” – John 5:43

    Yeshua (Jesus) meant the following:

    “I have come in My Father’s name [YESHUA = YAH SAVES], and you [JEWS OF ISRAEL] do not receive Me [AS YOUR MESSIAH]; if another comes in his own [JEWISH SUR]name, him you will receive [AS YOUR MESSIAH].” – John 5:43 [WITH INTERPRETATION]

    5. The Rothschild family has historically sought the praise and worship of men. The Rothschild family is a self-proclaimed “Jewish ‘noble’ banking family” whose corrupt banking practices include funding both sides in wars and crashing markets with misinformation to buy up cheap stock shares. The 1917 Balfour Declaration issued by the British government was a letter addressed to Walter Rothschild that begins with three words, “Dear ‘Lord’ Rothschild.”

    The Antimessiah (Antichrist) will exalt himself above God and seek the worship of men
    (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).

    6. This Rothschild baby boy’s name was withheld from the general public for 22 months after his birth.[ii] This is a possible indication that this Rothschild baby boy is being raised in extreme secrecy and is being groomed to be the world leader known as the Antimessiah (Antichrist).

    7. Chasen Rothschild was born in June 2022, the sixth month on the Gregorian calendar, with six being Satan’s signature number.

    Is Chasen Rothschild the foretold Antimessiah (Antichrist)? It is prophetic speculation at this point. The world will soon know.

    © 2024 George Lujack – All Rights Reserved

    E-Mail George Lujack:


    [i] The News International, “Nicky Hilton finally announces name of 22-month-old son,” March 16, 2024,

    [ii] New York Post Page Six, “Nicky Hilton reveals son’s ‘unusual’ name nearly 2 years after giving birth,” Gostin, Nicki, March 16, 2024,

The Light of the Gospel Dispels the Darkness of Marxism

by Rolaant McKenzie

December 22, 2024

In the Star Trek: The Original Series episode, Operation — Annihilate! (Season 1, Episode 29, 4/13/1967), the USS Enterprise crew discovers that a pattern of mass insanity has been spreading in nearly a straight line through several inhabited star systems in the sector of the galaxy they are patrolling, destroying the civilizations there. Deneva, with more than a million inhabitants, is the next star system in line, and no communications had been received from the planet for a year.

Upon arriving at Deneva, the Enterprise crew finds that mass insanity has come to that planet. The cause was seemingly indestructible single-celled flying parasites that hid in the shadows away from the sunlight. They sting their victims, leaving behind strands of tissue like tentacles that rapidly spread and take over the nervous system. The parasites, using intense pain to control their hosts, act as a hive mind and force them to build ships to spread to other planets, as they did in the previous ones.

Mr. Spock and Dr. McCoy, while examining a sample of one of the parasites in the ship’s laboratory, discovered why they hid indoors in the shadows on Deneva: they were vulnerable to ultraviolet light. But there was not enough ultraviolet light coming from the sun to destroy the parasites. So Captain Kirk ordered that a network of satellites be set in synchronous orbit around the planet to flood the surface with ultraviolet light. As the light bathed the planet, the parasites began to dissolve and die, including those in the infected inhabitants, setting them free and unharmed.

Like the parasites in this Star Trek episode that used the arms and legs of their hosts to take over civilizations and pursue a dark agenda that included the destruction of those societies, the disciples of Karl Marx have sought as one of their main goals the infiltration of educational institutions to gain control of nations.

Louis Francis Budenz (1891-1972) was a member of the Communist Party USA, but in 1945 he renounced communism and became a vocal opponent of it and a whistleblower in governmental hearings. In his book The Techniques of Communism (1954), he wrote:

“In undermining a nation such as the United States, the infiltration of the educational process is of prime importance. The Communists have accordingly made the invasion of schools and colleges one of the major considerations in their psychological warfare designed to control the American mind.”

Marxist philosophers of the Frankfurt School that attached themselves to Columbia University in the early 1930s played a key role in the takeover of educational institutions in the United States through the students they indoctrinated and spread out like ever-expanding tentacles into society.

In his book The Naked Communist (1958), which describes communist strategies to gain control of society, former FBI agent W. Cleon Skousen included a list of 45 communist goals. This list was read into the Congressional Record on January 10, 1963, by Congressman Albert S. Herlong Jr. Two of the goals included getting control of the schools and teachers’ unions and promoting pornographic publications to normalize sexual degeneracy and promiscuity.

Justin Walker, pastor of Salt and Light Baptist Church outside Louisville, Kentucky, was confronted with the results of these efforts in June 2021 when he took one of his daughters to a local public library to look for something for her to read. He was appalled at the graphic LGBTQ+ books being promoted for children.

Pastor Walker came to the realization that millions of children going to public schools in America regularly face this Marxist tactic of indoctrination from their teachers. Acting in accordance with Jesus’ description in the Sermon on the Mount of how His disciples are to be in the world (Matthew 5:13-16), from which his church was named, he sought to provide an alternative to this evil influence in the lives of his children and those in his community.

On September 4, 2024, First Principles Academy, a K-6 donation-based, tuition-free Christian school, was established by Pastor Walker and his church to shine the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ onto its students along with teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic. By pursuing a Christ-centered approach to learning, the school seeks to be a beacon of light honoring God and dispelling the darkness of Marxism and be an encouragement to other churches to do the same.

When Adam and Eve heeded the lies of Satan and sinned against God by eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, the sting of death entered them and spread out like tentacles to all humanity, causing our natural state to be that of separation from God and rebellion against Him (Genesis 3). Our sin nature takes hold of us and causes us to be recipients and exporters of pain, suffering, destruction, and death.

Like the USS Enterprise that used a special kind of light to set free the people of Deneva by destroying the parasites that stung and enslaved them, God has provided His own Light to set free lost humanity from the sting of sin and eternal separation from the fullness of life He grants as a free gift.

Jesus said, “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.” (John 8:12)

Jesus Christ, the giver and sustainer of life, freely grants reconciliation with God and eternal life to all who trust in Him. He is the unquenchable light that dissolves and blots out our sins and continues to shine through His Church to scatter the darkness of satanic philosophies like Marxism that cause enslavement, destruction, and death.

© 2024 Rolaant McKenzie – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rolaant McKenzie:


American Policy Center Promises Support for Anti-UN Legislation

By Tom DeWeese

December 21, 2024

Tom DeWeese, President of the American Policy Center (APC), just delivered petitions to the office of Congressman Chip Roy (R-TX), asking him to reintroduce his DEFUND Act into the upcoming 119th Congress. The petition also called on Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) to do the same in the U.S. Senate.

The petitions were gratefully accepted by Rep. Roy’s staff.

Said DeWeese, “these two Members of Congress took courageous action in the current 118th Congress by introducing the DEFUND Act. This is one of the most powerful anti-UN bills ever introduced in Congress.”

DEFUND stands for Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle!

The Bill calls for:

♦ Termination of U.S. membership in the UN and all affiliated bodies, conventions, and agreements.
♦ Stops all funds to any UN body.
♦ Prohibits U.S. participation in UN peacekeeping operations.
♦ Throws the UN headquarters out of the U.S.
♦ And ends U.S. membership in the World Health Organization!

DeWeese went on to say, “The United Nations is the center of the globalist agenda to eliminate national independence as it seeks to control the world’s economy and political policy. If the United States would exit the United Nations, it would collapse almost instantly. Many other nations would leave it with us. And you would see the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization and the nearly 20,000 Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs), that help to enforce the agenda, also collapse as the money and political power they create dries up.”

As DeWeese met with Rep. Roy’s staff, he related a story concerning APC’s long dedication to getting the U.S. out of the United Nations. In the year 2000, APC worked closely with former Congressman Ron Paul when he introduced a similar anti-UN bill.

At that time, APC gathered over 350,000 signed petitions for Rep. Paul’s bill. The group then sponsored a national news conference, featuring Rep. Paul and the late Congresswoman Helen Chenoweth, as the petitions were delivered to Congress.

DeWeese promised Rep. Roy’s staff that APC would do this again if Rep. Roy and Senator Lee would reintroduce the DEFUND Act.

DeWeese pledged that APC would work to create a steady flow of pressure to Congress to pass the DEFUND Act by gathering thousands more petitions in support of the bill; provide leadership and training of local activists to organize local “Exit UN” rallies; and even create a telephone call-in to Congress to keep their office phones ringing.

Concluded DeWeese, “The fact is, due to the massive change that is taking place in our federal government right now, as President Trump prepares to take command, I believe we have never had a stronger opportunity to make Exiting the UN a reality.”

Here is Tom DeWeese presenting the petitions to Congressman Chip Roy’s staff.

Here is the huge stack of 350,000 petitions APC gathered back in 2000 in support of Rep. Ron Paul’s bill to get the US out of the UN. DeWeese wants to do this again for Rep. Chip Roy’s DEFUND Act

The late Congresswoman Helen Chenoweth and former Rep. Ron Paul speaking at the APC sponsored national news conference supporting Rep. Paul’s bill to get the US out of the UN. APC intends to build major support for the DEFUND Act too!

© 2024 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese:

They Want to Kill Elon Musk

By Cliff Kincaid

December 21, 2024

Having failed to kill President Trump, they next target Elon Musk, probably the smartest man in the world and the key to America remaining a military and economic superpower in the world. He is a leading force in the new technologies, especially AI, cryptocurrencies, and space exploration, which promise what Trump calls a “Golden Age.”

The CNN Headline was “The world’s richest man right now [is] holding the country hostage,” with the explanation being that Elon Musk was “blowing up” a “bipartisan debt deal.”

If Musk is a hostage taker, that means he is a criminal or a terrorist, and must be dealt with accordingly. This is the dangerous narrative they are selling.

He may be the richest man in the world, in terms of wealth, and he owns a social media platform, but he has no political power except for commenting on political events. Yes, he does have the ear of President Trump and MAGA Republicans.

But the last time I checked, he was exercising his First Amendment right of freedom of speech.

For CNN, the liberal media, and the Democrats who want business as usual in the nation’s capital, his speech is offensive and he must be silenced. They can’t do that so the next phase of their campaign to silence Elon Musk is to shoot and kill him. They won’t do that directly; they will stoke the fires of anger and animosity against certain billionaires like Musk.

Almost immediately, the term “President Musk” went viral, as well as references to Musk being the “shadow president.” This prompted a series of Democrats to declare Musk the president of the United States.

The message is simple: Trump survived his assassination attempts and won the election, so the Marxists must move on to another target, one of his closest advisers who is worth a lot of money and has a vision of how America can remain dominant in the world financially, economically, and militarily.

There was a time when billionaires were almost all on the side of the Democrats. They expected Musk to fall in line. But this billionaire, the guy who voted Democrat all his life, revolted over their cultural Marxist agenda which targeted one of his own children. Not only that, he appeared with Trump at campaign stops and raised money for Republicans.

Any criticism of billionaire Democrat donor and hedge fund operator George Soros is denounced as anti-Semitic, even though he is an atheist committed to undermining Israel’s right-wing government.

Another billionaire treasured by Democrats is Reid Hoffman, the founder of LinkedIn, which was purchased by Microsoft, and he is described by Peter Flaherty of the National Legal and policy Center as “being best known for being Jeffrey Epstein’s point man in Silicon Valley.”

“Hoffman introduced the pedophile to other billionaires,” notes Flaherty.

Musk, however, is now open to the worst kind of criticism, such as that he is holding America hostage because he opposed a budget deal giving pay raises to Congress.

But this is how Erin Burnett and CNN hope to generate clicks on their website and generate more viewers for their failing channel.

What we are seeing is the same kind of propaganda that preceded the cold-blooded killing of the UnitedHealthcare CEO.

Once the people following this propaganda are radicalized, they decide they want to build a socialist utopia on the bodies of the capitalists they bury under a barrage of smears. It is the Marxist nightmare, a natural follow-up to Barack Hussein Obama’s “Obamacare.”

The People’s Action Institute, one of many groups mobilizing the resistance to Trump, had been running a campaign of harassment against UnitedHealthcare and its executives. It traces its history to Heather Tobis, who later married Paul Booth, a founder of Students for a Democratic Society. This happens to be the forerunner to the terrorist Weather Underground.

Its history also includes a link to a one-time organizer for Saul Alinsky, the author of “Rules for Radicals.”

One goal of the People’s Action Institute is “Health Care for All,” a beautiful term meaning socialized medicine and inevitable shortages, rationing, and euthanasia.

It is advised by Tides Advocacy, an affiliate of the Soros-funded groups known just as Tides, and has been targeting UnitedHealth with protests at the firm’s headquarters.

Brian Thompson was shot in the back on the streets of New York City by an assassin armed with a ghost gun who planned this and traveled with a fake I.D. provided by fellow co-conspirators or “others unknown.”

Clearly, he was a member of a network of professional killers.

If you read the federal indictment of this deranged killer, you will notice that the FBI offers nothing new about how he obtained his gun and where he got his fake I.D.

But this had nothing to do with denial of a health care claim. The assassin wasn’t a client of UnitedHealthcare. He was a highly-educated young man who had a surf board accident in Hawaii and was currently working out at a local gym and taking yoga classes.  He came from a rich family which could have paid for the treatment of any back pain he may have had stemming from any surf board accident.

The killer was a pampered rich kid, a brat, who graduated from an Ivy League institution who was fascinated by the revolutionary terrorism of the Unabomber, believed in the power of psychedelic drugs, and went to a New Age bookstore in Hawaii to get a crystal singing bowl to heal his “chakras,” or points of energy in his body, as reported by Alexis McAdams of Fox News.

It looks like he is a New Age socialist.

It was probably in college, the University of Pennsylvania, that he was initially exposed to the Bernie Sanders-Elizabeth Warren socialist ideology of “health care for all.”

He is very similar to Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground, a terrorist born into a wealthy family. His father was chairman and chief executive officer of Commonwealth Edison and the Thomas G. Ayers College of Commerce and Industry was named for him at Northwestern University.

The Thompson murder was the first desperate act in what figures to be the start of anti-Trump “resistance” that could turn into large-scale terrorism against members of the Trump Administration and the business leaders and corporate CEOs who want to Make America Great Again.

The assassination was quickly followed by “Wanted” posters that showed up in New York City identifying other business leaders as marked for death.

Now we can clearly see that Elon Musk is the “Most Wanted” of all.

© 2024 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Trump Expected to Annihilate California’s ‘Green Mandates’ – the Most Radical in the World

By Ronald Stein, P.E.

December 21, 2024

Governor Newsom remains oblivious that there is no replacement for oil that provides products that support the 8 billion on this planet.

California Governor Gavin Newsom represents a population of 40 million. The State’s residents are a miniscule 0.4 percent of the 8 billion on this planet, but he has California acting as an independent country with environmental laws, regulations, and mandates unmatched on this planet.

President-Elect Trump recognizes a key fact that Newsom does not, that there is no known “replacement” to fossil fuels that supports the materialistic demands of the population and economy, and thus most “green” movements are projected to be obliterated after Trump’s January 20th inauguration.

The residents of California, through their silence, provides encouragement for Newsom to continue his net-zero mission that has contributed to the State having the highest costs for electricity and fuels in the nation for the few residing in the State.

The Governor remains ignorant that the other 99.6 percent of the world’s population live outside the borders of the State. Newsom is also oblivious that about 80 percent of the world’s 8 billion, many of which are in Africa, Asia and Latin America still live on less than $10 a day – and the billions who still have little to no access to electricity.

Newsom’s quixotic approach seeks to simultaneously increase occasionally generated electricity from weather dependent wind and solar while reducing the state’s use of natural gas that generates continuous, uninterruptable, and dispatchable electricity.

Wind turbines for the generation of electricity under favorable weather conditions, would be non-existent were it not for government subsidies and mandates behind them. Today, we have towering engines of mass destruction marching across the countryside killing birds and bats and laying waste to farmlands and forests.

The Governor now supports the development of offshore wind generated electricity as part of his renewable electricity goals. California is proposing to build offshore wind turbines to produce an estimated 85,000 gigawatt-hours of power annually to the electric grid.

  • To meet that goal of 85,000 gigawatt-hoursof power would require 2,500 floating 10 megawatt wind turbines 20 miles offshore, each one about 1,000 feet tall, anchored in water 4,000 feet deep, with high voltage undersea transmission lines connecting each of them to land-based substations.
  • If these wind turbine monstrosities are ever built, the total project cost will easily exceed $300 billion, with catastrophic consequences to the marine environmentincluding migrating whales, and then, it’s ONLY for electricity as wind turbines CANNOT make any of the more than 6,000 products that our materialistic economy demands

Newsom remains insensitive to wind being one of the most expensive ways to generate electricity, nor is he concerned that wind turbines damage the environment, kill birds, and kills whales.

Special note about a new drama television series, LANDMAN, with Lead Actor Billy Bob Thornton, that supports Energy Literacy:

All the parts and components of California Governor Newsom’s net zero emissions fantasy is 100% dependent on crude oil, the same oil that he wants to rid the world of.

As a Facebook trailer illustrates for the new “Landman” drama television series, created by Taylor Sheridan and Christian Wallace, Newsom is oblivious to the fact that every product in our society, that did not exist 200 years ago, is made from oil.

Thus, before Newsom totally destroys the California economy, Newsom needs to identify the “replacement” to crude oil that will support the materialistic demands of the economy, before he preaches net zero emissions.

Be sure to click on the Facebook Link for a 90-second commercial for the new LANDMAN drama series with Lead Actor Billy Bob Thornton, that summarizes the intellectual ignorance of the green movement:

Governor Newsom, who solely picks winners and losers, announced in 2020 that California will ban sales of new gasoline powered vehicles by 2035, BUT remains oblivious to those that purchase those vehicles OUTSIDE of California, or to the 99.6% of those on this planet that live outside the borders of the State.

While the Newsom administration pushed tax credits to incentivize automakers to invest in EVs, the same credits that are financially encouraging Chian and Africa to continue exploiting their people with yellow, brown, and black skin that are mining for the exotic minerals and metals needed for EV batteries, and for those developing countries to continue the environmental degradation to THEIR landscapes, just so America can go green!

Despite decades of efforts and billions in subsidies to bolster “green electricity” from weather dependent wind and solar, Californias still get all of the 6,000 products from oil, the same products that are integral to human prosperity across the globe, that support the demands of infrastructures like: Transportation, Airports, Water filtration, Sanitation, Hospitals, Medical equipment, Appliances, Electronics, Telecommunications systems, Heating and ventilating, and the Space programs.

Shockingly, before a replacement for oil has been identified to support the materialistic demand for those 6,000 products made from oil, field production in California has dropped from 400 million barrels per year in the 1980s to only 118 billion barrels in 2023. Today, despite reserves of crude oil estimated at more than 27 billion barrels, California imports 60 percent of its oil demands.

Ironically, California policies that end oil production in the state drive up imports from nations that lack California’s environmental standards or labor protections and sets up California as a national security risk for the entire country as the State’s 9 international airports, 41 military airports and 3 of the busiest shipping terminals are dependent on foreign oil imports to operate.

California’s gas formulation is unique, from all other 49 States which means only in-state refineries can produce it.

California’s policies attacking oil refineries that manufacture only state-specific formulations continue to cause unprecedented crises. When the Phillips 66 plant closes in 2025, in-state refinery capacity will drop to its lowest level in decades to meet the States’ consumption of 1.45 million barrels per day. With refinery turnarounds needed for periodic maintenance and repairs, a shortage of California’s special fuel formulation is imminent. One blip, and we’ll have gas lines that make 1979 look like a cakewalk.

At the expense of its residents, who are now paying the highest costs for electricity and fuels in the nation, California’s Governor Newsom remains oblivious to the other 8 billion on this planet that are dependent on the products and fuels from oil, the same oil for which there is no known replacement.

Please share this information with teachers, students, and friends to encourage Energy Literacy conversations at the family dinner table. 

© 2024 Ronald Stein – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ronald Stein:

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Yep…. Still the Smartest Guy in the Room

By Joan Swirsky

December 20, 2024

How did President-elect Trump become a billionaire?

How did Donald J. Trump, billionaire businessman, bestselling author, mega-successful TV star, become President of the United States in 2016?

How did President-elect Trump defy, confront, and prevail over a malevolent Deep State cabal, an American government steeped in collusion, a craven leftwing media, and a mountain of lawfare attacks to win––overwhelmingly––his second bid for POTUS?

I always called him the smartest guy in the room. And I suspect that most people would answer those questions––either proudly or grudgingly––by agreeing that his intelligence and also his drive, instincts, charisma, and sheer bravado are the magic ingredients of his blazing success.


So, why are some sophisticated, knowledgeable and longtime devoted Trump supporters, including seasoned conservative journalists, now suspecting that Mr. Trump is either:

  • A closet Democrat.
  • Controlled Opposition, essentially playing on the same team as his globalist opponents.
  • A guy who values loyalty to a fault… overlooking clear conflicts-of-interest and potential moles and saboteurs in his midst.

Why these questions? Because of the great number of people he has appointed to high positions in his upcoming administration who have longtime leftist connections, have themselves played for the other team, and have eye-raising suspicions about their backgrounds or associations.

Journalist Kelleigh Nelson, a rock-ribbed conservative, questions most of President-Elect Trump’s appointee choices, starting with Susie Wiles as Chief of Staff.

Wiles, Nelson says, funded Trump antagonists Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush and John McCain; was co-chair at Mercury LLC, a global leader that promotes the Deep State narrative; has spoken openly about being in favor of open borders, and was a source of information for Jack Smith’s special counsel investigation of Donald Trump’s role in the January 6th “insurrection” and his alleged mishandling of government records.

In a follow-up article, Nelson documents highly incriminating information about Pres. Trump’s co-appointee for DOGE (Department of Government Efficiency) Vivek Ramaswamy, who went to Yale Law School on a Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship, as well as Marco Rubio for Secretary of State, Doug Burgum (Governor of North Dakota) for Interior Secretary, Kristi Noem (Governor of South Dakota) for Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Tulsi Gabbard for Director of National Intelligence, and Congressman Michael Waltz for National Security Adviser, among others.

And yet in a third article, Nelson clearly objects to the nomination of Pam Bondi for Attorney General, and Scott Bessent for Treasury Secretary… a guy who was a partner at Soros Fund Management for decades, as well as Dr. Janette Nesheiwat for Surgeon General, a woman involved in a massive Medicare scandal, who described the COVID vaccine as a “gift from God” and who also served on the World Economic Forum’s Global Advisory Council.

In addition, Nelson questions the appointment of Dr. Mehmet Oz, who holds dual citizenship in Turkey and the United States, to be the administrator for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Nelson calls him a “Big Pharma shill” and adds: “Many of Trump’s choices are questionable, but Dr. Oz takes the cake.”

Clearly, writer Janet Levy agrees, adding her own shocking laundry list of objections to the Oz appointment, including conflicts of interest and this damning quote from the American Medical Association’s Journal of Ethics, which called Dr. Oz “a dangerous rogue unfit for the office of America’s doctor.”

Then there is journalist Yudi Sherman, who practically eviscerates the President-elect’s choice for Surgeon General, emergency room physician Dr. Janette Nesheiwat.

And that is not to omit journalist Cherie Zaslawsky who asks: Who will vet the vetters?

“Ultimately,” Zaslawsky writes, “it may hardly matter whether the spate of questionable appointments President-elect Trump has recently announced is due to Wiles and/or other members of Trump’s retinue attempting to undermine the MAGA agenda or is largely the result of putting a number of well-meaning novices in the position of suggesting candidates they are ill-equipped to properly vet. Yet some choices reek of intentional trickery.”


It is probably true that businessman Trump’s decades in dealing with the cut-throat unions in New York City and all the Dons who run the Mafia in New York and throughout the country did not prepare him for the malevolent treachery of the liberal Democrats in Washington, D.C., but he does strike me as a “lessons-learned” kind of guy.

Meanwhile, the President-elect, with his signature ebullience, has de facto begun his tenure, jet-setting to Paris to meet with President Macron to visit the refurbished Notre Dame Cathedral and also to receive a floridly flirtatious look from First Lady Jill Biden…I bet she voted for him!

And there he is again, speaking on the phone to Mexico’s president, Claudia Sheinbaum, about the border; hosting the feckless Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, at Mar-a-Lago; threatening the mass-murdering terrorists from Hamas to free the hostages before he is sworn in or there will be “Hell to Pay” and describing the tariffs and border wall and end-of-war actions he’ll be taking in about 36 days.

That includes not only the raging wars in Israel and Ukraine, but also Yemen, Darfur, and Myanmar, all of which did not exist four years ago when he was president!


Can’t you just picture the conversation he had with Joe Biden on his visit to the White House a few weeks ago.

DJT: Joe, you’ve been talking about a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas/Hezbollah for about a year, but no luck there.

JRB: Well, what are you gonna do…. you’re dealing with Arabs. You’re dealing with Jews.

DJT: Listen, Joe, I can talk to Bibi. We get along. I can get that ceasefire, and you’ll get all the credit. How does that sound?

JRB: Sounds great! Ya think it will work?

DJT: It’ll work. And it will give me leverage with Putin when I tell him to stop that crazy war…I’ll give him a slice of Ukraine and he’ll be happy.

Well, whadaya know? A day later, or was it two or three? Poof!…a ceasefire is announced in the Middle East!


My take is that President-elect Trump has attracted all these potential saboteurs––many of them lifelong Democrats like the formidable RFK Jr.––to his side, his thinking, his vision, his mission, his goal, which is simply to Make America Great Again!

Not one of these appointees has forgotten Mr. Trump’s most prominent and visible role before he became POTUS in 2016, which was as the star of the wildly successful, long-running TV show, “The Apprentice,” or his world-famous pronouncement: YOU’RE FIRED!

His appointees are well aware of that non-negotiable dictate and know to follow his vision or receive that order, while millions of leftists worldwide are now on anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medication, in long-term therapy, or on suicide watch.

As they say, all good.

© 2024 Joan Swirsky – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Joan Swirsky:


Three Existential Threats to Civilization at the End of 2024, Part 2

By Steven Yates

December 20, 2024

Public immiseration and the path to violence; thwarted aspiring elites and dissidents become counter-elites; the danger of the narrative war is state breakdown.

[Author’s note (I): although the opinions and conclusions expressed here are research-based, they are my own and should not be attributed to the editorial staff or any other writers.]

Author’s note (II): due both to the approach of Christmas and family issues outside my control, this article, now expanded so as to require four parts, will be my final work of 2024. I am grateful to my subscribers, and any others who find their way onto this site and see benefit to what I am doing.

Praying that all my readers will have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The Luigi Mangione Saga.

Somewhere in our account of Peter Turchin’s public immiseration there needs to be a brief account of Luigi Mangione, 26, accused of first degree murder of United HealthCare’s CEO Brian Thompson, 50, in New York City on December 4.

Since details of this case are all over mainstream media, I’ll go straight to what makes it worth our attention here: his 3-page “manifesto” expressing what corporate media euphemistically described as “ill will towards corporate America,” how responses to the Thompson shooting across social media reveal the depth of resentment against the health insurance industry (another of the most lucrative in the country), and whether this shooting exemplifies looming instability brought about by economic inequality combined with the sense that the haves are cheating.

What Mangione’s “manifesto” said (this is the most quoted passage): “I do apologize for any strife and trauma, but it had to be done. Frankly, these parasites simply had it coming.”

The document goes on to note that the U.S. has the most expensive healthcare in the world but is #42 in life expectancy (Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation).

Regarding social media commentary, I archived the following:

“Thoughts and deductibles to the family. Unfortunately my condolences are out-of-network.”

“Sympathy denied. Greed is considered a pre-existing condition.”

“My only question is did the CEO of United Healthcare die quickly or over several months waiting to find out if his insurance would cover his treatment for the fatal gunshot wound?”

“Today, we mourn the death of United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson, gunned down…. Wait, I’m sorry — today we mourn the deaths of the 68,000 Americans who die needlessly each year so that insurance company execs like Brian Thompson can become multimillionaires.”

In fairness, we also saw comments like this one:

“The seemingly widespread online celebration of the assassination of the UnitedHealthcare CEO makes me feel despair for humanity. I get that healthcare is broken, but these reactions are truly sick.”

Like everything else, the cost of health care in the U.S. has skyrocketed. Premiums and deductibles have skyrocketed. Emergencies, and nasty after-the-fact discoveries that a given procedure wasn’t covered, are now a leading cause of bankruptcy.

People are suffering and sometimes dying from treatable conditions because treatments that would save them are refused coverage. Frustration is rampant among those trying to navigate the thickets of jargon and impenetrable corporate bureaucracy and find out if a given procedure is covered.

Whether anyone likes it or not, this plays into the hands of the Luigi Mangiones who decide to take matters into their own hands. This is why he’s become something of a folk hero in the social media ecosphere.

Among the details that have emerged: he had a condition called spondylolisthesis, characterized by a vertebra in one’s spinal column slipping forward and pressing against the spine. Symptoms can include numbness and chronic lower back pain spreading to thighs that gets worse when standing or walking for long periods.

Mangione looks to have hurt his back in a surfing accident while in Hawaii and had surgery for it. I have no details on whether he filed a claim and was denied, but this wouldn’t surprise me. He’d posted something suggestive on Reddit:

When my spondy went bad on me last year it was completely devastating as a young athletic person. Seemingly all I could read on the Internet was that I was destined to chronic pain and a desk job for the rest of my life. That representation was terrifying, inaccurate, and completely destroyed me until I realized the silent majority of fusions are highly successful.

But is the procedure covered?

Repeating: does this case, and the reaction to it, exemplify the increasing rage felt against the haves in a Second Gilded Age, especially when the haves’ systems are borderline dysfunctional?

But wait a minute. Mangione comes from a prominent Maryland family and was far from poor. His crime was carefully planned, as was his escape from New York City. These bespeak of intelligence, as do his Ivy League computer engineering degrees.

When recognized in Pennsylvania from online surveillance, however, he still had the illegal gun with him, fake IDs, the “manifesto,” and a notebook which outlined his plans for the crime.

He wanted to be caught, to get validation as a man with a mission.

It’s bothersome that the only convincing commentary I’ve seen on this is coming from the liberal-left. Liberal pundit Briahna Joy Gray told British journalist Piers Morgan, re the kinds of comments was saw above:

Luigi is just a vessel through which people are expressing their deep frustrations with the American healthcare system…. So the question is, if you don’t want murders like this to be happening — assassinations to be happening like this in the street — I’m someone who does not believe in the death penalty and don’t condone these kinds of vigilante instances of violence in either case … you have to get to the root of why there is this deep well of tragedy, despair, and outrage in the United States of America.

Morgan was dismissive, demanding to know if she really felt “joy” at the assassination of a man with a wife and two teenage sons — not an unreasonable response but doesn’t go to the heart of the matter.

The issue is how healthcare is to be paid for, during an era of rising costs and stagnate wages, with the superrich clearly getting richer by working the systems they’ve built during the neoliberal era. United Healthcare is facing a class action lawsuit over antitrust violations and using AI-powered algorithms to decide claims. In this writer’s humble opinion, the latter exemplifies something worse than cheating: immorally reducing lives to “decisions” made by something nonliving, not conscious, and not intelligent despite the hype.

The motivations for using AI instead of human workers in this context are simple: AI doesn’t ask to be paid! That means higher profits!

Will any of the heated discussion lead to reforms in an industry that clearly does place profits ahead of lives, livelihoods, and human well-being?

Time will tell.

An Aside: Primary Prevention and Public Health.

What would fix our broken healthcare system? is a valid question. The answer: primary prevention.

Primary prevention is everything you can do to avoid illness, acute or chronic.

This includes eating nutritious food instead of processed “food,” having an exercise regimen, getting quality sleep, managing stress.

It includes not smoking, not drinking excessively, cutting sugar and HFCS, limiting sodium intake, and avoiding other risky behaviors.

A society in which primary prevention was practiced as a matter of course would have less need for doctors, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, and borderline-unaffordable health insurance policies. While there would still be the occasional acute condition to be healed, there would be far fewer chronic conditions to be managed for profit.

Primary prevention thus flies in the face of neoliberal economics.

Need I say more about why no one in the corporate Establishment is interested in it, and why there isn’t a school in the country, public or private, that teaches it? Alas, not even conservatives are interested in it. Most conservatives won’t criticize corporations for fear of being demonized as turncoats or accused of being closet socialists (or something).

(Primary prevention has nothing to do with the array of fad diets out there, although these may have a good suggestion or two.)

End of aside. Returning to Peter Turchin….

Peter Turchin on Elite Overproduction.

By elite Turchin means anyone well-educated (credentialed), ambitious, and riding on the expectations likely created in their psyches while growing up, or during their credentialing process. The Mangione family qualifies as elite in this sense. They were a known quantity in Maryland.

Many of us Boomers who earned advanced degrees in our fields became aspiring elites.

But as we attempted to enter professions, especially if it was after the 1970s, a good many of us hit brick walls.

There weren’t enough positions — jobs — in education, government, or industry — to absorb all applicants. The collapse of the job market in academia during the 1970s is one illustration of this, although with a few specific causes of its own such as the Powell Memo which led to the defunding of universities who turned to corporate sponsors and began hiking tuition.

“Elite overproduction,” explains Turchin, “can be likened to a game of musical chairs — except the number of chairs stays constant, while the number of players is allowed to increase. As the game progresses, it creates more and more angry losers.”

Not all thwarted aspiring elites go quietly into the night. Some ask questions. They do their own research. If they’re convinced that the “winners” cheated, this darkens their mood still more.

They may become — gasp! — conspiratorial. (Just to note, Turchin claims to be empirical, not conspiratorial; see pp. 126-29 of End Times.)

The most articulate of those outside the Big Club will eventually question dominant narratives, such as the American Dream.

In some cases they’ll figure out how to use Americans’ addiction to entertainment to do it.

Some go rogue and become aspiring counter-elites.


Turchin writes as if Trump is an elite, because he’s a billionaire. I disagree with this.

I think Trump became a counter-elite the night Barack Obama ridiculed him openly at the White House Correspondents Dinner back in 2011 — because he’d questioned if the then-president was born in the U.S.

Trump became the quintessential American political counter-elite able to channel the anger of globalized neoliberalism’s “losers.” This is the only explanation for how he was able to win the nomination of a major political party and take the presidency from someone the superelite (those in the upper layers of the .01 percent) had already anointed as the First Woman President, someone who had the backing of all elite media and all of inside-the-Big-Club Asylum on the Potomac denizens.

Three quintessential media counter-elites are Tucker Carlson, Steve Bannon, and Joe Rogan. The first landed on his feet following his firing from Fox News: clearly a political decision. The second endured a four-month prison sentence following his refusal to bow before the January 6 Committee over its narratives. The third is probably the most watched podcaster in America, major spokesman for the “manosphere” (a phenomenon generated by systems rigged to favor women and emasculate men).

Elon Musk has certainly been acting like a counter-elite, with his support for Trump, while much of the rest of the billionaire class supported Kamala Harris.

Luigi Mangione becomes a wild card in this ecosphere: elite but not a billionaire, and without visibility, he takes direct action.

The narrative war is the battle between counter-elites and elites.

Between leaders of Those Who Wish To Be Left Alone versus Those Who Push People Around.

The former, when they consider the matter, think of themselves as “truth-tellers.”

Marks of the latter include waxing endlessly about “misinformation,” “conspiracy theories,” “threats to democracy,” “extremism,” “racism,” “hate speech,” “transphobia,” etc.

Authors such as Patrick Deneen now suggest that liberalism in whatever form has failed: it empowers individuals in all the wrong ways and slowly undermines conditions for civilizational stability. Liberalism’s advocates arrogantly assume that its results are a natural state of affairs and not the product of a distinctive ideology holding that people are essentially self-interested economic actors (or should be).

Others point to indicators such as supposed “gender” fluidity and associated preoccupations (e.g., pronouns, bathrooms) that overwhelm public discourse while people have trouble keeping a roof over their heads and food on their tables.

Liberalism only works, minimally, if its participants can have rational conversations where they disagree. It begins to fail when one side is told that disagreement is based on hate, finds intellectual discomfort traumatizing, and seeks safe spaces.

It also places a primacy on trust in institutions, which can only be maintained if those in institutions tell the truth.

Counter-elites contend that those atop the elite pyramid simply lie about how the economy is doing splendidly (by pointing to the Dow when only a small percentage of Americans own stock), about how their favored leaders did splendidly (think: Joe Biden, who was clearly in cognitive decline before he entered office in 2021), how the Western war machine is doing splendidly when it has become is a sponge soaking up moneys urgently needed domestically (think: Ukraine).

Unresolved public conflict between elite and counter-elite narratives brings about state breakdown, the third element in civilizational unraveling Turchin and his team unearthed.

State Breakdown.

State breakdown occurs once enough of the general public stops trusting the institutions they’ve relied on for news, information, education, etc., to reach a tipping point. It’s not as if those outside the Big Club are in agreement about what to believe, or if they necessarily believe anything specific. Twentieth century philosopher Hannah Arendt (1906 – 1975) may have given the best description of what happens, as well as its biggest danger:

This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore. A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong. And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, is, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies. With such a people, you can do whatever you want.

You can lock them indoors for months on end, for example, having scared the majority to death about a virus with 24/7 doom coverage. You can force them to take poorly-tested shots passed off as “safe and effective vaccines,” memory-holing the fact that real vaccines take years of testing and clinical trials. You can force them to relinquish their freedoms to have a sense of superelite-supplied “safety.”

It didn’t work, of course, if the goal was to suppress counter-elite narratives. There are probably more aspiring counter-elites today than ever before!

A situation in which half of society’s members seem to inhabit one world based on one set of narratives while the other half seems to inhabit a different world based on different narratives is dangerous to any stable body politic. This presages the battle for control over institutions we are likely to see once Trump takes office.

The real danger of state breakdown is that it ends with the most unscrupulous figure or group seizing power and ruling as he/they see fit while continuing to call the country a democracy.

I don’t think Trump is that figure. The superelites still have a tremendous reservoir of resources. But as a counter-elite he’s been a huge beneficiary of the narrative wars. He’s promised to alleviate public immiseration with tariffs to incentivize domestic production and create jobs. He’s ready to hand the existing upper echelons elites their rear ends, by appointing fellow counter-elites such as RFK Jr. atop major federal agencies, or people widely regarded as jokes (e.g., Linda McMahon) at the helm of agencies such as the Department of Education as if planning on that misbegotten waste of taxpayer dollars unraveling under her watch.

The counter-elites would prefer to oust the elites and avoid state breakdown by assuming control over institutions, although some are making efforts to start new ones and build up their own networks (the University of Austin is an example).

Bottom line running through this discussion and its predecessor: economic inequality beyond what may be expected from Pareto distributions, combined with the sense that those in the Big Club have cheated to get where they are, is fundamentally destabilizing. As recent events may have shown, it eventually provokes violence against elites. I hope it is clear that nothing here is intended to condone Mangione’s actions. But they have a straightforward explanation.

There’s a bigger problem on the horizon, however, and it could play into the hands of the elites. To the best of my knowledge, neither Trump nor his critics have said anything about it or indicated they are significantly aware of it. (I hope I’m wrong about this and will be happy to be shown that I’m wrong.)

Part 3 in a couple more days.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3,

© 2024 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:


Steven Yates is a (recovering) ex-academic with a PhD in Philosophy. He taught for more than 15 years total at several universities in the Southeastern U.S. He authored three books, more than 20 articles, numerous book reviews, and review essays in academic journals and anthologies. Refused tenure and unable to obtain full-time academic employment (and with an increasing number of very fundamental philosophical essays refused publication in journals), he turned to alternative platforms and heretical notions, including about academia itself.

In 2012 he moved to Chile. He married a Chilean national in 2014. Among his discoveries in South America: the problems of the U.S. are problems everywhere, because human nature is the same everywhere. The problems are problems of Western civilization as a whole.

As to whether he’ll stay in Chile … stay tuned!

He has a page. Donate here and become a Patron if you benefit from his work and believe it merits being sustained financially.

Steven Yates’s book Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011) can be ordered here.

His philosophical work What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (2021) can be obtained here or here.

