Ever-Expanding Definitions of Child Abuse Promote False Allegations, Enable Political Agendas

Everett Bartlett

During the early 1970s, Senator Walter Mondale launched a crusade to address the plight of low-income children.In 1974, Mondale finally succeeded in persuading Congress to enact the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act. CAPTA’s definition of child abuse seems reasonable enough:

“Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation; or an act or failure to act, which presents an imminent risk of serious harm.”

In rapid succession, states began to pass laws that expanded on this definition. So if your child exhibits “an observable or substantial change in in behavior, emotional response, or cognition,” you are likely to be found guilty of emotional abuse. in 25 states, if you fail to have your child properly educated, that could well be considered a form of “neglect.” [Link]  Any of these scenarios will likely trigger a child welfare investigation. But in the vast majority of cases, the investigation does not find anything amiss. The Health and Human Services’ report, Child Maltreatment reveals:

“For FFY 2017, the data show approximately 3.5 million children are the subjects of at least one report. A total of 17.0 percent of children are classified as victims with dispositions of substantiated (16.3%) and indicated (0.7%). The remaining children (83.0%) are not determined to be victims of maltreatment or received an alternative response.” [emphasis added] [Link] Got that? Only one in six investigations turns up a problem. In the other five out of six cases, there was no child abuse.Case closed.

In many states, the definition of child abuse has been expanded so that a child who merely observes domestic violence between his or her parents is deemed to be a victim of abuse. This may become the justification for removing the child from the family home, pushing the child into the highly dysfunctional child welfare system. [Link] In one case, an abused woman’s supposedly confidential statements were passed along to the state child abuse agency. Shortly afterwards, the agency ordered the daughter to be removed from the home. The daughter, who had never suffered any physical abuse, was not returned home until 13 months later. [Link] Some persons take advantage of thesewobbly definitions to wreak legal havoc, making accusations of child abuse to enhance their odds of winning child custody. According to a survey conducted by SAVE, 17% of persons know a person who has been the target of a falsely allegation of abuse. Of these persons, 66% had been falsely accused of child abuse. [Link] The National Child Abuse Defense and Resource Center is a non-profit group working to preserve the rights of the falsely accused. The group explains,

“In child abuse cases, there is the continued working hypothesis among professionals charged with protecting children that if the allegation is made, abuse must have occurred and that the accused person must have perpetrated the abuse. Further, it becomes the responsibility of the accused to prove otherwise.” [Link] In other words, the presumption of innocence flies out the window, causing endless grief for the accused.

It gets worse.

Definitions of child abuse are now being manipulated to promote political agendas. In Virginia, the House Health, Welfare, and Institutions Committee is currently debating HB 580, a bill that would expand the current definition of an “abused or neglected child” to include a child whose parent “allows to be created or inflicted upon such child a physical or mental injury on the basis of the child’s gender identity or sexual orientation.” [Link] So if a Virginia parent were to object to a public school promoting transgender lifestyles or sexual practices, this father or mother could well be branded as a child abuser.

Such nefarious tactics are used by proponents of what has been called the Victim-Industrial Complex.

Child abuse is a problem in our country. But engaging in definitional gymnastics and subordinating the issue to advance political agendas will only serve to discredit the important work of legitimate abuse reduction programs, weaken families, and harm children.

[Read: Taken Into Custody: The war against fathers, marriage, and the family]

[BIO: Edward Bartlett, PhD, an Army veteran, worked as a professor at the University of Alabama-Birmingham and for 15 years as a research manager in the federal Department of Health and Human Services.]

© 2020 Edward Bartlett – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Edward Bartlett: Edwardbartlett52@gmail.com

I Believe America will Soon Experience Another Great Awakening

By Ron Edwards

Throughout American history there have been a number of significant Great Awakenings.  The Great Awakenings first came about during the days prior to the formation of this republic.  The Great Awakenings I am referring to are what are known to be when people grew tired of moral depravity and sought to reconnect with our Heavenly creator and seek Providential guidance.  The American colonial period could easily have been characterized as a time of ebbs and flows back and forth between a close relationship with God and periods of withdrawal from Him. That led to extremely low moral conditions.  In 1734, the colonies were besieged with many evidences of a prevalently immoral period.  But that did not deter minister Jonathan Edwards from preaching, beginning in Northampton, Massachusetts. Under his preaching that stressed the importance of an immediate, personal spiritual rebirth, a revival began in his church among the youth and then spread to the adults.

Edwards wrote that “In The Spring and summer following, 1735, the town seemed to be full of the presence of God; it never was so full of love, nor of joy and yet so full of distress, as it was then.”  In two years, 300 converts were added to the church, and the news of the revival spread throughout New England.  The British Methodist Preacher George Whitfield continued the movement, making seven separate trips to America and spending nine years preaching across the colonies.  He preached to five thousand on the Boston Commons and eight thousand at once in the open fields.  Between 1740 and 1742, an estimated 25,000 to 50,000 people were added to the New England Church, changing the region’s moral tone and gaining the name of a “Great Awakening.”

The revival spread into the Middle Colonies, beginning in New Jersey, largely among the Presbyterians trained under William Tennent, including his son Gilbert, who became the leading figure in the Great Awakening of the Middle Colonies.  The revival spread into the South via the preaching of the Samuel Davies

Additionally, there was the rapid spread of Methodism shortly before the American Revolution. Because the First Great Awakening served to build up interests that were intercolonial in character and increased opposition to the Anglican Church and the royal officials who supported it. Many historians say it helped set in motion a democratic spirit, (not form of government) that eventually brought America it’s political freedoms. It also resulted in an outburst of missionary activity among American Indians by such men as David Brainerd. Also, it was the impetus to the first movement of importance against slavery.

In education, it led to the founding of a number of academies and colleges, notably Princeton, Brown, Rutgers, and Dartmouth.  By the year 1800, nearly a million people had made their way west.  They settled in the area west of the Blue Ridge in Virginia, in Kentucky, Tennessee, the Northwest, and in the Indian territory.  Most did not have access to the word of God, and moral conditions once again went into decline.  However, a second great spiritual revival began that continued well into the 1830s.  Many historians refer to Logan County in Kentucky as it’s starting point, where several Methodist and Presbyterian ministers joined efforts in 1799; and visitors to the camp would camp out for two or three nights.  One such gathering was held at Cane Ridge, Kentucky in 1801 and drew perhaps as many as 15,000 to 20,000 people.  More than 10,000 people were swept into the Kentucky churches between 1800 and 1803.  The great revival quickly spread throughout Kentucky, Tennessee, and much of Ohio.  It was later in the early part of the twentieth century, that those promoting communism would sarcastically label that part of the United States, the Bible belt.

Those communists along with many democrats set out on a long term goal of extracting Americans away from their fervent belief in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  Their goal was to fundamentally transform America, a goal restated by former president BarachHusein Obama.  Over time the church became lazy in it’s fundamental mandate to be the moral compass and encourager of the nation.  As generation after generation of young Americans were gradually weaned from the higher moral principles of there forebearers, they systematically diminished the very principles that were the very backbone of American greatness.  The Founding Fathers often warned that if America were no longer a moral republic, she would cease to be blessed and powerful.

America’s moral depravity was so pronounced, that by the early 2000s, our republic was on a speedy road to literal oblivion.  The judgement and wisdom of American voters was so compromised, they literally chose an avowed enemy of the United States of America to be president.  But as I predicted in my radio commentary “The Edwards Notebook” and on various talk shows and to whoever would listen, aliObama was so bad, he served as a literal slap across the face of America that woke up multitudes of sovereign citizens.  Even a significant segment of the Christian church awakened out of it’s slumber and sense of cowardice.  One by one, American Christians began to once again care about America the beautiful and prayed to our Creator.  They sought forgiveness for sleeping at the switch and not being a bull work against evil.  While others sought redemption for not caring about our republic and buying into the fly away doctrine, instead of obeying the admonition of Jesus Christ, who told us to occupy til He returns.  2nd Chronicles 7:14 states “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sin, and will hear their land.

I believe America is now in the beginning of not only a revival, but a refounding of our beloved republic land of liberty.  Yes there is a push from those on the leftist dark side to derail America, but if we will heed the warnings of the founders, and seek Providential guidance, the Great I AM will insure that “We the People” will keep America great.  Don’t miss The Ron Edwards American Experience Fridays at 4:00 PM EST, 1:00 PM PT emanating from flagship station KCKQ AM 1180 Reno Nevada and around the world via americamatters.us.

© 2020 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

Website: http://theronedwards.talkspot.com/

The Great Displacement of Americans: Devolving Western Civilization

By Frosty Wooldridge

In an interview with my longtime friend, top immigration specialist Fred Elbel, he gave a frightening look at America’s future.  He said, “In the United States, the culture war can loosely be defined as the battle between those who adhere to conservative, traditional, and constitutional views and leftists who espouse political correctness, diversity identity group politics, and belief in more than two biological sexes. (www.Cairco.org)

“Mass immigration is a tool of the global elites and of the Left – that is, of the Democrat party – to fragment American society and to displace those who adhere to traditional American values and the foundational premise of our Constitutional Republic. In other words, to disempower Whites, who will become a minority in their own country by mid-century. This isn’t a slur on Blacks or any other nationality, but in essence it is White Europeans who invented and perpetuated Western Civilization. This great displacement of Whites is therefore synonymous with the displacement of Western Civilization.”

If you don’t think this displacement isn’t going on right under your eyes, take a trip to Detroit, Michigan; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Miami, Florida; New York City; Los Angeles, Atlanta, Georgia and most other large cities with welfare offices and refugee centers.  Be prepared to see a deformation of American culture into strange and incompatible cultures taking root.

“In Canada, it’s the same, only worse,” said Elbel.  “There is no fundamental protection of freedom of speech as there is in the U.S. Indeed, Canada has hate speech laws which are readily interpreted to restrict criticism of mass immigration and the agenda of political Islam.” (Trudeau has his country’s free speech by the throat.)

One trip to Vancouver, British Columba, now known as “Hongcouver”, 65 percent pure Chinese have run native Canadians out of that city and, in time, will run them out of that province.  Soon enough, the Chinese will secede from Canada. At that point, you will see millions immigrate from China to newly named “Chinese Columbia.”

“Western Europe is much like Canada, only worse still,” said Elbel. “European nations have been systematically overwhelmed with hostile, unassimilable Islamists – Muslims. For the most part, individuals are prohibited from discussing and objecting to the invasion.

“In all of these nations, the outcome is converging on displacing the native population (e.g., Whites) who perpetuate Western Civilization. The fabric of Western Civilization is under significant threat. While we like to think that the great works of art, music, and architecture of Western Civilization will be revered and preserved forever, all of it is on the chopping block.”

In the January 25, 2020 American Greatness article, In the Global Culture War, People and Paintings Are Both at Risk, Karl Spence explains how much is at stake. The article is well worth reading in its entirety. Here are a few excerpts:

“The global war we face today puts everything—both civilian lives and cultural artifacts at grave risk. (Has anyone noticed what Muslims do to artifacts?  Answer: they blow them up or destroy them no matter what their importance to humanity.)

“This war is not properly called a “Global War on Terror.”   What we’re up against is the world’s largest and most violent religion: Islam. I doubt that anyone understands Islam better than the men who had been living and breathing it all their lives and killed 3,000 of us in a single morning on 9/11.

“I call it a cultural war because it is a struggle over whose values, beliefs and practices will prevail.”

In the end, who wins such cultural wars?  Answer: the army with the most people and religious fervor. Who might that be?  Answer: Muslims!  And, we aren’t winning it in America because we continue importing them to increase their numbers and powers.  It’s purely America’s suicide death march in action, all in the name of, “We’re a nation of immigrants.”

Would Muslims destroy the Sistine Chapel?  Yes!  How about the Mona Lisa?  Yes!  Would they destroy “David” in the city of Florence? How about Notre Dame Cathedral?   Without a doubt, they would destroy every statue and painting of every classic in the known world if they gained power.  How about the Lincoln Memorial? You betcha!  Once in control of any country, Muslims destroy any artifact that fails to honor Allah.  That means: everything.  Then, they install Sharia Law, the most barbaric practices under the sun against women, children, animals, free speech, free thought and anything rational.

And yet, the Canadian and American people, as well as all Europeans—work for their own suicides as cultures, religions and languages.

It’s curious to watch. It’s curious to see the speed of it.  It’s painfully curious that it occurred in my short lifetime on this planet.  It’s sickening how a barbaric 6th century religion could topple Western humanity, Western civilization, Western thought and Western Law.  But day by day, city by city, that’s what’s happening to Europe, Canada, Australia and Americas.

How can we stop this accelerating destruction of Western Culture and society?


  1. Rescind the 1965 Immigration Reform Act and shutdown all immigration immediately.
  2. Enforce E-Verify documentation of an employee applications.
  3. Outlaw and deport all illegal alien pregnant woman who are here to birth their “anchor baby.”
  4. Stop all chain migration and diversity migrations.
  5. Stop all welfare, food stamps, medical care and schooling for all illegal aliens within the United States.
  6. Enforce US Code 8, Section 1324 in order to take jobs away or the ability to live in the USA by anyone in violation of our laws.  The estimated 25 million illegal aliens would have no other choice but to leave on their own dime.

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

More Climate Change Hypocrisy

Lee Duigon

If they gave an award for climate change hypocrisy, Prince Charles—good grief, he could be king of England someday!—would be strongly in the running for it.

Last week this guy used three private jets, and a helicopter, to fly 16,000 miles before finally coming to earth at Davos for the World Economic Forum and some photo ops with teenage climate scold Greta Thunberg. He then gave an “impassioned” speech about how we gotta “do something” about the climate or else we’re all gonna die, blah-blah; and when that was finished, hopped onto yet another private jet and flew off somewhere else.

The Prince of Wales’ gallivantings cost British taxpayers an estimated 280,000 Pounds—to say nothing of a gigantic carbon footprint that whole towns of private citizens would be hard put to match if it took them all year. Yeahbut, yeahbut! He’s only jetting all over the place because he’s on Important Government Business… and probably has to get back in time to catch the Westminster Dog Show.

Wasn’t there something about jet travel killing the earth and so you can’t do it anymore? Shouldn’t he have crossed the English Channel in a canoe, and then walked, biked, or ridden an oxcart to Davos? How come he gets to do all these things that he and his friends tell us we shouldn’t be allowed to do?

Because it’s all just hogwash, that’s why.

Not one of this fallen world’s Climate Change prophets of doom—no, not one—acts like he or she believes a single word of this apocalypse that he’s selling to us peasants. Rising sea levels? But they build mansions on the shore. They’re not afraid of rising sea levels.The science is settled, so shut up already.

It’s so drearily obvious. Saving The Planet is the best excuse ever dreamed up for a ruling class to do anything it wants. Beggar us with taxes. Rub out our civil liberties. And then, when absolutely no catastrophe occurs, look us in the eye, smirk from ear to ear, and say “See? Nothing happened! All those new rules we imposed on you—they worked! We’ve saved the planet! And no, you can’t have your air conditioning back; and in order to keep on Saving The Planet, we’re going to have to cut your meat ration by another 88 percent…”

What they’re after, of course, is a global government with themselves in charge of it. No more pesky populism! And after all, it takes a global government to do all the things a government should do—and could do, if only people would stop getting in the way—abolish war and poverty and disease and income inequality and no more thinking bad thoughts… The only reason those things haven’t been done already is because you, with your archaic notions of religion and freedom and all the rest of it—you wouldn’t let us! Using technology wisely—and we, your government, do everything wisely—why, we can direct the course of human evolution! It says so, right there in the Humanist Manifesto. And that’s **Science, so there!

So while Greta “demands” instantaneous divorce from fossil fuels, the Davos crowd elevates her to an ersatz sainthood even as they themselves revel in private jets, stretch limos, mansions fit for maharajahs, and any other kind of conspicuous consumption that their hot little hands can reach out and grab. The austerities, the hardships—those are for us, not them. Never them.

One thing they can almost certainly achieve is to make everyone—except themselves—poor. That would be a kind of equality, wouldn’t it?

A mad teenager fronting for a criminal enterprise on a scale never before attempted…

We live in an interesting time.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in for a visit (as long as us Climate Change deniers are still allowed Internet access); a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at www.chalcedon.edu/ .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Protestants: The Power of Protest – Obedience to God is Found in Resisting Tyrants

Bradlee Dean

“Caesar had his Brutus, Charles I his Cromwell; And George III- Treason! Cried the speaker- May profit by their example. If this be treason, make the most of it.” –Patrick Henry 

Anyone that has taken the time to read their Bibles understands that much of the history of the church is found in protesting tyrants. Remember, tyrants are them that would like to create a world without God’s rule. Therefore,

Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.”-Benjamin Franklin

  • Moses Confronting Pharaoh (Exodus 5)
  • Shadrach Meshech and Abednego (Daniel 3)
  • Elijah Confronting Ahab-Jezebel and the false prophet  (1 Kings 18)
  • John the Baptist reproving King Herod (Luke 3:19)
  • The Lord sends the Angel to free the Apostles (Acts 5:9)

But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them. -Mark 13:9

It is the duty of the Church to keep the commandments of the Lord. Nowhere can you find in Scripture where the Lord commanded His Church to disobey in obedience to tyranny, nowhere!

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” -Romans 12:21

Magistrates are to be punishers of those who do evil, not good.

“Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.” -1 Peter 2:14

“For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for hebeareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.” -Romans 13:3-4

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With that now premised, let’s get to the present application.

Mandatory Vaccine Bill Majorly Fails 

Matt Agorist writes “Vaccine A bill in New Jersey that would’ve stripped parents and children of their right to informed consent by allowing them to object to mandatory vaccinations failed on Monday. Much to the chagrin of the tyrants who claim ownership over the bodies of others, the bill that would have eliminated religious exemptions to mandatory vaccinations failed to pass the New Jersey state legislature…

The victory for medical freedom was an emotional and dramatic one as thousands of pro-freedom protesters showed up at the Statehouse to voice their concern over the government removing their right to informed consent. Naturally, those who want to remove your freedom of choice and sovereignty over your own body and force you to take an injection even if it goes against everything you believe in, were furious. They even vowed “war.” Yes, you heard that right, threatening war against those that disobey their unlawful edicts.

The success of removing this unconstitutional mandate of vaccinations were removed from the roster and why, because of them that were faithful to God and man in protesting tyranny (Psalm 94:16).

Virginian Get Confiscation Bill Pulled

Tim Brown writes, “Gun grabbers are all talk until people who actually support the right to keep and bear arms stand up for their rights.  Even as Virginia Governor Ralph Northam engages in propaganda against the citizens of Virginia in declaring a state of emergency because “armed militia groups plan to storm the capitol,” which is pure nonsense, the fact is that those pawns in the legislature backed down from their tyrannical gun confiscation legislation when hundreds, if not thousands of Virginians showed up in protest.”

The success of removing this unconstitutional mandate of gun confiscation were removed from the roster and why, because of them that were faithful to God and man in protesting tyranny.

The Lone Preacher Shuts Down Drag Queen hour

“Many in this country, after 14 years of their relentless attacks on those who refuse to bow to their abominable life choices (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13), are starting to now understand what it has been all about since the very beginning, namely the children (Luke 17:2). It went from them playing the victims, even going so far as to blame the innocent in self-inflicted hate crimes (Deuteronomy 19:19) to being found out concerning the children that they have violated.”

This was all put to a stop because of one lone preachers refusal in standing back and watching a bunch of felons act as if they had the right to demoralize and molest the minds and bodies of America’s children (Luke 17:2). When the people protest they win.

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The history of protest (Protestants) is found in the American Church, which understood that the gates of Hell shall not prevail against the God in whom they served (Matthew 16:15-20), and so it is today.

Look to the forefathers who threw off tyrants. Read the Declaration of Independence to understand American history.

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It is time for Christian-Americans to also understand that it is not enough to merely protest these tyrants, but to also understand that legal consequence must follow protest: impeachment (Article 2, Section 4, US Constitution). These criminals are not the type that you can help-rehabilitate, they must be lawfully dealt with, and that without question.

Article 1, Section 3, Clause 7 states: “Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.”

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© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Slow Moving Socialist Avalanche Is Headed Right For You

By Ron Ewart

Now Just How Are You ‘Gonna’ Change Things?

“Historical change is like an avalanche.  The starting point is a snow-covered mountainside that looks solid.  All changes take place under the surface and are rather invisible.  The one certainty for anyone in the path of an avalanche is this: standing still is not an option.”  —Norman Davies, British historian

You are skiing in the back country when all of a sudden you hear an ominous cracking and then a rushing sound like a hurricane.  You look up slope to the mountain above you and realize that half a mountain of snow is headed right at you at 80 to 100 miles per hour.   In an instant of horror and panic, your life flashes in front of you.  You have two choices, stand still and die, or run.  But which way should you go?  Do you move sideways to get out of the path, or do you ski down hill in the hopes of out running the avalanche.  The statistics say that you have probably bought the farm.  Only a snowmobile has any chance of moving fast enough to escape being overrun.  However, if you are caught up in the avalanche, the best advice is to swim in it and make air pockets as the avalanche comes to a stop.  You should also be wearing an avalanche beacon so rescuers can find you.

Snow avalanches are sudden events and can occur without warning.  But the slow-moving avalanche into socialism can take several generations and is so imperceptible the average person never sees it coming.  You had better look up because there is a slow-moving, socialist avalanche coming right at you and that avalanche contains inside it, tyranny, oppression, despotism, domination, confiscation and government control and abuse.  That avalanche contains the chains that will encase you forever in the cement of slavery.

The current Democrat candidates for President are a picture window into what they have in mind for you, lots of “free stuff” with no way to pay for it, if they get elected.  The “free stuff” is designed to buy the votes of stupid people that haven’t learned there is no such thing as a free lunch.  Sadly, America is loaded with very stupid people and they might just have the numbers to elect the likes of Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Tom Steyer, or God forbid, Michael Bloomberg.  These Democrat candidates all want to tax the middle class into oblivion for their socialist programs and they want more control over your lives.  They are not your friends.  They are your sworn enemies.

Let’s just say that you aren’t stupid and you can see clearly what is going on.  Just How Are You ‘Gonna’ Change Things?

There was a more simple time when Americans looked to them selves to get out of a scrape, instead of holding their outstretched hands to a nanny government for rescue and salvation.

But where is it written that the people have the power to peacefully turn back the clock to freer times, when our government has become so powerful and resistance is very costly, possibly futile, or deadly?

How can we unravel the tangled web of razor wire that is our legal and unjust justice system? How do we convince lawmakers that what they are doing is sapping the very strength and vitality out of our people by being everything for them and regulating every aspect of their lives?

How do we round up and send 22 million illegal aliens (current estimates) back across the border that they have purposely violated because government and special interest groups created multiple magnets for them to come here in the first place?  How do we stop the hemorrhaging of billions of our tax dollars to an ever-rising criminal, financial and national security crisis that is illegal immigration?

What are YOU going to do about illegal immigration?  Most likely you will do nothing because the problem exceeds your individual ability to fix it.  The only people that can fix it (Congress), are AWOL, absent without leave and engaging in petty, infantile, elementary school sandbox squabbles over power.  That is what the impeachment of Donald Trump is all about ….. raw political power engaged outside of the ballot box.

Tell us how you are going to repeal the millions of environmental laws that have made property rights meaningless and have raised the price of everything by significant margins?  Who is going to stop the onslaught of endless climate change propaganda that has infected all of our institutions and the body politic before we spend trillions to fix a non-existent problem?

Now that government has taken over our health care, what is to stop them from taking control of our money, our land, our water, our food, our cars, our gas, our roads and our electricity?  Absolutely nothing!  They already have!

How do you convince a person that the handouts they are receiving from government are coming from someone else’s sweat, labor and earnings and that what they are accepting is morally wrong, even though several generations in their extended family have been receiving those handouts. There are people in our society that need our help, but should that help come from government? Should it not be the outpouring of true compassion through those entities that are best able to administer it, in the private sector? Unfortunately there are way too many people in America that are getting government help that have no moral or constitutional right to it. The cost to our treasury and to the recipient’s independence and pride is astronomical.

Finally, how do you undo the power that our government has amassed by violating the constitutional limits on its powers for over a hundred years, while WE THE PEOPLE looked the other way?

All the talk, all the rhetoric and all the talk shows and conservative articles in the world will not turn back the clock to the principles upon which America was founded.  Either the believers and fighters in the defense of freedom and liberty coalesce as one on a grand scale, or the hands of the American clock will click ever onward towards abject socialism, radical environmentalism and the one world order.  The Pendulum of our clock swings ever wider towards enslavement, as freedom smiles from a distance and then fades into a dim memory of all things past.

Traitors from within (Progressives) have bewitched us.  These traitors haunt the halls of our government and taunt the devil in all of us.  They have poisoned three generations of our children and their parents.  They bring servitude instead of freedom; they promise security instead of liberty; and they force dependence on government instead of promoting self-reliance.  We must be forever on our guard to prevent the traitor from convincing us that we are but victims and are in constant need of our father-mother government, to watch out over us. Even 2,000 years ago, wise men knew the evils of the traitor within and the devil that stalks freedom in the night and in the back rooms where ambitious men lay the seeds of slavery for all.

Those in power continue to divide and lie to us.  Corruption in government is rampant.  Today, the Establishment and Deep State divide us on race, religion, gender, jobs, foreign and economic policy, health care, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, education and immigration.  We are so fragmented from this division we run around like chickens with their heads cut off.  We fight each other instead of government.  We couldn’t mount a unified and large enough fighting group if our life depended on it.  But our freedom and our very lives do depend on it.  Sure we engage in skirmishes all over the place, but government just puts them down, or hauls away the leaders, or ignores us altogether.  Remember Waco and Ruby Ridge.

It is a fact that only a well-equipped, well-trained, well-led, well funded and unified army can defeat a powerful enemy, foreign or domestic.  So far, that unified army in the defense of freedom has not materialized.

But America is on the precipice of a new world war. If that happens there will be no turning back the clock, as America takes on world powers, whether it be Putin’s Russia, China, a nuclear Iran or North Korea, ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Queda, or an Islamic Caliphate, or all of them at the same time.  We must act before that happens.

The clock is ticking as liberty seeks men and women that are willing to lay it all on the line to limit the power of government, so that freedom may enter and remain in the hearts and minds of all people forever and government fears the people, instead of the other way around.

This slow-moving socialist avalanche is headed right for you. It will soon surround and envelope you, if it hasn’t already. You cannot escape it. You can only succumb to it or fight it and hopefully, eradicate it before it consumes you, “eats out your substance” and turns your brain to mush.  That is the only way you’re ‘gonna’ change it.

“America set up a unique political environment in which an individual man, woman, or family, left alone by their government, could struggle and prosper or struggle and fail, based upon their own individual abilities.  This country of individuals was created by people of vision, by people who were willing and free to take risks, by people who were willing to toil, by people who were willing to fend for themselves and take care of their own, by proud people and proud families.” Ron Ewart

What happened to these proud “people” and proud “families?” Do they still exist, or has a slow-moving socialist avalanche swallowed them up and turned their minds and bodies to compliant robots?

We titled this article with “Just How Are You ‘Gonna’ Change Things?”  The first thing you can do is to make sure that President Trump is re-elected in 2020.  The second thing you can do is to get involved, somewhere, somehow because we are in a slow-moving, socialist avalanche and STANDING STILL IS NOT AN OPTION.  IT IS SUICIDE!

Our efforts in this regard consist of showing LANDOWNERS how to hold government at bay with several tools and documents. We offer an in depth, comprehensive chronological history of constitutional freedom in our Empowerment Package that your children aren’t learning in school.  We offer our nationally known 14-year old WEBSITE that is full of the sounds of freedom and chalk full of information you won’t find anywhere else, whether rural or urban.  We’re not standing still.  Are you?

Read more powerful conservative articles like this one HERE.

© 2020 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

The Pretended Articles of Impeachment Against a President

Jake MacAulay

We recently received the following inquiry at Institute on the Constitution:

“One of the Articles of Impeachment delivered to the Senate was a charge of obstruction of justice because Trump didn’t cooperate with the investigation. But isn’t there protection from self-incrimination in the Bill of Rights? Does a sitting president (or anyone, for that matter) have to cooperate with an investigation?”

Assuming that many others may have similar questions, we thought we would share with you the response of our founder, Michael Anthony Peroutka.

The two charges leveled at the 45th President are:

  • Abuse of power
  • Obstruction of Congress

Frankly, in our view, neither of these makes any sense for at least the following reasons:

Firstly, neither of these Articles contains an accusation of criminal conduct on the part of the President.

Article II, Section 4, of the Constitution provides, “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

Since the specific language of the Constitution states two crimes (treason and bribery) and then contains a clause, which contains the words “other crimes,” it seems clear that criminal conduct is contemplated by the drafters of the Constitution for this impeachment clause to become operative.

Therefore, I believe these are really “pretended articles of impeachment” because they fail to make a case for impeachment even if they were true.

Secondly, both “pretended” articles of impeachment lack what I believe is necessary, specificity. For example, “abuse of power” is so broad that it may be considered to be “void for vagueness.” Moreover, the argument of those advancing the impeachment of the president seems to center on the idea that he has somehow “hijacked“ the foreign policy of the United States.

The difficulty with this argument is that the president is the only person in all of the constitution who is charged with developing and implementing foreign policy. Therefore I don’t see how it’s possible for him to “hijack” foreign policy since all the decisions are ultimately his to make.

Lastly, “Obstruction of Congress” seems to be the silliest charge of all.

The president has every right and privilege to disagree with Congress and owes them no duty that supersedes his duty to keep his Oath to the Constitution. And, of course, he has no legal obligation to participate, encourage, or aid and abet the mischief of Congress.

Remember, Congress is the body with a secret slush fund that according to the Office of Compliance has reportedly paid victims of harassment, sexual or otherwise, more than $17 million since its creation in the 1990s.

It is also the body that provides funding to murder the most innocent and defenseless among us.

It is also the body that exempts itself from the rules it makes for others.

The Constitution grants Congress no special privilege that requires the president to cooperate in their corruption or immorality.

Again, I prefer a president who acts independently and provides a check and restraint on the excesses and “pretended” authority of the legislative branch.

In fact, one could argue that “obstructing Congress” is not only NOT a crime; it is the Constitutional DUTY of the President.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

Make your tax-deductible donation here!

© 2020 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

Wildfire Jihadis and the Genocide of Cultural and Ancient Sites

Kelleigh Nelson

Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never-in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense.  Never yield to force.  Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.  —Winston S. Churchill

Europe is no longer Europe, it is Eurabia, a colony of Islam, where the Islamic invasion does not proceed only in a physical sense, but also in a mental and cultural sense.  —Oriana Fallaci, Italian Journalist

In each of our cities lies a second city: a Muslim city, a city run by the Quran.  A stage in the Islamic expansionism. —Oriana Fallaci, Italian Journalist

Some Westerners have argued that the West does not have problems with Islam but only with violent Islamist extremists.  Fourteen hundred years of history demonstrate otherwise.  —Samuel P. Huntington, American Political Scientist

Chaplain Austin Miles, a friend of over 23 years, recently authored a commentary on the fires of Australia.  He was right, they are not the product of climate change as the socialists in our society claim, but of purposely set fires by Islamists to destroy and instill fear in the nations they wish to occupy and control.

Miles wrote, “The Daily Telegraph reported that they now know how the Australian fires started. You will not see this in most newspapers.  They were deliberately started by two Muslim teenagers living in Australia with their parents.

Those teens, Fadi Zraika and his brother, Abraham were seen, laughing as they left court and walked out free.  Got that?  Walked free after setting Australia on fire.”

For many years, the Al-Qaeda Magazine and the Islamic State (ISIS) have offered instructions to its operatives and followers in the West about how to start large wildfires with timed explosives and how to build remote-controlled bombs.  Even ABC News has reported this.

Because of the great difficulty in identifying the perpetrators of the various wildfires, only a few Muslims have been caught and arrested.  But considering how many wildfires take place every year, it is not out of line to presume that some of the fires have been Al-Qaeda-inspired. Yes, Al Qaeda promotes forest fire attacks.

Muslims in Australia are among nearly 200 arsonists who have set fires. Authorities in Australia have arrested close to 200 people for deliberately starting the bushfires that have devastated the country, yet the media and celebrities continue to blame “climate change” for the disaster.

Many organizations believe the killing of terrorist Qasem Soleimani will activate the multitude of Islamic sleeper cells in America to retaliation…that remains to be seen.

Fire Jihad in Israel

In Israel, fires set by Muslims are a common occurrence.  Firefighters continue to deal with epidemics of arson in the Haredi community, with groups of young boys repeatedly setting fires in open areas. They would watch the firefighters battling the blaze and taunt them, saying they’d be called back to the same place in less than an hour.

Israel National News reported that two Arab arsonists were arrested in Jerusalem blazes. One of the fires was set next to an Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) base on Mount Scopus, and the other was set next to Hadassah Hospital on Mount Scopus. One of the Muslim thugs confessed, incriminating his partner in crime.

Islamic State in its summer 2017 English language magazine called on supporters to commit arson in the spirit of “devastating fires that ravaged Jewish settlements in Palestine.”

Through arson, operatives can “impose terror on an entire country,” the Sunni Islamist organization stressed.  They added, “The whole world witnessed the devastating fires that ravaged Jewish settlements in Palestine, destroying around 700 Jewish homes.”

Recruits should target “ideal locations” such as “houses and apartment buildings, forest areas adjacent to residential areas, factories that produce cars, furniture, clothing, flammable substances etc., gas stations, hospitals, bars, dance clubs, night clubs, banks, car showrooms, schools, universities, as well as churches, Rafidi temples, (Rafidi means those who have rejected Islam) and so forth,” the article explained.

Worldwide Jihadi Fires

Thousands of fires by jihadists have destroyed churches and cathedrals in Europe and around the world. Millions of acres have burned in California; forests, wildlife and homes have been destroyed.

In 2019 a Protestant Church was set ablaze in Niger, a landlocked country in West Africa following the arrest of a prominent Muslim leader and extending ongoing interreligious strife in the country.

Early in 2013, the New York Times reported that in Islamabad, Pakistan, an enraged Muslim crowd attacked a Christian neighborhood in Lahore setting fire to more than 200 Christian homes and two churches, in a new display of religious intolerance as Pakistan reels from violent persecution against other minorities.

In 2010, Muslim jihadists set fire to a church and to a Christian school in Punjab, India in reaction to the proposed Qur‘an burning by U.S. clergyman, Rev. Terry Jones,  in order to commemorate 9/11, an action he later abandoned but still caused protests among Muslims along with anti-Christian violence.

Then there’s the fire that nearly destroyed Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France. The two dominant forces in Europe, secular leftism and Islamism, have sought the end of Christianity and the West. The Left believes that protecting Western civilization is equivalent to protecting white supremacy.

Whether Notre Dame’s fire was a worker accident or that a Muslim jihadist set fire to the landmark, as they have to scores of other churches around Europe, it doesn’t much matter. The omen is that fire jihadists are burning and destroying worldwide.

California fires over the last ten years have increased exponentially, burning homes, forests, and wildlife. ISIS has urged its followers to ‘ignite fires’ in forests across the US and Europe.  The disturbing call comes as wildfires have devastated California.

At least four propaganda posters have appeared on Quraysh, a pro-ISIS media outlet, urging followers to “ignite fires” in forests, The Washington Free Beacon says, citing The Middle East Media Research Institute.

“Ignite fires in the forests of America, France, Britain, and Germany, for they are painful to them,” one poster reads, according to the site.

Cultural and Historic Jihadist Destruction

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations based in Paris, France. UNESCO, the international body that has been given the powers of judgment over what sites on this planet constitute our “world heritage,” has denounced the many incidents of vandalism as “acts of barbarism.” That’s about it, in terms of a concerted international response, they have done nothing to stop it.  UNESCO has no policing powers. We have empowered a body to recognize the rare and beautiful things of this planet, yet we do nothing when they are destroyed by Islamic jihadists.

Islam is not even a religion; it is a political system that uses a deity to advance its agenda of global conquest, and that system is growing faster than any other.

Muslim extremists have long sought to destroy the physical evidence that any other faith worth valuing existed before their own. In March, 2001, the Afghan Taliban announced to the world that they would destroy the ancient, giant Buddhas of Bamiyan, in central Afghanistan, and then, using explosives and artillery, proceeded to do just that. In the last decade, the Saudis, as the keepers of the Muslim holy places, have razed hundreds of historic sites in the cities of Mecca and Medina to make way for new construction, including shopping malls and hotels.

Famous Italian journalist, Oriana Fallaci wrote her book, The Rage and the Pride after the 9/11 carnage by Islamists.  She railed against them knowing that Europe was already lost and America’s political correctness would be our demise as well.  She raged against the worldwide cultural and historical destruction by these jihadists.  Oriana was infuriated at the destruction of the Buddhas of Bamiyan.This destruction is cultural genocide.

Islamists willfully and with impunity are destroying some of the world’s oldest and rarest archeological treasures. In 2015, there were video clips of the Islamic State in Iraq of al-Sham’s extremists wielding sledgehammers and drills, methodically destroying an exquisitely carved stone lamassu, or winged man-bull, at the Assyrian complex of Nimrud, which was created by artists nearly three thousand years ago.

Then it was the ancient temple complex of Hatra, in northern Iraq, which was built by the Seleucid Empire around two or three centuries before Christ. Hatra had been the site of a series of glorious colonnaded buildings and statues; it is reported that beginning on March 7th, 2015, ISIS destroyed what was left of them.

Images on social media showed ISIS extremists attacking the grounds of St. George’s, a centuries-old Chaldean Catholic monastery outside of Mosul. In this world of all-seeing, all-hearing killer drones, these acts somehow continue.

Islamic State militants completely ransacked the northern Iraq City of Mosul’s central museum and destroyed priceless artifacts, some which dated back thousands of years. Some of the statues and artifacts dated to the Assyrian and Akkadian empires. The terrorist group published a video of the destruction. In the video, an ISIS representative condemns Assyrians and Akkadians as polytheists. The militants smashed the statues in the museum with hammers and pushed the remains to the ground so they shattered even more. ISIS had not just destroyed the museum, however, they have caused irreparable damage across Syria and Iraq since 2010.

Before and after ISIS,here are heartbreaking photos of destroyed historical monuments in Syria.  Here is a guide from National Geographic to ancient cultural sites that ISIS has damaged or destroyed so far.

Destroying Freedom for the Love of Money

There are many enemies of freedom and liberty.  Communism and Communist Red China is one of the greatest, but another is just as violent and evil. Islam has conquered Europe through the migrant crisis; now their target is the west, i.e. America.  The Islamist goal is total control of the world for Muhammed.

Why do our politicians promote the politically correct attitude toward Islamists when they desire to ultimately control America?  Because they have succumbed to the bribery of the multitude of Muslim organizations who fund their candidacies.Ahh yes, the love of money, 1 Timothy 6:10 (KJV) states, “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” The Bible clearly says that love of money, (not money) produces all kinds of evil.

That love of money by our politicians has cost America dearly.  The Muslim Brotherhood, which was introduced to the George W. Bush White House after 9/11 by pro-Islamist and CFR member, Grover Norquist, has infiltrated all of American intelligence.

The FBI severed its relationship with the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in 2008, saying until it determines “whether there continues to be a connection between” CAIR leadership and Hamas terrorists, the organization is not an appropriate liaison partner.

However, two recent episodes show that, despite this rhetoric and evidence linking CAIR to a Hamas support network – in addition to unresolved questions about its current connections – government agencies continue to engage with the group, even sending its officials abroad to represent the U.S.


In 2009, David Gaubatz wrote Muslim Mafia, a book that details his son, Chris Gaubatz’s infiltration of CAIR and the Brotherhood for six months and what he found and exposed.  Chris and his team revealed a well-funded conspiracy to destroy American society and promote radical Islam.

The Islamic worldwide destruction of cultural and historic monuments is much like destroying America’s Civil War history by eliminating the statues of veterans of both sides of that war…they eliminate the historic truth.  The Muslim goal is to instill fear and pain by burning their enemy’s countries, their homes, their churches, and destroying their landmarks and their culture. They now reside in our Congress…America must not allow them to succeed.

© 2020 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Goodbye Sammy, Our Patriot Greyhound

Lloyd Marcus

Sadly, my wife Mary and I had to euthanize Sammy, our beloved 15 and a half year old greyhound. Due to his unusually large size, his former owner named him Samson. We called him Sammy.

After Rush, our border collie and Puppy, our cocker spaniel died of old age, Mary said her next dog would be small enough to carry in her purse.

Around 13 years ago, I was sitting on my sofa watching NFL football when I felt a presence in the room. Upon turning around, I was face to face with a huge dog with a cast on his broken hind leg.

A vendor at the convention Mary attended was looking for homes for greyhounds who were retired from racing. If not adopted, the beautiful dogs could be euthanized. So much for Mary’s plan for a dog to fit into her purse.

I believe our pets come to us via divine assignment. Every pet we have had came to us through unexpected circumstances.

Sammy was a gentle giant who loved people and socializing with other dogs. He would never fight another dog unless in self-defense.

I like to think of Sammy as our patriot dog because of what he endured for our country. For several years, Mary and I spent a large amount of time traveling the country with the Tea Party and the Conservative Campaign Committee. We were working to elect conservatives in house and senate races. We also worked to elect President Trump.

For a while, Sammy was home alone with a pet sitter stopping in twice a day to feed and walk him. The sitter reported to us that she thought Sammy was sad and lonely.

We found Ms Sue, a great new pet sitter. She would move into our home whenever we left town on another campaign adventure to save America from socialist/progressive anti-American Democrats. Sammy loved Ms Sue.

Sammy always greeted us with great excitement every time we returned home. After Ms Sue began staying with him in our absence, Sammy did not even raise his head from his bed or look in our direction when we came through the front door. That was annoying.

Had this wicked woman stolen my dog’s affection? Just kidding.

Old age caused Sammy to lose mobility and control of his body. Though it pained her deeply, Mary knew it was time to let Sammy go.

The veterinarian was wonderful, making Sammy’s passing painless and peaceful. He said it was rare for such a large greyhound to live 15 and a half years. Mary always fed Sammy bones and raw meat which is called BARF.

In a small way, Sammy’s time home alone without us contributed to Republicans winning the senate and Trump winning the White House. Mary and I went to lunch to celebrate the life of Sammy, our patriot greyhound.

© 2020 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus: mr_lloydmarcus@hotmail.com

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth

How to End House Impeachment Games: Senate Impeachment Trial Rules – the ‘Kill Switch,’ Spicer:

By Greg Holt

Nancy Pelosi shamelessly played partisan political games in the House with an extremely serious matter, impeachment.  Impeachment is a serious step in attempting to remove a president, and should be treated as such. In the Senate trial, the games are over.

The Democrats have been out to get Donald Trump since before he even took office.  The Dems have never been able to accept the defeat of their precious Hillary at the hands of a political rube, Donald John Trump.  So the Dems and their close allies, the mainstream lamestream media took action, they attacked and spied on the Trump campaign – Trump still won.  Trump became the 45th president, and the Demonrats and the media upped the attacks on him without mercy.  Then along comes the completely spurious Mueller investigation.

Dead. On. Arrival.

The Muller investigation was as partisan as they come, wasted millions (about 25 million) of dollars of tax money, and turned up zero evidence of wrongdoing by President Trump.

Since that did not work, the Dems proceeded to accuse Trump of interfering in the investigation.  That failed too.  Then the ruckus started over Ukraine.  No evidence of wrongdoing there either.  Funny thing – several Democrats are implicated in wrongdoing concerning Ukraine, I see no investigations into this whatsoever.  Typical Saul Alinsky tactics, accuse the opposition of what you yourself are guilty of.

The sham impeachment inquiry orchestrated by Pelosi, Schiff, and others was and is a tool.  A tool to not only bring down their hated enemy, President Trump – but a tool to interfere with Bernie Sanders presidential campaign as well.  As in the 2016 election, the elite Democrats do not want Sanders as the nominee; he is too far Left for Pelosi’s taste.  Bernie is however the hero of the up and coming new Democrat princess, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who in this writer’s opinion is gunning for Pelosi’s seat as Speaker.

The Senate impeachment trial is finally commencing.  The difference is, Senator McConnell has made it abundantly clear to Pelosi and her top impeachment manager Adam Schiff, that there will be no games.  The trial will also be fair, something the House proceedings did not even come close to.

Breitbart has the story:

On Sunday, Breitbart News and other outlets reported on the mechanism that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has built into the Senate impeachment trial rules that allows the president’s legal team to call for an immediate vote for dismissal or summary judgment at any time should the Democrats engage in shenanigans like they did in the House. When the House, which is controlled by Democrats, rammed through the highly partisan impeachment of President Donald Trump, the process was slammed by all sides as unfair and rigged, as it was done largely in secret with hardly any due process rights for the president whose attorneys were barred from many of the proceedings. The Senate, as evidenced by this kill switch’s inclusion in the rules, will not allow such partisan gamesmanship and if House Democrat “impeachment managers,” such as Intelligence chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) or Judiciary chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) try anything untoward, the whole thing can get shut down quickly.

Former White House press secretary Sean Spicer was quoted as saying the kill switch is “brilliant.”  If the Democrats aim is to turn the Senate trial into a game, and/or a political football to move their play closer to the goal post – well there will be a flag on the play, and it’s going to come crashing down around the Dems ears.

May justice finally be served.

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt: admin@trueconservativepundit.com

Read my three most recent articles:

AOC is on a Mission to Oust Moderate Democrats Pushing the Party to Ultra-Far-Leftism – & Challenge Pelosi for Supremacy

Another Facebook Screwup: Greta Thunberg’s Facebook Page and Climate Change Have Something in Common – Both Are Fake

AOC is ‘Stressed’ About Having Kids – I’m Stressed About AOC Having Kids Too

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

The Stunning Sham Impeachment of Donald Trump

By: Amil Imani

From day one, when Donald Trump became the president of the United States, the entire leftist media, law enforcement establishment, former President Obama, and minions of former President Obama, to include Hillary Clinton, Hollywood celebrities, and the Democratic Party had one mission: To force President Trump out of office.  They drove investigation after investigation, and after three years, along with tens of millions of dollars spent at taxpayers’ expense, they found nothing on him to force him out. ZERO.

The Russian hoax turned out to be a hoax. Trump said “[Special counsel Robert] Mueller showed the Democrats not only have nothing, now they have less than nothing.”

But that did not please the appetite of hungry leftist wolves who were after blood. Since the House of Representatives is controlled by the Democrats, they contrived a fake excuse to impeach Trump.

“House Democrats have long wanted to overturn the votes of 63 million Americans.  They have determined that they must impeach President Trump because they cannot legitimately defeat him at the ballot box. The Democrats’ use of a phone call with the president of Ukraine – with a transcript the president himself released — served as their excuse for this partisan, gratuitous, and pathetic attempt to overthrow the Trump administration and reverse the results of the 2016 election.”

It was 100% sham.

Even the Democrats’ witnesses stories were based on hearsay and what they had heard and what they had been told, but no one seemed to be able to offer direct “I heard it directly from the president himself” testimony — except, of course, Ambassador Gordon Sondland, who testified that the president had told him directly that he wanted no quid pro quo.

Nevertheless, the House — on a purely partisan basis, — voted to impeach President Trump.

So, what would be “fair” in the Senate? Democrats’ demand for witnesses who did not testify in the House is absurd. A Democrat majority of the House impeached the president based on the evidence that they presented. That’s the evidence that should be presented to the Senate — no more, no less.

After the impeachment, Nancy Pelosi did something that had never been done before. She refused to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate for a month. When a reporter asked about the possibility of her not forwarding the articles of impeachment, she quickly shut him down, and in so doing, also proved the impeachment fiasco had less to do with “protecting democracy” and more to do with partisan political motivation and the November 2020 general election.

President Trump, during three years in office has done more for this country than any other in our lifetime.

We have the best economy in decades. Highest stock market numbers ever. Lowest unemployment amongst Blacks, Hispanics and Asians, ever. Trade victories with Japan and China, now coming into view.

More equity in NATO cost-sharing. Massive reduction of regulations and bureaucratic red tape. Conservative judicial court appointees that will stop activist overreach.  All without drawing a salary, and while putting up with non-stop harassment.

The Democrats, instead of letting American voters decide if President Trump stays or goes in November, went ahead with a sham impeachment based on rumors and hearsay — and now it likely will cost them their electoral viability in many other races.

Trump’s impeachment had absolutely nothing to do with a Russian hoax or Ukrainian fiasco. It was about Trump winning the 2016 election against Hillary Clinton. Hillary simply could not accept the loss. Then she mobilized her radical army to take Trump out by hook or crook. These Democrats wanted to impeach President Trump in the worst possible way. Literally.

They wanted to impeach him even before he took the oath of office. They’ve called for impeachment every day he’s been on the job. Democrats have asserted they can impeach him multiple times. Hard to believe we live in America! Democrats are desperate and at their wits’ end.

Since the Democrats tragically failed in their Constitutional obligation to provide clear evidence of treason, bribery, or high crimes and misdemeanors, bearing true faith and upholding allegiance can only bring about one ethical vote.


© 2020 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Will They Ban My Assault Frying Pan?

By: Devvy Kidd

“Which is better – to be ruled by one tyrant three thousand miles away or by three thousand tyrants one mile away?” —Mather Byles (1706-1788). Also spoken by Mel Gibson’s character in the Movie, The Patriot

The pro-Second Amendment rally last week in Richmond, VA went off without a single arrest. Despite all the baiting propaganda spewed by the liars for hire aka mainstream media, the event was peaceful. Drawing 25,000 Americans exercising their God-given right to ‘peaceful assembly’.

Of course, all of this would never be taking place if the 100 million gun owners in this country actually bothered to study and understand what the Second Amendment says: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The disgraced media and ‘alternative’ media alike blathered on about militias being there.  Those would be false militias under the Second Amendment. Now, I know that many of them do really good things around their communities and are a God-send during natural disasters. I mean that but they have no authority and can put themselves in legal jeopardy. FBI arrests member of rightwing militia accused of detaining migrants

But, once one understands the first Thirteen Words of the Second Amendment and stop listening to the NRA with their bread and butter mantra, they will come to understand (as I did more than a decade ago) the difference between a false militia and a constitutional one.

“I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for a few public officials.” —George Mason, in Debates in Virginia Convention on Ratification of the Constitution, Elliot, Vol. 3, June 16, 1788

“The militia is the natural defense of a free country against sudden foreign invasions, domestic insurrections, and domestic usurpation of power by rulers. The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of the republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally … enable the people to resist and triumph over them.” —Joseph Story, Supreme Court Justice, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, p. 3:746-7, 1833

We know these gutless cowards in state legislatures are not going to stop in their efforts to (1) force you to register your weapons so they can easily find you and confiscate them, (2) force really bad versions of so-called ‘red flag’ laws and (3) reduce gun owners to hunting rifles and .22 pistols.

I have to wonder about this: One hundred and two cities have declared they are Second Amendment sanctuary cities in Virginia. We know the ‘beltway’ sector is populated to a large degree of Democrats who make up a large voting bloc.

I wonder how many Democrat voters who are gun owners were at that rally? Here’s one, his name is Dave.

Democrat voters in Virginia surely aren’t so ignorant of their party’s agenda to strip bare the Second Amendment and knew a Democrat/Communist Party USA majority in their House and Senate along with a known Second Amendment hater, Gov. Blackface, would go for their guns as soon as they were sworn in this past January? So, how’s it working out for Democrat pro-Second Amendment voters out there in Virginia?

While it is admirable so many came out in 25 degree weather, your legislature is still on the path of tyranny via bills.

Multi-billionaire, Michael Bloomberg, a Democrat presidential candidate spending hundreds of millions of dollars on ads, hates the Second Amendment as much as multi-billionaire and dirty traitor, George Soros.

Bloomberg opened the pie hole in his face commenting about the aborted slaughter at a church in White Settlement, Texas last month:

“I wasn’t there. I don’t know the facts — that somebody in the congregation had their own gun and killed the person who murdered two other people,” Bloomberg told a crowd on Dec. 30 during a campaign event in Alabama. “But it’s the job of law enforcement to have guns and to decide when to shoot. You just do not want the average citizen carrying a gun in a crowded place.”

I suppose it never occurred to Bloomberg that he and his family attending a synagogue could be killed by a gun man while he hides under a chair because law enforcement is five or fifteen minutes away. By then you’re all dead.

It is because a trained gun owner (retired law enforcement and gun safety instructor) stood up to a killer and fired more lives weren’t lost that morning. Had the congregants done nothing but hide under the pews or try to head for the exit doors, many more would be dead. The killer had a long criminal history and nothing to lose.

At a pro-Second Amendment rally in Sacramento where I gave a speech, on the other side of the capitol where several hundred women marching carrying signs about gun-free zones. I noticed some gentlemen politely offering them signs to put in their front yards which read: Gun Free Zone.  An open invitation for someone with criminal intent. Those women didn’t give them a warm reception.

The word game

A favorite game played by the destroyers. 1992. Sexual preference became sexual orientation. Al Gore launching global warming; read this one. Now it’s climate change. The favorite of the gun grabbers is assault weapons and weapons of war when referencing AK-47s or AR-15s.

Assault is defined as:  An unlawful physical attack upon another; an attempt or offer to do violence to another, with or without battery, as by holding a stone or club in a threatening manner. Our military conducts assaults on compounds or convoys in foreign countries.

A knife can be used to commit an assault on another person. In fact: FBI Stats Show Knives Kill Far More People Than Rifles In America – It’s Not Even Close “Knives kill far more people in the United States than rifles do every year.”

Now, is that model AK-47, a model Remington 870 Classic Trap or a model .300 Winchester Magnum (the .300 is for caliber) an assault weapon? I could not find anywhere in my research any of those rifles sold as an “assault” rifle.

Nor could I find any knife from common kitchen selections to a Swiss Army Knife being sold as an Assault Spyderco Sage knife.

The same goes for my frying pan, an ax, rock, baseball bat or 2 x 4. None of those items are sold with assault before the model or brand name.

Assault only occurs if someone uses those inanimate objects to harm someone else.

The other favorite of tyrants and their sycophants is ‘weapons of war’ when referring to AK-47s or AR-15s. Yes, those weapons are used by our military and military in many other countries. However, while it might sound good, it has nothing to do with stopping gun violence by criminals or the mentally ill.

The Second Amendment text does not limit what type of ‘arms’ is protected or prohibited. Of course, that was back in 1791. However, the Framers of the U.S. Constitution chose their words very carefully. I doubt the Framers of the Constitution had any idea just how sophisticated weapons would become over the centuries but they no doubt had good imaginations.

Arms meant just that. Not just long rifles, muskets or pistols. All arms both then and now.

Not likely any legislature is going to ban my frying pan even though it can be used to assault someone or even kill them if a strike to the head is fatal.

It’s long past time for gun owners to stand up to these cowards in state legislatures, the gun-protected Hollywood hypocrites and uneducated on the subject matter, anti-Second Amendment groups.

Call them out about using the word assault before naming the brand or caliber of a gun. Ask the dim-it in your state legislature when was the last time they saw a gun manufacturer list a  weapon as an assault rifle or assault pistol or your son’s assault baseball bat or your wife’s assault butcher knife? Assault is an action not a brand name or designation for caliber.

Assault weapon or assault rifle is now ingrained in the public’s mind as a weapon that must be banned. It’s up to gun owners to change the public’s mind with logic and facts. AND get with it and learn the true meaning of the Second Amendment.

Many sheriffs in Virginia and other states have publicly stated they will not enforce new draconian gun laws. I say, Hoorah! However, they must also get educated on the true meaning of the Second Amendment.

Get a copy of Thirteen Words, read it and pass it along to your sheriff as I did here in my county along with a copy of Constitutional Homeland Security : The Nation in Arms. If your sheriff is on the wrong side of the Second Amendment, give Thirteen Words to a known pro-Second Amendment state rep or senator. Make a follow up appt or phone call to find out if he/she read it and what are they going to do to uphold their oath?

Virginia is one of the original thirteen colonies. What a sad legacy it has a state legislature so willing to kill the one amendment that preserves all the others. Their governor and legislators are modern day tyrants who are determined to create criminals by strangling their God-given rights.

URGENT: President Trump is going to sign the death of America on Wednesday: The USMCA. Our sovereignty will be destroyed. It is NAFTA on meth. He has been betrayed by advisers like globalist super millionaire Wilbur Ross, Secty of Commerce. And that son-in-law of his, Jared Kushner.

Are you aware of this protested by sexual deviants? “Section 23 of the USMCA contains a provision against sex discrimination in the workplace, encouraging members in the deal to adopt policies against sex-based discrimination, including on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. The section also calls for cooperation among the member states “in promotion of equality and elimination of employment discrimination” with regard to numerous characteristics, including sexual orientation and gender identity.”

Sexual “orientation” is clever marketing. Gender identity is more of the same brainwashing. Social engineering in a trade agreement selling us out to the EU and Council on Foreign Relations.

What’s Wrong With the USMCA?

CFR Pres. Richard Haas: “USMCA is NAFTA plus TPP plus a few tweaks.”  – AND, Trump Has Been Mislead: “Quietly, without debate, one of the most dangerous attacks on American freedom and sovereignty is moving through Congress and headed to President Trump’s desk for signing… The USMCA agreement will create a North American Union worse than the European Union.”

USMCA: It’s Go Time! – “The purpose behind the USMCA is not to make the United States, individually, more competitive with other countries around the world, but to merge the U.S. economy with that of Mexico and Canada, and to form a new North American bloc similar to the European Union – a kind of North American Union.

“This is evident in the USMCA’s competitiveness chapter and in remarks delivered by former Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, who boasted how the USMCA would consolidate the economic integration of North America. The USMCA is everything globalists want to advance their agenda for global government by way of regionalism under the pretense of “free trade.”

A must read: USMCA Full StoryToo bad Sean Hannity has been pushing this like it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Listen and learn the connection between the USMCA “Trade Agreement,” “the North American Union, an Article V Convention, and red flag gun confiscation laws. The globalists have a coordinated plan to take our Constitution away from us.”

USMCA and the Quest for a North American Union

Please call NOW, TODAY and tell President Trump: Do not sign the USMCA or you will be forever known as the president who sold out the United States. We warned about NAFTA and GATT/WTO. We were right and we the people are right about this monster.

The WH comment line:  202-456-1111. If it’s busy and you can’t get through, call the damn switchboard and ask to leave a comment. If the operator refuses, ask to be connected to Stephen Miller’s office; he’s the WH Senior Adviser to Trump. Tell him Trump will lose a lot of votes as those who know how evil the USMCA is will stay home and that’s a fact. WH switchboard: 202-456-1414

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions”. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net


Coverage of the farcical Senate impeachment trial is massive with those who hate Trump in the media and Congress repeating the same boring lies over and over and over. Schifty Schiff repeatedly vomited up that Trump invited Ukraine to help him cheat to win.  Oh, he didn’t forget the worn-out ‘Russia collusion’ either, he beat it to death.

Viewing was cruel and unusual punishment. There was more rancid gas in the Senate chamber than little Miss “how dare you” Greta Thunberg could measure.

Due to people’s work schedules or just because they know it’s all about removing Trump and getting him off the ballot this year, couldn’t or wouldn’t watch. However, Saturday’s session afforded working people the opportunity to finally hear from Trump’s legal team.

Whereas the absolutely deranged Adam Schiff and Jerold Nadler as well as the other brainwashed house ‘managers’ blathered on for just under 23 hours, Trump’s legal team obliterated the House’s entire “case” in just two hours.

Day six resumes today so I shall catch what I can while trying to take care of the day’s business. Below are videos of Trump’s legal team who, like I said, blew the House’s “case” to smithereens.

“It Turned Out that Statement Was Not Truthful” – Boom! – Trump Deputy Counsel Patrick Philbin Exposes Corrupt Liar Adam Schiff (VIDEO)

WATCH: White House counsel Pat Cipollone says obstruction of Congress charge is ‘ridiculous

BOOM! Watch Deputy White House Counsel Philbin OBLITERATE PELOSI’S INVALID IMPEACHMENT — Partisan, Secret, Defective, Unprecedented Process (Video) – He really breaks it down from a constitutional perspective.

Trump Attorney Jay Sekulow DUNKS ON Lying Democrats with Copy of Mueller Report – NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION! (VIDEO)

Deputy WH Counsel Mike Purpura: Any Court Would Throw Out Democrats’ Impeachment Case – THEY KNOW THAT (VIDEO)

White House Counsel Nukes Jerry Nadler: ‘You’re Not in Charge Here.’ – Video

The RISE of the Woman Gun Owner, Jan. 11, 2020 – “Female gun ownership has been on a firm ascent and women are considered the fastest-growing segment in the gun-ownership demographics.”

This is a MUST DVD: Global Warming, An Inconvenient Lie (DVD album)

HUGE REVELATION: Democrats on House Impeachment Team VOTED AGAINST the Aid Package for Ukraine They Want to Impeach Trump Over (VIDEO) – Oh, all the weeping Demorats poured out about Trump betraying Ukrainians. Crocodile tears.

Donald Trump’s America

Amil Imani

“We are making America stronger, prouder, and greater than ever before.” —President Donald J. Trump

No President in the history of the United States has achieved as much in his first three years in his first term in office, as has President Donald Trump. Meanwhile, no President in the history of America has been subjected to such incessant vile and unjustified attacks as has President Trump. Why? Because he believes in American exceptionalism not globalism.

“Make America Great Again.” Just a slogan, the people of failure shout back. The Obama/Biden team had failed us for eight years in every aspect of our lives. To the leftists, failure is not only normal, it is expected.

The list of their failures for the previous administration is so long and glaring that I hardly need to repeat all of them here. Under the previous administration, once well-paid manufacturing jobs had disappeared and were relocated to other countries. President Trump managed to reverse this trend and brought back many manufacturing jobs. Before President Trump at the helm, huge swaths of this nation from northern New York to the great states of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and many others, previously vibrant manufacturing regions, looked like ghost towns, but now have come back and people are optimistic about the future of this country.

“During a PBS town hall, Obama referenced Trump’s promise to bring back jobs to the United States when talking about manufacturing.

“Well, how exactly are you going to do that? What exactly are you going to do? There’s no answer to it,” Obama said.

“He just said, ‘Well, I’m going to negotiate a better deal.’ Well, what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have?”

If I may, on President Trump’s behalf, allow me respond to the former President:

“Mr. Obama, I wake up every morning and I see a winner. Every day of my life a winner has looked back at me from the mirror with a smile, encouraging me to go out there and have another winning day.

“And I do that. And I am doing the same thing for our country. My wand is made of people. I can lead people to do miraculous feats. I’ve done it all my life, and after three years in office, I have done it again and that’s just the beginning. Before America hired me, I had built some of the most magnificent buildings in the world by the combined efforts of tens of thousands of talented people. These men and women each brought their skill and energy to their jobs. They worked for living wages, that’s for sure. But, they didn’t go through the motions only to get a paycheck. They worked their very best and their hardest because they were contributing in building something beautiful. These men and women felt the priceless joy of working for something that no money can buy, the pride of being in a team of winners accomplishing greatly challenging tasks.”

“Now, the winner who looked at me in the mirror and asked me to do the same exact thing for our country. This time with a team comprised of millions of competent men and women who are lining up to build a better America while they are seeking a better life for themselves and their children. This is how I have accomplished and brought back so many businesses and manufacturing jobs to our country. Something you failed to do.”

President Trump won against them. Why? Because the American people want a leader who believes in them and believes in America. A leader who is willing and able to put an end to the corrupt decay of Washington, D. C. The American people are sick and tired of letting a band of losers give away the store and what’s left of it.

Although the Obama/Biden team, made a wreck of our country, they have done very well for themselves personally, and I mean hugely well.

Strange as it may seem, the above paragraphs may tell us something important about the motivation of Donald Trump, “to Make America Great Again.”  His monumental egotism should be viewed with the above ideas in mind.  This would have been readily understood by Alexander Hamilton, whose founding of the First National Bank, along with his famous “Report on Manufactures,” establishes him as the father of American capitalism.

In short, most Americans are convinced that President Trump has reversed the disastrous course of Obama/ Biden and has made America great for every man, woman, and child of every race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion and all other variations.

Our responsibility as Americans to Keep America Great, is to reelect President Trump who selflessly has sacrificed his comfortable life for the sake of America and American people.

Depraved Men Now Raping Animals

Rev. Austin Miles


First here is a brief and true history of sex. In the beginning, God created man, then He created woman. Each had different genitals that distinguished them, as well as providing ecstatic pleasure for them. No one had to teach them how to have sex since it was an act that evolved naturally, as most readers will agree. God made the sex act pleasurable to encourage married couples to have children. This was God’s plan from the beginning.

This is how the world that God created could become populated with life. Let that soak in for a moment. Meanwhile, sex proved to be the ultimate thrill, satisfaction and pleasure. As a result many forgot the reproductive instinct and concentrated solely on the sex. Then, man actually believed that he could find even more pleasure in sex than God intended. Such idiotic thinking.

Men began to pursue sex relentlessly, followed by variations of the sex act in order to, (they mistakenly concluded) enhance the experience. How can something so perfect that God gave us be enhanced? It cannot. It can only become perverted. But man just had to give it a whirl. They decided to try….this is difficult to write…anul sex with their wives and from there it was embraced by the homosexuals, thus the perversions.

This has resulted in the horrible disease called AIDS as well as tearing the inside of the anus and causing what is now called, “The Gay Bowel Syndrome. Now let me be clear. AIDS is not God’s punishment for perversion. It is a biological manifestation. When a man does anul sex with his wife, then goes to the vagina, it mixes bacteria that causes the disease. So AIDS can also strike heterosexual couples.

First of all, what God has given cannot be improved. The anus was never meant to replace the vagina. What is more, thrusting something into the anus can cause tears in the tissue which is extremely painful.

What is more, all these variations actually diminish the full impact of sexual satisfaction. When I was in the entertainment business, my best friend was the most talented man I had ever known. He could have been a movie star but he was too busy chasing women, or I should say, BEING chased by women. He didn’t run too fast.

I once told him he had never had sex in his life. He looked at me strangely. I then mentioned all the women I saw coming and going out of his hotel rooms. For him, sex was like a Chinese meal. Twenty minutes after the meal you are hungry again. I mentioned how when you are with your wife, the woman you love, the sex is fantastic, and after the great climax, you fall asleep in each other’s arms TRULY and completely satisfied. Now THAT is true intimacy. And that is real sex.

However, this is only one part of the history of sex. People are so weak that they cannot be satisfied, so they must try the latest which is…sex with animals. Actually this has been going on for a long time. How often have we heard about farm boys and the sheep. But now it has become mainstream in the most sickening way. Animals, big and small, are being raped by humans. This is so damaging to some animals that it tears their insides and some photos show part of the animals vaginas sticking out of their little butts.

A teen-aged girl in Connecticut was ready to come downstairs to go on a date with her boy friend. When she came down she was horrified to see that little punk raping her dog. Had this writer been there, something sharp would have been grabbed leaving that little bastard with nothing but space between his legs. (don’t get outraged, that is a Biblical Word.)

Zoos throughout the U.S. and Europe now have ‘exotic zoo nights’ where psycho men pay, now get this, from three hundred to almost a thousand dollars to rape the animals of their choice. I kid you not. This is the ultimate perversion and psychological condition that must be stopped. There is no such thing as consensual sex when it comes to animals.

This is rape in its ugliest form and those who do this must be arrested, charged with a felony, and spend at least 20 years in jail. This can be done as proved by this ministry, which managed to have a law established against deliberate harm to any animal resulting in the violator being arrested, charged with a felony and given a year in jail.

After contacting the White House, President Trump picked up on that and not only made it a felony, but with a 20 year jail sentence. This ministry also brought a presentation before Congress to make the import and export of Ivory a crime. The bill passed helping reduce poachers that kill elephants for their tusks.

