Proof: Jeb Bush Loves Eminent Domain

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”  —Joseph Goebbels

 A false witness shall not be unpunished, and [he that] speaketh lies shall not escape. —Proverbs 19:5

Governor Jeb Bush authorized the State Department of Environmental Protection to begin eminent domain proceedings against an elderly man who just wanted to keep his land.

Jesse Hardy became disabled from a chopper jump after 14 years of service as a U.S. Navy Seal. In 1976, he bought 160 acres of swampland that nobody else wanted. And he intended to keep it, but the State and Florida’s EPA had different ideas.

When Jesse bought the land it was nothing but shallow land on an underwater reef which no one wanted, and no one owned.  Jesse built a shed, then a house, and dug a well, he made the unwanted rough land inhabitable.  Life was pretty crude in the beginning. He’d wait for a warm day to take a shower. Eventually though, he had air conditioning, reverse osmosis, a washing machine, a cell phone, a satellite dish. He had solar panels on the roof and a big generator out back.

Jesse was a businessman, he ran a limestone quarry on his property that generated considerable revenue. His land, he said, was his life.  Jesse Hardy fed bread to the fish in one of the stocked ponds on his land. The ponds were a byproduct of his limestone mining operation.

In 1995, the niece of a family friend gave birth to a premature boy with severe medical problems. Tara Hilton, age 43, and little Tommy had nowhere to go. So they moved in with Hardy, who raised the boy as his son.

A year after Tommy’s birth, Hardy said he dug a test lake and stocked it with catfish, bream and tilapia to see whether his dream of establishing a fish farm could come true.

Like Tommy, the fish thrived, and Hardy and Hilton said they hatched bigger plans to dig four 20-acre lakes for recreational and commercial use.

Jesse in front of his stocked pond

Then Naples started growing, and encroaching, as the everglades to the east became drier.

Florida first laid the groundwork for taking Hardy’s land in 1985, when it began buying 55,247 acres of the bankrupt and largely abandoned South Golden Gate Estates. Environmentalists considered the tract vital to restoring the natural flow of the River of Grass and protecting the water supply.

(President Bill Clinton and Gov. Jeb Bush met in the Oval Office on Dec. 11, 2000, to launch a $7.8 billion effort to revive the Florida Everglades.)

Nearly 20 years and $121 million later, the state owned almost every inch of South Golden Gates Estates, except 800 acres claimed by the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians — and Hardy’s 160 acres.

Mr. Hardy’s land was in the middle of the failed housing complex, Southern Golden Gates Estates. The land for that development was carved out of a swamp years ago, and subdivided by canals and dirt roads. State authorities and environmentalists wanted to tear up the roads and fill in the canals, and allow water to flood the land, to restore it to its natural wetlands condition.

Nancy Payton of the Florida Wildlife Federation, an environmental group that has worked to restore the area for years, said Jesse’s land was essential to the project.  “Southern Golden Gates is a keystone parcel, because it is surrounded on almost every side by public lands, conservation lands,” she said. “It is remote from any public facilities. It is remote from schools and from even a supermarket. It is not a good location for people to be, and the best and highest use for Golden Gates Estates is to restore it.”

Hardy paid $60,000 for his 160 acres, valued for tax purposes in 2000, at $860,000. The state offered him $711,725 in 2002. He said no.  It offered him $1.2-million in 2003. He said no.  $1.5-million? No.  $4.5-million? No. No. No.

But the offers from the state kept coming, and the pressure kept mounting with the price. So, too, did Hardy’s status as a folk hero. His celebrity, though, would prove no match for the state. After Hardy turned down the $4.5 million, Gov. Jeb Bush and the Florida Cabinet authorized the state Department of Environmental Protection to begin eminent-domain proceedings. 

Hardy settled.

“I’m telling you, I got took,” he said. “They stole my life.  What they’re trying to do is take all the humans . . . bunch up people like in real close proximity, get all the people in one damn bunch so they can say, ‘Don’t go out over there! A chicken’ll get ya!’ ”

“They’re trying to stop a way of life.”

Jesse was right about that, and what he describes is UN Agenda 21’s Smart Growth.

The full story of Jesse’s battle can be found on his website

Jeb’s Florida Citrus Debacle

When Jeb was governor of Florida, he ordered backyard citrus trees to all be destroyed without compensation to residents, because of an outbreak of citrus canker disease.  This was the largest private property confiscation via eminent domain in the State of Florida.  Link

He not only ordered seizures by force, but it was Bush himself who refused to reimburse the residents for the property he unlawfully ordered to be removed and destroyed.

What happened in Florida under Jeb Bush’s administration is nothing less than a chipping away at a fundamental guarantee in the Constitution.

“I stood here and watched them take our Ruby Red grapefruit, a Key lime, a Valencia orange and a Calamondin,” said Coral Gables retiree Walter Jureski, eyes brimming with emotion. “It was heartbreaking. We loved those trees, and they were loaded with fruit.”

For his losses, Jureski, 80, like other homeowners, received a $100 voucher to be used in the garden department at Wal-Mart. But even if there wasn’t a ban on replanting citrus, he wouldn’t do it. Said Jureski: “I couldn’t stand to go through that again.”

The people were violated. They said, “The Agriculture Department’s hired goon squads break down your fences, trample your rights, and destroy private property.”

Under an emergency order by Governor Bush, canker crews do not need an owner’s permission to walk onto private property and take out citrus trees. Lushly landscaped yards have been reduced to vacant lots in minutes. “They raped our yard,” a caller named Lynn told a Miami radio talk-show host. “I’m horrified, appalled, furious. Just livid.”

Bush’s action is now costing the State of Florida hundreds of millions in lawsuits and legal fees.  A south Florida jury has ordered the State of Florida to pay $11.5 million as compensation to 58,225 residents of Broward County.  Similar class-action lawsuits took place in Miami-Dade, Palm Beach, Lee, and Orange Counties.  The Palm Beach verdict came in at an estimated $16.1 million reimbursement. Link

Bush Family Used Eminent Domain

Jeb’s brother, George W., who he is using in spots to campaign for him, acquired most of his wealth when the City of Arlington, Texas grabbed homes through eminent domain.  Bush could then build a new baseball stadium for the Texas Rangers and an accompanying parking lot, a team then-owned by a group where George W. was the general manager and key partner. You might want to read the article in Pensito Review regarding the shenanigans pulled by George W.  The article states, “This is exactly the sort of gambit used by former Illinois governor Otto Kerner, who was convicted of tax fraud as a result.”  Link


Next time one of the establishment folks brings up Donald Trump’s Atlantic City development and the use of eminent domain, remind them of Jeb Bush’s actions while Governor of Florida.

Jeb Bush used eminent domain to take the one thing most loved by a disabled veteran, land he bought and developed and intended to live on until he died.  All for the EPA.  Jeb trampled homeowners’ rights with the destruction of healthy citrus trees, and no compensation for their losses, resulting in the state losing millions of dollars in lawsuits by homeowners.

The entire Bush family obviously sees no problem with eminent domain.  So yes, Jeb Bush should have “hypocrite” in front of his name.

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Marco Rubio mimics Hillary Clinton’s anti-cop pandering for black votes

GOP presidential hopeful Marco Rubio, one of the GOP’s more moderate politicos, apparently is buying into the Democratic Party’s canard that the only way to be victorious is to entice the some of the Democrat voters by pandering to them.

Rubio appears to believe the Democratic Party’s assertions on illegal immigration and the subject of police brutality that the GOP candidate must take liberal-left positions on those issue in order to attract black and Hispanic voters.

Law enforcement officials and unions throughout the nation — including the Fraternal Order of Police, the Border Patrol union and others — have been opposed the “Hillary for President” campaign especially in light of public statements she has made during presidential debates and public appearances.

During a recent campaign event, Hillary Clinton said: “Well, sadly it’s reality, and it has been heartbreaking and incredibly outraging to see the constant stories of young men like Walter Scott, as you said, who have been killed by police officers. There needs to be a concerted effort to address the systemic racism in our criminal justice system. And that requires a very clear agenda for retraining police officers, looking at ways to end racial profiling, finding more ways to really bring the disparities that stalk our country into high relief.”

She also suggested that America’s racial bias is the only reason we’re not adequately addressing the racism of law enforcement.

During a CNN televised Townhall event, Rubio was asked about his opinion on U.S. race relations in the wake of Americans electing the nation’s first black president.

“You talk about race relations, it’s a difficult issue in this country,” Rubio replied, “And I know a lot if it is centered around law enforcement and police departments.”

According to former police Detective Nelson Basquez, “Rubio should have taken the opportunity to slam how the media have created such a division between police and the people they are serving. “The old ‘if it bleeds it leads’ news media slogan is being tweaked to mean if the bleeder is black and the ‘assailant’ is wearing blue, it’s prima facie evidence of a racially-motivated killing,” Basquez said.

Many observers claim that Rubio missed an opportunity demonstrated the real difference between conservatives and progressives. He failed to point out that the relationship between the neighborhood residents and the police has focused on the negative rather than the positive that every cop has noticed when “working the streets.”

Rubio’s statements could easily be taken for those of a left-wing Democrat such as Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders: “In this country, a significant number particularly of young African-American males feel as if they are treated differently than the rest of society. And here’s the bottom line: Whether you agree with them or not – I happen to have seen this happen – but whether you agree or not, if a significant percentage of the American family believes that they are being treated differently than everyone else, we have a problem, and we have to address it as a society and as a country. I do not believe we can fulfill our potential as a nation unless we address that,” said the Senator from Florida.

Republicans should fear having a national law enforcement figure denigrating their presidential candidate as they have done with statements by Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and other progressives.

“Mrs. Clinton, who is the subject of an FBI corruption investigation, appears ready to continue President Barack Obama’s cop-bashing that began almost immediately when he was inaugurated. It helps to create division between the races which helps the Democrats to win elections,” said former police detective and U.S. Marine Sid Franes, one of the nation’s first African American major-city police detectives.

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Obama: a friend of totalitarianism, not civil liberty

Obama’s deal with Iran, his relaxation of trade sanctions against Cuba, his forthcoming trip to commiserate with Castro and the communists who rule Cuba, and his plan to shut down the terrorist prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, are part of a long pattern of action that confirms him to be one of the world’s greatest enemies of civil liberty. No true leader of the free world would ignore the plight of those jailed for religious and political dissent in Iran and Cuba (and transfer suspected terrorists to freedom without facing justice) unless he harbored more sympathy for those who mean to destroy liberty than for those deprived of it.

Among the most infamous acts taken against liberty are those not of any foreign power but of this President. The deal with Iran, a power dedicated to the destruction of democracy in favor of totalitarian theocracy and a power that sacrifices the lives of those who deviate from the religious dogma and demands of its theocratic dictatorship, together with the deal with Cuba, an avowed enemy of the United States that imprisons thousands for voicing opposition to its communist regime, have the effect of condoning and advancing the acts of oppression of those regimes and of dashing the hopes of those incarcerated and persecuted for their views. No one who truly believed in individual liberty would ever abandon the cause of liberating those held captive for freedom’s sake, and yet that is Barack Obama’s legacy: Befriend the enemy of freedom and avoid offense to those who ruthlessly persecute religious and political dissenters.

Rather than stand up for freedom, Barack Obama sits down to dine with the slave masters, breaking bread with those who incarcerate and torture ideological opponents. Obama’s lasting legacy will be his abandonment of the cause of freedom at home and abroad, poignantly demonstrated by his befriending of totalitarians and by his unilateral alteration of American law without congressional assent whereby he enables totalitarians to receive enormous sums of money, advancing their oppressive regimes in the process. Obama is tone deaf to civil liberty and the greatest financial backer of totalitarianism in the world. He has effectively celebrated, writ large, and made official U.S. policy actions that magnify the disgrace that was Jane Fonda’s embrace of the communist North Viet Cong during the Vietnam War.

Because the condonation of civil rights violations poses an immediate threat to the lives of those incarcerated and, together with paying ransom for hostages, emboldens our enemies, we have much to fear from Obama’s remaining ten months. Having effectively invited our enemies to engage in further acts of aggression against us, to kidnap our people in exchange for ransom, and to advance their causes of intolerance and persecution unimpeded by the United States, Obama has unleashed the dogs of bigotry and murder. In Obama’s world, America’s avowed enemies are treated with greater respect and are the recipients of more largesse than America’s avowed friends. That is because the America befriended by our allies is the America Obama wishes never was.

The new America Obama is creating does not pay any price, endure any hardship, defend any friend, and oppose any foe to ensure the survival and success of liberty. Rather, it pays any price, endures any hardship, defends any enemy, and opposes any friend to ensure that those who oppose us know that a new humbled America will no longer stand in their way.

The irony is that America’s first Black President, who could have walked in the footsteps of Martin Luther King and demonstrated an unparalleled commitment to civil liberty for all, has abandoned that cause entirely and has embraced the slave masters of the world. Rather than fulfill Dr. King’s dream, he has denigrated it by his actions. Dr. King would not advance the cause of those who enslave, he would (and did) denounce the institution of slavery. Dr. King would not lavish wealth upon those who jailed the innocent, he risked his life in protest against the jailers. Obama’s every move on the international stage betrays King’s legacy and replaces it with one all freedom lovers rightfully denounce.

© 2016 Jonathan W. Emord – All Rights Reserved

Two boys and a man running for president

The difference between the men and the boys in politics is, and always has been, that the boys want to be something, while the men want to do something. —Eric Sevareid

To anger a conservative, lie to him. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth. —Theodore Roosevelt 

H.W. Bush and Barbara at Debate

Senator Cruz

Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link]

Senator Rubio

How about anchor baby, Marco Rubio? His affiliation with the Aspen Institute as an Aspen Rodel Fellow and his invitation to speak on foreign policy at the Council on Foreign Relations with Charlie Rose should be enough to alert people that, like Ted Cruz, Rubio is another globalist. [Link]


Both Senator Cruz and Marco Rubio are promoting another Constitutional convention when they know the dangers, and the 1787 precedent, but doing so would enable them to help complete the New World Order agenda.

Hatred for Mr. Trump

Stop, Hate, Dump Trump” campaign. They include Michael Moore, Harry Belafonte, Jane Fonda, Noam Chomsky, Jodie Evans (the founder of Code Pink), Roseanne Barr, Rosie O’Donnell, Lily Tomlin, and other members of the Ultra left Hollywood establishment. For most of my adult life these people have stood against everything I believe in, and I consider some of them traitors to our country. Jane Fonda who gave aid, comfort, and support to the North Vietnamese while our brave soldiers were fighting, injured and killed there, has never apologized for her treasonous actions against our own military men.

came forward to CNN, after a meeting Wednesday in Manhattan, to allege that Rubio is preparing for a contested Republican Convention.

Terry Sullivan, Rubio’s top campaign adviser, provided a blueprint for such a tactic at the meeting with top donors, the sources said. [Link

Pope Francis vs. Donald Trump. By the way, the Vatican has armed guards, despite the fact Francis doesn’t like firearms.

Grassroots Americans Choose Trump

Mr. Trump has raised the biggest issues in our country, issues that grassroots Americans talk about and have been frustrated about for decades. 

Closing our borders, which are sieves. We have been flooded with millions and millions of unvetted illegal aliens. Building that wall! 

Stopping the insane destruction via trade agreements, and bringing both corporations and jobs back to America.

Strengthening our military and stopping this worldwide intervention in nation building which has resulted in even more wars, and has caused this ungodly invasion of young male Muslims throughout Europe and now North America.

Restoring our second amendment rights.

Defunding Planned Parenthood.

Taking good care of all our veterans, and making sure they have timely health care.

Eliminating Obama Care and replacing it with a truly strong healthcare program.

Reducing the horrendous tax code, lowering our taxes, and getting rid of bloated government departments, including the NEA.


1. American interests come first. Always. No apologies.
2. Maximum firepower and military preparedness.
3. Only go to war to win.
4. Stay loyal to your friends and suspicious of your enemies.
5. Keep the technological sword razor sharp.
6. See the unseen. Prepare for threats before they materialize.
7. Respect and support our present and past warriors.

Read his books, therein lies the truth. 

So what are you going to choose, the man or the boys?

Thanks to the diligence of Paul Walter, CEO of NewsWithViews, many ideas for my articles have come from him. Paul immigrated from communist Yugoslavia, providence of Slovenia, and therefore he sees more clearly the dangers to our Republic than those who have always known free America as home. Please support

Donald J. Trump & congressional incumbents

Today, one more day was added to February in what is referred to as a ‘leap’ year. In simple terms it’s about the solar system’s disparity with the Gregorian calendar. Will Donald Trump leap into the White House?

On the presidential race front this looks to be one disgusting, reprehensible exhibition of how the Republican Party machine and it’s useful fools are going all out to destroy a qualified candidate in favor of constitutionally ineligible candidates (Cruz & rubio) and eligible ones who have dropped out; Bush, Christie, etc.

Inside the Republican Party’s Desperate Mission to Stop Donald Trump, February 27, 2016

“The scenario Karl Rove outlined was bleak. Addressing a luncheon of Republican governors and donors in Washington on Feb. 19, he warned that Donald J. Trump’s increasingly likely nomination would be catastrophic, dooming the party in November. But Mr. Rove, the master strategist of George W. Bush’s campaigns, insisted it was not too late for them to stop Mr. Trump, according to three people present.

“At a meeting of Republican governors the next morning, Paul R. LePage of Maine called for action. Seated at a long boardroom table at the Willard Hotel, he erupted in frustration over the state of the 2016 race, saying Mr. Trump’s nomination would deeply wound the Republican Party. Mr. LePage urged the governors to draft an open letter “to the people,” disavowing Mr. Trump and his divisive brand of politics.”

Really, Gov’nr LePage? What a difference a week makes: Maine Gov. Paul LePage endorses Trump for president, February 26, 2016. “I was Donald Trump before Donald Trump became popular. So I think I should support him since we’re one of the same cloth,” said LePage, an outspoken politician whose comments have often thrown him in the spotlight — just like Trump.”

So, Gov, Trump’s nomination would ‘deeply wound’ the Republican Party, yet only a week later you said you and Trump are ‘one of the same cloth’. One week you disavow Trump’s divisive brand of politics and the next week you endorse him.

Bombshell: Insider Leaks Koch Bros, Rubio Plan to Stop Trump

“Insiders who were at a recent meeting between the Koch Bros. and Marco Rubio leaked intel on how exactly they’re going to try and steal the election from Donald Trump, GOP strategist Roger Stone revealed. The Koch Bros. met with GOP millionaires and billionaires Thursday night to pool together over $75 million to stop Trump and are going to use Mitt Romney as ‘Plan B’ if Rubio fails to gain traction on Super Tuesday, according to moles who were inside the meeting…

“$75 million to stop Trump and $25 million to Marco Rubio, but they gave Rubio a condition: he’s got to win the Florida primary or he’s out and Mitt Romney’s in,” Stone revealed. “That’s the plan.”

NY Times Bombshell Scoop: FOX News Colluded with Rubio to Give Amnesty to Illegal Aliens… ‘Confidential’ Conversations Reveal Murdoch, Ailes, Schumer, Rubio Agreed to ‘Truce’… Hannity, O’Reilly ‘Supportive’ (Do see the photo of porn king, Rupert Murdoch, giving the finger).

Bombshell Expose’ – Conservative Radio: Limbaugh, Ingraham, Hannity and Levin Were All Part of Gang-of-Eight “Gaslighting”

Now why would anyone be surprised about Limbaugh’s role in this? Remember: Newt Get-rich and Rush Limbaugh together pushed like a 50′ tsunami to get NAFTA passed. They succeeded and millions of Americans lost good paying jobs; long term job security went south of the border while Newt and Limbaugh laughed all the way to the bank.

Jeb! was the establishment globalist who failed miserably for a $125 million dollar investment. ‘Lower tier’ candidates like Santorum, Huckabee, Fiorina were never a factor despite their hard work. It’s who is behind the curtain that controls the herds. Rubio is a globalist and touted like Jeb! a ‘conservative’. Ted Cruz who lies out of both sides of his mouth is also touted as ‘the’ conservative of the millinium. Kelleigh Nelson has done a superb job in chronicling Ted Cruz and his connections.

A dear friend of mine for more than 16 years was mulling over the phony ‘conservative’ label bandied about by GOP elites and their minions. If you look at Jeb!, Rubio, Cruz and even Kasich, my friend believes conservative to them is really globalist but they don’t dare say it. Jeb’s brother and father were dirty traitors to this republic with their drive for one world government and endless wars based on lies. Globalists masquerading as conservatives who sold us down the river and there’s been rivers of American blood spilled in Iraq and Afghanistan because of their lies.

Another stinking globalist no constitutionalist or even sincere conservative would ever want Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House. Ryan’s election as Speaker following the exit of Johnny Wino Boehner was a direct slap in the face for Republicans who do know the agenda of the Paul Ryan’s in the U.S. Congress: globalism and the complete destruction of the middle class, America’s sovereignty and continued ownership by mega corporations.

Republican Race Puts Donald Trump and Paul Ryan on Collision Course. While that piece in the NY Times is poorly written, it does cover some of the battles Trump will face if he becomes our next legal president. Of course, the big if: Will Paul Ryan win his primary via vote fraud on April 5, 2016. Voters in Ryan’s district were determined to boot him out of office for his betrayal on the budget and illegals, but unfortunately not a single qualified Republican in Ryan’s district stepped up to the plate. Support by the herds apparently was just too much.

U.S. CONGRESS – District 1:
Paul Ryan (R)* – (House Speaker Site) – (Campaign Site)
Tom Breu (D) – Engineer & Teacher
Ryan Solen (D) – Computer Security Professional & Army Veteran
Jason Lebeck (Libertarian) – Computer Technician
John Eleniewski (AFP) – Tea Party Activist & ’08 State Rep. Candidate in Michigan
Jason Kraayvanger (Independent).

Paul Ryan has more than $4 million bux in his campaign coffers. If I were in that district I would vote for John Eleniewski who is up against low information voters who fall right into Sun Tzu’s trap: Make your enemy believe killing them is a good idea. Here’s one person’s post (The Paul Ryan Primary Fool’s Errand) in Ryan’s district: “Any Republican who attempts to unseat Paul Ryan is a fool. My Congressmen is one of the finest men on the planet, and his conservative credentials are well established. Ryan’s role in GOP politics this year will be of the utmost importance. Let us do what we can to distance ourselves from attacks on Wisconsin’s most important national figure; a man who, perhaps one day, will live in the White House himself.” Here’s what that supporter is blind to or actually supports:

“Ryan’s bill provided funding for sanctuary cities, illegal alien resettlement, illegal alien tax credits, and visa issuances to nearly 300,000 (temporary and permanent) Muslim migrants over the next 12 months alone. The bill also funded an expansion of the highly controversial H-2B foreign worker program, which Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said violated Ryan’s “promise not to bring major immigration legislation to the floor this year.”

“The H-2B foreign worker program imports low-wage laborers into the country to take American jobs in maintenance, theme parks, construction, food processing, restaurants, and hospitality– meaning that Ryan’s Speakership and immigration policies have already resulted in the GOP’s own constituency, along with workers nationwide, losing their livelihoods and ability to support their families.

Yes, those ‘conservative’ credentials of Ryan’s support of liars, cheats and thieves, illegal aliens, to remain in this country and passing more budgets killing the middle class is good enough for those too blind to see. Eleniewski has covered Ryan’s treachery on his web site linked above.

Trey Gowdy became a congressional folk hero a couple years ago by heading up the Benghazi committee. You remember that one where Hillary the Hun ran circles around Gowdy. See this column: Blood at Benghazi – It Drips From Hillary’s Hands. Gowdy has endorsed bubble boy, Marco Rubio. Gowdy doesn’t give a damn Rubio is absolutely constitutionally ineligible to run. Gowdy’s support for that lying little Dweeb means he also supports Rubio’s efforts for full blown amnesty for those who sneak into OUR country. Unfortunately, it appears that like Paul Ryan, Gowdy has no Republican challenger and will walk right back to his seat in the House.

The jellyfish who represented my district is retiring; in five elections I have always voted for his challenger. In early voting last week I voted for Dr. Donald May for Congress for my district. What about your incumbent? You already know how I feel: Not one of those corporate whores deserves another term in Congress. Not the 60+ tea party candidates ushered in a few years ago; the first thing they did was cave on the debt ceiling. None of them. Paul Ryan and his bullsh*t budgets that are nothing more than Band Aids:

* Re-electing the Band Aid Brigade, May 18, 2010
* Electing New Band Aid Pushers, May 23, 2012

Mid-Term Election Results: Brutal Reality, November 10, 2014

“Last Tuesday history was made in many races. The shellacking given the Democratic/Communist Party USA was long over due; millions of Americans are ecstatic. But, ah, yes, there is always a “but” – those who expect certain cancers to be cured simply because the Outlaw Congress is now controlled by Republicans are going to be crushed when it doesn’t happen and it won’t based on the past actions of the incumbents now reelected and newly elected candidates who ran on the standard boiler plate smaller government, lower taxes, stop Obamacare. The same incumbents who will keep us in more undeclared wars, operations or occupations further bankrupting we the people.

“Americans just reelected the very same people who have destroyed this country because it was time to punish the Democrats and “I would never vote for a Democrat”. The very same incumbents who have allowed a criminal impostor to usurp the office of president. The very same incumbents who refuse to refer rock solid evidence to a federal grand jury proving Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama, Barry Obama, Barry Dunham, Barack Dunham presented a poorly forged birth certificate to verify his alleged birth place (which is not the issue – he was born with dual citizenship making him forever ineligible), is using a stolen social security number and submitted a poorly forged selective service card which is a federal felony barring that individual to every work for the U.S. government including the Executive Branch.

“The very same incumbents who have destroyed YOUR God-given rights as defined in the Bill of Rights: the “Patriot” Act, the John Warner Defense Authorization Act, the NDAA, continued spying on us by the NSA and a lot more. The very same incumbents who have allowed the insane waste of YOUR tax dollars to be spent on thousands of projects that have zero constitutional authority to the tune of hundreds of billions of BORROWED dollars. The very same incumbents who continue to steal from we the people for unconstitutional expenditures like foreign aid and trillions of BORROWED dollars for social programs from unconstitutional cabinets like DHS (Dept of Health and Human Services). The list goes on. But, it really was all over with the primaries.”

What did I say in the column above? “… those who expect certain cancers to be cured simply because the Outlaw Congress is now controlled by Republicans are going to be crushed when it doesn’t happen and it won’t …” Obama’s massive, unconstitutional, traitorous budget bill was passed by Paul Ryan cracking the whip over wimps. Since being sworn into office in January 2015 have we seen anything out of the Congress addressing constitutional solutions? No, and we won’t which is why booting every single incumbent in the U.S. House and the 1/3rd U.S. Senators unlawfully up for reelection out should be a top priority in the primaries. Out the door.

‘Traitors’ who voted for Ryan’s omnibus ‘need to go’

“About 100 of the 150 lawmakers were already targeted for defeat by Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, or ALIPAC, part of its “Cantor list of amnesty supporting Republicans.” If you live in Rep. John Cullberson’s district, please get out and vote tomorrow for Maria Espinosa. Help her defeat Culberson who is on ALIPACs list. Get out the vote!

What do you think will happen if Donald Trump becomes president and he has to go up against a Congress that hates him – with a few exceptions who have endorsed him (Rep. Duncan Hunter, Sen. Jeff Sessions)? I can tell you right now with Paul Ryan and McConnell heading up the two bodies in the legislative branch they will do everything in their power to block and destroy President Trump. Those two scum bags will do everything they can to block Trump from getting rid of all the destructive “free” trade treaties and agreements to judicial nominations. Mark my words. I’ve been at this full time for 26 years. I know how their toxic game is played.

Think Donald Trump will take it lying down or roll over like a pansy like Mittens Romney would do? I don’t think so. Not the king of deal makers and someone who actually has a work ethic, who loves this country and isn’t for sale to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Mark Zuckerberg (billionaire owner of Facebook) and other corporate giants. In case you missed it: Donald Trump: I’ll Prosecute Hillary Clinton as President. That alone should get him an exta 5 million votes. Hoorah!

Tomorrow is ‘Super Tuesday’. Our future depends on voting out as many incumbents in Congress as we can. Incumbents who have sold us out and will continue to do so while repeating the same phony mantra they are a conservative with conservative values. Horse manure. All every damn incumbent in Congress is conserving is the road to our destruction. Every member of Congress – except the few who have tried – are guilty of allowing the mass invasion across our Southern border all these years. An invasion that has brought unbelieveable heart break to families of loved ones killed by illegals and the financial destruction to this country.

This is our country. It doesn’t belong to illegal aliens regardless of country of origin. It doesn’t belong to globalists who care nothing for the founding of this country, our culture, our sovereignty or anything else. The only thing they care about is money and power. Donald Trump has become the people’s microphone (I forget who first said that) and we the people can exercise our power over those who have sold us out at the ballot box.

A word from someone who has been the victim of vote fraud, that would be me. Single state primaries are hard to rig, but throwing 13 states (Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Wyoming and one territory, American Samoa) into the pot at once is ripe for fraud:

“From my Blind Loyalty booklet of nothing but vote fraud, check these winners/losers that night (primary March 26, 1996): 85-15, 81-18, 85-15, 81-18, 85-15, 86-14, 87-13, 81-18 and 81-14 which was my race. Those were the results for incumbents vs challengers for the U.S. House throughout the state. Every incumbent voted for NAFTA; all challengers including me were opposed. Wonder why we allegedly lost? Those house seats were scattered all over the state of California. Unless you’re specifically looking at a particular race, in a state the size of California or Texas, people don’t put together the pattern, but it sure as hell is there and I’m looking at it tonight.”

Yes, all the columns below are mine. Other than a small percentage of warriors, voters across this country and candidates don’t seem to care because little to no effort has been made to get rid of ALL electronic forms of voting and that includes the Internet, stop voter registration by mail via a motor vehicle department and put a cap on absentee ballots because they breed fraud.

1 – Vote Fraud: What They Aren’t Telling You 10-22-04
2 – What You Can Do To Stop Vote Fraud 8-17-06
3 – Vote fraud: Candidates must audit the count 10-30-06
4 – Vote fraud: it’s not just the machines, Part 1, 9-10-07
5 – Vote fraud and the GOP convention delegates 2-25-08 – very important in this presidential race
6 – Stop the election: accurate vote count impossible, Part 1, 11-3-08
7 – Will vote fraud determine upcoming primaries – again?, 3-1-10
8 – Vote fraud underway – what candidates must do, 11-4-12

And, finally, I will ask the same question I do every two years:

If your congressional incumbent, or state rep or senator, hasn’t gotten the job done in all the years they’ve been in Congress or the state house, what makes you think they will get the job done if you reward them once again with reelection?

If they haven’t gotten the job done all the time they’ve been in Congress or the state capitol what makes you think anything will change by reelecting the same scoundrels?

Despite the massive rage across this country in 2010, 2012 and 2014, the American people voted back almost all the same incumbents to Washington, DC, and then expected something different to happen. The newbies have done absolutely nothing in legislation to cure the cancers. Go look at the reelection percentages for every election cycle back to 1964. Nothing changes because the bodies only change just enough to fool the American people into believing change is coming.

I pray it won’t be the same during this primary cycle because those incumbents who win their primary go on to win in November and NOTHING WILL CHANGE except for the worse.

[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]

© 2016 – and Devvy – All Rights Reserved

Is Donald Trump’s life in danger?

Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear. —Harry S. Truman.

A few days ago, NewsWithViews Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri mentioned the possibility that somebody may have already carried out the first assassination attempt on Donald Trump.[1] In his article, Kouri mentions how Trump’s personal Boeing 757, on its way from New York to Little Rock, Arkansas, had to make an emergency detour and landed at Nashville International Airport after the plane’s captain reported he was experiencing problems with one engine. Fortunately, the plane landed safely.

Kouri is not the first to raise the possibility. In a July 2015 article, Dave Hodges mentioned the possibility that Donald Trump would be the victim of an assassination attempt.[2]

I think that the concerns raised by Kouri and Hodges are valid. In the CFR-controlled America, political assassination has become a common occurrence. The CFR conspirators have been very successful in assassinating anybody they see as a potential threat to their globalist designs.

CFR psychopaths inside the U.S. government have actively participated in the assassination of foreign leaders, among them Colombia’s leader Jorge Gaitán, Italy’s oil executive Enrico Mattei and Prime Minister Aldo Moro, the Dominican Republic’s President Rafael Trujillo, Panama’s Omar Torrijos, Chile’s President Salvador Allende, Congo’s Patrice Lumumba, South Vietnam’s Ngo Dinh Diem, Sweden’s Olof Palme, Pakistan’s Ali Bhutto and, more recently, Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez,[3] and Poland’s President Lech Kaczynski.

They also planned and carried out the assassination of American leaders, such as General George S. Patton, Admiral James Forrestal, U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy, President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert, civil rights leader Martin Luther King, and probably even FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.[4]

They also carried out the assassinations of people who, for one or another reason, they have considered a potential threat to their plans. Among them are singer John Lennon, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jeremy Boorda, ex-CIA director William Colby, Clinton’s secretary of commerce Ron Brown, San Jose Mercury News’ journalist Gary Webb, George W. Bush’s biographer J.H. Hatfield, editor of George magazine and presidential hopeful John F. Kennedy, Jr., U.S. Army corporal and football star Pat Tillman, computer hacker and activist Aaron Swartz, journalist Michael Hastings, publisher Andrew Breitbart, members of SEAL Team 6, comedian Joan Rivers, and perhaps even authors Tom Clancy and Michael Crichton, just to mention a few.

The CFR globalist conspirators have always use assassination as a tool to control U.S foreign and domestic policy, and the CIA has been their main executor. Proof of this is that in 1976 President Gerald Ford signed Executive Order 11905 banning assassinations. It clearly stated: “No employee of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, political assassination.”

The assassination of General Patton

In the spring of 1944, General George S. Patton crossed the Rhine and pushed his victorious Third Army right up to the heart of Germany. His goal was to take Berlin before the Russians arrived. But CFR secret agents Roosevelt, Eisenhower and Marshall ordered Patton to back a hundred miles to await the arrival of the Red Army so that the Russians could capture Berlin and eastern Germany.

Finally, fearing that Patton may disobey their orders and try to take Berlin, the CFR conspirators cut the Third Army’s fuel and ammo lines and thus paralyzed the Third Army. Patton’s Third Army’s failure to advance into Germany resulted in prolonging the war for more than six months, which cost the U.S. Army the unnecessary deaths of many men. This resulted in the division of Germany into two countries, with East Germany becoming a Soviet-block state and Berlin becoming an international zone completely surrounded by East Germany.

Patton was so furious that he openly criticized his superiors for what he suspected was treason. After the end of the war, he had expressed his intentions of using his political contacts and influence to push for opening an investigation of the persons who gave the orders that paralyzed his Third Army on his route into Berlin. Finally, in December1945, following the CFR conspirators’ orders, OSS Chief General William Donovan (CFR), in complicity with Generals Eisenhower (CFR) and Marshall (CFR), ordered the assassination of Gen. Patton.

For many years, the possibility that his own comrades had assassinated Patton had been the motive of speculation. More recently, however, the suspicions seem to have been proved true. In his book Target Patton,[5] military historian Robert Wilcox provides a wealth of information proving that the death of General Patton was not accidental, and pointing to OSS chief, Gen. William Donovan, a secret CFR agent, as the person who gave the order to assassinate Patton. According to Wilcox, OSS head General William Donovan ordered a highly decorated marksman called Douglas Bazata to silence Patton.

But the most surprising thing about this story is that the essential facts reported by Wilcox are not new, because Bazata himself, perhaps tortured by is own conscience, already had told the story in detail, including the fact that Donovan had ordered the assassination.

On September 25, 1979, ex-OSS officer Douglas Bazata told the whole story in front of 450 invited guests, some of them ex-members of the OSS, in the Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C. Bazata’s confession was published in a minor, small circulation newspaper.[6]

Unknowingly, at the very beginning of his book Wilcox himself provides the clue to the true motives of Patton’s enemies: Patton had told some trusted aides,

… that he was going to resign —not retire as was normal for an exiting officer in order to retain pension and benefits— but resign so he would have no army restraints. He was independently wealthy and did not need the pension or benefits. He would then be free to speak his mind and give his version of the war and what had happened to him —the truth as he saw it. And his side would be a blockbuster. He knew secrets and had revelations, he said, he was sure would “make big headlines.”[7]

Of course, the conspirators realized that they could not run the risk of allowing Patton, a true American hero who gloried in the nickname “Old Blood and Guts,” to go public and destroy their carefully conceived plans. So, following their standard operating procedure, they ordered his assassination.[8]

The assassination of Senator Joseph McCarthy

In 1951 Senator Joseph McCarthy discovered widespread treason at the highest levels of the U.S. government, particularly in the CFR-controlled State Department. He wrote America’s Retreat From Victory, a book in which he accused the traitors. Among them State Department officials Alger Hiss (CFR) and Owen Lattimore (CFR), as well as Harry Hopkins in Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s White House and Harry Dexter White in the Treasury Department. He also accused General George Marshall (CFR) and President Eisenhower of treason.[9] Unfortunately, he made the mistake common at the time of accusing them of being Communists, not CFR agents.

As if on cue, President Eisenhower (CFR), Secretary of State Dean Acheson (CFR), John McCloy (CFR) and journalist Edward Murrow (CFR), joined forces in defending the traitors and vilifying McCarthy. The result was that, despite of the fact that most of the people he accused eventually were proven traitors, McCarthy’s gross mistake cost him his career and his life.[10]

Senator McCarthy was admitted at the Bethesda Naval Hospital April 28, 1957 for a knee injury he suffered while serving in World War II. He was put into an oxygen tent from which he was removed soon after because, though still serious, his condition was improving. Then his health took a turn for the worse, whereupon he died on May 2, with the official cause of death given as “hepatitis, acute, cause unknown” of a “noninfectious type”

Some authors, however, have offered a quite different explanation of his death. According to them, an assassin impersonating a nurse placed McCarthy again in an oxygen tent, through which he was administered carbon tetrachloride, and thus murdered.[11]

The assassination of President John F. Kennedy

In January 20 1961, John F. Kennedy (not a CFR member) was inaugurated President of the United States. His inaugural address was a patriotic call for advancing America socially and economically. In it, he challenged the Soviets to use the “wonders of science” for economic progress and space exploration instead of militarism.

As soon as he got into the White House, Kennedy began an aggressive program to “get America moving again,” (not too different to Trump’s current “Make America great again”) and declared that the 1960s would be the decade of development, stressing the importance of creating an abundant and growing supply of cheap energy.

Unfortunately, however, Kennedy ignored that the CFR conspirators had already decided that the 1960s would be the decade that would mark the beginning of energy scarcity, deindustrialization and non-development in America. Soon after, his own Secretary of State Dean Dusk (CFR), as well as Chester Bowles (CFR) and other CFR agents in the State Department and in the White House, publicly expressed their displeasure with the new policies.

The CFR conspirators’ irritation with Kennedy grew to a point that in July 1962 LIFE magazine featured an unusual exchange of letters between CFR honcho David Rockefeller and President Kennedy. In his critical letter, David showed his hostility to JFK by pointing to the president’s economic policies as the source of the country’s problems.

The true reasons, however, were because after he was sworn in as president Kennedy ignored the National Security Council’s structure. Then, after the Bay of Pigs debacle he not only fired CIA Director Allen Dulles, a senior CFR conspirator, but also told some close friends that he wanted to smash the CIA “into a thousand pieces and scatter [it] to the winds.”

Finally, he made what probably were his two biggest mistakes.

The first one was authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to issue currency backed by the U.S. Treasury Department, not the Federal Reserve Bank. After Kennedy was assassinated, one of the first measures taken by President Lyndon Johnson after he was sworn was to order the recall and destruction of the bills.

Kennedy’s second biggest mistake was that, contrary to his CFR advisors’ opinion, he began taking measures to end the war in Vietnam. On October 11, 1963, he ordered his National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy (CFR) to implement plans to withdraw 1,000 U.S. military personnel by the end of the year. This was believed to be the first step to a complete withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam

Firing Allen Dulles and mentioning that he wanted to smash the CIA into a thousand pieces was a slap in the Rockefellers’ face and JFK knew it. That was his not-so-subtle way of telling them that he was the one in command — or so he believed. Ignoring the NSC, and later creating his own Ex-Comm (Executive Committee of the NSC) during the Cuban missile crisis was another direct attack on the Rockefeller’s power. Finally, just the fact that he signed an Executive Order authorizing the U.S. Treasury Department to print silver certificates, that is, real money, not fiat certificates like the ones printed by the Federal Reserve Bank, and ordering the withdrawal of troops from Vietnam, were serious transgressions the CFR conspirators would never tolerate.

As several authors have shown, everything indicates that the main suspects for the assassination of President Kennedy were the Wall Street bankers and oil magnates whose interests JFK had been attacking.[12] According to Professor Donald Gibson, evidence indicates that from an unwitting tool of the CFR conspirators, after the Bay of Pigs[13] JFK turned himself into one of their strongest enemies.[14]

This explains why the one who got destroyed was not the CIA, but John F. Kennedy.

Trump’s threat to the globalist conspirators

Currently, Donald Trump has become not simply a potential threat, but a real and present danger to the globalist conspirators. Proof that Trump has become a nightmare for the conspirators is that he has been a subject of discussion at the recent secret meetings of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, and the World Economic Forum.[15] Just recently, the Washington Post’s Editorial Board called for the GOP leaders “to do everything in your power to stop Trump.”[16] One may wonder if “everything” includes assassination.

The fact that Trump has been consistently attacking George W. Bush for his handling of the 9/11 events indicates the possibility that, if elected president, he would reopen an investigation of the role of the Saudis in the event. But the Saudis are intimately linked to the Bushes and Cheney. A truly independent investigation would open a dangerous can of worms. To top it off, Trump has recently said that, it elected he would prosecute Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server[17] — which most likely would lead to a new investigation of the Benghazi affair.

Moreover, we must remember that, like many Americans, Trump suspects that Obama is an impostor. He even went to the point of offering a 50 million dollar reward to Obama if he presented his birth certificate as proof of being a natural born American.[18] If he pursues this issue, it would open another can of worms very dangerous to the conspirators who put Obama in power.

Even worse, everything indicates that, if elected president, Trump plans to approach Putin and stop the current U.S. and NATO aggressive anti-Russian policies. This would mark a catastrophic defeat to the conspirators’ globalist designs. No wonder they are horrified about the possibility of Donald Trump becoming the next President of the United States.

Recently, Twitter has been awash with threats on Trump’s life.[19] But those have not been the only threats. In October, after an unidentified woman called the Worcester Telegram & Gazette mentioning the intentions of the “Worcester gangsters” to “Kill Donald Trump” in Massachusetts, the Secret Service began providing protection to Trump.[20]

The most recent threat to Trump came from New York Times’ columnist Ross Douthat, who tweeted about how an assassination attempt could end Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. The tweet included a link to a video clip from the 1983 movie The Dead Zone, which features a character played by Christopher Walken attempting to gun down a political leader played by Martin Sheen.[21]

So, it seems that the only way the globalist conspirators can get rid of Donald Trump is by killing him. But how?

How will the CFR conspirators try to assassinate Trump?

We must discard up front the lonely nut assassin technique involving a Manchurian candidate psychologically programmed to kill. After the assassinations of JFK, his brother Bobby and Martin Luther King, it has become very difficult to fool the American people with that type of assassination.

Also, the type of suicide by shooting yourself 4 times in the head has become so evidently false that I don’t think that they will try it again.

Another option may be friendly fire. One of Trump’s Secret Service “protectors” may kill Trump accidentally while trying to save his life from an assassination attempt in which the would be assassin would also be killed — dead men don’t tell tales.

Would they resort to the oldest trick in the book: a heart attack? That would be an interesting possibility. But recent efforts to open an investigation on the death of J. Edgar Hoover — a powerful CFR enemy — and the current reaction of the public asking to open an investigation on the “natural death” of Justice Scalia indicates that this option would not work anymore.

So, given the circumstance, they may be forced to resort to a technique they have used over an over with great success: the airplane “accident”.[22] The best thing about an airplane “accident” is that it will take a long time to prove it was actually an assassination, and if someday it is proven, it will be too late to do anything about it.

Donald Trump, America’s last hope

Donald Trump is America’s last hope to solve in a peaceful, legal, civilized way the conundrum into which the CFR globalist conspirators have put our country and the world. As Americans who love this country, we must consider it a cardinal moral duty to defend and protect Trump’s life. But how can we do it? I think that the most effective way is to tell the CFR conspirators that things have changed in America and warning them that killing Trump is not a good idea.

We must tell them that we hate their New World Order. We must tell them that we will protect the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. We must tell them that we will defend our borders. We must tell them that we have discovered that the two parties are the two sides of the same coin. We must tell them that we have finally realized that their War on Terror is a hoax. We must tell them that we are sick and tired of sending our young men and women to fight unwinnable wars to protect the interests of corporations that are not even American anymore.

Finally, we must tell them in a clear way that we know who they are, we know where they are, we know what they are planning, and warn them that if they try to assassinate Trump there will be dire consequences to pay.

Send your e-mails telling them what we think to:

Servando is the uthor of Psychological Warfare and the New World Order and I Dare Call It Treason, and the DVDs Treason in America and Partners in Treason, all of them available at NewsWithViews.

2016 Servando Gonzalez – All Rights Reserved


1. Jim Kouri, “Is Donald Trump in Mortal Danger?”, February 6, 2016
2. Dave Hodges, “Will Donald Trump Be Assassinated By a Man with a Diary?” The Common Sense Show, July 23, 2015
3. Servando Gonzalez. “Hugo Chavez: Another Victim of Castro’s High-Tech Political Assassinations?” also “DID CASTRO KILL CHAVEZ?” Karanja’z Place
4. Peter Finn, “Sleuth Suspects J. Edgar Hoover’s Murder,” The Washington Post, November 2, 1997
5. Robert Wilcox, Target Patton: The Plot to Assassinate General George S. Patton (Washington, D.C.: Regnery, 2008).
6. The Spotlight, October 15, 1979, p. 16
7. Wilcox, op. cit., p. 12, quoting Patton’s diaries, August 29, 1945.
8. For a more detailed account of Gen. Patton’s assassination see, Servando Gonzalez, Psychological Warfare and the New World Order (Oakland, California: Spooks Books, 2010), pp. 103-107.
9. Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, America’s Retreat From Victory: The Story of George Catlett Marshall (Boston: Western Islands, 1951). McCarthy and Patton were not the only ones who accused Eisenhower of treason. In his book 1963 The Politician, Robert Welch provided a wealth of information on how the CFR conspirators helped Eisenhower’s military career by pushing him up from being and unknown lieutenant colonel without much military experience to becoming the Supreme Commander of the largest military force ever organized. The CFR conspirators feared a Patton president for the same reasons they now fear Trump.
10. Medford Evans, The Assassination of Joe McCarthy (Boston: Western Islands, 1970), p. 113.
11. Rosemary Pennington, “The Destruction of Joe McCarthy,” National Vanguard, October 3rd, 2015, also, Dave Martin, “James Forrestal and Joe McCarthy,”, September 29, 2011
12. See, i.e., Jim Marrs, Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy (New York: Carroll & Graf, 1989).
13. Contrary to common belief, the CIA’s Bay of Pigs operation was a total success. Its true goals were to destroy the opposition against Castro, consolidate him in power and thus convince the reluctant Soviets that he was the anti-American Communist he claimed to be. See, Servando Gonzalez, “The Disinfo History of the CIA.” The Bay of Pigs PsyOp is studied in more detail in my book Psychological Warfare and the New World Order (Oakland, California: Spooks Books, 2010), pp. 193-200.
14. Donald Gibson, Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency (New York: Sheridan Square Press, 1994), p.72.
15. Jon Rappoport, “Trump catches attention of CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral,” August 24, 2015
16. Editorial Board, “GOP leaders, you must do everything in your power to stop Trump,” The Washington Post, February 24, 2016
17. Anna Giaritelli, “Trump: As president, I would prosecute Clinton,” The Washington Examiner, February 22, 2016
18. Bob Unruh, “Donald Trump: Obama Rejected $50 Million For His Birth Records,” WorldNetDaily, May 28, 2015
19. Paul Joseph Watson, “‘Kill Donald Trump’: Twitter Explodes With Violent Threats,” InfoWars, September 22, 2015
20. Kristinn Taylor, “EXCLUSIVE: Secret Service Investigates Donald Trump Worcester Death Threat,” The Gateway Pundit, November 19 2015
21. Paul Joseph Watson, “NY Times Columnist Jokes About Assassination Attempt Ending Trump’s Campaign.” Good news guys I’ve figured out how the Trump campaign ends,” InfoWars, February 25, 2016
22. See Sherman H. Skolnick , “The Secret History of Airplane sabotage,”

How the CFR globalist conspirators miscalculated Pt. 1

Part One: The Internet

Currently, it has become obvious that the globalist conspirators’ juggernaut has stalled. According to their plans, by this time they would have already implemented their New Gay World Order on most of the planet. It is evident, however, that the globalist conspirators have lost the final, decisive battle and are now in a disorganized retreat. Even worse, they are losing the support of some of their more important allies.

Nevertheless, their calamitous failure also carries a great danger. As their past behavior indicates, they will resort to any measure that may guarantee their success. As the old Chinese saying goes, the worst part of the dragon is the tail.

Now, why such a calamitous failure? It seems that, in their arrogance, they failed to foresee the three factors that are currently threatening their carefully-conceived plans: the Internet, Putin’s new Russia, and Donald Trump. The conjunction of these three unexpected elements has become a force multiplier that is relentlessly tearing down the conspirators’ plans of global domination and enslavement.

So, lets begin this series in three parts by studying one of the key stumbling blocks in the globalist conspirators’ path to global control: the Internet.

The Internet

Recent mainstream press headlines are highly revealing:

“Would President Trump Kill Freedom of the Press?,” The Washington Post
“Donald Trump: What Can Stop Him?,” POLITICO Magazine
“It’s Not Too Late to Stop Donald Trump,” US News & World Report
“Inside the Republican Party’s Desperate Mission to Stop Trump,” The New York Times
“The Mainstream Media Should Stop Covering Donald Trump,” The Huffington Post
“Rivals Have Just Two Weeks to Stop Trump,” NBCNews
“What will it take to stop Donald Trump?,” The Guardian
“This might be the only way to stop Donald Trump,” The Washington Times
“Can Donald Trump Be Stopped?,” International Business Times

These headlines reveal a new phenomenon: the CFR-controlled mainstream press’ inability to control public opinion anymore. Finally, the supposedly conservative Fox News made the key question: “ Why Can’t the Media ‘Stop’ Trump?”

The answer is very simple: they can’t stop Trump because of the Internet.

To fully understand why the Internet has become one of the main factors working against the globalist conspirators plans it is necessary to know that, contrary to communists and fascists who rely on brute force to accomplish their plans — Chairman Mao said that political power comes from the barrel of a gun — the globalist conspirators follow the tactics of the British Fabians and Italian communist Antonio Gramsci.

The British Fabians advocate communism as conceived by Karl Marx, but, contrary to Marx, Lenin, Trotsky and other communist ideologues, they believed that the right way to do it was not by violent revolution but gradually, by infiltration, capturing the existing institutions from inside and putting them to work for their goals. This explains why the symbol of the Fabians is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.[1]

Antonio Gramsci was an Italian Communist who lived in the early 20th century. After visiting the Soviet Union, he realized that the best way to implement communism was not by coercion or brute force, but by influencing and shaping the domain of ideas. He called his system “cultural hegemony.” The main tool to change the prevailing ideas was by infiltrating the mainstream media, the schools and universities, in a way that is now known as the “culture wars.”

Very early in their criminal careers the Wall Street bankers realized that their best way to control people was by controlling their minds —what is now called “psychological warfare” or “PsyWar.” So, using their money and power they made a powerful grab to control the American mainstream press. This maneuver was kept secret, and we know about it thanks to a patriotic politician, Congressman Oscar Callaway, whose statement was included in the Congressional Record. Congressman Callaway’s statement is so important that I am quoting it in detail,

On March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interests, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press of the United States.

These 12 men worked the problem out by selecting 170 newspapers, and then began, by an elimination process, to retain only those necessary for the purpose of controlling the general policy of the daily press throughout the country. They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest newspapers. The 25 papers were agreed upon; emissaries were sent to purchase the policy, national and international, of these papers; an agreement was reached; the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interest of the purchasers.

This policy also included the suppression of everything in opposition to the wishes of the interests served. The effectiveness of this scheme has been conclusively demonstrated by the character of stuff carried in the daily press throughout the country since March 1915. They have resorted to anything necessary to commercialize public sentiment and sandbag the national congress into making extravagant and wasteful appropriations for the Army and Navy under the false pretense that it was necessary. Their stock argument is that it is “patriotism.” They are playing on every prejudice and passion of the American people.[2]

In the same fashion, in the Introduction to a 1996 book by Carl Jensen, Walter Cronkite, a trusted secret CFR agent, wrote:

A handful of us determine what will be on the evening news broadcasts, or, for that matter, in the New York Times or Washington Post or Wall Street Journal. . . . Indeed it is a handful of us with this awesome power. . . . a strongly editorial power. . . . we must decide which news items out of hundreds available we are going to expose that day. And those [news stories] available to us already have been culled and re-culled by persons far outside our control.[3]

This almost total control of the U.S. mainstream press has continued almost uninterrupted to this day. Proof of this is that speaking at the Bilderberg meeting in Baden-Baden, Germany, June 5, 1991, CFR honcho David Rockefeller thanked the sycophantic press for doing a good job keeping the American people in the dark about the treasonous activities of the Wall Street bankers and other conspirators on the Council on Foreign relations.

We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, TIME Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supra-national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.

Conveniently, David forgot to mention the key role of the CFR-controlled CIA in keeping the American sheeple disinformed. According to a critic,

About a third of the whole CIA budget went to media propaganda operations. …We’re talking about hundreds of millions of dollars a year just for that….. close to a billion dollars are being spent every year by the United States on secret propaganda.[4]

Actually, CFR members not only exert an almost total control over the U.S. mainstream media, particularly TV, national newspapers and magazines, and the book and film industries[5]— actually they own most of it[6]— and use their power to control public opinion into accepting the CFR’s traitorous anti-American policies.

As I mentioned above, the conspirators’ control has continued almost uninterrupted to the present day. And I emphasized “almost,” because a few years ago a new, unexpected medium, the Internet, started defying their control.

Despite all their power, however, the conspirators have not won the final battle — at least, not yet. The present economic crisis, which not only is economic, but also political, social, moral and ethical, has occurred at a time when a new pervasive medium of communication they cannot control, the Internet, is dangerously threatening their monopoly on the press.

This informational (and disinformational) tool took them by surprise and, after many unsuccessful attempts to control and infiltrate it, apparently they have reached some conclusions. First, they have realized that the internet is a medium too powerful to allow it to operate out of their control and, second, that because of some intrinsic characteristics of the Internet, it is almost impossible to control or censor it, therefore, they must have to destroy it, at least in the present free, open form.[7]

Moreover, new technologies such as low priced high-resolution video cameras, desktop film editing and print on demand publishing have allowed the people to break the CFR’s media monopoly. But all these new technologies would have amount to nothing without the power of the Internet to make their products accessible to the public.[8]

Finally, the CFR conspirators began to realize their big mistake: not having killed the Internet in the cradle. In 2011, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declared while appearing before a congressional committee the U.S. —actually the CFR conspirators —was losing the global information war. According to her:

We are in an information war and we are losing that war. Al Jazeera is winning, the Chinese have opened a global multi-language television network, the Russians have opened up an English-language network. I’ve seen it in a few countries, and it is quite instructive.[9]

Two years later, CFR agent Zbigniew Brzezinski confirmed Hillary’s fears. During a short interview with Germany’s Deutsche Welle News on August 2013, former US National Security Adviser and Trilateral Commission co-founder Zbigniew Brzezinski commented on the growing inefficiency of their PsyWar against the people due to the increased political knowledge of the public.[10]

No wonder they are so scared.

Further proof that the conspirators fear the power of the Internet is the fact that senators John Rockefeller (CFR) and Olympia Snowe (CFR) have been working hard to give the President the power to shut down domestic Internet traffic during a “state of emergency.” To such effect they introduced a bill called the Cybersecurity Act of 2009. This Act establishes the Office of the National Cybersecurity Advisor —an arm of the executive branch that would have the power to monitor and control Internet traffic, allegedly to protect the country against threats to critical cyber infrastructure. As expected, the Act does not define what a critical information network or a cybersecurity emergency is. Those definitions would be left to the interpretation of the president’s CFR advisors.[11]

Nevertheless, some brainwashed Americans still believe that we have a free press in this country, and that reporters and journalists provide them objective information based on facts. They ignore, however, that they get most of their news (actually carefully manufactured disinformation) from CFR-controlled, highly biased television, newspapers and magazines.

On its part, the American left has rightly accused the CIA of using the U.S. mainstream press in constant PSYOPs to mold public opinion. This however, is not a figment of some leftists’ imagination. Some years ago, the CIA admitted having recruited more than 400 influential journalists who have secretly carried out assignments, from intelligence gathering to serving as go-betweens, inside at least 25 organizations of the U.S. mainstream media. Eventually, CIA assets in the American media included CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, Time, Newsweek, U.S. News and World Report, Reader’s Digest, The Miami Herald, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, the Hearst Newspapers, news agencies AP, UPI, Reuters, and more. Since then, the conspirators’ control over the U.S. mainstream media has increased.[12]

On the other hand, we know that the CIA is nothing but the covert action arm of the people who created it: the CFR globalist conspirators. Contrary to what many Americans still believe, the CIA has never working to protect the interest of the American people but of the oil magnates, Wall Street bankers and CEOs of transnational corporations ensconced at the Council on Foreign Relations.

True American patriots are using the Internet to awake the American people to the fact that our supposedly “representative government,” does not represent us anymore but the interests of Wall Street bankers, oil magnates, and CEOs of transnational corporations. And the true seat of this secret government is not in Washington, D.C., but the Harold Pratt House in Manhattan, headquarters of the Council on Foreign Relations.

The web is an excellent source of non-manipulated information — provided you know how to use it. In the first place because, due to its inherent characteristics, the Internet is an uncontrollable Hydra with innumerable heads the conspirators cannot control — the Internet is an offshoot of the Arpanet, a military communications decentralized nodular network designed to survive a full-scale nuclear attack on the U.S. Consequently, it the conspirators conclude that they cannot control the Internet, they will find a way to eliminate it.

Another reason why the Inernet is a good source of information is because, contrary to the traditional media, you have the capability to actively interact with it. The Internet has broken the conspirators’ control over the media. Successes like the 9/11 Truth, Ron Paul and Tea Party movements and the current Donald Trump phenomenon have been made possible only because of the Internet.

Even more important, the Internet has also enormously accelerated the speed dissemination information is disseminated. After more than half a century of the Pearl Harbor events, still most Americans believe the official lie. Thanks to the Internet, however, just less than ten years after the 9/11 events took place about a hundred million Americans don’t believe the cock-and-bull story given by the government as an explanation, and this speed is increasing by the day:[13]

Further proof that the globalist conspirators have lost their media monopoly is that, currently, sites like the WND, Drudge Report and Alex Jones’ InfoWars get more readers in a single day than the New York Times in a year. Actually, most Americans have reached the point where they question up-front any information appearing in the mainstream media. Other important site whose popularity is growing is NewsWithViews, a site devoted to articles with an in-depth analysis for a more politically sophisticated public.

In their arrogance, the CFR globalist conspirators totally miscalculated the power of the Internet. Currently, the Internet has become a key tool in commerce, banking, health, and almost in any field of human activity. They can’t control it and they cannot eliminate it. The Internet has become a major threat against their hegemony, and they don’t know what to do to eliminate it.

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During a 1992 interview with journalist Sarah McLandon, George H.W. Bush shamelessly said: “Sarah, if the American people ever find out what we have done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us.”

Well, thanks mostly to the Internet the American people finally discovered most of what the Bushes and the Clintons have done, and they are very angry. Paradoxically, the only person who may solve this situation in civilized, peaceful way is their archenemy Donald Trump. Otherwise, if they eventually manage to get rid of Trump, enraged Americans wielding pitchforks will soon be knocking at their doors.[14]

Servando is the uthor of Psychological Warfare and the New World Order and I Dare Call It Treason, and the DVDs Treason in America and Partners in Treason, all of them available at NewsWithViews.

© 2016 Servando Gonzalez – All Rights Reserved


1. Dennis Cuddy, The Road to Socialism and the New World Order (Highland City, Florida: Florida Pro Family Forum, 2000).
2. Congressional Record, vol. 54, February 9, 1917, p. 2947.
3. Carl Jensen, Censored: The News That Didn’t Make the News—And Why (New York: Seven Stories Press, 1995).
4. Testimony of Mr. William Schaap, attorney, military and intelligence specialization, co-publisher Covert Action Quarterly, on the role of the U.S. Government in the assassination of Martin Luther King MLK Conspiracy Trial Transcript – Volume 9 November 30, 1999. [Link]
5. For a description of how the Wall Street Mafia controls the media, see Denis W. Mazzoco, Networks of Power: Corporate TV’s Threat to Democracy (Boston, Massachusetts: South End, 1994); and Michael Parenti, Inventing Reality: The Politics of Mass Media (New York: ST. Martin’s Press, 1986) Also, James R. Bennett, Control of the Media in the United States: An Annotated Bibliography (New York: Garland, 1992).
6. Democrats believe that conservatives control the mainstream press, while Republicans claim that Democrats control it. Actually, both are right. CFR Liberals control the press, but it is owned by CFR Conservatives, which shows that there is not a dime of difference between both sides of the Repucratic party coin.
7. See, Servando Gonzalez, “Kiss Your Internet Goodbye,”, April 6, 2003.
8. One of the very few who have fully realized the power of the new media in Donald Trump. More on this in the third article of this series.
9. See, “Hillary Clinton declares international information war,” RT, March 2, 2011.
10. See, “Brzezinski: ‘Global Political Awakening’ Making Syrian War Difficult,”, August 29, 2013.
11. Steve Aquino, “Should Obama Control the Internet? A new bill would give the President emergency authority to halt web traffic and access private data,” Mother Jones, April 2, 2009
12. Carl Bernstein, “The CIA and the Media,” Rolling Stone, October 20, 1977.
13. Just a few hours after the mainstream press gave the news about the strange death of Justice Scalia, other radically different interpretations began circulating the Internet.
14. See, Servando Gonzalez, “And Now … It’s Pitchfork Time,” August 1, 2015.

Why Fidel Castro loves the Embargo

On December 16, 2015, I got a phone call from a producer at Radio Martí. They wanted to interview me about the possibility of the end of the U.S. embargo on Cuba. Even though I was surprised — most likely they had not read any of my books — I accepted the offer.

Radio Martí is a radio station created by the CIA in 1985 following the lines of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. Its true purpose was to disseminate pseudo anti-Castro propaganda to keep the anti-Castro Cubans in Florida happy and giving their votes to the traitorous Republican Party. Being less gullible and much more cynical than the Europeans, Radio Martí never reached a large audience among the Cuban people.

The next day, at the beginning of the interview, the journalist told me I had been selected for it because of my advocating the end of the embargo. I corrected her, saying that I had never advocated anything; I just had always been against the embargo for many reasons, the main one because the embargo only benefited Castro, adding that the embargo actually was created to give Castro a justification for the economic destruction of Cuba. Finally, I said that while Castro was alive in Cuba, he would do anything he could to avoid the end of the embargo or a rapprochement with the U.S.

Not surprisingly, the interview didn’t last long. Evidently, those were not the answers they were expecting. They never called me asking for more interviews.

Recent events, however, have proven I was right.

Just a few hours after Obama’s poorly-conceived, ill-timed and sloppily executed visit to Cuba ended, Fidel Castro wrote an irate article strongly chastising Obama for his speech to the Cuban people.[1] Obviously, Castro doesn’t like the U.S. efforts to mend relations with Cuba, much less to end the embargo.[2]

However, in order to understand what is really going on in Cuba we need to know two things: first, that Fidel, not his brother Raúl, is the one still in power and having full control of the Cuban government and; secondly, that Fidel has always felt an irrational deep hatred for America and Americans.

Nevertheless, notwithstanding Castro’s evident contempt toward the U.S., most Americans do not seem to understand that Castro cannot care less about the United States. This is best evidenced in the attempts of several administrations to reach an accommodation with Castro and Castro torpedoing those attempts.

For example, in 1971 President Nixon hinted at a possible reconciliation. To his surprise, Castro’s angered response was that “Normal relations with the imperialists would mean renouncing our elementary duties of solidarity with the revolutionary peoples . . . of Latin America.[3]

Three years later the U.S. attitude towards Cuba seemingly had softened, and the Ford administration began seeking a better understanding between the two countries. In November 1974, less than three months after Ford became President, secret talks between American officials and representatives of the Castro government took place, and the possibility of an improvement in relations was explored. On September 23, 1975, Assistant Secretary of State William D. Rogers openly mentioned the U.S. desire to improve relations with Cuba.

Then, when everything indicated that the two countries were moving toward better understanding, American intelligence discovered the first signs of Castro’s involvement in Angola. On December 20, President Ford called a press conference, stating “The action of the Cuban government in sending combat forces to Angola destroys any opportunity for improvement in relations with the United States.”[4]

Two years later, in 1977, during the Carter administration, another effort was made to reach more normal U.S.-Cuba relations. On February 3, 1977, Secretary of State Cyrus Vance expressed U.S. willingness to begin a new cycle of discussions with the Castro government. On September 1977, both countries opened interests offices as a first step for the normalization of diplomatic relations.

But then, on July 17, 1977, Somalian dictator Siad Barre invaded Ethiopia, and, soon after, Castro decided to militarily support the invasion. By January 1978, several thousand Cuban troops, equipped with tanks and artillery, had joined the Somalis in their invasion of Ethiopia. Castro’s decision cut short any American desire to improve relations with Cuba.

In early 1996, the Clinton administration took a series of steps toward a rapprochement with the Castro regime. Secret talks were held in Havana between Cuban government and Washington officials. Then, on February 24, 1996, Cuban MiGs shot down two unarmed American civilian planes over international waters, killing four Americans. The planes belonged to the Miami-based Brothers to the Rescue organization, an anti-Castro group providing help to rafters escaping from Cuba. The incident brought the rapprochement process to an abrupt halt.[5]

Then, during the last months of 1998, the ever-faithful liberals in the Clinton administration, who apparently didn’t get it that Fidel Castro was not interested at all in improving relations with the U.S., tried again to win Fidel’s love by unilaterally taking some measures directed at softening the conditions of the embargo. To everybody’s surprise the reaction of the Castro government was outrage and criticism.[6] Finally Castro rejected the deal, allegedly because of the financial conditions attached. Clinton’s aggressive and treasonous measures, Castro’s officials claimed, were intended to undermine and attack the revolution. And so on and on, ad nauseam.

In early 2015, Obama unexpectedly removed Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism, seeking to normalize relations between the two countries. Then speaking in July from the White House, Obama declared, “This is a historic step forward in our efforts to normalize relations with the Cuban government and people, and begin a new chapter with our neighbors in the Americas.”

But late last year, resorting to the same modus operandi, Castro drove a nail in the coffin of the end of the U.S. embargo. It was reported that Cuban military operatives had been spotted in Syria, where sources believe they are advising President Bashar al-Assad’s soldiers and may be preparing to man Russian-made tanks to aid Damascus in fighting rebel forces backed by the U.S.[7]

To add insult to injury, Castro ordered Raúl[8] to breach protocol by not receiving Obama at Havana’s airport. A person with more intelligence, dignity and guts would have recognized the affront and ordered the Air Force One pilots to turn around and fly back to the U.S. But the impostor lacks these qualities — that was one of the reasons the CFR conspirators selected him as President — and seemingly was not insulted by the offense and kept smiling like the fool he is during the whole visit. Actually the Castros gave Obama the treatment he deserves.

Despite Fidel Castro’s claims on the contrary, one has to conclude that the disastrous state of the Cuban economy, which has brought poverty, malnutrition, disease and all sorts of calamities to the Cuban people, is by Castro’s design and not by mistake or as a result of the U.S. embargo.

Contrary to Castro’s assertions, he has benefited enormously from the U.S. embargo. Far for hurting him, the U.S. economic embargo has greatly helped Castro. It has given him a excuse to claim that the embargo, not Castro’s actions, is the cause for the dismal state of Cuba’s economy.[9]

While the Cuban people lack adequate food supplies, Castro has been exporting food to finance his military adventures abroad. Just a few years after Castro took power in Cuba, a strict system of food rationing was imposed, and is still in force. The daily diet to which most Cubans have been restricted for almost 37 years of rationing is not only inferior to the diet of the 1950s, but also to the nutritional ration normally allocated to slaves in the colonial Cuba of 1842. A final example will provide an indication that the true reason for food scarcities in Cuba is not the American embargo.

One can understand that, because of the embargo, Cubans cannot drink Coca-Cola or eat Burger King’s hamburgers. But Cuba is a big Island with plenty of fertile soil, and a climate that supports four crops a year. Since the Fifties, Cuba was self-sufficient in the production of basic foods for self-consumption, including beef, poultry, fish, vegetables, rice, beans, etc. Now, for the sake of argument, let’s accept that because of the embargo Cuban farmers lack the adequate machinery, fertilizers, and the like to produce enough food. But how about fish? Cuba is a long, narrow island with miles and miles of seacoast where fish and seafood are varied and plentiful. Why, one may ask, don’t Cubans fish to supplement their meager food rations? The answer is very simple: because Fidel Castro strictly prohibits it, the same way he has for many years prohibited Cubans to engage in almost any productive activity he cannot fully control.

Just casting a fishhook on a line over the Malecón, Havana’s promenade facing the sea, would allow a Cuban to bring home a red snapper or some other nutritious fish and have a wonderful dinner almost free. But, although that would make him and his family very happy, it would make Fidel Castro very angry, because other people’s happiness is the worst offense one can inflict on Cuba’s major misery specialist.

So, one has to conclude that the true embargo on the Cuban people is not the inefficient U.S.-created embargo, but Castro’s very effective one. He has created a real-life “Hunger Games” situation in Cuba.

My idea that the embargo was specifically created to help Castro is not a farfetched one. Actually, Castro himself confirmed it. In his Memoirs, published in 2005, former Spanish President José María Aznar wrote that, during a private meeting in October 1998 while Castro was visiting Spain, he told Castro that, if he had the power, he would end the embargo right away, but Castro told him that, although he publicly condemned the embargo to criticize the U.S., he “needed it for this and the next generation.” Aznar added that he was shocked by Castro’s cruelty and hypocrisy in using this duplicitous speech and using he Cuban people as pawns to blame others and thus perpetuate himself in power.[10]

Finally, it is important to understand the Obama is just a puppet in the hands of the Council on Foreign Relations globalist conspirators. His efforts to initiate a rapprochement with the Castro government, culminating in his visit to the Island, just follow a plan carefully concocted at the CFR to continue Castroism after Castro’s death.

The plan was delineated in the 2001 CFR document U.S.-Cuban Relations in the 21st Century: A Follow-On Chairman’s Report of an Independent Task Force Sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations.[11] The Report was the continuation of a similar one issued in 1998 whose “recommendations” — further proof that the U.S. government is under full CFR control — were immediately adopted in toto by the Clinton administration.

The Report shows that the CFR conspirators have been working frantically to prepare the conditions for a “peaceful, democratic transition after Castro”— CFR lingo for “Castroism after Castro.” Some of the “suggestions” in the Report are: softening the embargo, lifting the travel ban for American tourists and businessmen who want to visit Castro’s paradise, and military-to-military “confidence building” between U.S. and Castroist officers.

Following CFR’s “suggestions,” a group called the Cuba Policy Foundation was created to push the Report’s agenda. The CPF was funded mostly by the Arca Foundation, a CFR front. For years, the Arca guys have been bankrolling every pro-Castro group who has asked them money.

Later, the CFR conspirators chose Julia Sweig as their designated hitter to push the unconditional end of the embargo and the restoration of U.S. relations with Cuba. Since then, she has been churning out innumerable books and articles advocating these policies.

Castro’s response was swift and strong. In Early April, 2003, he cracked down on dissidents, sending a large group of them to jail and eventually sentencing 75 to prison terms as long as 30 years. Coinciding with the crackdown on dissidents, he ordered three black men who had hijacked a boat trying to escape to Florida to be shot.

Castro, a Jesuit-educated fascist at heart, has always been a closet racist. In private conversations with his close associates he always blames blacks for most problems in Cuba. Close witnesses affirm that in informal exchanges with his men, Castro repeatedly called the hijackers “los tres negritos” (lit. “the three little back men”). Not surprisingly, in private they always call Obama “el negro” (the Negro).[12]

Nevertheless, one must keep in mind that, even though Castro is a CFR agent, contrary to Obama, the Clintons and the Bushes, he has never been a CFR puppet. Actually, sometimes he has acted as the tail wagging the CFR’s dog. So, It was foolish to believe that he was going to deal with the puppet when he can deal directly with the puppet’s masters.[13]

As I mentioned above, Castro began his anti-Obama rant with the phrase: “We don’t need the empire to gives us anything.” Well, if by “we” he doesn’t mean the Cuban people but the Castro family, he is absolutely right. In 2005 Forbes magazine published a list of world billionaires. According to Forbes, at the time Castro was worth 1.4 billion dollars. Also, recently Mexico’s Excelsior newspaper reported that Fidel’s son, Antonio Soto, frequently visits Greece and Turkey on board his private luxury yacht.[14] No wonder Fidel Castro loves the U.S. embargo so much.

The bottom line is that, despite CFR efforts to implement Castroism after Castro, there will be no change in Cuba while Castro is alive and in power in the once-prosperous Caribbean Island.

Servando is the uthor of Psychological Warfare and the New World Order and I Dare Call It Treason, and the DVDs Treason in America and Partners in Treason, all of them available at NewsWithViews.

© 2016 Servando Gonzalez – All Rights Reserved


1. Castro calls the embargo a “blockade,” and at one time, while he was still harboring plans to launch a nuclear attack on the U.S., during a speech at the U.N. in October 1996 he referred to it as having the effect of “noiseless atom bombs.” On Castro’s plans to launch a nuclear or bacteriological attack on the U.S., see Servando Gonzalez, The Secret Fidel Castro (Oakland, California: Spooks Books, 2001), pp. 53-75.
2. In a long condescending article titled “Brother Obama,” published in Cuba’s main newspaper, Castro tells Obama, “We don’t need the empire to give us anything” Granma, March 28, 2016. See also, Azam Ahmed, “Fidel Castro Criticizes Barack Obama’s Efforts to Change Cuba,” The New York Times, March 28, 2016.
3. Granma Weekly Review, May 2, 1971. Also, Editorial, “No Ping-Pong for Castro,” The New York Times, April 21, 1971.
4. “Toward Improved United States-Cuban Relations,” a report of a special study mission to Cuba, printed for the use of the Committee on International Relations, May 23, 1977, p. 63.
5. David Rieff, “Cuba Refrozen,” Foreign Affairs, July/August 1996, pp. 62-76.
6. See Ellis Cose, “Castro no cede un ápice. Fidel no le ve mucho valor a una iniciativa de EEUU,” Newsweek en Español, January 20, 1999, p. 17. See also, AFP, “El régimen castrista rechaza las medidas de EEUU para flexibilizar el embargo,” La Razón, January 10, 1999.
7. “Top Cuban general, key forces in Syria to aid Assad, Russia, sources say,” FoxNews, October 14, 2015.
8. Some Castro lovers at the CFR and the National Security Archive — a CIA front — are working hard to sell the lie that Raúl Castro is actually the man in power in Cuba. See, i.e., Philip Brenner, John M. Kirk, et al., A Contemporary Cuba Reader: The Revolution Under Raúl Castro (New York: Rowan & Littlefield, 2015). In the Preface, the authors claim, “It became clear that a peaceful succession of power had occurred in Cuba,” p. xi. Recent events, however, show that Fidel Castro is still in command in Cuba.
9. Kaz Vorpal, “Does the Cuban Embargo Hurt Castro or Help Him?,”
10. Gonzalo Guillén, “Lanzan en Bogotá un crítico libro de Aznar,” El Nuevo Herald, September, 12, 2005,
11. CFR: U.S.-Cuban Relations in the 21st Century.
12. Frances Martel, “Cuban State Media: ‘Negro’ Obama ‘Incited Rebellion and Disorder,” Breitbart, March 31, 2016. During his days as a guerrilla fighter in the mountains, Castro always referred to Cuban President Batista as “negro de mierda” (shitty nigger). Batista was a dark-skinned mulatto of humble origin.
13. The fact that Obama is a CIA-CFR creation is extensively documented in my book OBAMANIA: The New Puppet and His Masters (Oakland,. California: Spooks Books, 2011).
14. “Captan al hijo de Fidel Castro en lujoso yate en Grecia,” Excelsior, April 7, 2015.

Is the republican party self-destructing?

All through this election cycle for the general election we have seen resistance from the Republican elite toward the candidate that has drawn the most attention from the electorate. Keeping in mind that as a constitutional republic we have the right to elect whom we the people want to represent us. This is what the Founders intended because in any other form of government the leaders are chosen by the elite, not the people.

Even though this system has been in place for 240 years each party has managed to work up to the point where they make it look like the people are involved by allowing the people to vote for the candidates the Party elites want in office. I believe that this is what we saw in 2008 when Romney backed out of the race to let McCain take the lead. In 2012 Romney got the elites nod and the race was his to lose, which he did, but the people still had their ‘voice’. All candidates have people who finance their campaigns. This simply means that they are bought. Favors have to be given to those that fund the campaign. If you want to see what positions a candidate is going to take, I’m not talking campaign promises because they will say what they have to to get elected, look at who is funding them. Where is the candidate getting his support? Rubio has several billionaires that are funding him. With that said you have to look at what these ‘supporters’ support. It will make no difference what Rubio says in his campaign it will make a difference as to who is supporting him.

Rubio has talked no amnesty but in the same breath he talks illegals paying fines, back taxes and getting in line. He says nothing about deporting them. One of his backers is Sheldon Adelson a strong open borders billionaire. Rubio will say no amnesty but because his financier likes the open borders there will be nothing done to secure the border as we have seen nothing being done since the Reagan years.

Remember the Gang of 8 Bill? This was nothing more than amnesty hidden in legalize. A little background on Adelson tells you that he is a casino owner with casinos in Vegas and China. The ones in China are interesting. It appears that they are possibly being used for money laundering by Chinese organized crime: “A diminutive 82-year-old with a lumpy face and a puff of thinning red hair, Adelson is the 13th-richest man in the United States, worth more than $20 billion, according to Forbes. Though he made his initial fortune in Vegas, he joined the ranks of the superrich following his 2001 investment in Macau, a once run-down seaport an hour’s ferry ride from Hong Kong that in the last decade has overshadowed Vegas to become the world’s gambling capital. Adelson’s casinos in Macau, a special administrative region of China, provide the majority of the revenue for his company, Las Vegas Sands. But beneath Macau’s glitz lurk organized crime, corruption, and a shadow banking system that has allegedly laundered billions of dollars for China’s ruling elite.

In 2013, the chair of Nevada’s powerful Gaming Control Board told a federal commission that it was “common knowledge” that the lucrative VIP rooms in Macau casinos have “long been dominated by Asian organized crime.” That same year, a federal commission cited a study finding that more than $200 billion in “ill-gotten funds are channeled through Macau each year.”

Which raises the question: Is dirty money spent by corrupt Chinese officials at Macau casinos flowing into our elections, at least indirectly? “With Citizens United, there’s an awful lot of money sloshing around in our political process,” said Carolyn Bartholomew, vice chairman of the bipartisan US-China Economic and Security Review Commission, a congressional advisory body that produced a scathing report detailing Macau’s vulnerability to money laundering by such officials. “People have a right to know whose money that is, and that the proceeds being spent in the political process are not from illegal and illicit activities.”[1]

I’m not sure this is the best source for influence for American politics. I’m sure that there have been billions funneled into our elections over the years from sources of extremely questionable character, but we need to have a different form of influence. What is present today invites that type of activity in the ranks of our elected. John Adams stated: “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” This influence does not come from a ‘moral and religious’ people. It is the opposite and we are seeing the results in our government.

Rubio’s list of donors is impressive. At a fund raiser in Washington there were at least 70 people there that are not the $500 maximun donation donors: Around 70 of Rubio’s financial backers are listed on the event invitation — over half of whom, organizers say, signed on with the senator after last month’s Boulder debate. The fundraiser, which will draw lobbyists, bundlers, and several members of Congress, is expected to net around $200,000.

Monday’s fundraiser was initially going to be held at a Washington, D.C. townhouse, but organizers moved it to the Capitol Hill Club — where a large room has been rented out — after the RSVP list began to swell.

Among the names listed on the invitation, who are relatively new to Rubio’s fold, are Peter Davidson, a Verizon lobbyist; Christopher Chapel, a NextEra Energy lobbyist; Russ Thomasson, a former top staffer to Texas Sen. John Cornyn; and Mathew Lapinski, a lobbyist at Crossroads Strategies.

The invitation also lists a handful of House members, including Wisconsin Rep. Sean Duffy, Illinois Rep. Darin LaHood, Georgia Rep. Austin Scott, and Indiana Rep. Todd Rokita.[2]

Another influence into the Republican Party by a mega-donor is Jerry Perenchio. He was involved in McCain’s failed attempt for the presidency in 2008. Again, the things he supports is what McCain would have supported if elected. Unfortunately he was not a major supporter of things that benefit Americans. “Jerry Perenchio is the man who poured millions of dollars into fighting the California movement to teach schoolchildren English. Does John McCain share Perenchio’s zealous opposition to pro-English immersion initiatives? If he doesn’t, why does he have the nation’s leading opponent of pro-English immersion initiatives serving in the prestigious position of national campaign finance co-chair?

Perenchio aggressively bankrolled opposition to Prop. 227, which dismantled “bilingual education”–the oxymoronic program that holds foreign-language-speaking students hostage and forces them to maintain their native tongues instead of transitioning to English as quickly as possible–in 1998. He donated millions directly to the opponents and also donated millions of dollars in anti-227 “public service announcements” on Univision railing that “The dreams of millions of Hispanic families are being destroyed.” Despite Perenchio’s massive campaign to prop up language segregationism, the pro-English Prop. 227 won in a landslide:”[3]

Former Univision chairman A. Jerrold “Jerry” Perenchio is a long-time donor to Republican candidates and groups. He’s one of presidential candidate Carly Fiorina’s biggest supporters, giving more than $1.6 million to her super PAC and helping to host a fundraiser for her in September 2015 following the second Republican debate.[4]

This just scratches the surface of what influences American politics. Nothing that we have seen here supports the ideas of the Founding Fathers. In fact most oppose the ideas of the Founding Fathers. It was the principles that they established that made America great not what we see being forced on us today. James Madison stated: ‘We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future of all of our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for Self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to The Ten Commandments of God.’ We have strayed far from the moorings set down by the Founders. They wanted morality to influence government but today we have money that influences government. Samuel Adams stated: “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.” The character of the people in seats of authority is questionable at best.