His paranormal horror novel The Shadow Over Sarnath (2023) can be gotten here.

Should you purchase any (or all) books from Amazon, please consider leaving a five-star review (if you think they merit such).

Sanctuary Cities: A Growing Nightmare for American Citizens, Part 2

By Frosty Wooldridge

December 19, 2024

Part 2: Forcing Americans into a criminal hole. Forcing Americans to deal with consequences brought directly to them by illegal immigration and sanctuary cities.

At a city council meeting this past week in Chicago, Illinois, a Sanctuary City, Mayor Brandon Johnson forced another $40 million borrowing debt on the people of Chicago to house, feed and care for 51,000 illegal aliens in their midst. Even while hundreds of African-American Chicagoans screamed at him to serve them instead of the illegals, he tossed them out of the meeting. Then, the council passed the $40 million loan to care for the illegals.

At the same time, Illinois Governor Pritzker houses 400,000 illegals all over the state. They constitute a new criminal class of shoplifters, anchor babies, Section 8 Housing recipients, educational nightmares, medical super-nightmares, and total degradation of life in the Land of Lincoln. (Source: ) What’s the cost for all this to Chicago residents? Answer: $527.5 million as of this year to house, feed, and sustain those enormous numbers of illegal aliens. Worse, there’s no plan or solution as to what to do with them.

This kind of insanity continues in democrat strongholds around the country. It’s like democrat leaders put illegals first and Americans last.

What does it cost Americans? Remember this, “Corruption is a mechanism by which third world countries operate.” Because it is, when a person arrives from a third world country, that person brings his or her culture and criminal proclivities with him.

Right now, illegal aliens constitute an enormous amount of gang shoplifting that costs Americans $112 billion annually, and another $85 billion in fraudulent returns. That’s up from five years ago when the national shoplifting rate stood at $52 billion. With Biden’s open borders and another 15 million illegals in the country, it’s almost tripled because that’s how those third world people operate.

“In 2022, US retailers lost $112.1 billion to retail theft, which was a 19% increase from 2021”:

* Shrink: This is the term for inventory losses, which are mostly due to theft and organized retail crime (ORC). In 2022, the shrink rate was 1.6% of sales, which is the same as 2019 and 2020.
* Fraudulent sales returns: Retailers also lost $84.9 billion in fraudulent sales returns in 2022.

Who pays for all that fraud? Answer: you do in higher prices because merchants need to make up their losses with higher prices.

Who else suffers? In Sanctuary City San Francisco, 17 Walgreen Drug stores bankrupted from shoplifting. Whole Foods bankrupted within one year of operation. Two hotels closed. Dozens of small businesses bankrupted because 50,000 illegals in San Francisco continue to rob, shoplift, steal and cheat wherever they can work their thievery.

If you walk down a city street in San Francisco, you would be dodging piles of human waste, stench of urine, needles everywhere, filthy tents, and drugged up and stoned bums on every block. How do I know? I walked down those streets to see it for myself.

Additionally, Sanctuary Cities won’t prosecute criminals so I witnessed a 30 second “Smash and Grab” of a BMW car. They stopped their car, smashed the back windows and the driver-side window, and within 30 seconds, they stole a purse, camera and three suitcases and vanished into traffic.

To show you how bad it is in Sanctuary Cities, Los Angeles “tents” 175,000 homeless illegals and legal immigrants along with a bunch of drunk or stoned Americans. It’s ugly to walk among them. They constitute of collection of America’s loss of the rule of law. They constitute the growing third world conditions within our own country. They constitute a breakdown in the civility of humanity.

And, Biden keeps pouring them across our borders, and he’s doing everything he can to thwart Trump’s attempts to build a border wall, and to engage ICE.

What’s happening in our major cities with all these illegal aliens now numbering over 30 million? Answer: a total breakdown in our civilization. At some point, if their numbers continue growing in America, we will not be able to maintain law and order. There will be a tipping point where there are no solutions. That tipping point has already been reached in LA, San Francisco, New York City, Detroit, Seattle, Atlanta and more cities that aid and abet illegal aliens.

The question that we should ask ourselves, “How many Laken Riley’s that die at the hands of illegal foreigners does it take to finally convince Washington DC Congressional Critters that we Americans deserve to live in our country with law and order, secure borders, and safety within our communities?”

It’s obvious that the people commanding Joe Biden could care less about America’s sovereignty. They could care less how many of us are murdered or raped. They don’t care about the massive costs to us as to shoplifting.

But the real killer with Sanctuary Cities stands out as Islamic Jihadists who work at creating another 9/11. How many of us will die at their hands? You must understand that religious zealots will stop at nothing to kill as many Americans as possible. Just think of that nut case Luigi Mangione who point blank executed Brian Thompson the CEO of United Healthcare. His blind hatred caused a complete loss of sanity to shoot Thompson in the back. Thompson is dead and his family suffers a lifetime of devastation. And, Mangione will rot in jail for the rest of his life.

Well, that’s how Islamic Jihadists think. They want to kill as many Americans as possible in order die and enjoy 72 virgins in the afterlife. They are THAT crazy…and they live in our sanctuary cities with total immunity.

This column covers a tiny bit of what Americans face as their leaders deny reality. Biden is flat out incompetent, suffers from dementia, and cannot comprehend what he’s doing, or his handlers are doing, to our country.

What is the answer to Sanctuary Cities? We must demand our Senators and House Reps to outlaw them, once and for all. Those leaders of those cities need to be thrown into jail to get the point across. They can start with my Denver Mayor Johnston. He’s willing to go to jail to protect our 45,000 illegals in the State of Colorado. I’d love to see him sit in a jail for a few years. Whatever it takes, we need to bring law and order to the forefront and deport all illegal aliens. We don’t need them. We don’t want them. We cannot tolerate them. They are ruining our country on multiple levels. Let’s be done with the utter stupidity of Sanctuary Cities.

Part 1, Part 2,

© 2024 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Stop the ‘Green Hallucinationists’ Plan to Close all 200 Coal Power Plants

by Ronald Stein, P.E. and George Harris

December 19, 2024

China is Building Coal-Fired Power Plants at an Alarming Rate of two new coal plants every week!

America continues to subsidize the development of occasionally generated electricity from weather dependent wind turbines and solar panels, to replace coal power plants, with the expectation that America, with about 4% of the world’s population, can drastically impact the world’s emissions occurring from the other 96% people on this planet.

Coal is the world’s most abundant and reliable energy source. The United States has the world’s largest coal reserves.  Of the 15 major coal producing States, Montana has the largest coal reserve with 118.4 billion tons.

There are about 200 coal-burning power plants still operating in America, with many concentrated in Pennsylvania, Texas, Indiana, and the Powder River Basin of Wyoming and Montana, i.e. only 8% of the world’s coal plants.

Worldwide there are over 2,400 coal-fired power stations, i.e., the other 92% of the world’s coal plants.

Right now, China already has a total of 1,142 operating coal-fired plants  and is building six times as many coal-fired power plants as the rest of the world combined – China is building the equivalent of two new coal plants every week

Most in the wealthier developed counties are oblivious that about 80 percent of the world’s 8 billion, many of which are in Africa, Asia and Latin America still live on less than $10 a day – and the billions who still have little to no access to electricity. For others, life is severely complicated and compromised by the hypocritical “green” agendas of wealthy country elites who have benefited so tremendously from fossil fuels since the modern industrial era began in the 1800’s.

While wealthier countries are shelling out billions of dollars in subsidies for so-called clean ELECTRICITY from wind and solar, those poorer developing countries cannot subsidize themselves out of a paper bag.

Developing countries desperately need dependable, affordable electricity and the products and fuels manufactured from fossil fuels to create jobs, lift families out of poverty, modernize homes, schools, and hospitals, provide clean water, and replace wood and animal dung for cooking and heating.

Even today, for the more than 6 billion on this planet living on less than $10 a day, millions of parents and children die from respiratory and intestinal diseases that are unheard of in wealthy countries, because they don’t have electricity nor any of the 6,000 products made from oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil that did not exist before the 1800’s.

Coal is primarily used for generation of electricity, especially in China, India, and Africa.

As the number one importer of both crude oil and coal, China is the largest consumer of energy and producer of emissions in the world.

  • China, with 1,142 coal-fired power plants in operation as of July 2023, mainland China currently has a far greater number of coal-fired plants than any other country.
  • India comes in a distant second with 282 coal-fired plants.
  • The third with 210 plants. Due to onerous regulations by the Biden Administration and the overreach of his BLM and EPA, approximately 170 of the remaining coal-fired plants in the U.S. are scheduled to be de-commissioned by 2030, and there are no plans to build any new coal-fired plants in the U.S.  Meanwhile China is adding to its inventory of coal-fired power plants at a record rate.

During the first six months of 2023, China issued permits for the construction of approximately 50 new coal-fired power plants, an average of two per week. China currently has more than 300 coal-fired plants that are either under construction, permitted, or awaiting permitting. If all 300 plants are constructed, China’s inventory of coal-fired power plants will increase by more than 25%. Currently, China has six times more coal-fired power plants under construction than the rest of the World combined.

Officials within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) offer a variety of reasons for the rapid reliance upon coal-fired power plants such as recent heat waves that have increased the demand for air conditioning. New coal-fired plants will simply serve as backup support for the undependable renewable sources of electricity generation from weather dependent wind and solar and during periods of intense electricity demand.

Given that China is also currently leading the world in the construction of renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar energy, China’s increased reliance upon coal contradicts the justifications offered by the CCP. Critics point out that most of the new coal-fired power plants are being constructed in locations that fail to support the justifications offered by the CCP, such as no reported instability of the grid or unreliability of renewable energy sources. Other critics indicate that the new coal-fired plants are being constructed in locations that are already powered almost entirely by coal as opposed to supposed unreliable renewable electricity generation sources.

Whatever stance is taken, while the wealthier developed nations are rapidly decreasing reliance upon coal-fired power plants by subsidizing wind and solar, China and other developing countries are moving even faster in the opposite direction, drastically increasing reliance upon coal that is abundant and affordable for their economies.

Hope is on the horizon.  The landmark US Supreme Court Chevron case has taken much of the teeth out of overzealous federal bureaucrats. US Senator Steve Daines of Montana has proposed legislation to keep coal mines operational.  The landslide victory of the incoming Trump administration including the coal friendly majority in the US Senate and House which are committed to energy independence, will likely reign in bureaucratic red tape, shortsighted energy hysteria from those who Senator Daines refers to as “Green Hallucinationists,” and put the American people first with clean, reliable and affordable electricity from the hard-working coal miners of the good old USofA!  There is a new sheriff in town, especially DC town and the American Coal industry is proud to help wear that badge!

Please share this information with teachers, students, and friends to encourage Energy Literacy conversations at the family dinner table.

© 2024 Ronald Stein, PE – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ronald Stein: 

[Ronald Stein, P.E.  is an engineer, columnist on energy literacy at America Out Loud NEWS, and advisor on energy literacy for the Heartland Institute and CFACT, and co-author of the Pulitzer Prize-nominated book “Clean Energy Exploitations.”

George Harris has served as Executive Director of Montana Coal Council since September 2022.  He has a Master of Public Administration degree from BYU.  He has served as Executive Budget Officer in Montana’s Governor’s Budget Office. He was the State Risk Manager and served as President of the National State Risk Managers Association.]

Everything is About Trust

By Kat Stansell

December 18, 2024

In this holy season, we pray for guidance as we work to strengthen our bedrock of trust.

We cannot do anything without trust. Literally. Trust is fundamental to life. The sine qua non of our freedom.

Trust is not easy to earn, and once broken, very difficult to restore. But we MUST have it, in order to live in freedom. If/when we are harmed by trust misplaced, it may take a while to regrow it, but we must do it. Trust is the very bedrock of all else that we do. Think about that for a minute.

Deposit your money in the bank, trust that it is there for your use when you need it.

Walk or drive across a bridge, and you trust that it will not collapse.

Cross an intersection, on foot or in a vehicle, and we are trusting that folks moving in the opposite direction follow the rules. (Please, God!)

When our own government doesn’t follow rules, that really shakes our foundations. – our moral ones, from which the concept of trust emanates.

Let me count (a teeny few) of the ways we have larned not to trust our politicians.

Pay your taxes and…well, don’t even go there. Today, we can’t trust anybody in the federal financial world. The unelected Junta in DC has spent trillions of OUR tax dollars without the least bit of direction OR permission from those supposedly representing us under the Dome. Together they have nearly destroyed our dollar, around the world.

How about spending our money to help US!?!

We the People – our storm and drug-trafficking victims, which were directly created by government malfeasance. How about those cast into middle-class working poverty by the hideous economy they have wrought? What of the millions who have been murdered by Big Pharma and the AMA, in their incessant lust for money? Let’s have our government help its citizens, who pay into the system, but are now, only milked by it, to finance their unholy Global agenda.

Beyond the financial world, we have lost trust is just about every part of our governance, from local to national.

We feel a gargantuan evil, growing in our midst. Donald Trump cannot face that alone.

Think about the drones…

At least we KNOW what a hurricane is and generically, where it comes from – and how the cabal uses them to gain their unholy ends. We know nothing about the latest scare from the sky, although it is far from a new phenomenon since the Cabal came to town. There have been sightings of UAP’s (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena) during the first and second Obama Administrations (2008 – 2016, 2020 – 2024) when flying anomalies became part of the discussion.

However, From 2017 to 2020, the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF) was set up as a program within the Office of Naval Intelligence to “standardize collection and reporting” of sightings of UFOs. Under Donald Trump. Yeah, I know I just gave you another hope to pin on the poor man…

Didn’t mean to sound “off topic”, but really it isn’t…. With weather warfare and spy balloons and drones that nobody seems to want to explain, we cannot even look to the heavens in our usual Holiday prayers, without concern.

We must still be able to see the Star of Jesus on this coming Christmas Eve, and not let our prayers be thrown off kilter by the miasma of lies and mistrust. People of the Jewish faith, the lights from their Menorrah, and the freedom to gather for the Seder without concern.

Yes, we’ve voted to fix things, but the evil is SO enmeshed in all parts of our society that one man, Donald J. Trump, with only four years to work, could never do all it takes. This is why he needs all of us.

Don’t get me wrong! I am a Donald Trump supporter through and through, and I trust him to do his very best – better than anyone else at this point. But, he is, and will continue to be, under attack. His landslide election did not clear his path. The dark forces will continue to swirl around him. They are why we cannot just blindly trust that the future course corrections made by 47 will be all it takes to regain our world.

The Ship of State needs all hands on deck.

Put a lighter way, whatever you do, PLEASE do not stomp outside and burn your Trump paraphernalia, when he hasn’t complete the “appointed rounds” of our expectations, in three or four months after inauguration!!

Santa Claus, Trump is not. Our best hope, he is.

Trust comes from morals. I don’t have to remind you that our Judeo-Christian morals have taken a real hit. Our bedrock of houses of worship, schools and families have been crumbled; you know I’ve said that often enough, but here’s the real truth:

The restoration of our morals and values will come only through US: how WE behave towards others, how WE teach our children; how we get our churches and synagogues back into action. It will not happen overnight, with one election or one prayer service. Regrowing our society with our moral base will take many billions of little seeds of action, planted and tended by our perpetual watchfulness. That is our job.

ONLY US, in it for the long haul.

Last week, we talked about our own roles in our own communities, where election integrity must still be the first focus. Don’t think this is off topic. The very stuff of “integrity” is morals and values, and making them part of every day going forward. Without free and fair elections in 2026, we will lose our freedom once and for all.

We are surrounded by many immoral people. We cannot let them get in our way. Ours is not to police them, but to recognize and work around them.

Look at Florida, and the lawfare being dealt Judeo-Christian Republicans, for daring to oppose Tallahassee. Look at Colorado, which has imprisoned an innocent woman, Tina Peters, who dared hold a mirror to their own corrupt elections. Look at Georgia, and the blatantly corrupt election apparatus, headed by their dirty SOS Raffensberger. Look at Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, California, etc., ad nauseum (a wonderfully apt expression), where immoral acts and attitudes are choking our freedoms, as well.

They make a lot of us sick and disgusted. Yet, it doesn’t matter…we MUST stay together and IN the fight.

We are trusting that our religious mainstays will be there for us to lean on, everyday, in every way, as we work through our tasks.

God does not disappoint. Know that. Be assured, yet again.

When Trump can’t get it all done in the first three months, don’t just go out and burn your Trump shirt! Donald Trump is a mortal, doing his best, not a lone savior on which we should lean.

Pedestals are there to be fallen from. Regardless of hopes and aspirations, which are only natural for us to have at this juncture , we must make every effort not to put any mortal onto one.

Above all, stay in the game. Our President needs you, our nation needs you!

Dear Lord, I pray that our minds and hearts will be cleared to engage in new efforts to strengthen this gift of Freedom which you have bestowed upon us.

Blessings to you all, everyday forward.

© 2024 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kat Stansell:

Standing Alone With Christ!

By Bradlee Dean

December 18, 2024

“Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me.” – Timothy 4:17

How many times have I experienced those who declare their love for the Lord until they had the opportunity to prove their love only to play the hypocrites, I cannot tell.

They honor the Lord with their lips.  Yet, their hearts are far from Him (Matthew 15:8).

When you look at the men of God from the past up to the present, such as Noah (the preacher of righteousness who must have been mocked, scoffed, and threatened before the rain came and the flood overtook those who refused his message; 2 Peter 2:5), you will see that he stood alone.

I think of Moses, who confronted the Pharaoh and instructed him to let the children of Israel go (Exodus 5:1) so he could lead them into the Promised Land.

Moses stood alone only to have the children of Israel turn on him to the point of wanting to stone him to death (Exodus 17:4).

Consider little David taking on Goliath while being ridiculed by his brother (1 Samuel 17:28), or Paul who was put through various trials and tribulations for preaching Christ and Him crucified (1 Corinthians 1:23; 2 Corinthians 11:23-28) when he stood alone.  The good news is that they stood.  They did not falter or fail.  They stayed the course, they fought the good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12), and thank God that they did.  Without their example, where would the world be today?

Think about this, Jesus fed 5,000 but only 500 followed Him after lunch.

He had 12 disciples, but only 3 went further into the garden, and only 1 stood with Him at the cross.  It is true that the closer you get to the cross, the smaller the crowd gets.

How contrary to what it is that we see today in the American church, and why?  It’s because of the price that it costs those who follow Him.  Yet, it was Christ who paid the ultimate price (1 John 4:10).

Let me conclude.

A man of God has few friends and is not interested in being a part of the “good ole boys club” (Psalm 119: 63), regardless of the opposition.  He alone is interested in living for the Lord (John 4:32034) and that His will is done on this earth as it is in Heaven (Matthew 6:10).

He seeks what most glorifies Christ (John 15:8) and that men might be made free in Christ (John 8:32; 2 Corinthians 3:17) because he has been made free.

He’s learned out of gratitude, because of what Christ did for him on the cross, that holiness removes compromise (2 Corinthians 7:1).  He doesn’t need a crowd, nor the approbation of men to find his acceptance.  He is in Christ, who is his life (1 John 5:12).  He also knows that he has a cloud of witnesses that went before him reassuring him, through their examples, in his endeavors (Hebrews 12:1, 13:7).

He understands that Christians are not called to be leaders of consensus, but rather molders of consensus (1 Corinthians 11:1).

He chooses to walk alone with Christ because he understands that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6).

He has seen the feigned and phony (under false pretenses, counterfeits, the emotional drama, and the hypocritical betrayals within and without), and now he stands tried and true to His Lord in the fires of afflictions (1 Peter 4:1) and is now at peace with Christ.  He’s complete with Christ, and with Him alone (Colossians 2:10).

One genuine friend (Christ Jesus) holds more value than all of the rest.  This, all the men/women of God know.  He is the friend that sticks closer than a brother.  Read Proverbs 18:24.

© 2024 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

Three Existential Threats to Civilization at the End of 2024, Part 1

By Steven Yates

December 17, 2024

Not woke ideology, not Democrats. Not Russia, not China. Not climate. These are worse.

Author’s note (I): although the opinions and conclusions expressed here are research-based, they are my own and should not be attributed to the editorial staff or any other writers.

Author’s note (II): due both to the approach of Christmas and family issues outside my control, this article, delivered in three parts, will be my final work of 2024. Praying that all my readers will have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Three dangerous conditions afflict our civilization. They are: (1) massive and worsening economic inequality, (2) massive and worsening state indebtedness, and (3) the threat of nuclear war. Expanding:

(1) Some inequality is normal. Think Pareto distributions (80-20). I’ve seen these exemplified in countless circumstances. They are surprisingly precise. In any sales force, 80 percent of all sales will be generated by 20 percent of sellers. In any class I taught, I’d guesstimate that 80 percent of what was learned, was learned by 20 percent of the class. You’ll probably spend 80 percent of your time today in 20 percent of your house / apartment / office.

It is normal that 80 percent of a civilization’s wealth be in the hands of 20 percent of its population. That’s our default setting.

This is not what we see today. What we see instead: well under 1 percent of the population controls over 99 percent of the wealth. This top well-under-1 percent of haves controls more wealth than the bottom 50 percent of have-nots.

This is potentially destabilizing, particularly if the sense exists among the have-nots — and it does — that the haves have somehow cheated.

(2) Debt kills civilizations no less than it devastates a person’s financial life. Since Nixon killed the gold standard in 1971, the dollar has lost around 98 percent of its value.

This we call currency debasement.

It’s the reason I could fill my pantry for a week for around $25 when I was a grad student in the 1980s. The same amount of food now costs me between $150 and $200.

Currency debasement is part of what undermined the Roman Empire.

As the real driver of inflation — what’s being inflated is the money supply — currency debasement is also destabilizing if you couple it with the first and give it time.

(3) The week before last, Ukraine deployed U.S.-made missiles deep into Russian territory where they resulted in several deaths of Russian military personnel.

The Bidenistas had green-lighted this move. Technically the West is now in a hot war with Russia.

Russia returned fire — conventionally — so far.

But only because Putin does NOT want to be the first national leader since the 1940s to try to end a military conflict with nukes. Even a tactical nuke would take things to the next level quickly!

We have Putin’s restraint and not much else to thank for this conflict not having already gone nuclear.

What happens if his patience wears thin, or if he has a bad day?!

Summing this intro: If these states of affairs are not reversed, the West will follow its predecessors — Rome, Spain, France, the Ottomans, the British, etc. — into the history books. Assuming anyone is here to write them.

This is true no matter who sits in the White House.

Can Donald Trump accomplish what needs to be done? Maybe he’ll surprise us, but I have my doubts!

Peter Turchin’s Research into Why Civilizations Unravel.

We’ll need to spend time on this.

Peter Turchin’s End Times: Elites, Counter-Elites, and the Path of Political Disintegration (2023) is one of the half-dozen or so most important books of the decade so far. It is one thing to look at specific decisions by deciders. If you want a good idea what’s been happening structurally for almost a hundred years, read this book.

I’ll rely for this article on Turchin’s recent Guardian piece. I know, I know, The Guardian tilts left. Bear with me here. Turchin is not an ideologue. I don’t see him grinding axes. He’s assembled a team of researchers in a new cross-disciplinary field he calls cliodynamics. This team has looked at over a dozen past civilizations and charted their trajectories: their rise, their falls into complacency, their unraveling, their collapse.

Three factors, he argues, are invariably involved in civilization’s decline and fall. All three are presently operating in the West, mostly unchecked.

They are: public immiseration (his term is ‘popular’ immiseration though it doesn’t seem very popular to me), elite overproduction (we’ll look at how he’s using the term elite which is different from how I’ve used it), and state breakdown (following paths of what I’ve been calling narrative collapse).

Underwriting all three: worsening and potentially destabilizing economic inequality, far more extreme than Pareto distributions would justify.

Turchin is convinced that these factors explain Trump’s victory, not just an electoral college victory but the popular vote as well — despite every Democrat-led effort to prevent it.

Let’s take each in turn.

What do we mean, public immiseration?

Public Immiseration.

Turchin offers a history lesson, one not much told anymore. In this narrative, the Rooseveltian New Deal comes off looking rather good. That will be a red flag for some readers, but again, bear with me.

What was accomplished back then, in Turchin’s considered opinion, was a balancing of competing interests of corporations, workers, and government. No one is saying the system was perfect or couldn’t have been done differently and possibly better. What did result — once we got past a world war — was the unprecedented economic growth across the broad swath of the populations of the 1950s and 1960s. A rising tide really did lift a great number of boats. Rising expectations psychologically empowered, e.g., blacks, who demanded that their own boats be allowed to rise.

The U.S. had become the strongest economy the world had ever seen, and with the moonshots, etc., on the horizon we aimed for the sky — literally!

The American Dream became our official narrative — and at the time, it seemed not just credible but one of the greatest stories ever told!

The reasons why aren’t hard to see. Energy was affordable; housing was affordable; families were relatively stable. The prevailing belief was that if you were willing to work in order to achieve, you could achieve any goal you set your mind to. Increasing prosperity backed this up.

The Coming of the Neoliberal Era.

Turchin attributes the success of the era to a “Great Compression.” The superrich were taxed. Union strength checked corporate power. Salaries reflected this across the board. “For roughly 50 years,” Turchin writes, “the interests of workers and the interests of owners were kept in balance, and overall income inequality remained remarkably low.”

These arrangements began to break down in the 1970s. Nixon scrapped the gold standard on August 15, 1971. That was a turning point. The door was open to financialization and eventually rampant speculation—and money-printing on top of money-printing!

For a variety of reasons including the energy crisis of the early 1970s, the economy began to struggle. During the Carter years, it fell into “stag-flation.” Unions had grown corrupt in themselves and were losing their power. When Reagan broke the air traffic controllers strike in 1981, unions were further weakened. Taxes on the highest earners were cut during this era. A narrative had taken hold that if corporations could do pretty much as they saw fit within the bounds of the law, prosperity would “trickle down” to everyone else. This wasn’t credible, and it’s small wonder liberals had a field day with it.

Go back to 1970. That year, University of Chicago economist Milton Friedman published the article that arguably kicked off the neoliberal era: “The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits.”

Adages appeared such as let the free market work! What happened was: corporations were unbound. We saw regulatory capture. Big Pharma and regulating agencies (CDC, FDA) shared revolving-door relationships. One result was an industry, one of the most lucrative in the country, indemnified against lawsuits for harm done by its products. This isn’t exactly a basis for trust in these products.

Leviathan investment banks also captured the SEC and other regulators. Goldman-Sachs, the U.S Treasury Dept., the Federal Reserve System: we saw people with all three on their resumes.

Neoliberalism is not conservatism, nor is it libertarianism. These get confused since all three appeal to “market forces.” To a conservative, some institutions and states of affairs are conditions of civilizational health and so non-negotiable: family stability, for example, as well as community cohesion, based on trust established over long periods of time, on which one can’t place a price tag. So to a conservative, the marketplace is not absolute. Libertarianism is closer to neoliberalism in insisting on the absoluteness of private property rights and the valuation of all goods and services by the marketplace. How does neoliberalism differ? Despite its rhetoric it isn’t hostile to government. Government is the marketplace’s (i.e., corporations’) protector. Trade freely within government-created “free trade zones,” the neoliberal says. Beyond that, what can’t be monetized, can wither and die.

Among the results of this philosophy are privatized prisons run for profit which are humanitarian disasters. Even those convicted of heinous crimes are human beings.

The reversal of Turchin’s “Great Compression” brought about the increased income inequality that led to the conditions he directly identifies as threats to American stability.

It goes without saying — because so many of us lived through those decades — that families unraveled partly as a consequence of the declining fortunes of “average” Americans. It is well-known that inflation-adjusted wages began to stagnate in the 1970s. In addition, factories closed as corporations sought cheaper labor in foreign countries, i.e., “outsourcing”: first Mexico, with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and then China with the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade II (GATT II) and the World Trade Organization (WTO).

“Free trade” meant the freedom of corporations to do as they pleased, while their (former) employees got stuck with the bill. The rich got richer … in spades!

The “Wealth Pump” and the Road to the Second Gilded Age.

In 1965, the CEO-to-worker compensation ratio was 21 to 1. (Source.) In 1978, CEOs were paid on average 30 times more than their average employees. By 2000, the former were paid more than 372 times what their employees were paid. (Source.)  The CEO-to-working compensation ratio was 21-to-1 in 1965. It had risen to 366-to-1 by 2000.

Inflation, meanwhile, had taken its toll. Average Americans’ incomes stagnated while the cost of living rose steadily — this did more than feminism to get women into the workplace, as the one-breadwinner family became harder to sustain. No longer were energy or housing as affordable. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s mortgages and rentals rose steadily. Having lived in an apartment during those years, I experienced this personally. I also witnessed the disappearance of local ownership as apartment complexes were drawn under leviathan property-management corporations.

Turchin again: “The result was a decline in many aspects of quality of life for the majority of Americans. One shocking way this became evident was in changes to the average life expectancy, which stalled and even went into reverse (and this started well before the Covid pandemic). This is what we term ‘popular immiseration.’”

What was at work here was a perverse “wealth pump” that siphoned money from the poor and the middle class and redistributed it to the rich, via mechanisms financialized capitalism creates. I’ve sometimes spoken of welfare-statism-in-reverse: redistribution of wealth upwards. These are different ways of saying the same thing.

Immigration, illegal or otherwise, has been a factor. The corporate mind loves immigration. It drives down wages and thus saves on labor costs. Americans who do not live in gated communities are suspicious of it. They see it disrupting their neighborhoods, the schools where they send their kids, etc. Those inside the gated communities (whose kids attend elite private academies) don’t have to deal with the consequences of their decisions.

Communities, as noted above, are built on longstanding bonds of trust which cannot be reduced to economics. Open borders policies resulting in colonization by outsiders disrupt those bonds, as well as the sense ordinary people have of losing control of their lives at the hands of unaccountable elites.

This explains places like Springfield, Ohio.

Turchin compares the period we’d entered by the late 1980s to the Gilded Age, that period from 1870 to 1900, during which time John D. Rockefeller Sr. amassed a fortune and made deals with other “robber barons” (as their critics called them) in various other industries — steel, coal, etc. — to use his railroads exclusively, thus destroying competition. “Competition is a sin,” Rockefeller is supposed to have said.

We’re in a Second Gilded Age.

Consider the present-day online world. When the Internet first became a presence in our lives, there were hundreds of small, autonomous companies engaging in e-commerce.

Today’s online world is completely dominated by a handful of leviathans whom many of us have started calling Big Tech. I probably don’t have to list them.

Our overall online experience has become progressively less pleasant as corporate-owned platforms have become more encircling and powerful. Last year, author Cory Doctorow coined a term for this degradation of our experience which includes planned obsolescence, being slammed with ads, navigating unnecessary complexity, increasing inability to get your content in front of an audience, and finding it increasingly difficult to reach a human being if you need technical support.

Doctorow’s term is enshittification.

The Second Gilded Age began well before the 2000s but really kicked in during the 2000s and 2010s. It has worsened as we got past Covid and into the New Normal.

Charles Hugh Smith supplies a number of charts in his recent article here.

Who reaped the greatest windfalls of the Covid lockdowns? Big Tech (and Big Pharma).

Many others saw their lives upended: small businesses destroyed, etc.

Many of us had our expectations systemically thwarted years before.

We come to elite overproduction.

END of Part 1; Part 2 in few days.

© 2024 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:


Steven Yates’s fiercely independent Substack publication is Navigating the New Normal. Subscribe for periodic updates. Don’t worry; while more and more sites are moving behind paywalls, this one is still free.

Steven Yates is a (recovering) ex-academic with a PhD in Philosophy. He taught for more than 15 years total at several universities in the Southeastern U.S. He authored three books, more than 20 articles, numerous book reviews, and review essays in academic journals and anthologies. Refused tenure and unable to obtain full-time academic employment (and with an increasing number of very fundamental philosophical essays refused publication in journals), he turned to alternative platforms and heretical notions, including about academia itself.

In 2012 he moved to Chile. He married a Chilean national in 2014. Among his discoveries in South America: the problems of the U.S. are problems everywhere, because human nature is the same everywhere. The problems are problems of Western civilization as a whole.

As to whether he’ll stay in Chile … stay tuned!

He has a page. Donate here and become a Patron if you benefit from his work and believe it merits being sustained financially.

Steven Yates’s book Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011) can be ordered here.

His philosophical work What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (2021) can be obtained here or here.

His paranormal horror novel The Shadow Over Sarnath (2023) can be gotten here.

Should you purchase any (or all) books from Amazon, please consider leaving a five-star review (if you think they merit such).

The Loss of the Western Soul

By Sidney Secular

December 17, 2024

There are three spiritual bonds that feed the soul and satisfy the spiritual needs of Western man. The more these bonds are strengthened, the more at ease people become personally and the world around them. Indeed, these provide the foundations for both happiness and success in life. The first and foremost bond is that which the individual shares with his or her immediate family and loved ones, the people that one holds most dear and those with whom one identifies most strongly. This is commonly known and was identified as “the nuclear family,” a “grouping” that Man as a species developed from the earliest days of his society. Of course, Western man being different from the rest of his specials also formed complimentary pairs, male and female, those bonds becoming in time more than the sum of their constituent parts and forming the foundation of a relationship that was more than mere sexual chemistry and the desire to procreate. When we’re around those we love and who love us, we feel at home. These natural bonds are extended to children, relatives and those others within a close, cohesive community. Loosening such bonds leads to feelings of isolation, loneliness, depression and even despair.

The second broad group of spiritual bonds that feed the soul come from an internal connection with the environment and the natural world around us. Western man learned how to commune with, utilize and appreciate nature’s gifts early on, developing a special bond with the natural world. It is not an accident that most of those “scientists” who have studied this world and by doing so have made discoveries about it, have been white! But these bonds have been damaged and even broken as Western man has become less imbued with his delight in the natural world while becoming more technologically advanced. As we have cocooned ourselves in man-made and unnatural environments, we have seen a huge rise in depression and malignant behavior. At the same time, we have also become fatalistic in our understanding of nature, predicting all manner of horrors such as the destruction of the planet via “climate change,” a belief that has led us to attempt fundamental control of things beyond our control while attacking anyone who suggests that our “natural boogie men” arise from a mistaken understanding of historically natural cycles.

And as our dependence upon technology increases, we look to the “unnatural” to “save” the natural that we believe under attack. But staring at screens attempting to absorb data does not nourish the human soul as does being outside in the natural world. Up until very recently, there was always a strong drive to get young people out into “nature.” Scouting groups flourished and children were exposed to camping, hunting and fishing as a way of connecting with “nature” and aiding in their spiritual and human development. These activities were also a means by which to connect to our ancestors.

The final of the three broad groups of spiritual bonds that feed the soul is religion. The word is defined as the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods including one’s belief or connection with a higher power, spirits of the ancestors, or an afterlife. Religion in the past bound communities together and sought to provide moral and spiritual guidance. It gave people inner strength and helped them deal with life’s tragedies including the deaths of loved ones and other personal or communal tragedies. Just as the enemies of the West have attacked the body and mind of Western man, they have mounted an attack on Western spirituality and the Western soul, both of which are decidedly Christian in their formation. The family unit and community of which it is a part undergirds Western Man’s connections with the natural environment and is based upon Western religious institutions and spiritual beliefs. It is not for nothing that the first chapter of The West’s great Book, the Bible, describes in some detail, the entirety of Creation at least as the men of that day could understand it. But all of this religious history has been under relentless attack and, as a result, has and is being undermined and weakened. And as this vacuum has developed, we have been presented with – and force fed – two very different “beliefs.” The first, is the worthless dogma of materialism whose “sacraments” involve the “belief” that acquisition of material objects and status are the routes to lasting happiness. But if materialism is bad, the second, “the occult*” is worse.

This form of “worship” leaves the material plane and dabbles, frequently with great wickedness, in the occult. Followers of the occult do believe in spirits while the materialists do not, but that in which they believe is altogether deadly to the human soul – and eventually, everything else. [*This refers to the worship of Satan; it is not a matter of New Age soft paganism – horoscopes and crystals, albeit even these apparently “harmless” practices can open a doorway to our worst nightmares! – but statues and worship directed at such as Baal or Baphomet  – that is, simply, Satan. It is unbelievable to realize that while mankind embraces exotic and extensive scientific and technological beliefs, he often takes part in ceremonies that date back to ancient Babylon and Sodom!]

Obviously neither of these “alternatives” end in genuine spiritual fulfillment. Cashiers ring up endless materialist transactions (sacraments) that provide to the “believer” a sense of gratification and satisfaction that soon peters out. The lack of scarcity ensures that the individual does not cherish the items they purchase as they might cherish a family heirloom passed down from generation to generation. On the other hand, the occult is far more dangerous as it offers a sense of power not found in ordinary human interaction, often ending in acts that destroy far more than simple peace of mind! On the one hand, we derive pleasure from the act of buying itself, having become a slave to consumerism, that allows us to display a sort of one-upmanship with our peers. But with the occult, the results often involve such wickedness as to produce genocide and the possibility of the end of all things.

The attitude of many materialists in the West has become: why should one deny oneself when one can buy today and pay tomorrow or the next day – or the next? Western man then sinks into financial slavery, often in debt to money lenders and crooks. This has, in turn, led many in the West to believe that they cannot afford to take those chances that in the past have led to great gains in human experience. Indeed, a great many people today don’t believe that they can even produce the next generation without costing themselves what they believe necessary to have “a good life.” And, of course, this doesn’t begin to reveal what our occult followers are doing not only to themselves, but to everyone else! The enemies of the West are rubbing their hands with glee. The Westerner is increasingly morally and spiritual shackled and in debt not only to the very people who wish to see the West fall, but to that Serpent who desires that all Mankind perish.

© 2024 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

Corrupted Census

By Paul Engel

December 16, 2024

  • Have you received a census questionnaire this year?
  • The Census is important, but lately it appears to be more about snooping on the American people.
  • Could these census questionnaires actually be illegal?

Have you received one of these?

We’re all familiar with the decennial census, the enumeration of the population every ten years, but this isn’t one of those years. While the census is an important part of the union, it’s been corrupted and used illegally for decades, but these calls for more data are not only corrupted, but illegal.

The Census

The need to enumerate the population comes from Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 of the Constitution. Who is to be counted was changed in 1868 with the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed.

U.S. Constitution, Amendment XIV

Knowing how many people live in each state by a census is how the members of the House of Representatives are apportioned to the states. The only exception to who is counted are the Indians, who are not taxed.

The process for this enumeration remains in Article I.

The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 2, Clause 3

Since the first meeting of Congress happened in 1789, the first census was conducted in 1790, and the census has been conducted every ten years since. However, this simple enumeration has been supplanted by a demographic inquisition.

The first question on the 2020 census was legitimate enough.

  1. How many people were living or staying in this house, apartment, or mobile home on April 1, 2020?

2020 Census Questionnaire

However, the second question is a bit confusing.

  1. Were there any additional people staying here on April 1, 2020 that you did not include in Question 1?

2020 Census Questionnaire

If question 1 is to include everyone living or staying in a house, how can there be additional people staying there? From there, things go far beyond an enumeration of people living in each state.

  1. Is this house, apartment, or mobile home —
    Owned by you or someone in this household with a mortgage or loan? Include home equity loans.
    Owned by you or someone in this household free and clear (without a mortgage or loan)?
    Occupied without payment of rent?
  2. What is your telephone number?

2020 Census Questionnaire

Then the questionnaire gets personal.

  1. Please provide information for each person living here.
  2. What is Person 1’s sex?
  3. What is Person 1’s age and what is Person 1’s date of birth?
  4. Is Person 1 of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
  5. What is Person 1’s race?

2020 Census Questionnaire

And this goes on for every person in the house. This in itself is a violation of the Constitution, but we’ll get into that later.

Latest Transgression

While this decennial fishing expedition is bad enough, a few weeks ago I started receiving cards and letters like this.

While this junk mail is an annoyance, there is something on this page that not only grabbed my attention, but pissed me off. Do you see what it is?  This is not only a lie, but is itself criminal. Would you like me to show you why?