I ask all readers to help me in this work to help and protect animals. When you read of any animal advocacy organizations asking readers to sign a petition against those who are cruel to animals, SIGN IT. This writer does just that, and I’m asking you to do the same. Please contact these organizations and ask to be put on their mailing list so you can see what is going on and what can be done about it:

PETA: Newsmanager@Peta.org
Mail@SOSVOV.ORG This is an organization in Uruguay which does a great work to help mistreated animals.

Plus there is ASPCA, the Humane Society, and many others. Please help us. Ask to receive their newsletters.

Remember, God created all creatures–including two-legged ones. It is an offense to God to harm any of His creatures.

Animals have the same nervous system as we have. They experience pain, anxiety, fear, joy, love just the same as we do. Please think about that and become an advocate for animals. It will cost you nothing but a little time.


© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

Democrats – The Party of No Values

Roger Anghis

As we have begun the impeachment process in the Senate it would behoove Americans to understand just how partisan, as well as corrupt, the Democrat Party has become.  I’m not saying that there are not corrupt Republicans because there are and have been such as Senator John McCain for example but the Democrat Party has, almost as a whole, embraced the corruption that we have historically seen in the administrations of despots and dictators.

The so-called impeachment process that the House just went through that did not allow the President any form of defense, did not allow any witnesses and was basically denied any form of due process, is nothing more than a sham and something we would expect from Putin, not the American Congress.

Now, we have Senator Chuck Schumer demanding that the senate allow more witnesses and more documents.  All that was supposed to occur in the House’s segment of this process.  The Senate is supposed to evaluate the information the House established.  There is only one reason the Democrats are demanding more witnesses and documentation is because they don’t have a case, period.  This is the way the Democrats work.  They lie, cheat and steal to get what they want.  Almost sounds like they took part of islam’s playbook.

I want to make the case that the impeachment process should be a fair and truthful process but what we have seen is anything but fair and is one of the most underhanded attempts at a coup this nation has ever seen.  These Democrats feel that Trumps questioning of Ukraine’s president is unconstitutional because he asked to check into the affairs of a Democrat opponent but the Democrats that are running against Trump will be voting to impeach him and he is their opponent.  How can that be constitutional?  This is where their double stand plays to their favor.  They can do an unconstitutional maneuver but their opponent can’t even do what he is legally allowed AND required by law to do.

Going into the Senate’s part of the process there needs to be impartial participants that can make their decision based on the evidence presented by the House Managers.  What we are seeing is far from impartial.  Virtually every member of the Democrat Senate has already made up their mind as to how they will vote.  Their minds were made up the day after the election in November 2016.

Below is a segment pulled from an article in the ArkansasGOPwingblogspot.  What you will see is that the Democrats have already made their minds up no matter what evidence is presented.  IF they are presupposed in this matter, they should be recused because there vote will not be fair in any way.  But Democrats are NOT concerned with fair, they are concerned with regaining power in any way they can.

Multiple Democrat Senators, Including Some Who Are Running For President, Have Already Announced They ‘Will Vote To Convict’ The President In A Senate Impeachment Trial

CNN’S LARRY KING: “How can you judge a trial in which you have already stated an opinion or have an opinion? You wouldn’t be — you’d be thrown off a jury in any court in America, right?”

MSNBC’s HALLIE JACKSON: “So there is a possibility you’ll vote to acquit him? You could maybe vote to acquit him is what I hear you saying.”

SEN. MAZIE HIRONO (D-HI): “No, that is not what I’m saying at all, Hallie. What we have on one side is all of the factual evidence on the House side that led to the articles of impeachment. We have that…. So we have all the factual evidence. What I want to hear from the president is, what are his defenses? Does he have an explanation that exonerates him? Short of that, I’m going to vote on the basis of the facts. And the facts are that he committed an impeachable act and I will vote to convict him.” (MSNBC’s “MSNBC Live with Hallie Jackson,” 12/19/2019)

SEN. RICHARD BLUMENTHAL (D-CT): “Trump’s actions threaten our democracy. But the greater threat would be if America became a place where such misdeeds went unpunished. Fortunately, our Constitution tells us in no uncertain terms that the president’s actions deserve the strongest penalty Congress can provide — removal from office. If the rule of law means anything, we must follow its command.” (Sen. Blumenthal, Op-Ed, “Yes, Trump Is Guilty Of Bribery,” The Washington Post, 12/03/2019)

MSNBC’s KATY TUR: “If the vote was put to you today, I know this is an ‘if,’ to convict the president in the Senate and remove him from office would you be voting yes?” SEN. KAMALA HARRIS (D-CA): “Yes, based on everything I’ve seen. Yes…. The main subject of the impeachment, which is the issue of yet again, Donald Trump eliciting help from a foreign government to interfere in our election of our president of the United States. In this case, we’ve basically got a confession.  We’ve got a display of consciousness of guilt and attempt to cover up…. But based on everything we know, including an admission by this president, I don’t know that it leads in any other direction except to vote yes, which is what I believe I will do based on everything I know.” (MSNBC’s “MSNBC Live,” 10/07/2019)

  • CNN’s ANDERSON COOPER: “Senator Harris, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said that members of Congress have to be, in her words, fair to the president and give him a chance to exonerate himself. You’ve already said that based on everything you’ve seen, you would vote to remove him from office. Is that being fair to the president?”

    HARRIS: “Well, it’s just being observant, because he has committed crimes in plain sight. I mean, it’s shocking, but he told us who he was…. And so Congress must act. But the reality of it is that I don’t really think this impeachment process is going to take very long, because as a former prosecutor, I know a confession when I see it. And he did it in plain sight. He has given us the evidence…. Donald Trump needs to be held accountable. He is, indeed, the most corrupt and unpatriotic president we have ever had.” (Democratic Presidential Debate, Westerville, OH, 10/15/2019)

  • SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN (D-MA), Presidential Candidate: “I think the evidence is clear. When Donald Trump released the transcript in which he solicited a foreign government to interfere in the 2020 elections, he broke the law and he did that in context of already having interfered with an investigation into the 2016 elections and Russia being invited to interfere in our elections… He’s made it clear that the law doesn’t apply to him and the point of the federal government is to put whatever resources at his disposal to protect himself politically and financially. That is not the case… What he has done is an impeachable offense, and he should be impeached.” (“Elizabeth Warren Says She’s Seen Enough Evidence To Convict Trump In Senate Impeachment Trial,” Washington Examiner, 10/4/2019)

SEN. AMY KLOBUCHAR (D-MN), Presidential Candidate: “At this point, I don’t see that. But I’m someone that wants to look at every single count. I have made very clear I think this is impeachable conduct.” (CNN’s “State of the Union,” 12/01/2019)

SEN. MICHAEL BENNET (D-CO), Presidential Candidate: “If there is no evidence that’s contrary to the evidence we’ve already heard in the House and the president continues to obstruct and continues to stonewall the legitimate questions that Congress has had, that I’m likely to vote to convict…. If the facts change from where they are today, I could change my mind about that. But that’s where I am today.” (“Sen. Michael Bennet: If The Evidence Heard In House Impeachment Hearings Isn’t Refuted, ‘I’m Likely To Vote To Convict,’” Colorado Public Radio, 12/18/2019) [1]

This is corruption at its best. They don’t even hide it. This is what the Democrat Party has become. Power at all costs even if the whole nation suffers in the process. They don’t just want power and control; they demand power and control.  If they’ll do this to a duly elected president, what will they be willing to do to you?  Remember this in November.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org


[1] https://arkansasgopwing.blogspot.com/2020/01/do-democrats-sound-impartial.html

America is ‘Going to Pot’

Rob Pue

This message may “date” me a little bit, but I wonder how many of you remember this:  do you remember, back in the 1970s, watching the evening news when the local grocery store broke into the programming with a horse race?   Yeah, I said a HORSE RACE.

It was called “Let’s Go to the Races” and it was about a minute-long clip of a horse race, and it was sponsored by the local grocery store.  Here’s how it all worked… to encourage the viewers of the evening news to shop at their store, the local grocery would hand out free horse race tickets with every purchase.  Then, each evening, during the local news broadcast, they would play a short clip of a horse race.  If the number of “your” horse on your free ticket matched the winning horse in the race, you would win a big prize…. anywhere from $2 to $500.

This wasn’t considered “gambling,” (something that was still “unseemly” to most people in those days) because, after all, the tickets were “free,” with every purchase at the local grocery store — and everybody has to buy groceries, so most every home would get at least one race ticket a week.  The store benefited because, as people saw the excitement of the horse races on TV during the evening news each night, they were enticed to shop at THAT particular store — they had to buy groceries anyway, so why not have a chance at that $500?  The TV news station benefited because they knew that all those grocery store shoppers were going to be SURE to tune in for “Let’s Go to the Races” every night, so they would be watching THEIR channel’s news broadcast, instead of one of the other TWO that were available in those days.

I’m not sure how long “Let’s Go to the Races” continued.  But I don’t know anybody who ever won anything on it, and eventually it faded away…  But was this just a mere advertising gimmick, or was it something a little more than that?  You see, it wasn’t long after that the citizens of our state voted for a constitutional amendment legalizing a state-run lottery and pari-mutual betting.

Soon we had dog-racing tracks throughout our state.  That didn’t catch on real well with folks, and the dog tracks went broke.  But today you can go to any convenience store and find dozens of different ways to play the lottery — from scratch-off tickets (costing anywhere from $1 to $25 apiece) to any number of different “pick-your-own-numbers”  lottery tickets.

And then it was only a few years later that the state negotiated with the Indian tribes, allowing them to build 22 casinos across Wisconsin.  These casinos have continued to expand, as they rake in over $1 billion a year.  Most now feature luxury hotels attached to them, as well as bars and restaurants.  It’s estimated that casinos in Wisconsin make a net profit of 48%, while returning a mere 2% to the state.

By the way, that was one of the “perks” we were promised when casino gambling and the state lottery were legalized here — we were promised huge relief on our property tax bills.  But the “lottery tax credit” represents just a few scant dollars for most homeowners — not even enough to go out and buy one of those more expensive lottery TICKETS!  So much for THAT.  SERIOUSLY, it really is no more than just a couple of dollars.

According to the website CitzensAgainstGambling.com, approximately 333,000 Wisconsin residents have a gambling problem.  The average debt of callers to the “Problem Gamblers’ Hotline” is nearly $47,000.  The website also cites that 65% of compulsive gamblers commit crimes to finance their gambling and that 90% of pathological gamblers gambled with their paychecks or family savings.  More than 60% borrow money from friends and family to avoid credit problems and 20% borrowed from “loan sharks.”   Women, children and older adults are among the highest risk for gambling addiction.

Knowing this, it’s pretty sickening to see the casino buses pulling up regularly at retirement homes and assisted living centers — clearly, they’re preying on the senior citizens who live there… lonely widows eager to get out and socialize with their friends, while also hoping for a big win.  Most return home on the casino bus with nothing left.

Nowadays, most people think nothing of this.  Just another normal part of life.  In all, 48 states now permit some form of live gambling.  Hawaii and Utah are the only two that don’t.  To make matters worse, ONLINE poker and casino games are now available to players in EVERY state.

I can’t help but think back to how it all began — with a simple “advertising gimmick” promoted by something as innocent as your local grocery store.  You see, “Let’s Go to the Races” softened us up.  If that had not been such a popular and “fun” thing for people — even just ordinary, everyday folks who would NEVER think of “gambling,” then I doubt we would be seeing gambling as such a huge industry in our state today.  Not to mention the rest of the country where gambling has ALSO increased.

We used to be a nation of innovation, creativity and industry.  We used to MAKE things, PRODUCE things — things of value — here in America.  Now one of our top industries is gambling, which produces nothing but profit for those who operate the games, promising huge jackpots, but handing out mere pennies instead…. and leaving in its wake a lot of broke and broken people, homes and families.  It’s very sad where this has all gone.

Fast forward to today.  Recently, as I was out traveling on my distribution route for our newspaper, I couldn’t help but notice that many of our smaller cities are in recession — tons of empty commercial buildings.  Factories closed down.  Businesses for sale or “going out of business” or already closed completely.  Shopping malls are all but completely vacant.  And yet the businesses that ARE in operation all have “Help Wanted” signs out.  As I speak with business owners, they can’t find the help they need.  They all say the same thing:  “Nobody wants to work anymore.”

Another thing I noticed is the HUGE increase in tattoo parlors, “vaping” shops, adult bookstores… and the latest craze seems to be stores that sell “CBD” products.  Even stores that have nothing whatsoever to do with health or “wellness” products are now selling “CBD” as a sideline, to help bring in extra cash flow.

The one thing all THESE stores seem to have in common is the notable picture of the marijuana leaf.  On just about every street you’ll come across at least a couple of stores that sell CBD products and they all have that picture of the marijuana leaf.  Is it just me, or are we now being indoctrinated with the imagery of the marijuana leaf, with stores everywhere selling CBD products — as a way to just get us “used” to the idea of pot — for “medicinal” purposes, of course!

Now to be clear, CBD is NOT marijuana.  It is Cannabidiol; the second most active ingredient in cannabis.  CBD is derived from the hemp plant — a “cousin” of the marijuana plant.  It does not get a person “high” and has no intoxicating affects.  The products are available in oils, creams, lotions, capsules, drinks and even in “gummy candy” form, and CBD is said to be beneficial for a myriad of health issues.

However, the ONLY real scientific studies on CBD that show any positive effects at all are for childhood epilepsy.  Under a doctor’s supervision, some studies have shown that CBD can help these children in some cases.  But the marketers of CBD are making all kinds of outrageous claims for these products, saying they’ll do everything from easing chronic pain, to helping with insomnia and anxiety and even curing cancer — but none of these claims have any scientific backing.

What’s more, CBD products are very poorly regulated, so poorly, in fact, that some products may contain little if ANY CBD oil at all —  and some have even been found to contain small amounts of THC — the ingredient in marijuana that gets you “high.”

But all this is really beside the point I’m trying to get across here.  I believe what we’re seeing now, with the huge increase in all the marijuana leaf imagery and what can only be described as a CBD “craze,” is a push for all-out legalization of recreational pot, nationwide.  Of course, it will happen incrementally, but I don’t think it’s going to take long.  Maybe at first it will just be made legal for “medicinal purposes.”  But we know, just like all the other stuff we’ve seen come down the pike, this is only a stepping stone to the real goal, which is fully legalized recreational marijuana.

Eleven states have already legalized it completely.  The rest of the country isn’t far behind.  Several others have made it legal for medical purposes only and other states have very loose, unenforced laws regarding the use of marijuana.  Only in 8 states is it still fully illegal.

So I believe what we’re seeing now is marijuana put on the fast-track toward being fully legalized, for any purpose at any time, anywhere; and in those states where it’s still illegal to posses or use, the CBD industry is at it’s peak.  It seems people can’t get stoned fast enough.  And while they KNOW they’re not going to get “high” off CBD… well, they can TRY…

But how has that worked in states where it’s already been legalized for recreational use?  Well, first of all, let’s look at who the big WINNERS are in this:  once again, like with gambling, it’s the almighty State.  In Colorado, for example, in 2018, legal pot sales were more than $1.2 BILLION, with the state getting $270 million in taxes.  (Compare that to the mere $45 million they received from all alcohol sales).  Now, if you think legalizing pot in all 50 states is ever going to reduce our income or property taxes, take a look at how that worked out with the lottery.

What’s more, even though there are age limits on legal recreational pot, it’s still MUCH more accessible to kids in states where it’s now been legalized.  This is a problem because studies have shown that until somewhere in their mid-20s, a young person’s brain is still in the developmental stages.  Ingesting marijuana on a regular basis during these crucial formative years causes irreparable harm to the young mind — resulting in cases of life-long depression, anxiety and even schizophrenia later in life.  Not to mention the younger a person begins using this drug, the more likely they are to become addicted.

In many areas where pot has been legalized, we’re seeing “tent cities” pop up now — communities of homeless people.  Some flock to these states and towns from other parts of the country simply BECAUSE they can purchase pot legally there.  So they hang out with others in these “tent cities,” and the tent cities grow. But others, having become hooked on the drug, have now become homeless — except for their “tent.”

Marijuana-related traffic deaths rose 62% following the legalization of marijuana in Colorado.  Not to mention the loss of productivity…  when you’re hooked on pot, you don’t want to do much of anything, especially work.  It’s also a “gateway” drug.  Young people, in particular, having tried and enjoyed marijuana, will be much more likely to move on to cocaine, heroin and meth.  And 68% of those who use marijuana report using it DAILY.  Now many will say they can stop anytime they want… but DAILY use?  Does that not sound like an addiction to you?

In my opinion, the last thing our country needs is another drug.  The pharmaceutical industry has been reaping billions every year pushing a prescription drug for every possible purpose — MOST of which, I dare say, are totally unnecessary, and MOST of which have worse side effects than the malady they claim to cure.  We also have a problem in this country with other illicit drugs.  Should we make cocaine, heroin and meth legal too?  Where will that get us?  You legalize something, you get more of it.  It’s a pretty basic concept.

So I’m just wondering — is it just me?  Or do you think, also, that we have a problem in America with addiction?  We have gambling addiction, porn addiction, alcohol addiction, prescription drug addiction, illegal drug addiction … do we really need ONE MORE THING to victimize our children — and our most vulnerable adults with?

I just ask you to be aware and BEWARE:  when you see those pot-leaf pictures on the video stores, the convenience stores, the drug stores and coffee shops, understand it’s just a process of NORMALIZING the image for you… getting you used to the idea.  Soon, they’ll take the next step toward full legalization, as they have in other places.  We don’t need more drugs.  Most of us are already comfortably numb in our apathy and ignorance.  Instead, let’s remember 1 Peter 5:8, “Be sober-minded, be watchful.  Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”  Don’t let that be you.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

Globalists Panic as Trump Survives and Virus Spreads

By Cliff Kincaid

In the span of just one week, at the Davos World Economic Forum, two globalists sounded the alarm about President Trump’s America, declaring we are living in “revolutionary” times. This means another panic has set in, as Bolshevik Bernie is positioned to capture the Democratic presidential nomination and go down to another defeat, in much the same way that socialist Jeremy Corbyn’s campaign imploded in Britain.

First, the future King of England, Prince Charles, said at Davos, in order to combat “climate change” and move forward, “we need nothing short of a paradigm shift, one that inspires action at revolutionary levels and pace.” Then, atheist billionaire hedge fund operator George Soros took the stage at Davos, declaring war on President Trump and claiming we are living in a “revolutionary moment.”

This is not just talk. Soros is known as the hedge fund operator who broke the Bank of England through currency manipulation and short-selling. He makes money by undermining national economies, causing dislocation and human suffering. He is a fan of the European Union and told Davos that Boris Johnson’s victory in Britain in the Brexit election was a “crushing defeat” for the globalists.  He also took aim at nationalists Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil and Matteo Salvini in Italy.

Charles and Soros sounded like revolutionaries in a state of panic over plans for their New World Order. Of course, we are now witnessing the emergence of another infectious disease, a new Corona virus, which originated in China and may have passed from animals to humans. In addition to the spread of the disease and the possibility of hundreds or thousands of deaths, financial and oil markets are threatened. Airlines and travel stocks are falling. This may just be the crisis the globalists need.

This comesas America’s first Marxist president, Barack Hussein Obama, is reportedly concerned that Bernie has not hidden his Marxist side well enough and has been far too open about his own authoritarian, or totalitarian, plans for America. They fear that after Trump survives impeachment, he may be, in the words of Vice President Mike Pence, “unstoppable.” Sanders is perceived as easy pickings for the Trump machine.

Obama was much smarter than Sanders. His counted on his friends in the media to conceal his involvement with the Democratic Socialists of America and a top operative of the Communist Party, Frank Marshall Davis.  But Sanders doesn’t have many friends in the media. Fearful of losing to Trump, the Democratic establishment, including CNN, has mobilized against Sanders. Groups representing Sanders and Elizabeth Warren issued a statement declaring that “The progressive movement has the chance of a lifetime to defeat Donald Trump and elect a truly transformational progressive President of the United States, but it won’t happen if we fight each other instead of working together to win.”

Nevertheless, pressure is mounting on Warren to pull out. Her latest embarrassment came when a father who saved his money to put his daughter through college without debt wondered why he should be punished for his thrift under Warren’s debt-relief plan for deadbeats.

If Sanders’ candidacy is not derailed and the Democrats are stuck with him, another strategy may be used – economic disruption. In his Davos speech, Soros even suggested an economic crash is coming, saying, “…an overheated economy can’t be kept boiling for too long. If all this had happened closer to the elections, it would have assured his [Trump’s] reelection. His problem is that the elections are still 10 months away and in a revolutionary situation, that is a lifetime.”

The implication is that certain forces operating throughout the world, some perhaps in mysterious and unregulated hedge funds, could intervene to crash the economy, jeopardizing Trump’s victory.

The Marxists used to be the experts in exploiting human suffering for the purposes of sparking revolution. But hedge funds can do far better than the Marxists. There is money to be made when the world economy takes a downturn.

On the offensive, Trump used his Davos speech to call his critics the “perennial prophets of doom” and “foolish fortune-tellers,” noting their record of phony predictions: “They predicted an overpopulation crisis in the 1960s, mass starvation in the ’70s, and an end of oil in the 1990s.  These alarmists always demand the same thing: absolute power to dominate, transform, and control every aspect of our lives.”

Their “climate action” plan now depends on a mystical sense of nature being sacred and somehow under the control of man (and a global super-state) through Green New Deal-type schemes. In many ways, it is a return to paganism and a primitive style of living.

Joan Veon’s book, Prince Charles: The Sustainable Prince, notes that he was greatly influenced by the South African-born mystic Laurens van der Post, later exposed as a liar, fraud, and pedophile. [Click here to read Late Joan Vion’s Articles]

Veon also says Charles was a convert to James Lovelock’s Gaia hypothesis, a belief based on the Greek goddess Gaia, the Earth Mother. One chapter of Al Gore’s book, Earth in the Balance, writes sympathetically about the pagan tradition of worshipping a goddess of the earth, and complains that Christianity wiped out this tradition.

According to these elites, there are too many of us, and we have too much economic and political freedom to improve our lives and our standard of living. Capitalism and Christianity are incompatible with their New World Order.

Interestingly, one version of the global warming (now climate change) theory originated with marijuana advocate Carl Sagan, who was also an astronomer. Before he came to believe the Earth was inhabited by a spirit called Gaia, Sagan was writing about the virtues of dope and “the cannabis experience.” He explained, “I do not consider myself a religious person in the usual sense, but there is a religious aspect to some highs. The heightened sensitivity in all areas gives me a feeling of communion with my surroundings, both animate and inanimate.”

The U.N.’s Environmental Sabbath program advised kids to hold hands around a tree and meditate. The purpose, through dope or meditation, is to become “one” with trees, rocks, and dirt.

Elites like Prince Charles can be viewed as fools or worse, but it’s clear that Soros, with his hold on the Democratic Party and tens of billions to spend, is serious. His associates in the Council on Foreign Relations have made clear their intentions, for the  new issue of their journal Foreign Affairs is out, with a lead article, “The Twilight of America’s Financial Empire,” objecting to how the United States uses financial power for the benefit of America. The January/February 2020 issue is devoted to “Global Capitalism” and one gets the impression that the elites are hoping for a crash, in order to take America down a notchor two (and undermine the Trump economy).

Another article, “The Starving State,” which is subtitled, “Why Capitalism’s Salvation Depends on Taxation,” represents another desperate attempt to destroy economic growth with higher and higher rates of taxation. Co-author Joseph Stiglitz is an adviser to the Democratic Party and was an adviser to the ill-fated Jeremy Corbyn campaign in Britain. Stiglitz, an advocate of nationalizing U.S. banks, is a member of the Socialist International Commission on Global Financial Issues. He wrote the book, Making Globalization Work, in which he argues for a variety of global tax schemes that would cost American taxpayers billions of dollars.

Trump is their enemy because he stands in the way of their global socialist model.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

Biden Throws Blacks Another Racist Dog Biscuit

Lloyd Marcus

As usual, fake news media ignored a Democrat irresponsibly throwing a racial-hate-generating grenade into a crowd of blacks. On MLK day 2020, Joe Biden referred to Trump as “this president and his Ku Klux Klan…” This is extremely evil when you understand that Biden knows his accusation is absurd and easily proven false. Biden thought he was simply throwing the dumb black congregation a vote-winning racist dog biscuit.

As a black and grateful proud American, it turns my stomach the way Democrats repeatedly pander to us, pretending race relations in America have not progressed beyond the 1950s.

Irresponsibly, Hollywood, public education and fake news media join Democrats in selling black America their absurd lie that America is a hellhole of racism, overrun with white supremacists and KKK members. It is all a huge scheme to keep blacks believing they are victims, voting for Democrats to keep rabid racist white America at bay. This Democrat lie is insidiously evil and destructive when you consider that America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to pursue their dreams.

Not only are Democrats not concerned about strained race relations, they thrive on it. They seek to create as much racial division and hate as possible.

On the anniversary of the shooting in Ferguson Missouri, Democrat presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren despicably ran to microphones to proclaim that black Michael Brown was murdered by a racist white cop. This is a bald-faced lie, proven untrue by evidence presented to a grand jury. Throwing her racist dog biscuit to blacks was Warren’s evil cold and calculated campaign trick to win black votes.

Folks, this evil Democrat lie that Brown was shot in cold blood by a racist cop has caused many of our brave men in blue to be ambushed and assassinated across America in revenge. Warren has zero compassion for the fatherless children and widows created by Democrats’ Brown-was-murdered lie. This serial-lying wicked woman must never come anywhere near the seat of international power.

Because I am an outspoken black Christian, conservative and Republican, white Democrats have freely called me a stupid n**** all over social media for decades; even threatening my life.

It is not a stretch to believe they use the same vitriolic language at their high-dollar-fundraiser cocktail parties. We got those n****s right where we want them. Blacks are only 13% of the population which means white America obviously elected Obama two times. And yet, we successfully convinced stupid blacks to believe a majority of white Americans would never vote for a black man to be leader of the free world.

I have been confronted by brain-dead black Democrat loyalists who call me an Uncle Tom for rejecting the absurd Democrat narrative that somehow Obama was elected under the radar of white America.

How long will Democrats get away with playing us blacks for a bunch of useful idiots every election cycle; throwing us racism dog biscuits to keep us lapping around at their feet for more as they pet us on our heads for good luck?

A caller on the Rush Limbaugh radio show said Conservatism is really about love. I could not agree more. I became a conservative decades ago because I embraced Dr Martin Luther Kings Jr’s dream that people should be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. I connected with Ronald Reagan’s call for all Americans to be the best they can be.

I rejected Democrats’ message of victim-hood-ism, class envy and racial hate. Democrats are more determined than ever to punish the hard work of Peter to gift the fruits of his labor to lazy trifling Paul. Insanely, they even want to give Peter’s hard earned money to illegal aliens.

Rather than relentlessly instilling hate and victim mindsets, Conservatism encourages and celebrates all Americans becoming their best.

Democrats have been deceiving blacks for 50 years, throwing them racism dog biscuits. Due to their faithful monolithic voting for Democrats, blacks are suffering big-time in Democrat controlled cities; epidemic school dropouts, high incarcerations, high fatherless households, generational poverty and record-breaking black on black homicides.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden is on the campaign trail claiming the most black-power creating president in U.S. History is the leader of the Ku Klux Klan. Not only does Trump have a long history of hiring, empowering, advocating and promoting blacks, his presidency has black unemployment at its lowest in U.S. History.

How many stupid blacks will stay on the Democrats’ plantation, believing Biden’s outrageous lie that Trump is a n*****-hating white supremacist? My fellow black Americans, please stop scarfing up Democrats’ racist dog biscuits.

Trump is offering blacks “real” hope and change. C’mon, black brother and sister Americans. It’s time to get onboard the Trump Train.

© 2020 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus: mr_lloydmarcus@hotmail.com

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth

Senate Violence-Reduction Bills Push the Progressive Agenda, Ignore Conservative Principles

Edward Bartlett

The Violence Against Women Act is one of those laws with an innocent sounding name, but in practice toes a hard-left agenda. First passed in 1994 thanks to the efforts of then-Senator Joe Biden, VAWA is now up for its five-year reauthorization.

On November 13, Dianne Feinstein introduced the Democrat version of VAWA in the Senate. Her bill was modeled on the bill that had previously passed in the House along mostly party-lines. Replete with progressive provisions and new entitlements, leading conservatives issued a statement strongly critical of the House bill, charging it represented “an act of immense political overreach.”[1]

A week later, Sen. Joni Ernst introduced her version of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) reauthorization, S. 2920. In her press release, Ernst emphasized how her bill would dramatically boost funding for victim services.

But as a Republican senator from Iowa, the more important question is, How well does her bill advance Republican ideals and conservative principles?

To answer this question, I compared her bill to the tenets outlined in Principles of Conservatism, published by the Heritage Foundation.[2] Seven of the Heritage Principles are directly relevant to the Violence Against Women Act. Key parts of each Principle are shown in bold, below.


Senator Ernst’s bill fails to address six of the Heritage Principles. And for the seventh Principle – not worsening the federal deficit – the Ernst bill would make the situation considerably worse.

In terms of upholding and advancing recognized conservative ideals, Sen. Ernst’s VAWA bill rates an ‘F.’


The federal government exists to preserve life, liberty and property, and it is instituted to protect the rights of individuals according to natural law. Among these rights are the sanctity of life; the freedom of speech, religion, the press, and assembly; the right to bear arms; the right of individuals to be treated equally and justly under the law; and to enjoy the fruits of one’s labor.

ANALYSIS: Over half of domestic violence victims are male, according to the Centers for Disease Control. But these persons are underserved and even excluded by VAWA programs.[3]

CONCLUSION: Concern not addressed.


The federal government’s powers are limited to those named in the Constitution and should be exercised solely to protect the rights of its citizens. As Thomas Jefferson said, “The government closest to the people serves the people best.” Powers not delegated to the federal government, nor prohibited by the Constitution, are reserved to the states or to the people.

ANALYSIS: Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution does not authorize the federal government to enact criminal statutes. Within the context of VAWA, this Principle could be addressed by means of instituting block grants to the states.

CONCLUSION: Concern not addressed.


Judges should interpret and apply our laws and the Constitution based on their original meaning, not upon judges’ personal and political predispositions.

ANALYSIS: VAWA funds judicial training programs that have been found to be biased in their content,[4] thereby undermining the fairness of judicial adjudications.

CONCLUSION: Concern not addressed.


The family is the essential foundation of civil society, and traditional marriage serves as the cornerstone of the family.

ANALYSIS: VAWA has been documented to contribute to family break-down in a number of ways, e.g., by enabling false allegations.[5]

CONCLUSION: Concern not addressed.


Justice requires an efficient, fair, and effective criminal justice system—one that gives defendants adequate due process and requires an appropriate degree of criminal intent to merit punishment.

ANALYSIS: With the exception of due process provisions in the Safety for Indians Title VIII, the Ernst bill does not address the myriad of due process problems created by VAWA, e.g., the issuance of restraining orders without proper due process[6] and widespread mandatory arrest policies.[7]

Worse, the Ernst bill would promote guilt-presuming criminal investigations, often referred to a “trauma-informed” (Sec. 205).[8]

CONCLUSION: Concern not addressed.


America is strongest when our policies protect our national interests, preserve our alliances of free peoples, vigorously counter threats to our security, and advance prosperity through economic freedom at home and abroad.

ANALYSIS: VAWA currently allows a foreign national to receive priority treatment in getting employment approval and citizenship by claiming to be a victim of domestic violence, no evidence required.[9] This policy is now believed to pose a security risk, since a terrorist could become intimately involved with an American citizen, and then bypass numerous security checks by playing the abuse card. The issue of VAWA-induced marriage fraud was highlighted in a recent GAO report.[10]

CONCLUSION: Concern not addressed.


The federal deficit and debt must not place unreasonable financial burdens on future generations.

ANALYSIS: The Ernst bill would worsen government debt in two ways:

  1. Increase the VAWA authorization from $658 million to $1,127 million, a whopping $469 million increase.
  2. Expand the definition of “victim,” thereby placing far greater burdens on state crime victim assistance and compensation funds.

CONCLUSION: The Ernst bill would dramatically increase federal and state government expenditures.

[BIO: Edward Bartlett, PhD, an Army veteran, worked as a professor at the University of Alabama-Birmingham and for 15 years as a research manager in the federal Department of Health and Human Services.]

© 2020 Edward Bartlett – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Edward Bartlett: edwardbartlett@comcast.net



[2] https://www.heritage.org/truenorth

[3] https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-domestic-violence-men/male-victims-of-domestic-violence-struggle-to-disclose-abuse-idUSKCN1UC2EF


[5] https://www.verywellmind.com/false-domestic-abuse-claims-4100660


[7] http://www.saveservices.org/downloads/Justice-Denied-DV-Arrest-Policies


[9] http://www.immigrationfraud.com/news.html

[10] https://www.gao.gov/assets/710/701807.pdf

Trump on Trial: Democrats Playing Games With People’s Lives

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

History’s third impeachment trial began Tuesday with an angry Rep. Adam Schiff accusing President Donald Trump of engaging in a ‘corrupt’ effort to get Ukraine to help him ‘cheat’ to win his reelection.

Schiff, a California Democrat, is heading a team of impeachment managers made up of the most of Trump hating Democrats serving in the House of Representatives. He kicked off the trial by making his case before 100 senators seated at their desks with the Chief Justice John Roberts of the U.S Supreme Court officiating.

“What I found laughable was Shifty Schiff, a proven liar, telling the Senators they must provide for an honest and fair trial that lets both sides make their case. Schiff and [Rep. Jerry] Nadler ran the process in the House and did everything they could to prove their case. But they failed miserably and sent the Senate a fraudulent case for indictment,” said former New York police detective and law professor Jacob Skolbey.

“Despite facing rabid Deep State lackeys, the Republicans won the initial legal battle in impeachment trial when the Senate voted down an attempt by New York’s Sen. Chuck Schumer to subpoena a number of documents from the Trump White House regarding the Ukrainian government,” Prof. Skolbey told Conservative Base. Skolbey added that the lawmakers’s voted against Schumer’s amendment (53-47).

Well-known attorney Jay Sekulow, who is one of the most prolific and victorious lawyers in America, is leading President Donald Trump’s defense in the Senate impeachment trial. He quickly has exposed the Democrat ‘trifecta’ that makes impeachment unconstitutional.

He accused the Democrats of denying President Trump’s right to cross-examine witnesses in the House “fishing expedition, Trump’s right to have complete access to the Democrats’ so-called evidence, and have legal counsel present at all hearings whether they be public, televised hearings or closed door secret interviews/interrogations.

Rep. Schiff angrily criticized the proposed rules package and said Trump sought to ‘coerce’ Ukraine into helping him ‘cheat’ in the election.

However, former military intelligence operative and law enforcement official Sid Franes said, “Schiff makes these outlandish statements because he’s confident the mob in the media won’t complain about his lack of honesty and his disrespect for the nation’s Commander in Chief. These Democrats are disgusting politicians who remind American patriots of the leaders in China, Russia, Venezuela, Cuba, Iran and other countries run by dictators and oligarchs.”

The Trump Impeachment Trial

According to the impeachment document handed over to the U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Trump is allegedly guilty of abusing his power and for obstruction of Congress for holding back military aid for Ukraine in order to get them to probe former Vice President Joe Biden and his wayward son, Hunter Biden, whose list of transgressions includes being tossed out of the U.S. Navy, drug abuse charges including crack-cocaine, and other misdemeanor crimes.

Trump denies he committed an impeachable offense and his defense team that includes Sekulow, Prof. Alan Dershowitz, former New York Mayor and U.S Attorney Rudy Giuliani, former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi and others have assailed the Democrats’ process and lack of Republican backing.

At 1:17 p.m. (eastern) on Tuesday, the Supreme Court’s Chief Justice started the first debate of his trial: how it will be run.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell released his list of trial rules the night before, and as expected Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer called the rules ‘a cover-up not a trial’, he said the rules were ‘completely partisan’ and said they appear to have written by President Trump.

McConnell then modified his initial package to allow 24 hours of debate for each side over three days. “What I hope and pray for is that the Republicans begin playing ‘hardball’ with the Democrats, who are dishonest manipulators who stand smack dab on the thin line between patriotism and treason.

McConnell plans to have Democrats start prosecuting Trump on Wednesday with 24 hours over two days to make their case.

Hearings could go long into the night, and Trump will be absent on Tuesday and Wednesday at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

White House counsel Pat Cipollone criticized Democrats for asking the Senate to subpoena witnesses in President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial when they chose not to issue subpoenas for some of those same witnesses during the House proceedings. White House counsel Pat Cipollone criticized Democrats for asking the Senate to subpoena witnesses in President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial when they chose not to issue subpoenas for some of those same witnesses during the House proceedings

Trump attorney Jay Sekulow slammed House managers, who are acting as “prosecutors” during President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial, for the way they have handled the impeachment process. “Since the president was sworn into office, there was a desire to see him removed,” Sekulow said as he defended a resolution that would govern the trial.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

Reading, Writing, Arithmetic or SEX, What’s in Your school?

By Karen Schoen

Should the federal government subsidize Planned Parenthood’s radical sex education curriculum?

In 1963, Rep Herlong (D FL) read 45 Goals of Communism into the congressional record. This was 53 years ago when the Democrat Party actually stood for decency and understood the dangers of communism. https://www.theblaze.com/video/45-communist-goals-for-america

Today the majority of those goals are being practiced. For the purpose of this article, I am focusing on these goals as they apply to the school programs we see today:

  1. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
  2. Gain control of all student newspapers.
  3. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
  4. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.
  5. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
  6. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.”
  7. Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”
  8. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.
  9. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
  10. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
  11. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”
  12. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”

As students began to realize that a mass in the womb is actually a baby, and Planned Parenthood (PP) lost some of its funding and a new revenue source had to be created to replace the downturn of abortion.  We have learned that the new funding source is focused on selling baby parts.  Interesting question: Is the reason for the late term abortion push because more mature baby parts are worth more money?

Recently Planned Parenthood teamed up with the Center for Disease Control to produce a program designed to sexualize children from grades 4 and up.  Forget about learning ABC’s or math, students having sex as early as possible is their goal.  If you think that Jeffery Epstein was the only pervert in America, think again.  As sex with minors becomes normalized, reports of sex slavery, kidnapping of minors, rape, sex trafficking are only a slightly mentioned news story.  Where are the reports on the people who went with Epstein to his sex island?  Where is the outcry? Check out: North American Man/Boy Love Association https://www.nambla.org/

Planned Parenthood has quietly making financial and ideological gains elsewhere by pushing Alfred Kinsey’s goal to addict children to sexual activity, beginning in infancy. Planned Parenthood’s allies:

  • The NEA teachers union: It’s hard to forget former National Education Association (NEA) General Counsel Bob Chanin’s farewell address during the 2009 NEA national convention. “It is not because we care about children; and it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child,” Chanin boasted. “The NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power.” The NEA has provided funding for this program.
  • the S. and state level Departments of Education, The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), SIECUS-dominated federal government agencies, U.S.-funded United Nations agencies, and the social engineer, George Soros, also provide funding
  • as well as their cooperative textbook publishers and movie producers are in the huge business of “SexEd.”

Their content comes from the bogus Alfred Kinsey’s fake “science” which claimed to “prove” that infants can be sexually aroused. The state of Florida targets schoolchildren as young as three for sexual pleasure, addiction, and obsession with aberrant behavior. Ugly Realities in the Abortion Industry (The Truth news round-up from Eagle News) http://www.eaglenewsnetwork.us/

Since Roe v Wade 45 million abortions were preformed. 45 million babies were killed. In 2015, 638,169 babies were killed.

Wikipedia: Abortion statistics in the United States

As compared with still horrible gun violence. 2016 there were 11,004 gun homicides

Wikipedia: Gun violence in the United States

Curious rather than address abortion, the Democrats focus on guns.

Sexualization comes in many forms and its stealth programs capture the minds of vulnerable children Please visit amaze.org for adults and amaze.org/jr for 4+ year olds. Produced and used with Sex Ed 102 from CDC and PP.  The training emboldens any teacher to discuss the following subjects, in an abetting manner, with children from preschool (age 3) through high school and even college.  Since parents are taught they are no longer responsible to raise their children because they are too dumb and must have help from schools, parents are allowing schools to sexualize their children. Do they know?

After reviewing some of these animated sex cartoons, I received an email which I want to share as it summarizes exactly what is going on in school.

  • Gender confusion/transgender/questioning gender – It does not matter how you feel, there are only 2 genders. Impressionable children feel different every day.
  • Fornication in all of its forms including “masturbation,” and “fingering.” – Now acceptable in the classroom.
  • Chemical contraception, condom use activities – Condom races are done in CA classrooms.
  • [Abortion] “referrals” through legal loophole admission by county health department personnel into school-based clinics. – often without parental consent (cartoon 5)
  • The value/virtue of modesty is dismissed, even ridiculed to preschoolers in the recommended charmingly-drawn Amaze.org/jr cartoon stories. Children send nude selfies to friends which often wind up in line and are often used to bully or destroy . (Cartoon 6)
  • Boys and girls are declared “the same” to preschoolers in Amaze.org/jr – The biological structure of males and females ARE different and no amount of surgery will fix that even when tampon companies try to include tampons for men. (cartoon lessons.7)

Transgenders get company to drop female symbol from menstruation products

  • The teacher training employs an inappropriate crude, graphic, obscene, indecent and profane vocabulary and refers teachers to Planned Parenthood/SIECUS -created 8 YouTube and other social media websites, funded with federal monies from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Federal funding means we the taxpayer are paying to destroy young innocent minds.
  • The training targets teachers and offers tools for indoctrinating children from preschoolages through 12th grade. Whose values are being followed? Goal 26

The students graduate and 47% can not read, write, do math but they will produce babies that can be aborted and sold by PP.  I call this child abuse.

Recently Sec of Ed, Betsy deVos admitted the latest nationwide education scores are so bad they are devastating.  Betsy is not paying attention. When learning how to have Sex in school is more important that ABC’s and Math it’s time to go Betsy.

In the News:

Sex education to be placed in the service of left-wing agendas: reproductive injustice, LGBTQ discrimination, “sexual and reproductive freedom as they define it for themselves”, “advancing sex ed for social change” [Link] “Deep Equity” Program Indoctrinating Kids Across US, Tells Teachers To Reject Parents Who Disagree.

  • Summary from a resident of Loudon County, Virginia:

Tucker began his show by saying that the Left is turning education into political propaganda.  His show investigated a radical new curriculum called Deep Equity.  It is produced by a for-profit company, Corwin, which calls it a teacher training program aimed at producing real school improvement for equity & social justice.

Now how will this “improvement” happen?  According to Tucker, mainly by attacking students on the basis of skin color.

Deep Equity claims America is based on a hierarchy of various oppressions:  Men oppress women; Christianity oppresses Islam; English oppresses Spanish; White people oppress everyone.  If you have a problem with this claim, then you are an oppressor and part of the problem.

According to Corwin, differences in academic performance have nothing to do with culture or effort.  [BS.]  They are purely the product of racism.  In order to fight that racism, teachers are instructed on different types of “White identity orientations.”  [Tucker called it pseudo-science.  I’ll add child abuse.]

Many White people, teachers told by Deep Equity, are defined by their ignorance and supremacy.  Other Whites [more enlightened?], meanwhile, question the systemic issues . . . .  The curriculum offers what it calls a “White Allies Action Agenda.”  [Are you a White Ally?]  Tucker posted the “White Allies Action Agenda”:

  1. See race.  2. Listen to and learn frompeople of color.   3. Acknowledge the reality of racism.  4. Acknowledge the reality of White racial privilege.  5. Transcend guilt.  6. Educate other White people.  7. Confront racist behaviors, attitudes, and practices.   8. Use your privilege to work for racial & social justice.

Tucker’s staff talked to a trained teacher who said this curriculum forces teachers to become racial activists.  Tucker complained that teaching math, science, English appear nowhere.  Tucker believes teaching racial activism is certain to wound, confuse and divide our kids of all colors.  [I agree with him.  Will a minority student believe that his inability to succeed is caused by racism {racist math as in Seattle}, not because he failed to study or skipped classes.]

Deep Equity says for teachers to explicitly reject and resist any parents who don’t agree with it.

Any disagreement with SEX 102 by a teacher, parent or concerned citizen will now be determined as racist.

When math is not taught, the minority can rule the majority….

Only 4.5% of the population is LGBTQ. So they are exploited and the other 94.5%

Cal. parents outraged over new health disguised lessons that teach explicit sex


Mr Sabi informed the UNHRC of the Tribunal’s damning findings that innocent victims, primarily Falun Gong practitioners have been killed for their organs. He said: “For years throughout China on a significant scale, and that it continues today.”


Man accused of hate crime after refusing to have sex with transgender with male genitals

Texas schools to teach 3rd graders how to make anal more enjoyable

Texas state board of education considers sex-ed for kindergarteners

Dozens of Florida pedophiles arrested in undercover sting with deputies posing as minors

“The deepest urge in human nature is the desire to be important.” ―John Dewey

Impressionable children learn: Following your teacher is important.

Is America Worth Saving?

What can you do?

  • Contact POTUS – time to fire Betsy
  • See if these programs are in your school. Bring it to your school board. Get on record any member supporting sexualization of our kids.
  • Review the documents prepared by Florida Citizens Alliance. Join the Alliance.
  • Contact your legislator on the education committee, post op eds and videos. Go to parent meetings, churches Expose this sinister program.
  • Share this article
  • Listen to this interview with Karen Schoen and Priscilla Gray on Sex 102 American Freedom Watch Radio Guests John Paul De Grase and Priscilla Gray
  • Contribute to News With Views.

The Rage of the Democrats

By: Amil Imani

What underlies the rage of the Democrat Party and of the leftist Democrat Establishment vis-a-vis President Donald Trump?

Over forty years ago, during my high school years in Iran, my father and I had a conversation. He was an avid Republican, even though he lived on the other side of the world. Right before I prepared to leave Iran for the US, he gave me some fatherly advice. He explained why the Democrat Party was bad for America, bad for Iran and bad for the world. He advised me if I ever became a US citizen, to never vote for Democrats. After all these years, I now understand what he meant by those words of wisdom.

For over twenty years I did not vote simply because I was not a US citizen. Even after I became one, I was not fully aware of the depth of this party’s evil ideology. Although, eight long years of Obama’s presidency was enough to make me realize where America was headed and what brand of Democrats were in charge, but it was not until the election of President Trump that exposed just how corrupt the Democrats and every government institutions were. Now that genie is out of the bottle, they cannot put it back in. Public trust is out the door. All because it was Hillary’s turn to be president.

After the election was over, Clinton and her campaign staff were stunned and angry. So, they went on a crusade and would remain there. They blamed everyone in the book for her loss, except the very person who lost the election. For the past three years, these phony investigations cost American taxpayers tens of millions of dollars. They were fully aware of it was just a hoax and fraud. In the process, they hurt the country and the American people.

President Trump’s opponents, mostly are from the camp of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama supporters. Both Obama and Clinton were students of Saul Alinsky. Alinsky was a self-professed radical, obsessed with leftist ideology. Moreover, the Left, rooted in Marxism, is atheistic and steeped in multicultural moral relativism. Hence, the pro-American nationalism of President Trump–his campaign slogan of “Make America Great Again” — infuriates the Left, which flatters itself as being internationalist or “cosmopolitan” as well as the trend of the future.

Lastly, the Left is pantheistic and thus abhors the basic differential nature of existence, which is opposed to the Left’s unqualified egalitarianism.

If you think of Harry Truman’s electoral victory over the Thomas Dewey, you have a precedent for what is happening today.  Truman’s victory stunned the Media, just as Trump’s victory has done. “Give’m hell Harry,” who worked as a haberdasher, reminds us of Trump, despite Trump being a billionaire.

Since the election of Donald Trump, the left has lost its collective mind. They have gone into a stage of sheer lunacy and have not returned. It seems the entire liberal world has combined their efforts to take Trump out at all cost. But in this devilish process, the left has exposed its true nature. I have stated many times that multiculturalism and the doctrine of moral relativism is destroying the moral fabric of America. Moral relativism is the core of the social sciences, hence of sociology, anthropology, psychology, and political science.  It corrupts judges, opinion makers, policy and decision makers.

Moral relativism denies the existence of evil. This doctrine is evident in the writings and pro-Palestinian attitude of former President Barack Obama.  It was evident in the American policy of detente vis-a-vis the Soviet Union.  It was denounced by Andre Solzhenitsyn in his book “Being Silent about Evil.”

This Democrat Party no longer hides its agenda. They now openly encourage millions of illegal aliens to violate our laws and break into our country and they want to sign them up for free welfare, free healthcare and free education. And of course, the right to vote with the help of their ACE in the hole, the “Fake News” media.

What is the Democrat Party’s mantra? It is basically “We’re not Trump” and Hillary Clinton tried it and it did not work well. And given the uncertainty that is about to envelop us, it is time for us to step out, and fight back, and although it will be difficult, and many won’t join us, I think it’s our only hope. Let’s just make up a story and impeach him. Just do everything we can to disrupt the conscience of the nation.

The Democrats have thrown all their eggs into the “Hate Trump” basket, but that doesn’t seem to be helping their poll numbers.

It is obvious that the Democrat Party is at war with America and they are not interested in stopping any time soon.

The radical left enjoys controlling people from cradle to grave. (sounds like Muslims).  They want socialism. They want to be in charge for eternity. The leftist agenda recommends denial of personal responsibility, encourages self-pity and fosters government reliance, promotes sexual indulgence, rationalizes violence, excuses financial obligation, justifies theft, ignores rudeness, prescribes complaining and blaming, promotes Sharia law, denigrates the sanctity of marriage and the family, legalizes all abortion, defies religious and social tradition, declares inequality unjust, and rebels against the duties of citizenship and much more.

For decades, the Democrat Party has shown by both words and deeds that they despise the U.S. Constitution while they bend over backwards to embrace Islamists, illegal aliens, and anyone who hates America and feels entitled. The left is interested only in power and nothing else – even if it means sacrificing our safety and security.

In short, America is on a precarious path to lose its freedom and our Constitution we have cherished for over 200 years. We must accept that the current Democrat Party is no longer the party of Kennedy. It has become the greatest threat to our national security and our survival as a nation.

© 2020 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Yet Another Reason Among Many To Love Texas

By Ron Edwards

While growing up in Cleveland, I learned about the plight of the suffering that Jewish people endured at the hands of Hitler and the Nazis of Germany.  My Dad, our Jewish friends and lessons at school were my primary sources of being made aware of their plight.  Recently, Texas governor Greg Abbot led a delegation to Israel to foster more shared economic growth.  Yes Texas, known as the Lone Star State is arguably America’s number one state for economic opportunities.  Whether seeking a job, working toward opening a new business, or relocating an establishes business enterprise from an overtaxing and regulatory oppressive state like California or New Jersey, Texas is one of the best places to go.  Texas cities like Dallas, San Antonio, and even leftist leaning Austin are prosperous, growing and blessed with an atmosphere of optimism and real opportunities.  You may wonder why I went from focusing on learning about the Jewish people while growing up in Cleveland, a city awakening from economic and aesthetic doldrums, to discussing Texas.

OK, the reason being is that Texas under the leadership of perhaps the best governor the Lone Star State, Gregg Abbot is in my opinion displaying the wisdom of Solomon by building economic ties with Israel.  Not only did I learn about the ups and downs of Jewish history, I also was schooled about the biblical encouragement to not be an enemy of Israel.  In fact, the Bible plainly states He who blesses Israel shall be blessed, but he who curses Israel shall be cursed.  I find that scripture to be played out throughout the world.  For example, let us take a look at Israel itself.  In and around Jerusalem there are Jewish, Christian and Muslim sections.  Both the Christian and Jewish sections are mostly clean and their farmlands are green and fertile.  The Christians are a blessing to the Jewish people and whether the Jewish people recognize it or not, the Christians live a blessed life in Israel.  The opposite is true regarding the Muslims, who are well treated by the Israeli government and the people as a whole.

But the Muslims or Palestinians are down right vicious, not only to the Jewish people, but to everyone walking who is not Muslim/Palestinian.  On top of that they brutalize their own Palestinian women.  So if you venture into the Muslim sections, they are a dusty brown with little to almost no ability to grow crops on their land.  The only reason the Palestinians have anything to eat is because of the generosity of the Jewish and Christian farmers who consistently have an abundance of crops.  Europeans now import most of their fruits and vegetables from Israel.  The Israeli desert is blooming like never before.  Contrary to common false belief, the Palestinians are in reality from Jordan and are being used as a political thorn in the side of Israel.   But I digress.

Texas governor Abbot has in my opinion set the Lone Star State up for tremendous blessings in the years and decades to come. Not long ago, the Texas governor signed into law an anti boycott Israel bill that would limit those whose focus is to unjustly sanction and divest from Israel.  His signing of the bill has made Texas the 18th state in the union to take action against the bigoted anti-Israel BDS movement.  But unlike the other state governors who also signed laws against the anti Israel movement, Texas governor Abbot publicly defends Israel on his social media accounts and has visited Israel twice for Texas-Israel economic trade missions.  Like president Trump, Governor Abbot is a true friend of Israel and espouses the unbreakable bond between the State of Israel and the United States of America.

© 2020 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

Website: http://theronedwards.talkspot.com/

Voting for Trump is… Illegal?

Lee Duigon

If leftists could get inside your head and uproot and throw out everything they found in there that they didn’t like, and replace your thoughts with their thoughts, they’d do it in a New York minute.

Which leads us to the latest bit of fascist wackiness from NBC Nooze.

Some brief quotes will give you the flavor of this op-ed, as they call it.

“Trump voters motivated by racism may be violating the Constitution” by voting. ‘Cause voting for Trump is “not just immoral, but illegal”.

How do they know what motivates anybody’s vote? Liberal logic to the rescue! Donald Trump’s a racist—they say so, so it must be so: it’s what they call a given. Therefore, everyone who votes for him is a racist, too. In logic, this is what they call a sillygism. If it were rational, if the premise of Trump’s “racism” were in any way a real thing, it would be called a syllogism.

But how could they *prove* your vote was motivated by racism? Well, they could torture you until you admitted it. But trying to prove things gives liberals a headache. When do they ever have to prove anything?

They’re on even shakier ground when asked to explain why a vote for Donald Trump is unconstitutional and illegal. There are court rulings, they say, that “racist appeals” in labor union elections are unconstitutional. Is Mr. Trump running for the presidency of Local 402 of the Amalgamated Pipe-Fitters Union? But only a racist would put up such a quibble!

So Trump is a racist, because they say so, “Make America Great Again” is a racist appeal, because they say so, and anyone who votes for him is violating the Constitution. Please don’t ask me to explain this line of reasoning.

But this is just awful! The government has to step in and put a stop to it! By “the government,” of course, they mean some nut-job judge, somewhere, appointed by Obama. Man, we can’t have people running around voting for someone for the wrong reason! The only votes that count should be votes that are cast for the right reason! Wanting more free stuff that other people have to pay for. Voting for someone because she’s a woman and it’s her turn. Or voting for a Democrat for any reason, presuming you can actually think of one.

There’s yet another issue—is this “news,” in any honest sense of the word? Can we trust NBC Nooze to give us straightforward, accurate information about, well, anything? (Hint: no, we can’t.) If they’re not going to provide us with real information, then what do we need them for? What purpose do they serve? (Hint: none.)

If we’re at all conscientious about voting—go ahead and laugh!—then we need good information about public affairs and current events to guide our choices in the voting booth. Who’s going to give us that—NBC?

Meanwhile, CNN, an even more hysterical purveyor of left-wing rants disguised as news, plus a goodly portion of outright falsehoods, is now partnering with HBO to craft a documentary on “the rise of fake news”. Oh, please! Our nooze media are so dishonest, even with themselves, that they don’t know they’re fake. Just in passing, let us mention that CNN last week had to shell out some tens of millions of dollars to settle a lawsuit filed against them by the Covington High School teenager whom they smeared and lied about last winter. It turned out that that particular “news” was fake, big-time.

Now these journalistic fraudsters want to stop people from voting if their minds aren’t right. That would be, oh, 60-some million of us, at last count.

But at least they have bestowed on us a good, solid principle of decision-making.

Whatever the nooze media say we ought to do, or believe, simply do or believe the exact opposite, and you’re sure to be right.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in for a visit, provided you’re not motivated by racism. A single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at www.chalcedon.edu/ .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Fake Politicians, Fake Media and Fake Laws Have Destroyed America

Coach Dave Daubenmire

“He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:” The Declaration of Independence

The more things change the more they remain the same.  Or, as the Bible puts it, “there is nothing new under the sun.”  With all of the buzz in the media currently focusing on the sham Impeachment in Washington, I find it somewhat comical that our “legislators” have suddenly developed a love affair with an old friend, The Constitution.

After having spent most of their careers ignoring it, and getting away with regularly violating it, their love of our historical founding documents is almost comical. Except, it is no laughing matter. Their willingness to ignore the law is exactly what has gotten this country in the mess that we now find ourselves in.

It borders on the absurd to trust the “Senators” who daily violate the Constitution to debate the degree to which the President has followed the law in his attempt to govern this nation. Our government’s fealty to the Constitution went flying out the window over a hundred years ago, shortly after Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg address.

America is no longer a nation of laws. We are a nation governed by the “opinions” of nine unelected oligarchs. If anyone were to be impeached for dereliction of duty it should be the members of the Supreme Court who have delivered to us a mutated form of government known as a Krytocracy, which is defined as “a government by judges.”  Today, our courts rule our country.  It was a strategic sleight of hand pulled off by communist infiltrators into the corridors of power in America.

Pretended Legislation was one of the charges that Jefferson and his buds listed as a reason for throwing off the chains of the King of England.  In its most simple terms, pretended legislation can be defined as the enforcement of laws that were not really laws.  America is sinking in a swamp infested by fake laws. If you were to take the time to study 8th grade Social Studies you would understand that courts cannot make laws.  Courts issue opinions.  Opinions are not laws.

Courts cannot make laws.  Courts INTERPRET laws.  A court decision does not a law make.

Case in point. I just returned from Richmond where my friends and I were honored to be part of the 2nd Amendment rally at the Statehouse.  But I found it ironic that we were there. How had America strayed so far from the Unalienable rights which were clearly spelled out in the Constitution?  Unalienable rights are rights that are conferred on an individual by birth.

Skin color is unalienable.  Sex is unalienable.  Those are conditions that are incapable of being changed or altered.  An “unalienable” right is one that cannot be repudiated or given to another.  Short of death, altering or changing an unalienable right is impossible because that right is one stamped on the individual. To put another way, it is in the DNA. Bruce Jenner is a man no matter how he feels. King Tut wasn’t Queen Tut because of DNA.  Sex, skin color, and the right to keep and bear arms CANNOT BE ALTERED.

The Declaration clearly spells out three other unalienable rights to which the individual is endowed; Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Yet, today our courts are hell-bent on defending the “right” of a woman to “abort” her unborn child in clear violation of the fact that the right to be born is also unalienable.

But our confusion goes even deeper than that.  Because the Preamble to the Constitution “secures the blessing of liberty to ourselves AND OUR POSTERITY” the right to life is clearly affirmed in the constitution.  Our posterity is defined as “those yet unborn” so the right to live is an “unalienable” right.

There is no law granting a woman a RIGHT to an abortion.  In fact, Constitutional law states just the opposite.  The “right” to an abortion is made up. It was a court decision that found that “right” in the “penumbras” (shadows) of the law. Abortion is PRETENDED LEGISLATION, or fake law.  There is no law granting a right to an abortion.  We just act like there is.

Did you ever wonder why there was so much wrangling over the appointment of judges?  One hundred years ago some infiltrators discovered that they could circumvent the democratic process if they simply gave law-making powers to the courts.  Judicial decisions replaced legislation and the resulting “opinions” took on the color of law.

We must come to our senses.  We must return to Constitutional government.  Why bother electing representatives if the judges are the ones who determine our laws?  Fake laws are more destructive than fake news.

Virginia has been the focus of two large rallies this week.  Tens of thousands journeyed to Richmond to PROTECT our unalienable right to guns, while 100 miles up the road thousands gathered to RESTORE the unalienable Right to Life.

Say this with me real slow.  COURT OPINIONS ARE NOT LAWS.  Courts CANNOT make laws.  Court decisions are fake laws.

In the 1966 SCOTUS decision in Miranda the Court opines ““Where rights secured (Affirmed) by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rulemaking or legislation, which would abrogate them.”

Roe v Wade is not a law.  The right to homosexual marriage is not a law.  The separation between the church and the state is not law.  There is no law prohibiting prayer in schools. They are all pretended legislation.  They are court opinions masquerading as fake laws.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”  Declaration of Independence

Pretended legislation.  COURT OPINIONS ARE NOT LAWS.

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” —George Santayana

Why do I feel like we have been here before?  Is this Déjà vu all over again?

It is time we stop obeying fake laws.

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

Ten Times A Month, I Interview On National Radio Shows

By Frosty Wooldridge

If you want to feel the “heartbeat” of this nation, either write a bi-weekly column on a major news service website, and/or, interview on national radio stations.  When you stick your nose out into the public sector, you receive praise and/or contempt no matter your honesty or integrity.  Some people want to chop you to pieces.  They call you names, degrade your family tree and would lynch you if given the chance.

My bi-weekly columns run on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Yelp and many others.  One guy by the name of Robert calls me every name in the book.  He harangues my columns and curses me with every sentence.  One guy from Mexico, “Comandante Pedro” promises to be easy on me when his friends take over California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.  He will spare my life if I apologize for defending America.

Over the past 20 years, I’ve interviewed on George Noory, Jeff Rense, Chuck Wilder, Mark Snider, Jeff Crouere, Kevin Burns, Ernest Hancock, Don Jefferies, Deanne Spagnola,  Zeb Bell,  Richard Carpenter, Bill Handel, Peter Boyle and dozens of national radio talk show hosts from New York to Los Angeles.  I interview once on NBC with Adam Schragger as to what America could expect if we add the projected 140 million more legal immigrants.  THAT interview rocked the audiences that saw it.  I hoped all Americans could see it, but NBC killed any further discussion.

In fact, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and even FOX won’t touch the subject of legal immigration overrunning America with another 140 million people.  In Mark Twain’s time, he called it “Silent Assertion” or the “Big Lie.”   And that lie has held solid for the last 50 years.  Even former Senator Teddy Kennedy’s “big lie” continues to manifest in fracturing this country. But the big corporations won’t allow anyone to give a dose of “facts” to the American public.  I’ve attempted to interview on 60 Minutes, JNPR, PBS, Meet the Press and Face the Nation—with the facts of what another 140 million people will do to this country.  Response: “Sorry, we can’t interview you.”

All the while, the immigrants pour into this country as if Hoover Dam broke wide open.  Over 4 million last year entered the USA either legally or illegally, and their birth rates.

And, amazingly, 500 mayors and city councils across America legalized border jumpers with total immunity in their “Sanctuary Cities.”  It’s almost beyond criminal that our own elected leaders in 500 cities chose to violate their oaths of office and the U.S. Constitution.  I can share with you that none of what they are doing will end up well for Americans.  If you read my last column on the book, BLIP by Christ Clugston, you understand that we cannot sustain the projected 440 million population by 2050.  We’re guaranteed to collapse from lack of metal-mineral resources.

But each week, writers from across the country email me:  “I only wish your articles were on front pages of New York Times , Washington Post and WSJ.”

This email should jolt you by a global airline pilot based in south Florida,  “Yesterday I needed some items and went to Costco in Pembroke Pines.  Sunday shoppers and crowded.  The sobering reality of the situation hit me like a ton of bricks.   Twenty years ago, I moved North from Miami to southwest Broward to escape the crime,  Latin, Haitian and Jamaican cultures that had overrun Miami.  Out of hundreds of shoppers I only saw one other American.  I passed her a couple times and we looked at each other making eye contact.  I could see it in her face.  The crowd in Costco went far beyond the typical Miami types.  Yes, it is was far more diverse with burkas on the women, Orientals, ethnic Africans with many children, Indian and islanders.  No whites.  I heard at least 10 languages and very little English spoken.

“Southeast Florida is lost.  None of these people are here to adopt our way of life.  At check-out, I was pulling out my money to pay and just about all in the other lines are paying with government plastic.   Fifty percent of my income is taken at threat of a gun and redistributed to these people.  Then the Communists in Congress tell me that there will be means testing for Social Security after they have given all the trust to these people who have never contributed to anything.   All of these refugees, evacuees, economic migrants and malcontents have their extended relatives hooked up on SSI with checks being sent all over the world to elders that have never even been in the country.

“All of this is by design and intentional.  At the top is the Rothschild’s City of London debt/slave East/India Co banking Cartel.   Wealth extraction has reached a climax as the .001% want it all.  USA is still the honey pot and the vermin and insects will keep coming because it is still better than the sewers, they have all come from.  With the dollar constantly being stomped on by the FED, Americans have seen a constant increase to maintain their American Standard and now we are seeing cities fail as the working wages can no longer support the standard.  This trend will continue and what is left will continue to be shared by all the newcomers.

“As an Airline Pilot, formerly TWA and now with the biggest carrier, my frame of reference goes back more than 30 years.  All the cities globally I layover have all suffered dramatic drops in living standards as the population explodes unabated.  London, Paris, Istanbul, Rome, Buenos Aries, Caracas, San Francisco, LA, Chicago and Miami to name a few.  It is no longer safe for a White American in any of these places.  I seldom leave the hotel any more as crews are frequently targeted.”

Do you think America and Americans will survive the next 140 million immigrants? Do you think America will remain viable, sustainable or intact as a culture, language and a quality of life country? Me? On the radio shows, I tell it like it is…I think our country is doomed if we continue importing immigrants until they outnumber us.

I hope “Comandante Pedro” goes easy on me when Mexico takes over the four border states.

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

President Accuses Obama Of Funding Iran, DOJ “Finds Nothing” On Hillary Clinton

Bradlee Dean

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of NewsWithViews.com, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.” —Marcus Tullius Cicero

As we all know, the President of the United States this week accused Barack Hussein Obama of funding the missiles that attacked Americans in Iran. This is true and the American people knew of it when he did what he did. What should be observed here is that the president acknowledges his treason and yet fails to charge him for treason (Article 3, Sections 3, US Constitution), which would deter anyone else from daring the justice of God in our government (Proverbs 16:6).

Instead, the president puts sanctions on Iran in hopes of you misreading his confusion (Daniel 9:7) by overlooking the law that he is to “faithfully execute” against “all enemies” here domestically (Romans 3:20; Article 2, Section 3, US Constitution).

Barack Hussein Obama is responsible for more than just what took place in Iran, this on top of the fact that he never has been qualified to be America’s president, he is not a natural born citizen (Article 1, Section 2, US Constitution).

He has sent F-16s to the Muslim Brotherhood. He has given them aid to the known sum of over $1.5 billion. He has appointed to Homeland security advisors with known terrorist ties, as well as releasing high risk detainees from Gitmo. This is just the tip of the iceberg with this foreign criminal.

Is this how one “Makes America Great Again” (Proverbs 20:8)? On the contrary, withholding judgment from the wicked is how you destroy countries, it is not how you preserve them (Article 4, Section 4, US Constitution).

“Ye who turn judgment to wormwood, and leave off righteousness in the earth.” -Amos 5:7

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Hillary Clinton

Remember, Donald Trump was on the campaign trail accusing Hillary of deleting emails, Russian collusion, lies, deception and yet, today, his DOJ fails to prosecute her for treason (Luke 22:48).


While Hillary is accusing the president of whatever it is she is told to accuse him of, Donald Trump’s Department of Justice finds no wrong doing.


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Let’s recall, shall we?

Chinagate – The Clinton-Gore campaign in 1996 allegedly took bribes from Chinese banks and their government to help their dwindling poll numbers.

Travelgate Scandal – Catherine Cornelius, a 25-year-old cousin of Bill’s, was allegedly promised the position of director of the travel office. Hillary Clinton then (indirectly) fired seven employees from the United States travel office and replaced them with associates from Arkansas. Records were either nowhere to be found or incorrectly filed. And, there’s a reported attempt to give a White House airline contract to friend. Hillary had the FBI investigate Billy Dale, the head of the travel office, ruining his career who was found to do nothing wrong, but was then audited by the IRS for three years after.

Whitewater Scandal – Hillary and her husband were partners in a shady real estate development firm called Whitewater Development Corp in Arkansas. Accusations of impropriety against the Clintons and others soon surfaced, regarding improper campaign contributions, political and financial favors, and tax benefits. Clinton’s friends and majority owners, James and Susan McDougal were jailed for fraud, Clinton’s successor, Governor Jim Tucker, was jailed for fraud along with municipal judges David Hale and Eugene Fitzhugh who worked with James McDougal. The Clintons walked away unscathed, having apparently done nothing wrong.

Vince Foster Jr. Mystery – Questions cloud the suicide of Vince Foster, former colleague, friend, and White House aid of Hillary’s who had connections to Travelgate, and the Whitewater scandals.

Filegate Scandal – Craig Livingstone, director of the White House’s Office of Personnel Security “improperly” accessed FBI files on several hundred individuals. Mrs. Clinton called it a, “completely honest bureaucratic snafu.” Many of these files were on people from previous Republican administrations. Hillary Clinton hired Livingston and is alleged to have looked at the files and requested this move. She was accused by Republicans of violating privacy rights of individuals she viewed as political adversaries.

Lootergate – Bill and especially Hillary started to ship White House furniture to their personal home in Chappaqua, N.Y. The Clintons claimed they were donated, but at only some were proven to be donated and meant to stay in the White House after contacting the manufacturers. The Clintons returned some of the furniture after pressure was put on them to do so.

Drug Dealer Donor Scandal – Convicted drug trafficker Jorge Cabrera apparently made such a big donation to the Clinton’s campaign that he was invited to the White House without Secret Service present. 

The list goes on: Deleting emails, selling uranium ore to the Russians, etc… This is treason, America.  Is this how you make America great again?

Yet, this president’s Department of Injustice finds nothing on her?


It has been said, “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice shame on me.” Americans are inundated with the lies of these people on a daily basis.  When do Americans become ashamed of what they tolerate (Jeremiah 3:3)?

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What is it going to take, America, for you to understand that these people are merely telling you what it is that you want to hear, only to find that when they win the people’s White House, they give cover to those whom they promised to prosecute?

“The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted.” -Psalm 12:8

Instead of these being brought to justice, as promised by this president, they are being rewarded.


Adding insult to injury, the mainstream media gives cover to these conspirators even going so far as to cast into the teeth of the American people that they are the most admired people.


I would like to see this administration uphold the law as he promised, protect the borders and the American cause the way that he and his DOJ have protected these two criminals, Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton.

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It is time to stop pretending that this president and this body politic are working for “We the People” (Proverbs 28:4), for they clearly are not. It is time to stop pretending, and that for your own sakes (Deuteronomy 4:1).

“Pretend” is defined in Websters 1828 as “To hold out, as a false appearance; to offer something feigned instead of that which is real; to simulate, in words or actions. To pretend patriotism for the sake of gaining popular applause or obtaining an office; To speak and act so as to make it appear that something is the case when in fact it is not.”


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© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Is Today’s American Really Capable of Self-Government?

Ron Ewart

“America is the only nation in the world based on an idea – freedom and self-government – so if we don’t understand that idea and what sacrifices were made to win that freedom and keep it for over two centuries, how can we possibly continue to keep it?”Eric Metaxas, a contemporary American author, speaker, and radio host.

Duty, honor, Country, the creed of the U. S. Soldier, a creed not lost in the Army, but pretty much devoid in the general population.  General Douglas MacArthur described these words in a speech he gave on May 12, 1962:

“These sacred words build your basic character. They mold you for your future roles as the custodians of the nation’s defense. They make you strong enough to know when you are weak, and brave enough to face yourself when you are afraid.”

“They teach you to be proud and unbending in honest failure, but humble and gentle in success; not to substitute words for action; not to seek the path of comfort, but to face the stress and spur of difficulty and challenge; to learn to stand up in the storm, but to have compassion on those who fall; to master yourself before you seek to master others; to have a heart that is clean, a goal that is high; to learn to laugh, yet never forget how to weep; to reach into the future, yet never neglect the past; to be serious, yet never take yourself too seriously; to be modest so that you will remember the simplicity of true greatness, the open mind of true wisdom, the meekness of true strength.”

“They give you a temper of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions, a freshness of the deep springs of life, a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, an appetite for adventure over love of ease.  They create in your heart the sense of wonder, the unfailing hope of what next, and the joy and inspiration of life.”

The U. S. Marines have a similar creed described by the three words, honor, courage and commitment.

Notice that “honor” is repeated in both creeds.  Without putting these words into practice, without honor in individuals and government representatives, self-government won’t work.

Instead, many Americans have replaced honor, duty, courage, commitment and country with self-gratification, self-absorption, addiction, debauchery and corruption.  Millions of Americans have become personally soft, weak and dependent on government.  They have rejected self-reliance and individual responsibility.  Self-government is the farthest thing from their minds.

There are almost 80 over-lapping government programs that provide cash, food, social services, education, training and housing for low income Americans.  Over 73,000,000 Americans are on Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Programs.  Over 55,000,000 seniors are on Social Security and Medicare.  Over 40,000,000 are on food stamps.  On any given night, well over 500,000 Americans are hopelessly locked in homelessness in one of the wealthiest nations on the planet.  The lion’s share of homeless Americans survive in the states of Washington, Oregon, California and Nevada.  It is of note that all four states are run by Democrats.

Any American that is receiving subsistence from government, in any form, can no longer be a free and impartial voter, owing his or her very existence to government.  A person on welfare will not vote for anything that reduces that welfare and in fact will riot in the streets to maintain their largess.  A senior citizen on Social Security and Medicare will not vote for any politician or initiative that could or would decrease their benefits.  If the government promises and then provides free college tuition to students and then later decides it can no longer afford free college tuition and decides to cut back the programs, campuses across the nation will erupt in violence.

Look at France right now as the government tries to reduce its complicated retirement benefits.  To buy the votes of the people, the French government promised too much and now revenues will not cover retirement expenditures.  Government has no choice but to reduce those benefits, or raise taxes.  The people have taken to the streets in violent protest of the government’s action.  The trains have stopped and schools have closed.

There is an irrevocable adage that most governments refuse to acknowledge.

“Once government has promised something to the people, government can’t take it away without triggering massive protests, even if there is no more money to cover the promise.”

But there is another factor that works against self-government.  Modern life has become so complicated and the people so divided on issues, Americans either take the easy way out and do nothing, or continue to elect the same people over and over again where the divisions and complications rise and any reasonable or common-sense fix is out of reach.  The problems remain and the national deficit and debt goes higher and higher.

Issues like immigration, agriculture, the environment, transportation, trade, infrastructure, health care, education and foreign policy have become so complicated, convoluted and divisive, people just tune out.  The people don’t know who to believe, or whose telling the truth, or who is lying.  Government at any level is the least trustworthy.  Who can forget Obama’s infamous promises of “you can keep your doctor“, “you can keep your health care plan” and “your costs will go down by $2,500 per year.”  Every promise was a lie.

Voter turn out is fundamental to a healthy Democracy.  And yet in the presidential election of 2016, 58% of eligible voters voted, leaving 42% of eligible voters doing nothing, either due to apathy, ignorance, or indifference.  In the mid-term election of 2018 only 49% of eligible voters turned out to vote.  What were the other 51% of non-voters doing?  Voter turn out in local and state elections is declining, leaving the same elected representatives in perpetual power.

According to recent polls, millennials (23 to 38) are losing interest in patriotism, religion and having children.  If the next generation that is going to take over control of our institutions no longer considers patriotism, religion, or having children of any value, the chance to preserve individual freedom becomes less and less likely.  Government services then become the only important item in people’s lives and centralized government becomes more and more powerful.  Much of this shift in values can be placed squarely on Progressives, the public education system, academia and the media.  The parents of these millennials are also complicit.

Meanwhile, the tug of war between the two opposing ideologies, liberal and conservative, grows even more vicious and mean such that political power becomes the only end by any means, without regard for what is good for our Constitutional Republic or the American people.  This political viciousness is being played out in multiple Congressional events like the Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings and the current impeachment trial of President Trump in the House and Senate.

In short, representative government has become impotent and ineffective and that is primarily because today’s American is incapable of, or unwilling to govern themselves through their representatives.  One by one, the freedoms we take for granted will be repealed and absorbed into the collective.  Local, state and the federal government will continue to invade those freedoms as fewer and fewer Americans object.  Eventually, this condition can only lead to civil war, or revolution as those Americans that wish to preserve freedom turn to the last remaining alternative to defend their liberty ….. the gun.  Watch what happens in Virginia over gun control.  It is the canary in the coal mine.

During this interim period as more and more individual freedoms are lost, the people can only hunker down and use what is left of their rights to keep the government at bay.  Nevertheless, the end of this perilous journey can only end in final subjugation and enslavement of the people of the United States, unless and until the people decide for themselves that they are capable of self-government, even if it means making the ultimate sacrifice to do it.

For those rural landowners determined to protect their land from government encroachment and environmental overreach, click HERE.

Read more powerful conservative articles like this one HERE.

© 2020 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

A Lesson About Law From a Birmingham Jail – Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

Jake MacAulay

This week Americans will be paying tribute to this century’s likely brightest orator and most dedicated man to individual liberty, Reverend Michael King, Jr., aka Martin Luther King, Jr. While I am almost certain that the good minister from Atlanta, Georgia, would not condone having a day named after him, I do not condone the worthless heaping of accolades by any people group who co-opt, blindly turn from, or outright despise the Christian minister’s teachings.

Immorality, theft, vandalism, Second Amendment violations, and so-called civil rights were not the basis of this Baptist minister’s philosophies. His mission was to proclaim the Gospel and his basis was God-given rights, and liberty under Law, which in his case was eloquent enough to land him behind bars.

You see, King understood that an unjust, man-made law is to be disobeyed.

In his Letter from a Birmingham Jail, he stated “One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws.  Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.”


Pastor King’s letter goes on to quote renowned theologian and early church father Augustine that, “…an unjust law is no law at all.”

King knew the definition of law. As stated in his letter, “A just law is a man made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God.” This definition coincides with what the Declaration calls “the laws of Nature and Nature’s God”.

At one time in our history, this was widely understood.  However, in recent years, Americans have largely forgotten the fact that purported laws draw their efficacy — their validity —from adherence to these two fixed standards. Indeed, in modern times, these two critical standards are not applied by most Americans to the actions of government because these two critical standards are not studied or even known to the people.

Americans desperately need to be reintroduced to the Supreme Law of the Universe (the Bible) and the supreme law of the land (the Constitution).

This country, as great as it is, suffers from many sociopolitical diseases, one of which Dr. King coined “schizophrenia” when discussing founding documents like the Declaration of Independence.

He describes that government has a tendency to praise one concept while malevolently tearing down its foundations.

The lesson for us today is we need to resist what is not law and obey what is; but, of course, we need to know the difference.

56 years ago this blueprint was given to us from a jail cell in Birmingham, Alabama.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

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© 2020 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

Rabid Democrats Accuse Trump of Yet Another Crime, But Ignore Obama’s Lawlessness

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

The GAO released their new report on Thursday morning claiming Trump violated federal law, although many suspect the GAO report is meant help Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-California.and her rabid members of the Democratic Party, such as Reps. Adam Schiff, D-California, and Jerrold Nadler, D-New York.

According to Sid Franes, a former NYPD detective and ex-director of security, “The timing of the GAO  releasing its report was possibly planned for maximum effect against President Trump especially since it comes during the impeachment process that many recognize is a frame up by the Deep State’s ‘foot soldiers’”

“If the Democrats believe that they are going to impeach Trump for delaying payments to a rogue regime, they are holding a losing hand in the Swamp’s political Poker game. They are a political party that’s gone extremely rogue,” said Franes, who has worked as an adviser to a number of political campaigns.

Although the news media rarely cover GAO reports – unless they’re looking for negative coverage of a Republican president – they made certain to report that GAO analysts accused President Trump of threatening to withhold a billion dollars in aid to the Ukrainian government.

News outlets such as MSNBC, New York Times and CNN breathlessly reported that Trump had committed a crime when he failed to tell the House of Representatives that he was withholding the billion taxpayer dollars. But what wasn’t reported — by the same media that’s protecting former vice-president Joe Biden and his wayward son Hunter — is the Government Accountability Office’s accusation against President Barack Obama.

Back in 2014, the GAO ruled that Obama’s prisoner swap of five detainees at Guantanamo Bay (Cuba) detention center in exchange for deserter Bowe Bergdahl violated federal law.

“The Department of Defense violated section 8111 of the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2014 when it transferred five individuals detained at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to the nation of Qatar without providing at least 30-days notice to certain congressional committees,” the GAO report explained.

On May 31, 2014, DOD transferred five individuals from Guantanamo Bay to the nation of Qatar in exchange for the Taliban’s release of an American soldier. DOD July 31 E‑mail; Secretary of Defense, Statement on the Transfer of Detainees before the House Armed Services Committee (June 11, 2014), DOD obligated appropriations provided under title IX, Overseas Contingency Operations, in the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2014, to effectuate this transfer. DOD July 9 E‑mail. Specifically, DOD obligated $988,400 of its Operation and Maintenance, Army appropriation

Obviously, Barack Obama’s alleged criminal conduct put American lives in danger in 2014, while President Trump delayed bombs to Ukraine by only a few weeks in 2019.

The Department of Defense (DOD) violated section 8111 of the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2014 when it transferred five individuals detained at the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, U.S. Marine Base’s terrorist detention center.

The radical Muslims were sent back to the nation of Qatar without providing at least 30 day  notice to certain congressional committees.

Section 8111 prohibits DOD from using appropriated funds to transfer any individuals detained at Guantanamo Bay unless the Secretary of Defense notifies certain congressional committees at least 30 days before the transfer. As a consequence of using its appropriations in a manner specifically prohibited by law, DOD also violated the Anti-deficiency Act.

But our liberal Fake News media will trash Trump for this GAO report while they gave Obama a pass.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

The ‘Historic’ Sham Impeachment of President Donald J. Trump

George Lujack

On January 15, 2020, a press conference was held by Nancy Pelosi and other far left Congressional Democrats of the nation’s 116th Congress, after handing articles of impeachment to the Senate, announcing Adam Schiff as the lead manager of the Senate trial for the ‘historic’ impeachment of the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

The word ‘historic’ is emphasized in this article, not because President Trump’s impeachment should be considered historic, (it should actually be considered a sham and an embarrassment for the nation), but to illustrate how utterly absurd it is that the Democrats and their lapdog media puppets continue to refer to President Trump’s impeachment as ‘historic.’ I don’t recall any member of the mainstream liberal media ever referring to President Bill Clinton’s impeachment as ‘historic.’ Truly America’s mainstream media is as far to the left, biased, and non-objective as can be. They really are Democrat operatives at this point, nothing more than the Democrat propaganda media machine.

The January 15 press conference was astonishingly cringeworthy to listen to. A stuttering Nancy Pelosi, who seemed like she was suffering from alcohol withdrawal, uttered some of the nation’s most historic quotes and had the gall to compare them to what the Democrats continually allege that President Trump did: ask Ukraine to interfere in our national elections and threaten to withhold foreign aid from Ukraine if they didn’t. Of course, this is EXACTLY what quid pro quo Joe Biden did. Biden was caught on tape admitting to extortion and bragging about it, as he demanded Ukraine fire a prosecutor investigating Burisma, an oil company, and its corrupt dealings that involved Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, or else they would not get the foreign aid money. Democrats keep playing by the playbook, “Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.” When will this trick get old and people stop going along with it?

This January 15th press conference was beyond the theatre of the absurd.

Here are some of the things that were said by Nancy Pelosi…

Screen Shot 2020-01-17 at 8.54.58 PM.png00:57 mark: “As I’ve said, it’s always been, our Founders, when they started, ‘When in the course of human events it becomes necessary when’… Abraham Lincoln, ‘Four score and seven years ago’… Thomas Paine, ‘These are the times that try men’s souls, the times that found us.’ Again and again, even our poets, Longfellow, remember ‘Listen my children and you will hear the midnight ride of Paul Revere.’ The 18th of April in 75 hardly a man is now alive who remembers that famous day and year… It is always about marking history.”

Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, did not compare the Democrats’ farce impeachment of President Trump to the genuine impeachments of Presidents Andrew Johnson or Bill Clinton. Noooo! Donald Trump’s impeachment was much more historic than that! It needed to be compared to other great historic events of America.

“When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another…”  – Thomas Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence – 1776

“Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” – Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address – 1863

“THESE are the times that try men’s souls.” – Thomas Paine, “The Crisis” – 1776

“Listen, my children, and you shall hear Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere, On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-Five: Hardly a man is now alive Who remembers that famous day and year.” –Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, “The Ride of Paul Revere” – 1860

Sorry Nancy, go have another drink. President Trump’s impeachment is not comparable to the nation’s Declaration of Independence, the Gettysburg Address after America’s Civil War, or to the brave men who fought for our independence and freedom of our great nation.

President Trump’s impeachment is comparable to a kangaroo court in a banana republic. Unfortunately for Americans, the Democrat Party is still a viable political party in the United States and represents the socialist / communist / banana republic wing of the nation.

A Republic, if you can keep it.” – Ben Franklin – 1787

THESE are indeed the times that try men’s souls! Good Americans are going to have to stand up and fight for our President, Donald J. Trump, and beat back the commie-socialist hordes that want to remove him from office ONE WAY OR ANOTHER and turn our American republic into a banana republic.

© 2020 George Lujack – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail George Lujack: georgelujack@gmail.com

Sidney Powell Files Motion Withdrawing General Flynn’s Guilty Plea

Kelleigh Nelson

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.  —Thomas Jefferson

There is no more dangerous menace to civilization than a government of incompetent, corrupt, or vile men.  —Ludwig von Mises

A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims, but accomplices.  —Eric Arthur Blair, nom de plume George Orwell, Author of 1984

During Black History Month in February of 1998, national radio host Roger Fredinburg interviewed attorney Fred D. Gray author of The Tuskegee Syphilis Study.  After the truth was revealed when the U.S. Public Health Service study ended in 1972, attorney Gray represented the approximately 20 survivors led by Charlie Pollard in a lawsuit against the government.

The Tuskegee Syphilis experiment has been compared to the experiments on Jewish people by the National Socialist German Worker’s Party (Nazis).  Most of the Tuskegee experiment men died, their wives were infected as well as children during childbirth. Even after penicillin was available to cure them, the men were purposely not treated.

Roger Fredinburg asked attorney Gray why the compensation from the lawsuit was so small, and his answer was telling.  He said, “You can’t expect proper remuneration when the judge hearing the case works for the people you are suing.”  I’ll never forget Gray’s poignant statement and Roger’s long pause of dismay.

We have another diabolical and evil situation, not by the U.S. Health Department, but by the federal government’s intelligence community.  The DOJ knows Lt. General Michael Flynn is innocent of lying, but they have purposely set out to destroy the man.

Attorney Sidney Powell

Forty-eight years after Tuskegee, we are watching another gigantic battle against the federal government and the case is being heard by Federal District Court Judge, Emmet Gael Sullivan who receives his paycheck from his employer, the federal government.

Sidney Powell, a skilled and powerful attorney,is the author of Licensed to Lie, a book exposing the corruption of justice in the Department of In Justice.  It was Judge Sullivan who actually restored faith in the rule of law when he commenced criminal contempt proceedings against the original prosecution team in the case against Senator Ted Stevens, a highly decorated WWII veteran.He ordered an independent investigation of the Department of Justice, which revealed its corrupted prosecution of Stevens who lost his Senate seat when the prosecution failed to give the defense exculpatory Brady evidence that would have cleared the Senator of any wrongdoing.

In that trial, the prosecutors, the same group of people who were on Mueller’s team, suborned perjury from the star witness against Ted Stevens, the contractor…a home repair guy. They got Ted Stevens kicked out of the Senate for supposedly accepting a kickback of $150,000 for a remodeling job at his house that he didn’t pay for, in exchange for what Ted Stevens could do for the contractor as a Senator. That’s what the Senator was charged with, right before his next election.

Judge Emmet Sullivan found out about this and he raised Cain with these prosecutors. He overturned the conviction of Ted Stevens after Stevens was gone from the Senate.Sullivan lambasted the misconduct of the Department’s “Public Integrity Section” lawyers in the Stevens prosecution, saying, “In nearly 25 years on the bench, I’ve never seen anything approaching the mishandling and misconduct that I’ve seen in this case.” By the time Judge Sullivan uncovered the flagrant misconduct, he was livid.

Eric Holder was the U.S. Attorney General in the Obama administration at the time of Steven’s trial.Mr. Holder was compelled to dismiss the Stevens indictment because, among other violations, the Department had concealed the horrible record of its key witness, including his involvement in sex-trafficking of minors and subornation of perjury. That same witness had testified in two previous prosecutions of politicians in Alaska.

The Enron Case

In the Enron case, the same prosecutors destroyed the innocent, Andrew Weissmann was in the midst of this. Convicted of conduct that was actually lawful were Merrill Lynch employees and the 89-year-old accounting firm, Arthur Anderson, whose 85,000 employees lost their jobs because of corrupt government prosecutors.There is no remedy for a wrongful prosecution. Prosecutions and imprisonment cost millions of dollars, and a concocted crime, over-reaching prosecution, and the conviction of an innocent person serve no one.

Those corrupt prosecutors were not fired or disbarred, they were promoted, just like Lon Horiuchi who shot and killed Randy Weaver’s wife, and wounded both Randy and his friend Kevin Harris. Randy’s 14-year-old son, Sam and his dog were killed the previous day after an encounter with federal marshals.  This tragedy happened in 1992 when William Barr was still the attorney general for the George H. W. Bush administration.

Innocence Project’s work speaks to the ravages of wrongful convictions.  For in-depth information, please read Sidney Powell’s many articles in the Observer.  If you haven’t read Licensed to Lie, please buy a copy; it reads like a thriller fiction novel.  And her new book,Conviction Machine: Standing Up to Federal Prosecutorial Abuse will be out in February.  You can pre-order this magnificent book documenting abuse.

General Flynn’sFormer Attorney

In December of 2018, Judge Sullivan made it clear to all that he hadn’t done any homework on the Lt. General Michael Flynn case when he called this highly decorated intelligence officer and military hero a traitor.  We were appalled.  Attorney Sidney Powell was in the courtroom with the Flynn family and was horrified.

At the time, the General’s attorney was still Rob Kelner, partner of Covington & Burling LLP.  The DOJ’s Trisha Anderson went to work for Covington in September of 2018 while they were representing the General.  We don’t know if the information that Anderson was a key player in the counter intelligence investigation in Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign was disclosed to Michael Flynn.  Trisha Anderson was the number two attorney at the agency’s Office of General Counsel despite having no specific experience in counter intelligence before coming to the FBI.  She told members of the House Judiciary and Oversight Committee that she was one of only about ten who had known about the Trump-Russia investigation prior to its official opening.

Anderson had read all of the FBI’s 302 forms (comments written by FBI agents of their interviews) detailing information that the author of the Steele dossier, former British spy, Christopher Steele, had provided to a high-ranking justice official, Bruce Ohr.  She also signed off on authorization to spy on former Trump campaign official, Carter Page.  This indicates a conflict of interest for the firm and questions whether General Flynn was notified.

The General’s original plea is tainted for many reasons…General Flynn never lied to anyone, and then there’s the conflict of interest with his previous attorneys, and now the move to withdraw his plea of guilty because the government has engaged in bad faith and vindictive conduct, and has breached the plea agreement pursuant to which he has cooperated for two years.  Sidney Powell rightfully has filed the motion to withdraw General Flynn’s original plea.

Countless exculpatory documents were requested by attorney Sidney Powell from the DOJ’s FBI, and Judge Sullivan demanded them.  Yet, none were forthcoming and the judge allowed the lack of exculpatory evidence from the FBI to remain hidden. It has even been reported that dirty cop, FBI agent Joe Pientka and his wife are being hidden. Joe was involved with everything corrupt involving the Russia Collusion Hoax and his wife is an attorney for a company involved with Fusion GPS.

Why is the FBI allowed to hide exculpatory evidence and not respond to Judge Sullivan’s order?  Where the hell is AG Barr?  Where the hell is FBI Director Christopher Wray?  And why the hell hasn’t the Judge seen to it that his orders were followed?  The buck stops with President Trump…he is in charge of the DOJ.


At January’s Phyllis Schlafly Gathering of Eagles in St. Louis, we heard from attorney Sidney Powell with an update.  They are working feverishly to gather all information to secure the withdrawal of the General’s guilty plea before their next appearance in front of Judge Emmet Sullivan in late February.  This magnificent gathering was highlighted by many superb speakers, but when Sidney Powell spoke to us via video, she told us that they now had one of the original 302s of the FBIs interview with Michael Flynn on January 24, 2017.  That 302 shows that Michael Flynn never lied to the FBI.  We already knew that, but now there is more documented in-hand proof.

She also told us what she needed, and that is for a million folks to give two to five dollars to the Michael Flynn Legal Defense Fund, to help free this innocent man from the clutches of the corrupt and vindictive Department of Justice. Please help this innocent veteran who has given his life to protect and defend America. And pray for Sidney Powell, and General Flynn’s entire family.

© 2020 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: proverbs133@bellsouth.net

The Impeachment Trial: Getting Trump (and the Clintons) Off the Hook

By Cliff Kincaid

In one of the biggest blunders of the Trump presidency, it has been decided that two of Jeffrey Epstein’s lawyers should be on the team defending President Trump against impeachment. This time, the anti-Trump headlines can’t be blamed on liberal media bias.  “Alan Dershowitz, marred by ties to Jeffrey Epstein, will defend Trump at impeachment trial” was the Los Angeles Times headline.

Dershowitz, who is knowledgeable and media-savvy, is aHarvard Law Professor Emeritus. The Washington Post noted that he is a friend and supporter of Bill and Hillary Clinton who voted for her in 2016 and even contributed money to her campaign. He voted for Barack Hussein Obama twice before turning on him over his treatment of Israel. A more complete analysis of his donations, according to OpenSecrets.org, reveals thousands of dollars over the years to mostly Democratic Party candidates such as Ted Kennedy, Elizabeth Warren, John Kerry, and Al Franken.

There is no doubt that Trump has an excellent case to make against impeachment and that the Senate won’t convict him. The strange part of the story is why his defense team not only includes liberal Democrat Dershowitz but the “Republican” lawyer who botched the impeachment case against Bill Clinton, Kenneth Starr. He is a Fox News contributor who served as Independent Counsel investigating the Clintons from 1994 to 1999. He failed to pursue the most serious charges, including a cover-up surrounding the 1993 death of Deputy White House counsel Vincent Foster.

Strangely, both defended billionaire pedophile Epstein, a high-level friend of the rich and powerful whose alleged suicide in prison has been openly questioned and even ridiculed. Asked why he defended Epstein, Starrreplied, “I was very happy to respond to the needs of a client of the firm.” The comments were made after a 2015 National Press Club event on “the future of higher education and the calling of faith-based institutions.”

Starr served as president of Baylor University, a private Christian University, only to be fired for allegedly ignoring sexual assault issues on campus. Some stories refer to him as the “disgraced” former Baylor University president. But none of that bothered Fox News, which hired him as a legal analyst.

As Independent Counsel, Starr nailed Clinton on lying about his affair with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky. But he and his successor as Independent Counsel, Robert Ray, failed to bring charges against the Clintons on other more serious scandals. Ray,who changed his voter registration from Democrat to independent before taking the job, claimed that he didn’t have enough evidence to proceed with prosecution.

Ray, who is also on the Trump impeachment defense team, rubber-stamped Starr’s conclusion, in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that White House deputy counsel Vince Foster committed suicide where his body was found in Ft. Marcy Park. In Travelgate, he failed to hold Hillary Clinton responsible for ordering the unjustified firing of seven career White House travel office employees with unblemished reputations. Billy Dale, head of the travel office, commented, “I am disappointed by Robert Ray’s decision to not prosecute Hillary Clinton and others in the Travelgate affair. Bill and Hillary Clinton tried to have me thrown in jail to cover up their corrupt efforts to give the Travel Office’s business to their friends. Unsurprisingly, a jury found me innocent of all of Hillary Clinton’s charges in record time.”

In Filegate, the Clintons were not held accountable for the improper acquisition of more than nine hundred FBI files, mostly on Republicans of previous administrations.

Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch commented at the time, “Judicial Watch has serious differences with Independent Counsel Ray, who should have indicted Mrs. Clinton and others in both Travelgate and Filegate.”

Foster researcher Hugh Turley comments on the curious developments in the Trump impeachment case, as lawyers who failed to hold the Clintons accountable for serious wrong-doing are now supposed to be defending Trump. He notes, “Robert Ray, who replaced Starr as Independent Counsel, is also on the Trump team.Starr was also on the Jeffrey Epstein defense team.   And Dershowitz, another member of Trump’s defense, was associated with Epstein.As you know, Bill Clinton was linked to Epstein. Starr only appeared to be Clinton’s enemy while he actually covered up the murder of Vince Foster.”

This sounds like a “conspiracy theory” to those who have not bothered to investigate the curious circumstances surrounding Foster’s demise. But Turley, with John H. Clarke and Patrick Knowlton, co-authored the final 20 pages of Ken Starr’s report on Foster’s death. The U.S. Court of Appeals that appointed Starr as Independent Counsel ordered Starr, over his objection, to include their analysis in his report. That analysis, on their website,www.FBIcover-up.com, contradicts Starr’s suicide-in-the-park finding.

Foster, like Epstein, was the man who knew too much.

As we note in our special report, The Deep State Wears Black Robes, “He [Foster] had knowledge of various Clinton scandals, including Travelgate, the Waco tragedy, and possibly some illegal activities involving national security. His secretary testified he had access to mysterious binders associated with the NSA, the agency that conducts mass surveillance, ostensibly for the purpose of monitoring terrorists and foreign agents.”

Accuracy in Media founder Reed Irvine and I wrote at the time that while President Clinton was charged by Starr with perjury and obstruction of justice surrounding a sex scandal, there were much greater abuses of power and illegal activity for which he should have been removed from office. We were voices in the wilderness.

It’s mighty suspicious that Trump has been maneuvered into hiring people who either voted for Hillary or failed to hold her and her husband responsible for serious misdeeds. It not only looks bad but suggests that defending Trump may be useful to some in preventing the president from getting to the bottom of the Clinton scandals. After all, such an investigation could lead back to Trump’s attorneys.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

Greta Thunberg’s Climate Change Hoax Damaging America’s Children

By: Devvy Kidd

Greta Thunberg burst on to the world scene last year at age 16 similar to the unleashing of the most ignorant, stupid buffoon to ever serve in the U.S. Congress, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC). Thunberg is a Swedish citizen and referred to as a climate change activist. Her job is to spread fear in humans around the world while pushing one of the biggest hoaxes ever shoved upon the world.

It’s also the job of little Miss “How dare you!” to pound the message of doom and death to kids her own age. Hey – this is ‘one of our own’ telling us the truth, not some old, stuffy white guy politician. Greta we can relate to and that’s exactly what the big money behind her has been banking on.

In this era of instant messaging through social media, Twitter, Instagram and others, that prop for the destroyers has succeeded. A huge backlash against climate change ‘deniers’ was almost immediate around the world. Children and kids (high school age) suddenly were given permission to skip classes to participate in climate change rally’s and protests. It was nauseating to watch.

Her propaganda is manna from Heaven for the zealots in Congress, state legislatures and local governments who promote the cow patty New Green Deal. How the international communists love it because the ultimate goal of all this environmental hysteria is to kill capitalism. Just ask Bernie Sanders and the Communist Party USA.

Masters of Seduction: Beguiling Americans Into Slavery and Self-destruction, © 2000 by Jeri Lynn Ball

“Mikhail Gorbachev is the former President of the Soviet Union and former General Secretary of the Communist Party. He is the current President of Green Cross International, the environmental organization which is advancing the Communists’ 1928 global environmental program.

“America is becoming a full-blown communitarian society. In the name of saving the environment, Communist environmentalists are attacking property rights. In the name of group rights, communitarian masters are destroying individual rights. In the name of saving “the Children,” they are breaking down ties of family, country, and religion.

“Masters of Seduction shows that our adversaries are not only fulfilling their vision of human reconstruction, but are using every plan and policy, every program and course of action, every law and institution—in short, every means to create a world police state. Communists are striving to achieve, among other things, the following ends: banish the traditional nuclear family, composed of a father, mother, and children; transfer the care and rearing of children to the community and to Communist-led youth organizations, such as the Boys and Girls Clubs of America and Big Brothers Big Sisters of America; gain control of the educational system, communize textbooks, and indoctrinate teachers with the Communist communitarian ideology;infiltrate and subvert all other cultural and social institutions, including the churches; achieve government control over the health care industry; gain control of the newspapers, publishing houses, motion picture industry, radio, television, and the Internet; use the environmental movement to gain control or ownership of private land and production and to wipe out industrial civilization.”

Remember Gus Hall? He was leader and Chairman of the Communist Party USA and perennial presidential candidate. He was a committed communist who wrote a tell all book titled Ecology: Can We Survive Under Capitalism?

Old Gus used his book to promote socialism (and easing into communism) by using the environment as justification for abolishing all private property ownership and steering America to ruin. America would be doomed if capitalism isn’t crushed!

His battle cry is Greta Thunberg’s and AOC and the hundreds of NGO’s operating in this country with the main goal of destroying our way of life, civilization as we know it.  After all, if we don’t fight cow farts the plant is going to explode!

Al Gore(bechev) revved up this crap science about global warming after he left the White House and has been raking in megabux ever since. All the deadlines predicted where the planet would be dead along with all of us, all have come and gone just like wind in the mountains.

Glacier National Park removes signs predicting glaciers will be gone by 2020, Jan. 9, 2020: “They’re not melted — yet.  Signs added to Montana’s Glacier National Park over a decade ago forecasting that the park’s signature dense ice formations would be gone by 2020 have been removed.”

Many fine individuals and organizations have been on the front lines for decades battling these evil doers while the American people continue to reelect the same incumbents working to destroy their lives and making us pay for it.

One of those organizations is the American Policy Center headed up by a true warrior named Tom DeWeese: Only Dramatic, Direct Action Will Save the American Beef Industry

“For the past year I have been working to sound the alarm that the American beef industry is under massive assault from the radical environmental and animal rights movements that seek its ultimate destruction. Throughout the year I have been addressing cattlemen’s groups to educate them on the facts I have learned over nearly thirty years of exposing these groups and their plans to transform our entire culture and economy though the enforcement of the policy called sustainable development.

“In the rural areas, the Greens’ selected tactic is to control the land, water, energy, and population of the Earth. To achieve these ends requires, among other things, the destruction of private property rights and elimination of every individual’s ability to make personal life-style choices, including personal diet. That’s why the American Beef Industry is such a necessary target.

“First they had to create a false crisis so everyone would feel the need to take immediate action. Their tactic was to declare that beef was not sustainable – not as a product to grow — and not as a healthy food for people to consume. This put the cattlemen in the middle of a pincer move between the radical environmental movement seeking control of land use, and the Animal Rights movement which demanded the end of the consumption of animals.” I urge you to read the rest at link.

Demand Congress Stop Funding This Manufactured Hoax: “We’ve got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.” – Tim Wirth, former member of Congress, U.S. Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs. That column is also critically important – especially the sections about Dixie Lee Ray and the Earth Summit in Rio De Janeiro, June 3-14, 1992.

And, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s Betrayal of Its Own Industry

“Climate change is the tool of choice to scare us all into voluntarily surrendering our liberties to this BLUEPRINT to change human society. And that’s why they will not give up on this scam – no matter how much true science debunks it.

“If you doubt that then let me share this quote from Christina Stewart, the former Canadian Minister of the Environment: “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony … climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.” That “justice and equality” she speaks of is redistribution of wealth – which means socialism. Sustainable Development is not just a conservation policy to assure we are good stewards of the land: rather, it affects every corner of our lives….

“And the sad fact is, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), the organization many have been trusting to represent your interests, has betrayed you by allowing itself to be used as the Judas Goat to lead the industry to sustainable slaughter.

“To bring the cattle industry into line with this world view the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association has accepted the imposition of the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef, which is heavily influenced, if not controlled, by the World Wildlife Fund, one of the top three most powerful environmental organizations in the world and a leader of the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), which basically sets the rules for global environmental policy.”

That one is also a very important read. I know, everyone is busy but if we don’t get the truth out there to our fellow Americans, they cannot effectively fight these zealots.

Another organization is the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Ron Ewart is president. This is his latest column, also terribly important: The Vicious Domestic Enemy of Rural America

After global warming lost its glow a few years ago, the new moniker became climate change. What a joke. The climate changes every day. If you read those items I have linked above, you will have the ammunition you need to counter the nonsense being spewed by all these environmental puppets like Greta Thunberg.

For those who might not know, that teen has Asperger’s Syndrome which she claims gives her ‘superpowers’. I read that her father writes her material. Whether he does or not, it’s her face out there making ridiculous demands about carbon emissions, fossil fuels and other scientific data which she knows nothing about. Right now Greta’s about to throw her weight around yet again: Greta Warns World Leaders at Climate Protest Before Davos, Jan 19, 2020

But, then again, when one does a little research on Asperger’s Syndrome in children, her behavior is not out of line: “Asperger’s syndrome (AS) is one of a group of neurological disorders known as autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). AS is considered to be on the mild end of the spectrum.” This web site deals with AS in children and symptoms: “Speech that sounds unusual, such as flat, high-pitched, quiet, loud, or robotic; An intense obsession with one or two specific, narrow subjects; Memorizing preferred information and facts easily; Difficulty managing emotions, sometimes leading to verbal or behavioral outbursts, self-injurious behaviors or tantrums”

Greta looking in all the wrong places

Readers of my columns know I was the one to start the fight here in the State of Texas over those dangerous ‘smart’ meters being rolled out. My mountains of research led me to a must-read book titled, Dirty Electricity – Electrification and The Diseases of Civilization by Samuel Milham, MD, MPH. Read this for a thorough overview of his book.

Now, you have all this dirty electricity and electromagnetic fields clogging up the atmosphere. Wi-fi, smart phones, IPhones, towers and now being rolled out, even deadlier air with 5G President Trump has championed. Trump Must Reverse His Support Of Dangerous 5G (That column also has all the links to my columns on those deadly ‘smart’ meters) 5G Wireless Technology Is War against Humanity

But, oh, boy, AOC and a hundred million others in America can hardly wait for this new 5G technology even though it’s going to continue killing them. Silently. Why 5G Cell Towers Are More Dangerous – Get The Facts! And another must read: World’s Largest Animal Study on Cell Tower Radiation Confirms Cancer Link

Then we have aerosol spraying of our skies. Barium and aluminum raining down on us, reservoirs, crops and livestock. Oh, that’s just a conspiracy theory, Devvy! Like hell it is. I don’t just read a column or article here and there while doing research. I buy books, I watch videos by sane people who are qualified to speak on an issue. I’m telling you straight out that all the heavy spraying going on, not just in this country, is having an effect on our weather and crops.

Rosalind Peterson, may that dear lady rest in peace, first introduced me to her research on aerosol spraying of our skies. A ton of it. Long story short, my late husband’s tomato plants in Sacramento grew to enormous heights. Sweet tasting. For two years. The third year when spraying started and believe me, I knew nothing about it except noticing the sky and white criss-crossings – John’s tomatoes fried. We didn’t get even one that was edible.

Next year he planted and the same thing happened. That’s when I met Rosalind who was a “a certified California United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Farm Service Agency Agriculture Crop Loss Adjuster.  She worked in more than ten counties throughout California. Many crop losses throughout the State can be attributed to weather related causes.  She worked for five years for the Mendocino County Department of Agriculture as an Agriculture Technologist before being hired by the USDA Farm Service Agency in Mendocino County, California.” We then had our answer as to why the tomatoes were being fried.Read (short)

Have you seen pictures of mutated animals raised near or in close proximity to cell towers? I have and it’s not pleasant. Why has cancer in dogs skyrocketed over the past two decades and getting worse? I don’t have any numbers and this is speculation on my part, but with 96,000,000 dogs in this country, if only 50% spend most of their time outdoors, I wonder what a study would show regarding cancer rates.

I believe the fouling of our atmosphere and environment is not from cow flatulence or all the other alleged culprits but rather a combination of the massive amounts of non-ionizing radiation from ‘smart’ meters installed all around the globe, electromagnetic waves, deliberate weather modification over the past couple of decades all over this country along with cell towers and all the dirty electricity so carefully explained in Dr. Milham’s book.

Finally, here is how Greta Thunberg’s propaganda is hurting children in this country. I live in a small town, about 28,000 residents in W. Texas. I am a part-time substitute teacher. A week before Christmas break, I had four afternoon art classes.

The second class came in, I took attendance and read the teacher’s assignment for them. I then looked to my right and two girls (all 11th graders) had a laptop on the table doing something. I walked over and quietly ask what they were doing?

Response: Oh, I have to finish my project on climate change. Her friend sitting next to her said yes, the project was due, it was important because we’re all going to be dead in ten years. You could have knocked me over with a feather.

I quietly told the girl to log off, close the laptop and get to work on her art assignment. I then walked to the other side of the room. I won’t say classroom because this room was huge and had side rooms; lots of art supplies, materials, etc.

I stopped to look at another girl’s work. She had drawn a beautiful Monarch butterfly. Truly, almost every single student was so gifted in drawing and coloring. Anyway, I told her it was just fabulous and ask if she might make this her career?

Her response stunned me. She shrugged and said why bother, we’re all going to be dead in ten years anyway. I said, what? What are you talking about? She said climate change was going to kill all of us and the planet in ten years. It was all I could do to stop the steam pouring out of my ears.

I know because of the distance between the other two girls and the fact that I had spoken softly that this girl could not have heard my exchange. I told her that wasn’t going to happen. I told her for the sake of argument, if it doesn’t happen, she should plan for her future. Whatever she wants to do upon graduation she should pursue her dreams for a fulfilling life.

Greta has come to my small town leaving her destruction behind and three students who feel they have no future because you and I, grandma & grandpa are killing the planet. Is your child’s school next? California Teachers Could Be Required To Teach About Climate Change

I then went to the teacher’s desk, sat down and fumed some more. This is child abuse and I’m not the only one who thinks so.DOUGLAS MURRAY: Terrifying children with climate propaganda is abuse

“Have your children got eco-anxiety? How would you know if they had? According to a variety of psychologists and psychiatrists, talk of a ‘climate crisis’ has led to an upsurge in young people reporting feelings of anxiety, helplessness and guilt.

“In recent weeks alone, a number of friends have told me of children feeling depressed or listless because they are falling for the lies of these abusers who claim that young people have no chance of ever growing up [File photo]

“The children were shown watching as the BBC parroted untrue claims by Extinction Rebellion (XR) that ‘scientists say we have only 11 years to act’. And their response was all too understandable.

“One child looked especially pained as she counted on her fingers how many years she had left to live and worked out that, according to the BBC, the world could end when she was just 19.Later, a little boy reacted to the fanatical claims of XR by saying to the viewers: ‘That’s sad. Why did we have to be born at this time?’”

Aren’t pre-teens and teens killing themselves over things like bullying or can’t figure out which letter of the alphabet they want to “identify” with enough, now we have to add this propaganda to further drive them into depression and helplessness? I’m sorry Greta Thunberg’s parents are using and abusing her. We must stop the promotion of this BIG LIE.

I’m sending a hard copy of this column to the district offices of my U.S House rep, both senators, and several reps in our state legislature. Might take me half an hour and a couple bux in postage. It’s something tangible to sit on their desk.

In my cover letter I’m politely going to tell each one you had better start standing up and exposing this BIG LIE or I guarantee you I will support and help elect your next challenger. The fight to stop Common Core aka communist education in America was huge. And we won in almost all the states. But it took being a warrior instead of a watcher. America’s children are worth it.

Parents also need to find out if this climate change pseudo-science is being taught at schools in your district. If so, they must for the mental health of their children (and grandparents – help out on this) get in the face of your school superintendent and school board.

Silence and doing nothing will not win a war.

Below this column are sources for you to use to fight back. There is a push back going on around America to stop raping We the People to fund this manufactured hoax for a sinister agenda.

What do you tell your child about climate change? I think this picture sums it up perfectly and they will run as fast as they can away from Greta and her dangerous propaganda.

No plane trips to Disneyland. Forget that new car, Janie. Now, Katie. You do have to walk to school from now on. I know it’s 19 degrees outside and snowing but you will have to walk the three miles to school as there’s no longer a school bus and I can’t use a car anymore.

Watch their attitude change.

[On a personal note, I need help from someone who lives in Canada. I know we have lots of readers from up north. I want to file a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act request) but checking the requirements, one must be a Canadian citizen. If you can help out, contact me: devvyk@npn.net]

Sources of accurate, credible information

Meet the man who has exposed the great climate change con trick. James Delingpole talks to Professor Ian Plimer, the Australian geologist, whose new book shows that ‘anthropogenic global warming’ is a dangerous, ruinously expensive fiction, a ‘first-world luxury’ with no basis in scientific fact. Shame on the publishers who rejected the book.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions”. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2020 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net

Climate change hoax COLLAPSES as new science finds human activity has virtually zero impact on global temperatures

Climate Expert Lord Monckton: Global Warming Ceased Over 18 Years Ago

‘Mathematical PROOF’ global warming is a hoax

Lord Christopher Monckton – Global Warming is a Hoax – Video interview

Dozens of his interviews that blow a hole in Greta’s propaganda

Global warming data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions

Delingpole’s web site filled with factual articles on climate change con

Delingpole: 2020 Is the Year We Storm the Green Barricades! – He has a new project coming

Delingpole: David ‘Greta of the Third Age’ Attenborough Launches BBC’s Climate Bedwetting Blitzkrieg: “As I speak, south east Australia is on fire. Why? Because the temperatures of the Earth are increasing,” he (Attenborough) said.

Delingpole: Australian Police Arrest 183 Arsonists for Bush fires. Someone Tell Russell Crowe

Wildfire Jihad: Muslims in Australia Among Nearly 200 Arsonists Who Set Fires

Links worth reading

A History of the Disastrous Global Warming Hoax

Climate Hysteria Is A Backdoor For Imposing Personal Interests On The Public

More fools: Department of Defense Predicted Climate Change Would Destroy Us by 2020 – “Back in 2004, the Department of Defense released a report assuring the world Climate Change would destroy all of us by the year 2020.

“A secret report, suppressed by US defense chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a ‘Siberian’ climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world.

“The document predicts that abrupt climate change could bring the planet to the edge of anarchy as countries develop a nuclear threat to defend and secure dwindling food, water and energy supplies. The threat to global stability vastly eclipses that of terrorism, say the few experts privy to its contents.

“And that’s not the worst of it. Get a load of this:” (Rest at link)

9 Things You Need To Know About The Climate Change Hoax

Record Farm Yields Contradict Climate Doomsayers’ Claims

Federal Court Tosses Junk Global Warming Lawsuit By Brainwashed Kids Against US Government

Good commie that he is: Bernie Sanders Moves Climate Change Doomsday Deadline to ‘Right Now’

Trump proposes rollback of ‘dysfunctional’ environmental rules

Why the States Must Nullify the National Voter Registration Act Now!

Publius Huldah

From the earliest days of our Republic,[1] some years before our federal Constitution of 1787 was ratified;[2] the Citizens of the States determined the qualifications for voting, and memorialized these qualifications in their State Constitutions.  In keeping with this hallowed practice, the Citizens of North Carolina recently amended Article VI of their State Constitution to add to the Qualifications for voting the requirement that persons voting in person present a photo ID [link].

But lawsuits have been filed in federal court objecting to the photo ID’s; and the judge on one of them, U.S. District Judge Loretta Biggs [Mid. Dist. North Carolina], has announced that she will issue a preliminary injunction against the requirement that voters present a photo ID.  North Carolina election officials scurried to comply with Judge Biggs’ announcement; and Republican politicians called for an appeal [link].

The purpose of this paper is to show a better way to proceed – to show how North Carolina can enforce the US Constitution and the qualifications for voting set forth in its State Constitution.

We begin by looking at what our federal Constitution says about qualifications of voters.

  1. Ourfederal Constitution enshrines the pre-existing practice

where States set the qualifications for voters

In our federal Constitution of 1787,the States expressly retained their pre-existing power to determine the qualifications of voters:  Article I, §2, cl. 1, US Constit., says,

“The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature.” [italics added]

So! Under our federal Constitution, those who are eligible to vote for Representatives to their State Legislature are, by definition, the ones eligible to vote for Members of the federal House of Representatives.

The 17th Amendment [ratified 1913] provided that those who were eligible to vote for Representatives to the US House would also be eligible to vote for the US Senators.

With four later amendments, the States decided that they would not deny eligibility to vote to Citizens on account of race (15th Amendment), sex (19th Amendment), failure to pay taxes (24th Amendment), and for those 18 years of age or older on account of age (26th Amendment).

So the States have retained their original authority to set whatever qualifications for voting they deem appropriate,  subject to their agreement (with each other) that they would not deny suffrage on account of a Citizen’s being in one of those four categories.

  1. Voting fraud

But today, we all know that, due to the federal government’s long continuing refusal[3] to control immigration[4] and protect the States from Invasion,[5] illegal aliens are flooding into our Country.  In at least 15 States, illegals may get drivers’ licenses [link] [link]; and with California’s “motor voter law”, illegals are automatically registered to vote when they get a drivers’ license![6]

Furthermore, there are Precincts in this Country where well over 100% of the registered voters turn out to vote [link]!This Georgia Precinct had a 243% voter turnout!

Our elections are also corrupted by the “ghost voters” described in Deroy Murdock’s article [here]Murdock shows that throughout the United States, over 3.5 million persons who don’t exist are registered to vote.  For North Carolina, Murdock finds 189,721 ghost voters.  Virginia has 89,979 ghost voters.But that’s a pittance compared to California which “is a veritable haunted house, teeming with 1,736,556 ghost voters.”

When you add California’s 1,736,556 ghost voters to the illegal aliens who also vote there (thanks to “Motor Voter”)[7] and understand that this problem is nation-wide; who can deny that the States need to man-up and clean up their corrupt voting systems? The federal government has no constitutional authority to clean up the voting rolls;[8] but the States have the inherent and retained duty and power to do so.

By requiring photo IDs, the Citizens of North Carolina have taken a first step towards getting rid of some of those 189,721 ghosts, plus the illegals,who corrupt elections within their State.

  1. The Federal Government has usurped the States’ expressly retained power to set qualifications for Voters

In 1993, Congress passed the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) [link], wherein they unlawfully seized power to dictate voter registration procedures (for federal elections) for the entire Country.

By dictating the registration procedures each State must use, and by mandating the voter registration form[the “federal form”] each State must use when registering voters;the NVRA stripped the States of their power to determine whether voters in their State meet the qualifications for voting set forth within their State Constitutions. It thus prohibits the States from enforcing the qualifications for voting set forth in their State Constitutions![9]

This is shown by what happened in Arizona:

The Constitution of the State of Arizona restricts voting to Citizens.  During 2004, the People of Arizona (which had been overrun with illegal aliens) adopted an initiative (Proposition 200) which required those in Arizona who apply to register to vote, to provide documentary proof of citizenship.  But a lawsuit was filed in federal court; and the Ninth US Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that since the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 doesn’t require applicants for voter registration to provide documentary proof of citizenship, the States may not require it.

Thereafter, in Arizona v. The Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc. (2013), the US Supreme Court affirmed the Ninth Circuit’s opinion [link].

I wrote about the Ninth Circuit’s opinion [here] and the Supreme Court’s opinion [here].  Both opinions are monuments to judicial incompetence – or worse.  The assertions made by the Courts in their attempts to justify their unconstitutional judgments are demonstratively false.  The majority opinion of the Supreme Court is also logically incoherent.

But here we are: The Supreme Court has held that since the federally mandated voter registration form doesn’t require that persons registering to vote provide proof of citizenship, the States may not require it.  What this means, in practice, is that the States must register anyone who fills out the federal form.

  1. So where does this leave North Carolina?

The federal voter registration form may be seen (in 15 different languages) [here].

The federal form doesn’t require applicants for registration to provide a photo ID. Therefore, consistent with Arizona v. The Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc., North Carolina may not require applicants for registration to provide a photo ID.

May North Carolina require voters to present a photo ID when they show up to vote? The Supreme Court hasn’t directly addressed this;[10] but consider that since the federal government requires the States to register anyone who fills out the federal form, why would the feds permit the States to deny exercise of the suffrage to any name which is “registered”?

We already know how U.S. District Judge Loretta Biggs is going to rule – and her ruling is consistent with the Supreme Court’s lawless holding in Arizona v. The Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc.

  1. Are There any Men in North Carolina?

The 7th paragraph of our Declaration of Independence recites how the Colonists opposed with manly firmness the King’s invasions on the rights of the people.

Are there any politicians in North Carolina today who will oppose the federal government’s invasions on the rights of the Citizens of North Carolina to set and enforce requirements for voting within their State?

A State Attorney General with brains and a spine would inform the federal judge that North Carolina won’t participate in the litigation; that she may issue all the Orders and Judgments she wants – North Carolina will ignore them – because (if she obeys the Supreme Court instead of the federal and State Constitutions) her Orders and Judgments will be void as in violation of Article I, §2, clause 1, US Constitution; and as in violation of the Sovereign Rights of North Carolina to enforce their own Constitution respecting voter qualifications.

What could a federal judge do about such a principled response from North Carolina? She has no Army. She has no power to enforce her judgments. She has to depend on the Executive Branch of the Federal government to enforce her judgments.[11]

So we would find out whether Trump actually means it when he says he wants honest elections, or whether he is just another fake “conservative”.  If he is a fake, he will send in the National Guard to enforce the Judge’s unconstitutional judgment.But if Trump lives up to his words about the need for honest elections [link]; then he will refuse to send in the National Guard to enforce the unconstitutional Judgment; and North Carolina will have won the Battle and set a noble example for other States to follow.

  1. Conclusion

The Deep State which controls the federal government doesn’t want elections cleaned up – they need dirty elections to get their henchmen in office.  So they have embarked upon a course of action (such as the NVRA) to try to prevent the States from cleaning up elections.  So, for Heaven’s Sake! Man up and resist! Our Framers always advised the States to resist unconstitutional acts of the federal government [link] [link]! We will never get honest elections unless the States man up and reclaim their rightful authority over their own voter rolls.Do it before you lose the political power to do it.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Publius Huldah: publiushuldah@gmail.com


[1] From 1778 to 1789, we operated under our first federal Constitution, the Articles of Confederation [link].

[2] Our present federal Constitution was ratified on June 21, 1788 [link].

[3] Both political parties have embraced the Globalists’ open borders policy -both parties have failed to secure our Borders.

[4] Art. I, §9, cl. 1, US Constit., delegates to Congress as of January 1, 1808, the power to control immigration.

[5] Art. IV, §4, US Constit., requires the federal government to protect each of the States against Invasion.

[6] During 2013, California passed a law which permits illegal aliens to get drivers’ licenses[link]; and during 2015, consistent with the unconstitutional National Voter Registration Act, passed “Motor Voter” providing that when one gets a drivers’ license, one is automatically registered to vote [link].

[7] So with a “National Popular Vote” for President, or to ratify a new Constitution (if the mode of ratification for the new Constitution is a national referendum), it would be easy to steal the outcome!  Illegal aliens and “ghost voters” in California alone would determine the outcome for the entire Country.

[8] President Trump’s Executive Order 13799 of May 11, 2017, which purported to establish a “Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity” [link], is unconstitutional as outside the scope of powers delegated to the federal government.

[9] Justice Thomas understands this: Until the federal government usurped power over this issue, the States always determined their own procedures for registration of those who were, pursuant to their State Constitution, qualified to vote. The function of registration of voters is so that the States may determine whether the qualifications for voting set forth in their State Constitution have been metJustice Thomas points out in his dissent in Arizona v. The Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc. at II. A. 2:

“This understanding of Article I, §2, is consistent with powers enjoyed by the States at the founding. For instance, ownership of real or personal property was a common prerequisite to voting … To verify that this qualification was satisfied, States might look to proof of tax payments… In other instances, States relied on personal knowledge of fellow citizens to verify voter eligibility. . . States have always had the power to ensure that only those qualified under state law to cast ballots exercised the franchise.

Perhaps in part because many requirements (such as property ownership or taxpayer status) were independently documented and verifiable, States in 1789 did not generally “register” voters . . . Over time, States replaced their informal systems for determining eligibility, with more formalized pre-voting registration regimes. . . But modern voter registration serves the same basic purpose as the practices used by States in the Colonies and early Federal Republic. The fact that States have liberalized voting qualifications and streamlined the verification process through registration does not alter the basic fact that States possess broad authority to set voter qualifications and to verify that they are met.” [italics added].

[10] In the Supreme Court’s majority opinion [link], Scalia mentioned (4th para down from top) that Arizona’s Proposition 200 also required voters “to present identification when they vote on election day”; but he did not grace us with an answer as to whether States may require voters to prove that they are who they say they are when they show up to vote.

[11]As Alexander Hamilton points out in Federalist No. 78, the Judicial Branch is the weakest branch. All they can do is issue orders and judgments – they can’t enforce their orders and judgments.  They must rely on the Executive Branch to carry them out:

“… the judiciary… will always be the least dangerous to the political rights of the Constitution; because it will be least in a capacity to annoy or injure them. The Executive not only dispenses the honors, but holds the sword of the community. The legislature not only commands the purse, but prescribes the rules by which the duties and rights of every citizen are to be regulated. The judiciary, on the contrary, has no influence over either the sword or the purse; no direction either of the strength or of the wealth of the society; and can take no active resolution whatever. It may truly be said to have neither FORCE nor WILL, but merely judgment; and must ultimately depend upon the aid of the executive arm even for the efficacy of its judgments.” [caps are Hamilton’s; italics added]

Blip: Humanity’s 300 Year Self-Terminating Experiment With Industrialism

By Frosty Wooldridge

America supports 330 million people who eat food, drive cars, consume everything in sight, and utilize over 80 different minerals and metals that make our civilization work. Those non-renewable natural resources allow us our extraordinarily mechanized, chemicalized and advanced society—as well as our extraordinary standard of living.

Today, 1.4 billion Chinese, 1.25 billion Indians and all total, 7.6 billion humans scour this planet for—ever decreasing amounts of non-renewable natural resources under the crust of this planet.  Worse, within 30 years, 2.4 billion more humans will be added, or a total of 10 billion humans expect to scrounge this planet for any resources remaining to keep the engines of commerce operating.

In 2020, this planet holds 7.6 billion people who eat food, use water, burn fuels to keep warm, and essentially waste finite resources on a fixed planet.  Humans add another 83 million, net gain, annually.  Soberingly, the more people we add, the faster we exhaust those resources.

While everyone screams about “Catastrophic Climate Destabilization”, few understand the “Exponential Growth Factor” that threatens our very existence as a viable species on this planet.  Fewer still realize that “The Age of Oil” that makes our societies operate—will reach exhaustion just past mid-century.

“What we do to enable our existence as an industrialized society simultaneously undermines our existence,” said Christopher Clugston, author of the blockbuster book, Blip.  “Our persistent and ever-increasing extraction and utilization of non-renewable natural resources—the finite and non-replenishing fossil fuels, metals and nonmetallic minerals that enable our industrial existence—is causing increasingly pervasive global NNR scarcity, which is causing faltering global human prosperity, which is causing increasing global political instability, economic fragility and societal unrest.”

In other words, “This scenario will intensify during the coming decades and culminate in humanity’s permanent global societal collapse, almost certainly by 2050.”  Give or take a few years!

In the past three weeks, I read Clugston’s book. He articulates humanity’s ever-increasing usage of resources that can never be duplicated within the context of “exponential human growth.”  What is exponential growth?  It’s the same as a cancer cell.  It multiplies until it kills its host.  Once NNR’s suffer exhausting, American society or any industrialized society cannot continue operating. Why? Because they lack the energy, metals, minerals and resources to continue.

It’s like a man who walks into the desert with two gallons of water, but given enough time in the desert, he runs out of water, however he’s 100 miles from the nearest well. He sets out toward the well.  The closer he walks to the well, the faster his own supply of water runs out.  When he arrives at the well, he’s out of water, but he finds the well has run dry, too.  He’s out of luck.

It’s the classic Faustian Bargain, whereby he started out with ample water, so he wasted it, but he ends up with Hobson’s Choice.

America, Canada and Europe may be riding high in 2020, but in 30 short years, Hobson’s Choice cannot be avoided.

Clugston said, “Our impending collapse will result from our irreparably and irreversibly impaired global natural environment—specifically, from Earth’s extensively depleted and/or decimated finite and non-replenishing, non-renewable natural resources—a circumstance that cannot be remedied.”

Please note: no amount of “technology” will save us.

Restoration of our irreversibly depleted and irreparably impaired global natural environment will be physically impossible, as will restoration of human industrialism.

The bigger our cities around the globe, the faster and harder they will collapse as to water, energy, food and resources.

Clugston said, “While it is possible that some local and natural environments will remain favorable to support subsistence level agrarian societies comparable to those that existed prior to the inception of industrialism, the extraordinarily favorable, NNR-rich, global natural environment that enabled our 300 year industrial “blip” will be gone forever.”

After reading Clugston’s book, I am sobered as to the future of every single person living in Canada, America and Europe—and any big city country with millions of people to feed.  Essentially, Clugston researched his book with the brilliance of an Einstein in the realm of resources.

If we fail to change course in this decade, we cast our fate to an inexorably bleak future. Along the way, we face more conflict over resources with China, India, Mexico, South America and across the planet.

Can we somehow mitigate our impending fate?  Can we minimize the results?  Can we give future generations a chance?

As a lay person in this arena, I propose a few solutions:

  1. We need a national-international discussion-debate on human population and how to stabilize and gracefully decline it through birth control to live within the carrying capacity of this finite planet.  www.skil.org
  2. We MUST, and I mean, we MUST move toward alternative natural energies that don’t pollute and are renewable.  We should engage every scientist to find solutions before we’re like that man wandering in the desert in search of water.
  3. We MUST stop trashing our oceans with chemicals and plastics.  We must force Monsanto-Bayer and Dow Chemical companies to quit screwing with our Natural World.  Stop all poison productions. We must engage an international 50 cent deposit law on every piece of plastic—to ensure its return for recycling.
  4. We must define carrying capacity in every country and move toward sustainable societies.
  5. We must engage world leaders, environmentalists, biologists, population specialists, climate experts, ocean experts and, most of all, religious leaders to educate their followers as to the negative impacts of humans on this planet.
  6. What solutions might you offer to this predicament?

Finally, do you think humans will try to save themselves?  Will we make any effort to change course?   As for me having observed humanity around the world for the past 50 years, my bet?  We will continue the Faustian Bargain with a grand finale of Hobson’s Choice.  Some call it the “Darwinian Solution”, but it’s coming.

Read this book to see for yourself: Blip by Christopher Clugston, on Amazon, ISBN#978-1-64438-068-0

His other book:  Scarcity—Humanity’s Final Chapter?  On Amazon.com

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Richmond, Virginia: A Time for Blood?

Michael Heath

Northam said he respects the right of VDCL and other groups to protest gun control legislation in the state but called on them to keep the demonstrations peaceful. — Breitbart, January 15, 2020

The Left wing of Western politics is deeply threatened at the moment.  Every stratagem they’ve attempted in the past four years has failed dramatically.  The power behind the throne of this movement is comprised of privileged old folks who don’t even begin to want to think of the internet as anything other than the most potent control and propaganda mechanism ever invented.  Their ignorant globalist arrogance continues to push righteousness into the corner.  Will Richmond on Monday be where the cornered virtue of the West in America decides to fight back in such a way that it cannot be refused?  We shall see.

The corporate lap dog media is perfectly performing the role assigned to them.  They are painting a picture of gun owning Americans taken directly from the pages of the PR firm that coined Killary’s “deplorables” epithet.  You cannot consider any news about Richmond without being reminded of Charlotte.  The essence of being cornered by an enemy determined to destroy you is being forced into a situation where there are only two choices.  Fight or die.  The time for guile and optics has passed.  Ferociously fighting for keeps is the only option.

It’s obvious which force is doing the cornering.  The force that has invested my lifetime in destroying all the virtues.  Just like clockwork you can depend on this force to issue the clarion call for “civility” whenever those who truly care about their families and futures get close to gaining a modicum of power and influence.  The Catholic hierarchy issued that call in the fall with the 2020 political season in mind.  They’re calling their super slick and fabulously expensive public relations campaign “Civilize It:  Dignity Beyond the Debate.”  That’s rich.  A gaggle of pampered religious sodomites calling on the rest of us to be civilized and dignified.  This is the same priestly class that spent the last fifty years gutting and pillaging the Church they were hired to lead.  And lest you think that Evangelicalism is any better off take a look at where “conservative” preacher Tim Keller is leading Christians in the West.  He’s joined the mindless mob of LGBT sycophants.  Good people everywhere are rejecting these wayward souls.  I ain’t buying it.

And neither are the armed men making their way to Richmond, Virginia this weekend.  They’ve had it up to way past their eyeballs.  I wasn’t planning to be there.  God willing I’m going to go.  I’m only a six hour drive from Richmond.  I’m going to join a group of men planning to wear a uniform consisting of a “Protect the Flock with a Glock” T-Shirt and Cross Hat.

The act that tipped me over the edge was the Communist Governor’s decision to declare a State of Emergency.

He chose to demonize the Virginia Citizens Defense League rather than respect them.  Thank God the President of VCDL doubled down in response.  He said he doesn’t believe that Northam “has the right to ban weapons.”  Northam, to his discredit, trotted out the same old tired Leftist talking points saying of the hard working and respectful lobbying group, “I call on them to disavow anyone who wishes to use Monday’s rally to advance a violent agenda.  Hate, intimidation and violence have no place here.”

Northam’s people have spent decades doing violence to Christianity, decency and common sense.  They’ve invested their life’s blood in destroying and dismantling America.  There’s no force on earth that has invested more violently subversive energy in hating the moral teachings of Jesus Christ.  Nobody is more intimidating … NOBODY … than Northam and his Leftist cabal in the Western media.  Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Don’t forget that this same man publicly advocated for killing BORN babies.  These people love death.  And they are master manipulators and propagandists.  Also, they have grown accustomed to getting their way.  I’m praying that Richmond is the first shot heard ‘round the world in 2020 for common sense in U.S. culture and politics.  Can you imagine how powerful it would be if Donald Trump came to Richmond to be with his people there.  This is not at all like Charlotte.  It isn’t about race, and everyone knows it.  This is about the Second Amendment.  It is about that because that is what Northam made it about with his crazy proposed legislation.

I trust the armed men who are assembling this group.  I don’t even begin to trust … or even respect … the chattering class of either Virginia or her contiguous globalist capitol city, Washington D.C.  And I’m not alone.  I need to be there to experience it for myself, and be able to write and talk about it.

I learned at the cancer clinic where my wife was treated yesterday, from a nurse, that the North Carolina county in which we live — Surry — has declared itself a sanctuary county for gun owners.  Political leaders just north of us here are calling for the secession of the western counties of Virginia.  They want to become part of West Virginia.

I’d say we’re cornered and we’ve decided to fight rather than die.  The weapons for our success are less political than they are spiritual.  God willing bloodshed won’t be a necessary component.  But you can’t promise to sodomize and subject to usurious deadly servitude a people’s children and grandchildren without a fight.

You wicked demons on the Left are about to get a political whoopin.  I can feel it in my bones.  Donald Trump for God Emperor (I’m kiddin … sort of).

Praise God.

© 2020 Michael Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

Let the Impeachment Circus Begin

By Roger Anghis

For the last several months, three years to be exact, we have seen the Democrat Party attack president Trump in a wild attempt to impeach him. The plans to impeach began as early as the evening he was elected. Mad Maxine Waters began calling for impeachment the day after he was elected. That war cry has not stopped since. Her idiocy is only exceeded by her unfortunate looks.

We’ve all sat through the Mueller Report hearings.  The only thing that was proven to be collusion with the Russians was the Clinton and Democrat Party’s paying for the Steel dossier and Senator McCain’s traitorous involvement in getting it into the hands of as many of the leftwing members of the media as he could.

The insane charge of abuse of power reminds me of Joseph Goebbels’ statement: “Accuse your opposition of what you are doing.”  So far all of the things they have accused Trump of doing, they themselves are guilty of.  Heck, if he was guilty of all the things they have accused him of he could run as a Democrat.  I think I read that somewhere.  Watching these dimwits running around trying to find something to charge him with is like watching circus clowns crawling in and out of a clown’s car. They are well aware that most of their base don’t pay attention and believe anything that they are told about how bad Trump is.  I was watching Representative Dan Crenshaw on MSNBC talking about the impeachment and the host, I don’t know who she was as I don’t watch non-news, brought up the withholding of military aid and the infamous quid pro quo, and Representative Crenshaw stopped her and reminded her that there was no quid pro quo and she was a little dumbfounded and then stated: “So, you’re not convinced that President Trump did anything wrong.”  Crenshaw responded with: “How can I be convinced when I haven’t seen any evidence?”[1]

All one has to do is read the transcript and you’ll see that there was no threat to hold any funding, as it was never brought up, and there was no quid pro quo.  Period!  The Democrats simply can’t let go of the fact that there is absolutely zero evidence of a quid pro quo.  Now, if you look at the actions of Joe Biden, protecting his son’s position at Burisma, which was obviously a position Hunter held as a way to buy the influence of the then vice-President Joe Biden.  THAT was a quid pro quo.[2]  I find it puzzling how a person like Joe Biden or even Hillary Clinton can break the law and nothing happen but the person that investigates those discrepancies is the one the liberals want to impeach.  It’s obvious that they are terrified of their corruption being exposed and that is why they say he must be impeached.  Representative Al Green has forced three impeachment votes since Trump has been sworn in without delivering any substantial evidence, actually, no evidence at all, to prove the charge and even stated that if Trump isn’t impeached, he’ll win re-election.  That is their big scare.  Another four years will expose so much of their corruption that their party will be destroyed.

Even the border wall and Trump’s immigration policies have them in a panic.  Illegal immigration is down an amazing 78% and that really cuts into the number of new democrat ‘voters’.  There are a lot of statistics Mark A. Morgan, acting U.S. Customs and Border Protection commissioner, uses to show how Trump policies have helped to cut illegal immigration into the United States.

But there are two that he feels really make clear the victory his agency has had in the past year, and he highlighted them in a small meeting Tuesday.

First is daily apprehensions, a number that hit 4,600 at the height of the latest crisis in May. That has now dropped to 1,300.

What’s more, he said, the 21-daily average is below 1,000, a 78% cut. “That’s a dramatic reduction,” he said, in updating the numbers released last week.

Then there are the numbers of illegal immigrants “in custody.” That was a horrific 20,000 in May for an agency that has just 4,000 beds.

Now a quarter of those beds are unused.

“We were having those conversations back then about how the system was overwhelmed, there was overcrowding. We’re just not experiencing that now,” Morgan said.

“Currently, right now, what we’re seeing is our in-custody numbers right now are actually below 3,000, and it has been steady for the past few weeks,” he said.[3]

The Democrat’s corruption is being exposed, their ‘voters’ are being stopped from crossing the border and because of the 187 constitutional judges he’s been able to install our courts will hold strong to the Constitution and not the liberal ideology which was where the courts were headed.  These appointments will affect the next 25-30 years and that is seriously bad news for the left.  What’s even worse for the Democrats is Judicial Watch has begun lawsuits to force States to clean up their voter rolls.  California is the worst with five million inactive voters.  This is a ripe opportunity for voter fraud for the Democrats which they have taken full advantage of for the last 30 years.  Los Angeles County has started the process of removing from its registration rolls an estimated 1.5 million inactive voters who have moved, died or become ineligible to cast a ballot, an effort to comply with federal election law and a court settlement with Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog.

There were an estimated 5 million inactive registrations in the state as of November 2016, the latest figures available, according to a Judicial Watch analysis of data published by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton called the state’s response to the January legal settlement a “victory for clean elections in California” that would “set another national precedent for other states to take reasonable steps to ensure that dead and other ineligible voters are removed from the rolls.” [4]

It’s not just California either.  I know that in the last three general elections Colorado has had about ten counties with more voters than eligible voters.  One county has had consistently 140% turn out but nothing has ever been done to straighten it out.  We are part of a five-state lawsuit by Judicial Watch because of these discrepancies. In 378 U.S. counties, voter registration rates exceed 100% of the adult population, meaning there are more voter registrations on file than the total voting-age population, according to a new analysis by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch.  

Based on data the federal Electoral Assistance Commission released last year, the new analysis indicates that a minimum of 2.5 million voter registrations are wrongly listed as valid. It suggests widespread lack of compliance with the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), which requires states to remove people who have died, moved, or are otherwise ineligible to vote from the rolls. While having excess registrations isn’t proof of voter fraud, voter integrity advocates note that it does create opportunities for deception, such as allowing people to vote twice in different precincts or submit invalid absentee ballots.[5]

None of these situations would have been addressed if Hillary would have won.  The borders would have been left open for all that wanted to come. The judges that she would have appointed would all have been left-leaning anti-constitutional, and the economy would be so far south that most people’s assets would be worthless.  We wouldn’t the number one oil producer in the world and the list goes on.

The Democrats lost power and demand it back and will do anything, legal or illegal, to get it back.  We have seen that.  Trump stood with the people of Venezuela; the Democrats stood with the dictator Maduro.  Trump stood with the people of Hong Kong; the Democrats stood with the communist regime of China.  Trump stands with the people of Iran; the Democrats stand with the radical imams.  Can you see the pattern?  Trump has stood for the American people, but the Democrats stand with the illegals.  The reason they want him out is simple.  He wants America first, the Democrats want power.

Let the circus begin.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org

Foot Notes

  1. https://www.facebook.com/Rep. Dan Crenshaw/videos
  2. Flashback 2018: Joe Biden brags at CFR meeting about withholding aid to Ukraine to force firing of prosecutor
  3. Illegal immigrant crossings fall 78 once overcrowded cells are empty
  4. Calif begins removing 5 million inactive voters on its rolls
  5. Five states face federal lawsuit over inaccurate voter registrations

Abolition of Abortion and ‘Church Repent’

Rob Pue

In the 1960s, young people threw off all moral restraint and lived by the adage, “if it feels good, do it.”  This was the era of “free love,” which translated, means, “unbridled lust, casual sex and all manner of hedonism and self-indulgence.”  The values and morals of their parents were discarded in favor of lawlessness.  “Sex, drugs and rock & roll.”  In their minds, many justified their irresponsible and sinful behavior with catch phrases like “make love, not war.”  Perhaps in their vain imaginations, they actually thought they were MORE moral as they equated “sexual liberation” with “love.”  News flash:  the two are NOT the same thing.

By the turn of the decade, as 1970 came around, things began to change.  There was a price to pay for their behavior.  Sexually transmitted diseases were much more common.  Women, who gave their bodies away to men they believed “loved” them, found they were now pregnant — and SINGLE.  The men wanted no responsibility and so they vanished… But the women didn’t want the party to stop either.   Yet there was still at least an ounce of moral values in our country, because the solution at that time was NOT to KILL one’s own child… abortion was illegal.  But not for long.

One young woman who indulged in the “free love” and “if it feels good, do it” lifestyle during that time was Norma Leigh Nelson McCorvey.  She gave birth to her first child in 1965 at the age of 18.  Single and unprepared to be a mother, HER mother adopted the baby, a little girl named Melissa.  Meanwhile, Norma’s lifestyle continued its downward spiral… drugs, alcohol, and even lesbianism — a lifestyle she continued until the mid 1990s.  When she was 19 years old, she gave birth to another baby, this one given up for adoption.

By age 21, Norma was homeless in Dallas, Texas, and she had become pregnant for a third time, despite her lesbian relationship.  After attempting to get an illegal abortion, and not able to, she was introduced to two attorneys:  Linda Coffee and Sarah Weddington.  They were actively seeking out pregnant women who wanted abortions but could not obtain them, because at the time, it was illegal to kill one’s child.  Essentially, these attorneys were seeking a “useful idiot” to use to make their case for legal abortion in Texas.  They needed a “plaintiff.”  Norma McCorvey, homeless, pregnant, addicted to drugs and alcohol, deeply depressed and with only a 9th grade education, was the perfect “poster child” for their cause.

Known in the press only as “Jane Roe,” Norma McCorvey became the “Roe” in Roe v Wade.  It would take three years for the case to reach the US Supreme Court.  Norma never attended a single trial, and claims she never really understood what she was doing or how she was intentionally being taken advantage of by the attorneys in the case, which has since resulted in the deaths of more than 60 million premature babies in the womb.

It was January 22nd, 1973 when the US Supreme Court handed down a 7-2 decision, and abortion — for all practical purposes — became the pretend “law of the land.”  I say “PRETEND” because, as we all know from our 5th grade civics classes, courts do not make laws.   Nevermind the very OBVIOUS fact that abortion itself is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, and is directly contrary to one of our nation’s most fundamental founding documents (the Declaration of Independence) — because it deprives innocent children of — oh, things like… LIFE…LIBERTY…THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS… (LIFE!  It’s the FIRST ONE, folks!)

But America was ripe for Satan’s picking.  There were many in the same boat with Norma McCorvey.  Having spent their young lives free from all personal responsibility, indulging in illicit casual sex, drugs and weird religions, they didn’t want those “good old days” to end.  The men wanted no responsibility for the children they created with a woman they didn’t even know or care anything about.  And even the women gave up their natural affections for the babies inside them.  And so when the High Court handed down its decision, there were many who applauded it.

Of course, in 1973 there were FEW who really understood what abortion truly was: the deliberate murder of an unborn baby.  Most people believed the lie that a baby in the womb was nothing more than a “blob of tissue,” and abortion was just a simple “solution”  to their “problem.”  Yes, sadly, CHILDREN had become “problems” for people, rather than blessings… and that’s the result of denying God and His natural design for marriage and family.

But today, we have no more excuses.  With modern technology, there’s now more than ample scientific PROOF that a baby in the womb is, indeed, a real, living, SEPARATE human being — from the moment of conception.  And we know now the real truth of abortion.  We understand that it’s the deliberate KILLING of the child by burning it with chemicals, or dismembering the baby, tearing it limb from limb.  It’s truly BARBARIC.   Yet few — even today, with all we know to be true — seem to care.  Will anyone stand up for these helpless, innocent babies that are being slaughtered by the thousands every single day in our country?

Back to Norma’s life:  Norma was eventually befriended by our friend Flip Benham, who was the head of Operation Save America at the time.  She became a Christian.  Pastor Flip baptized Norma in 1995.  Soon after, as she learned the truth of what REALLY happened in Roe v Wade, and what REALLY takes place during an abortion, she deeply regretted being a party to that travesty.  She also renounced her lesbianism and worked to get the Supreme Court to overturn the Roe decision and she supported many pro-life causes.  She died in February of 2017 of heart failure at 69 years old.

It was Flip Benham who said, “abortion in America will end when the CHURCH in America decides it will end, and not before.”  Indeed, the CHURCH COULD BE the most influential institution there is to put a stop to the slaughter of millions.  Yet the Church has remained largely SILENT on this issue for almost 50 years now.

Now, most pastors and churches will claim to be staunchly “pro life.”  They’ll claim they agree that abortion is wrong and they DO understand it’s the deliberate murder of an unborn child.  Yet the vast majority of pastors in our modern American churches will never utter a single word about it from the pulpit or teach their congregations on the subject or lead them out to the killing centers to expose and oppose this horror.  In short, they KNOW about it.  They SAY with their WORDS that they oppose it, but yet they will do NOTHING about it.

SOME will support Crisis Pregnancy Centers and homes for unwed mothers.  But that’s the extent of it.  There are MANY churches that boast proudly about their short-term mission trips to foreign countries, yet will REFUSE to go two blocks down the street and intercede for the preborn babies being slaughtered there every day.  It’s just much EASIER and much less CONTROVERSIAL to go and do “good deeds” in foreign lands, far away from home, than to “rock the boat” in their own home towns.   Today’s pastors want to be well liked and popular among the people, and if they were to actually DO anything substantial to end abortion — or even SPEAK AGAINST abortion, they’d be sure to make at least a few enemies.  God forbid!

But just IMAGINE what would happen if every killing facility in the country had even ONE entire church from that town turn up every Sunday morning and hold their church service on the street outside — imagine if a hundred church-goers would gather and expose and oppose OPENLY the horrors of abortion, standing in the gap for the most innocent among us.  Now imagine if even 10% of those faithful church-goers were to make it their personal mission and ministry to witness outside an abortion center at least one day a week in their spare time, even for a couple hours.  How long do you think it would take before abortion became front page news — and pressure was brought to bear to end this atrocity?  But again, that isn’t happening, because of cowardice, fear and because people choose the approval of men over the commands of God Almighty.  If we cannot count on CHRISTIANS to defend babies and put an immediate END to their legalized murder, who, I ask you, CAN we count on?  I dare say that those who continue to ignore these precious little ones, even as they never miss a Sunday service, are “Christians in name only.”  As Jesus said in Matthew 15, “These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me.”

But a new movement has begun in America.  It’s known as “Church Repent.”  The GOAL of “Church Repent” is to call church-goers out and recruit them to join in this spiritual and physical battle to save innocent lives.  It is essentially going and begging and pleading with those who call themselves Christians to get involved and join the scant few who DO witness outside abortion centers, standing in opposition to what goes on there, and loving the pregnant mothers going into those places enough to tell them the truth BEFORE it’s too late.  Remember, every abortion leaves one dead and one wounded.  Studies show that women who kill their babies suffer mentally, physically and spiritually for years afterwards.  You see, they chose to believe the lie of “my body, my choice,” but then they have to LIVE with that choice, for the rest of their lives.

“Church Repent” works like this:  first, abortion abolitionists call to make an appointment with a local pastor.  If the pastor agrees to meet with them, the abolitionists go and explain to him that they need his congregation’s HELP — in person, at the killing centers.  They politely ask the pastor if they could please hand out information to the congregation, and simply INFORM the people of this most vital ministry work, and then just INVITE them to come and join others out on the streets, to help rescue women and children.  That’s ALL they’re asking for.

It’s important to note that this is an ESSENTIAL first step – contacting the pastor of the church and seeking to meet with him privately FIRST.  (If this first step is neglected, the abolitionists will be seen ONLY as angry “protestors” later; the pastor and church congregation will NOT understand why they are there and ASSUME they are there only to cause trouble).  But 99 times out of 100, the pastor will refuse that meeting.  Moreover, if they DO agree to the meeting and hear the abolitionists plea, most often excuses are made such as “that is not our calling,” “we don’t get involved in politics here at our church,” and “we agree with you, but this subject just makes people too uncomfortable, so that’s not something we would get involved with.”

At that point, the abolitionists will have no other choice but to go directly to the PEOPLE of the church — and since the pastor made it clear they’re not welcome inside, they stand OUTSIDE the church on the public sidewalks near the entrance to the church.  They’ll show up on a Sunday morning before the service, and as the church-goers arrive, will attempt to hand out literature and information and invite them to join in their rescue efforts.  Yes, they will also normally have large signs and posters showing graphic photos of the horrors of abortion.  Many object to using this type of imagery.  But it’s VITAL that people actually SEE and are personally confronted with the truth of what an abortion really is.

What normally happens next?  The pastor calls the police.  In some instances, which have been recorded on video countless times, the pastor and/or his elders will confront the abolitionists and act violently — even cursing and swearing at them.  Yes, you heard me right, and there are countless cases recorded on video where this has happened.  But you see, the abolitionists did NOT come to protest the church or shame the church (although if they ARE ashamed, then they SHOULD be).  No, they came to plead for help from church-going “Christians.”  And again, if Christians won’t help, WHO will?

Now, I’ve used the term “abolitionist” several times here.  Some of you may not know  what that is.  An abolitionist is one who calls for the immediate ABOLITION of abortion — an immediate END to abortion.  This is in contrast to one who calls themselves “Pro-Life.”  You see, the “Pro-life Movement” has been around since Roe v Wade.  The Pro-Life Movement seeks to REGULATE abortion through governmental legislation.  But how’s that been working for us?  It hasn’t.  And it never will.  And here’s why:

Those who call themselves “Pro Life” but don’t get personally involved in the battle will always support Pro Life Groups and self-proclaimed “Pro Life” candidates running for office.  But it’s all smoke and mirrors.  Once elected, these “Pro Life” candidates do little to nothing to actually end abortion.  Many actually purposely KILL proposed legislation that WOULD end abortion.   Meanwhile, on the other side, the Pro DEATH people support the “Pro Abortion” candidates.  UNDERSTAND THIS folks: NEITHER SIDE wants abortion to end.  Why?  Because on one hand you have the Christians and Pro-Lifers funneling tons of money to the candidates that promise to fight abortion.  On the other hand, you have the Pro-Abortion groups funneling tons of money to THEIR candidates.  If abortion were to simply be ABOLISHED, the gravy train ends… no more campaign funds or lobbying deals.  So neither side will ever end it — it’s all just for “show.”

Again: abortion in America will end when the CHURCH in America decides it will end, and not before.  Until then, our nation stands under blood guiltiness and under the wrath and judgment of God, because AS A NATION, we have legalized and celebrated this horror — and those who take His name in vain, calling themselves “Christians” stand idly by and do virtually nothing.  Don’t count on your “Pro Life” legislators to do much of anything to end abortion, because if the truth be told, they are no more “Pro Life” than the pew-warming church-goers are true Christ-followers.  If you want abortion to end, YOU, my friend, must get PERSONALLY involved in this battle and call for an immediate END to this atrocity.  And if you see a “Church Repent” group outside YOUR church, be kind to them.  Talk to them.  Understand them and help them.  And KNOW that if they are standing outside on the street, then most likely they’ve already talked to your pastor and your pastor has already decided to do nothing — and he’s already made the decision for YOU that YOU will continue to do nothing as well.  Are you alright with that?

A wise man once told me that all down through history, every time a nation began to kill its own children, that nation self-destructed from within, within ONE generation.  Look around.  Is America self-destructing right before our very eyes?  Why do you think that is?

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are ALSO available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com and ask for message number 278.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

A Narco-Nation of Potheads, Courtesy of George Soros

By Cliff Kincaid

Billionaire George Soros was named “Philanthropist of the Year” by Inside Philanthropy magazine for his “…fight for academic freedom in Central Europe, and his resistance to the rising tide of authoritarianism worldwide.”  The former is a reference to gender studies programs and the latter concerns his ongoing campaign to undermine existing governments, causing chaos that makes more money for hedge fund currency manipulators and short-sellers like himself.

In the United States, he is best known for almost single-handedly creating a narco-nation through legalization of marijuana, causing human suffering and environmental devastation on a scale most people do not yet comprehend.

With the nation focused on the opioid danger, and President Trump accusing China of pumping fentanyl into the veins of American victims through Mexico, the marijuana problem has gotten less attention. Indeed, liberal politicians and prosecutors, some of them getting Soros money, are treating the dope as a harmless substance and even a money-maker for local and state governments.

For one of the most sensational examples of a notorious pothead, consider Aaron Hernandez, the former NFL star who became a convicted killer and then killed himself in prison. The subject of a new Netflix series, “Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez,”he was a chronic marijuana user throughout college and his NFL career who experienced brain damage from the drug. The case proves a direct link between marijuana, mental illness, and violence.

In California, legal dope was supposed to displace illegal dope. But illicit cannabis cultivation sites are proliferating, offering a cheaper product than the government-approved variety. The Siskiyou County (California) Board of Supervisors voted on a new Declaration of Local Emergency that refers to illegal growers being responsible for “hundreds of pervasive fire hazards, insecticides, pesticides, rodenticides, fertilizers, trash, and unsanitary conditions which severely impact health, safety and quality of life for countless county residents…”

It’s in Barack Hussein Obama’s state of Illinois that we see some of the recent damage being done.

Illinois last year became the first state to legalize the marijuana business through legislation rather than by referendum and placing excise and sales taxes on the “product.” We can already see the predictable result — marijuana-related emergency room visits are on the rise.The local ABC-TV station in Chicago quotes doctors as saying the most common symptoms of the new potheads in Illinois are restlessness, heart palpitations and anxiety, but that “In some cases we are seeing full on psychosis, agitation, hallucinations.”

Incredibly, Illinois Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton was one of the first in line to purchase the dope. She bought clementine-flavored marijuana edible gummies and paid with cash.The scene was captured by CNN as she was pictured among hundreds of early-morning customers at a Chicago marijuana dispensary. She probably went to the front of the line, but some people waited hours in order to buy their “recreational marijuana” and get “high.”

David E. Smith of the Illinois Family Institute comments, “Not only have lawmakers failed to do their due diligence before passing this marijuana law, but they also failed to heed the compelling research that indicates how regular use of marijuana affects young people, including an increased risk of psychiatric illnesses and a permanent loss of IQ points.”

In fact, this is the plan – dumb people down so they ruin their lives and then have to be dependent on the state for the rest of their lives. The potheads are fast becoming an important new constituency for the socialist-minded.

Before they actually navigate their way to the polls, they can relieve their pain by employing another “hemp” product – CBD or cannabidiol.  CBD is being hawked all over, even on the Rush Limbaugh show, and is being advertised as a treatment for “muscle soreness” and “everyday discomfort.” But many complaints have been filed with the FDA over the false medical claims made about CBD.

Dr. Kenneth Finn comments, “These products are everywhere, but there is little scientific evidence to support the hype that surrounds them.” He says unregulated CBD products hitting the market might be contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides, fungicides, rodenticides, insecticides, molds, E. coli, or fungus.

Official dope distribution is supposed to fill a financial gap. In Illinois, the sixth-biggest state, by population, Politico reporter Theodoric Meyer reports that it has seen its credit rating cut to near-junk status in the decade since the financial crisis. “Its bonds are now considered as risky as those of Russia and Romania,” he notes. “Its pension system is in worse shape than that of almost any other state.”

Writers Ted Dabrowski and John Klingner note that the population of Illinois dropped by 100,000 people between 2010 and 2018 and few of the state’s counties have been spared. “That means that 93 of the state’s 102 counties have shrunk since 2010,” they note. Adam Schuster, Director of Budget and Tax Research at the group, Illinois Policy, reports that 36 percent of the money the state allocates to education will be diverted away from teachers and students to meet required pension payments for retirees.

Former Illinois pension chief Marc Levine is quoted as saying a federal bailout may be required, making this a matter affecting all taxpayers, not just the saps remaining in Illinois.

The “progressive” politicians have virtually bankrupted the state, forcing thousands to flee, and have turned to the cruel exploitation of potheads as a sure-fire money-maker to stave off the final countdown to fiscal oblivion. But legalized dope means more wards of the state who need government help.

Now this is going national. “Once a politically dangerous subject,” notes Trevor Hughes of USA Today, “legal marijuana has become something of a de facto platform plank for the 2020 Democratic candidates: All support either legalizing or decriminalizing its use, and the differences lie in how far the candidates are willing to take it.”

Since 22.2 million people have used marijuana in the past month, this is fertile ground for votes. In a bid for votes, candidate Pete Buttigieg actually toured a “cannabis dispensary” in Las Vegas while commenting that he smoked dope a “handful of times a long time ago.”

President Trump, on the other hand, can just say no. He lost his brother to alcoholism and should consider speaking out against the Soros-funded marijuana craze before more lives are ruined and lost. His Surgeon General, Vice Adm. Jerome M. Adams, is already speaking out about the health risks of marijuana use. He needs the backing of his president.

Roger Morgan, author of Soros: The Drug Lord. Pricking the Bubble of American Supremacy,notes the elevated levels of mental illness, addiction, suicides, traffic deaths and the unseen mental and physical defects to babies and future generations from the use of marijuana and other mind-altering drugs.  He adds, “America can never be great again if a major percentage of its young people are brain damaged, mentally ill, addicted or dead.”​

Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

Qasem Soleimani, Iran, and the Rule of Law

Robert Peck

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not the opinion of NewsWithViews.com, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

As with most political issues, there are those who praise the United States assassination of Iranian general, Qasem Soleimani, and those who decry it. And, as per usual, the division is mostly along party lines, with some calling it wise, virtuous, and a necessary act that will prevent war with Iran, while others call it foolish, evil, and an unnecessary act that will lead to war with Iran.

What is also as per usual is the fact that most are merely arguing for or against the act, but few are asking questions and even fewer are discussing matters of principle and the rule of law. My friend, Jake MacAulay, of the Institute on the Constitution, was the first that I’m aware of to actually drag the U.S. Constitution into the debate in his weekly commentary.

The first questions that Christian people committed to honoring God, upholding the U.S. Constitution, and maintaining the rule of law must always ask are, 1) What does the word of God say? 2) What does the U.S. Constitution say? 3) What will limit the power of government and maximize liberty? To fail to ask these three questions is to throw ourselves open to Godlessness, lawlessness, and tyranny.

Considering that government derives its just power from the consent of the governed (as stated in the Declaration of Independence), then government can have no power except that which the people first possess in themselves, then delegate to government. In like fashion, people only possess that power, and those rights, which our Creator first bestowed upon us.

In other words, civil government only possesses the aggregate authority of the people who establish it. Anything that it is right, or authorized by God for us as individuals to do, we, acting in the collective, can authorize government to do. Conversely, anything that God has not authorized us as individuals to do, we, acting in the collective, cannot authorize government to do.

God clearly prohibits murder. However, His word also makes it evident that he approves of protecting the innocent, even to the point of using leathel force to stop an aggressor. From this we derive laws in the civil society that prohibit murder but allow killing in self-defense, calling it justifiable homicide.

Similarly, Christian people, beginning with Saint Augustine, developed a Just War Doctrine which, among other things, concludes that a just war is a defensive war because government only possesses the authority given it by people who themselves possess only the rights granted to them by God. Therefore, if it’s wrong for an individual to murder, it’s wrong for government to murder. If it’s right for an individual to defend themselves, it’s right for government to defend its citizens.

With God’s word, the U.S. Constitution, and my friend Jake MacAuley’s commentary in mind, I came to the following conclusions regarding General Soleimani, Iran, and the Rule of Law.

1) If it can be verified that the nation of Iran poses an imminent threat to the lives, liberty, or property of American citizens, that all reasonable diplomatic efforts have been exhausted, and that American lives will be lost if immediate action is not taken, then it is the duty of Congress to issue a declaration of war against the sovereign nation of Iran pursuant to Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the U.S. Constitution, and of the President to prosecute that war through military force in defense of our God-given rights.

2) If the nation of Iran is not an imminent threat to the God-given rights of Americans, but if it could have been verified that General Soleimani had killed Americans, had led a group that killed Americans, or was planning an imminent attack on Americans, then it would have been the duty of Congress to issue a letter of marque pursuant to Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the U.S. Constitution naming the general as its target.

3) If neither a declaration of war, nor letter of marque and reprisal are passed by Congress and signed by the President, then the killing of any person, either within the borders of the United States or abroad, without due process of law (arrest, trial, execution), is an ordinary act of murder for which both the President ordering the act and those carrying out the order are liable (military personnel take an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States” making it incumbent upon them to disobey an unlawful, i.e., unconstitutional order).

Following the simple criteria laid out in the U.S. Constitution for declaring war and issuing letters of marque and reprisal would address the major concerns that I have with the assassination of General Soleimani and our apparent determination to engage in hostilities with Iran.

We have long been told by our government, the news media, and a whole host of talking heads, that Iran is our enemy. We are now told by the same people that General Soleimani was a terrorist killing Americans. My concern is that the same government told us there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and the same news media told us Donald Trump colluded with Russians. I have no confidence in either our government or the news media to tell us the truth in such matters. I’m not paranoid nor waxing conspiratorial, I’m just not that gullible.

My concerns with killing Soleimani as a terrorist and pursuing hostilities with Iran as an enemy are, 1) Where’s the proof of the allegations? 2) Where’s the Constitutional authority for the actions?

I’m not saying the allegations against Soleimani and Iran aren’t so, and I know my conservative friends can assure me they are so because Fox News and their favorite talk radio hosts have told them so day and night. What I am saying is that it’s foolhardy to trust the government, believe the news media, and based on their assertions, give Presidents a license to kill without requiring verification of the claims and clear Congressional authorization through a declaration of war or letters of marque and reprisal. (Last I checked, we do not have a declaration of war with Iran but are operating under the 2001 AUMF which authorizes the President “to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on Sept. 11, 2001…” But no one is even trying to argue that Iran, Soleimani, or for that matter, Syria, Yemen, etc, participated in 9-11.)

So, where’s the proof? Where’s the declaration of war? Where’s the letter of marque? And where’s the Constitutional rule of law?

Iran may be an enemy, and Soleimani may have been a terrorist, but requiring Congress to issue a declaration of war, or grant a letter of marque, would necessitate debate in Congress and the establishing of the facts necessary for “we the people” to be assured that our government is acting lawfully, not engaging in unnecessary hostilities, nor assassinating persons whose actions do not rise to the occasion. Such debate and establishing of facts would go a long way toward building public trust and support for our government’s actions.

And this isn’t just about Soleimani, Iran, or Trump. This is about Trump, Obama, and Bush before them. It’s about Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and however many other places around the world we have military personnel engaged in hostilities, advisers directing military actions of other countries, arms being provided to various factions, and U.S. Presidents authorizing assassinations based on computer-generated “kill lists.”

This isn’t about one incident or one man, but about holding Presidents accountable to the people’s representatives in Congress and holding Congress accountable to the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law.

By not requiring a debate in Congress, nor the establishing of facts, nor a declaration of war or letter of marque, “we the people” are effectively signing a blank check and saying that it’s okay for this, and future Presidents (who may be of another party), to kill whoever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want, and to order America’s sons and daughters to fight and die for whatever cause they want, whenever they want, wherever they want – no proof of allegations required; no Congressional authorization required; no rule of law required.

If “We the people” do not hold our Presidents accountable to our Congressional representatives and their Constitutional duty to declare war and grant letters of marque and reprisal, then we have abandoned the republic and its Constitution, replacing them instead with an elective imperial executive.

© 2020 Robert Peck – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Robert Peck: rwpeck59@gmail.com

Website: https://robertpeck.net

[BIO: Robert Peck lives in Spokane Valley, Washington, where he owns and manages residential rental property. As a Christian man who finds himself compelled to take a stand in the civil arena, Bob has served in political campaigns, promoted Constitutional education in the community, provides technical assistance to various Constitutional causes and also manages to write the occasional article. Having served in the Constitution Party, both as a county chairman, state chairman, and national committee member, Bob counts party fonder, the late Howard Phillips, as the example of boldly uncompromising Christian Constitutionalism that he hopes to emulate.]


A Glorious Weekend Filming with Fellow Deplorables in California

Lloyd Marcus

Hello America. I am black conservative Christian singer/songwriter Lloyd Marcus. I just returned home to West Virginia from a wonderful weekend with fellow Trump supporters in California, filming the music video for my Trump Train 2020 song.

Singers who sang on the recording of the song accompanied my wife Mary and I to California to appear in the music video. Excited local California Trump supporters joined us at Studio One sound stage to perform in the music video.

Even though we east and west coast Trump supporters were meeting for the first time, the atmosphere of the video shoot was electric, feeling like a joyous family reunion. Everyone relished in the opportunity to fellowship with others who love America; freely expressing their Christianity, conservative values and support for our president who boldly places America first. We were united as brothers and sisters in our mission to “Keep America Great” by securing the reelection of our remarkable president.

The brilliant conservative director of the Trump Train 2020 song music video is Robert Kirk. His political comedy, “Alien Anthropologists”  has won various prestigious film festival awards. Please visit the “Alien Anthropologists” movie website.

Robert treated me to a sneak-peek of his hilarious new short film titled, “Nightmare in Paradise.”It’s about an emigre from Kansas who has a nightmare about trying to run a business in California. Things go from bad to worse when a Wazeri Immigrant Transgender cross-dresser shows up for a job interview. The situational humor is based on actual California law.

Robert’s humor is an entertaining component of the Trump Train 2020 song music video. Humor is an excellent vehicle to spread truth. It is refreshing that members of Robert’s film crew are conservatives who support Trump. Yes, there are entertainment industry professionals in California who love America.

Sunday, before heading to the airport for our return trip home, we had dinner in the restaurant of the historic beautiful Hotel del Coronado where the movie “Some Like It Hot” was filmed in 1958. Our drinks were served with paper straws which began falling apart in a short amount of time. My sister, who sang on the Trump Train 2020 song, came to California with us. I explained to her that California is in the process of banning plastic straws to save the environment. And yet, diseases we have not seen in decades are resurfacing because California allows people to poop on the streets. Vagrants defecating on the streets has become so pervasive that poop maps are distributed to help tourists avoid piles of human excrement. My sister could hardly believe her ears. Fake news media has insidously hid this disgusting truth and other policies which cause law-abiding taxpayers to suffer in cities controlled by socialist Democrats.

A victim of fake news media, my sister was unaware of all the gender insanity going on in our country. She said during a doctor visit in Maryland, she was stunned by the numerous gender options she was given on the medical form. “Zero” was one of the absurd gender options.

Upon returning the van to the airport rental center, we laughed at a restroom sign. The sign featured three graphic silhouettes; a male, a female and one half and half. The text read, “ALL GENDER RESTROOM. Anyone can use this restroom, regardless of gender identity or expression.” The sign was a prime example of the craziness Democrats are cramming down the throats of mainstream Americans under the pretense of compassion and inclusion.

Fourteen year old Nicholas sang on the Trump Train 2020 song. His mom entrusted me to bring him to California with us to appear in the music video. Nicholas is home schooled. Folks, this kid is awesome; bright, extremely knowledgeable and well-poised.

In my travels around the country, I have noticed the same outstanding traits in home schooled children. Democrats hate and are aggressively scheming to ban homeschooling.  They demand total access to the hearts and minds of our kids to transform them into anti-Christian, anti-American and socialist social-justice-warriors. Due to Democrat control of public education, kids are infected with LGBTQ propaganda beginning with preschoolers.

The Trump Train 2020 song music video will debut early February. Enjoy these photos of filming the music video. https://www.trumptrainusa2020.com/about-song

C’mon America! Get onboard the Trump Train!

© 2020 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus: mr_lloydmarcus@hotmail.com

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth

God instructed Pharaoh, “Let my people go.”
God instructs us,“Let my people know.” Spread truth.

The Rape of Men – Sinaga, Jezebel and the Feminists

Shirley Edwards

[These are my views as a woman living in England, on how the culture and spirit of my country has changed over 50 years. Why the country does not feel protected or strong any more, how it has lost, and is losing it values and decency, and how we are daily losing our free speech.]

One can barely want to even imagine what it must be like for a man to wake up from a drug induced stupor and discover the sheer horror of finding themselves being raped by another man.

Adult male rape is something we just don’t think happens; we just don’t want to; and amidst many reports of physical abuse between men and women, reports of male rape committed by men are of course rarely reported. There is a certain silence and a stigma and an understandable embarrassment which surrounds male on male rape and it silences men from reporting the crime. It is very unlikely you would see a Me-Too campaign specifically for men who have been raped.

However, last week, a news report briefly appeared in the UK highlighting this abuse. It appeared amidst the major headlines of the taking out of Qasem Soleimani, and also the apparent ‘crisis’ surrounding the Royal Family in relation to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (Harry and Meghan) who wish to step down from royal duties?

Reynhard Sinaga, aged 36, from Manchester, UK, but originally from Indonesia, was sentenced to life imprisonment for raping up to 195 men.  He has been labelled as the UK’s most prolific rapist.

Most of his victims were targeted in the early hours outside Manchester nightclubs by Sinaga, who, it is reported, posed as a ‘good Samaritan’ assisting men who had been separated from their friends. But after luring them to an apartment nearby, he would then drug and rape them.

Despite our perceptions that adult male rape is committed against homosexual men, in this case the majority of the rapes committed by Sinaga were intentionally targeted against heterosexual men. Why would that be, other than despite Sinaga being homosexual himself, he had a particular hatred towards the heterosexual man and believed he could change them?

Sinaga had also filmed up to 195 rapes that he had committed. He derived pleasure from watching himself. It is reported that the victims who were approached and then interviewed by the police in relation to the films that they discovered on Sinaga’s iphone, had not reported the incident, but that they had all been severely traumatised and that one is known to have attempted suicide unable to tell his family and friends about his terrible ordeal.

In researching the story I also discovered that in some of the articles written about Sinaga he is identified as being ‘Christian’ or ‘Catholic’.   This was quite a change from the usual and more recent reporting of rape gangs who have targeted children in the UK, where assailants have been described as descending from certain continents or countries rather than being identified as having a certain religion.  The use of the word Samaritan was also unashamedly used in some of the reports.

It was like a multiple rape implying ‘Christianity’ is somehow linked to this one man’s evil nature, whereas, Christianity most certainly admonishes all un-natural vices and never encourages sodomy.

Reynhard Sinaga worlds worst rapist
Reynhard Sinaga: evil sexual predator spent years targeting the vulnerable

The Rise of Narcissism and the Jezebel Spirit

Is there any connection between narcissism and some of our current headlines?

The number of people now researching narcissism on the internet and the effects that this is possibly having on their relationships is reportedly growing.

Has an ‘all about me’ epidemic taken place which stems from social media encouraged self aggrandisement?

Has feminism, with its attack on all things which it considers patriarchal played a part in ushering in a narcisstic spirit which in religious terms is also called the Jezebel spirit?

Whilst the term narcissism should not be thrown around unthinkingly or mistaken for a genuine need for some sort of attention due to insecurity or rejection, narcissism is indeed a spirit which takes and displaces the identity of another to feed its very own sense of self worth regardless of the consequences on the other person.   A true narcissist is never completely satisfied, and has no remorse that it has robbed or hurt another.

The narcissist views others as servants. It wants the essence and the life force of its victim to feed its own ego.

Covertly, it has many ways of disguising itself, sometimes even hiding behind religion or humanitarian efforts in order to be viewed as a noble person.

Surely, we are familiar with a very liberal agenda which despite the pitfalls of obvious wrongs, elevates its own sense of self worth in taking a moral high-ground to get its own way or state a case.  Some Hollywood acceptance speeches may be an example of the points I make.

Strange to hear such actors/actresses label President Trump as an unstable narcissist and in the same breath apologize to Iran for the death of Qasem Soleimani, who was a known terrorist?

The attack on the family, on gender, the elderly and the un-born, may possibly stem from Jezebel, whose spirit can live in both female and male.

Destruction was and is her ultimate goal.

Chad’s and Stacey’s Dilemma

In a recent article printed in 2018, for The Verge, an author writes candidly about the intentional killing of women.    The article entitled “The internet is enabling a community of men who want to kill women. They need to be stopped’ referred to the Toronto massacre by Alek Minassian, who indiscriminately drove into people killing 10 and injuring 15, and also cited 22 year old Elliot Rodger, of the Isla Vista massacre who in 2014 killed 6 people and injured 14 others before killing himself.  You can read the article here.

It is reported that both men were part of an online ‘incel’ community where men openly express their hatred of women based on their rejection by them.

The incel community (men who are involuntarily celibate) however hates all people, both men and women, and in incel speak, the Chad’s are considered to be men who are successful with women, and Stacey’s are women who reject incel’s. Interestingly it is reported that Elliot Rodger referred to himself as an alpha male in a transcript known as Elliot Rodgers Retribution.

In both of the above massacre’s both men and women were killed.  From the transcript, Elliot’s mental health stemmed from loneliness, rejection and hatred towards mankind. He blamed this upon women for his hatred, and also viewed himself as a superior god above the rest of mankind.

Transcript of the disturbing video ‘Elliot Rodger’s Retribution’
Elliot Rodger: How misogynist killer became ‘incel hero’
Toronto Van Driver Kills at Least 10 People in ‘Pure Carnage’

Defending the Realm

In a recent article by The Spectator, entitled “Why People who hate Brexit love Megxit” by Brendan O’Neill, referring to Harry and Meghan’s exit, writes:

“My mum, like many others, is shocked at how they have treated Harry’s gran. Reports that the Queen is alarmed and pained by the couple’s decision to bugger off to Canada has irritated huge numbers of people.

Why people who hate Brexit love Megxit?

I have to say I smiled at this, and how the reference to the abandonment of your gran causes alarm.  It is certainly a female trait that a mother or grandmother may view the actions of their sons or grandchildren as abandonment, although in this instance, in my opinion, it may be that there could be concern about the demise of Harry’s very own personality, which we are slowly watching change?

This Evil Poison – Hatred

The feminization and the hatred of men is witnessed most prominently against the figure of Jesus Christ, and whether you are a believer in him or not, the attack on his character indicates an assault which should be very evident to both men and women alike.  Why is that?

His image has been desecrated to such an extent that we now have a Christ who is totally dependent on his mother, a Christ who was married, a Christ who is gay, and a Christ who wears high heels, indicating he was transgender!  His name is thrown around as a curse word by some who may never know him and the reverence and respect that they would give to other, more dominant gods of other religions, does not diminish the Christian faith but exposes a certain hypocrisy and a very evident weakness

The recent Netflix showing of ‘The First Temptation of Christ’ by comedy group Porta dos Fundos which depicts a gay Jesus bringing his boyfriend home to meet his family, is just one of the many weak attacks made against mankind and the Christian faith.

Whilst Porta dos Fundos were receiving their accolades around the world, persecuted Christians in Middle Eastern countries are being raped and killed daily for following Christianity. Maybe, gone with be the laughter when such persecution reaches home.

Persecution Stories
Country Profiles

Understanding the part we play in destroying men should be a humbling and revealing experience. Forgiveness and understanding towards our fallen natures whilst acknowledging that evil is real and needs exposing, and at times ‘destroyed’ for our own protection takes strength.

The emphasis on the rape of men in all it’s many forms, without the mention of the rape of women, will reveal an annoyance in many people’s minds, but it shouldn’t. Equality needs revising. It should be a catalyst to show that hatred is really at the root cause of all of our problems. Everyone suffers.

Reconciliation by Josefina de Vasconcellos, who after the war read about a woman who crossed Europe on foot to find her husband, and was so moved that she made the sculpture. Coventry Cathedral, UK

© 2020 Shirley Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Shirley Edwards: eshirley02@gmail.com

Over 90% of Illegal Aliens Nabbed Had Criminal Convictions or Pending Charges

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“North Carolina’s Mecklenburg County, that state’s largest, was among the biggest offenders, releasing numerous violent criminals rather than turn them over to federal authorities for removal. Among them was a previously deported Honduran charged with rape and child sex crimes.” – Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Report.

Over 90% of the criminal illegal aliens arrested in 2019 had either criminal convictions or pending charges. The average was four charges per alien.

And yet Democrats insist on putting the well-being of these criminal aliens before the safety of American citizens.

The report also found the number of individuals apprehended or found inadmissible nationwide totaled 1,148,024, an increase of 68 percent over the previous fiscal year.

Over one million illegals crossed into the United States in 2019 because the Democratic Party and news media care more about the well-being of lawbreakers with open border policies, sanctuary states and cities, and a deep hatred for President Donald Trump and for the nation’s law enforcement.

Add to those factors the Clinton, Bush and Obama appointees to federal courts who regularly rule against Trump policies. As a result, the United States is left almost defenseless against Muslim terrorists, neo-Marxist America-haters, and government agencies that are havens for dirty cops, treasonous intelligence agency chiefs and sleazy partisan politicians who couldn’t care less about the lives and rights of citizens.

More than 90% of illegal immigrants arrested by federal agents in the United States last year had criminal convictions or pending criminal charges, including 56,000 assaults and thousands of sex crimes, robberies, homicides and kidnappings. Many had “extensive criminal histories with multiple convictions,” according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) year-end report.

The 123,128 illegal aliens arrested by the agency’s Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) in 2019 had 489,063 criminal convictions and pending charges, representing an average of four crimes per alien, highlighting the “recidivist nature” of the arrested aliens, the agency writes, noting that sanctuary cities nationwide greatly impeded its public safety efforts.

The Dallas ICE field office, which covers north Texas and Oklahoma, led the way with 16,900 arrests in fiscal year 2019. The overwhelming majority,12,578, were convicted of crimes and 3,499 had pending criminal charges.

The Atlanta field office, which is responsible for enforcing immigration law in Georgia as well as South and North Carolina, ranked second with 13,247 arrests, 8,009 of them convicted for state crimes. Another 3,943 illegal aliens had pending criminal charges. Atlanta field office leadership has repeatedly blasted local law enforcement officials within its jurisdiction for releasing droves of illegal immigrant criminals back onto the streets after being jailed for serious state crimes, accusing the sanctuary jurisdictions of creating a “serious public safety threat.”

In North Carolina alone, hundreds of violent criminals were released by local authorities last year to honor measures that offer illegal immigrants sanctuary. Among them were illegal aliens charged with serious violations such as homicide, kidnapping, arson and sex offenses, according to government watchdog Judicial Watch.

Mecklenburg County, the state’s largest, was among the biggest offenders, releasing numerous violent criminals rather than turn them over to federal authorities for removal. Among them was a previously deported Honduran charged with rape and child sex crimes. The perpetrator, 33-year-old Oscar Pacheco-Leonardo, was freed by the county sheriff, who has kept his campaign promise to protect illegal immigrants from the feds.

In Buncombe County, North Carolina the elected sheriff recently freed a child sex offender to keep with his county’s sanctuary policy. The Salvadoran national, a registered sex offender charged with four felony counts of statutory sex with an 11-year-old girl, had been in ICE’s radar for years.

“Last year ICE removed 5,497 known or suspected gang members and 58 known or suspected terrorists. Just this month, ICE arrested a previously deported illegal immigrant released by local authorities in a fatal hit and run that killed a 35-year-old woman on Christmas eve. The Mexican national, 27-year-old Jorge Flores-Villalba, was arrested and released by Stony Point Town Police in New York. ICE’s New York Field Office Director, Thomas Decker, blasted Stony Point officials in a statement.

“Creating laws and policies that prevent cooperation between law enforcement agencies just to promote their political agenda, places the safety of the public in danger,” he said. “Due to the hard work of our officers, we were able to find and arrest this accused criminal, but there are countless others who are released without ICE even knowing, or whom it may take a great amount of resources to find for arrest.”

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

Karl Marx’s Vision Prepares American School Children as Future Labor, Part 2

Anita Hoge

Marx’s Vision: “…enslaving subordination of the individual to the division of labor”

“In a higher phase of communist society, after the enslaving subordination of the individual to the division of labor, and therewith also the antithesis between mental and physical labor, has vanished; after labor has become not only a means of life but life’s prime want; after the productive forces have also increased with the all-around development of the individual, and all the springs of co-operative wealth flow more abundantly—only then can the narrow horizon of bourgeois right be crossed in its entirety and society inscribe on its banners: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs! Karl Marx (Emp. added.)

Most people only recognize the last sentence in Marx’s popularized slogan. It is not very difficult to foresee the near future of our country as this movement in behavioral psychology in our schools is thrust on our kids in the guise of “productive forces” as Marx defined them. As teachers posing as therapists continue the pseudo-non-clinical treatment called interventions at school, our children are in danger. There are no safety mechanisms that protect your child who will be recycled toward subjective mental health standards. These social and emotional techniques use sugar-coated terms like multi-tiered systems of support, response to intervention, positive behavior intervention and supports, character, grit, or emotion regulation and they are being pushed down our kids’ throats.  Parents have accepted them because they have accepted the ruse. Whose character, grit, or emotions are we emulating?

Bottom of the Pyramid Children

So how do Enterprise zones (Part 1) funded through education help poor children living in these poverty zones? Answer: Public-Private-Partnerships that scoop up BOP, bottom of the pyramid poor children. Who are these BOP kids? The children who are the 80% that will be re-skilled to become worker bees. 20% selected of the fittest are able to climb to the top of the pyramid but must have the right attitudes.

When analyzing the marketing for new available jobs in these Opportunity Zones, the focus is on business, not students. What actually is being taught to these young apprentices are skills that match the jobs and the schools equip those kids with a low-status education. Academics are replaced by “functional skills.” (See end of story graph.) A cooperative docile worker is needed, “to interact productively as a group.” The following are some so-called-do-gooder investments which Marx would have referred to as “co-operative wealth.” Read on to discover what is behind the magic words:

“We test for critical thinking skills, technical aptitude, and a good attitude. We DO NOT look at test scores or transcripts.” —Kenzie Academy (Source: https://www.kenzie.academy )

While these incentives appear to sound great, what type of skills are needed to be re-skilled? What these programs are advertising and what they are doing are very different things. Hand in hand federal money is being spread to accommodate both sides of the fulcrum, using BOP Title I poor children and targeting BOP Title I poor neighborhoods. Children, property, and curriculum are being targeted for reengineered renewal for the global economy and the dark side of capitalism that captures the data. This is a soft-skills mold! The “antithesis between mental and physical labor will vanish” just as Marx had envisioned.

Some people will say, “Its a job”. True, it is a job, but is it a future? Is this a low skills, low wages agenda? Americans will recognize the lower-level slotted manipulation. In reverse, every child should have the opportunity to expand their horizons instead of a static ceiling of meeting dumbed-down Common Core controlled standards. Education should be the floor of opportunity not the ceiling. Our kids are being stymied. NAEP test scores prove my point. Across the Board Scores Drop in Math and Reading For US Students:  (Source: Across the board scores drop in math and reading for US students)

The trend is reminiscent of the SCANS Department of Labor scheme to create human capital or the worth of the individual for industry.

I should remind readers that in the early 1990’s the Department Of Labor developed what the future global worker would think, feel, and act like. Defined in terms of assessing the future worker of tomorrow the DOL candidly reported in the SCANS Report  (Secretary’s Commission For Achieving Necessary Skills) that functional literacy and the right attitudes, values, and dispositions (personal qualities) were the most important aspects of education. It would be Business that would tell Education what was necessary for the future. Training would replace true education.

“Employers tell educators what work requires of schools, while educators certify what students know and can do.”

This lure of ‘get-off-tax-free’ for big business begins with a huge federal trough of funding in these Opportunity Zones that are poor communities but ends with the alarming doom of dumbing-down children and families to accomplish a fascist style of investment with a mental health bent. Do your children have the so-called “right” attitudes? Your child will be recycled to that re-skilled mold where mental health is the most important part of the new workforce with data collection to keep them on track. Pliable, moldable, agreeable gymbies.

Realize that the President is pursuing the merging of the Department Of Education with the Department Of Labor (DOL) which has interesting connections to think about. He has also requested to open Child Labor laws so that younger children would be authorized to work in hazardous employment as apprentices.

[Ad: To understand communist takeover of American education read: “Brainwashing: synthesis of the Russian textbook of psycho politics”]

This dumbing-down process will have extreme debilitating effects on the future of education in the United States as our workforce begins to look like that of socialized countries. The “all around development of the individual” as Marx has written is very similar to the well-rounded curriculum of the whole childcodified in ESSA. The goal-globalism. It’s agenda is being accomplished. “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!”

SCANSSecretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills

Effective Work Performance VIA Behavioral Conditioning

United States Department of Labor

© 2020 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Anita Hoge: hogieshack@comcast.net

Can Hedge Funds Topple Trump?

Cliff Kincaid

President Donald J. Trump has a good conservative record, especially in regard to the courts, and he has strengthened the Armed Forces. His rallies are packed with supporters. But as we enter 2020,even some conservative Republicans in Congress seem scared to death. Debt is piling up and the Federal Reserve is propping up the economy through emergency loans.Some are asking: can hedge funds crash the economy?

George Soros isn’t the only donor to the Democratic Party who ran a hedge fund. A Democratic presidential candidate, San Francisco billionaire Tom Steyer, is a hedge fund manager who reportedly ran an offshore company advertised as a tax shelter.  One of the Democratic Party’s top donors, his fund invested in fossil fuel projects but he is now running on the dangers of “climate change” caused by fossil fuels.

Hedge funds can cause an economic downturn by targeting companies, countries and currencies with short selling strategies.

With the debt and deficits high, such a threat is real. Conservative Republican Rep. Chip Roy refused to vote for the new $1.4 trillion spending bill, a “compromise” with House Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats, saying, “This bill borrows, and it borrows at a time when we can’t afford to borrow another penny. Our nation is $23 trillion in debt, now racking up more than $100 million of debt per hour.”

As part of the deal with the Democrats, Trump agreed to demands for paid maternity and family leave for 2.1 million federal workers, and his daughter Ivanka is pushing a similar nanny-state program for the nation as a whole, which could cost hundreds of billions of dollars. The Eagle Forum group founded by the late Phyllis Schlafly, a Trump supporter, called these plans a form of federal baby-sitting.

Always eager to up the ante, we can expect liberal politicians to propose legislation to guarantee paid vacations and holidays, in addition to debt relief and student loan forgiveness.

“In many ways,” says Frank Lasée, President of the Heartland Institute, “America is at a crossroads. Will our nation embrace a European-style welfare state, complete with cradle-to-grave entitlements and the taxes that go with them? Or will Americans demand more freedom in the form of less taxes, more school choice, and less oversight from Washington, D.C. bureaucrats? I am hopeful the latter will triumph.”

He cites the dangers in the Green New Deal and the Medicare for All plans. Another danger was documented in the book Wizards of Wall Street by businessman Zubi Diamond. An African immigrant who came to America and became a successful businessman, Diamond says that George Soros and other hedge fund short sellers can undermine nations, their economies and currencies, and the global financial system as a whole.

While Trump recognizes the socialist menace, the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget estimates that since his inauguration in January of 2017, Trump has signed legislation into law that will ultimately add $4.1 trillion to the national debt from 2017 to 2029.Setting a record, the Department of the Treasury reports that the federal government spent a record $1,163,090,000,000 in the first three months of fiscal 2020.

Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve is intervening with tens of billions of dollars in bailouts in an “interbank lending liquidity crisis.” Is this traceable to hedge fund speculators and currency manipulators betting behind-the-scenes on the decline of the U.S. economy?

To stave off this possibility, Trump has signed a “phase-one” trade deal with Communist China, promising relief for America’s farmers and manufacturers. In addition, the Trump Administration is preparing a new tax cut proposal.

In another move, Trump bowed to Pelosi and Big Labor in securing passage of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement on trade by inserting pro-United Nations elements into the pact. As a result, the USMCA establishes a regional North American bureaucracy, under the auspices of the U.N.’s International Labor Organization, to manipulate and enforce labor standards between the three countries.  The deal undermines Trump’s proclaimed opposition to globalism and enables the Democrats to claim they improved the agreement to benefit workers.

The good news is that Congressman Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) has reintroduced his bill, H.R. 204, the American Sovereignty Restoration Act, to halt all involvement of the United States with the United Nations. Trump could endorse the bill and rally conservatives behind it.

While the economy is strong, Trump’s social and cultural agenda has achieved mixed results.

On abortion, Trump has pleased conservative Christians. During the campaign Trump posted an eloquent 600-word statement that notes that he did not always hold the pro-life position, “but I had a significant personal experience that brought the precious gift of life into perspective for me.” He previously had said that “what happened is friends of mine years ago were going to have a child, and it was going to be aborted. And it wasn’t aborted. And that child today is a total superstar, a great, great child.”

This kind of conversion is desperately needed on homosexual rights. Trump Ambassador Richard Grenell led an embarrassing effort at the U.N. to force Christian nations into accepting homosexual rights.  It’s only a matter of time before conservative Christians take note of what Grenell is doing in the name of Trump. They won’t be happy.

At the same time, many members of the old “Just Say No” anti-drug Reagan coalition are increasingly frustrated by the Trump Administration’s failure to take action against Big Marijuana and the phony claims from the related “hemp” industry about the supposed medical benefits of CBD.

Apetitionasks SenatorMike Crapo, chairman of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee, to continue his valiant effort to stop the marijuana industry from getting access to the national banking systemin order to launder its profits.

With the “progressives” taking advantage of every opportunity to broaden their anti-Trump coalition, including through an orchestrated impeachment campaign, the Trump Administration has some golden opportunities to reassemble powerful elements of the old Reagan Coalition.

From the perspective of the Trump campaign, a possible economic downturn, brought on by hedge fund short-sellers, should make expanding the base a matter of utmost urgency.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

Yes, It’s True, They’re Crazy

Lee Duigon

When you receive the queen of spades in a game of hearts, it pretty much dashes your hopes for that hand. Among hearts players, the queen of spades is nicknamed “Greta.” That nickname has lately become shockingly appropriate.

Anointed by the Far Left Crazy as Scold O’ The World, Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg has issued a set of “demands” to the elite globalists who are getting ready to board their private jets and head to Davos for the World Economic Forum.

She’s more than just some goofy kid babbling about things she doesn’t understand. She’s Time Magazine’s Person of the Year. They trotted her out a few months ago to scold world leaders at the U.N. General Assembly. She’s the new voice of Climate Change hysteria, and somebody is making sure she stays on center stage.

We need to quote from her at some length to display just how crazy the Far Left Crazy is.

“We demand” (her favorite way to begin a sentence) “that… all companies, banks, institutions, and governments immediately halt all investments in fossil fuel exploration and extraction, immediately end all fossil fuel subsidies, and immediately and completely divest from fossil fuels… We don’t want these things done by 2050, 2030, or even 2021, we want them done now—as in right now.

“Anything less than immediately ceasing these investments would be a betrayal of life itself.”

But wait, there’s more!

“Colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression… We need to dismantle them all.” And while we’re at it, get rid of capitalism.

Imagine if the world could actually give little Greta what she wants—what she demands—just by waving a magic wand. Imagine if we really could, overnight, cut ourselves off from fossil fuels.

Uh-oh. The lights went out. The freezers and refrigerators went off. No more deliveries of food to your local supermarket. No more high-tech medical procedures. No more Internet, either. No more phones.

We aren’t sure what exactly she means by all those “systems of oppression,” so we’d better just overturn our whole social order “right now.”

And suddenly we’re living in a world that makes the dystopia of “The Hunger Games” look like a week at Club Med. Maybe if we’re lucky it’ll only be as bad as the world of “Mad Max.”

You thought our world leaders were bad enough? Imagine what would happen if they really tried to do what Greta demands of them.

It would be nice if we could just ignore her; but the thing is, she’s fronting for someone. For someone who doesn’t want to be identified, so they’ve got this child running interference for them and anyone who doesn’t like it is just an ogre who picks on children.

Obviously the fabulously wealthy big shots of the Climate Change crowd—Gore, Obama, Kerry, and the rest—don’t intend to go without their luxuries. Obama just bought a palace on Martha’s Vineyard a few yards above the high-tide line: he’s not afraid of rising sea levels. He just wants us to be afraid of it. They all want us to be afraid—it makes us easier for them to manipulate, while they live like maharajahs.

What are they up to? What are they using Greta to accomplish?

Well, that’s easy. Climate Change is their ticket to ride. To Save The Planet, we are supposed to give them extraordinary powers to order our lives: as New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio said, not long ago, “to order their [meaning “ours,” not his] day-to-day reality.” Saving The Planet justifies every drop of tyranny they can squeeze out of it. They also expect to get even wealthier than they are already.

We can’t just ignore Greta. We have to ignore them all—and crush them, once and for all, in this year’s national elections.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at www.chalcedon.edu/ .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

It’s Time For Christians to Get Off Their Knees and Fight Back

Coach Dave Daubenmire

Any way the wind blows doesn’t really matter to me.”  —Bohemian Rhapsody

Sometimes I feel like I live in a bubble.  It seems as if nearly every waking moment my mind is racing as I struggle to figure out what we can do to stop the onslaught of evil that is enveloping this land.

It is not the evil that troubles my sleep.  It is the apathy.  It reminds me of the old saw about the high school social studies teacher who asked his students what was the most pressing need facing the nation.  To his despair, the most common response was, “I don’t know and I don’t care.”

Any way the wind blows….

But my frustration doesn’t come from a gaggle of high school students who couldn’t tell the difference between a paper dollar and a solid Gold Eagle coin, but from the frumpy, sports focused men who attend the regular men’s “prayer breakfast” at your average evanjellyfish assembly.

This really hit home last Monday night as a watched a stadium full of grown men paint their faces and jump up and down in hopes of cheering the LSU Tigers to victory in the National Championship game in The Big Easy.

It was appropriate, I guess, that the game would be played in New Orleans where nothing about the struggle on the field was easy.  Heck, life isn’t easy, and whether we understand it or not it is about to get a lot more difficult for a whole bunch of Americans in the days that lie ahead.

Don’t get me wrong, I watched the game and I rooted hard all season for the Ohio State Buckeyes, but that is only after I spent most of my day fighting for the things that actually matter.   I watch the Bucks for enjoyment not for worship.

Why is it that most American men, Christ lovers included, care so little about how this nation is being ravaged by the forces of darkness?  What will it take to get them out of the pews and into the game?  Why do they seem to care so little about what matters the most?  The future lives of their children and grand children.

Christian values are under assault in this nation and it is next to impossible to find a strong Christian man who will lift a finger to do anything about it.  If their favorite team played as disinterested as God’s team, they wouldn’t take the time to turn on the TV.

Or go to church.  Perhaps it is the ambivalence in the church that makes them so passive.  Their very progeny are being robbed and the sacrifice that their own father’s made to secure liberty is being trampled under, much like the plastic beer cups left in the aisle after Monday’s game.  There is nothing so sad as to have lived for nothing.  The sissified church has taken the fight right out of the men.  The American church is in need of some serious climate change.

I write often and I do a daily podcast at www.CoachDaveLive.com .  Perhaps it is my emersion in the things that really matter that causes my frustration level to be so high.  But it is like watching your favorite football team lose to a team that is clearly overmatched.

“What’s wrong with you guys?!” I heard a friend scream the night that Ohio State lost to Clemson.  “We’re better than this!  You guys act like you don’t even care. Put some heart and soul into what you are doing.”

Could that be the problem with the American church?  Most men aren’t playing with any heart.  In fact, they haven’t ever been taught that Christianity is a participation sport.  Sunday service is a production, a performance by those who have been specifically trained to make sure that no flags are thrown and no penalties called during the “time of worship.”

But what are the men worshiping and why aren’t they doing it with the same passion and zeal that they display as they sit in front of the 54 inch big screen in their man cave?  Could it be that they don’t see church as a training ground for an army of Christian soldiers?  Could it be that they are never challenged to get out of their comfort zones and engage the enemy?  Do they have any idea there IS an enemy?

Any way the wind blows…does it matter to most Christian men?

What drives a man to act like such a fool at football games?  Why do these same men slip into the pew and become so passive?  Is it because they are looking to be on a team?  A real team?   A team full of men who are dedicated to conquering a common foe and spend their blood, sweat, and toil TOGETHER in defense of their cause?

Does that describe a men’s prayer breakfast or a Monday night football game.   What compels a man to paint his face and scream for the Tigers?  What makes that same man so passive about defending the Truth, and his family, from dark forces?

My sweet wife hugged me last week after one particular fiery morning show.  “You put everything you have into it every day.  I don’t know what it will take to wake the men up.  But don’t give up.  Many care.  They just don’t know what to do about it.”

I noticed after the game on Monday that it was LSU quarterback Joe Burrow who was holding the trophy over his head.  He earned it.  It mattered to him.  It mattered to his team mates.  Joe Burrowed grabbed the flag and said “follow me boys.”  Men follow courage.

What about you?  What matters to you?  America is crumbling because too many men are gone with the wind.

The enemies of the cross are winning the war with nothing but hot air.  Our silence in the face of this moral tornado says it all.  It is time for Christian men to rise up.  Can we do it?  Can we change the direction of this nation? It is time for us to get out of the bleachers and into the game.

Nothing really matters. Everyone can see.  Nothing really matters to me.”  Freddy Mercury.

Enough already of the hot air. It is time to change the forecast. Awaken the Spirit within you.   It is time for Christians to be the wind.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

Mockery of Impeachment, the Voters and of Trump by Nancy Pelosi

Frosty Wooldridge

I don’t about you, but I am sick of Nancy Pelosi and every democrat who voted for impeachment.  I’m sick of the charade going on in Washington DC by a bunch of shallow, egomaniacs and career, corrupt, criminal politicians.

Adam Schiff lacks a meaning life, and a purposeful life—so he decided to take it out on the American people. Rep. Sadler, ditto. Two goofballs that don’t realize how insanely out of out of touch they are with the American people.  One should see a shrink and the other should sign up with Jenny Craig.

Over a simple phone call to the president of the Ukraine?  Give me a break!  Talk about reaching for a straw dog.

Again, I repeat Mark Twain, “ Suppose you were and idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress…ah, but I repeat myself.”

Nothing has changed in over 100 years. We’re being led by idiots that we pay $174,000.00 annually, and to think we allow the leader of the idiots, Pelosi, Alexandria-Ocasio-Cortez and Maxine Waters to continue their shallow-as-plastic-wrap-on-unused-vegetables—-lives in the halls of Congress.

Every problem in our country stems from: they’ve not accomplished anything according to our Constitution during their ‘forever careers’ in Congress.  Schumer has been in the Senate since he wore diapers.  Pelosi has been there since she wore a training bra as a teen. Maxine Waters, and God help me, couldn’t pass a 6th grade math test and couldn’t read the Constitution because my bet is: she’s functionally illiterate.   They and the rest of them that have served over 10 years prove themselves fossils. Rusted out, rotted out and completely useless for the American people.

Hearing Nancy Pelosi talk about the Constitution and the Founding Fathers is like hearing the devil quote the Bible.  She makes me sick to my stomach. Worse, the inane people of her California district keep voting her into office.  She’s about as useless and meaningless as a mosquito trying to fly to the moon.

They’ve hounded the president for three years. First with a two-year scam Mueller Report that turned up empty.  They knew that within six months.  It wasted millions of taxpayer dollars.  Dumbest thing I’ve seen since Nixon’s trial.  Then, failing at that scam, they brought up a new scam for impeachment over a friggin’ phone call.  Imagine that all democrats voted for impeachment and not one, single republican voted for impeachment.

We’re talking a trial by partisanship, not justice, not due process, not reality based.  I’ve never seen so many pre-Madonna’s since the last time I taught at a Mensa convention.

To give some appreciation, I think Trump represents childish behavior, bombastic conduct and he’s egotistical beyond comprehension.  I personally would not accept a dinner invitation from him.  I like to sit down with regular, normal and average Americans—that make this country work.

Trump hasn’t stopped illegal immigration. He hasn’t stopped anchor babies. He’s hasn’t stopped “Diversity Visas” and he hasn’t stopped chain migration. He doesn’t understand that our country faces horrible overpopulation issues as Congress dumps over 110 million more legal immigrants on us within 30 years.  He’s gutting EPA that keeps some kind of law protection for our environment.  He hasn’t brought down the national debt, but added to it: $23 trillion.  He hasn’t gotten out of Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.  He’s being controlled by the Military Industrial Complex and the Federal Reserve bankers.  He’s wasting lives of our finest and money out of our pockets.

He hasn’t stopped Muslim chain migration that will prove the greatest catastrophe in the history of our country.  Ultimately, Muslims will conquer our country at the going rate of immigration and their vengeance against “The Great Satan”.  We’re facing one hell of a nasty future as Muslims will clash with Americans for dominance.  And, because Americans are so fat, so lazy, so apathetic—I’m betting, in time, Muslim will take over city after city in our country—and they will install Sharia Law. They already have in Detroit, Minneapolis, Miami, New York City, and many more cities where they created parallel Islamic societies.

We’ve already got multiple wives, honor killings at 25 per year and over 500,000 documented female genital mutilation cases in our country by Muslim immigrants. They’re dragging our country back into the 6th century.

At the same time, Hillary and Bill Clinton back in the White House would have proved the greatest boondoggle in American history.

May the U.S. Senate get this stupid impeachment mockery of the Constitution finished and acquit Trump, and then, all those “asses” in the House and in the criminals in the Senate—get back to serving we, the people.  Gees, I’m pissed!

Again, I repeat Mark Twain, “ Suppose you were and idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress…ah, but I repeat myself.”

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

18 Republican Governors Ask For More Muslim Refugees As “Christian Charity”

Bradlee Dean

Government: This is About America’s Safety

“They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy.” —Jonah 2:8 

It was reported by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that 18 Republican governors have explicitly requested that more refugees be sent to their states.  They said that it was “compassion” and “Christian charity” to do so. The questions were asked, “have their constituents demanded this?” The reply was “No.”  So, what’s going on here?

Guest Ned Ryan responded: Refugee resettlement has nothing to do with Christianity and has everything to do with the immoral behavior of these governors and quite frankly a perverse incentive for these government funded charities that are acting as refugee contractors grifting (swindling) off the American taxpayers.

However, the US State Department is paying these refugee contractors over $2,100 per refugee, of which they get to keep 45%, and then they’re doing this campaign on these governors saying you have to put your Christian charity into action through an act of cowardice. 

Take note: This is the same government that has sanctioned the murder of innocent babies in the womb (Deuteronomy 19:10; Proverbs 6:17).This has nothing to do with the safety of Americans, it has everything to do with selling the American people out to foreigners in giving them our land. There are over 20 million illegal’s in America today.

What is even more disturbing is that the number of Mosques in the United States has jumped up to 74% since September 11, 2001.

The US survey 2011 counted a total of 2,106 as compared to 1,209 in the year 2000.

As of 2016, there are as many as 3,000 mosques in America, with a total number of 3.3 million Muslims residing in this country.

  • Denmark: 450% more crimes committed by Muslims then non-Muslims.
    • Germany: Muslim migrants committed 142, 500 crimes in 6 months. This is 780 every day.
    • Sweden: 480,000 sexual assaults in one year. 77% of all rapes by less than 2% Muslim.
    • England and Wales: Over 56% of Syrian refugee’s committed severe crimes in less than 1 year etc.
    • Belgium: 35% of Prison population is Muslim who make up only 6% of the population.
    • UK: Muslims fill 44%of high security prisons, out of a 5% population.
    • USA: 91.4 % Muslim refugees are on food stamps, 68.3 % on cash welfare.
    Muslim migration has doubled in the decade since 9/11 and 60% migrants to America favor sharia law (Deuteronomy 28:15-68).

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Americans, you are being sold out by your said representatives because you have sold out your God (Jeremiah 16:10-14).


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Friends, this is not a foreign people doing this to you and your posterity.  This is corrupt representatives of the United States government committing treason against you (Luke 22:48).

Treason is the only crime specifically defined in the Constitution.

According to Article III, Section 3, a person is guilty of treason if he or she goes to war against the United States or gives “aid or comfort” to an enemy (Deuteronomy 28:43).

[YouTube Video]

Americans have known and have yet refused to take responsibility for the actions of their said representatives because Americans have failed to repent before the Lord. It takes more than “voting them out” (Read Article 2, Section 4, US Constitution). They work for you and they will act accordingly, if you are good the government will be good. If you fail to lawfully react, they will continue to act lawlessly (1 Timothy 6:12), and so they are.

Former slave and abolitionist Fredrick Douglas, who knew best when he said:

“Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both.”

To What Does This Come Down?

Your sins are finding you out (Numbers 23:32).

“But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee:

 The Lord shall bring thee, and thy king which thou shalt set over thee, unto a nation which neither thou nor thy fathers have known; and there shalt thou serve other gods, wood and stone.

The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low. He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him: he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail. Moreover all these curses shall come upon thee, and shall pursue thee, and overtake thee, till thou be destroyed; because thou hearkenedst not unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to keep his commandments and his statutes which he commanded thee:

The Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flieth; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand;

A nation of fierce countenance, which shall not regard the person of the old, nor shew favour to the young: And he shall eat the fruit of thy cattle, and the fruit of thy land, until thou be destroyed: which also shall not leave thee either corn, wine, or oil, or the increase of thy kine, or flocks of thy sheep, until he have destroyed thee. And he shall besiege thee in all thy gates, until thy high and fenced walls come down, wherein thou trustedst, throughout all thy land: and he shall besiege thee in all thy gates throughout all thy land, which the Lord thy God hath given thee.

If thou wilt not observe to do all the words of this law that are written in this book, that thou mayest fear this glorious and fearful name, The Lord Thy God; Then the Lord will make thy plagues wonderful, and the plagues of thy seed, even great plagues, and of long continuance, and sore sicknesses, and of long continuance. Moreover he will bring upon thee all the diseases of Egypt, which thou wast afraid of; and they shall cleave unto thee. Also every sickness, and every plague, which is not written in the book of this law, them will the Lord bring upon thee, until thou be destroyed. And ye shall be left few in number, whereas ye were as the stars of heaven for multitude; because thou wouldest not obey the voice of the Lord thy God. And it shall come to pass, that as the Lord rejoiced over you to do you good, and to multiply you; so the Lord will rejoice over you to destroy you, and to bring you to nought; and ye shall be plucked from off the land whither thou goest to possess it. And the Lord shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth even unto the other; and there thou shalt serve other gods, which neither thou nor thy fathers have known, even wood and stone. And among these nations shalt thou find no ease, neither shall the sole of thy foot have rest: but the Lord shall give thee there a trembling heart, and failing of eyes, and sorrow of mind: And thy life shall hang in doubt before thee; and thou shalt fear day and night, and shalt have none assurance of thy life: In the morning thou shalt say, Would God it were even! and at even thou shalt say, Would God it were morning! for the fear of thine heart wherewith thou shalt fear, and for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see. And the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt again with ships, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall buy you.” -Deuteronomy 28:15, 36, 43-45, 49-52, 58-68

If repentance toward God is not immediately addressed, and remain in your sins (Exodus 20; Acts 20:21; Galatians 3:24),then it should come as no surprise when you find your government continuously selling you out only to be devoured by them that mean to conquer. This is Bible and it is history America.

[YouTube Video]

For example: Americans have been convinced by the same government that it is somehow a right to kill, which the Lord condemns, an innocent, unborn child in the womb by a woman/man with knives, only to have the flood gates opened to those who mean to kill you with knives (Matthew 5:45).  Then you discover the ones opening up those gates to those who mean to kill you are also attempting to strip you of your rights to defend yourselves against such people.

This is why it is of the utmost importance to deal with corruption: First, before God (Acts 20:21) in repentance of our sins, transgressing God’s law (1 John 3:4), and then bearing the fruits of repentance wrought in you by the Holy Ghost (2 Corinthians 7:10, Galatians 3:24), which drives us to Christ where the Law can do no more (Hebrews 12:2).  Then you will take vengeance upon corruption “and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled” (2 Corinthians 10:6)

But not until then.

[YouTube Video]

[YouTube Video]

Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media

The Vicious Domestic Enemy of Rural America

Ron Ewart

“WE must protect OUR rural lands.”  Stated numerous times by an environmentalist on a radio talk show in a debate with this author.  His “WE” means all people and his “OUR rural lands” means all public and PRIVATE land.

That’s right, environmentalists and even those that live in urban areas, have been so brainwashed by the government through education and outright propaganda, that they actually believe that it is OK for government to regulate rural lands with draconian environmental protection ordinances, without regard to the fact that those rural lands are owned by real people and are supposed to be protected by the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution that states in part:

“….. nor shall any person ….. be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”

Any protection provided to rural landowners from the U. S. Constitution has been so watered down and perverted by U. S. Supreme Court and lower court decisions, as to render the 5th Amendment virtually null and void.  International and national environmentalism trumps the Constitution in America, by tens of thousands of local, state and federal laws.

Our organization, the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) was formed as a result of discovering that these environmental laws, regulations, restrictions and ordinances apply disproportionately to rural landowners, such that the rural landowner is being forced to bear almost the entire burden of environmental protection, while their city cousins get off almost scot-free.  Since it became apparent that rural landowners are disenfranchised from having a say in environmental protection ordinances, due to the cities having the majority representation and the votes, we decided that the rural landowner needed someone to speak on their behalf, on a national scale.  Although we write about issues affecting every American, our primary goal is to provide a voice to the vicious assault on rural landowners by the government, aided and abetted by national and international environmentalists through the United Nations Agenda 21 policies of smart growth and sustainable development.  On their behalf, NARLO has developed specific tools that a rural landowner can use against these assaults by government.

But this isn’t the real story.  The real stories are the tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of rural landowner stories, all across America, who find themselves in the iron grip of an intransigent local, state or federal agency for some infraction of the “code” that the landowner knew nothing about, or had no application in rural areas.  Every week we receive a couple of phone calls or e-mails from landowners who are having to pay thousands of dollars that they don’t have, to rectify some irrational, senseless code violation.    These violations, fines and penalties are even occurring in the most remotest parts of the U. S.

A gentleman in rural Colorado couldn’t get a permit to build his cabin because the “code” says he MUST hook up to the power grid and he can’t have an outhouse.  The power grid is miles and miles away from his rural property and would cost him tens of thousands of dollars to bring power to his property.  Is it any wonder that some folks just ignore the law and hope they don’t get caught?  Unfortunately, many do get caught and pay a terrible price.

A woman landowner who lives on acreage that fronts a river that flows into the Columbia River in Washington state, had her property and home flooded eleven times because a couple of NGO’s (Non Governmental Organization) and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Agency took out the tide gates that were protecting her property from the incoming tide and the flooding river.  The tide gates had been there for several generations.  The reason?  The NGO’s and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife, with millions of dollars of federal money and the law on their side, were returning the river to its pristine condition for the restoration of salmon runs.  Fish were left dead and dying in her fields as the tide came in and out.  She had no recourse, ran out of money and hope and had to abandon her home and her land.  She now lives in Idaho.  The government drove her from her land without compunction and without liability.

Another landowner in Washington State went to jail for over 150 days and fined thousands of dollars for cleaning out a ditch on his property in a wetland, a wetland that was declared a wetland after the event.  In other words, the government manufactured a crime where there was none, to send home a message to all other landowners, that the environment had a greater priority over their land than they did and they better comply ….. or else.  The landowner made the mistake of trying to defend himself and act as his own attorney, in a corrupt court.

In Antelope Valley, a very rural area of Los Angeles County, the rural landowners are being faced with fully armed SWAT teams that haul the landowner off to jail or court, if they haven’t moved fast enough in clearing up a code violation.  Los Angeles County calls the SWAT team a “nuisance abatement team“.  A SWAT team for nuisance abatement?  You’ve got to be kidding!  Is America now a police state?  It would seem so!

A man and his wife in California bought some rural acreage that had a home and outbuildings on it.  After they bought the land, the local Land Use Agency said that one of their buildings was not in code and filed a code violation against them.  But it turns out that the Land Use Agency had filed a code violation on the property 12 years ago against the previous owner for the same reason, but the code violation did not show up on the Title Report for the new purchaser.  Nevertheless, the new owners were still responsible for the old code violation and had to fork over $28,000 in fees and fines to bring the property in compliance.  They also discovered that there is no statute of limitations on land use code violations.  Here is what the property owner told us as part of her story.

“You are not given the credit to have common sense intelligence to make your own decisions.  Government will make those decisions for you.  Remember that, in the future, when land use agents, septic, or well inspectors appear, demanding you put in $$ to retrofit to their standards.”

“Your fence or locked gate, does not prevent, inspectors from entering.  They are seen climbing over fences, carrying cameras, on their revenue hunt expeditions.  Make no mistake, regardless of the noble story they spin, it is all about money, power and control over you.  Retired people on fixed incomes risk losing their homes, if county shows up.  Our freedoms are eroded, by bondage regulations.”

A man and his son had all the permits necessary to fill in a portion of the waterfront property in an East Coast state.  Along came the Army Corps of Engineers and hit them with a criminal violation of filling in a wetland and took them to Federal Court.  The judge would not allow the landowners to enter into evidence their permits and sentenced the man and his son to 21 months in a federal prison, with the further requirement to restore the property when they were released.

A rural Ohio family, with a going family business, faced the same dilemma with the Army Corps of Engineers and were also criminally charged with filling in a wetland.  The Corps took them to Federal Court.  But the hitch was, they hadn’t filled in a wetland.  However, that didn’t stop the Army Corps from pursuing the case.  The family first tried to defend themselves in court and quickly used up their savings in the process.  They were then approached by the Ohio Farm Bureau who offered to help them with their case.  All they had to do was to put up their land as collateral for the Farm Bureau loan.  The Farm Bureau lost the case and then took the farm from the family to repay the loan, including most of their possessions on the farm.  This proud Ohio family, with a going business, was left penniless.

It gets even worse than that.  An Idaho couple bought a lot in a completed subdivision with homes all around them and applied for a building permit to build their dream home.  The lot was over 500 feet from the nearest body of water.  That didn’t stop the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) who came on their property as the couple was clearing and leveling the lot for the foundation and slapped them with a non-compliance order for, you guessed it, filling in a wetland.  The EPA then told them that they would have to restore the property to its original condition, at great cost, they couldn’t build on it and if they didn’t comply, they would be faced with a $37,500 per day fine.

Upon investigating their legal options against this flagrant violation of their 5th Amendment rights, they found they had no recourse in any court and they had to deal directly with the EPA ….. or else.  The couple contacted the Pacific Legal Foundation and this case is now being heard by the U. S. Supreme Court with a decision due out by this coming June.  You can read about this case HERE[Link for publisher]

The Federal Government, under the Department of Justice and/or the Department of Agriculture, are going after farmers who have the audacity to produce their own un-pasteurized milk and sell it to people in the local area.  There were no cases of people being sickened by un-pasteurized milk.  The government just decided to raid these farmers unilaterally.  Again, another example of a police state, with rural landowners as the target.

Many of our readers know of the Kelo vs. New London, CT decision where the Supreme Court ruled that it was OK for local or state governments to take property under eminent domain for an economic use, when the Constitution clearly says a public use.  The Supreme Court decision in the Kelo case left it up to the states to strengthen their eminent domain laws, at the state’s discretion.  Over half of the states have done just that.  Oh and in the Kelo case, the company that was going to buy and use the land that was condemned under eminent domain by the city of New London for economic purposes, backed out of the deal and the property, that included the Kelo home, has been bulldozed and the land sits idle.  No one wants it.  The city owns it and the property is now off the tax rolls.

These few stories we have chronicled here are a drop in the ocean.  The American rural landowner is forced to endure this government assault quietly and without complaint ….. or else!  The response from the government or the urban folk is, in the French vernacular, “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche“. The English translation is, “….. let ’em eat cake!

The fact is, the rural landowner has very little recourse against these land use and environmental laws and are held hostage by them because government refuses to be bound by the Constitution.  To defend themselves they literally have to “give up the farm” as it were and many lose their farms and ranches to this assault by government.  The court system is a stacked deck and the cost to pursue a case in court is out of reach of most landowners because of exorbitant attorney fees and court costs.  Further, there is no sympathy from the city folk because they are being told that the rural folk have to “give more” to protect the city folk’s environment.  This “giving more” is not only a violation of the 5th Amendment, it is a clear violation of the equal protection clause in the U. S. Constitution.

Rural landowners are an independent lot and up until now, have taken this vicious assault on their land and their rights, with stoicism and uncommon restraint.  However, we predict that as the assault continues and it will, fewer and fewer landowners are going to take it lying down as they have been.  There have been and will continue to be consequences and they won’t be pretty.

As an example, a man in Colorado, mad at a zoning decision on his property, outfitted his large bulldozer with steel plates and peepholes.  He then drove the bulldozer on his lowboy truck into town, unloaded it and completely destroyed the zoning office, before officers finally shot and killed him.  Some landowners, in rage over stupid government decisions, have taken the law into their own hands and have taken the lives of some politicians in response.

Let us be clear.  We do not condone taking the law into your own hands for any reason, for the simple pragmatic fact that you will eventually lose and lose big time.  The long arm of the law will pursue you until you have been caught and punished and they have all the resources to do just that.  You will have been martyred and it will have served no purpose.

The only thing we are saying, human nature being what it is, these violent events will continue to escalate as government increases the pressure on rural landowners through draconian environmental laws and the vigorous enforcement of those laws.  As the police state rises, so to will the opposition to that police state.  We are, after all, Americans and as Americans we don’t bow down to the continual abuse of un-authorized and un-constitutional power.  The sad part is, none of this would be happening if the government had stayed within the bounds of the Constitution.  The government and those that lobby them will be and are, solely responsible for these un-intended consequences of their actions.


On a side note, we have included some links from credible sources about the United Nations, Agenda 21, global governance and the U. S. Senate that need to be read and understood by as many Americans as possible, so that they are aware of the draconian forces that are at work to destroy American freedom and sovereignty.  If you don’t know the enemy, who he is and where he hides, you cannot deploy your forces to defeat him.

We encourage you to read or watch these links and share them with as many others as you can.

On the connection between the United Nations and the Bill and Melinda Gates philanthropic foundation, by Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center.

A stunning, if not very disturbing allegation, in a video by Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina, on the absolute corrupt and arrogant behavior of the U. S. Senate.  This will blow your mind if you do not know it and you will have no doubt as to why we are in so much trouble.  It gives meaning to the words, “ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY!”  Representative government is essentially dead, if what Senator DeMint says is true and we have no reason to doubt that it is!

And the following link will show why America is broke and will eventually go bankrupt!  If this doesn’t burn your bacon and get you off the couch, nothing will!  Greece is written all over this revelation.

Ladies and gentlemen, restoring freedom is going to be anything but easy and, in the end, might be impossible because we have gone way past the tipping point!  Only absolute unification of American conservatives, on a broad spectrum of conservative principles, without division, and eternal vigilance will make it possible.  We can expect that we will be vigorously resisted by intransigent and un-yielding opposing forces, along with those voters that allowed themselves to be bought off by government ….. every step of the way.

Read more powerful conservative articles like this one HERE.

© 2020 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

The Constitutionality of Long Distance Air Strikes, Part 2

Jake MacAulay

Last week when I stated that I was troubled by the lack of constitutional authority I could find for the president’s action with regard to Qasem Soleimani, I received more emails than I have for quite some time. And it appears we are not done with the topic.

Trump produced a record-breaking tweet supporting the people of Iran’s protest after the Iranian government admitted its armed forces “unintentionally” shot down a Ukrainian commercial plane, killing all 176 people on board.

Combining your response and the president’s comments, I wanted to finish where I left off.

Last week I affirmed there is no authority found in the Constitution for the president’s use of long-distance airstrikes without a letter of marque or a congressional declaration of war.

This week I would like to pose the following questions:

  • Was Soleimani an elite Iranian sanctioned military leader? Yes.
  • Was Soleimani planning to attack our United States Embassy in Iraq? The evidence given to the President by the Pentagon would suggest so.
  • Has Congress delegated preemptive military action to the President when the threat is real and imminent? Yes, the War Powers Resolution of 1973. This resolution requires the president to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30-day withdrawal period, without a congressional authorization for use of military force (AUMF) or a declaration of war by the United States. This resolution was passed overwhelmingly by two-thirds of the people’s representatives in each of the House and Senate, overriding the vetoof the bill by then-President Richard Nixon.
  • Did the President abide by the rules of Congress and the War Powers Resolution when he eliminated Soleimani? Yes

Neither Congress nor any presidential administration has ever challenged this resolution and we all know why. Because a challenge to the limits and powers of the presidency in any way would affect the powers of a presidency of their own political party.  It is far more politically expedient to demonize another party without challenging the foundation they stand on.

Like you, I despise this political hypocrisy, but then again many are guilty of it. We carte blanch support everything our favorite candidate does and insult the other side for everything they do.

There is only one perfect person and that is our Creator, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is why our founding fathers placed limits on the power of sinful humans in government. Father of the Constitution James Madison declared, “The powers of the federal government are enumerated; it can only operate in certain cases; it has legislative powers on defined and limited objects, beyond which it cannot extend its jurisdiction.”

As I stated last week, your opinion and my opinion does not matter; constitutional authority matters.

With regard to Soleimani, my conclusion is that Trump did nothing outside of what Congress has authorized in 1973 and has stood by for decades until this present day. However, just because it was passed by Congress does not make it Constitutional.

The solution? Instead of just whining along the party line rhetoric, Congress needs to challenge the War Powers Resolution of 1973 or thank the President for his decisive action they authorized.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

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Cell Phones, Bullying, the Age of Reason, and Typical Democrat Stupidity

Greg Holt

Just when you think you have seen it all – a Democrat introduces bill that defines stupidity on steroids.
True Conservative Pundit)

While the author of a new bill submitted in the Vermont state Senate says the bill is only to make a “point,” this bill exemplifies the Democratic mindset – ignorance and stupidity.

So what is this new bill about you ask?  Cellphones – more specifically, taking them away from those under the age of 21.  Yup, you read that right.

The idea is that (according to the bill) people under the age of 21 are not competent enough to posses and use a cell phone.

“Young people frequently use cell phones to bully and threaten other young people, activities that have been linked to many suicides.”

“In light of the dangerous and life-threatening consequences of cell phone use by young people, it is clear that persons under 21 years of age are not developmentally mature enough to safely possess them.”

While the use of phones to bully, and to text etc. while driving (causing deaths) are good points – the whole premise of this bill is defective and ignorant to begin with.  But if one is a Democrat and one proposed a bill, but then I repeat myself.

Taking away a person’s cell phone will stop bullying.  I have ocean front property in the middle of the desert for sale too.  Did the bill’s author forget about computers?  Or how about each person’s mouth?

If a person under the age of 21 is not “developmentally mature enough to safely possess them,” meaning a cell phone – then what else should be removed from their possession, or what other “rights” should be taken away?

Most people under 21 (and many above that age) are not mentally competent enough to have children, should we then make it illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to have a baby?

Many young people (especially today) are not seemingly competent enough to hold a job, live on their own, or make decisions that indicate even a modicum of wisdom.  Yet we were all young at one time right?

Should we then, based on the above thinking, remove the rights of those under the age of 21 (and maybe even higher) and hire for them babysitters to keep them “safe”?

Just the fact that this legislator wrote such an ignorant bill shows the idiotic mindset of most Democrats.  Even the bill’s author says he would not vote for it – why then did he write it?  This exemplifies the Democratic mindset that their god – the almighty State, is or should be in charge of all and sundry.

This author knows plenty of “grown-ups” that are anything but grown up.  Taking away people’s rights is not the way to fix things.  That is the way to cause division, anger, and resentment.

I have a better idea; lets take all the young people out there, and place them in a protective bubble.  We can then decide what to allow and what not to allow into the “bubble”, thereby protecting them from the big bad world at large.  This way, when we deem them old enough to be released into the world – they will fail miserably for sure, and we can wring our hands saying, “where did I go wrong”?

Did you catch the use of sarcasm there? If one is a Democrat…

Read my three most recent articles:

Iran Reportedly Evaluating Retaliation Scenarios to Inflict ‘Historic Nightmare’ on the United States – but the Tiger has Teeth

The Nuclear Arms Race is Alive and Well: Russia’s Mach 20 (15,000 mph) Hypersonic Missile – and the U.S. Does NOT Have One

Seriously? Teen Vogue Claims That Antifa ‘Aspires toward creating a better world’

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt: admin@trueconservativepundit.com

The Coming Collapse

Sidney Secular
Americans have all kinds of ideas as to what the collapse of the nation would look like. Since Americans have yet to experience the real thing–only peripheral crashes and crises, they are under the delusion that a collapse would be an overnight affair, like it would be if pictured in a Hollywood production. Historically, this is not how it has worked. The collapse of empires(and ours is one) is a process, not an event, and we are in the process of collapsing now.
Yes, there are moments or intervals of shock or scariness resulting from manipulated downturns, and all our noteworthy downturns have been manipulated. Such was the case with the Great Depression and the major downturn of 2008, both of which resulted in the system being propped up artificially, like a boxer being administered to with smelling salts between rounds, only to take more punishment later. There are lesser ups and downs, or hiccups, in the capitalist economic order of things resulting from changes in the economic variables, which iron themselves out or adjust themselves naturally if not interfered with too much by the powers-that-be. However, the long term trend is for the American system to collapse in up-and-down fits as improvements in economic conditions are followed by downturns which are sharper than the preceding upturns. This is the opposite of what we are always led to believe or assume. If everything seems to be going reasonably well, people expect that the System will continue to pump out prosperity, and warning signs are not heeded. Most people think the Government knows what it is doing, and will save us from ourselves, no matter how we fail to live within our means individually and nationally, and no matter what negative signs and developments are extant. For example, many economists predicted the credit crisis and derivatives crash of 2008 but no one listened until it was too late.
Americans’ normalcy bias took control and pushed aside any logical reasoning or facts indicating a crisis was coming. Of course, the power of the sheeple to reason has been gradually whittled down by an increasingly ineffective educational system and the emotionalism and quick-fix mentality that replaced rationality and which is associated with the Cultural Communist indoctrination that is pervasive in the liberal-dominated blue state areas of the country. The ongoing drug epidemic, especially the opioids and marijuana manias that have mainly affected the middle classes in recent years, is a major factor in inducing lackadaisical attitudes in that portion of the citizenry that our system relies upon to be civically active so as to maintain economic and social stability.
There are several factors that cause mass blindness to economic and social realities. First and foremost, establishment elites deliberately create the illusion of prosperity by manipulating economic data and statistics to show progress where there is none. It’s the old story of statistics lying as liars figure out how to falsify figures. In almost every case of economic crisis or geopolitical disaster, the public is conditioned to believe they are in the midst of a financial or economic boom or an era of relative “peace”, and the media will cooperate with just enough “feel-good” stories to sufficiently offset their “meat and potatoes” gloom and doom scenarios. The public is encouraged to ignore fundamental warning signs in favor of foolish faith in the System. Those who try to break the apathy, call attention to the pollyanna or utopian mindset, expose the truth and reveal the manipulation going on behind the scenes are deemed doom mongers, “conspiracy theorists”, security threats, terrorists, or fascists.
Crash events are like stages in the process of collapse; they create moments of clarity for the otherwise blind. They are engineered to benefit the establishment. While the elites keep the system going through spewing false optimism and keeping the public ignorant and apathetic, at the same time they are using crash events as tools or means to the nefarious end of creating panic so they can rebuild and mutate the system into something more to their liking–and into something unrecognizable only decades ago. Each consecutive crash further weakens the society and contributes to the continuing deterioration of the overall structure, until eventually the society we grew up with is barely a distant memory and seen only in photographs and nostalgia magazines.
The deterioration process is taking a long time, and we’ve been subject to the ongoing manipulations for well over a century now. Right now the “bull market” in stocks is being perpetuated to make it appear all is well and getting better. Of course, that perception is just so much “bull”.
The same people who were pointing out the economic bubble under Obama are now denying its existence under Trump. People in the freedom and nationalist movements who have some conception of how bad things are getting are now so imbued with the idea that Trump can single-handedly turn things around that they worship him as a white hero on a white horse. Because of the positive actions taken by Trump(and he needs to take many more and reverse a few bad decisions), the elites and psychopaths who are giving him such a difficult time will double down on their efforts to turn things in their favor, such that they will bring the country completely down or leave it on its last legs by engineering a really serious crisis. Think of yet another “controlled demolition”.
Whether it was intentional or not, and whether he realizes it or not, the elites have a highly useful political puppet in the form of Donald Trump. He is useful to the elites in that he inspires sharp national divisions as a self-proclaimed champion of conservatism and civic nationalism, which are stances that are increasingly like waving a red cape in front of the liberal bulldogs and media-indoctrinated sheeple and that only serve to harden their opposition to him.
If the elites do not trigger a crash under Trump, that will give the public the idea that conservative ideals and national sovereignty work. This is the opposite of what the elites want, so expect the engineered collapse when positive expectations are peaking. The skids have been greased for the coming collapse in many ways.
The basic economic fundamentals are continuing their plunge. Inflation and unemployment are much worse than reported by the media and the Government; the decline in US manufacturing continues; there are massive closures and bankruptcies in the retail sector; all time highs are being reached in consumer debt, corporate debt, and the national debt; racial tensions continue to be exacerbated by the media; the foreign invasion continues albeit at a reduced pace; American workers continue to be displaced by foreigners; and the fact that the FED’s repo market purchases are barely keeping up with demand from liquidity starved corporations, are all being shrugged off as inconsequential while the country is distracted by Congressional circuses in the vein of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
The question now becomes: Will the crash occur before or after the 2020 election? We can gain some sense of timing from the public admissions of globalist organizations such as the IMF and the UN. They have announced the year 2030 as a target date for the finalization of globalization, a cashless society, and reaching their sustainability goals. This means the elites have about 10 years to create a crisis and then “solve” that crisis with globalism. Ten years is a narrow window, and if the elites intend for conservatives to take the blame for the next crash, they will have to initiate it soon. They may not have a choice, as the chain of dominoes could fall at any time, hastened by the FED’s liquidity tightening policies started in 2018.
The next crash event will create massive poverty, especially among the large segment of retirees relying on social security alone for their sustenance and those who stopped looking for work after the 2008 debacle. The latter are not reflected in the unemployment statistics, which would raise the unemployment figure to around 20% for those unemployed and underemployed. The atmosphere of anxiety and fear engendered by the crash event will make the public more malleable and easier to control than ever. This will open the door to significant political and social change, leading to much more centralization and less freedom. At that point, the erasure of the Historic American Nation as we have known it will have been completed.
Make no mistake, we are living in the midst of an epoch moment. We have to anticipate and prepare for the outcome of the collapse. This is the task of the aware and responsible individuals who can take drastic and effective action now.
© 2020 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Sidney Secular: Success_Express@yahoo.com

Barr’s DOJ Seeks Six Months In Prison For General Flynn

Kelleigh Nelson

Governments don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking.  That is against their interests.  They want obedient workers, people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept it.  —George Carlin

The people are the ultimate guardians of their own liberties. In every government on earth is some trace of human weakness, some germ of corruption and degeneracy … Every government will degenerate when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. —President Thomas Jefferson

Among a people generally corrupt, liberty cannot long exist and liberty does not exist in the absence of morality.  —Edmund Burke

The public perception is that no subsequent investigations and actions can fully offset the fact that the Justice Department (FBI, CIA, State Department et.al.) is corrupt beyond repair and that they have been trained and used as weapons in partisan political battles. Attorney General William Barr made sure Robert Mueller’s investigation, a la Andrew Weissmann, ran its course and destroyed several Trump supporters and patriots.  Barr also made sure he protected Rod Rosenstein over a full disclosure in the Michael Flynn case.  Rosenstein offered to wear a wire while speaking to Trump in the Oval Office.

Government Corruption

Apparently, there is no justice for criminal elements who have leaked confidential government information to the democrat-controlled press and lied to Congress and the mainstream media.  Neither is their justice for treasonous acts which allowed foreign nations to gather classified information via an illegal server.  Former Obama administration American intelligence officials were known to have purposely lied and yet the five-year statute of limitations on federal crimes was allowed to expire. FBI agents and their wives/paramours were more than happy to promote the fraudulent Christopher Steele dossier.  FBI agents were fired, but way too many remain.  Even former Republican Senators went out of their way to defame our elected President.

“Solemn” and “prayerful,” the socialist House Democrats feign a reluctance to impeach Donald Trump while conducting a ruthless campaign to disenfranchise the 63 million people who voted for him in 2016 and to destroy those who publicly promoted him. In spite of their newfound adoration of our Constitution, they attribute Mr. Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton to America’s archaic electoral process.

And the Republicans, with their global interventionism and Federal subsidies are hardly more respectful of constitutionality than are the Democrats.  Just last week, Republicans Matt Gaetz (FL), Thomas Massie (KY) and Francis Rooney (FL) joined House Democrats in a resolution to limit President Trump’s Iran War Powers.  Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) supported this unconstitutional resolution.  And Senator Chuck Grassley is working to limit President Trump’s tariff powers.

Where is Justice?

What has happened to Lt. General Michael Flynn illustrates the dangers of big government agencies in league with big media.  The FBI logo on the door is, “Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity.”  So where is justice?

Lest we forget, Obama weaponized the IRS, DOJ, CIA and FBI against his non-supporters, decimated our military, forced Obamacare on US citizens, gave us Common Core, ruined our economy and fanned the smoldering embers of racism.

Is it any wonder those who rallied support for Donald Trump were the first to be targeted by Robert Mueller’s Russian collusion witch hunt?  Obama’s FBI targeted General Flynn, President Trump’s new National Security Advisor.  The three-star General had spent 33 years in intelligence and was the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency when he was fired by Obama for criticism of the President’s national security policies.

Railroading the Innocent

Former FBI Director Comey openly admitted he made the decision to send agents to the White House to interview Trump’s new National Security Advisor, General Flynn on January 24, 2017 regarding his phone call with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. He enlisted his Deputy Director, Andrew McCabe who essentially laid a trap for Flynn when he lied to him about the reason for a meeting with FBI agents Peter Strzok and Joseph Pientka at the White House.

White House officials had spent the earlier part of the week with the FBI overseeing training and security measures associated with their new roles so it was no surprise to Flynn that McCabe had called wanting to send over a couple agents to speak with him.

Michael Flynn was well into the “interview” when he discovered he was being interrogated without having been given the opportunity to have his attorney present. Both agents stated that Flynn had not lied to them about his phone call with Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.  In later testimony to Congress, both McCabe and Comey indicated that Flynn had not lied to the agents.

Flynn had asked senior members of the transition team about what, if anything should be communicated to Kislyak about Obama’s recent sanctions on Russia.  He was directed to ask Moscow “not to escalate the situation and only respond … in a reciprocal manner.”  It was a reasonable and measured approach which did nothing to undermine Obama’s sanctions, but sought to limit a harsh response by Russia, and it worked.

It’s a shame that the General never had his day in court.  He would likely have won the case against him.

Obama’s DOJ

Andrew McCabe’s animus toward Flynn was well known.  In 2014, General Flynn backed up a sexual discrimination charge brought by former FBI Supervisory Agent Robyn Gritz against Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe.  Former agent Gritz also submitted a letter directly to Judge Emmet Sullivan on behalf of General Flynn when his original attorneys refused to do so.

Then too, McCabe’s choice of agents to interrogate General Flynn was telling.  Agent Pientka was Bruce Ohr’s handler.  Ohr’s immediate supervisor was Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates.  Ohr is a major player in the conspiracy against President Trump and his wife Nellie Ohr, who worked for Fusion GPS, did the research on General Flynn and collaborated with Christopher Steele on the infamous dossier.  Agent Peter Strzok and his paramour Lisa Page, McCabe’s chief legal counsel, loathed Donald Trump and were Never-Trump Democrat partisans.

Yes, the FBI improperly charged General Flynn, and the House Intelligence Committee that found Michael Flynn innocent also found that Obama’s Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, likely lied to them.  But no charges were made.

Page and Strzok worked closely at the heart of the “small group” activity carrying out the orders passed down from Loretta LynchSally YatesJames Comey and Andrew McCabe.  Lynch and Yates broke all protocols, and ran a back-channel with Strzok to VP Pence’s office.  Yet they cleared him of any wrong doing until Robert Mueller appeared.

Acting AG Sally Yates, an Obama holdover along with other senior officials, was eager to trap the General in a lie.  They had the transcript of Flynn’s phone call to the Russian Ambassador.  When asked by VP Pence if he had discussed the recent Obama sanctions against Russia, Flynn said the subject may have come up, but it was not discussed. Pence opined this to media. Yates called White House Counsel, Don McGahn and said that Flynn had been compromised because of discrepancies between the White House public narrative and Flynn’s phone call.

The military intelligence hero who had never lied to agents about the Kislyak phone call, was told by the Obama holdovers that the transcript showed he lied. If the General’s recollection of the phone call is inconsistent with the transcript, it is not a crime. Establishment politicians, VP Pence and Chief of Staff Priebus, went to the President and General Flynn was forced to resign.

Flynn, it was later found, had not lied under oath.  An intelligence officer who saw the transcript of the call said there was no wrongdoing on the part of NSA Flynn.

The General’s interactions with members and representatives of foreign governments were lawful and consistent with what other presidential transition teams had done.  The FBI and DOJ misinterpreted the law and misused their authority to entrap Flynn during an investigation that was without factual merit or legal justification.  The special counsel then pursued Flynn relentlessly, even though he had done nothing wrong.

Guilty Plea

After continued harassment by the FBI and Mueller’s gang, Flynn pleaded guilty on December 1, 2017.  Although he previously insisted he had done nothing wrong and had broken no laws, he finally surrendered under the emotional and monetary pressures. His guilty plea was limited to one charge was also done in order to protect his son from Mueller’s typical modus operandi of targeting innocent family members.  Government prosecutors can harass, intimidate, persecute, and break almost anyone, even an innocent person and drive them to financial ruin. Brutal tactics by overzealous prosecutors are, sadly, endemic in the halls of justice.

Flynn appeared before FISA court Judge Rudolph Contreras who shortly thereafter recused himself.  Contreras was replaced in December of 2017 by Clinton appointee, Judge Emmet Sullivan.

Sidney Powell was in Judge Emmet Sullivan’s courtroom on December 18, 2018, when General Flynn appeared with his attorney, Rob Kelner, partner of Covington & Burling LLP. The prosecution had stated that Flynn had fully cooperated and answered queries by Mueller’s special counsel in over 90 hours of questioning.  They recommended probation and no jail time. The visceral verbal attacks by Sullivan against Flynn were staggering.  In a vicious diatribe, Sullivan actually called the 33-year intelligence officer a traitor…it was obvious he was not privy to the DOJ game plan to destroy Flynn.

Attorney Sidney Powell

Sidney Powell became General Michael Flynn’s attorney in June of 2019. Her web timeline tells the full story.  Flynn has been waiting for exculpation for nearly three years. Attorney Powell has made it clear that the government has been hiding evidence for more than two years that would clear Michael Flynn of charges.  Sidney still does not have a copy of the transcript or recording of General Flynn’s phone call to the Russian Ambassador.

On September 26, 2019, Powell was on the Lou Dobbs program. She stated that before General Flynn left the White House, there was a memo dated January 30th exonerating him from being “an agent of Russia,” that also cleared him of the Logan Act which they knew was preposterous, and they had cleared him of lying to the FBI agents, so there was no reason for him to have left the White House, but they didn’t tell the President that!  Powell subsequently asked the DOJ for 40 different categories of evidence.  She has never received even one piece.

When Powell became Flynn’s lawyer, she wrote a nine-page letter to AG Barr outlining the entire case and asking for listed Brady/Giglio exculpatory evidence.  Yet, she has received nothing.  Read her letter!

Mueller Prosecutor Brandon Van Grack

In late 2018, Obama donor Brandon Van Grack, Mueller’s Flynn prosecutor, was attempting to hide the “small group” deliberations within the FBI. Van Grack apparently did not want the court to know Andrew McCabe was involved in shaping how the Flynn-302 was written. He claimed the FD-302 report “inadvertently” had a header saying “DRAFT DOCUMENT/DELIBERATIVE MATERIAL.” However, there was a deliberative process in place, seemingly all about how to best position the narrative, as seen in the Feb. 14 Lisa Page and Peter Strzok text messages.

The Michael Flynn FD-302 was officially entered into the record on February 15th, 2017, per the report. The interview took place on January 24th, 2017. The FD-302 was drafted on January 24th, and then later edited, shaped, and ultimately approved by McCabe, on February 14th, then entered into the official record twenty-two days later on February 15th.

The government actually refused to produce the original January 24th, 2017 302 reports by the FBI agents of their interview with National Security Advisor Flynn, along with every other exculpatory document requested by Sidney Powell.

It was a deliberatively deceptive document from the outset. The Feb 15th, 2017 date was the day after McCabe approved it. Federal prosecutors found themselves forced to admit that for nearly three years, they had wrongly identified the authors of the handwritten notes taken by the FBI agents during their January 24, 2017, interview of then-National Security Advisor Flynn. Prosecutors had told defense counsel (and the court) that the notes written by Peter Strzok had been compiled by FBI Agent Joe Pientka, and those taken by Pientka had been written by Strzok.

This embarrassing mea culpa surely should have added strength to Powell’s plea for access to other withheld evidence. After all, if federal prosecutors made such a basic blunder concerning key evidence, what other mistakes lay buried in the undisclosed evidence?

Prosecutorial Revenge

May 17th, 2017, Robert Mueller was assigned as Special Counsel. Then, the FD-302 report was re-entered on May 31st, 2017, removing the header; paving the way for Mueller’s team to use the content therein. Flynn didn’t lie; but the McCabe crew jumped on the opportunity to frame a lose/lose. Either Flynn accepts a version of the 302 report where he lied; or, Flynn has to take the position that Vice President Mike Pence lied to the nation in the CBS Face The Nation interviewLink

Van Grack seems to be deep into corruption involving the Michael Flynn case according to Joe diGenova.  And Van Grack has apparently committed many false and fraudulent activities in efforts to indict General Flynn.

The Deep State still rules, and they hate the man who knows all about their corruption.

On January 7, 2020, Federal prosecutors said that Michael Flynn should serve up to six months in prison for lying to the FBI, a stark reversal from December 2018, when the government said that the former national security adviser should serve no jail time because he provided “substantial assistance” in multiple investigations.  They are angry that Sidney Powell has exposed their corruption against Michael Flynn.

Prosecutors asserted in a court filing that Flynn failed to “complete his cooperation” agreement by trying to “thwart the efforts” of prosecutors handling the case of his former business partner, Bijan Rafiekian. Van Grack is claiming Flynn’s assistance in the Special Counsel investigation was “never substantial.”  Hogwash! They’ve reversed their previous statements of Dec. 18, 2018.

According to Mike Flynn’s brother Joseph Flynn, General Flynn went through 19 sessions with Mueller’s special counsel team and approximately 90 hours of tortuous interviews.  Judge Sullivan has set Flynn’s sentencing date for January 28 after rejecting Sidney Powell’s request for Brady Material. Exculpatory evidence is being denied by the DOJ, and the Clinton appointed judge is accommodating the Deep State.


Lt. General Michael T. Flynn (retired) has been railroaded into a plea of guilt that never occurred. This honorable patriotic intelligence soldier would never purposely lie to anyone. He is faithful to God, family and country, and always has been.  The attack on this brilliant veteran has been purposeful because he knows the corruption in the intelligence community.  Pray for him and his family and please, help him with his legal expenses by sending donations to Mike Flynn Defense Fund.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Housing Shortage Crisis in California – Blame Yourselves

Devvy Kidd

January 13, 2020

The out-of-control homeless disaster in California is daily news. No available affordable housing. If you think this won’t come to your state, read on.

I was born and raised in California and didn’t leave the state until I married my late husband who was military. My beautiful state is now in ruins and the people who live there have no one to blame but themselves. (Except Californians who have been fighting the insanity out there for decades now.)

A member of my family can barely make ends meet because her apartment rent is so high. Not because she lives in a swanky joint, quite the contrary. She lives in a crappy crime/drug infested city about 40 miles east of San Francisco.

Apartment complex owners know they can get twice what a place is worth just because of the housing shortage.  People are trapped. They have to work.

People who work in Silicon Valley making very good money live in their cars and RVs; they wash up each morning at local parks or gas stations. That’s a fact. Currently about 10,000 of them.

Last summer LA county started cracking down on homeless living in their cars and RVs and parking in residential areas because they feel safe there.  About 16,000 of them. Residents don’t want them parked in front of their house.

What’s causing such a shortage? Well, greed for one thing. A one-bedroom 500 sq. ft apartment in Grass Valley, also east of SF and a ‘tolerable’ commute: $2,200.00 per month and no vacancy signs everywhere.

A one-bedroom apartment near Silicon Valley (San Jose, Santa Clara area) runs $2,600 per month in bad parts of town.  And, unless you’ve got $300k or more, forget a single-family house.  A shack in Silicon Valley and even on the other side of the bay will run an easy half million.

The second reason is availability of houses, apartments, condos, townhouses, duplexes – in the lower dollar range.  Consider this. California has approximately 3.7 MILLION illegal aliens being protected as if they were gods out in California. I suspect the number is higher but we’ll use that one here.

Michigan Stadium is the home of the NCAA Wolverines. It seats 107,601 fans. Do you know what 3.7 million adults and children looks like? Imagine 34 ½ Michigan Stadiums side by side packed with people.

Let’s also say that about 40% are adult illegal aliens who rent; single or with kids. How many houses and apartments are occupied by people who have NO right to be on U.S. soil?  About 400,000 or so units. Housing in all forms that are desperately needed by U.S. citizens, natural born or who became citizens legally.

10,000 people living in cars and RVs in the Silicon Valley. At least 16,000 living in cars and RVs in LA county. No available lower-income housing because illegal aliens have them.

From my column, April 30, 2010. It will sicken you. Just one example: Should officials of the FDIC be prosecuted? April 19, 2005

“The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is encouraging banks to sign up illegal aliens in the banking system, calling the growth of the market “a compelling incentive for U.S. banks to enter this largely untapped market.” And the FDIC program demonstrates that unbanked Latin American immigrants can be brought into the financial mainstream.

“But there are clear laws on the books for the integrity of the immigration system. United States criminal code, “It is a crime punishable by 10 years in jail for aiding and abetting someone in this country illegally for commercial gain.” And the Bank Secrecy Act of 1972 makes it clear banks must know their customer, and any illegal activity must be reported to the government.”

If you drive down Highway 5 or 99 in California throughout the ag belt, you see nothing but signs about how desperate farmers are for water. Droughts are a terrible, terrible thing out there. That’s why a desalination plant was built and is now running in Carlsbad, California; I have been there twice now.

How much water do 3.7 MILLION illegals use every day for showers, baths, cooking, laundry, washing cars and watering lawns? Millions and millions of gallons a day. By people who have NO right to be on US soil.

So, two of California’s biggest resources – housing and water – are being depleted by illegal aliens – many are protected criminals of violent crimes. Yes, make no mistake about it. Out in California illegals in gangs and perpetrators of violent crimes ARE protected while her citizens suffer.

Gov. Newsom, state reps and senators in that legislature who have voted to protect illegals as well as mayors are ALL in violation of federal immigrations laws. 8 U.S. Code § 1324a. Unlawful employment of aliens

The Law Against Hiring or Harboring Illegal Aliens

“A person (including a group of persons, business, organization or local government) commits a federal felony when he:

  1. assists an alien whom he should reasonably know is illegally in the U.S. or who lacks employment authorization, by transporting, sheltering, or assisting him to obtain employment,
  2. encourages that alien to remain in the U.S., by referring him to an employer, by acting as employer or agent for an employer in any way, or
  3. knowingly assists illegal aliens due to personal convictions penalties upon conviction include criminal fines, imprisonment, and forfeiture of vehicles and real property used to commit the crime.

“It is unlawful to hire an alien, to recruit an alien, or to refer an alien for a fee, knowing the alien is unauthorized to work in the United States.1 It is equally unlawful to continue to employ an alien knowing that the alien is unauthorized to work.2

The latest from that pack of jackals out there is this outrage. In October 2019, Newsom signed into “law” a bill that will recruit and hire ILLEGAL aliens on state boards and commissions and get paid. You read that right. It’s not bad enough California gives ILLEGAL aliens driver’s licenses, now they are hiring them.

Californians are suffering because of the INSANE “laws” being passed by their socialist/communist state legislature.  Signed by their liberal governors and yet the people of California continue to vote the same POS back into office every two years.  As the illegal population grows and they vote, it will only get worse. Their legal relatives will continue voting in the same incumbents who are protecting them.

“If anyone’s going to be deported, it’s going to be you! … Get out! We are the future. You’re old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you – leave like beaten rats. You old white people, it is your duty to die. Right now, we’re already controlling those elections, whether it’s by violence or nonviolence. Through love of having children we’re going to take over.” Augustin Cebada, information minister of Brown Berets, militant para-military soldiers of Aztlan shouting at U.S. citizens at an Independence Day rally in Los Angeles.

Let’s say you are someone of Mexican or South American ancestry but your family came here legally, became citizens and along came you. Now YOU can’t find affordable housing because illegals from Mexico or South America occupy them. Next thing you know, an illegal will get hired and you’ll be fired. How do you feel about that? Think it can’t happen? Think again.

You’re someone of Mexican or South American ancestry who owns a farm growing our food. Been in the family a hundred years. Your family came to California legally. You don’t have enough water during droughts for crops but 3.7 MILLION ILLEGALS are sucking it down every day. Do you think that’s fair?

Perhaps when California finally implodes, legal voters out there, regardless of race or ethnicity, who support protecting illegals will finally realize THEY brought this on themselves.

Art Torres, California Democratic Party chairman, at the Latino Summit Response to Prop 187 at U.C. Riverside (Jan. 14, 1995): “Power is not given to you, you have to take it! People say to me when I was on the Senate floor, when I was in the Senate, why do you fight so hard for affirmative action programs. And I tell my white colleagues: because you’re gonna need them. Remember, 187 is the last gasp of white America.”

What all this has done is make a mockery of citizenship and is breeding lawlessness. And, don’t tell me we can’t deport tens of millions of illegals. BULL. Going on six years I have done all I can in shouting about the most comprehensive anti-illegals bill ever written, only to be ignored by Congress, my US Senators and House member.  A bill that should have been passed during Trump’s first 17 months before Demorats allegedly took control of the House.

That bill would self-deport tens of millions of illegals and the rest can be rounded by up (find them through school records as their kids are cheating American children by depleting education resources) the same as Eisenhower did: How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico

“Fifty-three years ago, when newly elected Dwight Eisenhower moved into the White House, America’s southern frontier was as porous as a spaghetti sieve. As many as 3 million illegal migrants had walked and waded northward over a period of several years for jobs in California, Arizona, Texas, and points beyond.

“President Eisenhower cut off this illegal traffic. He did it quickly and decisively with only 1,075 United States Border Patrol agents – less than one-tenth of today’s force. The operation is still highly praised among veterans of the Border Patrol.”

Here in Texas the BIG lie called anchor babies – they cannot get a birth certificate; see my column. You should read it.

Harry Reid’s jaw-dropping flashback video: ‘No sane country’ would allow anchor babies or reward illegals, August 22, 2015

“In a speech before Congress in 1993 and uncovered by conservative web site The Right Scoop, Sen. Harry Reid blasted the fact that illegal aliens were given “rewards” for having babies in the United States. Heck, he even used the dreaded term “illegal alien.”

“If making it easy to be an illegal alien isn’t enough, how about offering a reward for being an illegal immigrant?” Reid asked. “No sane country would do that, right?” Reid then slammed the fact that children of illegals are rewarded “with U.S. citizenship” and given social services in this country. The Nevada senator asked, with that information, “Is it any wonder that two-thirds of the babies born at taxpayer expense in county-run hospitals in Los Angeles are born to illegal alien mothers?” Wonder if anyone on the left is going to call him a racist.” The video is at the link above. Why haven’t see seen it on FOX News?”

Dirty Harry is now retired with a fat congressional retirement package. As we all know, Reid changed his tune and became a champion for illegals.

California is getting away with violating federal immigration laws while the Department of Justice under Bill Barr does NOTHING. So-called sanctuary cities and states (no such thing) are simply ignoring US immigration laws because the Department of Justice has done NOTHING to stop it.

Mayors, state legislators and governors are NOT above the law. I urge you to do what I did: Send a SNAIL mail letter to Barr with a copy to Trump at the White House. Trump can use his Twitter thing to get this out to tens of millions of Americans.

In my short letter I politely ask Barr when the Department of Justice is going to start prosecuting these renegade mayors, state legislators and governors for willfully protecting illegal aliens and now, in the State of California, hiring them for state boards and commissions.

Please feel free to cut and paste from this column for your letter. Come on. How long does it take to write a short letter? You type one in email. The difference though is huge. A million pieces of paper on Barr and Trump’s desks will send a loud message. Emails get you a canned response and likely neither one of the two will ever see yours.

You might also make this go viral and a must do now in your state. A template letter from the People of Oregon – read it and act now:

A​.​G. Barr, We The People Demand Criminal Charges Against Oregon’s Sanctuary Government! – “Which is exactly why we need you, AG Barr, to drop the proverbial judicial hammer on Oregon’s sanctuary government.”

Gavin Newsom’s ratings as governor are in the toilet. 19 states allow recall of all elected public officials from city council to the governor’s mansion. There is a huge effort underway right now to recall Newsom. I printed out the recall signature form and instructions and sent half a dozen copies to my sister and her husband out in California. Be sure you spread the word far and wide.

Oregon’s governor, Kate Brown is another morally bankrupt nitwit. Republicans started a recall drive out there last year. Tragically for the people of Oregon, they did not collect enough signatures

Oregon is one of the most extreme ‘sanctuary’ states in the Union protecting murderers, rapists and criminals of all sorts. Too bad not enough signatures were collected so now the people of Oregon are targeting the Attorney General of the United States to do his job.

Spread the word. Curing the cancer will not get done if we the people don’t start prioritizing our time and efforts. If we do nothing, nothing will get done. It takes an army on the ground. Will you be a warrior or watcher?

(On a personal note, our town desperately needs a couple of veterinarians. Due to the passing of two fine veterinarians, we are down to only two vet offices.  Pet owners are having to travel 30-45 miles to see a veterinarian.  Mine is looking for a vet to join his.  A very flourishing vet clinic, hospital and boarding facility. Want to get away from the rat race of urban crime infested cities and make really good money? Contact me for more information at devvyk@npn.net)

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2020 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net

Betsy DeVos’s Socialist Dreams Push Charter Schools, Part 1

Anita Hoge

Part 1

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos continues her endeavor to move the United States toward regionalism. In October, DeVos tried to breathe new life into tax-credit scholarships…but no go. “I remain dumbfounded that some conservatives who masquerade as education reformers criticize this proposal,” she said at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think-tank in Washington, DC.

“Who would have thought that Ted Cruz or I would have been accused of trying to grow the federal government?” … DeVos, for her part, described the process of establishing federal tax credit scholarships this way: “It would simply be a portal at Treasury.” (Source: Betsy Devos pushes tax credit scholarships again)

Understand what DeVos has just said…it’s the IRS and the portal would suck private and religious schools through that dark hole of regulations and control. DeVos also had to explain to Congressional hearings last year about her mismanagement of the $1 billion worth of charter school fraud.  (Source: Things didn’t go well when Betsy Devos was confronted her departments charter school)

Choice in education issues should be discussed on the front burner of this debate. However, remember, this trend toward socialism can not be reached until CHOICE is codified in law because the power of the taxpayer MUST be cut out of the loop. No voice, no vote, no power to change the system which can only be accomplished with CHOICE dollars. Collapsing the public school system is the agenda. This means your tax money is given to redefined Title I “poor” children with poverty guidelines erased. This also means that any child can receive these choice dollars to go to any school, anywhere, to collapse the tax base enforcing the need for regionalism. Socialism is all about compliance and taking away your individual rights to benefit the whole. That is why tax credit scholarships or CHOICE in education in some form will be needed to regionalize the system in the future.(Source: Past article: Senator Cruz S 306, Ted Cruz Kills the American Dream, Current article: Choice is the Kiss of Death,)

Never the less, National School Choice Week rekindled the push for Federal dollars being used to fund private education. Betsy DeVos’s eyes were twinkling like after-Christmas sales urging support and promoting charter schools across the nation. (Sources: [Source 1], [Source 2], [Source 3].)

Most people do not realize the impact this superficial “we’re going to help the poor child stuck in a really bad school” marketing ploy to move this country into socialism. So while she tries to rekindle her first plan of attack, the next vain of contention for DeVos are charter schools supplied through Enterprise Zones Tax Credits also in Trump’s budget marked with billions of dollars. Businesses are supplied with apprentices called kid-tech-ed raw material.

So, while that tax free scholarship idea is dying on the vine that set up regionalization by fiat, the other shoe drops. DeVos now pushes billions of dollars called Enterprise Zone Tax Credits. These funds authorize the designation of Qualified Opportunity Zones (i.e., designated distressed communities), to promote economic development and job creation in distressed communities through preferential tax treatment for investors. Tax incentives are given to attract investment in business or real estate located within certain economically disadvantaged neighborhoods with the goal of revitalizing those areas. States select low-income census tracts to carry the federal designation.

“The initiative allows people to sell stocks or other investments and delay capital gains taxes for years — as long as they plow the proceeds into projects in federally certified opportunity zones. Any profits from those projects can avoid federal taxes altogether.“ ( Tax opportunity zones)

This neatly ties together Title I (poor neighborhoods called opportunity zones) creating a new workforce (poor children turned into human capital for business ventures legislated in WIOA, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) and funding charter schools (publicly funded private education with no elected school boards.) So, forget regionalization for now, and watch the move to start more charter schools in these poor neighborhoods to get the transfusion of taxpayer money directly into the private, charter school vein through public-private-partnerships, 3 P’s.

The Charter School Push in Opportunity Zones

“Private consultants will work with charter school networks to assist in opening more of the publicly funded, independently managed schools in economically distressed areas that qualify for the use of an investment vehicle called an Opportunity Fund, allowing them to defer taxes on capital gains by investing them in projects in those zones instead. And investors could potentially avoid taxes for profits they make within opportunity zones altogether.”  It’s a bonanza for business and this is how Trump’s Tax break to help poor communities became a windfall for the rich.  (Sources: [Source 1], [Source 2], [Source 3])

How would these tax benefits help schools? Public schools, including charter schools, could partner with private enterprises for facilities funding made available through the zones. This arrangement could extend to schools’ participation in mixed-use developments and partnerships with things like health centers and libraries according to an article published in July in the journal Education Next. (Betsy Devos wants to prioritize education funding for opportunity zones )

Obama created national models called 21st Century Promise Neighborhoods and Promise Schools. Technically it transformed poor neighborhood schools into school-based-Medicaid clinics offering workforce training, medical and mental health services at school as the hub of the community. HHS funded this original “womb to tomb” programming through ObamaCare which fused education with healthcare. The history behind the “Medicalization of Schools” was created through HillaryCare, a dire memory from the past, (Womb to Tomb)

ESSA, Every Student Achieves Act, mandated mental health reconditioning for the first time in history instead of the 3 R’s. Common Core would provide the base knowledge for “functional literacy.” But the mental health intervention strategies codified in law will change our American children into the worker drones for the global economy birth to age 21 with social and emotional learning (mental health conditioning) as the key ingredient. No child will escape, especially independent thinkers, children of patriotic parents, or any child who refuses to bend under the grip of these “change makers.” This is why the Heckman/Duckworth treatises push early childhood education. By starting early, the end result is accomplished sooner. (Read Big Brother-Eugenics-or both. No one is watching the crippling anti-American brainwashing creeping through the school-house backdoor.

These endeavors bill and tie Medicaid to our schools whereby schools become medical models that fund the mental health reconditioning, re-skilling, and psyche interventions of our American children through social and emotional behavioral conditioning referred to as pipeline services. (Sources: [Source 1], [Source 2])

See the behavioral skills needed in the New Tech Economy… West Virginia 21st Century Personal and Workplace Skills.

“Student remains composed and focused, even under stress, willingly aligns his/her personal goals to the goals of others when appropriate, approaches conflict from a win-win perspective, and derives personal satisfaction from achieving group goals.”

As you read these subjective and arbitrary emotional learning objectives, think about the artificial stress hoisted on our kids proving psychological behavior change is rampant and forced on our children at school. The idea of the individual must be banished from society. Parents have looked the other way. Our children are depressed because the American ethic is being throttled. It’s the process of forging a new mind-set in our children to accept globalism. No individuals allowed. It’s the group.

© 2020 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Anita Hoge: hogieshack@comcast.net

At The Appointed Hour Of 2020:  These Things Need Attention

Frosty Wooldridge

Have you ever seen a country devolving, degrading and/or disintegrating right in front of your own eyes?  One took at Canada would shock most Americans to see their major cities like Vancouver being taken over by the Chinese immigrants, and Toronto and Montreal no longer Canadian—but something ugly and foreign.  One look at all of Europe shows their leaders bending over backwards to destroy their cultures, languages and quality of life—-all by the hand of importing third world refugees by the millions.

Ironically those same refuges degrade, devolve and desecrate everything European.  If you bring them out of the sh*tholes of Africa and the Middle East, they will, and they ARE destroying Europe.  Read, The Strange Death of Europe by Douglas Murray.  It not only sickens you; it connects the dots on how it’s being done to America and Canada by their-our own leaders.

Well, look around America as to the same path, same systematic immigration patterns being forced upon America.  If the current legal, illegal and refugee numbers remain for another 30 years—we don’t stand a chance of surviving as a viable civilization.  We won’t survive it as to the sheer numbers projected at 110 million more added people, net gain, to our country.  We won’t survive as to water shortages, energy exhaustion and depleted resources.  We won’t survive as to quality of life and/or standard of living.  If you think we will, or any member of Congress thinks we will survive, you and they are out of your cotton-picking minds.

I just read the book, Blip by Christopher Clugston, one of the most brilliant minds in America as to resources.  He point-blank shows you exactly how America will completely collapse by 2050 on our current course because we won’t possess the resources to sustain our bloviated population at 440 million people.

What more must be done in 2020 to save us from our fate?

Ninth,  we need to track down all visa overstays and deport them, and any members of their families.  We’ve got thousands of Nigerians, Ethiopians, Sudanese, Middle Easterners, Chinese, Indians, Brazilians and SO many more illegally violating our country.  Enforce US Code I, Section 1324 to get rid of them.

Tenth, pass Term Limits for all of Congress.  Maximum of 10 year’s service and mandatory retirement, and go back to making a living on your own not taxpayers backs.  We cannot afford to continue the incredible corruption and criminality of our Congressional leaders such as Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schumer, Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, John Lewis, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Diane Feinstein and the list runs long on both sides of the aisle.  We must mandate a Convention of the States by Article 5 of the Constitution: Term Limits, Balanced Budget and Mandatory Border Security.

Eleventh, no amnesty for the estimated 23 to 25 million illegal aliens.  No DACA. Engage our laws to take away their ability as to jobs, housing and transportation. We don’t have to deport them as they will wind up leaving on their own dime when they cannot continue to use our jobs, welfare and schools for their illegal purposes.

Twelfth, NO MORE refugees!  Stop all immigration. We cannot save the world, but we can and are destroying our country, culture, language and way of life.  Those countries add 83 million, net gain, new babies annually, therefore nothing we can do will save them, but continued immigration will destroy us.

Thirteen, outlaw and prosecute over 500 U.S. sanctuary city mayors and city councils for breaking our laws as to illegal aliens being allowed to flourish and thrive illegally in those cities. It’s wrong, it’s illegal, and it’s against everything for which our U.S. Constitution mandates for a country of laws.

Fourteen,  student visas must be slashed by 99 percent.  We don’t need to educate all those foreign students and then, have them remain in our country.  Let’s enjoy American cities with Americans, not the rest of the world taking up residence in our cities.

Fifteen, trust-bust Monsanto, Bayer and Dow Chemical for poisoning our entire food chain and promoting GMO’s that poison our bodies. Break their financial strangle-hold on our corrupt Congress.

Sixteen, mandate that the United States vacates the United Nations.  It’s useless, it’s powerless, it’s done nothing for world peace and we, the American taxpayers refuse to continue funding that corrupt body of  vacant egotists from 196 countries around the world.

Sixteen and a half, we must take all 700 bases out of 80 countries and bring them back home. We don’t need to rule the world with our military and bases. We have enough problems to solve back here.

(One point: in the first part of my “Quotes by our Leaders” column last week, January 9, 2020, I mistakenly said that Sam Rayburn gave the speech accusing Teddy Kennedy of having an affair on his yacht.  The correct person who made the statement: Howell Heflin of Alabama. I hope you all got a chuckle out of that column. More to come!)

Seventeen, this past weekend, Sandi and I watched an incredible movie on what’s happening to America as to free speech.  Adam Corolla, a liberal with no college degree, and Dennis Prager, a conservative with a college degree—and both radio talk jocks with over two billion I-Pod downloads last year, made a documentary on “No Safe Spaces”.  In it, they showed how college kids are shutting down free speech and they shout down and commit horrific violence for anyone with opposing views.

That’s the beginning of fascism, dictatorships and authoritarian government.  The single most important amendment in our Constitution is the right to free speech. It may be messy, and some may not like it when it doesn’t go their way, but we MUST allow everyone to express their minds in America.  They must be able to speak their minds on radio, print, TV and any other medium.

In the end, hopefully, reason prevails.  If not, we become another Communist China or Saudi Arabia or any other dictatorial construct.  Prager and Corolla point it out that we must guard, treasure and fight for free speech.  I stand with both men and every woman who stands for free speech in America.

Again, Mark Twain said, “Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress…ah, but I repeat myself.”  That’s the reason for Term Limits in Congress!

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

The Church of Tolerating Everything

Michael Heath

And do we really believe that our fellow men do not also spit out the tepid?  — Anthony Esolen

In his article entitled, “Christians are born for combat: don’t run from that calling” Professor Anthony Esolen writes, “To my ear, the most terrible condemnation in all of Scripture has nothing to do with the fires of Hell, or the worm that dies not.  It is what our Lord says to the Church of Tameness, the Church of Tolerating Everything, the Church of Wine Tasters, the Church of Friendly Interviews, the Church of the Low Bar, the Church of the Bland Leading the Bland, the Church of Laodicea.  ‘Because you are neither hot nor cold,’ He says, ‘I shall spit you out of my mouth.’”

I am helping my good friend Coach Dave Daubenmire prepare for the big gun rally planned for Richmond, Virginia on January 20th.  In twenty days armed men from all fifty states in America are planning to descend on New Virginia.  Old Virginy never would have countenanced a Governor like this one.  Famously he’s down with executing born babies.  Now he wants to take everybody’s guns.

The whole world was privy to the execution by shotgun of two virtuous Christian men just four days ago.  If it weren’t for a good man with a gun would more Christian people have died Sunday morning?  Whether we like it or not the devil’s violence is coming to church with us.  What are we going to do about it?

Are we going to continue to sleep walk in our comatose state believing that bigger and bigger government is the solution to everything?  Or are we going to start stepping up and taking personal responsibility for ourselves and those we love.  Here’s what Sunday’s hero, 71 year old Jack Wilson, said, “I feel like I killed evil.”  Well, good for Jack.  I watched the video of his heroic deed a number of times.  Based on the reaction of the congregation and the pastor that is depicted in the video I’d have to conclude that their response would be “I feel like I bowed and groveled to evil.”

Christians especially have NO INSTINCT for even survival anymore, not to mention the confrontation of evil.  We are committing suicide.  I won’t recount the evidence here.  You know what I’m talking about.  The West Freeway Church of Christ is an exception to the rule.  Most churches across the fruited plane proudly display “Gun Free Zone” signs on their front door.  They’ve contracted the protection of their congregation to the local police.  That would not have worked on Sunday in Texas.  As columnist Michael Dorstewitz observed, “Criminals don’t recognize gun free zones. That’s why they’re called criminals.”

When I saw the pastor’s reaction in that video when the shots started ringing out I thought of myself.  I would have reacted in exactly the same way.  He instantly dove for the floor and started crawling in his humbled state for cover.  This is not right.  It isn’t Christian.  He’s the sheepdog of the congregation.  His duty is to be first in protecting the innocence and lives of his congregation.  Instead we are all conditioned to think of him as our counselor and friend.  Do you see what we have enabled in our enfeebled theological condition?  We are committing suicide.  The oligarchs of the West hate God and Christianity.  We are their hostages.  We’ve developed a psychological alliance with our captors during our captivity.  There’s a name for it — Stockholm Syndrome.

Coach Dave Daubenmire is one of the few Christian leaders with any sort of following who has fine tuned his instinct to fight.  He is a clever wordsmith.  And you better hope that his instinct to fight prevails over the instinct of other sorts of men.  He plans to be in Richmond on January 20th.  While he owns guns, he is not going to be carrying that day.  He’ll be wearing a more potent weapon — poignant, pointed and provocative TRUTH.  He and the men who will join him will wear on their heads the helmet of salvation — a red cross hat.  Their breastplate of righteousness will be a T-shirt with an eye-grabbing graphic proclaiming, “Protect the Flock with a Glock.”  Protecting their back are the words, “Be Prepared:  The devil is coming to church!”  Beneath that is the scripture from Luke, “Then said he unto them … he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.”

Coach is a Christian politician of sorts — an activist.  War and the disintegration of civil society is always the consequence of failed politics.  Politics fail when politicians are self-absorbed and weak.  Christianity exists to stiffen their spine, and call them to virtue.  When Christianity fails in her duty society collapses.  And make no mistake, Christianity is failing profoundly in her duty right now in the West.

We must not fail to learn the lessons of White Settlement, Texas.  The government failed in every way.  The government knew the gunman intimately.  He was no stranger to them as a dangerous criminal.  Trusting that institution right now is a BIG mistake.  If men truly care about all that is good, true and beautiful we will follow Jack Wilson’s lead and equip ourselves with the instinct and tools to “kill evil.”

Every Christian pastor and priest in America should stand beside Coach in Richmond on January 20th.  After Sunday’s shooting they have NO EXCUSE.

© 2020 Mike Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath: mike@michaelheath.org

Is Alternative Energy That Effective?, Part 3

Roger Anghis

Solar power has been pushed for a long time as a viable alternative to fossil fuels.  What do you do in Seattle where there are over three hundred days of clouds?  The wind is not dependable as a replacement energy source.  In America, only 11% of our energy is supplied by renewable energy, wind, solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, wood, and biofuels.  Eight percent is supplied by nuclear which means that 81% of our energy is supplied by fossil fuels.[1] America, by the way, has the cleanest of all industrial nations.  Russia has a pollution index of 63.49, China is 81.24, India is 75.55, most muslim nations are in the high 70s to the low 90s.  America, the nation the world complains about is 35.74.[2]

Keep in mind that air pollution is not just caused by the activities of man.  Plants and animals die and create methane gas.  Volcanos produce particulates, methane, CO2 and many other pollutants. The 2010 eruption of the Icelandic volcano erased all the CO2 and particulate savings of every person on the planet for the previous five years in just two days of its over two-week eruption.  It shut down air travel over Europe for over a week.[3]  This is the kind of devastation that a single volcano can do.  All this hype about cars and planes polluting our world to a point that in twelve years the planet will die is insane!  There are over 1500 active volcanos spewing this stuff into the atmosphere 24/7 plus there are 30,000 volcanos on the continental ridge doing the same thing.  What man does to contribute to the CO2 level is minuscule in comparison.

I bring this up because this is the ‘reason’ the enviro-fascists demand that we stop using fossil fuels.  Think about this, virtually all of the charging stations for electric cars are powered by coal-fired power plants.  The more electric cars that are sold the more coal we have to burn to keep their batteries charged.  It seems like a vicious circle to me.  Recycling electric cars present problems as well.  The batteries will become a major problem as we increase the number of electric cars. The drive to replace polluting petrol and diesel cars with a new breed of electric vehicles has gathered momentum in recent weeks. But there is an unanswered environmental question at the heart of the electric car movement: what on earth to do with their half-tonne lithium-ion batteries when they wear out?

British and French governments last month committed to outlaw the sale of petrol- and diesel-powered cars by 2040, and carmaker Volvo pledged to only sell electric or hybrid vehicles from 2019.

The number of electric cars in the world passed the 2m mark last year and the International Energy Agency estimates there will be 140m electric cars globally by 2030 if countries meet Paris climate agreement targets. This electric vehicle boom could leave 11m tonnes of spent lithium-ion batteries in need of recycling between now and 2030, according to Ajay Kochhar, CEO of Canadian battery recycling startup Li-Cycle.

Recycling gap

However, in the EU as few as 5% (pdf) of lithium-ion batteries are recycled. This has an environmental cost. Not only do the batteries carry a risk of giving off toxic gases if damaged, but core ingredients such as lithium and cobalt are finite and extraction can lead to water pollution and depletion among other environmental consequences.[4]

The leftist wackos that are pushing the New Green Deal have no clue as to what they are demanding.  Planes don’t fly on solar or electric power and the economic disaster that would follow the grounding of all airplanes would plunge the world into a depression that would make 1929 look like a hiccup.  All of the industries that are involved with air travel would have to shut down and that would trickle out to virtually every other industry, housing, clothing, transportation and the list goes on and on.  They may fifty to sixty years from now but not now.  Big trucks and ships can’t operate on solar either.  They want to stop raising cattle too.  What will that cost us in jobs, food supply and all the related industries that will be affected?

Their idiocy would plunge the world back to the early 1700s!  These ideas are why Democrats should never be in charge of anything.  They’ve destroyed Detroit which used to have the highest per capita income in the nation.  They’ve turned California into something worse than a third world nation where people are relieving themselves in the isles of grocery stores,[5] as well as in the streets and sidewalks.  Oregon has the same problem but then they are governed by the same liberal idiocy.

I am not against alternative energies, but they need to be more efficient than wind and maybe solar.  Hydroelectricity has been a good source that can last for many decades. Thermo energy can be very effective for residences and even a lot of commercial.  But the removal of fossil fuels at this time is not an economic option.  Nor is it a humanitarian option.  The technology to be able to do what we are doing today with transportation, heating, cooling, is not there and is decades out.

Even though we have alternative energy it is not that effective and creates worse problems than it solves.  Things like that usually don’t bother Democrats because they rarely have to pay for their mistakes.  It is you and I that have to pay.  Remember the last economic crisis we had in 2008?  Our politicians caused it, but they expected us to let them fix it.  I don’t think this is something that we can let them get control of. The devastation that will occur will take decades to reverse. Keep that in mind when you vote in 2020. Remember how they handled the impeachment process.  That should keep Democrats out of any kind of power for at least a half a century.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org

Foot Notes

  1. https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/us-energy-facts/
  2. https://www.numbeo.com/pollution/rankings_by_country.jsp
  3. 2010’s volcano induced air travel shutdown was justified
  4. Electric cars: Big battery waste problem lithium recycling
  5. San Fran businesses forced to clean up human feces in their own stores thanks to city homeless policies
  6. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) pp. 154-155

“Fear” The Devil’s Tool To Silence Critics

Robert Pue

Fear Not!

Today I want to talk with you about the greatest challenge that all of us face.  This is something we all struggle with.  It is also the greatest weapon the devil uses against God’s people.  It’s extremely effective, and it’s rare, indeed, when it does not completely put a dead STOP to great things we might have done for the Lord and the Kingdom of God, and great blessings we might have received in return.

What am I talking about?  FEAR.  The most paralyzing emotion there is.  Fear dictates how we feel, what we say, what we do (or DON’T do), and when God’s people are fearful, when they FEAR anything other than the Lord, it is always, ALWAYS of the enemy.  It is a tactic of spiritual warfare, used by the devil and his demonic spirits to shut us down.  And it works so well.

In Genesis 3, following Adam and Eve’s disobedience and sin against God, we read, “And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden.  But the LORD God called to the man and said to him, ‘Where are you?’  And he said, ‘I heard the sound of You in the garden and I was afraid, because I was naked and I hid myself.’”

Prior to this, Adam and Eve lived in perfect communion with God;  all their needs supplied, not a care in the world; a life of perfection and abundance, all for their enjoyment.  But the instant the devil came on the scene and enticed them, and they took the bait, the immediate result was FEAR.  The heart of man has been frightened to death ever since.  Allow me to refresh your memory with  just a few examples.

I think of Noah, a man the Bible describes as “righteous, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God.”  As God tells Noah what is to come, and gives him instructions for the construction of the ark, Scripture does not say anything at all about Noah’s response, other than Genesis Chapter 6, verse 22, where we read “Noah did everything just as God commanded him.”  And Chapter 7, verse 5: “And Noah did all that the Lord commanded him.”

As I read this story, where God speaks with Noah and tells him about the horror that is coming upon the Earth, I have to wonder:  was Noah not fearful?  The entire world and all it’s inhabitants WILL be destroyed.  What’s more, God is commanding Noah to build a gigantic thing that has never been conceived of before… 510 feet long, 85 feet wide and 51 feet high.  That’s big enough to hold, among other things, 500 semi truck trailers.  And there was no modern technology, just his own two bare hands and a few primitive tools.  It took Noah 100 years to complete the task.

Scripture doesn’t tell us much about it, but we can assume that as the people in the neighborhood saw this great structure begin to rise from the ground, Noah must have shared what the Lord had told him.  Certainly he must have preached to them and told them why he was doing what he was doing…  his message must have been one of repentance, and the peoples’ response, we can only conclude, must have been one of ridicule and derision.  For a hundred years.  Imagine, faithfully serving God for 100 years, amid constant ridicule and taunting, with no help and no friends, and not winning one single convert.

I think, also, of Job.   Do you suppose Job was sometimes fearful?  His own wife, fed up with the utter despair this poor man was enduring, told him to “curse God and die!”  What about Abraham, or Lot?   What about Joseph, sold into slavery, thrown into prison, given up for dead by his own brothers…

Do you think Moses was ever afraid?  Told to defy Pharaoh and his entire army and  lead his unbelieving and ungrateful countrymen into the Promised Land?  And when they finally arrived at the edge of the land, and the young men were sent to explore it, ten of them returned in terror because the inhabitants there were powerful, described as “giants.”  Look at Numbers, chapter 13:  “We went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey!  Here is its fruit.  But the people who live there are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very large. We even saw descendants of Anak there.”

The people were filled with fear.  Only Caleb and Joshua had a different attitude from the others. Verse 30 records, “Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, ‘We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.’” When the people complained that they couldn’t, both Caleb and Joshua were insistent:  We read that they “tore their clothes and said to the entire Israelite assembly, ‘The land we passed through and explored is exceedingly good. If the Lord is pleased with us, He will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us. Only do not rebel against the Lord. And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will devour them. Their protection is gone, but the Lord is with us.  Do not be afraid of them.’”

Did God’s people listen?  Of course not.  And so God judged the people of Israel by making them wait 40 years to enter the land. He also promised that every person 20 years old or older would die in the wilderness and would not even see the land — with two exceptions — Caleb and Joshua.  Why?  “Because My servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows Me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it.”  Verse 38 adds, “Not one of you will enter the land I swore with uplifted hand to make your home, except Caleb… and Joshua.”

How sad, the many blessings we lose and how we postpone the will of God by our disobedience, caused by our fear.  The Bible is filled with similar stories of fearful men, who overcame their fears and we read about them still today, as heroes of the faith.  Why?  Because of their COURAGE.  They WERE afraid, but they still obeyed;  they pushed beyond the fear of men and held fast to the promises of GOD.  Young David who defeated Goliath.  Jonah, so fearful that he tried to tell God to find someone else to preach to Nineveh.  For that matter, look at ALL of the prophets of God… NONE of them were welcomed.  NONE of them were popular or well liked by the people.  I can assure you, ALL of them endured fear.  And yet, they obeyed.

Consider also Mary and Joseph.  And Jesus Himself, in the garden the night of His arrest, as He prayed that the cup of His suffering might be taken from Him, but nevertheless, He prayed that His Father’s will be done….  And Peter, who denied Him three times, because he was fearful of the persecution of men.  Peter learned that night, what it means to take up his cross daily.  And each of the apostles of Christ, all martyred for their association with the Lord and for preaching His word… do you suppose they were ever tempted to be afraid?

What about the men, women and children in the middle east even today, having their fingers, hands, arms and legs cut off — for the entertainment of the Islamic savages?  Do you think the Christian women and children are fearful when their husbands and fathers are beheaded or crucified in front of them and then they are sold into slavery?  Do you think the Christians who refuse to renounce their Lord and Savior in Iraq and Syria are afraid as they are locked in cages and set on fire?

Matthew 10:28 tells us, “Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.  Rather, fear Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”  That’s good to remember, but it is still scary when you are face to face with demonic spirits, when you are standing for Christ at the very gates of hell.

Friends, the point of all this today is that our American Church has literally NO IDEA what it’s like to suffer for the cause of Christ.  The things that go on week after week  in most American churches are ridiculous, carnal and vain.  Worse than a waste of time, because souls are literally being led astray by “easy believism.”

The Christian life is HARD.  It is a life of taking up your cross DAILY, and DAILY choosing to follow Jesus.  Taking every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ.  Scripture tells us that THIS IS HOW we demolish arguments and every pretention that sets itself up against the knowledge of God.   This is the KEY to spiritual warfare.  And make no mistake:  THIS IS WAR!  Is it easy, plesant or fun?  Of course not!  Let me give you a quick crash course in TRUE Christian living:

2 Timothy 3:12: “All who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”  John 15:18:  “If the world hates you, know that it has hated Me before it hated you.”  1 John 3:13:  “Do not be surprised, brothers, that the world hates you.”  1 Peter 4:  “Do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when His glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.”    It sounds like Peter learned a few things on that awful night after he heard the cock crow.

My friends, please listen:  the Establishment Church in America knows NOTHING about true Christianity;  certainly the modern preachers are not proclaiming it.   Because of the fear of the opinions of man, they are suppressing the truth, cowering, afraid to speak it.  ABSOLUTELY afraid to lead.   These so-called “shepherds” have the duty to protect, teach and lead the flock of God’s people and prophecy truth from GOD’S WORD, but instead, week after week they spend their time tickling itching ears with feel-good self-help talks, ALWAYS dancing around the issues so delicately, so as not to offend the lost sinner.   Our churches are so politically correct and so seeker-friendly, we welcome the desperately lost to our meetings, and strive to make sure they feel “loved” and accepted just as they are, comfortable in their sin, rather than convicted in their souls.  Those who REALLY WANT to know God are left to fend for themselves spiritually, with NO leadership and no direction.

Because our modern American pastors want to be popular and well liked, “only a few  of the millions of lost souls will ever find” that narrow road which leads to salvation and life everlasting.  Shame on those who fear the opinions of man and therefore, refuse to speak and prophecy the truth which they KNOW is SO VITAL.  These are not ignorant men.  These are men who know the Scriptures, and know them well.  Yet they choose to speak only the soft things, the easy things.  Our modern American pastors, charged with leading their flocks are instead choosing to be smiling, hand-shaking, popular people-pleasers.  That just does NOT line up with what the Bible says God’s people are to be or do.

God’s word tells us 365 times to “FEAR NOT!”   Yet today, we are so fearful, we will not even speak about God to our own families in our own homes.   How, then, will we ever stand up and confront the evil at the gates of hell?  We live in a time and place where baby killing is commonplace for the sake of convenience and profit;  where sodomy is celebrated and our children and invited to try it out for themselves;  where parents refuse to teach their children about Jesus as they were taught, choosing instead to  just wait and let the child pick for himself which “path to God” he will decide to take —  exposing the poor little kids to all sorts of false gods and doctrines of demons.  Instead of liberty and justice for all, our poor are oppressed and kept dependent as virtual slaves in our ghettos.  Christianity is shunned but the evil of Islam is praised;  evil judges and wicked magistrates persecute the righteous and reward the lawless.  Who will stand and fight these demons?  WHERE are the Christians?  I’ll tell you where.  Most of them are hiding in fear.  And the few who ARE fighting are ridiculed and shouted down — not just by the evil ones — worse than that — by the so-called “Christians” who are too cowardly to join them.  And these cowardly “Christians” can be the meanest of all.

It is time for judgment to begin with the house of God.  As Christians, it’s time for us to “man up.”  Do we BELIEVE GOD’s Word or not?  “The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe!” (Proverbs 29).  “We have not been given a spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind.”  (2 Timothy 1).  “Am I now seeking the approval of man or of God?  Or am I trying to please man?  If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.” (Galatians 1).  Friends, God has equipped us and God is WITH US.  We need not fear what man can do to us.  Ever.  Where is your faith?  As our world continues to spiral out of control, it is up to us, as Christians, to OCCUPY until He returns, to FIGHT this spiritual battle.  Not just for our own personal sakes, but so that God’s will is done on earth, as it is in heaven.  We are HIS INSTRUMENTS to get that done.  We are SUPPOSED to be His “Salt and Light Brigade.”  The fact that our country and our world has become so hellish should be evidence enough that the American Church has become little more than a social club for the cowardly.  Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof!

This culture war is heating up to levels we have not seen since the days of Noah and Lot.  Which side of the war are you on?  Because there’s no fence-sitting allowed.  There is only God’s side and the devil’s side.  It’s time now, to PICK ONE.  So again, I urge you, as God’s Word says, ‘FEAR NOT!”

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are ALSO available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com and ask for message number 177.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

Fascist, And Other Redefined Words

Ms. Smallback

You know that scene in The Princess Bride where Vizzini keeps saying the same word, and Montoya says, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”?

[Princess Bride clip here]

One of the basic strategies for restructuring society norms is to redefine words. But there’s no public statement of the “new definition”; it’s a subtle shift that eventuates into a takeover of the language and turns black to white and red to green, etc.

Being a writer, words matter. Words convey ideas, and if the word choice changes, the meaning can change. I strive to find the precise words I need to convey my ideas. I try to leave no room for ambiguity on what I’m saying. Ambiguity fosters misunderstanding and misinterpretation – a whole other set of problems. It is two different things to disagree and to misunderstand.

It’s like how “racist” gets thrown around.

It becomes a catch-all phrase that strays far from its original meaning, and can now become whatever the writer (or voice) says it means. This can only lead to confusion, accusation, misunderstanding, etc.

Before long, the actual identifying definition of the word shifts to a new cultural connotation, which lends to all kinds of gray area and fuzzy interpretations.  This is done both deliberately and ignorantly.  Talking heads steal a narrative and coin a word but with their new slanted definition, and then ignorant listeners repeat it ad nauseam until the original meaning is obfuscated.

This is why we have two schools of thought on President Trump being a “racist”.  But who’s defining racist?

A cultural step to bringing order back where there is chaos, is to return to the original meaning of words. Why? Because it brings common ground back where there was confusion and division. It encourages understanding where there was misunderstanding. Remember, disagreement and misunderstanding are different things. There’s a good percentage of time that we’re misunderstanding one another, rather than disagreeing.

Think about your friends with different ideologies than your own. They may be “liberal” or a Democrat, but a lot of them are basically good people. They don’t lie, cheat or steal. They’re fair and honest. We can disagree with them on points of public policy and still be friends or love each other. But misunderstandings breed division and all kinds of hurt feelings.

My aunt was 95 years old when she died almost two years ago. She was a democrat all her life, voted in every election for the democrat candidates. She was amazing — full of love and life and compassion for others. Our politics never divided us, even though we disagreed on some points. In 2016 she voted Republican for the first time in her life because she just couldn’t cast a vote for HRC.

About two months before she died, I had stopped by to visit her and she was on her back porch. As I walked up she said, “How have I not been awake for this long?” I had no idea what she was talking about. She responded that she couldn’t believe it took her so long to see how destructive the democrats had become.

She had trouble seeing the destruction and demise because she was defining today’s democrat by yesteryear’s standard.  The terms had changed, but she didn’t realize it for a long time.  Our different ideologies were actually very similar.  We just differed on some definitions.  When she understood the “new” definitions, she no longer wanted to participate or identify with such.

I think if we’d find ways to connect with those of different ideologies and remove the barriers for misunderstandings, we’d be in healthier places. Some of those barriers are simple definitions.


But please don’t misunderstand me.  I am not saying we do away with basic right and wrong in an effort to compromise or show tolerance.  There’s a danger in that as well.

Consider the Hegelian Dialectic and its inherent problems.  It was developed in the late 1800s by the German philosopher for whom it was named, and it was the concept of taking two opposing views and steering people into camps of one view over the other.    The idea is to foster divisions in an effort to steer people into a compromised “middle ground”.  Keep in mind the “middle ground” they’re manipulating is the desired outcome anyway.

When we force a cultural or societal process of dividing people, (i.e. racist, fascist, sexist, misogynist, etc.), we play into the manipulation.  While I’m no advocate for an anything goes mentality and think there are clear markers for right and wrong and morality, usually most of humanity can agree on the extremes.  (Murder, rape, incest, pedophilia, etc are morally wrong and repugnant.)  But every extreme has its counter-extreme, and when we blur the morality lines on the obvious markers, the extremes compromise for an unhealthy middle ground.

Take, for example, sexual deviances.  Homosexuality in America used to be considered immoral and even a crime.  It was known as a mental disorder for decades.  When the dialogue got changed to introduce an opposing camp, (i.e. homosexuality is not wrong, it is inherent and thus not a moral issue), the conversation changed.  All of a sudden there was a “need” for a middle ground.  New paradigms insisted homosexuality should be understood as involuntary and thus tolerated.  “Coming out of the closet” became the new talking point, and in an effort to not seem extreme, compromise was encouraged.

This progressive push for a middle ground began to blur all the principles of right and wrong.  It went from accepting homosexuality as “normal” to mandating the sacred institution of marriage be extended to homosexuals.  At first they had “civil unions”, but now they have forced an acceptance of marriage.

I have an 1828 Noah Webster Dictionary, considered the first authority on the English language for America.  I keep it because I like to see how far words have strayed from their original meaning.  Marriage in the 1828 dictionary is defined as, “The act of uniting a man and woman for life; wedlock; the legal union of a man and woman for life.  Marriage is a contract both civil and religious, by which the parties engage to live together in mutual affection and fidelity, till death shall separate them.  Marriage was instituted by God himself for the purpose of preventing the promiscuous intercourse of the sexes, for promoting domestic felicity, and for securing the maintenance and education of children.”

Today’s Encarta defines marriage as, “a legally recognized relationship, established by a civil or religious ceremony, between two people who intend to live together as sexual and domestic partners.”

Somewhere along the way “marriage” was redefined.  Now in some places you can “marry” your sibling, your parent, your child or even an object.  This is the Hegelian Dialectic on steroids, with the desired outcome of redefining morality, or maybe just making morality obsolete.

Once you start down the slippery slope of redefining words, the slope accelerates rapidly.

Blurring sexual deviancies progressed to blurring gender.  Things as simple and clear cut as basic biology have now been redefined.  One can simply BE whatever one IMAGINES.  This extends from the opposite gender, to an animal, to a different age, etc.  There is no place on this downward spiral for reality.

My aunt and I had different ideologies in part, but not different principles.  Neither of us lie, steal or murder; marriage is a monogamous relationship between a male and female, etc.  In our basic morality of right and wrong, we were in agreement.  The Hegelian Dialectic, when used to bring cultural or societal change, will drive extremes to provoke compromise especially on moral ground.

Fascism redefined

The process of changing customs, cultures, traditions and whole societies can in part be traced to redefining basic principles, including terms.

Take for instance, “fascist”, one who is an advocate and adherent to fascism.

This is a word that’s been taken over to slap on anyone whose ideology differs from your own. Conservatives are constantly being called “fascists”. But we’re not, by definition alone. We have no desire for an authoritative government. In fact, we want the opposite. We have no desire to suppress differing views or opposition.  (Isn’t that what the social media heads are doing to conservatives??)

What do you think of when you hear “fascist”? Or “racist”? It’s an immediate negative connotation. Don’t we think of Hitler, Mussolini, oppression, slavery, prejudice?  If those terms can be redefined and slapped on differing ideologies (even though they don’t fit the definition), there is a social recoil from those with that label.  That’s deliberate. It’s an intentional dividing line people try to make when they resort to fabricated definitions of words slapped on people they disagree with.

Mainstream has gone so far as to call ANTIFA “anti-fascist”! That’s laughable just by definition! Yet a fascist is the term constantly accused of anyone that differs with liberal policies.  They have labeled those who want the liberties afforded in our Constitution as “fascists”.  Example:

When mainstream hijacks the narrative like that, the damage has ripple effects.  Those who have been miscategorized are placed on the defensive, or placed in a position where they are compelled to “compromise” because they don’t want people to think they’re “fascists” or “racists” or whatever term has been misapplied.  We no longer have an honest discussion, and we are no longer discussing ideologies or disagreements.  We are wasting time defending accusations caused by misunderstandings, ignorance and deceit.  There is no positive outcome in that scenario.

According to this table, there are no current national governments defined as “fascist”. You have to go back to the World War eras to find one.  Yet we have a people group insisting the republican party and/or conservatives are “fascists”.

And this article is fantastic. It breaks down the very definition of fascist governments and leaders by actual history, and not some mumbo jumbo from talking heads.

The author says: “Fascist states are characterized by the following: One party governance; private property is tolerated so long as it serves the state and not the individual; corporations are tolerated so long as they serve the interests of the state and not shareholders; and economic nationalism is pursued not through free trade but via trading blocs based around a shared identity (mythical or not).”

ALL of these traits are absent in most Conservatives’ ideology.  All of these traits are in opposition to the U.S. Constitution.  But mainstream has hijacked these terms to reflect negatively on their political opponents in an effort to broad stroke negative connotations to anyone who disagrees.

The next time someone calls you or a conservative a “fascist”, kindly ask them to define what they mean. In a friendly and direct manner, point out the real definition of fascist and the vast difference that is to conservative values. Maybe whip out your smart phone and get the real definition and ask them how we’re reflecting such description?

Conservatives actually abhor authoritative government. We actually want less government regulation and oversight. We actually want individual liberties. All of these are qualities the exact opposite of “fascism”.

Emphasize that fascism by definition is the opposite of the U.S. Constitution.

We need to change the narrative by refuting the erroneous labels being placed on one another.  We need to return to the basic definition of terms and use them accordingly.  This could alleviate all sorts of misunderstandings that have been fostering accusations and division, and provide for a common ground for meaningful dialogues.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ms. Smallback: M.Smallback@cox.net

Additional articles on the subject of redefining words:



Sheep Dog Saves Herd From Aussie Fires

Rev. Austin Miles

A little black and white sheepdog has a job as sheep herder that she takes seriously. Day by day she guided the sheep to various locations. The sheep seemed to know they were in good paws with that little dog as she led them to various grazing spots and at the end of the day she guided them back home to their barn in Corryong, Victoria, near the South Wales border. The owner of the spread, Stephen Hill, had been at a New Years’ Eve party and got back home at four in the morning, having left hastily after learning of the fire that had broken out.

Seeing that the blazes were quickly approaching his property and the town itself, he grabbed his herd dog and rushed to the barn where hundreds of sheep were gathered.

According to AOL News, the six year old shepherd mix got to work, wrangling the farm’s livestock away from the inferno and into another barn out of the burning area. The heat from the growing fires was fierce. Even so, all but six of the 220 sheep survived, only with Patsy’s help, which is remarkable. Patsy guided them around the flames. What is more, it was still dark when all this was going on.

And there seemed to be no place to run to. It seemed that this fire was everywhere. Anyone who has been through such a disaster can tell you what a helpless feeling that situation puts you in. There appears to be no end in sight along with the fear of being burned alive as you feel the searing heat around you.

Stephen Hill’s sister, Cath, called Patsy a “wonder dog” for her heroic efforts. She could have been killed by fire as she led the sheep to safety. That did not concern her. She had a job to do and would do it at all costs. The best thing one can do for a dog is to give it a job. That gives them a real purpose in their lives.

Cath Hill said that the town was quickly resembling a war zone and would continue to burn for weeks. “It’s like Armageddon,” she said to the Metro UK. “Everyone is just trying to get water and feed their animals, shoot the ones that can’t be saved (one can imagine how heart wrenching that would be), get temporary fences up to keep stock secure, and put out all the logs and stumps still burning.

The Australian bushfires have resulted in the deaths of 26 people, destroyed thousands of homes and killed more than a billion animals. There were many scenes in the TV coverage of fire personnel cuddling little Koala bears and other wildlife rescued from the fires, cuddled in their arms with water being sprinkled on them and given them to drink. These fire people showed beautiful compassion to the injured animals. God bless them.

The most disturbing part of the story of all, the Australian fires were deliberately set by Muslims who had threatened to burn up all non Islamic countries right after 9/11. These current fires began at the hands of Muslim punks who were little kids when that took place, but have since grown into the role.

A plane filled with American firefighters who flew over to help fight the fires were met by mobs of people in the airport applauding loudly as the firefighters got off the plane. They were welcomed as the heroes they are.

To see the first story on this, naming the Muslim punks who started this fire, with a photo of one of them, click link.


Photo Caption: Patsy the Hero Dog in Australia

© 2020 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

Pelosi, Biden, Clinton’s Money And Wheeling And Dealing

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Even with the members of the nation’s elite news media covering up — or making excuses — for Democratic Party presidential hopeful Joe Biden, who served as Vice President for Obama’s two-terms, the story regarding Biden’s son’s history is a sore point as more and more Americans learn about Hunter Biden’s money-trail.

Hunter’s dishonorable Navy discharge, his DWI arrest record, his cocaine addiction, and his being hired by a Ukrainian energy company without any experience in energy technology, business administration or any other marketable skills is an example of what happened in the Democratic Party that helped in creating the “Washington, D.C, Swamp.

Not only did Paul Pelosi Jr. get paid thousands for a no-show job for which he wasn’t qualified in an effort to buy influence with his politician parent Nancy, but the same company that paid him is financially connected to the Clintons as well.

We reported yesterday that Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul is also on the board of an energy company.

Paul Pelosi Jr. also traveled to Ukraine support’s for his work.

AND — Better Yet — Speaker Nancy Pelosi even appears in the company’s video ad!

According to Patrick Howley at National File Speaker Pelosi’s son Paul Jr. was an executive at Viscoil.

Shortly after his mother Nancy Pelosi became the first woman speaker, Paul Pelosi Jr., was hired by InfoUSA for $180,000 a year as its vice president for Strategic Planning in 2007.

Pelosi kept his other full-time day job as a mortgage loan officer for Countrywide Loans in California. And, unlike all of the other InfoUSA employees, Paul Pelosi did not report to work at the company’s headquarters in Omaha.

It must be nice being the spawn of a powerful Democrat politician.

Newsmax reported on Paul Pelosi’s shady dealings in 2007:

Today we find out that the company that paid the younger Pelosi money for doing nothing is also connected to the Clintons. In a court ruling from 2008, the Clintons were benefactors of InfoUSA as well.

President Clinton was paid by InfoUSA for consulting arrangements from 2002 to 2005. Also, in 2002, Vinod Gupta granted options of the Company’s stock to former President Clinton, as a third-party consultant, without proper authorization and approval.

We also know from the far-left Washington Post that Gupta also gave between $1 and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation.

A man leaves India for Omaha with $58 in his pocket. He starts a company in 1972 that reaches peak revenue of $400 million, spends a night in the Lincoln bedroom, puts bill Clinton on its payroll, sails bill on his 80-foot yacht with an all-female crew, and flies Hillary Clinton to campaign events on his corporate jet.

And he’s as happy as a clam — despite getting sued by shareholders, being pushed out as CEO, incurring over $12 million in debts to settle shareholder lawsuits, and using insurance to pay $13 million to settle a lawsuit alleging that he sold his company — netting him $150 million for his 40% stake — at too low a price.

The man is Vinod Gupta, former CEO of INFOUSA, a company that built a database that marketers use to sell everything from consumer products to politicians.

According to the new York times, a 2006 lawsuit filed against gupta by disgruntled shareholders — Connecticut-based hedge funds, dolphin limited partnership and cardinal capital management — charged that bill Clinton and current presidential candidate, Hillary Rodham Clinton, took a January 2002 family vacation to Acapulco on infauna’s private jet — costing the then-public company $146,866.

Gupta also financed a voyage for bill on American princess, the $3 million, 80-foot yacht with an all-female crew bought with infuse funds, according to the lawsuit.

He helped Hillary as well. In January 2004 infuse paid $18,480 — about $2,000 of which was reimbursed — to fly Mrs. Clinton “and her four-person entourage” to New York from New Mexico, where she had made a campaign appearance and attended a book signing, according to the lawsuit.

But that was only the tip of the iceberg. As the times wrote, “infuse paid Mr. Clinton more than $2 million for consulting services and spent almost $900,000 to fly him around the world for his presidential foundation work and to fly Mrs. Clinton to campaign events [when she was running for senate in New York].”

Patrick Howley@HowleyReporter

BOOM: Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi Jr. (who went to Ukraine in 2017) was a board member of Viscoil and executive at its related company NRGLab, which DID ENERGY Business in UKRAINE!

And Nancy Pelosi appeared in a promotional video for the company!


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Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

Thanks Mr President for Placing American Lives Above Politics

Lloyd Marcus

I awoke around 7:30am, turned on the TV and flipped through channels. I briefly stopped on CNN and MSNBC. True to form, both fake news outlets were lying. They were selling the lie that by killing Iran’s top general, Soleimani, Trump recklessly put the U.S. in danger. While I realize that fake news medias’ mission is to spin everything to make Trump look mean, incompetent and insane, it is amazing that they never take a break; laser-focused on destroying Trump 24/7.

Ninety-two percent of media coverage of Trump is negative, designed to have him removed from office.

Thank God we have a president who places American lives above politics. In response to Iran-backed raiders attacking our U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Trump said, “This will not be Benghazi.”

Allow me to succinctly explain what Trump is talking about by referencing Benghazi.

It was reelection time for Obama. His Administration was spreading the narrative that Obama fixed terrorism, making it no longer a threat. As another 9/11 anniversary approached, Ambassador Chris Stevens at our U.S. Embassy in Benghazi alerted the Obama Administration to his concerns about a possible terrorist attack. Ambassador Stevens requested extra security. His request was denied because adding more security would undermine Obama’s narrative that terrorism is over.

Consequently, our U.S. Embassy was attacked, overtaken and Ambassador Stevens was raped and killed; his mutilated dead body was paraded through the streets.

So rather than celebrating President Trump for immediately stepping up to protect American lives in our U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, fake news media rushed to spread the lie that Trump behaved irresponsibility.

Folks, these people in fake news media are scum-of-the-earth. They don’t give a rat’s derriere about American lives or our nation’s best interests. Fake news media and their Democrat counterparts are laser-focused, obsessed with removing Trump, punishing his supporters and repealing our Constitutional power. If they can get rid of their major stumbling block, Donald J. Trump, they can transform America into their socialist/Godless dream.

Folks, we must defeat this wicked enemy within by kicking their butts in November.

© 2020 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus: mr_lloydmarcus@hotmail.com

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth

So You Think The Atrocities In The Middle East Are Bad Huh?

Ron Edwards

The recent stupid atrocities perpetrated primarily by Iran are horrendous.  In fact, since 1979, the Iranians who stupidly gave up a great standard of living and relative freedom have been guilty of atrocities of the lowest order.  Particularly, the religious nazis at the top.  The murders of Christians, the Kurds, the Iraqis and yes, the Americans has until now been tolerated and excused.  For forty years the government of Iran and their flunkies have been screaming death to America and death to Israel.  I believe that former president Jimmy Carter will soon have to give an account to his maker for turning his back on freedom and helping the Ayatollah Khamenei to assume power in 1979.  Sure, the Shah of Iran was a flawed national leader and the people were a bit agitated with some of his antics.  But even silly Jimmy Carter should have had enough decency to not support plunging Iran into a much more horrific form of government.  To this day, the majority of Iranians rue the day they allowed their nation to fall to the current utter depths of depravity.

For decades American politicians have enacted numerous wrong approaches when they supposedly dealt with Middle East enemies.  They placed our soldiers in harms way to fight against terrorist nations and dictators, only to turn around and prevent our war heroes from securing victory.  Such political decisions helped multiply the problems we were supposed to be bringing about a solution for.  Let us not forget the results of the nation building efforts after George W. Bush’s takedown of Saddam Hussein.  Yes, there were weapons of mass destruction.  But they allowed most of them to be taken out of Iraq or buried in the sand. I believe many of those weapons were later used by terrorists to carry out their hit or miss terrorist activities.  The demonic activities of the Islamists were rightfully recognized, but foolishly engaged.  Because of our past government blunders, Islamic abuses are now spreading like a dreaded disease right here in our own republic turned mob rule democracy.  In Dearborn, MI a father who gets angry at his daughter for shaming her family by having feelings for a black man, or not following some other Islamic dictate can conduct an honor killing and never face jail time.  Recently an abusive Islamic husband was allowed by a judge to keep beating his wife and that she could not get a divorce.  The reason given was, it is permissible according to Islamic law to beat your wife.

Until the election of President Donald Trump, America was hurdling toward a permanent rejection of our constitutionally limited form of government.  In fact, many officials favored anything detrimental to our existence.  Let’s not forget that the Obama administration appeased the Iranian nazi Muslims with pallets of our tax dollars.  As massive as the threat to America the Middle Eastern enemies may be.  I hate to state this, but our southern border problems dwarf the Middle Eastern dangers by a great margin.

I fully support President Trump’s stand up approach toward the Middle East foolishness, the horrors happening at our southern border could spell our doom in short order.  The Mexican cartels have been allowed to set up shop in 35 of our states and commonwealths.  One can go to Roanoke, Virginia to witness the impact of the Cartel beasts.  Of course, democrats and republicans like Mike Lee are more enamored with simply engaging our international enemies from a position of weakness and appeasement than defeating them.   Democrats maintain that attitude when it comes to illegal border crossers, murderous Mexican cartel thugs and terrorists they know are still pouring into the United States.  Thousands of United States citizens are assaulted via rape, robbery, murder, etc. annually.  To add insult to injury, China has been making billions and billions of dollars via opioid drug sales in America. Opioids have caused the untimely deaths of far too many of our countrymen and women.  Right now, Islamic sleeper cells and many illegal border crossers remain unchallenged within our borders.

Even if America rightfully subdues every single Middle Eastern enemy, it will be to no avail if our southern border wall is not fully completed soon.  No nation, even one as strong as President Trump says America is can remain great, if it is overrun with an illegal population growing faster than the birthrate our citizens.   Wake up my fellow Americans, the republic you save may be your own.  God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

Website: http://theronedwards.talkspot.com/

What Are We Teaching Our Sons?

Coach Dave Daubenmire

I have a lot to say, but this is not the time to say it. I’ll save the details for another day. Stop reading now if you think Jesus was a softie.

This is a time to vent…to air it out…to let some steam off …to release the pressure valve. Sometimes I feel like my head is about to explode. This is one of those times.

Americans have become so sissified. Everyone is afraid to hurt somebody’s feelings. It is the wussification of the culture run amuck. Real men scare people.

I grew up with straight-talkers as my role models. John Wayne-types were the manly examples that the entertainment industry pumped into our homes. I have fond memories of sitting around the black and white Philco with my parents as the family watched real men gallop into our living room. Roy Rogers, Chuck Conners, Paladin, Hoss Cartwright, and The Lone Ranger, all left a masculine odor in my nostrils each night as I sawed logs in the bed I shared with my older brother.

Early the next morning we hit the yard running.  We played “Cowboys and Indians”, scalping redskins by morning, and morphed into Vic Morrow’s “Combat” and killed Krauts by the afternoon. We lived out in the yard what we watched on TV the night before.

Pardon me for being so politically incorrect, but killing Krauts and scalping Injuns was a wonderful life for a young man to live. Today you can’t even use the name Indian. At least I wasn’t forced to play with Ken dolls and dance with Barney. The only Barney I knew was the lovable weenie on Andy Griffith. He was an endearing character because even my young eyes could see that he was a sissy-man who wished he was a real man. Somehow, I wanted to help him grow some hair on his chest.

But look at what they have on TV today? It is a steady stream of sissy-boys with poofy hair being offered to our impressionable young boys as “American Idols.” Instead of Gunsmoke and Matt Dillon we get Dancing With the Stars and Chaz Bono. Is it any wonder we have gender-confusion in America?

We have allowed the young men in this nation to be emasculated by women. No offense to women…I love them. I married one. I have two daughters and a stable of granddaughters. They are the joy of my life.

But they are women. They think like women, they act like women. They like cooking…and shopping…and Cake Boss. They get emotional. They cry easily. They hold grudges…they wear lace…and makeup.

But, I don’t want my grandson acting like them. I want him to kill bugs, shoot varmints, and pee in the creek. I want him to open doors for women, to protect and defend his sisters, to learn to handle a gun in order to protect his family. Our posterity understands that the Father is the head of the house and that his job is to guide, guard and govern those God has entrusted to him.

Is that what they are teaching in your child’s school? Is that what they are teaching in your church? Is that what the young people are learning in your church’s youth group? Does your church have a “Gun Free Zone” sign on the door? Probably put there by a woman…or a pastor…or a pastor who acts like a woman.

Look at your child’s elementary school. How many men do you see working with those kids? My grandpa taught me how to spit. If a boy does that on the playground today he probably gets medicated. A woman can’t teach a boy how to be a man. Only a man can do that. Do you want your son to be taught to be nice or to be a man?

Remember the Daniel Boone theme song from the weekly television show? Daniel Boone and his cohort Davy Crockett have been replaced by Beavis and Butthead.

I had a meeting today that sent me over the top. I spoke like a man. I called a spade a spade. I called sin, sin. I gave them a double-barrel approach to the Truth. They deserved the tongue lashing they got.

Needless to say, it was not well received. I was too “harsh”, “too judgmental”, “to direct”, “too self-assured”. It was just too much for the bossy women and the wimpy men that we all encounter every day.

America, both men and women, no longer want to be spoken to by a man. They are afraid of men, real men. Instead of Clint Eastwood they want Dr. Drew.

I read somewhere that one of the first things Muslim children are taught in some of their schools around the Middle East is how to kill and dissect young animals. It teaches them to get over their natural revulsion to blood.

In America we are teaching our young boys how to get in touch with their feelings, how to recycle paper, and how to speak without offending.

“Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.” –Acts 13

Christian men must rise up and model Biblical manhood for their children.  The culture is feeding our young men tolerance. What they need more than anything is testosterone. Testosterone is a good thing.

The righteous are as bold as lions…it’s time to man up.

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

Now They Want to Abolish Police

Lee Duigon

In London, where it’s just about impossible to lawfully own a gun for self-defense, the murder rate for 2019 was the highest it’s been for the whole decade—149 people killed. It wasn’t at its highest for the new century, though: in 2008, the body count was 154.

How was this feat accomplished in an environment of strict gun control—complete with closed-circuit TV cameras all over the place? Well, there were 90 knife killings, and another 42 listed as “gang-related.” The total does not count serious assaults in which the victim survived; nor does it include persons killed in terrorist acts. So the real level of violence is higher than the murder numbers show.

They took away the guns, so the murderers used knives. Now the government is considering stricter knife-control laws. But if you take away the knives, the killers will use blunt instruments. Since a nearly infinite number of inanimate objects, from doorstops to skillets, can be used to kill someone, blunt instrument-control is probably not practical.

They’ve tried several ways to keep people from killing each other, and none of them seems to work. Could it be that Western culture has deteriorated so far that murder, to some, looks like a convenient solution to life’s problems?

Kill the culture, and it will kill you back.

They don’t want to reform the culture—that would be racist, sexist, this-phobic and that-phobic, so it’s clearly off the table. But there has to be a limit to how many murders a society can tolerate before it collapses altogether; so what can they do to keep that limit from being reached?

American progressives have the answer!

Abolish the police.

“Criminal justice activists”—beware of anything the Left pitches you with the word “justice” in it—have issued a “call to action” (oh, please) to abolish police.  Leftids know that when you stop arresting criminals and stop charging them with crimes, lo and behold, the crime rate goes down! Like magic.

We have to get rid of all the cops, they say, because having a police force somehow equates to “slavery.” On board for this, already, are several politicians in Chicago and Seattle, along with the usual academic boneheads and liberal, er, “journalists.” Heck, they’ve tried everything else to lower the crime rate in those cities. When all reasonable measures fail, preposterous measures, no matter how absurd, have just got to work!

Which leaves you wondering, “who you gonna call” the next time your store gets robbed or your car gets stolen? But objecting to that probably makes you a racist.

According to some numbskull on the Bolshevik magazine, The Nation, everything will come up roses if we simply replace our police forces with “full social, economic, and political equality.” Damn, why didn’t I think of that! Once everybody in the world is fully “equal” to everybody else, no one will commit any crimes and there’ll be no more need for the policeman.

Do libs really, truly believe the ridiculous things they say, or do they only say them because they think that you’ll believe them? Are they genuine idiots, or just incredibly hypocritical, cynical, manipulators of what they think must be fabulously credulous persons?

With any bad luck at all, your city, state, or country could actually elect some of these fools and invest them with decision-making power. (Hint: they’re all Democrats.) Think about that, the next time there’s an election.

First we totally disarm all law-abiding citizens, thus making them easy prey for those who don’t obey the laws… and then we remove the police and let the predators have the run of the streets.

Yeah, that’ll work!

Liberalism—killing society by inches, day by day. But they would rather be killing us by yards.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at www.chalcedon.edu/ .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Great Quotes by Our Leaders in the White House and Congress

Frosty Wooldridge

Our national leaders tell us the truth, nothing but the truth, so help them God!  As you look around America, you see U.S. Senators pontificating about our country—the one they serve with such integrity for decades of their careers in Congress.  Of course, they prove themselves honorable and proper.  U.S. House of Representatives members speak to the people with integrity and honor.

Those assumptions, of course, illustrate our stupidities for re-electing them decade after decade to lead our country.  Notice many of them chalked up over 30 years in Washington DC.  Notice, too, where they have flushed our country—down the toilet faster than a bullet train flies through a tunnel.

In 2008, Barack Obama said, “I have campaigned in all 57 states.”  Finally admitting his Muslim faith “after” entering the White House as a “Christian”, he referred to the 57 Islamic states.  Interestingly enough, he spent millions then and millions today to keep his life history, education and actual birth records sealed away from the American People.  When historians finally expose him, wow, what a story for us to gag upon.

House Majority leader Nancy Pelosi, 78 years old with onset dementia said in 2006, “You don’t need God anymore; you have us Democrats.”  Thanks, Nancy, for your astute understanding of our religious preferences in America as you work for wide-open borders for terrorists, murderers and drug cartels from Mexico.  Where do you cash your U.S. salary check? In Banco de Mexico?

House member Sheila Jackson, not one of the brightest bulbs in the array, said in 2016, “Homicide is the leading cause of murder.”  Thanks, Sheila, for your grippingly astute observation.

Another House member, Hank Johnson from Georgia sat in a House committee meeting and told the members that if too many people were placed on a base in Guam that the island would tip over and capsize into the oceans. (It’s on video tape April 1, 2012 in the House of Representatives)  The question might be asked, “Did you pass 6th grade geography or are you just plain too stupid to learn anything?”

The comical Joe Biden, always second fiddle, in 2015 said, “No ordinary American cares about Constitutional rights.”    I’m an ordinary American and I’ve read the Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.  I care about every single paragraph of those documents because they allow me to expose a phony SOB that you’ve been in public office for 40 years.

And Senator Liz Warren said, “Having an abortion is no different than having one’s tonsils removed.”  Let’s see—a human baby being killed by its mother versus having inflamed tonsils taken out to save your life…oh, that’s rich Liz.  And you want to be president?

And the latest joke in DC, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who has never read any founding document for our nation, said in 2018, “Owning guns is not a right. If it were a right, it would be in the Constitution.”  The question I ask, “How did someone as stupid as a third-rate bartender become a member of Congress?”  There should be a minimum IQ of at least 100 to serve.  How far below that mark do you think she hits?

And, in 1998, Hillary Clinton said of her sexual predator husband Bill Clinton, who molested over 42 women who charged him with rape or molestation, Hillary said, “Bill is the greatest husband and father I know. No one is more faithful, true and honest than him.”  Of course, we all know that Web Hubbell is Chelsea’s biological father because she looks exactly like him.  Hillary, you’re not so honest with any of us.

And the Mother Superior of stupid herself, Nancy Pelosi, in March 2010, said, “We have to pass Obama’s Healthcare Bill to see what’s in it.”  As one doctor said, “That is also the perfective definition of a stool sample.”

Same Rayburn, Speaker of the House, once noted after Senator Teddy Kennedy was caught on camera having sex on the deck of his yacht with one of his aides, “Ah see that the good Senatuh from the great State of Massutwoshits has changed his position on off-shore drilling.”

And, one of the most brilliantly illiterate House Members, largemouth bass Maxine Waters, in 2017, said, “My fear be that if North Korea nukes us, well, then, dat Trump, he gonna’ get us into a war, yup.”  When the history books write her name down, they will note that there wasn’t an IQ test yet created that could measure her tiny brain.

Finally, and it troubles me to pick on Nancy Pelosi, but she said in 2019, “You need to vote for the Democrats, otherwise the undocumented (illegal) aliens will lose their rights.”  Gosh, Nancy, thanks for standing up for our citizens and our citizenhip rights fought for by every soldier since Valley Forge.  You’re a real gem of a gal, lady.

As my mentor Mark Twain said, “Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress…ah, but I repeat myself.”

God help us through 2020 with that group of…ah but I repeat myself… in Washington DC.

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Iranians Want Regime Change

Amil Imani

Four decades ago, former President Jimmy Carter interfered in Iran’s affairs by sending a message to Iran’s generals via his ambassador, William Sullivan and General Huyser to make sure that Iran’s military remained neutral during the revolution. Sullivan oversaw secret talks with opposition leaders even as he pressed the Shah to restrain his security forces. He was in favor of the Shah’s departure from Iran and Khomeini’s return from exile.

That decision from the US administration and the Shah’s terminal illness accelerated the mullahs’ determination of ending the rule of monarchy in Iran.

Meanwhile, new documents about General Huyser’s secret mission to Iran reveal US plans after the Shah’s departure. I left Iran in 1978, at the beginning of the Islamic invasion. But I witnessed with my own eyes what was happening. Iran was falling into the hands of Islamic thugs with full blessing of Jimmy Carter. The question that still rings in many Iranians’ ears is why?

The Shah of Iran was America’s greatest ally and was instrumental in maintaining peace in the Middle East. Why would America want him gone? After the arrival of Khomeini, a radical Shi’a cleric, almost overnight Iran was transformed from a modern and progressive country, to a 7th century Islamic backward state. By the time the Shah left for exile in January 1979 he had curtailed his own position to a constitutional figurehead, and made no effort to save his throne through force.

The Shah of Iran I knew was kind and loved his country and worked very hard to transform Iran from a backward nation into a modern country. The Shah left Iran because he was against bloodshed. Unlike President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, the Shah voluntarily relinquished power rather than unleash the army and start a civil war. That was his style.

It is worth mentioning that the leftist media in the west falsely accused the Shah of human rights abuses while they never mentioned Khomeini’s mass killings in the name of Islam. Jimmy Carter’s allegation against the Shah for holding many political prisoners was a false allegation. At the minimum, there were not more than a few hundred political prisoners who were a threat to Iran.

“The problem was not only the realization that Pahlavi state might have been telling the truth but the fact the Islamic Republic had justified many of its excesses on the popular sacrifices made,” observed historian Ali Ansari.

During Khomeini’s decade in power, from 1979 to 1989, an estimated 12,000 monarchists, liberals, leftists, homosexuals, and women were executed and thousands more tortured. The Khomeini 1988 fatwa killed up to 30,000 in Iran.

The Islamic revolution happened because the Shah trusted his immediate cabinet members and generals to tell him the truth. But they did not. They left him in the dark about the situation inside Iran.

U.S. ambassador Sullivan compared Khomeini to Gandhi, the pacifist leader of India knowing full well Khomeini was no Gandhi. Only a democrat can be that foolish.

For the past forty years, President after President was elected to office, promising to stand with the Iranian people in their struggle to achieve freedom and democracy and instead, they gave legitimacy to the illegitimate Islamic government by secretly working with the mullahs.

The US and Islamic regime have been adversaries for roughly four decades, and that contentious relationship has at times sparked acts of extreme aggression — including the assassination of Iran’s top general, Qassem Soleimani, on last Friday.

The killing of the Islamic Republic top general opened a new chapter of a cold war between the mullahs’ regime and the United States. This assassination was immediately praised by the Iranian people who had lost sons and daughters in the recent uprising. To them, the killing of Soleimani was a relief for murder of their children. Although the main adversaries are the U.S. and Iran, much of the world has a huge stake regarding this potentially catastrophic confrontation. Israel, the Persian Gulf states, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq as well as nations farther away from the region are willing and unwilling parties to this unfolding crisis.

It is obvious that the current situation is dire indeed. Anyone who believes that sane rational people on both sides are engaged in brinksmanship to secure the best advantage would eventually work out a compromise, is deluding themselves. President Trump did something which his previous predecessors were incapable of.

The EU, Russia and PRC must stop appeasing this terrorist regime. If you don’t believe me, wait until they get their bloody hands on their long-cherished ultimate weapon. To state an overused cliché: keep kicking the can down the road, like both George Bush and Obama did, and let someone else worry about it.

Well, that someone else now is President Trump. Is he going to follow suit or is he going to do the painful thing that his predecessors had eschewed? A tough call. A truly tough call. A call that must be answered now or at a much tougher time ahead.

In some cases, time works as a healer and even as a solution to thorny problems. Yet, this problem will not go away, and time would only make the cataclysmic clash more likely and deadly. There is, however, a non-violent solution, without appeasement that offers the best chance to resolve the impasse.

The United States has a moral duty and obligation to rectify its 1979 mistake by helping the Iranians to achieve their goal of Regime Change.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Vigilante Justice: When The Law Fails To Serve Us, Then We Must Serve As The Law

Bradlee Dean

“You can abuse and oppress a people so long before they stand up and deal with the criminals themselves, and they are!”  -Bradlee Dean

Over and over again, we are seeing where the money making the 64 Billion dollars a year injustice system in America in leaving off justice.  In turn, it’s giving no other option to the victims than to bring the justice that was failed to be delivered to them. We now live in a world where more compassion is shown to the criminals than the victims (Isaiah 59).

What this really comes to is man making void the commandments of God in the keeping of his own tradition to make money, which works for nobody but the injustice system and the predators.  This is nothing more than a system of indulgence (Read Mark 7:10-12).

Because the judges are soft on crime, the criminals then become emboldened and hardened criminals and respond by committing more crimes (Proverbs 16:6).

Particularly speaking, pedophiles are now looking to normalize sex between adults and children, which is a felony in every state of our union. As a matter of fact, the criminal organization called North American Man Boy Love Association’s slogan is “Sex before eight before it’s too late.”

This you can see on display at “gay pride” parades.

[YouTube Video]

I would like to also point out that nowhere in Scripture can you specifically find the consequence of preying sexually upon a child. Why?  It’s because it was, and is, the unthinkable crime.

However, the Bible does say, “Ye shall not afflict any… fatherless child.  If thou afflict them in any wise, and they cry at all unto me, I will surely hear their cry; And my wrath shall wax hot, and I will kill you with the sword; and your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless” (Exodus 22:22-24).

Scripture also states:  “It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones” (Luke 17:2).

Also remember, friends, that the curses were in unison amen by the people, not the blessings (Deuteronomy 27:26), ensuring the full execution of the law by the people upon the head of the guilty, which is a mercy to the innocent (Deuteronomy 4:6).

[YouTube Video]

Now, with that said, what happens when people have had enough of the injustice in this and other countries?  Well, they simply do what the courts should have done and that is to have brought justice, which is a mercy to the innocent at large (Deuteronomy 25:1).

Let’s first address the Church.

The John Jay Team reported that 10,667 people in the US had made allegations of child sexual abuse between 1950 and 2002 against 4,392 priests, only to find that they then compensate the victims in an attempt to pay them off and then move the pedophiles to another parish so they can prey on a new set of victims.

[YouTube Video]

Governments Conspiracy of Silence 

…Conspiracy of Silence is a documentary that exposed a network of religious leaders and Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies.

Many children suffered the indignity of wearing nothing but their underwear and a number displayed on a piece of cardboard hanging from their necks (Testimonies in video) when being auctioned off to foreigners in Las Vegas, Nevada, and Toronto, Canada.

At the last minute, before airing, unknown congressmen threatened the TV Cable industry with restrictive legislation if this documentary was aired. Almost immediately, unknown persons who ordered all copies destroyed purchased the rights to the documentary.

A copy of this documentary was furnished anonymously to former Nebraska state senator and attorney John De Camp who made it available to retired FBI Agent Ted L. Gunderson.

On Tuesday May 3rd 1994 the video “Conspiracy of Silence” was scheduled to air on the Discovery Channel.

Influential members of congress applied pressure to the cable industry to stop the airing of the program and destroy all copies. It was already listed nation-wide in the April 30th-May 6th edition of TV Guide and newspaper supplements.

The Discovery Channel and Yorkshire Television were reimbursed for the ¼ to ½ million dollars production costs.

This is the program that they did not want you to see!

[YouTube Video]

With that aside, let’s now get to how it is that the people are dealing with these injustices. 

Dad Publically Kill’s Karate Instructor Who Molested His Son

March 16th, 1984. Baton Rouge, Louisiana. News cameras are focused on the kidnapper, and molester, of 11 year old Jody Plauche.  Jeff Doucet walks calmly through the airport with a sheriff at his side. His hands are cuffed and yet he moves with an arrogant demeanor, no reservation and no apparent fear. He seems to take the walk like a celebrity.

Karate coach, Jeff Doucet, was accused of repeatedly molesting Jody, then kidnapping him. He took him to Disneyland and, a rape kit proved, that he (Jeff) sodomized him (Jody) several more times at that location.

Jody’s father wasn’t handling the extradition quite as calmly. Jody’s dad, Gary Plauche, was also, unbeknownst to most, in that same airport. His friend knew. And he knew why he (Gary) was there.

Gary was waiting near a row of pay phones, talking to said friend. When the man that had taken, and hurt his little boy, walked passed the phones, Gary took justice into his own hands. He pulled out a gun and he fired.

Gary Plauche fired a hollow-point bullet into Doucet’s brain from three feet away. He turned then and hung up the phone on his friend, who had been listening to the whole event. And the cameras caught it all. Justice was served up live. The judge said that Gary was not a criminal, therefore he never went to prison.

Gary told the police that if it were your son you would have done the same thing. [Link]

Teen ‘Kills Paedophile Priest By Ramming Crucifix Down His Throat’

Then there was Rough Justice: A teen in France kills a pedophile priest who sexually abused him by ramming a crucifix down the priest’s throat.

The Tablet reports:

The murder of an elderly priest last month has slowly brought to light a sordid story of the priest’s sexual abuse of the suspected killer and his father…

Fr Roger Matassoli, 91, was found dead on 4 November at his home near Beauvais, choked by a crucifix stuffed down his throat. There were also multiple blows to his body.

Both Church and civil authorities knew about Matassoli’s abuse but their inquiries never led anywhere. The bishop (Bishop Jacques Benoit-Gonnin of Beauvais diocese) failed to explain why.

Daily Mail reports:

A 19-year-old man has been arrested for killing a suspected paedophile priest by ramming a crucifix down his throat and suffocating him.

Alexandre V., who is alleged to have been abused by the priest, attacked the 91-year-old Catholic Roger Matassoli while working at the holy figure’s home in Agnetz, Oise, northern France.

Cellmate Kills Child Rapist Ex-Cop for Continually Talking about Raping 9-Year-Old Girl

In February of this year, Steven D. Sandison, who was serving a life sentence without parole for murder, told a Saginaw County Circuit Court judge that he took the life of his cellmate who just didn’t know when to shut his mouth about raping a 9-year-old girl.

In December 2013, Theodore Dyer, a former Muskegon County Airport Police officer, was convicted of first-degree criminal sexual assault on a 9-year-old girl. Following his conviction, he was sentenced to life in prison.

The 66-year-old Dyer’s “life sentence” would be a very short one. In less than one year, he was killed by his cellmate Sandison, 51.

What defines how backwards our injustice system more than when the criminal has to go to jail to receive the justice that he so justly deserves by other criminals.

Alaskan Jason Vukovich: Targeted Pedophiles – Got 23 Years In Prison (Video)

Jason Vukovich is almost 2 years into a 23 year sentence for his brand of vigilante justice against pedophiles.

Technically he was imprisoned for a string of assault and robbery charges, which all happened to be against those who sexually abused children.

National File reports:

A man has been imprisoned for 23 years after numerous assault and robbery charges which many believe were in relation to vigilante action in dealing extrajudicial punishment to pedophiles.

Jason Vukovich, 43, was imprisoned for 23 years, February 2018, for a string of assault and robbery charges. It was later revealed, however, that all of Vukovich’s victims were pedophiles.

Vukovich believed himself to be an “avenging angel seeking justice,” but won’t be released on parole until serving at least six years behind bars. 

A man bringing about justice that should have been served to these criminals, is then sentenced for 23 years for doing what the courts failed to do. Quit telling is it not. 

[YouTube Video]

1- Alaskan Jason Vukovich targeted pedophiles got 23 years in prison video

2- Tennessee child sex slave convicted for killing her abuser released from prison after 15 years

3- Virginia father beats alleged pedophile to a pulp after catching him naked in children’s bedroom

4- Teen sex trafficking victim faces life for killing man who raped her and sold her for sex

The message is clear:  Folks are not going to put up with what these criminals are guilty of doing nor are people going to put up with those who mean to advocate crimes against children.

I have long said that people are going to put up with this only for so long, and apparently, the bad guys have now met the breaking point of the good guys. Amen.

© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Your Children Are Listening and Imitating What You Do

Ron Ewart

“Children have never been very good at listening to their elders but they never fail to imitate them.” —James Baldwin

Most parents want the best for their children.  They want them to grow up to be proud, strong individuals, capable of meeting most, if not all, of life’s challenges.  They want their children to be good parents to their offspring, as well.  Any of these desires depends almost entirely on what goes on at home and on the quantity and quality of both education and experience while they are growing up.  But the hard truth is, children are like sponges and they soak up the environment in which they live, in most cases, mirroring their parents.   They start filling up the “Little Black Box” of their brain from the day they are born.

If their parents are slovenly and lazy, children have a very high percentage of turning out slovenly and lazy.  If parents are industrious, creative, responsible and self-reliant, their children are quite likely to take on these qualities.  If their parents are involved in the community, children have a greater chance of also being involved.  If the parents take an interest in and are a part of the political process, that experience will rub off on their children.  But if the parents are apathetic and indifferent, their children will learn apathy and indifference.

Of course there are exceptions to the general rule.  Some children turn out well in spite of bad parenting and some others fall through the cracks and go bad from good parenting.  Unfortunately, there are no guarantees and the books instructing parents on how to be good parents are just about as effective as instruction books for operating a computer.  There is no substitute for experience and intuition.

Parents send their children to government-run schools but don’t constantly check and measure the quality of that education.  They don’t peek into the process and determine if the process is a learning experience in truth, or one filled with propaganda and indoctrination.  Unfortunately, propaganda and indoctrination is what their children are receiving in our schools and colleges today and very little is being done about it.   (See: Get Progressive Educated Idiots Out Of Education)

Part of parenting is knowing life’s dangers that can harm their children before they are ready.  Parents would not let their young children play near a cliff for the obvious reason that in the children’s exuberance, they could easily slip and fall over the cliff.  Parents who allow their children to own computers with Internet connections had better be aware of the kind of information their children are viewing.  The dangers from inadequately monitoring what their child see on the computer can be just as damaging as falling off a cliff.  The dangers for boys are different than the dangers for girls and a parent needs to know the difference to adequately teach and at the same time, protect them.

Parents focus on their family, jobs and home, but fail to look out at the horizon and learn of the other dangers that could harm their children.  Evil permeates the world and it is up to the parents to teach their children of those evils and of the dangers.  One of those significant evils is the often-ignored attack on freedom.

There was a movie made a while back called the White Squall.  It was a true story of a summer sailing class, where parents sent their boys approaching adult hood, into a hands-on sailing experience at sea.  The ship met up with a freak of nature, a white squall.  It sank in heavy seas and several boys were lost, including the captain’s wife.  The captain was brought up on charges of negligence and dereliction of duty before the admiralty and would have lost his captain’s ticket if not for the surviving boys sticking up for him.

No matter how hard we try, we cannot save our children from every danger that faces them.  We can only hope that the survivors use the bad experience as a learning experience.  Again, there are no guarantees.

So for what do you stand?  If you stand for right over wrong, your children will do the same.  If you stand for good and show it, your children will stand with you.  If you stand for principle over selfish gain or political expediency, your children will follow you.  If you have courage and show it, your children will mirror that courage.

Should you fail to teach your children life’s lessons, they will fail in life.  If you fail to teach them responsibility, they will become irresponsible.  If you fail to teach them self-reliance, they will learn dependency instead.  If you do not vigorously defend freedom, your children will not defend freedom either and freedom will be lost.

The gift we give to our children is who we are.  If we stand for and practice love, goodness, honor, respect, truth, self-reliance and defend liberty, so will they.  Our children are our most precious resource.  They learn by example.  We have a solemn duty to guide them judiciously to adulthood, or the next generation will pay the consequences and they will end up standing for all the wrong things.  They will end up standing for what we are or were!

Ladies and gentlemen, why is it we, in America, continue to stray from the lessons that the natural order teaches us.  Have you ever watched a couple of cubs (dogs, cats, bears, lions, tigers, etc.) play rough and tumble?  Do you think they are doing it for fun?  Hardly!  They are learning the lessons of life and survival and building up the strength of their bodies and their brains through play.  It’s deadly serious business.  Somehow, because people believe we are above the animals and don’t have to play by nature’s rules, we remove, inhibit, protect, or shield our kids from the struggles of life that would ordinarily prepare them for meeting those struggles.

We, as a culture, have decided to level the playing field and shield our kids (the liberal/progressive mantra) when the reality is, you cannot level the playing field, or the natural order, by legislation or education, you can only pervert it.  Adversity breeds strength.  But instead of allowing adversity to work its wonders, we protect our kids from germs.  We protect them from injury and suffering.  We protect them from bullies.  We protect them from insults.  We in fact, mollycoddle them and by that we make them weak and unable to compete in a rough and tumble world.  We become by practice and controlled behavior, a genetic mutation, not field-tested for survival.

But it goes even further than this.  Government, in order to garner political loyalty and votes to increase their power, protects our adults in much the same manner as we protect our kids, with safety nets, welfare, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, farm subsidies, college loans, school lunches and God knows what else.   None of these actions by government appear in the Constitution.  We have become and are becoming more so, a weakened nation, almost wholly dependent on government.  Even worse than that, we are breaking the back of the most creative, productive, industrious and generous society that ever graced planet earth and sucking the lifeblood of commerce and industry from its grasp, by having to pay for all this mollycoddling.

So let us pose a question:

“How many, poor, helpless, indigent, disabled, free-loaders, ne’r-do-wells and mollycoddled (subsidized) kids and adults can America afford?” 

It has been estimated that over 40,000,000 Americans are now on food stamps, almost 12% of the total population.  As this big lump of the un-employed, non-producers and free-loaders grows and it is growing, it slowly but surely sucks the financial life out of the gross domestic product (GDP), until it reaches a point where the GDP and the taxes paid from it, can no longer pay the bill and the system collapses when the government can tax no more without causing a revolution. (i.e. Greece)

As we stated earlier, adversity builds strength.  A government filled “pig trough” breeds weakness and dependency.  America got its start on the greatest kind of adversity, first taming the wilderness and then the Revolution.  Pioneers that settled the west were tough and resilient.  Some got sick and some died, but many got stronger from the experience and from those families came a kind of American that built things and won wars.  We’re not seeing that toughness and resilience in too many Americans today.  We’ve grown soft, self-absorbed and overly indulgent.  It could be America’s downfall.

We have also become a permissive society where kids get away with bullying others and a whole host of other misdeeds because they have no fear of any consequences.  When confronted by authority, like a teacher or school principal, the kid just says, “… you can’t touch me or my parents will sue your pants off.”  Unfortunately, parents sue schools all the time for these very reasons and the school authorities are hogged tied to administer any discipline as a result.  Many states are now forbidding suspension or expulsion for kids who behave badly.  How can you run a school of kids without discipline?  You can’t!  What do you get instead, kids acting out without consequences and a degradation of the learning experience?

Parents, busy with working and paying for a two-working person lifestyle, don’t have time to administer any quality time or discipline to their kids for getting out of hand or misbehaving.  We’ve done away with the paddle or spankings because that is too hard on the kid’s self esteem, or so the highly educated experts tell us.  And let us not fail any kid in school for fear of damaging his little delicate id.  God forbid!  No, let’s just pass them on to society as a failure and let society deal with them.  So what does society (government) do?  They give the now young adult, money for doing nothing!

One of nature’s inviolate rules is that there are consequences for bad or careless behavior.  Sometimes the consequences can result in death.  But oh no, we don’t teach that lesson to our kids.  If we punish them they won’t like themselves any more and might just do them selves harm, or worse, commit suicide.  If you let adults or kids do as they please without consequences for doing as they please, a civil society will eventually break down into chaos and anarchy and ladies and gentlemen, that is where we are headed.

Because of mindless psychological mumbo jumbo, coming out of the educated idiots that are spit out of our liberal colleges like so much cord wood, we have discarded common sense and time-tested methods that have worked for generations, in favor of complex, soft-ball solutions to fairly simple problems that are based on some wild-eyed theory of an over-paid, tenured academic, who never worked at a real job in his entire life.  This ridiculous condition seriously violates Occam’s Razor Principle wherein:

*  “The simplest explanation for some phenomenon is more likely to be accurate than more complicated explanations.”

On no, we can’t keep things simple.  We have to complicate the hell out of them.  It is obvious that “man” has the propensity, if not the compulsion to complicate and/or mismanage almost everything he touches, especially if those “men” (and/or women) are part of the government, or academia.

In a western song there is a line that we remember whenever we think about the behavior of kids and adults today.  The line goes like this:  “you surround yourself with people who demand so little of you.”  The line defines how far we have allowed our common decency standards to sink into the cesspool of debauchery, excessive drug use, crime, cheating, constant swearing, licentiousness and corruption?   You see it everywhere on TV, at the movies, on the Internet, in e-mails, on the playfield, at sports games and even driving on our roads.  The bar of acceptable behavior keeps getting lower and lower.

This, my fellow Americans, is a recipe for civil, cultural and spiritual collapse.

Read more powerful conservative articles like this one HERE.

© 2020 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

The Constitutionality of Long Distance Air Strikes

Jake MacAulay

The recent assassination of Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani carried out by United States military personnel under orders from President Donald J. Trump has caused much turmoil in America.

From the instant that the details of the deadly mission were announced, critics of the president have been shrill in their condemnation of his actions.

At the same time, supporters of the President are universally outraged that the president’s decisive and successful action is being criticized at all.

However, when I listen to the arguments that are put forward to defend and to justify this long-distance termination of human life I must admit I am very troubled.

It’s a question of authority.

You see, I am struggling to find the authority for this termination of life.

Now, don’t get me wrong.  Along with many Americans, I am disposed to applaud Mr. Trump’s boldness and decisiveness, along with his desire to protect the American people.

But while I appreciate his acting with certainty, I believe it to be the duty of all Americans to make certain that our president is acting within the limits of the authority vested in him under the Constitution and subject to the laws of nature and of Natures’ God.

Please consider just how important this is for us all.  If we allow our military to engage in deadly force without the benefit of a clear articulation of the lawful authority by which they kill, there is nothing to stop them from killing anyone they may someday, somehow, find convenient.

In Article II, Section 2, the Constitution provides that the President is the Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy. But the title “Commander in Chief” alone does not provide justification to kill anybody.

Just because Bush and Obama did something doesn’t make it moral or constitutional.

Just because it is asserted that “Soleimani is a known terrorist” or that “he needed to be taken out” doesn’t make it moral or lawful.

What would make it constitutional would be to comply with Article 1 Section 8 which vests the power in Congress “to declare war” on a nation-state, or “grant letters of marque and reprisal.” These letters are essentially permits for private individuals to use force against enemies of the state on its behalf. This would include a renegade pirate or terrorists who is not a part of a recognized government.

That’s relatively simple but Congress hasn’t declared war since December 8, 1941, following Pearl Harbor.

If Soleimani and his ilk represent the nation-state of Iran then we ought to declare war on Iran and terminate the radicals as a matter of war.

If Soleimani is an individual terrorist killing and terrorizing American citizens then the president ought to request Letters of Marque from Congress to terminate this man and his forces.

Bypassing the Constitution and their own authority Congress, passed a “Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution” of 2002. Since then, there have been US Soldiers on the soil of the Middle East that haven’t been authorized by Article 1 Sec. 8.

We clearly have a real conflict that does exist and has for some time, but this conflict has not been declared or defined which is causing an escalation of conflicts. I believe this is because we have abandoned what the constitution authorizes.

Again I am very troubled…

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© 2020 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

Trump Denigrated for Embassy Attack Response: Dems Call Iranian Attack ‘Trump’s Benghazi’

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

In the aftermath of the New Year’s Eve attack on the U.S. Embassy in Iraq, which was is under siege by Iranian militias. It didn’t take long for the Deep State Democrats and the anti-American news media to telling the American people that Iran’s terrorist militia The Quds Brigade were “mourners.”

These news purveyors were more than willing to fill their news content with anti-Trump allegations, his alleged foreign policy failures and they attempted to completely ignore the fact that attackers are indeed terrorists controlled by the Mullahs in Tehran.

The U.S. military responded by deploying 100 Marines and sending Apache helicopters in to provide air support. They are currently on scene to maintain security. Meanwhile, all the arms of the State Department are moving to pressure the Iraqi government to fix this or face the consequences. Further action against Iran itself is also expected.

Despite the swift actions taken by the President and the success so far, Democrats and their allies on CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, etc. are rushing to take shots at a Commander in Chief who acted quickly and decisively. The Democrats are behaving as would be expected: constantly denigrating and vilifying President Donald Trump.

Presidential candidate, Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-MA, wrote on social media web sites: “Trump’s reckless decisions to walk away from the Iran Deal and now to launch airstrikes in Iraq without Iraqi government consent have brought us closer to war and endangered U.S. troops and diplomats. We should end the forever wars, not start new ones.”

“But perhaps the dumbest takes of all from the left came in the form of asserting this is ‘Trump’s Benghazi.’ In fact, some in the news media seemed to be actively hoping and praying for it to devolve into that, because what’s a few American lives if it gives an opening to attack Trump?”

“When the Battle of Benghazi took place in Libya – an attack that the Democrats hate to even mention – it was nothing even close to how the Trump White House and Pentagon handled the attack on the U.S. Embassy.


In its final report on the death of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Libya, the GOP-controlled House Select Committee on Benghazi failed to provide meaningful answers or accountability on the most serious issues and questions surrounding the attack.

Chief among those issues was the Obama administration’s bizarre and unconstitutional decision, based on a United Nations resolution, to join with al-Qaida and other Islamists in the war on a former U.S. terror-war ally, Libyan dictator Moammar Gaddafi. Another crucial issue left essentially unaddressed was the Obama administration’s lawless gun-running programs delivering weapons to known terrorists in Libya, and later to dangerous jihadists in Syria.

While the report did highlight certain blatant lies by the administration — the deliberate lie about a “spontaneous protest” over an “anti-Muslim video,” for example — critics blasted the congressional probe as a whitewash and a wasted opportunity. Even some lawmakers spoke out.

The same people involved in gun-smuggling to Mexico that became known as the Fast and Furious Scandal, were also responsible for smuggling weapons from Libya to the Syrian terrorists trying to overthrow Syria’s Assad Regime, according to information revealed.

Obtained documents released by a watchdog group that investigates and exposes corruption and criminal activity by government officials and agencies provides evidence that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other senior officials, as well as President Barack Obama, deceived the American people regarding the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi U.S. consulate massacre.

The pages released show that top administration officials were handed intelligence reports within hours of the attack that stated the Islamic terrorists’ actions had been planned up to 10 days before the attack and the goal was simply to to assassinate as many Americans as possible.

The documents also confirms the suspicions that U.S. government officials were well aware of weapons being shipped from Benghazi to Syria for use by rebel forces against the Al-Assad regime, according to Judicial Watch. In addition, the document-release contains an August 2012 analysis of intelligence that predicted the meteoric rise of al-Qaida in Iraq terrorists who morphed into the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. It also the predicted failure of Obama’s foreign policy aimed at regime change in Syria.

In an overly redacted copy of a memorandum dated Sept. 12, 2012 — the day after the Benghazi  slaughter of four Americans including a U.S. ambassador — the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) reported to Hillary Clinton, then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, the White House National Security Council and the U.S. military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff that the Islamic terrorists planned their attack about 10 or more days prior to the slaughter that occurred on the day the U.S. acknowledged the 11th Anniversary of the attacks in New York, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania that killed about 3,000 people.

The terrorists intended to attack the sparsely protected U.S. diplomatic mission and to assassinate as many American officials as possible. The motive for the attack appeared to be revenge for U.S. killing of Abu Yahya al-Libi, a high-level Al Qaida terrorist killed by U.S. drone strikes in North Waziristan.

According to Judicial Watch’s analysis of the documents, the Benghazi attack was planned and perpetrated by members of the Brigades of the Captive Omar Abdul Rahman (BCOAR). BCOAR is also responsible for past attacks on the Red Cross in Benghazi and the attack on the British Ambassador, they have approximately 120 members.” Rahman [a/k/a “The Blind Sheik”] is currently locked up in a federal prison in New York for his role in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center which killed six people in New York. He is serving a life sentence.

The redacted DIA memo identified the leader of BCOAR as being Abdul Baset (AZUZ). The memo reveals that he was sent to Libya to “core” al-Qaida’s replacement for Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawhari, to being creating al-Qaeda bases and training camps in Libya. Baset is described as not being “a charismatic leader, but rather just a violent radical.” The memo also states that the majority of BCOAR’s members are “under the age of 28 with a large number between the ages of 17-21 years of age.”

The DIA reported that BCOAR built their headquarters and a training facility in Libyan city of Derna. “They train in the mountains surrounding Derna where they have large caches of weapons. Some of these weapons are disguised as feeding troughs for livestock. They have SA-7 and SA-23/4 MANPADS, as well as unidentified missiles over two meters in length,” the memo states.

Judicial Watch, a group that has been successful in breaching the government’s “stonewalls,” obtained the documents after U.S. District Court Judge Katanji Brown Jackson ordered their release after the watchdog group’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Department of Defense had been denied. Judicial Watch was then forced to file a lawsuit for the requested documents and related material.

The documents totally contradict statements made by Hillary Clinton and other national security and diplomatic officials appointed by President Obama about the Benghazi attack. They claim the murder of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, and the destruction of American property was a result of anger by Muslim civilians who were enraged by obscure YouTube video by an American filmmaker that denigrated the Muslim religion.

“These documents… point to [the] connection between the collapse in Libya and the ISIS war – and confirm that the U.S. knew remarkable details about the transfer of arms from Benghazi to Syrian jihadists,” stated Tom Fitton.

It wasn’t until faced with overwhelming evidence that President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other members of the administration finally conceded that the attack was perpetrated by a group of Islamic terrorists.

In response to the documents, Judicial Watch’s President Tom Fitton said, “These documents are jaw-dropping. No wonder we had to file more FOIA lawsuits and wait over two years for them. If the American people had known the truth – that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and other top administration officials knew that the Benghazi attack was an al-Qaida terrorist attack from the get-go – and yet lied and covered this fact up – Mitt Romney might very well be president. And why would the Obama administration continue to support the Muslim Brotherhood even after it knew it was tied to the Benghazi terrorist attack and to al Qaeda?”

“These documents also point to [the] connection between the collapse in Libya and the ISIS war – and confirm that the U.S. knew remarkable details about the transfer of arms from Benghazi to Syrian jihadists,” stated Tom Fitton. “These documents show that the Benghazi cover-up has continued for years and is only unraveling through our independent lawsuits. The Benghazi scandal just got a whole lot worse for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.”

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

Democratic Socialists Denounce Trump For Killing Iranian Terrorist

Kelleigh Nelson

We took action last night to stop a war. We did not take action to start a war.  —President Donald Trump

To defeat Islamic extremist terrorism, we must put them on defense. If they are at war against us – which they have declared – we must commit ourselves to unconditional victory against them.  —Rudy Giuliani

Fighting terrorism is not unlike fighting a deadly cancer. It can’t be treated just where it’s visible – every diseased cell in the body must be destroyed.  —David Hackworth, former U.S. Army Colonel and military journalist.

Islam is a political ideology…it definitely hides behind this notion of it being a religion, It’s like cancer…a malignant cancer in this case.  —Lt. General Michael T. Flynn (RTD)

Where does one even begin to expose the nest of vipers who are out to destroy America’s freedoms, liberties and sovereignty, and to make themselves rich while doing it. I’m not just talking about Islamic terrorism, but about the socialists in our Congress.

The Democratic Socialists and neo-con Trotskyite Republicans (they are Marxists as well) hate President Trump for disrupting their goal of the globalization of America, and the neutralization of her world leadership.  They’d rather have Communist Red China as the world leader and Iranian terrorism (funded by our government via Obama’s gift of billions of taxpayer dollars) than have a president who directs military force at the very head of the Islamic terrorist snake.  That same snake calls America the “Great Satan,” when in fact, they are the barbaric savages who represent the demons of hell.

While Iraqis, American and Iranian-Canadians dance in the street over Soleimani’s death, the Democratic Socialists condemn the fact that Trump and Pompeo protected our embassy and our people, unlike Obama and Hillary in Benghazi.  And Soleimani helped plan the attack on U.S. government facilities in Benghazi.  The U.S. strike also killed Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy commander of Iran-backed militias known as the Popular Mobilization Forces.  It was a laser-guided hellfire missile traveling 240 mph that took them out.

The Socialist Democrats, the mainstream media and the neo-cons in the Republican Party deceive Americans with their tongues and pens because they hate the man who has disrupted their globalist plans to ravage this country.  What they fail to understand is that when you wage war on Trump or the American people, Trump is going to wage war back.

Many politicians, both past and present have worked to lay waste to the founding precepts of this nation by those who fought to gain our freedoms.

Political Reactions to Soleimani’s Death

Despite Soleimani’s murder and torture of adults and children, he was lauded by our mainstream media as being “a brilliant military leader.” Fox News contributor Tammy Bruce commented, “Their instinct, like with al-Baghdadi’s death, is to try to cast these individuals as though they were like nice guys or maybe didn’t deserve this.”

Today’s Democratic Party and their cohorts in the media obviously don’t believe in the use of force against America’s enemies; just look at their penchant for open borders.  Their actions lead me and others to believe that the Socialist Democrats cannot be trusted to keep Americans safe.

Rand Paul says Trump should have gotten congressional approval and he disapproves of the GOP praise of terrorist Soleimani’s death.  Really Rand?  Did Obama get permission from Congress to take out bin Laden?  I believe he was lauded for doing so.  And another thing Rand, going to congress would have ended up warning this bloodthirsty terrorist that our military had him targeted.

And yes, there are leaks!

The Gateway Pundit reported that the Deep State is once again trying to damage President Trump with selective leaks to the left-wing media.  “Two ‘sources’ who had intelligence briefings (Obama holdovers) about the strike that killed Iranian military officials leaked portions of the briefings to the New York Times in order to push the narrative that President Trump authorized a drone strike that killed top Iran commander Soleimani with ‘razor thin’ evidence that an attack on American targets was imminent.”

Soleimani authorized and planned the attack on our Iraqi embassy, he was involved in Benghazi, he killed 700 American soldiers, and he murdered a thousand of his own Persians who were peacefully marching in Iran.  Escalating American attacks were planned.

In his testimony last July, U.S. Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford – now chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – attributed responsibility for over 500 U.S. military deaths to the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps–Quds Force and its commander, Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani. These deaths accounted for 14 percent of U.S. combat fatalities in Iraq.

“That blood is on Iran’s hands.”

Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Somali immigrant, suggested that Trump secretly carried out the strike to provide a “distraction” from the upcoming Senate impeachment trial.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi took a stand for brutal terrorist and Iranian general Qasem Soleimani, scolding President Donald Trump for taking a “disproportionate and provocative” hit on the terrorist.

Speaker Pelosi announced overnight that she plans on taking measures to potentially curb President Trump’s ability to conduct military operations against Iran.  Of course it never bothered her that Obama’s covert drone war comprising 536 strikes against Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen killed between 384 and 807 civilians.

Willard Mitt Romney surprisingly tweeted, “(Soleimani) had the blood of hundreds of American servicemen and women on his hands, and … was doubtlessly planning operations to further harm our citizens and allies. With ever-increasing challenges confronting us in the Middle East, it’s imperative that the U.S. and our allies articulate and pursue a coherent strategy for protecting our security interests in the region.”

Jeh Johnson, Obama’s former Homeland Security Secretary, was interviewed by Chuck Todd on Meet the Press and what he said has been ignored by the rest of the mainstream media.  Johnson said, “If you believe everything that our government is saying about General Soleimani, he was a lawful military objective, and the president, under his constitutional authority as commander in chief, had ample domestic legal authority to take him out without an additional congressional authorization. Whether he was a terrorist or a general in a military force that was engaged in armed attacks against our people, he was a lawful military objective.”  Link

Ahh yes, there’s a new sheriff in town, one who protects his people.

Joe Lieberman, former Senator (D-CT) wrote in Monday’s WSJ, “President Trump’s order to take out Soleimani was morally, constitutionally, and strategically correct.  It deserves more bipartisan support than the begrudging or negative reactions it has received thus far from my fellow Democrats.”

He even asked his fellow Democrats, ““What the hell are you doing? You’re siding with enemies of this country.”

Alan M. Dershowitz, (Democrat) wrote in Monday’s WSJ, “It was an easy call, the strike on Soleimani was lawful.  While reasonable people can debate the wisdom of killing Iranian Maj. Gen. Soleimani, there is little doubt that President Trump acted lawfully, under both domestic and international law in ordering his death.  The president has the constitutional authority to take military actions, short of declaring war, that he and his advisors deem necessary to protect American citizens.  This authority is extremely broad, especially when the actions must, by their nature, be kept secret from the intended target.”

David Petraeus, Obama’s former CIA Director and retired General was interviewed on Face the Nation. He said, “It’s impossible to overstate the significance of the attack that takes out Qasem Soleimani, and the number two militia leader in Iraq as well, who also never dared to set foot in Iraq during the surge after we missed him and he escaped. So, this is bigger than bin Laden. It’s bigger than Baghdadi.”

Reagan and Obama

Ruth King’s blog, Ruthfully Yours, reminds us…

What was the response of President Ronald Reagan to the terrorist bombing of the United States Marine barracks in 1983?

On October 23, 1983  a suicide bomber detonated a truck bomb at a building serving as barracks for the 1st Battalion 8th Marines (Battalion Landing Team – BLT 1/8) of the 2nd Marine Division, killing 220 Marines, 18 sailors and 3 soldiers, making this incident the deadliest single-day death toll for the United States in peacetime. It was no secret that the attack had been carried out by Hezbollah.

Furthermore, the evacuation of the wounded was poorly organized and executed. Trauma centers in Israel, arguably the best in the world and in Cyprus were minutes away by helicopter, but instead transports took them to Europe base hospitals several hours away. A Pentagon commission many years later was critical of those decisions.

Three-and-a-half months after the bombing and after repeatedly pledging not to do so, President Reagan ordered the withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Lebanon. Reagan never retaliated against Hezbollah or their Iranian and Syrian sponsors responsible for the bombings, a position widely endorsed by senior military officials. That’s called cut and run.

President Donald Trump did not do that.

President Obama actually foiled the plan of Israel to assassinate Soleimani in 2015.  Tyler O’Neill of PJ Media writes,

When President Donald Trump gave the order to kill Iran’s Quds Force leader Qasem Soleimani, he not only made an arguably proportionate response to the invasion of the U.S. Embassy this week but he also reversed a policy of the Obama administration. According to a report from 2018, Israel was “on the verge” of assassinating Soleimani in 2015, but Obama’s officials foiled the plan. In fact, they reached out to Iran with news of Israel’s plans.

The Trump administration, on the other hand, gave Israel a green light to assassinate Soleimani, according to a January 1, 2018 report from the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida. The paper quoted a source in Jerusalem as saying that “there is an American-Israeli agreement” that Soleimani is a “threat to the two countries’ interests in the region.”

Iran’s Threats

Endless provocations and law breaking by the Iranian’s with dozens of recent attacks on Americans was the final straw for our President.  When Iran threatened to attack the White House after America silenced their terrorist leader, the President told them that he has a list of 52 targets in Iran should the Islamic Republic attempt to take revenge on the U.S. for its elimination of Qasem Soleimani.  President Trump did not identify the targets but added that they would be “HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD.”

Iran has promised revenge for the death of their terrorist leader.

On January 5, 2020, the Iranian Regime offered an $80 million bounty for anyone who brings in the head of President Donald Trump for killing Qasem Soleimani.

In early 2016, Barack Hussein Obama sent them pallets of cash in unmarked cargo planes totaling $400 million. Tehran then released four Americans who were being held. (payoff) Obama then sent an additional $1.3 billion as payment on “estimated interest” of Iranian cash the U.S. had allegedly been holding since the 70s.  American taxpayer dollars given to Iran by Obama can be used for the bounty on President Trump’s head.


The Democrats, including the 2020 presidential candidates, are now all fearful of retaliation by Iran, claiming Trump has thrown a stick of dynamite into a powder keg. Several of our allies are reacting in the same manner…Germany, England, and France, are showing weakness rather than strength. Little tiny Israel is standing firm with our President.

Our military, at the direction of our Commander in Chief, parted the head of the snake from its terrorist body. Donald Trump and our military have made the world a safer place. Yet, the Democratic Party refuses to give him kudos; instead, they manufacture fear for the nation claiming the fallout from Soleimani’s death will endanger our nation.

As long as President Trump is in our White House, I’m not worried about Iran.

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© 2020 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Another CIA Face for Anti-Trump Resistance

Cliff Kincaid

A so-called “former CIA analyst” is leading House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s effort to stop President Trump from taking further military action against Iran’s top terrorist leaders. Her name is Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.) and she says that she “participated in countless conversations on how to respond to Qassem Soleimani’s violent campaigns across the region.” In other words, she’s all talk, no action.

Now that Trump has acted, authorizing the killing of this terror master, the Pelosi argument is that Trump must be stopped and Iran’s other top terrorist leaders must be saved, so they can scheme against America in comfort and security. Slotkin is the CIA face for this effort. Pelosi is counting on people to think the title “CIA analyst” carries some credibility.

This is a twofer for Pelosi. A CIA analyst sparked impeachment, and another CIA analyst will now save Iran from Trump.

Pelosi has announced that a War Powers Resolution in the House to tie Trump’s hands will be led by Congresswoman Slotkin, whose bio says, “She was recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to be a Middle East analyst and went on to devote her career to protecting the United States from national security threats. In her role at the CIA, Rep. Slotkin worked alongside the U.S. military during three tours in Iraq as a militia expert.”

Being an analyst and actually protecting the U.S. from national security threats are two different things. Iraq was liberated by American troops but the Bush and Obama Administrations looked the other way as Shia Iran expanded into Iraq and took control. That, in turn, sparked the creation of ISIS, a Sunni group and al Qaeda off-shoot. That is what got us into the current mess. It’s another problem inherited by Trump. He took care of ISIS. Now Iran is the main problem.

Regarding Soleimani (also spelled Suleimani), Slotkin seems to understand what has happened. Her Twitter account declares, “I watched friends and colleagues get hurt or killed by Iranian rockets, mortars and explosive devices that were provided to Iraqi proxies and used against U.S. forces under Soleimani’s guidance. We watched as his power increased and he brought strength and capability to groups in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen, and to smaller cells around the Middle East and the world, with devastating consequences.”

The operative term is “watched.” Suleimani traveled throughout the region, flying in and out of international airports, and the CIA watched. It looks like Trump finally acted on the intelligence that the CIA or some other agency had provided about his whereabouts. Until Trump, our other leaders just “watched.”

This Iranian carried the title of “General” but he was really just a terrorist kingpin, no different than the thugs who run Mexican drug cartels and murder anyone who gets in their way. He answered to the Iranian Ayatollah, the phony man of God whose religious regime took over the country when the pathetic President Jimmy Carter abandoned the pro-Western Shah of Iran.

Slotkin said, “If you worked on the Middle East over the past 20 years, you dealt with the growing organization and sophistication of Soleimani’s covert and overt military activities, which have contributed to significant destabilization across the region.”

What she is saying is that CIA paper-pushers and scribblers have been watching this develop for 20 years and the threat has grown to the point where Iraq has been lost to Iran and the entire region has been destabilized.  Along the way the Bush and Barack Hussein Obama Administrations did nothing about Iran’s growing power and influence, making the one-time “liberation” of Iraq into another debacle that cost our nation trillions of dollars and thousands of lives.

It has been one intelligence and policy failure on top of another.

Of course, the problem was exacerbated by Obama’s official policy of giving the Iranians billions of dollars and lifting sanctions, allowing the regime precious time to develop a nuclear weapon. Trump reversed all of this.

In the words of former Obama CIA Director David Petraeus, “Suleimani was the architect and operational commander of the Iranian effort to solidify control of the so-called Shia crescent, stretching from Iran to Iraq through Syria into southern Lebanon. He is responsible for providing explosives, projectiles, and arms and other munitions that killed well over 600 American soldiers and many more of our coalition and Iraqi partners just in Iraq, as well as in many other countries such as Syria.”

Until Trump acted, Slotkin added, “What always kept both Democratic and Republican presidents from targeting Soleimani himself was the simple question: Was the strike worth the likely retaliation, and the potential to pull us into protracted conflict?” This was the rationale for more watching and doing nothing.

Let’s understand that Iran is waging a war on American troops and the people in the region and America’s leaders did nothing about the architect of that mayhem until Trump. And because American leaders did nothing, the media now echo the cries of analysts that Iran is too powerful to do anything about and that we can still do nothing because they promise to hit us. All we can do is wait for their development of an Iranian nuclear bomb.

This is the kind of CIA “analysis” that makes an objective observer wonder if the agency is worth saving. Perhaps we need intelligence agencies that act to protect Americans rather than sit back and watch.

Fortunately, America has a friend in the Middle East called Israel and this nation understands the threat far better than Slotkin and her fellow CIA analysts because its own survival is at stake. The threat grows day by day. Senior Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards commander Gholamali Abuhamzeh says that “Some 35 U.S. targets in the region, as well as Tel Aviv, are within our reach.”

With Slotkin and the House of Representatives threatening to tie Trump’s hands, it’s time for Israel to take the lead. Pelosi’s War Powers Resolution won’t apply to Israel.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

Warning About the “Best Economy in Fifty Years”

Devvy Kidd

“To preserve the faith of the nation by an exact discharge of its debts and contracts, expend the public money with the same care and economy we would practice with our own, and impose on our citizens no unnecessary burden… are the landmarks by which we are to guide ourselves in all our proceedings.” —Thomas Jefferson: 2nd Annual Message, 1802. ME 3:348

Well, here we are again.

Stock market is ‘on fire’. Record highs!

Lowest unemployment for just about everyone.

Two chickens in every pot!

As I’ve written before, I know President Trump is trying to give people hope across the land with positive messages about the economy and jobs. He also wants to get reelected so maintaining a rosy picture is vital.  After all, the majority of adults in this country have NO idea the problem with the “Federal” Reserve, how employment stats splashed around are cooked up, the massive ‘repo’ loans to banks being shoveled by the “Fed” or the debt bomb cooking. As long as they get a paycheck to continue spending themselves into debt, hey – don’t rain on my parade.

Can someone please tell me how debt, public or private, is prosperity? The world debt is estimated to be about $260 TRILLION dollars. OUR purse, the people’s treasury is OVERDRAWN $23 TRILLION dollars and climbing.

The pay-as-you go- Ponzi schemes, Medicare and Social Security are drowning in unfunded liabilities:

Social Security: $15.1 TRILLION and counting

Medicare: $79 TRILLION and counting

Right there you have $94 TRILLION in debt. Add the $23 TRILLION ‘national debt’ created by both parties in Congress and we have the perfect storm for disaster. Not to mention the red flags all over the place that, sadly, the American people either don’t know about or, I guess, feel it has nothing to with them.

Let me clarify this a little so people can understand what ‘unfunded liabilities’ means because it affects all of us, our children and grandchildren – AND your retirement.

Unfunded Liabilities Definition and Basics

“In finance and economics, a liability is a legal obligation of a person, organization or government entity to pay a debt arising from a past or current transaction or action. In brief, a liability is a claim on the debtor’s current or future assets. An unfunded liability is a liability that does not have current or projected assets to cover the liability; therefore it is said to be unfunded.

Examples of Unfunded Liabilities: U.S. Government and Pensions

“In reference to the U.S. government a prime example of an unfunded liability is Social Security. When Social Security was first implemented by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1935, there were more than enough payees (working taxpayers) to support the number of Social Security beneficiaries (retirees). In 1940, the ratio of payees to beneficiaries was 159 to one. Today the ratio of workers to beneficiaries is less than three to one. Medicare has a similar problem with unfunded liabilities. (A note from me: Keep murdering millions of unborn babies who won’t grow into adults and pay into the system. Well, let’s allow the U.S. to be invaded with tens of millions of illegal aliens and get them into the system to prop it up.)

“Another example of unfunded liabilities is with pension plans. For example, state pension plans reportedly have more than $6 trillion in unfunded liabilities. The worst states include California, New York, Illinois, Ohio and Texas. A pension plan is a retirement benefit sponsored and fully funded by an employer on behalf of their employees.”

The federal employees pension plan right now is $289 BILLION and counting. Considering the treasury is empty and you can only squeeze so much blood from a rock, pray tell where is all this “money” going to come from?

Who cares? I’ve got my IPhone/Smart Phone to spend countless, wasted hours on like a zombie. I got a great deal at some big box store Christmas eve for the big screen TV, beer is cold, sales are on and yippee-kayee! Pass the marijuana please!

How did the government accomplish this magic? In my column back on March 24, 2014, unfunded liabilities for Medicare was $89 TRILLION dollars.  So, the feds are telling us they reduced the unfunded liabilities by $10 TRILLION dollars in six years? How do you do that? Sure as Hell isn’t from Medicare taxes. And, since the treasury is broke…

Let me point out a very important reality about social security. Truth must prevail over fear.

Social Security’s looming $32 trillion shortfall, August , 2016 – This is a very important read because like 99% of articles you read about social security, they always talk about the SS trust fund. A digitally created trust fund (the old days it was ledgers) which invests in treasuries and other financial areas.

Congressionally Duped Americans

“A year after the Social Security Act’s passage, it was challenged in the U.S. Supreme Court, in Helvering v. Davis. The court held that Social Security is not an insurance program, saying, “The proceeds of both employee and employer taxes are to be paid into the Treasury like any other internal revenue generally, and are not earmarked in any way.

“In a 1960 case, Flemming v. Nestor, the Supreme Court held, “To engraft upon the Social Security system a concept of ‘accrued property rights’ would deprive it of the flexibility and boldness in adjustment to ever-changing conditions which it demands.”

“Decades after Americans had been duped into thinking that the money taken from them was theirs, the Social Security Administration belatedly — and very quietly — tried to clean up its history of deception. Its website explains, “Entitlement to Social Security benefits is not (a) contractual right.” It adds: “There has been a temptation throughout the program’s history for some people to suppose that their FICA payroll taxes entitle them to a benefit in a legal, contractual sense…. Congress clearly had no such limitation in mind when crafting the law.” The Social Security Administration failed to mention that it was the SSA itself, along with Congress, that created the lie that “the checks will come to you as a right.” (Do take time to read the full column at the link above.)

Now consider this: General Revenue & the Social Security Trust Funds, August 19, 2014

“Direct transfers from the General Fund: The general fund has occasionally reimbursed the Social Security Trust Funds in specific cases to compensate it for policy changes that would otherwise lower its balance.

“Interest paid on Social Security bonds: The Social Security Trust Funds currently contain $2.8 trillion of assets, mainly as a result of significant surpluses in the 1990s and 2000s.”

If the fund had $2.8 trillion in assets in 2014, where are they going to get the dough to fund the current UN-funded bills at $15 TRILLION and climbing as millions of seniors continue to retire?

Reading further down: “Importantly, interest paid from general revenue to the trust funds is money the rest of the federal government owes the trust funds.” Why was this Ponzi scheme set up that way by Congress? Well, because as a tax it has to go into the general fund of the U.S. Treasury. The bigger question is what is backing SS in terms of real money? Think about that.

Going back to the booming economy issue, we’ve been here before. As a matter of fact, what’s boiling right now has a long history. The crashes, the booms, the busts and killing us with inflation. Back on October 6, 2006, I wrote a column about the Dow’s phony record highs. Back then, our government had to borrow $2.2 BILLION dollars every day to pay the bills. Today it’s over $4 BILLION in borrowed debt every day slapped on We the People.

Regular readers know I’ve been advocating since 1993 to abolish the unconstitutional “Federal” Reserve Banking Act of 1913. Fiat currency and debt as well as inflation, deflation, stagnation, recessions and collapses ARE created by that monster.

Way back in 2005, I as well as so many with 30, 40, 50 years of experience, began warning people a crash was coming. A housing bubble was filling up with hot air and sooner or later it would burst. Right along with banks. Most of us agreed it would be late 2007 or by summer 2008. Right on schedule with ignorant asses in Congress folding like a house of cards when the tsunami hit.

The fake $700 billion bail out/rescue plan – I want you to bookmark and read my column. It’s very important we look back because the same fate is staring us in the mirror. Not to mention the hubris in simply making up a $ amount.

One quote: “One of the individuals in the caucus today talked about a major insurance company — a major insurance company — one with a name that everyone knows that’s on the verge of going bankrupt. That’s what this is all about.” Sen. Harry Reid, October 1, 2008; he then back tracked realizing what the big gap on the front of his face let loose.”

Those fools in Congress had NO clue how to stop the hemorrhaging and the ones who did were pushed aside by their ignorant, stupid colleagues. “No one knows what to do. We are in new territory here. This is a different game. We’re not here playing soccer, basketball or football, this is a new game and we’re going to have to figure out how to do it.” Sen. Harry Reid [D-NV], September 17, 2008

Say, isn’t that why the voters in Nevada elected dirty Harry? Because he didn’t know what he was doing?

Americans have suffered horribly but still, they continue to ignore the real numbers and warning signs.

I don’t know who is advising Trump on the economy, but whoever it is needs to be fired. When this new collapse hits, Trump will be blamed. People always blame a president regardless of party. They know nothing about the issue but a president is a good target – especially when egged on by the media and the other party.

Do you know what the term ‘melt up’ means in terms of the stock market? Oh, all the big houses like Morgan Stanley are telling us everything is hunky-dory. Wages are up, production is up. Hoorah! Really?

I spent even more time over this past summer and Christmas vacation (I’m a part-time substitute teacher) studying this ‘melt up’ and what it means and past history. Yeah, it’s a learning thing and no, I don’t own stocks. What I do know is the worst is underway because the solution – abolishing the “Fed” -was never even whispered back in 2008 and so the patient is now comatose on the table.

1929, 2000 (That would be the Dot.com Internet bubble of the 90s), 2008, 2019. I’ve been studying ‘melt up’ charts and history and these two-year runs without exception end up going south. 2020 looks like a pile of dynamite. Whether it goes off mid-2020 or later this year, can so many individuals who analyze the markets with so many hundreds of years of experience (add them all up) be so wrong? I don’t think so as I’ve been ‘following’ them for decades. They might be a few months or a year off but they have been accurate.

But, how can that be with so many people working? Just because people are working doesn’t mean they are spending and using what to spend? Credit cards, bank loans, reverse mortgages. Debt and more debt. Debt is not prosperity. Besides it’s not just individual spending. It’s also government, state and federal. How much cash are big corporations holding and not investing back into their operations? How much debt is now held by corporations across the country?

Michael Snyder is a thorough researcher. December 31, 2019. “U.S. corporations are now close to 10 trillion dollars in debt. Total corporate debt has now reached 47 percent of U.S. GDP.  That is the highest level in our history.

“Total U.S. household debt is about to cross the 14 trillion dollar mark.  A study that was recently released found that 70 percent of all Americans are struggling financially right now.  A recent survey found that more than two-thirds of all U.S. households “are preparing for a possible recession”.  48 million Americans still have holiday debt from last year.”

It isn’t just monopolies like Amazon killing off retail giants and malls. People don’t have enough disposable income to keep shopping. Like for a new car: U.S. Auto Sales: Decimated In Disastrous And Dismal December, Jan. 4, 2020

Complete list of retail outlets closed in 2019 and additional closings – about 9,300 stores.

No money to spend. Not after we’re all taxed to death and for seniors, double taxing of your SS benefits. Or, working people with massive student loan debts. Another tragedy for another column. It’s also people like me who are spending only what I need for living. I know what’s coming.

I’ve put together a few pieces for you to read I consider critical in understanding what’s staring us in the face.

Greyerz – This Will Cause The Big Financial And Economic Collapse In Coming Years, Dec. 21, 2019

The developed world is on the brink of a financial, economic, social and political crisis

Robertson: The Fed’s Monetary Magic: “So, if investors want to join (or remain in) the stock rally, they should do so with the full knowledge that they are playing with fire.

Alasdair Macleod’s Gold Outlook For 2020, Jan 4, 2020: “At the core of current market distortions is a combination of interest rate suppression and banking regulation. It is unnecessary to belabour the point about interest rates, because minimal and even negative rates have demonstrably failed to stimulate anything other than asset prices into bubble territory. But there is a woeful lack of appreciation about the general direction of monetary policy and where it is headed.

“The stated intention is the opposite of reality, which is not to rescue the economy: while important, from a bureaucrat’s point of view that is not the greatest priority. It is to ensure that governments are never short of funds. Inflationary financing guarantees the government will always be able to spend, and government-licenced banks exist to ensure the government always has access to credit.

“Unbeknown to the public, the government licences the banks to conduct their business in a way which for an unlicensed organisation is legally fraudulent. The banks create credit or through their participation in QE they facilitate the creation of base money out of thin air which is added to their reserves. It transfers wealth from unsuspecting members of the public to the government, crony capitalists, financial speculators and consumers living beyond their means. The government conspires with its macroeconomists to supress the evidence of rising prices by manipulating the inflation statistics. So successful has this scheme of deception been, that by fuelling GDP, monetary debasement is presented as economic growth, with very few in financial mainstream understanding the deceit.

“The government monopoly of issuing money, and through their regulators controlling the expansion of credit, was bound to lead to progressively greater abuse of monetary trust. And now, in this last credit cycle, the consumer who is also the producer has had his income and savings so depleted by continuing monetary debasement that he can no longer generate the taxes to balance his government’s books later in the credit cycle.”

Ah, yes. Keep printing the worthless currency We the People are forced to rent with interest. Make sure the crooks and liars in Congress – both parties – have enough to keep spending us into poverty and shame on President Trump for signing these massive budgets; budgets drowning in unconstitutional spending.

2019 budget – Did YOUR Congress critter vote for this? $17,000,000 for the Asia Foundation, which is “committed to improving lives across a dynamic and developing Asia.” Just one of hundreds of expenditures that are simply raping We the People and dumping on the Constitution.

47 Percent Of GDP – This Is Definitely The Scariest Corporate Debt Bubble In U.S. History, Dec. 2, 2019

5 More Signs That The Global Economy Is Careening Toward A Recession, Nov. 26, 2019: “Corporate earnings have been falling quarter after quarter, auto loan delinquencies just hit a record high, the Cass Freight Index has declined for 11 consecutive months, and we just witnessed the largest drop for U.S. industrial production since 2009.  Everywhere around us there is bad economic news, but most Americans are still completely oblivious to what is happening.

“In this article, I am going to share even more evidence that a global economic slowdown has already begun.  When you add these numbers to all of the other numbers that I have been sharing in recent weeks, it becomes impossible to deny that something major is taking place.” (Rest at link)

As I have recommended so many times, John Williams web site is required reading at least once a week. His year end:

“Before European Markets Shut Down for the Holiday, New Year’s Eve Flight from the U.S. Dollar and Stocks into Gold Foreshadowed U.S. Market Trends Likely to Unfold in the Year Ahead
Heavily Touted Perfect Economy and Financial Markets Face Deepening Turmoil in 2020, Thanks Largely to Federal Reserve Gross Negligence
Signals of Deteriorating Economic Conditions Have Intensified, With Standardly Happy Headline Numbers, Such as Consumer Income, Faltering Anew
As the Budget Deficit Explodes Amidst Uncontained Federal Spending, the U.S. Government Faces Long-Range Insolvency and/or Hyperinflation
The Congress, the Executive Branch and the Federal Reserve All Are Culpable, Twiddling Their Thumbs in Complacent Silence”

Williams’ breaks down the real numbers on unemployment. The majority of Americans have no idea how our dear government massages categories and numbers to come up with “low unemployment rate Dec. 2019 is 3.5%”. Really? The ShadowStats Alternate Unemployment Rate for November 2019 is 20.9%. (Alternative Unemployment Measurement)

Dr. Edwin Vieira has been relentless for many, many decades on the “Fed”, debasing our currency, central banks and the only real solution left. Meaning we are sailing over the cliff in slow motion so auditing the “Fed” is a nice idea but ain’t gonna save anyone’s bacon. While there are so many columns and speeches I could list by Edwin, this series outlines the problem and provides the only constitutional, workable solution: A Cross of Gold

In closing, Americans: proceed with caution. State legislatures are ignoring the solution and CON-gress doesn’t want the solution because they would not be able to continue borrowing from the candy store for trillions of dollars in unconstitutional spending. Every penny is DEBT we are forced to pay.

The primaries are coming up soon. Sure as I’m sitting at my desk, uninformed, ignorant Americans are going to vote for the same incumbent who has brought this Hell right to their doorstep and then expect things to change. Hopefully, I’ll be wrong, but as Patrick Henry said, “I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past.”

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions”. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2020 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net


House Votes to ‘Enhance the Border Security’ of Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt and Tunisia–Not the USA, Nov. 6, 2019 (Not one penny for our Southern border)

A nightmare from the past. Sadly, history will probably repeat itself because CON-gress refuses to cut off the head of the beast.

Freddie & Fannie unconstitutional bail out using what?, July 7, 2008

Bailouts: the wound that will keep on hemorrhaging, Sept. 25, 2008

Israel Should Get Ready to Obliterate Tehran

Cliff Kincaid

Obama’s CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus told Foreign Policy magazine that Iranian general and top terrorist leader Qassem Suleimani was “responsible for providing explosives, projectiles, and arms and other munitions that killed well over 600 American soldiers and many more of our coalition and Iraqi partners just in Iraq, as well as in many other countries such as Syria.” So why did it take so long for the U.S. to kill him?

We are seeing stories about how Iran may retaliate against America over his death. But why did Obama fail to retaliate over the deaths his own CIA director has documented?

Once again, our media have assumed a knee-jerk posture against Trump, blaming him for taking long-overdue action. He inherited the problem of Iran. Obama’s pro-Muslim approach was to appease Iran and pay them off.  Trump ended that policy.

By questioning what Iran may do, our media take the side of Iran, ignoring what this fanatical religious regime has already done to hundreds of our servicemembers. In addition to the more than 600 dead cited previously, we have evidence that, on October 23, 1983, ​Iran ordered and carried out the suicide bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Lebanon, killing 241 American military personnel. The CIA got a warning about what was going to happen but failed to provide it to military authorities in time.

In short, Iran has already carried out numerous acts of war against the U.S.

But our media don’t care about American dead. They worry about the survival of the Iranian regime as its crimes are exposed. They want the Iranians to have a nuclear bomb to counter our friend and ally Israel.

Suleimani headed the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force, a U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization. A State Department fact sheet issued in April 2019 gave a more detailed account of the deaths attributed to this organization. It said, “The Iranian regime is responsible for the deaths of at least 603 American service members in Iraq since 2003. This accounts for 17% of all deaths of U.S. personnel in Iraq from 2003 to 2011, and is in addition to the many thousands of Iraqis killed by the IRGC’s proxies.”

As we saw in the Petraeus quote cited earlier, these facts aren’t disputed. Indeed, the media know for a fact that Soleimani was a terrorist killer. They’re just upset that Trump finally took action to terminate him. They know this exposes Obama’s lack of action. So their present course is to warn of Iranian retaliation against America over something America should have done many years ago.

In a knee-jerk fashion, the left is mobilizing against Trump’s decision to kill an anti-American terrorist leader. Protests have been planned in American cities by such communist-front groups as the ANSWER Coalition, headed by veteran Marxist operative Brian Becker.

We know whose side he’s on. But his Marxist “analysis” will be repeated in a different form by the major media in the weeks and months ahead as the machinery of the United Nations will be brought to bear on the Trump Administration. Agnès Callamard, the U.N. special rapporteur on extrajudicial killing, has said the attack violated international human rights law. That’s right: the “human rights” of this terrorist killer of more than 600 Americans were somehow violated because he was held accountable for his crimes!

If the U.N. and its International Criminal Court had any credibility, they would have already charged and prosecuted the Iranian regime for crimes against humanity. But we know whose side they’re on.

If the U.N. persists in making this an issue, Trump should up the ante by announcing a complete and total withdrawal of the United States from the world body. The U.N. wouldn’t survive without our money. This bloated organization, with a $67.8 billion pension fund for the benefit of its own bureaucrats, should survive on its own – and somewhere else.

There is a danger of retaliation from Iran. But that’s why American taxpayers spend over $80 billion a year on 17 intelligence and law enforcement agencies. As we have seen over the last three years, some of these intelligence agencies would rather investigate Trump than protect the American people from real threats. If Americans get hit here or abroad, it’s because these agencies are not doing their job. It’s because they hire people with left-wing political agendas and waste money and resources.

Anybody who has confidence in the FBI should watch the Clint Eastwood film, “Richard Jewell,” about how the Bureau fingered the wrong man for a terrorist bombing. (Our media didn’t like the movie because it made the FBI-enablers in the media look bad.)

Tragically, with the history of intelligence failures, including 9/11, we have to accept the possibility that the Iranian regime will hit America, that the intelligence agencies will fail to protect our people, and that the media will then blame Trump.

If Iran does hit our people again, as a result of incompetence by the intelligence community, Trump should ignore the U.S. Congress and the U.N. and instead turn to his friend Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and urge the Israelis to obliterate the Iranian regime in Tehran. By promising Israel military support, Trump avoids a no-win war that would bog down America. Israel will not wage a no-win war in the region because its survival depends on total victory. That’s the better option for Trump. The left will scream but the region and the world will be better off.

Whatever the future holds, a dangerous terrorist kingpin has been eliminated from the face of the earth, and justice has been served. The world is a better place. It will be even better when Suleimani is joined in hell by his revolutionary comrades.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

At The Appointed Hour 2020: What Is America Doing To Itself?

Frosty Wooldridge

Like a brand-spanking shiny new dime, 2020 offers America’s leaders a chance to correct a lot of wrongs against her citizens. Let’s review the most important items our U.S. Congress and this president need to solve.

First of all, we need to withdraw ALL our troops and bases out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and all other places in Africa and the Middle East. They don’t want us there. Iraq passed a resolution for us to vacate their country. We’ve wasted tens of thousands of our young men’s and women’s lives in the past 19 years. We’ve killed countless thousands of people in their own countries. We’ve wasted $6 trillion that could have been spent in America for Americans.  Since 2001, we accomplished absolutely nothing to maintain our own safety or theirs.

Whether it’s the Taliban or insurgents or Al Qaeda—they are a bunch of mostly drug-addicted goat herders or sand rats in their own countries.  Just leave them alone, let them be and get the hell out of their regions.  The U.S. Military Industrial Complex created this entire war-hoax funded by the American taxpayers’ wallet.

Let all those crazy, violence-prone religious nut-bags and their violent cultures have at it in their own countries. Let them figure it out or not. Just pay them for their oil and let them kill each other or create peace as they understand it.  Not one more U.S. soldier needs to lose her or her life, or limbs in that most insane part of the world.

Second, stop all immigration into the USA for 20 years.  We need to get our house in order before we add the projected 30 million more immigrants by 2030.  We need to stop importing incompatible and violent religions that carry no respect for women’s rights, animal rights, free choice of dress, free choice of religion and freedom to choose one’s spouse.  We all know that religion and what it does to degrade anyone it touches.

We do not need any more immigrants coming from countries that add 83 million more people, net gain, annually.  We’re being inundated by their cultures, their languages, their religions and their world views.  They aren’t Americans and they don’t want to be Americans.  They’re here for the free ride. Or, to change us to be like them.  Help them in their own countries, because, in the end, if they won’t practice birth control, no amount of immigration will save them as they add three billion more of themselves in the next 30 years.  It’s absolutely insane to let them turn our country into what they created and fled in their countries.

Stop all illegal immigration by enforcing existing laws: US Code 8, Section 1324–it’s illegal to employ, transport or house anyone illegally in our country. Fine of $2,000 per illegal and up to 5 years in jail.  Arrest employers, prosecute and jail them.  Take all benefits such as schooling, medical care, food stamps and housing away from illegal aliens and their children.  Once they have no standing or means to stay in this country, they may leave on their own dime.

Along with their sobering overpopulation levels, we do not want to add the projected 140 million more people to our country in 30 years to reach 440 million people. It’s simply national suicide if we continue on this path.

Vote a bill onto the 14th Amendment to stop the 300,000 women who birth their babies illegally on our soil annually and claim birthright citizenship.  It’s a travesty against our citizens to pay for those babies, their mothers and their education K-12.  We’re tired of it.

Third, we MUST create an educational system to educate our ghettos where 7 out of 10 children arrive without fathers.   Our elite educators need to create educational systems such as separate boys and girls schools, mandatory discipline protocols, highly paid teachers and nutritional care.

As robots become more dominate in the work force, we need to create jobs for low intellectual horsepower kids that may be redundant, yet pay a living wage.  One note: all smart phones must be checked at the door before kids come into the school building.

We must move students into vocational tech schools such as electrical, plumbing, woodshop, carpentry, cooking, mechanics, transportation and the like.

Fourth, we need a complete nutritional-exercise overhaul of food offerings in our food stores, fast food joints, our schools and our lives.  Let’s face it.  Seven out of ten Americans face being fat to grossly obese.  We need to mandate all the junk food places like Wendy’s, McDonald’s, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Little Caesar’s, White Castle and others to stop selling the crap food they sell to unknowing buyers.  And, mandate healthy, nutritional choices for all customers.  It starts in the schools where healthy meals must be offered and not the sugary, caffeinated, chemicalized junk they receive in the lunch lines across this country.

We need to offer exercise classes as a regular and normal part of every citizen’s daily routine.  Swimming pools with classes, bicycle riding classes, Zumba classes, yoga classes, weightlifting, track, tennis, racquetball and just about every athletic activity possible for our young citizens in the making.

Fifth, we must move farmers away from Monsanto-Bayer-Dow Chemical’s poisoning our foods with sprays on the tops of crops or injected into the ground where they grow, or those God-forsaken GMO foods that contaminate and poison the entire natural world—along with us when we eat those Frankenstein foods.  We need to mandate organic farming, organic foods and return to natural pest control with the correct combinations of flowers and crop rotations.

Sixth, stop all foreign aid to countries that do not like us, nor does that aid reach the poor people of their countries.  Foreign aid: taking money from the poor people of a rich nation and giving it to the rich people of a poor nation.  It does NOTHING to improve those people in those countries.

Seventh, we need to move away from fossil fuels and toward any and every alternative energy: wave, river, geothermal, wind, water and anything natural.

Eighth, we need to take our $23 trillion debt and start reducing it before it reduces us to complete economic meltdown.

Yes, we face dozens of other challenges.  Write me and let me know what other ideas I can submit into the public viewing.  frostyw@juno.com

Happy New Year 2020 and God help us to make through this year in one piece.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Billy Graham, Mark Galli And Christianity Today

Rev. Austin Miles

After four attacks on me published on and by the magazine, Christianity Today (CT), I called Editor Mark Galli and asked, “What would Billy Graham think of you using the magazine he founded to trash ministers? The reply? “Billy Graham had nothing to do with the founding of Christianity Today.” How’s that again? I kid you not. In one sense they use Billy Graham to further their rag mag, then deny him when convenient.

I met Mark Galli at a Christian conference. He thought I had knowledge of a minister he planned to trash in the next issue. I had no knowledge of that minister to share. Actually I did but felt restrained from sharing any harmful info that Galli wanted to exploit.

Their entire operation of CT was and is deceptive. How many times have you found a clickbait story, began to read it, and just when it became interesting a notice would pop up stating: “To read the entire story, subscribe to Christianity Today and then they mentioned the price to send them in order to read the rest of the story. To me this was like an amateur mafia.

The attacks on me by CT were contrived by Chuck Colson-yes, THAT Chuck Colson– immediately following my feature story about 7th grade students in public schools now required to take a course on Islam shortly after 9/11. A teacher contacted me and showed me the class materials for the course, showing clearly that this was not simply studying history as the Board of Education’s noses extended (think of Pinocchio), but it was out and out recruitment for Islamic warriors. I immediately made a copy of those lesson plans and handouts and the story I wrote brought tremendous world wide response.

Colson, led me to believe that he was a friend. We visited often at various Christian Conferences and conventions where he always greeted me with a big,” Hey–Hi” and a slap on the back. He wrote those stories against me for CT, suggesting a hatred for Muslims.

So I did some additional research. It turns out that Colson had started a Muslim outreach in the prisons and was about to receive a huge grant for that project. Guess he figured that I stood in the way of his grant by exposing how they were able to teach Islam in the public Schools and stimulating some public pushback which would kill his grant. I called Colson’s office to ask for an explanation and his right hand staff were incredibly rude. They refused to let me talk with Colson.

Then a Rev. Michael Brown wrote a headline story about me for CT stating that I wrote fake news. WHAT??? I have great resources in both D.C. and Hollywood and know how to find information. Not only that I studied journalism at Los Medanos College in California where we were instructed how to verify information.

Next, Mark Galli, editor of Christianity today, wrote a scathing piece of garbage knocking President Trump with every invented accusation that could be gathered to turn people’s minds against him. I will not quote his rag trash so as not to get his lies in the minds of more readers. President Trump is the best president we have ever had. He did not just walk into the Oval Office, he was put there by voting citizens, 63 million of us. Yes, we had all seen what was happening as the democrats were hard at work sabotaging The United States of America in an effort to turn us into a Communist dictatorship. That is still their goal.

Meanwhile, President Trump fulfilled everything he promised the voters he would do and has accomplished more in his time as president than any other president came near to doing during a full term. And yes, he began Making America Great Again. Plus he is taking time away from his lucrative businesses and even refused to take a salary to serve as POTUS. He had one goal, to get America back on track.

President Trump is a Christian. I would see him at Dr. Norman Vincent Peale’s Collegiate Church in New York City. So what in blazes is wrong with that supposed Christian magazine, Christianity Today?? Yes a lot of flack was unleashed on CT after that hit piece and the editor who wrote it, Mark Galli just resigned his position at the magazine, that, according to him, Billy Graham had nothing to do with its founding.

This Christian writer would never again read Christianity Today, and readers should cancel their subscriptions. Another major fake in the Christian world. It is time to get rid of them along with the other fake Christians we have to wade through.

And by the way, CT not only trashed me in their pages…four straight issues…but have attacked other ministers as well, including Joyce Meyers. Wait until these phonies are suddenly at the White Throne Judgement.


© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

Is Alternative Energy That Effective?, Part 2

Roger Anghis

The worst part about all this ‘alternative energy’ is the liberals actually believe that they are better forms of energy that the predominate fossil fuels that we are now using. The problem is there are not as efficient in any way. All the environmentalists declare that the wind is free so it would behoove us to harness that energy.  Their hang-up about burning fossil fuels clouds their ability to think, if they even bother to think at all.

Building, transporting and maintaining a wind turbine takes energy and it takes resources. All of this creates a cost.  The turbine creates electricity which is sold creating income.  Herein lies the problem.  For a wind turbine to pay for itself it would have to operate for fifty years just to pay for itself.  They only have a life span of about twenty-five years. The venture capitalists are enthusiastic about making money, with someone else paying the majority of the freight. I say this because the 400-foot wind turbines that are being constructed today cost $2 million. A turbine would have to last almost 50 years to pay for itself and then start creating a profit. However, since the investors only pay one-quarter of the cost, they eventually make a profit, again at someone else’s expense.

Speaking of turbine life expectance, the largest wind turbine farm in this country, 1,600 turbines, was built in the mid-’80s near San Francisco. It did not last 25 years and today sits abandoned. It is not the only wind farm that has been abandoned, it is just the largest.

Also, consider the fact that they only run 30 percent of the time — how short would be their lifetime if they ran anywhere near 100 percent of the time? If you question the 30 percent figure, think of any time you have been down Interstate 39 or in Southern California, near Palm Springs, and wondered why there are so many not running.

And then about the environmentalists, who love the idea of wind turbines. Their first thought is, “Oh, the wind is free.” Is it really free if it costs $2 million per turbine to harvest it?

Then if you quote engineers and scientists saying that the rhythmic thumping of the sound, a pattern found at a distance from the turbines of up to nine-tenths of a mile, but not immediately under or among the turbines, can be sufficient to prevent or interrupt sleep and even cause migraine headaches for some people. Ignoring that fact, environmentalists tend to think only “the wind is free and turbines do not pollute.” [1]

That’s not the only problem with wind farms.  Animals activists complain that these farms are killing birds.  I believe that this is a legitimate complaint.  The big wind turbines kill hundreds of thousands of birds, bats, eagles, hawks and anything that hits the blades. The Audubon Society estimates that wind turbines kill 140,000 to 328,000 birds each year in North America. During the nighttime, the blades are hardly visible, and if the birds happen to hit the blades, then due to the high RPM of the blades, they hurt their wings, thus falling to their death. Although, many tall buildings and towers can also cause their death, the fact that the blades are a moving part increases the chances of causing death. Eagles are especially vulnerable as their habit is usually the type selected for wind farms.

For example, scientists have asserted that wind turbines are now the leading cause of multiple mortality events in bats, with 3 to 5 million bats killed by wind turbines every year.   Migratory bats in North America may face the risk of extinction in the next few decades due to wind turbine-related fatalities.[2]

There are also serious environmental concerns for the manufacturing process.  A typical wind turbine contains more than 8,000 different components, many of which are made from steel, cast iron, and concrete. One such component are magnets made from neodymium and dysprosium, rare earth minerals mined almost exclusively in China.

Unfortunately, given federal regulations in the U.S. that restrict rare earth mineral development and China’s poor record of environmental stewardship, the process of extracting these minerals imposes wretched environmental and public health impacts on local communities. It’s a story Big Wind doesn’t want you to hear.

In a new paper entitled  “Unsustainable Wind Turbine Blade Disposal Practices in the United States”, Ramirez-Tejeda et al. (2017) further detail the imminent and unresolved nightmare of wind turbine blade disposal.

Their research indicates that there will be 43 million tonnes of blade waste worldwide by 2050 with China possessing 40% of the waste, Europe 25%, the United States 16% and the rest of the world 19%.”

Finding ways to manage the waste from the expected high number of wind turbine blades in need of disposal is crucial to harvest wind energy in a truly sustainable manner.[3]

When you’re watching television and you see a commercial about a new wonder drug and they begin to list the side effects or possible side effects and as you listen you begin to think that it just might be better to live with whatever it is you have because the side effects could kill you.  That is what we are seeing with these ‘alternative energy’ systems.  When considering a project, you always have to consider the costs involved to determine if the project will be worth it.  Wind turbines only pay, at best, half of their costs, kill birds and create a very dangerous environmental hazard in manufacturing and disposal.  Just where is the benefit?  We may see a day when wind will become beneficial, but it isn’t with the system we have now.  Solar is another story and will be discussed in the next installment.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org

Foot Notes

  1. https://www.rrstar.com/article/20080709/News/307099886
  2. https://selfreliancecentral.com
  3. https://selfreliancecentral.com
  4. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) pp. 154-155

Stepping Into The New ‘Roaring ‘20s’

Rob Pue

As we step into the new “Roaring ‘20s,” I wonder how far we’ve come in the past 100 years?  What was life like — in America and the world — in 1920?  Let’s take a walk back in time and take a look.  I love to study history and some of the things I learned about 1920 surprised me.  You may be astounded too — and see a few similarities between THEN and NOW.

First, some basics:  In 1920, only 2% of homes in rural areas had electricity;  35% of homes had this convenience in larger cities.  The average income for Americans in 1920 was $750 a year.  That amount dropped to about $200 a year for farmers.

Life expectancy for men in 1920 was 53 years old.  I guess if this were 100 years ago, I’d be “pushing up daisies” by now.  Average life expectancy for women back then was 54.

A first-class postage stamp was two cents.  A pack of Wrigley’s gum was five cents.  A loaf of bread was nine cents.  A gallon of milk: 28 cents.  Silver was $1.37 an ounce, and a brand new car (complete with that “new car smell”) was less than $300.

Popular toys included the Raggedy Ann doll, Lionel trains and wooden Pogo sticks.  There was no such thing as commercial air travel.  Charles Lindbergh didn’t make his famous non-stop flight across the Atlantic until 1927.

In January of 1920, the League of Nations held its first Executive Council meeting, after President Woodrow Wilson traveled to Paris to negotiate the Treaty of Versailles, following the end of World War 1 in 1918.  In November, the League of Nations held its first General Assembly in Geneva.  At its peak, the League of Nations included 58 member states, though the US never joined.  The League of Nations eventually became the United Nations following World War II.  Our country was one of the original UN organizers.

It was on February 24th, 1920 that Adolph Hitler began to emerge as an up-and-coming leader in Germany, when he presented his National Socialist Program in Munich to the German Workers’ Party, later renamed the Nazi Party.

While the radical Left had not yet figured out a way to manipulate the masses with a thing called “Climate Change,” there was still severe weather back then.  Note the Palm Sunday tornado outbreak of 1920, when 37 tornadoes swept across the Midwest and southern states.  More than 380 people were killed and at least 1200 injured.

The 18th amendment was passed in 1920:  Prohibition of alcohol.  But Prohibition did not achieve its goals, as “drunk and disorderly” arrests increased by 41 percent; drunk driving increased by 81 percent and the federal prison population increased by 366 percent.  The 21st amendment, passed on December 5, 1933 repealed the 18th, thereby ending the era of Prohibition.  Today, the alcohol industry in the US rakes in $90 billion dollars a year, and $10 billion in tax revenue for the government.

Interestingly, an exemption was made during Prohibition for whiskey to be sold by pharmacies for medical purposes.  Partly because of this, Walgreens drug stores grew from a chain of 20 stores to almost 400 during Prohibition.

It was August of 1920 when the 19th Amendment was ratified, allowing women to vote in American elections for the first time.

And on September 16, 1920, America saw the worst terrorist attack in its history, when a horse-drawn cart, carrying a massive amount of explosives was detonated on the busiest corner of Wall Street.  Thirty-eight people were killed in the bombing and hundreds were injured.  No one was ever apprehended for this crime.  America would not see such a devastating attack on its soil again until the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995.

The Ku Klux Klan was revitalized in 1920 under new leadership.  The Klan brought unprecedented social division and civil unrest, focusing their hatred on Catholics, Jews, Asians, African-Americans and even Europeans who were not from the northern Nordic countries.

In November 1920, the first commercially licensed radio station began broadcasting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  The first broadcast brought live results of the presidential election.  Americans loved this new “talking box” invention and within two years, had purchased 100,000 radios.  By 1923, a half-million Americans had radios and by mid-decade over 700 commercial radio stations were broadcasting across the country.  A Westinghouse radio cost $10.

The 1920s also saw a sharp decline in Christian morals with an increase in alcohol use and public drunkenness (despite Prohibition), “Speakeasies,” Jazz and dance clubs, and women embracing more revealing fashion wear, including the “flapper girl” outfits.

Then there were the Hollywood movies becoming more popular as well as a huge increase in the acceptance of sexual lewdness.  And believe it or not, homosexuality began to become acceptable in the 1920s, with large communities of homosexuals developing in bigger cities like London, Paris, Berlin, New York and Rome.  Some Hollywood stars were already “out of the closet,” living as open homosexuals, even as they became heroes of the American cinema.  Mae West starred in a provocative play titled “The Drag.”  And I’m pretty sure you did not realize that in 1920 the term “trans-sexualism” was first introduced by a man named Magnus Hirschfeld.  It was also in the 1920s that evolution began to be taught in public schools.

Preachers at the time were unafraid to speak out on the cultural, social and moral issues of the day and often led their congregations OUT of the church buildings to confront evil.  Tent Revivals were commonplace, often held every night for a week or more.  Street preachers were also courageously and boldly speaking the truth of God’s Word from soap boxes on street corners.  As a result, many who had drifted away from their Christian upbringing and reveled in the decadence and perceived moral “freedoms” of the period repented and turned back to God.  Others, who had not known God before were introduced to Him.  Mass baptisms were held in local rivers.

And it was in 1920 that the term “Fundamentalism” was coined… used to describe strict adherence to Christian doctrines and a literal interpretation of the Bible.  A “Fundamentalist” was one (quote) “doing battle royal for the Fundamentals,” which meant defending biblical inspiration and the inerrant authority of God’s Word.

But not everyone was repenting and coming to Christ.  The “Roaring ‘20s” continued to roar and liberal licentiousness continued, as the Leftist agenda in America progressed.

When I speak of the Leftist agenda, did you know the American Civil Liberties Union (the ACLU) was established in 1920?  Yes, on January 19th.  The ACLU has continued to be a champion of all things secular-humanist, unbiblical and ungodly, pushing it’s “progressive” mandates on all of society and using legal force to achieve its goals.

It was also in the 1920s that Americans began their obsession with professional sports as an entertaining pastime, distracting the hearts and minds of the masses from the most important matters at hand.  The most famous athlete of the time was Babe Ruth.  And The American Professional Football Association was formed in September of 1920.  It was renamed the National Football League two years later.

Just a few more interesting points regarding our world of 100 years ago:  The Johnson & Johnson Company patented the first “Band-aid” in 1920.  And the Ford Motor Company was now producing so much wood waste in their factories that they began making it into charcoal.  This new product was sold under the name “Ford Charcoal,” later renamed “Kingsford Charcoal.”

And finally, it was in 1920 that the US Postal Service ended the previously accepted practice of shipping CHILDREN through the US Mail.

What can we learn from all this?  As God’s Word reminds us, “there is nothing new under the sun.”  And as the saying goes, “those who fail to learn from history are destined to repeat it.”

By the end of that decade, the party was over.  The Great Depression hit in 1929, with a total collapse of our financial system.  Those who had relied on God’s grace and mercy all their lives, and were already living off the land on farms were used to low wages and they were grateful for all God provided.  They worked hard, prayed hard and were thankful for all the Lord’s bounty.  THEY were barely impacted by the Great Depression at all.  But for those affluent partiers in the big cities — those who depended on their “great”  human wisdom and innovation as leaders of industry and finance — it was a different story.  Many, having lost everything, committed suicide.

In fact, the suicide rate, even during the prosperous times of the 1920s PRIOR to the stock market crash was on a steady increase.  Apparently the “good life” of the “Roaring ‘20s” was not all that good.   By 1932, the suicide rate in America was at an all-time high.

In an especially poignant example of one living such an indulgent vain existence, a young man named Lytle shot and killed himself in a hotel in Milwaukee, leaving behind four cents — and a suicide note directing that “my body should go to science, my soul to Andrew W. Mellon and sympathy to my creditors.”  The note also asked that his body not be removed from the room until the rent was up.

Fast forward 100 years in the future:  TODAY.  We are at a crossroads in the world now.   On one hand, it seems, we have the WHOLE WORLD now embracing all things Godless and unholy.  We live in a time when a MAJORITY (yes, I said a MAJORITY) of regular church attenders now approve of the idea of sodomite so-called “marriage.”  “Transgenderism” is being taught in our public schools and libraries as completely normal.  Those who disagree are labeled as “haters.”  “Hate speech” laws silence freedom of speech… and “Conversion therapy bans” are being set in place in nearly every American city to keep misguided, indoctrinated young people confused and lost following their “recruitment” by the LGBTQP+ militants.

Sexual immorality is rampant.  We not only accept such behavior — we celebrate it — with PRIDE.  In fact, it’s MANDATED by rule of law that we celebrate it, with even rainbow “pride” flags flown over our state houses and other government buildings.  Meanwhile, sexually transmitted diseases are epidemic — to the point where now pharmaceutical companies are even advertising on national television for medications to “control” these lifetime illnesses, which people inflict upon themselves in their unbridled lust.

If that were not bad enough, we’ve been killing our own children through the horrors of abortion for nearly a half-century now.  Those so-called “Progressives” on the Left are having a field day, and the scant few willing to push back against such tyranny are persecuted and prosecuted.  Unlike the 1920s, the street preachers of today are ridiculed, physically attacked and often jailed.  Pastors refuse to even speak on any of these evils, and to most it is absolutely UNTHINKABLE that they would lead their flocks out to the town square to proclaim the truth of God’s Word.  The days of the Tent Revivals and mass baptisms appear to be over — along with the days of repentance, it seems.  Truth has fallen in our streets.

But perhaps there will come a day, in the not-too-distant future, when calamity strikes once again, and these poor lost souls will be just desperate enough to seek God.  It’s not only VERY LIKELY, but I believe, it’s IMMINENT.  God is patient and long-suffering, not willing that any should perish.  But there ARE limits to His patience, and I believe we have been pushing those limits for far too long now.   God’s Word tells us that those who earnestly seek Him will find Him.  He doesn’t hide Himself from us; but neither does He force Himself upon us.  It’s up to each individual soul to repent and turn to Christ as Lord and Savior, …or not.  True Christ-followers MUST continue to preach in the streets.

God’s Word MUST be boldly proclaimed — NOW more than ever before, because I believe our time is short.  A day of reckoning is coming, soon.  Perhaps instead of the self-indulgence and debauchery people reveled in 100 years ago, the “Roaring ‘20s” of OUR day will be the ROAR of Christ’s wrath as He returns on the clouds of heaven to make war with those who hate Him and His saints.  But I know THIS: NOW is the time for HIS people to rise up, awaken and prepare — and be ready to always give a reason for the hope that we have in Christ Jesus.  Our loved ones, friends and neighbors will need the real TRUTH very soon — and we will be the only ones able to provide it.  So let us work while the sun still shines, being about our Father’s business as He has commanded.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

A Sad Baltimore Tale

Lloyd Marcus

Over the Christmas holiday, Mary and I drove from West Virginia to visited her widow birth mother who lives in Baltimore. I’ll call her Ruth. Mary and I grew up in the Baltimore area.

Wow! What a striking decline in our beloved hometown, once renowned as Charm City. We saw countless blocks of empty trashed row-houses.

Baltimore is also known for great neighborhoods; Fells Point, Little Italy and so on. We drove through Highland town, pronounced, “Hollin” town by locals. I was shocked to see so many Highland town businesses which once thrived were gone, boarded up. They should have grown rather than failed.

Upon our arrival, Ruth excitedly greeted us with a hug.

Ruth has lived in her Dundalk home for 39 years, a block from the city line. Her companion is Corky, her old fat hound dog. She said thugs from the city have begun spilling over into her neighborhood. There is a party house a few doors down from her with loud music filled with expletives. She called the police a few times but nothing has changed.

We were told that the East Point Mall which was once a hub of family activity has become a place to avoid, infected with drugs and criminals.

Ruth said her old female friend barely escaped being carjacked in Baltimore in broad daylight by locking her doors before thugs could open them. Ruth does not venture into Baltimore unless it is absolutely necessary. Baltimore hit a new record high for homicides over the holidays.

Because Ruth is white and I am black, I sensed Ruth’s discomfort expressing how horrible Baltimore’s black female mayor has been. Ruth said, “I heard her say the police should allow rioters to destroy businesses to get out their frustrations.” I told Ruth that she heard correctly. Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said, “We also gave those who wish to destroy space to do that as well…”

Democrat controlled cities are insanely obsessed with pandering to criminals and illegals against the safety, best interest and rights of law abiding citizens. NYC Mayor de Blasio’s latest soft-on-crime initiative includes giving freed inmates gift cards and cell phones. The gift cards are ending up at liquor stores. Democrat presidential candidates boldly proclaim that if elected, they will declare war on law enforcement which includes ICE and police.

Ruth served Mary and I delicious cake she baked from scratch. She moved to Baltimore as a child with her mother and baby brother. The word in West Virginia was those folks in Baltimore don’t want to work. Ruth’s mom moved to Baltimore for a job. Her mother was never without a job. Ruth’s dad stayed in West Virginia working in the coalmine.

Ruth shared a horrible story about a relative who got too close to the fireplace. Her robe caught fire. She pushed her two children outside the house but could not save herself. Grandparents raised the two children.

Hearing Ruth share about the lives of her and her family, Mary and I later discussed how clearly Ruth’s generation was not whiners. They simply kept moving forward doing whatever they needed to do to survive. They were not snowflakes.

Mary and I made sure to get-outta-Dodge (Baltimore) before dark. It is truly tragic what 50 years of Democrat control has done to a once great American city.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus: mr_lloydmarcus@hotmail.com

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth

God instructed Pharaoh, “Let my people go.”
God instructs us,“Let my people know.” Spread truth.

The Elite Hidden Goal: Depopulation

Karen Schoen

Over the years we have discovered that the globalists/communists in both parties always design their ideology to fall in line with one of their main goals: DEPOPULATION.  This goal is filtered throughout all of their programs and plans. We see it in programs surrounding abortion, climate, energy, food, education and etc. All these programs will come up with the same conclusion and solution, because of blah, blah, blah, we must depopulate the planet. How do we know this is what they feel?  They tell us constantly.  They use fear to cause humans pain, then humans follow their teaching. What are they actually saying?  What do they mean?

“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human 999intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” – Club of Rome,  premier environmental think-tank, consultants to the United Nations

Stalin was the first and most vocal:  “No People, No Problems.” He stated. Carry his words into today, the globalists/communists mean the earth has too many people for us to control.  Can the earth handle more people? Of course, but more people puts more demands on socialists/communist countries.  After all why should globalists/communists allow the common folks to have luxuries especially if it bites into their profit.  How do you control billions of people?  You lie to them.

Everything Old is New Again

“NEW WORLD ORDER” today called the Green New Deal is the GLOBAL TOTALITARIANISM dream that a BANKER named Mayer Amschel Rothschild created. His grand blue print is best described by his paid social engineer, Dr. Adam [Spartacus] Weishaupt, Professor of Canon Law in the university of Ingolstadt. Weishaupt adopted the term “Illuminati.”

This nightmare is still sought after today by their family’s decedents. Below is the ‘outline’ Weishaupt set out for his banker financier master! Carefully notice the similarities between Karl Marx’s 10 Plank’s of his Communist Manifesto. Also, please read Communism & The New World Order: Wall Street’s Utopian Hoax! Where you will find:

Bella Dodd, author, was a leader of the Communist Party of America (CPUSA) in the 1930′ s and 1940’s. Her book, “School of Darkness” (1954) reveals that Communism was a hoax perpetrated by financiers “to control the common man” and to advance world tyranny.

She states:

“The Communist Party operates by infiltrating and subverting social institutions like the churches, schools, mass media and government. Its aim was “to create new types of human beings who would conform to the blueprint of the world they confidently expected to control.”  The world was divided.  The Rockefeller’s paid attention to national messaging while the Carnegie’s took international.  All programs were to be funneled through the United Nations. Grants to unsuspecting NGO’s, media and Hollywood carried the message.

EXCLUSIVE: New UN Treaty May Put Gender Ideology in International Law

For example, Dodd reveals that the CPUSA had 1100 become Catholic priests in the 1930’s. It also subverted the American education system by taking over the teacher’s unions and learned societies. Only people who accepted the “materialistic, collectivistic international class struggle approach” advanced.  The former General Counsel Bob Chanin’s farewell address during the 2009 NEA national convention. (NEA– National Education Association, the largest American union), stated “The NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power.”

Involving women in the war effort fitted the long-range program:

“The party did all it could to induce women to go into industry. Its fashion designers created special styles for them and its songwriters wrote special songs to spur them…. War conditions, they planned, were to become a permanent part of the future educational program. The bourgeois (middle class) family as a social unit was to be made obsolete.”

There was to be no family but the party and the state. Dodd helped organize the Congress of American Women, a forerunner of the feminist movement.

“Since it was supposedly a movement for peace, it attracted many women. But it was really only a renewed offensive to control American women… Like youth and minority groups, they are regarded as a reserve force of the revolution because they are more easily moved by emotional appeals.” Their target was men. The American man was taught responsibility to family, country, and G-d.  In order for the globalists/communists to progress, men had to be destroyed as a force for good. Today our students learn men are inherently evil  due to:  toxic masculinity, white supremacy, racism, misogyny and  etc. Today our children read – in Rescue Mission Planet Earth, A child’s edition of Agenda 21,

  • P32 Population and unsustainable consumption – pollution, food, air, land, H20, energy basically humans have too much
  • P34 Children are an economic drain – answer abortion, sterilization, jobs, LGBTQ
  • P35 Men are the problem – men are not burdened with childbirth, men exploit children so – no children

Children are encouraged to sign a pledge not to have children in order to save the planet. “No Children, no problem.”

How to kill a baby naturally
Disgraceful dems. it’s ok to kill babies so long as you’re not a hater
Elizabeth Warren defends late term abortion OK to kill those babies because it’s just 12000 a year

Just Google:  ITS OK TO KILL BABIES.  You will find many main stream articles and videos supporting murder.

Truth is surely stranger than fiction. Weishaupt’s made an easy to follow outline:

  • Abolition of all ordered governments
  • Abolition of private property
  • Abolition of inheritance
  • Abolition of patriotism
  • Abolition of the family
  • Abolition of religion
  • A global population of 500 million – promoted by Bill Gates, Ted Turner etc.
  • Creation of a world government

Everything is Connected.  The Communist leaders like Soros in his Open Society, now run by his son Alexander, provides messaging to legislators, the media, Hollywood and educators.  All reinforce each other and affirm the narrative. Start listening to some TV series.  You will constantly hear the same theme.  Messages must be repeated constantly so they will be treated as gospel and followed without reservation.  Since globalist/communists are outcome based, they have determined the common folks are too stupid to make their own decisions. Therefore lying to get their policies accomplished are common practice.  Jonathan Gruber, architect of Obamacare said it best, “ Yeah, we lied to the stupid Americans…”

We can see how well this has worked over the decades by the lack of outcry from the populace.  The populace was taught to be the silent majority and silent we are. Lies are now accepted as the truth and with no media outlet to hold the communists/globalists in check, they have managed to convince about half of the Americans that they speak the truth.

Is this a successful plan? Absolutely.

They have convinced the American parents that the school has a vested interest in the “Human Capital” and therefore the students should be raised by the school. Forget parental consent.  We see stories popping up continually that schools are pushing multi gender nonsense.  Even though the LGBTQ population is 4.5% of the population children must be taught to embrace LGBTQ. Why?  Could it be that “(1) LGBTQ + (1) LGBTQ = O children?  You CAN NOT change your gender by thinking you can.  Biologically there are only 2 genders.  So to avoid the outcome of 2 genders, biology is no longer taught.  Confused children who desire to be something different – which they do all the time, are being pushed into non reversible surgery without parental knowledge or consent.  Sadly instead of having real conversations of knowing yourself and self respect with the value of life, these children are pushed into a new life.  An adult making life changing decisions is one thing but to push a child is unconscionable.  The child does not realize that making a physical change still incorporates your same emotional self.

You must remember their main goal is depopulation never forget that all of the policies that we are having place right now are doing exactly that.  Their answer is immigration instead of teaching about the importance of strong families.  Approximately 3,000 unborn babies are aborted every day in America and close to 1 million every year.

Make no mistake abortion is business has nothing to do with feelings, women, or babies rights.  It has to do with MONEY. The goal of Planned Parenthood is to have as many abortions as possible the later the term the more money paid for body parts. [Link]

By weaponizing and normalizing what was once thought of as perverted behavior, the beauty of an intimate sexual relationship with a wonderful partner is lost. Sex is now something you do whenever with whomever in order to fill your urge.  So “I want to have sex with you regardless of how you feel,” is now normalized. Sex trafficking, sex slavery, rape, incest, captivity is a billion dollar business with children bought and sold on the black market all while the majority remains silent.

Schools comply with courses (sponsored by the Center for Disease Control and Planned Parenthood) like amaze.org (for adults) and amaze.org/jr for children. Grants to follow this approach makes it easy for a cash strapped District to jump on board.  By schools promoting gloom and doom, permanent victim hood, dependency on school and government as your new family, students comply. After all if it is taught in school it must be OK.

Texas schools to teach 3rd graders how to make anal more enjoyable
Texas State board of education considers sex ed for kindergarteners
Parents outraged as California school forced elementary girls to play sex game

Dr Duke Pesta’s pinpointed exactly what is going on in schools.

Is America Worth Saving?

America will not be saved if we the silent majority do not find our voice and courage. We must act. We must recognize that the goal of progressive school programs are designed to pervert and destroy. Remember in order to transform, you must destroy first. The globalist/communists have a target. America’s youth.  Will you give them our youth? President Trump can do all of the greatest things possible to restore American greatness but if we do not pay attention to our schools, WE WILL LOSE AMERICA.

If not you, who?  If not now when?

© 2019 Karen Schoen – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Karen Schoen: kbschoen@bellsouth.net

President Trump Ordered Military Hits on Islamic Terrorists to Deter Further Aggression

Kelleigh Nelson

The American People will come first once again. My plan will begin with safety at home – which means safe neighborhoods, secure borders, and protection from terrorism. There can be no prosperity without law and order. —Donald Trump

To defeat Islamic extremist terrorism, we must put them on defense. If they are at war against us – which they have declared – we must commit ourselves to unconditional victory against them. —Rudy Giuliani

Every year, the State Department declares Iran to be the world’s primary supporter of terror. And within the government, within the Department of Justice, the Department of Defense, you have practically eliminated any training or any use of the term “radical Islam.” That’s what we’re facing. —Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn (RET)

But there’s one thing we must all be clear about: terrorism is not the pursuit of legitimate goals by some sort of illegitimate means. Whatever the murderers may be trying to achieve, creating a better world certainly isn’t one of their goals. Instead they are out to murder innocent people. —Salman Rushdie

In his book, Field of Fight, Lt. General Michael T. Flynn stated, “We’re in a world war, but very few Americans recognize it, and fewer still have any idea how to win.  I’ve been fighting for more than thirty-three years, much of the time at the top levels of U.S. military intelligence. I have some strong feelings about the war, about our ‘field of fight.’  The three-word title comes from the ancient Greek epic poet Homer, writing in The Iliad about a battle involving both men and gods.  Our most fanatical contemporary enemies think they are in a similar battle with us.  Most of them believe their cause is blessed and supported by the Almighty.  We must prove them wrong.”

Oh, that this brilliant Army intelligence officer who gave 33 years in service to our country was still President Donald J. Trump’s National Security Advisor.  I’d feel so much safer.  Our President has learned so much from his first National Security Advisor, and he ordered our military to eliminate two leaders of Islamic terrorism who desired America’s destruction.

Islamic Terrorists

If it’s ISIS, you take out global terrorist and Islamic State leader al-Baghdadi; if it’s Iran, you take out the top military terrorist commander, Qasem Soleimani. President Trump ordered both hits and our military carried them out with precision.

Within 24 hours of the attack on our Iraq embassy, the number two Iranian, was eliminated.  Soleimani had been planning further attacks on American diplomats and military personnel and had approved the attacks on the American embassy in Baghdad on New Year’s Eve.

The Pentagon on January 2, 2020 confirmed a strike killed Soleimani, who as head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force became the architect of Tehran’s proxy conflicts in the Middle East.  The IRGC is an arm of the Iranian government, and the Quds Force conducts clandestine and overt military operations outside of Iran on its behalf.  It has been a designated terror group since 2007, and is estimated to be 20,000 strong. Considered one of the most powerful men in Iran, Soleimani routinely was referred to as its “shadow commander” or “spymaster.”

Hours after the attack was announced, President Trump tweeted a simple image of the American flag.

In April 2019, the State Department announced Iran was responsible for killing 608 U.S. troops during the Iraq War. Soleimani was the head of the Iranian and Iranian-backed forces carrying out those operations killing American troops. According to the State Department, 17 percent of all deaths of U.S. personnel in Iraq from 2003 to 2011 were orchestrated by Soleimani.

In this short video, President Trump speaks to America about the attack on Soleimani.

Soleimani was the military mastermind whom Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had deemed equally as dangerous as Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. In October 2019, Baghdadi killed himself during a U.S. raid on a compound in northwest Syria, seven months after the so-called ISIS “caliphate” crumbled as the terrorist group lost its final swath of Syrian territory in March of 2019.

Baghdadi led the genocide of more than 10,000 Yazidis because of their ethnic, racial, and religious identities. (The Yazīdī religion includes elements of ancient Iranian religions as well as elements of Judaism, Nestorian Christianity and Islam.)  He blew up playgrounds full of children. He and his organization ordered and/or praised the slaughter of LGBTQ individuals, including those in a Florida nightclub. Other human rights atrocities directly linked to Baghdadi include widespread sex slavery, gang rape, executions, beheadings, floggings, and brutal premeditated terrorist attacks.  Link

Baghdadi repeatedly raped and tortured American Kayla Mueller, a young woman held by Baghdadi for her Christian faith and refusal to denounce Jesus Christ.  Her parents praised President Trump for pulling off the daring raid that killed al-Baghdadi.

Congress and Media Angered

Despite all this, much of the mainstream national press turned Baghdadi’s death into a story of Trump declining to inform Democratic leaders in Congress about the planned attack. They downplayed the significance of Baghdadi’s death, looking for angles to disparage Trump’s foreign policy and the relevance of Baghdadi.

The Washington Post called Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi an “austere religious scholar” in an initial headline for his obituary.  He was never a talented celebrity. He was a vicious, racist, murderous thug. As mainstream media downplayed his death, they further alienated grassroots Americans and proved the point of Trump’s most ardent fans.

Trump has learned to tell the Democratic controlled house absolutely nothing. They leak like sieves to the enemy, their colleagues and allies in mainstream media. Their desire is the destruction of this President who longs to return America to her greatness and to protect her citizens from both foreign and domestic enemies, many of whom are in our Congress.

With the exception of Israel, world leaders who publicly reacted to the killing of Soleimani called on the United States to show “restraint” with many calling the U.S. actions cowardly, destabilizing, and provoking.  Our own Democratic socialists have vilified the attack on Soleimani stating it is a march to war with Iran, but it is just the opposite.  President Trump warned Iran and he is not a neo-con war monger like former National Security Advisor, John Bolton.

President Trump’s Resolve

The President and his staff remain firm in their resolve to defend American interests and the American people.

Former FBI Agent, John Guandolo of Understanding the Threat writes,

Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar are at the center of driving the Global Islamic Movement. All are parties to the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) which is the largest voting bloc in the United Nations and is made up of 57 member states, including the Head of State of every Muslim nation on earth.

The OIC officially states they relate to the non-Muslim world only through the lens of “Allah’s divine law”/sharia.  All authoritatively published sharia mandates total war against the non-Muslim world (“jihad”) until sharia is the law of the land over every person on the planet.

The Muslim armies can only stop waging jihad when they are incapable of doing so. For those engaged in war with the Islamic powers, this means they need to feel utterly defeated in order to cease waging jihad.

President Trump demonstrated a willingness to do what no other President in recent history has done – do what it takes to defeat the enemy and win this war.

To actually do this, however, will require a strategy that includes defeating Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey, as well as waging economic warfare – and possibly military war – against Qatar which funds Al Qaeda, Islamic State, et al.

It will also mean dismantling and destroying the U.S. jihadi network which includes the most prominent Islamic organizations in America – USCMO, CAIR, ISNA, ICNA, Muslim Advocates, MPAC, MAS, MSA, et al – whose objective is the same as Iran, Al Qaeda, Saudi Arabia, and the Islamic State.

To do this, the U.S. government must dismantle the U.S. Marxist Counter-State which is driving/supporting the U.S. Islamic Counter-State.

Can Mr. Trump lead his cabinet members through this war and do what needs to be done?

I believe he can and will, especially if we regain the House from the Democratic Socialists.


We have seen the results of Islamic hatred against Jews, Christians and Kafirs/infidels.  Jews in France must have armed guards over their synagogues and homes. Simon Wiesenthal warned Jews about the dangers of travel to Paris, France over three decades ago.  Germany is much the same, and now even Spain, England and Italy are feeling the barbaric hatred of Islamists against Jews and Christians.

America is now seeing the growth of hatred against our Jewish brethren, attacks on synagogues, rabbi’s homes, and Jewish folks in the streets of New York and across America.  President Trump knows the dangers and he is working to protect all of us.

Anti-communist Archbishop Fulton Sheen was a venerable servant of God and he loved all of God’s people.  In a novena by the Bishop, he stated these words,

Protestants, Jews and Catholics have God, morality, and religion in common. In the name of God, let us – Jews, Protestants, and Catholics – do two things: 1. Realize that an attack upon one is an attack upon all, since we are all one in God; it is not tolerance we need, but charity; not forbearance but love. 2. Begin doing something about religion, and the least we can do is say our prayers; to implore God’s blessings upon the world and our country; to thank Him for His blessings; and to become illumined in the fullness of His truth.

Pray for our President, his family and administration.  He loves this country, and wants to keep all of us safe from harm.

© 2019 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: proverbs133@bellsouth.net

What “White Privilege” Means in Small-Town West Virginia

Lloyd Marcus

Two years ago, my wife Mary and I relocated from Florida to West Virginia to be closer to our elderly parents. We have witnessed traditional American values displayed in our tiny town of 500 which I’ve affectionately nicknamed Trump Country USA. Our two shopping options are the country store/gas station or the Dollar General.

I am one of probably ten blacks in town.

On a trip to the Dollar General, I saw an elderly white gentleman in the parking lot slowly returning his shopping cart to the store. “I can take that for you sir.” I said. “Thank you young man.” he replied. Then he asked, “Do I know you? You look like someone I know.” I replied, “No sir. We moved here 2 years ago.”

With a great warm smile, he said, “My name is Pop Kern. I’m 89 years old. I’ve lived here all my life.” As we chatted, Pop Kern said, “At 9 years old, I milked 9 cows every morning before school and 9 cows after school. My pay was $5 a week.”

I thought, I guess Pop Kern did not get the memo about what Democrats call his racist and unfair “white privilege”. He just got up every morning and did what he had to do to earn a living. He lives in the home he grew up in which he owns and has acquired a second house. I could tell he is a kind man who worked hard his entire life.

I’ve seen Pop Kern around town, walking in baby steps to pick up his mail at the post office. He is always pleasant, giving me a wave, a smile or a have a good day.

It turns my stomach the way despicable evil Democrat presidential candidates say white men like Pop Kern are responsible for everything wrong in the world. Democrats boldly proclaim that if elected president, they will punish Pop Kern; tax the heck out of him and force him to pay reparations to minorities and even illegal aliens.

Pop Kern said, “Where do you live?” I described our location. “I know where you live. That’s the house with the beautiful front porch. I’ve driven by and admired it several times”, he replied.

I did not tell Pop Kern that we won $50 for second place in the town’s annual Christmas home decorating contest. The home that won first place had a gazillion lights. No, I am not jealous.

Our conversation in the Dollar General parking lot was the first time Pop Kern and I actually chatted. It ended with Pop Kern shaking my hand while saying, “Nice talking with you Lloyd. You’re a good man.”

The hate-filled war on straight white men has become so extreme that the University of Melbourne Student Union wants to ban white men from speaking in classes so women and transgenders will feel free to contribute to discussions.

Insane social justice warriors demand that white men be silenced; not allowed to have an opinion regarding reviewing movies, climate change and everything in between.

Folks, we have allowed leftists to create a generation of hate-filled social justice warrior terrorists who believe the world would be a much better place if we could get rid of scum-of-the-earth white guys like Pop Kern.

While I am pleased that more and more people are fighting back, we need more people telling SJWs, “No! Back off! Get a life and get a job!”

The Democrat Party is the greatest distributor of class envy, racial hate and division. They have disdain for all things patriotic, wholesome and good. The party has deteriorated to become a mob of hate-filled treasonous domestic terrorists who MUST be crushed in 2020.

Pop Kern still drives and takes care of himself. That is pretty cool.

Lloyd Marcus The Unhyphenated American

God instructed Pharaoh, “Let my people go.”
God instructs us,“Let my people know.” Spread truth.

© 2019 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus: mr_lloydmarcus@hotmail.com

Kenyan Illegal Alien Serial Killer in Texas Suspected of Killing 20

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Although the news media – as per their allegiance to the Deep State and the Democratic Party – is hesitant to report to Americans that yet another in a long string of serial-killings were committed by an illegal alien identified as a Kenyan National named Billy Chemirmir

The 47-year-old suspect is facing allegations of smothering older women to death before robbing jewelry and other items throughout the metropolitan Dallas-Forth Worth are.

Originally, on December 3, 2017, Diane Delahunt was discovered dead in her apartment located at the Preston Place Senior Living Home in Plano, Texas. Three highly-valued rings were missing from her fingers, but the police detectives told the dead woman’s family that she died of natural causes.

However – thanks in part to President Donald Trump’s changes in immigration enforcement — Delahunt’s cause of death changed in July 2019 from “natural causes” to “undetermined.” Also, her daughter Lori Delahunt claims police recently confided to her that they were inclined to believe the serial murder suspect Billy Chemirmir was responsible for the killing.

Delahunt’s death is the 20th murder linked to Chemirmir. Two elderly women managed to survive Chemirmir’s attacks in two Texas cities:  Frisco and Plano.

The illegal immigrant was indicted on 12 counts of capital murder (execution in Dallas and Collin counties) and two counts of attempted capital murder. In addition to Delahunt, eight more North Texas families have stated that police suspect Chemirmir killed their loved ones.

Chemirmir continues to deny his guilt and is currently in the Dallas County Jail with a $16.2 million bail. In one Dallas County case, he faces the death penalty.

Lori Delahunty stated she found her mother lying dead on the floor of her apartment two years ago. She noticed a large knot on her mother’s head, but Lori Delahunt did not suspect foul play at the time. Originally, police told her the death was allegedly due to natural causes — a heart attack or stroke. Lori Delahunt originally thought that maybe her mother hit her head before falling.

After the attack, Lori Delahunt searched for her mother’s the three rings — an engagement ring, a wedding ring and a 50th anniversary gold band — and then filed an insurance claim after failing to find them.

A few months later, she learned from other residents of the Preston Place senior citizens home that police detectives were investigating deaths and thefts there. Lori subsequently learned that another elderly woman survived an attack by a man using the same modus operandi   who tried to suffocate her to death and stole her jewelry.

Lori Delahunty called Plano police in March 2018 and they informed her that her mother was “on the list”, which surprised her. At that time, she learned about Chemirmir and the list of people he had been accused of murdering between May 2016 and March 2018.

Chemirmir was arrested back in March 2018 after another woman at Preston Place survived an attack. She provided a description of the assailant to police, who identified Chemirmir and proceeded to wait for him at his Far North Dallas apartment the next day.

Chemirmir was apprehended, police across North Texas started investigating into reported deaths and looked for more potential victims.

“President Donald J. Trump has declared a national state of emergency, for which several heavily-blue states immediately sued his administration. Democrats refuse to budge on the issue, unwilling to secure America’s borders. As illegal border crossings surge, they blocked a meaningful amount of wall funding in the 2019 federal budget.

Even Republicans on Capitol Hill have faltered.

In what many conservatives see as a colossal failure, the Republican Congress, led by former Speaker Paul Ryan, current Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, failed to deliver wall funding to the president’s desk during all of 2017 and 2018, when Republicans held the House, the Senate, and the White House.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

Let’s Win the War at Home in 2020

Cliff Kincaid

The year 2020 opens with a booming economy and a culture still in rapid decline. One of the leading associates of dead pedophile Jeffrey Epstein says she is being protected from arrest and prosecution because she has dirt on powerful people. Epstein belonged to several influential organizations, including the Council on Foreign Relations, and rubbed elbows with such notables as Bill Gates.

In Louisiana, a Boy Scout leader was arrested on more than 500 counts of child pornography, while a married couple has been indicted on a total of 150 counts, including rape and child pornography. The wife was a school teacher and the husband was a former law enforcement official.

Meanwhile, a top education official in New York City has been arrested for trying to have sex with an underage boy.

These are just a few of the recent stories about the sickness that pervades our society.

On Capitol Hill, Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.), the head of the House Armed Services Committee, said he wants to reverse President Trump’s ban on mentally-confused transgenders in the military. On the campaign trail, Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren listed millionaire Ed Buck, an accused sexual predator, on a list of her endorsers. Buck had been a donor to the campaigns of Barack Hussein Obama and Adam Schiff, now chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

Profiteering from Addiction

On Thursday’s Fox Business Network, the sad spectacle of people waiting in line for up to three hours to buy legal marijuana in Illinois and get high was turned by host Charles Payne into a money-making opportunity.  The issue was buying “pot stocks.” Not one word was said about the addictive qualities of the dope and the evidence that heavy use of marijuana is linked to brain damage, mental illness, and even violence.

At a time when our society is still cleaning up the human wreckage from opioid abuse, do we really want or need a $50-billion pot industry that exploits vulnerable people?

On Glenn Beck’s show, the topic was Psychic Nikki, psychic to the stars, and her predictions for 2020. It’s really not so funny when America’s Judeo-Christian foundations have been shaken to their core by the growing acceptance of such dangerous New Age and occultic nonsense.

“There was a time when America had a firm moral foundation,” notes Devvy Kidd, in a column on “Satan’s Pimps” that is required reading. She’s correct that there was a time when the Ten Commandments were paramount to the way Americans lived their lives. That was a time when the public right to pray was protected in the public schools.

Today, she points out, kids are exposed to drag queens and prostitutes – in schools and public libraries. She says Walmart, Amazon and Target are selling books for children as young as 5 to summon demons. One book is described as just a “parody.”

In real life, two Satanic organizations are openly competing for influence, with one claiming to be more pro-abortion and pro-trans than the other, while seeking the establishment of After School Satan Clubs.

Gay Satanists

Commenting on the presidential race, Devvy Kidd notes the following of “Mayor Pete” Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana, who is “married” to another man.  “Mayor Petey is Satan’s pimp,” she says.

This sounds harsh because the candidate appears so likeable. But how else do you describe a candidate who advertises a “lifestyle” that is banned in the Bible as an abomination and openly embraced by Satanists. “Gay people are turning to Satan,” notes one chapter of a Satanist group. This is a major trend.

With social and cultural decay all around us, encouraged by the major media, it’s no wonder socialism is being accepted by more and more people. The plan has always been to destroy the traditional family and make its members more dependent on the state.

Powerful financial forces are behind this plan. Consider that “Mayor Pete” pulled in a $24.7 million fundraising haul in the fourth quarter. That was more than Joe Biden.

Obama was labeled America’s first gay president by Newsweek, even though it was never firmly established that he was gay or bisexual. In Buttigieg, you have a real gay, one who is gay, proud, and “Christian.”

This is a major breakthrough for America on the road to Sodom and Gomorrah.

If you thought they only wanted tolerance and to be left alone, think again. You can’t really hide from it anymore. One of CNN’s openly gay anchors, Anderson Cooper, spoke about his mother and male sex organs during live coverage of New Year’s Eve in Time Square. “CNN hosts Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen downed shots during New Year’s Eve coverage in Times Square while a reporter jumped into a bath of rum with a drag queen mermaid,” said the Daily Mail.

The American people in 2020 will be exposed on a constant basis to degenerates who think it’s funny and trendy to talk dirty and flaunt their own perverted and corrupt lifestyles.

Catching Predators

The power of the homosexual lobby is such that it has infected the Trump Administration, as Ambassadors Richard Grenell and Kelly Craft have started lecturing Christian countries and other members of the U.N. about changing laws to accommodate the needs of the George Soros-funded LGBTQ community. Some of these countries have been devastated by HIV/AIDS.

Here, with criminal justice reform letting more criminals back out on the streets, those of us who want to protect children might want to make sure there are no perverts in our own neighborhoods eager to kidnap and abuse them.

The National Sex Offender Public Website exists to help people search the latest information from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and numerous Indian tribes. The evidence shows that 861,837 registered sex offenders are in the United States.

My search of the Maryland Sex Offenders Registry found 10 convicted sex offenders living in my zip code.

Churches Are Part of the Problem

Many churches are either AWOL about what’s happening around us or embracing the decadence.

Buttigieg wouldn’t be in this position were it not for his Episcopal Church, which ordains lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender clergy and married him and his “husband.” He left the Catholic Church, which claims to follow the Bible but which continues to tolerate a gay Mafia that escapes accountability for many of its crimes.

Still, many follow Pope Francis, who was grabbed in St. Peter’s Square by a woman who must have considered him to be like Jesus Christ. The story from the Bible says the cloak of Jesus was touched by a desperate woman in need of physical and spiritual healing. Jesus told her, “your faith has made you well; go in peace.”

By contrast, Pope Francis slapped her hand and pulled away. A religious leader who promotes an earth-centered religion and complains about capitalism, he apparently wanted her to hug a tree and meditate.

It’s not reassuring to cite moral problems and corruption by the elites, including religious leaders. But it is just as much of a war as the attacks on our embassy in Baghdad. We have to take sides and take action.

Devvy Kidd goes through the many horrors of modern America, including abortion, and  we’ve just learned that there were 42 million deaths from abortion worldwide in 2019. The “mainstream media,” run by people such as Jeff Bezos of the Washington Post, who was caught in a sex scandal of his own, do not make this genocide of the unborn into an issue at all.

President Trump deserves credit for engaging in what the Center for Family & Human Rights calls “pro-life diplomacy.” But the U.S. is still mostly isolated. “In the plenary session of the [U.N.] General Assembly,” notes its report, “the U.S. received support from up to fifteen countries in 2019, a significant increase from only one in 2018.  Even so, more than 100 other countries coalesced against U.S. pro-life amendments alongside the [pro-abortion] Europeans, an increase from some eighty last year.”

The U.N. is a losing cause – except for the bureaucrats. The U.N. pension fund is now worth $67.8 billion, thanks in large part to the world body’s biggest contributor, the U.S. taxpayer.

What Trump Can Do

Trump deserves support for his pro-life campaign and effort to restore sanity to the Armed Forces on the matter of “transgenderism.”  But the misguided and even dangerous approach on homosexuality taken by the U.S. Mission to the U.N. has to be ended before more damage is done to America’s standing in the world.

While taking action on vaping, he has failed to stop the tide of drug legalization that will further corrupt the young and do absolutely nothing to end black market marijuana (which is cheaper than buying dope at the government-sanctioned stores).

With no pushback, Buttigieg is now proposing decriminalization of all drugs, including cocaine and LSD. The madness gets worse by the day.

As some “experts” tempt Trump to attack Iran and start another costly no-win war, let’s remind the president that there is a war at home that is far more important. With the right leadership, it’s winnable.

That leadership should begin with “Evangelicals for Trump,” which is holding a January 3 news conference.

Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

Democrats Are Communists Waging War On Our Republic

Andrew C. Wallace

Communists LIE—YOU DIE

Democrats are  determined Communists dedicated to the overthrow of our Republic, and the theft of all resources, leaving us as slaves. They are already very close to stealing everything. Under Communism, regardless of promises there will be no support for Social Security, Medicare, Real Money, Police Protection, Food, Jobs, and etc. People living  under Communism have no rights and there is no private property. Under our Constitution your rights are from God and your property is secure. We must quickly kick these Deadly enemies, and all of their supporters, out of government, into jail, or, out of our country. Make no mistake, we are very close to defeat, and the loss of everything dear to us, including our lives. Communists have killed many millions of their own people to retain power. If we do nothing to stop them now, millions will die on both sides.

American Patriots are in a red hot rage over the Communist war to replace our Constitution, and rule over us as if we were Chinese slaves. Our rulers continue milking us like cows, stealing  billions and destroying people.  Obama bought a home for 12-15 million while minorities are shot down like dogs in his Communist Sanctuaries. We have no intention of allowing this Treason to continue. We have the absolute Constitutional right, ability and imperative for self defense. So sorry, you Communist SOBs, who call yourselves Democrats, you failed to get our guns, so when you start a shooting war, we will kill you with no regrets.

The Communists by acts of War, already control by force, and subversion many of our cities, counties and states, which they call Sanctuaries.  There is little  protection by U.S. law in these conquered and rundown areas. Communists have also taken over The House of Representatives  as demonstrated by the Star Chamber Impeachment. The Communists are supported by traitors in all levels of education, media, the military industrial complex, big business and finance, federal management level employees in the Administrative State, RINOs, tax free foundations, and  the Establishment Families, who control everything. These gangsters also support Communist China and other enemies of our Republic. This treason is lowering our standard of living and defense, while increasing their power and theft. Their ultimate  objective is a One World Order, with the USA as a Communist Slave  State.

President Donald J. Trump will be recognized as our most effective president for making our country the greatest on earth. His major problem in draining the swamp, is that the government is run by mostly Communists (members of the Council on Foreign Relations and neocons ), who do everything to overthrow him.  President Trump should erect a public  gallows for  traitors in the capital to contemplate. Federal employees and others, who oppose our Constitution should as a minimum, lose their jobs and citizenship. The FBI, DOJ, IRS, and State Department are so Communist, and anti Constitutional, that they must be terminated  and replaced. There must be a quick return to equal justice for all citizens, not just the rulers, or the people will revolt.

The average American, who talks truth to power, or is accused of any transgression, has a high probability of being framed, prosecuted, jailed and destroyed by criminals in the FBI and DOJ. Average Americans just can’t afford an effective legal defense against this corrupt system. This is another example of a failure to follow our Constitution, which stipulated that laws of the Republic would be enforced by the Militia of the Several States, with Officers appointed by the States. Our Founders didn’t plan for us to live in fear of a corrupt system of Judges, Prosecutors, and Police. Most media talking heads, and others, who say that only the leadership of these organizations is corrupt, are either really ignorant of the facts, or afraid of retribution from them. The Nazi, Russian, and Chinese Secret Police would treat you no worse.

Our Founding Documents are the envy of the world, but most elected officials are criminals who ignore our Constitution. Elected officials have established an unconstitutional Administrative State, where unelected employees have the total power of the three branches. This effectively denies due process to all, but the rulers. There must be zero tolerance of law breaking by government employees, with swift and harsh justice for criminals.

A large percentage of our population has been indoctrinated and lied to constantly by most educational institutions and media about the truth of Communism and Capitalism. Educational institutions at all levels must be reformed or defunded. Commercial Media must be terminated if they do not report the whole truth with proper substantiation. Schools and Media are the major tools of Communism and the greatest threat to our Republic. The only alternative to reform of these Communist tools is a full scale, and bloody Civil War, which I do not advocate. Much of higher education is a fraud designed to make academics wealthy by destroying the lives of students under a mountain of debt. There could be adequate alternatives for all degrees.

Most of our people who have been indoctrinated by schools and Media to be hardcore supporters of Communism can’t be convinced otherwise. It is impossible for us to survive as a Free Country with Communists. There is nothing in our Constitution that says we must tolerate, or support the enemies within, who are actively trying to destroy our Republic.

The Communists want our Guns so we can’t defend ourselves against a Communist Takeover. They tell us constantly that Gun Free Zones are possible, and are not Killing Fields, which is a damn lie. It is also a proven fact that the only way to reduce carnage from mass shootings is to encourage more armed citizens to carry concealed.  I don’t shop where I can’t carry.

Millions  of Patriots have died defending this great country. Over one hundred thousand have died in my lifetime fighting Communism. It is my strong belief that if the Communist traitors involved in the ongoing takeovers of our government are not severely punished, and soon, that the people will be forced to defend themselves before they lose everything. Our enemies are promoting an increase in illegals and foreign workers, causing increased crime, drug addiction, lower wages,  unemployment, and more Communist representation. If we don’t allow these crimes, the Vulture Capitalists will destroy American companies for great profits, and move the jobs to another country. Man made climate change is another scam designed to make the criminals rich. There is nothing not to hate about the Communist enemies and fellow travelers within.

I could list all the insane actions and lies of the traitors in government and their Fellow Travelers, but it would be a waste of time because you know the truth. If you don’t know the truth, I must loathe you as a Communist, or a hopeless, and ignorant tool of those who intend to be our Marxist rulers, taking the food out of your mouths.

Communists, and their Associates are at war with us, and must be called out, defeated, prosecuted, and deported.

God Bless America

© 2019 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace: natlmktg@gte.net

Teacher Unions vs. Teachers

Lee Duigon

This is what happens when virtue-signaling legislators are thoroughly insulated from the consequences of their daft public policies.

Starting in the 2020 school year, a new law in California will make it illegal to suspend students for disobeying their teachers.

In 2020 the law will cover students in grades 1-5. From 2021 through 2025, it will be expanded to grades 6-8.

Where is the teachers’ union? Why aren’t they fighting tooth and nail against this?

It’s because of the—ahem!—“reason” offered by the legislature as to why this measure is necessary. To wit: Suspension is used “disproportionately” against “students of color.” To union leaders, chaos in the classroom is a small price to pay for Social Justice. Especially when neither legislators nor union honchos have to pay it.

Having been a classroom teacher, I can say for a fact that if you don’t have order in the classroom, you don’t have education. You just have tax money being wasted. But what do the legislators care for that? What do the unions care?

As today’s alleged educators see it, Job One of the public schools is to crank out a whole generation of Far Left loons, who will then go on to college where their politics is to be hard-wired by left-wing professors. That would be the long-term project of fundamentally transforming America into a Venezuela-style hell-hole with themselves sitting comfortably at the top of the heap. The Chicago teachers’ union even sent delegates to Venezuela to learn how it’s done.

Suspension is the teachers’ next-to-last resort, expulsion being the last resort, for removing disruptive students from the classroom so that some small amount of education can get done. With that option removed, the only alternative would be to isolate the trouble-makers in a special holding room during the school day. Honk if you think that will fly.

This kind of mischief got its start in the latter years of the Obama administration, when school officials in Minnesota received a “Dear Colleagues” letter from the government—they called it a “guidance letter”—threatening “investigations” by the Justice (LOL) Dept. and the Dept. of Education into schools that “disproportionately” exercise discipline on minority students.

Surprise! Incidents of violence against classroom teachers went through the roof. In desperation, the Minnesota legislature in 2016 passed a Teacher Protection Act.

Which the teachers’ union opposed.

Can you smell the liberal racism here? “Minority students” and “students of color” can’t be expected to behave themselves, so you have to let them misbehave—while enlightened liberals run things for them. There’s always a handy liberal somewhere nearby who’s eager to run your life for you. If the kids come out of public school having learned nothing but how to waste their lives, so what? They’ll either go on to college or on welfare. We don’t want the common people meddling in government, do we? Why should they bother governing themselves, if liberals can do it for them?

All of this mischief, which we still call “public education,” is the work of the Democrat Party. What a low opinion they must have of minorities! But then for liberals no one is a person in his or her own right. “You” are not you, but only a member of this or that identity group, to be treated accordingly.

We are in a battle for the preservation of our constitutional republic, under which our liberties have flourished for more than 200 years.

One more Democrat president, with a Democrat congress, and we can kiss it all goodbye.

If at all possible, homeschool. Because if we can kill of public education, the Far Left Crazy dies with it.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in for a visit; a single click will you there. My articles can also be found at www.chalcedon.edu/ .

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Time’s Person of the Year: 16 Year Old Greta Thunberg

Frosty Wooldridge

As 2019 slips into the rear-view mirror faster than a firefly flashes its tail-lights, 2020 rolls into view like a wildfire across Australia. Or, like a forest fire in California. This new year faces jam-ups like Los Angeles, Denver or New York’s gridlocked traffic. Yes, 2020 grows dirtier faster than the Brown Cloud arching over every major city in the USA.  Cancer chases and catches millions of Americans faster than a Tesla can re-charge its batteries.

What’s so amazing about 2020: Americans face multiple horrific challenges on many fronts.  We’ve got the killing fields of Chicago where folks kill each other daily in that city’s “gun free” zone.  We face racial violence growing in the ghettoes across this country.  We water systems going dry.  We continue killing people in Iraq and Afghanistan—with no end in sight.  We see our schools graduating teenagers with little ability to read, write or perform simple math.  An astounding 7 out of 10 African-American babies arrive out of wedlock to be brought up on welfare and single mothers.

Across our major cities, we saw 38 police officers meet their death at the hands of violent citizens executing them in 2019.  How many will die defending us this year?  In New York City, thug teens poured water on officers and taunted them with impunity.

Our country faces more problems than a bathtub full of worms.  And you know, it’s not going to get better in our big cities. It’s going to get worse, much worse.  We’re going to see racial tensions escalate into major violence. We’re going to see backlashes on Muslims as some of their jihadist buddies blow up a few places in the USA or kill a bunch of Americans.  We’re going to see drug addiction, suicides and opioid deaths skyrocket.  It’s in the cards.

We may be facing “civilizational despair.”  A debilitating sense or loss of our culture, our language, our laws and our connectedness to each other and our country.  It’s the end result of multiculturalism: and it’s moving across our land at breakneck speed.  We, the American people, don’t know who we are anymore because we’re no longer ourselves inside our own country.  You see it reflected in the nasty divisions in our U.S. Congress.  Two sides hate each other: democrats and republicans will not pull together for the common good.  And several House Members from Michigan and Minnesota would like to destroy our country: Somalian Ilhan Omar and Palestinian Rashida Tlaib.  Another from New York, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez follows their lead.  All three possess cotton-candy for brains.

But one of the most pressing items for 2020 stems from our entire planet facing horrific problems.  Last year, Time named Greta Thunberg “Person of the Year” for her stance on “Catastrophic Climate Destabilization.”  At 15, she’s outspoken for the children of her generation. At the same time, she’s suffered a boat-load of negative feedback from many quarters.

Whether you understand climate change or not, accept it or not—the human race faces some of the greatest consequences for our species in over 2,000 years.

She said, “We are at the beginning of a mass extinction of life on this planet, and all you can talk about is fairy tales of eternal economic growth…how dare you.”

She’s correct!  According to the 40-year study by Norman Myers of Oxford University, we lose 100 species every single day of the year to extinction in 2020.  The famed Harvard biologist Edward O. Wilson stated emphatically that, on our current course, “The human race will wipe out 1/3 of all animal species on this planet via encroachment or poisoning of their habitat by 2050.”

Because, at some point, as we destroy the “Web of Life” on this planet, we too, one day, will find ourselves heading into Mother Nature’s wood-chipper.

Greta Thunberg said, “I often talk to people who say, ‘No, we have to be hopeful and to inspire each other, and we can’t tell [people] too many negative things’ . . . But, no — we have to tell it like it is. Because if there are no positive things to tell, then what should we do, should we spread false hope? We can’t do that, we have to tell the truth.

For example, 20 years ago, Oprah Winfrey exposed the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch” just off San Francisco at 60 million tons of plastic compacted between two gyers, about the size of Texas and 30 to 90 feet deep.  As a veteran 60 year scuba diver around the world, I’ve seen it.  It’s huge, it’s ugly, it’s growing, and it’s deadly to MILLIONS of marine and avian creatures in our oceans.  Today, because no world leader has moved to stop it, the “patch” grew to 100 million tons.  Today, fish eat the plastic, birds eat the plastic, the sun breaks it down so it’s in our food chain; so, we humans eat the plastic and our children.

And not one single leader in the world will put a simple 50 cent deposit-return law into the mix to create an economic incentive to return all plastics for proper reuse.  NOT ONE leader and NO ONE in the United States Congress!  We humans may be clever, but we are stupid beyond measure.

I’ve given you a couple of the problems facing America and all humans on this planet in 2020.  We created 70,000 chemicals that we inject into the air, water and land 24/7.  Anybody speaking up about that?  Of course, every person reading this commentary knows a friend with cancer or you face cancer yourself.  Why?  Because no one speaks up against Monsanto, Bayer or Dow Chemical Company.  Go see the move: Dark Waters, to show you how amoral those people prove themselves.

And, even with the “climate change” people, they refuse to connect the fact that the human race grows by 83 million people, net gain, annually—so, as we head toward adding 3 billion more of our selves—there’s no way in hell we could save ourselves as we exceed 10 billion people by 2050 on this fragile little planet out in the far reaches of the Milky Way.

Sobering point: I have tried to interview on 60 Minutes, NPR, Face the Nation, Meet the Press, CNN, FOX and over 100 radio stations to bring the facts for the past 20 years.  Result: they flee any discussion of human overpopulation in America.  Yet, we remain on course to add another 140 million people in 30 years!  It’s too late for India; and once that next 140 million people land on America, it will be too late for us.

As a civilization, we face horrific consequences as to our numbers, to our water, energy and resources.  We face tremendous consequences as to our quality of life and standard of living. Are we doing anything to make it a better future for our children?  Answer: Nope!  We prove ourselves as stupid as those people who let India reach 1.3 billion and China hit 1.4 billion.

We might survive 2020, but the sleddin’ going to get rougher, nastier and more than gritty in the coming decade.

And Greta Thunberg?  She’s got guts and we need to move on her activism with our own activism for our own children.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Militia Standing Against Tyrant In Virginia Who Failed To Learn His History

Bradlee Dean

Caesar had his Brutus, Charles I his Cromwell; And George III- Treason! Cried the speaker- May profit by their example. If this be treason, make the most of it. –Patrick Henry 

Oh, how many times I have preached that the Lord is going to get our attention one way or another and, boy oh boy, is He doing just that.  His message is clear: If you want to remain free then you are going to have to fight for your freedoms (1 Timothy 6:12). After all, the history of the Church is that the Lord is willing to give the Church what it is willing to fight for, no doubt.

Tyrants know what happens when we do not keep the Lord’s commandments in keeping with His justice (Isaiah 51:4), and that is that tyranny rises as freedoms die. In fact, tyrants are encouraged by the apathetic (Matthew 13:25).  They are encouraged by the tolerant in committing transgressions (1 John 3:4).  That is exactly what we have seen in this country for far too long.

How many profess to be the Lord’s in this country who refuse to obey Him in keeping His commandments (1 John 2:4)?  It is astounding! The biblical illiterates have trained the goats well.

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History teaches us that you can only oppress a people for so long before their oppressors get a response. Our forefathers, are a prime example of just that, There will always be a small number of those who will obey the Lord and resist the tyrants (Romans 12:21).

Thomas Jefferson wrote in a letter to William S. Smith, a diplomatic official in London, on November 13, 1787, “God forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion.” Jefferson remarked The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”

He was not only talking of a foreign enemy that would commit such infidelity, treachery and treason without, but about those who would commit such infidelity treachery and treason within (Luke 22:48).


When looking at the example that our forefathers left us, that is when it came to their examples, we need to look no further than the Declaration of Independence. We can find that 75% of that documentation is our forefathers throwing off the tyrant across the pond who would not be ruled by God to keep men free (2 Corinthians 3:17). The sort of tyrants that Americans are now finding in their own midst.

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Law Enforcement Today reported, “Thousands of cops, veterans, supporters pledge to join militia in Virginia to combat unconstitutional laws.”

“Things are getting really bad in Virginia. But this group isn’t going down without a fight.   Virginia – Monday morning, Law Enforcement Today reported on how Tazewell County, Virginia is crafting a militia to defend the Constitution in the state.  And within hours, we were flooded with thousands of emails from people across the state – police officers, veterans, and patriotic Americans – who said they are joining.

And it’s a movement that’s gaining traction across the state.  Wrote one man: 

“I am Vietnam vet, ex-police, retired and am behind your ideas 100% , anything I can do I would like to help. 

I live in Franklin County, which voted down being a sanctuary city being the council is Democratic, a moonshine county giving up their guns is dumb. 

The South gave up their flag, their statues and now they want their guns, sounds like Hitler’s Germany.”

Wrote another:

“There had already been rumblings locally about a militia being formed last month.  We started carefully and quietly assembling patriotic Americans who are prepared to defend freedom at all costs.  

In the past day those numbers have swelled.  We have a very strong military presence here – more veterans and both active and retired LE than you can count. As of this evening, we’re talking about thousands of people that have expressed an interest in being a part of this movement.” 

Last week, we reported on how lawmakers over in Virginia were threatening to use the National Guard if members of local law enforcement refused to enforce laws passed in the state that they felt violated the second amendment.

Think about what this tyrant Ralph Northam and his subordinates are suggesting.  They are threatening to use the National Guard against law-abiding gun owners. Who is the National Guard? Our grandfathers, our fathers, our uncles, our cousins, our brothers, our neighbors, and friends.  Friends, this precipitates a civil war (Psalm 9:17).

This is the importance of knowing the US Constitution and upholding its enumerated Laws (Article 6, Section 2).

This is a clear and present danger as is it a true revelation and exhibition of what tyranny looks and acts like (Matthew 7:16). And it is happening in America today.

Notice they also want to, by force, push the police into acting in an unconstitutional manner as they are acting.  This is tyranny.  It is our duty to lawfully throw it off (Romans 12:21).

“To disarm the people…[i]s the most effectual way to enslave them.” – George Mason, referencing advice given to the British Parliament by Pennsylvania governor Sir William Keith, The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution, June 14, 1788

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That’s what sparked things in Tazewell County, which has said it isn’t going down without a fight.

On top of calling themselves a Second Amendment Sanctuary County, they’re also crafting a militia, as well. The Virginia county has taken the movement that has swept across the state and added an element that is sure to trigger pro-gun-grabbing politicians in the state.

Who is the militia?

“I ask who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers.” – George Mason, Address to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 4, 1788

“The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country.” – James Madison, I Annals of Congress 434, June 8, 1789

“A militia when properly formed are in fact the people themselves…and include, according to the past and general usage of the states, all men capable of bearing arms…  “To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.” – Richard Henry Lee, Federal Farmer No. 18, January 25, 1788

“What, Sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty …. Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.” – Rep. Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts, I Annals of Congress 750, August 17, 1789

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“Our position is that Article I, Section 13, of the Constitution of Virginia reserves the right to ‘order’ militia to the localities. Therefore, counties, not the state, determine what types of arms may be carried in their territory and by whom. So, we are ‘ordering’ the militia by making sure everyone can own a weapon.”

Thus, if anyone from the state tries to remove the sheriff from their elected office because they refuse to enforce unjust laws, those state officials will be faced with a lawful militia composed of citizens within the state.

The county is taking their militia element very seriously as the new ordinance calls for concealed weapons training for any resident of the county that can lawfully own a gun.

Another couple sent in this message late Monday to LET:

“…my husband and I are die hard 2nd Amendment defenders, and if they want our guns they will have to kill us to get them, but I guarantee that they will not come out of that battle unscathed!!!

We are both disabled but we would be ready and more than willing to fight side by side with all of our like minded brothers and sisters.

We are from West “by God” Virginia and we tell everyone who cares to ask what we think about guns and the 2nd Amendment, that we were born with a gun in our hand and will probably die the same way! Guns don’t kill people, at least not without a trigger person, it is usually by a deranged person  or a gang member or a person in the act of robbery or drug running, kidnapping etc .

And usually committed with an illegally purchased or non registered weapon, the leftist, dictator, communistic socialist ‘ idiots need to realize that if they take away legal gun owners weapons, who have been trained to properly handle a weapon, they might as well open the doors and announce to the criminals to come get what they want because the criminals will be the ONLY ones to have a gun which was obtained from the black market.”

The county has also called for schools to adopt firearms safety training programs. Considering the blue wave that hit the state, along with Bloomberg pouring in millions toward the election, this is a massive win that shows gun owners aren’t going to lie down.

Americans, be encouraged and let their cruelties swell our ranks because they are.

Knowing what is unfolding in Virginia and how it is that they are responding to tyrants makes one proud to be an American (Psalm 33:12).

© 2019 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

The 13 Colonies Started Freedom. Now They’re Destroying It

Ron Ewart

Long before the “Shot Heard Round the World” at Lexington and Concord in April of 1775, the new world rose from about 2,000 inhabitants in 1620, to 250,000 by 1770 and 2.4 million by 1775.  Most came from the many countries of Europe but some came from as far away as Russia.  It has been said that the first American baby was born in Roanoke, VA way back in 1578, 42 years before the landing at Plymouth Rock.  That first baby was allegedly named Virginia Dare.

They came for religious reasons (the Puritans), or they came for free land, or they came for commerce and trade.  It was a hard life and they paid a huge price.  Over half of the people that landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620 died in the first year due to the harsh winter.

But these were British colonies ruled by the British Crown.  In conflict with the British, France lay claim to much of the Ohio River Valley and most of South Eastern Canada.  The British took exception to France’s claim.  This led to the French Indian War (or Seven Years War) that covered most of New England, Pennsylvania, New York and parts of South Eastern Canada.   The British cost of that war was huge and so the British decided that the Colonials should pay for it.  This led to the Stamp Act of 1765.  The Stamp Act required that many printed materials in the colonies had to be produced on stamped paper manufactured in London, a huge inconvenience and a significant cost.

The taxes and laws that Britain imposed on the colonies were voluminous.  From 1651 to 1774, Britain passed huge numbers of acts and taxes on the Colonials.  This included the Stamp Act of 1765 and the Tea Act of 1773, which led to the Boston Tea Party, a protest by Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty where 342 chests of Tea were dumped into the sea in direct defiance of British rule.

In 1765 the British passed the Quartering Act.  This law required that the colonists needed to find or pay for lodging of British soldiers, or put the soldiers up in their homes.

For many decades the heavy hand of the British hammer came down on the colonials and they finally had enough.  The Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776 and the Revolutionary War began against the tyranny of the English Crown.  The rest is history.

What has happened to the 13 colonies since the Revolutionary War is a testament to what can happen when people are stacked upon each other in high dense urban cities ….. socialism and corruption.

Thomas Jefferson even said around 1800, “When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe.”

At the start of this great country, around 1776, there might have been 3 million inhabitants of the Continental United States, mostly concentrated along the East Coast in the original thirteen colonies, not including the native population.  Now at 327,000,000, we are more than 100 times that 3,000,000.   The highest density of population per square mile in big cities occurs on the East Coast in most of the original 13 colonies.  The District of Columbia’s (Washington DC) density per square mile is 9.5 times higher than the most populated state, New Jersey.  Perhaps this fact alone explains why America has become a powerful centralized government, instead of a nation of states and why the Democrats want to repeal the Electoral College.

The space between inhabitants in the late 1700’s was fairly significant.  News was printed and sometimes took days, weeks, or even months to reach the far outreaches of the Republic.  The country was mostly agrarian, as the industrial revolution and the corresponding rush to big cities had not yet begun.  After the revolution secured America’s freedom, Americans took up the task of living as free individuals with the freedom of space to insulate them from the vagaries of abnormal human behavior.  Americans were spread out, productive, creative, industrious, generous and mostly civil, the Hatfield and McCoys not withstanding.  There was no government assistance available and yet they survived.

But agrarian living was sometimes sparse and did not provide predictable income.  Weather, pestilence and erratic markets added to that unpredictability.  Soon, new sources of power, like the steam engine, brought us the industrial revolution.  As industries started sprouting up around big cities that provided the labor to keep those industries thriving and alive, people started moving off of the farms and headed for the big cities, where jobs were available and eking out a living was not quite as problematic.  But for all actions, there are usually unintended consequences and such it was as city populations grew.

Sometimes the jobs would dry up as the industrial revolution evolved and technology, markets and fortunes ebbed and flowed.   Sometimes large segments of the city populations would be out of work when a large manufacturer closed down.  The Great Depression came along in the late 1920’s and large percentages of city populations could not find a job.  City folk had no way to produce the food, clothing and shelter they needed to survive.  In contrast, their country cousins could grow what they needed, had a roof over their heads and could live off of the land, no matter how primitive it might be.  If they had a little extra, they would help out their neighbors, who by circumstances may have been a little less well off.  Civility and mutual respect were the rural landowner’s creed and still is for the most part today.

Not so in big cities.  The fact is, a hungry belly has nothing to lose by petitioning (or protesting) their government for a handout and civility is the last thing on their minds.  If people are hungry enough, they have nothing to lose by resorting to violence.    They either turn to crime or the government.  The government was all-too-willing to provide that assistance in return for votes and thus socialism was born and socialism is where we are today, no matter what you hear to the contrary.  Way too many people live in big cities and are incapable of helping themselves when times get tough.  Hurricane Katrina at New Orleans showed us that in spades.  Government thrives and grows on big-city dependency.

The behavior of individuals living tightly in big cities produces its own share of problems.  High crime rates and noise, air, water and human waste pollution are just a few of the consequences.  Big cities require large police forces to enforce laws and civility.  Big cities dump their concentrated pollution on the environment but then demand that everyone else comply with environmental regulations.  Even so, many big cities are out of control, like Chicago and Baltimore.  The police are unable to contain the rising guns, drugs, gangs and violence.

The other consequence of high-dense urban living is the steady lowering of the bar of civility, respect and trust.  Human behavior changes under the conditions of living closer together.  It does so because of a basic human fact.  No matter what the government, socialists, psychologists, or the environmentalists will tell you, people like and need “their” space and the space does not come in a 1,000 sq. ft. apartment in a 25-story building, surrounded by concrete on all sides, in a big city.

Suburbs became a partial answer to the human need for space.  But then the suburbs began to increase in density as governments got into the act of “planning” where we live and work.  Environmentalists came along and lobbied the government planners to stop suburban expansion because it took up too much land that animals needed to survive.

History has shown us that people don’t behave well when crammed together in big cities.  Big cities are bastions of socialism, dependency and government control.  Big cities, with their majorities, control the legislative process and give us legislators that support socialism, more laws and environmental extremism.  The people who inhabit big cities are more apt to believe whatever the government tells them and act like mindless lemmings.  The current propaganda and mass hysteria of man-caused global warming is a prime example.  Yes, big cities are large markets of consumers and bring us commerce that helps to fund the country.  But we wonder if the price is worth it.

There is now a determined social justice and environmental protection agenda by American policy makers to cram more people into large cities.  Liberal, over-educated, government-paid planners spend all of their time drafting plans, acts, laws, rules, restrictions, regulations and ordinances to direct the movement of populations ever tighter into big cities.  Draconian environmental protection laws are purposely designed to drive more people out of the rural areas and force them into big cities.  The rural areas are to be protected from humans at all costs, without regard to constitutional protections or the rights of rural landowners.

This purposeful design was first created in a 1992 United Nations policy paper entitled, Agenda 21.  It was then codified into American law by presidential executive orders, without a treaty being ratified.  This socialist policy now permeates every level of government and is taught in our K-12 public schools and our very liberal colleges.  Government sanctifies this policy with soft sounding names like “Social Equity”, “Smart Growth”, “Sustainable Development”, “Endangered Species”, “Conservation”, “Biospheres”, “Wildlife Corridors” and “Wilderness Protection”.  One of the motives for all of this propaganda is to drive more people into big cities, where government can more easily control large urban populations.

Big government loves big cities, as they feed off of the occupants’ dependency and big-city voters continue to re-elect the handout providers.  But big government doesn’t give one whit about civility.  If the population gets more uncivil, government just adds police to bring the people into compliance and increases taxes to pay for it all.  In the case of the black ghettos on the south side of Chicago, the authorities mostly just let the inhabitants kill each other.

Big cities encourage the growth of corruption.  As a result, government gets bigger, more corrupt and more powerful every day.  The institutionalized corruption of big cities produce people like Bill and Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, Anthony Weiner, John Edwards, Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano and a whole host of Congressmen and Senators.  In the end civility, respect, trust, honor, integrity, honesty and freedom lose and corruption and avarice takes their place.

Unfortunately, this socialist mindset that exists in big cities controls the voting and electoral processes.  The “Blue” states are “Blue” because of that “Blue” big city socialist mindset.  Most of the big cities are concentrated east of the Mississippi River and that is why the presidential candidates concentrate their campaigning in the so-called battle ground states.  The Western States might just as well not exist, except maybe socialist California with its 55 Electoral Votes.  (See “America’s Night Light Pollution“)

The truth is that big cities are hazardous to your health as well as freedom, but the Democrats don’t care.  They maintain their perpetual power from the socialist, government-dependent big-city vote.  As big cities become ever more dense, the political power of conservatives will be eroded into extinction, if it hasn’t been already.

In 2019 Virginia, one of the 13 Colonies has now been taken over by the Democrats.  They control the executive and legislative branches of government.  With their newfound power they have decided to shove massive gun control legislation down the throats of Virginians.  Rural Virginians are resisting the Democrats, just like the Colonials did to British rule.  Sanctuary gun cities and counties are springing up all over Virginia.  The Democrats will have none of that and have threatened to call out the National Guard to take guns away from Virginians.  The fight is heating up and the full story has yet to be told, but the story could end up in a Virginia civil war.

The 13 colonies gave birth to freedom and they are now killing it because of big cities.  What has happened to the 13 colonies is now happening to other states like California, Oregon, Washington and Illinois. Big cities are and will be the death knell of freedom in America.

© 2019 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

Guns Save Lives

Jake MacAulay

“The suspect is deceased, and the threat has stopped thanks to the heroic action of those two parishioners at the church,” said White Settlement Police Chief J.P. Bevering at a news conference Sunday.

“The two security volunteers saved 242 other parishioners who were in the church,” said Jeff Williams, director of public safety.

The AP reported this weekend, “A gunman who killed two people during a Texas church service was fatally shot within seconds by armed congregants, said state officials, who hailed the state’s gun laws that allow weapons in places of worship.”

The natural and God-given right of self-defense is perfectly summed up by this exposition found in America’s fundamental law which regulates all our civil government institutions: “…the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Definitive, bright, unequivocal, and by no stretch of the imagination is the Second Amendment confusing.

If anyone is to begin discussing the topic of Americans’ right to bear arms we MUST understand it has never been the government’s responsibility to protect us as individuals.

What did you say, Jake?

That’s right. Courts have even ruled to support the fact that police are not responsible to protect individuals.  If you call 911 and no police officer shows up and you or someone you know is vandalized, brutalized, or killed, you have no legal right to sue the police department for negligence. You see, it has always been the people’s responsibility to protect themselves; the government’s responsibility is to protect the right of the people to protect themselves.

The promulgation of emotional ignorance has always been the tool to convince people to give up this right of self-preservation in favor of trusting that criminals will give up their crime and that government can boundlessly protect you.

As seen in every single mass shooting, the government is completely incapable of protecting the citizenry from these kinds of attacks. If the people do not protect themselves, there is no protection. Have you noticed that nearly all “gun-control” laws fight or obstruct innocent people from protecting themselves? This is why state leaders have an obligation to declare any and all federal gun-control laws to be null and void, and boldly declare to law-abiding citizens of their states that they will honor and protect the people’s right and duty to defend themselves.

Our forefathers did not arm the American people for the purpose of hunting, but rather to protect themselves from those who were doing the hunting, namely the tyrant King George. The Second Amendment is a primary vouchsafe of our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and to ensure all of the other rights given unto us by our Creator.

George Washington, our first president, said:

“From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable … the very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor with all that is good.”

This week as we pray for the families and friends of the deceased at West Freeway Church of Christ, please take an additional moment to give thanks for the law-abiding heroes that saved so many lives. May it challenge us all to follow their example of love.

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E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com