Bill Clinton was and probably still is a womanizer, many Senators and members of the House have been convicted of corruption in both parties, Obama is an obvious muslim that hates America and is doing all he can to bring America to a third world nation status.

The front runner of the Republican Party, Donald Trump, is being attacked from all sides by both the Party elites. Why? I think it is because he can’t be bought. He has no Super Pac behind him. He will have to pay favors back to no one. He won’t be forced to take a position. He’ll be free to clean government up, expose the massive corruption that is embedded in DC. It could mean the end of the gravy train for many people and they are fighting for their ‘livelihood’. Donald said he was building a new Republican Party. I believe that it will be better than what we have now by far. I think it is time to return to the principles our Founders gave us. It worked very well for them and they will work very well for us.

2016 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved



1. Sheldon Adelson bets it All.
2. Rubio draws new backers to Capitol Hill fundraiser.
4. A. Jerrold Perenchio

Was there motivation for the death of Justice Scalia?

Saturday was the funeral of Justice Antonin Scalia who died a week ago last Saturday. His death has raised a host of questions and yet there was no autopsy to determine the cause of death, as a result many questions will go unanswered. We are told there was no foul play and that he passed peacefully in his sleep of a heart attack. His bed covers were all neat and smooth as if there was no final struggle. To me it would seem that is unlikely in a death by heart attack but now that cannot be delved into as the autopsy was refused.

We know a good detective wouldn’t just accept things at face value but seek to uncover every aspect of the case. If they suspected foul play they would begin to find out who might have a motive for bringing an end to life. Who were his enemies? Who stood to gain from his death? And so on. Now it is clear that Antonin Scalia had acquired many enemies in the course of his career. As an originalist, seeking to interpret the Constitution as it was originally understood by the Framers, his decisions stood against the leftist socialists who intend to radically transform America into their vision of utopia. You can hear them exalting with the news of his passing.

They know that the Supreme Court docket contains some of the most consequential cases in decades – affirmative action, abortion, birth control, immigration, a shift in congressional power — all of these issues are before the justices this term. In fact just five days before his death I understand Scalia’s last act as a Supreme Court justice supplied the fifth vote halting Obama’s most ambitious effort yet to fight so called “climate change.” Could that vote have supplied a motive? I don’t know. What is clear is that Scalia had many enemies who would benefit from his death.

You will find that when you chose to follow Jesus Christ as your Lord and Master, the things He calls upon you to do and the message He has given you to bear will also earn you many enemies. There are multitudes who proclaim alongside the Scribes and Pharisees regarding Jesus, “We will not have this man rule over us.” They are hostile to the message that Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, that He alone has been given all authority in heaven and on earth, that His Law is true law and any man made statute is only valid if it complies completely with His Law. There are people in our day who hate that message and anyone who bears that message in this world.

Learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2016 Rev. David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

Scalia’s ‘nothing to see here’ death just won’t die

Justice Antonin Scalia’s death leaves questions.
There — it’s said.
Others put it differently. Comedian and social justice activist Dick Gregory put it this way: “You know they murdered him, right? … One of the mmost powerful people in the world and he ain’t got no bodyguard, man?”
Radio giant Michael Savage put it this way: “Was Scalia murdered? We need a Warren Commission-like investigation. This is serious business.”
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump put it this way, first on a Savage show that was later widely quoted: It’s “pretty unusual” Scalia was found with “a pillow on his face.”
And Judy Melinek, a forensic pathologist who conducts autopsies for the Alameda County Sheriff Coroner’s Office in California and is also the CEO of the consultant firm PathologyExpert Inc., put it this way, in a lengthy opinion piece for CNN: “Even if this decedent weren’t a controversial and powerful national figure, he should have had an autopsy. Why? Because whenever someone is dead in bed at a private residence with a pillow over his head, there is the possibility that the death was not a natural one.”
Well, no du’h.
Did the West Texas authorities who opted against performing an autopsy think — after what the Washington Post labeled in a headline, “The Death of Antonin Scalia: Chaos, confusion and conflicting reports,” – their decision would simply send the justice quietly into that good night? The reason questions persist in Scalia’s death is that questions have gone unanswered – and no matter how many claims are made to the contrary, the truth is nothing speaks truth like an old-fashioned autopsy.
Look at what the Associated Press just reported: Presidio County District Attorney Rod Ponton, in an interview with the AP, cited a letter from Rear Adm. Brian Monahan, the doctor who serves members of Congress and the Supreme Court, to make this well-repeated point: Nothing to see here about Scalia’s death. Move along. But the letter is hardly proof positive. It was addressed to Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara – the local point person who wrapped her death inquiry by ttelephone, based on findings of local law enforcement rather than on visits to the scene – and concluded Scalia’s sleep apnea, degenerative joint disease, pulmonary problems, high blood pressure and penchant for smoking all contributed to his death. Well, how did Monahan know that, without examining Scalia’s body or the death scene? Yet it was that letter that led Ponton to conclude Scalia’s “significant medical conditions led to his death,” AP reported.
That’s all fine and dandy, but why not release that letter to the public? The AP asked for it, and was given the run-around, first from Ponton then from Guevara, and then from the Texas Department of State Health Services, which denied releasing a copy of Scalia’s death certificate.
How does all this add up to a suspicious-free death?

One more fun fact, fueling the fire: One of Scalia’s close friends, Bryan Garner, returned from a trip to Singapore and Hong Kong with the justice on February 4. After learning of Scalia’s death, he spoke of their trip in an interview with the National Law Journal: “[Scalia] was unbelievably energetic and always on the go. … Having spent 14 hours a day with him so recently, he seemed very strong. I was stunned and shocked [at this death].”

Look, Scalia’s sudden and shocking death could be nothing more than that – a suddeen and shocking albeit natural death. But the fact that so many questions have gone unanswered, and that those in position to answer those questions are shrugging their shoulders –a la “Questions? What questions?” — is suspicious in and of itself. An autopsy could have quieted all the whispers. Unfortunately, historical accounts of Scalia’s life and his considerable list of accomplishments, both in and out of court, are now going to be marked with a giant asterisk that overshadows and prods: But was his death really natural?
And rightly so.

© 2016 Cheryl Chumley – All Rights Reserved

Chinese join American globalists in attacking Donald Trump

Officials from the People’s Republic of China have reportedly given $350 million to a low-key Super PAC whose goal is sabotaging GOP frontrunner Donald Trump’s presidential bid. According to the Satira Tribune, the $350 million will be used to defeat Trump and lobby for several new U.S.-Chinese trade deals.

Chinese government officials remain mum over the allegations that they are becoming financially involved into U.S. political elections, but British news outlets have been probing the Chinese effort to influence foreign nations’ politics. The BBC claims its own investigation uncovered a Super Political Action Committee with the singular goal of interfering in the political affairs of the United States.

The multi-billionaire real estate magnate, “The Donald,” told the BBC, “Of course the Chinese don’t want me to be President. They know I’ll be out dealing them every step of the way. I know these people very well, some are great friends, but others only want to take advantage of the American people and I’m sick of it.

“Under Obama they have won time and time again, it’s disgraceful, but what else do you expect from a loser. With me, they know they are dealing with a winner. Party time is over for the Chinese. America is about to win again and become greater than the Great Wall of China,” Trump promised.

A transaction by the Obama White House that’s sure to anger most Americans — if the news media ever bothered to tell them — the People’s Republic of China and other nations get millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to help with their so-called green projects. The outrageous part of the story is that the U.S. is indebted to China for almost a trillion dollars, according to a vocal critic of outsourcing on Friday.

“President Barack Obama has kept his promise to create green jobs and green technology. The only setback is that he created the jobs and technology in other countries using suffering American taxpayers’ money,” claimed political consultant Michael Barker during a telephone interview with

“Here are the facts: Obama is gutting the military due to the crippling deficits and the enormous national debt. The Chinese, however, are building up this military. And we’re giving them foreign aid. It’s madness,” said Barker.

The Obama EPA administrator, Lisa Jackson, who launched an enormously expensive program to make America’s minority communities green, has sent millions of taxpayer dollars to environmental causes in nations overseas, including China, Russia and India.

These foreign nations are experiencing economic growth while millions of Americans suffer from joblessness, losing their homes due to foreclosures, and watching their health care being transformed into another government entitlement program, according to political activist Joshua Tallis.

“Ranking members of the U.S. Congress Energy Committee called the program “foreign handouts” amid record deficits, soaring unemployment and a looming debt ceiling in the U.S. The money — $27 million since 2009 — has been issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which is headed by Ms. Jackson,” Tallis said.

“It’s a sad situation made sadder by the fact the news media — always looking out for Obama’s best interests — are ignoring this story. If it wasn’t for a public-interest legal group, Judicial Watch, who knows if we’d ever find out about this giveaway before the November election,” said Tallis.

The cash was distributed via 65 foreign grants that don’t even include Canada and Mexico, according to a report by Judicial Watch, a watchdog group based in the nation’s capital.

Among the foreign handouts are $1.2 million for the United Nations to promote clean fuels, $718,000 to help China comply with two initiatives and $700,000 for Thailand to recover methane gas at pig farms, according to public-interest group’s investigation, according to the Judicial Watch blog report.

An additional $150,000 went to help the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) combat fraud in carbon trading and $15,000 to Indonesia’s “Breathe Easy, Jakarta” publicity campaign.

This sort of federal spending does not reflect the priorities of the American people, according to a letter that several lawmakers sent Jackson in the report’s aftermath.

There are some who believe a investigation — perhaps a criminal investigation — may be in order since much of this financial activity is done without Congressional oversight and without examination of the people involved in these transactions, said former white-collar crime investigator George Lestieri, now a corporate security consultant.

Since being appointed EPA Administrator, Jackson has gone on a manic spending spree to bring “environmental justice” to low-income and minority communities. Under the program, dozens of left-wing groups have received millions of taxpayer dollars to help poor and impoverished people increase recycling, reduce carbon emissions through “weatherization,” participate in “green jobs” training and avoid heat stroke.

“This is a lot of money switching hands and no one even bothered to vet these recipients,” said Lestieri.

However on Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2012, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit struck down EPA’s costly Cross-State Air Pollution Rule, ruling the agency had acted in excess of its statutory authority. Just last week, a federal appeals court vacated EPA’s disapproval of Texas’ flexible permitting program.

This emerging trend in the courts underscores just how far EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson has gone to push through EPA’s reckless regulatory agenda. EPA continues to fight the law in an effort to justify its job-destroying regulations, but this time, the law won, according to GOP lawmakers on the Energy Committee.

The EPA’s budget has also surged 34% since Jackson took over to a whopping $10.3 billion. The figure includes $43 million for efforts to reduce greenhouse gases that the agency claims “endanger” public health, according to Judicial Watch.

By the EPA’s own statements, Administrator Jackson has pledged to focus on core issues of protecting air and water quality, preventing exposure to toxic contamination in U.S. communities, and reducing greenhouse gases. She has pledged that all of the agency’s efforts will follow the best science, adhere to the rule of law, and be implemented with unparalleled transparency.

By the same statements, she has made it a priority to focus on vulnerable groups – including children, the elderly, and low-income communities – that are particularly susceptible to environmental and health threats. She has promised that all stakeholders will be heard in the decision-making process.

Nearly half of the EPA’s budget goes to grants that fund state environmental programs, nonprofits and educational institutions that help promote the agency’s agenda.

While the Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats know that passing so-called environmental legislation will be a tough sell to the American people, the White House is bypassing the legislative process by surreptitiously using the Environmental Protection Agency, claims Barker.

EPA officials have declared carbon dioxide and other gases to be a threat to the environment and to the health of Americans. They are currently formulating regulations to restrict emissions from automobiles and trucks, power plants and other sources.

For example, any farm with more than 25 dairy cows, 50 beef cattle or 200 hogs would have to obtain a permit to operate, which, according to the United State Department of Agriculture, would cover 99 percent of dairy production, 95 percent of its hog production and 90 percent of beef production.

According to one organization, the New York Farm Bureau, the new permits would cost farmers well over $110 million a year, dramatically impacting the agricultural sector and economy. The tax is estimated at $175 per dairy cow, $87.50 per head of beef cattle and $20 per hog. The added financial burden on already-struggling farmers could force many family farms out of business and lead to a raise in food prices, the group said.

During his carefully worded speech, Obama said, “This is a major milestone in the U.S.-China relationship and it shows what’s possible when we work together on an urgent global challenge. By making this announcement today, together, we hope to encourage all major economies to be ambitious.”

Obama also said that the U.S. and Chinese will work together to pressure other “major countries to come forth with deep emissions reduction plans.” But during the two leaders’ speeches, not one word about how the U.S. verifies China’s compliance especially since that nation is one of the world’s most secretive countries and it hasn’t kept most of its agreements with other nations.

Even before Obama has returned home from overseas, soon-to-be Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, slammed the deal as a giveaway and reminded Obama and his minions that last week’s elections showed how Obama’s iron-fisted environmental policies are unpopular with most Americans. “Our economy can’t take the president’s ideological war on coal that will increase the squeeze on middle-class families and struggling miners,” he said in a statement.

The problem is that the Chinese get everything in this deal, while American taxpayers get billed for China’s windfall. Trump is absolutely right

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz the master of lies

A false witness shall not be unpunished, and [he that] speaketh lies shall perish. —Proverbs 19:9

Trump’s poem about snakes. It is the perfect analogy of why we should not be allowing all these “refugees” into our country.

The Lack of Discernment by Christians

The Crazy Cheerleaders for Ted Cruz

a group of related pro-Cruz political committees that raised $38 million in the first half of the year, more than the super-PACs supporting any other candidate with the exception of Jeb Bush. [Link]

Glenn Beck’s latest statement again makes it look as though he no longer has a grip on what is acceptable and what is outrageous. People are asking if Beck is on drugs. He said, “God allowed Scalia to die in order to highlight the importance of electing Ted Cruz.” Here is the exact videowhere he calls into his own show and makes this disgraceful statement.

Dominionist Rick Joyner’s Morning Star Fellowship Church to “fall to your knees and pray to God to reveal to you what the hour is.” Rick Joyner’s church is considered a cult, there is nothing Biblical about what he teaches or what they do in their “church.” [Link], [Link], [Link] Ted Cruz also attended a national security forum held at Joyner’s Church in Ft. Mill, SC in January.

In January, Beck argued the “hand of divine providence” brought about the birth of Cruz. Earlier in February, Cruz’s wife Heidi told a crowd that her husband shows the country “the face of the God we serve.”

The latest was Beck asking people to fast for Cruz after the loss in South Carolina. [Link]

sermon at a church in Irvin, Texas, that his son is “anointed” from high above to serve as a “king” to bring about the “great transfer of wealth” from the wicked to the righteous. Rafael Cruz and his son are Dominionists. They believe America should be governed by their interpretation of Biblical law, and exclusively by those who believe as they do. [Link]


Flip-Flops, Embellishments, and Outright Lies



wrote at the time in the National Review. According to a 2005 Sun-Sentinel report, Cruz once praised Roberts as “one of the best constitutional minds in the country.” With the decisions of the Supremes, Cruz is now back peddling big time on his support of Roberts. [Link]

Link] He has flip flopped and lied about where he really stands on amnesty. [Link] Watch Megyn Kelly question him in the January 28, 2016 debate sans Donald Trump. Video Listen to his twisted response.

Two years ago, Cruz proposed amendments to a bill sponsored by four Republican senators—Marco Rubio, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Jeff Flake—and four Democrats. The bill would have tightened border security and employee screening. But it also would have allowed undocumented immigrants to apply, eventually, for legal status. [Link]

Cruz Lies About Donald Trump




No Senator Cruz, Donald Trump does NOT want Single Payer health care. [Link]

Cruz says Trump will try to take away our second amendment rights, when Trump is one of the strongest proponents of the right to bear arms and he says so in every speech that he has made for years. He and his sons are members of the NRA.

In Iowa, Cruz told thousands of Ben Carson voters that Dr. Carson had left the race and to instead vote for Ted Cruz. He apologized when the race was over. He stated he was repeating what CNN had said, but they never said Carson was dropping out. 

Likewise, his fraudulent voter violation forms sent to Iowa voters.

Link] Sorry Cruz, wrong again, Trump said he’d sign a bill to defund Planned Parenthood. [Link]

Watch this Trump interview with Oprah from 25 years ago. And yes, Trump has changed parties from Democrat to Independent to Republican. 


Axiom Strategies and has worked on a host of congressional races. The normally combative Roe had ducked interview requests from The Star, The St. Louis Post-DispatchTalking Points MemoMother Jones and other media until the spring of 2015, when he was announced as a top advisor to Ted Cruz. Why? Because a radio ad that made fun of Missouri Auditor, Tom Schweich was the final straw that caused Schweich to commit suicide. The auditor was considered rather fragile, but the cruel radio ad put him over the edge. Here is a copy of the despicable ad run by Roe for Schweich’s opponent in the Missouri Governor’s race.

Jeff Roe



The best way to stop the Jeff Roe tactics is to do as others have done and vote against the politicians who use them.

Ted Cruz – the anatomy of a neo-con

The Characteristics of a Neo-Con

It would be extremely difficult to list all the characteristics — what goes into the make-up of a Neo-Conservative. But there are a few attributes which are necessary in order for one to successfully arrive at this destination.

The first attribute one must have is a high level of deceitfulness, for his/her first objective is to deceive the opposition into perceiving them to be one of their own.

To be successful in this, one would necessarily have to have a certain level of acting ability. Why? Because they are constantly living and interacting with, and in the midst of, the forces they are striving to deceive. This, of course, means they have to be gifted with an above average intelligence to successfully pull off this long-time façade. This is true inasmuch as they could, in an unguarded moment, say something, or act in a way which could reveal some clue as to who and what they really are.

The Republican Promises of the 2014 Election

Many Americans are wondering what happened regarding the results of the 2014 elections. Prior to the election, according to all campaign rhetoric, the Republicans were going to take control of running the government. They told us there were going to be changes in the direction of the country to a more traditional, pro-American government, both in foreign and domestic policy.

That wasn’t what happened, was it? Instead of turning things around, the new Republican majority teamed up with Obama and further consolidated his agenda for “FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMING AMERICA.” They actually supported him in his secretly negotiated so-called “free trade” agenda which consists of the Trans-Pacific partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

All this came about through the leadership of John Boehner, Speaker of the House, and Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, both very high up on the list of Neo-Cons. Yet, they were only the leadership, there were many others, both in the Senate, as well as the House, who had to have been in on this traitorous operation of supporting something that would start us down the slippery slope to a massive loss of freedom and independence as a nation. Then there were those who possibly knew what was going down, and others that didn’t – they were just dupes.

How and why were the results of the 2014 elections a disaster? And why should we be giving it any attention? It’s very simple: The Republican Party, especially at the leadership level, and to some degree in the rank and file, has arrived at the point where it is fairly well saturated with NEO-CONS, i.e., so-called phony conservatives.

Okay, but what is a neo-con? What does one look like, and how do they operate?

First, let’s start off with what they are. To begin with, they are a spin-off from Trotsky, you know, the agent who supposedly broke away from Lenin. His followers were caller Trotskyites, which doesn’t mean that the goals of Lenin and Trotsky were different, only that they disagreed on the method for achieving the goals. However, I believe it was mostly a strategic, or theatrical exercise which allowed Trotsky access to opportunities he otherwise would not have had.

Here’s how they operate. At first, they get to a position so that they have access, or connections with authority figures in, let’s say government, business, the media, and academia. Then, by using a patient strategy, they begin building their public image as a conservative by means of their association with those who are perceived to be high up in conservative (this being their target) circles, but also in neo-conservative circles as well.

It goes without saying, that regardless of which faction they associate with, they are secure in retaining their image as a conservative, for the simple reason that 99% of the public perceives all of the associations frequented by them to be conservative.

Senator Cruz as a Neo-Con Example

As an example, let’s focus on someone who fits the afore going description. And for that exercise, let’s choose Senator Ted Cruz:

Writing in an article, “TED CRUZ NEEDS A CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION TO PASS THE NAU”, Kelleigh Nelson had this to say about Senator Cruz. “Ted Cruz always tells the crowd what they want to hear, depending on to whom he’s speaking. If you ask most Republicans who Ted Cruz is, they’ll likely tell you that he’s an Evangelical Christian with strong conservative values and won’t compromise. He’s certainly spent all his time in the Senate during his attempted government shutdowns trying to convince people of that. Those Republicans would be wrong on both counts.”

“Think he isn’t a neo-con?” Along with asking the question, she posts a photo of him speaking at a Heritage Foundation event, one of the top phony rightwing shills for the NWO.

Continuing on she states, “For all his allure as an outsider, Canada-born Ted Cruz is in fact an insider playing a role similar to the one Barack Obama played back in 2008 when his handlers portrayed him as the hope and change candidate out of nowhere. Ted Cruz set out to be an elitist from the very beginning.”

Then there’s the following according to Jason Zengerle’s piece in GQ Magazine, “As a law student at Harvard, he refused to study with anyone who hadn’t been an undergrad at Harvard, Princeton, or Yale. Says Damon Watson, one of Cruz’s law-school room-mates. “He said he didn’t want anybody from ‘minor ivies’ like Penn or Brown.”

Based upon this revelation, he is endowed with other characteristics, and or attributes. This could be a subdued, covert arrogance in addition to a super ego.
Much can be discerned about Cruz’s character by checking out those with whom he is in connection with, and especially his list of doners:

According to Kevin “Coach” Collins, Ted Cruz maybe “just following the rules the same as everybody else” but that is just the problem. Ted Cruz is following the rules the same as everybody else in the phony rightwing neo-cons.

There is a simple reason why people give politicians money. They want something in return. Whatever the particular need is, the money flows. Those who show up in Washington and make it clear that they won’t “play ball” are ignored when looking for donations.

An implied deal is made when every check changes hands.

Cruz has a carefully cultivated image of being that rare person who is a member of Congress and an outsider. This begs the question: Is Cruz really seen as an outsider by those who stuff money in his pockets? Highly doubtful.

An examination of Cruz’s reported campaign donations finds that his name is listed along with some of the most loathsome people of both parties. It shows they all eat from the same trough.

Goldman Sachs, the company his wife works for, which is the quintessential “Wolf of Wall Street” and an ATM for Democrats, gave Cruz $69,350. They also gave at least $10,000 to both Nancy Pelosi and Steve Israel. They don’t donate to those they don’t see as team players. Don’t forget their low interest loan to Ted and Heidi when he ran for the Senate of Texas.

The pro-amnesty Club for Growth gave Cruz $705,000 and spent another $1 million independently in Iowa to support amnesty.

Warren Buffet, a strong financial backer of amnesty has given Cruz $27,750 and Hillary $25,000.

The Koch Brothers, who are strong financial Backers of amnesty, gave Cruz $23,750. Don’t ever believe the Koch’s and their Americans for Prosperity are conservative, they’re anything but.

And the list goes on.

I was very much pro-Cruz at one time; then I came across the first red flag: which was the revelation that his wife, Heidi, was a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and was a member of the CFR’s Task Force, BUILDING a NORTH AMERICAN COMMUNITY.

According to Kelleigh Nelson in her article, “TED CRUZ, HENRY KISSENGER AND THE GLOBALISTS”, in, December 8, 2015, “The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) calls the NAU, the North American Community. In reality, it is the joining of Canada, America and Mexico into one big super State, just as Europe was joined into one big European Union. Quite obviously, Donald Trump’s comment about illegal criminal aliens has jeopardized the plan that has been in the works since 2006, and even before. The global elite, through the direct operations of Bush and his administration are responsible.”

If the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which Cruz supports, is ratified by the Congress and Senate, then the NAU will be automatic; we will have open borders with hordes of people flooding into our country that will be embedded with terrorists, and no telling what else.

So, if you are concerned, call your Congressman and Senators. Tell them to oppose anything relating to Obama’s so-called “free trade” agenda. Also tell them to oppose any legislation concerning controlling the internet, because we need it to be able to continue the fight to preserve our freedom, what little we have remaining.

What we are having to deal with is the influence of very evil forces. It is hard to describe them to the extent of their evilness. Many people, at times, refer to individuals of these forces as SOBs, but this is wrong. To begin with, it is a misnomer – there is no way any of them can be the son of a female canine, and even if that were possible, calling them one would be an up-grade, for they have a long way to go to get to that level.

What I have presented here is only the tip of the iceberg of what I have unearthed about Senator Cruz, but I have written enough for anyone to think about. In addition, Cruz is not the only one of the candidates for the Oval Office that harbor these sentiments.

Be strong in your calls and letters to the traitors in DC, repeat them often, and go into your prayer closet and pray for our country. She needs a strong leader who will oppose neo-con and leftist efforts, and we have only one to choose from, Donald J. Trump.

© 2016 J.W. Bryan – All Rights Reserved

Bernie Sanders, the “legal” criminal

Imagine you and I are strolling down the street one fine day on our way to have a nice lunch and we come across a woman who is truly destitute. She needs many things including food to feed her baby. Imagine also that you just cashed a check and you know, and I know, that you have $200.00 in your pocket.

Now imagine that I decide that you should give the $200.00 dollars to the woman. (Remember, she is truly needy.) So I take out my handgun and I order you, at gunpoint, to turn over the $200.00 to the woman.

Not wanting your brains splattered all over the street, you comply, but it’s not over. Let’s just say that I am so moved by this woman’s situation that I order you to come to my house tomorrow and the next day and every day until you die and give me more money so that I can provide for her and her children and her grandchildren indefinitely. Furthermore, I make it clear to you that if you do not do as I command, I will use force against you and your loved ones.

Of course, if I behaved this way toward you, I would be acting criminally because I have no right to force you to part with your property even if the cause is a worthy one. The question then becomes, would this action on my part be legal and righteous if it was done not just by me, but collectively? Let’s say, everybody on the whole street agrees that we should take your money and give it to the needy woman. Is there any moral principle that makes COLLECTIVE force acceptable when the use of force INDIVIDUALLY would be a crime?

The answer is, of course, no.

Now since men are fallen creatures and work is required for making a profit it will naturally occur to some that it may take less effort to steal the profit that other individuals earn rather than to take the time and expend the effort to earn profit for themselves. Unfortunately people will tend to do this so long as the effort and risk are minimal.

Tragically those we trust with authority have the same fallen nature with the same temptation to steal and it is both common and natural that they will invent “laws” which allow them to steal the profit and the substance of others by means of the very laws they have created.

Let’s be clear, this is exactly what Bernie Sanders desires to impose on America. In contradiction to your charitable giving, the spoils of Bernie’s plunder will be awarded to whomever he decides.

What are the consequences of such a perversion? In the first place, it erases from everyone’s conscience the distinction between justice and injustice. When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law. These two evils are of equal consequence.

Out of our love of our Country and for the honor of God, we must weed out the evil of socialism… first in our own thinking, and then, in our civil government.

Learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and his “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

2016 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

Phanton thread of Islam in the fabric of America Pt. 1

Christian No More?

This February, America celebrates the 284th birthday of George Washington, venerated father of his country. On his birthday the Senate traditionally reads Washington’s Farewell Address, in which he urged Americans to avoid excessive political party spirit and geographical distinctions. In foreign affairs, he cautioned against long-term alliances with other nations.[1]

Aware that “it is impossible to rightly rule the world without God and the Bible,” Washington further noted, “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.” Accordingly, the General issued orders to be attentive to “the higher duties of religion.”[2] The dispositions, habits, and duties to which Washington adhered were decidedly and conspicuously Christian. Indeed Chief Justice John Marshall knew Washington as the “sincere believer in the Christian faith” and “truly devout man” that he was.

On behalf of the United States, especially for brethren who served in the field, Washington prayed for holy protection of the “Divine Author of our blessed religion through Jesus Christ, our Lord.”[3] His expressed desire was for the world to be filled with the knowledge of God and His son, Jesus Christ.[4] To this end, the General characterized the Continental army as “Christian soldiers defending the dearest rights and liberties of his country;”[5] and his field notebook contained a personal prayer book, expounding merits of the Lord Jesus.[6]

Ronald Reagan echoed Washington’s sentiments while warning, as if prophetically, “If we ever forget that we’re one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”[7]

Christian No More?

Over many decades, the vision of “a shining city upon a hill” has dimmed, so much so that President Obama has contravened several Supreme Court rulings[8] by announcing, “Whatever we once were we are no longer just a Christian nation.”[9] True, Constitutional freedom of religion gives place for free exercise of differing persuasions. However, by regaling “deep appreciation for the Islamic faith,” whose unspecified contributions “over the centuries” have allegedly “shaped our country,” the President seems to have round-filed America’s heavily documented heritage to the contrary. George Washington’s own writings, journals, letters, manuscripts (and those of his closest family and confidants) showcase the Christian cornerstone for what would become one of the most prosperous, free nations in the history of civilization.[10] Without affording even a nod to the Qur’anic moon god, Washington unapologetically credited this astounding feat to the God of the Bible.

Assimilation Mandate

Even if Muslims fought in the Revolution, as purported by progressive revisionists, Washington likely would have repeated to them counsel he offered Chiefs of the Delaware Indian tribe at the Middle Brook military encampment: “Congress will look upon [your youth] as their own children … You do well to wish to learn our arts and ways of life, and above all, the religion of Jesus Christ. These will make you a greater and happier people than you are. Congress will do everything they can to assist you in this wise intention.”[11] Guided by biblical principle,[12] Washington invited them to share the nation’s blessings by assimilation (biblical ethics and English language included). Keep in mind, to their credit, at least half of our presidents were proficient in speaking or writing a language other than English, yet the language of our Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, Constitution of the United States of America, and Bill of Rights was English—not Spanish; not Ebonics; not Arabic.[13]

Phantom Thread of Islamic Patriotism

Progressives nonetheless advance a fanciful notion that, from America’s founding, some phantom thread of Islam has been tightly interwoven within the fabric of her history. Since the colonial period (when some twenty thousand African Muslim slaves were transported), through the early 20th century influx of Muslim immigrants, to the present day, Islam purportedly played an integral role.

“Presence”? Maybe. “Integral”? I think not. Cultural jihad by no means accounts for America’s preeminence. Written by Mohamed Akram,[14] the Explanatory Memorandum (1991) characterizes America’s Islamic Movement as a settlement process. Likened to a “grand jihad,” this process expressly purposes to eliminate and destroy Western civilization from within. In imploring Americans to “revere and respect” the Muslim’s alternate “path to grace,” Obama overlooks cultural jihad, Islamic anti-Semitism, and Shari’ah Law, all of which defy American values.

Tellingly, there is no Arabic word for “democracy,” nor does the Qur’an even once ascribe “love” to Allah. Islamic “peace” trails submission, if not by choice, by force. The biblical mandate is not to overcome by force, but rather to “overcome evil with good.”[15] Jesus came “to seek and save the lost.”[16] In contrast, adherents of the Qur’an view the West, not as a culture to be embraced or even tolerated, but rather as an obstacle to be overcome.[17] An immutable and compulsory mono-cultural system, Shari’ah is the crucial fault line of Islam’s civil struggle. Under its dictates, peaceful coexistence at best is untenable.[18]

Even so, in publicly praising Islam for its “proud tradition of tolerance,” President Obama ignores the plight of Christians who, to this day, pay the ultimate price for professing their Christian faith in “tolerant” Islamist nations. Remember, some seventy percent of the world’s population lives in countries that restrict religious liberty; and most are Muslim-majority countries (plus China and North Korea).[19]

“Right” Not to be Offended

Throughout the Revolution, General Washington suffered lack of support from the colonies and congress, not to mention soldier desertions, mutinies, defeats, and military betrayals by Gates, Lee, Rush, Conway, and Arnold. Even after military victory, Washington faced political resistance, mudslinging, and betrayals, yet he labored eight years to forge a nation through a political experiment that had never before been attempted. Washington accepted that offenses come.[20] Though his integrity, republican principles, and military prowess were brought into question, Washington nonetheless persevered.[21]

Routinely misunderstood and portrayed as caricatures (if at all), post-9/11 Muslim-Americans portray themselves as unfairly maligned and marginalized. As other minority groups, these claim some unwritten “right” not to be offended. Even if said allegations ring true, skittishness is not without cause. From AD 33 until Y2K, Muslim terrorists murdered some nine million Christians; and since 1972, deadly Islamic terror on American soil has injured and/or killed civilians in New York, Maryland, Washington DC, Washington State, California, Illinois, Missouri, Arizona, New York, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Texas, Alabama, Louisiana, Colorado, Georgia, Arkansas, Michigan, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Tennessee.

Though one unfortunate Muslim-American revenge killing followed 9/11, roughly three thousand died at the hands of radical Muslims.[22] Truth be told, Jihadi terrorists pose a much greater threat to peace loving Muslims than wary Westerners do.

Based on exhaustive documentation, America first and foremost is one nation under God. Heralding the God of the Bible may well offend some. Still, in celebrating the legacy of founding father George Washington, we do well to remember Esau who lightly esteemed his birthright and, for a bowl of pottage, forfeited the double portion due him as Isaac’s firstborn son. Should we disparage our noble heritage in following Esau’s example, America will be a nation gone under, as Reagan warned.[23]

2016 Debra Rae – All Rights Reserved


1. The address was printed in Philadelphia’s American Daily Advertiser on September 19, 1796. Washington’s final manuscript is at The New York Public Library. For more information, see the University of Virginia’s The Papers of George Washington collection.
2. William J. Federer. America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations (St. Louis, Mo: AMERISEARCH, INC., 2000).
3. Ibid, 647.
4. Ibid, 659.
5. Ibid, 639.
6. Ibid, 657-659.
7. A Nation Going Under. (Retrieved 24 January 2016)
8. In 1892 the U.S. Supreme Court established that “our laws and our institutions must necessarily be based upon the teachings of the Redeemer of Mankind. It is impossible that it should be otherwise; and in this sense and to this extent, our civilization and our institutions are emphatically Christian.” See also: Vidal v. Girald’s Executors, 1844; Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States, 1892; United States v. Macintosh, 1931; McCollum v. Board of Education, 1948; Lynch v. Donnelly, 1985; Bowers v. Hardwick, 1986, etc. Federer, America’s God and Country, 595-613.
9. Contrast Barack Obama’s Quotes About Islam With His Quotes About Christianity. Retrieved 22 January 2016
10. Peter A. Lilliback and Jerry Newcombe. George Washington’s Sacred Fire (Providence Forum Press, 2006).
11. Federer, America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations, 644.
12. Revelation 22:17
13. List of multilingual presidents of the United States. (Retrieved 21 January 2016)
14. Senior Hamas leader in the U.S. and member of the Board of Directors for the Muslim Brotherhood in North America.
15. Romans 12:21—“Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” See also: Proverbs 16:32, Luke 6:27-30, and 1 Peter 3:9.
16. Luke 19:10
17. The Yusuf Ali translation of the Qur’an reads as follows:

• “Fighting is prescribed for you,” Sura 2:216.
• “Of the Unbelievers: seize them and slay them wherever you find them; and in any case take no friends or helpers from their ranks,” Sura 4:89.
• “Allah has granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit at home,” Sura 4:95.
• “For the unbelievers are open enemies to you,” Sura 4:101.
• “From those too, who call themselves Christians, we did take a covenant, but they forgot a good part of the message that was sent to them: so we estranged them, and with enmity and hatred between one and the other, to the Day of Judgment. And soon will Allah show them what they have done,” Sura 5:14.
• “O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he among you that turns to them for friendship is of them,” Sura 5:51.
• Of the Jews: “When in their insolence they transgressed all prohibitions, we said to them, ‘Be you apes, despised and rejected,’” Sura 7:16.
• “Many are the men we have made for Hell,” Sura 7:179.
• “I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers. You smite them above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them,” Sura 8:12
• “Then fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them. Seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war,” Sura 9:5. (Arab means “to lie in wait”)
• “Therefore, when you meet the unbelievers in fight, smite at their necks…,” Sura 47:4.
18. Shari’ah is the restrictive code of laws and rules that govern the life and behavior of Muslims.
Based on the Qur’an and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, it references “a path or way to a water hole in the desert.” Shari’ah rejects these fundamental premises of American society and values:

• The governed have a right to make law for themselves;
• A republican democracy governed by the Constitution;
• Freedom of conscience; individual liberty;
• Freedom of expression;
• Economic liberty (including private property rights);
• Equal treatment under the law (men and women, Muslims and non-Muslims);
• Freedom from cruel and unusual punishments;
• An abiding commitment to deflate and resolve political controversies by the ordinary mechanisms of federalism and democracy, not wanton violence.

19. Dr. William Wagner, How Islam Plans to Change the World (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 2004).
20. Matthew 18:7
21. Debra Rae. “George Washington Inn and the Shot Heard Round the World” (Blog Talk Radio: TRUTHTalk Beyond the Sound Bite, 2 February 2016)
22. Islamic terror on American soil. (Retrieved 22 January 2016)
23. Genesis 25:21 ff.

Career Democrats, Republicans and their unjust trade deals created Donald Trump

For the past 30 years, career politicians like New York’s Senator Charles Schumer and Arizona’s John McCain–created President Donald Trump. California’s Senators Box and Feinstein created the Trump phenomenon. Florida’s Rubio, Texas’ Cruz and Nevada’s Harry Reid made certain Donald Trump emerged from America’s current ashes. He explodes in unison with American citizens’ anger, frustration and despair.

As a collective body of citizens, we stand sickened at Congress’ failure and refusal to uphold the laws of our land. We grow angrier at our elected officials for making us scapegoats and victims as they facilitate the greatest immigration invasion any country ever experienced in the 21st century.

Our anger grows from “Free Trade” killing the American Dream by shipping jobs to benefit China, India and other countries’ citizens instead of American citizens. Notice China’s fear of a Trump presidency because he will stop the “Free Trade” gravy train they’ve been riding for 30 years.

Our anger multiplies when we see Barack Hussein Obama deny African-Americans a job at a livable wage. He denies dignity for his own people. Whether George W. Bush or Bill Clinton, we can no longer trust career, corrupt politicians to work for our best interests—because they don’t. They create wars to kill off our finest sons and daughters as they sacrifice them for 14 years in Afghanistan and Iraq for useless bloodshed for everyone.

All 535 Congressional critters import millions of Middle Eastern immigrants adhering to the most violent religion on the planet—right into our heartland—and then, act surprised when the Boston Marathon suffers jihadist bombers or the San Bernardino Muslims killed dozens of people and more to come.

Marcus Cicero said, “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”

Cicero defined Barack Hussein Obama to a T. He’s dismantling our Constitution and injecting more Muslims into America at breakneck speed. Worse, none of those people in Congress do anything to stop this invasion of our country.

Right now, our country resembles the Titanic, the Hindenburg, Waterloo and the Roman Empire. Congress continues to rearrange the deck chairs on the U.S.S. Titanic to no avail. We suffer a man named Obama who fails to understand a country in which he doesn’t relate with or belong.

While the talking heads and experts confound themselves over Trump’s rise, they fail to understand the problems we face, much less do anything about them. In fact, the democrats and republicans twiddled their thumbs for the past 30 years.

We tire of Obama pitting blacks against whites. He foments African-Americans against cops while doing nothing to bring education and livable wage jobs to black Americans. He bows to Muslim kings while apologizing for America’s actions while he makes horrific excuses for Islamic terror worldwide. Obama caused more racial divide in America since the 1960s. Dude, you make us sick and we are sick of you.

Obama, we sicken at your actions to change our laws without our Congress’ approval and we grow angry beyond your comprehension when you take the law into your own hands. You mimic a third world dictator, but in the end, we won’t stand for or tolerate you.

And, you will never, ever take our guns away because we must defend ourselves against the likes of you.

Again, you solved nothing in the past seven years. Our national debt jumped from $13 trillion to $19 trillion in seven years. Food stamp users increased from 36 million to 48 million. Today, 73 percent of African-American children arrive into this country without fathers and face a lifetime of poverty because they won’t become educated nor will they enjoy a viable job.

From out of the ashes of Obama’s treachery against America, Donald Trump rises like a 21st century Phoenix. Brash, bold, outspoken and ready to take action. He’s all-American. Instead of calling Americans racists or selfish or small-minded with their culture and guns—he celebrates Americans: “Make America Great Again”. We don’t bow to anybody!

Our country faces epic challenges. We tire of excuses. We want action.

Whether you like him or not, Trump will not succumb to Washington DC’s elected aristocracy. Trump will shake things up and get things done—for Americans. God knows we need a leader that loves our country, with his rough edges and foibles. Give us a 21st century Teddy Roosevelt. At the minimum, he gives us a fighting chance.

After seven years of Obama’s clearly un-American reign of terror with his 13 Muslim aides injecting more jihadists into our country, we see the light of day coming in 10 months with a man like Donald Trump. It can’t come fast enough for our country and our citizens.

© 2016 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

Donald Trump, the Pope, Mexico, walls and bridges

Pope Francis has just made his first official papal visit to Mexico.

Pope Francis is the first pontiff from the Jesuit order, and was born Jorge Mario Bergoglio in Argentina to an Italian-immigrant father and a mother whose family is of Italian origin.

Pope Francis continues the tradition recent popes to make papal visits to various countries.

The previous pontiff, Pope Benedict XVI (2005-2013) visited Mexico in 2012.

The pope before Benedict was John Paul II (1978-2005) who traveled so much that he was seen in person by more human beings than anybody else in history. John Paul II visited Mexico five times and seems to have had a special bond with the Mexican people.

Nevertheless, despite all the hoopla over papal visits, the Mexican Catholic church is in decline. It’s declining as a proportion of the population, it’s declining in its influence and it can’t recruit enough Mexican priests.

Currently, about four out of five Mexicans claim to be Catholic but it’s been estimated that only about a quarter of Mexicans are serious practicing Catholics.

Still, it’s impossible to understand Mexican history and traditional Mexican culture without understanding Catholicism, and even nominal Catholicism still has a lot of cultural power. A pope can still draw the multitudes in Mexico.

Pope Francis visited Mexico from February 12th to 18th, and spent time in Mexico City, Morelia, Chiapas and Chihuahua, thus traveling from one end of the country to the other.

The last full day in Mexico the pontiff held a mass on the Mexican side of the U.S.-Mexican border, where he decried the humanitarian crisis on the border.

After departing Mexico, Trump was interviewed on the plane and was asked about Donald Trump’s candidacy in the United States. In reply, Pope Francis had this to say: “A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian. This is not the gospel.”

Whether we look at this statement from a Christian or political perspective, it’s rather problematic.

In the first place, I’m not aware of the Pope speaking in this way of any other public figure. Who else has he called “not Christian”?

The Pope’s “walls and bridges” statement is not derived from the Bible or Catholic catechism. It’s a lightweight and incoherent slogan.

Surely the Pope must be aware of the distinction Jesus Christ set forth between human and divine government, expressed in the reply to the question about tribute paid to Caesar. (See Matthew 22:15-22).

Civil governments have the responsibility to protect the inhabitants of their earthly nation-states. Such functions include enforcing criminal law, maintaining military forces and protecting borders.

As for walls and bridges, both are useful and both have their proper functions.

The purpose of the church is not to carry out the responsibilities of earthly governments. The purpose of the church is to advance the Kingdom of God.

Why doesn’t Pope Francis put more pressure on Latin American clergy to take care of poor Latin Americans in their own countries? That would be better than encouraging Mexicans and Central Americans to travel illegally to the United States.

U.S. immigration policy is a constant target in Latin America. However, consider this. The U.S. has half the population of Latin America (and less land). Nevertheless, the U.S. has taken in six times the amount of immigrants as all of Latin America (and 24 times the amount as the Pope’s native Argentina). Yet they stil complain.

Furthermore, how can the Pope rail against walls when the Vatican itself is surrounded by walls? The Vatican doesn’t have an open borders policy, does it? The Vatican is protected by armed guards, as is the Pope himself when he travels.

In an excellent piece published on The American Thinker, Silvio Canto, Jr. points out that on his visit to Cuba, Pope Francis “…hugged and embraced Raúl Castro, a man who has executed priests, harassed religious leaders, and closed Christian schools years ago. Did he call the Castro brothers un-Christian?” (Click here for Silvio’s article.)

The day after the Pope’s comments, Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi said in an interview that the Pope was not attacking Candidate Trump and was not telling people how to vote.

I doubt this is the last time we can expect to hear from the Vatican (a walled city-state) on this topic.

© 2016 Allan Wall – All Rights Reserved

Justice Scalia was more Catholic than the Pope

On Saturday night, a lunatic by the name of Jason Brian Dalton went on a weekend killing spree in Michigan. The next day, contradicting the official Catholic Catechism, Pope Francis called for the worldwide abolition of the death penalty.

The pope doesn’t have to worry about Dalton getting the electric chair or a lethal injection. Michigan does not have the death penalty, which means Dalton, even if convicted of murder, will be entitled to a life at taxpayers’ expense—complete with three meals a day, free health care and cable TV.

On the same day that the pope spoke out against capital punishment, the late Justice Antonin Scalia, a Catholic, was laid to rest. Scalia had said that judges who oppose capital punishment should resign. But that’s not a contradiction of church teaching. Article 2267 of the Catholic catechism, an authoritative compendium of church teaching, says the church “does not exclude recourse to the death penalty, if this is the only possible way of effectively defending human lives” against criminals.

Scalia said the death penalty is not immoral and noted that support for it has been part of Christian and Catholic tradition in the old and new testaments.

The pope said, “The commandment ‘You shall not kill,’ has absolute value and applies to both the innocent and the guilty.”

But that’s not what Christianity or Catholicism teaches. As noted by Cardinal Avery Dulles in the April 2001 issue of First Things, “Turning to Christian tradition, we may note that the Fathers and Doctors of the Church are virtually unanimous in their support for capital punishment, even though some of them such as St. Ambrose exhort members of the clergy not to pronounce capital sentences or serve as executioners.” He noted that St. Augustine wrote in The City of God:

“The same divine law which forbids the killing of a human being allows certain exceptions, as when God authorizes killing by a general law or when He gives an explicit commission to an individual for a limited time. Since the agent of authority is but a sword in the hand, and is not responsible for the killing, it is in no way contrary to the commandment, ‘Thou shalt not kill’ to wage war at God’s bidding, or for the representatives of the State’s authority to put criminals to death, according to law or the rule of rational justice.”

The pope’s comments were widely covered, but news outlets failed to point out that the pope’s position is definitely anti-Catholic and anti-Christian.

The pope appealed “to the consciences of government leaders” that they might join the “international consensus for the abolition of the death penalty.” The official Vatican Radio Network said he “spoke directly to Catholic leaders,” asking them, as a “courageous and exemplary act,” not to carry out any death sentences during the Holy Year of Mercy.

Scalia would have disagreed. In fact, Scalia’s final order was to deny the stay of execution of a Texas man, Gustavo Garcia, who was sentenced to death. The loony-left site ironically named “Think Progress” ran a story headlined, “Scalia’s Final Order Was To Let This Texas Man Die.” It was as if Scalia had failed to save the life of an innocent man. Garcia was executed by the state of Texas on February 16.

Who was this man? CBS News reported, “Court documents show Garcia shot [Craig] Turski in the abdomen on Dec. 9, 1990, then reloaded and shot the man in the back of the head. A month later, Garcia and [Christopher] Vargas entered a Plano convenience store armed with a sawed-off shotgun and carried out a holdup in which another clerk, 18-year-old Gregory Martin, was fatally shot in the head.”

The so-called “Think Progress” website fretted that “a commonly used lethal injection cocktail causes the sensation of being burned alive.”

It had no comment on the sensation of being shot in the head by a criminal.

In another recent case, the Supreme Court ruled 8 to 1 that death sentences handed down against three men, in what became known as the “Wichita Massacre” in 2000, should not have been tossed out by Kansas’ highest court. Scalia wrote the decision. The sole dissenting opinion came from Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, an Obama appointee who was confirmed by the Senate in 2009 in a largely party-line vote, 68 to 31.

The case involved what the court called a “notorious Wichita crime spree [which] culminated in the brutal rape, robbery, kidnaping, and execution-style shooting of five young men and women.” The victims were white and the Carr brothers are black.

Hearing the case last year, Justice Samuel Alito said it involved “some of the most horrendous murders that I have ever seen in my 10 years here. And we see practically every death penalty case that comes up anywhere in the country. These have to rank as among the worst.”

The Wichita Eagle reported:

“Underscoring the court’s apparent tilt, Justice Antonin Scalia took the unusual step of reading, at length, a detailed account of the Carrs’ December 2000 crimes: The brothers broke into a Wichita home on Dec. 15, where they forced the three men and two women inside to have sex with each other while they watched, then repeatedly raped the women over about three hours.

“The brothers then forced the victims to withdraw money from ATMs before taking them to a soccer field at 29th Street North and Greenwich, making them kneel and shooting each one in the head.

“Four of the victims died, but one woman survived a gunshot wound to the head because a plastic clip in her hair deflected the bullet. She ran naked through the snow for help and later testified against the brothers at trial.”

Sedgwick County, Kansas, District Attorney Marc Bennett commented, “More than one family member from the Carr case commented as to how much it meant to them when Justice Scalia cut through all the legalese and recited the litany of brutal acts back to one of the attorneys for the defendants.”

By contrast, Reuters reported that Pope Francis made his comments “to throw his weight behind an international conference against the death penalty starting Monday in Rome and organized by the Sant’Egidio Community, a worldwide Catholic peace and justice group.”

You know that when you hear the words “peace and justice,” you’re dealing with the far-left.

This constitutes nothing less than an attempt to impose what has been called a “new global legal order” on the United States. It’s an insidious campaign to replace U.S. law with “international law” and United Nations treaties.

In a 1999 case, Knight v. Florida, Clinton-appointed U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer voted to give a stay of execution to a convicted killer scheduled for execution on death row in Virginia. He cited several foreign court rulings as justification for his decision.

Breyer has actually written a book, The Court and the World: American Law and the New Global Realities, which The New York Times noted had raised the question, “Does foreign law have a place in interpreting the American Constitution?”

Calling the book “lucid,” the paper said that “Breyer contends that events in the world have effectively resolved the foreign law controversy. Playing the judge as enlightened modern technocrat, he offers a reasoned elaboration of the mounting costs that judicial isolationism would entail in our increasingly interconnected world. Globalization, he argues, has made engagement with foreign law and international affairs simply unavoidable.”

The Times forgot to mention that a Supreme Court justice takes an oath swearing allegiance to the U.S. Constitution. So why aren’t Breyer’s views grounds for removal from office?

That oath is:

“I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

© 2016 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

Why are Christians so mean and nasty?

Let’s be honest with one another: the nation as a whole is little more than a reflection of its churches. We can blame “the government” all we want (and there is plenty of blame to go around), but it is the churches, not the government, that are most culpable for our nation’s ills.

Far too many professing Christians are just as mean and nasty as any unchurched person you will ever find–maybe more so. A sizeable portion of our professing Christians today are gossiping, slandering, backbiting, nosy, meddlesome, temperamental, mean-spirited, authority-hating, self-absorbed, whining little babies. They walk around with a chip on their shoulder just daring anyone to knock it off. If given the opportunity by gullible followers, they will destroy any church and any pastor they can.

Truly, the words of Saint Jude apply to huge numbers of professing Christians today: “Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities. But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves.” (Jude 1:8, 10 KJV)

As a veteran pastor of over four decades of ministry, I have both seen and tasted the bitter caldron that these “Christians” have poured upon unsuspecting souls–all in the name of God, of course. I will take an educated guess and suggest that somewhere between one-fifth and one-fourth of all of the churches in America are splits off of an existing church because of the bitterness and discontent of a few troublemakers within the church. The damage done to pastors’ families by these vultures is incalculable.

I know a pastor and his family that lived in a church parsonage (pity the pastor’s family that is forced to live in a church parsonage) who, upon returning from vacation, found all of their furniture and belongings on the front lawn and new locks on the doors. I know pastors who have been falsely accused of all manner of impropriety by hateful, vicious church members. Pastors’ wives have been held up to the most vile and venomous attacks imaginable. I personally know of dozens of preachers’ kids that refuse to attend anybody’s church today because of the abuse they saw their parents go through at the hands of these “good Christians.”

And it seems the more dedicated a pastor is to truth, the more vicious are the attacks against him. The panty-waist, ear-tickling, stand-for-nothing pastors have the largest and most devoted followings. But put a real prophet in the pulpit, and

in no time there will be a “Creek uprising” against him. In fact, many of these bigger corporate churches are comprised of church wolves who, after devouring a good patriot pastor across town, will flee to the wolf’s lair of the corporate church–under the safety of the corporate pastor–along with other wolves.

Of course, these carnal Corinthian Christians prey on the spiritually immature and gullible within the church. They put on the mask of piety, spirituality, and “love.” But the goal is to undermine the pastor’s work and hopefully (in their minds) drive the pastor out. They have the façade of an angel, but in reality, they are the instruments of Satan to divide and spoil the church. “By their fruits ye shall know them.”

Do you want to know why so many good pastors don’t seem to have the energy to engage the freedom fight? I’ll tell you why. Most of them are up to their armpits in discontent and disruption. It’s very hard to be a shepherd and watchman when you find yourself being forced to be a cross between a spiritual firefighter and babysitter. Most pastors spend the vast majority of their workweek putting out church fires that are started by spiritual arsonists and changing the spiritual diapers of spoiled, bratty Christians. It is the most exhausting work on the face of the earth. Help lead the charge for freedom? Are you kidding? It’s all these pastors can do to lead a peaceful church business meeting.

When we talk about the Black Regiment pastors of Colonial America, remember that those pastors had the dedicated, unflinching, dynamic support of their congregations. Those people loved their pastor; heeded his spiritual counsel; prayed for him; encouraged him; stood beside him; supported him and his family; and treated him and his family with tender loving care. When a pastor is loved and supported in such a way, he is free to courageously stand as a watchman and shepherd over the souls of men and over the liberties of his community. Take that away, and the pastor is reduced to a state of sheer self-preservation. It’s hard to lead an army from a cave.

There is no question that we need a revolution of liberty in this country. But like it or not, there will NEVER be any kind of lawful, lasting revival of liberty without the approbation of Heaven–and without the instruction, inspiration, and leadership of God’s men. The unchurched patriots reading this can scoff at what I am saying all they want: it doesn’t change the truth. Without men such as John Leland, John Witherspoon, Jonas Clark, Joab Houghton, James Caldwell, et al., there would never have been men such as George Washington, Patrick Henry, Sam Adams, James Madison, and Thomas Jefferson, et al. And without the faithful and dedicated men and women within the churches of those Black Regiment preachers, there would never have been a Black Regiment to begin with.

Angry, self-willed, rebellious, hate-filled Christians are not only a curse to their pastor and church; they are a curse to liberty itself. They are doing the devil’s work of subverting the work of God (including the work of liberty) within the church and, therefore, within the community and country. Sitting home and sending out a barrage of hate-filled emails is doing NOTHING to restore liberty. Hate will NEVER win hearts and minds. And that’s what’s happening: we are losing the war for the hearts and minds. And one of the biggest reasons we are losing this war is because we have supplanted and destroyed the one position that is most necessary to winning the war for the hearts and minds: the courageous and inspired patriot pulpit.

The congregations of Jonas Clark and John Leland did not agree on everything no more than Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson agreed on everything. But they understood the Natural and Biblical principles of liberty enough to be able to fight together for the cause of freedom and independence. Before they ever won a War of Independence, they won the hearts and minds of the colonists with the love and understanding of liberty and Law.

Without the undergirding principles of Law and love, there can be no RIGHTEOUS indignation. Hatred and bitterness against evil is meaningless without love and affection for righteousness. And if Christian people are filled with hatred and bitterness against the most fundamental spiritual principles of truth and honor within the church (and tons of them are), how in the name of common sense can we expect the world around us to successfully engage in something as complex as political liberty within a nation? Without the undergirding principles of Law and love, there can be no approbation of Heaven. And without the approbation of Heaven, there can be no lasting liberty.

Before we will ever have a revival of genuine liberty within our nation, we must have a revival of genuine spirituality within our churches. And that will not happen until churches get really serious about learning and applying the immutable principles of Law within their own hearts. And that includes the Law of God relative to the way Christian people treat their pastors and one another. In the church, there is plenty of room for disagreement, but no room for division.

What is missing from the hearts and minds of so many professing patriots (Christians and otherwise) is old-fashioned humility. We refuse to hold ourselves accountable. We refuse to be taught. We know it all. We are never wrong. And if we are, we would never admit it. We refuse to submit to lawful authority. Bullheaded, stubborn, self-righteous people are totally unqualified to fight a freedom fight. They don’t even understand the meaning of the word freedom, much less understand how to wage a righteous, disciplined, and honorable fight to preserve or reclaim it.

“He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” (Micah 6:8 KJV)

And as far as our civil magistrates are concerned, here is God’s standard: “He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God.” (II Samuel 23:3 KJV)

Unfortunately, there is very little humility or fear of God being demonstrated in the lives of most civil magistrates or citizens–including Christians. Perhaps the last serious–and truly humble–candidate for President of the United States was Congressman Ron Paul. But he was ultimately rejected by proud, war-thirsty Christians within the Republican Party. Sadly, most proud people are not even capable of recognizing true humility when they see it. It is so foreign to them; they don’t even know what it looks like.

“Judgment must begin at the house of God.” How are we going to fix the White House if we cannot even fix the church house?

P.S. I recently delivered what might be the most important message for RIGHT NOW that I could ever deliver. It is entitled “The Right Of Revolution As Justified In Natural And Revealed Law.” The DVD of this critical message contains the Biblical and Natural Law principles that have been so long forgotten and that are so desperately needed. These are the principles that our Founding Fathers (Christians and unbelievers alike) firmly understood and applied to America’s fight for independence. And these are the principles that this current generation of Americans MUST relearn if we are to have any chance of reclaiming the liberties that are so quickly slipping away from us.

As I survey the political and spiritual landscape of America, I believe this message is of the HIGHEST PRIORITY. I urge readers to get this DVD.

Order my sermon DVD “The Right Of Revolution As Justified In Natural And Revealed Law,”

© 2016 Chuck Baldwin – All Rights Reserved

A Baltimore drug dealer’s “ghetto fabulous” funeral

My 87 year old black preacher dad phoned me from Baltimore Maryland at my home in Florida. Dad spent the day at a conference for Baltimore City Fire Dept chaplains. Dad chuckled that he received a round of applause at the conference for being the oldest active chaplain in the state.

Later this month, Dad is scheduled to be the keynote speaker addressing new recruits into the Baltimore fire department. He mentioned seeing a recruit outside of the conference wearing a fire department t-shirt while holding a can of beer. Dad learned that the recruit also has a habit of being late. Dad said such behavior was not tolerated in his day as a young firefighter. He lamented the decline of department standards.

Dad’s church is a beautiful historic building located in a Baltimore black ghetto. Dad attended the funeral of the grandson of a couple who are members of his church. The slain 17 year old black male lived with his grandparents. He was shot multiple times and killed in a battle between black drug dealers.

Baltimore, Chicago, Washington DC, New York and numerous other cities controlled by liberal democrats are hotbeds of blacks murdering blacks, despite super restrictive gun laws. Blacks are murdering each other in epidemic record breaking numbers. The Democrat party and mainstream media are doing black Americans a huge disservice by keeping this truth on the down-low. For shameful self-aggrandizing political purposes, the Left continues to further the lie that the biggest threat to young black males is white cops.

Months ago before his death, the young drug dealer was shot in the leg and bragged about it as if it were a badge of honor. Dad prayed with his grandparents that the boy would change.

Dad said the funeral was outrageously lavish which he learned is called Ghetto Fabulous. The coffin was mahogany on the outside lined with silver inside. The corpse was dressed in a white shirt, white pants and $1700 white tennis shoes. The coffin was paraded through the ghetto neighborhood on a carriage which looked like glass, pulled by two white Clydesdale horses driven by two white guys in top hats. After parading the neighborhood, the coffin was transferred to a standard funeral hearse.

Everyone in the neighborhood knew the funeral was funded with drug money. The murdered young drug dealer lived in a house behind Dad’s church in the ghetto with his grandparents. The elderly couple could not afford to fund such a spectacle for their grandson.

A woman who lived two doors away from the slain young man said she would not shed a tear for him, but felt bad for his grandparents. She said she found a gun with a loaded magazine under her front porch. The woman turned the gun over to the police. She said the now deceased 17 year old slashed all four tires of her car. She knew it was him because he came by her home taunting her, rapping about what he did to her.

Dad said the funeral and everything connected to it was very disturbing. Other than the day of his church’s weekly outreach of handing out free meals, he cannot get the local street people anywhere near hearing him preach. After praying about it, Dad felt led to get out of his church and into the streets. He decided to walk the neighborhood around his church with a sign that read, “Stop the Killing.”

Word spread and neighbors began joining Dad. Dad said cars drove by honking their horns and giving his group thumps up. Group members began spontaneously chanting, “Stop the killing! Stop the killing!”

Dad said they stood in a circle holding hands and praying. A uniformed female black cop pulled her police car over to check out what was going on. She said, “Go ahead and pray, I got your backs.” Thugs joined Dad’s prayer circle, laughing and making fun of them. Dad said by the end of their prayer, he saw a few of the thugs wiping their eyes.

Dad is extremely excited and plans to hit the streets again next week. Please pray that God will keep my dad safe out there on the mean streets of Baltimore.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Bad trees produce bad fruit

“Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” —Jesus Christ in the Mathew 7.

Although the words of Jesus are not necessarily commandments they do carry the weight of infallibility. Jesus told us that the words he says unto us are “truth.” Whenever Jesus says anything you can take it to the bank.

Two thousand years ago He warned us about our present situation but we failed to head His advice. Evil trees CANNOT bear good fruit.

Trees are weaved in and out of the imagery in the Holy Scriptures. Trees represent life-bearing roots upon which all living things grow. Some trees bring good fruit and some trees bring bad. Some trees are to be nourished and some trees are to be hewn done.

But one thing that is very clear from the words of Christ is that good trees produce only good fruit and bad trees are only capable of producing evil fruit. There is no wiggle room. Good or bad, you will be able to judge a tree by its fruit. Bad fruit equals a bad tree.

How could those of us who carry the Name of Christ have become so deceived? How have we been so easily tricked into grafting ourselves in to an evil tree? Here is the question of the day and if we answer it honestly we will understand why we find ourselves in such a precarious political position? Are you ready? Here is the question.

Is the Republican Party a good tree or a bad tree?

Stop right there. Don’t try to rationalize your answer away. Simply answer the question. Don’t tell me that the GOP does some good things…or that it is better than the other tree…the lesser of two-evils mantra. Simple question demands a simple answer. Is the Republican Party a good tree?

Of course the obvious answer is no. Just think of the metaphors that we use to describe political activity. “Politics is the art of compromise,” or “politics is dirty business.” If the fruit of the Republican Party is evil then it follows that the Republican Party is also evil. How have “evangelicals” become so deceived? St. Paul warned us…

“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?”

We have permitted the political parties to renamed us and shove us into a box that is stuffed full of non-believers. The pundits no longer call us Christians…today we self identify as “conservatives.” They have grafted us in as nothing more than one branch of the evil Republican tree…right along side the Log-Cabin Republicans…the homo-branch.

Let me stop right here for a second. There is no one more active in the cultural war than me. I fight everyday of my life for things that I feel are important to My Lord. But I learned a long time ago that the Republican Party was not going to save us. America’s problems are moral…spiritual…and no political candidate can “make America great again!!”

But I watch in frustrated amusement as many of our religious leaders fight to have “one our guys” sitting in the top of the Republican tree. I vote, I fight for moral issues, but we have the words of Jesus to warn us that the Republican Party cannot bear good fruit no matter which “Christian-conservative” might sit in the Republican cat-bird seat.

How did this all happen? When did “the Body of Christ” permit itself to be nothing more than a branch on the evil GOP tree? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Shouldn’t it be a Christian tree with all of the other “conservatives” asking if they could be grafted in to Christ? When did the Christian Church yield its power and authority to the counterfeit-salt known as the Republican Party?

The Republican Party demands compromise in order to be part of the team. As a result the Moral Majority is no longer either moral or the majority. We have simply become the “conservative” branch of the evil Republican tree. Christians have shirked our responsibility and have hired mercenaries…Republican politicians…to fight a battle for Truth that Jesus Himself mandated that His church would fight.

“The gates of hell,” Jesus proclaimed to His disciples, “shall not prevail against the church.” It was HIS church that He charged with storming the gates of hell. But HIS church wanted to be nicer than Jesus. The church wanted to be loved…and appreciated…and tolerant…and affirming. Jesus wanted us to fight for THE TRUTH. The gates of Hell will never be destroyed by the GOP.

Researchers tell us that there are over 240 million Christians in America. That is over 70% of the American electorate. Why isn’t there a CHRISTIAN Party? Why are we content simply being a dead branch on a poison tree?

All of this growling I hear from “Christian” organizations and Christian leaders makes me want to scream. Groups like Focus on the Family, The American Family Association, Eagle Forum, Family Research Council, and a long list of “conservative” organizations have become nothing more than mouthpieces for the evil tree into which they have all become grafted. The Republican Party is evil and God’s people have been relegated to little more than fund-raising branches of this rotting tree.

Let Donald Trump burn both of those evil trees down. There is nothing but rotten fruit falling off of both of them. Jesse Jackson warned us a decade ago.

Christians need to “stay out of the bushes.” It is time to plant our own tree.

2016 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

Can we stop our leaders from killing us?

Four years ago I got a lot of people mad at me by pleading with them to vote for Mitt Romney for president. My motivation was simple: I wanted Obama to be denied a second term.

I would do it again. To this day I can’t imagine a President Romney lighting up the White House with rainbow lights to celebrate the Supreme Court’s imposition of “gay marriage” on America. I would do it again; but it wasn’t much fun the first time, and would be even less the second.

Now I have to decide whether I want to go through all that again, to keep Hillary Clinton out of the White House. Presuming she doesn’t get indicted between now and Election Day.

It’s difficult because the Republican primary is turning into a scorched-earth campaign. Rubio, Cruz, and Trump have been saying things about each other that cannot be easily taken back. They don’t seem terribly concerned with truth.

One of those three will win the nomination. The question is, how much will the other two have damaged him by then? Enough to get the most corrupt woman in the hemisphere into the White House? Enough to finish the destruction of our republic?

Libs, progs, Democrats—right now their project is to make sure non-citizens vote in this election. The League of Women Voters, formerly a respectable organization, has joined in this project with the NAACP, People for the American Way (what “American way” can they possibly be talking about?), Common Cause, Project Vote, and Chicanos for La Causa. I am afraid to ask what “La Causa” is.

Why do they want non-citizens voting? Because they presume these persons will vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. They’re probably right about that.

Is it worth it to them, to subvert and eventually destroy our electoral process, if that’s what it takes to get liberals into the White House? Judging by just their words and actions, the answer to that question is “Yeah, you bet, absolutely!”

Looking at the three leading Republican candidates:

I rule out Sen. Marco Rubio because I can’t trust him not to try to be the Angela Merkel of America. If there is anything America needs less now than amnesty for border-jumpers, I don’t know what that could be.

I liked Ted Cruz a lot, although I was convinced that the Republican establishment would never permit him to win the presidency: that they would actually rather have a country-destroying crazy left-wing Democrat (I admit to the tautology). But I didn’t like that “Voter Violation” scam he pulled in Iowa, and his attacks on Donald Trump have become unseemly.

That leaves Trump, currently the front-runner. Would I vote for him if he were running against Clinton? I would turn cartwheels on my way to the polls. Do I believe Trump to be a genuine, dyed-in-the-wool, rock-solid conservative? No.

But then I know of no such conservative anywhere in Washington.

The Washington political establishment, our rulers, our masters of the universe, need a damned good thrashing. They need to be thrown out of power like a disorderly spewing drunk is thrown out of a bar. We need to be rid of them. We can’t afford them anymore. They cost us more than money; they’re always gnawing away at our liberties.

They do things that threaten to kill the United States of America. If they can’t spend us into oblivion fast enough, they’re willing to bring in countless multitudes of aliens—including all the criminals they can find—to swamp the electorate, holding their allegiance by never-ending offers of free stuff paid for by the working people of America. They don’t care what they do to our culture—the more transgender, the better. Every day they come after our freedom of speech, our religious liberty, our right to bear arms and defend ourselves.

Our leaders have made war against us. They behave toward us as if we were a conquered people who must be ground down into spiritless obedience. Look what they’ve done to our educational institutions.

Our leaders must be replaced. They are an existential threat to our liberties, to our republic. They are trying to turn it into something else—and not for our benefit, but for theirs.

Maybe Trump can shake them up. Maybe he can.

I can’t think of anyone else who might be able to do that.

2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Marco Rubio, the Aspen Institute, and the CFR

Caricature by DonkeyHotey

Marco Rubio Affiliations

The Aspen Institute is sort of an American Bilderberger Group. In addition to the globalist Aspen and Brookings Institutes, there are a staggering number of private groups that shape and command American policy, including the CFR, and Trilateral Commission, etc. Nearly every elected official is influenced by them, and this includes Marco Rubio. The Aspen Institute is largely funded by one world government foundations such as the Carnegie Corporation, The Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Ford Foundation, none of whom have freedom and liberty as their top priorities.

Scroll down in the article to see the list of names including Marco Rubio, along with the photo of Rubio as Aspen Inst. Rodel fellow. [Link]

Link] Sure doesn’t make me feel warm and cozy. And there you have Marco Rubio…

Marco Rubio and the CFR

American Conservative believes Rubio’s speech was pretty lame, but you can decide for yourself. He stated that America’s role in the world is as a security guarantor. Rubio also claimed as president, he would “use the American power to oppose any violations of international waters, airspace, cyberspace, or outer space. This includes the economic disruption caused when one country invades another, as well as the chaos caused by disruptions in chokepoints such as the South China Sea or the Strait of Hormuz.”

Rubio-Schumer Gang of Eight amnesty billlikely would not have passed the Senate had Rubio not been such a prolific supporter. [Link], [Link] He’s now waffling on the fact that he is a great supporter of illegal aliens gaining citizenship.


Rubio has been one of the most ardent champions for increasing Muslim migration. The U.S. has admitted roughly 1.5 million migrants from Muslim countries since 9/11 on a permanent lifetime basis. Yet Rubio has sought to grow that number vastly. In 2015, Rubio introduced an immigration bill which would have allowed for an unlimited increase in Muslim migration. [Link]


Yep, it was Marco Rubio!

The entire purpose of fast-track is for Congress to surrender its power to the Executive for six years. Legislative concessions include: control over the content of legislation, the power to fully consider that legislation on the floor, the power to keep debate open until Senate cloture is invoked, and the constitutional requirement that treaties receive a two-thirds vote. Legislation cannot even be amended.

By contrast, without fast-track, Congress retains all of its legislative powers, individual members retain all of their procedural tools, and every single line, jot, and tittle of trade text is publicly available before any congressional action is taken. [Link]

When Rubio served as speaker in the Florida House, he stopped bills from coming to the floor that would have deported illegal immigrants in state prisons and that would have denied food stamps to illegal immigrants.

He even stopped a bipartisan proposal that would have allowed the deportation of about 5,000 illegal immigrants in Florida prisons, provided they had served half their sentence and agreed to be deported. Similar legislation saved $141 million and $13 million in prison costs in New York and Arizona.

Watch Rubio Back Cap and Trade:

That outrageous $1.1 Trillion Omnibus Bill funds the most horrendous programs, which also locks in huge spending increases!

remember Kathryn Steinle)
 funds all refugee programs
 funds illegal alien resettlement
 quadruples H-2B foreign worker visas
 funds the release of criminal aliens
 funds tax credits for illegal aliens, and much more

Political Influence

While the Majority Whip of Florida House, Rubio used his official position to urge state regulators to grant a real estate license to his brother-in-law, a convicted cocaine trafficker who had been released from prison 20 months earlier, according to records obtained by The Washington Post. [Link]


Feds are determined to bury the Bundy movement

“In Paris, I found myself surrounded by Germans; they were all over the place. They played music, and people would go and listen to them! All along rue de Rivoli, as far as you could see from place de la Concorde, there were enormous swastika banners five or six floors high. I just thought, this is impossible. Imagine that someone comes into your home—someone you don’t like—he settles down, gives orders: ‘Here we are, we’re at home now; you must obey.’ To me that was unbearable.” —Pearl Witherington Cornioley, Code Name Pauline: Memoirs of a World War II Special Agent

The French found themselves occupied by German forces that spawned the French Resistance. Many of those in the Resistance paid with their lives in fighting a guerilla war against the Nazis. They would have lost that war, to a man, had the U. S. not stepped in to defeat Germany and Italy in World War II.

Now, many farmers and ranchers in America are discovering that there is someone they don’t like settling down in their “home” and giving orders they must obey. That this event would spawn a resistance, especially in the West, was not too hard to predict. This semi-silent resistance, starting with the Sage Rebellion in the 1970’s, culminated in an armed standoff at the Bundy Ranch in Southeastern Nevada on April 12, 2014 where at least 400 civilians, some of them armed, confronted around 200 heavily armed Bureau of Land Management (BLM) agents over rancher, Cliven Bundy, continuing to graze his cattle on federal land without paying the fees and in violation of two court orders.

The Nevada standoff, which resulted in an unexpected BLM stand down, was the kindling and the spark that lighted a fire for further open resistance against rising government intransigence in the management of federal lands that spilled over onto adjoining private ranch lands and the century-old tradition of raising cattle in America.

When Steven and Dwight Hammond, Oregon ranchers, were accused of arson and sent to jail for five years on trumped up terrorist charges by the BLM, another spark hit the tinder dry desert that resulted in the armed takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Reserve in Oregon by none other than Cliven Bundy’s two sons, Ammon and Ryan Bundy. The two sons were accompanied by a couple of dozen other armed militia and ranchers that had had enough of BLM bullies and decided to punctuate their displeasure with the display of guns in an open challenge to the FEDS.

One of those ranchers was Lavoy Finicum who was gunned down by law enforcement at a roadblock on a rural Oregon highway. Some say Finicum was murdered to silence him because of his open defiance of government on his own ranch. The rest of the Bundy crew that occupied the Malheur Wildlife Preserve have been arrested and charged with multiple federal violations. They are now in jail facing trial.

When Cliven Bundy flew to Portland to be with his two sons who were in jail from the Malheur Wildlife Preserve standoff, the FBI arrested Cliven at the Portland Airport and charged him with multiple federal violations connected with the armed standoff in Nevada in April 2014. Why they waited so long to arrest Bundy has yet to be disclosed by the FBI.

All of the Bundy men are now in jail. A Federal judge has ordered the Bundy’s to be extradited to Nevada to face 16 federal charges in connection with the 2014 event. This will be on top of the charges brought against the younger Bundy’s and others from the Oregon event. Cliven Bundy was denied bail by an Oregon federal judge, stating that the elder Bundy was a flight risk.

U.S. Attorney Daniel G. Bogden expectedly said, “Persons who use force and violence against federal law enforcement officers who are enforcing court orders, and nearly causing catastrophic loss of life or injury to others, will be brought to justice.” [Link]

The Bundy’s and the other participants in the Oregon standoff, will no doubt go to jail for a very long time.

We will set aside for the moment that what the Bundy’s did in either event was a direct violation of law and court orders. Nevertheless, what most can’t seem to grasp, except maybe rural landowners, is that the Bundy-led events in Nevada and then in Oregon, are bigger than the sum of those events. They were and are a totally predictable equal and opposite reaction to the rise of government tyranny, driven and motivated by national and international radical environmentalism, ala Agenda 21. The name “Bundy” has become synonymous with an almost totally Western mindset that epitomizes a national resistance movement against environmentally motivated tyrants.

But the FEDS are determined to silence the Bundy movement and nip any spot fires from it, in the bud. They will, through the courts, make an example out of the Bundy’s for all those who might consider taking on the big bad vicious wolf, known as the federal government. The trials for these men will be closed to the public. News of the trials and the verdicts could be buried on page 23, if they appear at all. Or, maybe the opposite will be true in the FEDS attempts to scare off any would-be Bundy wannabes, you know, like Waco and Ruby Ridge. The Bundy’s, for all intent and purposes, will be silent martyrs of an American resistance movement that the FEDS hope will fade into obscurity.

No, America has not morphed into the German Third Reich. There are not Socialist Banners hanging on the side of buildings anywhere in America, or giant images of Obama. The Nazi SS, or storm troopers, do not occupy the streets of America ….. yet! We fully acknowledge that. But tyranny comes in many forms and rises at different rates. In Germany, the straw man was the infallibility of the superior Arian race as perceived by Hitler. All other races were inferior and it was the mission of the Germans to conquer and rule over all inferior races, by any means, or kill them outright. And kill them they did, by the millions. How is this any different than the current batch of insane Islamic Jihadists?

But today the straw man has become the infallibility of the environment. It supersedes and takes priority over unalienable individual rights, by almost any means, including enforcement by the law and guns. That this environmental infallibility would come in conflict with individual unalienable rights, especially here in America, was not only not hard to predict, it was pre-ordained. We now live in worldwide environmental fascism. The international climate initiatives to limit CO2 to allegedly protect the planet from MAN-CAUSED GLOBAL WARMING, that came out of the Paris Climate Summit last December, is just another tentacle of that fascism. It is not about the environment ladies and gentlemen. It is about control of the masses and the transfer of America’s wealth and so is this land battle raging in the West. How dare we challenge government’s orders and their vast“ wisdom!” Of course, they are never wrong and they never make mistakes. In a pig’s eye!

Environmentalists, foreign interests, (yes foreign interests) the Indians and government have conspired together to drive man out of the rural areas of America, in preference to plants and animals. The following quote is an example of the environmentalist’s mentality:

“I put animals over peoples feelings ANYDAY. I would gladly step over a dying human to get to an injured animal. That’s how I am.” —Posted by AminalTales

The environmentalists, the Indians and the government, are using the law and Kangaroo courts to accomplish their means. Constitutional property rights are overridden by judicial decrees. The EPA, by fiat, is taking over all waters of America and thumbing its nose at Congress and the U. S. Supreme Court. The EPA has become a fascist power unto itself, virtually without accountability. Who got fired, or went to jail, in the Gold Mine spill in Utah? No one! Meanwhile, the Congress appears impotent, or reluctant, to stop them.

Indians are expanding their ancient treaty rights well beyond their reservations and are gobbling up more land, water and resources, with the help of foreign interests, environmentalists and the courts. Powerful environmental groups lobby congress and sue the government to accomplish their goals and at the same time reap large profits from court settlements, paid by taxpayer dollars. Much of what is taking place is described by an article in the Land and Water USA website at this link.

The article includes a video by attorney Larry Kogan, describing how the “dirty” work has been and is being done by your government.

As more of this information sinks into the rural population, the Bundy Movement will only grow in size and force. No matter what the government does to the Bundy’s, conflicts between rural landowners and the government will increase. If the government’s hope was to silence the Bundy Movement by punitive actions and incarceration, they will be disappointed. The actions by the Bundy’s, however ill advised, have exposed a government that no longer preserves, protects and defends the unalienable rights of its citizens and instead is taking those rights away by force, under the guise of radical environmentalism, just a different type of fascism.

So the question remains, at the present rate of the loss of liberty, how long will it be before an American version of the SS and storm troopers are patrolling our cities, towns, villages and the country side, as they did in Germany? It won’t be very long, (as we keep repeating) if “a critical mass of dedicated and courageous Americans don’t decide to resist government tyranny by acts of civil disobedience on a grand scale, punctuated by the threat of force if necessary, or by some other effective legal means.”

We could turn America around in one or two presidential election cycles with our three-part “legal” plan, provided there were enough dedicated souls and the funds necessary to implement the plan. It’s taken the last 5 years to perfect that plan and we could accomplish it with an organization of much less than a “Critical Mass” ….. and enough money. Like many patriots who want to see something positive occur in their lifetime, we grow weary of waiting. It’s long past time to act. If you would like to preview a brief summary of our plan, click HERE.

Related articles:

“The Oregon Standoff Was A Predictable Reaction to Oppression” – 2/14/16″
“The Futility of the Oregon Armed Standoff” – 2/7/16″
“The Makings of An American West Rebellion!” – 1/24/16″
“Secession or War – American West Against the East” – 12/6/15″
“The Environmentalist’s Plan Is An Outright Vicious Attack On Freedom” – 11/15/15″
“Environmentalists Killed the Large Lot Single Family Home” – 8/23/15″
“Government Doesn’t Give You Freedom, You Take It!” – 4/5/15″

[NOTE: The forgoing article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved

Clear and present danger

“The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are the constitutional rights secure.” —Albert Einstein

Last week, America lost Judge Antonin Scalia from our highest court and people are afraid of who might take his place. Americans should be afraid if they are going to roll continuously over and play dead to judicial tyranny the way that they have over the last 100 years. Some are saying:

“The next appointee to the Supreme Court justice may vote liberal.”

America, there is no liberal side of the law! There is mercy to the repentant (Isaiah 66:2). Outside of that, the Law merely condemns crime; it is not turned to justify crime. Furthermore, we only have one Constitution!

“Some are saying this is the death of conservatives!”

Not if the people are willing to fight!

Remember, Thomas Edison said:

“The strength of the Constitution, lies in the will of the people to defend it.”

People are also worried that the next vote on Americans’ right to keep and bear arms, which is protected under the Second Amendment, may be infringed (violated).

The Supreme Court is not above the law. The only way their lawlessness abounds is if the people will let them do so. They do not have any authority whatsoever to act outside of the enumerated powers of the Constitution, Period.

They swore before God and man, with their hands upon the Bible, to uphold the Constitution “against all enemies both foreign and domestic,” not to tear it down.

Judges are not above the Laws of our Constitutional Republic (Article 4 Section 4 of The United States Constitution). They cannot decide against written Constitutional Law. If they are allowed to get away with such things, it shows you who is corrupt (Romans 7:12), and that their rulings are not law (Deuteronomy 5:1-22).

The answer to America’s judicial tyranny is to deal with the judges! Judges are appointed to serve during good behavior (It is not good behavior to transgress moral law), and need to be removed for bad behavior (Article 3, Section 1; Article 1, Section 3; Article 2 Section 4 The United States Constitution; Psalm 2).

Judges are appointed to discover and apply the Law, not to re-write or to re-interpret what is easily understood by every American adult and child.

Yet, this is what the American people have been conditioned to accept (Hosea 4:6). Somehow, people in this country have been led to believe the courts are the law (demi-god), and that whatever they say goes. False!