Tenth Amendment

Let’s start with the fact that the United States isn’t allowed to enumerate the population whenever they want, only once every ten years. The United States only has the powers delegated to it by the Constitution, as stated in the Tenth Amendment:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

U.S. Constitution, Amendment X

Since Congress is only empowered:

To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 18

Since the power to enumerate the population is not vested in the United States except for once every ten years, it was neither necessary nor proper for Congress to pass a law to do so. That makes 13 USC §141(d) unconstitutional, invalid, and void.

(d) … the Secretary, in the year 1985 and every 10 years thereafter, shall conduct a mid-decade census of population in such form and content as he may determine, including the use of sampling procedures and special surveys, taking into account the extent to which information to be obtained from such census will serve in lieu of information collected annually or less frequently in surveys or other statistical studies.

13 USC §141(d)

This also means that §193 unconstitutional, invalid, and void as well.

In advance of, in conjunction with, or after the taking of each census provided for by this chapter, the Secretary may make surveys and collect such preliminary and supplementary statistics related to the main topic of the census as are necessary to the initiation, taking, or completion thereof.

13 USC §193

And that’s just the beginning.

Fourth Amendment

Both the demographic questions on the census and surveys are unconstitutional as well. That’s because they violate the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated

U.S. Constitution, Amendment IV

So the question that has to be answered is: Are these surveys reasonable? in the case Morales v. Daley, U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas found:

it is clear that asking personal questions of residents of the United States in the census was not regarded as an unlawful search.

Morales v. Daley

This is based on the history of the census.

The Census Bureau points out that from the very first census, performed in 1790, Congress authorized questions pertaining to age, gender, and race.

Morales v. Daley

However, there is a vast gulf between asking age, gender, and race in 1790 to who owns the dwelling and what is your telephone number. Remember, in 1790 only three-fifths of those not free were counted in the census, so asking about the state of servitude was reasonable.

That said, since the United States doesn’t have a constitutionally sound reason to have such detailed information or to update it so frequently, it’s not reasonable for them to search for such information.

Fifth Amendment

Not only is the United States illegally searching for this information, they try to intimidate us into witnessing against ourselves and giving up our right to be secure from unreasonable searches. As the Fifth Amendment states,

No person … shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself

U.S. Constitution, Amendment V

You may be thinking that the census isn’t a criminal case, but the census document states that “Your response is required by law.” Meaning that there is the possibility of a criminal case. Just as you have a right to remain silent when confronted by law enforcement, even before criminal charges are pressed, you have a right to not answer questions from any government official. After all, the First Amendment states:

Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech

U.S. Constitution, Amendment I

Freedom of speech is not only the right to speak, but the right not to speak. Since there is no legitimate reason for the United States to have such information, you have no obligation to witness against yourself.

Deprivation of Rights

These facts makes the actions of the census not just unconstitutional, but criminal as well.

Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, … shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both;

18 USC §242

That means that anyone who attempts to enforce this intimidation tactic is committing a federal crime.


For my entire adult life, I’ve only answered a handful of questions on the census. My name, my address, and the number of people who live in my house. This went from a decennial nuisance to a regular infringement on my rights. Contrary to what it says on the Census envelopes, not only is your response not required by any legitimate law, but their repeated searches for information is the violation of the law. While I know many people have simply thrown these pesky invasions in the trash, I am keeping them as evidence of their criminal activity. I’m considering sending a cease and desist letter to the Census, with a copy going to my state Attorney General. I’m curious if would you join in such a letter?

© 2024 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

What Are Sanctuary Cities REALLY Costing American Citizens?

By Frosty Wooldridge

December 16, 2024

Answer: a financial nightmare of costing billions if not trillions of dollars to U.S. taxpayers, murders of our citizens, rapes of our innocent women, billions-trillions in cash transfers out of our country, gangs taking up residence in our major cities, MS-13 plying its deadly drugs to our youth, shoplifting gangs, millions of homeless costing us billions of dollars, degradation of our cities with bums injecting meth syringes into their arms, anchor babies, degrading American culture, trashing our educational systems, changing our language…have I missed anything? Oh, we’re $36 trillion in national debt. Our politicians pit half the country against the other half of the country—-instead of democrats and republicans working together for our betterment.

How bad is this national nightmare of four years of Biden’s open borders, violating our U.S. Constitution, and spreading over 15 million illegal aliens across 50 states?

First of all, our absorbing refugees from 180 countries is not doing a single thing to alleviate the world’s problems of 83 million new refugees, net gain annually—-born into this world by third world citizens who lack or won’t use birth control. Whether religion, poverty, or illiteracy, that’s why humanity faces an added 83 million new babies that cannot be fed, watered, educated or housed, annually. Whose fault, is it? The three aforementioned factors tell the sordid tale.

Will it stop, will they stop? The answer is a resounding, NO! World demographers show that humans add another 1.0 billion people to the planet every 12 to 14 years, net gain. So, the line never ends into first world countries. (Unless we gain the gumption to stop mass immigration by stopping it at our borders via our laws). While all Western Countries practice birth control of 2.0 children per woman, the other 4.0 billion humans on the planet, do not.

Therefore, what do “Sanctuary Cities” do to benefit America? Answer: absolutely nothing. They and their leaders, in fact, continue to house criminals, drug gangs, anchor babies, rapists, homeless, illiterate masses, shoplifters, and worse.

According to the Federation of American Immigration Reform, we, the U.S. taxpayers provide $150 billion annually of our money to feed, house, educate, medicate and care for over 30 million illegal migrants who have crashed our shores. (Source: ; additionally, or Center for Immigration Studies). That’s a lot of cash leaving your wallet to be given to those people who have violated our borders, and arrived with no skills, no education, no language, and only their hands out for welfare.

To give you an example, New York City houses, at last count, 752,000 illegal aliens. One of their hotels, The Roosevelt Hotel, offers 1,300 rooms at $500.00 a night for two people, and $100.00 each for two people for food 24/7. Just do the math! We’re talking billions for people who do not respect our laws and do not belong here. Chicago the same. Los Angeles, San Francisco, Atlanta, Boston, Detroit, Denver—all of those cities, their mayors and governors do not respect their oaths of office or the U.S. Constitution. They swore on the Bible to uphold our laws, and they aren’t abiding by their oaths. Who are they? Governor Newsom of California, Governor Jared Polis of Colorado, Kathy Hochul of New York, Governor Pritzker of Illinois, Governor Walz of Minneapolis, Governor Healy of Massachusetts, and the list grows. The respective mayors of major cities like Denver, Chicago, NYC, LA, San Francisco, and all the rest are legally a bunch of criminals for violating our federal laws.

Which laws are they? Article IV Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution. And, U.S. Code 8, Section 1324. It is illegal to transport, house or employ an illegal alien within the United States of America. Fines range to $2,000.00 per illegal, and up to 5 years in prison. So if you transport, employ or house an illegal, or create a sanctuary city, you are a criminal, yourself. With 30 million illegals in America, we’ve got several million illegal American citizens who are feeding this nightmare.

What do you think it costs us in cash transfers to other countries from all these immigrants? Answer: $800 billion annually is sent back to their home countries from the United States. In 2023, it hit $857 billion because Biden engineered over 15 million more illegals. Understand that most of that money is paid in cash, so it’s not taxed. It also means our own citizens remain on welfare rolls to the tune of 35 million subsisting on EBT cards, food stamps. That’s our money going to their countries, all of it illegally gained. (Source: We’re literally being financially bled to death by 55 million foreign born immigrants in our country, and we don’t know what the 30 million illegals are sending back because we can’t track them.

What else do those sanctuary cities do to America? They house the drug cartels that have killed 250,000 of our youth in the past four years. That’s a lot of Americans killed because our government won’t enforce our laws.

You hear that, “America’s immigration system is broken.” FALSE! Biden and Congress won’t enforce our laws that are already on the books. Who is broken? Answer: our career corrupt members of Congress and our Alzheimer’s victim Joe Biden. That’s where our system suffers “broken.” You could pass any and all laws for immigration reform, but if you don’t enforce the laws, any new system would be “broken” also. Meanwhile, we keep letting 4.0 million immigrants into the country annually.

What about our classrooms? Question: how do your own children enjoy a viable education in a classroom with 20-50 different languages? Answer: your kids are cheated out of a reasonable education because the teacher must always teach down to the lowest common denominator. How do I know? I taught in the inner city for two years. Our teachers across America are poorly paid, overworked, and given an impossible task to teach all the millions of kids from illegal and legal refugees.

What about those “anchor babies” that arrive at 300,000 annually according to ? An illegal alien pregnant mother comes over here, drops her baby in our hospital, and you pay the bills. You pay about $8,000 per birth. Then, K-12, you pay about $9,000.00 annually for its education. You pay for its breakfast and lunch at around $10.00 per meal X’s 18 years. You pay for the mother’s Section 8 housing.

Anyone wondering why we’re $36 trillion in national debt?

I want to scream or cry as I research what our idiot “Sanctuary City” mayors and governors are doing to us. It’s a fact that Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, New York Governor Kathy Hochul, and Mayor Nick Adams directly are responsible for killing Laken Riley by an illegal Jose’ Ibarra whom they set free after he was arrested in their jurisdiction. But Laken Riley is one of thousands of women raped or beaten by illegal aliens. We’re just not hearing it on the mainstream news. People like Norah O’Donnell, David Muir and Lester Holt, Scott Simon, Terry Gross (NPR) and 60 Minutes make sure you don’t hear about the underbelly of illegal alien migration.

And, it’s going to get much worse!

Coming Part 2: More underbelly of Sanctuary Cities usurping America’s laws, and we pay for it.

© 2024 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Winning the War, Battle-by-Battle

By Lex Greene

December 16, 2024

The 2024 Elections were a major battle victory for the Make America Great Again Team. But it’s just one victory in just one battle in the ongoing war to reform the USA back to a sane and lawful Constitutional Republic. Now the real war begins…and the future battle lines are drawn.

Over the years, millions of Americans have come to treat elections like watching a sports event, picking their favorite team and following events as they unfold as if watching a reality TV series. The biggest fans buy a ticket to the game by donating to their favorite team, while most watch from the comfort of their recliner at home, waiting to see how it all turns out. Both think they are “in the game.” But are they?

Like their favorite sport, winning teams don’t just have to win one game in the long season of games to be played, and one victory by itself changes nothing for the overall season, or which team will emerge in the end, the national champions.

Wars are won battle-by-battle. One victory in a long string of competitions will ring hollow, unless the team stays in the fight all the way to the end of the season. Likewise, one loss isn’t the end either. It’s the win-loss ratio throughout the entire season, that will determine who gets to face off for the final championship to end the war.

To emerge the final victor, three things are required…

  1. We must begin and effective November 5, 2024, we have begun
  2. We must fight and win every battle after beginning
  3. We must stay engaged and finish the fight to emerge the victor

How grand it would be if securing the future of freedom, liberty and justice were as simple as showing up once every four years to vote for our favorite team. It would be wonderful if just electing one person would be enough. But it isn’t…it never has been, and it never will be.

It turns out, freedom isn’t a spectator sport, and this time, you won’t get to try again next season if you lose. The American people have been losing season after season for decades, simply because they failed to adhere to the three rules of the game above. For more than a hundred-years now, the American people either failed to enter the fight, focus on battle-by-battle, or remain in the fight to the finish.

They won’t be able to do that this time!

The game of politics is not a spectator sport, but rather a dirty blood sport, usually taking place in a corrupt sewer full of poisonous vipers. Yet, solving our problems via constant political engagement is far better than settling our differences in the streets, when diplomacy fails.

248-years into the grand freedom and self-governance experiment, our government barely resembles the Constitutional Republic guaranteed every citizen and member state of the union in the U.S. Constitution. Instead, it more resembles a dangerous combination of lawless weaponized dictators elected by mob-rule democracy special interest voters, not focused on saving our country, but gaining gifts from the taxpayer’s treasury.

Make no mistake, corrupt governments are the direct result of either corrupt voters, or disengaged citizens, usually both. Contrary to modern beliefs, in the USA the President, Congress, the Supreme Court or any other governmental body, are not the “supreme law of this land.” The U.S. Constitution is the Supreme Law of this land.

Even though every political office-holder is sworn to uphold, defend and enforce the U.S. Constitution, the buck stops with the American citizens. Legal American Citizens are the final arbiters of truth, justice and the American way. Elected, appointed, and for-hire public servants must keep their oaths of office, or they have no right to hold those offices.

But it’s us, the American citizens, who hold the ultimate responsibility to make sure the protections provided in the Constitution and Bill of Rights are strictly adhered to by all public servants. If public servants are allowed to operate in violation of those protections, the fault rests with us, all of us. Those who seek to cheat the system for personal gain, and those who leave the future of freedom, law and order in the hands of others are equally responsible for the demise of a once great nation.

Yes, we won the political battle of 2024… but this only sets us on the road to war with those who do not love America, truth, sanity, peace, decency, freedom, liberty and justice for all. We won the battle, to begin the war.

“If it is to be, it’s up to me!” (and You)

Our opponents will not stop just because they lost this battle. No, they will double and triple down. They will pull the plug and put it all on the table to defeat us now. They may even choose “scorched earth” in the end, to prevent us from having a country they were denied.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t want war with your enemies, because regardless of how you feel about it, your enemies are at war with you! The sooner you grasp this, the better.

We are in uncharted waters here. Our country has never been in this place before. We don’t know exactly what this war will look like as events unfold. But if we want truth, freedom and justice to prevail, we will have to remain in this fight to the finish regardless, no matter the cost.

Americans across the board have had it too good for so long that they have lost sight of the reality that freedom has never been free. In fact, nothing on earth is more expensive than freedom. But no earthly goods will ever hold the value of freedom either!

We hope and pray that President Donald J. Trump, Vice President Vance and the entire Make America Great Again Team enters this war ready to do whatever it takes, because if they don’t, they can’t win.

But the real warriors on the Make America Great Again Team is you, and me, and every other freedom-loving American. Without us, the Trump Team would not have even been elected. Without us, they won’t be able to complete the mission we have given them either.

So, now that we have started the fight, we must win battle after battle after battle until we win the war for the future of America.

Our kid’s, grandkid’s and great grandkid’s entire future hangs in the balance of our actions! Never accept failure. Never leave the winning up to others. True Americans are not “wait and see” Americans. We are not victims of circumstances. In this great country of amazing patriots, we create our own circumstances! We don’t leave our future to mere chance…

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Absolute Real Biblical Christianity

By Pastor Glynn Adams

December 15, 2024

I wish I had the words and the ability to express in such a way that all of America would see that we are in such spiritual disarray because of our false religion. Jesus and His First Century Church is our example as it was lived out by the disciples of Jesus in the Book of Acts for us to see and we are not even in the ballpark or even close to that example in our churches in America today!! As a result, we are in such danger that I do not have the words to express also. I learned a long time ago that I can’t make anyone see anything. People that have eyes that see not and ears that hear not, Jesus did not spend a lot of time with them. He gave them truth and if they did not act on it, Jesus simply moved on without them and left them to their devices!!!

As a watchman, I want no blood of the people on my hands. For that reason, I am always searching the Word, researching, reading, and studying to get a clear word for the people when I see danger coming. When the majority of the churches in America no longer preach the truths of the Word of God, it is not long before the people and nation begin to suffer under judgment, whether by man, Satan, or God!! Today, I am presenting an article and I reference two men that express the heart of God in a matter better than I or anyone I have read or heard.

Leonard Ravenhill once said, “The world outside there is not waiting for a new definition of Christianity. It’s waiting for a new demonstration of true Christianity. In the First Century, while He was on this earth, Jesus cleansed the temple; today He would cleanse the pulpits and most podcast of America from religious humanist.”

Paris Reidhead said in a sermon, “Paul warned us in Colossians 2:8 not to be taken captive by philosophy and empty deception but today our subtle philosophy and deception is religious humanism. You can define religious humanism as a philosophical statement that declares, “The end of all things is the happiness of man.” The liberal says, “The end of religious humanism is to make man happy while he is alive and the fundamentalist says the end of religious humanism is to make man happy when he dies.” This is unchristian and the betrayal of the ages. And it is a betrayal in which we live and I don’t see how God can revive this. True Biblical Christianity says, “The end of all being is the glory of God.”

Didn’t God intend to make man happy? Yes but as a byproduct not a prime product. What is the philosophy of missions, of evangelism, and of a Christian? If our motive is we don’t want people living a life of suffering and misery and going to hell, then we are using the provision of Jesus Christ as a means to improve upon human conditions of suffering and misery and thus, we are motivated by religious humanism.

I would like to see some people repent on Biblical terms again. Here is somebody trembling because he or she is going to be hurt in hell but they have no sense of the enormity of their guilt, no sense of the enormity of their crime, no sense of the enormity of their insult against Deity, no sense of their rebellion against God, no sense of God’s righteousness, of His holiness, of His justice, the justice of His wrath and anger. I would like to see God so descend on people that they would repent because they had a revelation of the holiness of God, and in the light of that, they have seen the enormity of their sin against God and God so penetrated their minds and hearts they would fall to the ground in brokenness over their spiritual condition not their living conditions.

Lord Jesus, I am going to obey You, and love You and serve You, and do what You want me to do as long as I live, even if I go to hell at the end of the road, simply because you are worthy to be loved and obeyed and served, and I’m not trying to make a deal with you. There is only one reason for God meeting you and that is to bring you to the place where in repentance you have been pardoned for His glory and in victory you have been brought to the place of death that He might rule in your life. And in His fullness, Jesus Christ is able to live and walk in you and your attitude is the attitude of the Lord Himself who said, “I can do nothing of myself. I can’t speak of myself. I don’t make plans for myself because my only reason for being is the glory of God.”

And if you don’t know the fullness of the Holy Spirit, then present your body a living sacrifice and let Him fill you so you can have the purpose for His death on the cross fulfilled in you so the Lord Jesus can get glory through your life and the people you influence. IT’S NOT WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO GET OUT OF GOD. IT’S WHAT GOD IS GOING TO GET OUT OF YOU. Let’s be done with this false humanist philosophy of Christianity in our day brought on by positive pastors and their sermonettes that make God a means instead of the glorious end that He is. MAY THE LAMB THAT WAS SLAIN RECEIVE THE REWARD OF HIS SUFFERING” (Paris Reidhead)

Our churches are full of these types of “false conversions” and most will never change their life and cannot live by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. God does not rule our pastors and the life of churchgoers because they have never been brought to a place of death so God can rule in their life and in our nation. That is why we have made a false religion, a sectarian sect, and we have reduced Christianity to going to a building on a certain day. That is also why their lives do not influence anyone or a nation to give God the glory.

Watchman Nee, after touring the churches in America, was asked what he thought of the American Church? He replied, “I am amazed on how much the American Church can do without God.”That is how we build our mega churches. We get a slick pastor who speaks smooth words, a New York promotional firm, a TV program with a carnal producer, and filled it with people who do not know their purpose, the purpose of God, and have never had a Holy Spirit moment. And you can fill it up with thousands of these people but never preach anything that is controversial about the Bible or culture. This explains why Satan is ruling our nation rather than God ruling our nation.

What we need in this hour in America are people who will come to the altar of God, broken people where “God had descended on that person that they would repent because they had a revelation of the holiness of God, and in the light of that, they have seen the enormity of their sin against God and God so penetrated their minds and hearts they would fall to the ground in brokenness over their spiritual condition not their living conditions.” Now this person has counted the cost and has become a true Christian with the power and glory of God.

We are making a huge spiritual mistake if we think we can revive this religious system and wrong mindset currently operating in America. Americans do not understand the sovereignty of a King. We live in a nation where we can criticize the President and voice our opinion or our private interpretation of the Word of God. But this mindset is suicide for Christians. God is Sovereign and what He says is law and is to be obeyed. We have no opinions, or private interpretations of what He says in the Word. We are to obey it period!!! God is clear in the Word of God. Faith without works is dead. We are to read the Word of God and act on it. That is obedience.

We are not to sat in our church buildings passively, and watch this world being destroyed and expect the rapture to deliver us out of here. The church is given gifts to the Body to equip them for war. There is a war going on between good and evil and we are commanded to show up at the battlefield, wherever it is, with the full armor of God and His weapons – His Name, His power, and His authority to fight the lies of Satan and anyone who exalts themselves against the Word of God in our culture. James 4:7, is plain as day, “Submit to God; resist the devil and he will flee from you.” God has defeated Satan at the cross and He has given us authority over all the works of the power of darkness. A warning: If you are not resisting Satan; he will overcome you!!!

We must read the Book of Acts until we get their mindset. Our spiritual responsibility is to go into all the world, door to door, resist evil, make disciples, expose the unfruitful works of darkness. The work of God is not done in the church building but out in the culture in which we live. America has been captured by Satan and his hordes of demonic occults and New World Order and the church in America has been captured by religion and we must rid ourselves of it immediately.

While we love America, this is not our home. We are sojourners here and we have been given all authority, to occupy, and to exercise dominion on this earth and we are to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams

© 2024 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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I Hope Trump Can Survive the Resistance?

By Cliff Kincaid

December 15, 2024

Now that President Trump has survived the campaign, he must learn to survive the transition period to his new administration. The anti-Trump resistance has reared its ugly head, with the brutal daylight assassination of a health care insurance CEO by an Ivy League lunatic programmed to kill by socialist propaganda about the evils of America’s private health care system.

The political left has greeted Luigi Mangone as a hero, proving that the hatred of capitalism and the private sector is now on full display. This is communist ideology.

The People’s Action Institute, one of many Soros-connected groups mobilizing the resistance to Trump, has linked Trump to the CEO’s company UnitedHealthcare through the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 .

That means that any corporation and its CEO backing Trump are potential targets. Project 2025 was such a big bogeyman that Trump himself disavowed it.

Meanwhile, the Jihadists have taken Syria, South Korea has been destabilized, the war in Ukraine is accelerating, Russian puppets are in control of the former Soviet republic of Georgia, and the governments of Germany and France have collapsed, as has the Conservative Party in Britain.

Speaking of global instability, there is the controversy about drones over Trump’s New Jersey living quarters at Bedminster, as the Iranians still plot to kill him.

At the same time, the president is being ill-served by his own son Don Jr., the architect of the disastrous nomination of Tulsi Gabbard as Director of National Intelligence. His personal life is once again in turmoil and fodder for the tabloids as his latest girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle has been dropped like a hot potato and is being shipped off to Greece as U.S. Ambassador.

Gabbard not only had a cozy meeting with the Russian-backed Syrian dictator, now living in Moscow, but even has Chinese communist ties, as documented by analyst Trevor Loudon. The first Hindu member of Congress, she was allegedly associated with a branch of a New Age eastern religious organization that some describe as a cult.

According to the publication The Hill, Gabbard has been less than impressive during her appearances on Capitol Hill, as her devotion to Russian agent and American defector Edward Snowden is causing difficulties. One problem, the outlet says, is that she has been “a high-profile defender of leaker Edward Snowden…” and has even recommended a presidential pardon for him.

A “leaker” is a misleading way to describe him. He stole millions of NSA documents, fled to Russia through Hong Kong, and is now a Russian citizen.

Lt. Gen Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest-ranking Soviet bloc intelligence official ever to defect to the West, called Snowden’s theft and defection “a well-prepared Russian intelligence operation.”

A lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army reserve, Gabbard was set to join Trump at the Army-Navy college football game on Saturday.

It will be a major embarrassment when she pulls out for lack of support. If she happens to get confirmed, it will eventually blow up in Trump’s face, as she is clearly unqualified and a security risk, as documented on my Rumble channel in an interview with analyst Trevor Loudon.

Amidst the gloom and doom, one great Trump nomination stands out – Kash Patel as FBI director.

His book, Government Gangsters, is a must-read for those eager to learn more about the Deep State and how it operates. One needs to complement Patel’s book with Big Intel by Michael J. Waller, who fills in the blanks with the communist connections of those who tried to subvert Trump during his first term.

On Capitol Hill, Speaker Mike Johnson must accompany the purge of Deep State operatives with a new congressional committee, like the old House Committee on Un-American Activities, which exposed the treason of Alger Hiss with the help of Rep. Richard Nixon and communist defector Whittaker chambers. This is the approach that can uncover Chinese and Russian operatives in the Intelligence Community.

Regarding the FBI’s deaf, dumb, and blind approach, I took pictures of more than one thousand communists, socialists and fellow travelers. on March 18, 2023, in Lafayette Square across from the White House. Most of them were young people. Similar demonstrations occurred in 12 other cities. They distributed communist literature by Karl Marx and carried communist and Russian flags and balloons saying “China is not our enemy.”

Patel needs a briefing on the communist nature of the “resistance.”

At the same time, so-called “Deep Green Resistance” has announced that “it is necessary to use any means necessary to bring down the industrial civilization,” including sabotage of pipelines. Earth First radicals, eco-socialists, and anti-technology activists like the health care CEO killer Luigi Mangione, who admired the Unabomber,  are ready and organized to strike.

Meanwhile, also on Capitol Hill, we saw the spectacle of the reappearance of Bradley Manning, the Army traitor pardoned by Barack Hussein Obama, dressed up as “Chelsea Manning” and demanding access to women’s bathrooms. Manning was an open homosexual in the Army before deciding to become a woman. He is now a member of the LGBTQ “resistance” to Trump.

Nevertheless, the former drinker and adulterer Pete Hegseth seems to be on the road to confirmation as Pentagon chief, after backing away from his previous stands against gays in the ranks and women in combat.

“Hegseth Flip Flops on Women in Combat, Gays in Military” was the headline over a Newsman article. He had previously declared gays and transgenders in the military to be part of a Marxist agenda

As MAGA people declare a “mandate” for Trump, the reality is something else entirely, as documented by conservative Christian activist and writer Chuck Mason at The American Thinker. Bringing the discussion back down to earth, he analyzes the data from the election results, concluding that Trump came within 240,000 votes of losing the White House to Kamala Harris and that his margin of victory was 1.6 percent or 2.5 million votes.

“Welcome to America’s Second Civil War,” he comments, correctly indicating that the conflict continues and should intensify.

Sounding a note of sanity, he writes, “Pundits paint 2024 as a historic win that saved America, and in many ways, it has. But they ignore how close this election was, and that’s where the problem lies. This historic win has an Achilles heel no one talks about.”

Nobody knows this better than Steve Phillips, the far-left architect of the “New American Majority” coalition of Democrat voters that fell short by only about two percentage points in 2024. It’s called the “New American Majority” because they thought they had a lock on at least 51 percent of the electorate, consisting of people of color (23 percent of all eligible voters) and white progressives (28 percent of all eligible voters). It also incorporates those with a secular, humanist, atheist, or New Age mentality.

In 2024, they fell short, barely.

Chuck Mason’s comment in the American Thinker is a wise one: “The majority of the country did not shift to the right; the Left still has a solid competitive base. If you disagree, ask the 48.5 percent of Americans who thought four more years of the Biden administration on steroids was good for the country.”

As for Steve Phillips, he wrote the book, How We Win the Civil War, on how a total Marxist victory can be achieved.

Trump has a fight on his hands. Bowing to the political left on such critical matters as military order and discipline, as Hegseth has done, is not the right approach.

© 2024 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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250,000 Military in 150 Countries are at Risk of Dying for Profits

By Andrew Wallace

December 14, 2024

How can you say that our military dead were not killed defending our country? They in fact died thinking they were defending America, and this is what they were told. This was a damned lie. This fact in no way demeans their sacrifice and heroism or our appreciation of their service.

As previously noted, EVERY SINGLE CONFLICT in the last 79 years was for Corporate Profit and had nothing to do with National Security. We lost all of these conflicts, and in the process suffered the deaths of over 100,000 of our military. We also killed millions of innocents while destroying entire countries. For this we are justifiably hated around the world.

Many people with good reasons believe that we should not have been involved in WW One or WW Two (we could not be invaded, so national security was not a reason). The evidence is there for all to see, if they look.

It is a damned shame that we can learn more of the truth from our enemies than from our own government. I am referring to Tucker Carlson’s interviews of Russia’s Putin and Lavrov. I say this because I know a little history and the Russians told mostly the truth, while our government mostly lied.

Again the simple truth is that due to our geographic location, we cannot be attacked from within or by nuclear warfare. We would also need our armed forces on American soil to repel an unlikely invasion, and to defend us from the Democrat/Communist Army of Invaders. Therefore our ability to project force worldwide is only to blackmail other countries and generate profit for the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), which they will share with Congress as bribes and payoffs.

President Trump needs to enforce the Constitution to the letter to return to a Constitutional Republic. If he continues to ignore the Supreme Law of the Land, it will be impossible to “Drain the Swamp” or prevent the Greatest of all Depressions.

The federal government was totally funded by tariffs and excise taxes until 1913. Income taxes and the privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank replaced tariffs so they could print money required for wars and related thefts. Eventually, they got rid of gold and silver currency because they couldn’t print it. Constitutionally-required Gold/silver money would hold down inflation, prevent wars for profit, and reduce theft of the people’s money/assets.

We should replace armed conflicts with tariffs (much more effective). There is no need to kill members of our armed forces and bankrupt the people, just to enrich the PSRRC and bribe traitorous members of Congress.

We must all agree that most members of Congress, Bureaucrats of the Administrative State (executive branch), and many judges are corrupt to the point of treason (criminal enterprise). These are the people with blood on their hands who commit our armed forces to foreign wars that have nothing to do with national security and everything to do with profits for them.

God Bless You and our Republic

© 2024 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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The Rise of the Cult of Individualism

By Sidney Secular

December 14, 2024

The healthy individual works together with others to form communities, tribes and ultimately nations, all of which work for the survival and growth of those same individuals as they exist together with the furtherance of their common aspirations. Western man and especially whites, have a further need to develop as individuals with their own personal growth pursuing those ends and satisfying their needs for creativity and personal satisfaction. These often take the form of such activities as hobbies and advanced education and efforts to accomplish further personal capabilities. And while this is not bad in and of itself, the enemies of the “white” West take advantage of this mindset to encourage people more interested in their personal goals to forego working with others to further necessary group goals, and by doing so, upset the balance between social and personal interests and needs.

By concentrating solely on satisfying personal egos to the detriment of a wholesome, well-ordered and smoothly working society, they push the belief that individualism should be held as the highest and most noble virtue, a worldview that can be detrimental to the natural human tendency to form cohesive groups.

It has reached the point that what we call “individualism” has come to mean to think and act solely out of selfishness and the rejection of “the better good” and, as such, has become something of a cult. The tendency to think only of oneself in all circumstances has been exacerbated by a combination of the growth of single parent families and the feminist “ideal” that has driven mothers out of the home and into the workplace, a situation that had produced environments in which children are not given the nurturing attention they need to develop into responsible adults with a personal identity sufficiently strong to allow them to participate in a group situation.

These circumstances have exaggerated unnatural behaviors in which the individual seeks the attention they crave through abnormal associations and behaviors as well as a culture-wide increase in persons exhibiting narcissistic personality traits. This is also reflected in such matters as personal appearance; that is, in the way people dress, the style and even color of their hair and the current rage of even young pretty women becoming tattooed. People take increasingly extreme steps to get attention, and by so doing, make the society less and less homogeneous. And this is especially true when such outward manifestations also testify to personal moral and ideological beliefs!

Aside from the few cultic “holdouts” from the past such as motorcycle gangs or the gang activity prevalent in our inner cities and our neighbor south of the border, most of at least Western society has become a loose collection of individuals who no longer relate to each other in at least culturally meaningful ways. Most spend their free time in solitary pursuits that increase their sense of isolation while limiting the normal human need for companionship. They spend hours on end in front of TVs, scrolling through computer screens, playing video games, and browsing social networks. Nothing is more indicative of this technological isolation than the ever present, ubiquitous I-phone that seems almost present from the nursery. Many, especially younger people have lost the social skills necessary to interact with each other in a meaningful way.

As for the rest, often, they don’t even know the names of their neighbors and not just in large cities where anonymity has always been a way of life. No, this now manifests itself even in smaller communities; that is, often people don’t interact at the local pub, or at church, or even in community events as they did in former times. Now, sometimes “subcultures” do form to create random social units, but these have little in common either with each other or with the larger society, and where there is contact it presents as a sort of loose conglomeration indicative of a fractured society.

For instance, look at the weird musical subcultures that serve as means for their participants to stand out from the crowd and create ways in which those participants obtain the attention they crave. There are goths, rockers, heavy metal purveyors, punks, and mods to name but a few. These tend to be adversarial, fighting with each other as do gangs and for no apparent reason – at least according to the public at large. But these schisms are pushed by the media and the music industry, making of the those involved rather ultra-bad role models for people who have no other meaning in their lives. Western youth is frustrated and fractured into hundreds of different groups because there is no overarching “civilization” to which they can claim membership.

As time goes on, these subgroups and the individuals in them make themselves more degenerate and outlandish to mark their social allegiance and gain attention. These outward manifestation of “belonging” include stretched ears, psychedelic hair colors, shaving half a head, full face tattoos, split tongues, rings in lips, tongues, noses and navels, and other fads that are the equivalent of childish tantrums and displays. Or, more to the point, they indicate a backward flow of the culture to times of true “tribal” societies who have always marked their bodies outwardly with signs of what they believed inwardly.

Such outward manifestations of cultural trends also include clothing. Now that is nothing new as anyone can tell looking at how our ancestors dressed. But in the past, at least the upper echelon of society dressed to look “good.” People “dressed up” in order to show their place in the society. Today, just the opposite is the case. People often take the greatest of pleasure and effort to look as bad as they can, as, for instance, one particular fad that is beyond silly, the wearing of faded and torn jeans that should go into a rag bag. This is exacerbated when the jeans are worn – by young men – almost below their buttocks! This cultic behavior, a combination of individualism and weird conformity is a self-perpetuating, accelerating phenomenon that gathers momentum as does a snowball rolling down a hill!

Then you have all of this “selfie” nonsense perpetuated by social networks such as Facebook, most of which are controlled by the enemies of the West. In a way, the very act of photographing oneself, something virtually impossible when photography demanded both a photographer and a subject, is a cry against people’s fear of “non-existence!” It appears as sort of a shout, “Here I (still) am! I have NOT disappeared into the matrix!” As the cult of individualism reaches towards an insane peak with evermore people joining in the desperate cry for attention, the cults become ever more insane and debased. Young people write blogs claiming they are in fact animals trapped in human bodies or one of the new imagined sexual genders. Confused and immature people demand sex changes and mutilate their genitals. The motive of the whole thing is: “Look at me!” It is a cry required to validate people’s very existence.

The homogeneous Western society where people were (generally) similar in appearance and social actions as demanded by the society, is now gone, shattered into thousands of pieces. As a result of this moral and social confusion, Western man is placed at a huge disadvantage when confronting the invasion of strong and cohesive foreign cultures that think and act more or less act as single entities. The disparate nature of Western society together with the ongoing attack on its moral and ethical foundations will prevent Western man from having the unity to launch an effective defense against the onslaught of those who have been spared destructive “individualism.”

© 2024 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Trump Understands that America is Vulnerable

By Cliff Kincaid

December 13, 2024

Americans are optimistic that President Trump can solve the nation’s domestic and foreign policy problems. But some of his critical nominations and actions indicate he is extremely worried about what lies ahead and wants to at least temporarily appease those who can do America harm.

Consider first his nomination of a George Soros partner, Scott Bessent, to run the Department of the Treasury. Soros has been one of the biggest enemies of Republicans since the days of the George W. Bush candidacy. He is behind a big part of the immigration mess, as Soros pledged $500 million of his fortune to invite them here and take care of them. That was back in 2016.

Why would Trump pick him? It seems obvious that Trump picked a Soros ally to send the message to the hedge fund billionaire that he wants a political truce. He is hoping Soros will call off the dogs, including the Soros-funded prosecutors rewarding criminal aliens and prosecuting law-abiding citizens.

In the same way that Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos have come or are coming to Mar-a-Lago, Trump must believe that Soros (and perhaps his son Alexander) will come to the table as well. It is a big risk.

Second, Trump chose “former” Bernie Sanders Democrat Tulsi Gabbard as Director of National Intelligence (DNI). This doesn’t make sense from a national security standpoint. Gabbard favors a pardon for former NSA and CIA contractor Edward Snowden, an American defector now living in Russia under Vladimir Putin’s protection. Trump had favored the death penalty for Snowden.

So why did Trump pick Gabbard, a favorite of Moscow herself? It looks like an attempt to curry favor with Putin while Trump pursues a settlement in Ukraine that will require Putin’s cooperation.  Expect that Gabbard will play a role in any such settlement, just as she tried to arrange a peace deal between the U.S. and Syria’s Assad back in 2017.

That deal fell through and now Assad is living in Moscow, perhaps on the same apartment block that houses Snowden. Jihadists have taken control of the Arab country, posing another threat that Trump and Israel must deal with. Biden considers this a victory, as he leaves another hotspot on Trump’s plate.

Third, in view of reports that he has invited China’s Xi Jinping to attend his inauguration, it looks like Trump is trying to play nice with the dictator who unleashed COVID-19 on the world, killing 1.2 million Americans. This, too, doesn’t make sense from a national security standpoint. Shouldn’t China be made to pay for its mass murder?

On my Rumble channel, I just interviewed retired Lt. Colonel Ralph Siegrist about the hundreds of thousands of Chinese who have entered the United States through Biden’s open borders policy, some of them organized into military units, taking weapons training, and storing weapons in certain locations. He says Trump Border Czar Tom Homan is aware of the problem and understands the dimensions of the internal threat.

The cadres of illegal alien Chinese immigrants are ready to strike at the heart of our economy, including the power grid, once they are given orders to proceed by China’s Xi.

What better way to prepare and address the threat than to invite Xi to America and have a behind-closed-doors discussion of this problem?

My guess is that Trump will demand that Xi order their return to China or at least acquiesce to Trump and Homan’s plan to round them up and deport them. It is a very dangerous situation that could erupt into violence and terrorism in major metropolitan areas of America. No wonder Trump wants the U.S. military to assist in mass deportations.

My analysis may sound fantastical to ordinary observers but please understand the sensitive situation that Trump is inheriting from Biden/Harris.

We are currently being treated to non-answers from the Pentagon and the FBI about drones flying around New Jersey, in the same way we have learned absolutely nothing from the federal agencies about so-called “Havana Syndrome” targeting American diplomatic personnel abroad.

In a recent report, the House Intelligence Committee wonders “Is the Intelligence Community Hiding the Real Reason for This Phenomenon?” This report appears years after the syndrome was first discovered to be damaging the health of American government officials and their families.

There is a cover-up regarding “Havana Syndrome,” in much the same way they covered-up the source of COVID-19 in the Wuhan lab. This is because our intelligence agencies are heavily infiltrated by Russian and Chinese agents.

Just as in the case of the drones, it is reasonable to believe that the Chinese and/or the Russians are behind it, using exotic weapons. But to admit this means that the Biden/Harris Administration let it happen.

A Chinese national was just arrested for flying a drone over and photographing Vandenberg Space Force Base in California. He was at San Francisco International Airport prior to boarding a China-bound flight.

If you were President Trump about to take office and hoping to turn the American economy around in the face of inflation, deficits, and debt, what would you do? If you are faced with intelligence agencies that have no understanding of the geopolitical threat to America, what would you do?

You certainly wouldn’t engage the enemy with insufficient resources. You wouldn’t want to continue a no-win war in Europe. You would also want Israel to finish its war in the Middle East, so that America can rearm and get prepared for the Chinese and Russian and Islamic challenges ahead.

From Trump’s perspective, the answer is simple: You would try to buy time with your enemies and adversaries while you get to the bottom of the scandals that have paralyzed the U.S. Government response to a seemingly endless series of national security problems.

Hence, his “change agents” in Treasury and other agencies seem designed to mollify a few of his critics while hoping to get to the bottom of why the U.S. Government is so dysfunctional. The risk is they fall flat and only produced more disruption, not real reform, and no results on the global stage.

In short, because Trump is inheriting one fat mess, he has no alternative but to pursue his pro-growth economic agenda, on display at the New York Stock Exchange on Thursday, while developing personal relationships with his adversaries. He is hoping that Bessent and Gabbard can accomplish this in the economic and intelligence establishments of the federal government. It is a big risk.

His previous attempt at a friendship with the North Korean dictator only produced a stalemate and bought some time.  Perhaps time is what America needs.

But does Trump have enough time to turn the situation around? And is the transition period to a new administration a time to rest and eagerly anticipate a new year?

On my Rumble show, Lt. Col. Siegrist cautioned against complacency.

He said, “…amongst my community of colonels, when we talk, there’s something we call the quiet. The quiet is really, really, dangerous. When you’re out there on the front lines, when everything goes really quiet, that’s the most frightening period because you do not know what’s going on, but you know something is about to happen.”

The response, he emphasized, is to “Be Prepared,” as the Boy Scouts say.

Trump’s controversial nominations, seen in the context of the peril and promise of his second term, make some sense.  However, I doubt that Gabbard will survive the confirmation process considering her position on Snowden, a modern-day Alger Hiss.

The Pete Hegseth nomination was made for a different reason, I believe.   Trump wants the support of Fox News as he goes forward and Hegseth is another pretty face from that stable of media personalities who is desperately trying to put his womanizing and drinking behind him. His future is in doubt.

However, the future of Fox News as a conservative vessel is also in doubt, as owner Rupert Murdoch’s liberal son James fights for control of the channel, replacing his conservative son Lachlan.

These are a few of the minefields that Trump is navigating as he prepares for a second term. He knows his administration is vulnerable. He knows America is vulnerable.

© 2024 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Federal Tort Claims Procedure

By Paul Engel

December 12, 2024

  • What is a tort and why is it important?
  • What is the federal law regarding tort claims against the federal government.
  • Is this law constitutional?

One of the reasons I like answering questions is they prompt me to look at things I hadn’t thought about before. Take for example the recent request I had to review the Federal Tort Claims Procedure. While I review lawsuits regularly here, I’d never taken the time to look at this particular legislation.

What is a tort?

Let’s start with defining the term “tort.”

In law, any wrong or injury. Torts are injuries done to the person or property of another, as trespass, assault and battery, defamation and the like.

Tort – Webster’s 1828 Dictionary

A tort is a wrong or injury; a grievance you might say. Hopefully, that comparison should remind you of the First Amendment.

Congress shall make no law … abridging … the right of the people … to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

U.S. Constitution, Amendment I

Tort, technically, is the wrong or injury, while a tort claim refers to the seeking of redress of that grievance. The Federal Tort Claims Procedure is the statutory law Congress passed to regulate tort claims against the federal government. The procedures used for federal tort claims are contained in Chapter 171 of Title 28 of the United States Code.

  • 2672. Administrative adjustment of claims

After the definitions, the law starts with what are called “administrative adjustments.”

The head of each Federal agency or his designee, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Attorney General, may consider, ascertain, adjust, determine, compromise, and settle any claim for money damages against the United States for injury or loss of property or personal injury or death caused by the negligent or wrongful act or omission of any employee of the agency while acting within the scope of his office or employment, under circumstances where the United States, if a private person, would be liable to the claimant in accordance with the law of the place where the act or omission occurred:

28 USC §2672. Administrative adjustment of claims

Section 2672 basically says that the head of each federal agency can settle claims for money damages against the United States for injury, loss, or even death. That means if you have a tort, a claim of injury, against the United States, the head of the agency responsible can negotiate and settle rather than going to court. Of course, they can only settle if you agree to the settlement.

Let’s talk about the line “under circumstances where the United States, if a private person, would be liable.” Under the law you have “natural” and “artificial” persons. You and I are natural persons, while corporations are artificial. Under this law, the United States is just as liable as a natural person would be. If you could sue your neighbor for a tort, you can sue the United States for the same tort.

Any award, compromise, or settlement in an amount of $2,500 or less made pursuant to this section shall be paid by the head of the Federal agency concerned out of appropriations available to that agency. Payment of any award, compromise, or settlement in an amount in excess of $2,500 made pursuant to this section or made by the Attorney General in any amount pursuant to section 2677 of this title shall be paid in a manner similar to judgments and compromises in like causes and appropriations or funds available for the payment of such judgments and compromises are hereby made available for the payment of awards, compromises, or settlements under this chapter.

28 USC §2672. Administrative adjustment of claims

Another stipulation in this section of the code is how payments are made based on their size. $2,500 or less and the agency pays directly. More than $2,500, or if the award is to be made by the Attorney General, it’s handled the same way any other legal settlement would be paid.

  • 2673. Reports to Congress

The head of each federal agency shall report annually to Congress all claims paid by it under section 2672 of this title, stating the name of each claimant, the amount claimed, the amount awarded, and a brief description of the claim.

28 USC §2673. Reports to Congress

Congress holds the power of the purse. Or, as Article I, Section 9 states:

No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 9, Clause 7

Even though an agency head may pay a claim of $2,500 or less out of its existing appropriations, they still have to report to Congress on the expenditure, so they can be property published.

  • 2674. Liability of United States

The United States shall be liable, respecting the provisions of this title relating to tort claims, in the same manner and to the same extent as a private individual under like circumstances, but shall not be liable for interest prior to judgment or for punitive damages.

28 USC §2674. Liability of United States

As stated before, the United States is just as liable to tort claims as a private individual. However, it cannot be liable for interest prior to judgment. Considering that civil cases against the United States can take years to be decided, this said interest could add up to a lot of money. What this means is that the United States pays no price for delaying or otherwise slowing down the judicial process. I wonder if the reciprocal law is in effect? If the United States sues you, are you liable for interest prior to judgment?

If, however, in any case wherein death was caused, the law of the place where the act or omission complained of occurred provides, or has been construed to provide, for damages only punitive in nature, the United States shall be liable for actual or compensatory damages, measured by the pecuniary injuries resulting from such death to the persons respectively, for whose benefit the action was brought, in lieu thereof.

28 USC §2674. Liability of United States

If the claim involves a wrongful death, where the injury happened matters. Even if that location only allows punitive (injury) damages, the United States shall still be liable for the actual or compensatory (replacement) damages. Those damages are to be measured by the pecuniary (monetary) injuries resulting from the death.

With respect to any claim under this chapter, the United States shall be entitled to assert any defense based upon judicial or legislative immunity which otherwise would have been available to the employee of the United States whose act or omission gave rise to the claim, as well as any other defenses to which the United States is entitled.

28 USC §2674. Liability of United States

The United States is entitled to assert any defense based on judicial or legislative immunity available to an employee of the United States. Legislative immunity comes from Article I, Section 6.

The Senators and Representatives … for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.

U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 6, Clause 1

You cannot sue a Senator or Representative for what they say in either house. Similarly, judicial immunity protects judges from suit for their judicial acts. There is just one problem with this section of the law: There is no constitutional authority for judicial immunity, and legislative immunity is limited to Senators and Representatives speech and debate. So the United States does not have legislative or judicial immunity, and neither do any of its employees.

Speaking of constitutional issues:

With respect to any claim to which this section applies, the Tennessee Valley Authority shall be entitled to assert any defense which otherwise would have been available to the employee based upon judicial or legislative immunity, which otherwise would have been available to the employee of the Tennessee Valley Authority whose act or omission gave rise to the claim as well as any other defenses to which the Tennessee Valley Authority is entitled under this chapter.

28 USC §2674. Liability of United States

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is an unconstitutional, federally owned power corporation. It should surprise no one that Congress tries to protect its illegal creation with such language.

  • 2675. Disposition by federal agency as prerequisite; evidence

Before a person takes the United States to court, Congress wants them to at least attempt to resolve the issue with the offending agency directly.

(a) An action shall not be instituted upon a claim against the United States for money damages for injury or loss of property or personal injury or death caused by the negligent or wrongful act or omission of any employee of the Government while acting within the scope of his office or employment, unless the claimant shall have first presented the claim to the appropriate Federal agency and his claim shall have been finally denied by the agency in writing and sent by certified or registered mail. The failure of an agency to make final disposition of a claim within six months after it is filed shall, at the option of the claimant any time thereafter, be deemed a final denial of the claim for purposes of this section. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to such claims as may be asserted under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure by third party complaint, cross-claim, or counterclaim.

First, a person has to present their claim to the appropriate federal agency. As one might expect, the agency may find reason to delay their response to some of these claims. That’s why there’s a six month time limit before a de facto denial takes effect.

  • 2680. Exceptions

What would legislation about holding government actors accountable be, without a series of exceptions.

The provisions of this chapter and section 1346(b) of this title shall not apply to—

(a) Any claim based upon an act or omission of an employee of the Government, exercising due care, in the execution of a statute or regulation, whether or not such statute or regulation be valid, or based upon the exercise or performance or the failure to exercise or perform a discretionary function or duty on the part of a federal agency or an employee of the Government, whether or not the discretion involved be abused.

So a government actor who’s executing an invalid law cannot sue under this act? On the one hand, if the government employee has been told what they’re doing is legal I can understand this. Still, don’t government employees have a duty to support the Constitution? Shouldn’t they be held accountable for any unconstitutional acts, even if the law says it’s OK?

(b) Any claim arising out of the loss, miscarriage, or negligent transmission of letters or postal matter.

You cannot sue the United States for the failures of the Postal Service.

(c) Any claim arising in respect of the assessment or collection of any tax or customs duty, or the detention of any goods, merchandise, or other property by any officer of customs or excise or any other law enforcement officer, except that the provisions of this chapter and section 1346(b) of this title apply to any claim based on injury or loss of goods, merchandise, or other property, while in the possession of any officer of customs or excise or any other law enforcement officer,

Neither can you sue based on the assessment or collection of any taxes, to the detention, or confiscation, of any goods or merchandise. There is a long list of specific exceptions for property in the possession of law enforcement officers; I won’t bore you with the legalese. To summarize, property seized under forfeiture, interest on claims, claims against the operation of the Treasury or military forces, and the Tennessee Valley Authority or Panama Canal Company are all exempted from claims under this act.


What conclusions can I draw from this review of the Federal Tort Claims Procedures Act? Most of is appears to be cut and dry legalese designed to show a level of accountability without exposing the federal government to tort claims for the more serious constitutional violations. The exceptions listed in §2680 does seem to violate the Petitions Clause of the First Amendment.

Congress shall make no law … abridging … the right of the people … to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

U.S. Constitution, Amendment I

After all, it lists situations where people cannot sue, even though they have a tort, an injury, or a wrong. That said, I don’t believe this act even approaches the worst violations of the Constitution that Congress has passed.

© 2024 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

White Guilt and the Demise of Western Civilization

By Frosty Wooldridge

December 12, 2024

One of my dearest friends, Fred Elbel and I enjoy lunch together in Golden, Colorado often. We discuss what’s happening to America. We collaborate our observations while we come up with ideas in order to educate Americans.

In the past week, the Iowa basketball phenomenon Caitlin Clark enjoyed being nominated for “Athlete of the Year” for Time Magazine. Unfortunately, in the interview, she mentioned that the Women’s National Basketball Association, which is 95 percent African-American, hasn’t been watched to any great extent until she became its most popular player after years of “nobody noticed” the all women’s league. Why? Because it was pretty boring!

To give you an idea of her talents, she became the highest scoring college player in American history. She outgunned Pistol Pete Maravich, Michael Jordan and Larry Bird while playing in the college ranks. In other words, she’s an extraordinary athlete who singlehandedly raised the WNBA from its obscurity, to a new level of national prominence.

Unfortunately, during the interview, the “Woke” madness urged her to admit that she enjoyed “white privilege” for the reason she has become SO prominent. In reality, her presence on the court caused the other players to literally beat her up during each game with shoulder shoves, smashed her from behind, knocked her silly and did everything to hurt her. It got to be an obvious “Black basket players matter” more than a superstar white player.

My fellow journalist Fred Elbel said it like this, “Jean Raspail wrote in 1973 a masterpiece, entitled Le Camp des Saints (The Camp of The Saints). Greg Johnson wrote a wonderful review of the novel, Counter-Currents, 29 November 2024.

Johnson writes that “The Camp of the Saints is a beautifully written book, filled with aphoristic turns of phrase worthy of Nietzsche. The narrative is gripping. The characters are vividly drawn and feel real.”

He continues, noting that “The Camp of the Saints is obviously a dystopian novel. The purpose of every dystopian novel is to be wrong.”

Regrettably, it wasn’t wrong. Johnson observes that, at the age of 94, with the gnawing feeling that he had been right. The Camp of the Saints was written as a prophecy, but with each passing year, it reads more like the daily news.”

If you look at what’s happening to all of Europe, you’re seeing the destruction of Western Culture and Society. Whether it was Tesla’s brilliant mind, or the Western inventor of the toilet and shower that brought hygiene to everyone’s house, or Madam Curie’s understanding of germs—-the Western World and its culture fostered brilliant minds that brought humanity into greater understanding of this world.

But if you look at what’s happening to America and Europe, along with Canada, you’re seeing The Camp of the Saints playing out in ever uglier ways.

Daniel Penny’s actions brought him to court, but he was acquitted of all crimes, yet African-American U.S. House members are addressing “Dear White People” in their blogs, because its whites’ fault for the death of that drugged-up maniac Neely on the New York subway.

Then you see a radicalized kid out of the University of Pennsylvania killing a United Healthcare CEO because capitalism needs to be replaced by Utopian Socialism. So, just kill someone in cold blood rather than work through the system.

For the life of men, you’ve got a mental midget named Joy Reid at MSNBC condemning all of America for being “white” and guilty of the “crime of whiteness.” Ironically, it’s white executives that pay her over $1.2 million a year to blather into a TV camera.

TV commentary Rachel Maddox can’t stand half of America, either. She seriously needs therapy of some kind.

Back to the book: Writer Greg Johnson said, “The Camp of the Saints also belongs to another genre: the murder mystery. The victim is the white race. But Raspail leaves it to us to unravel the identity of the killers and figure out how the crime was committed. If we can do so, maybe we can halt the same crime that is happening to our race today.

“For it is the White race who inherit and are obligated to preserve the Western Civilization built by their ancestors, and who in Raspail’s novel – and in today’s Europe – fail to defend their civilization against destruction.

“In the novel, a million starving Indians embark on a voyage to invade Europe, ultimately targeting France.”

When the fleet approached the French coast, trust in the system evaporated, and millions fled. While their lips paid homage to universal brotherhood, their feet carried them to safety. All of them asked, “Why won’t other people take a stand to protect our lives and property and civilization itself – and, of course, allow the Left to martyr them for doing the right thing?”…

Once the fleet landed and France descended into chaos, the government was overthrown by a Leftist junta. The new government then used the French military to suppress the resistance of the native French. France was finished as a white society. It became legal to rob Frenchmen and to rape French women.

Johnson continued, “If whites do not find the will to stem the tide, future historians, no doubt Chinese, will debate why the white race allowed itself to be extinguished. Throughout the book, Raspail invites us to consider different explanations…

“Why are we hated to the point of genocide? It is complicated, but whites are not just hated for our crimes, real and imagined, but also for our virtues. The beauty of our race and our creations; the power of our science, technologies, and armies; our wealthy, free, and orderly societies: all of these inevitably stir feelings of resentment and envy, the desire to take what we have – or, barring that, to make us lose it.”

Are you seeing any parallels in America, Canada and Europe in 2024 and beyond. Joe Biden engineered the largest third world invasion in human history in just four short years. He tried his best to “kill America.” How do you think that’s going to work out?

Johnson called the spiritual weakness that enables White genocide “white guilt,” noting that “White guilt means that whites are somehow responsible for the suffering of non-whites all over the world.”

As in Raspail’s novel, today’s invasion is facilitated by leftist minority. Johnson asks how the Left gained so much power, observing that:

“The Right foolishly allowed the left to take over religious, cultural, and educational institutions as platforms to preach white guilt. To the Right, such ideas seemed at best high-minded and impracticable, at worst stupid, crazy, and evil. But never for a minute did they take them seriously and think that they might matter someday.”

At this point, hopefully, Donald J. Trump stops the invasion, kicks out the invaders, and restores America to law and order. Because if he doesn’t, some historian will scratch his or her head and beg the question, “Why did America allow itself to be invaded, destroyed and tossed onto the rock pile of history?”

For damned certain, people like Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Reid are not going to lead America to the promised land.

To Caitlin Clark, I say, “Stand proud that you’re the top “Athlete of the Year” in Time Magazine, and be proud of your talents, skills, hard work, and Western Heritage.

© 2024 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Sayonara Obama, and Don’t Let The Door. . .

By Coach Dave Daubenmire

December 12, 2024

The real story of the 2024 election is not about Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. It is not about abortion, transgenderism, DEI, wokeness, or the criminalization of Donald Trump.

No, my friends, it is not about any of that.  The big story is the overthrowing of the man-behind-the-curtain and the “fundamental transformation of America.”

It is not about healthcare, COVID, Ukraine, Russia, Russia, Russia, or the weaponization of the FBI. It is not about Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis, Merrick Garland, or Whoopie Goldberg.

It is not about Hollywood, child-trafficking, P Diddy, Epstein Island, Dr. Fauci, or Bill Gates.

Now don’t get me wrong…it IS about all those things.  But at the center of the circle is the expose’ of the Man Behind the Curtain.  Barack Hussein Obama.

With the exception of the years 2017-2020 when outsider Donald Trump somehow, against all odds, won the White House, Barack Obama and his cabal of anti-American government mafiosi’s have been in control of American politics.

That, my friends, is twelve of the last sixteen years the White House has been under the control of Barry Soetoro and his anti-American demonic minions. Listen for yourself, here. He kept his word. We just did not understand what he meant..

As a former football coach, I understand the need to teach our players the “fundamentals” of how to play the game. Webster’s defines FUNDAMENTALS as:

Pertaining to the foundation or basis; serving for the foundation. Hence, essential; important; as a fundamental truth or principle; a fundamental law; a fundamental sound or chord in music.

The Bible tells us in Psalm 11:2-3For, lo, the wicked bend their bow, they make ready their arrow upon the string, that they may privily shoot at the upright in heart.  If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”

For nearly two decades Obama and his un-Christian brethren jack-hammered the Christian foundation of this once Christian nation as he kept to his promise to “fundamentally change” America. Hope and change was simply a synonym for “uproot and destroy” all that made America great.

With the un-election of Kamala Harris, Barack Obama has been booted, not to the back of the bus, but ejected from controlling the bus. He is no longer sitting in the driver’s seat of the American way of life.

Don’t you get it? Can’t you make the connections? Why else was their no primary in the Democratic Party when it became obvious to EVERYONE that the man in the White House was cognitively not at home.

Come on now…think with me. Remember when Joe Biden was running for election in 2016, he was doing horribly in the primaries. But low and behold, after he won his ONLY Primary in South Carolina it was OBAMA who declared Biden the nominee. (Read it for yourself.)  Obama knew that the only way HE could remain in power was to elevate “Dementia Joe” to the office. Joe was the mannequin, and Obama was the puppet master and the “fundamental transformation” of America continued under the control of the “man behind the curtain.”

How else can you explain it? Does America 2024 look anything like America 2008? Is it just me or is the Biden administration staffed with holdovers from the original Obama administration?

That is why the Luciferian-controlled media went all-in for the destruction of Donald Trump. They looked the other way as the 2020 election was stolen, the locked-up anyone who questioned it, even going as far as to shut down the American way of life through a created-plandemic to assure that Obama and his demonic hoard remained in control.

When it became obvious that Dementia Joe was not going to be re-elected, Obama and his minions replaced him with Biden’s goofy DEI VP whom they were sure they could control. No open primary, no “democratic” election of the DEMOCRAT candidate. No, my friends, they needed someone in the Oval Office that Obama could control…hence Kamala.

It was the most UN-DEMOCRATIC thing that those who are constantly chanting “DEMOCRACY” could do. But they do not care. They are liars. Their FATHER was the originator of lies and they still serve him today.

I tried to warn people in 2008 that Obama was about as Christan as a poached egg. Sadly, many Christians were not even able to identify what a Christian fraud that Obama truly was.  Has anyone ever heard Obama mention the name of Jesus?

But God, in His undeserved mercy, has once again saved America from the clutches of the Evil One. The question is, what will the Christians in America DO to return America to our foundational Truths?  If the foundations be destroyed…

We could start by making our CHURCHES CHRISTIAN AGAIN!

For the entire 21st century the Christian Foundations of this nation have been under assault. Look around, our nation is tearing down statues of our national heroes and erecting statues to the degenerate. Look at this!

The ball is our court. All Mighty God has given once-Christian America a reprieve. What will we do with this opportunity?

It is time to FUNDAMENTALLY REFORM America now that Obama’s communist hands are off the levers of power.

Sayanora Obama…and the horse you rode in on!

© 2024 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

True “Birthright” Citizenship

By Lex Greene

December 11, 2024

This issue may become a front-burner issue in 2025 as incoming President Donald J. Trump has publicly stated that he intends to do away with “birthright citizenship” due to the misuse of the 14th Amendment to grant legal citizenship to “illegal aliens,” just because they made it across our border “illegally” to have a child, accurately referred to for decades as “anchor babies.”

Before the President addresses this very real problem in our Immigration policies, everyone needs to know what true “birthright citizenship” is, that it does not come from the 14th Amendment or any Immigration or Naturalization Code, and that it is critical to the continuation of the American way of life, freedom, liberty and justice, and our constitutional form of government.

248-years into the grand freedom and self-governance experiment known by the world as America, land of milk and honey, personal liberty and equal justice for all, we are able to see why throughout human history, “democracies” always fail, usually within 200-years.

The more our nation moves away from its foundational “constitutional republic” towards some form of a “democracy,” the closer our nation gets to the brink of collapse under the weight of dumbed-down voters led by corrupt politicians.

Now, to be clear, so long as the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights remain the supreme law of this land, the USA must remain a constitutional republic, as guaranteed every citizen and member state of the union. But it doesn’t take as much to undermine and destroy that foundation as you might think.

Thanks in great part to anti-American global Marxist academics in our college lecture halls, and the subsequent dumbing-down of society in government-controlled K-12 education, we now have whole generations that are completely separated from reality and the foundations of freedom. When society finds itself drifting so far off track, such as the case in the USA in the 21st century, the first step has to be a return to the basics, the fundamentals, to ensure the blessings of freedom and liberty.

14th Amendment Citizenship is not “birthright citizenship.”

For many years now, our government, the courts and most citizens have believed that certain terms regarding legal citizenship are synonymous, as if there is no important difference between the terms. Many Americans have been taught to believe that 14th Amendment citizenship and birthright citizenship are the same thing. But they are not at all the same.

  • Natural Born Citizen
  • Native Born Citizen
  • Naturalized Citizen
  • Birthright Citizen
  • Permanent Resident – non-citizen
  • Undocumented citizen (there’s no such thing)

But in reality, in law, each of these terms have a different and very specific legal definition and purpose.

According to constitutional law, a 14th Amendment citizen, one who acquires legal citizenship via the 14th Amendment is a “naturalized” citizen. Someone who is not a “birthright citizen,” but rather someone who is a citizen by means of legislative process, specifically, the 14th naturalization amendment and/or subsequent U.S. Immigration and Naturalization statutes created by Congress.

The 14th Amendment followed the 13th Amendment

Following President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, effective on January 1, 1863, the 13th Amendment passed Congress on January 31, 1865, officially abolishing slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. But the 13th Amendment failed to grant legal citizenship status to former slave families, hence the purpose of the 14th Amendment that followed, adopted on July 9, 1868, which granted legal citizenship rights to former slave families. This series of constitutional amendments were all part of “reconstruction” in a post-Civil War America, ending slavery in the USA and granting equal rights to former slaves and their families.

The original title of the 14th Amendment was “A Naturalization Amendment” using the legislative powers of Congress to grant citizenship rights to former slave families via the enumerated power of Congress “To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization” in Section 8 of Article I of the U.S. Constitution..

Therefore, 14th Amendment citizenship is not a “birthright,” but rather a right legislated by Congress under its enumerated powers “To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization.” All 14th Amendment citizens are “naturalized” citizens, according to constitutional law.

Naturalization – the proceeding whereby a foreigner is granted citizenship. Naturalization is the legislative legal process of granting someone who is “not a natural birthright citizen,” legal citizenship.

Obviously, undocumented migrants, temporary or permanent residents, visitors from foreign nations, foreign citizens here on work or student VISAs, do not have any “birthright” to legal citizenship in the USA. The following two common legal arguments fall short of the 14th political agenda goal as well.

  1. “All persons born or naturalized in the United States” – The mere event of being born in the USA does not automatically make the child a legal U.S. citizen. Millions of children are born in the USA to foreign citizens residing legally or illegally in the USA at the time of the child’s birth. Most are born citizens of their parents’ home country, despite being “born in the USA.”
  2. “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” – Everyone in the USA, legally or illegally, citizen, resident or visitor, is “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” while in the USA. This alone, or in combination with “born on soil” does not automatically make anyone a legal citizen of the USA or establish any such “birthright.”

In fact, for the USA to lay legal claim to any child born of foreign citizens on American soil, just because they happened to be in the USA at the time of the child’s birth, would be a direct violation of International Law and Human Rights. This is because no matter where on earth a child is born, the child has a “natural birthright” to become a legal citizen of the same country to which the father is a citizen, at the child’s birth.

Birthright Citizenship is Natural Born Citizenship

In Article II of the U.S. Constitution, we find a few important qualifications for the office of President and Commander-in-Chief. It’s important to note that the 12th Amendment applies the same qualifications to the office of Vice President, as the VP is first in line to succeed to the Presidency in the event that the elected President is unable to serve or complete their term for any reason.

“no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.”

Article II states “No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President;”

Since no citizens alive at the time of the adoption of the Constitution remain alive today, only a “natural born citizen” is eligible for the office of President or Vice President today.

So, what is a natural born citizen and why is this requirement for the highest offices in our constitutional republic so important?

The foundational purpose of this all-important clause is to prevent Oval Office occupation by any foreigner, with dual or divided national loyalties. Since the elections of 2008 in particular, many have opined on this subject, both legal professionals and average citizens, in almost every case, driven by a political agenda.

On one side, people who are not fans of John McCain tried to disqualify McCain from seeking the Oval Office claiming that he was not “born on soil” and was not a natural born citizen eligible for the office, despite being born in Panama, the son of a U.S. Naval Commander stationed abroad in the service of our country. This resulted in a Senate Resolution adopted by 99 of 100 U.S. Senators declaring McCain eligible for the office, McCain himself abstaining from the vote. No such Senate Resolution was even considered for Barack Obama…

On the other side, those who are not fans of Barack Hussein Obama tried to disqualify Obama from the office based upon a non-citizen father and documentation suggesting he was born in Kenya, not the USA, and was in fact adopted by an Indonesian stepfather Lolo Soetoro, making him a legal citizen of Indonesia, which is exactly what his early college records confirm at Occidental, under the student name Barry Soetoro.

Since then, numerous non-natural born citizens have attempted to seek the Oval Office, using a variety of bastardized interpretations of those three simple words, natural-born-citizen. The following are each 14th Amendment citizens of the USA ineligible for the Oval Office, Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio, Nikki Haley and Kamala Harris.

Further, legal records establish that Senator Ted Cruz (TX) was born in Canada, a legal citizen of Canada at the time of his birth, and according to Cruz, he has never naturalized as a legal U.S. Citizen, as proven by his Canadian Birth Certificate and no U.S. Birth Records.

Natural – a condition produced by nature alone
Born – at the time of birth
Citizen – legal member of society

No one seems to struggle with the word “born,” but these days, millions of Americans do seem to struggle with the terms “natural” and “citizen.”

Simply stated, “natural born citizenship” is true “birthright citizenship.” Becoming a legal citizen of society at birth as a result of being born to a legal citizen Father of society is birthright citizenship. The right passes from Father to child, as a result of “nature alone” and not a result of any legislative or legal process. Modern efforts to establish “equal rights” of men and women have convoluted the subject as well.

However, the source of Natural Rights, Natural Law, true birthrights, establish the specific source from which all natural rights pass to the newly born…

  • “As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers and succeed to all their rights.”
  • “The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent.”
  • “I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.”
  • “By the law of nature alone, children follow the condition of their fathers, and enter into all their rights (§ 212); the place of birth produces no change in this particular,”
  • “The natural, or original settlement, is that which we acquire by birth (birthright), in the place where our father has his;”

True birthright citizenship, also known as natural born citizenship, is derived from Natural Law, the Laws of Nature, not legislative or legal processes, such as amendments to the constitution, statutes adopted by Congress, or opinions issued by courts.

The Declaration of Independence set the cornerstone of law upon “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God,” not British Common Law based upon changing customs and altered or amended by mere court opinions.

The word “inalienable(not to be confused with the term unalienable) is equally critical, when discussing foundational Rights. Inalienable means a right which cannot be alienated by any means, including the legislative powers of government.

“All men have certain natural rights which are inalienable; The estate of a minor is inalienable without a reservation of the right of redemption, or the authority of the legislature.”

True “birthright citizenship” is the “inalienable” right of every child to become a legal citizen of the same country in which the natural birth father is a member, at birth, by “tacit consent,” period.

So, it isn’t true “birthright citizenship” that Trump needs to eliminate. It’s the abuse of the 14th Amendment and erroneous court interpretations which have allowed our nation to be invaded by foreign citizens using “anchor baby” policies never intended by the 14th Amendment, resulting in ineligible non-natural-born-citizens even seeking the highest offices in our land.

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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The Return of Communist Terrorism and the New Targets

By Cliff Kincaid

December 11, 2024

The motivation of the well-educated fanatic who killed a health care CEO on the streets of New York City is clear. He is another Ivy League terrorist, cut from the same cloth that decades ago produced such Weather Underground terrorists as Mark Rudd of Columbia University. These people supported our enemies abroad and killed dozens of innocent Americans, including police.

The worst is yet to come, and the FBI is blind to the threat.

Luigi Mangione graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, a hotbed of anti-Semitism. But his motivation was to wage war on capitalism as a threat to life on earth.

In addition to the terrorist Unabomber manifesto, which he consumed, one of his scheduled books to read, as reported on his Goodreads social media platform, was Our Final Hour: A Scientist’s Warning: How Terror, Error, and Environmental Disaster Threaten Humankind’s Future In This Century—On Earth and Beyond. (His account was later taken down and marked “private.”)

People like Luigi Mangione are the inevitable result of anti-corporate brainwashing through Marxist Madrassas, the name of our 2016 book on how “well-educated” people turn out as communists. They claim to be saving the planet from evil corporations and ushering in a world of collective compassion — communism.

Harvard-educated Unabomber Ted Kaczynski was a Luddite hiding out in the woods who staged an 18-year bombing campaign that killed three people and injured many more before his capture by the FBI in 1996. The FBI was tipped off to his location by his brother.

Equally astonishing, it took the FBI 20 years to capture Daniel Andreas San Diego, an eco-terrorist and animal rights activist just arrested in Wales. He was sought for bombings back in 2003 and added to the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists List in 2009.

The behavior and background of captured terrorist Luigi Mangione indicate the FBI is woefully behind the curve in understanding and addressing left-wing terrorism.  In the Mangione case, the FBI failed to “find their man.” He was turned in by alert people at a Pennsylvania McDonald’s and discovered with a fake ID naming him as Mark Rosario.

As predicted by this columnist, his motivation was to kill Brian Thompson and provoke the overthrow of the private health care system in the United States, creating a Soviet-style panacea of “health care for all” through the federal government. This is the communist mind-set behind what appears to be a new wave of left-wing terrorism designed to target major American corporations and their CEOs.

However, in his review of the Unabomber manifesto of Harvard-educated Ted Kaczynski, we learned more about his motive for violence and terrorism. Mangione’s own manifesto was hatred of health insurance companies. But Mangione praised the Unabomber as an “extreme political revolutionary.” According to his Goodreads review of the Unabomber manifesto, he hated fossil fuel companies as well, accusing them of turning the earth into a “flaming ball” through climate change.

This means those who run oil companies can expected to be targeted, especially with President Trump promising to exploit more American energy resources.

A psychiatric report said Kaczynski’s mental state had deteriorated to the point where he had “fantasies of being a female” and “became convinced that he should undergo sex change surgery.”

It looks like Mangione was trying to find himself through mind-altering drugs, which he apparently thought could handle some back pain. Significantly, Mangione’s reading list on Goodreads included How to Change Your Mind. What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness.

The use of such drugs as LSD has a well-documented role in creating terrorist groups.

The book, The Harvard Psychedelic Club, discusses how LSD guru and Harvard professor Timothy Leary escaped from prison, after members of the Weather Underground “rendezvoused with the fugitive,” kept him hidden, then gave him a disguise and a false identity.

The author writes. “After hiding out for a week in a farmhouse near Redding, California Leary made his way down to Utah to meet leaders of the Weather Underground, including Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernadette [sic] Dohrn.”

The terrorists gave him a false identity, a forged birth certificate, and a phony Social Security card. After his escape, Leary had released a message through Bernardine Dohrn’s sister urging communist revolutionaries to “turn on” and continue a campaign of violence and terrorism.

Bernardine Dohrn, who praised the drug-crazed Charles Manson gang killers, herself issued a statement on September 15, 1970, saying: “Dr. Leary was being held against his will and against the will of millions of kids in this country. He was a political prisoner, captured for the work he did in helping all of us begin the task of creating a new culture on the barren wasteland that has been imposed on this country by Democrats, Republicans, Capitalists and creeps.”

She added, “LSD and grass [marijuana], like the herbs and cactus and mushrooms of the American Indians and countless civilizations that have existed on this planet, will help us make a future world where it will be possible to live in peace. Now we are at war.”

The same statement declared solidarity with the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine and Al Fatah, two Palestine terrorist groups.

Dohrn and Ayers escaped justice and went on to become professors and FBI Director Wray regards pro-Hamas groups on college campuses that glorify terrorist attacks as peaceful protesters.

Like Leary, Mangione had a false identity and phony I.D.s, probably supplied by a network of like-minded individuals. The FBI is clueless.

Because the FBI has been concentrating its investigations on Trump supporters, Christians, conservatives, and concerned parents, the Bureau has no idea what is in store for America as we move forward under a new president and the planned “resistance” against him.

More than a year ago I produced a report on how a wave of eco-terrorism was being planned and that it would include military installations and defense contractors.

In another clear and present danger, the BLM reaction to Daniel Penny’s acquittal signifies another line of attack reminiscent of the May 2020 George Floyd communist-inspired BLM riots in Lafayette Park. They turned violent, as rioters and looters smashed windows, set fires, attacked police, and almost burned down historic St. John’s Church near the White House.

The arrest of Mangione demonstrate how the Unabomber’s influence continues beyond his death.

The book, UNABOMBER: How the FBI Broke Its Own Rules to Capture the Terrorist, tells the story of how Kacynski spewed his venom from a secure federal prison cell, where he inspired Earth first radicals, eco-socialists, and anti-technology activists. He reportedly died by “suicide” in prison in 2023.

Luigi Mangione was inspired by this dead terrorist, whose manifesto, Industrial Society and Its Future, is for sale by Amazon and other outlets.

A new FBI director like Kash Patel, the nominee of President Trump, can refocus the attention of the Bureau on the real and present threats to America and leave law-abiding citizens alone. Patel served as the Deputy Director of National Intelligence, Chief of Staff for the Department of Defense, and National Security Advisor to House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

His bestselling book, Government Gangsters, discusses how the FBI and other law enforcement and intelligence agencies are an impediment to understanding the terrorist threat.

© 2024 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Don’t Expect The Lord To Do For You What He Has Commanded You To Do

By Bradlee Dean

December 11, 2024

“Faith and works should travel side-by-side, step answering to step, like the legs of men walking. First faith, and then works; and then faith again, and then works again — until they can scarcely distinguish which is the one and which is the other.” -William Booth

As most of you know, “the left”, as they call it, is the fruit of what they call “the right”, today.  As I have stated in times past, today’s conservatives are yesterday’s liberals AND THE LEFT IS THEIR FRUIT (Matthew 5:13).

Now, I want you to understand that “the left” is actually “the lawless”, and “the right” is supposed to be those who uphold the law, and the enforcers of the law against the lawless.  That is what makes them good (Psalm 94:16).

If you call it the way that we all see it today, “the left” does what “the left” does because “the right” does not enforce the Law against their crimes unto judgment (Isaiah 51:4).  So, let me ask you, what is the difference between “the left” and “the right”?  There isn’t one, except for those that claim to be what it is that they are not. Shameful.

In Isaiah 59:8, Scripture tells us, “The way of peace they know not; and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made them crooked paths: whosoever goeth therein shall not know peace.” Also, read Jeremiah 5:28 and Luke 11:42.

What would you think of a person who claimed to be a man of God who sought office to represent the people in upholding the Law against the lawless?  Once he gets elected, his constituents are then invited to his prayer meeting at the Capitol only to ask the Lord to do for them what this man has been put in office to do.

Then, online, he shamelessly posts pictures of himself praising the God that he fails to obey (Matthew 15:8).

This man skittishly calls out the treasonous crimes of the said Governor, the abominable immoralities (transgenderism), the kidnapping of children, and unconstitutional policies being rammed through where the corrupt assume authority that has never been granted to them by the people.  To those who live in this country, we know it all too well.

The Lord condemns all of this and simultaneously, so do our American laws.  Yet, this “man of God” leads a prayer meeting to ask the Lord to do what he is unwilling to do for himself and the people he represents.

Although there is nothing wrong with prayer, the problem here is that the Lord has already given him constitutional authority to deal with these crimes and yet, he does nothing.

“The people of these United States are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts, not to over-throw the Constitution, but to over-throw the men who pervert that Constitution”- Abraham Lincoln

Just ask him about the articles of impeachment and prosecution.

Our representatives are not above the Law; they are not incumbent to tear down the Law or to war against our Laws.  They are there to uphold the Law!

Read Article II, Section 4, and Article I, Section 3, Clause 7 of the United States.

I’m seriously embarrassed for these fearful cowards, for cowards they are (Revelation 21:8).

Can you imagine the little stripling David going to see where the armies of the Living God were being defied (Saul and his armies did nothing to face Goliath) and instead of him going lawfully after the offender, he calls for a prayer meeting in asking the Lord to deal with the Goliath with which he fails to deal (Proverbs 7:2)? Obviously, David was already all prayed up and ready for the battle.

No, it was David’s opportunity to prove the God of Israel, and so he did.  Because of his obedience (love for the Lord; John 14:21), the Lord was glorified.

Again, David did pray.  Yet, he still went to the battlefield to face off with Goliath.  His prayer and his faith in action were not independent of each other (James 2:14-26).

In Proverbs 28:4-5, Scripture tells us, “they that forsake the law praise the wicked (allow the wicked to reign- rule): but such as keep the Law (the Lord’s government) contend with them.”

Why don’t these people respond to the Lord’s commands and live?  It is because “Evil men understand not judgment.”   Furthermore, when it comes to their prayers, Scripture tells us, “He that turneth away his ear from hearing the Law, even his prayer shall be an abomination” (Proverbs 28:9).

The American people say that they want the answers to what is happening to their country.  The good news is that I just gave them to you.  However, it is going to take more than hiding behind the prayers of cowardly men who are not doing what they swore that they would do (Psalm 78:9).

© 2024 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

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Change the Debate and Take Back Liberty Locally

By Tom DeWeese

December 10, 2024

Most Americans tend to think of private property simply as a home – the place where the family resides, stores their belongings, and finds shelter and safety from the elements. It’s where you live. It’s yours because you pay the mortgage and the taxes. Most people don’t give property ownership much more thought than that.

There was a time when property ownership was considered to be much more. Property, and the ability to own and control it, was life itself.

John Adams said, “The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the law of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.”

The great economist John Locke, whose writings and ideas had a major influence on the nation’s founders, believed that “life and liberty are secure only so long as the right of property is secure.”

Locke warned that human civilization would be reduced to the level of a pack of wolves and cease to exist because lack of control over your own actions caused fear and insecurity. Private property ownership, Locke argued, brought stability and wealth to individuals, leading to a prosperous society of man. That’s because legal ownership of property is the key to productive development.