The Court assails the Church (the giver of the Law, Exodus 18:21) and upright and righteous Laws through oligarchy after oligarchy (few rule over many), advocating that which God condemns. The list goes on and on and on and on. Which, of course, turns the lawful into the enemies of the state. This is exactly what they are attempting to do.

In other words, they create un-laws (Psalm 94:20) that attempt to justify the wicked and condemn the righteous (Proverbs 17:15; Isaiah 5:20).

“If the Supreme Court is to be the final arbiter (to decide differences) of what the constitution say’s, then (the American people) we have ceased to be our own rulers (under God), and the Supreme Court is our ruler.” –President Andrew Jackson

Again, these that represent the people are there to uphold the law, not to tear it down and re-create it in their own ungodly image.

Speaking of the ungodly and un-American Injustices, look what these individuals have been allowed to do with this country. Look at their records (Matthew 7:16).

• Ruth Bader Ginsburg
• Steven Breyer
• Elena Kagan
• Sandra Day O’Connor
• John Roberts
• Sonia Sotomayor
These are not judges. These are activists legislating away, and gutting the pith and marrow out of America’s God-given RIGHTS.

They have sanctioned the murder of the innocent to the tune of 57 million since 1973 (Exodus 20:13; Proverbs 6:17)!

They have sanctioned sodomites to “marry” one another while shutting down the American people that they work for (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Romans 1:24).

They have assailed free speech, the right to bear arms, etc.

“A nation of well-informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the religion of ignorance that tyranny begins.” –Benjamin Franklin

Why is it, knowing the law, that 318 million people are afraid of what effeminate Barack Hussein Obama will do next to transgress further the Constitution by attempting to appoint another corrupt judge to the bench?

America, it is for you to now send the message, “Don’t tread on me!”

© 2016 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

A letter from a grandma experiencing the loss of America

As a journalist being read nationally and internationally by many of the world’s citizens, I receive hundreds of letters describing what’s happening in readers’ communities, states and countries.

Many of them break my heart. Some make me sick. Others cry out in desperation. Still others feel resigned to their fate as third world immigrants overrun their first world countries. All of it facilitated by the leaders of first world countries in contradiction to the needs and desires of their citizens.

This letter arrived from a grandma in Denver, Colorado describing the takeover of her community.

“I was just sitting on my patio as the sun was setting (near the “Art District” which is near Kalamath and 6th Ave.),” she said. “Ten years ago, I would go down to Starbucks or Subway enjoying my food in my car, and look over at heavily ladened cars/vans (several at a time) park at Burger King and unload 10-20 Mexicans or thereabout, with the drivers standing with hands out toward the men.

“I’ve been very naive about all of this. Now, I realized these were illegals & coyotes doing what they’re doing in Denver many times a day, and I was a witness to lawbreakers/sometimes murderers blatantly, unashamedly, arrogantly thumbing their noses at whomever might be watching.

“Ten years ago, I didn’t know ‘sanctuary city’, a word that I used to describe my own home after work. For these passing years, I see thousands or more men with Old Mexico attire, boots, big hats, tight fitting clothes, huge travel bags slung over their shoulders, conspicuous as all get out…from my home, car, patio.

“No longer can I walk on my attached sidewalk without several so-called men walking in silence past me or crossing Kalamath so they don’t have to pass me. I just wanted to tell someone who might care. A son, his wife and three young babies live 2-1/2 blocks South on Lipan; my daughter, her new husband and baby live scant 1 mile West of me across Federal off 8th Ave.

“I have little to no fear for my own self, yet I’m seeing hundreds of foreign people in vans with beards, speaking either Arabic or whatever pouring in, in the grocery store aggressively making their presence known, ugly acting to other shoppers.

“I’m well aware they are all those people Trump is speaking of to halt this invasion. My entire family is Caucasian, blond, very American, beautiful, attractive, innocent of hatred and Christian. My internal ‘hair stands on end’ knowing what ALL of these invaders are capable of at any moment.

“Do you have any idea what this means to Denver, Colorado in general, America in general? I’m an elder woman, live alone, very independent, yet my beloveds are in dire danger today.

“Call me overprotective, paranoid, homophobic, whatever applies. My closest neighbors are generally homosexuals that I’ve watched, smiled at, talked with…all these years with no issues. Denver and much of Colorado has become California, Oregon, Washington, NY in front of me…soon, this West area neighborhood will be “no go zones”.

“Even the peaceful homosexuals will leave as their lives are in as much danger as my family from Muslims. I’d weep, but have to keep alert. About 99% of my neighbors are typically Liberals, un-Godly, otherworldly. They don’t know what’s coming. My heart is racked for my nation.

“Please keep warning us all. Many fools are saying, ” There is no God”. They are especially endangered. Thank you Frosty, a fellow traveler.”

These letters distress me because they come from New York City where sociologists estimate 800 different languages. Obviously, New York City cannot be called an “All-American City” any longer.

If you ride into Chicago, it’s worse with an estimated 2,000,000 (million) illegal aliens working and living in violation of our laws. But Mayor Emanuel and House member Luis Gutierrez facilitate the invasion of that city. Now, it’s known as the most violent city in America—out gunning Detroit, Michigan. Which, as you know has become a beachhead city for Islam and a new caliphate in our country.

One look at Miami, Florida shows another 100 languages and more illegal aliens than can be counted. Again, no longer an American city.

As for Los Angeles, the most spoken language: Spanish in television and radio shows. We’re forced to pay teachers to teach in Spanish and the dropout rates are 50 to 70 percent. Mexicans outbirth American babies in California as it continues on course to add 20 million more people by 2050—virtually 98 percent of them legal and illegal immigrants according to

In my own city of Denver, Colorado, we face 172 different languages in our classrooms. We suffer 50 to 67 percent dropout rates. We face incredible problems with 10,000 homeless, veterans on the streets, drug gangs and countless murders.

And yet, our U.S. Congress pumps those legal and illegal immigrants into our country at breakneck speed—over 1.5 million annually according to the U.S. Census Bureau. It’s totally insane, and one day, our plight as a civilization, country, language, culture and way of life—will be displaced and replaced by all these third world immigrants. I understand this grandma’s sadness as she watches the destruction of her community and nation.

© 2016 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

One world order vs. Natural born citizens

As amateur armchair political strategists in the Tea Party debate which GOP candidate would be best for America, who is the most “constitutional” and who would lead our nation away from the One World Order globalization movement to eliminate United States sovereignty and security — many completely ignore the only three words in our Founding documents that prevent the United States from ever falling under the rule of foreign agents or dictators and international influences… “natural born Citizen.”

Contrary to popular belief today, the New World Order spoken of by George H.W. Bush in the post Reagan cold war era, a new global balance wherein the United States would be the only standing superpower, after the fall of the Soviet Union… is not the same as global communism under a One World Order backed by the United Nations, Bilderbergers, the Illuminati, the Muslim caliphate, Obama, Clinton and Sanders, all of whom are global communists masquerading as “progressives.”

The idea that numerous socialist secret societies have had their sights on the destruction of the United States since its birth is no secret. Before the ink was dry on the U.S. Constitution, people were determined to destroy it. Not all conspiracies are mere theory… some are quite real, indeed.

One World Order Conspiracy

A conspiracy theory (that is very real), the One World Order or OWO refers to the emergence of a totalitarian world government, global economy, monetary system and set of laws. It is global communist community organizing on the hoof, in politics, education, religion, economics and legal systems now abused by Common Law practices engaged in undermining the Constitutional Protections of all Natural Law Rights.

New World Order Theory (Bush Sr.)

Following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the United States stood alone in the world as an international economic and military superpower. Bush’s “thousand points of light” speech in which he used the phrase “New World Order” spoke of a new age of U.S. outreach and diplomatic effort to spread democracy to war torn parts of the globe via a “kinder-gentler” America than that of the WWI and WWII, military might era…

Later, conspiracy theorists melded the two terms, One World Order and New World Order to have the same meaning, allowing them to muddy the water by alleging these two once competing ideas were now one in the same agenda, and politicians of all political stripes are involved. This turned American on American, in an ongoing internal conflict between citizens who could no longer tell friend from foe…

Hijacking Words and Terms

I use the truth above not to defend daddy Bush, but to illustrate how the global One World Order folks advance their agenda by simply hijacking terminology, twisting old words and terms to have new meanings… that suit the global anti-American agenda.

They hijacked the word “progressive,” in an effort to convince unsuspecting young students that Marxism and Communism are “progressive” ideas of the future, instead of failed ideas of the past.

They recently hijacked the term “marriage” in order to destroy the foundation of every great society, the family unit. They hijacked the term “equality” for the purpose of justifying “inequality,” the new meaning, a different treatment under the law based solely on economic, racial and political interests — stealing from one individual to give to another in an ongoing effort to “fundamentally transform America” into part of a global commune through social engineering.

The millennials are nearly 100% indoctrinated now, the powerful young voting block behind both Hillary Clinton, a closet Maoist and Bernie Sanders, a proud open Marxist.

Because millennials have been raised by socialists in the unionized education system, they have no idea how these concepts have failed repeatedly throughout the world, destroying nation after nation and leaving hundreds of millions dead or living under self-inflicted oppression.

The Only Three Words that Protect and Prevent

Our Charters of Freedom are three founding documents, the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, all of which have been obliterated by our courts, congress and the Executive Branch for more than a hundred years now.

Throughout those three documents, there are only three words that are there to prevent an unsuspecting American electorate from ever enslaving themselves under foreign rule via democratic process. Those three words are “natural born Citizen” found in Article II of the U.S. Constitution as a requirement for the offices of President and Vice President.

After eight failed attempts to eliminate the natural born Citizen requirement in Article II through amendment process, between 2003 and 2008, the global left once again simply sought to hijack the term…

In order to hijack those three simple words, they first had to make that term appear to be ambiguous. They needed those three basic English words to appear to have more than one meaning, at least potentially.

Once they convinced the people that the term could have more than one meaning, they would convince them that they needed an “expert” to determine the true meaning of the term for them. They need a “constitutional scholar” to explain those three basic English words, that according to the experts, is a secret coded message from the Founders that no average American would ever be able to decipher on their own…

Enter the Wordsmiths

Let the hijacking begin… Now that the “experts” have been granted the power to define these three words for “the people,” the same experts who have been hijacking basic terms for decades now, will be able to hijack the term “natural born Citizen.”

Today’s electorate will say, “We need a court to rule on natural born Citizen,” as if the average American cannot decipher those three simple English words on their own, or take a few minutes to read our Founder’s commentaries on what those three words meant to them and why they chose to place those three words into Article II.

But those courts have been destroying the Constitution by way of hijacking Constitutional terms for decades. By “general welfare” in the Constitution, the Founders did not mean free Obama cell phones or food stamps. But that term was hijacked too…

As a matter of legal fact, there are only three ways for anyone to become a legal citizen of the United States…

1. Natural Born Citizen – the natural offspring of a legal citizen Father, as a matter of Natural Law, inalienable to any man-made law.
2. Native Born Citizen – someone born under the legal jurisdiction of the United States, but to foreign parents and presumed to be a “citizen at birth” under 14th Amendment “anchor baby” interpretations of existing U.S. Naturalization Laws. (aka basic citizen)
3. Naturalized Citizen – someone born into known foreign citizenship who later seeks and acquires legal citizenship in the United States via U.S. Immigration and Naturalization processes. (aka basic citizen)
Every legal American citizen is one of the three and all of them will have United States documented authentication to demonstrate their citizenship claim. The three are distinct, not interchangeable. Two of the three are forms of “naturalization” which are possible only as a result of U.S. Immigration policies and Naturalization statutes, all of which fall under the 14th Amendment today.

If you have no U.S. documentation to authenticate which of the three you are, then you are not a “legal citizen” of the United States at all.

Only one of the three is eligible for the offices of President and Vice President under Article II, a natural born Citizen. The terms “natural born Citizen” and 14th Amendment “citizen at birth” are NOT synonymous or interchangeable, as the “experts” want us to believe.

Article I regarding Congress, allows any legal U.S. “citizen” who otherwise meets the eligibility requirements, to seek and hold a seat in Congress. Only Article II requires “No person except a natural born Citizen” for the Oval Office. President and Vice President are the only two political offices in all of the United States which requires “No person except a natural born Citizen.”

The focus of our Founders was actually upon the office of Commander-in-Chief. One need not be a constitutional scholar to grasp the true meaning of three simple English words, or to understand why our Founders were wise enough to make it impossible for anyone of foreign origin or allegiance at birth to ever seek or hold the office of Commander-in-Chief.

Believe it or not, most Americans are smart enough to grasp this reality, once informed, even though they may have already established an emotional connection to a candidate who set out to defraud American voters by their false claims of eligibility, backed by corrupted political parties, their “expert” legal buddies and even many unwitting Tea Party groups.

How “natural born Citizen” came to appear in Article II is RIGHT HERE.

What the Founders meant by “natural born Citizen” is RIGHT HERE.

The importance and value of those three simple words is much greater than any one politician seeking political power at any given time in history. Those three words are the only words in our Founding Documents that prevent the American people from enslaving themselves under foreign rule… and if the natural born Citizen term is allowed to be hijacked, that will not only open up the Oval Office to foreign rule, it will kill all Natural Law Rights as well.

The American people simply MUST wise up fast… and reject any candidate who seeks the Oval Office via a fraudulent claim of eligibility… In 2008 and 2012, that candidate was Barack Hussein Obama…

Today, the two frauds in the race for the White House are two freshman Senators, Ted Cruz of Texas and Marco Rubio of Florida. They MUST be removed from the race and held fully accountable for their actions… or there is no Rule of Constitutional Law and no way to protect the sovereignty and security of the United States.

Natural born Citizen is directly connected to all of the Natural Rights which were endowed by our Creator, and all foundations for national sovereignty and security. These concepts are inseparable. Lose one and you lose them all…


The North American Law Center now has a weekly two-hour Radio Show on 94.5FM and 960AM in the Michigan listening area, which is also LIVE STREAMED on the Internet at every Sunday evening at 5:00 PM ET…. That show is co-hosted by myself and lead counsel and constitutional attorney Stephen Pidgeon.

The upcoming Sunday February 28, 2016 broadcast will be dedicated to the most important issue in the 2016 election cycle, protecting and preserving our national sovereignty and security by upholding and enforcing Article II natural born Citizen requirements for the Oval Office.

Unlike Mark (the great one) Levin who challenges others to open debate on his show and then will not allow anyone who disagrees with him to appear on his show for that purpose, TNALC Radio is openly inviting Mr. Levin to call into the show next Sunday evening and learn what a natural born Citizen really is… All shows are available ON-DEMAND via podcast HERE.

© 2016 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

Terrorist Islam not a threat?

When any nation mistrusts its citizens with guns it is sending a clear message. It no longer trusts its citizens with guns because such a government has evil plans. — George Washington

A few days ago I saw a couple of fair-skinned young middle class Americans doing their normal shopping at a supermarket. She was blonde. Both of them were smiling. He was carrying an AR-15 on a sling. She had a shopping list in her left hand and in her right hand a AR-15 semi auto rifle she had selected from the many rifles and pistols available in the store’s shelves, apparently with the intention of adding it to the hand grenades, M-16s and a carton of milk they already had in their shopping cart.

Where did I see this couple? On the December 14, 2015 cover of The New Yorker magazine.

This tendentious, disinformative, deceitful cover is not a mistake or accident. It evidences the current mindset of the Invisible Government of the United States as reflected in the mainstream media they fully control. The New Yorker’s cover depicts not what it is but what the CFR conspirators and their minions in the U.S. government and the mainstream press would like it to be.

In the minds of America’s domestic enemies in the U.S. government and the mainstream press, these young middle class of fair-skinned Americans, most likely Christians, were the ones who should have assaulted commando-style the social services center in San Bernardino where people, including a young, nice Muslim couple, Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik, would have been peacefully having a party in a room with copies of the Koran on every table. The Christian fanatics, faithfully depicted in The New Yorker’s cover, systematically would have killed 14 unarmed people and wounded 21. Later, the police would have found they also had at home copies of the Bible and the U.S. Constitution, as well as 12 pipe bombs, tools to make explosives, and over 4,500 rounds of ammunition. And this couple of terrorist Christians would have bought all these guns, ammo and explosives at their local supermarket.

Had this been the case, the CFR puppet in the White House would have immediately condemned the attack as a hate crime, calling it a case of terrorism, and announced his plans to sign an executive order banning Christians from owning any type of guns — according to Obama Christianity is a religion of hate. The impostor at the White House would have even hinted at the possibility of depriving Christians of their U.S. citizenship, interning them into reeducation camps and expelling from the country the recalcitrant ones who refused reeducation.

Unfortunately, despite all efforts from the U.S. government and the mainstream media, life does not always go according to the CFR conspirators’ plans and the wishes of their minions in the U.S. government. Nevertheless, when life refuses to back their distorted views, they use the corrupt presstitutes on their payrolls to change life — at least changing it in the American sheeple’s brainwashed minds by using untruthful covers like the one that appeared in The New Yorker.

Why is the U.S. government[1] so reluctant to fight Muslim terrorists on American soil and abroad? Why is our government secretly supporting them with money and materiel? Why does the U.S. government not want to see who the real terrorists in America and the Middle East are?[2]

The answer is very simple: because Muslim terrorists have never been a problem for the globalist conspirators who secretly control the U.S. government. Actually, Muslim terrorists, mostly a U.S. government creation, have become a useful tool in the hands of the CFR globalists in their role of terrorizing the people into accepting a world government as the only solution to eliminate terrorism. To the CFR globalist conspirators the real enemy is not fanatical terrorists but the American (and now the Russian) people who refuse to get terrorized.

Want to see proof of it? Here it is from the horse’s mouth.

A U.S. Department of Homeland Security report of 16 March 2009 (unclassified, but for official use only) prepared by the DHS’ Strategic Analysis Group and the Extremism and Radicalization Branch, Homeland Environment Threat Analysis Division, “Domestic Extremism Lexicon,” makes it very clear who the enemies of the Secret Government of the U.S. truly are.[3]

According to the Report, if one is to believe the Department of Homeland Security and the Southern Poverty Law Center who provided most of the research data for it, the main terrorist threat in America today is not militant Islam but Christian “fundamentalists,” Oath Keepers, Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans, Tea Partiers, 2nd Amendment supporters, “Constitutionalists,” abortion opponents and everybody who does not accept the lies advanced by CFR agents infiltrated in the U.S. government.

Paradoxically, despite their constant claims of patriotism and respect for the Constitution, “conservative” Republicans have always been eager to justify the trashing of the Constitution — provided the trashers are members of the Republican Party. They loved it when George W. Bush approved the Patriot Act, one of the most antipatriotic laws ever signed by an American President, after having been passed without even a perfunctory reading by a Congress with a Republican majority.

I fully understand why Democrats who hate this country re-elected Jerry Brown as governor of California. What is difficult to understand, however, is why Arizona Republicans keep reelecting John McCain to the U.S. Senate. CFR member McCain has shown many times his hatred for this country. While in Congress, he has supported almost every anti-American law ever conceived. His latest act of treachery is his support for the National Defense Authorization Act, a bill later signed into law by Obama.

When, following the CFR conspirators’ orders, George W. Bush created the Department of Homeland Security, allegedly to protect the U.S. against terrorism, and began curtailing individual liberties, most of his Republican followers backed him. They approved the creation of the DHS, they claimed, because they themselves were not terrorists and had nothing to hide.

If John McCain and George W. Bush are true conservative Republicans, please count me out!

Very soon some of these “conservative” Republicans who love Bush and McCain are going to learn the hard way what everybody who has lived under a totalitarian dictatorship knows very well: a terrorist is anybody the government accuses of being a terrorist, and anything you have in your home, from gardening books to dog food, not to mention a Bible, a copy of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights or — heaven forbid — a firearm, can be construed as a proof that you are a right-wing extremist and a dangerous potential terrorist actively conspiring against the government.

A totalitarian America is an old, cherished dream of the CFR globalist conspirators and their minions on both the Left and the Right, and this is not he first time they have given it a try. When at the end of WWII General William Donovan (CFR), following orders from the CFR conspirators, urged the conversion of the Office of Special Services into a central intelligence agency, the public outcry stopped him short. Some critics rightly pointed out that America did not need a Gestapo.[4]

Eventually, the conspirators succeeded in the creation of the CIA, but some true patriots managed to include a provision that the new intelligence agency could not operate inside U.S. territory. But the conspirators are patient, and eventually have made their cherished dream a reality: Finally, they have created a government agency whose only purpose is to legally harass the American patriots who oppose the destruction of their country.

This agency is none other than the Department of Homeland Security, a true American Gestapo.

The creation, under the pretense of fighting terrorism, of a government agency to repress dissidence is wrong, whoever, liberal or conservative, created it. Therefore, We the People of the United States should demand the immediate elimination of this repressive organization that has no place whatsoever in a free representative Republic.

The CFR brainwashers have created the notion, repeated over and over by Hitlary and the mainstream media presstitutes, that Donald Trump’s criticism of Muslim terrorists has turned him into a recruiter for ISIS. Well, if the National Rifle Association had a sense of humor, they should make Obama an honorary member of the NRA. Every time Obama mentions his plans to sign more gun control laws, gun sales skyrocket and the NRA membership grows. The least they should do is to express their gratitude to him.

Moreover, gun store owners and firearms manufacturers should launch a campaign to reelect Obama for a third term. I know that they hate the guy as much as I do, but nobody would dare to criticize them for wanting their businesses to prosper.[5]

Just recently, Swiss Army Chief André Blattmann told Swiss citizens to arm themselves to fight terrorism and chaos.[6] In contrast, after the 9/11 events George W. Bush never told Americans to arm themselves and even took steps to disarm airline pilots.[7]

Now, why is the U.S. government desperately trying to disarm American citizens? A long time ago George Washington answered this question: because the government has evil plans.

2016 Servando Gonzalez – All Rights Reserved


1. I don’t use the term “administration” because, even though the administrations change, since Wilson’s time the U.S. government has always been the same.
2. See, Paul Joseph Watson, “Feds Ignored Islamic Terror Threat Before San Bernardino to Focus on ‘Right-Wing Radicals’,”, December 15, 2015.
3. This report was updated in later Department of Homeland Security Report titled “Right-wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment,” dated April 7.
4. See, Servando Gonzalez, “The American Gestapo and the Dog That Didn’t Bark,” Nolan Chart, April 27, 2009.
5. See, Tim Omarzu, “Gun ‘salesman of the year’ is Obama; stores say president is good for business,”, January 5, 2016.
6. See, Robert Farago, “Swiss General to Citizens: Arm Yourselves, Europe’s On the Verge of Civil War,”, January 3, 2016.
7. For George Bush denying pilots the right to arm themselves after 9/11, see Jeff Johnson, “Bush Choosing ‘Gun Control Over Terrorist Control’,”, July 7, 2008. By a strange coincidence, the FAA rescinded the rule allowing guns in cockpits just before the 9/11 events. The FAA had adopted the armed pilot rule shortly after the Cuban missile crisis of 1961 to help prevent hijackings of American airliners. It remained in effect for four decades. But in July 2001, just two months prior to the Sept. 11 events, by a strange coincidence the rule was rescinded. See, Jon Dougherty, “Armed pilots banned 2 months before 9-11,” WorldNewsDaily, May 16, 2002.

The anti-establishment vote

Most pundits misapprehend the anti-establishment vote that has propelled Donald Trump to GOP frontrunner status. They still seem to think Trump will sooner or later lose his luster and fall from grace. They think the anti-establishment voter more fickle than he or she actually is. They believe Trump will suffer a loss of support once voters realize the credibility of attacks from Trump’s Republican competitors that call into question Trump’s conservative credentials and his fitness to lead. They think that once voters come to realize Trump’s history of past liberal positions and lack of political leadership experience, they will reject him. The pundits misunderstand Trump, and they misunderstand Trump’s supporters.

Trump supporters variously favor him because he is not of the Washington establishment, because he is politically incorrect, because he is unafraid to call it as he sees it, and because he is beholden to no one, to no Republican, to no Democrat, to no media icon, and to no conservative intellectual. Trump supporters reject groomed politicians who, together with their advisors, weigh the meaning of every word spoken and fear offense.

Trump supporters do believe in limited government, a strong national defense, and free enterprise. They reject government solutions to economic problems and favor a restoration of a vibrant, free enterprise economy unfettered by excessive government regulation. They reject a foreign policy stymied by advocates of social justice who will not allow this nation to annihilate its terrorist enemies, to revoke the appeasement deal with Iran, and to rebuild American military might and alliances. They reject international trade bargains built on concepts of “managed trade” where select industry insiders with political clout are favored in lieu of a true free trade arrangement. They want to secure America’s borders and ensure that the United States does not become a haven for terrorists.

Rhetoric from Republican candidates other than Trump consistently falls flat when it reaches the ears of Trump supporters because Trump’s supporters are a new breed. They are comprised of all of the disaffected Republicans, conservative Democrats, and conservative-leaning Independents. Trump is the voice for many who abandoned voting altogether out of disgust over all things Washington. He has caused them to come back into politics in droves. That factor is one that raises the most fear among Democrats. Trump is unpredictable in all respects but one, i.e., his ability to inspire those outside of the electorate to become a part of his political movement and vote for the first time in years, if not for the first time ever.

Fundamentally Trump’s supporters are fed up with all things characteristics of the Washington establishment. They do not want a candidate who can eloquently articulate viewpoints pleasing to their ears because they have watched politician after politician do that, then assume elected office only to betray the promises made. They want someone who has neither financial nor political ties to those in power, who will restore American greatness by courageously and unrelentingly breaking down all barriers to that greatness erected by those now in power and their cronies in the market. In short, they mean to take down the protectionist government that is, unleash the power of the private sector to restore American greatness, erect immigration limits and border security capable of stemming the flow of illegal aliens and terrorists, and rebuild American military might and power in the world. For that revolution, they seek a private sector titan not beholden to the Washington establishment. Trump perfectly fits that bill.

In Trump, they find a person who speaks his mind fearlessly; who stands toe to toe with those tied to the Washington establishment and has no problem directly exposing their duplicity and weakness; who promises to shake things up in Washington such that barriers to economic growth, border protection, and a strong national defense are eliminated; who promises lower tax rates for corporations and individuals; and who plans to free the market rather than regulate it in politically preferred directions.

At root, Trump supporters are not ignorant, as their opponents like to believe they are. Rather, they have a very cogent reason for supporting Donald Trump, one that entirely eludes the media. They know that Trump appreciates well that America is in dire straits and will continue to lose its stature and its economic and military power unless major changes are implemented immediately. They know that Trump will bring about that major change by using the same meat cleaver approach in Washington that he has used successfully in business and in his presidential campaign. If you are in Trump’s way, he will bulldoze you down. If you attack America under Trump, you are attacking him personally, and he will make you pay for it. He appreciates the significance of the nation’s massive debt, of its prolific regulation that stifles competition, of its abandonment of America’s defenses and vital interests in the world, and of its refusal to annihilate its terrorist foes. He promises to make America great again, and he means to do it whether the Washington establishment agrees with his approach or not. He intends to overcome opposition not by violating the Constitution (not by issuing executive orders that trench on the law making power of Congress) but by using the bully pulpit of the Presidency to brow beat into submission anyone in Congress or in the administrative agencies who stands in his way. He will work with Congress by working to defeat those in Congress who will stand in the way of restoring American greatness. He is dead serious, not a carnival barker or superficial actor as his opponents are fond of describing him.

Trump’s supporters realize that the only way to save the nation from the corruption, the abuse of power, and the self-aggrandizement that characterizes the Washington that is, the Washington now maintained by Democrats and Republicans alike, is to bring into the presidency an outsider not beholden to anyone in power who can lead a movement to create a new power structure. To do that requires a very strong leader, one not beholden to those who have either promoted or condoned the existence of corrupt government and one who does not care what the media or anyone else thinks of him.

The more politicians claim Trump to be a closet liberal, a brat with a temper, or a person woefully lacking in political experience, the more they reveal how strong Trump’s Teflon is. Each attack gives way to a lambasting from Trump against the attacker, a lambasting which, by contrast with the original attack, is blunt and direct, an unvarnished reflection of what Trump really thinks. It is the tough and direct persona of Trump that engenders support, not the extent to which he is accurate, representative of conservative thinking, or versed in every nuance of law and policy. The amazing fact is that Trump supporters often do not agree with everything he says but credit him for speaking his mind rather than engaging in tortured and illogical rhetoric that appeases critics. His supporters understand him to be a tough, no-nonsense executive who will force change in Washington, bringing about a reduction in regulation essential for the restoration of a free market and the resuscitation of the rule of law.

Trump is viewed as unapologetic, strong, and sincere, a man who gets things done rather than prattles on about what he will do without a sincere interest in doing what he says and without the stamina required to withstand stiff opposition. Trump is the antithesis of political correctness. Trump supporters are fed up with groomed politicians who profess to be possessed of an elite knowledge and skill but who do nothing consequential in office. They want to remove government from the control of the political class and vest it in those who are from outside the realm of politics, who are citizen politicians. They do not accept the legitimacy of the campaigners who hail from the political class and, so, they place little credence in the attacks they level against Trump.

It is likely that Trump will be the Republican nominee unless he falters on his own. He will win most, if not all, of the remaining primaries, including those on the all critical super Tuesday. Some postulate that if Trump’s competitors were to drop out and endorse, say, Marco Rubio, Trump’s vote would remain at 35% with the contender absorbing the remaining 70%, thus defeating Trump. The problem with that calculus is that it assumes that those supporting candidates other than Rubio and Trump would bolt to Rubio if Cruz, Bush, and Carson drop out. It is reasonably likely that a certain percentage of those for Cruz, Bush, and Carson would go to Trump, making it difficult for Rubio to overcome the Trump advantage. They also assume that this altruistic desire is a part of Cruz, Bush, and Carson. Rather, it is more likely that Bush and Carson will fall out and Cruz and Rubio will remain in, at least past Super Tuesday, and by then the overwhelming momentum is likely to favor Trump. Moreover, who knows what Trump’s meat cleaver will do to Cruz and Rubio by the end of March.

The only way to defeat Trump is likely by word or deed of Trump himself, not by word or deed of anyone else. This is indeed the year of the anti-establishment voter, and Trump is deftly riding that wave to the consternation and misapprehension of his opponents. The media and politicians are in large measure bewildered by the Trump phenomenon because they have yet to grasp that Trump support is indeed deep, not superficial.

Voters are infuriated by the chronic abuse heaped upon the free market, the military, and the people by a government that serves the governors, not the governed. They want an end to government for the welfare of those who are elected and for the welfare of those in cahoots with the elected. They want a return to a free enterprise economy in which government is securely out of the way. They want a restoration of American power in the world. They want American resolve to be unquestioned in defense of the nation’s interests. They want American force to be overwhelming when applied to eliminate all who threaten the lives and property of Americans. They want a nation secured by impervious borders and a robust Second Amendment. Trump champions those causes proudly without qualification, apology, or politically correct language. That is why he may well be the Republican nominee and why he may well become the next President of the United States.

© 2016 Jonathan W. Emord – All Rights Reserved

Anchor baby, Marco Rubio armed Benghazi rebels

Senator Jacob Howardwho introduced the 14th Amendment’s citizenship clause, said its grant of citizenship would not include persons born in the United States who are foreigners or aliens.

The Record Rubio Wants Forgotten

Arming Libyan Rebels

celebrated with the rebels they helped to arm, just a year before these rebels attacked the embassy in Benghazi. We know the rest of the story.

Rubio and H-1B Visas

Link] Moore says Trump is the only one who is standing up to bullies. Dena Moore never realized the laws which were being passed bringing in low wage foreigners to replace American’s jobs.

In 2015, Rubio introduced a bill to triple the number of H-1B visas. This bill—known as the I-Squared bill— was endorsed by Disney CEO, Bob Iger, via his immigration lobbying firm. Disney is also one of Sen. Rubio’s biggest financial boosters– having donated more than $2 million according to Open Secrets.

Donald Trump has taken the opposite stand, exposing what Rubio has done to American workers and calling on Disney to rehire the Americans.

Rubio Loves Amnesty

To win in the 2010 Tea Party Wave, Rubio ran as the anti-amnesty candidate despite an aggressive pro-amnesty record. Politico reports:

Gang of Eight” bill which was amnesty on steroids. It wasn’t surprising, and every single Democrat and liberal in Congress voted for it. However, if the Florida voters had been listening closely prior to electing Marco, they’d have heard him slamming Arizona’s SB 1070 anti-amnesty bill of 2010. Rubio actually likened the bill to creating a “police state.”

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

Chris Crane is ICE Council President, he is a former Marine, and has served with ICE for 13 years. In a recent Breitbart article, Crane tells of his dealings with Gang of Eight, Rubio. Crane was actually ejected from a Gang of Eight press conference, where he tried to ask questions.

He was integral in stopping this legislation from passing, and Sen. Jeff Sessions says it was a near miss.

The Gang of Eight reached out to big business and amnesty lobbyists in writing this horrendous bill, but never reached out to law enforcement. Crane said he never called on law enforcement personnel to tell what is needed and what they go through day after day.

Finally Crane was allowed to meet with Rubio and told him the changes which needed to be made, and Rubio stated he would make those changes. Not one of the changes suggested by law enforcement made it into the bill before Rubio introduced it.

Much more happened when Officer Crane tried to ask questions of the Gang of Eight, at a press conference, and was booed down by pro-amnesty people and ushered out by law enforcement with nary a word from Rubio or any of the other politicians.

But Sen. Rubio and the Gang of Eight gave ICE no additional resources. Why? Because they don’t want interior enforcement. Or I should say the Chamber of Commerce and other special interests involved in writing Sen. Rubio’s bill don’t want interior enforcement.

Last year, ICE was ranked 314th—or dead last— in morale among 314 federal agencies surveyed by the Office of Personnel Management. Survey data for this year indicates morale at ICE continued to drop this year, even though ICE ranked 318 out of 320 agencies surveyed.

ICE is literally crumbling from within, but efforts by Sen. Rubio and the Gang of Eight were clearly more focused on legalizing criminals than assisting this agency in turmoil.


Restore “Washington’s Birthday” holiday

Repeal Uniform Monday Holiday Act

February 22, 2016, is the 284th anniversary of the birth of George Washington in 1732. He should be honored on his actual birthday: February 22, not another day for the three-day holiday convenience of alleged “public servants” in government employment. Nor should Washington be lumped in with other, less deserving presidents in a concocted “Presidents Day.”

I believe George Washington, the “Father Of His [Our] Country,” to be the greatest of all Americans. He set an enduring example of fidelity to God and Country. He should be known, remembered, and honored, by Americans of this and and future generations, as he was by his contemporaries in the generation of the Founding Fathers at the genesis of America.

Therefore, I urge support for the proposition that the holiday now known as “Presidents Day,” and observed on the third Monday of February, as a result of the “Uniform Monday Holiday Act” of 1971, be repealed, and the holiday known as “Washington’s Birthday” honoring George Washington be reinstated and observed on February 22, the actual date of his birth.

In support, I submit for your consideration the following comments, annual February 22 of renown author and patriot William J. Federer on his which provides information and evidence of who George Washington was, and what he believed, in Washington’s own words, as well as international praise of him in his era.

George Washington was the most admired American by the Americans of the Founding Generation who created the free, democratic republic of America: “First in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen,” as Washington was described by Revolutionary War hero Henry (“Light Horse Harry”) Lee.

Washington set an enduring example by his conduct as Commanding General of the American Revolutionary Army in the War of Independence, 1776-1883, and in following years when he was elected president of the Constitutional Convention and thereafter the First President of United States.

He set perhaps an even greater example by walking away from power and returning home to Virginia as a private citizen after his second term, refusing offers that he be president for life.

His act of humbly declining power as President and returning home stunned the world, in which the United States was then the only republic in a world of monarchs and potentates. He was hailed as a (then) modern “Cincinnatus,” the Roman general who walked away from imperial power when Rome ruled the world. When others grasped for power—then and now—George Washington, singularly, relinquished power, setting an unprecedented example of duty, honor, country, first.

After his death on Dec. 14, 1799, George Washington was hailed in the western world as “the greatest man of his age.” Even Napoleon, who had no small estimation of his own greatness, deferred to Washington, saying (on Feb. 9, 1800) : “This great man fought against tyranny; he established the liberty of his country. His memory will always be dear to the French people, as it will be to all freemen of the two worlds.”

Americans once believed those words. George Washington was the first American to be honored with a federal holiday. “Washington’s Birthday” was established by Act of Congress in 1879. The “Washington’s Birthday” holiday was observed on the anniversary of Washington’s birthday, February 22, until Congress, putting the care, comfort and convenience government employees first, adopted the “Uniform Monday Holiday Act,” which became effective on Jan. 1, 1971.

That Act effectively subordinated remembrance of the example of George Washington’s life, and maintaining or inculcating those virtues in the national character, especially of the young, and immigrants who would be Americans, for the higher purpose of insuring that federal and other government employees will have nice three-day weekend holidays, while the rest of the country goes to work.

“Washington’s Birthday” holiday was in effect abolished from national consciousness in the 1980’s, when the the holiday was renamed “President’s Day,” submerging America’s greatest president, George Washington, into an undifferentiated mass of competent men and con men, the good, the bad, the ugly, the avaricious, meretricious, and salacious, who have managed, often by hook and crook, and lying through their teeth, to get themselves elected President.

For example of why Washington should not be lumped with others, excuse me for possible political incorrectness or insult to socialists, communists, Black Lies Matter adherents, or other haters of America seeking to take it over, in stating that in my opinion, it is a very long road from George Washington to Barack Hussein Obama, and all down hill.

Concisely stated: It is the singular, unprecedented virtues, character, and example of George Washington which ought to be remembered and honored singularly, on his actual birthday, February 22.

Therefore, let us Americans of this generation demand that Congress restore the “Washington’s Birthday Holiday to be observed on February 22, annually, the actual birth date of George Washington, no matter the lamentations of government bureaucrats and employees who may suffer the oppression of one less three-day weekend holiday.

2016 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

Texas republican party, Cruz, and Rubio commit election fraud

As I covered in my last several columns, the issue of Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio’s constitutional ineligibility continues to be ignored by a corrupt ‘mainstream’ media as well as cable ‘news’ networks. Reporting on the definition of a ‘natural born citizen’ seems to be beyond the understanding of reporters and other ‘experts’ like gas bag, Bill O’Reilly, sounding off. But they all, including FOX, have agendas so why let truth or the U.S. Constitution get in the way?

Any suggestion that Ted Cruz is ineligible – Rubio mysteriously being left out of the equation 95% of the time – is nothing more than conspiracy theories. Ted Cruz is the final authority while Rubio breathes a sigh of relief the spotlight hasn’t been focused on him – except by those of us who demand the U.S. Constitution be upheld.

This is the same garbage from the media we saw in 2008 & 2012 when the appropriate question came up regarding the fraud in the White House and his eligibility:

Dual citizenship may pose problem if Ted Cruz seeks presidency, The Dallas Morning News (Snooze)

WASHINGTON — “Born in Canada to an American mother, Ted Cruz became an instant U.S. citizen. But under Canadian law, he also became a citizen of that country the moment he was born. Unless the Texas Republican senator formally renounces that citizenship, he will remain a citizen of both countries, legal experts say…“He’s a Canadian,” said Toronto lawyer Stephen Green, past chairman of the Canadian Bar Association’s Citizenship and Immigration Section.

“The circumstances of Cruz’s birth have fueled a simmering debate over his eligibility to run for president. Knowingly or not, dual citizenship is an apparent if inconvenient truth for the tea party firebrand, who shows every sign he’s angling for the White House. “Senator Cruz became a U.S. citizen at birth, and he never had to go through a naturalization process after birth to become a U.S. citizen,” said spokeswoman Catherine Frazier. “To our knowledge, he never had Canadian citizenship.”

That was in 2013. Catherine Frazier was Cruz’s mouthpiece at the time. I had to take a double look at her comment, “To our knowledge, he never had Canadian citizenship”. Really, Ms. Frazier? You made that statement August 18, 2013, at the same time the past Chairman of Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Section said Cruz was Canadian.

Ted Cruz to renounce Canadian citizenship ‘soon’, January 5, 2014: “Canada-born U.S. Senator Ted Cruz has yet to renounce his birth country’s citizenship as promised — but a spokeswoman says the conservative tea party favourite plans to finish the process soon. Catherine Frazier, a spokeswoman for the junior senator from Texas, said Saturday that lawyers are preparing the necessary paperwork.”

Oh, my. In August 2013, Catherine Frazier said Cruz had never held Canadian citizenship. However, less than five months later Cruz’s lawyers are preparing the paperwork for Cruz to renounce his Canadian citizenship. I wonder if Ms. Frazier practices the art of lying in front of a mirror? She certainly has a good role model in Ted Cruz.

Supporters of Cruz and Rubio either don’t want to hear the truth or simply don’t care. Activists in states like New Hampshire and South Carolina who have attended many of their events send me email at how frustrating it is when they ask supporters why they don’t seem to care their candidate is not constitutionally eligible? Responses vary from Ted Cruz is a lawyer, he knows the law and says the law is well settled to “Buzz off birther. No one cares what you have to say”.

Rubio supporters ask the $64k dollar question upchuck it’s all a planned attack by Trump supporters. Two that were politely ask about this important issue said Rubio is eligible because his parents are U.S. citizens. Somehow those faithful don’t understand simple English: natural born citizen. Born being the key word here. Rubio’s parents being foreign nationals at the time of Rubio’s birth. Rubio’s parents becoming U.S. citizens when little Marco was four years old does not equate to natural born; their actions came after the legal time frame.

Ted Cruz: What we know to be provable facts. At the time of his birth his mother was a U.S. citizen, his father (like the criminal impostor in the White House) was a foreign national. We now know Cruz could not claim dual citizenship under Canadian law because at the time of his birth, 1970, Canada did not recognize dual citizenship. That loosening of citizenship in Canada did not come about until 1977. Ted Cruz was a full Canadian citizen at the time of his birth.

There is no evidence Cruz’s parents filed a CRBA or Consulate Report of Birth Aboard. Why is that important?

Birth of U.S. Citizens Abroad – US Passports & International Travel

“A child born abroad to a U.S. citizen parent or parents may acquire U.S. citizenship at birth if certain statutory requirements are met. The child’s parents should contact the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate to apply for a Consular Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States of America (CRBA) to document that the child is a U.S. citizen. If the U.S. embassy or consulate determines that the child acquired U.S. citizenship at birth, a consular officer will approve the CRBA application and the Department of State will issue a CRBA, also called a Form FS-240, in the child’s name.

“According to U.S. law, a CRBA is proof of U.S. citizenship and may be used to obtain a U.S. passport and register for school, among other purposes.”

To date, Cruz refuses to release a certified – as in not another forgery like Barry Obama’s birth certificate – copy of the CRBA his mother allegedly filed. Oh, that’s right. Remember what Ms. Frazier said above: “…he never had to go through a naturalization process after birth to become a U.S. citizen.”

If there is no CRBA, how could Ted Cruz have legally entered the U.S.? According to Cruz’s mouthpieces, Cruz was issued a passport in 1986 for a school field trip. If that’s the case, under what citizenship did Cruz obtain a passport? Canadian or U.S.? If his parents never filed a CRBA making Cruz a U.S. citizen, did he enter the US illegally? If he never went through the naturalization process by his parents submitting a Consular Report of Birth Abroad and he’s no longer a Canadian citizen, just what country does Cruz claim citizenship under?

Ted Cruz has worked hard at cementing an image of integrity and honesty. We know that was partially blown to bits by the hit job he and his minions did on Dr. Ben Carson in Iowa. If Cruz has nothing to hide, release the CRBA so at least we can see that at some point – too late to be a natural BORN citizen – he actually became a U.S. citizen.

Several lawsuits have been filed against Secretaries of State

New Yorkers sue to boot Ted Cruz from ballot because he was born in Canada. Unfortunately, the two plaintiffs are rolling the dice on Cruz being born in Canada as the sole disqualifying factor. It is not and likely the Board of Elections, because they are equally as ignorant as the corrupt media in this country (excluding ‘alternative’ media reporting accurately on this issue) will likely throw it out.

Case against Ted Cruz’s eligibility to be heard in Illinois on Friday (February 19, 2016): “Lawrence Joyce, an Illinois voter who has objected to Cruz’s placement on the Illinois primary ballot next month, will have his case heard in the Circuit Court of Cook County in Chicago. Joyce’s previous objection, made to the state’s Board of Elections, was dismissed on February 1.” I was unable to find a ruling before cut off time to submit this column.

As I encouraged everyone to do, I wrote to our Secretary of State; no reply but I’m sure a few months down the line I’ll get a form letter. It appears, the same as 2008 & 2012, that Secretaries of States already challenged on this issue have neither the intellect or the courage to to do their jobs regarding an ineligible candidate(s) being put on the ballot – so far. Gutless elected officials who hide behind excuses like it’s not their job; I already covered this in my last column.

(More than a dozen individuals e-mailed and ask me to send them a copy of my letter. I’m sorry, but I have no staff to deal with the enormous number of emails I receive everyday, many with individual requests. A letter doesn’t have to be particularly long and easiest is to include an article or two with the most factual information on this issue. )

I see the handwriting on the wall continuing to pursue gutless Secretaries of States so I think it’s time to try a different elected official. For me, that is the Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton. I had intended to get my letter out to him last week, but my husband passed away in his sleep, February 6, 2016. It was a huge shock. It’s been very difficult dealing with his passing and all the legal issues that need to be addressed. However, one thing that helps is to keep doing what I always do and that is bringing the truth to the light of day and doing whatever I can to force a resolution to a problem.

A State Attorney General is the top law enforcement officer in each state. The job of a State Attorney General is to investigate fraud and that means election fraud since we’re already seeing the same as 2008 & 2012. Secretaries of States refusing to do their job regarding an ineligible candidate(s) being put on the ballot because it’s all about politics.

In order for Cruz and Rubio to appear on the primary ballot here in Texas they first had to file as candidates with The Texas Republican Party, which they did. The Texas GOP has an application for president (click on Presidential Ballot Application). On the first page of the application to be filled out by the candidate it reads the candidate swears he is a natural born citizen of the Untied States and eligible to hold that office.

The Texas Republican Party accepted two sworn applications, one by Cruz and one by Rubio, without bothering to verify whether or not either candidate was truthful. By submitting Cruz & Rubio’s names to the Texas Secretary of State for the primary now underway the Texas Republican Party is guilty of fraud since neither candidate is eligible. Cruz and Rubio swore on their applications they are natural born citizens and since they not they both committed election fraud.

Don’t tell me Ted Cruz, a Princeton and Haaavard law grad, who also served as a law clerk to William Rehnquist, Chief Justice of the United States in 1996 and Solicitor General for the State of Texas believes he is a natural born citizen. Cruz knew his dual citizenship from being born in Canada (which we now know he never had because Canada did not recognize dual citizenship at the time Teddy was born) was going to be a problem and that such a citizenship status would impact him under the definition of natural born citizen. Cruz is too intelligent not to know he’s ineligible.

I firmly believe Cruz knows his party allowed Barry Obama to get away with usurping the office of president, so why should he worry the Republican Party wouldn’t cover his backside? The GOP knows the massive repercussions of comparing Cruz to Obama and their citizenship problem so they’re willing, once again, to turn a blind eye and crap on the U.S. Constitution. Cruz persists with his deliberate misrepresentations in the hope that if he says it often enough people will be believe it to be true: Ted Cruz Misrepresents the Law and His Being a Natural Born Citizen at Town Hall Meeting

[By the way, a devout Cruz supporter, ‘conservative’ talk show host, Mark Levin, has agreed to debate anyone he deems credible over the issue of natural born. I nominate Mario Apuzzo (author of the piece above). If you’d like to contact Levin and request Mario as the person to debate send your message: @marklevinshow]

Rubio on the other hand has never struck me as being very intelligent and has been the butt of endless jokes following one of the debates because of his constant repeating of the same punch lines. Think Rubio hasn’t been confronted about both of his parents being foreign nationals at the time of his birth? Think his legal people haven’t looked into it? Hogwash. As I said above, for the most part Rubio has managed to stay in the wings and let Cruz take big heat on the issue of eligibility. But, make no mistake: Rubio is looking over his shoulder just waiting for Trump to strike.

I encourage you to write your Attorney General demanding charges are brought against the GOP [Your state], Cruz and Rubio for fraud. Their names should not be on the ballot. Does the truth matter anymore Mr. Attorney General? Are party interests (our AG is a Republican) more important than the truth and the U.S. Constitution, Mr. Attorney General? The American people are fed up with the lies and fraud involving our elections. Your office has the authority to go after those who violate the law. Putting an ineligible candidate on the ballot is a violation of election law and I don’t care who the candidate is, no one is above the law.

Use some of the paragraphs in this column if you want and include one or all three of the items below with your letter. It’s easy to just cut and paste into a word processor with full credit to the author. Tell your AG that neither Cruz nor Rubio meet constitutional requirements to be on the ballot. Don’t think it’s a waste of time. You are putting the AG on notice that we the people know the truth and when you run for reelection don’t be surprised when you lose your next primary. It’s also important to provide State Attorney Generals (I also have a duplicate package to go to Gov. Greg Abbott) with factual legal conclusions regarding what a natural born citizen is for what I call an education effort.

* A Citizen is One Thing, But a Natural Born Citizen is Another
* The Natural Born Citizen Clause of Our U.S. Constitution Requires that Both of the Child’s Parents Be U.S. Citizens At the Time of Birth
* Senator Ted Cruz Is Not a “Natural Born Citizen” and Therefore Not Eligible to be President

Of course, the one person with the financial means and juice to force this issue is Donald Trump. If Trump began legal proceedings against the state Attorney Generals and Secretaries of State, those two elected officials would not be able to ignore Trump as they do we the people who mean nothing but votes to them.

Perhaps the outcome of the South Carolina primary might have an effect on Trump and possible legal action. Jeb! Bush finally decided no one except his family and big money donors who expect favors down the line (ambassadorships, cabinet posts or signing favorable legislation into law) was interested in anything he had to say. His cardboard demeanor throughout his run never really connected with voters, I don’t think, not to mention this country is fed up with phony political ‘dynasties’.

John Kasich, who never upheld his oath of office while in Congress or introduced a single bill to kill the cancers killing America says he’s staying in the race so he can continue listening to the sound of his own voice and spreading compassion. Dr. Ben Carson, while not qualified to be president, bless his heart is staying in the race for now. Dr. Carson has done this country a great service by running because his lifetime achievements and experience gives hope to black Americans across this country that the message of failure and dependency pushed by the Democratic/Communist Party USA is toxic and that through education and hard work, they, too, can be the best instead of ‘victims’ of the white race.

That leaves Trump, Cruz and Rubio. How obscene two out of three front runners in the race for the White House are constitutionally ineligible and not a single Republican in the GOP hierarchy, including the Republican National Committee, gives a damn about the U.S. Constitution. Republican higher ups allowed a constitutionally ineligible candidate, a Manchurian Candidate if there ever was one to “win” the presidency twice. A fraud who usurped the office of president that has wreaked massive damage to this country over the past seven years. Now it’s one of their own and the hell with the Constitution.

Those same Republican cowards wonder why Donald Trump is cleaning their clock? Millions of Americans know the truth about Barry Obama and through their voting – besides Trump’s positive message – are telling Republican elites to go to Hell for their betrayal by allowing a Marxist traitor to squat in the White House all these years.

[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]

© 2016 – and Devvy – All Rights Reserve

Donald J. Trump, born in the USA

my latest article, was published by I’ve received permission from three people to use their letters to me. I think you’ll enjoy them.

Natural Born Citizen

has agreed to hear a lawsuit on Senator Ted Cruz’s eligibility for president. This virtually ensures that the issue will dominate the news in the run-up in the South Carolina primary.

The best thing that could happen, is that the court would receive copies of Emer de Vattel’s The Law of Nations. I wish someone would get a copy to Mr. Trump as well. Retired attorney, and Constitutional expert, Publius Huldah, has given us a superb explanation of “Natural Born Citizen.” It is only 12 minutes long and describes the law perfectly. Watch it here

Again, I wish Mr. Trump could listen to this. Remember, the bottom line for eligibility to run for President or Vice President is that you must be born of two American citizen parents. 

Trump Loves Veterans, and Veterans Love Trump

From the Honorable Allen B. Clark, Lay Minister to Veterans, came a lovely compliment and a heart wrenching note. 

Allen Clark has written two books, Valor in Vietnam, and Wounded Soldier, Healing Warrior. He also has two websites, and Check them out, they look terrific!

The War We Fight

Pocket Resource for Christians, Rattlesnake Road, Exiled: The Story of John Lathrop 1584-1653, and Namesake: Seeking the Living Christ

The Great and Abominable Church of the Devil by H. Verlan Andersen), ‘God may judge all men by their political beliefs.’ The author goes on to say that ‘our political philosophy is a reliable measure of [our] moral character.’ The book does not have to do with any organized religion, but everything to do with freedom vs. slavery and how good people get duped into buying into the lies. The author is dead now, but he would be firmly against the NWO which is anti-Christian, anti-freedom, anti-family, anti-Constitution, and pro-communism, pro-world rule, and pro-controlling the people and denying them liberty.”


When folks like Dennis Kelly, Allen Clark, and Helene Holt write to me, it keeps me doing what I do. It fills me with hope to know that so many, besides these three, support and love Donald Trump, and that he is filling a void, and he resonates with so very many Americans.

It also makes me weep to know there are so many wonderful Americans just like me. I received many letters in response to the article, SC GOP Leader Says Trump Has Supernatural Power Behind Him, and all but one were very positive about Donald Trump.

The burns Oregon report from a pastor

I was blessed this week to spend time with patriots in Burns Oregon. The morning after arriving the encampment at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge came to an end. So that night there were still TV trucks at the building where I was to speak. What sparked all these events is the essential issue of who owns the land.

As you know if you’ve watched my Federal Land Grab video, the Federal Government has no business in owning or controlling any of that land, it has no constitutional authority from We the People to regulate, control, let alone own any of it at all. So all the actions on the part of the Federals are plain and simple – criminal acts on the part of a lawless regime which cares nothing but for the increase of its raw power as it steals more and more land. And quite clearly it is willing to falsely imprison and even kill to accomplish its evil agenda.

I met with some precious people there, some ranchers whose families have been working the land for more than a century. We met with family members of Steve and Dwight Hammond – the two ranchers in prison for five years for a supposed Federal crime. They were charged with arson, but as I shared with the crowd Thursday evening there in Burns, there is no Federal crime of arson. As Thomas Jefferson clearly wrote in the Kentucky Resolves, our Constitution only allows five Federal crimes, actions for which the Federal government can prosecute someone, and arson is not on the list.

One thing is clear to everyone there in Burns, a grave injustice has been done to the Hammonds. They were not tried by a jury of their peers, the citizens of Burns, but way off in the far Northeast corner of the State by a jury who didn’t understand the challenges of life on the range, nor the character of the Hammonds.

In addition the the jury were misinformed, they were not properly instructed by the judge that as a true American jury they are to judge the law as well as the facts and if they find the law defective then they are to acquit the accused. In addition American juries are to judge of the justice of the punishment; if the punishment did not fit the crime (eg. 5 years for setting a back fire to protect your property) then they are also to acquit. They could look at the punishment and determine if a greater injustice would be done by the over reaching punishment than just to simply let the accused go free.

What took place there is a travesty, a gross miscarriage of justice. And a Christians we ought to be very concerned when our government goes about the land committing grave acts of injustice. If this is a government of the people, by the people and for that people and we allow injustice to go unchallenged, then we’ve become part of that system of injustice.

Learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2016 Rev. David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

Scalia: was it murder or a natural death?

The improper and frankly illegal assertion of a non-possessed authority to circumvent the proper investigative procedures into the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia must be dealt with by the sternest of measures to prevent other cases of unasked for and non-officially approved interventions into properly conducted investigations of questionable deaths. This must be dealt with in the sternest of terms. A set sequence of steps, part of larger program, in the investigation of questionable deaths must be adhered to and not be altered.

Pronouncements based upon assumptions

The fact that Justice Scalia had previous health problems has no bearing on anything. The judge because of his political views and strict Constitutional leanings most certainly had (quite possibly) many thousands of political enemies. And, as we most certainly know, political enemies can be dangerous. Four sitting presidents have been assassinated, by assassins of differing political policy views other than their victims. As we know from these assassinations, and the attempt at several others, political enemies can be extremely dangerous!

I Can’t Believe the News Reports

I read today that the sheriff and U.S. Marshal for this Texas jurisdiction visited the death scene and viewed the body. Then allowed that the Judge had died of natural causes, how they reached that conclusion completely baffles me!

A post mortem investigation is a lengthy process that is carried out by experts in the medico-legal field. The internal organs must be viewed, weighed, and microscopically examined. Specimens must be collected and cataloged. Toxicology tests must be done on the body fluids, blood, etc. All of which must be completed by a Forensic Pathologist precisely trained for the work. To presume that the remains have only to be viewed to determine the manner and cause of death is a folly, and if used to determine the cause of death will enable the success of murderers. It is unbelievable that law enforcement officers and justice officials would believe such, and even more incredible that they would use such sloppy practices in their professions.

Well, was the death caused by Murder or by natural causes?

It would bring much peace of mind, I am sure, that the cause of death was due to natural causes, but we’ll never know will we…

This due to the intervention into what was not theirs to intervene, a handful of full of themselves local minor officials. They might think that their misguided interference and interposition of legal authority was the compassionate thing to do, but the real truth is that a murderer may have been set free to kill again. How would these or anyone else know differently? The answer is that they wouldn’t. Justice would have been prevented by amateurs that had no business interfering with a proper investigation.

I hope their conscience will not be peaceful should somehow it be revealed that this good man and servant turnout somehow to have been the victim of a political assassin. Maybe they will have learned to let the experts handle such cases in the future, but they are feeling so good about their misguided intervention, I sincerely doubt that they have any idea of the damage they may have done.

2016 – Jim R. Schwiesow – All Rights Reserved

Pope Francis VS. Donald Trump

… and the winner is…

The conversation started with unwarranted comments from the Holy Father, Pope Francis. The Pope’s comments stirred the very roots of the mainstream media. It seemed all they could talk about on Thursday, February 18, 2016

“A person who thinks only about building walls, whatever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian. This is not the gospel.” —Pope Francis talks about Donald Trump’s plans to build a wall between the U.S./Mexican border, 2/17/2016

“It is hypocritical to teach one thing while concurrently supporting its opposite.” —Marilyn MacGruder Barnewall,, 9/27/2015.

I made the above comment September 2015 in an article that was an open letter to Pope Francis regarding the catechism of the Catholic church which teaches adherents of the faith that when adopting a new nation as “home,” the laws of the new nation must be followed. When someone enters the United States illegally, they first thing they do is violate our laws. Thus, it is hypocritical for the Catholic church to teach one thing and for the Pope to recommend something different from what the church teaches.

In addition to being hypocritical in his comments, the Pope ignored Biblical commentary that says “Judge not lest ye be judged” when he decided it was okay for him to declare Donald Trump a non-Christian without even knowing him.

Did he actually say Donald Trump is not a Christian? No. Read his comment above. He did not say that. The Pope was, however, responding to a specific question from the media about Donald Trump’s proposal to end illegal immigration. Thus, the comment was specifically directed at the Donald.

The media flew into immediate “we have a legitimate anti-Trump story… let’s see who can get it published first” mode. The problem is, it is not a legitimate anti-Trump story. It is a legitimate anti-Republican candidate story because every person running for the American presidency supports the building of a wall to stop the out-of-control flow of people entering freely into the United States across the Rio Grande River.

The media chose to make it a Trump story because it fills their need to help convince the American people that Donald Trump would not make a satisfactory President. They don’t like him. They want an establishment candidate like Marco Rubio or John Kasich.

So, what the media is telling you is untrue – no unusual surprise there. It is a lie that the Pope says Donald Trump is not a Christian. What the Pope said is far more serious than that.

The Pope, whether or not he intended to, said that all Republican candidates who believe a wall needs to be built to halt illegal aliens from entering our nation and bringing with them disease, poverty, threats of violence, and cowardly refusal to clean up their own governments (they prefer to run away) are not Christians. It is not Christian for Americans to want to stop the flow of illegal drugs – drugs that kill so many young people physically, mentally and, yes, Pope Francis, spiritually – into our country. It is also not Christian to do what we can to stop the murder of innocent American women on San Francisco wharfs, I guess.

The Pope also said I’m not a Christian – and neither are you if you believe we need a Trump-recommended wall to secure our nation from those who would enter illegally. If you are a Christian and you buy off on that pap… what’s wrong with you?

Some commentators just couldn’t resist the opportunity to stick it to the presidential candidate who they just don’t get. They are all shaking their heads… what Trump says should be (from journalists’ perspectives) turning off the American public. Instead, his poll numbers go up every time they say “Well, he’s done it now… his numbers will go down.”

The media is insulated from the true and deep anger of the American people. They do not understand that when Trump says “There were no weapons of mass destruction,” many millions of Americans believe he’s right. Journalists do not have the slightest idea that those millions of Americans also believe the U.S. Government is somehow complicit in 9/11; so when someone mentions it, journalists think it’s being said by a conspiracy nut. They don’t understand that when the Pope says all people who believe we need a wall to secure our nation are not Christians, it upsets more than a little bit those who believe themselves to be Christians but think we need to stop illegal immigration.

“You have people coming in, and I’m not just saying Mexicans – I’m talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists, and they’re coming into this country,” Trump told Jake Tapper at CNN last June. It is a message that resonates with the American people because it is true. Trump has previously stated that the Pope has no understanding of the dangers of America’s open border with Mexico. He is right.

Prior to the Pope’s departure for Mexico, Trump called the Pope “a very political person.” Frankly, I think the Pope should return to the Vatican and straighten out all of the money laundering and other banking problems in the country where he controls policies before he tells America how to run ours and defines for us who is a Christian and who is not.

Bear in mind as you read this material, there is no nation-state in the world with higher walls around it than the Vatican. Those walls kept the Nazis out of the Vatican during World War II just as they would keep drug-dealing criminals out of America today.

When, Pope Francis, will you open your doors… or, at the very least, use your influence to get governments around the world to open buildings owned by the Catholic Church so Muslim immigrants can move in and enjoy freedom and Muslim worship services?

When will the Vatican begin accepting immigrants who run away from chaos and tyranny, from death and destruction, to seek asylum in a country safer than the war-torn piece of land they seek to leave? Surely the Pope would not suggest other nations make sacrifices that are unacceptable to him? That, too, would be hypocritical. What will the Papal reaction be when Muslims – most of the ones departing the Middle East appear to be young men, not families – demand “their part of the Vatican” (or Detroit or London or Paris) be governed by Sharia Law?

I may be wrong, but wasn’t it the hypocrisy of the highest-ranking Jewish authorities that allowed (or even perhaps encouraged) the purchase of doves and “soul-saving” memorabilia to be sold on the steps of God’s Temple in Jerusalem? It caused Jesus Christ to display righteous anger and throw the merchants who would market the Lord as if He were a product made by Proctor and Gamble or Microsoft from their Temple lemonade stands. “Oh, ye hypocrites!” were, I believe, Christ’s exact words.

Since the Pope spoke words about anyone who builds walls rather than bridges not being a Christian, and since the Vatican has some of the highest walls around it I’ve ever seen, and since the Pope isn’t inviting the starving masses from the Middle East into the Vatican – there can be no other definition of the Pope regarding this matter: “Hypocrite!”

As a former Catholic, I find those words difficult to say. They are, however, the truth.

Unfortunately, by supporting people who flee tyranny rather than supporting them to effectively fight it, the Catholic church supports a lack of responsibility for fighting tyranny and the tyrants who seek to enslave us all – politically, spiritually, and economically. I believe that is not only wrong, but immoral.

We all need to ponder the words “legal immigration” and “illegal immigration” and the negative impact of illegals on the lawful citizens of all nations… often threatening the survival of the lawful so the unlawful can survive. Is that the Catholic objective? If so, the Pope should make clear his views on this issue so Catholics can, as all members of all religious sects do, re-evaluate whether the Catholic church represents their beliefs.

Do the Pope’s views represent the views of all Catholics? Or, just the Jesuits?
In all humility, the Pope should stop telling others to do that which he is not prepared to do. It damages his and the church’s credibility.

All of the above is based on facts, not opinions… yes, even the use of the word “hypocrite.” One is defined by what one does. But here’s a bit of a conspiracy theory for you to ponder.

Remember St. Malachi? What if St. Malachi’s dream is true? He said there would be 112 more Popes and that the final Pope would lead the Catholic church into apostasy — meaning the abandonment or renunciation of a religious or political belief. Pope Francis is the 112th Pope since St. Malachi had that dream.

What are the necessary elements of a New World Order?

First, the establishment of an international monetary system (the central banks are working hard on that one). Second, some form of international “currency;” (I don’t believe it will be a currency, I believe a system of non-currency will be visited on us worldwide – more on that in another article). Third, an international religion is needed. As the communists once said, religion is an opiate for the masses.

Could it be that Pope Francis is leading the church to apostasy? Does he support illegal immigration and a North American Union as step one in forming an international church and does he envision himself at the head of this “church”?

Pope Francis has certainly raised some interesting questions, some well-deserved anger, some strange judgments about who is and who is not a Christian, and what his possible motives for raising such issues are.

Did Donald Trump err by responding against Papal comments as strongly as he did?

All you need to do to answer that question is to answer this one: Until Trump responded to the Pope, what was the number one news story on Thursday, February 18, 2016? It was South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley’s announced support for presidential candidate Marco Rubio. After Trump’s comments, I heard nothing about Haley choosing to support Rubio. I heard only about how Donald Trump responded to the Pope’s comments.

If you doubt this man is brilliant, you need to look at the facts. He not only got a great deal of support from all Christians – Independents, Republicans and Democrats – for standing up to a Pope who decided he gets to define who is a Christian and who is not – but he took the number one news story away from Marco Rubio and made it his own.

That is brilliant.
2016 Marilyn M. Barnewall – All Rights Reserved

Where is our civilization headed?

Pundit Patrick J. Buchanan wrote a piece titled, “Tribalism returns to Europe” as he chronicled the devastating aspects of multiculturalism in Germany, France, United Kingdom, Denmark, Holland and much of Europe. Buchanan noted that Islam, the most intolerant and violent ideology on the planet, utilizes Western freedoms and laws to upend and defeat the foundation of free speech, democracy and personal choice.

Does any American think Europeans stand a chance of surviving the Muslim hordes flooding into Europe? You read about the rapes, murders and social chaos weekly. But, guess what, America continues importing hundreds of thousands of legal Muslim immigrants annually and stands in the cross hairs of adding another 200,000 Syrian Muslim refugees—who espouse and follow the most violent religion on the planet.

Take a look at this five-minute video by a Swiss congressman with his examination of Islam’s impact on Western countries. It will disturb you as to how fast Islam invades host countries.

Former Colorado Governor Richard D. Lamm said, “If you believe that America is too smug, too self-satisfied, too rich, then let’s destroy America. It is not that hard to do. No nation in history has survived the ravages of time. Arnold Toynbee observed that all great civilizations rise and fall, and that, “An autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide.”

Does any American, whether black, white or Hispanic, think we will survive another 100,000,000 (million) legal immigrants within 30 years? Fact: that’s what’s coming at current immigration levels mandated by Congress. Exactly how do you think we might survive the sheer numbers and the incredible sociological chaos of 100 million third world immigrants from 190 different countries with 190 different worldviews, religions and cultures—let alone languages? The great thinker Kant said, “The two great dividers are: religion and language.”

It brings up this question: Where Is Our Civilization Headed?

I don’t think anyone knows. There’s no plan whatsoever. I don’t think 535 Congressional Critters possess a clue as to what they bequeath to their children; all of our children. Further, they don’t care. If they did, they wouldn’t continue this invasion.

For starters, Toynbee, Lamm and Buchanan possess incredible historical perspective. They see where the United States gallops at breakneck speed.

Jared Diamond wrote a book: Collapse—How Societies Choose to Succeed or Fail. I read the book. We’re on the same path as the Roman Empire, the Myans, Greeks, Troy and even Easter Islanders. You cannot miss the signs. You cannot deny the facts. You cannot escape our realities. But our leaders blindly take us down the same path as Rome, etc. All the while, Americans think the Super Bowl stands as the most important item on their “to do” list.

Good grief: we stand $19 trillion in debt. We pay for 500,000 military personnel on 700 bases around the world—all burning tax dollars while doing nothing for America. We suffer 1.5 million homeless in our cities. We’re billions of dollars in the hole for failing infrastructure in our cities—yet we give billions to other countries in foreign aid. Over 10 million Americans can’t obtain a job, but we import 100,000 legal immigrants, enough to fill the Rose Bowl, every 30 days onto America’s shore. Our schools suffer accelerating failures as kids in Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, Detroit and New York City cannot read or write past the 4th grade level when they “graduate” from high school or quit long before they reach 18.

In my own city of Denver, our kids face 172 different languages in the classrooms. (Source: Denver Post) How does any American school child learn in such linguistic chaos? Answer: they don’t.

Each day, those of us with jobs pay over $600 million in interest on the $19 trillion Federal Debt. But does Congress pay it down? No! It grows it by borrowing over $2 billion daily to float a false economy. We owe China $1.4 trillion in trade imbalances, but our Congress continues “Free Trade” that kills American workers’ jobs.

Nothing logical goes on in our U.S. Congress. No solutions! Most of our 535 Congressional Critters continue as the most corrupt in history. They know it, we know it, but no one will install term limits.

Look at our states. We all pay for 20 to 30 million illegal aliens and their children at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars annually. In fact, the economist Edwin Rubenstein reported that Americans pay out $346 billion in costs for illegal immigrants annually across 15 federal agencies—from anchor babies, to insurance fraud, to medical care, to child care, to free breakfasts and lunches, to ESL courses, to jails, to crime, to shoplifting and on and on.

Where is our civilization headed?

We’re headed for one hell of a fall. We’re headed for one nasty future. We’re headed for civil war with Muslims and perhaps Mexicans. For sure, Muslims! Their prime directive: “Convert or kill all non-believers.” They start civil wars and terror in every country they enter. It’s in their DNA.

We’re headed for third world status. In my world bicycle travels, I learned the single greatest aspect of human misery equated to one word: illiteracy. Illiteracy drives every kind of problem in every third world country. It drives our problems in America because 48 million Americans subsist on food stamps. They can’t secure a job because they offer no qualifications. They’re uneducated and their numbers grow by 100,000 immigrants every 30 days.

For the record, we inject 1.2 million legal immigrants into America annually. Over 91 percent of them immediately land in welfare lines. How much longer can we do this to ourselves?

We face water shortages in sevens states in 2016. We face massive traffic congestion and air pollution. We face horrific environmental consequences—-but we keep adding more immigrants. How completely stupid are we?

We need to change course. We need to shut down all immigration. We need to save ourselves. We need to do it now. Because if we don’t, by 2026, ten years from now, we shall add another 35 million people. It won’t be pretty for anyone.

Call your senators and House rep: 1 202 224 3121. Demand a stop to all immigration and stop to any Syrian immigration.

Definition of slogan: “Immigration Shutdown Now means the American people want a total shutdown on all legal and illegal immigration. That means we want all illegal immigration stopped by arresting, prosecuting and jailing employers of illegal aliens. We deport all illegal aliens by taking their jobs away and as we catch them. We want English mandated as our national language. We demand a cessation of Muslim immigration in order to protect our culture, language and way of life. We can’t save the world but we can destroy our civilization. We demand a stable population that allows everyone to live, work and thrive into the 21st century. Especially our children.” FHW

That’s why you need to take action. Send this series to everyone in your network. Educate them. Urge them to take action by joining these websites to become faxers of prewritten letters and phone callers. We must force Congress into an “Immigration Shutdown Now!

Share these videos all over America: ; ; ; ;

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five minutes to see for yourself.

“Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck
This 10 minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

America: ; ; ;
United Kingdom:
Australia: Sustainable Population Australia

© 2016 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

Democrats’ intellectual dishonesty is Montana’s biggest problem

Republicans and Democrats will always have different opinions on partisan issues. We get that. We can live with that.

Jim Webb, 2016 Democratic presidential candidate correctly said,

The other party is not the enemy. They are the opposition. In our democracy we are lucky to have an opposition, to have honest debate.

Both sides must come together and decide nonpartisan issues on the basis of truth.

Today, I come down on Democrats. First, to show I am fair and balanced, note I have written extensively in support of the nonpartisan CSKT Water Compact. I found Montana was much better served with the Compact than without the Compact, and Republicans who voted against the Compact were intellectually dishonest.

Now that I have made 80 percent of the Republicans in Montana’s 2015 House my opponents, but hopefully not my enemies, I will make opponents of most Democrats.

Today, the Missoulian published an article that reeks of Democratic dishonesty:

“UM professor who shared Nobel for climate work believes UM Foundation should divest its investments in fossil fuels, starting with coal.”

I begin my reply to this dishonest Missoulian article with my “Columbo” moment:

So let me get this straight. UM professor Steve Running, who is a forest ecologist, who has no physics degree but masquerades as an atmospheric physicist, who lies that he shares Al Gore’s Nobel Peace Prize, who lies that a Peace Prize indicates expertise in science, who lies that our CO2 causes dangerous climate change, who does not use the scientific method, and who has no freakin’ idea of how the atmosphere works, now suggests the UM Foundation pull its money from fossil-fuel energy investments because he lies that doing so will help save the planet.

Have I made my point?

Professor Steve Running lies about having a Nobel Prize. The UM promotes his lie. The Missoulian, that should employ credible journalists, promotes his lie. Where do the lies stop?

Elected Democrats have claimed, in my presence, we have a global warming problem because Running said so and Running has a Nobel Prize so his statement means more than schmucks like me who say Running is wrong.

The Democrat’s evangelical promotion of their failed pseudo scientific climate theory is the worst intellectual failure of the Democratic Party. They have made their false belief a premise of their political religion. To them, it is a sin to question it.

These Democrats are as dumb as the kooks who believe our Earth and universe are 6000 years old.

If they were Aztecs they would assure you that cutting out beating hearts and rolling decapitated heads down temple stairs causes rain.

They are so evangelical about their belief in Al Gore’s pathetic version of climate physics that they cannot even have a rational discussion with real climate scientists.

Are Democrats so intellectually deprived that they cannot understand the difference between Steve Running, a Democrat who lies about having a Nobel Prize, and Ivar Giaever, a Democrat who has a real Nobel Prize in Physics, who tells you Running’s idea about climate is pseudoscience and a cult religion because its believers reject data that proves their climate belief is wrong?

No, they are not. But as a group, Democrats won’t acknowledge that climate is a nonpartisan issue, and we cannot determine scientific truth by voting on it.

The Democrats’ false belief of climate is like Lysenko’s false view of biology. Russia used Lysenko’s intellectual dishonesty to support Russia’s political agenda.

Today, Democrats use their false belief of climate to promote their political agenda.

Lysenkoism set back Russia’s biological research for 30 years until Russia stopped it in 1964. The Democrat “Climate Lysenkoism,” if not stopped, can set back America’s climate physics 30 years.

The Scientific Method 101

For those who need a crash course in the scientific method, here it is. This should be taught in all high schools.

We get an idea or theory. To test our theory, we use our theory to make a prediction. Then we compare our prediction to new data. If our prediction disagrees with new data, our theory is wrong.

Richard Feynman explained the key to the scientific method:

“It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn’t matter how smart you are. If it doesn’t agree with experiment, it’s wrong.”

A fundamental principle is we can never prove a theory true. Yet Democrat climate addicts claim they have proved our CO2 causes dangerous global warming. Nonsense.

We can only prove a theory is false. When we prove our ideas are false, we discard fiction. When we discard fiction, we approach truth. But we can never know if we have found the truth.

Therefore, real scientists must try to prove their ideas are false. Those who promote their idea as true and try to make it part of a political agenda are pseudo scientists.

Einstein famously said,

“Many experiments may show me right but it takes only ONE experiment to prove me wrong.”

Many experiments have proved the Democrat’s “Climate Lysenkoism” is false but they ignore such proof. Like Energizer Bunnies, they beat their drums to drown out truth. Their political agenda is more important to them than truth.

Here are two examples that prove the Democrats’ version of climate change is false. Climate models use the Democrat’s climate theory to predict future climate.

Today, 37 years after their predictions, we find climate models way over-predict future temperature. They are over by 2.5 times on average. This is unacceptable in physics. Therefore, following Feynman, the Democrat’s version of climate science is wrong.

A 2015 peer-reviewed scientific paper shows CO2 is not even correlated with global temperature. Where there is no correlation, there is no cause-effect. The paper shows the sun, not CO2, drives global temperature. If you still think otherwise, get over it. Welcome to the real world of climate physics.

The real “deniers” are those who refuse to follow the scientific method.

The Democrats and Steve Running do not follow the scientific method. If they did, they would conclude their climate theory is wrong. Then we could save America and Montana a lot of money. We could put people back to work producing abundant cheap energy from fossil fuels. We could improve our economy, our educational system, and our political decisions.

Democrats use what Feynman in 1974 called “cargo cult science.” Cargo cult science seems to be scientific, but it does not follow the scientific method.

Their claims that “multiple, independent lines of evidence show conclusively” that their belief is true, is cargo cult science.

Their claim that a list of organizations that agree with them proves their climate theory is true, is cargo cult science. Their belief that their ad hominem attack on those who show their theory is wrong proves their theory is true, is cargo cult science.

Their claims that “the projected rate of global warming is greater now than any time in the past 65 million years” proves their theory is true, is cargo cult science. Since climate models are wrong, their projections are wrong. Their claimed data are wrong.

Even IF today’s global temperature were greater than past global temperatures, this is meaningless. That’s because such data says nothing about the cause of global temperature change. The whole public distraction over temperature change, glacier change, species change, etc., is irrelevant to the key question of what causes the change.

Here’s a big problem the Democrats have caused

The UM has “educated” a generation of Montanans to believe cargo cult climate science. These students don’t know the difference between cargo cult science and real science.

The biggest omission in Montana’s education system is our schools do not teach the scientific method. This omission causes irrational thinking. We can’t trust the Democrats to solve this problem because the scientific method opposes their political agenda.

Therefore, Montana voters have only one rational choice if they wish to improve Montana’s schools: elect Republican Elsie Arntzen for Superintendent of Schools.

Montana climate politics

Montana Governor Steve Bullock (D) declared after the Supreme Court’s ruling on Obama’s Clean Power Plan:

“I have been clear that I think these rules were unfair to Montana. Given the court’s ruling today, I am putting the work of the Clean Power Plan Council on hold. What we cannot put on hold, however, is the need to address climate change and embrace Montana’s energy future, and I am committed to ensuring we do so on our own terms.”

Montana Attorney General Tim Fox (R) supported the court’s decision:

“The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to halt implementation of the EPA’s carbon regulations is a clear victory for Montana and the 27 other states that are challenging those regulations in court. Today’s ruling will prevent Montana families, energy workers, businesses, and public agencies from bearing the burden of regulations that we believe will be overturned ultimately.”

Montana U.S. Senator Steve Daines (R) also supported the court’s decision:

“The Supreme Court decision to issue a nationwide stay on the Obama administration’s misguided, job-killing rule is great news for Montana. The so-called Clean Power Plan will kill Montana jobs and leads our country in the wrong direction — away from being an energy leader.”

Although climate is a nonpartisan issue, Democrats refuse to treat climate as a nonpartisan issue. Governor Bullock still wants to “address” climate change.

Montana Governor Race

Greg Gianforte (R) now challenges Governor Steve Bullock (D) for governor. Gianforte’s skeleton in his closet is his belief our Earth and universe are 6000 years old. So how can Gianforte hope to win?

The only way Gianforte can beat Bullock for governor is to prove to the voters that Bullock’s belief in “climate change” is more kooky and more economically destructive than Gianforte’s belief that our Earth and universe are 6000 years old.

If Gianforte has the smarts, balls, and public persuasion, he can turn the political battle for governor into the issue of who has the most kooky and destructive belief.

If Gianforte can make Montanan’s understand our CO2 is not dangerous, then he will have improved intellectual honesty, and he may just beat Bullock for governor.

He will need to bone up on the scientific method and real climate science to pull it off. The way I see it, this is Gianforte’s only chance to win.

© 2016 Edwin X Berry, PhD – All Rights Reserved

A Trumped-up controversy

Not so long ago, Donald Trump drew unto himself a great deal of ire from certain circles for suggesting that, in light of the international dangers posed by Islamic terrorists, this country should consider prohibiting further immigration by Muslims. Much of this abuse seemed to assume that some sort of “right” to migrate to the United States exists for foreigners in general, or Muslims in particular—or at least for those foreigners or Muslims against whom some specific criminal or other serious charges cannot be levied as the bases for their disqualifications for entry.

At this moment, I am merely an observer, rather than an avowed supporter, of Mr. Trump. For what sort of a card in the deck of Presidential candidates he may be has yet to become clear. Some astute, if cynical, political commentators suggest that he may be being put up as the Establishment’s Manchurian Candidate—that is, a one-eyed Jack which shows only the deceptive side of its face to the general public’s view. Other commentators warn that he may be being set up by subterranean forces as a sure loser in the general election to Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, or some equally deplorable donkey from the Establishment’s political stable—that is, as a Joker. Still others hope that a benevolent Providence has raised up Mr. Trump as America’s Ace in the Hole for the decisive hand which History has dealt at this critical juncture in the course of human events. My personal concern is whether, even if Mr. Trump himself is “for real” and goes on to win nomination and the general election, he is likely as President to prove to be America’s trump card—or merely a card which will be trumped by some other card the Establishment plans to deal from the bottom of the political deck. That is, specifically, whether Mr. Trump is perhaps being put up, or more likely being put up with, by the crafty Forces of Darkness in order to be set up in the White House as the new Herbert Hoover when the national economy crashes in 2017 or 2018.

Whatever sort of card Mr. Trump may turn out to be, one thing is certain: He was quite correct as to the power, the right, and in some circumstances the duty of the United States to exclude aliens—any and all aliens—from entering this country. That point is so clearly and firmly established that one must wonder whether the only commodity the supply of which never runs out amongst all too many Americans today is double-rectified, industrial-strength ignorance where basic questions of constitutional law are concerned.