Private property ownership is the reason the United States became the wealthiest nation on earth almost overnight. Free individuals, using their own land to create commerce and build personal wealth through the equity of their property, are the root of American success. Sixty percent of early American businesses were financed through the equity of property ownership. And sixty percent of American jobs were created through those successful businesses. That’s how a free-market economy is built. Private property ownership is the source of personal individual wealth for the average American.

John Locke advocated that if property rights did not exist, then the incentive for an industrious person to develop and improve property would be destroyed; that the industrious person would be deprived of the fruits of his labor; that marauding bands would confiscate, by force, the goods produced by others; and that mankind would be compelled to remain on a bare-subsistence level of hand-to-mouth survival because the accumulation of anything of value would invite attack.

One must only look to the example of the former Soviet Union to see clearly what happens to society when an outlaw government exercises brute force to take control of private property. Under that tyrannical government, each of Locke’s predictions came true. Throughout its history, the Soviet government excused its every action under the banner of equality for all. There were no property rights, no freedom of enterprise, and no protections for individual actions. Instead, the Soviet government enforced redistribution of wealth schemes, confiscating homes from the rich and middle class. Shelves were bare, freedom of choice was non-existent, and personal misery ruled the day.

The same basic redistribution schemes of the Soviets were later used by Zimbabwe’s former dictator, Robert Mugabe, to destroy that agriculturally rich African nation. Mugabe confiscated farmland owned by white farmers and gave it to friends of his corrupt government – most of whom had never even seen a farm. The result was economic disaster, widespread poverty, and hunger in a land that had once fed the continent. The nation of South Africa is now following in the murderous footsteps of Robert Mugabe as it attacks white farmers, taking their property and again putting it in the hands of those who know nothing about running a farm.

Clearly, John Locke’s warnings have been vindicated. Private property ownership is much more than a house. It is the root of a prosperous, healthy, human society based on the individual’s freedom to live a life of his own, gaining from the fruits of his own labor. Take that option away, and people will always react the same way. They stop producing.


In the 1990s, an all-out assault on property rights was well underway, led by a radical environmental movement, resulting in massive federal land grabs in the name of conservation. As one can imagine, courts across the nation were flooded with cases of people attempting to defend their property rights from government takings.

In the state of Washington, one of the major targets for such programs, the state Supreme Court realized it didn’t have an adequate definition of property rights to use in considering such cases. That’s when State Supreme Court Justice Richard B. Sanders wrote a “Fifth Amendment Treatise”, which included the following definition of property rights:

“Property in a thing consists not merely in its ownership and possession, but in the unrestricted right of use, enjoyment, and disposal. Anything which destroys any of the elements of property, to that extent, destroys the property itself. The substantial value of property lies in its use. If the right of use be denied, the value of the property is annihilated, and ownership is rendered a barren right.”

“Use” of the land is the key. Using the land in a productive way that is beneficial to the owner is what gives the land value. According to Justice Sanders, paying the taxes and mortgage while some undefined government entity can rule and regulate how the property is used, is a “barren right” that annihilates its value.

When you purchase property, how much of the land do you own? What is the depth of the soil? Do you own the water on the land? Do you own the air above it? As property rights expert Dr. Timothy Ball wrote, “All these questions speak to political issues that transcend private, regional, and national boundaries. Nationally and internationally, lack of this knowledge is being exploited by those who seek control…”


For several decades, the radical Left has been dedicated in its efforts to organize at every level of government while advocates of limited government failed to do the required “dirty work” of local organization and activism to protect our freedoms. We gave the Left a pretty clear playing field to organize and seize control, and now we are suffering under the result.

For the dedicated Left, no position is too small. No appointed board is ignored. When was the last time local Conservative activists cared about positions like City Attorney? Yet these are the very officials who enforced the COVID-19 lockdown policies. Local government is now infested with Planners, NGOs, and federal agencies dictating policies. And the only reason they have power and influence now is because the Left fought to elect representatives who then gave it to them.

Today, too many elected officials, even the honest ones, fail to understand the roots and goals of the “Sustainable” policies they are enforcing. In their ignorance they respond to critics, saying, “well, that’s just the way it’s done.” As they surrender their elective powers to appointed boards, do they even think of asking themselves, “Who do they actually represent – the voters or the NGOs and appointed boards?”

The threat of man-made climate change is the center of the Deep State’s hold on power. That’s the unrelenting fear tactic that claims the earth will become uninhabitable in ten years unless massive government power controls every human action. Power for the state!

Yet there is ample scientific proof that such claims about man’s effect on the environment are basically non-existent. However, many leaders of the freedom movement wrongly assume that all we need to do to counter the misinformation from the climate alarmists is to simply write a scholarly paper disproving it and set the record straight. It doesn’t work because few will understand it, fewer still will ever attempt to read it. In short, we badly overestimate the knowledge, intelligence and attention span of the average citizen and government official whom we are trying to convince. Emotions tend to decide debates rather than facts.

The first step in fighting back is to stop depending on one person, one icon, one president to lead us forward. We must take responsibility ourselves to ensure that the government does not move forward unattended. We need to be directly involved at every level, especially on the local level.

Change the debate to attack anti-freedom policies and expose non-governmental (NGO) carpetbaggers hiding in the shadows dictating policy. You can change the debate by making private property protection the key to your local fight. Sustainable policy cannot be enforced if private property is protected. Challenge local elected officials to stand with you in protection of private property. If they refuse – expose them. Force elected officials to be personally responsible for their actions.

Picture how different our nation would be if we dug in to elect a majority of governors across the nation who understood and operated under the Tenth Amendment, which acknowledges the States’ power to stand against Federal overreach. What if you had a county commission that refused to participate in non-elected regional government? How would your life change if your city council was made up of individuals who guided your community under the three pillars of freedom, including protection of private property, encouragement and support for local businesses, and the lifting of rules and regulations that stifled personal choices in your individual life? How do we make all of that a reality?

Set a goal to turn your local community into a Freedom Pod. Simply focus on making these goals a reality in your community and if successful, as prosperity spreads, the idea will certainly spread to a neighboring community and then to the next. The challenge is to create a successful blueprint and a cadre of dedicated elected representatives that will begin to move from the local to the state level of government.

That will set the stage for effecting a federal government as conceived by our forefathers. The result will be the growth of Freedom Pods across the nation. Here is the end game for the forces of freedom. No matter who is president, we must take control of our cities, counties, state legislatures, and governors. Only then can we stand up to the potential tyranny from Washington, DC. To live your life as YOU choose, start right there in your community – build that Freedom Pod. Act Local and Stop Global!

How do you do that? The American Policy Center (APC) is now working with organizations nationwide to train and motivate local residents to take action in their own communities to push back and restore American freedom. APC has created a Local Activists Handbook and a Tool Kit with all the details you need to start organizing, training, and improving communications between activists and organizations, to share tactics, ideas, and successes. Learn more at

© 2024 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese:

Four Tough Years – and Rumor of DeSantis as Possible Sec. of Defense

By Kat Stansell

December 10, 2024

To the relief of most of the world, Donald Trump was elected to a second term in the White House. He has won. The job he won would terrify any one of us if we had to do it.

He will be doing battle every minute of every day. — for his very life as well as for ours. He will be attempting to turn around this mess we’ve been living through. The Obama-Biden gang has wounded us, and has plans for more.

We have escaped totalitarianism by a hair’s breadth. THIS time…

BREAKING: DeSantis among choices to replace Hegseth at Defense. Talk about keeping your enemies closer! OMG. More later. But this shows what we are up against. While DeSantis disenfranchises MAGA and America First patriots in Florida, he is under consideration for a top-level cabinet position. I believe Trump knows all this, and has plans for Florida (4th most electoral votes in the country) along with the nation.

The economy, our food and energy supplies, our freedoms to speak, defend ourselves, and even walk down a street safely. – ALL THIS and so much more were targets of the Communists in DC. Speaking of DC. and J6, , what about “innocent until proven guilty”??

Donald Trump has four years at 1600, to take this all on, for all of us. The world awaits, and, frankly, is pleased at what they are seeing even before his inauguration. Yet, we MUST NOT rest on our satisfaction. The Cabal has plenty of punches left to throw, and WE must be there to anticipate and block them for our POTUS where possible.

The American people MUST put it high gear to help. If they don’t, it will all come back in a flood that will drown this nation, even worse than the Regime did to TN and NC.

Yes, it is “off-the-couch-and-out-the-door” time, Earnest Patriots. Freedom lovers. There is not a day to spare. Just because a massive majority of us voted for Trump, does not mean we can relax. We must be out there doing what we can in our local communities. That is THE ONLY WAY we can retain what 2024 has wrought.

After all, you see what can happen with our vote in this still dangerously rigged system. First goal: MAKE PAPER BALLOTS AND HAND-COUNTS MANDATORY, IN EVERY ELECTION IN EVERY STATE. That is our first goal, our sine qua non.

Yes, it will take an army. An army of earnest, hard-working patriots who actively stand against the poison that remains in our system. Enjoy what “Too big to Rig” has brought us, but prepare and educate yourself to join the Patriots – in every small town, big city, and rural county. Just like the little kid on the logo, one “flag-waver” can reach those stars.

You know that I give suggestions as to how to get involved. So, here, for starters, I ask you to:

* PLEASE educate yourself more deeply in areas of your personal passion – elections, health care, education, role of the churches, geoengineering, UN Agenda tricks, food supply, transportation, our Constitution and its might’s powers, and so much more. Your choice!

* Try to team with neighbors and friends on getting active. If you want to start a neighborhood or family action group, make sure there are assigned roles, up front. That of the leader( is crucial. Assign each to a role that matches their abilities and interests. For instance, NEVER ASK A QUIET RESEARCHER TO BE THE FLAG-WAVER ON THE COURTHOUSE STEPS. Or, someone who can’t draw a straight line, to design posters and banners. Organizations accomplish much more when each member is working with their utmost energy and abilities.

There are national groups AND nationally respected people that have proven themselves to be highly effective and goal-directed, (usually NOT those always asking for donations, the infamous “red button gang.”) YOU donate to the group YOU respect after your research. More on those people and groups later.

Think with your head, act with your heart, but make sure they are connected for maximum results. More than ever before, we need to act.

The Trump election has given us one last chance to secure our freedoms. We must be up to that task, to keep them.

© 2024 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kat Stansell:

Christmas Gift to the World: Courageous Doctors and Scientists Who’ve Risked It All

Authored by Devvy Kidd not AI

December 9, 2024

Hard to believe Christmas is only 16 days away.  Billions of Christians around the world will celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Gift giving has long been a staple of celebrating Christmas. Unfortunately, over the years we’ve seen some pretty awful videos of people actually fighting each other at some big chain store to get the best bargains for big-screen TV’s to watch propaganda or nonsense.  Somewhere Jesus got lost in Aisle 5.

The rotten, corrupt WHO decided COVID-19 to be a pandemic on March 11, 2020.  That global money machine announced a “public health emergency of international concern” on Jan. 30, 2020 and kept up their lying and deceitful narratives and recommendations to basically shut down the world; end date was May 5, 2023.

On May 29, 2020, then President Trump announced US withdrawal from the WHO.  Why in hell it wouldn’t become effective until July 6, 2021, is beyond me.  Notice the date.  Career criminal, Joe Biden had stolen the election and within hours on his first day he ordered the U.S. to rejoin that corrupt, immoral organization.

What happened should never have happened and I’m talking about those deadly mRNA experimental gene therapy injections sold to the American people and around the world as a vaccine to “save lives” and prevent getting COVID.  Yes, they are experimental and have killed untold millions since first rolled out in late Dec. 2020.

People are dying all over America from the vaccine. That is a fact and I have provided a gazillion credible source coverage over the years; these are new: Insurance companies are NOT paying – saying those who took the vax knew it was experimental, Dec. 1, 2024. (The hell they knew. The prostitute media created a panic of epic proportions; Pfizer, Moderna, J & J and others assured everyone it was a safe vaccine. It can take 4-18 months to destroy your natural immune system; some might not develop autoimmune diseases for 3-5 years depending on their health status.)

Renowned Virologist Warns ‘Vaccinated People’ Face Looming Wave of Death & Disease, Dec. 1, 2024.

Yes, as predicted by scientists and doctors in developed countries, those experimental injections have caused massive destruction to people’s bodies.  As warned by doctors and scientists around the world (who knows the exact number) millions have developed autoimmune diseases (80 for which there is no known cure) destroying their lives.

At the beginning, President Trump relied on former VP, Mike Pence, to head up the “Corona virus emergency”.  Pence brought in Dr. Death Anthony Fauci who lied through his teeth and the rest is history.  Say what you want about Trump and those injections but put yourself in his shoes at the time when people were fighting over rolls of toilet paper. Panic rolled across this country.

Trump didn’t invent the mRNA experimental gene therapy injection passed off as a vaccine. If you can remember the press conferences early on, Trump truly was horrified about what was going on and was assured a ‘warp speed’ vaccine was going to save lives. That’s what he was told by experts like Dr. Death Fauci.  Taxpayers spent millions on security, chauffer for Fauci as private citizen, Nov. 30, 2024 ($15 million)

Trump is a businessman, not a scientist or doctor. It took a while but I believe Trump came to the realization he’d been lied to by both Fauci and the scarf lady, Dr. Deborah Birx. See:  James Woods’ Responds as Dr. Birx Reveals Her Treachery, May 10, 2024

Almost from day one, highly trained scientists and doctors warned:  Do not take those injections.  Prof. Dolores Cahill spoke out in January 2021, barely a month after the first roll-out (all of this is covered in the large number of columns I’ve written about this fraud).  A world-renowned Immunologist & Molecular Biologist. All of her video interviews have been and still are censored by You Tube for “false and misleading information.”

Professor Dolores J. Cahill, PhD. – Immunologist & Molecular Biologist.

“Prof. Dr Dolores Cahill is a world-wide renowned expert in high-throughput proteomics technology development and automation, high content protein arrays and their biomedical applications, including in biomarker discovery and diagnostics.

“Prof. Cahill pioneered this research area at the Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Genetics In Berlin and holds several international patents in this field with research, biomedicine and diagnostic applications.” (The long list of her accomplishments, knowledge and experience at link above.)

Then more and more courageous doctors and scientists in dozens of countries who still believe in “do no harm” come forward with case history of those who took the injections which are bioweapons, not vaccines.  Like Dr. Peter McCullough and a hundred others who had the courage to speak the truth using science, not some “fact checkers” employed by the prostitute media who were/are not doctors or scientists.  So many have had their medical licenses revoked for no other reason than $$$ and politics.

It’s been nearly 5 YEARS since the insanity and madness overtook this country.  Despite all the data proving number of deaths and disabling those injected, the U.S government is still running ads to get your COVID-19 shot – protect yourself and family!  It just absolutely sickens me.

Many of them before the COVID-19 injections who’ve lost their licenses have gone on to open clinics and continue to educate the American people about the danger of those injections and provide supplements to help stop/slow down the internal destruction of a human body.  The same has happened to the most experienced and qualified biologists, microbiologists and doctors in other countries in Europe.  All these courageous doctors, independent media journalists, truth tellers on platforms like Rumble, scientists and even some members of various parliaments across the oceans have given us the gift of truth at great expense and harm to their ability to feed their families.  Thank you. The truth and the American people are the only ones who can stop this.

Let me start with this:  TX Attorney General Ken Paxton Launches Investigation into Gain-of-Function Research and Misrepresentations by Covid-19 Vaccine Manufacturers, May 1, 2023.  “Paxton is also investigating whether the companies misrepresented the efficacy of their Covid-19 vaccines and the likelihood of transmitting Covid-19 after taking the vaccines in violation of the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act. The investigation will also look into the potential manipulation of vaccine trial data. This investigation concerns potentially fraudulent activity that falls outside the scope of legal immunity granted to manufacturers of the Covid-19 vaccine. It will also review the companies’ controversial practice of reporting the metric of “relative risk reduction” instead of “absolute risk reduction” when publicly discussing the efficacy of their vaccines.

“In recent years, certain pharmaceutical companies have had record-breaking financial success, driven in part by sales made from products related to the Covid-19 pandemic. This vested interest in the success of these Covid-19 products, combined with reports about the alarming side effects of vaccines, demands aggressive investigation.” Because of the outrageous attempt to impeach Ken Paxton last year, I’m not certain of the status of that case, then came the elections, a couple of serious surgeries for me. But I will follow up soon.

More on above:

To view everything I sent, just go to and at the top see the two files:  Who Created SARS-CoV-19, When, Where and How it Got to Wuhan, China and The Dead Book – Deaths, Serious Injuries, Permanently Disabled Doctors, Scientists: Pull Those Experimental Injections from the Market

Unless and until those responsible are indicted, tried, convicted and sent to prison for their crimes, tyrannical governors, state health “experts”, colleges & universities and employers will continue demanding Americans take those deadly injections. Not a monetary fine for a corporation, but CEO’s get hard prison time. It takes boots on the ground.

Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and others sold those experimental gene therapy injections as vaccines.  They are NOT. Mislabeling is a criminal offense.  Hospitals, clinics and doctors all used the PCR test to allegedly detect SARS-CoV-2.  Fraud.  The PCR test is a manufacturing technique that doesn’t test for any virus.

In 2009, DOJ went after Pfizer:

Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in Its History, Feb. 2, 2009 – Pfizer to Pay $2.3 Billion for Fraudulent Marketing

WASHINGTON – “American pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc. and its subsidiary Pharmacia & Upjohn Company Inc. (hereinafter together “Pfizer”) have agreed to pay $2.3 billion, the largest health care fraud settlement in the history of the Department of Justice, to resolve criminal and civil liability arising from the illegal promotion of certain pharmaceutical products, the Justice Department announced today.” Rest at link.

Is Pfizer, guilty of hiding critical clinical trial data and much more? Judicial Bombshell: Federal Judge Forces FDA to Release Over a Million Pages of Pfizer’s COVID-19 Trial Documents They Wanted to Keep Hidden for 75 Years, Dec. 6, 2024 – “The United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas ruled against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in a high-profile case brought by the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT).

“The decision mandates the FDA to release the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) file for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine no later than June 30, 2025.”

Both of them have deceived the American people by calling their product a vaccine.  Both of them in their SEC (Security & Exchange Commission) filings clearly state: “The FDA considers our product gene therapy.”  Gene Therapy is used to treat diseases like cancer.

The ones who continue to ignore the truth by scientists and doctors world-wide are District Attorneys, Attorney Generals, Governors, state “health” safety agencies and the list goes on; let’s not leave out the prostitute media who have been censoring the truth from day one.  I sent a package to Attorney General Paxton which contains all of the information on the front page of my web site at the top.

Unless and until those responsible for this monstrous crime against the American people are indicted and prosecuted, deaths and people’s lives ruined will continue.

‘They trusted the vaccine narrative and are now paying the price’: Bill Gates ordered to trial as COVID-shot injury case moves forwardFacing claims from 7 injured by the injections ‘over his involvement in misleading the public’, Oct. 23, 2024

Data Analyst Exposes Shocking Global Death Toll from the COVID Injections – “…interview with Bret Weinstein, data analyst Ed Dowd…”

BREAKING: O’Keefe Media Group: NIH Chief Confesses COVID Health Initiatives Were Completely Made Up… “I Probably Shouldn’t Be Saying This Out Loud” (VIDEO), Nov. 25, 2024 – “I probably shouldn’t be saying this out loud. They might have funded a lab in Wuhan, China and Pfizer and Moderna are getting a bunch of money from all of these vaccine mandates,” Raja Cholan said to the OMG undercover journalist.

“I don’t even know if these vaccines stop you from getting COVID. They don’t,” Raja Cholan said, adding, “We’re all going to learn [about the dangers of the Covid vaccine] when it’s too late.” (And more)

BREAKING: Florida Lawsuit Seeks Injunction to Prohibit mRNA Nanoparticle Injections Because They Are Bioweapons, Dec. 2, 2024 – “In Official Bulletins, the Florida Department of Health has previously called for a halt to the mRNA injections, advising that they are unsafe for humans and a threat to the human genome. Surgeon General Ladapo has publicly described the mRNA injections as the ‘Anti Christ’ of drugs.

“Sansone says the mRNA nanoparticle injections deployed against 23 million Floridians cause multiple disorders and diseases, including death, “Heart attacks, strokes, cancer, autoimmune diseases, neurological disorders, are just a few of the devastating results of these weapons of mass destruction.”

Former Trump Administration HHS Senior Advisor Provides Affidavit: “mRNA nanoparticle injections, are in fact biological and technological weapons of mass destruction”, Dec. 7, 2024

Breaking: Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Provides Affidavit: “All covid 19 vaccine mRNA gene therapies are BIOWEAPONS which means they are POISON”, Dec. 4, 2025

Calls for an Immediate Global Moratorium on COVID-19 mRNA Injections Intensify – DNA Contamination and Death Prompt ‘Notice of Extreme Concern About COVID-19 Modified mRNA Vaccine Safety’, Nov. 29, 2024: “On November 25th, an international coalition of politicians and prominent medical and other professionals (NORTH group) addressed a letter to the heads of state of 10 European nations—Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom—urging the suspension of all modified mRNA vaccines due to serious health concerns. Their call is supported by the World Council for Health and the McCullough Foundation.”

BREAKING PUBLICATION–Excess Cardiopulmonary Arrest and Mortality after COVID-19 Vaccination in King County, Washington, May 28, 2024 – That one contains specific breakdowns:  “We previously brought you news from King County, Seattle Washington about cardiac arrests from the elite MEDIC ONE EMS system which has the most accurate data in the country. It also happens to be one of the most heavily vaccinated metro areas in America.’  The numbers are staggering.

And it continues:  REPORT: One of the Most Heavily Vaxxed Counties in America is Now Facing a Heart Attack Crisis – 98% of people in King County, WA (Seattle) took at least one COVID shot, and the data is not looking good. Nov. 22, 2024 – “A peer-reviewed study has found a jaw-dropping 1,236% surge in excess heart attack deaths among King County’s 2.2 million residents.”

BREAKING NEWS – Twice-Censored Landmark COVID-19 Vaccine Autopsy Study Fully Peer-Reviewed and Published – After enduring relentless censorship, our systematic review linking COVID-19 vaccines to death is now available for the entire world to read. Nov. 17, 2024 – “The largest COVID-19 vaccine autopsy study to-date, providing robust evidence that COVID-19 vaccines can cause death, has been officially republished following successful peer-review in the journal Science, Public Health Policy, and the Law: A Systematic Review Of Autopsy Findings In Deaths After COVID-19 Vaccination. This comes after unethical censorship on two occasions: first, removal from Preprints with the Lancet and later, withdrawal by Elsevier after publication in Forensic Science International.”

The majority of Americans have no idea DARPA and DoD’s involvement in this nightmare but they were and it is criminalEmail DARPA – Project Veritas – Maj. Joseph Murphy and Unclassified report to DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) Attorney General, Commandant of the Marine Corps, Fellow: “…this situation meets no-go or abort.”  Murphy warned no one knows what’s going to happen with a spike protein in those injections.

Video, 13:04 – a must watch:  “Document surfaces confirming the Pentagon was in fact controlling the Covid-19 narrative all along and the agenda predates 2019.”

Video, 23:35 – a must watch.  Not just a professor but retired medical doctor: “Professor Breaks Down in Tears Exposing the Devastation Inflicted by COVID Vaccines (From RAIR Foundation) Tens and tens of millions of Australians got the shots.

Top Doctor: Fully Vaxxed Had Their Immune System DESTROYED By mRNA Bioweapon, Nov. 18, 2024: “Dr. Peter McCullough warned those who took the deadly mRNA COVID shot that the foreign entity now residing in their body is a “bioweapon” intended to destroy them, and it’s only a matter of time before its mission is complete.

“McCullough’s remarks are not just a theory or prediction; we are already witnessing millions of deaths as a result of the 2021 vaccine rollout, with many people dying from heart attacks, strokes, and turbo cancers.

“I have never seen something so injurious to the human body,” McCullough said. “It invades the brain. It invades the heart. It causes brain and heart damage,” he added.

“Not only will the mass deaths overwhelm hospitals, but the ripple effect will destroy the economy and thus cause social chaos.

“McCullough continued: “It invades the bone marrow. It stimulates antibodies to actually attack our own platelets and other cells in our body.”

“It causes blood clotting and damage to blood vessels like we’ve never seen. Like we’ve never seen.”  Data from the University of Pittsburgh suggests it causes cancer,” Dr. McCullough said.

“Since when do we have a protein that actually injures the brain, injures the heart, the bone marrow, the immune system, causes blood clotting and potentially causes cancer in a single protein?” he asked.  “It’s a weapon,” he said. According to strict military criteria, it’s a bioweapon.”

BREAKING – New Study Urges Immediate Halt to COVID-19 mRNA Injections Over Alarming Levels of DNA Contamination, Dec. 3, 2024 – “Researchers find DNA contamination in COVID-19 mRNA injections exceeding regulatory limits by over 300%, confirming findings from earlier studies.”

WATCH: “No Apology From Rachel Maddow” – Joe Rogan Highlights House Committee’s New 500-Page COVID-19 Report, Says “ALL The Conspiracy Theorists Were Correct”, Dec. 7, 2024

Megyn Kelly Regrets Getting COVID Vaccine After Discovering Medical Issue at Her Physical – “Megyn Kelly says she regrets getting the COVID-19 vaccine, explaining on her show Wednesday that she would have been better off without it.

“Kelly told her guest, writer David Zweig, that she was glad her children hadn’t been vaccinated amid the heavy pressure to do so during the pandemic.  “I thank God I didn’t stick them with that vaccine,” she said. “I’m sorry I did to myself… I regret getting the vaccine.”

“But there is another, more critical reason for her change of heart.  After being vaccinated and boosted and then having COVID, Kelly began suffering from an autoimmune issue, she said.

“And then, for the first time, I tested positive for an autoimmune issue at my annual physical,” she told Zweig. “And I went to the best rheumatologist in New York, and I asked her, ‘Do you think this could have to do with the fact that I got the damn booster and then got COVID within three weeks?’  And she said yes. Yes. I wasn’t the only one she’d seen that with.”

COVID Select Subcommittee Releases Findings: Vaccine Mandates ‘Not Supported by Science,’ Mask Rules Useless, Dec. 3, 2024 – Also see here that overwhelming shows not only are the masks useless, they’re dangerous.

I will be updating the front page of my web site soon…I hope. What will be posted besides the articles and videos above will be more science proving those experimental injections have killed incredible numbers of humans and/or destroyed their lives from developing turbo cancers, myocarditis and other deadly side effects that were known all along.  I will put together one final package to our State Attorney General Ken Paxton with the above and more.  Gen. Paxton: Convene a grand jury and go after those responsible for so many deaths with more to come.

I say more to come because many people who got the injection(s) 2-3 years ago say they’re fine. I pray it remains that way for them because we’re entering year 4 when the massive ‘get the vaccine’ was shoved down America’s throat. Over the years I’ve watched Sen. Ron Johnson’s round table with those who’ve become disabled. Read heart breaking web sites devoted to those who’ve developed autoimmune diseases, their lives ruined.  I know our country is facing a long over haul but the pharmaceutical corporations and DoD must be held accountable.

Come January after everyone is sworn into office, that’s when the American people must demand their governors stop distribution of any COVID-19 injections. Period.  Parents who’ve gotten their child one of them to get into this school year need to go after the school districts.

There’s no going back at this point in time.  The truth is overwhelming and indictments and convictions along with permanent prison time for intentional homicide for the CEO’s as well as those in DoD who knowingly distributed a deadly poison while lying through their teeth.

I’m going to close this out with these – a MUST interview (transcript or watch the video, not too long):  Stunning Testimony by Dr. Marty Makary, Nov. 23, 2024.

One of the most important interviews you’ll ever read or watch. Not about the COVID injection but I don’t want to see people continue to die from cancer. Bombshell Interview with Dr William Makis on Using IVERMECTIN and FENBENDAZOLE to Treat/Cure Cancer, Nov. 30, 2024. Learn. “…Dr William Makis, and he has been a prolific writer on Twitter or X, but also on Substack, and he is a radiologist, an oncologist, a cancer researcher.”

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

© 2024 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:


Video, 14:12: RFK: I Have Evidence To Lock Up CDC and Big Pharma Execs for LIFE, 2 months ago (contains 3 commercials)

Support American owned business for Christmas:

We’re all aware of the grossly inappropriate books found in school libraries.  I purchased two sets of these great children’s books – I read them before giving one set of four to a friend’s 6-six year old grand daughter and one set to one of the Christian schools in my city.  Hearty House Children’s books.  A great Christmas present.

Support Mike Lindell for all the sacrifices he’s made while trying to keep Americans employed:  Celebrate Trump’s Win With Price Buster Deals and Christmas Specials At MyPillow (Up To 75% Off!)

American-made products you can shop for this holiday season for loved ones

Dichotomies, Woke-ism, Transgenders, Insanities of All Kinds

By Frosty Wooldridge

December 9, 2024

Every day you turn on the news, something even crazier than yesterday appears on your television, or broadcasts on your radio, or flashes across your computer screen.  The dichotomies and insanities keep mounting and multiplying at breakneck speed.

As in the kid who shot, in cold blood, United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson!  He stalked him, shot him in the back, and walked away.  He killed a husband, father and friend.  He caused incredible grief to the entire Thompson family.  Now, those two kids grow up without a father.  I know the feeling as I lost my dad in my teen years.  His loss totally upended my life, really, for all of my life.  I’ve never been the same since my dad’s death.  That “moment in time” never leaves me.  But then, you’ve got people on social media cheering that father’s death. NUTS!

Not only that, but that kid’s life will vanish into a jail cell or an injection of a needle.  That kid destroyed his life. It’s completely insane.

Then, you look at that Jose’ Ibarra beating to death Laken Riley!  He destroyed her life, her family, and her friends.  And, he’s in jail for the rest of his life.  For what? Just because she wouldn’t surrender to him for sex?  So, he bashed her head to pieces.  It’s absolutely nuts!

When that dirtbag felon of a human being, George Floyd, died in Minneapolis, he caused a national riot of $2 billion in damages, and many deaths, but Kamala Harris provided bail money for all the arsonists, looters and terrorists.  Floyd more than likely died from ingesting fentanyl before he got arrested for passing counterfeit bills.  He began as a carjacker at the age of 16, but continued as a thief, porn star, woman abuser, felon and all around God-forsaken criminal.  Yet, they are naming schools after him.  Then, Kamala Harris, who supported the $2 billion in property damage, said that the riots should continue.  Ironically, she became vice president of the United States.  Is that NUTS or what?

Talk about dichotomies, we elected, or it appeared we elected forever politician Joe Biden into the White House, only to watch him destroy our country by inviting, engineering and forcing over 15 million illegal aliens into our country.  Biden along with New York Governor Hochul caused the death of Laken Riley.  That’s a fact!  Yet, they didn’t/don’t give a damn.  The illegals continue pouring over our borders, daily, by the tens of thousands, by the hundreds of thousands.  Is that not absolutely, incredibly insane?!

Here’s another insanity:

After the fiasco of 1965 Immigration Reform Act that dumped over 140 million legal immigrants onto our country, Congress passed another bill in 1990 that increased the flow of foreigners to displace American citizens by the hundreds of thousands.  That bill caused the distribution of $500 billion annually from American workers to the investment people on the Stock Exchange. To hell with American citizens and their families.  In other words, our own elected Congressional Critters screwed all of us out of jobs, solid incomes, and in the process, sewed incredible cultural conflict that accelerates today.  It’s a fact that our elected officials put all legal and illegal migrants FIRST and American citizens, LAST!

Now, the mainstream media has brought all sorts of bogus charges against Pete Hegseth to stop him from reforming the Department of Defense.  Instead of a decorated U.S. Army veteran, you’ve read that he is a horrible person.  Just like the Russia Hoax that Trump suffered, the “Deep State” doesn’t want anyone to stop it from its power over America and the American people.  As if all those “dudes” in the Deep State aren’t part of the Epstein Island sex parties.  Notice how the mainstream media buries any of the stories they don’t want the American people to read about.

What about that “WOKE” crap being forced down the throats of our American soldiers.  We don’t want our Marine and Army killers wearing dresses and earrings.  We want men to get into the field to kill the enemy.  The fact is, when you get around “transgender individuals”, you get a really icky feeling all over your body and mind.  It’s a biological “ickiness” that a straight male cannot shake.   Along with that kind of craziness within our military ranks, you’ve got Secretary Austin promoting CRT within the military.  It’s beyond insane to teach such insanity within the military, but that’s what’s happening.  If that continues, our men and women in uniform won’t be able to coordinate their military skills to fight their way out of a paper bag.

What about the insanity of “Defund the police”? How much more crime can we accept?  How would you like to live in San Francisco where it’s totally and completely nuts with 50,000 homeless drunks, mentally ill, drug addicts and bums subsisting on the streets because the mayor and city council ALLOW IT!  In other words, no standards of decency or law and order!  Just turn the city into a third world “sh*thole.”   I’ve seen it firsthand; that’s what it is and it is sickening.  And California Governor Newsom is lining up to run for the U.S. presidency in four years?!  How insane and totally crazy would our country become with him in the White House?  He harbors and protects over 4.0 million illegal aliens in his state. He’s about to spend millions to protect them from Trump.  It’s so nuts, that you can’t make this stuff up.

How about the insanity of 250,000 drug overdose deaths from fentanyl that was invited over our borders by Biden in the past four years?  Joe Biden stands as the number one drug distributor in America that caused all those deaths.  Why?  Because he caused it, plain and simple.  The man should be impeached for treason.  That’s why Bill O’Reilly, in his book, Confronting the Presidents: Washington to Biden, stated that Joe Biden is the second to worst president in the history of 46 presidents.

Plenty more dichotomies continue in the United States.  We spent $6 trillion in Afghanistan, Iraq and beyond.  We imported the world’s mentally ill, criminals, gangs and worse.  Biden turned Springfield, Ohio into a daily nightmare. Biden turned NYC into a nightmare. We’ve got Chicago residents ready to put their mayor in jail for his part in this entire stupid “Sanctuary City” nightmare.

What does all this confusion, chaos, dichotomies, transgenders, woke-ism, Muslims chanting “Death to America”, killings, massive drug use, Sanctuary Cities, $36 trillion national debt, mass and endless immigration out of the third world, infrastructure crumbling, killing a CEO walking on a city street—-all boil down to?

It’s almost like we’re a nation committing national suicide.

Colorado Governor Lamb said in 2003, “We must first make America a bilingual-bicultural country.  History shows that no nation can survive the tension, conflict, and antagonism of two or more competing languages and cultures. One scholar, Seymour Martin Lipset put it this way, ‘The histories of bilingual and bicultural societies that do not assimilate are histories of turmoil, tension, and tragedy. Canada, Belgium, Malaysia, Lebanon—-all face rises of national existence in which minorities press for autonomy if not independence.  Pakistan and Cyprus divided. Nigeria suppressed an ethnic rebellion. France faces difficulties with its Muslims, Basques, Bretons and Corsicans.”

Arnold Toynbee observed that all great nations rise and fall. But it’s their method of demise that creates an intriguing point. He said, “An autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide.”

America is well on along that path.

© 2024 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Socialized Medicine is the Motive of the Assassin

By Cliff Kincaid

December 8, 2024

Assassinations are now in favor on the political left. They failed to kill President Trump but health care CEO Brian Thomspon was shot from behind, and the left-wing assassin fled.  Nobody in the private sector or in the new Trump Administration is safe from the fury of the left.

It is clear, by now, that the assassin was motivated by hatred of big corporations in the health care sector. His hatred is a staple of the socialists, who want the private sector to be regulated out of existence or outlawed in total.  Their future is “Medicare for All,” once embraced by Kamala Harris, who once campaigned on abolishing private health plans. That meant that an estimated 180 million people in the U.S. with employer-sponsored health insurance would go under federal government control.

Despite the social media enthusiasm greeting the CEO’s murder, a recent public opinion poll found that a strong majority (75 percent) are satisfied with their current employer-provided plans.

With the assassination of Thomson, the FBI is now coming to the rescue, announcing a $50,000 reward for information leading to the apprehension of the assassin. No doubt the FBI will find their man and bask in the limelight of those eager to preserve this gigantic federal agency as it is and forget its history of abuses.

The assassin’s ability to so far escape apprehension suggests somebody with special training and an axe to grind against private insurance.

The bigger target is private health care coverage, with the assassin clearly hoping to promote more government control, thereby eliminating free choice options, and forcing everybody into a national health care system. It is the Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris “dream” that could easily become the nightmare we see in other countries.

In the wake of this tragedy, look for the Democrats to exploit the situation and promote socialized medicine.

A Toronto newspaper is already citing the murder as proof that a socialist health care system, like they have in Canada, is the answer.

This is promoted as a panacea when the inevitable result of more government-controlled health care coverage is more denial of services, longer waits, and the “mercy killing” of old folks.

What we are seeing, once you get beyond the seemingly isolated murder, is a greater plot targeting health insurance companies in general. Social media have been unleashed on the incident in New York, with the far-left applauding the murder of the father of two. Ordinary Americans with complaints about their coverage are being ushered on the bandwagon, not knowing what the goal of this orchestrated effort really is.

In the wake of the brutal killing, we are being treated to horrible stories about private health insurance. Look at the headlines:

  • Torrent of Hate for Health Insurance Industry Follows C.E.O.’s Killing
  • Killing of insurance CEO reveals simmering anger at US health system
  • Killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO prompts flurry of stories on social media over denied insurance claims

The author of a book critical of the health insurance industry – “Delay Deny Defend” – has been silent, even though it appears the book may have been a factor in the assassination. The author is a distinguished Professor of Law at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, School of Law at Camden.

We have now learned that the professor previously wrote a book about how “the Right is subverting the legal protections of consumers, workers, injury victims, and the environment,” to quote a synopsis of Un-making Law: The Conservative Campaign to Roll Back the Common Law.

According to the summary, “Conservatives have a clear agenda to turn back the clock on the common law to increase the rights of big business. Some significant inroads have already protected gun manufacturers from lawsuits and hampered the government’s protection of the environment, for example; more rollbacks are on the horizon.”

So this attack on “Big Business” is really part of the left-wing agenda that has now taken a very ugly turn on the streets of New York City.

The feeding frenzy over the murder ignores how this young man in charge of a successful company was shot in the back by a cowardly assassin. His company was already the target of a class action law suit by lawyers eager to cash in on alleged damages.

The “social media” coverage is almost as sick as the murder itself.

AHIP, the national association of companies providing health care coverage and services to hundreds of millions of Americans every day is objecting to the angry tone, and with good reason. These companies are run by ordinary Americans working in the private sector and trying to navigate a complex and costly health care system.

Their web site notes that one big factor in the health care problem is federal intervention, including cuts to private and popular Medicare Advantage (MA) payment rates that result “in fewer options, higher out-of-pocket costs and reduced supplemental benefits for seniors and individuals with disabilities.”

Medicare Advantage was created in 2003 under President George W. Bush. Democrats proposed cuts to fund their $5 billion socialist “Build Back Better” agenda, laying the groundwork for eventually moving seniors and everybody else into a socialist single-payer system. Such a plan, like they have in Canada, will limit patient choice, and increase costs and lead to euthanasia.

What we are seeing in the response is a mob mentality at work in a system in which private companies are trying to provide services during government intervention in a health care marketplace that makes it almost impossible to know what is covered and what is not.

As companies try to navigate this chaos, using AI systems to analyze the government-authorized payment system, a health care company CEO is dead, and some in the media, including a former Washington Post journalist, are saying he got what is coming to him.

But representatives of other trade associations and companies should take note. Consider:

  • If you feel abused by your bank, are you justified in a violent attack on that institution?
  • If you lose money in the stock market, should you take out your revenge on CNBC or your local broker?
  • If your auto mechanic doesn’t fix your car, should you go after his employees?