Consider the internet report by Paul Bedard, in the Washington Examiner, “THE MAP: ‘Sanctuary Cities’ cross the 300 mark with Dallas, Philly” (2 February 2016), which informs its readers that these “sanctuary cities” are refusing to assist in, or perhaps even to allow, enforcement of America’s immigration and naturalization laws against illegal aliens welcomed within their territories. Now, it should be obvious that the very concept of any such “sanctuary” is unconstitutional, root and branch. The Tenth Amendment does provide that “[t]he powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” But powers over immigration are explicitly and exclusively “delegated to the United States by the Constitution”. Specifically, Article I, Section 8, Clause 4 extends to Congress the power “[t]o establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization”—which plainly excludes variegated rules on that subject generated by the States or their political subdivisions on some ad hoc bases. See Hines v. Davidowitz, 312 U.S. 52 (1941). Furthermore, Article I, Section 9, Clause 1 states that “[t]he Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight”—which plainly permits Congress to “prohibi[t]” such “Migration or Importation” after 1808 in “the States now existing” (that is, as of ratification of the Constitution in 1788) and at all times in all other States, and that absolutely and unconditionally (because the Constitution sets out no limitation with respect to this matter). “Migration” plainly refers back to Congress’s power with respect to “Naturalization”, under Article I, Section 8, Clause 4; whereas “Importation” refers back to Congress’s power “[t]o regulate Commerce with foreign Nations”, under Article I, Section 8, Clause 3. Taken together, all of these provisions authorize Congress to exclude from entry into this country any and all aliens, at any time, for any reason.

As the Supreme Court emphasized in Chae Chan Ping v. United States, 130 U.S. 581, 603-604, 606, 609 (1889):

That the government of the United States, through the action of the legislative department, can exclude aliens from its territory is a proposition which we do not think is open to controversy. Jurisdiction over its own territory to that extent is an incident of every independent nation. It is part of its independence. If it could not exclude aliens, it would be to that extent subject to the control of another power. * * *

While under our Constitution and form of government the great mass of local matters is controlled by local authorities, the United States, in their relation to foreign countries and their subjects or citizens are one nation, invested with powers which belong to independent nations, the exercise of which can be invoked for the maintenance of its absolute independence and security throughout its entire territory.

To preserve its independence, and give security against foreign aggression and encroachment, is the highest duty of every nation, and to attain these ends nearly all other considerations are to be subordinated. It matters not in what form such aggression and encroachment come, whether from the foreign nation acting through its national character or from vast hordes of its people crowding in upon us. The government, possessing the powers which are to be exercised for protection and security, is clothed with authority to determine the occasion on which the powers shall be called forth; and its determination, so far as the subjects affected are concerned, are necessarily conclusion upon all its departments and officers. If, therefore, the government of the United States, through its legislative department, considers the presence of foreigners * * * who will not assimilate with us, to be dangerous to its peace and security, their exclusion is not to be stayed because at the time there are no actual hostilities with the nation of which the foreigners are subjects. The existence of war would render the necessity of the proceeding only more obvious and pressing. The same necessity, in a less pressing degree, may arise when war does not exist, and the same authority which adjudges the necessity in one case must also determine it in another. In both cases its determination is conclusive * * * .

The power of exclusion of foreigners being an incident of sovereignty belonging to the government of the United States, as part of those sovereign powers delegated by the Constitution, the right to its exercise at any time when, in the judgment of the government, the interests of the country require it, cannot be granted away or restrained on behalf of any one. The powers of government are delegated in trust to the United States, and are incapable of transfer to any other parties. They cannot be abandoned or surrendered. Nor can their exercise be hampered, when need for the public good, by any consideration of private interest.
Accord, Yamataya v. Fisher, 189 U.S. 86, 97 (1903); United States ex rel. Turner v. Williams, 194 U.S. 279, 289-290 (1904); Bagajewitz v. Adams, 228 U.S. 585, 591 (1913).

Simply put, “the formulation of these policies is entrusted exclusively to Congress[.]” Galvan v. Press, 347 U.S. 522, 530-531 (1954). Period. See also Chirac v. Chirac, 15 U.S. (2 Wheaton) 259, 269 (1817); United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649, 701 (1898). No room exists for the States or their Localities to adopt rules as to aliens either more, or less, stringent than those which Congress has enacted. See Hines v. Davidowitz, 312 U.S. 52 (1941). Exclamation point.

As of today, Congress has enacted numerous laws on this subject—none of them as severe as they could be, but which nonetheless render certain aliens subject to exclusion, illegal if they enter this country in defiance of those laws, and liable to deportation and other punishments when apprehended. Furthermore, Congress has specifically authorized the President to deal in a draconian fashion with illegal (or any other form of) entry by aliens into this country:

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. * * *
8 U.S.C. § 1182(f). And, in fulfillment of his constitutional duty under Article II, Section 3, to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed”, the President could, and should, rigorously enforce this statute now that it has become crystal-clear that “the interests of the United States” require the statute’s enforcement—indeed, that the very salvation of this country so demands. See also my NewsWithViews commentary “How The President Can Secure The Borders” (18 August 2015).

Thus, the factions which are trying to deny to Americans the ability, originally secured by the Declaration of Independence, to maintain “among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them” as a sovereign nation capable of preserving its own identity and integrity by controlling its own borders—and which are trying to effect the same result against the nations of Europe, too—have not a legal leg, foot, or even toe upon which to stand when they purport to provide “sanctuary” or other aid to illegal aliens. Neither have they any credible basis for criticizing Mr. Trump when he says that he, as President, would deal with immigration, legal as well as illegal, in a particularly uncompromising manner.

Moreover, because the States are at the present time being invaded in fact by “vast hordes of [illegal aliens] crowding in upon us”, they could exercise their own explicitly reserved constitutional power and duty under Article I, Section 10, Clause 3 to protect their independence and integrity by, if necessary, “engag[ing] in War, [when] actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay”—at the very least by militantly prohibiting their own political subdivisions from aiding and abetting such an invasion through the provision of “sanctuaries” for or other assistance to the invaders. But what sort of legally and politically inane, if not insane, behavior does America witness today? On the one side, half-witted State and Local officials are purporting to exercise powers absolutely denied to them, in the interest of facilitating alien invasions of their own territories (and, by extension, of the United States as a whole), such as by establishing “sanctuary cities”. While, on the other side, the very same nitwits refuse to exercise their undoubtedly reserved constitutional authority: (i) to “make * * * gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts” perforce of Article I, Section Clause, Clause 1, so as to begin the process of restoring to this country an economically sound and constitutional monetary system; and (ii) to revitalize “the Militia of the several States”, which the Second Amendment declares to be “necessary to the security of a free State” in every respect! Will sheltering illegal aliens prevent or mitigate the coming collapse of this country’s monetary and banking systems—or will the financial drain those aliens will impose on overburdened social services and underfunded “safety nets” accelerate and exacerbate it? Will the illegal aliens being sheltered today contribute to the stabilization and then to the reconstruction of society in the wake of that collapse tomorrow, as only revitalized Militia will be capable of doing—or will they increase and intensify the widespread lawlessness which will surely accompany a major economic crisis? These questions answer themselves.

The present rage for “sanctuary cities” may have as one source the giddy altruism and agonizing self-flagellation, coupled with the constitutional illiteracy, of naive “liberals” eager to eradicate so-called “white privilege” (or to pay court to some other half-baked but “politically correct” notion fashionable at the moment). That, however, is only a very small—and the least consequential—part of the explanation for what is going on.

The Establishment—the ultimate purposes of which are far from being either “liberal” or even benign—employs excessive immigration of all sorts as a battering ram against traditional America. By importing or infiltrating huge numbers of aliens who are either incapable of assimilating in principle or unwilling to assimilate in practice, and thus salting mutually incompatible and even overtly antagonistic enclaves of such people throughout this country, the Establishment divides the total population into hostile competing factions and selfish special interests each of which it hopes it can separately manipulate—politically, economically, ideologically, and socially—so as in the end to rule them all. (This, of course will ultimately disadvantage most “liberals” as well as everyone else, which is why those “liberals” who parrot the Establishment’s line and follow its lead as to immigration are rightly derided as “useful idiots”—“useful” with respect to the Establishment, but “idiots” with respect to their own interests.)

One needs vision far less acute than 20-20 to see that, as the result of the Establishment’s actions, political, economic, ideological, and social divisions, confusions, misunderstandings, and conflicts persist just about everywhere in this country, and even prevail to the exclusion of social cohesion in many places. The most pernicious manifestation of this orchestrated disunity even has a name: “multiculturalism”. Whether this is the product of calculation—engineered and propagated by the exponents of “cultural Marxism” or other subversive schools of thought—or is the unintended consequence of monumental hubris and stupidity on the part of Establishment and its hangers-on, the destructive result is the same.

No nation has ever been created or long held together through the imposition of anarchic “diversity” from the top down through a calculated policy hatched by its ruling class (or for that matter from the bottom up, as the result of a series of adventitious “barbarian invasions”). Just as the very concept of a “nation” presupposes defined and enforceable geographical borders, so too does it presume the existence of unity with respect to certain fundamental legal principles, economic practices, political procedures, and social conventions which define that nation and its constituent people. In America, “multiculturalism” might be acceptable with respect to social relations which more or less were matters of indifference—but only if citizenship were strictly conditioned upon “uniculturalism” in vital particulars, by requiring each legal immigrant (and native citizen, for that matter) to demonstrate his understanding of and loyalty to the traditional, theoretically sound, and time-tested tenets of Americanism: namely, national independence (the Declaration of Independence); limited government (the Constitution); nonintervention in foreign conflicts (“the common defence”); free markets beneficial to all (“the general Welfare”); personal freedom (“the Blessings of Liberty” in general and the Bill of Rights in particular); the centripetal force of a single national language (English, in which those fundamental laws, as well as all of America’s statutes and judicial decisions, are written); and, perhaps most important of all, each individual’s duty to the community to be ever-ready to retain and protect good government, and to throw off bad government in the persons of rogue public officials, if necessary through being called forth to serve in the Militia.

But no—the Establishment has promoted the subversion, even the open denigration, of Americanism at every turn, particularly these days with respect to “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms”, the unfettered exercise of which is essential to the maintenance of what the Second Amendment calls “well regulated Militia”. The one and only culture the vaunted “inclusiveness” of contemporary “multiculturalism” scrupulously excludes is Americanism. The Establishment treats only Americanism as an unacceptable component of the “diversity” on which it dotes.

No doubt some people will dismiss the foregoing as a xenophobic analysis. Having never perused Frosty Wooldridge’s columns at NewsWithViews, they will wax eloquent about how, according to one theory or another, an ever-swelling influx of aliens, even those unquestionably illegal, will actually benefit the national economy, and even enrich ordinary Americans’ lives with all sorts of exotic and wonderful foreign colors, sounds, smells, and flavors, as it were. One assaulted by such rosy descriptions and predictions would do well, though, to recall the warning voiced by the Trojan priest Laocoon, urging his imprudent countrymen not to haul the Wooden Horse within the walls of Troy: “Quidquid id est, timeo Danaos et dona ferentes”—“whatever it is, I fear the Greeks, even bearing gifts”. I, for one, sense that Mr. Trump understands this, even if perhaps he has never read Virgil’s Aeneid.

2016 Edwin Vieira, Jr. – All Rights Reserved

British children manipulated and robbed of their innocence

Through a Glass Darkly

The American philosopher and pragmatist William James, wrote: “Whenever two people meet there are really six people present. There is each man as he sees himself, each man as the other person sees him, and each man as he really is”.

If you look through this type of lens, you could say there are really more people in that meeting if you honestly looked. For behind each person, male or female, is the artist; the creator of the true color’s of that person, and along the way are all the people who have impressed their own idea’s, color’s and distortions into how ‘they’ want themselves and others to be created and painted, according to their own perception or agenda.

Currently, British schoolchildren are being heavily targeted and ‘used’ to reform society. Losing their genuine creative ability and the gift to see for themselves, they are having their minds which are connected to the optical lens seriously played with. This was illustrated in a recent survey carried out by the Office of the Children’s Commissioner for England who recently distributed a questionnaire to schoolchildren in Brighton and Hove.

The questionnaire asked the children, aged from 13 – 18 to choose from over 20 gender options on how it best described their gender, to include: Tomboy, Trans boy, Gender fluid, Agender, Androgynous, Bi-gender, Non-binery, Gender queer, Gender non conforming, Tri gender, In the middle of boy and girl, Intersex.

If like me, you have never heard of these terms, other than Tomboy, (being used as a pre-cursor for the acceptance of the other terms) you can only imagine the type of identity crisis and confusion you would experience when you are just 13, in relation to the suggestion that you should fall into one of these categories.

In an article from the Telegraph it read that the head teacher from one of the schools said:

“We want all our young people to feel comfortable with who they are, to understand that the notion of gender can go beyond the traditional idea of simply being either male and female, and to recognise that people can use a range of terms to describe their gender identity.” [Link]

It is reported that the survey was later withdrawn for amendments, yet not abolished, after the Children’s Commissioner, Anne Longfield received complaints.

Permanent Markers and Masterpieces

The problem with labels, thoughts and feelings, is that they are terribly hard to shake off once you have accepted their distortion of reality. Labels can be the reason that a lot of people never reach their full potential, and why some people live a life that eventually destroys them.

The Persistence of Memory

When the artist Salvador Dali was just 5 years old, it is said his parents took him to the grave of his older brother, who was also called Salvador, and had been just 9 months older than him. They told him he was his brother’s reincarnation and from then on Salvador Dali believed that his brother lived inside him. It is reported he said “(We) resembled each other, but we had different reflections”.

Most of his paintings reflect the distortions of his mind, which were considered by some to be very depraved.

Who was Salvador Dali? It is reported that Dali may have attempted to take his own life on several occasions.

Les Demoiselles d’Avignon

One of Picasso’s famous sayings was “Painting is a blind man’s profession. He paints not what he sees, but what he feels, what he tells himself about what he has seen.”

The artist Pablo Picasso is also known for his abandonment of the traditional human form in his paintings. People who knew him say his personality was dualistic; he could be kind and also extremely cruel and sadistic. People who knew him were often overwhelmed and took over completely by his personality.

Picasso also believed that “reality should be torn apart”.

They are words that are reflective of someone who is in competition and conflict with Creation and a Creator.

Monuments to an alternative God

In contrast to natural creation, strange, ugly and distorted monuments and murals have been springing up all over the UK, adding to the unusual symbolism which often goes un-noticed in some of the more traditional buildings and pieces of art. In some cases the meaningless art appears to be commissioned by local authorities who should be spending money on more vital services.

Distorted animals called superlamanana are strange sculptures that have been appearing all over Liverpool. They are intended to be a representation of a cross between a banana and a lamb. There is The Willow Man in Bridgewater, Somerset, the largest willow figure in the UK, meant to represent the willow industry of the area but identical to the Wicker man effigies used by ancient druids for pagan sacrifice. I have passed this sculpture many times and it is a disturbing distraction located alongside the main M5 motorway where most tourists travel to holiday destinations.

In Plymouth, there is a large ugly sculpture of a mythical sea creature nicknamed The Prawn on the Barbie, located near The Barbican Centre in the place where the Pilgrim Fathers left for their pilgrimage to America. In Illframcombe in Devon, there is Verity, created by Damien Hurst who refers to his work as a modern allegory of truth and justice. The statue is of a pregnant woman holding a sword and standing on a pile of law books and is reported to be the largest sculpture in the UK. The sculpture shows the internal anatomy of the woman with the foetus visible. The face is ugly, and part of the leg is pealed away. It is a disturbing piece of work located on a beautiful landscape. [Link]

What is the point of all of these disturbing images and is it any coincidence that it is becoming impossible to avoid being exposed to such disturbing imagery and altered perceptions?

If beauty is in the eye of the beholder we are fast losing our eyesight to all that was truly created beautiful. Though ugly, all of the new perceptions and imagery we now see somehow possess spiritual symbolism within them confusing and distorting the truth of who we really are.

Reformist’s who are pretending to care about children, do not care about them at all. They are using them.

Will we wake up in time to see the colours being painted over people and places which were meant to be as beautiful as illustrated in the Psalm 139: 14. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Or will we accept the signature mark of ‘The Distorter’ upon the human psyche and landscape? [YouTube Video]

Note: A beautiful painting called The Sun was painted in 1909. It is a painting of a sun-covered sky and it is described as all-pervasive, shining from the heavens upon land and sea, reaching out to all eternity, pure in image, intense. It was painted by Edward Munch who painted The Scream in 1893.

Were glimpses of heaven given to Edward Munch who was disturbed by horrifying visions and nightmares. I wonder.


Government asks schoolchildren to define their gender – and gives them 24 options to choose from.
2 – Children seeking gender identity advice sees 100% increase, says NHS.
3 – Serena de la Hey Sculptur
4 – What is A Wicker Man?
5 – The Leviathan Plymouth
6 – Edvard Munch Paintings

[These are my views as a woman living in England, on how the culture and spirit of my country has changed over 50 years. Why the country does not feel protected or strong any more, how it has lost, and is losing it values and decency, and how we are daily losing our free speech.]

© 2016 Shirley Edwards – All Rights Reserve

S.C. GOP leader says Trump has supernatural power behind him

The State Chairman of the South Carolina GOP, Matt Moore, was on Fox News this morning, February 17, 2016.

Why The GOP Establishment Hates Donald Trump.

Has God Given Us a Second Chance with Mr. Trump?

See Mr. Trump at a S.C. rally holding up one of my articles a few days ago.

Jonah and Nineveh

They tried to bring the ship to shore, but could not, so they threw Jonah into the sea. Immediately the storm stopped. Jonah was swallowed by a great fish and was in the belly of the beast for three days and three nights.


So, Matt Moore, GOP leader of South Carolina believes Trump has a supernatural power behind him, and I believe that supernatural power is the Lord God who is hearing our prayers for our country. I believe we have a hope for our country in Mr. Trump. God can use whom He chooses to use to answer our prayers. We have an opportunity, a last chance before total destruction, to save our country from disaster, and God has chosen Donald Trump as the vessel who can save us.

Yes, Supernatural powers are behind Trump, as well as the American people who are for the first time in decades, hearing the voice who resonates with them. 

Scalia’s death sets Mitch McConnell as gate guard: we’re doomed

The sad, very sad, sudden death of the Supreme Court’s leading defender of the Constitution, Justice Antonin Scalia, has left a gaping hole that President Obama’s quickly vowed to fill – and that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has just as quickly vowed to protect.
But note to conservatives: Hold the cheer. McConnell’s political promises mean little more than one thing – we’re doomed.
Obama said, within hours of learning of Scalia’s death: “I plan to fulfill my constitutional responsibilities to nominate a successor in due time. There will be plenty of time for me to do so and for the Senate to fulfill its responsibility to give that person a fair hearing and a timely vote.”
McConnell responded: “The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president.”
And the smart, savvy political conservative ought to conclude: Obama’s going to nominate a far-lefty, McConnell’s going to put on a heck of a show of a fight – key word, show – and in the end, the White House will prevail. How do we knoww these truths to be self-evident?
Look at McConnell’s past.
In August 2013, then-Senate Minority Leader McConnell backed off a challenge to implement Obamacare, despite the fact a defunding effort from the likes of Sens. Ted Cruz and Mike Lee was gathering steam on Capitol Hill. The Senate Conservative Fund released a statement that read, in part: “Mitch McConnell is telling people he opposes Obamacare while he refuses to oppose its funding.”
In September 2013, Breitbart News, citing a source, reported McConnell and fellow senator, John Cornyn, were “whipping senators to shut down debate” on a House measure to defund Obamacare, “unbelievably … leading the fight to fully fundd” the health reform.
In February 2015, McConnell announced support for a so-called “clean” Department of Homeland Security bill that capitulated to Democratic demands while stripping Republicans of their means of fighting Obama’s amnesty plans, leading one unhappy Republican senator to wryly comment: What “a total victory for the Obama position.”
In July 2015, McConnell sparked Senate and American outrage by allowing a vote on a highway bill that fully funded the highly contested Export-Import Bank, while blocking amendments to defund Planned Parenthood, at a time when the health clinic was under fire for videos that appeared to tie it to a gruesome baby body parts-selling scheme. Another amendment he blocked at the same time? One called “Kate’s Law,” in memory of Kate Steinle, the woman who was fatally shot by an illegal immigrant with a prior felony record while she walked in broad daylight in San Francisco. The law would have imposed a five-year prison sentence on any illegal who was convicted of a violent crime after already being deported and was widely seen as a common sense measure. Not to McConnell, apparently, who used a technique called “filling the tree” perfected by former Majority Leader Harry Reid to block the amendments from reaching the floor for vote.
“This strategy involves filling time allotted to amendments with insignificant procedural measures,” reported. “It may not be particularly democratic, but it works.”
And who can forget McConnell’s absolute and ongoing contempt for the tea party?
In March 2014, he was quoted as bragging how Republicans were “going to crush them everywhere” in upcoming elections. In December 2015, he cautioned voters against voting for primary candidates who couldn’t win in the general election, naming several tea party politicos who failed in their own recent bids.

Room doesn’t permit to run down all the budget deals and pacts McConnell’s made through the years that bend to Democratic will but toss Republicans beneath the bus.

Establishment at all costs – concession by any means. That’s McConnell’s driving political mantra. And he’s the one in charge of the Senate, which will soon be tasked to provide, in line with Article 2, Section 2 of the Constitution, “advice and consent” to Obama on Scalia’s replacement?
God help us. Without, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, or someone else talked about as Scalia’s replacement of similar leftist slant, will be confirmed to the court within the next couple months.

© 2016 Cheryl Chumley – All Rights Reserved

Pope who lives behind giant walls says Trump’s wall is not christian

As a Christian I am deeply troubled by Pope Francis, who lives in Vatican City, which has the most restrictive immigration and citizenship policies in the world, and accuses presidential candidate Donald Trump of “not being a Christian” for wanting to build a wall to protect the American people. First of all, the Pope is protected by a private army and lives safely behind far bigger walls than Trump plans to build.

Jesus Christ said “judge not, that you be not judged.” Pope Francis said in answering a question about Donald Trump that “a person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian.” One can only assume that Pope Francis does not understand that Donald Trump is acting on the Bible’s commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself” by wanting to build a wall to protect law abiding Americans of all ethnic groups and nationalities from crime, terrorist infiltration, and economic destruction. The Pope fails to understand that “building a wall” is an act of love because in order for us to “love our neighbors as ourselves” we must first keep them alive and safe, along with making it possible for them to earn a decent standard of living so they can feed, clothe and house their families.

Vatican Wall

Not building a wall to protect the American people is an act of selfishness, allowing peace and security only for the very wealthy like the Pope who has a private army and lives in a secure and somewhat restricted area, along with movie stars, politicians, and the super-rich bankers and corporate CEOs. By not building a wall our political leaders make it possible for terrorists to come across the border and slaughter men, women, and children or potentially detonate a nuke in an American city. Is it Christian or loving to not protect people from evil?

Building a wall insures economic stability so that Americans of all races and even mothers of small children are not forced to work two jobs to provide for their families due to low wages caused by the labor surplus, which is caused by unrestricted legal and illegal immigration. Is it love to force mothers, fathers, and single women to work multiple jobs so that they have no time to spend with their children? Is that real love?

Of course we should have compassion for those who are less fortunate, but the question is how do we really help them? I do not hear Pope Francis speaking out against the corruption in Mexico and other Central and South American nations, which is causing people to flee their nations and come across the border. Pope Francis accuses Donald Trump of not “building bridges” but instead “building walls,” which implies that he is unloving and selfish and thus not Christian. But to truly love our neighbors as ourselves our actions should actually help our neighbors, whether in our nation or nations across the border, with economic plans that allow them to break free from poverty and become prosperous. This is exactly what Donald Trump is proposing: economic solutions which actually will increase wealth, jobs, and opportunities for the common man. That is love in action.

Conversely, Pope Francis advocates economic solutions based on socialist and Marxist principles which have never solved the problem of poverty in any nation where they have been tried. In fact, the socialist economic solutions Pope Francis has proposed have increased poverty and suffering in every nation where they have been tried, without exception.

Jesus Christ said “we are to judge a tree by its fruit.” What Trump is proposing, including building a wall, both protects people and alleviates economic suffering by giving ordinary men and women the opportunity to improve their lot in life. What Pope Francis is proposing simply brings all men and women, with the exception of the one percent at the top, to a far lower standard of living, which increases human suffering. I am not going to judge the validity of the Pope’s faith, but I can judge the merits of Donald Trump’s economic proposals, and what I see is love in action. By advocating policies that will improve the standard of living for people on both sides of the border and protect them from crime and terrorism Donald Trump (whatever his private beliefs may be) is applying Christian principles to government.

© 2016 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

Why Rand Paul lost; why freedom is faltering

Name whatever strengths and weaknesses one wants to ascribe to the other presidential candidates, but the only constitutionalist in the race was Senator Rand Paul. And now that he has suspended his campaign, it leaves the field void of a voice for constitutionalism.

As I have said repeatedly, the only litmus test that the American electorate should have for supporting or not supporting a candidate for federal office is whether or not that candidate will preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States–including the Bill of Rights–and the principles contained in the Declaration of Independence. Everything else is way down the list of importance. Religion, race, party label, business experience, personal wealth, likeability, etc., mean nothing compared to one’s fidelity to America’s founding documents and principles.

The reason America is in the miserable shape it’s in today is primarily because the American electorate is itself mostly ignorant of constitutional principles and, therefore, is either incapable or unwilling to hold their civil magistrates accountable to the Constitution. And, yes, the biggest reason for this vast ignorance and indifference is that the pulpits of America have abandoned the principles of Natural and Revealed Law upon which our founding documents were founded and framed.

Recently, Paul Craig Roberts asked the biting question, “Are Americans Too Insouciant To Survive?” A very real possibility exists that they are.

See Dr. Roberts’ column here.

But the problem is more than mere insouciance. There has been a dramatic shift in philosophy in the so-called “freedom movement” since Ron Paul’s presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2012. Where once the cry was “we want to return government to the Constitution,” now the cry is “we want to get rid of government altogether.”

Jason Charles recently wrote an excellent column in this regard:

“The reason Rand Paul failed was because he attempted the impossible. He tried to maintain as best as possible a purist approach toward the constitutional principles his father used to attract so many people to the liberty movement in the first place, all the while also trying to appease the GOP gatekeepers. There is no question that the GOP saw the Ron Paul revolution as a threat to their big government hegemony, their military adventurism, corporate fascism and Wall Street cronyism. He simply was and is too much like his father for the GOP elite to stomach knowing full well he would work to dismantle their power systems from inside. The GOP power-base has never been in the people; it has always resided in the corporate fascist superstructure called the American empire. By playing ball with the GOP in the way of establishment endorsements, he lost his father’s base years ago, and by going against the establishment in the way of NSA spying, the wars abroad, the Federal Reserve, drones, and the War on Drugs he was fighting a losing battle in the GOP. His presidential campaign was quite literally a no win situation for no other reason than the political landscape has changed greatly since his father ran.”

Charles goes on to say: “Many in the movement who used to be proponents of the constitutional system are now unabashedly anti-government. Though they will attempt to give you philosophical arguments as to why we don’t need a government of any sort what they are really doing is lashing out at a system they feel has failed to make room at the table for their ideas. What these young people suffer from is a severe case of old fashioned butt-hurt, and they are seeking alternative ideas that de-emphasize political solutions as a means of winning back our country. The proponents of anarchism have filled the void left by the Ron Paul Revolution with hate for government and as a result this disillusionment with the political process has devolved into pure unadulterated anarchism.

“The biggest problem with anarchism is not that it isn’t reasoned in its arguments, quite the contrary; there are many well-spoken and articulate proponents of anarchist principles. The main problem is it becomes a breeding ground for anti-authoritarian, anti-government hate. The liberty movement has digressed into pure anti-authoritarianism having forsaken the constitutional solutions advocated by Ron and Rand Paul for the last 12 years. The total distrust for government has reached a climax in this country, and we are seeing the fabric of society begin to fray and devolve into balkanized groups of blacks against whites, whites against Mexicans and Muslims, liberals against conservatives, and males against females. Every one of these groups has descended into a mob mentality, and feel government is only good when their ideology and power-block is in control. So whether you are talking about the Black Lives Matter groups, the illegal alien mass migration, or the disenfranchised tea party constitutionalists, all are feeling government has abandoned them and have caused irrevocable harm towards their lives and well being and thus they all have consciously or subconsciously taken on an anti-authoritarian/anti-government bent. There simply is no political solution being advocated by any of these groups which makes for a very dangerous political climate. It truly is an us-against-them mentality. [Tens] of millions [of people] in this country . . . have a disdain for government and authority.”

See the column here.

To be sure, many within government have contributed significantly to the distrust and unrest Charles references above. NO DOUBT. There have been far too many examples of government abuse, cover-up, and deceit over the past several decades. Further exacerbating the situation is that the various branches of government that were designed to serve as a check and balance to the abuses committed by the other branches have refused to fulfill their constitutional functions.

In addition, the vast majority of State governments have abdicated their guardianship of the liberties of the people of their states against federal usurpation. Plus, the mainstream media and church pulpits have largely abdicated their role of watchmen over the people’s liberties.

Therefore, the frustration, distrust, and unrest being felt among large segments of the population (left and right, black and white, etc.) is very legitimate.

The problem arises when people abandon peaceful, lawful, moral, and constitutional solutions. And, unfortunately, I sense that the so-called liberty movement is more and more being taken over by anti-government haters and hotheads who truly oppose ALL government–not just civil government. This does not bode well for the future of our movement or our country.

As I documented in this column on February 11, 2016, the U.S. Justice Department is already ramping up anti-terrorism policies to bring so-called “domestic terrorists” into the same legal classification as Islamic terrorists. The broad, undefined, and subjective term of “material support” is all that is necessary for American citizens to be categorized as “terrorists” under these new federal protocols.

See my February 11 column here.

Add to the above the fact that the U.S. military has specific units devoted to the task of using the Internet and social media as a propaganda vehicle to manipulate (and no doubt to provoke and incite–or to “identify,” as they would say it) anti-government haters. No doubt, this is for the purpose of utilizing the new “terrorist” protocols against them. Of course, these government provocateurs can then use their toady friends in the news media and in radical left-wing groups such as the SPLC to brand all of us with the tainted and disgraced ensign of the government haters.

See these reports. [Report one] [Report two]

Therefore, if the freedom movement is going to have any success moving forward, it must distinguish and separate itself from the anti-government haters who, wittingly or unwittingly, are trying to take all of us into a downward spiral of an unconstitutional, unlawful, and immoral conflict with God-ordained authority.

Let me be clear: America’s form of government (a constitutional republic) is the greatest form of government ever invented by man. From the preaching of the Colonial pastors, to the patience and restraint of the colonists even after the Boston Massacre, to the battles of Lexington and Concord, to the forming of a Continental Congress, to the signing of the Declaration of Independence, to the establishment of our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights: our founders were divinely led. They did not act as a mob. They had the approbation of both Natural and Revealed Law and acted as a Body Politic. As a result, they enjoyed the propitious smile of Heaven on their sacrifice. And the peace, prosperity, and liberty that their posterity has enjoyed–even to this very moment–is the result of the thoughtful, deliberate, reasoned, disciplined, and just manner in which they proceeded.

We cannot even begin to entertain the notion of revolution until we have an understanding of, respect for, and commitment to the immutable principles of liberty to which all peoples and nations are held accountable. Finding examples of corruption and injustice within government is EASY. The hard part is having the reason and wisdom to know what is the right thing to do about it. And for that to take place, we need the instruction of those who successfully paved the path of liberty before us. The last thing we need is a bunch of hotheads and anti-government haters to speak for us.

The Ron Paul Revolution of 2008 and 2012 was just; it was lawful. It brought our country to the precipice of real and lasting change for the better. Plus, knowing Ron Paul personally, I can attest that he is one of the kindest and most compassionate men I have ever met. He is filled with love; there is not a hateful bone in his body. Ron Paul’s legacy is currently being threatened by a spirit of anti-government hatred that has poisoned the liberty movement–including the hearts of many professing Christians within the movement. In short, the Ron Paul Revolution has been supplanted.

The spirit of hatred among so-called Christians is being manifested in many ways: hatred against Muslims; hatred against minorities; hatred against civil government in general; hatred against anyone who disagrees with them; ad infinitum.

Sadly, I blame Christians–and especially pastors–the most for denying our country the amazing opportunity it had to lawfully and radically resurrect America’s undergirding principles of liberty that Ron Paul represented. Ron was not defeated by the Republican establishment, though they did everything in their power to defeat him. He was not defeated by the mainstream media, though they did more than their fair share to defeat him. He was defeated by America’s pastors and churches. Can one imagine what life would be like in America (and around the world) today had Ron Paul been President of the United States for these past almost eight years instead of Barack Obama? Oh! What a thought!

Obviously, Ron Paul’s voice in Congress was the glue, as well as the guiding light, that held the liberty movement intact and on track.

Currently, both Donald Trump (from the right) and Bernie Sanders (from the left) are the ones who are reaping the political benefits of the frustration, distrust, and unrest being felt by a large host of the American citizenry. Unfortunately, neither of these men has Ron Paul’s constitutional acumen or commitment. Sadder still is the way the Ron Paul Revolution is being hijacked by anti-government haters who are doing more to facilitate and enable those forces that are looking for an excuse to further erode our liberties than they are to help preserve our liberties.

If liberty is to peacefully survive in this country, true freedomists must quickly distinguish and separate themselves from these anti-government haters and hotheads and find a way to reclaim and explain the just and lawful principles of constitutionalism that Ron Paul, and so many of us, fought so hard for.

P.S. I recently delivered what I believe is one of the most important messages I have ever brought. It is entitled “The Right Of Revolution As Justified In Natural And Revealed Law.” The DVD of this critical message is absent my personal commentary on recent events and contains only the Biblical and Natural Law principles that have been so long forgotten and that are so desperately needed. I urge readers to get this DVD.

To order my sermon DVD “The Right Of Revolution As Justified In Natural And Revealed Law,” click here.

© 2016 Chuck Baldwin – All Rights Reserved

Violated with a smile on their face – as the TSA laughs

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” –Benjamin Franklin

This last week on my travels through Tennessee, stops in Texas, and stops in North Carolina and back to cold Minnesota while doing the work of the ministry, I could not help but notice the people of this country being entertained out of their freedoms through the “Super Bowl,” the televisions are filled with lusts of the flesh (1 John 216), sports (Jeremiah 11:13), and CIA diversions, while the newspaper stands are filled with lies and propaganda (Isaiah 59).

While on a plane, I watched as the grown-ups of this country were playing casino games (Exodus 20:17) on their phones, or watching dirty movies (Matthew 5:28) that the airlines hand out as an only option. The women, of course, were getting caught up with the local Hollywood gossip through their favorite fallen stars.

Before all of this could be seen, I noticed the American people were happily being violated with a smiles on their faces by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). This is an agency that has no constitutional authority and since its inception has not thwarted one act of “violence” towards the American people.

Old ladies in wheelchairs are targeted, men and women being illegally frisked up and down, and, of course, orders were given by the unqualified and immoral.

Through the vetting process, I told the TSA agent that she does need to be grabbing my items in the scanning trays. Furthermore, I told her to read Amendment 4 of the Bill of Rights while she disdainfully stated that she has already done so.

This all comes on the heels of this administration opening the doors as wide as they can by allowing illegal Muslim refugees into the United States of America.

On the other hand, as many have been made aware of the TSA’s pretended authority, this organization has been found to be nothing less than sexually perverted criminals, thieves, drug traffickers and traitors to this country. Just like those that allowed them to be put in those positions.

If the time is taken to read the 4th Amendment of The Bill of Rights, you will clearly see who is violating the laws of our Constitutional Republic (Article 4, Section 4 of the US Constitution).

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated …”

Of course, all of these violations of law is said to protect the people of this country from the big bad “terrorists.”

As a reminder, terrorism originally defined in the Oxford Dictionary as “government by intimidation.”

Just last week, we found headlines across the country that the Department of Homeland Security ordered its agents to delete records of hundreds of Muslims with terror ties.

Our civil liberties are being violated as Obama’s Homeland Security scrubs records of hundreds of Muslim Terrorists.

The American people will still not take issue with these criminals even when it comes out of their own mouth. Does anyone recall when DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson said, “My Job is to “Give Voice to the Plight of Muslims.”

It reminds me of the German SS officer Joseph Mengele, who said, “The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.”


“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. -2 Thessalonians 2:3-12

I know that people in this country are “more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms in which they are accustomed” (Declaration of Independence). They would like to refuse the Biblical truth as to what is going on in their own country (Leviticus 26; Deuteronomy 28) and to their own demise. Yet, there are those who are unwilling to close their eyes as to what is going on in their own backyards and to who it is that is responsible, regardless if you want to believe it or not!

For your own sakes America, take responsibility (Acts 20:21) and act while you have the time to do so.

© 2016 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

Dean of Washington gun lobby John M. Snyder endorses Trump

The man known in the nation’s capital as “the dean of Washington gun lobbyists” has come out and joined the growing number of United States VIPs and endorsed a true “Inside the Beltway” outsider — Donald J. Trump — who is expected to win the South Carolina and Nevada Republican primaries.

“GOP presidential candidate Trump is four-square on gun rights,” former NRA publications editor John M. Snyder said in his office in Titusville, Florida, earlier today. “The attempt to undermine the Trump candidacy with firearm owners is an outrage,” he added.

Snyder is referring to certain Democratic Party news media hacks and even some Republicans who claim Trump is not a strong advocate for America’s gun owners who are under attack by the Obama-Clinton coalition.

“One Republican [presidential] opponent has even charged that Trump as president would nominate to the Supreme Court justices who would eviscerate the Second Amendment,” Snyder noted. “This is shameful and desperate,” he said.

“As far as I know, Trump is the only presidential candidate with a permit, issued by New York City, to carry a concealed firearm. [Trump also] believes a citizen with a [concealed handgun] permit issued by one state ought to be able to carry in other states as well,” added Snyder, who serves on the Board of Advisors for the 15,000-member National Association of Chiefs of Police (NACOP).

“Trump has repeatedly defended the individual Second Amendment civil right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms. He has criticized severely restrictive gun control laws as partially responsible for a number of high-profile murders, including multiple murders. His book, Crippled America, even includes a chapter on the importance of Americans’ gun rights.”

Snyder said that, “Criticism of Trump on the right to keep and bear arms issue seems to have come about at least partially because his pro-gun rights position represents a reversal of previously-held attitudes.”

“However, that is ridiculous. Our pro-gun rights, pro-individual freedom movement needs converts in order to continue expanding throughout the United States. Where would the United States be today if our Founding Fathers had continued to seek reconciliation with the English Crown rather than promoting American independence? Even modern conservative icon Ronald Reagan switched from Democrat to Republican.”

Snyder asserts that, “Instead of voicing suspicion and even condemnation of Donald Trump, lovers of individual gun rights and personal freedom should welcome him and support his campaign to make America great again.”

In the past, there have been a number of political leaders who changed their positions on key issues. For example, former Democratic Party presidential hopeful Al Gore was pro-life for many years until be became a liberal U.S. Senator. George H.W. Bush was a pro-choice Republican but changed his position on abortion when he became President Ronald Reagan’s second-in-command.

A practicing Catholic, Snyder has been named “the dean of Washington gun lobbyists” by both the Washington Post and the New York Times. He’s been dubbed “a champion of the right of self-defense” by the Washington Times, the “gun dean” by Human Events magazine, and “the senior rights activist in Washington” by Shotgun News.

He holds AB and MA degrees in government from Georgetown University. He has been an NRA magazine editor and official of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and the Second Amendment Foundation. He directs Telum Associates, LL.C, and serves on boards of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, Council for America, and the American Federation of Police & Concerned Citizens.


During a Republican presidential campaign bash in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, a key primary state for both the GOP and Democratic Party, the 5,000-member New England Police Benevolent Association, that represents rank-and-file police officers from the Granite State, as well as Massachusetts, announced the PBA’s “proud endorsement of Donald Trump.”

Officials from the police officers association said during the Dec. 10, 2015 event, that they believe they have endorsed “the candidate who best serves our membership.” Speaking to the powerful and influential law enforcement group the man known as “The Donald” promised that upon being elected as Commander in Chief and being inaugurated in January 2017, one of his very first actions will be to sign an executive order.

“Anybody killing a policeman, a policewoman, a police officer, anybody killing a police officer: Death penalty is going to happen, okay?” he told the cheering crowd. “The police and the law enforcement in this country — I will never ever let them down, just remember that.”

Federal criminal procedure law already has a provision giving the federal government the power to execute cop-killers at the federal level. Former police lieutenant and a director of corporate security, Thomas Wollinsky, told the Conservative Base that he’s heard numerous law enforcement officials praise Trump and criticize the majority of Democrats. “Trump reminds us of people like Reagan and Guiliani who didn’t pander to the enemies of cops the way far too many politicians do today,” said Wollinsky.

“They still use the tired, old narrative of racist cops oppressing blacks in order to garner votes and gain power over the blacks who are in the end the primary victims of lawless and violent individuals,” Wollinsky added.

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Have we lost our stinkin’ minds?

Common sense. That is probably the rarest commodity in all of America. We don’t even know what that means anymore.

Common sense used to mean something that even the doltish of humans could understand. You don’t eat dog poop. You don’t touch dead animals that are decaying along the road. And men and women are not the same.

That is, as we used to say, elementary my friend. Elementary…as in elementary school. Elementary as in “easily dealt with; straightforward and uncomplicated.” Elementary as in “you’d have to be stupid to not know that.”

That is what common sense used to mean. But not anymore. There is no longer something as simple as common sense.

The perverts are at it again. The thought-perverts I am referring to. To “pervert” means:

a. to lead astray morally.
b. to turn away from the right course.
c. to lead into mental error or false judgment.
d. to turn to an improper use; misapply.
e. to misconstrue or misinterpret, especially deliberately; distort:
f. to bring to a less excellent state; vitiate; debase.

America is being controlled by perverted thoughts being promoted by perverted people. Perverted sense has replaced common sense.

I remember back in the early 2000’s when we began to hear whispers that homosexuals wanted to get “married.” Most of us chuckled at the prospect of such a concept, so much so that we really never gave the demand any consideration. We still believed in “common sense” and never dreamed that such an outlandish demand would ever be considered, much less “legalized.”

Common sense would prevail, we believed, not realizing that common sense was going the way of Bible-based Churches. This Christian nation, many of us assumed, would never permit such perverted behavior to be accepted.

The inmates are running the asylum and they have twerked their way into positions of authority. The asylum is the government and the inmates are the perverts who strive for nothing less that the destruction of Western Civilization and the Christian standards upon which it was founded.

From Washington DC to Charlotte, North Carolina the perverts are calling the shots. If you think I am crazy take a few minutes and check out what is happening in Tobacco Road. Here is the story of gender neutral restrooms.

So let me get this straight. A city in the heart of the Bible belt is actually considering passing a law that would permit men and women to use the same public bathroom? Cultural perverts are doing their best to try and convince us that a man has a “constitutional” right to poop in a commode next to a stall in which a 12 year old girl goes to tinkle?

Picture of a man dressed as a woman on Transgender Lobby Day

(photo courtesy of

They are pulling out all of the stops to convince all of the knuckle-dragging Neanderthals that forcing a man with male plumbing to use a restroom designed for those with male plumbing is discriminatory and demeaning? They want us to believe that this “discriminatory” behavior somehow compares to black/white restroom standards in the old South?

Let me crystallize it for you. The elected City Council of Charlotte, NC is debating whether or not a grown man has the right to be in the restroom where an unsuspecting young girl might unknowingly wander.

The man, with male plumbing, wants to be recognized as a woman even though there is absolutely no physical or biological evidence to support such a claim. In fact, the only “evidence” is the “personal feeling” that a man’s “gender” is determined by what is in his mind rather than what is between his legs.

When my wife and I got married it took me a couple of months to not feel embarrassed by “using the bathroom” when she was within earshot of the sounds I might emit while performing such a private bodily function.

Have we really reached the point in America where elected officials are willing to trade the protection of the modesty of young girls and boys for the perverted whims of those who think such cultural standards are discriminatory and sexist?

First they said they just wanted to come out of the closet. Then they wanted to be tolerated. Then they fought to be included. Then they demanded special laws. Now they want to pee next to your young daughter. Soon they will want to crap in your lap. The homosexual juggernaut knows no shame.

The churches have been neutered. The Pastors have become effeminized. They no longer defend the children. Some of them think that the establishment of gender-neutral restrooms is Christ-like. WWJT…Where Would Jesus Tinkle?

Where have all of the grown-ups gone? When will REAL MEN stand up to the perverts? How long before God-fearing daddies stand up and protect the innocence of their precious daughters from the alphabet deviants and their demonic agenda? Time is running out.

Have we lost our stinkin minds?

2016 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

Will the GOP finally jump in front of the train?

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is dead. Libs ‘n’ progs turn cartwheels, carrying on like his death was an extra Christmas present.

Now the Worst President Ever has a vacancy on the Supreme Court. A conservative judge has died. The president, says Article III of the U.S. Constitution, “shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to… appoint… Judges of the Supreme Court.” It doesn’t say whom he can or can’t nominate, or what qualifications they ought to have. Anyone can be a Supreme Court justice, if the president appoints him and the Senate confirms the appointment. He could appoint Putin, if he could get him past the Senate.

So here is the golden opportunity to say goodbye forever to those pesky 5-4 Supreme Court rulings that sometimes favor conservatives. One more left-wing ideologue, and it’s 6-3 in favor of Evil every time. Fundamental transformation, we have arrived! It’s only a matter of choosing which particular villain to appoint.

Ah! But there’s a snag. No one, but no one, can be appointed a Supreme Court justice without the consent of the Senate. And there’s a Republican majority in the Senate.

The task before them is so simple, even a Republican Senator can do it. All they have to do is not confirm whoever the president nominates. They don’t even have to vote down the appointment, if they’re terrified of the frogs in the nooze media croaking all night, “Biggit! Biggit!” Not voting at all would be as effective as voting against it.

So all they have to do is nothing. Shuffle their papers. Clear their throats. Adjourn for lunch. Just stall. Delay. Postpone. Most of these guys are lawyers: they already know how to do that stuff.

Because if they don’t; if they let this jumped-up community organizer, this monster in the White House, pack the Supreme Court with one more lefty loon; if they let that happen because they can’t even figure out how to do nothing at all; if they allow the creation of a Supreme Court that will set Obama’s lawless acts in concrete, never to be moved again—

If they allow the creation of a court that will turn back all challenges to dissolving our borders and our citizenship, thus replacing the electorate, to savaging the national economy to meet the “threat” of imaginary “Climate Change”, to erasing the Second Amendment, to overturning and re-engineering basic human institutions, to forcing on the American people a chaotic false morality invented by liberals as they go along—

If they allow these disasters because they couldn’t find the gumption just to sit on their hands until the monster leaves office—

Then that’s the end. America will need another Revolution; but before that, we shall see the death of the Republican Party by its own hand. The body will be dead before it hits the floor.

Can they be so stupid, as to fail to understand this? Can even Republicans be that dense?

If they think we’re mad at them now, they ain’t seen nothin’ yet. I mean, can’t we even trust them to do nothing? A bird-bath can do nothing. Surely the Beltway Republicans are as capable as bird-baths, although we question whether they are anywhere near as useful.

This is it, guys. If you fail us here, you’re done for.

I have discussed this on my blog, if you want to hear more. If you’re already as sick of reading about D.C. politics as I am sick of writing about it, stop by anyhow and click “Books” for something completely different.

Or you can do something even more productive, and help your fellow citizens melt down the Senate switchboard.

2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Most offensive moment in GOP debate history

The simple fact is… these globalist media controlled circuses we shamelessly call “debates” are much more akin to a cat fight at the local tavern, after a couple liquored up street hookers get into a brawl over who gets the last $20 John of the night…

These commercial events we call “debates” are designed to make every person on the stage look like an idiot… and so it should surprise no one that every event ends with every candidate on the stage looking like a lying, back-stabbing, self-indulgent egomaniac that shouldn’t be entrusted with the job of local dog catcher…

The phrasing of every “media controlled” question is designed to make each candidate turn their guns on each other, circular firing squad fashion, for which, the media moderators will then gleefully basque in the afterglow with the full knowledge that they had achieved their lofty goal of making everyone seeking the Oval Office, look like a sandbox full of preschoolers.

What a ridiculous way for any intelligent society to choose a President, Commander-in-Chief and leader of the free world…

Having established this as the foundation for this discussion, despite the embarrassing media behavior and the even worse behavior of the “stacked audience” in the room at last Saturday evenings so-called debate, these were not the most offensive moments in GOP debate history. Even the repeated use of the word “liar” was to be outdone.

The most offensive moments in GOP debate history came from none other than the two U.S. Freshman Senators in the race… neither of whom has the constitutional right to even stand on that stage!

In a failed effort to honor the just deceased Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who had just been found dead in his resort hotel room earlier that morning, Senators Cruz and Rubio sought to “make political hay” on the death of the Constitutions best friend on the High Court, both acting as if they are themselves “constitutional originalists” like Scalia, as they stood on that GOP debate stage in direct violation of the Founders clear “original intent” of the “natural born Citizen” clause in Article II.

By “natural born Citizen,” the Founders certainly did NOT mean “anchor babies” via 14th Amendment naturalization, as is the case for Marco Rubio, native born on U.S. soil, but to two foreign Cuban citizens at the time, who eventually naturalized to the USA four years later… nor did they mean a person “born Canadian” who remained a legal citizen of Canada for 43 years, until he decided to seek the Oval Office with NO proof of legal U.S. citizenship of any kind, as is the case for Ted Cruz.

On the passing of one of the greatest Supreme Court Justices in U.S. history, two ineligible frauds seeking the Oval Office from the U.S. Senate tried desperately to ride the coat tails of Scalia’s death to the lofty status of “great constitutional originalist…” – a term certainly befitting Justice Scalia, but in no way suited for the two frauds illegally and unconstitutionally seeking the Oval Office today.

The mere fact that the Republican Party would even allow the two frauds to enter the race, much less stand on that stage and compare themselves to a true “constitutional originalist” like Scalia, on the day of his untimely passing, makes this event the most offensive moment in GOP debate history…

The Republican Party is now officially no better than the Democrat Party, which defrauded the American people in 2008 and 2012 with their support of “the first black president” who happens to be neither “black” nor “natural born American.”

Trump calling both Cruz and Rubio “liars” is the understatement of the century…

The truth is… Trump and Carson were very likely the only two in that room last Saturday night who were telling the truth… nearly everyone else in the room is a “liar…”

For the record, legal scholars are NOT “constitutional scholars.” Quite the contrary actually… they are experts at undermining and usurping constitutional law via their use of British Common Law tactics they learned in Law School.

History Scholars are Constitutional Scholars…. They are the people who have studied the historical foundations for everything our Founders created, everything that appears in our Founding documents, everything that is the foundation for American freedom and liberty.

99.9% of all modern day lawyers in the USA do not know and even more importantly, do not care about the foundations of freedom and liberty or anything in our Founding documents. They were taught in Law School that “they are the law of the land.” That they get to establish law by merely “setting a precedent.”

In the good old days, they did this via “case law,” court decisions. But now they think they can do it by mere opinion letter… Just like Obama thinks he makes law by Executive memo.

And, too many Americans are none the wiser today… finding themselves convinced that someone with no U.S. citizenship authentication at all (Cruz) would make a great president!

Caught in lie after lie after lie, Cruz supporters now demonstrate that their problem isn’t that they don’t know Cruz is a fraud, it’s that they do not care.

The RNC is worried about Democrats lining up behind Hillary and Bernie, two communist criminal idiots when in fact, they should be far more worried about the fact that they cannot line voters up behind any one GOP candidate, due to their massive effort to mislead and divide their voters over the two RNC insider ineligible candidates…

Now, are Beck, Levin, Hannity, Limbaugh, Kelly and O’Reilly as ignorant of the Constitution as they appear? Or, are they really nothing they appeared to be, before exposing themselves as mere RNC stooges in the 2016 election cycle, standing up for obvious frauds like Cruz and Rubio?

As a society, we are scraping rock bottom here…. “the people” are now as corrupt as their politicians…

Our Founders were not extraordinary men… they were 56 ordinary men who somehow came together, set their differences aside, and stayed in the room long enough to somehow complete an extraordinary act that could never be accomplished today, or maybe ever again.

The American people will be foolish to ignore these foundations, as without them, including Article II eligibility, they will have no sovereign nation, no security, no freedom and no liberty. May God help those too foolish to help themselves!

© 2016 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

Gun to every American’s head

“All of the problems we’re facing with debt are manmade problems. We created them. It’s called fantasy economics. Fantasy economics only works in a fantasy world. It doesn’t work in reality.” ~Michelle Bachman

To all the men of America: If you knew that there was an event about to happen that presented a grave danger to your wife and children, or your mom or dad, or your brothers and sisters, would you throw up your hands and say there is nothing you can do? Would you look deep into your wife’s eyes and tell her you can’t save her? If she was in danger of becoming a debt slave, an involuntary part of a rich man’s concubine, or be killed, would you tell her you just can’t do anything about it because the problem is bigger than you are able to handle? Well, that is what the men of America have been doing.

Men have an animal mandate to protect their women and children. They don’t have a license or authority to endanger them, enslave them, maim them, or kill them. And that is what the powerful men of politics and banking have done to the men, women and children of America, and the world.

We ask you to take a good hard look at the image that accompanies this article. The image depicts the explosive rise in the national debt, the reasons what caused it to rise so precipitously in such a short period of time and the extreme danger it poses to every American citizen, as shown by a bullet on its way to your wives’ and children’s head. This isn’t just a fantasy, or some TV story. This is reality in the form of an imminent and grave danger to your loved ones that the representatives of the people have chosen to ignore, or kick down the road for the last three decades. Your politicians have known of the problem for at least that long and have done nothing, except make it worse.

It took over 206 years for the national debt to reach $1 Trillion. It took just another 22 years to increase it $18 Trillion more. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) predicts the national debt will increase to $33 Trillion in just 10 more years. Every man, woman, child and the unborn are on the hook for that $33 Trillion and rising debt. It is totally unsustainable and it is why we predicted in a recent article that: “America’s Collapse is a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.”

Let’s see if we can explain it to you with a little kitchen-table economics.

A family of four, husband, wife and two kids, earns $100,000 per year. But they want the good life, you know, the really GOOD life, so they borrow another $42,000, such that 42 cents of every dollar earned, is borrowed. (That 42 cents is germane to this discussion) The family has managed its money fairly well and has stacked up some significant assets in savings, rental property and stocks. So the husband goes to the bank and says I want to borrow $42,000. The banker looks at their financial statements and says the borrowers have the income and assets to pay back the loan and grants it to them.

Because they are living the GOOD life, the family is beginning to feel guilty about the good life they are living and they decide to help some needy families with their extra income and borrowings. They find four needy families to help and begin to draw down their loan. The word gets out that these generous people are helping others and a few more needy families show up at the door and ask for assistance.

Being truly generous people, they can’t turn down the new needy families and start to draw down their loan even more. Upon assessing their finances at the end of the year, they realize that in order to support all the needy families they have taken on, they are going to have to borrow more money.

So they go to the bank again and ask the banker for another $42,000. The banker scratches his head a little but since the generous family has made their payments regularly and on time and their assets are still in tack, he agrees to lend them another $42,000, over and above their income of $100,000 and on top of the previous $42,000 loan.

As you might expect, more families learn of this grand generosity and show up on the doorstep to ask for assistance. Hearing their sad luck stories, our generous family doesn’t have the heart to turn the new families down.

By the end of the second year however, they realize they don’t have the money to help all of the families they have taken on and must go back to the bank for another $42,000 loan. But during the second year, the generous family is not so timely with their payments.

Now in the real world, the banker looks at the total outstanding loan amount, the irregular payments, the declining assets and tells the generous family, the bank can’t lend them any more money. That would be the end of the story and the generous family would have to start cutting back on the families they are helping. Eventually, without a new loan of $42,000, there is no way they can help the poor families, pay their normal expenses and pay down the $84,000 loan they have previously borrowed. Without a massive cut back in providing assistance to needy families, they will go bankrupt. In fact, their hearts couldn’t deny the needy families they were helping and our generous family did go bankrupt. Irrational compassion bankrupted them. While in bankruptcy court, they lament to the judge that if they just could print their own money, there would be no end to the families they could help.

But ladies and gentlemen, our generous family must live in the real world. Government doesn’t live in the real world. They live in the fantasy world of buying votes to stay in power with your money. Government isn’t a family dictated by kitchen-table economics. Government can print money and the borrower who gets to pay the loans back, is every American citizen. The so-called “good faith and credit” of the nation is predicated upon its citizens earning money that can be taxed by government.

The people are the collateral for the loans taken out by government to buy the people’s votes so the government can rule the people. Each individual’s Social Security number is their loan number for the national debt. The American people have become debt slaves to their own money that is used against them and to divide them.

Who led us down this path to destruction? The lust for power led us here and it was the lust for power that found the “key” to staying in power. The “key” was buying votes. However, in order to buy more votes to stay in power, the politicians realized they couldn’t help all those needy families without borrowing money. But government doesn’t have to borrow money. It just prints it.

So government creates programs to help the people with direct cash, rent, food, telephone, education, college and medical expenses. The government has created at least 80 such programs. One person gets on one of the programs and finds it’s a smooth deal. They don’t have to work for it. The one person tells 10 more people and those 10 apply for the assistance. The program rapidly runs out of money. So the politicians raise the budget, not wanting to lose those new votes coming onto the assistance program and appropriate more money. Where did the politicians get the money? Part of it came from taxes and part of it came from borrowing the money from the Federal Reserve and other nations, like Japan and China. 42 cents of every dollar spent is borrowed. Where did the Federal Reserve get the money? They printed it with government authority. It’s legal under law but financial collapse becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy under this law. Some have called it a death spiral. The Constitution, freedom, liberty, or property rights will mean nothing when the nation collapses.

Then along came another concept in the 1930’s that aggravated the situation even more, Keynesian economics! Keynesian economics says it is OK for the government to smooth out the bad times by adding more money to the financial system, no matter where they have to get the money. Where did the government get the new money? The Federal Reserve printed it of course and handed it over to the government as a loan, at interest for which the people get to pay.

It gets even worse from there. The banks, central banks and affiliates, engage in the practice of what is called fractional reserve lending. This is a great high-profit scheme that allows the banks to lend out 10 times more money than is contained in bank deposits. The reserves to cover for bad loans are a minute fraction of the amounts at risk. This works OK for a while, that is until there is a bank run, or a “dot com” or “housing bubble”, where the housing loans are riddled with bad loans that cannot be paid off by the miniscule bank reserves. The big banks get caught up in the scheme and when the bubble bursts, they become too big to fail. Who bails them out, the American citizen of course, because every man, woman, child and the unborn are on the hook for the bad loans.

The central banks are tanking all over the world. There are hard rumors that Deutsche Bank could be on the verge of collapse and if it fails, Barclays and Citi Bank could follow like dominoes. There are strong signs of a “flight” to gold. The stock market is headed down into bear territory. The price of crude oil is trending down as the market responds to an oil glut. Why? The markets are just responding to the affects of worldwide socialism, multi-culturalism, never-ending wars and crushing regulations. One only need look at the countries of Greece and Venezuela to see the cost of socialism.

Who came up with these fantastic schemes to make large profits for the banks and stay in political power using your money? The Progressives, the liberals, the socialists, the Democrats and the bankers came up with the scheme starting in 1913 with the passing of the 16th Amendment, then FDR’s New Deal and Social Security that is now bankrupt, on top of President Johnson’s Great Society, along with Welfare, Medicare, Medicaid and Obama Care. This doesn’t even take into account the continual passage of strangling regulations.

Meanwhile, your government allows millions of illegal aliens to pour into America, looking for a better life, which comes on the backs of the American citizen who gets to pay for everything the illegal alien consumes, while taking the jobs legal Americans need and deserve. The Democrats hail the illegal hordes as future voters of America, who just happen to vote Democrat because the illegals come from socialist countries. No wonder Trump is so popular.

So legal men of America, if you take your animal mandate seriously to protect your women and children from harm, whether you are a Democrat, Republican, or an Independent, (or a woman) think long and hard whom you are going to vote for in 2016. Your decision could either accelerate the demise of America because of what we have written here, or set her on a slow path to solvency. The current path only leads to national bankruptcy and the further loss of liberty, where the people become debt slaves, no better than the infamous sweatshops of the emerging Industrial age.

Government won’t be your savior in this world awash in debt. Government will be a very aggressive debt collector. Everything you own will be collateral for the national debt and it won’t be safe from the government’s prying eyes, as they confiscate America’s wealth to pay back the debt they put on you to buy your vote.

The only other thing that will stop this slide into the financial abyss is if “a critical mass of dedicated and courageous American MEN finally decide to resist government tyranny by acts of civil disobedience on a grand scale, punctuated by the threat of force if necessary.” Otherwise your women and children, and you, will become debt slaves to the government and the bankers.

If you see the danger we describe, tell us how you would reverse the course we are on, HERE.

[NOTE: The forgoing article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved

Scalia and what The Supreme Court is not

With the recent passing of Justice Antonin Scalia, America is truly bereaved of one of her greatest defenders of justice.

Justice Scalia was a historic jurist, an exceptional legal scholar, and a stalwart defender of the Constitution as it was written by our founders.

The “crisis” being spoken of now is who will the next Supreme Court Justice be, and if he isn’t nominated by a Republican, will that sabotage America as we know it?

Regardless of what party nominates the justices – this problem with the judiciary declaring evil to be good and good to be evil will not be remedied, adjudicated, or fixed in the courts. It is unfortunate but I feel Americans have a great deal of evidence to believe the courts are the traffickers of injustice and immorality in this nation. In my lifetime alone America has experienced horrific consequences by its obeisance to Supreme Court opinions. For example:

• Millions of Americans have been murdered, ripped limb from limb in the womb.
• The American family unit has been assaulted by the perversion of homosexual marriage.
• Students have been harassed and coerced into learning without prayer, singing without Christ, and extra curricular activities with no Bible.
• Once penalized by government for an unlawful action, now Americans are being fined for the inaction of not having government-approved healthcare.

How do we end such an epidemic trend? The Bible queries, “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”

To start, Christians, constitutionalists, and “so-called” conservatives need to recognize there is no federal government solution to our nation’s malady. Rather, our solution is found in restoring our Biblical American view of government found right in the Organic Law of our country, the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration clearly recognizes there is a God; that our rights come from Him; and that civil government, as His servant (and ours) is limited to protecting our rights.

For the purpose of securing our rights, the Constitution grants lawmaking power only to Congress and NOT to the courts, not even the Supreme Court.

You see, Article One, Section One – the very first sentence of the Constitution – says this: “All legislative power herein granted is vested in a Congress…”

So, if all federal lawmaking power is in Congress, then how much is left over for the courts?

The answer, of course, is zero.

Under our Constitution, courts render opinions in cases and controversies that come before them, they do not make laws.

Scalia understood that the courts do not make laws and have absolutely no law-making power. Yet, through so-called “Judicial Supremacy” the federal courts claim to be the lone and final arbiter of what is constitutional and what is not. So what is the justification for this subversion? They claim the “Supremacy Clause,” found in Article 6, paragraph 2, of the Constitution. But in reading this article we find no mention of the Supreme or any federal court. We do find, however, it is the Constitution itself that has supremacy.

Thomas Jefferson wrote extensively against this judicial tyranny. He stated in a letter to William Jarvis in 1820, “You seem . . . to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy.”

You see the Constitutional authority of the courts is to apply the laws of Congress. But ask yourself the question, “How can the courts enforce a law that Congress hasn’t made?”

Learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and his “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

2016 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

Is Ted Cruz the ‘North American Union’ candidate?

The word “TrusTED” decorates the campaign bus in which Senator Ted Cruz travels America to spread the message of why he should be President of the United States. It’s clever.

It’s okay to trust someone provided you know what is in the package that comes with him and approve of both… the candidate and the baggage on the bus.

Before you trust Ted Cruz with the fate of your nation, there are some things you need to know. They aren’t the obvious things about which I’ve already written… the fact that Cruz is not a natural-born American because his father was a Cuban citizen at the time of Ted’s birth, for example.

I’ve also written about Heidi Cruz’s affiliation with Goldman Sachs… that she’s on the Executive Committee of that organization, not just a mere employee.

For those who at one time were worried about the North American Union – the joining of Mexico, the United States and Canada into a single nation – Heidi Cruz is listed as a Task Force member by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in its Task Force Report on the Building a North American Community Committee. Mrs. Cruz totally approves of the recommendations contained in the report: Make the three nations into a single entity, same as the European Union?

When you think about it for a minute, how neat would it be for the planned North American Union to have Ted Cruz as President? Joint citizenship in the U.S. and a Canadian citizen — who is Hispanic and can speak Spanish?

To read Heidi Cruz’s statement of support for the concept of a North American Union between Mexico, the U.S., and Canada, read Kelleigh Nelson’s article.

In the video below you will see Donald Trump hold up one of NewsWithViews’s articles written by Kelleigh Nelson.

In fact, Kelleigh has done more research into Ted Cruz and his various relationships than anyone in the media, Mainstream or Internet. If you want to know more about Cruz after reading this article, check out Kelleigh’s in-depth researched articles:

1- Kelleigh Nelson
2- Kelleigh Nelson
3- Kelleigh Nelson
4- Kelleigh Nelson
5- Kelleigh Nelson

I now call Ted Cruz the CIA candidate and here’s why.

It bothers me to call him that because after I met him in Denver in 2013 at a press conference after his speech to Western Conservative Conference attendees, I was thoroughly enamored with the man. He seemed a gentleman with a lot of common sense and political insight.

The other member of Cruz’s family who bothers me is his father, Raphael. I watched with great interest one of his sermons to Evangelical Christians. He is dynamite! I was very impressed with not only his charismatic public speaking talents but with his message. I researched this soon after the 2013 Denver speech because I so liked Ted Cruz. I liked what Raphael Cruz said, not just the way he said it. He words were brimming over with love, respect and enthusiasm for both God and America. That always gets my attention and support.

But then I found out that after fighting with Fidel Castro against Batista in Cuba, Raphael Cruz came to the U.S. in 1957… but he didn’t bother to become a citizen until shortly before Ted’s campaign for the U.S. Senate. If he really loves the country and thinks it is as fabulous as his enthusiastic words portray, why the 50-year delay in applying for citizenship? That bothered me. It struck me as opportunistic for him to wait until his son decided to run for the U.S. Senate to apply for citizenship. Were they planning a presidential campaign even then?

As for Ted Cruz, what did I learn about him personally that changed me from liking and respecting him – to see him as Donald Trump says he is: “a liar”? Well, there is plenty about Cruz that bothers me but it’s the Cruz luggage on the bus that I’m disclosing here.

Let’s start with the Cruz campaign manager, Chad Sweet.

It is pretty well known that Sweet served as Chief of Staff of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS). What is less known is that prior to that position Sweet was an investment banker at two firms: Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs. Furthermore, he served in the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA’s) National Clandestine Service.

That comes directly from Sweet’s own biography statement.

Then, there’s the Woolsey connection.

ROBERT JAMES WOOLSEY, part of Cruz’s foreign policy advisory team, was the former Director of the CIA during the Clinton Administration.

In his book War in a Time of Peace, David Haberstam states that Bill Clinton chose Woolsey for CIA Director because the Clinton campaign courted neoconservatives leading up to the 1992 election. It was part of proving to voters that Clinton’s promise to be tougher on Taiwan, Bosnia, and human rights in China was for real. You remember. That’s when Clinton’s policies were being compared to the movie, Wag the Dog, because of Bosnia mistakes.

Woolsey got the job and became the token neoconservative in the Clinton Cabinet – in the two years he served as CIA Director, Woolsey never had a private meeting with Clinton. Woolsey, A DEMOCRAT, got his BA from Stanford (Phi Beta Kappa), his MA from Oxford University (where he was a Rhodes Scholar – as was Bill Clinton) Woolsey got his law degree at Yale. He was prominent and active in the anti-Vietnam War movement.

Woolsey was CIA Director when Aldrich Ames was arrested for treason and spying against the United States and was harshly criticized for not giving more attention to the Ames leak within the CIA more quickly. Woolsey was forced to resign as CIA head when he refused to terminate anyone at the CIA for not digging Aldrich Ames out of his treasonous sewer more quickly than was done. He has served on numerous Boards and in advisory roles – and the word “Global” appears in many of the organizations with which he affiliates himself.

He is only an advisor to Cruz on foreign policy, but Woolsey is clearly a neoconservative Democrat (hawkish on foreign policy but liberal on economic and social issues). Some now equate “hawkish” in the Middle East with “nation building” and “constant ongoing wars” as a means to stimulate America’s economy. Woolsey currently is Chancellor of The Institute of World Politics.

ELLIOTT ABRAMS is also a member of the Ted Cruz Foreign Policy advisory team.

Abrams is a Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations – he’s a CFR leader. Like Woolsey, Abrams has a colorful past history.

Various Internet biographical sketches describe Abrams as a key figure in the Reagan administration before being convicted of charges related to Iran-Contra. He was later pardoned but his Iran-Contra involvement is a fact. Many people believe Iran-Contra was a program implemented by Vice President George H. W. Bush, not Reagan. That idea is supported by the admitted involvement of Ollie North who, when things got hot turned on the paper shredders and it is a fact that North was assigned to the Office of the Vice President (Bush), not the President (Reagan).

Those who are as old as I am remember the appointment of Lawrence Walsh as Independent Counsel to investigate Iran-Contra. Walsh prepared multiple felony counts against Abrams but never indicted him. Abrams worked with Walsh and because of his cooperation he entered a plea agreement of “guilty” to two misdemeanors of withholding information from Congress. He paid a $50 fine, was on probation for two years, and was also sentenced to 100 hours of community service.

Then we have the guy who sent the message to Iowa voters stating that Dr. Ben Carson was “returning to Florida” with a soft suggestion that those planning to vote for him should vote for Ted Cruz instead.

DAN P. GABRIEL is a former CIA covert officer. He was with counter-terrorism for 10 years, and is an expert in countering violent extremism, directing counter-insurgency operations, and counter-radicalization theory. He was a senior strategic communications advisor, consultant and strategist to the U.S. Government. He founded a company called Applied Memetics which specializes in “cultural sociosphere.” What is that, you ask? In the real world it’s called propaganda. Gabriel is a propaganda specialist. That’s what he did for the CIA and is very likely what he does for Ted Cruz.

Is there anything wrong with the above facts? If you are comfortable with a candidate for the Presidency of the United States being surrounded by what most conservatives consider a rogue U.S. Intelligence Agency, the CIA, then it will not impact your voting decision.

If you are like me and believe if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck, you will find someone else to support.

But, you may suggest, the above comments really are not about Ted Cruz. The comments are about his wife, his father, and those responsible for advising Cruz and for running his campaign.

Well, you really don’t have to be a duck for my comments to apply. If you see a bunch of ducks walking towards an objective, the chances are strong they are being led by a duck. These guys are a bunch of CIA ducks, Council on Foreign Relations ducks and are men whose feet are firmly buried in the George H.W. Bush CIA history… men who create propaganda of which the old Soviet Union could only dream.

There are so many red flags about the Cruz candidacy in the above comments it feels like May Day in Moscow.

A friend of mine from Toronto called this morning. He said Cruz was a concern to him because of his affiliation with dominionism. I decided to find out if this was true or false… and I wanted to know more about what “dominionism” is. It asks an important question: “Does Ted Cruz think he is the Messiah?”

I would suggest to all evangelical voters who support Senator Cruz because of his obvious Christian roots that they go here and read the very informative article on dominionism. If Senator Cruz and his father, Raphael, are your kind of Christians, fine. The linked article explains that historically dominionism began as an offshoot of Christian Reconstructionism, the sect founded in the 1960s by defender-of-slavery R. J. Rushdoony. Dominionists, the article says, seek to replace secular law with Biblical law.

Any Christian who believes secular law should be replaced by Biblical law may be a good Christian, but cannot, by definition, be a conservative. The most basic philosophic principle of an American Conservative is a total acceptance of the United States Constitution… very much as Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia (God rest his soul) defined it: Textualism and Originalism. In other words, as it was written by the Founders, meaning what the words meant at the time the Founders wrote them.

To impose Biblical law on those citizens who do not believe in God would violate their freedom of religion under the First Amendment. Agnosticism and atheism are religious beliefs, too.

Whether it is the CIA, the CFR, the North American Union, Goldman Sachs and other too big to fail investment banks, the Cruz campaign staff is filled with them. As I said: there are so many red flags here it looks like May Day in Moscow.

I guess the bottom line is this: I don’t want to replace one narcissistic President who happens to be a tyrannical liberal progressive with another narcissistic President who happens to be a tyrannical neoconservative President.

You may feel differently about the Cruz victory speech in Iowa, but before I heard of the dominionism connection I thought how arrogant he was that night. Then I read where his roommate at Harvard, Damon Watson, stated that Cruz did not want to study with anyone who had not been an undergrad at Harvard, Princeton or Yale. “He said he didn’t want anybody from ‘minor Ivies like Penn or Brown’.” Does this sound like Christian humility to you? It doesn’t to me. These are not the words of “a man of the people.”

As I said… a deep sea of red flags waving. They got my attention. I hope they get yours. And if you know a voter in South Carolina, I hope you send them this article. They vote on Saturday.

2016 Marilyn M. Barnewall – All Rights Reserved

How to create a national debate on immigration-population

As you can see from the enclosed immigration-driven population graph, your country, the United States of America, accelerates its population by 138 million people net gain, within the next 34 years. Over 100,000,000 (million) people from that growth comes from legal immigration. As long as our borders remain unguarded and open, the numbers of illegal immigrants will grow into the millions, also.

(Permission to republish this population graph by Roy Beck,

It’s not farfetched that another 10 million illegal migrants will cross into America within 34 years by 2050. All immigrants overload our carrying capacity. Why do you think they fled their own countries?

Once that next 138 million people plus another 10 million illegal immigrants flood across our borders, our citizens of every race, creed and color become victims. Our culture, language and rule of law become victims. Our quality of life and standard of living degrade into third world status. Our environment takes an enormous hit as to water, soil, energy, resources and balance.

As you can see from the population graph; at current legal immigration rates of 1.1 to 1.2 million annually, or 100,000 legal immigrants monthly—which, by the way, equates to filling up the Rose Bowl with 100,000 people every 30 days and dumping them into America’s landscape. Most without any language abilities, education or work skills to contribute, and most become welfare recipients paid by you! Again, it’s not “if”, but it’s a fact that these 100 million immigrants WILL land on our shores if we don’t stop our US Congress by forcing a national debate on creating a total shutdown on all immigration.

“How can I help save my children’s futures?” you ask.

Let’s use social media like never before. I ask you to use the template letter below to write to some key media addresses. Can you imagine citizens across America taking this letter and sending thousands of emails and letters to the media? Send this letter template to your Facebook network, LinkedIn, Google, Digg and more. Copy your letter to the major news networks and radio shows in your area and in your Facebook quadrant. You can send this template letter to more than 50 Facebook media personalities.

Dear (Scott Pelley, David Muir, Wolf Blitzer, Laura Ingraham, Judge Janine, Lester Holt, Shepard Smith, Fox and Friends, George Stephanopoulos, Diane Sawyer, Meet the Press, Face the Nation and two dozen more)

According to the US Census Bureau, via endless legal immigration, our kids face an added 138 million more people within 34 years by 2050. We will jump from 300 million in 2006 to reach 438 by 2050.

We need a national debate on where our civilization is headed. Do we want to face insurmountable water shortages, energy exhaustion and resource depletion? Do we want our 35 most populated cities to double in population?

Please interview the following experts on environment and overpopulation in America: (contact information)

• Dr. Diana Hull,
• Ms. Joanne Wideman,
• Mr. Roy Beck,
• Mr. David Durham,
• Dr. Jack Alpert,
• Mr. Frosty Wooldridge,
• Mr. Dave Paxson,
• Mr. Mark Krikorian,
• Mr. Dell Erickson,
• Mr. Dan Stein,

Addresses of media:

60 Minutes: ;

Charlie Rose: ; ; look up “contact” and fill in with information

David Muir:; look up “contact” and fill in blanks

Lester Holt: ; ; look up “contact” and fill in blanks

Wolf Blitzer:; look up “contact” and fill in blanks

You can do the same for: Anderson Cooper, Bill O’Reilly, Megyn Kelley, Robert Siegal at, Terry Gross at, Facebook page “Meet the Press”, Facebook page “Face the Nation”, Matt Lauer,, Bill Moyers , Laura Ingraham at www.Laura and all your radio shows.

Send this request out to all your networks and Facebook pages, Google, LinkedIn and more. Create a national discussion by injecting thousands and even millions of letters. They cannot ignore all of us all the time. Do it for your kids.

Contact me: Facebook: Frosty Wooldridge

© 2016 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

Two super pacs – one unauthorized and one out to destroy Trump

James Monroe, speech in the Virginia Ratifying Convention, 1788

according to USA Today.

So when I received a TrumPac notice in my email, I was suspicious. So was the cyber friend who sent it to me.

Who is TrumPac?

Amy Kremer

Kremer speaking at the 2011 Conservative Political Action Conference

Amy Kremer was originally with Tea Party Patriots(TPP), initially organized by FreedomWorks, which was headed by amnesty loving Dick Armey. The two controlling entities of TPP were Mark Meckler and Jenny Beth Martin. Martin still controls TPP, but the infamous Meckler left to become involved in promoting a Constitutional Convention. TPP was infiltrated and neutralized by the neo-cons of the Republican party from the very beginning.

Americans For Prosperity (AFP), another very leftist group posing as conservatives. AFP also funds Constitution Convention promoting American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).

gay marriage and stem-cell research. Doesn’t sound very conservative, does he?!

Kremer states the following on the TrumPac website blog

This is a blog about Donald Trump and specifically about his campaign to be the next President of the United States of America.

Whether he will make good on this ambition remains to be seen but he’s off to an excellent, if a little controversial start.

This blog will consist of reports on Donald Trump and some of his opponents, both Republican and Democrat.

It is not an “official” Trump report.

It is not vetted by or financially supported by Donald Trump.

It is not vetted by or financially supported by his family.

It is not vetted by or financially supported by his election organization or any of his staff.

It reflects my personal take on things, sometimes complimentary and sometimes critical.

Also I should declare that I am not, never have been, nor do I ever want to be for that matter, a member of the Republican or Democratic Parties.

The Trump Report could be a very short blog, if Donald Trump is not selected as the GOP’s presidential candidate.

On the other hand it could be a much longer one, if he is selected, or runs as a third candidate.

If he goes and gets himself elected President then who knows.

If you like what you read please follow The Trump Report, tell you friends and colleagues and lets (sic) try to generate enough traffic to make it all worthwhile.

Kremer sounds like the establishment republicans in these statements. Trump has filled a vast void that is now being filled with truth for the first time in many decades. This is why he resonates with the people. Controversial? Yes, I guess the truth has become controversial in America with establishment GOP, DNC and MSM, but not with the grassroots Americans. 

Anti-Trump Super PAC

Super PAC Against Trump: “If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It.” If you missed it, it’s very short, succinct and to the point. Basically a well-funded super PAC has been set up to run negative ads against the GOP frontrunner, Donald Trump. The “Our Principle Super PAC” is run by Katie Packer, Mitt Romney’s deputy campaign manager. She is supported by a number of GOP leftists, including Willard Romney and John McCain. A Republican run Super PAC just for the sole purpose of taking down another Republican.

Yes, the establishment GOP would rather hand the country over to the corruption of Hillary Clinton or the communism of Bernie Sanders, than win an election with an outsider. One need only watch the numerous GOP debates to see the establishment bias against Trump, if not by the questions and moderators, by stacking the audience with lobbyists for the establishment candidates. My God America! Wake up! This is why we need Mr. Trump as President of the United States!

Surprisingly, someone from Fox actually gets it. Fox host, Eric Bolling, has a message for all the anti-Trump ‘elites’ out there after seeing them endlessly attack and go after Trump.

“Look, establishment, if you truly care about America as I do, Trump’s not your problem. Liberals and socialists are. Why not use that Super PAC money to expose the dark underbelly of liberal politics?”

Watch the video.

How Ted Cruz is sneaking common core on homeschoolers

Why Parents Should Question Senator Ted Cruz’s S 306 and Title I Portability-Education Choice.

Michael Farris of Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) supports presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz’s co-sponsored S 306. On February 5, 2016, Mr. Farris posted on Facebook his dismay that someone (me) would oppose Sen. Ted Cruz’s legislation.

Although I have written many articles about Title I portability, none explain the issues as well as my previous article about Senator Cruz’s S 306 and the future of education in the United States if Title I portability is passed. It is titled TED CRUZ’S FEDERAL EDUCATION “CHOICE” KILLS THE AMERICAN DREAM.

Here are the opening paragraphs of Mike Farris’s response to my article:

There are several points of history to mention before proceeding:

First, parents across this country, especially homeschool parents, should realize that this is not the first time HSLDA may be on the wrong side of the Constitution. In Mr. Farris’s statement he implies that he thinks his claim to fame is most important and berates the not-so-important parents or researchers that have dared to challenge Sen. Ted Cruz and HSLDA.

Second, this is not the first time that Parents vs. Mr. Farris of HSLDA have fought in a parental rights battle. In 1995 legislation was written by Michael Farris, HSLDA, called the Parental Rights and Responsibilities Act, PRRA. In that battle Mr. Farris lost and the Parents won. Why? Because a truly grassroots effort was made by informed homeschool parents across this nation that stopped his bad bill dead in its tracks. But perhaps Mr. Farris forgets this episode when he tries to schmooze through another piece of bad legislation that put parents in danger.

It quickly became evident that we “mom researchers” did know how to read legislation. We still have the original 1995 letters from Professor Charles Rice, Notre Dame, a Constitutional Attorney, who was contacted to verify our research. He confirmed and substantiated our concerns. Quoting Dr. Rice in a letter to Mr. Farris, February 5, 1996, “In my opinion the PRRA is an imprudent and dangerous bill.”

After several altered states of the legislation, the bill was withdrawn by Mr. Farris. We research moms, with the help of Dr. Rice, shot down the PRRA which would have severely adversely impacted parental rights in the United States. That entire episode was highlighted by the research team of Weatherly, Hoge, and Sutton who fought for parents’ rights and won the respect of the entire country for fighting against establishment lawyers who thought more about their institutions than protecting children.

Third, it is a well-known fact that whenever Mr. Farris experiences opposition from within the ranks of citizens (especially moms) exercising their constitutional right to study his proposed laws, that he customarily disparages them as “that handful of radical few.” Hence it is not a surprise to find that Farris resorted to this same tactic of belittling my opposition to S 306. He wrote disparagingly on Facebook: “Why would anyone listen to ‘researchers’ who have never written laws, never argued cases and have no record other than the creation of conspiracy theories?”

In in my article I raised serious questions about the far-reaching ramifications of Sen. Ted Cruz’s S 306 which Mr. Farris supports. I wrote that this bill is an imprudent and dangerous bill. Mr. Farris responded to my article by making this brief analysis on Facebook:

“The law in question allows homeschoolers participate in savings accounts that have tax benefits. There are no government funds. There is no regulation of homeschooling. Just fair treatment for homeschoolers who want to save taxes on educational savings.” (Emphasis added.)

Let’s analyze Mr. Farris’s four brief comments on S 306:

1. The first statement made by Mr. Farris is true. Homeschools will be able to participate in an ESA with government tax credits. Interestingly, Mr. Farris does not mention that homeschools are redefined in this process as a private school. Convenient for Mr. Farris, but somewhat distorted. What he doesn’t say is that under Title I portability which is offered to all public, charter, private and religious schools, all children must open an ESA to deposit equitable government funding designed to “follow the child” in this federal so-called “choice” system when enacted.

2. His second statement states there are no government funds. Easily said, but untrue. This is the second piece of the Cruz/Farris agenda that is distorted. If Mr. Farris had read the new Reauthorization of ESEA called, Every Student Succeeds Act, ESSA, or President Obama’s Equity Plan, he may have changed his mind. S 306 enhances ESSA with federal public school choice under Title I portability which changes schools forever.

The Obama equity agenda intends to change how all schools are financed using civil rights as a catalyst to determine a “per pupil expenditure” for ALL children to receive the same exact funds no matter which school that student chooses to attend. This is federal choice. This is exactly what Senator Ted Cruz states,

“And in my view, the most compelling civil rights issue of the 21st century is the need to expand school choice and educational options so that EVERY child, regardless of race, ethnicity, or zip code has a fair opportunity to receive an excellent education.” (Emphasis added.) (Source)

“The rich and middle class have had school choice from the beginning of time,” said Sen. Cruz. “This fight is about ensuring that every child, regardless of race, ethnicity, or zip code has the same opportunity to choose the school that best fits their needs and will help them achieve their very best…” January 29, 2015, Senator Cruz’s website.

The Obama/Cruz solution is that money will be funded directly to EVERY child, not schools. An “excellent education” is masked by Common Core, which are the state standards accepted by 45 states. But no one is explaining how this is going to work. It’s time for citizens and parents to dig into ESSA and S 306 and figure how they connect to one another.

This mantra of “equity” espouses that no matter which zip code you live in every child will have the same opportunity to choose (“choice”) where they go to school. Portability is for EVERY CHILD, not just poor children. This raises a serious question about what impact the Obama/Cruz agenda will have on local communities, taxing authorities, property evaluations, and elected school board members – and what damage it will do to our constitutional representative form of government. With the push for equity, or sameness, comes the idea of ‘spreading the wealth around’. This will change the reason why you purchase a house in a particular zip code. Title I portability will mean the destruction of your neighborhood.

No one said it much clearer than federal Education Secretary Duncan who slammed white suburban soccer Moms who were against Common Core when he stated,

“It’s fascinating to me that some of the pushback [on Common Core] is coming from, sort of, white suburban moms who — all of a sudden — their child isn’t as brilliant as they thought they were and their school isn’t quite as good as they thought they were, and that’s pretty scary,” Duncan said. “You’ve bet your house and where you live and everything on, ‘My child’s going to be prepared.’ That can be a punch in the gut.” (Source)

Where you live (zip code) and and why you moved to that neighborhood (better schools) won’t matter anymore.

Most parents do not understand that former Secretary Duncan and President Obama use Common Core to re-define success. Common Core is NOT teaching academics, that’s one “punch in the gut.” The Common Core blanket is thrown over ALL schools to teach the same dumbed-down academic pipeline services and curriculum. That’s another “punch in the gut.” If your child has been targeted for interventions, or has failed a Common Core test, in many cases it’s not because of academics or how smart they are, it’s because of the dumbed-down Common Core psychobabble. That’s another “punch in the gut.” Wealthy school districts and white suburbia are targets for change under President Obama’s equity and race-based revitalization plan. (Source) That’s another “punch in the gut.” But, Title I portability moves your tax money around, that’s the ugliest “punch in the ‘representative government’ gut.”

How schools will be refinanced is to ensure that all schools are the same, i.e., “per pupil expenditures” which is a major portion of the ESSA legislation. ESSA refers to this as “public school choice.” (Source: ESSA, ‘(D) PUBLIC SCHOOL CHOICE; PAGE 92) The word that must be remembered here is PUBLIC.

Common Core opposition warriors know the power shift in academia. Common Core standards were moved away from the teacher in the classroom to an outside locus of NO LOCAL CONTROL. Common Core standards “follow the child” and are the same in every state. Common Core opponents also know that the National Center for Education Statistics, NCES/IES, set up a state longitudinal data system that monitors, collects, and allows datamining on individual children, with a unique national ID and a dossier that “follows the child.” Common Core data elements have the digital sameness in every state resembling a nationalized curriculum aligned to the accountable Common Core.

But what’s missing? Equitable funding! The money must “follow the child.” Which money has been targeted for traveling with the child? Title I portability. It’s the sameness that follows that same pattern. But the impact of equitable funding will blow up your neighborhood school and deflate your property values. Sen. Ted Cruz devises Title I portability to be those equitable funds in S 306. In other words Common Core is Title I and Senator Cruz wants to give those Title I funds to everyone. That’s his Common Core “punch in the gut.”

In this instance, parents must have a government vehicle to deposit that public money. ALL schoolwide, identified Title I CHILDREN enrolled in any public, charter, private school, religious school, and homeschool will be able to open an ESA in which federal, state, and local funds can be deposited. That bag of cash gets bigger and bigger as ESSA allows all federal monies to be accrued in the Title I bag. (Source: ESSA: Page 290; Eligible Federal Funds for equitable distributions of state and local taxes) ESSA names 50 pilot schools to go to bat for sameness, which in three years, all schools can switch to a per pupil expenditure. (Source: pages 278-279; ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act states,”create a single school funding system based on weighted per-pupil allocations for low-income and otherwise disadvantaged students.”)

Other pilots worth watching are Nevada and Arizona, as well as, the DC Scholarship program where parents open a GOVERNMENT ESA to deposit accumulating funds that would normally be used to fund public schools. This is your hard-earned tax dollars. (Source: Read Sen.Ted Cruz sponsors Education Freedom Accountability Act Jan. 21, 2016)

So, yes, Mr. Farris, homeschools will be able to open an ESA, along with every other child in the U.S., to cover their “choice” of school, services, and interventions… But public school choice means government money in ESSA and S 306.

3. In his third statement, Mr. Farris states there will be no regulation. He must be kidding. Not true. A link in S 306 takes you directly to ESEA Title I Common Core state mandated standards, tests, and interventions for public, private, and religious schools. (Let me remind you that it is presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz who redefines a homeschool as a private school to open an ESA to receive a government tax credit from the IRS.) When Sen. Ted Cruz states that he will do away with Common Core, he turns around and uses S 306 and Title I to drench all children in Common Core garbage.

ESSA federal Title I money will be heavily regulated by the IES, Institute for Educational Sciences, virtually an acting national school board, that identifies children as At-Risk of failing Common Core in Title I evaluations. “Direct student services” carried out by IDEA, Special Education combined funds also deposited in the ESA, are defined throughout ESSA legislation specifically stating the psychological interventions that MUST be used for students to meet affective domain/non-academic standards. All students are identified as failing if they are not “proficient” on tests aligned to Common Core. How else would the federal government’s IES monitor and account for their financial investment? All schools are a target for compliance. But private, religious, and homeschools will have an ombudsman to oversee compliance, charter, and accreditation with regulations and “qualified” expenses. (Source: Page 185-186 ESSA, Participation of Private School Children shall be provided services on an equitable basis; Page 833 Participation of Private School Children, (B) OMBUDSMAN.—To help ensure equitable services are provided to private school children, teachers, and other educational per- sonnel under this section,)

4. Is this fair treatment for all homeschoolers as Mr. Farris states? I’m not sure you want to call this agenda fair, but it is definitely equitable. Every child will be taught the same, funded the same and monitored to the same set of standards… Common Core.

In Mr. Farris’s closing statement he says,

Why would anyone listen to “researchers” who have never written laws, never argued cases and have no record other than the creation of conspiracy theories?

I have not endorsed Cruz but these attacks are wildly irresponsible.

Our research team has slowed down federal education overreach many, many times. We continue to fight to preserve the right of parents to raise up their children in the manner that they wish. We stand on the principles of Pierce vs. Society of Sisters: Children are not mere creatures of the state.

To this end, a letter dated November 13, 2015 to Senator Cruz from HSLDA stated, HSLDA is neutral to the federal legislation, ESSA. How sad that a bunch of lawyers cannot see the forest for the trees. You can probably say that these guys are “wildly irresponsible.”

Who CAN you trust? Can anyone “Trust” Ted?

Note: William Estrada, HSLDA, and Cruz have joined up in a Cruz Homeschool Coalition. That’s pretty close to HSLDA endorsing Sen. Ted Cruz for President with HSLDA’s homeschool following. See: [Link], [Link]

A Final Note: President Obama and former Secretary Duncan removed Title I poverty levels in schools which were lowered to “0” % by “waiving” the No Child Left Behind federal law. A Schoolwide net covers all schools whether they are wealthy or not, so ALL children would become Common Core disadvantaged. ESSA codifies the Schoolwide agenda. S 306 Title I portability funds will be used for ALL Schoolwide Title I children. See:

2016 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

Balanced budget amendment: The solution? or deathblow?

The BBA Made Simple

Say you want your Butler to buy some groceries; so you give him your credit card. You can:

1. Give him an ENUMERATED LIST of what you want him to buy: 1 chicken, 5# of apples, two heads of cabbage, a 2# sack of brown rice, and a dozen eggs. Whatever amount he spends for these enumerated items will be charged to you.

2. Tell him he may spend on whatever he wants, and ask him to please don’t spend more than 18% of your weekly income. But whatever amount he decides to spend (on pork and other things) will be charged to you.

The first illustrates how our Constitution is written: The items on which Congress is authorized to spend money are listed – enumerated – in the Constitution. To see the list, go HERE.

The second illustrates how a balanced budget amendment (BBA) works: It creates a completely new constitutional authority to spend on whatever the federal government wants to spend money on. And there is no enforceable limit on the amount of spending.

Our Constitution Limits Spending to the Enumerated Powers

Our Constitution doesn’t permit the federal government to spend money on whatever they want. If Congress obeyed our Constitution, they would limit spending to the enumerated powers listed in the Constitution. Since the Constitution delegates to Congress only limited and narrowly defined authority to spend money, excessive federal spending is not the result of a defective Constitution, but of disregarding the existing constitutional limitations on federal spending.

Because everyone has ignored these existing limitations for so long, we now have a national debt of some $20 trillion plus a hundred or so trillion in unfunded liabilities.[1]

Various factions are now telling conservatives that the only way to stop out of control federal spending is with a BBA.

Obviously, that is not true. The constitutional answer is to downsize the federal government to its enumerated powers. Eliminate federal departments (Education, Energy, Agriculture, Environmental Protection Agency, Housing and Urban Development, etc., etc., etc.), for which there is no constitutional authority.[2]

Since our Constitution delegates only a handful of powers to the federal government, most of what they’ve spent money on since the early 1900s is unconstitutional as outside the scope of powers delegated.

Yet our Constitution is still legally in place; and can be dusted off, read, and enforced by a Repentant People. They can shrink the federal government to the size established by the Constitution which created it.[3]

Using the Federal “Budget” to Snap the Trap on an Unsuspecting People
Our Constitution doesn’t provide for a budget.

Spending is to be limited by the enumerated powers. Pursuant to Art. I, §9, clause 7, the Treasury is to publish periodic Statements and Accounts of the Receipts and Expenditures. Since the list of objects on which Congress is authorized to spend money is so short, it would be a simple matter to monitor federal spending and receipts.

But since the unconstitutional Budget & Accounting Act of 1921, Presidents and Congress have been putting into the “budget” whatever they want to spend money on.

Do you see that if the federal government is given constitutional authority (via a BBA) to spend money on whatever they want, they are ipso facto granted constitutional authority to exert power over whatever they want?

Oh, Americans! False friends lead you astray and confuse the path you should take. Under the pretext of imposing “fiscal responsibility” with a BBA, they would legalize the totalitarian dictatorship which has been developing in this Country for 100 years.

Creating the all-powerful federal government by Amendment
A BBA changes the standard for spending from whether the object is an enumerated power to whatever the federal government wants to spend money on.[4]

So a BBA would transform the federal government created by our Constitution from one of enumerated powers only, to one of general and unlimited powers because it would authorize Congress to appropriate funds for – and hence have power over – whatever they or the President decide to put in the budget!

A BBA Doesn’t Reduce Federal Spending

A BBA wouldn’t reduce federal spending because:

• all versions permit spending limits to be waived when Congress votes to waive them; and

• Congress can always “balance the budget” with tax increases. Compact for America’s “balanced budget amendment” delegates massive new taxing authority to Congress: it authorizes Congress to impose a national sales tax and a national value added tax (VAT) in addition to keeping the income tax.

Typical Misconceptions

Americans think, “I have to balance my budget; so the federal government should have to balance theirs.”

They overlook the profound distinctions between the economies of their own family unit and that of the national government of a Federation of States. Our federal Constitution sets up a system where Congress is to appropriate funds only to carry out the enumerated powers; and the bills are to be paid with receipts from excise taxes and import tariffs, with any shortfall being made up by a direct assessment on the States apportioned according to population (Art. I, §2, clause 3).

Americans also think that since States have balanced budget amendments, the federal government should have one. They overlook the profound distinction between the federal Constitution and State Constitutions: [5]

• The federal government doesn’t need a budget because Congress’ spending is limited by the enumerated powers. Congress is to appropriate funds to carry out the handful of enumerated powers, and then it is to pay the bills with receipts from taxes.

• But State Constitutions created State governments of general and almost unlimited powers. Accordingly, State governments may lawfully spend money on just about anything. So State governments need budgets to limit their spending to receipts.


A BBA would have the opposite effect of what you have been told. Instead of limiting the federal government, it legalizes spending which is now unconstitutional as outside the scope of the enumerated powers; transforms the federal government into one which has power over whatever they decide to spend money on; and does nothing to reduce federal spending.

Twenty-eight States have already passed applications for a BBA. Go HERE to check the status of your State. Warn your friends and State Legislators. For a model your State can use to rescind its previous applications, go HERE and look under “Take Action” column, or contact me. Do not let the malignant elite complete their revolution by replacing our Constitution.

© 2016 Publius Huldah – All Rights Reserved


1. State governments are voracious consumers of federal funds. THIS shows what percentage of your State’s revenue is from federal funds. Contrary to what RINO State Legislators say, they don’t want federal spending reduced: They want to keep those federal dollars flooding in.
2. George Washington’s Cabinet had 4 members: Secretary of War, Secretary of Treasury, Secretary of State, and Attorney General.
3. Our federal Constitution is short and easy to understand. The only way you can avoid being misled is to find out for yourself what it says. Be a Berean (Acts 17:10-12).
4. Amendments change all language to the contrary in the existing Constitution. Eg., the 13th Amendment changed Art. I, §2, clause 3 & Art. IV, §2, clause 3 because they were inconsistent with the 13th Amendment.
5. In Federalist No. 45 (3rd para from end), James Madison said:

“The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State.”

Majority of democrats distrust Hillary

Over the Hil

Increasingly Democrats are “getting over” Hillary Clinton. Indeed, if polling data is accurate, the majority of Democrats distrust Hillary, are to the left of her, and think her an establishment politician who will not deliver. Those impressions make Bernie Sanders increasingly a winner among Democrats; his ideological purity makes him more, not less, attractive compared to Hillary because it evinces an honesty and integrity she lacks. Hillary Clinton believes she will be protected from defeat by a “firewall” in the South, but it is more likely that her “firewall” is tissue paper thin and that Sanders can shred it.

Hillary Clinton has contended that conservative Southern Democrats together with Blacks and Hispanics in the South will overwhelmingly favor her over Sanders. She takes that position in part because of the broad appeal in those communities that her husband enjoys. Unfortunately for Hillary, however, she is no Bill Clinton and more and more Democrats are disappointed by that realization. She lacks his affability, apparent compassion, and glib nature. She cannot “roll with the punches” but has a brittle and angry aspect that makes her unlikeable. If Bill Clinton was “the first Black president,” as some in the minority community have called him, Hillary Clinton is hopelessly white by comparison. Bill could “feel the pain” of those who were suffering, including or most especially minorities, or so goes his image. Hillary appears to feel no pain but her own and to react to that not with affability but with irritability. She lacks her husband’s vibrance and love for others.

She is wooden, staged, and indistinguishable from other establishment politicians that the public presently hates. She lacks personal appeal and charisma. Her speeches fall flat because they are rehearsed and delivered robotically; they lack depth, are expressed without emotion or apparent sincerity, and, most importantly, reveal obvious pandering to constituencies from which she needs votes. Yet, Hillary’s record in public office reveals the delivery of nothing of consequence for those constituencies.

A perfect political storm now surrounds Hillary, all of her own making, and it threatens to envelop and overwhelm her campaign. The fact that at any moment FBI Director James Comey could send Attorney General Lynch a recommendation for issuance of a bill of indictment for numerous violations of the laws governing classified information and for public corruption is a very dark cloud over her head that follows her everywhere. The fact that her connections with Wall Street, receipt of huge speaking fees, and pandering to firms who would later support her campaign all feed into Bernie Sanders’ narrative about her are undeniable elements of her history that the public despises. Making matters worse, rather than admit to any fact of adverse political consequence to her, she responds by falsely denying the existence of the facts and by broadcasting staged lines that attempt to equal or outflank Sanders on the left. Increasingly Democrats are coming to the realization that Hillary cannot be trusted to deliver what she promises, precisely because she lies with such consistency that her integrity is always in doubt; her history is one of self-aggrandizement even if that means tying the knot with leading financial interests; she has used many people to achieve personal aims only to abandon them and be disloyal to them if the association is inconvenient; and she lacks a record of any significant achievement.

When Sanders’ history of civil rights activism comes to the forefront and as he increasingly embraces the causes of Black and Hispanic activists, he will undoubtedly cut into Hillary’s support, perhaps decisively. That quest is made easier by virtue of the fact that Hillary is distrusted based on her constant reinvention and near pathological recitation of false statements. When in the polling booth and Democratic voters are contemplating who they can trust to pursue their agenda, many will find the impulse to vote against Hillary and for Sanders irresistible.

In the end, Bernie Sanders rises because his reputation for honesty and integrity is high and his political message resonates with the far left who dominate the Democratic party. Hillary falls because she cannot be trusted and, as a result, no one knows whether she believes in what she says let alone whether she will fight to achieve what she promises. Sanders, by contrast, is a true believer, a genuine socialist who admits he is such. In an environment where Democrats have no problem calling themselves socialists, that far left position does not alienate Sanders but only elevates him. Hillary, by contrast, has no apparent ideology, no conscience that makes truth her lodestone, and no shame associated with the endless shifts in her political positions that litter her past, even her recent past.

Consequently, while it may be that Joe Biden will step in and secure the nomination if Hillary is indicted or drops like a rock due to a recommendation from Director Comey that she be indicted, until then it is likely that more and more Democrats will refuse to hold their noses and vote for Hillary. They will instead choose Bernie, because at least they know where he stands and can trust him; moreover they need not fear that he will be indicted or prosecuted during the general election. In short, a burgeoning majority of Democrats nationwide are “over the Hil” and are “feeling the Bern.”

© 2016 Jonathan W. Emord – All Rights Reserved

Feb 15, 1973: American POWs come home—with honor!

February 15, 2016 is the 43rd anniversary of a shining moment in American history: It was on that day in 1973 that American prisoners of war came home from Vietnam with their honor intact, after suffering unspeakable torture, some for eight years, at the hands of North Vietnam led by dedicated Communist Ho Chi Minh.

It was day of great importance in 1973 in a divided America faced with war, and it is day to remember all these years later in a divided America; it is important for what it teaches about honor, duty, country, and who and what we are as Americans.

The Vietnam War had divided Americans as never before. It was and remains the first time in American history that veterans came home from war not to be honored for their service and sacrifice, but to be vilified, defamed as “war criminals,” told by their military commanders not to wear their uniforms in traveling home, many even spat upon as they arrived home at airports, train or bus stations.

Altogether, some 9,137,000 Americans would serve in the Vietnam War-era (1960-1975), constituting 9.7 percent of their generation. Some 2.6-million of them were deployed to Vietnam, of whom between 1-1.6-million either fought in combat, provided close support, or were at least fairly regularly exposed to enemy attack.” (, from which all statistics are taken.)

Fifty-Eight Thousand Two Hundred And Two (58,202) of those American veterans would give their lives in service to their country. Another 303,704 were wounded; 18% suffered “multiple amputations,” compared with 5.7% in WWII; amputation or crippling wounds to the lower extremities were 300% higher than in WWII, and 70% higher than Korea.

Of the 58,202 who were killed, 61% were 21 or younger. 30.4% were draftees. 79% had a high school education or better (compared with 63% in Korea and 45% in WWII). 76% were of middle/working class grounds. 88.4% of those who actually served in Vietnam were Caucasian, including some 170,000 Hispanics, 3,070 of whom (5.2%) died. Blacks constituted 10.6% (275,000). 86.8% of the men who were killed in combat were were Caucasian; 12.5% were Black (at a time when Blacks were 13.5% of the population).

A later survey of Vietnam veterans showed: 82% of those who saw heavy combat “strongly believe” the war was lost because of lack of political will, with which “nearly 75% of the public” — modernly — agrees it was a failure of political will, not of arms. 97% of Vietnam Era Veterans were honorably discharged. 91% of combat veterans are proud to have served their country. 66% of Vietnam Veterans “say they would serve again if called upon.”

With the passage of time, reports, “87% of the public now holds Vietnam Veterans in high esteem.”

If that is true, it most definitely was not true during the Vietnam War. Many Americans who never served, turned their opposition to the war into vilification of the Americans who were sent to fight it. Many of the more affluent fled to Canada or Sweden or elsewhere to avoid the draft. Some blatantly lied when their draft number came up causing another American to go in their place, most infamously perhaps in the documented case of the utter lies told by William Jefferson Clinton to be excused when his draft number came up. Clinton is the first draft dodger ever to be elected President of the United States—or to any office in House or Senate. Clinton remains today a darling icon of the modern progressive liberal Democrat Party, more popular, it is said, than the party’s titular head, Barack Hussein Obama, the only other president since WWII not to have served in the armed forces he would presume to lead as Commander-in-Chief.

Many others did not flee but stayed to aid and abet the North Vietnamese Communists at home, waiving the “Viet Cong” flag, making a hero of Communist torture-master Ho Chi Minh — chanting “Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh, ‘Uncle Ho’ Is Going To Win!”—and vilifying the Americans who did serve when the country called.

These “anti-war” protestors, were mainly affluent, self-righteous, elitist, college “radicals,” conscious aiders-and-abetters of the socialist/communist cause in Vietnam and at home. They were led by pampered celebrities symbolized by Jane Fonda, whose name should live forever in infamy; never-held-a-job self-proclaimed “revolutionary” college students like SDS leader Tom Hayden, “Mr. Jane, Fonda,” later a Democrat Party politician in California; political opportunist John Kerry who, as a leader of the Vietnam Veterans of the War (VVFW) charged “war crimes” by Americans without being able to produce any proof, and earned having his photo in a place of honor in the Communist’s War Museum in Hanoi along with Fonda; and out-and-out domestic terrorists like “Weatherman” bombers Billy Ayers and Bernardine Dorn, who would later become the close associates of Barack Hussein Obama, who announced his first run for political office in Illinois in the living room of Ayers and Dorn.

Of the Americans who served, those who were the most despised, and vilified by Jane Fonda, Hayden, Kerry, et al., were the American prisoners of war, almost all American pilots, who resisted Communist demands that they betray America despite appalling, inhumane, torture, ordered and orchestrated by Ho Chi Minh right up to the day of his death.

There were 770 Americans taken prisoner of war. 113 of them died in Communist captivity. The Communists refused to recognize them as Prisoners of War, and, instead, declared them to be “ war criminals” and blatantly violated the Geneva Convention. In what became known by the POW’s as the “Hanoi Hilton,” and like prisons, the POWs were kept in filthy, windowless, vermin-infested airless cells only 9 feet long and 3 feet wide. Three feet.

Those seen as “ringleaders” of the resistance, like ranking officers of the resisters in what became known as the “Alcatraz Eleven,” James Stockdale, who would later receive the Medal of Honor, and second in command Jeremiah Denton, would be locked in solitary confinement for over four long years, in which horrific torture was inflicted on them, and the other resisters.

The fact of that torture was not confirmed until 1966. Then, the Communists attempted to force Jeremiah Denton to participate in a propaganda broadcast to be filmed by a Japanese crew for international distribution. Instead, Denton not only did not say what the Communists wanted him to say, but he blinked his eyes as if he had an eye problem. He was in fact blinking in Morse Code: “T-O-R-T-U-R-E.” Naval intelligence immediately understood what Denton was communicating. When the Communists later realized what Denton had done, they tortured him nearly to death, as he recounts in his now classic book on what POW’s endured: “When Hell Was In Session.” (WND Books)

However, Jane Fonda, Hayden, John Kerry, then lying to Congress about alleged war crimes as a member of the VVAW — without, as noted above, being able to produce any evidence to support his allegations — and their progressive liberal followers in the “anti-war movement” and the media, did not denounce the Communists’ torture, they denounced the POW’s as “liars,” claiming their Communist allies under Uncle Ho Chi Minh were innocent of torture. Fonda, Hayden, Kerry, of course, lied.

Overwhelming post-war proof of torture beyond any reasonable doubt has given the lie to Fonda, Hayden, Kerry, et al, including books by many of the POWs. These include, the late Admiral Jeremiah Denton’s classic “When Hell Was In Session;” “Surviving Hell,” by Col. Leo Thorsness (USAF, ret.; Medal of Honor); “The Passing Of The Night,” by the late Gen. Robinson Risner (USAF); “American Patriot,” the biography of the late and legendary Col. Bud Day (USMC, WWII, Korea, Vietnam); “Chained Eagle,” by Everett Alvarez, Jr., the first pilot shot down, a POW for eight years; and, among others, “Faith of my Fathers,” by Sen. John McCain who refused an offer of early release by the Communists because his father was the Commanding Admiral, and suffered horrendous torture for his refusal. McCain, a true hero and recognized as such by his fellow POWs, was left permanently crippled in his arms by torture.

More recently, Author Alvin Townley has written a book magnificently telling the true story of the torture POW’s endured in Vietnam, and what their families endured at home: “DEFIANT: The POWs Who Endured Vietnam’s Most Infamous Prison; The Women Who Fought For Them, And The One Who Never Returned.” It is highly praised by the surviving POWs themselves for being at once accurate, and extremely readable. Indeed, although loaded with documented facts, it reads like an adventure novel. It is a must read. (see, for more on “Defiant”.)

The nation was and remained terribly divided over Vietnam. It was not until February, 1973, after POWs like Edward Alvarez, James Stockade, and Jeremiah Denton had endured almost eight years as tortured POWs, four years of which was in solitary confinement for Stockdale and Denton, and almost as long solitary confinement for others, including (now Texas Congressman) Sam Johnson, who was in solitary for over three years, that the breakthrough in peace talks came and Operation Homecoming began.

The first flight of emancipated POWs out of Vietnam to Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines was on Feb. 12, 1973, fittingly if coincidentally on the birthday of Abraham Lincoln.

At Clark, the spokesman for the POWs, then-Captain Jeremiah Denton, in military uniform, stepped to the microphone, and spoke in short stroke a few simply stated words which began the stirring of the heart of a divided nation:

“We are honored to have had the opportunity to serve our country under difficult circumstances. We are profoundly grateful to our Commander-in-Chief and to our nation for this day. God Bless America.”

Then came that shining moment three days later on February 15, 1973, when Denton, Jim Mulligan, and the others of the first group of POW’s landed at the Portsmouth Naval base in Virginia, back on American soil. Their wives and children rushed to embrace them, as, to the POWs surprise, a huge crowd Americans roared with cheers for them, waving flags, laughing, some weeping with joyful emotion, Americans at last embracing the Americans they sent to war, welcoming them home as all Vietnam veterans should have been welcomed.

Operation Homecoming began an operation of healing some of the division, some of the rancor, some of the hatred in the American atmosphere up to that time in the war. Parades, ceremonies, welcoming events were held in the hometowns of POWs and many other cities, America began to heal, and, for many, to repent of how Americans sent to war were treated on coming home.

“Vietnam had claimed more that 58,000 American lives—young men who would never walk off a plane to public fanfare. Many of their families would not experience the same outpouring of compassion that their POW/MIA counterparts received. More than 300,000 soldiers returned wounded, some disabled for life. Others returned physically intact, but emotionally shattered. Many never received a welcome of any sort,” author Alvin Townley wrote in “DEFIANT.”

“More than 770 known Americans were captured during the Vietnam War, and they valiantly upheld those high standards we expect of our servicemen and they in turn expect of themselves; 113 POWs did not survive. Every man has a valuable story and his own unique perspective….To me, they are all heroes, although no more so than the men who fought the war in other places, under different sets of difficult circumstances. I will always remain in awe of what they endured and accomplished. I hope it inspires America like it continues to inspire me,” Townley wrote, concluding: “Finally, to all our POWs and Vietnam veterans: GBU.”

Many of the POW’s are no longer with us, including Admiral James Stockdale, Admiral Jeremiah Denton, many others. But their example is.

The surviving POWs gathered together for a 40th Reunion at the President Richard Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, CA in 2013. It was taped, and is very moving. It is available at “Vietnam POW 40th Reunion News Coverage-You Tube;”.

“Jeremiah” is a very important new documentary on Adm. Jeremiah Denton, and his family. It reveals “up close and personal” what the POWs and their wives and children went through in the long years of separation, never knowing for sure if their POW father was still alive, in what condition, or if he would ever come home. It is as moving as it is informative, showing what it takes by way of service and sacrifice to keep America free.

Who the Vietnam POWs who came home on February 15, 1973, are and what they did, the honor they brought to themselves and to our country, should be remembered on every February 15, if not every day. That is because who and what they are is who and what we can be when we are at our very best as Americans.

May the God they served bless and keep them; may the country they served always honor, and never forget them.

2016 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

Trump should move on this: Cruz, Rubio and Secretaries of State

“An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained intelligence to know the right and courage to do it, can preserve that public virtue without which popular government is a sham and a mockery.” —Joseph Pulitzer

Americans have been doing the job of the disgraced media including cable ‘news’ networks for decades. In-depth, thorough investigations of corrupt politicians. Millions of words are written or spoken every week on the stupid tube, radio and print that the liberal media has an agenda. Too many alleged big name ‘conservative’ mouthpieces are guilty of the same thing – especially when it comes to presidential eligibility as set forth in the U.S. Constitution.

Both liberal and ‘conservative’ heavies in print and electronic media continue to push the big lie regarding presidential eligibility: a ‘natural born citizen’ is a child of one U.S. citizen at the time of birth. That is not true, but they don’t care. The Republican National Party and their elites allowed a constitutionally ineligible candidate, Barry Soetoro aka Obama, to run twice, get on the ballot in all 50 states and accepted the electoral college vote based on fraud. The Republican Party did nothing when Nancy Pelosi and her coconspirators committed fraud by submitting documents proclaiming Barry eligible to all the Secretaries of States.

There is NO question Marco Rubio is ineligible. NO question since neither of his parents were U.S. citizens at the time of his birth. Rubio’s parents were foreign nationals when he was born. Rubio’s parents didn’t become U.S. citizens until he was four years old. His name should not be on any ballot in any state.

Ted Cruz knew two years ago this was going to be a problem, just like the criminal impostor in the White House knew. Soetoro was born with dual citizenship: A British citizen and U.S. citizen. That’s also the legal issue here with Cruz.

Cruz legally renounced his Canadian citizenship. Cruz wants everyone to believe that since his mother was a U.S. citizen at the time he was born, that makes him a ‘natural born’ citizen. It does not. Both parents must be U.S. citizens at the time the child is born. Ted Cruz’s father was not a U.S. citizen at the time of his birth.

Next came the revelation there is no evidence proving Cruz’s parents filed a Consular Report of Birth Abroad. Cruz refuses to produce that legal document. No different than the fraud in the White House hiding and then producing a forged birth certificate. What is Cruz hiding? This is Barry Obama all over again. Cruz was eager to plaster revocation of his Canadian citizenship all over the Internet and for the press, so why not the Consular Report of Birth Abroad – one certified and stamped by the State Department ? If the document exists, release it, but it still doesn’t make him eligible.

And, finally, I believe the final nail in Cruz’s web of lies has now caught up to him. JB Williams broke this in his recent column and here’s the exact text from the Government of Canada’s official web site regarding citizenship [Emphasis mine]:

Canadian Citizenship Act [January 1, 1947]

“Up to January 1, 1947, there was no legal status of Canadian citizens, only British subjects. This Act gave legal recognition to the terms “Canadian citizen” and “Canadian citizenship”. The Act established who was and who could become a Canadian citizen. There were many provisions for loss of citizenship, including retention provisions for the first and subsequent generations born outside Canada. The Act also contained provisions which provided special treatment for British subjects. In general, Canadian citizens who acquired citizenship of another country automatically lost Canadian citizenship (dual citizenship was not recognized).

Citizenship Act [February 15, 1977]

“The Citizenship Act, effective February 15, 1977, replaced the 1947 Act with a more equitable statute. For example, British subjects no longer received special treatment and dual citizenship became recognized. There was only one provision for automatic loss of citizenship, limited to persons born in the second or subsequent generation outside Canada unless they took steps to retain their citizenship by their 28th birthday.”

Ted Cruz was born on December 22, 1970. Dual citizenship was not recognized in Canada at the time of his birth. Dual citizenship in Canada was not recognized until 1977.

Since he legally renounced his Canadian citizenship and thus far Cruz has refused to provide any legal proof he became a U.S. citizen along the way, it appears he has no citizenship for either Canada (renounced) or the United States.

If Cruz never became a U.S. or naturalized citizen of the U.S. and has given up his Canadian citizenship, then what country does he claim citizenship under?

If he has no provable, legal citizenship in the US he cannot run for any office never mind president and no Secretary of State in this country can allow his name on the ballot. It’s too late for Iowa, NH and probably South Carolina, but not the other 47 states.

I did not create Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio’s legal mess nor did any other journalist doing their job. They did and must now suffer the consequences.

Donald Trump, according to news reports, says he will sue Ted Cruz: “If @TedCruz doesn’t clean up his act, stop cheating, & doing negative ads, I have standing to sue him for not being a natural born citizen.” Yes, Trump would have legal standing to challenge the ineligibility of both Cruz and Rubio and it should be done now before the primaries go any further.

What must happen? Do the same as I am this week. A letter to the Secretary of State here in Texas with a copy to our State Attorney General and Governor to the point:

Ted Cruz is not a U.S. citizen in any flavor and cite Canadian law above. Therefore, it will be fraud by your office to put him on the ballot under the category for president nor can Ted Cruz vote in the State of Texas unless he can prove – not another forged document like Barry Obama used – that at some point he became a naturalized citizen which still prohibits him for running for president. Heck, send a copy of this column along with a cover letter.

If every Secretary of State (with a copy to the Governor and Attorney General in your state) gets 10,000 letters and Donald Trump moves on this we might actually see the Constitution upheld. Back your opponent into a corner they can’t get out of.

What I believe Donald Trump should do is retain Dr. Edwin Vieira (if he will do it) so Edwin can advise the Republican National Committee and Secretaries of States for the remaining 47 who have not yet held their primaries that both Rubio and Cruz must not be on their state ballot because Cruz is neither naturalized (unless he can suddenly find some document to prove it), he has no citizenship because he renounced his Canadian citizenship and he is not natural born as required by the U.S. Constitution. Edwin could make this a win and if they want a fight, Donald Trump has the money to take them on.

Justice Antonin Scalia passed away, February 13, 2016. A sad day for America to lose such a voice for we the people. A man of God who will be sorely missed. I bring this up because this is a state issue and sure as the sun shines, Cruz supporters will want this to go to the U.S. Supreme Court. Who the state puts on a ballot for elections held in each state is a state issue whether it’s a candidate for a state house, Governor, president or any public office.

May States Determine the Eligibility of Ted Cruz to Run for President?

“Federal courts are loathe to decide “political questions” particularly when those questions place judges in the unenviable position of being tasked with upholding the Constitution at the cost of disqualifying a man who, if elected anyway, would wield immense power.

“There is, however, precedent for a such a situation. In 2008, an elector from California challenged the eligibility of John McCain to serve as president, given that he was born in the Panama Canal Zone. Judge William Alsup of the U.S. District Court for Northern California heard the case and ruled that Article III of the Constitution places the deciding of such “political questions” outside the jurisdiction of the federal courts:..

“State judges, however, are not bound by the Constitution’s separation of powers. In fact, the Tenth Amendment protects the “numerous and indefinite” powers of the states that created the federal authority. Another provision of the Constitution, in fact, seems to specifically reserve to the states the power to decide the eligibility of candidates for federal office. Article I, Section 4 reads, “The times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof.”

“In an article reporting on the authority of the states to determine the eligibility of Ted Cruz (or any other candidate of questionable constitutional qualification), the Washington Post cited a scholarly analysis of the issue by Ohio State University law professor Daniel Tokaji printed in the Michigan Law Review: Far-fetched as that seems, supporters of John F. Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign brought a state court challenge to Ralph Nader’s candidacy based on a state law that, according to Tokaji, “prohibited candidates from running in a general election after running in state primaries.”

“To constitutionalists and friends of liberty, this approach has not only merit, but the hope of simultaneously shoring up the sovereignty of the states and of protecting the union from the dangerous precedent of putting aside constitutional qualifications for federal officers.”

From past lawsuits filed regarding the usurper in the White House, Secretaries of State said it’s not their job to verify any candidate as to eligibility and the courts let them get away with it. However, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals out in California ruled against a Peace & Freedom Party candidate, Peta Lindsay, when she ran for president because she did not meet constitutional eligibility. Ms. Lindsay was only 27 years old. The Constitution requires age 35 as the minimum. Her name was removed from the ballot.

If memory serves me right from 2008 – 2011 about a dozen state courts said anyone could run for president and that included Barry Obama. Secretaries of State said they had no statutory authority to verify whether or not any candidate was eligible for the office they were seeking. What horse manure. What those state courts and Secretaries of State said is anyone can run for president. What Secretaries of State said is all the RNC or DNC has to do is fill out the required form even if the information is false or a lie and that’s just fine with them! We might as well then be just another Banana Republic and our elections nothing but a free for all and the Constitution is of no consequence.

Donald Trump can take the high road on this by stating there are two candidates who are not constitutionally eligible to be on the ballot, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. My actions would be the same if the candidates were John Kasich or Dr. Ben Carson. I am running to take an oath to preserve and protect the U.S. Constitution and that’s what I’m doing. It’s a most unfortunate situation for both candidates and their supporters but surely they (Ted Cruz being a lawyer and former Solicitor General for the State of Texas) should have known they do not meet constitutional eligibility. For now my legal team is addressing this serious issue.

Just leave it at that so hyenas in the media like Megyn Kelly at FOX don’t have any ammunition to rip him apart on their shows. If the media hounds him, Trump can simply say: My legal team is addressing this issue. Americans should care. I hope they do and that’s all I’m going to say about it right now. Thank you.

As I have said ad nauseum over the past 25 years: Either we are a nation of laws or lies but we can’t be both and be a great nation. The lies and fraud perpetrated upon the American people must stop.

[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]

© 2016 – and Devvy – All Rights Reserved

Sex robots and android politicians

Sex robots are already off the assembly line and a growing number of both men and women are having virtual world sexual relationships with robotic machines that look like humans. There is a similarity between the sex robots and many of the android-like human politicians that are running for President in both political parties. Both the sex robots and these politicians are providing to the public a virtual world and an electronic form of prostitution. The sex robot acts like an electronic prostitute and the android politicians prostitute themselves before powerful special interest groups and Super Pacs and then give a virtual reality political performance before the public that is just as programmed as the sexual performance of the sex robot.

David Levy, an artificial-intelligence expert and author of Love & Sex with Robots: The Evolution of Human-Robot Relationships, wrote that by 2050 robots “will have the capacity to fall in love with humans and to make themselves romantically attractive and sexually desirable to humans.” According to a Pew Research report that came out last year, experts predict that robot sex partners will be commonplace by 2025.

Yet sex robot relationships are not real. They have been pre-programmed to provide a series of artificial reality-like sexual experiences. Although the politicians running for political office are human, their relationships with the public, for the most part, are no more real than that of a sex robot. With few exceptions, the relationship the politician cultivates with the public is just as artificial as that of a “SEXBOT.” Every word is scripted; the message they give out is pre-programmed; and all of their interactions with the public are engineered by highly paid political consultants to present a completely manufactured reality that will motivate specific demographic groups to vote for them.

Both the sex robots and the android politicians are completely unreal in their interactions with the American people and the end result is the same, an artificial relationship that is devoid of true thought and feeling. This political artificial reality is as false as the fantasy sexual relationship a man or woman can have with a sex robot which requires that the human participant pretend that their robot sexual partner is real.

But these “relationships” are not real relationships; they are artificial or synthetic relationships because sex robots, or “SEXBOTS,” are not human, but computerized technology which has been programmed to artificially simulate a range of human sexual relationships. These virtual world sexual relationships are incapable of producing real intimacy and they are incapable of producing real life through procreation.

It is only real relationships and not virtual relationship that have the psychological, spiritual, and creative power to produce authentic solutions and transform a nation that is in grave danger. America’s Founding Fathers maintained to a large degree a real relationship with “We the people.” The political and governmental ideas they proposed were built on the reality of history, economics, and human behavior. The Founding Fathers created a unique form of American government based on the truths found in the Bible recognizing that Man is a fallen creature and due to his fallen nature Man and his governments can be easily corrupted by political power. The checks and balances on power were implemented in the form of three branches of government designed to hold one another accountable. As such, the American form of government along with its Constitution and Bill of Rights came directly from reality. In contrast, the political forms of government developed by the French Revolution and the later Communist and Socialist revolutions were built upon a mythology: Man is basically good and a centralized government ruled by an elite for the benefit of the people can produce prosperity and freedom. These are beliefs that flow out of the fantasy world of men’s minds and are in blatant contradiction to the objective record of factual human history.

This virtual world and its artificial debates use an android media that forfeits its role to employ true journalists with integrity acting on behalf of the American public and instead asks carefully scripted questions designed to advance the agenda of the same elite which finances the politicians. With rare moments of candor, there is little reality in these debates and the most important questions that could actually inform and equip the American public are never asked of the candidates. There is no more reality in most of these debates and the carefully scripted answers of the candidates, than there is in the so-called sexual “relationship” offered by sex robots.

For example, the various cable news networks that host the debates never bring up the truly important and real questions that would enable the public to understand what is really going on, such as how the TPP and other trade treaties continue to move high paying manufacturing jobs out of the U.S. and force the wages of middle class workers down. This is glossed over. Another example would be the true agenda behind Common Core which is designed to “dumb down” students, make them compliant, and prepare them to be happy with lower paying jobs. Politicians who voted for Common Core are not held accountable and the media never educated the public about the real agenda of Common Core.

In these virtual reality debates the very nature of the debate is Orwellian in nature. Massive amounts of critical information are deliberately blocked out, so that completely irrational questions are asked of the candidates, such as questioning them about the need to get tough on protecting America from domestic terrorist attacks and the need for ever more intrusive surveillance technology, but with no in-depth questions about the rising tide of people from terrorist-sponsoring nations who are pouring through our Southern borders.

On one hand we have virtual reality Republican debates which center on pre-arranged and often superficial and controlled questions. On the other hand, we have the complete farce of the Democratic debates, where the media and the other candidates are only allowed to ask Hillary Clinton the most softball questions. Although Bernie Sanders explains the destructive nature of TPP to the American worker in a way that the majority of Republican candidates never reveal, he refuses to challenge his opponent Hillary Clinton on any truly serious issue, which creates a completely unreal debate…a virtual reality debate.

The primary dynamic here revolves around the principle of choice and an act of the will. In order for an individual to engage in a virtual world sexual relationship with a sex robot, that individual must willfully choose to pretend with their imagination that the sex robot is a real person. In the same way, the only reason our political candidates and media are allowed to create a virtual world political contest that is for the most part pure fantasy is because the American people have chosen to use their imagination and pretend that they are participating in a real discourse with the politicians, real debates, and a real political process.

The reality is that all of it is illusion, but as long as the people agree to the illusion the show will go on. I develop this concept in the book, Mass Awakening.

If we truly want to see the dramatic changes necessary to preserve what was once America, then the American people must demand from their politicians, media, and the debates reality, disclosure, and truthfulness. As long as the people are willing to watch virtual reality political debates with little or no real content, listen to patronizing sound byte messages from politicians, and watch and listen to media whose content and questions are nothing more than political propaganda furthering an engineered agenda, then (forgive my rather crude analogy), our level of political reality will be no better than some pathetic guy having sex with a robotic version of an inflatable blow up doll.

© 2016 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

Proof: Jeb Bush under eminent domain took a diabled veteran’s property

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” -Joseph Goebbels

A false witness shall not be unpunished, and [he that] speaketh lies shall not escape. -Proverbs 19:5

Bashing Trump with Eminent Domain

Jeb should have his name legally changed to Hypocrite Bush. 

During the pre-New Hampshire ABC GOP presidential debate, Bush slammed Donald Trump on eminent domain. He was playing to a clearly hostile anti-Trump crowd, knowing that the Trump supporters only received 20 tickets for the debate. Jeb used eminent domain as a club to bash The Donald, citing a decades-old case of an elderly Atlantic City lady who refused to sell her property to Trump, which he wanted for a parking lot. Atlantic City condemned her property, trying to force her to sell, she challenged the condemnation in court and won. Trump quickly abandoned the idea in favor of more willing neighbors who sold their property to Trump for his parking lot, and he paid them quite well for their properties. 

As Florida Governor, Jeb Bush loved eminent domain and practiced it.

Jeb Bush and Jesse Hardy

Governor Jeb Bush authorized the State Department of Environmental Protection to begin eminent domain proceedings against an elderly man who just wanted to keep his land. 


phone, a satellite dish. He had solar panels on the roof and a big generator out back. 

Jesse was a businessman, he ran a limestone quarry on his property that generated considerable revenue. His land, he said, was his life. Jesse Hardy fed bread to the fish in one of the stocked ponds on his land. The ponds were a byproduct of his limestone mining operation.

In 1995, the niece of a family friend gave birth to a premature boy with severe medical problems. Tara Hilton, age 43, and little Tommy had nowhere to go. So they moved in with Hardy, who raised the boy as his son.

Like Tommy, the fish thrived, and Hardy and Hilton said they hatched bigger plans to dig four 20-acre lakes for recreational and commercial use.

Jesse in front of his stocked pond

Then Naples started growing, and encroaching, as the everglades to the east became drier. 

(President Bill Clinton and Gov. Jeb Bush met in the Oval Office on Dec. 11, 2000, to launch a $7.8 billion effort to revive the Florida Everglades.)

Hardy paid $60,000 for his 160 acres, valued for tax purposes in 2000, at $860,000. The state offered him $711,725 in 2002. He said no. It offered him $1.2-million in 2003. He said no. $1.5-million? No. $4.5-million? No. No. No.

Hardy settled.

his website

When Jeb was governor of Florida, he ordered backyard citrus trees to all be destroyed without compensation to residents, because of an outbreak of citrus canker disease. This was the largest private property confiscation via eminent domain in the State of Florida. [Link]

He not only ordered seizures by force, but it was Bush himself who refused to reimburse the residents for the property he unlawfully ordered to be removed and destroyed. 

Bush’s action is now costing the State of Florida hundreds of millions in lawsuits and legal fees. A south Florida jury has ordered the State of Florida to pay $11.5 million as compensation to 58,225 residents of Broward County. Similar class-action lawsuits took place in Miami-Dade, Palm Beach, Lee, and Orange Counties. The Palm Beach verdict came in at an estimated $16.1 million reimbursement. [Link]

Bush Family Used Eminent Domain

Pensito Review regarding the shenanigans pulled by George W. The article states, “This is exactly the sort of gambit used by former Illinois governor Otto Kerner, who was convicted of tax fraud as a result.” [Link]


Do we really have a democratic republic?

I have been involved in the political process now for almost 20 years. I used to think that certain things could not happen in America because, well, we’re America. I used to believe that our government was one of honesty and integrity. Since I got involved in the process though I learned a much different story. Growing up I would always ignore those that talked down some aspects of America. Most of the time I would simply refuse to believe what they would say. Now, don’t get me wrong, I still believe that America is the greatest nation in the world today hands down. She is not perfect by any means, but she is still the greatest nation the world has ever seen.

Our Founders intended to have a government of the people, by the people and for the people. For many years we had politicians, they were actually more statesmen than politicians, that followed that precept. But as time has passed we have seen people of questionable character get put into positions of authority. In my book, Defining America’s Exceptionalism, I discuss how the majority of the Founders felt concerning the moral character of elected officials. In this section I want to look at the subject of morality and how the Founders viewed that topic. Noah Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines morality in this manner: The doctrine or system of moral duties; ethics. Virtue; the conformity of an act to the divine law. An act performed by a free agent, and from a motive of obedience to the divine will. In today’s political arena we don’t see much moral behavior. Members of Congress caught in adulterous affairs, in homosexuality, involved in graft and bribes. These things have always been in our politics, but never to the extent that it is today.

The majority of our Founders were men of character, above reproach. We need a return to that type of person today. God told us what type of man to put in authority: Exodus 18:21 “Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens:”[1] (emphasis added)

The Hebrew word used for ‘able’ is chayil and it means ability, efficiency, often involving moral worth. God intended for us to have men and women of high moral character in power over us. For most of our history we did with few exceptions. Over the last 100 years the quality of men has deteriorated exponentially. God also informed us in Proverbs 29:2 “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.”[2]

We have seen a lot of ‘mourning’ in the last 50 years because of the lack of character in many of our leaders from city council members to the President of the United States.[1] We are experiencing what God warned us about in Proverbs 29:2. We have a non-Christian in the White House that has no regard for the principles of the faith of the majority of people of America. This president has cancelled the National Day of Prayer at the White House for the last 7 years but he holds the Islamic holidays instead. Many people don’t think much of that but there is a significant problem with that.

For a nation founded on the Word of God, a Constitution that was basically written from scripture and a legal system that was originally based on the 10 Commandments it is a disgrace to have a person in a place of authority that ignores our culture, our laws and despises what America stands for. I bring this up because I have been involved in the process attempting to stop a piece of legislation and attempting to get a piece of legislation passed. When I was attempting to stop legislation it was a civil unions bill in my home State of Colorado. I testified against the bill because our State has an amendment to our Constitution that defines marriage as only between a man and a woman and I also believe that marriage defined by scripture, one man and one woman, is the only institution that we should, as a society, should recognize. During that process, which lasted three years, I witnessed members of the Democrat Party blatantly ignore the will of the people of the State of Colorado. In one of the committee hearings a Republican stated that our Constitution only allowed for a one man, one woman marriage and that if that was to be changed it should be changed by the people because we were the ones that had amended the Constitution to clarify what we would consider marriage. The Democrat sitting next to him stated, “I don’t care, I want this piece of legislation passed!’ This is what happens when you don’t pay attention to who you put into places of authority.

Yesterday I testified for a bill that would amend the civil unions bill brought to the committee by my friend Gordon Klingenschmidt, former Navy chaplain that was court-martialed for praying in uniform, in public and ending the prayer in Jesus Name, that had finally passed that will give pastors immunity against law suits from refusing to perform a homosexual wedding. The left, Democrats, declared that we have the 1st Amendment that gives us the right to freely exercise our religion and one of the Democrats on the Democrat controlled committee stated that the Supreme Court ruling allowing ‘homosexual marriage’ states that churches AND individuals would still be free to step away from participating in a homosexual marriage if they so chose. However, in the case of the pastor that operated a wedding chapel in Idaho neither the 1st Amendment nor the Supreme Court ruling was a good enough defense for him when he declined to allow a homosexual wedding to take place in his chapel. He ended up closing the chapel down. There have been bakers in several States that have been sued by homosexuals because they refused to participate in a ‘celebration’ that violated the foundations of their faith.

When my time came to testify most of my points had already been touched on so I mentioned that decisions that pastors make are eternal as well as immediate. I brought up that when I stand before my Creator and He questions me concerning living by the principles that He laid out in scripture, I was not going to tell Him I violated His precepts because my State legislature passed a law that would have persecuted me, fined or even imprisoned me unless I violated my strongly held beliefs. When I brought up that the legislators would face the same questioning, one got up and walked out and would not return until I was done testifying.

The result of this meeting was the bill died in committee. It will not be brought up until next year. Pastors in the State of Colorado will now be faced with hundreds of thousands of dollars and maybe millions of dollars in lawsuits because they refuse to participate in ceremony that is in direct opposition to the teachings of scripture. The homosexual community will take advantage of this because it will be a good source of free money knowing that there are pastors who will not bend their knee to satan.

Democrats do not have a problem with this because these Democrats as most in the Democrat Party believe that the homosexuals ‘rights’ override anyone’s religious freedoms.

This is what happens when the people in a representative democracy do not get involved in the political process. We have muslims in our Congress who should not be there because they will attempt to steer our government towards shariah law. Voters that are low information are a danger to our society and threaten our very culture. We the people must wake up and take our government back. Many have stated that if we don’t start turning this ship around this election, we will never be able to do it.

It’s your choice.

2016 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved



1. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) pp. 100-101.

Govn’t. deifies itself by taking more than God’s 10%

One of the ugliest fallen human traits is greed. Leo Tolstoy once wrote a story about a successful peasant farmer who was not satisfied with his lot. “He wanted more of everything. One day he received a novel offer. For 1000 rubles, he could buy all the land he could walk around in a day. The only catch in the deal was that he had to be back at his starting point by sundown. Early the next morning he started out walking at a fast pace. By midday he was very tired, but he kept going, covering more and more ground. Well into the afternoon he realized that his greed had taken him far from the starting point.

He quickened his pace and as the sun began to sink low in the sky, he began to run, knowing that if he did not make it back by sundown the opportunity to become an even bigger landholder would be lost. As the sun began to sink below the horizon he came within sight of the finish line. Gasping for breath, his heart pounding, he called upon every bit of strength left in his body and staggered across the line just before the sun disappeared. He immediately collapsed, blood streaming from his mouth. In a few minutes he was dead. Afterwards, his servants dug a grave. It was not much over six feet long and three feet wide.”

It’s curious to me that we only criticize greed when it manifests on the personal level. Can’t we see what is right before our eyes in America; we have a civil government drunk on greed. It never has enough, not enough of our hard earned money, not enough of our possession, and not enough of our land. 640 million acres illegally and unconstitutionally held by the Federal government is not enough, they want to steal all the land. That’s what the ranchers out west are facing.

Ammon Bundy writing from prison this week explaining the problem of the Federal land grab and how they were teaching people to stand against it said, “On Friday afternoon, the 30th, (4 days after they were arrested and the government murdered LaVoy Finicum) residents surrounding Jordan Valley, Oregon, had scheduled a seminar with those at the refuge to come out and inform them of how they can protect themselves from a national monument that is to be signed in by President Obama this year, 2016. This monument is twice the size of Yellowstone, takes up a third of the county’s land mass, and will put over 250 ranchers out of business as they know it.”

The limits to the greed of our Federal Government seem to know no bounds. A people who will not be ruled by God’s law will suffer under tyrants, and by the way an excellent study of every passage in the Bible on taxation by Robert Fugate, concludes that God’s design for the Hebrew Republic was a very small tax that even the poorest could pay. That civil government was therefore also very small and did not regulated, control, spy on, manipulate, steal and murder the people to whom God gave the land of Israel. Oh to God for such a government today. Well what does the law of God say about giving? Turn to Exodus 22:29

The Command to give without delay – Exodus 22:29-30 “Thou shalt not delay to offer the first of thy ripe fruits, and of thy liquors: the firstborn of thy sons shalt thou give unto me. Likewise shalt thou do with thine oxen, and with thy sheep: seven days it shall be with his dam; on the eighth day thou shalt give it me.” God’s command is that it be without delay.

The First Fruit – Deuteronomy 26:9-10 “And he hath brought us into this place, and hath given us this land, even a land that floweth with milk and honey. And now, behold, I have brought the firstfruits of the land, which thou, O Lord, hast given me. And thou shalt set it before the Lord thy God, and worship before the Lord thy God.”

The reason for the first fruit is that it took faith to do that. As a farmer you know you are not guaranteed the harvest until it is all in. It took faith to give God the first fruits.

A missionary had been teaching tithing to his church. One morning a young Christian came to the missionary’s door with a fishing pole in one hand and a fish in the other hand. He said, “Here’s my tithe.”

The missionary asked him where the rest of his fish were and the man replied, “Oh, they’re in the river, I just wanted to bring God His first.”

It demonstrates trust in God to provide.

Learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2016 Rev. David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

Donald Trump and Mexico

On June 16th, 2015, flamboyant billionaire Donald J. Trump announced his run for the U.S. presidency, and the U.S. political world has not been the same since.

In Mexico, the Trump candidacy unleashed a firestorm of criticism.

Within minutes of Trump’s June 16th announcement speech, Mexico’s paper of record El Universal had an article on its website about it.

Trump was soon lambasted by Mexican politicians, ex-politiicans, officials, journalists and celebrities.

Yuriria Sierra of Mexico’s Excelsior called Trump ese hitlercillo del siglo XXI (“that Little Hitler of the 21st century”).

Mexican actor Gael Garcia Bernal proclaimed that Trump’s discourse is “hate discourse, and what follows next is genocide or civil war. I mean, that’s how it begins.”

Mexican director Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu also weighed in against Trump.

Former Mexican president Vicente Fox, visiting Los Angeles, took a shot at Trump. That’s ironic. If any Mexican politician is similar to Trump in background and style, it would be Vicente Fox.

Felipe Calderon, another former president, also got in his two cents’ worth of Trump-bashing.

The Trump candidacy inspired the production and sale of Donald Trump pinatas (just a few days after his announcement) and Donald Trump masks were doing a brisk business in mid-October.

The Mexican video game company Karaokulta developed a game called Trumpéalo in which the player throws shoes, beer bottles and nopal cacti at Donald Trump.

Mexican writer Enrique Krauze and Cuban-born Carmelo Mesa-Lago (now at the University of Pittsburgh) organized an anti-Trump Manifesto, subtly entitled Declaración de Intelectuales, Científicos y Académicos Hispanos contra Xenofobia de Trump (“Declaration of Intellectuals, Scientists, and Academic Hispanics Against The Xenophobia of Trump”). The document had 67 signers, from Latin America, Spain and the United States.

In December, Mexico’s Ambassador to the United States, Miguel Basanez, announced on U.S. soil a plan to help 3 million Mexicans resident in the U.S. become U.S. citizens so they can vote. The announced plan was for private sector businesses to loan money to the Mexicans so they can register for naturalization.

Three months earlier, the ambassador had spoken of dual U.S./Mexican citizens voting against Trump, so it seems obvious this registration plan is a way to combat the Trump candidacy.

And thus it goes on and on….

Having resided in Mexico and being familiar with the Mexican political/media world, I don’t find this reaction very surprising. After all, the Mexican elite believes that the U.S. border with Mexico should be wide open and all Mexicans have a right to enter the U.S. with full benefits. Anything less is considered a grave crime against humanity.

Any proposal to tighten the American border with Mexico is going to be met with hysterical shrieks throughout the Mexican chattering class.

Certainly, Trump has offended many with his blunt way of talking. On the other hand, the American political establishment needs some shaking up.

Trump’s blunt talk has made it easier to talk about formerly taboo subjects, topics that had previously been swept under the rug by the bipartisan consensus and the media.

Such topics include the link between crime and illegal immigration, birthright citizenship and the relationship between Islamic immigration and terrorism. These are all topics worthy of discussion and Americans have a right to discuss them.

Trump has discussed outsourcing and the national debt. And his foreign policy indicates a willingness to adopt a more conciliatory tone in dealings with Russia.

Despite being a billionaire, Donald Trump has a great ability to connect with ordinary Americans. As a candidate, he’s been successful in winning over many potential voters who didn’t even vote last time around. One poll even indicated that 20% of Democrats would be willing to vote for Trump.

So yes, Donald Trump could actually win the Republican nomination and after that, the presidency next November.

If the American people choose Trump as their president, Mexico is just going to have to get used to it.

And I really doubt that, in the long run, a Trump presidency would be bad for Mexico.

Let’s say a President Trump really did shut down illegal crossings on the U.S.-Mexican border.

That would actually make the border region safer.

And it might even encourage Mexico and other Latin American countries to stop using the emigration as an economic strategy and instead to enact better economic reforms.

The Trump border policy, in other words, might be “tough love” for Mexico.

2016 Allan Wall – All Rights Reserved

Hey, Vatican City: why so much gold – so few refugees?

In the next week or so, the Council of the European Union will meet to discuss how well its ongoing commitment to provide for the millions of Middle Eastern, Asian and African adult males and other migrants fleeing the likes of Syria has been going.
But let’s just cut to the chase. The bureaucrats in charge are going to conclude A) the European Union needs to do more and B) the United States needs to do more. What’s not going to be determined, however, is the need for any sort of first-person attachment to those conclusions.
Germany’s Angela Merkel may double down on her national embrace of the migrants, rapists and all. But Germany’s Angela Merkel is never going to open her massively spacious Bundeskanzleramt-based apartment to taking in a few of these refugees herself.
Nope. That Price is Right “come on down” attitude has a boundary – and it weaves nicely along the border of Not In My Yard.
Politicians being politicians, nobody’s really surprised at their hypocrisy. Where it really nags, however, is in the religious realm. And where it’s really personified is in this continuing migrant crisis is in the pope, his church, and Vatican City.
Migrants are our brothers and sisters, in search of better lives, Pope Francis told the world, during a January address on Vatican Radio.

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” he told the United States, during a September 2015 address on Capitol Hill.
“Behind these statistics are people, each of them with a name, a face, a story, an inalienable dignity which is theirs as a child of God,” he said in a November 2015 speech from Vatican City marking the 35th anniversary of the Jesuit Refugee Service, just days after a series of terror attacks rocked Paris and threatened to slow the flow of migrants into the area.
Noticeably absent during these speeches? Faces and photographs of the dozens of refugee families welcomed into Vatican City, the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church and the home of the pope. The sovereign city-state sits on a 100-acre parcel of well-guarded, partly walled land by the Tiber River, and is home to some of the world’s most notable treasures, from art work to gold, as well as to the highly secretive – and highly profitable – Vatican Bank with untold amounts of assets and investments. Plenty of money to spend on provisions for these children of God, it would seem.
The world saw a glimmer of goodwill from the cloistered city when the pontiff, in a widely reported September 2015 address, called on every parish, monastery and religious community in Europe to take in a refugee family or two – and backed that call by vowing to house two such families in the Vatican. But weeks later, and the segregated city had only found one family worthy of welcome – and curiously enough, given the high Muslim population of the refugees, a Christian family belonging to the Melkite Catholic Church, at that. Within months, many of the Catholic Churches called by Pope Francis to do their moral duty and open doors to refugees abandoned the idea in seemingly similar fashion.

One can imagine the cry of the migrant standing outside one of the five armed-guarded doors that keep Vatican City secure: “Father, got a spare coin?”

It’s bad enough listening to politicians prattle on from tax-paid venues about the need to provide for the world’s suffering, before being escorted by armed officers to their chauffeured vehicles and dropped within the gates of their high-security homes. But having a religious leader wag moral fingers at the rest of us, from behind gilded screens and amid some of the world’s most precious of metals and treasures – from behind walls that protect this wealth from the riffraff of society – is just too much. It’s unChristian, and it’s everything people hate about organized religion. But Jesus said it best, speaking to the money-lovers of the time: “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites!”

© 2016 Cheryl Chumley – All Rights Reserved

All of the political monkeys need to be replaced

I have dutifully watched the recent Democrat and Republicans debates. I listened while twiddle dee and twiddle dum Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton tried to describe the difference between Progessives, Liberals, Socialists. At a town hall meeting in New Hampshire on October 30, senator and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders attempted to clarify in what sense he is a “socialist.” One voter in attendance, echoing the beliefs of many Americans, remarked, “I come from a generation where that’s a pretty radical term – we think of socialism with communism. Can you explain to us exactly what that is?”[1]

Sanders responded, in part “If we go to some countries, what they will have is health care for all as a right. I believe in that. They will have paid family and medical leave. I believe in that. They will have a much stronger childcare system then we have, which is affordable for working families, I believe in that.” Sanders went on to clarify that he regards himself as a democratic socialist: “What I mean by Democratic Socialism is looking at countries in Scandinavia that have much lower rates of child poverty, that have a fairer tax system that guarantees basic necessities of life to working people. Essentially what I mean by that is creating a government that worked for working families, rather than the kind of government we have today which is largely owned and controlled by wealthy individuals and large corporations.”[1]

Sanders, the only self- acknowledged socialist ever to be elected to the U.S. Senate, is careful to distinguish “democratic socialism” which supposedly distinguishes a democratic political system alongside a socialist economic system, from one authoritarian and even totalitarian forms of socialism such a Marxism, Stalinism, Maoism, and communism generally. Modern socialism’s roots may be traced back at least as far as the French Revolution, although earlier experiment in forced communitarianism, such as radical Digger and Leveler movement that sprung up during the English Civil War in the mid-17th century, have also cast long shadows.[1]

Socialism in its many subvarieties is but part of a larger political stream of thought that we might call “Utopianism, ” which presumes to create a social order contrary in human nature.[1] I wrote a 3-part series in September and October about Robert Owen’s dream of a Utopia.

Her’s one for you, people!

Robert Dilley wrote in his 1962 book MESSAGE FOR AMERICA had those who were elected and appointed to Government offices upheld the constitution which they took an oath to support, the U.S. would not have begun its course of gradual socialism and encroaching government controls. It is safe to predict that had we kept faith with our great system of freedom and free enterprise, socialism and communism would have failed throughout the world because of the tremendous contrasts. When the U.S. adopted the programs of the socialists and the communists, the issues were so confused that even men in our own government began to think that socialism would result in PROGRESS. Mankind’s oldest and most discredited mistakes were and still are being repeated under the title of PROGRESS and it is simple for those in other countries to point out socialistic trends in America and erroneously attribute these measures as the reasons for the success of free enterprise.

Of course, our elected officials did not obey their oaths so now that we have socialism/communism, there are some well known neocons claiming if we just have a “constitutional convention” …. But if they wouldn’t obey the original Constitution, what makes us believe they would do better the second time around? For an explanation about the difference between conservatives –vs- neocons, read Kelleigh Nelson’s series on Enemies on the Left, False Friends on the Right. Her recent article describes how the neocons are stacking the debate audiences with Jeb Bush supporters. All of her articles can be found at the top of her articles.

And then we have the Republicans debating the same old issues and using the same old talking points but not one said we should get out of the United Nations. James 3:18 Once again it was a Democrat president, Harry Truman who became a significant contributor to the globalist agenda when he led the U.S. into joining the U.N.


In July 1945, U.S. Senate approval of the UN Charter placed our nation into the world today. Impelled by the need to “try something else” in the wake of two costly world wars in less than 30 years, 89 Senators voted in favor, only two said No. There is much in the Charter that should have alarmed the Senators, but consider only the very brief article 25 which states: “The Members of the United Nations agree to accept and carry out the decisions of the Security Council in accordance with the present Charter.” Our nation was now committed to doing the UN’s bidding (unless our veto was employed, which is rare). The Constitution had been trumped. That any U.S. senator who had sworn an oath to abide by the U.S. Constitution could approve the Charter’s Article 25 boggles the mind. But that’s what 89 Senators did.[2]

Then, in 1949, the United States approved creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The pact derives legitimacy from Articles 51-54 of the UN Charter. Secretary of state Dean Acheson stated openly that approval of NATO was “an essential measure for strengthening the United Nations.” Only 13 Senators voted against putting the U.S. in NATO.[2]

After North Korea’s communist forces invaded South Korea in June 1950, the UN Security Council called on member nations to rush to the aid of pro-Western South Korean. Most didn’t, but President Truman did the UN’s bidding by sending America into what has labeled a “police action,” not a war. Asked where he derived authority to use U.S forces in that conflict without a declaration of war, Truman replied that, because he could send troops to NATO, he could send troops to Korea. NATO had served one of its purposes! Our forces fought in Korea under General James Van Fleet stated that “there must have been information to the enemy from high diplomatic authorities” that impeded the effort. Not alone in registering such a protest, it was clear he was pointing to the UN. With the UN still in charge more than 50 years later, the state of war in Korea has never been terminated.[2]

The UN soon created another UN “Regional Arrangement,” the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO). President Lyndon Johnson (another Democrat) said it supplied authorization for the Vietnam war, the first war our nation ever lost. SEATO did its job and was soon abolished.[2]


In 1990, President George H.W. Bush asked the Lord if He could arrange a meeting with Moses for him so the Lord talked to Moses about that possibility but Moses said, “No way. The last time I talked to a bush I was left wandering in the desert for 40 years.” Exodus 3:2 Here we are today wandering around the Middle East for nearly 30 years.

In 1990, Republican President George H.W. Bush bypassed Congress and went to the UN for authority to invade Iraq. In 1992, he sought and obtained a Security Council resolution to send U.S. forces into Somalia. In 1993, Democrat Bill Clinton received UN authorizations to send troops into Haiti. In 1994, America’s forces responded to a UN resolution and attacked Bosnia. Only days after the horror of 9/11, President George W. Bush said that the actions then being taken against Afghanistan “have been defined by the United Nations.” The second invasion of Iraq in 2003 was authorized by Security Council resolution 678 and 687. And current reports from NATO headquarters in Brussels openly state that whatever our forces undertake in Afghanistan must be approved by NATO.

John F. McManus in his 2011 article entitled: Another War, Another Reason to Get US Out! said in conclusion that space prevented further discussion of the intolerable situation into which our nation and its military arm have been placed. But we do have sufficient room to recommend as strongly as we can that the U.S. withdraw from the United Nations, NATO, and any other international entanglement about which President George Washington had warned.

James 3:18 says there must be righteousness before there can be peace. Wouldn’t it be nice if this idea would reach the United Nations and Washington D.C., and all other capitals of the world. There is a day coming, Psalm 85:10 says when peace and righteousness will have kissed each other but today they don’t even know each other


In the last debate the issue of abortion came up, GOP candidate Rubio stood firm on his position. Like all the others who followed in Ronald Reagan’s stance on the subject, they feel that rape, incest and life of the mother were exceptions. It is very rare that the life of the mother may be in jeopardy which leaves rape and incest OK for abortion. Rubio has it right. We have “Adopt-A-River” program where volunteers clean up waterways and two thousand Oregonians adopt sections of Oregon’s lakes, ponds and rivers.[2] We have “Adopt a School Program” with some private investment and even the ACLU approves so long as “no infusion of religious observance into the school system” which would mean no support of adoptions while school personnel smuggles young teenage pregnant girls out the back door to the abortion clinics.


If you start with a cage containing four monkeys, and inside the cage hang a banana on a string from the top, and then you place a set of stairs under the banana, before long a monkey will go to the stairs and climb toward the banana.

All the monkeys are sprayed with cold water. After a while, another monkey makes an attempt with the same result. As soon as he touches the stairs, you spray All the monkeys with cold water. Pretty soon, when another monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it. Now, put the cold water away. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new monkey. The new monkey sees the banana and attempts to climb the stairs. To his shock, ALL of the other monkeys beat the crap out of him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs he will be assaulted.

Next, remove another of the original four monkeys, replacing it with a new monkey. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm – because he is now part or the “team.” Then, replace a third original monkey with a new monkey, followed by the fourth.

Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked. Now the monkeys that are beating him up have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs. Neither do they know why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey.

Finally, having replaced all of the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys will have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, not one of the monkeys will try to climb the stairway for the banana. Why, you ask? Because in their minds, that is the way it has always been!

This how today’s House and Senate operates and this is why from time to time, ALL OF THE MONKEYS NEED TO BE REPLACED AT THE SAME TIME!

DISCLAIMER: this is meant as no disrespect to monkeys. (Source Unknown)

2016 Betty Freauf – All Rights Reserved


1. 12/7/2015 New American
2. 4/18/2011 New American (P.44)

Cruz’s unethical profiling of Americans

Quit psychoanalyzing your supporters according to atheistic Freudian principles of neuroticism and fear.

Headline news in The Guardian, UK, looks somewhat different than in the United States concerning Sen. Ted Cruz and his electioneering. Has “Trust” Ted created a fake PhD psychologist post-nominal title behind his lawyerly Harvard initials?

“Ted Cruz using firm that harvested data on millions of unwitting Facebook users Exclusive: Documents reveal donor-funded US startup embedded in Republican’s campaign paid UK university academics to collect psychological profiles on potential voters.” [Source]

Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign is using psychological data based on research spanning tens of millions of Facebook users, harvested largely without their permission, to boost his surging White House run and gain an edge over Donald Trump and other Republican rivals, the Guardian revealed.

A little-known data company, now embedded within Cruz’s campaign and indirectly financed by his primary billionaire benefactor, paid researchers at Cambridge University to gather detailed psychological profiles about the US electorate using a massive pool of mainly unwitting US Facebook users built with an online survey.

As part of an aggressive new voter-targeting operation, Cambridge Analytica – financially supported by reclusive hedge fund magnate and leading Republican donor Robert Mercer – is now using so-called “psychographic profiles” of US citizens in order to help win Cruz votes, despite earlier concerns and red flags from potential survey-takers. (Ibid)

While Ted and company (Cambridge Analytica) celebrate his Iowa victory because of data-mining, attributed to his “Big Data” by the news media, others are not as ecstatic as the Cruz Crew. In fact, many people are wondering why this creepy psychographic collection of personality profiling on American citizens would have any Cruz supporter cheering.

There are two facets of Ted’s data collection endeavors. First, Ted started with harvesting a base of voters using questionable privacy-invading activities. This was done by collecting personal data that he scraped off of Facebook and/or other personal and social data sources. And, second, realize that Ted is building his own sophisticated psychological model beyond those questionable sources, based on each individual user’s personalities, but without their knowledge or consent.

Virtually Cruz has set up door-to-door psychotherapy, coffee shop couches, email diagnoses, and psycho phone sessions. Here is how it works. Someone sharing a conversation with you at a coffee shop, or a phone solicitor, or a knock by a pollster at your front door, will diagnose and SCORE your “mental condition” surreptitiously, without your knowledge. So, without a person knowing your background or what you think, and without your permission, a digital psychographic profile is created on you. Meanwhile, back at the ranch the data-mining from other data sources is collected about you – e.g., are you a soccer mom? a working dad? what did you purchase last month? and do you own a gun? Add in your demographics and purchasing habits, including census data, and you begin to realize the full scope of 50,000 separate data points. Big Data is adding up your life and forming a Big Picture ABOUT you.

But, have you seen your profile? Is this really YOU? Someone is assuming what you’re thinking. But, WOW! Someone has also put a number and a score on your personality – and then continually micro-targets your perceived weaknesses or strengths with ads, focus groups, radio, and a ca-zillion email blasts daily, not to mention social media. Plus, you have to ask: where is all this Big Personal Data about ME going?

Cruz tells voters exactly what they want to hear, blurring the lines of truth into outright lies.

This is the manipulation of wholesome America. Citizens are being drugged with Cruzalizing diatribes. Meanwhile in your backyard he has been rubbish gathering and snooping, and then busily painting each person separately into a micro-whitewash of psychological profiling.

An article appeared in Bloomberg Politics, November 12, 2015 entitled, “Cruz-Connected Data Miner Aims to Get Inside U.S. Voters’ Heads,” by Sasha Issenberg, who traveled to the UK to investigate this futuristic phenomenon of Ted’s psychographic data mining. Issenberg even said, “The firm [Cambridge Analytica] promised to tell me things I might not even know about myself.” [Source]

Cambridge Analytica brags that they can predict your future behavior of voters by analyzing 5 big personality traits they called OCEAN. They have devised a plotted description attached to a numerical assessment that targets individual voters, based on a “psychographic score” of your presumed personality traits.

Here is what the not-so-complimentary acronym, OCEAN, stands for:


‘The Cruz campaign modified the Cambridge template, renaming some psychological categories and adding subcategories to the list, such as “stoic traditionalist” and “true believer.” The campaign then did its own field surveys in battleground states to develop a more precise predictive model based on issues preferences.

‘The Cruz algorithm was then applied to what the campaign calls an “enhanced voter file,” which can contain as many as 50,000 data points gathered from voting records, popular websites and consumer information such as magazine subscriptions, car ownership and preferences for food and clothing.’

‘An email will be tweaked based on the personality of the recipient. If a respondent were a “stoic traditionalist,” the conversation would be very direct and to the point. If a potential supporter was labeled “temperamental,” the language and approach would change, according to Chris Wilson, the campaign’s director of research and analytics, who has taken a leave from the polling firm he leads, WPA Opinion Research. “The tone would be inspiring and become more and more positive as the conversation progresses,” he said.’

‘Cruz has largely built his program out of his Houston headquarters, where a team of statisticians and behavioral psychologists who subscribe to the burgeoning practice of “psychographic targeting” built their own version of a Myers-Briggs personality test. The test data is supplemented by recent issue surveys, and together they are used to categorize supporters, who then receive specially tailored messages, phone calls and visits. Micro-targeting of voters has been around for well over a decade, but the Cruz operation has deepened the intensity of the effort and the use of psychological data. The personality and political scores applied by the campaign are used to tightly tailor outreach to individuals. For example, personalities that have received high scores for “neuroticism” are believed to be generally fearful, so a pro-gun pitch to them would emphasize the use of firearms for personal safety and might include a picture of a burglar breaking into a home.’ [Source]

Christians especially and all other American citizens should be fuming. So, let’s get this straight. If you are a conservative and are fearful about the direction of this country, you are “neurotic.” If you are a gun owner, you are “neurotic.” If you fear immigration, you are “neurotic.” Are you confident in your beliefs? Are your fundamental personality traits characterized by anxiety, fear, moodiness, worry, envy, frustration, jealousy, or loneliness? You are “neurotic.”

“Cruz had a London-based firm on call to tell him which Iowans were introverted and which were neurotic.” [Source]

Demographics are one thing, but are we to assume that the Cruz psych team can do all this legally? Can these amateurs actually analyze our subconscious mind and stuff it into a computer – where it can travel far and wide?

Where does this junk science come from? You got it. Straight from Sigmund Freud, Carl Rogers, and Carl Jung, the psychotherapy mental psychosis junkies. In Freud’s, The Future of an Illusion, he described believing in God as a collective neurosis: he called it “longing for a father.” Neurosis was a popular term coined by Freud and used by other psychoanalysts. Freud thought if a person believed in a supernatural God, they were neurotic.

So here we have an evangelical Christian politician utilizing atheistic/humanistic theories of psychological fear and feelings, which are being unethically collected and diagnosed by whomever. And upon this faulty foundation he is sorting through personal information about your unconscious thoughts, feelings, and behavior, in order to identify your personality – and especially your motivation so he can get your votes – all of which will be stored into some deep, dark databank. Is this for real? Are you feeling uncomfortable yet?

It gets worse. It turns out to be not just any old databank, but the RNC’s. This is because the RNC made Republican voter file databanks available to Republican candidates, with a promise in return. You guessed it… the candidate must give it all back, plus what they may have covered up. The list-sharing agreement reveals a new level of cooperation between the GOP and any Republican running for President, something which they believe could be highly beneficial to all sides.

For any candidate who signs an agreement with the RNC, that candidate will have access to a database containing a trove of information on more than 200 million Americans, which can be used to power a get-out-the-vote effort. And for the RNC, it means that any information a candidate collects from his supporters, many of whom may not even be traditional Republicans, will be fed back into the database for future use by the party and its candidates. [Source]

Now, here’s a little background about Ted’s psych business partner, a Brit named Alexander Nix, Cambridge Analytica CEO, who worked on “psychological warfare” as an international specialist in military disinformation campaigns prior to joining SLC, the parent UK company of Cambridge Analytica. Nix brought his mind-bending business to America.

“Your behavior is driven by your personality and actually the more you can understand about people’s personality as psychological drivers, the more you can actually start to really tap in to why and how they make their decisions,” says Cambridge CEO Alexander Nix. “We call this behavioral microtargeting and this is really our secret sauce, if you like. This is what we’re bringing to America.” (Emphasis added.)

“After the 2012 election, Nix found an American marketplace far more receptive to his entreaties. The overseas work in conflict zones amounted to a promising calling card, a new comparative advantage over entrenched American political firms. “This is really trying to use psychology to understand why hostile audiences do what they do, and to use this methodology to deconstruct that behavior and then use communication to try and change attitudes and ultimately behavior,” Nix says. “Persuading somebody to vote in a certain way,” he goes on, “is really very similar to persuading 14- to 25-year-old boys in Indonesia to not join Al Qaeda.” [Source]

Read that last sentence again. Just wondering by now if this makes you feel all warm and fuzzy….

To make matters worse, Mercer, the hedge fund magnate and owner of Cambridge Analytica, is also Cruz’s main benefactor that bankrolled his Make The Promise I Super PAC. But there is a little quirk in that slippery slope. Last June, Keep the Promise I Super PAC (the same PAC bankrolled by Robert Mercer of Cambridge Analytica) gave Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina a half million bucks. So the big question here is why would Ted Cruz give an opponent running for the White House $500,000? [Source]

Yet another twist and turn in this data-mining story reveals that Carly knows how to crunch data, too. After 9/11, a report showed that Carly, as CEO of Hewlett-Packard, was hired by NSA Director Gen. Michael Hayden to set up surveillance apparatus on Americans. The result was the world’s “most extensive” spy network, capable of intercepting every phone call, text message and email on each American. Hayden called Carly Fiorina and purchased spy equipment that would make the story of released security papers by Eric Snowden famous.

Carly worked with the CIA during the Bush administration, making recommendations for national security policy and developing a close working relationship with some of the most powerful officials in the administration. Hayden was named director of the Central Intelligence Agency by President Bush. He created an external advisory board, in which Fiorina was selected by Hayden to be chairman of the board. Carly knows how to crunch data. But did she share her secrets with Ted for a tip? We don’t know, but a fishy $500,000 comes to mind. [Source]

When Edward Snowden released and exposed the world-wide NSA data snooping interceptions, world leaders were alarmed. Americans were alarmed. It was found that NSA had a backdoor access, not only through Verizon, but to Microsoft and its Skype division; Google and its YouTube division; Yahoo; Facebook, AOL, Apple and PalTalk – a lesser known chat service owned by AVM Software. Then NSA had eavesdropped on German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s mobile phone, an act for which she demanded a full explanation. Germans are extremely nervous about past surveillance by secret police. Mrs. Merkel grew up in the former East Germany, where the Stasi spied on millions of citizens.