Strangely, as former Marine Daniel Penny is on trial for defending innocent and defenseless fellow passengers on a subway car in New York, as a drug-crazed criminal threatened them all, the assassin of Brian Thompson is being hailed for shooting this father in the back. He is survived by his wife and two sons, now 19 and 16.

This is a sign of our sick and twisted society, unable to unwilling to stand up for law and order and the truly innocent. People are looking for scapegoats and they have found one.

Shouldn’t it be stated in direct terms — if you lose a health care claim, the answer is not to take somebody’s else’s life? Yet that lesson has been lost as the FBI rides to the rescue, in preparation for an arrest and trial of the assassin, who will be highlighted as a fighter for justice and probably get off as a result of biased media coverage against the private sector.

In the meantime, Bobby Schindler cites a report from the Life Issues Institute that found that 14 countries, including eleven states and territories within the USA, have passed varying degrees of euthanasia. That is the inevitable outcome of increasing government control of private health care decisions.

In a recent interview on my Rumble channel, Schindler, whose sister Terri Schiavo was starved to death in a notorious case, describes how Nazi-style “health care” is spreading in America. The victims are labeled “life unworthy of life.” Such an outcome is far worse than the private sector abuses we are seeing in the press.

There is an ulterior motive behind the cowardly campaign that involves the killing of a health care CEO. Don’t be fooled by the media attempt to make the assassin into a folk hero. He is an assassin cut from the same mold as those who tried to kill President Trump.

© 2024 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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When God Laughs

by Rolaant McKenzie

December 8, 2024

Hogan’s Heroes, an American television sitcom that aired from 1965 to 1971, portrays a group of Allied soldiers in a prisoner-of-war (POW) camp called Stalag 13 in Nazi Germany during World War II. The prisoners are led by senior POW officer Colonel Robert Hogan, who uses a network of tunnels underneath the camp as a base of operations to conduct sabotage and espionage activities with resistance forces and assist German defectors and escaping prisoners from other POW camps.

All these activities take place right under the nose of the clueless, inept, and vain Colonel Wilhelm Klink, the camp commandant, who is proud that no escape from Stalag 13 under his command has ever been successful. Hans Schultz, the camp’s first sergeant, is a bumbling but very affable man. He indirectly helps the prisoners in their clandestine operations by looking the other way or taking bribes from them for information.

One of the most interesting things about this television series was the stories of several of its primary cast members who were Jewish.

  • Robert Clary, who played prisoner Corporal Louis LeBeau, was a Holocaust survivor who was imprisoned at the Buchenwald concentration camp, where he lost most of his immediate family, until it was liberated by American troops in 1945.
  • Leon Askin, who played General Albert Burkhalter and Colonel Klink’s superior officer, lost both of his parents in the Treblinka death camp. He fled his homeland of Austria to the United States in 1940 and later served during World War II as a staff sergeant in the U.S. Army Air Forces.
  • John Banner, who played Sergeant Schultz, escaped from Austria and immigrated to the United States after Adolph Hitler annexed the country to Nazi Germany in 1938, where he later served in the U.S. Army Air Forces as a supply sergeant. He also lost family members to the Holocaust.
  • Howard Caine, who played the Gestapo Major Wolfgang Hochstetter, served in the U.S. Navy during World War II in the Pacific Theater from 1944 to 1946.
  • Werner Klemperer, who played Colonel Klink, was the son of famed orchestra conductor Otto Klemperer. Fearing for their safety in Nazi Germany, the Klemperer family immigrated to the United States in 1935. Later, he joined the U.S. Army and served during World War II in the Pacific Theater.

When Klemperer was initially told about Hogan’s Heroes by his agent and auditioned for the role of Colonel Klink, he was not informed that the show was to be a comedy. He took the role on the condition that he would never be portrayed as the hero, but that he would always be depicted as a fool who never succeeded in anything he attempted.

Some may wonder why actors who experienced the horrors of World War II, were taken from or fled their homes, and lost family members in Nazi death camps would be involved in such a show. Perhaps they understood that a merry heart, laughter, can be like medicine to the body and soul (Proverbs 17:22) and bring some healing to the traumas they experienced.

Just as Jews who annually celebrate Purim by reading the story of Esther in the Bible boo and hiss at the mention of the name of Haman, the enemy of the Jewish people who sought their annihilation, the cast of Hogan’s Heroes also could have understood that ridicule, making the evils of Nazism look absurd, was an effective way of resisting it and showing that those who embrace such ideologies are inevitably destined for defeat and destruction.

Eugen Schwab, the father of World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab, sought to establish the global power of the Third Reich by manufacturing armaments and developing nuclear weapons for the Nazis through his company, Escher Wyss AG. His failure and that of the genocidal regime he served did not dissuade his son from endeavoring to build the Fourth Reich, which he calls the “Fourth Industrial Revolution,” through the WEF and its partners, where they seek to reduce people to serfdom and concentrate them into reservations, ghettos, or camps called “15-minute cities” to face all-encompassing control and eventual elimination.

As we see the efforts of global elites and organizations like the WEF to institute a worldwide dystopian antichrist kingdom of slavery, death, and destruction (Revelation 13), we may feel dismayed by their seemingly insurmountable power. But this is of no surprise or worry to God, who holds their every heartbeat and breath in His hands.

“Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying, ‘Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us.’ He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision. Then He will speak to them in His wrath, and terrify them in His fury, saying, ‘As for Me, I have set My King on Zion, My holy hill.'” (Psalm 2:1-6)

Of Messiah the King, the Anointed One, the Lord says,

“You shall break them with a rod of iron and dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.” (Psalm 2:9)

As these satanically empowered global elites scurry around the world in their private jets, yachts, and limousines and conspire to defy God, rule the world, and destroy His creation, the Lord laughs at their vain and futile ambitions.

The cast of Hogan’s Heroes used laughter at the Third Reich as a way of looking forward with hope to the eventual defeat of similar totalitarian regimes. Much more, those who take refuge in the Lord Jesus Christ by trusting in Him for the forgiveness of sins and fellowship with God can have confident hope and joy in the laughter of God, for He will have the last word and utterly demolish the global elite’s Fourth Reich and establish us in His eternal kingdom (Psalm 2:12; Daniel 2; Revelation 19:11-16).

© 2024 Rolaant McKenzie – All Rights Reserved

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How Long do We Hold on to What God is Now Rejecting?

By Pastor Glynn Adams

December 8, 2024

“But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then it shall come about that those whom you let remain of them will become as pricks in your eyes and as thorns in your sides, and they shall trouble you in the land in which you live. And it shall come about that as I plan to do to them, so I will do to you.” (Numbers 33:55:56) HATH GOD REALLY SAID? Yes, we just read it. Romans and I Corinthians also say what was written in earlier times (Old Testament) were written for our instruction. Are we in America going to continue to ignore what God is saying to us? I hear the trumpets blowing to warn us of pending dangerous times coming to America. The only one coming after us is evil because the Body of Christ is asleep and refuses to resist evil, and get into the spiritual war raging in our nation.

Perhaps a story in the Old Testament will let us see what God wants out of the Christians in America. We know in our heart that something is wrong in our churches today in America. Our pastors and churches have been hijacked by carnal and deceived men and the traditions of men and evidence abounds that God has rejected not the church He builds but the one in America that man has built.

In 1 Samuel 15, the prophet Samuel anoints Saul as King and God gives Saul a mission to destroy the Amalekites, which is a type of evil, and completely destroy men, women, children, infants, animals, and all that he has. King Saul defeats Amalek but he saves the best of the sheep for sacrifice and keeps the king of the Amalekites, Agag alive. Samuel tells King Saul exactly how God feels about his disobedience of God, “Has the Lord as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice and to heed than the fat of rams. For rebellion is as the sin of divination, and insubordination is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the Word of the LORD, God has rejected you from being King.” (1 Samuel 15:22-23) Then King Saul admits he transgressed the command of the Lord because he feared the people and listened to their voice.

Then in Chapter 16 of 1 Samuel, the LORD said to Samuel, “How long will you grieve (mourn) over Saul since I have rejected him from being king over Israel?” We can get some important and life-saving messages from these passages for Christians in America who are not as serious about disobedience as the LORD is, that ignoring the commands of God against evil, the people who are evil, and the things God deems as evil carries a more serious consequence that we can image.

To disobey God when dealing with evil God considers it as rejecting the Word of the LORD, rebellion is as the sin of divination and insubordination as iniquity and idolatry and it causes God to reject people who practice it. For Christians, God is saying that to attend church is not as important as obedience and to heed the LORD. Now for some of you who are deceived and ignorant of the Word of God may not be impressed with or subject to an Old Testament truth. But I Corinthians 10:11 and Romans 15:4-6 also 1 Peter and Jude says that the OT was written for our instruction, as examples to us, and that we would be of one mind with Christ to glorify the God and Father of Jesus Christ.

I often wonder but I have no way of knowing if God at some point will reject us for our disobedience and our blatant refusal to resist evil in this nation. He rejected King Saul from being king and those upwards of eighteen years of age who came out of Egypt, was promised the land of milk and honey but did not enter in because of disobedience and unbelief. I am not saying that God has rejected Christians in America but I am saying that there is amble proof that God has rejected our religious systems that we as men and women have developed in this nation. We have made another Jesus in our American image to fit our American lifestyle. Our religious systems in no way line up with the Word of God and the First Century Church. The New Testament Church was corrupted by Constantine in 325 AD and Christians throughout the ages have held on to those same traditions of men that do not line up with the Word of God. Why do I include the First Century Church? Because that is the church Jesus made disciples and when Jesus went up, the Spirit came down, and His disciples went out to do the things Jesus taught and commanded them to do.

According to the Word of God, that has not changed. Jesus said HE will build His church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. We have no such church in America nor have we made one. The gates of hell have entered our religious systems and our nation is unraveling. Doctrine of demons, and demonic strongholds are in all parts of our culture and our religious systems. We have dominion and all the resources of God available to us but we still cannot fix it nor will this religious system stand for one minute when the antichrist is revealed. We can’t compete, stand, or resist the antichrist spirit now; what are we going to do when the real deal comes to power on this earth with all his deception and power given to him?

We need to scrape our religious systems and we will need a move of God to do it. The question God asked the prophet Samuel, I believe God is asking American Christians today, “How long will you hold on to what I have rejected?” How long will you continue to invest in the thing God has moved on from? We are emotionally tied to our religious systems which Jesus neither built, blessed, or anointed. If we continue to focus on the religious system God wants us to walk away from, then we will continue to die spiritually in America. If we will allow God to “rule” us, God promises our latter will be better than our former. If we will forsake our lives for Christ’s sake, our doctrines, opinions, interpretations, our rule and control, then God will give us life. Christians will have real Godliness with the power of God not a form of godliness and no power as it is now. If we come under the Kingdom of God rule, we can’t imagine the glory, anointing, and blessings to do the will of God on earth as it is done in heaven.

Well, Brother Adams, how do we do all of this? Jesus said, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you.” Let God “rule” your life; get in the Word of God to learn of Jesus and His Ways to build your spiritual house on the Solid Rock by receiving and acting on the Word of God. Be a hearer of God and a doer. Start sharing the gospel of the Kingdom, make disciples and hear this – teaching these disciples to do all I have commanded you, and use your resources to help others. We are to be in the restoration business to all people. We are a chosen people to fulfill the purposes of God. Jesus has given us all authority, His power, His Word, His Name, and His spiritual weapons to resist and defeat the evil before us.

We have been given power to thread on scorpions (a type of demons) and to pull down demonic strongholds. If we walk in the Spirit and in truth, it will set us free to live and do the greater works of Jesus. But we must be ready, on the alert, and let no one mislead us. Guard your heart and take up your cross by dying to your flesh so His Spirit can prevail in our life. Something wonderful and fulfilling is waiting for the Body of Christ in America when we are obedient, committed, submissive, faithful, and showing allegiance to our King and we shall find great favor with Him but only if we forsake our false religious systems and its ways!!! God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams

© 2024 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

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Illegals, Come One and All, We’ll Give you Thousand$ to Kill and Rape

by Kathleen Marquardt

December 7, 2024

It has been almost 10 years since 5-times deported illegal immigrant Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez murdered Kate Steinle in San Francisco. The country was outraged. Today, we are inviting this behavior – on a scale that is unfathomable.

Yes, I’m well aware that a major goal of Agenda 21/2030/the Great Reset is to reduce the human population by over 90%, and this is just one of the tools being used to achieve that goal. But I do keep forgetting that we are just natural resources to be tended to and controlled by the New World Order Globalists – who are, thus, themselves, natural resources but, instead, consider themselves all-powerful beings of a higher order, not the scum they are. It is very difficult for a sane, rational person who operates on logic, reason, and sound science to take in these ideas as anything more than unhinged idiocy. But it is the operating principle for the Globalists and the uber-gullible masses they have programmed.

In the past several years, illegal immigration has multiplied many-fold. And those being welcomed in are the dregs of the underworld. We now have cartel gangs taking over apartment buildings, raping young and old alike, and being given the keys to the kingdom – money, cars, and carte blanch to rape and pillage like the marauders of feudalism days.

But, an American who, as he put it so eloquently to me, “I’m a US citizen, US taxpayer, US veteran, and I can’t get past the iron curtain known as US immigration.” Watch the short video re a wife with a Green Card since 1990, and paying U.S. taxes ever since. Her Green Card expired a while ago, but assuming that they have been paying taxes (and extra taxes — see video), it would just be a formality to get a new one.

But no such luck. They are now being told it could be a year or two before she is able to return to their home in Florida, where their daughters are living.

My advice was to move to Mexico and come back that way – maybe they would even have the extra $20,000 in taxes returned to them.

Hearing their story makes me madder than a wet hen. Daily, we read about the illegal gangs – murders, rape, pillage – you name it, if it is illegal and disgusting, they will do it – laughing. And go on collecting their thousands.

I want to know if you, reader, see that this is part of the plan, the plan to reduce the legal human population. Once the illegals take out enough of them, they will become the cannon fodder. But, for now, they have a license to commit mayhem and get written up as heroes for it – as that is what they are to the Globalists – heroes of 1984, Brave New Word, and Soylent Green.

We need some outrage here, folks. We need to let those bought-out bums in D.C. know that we are not going to be cowed by them anymore, that we want a clean house and will do the cleaning if they are willing.

Now, we are about as upside-down as we can get. When do we say NO!?

Right is wrong. Good is bad. Evil has a free hand. Our children have been brainwashed, programmed, and had their brains turned to mush. Our teachers have been programmed to spew Marxist dogma, and instead of teaching the 3 Rs, they are inculcating the students with sexual aberrations and causing them to be averse to good, clean work.

Our civilization is on the verge of collapse, and people cannot take their heads off their phones long enough to see the abhorrence of what is considered proper behavior. It is time for every still fairly sane person to be counted. You can start by writing to your Congressmen and women and Senators and tell them it is time to grow up, be adults, and send those bearing bribes or threats to get lost. At the same time, please tell them the Department of Homeland Security needs to be demolished, post haste.

ICE needs to get rid of all illegal aliens now! And we need to become conscientious citizens who do not put up with the behavior of those breaking the law and threatening our neighborhoods. Either “See something – do something” or “See something – call someone (police)”. Man up – even you women. Stand up for what is right and stand against wrongs.

Watch Dave’s video and realize that when illegal aliens are welcomed with open arms and well-behaved legals are denied entry, there is something grossly wrong with our system.; it needs a rebuild.

Let your elected officials – federal and local – know that we are no longer scared of them; that we are in charge, and we want to once again live in Freedom.

Slay the beast.

© 2024 Kathleen Marquardt – All Rights Reserved

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Conservative Sex Scandals and Conduct Unbecoming?

By Cliff Kincaid

December 7, 2024

[DISCLAIMER: The opinions of those who write for NewsWithViews are theirs and do not necessarily reflect the values and opinions of NWVs, it’s owners, employee, other contributing writers and advertisers. Free speech – next to our Second Amendment – is the bedrock of our free nation. One can agree or disagree with a writer but if NWVs starts censoring content they or even one bot doesn’t like, NWVs would become no different than CNN, MSNBC, SPOTIFY, FACEBOOK, and all the other Fascist America hating corporations Americans continue to support when there are so many other alternatives. You read, you decide. Thank you.]

The silliest “conservative” argument for confirmation of serial adulterer Pete Hegseth as Secretary of Defense is that some Senate Republicans voted to confirm a transgender as assistant Secretary of Heath and Human Services under Biden.  In other words, let’s copy their decadence. Rachel Levine, a man who wears lipstick and a dress, is a four-star Admiral. Republicans, they say, should enthusiastically back Hegseth.

Can’t we do better than that?

Don’t the American people deserve better than someone who discovered his latest wife in the Fox News harem?

I was driving back home on Wednesday night, listening to conservative talk show host Vince Coglianese on WMAL in Washington, D.C., and heard him casually dismissing the claims about Trump nominee Pete Hegseth abusing his former wife. He said this was typical in divorce proceedings. As a conservative eager to uphold true family values, I called in to comment, but he went to a news broadcast, leaving me hanging and so I hung up. This is how conservative media censor true conservatives.

My point was going to be that the allegations came not from an ex-wife but from Hegseth’s own mother. That makes a big difference. If my mom had accused me of abusing my wife or ex-wife, with words like “dishonesty, sleeping around, betrayal, debasing, belittling” women, I would be astounded and shamed into silence. Instead, Hegseth went through a series of broken marriages and became a media star on Fox because of his good looks. Now he is Trump’s nominee to be chief of the Pentagon, under fire for a personal life that should not define our military and in fact should be rejected as unsuitable and unfit. He has engaged in what the military calls “conduct unbecoming”

It is typical for a husband and wife to trade vicious allegations in divorce. The difference this time is that Hegseth’s mother made the charges.

I have never heard of a mother taking the side of the ex-wife. You would expect the mother to take her son’s side.

On his show, Coglianese, editorial director of Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller, noted that his mother subsequently went on Fox to say Pete was a great husband and father and that she had retracted the charges against him. I regard that as too late to undo the damage. The damage control in this case just won’t work. His mother knows the truth.

As a veteran of the Washington, D.C. scene, I never thought I would see a conservative president nominate someone of such dubious moral standing as Pentagon chief. But it’s not just about Hegseth. It’s about the sexual escapades at Fox News, where Hegseth was a star.

I think Hegseth, a combat veteran nominated by Trump to be Pentagon chief, is a truly sorry sight, perhaps suffering from combat-related mental problems, and worthy of treatment. If he is suffering from PTSD, he doesn’t belong in the post of Secretary of Defense. But I have more compassion for his first ex-wife, the victim.

Coglianese is typical of the “conservative” defense of Hegseth, especially his former colleagues in the Fox News “family,” where he came from. But it’s hard to take the crew at Fox News seriously, since the channel is notorious for sex scandals and functioning as a harem for the males employed there.

Sex scandals and adulterous affairs have characterized Fox News since the time when a group of women exposed how Fox founder Roger Ailes sexually harassed attractive women in his employ. His techniques eventually gave rise to the movie “Bombshell.”

Fox star Jesse Watters’ messy affair and divorce were the subject of countless stories. But he bounced back with a new wife, as the New York Post reported, “Guests at their wedding in Naples, Florida, included Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle, plus Eric and Lara Trump.”

Watters took over from former Fox star Bill O’Reilly, who is still trying to crush disclosures relating to the sex scandal allegations against him, years after he was forced out. He appears regularly on Newsmax and the Glenn Beck show.

Sadly, Vince Coglianese isn’t alone in following the MAGA party line on how Hegseth is a perfectly appropriate choice. Breitbart news, after listing those supporting the Hegseth nomination, maintained that Hegseth “has been under siege by a seemingly coordinated media smear campaign, driven by anonymous allegations as far back as a decade.”

The trouble with that claim is that his mother isn’t anonymous.

In the email obtained and published by the New York Times, his mother called his treatment of his ex-wife, Samantha Hegseth, “despicable and abusive.” She told him to “get some help and take an honest look at yourself.”

That’s good advice. He should get help, not get the top Pentagon job.

Here’s what she told him:

“You are an abuser of women — that is the ugly truth and I have no respect for any man that belittles, lies, cheats, sleeps around, and uses women for his own power and ego. You are that man (and have been for years) and as your mother, it pains me and embarrasses me to say that, but it is the sad, sad truth.

“I am not a saint, far from it.. so don’t throw that in my face. but your abuse over the years to women (dishonesty, sleeping around, betrayal, debasing, belittling) needs to be called out…It’s time for someone (I wish it was a strong man) to stand up to your abusive behavior and call it out, especially against women.”

That “strong man” should have been Trump, who should have known about this history and should never have nominated Hegseth in the first place. Trump was betrayed by his staff, who didn’t vet this particular nominee. A simple Google search would have disclosed his multiple marriages.

Here’s the list of Hegseth supporters, as identified by Breitbart:

  1. Will Cain, Hegseth’s former co-host at Fox News
  2. Dan Bongino, podcast show host
  3. Nicole Saphier, MD
  4. Joey Johnny, Marine combat veteran and author
  5. Kyle Becker, former Fox News writer/associate producer
  6. Breanna Morello, podcast host/former Fox News producer
  7. Piers Morgan, British TV host
  8. Rob Smith, Iraq War veteran and Fox News commentator
  9. William Case, former Fox News producer
  10. Lisa Boothe, Fox News host
  11. Clay Travis, founder of
  12. Guy Benson, former co-host with Hegseth
  13. Carol Roth, former Blaze coworker
  14. Rachel Campos-Duffy, Fox News host
  15. Evita Duffy, Bongino Report host
  16. Sara Carter, Fox News contributor
  17. Lara Logan, investigative journalist
  18. Mollie Hemingway, editor-in-chief of the Federalist
  19. Tomi Lahren, show host
  20. Ximena Barreto, aide to Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)
  21. Corey A. DeAngelis, American Culture Project senior fellow
  22. Leo Terrell, Fox News contributor
  23. Graham Allen, show host
  24. Charlie Kirk, founder and CEO of Turning Point USA
  25. Jason Rantz, radio show host
  26. Monica Crowley, former Trump administration official and Fox News host
  27. Jon Nicosia, president of News Cycle Media
  28. Tony Shaffer, author, intelligence operative and Newsmax contributor
  29. Janice Dean, Fox News cohost and weather anchor
  30. Brian Brenberg, Fox News Business host
  31. Dr. Carol Swain, author and political commentator
  32. Catturd, popular conservative figure

I don’t understand why these 32 mostly conservative figures are backing a man with serious personal problems who has been indicted by his own mother for abusing women.

As Hegseth’s nomination goes down in flames, real conservatives should take note of what is happening and ask themselves if moral standards in American society have suffered to such an extent that Trump can’t find a good upstanding young man with conservative and military credentials to run the Pentagon.

In truth, the sexual revolution has infected Fox News for many years, resulting in more Cultural Marxism of the kind that that Hegseth claims to be fighting in his life and books.

A bio declares that “Pete and his wife Jenny live in Middle Tennessee and have 7 children—all of which they pray grow up to love God and country.”

This is touching. And when he went to Princeton, he co-wrote an editorial declaring that “the homosexual lifestyle is abnormal and immoral.”

However, his own lifestyle has been abnormal and immoral.

Here’s one description: “In 2004 Hegseth married Meredith Schwarz; the couple divorced in 2009. The following year he wed Samantha Deering, and they later had three children. In 2017 Pete Hegseth had a child with Jennifer Rauchet, who also worked at Fox News. Later that year he and Deering divorced, and Hegseth married Rauchet in 2019. At the time he also became stepfather to Rauchet’s three children from a previous marriage.”

This reference caught my eye, regarding his three marriages: “In 2017 Pete Hegseth had a child with Jennifer Rauchet, who also worked at Fox News.” Both took pictures with the president-elect.

Sounds like things haven’t changed much since the Roger Ailes days.

Conservatives deserve better. Trump deserves better.

© 2024 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Pearl Harbor Attack Dec. 7, 1941: Survivor S. J. Hemker Remembered

by Rees Lloyd

December 7, 2024

December 7, 2024, Pearl Harbor Day, marks the 83rd anniversary of the Japanese air attack on U.S. naval and air installations at Pearl Harbor, HI, at 7:53 a.m., Dec. 7, 1941 — without a declaration of war.

It was then the worst attack on American soil in history: Some 2,403 died, 2008 of them Navy personnel; another 1,178 were wounded

Eighteen Navy ships, including the U.S.S. Arizona, were sunk or damaged. Almost all the planes at the island bases were destroyed or damaged while still on the ground.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt memorably called December 7, 1941, “a day which will live in infamy” in his dramatic speech to Congress, which then declared war on Japan.

Only the sneak attack on America by radical Islamic terrorists on 9-11-2001 in New York resulted in more deaths. But for many Americans of this generation — and millions of immigrants, legal and illegal — the meaning, the significance of Pearl Harbor, is not fully known, or appreciated.

One American for whom the Patriot Harbor attack did “live in infamy” for all of his long, productive, and patriotic 100-year life, was Pearl Harbor survivor Shelby John (“S.J.”) Hemker of Banning, California. Although he has now gone to God, his story reveals the nature of those Americans who served at Pearl Harbor; indeed, his story reveals the nature of America— then.

Shelby John (“SJ”) Hemker, a poor “country boy” whose childhood was the Great Depression, joined the Navy at 17. He was at Pearl Harbor near the end of his first four-year tour of duty when the Japanese attacked. He survived that horror, and went on to be a three-war combat Navy veteran — WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. After retirement from the Navy, he continued to serve America in peacetime as a life member of The American Legion.

Hemker, by his giving, patriotic life of service to God and country in war and in peace, was an exemplar of the Greatest Generation of WWII. Beloved by his comrade wartime veterans and his community, S.J. Hemker was honored by both on January 10, 2019, at a celebration of his 100th Birthday.

Representatives of the linked San Gorgonio Pass cities of Banning and Beaumont in Riverside County, CA, presented him with Proclamations honoring him. Commendations were presented by his American Legion San Gorgonio Post 428 and other Posts, and veterans organizations from as far away as Patriot Outreach based in Kansas.

Many words were spoken there about Pearl Harbor, its horror, and its meaning, then and now. The most poignant of those words were those of S.J. Hemker, himself, in a remembrance of Pearl Habor, and of what it should mean, in an earlier interview with me. It was my honor to read those words of S.H. Hemker about Pearl Harbor at the celebration of his life, and is an honor to publish his own words here:

“Ordinarily, we would have been at sea, We were at Pearl Harbor because we had to repair an engine that had been sabotaged at the shipyard back in California. I was up on the fantail of our ship, the USS New Orleans, a heavy cruiser, with the Chief Master at Arms. The Quartermaster was there, getting ready to raise the flag,” S.J. Hemker recalled.

“It was 7:53 a.m. when we saw the Japanese planes. They were flying so low I could see the pilots’ faces in the cockpit. They were grinning at us as they went down toward Battle Ship Row. Grinning at me and the Chief. They were so close, you could have thrown something at them and hit them. A potato, maybe. They were that close. Just skimming the top of the water. Torpedo planes. The pilots grinning at us,” Hemker reluctantly, but vividly recalled.

“The loudspeakers blared: ‘Man your battle stations – the Japs are attacking’. All hell broke loose… It was terrible, horrible, …,” he said, pausing in his remembrance.

“I spent the next eight hours down in the magazine loading for our five-inch anti-aircraft guns. We fired everything. If we had been hit, that would have been it for us in the magazine. We would have been blown up. We had a big crane over the top of our ship. I think that’s what saved us,” he stated matter-of-factly as to his own circumstance, then somberly related:

“The Arizona capsized. Thirteen hundred men went down with her. Half the guys I was with in boot camp died on the Arizona. That’s where the Memorial is today. They say that oil still leaks out every day. Those guys…they’re still down there,” Hemker said quietly, his voice trailing off, as if physically turning away from a memory, and reality, which was still too painful to talk about.

Getting Hemker to talk about it at all was no easy task. Like many of his fellow World War II veterans, he didn’t talk about his war experiences, never expected any thanks or gratitude, and never, ever boasted about it, despite the fact that after Pearl Harbor he served America in battles and combat zones for the duration of WWII, in the Korean War, and in Vietnam.

Hempker, a widower, roguishly handsome into his 90’s and possessed of a sly sense of humor, for years charmed the ladies in the American Legion Auxiliary with his country gallantry. He was universally admired by his comrade veterans in the American Legion. “I’m not able to do what I used to do, but I do what I can,” he said.

Hemker’s beloved wife died more than 30 years earlier. For the last thirteen years of her life, Hemker’s wife was bedridden, unable to perform the most basic of everyday tasks of life, totally dependent. It says a great deal about the kind of man S.J. Hemker was, that for all of those thirteen years Hemker cared for her, saw to her every need, lovingly dedicated his life to her care, until her death did them part.

Hemker had four sons. All four, like their father, are veterans who served in the Vietnam war. Hemker had no biological daughter. But, in his declining years, he had for more than fifteen years lived in his own room in the home of a loving “daughter-in-fact” if not of biology, Sue McConnell, and her husband.

No daughter has rendered more loving care to a father than had Sue McConnell to S.J. Hemker.

“I call him my ‘Dad’ because he is that to me. I couldn’t love him more,” Sue, told me. She had known Hemker for thirty-seven years, during which she had often risen up in fury when the VA had not done its duty “to this great man, this hero, my Dad.”

Reflecting on Pearl Harbor after surviving it, Hemker, who had lost his eyesight, but not his vision for America, observed:

“We Americans should never forget. If we forget our past and those who died, we won’t have a future. A free one, anyway. Look at what happened on 9-11. More people were killed on that day than were killed at Pearl Harbor. It can happen again,” he warned.

“I don’t think people remember Pearl Harbor and what it means, the way they used to do,” Hemker concluded. “That’s too bad. A lot of us can’t forget. An awful lot of really good people died to keep America free. They shouldn’t be forgotten.”

These are the last words of S.J. Hemker, veteran and self-described “ordinary American…just a common man,” about the attack on Pearl Harbor, that “day of infamy” on Dec. 7, 1941; about those who died in it; and about those who survived it and continued to serve until victory in WWII, preserving our American freedom.

Hemker, sad to say, is no longer with us. Although reaching his 100th Birthday on January 10, 2019, Hemker later in the year “transferred to Post Everlasting,” as we, his American Legion comrades, say.

Although S.J. Hemker may no longer be with us physically, he can be and should be with us spiritually—the spirit of patriotic love of country and service in its defense that he exemplified, as did and do so many others of the WWII Greatest Generation. Neither his life nor his words should be forgotten, if, as he warns, we Americans are to remain free.

May the God that S.J. Hemker served so faithfully bless and keep him. May the country he served so faithfully for all of his 100 years on earth, always honor and remember him.


© 2024 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

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Going Bananas

By Sid Secular

December 6, 2024

The US emerged from WWII as the top banana. Entering the war late, undamaged by the fighting and bombing domestically, except for the sacrificial lambs left to be liquidated at Pearl Harbor in the false flag firestorm meant to fire up the public for war, FDR could use the war as a means to get out out of the Great Depression by manufacturing whatever wherewithal our allies needed. The US also insisted in being paid in gold for whatever it supplied — a golden opportunity to stock up on gold. The switch from making war materiel to building homes, cars and TVs was not materially difficult, so we were poised to provide ourselves and the Western world with all manner of consumer goods. Thus, for many decades the US reigned as top banana.

We went bananas buying second cars and second homes, and engaged in conspicuous consumption. We brought the era of classic movies to an end with TVs in every bedroom playing silly sitcoms and game shows with viewers ogling the already rich entertainment stars vying over prizes which constituted conspicuous consumption. The US is still sort of top banana, except that the peel of the banana is turning brown with the “browning” of the population, and the appeal of the US as a beacon of hope and democracy and doing the right/righteous thing is being peeled away by the deep state to reveal a government rotten at the core.

As time marched on, the US devolved from being the world greatest creditor nation to becoming the world’s foremost debtor nation. In fact, were it not for the residual image of its past laurels, it is likely the US would already have collapsed under its unprecedented debt-and-deficit burden. Culturally, males in our society were becoming soft “bananas” without the toughness required to enforce traditional cultural norms.

The term, “banana republic”, was coined on 1904 to refer to those economically unstable countries that rely on just one product that they sell to the rest of the world, with no backup plan should that product fail. Sooner or later, a disease claims that product, a new product comes along that wins the favor of consumers, or other countries come along to compete with our banana republic to reduce its market share, and the country crashes economically as a result. Thus, where once the US supplied the world with most of its manufactured goods, American manufacturing facilities have long since moved to countries where the cost of operation are far lower than in the US. Today, the foremost US export product, by far, is debt. US Treasury bonds are held by all the world’s countries, and the present debt is at a record level.

If even a small portion of these treasuries are redeemed at once, the US economy would quickly collapse — and yet the debt is increasing by 3 billion dollars a day. This is a situation that cannot or will not be corrected if your favorite candidate wins the next election. So we can now be called a banana republic.

Only a very few who “go bananas” over this situation receive any attention, and then it is short-lived. If we see a banana peel in front of us, hopefully we can sidestep it. However the pathway ahead is covered with banana peels, but the populace pays more attention on individual agendas than where they are walking. We’ve reached that apathetic state that typically won’t turn around. The position of the top bananas is not perennial, and new and better top bananas will hopefully arise, but it may take several generations to do so. In the interim, it may be wise to consider uprooting yourself and moving to a more favorable grove where the groove is more conducive to freedom and the denizens are less prone to grovel.

© 2024 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Federalist and Antifederalist #1

By Paul Engel

December 6, 2024

  • After the Constitution was signed and sent to the states, a great debate between those who supported ratification, and those who were concerned.
  • Writings for the two groups became known as the Federalist and Antifederalist Papers.
  • This articles focuses on papers #1, should the Constitution be ratified.

I don’t believe a serious study of the Constitution can be made without looking at the public debates over the document. After the Constitutional Convention sent the proposed constitution to the states for ratification, a great debate was had over its pros and cons. Supporters of the document as proposed, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison, published essays in New York State newspapers under the pseudonym Publius. These essays are collectively known as the Federalist Papers. Meanwhile, several authors published articles and essays opposing, or at least cautioning a rush to adopt the proposed Constitution, under many pseudonyms.

In this article, we’ll look at the first papers from each group. Both Federalist #1 and Antifederalist #1 deal with the same topic: Should the states ratify the newly proposed Constitution?

Clash of Ideals

While the Federalists and Antifederalists are often claimed to be for and against the Constitution, respectively, a closer look at their writings seems to show that the Antifederalists were no less patriotic than the federalist. Rather, having recently fought a war against a powerful central government, they were not ready to rush into another one. A better description of the differences would seem to be that the federalists wanted a strong central government to protect the union while the antifederalists wanted to insure the rights of the individuals were protected.

Let’s start with Federalist #1 and the argument for adopting the proposed Constitution.

Federalist #1

The first of the Federalist Papers was written by Alexander Hamilton and published in the Independent Journal under the pseudonym Publius.

AFTER an unequivocal experience of the inefficiency of the subsisting federal government, you are called upon to deliberate on a new Constitution for the United States of America.

Alexander Hamilton – Federalist #1

While our current federal government was created by the Constitution of the United States, it was not the first federal government for the United States of America. The government created by the Articles of Confederation had many issues, but mainly, it had responsibility without the power to fulfill them. Probably the most well known was the fact that the federal government under the Articles of Confederation could levy taxes against the states, but had no mechanism to force them to pay. So when Article VIII of the Articles states:

Article VIII. All charges of war, and all other expenses that shall be incurred for the common defence or general welfare, and allowed by the united states in congress assembled, shall be defrayed out of a common treasury, which shall be supplied by the several states, in proportion to the value of all land within each state

Articles of Confederation

There was no mechanism to make sure the states supplied their part of the expenses.

While many Antifederalist claimed the Federalists wished to establish an aristocracy, that is not what the Federalists stated.

It has been frequently remarked that it seems to have been reserved to the people of this country, by their conduct and example, to decide the important question, whether societies of men are really capable or not of establishing good government from reflection and choice, or whether they are forever destined to depend for their political constitutions on accident and force.

Alexander Hamilton – Federalist #1

Could the people establish good government on their own? Or did government need to be forced upon them?

If there be any truth in the remark, the crisis at which we are arrived may with propriety be regarded as the era in which that decision is to be made; and a wrong election of the part we shall act may, in this view, deserve to be considered as the general misfortune of mankind.

Alexander Hamilton – Federalist #1

The decision of what kind of government would be set up for this young republic would be up to the people, as they would genuinely suffer the consequences.

Happy will it be if our choice should be directed by a judicious estimate of our true interests, unperplexed and unbiased by considerations not connected with the public good.

Alexander Hamilton – Federalist #1

The Federalists claim to desire a fair consideration of their position: Their support of the drafted Constitution. What do they see as their obstacles?

Among the most formidable of the obstacles which the new Constitution will have to encounter may readily be distinguished the obvious interest of a certain class of men in every State to resist all changes which may hazard a diminution of the power, emolument, and consequence of the offices they hold under the State establishments; and the perverted ambition of another class of men, who will either hope to aggrandize themselves by the confusions of their country, or will flatter themselves with fairer prospects of elevation from the subdivision of the empire into several partial confederacies than from its union under one government.

Alexander Hamilton – Federalist #1

It seems power and ambition are nothing new in this country. There are some who resist all change, whether for good of for ill. There are others whose ambition would drive them to place their own prospects over those of their country.

And a further reason for caution, in this respect, might be drawn from the reflection that we are not always sure that those who advocate the truth are influenced by purer principles than their antagonists. Ambition, avarice, personal animosity, party opposition, and many other motives not more laudable than these, are apt to operate as well upon those who support as those who oppose the right side of a question.

Alexander Hamilton – Federalist #1

Both sides claimed they were guided by purer principles than their opponents. Except for the older language, this could just as easily be a campaign flyer from our recent elections. Whose principles are purer? Could both be pure, yet still disagree?

And yet, however just these sentiments will be allowed to be, we have already sufficient indications that it will happen in this as in all former cases of great national discussion. A torrent of angry and malignant passions will be let loose. To judge from the conduct of the opposite parties, we shall be led to conclude that they will mutually hope to evince the justness of their opinions, and to increase the number of their converts by the loudness of their declamations and the bitterness of their invectives.

Alexander Hamilton – Federalist #1

Needless to say, there were many accusations and name calling, from both sides, although, as we’ll see when we review Antifederalist #1, Mr. Hamilton has a point. That’s not to say he wasn’t willing to throw a few verbal jabs at his opponents.

An enlightened zeal for the energy and efficiency of government will be stigmatized as the offspring of a temper fond of despotic power and hostile to the principles of liberty. An over-scrupulous jealousy of danger to the rights of the people, which is more commonly the fault of the head than of the heart, will be represented as mere pretense and artifice, the stale bait for popularity at the expense of the public good.

Alexander Hamilton – Federalist #1

Yes, the Antifederalists stigmatized what Mr. Hamilton refers to as “the energy and efficiency of government.” Then again, a look at Washington, D.C. today shows that the Antifederalist’s concerns over such a powerful government should have been better heeded.

On the other hand, it will be equally forgotten that the vigor of government is essential to the security of liberty; that, in the contemplation of a sound and well-informed judgment, their interest can never be separated; and that a dangerous ambition more often lurks behind the specious mask of zeal for the rights of the people than under the forbidden appearance of zeal for the firmness and efficiency of government.  History will teach us that the former has been found a much more certain road to the introduction of despotism than the latter, and that of those men who have overturned the liberties of republics, the greatest number have begun their career by paying an obsequious court to the people; commencing demagogues, and ending tyrants.

Alexander Hamilton – Federalist #1

Mr. Hamilton makes a valid point. Without a vigorous government to protect the rights of the people, despotism had frequently found a way to power at the expense of those rights.

In the course of the preceding observations, I have had an eye, my fellow-citizens, to putting you upon your guard against all attempts, from whatever quarter, to influence your decision in a matter of the utmost moment to your welfare, by any impressions other than those which may result from the evidence of truth. You will, no doubt, at the same time, have collected from the general scope of them, that they proceed from a source not unfriendly to the new Constitution.

Alexander Hamilton – Federalist #1

Ultimately, the decision about our nation’s future was placed in the hands of her people. Our responsibly, to insure that governments at all levels remain servants of the people rather than their masters, has never lessened. However, history has shown that We the People have become more interested in being ruled than governed.

Yes, my countrymen, I own to you that, after having given it an attentive consideration, I am clearly of opinion it is your interest to adopt it. I am convinced that this is the safest course for your liberty, your dignity, and your happiness.

Alexander Hamilton – Federalist #1

Being a federalist, and one willing to spend the time and effort to write most of the Federalist Papers, it should be no surprise that Alexander Hamilton believes that the safest course for the people is to adopt the Constitution as drafted. That, however, is not to say he was unaware of efforts to thwart its adoption.

But the fact is, that we already hear it whispered in the private circles of those who oppose the new Constitution, that the thirteen States are of too great extent for any general system, and that we must of necessity resort to separate confederacies of distinct portions of the whole.

Alexander Hamilton – Federalist #1

Should the thirteen states join together, or would that nation be too large and unwieldy? Would the people be better served by a number of smaller confederacies?

For nothing can be more evident, to those who are able to take an enlarged view of the subject, than the alternative of an adoption of the new Constitution or a dismemberment of the Union. It will therefore be of use to begin by examining the advantages of that Union, the certain evils, and the probable dangers, to which every State will be exposed from its dissolution. This shall accordingly constitute the subject of my next address.

Alexander Hamilton – Federalist #1

Now that there are 50 states in our union, what can we observe? Before I answer that question, let us consider the other side of the argument.

Antifederalist #1

The first of the Antifederalist Papers was published on November 26, 1787 in The Boston Gazette and Country Journal. In a somewhat ironic twist, that author of this essay, John DeWitt, used the pseudonym A Federalist.

I am pleased to see a spirit of inquiry burst the band of constraint upon the subject of the NEW PLAN for consolidating the governments of the United States, as recommended by the late Convention. If it is suitable to the GENIUS and HABITS of the citizens of these states, it will bear the strictest scrutiny.

A Federalist – Antifederalist No. 1

Mr. DeWitt made the point that, if the proposed Constitution was worthy of support, it should be able to bear up under strict scrutiny.

The PEOPLE are the grand inquest who have a RIGHT to judge of its merits.

A Federalist – Antifederalist No. 1

Both Mr.s Hamilton and DeWitt agreed that the people have the right to be the ultimate judge of whether the proposed Constitution should be ratified.

The hideous daemon of Aristocracy has hitherto had so much influence as to bar the channels of investigation, preclude the people from inquiry and extinguish every spark of liberal information of its qualities.

A Federalist – Antifederalist No. 1

As I’ve already pointed out, the Antifederalists were concerned that the United States could become a land of aristocracy at the expense of the liberty of the American people. Their concerns, about those in power using censorship to deprive everyday Americans of the information they needed to make good decisions, is nothing new in this land.

Those furious zealots who are for cramming it down the throats of the people, without allowing them either time or opportunity to scan or weigh it in the balance of their understandings, bear the same marks in their features as those who have been long wishing to erect an aristocracy in THIS COMMONWEALTH [of Massachusetts]. Their menacing cry is for a RIGID government, it matters little to them of what kind, provided it answers THAT description. As the plan now offered comes something near their wishes, and is the most consonant to their views of any they can hope for, they come boldly forward and DEMAND its adoption. They brand with infamy every man who is not as determined and zealous in its favor as themselves. They cry aloud the whole must be swallowed or none at all, thinking thereby to preclude any amendment; they are afraid of having it abated of its present RIGID aspect.

A Federalist – Antifederalist No. 1

In addition to their concerns about a rigid government about to deprive the people of their rights and liberties, the Antifederalists saw the Federalist as attempting to rush the adoption of the Constitution before the people had a chance to property read and digest it. That is rather like politicians today who tell us “we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”

They have strived to overawe or seduce printers to stifle and obstruct a free discussion, and have endeavored to hasten it to a decision before the people can duty reflect upon its properties. In order to deceive them, they incessantly declare that none can discover any defect in the system but bankrupts who wish no government, and officers of the present government who fear to lose a part of their power. These zealous partisans may injure their own cause, and endanger the public tranquility by impeding a proper inquiry; the people may suspect the WHOLE to be a dangerous plan, from such COVERED and DESIGNING schemes to enforce it upon them.

A Federalist – Antifederalist No. 1

It seems partisan name calling, and most likely hyperbole, are nothing new in American politics. Were the Federalists attempting to censor “misinformation,” much like the federal government does today? Or were the Antifederalists using these claims to derail their political opponents? One thing is for sure, while the Federalists wanted a stronger federal government, the Antifederalists wanted stronger states.

I had rather be a free citizen of the small republic of Massachusetts, than an oppressed subject of the great American empire.

A Federalist – Antifederalist No. 1

While the claim that the Antifederalists were against ratification of the proposed Constitution is quite common, that is not entirely true.

If we can confederate upon terms that wilt secure to us our liberties, it is an object highly desirable, because of its additional security to the whole. If the proposed plan proves such an one, I hope it will be adopted, but if it will endanger our liberties as it stands, let it be amended; in order to which it must and ought to be open to inspection and free inquiry.

A Federalist – Antifederalist No. 1

Would the proposed Constitution secure the people’s liberties or endanger them? That’s the central contention between the two groups. However, it appears Mr. DeWitt’s greatest concern is the speed with which the proposed Constitution was being ratified.

It will first be allowed that many undesigning citizens may wish its adoption from the best motives, but these are modest and silent, when compared to the greater number, who endeavor to suppress all attempts for investigation.

A Federalist – Antifederalist No. 1

Mr. DeWitt does not imply that everyone who supports the proposed Constitution did so with evil intent, but that the vast majority seemed to want to suppress any attempts to investigate the details of the document. It may surprise you that Mr. DeWitt lays the blame for this apparent rush to judgment on many of the same people Americans vilify today.

These violent partisans are for having the people gulp down the gilded pill blindfolded, whole, and without any qualification whatever. These consist generally, of the NOBLE order of C[incinnatu]s, holders of public securities, men of great wealth and expectations of public office, B[an]k[er]s and L[aw]y[er]s: these with their train of dependents form the Aristocratick combination. The Lawyers in particular, keep up an incessant declamation for its adoption; like greedy gudgeons they long to satiate their voracious stomachs with the golden bait. The numerous tribunals to be erected by the new plan of consolidated empire, will find employment for ten times their present numbers; these are the LOAVES AND FISHES for which they hunger.

A Federalist – Antifederalist No. 1

It seems well over 200 years later little has changed when it comes to class warfare; the “haves” versus the “have nots” is as old as time. As is the vilification of lawyers and their relationships with those who make the laws they claim to serve.

The time draws near for the choice of Delegates. I hope my fellow-citizens will look well to the characters of their preference, and remember the Old Patriots of 75; they have never led them astray, nor need they fear to try them on this momentous occasion.

A Federalist – Antifederalist No. 1

As Massachusetts was preparing to choose delegates for their ratification convention, Mr. DeWitt urged his fellow citizens to seriously consider the character of those whom they would choose. Something we in the 21st century should consider each and every time we vote.


Is anyone else amazed at how similar the political discourse of today mirrors that of 1787? Censorship, class warfare, and necessity all trotted out in the name of protecting the American people. With 237 years of experience, which of these two camps were right? The best answer I can give is: Both.

Granted, no one can prove what would have happened if the ratification debates had gone differently. I do think history has shown that a strong central government has been as helpful in foreign affairs as it has been detrimental in domestic. Slavery, Racial Discrimination, Fascism, and Communism may not have been defeated if not for the might of a powerful central government. Then again, it has been that same strong central government that has helped keep racism and communism as an integral part of American life. As the Federalists warned, the Bill of Rights demanded by the Antifederalists has been used to regulate and abuse the very rights it was supposed to protect.

As we look back through history, I hope you will agree there is a lot to learn from both sides. For example, the struggle between a ruling elite and a free and independent people, centralized vs distributed power, and the character of the men and women chosen for office are important, but let’s not forget that the very same power of government that can protect our rights can also infringe on them. Now, more than ever, I think the American people need to remember the words of James A. Garfield

[N]ow more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the national legislature.

A Century of Congress

I hope to do more comparisons between these two sets of essays. While they do not align exactly, they often cover similar topics. As Santayana warned, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

© 2024 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

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Communists on the March as Trump’s Picks Self-Destruct

By Cliff Kincaid

December 6, 2024

As if wars in Europe and the Middle East were not bad enough, the communists have just conquered South Korea. If you blinked, you didn’t notice it. The communists won without firing a shot. In fact, anti-communist President Yoon’s declaration of martial law, designed to save South Korea from the communists, was quickly reversed by the enemies within the National Assembly, the legislature. They have won. The Chinese and North Korean communists are celebrating.

Those not accustomed to communist takeovers through a so-called “democracy” may not realize what has happened.

Years ago, America’s Survival, Inc. released a hard-to-find copy of the 1961 House Committee on Un-American Activities analysis of the book, How Parliament can Play a Revolutionary Part in Transition to Socialism. This is a how-to-book on how communists overthrow non-communist majorities and make democracies into dictatorships.  The book outlines how a parliament or legislative body can be helpful in “transforming democratic nations” into communist countries.

It is happening in South Korea. It is a major defeat for the Free World.

And yet the antics of Pentagon nominee Pete Hegseth’s sex life and alcohol consumption are now the focus of the attention of the media. His defenders at Fox say they never smelled alcohol on his breath. But Fox’s reputation for sexual escapades is legendary. The channel went through a series of sex scandals involving its founder, Roger Ailes, and one of its stars, Bill O’Reilly.

Amidst the constant stories about Hegseth’s drinking and womanizing, our media have simply ignored the true dimensions of the on-going tragedy in South Korea. It means that President Yoon’s efforts to help the United States forge an anti-communist alliance of Asian nations, united against Communist China, are in tatters.

Our media say Yoon made a mistake with his martial law declaration. It was a desperate move. But it was urged by his defense minister, and what the government knows but cannot say publicly is that the communists have been infiltrating South Korean society. It’s the communist playbook, as outlined in the book, How Parliament can Play a Revolutionary Part in Transition to Socialism.

Like the Democrats here, vis a vis the Republicans, the South Korean leftist Democratic Party has been waging legal terrorism against Yoon and his party. Our media will tell you that the opposition party supports “improved relations with North Korea.” That’s a euphemism. The opposition is now moving to impeach Yoon. The losers will be Yoon’s conservative People Power Party and the anti-communism that has guided South Korea for decades.

Yet, this is treated as just a matter-of-fact by the American news media, liberal or conservative, and Biden’s Department of State repeats blather about “democracy” ad nauseum.

What it means is that, before Trump takes power, another foreign policy fiasco will have unfolded, and any strategy to counter China by the new Administration will have already suffered a major defeat.

I keep getting emails from Trump supporters upset about how he responded to the release of the China virus from a Chinese military lab. They claim that the Trump-authorized COVID-19 vaccines were more dangerous than the virus. This is just what China needed to escape blame for the deaths of millions of people in the world, including more than 1.2 million dead Americans.

Both sides of the debate over the safety and effectiveness of Trump’s WARP Speed COVID vaccines were and are missing the point: COVID is a real disease caused by a real virus and it is still killing people.

Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin tried to provide a rational and moderate approach and held a roundtable on COVID featuring whistleblowers, medical experts, and doctors. Johnson, however, never doubted the virus is a dangerous one and simply cited evidence that natural immunity from having had COVID is at least as effective as vaccine immunity.

In addition to the Red Chinese role in producing the deadly virus, there has been a systematic cover-up by the U.S. “Intelligence Community” of the origins of COVID-19.

The book Big Intel, by counterintelligence expert J. Michael Waller, has a section on how the U.S. Intelligence Community “let China off the hook” for the “destruction and grief wreaked on practically every single person on earth” when it failed to identify the source of the COVID-19 pandemic.

I interviewed Waller on my Rumble channel, where he talked about the infiltration of the FBI and the CIA by communist agents.

To make matters worse, Trump has proposed a soft-on-China propagandist, former Bernie backer Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, as the Director of National Intelligence (DNI).

The anti-communist analyst, Trevor Loudon, has documented Gabbard’s relationship with a “suspected Chinese intelligence operative” and her comments on COVID were concerned with “the anti-Asian bigotry surrounding this pandemic,” not with its origin in the Wuhan lab.

She called on Trump, during the first term, to end the “destructive trade war with China” when in fact more tariffs and aggressive actions are called for. She called Trump’s policy toward China “erratic” and “destructive.”

Yet, she is a MAGA favorite, along with the doomed nominee for Pentagon chief, Pete Hegseth. It is as mind-boggling as the cover-up of what is now happening to anti-communist South Korea.

Some might say that MAGA is sabotaging the next Trump presidency. They seem to have a penchant for promoting flawed nominees and controversies that can only undermine the next administration and a pro-freedom anti-communist foreign policy.

© 2024 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Drain the Swamp 2025

By Lex Greene

December 5, 2024

More than anything else, the 2024 election results are a broad-based voter rebuke of the past global government corruption, democrat party lies and double standards, the O’Biden weaponization of our government to defame, prosecute and assassinate their political opponents, and the total extreme LEFT insanity that had almost become a norm in the USA.

It was not so much Donald Trump defeating the unfit and unelected democrat opponent Harris, or the worst possible running mate in history in Tampon Tim Walz, but rather the defeat of a 4th Obama term as the puppet master over whomever Obama coronated as the face of his administration[s].

In 2016, some 62,984,828 American voters cast their ballot for the first Trump administration, almost entirely on the basis of his promise to “drain the DC swamp” and “lock her (Hillary Clinton) up.” Despite all of Trump’s very real accomplishments for the American people in his first term, he failed at the one thing people elected him to do, “drain the swamp.”

But in 2020, 74,223,975 American electors were even more determined to give Trump a second chance to “drain the swamp” with an increase in voter support of more than 11.2M more votes than he received in 2016.

The message from voters could not have been any clearer… DRAIN THE DAMN SWAMP!

Also proven by the 2024 election is, 2020 was absolutely a “stolen election” by team O’Biden. Without delving into all the details in this piece, over 2.5M 2020 alleged Biden votes went to Trump in 2024. In addition, another 4.4M 2020 Biden ballots vanished entirely in 2024. (more details here)

In 2024, Trump increased his voter support yet again, by more than 2.5M votes for a popular vote total of 76,779,944. He won the Electoral College vote, all seven swing states, 31 of 50 states, control of the U.S. Senate and House, and 8 of 11 governor races. It was by modern standards in a deeply divided country, a “landslide” victory for the Make American Great Again team!

All of it is for one major agenda item, DRAIN THE SWAMP!

The American people are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. The people are fed up with government corruption and political weaponization. Despite Biden’s promises to not pardon his son, regurgitated by leftist media personalities as the gold standard of law-and-order democrats, there was never any doubt in my mind that Biden would pardon his son before leaving office.

That’s because any ongoing investigation or prosecution of Hunter Biden is going to end on the “big guys” (Joe’s) doorstep at some point, and when these international crimes result in the indictment of a sitting president, the charge has to be treason. Joe did not pardon an innocent son out of a father’s love, he pardoned himself to protect himself, Obama, and the Clintons.

The laundry list of evildoers that must be brought to justice in the next four years is long, distinguished, and very powerful. Trump won’t be able to do it unless he has good majorities in both chambers of Congress, and a Supreme Court willing to rule on the basis of Constitutional Law instead of British Common Law customs of the courts, wherein they ignore the law and invent it themselves, falsely referred to as “case law.”

“Case law is the [alleged] body of law developed from judicial opinions or decisions over time, whereas statutory law comes from legislative bodies and administrative law comes from executive bodies.”

“Case law is sometimes called judge-made law. In the United States, lower courts must follow precedent of higher appellate level courts in the same jurisdiction. The decisions of the appellate level courts are binding case law – – judge-made law – – that inferior courts must follow.”

To some degree, this legal theory makes sense. If a superior court has already established a legal position on something, lower courts lack the power to overrule a superior court. That said, no court opinion is in reality, a law. It’s a legal precedence, as-in already determined by a superior court. But that is not a “law.” The error is to treat it as if it is…

The U.S. Constitution grants all law-making powers exclusively to only one branch of government, the Article I Legislative Branch, known as statutory law. Meanwhile, administrative law by Executive Order only applies to Executive Branch agents and employees, administrative staff, no one else. So-called “case law” via court opinions, is not actually law at all, at least according to the Constitution. None of the three branches has authority or power to overrule, infringe upon, extend, or diminish the separate powers assigned to each branch.

Constitutional Law is the check and balance of government authority and power, limiting each branch to the powers granted to each via the Constitution itself. Supreme Courts were originally granted “original jurisdiction” over cases concerning the “constitutionality” of government actions, for the sole purpose of expediting the case in an effort to avoid the need for States or citizens to take matters into their own hands, when government abuses of authority take place.

The U.S. Constitution has only one “guarantee clause” defining the primary purpose and function of the federal government, found in Article IV – section IV.

“Article IV, Section 4 is generally known as the Guarantee Clause.1 Through its terms, the United States makes three related assurances to the states:

(1) a guarantee of a republican form of government;

(2) protection against foreign invasion; and

(3) upon request by the state, protection against internal insurrection or rebellion.”

For years now, the federal government has miserably failed to meet any of these three guarantees, all three branches. There is no way to “drain the swamp” without correcting the most fundamental constitutional abuses of government power. Most of what the federal government does in modern times is “unconstitutional.” The courts are supposed to prevent this from happening but have failed miserably in this duty as well.

Until the courts begin to truly uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, and enforce the laws passed by Congress, the courts will be not only be entirely useless in the process of draining the swamp, but they will also continue to be an intentional obstruction of justice as well.

Either the U.S. Constitution still stands as the supreme law of this land, or the federal government has no right to even exist, much less rule over this country.

Have Trump supporters learned their lesson yet?

Draining the swamp at this point in history is the biggest and most dangerous undertaking since the American Revolution to create our free independent nation. Trump doesn’t just have to overturn the past four years, or past fifteen years since Obama 1.0, but the past two-hundred years of British Common Law practices used to undermine and destroy our Constitutional Republic.

“A constitutional republic is a state where the chief executive and representatives are elected, and the rules are set down in a written constitution. The head of state (president) and other representatives are elected but they do not have uncontrolled power. What their power is limited to is written in the constitution. If there is dispute about what the constitution means, this is decided by a court system that is independent from the representatives, and President, but not independent of the Constitution itself, including the original Bill of Rights.”

We either have a constitutional republic, or no nation at all. The U.S. Constitution creates and limits the federal authority as defined in the quote above. Article IV – Section IV guarantees every member State of the Union and every legal American citizen “a republican form of government.”

Has the U.S. Constitution been repealed or terminated? If so, by whom, when, and under what authority?

If not, then all three branches of the Federal Government are still required to abide by, uphold, defend, and enforce the Rule of Constitutional Law.

But for over two-hundred years now, the Federal government has abused its limited powers in an effort to destroy our constitutional form of government and rule over the people by unconstitutional acts, be they “Executive Orders” or “Judicial Opinions,” neither of which has any law-making authority whatsoever.

The people should have learned this lesson with the overturning of Roe v. Wade, that court opinions are not laws. One court’s opinion was wiped out in an instant by another court’s opinion, which happens every day in the USA. The entire appellate process exists so that superior courts can overturn lower court opinions any time they see fit.

The question is, are court opinions based upon Constitutional Laws? Is the nation subject to rule by Executive Order, as if we were some sort of mob-rule democratic dictatorship? Or are we subject to British Common Law court opinions, as if the Constitution created an unelected and unaccountable oligarchy of nine lifetime partisan political appointees? The notion that there is anything politically unbiased by courts occupied by partisan appointees, is just silly.

At our foundation, this is the difference between a “democracy” and a “constitutional republic.” Our Founders correctly referred to a democracy as mere “mob rule,” wherein a simple majority is free to rule over any minority by simply outvoting them.

Our Constitutional Republic is not a pure “democracy,” nor should it ever become one. Our republican form of government is not ruled by court opinions, executive orders or even unconstitutional statutes created by the legislature. We are self-ruled under “the supreme law of the land,” the U.S. Constitution…or we are not a united nation of fifty-member states anymore and the federal government no longer has a right to exist at all.

The mission 2025 is to “drain the swamp.” Trump is going to need the help and backing of all 76,779,944 American voters who just chose him to lead this mission. Now is not the time to rest or wait to see what happens next. Now is the time to stand all day every day with everyone committed to achieving this mission.

We won the 2024 battle. Now comes the war of 2025!

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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See, I Told You So!

By Coach Dave Daubenmire

December 5, 2024

I wish I had been wrong, and I certainly don’t mean to gloat.

In football we call it spikin’ the ball.  I don’t want to do that.  As humble as I can be I want all of the naysayers to admit that we were right.

The called us names…conspiracy theorists…anti-government…anti-vaxers…dis-informationalists…anti science…

Yet. All along we were simply PRO-TRUTH.  We weren’t anti anything.  We were pro-truth…pro-life…pro-honest science…pro-freedom…but cautious about the Government/Medical complex.

We did our own research.  We trusted but verified.  We asked questions.  We read the literature.  We listened to the Holy Spirit.  We trusted Jesus, not Big Pharma.

We were right.  Is it OK to say that?  They lied to us.  We sensed it all along.  What doesn’t the government lie about?  How many of your friends and relatives are now dead because of blind faith in those in whom they should never have trusted?

Money drives everything…the LOVE of it is the ROOT OF ALL EVIL.  Follow “the science” and it will lead to the money.  The Government/Medical Complex is wicked.  Pharmacia is Satanic.  The Bible calls it “witchcraft” and “sorcery.”

Did you ever notice how hard the Government/Medical complex fought the idea of natural remedies… ”alternative treatments” they called them, as a form of prevention?  Ivermectin.  Hydroxychloroquine. Colloidal silver.  Essential Oils.

Just as “The Man Behind the Curtain” in the Wizard of OZ used fear…Lions and tigers and bears, Oh My…to manipulate Dorothy, the Government/Medical complex used Lies, deception, and fear, Oh My…to destroy the American way of life.

Does it seem like gloating for me to say it again…WE TOLD YOU SO!!

Well, today the Government released a study that spills all the beans.  The entire PLANDEMIC was a government orchestrated hoax.  This isn’t speculation…or my opinion…or my own research…or disinformation.  This is the government admitting it was all a hoax…lies, deception, and fear.

Millions of dollars made…millions of people dead.  This is critical for you to understand.  People died WITH cvid…not FROM it.  The treatment killed the patients.  Again…it was all FAKE…the man-made virus and the man-invented response to it. Here are some lowlight admissions from the fraudulent, Christ rejecting American government.  You can find these within the report.  Again…here is the Government Report.  I encourage you to read and share it.

Here comes the TRUTH—directly from the report.

COVID-19 ORIGIN: COVID-19 most likely emerged from a laboratory in Wuhan, China. The virus possesses a biological characteristic that is not found in nature.

The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2” publication — which was used repeatedly by public health officials and the media to discredit the lab leak theory — was prompted by Dr. Fauci to push the preferred narrative that COVID-19 originated in nature.

EcoHealth — under the leadership of Dr. Peter Daszak — used U.S. taxpayer dollars to facilitate dangerous gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China.

NIH’s procedures for funding and overseeing potentially dangerous research are deficient, unreliable, and pose a serious threat to both public health and national security.

The Paycheck Protection Program was rife with fraudulent claims resulting in at least $64 billion of taxpayers’ dollars lost to fraudsters and criminals.  Overall, Fraudsters cost the American taxpayer more than $191 billion dollars.

$200 million of taxpayers’ dollars were lost as a result of the SBA’s inability to conduct proper oversight.

The lab leak theory — was prompted by Dr. Fauci to push the preferred narrative that COVID-19 originated in nature.   (Fauci lied…people died).

EcoHealth — under the leadership of Dr. Peter Daszak — used U.S. taxpayer dollars to facilitate dangerous gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China.   (We PAID for the fake research)

The “6 feet apart” social distancing recommendation — which shut down schools and small business across the country — was arbitrary and not based on science.

There was no conclusive evidence that masks effectively protected Americans from COVID-19. Prolonged lockdowns caused immeasurable harm.

The Biden Administration even employed undemocratic and likely unconstitutional methodsto fight what it deemed misinformation.

Vaccine mandates were not supported by science and caused more harm than good.

Public health officials engaged in a coordinated effort to ignore natural immunity.

More than 160,000 businesses closed due to the pandemic — with 60% of those closures classified as permanent.

The administration’s CDC broke precedent and provided a political teachers organization with access to its scientific school reopening guidance.  Testimony revealed that AFT President Weingarten (Teacher’s union President ) had a direct telephone line to contact former CDC Director Walensky..  (Teachers stayed home and got paid).

Standardized test scores show that children lost decades worth of academic progress as a result of COVID-19 school closures.  (Dumbed down the citizenry).  Mental and physical health concerns also skyrocketed — with suicide attempts by 12-17 year-aged girls rising 51%.

You get the drift…the government officials are lying, Satan-serving scum bags…Read the report for yourself.

OH…how about this one that just surfaced today that was not included in the Government Report…100 MILLION fully-vaxed Americans now have irreversible permanent heart issues.

I’m not gloating…I’m weeping.  Watch this.  I Told You So…

We need the Nuremberg Trials 2.0.  Government officials need to hang….

© 2024 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Joe Biden: Liar in Chief, Scam Artist, Outright Dementia Victim

By Frosty Wooldridge

December 5, 2024

At some point in the course of human events, it becomes necessary to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God.

After a lifetime of living on the public taxpayer’s dole, sniffing little girls’ hair, inappropriately groping women, and not wanting his children to attend integrated schools because he didn’t want his children in the “jungle of inner-city education,” Joe Biden’s Karma returned with a vengeance in the past week.

After this entire year of telling reporters that he would not pardon his son Hunter Biden who is a perverted, drug addicted son—-old Joe didn’t pardon him for one act of crime, but 10 years and 11 months of crimes.  Joe Biden will have to pardon his brother Jim, too, because the “Biden Family Crime Syndicate” stands eyeball deep in defrauding the American people.

Whether it was the Burisma Oil Company in Ukraine paying Hunter Biden millions because of his father’s influence to do nothing, or blackmailing kingpins in the Middle East to pay his family millions because his father was “The Big Guy” calling the shots, we’re talking a lifetime of fraudulent behavior that make Al Capone and the Corleone family of the “Godfather” blush.

In Bill O’Reilly’s latest book, Confronting the Presidents, Washington to Biden, he dissects our 46 presidents from Washington to Biden.  O’Reilly ranked Washington and Lincoln at the top.  He ranked Biden second worst president in U.S. history.  O’Reilly chronicled the facts of Biden’s four years in office.  He showed how Biden’s incompetence engineered an invasion of America’s southern border at an incredible 15 to as high as 21 million illegal aliens from 180 plus countries.  Biden opened our doors to the largest invasion of any single country in the history of the world.  Biden invited terrorists, rapists, mentally ill, career criminals, drug cartels, killers, and gangs.

One of his dumbest acts must be his support of biological men competing unfairly against women in all sports.  He ruined countless women’s athletic lives.

As to open borders, those drug gangs he let loose on our borders killed 250,000 American youth.  Those rapists raped and killed American women without mercy.  Think Laken Riley at the University of Georgia.  Think of all the drunk illegal drivers who killed pedestrians and American citizens in their cars. Think of the next terrorist attack that you know will kill more Americans.  That’s all on Biden and his sidekick Kamala.

Think of the $150 billion, we, the American taxpayers paid out annually for the past four years, to house, feed and educate those 21 million illegal aliens.  Even the people of Chicago’s sanctuary city cried out about paying $500 million for illegals.  New York City sinks into financial crisis because of its sanctuary city that cares for 756,000 illegal aliens.

Joe Biden put illegal aliens first and American citizens, LAST!  He put every victim of Hurricane Helene and Milton into tents and trailers while he put every illegal alien up at plush facilities like the Roosevelt Hotel in NYC, and top hotels in Chicago, Los Angeles, Denver, Miami, San Francisco, and Seattle.  The backlash hit all of them on November 5th, 2024.

The British philosopher Lord Acton said, “Power corrupts; and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

That quote holds true with Vladimir Putin in Russia, Kim Jung Ung in North Korea, Che-Ping in China, Madura in Columbia, and list runs the gamut as to Mussolini, Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, et al.

Even with our incredible U.S. Constitution, Joe Biden has been a corrupt politician for five decades plus.  It’s almost incredible what he has pulled off.  All for money!

But what remains astounding about all this scenario stems from the fact that everyone, i.e., his wife, his brothers, his friends, his cabinet, Kamala, the mainstream press,  “knew” that Joe Biden suffered from Alzheimer’s Disease four years ago.  And, now, it’s full blown.  And yet, the quest for power, especially Jill Biden’s quest for power, would not let her reveal that her husband suffered from Alzheimer’s Disease. So, she forced him to run for a second term.  Let’s face it, the man is a walking cadaver.  He doesn’t know what day it is or what direction to walk.  His calling card is to stick out his hand to shake the air.  The fact remains: after January 21, 2025, doctors will reveal that he’s suffered from dementia for the past five years or longer.  Oh, what a surprise!

Never mind his sordid past sniffing little girls’ hair or groping women at social events, or just plain lying so much that he doesn’t know the truth from his lies.  He can’t keep up with how to cover them.  With Joe’s dementia in full swing, Kamala will go down in history as an accomplice to presidential malfeasance.

In the end, the TRUTH will transcend all the lies.

Thankfully, as the famous Will Rogers said, “This Constitution; good men can’t make it better; and bad men can’t make it worse. It will meander down through time to protect the average man/woman in America.”

As for this journalist, I watched the invasion at our southern border for the last 24 years.  My book, Immigration’s Unarmed Invasion: Deadly Consequences, published in 2004 described exactly what’s happening today. The “Eight Ways to Destroy America” in that book makes for sobering reading.  It should have become a New York Times bestseller.  It should have carried me onto 60 Minutes, Meet the Press, Face the Nation, NPR’s Terry Gross, PBS, Diane Sawyer, Lester Holt, and every talk show in America.  Instead, all of them ignored it.

Those 15 million plus illegals and their birthrates are going to cost America greater consequences in the coming years.  In fact, all immigration will drive us toward adding 100 million more people, net gain, by 2050, that cannot be sustained.  We face a “Faustian Bargain” with a “Hobson’s Choice” ending. The drugs will cost tens of thousands of kids their lives in the coming years.  The terrorists yet to unleash their horrors on us will take American lives. Busting up our American culture will be much like the devastation of Katrina, Helene and Milton combined.

In the end, we might all feel sorry for Joe Biden.  The greed, the lies, the perversions, the incompetence, and worst of all his Alzheimer’s Disease. There’s nothing cruller than Alzheimer’s to end one’s life.

Bill O’Reilly placed Joe Biden at second to the bottom of the worst presidents in U.S. history.  Biden’s legacy cost all of us.

© 2024 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Does This Sound Like Israel?

By Bradlee Dean

December 4, 2024

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of this author and is not the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

“Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews and are not, but do lie…” – Revelation 3:9

A couple of months ago, I started sharing with the people that they needed to make the distinction between man-made Jews and the Lord’s (John 3:6), the Israel of God.  In the process of doing so, a woman talebearer (1 Timothy 5:13) started to go around and tell people that Bradlee Dean is anti-Jewish.  You really cannot make this up.  In truth, that was not at all what I was conveying.

Scripture clearly teaches that we Christians are to distinguish between good and evil (Ezekiel 44:23).  Apparently, this woman didn’t know her Bible enough to know the difference!

“For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.” -Romans 2:28-29

“Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews and are not, but do lie…” – Revelation 3:9

In saying this, I will give you the information to observe so that you might distinguish between the Jews of men (what the MSM and corrupt politicians are propping up) and the Jews of the Lord.

Global Research just reported on “The Real Israel”:

One of the very few good things coming out of the relentless nightmare happening in Gaza is that at long last the western world is getting a clear look at Israel. The real Israel.

Not the Israel they teach you about in school. Not “the only democracy in the middle east,” where Jews were given safe haven after their victimization at the hands of the Nazis and managed to create a thriving society despite existing in a sea of savage enemies bent on their destruction.

Not that Israel. The real one. Arguably the most racist society on earth, whose existence has depended on nonstop violence, theft, tyranny and abuse since its very inception.

The real Israel, whose government is deliberately and methodically starving Palestinian civilians to death by the tens of thousands just for being the wrong ethnicity.

The real Israel, whose snipers routinely murders Palestinian children by shooting them in the head.

The real Israel, whose military is so sadistic that it created an AI system to specifically target suspected Hamas fighters when they are at home with their families, and called the AI “Where’s Daddy?” because it would be killing fathers when they are at home with their children.

The real Israel, whose soldiers cannot stop posting footage of themselves mockingly dressed in the undergarments of dead and displaced Palestinian women and playing with the toys of dead and displaced Palestinian children.

The real Israel, where Palestinian doctors are raped and tortured to death.

Read the rest…

Conclusion: Long ago, Benjamin Franklin warned us to not to give ear when the government tells you who the bad guys are, and this goes for the good, as well (Isaiah 5:20).  Why?  Because if we are not careful, the corrupt will have you hating those who are being oppressed and will have you loving those who are doing the oppressing.

© 2024 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Communists Threaten South Korea From Within

By Cliff Kincaid

December 4, 2024

If you want to see what it might take to save America from communism, look to South Korea, where a brave conservative president has just declared martial law and has ordered patriotic soldiers to identify and detain the enemies within. South Korea faces Communist North Korea, backed by Russia and China, and communist sympathizers in the National Assembly, or Congress.

At this point it is not clear if the South Korean president can save his country from a communist takeover. He needs outside support – and fast. Reports indicate that Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun advised President Yoon Suk Yeol to make the declaration of martial law.

The question America is facing is whether the military top brass have sufficient integrity to confront the enemies within, if President Trump orders them to.

In South Korea, President Yoon Suk Yeol declared emergency martial law for the first time in 44 years as the domestic dangers increased and the global situation deteriorated. “Any act that denies or attempts to overthrow the liberal democratic system is prohibited, and fake news, the manipulation of public opinion and false propaganda are banned,” his declaration declared.

This courageous president is naming the enemy as “pro-North Korean anti-state forces” and attempting to put down an internal communist coup. He is a conservative pro-American president but the National Assembly is under the control of left-wing opposition forces under communist influence.

Referring to actions taken by the National Assembly, the president said, “This is clearly an act of inciting internal rebellion by trampling the constitutional order of the free Republic of Korea and disrupting legitimate state institutions established by the Constitution and law.”

He added that “our National Assembly has become a den of criminals, paralyzing the nation’s judicial and administrative systems through legislative dictatorship and planning for the overthrow of our liberal democratic system. The National Assembly, which should be the foundation of liberal democracy, has become a monster trying to destroy it.”

He declared martial law “to protect the Republic of Korea from the threats of North Korean communist forces, to immediately eradicate the unscrupulous pro-Pyongyang anti-state forces that pillage the freedom and happiness of our people and to protect free constitutional order.” He explained that, “Through this emergency martial law, I will rebuild and protect the free Republic of Korea, which is falling into ruin.”

It appears to this observer that Trump should skip a scheduled tour of Notre Dame Cathedral in France this Saturday and exercise his presidential powers now, with “President” Biden in Africa making business deals on behalf of his pardoned son Hunter in Communist Angola. An AWOL president must be replaced now, with the “president-elect” who is already acting presidential and ready and able to assume power.

Trump must act before the North unleashes a nuclear blitzkrieg and destroys another American ally.

At the same time, Trump should give his nominee for Director of National Intelligence (DNI) the boot, for Tulsi Gabbard, as Trevor Loudon documents, has multiple North Korean connections that make her unfit for such a top post.

As Trevor and I discuss in our Rumble broadcast, she has too many communist connections and should never have been considered, let alone nominated, for that position.

This is a time for American leadership and peace through strength. It’s clear that Sleepy Joe is in no condition to function as president.

The same South Korean president addressed our own Congress more than a year ago, noting that in 1950, the Korean Peninsula was on the front line. He said, “The Soviet Union helped to rearm North Korea. North Korea’s surprise attack threatened the peace on the Korean Peninsula and Asia. Korea’s freedom and democracy were on the brink. At that decisive moment, the U.S. did not look the other way. Korean and American soldiers stood shoulder to shoulder and fought bravely. Tales of our heroes were written. General [Douglas] MacArthur caught the enemy off guard with the landing of Incheon and turned the tide of the war. Operation Chromite was one of the greatest decisions ever made in the history of war. The U.S. 1st Marine Division miraculously broke through a wave of 120,000 Chinese troops at the Battle of Lake Changjin.”

He noted that sons and daughters of America sacrificed their lives to “defend a country they never knew and a people they never met.”

In the book, Revitalizing a Nation, featuring General Douglas MacArthur’s speeches and pronouncements, he talked about America’s problem, which is the same as South Korea’s, identifying the “insidious forces working from within” that are “allied with the scourge of imperialistic Communism.”

This is now what is happening to South Korea and the United States.

Unlike Sleepy Joe, the communists never sleep.

If President Harry Truman had listened to General MacArthur, who wanted to take the fight to the mainland of Communist China, there would not be a Communist China or North Korea today. But Truman fired MacArthur.

These hours and days are critical. President Trump badly mishandled North Korea during his first term, when he met with the Communist dictator Kim and got tricked. So-called “Chairman” Kim wanted American money in exchange for putting a few nuclear missiles on the shelf. Trump finally recognized it wasn’t a good deal.

The problem has always been Kim’s backers in China and Russia. Communism is the problem. Communism is the enemy.

Today, Trump should forthrightly declare his support for South Korea and its anti-communist president before it is too late.

Once he is in power, he should court-martial former Joint Chiefs Chairman Army Gen. Mark Milley, who defended Marxist indoctrination of our soldiers and presided over a force that welcomed transgenders and presided over the debacle in Afghanistan.

What is more, in actions that were clearly designed to subvert the first Trump presidency and undermine the chain of command, it was revealed Milley made secret calls to Communist Chinese officials during the final days of the Trump Administration, supposedly out of alleged concern that Trump would attack China. He also assured Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi that the military would resist certain orders from President Trump and “prevent” unwarranted Trump’s use of the military “domestically and/or internationally.”

Daniel D. New wrote that General Milley should be court-martialed, reduced in rank, and sent to prison in Leavenworth.

This sounds harsh, but if drastic actions like this are not taken by the new president, America could easily end up as South Korea is today, in danger of falling into the grip of the enemies within.

© 2024 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Prosperity not Potholes

By Senator Dennis Linthicum

December 3, 2024

On November 5th, most Americans resoundingly chose prosperity over potholes. Across the nation, we exercised our God given freedom to elect those who best reflect our beliefs and values. Our nation also recognized patriots who have displayed the courage, fortitude and ability to stay in the game and to do what needs to be done to preserve our freedom.

This Thanksgiving I’m grateful for the hope of bringing our country back to a place where common sense, individual freedom and personal liberty reign. I’m thankful for the opportunities that lie ahead in each of our lives. I’m especially thankful for all of you who gave freely of your time, effort and resources in an all-out effort to boost my SOS campaign.

And, while my last electoral effort didn’t pan out as hoped, I look forward to staying engaged with other freedom advocates and individuals who recognize the beauty of our constitutionally federated republican form of government.

Here in Oregon we continue to face an uphill battle. Oregon went Blue because of the votes from a couple of cities, in a couple of counties.

But, the rest of the state was bright Red. So now is our time to dig in, stand tall and be diligent for the challenges that lie ahead.

This morning’s newsletter will be short as I express my Thankfulness, I also want to encourage you to spend time with your friends, families and loved ones as we will have plenty to do in the near future. Courage, Resolve and Virtue must be our watchwords because the opportunities, here in Oregon, will be tremendous.

Lastly, I’ll conclude a quote from President Reagan’s 1981 inaugural address that echoes my thoughts:

“So, with all the creative energy at our command, let us begin an era of national renewal.

“Let us renew our determination, our courage, and our strength. And let us renew our faith and our hope. We have every right to dream heroic dreams. Those who say that we’re in a time when there are no heroes—they just don’t know where to look.

“You can see heroes every day going in and out of factory gates. Others, a handful in number, produce enough food to feed all of us and then the world beyond. You meet heroes across a counter—and they’re on both sides of that counter.

“There are entrepreneurs with faith in themselves and faith in an idea who create new jobs, new wealth, and opportunity. They are individuals and families whose taxes support the government and whose voluntary gifts support church, charity, culture, art, and education.

“Their patriotism is quiet but deep.
“Their values sustain our national life.”

President Reagan’s words are as relevant today as they were 35 years ago.
I pray that we too can “renew our determination, our courage and our strength.”

With kind regards and gratefulness.

Support Senator–Elect Diane Linthicum!

Also, let me introduce some information about your new Senator-Elect – Diane Linthicum

Diane’s Election Website

© 2024 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Linthicum:

Enhancing Career Readiness with Transferable Skills in Higher Education

By: Amil Imani

December 3, 2024

Career readiness in higher education has become a critical issue, particularly after the Great Recession, which heightened concerns over graduates’ employability. Employers increasingly seek candidates who possess both technical knowledge and transferable skills—such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork—that are adaptable across various industries.

Unfortunately, traditional methods of teaching these skills are often too generic and disconnected from the specific contexts of students’ future careers. A more nuanced and structured approach to teaching transferable skills is necessary to better prepare students for the workforce. A seven-step framework for teaching disciplinary skills can align the curriculum with specific workplace contexts, fostering skills integral to students’ future success.

The emphasis on career readiness has intensified, especially as the world of work becomes more dynamic and unpredictable. Higher education institutions are under pressure to ensure that graduates are academically proficient and prepared to navigate complex work environments. Transferable skills can be applied across various job roles and industries, enhancing graduates’ employability. These skills include communication, adaptability, teamwork, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Yet, many traditional approaches to teaching these skills still need to be improved. Workshops focusing on generic soft skills are often decontextualized, failing to show students how these abilities are specifically relevant to their chosen fields.

The seven-step framework offers a structured approach to teaching transferable skills within disciplinary contexts to address this gap. This framework encourages faculty to be intentional and explicit about the skills they want students to develop, modeling their application in real-world scenarios and providing structured opportunities for practice and feedback. Each step can be tailored to the needs of different disciplines, ensuring that the skills taught are relevant and valuable in specific professional settings.

Step 1: Define Skills in Detail
Rather than assuming students know what “communication” or “teamwork” means, faculty should precisely define these skills and relate them to specific tasks in their disciplines. For example, in engineering, teamwork might involve collaborating on complex problem-solving tasks, while in the humanities, it may involve debating and synthesizing diverse perspectives.

Step 2: Contextualize the Skills
Skills should be taught in the context of students’ future professions. For instance, a business professor might use case studies to demonstrate how problem-solving applies in high-stakes negotiations. In contrast, a biology professor could focus on teamwork in lab research projects.

Step 3: Model Skill Application
Faculty should demonstrate how these skills are applied in real-world scenarios. This can include role-playing, simulations, or sharing case studies that illustrate the skills in action, thereby bridging the gap between theory and practice.

Step 4: Provide Practice Opportunities
Students should be allowed to apply skills through structured, hands-on learning experiences. These might include group projects, internships, or service-learning opportunities, allowing students to practice skills in a controlled but realistic setting.

Step 5: Offer Continuous Feedback
Feedback is essential for refining skills. Faculty should provide detailed, constructive feedback that helps students understand how they can improve. This could be done through peer evaluations, instructor comments, or self-assessments.

Step 6: Assess Skill Proficiency
Assessment methods should be designed to measure the acquisition and application of transferable skills, not just academic knowledge. This could involve performance-based assessments, such as project outcomes or presentations, that reflect real-world expectations.

Step 7: Reflect and Iterate
Both students and faculty should regularly reflect on the skill development process. Students should assess their progress, while faculty should review their teaching methods to ensure that skills are effectively taught and learned.

It is crucial to shift away from generic soft skills workshops and toward a more nuanced understanding of transferable skills as discipline-specific competencies. Career readiness is not merely about acquiring abstract abilities; it is about understanding how those abilities manifest in specific fields and how they can be honed to meet industry demands. By adopting a framework like the seven-step approach, higher education can better equip students to succeed in their future careers, making them job-ready and career-ready.

© 2024 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved


1. Brown, P., Hesketh, A., & Williams, S. (2003). Employability in a knowledge-driven economy. Journal of Education and Work, 16(2), 107–126.
2. Jackson, D. (2016). Mind the gap: Graduate employability and the “skills gap” in higher education. Education + Training, 58(1), 39–53.
3. Knight, P. T., & Yorke, M. (2004). Learning, curriculum, and employability in higher education. Routledge.
4. NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers). (2022). Job Outlook 2022: The Impact of COVID-19 on the Hiring Outlook for Class of 2022. NACE.
5. Robles, M. M. (2012). Executive perceptions of the top 10 soft skills needed in today’s workplace. Business Communication Quarterly, 75(4), 453–465.

The Indoctrinated Brain – What’s Been Done & How

Authored by Devvy Kidd not AI

December 2, 2024

Over the past couple of decades, we’ve seen a nation toss common sense, self-determination and individuality to little more than recipients of carefully planned dumbing down and sheep-like compliance.  Collectivism – embrace the deadly poison promoted by Karl Marx.

I’ve recommended too many times to count in columns, a short introduction to a very important book by a lady I came to know well, Jeri Lynn Ball, who was way ahead of her time.  Despite her research backed up by provable facts and documents, no one would publish her book so she did.  Unfortunately, it’s no longer available (Perhaps through a rare book store site), but this 20-page introduction truly is a must read.  While the names of the dirty traitors have changed (left office/globalist billionaires and bankers), the goal remains the same. We cannot defeat our domestic and foreign enemies without knowing the when and how these maniacs began their mission.

Condensed from the book Masters of Seduction (Plus Vital New Facts)

MASTERS OF SEDUCTION – Beguiling Americans Into Slavery and Self-destruction – Copyright © 2000 by Jeri Lynn Ball

The Totalitarian Vision of “Human Reconstruction”

“The same year they wrote “The Program,” Communist architects and social engineers began to implement their plans for the globalist, communistic New World Order, commencing with the transformation of all humans into supporters of totalitarianism. Nikolai Bukharin had previously written “that the revolution’s principle task was to ‘alter people’s actual psychology.’”

(Emphasis added.) “In 1928 Bukharin stated that “one of the first priorities is the question of the systematic preparation of new men, the builders of [totalitarian] socialism.” In his book, Soviet Civilization, Andrei Sinyavsky states that the “idea of the new man is the cornerstone of Soviet civilization.” The “new man” is in fact the indispensable, fundamental basis of all totalitarian societies. Totalitarianism requires the support, approval, and fearful veneration of the masses; if the “new men and women” had not been created, totalitarianism would not exist today.

“The Communists planned to create not only a new way of life, but new human beings. They sought to achieve not only the reconstruction of social and cultural institutions, but reconstruction of human beings. Communist totalitarianism has undergone tremendous growth over the past century only because it has “the support of a man of a new social and psychological type”—the “new communitarian (Communist) man.”

As regular readers of my columns I’ve written over the decades know I do a lot of reading.  Several months ago, fellow columnist, Kelleigh Nelson, recommended this book by J. Michael Waller: Big Intel: How the CIA and FBI Went from Cold War Heroes to Deep State Villains. I ordered and read it (it is available on audio); this is just one comment on Amazon:

“It’s a book ostensibly about decay at the FBI and CIA, which is true, but also traces the payload of a hundred-year-old active measure campaign. Truly the Bolsheviks planted a tree, and we are living in its shade.

“It plays out in countless places across our culture: the media, academia, corporations, and the government, but it’s come home to roost in the US Intelligence Community, who are supposed to be preventing such ideological infiltration and destruction.

“Dr Waller shows the roots of ‘wokeness’ from a century ago, how fellow travelers and useful idiots made successful its long march through our institutions, the resulting overproduction of corrupted elites from those same institutions, and the Obama administration’s codification of these ideas into a quasi-state religion for the administrative and deep states, despite being antithetical to the very Constitution they’re sworn to support and defend. And it’s only intensified since. Even under Trump appointees.”

Following all this treachery, I next read what is also a critically important book, also filled with footnotes and sources:  The Indoctrinated Brain:  How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom by Michael Nehls, M.D., Ph.D. (Also available on audio.)

(Emphasis mine) “Michael Nehls has written a provocative book arguing that the COVID-19 generation in particular will ultimately be deficient in memory and cognition, due to the combination of brainwashing and toxic exposures, launched by a self-appointed technocratic elite group and applied to all of humanity. The book provides detailed scientific support for the direct effects on the hippocampus that lead to these dire outcomes. Fascinating and terrifying at the same time.”  —Stephanie Seneff, senior research scientist, MIT

German Neurologist On Face Masks: ‘Oxygen Deprivation Causes Permanent Neurological Damage’, Oct. 21, 2020  – “Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson MD, PhD is a Consultant Neurologist and Neurophysiologist with a PhD in Pharmacology, with special interest in neurotoxicology, environmental medicine, neuroregeneration and neuroplasticity. This is what she has to say about facemasks and their effects on your brain:

“The reinhalation of our exhaled air will without a doubt create oxygen deficiency and a flooding of carbon dioxide. We know that the human brain is very sensitive to oxygen deprivation. There are nerve cells for example in the hippocampus that can’t be longer than 3 minutes without oxygen – they cannot survive.

“The acute warning symptoms are headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, issues in concentration, slowing down of reaction time – reactions of the cognitive system.  However, when you have chronic oxygen deprivation, all of those symptoms disappear, because you get used to it. But your efficiency will remain impaired and the under-supply of oxygen in your brain continues to progress…

“While you’re thinking that you have gotten used to wearing your mask and rebreathing your own exhaled air, the degenerative processes in your brain are getting amplified as your oxygen deprivation continues.

“The second problem is that the nerve cells in your brain are unable to divide themselves normally. So in case our governments will generously allow as to get rid of the masks and go back to breathing oxygen freely again in a few months, the lost nerve cells will no longer be regenerated. What is gone is gone…

“When, in ten years, dementia is going to increase exponentially, and the younger generations couldn’t reach their God-given potential, it won’t help to say “we didn’t need the masks”.

“To deprive a child’s or an adolescent’s brain from oxygen, or to restrict it in any way, is not only dangerous to their health, it is absolutely criminal. Oxygen deficiency inhibits the development of the brain, and the damage that has taken place as a result CANNOT be reversed…

“I know how damaging oxygen deprivation is for the brain, cardiologists know how damaging it is for the heart, pulmonologists know how damaging it is for the lungs. Oxygen deprivation damages every single organ.”  She goes into a lot more; see link above.

Dr. Naomi Wolf wrote in the forward in Dr. Nehls book: “Many of us have noted that our loved ones and colleague have changed. Post-mNRA injection rollout, we notice that people who were highly educated critical thinkers, have become unable to think outside of two simple binaries.

“We watch in astonishment as formerly sophisticated loved ones and friends regurgitate talking points with no self-awareness.  We wonder why there is a sense of something inchoately missing when we sit with a vaccinated or COVID-fearful friend.  We cannot fathom what has caused this sea change.”

Dr. Nehls really gets into this in a way that is frightening to say the least.  Page 41:  The frightening Answer to an Unpleasant Question.  Nehls begins to crystalize why people were no longer able to think critically pre-the manufactured COVID crisis and simply accepted by the tens and tens of millions of Americans (who knows how many in other developed countries) the nefarious and completely unnecessary lockdown, masks and isolation mandates.

Chapter 3:  Reprogramming the Human Brain – the ‘technocratic’ narrative probably 95% of adult Americans in this country have never heard of, much less understand.

Chapter 4 deals with the Master Plan, going to page 91:  Five Steps in the Preparation of a Crime Against Humanity. Page 97 & 98 describes a challenge by Andrej Konstantin Hunko, at the time a member of the German Bundestag since 2009, “…challenged the power of the pharmaceutical industry and the WHO in a speech to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on June 24,2020.”  He pulled no punches.

Dr. Nehls continues, “The Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP) is a framework approved by the World Assembly in May 2012 to achieve the “Decade of Vaccines” vision by delivering universal access to immunization.” Satanic best describes what was being planned against humanity.  In Master Plan, Part 2, Dr. Nehls delves into ‘The Great Mental Reset Using Communist Indoctrination Methodology – what Jeri Lynn Ball wrote about in 2000.  The history he so carefully recites is what OUR government was doing – horrific – to achieve their goals:  the complete destruction of an independent, self-reliant able to think, analyze and resist and it’s all about the brain.

Chapter 6:  ENDGAME?.  A Sea of Madness – “Overpopulation is a real problem to be solved, according to the technocrats.”  In the section, The Rise of the Useless Class pay attention to people like Yuval Noah Harari who said, “Why do we need people, or at least, why do we need so many people? (WEF interview), “The best we [again, whom does he mean by we] can do at the moment is to keep them happy with drugs and computer games.”

Dr. Nehls continues (pg 172): “The existence of the people in Huxley’s Brave New World is also made bearable with shallow entertainment and the drug soma. In the preface to his novel, Huxley said the following, “The freedom to daydream under the influence of drugs, movies and the radio, will help subjects reconcile themselves to the bondage that is their fate.”

I’ve read many books on the “Great Reset”.  Thankfully, the diabolical plans of the maniacs supporting a manufactured “crisis” such as the monster scam called ‘climate change’ started to gain traction on talk radio, articles and columns not too long before the COVID hysteria.

A short read (91 pages) that sums up furtherance of the planned destruction of America is:  Summary of The Great Reset: Joe Biden and the Rise of Twenty-First Century Fascism by Glenn Beck & Justin Trask Haskins.  You might call it a primer but one fact I didn’t know and was shocked (pg 88) is that Sen. Rand Paul supports the DANGEROUS (will kill the Constitution once and for all) Article V Convention of States.  Breaking: Rand Paul Goofs! endorses Convention of States ACTION, March 13, 2018 (Perhaps his constituents will tell him to withdraw his support.)

Sen. Paul is all for a complete audit of the privately owned and unconstitutional “Federal” Reserve, but unlike his father, Sen. Ron Paul who railed against the FED in what seems like forever, I haven’t seen or read Rand Paul re-introduce one of his father’s bills when he was in Congress:  Rep. Paul, Ron [R-TX-14] (Introduced 06/15/2007 & again in 2009):  To abolish the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal reserve banks, to repeal the Federal Reserve Act, and for other purposes.

There was not a single co-sponsor.  Why? Because without the magical money machine printing “money” out of thin air to fund all the unconstitutional spending, CONgress would have to follow Art. 1, Sec. 8 of the U.S. Constitution. In 2009, Rep. Ron Paul wrote a best seller, End the Fed. Amazon gives an excellent summary; also available on audio and Kindle.

I wrote about this before, but if one reads Nomi Prins 423-page book (not counting 98 pgs of banking glossary/terms, footnotes, etc):  All the Presidents’ Bankers – The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power you will get a remarkable historical accounting up to 2014 when her book was published.  I couldn’t put it down.  Amazon has it on Kindle and audio.

Andrew Jackson, a Democrat and 7th president of these united States of America took on the central bank: “The greatest party battle centered around the Second Bank of the United States, a private corporation but virtually a Government-sponsored monopoly. When Jackson appeared hostile toward it, the Bank threw its power against him.

“Clay and Webster, who had acted as attorneys for the Bank, led the fight for its recharter in Congress. “The bank,” Jackson told Martin Van Buren, “is trying to kill me, but I will kill it!” Jackson, in vetoing the recharter bill, charged the Bank with undue economic privilege.  His views won approval from the American electorate; in 1832 he polled more than 56 percent of the popular vote and almost five times as many electoral votes as Clay.”

Rep. Massie Introduces Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act to “End the Fed“, May 16, 2024 – “WASHINGTON, D.C.- Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) announces the introduction of H.R. 8421, the Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act. Rep. Massie’s legislation abolishes the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve banks. It also repeals the Federal Reserve Act, the 1913 law that created the Federal Reserve System.

“Americans are suffering under crippling inflation, and the Federal Reserve is to blame,” said Rep. Massie. “During COVID, the Federal Reserve created trillions of dollars out of thin air and loaned it to the Treasury Department to enable unprecedented deficit spending. By monetizing the debt, the Federal Reserve devalued the dollar and enabled free money policies that caused the high inflation we see today.”

“Monetizing debt is a closely coordinated effort between the White House, Federal Reserve, Treasury Department, Congress, Big Banks, and Wall Street,” Rep. Massie continued. “Through this process, retirees see their savings evaporate due to the actions of a central bank pursuing inflationary policies that benefit the wealthy and connected. If we really want to reduce inflation, the most effective policy is to end the Federal Reserve.” Read the rest at link.

Trump has reportedly held secret talks with Jamie Dimon for months about White House agenda, Nov. 29, 2024 – Dimon is CEO of JPMorgan Chase (I’ve never had any business relationship with them and won’t), the largest bank in the world (some say one of four).

Of course, Massie’s bill will die before Dec. 31st.  This time there are at least a few cosponsors who understand this critical issue.  Bill is hereH.R. 8421: Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act  Republicans now hold the power in both chambers of CON-gress come January along with Trump in the power seat to sign a bill because we will never become once again a prosperous nation of FREEDOM loving Americans.  The ‘national debt’ will sink our ship for good.

When I say cosponsors who actually understand this issue, it brings me back to Dr. Nehls book and something called Chronically inhibited hippocampal neurogenesis.  What’s being done to your brain. On page 54 he provides an easy to understand “vicious cycle” all boiling down to mental resilience.  Just watching so many embracing and support the dangerous COS is a perfect example, I think.

In the final chapter of his important research, yes, there is a solution and what people (not just here in the U.S.) really need to understand if we’re going to survive the maniacs pushing humans to accept what is NOT acceptable. That is what makes his book, The Indoctrinated Brain:  How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom so different and important.

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

© 2024 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

Important links:

Texas proposes gold and silver-backed currencies to compete with fiat money, Nov. 22, 2024 (Don’t hold your breath.  What’s gone on the last two sessions is a slap in the face to Texans.)

READ. She has been on this for years.  Our guv (TX) is a staunch supporter: Governor Abbott Statement On House Passage Of Convention Of States Resolution, May 4, 2017 (Of course, the damn fool who “represents” me in the Texas House (since 2007) supports a COS.)

Why James Madison Trembled at the Prospect of An Article V Convention, Jan. 5, 2024 – “The following outline shows the absurdity of the Convention pushers’ arguments; their false claims & assurances about the Convention process; their misrepresentations of Court Opinions; their misrepresentations of whom they really serve, and their faked “popular support”.

“Since everything they tell you is false; the question arises, “What’s their real agenda?” I’ll show you.  And then you will see why James Madison “trembled” at the prospect of an Article V Convention.[1]”

READ:  Why an Article V Convention is bad for Texas

Proposed Constitution for the Newstates of America (I worked a bit with Jackie way back in the very early 1990’s to stop a Con-Con; we lived in different states.) Not dated but it is, I think, from back then: Constitutional Convention & Conference of States – Proposed Constitution for the Newstates of America

I want American businesses to stay in business, for those worrying about Christmas shopping (my late mother used to start buying in July. One gift here, another there so she didn’t have to scrape together a load of money for the Christmas rush.), here’s two great family-owned businesses (I have no financial or family connection for full disclosure):

I highly recommend Sisters Thrift Store.  Get 20% off at checkout and always free shipping! SISTERLYLOVE20

We’re all aware of the grossly inappropriate books found in school libraries.  I purchased two sets of these great children’s books – I read them before giving one set of four to a friend’s 6-six year old grand daughter and one set to one of the Christian schools in my city.  Hearty House Children’s books.

Tulsi Gabbard-gate Now a Full-Blown Scandal

By Cliff Kincaid

December 2, 2024

President Trump called former intelligence analyst Edward Snowden a “traitor” and a “spy” who should be executed. Lt. General Michael T. Flynn, his former national security adviser, had declared in congressional testimony that Snowden’s disclosures did “grave damage to the Department of Defense and go far beyond the act of a so-called whistle blower.” He added, “I have no doubt that he has placed the men and women of our armed services at risk and that his disclosures will cost lives on our future battlefields.” Senator Marco Rubio, Trump’s nominee for Secretary of State, said about Snowden, “I think he’s a traitor worthy of federal prison.”

Lt. Gen Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest-ranking Soviet bloc intelligence official ever to defect to the West, called the Snowden affair “a well-prepared Russian intelligence operation” against the United States and said Snowden “is an agent of the Russian foreign intelligence service.”

​Yet, Trump is now under pressure from his own nominee for Director of National Intelligence (DNI), Tulsi Gabbard, to pardon the former intelligence analyst.

Jon Levine of the New York Post reports that former left-wing congresswoman Gabbard, a former Bernie Sanders supporter and now Trump’s DNI nominee, regards Snowden as “important to her” and that “she would likely push for” a pardon or clemency to the former CIA and NSA employee in Trump’s second term.

The strange development threatens to expose Gabbard and perhaps other members of Trump’s inner circle as covert sympathizers with Vladimir Putin’s Russia, at a time when Putin is threatening to involve NATO in a nuclear war and the Russian-backed Syrian dictatorship is under siege by opposition forces.

Gabbard staged a friendly visit with Syrian dictator Assad in 2017, when she was a full-fledged peacenik Democrat whose career was nurtured by communists. She is today fully backed by Jackson Hinkle, an executive board member of the “new” American Communist Party, which supports anti-American regimes around the world, including Putin’s Russia.

Hinkle is a former supporter of socialist Bernie Sanders who now associates with one of Russian President Putin’s key advisers, Alexander Dugin, who says there is a “strategic alliance” between Iran and Russia and China.

However, Dugin also has influence on the MAGA movement, as documented in our report, The Big Lie Driving Russian Influence in the Conservative Movement and the Destruction of Ukraine.

If confirmed, Gabbard would be given jurisdiction as DNI over 18 intelligence agencies and would edit intelligence information for President Trump.

But her support for Snowden, now a Russian citizen, puts that confirmation in serious doubt. Indeed, it raises questions about who in Trump’s inner circle pushed her nomination.

The president-elect has made it clear in several statements over the years that Snowden betrayed the United States as he sought refuge in Russia, after disclosing more than one million classified documents. Snowden was charged with espionage, a crime that could get him the death penalty. Trump had recommended that Snowden, if caught and convicted, be executed.

Hence, Trump is in a very difficult situation if he stands by Gabbard, as he apparently wasn’t aware when he made the Gabbard nomination that she had, as a member of Congress, introduced a resolution to grant Snowden a pardon for his crimes. Her position directly contradicted what Trump had been saying about Snowden for several years.

His former aide, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, then-director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), had expanded on his own comments about the damage done by Snowden, declaring, that “the greatest cost” associated with Snowden’s betrayal “is unknown today, but we will likely face is the cost in human lives on tomorrow’s battlefield or in some, someplace where we will put our military forces – you know, when we ask them to go in to harm’s way. That’s’ the greatest cost that we face with the disclosures that have been presented so far. And like I said, the strongest word that I can use is this has caused grave damage to our national security.”

Flynn’s comments were made in congressional testimony in 2014, after Snowden had turned the documents over to a left-wing journalist, Glenn Greenwald, in Chinese Hong Kong, on his way to Russia, where he was given Russian citizenship.

My group, America’s Survival, called Greenwald’s “journalism” a form of espionage and objected to Pulitzer Prizes for “journalists” who facilitated Snowden’s disclosures. My book, Blood on His Hands: The True Story of Edward Snowden, documents how his disclosures didn’t hurt the “Deep State” but rather benefitted Russia, China, and Islamic terrorists like those in ISIS.

The Gabbard nomination was apparently urged on the president by advisers who didn’t know or didn’t care that Trump had taken a position in favor of capital punishment for the former NSA and CIA analyst.

What the evidence suggests, contends anti-communist author Trevor Loudon, is that Trump has several advisers who are in the “Russian camp” and want to reward Putin for giving refuge to the American defector. If this is in fact the case, another Russia-gate scandal is in the making which threatens the second Trump presidency even before it begins. Trump will not be able to blame this scandal on Hillary or Obama, since his own advisers made it all possible.

In an interview on my fast-growing Rumble channel, Trevor Loudon suggested that she try to save face by withdrawing her nomination, citing health concerns or some other pretext. Otherwise, he indicated, the Gabbard nomination will develop into a full-blown scandal that even Republicans will have to investigate, leading to uncomfortable questions about the Trump advisers behind the controversial nomination and their possible ties to Russia.

© 2024 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Things That Need Fixing in 2025

By Frosty Wooldridge

December 2, 2024

Six days a week, this kid swims a half mile at my recreation center to keep in top shape. Afterwords, I sit in the hot tub to meditate and pray for my wife’s health.  In all my meditations and prayers, I pray for world peace in Ukraine, Iran, Lebanon, Israel, and Gaza.  I pray for health in AIDES-torn Africa.  I pray for food for the 3.1 million children who starve to death annually around the world.

“Poor nutrition and hunger is responsible for the death of 3.1 million children a year. That’s nearly half of all deaths in children under the age of 5. The children die because their bodies lack basic nutrients. A child dies every 10 seconds from starvation. Globally, 822 million people suffer from undernourishment.”  (Source: )

As to adults, over 9.2 million starve to death annually worldwide.

“Around 9 million people die every year of hunger and hunger-related diseases. This is more than from AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined.”  (Source:

With those horrific numbers of people starving to death, we see madmen in Iran and Russia waging wars on innocent people of every walk of life.  We watch Islamic Hamas terrorists along with Muslim Iranian terrorists committing every kind of inhumane atrocities known to humanity.

Sep 17, 2024 — “A confidential Ukrainian estimate from earlier this year put the number of dead Ukrainian troops at 80,000 and the wounded at 400,000,” according to a Wall Street Journal report.  At least that many have died on the Russian side of the equation.

Over 35,000 have been killed in the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza.

You can’t help but wonder exactly what drives human beings and/or their leaders to commit to so much killing of other human beings.  It’s been reported that humans spend $1,000,000.00 a minute 24/7 to maintain armies for either offense or defense.

Can you imagine if all those costs of killing one another were changed to feeding, clothing, and housing all those humans that die of starvation annually?  Wouldn’t common sense drive humanity to care for its 8.1 billion individuals on this planet?  Feed them?

What about the 170 trillion pieces of plastic now floating or sunken into the depths of earth’s oceans? (Source:   What about the 100 million sharks killed annually for their fins or the sport of it?  What about the 84,000 chemicals dumped into the oceans annually by the tons?  What about earth’s reefs dying at an astounding rate of speed?  Anyone eating fish from our oceans also consumes that broken down (oil) plastic within the fish tissue and chemicals drained into the oceans as our final toilet. Wouldn’t common sense tell world leaders that we humans need to change course to preserve our wondrous planet that is our home?

Today in America, only seven states offer a deposit-return law for all their plastic, metal, and glass containers.  Forty-three states couldn’t care less!  Why wouldn’t a first world nation like the United States implement a 50-cent deposit-return law on all plastic, glass, and metal containers to ensure a 99 percent return to stop the trashing of the planet?  How hard can it be to honor our planet home by maintaining a level of decency and respect for our wilderness?

At this date, “social media” via cell phones has corrupted millions of our children into drugs, pornography and video death games that do nothing to bring our children up to be contributing and responsible adults. Those phones are “rewiring” our children’s minds to be anti-social, unable to communicate in person, and creating perversions beyond our understanding. Why are parents allowing their children, and buying their children those cell phones that take up their time of four to eight hours daily? Several states have passed laws to stop kids from using social media until they reach 16 years of age.  That’s a start!

After I swim, I hit the weight room. Virtually every teenager in the weight room carries a cell phone, and, they hog the machines while tapping away, with no regard that the rest of us would like to push those weights.

Then, you read about 250,000 drug overdose deaths caused by heroin, fentanyl, cocaine, et. al., in the past three years.  Why would the president and vice president of the United States allow such a horrific number of deaths that were easily preventable by simply closing down the drug trade at our borders?  Why not make the crime of drug trafficking punishable by life in prison for anyone caught?  Aren’t our children worth it?  Wasn’t Laken Riley and thousands of other young women who have been raped and/or killed worth it?  Answer: apparently not.

Today, we house more than 30 million illegal aliens in our country. They have broken our laws, dramatically, and in horrific numbers. Yet, our own president and vice president, along with our U.S. Congress, engineered this invasion. The big question is: WHY?  Wouldn’t it make sense, in order to maintain a stable and sustainable civilization, that we stop this invasion, and repatriate all those people back to their own countries?  How about they fix or repair or fight for their own countries?

Why are our major cities harboring all those illegal aliens with our tax dollars?  Is there any common sense to “Sanctuary Cities?”  It’s costing us billions in housing, food, medical and crime—but we have state governors-mayors-citizens protecting illegals. The best line I heard this week was my Denver Mayor Mike Johnston. “I am willing to go to jail to protect our undocumented immigrants.”   Incoming DHS/ICE director Tom Holman said, “If Johnston is willing to go to jail for breaking the law, I will put him in jail.”

What about the fact that our war-making machine, The Pentagon, with an $833 billion annual budget has failed the last seven audits, and that billions, if not trillions of dollars have been squandered-siphoned-ripped-off by the Military Industrial Complex corporate heads?

Few Americans realize that an average of 20,000 Americans are murdered in America annually.  They get shot, stabbed or cut to pieces.  Why is that going on in a free country?

Yes, it’s all those little questions that need answering.

What about biological men, pretending to be women, pushing, smashing and shoving their way into women’s athletics?  Who thought THAT mental-emotional insanity deserved a seat at the American athletic table?  Haven’t women been shoved to the back seat or the back of the bus throughout most of recorded history?  Why would we allow such stupidities in 21st century America?  Transgender male athletes in women’s sports will prove the most inane, insane, stupid, moronic, and idiotic era of American sports.

And now, this artificial intelligence. It could be used for “good”, but can you imagine what it’s going to be like when it’s in the hands of “bad” people?  We’re in for a nasty ride with AI.

It’s been said that humans prove themselves the most intelligent species on this planet.  When you look at our long, bloody history, which continues today, it’s safe to say we humans are not that intellectually balanced.  We lack common sense.  We lack actions that would benefit our planet, all living creatures and ourselves.

In 2025, perhaps we might choose a more enlightened path toward the future.  All it takes is: common sense.

© 2024 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Don’t Waste Time on Religious People

By Glynn Adams

December 1, 2024

Jesus set the example for us as He did not waste His time on religious people who had their own way to heaven worked out. We are now living in the time of the great falling away. “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day (the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ) shall not come except there came a falling away first.” (2 Thessalonians 2:3)

“Falling away” simply means that people turn away from faith in God and begin trusting other things. These other things become idols in their hearts, “golden calves,” which they depend upon to lead them through this life and then into heaven.

People who have fallen away begin calling something church that is not the church. They begin calling people Christians who are not Christians. Almost every funeral service preached today as though the person who died has gone to heaven. But the Bible says, “Straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth to life, and few there be that find it.” (Matthew 7:14)

The hearts of unsaved church members by the millions blindly trust their church doctrines and programs, which have become their idols (golden calves), to lead them to heaven. By so doing they have blinded themselves to many of the truths of God’s Word.

Religious people whose hearts are set on pleasing their flesh nature need a physical tangible God. Today this need is fulfilled through a form of godliness manifested by many religious organizations. These like Aaron’s golden calf, have been fashioned by the hands of religious leaders of the past to please men, and they are protected by the religious leaders of today.

The hearts of the people are captured by partial truths and religious slogans. Years of teaching Scriptures that fit into a doctrinal structure have blinded them to the other parts of the Gospel and have given them a false security. They can only see in the Bible the parts of the Bible that fit into their particular religious structure. Like the Pharisees, they are offended when they hear the other parts of the Bible.

When the Word of God is resisted, Jesus becomes a rock of offense and a stumbling stone!! “The stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner, and a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense, even to them which stumble at the Word.” (1 Peter 2:7-8).

When anyone looks at the Word of God from any standpoint other than God’s point of view, they have tunnel vision. Tunnel vision causes them to gather around only a part of the Word of God rather than the whole counsel of God. They will also have a Pharisaical attitude of “we have all the light.’

Then their religious structures become an idol in their hearts. They cannot be led out of darkness because they will not receive any truth that conflicts with their doctrine. This is exactly how an idol in someone’s heart causes a veil to be over their face today. They do not have spiritual eyes to see, or ears to hear, and they cannot understand God’s Word.

Jesus explained this to His disciples in Matthew 13 in the Parable of the Sower. “To you disciples it has been granted to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven but to them (the multitudes), it has not been granted.” Therefore, I speak to them in parables because while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. And in their case the prophecy of Isaiah 6:9, is being fulfilled which says, “You will keep on hearing, but will not understand. And you will keep on seeing and will not perceive. For the heart of these people have become dull and with their ears scarcely hear. And they have closed their eyes lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and return and I should heal them.”

Jesus had multitudes (in the Greek language “multitudes” are more than you can count. But Jesus left the multitudes right there where they stood and He went on. They were not interested in following the way of Jesus.

When Jesus went up, the Holy Spirit came down, and the disciples of Jesus went out!!! Jesus had demonstrated with His life, plus He gave all who would follow Him, instructions on how to continue His ministry on this earth.

Jesus said, “If I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself.” (John 12:32) “And I say to you that you are Peter, I will build My church (ekklesia – those who assemble in My Name) and the gates of hell shall not overpower it.” (Matthew 16:18) I will draw all men to Me and I (Jesus) will build “My” church; not the pastor, not the professional religionists, and not anyone but Me.

But His disciples have a part. Jesus commanded us to go “make disciples” and “teach” them to observe all that I commanded you. (Matthew 28:19-20) Jesus also gave the twelve power and authority over all the demons and to heal diseases. He sent them out to proclaim the Kingdom of God and to preform healing (Luke 9:1). In case anyone thinks Luke 9:1 is just for the twelve and not us, in Luke 10:1, he sent out seventy others.

The gospels show us what Jesus did to make disciples while on this earth. The Book of Acts is what the disciples of Jesus did in the First Century and the remainder of the New Testament is expanded revelations by Paul and company to help us better walk as Jesus walked and to minister like the disciples that Jesus trained. When did all this change? The disciples of today are to be doing the same thing Jesus’ disciples did in the First Century. Has anyone heard from Jesus that this has changed?

We must get out of our comfort zone and obey Matthew 28:19- 20. The early disciples in the First Century had no building to contend with plus they met in houses to minister to one another and prepare to go out to where the people were to make disciples to establish Kingdom Colonies who obeyed the ways and rule of Jesus Christ.

God bless, may you be fruitful and multiply many disciples of Christ. I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks to the late Milt Green and his book The Great Falling Away Today and Ekklesia by Joe Nicola)

© 2024 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

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Observations on the 2024 Election

by Mark Lerner

December 1, 2024

[I want to share this article with you from my friend Mark Lerner and his Constitutional Alliance. I’ve worked with them for years as they have led the fight to stop the creation of a total surveillance society over our personal lives. The Alliance is also a big supporter of APC’s fight to build Freedom Pods and organize at the local level to stop massive government overreach. They have a vital voice in dealing with many leaders in the new Trump Administration. Please read and post. I hope you’ll consider supporting the Constitutional Alliance.

Tom DeWeese
American Policy Center]

I will be referring to President Elect Trump as President Trump because the public and media must look forward, not debate the past and what could have been. Those that do not accept President Trump has a mandate are being intellectually dishonest. President Trump won all swing states, and the Republicans also took back the Senate and held the House. This document will address the surveillance state.

President Trump and Ms. Susie Wiles, President Trump’s campaign manager and now Chief of Staff ran an efficient campaign. Anyone who does not acknowledge the effectiveness of President Trump’s campaign is looking through a partisan lens. President Trump earned the victory; it was not given to him.

Nobody can accuse the Constitutional Alliance of being a partisan organization. We call balls and strikes regardless of which way the wind is blowing.

We asked President Trump’s campaign to address the issue of placing a moratorium on the use of Facial Recognition Technology, in addition to other issues President Trump campaigned on. The Democrats could have also agreed to a moratorium on the use of Facial Recognition Technology. As it is, the Constitutional Alliance will continue to ask for a moratorium on the use of Facial Recognition Technology absent a court approved warrant. It should not be the goal of Republicans or Democrats to further the surveillance state.

We know there are people very worried about what a second President Trump administration will do. We encourage people to give President Trump the same amount of time previous Presidents had to put forth their priorities. We recognize there will be differences on cultural issues/social issues with people who did not vote for President Trump. That said, on economic issues President Trump should have the support of all people. Anyone who roots for President Trump’s economic policies to fail is not just rooting against President Trump, but also our country, and the people who cannot pay their bills through no fault of their own.

Two major companies have already announced they will be moving their manufacturing from overseas to the United States to avoid tariffs. This will create jobs in the U.S. and help our economy.

The Democrats failed miserably to protect and secure our borders – full stop. There are over 1.3 million people who have already had their asylum cases heard and their claims rejected by the courts, yet these people remain in the United States. There are also gang members, drug cartel members, and other violent people who entered our country illegally and must be deported. President Trump and Republicans not only have the mandate to remove these people, but they also have the responsibility.

I wrote long ago about how much illegal immigration was costing our country in areas such as education, health care, housing, and welfare benefits. Are there benefits that people in our country unlawfully contribute? That was a question for voters. The issue of securing our borders is more than just a cost/economic issue, but more importantly a national security issue. Already Iranians and others have been charged with attempting to assassinate President Trump. Many people who are unlawfully in the U.S. have been paying taxes. We should not paint all people with a broad stroke.

As a point of fact, we still are not making sure people are who they say they are, and in too many cases failing to verify citizenship. Biometrics DO NOT identify people. Biometrics can authenticate if two people are the same person, but that is all biometrics can do.

Breeder documents such as birth certificates and other acceptable documents are what the law requires be verified, so we do know if people are who they say they are. Each time we wrote about immigration we said elections have consequences. The current status quo regarding immigration has not worked for forty years. Some people will not like the way President Trump’s administration will deal with deporting people. Immigration is not part of the Constitutional Alliance’s Mission Statement.

V.P. Harris’ supporters went from saying there are eleven million people undocumented people in our country to now saying there are twenty million people undocumented people in our country. Those that wonder why Democrats lost credibility with their own base, it is this type of changing of facts that is the reason. We are simply stating how V.P. Harris and her surrogates have changed their story from before the election to today because they lost so badly.

One point we want to make about immigration. We do hope that President Trump is briefed on UVisa applicants. These applicants are not citizens but were the victims of violent crimes in our country. We can all agree we do not want those that commit violent crimes allowed to run free. If undocumented people were victims of violent crimes, and have not committed any felonies themselves, they should be given a pathway to citizenship which is specifically what a UVisa does. It can take years before people who commit violent crimes are caught and prosecuted, and then for appeals to be exhausted. If the people who are the victims of violent crimes are deported, we will have left violent criminals on the street to rob, injure, and/or kill our own family members. The UVisa program law must be left intact.

In conclusion, the Constitutional Alliance has taken the position for almost two decades, there must be an exemption from mandatory biometric enrollment for those who choose not to be in a global system that will at some point be able to identify people and control the ability of people to buy, sell, travel, and work. Such a system is nearly complete. The international standards and telecommunication network for the sharing of biometrics globally already exist. We have been in contact with many Christians and Jewish people who oppose such a global system. Only the Constitutional Alliance addressed this system of control almost twenty years ago. We will never stop pushing for an exemption, religious or not.

[Bio and picture NOT Available]

© 2024 Mark Lerner – All Rights Reserved

Contact Mark Lerner

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