Americans have not yet faced the full adverse affects of their government spying on their every move, except for the unusual activity over Tea Party 501(c)(3) applications. But, has Ted Cruz changed all of this by taking the beginnings of NSA snoop files and adding to them his psychographic details on 220 million Americans, lined up in digitized files? If Ted would become President, he would surely have enough made-up personality files on Americans to do a much better snooping job than the Stasi. What should make you uneasy is that Ted is identifying all “neurotic” Christians and God fearing people, and placing them as a target in one big data pot. Think about it.

Americans are very passionate about their privacy. But now, behind your back psychographics?! I’m sure citizens will not like this new Ted Cruz “Minority Report” resembling the famous other Cruise movie about monitoring and predicting your future behavior.

Wouldn’t you like to see Ted’s OCEAN profile? Is he comfortable with lying? Does he cling to his guns? Does he fear losing the White House? Let’s ask the question, “Is Ted neurotic?”

Senator Ted Cruz, the flaming Christian politician, who doesn’t act like one, turns out to be just a politician with a bent toward unethical principles. Freud would be proud of him. So, what are you thinking?

How can anyone “Trust” Ted?!

2016 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

Boyan Slat: cleaning up 300 million tons of ocean plastic

“Once there was the Stone Age, then the Bronze Age, and now we are in the middle of the Plastic Age,” said teenager Boyan Slat. “Every year, we produce 300 million tons of plastic. Much of it reaches our oceans.”

(We must clean plastic out of our oceans by utilizing 25 cent deposit-return laws internationally if we hope to save all the creatures in the oceans from dying horrible deaths by plastic ingestion, trapped in nets and killed by poisons. We need more ideas like Boyan Slat’s to correct our folly upon the planet.) Photography by Frosty Wooldridge

At 16 years of age, Boyan Slat scuba dived off Greece in the Mediterranean Sea to see more debris floating on and under the surface.

He said, “At first, I thought I was swimming through strange jellyfish. Instead, I swam through more plastic bags than fish.”

Seeing all the ocean trash, he asked himself, “Why not clean it up?”

Slat quit his Aerospace Engineering studies to create in order to fund his research on how to pick up all the plastic trash floating on the oceans of the world. Researchers discovered that 46,000 pieces of plastic float on every square mile of Earth’s oceans. That plastic debris stems from billions of humans around the planet tossing their plastic into rivers, streams and directly into the oceans. Thousands of ships, boats and luxury cruisers toss millions of pieces of plastic day in and day out across the globe. Plastic does not break down. It oxidizes slowly into smaller pieces, but it never degrades.

Today, we find plastics in the tissue of birds, fish, whales, turtles, dolphins and just about every creature that feeds in the world’s oceans. Plastic debris constitutes a biological nightmare whose consequences reach decades into the future.

Additionally, with the five major gyres revolving in the oceans of the world, in excess of 100,000,000 (million) tons of plastic gather in giant ocean-going garbage patches. You may Google “The Great Pacific Garbage Patch” the size of Texas in the Pacific Ocean 1,000 miles off the coast of San Francisco. It grows from 60 to 90 feet deep in places. It kills millions of sea birds, turtles, sharks, dolphins and whales.

Slat said, “We stuff the oceans with enough plastic equal to the weight of 1,000 X’s the Eiffel Tower. It ranges from plastic nets to miniscule pieces. It’s doing tremendous damage to our marine life, reefs and all ocean creatures.”

Being a brilliant as well as naive teenager, Boyan Slat decided to construct designs of some contraptions that would scoop up millions of tons of plastic floating on our oceans. Because of his enormous ideas, TED TALKS invited him to bring his ideas to a wider audience. Enjoy the 11-minute speech below. You will be shocked at what you see happening to our oceans:

Because of my worldwide scuba diving experiences, I saw the progression of plastics since 1965 when corporations first initiated plastics into the biosphere of this planet.

The plastic pollution problem

• Millions of tons of plastic have entered the oceans.
• Plastic concentrates in five rotating currents, called gyres.
• In these gyres there is on average 6 X’s more plastic than zooplankton by dry weight.
• 1/3 of all oceanic plastic is within the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

Slat’s brilliant strategy combines his love of diving with his love of the biology of the oceans. He created a solar powered trawler in the shape of a manta ray that sweeps through the gyres 24/7 to pick up surface plastic, chew it up and store it in huge bins for collection. He also created floating booms that allow the oceans to sweep the plastics into their lairs for efficient pickup. When you see the designs, it will blow your mind.

“If we want to do something different to save our oceans,” he said. “We have to think differently. Ironically, those who throw their plastics face consequences. Ocean going ships spend $1 billion annually in repairs from plastic clogging their propellers and intakes.”

Ecological effects

• At least one million seabirds, and one hundred thousand marine mammals die each year due to plastic pollution. It’s probably much higher.
• Lantern fish in the North Pacific Gyre eat up to 24,000 tons plastics per year.
• The survival of many species, including the Hawaiian Monk Seal and Loggerhead Turtle, could be jeopardized by plastic debris.
• Plastic pollution is a carrier of invasive species, threatening native ecosystems.

Boyan Slat, a teenager, stands at the head of his class in creating solutions for the folly of humanity. He needs your support. Join him.

Health effects

• Toxic chemicals (including PCBs and DDTs) are adsorbed by the plastic, increasing the concentration a million times.
• After entering the food chain, these persistent organic pollutants bio-accumulate in the food chain.
• Health effects linked to these chemicals are: cancer, malformation and impaired reproductive ability.

If ever humanity needs leaders to stand up and be counted, we need more Boyan Slat’s to lead us out of our ransacking our planet home toward a biologically healthy future.

© 2016 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

A day late and a dollar short

February 12, 2016
P.I.E (Parents Involved in Education) is a recently established organization to, among other things, abolish the Federal Department of Education. ABOLISHING THE U.S. DEPT. OF EDUCATION WILL NOT STOP THE EVERY STUDENT SUCCEEDS ACT (ESSA) OR THE EDUCATION AGENDA!!!
Read all about P.I.E, who they are, their program, and why it will not work:
” Why won’t abolishing the U. S. Department of Education eliminate the provisions of ESSA that are now law?
Even if PIE is successful in 2-3 years (which is very unlikely due to majority of Republicans who voted for and enabled passage of the communist ESSA); even if funding ceases from the federal level, the multi-billion dollar corporations, whose lifelong school-to-work/non-academic Skinnerian/TQM workforce training agenda must be implemented at the local level, will pick up the multi billion dollar tab and get tax-exemptions for doing so.
All the educational controlling mechanisms at the Federal Level are now at the State level.
It is the states that fund 93% of all education in America. “What’s the source of these funds? In most states, it’s sales and income taxes (both corporate and personal). But on a local level, these funds usually come from property taxes, which are set by the school board, local officials or citizens.”
In addition, the corporate fascist takeover of public education is on the move. Here’s how:
There is a growing movement across the country to establish state tax credits for corporations who fund school choice. Nineteen states already participate in this program In the year 2007-2008, $76,708,207 was issued to Choice Scholarship tax credits in just Florida.
If the Department of Education is abolished, will that stop attempts of state pooling of district tax monies to fund state education?
If the U.S. Department of Education is abolished, will that prevent legislation abolishing the present property tax system in order to place the funding and control of our local schools in the State Departments of Education? This kind of legislation was narrowly defeated in Pennsylvania in 2015. “The legislation would have imposed a multibillion-dollar state takeover of public school funding from school boards and a monumental change in state taxation.”
If the U.S. Department of Education is abolished, will that prevent “teacher leaders” trained with all the Skinnerian/Pavlovian bells and whistles of “progressive 21st Century” education from moving into leadership positions and taking over all our local schools? This is according to the plans of Linda Darling Hammond, those from the Council of Chief State Schools Officers, and others.

To the above collectivist agenda add the local teacher-leaders program with plans of the powerful and heavily endowed CEE Trust (page 38) to set up a local Community Schools Board with an advisory board only. This teacher-led board, trained in progressive teaching methodolgies (i.e. Common Core et al.) would control all money and operations at the local level.

All the above TO CONTROL OUR CHILDREN can operate with or without the federal Department of Education.
The carrying out of The White House Private Sector Initiative, 1984, and Carnegie Corporation’s 1934 plan (which has been enthusiastically adopted by most of the major corporate giants: Gates, Walmart, etc.) can be accomplished WITHOUT ANY FUNDING FROM THE U.S. DEPT. OF EDUCATION! [for research related to The White House Private Sector Initiative and Carnegie Corporation’s Conclusions and Recommendation’s for the Social Studies]

2016 Charlotte T. Iserbyt – All Rights Reserved

Drafting girls and turning Americans into terrorists recently reported, “President Barack Obama’s administration is now deliberating whether to direct women to sign up for the Selective Service, because of its progressive preference for gender-blind policies. The administration has already forced the military to assign willing and unwilling women to combat tasks, where they are required to carry heavy loads, to quickly recover from routine injuries and to be engaged in direct combat.”

But Barack Obama is not the only one supporting the idea of drafting America’s young women into the armed forces (should the draft be reinstated). Republican presidential candidates Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, and Marco Rubio have also signed on.

“The Republican establishment hopefuls in the 2016 race want the government to make women sign up for the modern version of the emergency military draft.

“Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), Jeb Bush, and Gov. Chris Christie all offered support during Saturday night’s ABC News’ 2016 debate for a federal mandate that would force young women to register for the Selective Service System.

“The Selective Service System was formed in 1917 and keeps a database on male U.S. citizens who are available for military conscription in some future emergency. Women are currently exempted, thanks to a 1981 Supreme Court decision that declared Congress’ men-only rule did not thwart the Fifth Amendment requirement of equal treatment.

See the report here.

But the 1981 Supreme Court decision notwithstanding, the U.S. government is seriously considering making America’s young women eligible for the draft. A PBS report states, “The government is deliberating whether to propose Selective Service changes that would make women eligible for the military draft, the White house said Friday, a day after the Pentagon said it would no longer bar women from combat jobs.

“The Defense Department has prepared an analysis of how the Pentagon change could affect the U.S. Military Selective Service Act, said White House spokesman Josh Earnest.

“‘We’re going to work with Congress to look at that analysis, to review it, to get others’ opinions and determine if additional reforms or changes are necessary in light of this decision,’ Earnest said.”

The report concludes, “The Selective Service Act requires eligible men to register for the draft when they turn 18 or face fines. Registrants can be called up for compulsory service until they are 26 years old, though none have been drafted in decades.

“Carter has previously said he supports a review of the draft based on the growing role women play in the military.”

See the report here.

The idea of placing women in combat and now possibly drafting women into the armed services is the mark of a nation that has truly lost its way.

My daughter is above draft age, but my granddaughters aren’t; and I can promise you that it will be a cold day in Hades before my daughter and son-in-law allow their girls to be drafted. If our government really wants to create a resistance movement in this country, just start telling mommas and daddies that their daughters are going to be drafted into war. For starters, begin by asking our combat veterans if they are willing to offer their daughters to the horrors of war.

You can rest assured that the daughters of Barack Obama, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, and Marco Rubio will never know one day of combat–law or no law.

Yes, I realize that countless American wives and mothers valiantly defended their homes and families when under attack–whether from the French or British in Colonial America or from Indians on the trail west–but are we now prepared to force our young women into combat on foreign shores? What a horrible thought!

Our government is counting on America’s technological superiority on the sea and in the air as the impenetrable wall of protection for our country. Therefore, they feel free to use our military for social radicalization. But one day we are going to face a REAL enemy (as opposed to the phony ones we have been fighting for the past umpteen years), and when we do, we are going to learn once again that REAL wars are won face to face and man to man. And when that day comes, God help us if our armed forces have already filled half or more (there are more girls than boys, you know) of its combat ranks with young girls.

I shudder just thinking about it.

And on another note: I am on record as warning the American people that a “war on Islam” could quickly become a catalyst for big-government toadies to use the same definitions and protocols against the American people.

Watch my three-message DVD on “The Muslim Problem” here.

It didn’t take long to be proven right.

Countless television and radio talk shows, Internet blog sites, and churches all across America have spent the last two or three years regurgitating a hate-filled, anti-Muslim message. Both Donald Trump and Ted Cruz have repeatedly injected the anti-Muslim message into their presidential campaigns. Tens of thousands of pastors and thousands of “conservative” talking heads have made anti-Muslim vilification a daily staple. And of course, the solution to the Muslim problem is…you guessed it: MORE GOVERNMENT.

Since early 2014, U.S. laws have become very broad and very strict in prosecuting anyone who is connected or associated with alleged Islamic terrorists. People who are convicted of providing “material support” (federal prosecutors are able to define that phrase in just about any way they want to) face median sentences of over fifty years in prison.

John Carlin, the Justice Department’s chief of national security, recently said in a Reuters news interview that his counter-terrorism team, including a recently hired counsel, is taking “a thoughtful look at the nature and scope of the domestic terrorism threat” and helping to analyze “potential legal improvements and enhancements to better combat those threats.”

The Reuters interview continues saying, “The counsel, who was appointed last October and has not been named publicly, will identify cases being prosecuted at the state level that ‘could arguably meet the federal definition of domestic terrorism,’ a Justice Department official said.

“That would give the department a direct role in more domestic extremism cases.”

The report began by stating, “The U.S. Justice Department is considering legal changes to combat what it sees as a rising threat from domestic anti-government extremists, senior officials told Reuters, even as it steps up efforts to stop Islamic State-inspired attacks at home.

“Extremist groups motivated by a range of U.S.-born philosophies present a ‘clear and present danger,’ John Carlin, the Justice Department’s chief of national security, told Reuters in an interview. ‘Based on recent reports and the cases we are seeing, it seems like we’re in a heightened environment.’”

See the report here.

In other words, the U.S. Justice Department wants to start treating American citizens who are deemed to be “domestic terrorists” in the same way that Islamic terrorists are being treated.

Not coincidentally, the featured article in the current issue of Newsweek magazine is entitled “Right Wing Extremists Are A Bigger Threat Than ISIS.” Of course, in the jaded world of the publishers of Newsweek, the SPLC, and scores of liberal think tanks and news outlets, there is no such thing as “Left Wing Extremists.”

And prominently displayed in the Newsweek article is a large photograph of LeVoy Finicum, the man who was recently shot by an Oregon state police officer (or officers) for allegedly reaching for a handgun after having resisted arrest on a remote Oregon highway. Finicum–along with Ammon Bundy and about twenty others–had illegally mounted an armed occupation of a group of empty buildings on a national wildlife refuge outside the small town of Burns in protest over continued mistreatment of western farmers and ranchers by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

Unfortunately, the death of Mr. Finicum has served to fuel more anti-government passions with comparisons to Waco and Ruby Ridge abounding–which, in my opinion, such comparisons do not exist. All this does is to play right into the hands of a U.S. Justice Department already looking for an excuse to pull American citizens–especially “right wing” Christians (albeit Bundy and Finicum both claimed Mormonism)–into the same category as Islamic terrorists.

To say that we Americans are living in jeopardous days is an extreme understatement. Very understandably, the American people are increasingly distrustful of their government, their news media, and even their future. We desperately need cool heads and wise hearts to peacefully and successfully navigate these troubled waters. And what we need most is leadership from America’s pulpits. But it’s the lack of pastoral leadership that has mostly created this mess to begin with. The good news is America’s pastors could help lead our country out of this morass. If only they would.

© 2016 Chuck Baldwin – All Rights Reserved

F.B.I. and Oregon police killed a innocent political dissident

As an introduction to my thoughts on Lavoy Finnicum’s killing in Burns, Oregon, consider my article published in the Flathead Beacon’s Two For Thought weekly Opinion section:

The FBI and Oregon police killed a rancher, Lavoy Finicum, last week. Savoy joined Ammon Bundy, among others, for three weeks in occupying a refuge on public lands in Burns. Like many Americans, the occupiers believed BLM had been long abusing power. Police released one video of the incident (but not other pertinent surveillance). Was this killing lawful?

Under the Fourth Amendment, police who use deadly force have a burden to prove their actions were objectively reasonable in light of the facts and circumstances confronting them based on the totality of the circumstances.

Regardless of one’s view of the occupation, the video raises issues regarding police’ actions: (1) Why block the highway in nowhere-ville? (2) Why use snipers and a dozen-plus officers? (3) Why not use spike strips to stop him? (4) When exactly was Lavoy likely to harm police?—when shot, Lavoy was facing no police, could barely walk in deep snow and held no gun. (5) Lavoy had not just committed a dangerous felony and fleeing therefrom. (6) Police had prior opportunities to serve an arrest warrant in a safe manner. (7) Why immediately rush Lavoy and spark conflict rather than contain the area and determine his actions?

The occupiers did not convince the greater part of society to aid them, given their seeming “state of war” approach. Still, if our laws can condemn Lavoy, they can also condemn police.

In fairness, there are some who are not normally forgiving to government abuse but believe police were justified in killing Lavoy: one such notable viewpoint on this incident is my dad, Chuck Baldwin. I, on the other hand, believe the video suggests that police were not justified in killing Lavoy when they did–even assuming he had a pistol inside his jacket and was reaching for it.

After Lavoy’s death, his family was able to view his body. They released a press statement that they observed nine (9) bullet inserts in Lavoy’s body. Police have yet to release autopsy records or comment on that statement; however, reports record police admitting that Lavoy was shot several times.

For now, assuming Lavoy was shot multiple times, those shots had to occur before the last shot–the kill shot to Lavoy’s head, which dropped Lavoy to the snow-covered ground.

Since police did not release any audio or other videos–all of which they possess and could release–of the incident, the public does not know exactly when and how many times police shot Lavoy, with the exception of what appears to be the last shot to Lavoy’s head.

Regardless of whether Lavoy was shot 9 (as Lavoy’s family states) or a few times (as police state), the video shows that the last shot was the fatal head shot. Thus, the other shots were to his body before Lavoy was shot in the head. Of course, all of these shots had to happen within seconds after Lavoy exited his vehicle with his hands up.

If Lavoy was shot more than once in his body before the last shot to his head, this supports the argument that quickly after Lavoy exited his vehicle with his hands up (signaling his surrender) police shot him in his body. This would have caused Lavoy to drop his hands where he was shot.

Since Lavoy dropped his hands to his body and statements from both Lavoy’s family and police state that Lavoy was shot several times in his body, one must assume that Lavoy dropped his hands and placed them on his body where he was shot. Ironically, Lavoy’s dropping his hands in this manner was the alleged justification for killing Lavoy.

Did police create the “justification” of killing Lavoy by shooting him in his body, which caused him to drop his hands?

Still, assuming police did not shoot Lavoy in his body before they shot him in his head (which means they shot him while he was dead on the ground–why would they do that?) and assuming Lavoy was reaching for a pistol inside his jacket or pocket (which is it?), the video reveals that the police who rushed out of the woods and charged Lavoy killed him prematurely.

The video shows two police charging Lavoy (one from the bottom and one from the top of the video) immediately after Lavoy exited his truck. This rush approach was not only unnecessary, but also needlessly provocative under these circumstances.

In a real sense, police created the exigency needed to kill Lavoy for “officer safety”, similar to police creating the exigency of completely blocking the road in what appears to be a location that gave Lavoy very little time to slow down or stop his truck. (One would need to study Oregon’s and federal laws of when and how road blocks are to be conducted: there are limits by law. See e.g. State v. Boyanovsky, 304 Ore. 131, 134, 743 P.2d 711, 712 (Or. 1987) (ruling road block was unconstitutional); see also Nelson v. Lane County, 304 Ore. 97, 125, 743 P.2d 692, 70 (Or. 1987) (discussion of constitutionality of road blocks).

This is clear from the video: police did not give Lavoy a reasonable opportunity to surrender and enough time to assess the danger level. Instead of the heavy force of police maintaining their positions behind cover until such time as Lavoy clearly demonstrated his intent, police–who appeared little concerned about containing the safety of everyone and use as little force as necessary–immediately charged Lavoy and quickly shot him.

But here are the factors that essentially demonstrate that police killed Lavoy unjustifiably.

During the short and quick period of time that the two aforementioned police rushed him, Lavoy (1) could hardly keep his footing in the deep snow, (2) had no gun in his hand, (3) had no meaningful opportunity to draw a pistol inside his clothing quickly enough to take accurate aim and shoot any nearby police, and (4) was not even facing the two nearest police (who charged him) when he was shot in the head and killed. The totality of these circumstances supports the conclusion that he was killed prematurely, or at a minimum, calls into question the police’ claim of justification.

Assuming Lavoy would have pulled a gun at any time and posed a legitimate threat to a police officer, there were dozens of police ready and able to kill or disable Lavoy. This reality is what makes the actions of the two police who charged Lavoy appear so unnecessary, excessive and provocative. One must wonder how much training and experience the police had (especially who shot Lavoy) for these situations; what kind of briefing took place before the incident; and whether the rush tactic at a road block was preplanned or orchestrated.

Admittedly, more facts are needed to form a solid opinion here.

The government has a heavy burden of proof of justifying their killing of Lavoy. The released video and summary statement by police that since Lavoy was “going for a gun” police were justified in killing him do not meet that heavy burden: the totality of the circumstances simply does not appear to justify their killing Lavoy.

Police should release (as they should in time with demands from the Finnicum family attorneys) all of the evidence relative to the question, including:

• use of force reports
• incident reports
• police training manuals and certifications
• applicable warrants or court orders and affidavits in support
• written and recorded witness statements
• photos of entire scene and Lavoy’s body
• in-car video surveillance of all vehicles and drones
• police body-cameras of all officers
• police policy and procedures (state and federal) for use of deadly force
• briefing memorandums
• dispatch records
• road block planning memorandums
• officer duty and task assignments
• autopsy report
• ballistic reports

One interested in justice would hope that the government does not withhold, destroy, lose or fabricate the evidence. Whether you agree with Lavoy and the Oregon occupiers or not, the government must follow the law. Accepting any other standard places all political dissidents and protestors in the government’s absolute wrath and arbitrary use of deadly force. Liberty cannot survive in that environment.

Lastly, there are federal laws in effect to detain and prosecute “enemy combatants” and “domestic terrorists” who place themselves in a state of war with the United States. Notably, the federal and state governments did not treat Lavoy and the occupiers under such laws. Rather, they treated them as normal citizens of the United States who were simply breaking the law, such as criminal trespass, intimidation, and impeding an officer’s investigation/duty. Therefore, Lavoy and the occupiers deserved the same treatment and respect of the law as you and I.

2016 Timothy N. Baldwin, JD – All Rights Reserved.

Michelle Malkin, Donald Trump and eminent domain

Portland Oregon — While the Iowa Caucuses and the New Hampshire Primaries were widely covered by the national news media, a number of conservative groups under the umbrella movement — the Oregon Liberty Alliance — held a moving political rally in Portland, Oregon, on Saturday, February 6.

The group’s 2016 Freedom Rally boasted a guest list of some of the nation’s top conservative voices including blogger extraordinaire and immigration activist Michelle Malkin, author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, and Fox News contributor Todd Starnes. The non-profit groups represented were the Oregon Women’s League, Oregon Anti-Crime Alliance, Oregon Right to Life, Taxpayer Defense Project, Oregon Family Council and others. [Link]

More than 1,700 people attended Saturday’s 2016 Freedom Rally for conservative values at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland. The rally, put on by the Oregon Liberty Alliance, was to support fiscal responsibility, life, public safety, family values, and religious liberty.

This was the third year for the rally, and attendance has continued to grow. There were more than 750 people at the first rally in 2014, over 1,500 at last year’s rally and more than 1,700 at this year’s rally.

Rally attendees heard energizing and inspiring talks from Starnes, Malkin, Oregon Republican Congressman Greg Walden and D’Souza. Attendees could also visit booths at the rally and learn more about numerous conservative causes, groups and candidates.

Also attending the political rally were members of the management at the top news and commentary web site Unfortunately, some of the speakers were not enthralled with the leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

As Michelle Malkin was speaking and paused for a few seconds, the editor of used the opportunity to shout out ‘God Bless Donald Trump.’

“Upon hearing that, she started attacking Mr. Trump: Malkin said, ‘He believes in Eminent Domain’ and will take people’s property.’ She was downright nasty and negative towards Mr. Trump,” said the editor-in-chief of

Senior Editor Paul Walter said, “It was disheartening for me to hear that because I know it’s a total fabricated lie. I love Trump, who I believe is a decent man with a heart of gold. I know without a shadow of a doubt that he is the only one who can save what’s left of my beloved America.” Mr. Walter, who attended the rally with his film actress wife Yutte Stensgaard, noted that out of all the speakers participating in the rally, Ms. Malkin was the only one trashing Mr. Trump. She did however, give Mr. Trump credit on the open border issue. said Walter.

“I find that surprising because out of all the candidates, Trump is the only candidate taking a tough stance on illegal immigration and our national sovereignty. Michelle Malkin gained national attention as a result of her tough immigration stance and her call for tighter border security and immigration enforcement,” said political strategist.

The Republican Party’s neo-cons are using Eminent Domain strategy against Trump because it works — it scares conservatives and libertarians. Mr. Walter and other political observers believe they are stooping to the use of a strategy employed by Adolph Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels: If you repeat a lie often enough people will eventually come to believe it.

“The Democratic Party uses that tactic frequently. For example, ask people who started the Ku Klux Klan, a large number of them will say the Republicans. The truth is, the Ku Klux Klan was created by Democrats. But the Democrats lied about that fact for decades until now college kids believe the KKK is a part of the GOP,” said former attorney and political consultant Joshua Tannenbaum. (read Kelleigh Nelson’s article “Voter Fraud? Thank Howard Baker”)

“The neo-cons are going on the offensive with this lie in the hope of putting Mr. Trump on the defensive,” added Paul Walter.

Mr. Walter also advises that will soon release an article researched by Kelleigh Nelson that accuses Jeb Bush, when he served as Florida’s governor of being the real Eminent Domain villain. The article will reveal that on his watch the State of Florida wanted to confiscate Jesse Hardy’s 160 acres using the Eminent Domain strategy. Stalin said: “Accuse others of what you do”

Yet, the neo-con hypocrites are taking the advice of Barack Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s mentor, Saul Alinsky: “Accuse others of what you do,” claims a former New York police detective and prosecuting attorney Rafael Menendez. “The neo-cons are accusing Trump of what they do [regarding Eminent Domain]. They know that people are gullible and the only way to stop Trump is with outright lies, dirty tricks and voter fraud.”

After the rally, NWV’s editor-in-chief spoke briefly with Mr. D’ Souza. “He told us that he has a new documentary film being released this summer — the week before the Democratic Convention — in 1,500 theaters across the nation in order to expose the lies, dishonesty and criminal acts of Bill and Hillary Clinton,” he said.

“This will defiantly help the Republican nominee. Mr. D’Souza was extremely polite and friendly. He encouraged us to see his new documentary movie the first weekend of the release because it will help launch it in more theaters across the nation,” said Mr. Walter.

Unfortunately only Dr. Ben Carson and Marco Rubio were GOP candidates with booths staffed by campaign workers passing out campaign flyers. There were upwards of 1,700 people in attendance. But no one was officially representing Mr. Trump.

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Super pac against Trump: “if it bleeds we can kill it”

A former deputy manager for the Romney for President campaign, who is now a devout Rubio supporter, Katie Packer, has made it her primary mission to thwart Republican front-runner Donald Trump’s nomination for President of the United States. In fact, Ms. Packer is credited with saying: If it bleeds we can kill it, obviously meaning Trump’s presidential ambition.

And it’s not a coincidence that Parker is linked to a mysterious Super PAC with ties to current GOP presidential hopeful Marco Rubio and her old boss Mitt Romney who are promising the Republican Party’s so-called establishment they will end the Trump juggernaut in South Carolina.

The Mitt Romney-linked Super PAC is telling donors and supporters that there is an all-out war to prevent the New York real-estate magnate Trump from getting the Grand Old Party’s nomination to run against Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.

The anti-Trump effort is called the “Our Principles PAC” and is believed to be chaired by Ms. Packer who reports directly to the former Massachusetts governor who lost to Barack Obama in 2012.

Katie Packer’s chief complaint regarding a Donald Trump candidacy is that he is a RINO (Republican in Name Only). Ironically, she served on the campaign team in 2011-12 for the arguably chief architect of Obamacare, Gov. Mitt Romney, who ran as a Northeast Republic a/k/a moderate. Her opponents claim it is almost comical to hear her now complaining that “The Donald” isn’t a real conservative.

Packer is being supported by a number of GOP bigshots, including John McCain, in order to try to form a steady barrage of anti-Trump messages that will ultimately turn voters against the New York billionaire no one can buy.

Packer has also admitted she supports Marco Rubio, but says she is not affiliated with the Rubio campaign.

For example, Packer had her minions send out obviously dishonest pamphlets before the primary in New Hampshire. The mailing claimed Donald Trump was anti-Second Amendment despite his being given an award by a police firearms organization.

And while Packer has repeatedly refused to identify the people financing her Super PAC, which has already spent $2 million in Iowa. She now is preparing to spend millions more before the primary in South Carolina. Because of her links to wealthy GOP backers, it isn’t difficult to guess that her former boss Mitt Romney is expected to endorse Marco Rubio.

As previously reported in, the GOP’s political establishment has gone as far as advocating violence against their own party’s front-runner. Pat Brady, the co-chairman of the John Kasich for President Campaign, said in an interview that the only way to beat Donald Trump is with a “head shot,” a term used to describe a single-bullet killing. Once he realized the ramifications of what he said, Brady then claimed that his head shot comment regarding Trump wasn’t referring to a literal gunshot to the head.

Not to be outdone by Brady, Republican political consultant Rick Wilson appeared on MSNBC and was more direct when he said the GOP political establishment has to “put a bullet” in Trump’s head

According to conservative firebrand and Trump supporter Ann Coulter, “FOX News is ignoring these death threats against Donald Trump. Disgusting.” And NRA firearms instructor Rick Smith noted, “Never thought it would be possible, but Fox now makes MSNBC look like a professionally run news media [organization]!”

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Equipping the Saints?

I have always wanted to know how cars worked. If you are anything like me you are at a loss when something goes wrong and the vehicle doesn’t operate the way it was designed. Although I have had a great deal of experience DRIVING cars I have absolutely no training on how to FIX a car when it stops running.

That is why we have auto mechanics. They help us out when our ability to drive is useless because the car is not functioning the way it was designed. So, I decided to do something about it. I signed up for a class on how to repair cars.

It wasn’t cheap. In fact the mechanic who was training me told me that in order to take the class I would be required to pay him 10% of my gross income. He told me that this giving was required because he had a lot of overhead and that it was necessary to keep his shop open.

Plus, he told me that he was worthy of his wages because he had invested a lot of time and energy in learning about cars. He could always earn a living repairing cars, he told me, but that he thought he could be more effective if he trained others how to do it.

This way, he assured me, more and more people would live better lives because of their ability to take care of the cars they owned. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, he told me. If we simply learned how to better maintain our cars we would find that most of our car-issues would go away.

So I signed up for the class, promised to show up every Sunday at 10:00 am, paid my 10%, and took my seat on the third row of the auditorium.

The class started out really well. I had no idea how little I knew about automobiles and the history behind the companies that made them. The first week we learned about Henry Ford and how he started the whole automobile thing. We learned about the assembly line and how this was one of the keys to the industrial revolution. I quickly realized that there was so much about cars that I had never learned.

The 2nd week I showed up at Sunday with my 10% in hand and took my usual seat on the third row. The mechanic had improved his presentation and unveiled a new power-point system that made it easier for us to follow along. He gave us a manual to use but told us that we needed to read that at home in our spare time, but if we really wanted to learn how to fix cars we needed to faithfully come to class and let him explain it to us.

The class was exciting. Each week I attended, with my 10% in hand, the senior mechanic used his power-points to give us more information on cars. We learned about Chevys, Volkswagens, Buicks, Chryslers, and many other makes and models of automobiles. He gave us the history on each company, and exactly what differentiated the models from one another. It was fascinating as I learned about all of the different types of automobiles.

I was really becoming an expert on cars and he was the best teachers ever at explaining cars.

But something happened on the way to my 12th Sunday session. The car I was driving, a 2005 PT Cruiser sputtered and died on the way to the class. I struggled to steer the car onto the shoulder on the passenger side of the highway. I was dressed in my Sunday best with my 10% check hanging out of my shirt pocket and wasn’t exactly sure what to do next.

So I hopped out of the car, popped the hood and gazed into the pit where the engine was steaming. I don’t know if I had ever felt so helpless in my life. After 11 weeks of instruction ABOUT cars from an expert mechanic I came to the startling revelation that I still knew nothing about what makes an engine run. I was still not equipped to fix the car when it began to malfunction.

I had no other choice but to use my 10% check on a tow truck. The driver towed my PT to a garage where some greasy-handed mechanic quickly identified and repaired my mechanical issue. Needless to say, the delay caused me to miss the 12th class on cars.

I never went back to the class. So much of what I had learned about cars was informative…but useless because it had no practical application when the engine stopped.

Although the class equipped me with a diverse knowledge about the history of automobiles I still did not have the ability to repair my own car, and even worse, had no ability to explain to my children the intricacies of auto mechanics.

Last week I changed the oil in my car for the first time. Never before in my 63 years had anyone ever shown me how to do it. But I grabbed the manual that the senior mechanic had given me that day and I turned to the part where the author explains how to change engine oil.

I took the book with me and I went out into my driveway and followed the directions in the Book. Yesterday I took my wife out in the garage and showed her how to do it. It is so easy. I can’t wait to show all of my kids and grandkids.

I don’t have a degree in auto mechanics but I found out that if you simply pick up the manual and follow the directions it is easy to do. The Book also shows how to change all of the other fluids…and so much more.

Learning all about Henry Ford was interesting and all…but all I ever really wanted to do was learn to change my oil.

As far as the senior mechanic is concerned, to be honest, I don’t know if he really knows how to fix a car either. Every time I see him he is talking about cars but I don’t recall ever having seen him with his head under the hood.

2016 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

Our leaders are insane

I hate conspiracy theories. Lizard People. Annunaki from Orion. The guy around the corner posing as a retired pogo stick designer, when in reality he manipulates human history from his laptop.

But what am I to make of this? Agatha Christie wrote it in 1927: “The worldwide unrest, the labor troubles that beset every nation, and the revolutions that break out in some… [T]here is a force behind the scenes which aims at nothing less than the disintegration of civilization” (Christie, “The Big Four,” 1927).

I would answer her, “But it’s not behind the scenes—it’s right out in the open. We see it every day. We know who these people are, who are destroying our civilization. They tell us what they mean to do, and then they try to do it.”

A recent example: unnoticed amid the Superbowl hoopla, the brass hats at the Pentagon—aka bootlicking yes-men of the president—ordered all commanders, from now on, to “prioritize Climate Change” in all military plans and operations.

How do we even work out what that means? Can it possibly mean that, in case of a life-and-death military emergency, the commanding officer is supposed to sit there and try to calculate the “climate change impact” of defensive measures?

But we do have a “president” who insists that Climate Change/Global Warming is the No. 1 national security threat facing America.

This is crazy. It is criminally insane. And there sits Congress mum as mummies and every bit as useful. The commander-in-chief is wack-wack-wacko and they just sit there. Maybe they’re nuts, too.

But this is nothing, compared to the collective craziness that has overtaken Western Europe.

One is forced to wonder: what do they imagine is the end game of all this Muslim immigration? What are we going to see when they’ve finally finished importing violent, lawless, rape-happy Muslims into Europe?

So what’s it gonna look like? If we were to go over to Syria, would we find the country empty? Or would it be ISIS still sitting pretty, still beheading victims because, for their purposes, any old victim will do, and laughing themselves silly at the chaos and the failure of the whole Western world? Will we find the Europeans still in Europe cowering in shelters, kow-towing to every passing imam?

I don’t know what Angela Merkel and Co. are hoping to accomplish. I really can’t imagine what her end game looks like. But it does seem obvious, based on what these leaders and thinkers say and do, that their dream, their end game, has national borders abolished everywhere and a global government with themselves in charge of it.

You can’t call it a conspiracy when it’s done right under your nose in plain sight, with the bad guys, the Soros-Obama-Kerry crowd, writing papers and giving speeches about how the time for global governance has come, publicly bragging about how clever they’ve been in creating crises and using them to prod the world toward their micromanaged utopia.

Thing is, there are sane and even common-sense answers to these “problems.” Answers no one wants to talk about.

Would there be a Syrian refugee problem, if Syria were not allowed to be a hell-hole? What if all the civilized countries of the West acted together to exterminate ISIS, get rid of the Assads, and create a protectorate over Syria, where the military might of the advanced nations would be used to prevent anyone from turning the place into a hell-hole ever again. Then no one from Syria would have to flee to Europe, right?

Is there any sane reason for thinking that people who have turned their own country into a slaughterhouse will calm down and be nice in any other country? Why are the people of Europe forced to pay the price for their leaders’ fantasies?

But our American leaders are just itchin’ to do the same to us.

Because they’re crazy.

2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Voter fraud? Thank Howard Baker

vote fraud as well, mostly on the Democratic side, but questions have arisen.

title was, “Ted Cruz Says Voters Don’t Want Attacks—Then Takes Aim at Donald Trump.” 

It appears that the GOPe wants Rubio as president, but when Trump jumped into the fray, this created a big block of votes, and the GOPe felt it had to be split. They seem to feel they need to keep Ted in the race for now to hold down the Trump coalition. 

Plans to Derail Trump

The Conservative Treehouse documents in detail how the GOPe plan was working as predicted, and how Mr. Trump has thrown a wrench into all their plans. The establishment had to modify everything they were doing when The Donald showed up. Levin, Limbaugh, Beck, Barton, Fox News, and the rest of them are all in on it. With Rand Paul and Santorum dropping out, weight will be thrown behind Cruz first, and then Rubio.

gang of eight” anchor baby Rubio, shows how the GOPe is working hard to oust the one who is not part of their globalist cabal. Oh yes, and Rubio endorsed Mitch McConnell for re-election.

Link] Fox News’ Vice President, Bill Sammon’s daughter, Brooke, is Marco Rubio’s national Press Secretary.

Gang of Eight

Conservative Tree Housetells what Ted Cruz is now doing in South Carolina. One of their readers sent in this information:

“I live in SC, and I received a call from TPC Polling – a push poll against Trump.

The last two questions came after I identified Trump as my candidate. They (recording) asked something about how Trump wanted to work with Putin, and “was that a good idea”?

Then they asked the slanderous question, saying that Trump wants to close veteran-owned small businesses because they made the neighborhood look bad, and does that make me very angry, a little angry, or not angry at all.

After that, the call disconnected.

It would appear Senator Ted Cruz’s campaign is picking up in South Carolina right where his campaign left off in Iowa – same tactics

Conservative Tree House has stated that it is not Kellyanne Conway’s organization. Her organization was not responsible for this push poll. There is another organization called Target Point Consulting, but we’re not sure they were the push poll organization either. Our apologies to Kellyanne’s organization.

If you read my last article, you understand why the New York Times Co. v. Sullivan Supreme Court decision allows media and public figures to get away with these types of lies, especially when Trump supports the veterans and has for decades. 

Lack of Discernment

Republican Howard Baker and Vote Fraud

Link] Suspect? I think so. In today’s world, there are no coincidences.

There is ample proof that twelve Indiana counties have more registered voters than residents. This is also the case in many counties in Ohio. Across the country, there are at least 160 counties spread over nineteen states that have more registered voters than residents.


Most aware Americans know about these breaches, only because of the diligent work of volunteers eager to help the RNC fight back. Since 1982, the RNC has been quiet, but they too are culpable. Their goal is to always elect one of their own establishment hacks.

This agreement between Baker and Byrd came about because Democrats in New Jersey, arguably one of the most corrupt states in America, complained that Republicans had been investigating voter fraud in predominantly minority districts. Among the specific charges was that off-duty police officers posted themselves at polling places to help insure voting integrity. [Link]

The GOP sellout started a long, long time ago. 


Voter fraud exists because fawned over, traitorous, Tennessee Senator Howard Baker, sold out the party and the American people. The only way we can counter it is to be precinct workers and watch everything very closely.

Donald Trump has a huge fight on his hands. He needs to come out with both barrels blazing now because the Cruz fanatics will use any subversive and underhanded tactic they can to get the votes.

There is only one hope, and anyone with any discernment and ability to research and read, knows it is the true outsider, businessman, Donald Trump.

Oregon standoff was a predictable reaction to oppression

“The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

When rational environmentalism became radical environmentalism in the 1970’s, the aggression AGAINT the rural landowner has grown to an all out war ON the rural landowner, enforced by ever-growing, ever-expanding federal agencies that have morphed into a Nazi-like, heavily-armed police force. A way of life on the range that grew out of the American West and raised the protein that Americans consume, has been determined by the environmentalists and the government to be an anachronism and passé, in favor of the creatures and the plants. Legal grazing and water right allotments, with the force of law, have been unilaterally overturned by federal agencies, irrespective of the law of allotments, protected by U. S. Supreme Court decisions. Allotment fees have been raised by several factors and grazing and water permits have been reduced, or eliminated. Private lands have been saddled with massive buffers and conservation easements, or outright confiscation. Due process is a mirage as many landowners have found out the hard way.

We depict this ongoing assault on rural landowners in our video entitled, “Rural America in the Crosshairs.”

The government, at the behest of the radical environmentalists, has decided to turn the American West into a private reserve for flora and fauna where no human can go. Much of America has become off limits to any human activity. Ranches and farms are being seized and raided by government, or are being forced out of business by government actions. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Endangered Species Act (ESA) are the tools that government, the environmentalists and lawyers use to do their dirty work. The individual landowner is helpless when the all-powerful government sets its sights on a rancher or farmer.

In a recent article in the Independent Sentinel they wrote this:

“The land grabs began more than two decades ago.”

“Thanks to the extremists involved in The Wildlands Project of 1992 and their cozy relationship with greedy government bureaucrats, ranchers throughout the West are being squeezed off their land. The extremists work in conjunction with liberal Federal judges who aid and abet the theft.”

“Ranchers are having their cattle seized and being refused water and grazing rights so the government can take over Western land and declare it “open spaces.”

“The Wildlands Project, now called the Wildlands Network, works in coordination with the government and other extremist groups. They have “set aside the goal of preserving 50% of the North American continent as ‘wild land’ for the preservation of biological diversity, according to their own stated goals on their website. It conforms to the UN plan.”

“The Wildlands plan is to create larger public lands by acquiring private lands adjoining public lands. Re-wilding the land that they have set aside for nature, requires moving humans into human settlements.”

That’s right. The environmentalist’s stated goal is to move “man” out of the rural areas and into big cities with mass transportation, where they can walk or ride their bicycle to work. No cars. Cars are bad. National and international environmentalists have seduced the U. S. Government to pass legislation to further that goal and they are well on their way to achieving it.

Those that live in big cities and are dependent on government for just about everything, are all for shoving “man” off the land to join them in their dependent cities. Thanks to endless government and environmental propaganda on the airways, in newspapers, in our public schools and our liberal colleges, the general, un-informed public, thinks it’s a great idea.

People always say that times change and they do, but not so when you are raising America’s food and protein. It takes a lot of rangeland and water to raise cattle and sheep. It takes a lot of flat land to raise crops. If we give the land all away to the plants and animals and drive the ranchers and farmers out of business, what will American’s eat?

All across the West, resistance to government oppression, driven by radical environmentalism and Agenda 21, is on the rise. The government is restricting access to known water rights and cutting off access to private lands that must go through public lands, even though the access is granted by deed or allotment. The reaction by one landowner was swift and succinct. “Our fight was about our land. They wanted me to put a fence 180 feet from my creek and keep my livestock from using it. I paid for that land, and I’ll be damned if the feds are going to tell me I can’t use even a sliver of it.”

In the West, range wars were fought over water and grazing rights and fencing off the open range. Many people died in those wars. Then, it was private landowner at war with other private landowners or settlers who were fencing off the land for farming. Now the war is private landowners against the government.

But what the GOVERNMENT giveth, the GOVERNMENT can taketh away.

From the middle of the 1800’s to 1934, the government allowed virtually unrestricted cattle and sheep grazing on unreserved public lands. These grazing “rights” were called allotments. Then in 1934, it was determined that the government should better manage unreserved public lands and passed the Taylor Grazing Act of 1934 that provided for the regulation of grazing and water rights. Currently, there are some 182,000,000 acres of public land under grazing allotments. 182,000,000 acres is larger than the State of Texas.

As we said, it takes a lot of land to raise cattle and sheep. The government allotments allowed ranchers to expand their herds on other than private land holdings. Those allotments came with water rights because you can’t raise cattle and sheep without water. Under the Taylor Grazing Act, the allotments were actual contracts with ranchers and were good for 10 years, but renewable. The ranchers had to pay grazing fees during the life of the allotment contract. Grazing cattle and sheep on public lands became a necessary and vital component of feeding a growing and hungry nation.

Along came environmentalism in the 1970’s and grazing cattle and sheep on the “public’s” land just wouldn’t do. Environmental laws were passed that mandated the government to take back the grazing and water rights on public land from the ranchers, in the interest of “protecting” the environment and the protection of endangered or threatened species. The environmentalists were intent, with government’s help, to re-wild America and they didn’t care that it was eliminating one of the vital components of feeding this hungry nation, land and water. To facilitate their goal, the government started dramatically raising allotment fees, or canceling allotment contracts at the end of the 10-year term. Unreserved public land for grazing and water rights was evaporating right under the ranchers’ noses.

Many ranchers have tried to fight back in the courts, only to find the courts were rigged in favor of the government and the environmentalists. The Wayne Hage family, Nevada ranchers, found out the hard way about just how powerful the federal government really is. The Hage story and others that have come up against an intransigent, dictatorial government, was chronicled in a Fox News Special entitled, “Enemies of the State.” That special can be viewed at the video below.

Over the last several decades, small, local skirmishes, sometimes violent, started erupting in different parts of the West, in response to the government and environmental land grab, which led to the Sagebrush Rebellion in the 1970’s. The skirmishes started to grow in size which culminated in the Bundy Ranch standoff in 2014 between 200 heavily-armed BLM agents and a couple of hundred private citizens carrying guns. A shooting war where private citizens would start dying in the desert for all to see at the hands of federal agents, wouldn’t play well with public opinion. The event was widely covered by the news media and the government wisely stood down.

Emboldened by the success of the Bundy Ranch standoff, Ammon Bundy, son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, with the help of a bunch of rag tag armed militia, took over the Malheur Wildlife Preserve in Southeastern Oregon. They came there in defense of Oregon ranchers’ Dwight and Steven Hammond, who ended up in jail on a trumped up arson charge at the hands of the BLM. The Hammond’s had continuous run-ins with the BLM over grazing, water rights and back-burn wildfires. The arson charged appeared to be a way for the BLM to get even.

By now, most of the public knows how the Oregon armed standoff ended. One man was shot dead by law enforcement and the rest have been or will be arrested. Those arrested will probably spend some considerable time in jail. The federal court in which they will be tried, will not be sympathetic, nor will any jury of their peers. It was a lose-lose proposition unless their martyrdom triggers more rural Americans to stand up and be counted. We have described the Hammond ranch events in Oregon on the NARLO website on a dedicated web page HERE.

A story out of Okanogan County, Washington further illustrates the divide between ranchers, farmers, government management of public lands and wildfires. That story can be read here.

But this isn’t the end of the story in the West. The government may have won this battle in Oregon, but they have only incited greater anger in Western landowners. Where that goes is anyone’s guess, but from our perspective and the reading of the tealeaves, it does not appear to end peacefully.

Many will ask, is the fight against government by rural landowners a righteous fight? After all, the government allegedly owns the land upon which the ranchers’ cattle and sheep are grazing. But isn’t the better question, does the government under the U. S. Constitution, have the right to own, control and manage the land in the first place? In Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17, the federal government is only supposed to own and control such lands as follows:

“To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings.”

If the literal translation of Clause 17 is true, then Ammon Bnndy, Wayne Hage and all other Western ranchers are right in their demand for the federal government to cede the public land back to the states and cease and desist government’s attack on the ranchers and farmers.

The issue is far from settled and this is what has given rise to the current conflict. When the government was reasonable in managing the unreserved federal lands, everything went fairly smoothly. But when government started clamping down on the ranchers’ legal contract rights to government allotments in the name of environmentalism, the smooth-running relationship between rancher and government evaporated and a land war has ensued.

When in a war, and we are in a war with the government, there are going to be all kinds of twists and turns and skirmishes in that war. The Oregon standoff was just one of the twists and turns. There will be many more to come as the wall between government and the citizens gets higher and higher. It has to come to a head eventually. We can only hope the outcome will be in favor of freedom and the Republic, but it is not a sure thing.

There are millions of Americans that still believe in individual, unalienable rights and want the government to stay the Hell out of their lives. Unfortunately, the government has shoved its ugly head in every “tent” and some of the people are beginning to balk, a totally predictable reaction to rising government oppression. The Oregon armed standoff was a symptom of the people’s resistance to that oppression, not a cause.

[NOTE: The forgoing article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved

America has not learned her lesson from Barack

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” – President Franklin D. Roosevelt

Outside of the fact that a good portion of Americans believe that The Clintons operate outside and above American Laws, the Clintons, along with other criminal players, have gotten America’s eyes off of Oregon. They have been found to be taking massive payoffs, while promising the Hammond Ranch and other “publicly owned lands” to Russians with one-fifth of our uranium ore. This is one detail the state-controlled narrative steers clear of concerning what is taking place in Oregon.

Recently, the lawless Hillary Clinton even came out of the closet sharing on her Facebook account about how her beliefs are aligned with the Ten Commandments.

During a town hall meeting in Knoxville, Iowa, a young woman asked Clinton, “I’m just curious how you would say that your beliefs align with the Ten Commandments, and if that’s something that’s important to you.”

“I am a person of faith,” declared Clinton. “I am a Christian, but I do believe that in many areas, judgment should be left to God…”

It’s interesting that she would say that because The Lord said just the opposite in Leviticus 26:15-17.

She goes on to state, “…being more open, tolerant (to the issues that are destroying America) and respectful of people who’ve had different life experiences is part of what makes me humble about my faith.”

This daughter of Belial advocates what God condemns with every word that comes out of her lying mouth and wicked heart (Jeremiah 17:9).

It is also interesting to note that without fail these wicked politicians talk of their “Christian faith” during the campaigns. Barack Hussein Obama did the same thing (Matthew 24:5).

This should be a wake-up call to all those who deny that America is a Christian nation. Today, 78% of Americans identify themselves as Christians. However, these politicians are attempting to appeal to the majority of Americans during their campaigns and, in-between, do the devil’s biddings at every step.

Also, when I pulled up Mrs. Clinton’s Facebook account, I notice there were other pages that have been set up in opposition to her, such as “Hillary Clinton Sucks,” “Hillary Clinton is WRONG for America,” and several titled “HILLARY CLINTON FOR PRISON.”

When I finally got to her page, there were a whopping 2,355,735 likes on her page!

Even more telling was that when Clinton was in her position as Secretary of State, the Associated Press reported that the State Department was buying Facebook “likes.”

In 2013, the State Department, which has more than 400,000 likes and was recently most popular in Cairo, said it would stop buying Facebook fans after its inspector general criticized the agency for spending $630,000 to boost the numbers. In one case, its fan tally rose from about 10,000 to more than 2.5 million.

But that isn’t all. When Hillary opened up her campaign in Iowa, there were actually more reporters who attended than voters.

Clinton’s Iowa campaign kickoff event roused a whopping 22 people! National Journal reports:

Gone are the soaring speeches and the big rally crowds, swapped out for roundtable discussions and meet-and-greets with local activists.

But the dozens of reporters both in the room and chasing after her van outside were a reminder of just how difficult it will be for one of the most recognizable public figures in the world to hold events that truly feel intimate.

On Tuesday, for example, Clinton was seated at a table with just seven other people for the discussion, with an audience of another 15. But those Iowans were far outnumbered by the dozens of reporters who were bunched together behind a thin yellow rope at the back of the room.

Indeed, despite some limits on the number of press credentials handed out by Clinton’s Iowa team—each outlet had one person in the room, and national television and photography was pooled—it still was a big group. Bigger yet was the press crowd outside, where reporters who weren’t admitted to the event chased Clinton’s van when it first pulled up here, contributing to the feeling of a media circus surrounding the former Secretary of State’s Iowa launch.

Clinton joked about the horde of reporters as the event opened, telling the seven roundtable participants: “Well, thank you for having me here—and a few of my friends.”

That is not all friends. According to her Twitter account as of April 14, 2015, Clinton had 3,351,547 Twitter followers. However, as the Daily Mail reports:

According to two popular online measuring tools, no more than 44 percent of her Twitter fan base consists of real people who are active in using the social media platform. And at least 15 percent – more than 544,000 – are completely fake.

Like her Alinsky comrade Barack Hussein Obama, who had more than 19 million fake Twitter followers, 56% of Clinton’s Twitter followers were created out of thin air. Simply put, they create the support that they do not have.

We know that the only ones who show up to her speeches are the state-controlled media in an attempt to make her campaign look legitimate. Remember America, this is nothing more than a Saul Alinsky tactic: Cause the enemy to believe that that there are more of you than there really are.

Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals

© 2016 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

Obama’s $4 trillion federal budget with morphine provision

While many people in America may have been distracted by Cam Newton’s mystifying two-minute defeat interview, and Beyoncé’s “Black Panther” shuffle, Americans were strategically set up again.

Over Super Bowl weekend, President Barack Obama was working on his new $4 trillion budget set to be released on Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary, which will likely ensure it gets minimal attention.

WASHINGTON (AP) reported, “Typically these type of budgets are released on a Monday, but White House press secretary Josh Earnest says Tuesday’s release allowed hard-working administration employees and journalists a chance to watch the Super Bowl.”

“The 2017 budget for the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1 will combine proposals for new spending on infrastructure, education and combating opioid abuse with tax increases on corporations and wealthy individuals to keep deficits down. This will avoid proposing cuts to popular programs like Medicare, student loans or food stamps.”

Big Government Morphine economic solutions sound like a broken record, making statements such as: “We can’t cut Medicare, student loans, or food stamps,” or, “We have to increase taxes on corporations and successful Americans that generate wealth in our country.”

The temptation to covetousness is a very real sin to humanity and to the Constitution of We the People of the United States.

You see, stealing from certain socio-economic groups to provide for other socio-economic groups is, and always has been, sinful and destructive to the soul of man and any nation.

The Bible states unequivocally, “You shall do no injustice in judgment; you shall not be partial to the POOR nor defer to the great, but you are to judge your neighbor fairly.”

Seeing as the Bible is the source of authority for law in American Jurisprudence, I would say our economic policies are in a perilous position – which will bring retribution from the divine Author of Rights.

Thomas Jefferson forewarned us, “Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.”

Our Founders understood this, which is why Article One, Section Eight, of the Constitution enumerates no powers to the federal government to redistribute wealth.

With no lawful authority this redistribution of wealth becomes an exercise of breaking the law, the crime being “legal plunder,” a term coined by French economist Frederick Bastiat.

What is the consequence? We create a society addicted to the morphine of government entitlements, and once authorized we become too stoned to pursue a virtuous solution.

Morphine is a treatment used to help certain “so-called” heroin addicted people. The morphine acts as a substitution for the coveted drug, heroin.

For the sake of the comparison, lets call “heroin” the addiction of Americans who sinfully desire what does not belong to them. “Morphine,” or unauthorized entitlements, becomes the solution. Utilizing sympathy for the poor, emotional pleas for the less fortunate, and empathy for people who are not rich, the federal government treacherously steals wealth, property and the ability to pursue happiness from most Americans and instead gives the “morphine” of entitlement to addicted people among their ranks.

The legendary Robin Hood solved this problem by recovering from government what it had stolen and then redistributing it to those who were victimized.

I believe our solution is much more simple than the bow-and-arrow tactics of our friend from Sherwood Forest. We must reinvigorate Americans with the morality of a Biblically harnessed government and we sure could use your help to do this.

Learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and his “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

2016 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

Trump – the only one that can save America from invasion

After the massacres in San Bernardino, Boston Marathon, Chattanooga and Fort Hood along with dozens of foiled attempts in 2015, our U.S. Congress continues importing Islamic refugee terrorists monthly by the thousands.

Would you invite a known murder into your house? Would you pay for him with your tax dollars? Would you allow him to travel throughout your house knowing that he could harm your wife and children?

Hundreds of thousands and now into the millions of Muslims slipped into America without any intention of becoming Americans. Total take-overs in Miami, Detroit and Minneapolis. Mexican illegal aliens march in the streets of America demanding their ‘rights’. That’s like a band of bank robbers demanding not to be arrested and allowed to keep robbing more banks by bringing in their buddies to help them.

What you’re seeing is a complete breakdown of the rule of law in America. What you’re witnessing: the colonization of America by other countries. Further, you’re watching Obama and your senators and House members aid, abet and assist this assault on the United States.

Congress imported over 4,000,000 (million) Muslims who stand with one of their leaders, “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any faith, but to become dominant. The Qur’an should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” Omar Ahmed, director of Council on American Islamic Relations.”

Islam possesses no work ethic. Islam’s philosophy remains: conquest. Islam’s economic system means the conquerors live off the bounty of the conquered and look for new people to loot. You see it in Europe today, but Canada, America and Australia grow large in their cross-hairs. You may forget that the Middle East remains a desert, however oil makes its leaders rich, but it’s people remain illiterate and poverty stricken. Their oil gives the illusion of functioning economies, but foreign interests run their management of the oil fields. Importing millions of Muslims creates welfare and conflict within a host country.

Obama’s top aide Valerie Jarrett said this in 1977 in the yearbook at Stanford University: “I’m an Iranian by birth and my Islamic faith. I am also an American citizen and I seek to help change America to be a more Islamic country. My faith guides me and I feel like it is going well in the transition of using freedom of religion in America against itself.”

If you travel to Dearborn, Michigan, you see a complete and total takeover by Muslims known as a “caliphate” or nation within our nation. They practice de facto “Sharia Law” which subjugates women to the Islamic practice of female genital mutilation, honor killings and arranged marriages. They use our tax dollars to support their four wives, which the call “extended family.” In Detroit, Muslims fly the Islamic black flag and never fly American flags. They won’t sing our National Anthem or Pledge of Allegiance. They cannot and never will become Americans, but they will degrade America into Sharia Law with their growing numbers brought to you by Congress and Obama.

The latest report shows that 500,000 Muslim women in America suffered female genital mutilation, a barbaric practice of cutting a woman against her will into total loss of her sexual being. This 6th century barbarity in our 1st world country? How insane can we be to allow it?

“Immigrants devoted to their own cultures and religions are not influenced by the secular politically correct fa?ade that dominates academia, news-media, entertainment, education, religious and political thinking today,” said James Walsh, former Associate General Counsel of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service. “They claim the right not to assimilate, and the day is coming when the question will be how can the United States regulate the defiantly unassimilated cultures, religions and mores of foreign lands? Such immigrants say their traditions trump the U.S. legal system. Balkanization of the United States has begun.”

Meanwhile in Arizona, “Illegal aliens cost taxpayers $69 billion annually (just in social services) in federal programs in 2014. Studies estimate that amnesty would increase that three fold. Perhaps as high as 80 percent of the violent crime in Phoenix area involves illegal aliens (according to Phoenix Chief Hurt and Mesa police violent crimes response team). Over 4000 homicide warrants issued by the Border States to suspects who are believed to have fled south of the border into Mexico.”

Citizen Robert Tecau said, “I am compelled to contact you regarding the ongoing invasion, occupation and colonization of the United States of America, by hostile enemies from Mexico and points south…an invasion that is being facilitated, aided, abetted by many U.S. politicians.

“Since when does a mob of hostile, foreign criminals, in this country illegally, have any say whatsoever in how our nation is to be governed, much less demand that they be extended the same rights and privileges as legitimate, law-abiding, U.S. citizens?

“Is it not yet obvious that we have reached critical mass with this terrible situation? What’s it going to take, another bloody Civil War, culminating in the deaths of countless Americans, before our federal government finally comes to a realization as to just how far down this dangerous rabbit hole they have taken us?”

One look at Paris, France or Berlin, Germany or London, England shows you the final ending of the immigrant invasion. You either vote in a president who will stop it, Donald Trump, or you watch your country being invaded by invitation of your own elected representatives.

© 2016 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

Trump’s “trump card” – get USA out of the united nations

Congressman Mike Rogers Introduces Bill to Get U.S. Out of UN
Citing wasted tax dollars and attacks on the constitutionally guaranteed liberties of Americans, Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) introduced a bill to restore U.S. soverei…
In my humble opinion, Donald Trump, if he wants to “make America great again”, should jump on this one … should support Alabama Congressman Mike Rogers bill to get the USA out of the United Nations. Support for H.R.1205, the American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2015, could hand him the Presidency on a silver platter.
Even “normal” Democrats hate the United Nations. It’s only the hard-left Democrats, neoconservative Trotskyites, like the Heritage Foundation, leftist-oriented and New Age churches, the U.S. State Department, multinational global corporations, the Federal Reserve Bank, and billionaires from both political parties who support it.
When will thoughtless support for this evil, very elitist, atheistic communist organization cease?
There is no way any one of us can have victories related to the individual evils we are confronting in our nation and on this planet until the head of the octopus is cut off.
That head is the United Nations, and the evils are its affiliated organizations: United Nations Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization (UNESCO), the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Bank, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and all other acronym groups, and the UN’s unelected/”controlled” non-governmental agencies.
The enemy of the majority of normal human beings living on Planet Earth, who want to be left alone, is the United Nations.
The groups mentioned in the above paragraphs will howl, and tell us unwashed humans how much we need this evil organization in order to:
(1) “keep the peace”. Oh, really?…remember the two “No Win” so called “peace actions”: Korea (1950-1953) and Vietnam (1961-1975), both of which were directed by a Soviet General out of the UN? Americans lost 54,246 soldiers in Korea and 58,209 soldiers in Vietnam;
(2) “educate/Marxist brainwash” the world’s population, using UNESCO’s Skinnerian/Outcomes Based Education, OBE/TQM/Communist Core to create a global workforce to spin off profits for the global elite.
(3) wipe out local wars, poverty and disease. There is more war/strife, poverty, and disease in the world in 2016 than there was prior to creation of the United Nations. Don’t believe UN statistics!
(4) control immigration (definition of “control” please!!!!);
(5) control population (through disease, abortion and euthanasia?);
(6) bring about sustainable development, through United Nations 2030 Smart Growth regionalism (communism);
(7) create “free trade” with NAFTA, TPP, etc. Karl Marx loved “free trade”.
(8) plans in the making to create a North American Union. If former President of he USSR referred to the European Union as the “new European Soviet”, what does that make the North American Union?
(and this writer could go on and on)
The UN is the head of the octopus.
Even if we succeed in cutting off the above-cited various tentacles of the UN octopus , which it appears we are unable to do, we cannot and will not win the global battle for human freedom, dignity, and prosperity until we (all citizens) focus on cutting off the head of the octopus, which designs, dictates and controls all the above activities, and throwing it into Hell where it originated.
Doesn’t the rest of the word deserve a crack at experiencing some of the wonders of the greatest experiment in human freedom, found in our own backyard…here in America?

Let’s not continue to allow UN directives and mandates to kill the United States of America, the goose that laid the golden egg, to which millions of foreigners have immigrated in order to enjoy and benefit from the freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.

Nothing will change for the better on this planet until the totally unconstitutional United Nations is abolished, never, ever to be resurrected in any form whatsoever.
Get out of the United Nations!
Support Cong. Mike Rogers H.R 1205, American Sovereignty Restoration Act!

2016 Charlotte T. Iserbyt – All Rights Reserved

Winnowing the field

The Republican field of contenders will likely be a lot smaller after the Nevada primary on February 23. At that point all of those who have not been able to be true contenders, with the exception of Jeb Bush, will lack the financial wherewithal to continue. Thus far we have learned a great deal about the strengths and weaknesses of the apparent major contenders.

Donald Trump remains a brash and direct populist with an ego that reaches into the stratosphere. He is decisive but has yet to present a position, beyond his tax plan, that enables Americans to determine whether, indeed, he will govern as an advocate of limited government and a return to constitutional restraints on power. He has repeatedly said that he will repeal and replace Obamacare (but with what?). He is committed to restoring American military power and wielding that power against terrorists. He has called for establishing a physical border, a wall, with Mexico paying for it, and for deporting illegal aliens. His rash personal attacks and unpredictable nature must engender fear in our enemies ISIS, al-Qaeda, and other terrorist groups; Russia; China; North Korea; and Iran. He is clearly an antidote to a weak and feckless Obama, who is manipulated with such ease by those who seek our destruction.

Ted Cruz is an intellectual with a deep appreciation for the Constitution and with an expressed desire to reduce the size and scope of the federal bureaucracy. He is also committed to a zealous military campaign against Muslim extremists, seeking to build an international coalition to effect that end, and to restoring American relations with Israel. He is also committed to repealing Obamacare. His tax plan troubles many because it depends on a Value Added Tax (VAT) system. The issue concerning whether he “stole” the Iowa primary because his campaign falsely represented to delegates that Ben Carson had dropped out of the race remains a character problem for him. That character issue will dog Cruz because he has represented himself to be an evangelical Christian and, thus, has raised the bar for himself beyond what goes as standard political fare these days. In other words, as a Christian, he is expected to follow the commandments and be honest in all his dealings with others. Using falsehood to achieve political victory makes him appear hypocritical, as does his failure to admit that he once supported amnesty for illegal aliens.

Marco Rubio is the most articulate candidate, whose soaring rhetoric conveys an optimistic message of American renewal. Despite strident attacks made by Cruz, challenging Rubio’s conservative bona fides, Rubio professes a commitment to limited government and to revoking Obama’s unconstitutional executive actions, repealing Obamacare, terminating the deal with Iran, and restoring the separation of powers.

Doubt remains as to what extent Rubio will devote himself to eliminating the federal bureaucracy, but no doubt attends his commitment to destroying radical Islamic terrorists, to rebuilding the American military, or to repealing Obamacare.

The good news is that any one of these three candidates would be vastly superior to either remaining Democratic candidate, one of whom, Hillary Clinton, is likely on the verge of being recommended for indictment by FBI Director James Comey (which may force an end to her campaign). The bad news is that millions in the Democratic Party have no problem supporting an avowed socialist for President, albeit the socialist agenda of the Democratic Party has been a mainstay since at least the start of the Obama Administration, just not labeled as such. That growing new left movement will be a force affecting the outcome of the general election. We shall see whether enough Americans still believe in this country and are willing to fight for the Constitution to save it from destruction at the hands of socialists.

© 2016 Jonathan W. Emord – All Rights Reserved

GOP debate audience stacked with Bush supporters

A Class Act

People often mistake Donald Trump’s self-confidence for arrogance or even narcissism. But there is not a narcissist on the planet who would have put themselves into a position like Trump did to assist a competing colleague at the latest debate. 

The other names continued to be called, and proceeded as mentioned. But not Donald Trump, he remained with his friend thereby reducing the internal anxiety felt by Dr. Carson. 

Then, like a boss, when Dr. Carson was called to the stage, Trump waited and allowed Ben to get the audience response and appreciation. It takes a lot of courage to make split second decisions like this, and it shows a remarkable insight into the man’s character.

Make sure you check out The Classiest Debate Moment That No-One Noticed – Never Leave A Good Man Down… This shows the real Mr. Trump, a class act, unlike the rest of the candidates who just walked on by Dr. Carson. Make sure you watch the videos too.

The Stacked Bush Audience

If you watched the February 6th debates, you noticed it was another stacked deck against Trump. This time however, it was far more subtle than it has ever been on Faux News. According to Gateway Pundit, only 20 tickets were sold to Trump supporters. The rest of the audience appeared to be Bush supporters. 

Business Insider reported:

Frontrunner, Donald Trump confronted a Republican debate audience who repeatedly booed him during an exchange with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush: 

The audience loudly booed Trump, driving the back-and-forth off the rails. Trump said audience members were all members of the Republican establishment.

The booing continued. Trump said he was self-funding his campaign, so Republican donors weren’t a fan of his candidacy.

“The reason they’re not loving me is I don’t want their money.

Trump was right.

The audience was stacked against the GOP frontrunner.

Trump’s close associate Roger Stone tweeted out that the Trump camp was only given 20 tickets by the GOP!

Jeb Bush Attack

Trump who saved a Georgia family farm, is going to oust a homeowner who doesn’t want to sell? The town tried to condemn her property and take it, but she won the court case and kept her home.

Agenda 21 destroys private property ownership, and the Ford Foundation’s New States Constitution, waiting in the wings to replace our 1787 Constitution, does the same thing.


ABC News anchor David Muir and ABC News chief global affairs correspondent Martha Raddatz were moderators. Additional questions were posed by WMUR political director, Josh McElveen, and conservative blogger, Mary Katharine Ham. The questions were not targeted to destroy a particular candidate as they were in the previous Fox News debates, but the audience was definitely stacked against Trump.

Was it stacked? You bet it was! For Jeb Bush! Nevertheless, Trump came off looking Presidential and answering the questions with perfect aplomb and skill. He was calm, deliberate, and had brilliant answers ready for every subject matter questioned. 

Despite the audience being very light on Trump supporters, purposefully only 20, I believe this was one of the better debates so far. If you missed it, you can read the transcript here.

Cruz and Rubio Should Bow Out

Vattel’s The Law of Nations, which defines “natural born citizen” from Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution. There were three copies of The Law of Nations at the 1787 Convention for the very purpose of defining “natural born citizen.”

Proof That Ted Cruz did Not Become an American Citizen at Birth, brings up some valid points.

Marco Rubio is an anchor baby and is not eligible. Despite being born in America, his parents were both Cuban citizens at the time of his birth.

The truth of the Constitution is this. To be eligible to run for President or Vice President in America, you must be born to two American citizen parents. Here again are two great articles on this very subject. 

The Elephant in the Constitution that No One References When Dealing with the Natural Born Citizen Issue.

More War With Cruz and Rubio

Foreign Policy Advisors

Several of the Republicans are using the same foreign policy advisors as Hillary Clinton. What’s the difference between Hillary Clinton and globalists like Cruz and Marco Rubio?

Beacon Global was founded in 2013 by former senior officials from the State Department, Department of Defense, and Central Intelligence Agency, and has more than a dozen clients, primarily defense contractors, according to Defense News.

here, and note the last paragraph:

Beacon Global Strategies’ seed funding came from Claude Fontheim, a former Clinton adviser who now serves as a lobbyist to the U.S.-China Exchange Foundation, a nonprofit reportedly used by Chinese government officials and Hong Kong tycoons to shape American policy toward China.


Despite the manipulation of every single debate to destroy Donald Trump, the support for his candidacy keeps growing. He is beholden to none of the groups the globalists are funded by. The people know, and the people want him. The only way this man will not win the nomination, and then presidency, is through fraud and corruption by the Republican party and the phony conservatives who so many people put their faith in falsely. 

And guess what? All the polls still show that Trump won this debate too. [Link]

Gop primaries: shut down the farce, stop the fraud

“It is necessary to the happiness of man that he be mentally faithful to himself. Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what one does not believe.

It is impossible to calculate the moral mischief, if I may so express it, that mental lying has produced in society. When man has so far corrupted and prostituted the chastity of his mind, as to subscribe his professional belief to things he does not believe, he has prepared himself for the commission of every other crime.” -Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason

Fraud: deceit, trickery, breach of confidence, perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage: mail fraud; election fraud. Farce: mockery; a sham.

All the jabbering about Cruz and Rubio, what their polling numbers are and their positions on the issues is worthless hot air. Neither one of them are constitutionally eligible to run for president. The most common lie I read from articles on the Internet from to FOX and countless web sites from “experts” is that only one parent must be a U.S. citizen at the time of the child’s birth to qualify as a natural born citizen. That is not true and in Rubio’s case, both of his parents were foreign nationals when he was born. Rubio’s parents did not become U.S. citizens until he was four years old making him absolutely ineligible.

Any mention of Cruz’s eligibility is treated like a joke on some comedy show. Conspicuously absent is any mention of Rubio in the same vein. The reason why is quite obvious: Marco Rubio is the establishment’s back up plan to loser Jeb! Rubio will betray this country with amnesty. The corrupt media apparatus in this country from FOX to CBS to the NY Times continue to prop up the lie that only one parent need be a U.S. citizen. Donald Trump has brought up Cruz’s ineligibility while wasting his time and energy going up against two candidates, Cruz and Rubio, who have no legal right to even be in the race.

Trump has vocally stated if Cruz gets the nomination the Democratic/Communist Party USA will sue over Cruz’s eligibility. I am one who thinks that probably won’t happen. To do so would open the flood gates in proving the criminal impostor in the White House usurped the office of president.

Ted Cruz, using the Obama deception play book (Ted Cruz Cracks to Press: ‘I Am Secretly a Citizen of Ethiopia’ ) is ineligible.

Years ago under the state open records law in Illinois I requested a copy of Barry Obama’s candidate submission for state senator. Barry Obama filled out a form with absolutely nothing to verify his eligibility and was simply declared eligible. Incredible! The same damn thing is happening all over again with Cruz and Rubio and it has to stop.

The Illinois Board of Elections Got It Wrong: Ted Cruz Is Not a Natural Born Citizen, Mario Apuzzo, Esq., February 5, 2016 (Emphasis mine)

“The Illinois Board of Elections recently found that Presidential contender, Senator Ted Cruz, is an Article II “natural born citizen.” Lawrence Joyce and William Graham objected to Cruz being placed on the presidential primary ballot in Illinois, contending that he is not an Article II natural born citizen.

“The Board rejected the challenge and found that Cruz “is a natural born citizen by virtue of being born in Canada to his mother who was a U.S. citizen at the time of his birth.” The Board so found because it said he “did not have to take any steps or go through a naturalization process at some point after birth.” The Board also had the audacity to cavalierly state: “Further discussion on this issue is unnecessary.”

“The Board erred. The Board’s ruling is an expression of Congressional Research Service attorney Jack Maskell’s baseless thesis of his definition of a natural born citizen. Not only is Maskell’s definition a fabricated and revisionist definition of a natural born citizen, it also is nonsensical. See Mario Apuzzo, The Fallacies of Congressional Legislative Attorney Jack Maskell’s Definition of a “Natural Born Citizen….

“For those born after the adoption of the Constitution, if one is a “citizen” of the United States but not also a “natural born citizen” of the United States, then one is prohibited from being President. The Twelfth Amendment requires that also the Vice-President be a natural born citizen.

“As we can plainly see from the text of Article II, today, if one wants to be President, one must demonstrate that one is a “natural born citizen” of the United States, not just a “citizen” of the United States. The text also does not say “citizen” of the United States at birth. As I will demonstrate, there is a critical constitutional difference between these two types of U.S. citizenships and that only a natural born citizen of the United States is eligible to be President. I will show that Ted Cruz might be a citizen of the United States at birth.

“But having acquired that at birth status by naturalization and not by birth alone, he is not nor can he be a natural born citizen. That Cruz did not have to go through any naturalization process after his birth, assuming that to be true, does not nor can it erase the fact that he was by law naturalized at birth by Congress through its naturalization Act applicable to Cruz when he was born in 1970. Needing Congress to naturalize him at birth, Cruz is not nor can he be an Article II natural born citizen.”

I encourage reading that entire legal analysis because the internal links are very important. I fully understand those who support either Cruz or Rubio and want him to be constitutionally eligible being disappointed. Believe me, a few weeks ago I had a few bad moments when the issue of Donald Trump’s mother came up; she was born in Scotland. But, Trump’s mother became a U.S. citizen several years before he was born. Since BOTH of Donald Trump’s parents were U.S. citizens at the time of his birth, he is constitutionally eligible.

If Winston Churchill Was Not Even a Citizen of the United States, How Can Ted Cruz Be Its Natural Born Citizen? (Churchill was made an honorary American citizen by JFK)

Once again, governmental bodies like the Illinois Board of Elections are refusing to verify candidates as to their eligibility to even run for president. I can already see cowardly dismissals by Secretary’s of States for the lawsuits already filed. Contrary to the lies put forth by the alphabet soup networks including pro-Rubio FOX News Network (Megyn Kelly Praises Marco Rubio: ‘You Are Very Smooth’) (The 5 Basic Questions Megyn Kelly Forgot to Ask Marco Rubio) (The Anti-Trump Network: Fox News Money Flows into Open Borders Group), not a single case has ever been decided on the core issue of natural born.

• Phyllis Schlafly Issues 15 PAGE ‘Rubio Betrayal Memo’
• Schlafly unloads on Rubio: ‘He betrayed us all’- Conservative icon calls media favorite ‘lackey for the establishment’
• Senior Senate Staffer Reveals Shocking Marco Rubio Story You’ve Never Heard… ICE Agent Kicked Out of Immigration Hearing

What can Donald Trump do? If it were me I would retain Dr. Edwin Vieira (if he agrees) as a legal consultant. There have been commentaries about the danger of this issue going before the rotten, corrupt U.S. Supreme Court. Edwin has been there: “In the Supreme Court of the United States he successfully argued or briefed the cases leading to the landmark decisions Abood v. Detroit Board of Education, Chicago Teachers Union v. Hudson, and Communications Workers of America v. Beck, which established constitutional and statutory limitations on the uses to which labor unions, in both the private and the public sectors, may apply fees extracted from nonunion workers as a condition of their employment. ”

I have known Dr. Edwin Vieira since 1993. In the hundreds and hundreds of hours of conversations over the years, I am always blown away when he explains something to me the average person would not have thought of relating to the subject at hand. His mind is a machine and there’s no doubt in my mind Edwin would come up with a battle plan to take on this issue and win.

There’s also still the major issue of whether or not Cruz is even a naturalized citizen:

Ted Cruz is in the US Senate Illegally?

“Unfortunately, there is no evidence to suggest that the parent or parents of Ted Cruz ever filed a CRBA form (Consular Report of Birth Abroad) with the U.S. Government in or around 1970, which is why Ted Cruz released a copy of his Canadian citizenship records and not any U.S. citizenship records. At present, all FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests filed in search of any U.S. citizenship documents to confirm the true official U.S. citizenship status of Ted Cruz have been denied access. All citizenship records for Ted Cruz are sealed unless and until Ted Cruz agrees to allow any such records to be released by either U.S. or Canadian agencies.

“As a result, there remains no authentic evidence to support the claims that Ted Cruz is either a “natural born” or “naturalized” citizen of the United States.” I think Donald Trump should ask Cruz to produce a certified copy of the CRBA form, don’t you? If Cruz has nothing to hide, he’d do it in a NY minute.

During one of the phony little voter meet up segments on Megyn Kelly’s FOX show one of the voters said no one cares about the eligibility issue. Well, that low information voter is dead wrong. It matters to millions of Americans and for Cruz and Rubio to continue in the primaries is fraud. The RNC submitting paperwork to put his name on any ballot is fraud. It sickens me to watch this play out again as it did in 2008 & 2012 with Barry Obama. We are either a nation of laws or lies. We can’t be both and be a great nation.

As for Ted Cruz and the slick trick pulled against candidate Dr. Ben Carson last week just as the Iowa Caucuses were about to get underway, it screams how dishonest he is and how dirty he will play to win. Ted Cruz Requests Private Meeting With Ben Carson – I’ll just bet he does. Ted Cruz’s treatment of Carson might cost him votes in NH and other states. I’ve written before I don’t like or trust Ted Cruz. His personal ambition oozes out of him and to me that makes him dangerous.

• Cruz wrong in debate about CNN’s reporting – Network never reported Carson suspending campaign, never issued correction
• Timeline: The Cruz-Carson-CNN Controversy
• Karl Rove Explains How Cruz Camp’s Cheating Stole Iowa from Trump – Rather amazing
• Ted Cruz Picks Rep. Steve King as a Campaign National Co-Chair. Is he doing it on the taxpayer’s dime? Congress is still in session.

The recent Iowa primary has been dissected every which way. The dangerous Marxist propagandist, Bernie Sanders, believes vote fraud gave Hillary the Hun a win by 4 votes.

The Iowa Caucuses are, well, unusual. Instead of voting, a voter goes to a location, individuals exchange dialogue over which candidate gets their vote and then a vote is taken. In this video you see children walking around at 9:45 PM and you’ll see just what a mess that system can be as far as accurately counting votes. Hey, no need for a recount!

Of course, using any type of electronic voting system is the sure fire tool of tyrants to rig our elections: Microsoft app used to tally votes at Iowa caucus fails in some areas. It’s been going on since the 1960s and still Americans tolerate the fraud every two years both at the state and federal level for offices. I’ve been writing about it since 1993. Vote fraud is what kept me from winning the GOP primary in 1996. First of all, even though I was legally on the ballot, my name was not on the ballot in the largest voting precinct in Butte County. That’s right. Come primary night and time to vote and my name was not on the ballot. I had to write in my own name; who knows if it even got counted.

Second, from one of my recent columns:

“Every GOP incumbent I can see is creaming legitimate challengers. Same thing that happened to me in 1996 even though I was only 7% behind the incumbent right up to “election” night with all it’s fraud in my race. At one minute after the polls closed, Peter Jennings (deceased) called all 52 house seats in California; none of the numbers changed when they quit counting votes at 4:13 am – including my race. What a remarkable feat.

“Incumbents in most districts are so far ahead – by 40% to a challenger, it’s not likely it will turn around. Gee, isn’t it strange the old 81% to 18% for an incumbent popped up? I voted for Shannon Thomason to replace the state rep shoved down our throats because of redistricting; he’s a real dog, Rep. Darby. I know Shannon from local community meetings. He’s allegedly losing 81 to 18.

“From my Blind Loyalty booklet of nothing but vote fraud, check these winners/losers that night (primary March 26, 1996): 85-15, 81-18, 85-15, 81-18, 85-15, 86-14, 87-13, 81-18 and 81-14 which was my race. Those were the results for incumbents vs challengers for the U.S. House throughout the state. Every incumbent voted for NAFTA; all challengers including me were opposed. Wonder why we allegedly lost? Those house seats were scattered all over the state of California. Unless you’re specifically looking at a particular race, in a state the size of California or Texas, people don’t put together the pattern, but it sure as hell is there and I’m looking at it tonight.”

In one of the precincts in my race the ballots were spread all over a table in violation of state elections laws. Neither that nor the fact my name was not on the ballot on primary night bothered the Republican Secretary of State who did nothing. In his letter to me: If you don’t like the outcome of the election, file a lawsuit. And, pray tell where would I get $20-$30 grand to sue the state? March 1996. That’s when I left the Republican Party and remain no party to this day.

Here is another example of the numbers from my Blind Loyalty booklet; comments at bottom explain the farce. As I have also written before, Bush did not win the 2004 election because of vote fraud in Ohio and therefore did not win the general election. That is a proven fact.

If anyone thinks there wasn’t vote fraud against Donald Trump during the Iowa Caucuses, they would be mistaken. Microsoft provided the app for both parties. ‘Something smells:’ Des Moines Register calls for audit of Iowa Dem caucus

Here’s one opinion on that:

“I remember how six years ago a tea party star and a great patriot of this nation, Sharon Angle, ran for senate in Nevada against the ruling establishment uber-puppet, Harry Reid. I volunteered at her office in Las Vegas. Till the election day Sharon led by 4-5% according to all the polls. I remember one of her campaign managers told me: we have to lead by over 10% as they can rig about 10% of the vote. I knew it was possible but didn’t want to believe it.


“Well, in the morning the vote count was 4-5% for Sharon, in the evening it was announced that the vote flipped, 5% for the regime puppet, Harry Reid. I urged Sharon to verify the vote, unfortunately, she never did it.

“It is interesting that until Bush-Gore 2000 the media conducted exit polling. After 2000 the exit polling stopped. What people do not understand, is that we have no vote verification. We have two types of ballot counting scanners, Diebold and Sequoia, which can be programmed to rig the count any way you want.

“Going into Iowa primary Trump led by an average of 6% according to multiple polls. Both Real Clear Politics and Huffington Post posted about the same average, Trump had 31%, Cruz 25% and Rubio 14%. As the results were announced, Cruz had 28%, Trump 24% and Rubio 23%. The swing that we saw is just impossible. There is no way Rubio jumped 9% within hours. Rubio did poorly in the evangelical state of Iowa for the whole year. His sudden rise by 9% in one day smells heavy rigging of the vote to me.

“Additional indication of the heavy rigging, is the fact that there was a very heavy attendance. 180,000 showed up to vote. Previous record was about 130,000. Most analysts believed that a heavy turnout will benefit Trump as he had the biggest crowds of supporters, new voters. Every analyst believed that the heavy vote will mean Trump election by a landslide. There is no way the vote went up by 50% to benefit establishment puppets, particularly Rubio who was heavily disliked in Iowa.”

It’s called vote flipping. Also from my Blind Loyalty booklet: “In the Rogan Race 10:36 pm, Rogan was ahead of the Democrat 53% to 44%. At 6:28 am on November 8th, the Democrat allegedly moved ahead 53% to 44%. Congressman Rogan, one of the 13 House Managers in the phony Clinton impeachment, allegedly lost his race: 44% to Schiff’s 53%. I don’t believe it for a moment. The numbers are too obvious, at least to me: Rogan leads with 53% to 44% and loses by 44% to 53%. Flip flop! ”

Stop The Election: Accurate Vote Count Impossible, November 3,2008

“Two weeks ago, Ohio “relaxed” its voter registration requirements to allow individuals to simply sign up and vote on the spot. For weeks, advocacy groups have been “assisting” non-English speaking minorities on how to vote. Most likely a large number of them are illegal aliens because we know illegals are voting in huge numbers thanks to the insidious Motor Voter Law of 1993.

“Citizenship is a five year process. If you can’t speak English by then, how committed are you to your new country and how our government operates? I guess it doesn’t matter if you have someone instructing you on which box to punch on a card inside the voting booth. BEFORE my grandparents got on the boat from Sicily, they had to take an English proficiency test (reading and writing) and have a valid health certificate. The same applied to my other grand parents when they left Munich. We know what’s going on here and it’s hijacking our elections.

“Even with paper ballots in many states, between dirty voting rolls that are supposed to be purged and cleaned, and multiple voting by one person thanks to registration fraud, there’s no way to get an accurate count on election night. The switch to scanners over electronic voting machines is simply switching the deck chairs on the Titanic. 31 states – with big ‘swing’ states included – still use electronic machines and/or scanners. Ripe for fraud. In smaller states with small precincts, it’s harder to hide the vote fraud. In major metropolitan cities, it’s as easy as walking across your living room.

“By Oct. 30, 2008, more than 17 million people voted; no telling how many are multiple votes. Last week, the city fathers in DC announced they have no idea how many absentee ballots were mailed out! In Madison County, Mississippi, they have over 123% more registered voters than people over the age of 18. Is anyone outraged yet? This has been going on for election after election after election for decades. Contrary to the propaganda being pitched, most of these machines do NOT have a real paper trail. See Oct. 31, 2008, transcript from Lou Dobbs – close to half way down. The lawsuits are coming. The insidious Motor Voter Law of 1993 added gasoline to the bonfire and Secretary’s of State across the Union have allowed the situation to simply snow ball from one rip off election to the next. ”

Urgent: Election fraud volunteers needed in WI, OH, PA, VA, FL, November 10, 2012: Obama Lost in Every State With Photo ID Law

“November 7 | Was the election stolen? Remember all those lawsuits by Democrats demanding that any voter identification laws be repealed. Well, now we know why they filed them. They needed to steal the vote in certain key states so that Obama could be reelected.

“Curiously, Obama lost in every state that requires a photo ID to be produced before voting. A list of closely contested state elections with no voter ID, which narrowly went to Obama include: Minnesota (10), Iowa (6), Wisconsin (10), Nevada (6), Colorado (9), New Mexico (5) and Pennsylvania (20). This amounts to a total of 66 electoral votes. When added to Romney’s total of 205 electoral votes, that would give Romney 271 electoral votes, enough votes to win even without Ohio or Florida.

“Romney also likely had the states of Florida and Ohio stolen from him, which don’t require photo IDs. Ohio requires a non-photo ID. Would a library card do? Florida “requests” a photo ID, but doesn’t require it. So what happens if they request a photo ID and the illegal alien Haitian doesn’t have one? Do they just count the vote anyway?”

While New Hampshire uses paper ballots, there was an outcry in 2012 because of tally discrepancies for Ron Paul when he ran: Significant Evidence of Algorithmic Vote Flipping in the 2012 GOP Primary and (Ron Paul 100% proof of Maine Election fraud! Ben Swann Reality Check WXIX FOX 2/15/12). The upcoming primaries in SC, NV and then Super Tuesday will be done by machines. The shadow government will do everything they think they can get away with to keep Donald Trump from accumulating enough delegates to win the GOP nomination and that means losing primaries and caucuses by fraud in the counting process.

The primaries in this country have become a farce. Eligibility of candidates is brushed off like lint as if it’s of no importance. Fraud was committed by the DNC and Nancy Pelosi to get Barry Obama on the ballot and now the GOP is doing the same damn thing by allowing Cruz and Rubio to appear on any state ballot. Regardless of who you support, if we don’t have honesty and integrity in our election process we may as well change America to Venezuela.

Of interest:

1 – Ted Cruz’s Closest Counselors Are Neocons – A very important article
2 – HuffPo Policy: Trump Must Be Be Called ‘Liar, Racist, Sexist Bully’ In Every Post
3 – President’ Trump’s limited government – Theodore Roosevelt Malloch sees businessman restoring founding principles
4 – Alabama residents’ lawsuit claims Ted Cruz ineligible to run for president – Unfortunately, it appears the plaintiff’s haven’t done their homework: “The suit urges the court to declare Cruz “ineligible and disqualified to run/seek the office of president of the United States of America” because he was born in Canada in 1970.” I haven’t read their brief, but unless they argue the correct legal merits – both parents must be U.S. citizens at the time of the child’s birth – likely we could see bad case law put on the books or just an outright dismissal.
5 – The Nuclear Option: Ted Cruz Wins Iowa, But He Won’t Be the GOP Nominee for President
6 – Mike Volin of WOBC Website Launches Petition Campaign to Stop the Constitutionally Ineligible Canadian-Born Ted Cruz from Continuing to Deceive the American Electorate as to Who is a “natural born Citizen” of the United States.

[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]

© 2016 – and Devvy – All Rights Reserved

Ted Cruz is not a legal U.S. Citizen at all

The debate over whether or not Senator Ted Cruz is eligible for the U.S. Presidency is about to end. It has now been confirmed that Senator Ted Cruz is neither a “U.S. natural born Citizen” or a “legal U.S. citizen.”

According to all relative legal citizenship documentation available at present, Senator Ted Cruz was born Rafael Edward Cruz, a legal citizen of Canada on December 22, 1970 and maintained his legal Canadian citizenship from birth until May 14, 2014, 43 years later.

The Cruz Campaign for the U.S. Presidency has claimed that Senator Ted Cruz was a “citizen at birth” via his U.S. mother and a “dual citizen” of both Canada and the United States in 1970 and that by renouncing his Canadian citizenship in 2014, he would become eligible for the Oval Office.

There are several problems with this claim… which make the claim false

1. “citizen at birth” is a 14th Amendment naturalization term based upon “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.”

Senator Cruz was born in Canada, subject to the jurisdiction of Canada. Further, any U.S. citizen by virtue of the 14th Amendment only, is a “citizen” and not a “natural born Citizen,” as you will see below. (Source is Cornell Law on the 14th)

2. “dual citizenship” was prohibited in Canada in December 1970. (Source is Canadian Law)

From May 22, 1868 until December 31, 1946, all residents of Canada were British subjects. There was no such thing as a Canadian citizen or Canadian citizenship until January 1, 1947.

From January 1, 1947 until February 15, 1977, Canadian law prohibited “dual citizenship.” Foreign parents giving birth to a child in Canada in 1970 were forced to choose between Canadian citizenship only, or citizenship in another country, and to declare that with Canadian officials at the time of birth. The parents of Ted Cruz chose and declared “Canadian citizenship” for Rafael Edward Cruz.

3. United States laws make it possible to be a legal U.S. citizen by only the following means…

a) NATURAL BORN CITIZEN – “As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights. The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent.” (The Natural Law as understood by the Founders in Article II of the US Constitution)
b) NATIVE BORN CITIZEN – All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. (The 14th Amendment definition for “citizen”)

c) NATURALIZED CITIZEN – the legal act or process by which a non-citizen in a country may acquire citizenship or nationality of that country. It may be done by a statute, without any effort on the part of the individual (aka anchor baby), or it may involve an application and approval by legal authorities, (such as a Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA) form filed with the US State Department at the time of birth). (This includes “anchor baby” or “citizen at birth” born here or abroad, under the 14th) Source is U.S. State Department

4. “dual citizens” are prohibited from being “natural born Citizens” as it pertains to Article II requirements for the Oval Office.

As the stated purpose of the Article II “natural born Citizen” requirement for the Oval Office is to prevent anyone with foreign allegiance at birth from ever occupying the Oval Office, and all “dual citizens” at birth are born with “dual national allegiance” at birth. The mere condition of “dual citizen at birth” would be a direct violation of the known purpose and intent of the natural born Citizen requirement in Article II. Source is a letter from Founder John Jay in proposing the NBC requirement for the Oval Office.

Now, Senator Ted Cruz has repeatedly stated that he has never “naturalized” to the United States, which eliminated the possibility that Ted Cruz is a “naturalized” U.S. Citizen.

Senator Ted Cruz has also documented the fact that he was not a “native born citizen” of the United States, but rather a “native born citizen” of Canada on December 22, 1970, who maintained his legal Canadian citizenship until May 14, 2014.

The Harvard opinion letter written by two of Senator Cruz’s Harvard friends, Neal Katyal & Paul Clement, a mere “commentary” on the subject, relies upon the 14th Amendment naturalized citizen at birth concept, despite the fact that Ted Cruz was not “born in or under the jurisdiction of the United States,” was never “naturalized” to the United States, and completely ignoring the fact that Canada prohibited “dual citizenship” in 1970, as well as the fact that “dual citizenship” alone would prevent him from “natural born U.S.” status.

All of this explains why Senator Ted Cruz has no legal U.S. citizenship documentation of any kind. He is not a “natural born” – “native born” or “naturalized” citizen of the United States. Because someone must be one of the three in order to be a legal citizen of the United States, Senator Ted Cruz cannot possibly be a “legal U.S. citizen” of any form.

Only days ago, a 17-year-old first time voter at a New Hampshire town hall meeting for Senator Ted Cruz asked a very reasonable question… “How and why, until recently, were you unaware that you were a Canadian citizen?”

As the young man explained, this is not an eligibility question, but a credibility question… which Senator Cruz refused to answer, preferring instead to regurgitate the talking points carefully crafted by his Harvard friends and eventually, shouting the young man down, after a Cruz fan in the audience shouted “better a Canadian than a Kenyan!” (VIDEO) Meanwhile, a growing number of Constitutional Law Professors agree, “Cruz is NOT eligible.”

Of course, Senator Marco Rubio is also “ineligible,” as a “native born citizen at birth” by virtue of 14th Amendment “anchor baby” policies only.

In the end, the only possible way to consider Senator Ted Cruz eligible for the Oval Office is if every “undocumented resident alien” is eligible for the Oval Office, which I personally believe is the real agenda of both political parties, as they work to meld the USA into the global commune where there is no legal difference between “natural born Americans” and “undocumented aliens.”

The fact that so many Americans do not know or care to know the truth about the Constitutional “natural born Citizen” requirement for the Oval Office, demonstrates just how far down the road of “hope and change” for the destruction of the Constitutional Republic, the enemy within has already achieved.

Soon, “natural born Americans” will be in the American minority… and they will be ruled by foreigners who have no legal U.S. citizenship at all.

© 2016 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

Why Donald Trump will be our next president

It won’t be easy but here’s why it will happen.

Life is a war between good and evil. The hero risks his life to make good prevail over evil. Joseph Campbell wrote about this in his “The power of Myth.”

Campbell said our popular myths derive from the meaningful stories of old. They survived hundreds of generations.

Campbell’s “Power of Myth” became the foundation of George Lucas’s Star Wars movies. That’s why we like Star Wars movies. Our hero, Luke Skywalker, led the war against the forces of evil.

Donald Trump is in a war for the presidency. Coincidently, Trump’s war occurs during the new Star Wars movie. Trump is the hero who leads America’s war against the dark forces of evil.

He will win some battles. He will lose some battles. In the end, like Luke Skywalker, Donald Trump will prevail. This end of the story is written in our genes and our culture.

Campbell wrote,

“The adventure matches the readiness of the hero. Follow your bliss and doors will open for you where they would open for no one else.”

The anti-Trump forces are split between Cruz and Rubio. The two-forked dark plan is to use Cruz to steal votes of the unwary from Trump while Rubio leads the forces of evil.

Behind the curtain of evil are the sinister men who control Cruz and Rubio and even Hillary. If their puppet wins, they will control America.

We already know two truths. Cruz cannot beat Rubio. Rubio can’t beat Hillary or Bernie. Therefore, Donald Trump is the only Republican candidate who can win the presidency.

Some will deny these truths because they support another candidate. Yet, the data clearly show these truths will prevail.

The Climate Scam

The puppeteers behind both Cruz and Rubio benefit from the climate scam. Therefore, no matter how strong Cruz may seem against the climate scam, he will not be able to stop the detrimental effects of the climate scam on America. Nor can Rubio.

Donald Trump is the only candidate we can trust to stop the climate scam, the EPA, and all the economic damages the climate scam does to our economy.

What happened in Iowa?

Des Moines Register/Bloomberg poll right before the caucus scored Trump 28, Cruz 23, Rubio 15, and Carson 10. The caucus produced the following differences from the polls:

• Trump went from 28 to 24.
• Cruz went from 23 to 28.
• Rubio went from 15 to 23.
• Carson went from 10 to 9.

These changes, especially the rise of Rubio from 15 to 23, are statistically out of range. Today’s polls typically have an error range of about plus or minus 3 percent. They are very good because today’s pollsters use good ground data and good mathematics to make their predictions.

Nate Silver, of FiveThirtyEight, predicted Trump would win Iowa and the next five elections. Nate’s predictions are never wrong unless something happened to mess up the elections.

Well, here are some problems with the Iowa caucus.

A minor point shows a GOP bias. There were a total of 186,874 GOP caucus votes. Cruz got 51,666, Trump 45,427, and Rubio 43,165 votes. Iowa has 27 delegates to distribute. The GOP rules read, “The proportional allocation shall be rounded to the nearest whole delegate.” Delegate means integer.

A simple calculation using the above data shows Cruz scored 7.46, Trump scored 6.56, and Rubio scored 6.24. These numbers round to Cruz 7, Trump 7, and Rubio 6 delegates each. But the GOP gave Cruz 8 delegates.

The truth is Trump tied with Cruz for 7 delegates each. Have you heard this from the news media? Or Rush or Hannity? Or Newsmax? NO. Even the so-called conservative news media tells us lies.

Some 250,000 people stood in line in the snow to attend Trump’s Iowa rallies. Do you really believe only 45,427 Trump supporters attended the caucus?

Rubio’s rise from 15 to 23 percent can’t happen. Iowa has twice the ratio of conservative to moderate voters as the other states. A moderate like Rubio can’t come close to Cruz in Iowa.

Rubio’s Iowa campaign was virtually nonexistent. His events had at most 10% of the attendees of Trump’s events. Do you really believe Rubio scored close to Trump and Cruz?

One caucus observer noticed the reported votes for Cruz maintained exactly 3000 votes ahead of Trump until near the end of the count. Every time Trump got a vote, Cruz got a vote.

An Iowa voter reported the GOP caucus turned away about 100,000 voters because they “ran out of ballots.”

Another Iowa voter reported the GOP caucus was unlike any before. Before, they went into rooms for their candidate. This year, whole crowds of 4000 went to any table they wanted and they could easily vote more than once.

Cruz was the only candidate who was against subsidies to make ethanol from corn. Yet caucus data show Cruz won Kossuth and Sioux counties. These are the first and fourth biggest corn-producing counties in Iowa. Do you really believe Cruz won these counties?

Who counted the votes?

“Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.” – Joseph Stalin

The GOP contracted with Microsoft to count Iowa votes with new Microsoft software. Microsoft is the second largest direct donor to Rubio.

Rubio is a lead sponsor of a bill called I-Squared, which triples the number of H-1B visas. Big technology firms like Microsoft and Oracle support I-Squared. In 2013, they backed Rubio’s “Gang of 8” immigration bill.

Oracle’s Larry Ellison hosted a fundraiser for Rubio’s campaign. Ellison also gave $3 million to the pro-Rubio super PAC.

Why did the GOP allow Rubio donor Microsoft count the votes?

I am a software professional. One year, I won the “People’s Choice Award” in a Microsoft and Computerworld “Windows World Open Custom Application Contest.”

There are general rules when you implement new software. One rule is to always keep your original method for doing calculations until you can test and certify new software.

Yet, the GOP discarded its old vote-counting methods when it let Microsoft count the votes. It’s a perfect crime. Neither the GOP nor Microsoft has a paper trail to recount votes.

Microsoft even miscalculated the 8 delegates for Cruz when it Cruz really got 7. (Software, by the way, has different methods to round numbers to an integer. Microsoft did not use its own software properly.)

Why Rubio can’t win the presidency

Obama still has a 47 to 50 percent approval rating. That’s the famous “47 percent” Romney referenced in 2012. This means the only way a Republican candidate can win the presidency with today’s voter demographics is to attract Democrat voters.

Rubio’s “manufactured” third place finish in Iowa means he is now the consensus establishment candidate. However, Rubio does not attract Independent and Democrat voters. Rubio would be another Romney.

To further guarantee they win, the Democrats will file eligibility lawsuits against Cruz or Rubio, if the GOP nominates either of them. This political tactic will assure the Democrats win the presidency whether or not the Supreme Court decides later that they are eligible.

Why Cruz can’t win the nomination

Cruz is not the innocent, ethical, conservative evangelical candidate his supporters believe he is. My tweet about Cruz went viral:

“Cruz is worst insider. Owned by CFR. Ineligible. Lies. Cheats. Dominionist. Globalist. No ethics. Big $ Puppet.”

Cruz told thousands of caucus voters that Trump strongly supported ObamaCare.

Cruz mailed a false “Voter Violation” certificate to thousands of voters, a misdemeanor at minimum.

Cruz sent a false announcement that claimed Ben Carson had abandoned the race and told Carson voters to vote for Cruz.

In the debate without Trump, Cruz crashed. Here are some viewer comments on Cruz:

• When Cruz got booed, he said “I might have to leave the stage!” He barely got any laughter. Very awkward.
• Cruz started whining and was called out on his lies and flipflops.
• Cruz got his tail caught in Megyn Kelly’s cage on amnesty.
• Cruz appeared stiff & rehearsed. He was typical “Cruz”. No authenticity.
• Cruz is unlikable. Period. Not funny.
• According to CNN Trump won.
• Shapiro gave Cruz a “C” on the debate and he loves Cruz.

Cruz never “settled” his eligibility question after Trump challenged him. Yet, Iowa voters did not penalize Cruz on his questionable eligibility.

New Hampshire

A recent University of Massachusetts poll for New Hampshire has Trump at 36, Rubio 15, Cruz 14, Bush 8, Kasich 7, Christie 5, Carson 4, Fiorina 4, Undecided 7. We can use these data to draw some conclusions.

After Rubio’s fraudulent rise in Iowa, he will attract the votes for Bush, Kasich, Christie, and Fiorina. Using the New Hampshire data, Rubio would add 24 votes to his present 15 to give him 39 percent.

But Trump has a few cards up his sleeve as well. Carson voters may move to Trump. This would give him 40 percent. It’s going to be close.

About half the Cruz votes will eventually move to Trump. The other half will support Cruz to the end. They are the former Ron Paul supporters who would not support Romney after the nomination.

They booed Trump when he mentioned Cruz might not be eligible. They think they are pristine constitutionalists but they ignore the Constitution when it conflicts with their desires. Those who stick with Cruz really support Hillary or Bernie.


Trump is the only Republican candidate who can beat Hillary or Bernie because only Trump draws votes from Independents and Democrats.

Here are some comments by callers to C-Span after its showing of Trump’s fund raiser:

• I’m a Democrat and I am voting for Donald Trump. I have many Democrat friends who will also vote for Trump.
• Trump is authentic. He is not political. He does not have to do this. He is doing this for America.
• I’m a Democrat. I have never voted before but I am changing parties so I can vote for Donald Trump.
• This is the first time I have been excited about an election. I am voting for Donald Trump.
• I’m a Democrat. I voted for Obama and I now realize that was a big mistake. I am voting for Donald Trump.
• Every American must get out and vote for Donald Trump. Only Trump will make America great again.
• I have never voted before but I will vote for Trump.
• Trump is the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for America. We will never have a chance like this again.

Some people criticize Trump for not spending more money at his campaign. He spent about one-tenth what Cruz spent in Iowa. That’s the kind of president we want. Trump knows how to get the most bang for the buck.

Some people criticize Trump because he used Chapter 11 for 4 of his over 500 companies. The other candidates have not started one company. Candidates with no real business experience should not be put in control of America.

I don’t trust a man who has never failed. We learn our best lessons from our failures.

Would you hire a pilot with 100 hours or with 20,000 hours? Unless you have a death wish you will choose the pilot with 20,000 hours.

Cruz and Rubio are like pilots with 100 hours. Trump is like a pilot with 20,000 hours. Trump can make America great again. Cruz or Rubio or Hillary or Bernie cannot.

Joseph Campbell has words of advice for Donald Trump and all those who wish to win life’s battles:

• Follow your bliss. The real end is the journey.
• We are all agents in the structuring of other peoples’ lives.
• Eternity is now. Time is our experience.
• “Use the force, Luke!”
• Later, we will ask: “Who composed this plot?”

© 2016 Edwin X Berry, PhD – All Rights Reserved

Does the bible support the cause of LaVoy Finicum

It has happened again. Another murder of an unarmed citizen took place last Tuesday by entities posing as a government, otherwise known as the FBI and the Oregon State Police. What is happening in the collapse of America is that the civil government is not only wasteful beyond imagination; it violates the Constitution which it swears to uphold at every turn. It has become highly incompetent in nearly everything it does. In fact I would argue that it only seems to do two things effectively, murder babies and kill unarmed citizens. So by the standard of Romans 13, it has switched from being a minister of God and has instead become a minister of Satan.

LaVoy Finicum was the spokesman for the citizens who were protesting the unjust imprisonment of the ranchers Dwight and Steven Hammond in Southwest Oregon over false charges made against them in a design evinced over many years to drive these ranchers off their land. Now you might disagree over tactics but not over the issues as the Federal Government holds an illegal claim to own one in every three acres in America. Read the Constitution and you’ll see they have no permission from We the People to own that land. If you want to see the issue clearly just do a web search on “Federal Land Grab” along with my name and watch the presentation.

Lavoy was a patriot, a father of 11, with no criminal record at all, yet gunned down in cold blood, unarmed, with his hands in the air, before six witnesses, who are still alive at this point in time. It is a chilling reminder of Ruby Ridge, Idaho and of Waco, Texas where our “government” by some made up excuse murdered and burned alive men, women and children, shooting to death anyone who fled the flames. There is evidence aplenty that they have become a minister of Satan as defined by Romans 13.

The underlying issue of what has taken place in Oregon in the area of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge and the Hammond ranch is essentially an issue of who owns the land. There is a direct link therefore to the law of God. Turn to Exodus 22. You might think the topic of the Financial Ministry to the Poor wouldn’t have anything to do with land ownership, but this morning I’d like to show you that it does.

The Financial Ministry to the Poor – Exodus 22:25 “If thou lend money to any of my people that is poor by thee, thou shalt not be to him as an usurer, neither shalt thou lay upon him usury.” So God forbid the charging of interest in what may be called Charity loans. In the common application of the Israelites of that day, it would often mean an advance loan for work that had not yet been done would be made. So a farmer contracts with harvesters to bring in his crops. The laborer is in need of funds for basic necessities before the work takes place, so the farmer loans him the money in advance of the harvest, but he is prohibited by God from charging interest with this charitable loan. This prohibition was important enough to deserve repetition.

Charity loans are not to include interest payments – Deuteronomy 23:19-20 “Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother; usury of money, usury of victuals, usury of any thing that is lent upon usury: Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the Lord thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.” Notice the blessing God promises to those who obey His Law. A blessing in every thing you set your hand to do. Notice also that these charity loans are to be made only to …

“My people” and “your brother” indicating that this law applies only to fellow believers of the One True God. You could choose charge interest to those who were not believers. It reminds me of what God inspired the Apostle Paul to write to the Galatians in 6:10 “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” God set structures in law to prevent enslavement of the people.

The gleaning laws – Leviticus 19:9-10 “And when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not wholly reap the corners of thy field, neither shalt thou gather the gleanings of thy harvest. And thou shalt not glean thy vineyard, neither shalt thou gather every grape of thy vineyard; thou shalt leave them for the poor and stranger: I am the Lord your God.”

Learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2016 Rev. David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

Indoctrination’s knocking: colleges nationwide scooping up social justice    

The latest example of America’s places of higher learning serving as little more than an indoctrination tool for the Far Left’s visions of nirvana comes by way of Iowa State University and its planned “Social Justice Summit” set for mid-February.
Enough of the social justice already. It’s not that the idea of “justice for all” is a flawed concept. It is, after all, part of our national flag pledge – “with liberty and justice for all.” But where these training sessions go awry is turning “justice for all” into “justice for the few” or “justice for the select.”
Or worse, as Iowa’s day-and-a-half long summit does, turning the definition of justice into something it’s not.
The university defines social justice on its website as “the continuous process of eliminating ignorance and prejudice … to bring about greater equity among all members of sociiety” via – and this is the key part – the “redistribution of resourcess, opportunities, and responsibilities.”
Whenever redistribution is talked about, the next question that creeps is this: By whose authority?
And far, far too often those discussing this notion aren’t doing so in a church or nonprofit setting, where charity or Christian-based values dictate the voluntary terms of the redistribution. Rather, they’re talking about it as a government venture – indeed, as a government mandate. That’s hardly constitutional. The redistribution of “resources, opportunities, and responsibilities” by government is a socialist principle.
This is what our next generation of leaders is learning.
The topics of social justice discussion range from minority rights, equality issues between genders and among races, and LGBT causes, to ones dealing with poverty, housing, education and jobs, mostly as seen through the lens of race, gender and sexual preferences. The problem with this type of analysis, however, is it discounts the notion of God-given talents – the idea that all individuals aree embedded with seeds of greatness from a higher power, albeit not all are given the same abilities – while it plays up the victim card. It teaches the idea,, say, that a homeless man is homeless because he was raised by alcoholic parents, or because he was the product of poverty, or because he suffered unfairly and turned to drugs as solace – but not because he made poor choices in life thatt led to his deplorable condition.
So when he’s a victim, and not accountable for his own choices, his problems become all of society’s – and if that line of logic is drawn to its concllusion outside of a church or charitable setting, the inevitable result is more government action, more bureaucratic overreach, more taxpayer burdens.
It’s one thing to look for root causes for human misery. It’s quite another to make the leap that all human misery can be cured by government provisions.
But that’s social justice training. And it’s not just in Iowa – or for just aa day or two. The seven-day Social Justice Week kicks off at Georgetown University on February 20. It just wrapped at the University of Miami. It’s due to begin in March at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina.

Those are just the voluntary offerings – the little side events presented on campus ass “something students can do” to pass the time. As Inside Higher Ed reported, plenty of other schools have been pushing social justice as a core curriculum, and for plenty of years.

In 2012, the outlet reported: “Whitman College in Washington and Philander Smith College in Arkansas both have new programs on social justice. Brandeis University offers a minor in social justice and social policy. Grinnell College offers an award to young social justice leaders. Lake Forest College in Illinois also offers a minor. Saint Mary’s College of California just announced a new master’s degree concentration in social justice leadership. And the movement isn’t limited to private institutions: Arizona State University introduced a master’s degree in social justice and human rights last fall.”
Get ready for the lawsuits. It won’t be long before these highly trained, highly educated and highly charged graduates learn the best way to bring about their visions of equality and justice isn’t the poster, protest and banner, but rather the courts, state houses and Congress.

© 2016 Cheryl Chumley – All Rights Reserved

Megyn Kelly rewarded for her attacks on Trump with $10 million book deal

Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly signed a book deal with HarperCollins, the publisher has announced now that the Fox News anchor has attained national notoriety thanks to her ongoing feud with GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump.

“Megyn Kelly is among the most interesting and influential people in America today and we are thrilled to be publishing her first book,” said Lisa Sharkey, a vice president at HarperCollins, said in a statement. “This book is coming out at the perfect time and is bound to be one of the most read and talked about books of the fall.”

HarperCollins Publishers, a subsidiary of News Corp — which also owns Fox News, the Wall Street Journal and the conservative-magazine The Weekly Standard — announced it has acquired world rights to a book from Kelly. It will be published by the Harper imprint this fall, just before the November 2016 presidential election. The book was acquired by Lisa Sharkey will be edited by Matt Harper, executive editor.

Megyn Kelly currently serves as anchor of FOX News Channel’s The Kelly File. Throughout her tenure with FNC, Kelly has covered breaking news and reported on location.

Before joining FNC, Kelly served as a general assignment reported for WJLA-TV (ABC 7) in Washington, D.C., where she covered national and local stories of interest. Prior to her career in television news, Kelly practiced law for nine years, seven years as a corporate litigator at Jones Day and was an associate for two years in the Chicago office of the law firm Bickel & Brewer LLP.

Kelly has gained a national spotlight due to her questionable debate performance when she arguably attacked Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, which started when she accused him of frequently making negative comments about women during his appearance at the first Republican presidential debate last year.

Trump has since called Ms. Kelly a “lightweight” journalist and raised eyebrows after the debate by saying Kelly had “blood coming out of her wherever,” according to The Hill.

Trump boycotted the last Fox News debate after publicly questioning Kelly’s ability to be unbiased and fair. Still, he insisted his boycott had more to do about Fox’s treatment of him than about Kelly’s role as debate moderator.

MSNBC’s only Republican host, former Congressman Joe Scarborough, appears to agree with Trump’s boycott. Scarborough said that he would rather “set himself on fire” than have Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly’s biased questioning.

Scarborough slammed Kelly, accusing her of being a biased journalist the morning after Donald Trump announced he’d skip last Thursday’s GOP presidential debate out of protest to Kelly’s inclusion as a moderator.

During his “Morning Joe” program, Scarborough played a series of news clips showing Kelly criticizing Trump’s decision to skip the debate hosted by Fox.

“That is just good, unbiased journalism. And if I were a candidate, I certainly would want that person asking me questions in a fair and balanced way,” Scarborough said with obvious sarcasm. “As I’ve said before, I would rather set myself on fire in front of the Fox News studio than go on the debate stage with that.”

Kelly did herself no service when she invited pseudo-filmmaker Michael Moore, an icon of the far-left, to be a guest on her show. During his segment, Moore then proceeded to lambaste Trump and feigned comforting Kelly, who has enjoyed popularity among conservatives and moderates.

“Kelly may be hurting herself in the long run by lurching to the left on a news network that became successful thanks to conservatives and Republicans,” said political strategist Michael Baker. “I guess the $10-million smackers she’s getting for her book is worth losing viewers and their trust,” he added.

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Clinton corruption leads to Russian aggression

The New York Times endorsed Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination, calling her “one of the most broadly and deeply qualified presidential candidates in modern history.” There was one big problem with the editorial. Her policy toward Russia laid the groundwork for the Russian aggression that the Pentagon now has to spend billions of dollars to prepare for. The paper somehow forgot to mention that.

The Obama/Clinton Russian “reset” policy in 2009 set the stage for Russian wars of aggression and military intervention in Ukraine and Syria, and Vladimir Putin’s decision to give sanctuary to NSA defector Edward Snowden. Snowden’s stolen documents have assisted the rise of ISIS.

The liberal paper is entitled to endorse anybody it pleases. But to endorse Mrs. Clinton and not explain or justify her failed policy with regard to Russia is an oversight that borders on dishonesty.

When President Obama’s own Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, just a few days later, identified Russia as one of America’s biggest threats, the Times was put in a bad spot. How could it defend endorsing the former secretary of state when the Russian threat she had ignored was now taking center stage, and going to cost the U.S. billions of dollars?

The paper’s editorial writers had to think fast. That’s right: blame Secretary Carter for asking for too much money! The Times ran an editorial suggesting in a vague way that Carter’s $582.7 billion budget request for the Pentagon was not correct, and that additional spending on the threats from Russia and ISIS needed to be recalibrated in some way. The Times wasn’t too specific, but it decided to call his request a “blank check,” and added that “it is unclear” that Carter’s plan is the right one. This was supposed to take the heat off of Mrs. Clinton for not anticipating the threat that the United States and its allies now have to face.

It’s important to set the record straight. Not only was the reset policy wrong, but even the photo opportunity where the new policy was announced was a disaster. Hillary Clinton had presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with a mock reset button with the word, “peregruzka,” meaning “overcharged,” not “re-set.” She said, “We worked hard to get the right Russian word.” He replied, “You got it wrong.” The video of the embarrassing exchange includes the infamous Hillary Clinton cackle.

Ignoring all of this, the Times said, “As secretary of state, Mrs. Clinton worked tirelessly, and with important successes, for the nation’s benefit. She was the secretary President Obama needed and wanted: someone who knew leaders around the world, who brought star power as well as expertise to the table. The combination of a new president who talked about inclusiveness and a chief diplomat who had been his rival but shared his vision allowed the United States to repair relations around the world that had been completely trashed by the previous administration.”

The Russian “re-set” was one such effort to “repair relations.” It failed. It’s best, from the Times’ point of view, just to ignore this disaster.

“Russia and China are our most stressing competitors,” said Defense Secretary Carter the other day. “They have developed and are continuing to advance military systems that seek to threaten our advantages in specific areas. And in some cases, they are developing weapons and ways of wars that seek to achieve their objectives rapidly, before they hope, we can respond.”

In regard to what he called a “resurgent Russia,” Carter spoke of the need for “a strong and balanced approach to deter Russian aggression…” He said that “we haven’t had to worry about this for 25 years; while I wish it were otherwise, now we do.” He went on to talk about threats from China, North Korea, Iran and ISIS.

It’s true that, for 25 years, administrations of both political parties have misjudged Russia. The Times and other media need to demand accountability from those who thought Russia could be our “partner” in global affairs. Instead, the paper ran an editorial endorsing Mrs. Clinton for president and cited her alleged expertise. This is the mark of a paper that is determined, for political reasons, to make Mrs. Clinton into something she is not. She was not a success. She was a failure. The editorial won’t hold up under scrutiny.

The honest approach would be to analyze why Mrs. Clinton was so wrong about Russia. Interestingly, the Times may have the answer to this question in its own pages.

Could it have something to do with the contributions to the Clinton Foundation from Russian interests? The Times itself ran the story, “Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal,” on April 23, 2015. It talked about how Russian President Putin had moved “closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain,” based on a Russian deal to acquire a company called Uranium One—a deal that required U.S. State Department approval when Mrs. Clinton was the secretary of state.

The paper said that as the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One during the time period 2009 to 2013, millions of dollars in “donations” were flowing to the Clinton Foundation from Uranium One’s chairman and his family foundation. “Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.” The deal gave the Russian government control of 20 percent of the uranium in the United States.

We can conclude that the Russian reset was an exercise in selling our national security to Russia. It was corruption. But rather than retire from public life, which would have been the honorable thing to do, Hillary Clinton decided to run for the highest office in the land, and has the support of The New York Times. She hopes the American people will forget what she did. The Times has already done so, for political reasons.

Today, in order to counter the Russian threat, Secretary Carter is calling for “reinforcing our posture in Europe to support our NATO allies in the face of Russia’s aggression.” He calls it the European Reassurance Initiative. It cost $800 million last year, Carter said, and this year’s budget request asks for $3.4 billion. The Russian reset will be incredibly expensive. But the Clintons already have their millions.

The New York Times quibbles with the financial cost of addressing the threat while ignoring Hillary Clinton’s role in making the world a more dangerous place. The paper shares in the corruption that the Clintons have specialized in. In fact, the Times has become nothing more than a house organ of Hillary’s presidential campaign.

© 2016 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

Financial scandals follow socialist millionaire Sanders

Responding to one of Anderson Cooper’s softball questions, socialist Bernie Sanders (I-VT) told the CNN Town Hall on Wednesday night that he lives a frugal life and indicated that he doesn’t care about money or status. “I have a small Chevrolet,” he said. “It is one of the smallest Chevys that they make.” He said it was about five years old.

But James O’Brien, a political consultant and former publisher of Campaigns & Elections magazine, says the career politician, who has been a mayor, member of Congress and U.S. senator, has achieved the financial status of a millionaire.

O’Brien has analyzed the financial status of Sanders and his wife, including their financial disclosure report, and has concluded they have a net worth in the range of $1.2 to $1.5 million, not the $700,000 or less that is usually reported by the media.

Rather than “Feel the Bern,” the phrase associated with popular support for the self-declared “democratic socialist,” O’Brien says that Sanders is personally “Feelin’ the Wealth.”

Equally significant, his wife, Jane O’Meara Sanders, left her position as president of Burlington College under controversial circumstances and is now being accused of federal bank fraud. She left her position at the college and was given a severance package known as a “golden parachute” that also benefited Senator Sanders’ personal wealth.

Brady C. Toensing, a partner with the law firm of diGenova & Toensing, has filed a legal complaint with federal authorities requesting an investigation into apparent federal bank fraud committed by Ms. Sanders. His complaint was sent to Eric S. Miller, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Vermont, and Fred W. Gibson, Jr., Acting Inspector General with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

A Sanders spokesman told the Burlington Free Press that the complaint was an effort to throw mud at the presidential candidate.

O’Brien says that Sanders’ financial disclosure forms are incomplete. “For someone who doesn’t care about money, he goes a long way to cover up his true net worth,” he says. “Bernie does not disclose the value of real estate holdings. He can. He is not required to, but he could if he chose. It is known that he and/or his wife own at least two homes—one with rental income in Vermont and one near Capitol Hill where the median home value is $722,000.”

O’Brien bases his conclusions about Sanders’ millionaire status on what is known and can be estimated about his salary, the income of his wife, joint income, investments, pension, and value of his real estate properties.

On top of this, O’Brien notes that Sanders benefits from a multi-million dollar U.S. Senate staff and a multi-million dollar U.S. presidential campaign staff.

In addition to the questions about his real net worth, Jane Sanders’ exit from Burlington College continues to generate controversy, even scandal. She was president of the college from 2004 until 2011.

Federal officials have acknowledged the complaint about Jane Sanders from attorney Brady C. Toensing, but they won’t say whether they are going forward with an investigation.

Although Senator Sanders frequently complains about the “corporate media” that are supposed to have a bias against his candidacy, the necessary task of digging into the finances of his wife has been left to the conservative media and some local Vermont news organizations.

At the very least—as noted by Bruce Parker, a Vermont reporter for—Senator Sanders should be asked to explain how his opposition to severance packages for corporation executives squares with his wife getting a cushy severance of $200,000.

In a story headlined, “Bernie Sanders’ Wife May Have Defrauded State Agency, Bank,” reporters Blake Neff and Peter Fricke of the conservative Daily Caller News Foundation reported the essential facts of the case, noting that she nearly bankrupted Burlington College when she took on $10 million in debt to finance the purchase of a new, far more expansive campus. “The move backfired massively, leading to Sanders’ departure from the college and the near-collapse of the institution,” Neff and Fricke report.

By any standard of fair and objective news reporting, a candidate who promises “free college” to America’s young people should be asked to address the issue of his wife’s financial shenanigans almost bankrupting an institution of higher learning. But it hasn’t been raised in the debates.

At one point it was reported that Burlington College was fighting for its very survival. “As a result of its financial woes, Burlington College is on academic probation from the New England Association of Schools and Colleges,” reported, a statewide news website, in 2014.

VT Digger confirmed the nefarious role played by Jane Sanders, noting that she “overstated donation amounts in a bank application for a $6.7 million loan that was used by the college to purchase a prime 33-acre property on Lake Champlain in 2010.” Jane Sanders “resigned under pressure from the Burlington College board of trustees nearly a year after obtaining the multi-million dollar loan,” the site reported. “After both sides lawyered up, the board gave Sanders the title of president emeritus and a $200,000 severance package.”

A Republican activist named Skip Vallee produced a 60-second television advertisement entitled, “Bernie’s Golden Parachute,” describing the nature of the $200,000 severance package and making the point that while Sanders was planning a presidential run “on a theme of railing against golden parachutes and excesses” on Wall Street, he took “his own golden parachute” through his wife’s curious dealings with the cash-strapped college.

The ad features the “S” in Sanders in the shape of a dollar sign and shows Sanders saying the rich in America “manipulate a rigged system” and benefit from “golden parachutes.”

On top of this scandal, The Washington Free Beacon has reported that Senator Sanders used campaign money to benefit members of his family, and that Jane Sanders directed six-figure sums from Burlington College to her daughter and the son of a family friend.

“Getting money out of politics” is one of the planks in Sanders’ presidential campaign platform.

© 2016 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserve

Vote fraud: we see dead people voting

It’s true folks. Patriot sister Sharron “Braveheart” Angle has taken on battling voter fraud; sounding the alarm that it is running rampant in America. What good is winning the hearts and minds of voters if we allow Democrats to steal elections?

Sharron suffered the devastation of election corruption when she almost defeated Harry Reid in 2010. Illegals voted for Harry Reid. There is evidence that Reid possibly stole the election from Sharron Angle using dead voters, people in prison and illegals.

Romans 8:28 says “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.” I suspect Sharron’s painful loss has made her a passionate crusader; committed to cleaning up the electoral process.

Remember the Black Panther Party thugs who stood outside the polls armed with clubs? Though charged with voter intimidation, Obama’s DOJ arrogantly and without apology outrageously dropped the charges because the perpetrators were black. Can you believe that folks? Meanwhile, Obama looks down his morally superior nose at us, proclaiming himself a defender of equal justice.

South Carolina’s attorney general found evidence that at least 900 dead people voted in an election. Philadelphia flagged 50,000 duplicate registrations. Voting machines are changing peoples’ votes. A voter was caught registering six times. Meanwhile, Democrats act outraged and seek to shackle and flog Republicans in the public square for suggesting that all Americans must show a photo ID to vote; claiming it is an evil racist Republican plot to disenfranchise black voters. Fearlessly, along with fighting voter fraud, Sharron has a Voter ID initiative.

As an American who happens to be black, I am highly insulted. In essence, Democrats are saying it is too challenging for us poor inferior simpleminded blacks to find our way to the DMV or other places to acquire a photo ID. It frustrates me that fellow black Americans remain blind to the truth that Democrats consistently talk down to them. Presented as compassion and fairness, Democrats always seek to lower expectations and standards for blacks; inferring that we are inferior. But, I digress.

Sharron Angle is leading the charge to stop voter fraud, producing “Not On My Watch”, a 90 minute documentary scheduled for nationwide release in theaters June 2016. The documentary will show undeniable evidence of voter fraud and smart ways to stop it. I’m excited folks.

Angle believes her documentary will be an integral part of a win for Constitutional Conservatism in 2016. She believes it will inspire voters to go to the polls and vote and volunteer to be eyes on the process.

True-the-Vote plans to have 1,000,000 trained citizens as poll watchers in place across America on Election Day 2016.

Sharron’s documentary is a grassroots, We the People project folks. She needs your help to git-r-done. Please go to the website and do whatever you can.

Sharron has an LLC to take big donations that will fund the completion of the documentary with returns on those investments of $20,000 or more.

2 out of 3 American voters are wisely concerned about the serious problem of voter fraud; Democrats stealing the 2016 presidential election. We simply cannot allow that to happen folks. Every America loving voter must proclaim, “Not on my watch!”

Freedom and the integrity of our electoral process are under siege, hanging in the balance. All-hands-on-deck folks. Please, please, please rally behind our brave sister Sharron Angle; leading an army of patriots on her white horse, her sword-of-faith held high in the air while yelling, “Freedom-m-m-m!!!”

This presidential election is about changing the ungodly course that our country is on; crucial to the survival of our founding father’s vision of America. We must not tolerant honest election vote counters saying, “We see dead people.”

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Ted Cruz, common core, homeschooling and his proposed s-306 bill

His Scary Federal Education “Choice” as a Civil Right, His Fake Repeal of Common Core, and His Phony Support of Homeschools Revealed.

Ted Cruz forces Common Core onto every private, religious, and homeschool in his proposed S 306 with Federal Choice (which is NO choice at all).

Explaining the Disastrous Impact of Ted Cruz’s S 306 and His Federal Choice.

• Common Core sets the stage for ALL children to be identified as “At-Risk” in public schools under Title I. This is now a given since the Every Student Succeeds Act, ESSA, was passed in December. ESSA was a bill sponsored by two establishment Republicans, Sen. Lamar Alexander and Rep. Kline. A “schoolwide” Title I banner means that Common Core now covers the entire school, and every child will receive a blanket of supports, techniques, and interventions that will force every child into compliance to meet Common Core standards.

• Sen. Ted Cruz’s S 306 uses these Title I school-wide federal funds to identify and follow the child. S 306 expands “portable” funding to every child, which means they will take “public school choice” with them into any private or religious school. This means every child is “At-Risk or becoming At-Risk” of not meeting Common Core. This baggage then goes with the child into that private or religious school. This baggage includes psychological supports and interventions carried out by IDEA (Individual With Disabilitites Education Act), which is the Special Education behavioral conditioning for all students to meet Common Core non-academic standards.

• Sen. Ted Cruz’s S 306 Federal so-called “Choice” funds are “portable,” meaning a Title I child takes his/her funds with them to any school. The “portable” funds “follow the child.” This means that schools will no longer be funded as they have been in the past. Rather, children are funded. This eliminates zip codes as a destination for a better local school. “Equitable” funding means schools will “spread the Common Core wealth around” and that all schools must be the same.

• The “portable” funds following the child amount to a “micro-voucher” for every child. This is used as a backpack of funds which includes a per pupil expenditure so that every child receives an equal amount of money. An algorithm is designed by the Federal IES, Institute for Educational Science, to determine regional “equity.” Federal, state, and local funds combined are deposited into an education savings account, called an ESA, used for school tuition and Common Core services at any school or even online. The State decides what is qualified as Common Core and aligns all curriculum with Common Core. The State is the overseer of this federal financial assistance accountability. Thus “choice,” in essence, is no choice, just Common Core in any school for every child.

• Sen. Ted Cruz’s S 306 appears to eliminate the church/state controversy when the funds “follow the child.” The “portable” micro-vouchers are given to parents to use in any private and religious school that accept Title I children with their allotted micro-voucher in hand. Schools do not receive money from the government, but receive the money from parents. So it deceptively looks like parental freedom of “choice.” But it is not.

• Sen. Ted Cruz redefines a homeschool as a private school, thereby forcing homeschooled children to come under the federal Title I net which mandates Common Core. A homeschool can set up a micro-voucher ESA, education savings account, and collect the same federal, state, and local funds to use to teach their child/children Common Core. Or use an ESA in any public, charter, private, religious school, or online class which must align to Common Core.

• Sen. Ted Cruz eliminates the cap on ESA’s in order to accept ALL funds that mandate services AND support interventions to meet Common Core. These services and supports are used in order to make sure that every child’s personalized career pathway conforms to Common Core. The government micro-voucher, which becomes substantial by including ALL funds, are deposited into this Lifelong Learning ESA backpack. This wide array of funds is the carrot for parents to support what they think is Choice, but no one explains to parents that there is Common Core baggage attached to the funds. This personalized plan is NOT for your child to reach his/her potential, but only to acquire Common Core standards!

• Services, supports, and interventions are defined, funded and carried out under IDEA, special education. ALL children get the same Common Core poison including the controversial psychological/behavioral treatment. You see, Common Core measures and scores non-academic government-prescribed attitudes, values, beliefs, and dispositions. A student must meet these pre-determined psychological outcomes. Psych interventions are defined as: positive behavior intervention and supports, multi-tiered and school-wide tiered system of supports, response to intervention, early intervening supports, and universal design for learning. These are all mandated in federal legislation, the Republican establishment’s ESSA. Mental health psychological coding is a must for reimbursement of funding treatment.

• Sen. Ted Cruz changes 529 plans to accept all children from birth up to age 21, or the entire Common Core/Mental Health/Healthcare P-20 agenda. 529 plans are converted into Lifelong Learning micro-vouchers, deposited into ESA backpacks. Cruz’s Federal “Choice” will fund Common Core/Mental Health for ALL children. including free universal Pre-K, free federal “choice” in any elementary and secondary school, and 2 free years of community or vocational college. Lifelong Learning micro-voucher backpacks will extend the entire school life of a child until age 21. This mimics the same socialized education/healthcare proposal from President Obama’s State of the Union Address!

• THE DREADFUL IMPACT OF SEN. TED CRUZ’S CHOICE: Local taxes will no longer support your neighborhood local public school when “follow the child funding” is directed to multiple schools through so-called choice. What happens to your local public school where you have duly-elected representative school board members who are accountable to citizens in your district? This whole plan collapses the traditional public school and your elected school board. When your neighborhood public school goes financially bankrupt or Common Core bankrupt, your locally collected school taxes will be regionalized or redirected for a State takeover. Charter schools, that have no elected representative boards, were expanded in the federal education Reauthorization of ESEA (the ESSA) and replace “failing” public schools. State departments of education become more powerful. This is all playing into the false “abolishment of the US Department of Education” mantra which appeals to conservatives who don’t truly understand this insidious agenda.

• It gets worse. The entire Common Core/Mental Health agenda ties into ObamaCare for all children birth to age 21. All psychological services carried out by IDEA and rendered to children can be billed to Medicaid, where schools become providers for health and mental health services. Mental health codes follow every child, thus potentially adversely impacting your child’s future jobs, college, and licensing (including gun ownership).

• Under this plan ALL schools become chartered and accredited including private, religious, and homeschools, by the state charter authorizing agency which mandates Common Core accountability. Representative government is thereby dissolved. Your taxes no longer subsidize your local education. Education becomes nationalized, i.e. federalized. Parents are locked out. There is no choice.

• This is the SCARY “civil rights” Common Core agenda that Sen. Ted Cruz supports. He stated, “every child in America, regardless of race or ethnicity, wealth or zip code has the right to a quality education,” and his federal school choice amounts to federal control. This mandates the Common Core nightmare to every child in the United States.

Ted Cruz is an establishment insider.

2016 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

Is Donald Trump in mortal danger?

The GOP’s charismatic presidential candidate Donald Trump’s private plane was forced to make an emergency landing in Nashville, Tennessee, as a result of what’s being called “engine trouble,” by his campaign staff. But in light of some statements by several people — such as two well-known GOP political consultants who advocate shooting Trump in his head — a thorough investigation should be conducted, said political strategist Mike Baker.

Trump’s personal Boeing 757 — which he jokingly christened his own official Air Force One — was on its way to Little Rock, Arkansas, from New York, but his pilots had to make the emergency detour and landed at Nashville International Airport. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) officials released a statement claiming that Trump’s plane landed safely at 4:40 p.m. (Central Time) after the plane’s captain reported he was experiencing problems with the jet engine. The FAA investigators responding to the incident said they will investigate the incident with an “open mind.”

Trump, who is known as The Donald to his friends and supporters, completed his trip using a charter plane for him and his campaign entourage. This latest report builds on existing best practices for threat assessment investigations established by the Secret Service through its research, training, and operational experience over the last 20 years. While all presidential candidates now have Secret Service protection, including Trump, he already had a large, well-trained security force protecting him.

The Secret Service’s protection bureau details information about possible offenders’ planning behavior, motives, and other concerning behaviors they exhibited prior to the attacks. Although the strategy addresses attacks on federal targets, the report is designed to offer guidance to federal, state, and local law enforcement officials in their efforts to identify, assess, and manage a range of potential threats when they protect VIPs (Very Important Persons).

“The reports released by National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC) provide front line law enforcement and public safety professionals with in depth analysis into targeted violence incidents throughout the United States,” stated Kelly Nee, Deputy Superintendent of Boston Police Department’s Regional Intelligence Center. “This information is invaluable to local law enforcement in our mission to keep our citizens safe.”


While the Secret Service and Trump’s security people get reports about “crazies” and “madmen” making death threats against the GOP’s most controversial candidate, even some of the nation’s top political minions are making violence-prone statements.

For example, Pat Brady, the co-chairman of the John Kasich for President Campaign, said in an interview that the only way to beat Donald Trump is with a “head shot,” a term used to describe a single-bullet killing. Once he realized the ramifications of what he said, Brady then claimed that his head shot comment regarding Trump wasn’t referring to a literal gunshot to the head. See Youtube video.

Not to be outdone by Brady, Republican political consultant Rick Wilson appeared on MSNBC and was more direct when he said the GOP political establishment has to “put a bullet” in Trump’s head.

According to conservative firebrand and Trump supporter Ann Coulter, “FOX News is ignoring these death threats against Donald Trump. Disgusting.” And NRA firearms instructor Rick Smith noted, “Never thought it would be possible, but Fox now makes MSNBC look like a professionally run news media!”

Last year, the Director of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson appointed Craig D. Magaw to be Deputy Director of the Office of Strategic Intelligence and Information of the U.S. Secret Service, a brand new position.

“The position, which was a recommendation of the Independent Panel, We intend to embark on a wide search for the right person for the job. The COO will be equal in rank to the Deputy Director, and will serve as the principal administrator and be responsible for planning and directing all business and program activities. The position will focus on improving performance, directing coordination and liaison activities, and aligning budgetary and strategic planning efforts. As recent events have clearly shown, there is more to be done to promote operational excellence and public trust in the Secret Service. However, change does not happen overnight,” said Johnson is a statement.

Slovenian born Paul Walter Senior Editor of this news site said, “Mr. Trump is the only hope for America. I hope that all his planes, helicopters, automobiles are guarded around the clock not only with cameras but also with trusted personnel to make sure nothing is planted on them. I would also recommend when it comes to grocery shopping that the groceries come from different places all the time, never the same place twice in a row. Not to be paranoid of course, but one can not be too careful. We live in dangerous times and what’s at stake is our beloved America, the only hope for the free world.” “The only way they can beat Trump is with outright lies, dirty tricks and vote fraud. He is the only candidate who will seal our border, Rubio, Cruz and Bush are globalists.” added Walter

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Mass immigration means losing our language, culture and country

With the Muslim rioting expanding in Europe, Americans continue thinking it won’t happen here. Americans remain clueless that by adding hundreds of thousands of Muslims, Mexicans, Central Americans, Chinese, Indians, Africans and others from around the world—we face incredible fragmentation of our civilization.

Have you noticed dozens of languages being spoken by citizens and illegal aliens in America? Do you feel the disrespect and the separation? Do you feel violated? Are you angry that new citizens and illegal aliens disrespect us so much that they refuse to learn our language? Have you heard the growing Spanish speaking TV and radio stations across the USA? Do you feel like your country is being stolen from you along with your language? Do you feel the confusion it creates?

Immigrants invited to walk all over us!

It’s much worse. Former President Bill Clinton created Executive Order 13166, which is an un-legislated multilingual policy that requires all government agencies like the IRS, Social Security Administration, the INS, Department of Transportation, the Department of Justice, and others to print all documents in foreign languages and provide for non-English speaking people. It costs you millions of your taxpayer dollars to service foreigners who came to our country but will not honor that privilege by speaking English.

Over 329 languages are spoken in the United States making it impossible for all minority languages to be represented in such sectors as government, education and health care. Further, it creates separation and balkanization when you can’t speak to fellow Americans.

The cost of Executive Order 13166 in the healthcare sector alone stands at a staggering $267 million of your taxpayer dollars annually. In the last California governor election, over a dozen languages were represented on the voter ballot. Whose country is this anyway? Who is paying for it? YOU!

Former Colorado Governor Richard Lamm said, “A nation is much more than a place on a map. It is a state of mind, a shared vision, and a recognition that we are all in this together. A nation needs a common language as it needs a common currency. America has been successful because we have become one people. There is a social glue of a common language, a shared history, uniting symbols that tie us together. We live under a common flag, which we honor and salute.”

One scholar, Seymour Martin Lipset said, “The histories of bilingual and bicultural societies that do not assimilate are histories of turmoil, tension and tragedy. Canada, Belgium, Malaysia, Lebanon all face crises of national existence in which minorities press for autonomy, if not independence. Pakistan and Cyprus have divided. France faces difficulties with its Basques, Bretons and Corsicans.”

Lamm said, “Some people say Switzerland is an example of a successful bilingual country, but that claim does not survive close scrutiny. Switzerland has divided its geography into three separate areas, each of which has a common and dominant language—French, German and Italian.”

Immanuel Kant said, “Language and religion are the dividers.”

Why is EO 13166 a bad deal for Americans? It’s an outrageous rip-off for an American taxpayer as well as an administrative nightmare. It’s a monstrous burden to healthcare officials and a major injustice to immigrants. It will destroy national unity and our culture. From the melting pot, we are becoming a battleground of language confrontation and conflict.

Cost? Hold on to your hat: Welfare/food stamp costs at $21 million for translators. Congressional Budget Office estimates costs at $150 million annually. Health care is $180.8 million for multilingual outpatient services, $78.2 million for multilingual in-patient services, $8.6 for multilingual emergency room services. (Source: U.S. Government records, economist Edwin Rubenstein “Costs of immigration”.)

Taxpayer money funneled into Medicare is being diverted to pay for requirements to provide interpreter services. It’s killing doctor time with patients by forcing them into longer sessions with so much confusion. And, those illegal aliens are not paying for medical services. Taxpayers are!

But what about you? How do you feel about your country overrun by those who refuse to speak our language? How do you feel about your kids suffering a dozen or more foreign languages in their classrooms? It dumbs down the entire educational process for your kids. In Denver, Colorado where I live, 172 languages are spoken in our public schools. Consequently, 50 percent of the potential graduating class flunks out or drops out every year for the past five. The classroom chaos is so horrific, one in five Denver teachers quits or transfers every year. At North High School in Denver, they’re lucky if they can get half the 1,400 students to attend class each day. How do you think your kids suffer when someone that cannot speak English? (Source: Denver Post)

Four factors were required to make this Republic viable and the greatest success in the history of the world:

1. We have enjoyed a highly educated population.
2. We have a similar moral code, which everyone follows.
3. We maintain a similar ethical standard for all citizens.
4. We have sustained one standard language so we can debate together and move forward together as a people.
Current Muslim immigrants will not stand for our national anthem because they said, “It’s too oppressive.” They refuse to learn English. A recent poll showed that 51 percent of them demand Sharia Law. Islam counters everything in Western societies: women’s rights, men’s rights, gay rights, religious choice, religious choice, choice of mate. Worse, it advocates for honor killings, female genital mutilation and arranged marriages.

Ladies and gentlemen of America—we are losing those four factors of a cohesive society and more. If you look around you, we are losing the connecting thread of our society at over 1.5 million legal and illegal immigrants annually. They are not assimilating nor are they speaking our language. The obvious result of that will be much like the Biblical story of the Tower of Babel. Once everyone couldn’t speak the same language, they argued, fought and separate into different factions. You’re seeing the same thing happen with blinding speed in America.

What can you do? Join and

We must mandate that English is the only official language of America and that it is the only allowed language for all official documents, schools, voter registration, driver’s licenses and everything else. We need citizens who can read, write and speak English. We must demand it for citizenship. It matters little if you speak a dozen languages, but, if you’re an American, you speak English.

If you don’t want a Paris, France or San Bernardino event in your community, it’s time to call for a total “Immigration Shutdown Now.”

Call your senators and House rep: 1 202 224 3121. Demand a stop to all immigration and stop to any Syrian immigration.

Definition of slogan: “Immigration Shutdown Now means the American people want a total shutdown on all legal and illegal immigration. That means we want all illegal immigration stopped by arresting, prosecuting and jailing employers of illegal aliens. We deport all illegal aliens by taking their jobs away and as we catch them. We want English mandated as our national language. We demand a cessation of Muslim immigration in order to protect our culture, language and way of life. We can’t save the world but we can destroy our civilization. We demand a stable population that allows everyone to live, work and thrive into the 21st century. Especially our children.” FHW

That’s why you need to take action. Send this series to everyone in your network. Educate them. Urge them to take action by joining these websites to become faxers of prewritten letters and phone callers. We must force Congress into an “Immigration Shutdown Now!

Share these videos all over America: ; ; ; ;

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five minutes to see for yourself.

“Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck
This 10 minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

America: ; ; ;
United Kingdom:
Australia: Sustainable Population Australia

© 2016 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

Supreme Court ruled media can lie with impunity

“The difference between a politician and a statesman is that a politician thinks about the next election while the statesman think about the next generation.” — James Freeman Clarke

“Our leaders know we’re turning into a giant ghetto and they are taking every last hubcap they can get their hands on before the rest of us wake up and realize what’s happened.” — Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone (Goldman Sachs)

certain conservative circles, (those who signed onto National Reviews’ ‘Against Trump’) that Donald Trump does next to nothing to help veterans. It turns out Trump has been generous with veterans over the past decades–all it takes is a little more research than those with an ax to grind seem willing to do.

UPI reported in 1995 how Trump was credited with ‘saving’ the New York Veterans Day Parade. The parade that year was marking the fiftieth anniversary of the end of World War II. A 1995 video report archived by Getty Images features Trump speaking about the parade.

Donald Trump with wife Melania and sons Eric and Donald, Jr. Trump holds the Phelps Award as 2008 Honoree of the Year by the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Plaza.

Trump said, “The fact is you have a group of people that has been so tremendous for this country and they’ve been forgotten. And I think that tomorrow they’re going to be remembered.”

This was not Trump’s first time supporting the New York Veterans Day Parade. In 1987 Trump gave $1 million to help the parade when it was in transition, according to a history of the parade reported by Business Insider in 2013. [Link]

candidate. I found it extremely touching. Look at the smile on that veteran’s face!

Why They Can Lie

We can thank the liberal 1964 Warren Supreme Court for a unanimous decision in New York Times Company v. Sullivan. It was argued on January 6-7, 1964, and decided on March 9, 1964. (In a 1962 case, this Court was the one who ruled that religious prayer in public schools was unconstitutional according to the First Amendment principle of church and state.)

The Warren Court


In August 1962, the Alabama Supreme Court upheld the judgment

The oral arguments on the case before the US Supreme Court took place in January 1964.

Mr. M. Roland Nachman was the lawyer for the plaintiff, Mr. Sullivan. His daughter, Linda Connelly said, “Daddy said to his colleagues and family, ‘Either I will win the case or they will change the law of the land.’” The law of the land was changed.

The following few paragraphs tell the story:

First and Fourteenth Amendments in a libel action brought by a public official (Sullivan) against critics (NYT’s) of his official conduct. The decision further held that under the proper safeguards the evidence presented in this case is constitutionally insufficient to support the judgment for Sullivan. 


And just how does one now prove ACTUAL MALICE? 

The Decision:

Thanks to the decision in New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, we now know why they can lie and get away with it.

Michigan GOP 7th district tells Rep. Walberg to impeach

Republican House Representative from Michigan’s 7th District Tim Walberg was once a leading “birther” not so long ago, when he was seeking a seat in the U.S. House in the 2010 election. This is a VIDEO of Representative Walberg at a local town hall meeting during his bid for the U.S. House in 2010, in which Mr. Walberg acknowledges the known “birther” (Constitutional eligibility) questions surrounding Barack Hussein Obama, and mentions the word “impeachment” for the first time…

On January 26, 2016, the 7th District of the Michigan Republican Party passed a Resolution calling upon their U.S. House Representative Tim Walberg, to initiate TNALC Articles of Impeachment against Barack Hussein Obama, deemed by Mr. Walberg and many House and Senate Republicans to be the most impeachable administration in U.S. history. (HERE IS THE SIGNED RESOLUTION)

The 7th District GOP covers seven Michigan counties and is represented by twenty-five District GOP Committee members, twenty-four of whom were present for the vote last week. The 7th District Resolution for Impeachment passed by a 14-10 vote.

In a pre-meeting ahead of the official gathering, the committee was unanimous on the following issues…

• Barack Hussein Obama is guilty of impeachable offenses
• Barack Hussein Obama has been very destructive to the USA and continues to be
• Impeachment is the proper constitutional solution to Obama treason, tyranny and treachery
• Obama should be impeached
However, as indicated by the 14-10 vote on the Resolution to Impeach, members of the 7th District were not quite so united, given the opportunity to take an official stand on the record. In part, this may be due to the fact that Representative Walberg and two aides decided to show up and speak against the impeachment resolution, after the pre-meeting and before the actual vote was taken.

Even though Representative Walberg has been a very outspoken critic of Barack Obama’s since 2010, speaking about how “we are slaves of government” in this May 2014 VIDEO, and then just last November, Representative Walberg had this to say about the threat of Obama aiding and abetting known terrorists across the Middle East and importing them to the USA under the guise of “refugee resettlement” …

“Michigan has a long and rich tradition as a welcoming state, and we can provide humanitarian assistance while at the same time prioritizing the safety of our citizens. Given the recent terrorist attacks abroad and the very real threats we face, it is common sense to pause Syrian refugee admissions until a thorough review of our security processes is conducted. We need absolute certainty that rigorous vetting procedures are in place and enhanced safety measures are taken to protect the people of Michigan and all Americans. Ultimately, we need a plan to address the root cause of the refugee crisis—the President’s failed foreign policy in the region—and develop a strategy to destroy, not merely try to contain, ISIS,” said Walberg.
Last October, Walberg had this to say about Obama’s weakening of our own military…

“It’s reckless and wrong for President Obama to veto the critical funding our military needs at a time of escalating threats at home and abroad. In just the fifth veto of this entire presidency, the President has undercut our sacred constitutional responsibility to provide for a strong national defense. It’s a sad day when a bipartisan bill to ensure our troops are equipped to carry out their missions and keep America safe is vetoed purely for political gamesmanship to force an increase of deficit spending,” said Walberg.
But Walberg stopped short of saying it the way DNC Vice Chair Tulsi Gabbard said it on Real Time HBO. Gabbard essentially accuses the Obama Administration of aiding and abetting known enemies of the United States, including working hand-in-hand with ISIS in the Middle East, and giving rise to the Muslim caliphate.

However, after the 7th District vote in support of Impeachment last week, Representative Walberg was singing a very different tune, while chatting it up with constituents who had just given him GOP marching orders on Impeachment from his entire District….

7th District GOP Committee member Jimmie Minnick, Jr. talked about his motivations in an interview with TNALC Radio here and here. Just like Carroll County in Tennessee and Gratiot County in Michigan a few days before, GOP Committees at the County and District level have been working to pass a resolution supporting impeachment for months now. Why?

Because House Republicans like Louie Gohmert of Texas and Scott DesJarlais of Tennessee have been stating that they know they can and should impeach, but “the people do not support impeachment.”

Yet even after the 7th District passed their Resolution, Representative Walberg told constituents that “he knows of no reason to impeach Obama…” – his memory lapse of all of his previous statements to the contrary notwithstanding…

Hillsdale County GOP Chairman Glenn Frobel was at the 7th District meeting and asked Representative Walberg if he would act on the resolution just passed by his district. In Mr. Frobel’s words…

Representative Walberg stated – “Obama has not done anything impeachable.” Mr. Frobel then asked Walberg, “what about changing the Affordable Care Act with his pen?” to which Walberg said “The Supreme Court said he (Obama) could do that.” The conversation concluded with Representative Walberg telling Mr. Frobel, “get me a list of impeachable things Obama has done…”
One of Representative Walberg’s most interesting excuses was his statement to meeting attendees that he had sought counsel with Hillsdale College President Larry Arnn, who has made Hillsdale College a Tea Party favorite through their Constitutional Course.

According to Representative Walberg’s statements at the meeting, Arnn advised Walberg against impeachment, the “constitutional solution” for the most impeachable administration in U.S. history, which left Walberg constituents wondering, why did they elect Walberg if it is the unelected Larry Arnn who is going to make Walberg’s decisions, at odds with his District, I might add? Everyone’s a constitutionalist until the time comes to take a stand for the constitution… then many self-proclaimed constitutionalists scatter for cover.

This is why GOP registration and participation is going the way of the Whig party.

Republican politicians like Walberg want to be relevant to their voters, donors and committee members, especially at election campaign time, while at the same time sending a clear signal that none of them are relevant to Walberg.

In 2010, the people entrusted the national purse strings to Republicans in the House for the sole purpose of defunding Obama’s entire agenda against America. Since then, Republicans have defunded nothing of Obama’s agenda, not even Planned Parenthood, even after film of butchered baby parts for sale hit the internet. Five years later, the nation has doubled its national debt. It took America more than seventy years to arrive at $10 trillion in debt, and it took Obama and House Republicans only six years to double that number, with another estimated $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities…

But bankrupting the nation is not an “impeachable offense?” Numerous House Republicans said, if we can get control of the Senate, then we will impeach… which happened over a year ago now. Then they said, if Obama does the Iran deal, or doesn’t stop the inflow of Middle Easterners that we cannot even vet, or doesn’t comply with court orders to stop illegal immigration on our southern border, then we will impeach…. But still, nothing…

So, what are the people to do?

Tea Party and Constitution groups across America started forming State Constitution Accountability Coalitions seven months ago, in at least 29 states, for the sole purpose of pushing Republicans to impeach Obama…

The North American Law Center has proposed three Articles of Impeachment encompassing forty-eight criminal charges. GOP District Committees across the country are working to pass resolutions like the 7th District Resolution in Michigan, just to demonstrate to their elected Representatives in the House that “We the People” expect them to keep their oaths to defend the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, against all enemies, foreign and domestic, including a rogue administration which has become more of a threat to the well-being of our Constitutional Republic than any outside threat.

Clearly, unless forced to do the right thing by “the people” and GOP Committee members at the county and district levels, no one in the House intends to do the right thing.

Even the US Taxpayer Party of Michigan just passed a Resolution supporting Impeachment. As long as Obama is in power, he remains a threat and it is not too late to impeach. If even treason is no longer worthy of impeachment, then nothing is…

But what kind of country will exist in the wake of Obama’s two anti-American unconstitutional terms is beyond my imagination. I can only hope and pray that there are enough real patriots left in America to join the good people of Michigan, who are leading the charge for Constitutional Accountability. If not, the future for this country is indeed frightening…

Mr. Walberg, as a Christian man, a fellow Republican, a Representative of the 7th Congressional District of Michigan and all Republicans across this country… I call upon you to grow the courage to stand with the good people of your district, for the Constitution and against the evil that currently holds our White House, while you still can.

© 2016 JB Williams – All Rights Reserve

Ted Cruz wins Iowa: what it means

A Ted Cruz victory in Iowa was not surprising. Not at all. Typically, the Republican presidential candidate that can “Out Christian” the rest of the field wins in Iowa. And Cruz is the best at doing that since G.W. Bush that I’ve seen. But unlike Bush, Cruz will NOT be the Republican nominee. Count on it. And I, for one, am glad he won’t be.

The Cruz victory has got to be seen as a slap in the face for Liberty University’s Jerry Falwell, Jr., who personally campaigned in Iowa for Donald Trump. As much as I like Jerry, Jr., he is not his dad and will never be able to galvanize Christian conservatives like Jerry, Sr., did. The once powerful Religious Right passed with Jerry Falwell, Sr.

Faithful readers of this column know that I have already expressed my feelings that Cruz cannot be trusted to be faithful to the Constitution–especially in matters that pertain to the Warfare State and the Police State. His ties to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Goldman Sachs cannot be taken lightly. Birds of a feather still flock together. His staff is littered with New World Order fellow travelers. You are reading one Christian writer who would FAR rather vote for an unbeliever that will preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States than vote for a believer who will NOT preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. And there is nothing about Ted Cruz that convinces me he would be faithful to the Constitution–his Christian rhetoric notwithstanding.

Plus, of all of the GOP presidential candidates, Ted Cruz is probably the deepest in the pocket of the Israeli lobby–not that the rest of them aren’t also. However, I still maintain that Rand Paul is the LEAST obligated to the Israeli lobby of all of them. (Rand Paul also demonstrates more fidelity to the Constitution than the rest of the field put together. And now that Rand has pulled out of the race, there really isn’t a constitutionally literate contender left.) Unlike many of my Christian brethren, I am convinced that the Zionists in Israel and America are a major destructive force to liberty and a direct threat to the Biblical, Natural Law principles upon which the United States was founded. The more allegiance a U.S. politician has to Zionism, the more harmful he or she is to America. Put Ted Cruz at the top of the list.

Obviously, this primary season has just begun, and an Iowa victory portends very little for things to come. This could wind up being a very interesting and unusual election season. Let your mind ruminate over some of these possible scenarios:

1. The GOP has a brokered convention, and establishment insiders pick Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio.

This is a distinct possibility. The establishment is going all out to defeat Donald Trump, but his momentum is significant. It is very feasible that no candidate will have mustered the necessary delegates to win the nomination on the first ballot. If that happens, you can be sure that the establishment knows how to manipulate the convention to ensure that an insider wins. The two candidates who fit that bill the best are Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio. Rush Limbaugh is revealing his establishment loyalties by saying (with a straight face even) that Rubio is NOT an establishment candidate. But he is.

If this scenario becomes reality, a host of the Trump/Cruz/Carson/Paul supporters would abandon the GOP in November like rats off of the proverbial sinking ship. Then again, the GOP establishment would rather burn the house down than let a principled conservative win, as they are much more closely aligned with liberal Democrats than they are conservative Republicans.

2. Donald Trump sees the GOP establishment rigging primaries to defeat him and decides to run as an Independent.

I realize Trump signed a pledge that he would not bolt the GOP, but everyone knows that Trump is still holding that ace up his sleeve. Of course, many people know that Trump has had a long-standing personal friendship with the Clintons, and they fear he is playing the system to ensure a Hillary victory. That’s speculation, of course. But given that Trump talks and acts “from the hip” (assuming he is NOT a Hillary mole), his loyalty to his pledge will surely be tested, as the GOP establishment will do everything it can do to stack the deck against him. As the primaries (and passions) heat up, Trump is indeed the loose cannon in the field that could do just about anything–including jumping ship and running as an Independent.

3. Hillary is indicted or begins losing significantly to Bernie Sanders, and Democrats scramble to bring another insider (like Joe Biden) into the race.

Officials in Iowa are saying Hillary defeated party rival Bernie Sanders by the skin of her teeth. Plus, everyone is aware that some of those local victories were determined by coin tosses. The Democratic machine gave Hillary the win in Iowa and everyone knows it.

The Clinton camp has got to be worried after the embarrassing “victory” in Iowa. Sanders’ support is growing, while Clinton’s support is waning. The party machine is going to have to work around the clock to keep her afloat. But if Sanders begins to pull away from Hillary, her establishment buddies will turn on her like a pack of wolves on a bleeding lobo. Indictments are still hanging out there, and if it becomes obvious that Hillary isn’t winning primaries by landslide margins, watch the insiders throw her to the wolves and enlist another insider such as Joe Biden. Such an event would upset the applecart BIG TIME. And don’t forget that the former Democratic senator from Virginia and true war hero who served in the Reagan cabinet, Jim Webb, is waiting in the wings for just the right opportunity to enter the race. Wow! The possibilities are almost endless.

Obviously, Bernie Sanders is to the Democrats what Donald Trump is to the Republicans: a major thorn in the side.

4. Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg enters the race as an Independent–bringing with him $1 billion to spend. Or, Democrats tap Bloomberg if they abandon Clinton.

Bloomberg is another loose cannon that could shake things up this year. No doubt about that. But a billion dollars or no billion dollars, Bloomberg is mostly a one-string banjo. The only thing he is passionate about is disarming the American people. And while Clinton and Sanders might be just as bad on the Second Amendment, Bloomberg’s fanaticism on the issue would drive away virtually all of the gun owners in the country–including Democrats and Independents. The fact is, the mood of the country is more favorable toward the Second Amendment now than at any time in recent memory, which is why the Democratic Party will probably ignore Bloomberg.

But two independent billionaires in the general election (if it came to that)–one an ultra-liberal and the other a tough-talking “conservative”–would definitely shake things up. No doubt about it. Imagine (we are just ruminating here) a four-man race that includes the two major party candidates and two independent billionaires. And if it does become a four-man race between the above-mentioned people, can you imagine what would happen if Ron Paul suddenly decided to jump back in the race? Ron is still as sharp as a tack and more fit than many men half his age.

The last time anything remotely resembling the above happened was in 1860. And you know what happened the year after that.

And personally, I see regional separation (no, it would not have to be bloody–and I highly doubt that it would be) as a good thing, not as a bad thing. In fact, I think it is inevitable. It’s not a matter of “if.” It’s only a matter of “when.” But I digress.

Suffice it to say, folks, this is shaping up to be the most unusual and unpredictable election season in my lifetime–maybe since that election back in 1860. Hold on!

P.S. Recent events have graphically illustrated the need for the American citizenry to have an educated and informed understanding of the laws and protocols–as well as our rights and duties–when placed in contact with police officers. Sadly, most Americans are totally unprepared to deal with even “routine” traffic stops. Violent interactions between police officers and citizens are escalating. Sometimes the blame lies with law enforcement, and sometimes the blame lies with the citizen. Knowing how to respond to a police contact has never been more important.

My attorney son (a former prosecutor and now defense attorney) recently delivered an address to the folks at Liberty Fellowship in Kalispell, Montana, entitled “Police Contact: How To Respond.” I believe EVERY citizen in the country needs to watch this video. It might even save some lives. I encourage readers to order at least two: one for themselves and one for a friend.

Order the video presentation, “Police Contact: How To Respond,”

Police Contact: How To Respond DVD

© 2016 Chuck Baldwin – All Rights Reserved

The rise of Bernie Sanders – the fall of America

All eyes may be on the Republican primary and the brewing battles between Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz, and Donald Trump and Fox News, and Donald Trump and National Review, and Donald Trump and fill-in-the-blank — but the Democratic race is where the real news is happening.
The fact that Sen. Bernie Sanders, a self-declared Socialist, is heating up the campaign trail against the one-time presumptive primary winner, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, is one of the biggest tragedies facing America right now. It also happens to be one of the most under-reported.
Flash back to February 2009 when the cover of Newsweek blared forth the shocking headline, “We Are All Socialists Now” and the inside article elaborated with the subtitled query: “Can America Adopt a More European Model, Only With a Faster Rate of Growth?” Then there were the widely watched “Hardball” interviews of July 2015 and January 2016 when MSNBC host Chris Matthews asked the Democratic National Committee’s Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Mrs. Clinton, respectively, to define the differences between their political party and Socialism, with the ensuing results in both cases being wide-eyed stutters and off-guard stumbles. Then there was the should-be-historic reach-out of President Obama to Socialist Mr. Sanders with a January 27 closed-door meeting at the White House, the nation’s highest hallways of power, to trade thoughts on ISIS, foreign policy and other matters of political importance.
Anybody else see the alarm here?
Add in Mrs. Clinton’s lagging poll numbers, due in large part to her own doing, and the simultaneous rise of Mr. Sanders’, and what we have is a seismic shift in politics, one that says bluntly, It’s okay to admit being a Socialist. The tag doesn’t bring a blacklist. It brings an invite to the White House.
True, Democrats have been leaning Socialist for some time. But they’ve been masking it as progressive policy.
Mr. Sanders now represents for Socialists what Michael Sam, the first openly gay NFL player, represented for the homosexual rights movement – legitimacy. His Siimon and Garfunkel “America” all-court press has freed Socialists from the shadows. Their stigma is gone. And that – not the pooll numbers, or the day-to-day politicking, or the he-said, she-said arguments, but rather the sad disappearance of America’s noble republic, complete with principles of limited government as based on God-given rights – is the big story, the media-missed picture. Giving Mr. Sanders suuch a large platform is a startling commentary on the state of U.S. politics and culture. Watching his Socialist race be greeted with such favor is a pitiful discovery that speaks volumes about the country’s demise.

The fact that some argument has popped from the far-left camps condemning Mr. Sanders as little more than a Socialist wanna-be, and that the candidate himself often says he’s more a Democratic-Socialist, is little comfort to those who see America in the same vein as the Founding Fathers – or little maatter. It’s the movement of Socialism into the mainstream, in either hyphenated form or stand-alone, that’s the larger concern, the loudest outrage.

Thomas Jefferson was said to have written, “It is to secure our rights that we resort to government at all.” Mr. Sanders, on the other hand, offered this, in a January 19 Twitter post: “Our job is to tell every kid in this country, that if they work hard, regardless of family income, they will get a college education.” Or this, the same day: “I got a message for the Walton family of Walmart: Get off of welfare and pay your workers a living wage.” Or this a day earlier, of a Martin Luther King Jr. quote: “Call it democracy, or call it democratic socialism, but there must be a better distribution of wealth.”
These are the ideas that are gaining steam in America. Truthfully, they have been for years, and from both sides of the political aisles. The disappointing and depressing realization, though, is that thanks in large part to Mr. Sanders and his steaming charge through Iowa toward New Hampshire, outing them out as Socialist is not dimming their appeal.

© 2016 Cheryl Chumley – All Rights Reserved

Top news woman to news with views: Hillary Clinton’s e-mail timelinee

Last Thursday,’s political reporter appeared on the Christian radio talk show Crosstalk with Jim Schneider, to discuss Democratic Party presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton’s email scandal, the Battle of Benghazi, and the investigation of the Clinton Foundation. thanks former CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson, an Emmy award winning investigative journalist who is the host of the Sunday morning news program “Full Measure,” and author of the New York Times bestseller: “Stonewalled,” for providing a chronological breakdown of the most devious and corrupt political cover up since President Richard M. Nixon’s Watergate Scandal.

Attkisson was one of the first journalists to fly on a military combat mission: a B-52 sortie in Kosovo. She also flew on an F-15 fighter jet Combat Air Patrol (CAP) flight.


December: President Obama nominates Hillary Clinton for secretary of state.


Jan. 13: Reports say the domain was established.

Jan. 21: Senate confirms Clinton as secretary of state.

March 18: Clinton will later name this as the date she began using a private server for government business.


Sept. 11: Islamic extremists launch the terrorist attacks on U.S. compounds in Benghazi, Libya, killing Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

October: Clinton convenes Accountability Review Board (ARB) to investigate State Dept. actions surrounding Benghazi.

After the ARB and Congress call for Benghazi-related documents, top Clinton aides Cheryl Mills and Jake Sullivan are allegedly present at a document sorting session in the basement of the State Dept., according to Deputy Assistant Secretary Raymond Maxwell, who later told me he witnessed the operation. No law enforcement body contacted or interviewed Maxwell.

Nov. 7: Judicial Watch files Freedom of Information (FOI) Act request with State Dept. for Benghazi-related emails and other information.

December: I (then at CBS News) file a Freedom of Information Act request with the State Dept. for Benghazi-related emails and other information.

Dec. 10, 2012: Clinton cancels a trip due North Africa and the mideast to “illness” and a “bug.” State Dept. does not disclose she has fallen and received a head injury.

Dec. 13, 2012: State Dept. discloses that Clinton had “fallen” while suffering from a stomach virus sometime the previous week and gotten a “concussion” that was “not severe.” Bill Clinton would later say that her injury “required six months of very serious work to get over.”

Clinton postpones imminent Congressional testimony which had been scheduled.

Dec. 18-19: Clinton writes Congress promising to implement ARB recommendations and ARB officials provide briefing on their findings.

Judicial Watch files another FOI request with State Dept.

Dec. 30: State Dept. discloses discovery of “blood clot” in her head from the concussion.


Jan. 7: Clinton returns to work after her concussion.

Jan. 23: Clinton testifies to Senate Foreign Relations Committee and House Foreign Affairs Committee where she utters her infamous “What difference, at this point, does it make?” comment.

Feb. 1: Clinton leaves State Dept.

Feb. 25: Judicial Watch files two lawsuits against State Dept. for failing to lawfully respond to FOI requests.

March 22: “Guccifer” hacks Clinton’s emails via aide’s account showing that Clinton had received confidential information from a public account.

August: Congress subpoenas Benghazi documents.

Nov. 26: State Dept. tells me (then at CBS News) that it has posted all documents responsive to my Benghazi FOI request from Dec. 2012.


May 5: Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., is named head of the House Benghazi Committee to investigate the 2012 terrorist attacks.

May 8: House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, formally announces formation of House Benghazi Committee.

June 13: Judicial Watch files a FOI request with State Dept. seeking Benghazi information and Clinton notes.

August: State Dept. provides House Benghazi Committee with eight emails to or from Clinton that, for the first time, show her use of a private email account.

Sept. 4: Judicial Watch sues State Dept. for failure to respond to a June 13, 2014 FOI request seeking Benghazi records and Clinton notes.

Sept. 17: House Benghazi Committee holds its first public hearing. Topic: implementation of ARB recommendations.

October: State Dept. sends letters to Clinton and her three successors as secretary of state seeking work emails related to personal accounts.

Nov. 18: House Benghazi Committee makes additional request for Clinton emails from State Dept.

Nov. 26: President Obama signs into law an updated Federal Records Act requiring public officials to forward all work-related email to their government address.

December: House Benghazi Committee sends request to the White House for documents and communications pertaining to Benghazi.

Dec. 5: Clinton privately turns over copies of 30,490 “work-related” emails to the State Dept. totaling 55,000 printed pages. No date has been provided as to when she deleted her “private” emails, but it is presumed to be around this time frame.

Dec. 10: House Benghazi Committee holds second public hearing. Topic: implementation of ARB recommendations.


Jan. 27: House Benghazi Committee holds third public hearing. Topic: federal agencies’ poor response to document requests and subpoenas.

February: White House and House Benghazi Committee meet to discuss Dec. 2014 document request. White House eventually produces 266 pages.

Feb. 13: State Dept. produces 300 emails to and from Clinton, but no other documents responsive to the House Benghazi Committee’s broader Nov. 18, 2014 request for all emails to and from Clinton and her senior staff.

Late Feb.: In discussions, the State Dept. informs the House Benghazi Committee that Clinton did not have a government email address, and that it had never had possession of her emails until her attorney first turned them over—in paper form—to the State Dept. in Dec. 2014.

March 2: New York Times reports Clinton may have violated federal regulations by using personal email account for public business as secretary of state.

March 4: Associated Press reports that Clinton’s personal email address traces to private email server at her Chappaqua, New York home registered under pseudonym.

House Benghazi Committee privately issues two subpoena: one for emails from Clinton’s personal account, the other for documents it requested in Nov. 2014 (but did not receive) relating to 10 senior State Dept. officials.

Clinton does not disclose the subpoena but tweets, “I want the public to see my email. I asked State to release them. They said they will review them for release as soon as possible.”

March 10: Clinton answers questions about her email practices for the first time. She tells reporters:

It was more convenient to use the private server.

“I wanted to use just one device for both personal and work emails instead of two.”

Last year, she deleted nearly 31,000+ emails that were “private.”

She will not turn over her personal email server.

She “fully complied” with the law.

She has turned over to the State Dept. 55,000 pages of work-related emails.

There were 62,320 emails in her account: 30,490 were public business; 31,830 were private.

March 11: Associated Press sues State Dept. for Clinton emails and documents not provided under FOI request.

April 12: Clinton announces she’s running for president.

April 15: Nearly two years after Congress first issues subpoena for ARB documents, the State Dept. produces 1,700+ pages.

April 23: State Dept. produces an additional 2,500 pages of ARB documents.

House Benghazi Committee writes Clinton’s personal attorney to reiterate its “request for her to turn over the server to a neutral, third party, such as an inspector general.”

April: White House produces 266 pages of documents including emails to and from National Security Staff. House Benghazi Committee sends White House another letter reiterating and refining its Dec. 2014 request for additional documents.

April 30: House Benghazi Committee announces the State Dept. has provided 4,000 more pages of documents, for the first time related to the ARB’s work.

Judicial Watch announces a lawsuit to release documents regarding Clinton’s use of iPhone or iPad for official business.

May 5-6, 2015: Judicial Watch files seven new FOI lawsuits related to Clinton’s use of private email server, seeking emails of her top aide Huma Abedin and records about Benghazi and the Clinton Foundation.

May 8: House Benghazi Committee releases interim report:

It has received 20,000+ pages of new emails and documents from State Dept. for the first time including emails to or from Clinton.

It has held 24+ classified and unclassified briefings with the Administration and Executive Branch agencies.

May 22: State Dept. releases 296 Benghazi-related emails from Clinton’s private email account.

Week of June 16: House Benghazi Committee deposes Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal behind closed doors in a deposition nearly nine hours long.
June 22: House Benghazi Committee releases 60 emails sent to Clinton by Blumenthal, including some regarding Libya.

June 25: State Dept. provides House Benghazi Committee with some subpoenaed Benghazi-related emails that that Clinton had not turned over previously.

July 7: House Benghazi Committee releases news of Clinton subpoena (from last March) for the first time.

July 23: The New York Times reports that two Inspectors General have asked the Department of Justice to investigate whether Clinton mishandled sensitive government information.

July 28: Clinton revises her statement regarding classified email to say she is confident she never sent or received emails that were classified at the time.

July 31: The federal judge in a Judicial Watch FOI suit, Emmet Sullivan, orders State Dept. to request that Clinton and top aides Cheryl Mills and Human Abedin confirm, under penalty of perjury, that they have produced all government records in their possession, return any other government records immediately, and describe their use of Hillary Clinton’s email server to conduct government business.

Aug. 5: State Dept. sends letter to Clinton including Judge Sullivan’s order.

Aug. 6: Cheryl Mills’ attorney tells Judicial Watch it has instructed Mills to “delete any and all electronic copies [of potential federal records] in her possession” after her anticipated production of records on Aug. 10. Judicial Watch files an emergency request to block the destruction.

Aug. 11: Inspector General report to the Senate contradicts Clinton claims; some Clinton emails, says the IG, contained information that was classified at the time.

FBI takes custody of Clinton server and thumb drives.

Aug. 12: Clinton campaign strikes back as her poll numbers falter, including using the Media Matters blog to print her talking points attacking news reports on NBC and Fox. The blog uses other left-wing Astroturf outlets such as “Vox” as supposed support for its claims.

Aug. 15: In a campaign appearance at the Iowa State Fair, Clinton revises her statement about classified email a second time, stating that she never sent or received any that were “marked” classified.

Aug. 19: Clinton’s personal lawyer tells a Senate committee that all data, including emails, was erased from her server prior to it being turned over to the FBI.

Clinton tells reporters the investigation surrounding her server “has nothing to do with me.” She contradicts the Inspector General by reiterating that she never sent or received classified material.

Aug. 20: State Dept. tells Judge Sullivan Clinton did not use State Dept. issued or secure Blackberry device; Blackberries used by Clinton aides Cheryl Mills and Human Abedin were likely destroyed.

Aug. 27: Appearing to read from notes, Clinton told an Iowa audience that using a personal email server “…clearly wasn’t the best choice..I take responsibility…” She repeated her modified statement, “I never sent nor received any e-mail that was marked classified. [emphasis added]”

Aug. 31: State Dept. publicly releases 7,000 pages of Clinton emails. Among other revelations, they show that Freedom of Information (FOI) law was violated since responsive emails had not been provided earlier under various FOI requests. Documents can be found by visiting the State Dept. FOI page and searching “Hillary Clinton.”

Sept. 3: Former Clinton Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills testifies to House Benghazi Committee behind closed doors.

Former Clinton campaign staffer and State Dept. official Bryan Pagliano, who helped set up Clinton’s personal server, tells Congress he will plead the Fifth Amendment and refuse the Congressional subpoena to testify.

Sept. 4: Former top Clinton aide Jake Sullivan testifies to House Benghazi Committee behind closed doors.

Sept. 8: A day after saying she had nothing to apologize for, Clinton says she’s “sorry” in an interview with ABC News.

Sept. 10: Pagliano takes the Fifth in a private meeting before the House Benghazi Committee.

Sept. 25: AP reports Obama administration has found work emails between Clinton and Gen. David Petraeus that she did not turn over. The dates call into question Clinton’s claim that she turned over all work related emails from her home system.

The State Dept. says it’s sending the House Benghazi Committee 925 more Clinton Benghazi and/or Libya-related emails that were not previously turned over.

Oct. 22: Clinton testifies before House Benghazi Committee for approximately 11 hours.

Nov. 30: State Dept. releases 8,000 more Clinton emails; some of the emails received “classified” markings.


Jan. 15: The Inspector General for the intelligence community Charles McCullough tells members of Congress that several dozen additional classified emails have been identified in Clinton’s stash, including some with a higher classification than top secret, regarding highly sensitive programs.

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

The chickens are coming home to roost

Rev. Jeremiah Wright uttered the phrase “The Chickens Are Coming Home to Roost” in reference to the effects of racism in America. In retrospect, we would have done well to heed his admonition.

The chickens always come home to roost.

“Eating crow” is another hackneyed cliché spewed by one of Pastor Wright’s more infamous parishioners and is often used out here in the heartland where folks still cling to their “God and their guns.”

There is a lot of crow soon to be served up and the chickens will soon be lining up at the door of the coop.

The Bible puts it this way, “be sure your sin will find you out.” (Numbers 32:23)

The controversy regarding Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio and the natural born citizen requirement in the Constitution is about to bite them in the butt. The farther down the road to the White House we get, the more of an issue their citizenship is going to become.

I think it is pretty clear that neither of them fit the natural born citizen requirement specified in Article II Section I of the Constitution. Even though you will find legal “experts” making arguments on both sides of this issue, there is no doubt that at some point a court is going to be forced to hand down a decision.

The issue is not going to go away—at least not until the Supreme Court rules on precisely what the Founders meant when they inserted the requirement in the document.

This is the elephant in the room; the poison pill that is waiting to derail any Republican attempt to regain control of the White House. I don’t know about you, but the last thing I would want is to put the future of the Republican nominee in the hands of the most corrupt Supreme Court in the history of this nation.

Lawsuits challenging the eligibility of Cruz and Rubio will continue to stack up until some leftist judge somewhere rules that the presumed Republican nominee does not meet the qualifications to hold the highest office in the land.

A series of appeals will ensue until the case, at the last minute, is rushed to the Supreme Court for a determination of eligibility. I’m neither a legal expert nor a bean counter, but I can count the votes: Kagen, Sotomayor, Ginsburg, Breyer on one side versus Roberts, Thomas, Scalia, Alito on the other, leaving good old Mr. Sodomy himself, Anthony Kennedy, holding the future of the election in his unsteady hands.

Yep, the chickens are coming home to roost. This is setting up the Republicans (the gang that couldn’t shoot straight) for disqualification by virtue of shooting themselves in the foot.

Kicking the can down the road will be impossible with a hole in their metatarsals.

The Republican Party could have avoided this conundrum had they simply done their duty in the election of 2008 and challenged the citizenship of Barack Hussein Obama and forced a court to rule on the issue once and for all.

The Republican crow is being cooked on the grill even as we speak.

Candidate Obama was not a natural born citizen either. Hillary Clinton was the first one to raise the issue in her primary run against Obama in 2007. She, and members of the Democratic Party, chose not to pursue the issue for fear of the damage it would do to their strangle-hold on the voting block known as the “African-Americans.”

Early in the election of 2008 some Republicans began to raise the issue, but they were soon ridiculed into silence for fear of being labeled “racists” and losing the “black” vote which was never going to their candidate anyway. This willingness to compromise principle for pragmatism is the bullet in the chamber that could kill a “conservative” victory before the first ballot is cast. All laws matter.

Barack Obama does not meet the natural born citizen requirement. This fact was whispered in the backrooms of Republican circles for years. But fear of being labeled “birthers” or “truthers” caused their knees to buckle at a time when their spine needed to be stiffened. For either Cruz or Rubio to scream “Hispanic” does not carry the same power as the word “African.”

Now we are hearing that certain Republicans are not “conservative” enough to be elected. It’s funny that Glenn Beck, Mark Levin and their ilk, who the claim to be staunch conservative constitutionalists, have never demanded that the first African-American President prove his eligibility before handing him the keys to the most powerful office in the world.

Folks, rule of law matters! We are a nation of laws, and no one is above the law. What principle is more “conservative” than that?

Was Obama eligible to be President? Are Cruz and Rubio eligible to be President? I have a feeling that five black-robed terrorists sitting across the street from the Capitol building will eventually be weighing in on the issue. What do you suppose are the odds of them ruling in favor of the first Hispanic Republican candidate?

The leftists in America have been seething ever since the Supreme Court ruled for the Republicans in Bush v. Gore. This challenge to eligibility could give them the opportunity to even the score for losing the White House in 2000.

I don’t know about you, but I am not too excited about once again putting the fate of the nation in the hands of a make-it-up-as-you-go Supreme Court.

The self-identified “constitutional conservatives” did it to themselves.

Cockadoodledoo!!! The chickens are coming home to roost.

2016 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

The world’s smartest amoebas

Reality is only real if we choose to think it’s real. That’s a load of twaddle, but it’s what our great colleges and universities have been selling for the last twenty years or so. It got started in college English departments as a way of deconstructing a literary text to make it mean whatever you want it to mean. This used to be known as lunacy. Now they call it education.

Coming soon to a major university near you, the 2016 White Privilege Workshop will be open to high school and middle school kids as well as college students. This is 150-proof academic firewater, guaranteed to rot your brain. And, hey, if you’re having trouble nailing down that Gender Studies degree, they’ll give you course credit just for showing up to this wingding.

As is the mode in higher education today, the workshops try to instill in participants a weird combination of the most arrogant, unearned self-esteem and the most cringing fragility of the psyche. To put it another way, they teach you how to be a nut.

So, for instance, after anointing all these crybabies as Social Justice Warriors—who are going to “disable white racism” (but not any other kind) and force utopia upon a world too stupid to appreciate how smart these college kiddies are—they will herd them into a “safe-space” where they can all whine about how tough it is to change the world, without any risk of hearing a single dissenting word. This is what they call Diversity.

There will also be workshops on how to glorify and elevate cisgendered womyn, whatever those are.

It would be nice if we could just sit back and laugh at this. What could be more ludicrous?

But the trouble is, this academic hogwash seeps out of the universities and infects the whole society. No institution is immune to it. And government, these days, is especially susceptible.

The U.S. Dept. of Labor, for one, has recently announced a scheme to spend millions of tax dollars to replace all its posters and flyers as part of a war “against the Gender Binary” In all of these printed materials, ordinary pronouns like “he” and “she” will be deleted and replaced with “gender-neutral language.” According to a Labor Dept. spokesidiot, this will provide some great, undefined “benefit” to American society.

Reality isn’t real unless you think it’s real. The world’s smartest amoebas tell us so.

Thus the 2015 Woman of the Year was a man.

And a 16-year-old nincompoop in Norway gets international huzzahs for insisting she’s a cat.

At this point I think it’s fair to ask, What, exactly, are they trying to do to us? Who benefits from raising up a whole generation of wackos?

Part of it has got to be the simple over-expansion of our university system. College used to be for scholars, but everyone is not cut out to be a scholar. College is also used, now, to try to teach basic skills and knowledge that the kiddies failed to learn in high school. With virtually everyone going to college, the colleges have to offer degree programs for the great mass of students who have no bent for scholarship. And after that, they have to find college-type jobs for graduates who aren’t fit for anything but—well, more college.

But this is only part of it. After all, they could be handing out degrees in surfing, comic book analysis, or making funny noises—silly enough, but in the long run, harmless.

But what is the point of transforming so many young people into a horde of puffed-up, self-important, thin-skinned, injustice-collecting, profoundly useless idiots who deny such basic aspects of reality as whether someone is a woman or a man?

I don’t know who benefits by this. I don’t know how our country benefits by having such a large portion of her population, year by year, rendered incapable of making any worthwhile contribution.

But this I do know: for whatever their reasons, these “educators” are doing it for all they’re worth; and it is damaging America and her prospects for survival.

2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

‘End justifies the means’ and Ted Cruz

The ignorance of one voter in a democracy (Republic) impairs the security of all. —John F. Kennedy

Voting is a right best exercised by people who have taken time to learn about the issues. —Tony Snow

As I mentioned in an earlier article, in 1980, Reagan did not attend the last debate before the Iowa Caucus and he lost to George H.W. Bush. This really shocked the nation. When it came to winning the election, he only lost a few states.

In 1996, Bob Dole won the Iowa Caucus. He won the nomination, but lost the election to Bill Clinton. Remember that was the year of Ross Perot as well.

In 2000, George W. Bush won the Republican Iowa Caucus, and went on to be elected president.

John Kerry won the Iowa Caucus in 2004, and was defeated by George W. Bush.

And of course, in 2012, Rick Santorum won the Iowa Caucus, but again, did not make it to the nomination for Republican President. Instead, Willard Mitt Romney won the nomination and then lost to Obama.

Iowa and New Hampshire

Former Presidents

In the last 40 years, just one person has gone on to win the presidency after losing both Iowa and New Hampshire — Bill Clinton.

Eric Draper/AP 

Then-Texas Gov. George W. Bush spoke in front of a painting of Jesus Christ during a campaign stop in Colfax, Iowa in 2000. Bush is the only Republican to win Iowa since 1976 and become president. 

Republican Nominees

New Hampshire has been better at picking nominees for Republicans. Since 1976 (Gerald Ford won the nomination but lost to Jimmy Carter):

Some Facts

 Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan all lost Iowa but went on to win the presidency.
 Bill Clinton didn’t win either Iowa or New Hampshire in 1992, but was still declared “The Comeback Kid” after his second-place finish in the New Hampshire.
 The person who led the longest in Iowa in the crowded Republican field in 2015, according to the RealClearPolitics average of polls, was … Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. He led for six months, from February to August, before dropping out because of falling support. Remember when he dropped out, he made the statement that Trump must be defeated.

Praise Jesus then lie like hell

Link] “To have campaigns come out and send emails to their caucus speakers suggesting that Dr. Carson was doing anything but moving forward after tonight is the lowest of low in American politics,” said Carson campaign manager Ed Brookover. [Link]

Check out these cards that were being distributed at caucus locations in Iowa. I think there should be an investigation conducted and the results of the Iowa caucuses declared invalid. Appearances of these cards equates to distribution of campaign materials, since it is clearly an attempt to discredit Trump by showing him associating with the Clintons at his wedding. Not sure who is behind it, Cruz or Rubio, but it is called electioneering to distribute campaign materials at polling places on election day, and it is a major violation of federal election laws.

Globalist Game Plan


I believe with the obvious poll numbers prior to the Iowa Caucus that there is absolutely no way Cruz could have won, nor could Rubio receive the votes he garnered. Many strongly believe that votes were siphoned from Trump and given to Rubio. It has been done before and no one has stopped them.

The Elephant in the Constitution that No One References When Dealing with the Natural Born Citizen Issue.

Pray for our nation, and pray that we do not end up with another globalist in our White House. We need an outsider to try to straighten out this huge myriad of filth that has pervaded our country for dozens of decades.

The futility of the Oregon armed standoff

As advocates for the American rural landowner, (NARLO) we have great empathy for what landowners are having to endure at the hands of a heavy-handed government, the environmentalists that have infiltrated every nick and cranny of government and the Indians that are finding creative ways to seek revenge against the White Man with sympathetic courts, high-paid lawyers and ancient Indian treaties. The fact that the anger is rising in the landowners of the American West is as predictable as the Sun rising in the East.

There have been many confrontations between landowners and the government, environmentalists and the Indians and those confrontations are only going to grow. That rising anger has led to the Jarbidge Shovel Brigade in Northern Nevada near Elko, the Klamath Bucket Brigade in Southern Oregon, the infamous Wayne Hage lawsuit against the government and the Bundy standoff against heavily armed BLM agents in Southeastern Nevada and now the standoff at the Malheur Nature Preserve in Southeastern Oregon.

On the Indian front, besides Indian Casinos, little has been said or is known about the Boldt decision that gave the Indians 50% of the Salmon harvest every year, or the giant monetary award to the Puyallup Indians in Washington State ($162,000,000) over a land claim, or the Coeur d’Alene Indians trying to claim for the tribe all of Lake Coeur d’Alene in Idaho, or the Flathead Indians taking control of all land, water and electricity rights in Western Montana, with the help of the federal and Montana State governments.

Then there is the dictatorial control and abuse by the Bureau of Land Management and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Agency in the management of federal lands that have spilled over into private land holdings with a vengeance.

All of these events directly affect the rural landowners of the Western United States and has lit a match to what could become a raging land war in the West.

The Western landowners have found themselves in the unrelenting grip of a giant bully known as the U. S. Federal Government. They have tried in numerous legal ways to fight that government, but with courts leaning in favor of the government and the radical environmental movement, the rural landowner has found little redress going the legal route. The hard truth is, you can’t fight the power of the federal government alone, which way too many landowners try.

A blaring case in point is the Wayne Hage family ranchers in Southeastern Nevada. They actually had won a court decree from the U. S. Court of Claims to the tune of $14,000,000 after fighting horrendous attempts by the federal government to thwart their every legal move. The elder Hage’s have since died and their son has had to pick up the fight. Some reports indicate that the Hage Family has spent over $2,000,000 in lawyers, court costs and expert witnesses. In over 20 years of that court case and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel by a favorable court award, the family’s hopes were dashed when the federal government took the case to the 9th U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals that reversed the lower court’s award and remanded the case back to the lower court with a new judge.

The younger Hage said in a telephone interview Monday that an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court would be difficult. “I don’t know what the future has in store for us.” We have been dealt a lot of ugly over the years. I’m not sure where it’s going to go. It is a big disappointment, not just for my family but for the entire industry. They felt relief at the Jones decision. Ranchers’ rights had been upheld but now it has all been overturned. It looks to me like the 9th Circuit just swelled the ranks of the militias.” Hage said he is not involved with the militias but that he understands their frustrations with the federal government.”

The 9th Circuit overturned the lower court’s ruling because the lower court judge allegedly harbored “animus” towards the federal agencies. Imagine that! Since the courts most always lean in favor of the government and against the citizens, that’s OK in the minds of the FEDS, but woe be to the judge who dares to lean in favor of citizen’s rights and the constitution.

Given this backdrop and the frustration of the landowners trying to fight an intransigent government, it is no wonder that some landowners decided to take matters into their own hands and confront the government with guns at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada where a blood bath was averted by cooler heads.

The Bundy standoff in 2014 has led to the current Oregon standoff where trigger happy Oregon State Patrol and FBI agents couldn’t wait to shoot one of the landowners at a traffic stop in what has been reported by eyewitness Victoria Sharps, who was in the white SUV, as, “red laser lights everywhere, shined on all of the occupants of the rancher’s car, and a hail of bullets from the FBI agents fired into our car where Ryan Bundy was wounded. It’s a wonder we weren’t all killed.”

See eyewitness video/audio here

The apparent summary execution of Lavoy Finicum at the traffic stop was murder according to Ms. Sharps. She stated that Lavoy. 54, a Mormon and father of 11 children and 19 grandchildren, had his hands up when the FBI agents shot him several times and while he was laying on the ground, they shot him three more times. But let’s not forget that Lavoy Finicum tried to run a roadblock.

The FBI calls Ms. Sharps’ testimony false and has released a video of the event. The FBI claims Lavoy was reaching for a gun when they shot him. Couldn’t they have at least waited to see the gun before they shot him? The FBI video doesn’t mention or show the bullet-riddled SUV. Any investigation into the shooting will likely be a whitewash.

But this begs the question of why would a father of 11 children be at a place where he could be killed? That’s irresponsible. Who will take care of the children and his ranch now that he is gone ….. the government?

By the time this article is published, the Malheur Nature Preserve occupation will probably be over. The apparent leader of the ranchers, Ammon Bundy, from his jail cell, has strongly urged the other remaining ranchers to go home, if they can get out of there without being arrested, or shot. Hopefully, they will leave peacefully and no more blood shed will occur.

There were only two possible outcomes from the Oregon standoff. The first outcome is all of the ranchers would all be shot dead by government agents. The other outcome was that they would be arrested for breaking the law. Only one was shot dead and the rest have been, or probably will be, arrested. They could serve many years in jail.

What did the ranchers hope to accomplish? Yes, they obtained national news coverage, but that coverage labeled the ranchers as thugs and terrorists. What the ranchers wanted was the Hammond Father and Son Oregon ranchers to be released from prison for a trumped up arson charge by the government giving them a five-year sentence as terrorists. That sentence was obviously over-kill by the government and was and is a travesty of justice. Nevertheless, even after the standoff is over, the Hammonds will still be in prison. So there was no win on this demand.

The ranchers’ second demand was for the federal government to cede all federal lands to the states. That demand was never going to happen in the short term but several states are attempting to regain control of federal lands in their states. We see movement along these lines in Utah, Nevada and Idaho.

Even though we sympathize with the ranchers and their cause, the occupation was futility by any other name, driven by irrational anger and frustration. The news of the occupation will be dead in a week or two, drowned out by the Presidential race. The trials of those arrested might be covered but it won’t be front-page news. The press will crucify the ranchers and when the ranchers go to jail, no one will care. The ranchers will become nameless martyrs in a long war against rising government tyranny, even though the ranchers’ honorable goal was to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

What are the lessons learned from the Oregon occupation event? The first lesson is, you have to be smarter than the government and that shouldn’t be too hard given that government employees are intellectually challenged at best. What the ranchers did was not being smarter than the government.

The second lesson is that you don’t go up against a superior force with a handful of disorganized armed citizens. That’s not only folly it can be deadly and is in direct violation of the art of war. If Americans decide they want to challenge the military power of the federal government, they had better have no less than 10,000 heavily armed, dedicated citizens with a tight organization, strong leadership, adequately supplied and funded, a detailed plan and the commitment and courage to confront government no matter what the cost. Any outright war with the 10,000 would be perceived by the public as heavy handed and dictatorial and the mask of government tyranny would finally be removed for all to see. That is probably why the government backed down at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada in 2014 because of the adverse public opinion if civilian Americans started dying in the desert at the hands of BLM agents.

Anyone should know that the government can easily over power a smaller force as they did in Oregon and the smaller force will have gained nothing out of the confrontation. But a force of 10,000 or more raises the stakes to a whole new level where the government will think twice about a war where Americans are killing other Americans, albeit that didn’t stop them in the civil war.

Government could not ignore the demands of an army of 10,000 armed and dedicated civilians who intended to punctuate their demands with guns. However, as far as we know, there is no force of an organized group of 10,000 heavily armed citizens lurking in the shadows of America right now.

Consequently, the only other way is to legally challenge the government by using the courts, like the environmentalists do, even knowing that the courts and brainwashed juries lean in favor of the government and especially the environmentalists. Such a strategy requires a non-beatable legal team and tens of millions of dollars to fund the legal battle. Yes, we can take back America in the courts, with enough money.

If the 50,000,000 or so voters that voted for Mitt Romney in the 2012 election donated $10.00 per month for a year, a war chest of $500,000,000 would be raised each month (that’s $6 Billion Dollars in a year) to fight a legal battle. Even if 10% of that 50 million would donate $10.00, that would be enough. The giant legal firms would fall all over themselves to represent this group in that they would sue their own mother if there were enough money in it for them.

But until such a legal strategy is mounted and the funds raised, nothing will change in America. As we said in our last article entitled, “America’s Collapse Is A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy – UNLESS”, “….. a critical mass of dedicated American citizens finally decide to resist government tyranny by acts of civil disobedience on a grand scale, punctuated by the threat of force if necessary.” A Boston style tea party, or even a million-man march on Washington DC, or an armed occupation at a nature preserve in Oregon to seek a redress of grievances, just doesn’t cut it in today’s America. The corrupt “system” will just swallow them up and spit them out.

But we wonder who gets it, or even whose listening, or worse, who cares?

If you care, let us know HERE.

[NOTE: The forgoing article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved

They asked, he answered

“It remains to be seen what God will do with a man who gives himself up wholly to Him.” -D. L. Moody

America, can you imagine if 78% of those who claim to be Christians actually loved God (John 14:21) enough to obey Him (Titus 1:16; 1 John 2:4), what this country would be like? I can! If only the American people would meet The Lord on His terms (Jeremiah 29:11-13).

John Adams, the second President of the United States, wrote an entry his diary dated February 22, 1756,

“Suppose a nation in some distant region should take the Bible for their only law book, and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited! Every member would be obliged in conscience, to temperance, frugality, and industry; to justice, kindness, and charity towards his fellow men; and to piety, love and reverence toward Almighty God…What a Utopia, what a Paradise would this region be.”

With all the lawlessness that is abounding in America, genuine Christians know that grace does still abound over sin (Romans 5:20; 1 John 4:4). The Scriptures tell us, “In all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us” (Romans 8:37). We are also told, “Whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith” (1 John 5:4), and that Jesus Christ is “the author and the finisher of that faith” (Hebrew 12:2). Those who have that faith, the faith of the Son of God, are crucified to the world, and the world to them (Matthew 16:24; Galatians 2:20; 6:14).

Yet, there are some that simply do not hear (1 John 4:5-6).

D. L. Moody the Chicago preacher said,

“It remains to be seen what God will do with a man who gives himself up wholly to Him.”

In Matthew 4:9, the devil offered Christ the world when he said, “All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.”

Yet, Christ created all things (Colossians 1:16-17).

Scripture tells Christians to ask of God, and He will give the heathen to them for their inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for their possession (Psalm 2:8).

That is the heart of God, and His objective is to “seek and save that which is lost” (Luke 19:10; Ezekiel 33:11).

Feeling within myself the life and the leading of the Spirit of God (Romans 8:14), and that my objective is aligned with The Lord’s (Psalm 37:4), if the devil has the world to offer those who bow to him, what might the Lord offer to His children for His glory when asked (Daniel 3)?

He said that we are to open our mouths wide so He can fill them (Psalm 81:10).

He asks, “Who has believed the report of the Lord? And upon whom is the arm of The Lord revealed (Isaiah 53:1)?

The Lord tells us that those whose hearts are perfect towards Him shall do great exploits (2 Chronicles 16:9; Titus 3:5)!

We are to call unto Him and He has promised to show unto us great and mighty things (Jeremiah 33:3).

Jesus told His Church that they would do greater things than He did (John 14:12). Scripture goes even further to tell us that if all the things that were done by Christ were written, that all the books in the world could not contain them (John 21:25)!

Therefore, what God did for others in their day, He promises to do, and more, in ours (Malachi 3:16; Hebrews 13:8). He is faithful to a thousand generations, which includes ours, Christians (Psalms 105:8).

I love to talk of the “cloud of witnesses” (Hebrews 12). Remember the God of these men?

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God of Moses, Joshua, David, The God of Gideon, The God of Samson and The God of Elijah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, The God of Amos, The God of my Lord Jesus Christ “The Lion of the tribe of Judah, etc….

I also love to talk about the presence and power of God that abode upon our fathers of the faith: Martin Luther, John Knox, John Calvin, John Bunyan, Charles Spurgeon, John Wesley, George Whitfield, William and Catherine Booth, etc….

These men and woman were those who responded to the Lord and they found Him! The results are that the world saw the Most High God in action and in demonstration through His Church (1 John 5:12).

It is one thing to talk of these men of God. Yet, it is another thing to know the God of our fathers, to walk with God and to be known of God. These that I mentioned proved Him and found Him to be exactly what Scripture declares of Him!

To do otherwise is to limit The Holy One of Israel.

“Those that teach that the day of miracles is past, teach the most disastrous lie ever told… Such lies are responsible for the prevalent lack of faith in God and have robbed Christianity of the power to demonstrate itself.” -John G. Lake

In America, how can anyone deny the divine hand of the Living God? They cannot! Where our forefathers left off, it is for the American Church to pick up.

© 2016 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

Have the pulpits failed America?

Alright, let’s rid ourselves of this “God Thing”! We will accept the fact that there is no God. No Creator. No divine plan manifest in a divine creation. No real rhyme or reason for world events or our personal lives. Everything is “only” an accident or incident that just happens through men’s action or a evolutionary process that just happens to occur. There are no “absolute” laws that govern every aspect of all life. Just a kind of survival of the fittest that causes changes and evolution in all orders of life. Physical, mental and “spiritual” change caused by “accidental” decisions based on the necessity of the moment.

Let’s just forget the foolish idea that the Bible is the inspired, eternal, immutable word of an all powerful and all knowing God. We’ll ignore Prov. 3:5-7, Romans 1:28, Ps. 2:1-3, Prov. 14:12 and Ps. 14:1.

Good! That’s settled! Just one question please? How do we live then? Who gets to make the rules? Whose rules or laws are the final solution and answer to moral or ethical questions? Gosh, what is morality then anyway? You know the God thing rules like, it’s a sin to murder, steal, commit adultery or to fornicate, to bear false witness, or dishonor your parents. How did we live with such an old-fashioned idea as “sin”? Golly, we were so stupid! I mean, to believe and think that mankind should live by a set of rules or laws that would dare judge them for doing wrong!! How absolutely ignorant! Oops, I forgot, there is no absolutes! I mean how silly of us to judge others by standards that we believe in!

Gee, just think! Fifty years ago we actually thought that we could tell a woman that she couldn’t kill that “blob of tissue” in her womb! How arrogant and self-righteous! And who am I to expect my wife to not have an “extra marital affair”. After all, what set of rules say it’s wrong? Even if she or I want a same sex partner, whose business is that? It’s not a sin! There is no more sin! It’s what I desire! Who dares to judge either of us for fulfilling our “natural born” tendencies!?

Isn’t that a damned foolish way of thinking?!! Psalms 14:1! Romans 1:28! But as a society we have allowed by our silence, God’s word and laws to be ignored to our destruction! You can’t build an individual life or family without the absolute, immutable and “fundamental” laws set by a Holy God, much less a whole society! There is no foundation without an unchanging base to build it on!

Don’t blame Obama, your legislators, your courts or white house for America’s destruction. The blame lies exclusively in the church house! Even more precisely, the pulpits have damned the nation! The pastors have become stupid, insensible and cowardly! They have scattered the flock, caused mass confusion and compromise! They have become dumb dogs! Lazy and apathetic to evil. Jer. 10:21, Is. 56:10

Again, the question, “How shall we live then?” If you are truly a blood bought, spirit-filled child of the only living God of all creation, you will live by His laws and directions as much as you are capable of understanding, or you will be damned. For all eternity! John 14:15, Matt. 10:33. Thank God for His marvelous grace! But don’t misuse or abuse His grace! You will damn yourselves!

Hebrews 10:28-29

2016 Pastor Butch Paugh – All Rights Reserved

Invasion of America via endless immigration

You almost cannot help but appreciate that Americans feel desperation in their lives at their inability to stop the invasion of their country by endless immigration.

Our U.S. Congress won’t moderate a rogue Muslim president. Another 200,000 Syrian refugees continue flooding into our country—without our acceptance. The president won’t secure our borders. The annual flow of 1.2 million legal immigrants proceeds without pause or question. None of the past five presidents protected our borders. The past 10 Congresses never, ever established laws for visa overstays that now make up more than 30 percent of illegal aliens within America.

The results of this invasion manifested in 9/11, Fort Dix Six, Boston Marathon, Chattanooga, Tennessee; Moore, Oklahoma, Phoenix, Arizona; New York Times Square bomber; San Bernardino, California—and MANY more to come. Worse, we added 100 million people in the last 45 years and expect another 100 million within 34 years by 2050.

Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, New York City, Houston, Miami, San Francisco—face incredible consequences from sheer human numbers from water shortages to air pollution to horrible qualities of life for all citizens. Just watch the news every night for murders, accidents, failing schools, homelessness, despair and drug gangs.

One reader responded to my latest column:

“You know, America is the third most populous nation on Earth and yet we receive the highest number of immigrants,” said Tim. “There is something wrong with that equation. Neither China nor India encourages immigrants into their countries. In fact Russia, with a reasonably low population density in Siberia, doesn’t really do so either. When will the ‘no vacancy” sign be turned on.

“I first became aware of this decades ago when speaking with an English owner of a small pub in a little Missouri country town. He said England was far more rural outside of the big cities than America. That really surprised me – and thirty years later it is truer than ever. I assumed the English countryside was more densely settled than America.

“And we are settling people with little or no connection to our culture or heritage. A nation cannot remain what it is if it is out-bred by invaders. Rome fell for that reason (among others). Lebanon is another example, one from modern times; the Lebanese allowed Palestinians to come as refugees and they more or less took over. Now Lebanon – which had a vibrant Christian culture and a peaceful multicultural society – is an Islamic hell-hole. That’s what unrestrained immigration does.

“In fact, many nations have been blotted out by immigrants throughout history. The Britons are now but a memory, having been driven into the small peninsula of Wales by the invading Germanic tribes. The Khazars of Russia, a unique nation that practiced Judaism, is gone, driven out by Russians and Mongols.

“The Ainu of Japan are down to just a few thousand individuals. They once owned the Japanese Islands, Caucasian peoples who were swallowed up by the Asiatic Japanese. Missouri was once owned by the Osage; haven’t seen any of them around here in a long time. We are next if we don’t put some rational limits on immigration.”

Because of immigration, we explode as the third fastest growing nation on Earth behind China and India. China grows by 8,000,000 annually and India by 16 million by their own hands. We add 3.1 million via immigration.

Right now, Catholic Charities, Lutheran Church Refugee Centers and other organizations work overtime to flood America with refugees. They fail to consider what another 200,000 Syrian refugees will do to the communities where they land. Talk about mixing Muslims with Christians! Result: disaster after disaster. Just look at Europe!

Congress continues to flood our country with 1.2 million refugees from 190 countries year in and year out, decade in and decade out.

Those same Congressional Critters live in gated communities, private schools for their kids, and enjoy massive paychecks—$174,000.00 annually for members of Congress—while the rest of us with average American incomes in the $40,000.00 range, pay for all the welfare given to immigrants.

Weren’t immigrants supposed to benefit our country by contributing? Instead, they use welfare as a way of life. It’s a fat life, too.

Why aren’t big national journalists writing about what’s happening to us—middle American citizens paying for all this nightmare? Answer: Thomas Friedman, Kathleen Parker, Scott Pelley, David Muir, Lester Holt, Wolf Blitzer, Charlie Rose and the rest of them don’t have to live in the mess they refuse to report about.

Within 30 years, it’s not “if”, but at the current rate of legal immigration, it’s a demographic fact that we expect to import 100,000,000 (million) more legal immigrants injected into our country.

But you won’t hear a word about it. Not one single word from the likes of “60 Minutes” or Matt Lauer or Charlie Rose or NPR’s Terry Gross or Robert Siegel. I know because I queried all of them countless times in the past 15 years for an interview of my work and 35 other top experts.

We must flat out demand a national debate on whether or not we want to destroy out country with THAT many people. I am about to create a “Social Media” campaign to invite everyone across the country to write top TV programs to feature interviews on what we face as a civilization. I will be giving addresses and letter templates so everyone can write top shows such as “60 Minutes” at My Facebook page covers all of what we face daily: Frosty Wooldridge

We need to force the leaders of our country into a debate on legal and illegal immigration. Next column will give you instructions. Be ready to send the template and addresses to all your networks.

“Any culture that will not defend itself against displacement through mass immigration faces extinction. That includes both time-tested and successful cultures. Embracing diversity results in cultural suicide. America’s multicultural path guarantees its destruction via cultural clashes and conflict with Islam, Mexican and African cultures that diametrically oppose American culture. The more diverse a country, the more destructive and broken-down its future. The more people, the more it destroys its quality of life and standard of living. The more it adds immigrants, the more destruction to its environment. The more it imports refugees, the faster America, Canada, Europe and Australia lose their own ability to function and worse, their identities. Exponential growth of any civilization leads to ultimate collapse. You see it in Africa, India and China today. You will see it in Europe, Canada, Australia and America in the coming years, “IF” Western countries don’t stop all forms of immigration.“ Frosty Wooldridge, 6 continent world bicycle traveler, witness to what’s coming to Western countries as to endless refugee immigration.

© 2016 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

Conservatives oppose Obama’s mass criminal release

With the presidential race the focus of most of the media attention, a major division among Senate Republicans over so-called “criminal justice reform” has gotten little attention. But the liberal media are now beginning to notice that conservatives are mounting a campaign to stop a piece of legislation that has been advertised as a major part of President Obama’s left-wing legacy.

The Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act (S. 2123) would release thousands of criminals back on the streets at a time of rising crime rates, in the name of reducing what liberals call “mass incarceration.”

In a major story on the new developments, The New York Times noted that the effort to pass the bill “has been driven by an unusual right-left alliance that includes the conservatives Charles G. and David H. Koch and the American Civil Liberties Union,” but that Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) has now taken a strong leadership role against the bill.

In fact, the Koch brothers are libertarians, not conservatives.

Cotton told the Times, “I don’t believe we should allow thousands of violent felons to be released early from prison, nor do I believe we should reduce sentences for violent offenders in the future.”

A key development has been a triple murder committed by a convicted crack cocaine dealer who was back on the streets because his prison sentence on drug charges had already been reduced twice. The crimes were committed in Columbus, Ohio, and are now starting to get national media attention.

The Columbus Dispatch (Ohio) reports that Wendell L. Callahan, who is charged with killing his ex-girlfriend and two of her children, twice benefited from changes in federal sentencing guidelines, which reduced his sentence by a total of more than four years. His ex-girlfriend, Erveena Hammonds, 32, and her daughters, Breya Hammonds, 7, and Anaesia Green, 10, were viciously stabbed to death.

The publication Politico cited the triple murder case as a major complicating factor in the effort to pass the bill.

A conservative organization called Americans for Limited Government is leading opposition to the bill, taking issue with Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) for working with Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) to pass the controversial legislation.

The Times said, “Some analysts have suggested that it could help Republicans by broadening their appeal to independents, Democrats and minorities who believe that the criminal justice system is unfairly tilted.”

Cornyn seemed to accept this, telling the paper that Republicans should support the legislation to show that they care about people in prison and want to give them a second chance. “It doesn’t hurt to show that you actually care,” he said. “This is a statement that is not just symbolic, but actually shows that you care about people. It doesn’t hurt to show some empathy.”

Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning countered, “Senator John Cornyn, whose sense of empathy must have developed at Washington, D.C. cocktail parties, should prove he truly cares for people whose neighborhoods have been ravaged by drugs and violent crimes by moving to one of those neighborhoods so he can see for himself the impact of releasing early thousands of hardened drug kingpins and violent criminals back on to the streets of America. Senator Cornyn’s ‘empathetic’ conscience needs to meet the reality of the street, where a 77 percent recidivism rate amongst released prisoners is the norm, with 25 percent of those crimes being violent in nature.”

The alleged killer in the Columbus case was released early from prison because Congress passed the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010, which reduced sentences for those in prison for dealing crack cocaine and directed the U.S. Sentencing Commission to amend federal sentencing guidelines to let drug dealers out of prison at an earlier date.

President Obama supports the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act legislation, as do many in the liberal media anxious to see a piece of “bipartisan” legislation pass and become a part of the Obama legacy.

In addition to Senators Cornyn and Lee pushing the Senate bill, Politico had previously reported that House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) wanted the GOP to pass “criminal justice reform” in early 2016, and that he had said, “I think criminal justice reform is probably the biggest [issue] we can make a difference on… There’s a real way forward on that.”

Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning called Ryan’s plan a “risky mass criminal release scheme” that comes at a time when “police are overwhelmed with record murders in cities like Baltimore and Chicago.”

There were 342 murders in Baltimore in 2015, an all-time high. There were 468 murders in Chicago, compared to 416 in 2014.

The U.S. Sentencing Commission had announced in July of 2014 that it was launching a plan to release 46,290 drug offenders from federal prisons.

Obama is already in the process of releasing 6,000 drug dealers from prison in what The New York Times calls “one of the largest discharges of inmates from federal prisons in American history.” Last December he issued 95 commutations, mostly to drug offenders.

On the Columbus Dispatch Facebook page, one citizen commented, “For all of you who thought Prez O [Obama] was so compassionate when he pushed for letting drug dealers out of prison early, well what do you think of Prez Hope and Change now?”

The Columbus Dispatch said that the alleged killer “likely would have been deep into a 12 1/2-year federal prison sentence if sentencing guidelines for convicted crack dealers had remained unchanged.” It added that “The changes to his federal sentence came as part of retroactive attempts by the U.S. Sentencing Commission to rectify sentencing disparities between dealers who sold crack and those who dealt powdered cocaine.”

A local citizen wrote to the paper to note, “Hammonds and her daughters should be living examples of how harsh sentences against drug dealers and violent criminals protect our welfare. Instead, they’ll be laid to rest as examples of a broken system.”

Despite the murders, liberal pressure groups are demanding that the Senate Republican majority pass S. 2123. In a release headlined, “Civil and Human Rights Coalition Urges Senate Republicans to Stay the Course on Sentencing Reform in 2016,” Wade Henderson, president and CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, referred to “recent reports” about divisions among Senate Republicans and urged the Senate GOP conference “to stay the course on passing a sentencing reform package in 2016.” The Senate Republican Conference is the organization of Republican members in the U.S. Senate and is chaired by Senator John Thune of South Dakota. Thune has been quoted as saying that criminal justice reform has a “better than 50/50” shot of passing Congress and reaching Obama’s desk.

“The window of opportunity is here,” said Henderson. He claimed passage of the “bipartisan bill” and Obama’s willingness to sign it into law “is a rare chance to show the country that Washington can both reduce the size of government and protect its citizens all at once.”

The phrase “reducing the size of government” means cutting the cost of prisons. But the idea of “protecting” people by releasing criminals doesn’t make a lot of sense to law-and-order conservatives and the public at-large.

© 2016 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

Distractions and middle class must be eliminated

While a number of constitutional scholars are challenging the “natural born” citizenship of several GOP presidential candidates and the GOP neo-cons are once again doing their best to cause divisions in the GOP by attacking Donald Trump, and then there are Hillary’s e-mail scandal and all the time the United Nations environmental crowd is working diligently to eliminate the middle class saying anthropogenic (man-made) pollution with their gas guzzling driving machines is producing global warming (AGW) so the UN must shackle the planet to “save” It.


Donald Trump is popular because of the many times the same scallywags trying to demonize and set him up have done likewise to county and/or state GOP activists who now have great empathy for Donald and pray for his safety because they, too, have been treated likewise only on a smaller scale, perhaps.


The 2016 Presidential election is simply another distraction from the redistribution of wealth goal by the U.N. One World Elitists Group. And have we heard one presidential candidate in either party announcing we should get out of the mostly communist controlled United Nations which is costing the U.S. taxpayers more than one-fifth of the U.N. Budget?[1] The 2013-2015 U.N. budget was $5.4 billion and the U.S. has accounted for 22 percent of the total regular budget every year since 2000.The headquarters of the United Nations property in New York City was originally a slaughterhouse before globalist John D. Rockfeller donated the land to the city.


“As we embark on this collective journey, we pledge that no one will be left behind,” reads the UN Manifesto, entitled Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. But if you love liberty, self-government, free markets, or the U.S. Constitution, you will almost certainly wish that the UN would leave you behind,” said Alex Newman in his article: UN Agenda 2030: A recipe for Global Socialism. The preamble even claims the UN goals will “free the human race from the tyranny of poverty” and “heal” the planet, or as the planet is also referred to in the document, “Mother Earth.” Not – so subtly purporting to usurp the role of God, the UN even claims that the “future of humanity and of our planet lies in our Hands.”[2]

“The new agenda is a promise by leaders to all people everywhere…presumably conflating ‘leaders’ with mass-murdering gangsters such as Kim Jong-un, Raul Castro, Robert Mugabe and other despots who hold great sway with most of the regimes comprising the UN,” says Newman. It’s a universal, integrated and transformative vision for a better world just like the Utopia the Owenites/Harvard/Unitarians dreamed about in the 19th century who said man was basically good while the Calvinists were declaring mankind was depraved and in need of a Savior. To create this Utopia, a process called Smart Growth or “visioning” is implemented. In order to pull this charade off, they needed the children early and in public schools.


Let me use the illustration of Cain and Abel in Heb. 11:4. A great many people today think that environment is what makes the real difference between men. They say if you can just make the environment Politically Correct, every person would be all right. If we could just get rid of the slums and put people into nice homes, then the people would be nice also and this, of course, is what President Obama is already proposing as described in the DeWeese article above about Utopia.


Ottmar Edenhofer, who from 2008 to 2015 was a co-chair of the UN”s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group III on “Mitigation of Climate Change,” said that the AGW is all about politics masquerading under a false label of science. He should know because he is also deputy director and chief economist of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany, one of the major tax-supported climate think tanks providing the World Bank with pseudo-scientific studies to justify confiscating the wealth of the planet in the name of saving nature; however, now that the cat is out of the bag we learn the real goal has nothing to do with saving the environment and is totally aimed at redistributing the wealth of the planet – from the middle classes to the ruling classes.[2]


Governments and dictators from around the world have agreed to a “climate” deal dubbed the Paris Agreement. And to what do we have to look forward? In 1965, Democrat president Lyndon Johnson signed into law the “Immigration Reform Act…” which overturned America’s traditional immigration policy and replaced it with the most liberal, “easy-access” immigration policy in our history. And now we learn the founder of FOX News, Rupert Murdoch is co-chair of what is arguably one of the most powerful immigration lobbying firms in the country, the Partnership for a New American Economy (PNAE) consisting of progressive mayors, executives from large corporations and the Chamber of Commerce and they lobby Congress to open the flood gates for more immigrants. Once again, business craving cheap labor and forgetting about the welfare of the community so the Trump campaign is a direct threat to Murdoch’s efforts to open America’s borders.

The UN agreement aims to restructure the global economy, phase out cheap and abundant energy over the coming decades, redistribute the wealth of Western taxpayers to Third World regimes, and empower the UN to oversee a planetary “climate” regime that would require comprehensive monitoring and tracking of emissions across the West, as well as huge reduction in emissions.

And who will suffer the brunt of the regulations: The Western governments, of course. While the Third World governments will receive bonus points for denying their subjects access to resources. Western governments will be required to fund expensive and unreliable “green” energy projects that can’t find adequate private funding. Let’s not forget: The Republicans held power for 12 years and they did nothing about the energy problem that would only get worse. Readers will remember earlier bad investments at the behest of President Obama. One, of course, was Solyndra which supposedly produced an innovative new type of solar cell using U.S. tax dollars before going bankrupt. The owners were Obama’s cronies. And then there was Obama’s idea: Cash for Clunkers.


As I draft this article Ammon Bundy and his family is pleading for the occupiers to ”stand down” and go home to their families. He’s in jail with 8 others while four at the Malheur compound remain vigilant. A community candle light service was held honoring the spokesman, Robert “LaVoy” Finicum who was shot and killed along Oregon Highway 395 near milepost 50 in Harney County on 1/26/2016. The complete, unedited video of Joint FBI and OSP operation on 1/26/2016 can be seen here.


From my Prehistoric Googling files, I have some old articles that tell of unemployment in Harney County in 1985 as looking very bleak with the outlook uncertain. While there were job gains in many industries, the increase did not measure up to 10-year averages. And, once again, the only services that increased more than average were state government and local government jobs – more cronyism. The area’s non-farm wage and salary employment index- considered one of the agency‘s most reliable economic indicators- actually declined from 108.5 in April to 107.9 in May.

In 1991 the Oregon legislature was allocating funds to have dislocated workers retrained, moved to the cities to live in high rise apartments like cattle where few residents have cars and the cars you see on the roads are electric vehicles. In fact, large parts of many cities are designated as “car-free” areas. Most people, therefore, walk, ride bicycles or use public transportation to get around during the day. People who live in these designed urban areas are called “megaregions.”

And then the 9/22/1992 headline reads: Harney County joblessness takes a turn for the worse and Oregon counties and schools were going to lose $45 million a year from timber receipts due to the Spotted Owl being put on the endangered list shutting down the forest industry. The current 2015-16 Oregon Blue Book says Harney County’s economy is forest products, manufacturing, livestock and agriculture. What isn’t mentioned, however, is how the United Nations wacko environmentalists once again used distorted science and the spotted owl to close down the timber industry and the same thing is happening in Harney County with the cattle ranchers. Beginning in the mid 80s, 1.2 million acres of old growth forest was being preserved to protect 550 pair of spotted owls at a cost to the Pacific Northwest of $2 billion to $5 billion and between 760 and 1,330 jobs in the forest products industry. The Malheur Wildlife preserve is for the “birdies,” people who come to worship them.


The 2005 book Hidden Secrets of the Alpha Course said originally the owl was the symbol of the Canaanite sun-god Molech, mentioned in the Bible. Today, the owl is one of the emblems of the Illuminati. For over 128 years world-wide leaders participate in the Bohemian Grove festivities in the woods the last two weeks in July 65 miles north of San Francisco for Satanic Rituals- their mascot burned in effigy to an owl god (Moloch).

Isn’t it interesting how so much of what is happening today seems to be occultic. The timber industry shut down to protect the owl. Abortions and Planned Parenthood are mentioned in Jeremiah 32:35 where their sons and their daughters had to pass through the fire into Molech. The videos that went viral about Planned Parenthood selling aborted baby body parts was just another distraction which brings us currently to the protesters in Eastern Oregon at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge that has attracted worldwide attention. This so-called “siege” is simply a carry-over from the showdown on the range that began in 2014 at the Bundy ranch in Nevada that was once again, clouded by deliberate misinformation from government officials and the media.


In an article on 1/25/2016 CONSTITUTIONAL SHAKEDOWN in Harney County, Oregon by John Davis, we find that David Ward, the sheriff it turns out, used to work for the BLM and testified against the Hammonds regarding the fires. And for the full story about what is going on in Eastern Oregon, check this out.

The international press seems to be covering the Malheur standoff sufficiently. But have you read it appears the Bundy and Hammond ranches may have rich uranium deposits which BLM desperately wants? [Link]

And if you have trouble accessing this story above, then try the one following by Dave Hodges about Hillary Clinton using her influence as Secretary of State to cut a deal with the Russians to fund her presidential campaign with these uranium deposits. [Link]


Testimonies of others who had their land taken by the same means tell of their abuse and how they’ve lost everything, so Jon Ritzheimer, a former marine, veteran of the Iraq war from Lakeside, California wanted to go to Harney County to stand with the patriots in solidarity. Before leaving, he made a video for his wife and 3 and 5 year old daughters saying,” I love you but your daddy swore on oath to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic and that’s why he couldn’t be with you on Christmas nor why he can’t be with you on New Years. The oppression and tyranny that has taken place in Oregon we know it is taking place all across the U.S. The Bundy ranch was the prime example and we, the people, need to take a stand and no matter what happens, no matter what lives are pushed out, just know that I stood for something. Don’t let it die in vain.”

Micahel Medved, a Seattle radio station talk show host, seemed perplexed that these militants, as the media calls them, are trying to take over this public property which is used by hikers, hunters, boaters and people who are birdies, people who come to watch the birdies. The words highlighted are the same words that a “crisis actor” at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge spoke to the cameras. The following is self-explanatory. Please remember neo-con Medved’s name was on the recently published National Review list against Trump.


Our two-party system leaves a great deal to be desired from our Constitutional Republic. What we have today is U.S. administrative government – form of Communism. The two parties are a constant form of distraction, a sideshow designed to grab and keep our attention by producing a lot of “heated” debate that accomplishes nothing. And short of divine intervention, there is the upcoming farce called an “election” that will show America is a one-party state. Both Democrats and Republicans work for the agenda of the Illuminati.

2016 Betty Freauf – All Rights Reserved


1. December 28, 2012 article by Patrick Goodenough
2. January 4, 2016 New American

The world’s fifty most murderous cities

The study of homicide statistics is a morbid undertaking, because the analyst is dealing with numbers that represent real people who were homicide victims.
So why pore over such statistics? It’s the hope that the discovery of patterns and trends might help in the reduction of homicides.

There are various ways to crunch the numbers. You can compare and contrast homicide rates by country or by divisions within a country. (See Looking at Mexico’s Latest Homicide Stats and those of others in the Americas).

Another way is to list the statistics by city.

A Mexican NGO called the Consejo Ciudadano para la Seguridad Pública y Justicia Penal, A.C. (Citizen Council for Public Security and Penal Justice), whose president is Jose Antonio Ortega Sanchez, released a list of the world’s 50 cities with the highest homicide rates in 2015.

In order to be on the list, the city must have at least 300,000 inhabitants. The ranking is based on homicide rates calculated per 100,000 inhabitants. (Cities in war zones are not included in the ranking).

Of the 50 most murderous cities, 41 are in Latin America. (In last year’s list, 47 were).

The country with the most cities on the “Top Fifty” list was Brazil, with 21, which is up from 19 last year’s.

Venezuela was in second place with 8 cities on the list (double from 4 last year). Mexico was in third place with five of the world’s most murderous cities, which is half of last year’s Mexican city tally of ten.

The United States and South Africa were tied at four cities each, followed by Colombia with 3, Honduras with 2 and El Salvador, Guatemala and Jamaica with 1 city apiece.

Caracas, Venezuela, was the world’s murder capital with a rate of 119.87 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants.

Caracas replaced San Pedro Sula, which had been the world’s murder capital for four years straight. In this year’s tally, San Pedro Sula is in second place with a homicide rate of 111.03 per 100,000.

The third most murderous city was San Salvador, the capital of El Salvador, with a homicide rate of 108.54 per 100,000. That’s not much higher than the murder rate for the whole country of El Salvador, 103 per 100,000.

The fourth most murderous city, and Mexico’s highest ranked city , is Acapulco, on the Pacific Coast, with 104.73 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants.

Maturin, Venezuela was #5; followed by Tegucigalpa Distrito Central, Honduras at #6; Valencia, Venezuela at #7; Palmira, Colombia at #8; Cape Town, South Africa at #9 and Cali, Colombia at #10.

Mexico has five cities on the Top 50 list:

1. Just as last year, Acapulco was the Mexican city with the highest homicide rate, #4 on the list, with a murder rate of 104.73 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants.
2. Just as last year, the second most murderous city in Mexico was Culiacan, capital of the western state of Sinaloa. Culiacan was #17 on the world list, with 56.09 homicides per 100,000, an increase from 42 per 100,000 last year.
3. The border city of Tijuana was #3 in Mexico, and #35 on the world list, with a homicide rate of 39.09 per 100,000.
4. In 46th place on the world list was Ciudad Victoria, capital of the northeastern state of Tamaulipas, with a homicide rate of 30.50 per 100,000.
5. The fiftieth most murderous city on the Top Fifty list was Ciudad Obregon, in the northern state of Sonora. It had a homicide rate of 28.29 per 100,000.

Five Mexican cities dropped off the Top Fifty list this year: Chihuahua, Cuernavaca, Juarez, Nuevo Laredo and Torreon.

As for the United States of America, it has four cities on the list: They are:

1. St. Louis, Missouri, #15 worldwide, with a homicide rate of 59.23 per 100,000.
2. Baltimore, Maryland, #19, with a homicide rate of 54.98.
3. Detroit, Michigan, #28, with a rate of 43.89.
4. New Orleans, #32, with a homicide rate of 41.44.

Note that St. Louis has a higher homicide rate than any city in Mexico with the exception of Acapulco.

As for Baltimore, Detroit and New Orleans, each has a higher homicide rate than any city in Mexico except for Acapulco and Culiacan.

To see the list on its original website, click here. To see an English-language report on the list, see Britain’s Daily Mail article on it here.

2016 Allan Wall – All Rights Reserved

Lying about Benghazi

Fox’s Megyn Kelly has raised the visibility of a dispute between the families of those slain at Benghazi and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton concerning what Clinton told those families on September 14, 2012. According to four different relatives of those slain, including those who attended the Joint Base Andrews’ Transfer of Remains Ceremony for the return of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other slain Benghazi embassy employees, Secretary Clinton assured the families that she would have the “filmmaker responsible for the deaths arrested,” feeding into a narrative Hillary Clinton knew then to be false: that the Benghazi attacks were the result of a spontaneous uprising in response to an anti-Muslim video rather than a terrorist attack on the embassy compound. The father of Ty Woods, slain at Benghazi, kept a contemporaneous journal in which he quoted Clinton’s statement: “We are going to have the filmmaker arrested who was responsible for the death of your son.”

Assembling all of the facts, it now appears clear that Secretary Clinton endeavored to misdirect the public to avoid accountability for her own dereliction of duty and engaged in an extensive cover-up which persists to this day. She failed to call on Secretary Panetta to dispatch the military in an immediate defense of the besieged embassy compound, and she failed to heed the repeated calls weeks before from Ambassador Stevens to reinforce the compound in light of a clear and present threat to the compound posed by Ansar al-Sharia terrorists. Instead of admitting the derelictions and taking responsibility for them, she propounded a false narrative, callously, indeed heartlessly, communicating that falsehood even to the families of the brave men who died on September 11, 2012, in Benghazi.

The film 13 Hours adds more to this picture, as Megyn Kelly adduced directly from the heroic American soldiers whose story is told in that film. Those soldiers were stationed at The Annex, a CIA facility a mile and a half away from the embassy compound. In The Kelly File interview with three of the five surviving soldiers who were stationed at The Annex, Mark “Oz” Geist (former Marine), John “Tig” Tiegen (former Marine), and Kris “Tanto” Paronto (ex-Army Ranger), each stated that they had received a “stand down” order from their superior, the CIA Chief in the region, that delayed their intervention for thirty minutes despite desperate calls from the compound for help. In the end, the three soldiers say they violated the stand down order and proceeded with a counteroffensive, but it was too late for Ambassador Stevens and the other Americans slain in the embassy compound. The CIA Chief, whose identity has not been released, is adamant that he never gave the “stand down” order.

It is beyond doubt, however, that the claim that the attack was a spontaneous uprising to an anti-Muslim video is a complete fabrication, one that deflected attention away from the real source of the attack, Ansar al-Sharia terrorists fulfilling threats repeatedly made that they would kill Americans in Libya (a fact well known to Ambassador Stevens who called for greater security for weeks prior to the attack). There can be but one motive for the fabrication, to avoid scrutiny of the handling of the affair by government officials and, in particular, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

It is beyond doubt that Hillary Clinton emailed her daughter Chelsea the very night of the attack on the Benghazi compound, Tuesday, September 11, 2012, stating that the attacks were undertaken by an “Al Queda-type group.” That same night the State Department issued a public statement, under Secretary Clinton’s own name, wherein it identified as the source not the Al-Qaeda group Clinton mentioned to Chelsea, but a spontaneous uprising to an anti-Muslim video. The State Department’s schedule reveals that three days later, on the morning of September 14, 2012 (the very same day Hillary Clinton met with the families of the slain at Andrews), Clinton met with U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice preceding Rice’s media tour on Clinton’s behalf that coming Sunday. Two days thereafter, Rice appeared on the Sunday talk shows, restating Clinton’s official statement that the attack was the result of a spontaneous uprising to an anti-Muslim video, leading the media away from the view that the event was a terrorist attack.

It is beyond doubt that within an hour of the start of the attack, U.S. military, the U.S. intelligence community, and the Libyan government knew the attack to be from a hostile, well-armed force, involving heavy munitions. Retired Air Force Brigadier General Robert Lovell, who was at the time in command in the region, confirmed in testimony before Trey Gowdy’s House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform that “we did know early on . . . that this was a hostile action” against the embassy compound and that “this was no demonstration gone terribly awry.” The demonstration idea was thus a fabrication, a story concocted to direct attention away from the true source of the attack.

It is beyond doubt that the military had a drone overhead in the immediate vicinity of Benghazi, receiving active intelligence. In his testimony General Lovell confirmed that the military did not respond immediately because they had not received a request for assistance from the State Department, a request that was never timely given. Perhaps because of the absence of that request or a failure of Secretary Clinton to coordinate with then Defense Secretary Panetta, tactical response teams were not dispatched expeditiously. The military could have scrambled F-16s from Aviano Air Base in Northern Italy to Benghazi, but the order for that dispatch did not timely come. F-16s can fly from Aviano to Benghazi (a distance of 3,609 km) within 1.5 hours. Had they been scrambled from Aviano at the start of the attack, they could have fired upon the attackers and driven them off, perhaps sparing the lives of some embassy personnel and certainly former Navy Seals Ty Woods and Glen Doherty who were dispatched from Tripoli to Benghazi. Bogged down at the Benghazi airport, Woods and Doherty were unable to make it to the compound until hours after Ambassador Stevens had been killed and his body removed to a hospital. Shortly after Woods and Doherty arrived at the compound they were killed by mortar fire from the terrorists.

The sum of this evidence is a damning indictment of Secretary Clinton, the Clinton State Department, and the Obama White House. The evidence points to Hillary Clinton as the primary promoter of the anti-Muslim video explanation, despite the fact that she knew at the time she promoted that narrative that it was false and misleading. We know that on the very day of the attack, she met with Ambassador Rice after which Rice recommunicated the false narrative to the media on the Sunday talk shows. On the very day that Clinton met with Rice, she met with the four families and, at that time, it was the State Department narrative, under her own name, that the attack was a response to an anti-Muslim video. It thus comes as no surprise, then, that the families would be told that narrative by Secretary Clinton. Indeed, had she not told them the narrative, it was nevertheless her position vis-à-vis the State Department official statement that the source of the attack was an anti-Muslim video. Thus, it would have been extraordinary for her to deviate from that narrative when speaking to the families, and, in any event, she lied to them, as she did to the public, through the official statement.

Why would Clinton lie to the public and even to the families of the slain Americans on the very day they and the nation received the coffins of those families’ deceased loved ones? Why would she condone the statement by Ambassador Rice on the Sunday talk shows reiterating the false narrative? The answer appears unmistakable at this point. She must have feared that revelation of the fact that this was a terrorist attack would invariably lead to greater inquiry into why the State Department did not authorize the reinforcement of the Benghazi compound and why she had not acted promptly to request military assistance at the start of the attack. No doubt fearing blame for the derelictions of duty that left Ambassador Stevens and the embassy staff virtually defenseless against an attack, Secretary of State Clinton agreed to the false narrative.

Although there are many reasons why Hillary Clinton is unfit to be President of the United States, not least of which involves her unlawful mishandling of classified information and her comingling of Clinton Foundation and State Department functions, the failure to secure the lives of Americans under her watch despite repeated calls for help and despite urgent demands for intervention the night of September 11, constitute proof positive that she cannot be trusted with the awesome responsibility of protecting Americans lives as Commander-in-Chief.

We have a right to expect public officials not to lie to us. We have a right to expect that those given power that affects the lives of Americans will use that power judiciously to protect those lives. We have a right to expect leaders of this country to be held responsible for gross negligence and derelictions of duty that result in the loss of life. Hillary Clinton has escaped all of this so far, but I doubt she will escape the ultimate wrath of the American people. If she achieves the extraordinary by escaping a federal indictment for mishandling classified information and for public corruption, the misdeeds of her past will come home to roost in the general election if not sooner.

© 2016 Jonathan W. Emord – All Rights Reserved

Did Ted Cruz succeed fooling Iowa voters with his shaming letter?

Link] On Saturday, Paul Pate rebuked Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz’s controversial use of a mailer to encourage turnout at the Feb. 1 caucuses.

Cambridge Analytica Involved?

Mercer alone was the fourth largest individual donor in the 2014 cycle, according to Open Secrets. Mercer is a major financial supporter of the 2016 presidential campaign of Ted Cruz, contributing $11 million to a super PAC associated with the candidate. Cruz used Cambridge Analytica to harvest (I actually hate that word) data on tens of millions of unsuspecting Facebook users. [Link] Researchers at Cambridge University were used to gather detailed psychological profiles about the US electorate using a massive pool of mainly unwitting US Facebook users built with an online survey. [Link]

Ted Cruz’s Iowa Mailers Are More Fraudulent Than Everyone Thinks

She was chairman of the CIA’s advisory board helping the NSA to develop privacy invading spy networks on American citizens after 9/11. Hewlett Packard was the private business that supplied the government with the spy hardware and software. Carly knows everything.

Barack Obama. 

memoirs to hand out to his own staff during his successful 2012 Senate race. Ted Cruz has said, ” There are some in the political world that vilify Barack Obama. Personally, I’ve never been one of them.” [Link]

Cruz, however, was defiant to reporters when asked about the mailer in Sioux City, Iowa, on Saturday night.


Can you imagine if this type of flyer were delivered to BLACKS in the SOUTH? Big Brother is watching how you vote?!?!?!?

This flyer is a threatening and intimidating act!!

The globalists and the left/right paradigm

The entrance of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders into the political debate has shaken up the status quo of both political parties and the stranglehold they have over the elections and the media. Although it has always been true, more Americans today than ever before are beginning to see how the political establishment of both parties represent the interests of a powerful global elite and not the interests of the average voter.

Although Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have completely different political and economic philosophies, both of these men are not the “bought and paid for” candidates that dominate both political parties. Both Trump and Sanders are not afraid to attack the globalist trade treaties that are destroying the middle class of America and enriching the globalist elite. It is these trade treaties which are the single most important issue in this election, and all of the other issues which may have importance are subordinate to this one because the trade treaty issue is about “following the money,” which controls all the other issues.

A new study from Tufts University exposes the glowing claims of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), predicting that the TPP will cause the loss of another 450,000 jobs in the US by 2025. All the Republican and Democratic Party candidates with exception of Sanders and Trump seem perfectly fine with this massacre of the American middle class. The globalists want to destroy America as we know it and merge it into a one-world government.

It’s not that Donald Trump is particularly more virtuous than the other candidates or that he is independently wealthy and may not have made deals with the globalists. But there is something very telling when all the globalist-owned major media corporations, the so-called conservative talk show hosts, and the entire Republican Party unite to take Trump down. These people should not be unified in their opposition to Trump, but they are and the question is “Why?” The conservative media has always been infiltrated by people who masquerade as conservative, but in reality have a hidden agenda.

Perhaps the most influential and famous “conservative” intellectual of his time, William F. Buckley Jr. worked for the CIA and, along with many intelligence community colleagues, he went on to found the pseudo-conservative National Review magazine. Buckley was a student at Yale University and a member of the secret society, Skull and Bones. Buckley was partially mentored by his Yale professor, Willmore Kendall, formerly of the OSS and a “former” Trotskyite who served as a shill and informant for J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI and as a consultant and recruiter for the CIA. It is alleged that Kendall recruited Buckley into the CIA.

In the current election the National Review has become the “conservative attack dog” against Donald Trump. Television and radio talk show host Glenn Beck wrote a recent article in the January 21, 2016 National Review entitled “Conservatives Against Trump.” Beck and conservative radio talk show hosts Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh have used their considerable clout among conservatives and evangelicals to attack Trump and promote Ted Cruz as the truly Constitutional and conservative candidate. In contrast, radio talk show host Michael Savage calls Donald Trump, “the Winston Churchill of our time.”

Joining in these attacks on Trump are the major media outlets including Fox News Network, and the Republican Party. There is something very suspicious about how so-called true conservatives can unite with powerful groups and organizations that they would not ordinarily unite behind.

Ted Cruz promotes himself as the only true Conservative and Constitutional candidate and has gone out of his way to “woo” Evangelical Christians, who have a long-term track record of being fooled easily and voting for Republican candidates who put on a superficial show of being devout Christians. All it took for George W. Bush to win the Evangelical vote was a prayer with Billy Graham. Sadly to say, many Evangelical Christians will not take the time to do their own homework on a candidate, but simply listen to some celebrity Christian leader who endorses a candidate. Despite all this, the majority of Evangelical Christians are behind Donald Trump.

There are a lot of disturbing questions about the globalist ties that Ted Cruz appears to have. First, his wife Heidi Cruz was very active in the North American Union/Security and Prosperity Partnership created by the Council on Foreign Relations. In the CFR report, “Building a North American Community,” Heidi Cruz is listed as a task force member. The North American Union is an admitted open borders plan to merge Canada, Mexico, and the United States into a North American Union modeled after the European Union, under a regional global government. I first wrote about this at length in my 2005 book, Are You Ready? Cruz says that his wife opposed the North American Union, but on pages 33 and 34 of the Task Force’s report, “Additional and Dissenting Views,” Heidi Cruz states:

“I support the Task Force report and its recommendations aimed at building a safer and more prosperous North America. Economic prosperity and a world safe from terrorism and other security threats are no doubt inextricably linked. While governments play an invaluable role in both regards, we must emphasize the imperative that economic investment be led and perpetuated by the private sector. There is no force proven like the market for aligning incentives, sourcing capital, and producing results like financial markets and profit-making businesses. This is simply necessary to sustain a higher living standard for the poorest among us—truly the measure of our success. As such, investment funds and financing mechanisms should be deemed attractive instruments by those committing the capital and should only be developed in conjunction with market participants.”

There is no way you can read Heidi Cruz’s words and come up with the idea she opposes the North American Union; in fact the exact opposite is true: she is passionately endorsing it.

However, the issue is not Heidi Cruz; the issue is Ted Cruz and the powerful globalists who are financing his campaign. Just a couple of days ago, Ted Cruz proudly uploaded a picture with him meeting with Henry Kissinger, one of the most powerful Rockefeller globalists in the world. But let’s look at the Four Super PACs, all sharing the title “Keep the Promise” who have raised $31 million for Cruz. The elite Mercer family of New York are reportedly backing one of the PACs. Robert Mercer, the Hedge fund magnate, was reportedly a major financial donor to the 2016 presidential campaign of Ted Cruz. In her excellent article entitled, “WHY THE GOP ESTABLISHMENT HATES DONALD TRUMP” By Kelleigh Nelson in the October 27, 2015, Nelson writes:

“The poll that placed Trump in second place in Iowa was a fake, paid for by the notorious Club For Growth Action (CFG) and differs from the NBC News/WSJ/Marist poll over the weekend that has Trump in first place in Iowa by five points.”

Nelson continues, “CFG’s partners and allies include the Peter G. Peterson Foundation. Peterson is chairman emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations and former chairman of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. Another ally is the US Chamber of Commerce, who is behind the invasion of illegal aliens on our southern borders.”

According to Nelson, “Guess whom CFG is backing for president? You guessed it! Globalist, pro-amnesty, pro-common core, pro-free trade (off shoring more American jobs and American sovereignty) Jeb Bush.” Common Core is an educational system that forces public school teachers to, “teach to the test.” It is deliberately designed to “dumb down” students and to create frustration among parents so that they will enroll in their children in Charter Schools, promoted by people like Bill Gates. But, when you read the “fine print” about Charter Schools, it is a Trojan Horse designed to impact both private and religious schools where the parent is not allowed to have any real influence. Charter Schools are not a solution; they are a Trojan Horse created to solidify social engineering programs where parents are locked-out of any important decision-making.

The purpose of this article is not intended to be a “pro-Trump” piece; the article is the result of research into several of the candidates and what facts and conspicuous trends emerged. Again, the most revealing facts are the obvious globalist financing behind Ted Cruz. The other fact, which is very revealing, is the unification and organization of so-called conservative media outlets, conservative personalities, and major media along with the GOP who have united to destroy Trump. Since a number of these news organizations and political parties are controlled by globalists, then why do powerful conservatives unite with them in taking down Trump?

What should be apparent by now to any person with a minimum amount of perception is that in addition to the globalist controlled GOP establishment and the globalist controlled major media outlets, there exists a wide spectrum of “conservative media stars” who are not what they appear to be, anymore than William F. Buckley was what he appeared to be. That may be difficult for some people to accept because they have a deep emotional bond with these conservative media stars, but there is always a danger when you surrender your intellect, perception, and reason to powerful emotions.

When you do this, you have allowed yourself to become a pawn in someone else’s game plan. That truth would apply to the strong emotional ties that people have with Donald Trump. You open the door to being exploited and used when you stop using your God-given intelligence, wisdom, and perception and allow yourself to be swept up by emotion. I deal extensively with the psychological dynamics of mass persuasion, propaganda, and social engineering in my book Mass Awakening.

Personally, I have not decided for whom I am going to vote because I have not gathered all the information and there will more information coming out as we get closer to the election. Some of that information will be accurate and some of that information will be disinformation designed to change people’s minds and loyalties, especially right before voting days, when people don’t have a chance to process the information. But each of us has a responsibility to think, reason, and research for ourselves from multiple sources about the candidates. If we are willing to do our homework, it should be pretty obvious when the day is done for whom we should vote.

© 2016 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

El Chapo’s high-powered rifle reopens fast and furious probe

“She [Hillary Clinton] has escaped prosecution more times than El Chapo,” Carly Fiorina said during Thursday evening’s Fox News televised debate. “She’s probably more qualified for the Big House [than the White House].”

U.S. law enforcement officials have confirmed that a powerful .50-caliber rifle had been discovered in the Mexican hideout of drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman’s that is linked to the controversial Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) clandestine gun-smuggling investigation known as Fast and Furious, news sources confirmed this week to Conservative Base.

The .50-caliber rifle is known for its effectiveness during military combat against helicopters such as Apaches and Black Hawks.

Following early January’s raid in the Mexican city of Los Mochis, police and military officials discovered several weapons inside El Chapo’s residence, including the Fast and Furious-linked .50 caliber rifle, said former U.S. drug enforcement agent Kevin McGinty.

“U.S. ATF agents processed the eight firearms found in El Chapo’s residence and were surprised to find that one of the two .50-caliber weapons was part of the ATF gun smuggling program,” said McGinty, an expert in Mexican organized crime. “Just when the Obama administration believed the Fast and Furious scandal was behind them, this case opens up the same can of worms that embarrassed law enforcement. Even more embarrassing was the fact no one — not one person — was charged and prosecuted for the political-motivated snafu,” he added.

Of the roughly 2,000 weapons smuggled into Mexico by the ATF and then sold through Fast and Furious to Mexican crime figures, 34 of them were .50-caliber rifles that can take stop a truck or bring down a police of military helicopter, according to officials.

“I think what needs to be done is for prosecutors to make a deal with El Chapo to pursue the allegation that Fast and Furious was planned and initiated by the ATF to give more credence to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s assertion that Mexico’s violence and extreme homicide rate are fault of Americans as a result of U.S. weapons being easily purchased and carried into Mexico for use by that nation’s organized crime gangs,” said Peter MacNeil, a police firearms instructor. “Obama and his Attorney General, Eric Holder, probably came up with the actual plan, would be my guess,” added MacNeil.

One of the most tragic consequences of the Fast and Furious fiasco was the killing of a U.S. law enforcement agent, Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry by a shooter using one of the undercover operation’s firearms. There were also reports that a brother of a Mexican attorney general was also killed with one of the weapons as were a number of El Chapo rivals and innocent civilians.

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, issued the following statement after U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson ruled the Obama administration cannot use executive privilege to keep Operation Fast and Furious records from Congress.

“Today’s decision will help us advance the Fast & Furious investigation into this administration’s gun running operation. After allowing guns to walk, the administration’s attempt to hide behind executive privilege only adds insult to injury. While the decision doesn’t give us access to all the documents, it is an important step forward. We will continue investigating until we get to the truth.”

From a Judicial Watch report: The files received by JW include three electronic mails between Holder and Jarrett and one from former U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke to Jarrett. The e-mails with Holder are all from October 4, 2011, a significant date because, on the evening of October 3rd, Sheryl Attkisson (then at CBS news) released documents showing that Holder had been sent a briefing paper on Operation Fast and Furious on June 5, 2010. The paper was from the director of the National Drug Intelligence Center, Michael Walther.

In June of 2012, race-baiting Eric Holder became the first sitting U.S. Attorney General to be held in contempt of Congress for his Fast and Furious lies, including when he testified that he denied knowledge of the operation. The vote was 255-67, with 17 Democrats crossing over to condemn Holder’s obvious lies.

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved