The Intolerance Of The “Tolerance” Mob

Monday night at the Anne Arundel County Council meeting in the state of Maryland was a truly revealing experience. The issue of racism was the big agenda item of the evening. The purveyors of “tolerance” were in full force demanding an end to racism, insisting that the county council must end hate. End hate? Wow, that seems like a pretty tall order. How would the seven councilman on the platform go about changing the hearts of all 600,000 souls in this county? Perhaps, I thought, these citizens are calling for a spiritual revival, beginning with repentance for a multitude of sins. After all a true revival would actually change people’s hearts, turn them from hating others to loving their neighbor as themselves just as Jesus Christ commanded. Is that what they were asking for?

Video of the sermon

The other clear message of the “tolerance” crowd was that they demanded the first amendment rights be respected in the proceedings of the Council meeting. Now all of this was before Joe got up to speak. When he did, he correctly pointed out that the young man murdered had graduated from a Christian High School and that the murderer graduated from a public high school in the same county. He also stated that the Ten Commandments were never allowed to be seen in the murderer’s public High School, let alone to be taught.  And he added that if we wanted to really deal with the problem we would return to teaching the Bible in the public schools. Now during Joe’s entire two minutes, venomous statements were were hurled at him by the very same people who were calling for the end of hatred. It was from that same crowd that someone yell for Joe to shut up. What about the supposed love for the First Amendment they were calling for moments earlier? Not on display if your statements don’t line up with the leftist God hating agenda. In stead you will be shouted down by loud mouth bigots who demonstrate they lack any civility or self government let alone love for their neighbors.

Then I began to share the quotes from Charles Darwin I shared with you last week, that clearly display the direct connection between Darwinian Evolution and racism. The very same people who said they wanted to end racism did not want to hear those words. I was repeatedly interrupted by angry shouting and hateful invective by those who just minutes before demanded an end to hatred and a preservation of the First Amendment right to freedom of speech. They had no regard for my two minutes of free speech. This matches a pattern we’ve seen repeatedly demonstrated around the country.

In the past several years we have seen the publication of “The Silencing: How the Left Is Killing Free Speech” by Kirsten Powers and “End of Discussion: How the Left’s Outrage Industry Shuts Down Debate, Manipulates Voters, and Makes America Less Free (and Fun)” by Mary Katharine Ham and Guy Benson. And now Kimberley Strassel has written a book called “The Intimidation Game: How the Left Is Silencing Free Speech.”

Understandably all this is rather puzzling, they say they want free speech, but oppose it whenever they don’t like it. But perhaps last month Congresswoman Val Demings, Democrat from Florida cleared it all up for us.

In a Facebook interchange with Stephen Mercer, The Daily Wire reported that when Stephen Mercer ”asked Demings if they ever found her stolen handgun and suggested that she be more responsible with her own firearms before talking about gun control for others, Demings offered a peculiar reply: Teach me how to be PERFECT Stephen because obviously YOU are. My First Amendment Right is DIFFERENT from yours. You are wasting your time.”

The Daily Wire reached out to Demings via Twitter, Facebook, and her Washington D.C. office. While we were never able to speak with Demings herself, we did speak with her communications director, Caroline Rowland.

When asked if Demings could speak about the remarks she made on Facebook, Rowland simply stated: “No, she will have no comment on that. Thank you,” before quickly hanging up the phone.”

One commentator looking back at the UC Berkeley riots said, “The incredible thing is we are witnessing the reality of the left in action. Beyond the rhetoric and the sloganeering, the radical left is really about fascism, censorship and the end of free speech. They will not tolerate other points of view, and they will do whatever it takes to ensure that all recalcitrants such as Milo will not be given a hearing…The secular leftists are so proud of calling themselves “progressives” but the ugly truth is this: there is nothing progressive about this mob – and a mob is what they are. They are regressive: they want to take us back to the censorship, conformity, and uniformity of past fascist tyrannies.

They have no regard for all that they constantly shout about: tolerance, diversity, acceptance, love and freedom. They are every bit the fascists that they claim to reject and despise…I am reminded of a quip Bill Buckley made many decades ago about the left: “Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.” Or as Mark Steyn put it more recently: “The Left does not want to win the debate, it wants to shut down the debate.”[1]

That sounds exactly like what we experienced on Monday night. But where does that lead a society when these totalitarian forces are allowed unchecked power? Well, the French Revolution comes to mind as well as the Russian Revolution, as well as Hitler’s rise to power. In other words the exact opposite of what is proclaimed is what will be achieved. That appears to me that this is the current trajectory of our country unless there is a dramatic shift in direction. Unless there is repentance and revival.

There is a path open to true liberty under law, the type of freedom our country was founded upon. It is a liberty that as our Founders clearly stated can only be achieved by a populous that is composed of true disciples of Jesus Christ, whose own self government demonstrates that they can be trusted not to abuse their fellow citizens but rather will stand for and defend the God given rights of their neighbors because they obey the command of our Lord Jesus, “Love your neighbor’s as your self.”

As we saw last, the true disciple is not proud, he does not forget what he was before he came to faith in Christ. Titus 3:3 “For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another.”

In that verse we saw the downward spiral – fools in their thinking, adopting an unbiblical world view leads directly to acting in disobedience to God’s Law Word. This in turn results in opening their minds to all sorts of deceptions which the enemy of their souls is all too ready to supply. In that deceived state they then become subjects of slavery to sin. As they grow deeper into that lifestyle, or we should say death style of sin, they live lives filled with malice, envy and hatred.

Now if the majority of a country are characterized by this description of a downward moral spiral there is little hope for liberty to ever be achieved. However there is a caveat, it is the very first word of Titus 3 verse 4 – ‘But.’ All of the above is true, it is without question the reality which we face in this fallen world. But that is not the end of the story. Genesis 3, even as it records the fall of mankind into sin, also declares the ‘But’ that is the promise of the redemption which God will Himself accomplish.

4But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared,

5Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us. This is what our land needs, a true repentance leading to revival that turns hearts from hatred to loving one’s neighbor as one’s self.

Learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2017 David Whitney – All Rights Reserved



Ossoff’s Extreme Leftist Army Must Be Defeated

Hollywood celebs who share Kathy Griffin’s vitriol for Trump are pouring millions into the Georgia special election. Jon Ossoff’s paid Leftist army have made the fight for Republicans to retain the Georgia congressional seat a real nail-biter. Leftists’ boots on the ground shock and awe campaigning is working.

A facebook friend in Georgia reported seeing guys on her street wearing Planned Parenthood pink shirts leaving Ossoff literature on doorknobs. Shockingly, Ossoff gained a 7 point lead ahead of conservative Republican Karen Handel. Thrilled, fake news media claims Ossoff’s lead is due to a growing national rejection of Trump. They are wrong. Due to our efforts (yours and ours at Conservative Campaign Committee), Ossoff’s lead dropped to 1.5 points.

Democrats are masters of deception, always portraying themselves as the opposite of what they are, insidiously hiding their true intentions. Due to an extreme well-funded media campaign, I saw an Ossoff ad all over Georgia TV portraying him as a fiscally responsible and tax lowering moderate. The slick ad featured Ossoff on an all American front porch; possibly his grandma’s house. Sadly, the TV ad was brilliantly deceptive, hiding the truth that Ossoff is Leftists’ Great Liberal Hope. Defeating the Republican candidate in Georgia would energize their resistance to Trump and hopefully lead to removing him from office.

After campaigning for almost a month in Georgia, Mary and I drove home to Florida yesterday. But there is still much work to do to save that seat.

Patriot brother Tony Ledbetter has launched the Republican Party of Florida to help our phone from home efforts. Please join the efforts by sending an email with your name to: We will send you a phone list, phone script and instructions on how to help Georgia Republicans bring about much needed change in leadership for District 6.

The special election is June 20th. However, early voting has begun which is scary given Democrats’ history of voter fraud. Also, Democrats found a judge who allowed them to register 8,000 new voters beyond the legal registration date.

Jon Ossoff’s main strategy is to deceive the voters of Georgia by portraying himself as Mr America-Loving Moderate. The truth is Ossoff has aligned himself with some of the most liberal elements of the Democrat Party and will be little more than a rubber-stamp “Yes-Man” to Nancy Pelosi. My artwork on facebook exposing Ossoff’s deception is a hit. Please like and share it.

This race is all about Republican turn-out folks. Lord knows how many illegals, non 6th district residents and dead people Democrats will magically pull out of their hat to steal this crucial GOP congressional seat.

I call upon all my patriot brothers and sister across our great country to help stop this evil spewing out of the American Left. Kathy Griffin was not alone in her desire to see our president beheaded. Actor Jim Carrey defended Griffin sharing his desire to physically harm our president.

Let us not forget Snoop Dogg’s mock assassination of Trump via a bullet to his head. Ossoff is the poster boy of Leftist extremists folks. This is why Ossoff must be defeated. “All that is needed for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing.”

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”

Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist

© 2017 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

The contest is on

As everyone knows, the people of Great Britain voted to secede from the European Union (EU). This was a stunning repudiation of the globalists’ agenda and a very bad omen for Hillary Clinton.

However, globalists, including the Neocons and Neolibs in Washington, D.C., will NOT take this lying down. Leaders in France and Germany are already talking about EU member states surrendering their economies, their armies, and their borders to the EU. International bankers immediately manipulated the financial markets downward (over two trillion dollars were lost) as a threat to any other country thinking about following England’s example.


The modern push toward globalism has been actively taking place since the creation of the United Nations back in 1945. For the first few decades following the advent of the UN, globalists mostly hid and denied their efforts. Political and economic leaders seldom mentioned it in public. George H.W. Bush was the first Western leader to talk openly about a burgeoning New World Order. Since then, leaders around the world have been very open about their desire to create global government. Today, only ignoramuses or bald-faced liars deny the existence of the globalist agenda.

GHW Bush said, “We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order . . . . When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the U.N.’s founders.”

Bush, Sr. also said, “What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea–a new world order . . . .” He further said, “The world can, therefore, seize the opportunity to fulfill the long-held promise of a new world order . . . .” And he went on to say, “It is the sacred principles enshrined in the United Nations charter to which the American people will henceforth pledge their allegiance.”

England’s former Prime Minister, Tony Blair, said, “We are all internationalists now, whether we like it or not.” He continued saying, “On the eve of a new Millennium we are now in a new world. We need new rules for international cooperation and new ways of organizing our international institutions.” He also said, “Today the impulse towards interdependence is immeasurably greater. We are witnessing the beginnings of a new doctrine of international community.”

In 1999, Tony Blair said, “Globalization has transformed our economies and our working practices. But globalism is not just economic. It is also a political and security phenomenon.”

Likewise, former President GW Bush penned his signature to the Declaration of Quebec City back on April 22, 2001, in which he gave a “commitment to hemispheric integration and national and collective responsibility for improving the economic well-being and security of our people.”

By “our people” Bush meant the people of the Western Hemisphere, not the people of the United States. Phyllis Schlafly rightly reminded us that G.W. Bush “pledged that the United States will ‘build a hemispheric family on the basis of a more just and democratic international order.’”

The public statements of notable world leaders regarding an emerging New World Order are ubiquitous. Consider the statements of former CBS newsman, Walter Cronkite.

In his book, “A Reporter’s Life,” Walter Cronkite said, “A system of world order–preferably a system of world government–is mandatory. The proud nations someday will see the light and, for the common good and their own survival, yield up their precious sovereignty . . . .” Cronkite told BBC newsman Tim Sebastian, “I think we are realizing that we are going to have to have an international rule of law.” He added, “We need not only an executive to make international law, but we need the military forces to enforce that law.” Cronkite also said, “American people are going to begin to realize that perhaps they are going to have to yield some sovereignty to an international body to enforce world law.”

The United Nations has been on the forefront of promoting the New World Order agenda since its very inception. In 1995, the UN released a manual entitled “Our Global Neighborhood.” It states, “Population, consumption, technology, development, and the environment are linked in complex relationships that bear closely on human welfare in the global neighborhood. Their effective and equitable management calls for a systematic, long-term, global approach guided by the principle of sustainable development, which has been the central lesson from the mounting ecological dangers of recent times. Its universal application is a priority among the tasks of global governance.”

If there is no emerging New World Order, what is “global governance” all about?

“Who are the movers and shakers promoting global government?” you ask. Obviously, it is the international bankers who are the heavyweights behind the push for global government. Remember, one cannot create a “global economy” without a global government to manage, oversee, and control it.

In a letter written to Colonel E. Mandell House, President Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson.”

“Old Hickory” did his best to rid the United States from the death grip that the international bankers were beginning to exert on this country. He may have been the last President to actually oppose the bankers (except for John F. Kennedy who wanted to disband the Federal Reserve and for which he was probably killed). In discussing the Bank Renewal Bill with a delegation of bankers in 1832, Jackson said, “Gentlemen! I have had men watching you for a long time, and am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal, I will rout you out!”

Unfortunately, the international bankers proved themselves to be too formidable for President Jackson. And in 1913, with the collaboration of President Woodrow Wilson, the bankers were given charge over America’s financial system by the creation of the Federal Reserve.

In addition, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was created as a means by which to infiltrate the media and political elite with New World Order lackeys. Remember, the CFR was incorporated in 1921 and is currently comprised of only about 5,000 members. Yet, CFR members are found in staggering numbers among the political and media elite.

The CFR was co-founded by Edward Mandell House and John D. Rockefeller. Colonel (an honorary title–he was not a military colonel) House had been the chief advisor of President Woodrow Wilson. Historians often call House “Wilson’s alter ego” due to the powerful influence he held over the President. House was a rabid Marxist whose goal was to socialize the United States. In his book, “Philip Dru: Administrator,” House said he was working for “socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx.”

House’s stated goals were to incorporate a gradual income tax upon the backs of the American people for the purpose of establishing a state-controlled central bank. Both of these goals were accomplished in 1913, the very first year of the House-dominated Wilson administration.

House’s blueprint became the foundation for the CFR. What was not accomplished by the proposed League of Nations at the end of World War I was realized with the formation of the United Nations at the end of World War II. Not by accident, much of the original funding for the CFR came from Rockefeller and J. P. Morgan. President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave CFR members much authority in his administration, and they have pretty much dominated the foreign and financial policies of the United States ever since.

In the April 1974 edition of the CFR publication “Foreign Affairs,” Columbia University Professor and CFR member Richard Gardner wrote a column entitled “The Hard Road to World Order.” In it, he called for “an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece.” He named the following organizations that would help fulfill that objective: the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the Law of the Sea Conference, the World Food Conference, the World Population Conference, and of course, the United Nations. I would also include NAFTA, the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), CAFTA, TPP, etc.

The CFR has a sister organization called the Trilateral Commission (TC). This group was co-founded by the Marxist Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller. Like Gardner, Brzezinski calls for a piecemeal “movement toward a larger community of the developed nations . . . through a variety of indirect ties and already developing limitations on national sovereignty.” (Source: Brzezinski, Between Two Ages, p. 296)

In his book “With No Apologies,” former Republican Presidential nominee Barry Goldwater wrote, “The Trilateral Commission is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical. What the Trilateral Commission intends is to create a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nationstates involved. As managers and creators of the system, they will rule the future.” Was Goldwater a prophet or what?

In his book “Memoirs,” on page 405, David Rockefeller says, “Some even believe we [the Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Back in 1991, French publications quoted David Rockefeller as saying in a Bilderberg meeting in Baden-Baden, Germany, “We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. . . . It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

How could Rockefeller be any plainer? He acknowledged the willful assistance of the major media in helping to keep the elitists’ agenda of global government from the American people. To this day, the major media has not deviated from that collaboration. And this includes the talking heads at FOX News. They know if they want to keep their jobs, they dare not unmask the New World Order.

But New World Order spokesmen themselves could not be clearer. For example, CFR member, Walt Rostow, said, “It is, therefore, an American interest to see an end to nationhood . . . .”

The American people need to wake up to the fact that the international banking interests that dominate our political and financial entities are working tirelessly to “see an end to nationhood.” I am talking about the Rothschilds and Warburgs of Europe, and the houses of J.P. Morgan, Kuhn, Loeb, Schiff, Lehman, and Rockefeller.

Rear Admiral Chester Ward, who was the Judge Advocate General of the Navy from 1956-1960 and a former member of the CFR who pulled out after realizing what they were all about, warned the American people about the dangers of this and similar organizations (such as the TC). He said, “The most powerful clique in these elitist groups have one objective in common–they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence of the United States. A second clique of international members in the CFR comprises the Wall Street international bankers and their key agents. Primarily, they want the world banking monopoly from whatever power ends up in the control of global government.”

Admiral Ward also said, “The main purpose of the Council on Foreign Relations is promoting the disarmament of U.S. sovereignty and national independence and submergence into an all powerful, one world government.”

Check it out. Virtually every recent presidential administration–Republican and Democrat–is littered with CFR and TC members. Here is a sample list of notables in and out of government who hold (or held) membership in the CFR or TC (and sometimes both):

George Herbert Walker Bush. Bill Clinton. Sandra Day O’Connor. Dick Cheney. Les Aspin. Colin Powell. Robert Gates. Brent Scowcroft. Jesse Jackson, Sr. Mario Cuomo. Dan Rather. Tom Brokaw. David Brinkley. John Chancellor. Marvin Kalb. Diane Sawyer. Barbara Walters. Cyrus Vance. Paul Volcker. Henry Kissinger. George Shultz. Alan Greenspan. Madeleine Albright. Roger Altman. Bruce Babbitt. Howard Baker. Samuel Berger. Elaine Chao. Dianne Feinstein. Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Chuck Hagel. Gary Hart. John McCain. George Mitchell. Bill Moyers. Jay Rockefeller. Donna Shalala. Strobe Talbott. Fred Thompson. Robert Zoellick. Richard Nixon. Hubert H. Humphrey. George McGovern. Gerald Ford. Jimmy Carter. John Anderson. Walter Mondale. Michael Dukakis. Al Gore. John Kerry. Susan Rice. Anthony Lake. Zbigniew Brzezinski. Richard Clarke. Ivo Daalder. Dennis Ross. Lawrence Korb. Bruce Riedel. Stephen Flynn. Tim Geithner. Gen. James Jones. Thomas Donilon. Dennis Blair. Kurt Campbell. James Steinberg. Richard Haass. Richard Holbrooke. Joe Biden. Bill Richardson. Tom Daschle. Janet Napolitano. Hillary Clinton.

It is absolutely essential that we stop looking at potential leaders as either Democrats or Republicans or as conservatives or liberals. Those monikers mean very little today. We must start identifying people as either Americans or globalists. Either they believe in an independent, sovereign, self-governing United States of America or they believe in supranational government and internationalism. Either they believe in devotion to the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence or they believe in the goals and objectives of the United Nations.

We must rid ourselves of the propensity to support candidates simply because they classify themselves as “conservatives,” and we must stop blindly supporting the GOP because it claims to be a “conservative” party. If candidates and political office-holders do not understand and oppose the New World Order, they do not deserve our support or our vote.

George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George H.W. Bush laid the foundation for everything that Barack Obama has done to facilitate the New World Order. That two of these Presidents are Democrats and two are Republicans only proves my point: both the Democratic and Republican parties have succumbed to New World Order ideology.

Just yesterday, Barack Obama, meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Enrique Pena Neito at the North American Leaders’ Summit in Canada, said, “We’re going to keep on pushing hard to shape an international order . . . .”

The EU is the prototype of global government. The Treaty of Rome in 1958 was the precursor to what became the EU as we know it today with the Treaty of Maastricht in 1992. Bill Clinton and G.W. Bush tried their best to push through a North American Union but were stymied by the independent-minded spirit of the American people and State legislators–especially the legislators in Texas and Oklahoma.

In reality, anti-globalist fervor has been brewing for many years on both sides of the Atlantic. Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul are the ones who most recently ignited the anti-globalist movement in this country. Furthermore, it has been the anti-globalist movement that has fueled the political campaigns of both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. Now, Great Britain has voted to leave the EU. And the anti-EU movement is growing in several other European countries as well, so I doubt that England will be the last country to secede from the EU.

Britain’s secession from the EU is the first national act of defiance to the globalist agenda since the globalist elite created the United Nations. But as I said, globalists will not take this lying down. The fight has only begun. The big apple has always been the United States. And, sadly, globalists control the Federal Reserve, the DOD, the CIA, the State Department, the Department of Homeland Security, and the congressional leadership on both sides of the aisle.

But, again, at least now THE CONTEST IS ON.

P.S. This is the final announcement that we are still shipping THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS. This is the great compilation of America’s most important historical documents in ONE VOLUME. Such a volume does not exist anywhere else that I know of. This is our annual Independence Day printing and our supply is almost sold out. Order now.

© 2016 Chuck Baldwin – All Rights Reserved

Sgt. David Thatcher, the Doolittle raid and World War eleven

Victoria Taft, broadcast and print journalist, radio talk show host, and blogger, recently reported on her Facebook page about a school teacher who taught her students that “WWII” on a veterans cap meant meant he was a veteran of “World War Eleven.”

That teacher is definitely the product of progressive liberal government schools. So will those kids be.

In that regard, I recently reported on the notice of the passing of WWII hero and “Doolittle Raid” veteran Sgt. David Thatcher at age 94 on June 22, 2016. (Facebook/Rees Lloyd Law; twitter @ReesLloydLaw.) has provided more, and very interesting, information on Sgt. Thatcher and the history of the “Doolittle Raid.”

You might consider not only reading it, but also providing it to your children, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren. They are definitely not learning about it in their progressive liberal, politically correct government schools.

Come to think of it, you might provide it to your local schools — the teachers of those kids are not only not teaching it, apparently some of them are so ignorant of our history, the Doolittle Raid, and veterans, that they are teaching that “WWII” means “World War Eleven,” as Victoria Taft reported.

God bless those vets of WWII like Sgt. David Thatcher, and the veterans of all wars. It was those veterans, ordinary Americans who made extraordinary sacrifices, who preserved our freedom.

Some 1.4-million of those veterans have given their lives that America might remain free. But, “while some gave all, all gave some.” They should not be forgotten; ignored; or wiped out of history by progressive liberal political correctness, or because someone might be “offended” based on natural origin, or religion.

Every one of those veterans took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States against “all enemies, foreign and domestic.” America survived those wars, because veterans defeated all foreign enemies.

Now, the question is whether we will survive the political-correctness, and creeping European-style socialism that is a modern domestic enemy destroying America from within.

For God And Country Forever; Surrender To Tyranny–Never!

Staff Sgt. David Thatcher – American Veterans Center

Staff Sergeant David Thatcher was the Engineer-Gunner aboard Crew 7 of the famed Doolittle Tokyo Raid. After his plane, the Ruptured Duck, dropped bombs over their target in Tokyo, the crew made their way towards China. After crash landing on the water near a small island, Thatcher and his crew even…


© 2016 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

West Virginia needs our help

Almost Heaven, West Virginia has become hell for some of her residents. Last week a 500 year flood slammed the hill country taking the lives of 23 people and devastating several small towns in the Charleston area.

These small towns, built around now-shuttered coal mines, are already poverty stricken, even in the best of times. Now, however, what little the residents had has been washed away by a tsunami of water rumbling down the valleys. They need our help more than ever.

Once again we are on our way to help. As you read this we are already on the road. Can you help us help them?

We have a track record of effectiveness. Over the past decade we have transported food and supplies to help the victims of Katrina, Rita, Joplin, Moore and various disasters all across this nation. We are effective in what we do. Many of you have helped us in the past and you know the integrity with which we operate. The same group of volunteers load the food in Ohio and unload the food in West Virginia.

We partner with local churches in the flooded area to get the supplies to those most in need

We pay no salaries. We have no big-shot CEO’s who oversee our operations. This is done man to man and church to church. It is the way Christians should operate.

Our friend Pastor Art Wilhite, aka “THE BREADMAN” has been co-coordinating disaster relief for over 25 years. He has a working relationship with two major suppliers here in Columbus, Ohio. They trust him and his integrity.

This week, The Breadman has been in meetings securing the food and making arrangements to find and secure the trucks. Our trucks are loaded with food and rolling!!

We simply need the funds to transport the food to the Mountaineer State.

Columbus, Ohio is about 150 miles from the Charleston area and we will leave Thursday morning with over $50,000 in fresh bread products, water, and other supplies to the devastated area. Would you be willing to help finance this relief effort?

Please, if you haven’t already, don’t send your money to the Red Cross…or FEMA…please work through us. We make the greatest use of your hard-earned money with the lowest overhead.

Your dollars will pay for fuel, food for the workers, and other expenses associated with the relief. NOT ONE CENT WILL GO TO PAY ANYONE A SALARY!

In addition, we take prayer teams with us and we openly share the Gospel with the residents. This is a unique opportunity to turn the eyes of the needy away from the long arm of government and towards the nurturing arms of the church.

We believe it is the way God would want it…THE CHURCH helping the needy…not more dependance on the government.

You can contribute by mailing a donation to:

Pass The Salt.
Box 744
Hebron, Ohio 43025

Your donation is 100% tax-deductible.

Please pray for our safe travel and that our efforts may draw many devastated lives closer to Our Savior

Thanks for helping us make a difference in the lives of people you will never meet.

© 2016 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

EU exit: it’s a religious issue

British voters stuck a pin in the globalist bubble last week when they voted to leave the European Union.

Surely playing a major role in that decision was popular annoyance and frustration with EU bureaucrats in Brussels ceaselessly interfering with ordinary people’s daily lives. The EU became infamous for handing down ridiculous rules and regulations covering everything from the permitted curvature of a banana to the kind of olive oil containers to be used in restaurants. They held off imposing some even more inane regulations, fearing it would make them look ridiculous while adding fuel to the Brexit fire. Having lost that battle, it is expected that these new regs—cracking down on toasters and tea kettles—will soon be imposed on the countries remaining in the EU. Lucky them.

The EU was sold to the nations of Europe as the precursor to paradise. EU big shots haven’t given up on that dream. Reportedly, they are now huddling with Google and Facebook to ban (what they consider to be) “hate” and “extremism” from the Internet.

The beauty of it is, they don’t bother to define what is hateful or extremist. Presumably few of us would object if all they wanted to do was keep homicidal maniacs from using the Internet and social media as tools to facilitate acts of mass murder—although you’d think, if the bad guys were yakking about it on Facebook, that ought to make it easier for the authorities to catch them.

But it’s just so easy to imagine the private jet crowd sitting around Davos with cute little overpriced drinks in their hands, saying something like, “Y’know, comrades, while we’re at it, we could also ban Climate Change Denial, ‘cause it’s so hateful to the planet! Why, there’s all kinds of hate that we can keep out of cyberspace—like, y’know, microaggressions. In fact, we could go whole-hog and ban Hate itself! Then everybody would be nice, and as always, we’ll have smacked ‘em down for their own good. They’ll thank us for it someday.”

If you think people are incapable of this, who claim the authority to regulate the curvature of a banana, please think again.

It must be stressed that at the root of this issue is religious belief.

The Bible, both Old and New Testaments, teaches that the origin of sin—of hate, for instance—is from within, arising from the human heart. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9) And Jesus taught that it’s not what goes in that defiles a man, but what comes out (Mark 7:18-23)—every kind of strife and wickedness, originating in the heart.

But humanists, globalists, and EU bureaucrats reject the Bible’s teaching. They don’t believe it. The human heart is basically just fine and dandy, they think. It’s what’s all around us—our society, our culture, our social, political, and economic institutions—that defiles us. All that need be done, by the ineffable wisdom of Science and the raw power of the state, is to tweak and tinker with our surroundings. Just keep on meddling and coercing, and silencing the expression of wrong opinions, and eventually they will hit upon just the right combination of regulations and restrictions and taboos that will render our surroundings absolutely perfect—and voila! You get perfected human beings, incapable of hate or greed or any other failing.

This is the progressive dream, the liberal delusion. We are not the problem! It’s the way we live, it’s everything around us—that’s the problem. And we the elite, who are so dazzlingly smart that we could just hug and kiss ourselves all over—we can solve the problem! All we need is the power and the money—and for the rest of you to shut up and do as you’re told.

The grace of God, and the regenerating power of Jesus Christ, they utterly reject. For them there is nothing greater, nothing wiser, than man himself: meaning not us, ungrateful oafs and peasants that we are, but themselves and their friends.

As a less worthy object of worship would be terribly difficult to imagine, they wind up with extensions of themselves—wealth, the state, and Science—serving as their idols, to whom sacrifices must be made.

Not by themselves, but by the rest of us.

We must throw off the shackles of this false religion.

Brexit is a good start, but we still have a long, long way to go.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog,, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Compromise? Capitulate? Hell no! Resist! Fight!

As Patrick Henry’s cry of freedom, “Give Me Liberty, Or Give Me Death” echoes across the passages of time, has it not become meaningless in the 241 years since it was uttered at the Virginia Convention on March 23, 1775, which ushered Virginia into the American Revolution? Future presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were at that convention but the freedom they fought for in 1776 and described in the Declaration of Independence and the new, fresh-off-the-press, U. S. Constitution, is not the freedom that exists in contemporary America today. It is so far from it as to be earth and fire.

There was no compromising or capitulating in 1776. There was only open defiance, dedicated resistance and the courage to risk it all and fight with cannons, guns, swords, knives, spies and lives, the rising tyranny of King George III. If you think that government in America, at every level, has not become tyrannical, you have been watching too much reality TV.

Once again, we celebrate the 4th of July but why do we celebrate it, if what we are celebrating no longer exists? We say our soldiers are fighting for our freedom, but what is the definition of the freedom for which they fight? Do they know? Does the general population know? Hell no!

Free you say? Freedom? My Aunt Fanny’s, fanny!

If July 4th is Independence Day, it is not the Independence that is defined in our American dictionary. It is not the freedom and independence that was crafted so carefully in our Declaration of Independence by men of vision, in a time of conflict, confusion and turmoil, over two centuries ago.

Freedom and independence means freedom of choice, freedom of movement, freedom of what to buy, freedom of what to wear, freedom of what to say, freedom of where to live, freedom to arm yourself, freedom to defend you and your family by violence if necessary, freedom of where to work, freedom to live on and use your land without undue government interference and freedom to roam freely throughout America without having to go through check points and body searches.

We are constantly subjected to the authority and jurisdiction of government. We are continuously being influenced by the dictates of government. We can’t move sideways without butting heads with an out-of-control, arrogant bureaucrat to get some permit or license. Way too many of us are dependent on government for our very existence. We are forever relying on government for aid and support. We, as a culture and as a nation, are no longer competent, self-sufficient, self-reliant and responsible. Some of us are, but nowhere near a majority. We have been bought, sold, conquered and enslaved with out a shot being fired, for a few pieces of silver. God, Americans are cheap to sell their freedom for so little.

If we were to tell you how un-free you are, it would take a book, not an article. There have been so many laws written that every American is a lawbreaker every day of their lives, but they don’t know it, that is until they get caught. And when they plead to the court that they didn’t know there was a law they had violated, the judge will say, “ignorance of the law is not an excuse. Guilty!” That’s enslavement.

Americans have become so conditioned to ever-increasing laws they shrug them off as “that’s just the way it is.” There are no constitutional challenges to the old laws or the new ones, just capitulation. There is no repeal of out-of-date, or conflicting laws. Every American should shudder in abject fear and terror when a state or federal legislature is in session, or when bureaucrats meet to propose new rules, or when a city or county council hold public hearings, or executive sessions behind closed doors.

Government taxes the Hell out of us to pay for social programs so that they can buy votes and stay in power. Government wastes our money like a drunken sailor on shore leave. Government lies to us so that we won’t know what they are doing behind our backs. Government tries to trick us by playing with our subconscious minds. Corruption is not the antithesis of government. Corruption is the very essence of government.

So just how can you be free when your government taxes you, what you buy and everything you own to death, taxes you after death, forces you to get a license or a permit for everything, or passes laws to stop you from doing anything. Do you believe that Obama Care has increased your freedom? Do you believe that allowing millions of illegal aliens to enter America illegally, without penalty and then rewarding them with “free” stuff paid for by you, is freedom? Do you think that you will be more free when the Democrats are finally successful in taking your guns away, as the liberals have already done in England and Australia? Of course it’s coming!

Did you see the Democrats stage a sit-in on the House floor and cry like babies because they didn’t get their way on more gun control legislation? It’s Democrats, liberals and unions that protest violently when they don’t get their way. Disgusting!

Are you free when your government allows a foreign enemy to grow and propagate worldwide and allowed to attack and kill American civilians at will, without a swift and overpowering response to those attacks? Are we so fearful of conflict that we will let the bullies win? Did we not learn anything from World War II?

Are you free when one anti-freedom ideology can be embedded in all of our institutions, as has Progressivism? Are you free when radical environmental law makes a human being a virus on the earth and restricts almost every human activity? Is it freedom when Google, Facebook and Twitter, Democrats all, can silence conservative speech with just a simple algorithm? Are you free when the IRS can drive you into poverty or put you in jail because of mistakes they make, target you because you might resist government, or God forbid, ask for tax-exempt status? Is freedom defined when the president can make a law simply by signing an Executive Order, in direct violation of his oath of office and Article I, Section 1 of the Constitution?

What we have described here is not freedom ladies and gentlemen, it is the very definition of tyranny. American government tyranny has surpassed King George’s tyranny by several orders of magnitude and the allegedly “free” people in America have let out not so much as a noticeable peep in opposition. In fact, the American people have been complicit in this tyranny.

Americans have been conditioned not to resist, at home, at work, in our public schools and our colleges. Compliancy with government and authority has become a virtue. The patriot’s cry of freedom, or believing in the Christian God, or defending your 2nd Amendment rights has become extreme, or dangerous. To call radical Islam, “radical Islam” is not politically correct, even though radical Islam’s plan is to kill us all.

It is OK to discriminate if you are a protected class. White men are not a protected class, but blacks, Latinos, gays, lesbians, bi-sexuals, transgenders, women and the elderly are protected classes and are granted special privileges, in direct violation of the “equal protection” clause of the 14th Amendment. Affirmative Action, which is racial discrimination on its face, has just been upheld again by the U. S. Supreme Court.

The U. S. Supreme Court itself has become a wholly political body, not an impartial group of nine learned men and women to adjudicate the constitutionality of laws and legislation. The split decision over Obama’s Executive Order to stop illegal alien deportation is a glaring example. Four very liberal Supreme Court Justices thought Obama’s usurpation of executive power was perfectly OK. How can that be in a “free” America?

Judges in our federal and state courts have become unsanctioned affiliates of the legislative branch and legislate from the bench.

Freedom? Poppy cock! Alleged American freedom and the 4th of July, which celebrates that freedom, is an illusion, a mirage, a construct by the Progressives in our midst. The only people who are free are politicians, judges, attorneys and bureaucrats who have the power to tax us, regulate us, or throw us in jail.

Go ahead! Compromise! Capitulate! Be compliant to authority! Roll over! Go along to get along! Don’t rock the boat! You can, but like Hell we will. That’s how America got into this mess; Republicans forsaking their principles of liberty and unalienable rights and compromising with Democrats, as Democrats moved America ever so faster towards socialism.

Life is a constant struggle over competing interests. Either protect your interests, or the other guy’s interests prevail. Freedom and property rights are our interest and we intend to protect those interests with committed defiance.

But we don’t have to have another American Revolution to fight or resist government. In our long struggle with government over our adult lifetime, we have created effective tools and defenses against government’s interests. When they come calling, which they seem want to do these days, we go on the defensive, and sometimes on the offensive. We never compromise or capitulate. We never give in or roll over. We study the law and then question government’s authority and their laws, using existing laws already on the books. If you have the courage you can challenge them as well, using the tools we have developed, HERE. Urban or rural, the tools are effective.

Everyone wants world peace or national tranquility, but world peace or national tranquility won’t happen until all competing human interests have been neutralized. That won’t happen until the next big asteroid or comet strikes earth and causes a mass extinction of the human species.

All humans have a natural, animal, God-given right to protect themselves and their offspring from all forms of tyranny, foreign or domestic. To do otherwise is cowardice. Human bodies and minds were purposely designed for survival and to resist all forces jeopardizing that survival and freedom. If you want the 4th of July to mean something again you are going to have to fight for it, now more than ever. On June 23, 2016 the English declared their Independence from the ruling class, unelected EU bureaucrats and the central banks. It’s way past time for Americans to do the same. Maybe Trump can lead the way.

“Compromise! Capitulate! Be compliant! Not question government authority! Never, as long as there is breath in this body!

Who STANDS with us and freedom?

[NOTE: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

© 2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved

The line is drawn, America! Warn the rulers with resistance

“You don’t need 30 rounds to hunt! But the 2nd Amendment was not written in case deer turn against us.”

On June 18th 2016, Barrack Hussein Obama once again proclaimed he would usurp the United States Constitution (1,180 transgressions to date) by pulling out of thin air another illegal and unconstitutional Executive Order in an attempt to further restrict Americans’ (God given) right to bear arms.

The Huffington Post Blogger’s Club feels that things are getting a little too close for their sinful comforts when it reported that the timing of the Orlando attack, combined with the demographic of the alleged victims, the demographic of the alleged gunman, and all the D.C. theatrics since the shooting, dovetail too well with the domestic and geopolitical agendas in Washington.

In fact, the group finds the timing of the Orlando shooting so suspect, that they’re offering $25,000 to anyone with substantial proof it was a false flag operation.

They say the Orlando shooting is simply perfect for at least six top priorities of the Obama regime:

1. Repealing the Second Amendment;
2. Justifying Orwellian surveillance;
3. Emboldening the police state;
4. Fan hatred of Muslims;
5. Intervene on behalf of terrorists in Syria while pretending to fight them.

This is all coming from the administration that arms “terrorists” to do their biddings for them to pull down and overthrow governments internationally.

It was this administration that implemented “Fast and Furious,” which was responsible for putting weapons into the hands of Mexican drug lords who murdered over 300 Mexicans only to blame the American people for the crimes that Obama and his administration were responsible for.

Obama and his minions are the same people who are attempting to “brain wash” Americans through their use of lies and propaganda.

To counter the actions of this present day tyrant-dictator, let’s counter the lawlessness and misunderstandings as to why we, the militia, are an armed people. By the way, it has nothing to do with deer.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” -Amendment 2 of the Bill of Rights

“A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined…”

– George Washington, First Annual Address, to both House of Congress, January 8, 1790

“What, Sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty …. Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.” – Rep. Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts, I Annals of Congress 750, August 17, 1789

“The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country.”

– James Madison, I Annals of Congress 434, June 8, 1789

“A militia when properly formed are in fact the people themselves… and include, according to the past and general usuage of the states, all men capable of bearing arms… “To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.”

– Richard Henry Lee, Federal Farmer No. 18, January 25, 1788

These are the same men that continuously warned their posterity to:

“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined…. The great object is that every man be armed. Everyone who is able might have a gun.” – Patrick Henry, Speech to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 5, 1778

“When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace.” -Luke 11:21

Finally, President Thomas Jefferson, in a letter to James Madison, the 4th President, on December 20, 1987 said,

“What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms.”

© 2016 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

From Brexit to liberty

“The dawn is breaking on an independent United Kingdom. Let June 23rd go down in our history as our independence day!” said Nigel Farage, leader of the U.K. Independence Party, after the historical vote for Britain’s Independence from the European Union.

Presidential hopeful Donald Trump declared, “The people of the United Kingdom have exercised the sacred right of all peoples”, and that “they have reasserted control over their own politics, borders and economy.”

The God of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the source of this sacred right of Liberty as written in British foundational freedom documents such as the Magna Carta and later in our own American freedom document, the Declaration of Independence.

When speaking with my wife about “Brexit” she made a very observant comment. “Right action with the wrong foundation can become destructive action.”

As I pondered this statement, I reflected upon the dialogue of pundits, politicians, and even citizens, and there has been a missing component: the mention of a Biblical foundation for Independence.

As Americans, we at one time determined to dissolve the political bands which had, quoting the Declaration of Independence, “joined us with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them.”

The foundation of our call for Independence was the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.

Since the early 1600’s, America was known as the place where people could go to start a new life with freedom of religion, the liberty to choose your own occupation, and a place of refuge from oppressive governments.

The Mayflower Compact states why the Pilgrims came to America:

In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord, King James, by the Grace of God, of England, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, e&. Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia…

I fear at this time in history we place far too much emphasis on our politics, borders and economy, and too little attention on the One who grafted the fundamental rights to these blessings of liberty into the citizens of every nation.

While I agree with Great Britain’s exercise of the sacred right to liberty, I pray that Britain and those around the world with amazing foundational documents – like the Magna Carta and the Declaration of Independence – return to their foundations so that we may see much needed lasting examples of liberty in our world. As the Proverb says, “If the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do?”

Learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and his “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2016 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserv

Baby killers handed victory by black-robed leftist lawyers

On Monday, the majority of black-robbed, leftist lawyers sitting on the U.S. Supreme Court took a dangerous step backwards by striking down provisions of a Texas abortion law that that abortion providers maintain hospital privileges and meet ambulatory surgical center standards in order to protect both the mother and the child.

The case arose out of a challenge to a Texas law (HB2) that, for the past three years, has required abortion clinics to be governed by the same standards applicable to other outpatient facilities. The premise behind the law is that a procedure involving the insertion of surgical instruments in a woman’s womb should be performed under the same regulations as a colonoscopy.

The Texas law also required abortionists to have admitting privileges in local hospitals, as emergency rooms do not always have specialists available to handle abortion-related complications. Moreover, hospitals investigate the training, performance, licensure, and certification of applicants prior to granting them admitting privileges. This ensures that abortionists are licensed and qualified to perform surgical procedures that can result in life-threatening complications. The shortage of qualified abortionists led to the closure of a number of Texas abortion facilities.

The decision was 5-3 in Whole Women’s Health v. Hellerstedt, which challenged HB2, a sweeping Texas abortion licensing and safety law, according to Newman. “Today’s Supreme Court ruling has essentially relegated women to second-class citizens when it comes to abortion by allowing abortionists to evade meeting basic safety standards that are proven to save lives,” he said in a press statement following the high-court’s announcement.

Justice Steven Breyer wrote the opinion and was joined by four other justices, including Justice Anthony Kennedy, a Reagan nominee. Justice Clarence Thomas wrote the dissenting opinion and was joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito.

“We must remember why these safety rules were enacted. When abortion facilities are exempt from meeting safety standards, conditions and practices deteriorate and women are placed in jeopardy. We saw that truth played out during the murder trial of Pennsylvania abortionist Kermit Gosnell, who killed Karnamaya Mongar and Semika Shaw during sloppy abortions at a squalid ‘House of Horrors,'” he reminded the news media, who are practically celebrating the decision.

Besides those cases, in a 2011 investigation into Texas abortion abuses, Operation Rescue documented poor facility conditions, the illegal disposal of recognizable aborted baby remains, and violations to the Texas 24-hour waiting period and informed consent laws at Whole Women’s Health, the abortion chain challenged the law.

Based on Operation Rescue’s regulatory complaints, Whole Women’s Health was heavily fined for the illegal dumping of aborted baby remains, and two of its abortionists were disciplined for violations uncovered during Operation Rescue’s investigation, as cited by an amici curiae brief, filed by the Liberty Counsel on behalf of Operation Rescue.

Two years later, Operation Rescue reported first-hand on the horrors exposed at the murder trial of Pennsylvania abortionist Kermit Gosnell followed by a report on allegations made by clinic workers of babies who were similarly murdered at a Houston abortion facility that prompted the special legislative sessions that led to the passage of HB2.

Data recently gathered by Operation Rescue during a meticulous survey of every abortion facility in the country, verified that the average wait time for an abortion in Texas was 23% shorter than the national average wait even though half of the state’s abortion clinics have shut down.

Those results prove that The Texas law has not forced women into long waits for abortions – contrary to baseless claims made by the Abortion Cartel.

“We will not stop our fight to save innocent babies and protect women from an abortion industry that makes a living exploiting women by cutting corners on their lives and health,” said Newman.

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Open borders: Our plight in twenty first century

In this exclusive interview with George A. Phelps, retired US Army officer of the 1st Calvary, he examines the consequences of our open borders policy carried on by your elected Congressional critters as well as the current president in the White House.

Mr. Phelps, please give us an idea of our future with mass immigration:

“The left wing liberal socialist rogues have pretty much taken over our government,” said Phelps. “They are intent on forcing the philosophy of diversity and multiculturalism on and within our country.

“They have even advocated ‘open borders’ to allow anyone in the world to enter our country freely and without being questioned as to their intent, health, hygiene practices, levels of education, work skills and so on.

“This is a catastrophe to any modern, civilized nation such as ours. And that same philosophy or ideology is occurring in Europe as well.

“Assimilation is not on the minds of these migrants. They will and are bringing with them their old cultures that have proven to be disastrous in their countries and regions of origin.

“One example is the Muslim culture. It is contrary to the culture of our country in many ways including Sharia law. Allow me to show you some pictures of cultures that could enter a country of open borders.

“I don’t mean to denigrate these types of other cultures. However, they don’t immigrate to other places and give up their old cultures and morays. They do not assimilate. They only bring down and destroy the culture of the countries to which they immigrate.

“The United States offers free stuff which they do not have in their countries of origin and they expect to get it here in the United States without changing their old ways of living and their religious beliefs. Nor do they contribute financially to pay for this ‘free stuff.’ The free stuff is paid for off of the backs of working citizens.

“Does anyone think that this couldn’t, wouldn’t or hasn’t happened here? Don’t kid yourself it’s not only possible, it’s highly probable. Muslims have already infiltrated America and are setting up camp and assumed positions in our local governments and even in the United States Congress. Even the President of the United States has appointed Muslims to his White House staff positions.

“It is not beyond imagination that more primitive and backward cultures will migrate/immigrate to the United States changing the cultural landscape of the United States into a morass of incompatible and conflicting cultures resulting in warring between these incompatible cultures.

“Right now there are gangs, for example MS-13, roaming the streets of American cities, robbing, raping, killing and destroying the buildings and businesses that were constructed by Americans in building our great nation. Businesses that citizens built with the sweat of their brows have been plundered, pilfered and literally demolished, resulting in the need for the owners to leave and locate elsewhere.

“Many of these gang members are illegal aliens being ‘protected’ by our Federal Government that screams “Constitutional rights” if the law enforcement officials/officers dare to confront or kill them when the officers’ lives are threatened by these thugs.

“The liberal philosophies and ideologies taken over causing all these problems, and they must be stopped. It will take time but if American Citizens will wake up and pay attention to what is happening in our ‘halls of learning’ and government, it can be defeated.

“Pressure on our elected officials from the American citizenry can turn this around. But ALL of us will have to apply this pressure. When enough people protest politicians and other government officials pay attention because they do not want to lose their cushy jobs and all the benefits they derive from them.

“Also, their ideologies and philosophies of rule will be threatened.”

If you don’t want a Paris, France or San Bernardino event in your community, it’s time to call for a total “Immigration Shutdown Now.”

Call your senators and House rep: 1-202-224-3121. Demand a stop to all immigration and stop to any Syrian immigration.

Definition of slogan: “Immigration Shutdown Now means the American people want a total shutdown on all legal and illegal immigration. That means we want all illegal immigration stopped by arresting, prosecuting and jailing employers of illegal aliens. We deport all illegal aliens by taking their jobs away and as we catch them. We want English mandated as our national language. We demand a cessation of Muslim immigration in order to protect our culture, language and way of life. We can’t save the world but we can destroy our civilization. We demand a stable population that allows everyone to live, work and thrive into the 21st century. Especially our children.” FHW

That’s why you need to take action. Send this series to everyone in your network. Educate them. Urge them to take action by joining these websites to become faxers of prewritten letters and phone callers. We must force Congress into an “Immigration Shutdown Now!

Share these videos all over America: ; ; ; ;

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five minutes to see for yourself.

“Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck
This 10 minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

America: ; ; ;
United Kingdom:
Australia: Sustainable Population Australia

© 2016 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

Have you ever seen a Muslim try to be a true American?

 Have you ever seen a Muslim hospital?
 Have you heard a Muslim orchestra?
 Have you seen a Muslim band march in a parade?
 Have you ever heard of a Muslim charity?
 Have you shaken hands with a Muslim Girl Scout?

The answer is no, you have not. Just ask yourself WHY ???

Were those Muslims that were in America when the Pilgrims first landed? Funny, I thought they were Native American Indians. 

Were those Muslims that celebrated the first Thanksgiving? Sorry again, those were Pilgrims and Native American Indians. 

Did Muslims fight during the Civil War to free the slaves in America? No, they did not. 

In fact, Muslims to this day are still the largest traffickers in human slavery known to man. 

You yourself Mr. Obama have shown us your loyalty to Muslims and if you are not one, than you certainly should be since you are definitely NOT an American.

Where were Muslims during the Civil Rights era of this country? Not present. 

There are no pictures or media accounts of Muslims walking side by side with Martin Luther King, Jr. or helping to advance the cause of Civil Rights. 

In fact, rights for Muslim women are so strong and protective, if a Muslim woman is raped she has to have 2 witnesses present to the rape and then they will still probably stone her to death because she has “embarrassed” the family – stolen their honor.

Where is the honor in their way of life? Why aren’t you stoning the rapist? Because Muslims have no respect for women or children as they slaughter them daily.

I do suppose Muslim men feel it is an act of “honor” as they are raping and torturing woman to have them also site words from the Quran at the same time.

But let us not forget to “honor” the growing number of women in ISIS like Tashfeen Malik, the female San Bernardino shooter who lied to get into this country. How about Huma Abedin, Hillary’s “body woman”, all these years was working deep within our government to include the State Dept. was also an assistant editor for a publication called the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs(JMMA) from 1996 until 2008.

Truth is the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs is an Abedin family business. Huma’s late father, Dr. Zyed Abedin, was recruited by Abdullah Omar Naseef to run the JMMA in Saudi Arabia as Huma was recruited to run the U.S. branch.

Abdullah Omar Naseef is also the founder of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA) and the secretary-general of the Muslim World League (MWL) which has long been the Muslim Brotherhood’s principal vehicle for the international propagation of Islamic supremacist ideology.” The MWL is also considered the mother of the International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO) all Saudi government funded organizations.

And Mama – she currently lives in Saudi Arabia and runs the Journal for Muslim Minority Affairs as well as being a dean at a woman’s college there. There never has been a vetting done in regard to the connection between Huma, Clinton’s, Clinton Foundation and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Lying is ok isn’t it Mr. Obama as long as you are lying to gain your own agenda! Everyone around you lies and most have an agenda of their own. They can’t stand you either but you serve a purpose for them.

When Hitler rose to power, his Nazis supported al-Banna in growing the Muslim Brotherhood into its ally in the Middle East. By 1938, the membership of Muslim Brotherhood topped 200,000.


The Project.” In 1979, Western powers supported the Muslim Brotherhood to form the Mujahedeen army and fight the Soviet army in Afghanistan.

Isn’t it interesting in watching America change sides all the time as to whom they support using our tax dollars along with their lies to support the government’s agenda?

You come to America professing to want to be American and yet you are silent in regard to the murdering acts of your brother and sister Muslims.

Are you afraid? You should be! Because to a radical Muslim, you are NOT supporting them in their effort to gain control of the world and should die as true Americans are.

Islam is not a religion but an ideology. In the face of peace and love, Pope Francis and Rick Warren should and probably will go to hell on judgment day for stating Mohammad (Allah) is one and the same with our Christian Lord God.

In case you are not aware, God has never asked his followers to murder anyone just because they don’t believe in him or follow his word. His message is for Christians to continue to try and “teach” them and be tolerant, but he is also very adamant about an “eye for an eye” and to hurt one of his children is an abomination unto Him! 


So Mr. Obama as you leave office I and many Americans would appreciate it if you let OUR door of liberty hit you on your butt (I am being a lady here) on your way out of our country. A good many of us are very aware you now want to step into the “God” position as the head of the United Nations. That move in fact, might be a good one for the world if you continue on your current road to destruction of everything. “It’s all about me” doesn’t work except of course unless you are lying, cheating and manipulating which is clearly entrenched on your bio.

Clearly, Mr. Obama, your responses to those who oppose your criminal methods by name calling “anti-Muslim, Islamaphob’, irrational, partisan, churchy, fake, hypocritical) is not the way to win friends, but that has not bothered you because your high flying ego will not let it.

Poor Barack Obama or whatever his name is such a crybaby – everyone picks on him. Well, your deceit and that of others has been uncovered. Your whole life has been a lie and Americans wonder if you know who or what you really are? 

Maybe it will be a good thing for you to move on to your next dream as the head of the United Nations – then the whole world can really watch you and watching we will be doing.

Partial statements in this article are from someone who remains anonymous to this writer.

Brexit, The Eu, and the transatlanic money matrix

Great Britain voted to leave the European Union according to what is called the “Brexit vote.” The corporate controlled media in the U.S. and the EU are chanting the mantra “The middle class are revolting against the elites.” Clearly, the voice of the working class, middle class, and what Bilderberg calls the “Precariat” class has not been completely silenced, if people are questioning things like trade treaties, the European Union, and a global economic system.

Super-billionaires like George Soros and Jacob Rothschild have been issuing ominous warnings about the Brexit, suggesting that the standard of living in the UK would crash and global economic and social chaos is on the horizon. Yet George Soros, like the rest of the elite, knew what was going to happen and apparently he quietly bet against the markets and invested heavily in gold. In addition, Eric Sprott, James Turk, and George Soros invested in a company that moves the world into a cashless society by advancing the digital payments revolution, where you can spend gold with a pre-paid-card globally.

Christine LaGarde, head of the IMF, warned of very serious negative consequences if Britain votes to leave the EU. Back in 2014 LaGarde talked about a global reset, or global reboot of the world’s financial system. When she made this announcement to the Council on Foreign Relations and the National Press Club, she used over half of her speech making references to occult numerology and symbols. Is the British Brexit a true revolt by the middle class, or is it a strategic manufactured crisis? After all, the motto of the Illuminati is “Order Out of Chaos” or “New World Order Out of Chaos.”

It does not appear that the IMF has specifically settled on any single nation’s currency to be the world’s currency, but rather, SDR’s (Special Drawing Rights), which refers to a basket of currencies. But it is worth noting that China has been buying massive quantities of gold and 40 central banks have invested in the Chinese Yuan. Russia is also buying massive quantities of gold.

If we look at the Bible as an accurate historical document, as well as a book that contains supernatural prophecies of the future, we see a number of things regarding Great Britain, Europe, and very possibly America. In the Old Testament the “daughter of Babylon” is referenced over 200 times; it may well refer to the Canaanites and Phoenicians and all those who eventually were based in Tarshish. Many Bible scholars believe that ancient Tarshish was Great Britain. Tarshish or Great Britain plays a significant role in Bible prophecy.

The Old Testament prophet Daniel became the chief spiritual advisor to King Nebuchadnezzar because of his supernatural ability to interpret the King of Babylon’s dreams. Daniel interpreted a dream of the four great Gentile World Empires, in the form of a giant statue, with a head of gold. The first kingdom represented Babylon and the final empire was the revived Roman Empire, which was represented by ten toes mixed with iron and clay, representing its fragility.

Many scholars believe that this revived Roman Empire refers to the European Union, which would include Great Britain, historically known as Tarshish. Ancient England was known for its importing and exporting of tin. When the Bible refers to the “young lions of Tarshish,” this refers to the colonies of the British Empire such as America, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia.

Many scholars believe that the European Union along with Great Britain and its colonies constitute the revived Roman Empire. The current exit of Great Britain from the European Union, called the “Brexit,” is in many respects a theatrical event designed by the City of London, which is the powerful international banking center where people like the Rothschild’s have their headquarters, and it is directly linked to Wall Street in America.

This Transatlantic Union of international banking families, multi-national banks, and major financial institutions connects Wall Street and the Federal Reserve with the City of London and the institutions like the IMF, the World Bank, G8, G20, Davos, and the Bilderberg Group, and international banking families like the Rockefellers, and with the Council on Foreign Relations, United Nations, and the Tri-Lateral Commission.

All of the world’s four great Gentile empires were raised up in defiance against God and created their own global governments, global religions, and global economic systems. The foundation of all these systems is built upon the raising up of a Luciferian or occult religious system, a Luciferian or occult economic system and a global government to enforce their implementation. The current revived Roman Empire, which is the one world government, one world religion and one world economic system, is not going to derail due to any Brexit vote.

A cosmic chess game is being played between Satan and God, with men, women, demons, principalities, and powers and the world’s elite functioning as pawns, rooks, knights, kings, and queens. The game of chess represents the multi-dimensional reality of life and geopolitics. The CERN Hadron Collider accelerates sub-atomic particles in long tunnels constructed beneath the surface of the Earth in an effort to open up what amounts to an interdimensional portal. Dr. Mike Lamont, a scientist and director of the LHC, or Large Hadron Collider, warned, “Something may come through the dimensional doors at LHC.”

As I write in my book A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016 – 2017, the real purpose behind CERN is to create an interdimensional portal or Stargate which, when combined with occult, even Satanic worship rituals, allows for the “something,” which may come through the CERN Hadron Collider, and it may very well be an interdimensional entity or demon. If that sounds far-fetched remember that according to the Genesis account, the Tower of Babel was an interdimensional portal or Stargate based on highly advanced occult-technology or what some theologians call “fallen angel technology.” The actual root word for Babel, or Babylon, or the Tower of Babel means the “gate of the gods.” According to the extensive documentation in The Babylon Code, which I wrote with my co-author Troy Anderson, a Pulitzer Prize nominated journalist, the Tower of Babel was occult technology passed on from super-civilizations like Atlantis, which existed before the Flood of Noah.

There is a statue of the Goddess Shiva, which means the “Destroyer of Worlds,” in front of the CERN headquarters. This same stature of Shiva, “The Destroyer of World’s,” was displayed at the Bohemian Grove and near the Trinity atomic bomb site, where Dr. Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the “Manhattan Project” and others decided to build and drop the atomic bomb on Japan at the Bohemian Grove.

Recently, the opening ceremony of the world’s largest tunnel was a blatant occult ritual. Some of the most powerful people in Europe participated in the opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland. The occult elite in Europe gathered to participate in an openly satanic ritual. The Gotthard Base Tunnel is the world’s largest and most expensive tunnel in history, over 57 km long and costing 11 billion euros. The tunnel cuts through the Swiss Alps and is supposed to be a symbol of European unification, in contrast to rising nationalism and closing borders.

The elaborate ceremony in front of European dignitaries resembled satanic rituals where a man dressed like a goat presided over the ritual. Men and women workers were sent marching into the tunnel while another group of young people in white underwear begin to grope each other sexually. At the exterior of the tunnel there was a large all-seeing eye of Lucifer and a simulated (we hope) human sacrifice.

According to our extensive research, the Genesis account of the Tower of Babel built by Nimrod was a warning from God to Mankind about the satanic dangers of the Tower of Babel. God judged ancient Babylon because it was the first trial run at a “New World Order,” which was an attempt to build a new global planetary order, a counterfeit of the Kingdom of God.

The Creator God originally created a man and woman to live in a kind of Heaven on Earth, a Utopia called the Garden of Eden, until Satan tempted Adam and Eve to disobey the Word of God, and the Fall of Man occurred which activated the law of sin and death. At that time, Satan (Lucifer) had already led a revolution against God with one third of the angels in attempt to overthrow the Throne Room of God and be worshipped as God in the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem. Through Adam’s and Eve’s sin, Satan became the temporary lord of this world system, also known as Mammon.


It would be highly naïve not to assume that the Brexit was orchestrated by the elite for the benefit of the elite. This is despite the fact that the world’s 400 richest people lost $127.4 billion the day Britain voted to leave the European Union; the combined loss of certain billionaires totaled $3.9 trillion. It must be remembered that George Soros and many other billionaires made countless billions in profit by transferring their assets to gold. The Transatlantic Union and Transatlantic Matrix is the biggest and most profitable business in the world, which is manufacturing global illusion and virtual reality. The core financial mechanism, which has been driving the global financial system from the Tower of Babel until today, is a Luciferian system based on sorcery and printing money from nothing! The Federal Reserve and the central banks print money from nothing and then loan it to the governments and the people for interest in what is called a debt-based-slavery system.

What’s required is that the masses who live in this Scientific Dictatorship embrace their scientifically induced trance state and learn to love their slavery, as Aldous Huxley said. From ancient Babylon through the Pharaoh-god-king system of Egypt, to the “divine right of kings of Europe,” the Illuminati-based occult and magical system of money is based on the masses believing that each unit of money has some kind of magical or intrinsic worth. This is why Sir Arthur C. Clarke, who wrote 2001: A Space Odyssey, stated “Science is magic.” It is also the reason 2001 director Stanley Kubrick displayed black obelisks which gave Man advanced knowledge through a process of Alchemical Magic and why in the final scenes of the movie Kubrick shows a black obelisk floating through space and a man becomes a “star child.”

I recently was interviewing Dr. Werner, who I call the “Father of Quantitative Easing,” who was in Japan during their financial crisis during the 1990s. The Japanese financial crisis was about to go into a full blown global financial meltdown. Dr. Werner developed Quantitative Easing as a means of protecting the global financial system. During the 2007 mortgage/financial crisis, which was developing into a global financial meltdown, Dr. Werner strongly warned many of the heads of the Federal Reserve and the heads of the central banks of Europe that the global financial system was going into meltdown. Ben Bernanke, the head of the Fed, observed how Dr. Werner prevented the Japanese crisis from becoming global.

Bernanke followed Dr. Werner’s financial strategy which he distinguishes as distinct from simply printing dollars or money from nothing, by distinguishing between central banks like the Federal Reserve Banks, and other kinds of financial institutions. I pressed Dr. Werner on this distinction and Werner fully admitted that the central banks create money from nothing, which is an illusory system.

The Bank of England is pumping billions of pounds into the financial system, while the European Central Bank said it will give banks all the funding they require. The Federal Reserve said it was “carefully monitoring” financial markets. This is simply code meaning they are not going to tell you what they are really doing. A big clue has been revealed in the fact that members of the European elite in France and Germany are planning to issue an “ultimatum” to all nations in the European Union, which will offer up radical proposals that EU countries will lose the right to have their own army, criminal law, taxation system or Central Bank, with all these powers transferred to Brussels. In short, an all-powerful European Superstate will emerge.

Interestingly, this fits precisely into Bible prophecy and a Revived Roman Empire. But, it all sends a powerful signal about what may be going on behind closed doors in America, where our individual Constitution and Bill of Rights, may be in danger to a North American Union Superstate.

© 2016 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

A campaign plan for Mr. Trump

Hillary Clinton’s campaign follows a predictable playbook that Donald Trump can derail and outmaneuver. She intends to target states where she is must vulnerable with a heavy dose of negative ads against Donald Trump, portraying him variously as a misogynist, bigot, political neophyte, and explosive and unpredictable personality. Hillary will depend on surrogates to make the nastiest direct accusations. Aware of Hillary’s own profound negative poll numbers, her campaign aims essentially to convey the impression that even if you do not like Hillary, she is the lesser evil.

Trump has a unique opportunity to counter this campaign, which depends on superficial and exaggerated caricatures. Rather than depend entirely on thirty second sound bite retorts from Trump to counter what will be an ever greater volume of diverse negative voices inspired by the Clinton campaign, the Trump campaign needs to implement a strategy for victory that depends on the following elements:

1. He needs to announce the composition of his cabinet in a staged series of announcements, commencing at present and continuing to the Republican National Convention, where, every week, he identifies a different cabinet head and that person then explains in detail the Trump strategy for his or her area of jurisdiction: (a) rebuilding the American military, educating the public about the true nature of the radical Islamist enemy, and ferreting out and destroying that enemy worldwide (Secretary of Defense); (b) establishing an America first foreign policy that defends American interests worldwide (Secretary of State); (c) (c) rebuilding the American economy through substantial deregulation and tax reduction (Secretary of the Treasury); (e) repealing and replacing Obamacare (Secretary of Health and Human Services); (e) restricting the Veterans Administration to streamline its functions and expand private sector options for veterans to receive prompt medical care (Secretary of Veterans Affairs) and (d) building border defenses, building a new system for vetting immigrants, and imposing limits on immigration (Secretary of Homeland Security).

2. Trump needs to emphasize that he will follow a CEO method of governance, following the example of Ronald Reagan. Reagan put in place people who possessed the same conservative ideology as their boss, then asked them to become expert in their respective areas of jurisdiction and to propose means that would achieve his key objectives of tax reduction, rebuilding America’s defenses, and deregulation. Trump should be doing the same thing.

3. Relying on the new secretaries to expound upon the details of Trump policies, candidate Trump needs to emphasize the governing themes: (a) rebuilding the American military and making it second to none; (b) taking care of our Vets by rehauling the Veterans Administration and allowing Vets the option of obtaining care in private facilities; (c) relentlessly pursuing, with all means necessary, terrorists worldwide, killing them and destroying their safe havens, training camps, military hardware, and weapons manufacturing facilities; (d) revitalizing the American economy through substantial deregulation and tax reduction; (e) repealing and replacing Obamacare; and (e) protecting our borders through construction of a wall along the Southern border, more extensive border patrols in reliance on a federal state partnership to apprehend, sanction, and return those who enter America illegally.

4. He needs to adopt theme based campaign visits with his respective chosen secretaries and expound on the destructive policies of the Obama/Clinton era and how he will do better. (a) He needs to visit locations where Obama policies have caused unemployment through excess regulation by the EPA, FTC, and BLM and explain how his Administration will roll back the regulations and restore the local economies. (b) He needs to visit the locations where millions in subsidies were given to failing green energy ventures operated by Obama cronies and explain how he will end that corruption and instead liberate the market to develop domestic oil and gas, reducing remaining dependency on foreign sources. (c) He needs to visit the borders with the border patrol and reveal how illegal immigrants are coming into the nation and the steps he will take to stop illegal entry and build a new and better system for vetting legal immigrants.

5. He needs to identify his choice for Vice President early and have that person along with surrogates reveal and condemn in detail Hillary Clinton’s corrupt practices, inept service as Secretary of State, Espionage Act violations, contradictions, and liberal, anti-market, pro-regulation, and pro-tax policies, leaving it to Trump to call for an end to Obama/Clinton cronyism and corruption, an end to Obama/Clinton over-regulation and over-taxation, an end to Democratic establishment control.
If Trump can implement these measures, and stay on message, he can well shore up support within the Republican Party and reach out to form voting coalitions among disillusioned Democrats and Independents. Therein lies the key to a Trump victory in November.

© 2016 Jonathan W. Emord – All Rights Reserved

Donald J. Trump, braveheart and freedom

The People Reassert Authority with Brexit

On the 24th of June, Donald Trump was in Scotland with his three children, Ivanka, Donald Jr., and Eric at the grand opening of his new hotel and golf course. He was featured on Fox News as he gave a news conference for 48 minutes. Scotland is the homeland of Trump’s mother. It is a country famous for wonderful golf courses. Eric Trump was responsible for this new Trump Organization facility and course. 

Mr. Trump tweeted, “Just arrived in Scotland. Place is going wild over the vote. They took their country back, just like we will take America back. No games!” 

Mr. Trump answered questions regarding the British vote of 52% to 48% to leave the European Union and Prime Minister David Cameron’s resignation after the loss.

Donald Trump stated, “The people of the United Kingdom have exercised the sacred right of all free peoples. They have declared their independence from the European Union, and have voted to reassert control over their own politics, borders and economy.”

“Come November, the American people will have the chance to re-declare their independence. Americans will have a chance to vote for trade, immigration and foreign policies that put our citizens first. They will have the chance to reject today’s rule by the global elite, and to embrace real change that delivers a government of, by and for the people,” he added.

Scotland will likely seek independence for a second time this decade after the historic vote for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said Friday. Scotland is one of four countries that make up the United Kingdom. England, Wales and Northern Ireland are the others. Scottish voters overwhelmingly backed remaining in the EU, 62% in favor of staying to 38% who want to leave. I found that surprising.

Remember the movie Braveheart? It was more fiction than truth. Nevertheless, Scotland gained its independence some 23 years after William Wallace’s execution,

with the Treaty of Edinburgh in 1328, and Wallace has since been remembered as one of Scotland’s greatest heroes. FREEDOM was the rallying call in 1305, just as it is today.

The revolution against globalist is underway, it started in America with our Republican Candidate, Donald J. Trump, and in Europe it started with Brexit. May it gloriously spread throughout the free world. 

European Countries Want Out of EU

Britons who voted to leave the EU said they did so for two reasons. Taking in all the Islamic migrants and Sharia law were the biggest reasons for the “leave” vote. The loss of cultural identity was also at the top of the list. [Link]

America’s North American Union

Henry Kissinger, Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi, and former world bank president and Goldman Sachs boy, Robert Zoellick, were three of the many CFR members who helped to draft “Building a North American Community.” Heidi was a member of the CFR for five years, yet Ted Cruz has said the CFR is, “a den of vipers.” Remember too that Heidi Cruz worked for Condoleezza Rice, who is a member of the CFR and Trilateral Commission. Ted Cruz dropped out of the presidential race, but his wife has still not gone back to work at Goldman Sachs. Dirty tricks are expected by Cruz and the GOP establishment at the RNC Convention in July.

The globalists from both parties in America are certainly unhappy with the results of England’s vote to withdraw from the EU. This puts a huge damper on their plans for the North American Union. 

The People Rise Up

Finally, anger over the destruction of their country through EU demands made the British people stand up. This is about the very fundamentals of society, and the people being utterly disgusted with the politicians running their country and robbing them of their future. They have had enough. Their strong vote arose not out of fear and pique, but out of love for country and pride of place.

In America, it is much the same. People are rising up with the new revolution of Donald Trump supporters. Trump received more votes in a nominating contest than anyone previously. American citizens who love their country also do not want their culture changed, and neither do they want more job losses with the cheap labor invading our country, and our culture being destroyed with the influx of Islamic refugees.

The establishment giants on both sides of the aisle, but especially on the so-called right have viciously and violently attacked Trump in every way possible. They want to draw monies away from Trump, so they have created a “shadow operation” where they are trying, in every conceivable way, to destroy him.

This “shadow operation” is nothing more than globalists from both sides of the aisle getting together in smoky back rooms laying out plans to eliminate Trump from the race. They’ve infiltrated the rules committee, which meets the 16th and 17th of July, two days before the convention starts. They own the media which disparages Trump every chance they get. They form groups who say, NEVER TRUMP! They do everything in their power to stop the peoples’ choice.

The Cost of Freedom

The shadow operation is siphoning monies away from the large contributors who might have donated to the Trump campaign. And the only way he can win is if the little people contribute — thereby thwarting the power elite’s attempt to control the outcome of the election. 

As in the United Kingdom, the American grassroots can have the final say. It is in helping Donald Trump with our donations. The easiest way to get rid of globalism is to donate to Mr. Trump’s campaign. Mr. Trump spent $40 million on his primary campaign, and is still spending his own money, as well as losing income from those companies who have divorced him for going against the New World Order plans.

It is the little people with low incomes, it is the elderly on social security, it is the broken family who out of their need, takes a few dollars from their grocery money and sends it to Mr. Trump. It is those who’ve lost their jobs, those who have lost hope, those who are weary of defeat, who have been inspired to help. It is those of us who have worked hard all our lives and have watched our country being destroyed, who give our last few dollars in the hopes that Mr. Trump will be elected our 45th President.

Remember the Biblical story of the widow’s mite. Luke 21:1-4 KJV

The elitists think we’re stupid, that we’re the unwashed masses they can rule, that we are too ignorant to know what is good for us. Well, we sure as hell know the globalist neo-conservative Trotskyites of the right, and the hardcore Stalin/Lenin Communists of the left are not good for us or for America.

Truly, it is the little people who will make the difference in our country, who will stand up and be counted, even with their last few pennies. It is us who will give America a second chance by supporting Donald J. Trump. and are two authorized Trump PACs. To send a check by mail to the Committee for American Sovereignty, send you donation check to this address:

645 West Ninth Street
Suite 110-257
Los Angeles, California 90015

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The next Orlando: Americans will still be unprepared

I have wondered how the ‘home grown terrorist’ managed to get his weapons in that nightclub in Orlando? Contrary to the ignorance abounding out there, Mateen did not use an AR-15 assault rifle. He used a Sig Sauer MCX carbine.

Killer Mateen also used a Glock 17. Both purchased legally after background checks. One has to wonder how that was possible considering his prior interaction with the FBI? Many have made a big deal that waste of human skin was a Democrat who supported Hillary the Hun. Doesn’t matter. He did it for Satan’s Soldiers aka ISIS, not the Hildebeast.

From eyewitness accounts, Mateen walked in the door and turned to the right. Apparently the layout of that nightclub has two separate sides. Anyone who has been out and about in this country knows that just about all nightclubs have a bouncer and ID check person at the door. I was in Miami and some other cities up the coast many years ago. Nightclubs in Florida can and do stay open until 5:00 am.

I can tell you the clubs I visited in my youth, just like in other cities across this country all had bouncers at the front door and ID’s were checked; liquor licenses are at stake. Was there someone checking IDs or a bouncer who did both at that nightclub? If so, how in the hell could Mateen have gotten by him?

How was it Mateen was able to walk right through the front door with a gun that has a 16″ barrel? It’s summer time in Florida and no one walks around in a heavy long coat unless you’re trying to hide something. There’s also the credible eyewitness accounts of victims who are certain there was more than one shooter. This from Janiel Gonzalez:

“He said he heard another gun from a different direction, so he wonders if there were two gunmen…“In a moment of desperation we were all crawling on the floor trying to find a place to exit. I looked to my right and I could see people going through some curtains. We were digging through the curtains and found a door. ” But he said the door was blocked by a man. He wasn’t sure if it was a club security person or an accomplice to the gunmen.

“Fifty people were trying to jump over each other trying to exit the place. There was a guy holding the door and not letting us exit. He’s like ‘Stay inside, stay inside.’ As he is saying that, the shooter keeps getting closer and closer and the sound of the bullets is getting closer. Everyone starts to panic. People are getting trampled. Let us out, let us out!’’ Gonzalez’ first thought was that it was a hate crime. “This guy is trying to prevent us from leaving. Maybe they’re working together,’’ he said. “I’m pretty sure it was more than one person. I heard two guns going at the same time. It was very, very crazy.’’

Gonzalez was sober and his account is very close to other victim eyewitness accounts. So far the FBI says Mateen was a lone shooter. His wife has been a target of investigation and in my opinion, just like San Bernadino, knew exactly what was going to happen since they had previously ‘cased’ Disney World. Much to the humiliation of that foul piece of baggage, AG Loretta Lynch, somehow Noor Salman, the wife, has up and disappeared. Yep. My guess is she had multiple, forged documents and likely is no longer in the U.S. , but we’ll see.

4 Pieces of the Orlando Shooting Narrative that Don’t Add Up

“It has also been documented that the FBI introduced Mateen to FBI ‘informants’ while the FBI was investigating him for almost a year: “FBI investigators investigated Mateen, who was born in New York, for 10 months. They introduced him to confidential informants, spied on his communications and followed him. They also interviewed him twice.” [Source] And, still he passed a background check? Who was he working for? One has to ask if it’s the same as the James Wesley Howell below is claiming he was recruited by.

I believe Orlando was directly tied to another massacre, San Bernadino. read: Philip Haney: Orlando Shooting ‘Remarkably Similar’ to San Bernadino, ‘There’s a Lot of Overlap in the Two Networks’

Networks – key word. As I cited in my column last week, there’s more. G. Edward Griffin: This Story Could Be the Smoking Gun For All False-Flag Ops

“Santa Monica: Two police officers who wish to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation say that James Wesley Howell, an Indiana man who was found with a car full of explosives and weapons on Sunday morning, told police he was part of a team that planned shooting attacks on gay communities in Florida and California.

“Howell told police he was turning himself in because he wanted protection. His story was that he had been assured by his recruiters that he would not be harmed in the shooting but, when he heard on the news that Omar Mateen, the lead gunman in the Orlando group, had been killed by sniper fire, he realized he was being set up as a patsy and would be killed.”

I had the pleasure of meeting G. Edward Griffin many years ago in the DC area. His credentials are impeccable and he knows that he’s talking about.

Now this one shocked me and that’s not easy to do. It also contradicts what victims said about the people around them dying. The video clip of Judge Andrew Napolitano appears to be genuine. If someone can find the official FBI transcript Napolitano was reading from I’d sure like to see a copy of it.

Judge Napolitano: “Nobody died until 05:13 in the morning”

FBI team from Quantico to reconstruct Orlando shooting scene: “In Monday’s news conference, Orlando Police Chief John Mina said the investigation will determine whether any inside the club were killed by “friendly fire.”

Americans need to understand one thing: Muslims do not assimilate they infiltrate to achieve their goal of a world caliphate. And, Griffin is right. If you type in the name James Wesley Howell into a search engine all sources from ‘mainstream’ media like USA Today and others makes no mention of the above. I did find one other source:

Howell and Four Other Suspects Involved in Planned Sunday Massacres

“According to the LA Times, Santa Monica Police Chief Jacqueline Seabrooks initially said on Twitter that the 20-year-old Indiana man (James Howell) told one of her officers after he was arrested that he wanted “to harm the Gay Pride event.”

“However, after the FBI quickly took over the case, a Santa Monica police spokesman Saul Rodriguez indicated that Seabrooks was mistaken and offered that the Santa Monica detectives who were working the case are “not aware of what the suspect’s intentions were at this point.”…

“The real truth of the story was released to a former Los Angeles County prosecutor who works for Get Off the BS by two Santa Monica police officers that have been issued gag orders under threat of Federal prosecution for talking further talking about the incident. According to two department sources, Howell called the Santa Monica police on Sunday morning claiming that he needed protection from the CIA. Howell further elaborated to the dispatcher stating that he “had been set up by the CIA – they are going to kill me.”

“According to Howell, he was in LA to meet with another person in a collaborated attack on the gay communities in both Florida and Los Angeles. Howell additionally stated that, “everything has gone south. Dan was gone when I got here. They killed the leader of the Florida attack this morning. They are going to kill me. I need protection.”

“According to sources within the police department’s investigation Howell indicated to officers who first made contact with him that Howell claimed he was one of five people involved in a planned Sunday attack on both the east and west coasts.” Do take the time to read the rest of that piece above, it’s important.

Next question: Who are the recruiters Howell refers to? My money is on a wall of silence by the Santa Monica Police Department and for sure the Feds. The only way to pry open that can is either a Freedom of Information Act request (and eventual lawsuit) or under California’s Records Act and even then it will take a heavy like Judicial Watch to make it happen.

After Orlando we witnessed one of the most asinine displays to foolery I’ve seen in my life. A so-called sit-in by members of the Democratic/Communist Party USA on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. Led by Rep. John Lewis, they all sang ‘We shall overcome’, popular during the early days of the civil rights movement. That song has nothing to do with a Muslim terrorist slaughtering innocent people. 170 of those ignorant fools, male and female, sat on the floor for hours eating donuts to pad their blubber bellies. Had the Founding Fathers been alive at this time I believe a few of them would have bitch-slapped those morons and told them to man up and stop making fools of themselves.

The purpose of that circus was to force a vote to ban assault weapons. Since Republicans hold power in the House those useful fools knew it wouldn’t happen. Those despicable congress vermin used Orlando to raise money for campaign coffers.

Since Orlando, sales of AR-15’s have blasted through the roof. Homosexuals are flocking to gun stores; hopefully they are also going to take some firearms safety training. But, a few thousand individuals running around with guns isn’t going to stop the next Orlando and it will happen.

Since Orlando, the NRA has been running non stop ads about owning a firearm for personal safety. Last week Dr. Edwin Vieira wrote a two-part series regarding the NRA and their refusal to recognize the true meaning of the Second Amendment. On March 8, 2005, Edwin wrote a column titled, “Homeland Security” — For What and For Whom? Over a decade later here we are no closer to ending the constant assault on the Second Amendment and an organization like the NRA with millions of members are still chasing their tails around in a circle. The NRA still refuses to recognize or even understand 13 very important words in the Second Amendment. See bold below.

Homeland Security and the Second Amendment are married. It is illogical to think millions of gun owners are going to be effective without organization and authority as “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. ”

One thing Edwin wrote in one of his very early columns on this web site on the Second Amendment went something like this: If your state legislature passed a bill (as did Arizona several years ago, but it’s weak) which gets signed into law reconstituting the constitutional milita, tens of millions of Americans would become part of that body and most important – they would all have to attend constitutional classes to get a full understanding of the founding of this country, the meaning of the Constitution and a republican form of government. They would become educated on the historical role of the constitutional milita and why their participation IS homeland security. Yes!

As I wrote in my new book long before Orlando, the day is coming when there wil be multiple hits at the same time possibly on opposite coasts which I belive is the case in the Santa Monica piece above. A parade is just another gun free zone just like the Orlando night club.

Now more than ever the constitutional militia as defined in the Second Amendment must get reconstituted in as many states as possible. We’ve got militant, America hating Mexican organizations just waiting for the right time (the re-claim OUR four border states traitors), THOUSANDS of illegals flooding across the border EVERY DAY and anyone who thinks terrorists aren’t among them is just plain stupid. And now this self-made problem with Muslims in this country determined through violence if necessary to become the majority and force Sharia Law down our throats.

You and your family, your friends – we are all at risk right now. There’s no time for fun or weekend activitives out in the sun shine. I know because I gave it all up 26 years ago when I began my research that was so scary I gave up my career and a paycheck. We are living in the most dangerous time since the Revolutionary War. I know time is an issue which is why I attempt to bring you the best sources to learn what we must do – NOW.

One final piece that is a must read because the author is 100% on the money: Orlando and the Vegas Donald Trump Assassination Attempt Connection. (BTW: that web site is one I read on a daily basis and so should you)

Neither the Secret Service, the FBI nor Homeland Security is going to save your life. The author of the piece above lays it out there for all to read. The ONLY real solution is what I have witten above.

COMING JULY 16: Devvy’s New Book, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions”: Accepting Pre-Orders


1 – Who Regulates “A Well Regulated Militia”?
2 – Donald Trump and The Militia
3 – Muslims Don’t Assimilate, They Infiltrate by Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D., a retired colonel with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve and a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq.
4 – Thirteen Words by Dr. Edwin Vieira – give a copy to your sheriff and state rep.


1 – FBI Has Found No Evidence of Orlando Jihadi’s Omar Mateen ‘Secret Gay Life’
2 – Obama Designates Gay Bar As Latest National Monument

[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. Just released: New Expanded Global Edition. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]

© 2016 – and Devvy – All Rights Reserved

Listen this time or grant money from H.U.D. Will destroy your city

Trading control of local development to the federal government for grant money

America’s homeowners should be shaking in their shoes. The federal government has decided that people who have worked, saved and planned so they can buy homes in nice, safe neighborhoods of their own choosing, are racists. They charge that it is a “social injustice.” The government now claims that it’s unfair unless everyone can have the same, whether they earn it or not. And it doesn’t matter whether they can afford such a home. We’re told that it’s racist to deny someone an equal home, just because they don’t have the money for it. White privilege, don’t you know.

You may be watching the “Black Lives Matter” protests taking place on city streets around the country. You may be alarmed that such violence can happen in your downtown. And you may wonder what is behind such activity. Well, get ready for the same kind of threats and violence to possibly come directly into your own neighborhood simply because you have a nice house.

Does that sound far fetched? Well you need the details on how the federal Housing and Urban Development agency (HUD) is working to enforce its new rule called Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH).

Social Justice is the name of the game under AFFH. That means the rule of law is dismissed in favor of “fairness.” Social Justice is enforced on us using pure emotion, basically operating on the level of a twelve year old girl in a pet shop who doesn’t like seeing the puppies with their sad eyes looking out from a cage. “Let the poor little doggies out,” she cries. Social Justice is purely based on redistribution of wealth. Your wealth. That’s money you worked for, saved, invested, and protected for YOUR needs; YOUR dreams; YOUR future.

“SELFISH,” cries the social justice mongers. Why should you have so much when others have so little? Never mind that you had to save your money while forced to pay 50% of it in taxes that theoretically went to those less fortunate. The fact is, there is no “justice” in such a policy. Envy, desire, jealousy and theft are much closer to the truth.

Do you think that sounds harsh. Well, Mr. and Mrs. Property Owner, tell me how harsh this sounds! As reported by John Anthony of Sustainable Freedom Lab:

• First HUD is forcing every community which is applying for its grants to complete an “Assessment of Fair Housing” to identify all “contributing factors” to discrimination. These include a complete break down of race, income levels, religion and national origin of every single person living there. They use this information to determine if the neighborhood meets a preset “balance,” determined by HUD.

• Second, HUD demands a detailed plan showing how the community intends to eliminate the “contributing factors” to this “imbalance.”

• To produce the community’s plan for compliance, HUD rules demand that a wide array of “interested parties” participate in its creation, just to assure community input and to keep things fair, of course. These include civil rights groups, affordable housing developers and civic activist organizations. They call this “civil society.” All have a specific, left-of center agenda and a definite interest in the outcome.

• Once the plan is prepared, then the community is required to sign an agreement to take no actions that are “materially inconsistent with its obligation to affirmatively further fair housing.”

• Once the community provides answers as to how they will implement the grant under these guidelines to HUD’s satisfaction, then they will receive the grant.

These are the rules your locally elected representatives are forced to agree to in order to get that “free” grant money. And nearly every city council and county commission in the nation has already taken such grants.

Now ask yourselves, just why HUD would be so insistent in demanding that the community tie itself to the so-called civil rights groups in order to get the grant. The answer to that question is diabolical.

You see, if the community hesitates to comply in any way; perhaps local voters decide to turn down a program, or there aren’t enough local funds to fully comply, then HUD has a secret weapon waiting for them. Lack of compliance, in HUD’s eyes, results in law suits over civil rights violations.

The civil rights groups them become a useful tool. They start protests and demand “fairness.” They get on television. They pressure city hall. And to the rescue comes HUD with its own law suits.

Baltimore, Maryland became one of the first cities to feel such pressure and threats as the NAACP sued Baltimore over alleged housing segregation. The NAACP argument was that Section 8 subsidized housing programs “bunch people together, and that only fuels more crime and other problems.”

The solution, says the NAACP is to “integrate the poor among wealthier families.” Outrageous as it sounds, such social justice mongers actually accuse those living in affluent neighborhoods of “self segregation for white privilege.”

The pressure from these groups, along with the massive force of HUD backing them, has resulted in Baltimore being forced to agree to spending $30 million of tax-payer dollars over the next ten years to build 1,000 low income homes in affluent neighborhoods. The result will be a destruction of property values and the loss of equity for the homeowners. In short, destruction of earned wealth, leading to destruction of the middle class. That’s what socialism does. It creates more poor.

On top of that, Baltimore has moved to destroy the property rights of landlords by denying them the ability to not rent to people who can’t afford their properties. Of course the government doesn’t say it that way, preferring to pretend that denying people who can’t pay for your property as “discrimination.” And who will pay the landlord when he is stuck with the bill? The only result will be fewer landlords and fewer choices for housing.

In Portland, Oregon, the infamous “poster child” of federal Smart Growth development policies, the city council has now unanimously approved a new tax to raise $12 million per year to pay for “affordable housing.” “The lack of affordable housing is the greatest crisis facing our city right now,” says Commissioner Dan Saltsman. Perhaps he should take a long look at the twenty year Smart Growth history of Portland in which massive amounts of land were locked away to limit the “sprawl” of the city. This lead to land shortages, which led to bans on single family homes, which led to the need for massive high rise apartment buildings, all of which led to higher costs and shortages of homes. Now, they have a “crisis “of low income housings. Their solution now is another tax on construction, driving up housing costs even more.

Do they ever learn? Government control over every aspect of our lives, as demanded by socialism never works. High costs, shortages and sacrifice are the only result. It has never been different wherever it has been enforced.

Now HUD is rushing to enforce AFFH with a vengeance. HUD has raced to make Westchester County, New York the example for more suits. Right out of the new HUD playbook, a private civil rights group called the Anti-Discrimination Center sued the county under the Federal False Claims Act, claiming Westchester County lied when they filled out the HUD compliance form for their grant. Since there is no official definition of “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” the definition is whatever HUD declares it to be. There is no way for the local government to win such a suit. The result of the suit against Westchester County was $62.5 million – a sum greater than all of the community development and related funding received by the county from HUD.

More suits are being filed against communities across the nation as HUD steps up its enforcement and local officials are scared, wondering what they can do to fight back, if anything. Some have tried to stand up to HUD, refusing to comply. But once the law suits are filed, and the “community organizers” start their pressure, most have quickly backed down.

Let’s make one thing clear. The civil rights legislation of the 1960s made it illegal to bar people from neighborhoods based on their color or ethnic background. It guaranteed them the opportunity. But it said nothing about forcing people into neighborhoods to live beyond their means. No one, no matter their color or ethnic background, has a right to force their way in to a neighborhood they can’t afford. Instead, they must do the same thing those who already live there did; work, save, invest and prepare. Then no one can stop them. It has noting to do with race or some perceived special “privilege.”

For twenty years we opponents of Agenda 21 and Smart Growth have warned of the dangers of taking these HUD grants. We were ignored and called conspiracy nuts. The result now is that HUD has taken the gloves off. There is no longer a pretense that any kind of local control over spending the grant money exists. HUD now controls your community. Property rights are dead, property values are dying, and the local officials you elected to guide your community have been rendered irrelevant by HUD mobsters who have come back to collect.

So what do local community representatives do? First and foremost STOP TAKING THE GRANTS!!!!! Second, stand up to these thugs who intend to rule our communities. Stand up to the law suits and stand up to the pressure of the special interest groups. In short, represent your community as you were elected to do. And finally, you might try listening to those of us who have studied these policies for decades instead of the slithering snakes of the American Planning Association and their ilk who fill their own pockets with those grants.

Our American liberties are counting on local and state officials to start standing on your own two feet and represent US, instead of cowering in a corner because you sold us down the river.

The American Policy Center is now working with officials who want to understand and fight back to save their communities. Recently we held a conference call for such officials. Here is a link to it so you can hear first hand of the dangers you are facing and some solutions for you to fight back. Perhaps this time you’ll listen.

© 2016 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

Orlando, where Muslims become what they worship

It is hard to know what to believe about the events in Orlando, Florida last Sunday. The message the media and government want you to believe that gun toting Homosexual haters are out to kill sodomites and therefore we must take guns away from all Americans.

Think of what is being placed before the American people, if they will simply connect the dots. Obama has consistently flooded our land with Mohammedans – more than one million in the past seven years. Some, we don’t know how many, are potential terrorists that will kill Americans. For some unknown reason we must welcome these potential terrorists in because it is the compassionate thing to do we are told. Would you be showing compassion to your family if you welcomed a rapist to spend the night in your home? Then when some of these turn out to act on their religion of violence by killing Americans, the solution to the problem is to disarm all the law abiding Americans. Is it me, or is there something wrong with this logic?

This looks like a perfect set up for Mohammedan’s to take over America. Swamp the land with Jihadis, and then disarm their victims so they cannot shoot back. By the way this same game plan has been played out repeatedly in the history of Mohammedanism, in fact that is how Mohammedanism has advanced worldwide.

What we are told is that all the while the Mohammedan was murdering, he was yelling “Allah Akbar.” In other words he was worshipping his idol Allah, yelling that his idol is great. As Psalm 115 points out, who or what you worship shapes everything.

An idol is an invention of the human mind. There is only One True God, all others are imposters, fakes and frauds; they are not actually God. This is as true of Allah as all the other idols of our day.

Psalm 115 points out that the idol transforms the worshipper into the image of the image he is worshipping. So those who worship the idol Allah progressively become like that idol.

Consider the man who established that idol worship – Mohammed. One former follower who left this idolatry, set out the following challenge. Ali Sina offered $50,000 to anyone who could prove the following statement wrong based on Islamic texts. “Muhammad is a narcissist, a pedophile, a mass murderer, a terrorist, a misogynist, a lecher, a cult leader, a madman, a rapist, a torturer, an assassin and a looter.” The reward has gone unclaimed. What is really eye opening is that the Quran states that Allah “had declared him [Mohammed] to be the ‘excellent pattern of conduct’ for mankind (Quran 33:21)”[1] So as Mohammed did, that is what a faithful followers of Mohammedan will emulate. And we let these people into our country? What insanity! Contrast this with the worship of the One True God.

The Worship Which God prescribed is spelled out in Exodus 25. The details of the Tabernacle’s construction would pattern in a temporal way, what God would one day do permanently through Jesus Christ. The Tabernacle would become a visible model of how we come to God through faith in Jesus Christ.

We must never forget that we will become like what we worship.

Learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2016 Rev. David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

An open letter to the republican establishment Pt. 1

Congressman Ryan, Senator McConnell, Reince Priebus, et al…

You have made it quite clear that you, the Republican establishment, do not like Donald J. Trump as the Republican standard bearer in the upcoming presidential race.

Republican voters have made it equally clear that they support Donald J. Trump. You, however, choose to avoid hearing what the voters want… nothing new there. You ignore the fact that more people voted for Donald J. Trump during the various primary contests than have ever voted for a Republican primary candidate and that he defeated a field of 16 establishment Republicans in the process.

You remind me of the European Union politicians who were so convinced the United Kingdom would never exit that conglomeration of arrogance and who, as of late night reports on June 23rd, were “stunned” by the results.

Why were they stunned? The polls said the outcome would go the other way… that the Brits would vote to remain in the EU. Everyone they talked with said the same. There are two reasons everyone was so wrong about the outcome of this vote:

1. They have yet to figure out that the people with whom they socialize and do business (from lobbyists to the highly affluent – both of which make large political contributions) are out of touch with the real world as viewed by the majority of voters. Like EU politicians, American politicians have no understanding of the attitudes, likes, dislikes, fears and dreams of the majority of people who support nationalism rather than global governance.

The Brits got tired of paying $20 billion every year to the EU and receiving only $10 billion back in benefits. I don’t want to point out the obvious, but American taxpayers sympathize with that concept which amounts to nothing more than a socialist redistribution of wealth. Like the Brits, we are tired of being told Islam is a religion of peace when the behavior of Muslims and the Koran tell us otherwise. All of us are wearied by your political lies.

In America, the successful campaigns of Senator Bernie Sanders and Donald J. Trump should have set off bells and whistles but your heads are so deeply buried in the sand of your perceived political power that you ignored these two huge warnings. You might want to ask soon-to-be-former Prime Minister David Cameron of the United Kingdom just how fleeting power can be when elected officials forget who really holds the power.

2. You have used political correctness to manipulate social behavior in America, just as the European Union does. It is a brilliant idea because nothing removes truth from public discourse better or faster than a society dominated by political correctness, especially when you get to define what is politically correct and what is not.

You who sit in Washington, D.C. and the Europeans who sit in Brussels dictate to the people how they will do business, what will be taught in their schools, who will immigrate to their countries (legally and illegally), who gets medical care and who does not, and on and on – and none of you are in touch with the people who must live with your misbegotten, power-driven tyranny. You remember them? They are the ones who pay your salaries. Either that or you are implementing unlawful programs to attain your objective of one world government, a government in which you perceive yourselves as holding power.

Unfortunately, you overlooked the backlash that results from political correctness. When people are beaten over the head time and time again – are told that the opinions they honestly hold are socially unacceptable – they stop proclaiming those opinions publicly. When asked if they are going to vote for this person or that, or if they support this issue or that, they give the politically correct answer and then do what they want. It is less trouble when you tell people who hold political power what they want to hear rather than what you really think. Who likes being viewed as a conspiracy nut? Perhaps better said, who wants to be targeted by the IRS because they answered a polling question honestly? But when they vote, they do so in secret and no one knows just how politically incorrect their ballot may proclaim them to be.

The majority of political establishment liars (that would be you and the others who withhold support from the Republican nominee) say “This is the right way to do things” and people who should be free to do business as they choose (so long as it is done lawfully and honestly) are put out of business by your fines and demands of them to do things based on your definition of what is politically correct (definitions which solidify your power base and diminish theirs).

In short, the behavior of politicians in Brussels and Washington, D.C. is tyrannical. When people go into the voting booth, however, they throw political correctness to the wind, recall your tyranny, and vote their conscience. It is equally true that some vote their lack of conscience.

Most people care little whether their attitude toward supporting illegal immigrants is politically correct. They have watched their parents work hard, contribute to the system, and save money for retirement only to learn Social Security funds are being used to pay illegal immigrants and give free medical care to illegals and those who choose not to work. Their reaction is “Screw what Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell and their lap dog politicians say is right or wrong. I know the difference and they are wrong!”

By withholding support from Donald J. Trump as the preferred (by the people) candidate of the Republican Party to run for the Presidency, you weaken the chance for the Republican Party to win the November election – and you know that. Your behavior gives support to Hillary Rodham Clinton. We know you fear you will lose votes in Wisconsin, Congressman Ryan. And Senator McConnell you were barely re-elected in Kentucky. But guess what? This election is about the people and what they want. It is not about you!

Why do Republicans behave this way over the Donald Trump nomination?

There is only one logical answer: Donald Trump is a threat to your power base… a power base the people have come to realize is totally corrupt. Let’s be very clear. When you willingly abandon the majority of people who consider themselves Republicans to surreptitiously support a woman whose history proves – PROVES, not indicates or suggests, PROVES – her to be a threat to the security of America, you prove yourself to be unworthy of holding office. Again, I suggest you re-listen to David Cameron’s resignation speech and use it as a reference.

If you think the American people are too dumb to figure this out, you might want to re-think who is dumb and who is not. We understand that you have dumbed the people down, removing strategic thinking from the education system making it difficult for them to use logic. We also understand, however, that most Americans are decent people with consciences that eventually tell them that evil is being perpetrated on them. They react as one expects people of conscience. They vote against staying in the European Union… or they reject those who removed from them their opportunity for meaningful change.

I know not how others feel about your behavior, but as for me, I consider you beneath the lowest of the low throughout the history of American politics.

Perhaps we should rename you Paul Benedict and Mitch Arnold.

Part II of this article lists for you the accomplishments of the political candidate to whom you appear to surreptitiously give your support: Hillary Rodham Clinton. I want the people to know the kind of person you support for the highest office in the land. It is a testament to your character – rather, the lack thereof.

As you ponder the qualities of the person you support so you can maintain your corrupted power base, please let me know if you need a copy of the Constitution – or a copy of the Oath of Office you took to support that Constitution before being allowed to represent the people of your states. As I recall that Oath, you promised to defend America from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

It appears that you and those who oppose the preference of the people may be that domestic threat. I offer no sympathy for the horns of a dilemma on which you have placed yourselves.

© 2016 Marilyn M. Barnewall – All Rights Reserved

The orlando shootings: a vindication of “Trumpism”?

If we can believe the official government / corporate media story — sadly, always a big ‘if’ these days — at around 2 am, June 12, Omar Seddique Mateen entered Pulse, a “LGBT”-oriented nightclub in Orlando, Fla., armed with an AR-15 assault weapon, and opened fire on a crowd of around 300 clubgoers. He killed 49 and injured 53 more, took hostages of those unable to escape, until at around 5 am a SWAT team stormed the club and took him down. Mateen, 29, a radicalized Muslim (Islamist, or jihadist), had sworn fealty to ISIS.

There are plenty of unanswered question here. How did Mateen get into the club with that kind of a weapon, which would have been visible to anyone at the front desk? How was he able to get off over 100 shots, stopping to reload, with no one rushing him or throwing anything to stop him or at least distract him so others could rush him? Was there more than one shooter, as some allege? If so, those other shooters are still at large! Was this attack part of something larger, with the other shoe yet to drop?

Mateen was not unknown to authorities. The FBI had him under surveillance during a ten month period back in 2013. He was interviewed by at least two informants. There are indications the FBI may have been trying to set him up. He had been working for a large international security firm, his branch based in nearby Jupiter, Fla. Somehow he was able to keep a security clearance and gun permits despite having been heard by coworkers to express sympathies with radical jihadism.

Did the FBI stand down and allow this to happen? The organization has set up Muslims before in order only to take them down and proclaim having thwarted a “terrorist.” Did this one get away? Was it allowed to get away?

Emergency medical personnel were required to sign nondisclosure agreements; anyone not doing so was escorted out by federal agents. This was not standard HIPAA fare. Clearly there is more to this than just a terror attack in a gay nightclub. Were people actually killed? Some have posted videos showing a lack of medical personnel such as paramedics at the scene. Instead, friends are helping friends limp away.

A guy I’ve known since high school, whom I am confident I can trust, lives in the Orlando area now. He told me his son works at Disneyworld and lost two coworkers. Others have told me they have acquaintances or neighbors who were killed or injured. So I am working under the assumption that this is not a hoax. A jihadist forcing his way into a “GLBT” nightclub with murderous intent is a credible scenario, after all.

Islamists hate homosexuals with a passion. In areas they now control, homosexual conduct is punished by death. And it is frequently an extremely brutal death at that! Islamist executioners have been known to hurl convicted homosexuals from the roofs of tall buildings onto concrete surfaces, and sometimes onto stone steps. Anyone resisting is tied to a chair which is then pushed over the side. If someone somehow survives the fall, he may be left to lie in agony for several minutes before being shot in the head. For a brief while there was a video of several such executions on YouTube. Needless to say, it was soon taken down. This was no surprise. YouTube generally removes videos depicting graphic violence and brutality.

This is the sort of thing the open-borders crowd risks bringing into the cities and suburbs of America. It suggests three things that should be self-evident to a rational person. (1) An open clash exists between all-cultures-are-equal multiculturalism and all-lifestyles-are-equal homosexualism. (2) Islamists will no more assimilate into a culture embracing open homosexuality than water will flow uphill. (3) Therefore, bringing unvetted Muslims into the U.S. and trying to settle them in American cities and suburbs out of misguided altruism is asking for trouble!

But, but, but … — I can hear lefties out there spluttering — Omar Mateen was not an immigrant! He was a U.S. citizen, born in New York City, of Afghan parents who were successfully assimilated immigrants!

Yes, yes, yes, he was a U.S. citizen. An anchor baby. And this did not preclude his embrace of Islamism, ISIS-style, did it?

What does this suggest about Muslims brought to the U.S. from war-torn Syria — war-torn because the U.S. government has been a key player in destabilizing their homeland? ISIS grew, after all, from the effort to bring down the Assad government. Suppose some of these people have become radicalized after have lost family members to bombings or other assaults traceable to U.S. actions? Will they be motivated to embrace U.S. culture? That the U.S. has tried to mainstream homosexuality is bad enough, but is hardly their only beef with the West.

Use your heads, folks! They’re not hat racks!

Regrettably, Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, left-leaning academics, so-called journalists, a lot of libertarian intellectuals, and a significant fraction of the brainwashed public, just don’t get it. Witness Obama’s scolding response to Donald Trump taking to social media essentially declaring the Orlando incident a vindication of his call for a ban on Muslim immigration: “That’s not the America we want.”

So what kind of America do “we” want, Barack? One that allows unvetted people onto U.S. soil who will murder U.S. citizens? One that proposes disarming its citizens as a solution to events like the Orlando shootings, so they are at the mercy of these crazies?

“We are to blame,” intones President Community Organizer.

Huh? Small wonder some people believe this guy is himself a closet Islamist!

Witness, too, the many (too numerous to link to) who declared Trump’s response to the Orlando shootings as “racist, Islamophobic”, etc., etc., you know the mantras. Or the fact that his numbers have dropped significantly since his calling out the potential bias of a Mexican-descended judge and the Orlando shootings. The powers-that-be in his own party continue conspiring to dump him at the GOP convention next month, despite what is again obvious to any thinking person: this would hand Hillary the presidency, which corporate-globalist power elites have wanted all along, of course; and which even supposed conservative groups are anticipating. This would confirm what he and Bernie Sanders have both insisted from the get-go: that the process is rigged.

Before I go on, it might be useful to say that despite the goofballs who go on TV and pontificate about the “gun culture,” or about a generalized “homophobia” for which they blame Christians, I wish to state unequivocally that as a Christian I do NOT support mistreating homosexuals or other sexual minorities. Christians reject such lifestyles on Biblical grounds, but I know of no Christians, anywhere, aside perhaps from a few Westboro Baptist Church type nutjobs who do not qualify as Christian in my book, who want them shot down like animals.

But this is what Islamists want!

These people cannot be bargained with, nor reasoned with; nor will they be deterred by PC allegations of “homophobia.”

Perhaps one day the “LGBT” community will figure it out: as I’ve noted before, those with real power do not care about them. Those with real power have been using them as a cultural distraction and source of division all along. Divide and conquer is the oldest strategy in the book.

Mateen, incidentally, was a registered Democrat. He had nothing to do with any Christian conservative or “Dominionist” (whatever that is) movement. His problem with homosexuality was a product of his jihadism, and nothing else. Jihadists are a direct threat to the “LGBT” community. Period.

In that case, let’s ask again: Do the Orlando shootings vindicate Trumpism, as I spelled it out a few days ago?

If you believe the U.S. is worth conserving, and that one way to do so is to keep potentially dangerous individuals out, then the question answers itself.

Yes, among the implications of the Trumpism I discussed the other day is that because of the kind of immigration policies that have been dominant for the past 50 years, there are dangerous individuals already inside U.S. borders. In many respects, that horse left the barn some time ago.

But one may hope that a Trump administration, should it be allowed to happen, would compel the FBI to stop playing games with people’s lives and start reducing the risks of more massacres occurring. The very mosque Mateen had attended was once under FBI investigation. The investigation was ended … by none other than Hillary Clinton when she was Obama’s Secretary of State! It “unfairly singled out Muslims”!

You can’t make this stuff up!

Trump, among other things, proposes restoring surveillance of mosques, and ignoring the PC wails about profiling — at least until Muslims who are U.S. citizens unequivocally, as a community, repudiate ISIS / jihadism, and do more to police their own.

American Trumpism proposes a trade policy, a foreign policy, and an immigration policy that place U.S. sovereignty and prosperity, American lives, and American safety first. Everyone who wishes to survive in a dangerous world does this. It also calls for the clear identification of those on U.S. soil who have the potential to do harm.

Allow me to thwart likely misunderstandings, especially among those inclined to misunderstand. Trumpism does not propose isolationism. It proposes that relations with others be conducted in ways that benefit Americans, with the assumption that other peoples are doing the same. At one time, it was understood that this is how freedom works: that it does not involve becoming the rest of the world’s doormat. Trumpism does not deny international trade, nor does it advocate closed and sealed borders. It involves insisting that the rule of law be reinstituted and obeyed. Even Trump’s suggested ban on Muslim immigration is temporary: conditional on determining “what is going on.” Trumpism suggests that for those who choose to isolate themselves from the dominant culture, which many Muslims have, trust must be earned and not given away free.

If, as some pundits insist, this cannot be done within the bounds of Constitutional limitations on government (as if Trump’s left wing critics really care about those!), then it is already too late, and you can kiss your country goodbye!

Americans are running out of time to sort all this out. Establishing border security is necessary now if you are to have any chance at avoiding more attacks of this sort — which will not be limited to homosexuals but will soon target Christians and even Americanized Muslims who are deemed “not radical enough” by ISIS-supporting lunatics.

Trumpism is not a perfect option, any more than Trump is a perfect candidate. But given the utter collapse of the GOP Establishment, successfully unmasked by Trump as a collection of empty suits, you have little choice except to play the hand you’ve been dealt; for the reasons you do not want Hillary Rodham Clinton to enter the White House in 2017 are what they are.

For starters, whoever becomes President in 2017 will nominate at least two and possibly as many as four Supreme Court Justices. Hillary Rodham Clinton will pack the Court with anti-Bill of Rights hard-leftists. Among their actions will be to reverse District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) which found the gun ban in Washington, D.C. to be unconstitutional. This will open legal doors to gun confiscation, assuming the gun-grabbers have the nerve to try placing presently well-armed communities at the mercy of lunatics ready and willing to kill them — not excluding agents of their own government.

If Hillary Rodham Clinton becomes president, by the 2020s the U.S. will be an unrecognizable war zone!

Is your Plan B in place?

© 2016 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved


Proverbs 4:7 “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.”

Man has convinced himself that knowledge is wisdom. That could be no father from the truth. I only have to give one example, a doctor goes to school for 10 years, spends time as an intern then spends his carrier as an abortionist. All his education is to help cure diseases and mend broken bones and dysfunctional internal organs. No one can go through that type of education and not believe that there is a god and that we are wonderfully and miraculously created. How can a person with that type of ‘education’ not have the wisdom to know that abortion is nothing other than the murder of a defenseless child?

Sometimes wisdom is simple common sense. There is only one definition of wisdom: The God given ability to properly use the knowledge that you have. How often have you listened to a man that has spent his life studying scripture and then he is asked what he believes God has told us about same-sex relationships and they can’t state with certainty God position. He knows scripture backward and forward but does not know the real meaning of that Word.

Too many people, even people in the church, do not believe in absolute truth. They think that truth is situational. They believe that the situation determines the truth at that time. God never indicates that sin isn’t always sin. He never embraces same-sex relationships. He never embraces abortion. Whenever homosexuality is mentioned in scripture it is ALWAYS condemned. God mentions ‘innocent blood’ nineteen times in scripture and most of the references are ‘generic’ as it can be taken in several ways, murder of an innocent person for personal gain but it isn’t conclusive to that. Abortions were done in Biblical times and it can most assuredly be a reference to that. Think about it, what could be more innocent than a defenseless child in the womb?

Today many people in the church demand that abortion be available at any time for any reason. Why? ‘We don’t want to burden a young teenage girl with a child at such a young age.’ This was verbatim from a member of a church I used to attend. I mentioned that the baby was a human being and that didn’t matter to this person. I brought up that we must teach kids that they need to take responsibility for their actions and even that was dismissed. Most black members of our Congress demand abortion are made available to their community ignoring the fact that 62% of black pregnancies end in abortion and 72% of live births are to single parent homes. Where is the wisdom in letting these fathers ignore their responsibility as a father. I understand that these things occur in white, Hispanic and other nationalities communities but the black community has the highest numbers of them all.

These mindsets are prevalent because there is ignorance in the pulpit! Man believes that his science is the answer to everything. His science explains everything and if his science can’t explain it, then it isn’t true specifically concerning creation. Man has adopted evolution even though there is virtually no evidence of it. For it to be ‘proven science’ it has to be able to be witnessed. That has never happened. The so-called missing link, a skeleton found in Africa they named Lucy, ended up being a monkey skeleton and wasn’t even from the same animal. Some of the pieces were found miles apart. This information was not widely reported because it would shame the scientific community. When looking at how a cell in the human body works it is impossible to believe that it just ‘happened’ over a few billion years. Even one of the prominent scientists of today, Dr. Michio Kaku, has stated that it was intelligent design: “After analyzing the behavior of these sub-atomic particles – which can move faster than the speed of light and have the ability to “unstick” space and matter – using technology created in 2005, Kaku concluded that the universe is a “Matrix” governed by laws and principles that could only have been designed by an intelligent being.

“I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by an intelligence. Believe me, everything that we call chance today won’t make sense anymore,” Kaku said.”[1] The big problem that we have is the fact that there are ‘rules’ set up by the Creator and man does not want to be held to any rules. All too many refuse to believe the biblical account of creation simply because they can’t figure out in their head how it happened. Reverend Gregory S. Neal commented: “This is not a surprise. Most clergy I know do not accept the literal account of creation. Rather, while we certainly believe in the intelligent design of the universe. We believe that the creation myth tells us more about who we are and who God is and what our relationship with each other and with God should be, than it tells us anything about the literal how of creation.”

Is this what is being taught in today’s seminaries? All this is is some kind of philosophical theology with no biblical basis. It is a sad attempt to explain God’s handy work with our extremely limited knowledge. We are even told that our limited knowledge can’t comprehend the ways of God: Isaiah 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.

(9 ) For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. We will never figure out how God created all that He created so to discount the biblical account is simply arrogance, which man has plenty of. Man’s mistake is they are trying to make God’s Word line up to man’s knowledge when what we should be doing is making our thoughts line up to His Word.

There are many denominations that have embraced the homosexual lifestyle believing that that is the way God made that person. Really? God put a woman in a male body with male DNA? I think not. That means God made a mistake and isn’t perfect. All that does is cause confusion and scripture tells us in 1 Corinthians 14:33 “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.” So if God isn’t the author of confusion then there is only one other that could be the author, satan.

How hard is it to figure out one’s gender? It has no bearing on how you feel, it has all to do with your DNA and biological gender. New York now has 31 different ‘genders’ that they say must be recognized. There are two, male and female. Genesis 1:27 states “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” There it is. We either accept it or we deny that and try to make up something else. All mankind will suffer if we continue to allow people to ‘identify’ with whatever they feel like identifying with. What about the person that has had dental work done to look like cats teeth and had tattoos of stripes on their face and body, cosmetic surgery to alter the face to look like the face of a cat. Do we refer to that person as a cat and put litter boxes in public restrooms?[2]

Man has done all he can to separate God from His creation and the church has enabled them to do so by denying the Word of God on creation, biblical marriage and a host of other things. The only true wisdom is acknowledging that we are not God and that we depend more on Him than anyone is willing to admit.

All scripture is from the KJV unless otherwise noted.

© 2016 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved



1. String Theory Co-Founder: Sub-Atomic Particles Are Evidence the Universe Was Created.
2. 14 Extreme Animal-Humans

Is Obama going to create crisis to suspend the November election?

No Perpetual “Emergency” Presidency

Constitutionalists, patriots, and other friends of freedom in ever-increasing numbers are expressing their fears that the present resident of the White House, Barack Obama, intends, under color of some real or contrived “emergency”, to suspend the National elections this November, declare “martial law”, and expand the ambit of his usurpatory rule from that of an arguably faux yet only temporary President to that of an authentic and permanent dictator, in service of some absurdity such as a supposed necessity to maintain “the continuity of government”. In light of the possibility of a nationwide calamity in the near future (especially likely in the economic realm), and of Mr. Obama’s own personality and past pattern of misbehavior under color of public office, these concerns cannot be easily dismissed as mere delusions springing from paranoiac imaginations. Nonetheless, from the constitutional perspective, they are entirely devoid of foundation.

No need exists to repeat here the extensive analysis in my book By Tyranny Out of Necessity: The Bastardy of “Martial Law”, which explains that so-called “emergency powers” are bunkum, and “martial law” (as most Americans understand it) bunkum to the second power. The only “martial” institutions to which the Constitution delegates the responsibility and authority “to execute the Laws of the Union”, whether in an “emergency” or otherwise, are “the Militia of the several States”. But “the Militia of the several States” consist of the body of WE THE PEOPLE of the United States. And the very last thing Mr. Obama would ever want to admit in a public forum is that WE THE PEOPLE enjoy the unique constitutional power, in “martial” institutions especially, to “execute the Laws of the Union” against anyone and everyone who might dare to transgress those “Laws”—himself included. So, putting to one side “emergency powers” and “martial law” as the irrelevant anti-constitutional fantasies they are, the only question which needs to be answered is: “Does the Constitution provide any means by which Mr. Obama can perpetuate his residency in the White House in the guise of ‘President of the United States’ on any excuse whatsoever?” The answer is “No”.

1. Even if Mr. Obama were “a natural born Citizen * * * eligible to the Office of President” under Article II, Section 1, Clause 4 (which in the absence of sufficient evidence remains an open question), Section 1 of the Twenty-second Amendment precludes him from being “elected to the office of the President more than twice”. Of course, the premiss of the instant analysis is that no Presidential election at all would occur in November of 2016; and therefore he could not possibly become even a faux “President elect” under color of the Twelfth Amendment. That being so, perforce of Section 1 of the Twentieth Amendment his present, possibly faux “term[ as] the President * * * [would] end at noon on the 20th day of January”, 2017. By dint of that same Section, the present, but also arguably faux term of Mr. Joseph Biden as “Vice President [would] end” at the very same time.

2. In the normal course of events, someone other than Mr. Obama would be chosen as President elect in the 2016 elections, and would take the “Oath or Affirmation” of “the Office of President” on 20 January 2017, pursuant to Article II, Section 1, Clause 7. But, were no National elections conducted in November, no one would be chosen President elect or Vice President elect. Under those circumstances, Section 3 of the Twentieth Amendment would take effect:

If a President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term, or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified; and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified.
Plainly enough, however, under this Section and Section 1 of the Twenty-second Amendment, Congress could not arrange matters such that Mr. Obama could continue to “act as President”, because the general terms of the latter provision—namely, that “[n]o person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice”—must encompass “elect[ion]” by any means. For the purpose of the Amendment is absolutely to preclude repetition by anyone else of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s effective “life tenure” in the “the office of the President”, even were America’s electorate to desire that result. So, significantly, unlike many other Amendments the Twenty-second does not empower Congress “to enforce this article by appropriate legislation” at all, let alone in a manner which contradicts its obvious purpose. Contrast Amendment XIII, Section 2; Amendment XIV, Section 5; Amendment XV, Section 2; Amendment XIX; Amendment XXIII, Section 2; Amendment XXIV, Section 2; and Amendment XXVI, Section 2. And inasmuch as the Twenty-second Amendment follows the Twentieth, it must limit the power of Congress granted in the latter Amendment in such wise as to fulfill the purpose of the former Amendment.

3. An apparent problem would be that, were no National elections held in November of 2016, there would be no Members elect to the House of Representatives at all, and no Members elect to one third of the Senate. Under Section 1 of the Twentieth Amendment, “the terms of Senators and Representatives” already in office in 2016 “shall end” “at noon on the 3d day of January, [2017,] of the years in which such terms would have ended if this [Amendment] had not been ratified; and the terms of their successors shall then begin”. Were no National elections held, no such “successors” whose “terms shall then begin” would be available to fill those positions in Congress. Indeed, with no House of Representatives at all from 3 January forward, no Congress would exist, inasmuch as (by definition in Article I, Section 1) “a Congress of the United States * * * shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives”, in which (pursuant to Article I, Section 5, Clause 1) “a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do Business”. With two thirds of the Senate still in office, “a Majority” of that body would exist; but with no Representatives having been elected, “a Majority” (or any other part) of the House would not.

This problem would be only apparent and not a permanent debility, however. For, if the States’ governments continued in existence (as presumably they would), “[w]hen vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies” (Article I, Section 2, Clause 4); and “[w]hen vacancies happen in the representation of any State in the Senate, the executive authority of such State shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies” (Seventeenth Amendment). So, even were no National elections held in November of 2016, the States’ “Executive Authorit[ies]” could take the necessary and sufficient steps to ensure that the constitutionally required Representatives and Senators were appointed in time to take office on 3 January 2017. Thus, Congress could be reconstructed before the possibly faux terms of Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden as President and Vice President ended on 20 January.

4. Were Congress so reconstructed, the House of Representatives could select its Speaker, and the Senate could select its President pro tempore, before 20 January. That having been done, Title 3, United States Code, Section 19, would come into play:

(a)(1) If, by reason of * * * failure to qualify, there is neither a President nor Vice President to discharge the powers and duties of the office of President, then the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall, upon his resignation as Speaker and as Representative in Congress, act as President. * * *
(b) If, at the time when under subsection (a) of this section a Speaker is to begin the discharge of the powers and duties of the office of President, there is no Speaker, or the Speaker fails to qualify as Acting President, then the President pro tempore of the Senate shall, upon his resignation as President pro tempore and as Senator, act as President.
(c) An individual acting as President under subsection (a) or subsection (b) of this section shall continue to act until the expiration of the then current Presidential term [with certain exceptions not relevant here].

This commentary need not recite the further possibilities for other officials to be installed as the “Acting President” if neither the Speaker of the House nor the President pro tempore could perform that function. See 3 U.S.C. § 19(d) and (e).

The final, indisputable point is that even if Barack Obama is actually the President of the United States (rather than an imposter) at this juncture in the course of human events, perforce of the Constitution and the relevant statute he cannot continue in that status past 20 January 2017, no matter what supposed “emergency”, real or contrived, might arise and be put forward to rationalize cancellation of the National elections in November of this year. As far as he is concerned, America’s National nightmare of the last eight years’ duration will end on that day. Americans must hope and pray that Providence will then preserve them from something even worse.

© 2016 Edwin Vieira, Jr. – All Rights Reserved

The American left is evil

The American Left is just plain evil. Not only do they not seek truth, they suppress it. Everything the Left does, including shamefully exploiting the slaughter of Americans in a nightclub, is to further their deception and power to force their unpopular agenda down our throats.

Leftists are the minority. However, they own the federal government, social media, public education, Hollywood and the Democratic party. They use inciting misdirected anger, hate and guilt to bully the public into embracing their anti-American and anti-God agenda. Because the Left controls the media, they get away with falsely portraying their opposition. The Left takes disapproval of them forcing their agenda on us to absurd extremes.

For example: If you say “no” to men using girl’s restrooms, Leftists in the media brand you an insane hatemonger who seeks the murder of all homosexuals. If you disagree with the Left’s illogical obsession with disarming Americans, repealing the second amendment, Leftist media brands you a racist toothless idiot redneck that wants to shoot all people who do not look like you.

The Left used the same take-opposition-to-absurd-extremes tactic to brand the Tea Party racist. The good folks in the Tea Party simply disagreed with Obama’s unlawful overreaches and ignoring of the Constitution. The Congressional Black caucus despicably took their opposition to the absurd extreme claiming that the Tea Party would “love” to see black Americans “hanging on a tree.”

Upon hearing about the Orlando nightclub shooting, I told Mary, my wife, “You watch, the Left will say all who disapprove with men using girl’s restrooms are just as bad as the Orlando shooter.” Sure enough, that was the Left’s outrageous absurd story line reported by numerous news outlets. Summarizing the Left’s media blitz, they said if you do not affirm the LGBT community and the implementation of their agenda, you are equal to the Orlando shooter; a rabid hater, responsible for those killed in the nightclub. I wonder how many Americans are falling for it.

Do you see how the Left’s insidious game is played? All who oppose the Left’s relentless attacks on biblical principles and our constitutional rights are branded stupid, haters and bigots by the media. Then the Left launches a shock and awe campaign to destroy the offender. More and more Americans know the drill; bullied into silence and compliance.

It is sad how the Left has been able to pervert the word “love” into meaning we must embrace deviant and immoral behaviors.

The most annoying thing about the Left’s bogus image of “caring more than the rest of us” is their policies and ideas end up harming the people they claim to champion 99% of the time. Decades of blacks faithfully voting for Democrats (Leftists) has resulted in urban areas becoming hellholes of black on black crime, fatherless households, epidemic school dropouts, poverty and government dependency. Leftists always make every situation they touch worse.

Obama’s Leftist (politically correct) CVE policy tied the hands of the FBI, blocked them from using intel they had on the Islamist terrorist Orlando shooter. Thus, Obama bears some responsibility for the deaths of the homosexuals in the Orlando nightclub. Pure and simple. And yet, Obama and his media buddies are relentlessly trying to blame the massacre on Christians and American gun owners.

Despicably, Obama and his media buddies are hellbent on convincing Americans that the greatest source of evil and threat to Americans is not Islamist terrorists. It is Christians and American gun owners. Again, I wonder how many Americans are being duped by their deception and misdirection from the truth?

Speaking of Obama’s evil efforts to cover for Islam and blame Christians and American gun owners, his DOJ is deleting all references of radical Islamic beliefs from the transcripts of the Orlando shooter’s 911 call.

By the way, America has suffered a terrorist attack every year under Obama. Deaths from terrorism have quadrupled under Obama. And yet, thanks to his media buddies covering for him, Obama approval polling is over 50%.

At times, the Left’s seemingly successful steamrollering of our culture puts me in a bit of a funk. History chronicles that the path America has chosen has destroyed other civilizations; destruction of the traditional family (fatherless households and etc); the graying of the line between right and wrong and rebellion against God’s natural laws. Therefore, I mourn for my country.

However, I do find encouragement to continue fighting the good fight by reminding myself that God is in control and America is worth it.

As she tallied up my groceries, I asked the supermarket cashier, “Are you still working at the bank?” When I moved to Florida 16 years ago, this same Hispanic woman was working as a bank-teller and supermarket cashier. She relied, “Yes.” I said, “You’re amazing.” The elderly woman chuckled and said, “Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. God is good.” Her cheerful demeanor and self-reliance blessed me. Obviously, she does not believe taxpayers owe her a living.

Folks, I realize this anecdotal example of character is not a big deal. And yet, it served as a cool sip of water in my desert of despair regarding the declining character of my country. God is good!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Freedom of speech for me but not for you

If you notice the enormous amount of money spent to defeat Donald Trump, you also see Americans shutting down free speech at his rallies. It’s one thing to adhere to the our 1st Amendment rights for yourself, but to trample on another’s same rights, illustrates how far we’ve gone down the road to losing our constitutional republic.

In this ongoing series of interviews, average citizens speak their minds. What’s happening to America via endless immigration, accelerates into Canada, too.

Canadian writer Tim Murray speaks his mind:

“Churchill nailed it,” said Murray.

“Everyone is in favor of free speech. Hardly a day passes without its being extolled, but some people’s idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage.”

“So it is, so it always was,” said Murray. “If history could add an eleventh Commandment, it would be this: Thou shalt not contest orthodoxy.

“Of course, throughout the ages, the guardians of orthodoxy have always had their reasons. There has always been a good reason to silence critics. The lyrics change but music remains the same:

“Say what you may, but what you say, you say against the Church, and that is blasphemy. And blasphemy cannot be tolerated.” The stricture of medieval Christianity.

“Seditious comment must be punished”. The warning issued to the rebels of the 13 colonies.

“We welcome discussion among comrades within the framework of socialism. But counter-revolutionaries must not be allowed to speak.” The edict of Stalinism

“Let a hundred flowers bloom and a thousand thoughts contend”. The invitation of Chairman Mao as he killed millions of his countrymen for disagreeing with him.

“When those thoughts were expressed, they were not to his liking, and those who expressed them paid the price. Dissent must not find a voice in the People’s Republic of China.

“Fascists have no right to speak.” The axiom of Herbert Marcuse, guru of the emergent New Left.

“His essay “On Tolerance” was a call for intolerance. Then it became clear. For the New Left, the Left that still lives on in another generation, Orwell’s 1984 was not a warning, but a blueprint.”

And finally,

“Hate speech is not free speech…Hate speech is not acceptable…. Truth is no defense.”

“This is the mantra and rationale of the soft totalitarian state. Totalitarianism with a “progressive” face! An iron fist in a velvet glove! There is no need for torture chambers or gulags or a secret police in this state. Its weapons are indoctrination in the guise of higher education, public shaming, the threat of ostracism, the inculcation of guilt and self-loathing, the cultivation of victimhood, the nurturing of hyper-sensitivity and the bizarre right “not to be offended”. Hurt feelings must be the prime consideration, the gauge for what can be said and what can’t. In the progressive dystopia, no one should have to suffer hurt feelings.

“No one must endure a “hostile working environment”. Everyone must be entitled to a “safe place”. Safe not only from physical assault but verbal ‘assault’ as well. From ‘micro-aggressions’ and disturbing speech. From ‘hateful’ speech! Especially on campus, which used to be the one place, which encouraged and sanctioned the free exchange of ideas.

“But who defines “hate”? What is the objective criterion for hate speech? Why is the emotional state or motivation of a speaker relevant to the veracity of what he says? If people are accorded the right to vote, why aren’t they accorded the right to hear what some deem to be “hate speech’ and judge its merits for themselves? Aside from whether a speaker has the right to speak, doesn’t the audience have a right to hear? Who has the right to deny that right? And most fundamentally, what is the point of freedom of speech if it is only to be afforded to those who agree with you?

“These are questions still unanswered. But the “Thought Police” have no inclination to answer them, for they afflicted with the disease of absolute certainty, the bedrock of the totalitarian impulse. The trademark of all true believers.”

© 2016 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

Establishment want a North American Union

Merging USA, Canada and Mexico

I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. -John 8:12 KJV

This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that GOD is light, and in him is NO darkness at all. -1 John 1:5 KJV

Folks if you aren’t a regular reader of articles published at you are missing a great deal of information which will help you to absorb God’s LIGHT which is in part information. Thank you Coach Daubenmire for his new online bible study which is a discussion event regarding the light of the Lord and the darkness of the world.

I love one of the phrases by one of the listeners – Is your church draining your batteries? Those batteries that keep you in God’s light and not the darkness of the evil one. How many of you were deceived by the darkness of the Cruz campaign? A man who is not even a citizen of the United States of America yet is sitting in the U.S. Senate.

We know that Satan is lodged inside many of our churches – what better place to work your evil than sitting among those you are trying to convert. At the same time, we have Satan marching along the halls of Congress, the Supreme Court – not to forget our local and state governments whose actions cause us to scratch our heads and ask “what planet are they from”?

The scam being carried out through the United Nations and our governments named the North American Union (NAU) is a much larger stepping stone to a New World Order (NWO) than the EU was and the EU is a failure. Those supporting the NAU and NWO I believe had, so to speak “placed all their marbles in one basket”.

Donald J. Trump, whether you support him or not, he has thrown a very large stick into their grinder and the elitists, cabals – whatever you want to call it – are very angry. Rep. Flake (R-AZ) recently said that if the Republican base had not come up with a plan to derail Trump in Cleveland they had better get to work. You even had Ted Cruz’s campaign manager along with Glenn Beck and Brad Thor calling for someone to murder Trump.

Flake is an elected official who was supporting Gov. Kasich of Ohio even over Cruz. Does this man not research anyone either? Kasich at the base is a left leaning and acting neocon and a thinking Democrat. Where have the leaders of this country come from??? People like Sheldon Adelson and George Soros waving their billions around is where!

This week we once again have the Bilderburg evil cronies meeting to work “their evil magic” in their goal of controlling the world. Most certainly they will be discussing the EU and Britain’s referendum to leave the EU since it was within the Bilderburg members that the EU was born.

To be certain and also to be discussed is the North American Union and how they are going to proceed. “We the unimportant people” were never supposed to find out about this back door deceit and “we” certainly were supposed to elect Ted Cruz so that he and Heidi could put the final touches on and get things going. (No I cannot prove this, but actions most certainly speak louder than words – see below). Most of the names on that list attending Bilderburg from the USA you will also find on the CFR and Bohemian Grove lists of the past.

Most do not understand the North American Union (NAU) plays a very large role in the New World Order and was the reason for the TPP. Free travel of all goods from China be it food, people, cloths, drugs – whatever and the total loss of the American people having a say about anything. All you have to do is research the EU – “they” think they have a better plan for the NAU but it is still about the elites having power and everyone else works and does without – their “distribution” of wealth.

There is to be a North American Court of Justice (with the authority to overrule a decision of the U.S. Supreme Court), a North American Trade Tribunal, and a Charter of Fundamental Human Rights for North America, also dubbed the North American Social Charter (already written) with the flag having been designed and also the coinage “Amero” with another Constitution in the wind – not that anyone abides by any Constitution these days.

This blog writer I would guess supports the EU listing the supposed “visionary leaders” who inspired the creation of the EU claiming these men created a “sphere of peace and stability” referring to them as the “founding fathers” of the EU. The EU is a failure because:

 lack of control by the “people” over the governmental issues
 the economy is failing within the EU due to bad leadership – personal egos
 the people’s reliance on the government for their well being
 no manufacturing base of their own – dependence on foreign trade
 loss of self-worth of the people themselves because of the above
 poor leadership
 different countries have different ideologies and the egos get in the way

Why would Americans think things would work any better for us? Canada for the most part still thinks and operates like England and we fought a couple of wars to get out from under them and Mexico is a brutal country who has always put their people last under the leadership and have been draining our system for years illegally. Don’t misunderstand me as I know many in this country are also here legally and I am not referring to them.

I used to question why after all these years England still gives all those taxes and elects those “bird brains” to lead them while at the same time they do without. The castles, glided robes, pomp and circumstance – all a glamourous show just like with the Pope.

The United States might not have all the pomp and circumstance of England or the Vatican, but we still elect “bird brains” repeatedly to Congress even when we know they are liars and cheats which is what it has come to today. Perfect example is those following Bernie Sanders who have been under the greatest sham on the American people to date – the government’s backdoor takeover of our education system with the deliberate goal to “brainwash” our kids into idiots.

They can’t think reasonably, believe everything should be free, have no respect for themselves or anyone else, can’t add or subtract without a computer giving them the answer and want to live in Mommy and Daddy’s house for life telling them what to do.

In 2009, a leaked 1955 Bilderberg document outlined the plan for a single European Union and a EU currency. The NAU idea emerged during the Reagan administration in the 80’s. David Rockefeller, George Schultz and Paul Volker told the president that Canada and America could be politically and economically merged over the next 15 years except for one problem – French-speaking Quebec. Their solution – elect a Bilderberg-friendly prime minister, separate Quebec from the other provinces, then make Canada America’s 51st state. It almost worked, but not quite when a 1995 secession referendum was defeated – 50.56% to 49.44%, but not the idea of merger.

At a March 23, 2005 Waco, Texas meeting, attended by George Bush, Mexico’s Vincente Fox, and Canada’s Paul Martin, the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) was launched, also to be known as the North American Union (NAU). It was a secretive Independent Task Force of North America agreement – a group organized by the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE), the Mexican Council on Foreign Relations, and the CFR with the following aims:

 circumventing the legislatures of three countries and their constitutions
 suppressing public knowledge or consideration
 proposing greater US, Canadian and Mexican economic, political, social, and security integration with secretive working groups formed to devise non-debatable, not voted on agreements to be binding and unchangeable.

In short – a corporate coup d’etat against the sovereignty of three nations enforced by hard line militarization to suppress opposition.

So did you wonder where all the ideas for the presentation of Agenda 21 came from?

Secretly, over 300 SPP initiatives were crafted to harmonize the continent’s policies on gun control, energy, food, drugs, security, immigration, manufacturing, the environment, education and public health along with militarizing three nations for enforcement. The recent announcement by Christiana Figueres, the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) announcing the sought-after transformation of the world economy will not be decided at one conference or in one agreement.

The center of their goal to Agenda 21/Global Warming was to transform the world’s economy.

All the reasons for the failure of the EU listed above has cost EU members ultimately their sovereignty as some 70 to 80 per cent of the laws passed in Europe involve just rubber stamping of regulations already written by nameless bureaucrats in ‘working groups’ in Brussels or Luxembourg.”

So we have the David Rockefeller who founded the Trilateral Commission, and in 1954 the men who thought they were the “most powerful in the world” got together to form the Bilderberg Group with their grand design is for a “One World Government (World Company) with a single, global marketplace, policed by one world army, and financially regulated by one ‘World (Central) Bank’ using one global currency.”

So, do I have proof in my belief that Ted and Heidi Cruz are to be seen as the leaders and overseers of the NAU – NO – not on paper and certainly not in the news. What I have is the bio of a woman working for one of the richest financial institutions in the world, but her fast advancement there and within the Federal government have told me a great deal:

 Both Ted/Heidi Cruz are Bush what I call “babies or operatives” as with Rubio  Heidi began her career as an energy investment banker with Merrill Lynch in Houston, Texas
 She also worked for a time for J.P. Morgan as an investment banker in New York
 Heidi’s first connection with George W. was in working in D.C. for his campaign
 Heidi turned down a job offer from Goldman Sachs after graduating from Harvard in favor of working the Bush campaign on his economic policy.
 Heidi was the U.S. trade representative under Dr. Condoleezza Rice
 She also served as the Economic Director for the Western Hemisphere at the National Security Council
 Director of the Latin America Office at the U.S. Treasury Department
 Special Assistant to former CFR President Ambassador Robert B. Zoellick, as a U.S. Trade Representative – Zoellick brokered every free trade deal since serving as the U.S. negotiator during the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) negotiations that led to the formation of the World Trade Organization. He also carries the credentials as president of the World Bank, Vice-Chairman of Goldman Sachs from 2006-07.

I find the background on the Cruz’s in total alignment with the plans for the NAU and adding to the mix, Ted Cruz would never answer any questions regarding the NAU and basically lied when asked about his wife’s role.

With the not really departure from the 2016 Presidential campaign by Cruz, but just having suspended his campaigned, it is going to delay this part of the elitist long laid out plans as the NAU being the second phase for the ultimate goal of the New World Order of one government.

They now are going to have to rethink and regroup and will most certainly be laying out new plans at their meeting in Germany. Remember, they are ever patient, but that patience is going to the wayside as we have seen with the Obama Executive Orders for the past 7 ½ years.

Americans must be ever vigilant to seek out and thwart their moves and motives as to what is happening around us.

Yet they continually turn their backs on the PEOPLE until they want their support. Trump may not be polished and he may come off have baked sometimes, but Americans who voted for him understand he has been his own man for years and he is also smart enough to tame it down.

Every one of his opponents has considerable baggage and it was that baggage we were voting against when we voted for Trump.

US Supreme Court slaps down Obama’s illegal alien amnesty

A 4-to-4 tie by the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday morning slapped down President Barack “Pen & Phone” Obama’s unilateral immigration revisions to laws that all but legalized millions of illegal immigrants, according to the Homeland Security News Wire (HSNW).

Obama had issued his executive order after House Republicans refused to bring to the floor for a vote a 2013 bipartisan Senate legislation which provided a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, HSNW reported. “With his usual arrogant tone, Obama told the nation that he decided what is good for America and its people. He arbitrarily changed or voided laws as he saw fit and to me that is a serious breach of constitutional law,” said former police captain, Morris Delvechio.

Although the GOP lawmakers in Washington made statements opposing Obama’s laws, they did little to try to stop his actions which led to a tsunami of illegal aliens crossing the border into the U.S. Southwest. But 26 states with Republican governors legally challenged Obama’s far-reaching executive order,claiming that once again the so-called constitutional scholar had disregarded the separation of powers by granting a blanket deportation deferment to millions of undocumented immigrants without any action by the federal legislature.

They went on record as saying that Obama’s argument that “his action amounts to nothing more than common prosecutorial discretion was wrong, because such discretion should be applied on a case-by-case basis, not to an entire category of potential law-breakers.”

A federal court judge in the state of Texas ruled in favor of the 26 GOP governors, and when the Justice Department brought the case to the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, those judges upheld the lower court’s decision in November 2015. A panel of the 5th Circuit said the program changed the designation for the immigrants which would give the illegal aliens eligibility for federal and state benefits that wouldn’t otherwise be available.

Meanwhile on Thursday, former federal prosecutor Larry Klayman, who had founded Judicial Watch and is now the founder and president of Freedom Watch, saluted the four originalists on the Supreme Court for holding fast in effectively affirming the decisions by a Texas federal court and the Fifth Circuit blocking President Barack Hussein Obama’s executive amnesty for over 5 million illegal aliens. Klayman believes that the decision will prevent likely Muslim terrorists from entering the U.S. as refugees especially since the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation contradicted Obama’s claim regarding “the vetting” of asylum seekers from Syria, Iraq and other Muslim nations.

Klayman, along with Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, were the first to challenge this unconstitutional executive amnesty but drew an Obama-appointed judge who dismissed the case claiming it was only a political ploy.

Later an Obama-packed federal appeals court, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, affirmed the lower court’s decision, uttering hardly a word about the merits of the case. However, a fine judge, the Honorable Andrew S. Hanen, of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas took the correct and legally honest legal path and blocked Obama’s amnesty, according to Klayman, who has made a name for himself as a government gadfly.

The Obama Justice Department, led by Attorney General Loretta Lynch, the president’s pliant law enforcement officer, took an appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit and, in a “slam dunk,” quickly lost again.

Thursday’s Supreme Court ruling not only underscores just how political the High Court has become, but cements Judge Hanen’s ruling. The amicus brief filed by Klayman and Arpaio is credited with aiding in achieving the victory, as did their initial complaint before the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, which was virtually copied by Texas and the myriad of other states that later mounted the court challenge before Judge Hanen.

Klayman had this to say for himself and his client, the man known as America’s Sheriff Joe Arpaio:

“Having started the ball rolling on this challenge to President Obama’s illegal and unconstitutional executive actions granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens including likely Muslim terrorists who have crossed our borders and are here on bogus student visas and other subterfuges, we are thankful that the so-called conservatives on the Supreme Court held fast to the leftists on the High Court. While we have little hope that President Obama will now take action to deport these illegal aliens, particularly since they are a large illegal voting block for the Democrats this fall, this Supreme Court ruling at least tells Obama and his allies that their lawlessness will not be countenanced. Unlike a judge in Arizona who has been presiding over a compromised and ethically conflicted trial of Sheriff Arpaio that also concerns illegal immigrants in Maricopa County, four justices of the Supreme Court did the right thing and shut the door to Obama’s lack of respect for the will of We the People. They legally stood up to an out-of-control president who rules like he is King George III in 1776. As bequeathed to us by our Founding Fathers in the Constitution, this is the proper role of the judiciary, to serve as a check and balance to government tyranny.”

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

How to spot a false flag event

A missionary friend of mine in Eastern Europe recently gave me a heads up regarding an excellent article written by Sebastian Swift entitled “5 Confirmed False Flag Operations And How To Spot Them In The Future.”

Swift writes, “The false flag phenomenon is distinctively modern and used as an ideological weapon to control populations with the fear of a manufactured enemy. They are used in ostensibly democratic systems where people believe they have inalienable rights. Such democratic systems–primarily the United States, Israel, and Great Britain–must shock people into sociopolitical and geopolitical consent and, as such, require sophisticated modern propaganda systems and advanced covert operations teams with highly proficient skills.”

Here are his telltale signs of a false flag operation:


~There is an immediate comprehensive narrative, including a convenient culprit. Law enforcement, government agencies, and the mainstream media immediately proffer a narrative that completely explains the event and encourages citizens to tie their intellectual understanding of the tragedy to the emotions they experience. In his lecture at Contact in the Desert, [author and researcher] Richard Dolan noted that a distinguishing characteristic of a false flag operation is that the official narrative IS NOT questioned by the media. There are often legislative, ideological and sociopolitical power plays waiting in the wings, which the government can immediately implement.

~The official narrative has obvious domestic and geopolitical advantages for the governing body. The Bush administration used 9/11 to usher in the War on Terror, which has served as a lynchpin for countless civil liberty infringements by the national security state, including ubiquitous domestic surveillance and indefinite detention.

~The narrative behind the attack serves to leverage emotions like fear, as well as patriotism, in order to manufacture consent around a previously controversial issue. For example, many of the recent domestic terror attacks, including the Aurora [and Orlando] shooting[s], have exacerbated and reinforced advocacy of gun control legislation.

~Military training drills and police drills occur on the day of and very near the attack itself, causing confusion to obscure eye witness testimony and allowing orchestrators to plant both patsies, disinformation and backup operatives. This is no small point. An incredible percentage of major domestic or international terror attacks have involved simultaneous “training drills.” This list includes, but is not limited to, the infamous NORAD drills of 9/11, the 7/7 London Bombings, the 2011 Norway shooting, the Aurora shooting, Sandy Hook, and the Boston Marathon. Though none of the aforementioned events can be confirmed or denied without a doubt, they bear a striking resemblance to previous false flag attacks and should be looked at with an investigative eye.


See the article here.

It’s time for those of us who have been reluctant to consider the possibility that our own government (and the governments of Israel and Great Britain) could actually be complicit in domestic terrorism in order to further a nefarious agenda to at least stop accepting the government and media’s version of these tragedies at face value. For the most part, the mainstream media is little more than a propaganda ministry for the federal government. We haven’t seen true objective investigative journalism since before the death of John F. Kennedy.

Granted, not every national tragedy is part of a government conspiracy–and there is a plethora of “conspiracy nuts” out there to whom EVERYTHING is a conspiracy and through which we must wade to try to ascertain the truth. These people make it difficult for all of us. The Internet has provided the Chicken Littles of the world with an opportunity to play journalist. And their “everything’s-a-conspiracy” rants only serve to mask the true conspiracies and turn the average John Doe away from the truth. That’s why I believe that many of these “conspiracy-everywhere” Internet bloggers are actually PART OF THE CONSPIRACY. Their job is to make genuine whistleblowers and researchers look like conspiracy “kooks.” Then, of course, there are genuine kooks out there, too.

Regardless, the similarities and “coincidences” of many of these national tragedies are just too numerous for rational people to ignore. I believe Mr. Swift’s analysis is very intelligent, coherent, and plausible.

Our Founding Fathers believed their government (the British Crown) was deliberately conspiring against them. Thomas Jefferson said as much in our Declaration of Independence:

“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

Read it again: “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a DESIGN to reduce them under absolute Despotism . . . .” Jefferson and the rest of America’s founders believed that there was a “design” (i.e., “plot,” “scheme,” or “conspiracy,” if you please) to “reduce them under absolute Despotism.” So, if you believe that government conspiracy is only for kooks, you must include America’s Founding Fathers in that group.

Patrick Henry may have said it best: “We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren, till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation?

“For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth–to know the worst and to provide for it.”

I submit if we deliberately “shut our eyes against a painful truth,” liberty is not long for this country. And there is plenty of blame to go around.

Obviously, the “no conspiracy” group is contributing greatly to the demise of liberty by their unwillingness to even examine the evidence suggesting government conspiracies. Truly, they are shutting their eyes “against a painful truth.” And, unfortunately, this group is most prevalent among pastors, Christians, and churches.

I find it incredible that people who supposedly study their Bibles are so completely blind to government conspiracies. The Old and New Testaments are replete with examples of government conspiracies. Jewish governments, especially, were notorious for conspiring against God’s prophets in the Old Testament and against Jesus and the Apostles in the New Testament. Plus, the New Testament plainly pictures the master conspirator, Satan, as being the “god of this world” and “the prince of the power of the air.” His offer to Christ on the Mount of Temptation to give Jesus the “kingdoms of the world” was NOT challenged by the Lord. In other words, Jesus didn’t dispute the fact that Satan controls many, if not most, of the world’s governments. The Book of Ephesians warns against the conspiracy of “principalities,” “powers,” “rulers of the darkness of this world,” and “spiritual wickedness in high places.” Every Bible commentator that I respect includes wicked civil magistrates within these personages. Yet when one brings up the possibility of government conspiracies to the average church member, he or she is treated as if they have the palsy.

Nowhere is this attitude of the denial of conspiracies more evident than in the whole Muslim versus America façade. Almost no Christian leader seems to be able to see the “man behind the curtain” in this whole affair. They have absolutely NO concept of what the governments of the U.S., Great Britain, Israel, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia are surreptitiously doing to instigate and foment this “war with Islam.” (Of course, there is no war against the Islamic states of Saudi Arabia and Turkey; they are our “allies.”) Christians aren’t even willing to study the matter. Therefore, the devil–along with the evil miscreants inside Western governments that he controls–is able to go about his diabolical work completely undetected.

But, in all fairness, the “everything’s-a-conspiracy” group must also share culpability in our country’s demise. There are too many professing “patriots” who seem to have no honesty or objectivity whatsoever. To them, everything government does is bad whether it is or isn’t. And, of course, they, the so-called “patriots,” can do NOTHING wrong.

For example, if a black kid in an inner city is unjustly killed by a police officer, these “patriots” say absolutely NOTHING. But if one of their “own” is justly killed by police, they scream “tyranny” and shout about the need for revolution. Such people seem to have no reasoning ability and no understanding of Natural Law. They are agenda driven as surely as are big-government toadies. In fact, some of these “patriot” Internet bloggers and radio broadcasters are no better than the mainstream media: they twist the truth in order to pander to the people who are supporting them financially. It’s not about principle; it’s not about truth; it’s not about the rule of law. It’s all about their financial success.

When we only condemn injustice committed by government, while overlooking and condoning injustice committed by so-called “patriots,” we lose all credibility and integrity. Everything is not a conspiracy. Every policeman or federal agent is not a Jackboot. Sometimes there are real acts of violence committed by real deranged criminals with no help whatsoever from anyone–including anyone in government. And sometimes there are so-called “patriots” who are themselves evil, using the freedom movement for their own ulterior purposes. And, of course, there are well-intentioned people who sometimes do very foolish and unwise things. And only foolish and unwise people would condone and support foolish and unwise actions, even if they are well-intentioned.

I totally agree with Sebastian Swift’s article that there are indeed false flag operations being perpetrated by rogue elements within government–including the governments of the United States, Great Britain, and Israel. I further agree that people need to honestly and objectively be alert for the identifying characteristics of these false flag operations. More than that, the American people need to begin holding our civil magistrates accountable for these operations, as they could not continue without the tacit support of our elected representatives and President.

But what we do NOT need are phony “patriots” who do nothing but distract, confuse, and incite by calling everything a conspiracy and who themselves are guilty of unlawful conduct–unlawful conduct as defined by God and Natural Law. (This is why the ignorance and silence of America’s pulpits is such an egregious crime: people do not even know how to discern lawful and unlawful conduct because pastors are not teaching them these Biblical Natural Law principles.) Plus, I am personally convinced that many of these hot-headed so-called “patriots” are in reality government agent provocateurs who are deliberately trying to incite real patriots into doing something stupid.

Again, I submit if we deliberately “shut our eyes against a painful truth,” liberty is not long for this country. And that includes admitting when a tragedy is NOT a conspiracy. But it also means admitting when evidence suggests that it IS.

P.S. Let me remind readers that we are currently shipping THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS. We do this in honor of Independence Day. This is the great compilation of America’s most important historical documents in ONE VOLUME. Such a volume does not exist anywhere else that I know of. Our supply is very limited and will not last long. Click here to order.

© 2016 Chuck Baldwin – All Rights Reserved

Please donate to the man with integrity, Donald J. Trump

Donald J. Trump’s Integrity

Alvin and Heidi Toffler Third Waver. He’s a loyal globalist and New World Order puppet. Bottom line, Newt is just another neo-con Trotskyite.

Public Law 101-216 in 1989 (an update to the General and Complete Disarmament Law, Public Law 87-297) you will find that Newt Gingrich voted in favor of section 2 of this disarmament bill which reads:

Gingrich’s disarmament vote alone would discredit him from even a long list of folks considered for Mr. Trump’s Vice President. Trump’s comments after the Orlando shooting tell where he stands. Trump didn’t mince words Friday, in Woodlands, Texas, as he addressed the Orlando terrorist attack, referring to the gunman as a “son of a b—-” and arguing that guns in civilian hands could have mitigated the carnage.

Trump Says NO THANKS to Bribes

Here’s the reality of Trump’s true integrity. Trump needs donations, but he refused $300 million (basically a bribe) to accept Newt Gingrich as his vice president. The MSM reported that casino magnate Sheldon Adelson was willing to contribute $100 million to Trump’s campaign, but what wasn’t reported was the additional $200 million the establishment offered Trump in exchange for choosing Gingrich.

Sheldon Adelson

Remember JFK and LBJ? LBJ was chosen as the VP for JFK because FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, gave LBJ the file on Kennedy’s dalliances with other women. In 1959-1960, the news of Kennedy having affairs outside of his marriage would have ruined his career. Can you say “blackmail?” And then on November 22, 1963, Kennedy ends up assassinated, and we end up with LBJ as president and his unconstitutional “Great Society.”

In 1980, Ronald Reagan was elected, and although many of us knew what Ronnie really was, he was elected despite his choice of George H.W. Bush for VP. Maybe he decided he was going to do the presidency his way, but only 69 days into his first term, on March 31,1981, an attempted assassination occurred. John Hinckley Jr. was not the shooter. The shot that hit Reagan came from above and nearly killed him. After this assassination attempt, Reagan’s administration was filled with CFR members. Years ago John Judge was a guest on the Roger Fredinburg show for two hours and he exposed what really happened with Reagan’s assassination attempt. [Link]

Trump does not need another LBJ as vice president in the form of Newt Gingrich. If anything happened to Trump, Gingrich would bring the country right back into the NWO globalist fold, and Trump knows that.

All the talk of Senator Bob Corker being a VP choice is also just talk. Trump knows that Corker was the deciding vote for the Iran deal

So please stop listening to the MSM spewing all their beliefs and polls, because 99 9/10th of what they write is false. Trump needs a Vice Presidential candidate who has the same policies and beliefs that Trump has.

Gingrich Retaliates

For weeks Gingrich was on every Fox News show, spoken about in the MSM, and portrayed as the number one choice by Trump for VP. As soon as Gingrich found out that Mr. Trump had declined the monies (which he needs), Gingrich started lashing out at him publicly. Gingrich became vitriolic in his criticism of Trump. He stated that Trump made “one of his worst mistakes” for pointing out that the federal judge, (who should recuse himself) handling the Trump University lawsuit, has close ties to LaRaza Hispanic nationalist organization. Gingrich told the Washington Post, “I don’t know what Trump’s reasoning was, and I don’t care.”

Trump Needs our Donations

There have been millions of Americans who have attended Mr. Trump’s rallies. I am calling on all of you to pass this article to any other Trump supporters. Why? Because Trump now needs the funds for his campaign against Hillary Clinton. He financed his own primary campaign…he received no PAC monies, but now he needs our help. If each of us who have attended Trump rallies would send $100.00, he would be helped so very much.

I’m sending a donation to Mr. Trump every month because I want to save my country. We must now put our money where our mouths have been. “GO TRUMP” means we financially support him to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. and are two authorized Trump PACs. To send a check by mail to the Committee for American Sovereignty, send to this address:

645 West Ninth Street
Suite 110-257
Los Angeles, California 90015


What did Jesus say in Revelation 3:16? “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth.” So many are like this, lukewarm in all they do, but not Donald J. Trump!

The establishment crooks offered Mr. Trump mega bucks to take their Vice Presidential choice of Newt Gingrich. Because of the integrity and honesty of Donald J. Trump, he refused their “offer,” despite the fact that his campaign needs the funds. Trump is no “lukewarm” candidate, he’s strong on his principles, and he hasn’t wavered. Those principles and policies have resonated with Americans. 

I fully believe the Lord’s Hand is on Mr. Trump. I also believe that as long as Trump stands true to his convictions and never wavers, that God will supply his needs. Please, do what you can to help this man succeed and become America’s 45th United States President.

Did the people in Orlando deserve to die?

[NOTE: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

Once again we find ourselves falling into an age-old trap. If you ask the wrong question you will find yourself giving the wrong answer. That happens so much to Christians who try to explain the ways of God.

He warned us about that, you know. “My ways are not your ways” the scriptures tell us. Yet we often find ourselves trying to explain the unexplainable to those who can never understand.

“Did those homosexuals that were killed in that night club deserve to die? What kind of God would permit that to happen?” These questions and others similar in their mystery are reverberating around the crumbling walls of the American culture.

Few have the correct…or may I say acceptable…answers…at least not the answers that the unbelieving world is looking for. No one can ever explain why something does, or does not happen. As the Beach Boys famously sang back in the mid-sixties…God Only Knows.

And sometimes that is the only answer we are left with. Some things, truly, only God knows.

But perhaps we are asking the wrong question. Rather than asking if they deserved to die perhaps we would find more solace in the answer to the question “Did they deserve to live?” Does anyone deserve to live? If so, why? If we deserve to live, who says so? Could it be that the question should not be who deserves to die but who deserves to live.

If we get serious about answering that question perhaps some of our confusion will go away.

We are taught by the secular world that lie is random. We pooh pooh the idea of a Creator who serves as the Grantor of all life and live our lives as if we are the captain of our own ship. If life is random and nothing more than chance, then based on what principle does anyone or anything deserve to live?

If there is no order to life and if there is no Creator of all life then who is to say that some deranged Muslim with a gun doesn’t have the right to end a life? Based on what moral standard does anything deserve to live? Survival of the fittest is the law of the jungle.

Is it wrong for a fox to kill and eat a rabbit? Is it wrong for a zoo keeper to kill a Gorilla? Is it wrong for the President to order the death of a peasant in the hills of Afghanistan? What makes the killing of a homosexual wrong? Who determines who lives and who dies? Who makes the call about which life is worthy of being lived and which life isn’t? What makes ANY death a tragedy?

The question is not does someone deserve to die…the question is does anyone deserve to live?

Survival of the fitness is the measuring stick in the animal world. If we have merely “evolved” from our animal friends, then who makes the determination that any form of life is more valuable than another? Perhaps all people are truly nothing more and nothing less than a food source. Some people eat animals and some animals eat people. Some creatures live and some creatures die. Life is random.

What in nature would leave you to believe that anyone deserves to live…

My Christian faith teaches me that

• All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God
• It is appointed unto man once to die.
• There are none righteous, no not one.
We all die. Every one of us. None of us can pick the time, the place, or the method. But you can rest assured that we all have an appointment with death. That is the price of sin…the wages…death.

Again, why does anyone “deserve” to live?

In a world where mothers are permitted to choose death for their unborn babies what makes it wrong when a homosexual Muslim determines that some folks in a night club in Orlando deserve post birth abortions?

The denial of God has consequences.

What makes murder wrong? If life is random and simply a matter of chance why all of the outrage when someone’s number comes up? Life is a lottery…a game of chance. What is so wrong with that?

Sometimes you get the bear and sometimes the bear gets you.

On the same day 49 born people’s lives were ended by a gunman in Orlando 500 unborn lives were ended by “doctors” in “medical clinics.” In both cases the person who died had no “choice” in the time or means of their slaughter.

Abortion is bullying. Abortion is terrorism. Terror in the womb leads to terrorism in the world.

Did the people in Orlando deserve to die? Do unborn babies deserve to die?

It seems to me that we are asking the wrong question.

© 2016 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

College isn’t funny anymore

College has become a standing joke. It’s where you go into debt for $100,000 to get a worthless degree in some inane pseudo-subject: Gender Studies, Women’s Studies, My-Brain-is-Installed-Backwards Studies. It’s where you go to get the rest of the country laughing at you for whining about, well, virtually everything.

Yes, America’s colleges have certainly been fodder for the laugh track, lately. What could be more laughable than an unemployed, unemployable, 25-year-old college grad living in his momma’s basement with a lifetime’s worth of debt clamped to his back and nothing to show for it but a degree in Stupid Studies?

But it’s getting to be not so funny anymore. In fact, it’s getting downright dangerous.

Case in point: vegetables posing as “authorities” at the University of Northern Colorado recently decorated the campus with 680 professionally printed signs warning the students to say nothing, ever, that might possibly offend a thin-skinned liberal. The cucumbers in charge say that it’s not censorship—perish the thought!—but only a gentle reminder aimed at blanketing the campus with “civility.” So, you see, it would be uncivil and “insensitive” to say, for instance, “All lives matter,” when you’re only allowed to say “Black lives matter.”

As always, the collegiate powers that be belch out their watchwords of “diversity” and “inclusion” as cover for a rigid uniformity of thought and speech.

We’ve been laughing at this, but it isn’t funny.

In addition to equipping students, at great cost, for long lives of flipping hamburgers, sweeping parking lots, or collecting welfare checks, our universities also equip them with an authoritarian mind-set that threatens the future of our free republic. How can we possibly preserve our liberties if millions of mal-educated voters have no idea what those liberties are, no interest in preserving them, and a pounded-in habit of seeking to curtail—and punish!—any speech, any writing, or any opinion that differs from their own?

It does seem a little silly to be afraid of ineffectual college-“educated” dodos who know nothing about anything and break into tears and whining whenever anyone says anything, no matter how trivial or unintentional, that they don’t like.

But I’m not afraid of one of them. I’m afraid of millions of them flocking to the voting booths to repeal the First Amendment and elect the reincarnation of Hugo Chavez to be president for life. If you think that can’t happen, think again.

America’s university system is overgrown and bloated, over-financed, and doing everything in its power to make a whole generation of young people unfit to be citizens of a constitutional republic.

Why? Because our professorial class thinks they’ll wind up being the ideological honchos of a socialist utopia, complete with fantastic pensions and absolute authority. Because they don’t like America as it is—they hate it, passionately—and wish to turn it into something else.

And we’re letting them do it. By sending millions of our sons and daughters to these universities, to be rendered ignorant, powerless, and poor, we’re letting then do it.

“Oh! But we have to send our kids to college or they’ll never get good jobs!”

Don’t make me laugh. When everybody has a college degree, a college degree becomes meaningless. Especially when the degree holders prove it whenever they open their mouths. A degree may even be a disadvantage, employers knowing, all along, that a thin-skinned, undisciplined, incapable college graduate is hardly going to be an asset to the firm.

Our university system must be cut back down to size. The Marxist professors, not their hapless students, should be the ones standing in the unemployment line.

A republic populated by pampered, ignorant ninnies will not stand.

It really is quite scary, when you come to think of it.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog,, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Why have Rino’s jumped on Obama’s wagon?

Moan, groan, puff out your chest, pull your hair, or gnash your teeth and the numbers won’t change. After over 100 years of buying votes, the Democrats have conquered the nation ….. with votes, using your money. Think of any constituency group and the Democrats have the plurality. Whether it is women, the elderly, gays, transgender, blacks, Latinos, or Jews, the Democrats have them and these groups aren’t going to “switch” any time soon ….. unless enough of them are broke or scared.

The entire Democrat ideology has been institutionalized at every level of government. Every single Democrat-sponsored program, from Social Security forward, is broke or going broke and sending America deeper into irrecoverable debt. The Democrat’s Obama Care just accelerated the path to insolvency.

With the tools of propaganda, hype, lies and distortions, the Democrats have been successful in painting conservatives as racists, misogynists, bigots, haters, extremists and anti-American, all the while promoting their own anti-freedom policies of the collective, dependency, multi-culturalism, political correctness, radical environmentalism and the one-world-order. Individual freedom is the farthest thing from their minds. Individual freedom doesn’t buy votes from the millions of Americans that have become wholly dependent on government, at the expense of those who work. Democrats have taken compassion to the irrational and carried it to the point of insanity, for votes, on the backs of the taxpayers.

Most of the news media has aided and abetted this century-long mindset shift in the body politic. Our public schools and colleges are infiltrated with this socialist dung. Parents of the last two to three generations have been immersed in it. Our children are being brainwashed in it at home and at school. When they grow up they get jobs in government or education, thereby perpetuating and propagating this radical, un-American image. The officers and employees of powerful corporations, like Google, Facebook and Twitter, are carriers of the Democrat disease that punctuates and influences everything they do, including censuring conservative speech using computer algorithms, or editorial boards.

Democrats won’t be happy until we are all in chains, dependent on and subservient to an ever-growing government, with them in control of the political power, as well as our land, our water, our food, our energy, the Internet, our communications, our health care and our money. Spying on us everywhere, will become ubiquitous and Orwellian, as they weed out the patriots, mavericks and malcontents among us. If you challenge their words or authority, you will just disappear.

The hard truth is, Democrats go after votes with promises of money or benefits and then deliver on those promises at the expense of America’s financial security. Republicans go after votes based on fundamental constitutional principles. The Republicans are right, but that won’t help them win the popular vote, much less the Electoral College, with millions of dependent Americans who believe the War of 1812 was fought against the Russians.

But if you are a Republican-Establishment-RINO and you want to get re-elected and are without honor, you are going to “go” where the votes reside. You don’t care about principle. You only care about your cushy government position and the power, money and perks that come with it. It makes no difference if you are in the minority, or the majority, just as long as you keep getting re-elected.

Why do you suppose that Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and the other RINO’s are scared to death of Trump? He has alienated large portions of the very constituency groups the RINO’s are trying to pander to, or win over. He’s shaking the timbers of the Republican Party and stirred up a hornet’s nest in the electorate. They are afraid that as Republican Establishment RINO’s they will suffer what they perceive to be a coattail-demise from a Donald Trump campaign for President. Instead of getting behind him with all their might, they trash him. The Democrats and the media are eating it up to the detriment of the Republican Party ….. and freedom.

Why do you think the term RINO came into being? Those Republicans still guided by conservative principles have split with the Establishment class who will do anything to get elected or re-elected, sans principle. In order to get elected or re-elected, they have had to sell their collective souls and move left, considerably left. They won’t do anything that might ruffle the feathers of Democrat constituency groups for fear of losing votes and that is why they give Obama everything he wants. They won’t chance a veto because they believe it will be turned around and used to denigrate Republicans ….. again, just like what happens when the Republicans shut down the government for all the right reasons. Republican Establishment RINO politicians are cowards and have become unbalanced and paranoid.

Republicans can’t win with any less than 50% of the women vote that is split between a woman’s right to choose and pro-life. They can’t win with any less than 40% of the Black and Latino vote that have been hypnotized, mesmerized and bought off by Democrats. Why do you suppose Democrats want open borders?

Republicans can’t win unless they get over 50% of the elderly vote who have been bought off by the Democrat-created programs of Social Security and Medicare. They won’t get the LGBT vote for sure because conservatives still believe in the sanctity of marriage and the nuclear family of one man, one woman and some well-balanced kids and the LGBT community doesn’t. Republicans can’t win even if they have 100% of the white male vote.

Is it any wonder that Republicans are split so badly? Is it any wonder that the gap grows wider by the day? Is it any wonder that Trump is so controversial and an antithesis to the Republican Establishment RINO class who don’t care if they destroy what is left of the Republican Party because Trump isn’t “one of them?” Democrats get behind their own, right or wrong. Republicans “eat” their own, for sport. Republicans had better ask why and fix it before America becomes a one-party nation, if it hasn’t already.

But wait! There is a wildcard in all of this. The electorate is driven almost entirely by emotion and is thereby fickle. Most of the electorate doesn’t give one whit about Constitutional principles. However, they do care about jobs and the economy and they do care about national security, especially after the terrorist attack in Orlando, Florida and the threats of more attacks by ISIS or ISIS sympathizers. Trump plays heavily into the electorate with these two vote-rich issues.

It wouldn’t be the first time that the electorate shifted in a presidential cycle. After 4 years of Jimmy Carter, Americans went big-time for an actor that made people feel that America was still a shining city on the hill. Now Trump is no Reagan but nevertheless Trump exudes confidence, boldness, energy, power and the dedication to help America reach its full potential, while at the same time going after our enemies with a vengeance.

During the over 230 plus year history of America, presidents of all stripes, character, persona and flaws have served their country. Some have served with dignity and honor and others were lack luster or just plain not up to the job. Some were hopelessly corrupt. All have shaped America in one form or another. Depending on your perspective, the shaping was either good or bad. As the presidents have shaped America, so too has the Presidency shaped each president. They either have grown in the oval office, or have become diminished by the job.

Along comes a Trump. He constantly says, “I am going to make America great again.” He says his victories will just keep on coming, to the bewilderment of all Americans. He will make our military stronger than ever. He will build up our economy beyond our wildest dreams. He personally, will negotiate deals that will make our heads spin, because he is the great dealmaker. He will show our enemies, including Russia’s Putin, that when he draws a red line and it’s crossed, there will be severe consequences. Millions of Americans were eager to hear these kinds of words that Trump utters and rushed to support him.

Trump is a powerful, successful man. Unfortunately, his untamed mouth makes him prone to gaffs and stretches of the truth, if not outright fabrications. Like most men, he has flaws and is individually thin skinned. The flaws and the thin skin will either doom him or propel him to greatness.

Nevertheless, no matter what the general population thinks of him on either side of the aisle, he has managed to capture the adoration of millions of Americans. It remains to be seen whether he can keep the current momentum going all the way to winning the Presidency, or will open his mouth one too many times and choke off the votes he needs to win over that part of the electorate that wants more jobs and a better economy and wants America to stand up to its enemies and permanently defeat them.

The harsh reality is, Trump wins or loses on the electoral vote. Right now, as the Electoral College exists today and without a voter revolt, Trump loses and Hillary, or some other Democrat wins. It’s up to Trump and all other Republicans, RINO or conservative, to back him because he wins or loses on Republican votes and crossovers from Democrats and Independents. Sit out the election, or write in another candidate on your ballot and you give your vote to Hillary. It’s that simple. A vote for Hillary or any other Democrat is a vote to permanently destroy America and liberty.

A lot can happen in the next four months and what happens will shift the vote one way or another, because as we said, the electorate is emotional, fickle and hopelessly uninformed. Our political world in America rests atop the sharp point of the sword of fate and random probabilities. Sadly, emotion, not intellect, rules.

We have written a poem about these issues and have uploaded it to one of our websites. Now some of you may not like poems but they are nothing more than a different literary medium to convey a message. Some poems are witty and well thought out, while others are corny or hollow. You can view the poem HERE and make up your own mind.

[NOTE: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

© 2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved

FBI looking for clues? Look no further than…

“Most people don’t really want the truth, they just want a constant reassurance that what they believe is the truth.” –cf. Romans 1:18

The front page of the Minneapolis Star and Tribune this week (Propaganda outsource in Minnesota) stated, “Orlando, the world weeps, F.B.I. Look’s for clues,” regarding this past weekend’s shooting that left 50 dead and a number of others injured.



Clue is defined as “a piece of evidence or information used in the detection of a crime or solving of a mystery.”

Therefore, I want to be a good citizen and would like to help the FBI with clues in which they apparently have not found yet, regardless if they are right in front of their faces.

Outside of the facts that the shooter’s father was a presidential candidate in Afghanistan, hosted a pro-Taliban television show, as well as supports the Taliban, I think that the rest of the information should come without surprise regarding Omar Mateen, the Islamic jihadist who murdered at least 50 people on Sunday and wounded dozens more.

Mateen was a homosexual (this explains why the LGBT is blaming the Christian right) and regular patron to the Pulse nightclub. He was also known to the F.B.I.
FBI agent Ron Hopper said on Sunday afternoon that Mateen had a history with the agency. Agents first became aware of Mateen in 2013, after he made inflammatory statements to co-workers about affiliations with a terror group.

In 2014, Hopper said the FBI interviewed Mateen again because of a connection to a suicide bomber. But, he said, “contact was minimal” and Mateen was released.

Just before the shooting, Hopper said Mateen declared, in a 911 call, his allegiance “in general to the Islamic State.” How convenient?

Mateen also worked with the Department Homeland Security.

Yet, the FBI is looking for clues.

The Department of Homeland Security, did you say?

Barack Hussein Obama has appointed:

Arif Alikhan – Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security

• Former deputy mayor of Homeland Security and Public Safety for the City of Los Angeles
• Was responsible for derailing the LAPD’s plan to monitor activities within the Los Angeles Muslim community
• Was appointed as assistant secretary for the Office of Policy Development in Barack Obama’s Department of Homeland Security in 2009
• Became a Professor of Homeland Security and Counterterrorism in 2010

Mohammed Elibiary

– Homeland Security Adviser

Here we have an individual that is an Islamic Cleric!

• Islamic cleric
• Admirer of the late Ayatollah Khomeini
• Has advised numerous law-enforcement organizations on homeland security-related matters
• Was named to President Obama’s Homeland Security Advisory Council in 2010
• Misused classified documents in an effort to promote the notion that “Islamophobia” was widespread

Salam al-Marayati

– Obama Adviser and founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council and is its current executive director

• Founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council
• Accused Israelis of responsibility for the 9/11 attacks
• Hamas and Hezbollah sympathizer

Imam Mohamed Magid

– Obama’s Sharia Czar from the Islamic Society of North America

This shows a direct link to Obama himself and this guy is a “leader” of a group that does not like the United States Constitution nor its people! But let us show you just who this character is!

• President of the Islamic Society of North America
• Says that media references to jihad as “holy war” constitute a “misuse” of that term
• Was named to President Obama’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in 2011
• Persuaded DHS to erase from its “Countering Violent Extremism” curriculum any suggestion that Muslim terrorism draws its inspiration from the laws and doctrines of Islam

Eboo Patel

– Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships

• Has ties to Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Rashid Khalidi, Mumia Abu-Jamal, and Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf
• Was appointed to President Barack Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships in 2009
• Describes the revolutionary communist Van Jones as an “American patriot,” a “faith hero,” and one of “the true giants of history.”

Day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year, the American people put their ears up to the speaker of either the radio or the television and are ready to hear what the President of the United States has to say. This is the same man who sets the tone for the kinds of violence that Mateen was involved in because he appoints these terrorists and then deflects responsibility from the guilty after the crimes are committed only blame innocent Americans by attempting to set the narrative Leviticus 26:17. Yet, after each atrocity, namely murder with a gun, the people hope to believe that what he says will be the truth, but the American people have yet to come to the realization that there is NO truth in this man or his administration. Furthermore, he is benefiting every group that means to harm Americans (John 8:44).

Without fail, there is a call for some form of disarmament or a stripping of the rights of not the lawbreaker, but the law abider, to make way for the criminals.

Another appointee, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, who said that he was appointed to be the voice to the plight of the Muslims, now sees all Americans as the threat.

Read Article III, Section 3, United States Constitution.

Those who have no mind of their own to think with, apparently are wondering how this mass murderer obtained guns legally, but the guns are not the problem. Islam is the problem. The real question is, why was he here in America in the first place?

Finally, those who are in the FBI who expect Americans to play the fool to their headlines and set narratives, you need not look any further to the White House, employ justice, and the crimes will be solved. Of course, America, you already knew that.

© 2016 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

What is American Trumpism?

Do the Orlando shootings vindicate Trumpism?

What does this question mean? While all we need is another ism in our political-economic lexicon, some have tried to define Trumpism: for instance, these guys who appear to have gotten cold feet. Maybe their computers were hacked, too; or maybe the sudden deletion of their entire site except for a rather mysterious farewell statement is explained here.

Trumpism is paradoxical. It implies an ideology, and Donald Trump is no ideologist; he’s an empiricist, not a systematic thinker. He goes off what he sees, not abstractions. What the term Trumpism implies is the possibility of ideas separable from the man himself, and which might survive if his candidacy is sabotaged or if he loses in November. That makes it important. My reference to American Trumpism suggests that there might be other forms of Trumpism, populist equivalents, elsewhere around the world. This is confirmed by the Le Pens in France, Geert Wilder in the Netherlands, Joerg Haider and Norbert Hofer in Austria, Viktor Orban in Hungary, Jaroslaw Kaczynsk in Poland, Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines, and — indirectly — the “Brexit” movement in Great Britain.

My focus will be on the U.S., but we’re looking, somewhat ironically, at a global rebellion against the coercive globalism being led mostly by corporations and a few “global-citizen” types whose view of the people left unemployed by their policies is an indifferent shrug: “let them find gigs” (which recalls an earlier one: let them eat cake).

One of the pseudonymous folks at the above site identified three components (sadly, no longer linkable):

(1) Immigration policy that puts the interests of America and Americans first.
(2) Foreign policy that puts the interests of America and Americans first.
(3) Trade policy that puts the interests of America and Americans first.

The author who called himself Decius added, “Trump seems to grasp intuitively something our elites have forgotten or smugly deny: Politics is by nature particular.” He might have added: left to itself, most actual free trade is local and also particular.

Before we expand on these remarks, a warning. What follows should be presumed dangerous! I am almost surprised if this essay is posted. It is clear: there are people who want this kind of discussion stopped. They will go beyond mere namecalling (“Trump’s a racist, a xenophobe, a fascist, an Islamophobe”). I am grateful (1) I am semi-retired, with no employer trolls can email, to derail my career; and (2) for the extra layer of security on all my devices. Trump may be the biggest black swan globalists have yet encountered, in the U.S. at least. As I wrote last time, I think they and their many “useful idiots” scattered across the media and elsewhere are in abject terror. Their scare tactics are everywhere! For even if they thwart Trump himself, whether at the GOP convention or in November, the movement he’s galvanized — and the issues his candidacy has brought to the surface of American consciousness — are not going away!

I suggest Trumpism has four elements we can pin down.

(1) A brand of conservatism that wants, first and foremost, to conserve the American nation — while CINOs (conservatives in name only) who dominated the GOP until Trump came along aren’t interested in conserving anything; their interests are money and power.

(2) Calls for ending open borders policies that have cost American jobs and, it should now be clear in the wake of the Orlando shootings as well as others such as those in St. Bernardino, Calif., place Americans’ lives at risk. (The Orlando shootings raise additional issues I will defer to a separate article next week.) If one doubts the wisdom of border security, look at the costs of open borders in Europe where cities and towns have been overrun by unassimilable Muslims, courtesy of the pro-war foreign policy of U.S. neocons whose wars of choice have laid waste to their homelands, and the open borders policy of the disastrous (and hopefully doomed) European Union. Immigrants from Mexico are no longer assimilating into the U.S. No borders = in the long run, no nation!

(3) A pro-American foreign policy which eschews “nation building” that does not work and wars of choice that make Americans enemies. Fighting a war means intending to win it — which means not getting involved in unwinnable regional squabbles. Trumpism also promotes arrangements in which the U.S. aids other nations but insists that they carry their weight by paying us back; no more free lunches.

(4) Economic nationalism: which means trade deals and employment policies that favor Americans, not foreigners, and which favor all Americans who work for a living, not just a privileged elite whose “work” involves moving money around all day. Free trade in this view is a misnomer for controlled trade by elite-dominated corporations in partnership with governments (corporatism or “soft fascism”). The latter understand freedom as the freedom to do whatever increases their profit margins no matter who gets stepped on. Sometimes it’s the American working class, as when factories close and go to Mexico for cheaper labor. Other times it is indigenous peoples elsewhere, as John Perkins shows in his Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (2004; new 2nd Ed. 2016).

Behind Trumpism, as Ben Boychun explains (he’s one of those rare writers who, while opposing Trump himself, appears intent on getting the ideas right) following our friend Decius, is this kind of sentiment: “ … in the real world most of us recognize the difference between a fellow citizen and a foreigner, or a friend and an enemy. Some people belong; some people don’t. A country that can’t tell the difference won’t last long.”

In other words, Trumpism does involve an us-versus-them perspective: a view of the world Enlightenment ideals of Universal Reason (UR) and Universal Human Rights (UHR) sought but ultimately failed to transcend. I find this saddening, but I didn’t make the rules.

Like it or not, UR and UHR were creations of White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP)-males, especially pivotal philosophers such as Kant who was among the first to dream of a global village, a “kingdom of ends.” Kant’s intellectual descendants wrongly assumed that peoples everywhere would welcome with open arms the Western world of positive science, market capitalism’s economic and technological encirclements (material embodiments of UR), and so-called liberal democracy (that of UHR).

The results have been mixed. A few cultures have embraced some of these ideals and done reasonably well. Singapore comes to mind, although Singapore is no democracy! Others came into contact with Western systems and suffered near-irreparable harm, e.g., the Ladakhi about whom Helena Norberg-Hodge writes in her illuminating Ancient Futures: Lessons of Ladakh for a Globalizing World (1991, 2009).

But let’s focus on the home front. How consistent has been its commitment to UR and UHR? Answer: not very. They’ve proven expendable when inconvenient!

The purveyors of political correctness (PC) abandoned them. They implied affording everyone the same rights and holding everyone to the same standards under the rule of law (“colorblindness,” as opposed to, e.g., “racenorming” in law school admissions). They conflicted with men’s and women’s roles being interchangeable in military service.

They did not bring PC-friendly outcomes for minorities and feminists, in other words.

Hence the PC crowd restored a tribalism which tried to keep WASP-males out of its loop. When a radical academic (e.g.) argues that every ethnic group has its own consciousness, based on its members’ own collective experience that can only be understood from the inside, they are expressing this new tribalism. Or when Justice Sonia Sotomayor was described as a “wise Latina,” it was implied that her group identity was essential to her capacity to help decide Supreme Court cases “fairly” for her people.

Trump is hated for bringing WASP-males into this loop. He’s just being consistent. Consciously or not, he employed the same tribalism to benefit a white guy, himself, by questioning the objectivity of a Mexican-descended judge (a member of a La Raza-affiliated law organization) to decide the Trump University case “fairly.”

The other tribes have cried foul at the top of their lungs, as if WASP-males could be expected not to embrace the new tribalism eventually. Part of official PC dogma, as everybody knows, is that all WASPs are privileged. This is nonsense, of course, but it hasn’t stopped white privilege from a leading mantra today. Another PC / multiculturalist dogma is that objectivity does not really exist but is a “WASP-male social construct.” Never mind the logic of wondering if, in this case, PC / multiculturalist judgments can be objective, because logic too is a “white male social construct.”

So does anyone still believe UR / UHR?

Libertarians as rationalist-individualists tend to believe them, following their ancestors, the classical liberals. Those who accept the mindset of Science (capital S) do. Think of guys like Richard Dawkins (emphasizing UR more than UHR). Or possibly Pope Francis (emphasizing UHR more than UR). You will find progressives and so-called conservative Republicans paying them lip service. I used to argue from such premises.

The problem: nations that try to practice them while simultaneously embracing globalism, open borders and multi-ethnicity, end up divided and shattered, as groups with incommensurable cultural values battle over the spoils. “Diversity,” contrary to the celebrated adage, is not “our strength.” It’s an academic fantasy. In the real world of flesh and blood masses who are not intellectuals or economic abstractions (homo economicus as a sort of walking utility-maximizer), diversity is threatening, divisive, and destructive — especially if one or more of the parties did not agree to the arrangement, its members stripped of control over their lives and culture.

Why? Expanding on Boychuk’s remarks, peoples automatically distinguish between their own who are familiar and trusted, and those outside who are unknown quantities and not trusted — not without a lengthy period of vigilant observation. The outsider, who looks different, has different customs, believes a different worldview and speaks a different language, has to prove himself. This is not “racism” but common sense! Contact by outsiders could be a friendly overture or prelude to an invasion!

Nothing here precludes trade relations developing between different peoples, but will place natural limits on them and ensure that most trade will be local or at most, regional, among known quantities … unless it is socially engineered to be otherwise, as corporate globalists have spent the past hundred years doing. Then you have accusations of imperialism, revolutions, wars, terrorism, false flag events, and the kinds of tensions (between rich, middle class and poor; between the sexes; between different regions and ethnicities) we have everywhere peoples are forced under vast, impersonal, technocratic structures of governance and economic domination against their will.

This also explains why ambitious trade negotiations like Doha stall and collapse. The bottom line: those involved do not trust one another. Where trust exists, documents thousands of pages long do not seem necessary. Says Francis Fukuyama in his magnificent treatise Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity (1995): “people who do not trust one another will end up cooperating only under a system of formal rules and regulations, which have to be negotiated, agreed to, litigated, and enforced, sometimes by coercive means…. Widespread distrust in a society, in other words, imposes a kind of tax on all forms of economic activity, a tax that high-trust societies do not have to pay” (pp. 27-28). Fukuyama was talking about nation-states, but his remarks surely apply to our globalized world. Corporate globalists learned from Doha that from the standpoint of their goals, transparency is a bad idea. Hence the secrecy of their more recent projects, the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Claims of conspiracy be damned!

Trumpism is a late American empire response to the division and distrust globalism and the PC / multiculturalist axis have sowed. While the latter see global economic growth, minorities rising to power, and angry white males fearful of losing their privileges, Trumpists see a hollowed out economy, a ruined educational system, and a shattered culture.

Trumpism also rejects as nonsense that “we are a nation of immigrants.” “We” are a nation of Anglo-Saxon settlers and their descendants who allowed immigration primarily for other Europeans willing to assimilate into a dominant culture: English-speaking, Christian in an organic sense built into community life and mores, based on the rule of law derived from English common law, embodied in the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

This culture went on to build what indeed became the greatest civilization history had yet seen! Which then began to self-destruct!

Immigration-requiring-assimilation held sway until 1966, when President Lyndon Johnson signed the Kennedy-sponsored Immigration Act which made it more difficult for Europeans from similar cultures to immigrate to the U.S. and easier for peoples from the second and third worlds. The latter snowballed, and not simply under left-liberals’ watch. President Ronald Reagan signed a similar immigration bill in 1986. The corporate world had grown more hostile to workers (recall Reagan’s breaking the air traffic controllers’ union a few years before). It was also becoming more materialist, as was the rest of the culture. The outsourcing of jobs to cheap-labor countries was picking up.

It is no accident that real, inflation-adjusted wages have been stagnant or falling since the Reagan-Bush years, that permanent jobs paying livable wages have gone overseas replaced by part-time “gigs,” and that what was the largest financially independent middle class in history is shrinking.

Is there any wonder that Trumpists look to the past in order to build the future: a future that repudiates globalism, accepts a tribalism acknowledging WASP identity (rejecting PC because it rejects them), and proposes to Make America Great Again by putting Americans first in all things?

A few final, somewhat random notes are in order:

For what it’s worth, slavery was the West’s biggest blunder. Our ancestors should have eschewed it altogether. Only a fraction of blacks have successfully assimilated, and now that the rest have either succumbed to welfare-statism or fallen under the sway of the PC / SJW mindset, they are moving en masse in the wrong direction. Neither Trumpism nor leftism nor UHR nor anything else is likely to prevent this from ending badly!

Libertarians do not provide a real alternative. The Libertarian Party just nominated two cultural leftists (Gary Johnson and William Weld) who favor open borders and “free trade.” Given the supposed unpopularity of both Trump and Hillary Clinton, this should be a banner year for the LP. But again it hasn’t caught on outside its own echo chambers. The reason, I think, is the sense that libertarianism is too academic and out of touch with the thinking of common people.*

Millennials’ support for Bernie Sanders, alongside recent polls suggesting that many are giving up on capitalism in favor of socialism — with neither term defined — indicate both their frustration with the hollowed out economy that may well have destroyed their parents’ livelihoods, as well as the need to rebuild education from scratch — and without its presently ludicrous price tag!

Declaring, as many pseudo-pundits doubtless will, that Trumpism is just intellectual fascism with a new face, misses the point entirely. Trumpism affirms white identity — indeed, (alpha) white male identity — alongside the other tribalisms. Did those of us who find it tempting want this result? No, but as far as I am concerned, it just makes sense as a response to the collapse of UR and UHR, as well as the hostility towards everything that build this civilization, including white men. None of this was our doing.

Trumpism rejects the dominant “neos” (neoconservatism, neoliberalism) as having run their course. The former has given us a destructive war machine. The latter, massive inequality, and among those who feel well off, a pseudo-prosperity based on debt. Places like Chile may seem like exceptions. I submit, having lived here four years now, that what prosperity Chileans have, has had its price. Chile, too, is controlled by a tiny elite. Although it’s a separate article, the fact that neoliberalism promised prosperity but has delivered rigid class stratification and ridiculously overpriced higher education that has become an increasing source of unrest here, particularly among the young. It is equally true that Michelle Bachelet’s center-left corporatism-lite with its undeliverable promise of “free education” has worsened, not alleviated, the situation.

The two “neos” are flipsides of discredited worldview, rooted in the materialist view of the universe and of human nature, economics über alles, and the possibility of unlimited growth and expansionism no matter who gets hurt. This worldview should be repudiated before it does more damage. And no, UR and UHR do not fit into it, either, which is why they are losing ground on all fronts. Trumpists may reject them; the global elite has no interest in them either, but for a completely different reason: in helping accrue wealth and power, they are useless.

Donald Trump would not think these thoughts, of course. But we can, and we must.

*I used to think of myself as a libertarian (lower-case l). I voted Libertarian several times (e.g., in 1988 when Ron Paul ran on the LP ticket). When asked, I sometimes tell people that I did not leave libertarianism, it left me. I defended Constitutionally limited government, which Dr. Paul supported. Today, however, you’ll find libertarian writers who reject the Constitution as a mistake. Those who haven’t become anarcho-crazies who imply governing institutions can somehow be abolished on a large scale have embraced cultural leftism (some were there all along): pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, etc.: often anti-Christian as many are also locked into materialism with all four claws.

© 2016 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

Radical Islam and the leftist gun grab

Every American knew that the minute another mass shooting happened, this time at an Orlando Florida night club, that the leftist gun grab would be in high gear only minutes later. As the left always says, never let a good crisis go to waste.

Never underestimate the lefts ability to ignore the obvious in pursuit of their backwards agenda. Once again, the gun was not the criminal in Orlando, nor was any law-abiding American citizen who has a Second Amendment right to keep and bear any type of arms they choose. Once again, the Orlando incident had a very typical set of common threads, atop that list, the fact that the shooter was a Muslim of Afghan heritage with a history of anti-American and pro-Islam tirades.

The guns used in the Orlando night club mass murder were as innocent in the crime as the victims themselves. The weapons themselves committed no crimes. For the record, all weapons are inanimate objects. They are incapable of harming anyone on their own. Only when a weapon is in the hands of the wrong person are they a threat to anyone.

When an individual or group of individuals, let’s say jihadists, is intent upon harming others, the choice of weapon used to accomplish that goal is irrelevant. The Boston bombers used pressure cookers from the kitchen to kill six and injure 280 others and the common thread between that incident and dozens of others like it is not the pressure cookers, it is the Muslim’s who were intent upon attacking unsuspecting innocent, defenseless Americans in a soft target “gun free zone.”

Yet, no one is calling for new laws regulating pressure cookers or suggesting that all Americans should register their pressure cookers with the federal government. According to FBI final reports, the Boston bombers were “motivated by extremist Islamic beliefs,” and they learned how to build their bombs from an online Al Qaeda web site based out of Yemen.

Likewise, the Orlando shooter Omar Mateen was a radical Muslim of Afghan dissent who had posted “you kill innocent women and children by doing U.S. airstrikes… now taste the Islamic State” (aka ISIS) online prior to his attack at the Orlando club. By “you,” Mateen means Barack Obama, who has used drone strikes across the Middle East since 2009 as his primary weapon for deposing Middle Eastern governments, leaving the region in chaos and giving rise to ISIS (aka ISIL). In other words, Barack Obama motivated their attacks.

Since Barack Obama took office in January of 2009, at least twenty-five Muslim terror attacks on U.S. soil have been successfully executed, killing 114 unarmed and defenseless American citizens and injuring 374 more. The common thread in all twenty-five attacks are as follows;

• Every attack was carried out by Muslim attackers
• Every attack happened in a gun-free zone where only the attacker was armed
• The targets were all innocent American men, women and children
• In almost every case, the weapons used were acquired “legally” even though federal agencies were already watching these individuals without stopping them prior to the attack
Strangely, the Obama administration continues to claim that Islam has nothing to do with these attacks. Instead, leftist democrats see only the following common thread in these attacks;

• They all involved guns, therefore, we must eliminate all guns
All auto accidents involve an auto as well. Yet, there is no call to eliminate cars. All stabbings involve a knife, but there is no call to eliminate knives. All rapes involve a penis, yet there is no call to outlaw penises, although we have witnessed a concerted effort to neuter every male in America for decades now.

Never let a good crisis go to waste… In fact, create the crisis and then use that crisis to advance your political agenda. If your broad agenda is to strip Americans of all constitutionally protected natural rights in order to meld America into a “borderless global commune,” then these increasing Islamic attacks on U.S. soil present a good and powerful crisis which will not be wasted by the political left.

In the case of the Orlando attack, nothing pertaining to the radical Islamic nature of the attacker or his family is in any way associated with the incident. According to Obama and his leftist friends like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, the Orlando incident was about nothing more than the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bi and transgender) community and guns in America. The incident should not be used to properly profile the obvious nature of such attacks or attackers.

In fact, Obama’s Attorney General Lynch has openly stated that they will “remove all reference to Islam from the attackers own words” in order to continue to conceal the true nature of the Orlando attack as the administration continues to use the crisis to advance their intentions to disarm law-abiding American citizens and promote the LGBT agenda.

Meanwhile, the Obama media has Trump in the crosshairs, falsely claiming that “Trump wants to racially profile” Muslims, as if Muslim is a race and not an extremely violent ideology based upon mass murder, aka jihad.

Even the U.S. Supreme Court is acting in direct violation of the Bill of Rights in their support of federal efforts to disarm law-abiding American citizens, while upholding false claims that jihadists have civil rights in America.

In short, as the Obama Administration imports jihadists and provides them aid and comfort via insane suicidal “civil rights” protections, they assault all things American and every American citizen, often resulting in the death or injury to countless defenseless Americans in their so-called gun-free zones. Europe is similarly under siege and their leftist political policies are coming home to roost in the form of sky-rocketing Islamic refugee assaults.

Importing radical Islam to the United States and aiding and abetting them here and abroad has a purpose and that purpose should be quite clear to every American citizen by now. The purpose is to “fundamentally transform America” into a nation-wide gun-free zone wherein only a tyrannical government and their field operatives are armed against law-abiding American citizens. There is no other purpose…

The broad agenda to “fundamentally transform America” – who is behind it – what their strategies are, why they must disarm Americans and where they are in that process is covered in great detail in my new book TRUMPED – The New American Revolution now on sale at – every American should read this book, including Donald Trump.

TRUMPED defines the counter-revolution to destroy America and the New American Revolution that has taken the form of the Trump campaign.

Truth be told by a former Assistant Director of the FBI, the Obama Administration is fully engaged in aiding and abetting known Islamic terrorists here and abroad, totally hamstringing the FBI and DHS ability to thwart these types of attacks via suicidal Rules of Engagement. Like his Military ROE, Obama’s policies prevent the USA from protecting itself on the battlefield or on U.S. streets – with specific intent to do harm to the USA in both case. It is “treason” and every sane American knows it…

Before Americans will be able to successfully combat the enemy now operating from within, they will first have to properly identify their enemy, understand their agenda and mode of operations and develop of comprehensive strategy of their own…

© 2016 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

Paul Ryan, Newt Gingrich and Donald J. Trump


The effete, boy-worshipping shadow power elite sure do! And they are willing to do WHATEVER it takes.

“UNITY” to these folks means getting their own way. It is no more complicated than that. If you will just move over, stand down, shut up and go away then the Republican party and its bigwigs will be just fine. It is their party and it is their place to make their rules for their party.

They haven’t adequately explained why we have taxpayer-funded primary votes and caucuses when such do not count with “Their Party” but I’m sure they’ll have an answer soon. These elitists have, after all, answers for everything – even if the answer is wrong.

Paul Ryan, pictured above in late autumn 2015, is a veritable RINO poster boy – Republican In Name Only. He was born in 1970, then on October 29th, 2015 Paul Ryan was elected Speaker of the House. He replaces John Boehner. This new Speaker of the House comes with a ton of “previous-vote” baggage. And everybody who voted to elect him knows it.

His first major accomplishment (?) as Speaker was a HUGE omnibus spending bill – $1,150,000,000,000 – or $1.15 Trillion Dollars, more even than the Democrats had requested.

He whined that there was nothing he could do: “The cake was already baked!” Rot and Poppycock!! What was “baked” was Boehner’s butt and new blood was supposed to make things better, NOT MAKE HALF-BAKED EXCUSES!

What did we get? We funded Planned Parenthood (Paul Ryan is a Catholic?) We funded Obama’s amnesty. We funded sanctuary cities. We quadrupled H2-B visas. We got a more-government friendly dastardly CISA (Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act). We authorized work permits for illegals. And didn’t we authorize some 200,000 unvetted, unquarantined Mid-East refugees over ten months?

We doled out more money for foreign aid, for international food supplies, for NATO. We’re helping rural families with $35 billion in loans. We have three future disaster give-aways: The Emergency Watershed Protection Program; the Emergency Conservation Program; and the Emergency Forestry Restoration Program.

Want more? Terrorism is in there along with monies to “prevent radicalization in our communities”. (Really? When you can’t even say “radical Islamist terrorists”?) $80 million is a start for a new scientific ship to measure climate change and the oceans. $370 million is to begin building new polar weather satellites. Plus increased funding for the IRS, and The Election Assistance Commission… It goes downhill from there.

The Senate Appropriations Committee released this omnibus bill summary. It gives a good recount of where these billions and billions and billions of dollars are headed.


Look at some of the his earlier votes: Yes on more foreign aid; Yes on more federal educational grants; Yes on the WMD Iraq war; Yes on the Patriot Act; Yes on the National Defense Authorization Act; Yes on mandatory background checks at gun shows.

And then there was the Bush Medicare Part D, activated January 1st, 2006, which added prescription drug benefits to an already bankrupt program. And then TARP (Troubled Assets Relief Program October, 2008) included benefits for banks, the auto industry, and AIG (American Investment Group) among others, more hundreds of billions down a rat-infested sewer hole. Yes! Yes! Yes!

1. The Speaker is second in line for the presidency after the vice-president.
2. All of the House members who voted Ryan in, knew all of this going in.


Why does Newt Gingrich just leap to mind? He is coming from another direction entirely, posing as Mr. Angel, Mr. See-My-Hands-Are-Clean, Mr. I’m-Going-To-Still-The-Troubled-Waters, Mr. Unity, Mr. Ultra-Conservative – Mr. I-Want-To-Be-Vice-President… (over Trump’s dead body.)

Newt Gingrich: Have you noticed lately how ameliorating he’s been, how pacifying? Have you heard him softly scolding Republicans for not falling in line behind Trump? Have you noticed him schmoozing Sean Hannity who owes Newt an unpayable debt of gratitude for his (Sean’s) success? Have you seen and heard his heartfelt outreach to Team Trump and the Trump campaign?

It’s all rubbish. Newt is an old time, old member of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), and a first class internationalist One Worlder. Newt didn’t write the Contract with America; he purloined it from the back of Ross Perot’s book “United We Stand”. And he did it specifically to attract the Perot voters to the Republican ticket. It worked very well in 1994. However, the “Contract” under Newt left no discernible results.

Kelleigh Nelson recently published a fine article on the One World Globalist Newt. See it here.

In the late 70s he not only voted to create the DOE (the unconstitutional Department of Education) but also voted to turn 68 million acres of Alaska into wilderness. As his congressional terms progressed, he voted for Most Favored Nation status for China, for funding soviet trade, for turning 2.2 million acres of Idaho into wilderness, for funding the National Endowment of the Arts, for the presidential line veto, for foreign aid increases.

He said himself that he was a “big fan” of Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D Roosevelt, that Kissinger (CFR) was one of his mentors. And he actively opposed Ron Paul’s return to the House in the mid-90s. To Newt, loyalty should not be to the Constitution but rather to The Party.

And remember that Newt championed and voted for NAFTA (the North American Free Trade Agreement) that sucked our jobs and factories south, and way west. Then a couple years later he voted for GATT and The World Trade Organization, arranging for that vote to be held in a lame duck session rather than with the new Congress seating in 1995.

In 2011 CFR transnationalist Newt said that he voted for NAFTA because it created jobs near the United States. (Does that sound like the North American Union?) Here’s the link.

Furthermore, once elected Speaker (1995) Newt recommended books to his fellow congressmen. One of them was Alvin Toffler’s (b. 1928 – ) “The Third Wave”, published 1980 and 1994. The book includes the concept that we are entering a new phase of development (the Third Wave), that we need a “new” government, that our current government is becoming “obsolete” and that the government of Thomas Jefferson “must die and be replaced”. Newt supports this and is friends with Toffler.

Newt calls himself Conservative. Really Newt?

Of timely interest, “The New American” has just published a positively excellent telling article highlighting Newt Gingrich’s close ties with China and the communist state. It cites Newt’s senior advisory position in Dentons-Dacheng, the largest law firm in the world and a firm that is a major merger and lobbying force for the People’s Republic of China.

This May, Gingrich gave an interview about his potential VP selection. He held it in Dentons [-Dacheng] Chicago office in Willis Towers. Moreover, he was accompanied by ultra-left progressive Democrat Howard Dean who is also a senior adviser to Dentons.

Is Newt the guy the one you want one heart beat away from your presidency? And just two heartbeats away is your RINO Speaker above, Paul Ryan? Talk about the elite stacking the deck against Making America Great Again!

(Gingrich information from the DVD “The Real Newt Gingrich” (33 min.) is available at


#NEVERTRUMP is/was a cutesy fad that is currently losing steam. Trump needed 1,237 delegates and currently has (though delegate counts are liquid at best) 1,536 delegates, 24% over the top.

This link is a list of many of the #NEVERTRUMP people. When reading the list remember one thing: Most of these people have been around for years. If they were part of the solution, we wouldn’t have the problem.

And, I do not mind in the least that they vote for whomever they want. It’s not their vote. It’s their message and its format, their divisiveness, and their hatred, their transnational deafness to the American voters and all things American.

Among others, Jeb Bush, Glenn Beck, Erick Erickson, Mark Levin, Bill Kristol, Sen Lindsey Graham, Ben Shapiro, George Will – all have been taking their chance to yelp “Never Trump!”

These guys are doing a lot of trash talking but mostly to each other. #NEVERTRUMP is losing momentum but don’t think for one second that the Big Guns like George Soros, major Democrat funder, and the transnationalists in the CFR aren’t still out to get Donald Trump.

BOMBSHELL: The details aren’t clear yet but it appears that some of the big GOP money is going to some of the #NEVERTRUMP folks to deify Cruz, defend Ryan, and defame Trump. Roger Stone said Levin, Beck, and Erickson – and possibly Shapiro – are getting greenbacks for their services. See The Conservative Treehouse article which alleges point-by-point exchanges of money and influence.

Leads one to ask just what is an honest conservative opinion worth these day$…..?


The RNC convention is in Cleveland July 18 – 21, 2016 (scheduled right over the July full moon). The Rules Committee of the Republican National Committee will change their rules – which they are allowed to do because the RNC is a private enterprise which is free to make its own rules – to attempt to thwart the overwhelmingly popular Trump nomination. Cleveland politicos are already hostile to Trump. Arrangements in Cleveland are almost guaranteed to bring on conflicts.

Cleveland officials have created a funneling effect which is going to bring the various factions all together in small spaces, crammed against each other in reserved time slots. Don’t tell me that their police chief doesn’t see what’s coming! But I’m guessing (I said guessing!) that his opinion wasn’t the deciding factor in this pre-planned choreographed chaos potential. And where is Ohio Gov John Kasich’s voice in this recipe for disaster?

And these same mucky-mucks have lists of what is okay and not okay to carry. Leave your tennis balls at home. (I could not make this up.) And no “lumber” (sticks) over two inches by ¼ inch. (Can you buy a corn dog?) Maps and lists here.

(L to R) Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams, Mayor Frank Jackson, Counsel Rick Horvath. May, 2016.

NOW: The Rules Committee may disallow Trump delegates, may force procedural votes, or simply say that Donald’s hair wasn’t the right style in eight of the debates and he is therefore disqualified……. These folks are devoted megalomaniacal One World extremists, and they mean to have Paul Ryan. Absent Paul Ryan, another RINO might do: Romney, McCain, Graham, McConnell. You get it? #NEVERTRUMP – Even though your tax dollars funded the primary voting venues!

Donald Trump and his team need to have at a minimum four different option plans. The best and the most desirable is to convince Speaker Paul Ryan (who currently holds the gavel for this event) to play honorably and hold a first ballot count without a lot of procedural prattle. That would end the drama. And with Trump’s Paul Manafort at the controls it may very well come down this way.

But if the Enlightened Cabal and their sewer rats go for hardball then Team Trump needs its options in place, ready to engage at a split second’s notice. Americans of all stripes are not the wusses and wimps they think we are.

A Push-Back Moment of Truth by American-Americans may be at hand.

God bless the Trumps, God bless their Team, God bless our Team, God bless America and God bless NewsWithViews.

© 2016 Ronnie Herne – All Rights Reserved

Powder keg

The murder of forty-nine Americans in Orlando at the hands of a home grown, radical Islamic terrorist is the logical consequence of a President who refuses to use all means necessary to eradicate radical Islamic terrorists overseas. This President not only refuses to rally the nation, seek a declaration of war, and do what is militarily required to destroy those intent on taking American lives, he shows empathy for the plight of terrorists detained at Guantanamo Bay, seeing fit to effectively bolster their ranks and cause by releasing even the most hardened and dedicated al Qaeda enemy combatants from that facility. He has entered into a deal with our most ardent foe, Iran, a state sponsor of terrorism, whereby he has filled that nation’s treasury with hundreds of billions of dollars, has enabled the country to exercise hegemony over Iraq and Syria, and has virtually ensured it will obtain a nuclear arsenal.

Obama is a pacifist at a time when the nation requires a commander-in-chief at war and total war against those who will otherwise continue to kill ever more Americans. Like Neville Chamberlain, Obama lives in a dream world of peace despite the presence of war. He refuses to put the nation on a war footing by seeking a declaration of war from Congress against radical Islamic terrorists, preferring instead to regard the cowardly attacks of those terrorists on civilians as the equivalent of domestic organized crime, warranting a local police response.

The failure of President Obama to assume the full mantle of commander-in-chief in the face of acts of radical Islamic terrorism against the United States and its allies bodes ill for the lives of Americans at home and abroad. Indeed, Obama’s essentially defensive posture maximizes the likelihood that there will be far more terrorist attacks within the United States.

Obama refuses to secure our borders. He refuses to devote full military power to a relentless campaign of extermination of terrorists around the globe. He refuses to destroy all means of communication used by terrorists. He refuses to cut off all supplies and finances directed to radical Islamists. He refuses to destroy all ISIS training camps and weapons factories. His incoherent foreign policy is suicidal for our nation.

Defensive warfare is not easily won against a persistent enemy comprised of religious zealots willing to die along with their victims. The Japanese in World War II responded to the calls of their Emperor and fought with comparable suicidal zeal against the Allied powers. Were the United States to have assumed a largely defensive posture then, the war in the Pacific would not have been won as promptly or decisively. Instead, Harry Truman did what Obama would never do to save countless American lives. He ended the conflict decisively with the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Truman was right, and Obama is hopelessly wrong. It is likely that we can eliminate radical Islamic terrorism with overpowering conventional force but Obama has no stomach, no courage, and no respect for America sufficient to engage the enemy and win.

In the first instance, this President will not even mention the word radical Islam, let alone declare war on radical Islamic terrorists. A declaration of war is essential to rally the nation, explain the perverse ideology of our foe, and commit America’s military to a relentless battle to ferret out and exterminate every last vestige of radical Islamic terror along with all of those who provide terrorists aid and comfort.

Indeed, rather than define who the enemy is and urge Americans to notify authorities of people who have become radicalized and have taken steps to effectuate acts of terror, this President insists upon political correctness, turning a blind eye to mosques and mullahs who solicit terror, demanding that we ignore the very foundation of Islamic radicalism. Instead, Americans should be educated about the perverse doctrined of radical Islam, should come to understand why it is a dangerous fraud, and should be on the alert for those radicalized in our midst, encouraged to report evidence of terror rather than shy away from reporting for fear of being condemned as Islamophobic.

In the second instance, Obama wages a limited, defensive war, comprised principally of air strikes and limited interventions, which are failing to stop the growth of radical Islamic terror in countries outside of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. By failing to engage in a relentless, all-out war against terrorists around the globe, whereby we annihilate our foe, President Obama ensures their survival and thereby increases the likelihood that those not eradicated outside of the United States will, in ever increasing numbers, slip through our porous borders and commit acts of terror here or induce domestic recruits to become active.

In the third instance, Obama fails to take out the command, control and communication of radical Islamists, allowing them to use media of mass communication, especially the internet, to solicit recruits from within the United States and Europe. We can and should destroy their means of communication through interdiction over the web and via destruction of cell towers, jamming of signals, and electromagnetic pulse warfare. In a war that depends on media of mass communication for conversion, we must destroy their means to reach and influence potential converts.

In the fourth instance, Obama is dedicated to reducing the size and scope of America’s military at the precise time when we need to be increasing it, especially by increasing the number, training, and equipping of America’s special operations forces. This administration learned nothing at all from Benghazi. We lost brave Americans due in no small measure to the unwillingness of this Administration to devote the resources necessary to ensure that no American in the service of his country is abandoned in the face of an enemy attack.

Rather, the Administration through Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lied to the American people, telling us the false narrative of the anti-Islamic film and spontaneous uprising, rather than the truth of a terror attack. She then disgraced the families of the fallen by lying to them in person and refusing to apologize even when the evidence confirmed her falsehoods.

For those who appreciate the dire consequences that will befall America unless the Obama/Clinton legacy of appeasement; limited, defensive warfare; and the enabling of our enemies is rapidly ended, the choice of a next president is a simple one. Donald Trump has advocated a declaration of war against radical Islamic terrorists, has demanded that our military command be given the resources and freedom to wage war relentlessly against radical Islamists, and has called for a major rebuilding of the American military. That prescription for success is not one of several workable options, it is the only option available this election cycle for those serious about ending radical Islamic terrorism.

© 2016 Jonathan W. Emord – All Rights Reserved

Democrat controlled city of Cleveland grants Trump haters permits to RNC convention

I have learned to hate all traitors, and there is no disease that I spit on more than treachery. —Aeschylus

Ohio Governor John Kasich

Treachery does abound, especially by Governor John Kasich of Ohio, who undoubtedly has a voice in what transpires at the July RNC Convention in Cleveland. Before we delve into the machinations at the Ohio Convention, let’s review Governor John R. Kasich’s policies. 

Ohio has lost 112,500 jobs to TPP. In 1994, when he was a US Congressman, John Kasich proudly voted for the Clinton Gun and Magazine ban. He believes illegal aliens should have a path to citizenship, and he accepted the Medicaid expansion under the Obamacare bill for the State of Ohio. [Link] Kasich paints a wonderful picture of Common Core that would be nice, if only it were rooted in reality. [Link] What a joke! Democrat or better yet, a socialist, belongs behind this governor’s name!

So knowing just these few tidbits about John Kasich, would you expect graciousness to the presumptive Republican nominee, especially knowing Donald Trump’s policies are the polar opposites of Kasich’s? 

Permits Granted to Anti-Trump Groups

click here.

What is even more diabolical, is that a confined protest parade space will leave protesters from opposing sides together in Cleveland and competing for rally space on a first-come, first-serve basis. Yet, to date, only anti-Trump permits have been issued.

Here is the recently released list of groups who have received permits for protests at the Convention. 

Among this list is the virulently anti-gay, anti-soldier, Kansas-based group, Westboro Baptist Church, founded by now deceased, Fred Phelps. Why any city would grant a permit to this filth is absolutely beyond me. The first amendment seems to be granted to the vilest of groups, yet Christian or patriotic groups are shunned.

Others receiving permits include, Code Pink (A United Nation’s Non-Governmental Organization), League of Women Voters (pro-aborts, pro-climate change, pro-gun control), and the 50 member, Stand Together Against Trump, whose big focus is on snuggling up with Muslims and illegal immigrants. 

Not to be denied, Rose Hamid, is another terrorist-supporting Muslim who is masquerading as a good American! 

Note her usage of similitude with the “Star of David” patch proclaiming Muslim, rather than Jude as it did in Nazi Germany. Portraying herself as though Islamists have suffered what European Jews suffered with the Nazis in WWII is heinous.

Walid Shoebat reported:

Hamid is president of the nonprofit Muslim Women of the Carolinas. Their Facebook page is here. She is associated with several groups, including the Muslim American Society(MAS) of NC, CAIR, and the Islamic Society of Charlotte. The MAS is a front for the terrorist group Muslim Brotherhood. CAIR is an internationally recognized terrorist organization. The Islamic Society of Charlotte has ties to the infamous Holy Land Foundation Terrorist Financing case, as has been reported by the Carolina Journal Online.

One of the fund-raising groups that had connections to North Carolina was the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, which formerly was based in Richardson, Texas. The Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets named the charity a specially designated terrorist organization and shut it down in 2001.

The foundation was a front organization for Hamas and sponsored offices and fund-raisers nationwide, including in Charlotte. The foundation was one of the largest Islamic charities in the United States, raising about $13 million annually.

See my previous article for more information on the Holy Land Foundation. 

ACLU of Ohio Files Lawsuit

Roger Stone, confidant and advisor to Mr. Trump, has apparently helped guide the ACLU in this suit. They are upset over complaints of a lack of permit granting and a restrictive “event zone.” The Daily Caller article, Documents Reveal RNC Convention Protesters Are Set Up For Confrontation, explains the details of the ACLU lawsuit, and the obvious bias of those issuing the permits.

Roger Stone told the Daily Caller, “It is also a combustible mix to force Trump supporters and paid agitators into the limited space allowed as what they propose is a recipe for violence.” Anyone who has permits from the City are guaranteed protection by law enforcement. 

Trump Supporters Being Gagged

Roger Stone is absolutely correct in stating that Trump supporters are being gagged by the Democratic machine, not to mention abridging the first and fourth amendments to the Bill of Rights.

Citizens for Trump has yet to receive a permit for the Convention. Sound one-sided? You bet it is. The group was originally planning on having a march of 5,000 people featuring motorcycles from the group Bikers for Trump. According to a letter to the ACLU from Cleveland’s chief counsel, the motorcycles would be a security issue. 

“After the June 6 meeting, we discussed this issue with our safety forces and the U.S. Secret Service. Bicycles, motorcycles, and any vehicle containing gasoline or other fuel will not be allowed on the Official Parade Route,” the letter says. What a bunch of one-sided bull dung! 

Citizens for Trump was also originally planning on hosting a multi-speaker six-hour event at a park, but will now be competing against other rallies for space.

The Big Steal

Stop the Steal is the non-violent, peaceful march and rally co-sponsored by Citizens for Trump, We Will Walk, Truckers for Trump, Women for Trump, Students for Trump, and Bikers for Trump.

Stop the Steal has been asking Trump supporters to come to the Convention on Monday, July 18th in Cleveland for a peaceful, non-violent rally and march. We need to send a clear signal to the GOP through our sheer numbers that we will not vote Republican, or work for the ticket if Donald Trump is robbed of the nomination at the Convention. 

We must outnumber the paid professional agitators sent by radical Mexican groups, Move-On, and Black Lives Matter to incite violence, which the MSM will blame on Trump and his supporters. Above all, we must not be provoked into violence.

Stop the Steal needs the grassroots rebellion to turn out in droves. Why? Because even if Donald Trump secures 1237 commitments on the first ballot, the anti-Trump forces are stealing a majority on questions of rules and credentials. By placing anti-Trump Republicans in the Trump delegate seats (so called Trojan Horse delegates) they plan a rules change that will unbind the delegates. Because they have stacked the Trump delegate seats with ringers, this crucial vote comes before the first ballot for President. If passed the Trump delegates will no longer be bound by party rules to vote for Trump. Anti-Trump quislings are being planted in various delegations that will be free to betray Trump, regardless of the will of the voters. This is the BIG STEAL.

Stop the Steal, so expenses for cheap housing for Trump supporters, porta-potties, sound systems, etc. can be purchased. 

This is an urgent call to support our candidate, Donald J. Trump, at the RNC Convention.


My friend and fellow journalist, Devvy Kidd, wrote an article that gives the best explanation of why America is in the crucial and tragic situation we have today. Primary Voters Still Voting For Their Own Destruction tells the full story. Comic strip, Pogo, made the famous and all true statement, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.” Devvy and Pogo are spot on. 

Believe me, I know there are a myriad of other reasons, and hordes of demonic entities and organizations are responsible, but we need to get off our fat behinds, and go to the polls in droves.

Very few of America’s electorate turn out for the most important vote, and that’s the primaries. They are where we choose who will be the candidates. If you don’t show up there, the same ole, same ole, garbage is the candidate again, and then “we” wonder why there is no one to vote for, and we end up with the same traitorous slop we’ve had for the last two or six years.

Congress has an approval rating of 5% to 9% at best, and we’ve repeatedly put these Judas’s back in office. The backstabbing duplicity of these re-elected incumbents continues because of us. That’s the bottom line.

As we’ve seen over the last year of this campaign, both Republicans and Democrats are responsible for the rancorous and malicious attacks on the voters’ choice, Donald J. Trump. 

Our support for the man we’ve chosen as the next president of the United States is crucial. It is incumbent upon us, Mr. Trump’s supporters, to greatly outnumber George Soros’ community organizing communist agitators. 

Be in Cleveland on July 18th, pray for Mr. Trump and his family, and pray for our country. This is the watershed make or break election for America.

Paul Ryan in bed with Obama, again! part 1 of 2

In my 26+ years in the trenches, I’ve never seen what’s going on right now in either of the two anointed political parties.

On the Democratic/Communist Party USA side, the only two candidates who ‘rose to the top’ and stayed there are almost beyond words. Sanders didn’t earn his first paycheck until he was 40-years old. A socialist who lived like a bum occasionally earning a few bux writing about masturbation and rape.

Comrade Bernie Sanders was a member of some party called the Liberty Union prior to 1979. A very far left operation. From 1979 to 2015 he was a declared independent socialist. In November 2015, Sanders announced he would now be a Democrat. He is still listed as both independent and Democrat so who knows. Sanders should never have been allowed to run. He is a seditionist working to overthrow our constitutional form of government.

The presumptive nominee of Bernie’s party is half of the worst criminal duo in American political history, serial adulterer and rapist, Bill Clinton and his enabler ‘wife’, Hillary Hildebeast Clinton.

Hillary caught up in deadly-drug scandal

“I have always said that there is no crime that is beneath Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Bonnie and Clyde of American politics. They even attempted to steal priceless White House furniture on their way out of office in January 2001, only to have to shamelessly return it once caught.

“In the prior years, this duo was associated in even worse potential criminal acts – that is in many deaths – from the “mysterious” murder or suicide of Vince Foster, who had been Hillary Clinton’s law partner and extra-marital boyfriend at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Arkansas, before Bill and Hill ascended to the throne of the presidency and “firstladyship,” and Foster became “Hillary’s” deputy White House counsel. In addition, over 80 others, including material witnesses, wound up dead in their world record number of scandals, ranging from Whitewater to Chinagate, Filegate, Travelgate, IRSgate and a host of others…

“So, it would appear that again Hillary Clinton is at the epicenter of a scandal of growing proportions. For money, as usual, it would appear that Hillary greased the skids with President Obama for Hamburg to become FDA commissioner, all in exchange for political and other contributions. Now, according to FDA statistics, over 5,000 innocent victims are dead with more dying or severely injured, including my victim clients. I am sad to say that this comes as no surprise. This is the way Bonnie and Clyde operate. Selfish greed and the rest of us be damned.”

Flashback: Clinton blood scandal exposed in new film, Oct. 30, 2005 – Tainted blood, AIDS

The Clinton Foundation has been referred to as a slush fund Bill & Hill Clinton have used to enrich themselves. As far as my research into the issue of Clinton’s email legal problems, she is the first presidential candidate in history, a presumptive nominee of her morally and ethically bankrupt political party, to be under an official criminal investigation by the FBI. Not the first major party presumptive nominee with a vagina, but under criminal investigation by the FBI.

Hillary the Hun is also soft on Muslims & Islam regardless of how many they murder on this globe and right here in America: Hillary’s State Dept. Blocked Investigation into Orlando Killer’s Mosque – Further proof Hillary fueled rise of ISIS . A must read: Hillary’s Huge Libya Disaster by U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Charles R. Kubic, Ret. Putting that wretched witch in the position of Commander in Chief would be absolute lunacy.

Donald Trump, the GOPs presumptive nominee has been treated like dirt by GOP elites who don’t give a damn about what voters want. The incoming from GOP establishment individuals (think loser Mitt Romney) as well as Republicans in elected offices refusing to endorse their own presumptive nominee has been something I’ve never seen before. For an individual who brought more votes in during the primary season than any other Republican from all walks of life to be treated the way Trump has by his own party should prove to voters just what and who GOP elites care about and it isn’t them.

Paul Ryan should never have become Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. He’s just the new rat who took over from former crook, Johnny Wino Boehner. Paul Ryan is a dirty operator who has NEVER introduced a single bill to cure the cancers eating away at our economy, the illegals invasion, unconstitutional spending or anything else. Paul Ryan is owned by the anti-American U.S. Chamber of Commerce and corporate America. Yet, he is leading a perfectly good challenger in his primary race by a 93%-7% margin. That primary is August 7th.

What in the hell is the matter with the people in Paul Ryan’s district? I can tell you. They have NO understanding of key issues like the disabilities of our monetary system, what ‘free’ trade has done to this country, why Muslims should never have been allowed in this country (nothing to do with bigotry), the true nature of the federal ‘income’ tax and where it goes plus much more. One of the reasons I wrote my new book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions, coming out in a few weeks. [An image of my new book should be just to the left of this page] If Paul Ryan supporters read my book they would run Ryan out of town on a rail.

It wasn’t bad enough Paul Ryan wouldn’t endorse Trump immediately following Trump’s victory going over the top to obtain the required number of delegates, but his latest threat is simply extraordinary.

Trump has said there should be an immediate ban on Muslims coming into this country because we don’t know who they are or any other verifiable information about them. They also lie to get into this country. Think San Bernadino killer’s wife.

I was in my hotel room in Denver when I turned on FOX and saw what was unfolding in Orlando, Florida. I wasn’t surprised but I was sickened by the carnage. No, it wasn’t Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Catholics or Jews. Once again it was a Muslim. I won’t say radicalized Muslim because Islam is exactly what we saw in Orlando. Nothing but hatred and savage violence throughout the history of that alleged religion.

“But the truth is that Islam is not the name of a ‘Religion’, nor is ‘Muslim’ the title of a ‘Nation’. In reality Islam is a revolutionary ideology and programme which seeks to alter the social order of the whole world and rebuild it in conformity with its own tenets and ideals. ‘Muslim’ is the title of that International Revolutionary Party organized by Islam to carry into effect its revolutionary programme. And ‘Jihad’ refers to that revolutionary struggle and utmost exertion which the Islamic Party brings into play to achieve this objective.”

There’s been a lot of speculation the killer was a sexual deviant. Who knows? He married females twice and fathered a child. We know during the time he held hostages he texted ‘Love you, babe’ to his wife. Several women have stepped forward and said he hounded them for dates; one woman said she blocked him from her social media because she felt he was stalking her. Every American he slaughtered at that night club or injured was a human being, not a sexual preference. Every one of them cut down and all the injured were innocent regardless of what kind of night club it was.

The killer made known his motivation: ‘I Did It for ISIS’: Orlando Terrorist Spoke to News Station During Attack. The killer’s history of spouting off his hatred in the workplace is well documented, just like the Ft. Hood murderer. Nothing was done because both are Muslims. My personal opinion is it had nothing to do with the killer seeing two men kissing as his father tried to put forth as an excuse. It had everything to do with that toxic belief system called Islam. Yes, even though pedophilia and pederasty is rampant in countries like Afghanistan, Muslims believe sexual deviants should be put to death and it’s done on a regular basis.

However, Muslims are forbidden alcohol. Maybe the killer chose a night club because they serve alcohol although he was known to booze it up. We know for a fact the killer and his wife were casing Disney World: Disney Warned FBI about Mateen, Wife back in April as they Cased Theme Park Resort for Potential Attack. It was easier to hit the night club because it was a gun-free zone where a lot of people were corralled in one place at the same time. Trying to get into Disney World with weapons would have been close to impossible unless it was a bomb that could be assembled.

Both Barry Soetoro (Obama) and that old fool Joe Biden, attended memorial services for those killed in Orlando. I always thought a president (which we do not have since Obama usurped the office) and VP were not to appear in the same place at the same time because of assassination concerns – except at the State of the Union address. I guess Orlando was more important than attending the funeral of Colleen Hufford, the woman in Moore, Oklahoma, who was beheaded by a Muslim in September 2014. I suppose had she been a lesbian Soetoro would have been there with flowers fake tears.

There’s been a million words written already on the Internet about what happened, who the killer was and other threads. Below are ones I feel are worthy of reading. I provide them for anyone interested. If you didn’t know, the killer was a registered Democrat who legally purchased the guns he use to commit mass murder.

* Philip Haney: Orlando Shooting ‘Remarkably Similar’ to San Bernardino, ‘There’s a Lot of Overlap in the Two Networks’
* Hannity on DHS whistleblower revelations: ‘This is unconscionable’

[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. Just released: New Expanded Global Edition. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]

© 2016 – and Devvy – All Rights Reserved

Paul Ryan in bed with Obama, again! part 2 of 2

TREASON: Aiding and abetting an enemy. This is treason in my opinion. Obama and Jeh Johnson, head of Fatherland Security should be indicted along with any others involved. Obama said we would never be at war with Islam, but by God, Muslims are at war with America. And now the blood runs on American streets and in soft targets like a night club.

• DHS ordered me to scrub records of Muslims with terror ties
• Homeland Security pushes to ban words ‘sharia’ and ‘jihad

G. Edward Griffin: This Story Could Be the Smoking Gun For All False-Flag Ops

The impostor president who has used FIVE aliases. How many other U.S. presidents have ever used one alias, never mind five? None.
Obama deliberately ‘dismantling’ America’s defenses – ‘If we don’t face this truth voluntarily, we’ll eventually face it involuntarily’

• Afghanistan Migration Surging into America; 99% Support Sharia Law
• Orlando terrorist connected to radical Muslim cleric who was released from prison last year after he converted 36 people in jail and ‘runs a website used to dispense his teachings’
• Florida prosecutor suspended for Facebook post following Orlando shooting

• Obama’s FBI Shrugs off Mateen, But Red Flags Were Everywhere
• Homeland Security worried ‘right wing extremists’ pose same threat
• TAKE QURAN ‘OR DIE’: MAN MAKES TERROR THREATS IN TEXAS ‘Anyone who touches me is going to bleed’
* Time To Close All Mosques In The US

• Islamic Speaker Admits: Killing Gays is a Belief Held by ‘Moderate Muslims’
• 441 Syrian Refugees Admitted to USA Since Orlando Attack
• Sessions – ‘Dictator’ Obama Flooding Rural Towns w/Muslims
• FLASHBACK: Paul Ryan Fully Funds Obama’s Visas for 300,000 Muslim Migrants in Single Year
• Feds spend $20,000 to settle EACH refugee. Eligible for cash welfare, Medicaid, food stamps – every penny borrowed debt since the people’s purse is overdrawn $19 TRILLION dollars.

Loretta Lynch, that foul piece of baggage serving as our Attorney General: “Partial Transcript” Of Orlando 911 Calls Will Have References To Islamic Terrorism Removed

‘Islamic refugee’ caught in U.S. with gas-pipeline plans
Politically correct fools who don’t understand the term Trojan Horse: Southern Baptists split with Trump on Muslim refugees. As for them being displaced from their homelands, WE are paying for the so-called rebels in Syria who don’t want peace. All borrowed money to fund killers who didn’t like the outcome of an election.

The ignorant in the media, dumb, stupid politicians and civilians continue to demand a ban on assault weapons because of Orlando:

Despite What You’ve Heard, the Orlando Terrorist Did Not Use an AR-15 in Attack

“The terrorist was actually armed with a Sig Sauer MCX carbine. Bearing Arms’ Bob Owens has more details about the firearm and how it relates to an AR-15: The rifle used by the Islamist terrorist in Orlando was instead a Sig Sauer MCX carbine, a modular, multi-caliber (able to swap to different calibers, including 5.56 NATO, 300 BLK, and 7.62×39) rifle system that sometimes utilizes STANAG magazines common to more than 60 different firearms, but otherwise has no major parts that interface with AR-15s in any way, shape or form.”

Paul Ryan is pro-amnesty for cheap labor for his masters. He wants to reward 25-30 million liars, cheats, thieves, rapists, murderers and those who steal the identity of Americans to obtain jobs illegally or by using black market social security numbers making the lives of Americans hell. That would be illegal aliens. He’s pro-Muslim and like the criminal impostor in the White House, Paul Ryan doesn’t give a damn about American lives.

‘Muslims are our partners’: Paul Ryan wallops Trump as he insists U.S. battle is ‘not a war with Islam’ – What BS. He’s simply parroting what the fraud in the White House has been yapping for almost eight years.

Ryan turned his guns on Trump after Orlando:

Paul Ryan threatens to sue Trump over immigration ban

“House Speaker Paul Ryan was the latest to criticize Trump’s border plans, telling the Huffington Post just this week that he would actually consider suing the billionaire businessman if he won the White House and pressed forward with that border control. “I would sue any president that exceeds his or her powers,” Ryan said, expressing doubt that Trump’s border suggestion was legal, as Talking Points Memo wrote.

“Ryan went on: “That’s a legal question that there’s a good debate about. On the broader question, are we going to exert our Article I powers and reclaim this Article I power no matter who the president is? Absolutely.”

Since when did Paul Ryan suddenly have any respect for the U.S. Constitution? We know ISIS and other Muslim zealots have infiltrated refugee movements and to think they won’t come here is rank stupidity. Paul Ryan doesn’t give a damn about American lives whether in danger from illegal aliens or Muslims. Now he’s threatening to sue a potential president from his own party for common sense who wants to protect the people of this country.

ISIS recruiters in U.S., hunting teen girls

Legal experts say the courts would strike down such a ban. Other legal experts say it is constitutional. I haven’t read anything in the U.S. Constitution which gives anyone the ‘right’ to come to this country. If there is an individual or group that represents a danger to the people of America, why would we let them in? Muslims are taught to lie to advance their quest for world domination and jihad. Hide what’s in their hearts until they can build up their numbers. For God’s sake, look at Europe. Remember this one:

Offended Muslims erupt on school board, September 22, 2015

“A school-board meeting in New Jersey descended into chaos when a room full of angry Muslim parents were denied a last-minute request by its members. Tempers were so raw last Thursday when the Jersey City Board of Education decided not to close schools for the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha that officials had to order security to ‘take charge.’ The holiday falls on Sept. 24. ‘We’re going to be the majority soon!’ said one woman into a microphone, WNBC-TV reported Sept. 17…

“The speaker’s statement echoed a top Islamic preacher, Sheikh Muhammad Ayed, who said during a recent sermon at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque of Muslims taking root in America and Europe, “We will breed children with them, because we shall conquer their countries – whether you like it or not,” WND reported.”

And this one: Saudi-born Muslim infiltrated Navy, leaked plans to sink new U.S. aircraft carrier, 2015

“A Naval engineer was charged Friday with trying to leak drawings of the military’s new aircraft carrier to the Egyptian government, not knowing that he was dealing with an undercover FBI agent. Federal authorities alleged in court filings that Mostafa Ahmed Awwad, 35, of Yorktown, Va., gave computer drawings of the USS Gerald R. Ford to an agent posing as an Egyptian intelligence officer and talked about where to shoot the vessel to sink it. He was charged with attempted exportation of defense articles and technical data and was ordered held after an initial appearance Friday in federal district court in Norfolk.”

We are importing death and destruction while Paul Ryan and his ilk turn a blind eye. Americans have two choices in November. They can vote for a morally bankrupt CROOK who doesn’t give a damn about minorities or anyone else in this country. Bill & Hillary live nearly as good as Saudi royals while she pretends to care for the working people in this country. Hillary’s actions speak louder than her campaign BS. The only thing Hillary Clinton cares about is how much money and power she can obtain before she drops dead.

Or, Donald Trump, a man who has been in the public eye for well over thirty years and was never called a racist until he decided to run against the Democratic/Communist Party USA. A man who wears a bullet proof vest traveling around this country with a message and how he wants to turn things around.

I think Paul Ryan hates Donald Trump because, think what you will about him, Trump is a fighting man. Paul Ryan is a perfumed sissy in bed with Barack Obama who won’t fight him down and dirty. Why would he? The two parties are like two wings on the same bird of prey.

Carroll Quigley, Bill Clinton’s mentor wrote in his 1966 book Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time:

“The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two Congressional parties more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. The policies that are vital and necessary for America are no longer subjects of significant disagreement, but are disputable only in details of procedure, priority, or method …..Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.

Ryan is carrying out the agenda of global elites that will destroy this country. Trump says no, we’re not going to take it anmore. How about you?

[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. Just released: New Expanded Global Edition. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]

© 2016 – and Devvy – All Rights Reserved

ISIS warned us about Orlando attack weeks before mass-killings: police adviser

In an ISIS video posted online on May 21, ISIS chief Abu Mohammad al-Adnani is seen telling jihadists to “get prepared, be ready … to make it a month of calamity everywhere for nonbelievers … especially for the fighters and supporters of the caliphate in Europe and America.

“A recent ISIS murder threat shows [Americans] need guns for self-defense,” claims police adviser and gun policy expert, John M. Snyder.

“The ISIS threat for the Muslim month of Ramadan beginning June 5 against non-Muslims shows that Christians and others in the United States and elsewhere need firearms to protect life,” he added.

What Americans witnessed on Sunday, June 12, was an example of a Muslim being persuaded by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) to launch a one-man mass murder operation against one of the group’s favorite targets: gays and lesbians.

In an ISIS video posted online on May 21, ISIS chief Abu Mohammad al-Adnani is seen telling jihadists to “get prepared, be ready … to make it a month of calamity everywhere for nonbelievers … especially for the fighters and supporters of the caliphate in Europe and America.”

Adnani reportedly said regarding jihadists “the smallest action in their heartland is better and more.” He said jihadists should initiate lone wolf attacks and doing that would lead to “the great reward of martyrdom.” Sadly, it appears that Omar Mateen decided to obey the ISIS leader and launched an attack on a nightspot frequented by gays, lesbians, transgenders and bi-sexual men and women. See the shocking video below.

There have other Islamist murderous attacks on innocents perpetrated by American citizens in the United States, including the one last December in San Bernardino, California.

“What all of this means,” said Snyder, “is that peaceful people here in the United States and other countries need guns so that they can protect themselves and others against the barbaric, throat-slashing, maniacal Islamists who are wreaking havoc throughout much of the world. Self-serving politicians, academic know-it-alls, and pie-in-the-sky church officials who undercut the ability of people to get self-defense guns are off the wall. They undermine the right and ability of the people to defend life. They cut into the right to life of the people. It’s time they abandoned their nonsensical attitudes, straightened up and learned to fly right.”

Snyder noted “scholarly research and analysis of Islam indicates that violent, even brutal murderous throat cutting attacks by Muslims on non-Muslims actually are considered acts of piety rather than acts of terrorism by Islamists. This comports with seminal Islamist texts and practice.” Among these studies is an article on Realism and Islam by Rev. James V. Schall, S.J., he pointed out.

Snyder said, “Believers in violence and murder as pious acts are enemies of civilized society and must be treated as such. The presence in our midst of such characters underscores the advisability of constitutional gun carry for self-defense. It shows also that Americans should choose Second Amendment supporter anti-terrorist Trump as president, and defeat Islamist supporting gun prohibitionist Hillary Clinton.”

A practicing Catholic, Snyder has been named “the dean of Washington gun lobbyists” by the Washington Post and New York Times, “a champion of the right of self-defense” by the Washington Times, the “gun dean” by Human Events, and “the senior rights activist in Washington” by Shotgun News. He’s a former publications editor for the National Rifle Association (NRA), and he’s a member of the advisory boards for the National Association of Chiefs of Police (NACOP) and the American Federation of Police and Concerned Citizens (AFPCC).

Firearms Connect Orlando, Islam, Trump and Clinton

“Questions surrounding firearms and the right to keep and bear arms underlie current national issues involving Orlando, Islamism, Trump and Clinton,” gun dean John M. Snyder observed here today.

“The ISIS-inspired Orlando massacre shows people NEED firearms for self-defense,” Snyder said. “It shows also that so-called gun free zones in reality are kill free zones,” he added.

“The predictable attempt to use Orlando as an excuse for renewed gun control demands by Obama, Clinton, congressional gun grabbers and their media lap dogs should be rejected,” Snyder said. “Gun free zones generally should be eliminated.”

He said, “Efforts to shift responsibility for Islamist terror attacks away from Islamism and onto firearms possession by law-abiding citizens are contemptible. Among those involved prominently in these efforts is the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton. This is reason enough for America’s 80-100 million gun owners to oppose her candidacy and support that of her opponent, Donald Trump.”

Snyder noted, “Orlando followed a recent ISIS murder threat. That ISIS threat for the Muslim month of Ramadan beginning June 5 against non-Muslims shows that people in the United States and elsewhere NEED firearms to protect life,” he added.

The ISIS-affiliated Al-Battar Media Foundation, after the Orlando murders, specifically suggested that Islamists in the United States target movie theaters, hospitals, airports, trains, amusement parks and restaurants, reported Jihad Watch.

Snyder noted “scholarly research and analysis of Islam indicates that violent, even brutal murderous throat cutting attacks by Muslims on non-Muslims actually are considered acts of piety rather than acts of terrorism by Islamists. This comports with seminal Islamist texts and practice.”

Snyder said, “Believers in violence and murder as pious acts are enemies of civilized society and must be treated as such. The presence in our midst of such characters underscores the advisability of constitutional gun carry for self-defense. It shows also that Americans should choose Second Amendment supporter anti-terrorist Trump as president, and defeat Islamist supporting gun prohibitionist Hillary Clinton.”

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Doctrines Pt. 2

The modern day church has lost the importance of preaching the truth of God’s Word. Paul wrote to Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:1 “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; (2) Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; (3) Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. (4) For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: (5) For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. (6) If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained.”

This is just what we are experiencing, giving heed to seducing spirits. I’ve seen several nationally known preachers completely destroy their ministry because they have taken on a completely unbiblical doctrine. God’s Word is not that hard to understand. There is some study required but the Holy Spirit will reveal the truth to you when you seek it. Paul continued on this subject is 1 Timothy 6:3 “If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; (4) He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, (5) Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.” I left the denominational church that I grew up in and my wife left the one she grew up in for this reason. There was no teaching of the truth. Both denominations had centuries of their own doctrines that they followed instead of God’s doctrines. The early church held fast to God’s doctrines and was a powerful church. It was able to heal the sick, raise the dead, and produce prosperity because they taught the truth. There was persecution but there will always be persecution. 2 Timothy 3:12 “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.”

The culture that we are seeing today is so far from the Word of God it isn’t even funny. I have to bring up this homosexual transgender thing because it is a deadly influence of our upcoming generations. We have to be honest about this. There are only two genders, male and female. We have to understand that God never changes.

In Genesis we are told what God has ordained. Genesis 1:26 “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. (27) So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. (28) And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” A man/woman physical relationship is the only relationship that He has ordained. A same-sex relationship is brought up several times in scripture and none of them are embraced by God.

The first one is Leviticus 18:22 “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.” It is confirmed in the New Testament in Romans 1:24 “Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: (26) For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: (27) And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.” 2 Timothy 3 references men and women ‘without natural affection’. This isn’t brain science, it’s common sense. We now have the president of the United States telling us that we have to allow a person that is perverted and incapable of determining his/her gender into the restroom of the opposite sex because that person ‘feels’’ like that gender today.

When a person is born they either have XY chromosomes, male, or XX chromosomes, female. If you’re male you ‘plumbing’ is on the outside and if you’re female your ‘plumbing’ is on the inside. To be forced to accept anything else is tyranny on steroids. I will not allow a male to enter into a restroom where my wife, daughter or granddaughter is and no government should have the authority to force me to. God did not make a homosexual a homosexual! Scripture says “in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” There is no mention of the other 31 ‘genders’ that New York requires people to acknowledge.[1]

This is happening because of the failure of the church to raise up people to be put into places of authority. The church, for the most part, refuses to be involved in the political process and we are paying the price for that today. We have a muslim in the White House with most of his aids and confidants muslim as well. They are spread throughout our national security forces and in our military. Obama is allowing ‘refugees’ from muslim nations into America without properly vetting them causing a great security risk for the American people. All this because of the failure of the church to preach the truth. Afraid to offend. More afraid of the IRS than of God.

There is a remnant that has not bowed their knee to Baal and will never bow their knee. Paul warned Timothy about the need to stay the course: 2 Timothy 4:2 “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. (3) For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; (4) And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. (5) But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.” Preachers won’t preach the truth because they may lose ‘tithers’. If they do leave they are very immature people.

Titus tells us what we must do: Titus 1:9 “Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.” The world mocks the Christian lifestyle. It’s called boring, wimpy, and poor but that is only because the church no longer walks in the power it was given. It can, but most won’t teach it. If we would walk in everything that God has given us we would be more powerful than anything the world could offer. Find that remnant church that walks in the power and don’t stray from it. It is the power to salvation.

© 2016 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved



1. New York City Lets You Choose From 31 Different Gender Identities

The destructive idol of statism in America

There are two types of people in this world the takers and the givers. The takers give no thought to the effect their decisions have on others. Consider for example the transgendered bathroom insanity. The elite in Washington don’t care one iota for how it impacts the families of America. Well an interesting development in the world of the elite took place in Georgia this week. The head of Georgia’s ACLU, an organization committed to and powerfully promoting the transgender insanity, had never considered the impact this would have on families. Then it happened to her.

Dillard Smith said her daughters had experienced trauma over the issue.

“I have shared my personal experience of having taken my elementary school age daughters into a women’s restroom when shortly after three transgender young adults over six feet with deep voices entered,” she said in a statement reported by Atlanta Progressive News.

“My children were visibly frightened, concerned about their safety and left asking lots of questions for which I, like many parents, was ill-prepared to answer …

“Maya Dillard Smith said Thursday she resigned because she was met with hostility when she questioned the organization’s stance on the policy, adding that she risked being branded a homophobe by even raising her critique. There are real concerns about the safety of women and girls in regards to this bathroom debate,” Dillard Smith said in an interview. “It seems to me that instead of stifling the dialogue, we want to encourage a robust debate to come up with an effective solution.”[1]

Very interesting in my view, that she had no qualms about it, she lead an organization supporting it, until her own daughters were visibly frightened and began to ask questions she could not answer. The children have more common sense? They understand that it is an insane policy and they have to be the ones to persuade the adults? That’s what appears to be the case.

When the tyrants are in control your needs are never considered. They toss off decisions daily that are ruinous to millions of those suffering under their hob nailed boots. We can see there is no mercy from these evil beasts. Yet people continue to bow and worship this worthless idol of Statism – the idea that civil government will provide cradle to grave, that any and every problem that comes up in life can and will be solved by this idol called civil government. Yet the facts belie that belief. This idol is incompetent in almost everything it does, it consumes enormous resources impoverishing the people thereby and enriching itself. It is an unmerciful beast, cruel and evil beyond compare, it is turing our land into a police state.

Consider the stark contrast between that evil idol with the one true God.
Just look at God’s Invitation to the Children of Israel – Exodus 25:1-2,

“Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: “Speak to the children of Israel, that they bring Me an offering. From everyone who gives it willingly with his heart you shall take My offering.” The One True God invites His people to give, willingly, freely without any compulsion. He unlike the idol of civil government does not hold a gun to your head and demand you hand over the fruit of your labor, hand over your wealth, hand over your children, and your future. Instead He invites you to give.

This magnificent structure was unlike any other in many ways; not only in its beauty, structure, purpose and design;

• This tabernacle would not be built by slave labor – all those working on the project would choose to do so. Consider where Israel had spent the past 400 years; they were slaves in Egypt. And the great buildings and monuments that remain in that land today just give us a hint and the grandeur and glory of Egypt in its heyday as the world’s superpower. Most of those buildings were constructed with slave labor. The Israelites were on many of those slave projects. They knew what it meant to be forced to build a project conceived by the tyrant. He got the glory and honor while they shed blood, sweat and tears. Now we think we live in the land of the free; we are told it is the freest country in the world. As you well know, that is a myth.

• Did you know that the White House and the Capital building in Washington we built in part by slave labor. The Federal government did not actually directly own those slaves, but it rented them from their owners and paid their owners for the labor of their slaves. Slavery built essential parts of the palatial city at the heart of a world wide empire.

The second thing we see about the tabernacle is that …

• It would not be built with materials forcibly taken from the people

The people would choose to give. What a stark contrast with the idol in our land called civil government. We could talk about taxation, there is a whole lengthy study on the subject of Biblical taxation – what is just and unjust. But let’s consider an altogether different area, “Civil Asset Forfeiture.” As practiced today, the police can pull you over and essentially at gun point take all the cash you have in your wallet. They can do this without you being charged with any crime whatsoever, and no evidence necessary that you even committed a crime at all. They claim in their wicked scheme that the money itself has committed a crime, and that money is guilty until proven innocent. The only way to get it back is to go to court to attempt to prove your money is innocent. Then the kicker is that the police department which stole your money gets to keep 80% as long as they give a tribute of 20% to Washington. This outrageous practice has netted billions of dollars to the cops in our once fair land.
Among the police departments themselves however there is one that completely takes the cake.

“Police in Oklahoma are now able to seize money from motorists even if they don’t have physical cash on them – and even if those people are merely suspected of a crime.

Using a new device called an ERAD, or Electronic Recovery and Access to Data machine, Oklahoma Highway Patrol officers can now swipe debit or prepaid cards if they suspect a driver of obtaining money contained in their bank accounts illegally.Officers say they’re instituting new procedures to assess peculiar behavior, and may conduct roadside interrogations to spot motorists who may have to fork over their bank funds.”[2]

So the police in America have trans morphed from highway patrol to highway robbers. The civil government has no qualms about robbing its citizens in broad daylight and claiming it is lawful. That’s what the Statist idol looks like. In contrast the one true God invites us to give to the work of building His Kingdom.

Learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2016 Rev. David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

CDC vaccinating our children to death

Darn it – if you aren’t willing to give up 18 years of your own personal life for each child you have – then you shouldn’t have any. And NO I am NOT going to pay for your birth control!

I have talked in the past about Monsanto and how the Federal government has allowed them to taint our food, not have to list the true contents on labels or tell us where a particular food came from (fish, shrimp, chicken and what country).

The government also created a world so that both Mom and Dad would almost be forced to work to survive – so then who was taking care of your children? Day Cares, schools and baby sitters – STRANGERS!

Repeated use can cause a second infection or over time make a child allergic or build up a resistance to it. Use ampicillin with extreme caution in CHILDREN younger than 10 years old who have diarrhea or an infection of the stomach or bowel.

Years ago, if a kid was bored and didn’t listen well in class, he was considered lazy, a daydreamer or perhaps a bit rambunctious. These days, he’s labeled with a mental disorder. Teachers are quick to suggest testing, medication and that he or she is ADHD.

The CDC says 6.4 million kids ages 4-17 have been “diagnosed with ADHD” since 2011. And that stat doesn’t even include the 198,000 kids under age five who are taking ADHD drugs. Besides that, I guarantee you, these numbers are a lot higher today because every year the rates continue to skyrocket.

How can this be? You don’t suppose it could be a made up diagnosis just to get your child “drugged up”? Retired Harvard psychologist, Dr. Jerome Kagan states ADHD is an invention – a made up invention for every child in school who isn’t doing well. Send him to see his physician and the physician prescribes Ritalin. Kagan stated, “In fact, 90 percent of these kids don’t have an abnormal dopamine metabolism. The problem is, if a drug is available to doctors, they’ll make the corresponding diagnosis.”

Even child psychiatry researcher Leon Eisenberg who is identified as the “inventor” and “founding father” of AHA/ADD stated in an interview with Der Spiegel seven months before his death in 2009, “ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease.”

As far back as 1998, Dr. Edward C. Hamlyn, founding member of the Royal College of General Practitioners stated, “ADHD is fraud – intended to justify starting children on a life of drug addiction.”

Three facts you should know:

 ADHD medications are dangerous
 ADHD cannot be proven
 Drug companies aggressively push the sale of Ritalin and the ADHD diagnosis.

Even Roger Griggs, the pharmaceutical executive who introduced Adderall in 1994, said he strongly opposes marketing stimulants to the general public because of their dangers. He calls them ‘nuclear bombs,’ warranted only under extreme circumstances and when carefully overseen by a physician.

FACT: At least 31 school shootings and/or school-related acts of violence have been committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs. Take a child off of Ritalin instantly rather than gradually, and see what happens.

Good news for parents is if you have a child who often behaves in ways listed on the ADHD list, there’s a much safer and more promising way to help your kids!

Get as far away from the Standard American Diet (SAD) as you can. I could go on and on about the SAD – which I blame Big Food, Big Ag and Monsanto for – the sisters of Big Pharma. Thanks to our highly processed and addictive dead food choices, we’ve got people feeding their poor bodies loads of harmful, toxic junk. We eat things we are sensitive or allergic too. 

We accumulate a build-up of GMOs, artificial sweeteners (aspartame, high fructose corn syrup, etc.), food dyes, preservatives, nitrates, hormones, antibiotics, MSG – and so on. Toxicity leads to inflammation in the gut. Inflammation in the gut leads to sickness and disease.

How about the rise in Autism? 

Given the undisputed benefit of early identification of autism, sorting out the contribution of universal screening to this pattern will be an important next step to address the concerns of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force regarding the benefits of early screening.”

Meanwhile, researchers at the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center have published a study suggesting that children who live in areas where aerial pesticide spraying to kill mosquitoes have a “significantly higher rate of autism” than children in other areas.

Stephanie Seneff, PhD, has researched biology and technology over the years having published over 170 scholarly peer-reviewed articles. December 2014, Dr. Seneff made the surprising statement, “At today’s rate, by 2025, one in two children will be autistic.” 

She noted that the side effects of autism closely mimic those of glyphosate toxicity, and presented data showing a remarkably consistent correlation between the use of Roundup on crops (and the creation of Roundup-ready GMO crop seeds) with rising rates of autism. Children with autism have biomarkers indicative of excessive glyphosate, including zinc and iron deficiency, low serum sulfate, seizures, and mitochondrial disorder.

Aerial dispersal of parathyroid pesticides are sprayed during summer months to maintain control over mosquito populations to reduce the instances of conditions they spread such as equine encephalitis. Steven Hicks, assistant professor of pediatrics for the MHMC explained: “Preventing mosquito-borne encephalitis is an important task, but suggests communities that have pesticide programs to help control the mosquito population might consider ways to reduce child pesticide exposure, including alternative application methods.”

A fellow panelist reported after Dr. Seneff’s presentation, “All of the 70 or so people in attendance were squirming, likely because they now had serious misgivings about serving their kids, or themselves, anything with corn or soy, which are nearly all genetically modified and thus tainted with Roundup and its glyphosate.”

Dr. Seneff noted the ubiquity of glyphosate’s use. Because it is used on corn and soy, all soft drinks and candies sweetened with corn syrup and all chips and cereals that contain soy fillers have small amounts of glyphosate in them, as do our beef and poultry since cattle and chicken are fed GMO corn or soy. Wheat is often sprayed with Roundup just prior to being harvested, which means that all non-organic bread and wheat products would also be sources of glyphosate toxicity. The amount of glyphosate in each product may not be large, but the cumulative effect (especially with as much processed food as Americans eat) could be devastating. A recent study shows that pregnant women living near farms where pesticides are applied have a 60% increased risk of children having an autism spectrum disorder.

In 2014 William W. Thompson, PhD, an epidemiologist at the CDC’s National Center of Birth Defects and Development Disabilities who received his doctorate in biochemical engineering, was been revealed as a CDC whistleblower. Thompson broke a decade of silence over the government’s deliberate concealment of the link between the MMR vaccine (for measles, mumps, and rubella) and dramatically increased risk of autism, particularly in African American boys.

Thompson was alleging criminal wrongdoing on the part of his supervisors at the CDC and has expressed deep regret to the parents of America regarding his involvement in the cover-up.

 February 2004, a study on the MMR vaccine was published in the Journal of Pediatrics by three CDC scientists. The study gathered information on 2,583 children in Atlanta between 1986 and 1993 concluding, “there is no significant associations between the age at which the vaccine is administered and the incidence of “developmental regression” such as autism.”

 That same month, Dr. Thompson wrote to Dr. Julie Gerberding (then director of the CDC, now director of Merck’s vaccine division). In this letter he discusses his intention to present, at an Institute of Medicine meeting on vaccines and autism the following week, “several problematic results” that the Atlanta study had produced.

 For the next ten years, Dr. Brian Hooker, of the Focus Autism Foundation, tried to obtain the original data from that study. In 2014, through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, Dr. Hooker received much of the data. He was also allowed to view several highly sensitive documents related to the study thanks to a request from Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

 Thompson guided Hooker to evidence that there was a statistically significant relationship between the age at which the MMR vaccine was first given and the incidence of autism—particularly in African-American boys. Thompson revealed that CDC researchers did not include any children who did not have a valid State of Georgia birth certificate, thereby reducing the study’s sample size by 41%, which dramatically skewed the statistical findings. Thompson claimed this manipulation was intentional because of top-down pressure to promote a pro-vaccine agenda, and because of the CDC’s reluctance to address the vaccine-autism connection.

 Hooker presented his own research—a re-analysis of the original data—in a paper published August, 2015 in the peer-reviewed journal Translational Neurodegeneration. In African American boys who received the vaccine at 24 months of age (that is, “on schedule,” as opposed delaying the vaccine until 36 months or later), Hooker said the raw data shows the incidence of autism to be 340% higher. Dr. Hooker suggests the extraordinary vulnerability of young African American boys to autism from vaccinations may result from their low vitamin D levels, given their dark skin pigmentation. The prevalence of autism in African Americans is nearly 25% higher than that of whites. “The CDC knew about the relationship between the age of first MMR vaccine and autism incidence in African-American boys as early as 2003,” Hooker says, “but chose to cover it up.”

Has America forgotten that 4 years ago the CDC was caught in the “fear mongering” campaign over the West Nile Virus? We were told the West Nile Virus was spreading uncontrollably like “wildfire”. Even with the CDC admitting that only a “miniscule” of people have even a remote chance of contracting the virus, they pushed for mass spraying of cities around the country with toxic pesticides, and actively encouraged people to coat themselves in toxic DEET chemicals to deter mosquitoes.

DEET is an insect repellant chemical which if used in excess can cause damage to a person’s nervous system.

Scientists are willing to lie through their teeth in support of the big pharma and petro-chemical labs who sign their pay checks. Sounds a little like the untrustworthy Global Warming scientists.

Of course the CDC is also in charge of the HPV vaccine being given to our Pre-teen, Teen and Adolescent girls. Reports you are seeing in support of the safety of Prevnar 13 are coming from drug reps. How many of our young girls have died after receiving this vaccine – over 100. Are you really willing to allow your daughter to be put in this “catch as catch can” game they are playing on the chance your daughter MIGHT get cervical cancer in the future? 

Another 13 year old girl has died just 5 days after receiving the HPV vaccineafter doctors dismissed her symptoms for a “bug” and even called her a “lazy” child before sending her home. And why are they giving these vaccinations at the schools???

Our girls are supposed to get their first dose between 11-12 years with a total of 3 shots over a 6 month period. Boys are receiving the vaccine as a preventative for genital warts. There have been a few cases of boys dying after having received the vaccine also. Joel Gomez 14, from California received a Merck Gardasil vaccine on June 19, 2013 and again on August 19, 2013, and died in his sleep the following day on August 20, 2013. A lawsuit against the USDOH states Gardasil® did cause or contributed to a myocardial infarction in the decedent, and that the second dose of Gardasil® finally caused a fatal hypotension on this case on the day of vaccination. There was no other plausible cause for the death of Joel Gomez at the night of August 20, 2013 as per his physician.

Cases such of this are becoming more common with the cause of death being related to a “cardiac malfunction” of some sort. [Link]

This weekend a most amazing documentary is being released around the country titled “Vaxxed” and it is the truth about vaccines and the dangers for our children. Most of the focus is on the MMR vaccine and you can find it at your local theater.

Initially, Robert De Niro was pushing this movie in full support and planned to include it in his Tribeca Film Festival. De Niro who has an autistic child caved under pressure from the CDC and big pharma to not show the film.

Michael Spector, a New Yorker medical journalist stated, this pressure is “shocking” and “disgraceful”. This is a criminal (CDC) that is responsible for people dying.”

This is a must see for everyone and it calls for the following:

1. That Congress subpoena Dr. William Thompson and investigate the CDC fraud.
2. That Congress repeal the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and hold manufacturers liable for injury caused by their vaccines.
3. That the single measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine be made available immediately.
4. That all vaccines be classified as pharmaceutical drugs and testedaccordingly.
5. That warnings be given to parents regarding the deaths following the HPV vaccinations.


Here is quick read of reactions from viewers.

The government’s submission to Jihad

Dietrich Bonhoeffer (who died in a Nazi concentration camp) said, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil.”

He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it. —Martin Luther King, Jr.

Muslims with Terrorist Ties Scrubbed from DHS

See Something, Say Nothing.” Mr. Haney is a founding member of the Department of Homeland Security. Employed with DHS for 15 years, and what he told Hannity should send shivers down your spine and create a backlash of immense proportions. He said that the DHS was ordered by Obama to scrub records of Muslims with terrorist ties. These included individuals, organizations, and networks, both across the United States and affiliations within foreign countries.

So, before going into the details, let’s cut to the chase. Obama’s order to scrub Muslims with terrorist ties from the DHS compiled list, made connecting the terrorist dots far more difficult. In doing so, it also opened the door for more Islamic jihads within our borders. The result of this order includes two things, the purposeful death of innocent Americans, and new draconian and unconstitutional laws which will destroy our liberties and freedoms. 

Americans Unaware of Obama’s Treason

Mr. Haney’s book tells the full story, but he wrote a condensed version in an article in The Hill. He explained that jihadists planned to murder another 290 travelers during the 2009 Christmas holiday. On a flight from the Netherlands to Detroit, brave passengers subdued the terrorist after explosives in his underwear had failed to detonate.

After this attempted attack, Obama excoriated the intelligence community for their failures. He said, “This was not a failure to collect intelligence, it was a failure to integrate and understand the intelligence that we already had.”

Haney stated the following in his article:

Most Americans were unaware of the enormous damage to morale at the Department of Homeland Security, where I worked, his condemnation caused. His words infuriated many of us because we knew his administration had been engaged in a bureaucratic effort to destroy the raw material—the actual intelligence we had collected for years, and erase those dots. The dots constitute the intelligence needed to keep Americans safe, and the Obama administration was ordering they be wiped away.

Obama and Islam

Surely by now, Americans who are paying attention understand that Obama is nothing more than a Muslim plant in our White House. It certainly appears that way with the seeding of Islamic so-called “refugees” throughout our nation.

With the massacre in Orlando, Islamic terrorists have now killed 91 and injured more than 370 on American soil since President Obama took office. Yet Obama still refuses to admit that radical Islam is a threat. In fact, he refuses to even use the term, “radical Islam.” Even more disturbing is the fact that the term is not used by the majority of our Congress, our media, and the Christian right.

Obama also recently appointed a Syrian Immigrant, Laila Alawa, who said, “9/11 changed the world for good,” as a Homeland Security Adviser. [Link] She is a sitting member on the Homeland Security Advisory Council’s (HSAC) Subcommittee on Countering Violent Extremism and is a 25-year-old immigrant of Syrian heritage, and has consistently disparaged America, free speech, and white people on social media.

Truly, God help us…this is such an abomination.

Trump Attacked for the Truth

Donald J. Trump was viciously attacked by both Obama and Hillary Clinton for telling the truth to the American public. In fact, Obama lashed out in a seething tirade against Trump for his statements regarding Islamic terrorism and the protection of American citizens.

Joining these two Marxists in their vilification of Mr. Trump are both the Democrats and neo-con Trotskyite Republicans. Trump sent out this statementto his supporters, and here is his speech the morning after the Orlando tragedy.

Donald Trump reiterated his call for an indefinite ban on immigration from Muslim countries, and asserted that the president would be empowered to establish such a ban on his own. “The immigration laws of the United States give the president the power to suspend entry into the country of any class of persons that the president deems detrimental to the interests or security of the United States, as he deems appropriate,” Trump said. Remember President Jimmy Carter actually banned Iranians from entering the country.

Paul Ryan on Muslim Ban

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan made a total ass of himself again by publically stating that a ban on Muslims entering the country is not in America’s best interests. [Link

Obama’s Goal: Total and Complete Disarmament

The end which justifies Obama’s means…total and complete disarmament of the American citizens, and the elimination of the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights given to us by God, and written down by our founders.

Obama Administration and UN Announce Global Police Force to Fight ‘Extremism’ In U.S.” They really are coming for your guns. They really do think you are stupid. Of course the politicians themselves are not going to disarm you, they are counting on the loyalty of the police to do their dirty work. And if they get their way, all they have to do to disarm you is by having a bureaucrat put your name on a secret government list. Even while importing huge numbers of Islamic immigrants from countries illegally bombed and destroyed by the Obama administration and its allies, Obama’s secretary of homeland security now claims Americans must submit to much more gun control — this time, for “national security” reasons. [Link]


Matt Drudge tweeted to Jeh Johnson that he could go first with giving up his firearms and protection…ahem.

Link] Really? Of course they don’t mention that the attack occurred in a “gun free zone.” The U.S. has a right to totally ignore that filthy organization and their communist plans for the world. Those gun-free zones are the most dangerous in America, and that includes all government schools.

A group of Democrats fueled by the Orlando LGBT nightclub murders committed by Omar Mateen are planning to slip a couple gun-control measures into a bill by Rep. Tim Murphy that’s supposed to focus on mental health. Isn’t that just how they continually operate, under the cover of darkness.

What most Americans don’t realize is that back in December of 1989, Public Law 101-216 was signed into law during the term of George H.W. Bush. It calls for the elimination of armaments of all types. This includes the arms owned by law abiding citizens. Check out the list of those who voted “Yea,” and you’ll find Newt Gingrich’s name there. Any wonder Trump refused Adelson’s $200 million to make Newt his VP?! 


God institutes government, and we do get the government we deserve. However, Romans 13 does not mean we are to be slaves to tyrants. We are to submit to what God ordains, but not to sin, and “submit” does not always mean “obey.” Revelation 13, using imagery from Daniel, depicts civil government as a terrifying “beast.” 

Daniel disobeyed Darius and went to the lion’s den. The three Hebrew children broke the law for not bowing. The parents hid baby Moses from Pharaoh. Rahab lied to protect the Hebrew spies. The Apostles went to prison for preaching Christ in the authority of Heaven. Paul and his followers in Acts 17 did contrary to all the decrees of Caesar in order to make Jesus the King. Even Jesus lived in direct opposition of the political religious leaders of his day and went to the cross for us. We are to obey God, not to have blind obedience to corruption and sin when it is in our government.

If you are in a church that insists you submit to evil in government through Romans 13, then you’d better find another church, because the preacher occupying the pulpit is a spineless political correct coward.

If you want this unconstitutional filth overturned, keep praying for God’s Hand to straighten out this mess. There is only one candidate who can and will do it. I am convinced that the God given choice is Donald J. Trump. He is the only person who listens to us, who loves us, who loves America, who knows how to bring us back from the brink of destruction, and who will stand for the Constitution and our unalienable God Given Bill of Rights. There is no other choice! Vote to Make America Great Again.

Does an ectopic pregnancy justify killing the baby?

“Oh, I agree with you that abortion’s a bad thing,” the cigarette-puffing young man insisted across the Planned Parenthood fence.

“Why did you take her in there then?” I inquired. “It’s not too late. Go get her…”

“But the abortion is necessary to save her life. She has an ectopic pregnancy and the baby has zero chance of survival.”

Nothing stumps a pro-lifer quicker than this. If killing the preborn baby is necessary to save the mother’s life, it is argued, then the abortive remedy is unfortunate and regretful, but not murder.


What if it is not necessary to kill the ectopically implanted baby to save the mother’s life? What if the mother and the baby can both be saved?

Tainted Sources

The National Health Service webpage dedicated to ectopic pregnancy information states, The baby cannot be saved in an ectopic pregnancy. Almost all medical groups and government medical bureaucracies echo this malicious falsehood. This lie is parroted as if it were fact in medical schools, residencies, and hospitals across the nation. No, across the world.

Question: if someone justifies abortion in almost any conceivable circumstance, pray tell, why do we consider them to be honest and objective when it comes to any abortion-related fact? How naïve we are to assume murderers are honest.

The Facts

A simple google search reveals dozens of cases where babies survived ectopic implantations. One study documented 316 ectopically implanted children who were born alive. In the film Pro-Life Without Exception, you can witness the testimony of a young man who was ectopically implanted in his mother’s fallopian tube and survived. An ectopic pregnancy is not a death sentence for the baby.

Over half of the embryos who implant in their mother’s fallopian tubes perish on their own and are resorbed by the mother, without medical intervention. That is why the standard of care in such cases is “expectant management”, or watchful waiting. It is not necessary to kill the baby to save the mother’s life.

If the tubal-implanted baby does not die, is methotrexate abortion or surgical excision necessary to save the mother’s life? Pro-life groups rarely challenge this dubious assertion. The mother can be saved without sacrificing the baby.

As far back as 1917, a procedure has been successfully performed transplanting the tubal-implanted embryo into the uterus. This life-saving procedure was first reported in the Harvard medical journal Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics and as recently as 1980 in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. In 1994, British professor Dr. J. G. Grudzinskas authored a paper published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology entitled, “Relocation of ectopic pregnancy to the uterine cavity: a dream or reality?” wherein he discusses recent, albeit unsuccessful, attempts at this procedure.

The question on my mind is: Where are the American physicians even attempting to save the lives of these ectopically implanted children?

What if the fallopian tube ruptures, and the mother is hemorrhaging internally? Is it justifiable to abort the baby in this scenario? If the mother is hemorrhaging internally, the baby has overgrown his blood supply and likely has already deceased. Even so, the removal of the embryo – whether dead or alive – is not necessary to save the mother’s life. The medical literature documents “autotransfusion” as a therapy that is life-saving for the mother with a ruptured tubal ectopic pregnancy, and this does not intentionally sacrifice the baby. Autotransfusion involves suctioning the hemorrhaged blood from the woman’s pelvis, filtering it and re-inserting back into her via IV access. Autotransfusion had a success rate at saving the mother’s life even greater than the most commonly employed abortive method!

Why So Quick to Kill?

Doubtless, one of the reasons there aren’t more cases of ectopic pregnancies surviving is because of the medical community’s haste to kill. That haste is motivated not so much by the desire to save the mother’s life, but to protect the physician. I had a Christian patient who was devastated when her obstetrician informed her that she had a tubal ectopic pregnancy and, in order to save her life, he must administer methotrexate immediately. She mourned what the obstetrician considered the inevitable loss of her child, and reluctantly succumbed to his persuasion. Weeks later, the patient was still bleeding heavily and the doctor ordered an ultrasound only to discover she had what is called a heterotopic pregnancy; in other words, she was pregnant with twins, one in the fallopian tube and one in the uterus. The one in the fallopian tube was dead, and the one in the uterus was dying. The doctor missed the baby in the uterus.

These were wanted children. Can we safely assume even a pro-abortion physician wants to save wanted babies? The medical literature confirms that misdiagnosing ectopic pregnancy is quite common, and even if the diagnosis is accurate, there is much evidence that the tubal-implanted embryo can detach and reattach in a safer location. Why would this obstetrician give advice so much more aggressive than that the accepted standard of care? Why was the doctor so quick to kill? Although his disrespect for the baby’s right to life was a foundational error, I suspect his motivation was his desire to avoid litigation. If in the process of expectant management, the woman hemorrhages and suffers or dies, he could be blamed for not intervening more aggressively and quickly. Doctors get sued all the time and lose before a jury, even if they follow the standard of care. This doctor knew if he were as aggressive as possible, and if the woman accepted his abortive remedy, his chance of losing a lawsuit was slim. So to protect the doctor, the baby was sacrificed.

I sense a conspiracy afoot. If the “father of lies” and a complicit medical community can convince God’s people that His Word is an insufficient standard for morality and justice and, sometimes, it is necessary to intentionally kill an innocent child for the greater good, then we have been co-opted into the enemy’s camp.

Thus emasculated, the body of Christ, the salt of the earth, has lost the last of its savor. “When you spread out your hands in prayer, I hide My eyes from you,” said God through Isaiah. “Even when you offer many prayers, I am not listening. Your hands are full of blood!” (Isaiah 1:15). If there’s one thing God’s Word teaches us about innocent blood-guilt, it is that God’s people will never conquer their Promised Land with it.

God’s Word, Our Sure Foundation

Let us be confident in our commitment to God’s Word as the foundation for morality and justice, and not be seduced into straying from this sure foundation by medical scenarios awash in deceit. “Thou shalt not kill” can withstand the scrutiny of the sceptics. God created human beings in His image, and no one may intentionally kill another innocent person without incurring His wrath – wrath which only repentance and/or justice can quench.

Let us pray that more American physicians will respect the right to life of all preborn children, and provide these life-saving alternatives to their patients.

© 2016 Patrick Johnston – All Rights Reserved

Evil everywhere: prepare yourself in every way to survive

Evil disasters are all around us, the latest horror show being in Orlando with more Islamic radical – ISIS maniacs mowing down ‘infidels.’ As I wrote in my last column the usual political drool is flying out blaming the guns, hate, Islamaphobia and Christians…not much talk about the evil Islamic radicals.

ISIS and their kin promise more attacks with one Craig’s List add threatening an attack in San Diego next. Who knows what is next? We do know that any group other than Islamic is in danger of being slaughtered because that is what the radical Islamic groups do – Forcibly convert, torture and/or slaughter the Infidels.

So now, are we all to just wait and be sitting ducks? Shall the gay community stop going to dance clubs and stay home in submissive fear? We certainly can’t have work, church or sporting events, because we could get shot and murdered. That is ISIS declared intention.

Thankfully, every time there is a hideous disaster like Orlando, Americans by more guns, especially the real ones like AR-15’s.

Now, with a lame and clueless President refusing to identify the real enemies facing America namely Islamic radicals and all their relatives, we must wake up now and recognize the evil and organized agendas tightening the rope around our necks.

Agenda #1 – The American Infidel must be identified and slaughtered. It is known that Obama and Hillary long ago have been funding ISIS and contributed boldly to its creation and insurgence in Syria. Not so secret arms were shipped through Benghazi and our Ambassador and crew died a horrible death. Hillary and Obama have blood on their hands because they allowed the arms shipments and ordered troops to stand down who asked several times to go in and help. They were told a flat no. I don’t know what you call this, but our Ambassader and aids were tortured and murdered and it could have all been stopped at the hands of Obama and Hillary.

Agenda #2 – Use all the Islamic attacks to blame the Christians, hate, Islamaphobia and the big boy….guns. They must come for our guns or the growing Islamic caliphate in America cannot survive.

Agenda #3 – Copy Hitler’s style of creating disasters then blaming someone else. We have seen almost before we could take our next breath the false blame narrative surge through the leftist media, from the ACLU, Obama and Hillary’s mouths. This wasn’t radical Islam or ISIS fault; it was the Christians, our hate and Islamaphobia who did this. Any talk of identifying the real enemy is instantly called hate and Islamaphobia. Obama reminds us that more surveillance of Islamics or daring to stop the surge of unvetted and potential murderous Syrian refugees that ISIS is infiltrating, is simply not the American way.

Agenda #4 – Obama hates America and is committed to our destruction. He has bought and paid for allies all over the House and Senate it seems with their lack of action. His mainstream media bows down low.

Here is an agenda from real Americans for Obama, radical Islam and the New World Order

#1 – Kiss our Grits and go to where the sun don’t shine
#2 – Most of America are Christians. We serve the real God of the Holy Bible – You can kiss our grits also for smearing and persecuting us in our own country. Would you like some sun block where you are going?
#3 – Gays and Straights are buying high-powered guns like never before – You know….More grits to kiss.
#4 – Fundamentalist Islam, compromised-establishment GOP and other America haters can just forget the kissing of the grits part and go straight to hell because we intend to stand up and worship Jesus. We also intend to stand and fight for our freedom and identify the real enemy.
#5 – We intend to vote in Donald Trump as the ‘kiss our Grits’ – stand for America – freedom – God and take no prisoners President.

On our agenda is staying alive, buying way more guns, praying real hard to the God of the Holy Bible for Pslam 91 protection, and identifying the real enemies we fight.

© 2016 Dr. Laurie Roth – All Rights Reserved

The fatal mistake of minority (and white) parents

In a recent online article in the Christian Science Monitor, “Racially Diverse ‘New Majority’ Set To Reshape U.S. Public Schools,” (April 15,2016), we see once again the fatal mistake made by minority parents.

The article points out that for the first time in U.S. history, non-white children will be the majority in our public schools. The frustrated parents of these children want to shape the public schools to address their concerns about the ongoing failure of these schools to give their children a decent education. For example, these parents complain that, as usual, their schools get less funding than ‘white’ schools, and that teachers in their schools are less experienced or competent than in the ‘white’ schools.

These parents are correct. Public schools are usually funded from local real-estate and/or income taxes. Therefore, if Black and Latino parents typically earn less than white parents and live in poorer neighborhoods, there is less funding for these schools. Also, many white teachers prefer to teach in white neighborhoods to avoid the drugs and violence in minority areas. Teachers are usually given preference on where they want to teach based on seniority. Therefore, many older, more experienced teachers typically choose to teach in more ‘white’, middle-income, or higher-income “safe” neighborhoods.

This problem will never go away, and minority children will be doomed to a third-rate miserable education because the system is rigged against them. When I say the ‘system’, I don’t mean the favoritism given to schools in white areas. I mean the whole government-controlled public-school system. These schools, especially in Black and Latino neighborhoods, will never improve, precisely because these schools are government-run monopolies.

Public schools are “supported” and “kept in business” through compulsory school taxes, not the voluntary tuition payments of parents, as private schools are. No matter how bad these public schools are, they stay in “business,” year after miserable year, because compulsory real-estate taxes and income taxes keep them afloat. Also, no matter how bad the teachers are, it’s almost impossible to fire them, because the teachers typically get tenure after working in the system for three years.

Therefore, there is no competition that forces these schools to improve, or go out of business. Because there is no competition, and because parents have no choice about how their kids are educated, these schools and teachers are utterly immune from parents’ anger and frustration.

In contrast, in a private school, if most parents are disgusted with the poor quality of the education and teachers in that school, they will take their children out of that school and find a better private school. The owner of the inferior private school will then go bankrupt, because his customers (the parents) have voted with their feet and their consumer dollars. That is why private schools typically give a far superior education than public schools. Each private-school owner is a businessman whose very survival depends on giving his customers, the parents, a quality education for their children. A private-school owner must prove to parents that his school is better than his competitors, or face going out of business and going bankrupt.

However, with government-run public schools, both parents and their children are literally prisoners of the education system. They have no choice in the school’s teachers, curriculum, or teaching methods. They have no real voice or economic power to change anything, because the schools and their teachers are paid by the city or state with compulsory tax dollars, not by parents voluntary tuition payments. That is why these education nightmares called public schools can fail year after year for the last fifty years, and parents remain helpless to change anything.

Moreover, even when a city or state gives minority-area public schools more money, the children still get a third-rate incompetent education. Tax-funded payments per pupil in most public schools have tripled over the last 50 years, yet our childrens’ reading and math skills, if anything, have deteriorated. This applies to both white and non-white neighborhood schools.

That is because not only are these public schools a typically-incompetent government-run monopoly, but the teaching methods in these schools are literally guaranteed to turn your children into illiterates. For example, most public schools have abandoned teaching children to read with the strict phonics method, many years ago. Instead, they “teach” children to “read” using what’s called the “look-see” or “balanced-literacy” method.

In this reading method, the child is asked to “memorize” the word based on recognizing a picture associated with the word, rather than using the phonetic sounds of the alphabet letters to sound out the word. No amount of money given to a public school will improve your child’s ability to read if public schools use this insane teaching method.

Parents, you will never get a decent education for your child in a government-controlled public school, precisely because these schools can thumb their nose at you and your anger over their incompetence. The school administrators and teachers get paid by the city or state, no matter how bad they are, and the government-enforced education monopoly has little competition.

Why do you think all the products you buy today, from cars to smart phones, keep improving in quality? It is because of fierce competition between the manufacturers of these products. For example, Apple and Samsung continually improve their smart phones to convince you to buy their phones vs their competor’s phone. Competition in the free market is the driving force that gives you fresh food, smart phones, electricity, cars, airplanes, and every other magical product we use in our modern world.

In contrast, the public schools are a monopoly-controlled education dinosaur. Walk into most public schools today, especially in minority areas, and it’s like walking back into a time-warp from 50 years ago. These education dinosaurs stagnate year after year, and will never give your child the quality education they could get in a fiercely-competitive free-market education system.

Parents, ask yourself this question: if your local supermarket sold rotten or poisonous food, would you feed your children this food, year after year? Would you continue to shop at this supermarket, or would you immediately look for a better store where they offer quality food at a reasonable price? With all the products you buy for yourself and your children every day, such as food, clothing, toys, smart phones, cars, etc, don’t you always chose the best for yourself and your children based on the money you can afford? Then why do you settle for a rotten education for your children from a government-controlled monopoly called public schools?

Parents, you are literally knocking your head against an education brick wall if you think these public schools will ever improve. If you love your children, I suggest you think outside the box. I suggest you walk around this brick wall. Walk away from these government education prisons that can ruin your child’s education and life.

Do you think you are stuck with this system, and there are no alternatives? Most parents, especially minority parents, are not aware that there are now many low-cost education alternatives you can take advantage of to give your child a great education.

You do not have to settle for a miserable government-school “education” for your precious children.

These alternatives include low-cost, K-12 internet private schools. These are real, accredited, quality private schools that can give your child a great education in the safety of your home, through the internet. In my book, “Public Schools, Public Menace,” I describe at least 23 ways you can give your child a great, low-cost education without public schools, even if you are a working parent. Parents, please, for your children’s sake, investigate these great education alternatives for your kids. Please read my book, “Public Schools, Public Menace.”

© 2016 Joel Turtel – All Rights Reserved

A great way to celebrate Independence Day

A few years ago, I sadly discovered that it was next to impossible to find our nation’s great historic documents together in one volume, so I decided to fix that problem. It took us a full year to research and compile over 50 of our country’s greatest historical documents, but we did it.

So, in honor of Independence Day, we are again making this great compilation of documents available to my readers. You can have these historic documents at your fingertips in one beautifully bound, easy-to-read format. These are the documents that gave birth to the greatest free nation on earth. Nowhere else that we know of can you find these documents–complete in one volume–under one title. We call this magnificent collection THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS.

Notable freedomists such as Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore and former Congressman Ron Paul have copies of this monumental compilation. Even the State Supreme Court of Tennessee ordered several copies. Pastors, teachers, high school and college students, law and history students, and homeschoolers have found THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS immensely valuable to the study of American history and civics.

Included in this remarkable volume are documents such as The Mayflower Compact, The First Thanksgiving Proclamation, the complete text of Patrick Henry’s immortal “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” speech, the Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking up Arms, The Northwest Ordinance of 1787, George Washington’s Farewell Address, Ronald Reagan’s First and Second Inaugural Addresses, and so on.

We have also included several letters written between John and Abigail Adams. Do you remember the poem about Paul Revere’s ride? Well, it, too, is included in this compilation. Also included is the letter written from within the Alamo by William Barret Travis to the people of Texas. Of course, the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and Bill of Rights are also there.

As you read through these documents, you will feel the pride and patriotism swelling in your heart. The “Spirit of ’76” will again come alive in your soul. And when your children read it, they, too, will experience the feeling of what freedom meant to our forebears–maybe for the first time. Sadly, most schools–even most private and Christian schools–do not require the reading of these wonderful documents.

This giant compilation includes more than 50 documents, over 170 full-sized pages complete with a spiral ring binding for easy copying, and a professionally designed color cover. This volume is a must-read for every American patriot. For the price of a couple of pizzas, you can have the great documents of American history delivered to your door.

No, we have not gone up on the price, in spite of increased postage and shipping costs. The price remains $35 for a single copy, or $25 each if you purchase two or more, plus $5 each for shipping (domestic shipping only–international rates vary). Simply mail your check or money order to:

Chuck Baldwin Live
P.O. Box 10
Kila, MT 59920

We also take credit cards. Obviously, this is the fastest way to obtain your copy of THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS. To order by credit card online or to learn more about THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS, click here.

This is a limited printing, so order now before our supply runs out.

Former Constitution Party Presidential candidate, the late Howard Phillips, said, “THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS is must-reading for every American. It is essential that this volume be placed in every home in the country. I read my copy daily. We require our homeschooled children to study THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS.”

Do not look for this volume in stores or online; it can only be purchased here. A retired U.S. Marine Corps colonel thought he could find these documents by simply going to the Internet. After searching several days without success, he ordered two copies of THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS. He told my secretary, “Tell Chuck he’s right. You can’t find these anywhere else in one volume. I tried.”

Here are some other personal testimonials of people who have purchased THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS:

“We bought 7 copies for our children; what a gift.”

Post Falls, Idaho

“My boss is having me order 12 of the Freedom Documents.”

Clearwater, Florida

“Been stressing the importance of our Constitution and Bill of Rights to my children, and this is a treasured gift that’s worth more than money can buy.”

Granbury, Texas

“I ordered several last year and gave as Christmas gifts. THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS are amazing! Thank you!”

Smithfield, Kentucky

“Thank you, Dr. Baldwin, for compiling this fantastic collection of documents. They evidence the founding of our country, and our country is the embodiment of freedom, or it once was. I have purchased copies for our children, copies for our closest friends and copies for the children of our closest friends. I will give copies to clients, and when graduation season comes around again, they will be presents for seniors going away from home. Again, thank you! Besides the Bible, this is the best book I have read in a long time.”

Austin, Texas

“I have begun reading through my copy of THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS. I must admit, I was somewhat skeptical of the price before purchase, but now that I am reading it, I understand what a bargain it is! Priceless!”


“THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS could save our country, if we can get enough people to order it.”

Mansfield, Texas

“I just wanted to say that I received my order and they are great! This is by far the best collection I have seen. I am a disabled Vet and would like to order 5 more to send to my children.”

Oakhurst, Oklahoma

“Good job. I’ll give my extra copy to my old high school.”

Fargo, North Dakota

“I am a deacon in our church and hope to use these books as teaching aids. Please send four copies.”

Ocala, Florida

“I have just started homeschooling my 12-year-old, and this is a perfect resource.”

Redlands, California

I believe you will be just as pleased to receive your copy of THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS as were these folks.

So, in honor of Independence Day, don’t just shoot off fireworks; give yourself and your loved ones a gift that will educate the mind and inspire the heart as to what those fireworks are all about–a gift that will last a lifetime.

Plus, the reason we issue these documents in a hard-copy version only is because it may not be that long before these great documents are electronically banned from online sources. There may come a time when a hard-copy is all that will be available and all that can be individually preserved. At that point, how much would this compilation of documents be worth to you and your family?

© 2016 Chuck Baldwin – All Rights Reserve

How would our founders respond to Orlando tragedy?

As Americans we have experienced a historical weekend in our country.

On Sunday a member of the radical Muslim faction, ISIS, opened fire in a popular homosexual night club in Orlando, Florida, killing at least 49 people – a tragedy unparalleled in America since the horrific terror attack on 9/11.

So many have flooded the public discussion with numerous contrasting solutions such as restrictions or expansion of gun rights, anti-Islam or anti-homosexual notions, all of which are culminating into political hysteria…and understandably so.

We at Institute on the Constitution always desire to bring the original, Biblical, Constitutional, American View to contemporary situations that arise in America. By bringing this view we believe solutions can be found that have helped us as a nation remain unified for well over 200 years.

Through historical revision and outright tyrannical education policies, many in America today do not even know how our Founding Fathers dealt with national tragedies such as we saw this past weekend.

When referring to the Revolutionary War, Benjamin Franklin recalled,

In the beginning of the contest with Great Britain, when we were sensible of danger, we had daily prayer in this room for the Divine protection. Our prayers, Sir, were heard, and they were graciously answered. All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a superintending Providence in our favor.

President John Adams proclaimed May 9, 1798, a day of solemn fasting and prayer when the United States was on the verge of war with France.

His proclamation included this statement,

“…as the United States of America area, at present, placed in a hazardous and afflictive situation, by the unfriendly disposition, conduct and demands of a Foreign Power…under these considerations it has appeared to me that the duty of imploring the mercy and benediction of Heaven on our country, demands, at this time, a special attention from its inhabitants.”

President James Madison, faced with tragic attacks of the British Empire in the War of 1812, made the following call to American citizens:

Especially of offering fervent supplications, that in the present season of calamity and war, He (God) would take the American People under his peculiar care and protection…that He would inspire all nations with a love of justice and of concord, and with a reverence for the unerring precept of our holy religion, to do to others as they would require others to do to them; and finally, that, turning the hearts of our enemies from the violence and injustice which sway their councils against us, He would hasten a restoration of the blessings of Peace.

We should not be leveraging a tragedy for a political benefit. Our Founders knew that it is futile to trust in man during times of danger. No political law or movement can truly bring lasting peace and happiness. Instead, we should, like our founders, be calling on God in repentance, humiliation, and earnest supplication for the good of our nation and its people.

Learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and his “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2016 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

They’re killing our culture

[NOTE: I have to be careful what I write today, because a Muslim fanatic shot up a gay bar and Christians are to blame, somehow. Every form of resistance to the demands of organized sodomy will be declared the moral equivalent of the Orlando massacre.

So all I will say is this. Sorry, liberals, but this was your fault, not ours. You fostered and coddled homosexual activism. At the same time, you have tried to do the same with Islam, which you have imported.

“Gay rights” and militant Islam cannot coexist.

And I think you knew that all along, but didn’t care.]

We’ve been wondering what will be the Left’s next big social engineering project, once the transgender movement has run its course and people are in jail for using the wrong pronoun.

Some would bet on pedophilia. Temple University, for one, has been working hard for decades to convince society that it’s beneficial for children to have sex with adults. Only they don’t call it that. They call it “consensual inter-generational sex,” and by the time you figure out that’s just a fancy term for pedophilia, the deed’s been done.

Last week, though, the Supreme Court of Canada, with a stroke of the pen, created another Cherished Minority—people who have sex with animals. Yes, they virtually legalized bestiality, except for one particular act which need not be mentioned here.

This week, British newspapers reported that bestiality has become something of a fad in Germany, leading to the creation of “erotic zoos”. Because there is some faint stirring in the German legislature to go back to making bestiality against the law, “zoophiles”—see? They’ve already got a name for themselves—have vowed to organize, demonstrate, and lobby to secure their… “rights”.

We’ve seen that all before, haven’t we? In due time, “zoophiles” will become a favored and protected group in many Western countries, and everyone else will be required to respect, affirm, and “celebrate” this—well, I’m sure they will call it a lifestyle.

St.Paul said, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12). Note that the origin of all this wickedness is spiritual, not temporal. But its instrumentality is indeed of this world: humanity’s inborn drive to sin, which can be overcome only by spiritual regeneration in Jesus Christ, by the grace of God.

This one effective, spiritual weapon lies rusting in the churches’ armories.

Naturally, and now more than ever, people are afraid to speak against what we timorously call erotic minorities. Why? Because they don’t want to be smashed by the whole ruling class of the Western world: by courts and politicians, by the media and celebrities, by schools and universities. By worldly forces which, willingly or unknowingly, serve spiritual wickedness in high places.

It should hardly be necessary to say that violence is not the answer. If we’re going to kill all the sinners, we would wind up killing everybody; for all have sinned.

But surely the answer cannot be to surrender to the rulers of the darkness of this world: to dance around the golden calf, because we don’t dare not to, mindlessly chanting “Love wins! Love wins” with all the rest of them. Nowhere in the Bible are we told, “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.”

The bare fact is that we’re killing our culture by rebelling against God; and if you kill your culture, the culture will kill you right back.

As Moses said, we must choose blessing or cursing, life or death.

Spiritual destruction seems a high price to pay for a sexual buffet.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog,, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

What has government done for you?

Life is indeed complicated and stressful! There is so much to do and so little time to do it. What with jobs, commutes, kids, homes, vacations, entertainment and sports, it’s so hard to pay much attention to what our government is doing. But just because we look the other way does not diminish the affect of government’s actions on our daily lives, much less our bank accounts.

Many of government’s actions are hard to see. Federal, state and local governments pass law after law and somehow we think we are immune from the consequences of those laws. Government is like a mosquito. You don’t feel the actual penetration of your skin, only the itch after the mosquito has withdrawn its blood-sucking straw and buzzed away. Come to think of it, government is very much like a mosquito with its blood-sucking taxes and zillions of rules, regulations, restrictions and ordinances that control every aspect of our lives. (the rules are the “itch” after the government has employed its weapon of choice by raiding your wallet ….. taxes.)

So what has government really done for you? Where do we start? Why not start with illegal immigration?

Your federal government (that’s the 545 people who control almost everything in America – a president, 435 representatives, 100 Senators and 9 Supreme Court Justices) has seen fit to encourage (indeed provide a magnet) illegal immigration by not enforcing existing law and sealing our borders, as they are mandated to do. We are absolutely convinced they have done so on purpose. And for their skullduggery we get to pay for it all. The price tag for schools, language tutors, medical treatment, anchor babies, social services and lost jobs to legal Americans by illegal aliens, has been estimated at nearly $300 to $500 Billion per year. We had no say in this policy, as our representatives and senators know what is best for us. Well, don’t they? Besides the cost, comes the premeditated, unconscionable erosion of our American sovereignty. And speaking of American sovereignty, let’s not forget NAFTA, CAFTA, the Transpacific Partnership (TPP) and the Security and Prosperity Partnership (North American Union).

Now let’s look at what the collusion of the radical, international environmentalists and the U. S. government together, have done for us.

1- The purposeful and unconstitutional theft of our property rights with environmental law after environmental law.

2- Severely restricts development of new crude oil resources on American soil for 30 years.

3- Stopped all construction of new power generation and refineries on American soil for 30 years.

4- Trying to take control of every mud puddle in America (Clean Water Restoration Act) – EPA rules).

5- Instituting an ill-conceived and dastardly policy to turn “food” into fuel.

6- Brainwashing the entire American population (including our children in public schools and colleges) into believing that we are the cause of the destruction of our planet and must give up our cars and our lifestyle and pay for CO2 emissions. (wealth redistribution)

7- Along with all this brainwashing comes the propaganda and lies of man-caused global warming.

8- The mandated institution of a National Animal Index System (NAIS) to register every animal and every premise in America, that might be harboring livestock or other animals. It’s been shelved for now but it will be back.

9- But worst of all comes the treasonous degradation of the foundation of our laws, our constitution, by integrating UN and European social and environmental policies into law by presidential executive order and without the debate and ratification of such additions to our laws by the U. S. Congress, as required by the constitution. And what is the result of the government’s collusion with the radical, international environmentalists? Rapidly accelerating costs of everything and the direct and inexcusable loss of our freedom and liberty.

Then we have the government’s monetary policy under the Federal Reserve. But then the Federal Reserve isn’t a government entity, is it? It is run by a bunch of elite bankers who tweak the supply of money (money that essentially has no intrinsic value) by moving the interest rate they charge other banks, up or down, in response to perceived events that they, in their infinite wisdom have determined that such changes are required. Unfortunately, they are usually wrong or go too far and set off a chain of events that they then try to over-correct and end up acting like a teenager just learning to drive. The Feds have the power to send us into a recession, or rapid inflation, or stagflation and they do. Who pays the price for their tomfoolery and their inability to properly make adjustments to a dynamic system? We do!

And of course, let’s not forget the government’s social policies. From the New Deal in the 1930’s to President Johnson’s Great Society, the blood-sucking government has eaten up trillions of our tax dollars to solve a problem (or is it buy votes with our money) that shows no signs of getting any better. In so doing, they have robbed the pride, self-reliance, independence and a can-do spirit out of millions of Americans who have sold their souls and their freedom for a piece of the American hard-working producer’s sweat equity. Instead of growing in independence, they have grown totally dependent. These folks that drink at the “well” of the government’s largess, become unproductive and an increasing load on the rest of us.

Finally, the good ‘Ole Federal government passes law after law that then filters down to state and local governments. This then creates law-driven symptoms that have us all running around like chickens with their heads cut off, trying to stop the state and local governments from making our lives even more miserable than the Feds have already done. In our actions to thwart these government-manufactured “symptoms”, we take our collective “eyes” off of the ball that is the direct cause of all these local symptoms; the 545 people that control everything in America. Socialists and radical environmentalists camp at government’s door, vying for any favor they can get from government, in return for money, votes, or perks offered by the lobbyists. Our system of government has become so corrupt that only a revolution can ever bring sanity to what is now hopelessly insane and out of control.

There is so much more that government has done for (or is it TO) us but there isn’t enough space here to describe them all. So what HAS government done for you? They have taken our pride, our hard-earned money and our liberty, for policies that far exceed the limits of commons sense, much less the individual, inalienable rights, that are the irrevocable gift of our creator.

But then, what with jobs, commutes, kids, homes, vacations, entertainment and sports, it’s so hard to pay much attention to what our government is doing.

Wasn’t it President Ronald Reagan who said. “The most terrifying words in the English language are: “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” He also said: “Government is not the solution. Government is the problem.”

If only government would just get out of the way and let the spirit of a free American people prosper and save themselves and the rest of the world, like some have said we were pre-ordained to do. The sad truth is that, government will not get out of the way unless the people force them.

We describe some of these conditions in our new video:


Click on the link above to view the video.

[NOTE: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

© 2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved

America’s first and last mistake

“In many cases, no doubt, Americans do not want to be delivered from their sins (Matthew 1:21) they want to be delivered from God to remain in their sins and call it grace.” -Jeremiah 7:10

In Judges 6, God instructed Gideon to tear down his father’s altars and idols that had been allowed to overtake the nation (Mark 7:13). Gideon obeyed the Lord despite the traditions, teachings, and obvious persecution that would befall him due to the standing up for the Lord.

In America, many altars and idols have risen that the Lord commands we should tear down (Judges 6:25). Unfortunately, many of these altars and idols are not only found in secular society, but have crept into the Church unaware, and have been unnoticed and embraced by many. So, let’s take a look at these idols that are so warmly embraced, and what you are directly responsible for tearing down (Deuteronomy 4:6).

Preaching a lawless gospel fails to use the Ten Commandments to bring the knowledge of sin, which is the schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, in which is perfect, converting the soul (Romans 7:7; Galatians 3:24; Psalm 19:7).

This false gospel is built on man-made methods and says those who use the law are legalistic.

John Newton (writer of Amazing Grace), said, “Ignorance of the nature and design of the law is at the bottom of most religious mistakes.”

An image in our minds of a tolerant God is a false god that tolerates sin and smiles on humanity as a friend. In fact, God hates sin, calls sinners enemies, and commands us to hate sin as well (James 4:4; Romans 5:10; Colossians 1:21; Psalm 97:10; 119:104; Amos 5:15).

How much does God hate sin? Look to the cross. Charles Spurgeon said, “The very least offense against God is so intolerable, that if Hellfire were put out, one sin could kindle it again.”

Then, there is a presentation of a false grace (Galatians 5:13). This “grace” enables people to stay in their sins by allowing the person to lean on the crutch of imperfection, making the so-called road to Heaven wide when, in fact, this road leads to Hell. The true grace of God empowers you to walk the straight and narrow (Matthew 7:13-14; Romans 5:20; Romans 6).

The true grace of God pulls out the crutch so that you may lean on him who is able to make you perfect, and to perfect the things which concern you (Matthew 5:48; Titus 3:5; Psalm 138:8).

There is also a presentation of a false love. This love overlooks sin and has only a demonstrated lip service and not action. However, the love of God is confrontational, not in lip service, but in action (1 John 3:18). For example, there is a family having a barbecue on top of a burning building. As you walk by, instead of yelling to them how to get out of the building. You imply they are OK by putting on your Sunday smile and waving to them.

Again, Charles Spurgeon rightly said, “I am told Christians do not love each other. I am very sorry if that be true, but I rather doubt it. I suspect that those who do not love each other are not Christians.”

False prophets, the god of prosperity and false peace (Micha 3:5), these supposed prophets through enticing words, praise and adore God and promised peace when there is no peace. In other words, God will give you a bigger house, a bigger car, and more money.

Listen to what the great reformer Martin Luther said, “Satan, the God of all dissension, stirring up daily new sects and last of all, which of all other I should have never foreseen or once suspected, he has raised up a sect such as teach that men should not be terrified by the law, but gently exhausted by the preaching of the grace of Christ.”

Grace, in Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, is defined as the power to restrain from sin, not to indulge in sin (Jeremiah 6:13-14; Ezekiel 13:10; 1Thessalonians 5:3).

The Church Militant

They preach that gain is godliness (1 Timothy 6:5), making merchandise of the people whose God is their belly and whose glory is in their shame. They mind earthly things, consuming things on their own lusts being covetous and making a show of righteousness. They are an abomination to God, and they are enemies of the cross of Jesus Christ; cursed children, whose end is destruction.

Those that come to their false god, are made more than the sons of hell than they were (Philippians 3:18-19; 1 Timothy 6:4-12; Ezekiel 34; Galatians 1:8-9; Luke 16:14-15; Matthew 6:1-6; 23:15).

However, the true prophets of God warn of the judgments to come, speaking the truth always, regardless of what people think of them (1Kings 22; Galatians 1:10; 1 Peter 4:12-14). The true prophets are hated by many and loved by few (John 7:7; 15:12).

Unlike the false prophets, they keep the weightier matters of law, judgment, mercy and faith for which they are usually despised and cast out of the Church. Jesus said, speaking of those that reject Him, “You Generation of Vipers, how can escape the damnation of hell?” (Matthew 23:33-35).

Again folks, beware of false gods.

The Prophet

© 2016 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

Will “Brexit” lead to a british department from the european union?

While the United States is already engaged in an exciting presidential campaign, across the Atlantic, our British cousins are scheduled to vote in an important referendum, “Brexit”, on June 23rd, 2016.

The big question is whether to stay in or get out of the 28-country-member European Union.

No nation has ever withdrawn from the European Union. Should the United Kingdom (UK) successfully do so, it might actually inspire citizens of other member states to organize referendums also.

Needless to say, the Eurocrats and globalists are not keen on Brexit and are hoping it fails.

The election is scheduled to take place on June 23rd in the United Kingdom and the small British territory of Gibraltar in the Mediterranean.

Who is eligible to vote? According to a BBC article, eligible voters are “British, Irish and Commonwealth citizens over 18 who are a BBC article resident in the UK, along with UK nationals living abroad who have been on the electoral register in the UK in the past 15 years. Members of the House of Lords and Commonwealth citizens in Gibraltar will also be eligible, unlike in a general election. Citizens from EU countries – apart from Ireland, Malta and Cyprus – will not get a vote.”

For the voters on that fateful day, there is one simple question on the ballot: “Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?”

There are only two options: “Remain a member of the European Union” or “Leave the European Union”.

If the “Leave” option wins, that doesn’t mean that the UK will immediately exit the EU. There are issues to negotiate. And forces within both the UK and the European Union may still try to derail an exit.

But it would mean that the British electorate has spoken and wants out.

It’s controversial, and people are speaking out. And I don’t just mean British people, you know, the actual people who are supposed to be voting in this referendum.

The German Foreign Minister warned that such an exit could inflame relations between Britain and the Republic of Ireland (another EU member).

But Britain and the Republic of Ireland have their own relationship and even share a peaceful land border. British-Irish relations don’t depend upon the European Union at all. So that’s a red herring.

Not to be outdone, Donald Tusk, Polish-born president of the “European Council” has apocalyptically warned that by just voting on the issue, Britain is threatening “Western political civilisation”.

Wow. Just voting on an issue could destroy Western political civilisation? I thought that voting was part of Western political civilization!

(By the way, “civilisation” and “civilization” are variant spellings of the same word, going back to Oxford University’s preference for –z and Cambridge University’s preference for –s).

Here’s more of what President Tusk said, “As a historian I fear Brexit could be the beginning of the destruction of not only the EU but also Western political civilisation in its entirety.”

Douglas Carswell, British Member of Parliament belonging to UKIP, the United Kingdom Independence Party, responded to Tusk by asking “Why hasn’t Western civilisation come to an end already seeing as how most countries are self governing?”

Minister of State for Employment Priri Patel (the first Hindu woman elected to the British parliament) said “This is extraordinary language from the EU president, and serves only to reveal his own desperation. The only thing that is destroying civilisations is the euro , which has ruined economies and led to youth unemployment soaring to nearly 50% in southern Europe.”

(The UK never adopted the euro currency and still has its own currency, the pound sterling).

Our own President Obama weighed in on Brexit, declaring in a visit that Britain shouldn’t leave the European Union.

Donald Trump thinks Britain would be better off leaving the EU, but hastened to add that “I want them to make their own decision.”

Hysterical warnings that a British departure would hurt the country’s international trade seem unlikely. After all, Britain was an international trading nation centuries before the EU even existed. There are plenty of countries Britain already trades with outside Europe.

A British exit from the EU could allow the country more of a say in its own future. For one thing, it could obtain better control of its immigration policy.

In one word, Brexit is about independence.

June 23rd – the big day for Brexit.

© 2016 Allan Wall – All Rights Reserved

Hillary’s motto: Walls and security for me, not for you

This exclusive interview with Canadian writer Tim Murray gives you an idea of how our elected officials force multiculturalism on us, but make certain they avoid it. Do you get the idea that America’s elite make up the new “Royalty of America” far above the peasants below?

Mr. Murray, please give your impressions of Hillary Clinton’s take on diversity and multiculturalism:

“This morning I heard someone one on Hillary Clinton’s team say during an interview on CNN that the difference between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is that Donald Trump wants to build a wall while Hillary Clinton wants to bring down barriers.

“Hillary Clinton must be so generous. So hospitable! So—what’s that favorite buzzword of progressive lore that I am looking for….oh, now I remember.. now it comes to me. The word is “Welcoming”.

“I wonder how “welcoming” Hillary really is. Is she welcoming when she is on vacation? Let’s have a look.

The Clintons’ waterfront vacation home in Bridgehampton, New York.

“I can’t see a fence or a wall around this place, can you? Maybe it circles those hedges. Maybe not. Do you suppose that you could just walk up the driveway and knock at the door?

“Do you think that Bill would open it and say, “Howdy, why don’t y’all come in. Make yourself at home!” And Hillary would chime in, “The kettle’s on, why don’t sit down here with us and have some tea?”

“And if you couldn’t produce a pass she would say, “Oh, you are undocumented? No problem, you can squat in the bedroom upstairs, and by all means bring your five kids. I don’t want them to live under the threat of eviction. “

“Or that she would say, “You can take refuge here. I believe in sanctuary cities and sanctuary houses.”

“Or that she would denounce as racist or bigoted anyone who warned her that a disproportionate number of people like you who came from rough, crime infested places have committed felonies in this very neighborhood?

“Or that she would berate anyone like Arizona’s Governor who proposed that such people found in her neighborhood be made to produce identity papers if stopped by the police? That police not be able to stop suspicious people found in the area? Somehow I doubt it. What about you?

“If you really want to be inside Hillary’s vacation house, maybe you can try this:

“Ms. Clinton, I will work here and maintain your estate for next to nothing. I will be your housekeeper, your nanny, your gardener or your cook for slave wages. I can displace your current staff. If anyone raises a fuss, just tell them that newcomers like me built this country, and will continue to build it, that America needs more people like me, that we will by our presence enrich this society and make it vibrant, and that diversity makes us strong. And tell them that if they disagree with you on this then they are racists who want to divide us rather than unite us. And that this is not what America is all about. This is not want America stands for. “

“Hillary just might buy it. Especially if you arrive with a deep suntan.

“My dad used to say that if you must judge a man—or woman—judge him by what he does rather than what he says he will do. Look at his track record, not his promises. That sounds like good advice, doesn’t it? Hillary says she wants to take down barriers. Okay, let’s see if she walks the talk.”

But first, let’s determine what a barrier is.

“There many different kinds of barriers, aren’t there? Class differences are a kind of barrier. Some folks can’t live in Hillary’s neighborhood or buy the kind of houses she lives in because they just don’t have enough money. Do you suppose that if she becomes President, Hillary Clinton will relinquish one of hers? That she will sell off a good portion of her stock portfolio and give it to the poor? That she will refuse her Presidential salary, or decline fees for her speaking engagements? Or turn down offers to sit on corporate boards for six figure salaries and options after she leaves office?

“She says that she wants to “unite” Americans and bring them together. Do you imagine that she will unite poor ‘undocumented’ Latinos and blacks by bringing them together as residents on her estate? Do you think that she will one day choose to live side by side with the downtrodden? The people she says she knows all about?

“Then there is white male privilege. The barrier de jour. Do you think Hillary would pressure Bill to give up his privileges? The privilege of living in mansions and posh areas and travelling the world and earning big money for making speeches?

“And then there is the most conspicuous of barriers: Walls and fences. Fences like more and more European countries are erecting to prevent tens of thousands of migrants from pouring across their borders? And walls like the one Donald Trump wants to build. Walls like the one that Pope Francis lives behind at the Vatican.

“We are talking about the guy who lectures Americans and Europeans for wanting to stop the influx of endless waves of migrants who threat to displace jobs and drive down wages and bankrupt their welfare state and overburden their social safety net. The most ardent and famous open borders advocate of them all, including even Hillary Clinton.

“Is Hillary Clinton really against walls? Does she really want to bring down barriers? Does she really want to be left unguarded? Is she really prepared to, as I said, walk the talk? Well, to answer those questions, let’s apply my father’s test. Let’s she where she lives now—and where she wants to live soon—in the White House:

The Clinton’s Washington, DC house. Hey, isn’t that a wall that I see behind that parked vehicle?

Above: One of the many gates at the White House. You can’t get in without a “hard pass” or a special invitation. It’s a security “island.”

And then there’s her daughter Chelsea. According to a report by the New York Daily News about Chelsea’s purchase of an apartment in New York a few years back:

“Chelsea Clinton’s new $10million pad is New York’s longest apartment – stretching an entire block from 26th Street to 27th Street off Madison Avenue. Described as ‘a luxury fortress’ with one full-time doorman to the horizontal building’s four units, it takes almost 30 seconds to walk the 250-foot hallway,… The apartment is located in The Whitman building next to Madison Square Park, one of the most desirable corners of Manhattan’s Flatiron District.”

“Initially there was just one full-time doorman to stand watch outside. But one can assume that if Hillary becomes President, there will be more than just a “doorman” to mind the store. Or will she demonstrate her determination to remove barriers by demanding that security agents guarding the site be withdrawn and the doormen be dismissed?”

“I think you know the answer. And I think, on the basis of the information provided here, you will share my belief that Hillary Clinton is a flaming hypocrite.”

© 2016 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

A serious question for the NRA Pt. 1

As regular readers of my commentaries know, from time to time I have written about the National Rifle Association’s curious misreading of the Second Amendment—to wit, that the Amendment’s first thirteen words (“[a] well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State”) have no significance with respect to the interpretation and application of the Amendment’s last fourteen words (“the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”). According to the NRA, the Second Amendment secures “the individual right to keep and bear arms”, to which “[a] well regulated Militia” is irrelevant.

I must describe the NRA’s fixation as a most curious misreading of the Second Amendment because, if “the individual right to keep and bear arms” is irrelevant to “[a] well regulated Militia”, then by dint of the NRA’s own linguistic logic “the individual right to keep and bear arms” must be equally irrelevant to “the security of a free State” to which the Amendment declares that such a Militia is “necessary”. If so, then the NRA’s reading of the Amendment is at odds with its contention that “the individual right to keep and bear arms” guarantees Americans the wherewithal to preserve “the Blessings of Liberty” promised by the Constitution in its Preamble. For, if “the individual right to keep and bear arms” is as irrelevant to “the security of a free State” as it supposedly is to “[a] well regulated Militia”, it passes understanding that it could guarantee any aspect of “a free State”, including especially the “Liberty” of that State’s citizens.

This apparent conundrum is, of course, not the product of the Constitution. For, according to the most basic rules of constitutional interpretation, the NRA’s construction of the Second Amendment is impossible. In general, “[i]t cannot be presumed, that any clause in the constitution is intended to be without effect”. Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137, 174 (1803). And “[i]n expounding the Constitution * * * , every word must have its due force, and appropriate meaning; for it is evident from the whole instrument, that no word was unnecessarily used, or needlessly added”. Holmes v. Jennison, 39 U.S. (14 Peters) 550, 570-571 (1840). Moreover, with respect in particular to the clause “[a] well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State”, “[i]t cannot be supposed that the framers of the Constitution did not use this expression with deliberation or failed to appreciate its plain significance”. Wright v. United States, 302 U.S. 583, 587-588 (1938). See also, e.g., Myers v. United States, 272 U.S. 52, 151-152 (1926); Knowlton v. Moore, 178 U.S. 41, 87 (1900); Blake v. McClung, 172 U.S. 239, 260-261 (1898); Reid v. Covert, 354 U.S. 1, 44 (1957) (opinion of Frankfurter, J.).

My emphasis on this peculiar situation is not simply a matter of constitutional pedantry devoid of practical consequences. For, by widely disseminating its misreading of the Second Amendment among the general public, the NRA lends credibility to a most dangerous misconception—to wit, that Americans can secure for themselves “the Blessings of Liberty” by purely individual actions alone, when every page in the book of American political and legal theory and history teaches that popular sovereignty, popular self-government, and the “Blessings of Liberty” that go with them necessarily entail, and can be achieved and maintained only through, collective endeavors by WE THE PEOPLE as a whole. No one who studies America’s Colonial Charters, the Declaration of Independence, the constitutions of the independent States, the Articles of Confederation, the original Constitution, and even the Second Amendment can come to any other conclusion.

I have tried, on more than one occasion, to call this matter to the attention of the NRA, for the purpose of encouraging the organization to reassess its position and become a proponent of revitalization of “the Militia of the several States”, as the only sure and certain means to provide for “the security of a free State” throughout this country. To date, however, these efforts have proven unsuccessful.

Perhaps my failures are exclusively my fault. But, then again, perhaps not. Inasmuch as my own estimation of cause and effect might be considered biased, I shall put it to my readers to judge for themselves. Below, I reproduce (with some minor redactions) a letter which I wrote several months ago to certain members of the NRA’s Board of Directors, explaining why the NRA should promote revitalization of the Militia, and soliciting their support to that end. To date, I have received not a single response. The question which perplexes me is, “Why not?” Is revitalization of the Militia a matter which is not to be taken seriously? Or am I, personally, not to be taken seriously? Or is the NRA’s championship of the Second Amendment not to be taken seriously?

It may be that some of the readers of this commentary will conclude that what I have recommended in the letter reproduced below makes sense, and that the NRA should pay some little attention to it. If so, they might consider contacting the NRA, and asking “Why not?” At some point, an answer needs to be had.


25 January 2016

National Rifle Association Directors * * *
c/o NRA Office of the Secretary
11250 Waples Mill Road
Fairfax, Virginia 22030

Re: The NRA’s necessary rôle in revitalization of “the Militia of the several States”

Dear NRA Directors * * * :

As a long-time member of the National Rifle Association * * * , I write in order to urge each of you, as members of the NRA’s Board of Directors, to bring to the Board’s attention the necessity for the NRA to recognize the urgency of the declaration in the Second Amendment that “[a] well regulated Militia” is “necessary to the security of a free State” at this critical juncture in the course of human events, and for that reason to become the leading participant in a nationwide movement to revitalize what the Constitution denotes as “the Militia of the several States”. I believe that it is particularly fitting for, as well as incumbent upon, me to make this request, as I have written several books on this subject—including Constitutional “Homeland Security”, Volume One, The Nation in Arms (2007); Constitutional “Homeland Security”, Volume Two, The Sword and Sovereignty (2012); Constitutional “Homeland Security”, Volume Three, By Tyranny Out of Necessity: The Bastardy of “Martial Law” (2014 and 2016); Three Rights (2013); and Thirteen Words (2013)—as well as numerous commentaries originally published at the website since 2005 and now widely dispersed across the internet.

I have undertaken these efforts neither for my own entertainment nor with any realistic hope of financial gain from a lucrative publishing enterprise. Instead, my goal has been simply to elucidate the truth of the matter, to educate my fellow countrymen about it, to encourage them to become personally involved in the revitalization of “the Militia of the several States”, and to effect as much political and legislative movement in that direction within the States as possible as soon as possible—or, as I like to put it, immediately, if not sooner. I realize, however, that I cannot accomplish this goal simply by disseminating my work in “the free marketplace of ideas” without a significant measure of assistance from others better situated than I am to reach large numbers of Americans with this message. Therefore, this letter.

A. The revitalization of “the Militia of the several States” is critical for our country’s survival.

The first thirteen words of the Second Amendment—“[a] well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State”—constitute more than a merely hortatory pronouncement, hoary with the dust of a bygone era, that today has no practical relevance to the Amendment’s last fourteen words. Rather, those words constitute: (i) a finding of historical fact—to wit, that Americans secured “a free State” for themselves by virtue of their organization in “well regulated Militia”; (ii) a conclusion of constitutional law—to wit, that such Militia must always exist within every State in the Union, just as Article I, Section 8, Clause 15 and 16 and Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 of the Constitution presume that they will; and (iii) an admonition which the Founders of this country drew from both political theory and their own experiences—to wit, that “a free State” cannot long exist anywhere within this country without “well regulated Militia” everywhere throughout this country.

In the “well regulated” form which the Constitution requires, however, “the Militia of the several States” are nowhere to be found in America today:

• The National Guard and the Naval Militia in which some Americans are enrolled are not “militia” of any sort. Rather, they are the “Troops, or Ships of War” which the States may “keep * * * in time of Peace” “with[ ] the Consent of Congress”, pursuant to Article I, Section 10, Clause 3 of the Constitution. This (among other things) explains why they are not based upon near-universal compulsory membership, and why they can be called upon to perform services for the United States beyond the three specified in Article I, Section 8, Clause 15 for which alone Congress may “provide for calling forth the Militia”.

• The so-called “unorganized militia” to which most Americans are consigned by statute—in 10 U.S.C. § 311(b)(2) and, for example, Code of Virginia §§ 44-1 and 44-4—is no constitutional Militia, either. For no part of any constitutional Militia can be “unorganized”. Indeed, Article I, Section 8, Clause 16 of the Constitution of the United States empowers Congress “[t]o provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia”—not for leaving the Militia “unorganiz[ed]”. And Article I, Section 13 of the Constitution of Virginia defines “a well regulated militia” as being “composed of the body of the people, trained to arms”—which, plainly enough, an “unorganized” Militia can never be, unless “the people” can somehow be “trained to arms” without being organized to that end.

• Finally, the various “private militia” which have sprung up across this country (including * * * in Virginia) in recent years are not constitutional Militia, because they are not “regulated” at all pursuant to statute, and therefore cannot claim (let alone assert) any specifically governmental authority. Under the First Amendment, they may adopt the title “militia” with as much freedom as they may style themselves “the Palace Guard of the Grand Duchess of Gerolstein”. But in either case the self-description is fanciful; and as far as the description “militia” is concerned, it is feckless for the purpose for which they put it forth.
This is a truly impossible situation for a country which, in its fundamental law, holds up “[a] well regulated Militia” as “being necessary to the security of a free State”. The notion that “private militia” could provide “the security of a free State” is delusive, because “private militia” can exist only in, and themselves require protection by, “a free State”. The notion that the States’ “Troops, or Ships of War” could provide “the security of a free State” is dangerous, because “a free State” must always closely control a “standing army”, which it can hardly expect to do if “the standing army” is the sole source of its “security”. And the notion that an “unorganized militia” could provide “the security of a free State” is disastrous, because an “unorganized militia” is effectively not in existence at all, and therefore cannot possibly supply what is “necessary” for anyone’s “security”. So, confronted by numerous dire threats, from international “terrorism” to domestic economic collapse, our country risks not simply a nationwide crisis, but even a national débâcle, should this situation fail to be corrected immediately, if not sooner.

B. For this country to survive in its traditional form, Americans must revitalize their Militia, because “well regulated Militia” are the “necessary”—indeed, the natural, the inevitable, and the indispensable—institutions through which the Power of the Sword is organized and employed for “the security of a free State”.

In any truly “free State”—that is, in any polity in which the people have absorbed the political principles of popular sovereignty, and therefore desire and strive to govern themselves—the people will instinctually, intuitively, and eventually intellectually recognize the importance of the Militia to that end. If incompetent or disloyal political leaders fail, neglect, or refuse to provide a program for establishment of the Militia according to law, patriots will undertake to make up for that deficiency on their own.

Unfortunately, just because the Militia are inevitable in principle does not guarantee that their advent will be timely in practice. Patriotic Americans may finally attempt to revitalize the Militia only when their efforts prove to be too little and too late. After all (as I can testify from personal experience), in the contemporary United States the few private individuals who and ad hoc groups which openly favor revitalization of the Militia along constitutional lines lack the numbers, the influence among the general public, and especially the financial wherewithal to hope to be successful in the very near term in even a single State. For part two click below.

© 2016 Edwin Vieira, Jr. – All Rights Reserved

A serious question for the NRA Pt. 2

Nevertheless, reasons to be optimistic exist. One of them is that, just as this country is being confronted by ever-increasing dangers to its “security” as “a free State”, certain NRA programs are beginning to take on the character of proper training for the Militia. In general, I could list all of the basic courses in which I participate as a certified NRA firearms instructor. More specifically, I could refer to such newer courses as the “Survival Class”, the “Tactical Carbine Class”, and the “Long Range School”. [See “NRA Outdoors Offers Various Classes for 2016”, American Rifleman (January 2016), at 102.] As more and more of such courses are offered, a rough program of basic Militia training will take shape “by accretion”, as it were, of one small piece of the requisite structure at a time. The NRA’s development of these courses may not be—most likely is not—intentionally motivated by a concern for revitalizing the Militia. But that result will not be inadvertent, accidental, or merely coincidental, either. For any organization which seriously defends “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms” will more or less automatically promote some of the training which can prepare “the people” for participation in “well regulated Militia”.

The problem is that the NRA is advancing only by fits and starts, and only for a relatively small number of Americans, the true and full agenda of the Second Amendment (as well as of the Militia Clauses of the original Constitution)—namely, the exercise of “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms” for the ultimate purpose of their service, both as their right and as their duty, in “well regulated Militia”. There appears to be no conscious appreciation among either the organization’s leaders or its members of “the big constitutional picture”, in terms of either what the NRA is actually accomplishing (albeit perhaps unconsciously), or what more needs to be done, with respect to the prospect of revitalizing the Militia. Indeed, as far as I have been able to determine, nothing in the NRA’s current literature links any of its programs in any manner and in the least degree to “well regulated Militia”, even in principle let alone in practice. If the public perception naturally to be drawn from this observation is correct, as far as the NRA is concerned the Second Amendment contains only fourteen words, not twenty-seven.

This is doubly unfortunate. First, as every student of the subject knows, “‘[i]n expounding the Constitution of the United States, every word must have its due force, and appropriate meaning; for it is evident from the whole instrument, that no word was unnecessarily used, or needlessly added. * * * Every word appears to have been weighed with the utmost deliberation, and its force and effect to have been fully understood’”. Williams v. United States, 289 U.S. 553, 572-573 (1933). So, as a result of its truncated emphasis on the last fourteen words of the Second Amendment, the NRA forfeits credibility in the all-important “marketplace of ideas”. As Richard Weaver once famously observed, “ideas have consequences”. And, as should be obvious to all, incorrect ideas about critical matters all too often beget catastrophes. Second, because of its unwarrantable bisection of the Amendment, the NRA’s programs are advancing too slowly, in comparison to the acceleration of the dangers now impinging upon this country, to be expected to thwart or even significantly militate against those dangers. The NRA should be aiming at the election of public officials who are dedicated to promotion of “the security of a free State” through revitalization of the Militia, and through such officials at the passage of legislation for that purpose in the several States. Absent such action, the NRA will remain far less effective than it otherwise could and should be, not only to its own detriment but also (and more importantly) to the detriment of this country as a whole.

C. What, then, should be done? Simply put, the NRA must assume the constitutionally proper leadership rôle with respect to the Second Amendment.

1. To accomplish this, the organization’s hierarchy—primarily its Board of Directors—must initially recognize that the NRA is in an anomalous, but also a peculiarly advantageous, position.

The NRA’s position is anomalous, because: First, it is merely a private group. Second, there would be no need for the NRA at all, had “the Militia of the several States” been in existence to their full constitutional extent since (say) the end of World War II. Third, and of most consequence, the NRA’s interpretation of the Second Amendment is of limited accuracy, relevance, and practicality. The so-called “individual right” theory of the Amendment is only marginally correct. “[T]he security of a free State” as a whole (as opposed to the security of individuals as such) cannot be had without a thoroughgoing organization of the populace in institutions which exercise governmental authority. “[T]he right of the people to keep and bear Arms” narrowly defined for the purpose of enabling isolated individuals to defend themselves against common criminals will prove of little use against any large-scale tyranny worthy of the name, let alone against natural disasters, epidemics or pandemics, catastrophic industrial accidents, failures of the systems necessary to maintain the operations of a technologically advanced society (such as a breakdown of the national electrical grid), an economic collapse engendered through a failure of the Federal Reserve System, or any other catastrophic eventualities in response to which properly organized, armed, disciplined, and trained Militia could and should be deployed in every State and Locality throughout this country.

The NRA’s position is advantageous, though, because: First, no constitutionally adequate Militia exists anywhere within the United States today—so the ground is clear for up-to-date and comprehensive revitalization everywhere. Second, Article II of the NRA’s own Bylaws states (in pertinent part) that

[t]he purposes and objective of the National Rifle Association * * * are: 1. To protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, especially with respect to the inalienable right of the individual American citizen guaranteed by such Constitution to acquire, possess, collect, exhibit, transport, carry, transfer ownership of, and enjoy the right to use arms, in order that the people may always be in a position to exercise their legitimate individual rights of self defense and defense of family, person, and property, as well as to serve in the appropriate militia for the common defense of the Republic and the individual liberty of its citizens; 2. To promote public safety, law and order, and the national defense; 3. To train members of law enforcement agencies, the armed forces, the militia, and people of good repute in marksmanship and in the safe handling and efficient use of small arms[.]
Observe that points 1 and 3 specifically refer to the Militia. And point 2 refers to “public safety, law and order, and the national defense”, which are the explicit constitutional responsibilities of the Militia (and only the Militia) under Article I, Section 8, Clause 15 of the Constitution, which empowers Congress “[t]o provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions”. Thus, according to this bylaw, the NRA should be an ardent advocate, assistant, and even architect of “the Militia of the several States”, so as fully (in the bylaw’s own words) “[t]o protect and defend the Constitution of the United States”, in keeping specifically with the declaration of the Second Amendment that “[a] well regulated Militia” is “necessary to the security of a free State”. Third, starting with the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice (1901) and the Civilian Marksmanship Program (1903), the NRA has had a long and successful relationship with the General Government—proving that the NRA has served, and can continue to serve, some important governmental purposes notwithstanding that it is a private group. Compare McCulloch v. Maryland, 17 U.S. (4 Wheaton) 316, 407-423 (1819). Moreover, relationships of this kind can be extended to the States as well—and should be, inasmuch as the Militia are “the Militia of the several States” (not “of the United States”). Fourth, throughout the process of revitalizing the Militia the NRA will be ready and able to provide public officials and the nascent Militia with expert guidance and assistance available from no other private organization (and, from what I have been able to glean from the relevant literature, from no governmental organization anywhere within the federal system, either).

2. In addition to the foregoing, the Board should recognize that, if the NRA marshals the moral integrity, historical hindsight, practical political foresight, and legal insight of its officers, members, and many friends amongst the general public, it can assume the leadership of a national political campaign to revitalize the Militia, and by doing so can contribute decisively to the salvation of this country as “a free State”. Indeed, the NRA is probably the only organization even arguably capable of doing so at the present time.

None of us is unaware that the NRA has been criticized as being too soft, too pliable, too apt to play politics, and generally too willing to compromise with respect to “gun control”. Even if such detractions are to some extent justifiable, America does not enjoy the luxury of unlimited time during which “to reinvent the wheel” where revitalization of the Militia is concerned. In my book Constitutional “Homeland Security”, Volume One, The Nation in Arms (2007), I proposed that patriotic citizens should form numerous local associations, not affiliated with or dependent upon any national organization, for that purpose. Yet, almost a decade later, vanishingly few people have responded to my recommendations; and the growing-season still left to this country may not prove long enough to plant and harvest such a crop from seed. Anticipating that this may prove to be the case, we need to utilize whatever resources are already at hand, and the performance of which may be capable of improvement. For better or worse, arguably that boils down to a single organization: the NRA.

The NRA disposes of the appropriate historical pedigree, the structure, the staff, the programs, and the experience to undertake the task. Based upon its successes in electoral politics, its network of effective lobbyists, its ability to access and influence even the generally antagonistic mass media, its large number of members, its highly qualified instructors, its financial resources, and its good repute among most sensible Americans, the NRA can form the center of a mass movement aimed at a goal much more important than securing the so-called “individual right to keep and bear arms” on which it focuses its attention today. For no merely “individual right to keep and bear arms”, exercised by individuals as individuals in mutual isolation, can defend Americans from tyranny, let alone protect it from many other dangers far more likely than full-blown tyranny to strike this country in the short term. Only revitalized Militia—composed, to be sure, of individuals, but of individuals acting in unison, and imbued with governmental authority of the highest order—can provide that protection across the board.

That the NRA has survived, and even grown significantly in strength and stature over the past several years, in the face of relentless and strident attacks from “gun-control” fanatics, their political allies, their transmission belts in the mass media, and hordes of useful idiots among the intelligentsia, proves that the organization cannot easily be swayed from its chosen course, let alone silenced. Such attacks, of course, would become ever more desperate and savage if the NRA should begin to promote revitalization the Militia. For the “gun-control” fanatics understand perfectly well that what is ultimately at stake is not a merely “individual right to keep and bear arms”—the existence of which even today only marginally inconveniences the political dominance of the factions, special interests, and other dark forces on behalf of which those fanatics bluster—but instead the amalgamation of all individuals capable of exercising such basically anarchic “individual rights” into fully organized “well regulated Militia” authorized to execute the laws of the Union and of their own States, the appearance of which would change the balance of political power in this country drastically, decisively, and permanently in favor of We the People. But the more extreme the opposition which “gun-control” fanatics mounted, the more conclusive would be the proof of the value of revitalizing the Militia.

D. Finally, is all of this too much to ask of the NRA?

Indeed, can it be asked? Does the organization have the sense and the courage to undertake such a daunting task? I believe so. I believe that the NRA is capable of understanding why, in the final analysis, “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms” can be guaranteed only if “the people” are organized in “well regulated Militia”. I believe that the NRA can commit itself to the defense of “a free State” in the one and only manner in which the Constitution tells us “a free State” must be defended. And if cold ratiocination will not serve as the decisive motivating factor, then fear will. It is said that nothing focuses a man’s mind more than his impending hanging. Surely the same must be true for a country faced with its own imminent destruction.

Yet, for anything worthwhile to happen, someone capable of exerting influence within the NRA needs to convince the organizational hierarchy; then the hierarchy needs to convince the organization’s own members; then the organization and its members and other adherents need to convince the sensible portion of the remaining population. The NRA’s Directors—such as yourselves—are in the best position, and bear the greatest responsibility, to begin this process:

• You can raise the question of why, when the Second Amendment contains twenty-seven words, the NRA focuses on only the last fourteen of them.

• You can raise the question of how the NRA can claim to be a true defender of “a free State” when it neglects what the Second Amendment itself declares in its first thirteen words to be “necessary to the security of a free State”. And

• You can demand answers to these questions in the most important of organizational fora—from your own fellow Directors and the rest of the NRA’s hierarchy in its headquarters.

If not you, then who? If not now, then when? When it is too late?

I enclose for your perusal a copy of my book The Sword and Sovereignty. This, I admit, is something of a formidable work which no one could reasonably be expected to read, let alone to digest, at a single sitting. Having it readily at hand will, however, provide you with some little evidence of the seriousness of the historical and constitutional arguments in favor of revitalization of the Militia. In addition, I should be willing to discuss this matter with you, either individually or in a group, at your convenience—whether to make a fully structured presentation on the subject or just to answer your questions informally.

Thanking you for your attention to this matter, I remain

Your servant,

Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr.

© 2016 Edwin Vieira, Jr. – All Rights Reserved

Freedom from religion foundation Pt. 2

“I’m Secular and I Vote” Campaign

Any religion, by definition, sports its own distinctive vocabulary, sacred symbolism, grand metanarrative, exclusive truth exercised by faith, code of ethics/morality, creed, rituals, evangelism, and discipleship. As is true with any worldview, secularism by nature is a religion. Logically, to discard religion is to separate from the above, but secularism instead exhibits them all. Hence, “freedom from religion” is better understood as switching religion from one brand to another.

In Part 1, we established that judicial acknowledgement, a distinctive vocabulary, grand metanarrative, and vision for the ideal accompany secularism and religion. All inform voters and influence the course of a nation.

The late journalist Christopher Hitchens reasoned, “Since it is obviously inconceivable that all religions can be right, the most reasonable conclusion is that they are all wrong.”[1] Of course, one could counter, “Since it is obviously inconceivable that all secularists (or progressives) can be right, the most reasonable conclusion is that they are all wrong.” But I digress.

Belief Claiming Exclusive Truth

Naturalists reproach biblical apologists for fortifying dogma by inserting “the God of the gaps”; however, in a letter to Dr. Asa Gray, their hero Charles Darwin admitted, “Imagination must fill up very wide blanks.” Despite these blanks, naturalists embrace “settled science” as exclusive truth.
Having studied under the famous scholar, Gamaliel, the Apostle Paul had legitimate claim to knowledge of truth.

Because experience shows God’s unfailing strength as perfected in weakness, Paul deemed God’s grace to be sufficient and chose wisely to “boast” in his own weaknesses so that “the power of Christ might rest upon him.”[2] In Darwin’s world, to the contrary, the weakest links are expunged as “maladjusted morons and misfits.”[3] In shunning lesser human specimens, secular elitists worship at their own makeshift altar of exclusivity.

• Exclusive Truth: Settled Science

Mind you, Darwin hated his time at school and applied himself minimally. He left Edinburgh without a degree; and, at Christ’s College, Cambridge, where he studied theology, he earned what was regarded as an “ordinary” degree. Darwin’s body of work was not wholly original, as one might expect. Instead, its borrowed tenets were lifted from a poem written by Charles’ grandfather, Dr. Erasmus Darwin. The latter practiced an 18th-century pseudo-science (Galvanism) that involved running electrical currents through corpses of dead animals to bring them back to life.

Both wellborn-and-bred British elitists of their day, forward-thinking cousins Darwin and Galton identified with the dark side of the Enlightenment. Both rejected democratic elements, but some semblance of science suited their common cause.[4] Darwin’s legendary treatise, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life, filled the bill nicely. In 1993, a number of intellectually dissatisfied scientists representing a variety of disciplines took a fresh look at Darwinism in light of ever exploding scientific knowledge. Unlike Darwin, well-studied, degreed, and highly decorated scientists found irrefutable evidence for Intelligent Design.

• Accepted by Faith

FFRF professor of ecology and evolution at the University of Chicago, Jerry Coyne, Ph.D., authored, Why Evolution is True. For Darwin’s theory to fly, faith in random genetic changes, at every turn, must provide advantage in an organism’s struggle to survive. This is not only highly improbable; it’s impossible. Even the evolutionary apologist British zoologist Julian Huxley ceded that a mutation signifies abnormality, not evolutionary advancement. Students of Darwinian thought are expected to overlook the fact that distinctive human attributes (i.e., language, posture/gait, moral/religious sensibilities, art/music appreciation) are not explicable by variations—i.e., multiple mutations or genetic shuffling. If it isn’t observable, repeatable, and measurable, and as long as scientists ask questions and apply the scientific method, science is not settled. My point? Evolutionary theory is just that: a theory.

Given the Second Law of Thermodynamics, Irreducible Complexity, and Law of Mutation, chance takes even more faith to believe than creation by an Intelligent Designer of an astonishingly ordered universe! Professor Hoyle compared the Darwinian process to the unlikelihood of a tornado’s sweeping through a junkyard and thereby producing a Boeing 747 from materials therein! Odds of this ever happening are astronomical.

Positive Impact on Society

Wrongly so, freethinkers credit persons unconstrained by religion with most social and moral progress throughout the history of Western civilization. Marketed to appeal to man’s best intentions (the common good, survival, advanced societies), evolutionary thought instead perpetuates a host of societal ills. Whether by abortion, infanticide, forced sterilization, euthanasia, or assisted suicide, “useless eaters” are targeted for extinction; and “the unfit” remain subject to human experimentalism and pharmacological abuse.[5]

Darwin’s theory validated his “good old boys” network of British elitists; and, arguably, it spawned socio-political atrocities of monumental proportion. His flawed line of secularist, elitist thinking is precisely what spawned slavery, segregation, racist immigration laws (to turn away post-war Jewish refugees), the infamous Tuskegee Project, and application of the “one-drop rule” to ensure racial purity/ hygiene. Progress? Positive impact on society? I think not.[6]

On the other hand, Dr. James Allan Francis eloquently explained, “Today Jesus is the central figure of the human race and the leader of mankind’s progress. All the armies that have ever marched, all the navies that have ever sailed, all the parliaments that have ever sat, all the kings that ever reigned—put together—have not affected the life of mankind on earth as powerfully as that one solitary life.”[7]

Sacred Symbolism

FFRF lawyers defend distribution of tracts (called “non-tracts” in the secularist’s lexicon) and activity books on display tables in public schools. Purported advocates of separation between church and state, secularists in Orlando and Denver nonetheless display pamphlets that address sex in the Bible and problems with the Ten Commandments (you know, religion). Foundation co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor assures authorities that the activity book for middle- and high school- students teaches “kindness” and, if only by limiting the satanic theme to symbols in drawings, “the basic morals that we all agree on.”[8]

Occult symbolism gets a pass, but not prayer emojis. Recently, FFRF called on Apple CEO Tim Cook to remove all prayer emojis (symbols of cruel and unusual proselytizing) from iPhones and other devices. The Foundation’s Co-President Dan Barker warns, “Apple may not be afraid of the FBI, but they should be afraid of the millions of secular consumers who can’t stand these emojis.”[9]

Code of Ethics/Morality

Although Paul Kurtz insists that the Humanist Manifesto is committed to reason, science, and democracy, secular humanism is really secular de-humanism. After all, Kurtz’s worldview recognizes no mandate to celebrate, facilitate, or protect life. Instead, it advances an individual’s right to “die with dignity”—whether by euthanasia or suicide. Because secularists perceive humans as mere products of time and chance, it stands to reason that life is devoid of elevated meaning. Darwinian theory defers to the paramount principle that “ends justify means.”

Freethinking poet-historian Jennifer Michael Hecht reasons, “If there is no god — and there isn’t — then we [humans] made up morality. And I’m very impressed.” Claim to have created from nothing something that all can agree upon is indeed impressive—but only as a feat of fancy (a miracle, if you will). In reality, despite secular claims, basic morals that “we all agree on” don’t exist.

Creed (Dogma) and Catechism

Columnist for The Nation, Katha Pollitt regularly and energetically proclaims the atheist’s creed, “There is no God.” In accordance with this creed, secularists must transcend “inflexible moral and religious ideologies.” True to the secular catechism, believers celebrate, practice, and reward “plain speaking” on the shortcomings of religion. Accordingly, at the FFRF 39th annual convention in Pittsburgh (October 2016), theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss will be awarded the Emperor Has No Clothes Award.[10]

The Humanist Manifesto urges “people of good will” to work together toward “human ends,” but notable secularist, Oxford professor emeritus Richard Dawkins, characterizes the God of the Old Testament as “the most unpleasant character in all fiction.” While Dawkins claims for himself the right to freedom from offense, he denies Christians and Jews the same courtesy.


Both worldviews, secularism and religion, hold claim to exclusive truth accepted by faith, a creed (dogma), and sacred symbolism. Exercising an identified code of ethics and morality, each claims to impact society positively. To insist that secularism frees one from religion is incredulous; nonetheless, the Freedom From Religion Foundation accepts the one as truth, the other as fancy.

© 2016 Debra Rae – All Rights Reserved


1. (Denton, Evolution, A Theory in Crisis, 24) and retrieved 29 January 2013.
2. 2 Corinthians 12:9—“And he said unto me, ‘My grace is sufficient for thee’: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”
3. During the 1960 Presidential campaign, Margaret Sanger referred to Catholics as “black moles invading our buildings of democracy.” Sanger called for the segregation of “morons, misfits, and the maladjusted” and for the sterilization of races that she deemed to be genetically inferior (i.e., blacks).
4. Chuck Morse. The Monkey Trial: Evolutionary Politics in the Post-Modern Age. (Boston: City Metro Enterprises, 2013).
5. In 1961, Aldous Huxley, an important evolutionary thinker, lectured at the California Medical School in San Francisco where he stated: “And it seems to me perfectly in the cards that there will be within the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. As part of a plan to help pilots, sailors, and infantry troops become capable of superhuman performance, many German soldiers were high on Pervitin (speed) when they went into battle. However, Nazis failed to monitor side effects. (Accessed 29 January 2013).
6. Angelo M. Codevilla. The Ruling Class: How They Corrupted America and What We Can Do About It (New York: Beaufort Books, 2010), 26-51.
7. (Accessed 9 April 2016)
8. Colleen Slevin, Associated Press. “Satanic Book, Bible Sex Tracts Provided at Colorado Schools” (Seattle: The Seattle Times, 2 April 2016). News A5.
9. FFRF calls on Apple to immediately remove prayer emojis from all iPhones. (Accessed 9 April 2016)
10. (Accessed 9 April 2016)

Freedom from religion foundation pt. 3

“I’m Secular and I Vote” Campaign

“Freedom from religion” is better understood as switching religion from one brand to another. Secularism and religion sport their own distinctive vocabulary, sacred symbolism, grand metanarrative, exclusive truth exercised by faith, code of ethics/morality, creed, rituals, evangelism, and discipleship. Logically, to discard religion is to separate from all of the above, but secularism instead exhibits them.

Rituals (Superstition, De-baptism, Confirmation, Invocations and Prayer)
“Luck” smacks of superstition. Even so, Freedom from Religion Foundation co-president Annie Laurie Gaylor is named as one of the “lucky” eighteen percent of fellow members who grew up freethinking. As such, she was “spared baptism by water, fire or Sunday school.” Officially renouncing the primitive rite of baptism to which “the luckless” were so cruelly subjected, participants exchange creeds, dogmas, and alleged superstitions of one belief system with those of another. This they do by obtaining genuine De-Baptismal Certificates. (No joke!)

Extracting themselves from any claims of religious affiliation or membership based on baptismal records, secularists join and pay dues (i.e., tithes and offerings) to the fellowship of Freedom from Religion. Congregants aggressively challenge prayer spaces at the University of Iowa, for example; however, following the Supreme Court’s injudicious decision “blessing” sectarian prayer, the Foundation rewards freethinkers who ask for equal time to give secular invocations.[1]

• Celebratory Music Ministry

At the Reason Rally June 2016, celebration of secularism at the Lincoln Memorial will be paired with entertainment and parties that draw hand-clapping, arm raising, closed-eyes enthusiasts eager to sway to the beat of hip-hop artist Baba Brinkman, songwriter-artist Sophia Kameron, and Keith Lowell Jensen of Atheist Christmas fame. This is one Camp Meeting secularists don’t want to miss![2]


In accord with the Bible, “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”[3] Even as Christians serve God, secularists are busy about the work of their master, mammon—this, by vigorously contesting what they view as unsavory practices in the public forum and bad legislation.[4]

• Youth Groups

As churches target youth, so do secularists. Last year Thomas Sheedy served as event organizer for the Long Island Atheists (i.e., youth ministry). Furthermore, this high school senior was granted a student activist award of $5,000 for founding the Secular Student Alliance at Ward Melville High School in East Setauket, New York. Fifty-one students (i.e., converts) expressed interest, a teacher heeded the call to become their adviser (i.e., pastor-teacher), and goals were set (i.e., vision).

Giving Testimony; Evangelism with Promise of “A More Excellent Way” [5]

To the biblical phrase, “The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God,” secularists add, “But the wise person says it out loud.”[6] Through a television ad, for example, Ron Reagan describes himself as “an unabashed atheist, not afraid of burning in hell.” In a newspaper article about his nonbelief, honorary FFRF Board member Daniel C. Dennett wrote, “I’ve come to realize it’s time to sound the alarm.” Heeding the call, evangelists Richard Dawkins, Mike Newdow, and Steven Pinker promote non-theism as their “critical work.”

What better way to evangelize than by campaigning through FFRF’s “I’m Secular and I Vote” Campaign? In coordination with other major free thought associations, chapters across the nation spread the word via paid digital media, national TV ads, and efforts to mobilize students on college campuses.[7]

Tax Deductible Financial Giving

FFRF is a member of Atheist Alliance International, the Secular Coalition for America, and the Richard Dawkins Non-Believers Giving Aid. As is the case with churches and their ministries, all dues and donations on behalf of “nonbelief relief” are tax-deductible.

Persecution Assuaged by Promise of a Sweet By and By

In Sheedy’s view, “Christians will not find a speck of dust on our nation’s soil where they are persecuted as a group.” Many Christians (myself included) disagree.[8] Nonetheless, having abandoned his childhood indoctrination into Roman Catholicism, Sheedy sought legal aid for his struggles. In his view, every state in the country is under threat of scorn from whom he characterizes as “the losing majority.”

• Heaven/Hell

Secularists reference their own versions of heaven and hell. Indeed, FFRF conventions welcome “hell-bound atheists.” In musing about “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” freethinking lyricist Yip Harburg wishes upon a star (i.e., prays). Waking up in some ethereal place where clouds are far behind him, Yip’s troubles melt like lemon drops (i.e., heaven).[9]


For secularists to declare freedom from religion is folly because humanism (whether secular or cosmic) fully qualifies as a religion. As the saying goes, “If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.” In America, folks are free to follow the dictates of conscience. When secularists demand a voice in the public arena, they are exercising their First Amendment right. The same right applies to Jews and Christians.

In the words of Coretta Scott King, “I don’t believe you can stand for freedom for one group of people and deny it to others.”[10] Accordingly, Rosa Parks hoped to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free so others would be free as well.[11] For secularists to deny fellow religionists right to “free exercise” is to undercut and possibly even forfeit their own right. George Washington warned, “If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”[12] A word to the wise: Especially in an election year, even self-serving secularists do well to champion the First Amendment right for all Americans.

© 2016 Debra Rae – All Rights Reserved


1. Secular group challenges prayer spaces at UI (Accessed 9 April 2016)
2. (Accessed 9 April 2016)
3. Matthew 6:24—“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”
4. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Amendment 1 of the Constitution of the United States of America (15 December 1791)
5. 1 Corinthians 12:31—“ But covet earnestly the best gifts; and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.”
6. Psalm 14:1, 53:1—“The fool hath said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt; they have done abominable works; there is none that doeth good.” (Curiously, the Hebrew words rendered fool in the book of Psalms denote one who is morally deficient.)
7. ‘I’m Secular and I Vote’ nationwide campaign launched by Freedom From Religion Foundation to engage millions of non-religious voters (Accessed 9April 2016)
8. Persecution of Christians in America: It’s Not Just ‘Over There’ (Accessed 11 April 2016)
9. Judy Garland Lyrics (Accessed 9 April 2016)
10. Matching Quotes (Accessed 12 April 2016)
11. Matching Quotes (Accessed 12 April 2016)
12. Matching Quotes (Accessed 12 April 2016)

Europol warns of IED, weapons stockpiled by ISIS

“President Barack Obama, Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, and their Trump-designated “sleazy news media” are now vilifying anyone calling for a moratorium on Muslim migration into the United States. However, a European law enforcement organization’s report warns of future jihad in America if Obama remains stubborn,” -Det. Sidney Franes, NYPD (Ret.)

In an attack on an Orlando, Florida, nightspot Sunday morning at about 2:00 a.m., 50 human being were left dead by one alleged Islamic terrorist. While the local cops and FBI agents are still investigating and are following the Obama strategy — don’t acknowledge a suspect is a Muslim or a member of an Islamic terrorist group — it’s believed the shooter, who was finally brought down and killed by a SWAT team, is named Omar Mateen.

So far, news outlets discovered he was a Muslim American citizen who was angry about openly gay and lesbian Americans and the club he struck is a known hangout for the LGBT community.

The attack almost mirrors the French terrorist mayhem that was perpetrated earlier this year in a French nightspot. Unfortunately, as with European nations, the United States government refuses to back down from bringing thousands of Muslim refugees to U.S. cities.

As Goes Europe So Goes the United States

Manuel Navarrete Paniagua, the Head of the European Counter Terrorism Center at Europol, asserts that terrorist cells in European Union nations — that allowed a deluge of Islamic refugees unfettered entry — are believed to be importing and stockpiling of explosives and bomb components for future attacks.

Officials European Police Office (Europol) claims it has thwarted over 200 Muslim terrorist plots in the last year, but that the threat of similar attacks on the scale of November 2015 Paris attacks and the March 2016 attacks in Brussels remain a concern.

Paniagua warned on Monday that “large clandestine stockpiles of explosives” are likely being set up by terrorist groups.

Speaking at a briefing of Europol about a report due to be released next month, Paniagua told members of the EU’s parliament: “We have some information reported by the member states that terrorists groups are trying to establish large clandestine stockpiles of explosives in the European Union to be used eventually in large scale home attacks.”

Europol is the European Union’s law enforcement agency whose main goal is to help achieve a safer Europe for the benefit of all EU citizens. “We do this by assisting the European Union’s Member States in their fight against serious international crime and terrorism,” says the agency’s Mission Statement.

“Large-scale criminal and terrorist networks pose a significant threat to the internal security of the EU and to the safety and livelihood of its people. The biggest security threats come from terrorism, international drug trafficking and money laundering, organized fraud, counterfeiting of the euro currency, and people smuggling. But new dangers are also accumulating, in the form of cybercrime, trafficking in human beings, and other modern-day threats. This is a multi–billion euro business, quick to adapt to new opportunities and resilient in the face of traditional law enforcement measures,” Europol officials wrote.

Collaborative Invasion

Unfortunately, the more than 4,000 foreign fighters were identified in the EU and entered into a Europol database. While not all are part of the refugee relief programs for Great Britain, Germany, France, Belgium and other EU countries, it’s been proven a number of jihadists managed to enter as men, women and children fleeing the savagery that exists in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya and other Middle East and North Africa countries.

Europol notes that a key conclusion of their most recent report suggests that “jihadist terrorism” remains the top threat to security in the EU, with recent attacks suggesting better coordination among terrorists than previously believed.

Europol’s Manuel Navarrete Paniagua said terrorists’ use of explosives and firearms suggests they pose a rapidly evolving threat. He also addressed the concern of jihadists using refugee flows to enter Europe in order to carry out attacks against Western targets.

“We found no evidence of the systematic use of this flow to infiltrate terrorists into the European Union. But they do, they use it, we have some cases, some of the people that perpetrated the Paris attacks were eventually disguised in this immigration flow,” said Paniagua.

Europol said in May that it will deploy around 200 counter-extremism officers and investigators at refugee arrival centers in Europe, especially those with large numbers of arrivals such as in Italy and Greece.

“President Barack Obama, Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, and their Trump-designated “sleazy news media” are now vilifying anyone calling for a moratorium on Muslim migration into the United States. However, a European law enforcement organization’s report warns of future jihad in America if Obama remains stubborn,” said former NYPD Detective Sid Franes. “After all, Obama, Clinton and their sycophants are well-protected with well-trained security agents, high-powered weaponry and other protections not given to the people who must live — or die — with their decisions,” said Franes.

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Obama’s political playbook

Barack Obama very much wants to choose who his successor will be and, if Obama’s history with the Clintons is our guide, that person is not Hillary Clinton. Why then has Obama endorsed Hillary Clinton and initiated a direct campaign against Donald Trump? Is it not to maximize the chance of Hillary’s victory in November. I think it is not. I think it is to ensure that Obama remains the central figure in Democratic politics, takes center stage at the Democratic National Convention, and ultimately helps engineer a Biden victory in the Fall, resulting from a Biden entry into the race after Hillary is indicted.

The animosity between the Obamas and the Clintons is well known. So is Obama’s penchant for avoiding controversy and relying on behind the scenes manipulation to bring about the political results he desires. Just ask Elizabeth Warren. The foremost socialist advocating debilitating restraints on lending institutions, she was herself certain until the very day of the Rose Garden announcement by Barack Obama, she Obama intended to pick her to be the Director of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, but he did not. On the day she expected him to announce that she would be the Director, the very day she came to the White House expecting that result, he stood by her in the Rose Garden and announced that another individual, somewhat more tolerable to industry, Richard Cordray, would be the Director. He neglected to tell Warren of that choice until the very day he announced it publicly.

That is Obama’s way. He cannot be trusted, and he has no problem throwing loyal supporters under the bus if it serves his political interests. Just ask Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who Obama met privately and told him that there is no loyalty in politics and that he would have to sever his ties with that notorious anti-semite and racist despite Obamas years of involvement with Wright, attendance at his church, marriage at his church, and affirmation that Wright was like a father to him.

I think once again Obama is engaged in another bit of political intrigue, reminiscent of the acts of princess dowagers in ancient China, whereby he seeks to alter the expected direction of the general election through acts of manipulation made possible by Clinton’s necessary willingness to have Obama take center stage. Publicly, Obama maintains the façade that he is Clinton’s ally. He is trying to bring Sanders campaign to an end in support of Hillary (and, indeed, he is but not for Clinton, just to get Sanders out of the way). He campaigns for Clinton, but he does so not so much to support her as he does to attack Donald Trump. By all appearances Clinton is meant to think Obama an ally (but, in fact, she is quite suspicious of his motives, as indeed she should be).

However, where Hillary would like Obama to act on her behalf most, by unlawfully interfering with the FBI investigation or by pressuring Attorney General Loretta Lynch to obstruct justice and block an indictment, Obama is keeping his distance. He is avoiding any direct pressure on Attorney General Lynch, which in this administration is in effect a green light for Lynch to follow the law and proceed with an indictment when FBI Director James Comey comes calling. In short, Obama knows that Clinton will likely be indicted. He also knows that he must placate Clinton in order to have a central place in prime time at the Democratic National Convention. He also knows that he must have her trust in order to be directly involved in the effort to destroy Donald Trump. And, indeed, he knows that only if he destroys Trump will he be the ultimate king-maker when Hillary falls after the indictment issues. Then, he may bring in Biden and cement Democratic unity in time to snatch the general election, or so I suspect he thinks.

Obama knows that the Democratic National Convention will be a Clinton spectacle. He does not want to be given a secondary role in that convention because of a failure to endorse Clinton and prove his support for her. Indeed, he wants a starring role, and he also wants a leading role in the general election campaign, but he fully expects that Clinton will be indicted, despite his limited public rhetoric to the contrary.

He and Biden no doubt have calculated the likely fall of Hillary when she is indicted. Given the close proximity to the Democratic National Convention and the likelihood that an indictment will now proceed after Hillary is nominated during the general election, Obama no doubt expects that when the indictment issues Hillary Clinton’s popularity will plummet and Democrats will begin to splinter, some choosing to remain with Hillary, others pushing for Sanders to run as an independent, others vowing to stay home, and others urging Biden to step in. Biden, not Hillary, is Obama’s choice. I suspect that when the indictment issues, Obama will then stand down from supporting Hillary, Biden will step in, and then Obama will reappear as a major advocate of Biden’s presidency. Already fully ensconced in the campaign, Obama will be an election voice Democrats support, and he will rally them to Biden. Biden may indeed bolster his prospects by choosing Bernie Sanders as his running mate, thereby uniting the old Clinton faction with the new Sanders faction of the Democratic Party.

In this way, the sly fox Obama will have led the chickens back into the chicken house where he will effectively devour them, feasting on the election and bringing about his desired outcome in the form of a loyal successor, Joe Biden.

The largely unprecedented direct involvement by Obama in trashing Trump, which will become increasingly apparent in the weeks and months to come, is a prelude to the foregoing scenario. Obama’s involvement is not so much an endorsement of Hillary as it is an excuse for ramping up every effort to portray Donald Trump as Satan incarnate. By doing so, he hopes to bring down Trump’s numbers as much as possible so that when Biden does pop into the race after the Hillary indictment, Biden will be better able to beat Trump, even if there is a splintering of the vote.

Biden in turn will rally the Clinton voters, reach out to the disaffected Sanders voters, and join Obama in hammering Trump, hoping to secure enough votes to defeat Trump in the general election. That, at any rate, I think a plausible explanation for Obama’s present behavior. In my next column I will explain the best Trump counter-strategy because, despite this dire scenario, I do think Donald Trump best positioned to win the general election.

© 2016 Jonathan W. Emord – All Rights Reserved

On the “La Raza” judge – hypocrisy and judicial tyranny

The hypocrisy of the attacks on Donald Trump for criticizing the perceived bias of an Hispanic (Mexican-American) federal judge appointed by Obama who was a member of the race-based “La Raza (“The Race”) Lawyers Assn. of San Diego,” needs to be repudiated by the American citizens that judge serves, lawyers, politically correct politicians and media pundits preening their political correctness — and by the federal judge himself.

In a fact-filled, truth-filled column, Ann Coulter details the hypocrisy of the hysterical denunciations of Trump for questioning whether this judge’s allegiance to “La Raza” is influencing his decisions in the Trump University case, and criticizing that judge for not recusing himself given his membership in the La Raza Lawyers Association. (Ann Coulter’s column is available here).

I concur. The attacks on Trump are, in my view as a Civil Rights lawyer for more than thirty years, utterly hypocritical. I base this on the undeniable fact that for decades “White” judges (and jurors and prosecutors and police) have been repeatedly attacked and their decisions criticized with express citations to the fact that they are “White.”

Why shouldn’t this Hispanic judge be treated like a White judge? The fact is, all judges, including Hispanic and other non-White judges, are unelected, unaccountable, politically-connected political appointees, who are subject to criticism just as is any other governmental office holder.

Judges are not a high-priesthood to which we citizens are required to genuflect, and never criticize or question. They are politicians by-any-other-name. It is just easier for these lawyers to get appointed to government office, i.e., judgeships, by appropriate political donations to the right party and the right political connections, then it is to get elected.

If any citizen would criticize any politician in any elected office, or any bureaucrat in any appointed office, then that citizen should feel free to criticize any judge, no matter their race, and including questioning whether their decisions are influenced by their race. Otherwise, we citizens are but serfs or subjects quivering with fear under the tyranny of judicial mystic. After all, they are nothing but political appointees; lawyers in dresses. Never should a citizen quake before a man who goes to work in a dress.

Although Donald Trump was not my first choice, I give Trump, as a public figure, newly minted political office seeker, and presumptive nominee for the Presidency, credit for having the courage to eschew political correctness and to publicly criticize this federal judge for perceived bias and failure to recuse himself from the Trump University litigation while being a member of a Hispanic racialist organization, the La Raza Lawyers Association.

Why should Trump or any American fear to publicly question the impartiality of a judge who is a member of an organization which has in its very name a racial identification, “La Raza,” and is not shy in proclaiming “Viva La Raza!” (Long Live The Race!)”? If he was White and a member of the KKK Lawyers Association, would the politicians, media mavens, and the politically-correct thought police rush to condemn Trump for questioning whether the Judge’s race influenced his decisions?

I was one of the attorneys for Cesar Chavez in California for some twenty years. He was proud of his Mexican heritage, but never once did I ever hear him identify himself as “Raza,” or join in crying “Viva La Raza!” On the contrary, Cesar Chavez, a great, third-generation American of Mexican descent, a WWII veteran who joined the Navy at 17 and served for the duration in defense of his country, the United States, and was the moral heart of the American labor movement, expressly told me he wouldn’t use the term “La Raza” because he considered it “racist.”

Why, then, this rush of politicians and media to defend this Hispanic judge from criticism and questioning as to whether his decisions are influenced by his race? There is no similar rush to defend White judges, prosecutors, police, or jurors, when they are questioned, criticized, and attacked as “White” by the likes of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Black Lies Matter, anti-Trump “Viva La Raza!” rioters waving Mexican Flags and burning the U.S. Flag, or other race-baiting non-White racialist individuals or organizations. Isn’t that “racist”?

Manifestly, this federal judge was appointed by President Obama to his life-tenured federal judgeship not despite being Hispanic but because he is Hispanic. This is true, too, concerning Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor, who was appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court by Obama not on merit, but because she is Puerto Rican, and an activist leader of the Puerto Rican Legal Defense Fund.

Indeed, Sotomayor, herself, described herself as an “affirmative action baby” upon her nomination, admitting that throughout her college and post-college career her peers exceeded her in performance.

Sotomayor also famously stated that because she is a Hispanic female, in her words, a “wise Latina,” she likely make better decisions than “white” judges. Nobody called her a “racist,” or Obama for appointing her based on her race.

End this hypocrisy. Judges are no more to be immune from criticism by citizens, including whether their decisions are influenced by their race, ethnicity, or gender, than are members of Congress or the President of the U.S. “Hispanic” or other non-White judges are not entitled to special treatment because of their race. Neither is the President, who has ruled by race from the White House for seven long years–all of them downhill, while the media and politicians cringe before criticizing him for his obvious race-based governance.

It has long been a maxim of the law that: “The appearance of evil is as damaging to the institution of justice as is actual evil.”

It is that standard, avoiding even the “appearance” of bias, that is to be followed by judges in recusing themselves in order to protect the institution of justice.

Under that standard, this federal judge, knowing he was a member of a race-based, race-advocacy organization of lawyers, should have recused himself in the Trump litigation. He should not be able to hide behind his Hispanic race to shield himself from criticism for that failure.

If this judge wants to involve himself in a race-based, race-promoting, organization, so be it. But, having done so, he cannot attack as “racists” citizens like Trump, or like me for this commentary, who question publicly whether his failure to recuse himself is improper. Nor does he have the right to hide behind his Hispanicity to be shielded from criticism which all other politicians, let alone mere mortals like us citizens, are subject. Indeed, does any reader of this commentary doubt that one or more readers are certain to attack it on the basis that I am “White,” no matter that I was in the trenches of the Civil Rights Movement when they were not?

In short, this Hispanic federal judge’s membership in an organization racially identifying itself as “La Raza” creates at least an “appearance” of bias. That he is “Hispanic” does not immunize him from criticism by Trump or any citizen, any more than a white judge who maintains a membership in the “KKK Lawyers Association” could claim “racism” if his or her impartiality was questioned because of that membership.

Enough of this hypocrisy. We are citizens, not “serfs” groveling under judges who perceive themselves as modern Feudal Lords to whom all must kowtow, and none must criticize. These Lords of the Judiciary, perched in benches above mere mortals, requiring citizens to address them as “Your Honor” upon pain of contempt citation, are in reality naught but politically-ambitious, politically-connected lawyers in dresses.

Its time to take away their black “robes” (i.e., dresses); take them off their high courtroom perches and put them not above but on the same level as the citizens over whom they sit in judgment; and end their demand to be addressed as “Your Honor” even when they have none, and subject them to the same scrutiny, questioning and criticism as any other holder of public office purporting to be a “public servant.”

When one of them associates himself or herself with an organization promoting one race, instead of the human race, citizens, like Trump, should not cower from publicly criticizing and questioning them for at minimum creating the “appearance” of race-based bias, as has the “La Raza” Judge in the Trump case. He cannot cannot be shielded from criticism or questioning by Trump or other citizens because he is an “Hispanic” rather than “White” judge. That is itself the very racial discrimination which the judiciary should be ending, not perpetuating.

For God And Country Forever; Surrender to Tyranny–Including Judicial Tyranny — Never!

© 2016 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

Trump on Islamic terrorist attack in Florida

“The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. One word of truth outweighs the world.” —Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Trump released a statement regarding the terrorist attack in Orlando, Florida. Here is part of what he said.

Radical Islam

Mr. Trump also reminded people that President Obama has failed to use the words, “Radical Islam,” and said that if Hillary also refuses to use those words, she should get out of the race. Euphemisms and political correctness are anathema to our presumptive Republican nominee. Thankfully, Mr. Trump tells it like it is, and that is why he resonates with working Americans.

He is right, there will be more attacks. The barbaric destruction of civilization by Islamists is well-known worldwide. The root word for Islam is “al-Silm,” which means “submission” or “surrender.” The Quran not only calls Muslims to submit to Allah, it also orders them to subdue people of other religions until they are in a full state of submission to Islamic rule. This has inspired the aggressive history of Islam and its military and demographic success in conquering other cultures.

Obviously, Muslims, as individuals, can choose how much of their religion they practice, if any. However, once there are enough of them in any country, history shows that they all join with the Imams in demanding special privileges in a nation they are desirous of Islamizing.

For many years, America has accepted hundreds of thousands of Muslim immigrants, and for the past seven and a half years, our Marxist Muslim President has seeded the American nation with millions of Islamic young men. The so-called “refugees” are pouring into our country daily. This is called a “Hijrah,” the migration to Islamize a new land, and it is Hillary’s invasion of Libya that caused the snowball effect we see today with boatloads of refugees arriving in America daily.

What we’ve seen in Europe with rapes and pillaging has changed the landscape of the countries who have accepted these “refugees.” Homes and towns have been destroyed, cultures demolished, civilization eliminated. Muslim male refugees are actually gang raping women in Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, France, Denmark, Austria, Switzerland, and Finland. All created by their high-paid government officials.

Islamic hatred for Jews and Christians is well known. Women are second class citizens, and the horrors they endure are an atrocity to modern societies. Many Muslim women have suffered genital mutilation, and acid attacks by Muslim vigilantes for failing to wear hijabs. Children are raised to hate, and to even desire to become martyrs by strapping bombs on themselves to kill infidels. Dogs are hated, they are crucified and poisoned, injected with painful acids to kill them slowly. We’ve all seen beheadings, and read stories of children forced to watch their parents die by this gruesome evil. Young boys are actually taught to cut heads off their toy Teddy Bears. Worldwide historic artifacts have been systematically destroyed by Islamists. 

Homosexuals are despised, and the Islamic belief is that they should be put to death. And thus the Islamic terrorist attack on the gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida which has now killed 

Muslim Terrorist Responsible for Orlando Attack

CBS News says that shooter, Omar Mir Seddique Mateen had ties to Islamic terrorism. Mateen is a registered Democrat. Here’s his voter registration (from Florida Voters). Mateen is a Muslim.

Class D license, given to security guards; and a Class G license, which is a general concealed carry license. Both were set to expire in September 2017. An ATF spokesperson confirmed that Mateen was able to legally purchase guns, and bought both of the weapons used in the attack within the last week. (Gawker)

In other words, gun control — which Obama called for in reaction to the shooting — would not have deterred Mateen. Even a total ban on gun sales would not have stopped Mateen because he would have access to arms as a licensed security officer.

You can bet the farm, the MSM will not tell you the truth about Mateen, but they will push gun control so that the American citizenry has no protection against radical Islamists who are overwhelming our nation.

Omar Mateen, whose bloody siege inside the packed Orlando gay nightclub ended when SWAT teams stormed the building and killed him, was a radical Muslim who followed and was radicalized by New Black Panther party member, Marcus Dwayne Robertson, a law enforcement source said. 

The latest toll is 50 people dead, and 53 injured.

Donald J. Trump Understands Terrorism

Almost all of the Republican primary candidates opposed allowing Syrian refugees to resettle in the United States. They generally emphasized the difficulty of vetting the refugees and the possibility that terrorists could slip into the country. The only one who felt they should be allowed was Jeb Bush.

Donald J. Trump has taken a particularly aggressive stance, promising that he would expel any Syrian refugees allowed into the country by the Obama administration. 

We are in a dire situation where the invasion and seeding of our country with Islamic militant young men can change not only our culture, but destroy our entire country. 

Here are the three core principles of Mr. Trump’s immigration reform:

1. A nation without borders is not a nation.There must be a wall across the southern border.
2. A nation without laws is not a nation.Laws passed in accordance with our Constitutional system of government must be enforced.
3. A nation that does not serve its own citizens is not a nation.Any immigration plan must improve jobs, wages and security for all Americans.


Flooding our country with illegal alien immigrants and Muslim refugees, is not protecting American Citizenry. The government is not only using our tax dollars for people who have never paid into the system, but it is also taking jobs from Americans in an economy where employment opportunities are extremely scarce. The danger of allowing millions of Islamists to flood our nation, will cause tragedy upon tragedy. Illegal immigrants are responsible for thousands of American citizen’s deaths each year. We have seen what has happened in Europe because of the influx of millions of Islamic refugees. 

America is an immigrant melting pot, but when foreign invaders refuse to assimilate, we are asking for a great deal of distress.

The only candidate who totally understands the dangers inherent in this invasion of our country, is Donald Trump. Pray for the families who suffered losses in this tragedy.

Precariat, Bilderberg and the microchip

The world’s elite is at the annual Bilderberg Group meeting in Dresden, Germany. Among the top concerns of the annual gathering of world leaders, CEOs, super-billionaires, and other members of planet Earth’s ruling class are the “precariat” and the middle class. “Precariat” is a term promoted by Guy Standing, a British economist, which describes a fast growing class of people who have no hope for a decent future, can only find part time or temporary jobs at minimum wage, and have to do all kinds of work for which they don’t get paid. This rapidly expanding “precariat,” according to Standing, is composed of a “growing class of people who feel insecure about their jobs, communities, and life in general… In addition, they are often paid in cash.” They are growing in number in America, Europe, China, and many other areas. They include “grey market domestics paid in cash,” those who are not technically trained, seniors who struggle with disappearing pensions, retirement funds, and savings, and soaring health care costs. It also includes single mothers who have difficulty making money and the millennial generation who were promised jobs upon graduation and often can only find part time and minimum wage jobs.

The “precariat” class is of great concern to the elite and Bilderberg Group because this group is angry, anxious, and alienated and is driving the rise of populist politicians like Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, and, in Europe, right wing and nationalist candidates whom the elite cannot control. The reason the Bilderberg Group is discussing both the “precariat” and middle class is because the middle class in America and other places is shrinking, which is fueling the rise of the “precariat.” Outsourcing of manufacturing, along with trade treaties and economic policies that favor the one percent have gutted significant sectors of the American Middle Class.

In America, Europe, China, Japan, and the many other places in the world where there was an existing or emerging middle class, the global economy, which globalists in the U.S. and the EU promised us would bring more economic prosperity, has caused the opposite through downward pressure on wages due to global competition. When the beginnings of these trends first began to emerge with events like Rockefeller going to China in the 1970s and the creation of NAFTA, GATT, and the WTO, etc., the American people were told through a corporate controlled media that this would allow Americans to prosper in the new global market place.

Of course, the globalists knew what the real outcome would be from the beginning. That is why during this entire time the one percent have grown incredibly richer while most Americans have grown poorer. In anticipation of global chaos and monetary crisis, the elite, through organizations like Bilderberg, quietly created a technological surveillance state for the purpose of total control. I go into greater detail about his and how you personally can overcome it, in my book, A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016 – 2017.”

The elite, or “Plutocracy,” have been buying up large refuges and farms in the more remote places of the world, where you fly in by plane. One particular filmmaker, whose movies have been some of the biggest blockbusters of all times, has bought a very large and fortified farm in New Zealand, which he can fly to if things get out of control.

The elite know that chaos, wars, and massive unrest are coming and they are exploring options that were once considered impossible. For example, in recent months many mainstream financial publications have floated the idea of a universal basic income for everyone, which could hypothetically be perhaps $30,000.00 a year. Although Sweden just voted down such a proposal the idea is still being promoted and seriously considered. Of course along with the idea of a universal basic income goes a massive redistribution of wealth where the wealth of the middle class would be redistributed…and the wealth of the elite would not be touched.

The idea of a basic income was proposed by economist Guy Standing in an article entitled “The Growing Precariat: Why We Need a Universal Basic Income,” in the Singularity Hub, dated March 30, 2015.

Underneath the pleasant sounding words, universal basic income is simply repackaged Communism. As the old expression goes, “There is no such thing as a free lunch.” In return for your universal basic income you would have to give up all your freedoms and rights and live in some kind of totalitarian society.

But the elite are considering other options regarding the war, chaos, social unrest, and violence that are coming. There is a Guardian story entitled “What If the Mega-Rich Just Wanted To Escape The Earth They Destroy?” It turns out that this is not just some kind of paranoid science fiction story; a number of the wealthiest people in the world are already building rockets and technology to be able to live on Mars. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Tesla’s Elon Musk, and Virgin Galactic’s Richard Branson are planning to build colonies on Mars. But some are speculating that they are planning an exit-strategy like in the movie Elysium starring Matt Damon and directed by Jodie Foster. What if World War III erupts and radiation, biological plagues, and other cataclysmic events begin to happen? Why wouldn’t a group of elite people who have the finances to build a somewhat luxurious civilization on Mars, along with the technology to get there, use it?

However, the Bilderberg Group meetings in past years have explored microchip implant technologies along with RFID transmitters. The Bilderberg and other elite groups have publicly discussed their plans for a cashless society, microchip implants, and a one world economic system, one world religion, and a one-world government. The elite see trouble coming…trouble they created by vastly increasing the wealth of the one percent and lowering the wealth of the rest of the population. That was not an accident; it was planned because at the highest levels of the elite they see themselves as “god men and women” who have the genetic right to rule over the human race.

The model for a slave race ruled by god men began in ancient Babylon and then moved through the “Pharaoh-god-king” system of Egypt and eventually into Europe with the divine right of kings concept. Although it is not talked about openly it is the belief system of the Illuminati and other secret societies that covertly operate through the Technocratic Elite or Scientific Dictatorship.

At these highest levels of the elite, it is about total control of the Human Race, where they rule like gods. In order to do that they have used a combination of occult or supernatural powers, science, technology, religion, economic systems, and government. The elite desire a cashless society because one of their primary control grids is the “debt-slavery” system where individuals and nations become slaves through debt. It is a monetary system based on illusion or a kind of alchemical magic, such as printing money from nothing and then loaning it for interest. A cashless society allows for the absolute control of money, nations, and lives. The logical next step is to force people to accept an implanted microchip to be able to buy and sell…the Mark of the Beast. In “A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016 -2017,” I devote several chapters to the reality that money is a “magical” system.

What is interesting about this is that this is that it is described in Revelation Chapter 13, where no one can buy or sell without the Mark of the Beast. Once again, total control. But where all of this gets really interesting is that in the mid-1600s Sir Francis Bacon planned for America to be the New Atlantis and the head of the New World Order. Atlantis was the legendary super-civilization ruled by ten philosopher-kings. There are some researchers who believe that the ten philosopher kings who ruled Atlantis were actually “god kings,” or more specifically Nephilim, which were the product of interspecies breeding between fallen angels and human women.

According to the Book of Enoch, referenced in the Book of Jude, these fallen angels gave certain technology and science to Mankind on Mount Hermon near Phoenicia. There is an area called Cydonia on Mars which contains what looks like several multi-sided pyramids, a triangular walled enclosure, a straight wall, a dome, and what at first looked like an immense statue of a face (it may be only an eroded mesa). Located on the coast of ancient Phoenicia there was an ancient city called Sidonia or Sidon. Perhaps there was some kind of ancient, even prehistoric connection between the Cydonia region of Mars and the Sidonia region of Phoenicia. Is it possible that the fallen angels who descended on Mount Hermon had also resided on Mars, and that they built the Martian pyramids? My editor, William B Stoecker, has written an article about Mars and its anomalies, published in the latest issue of “Atlantis Rising” magazine.”

The basis for the belief in the Illuminati bloodlines is that the ancient “god men” or Nephilim like Nimrod, were the ancestors of the families or bloodlines who rule the world through powerful secret societies. It is not an accident that we see two powerful occult symbols on the back of the U.S. dollar, a pyramid, and then on the right an image of the legendary bird, the Phoenix. The Phoenix is a symbol of the New World Order, but it is directly tied into ancient Phoenicia and the belief that an elite race, the fallen angels, interbred with human women.

There are numerous occult images of a Phoenix bird with the words “Ordo Av Chao,” Latin for “order out of chaos.” The New World Order is supposed to be established through order out of chaos, and the rise of a “precariat” class and mass social unrest is a form of chaos. This leads to a one-world religion, one world economic system, and one world government. This also brings in an economic system where you cannot buy or sell without a microchip implant.

What if the elite really do escape to Mars? The whole thing sounds so bizarre that it would have been laughable 20 years ago. But we live in a time where the elite are already building the rockets for a very serious attempt at colonizing Mars (they may discover that it is already occupied). We live in a time when artificial intelligence and robots may destroy the jobs of millions of people on planet Earth. In addition, a cashless society could be implemented at anytime along with the mass distribution of microchip implants. We have moved from reality to artificial reality. As Dorothy said to Toto in The Wizard of Oz, “I have feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”

© 2016 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

Doctrines Pt. 1

Eph 4:14 “That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;”

While we progress farther into the last days we will and are seeing the doctrines of God being set aside from the teaching in the pulpit for something that is more palatable to man. We knew this was coming because Paul wrote to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:3 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;” People today want to be made comfortable in their sin. We are seeing men and women that think they are called to preach refusing to preach the truth because it will offend some people and preachers believe that you can’t reach someone if you offend them. There is truth to that but I remember when Peter was told to preach no more in the Name of Jesus: Acts 4:18 “And they called them, and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus.” , that he refused to comply: Acts 4:19 “But Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye. 20 For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.” Where are these preachers today?

As examples of the twisting of God’s Word in today’s churches we see denomination after denomination accepting homosexuality as a viable lifestyle with some churches ordaining men who practice that lifestyle in states where it was not legal at the time. That is about the same as ordaining a heterosexual that is known to be sleeping with different members of the church. These denominations teach that God is love, and He is and that He loves everyone, and He does, but He has set guidelines for human relationships and male/male or female/female is not on His agenda. These new ‘doctrines’ may be easier to live by but they leave the hearer with no true foundation, only a foundation of sand, and will ultimately be the cause of a failed life but also will give him a place in eternity where he doesn’t want to be, in hell! I heard a preacher say one time that he had a dream and he was in hell and watching a man going around and looking into big holes in the ground where flames were leaping out and he would reach down in the hole a pull a man out, look at him and throw him back in the hole, go to the next one and repeat that procedure. The preacher called out to the man and asked him what he was doing and he said he was looking for the preacher that lied to him! I believe that preachers that refuse to teach the truth will end up in hell. God will say I never knew you.

Man has tried to add his intelligence to the Word of God for centuries and the only result is nothing less than anarchy. Those that don’t like the restraints of godly living have been trying to eliminate the influence that Christianity has on society and the world. You don’t see them attacking islam or other religions, only Christianity. Good reason. Christianity is the only religion that has the truth and that can do damage to the devils kingdom. If all religions hurt the devil he would attack all of them but he only attacks Christianity. Consider Obama’s birth control mandate in Obamacare. Muslims are exempt from Obamacare entirely on religious grounds but Christians are being forced to pay for the abortion mandate even though it is against our beliefs and doctrines! Why is one religion allowed to follow its beliefs but another, the one that this nation was founded on, is not allowed?

We see in today’s society that just about anything is being accepted. Political correctness is turning the greatest nation the world has ever seen into a bunch of gutless, immoral pansies. Our parents, during the 1940’s, while they were still in their teens, saved the world from a Marxist regime but today’s college age kids need a safe place because someone said something that didn’t agree with their moronic ideology. Today’s kids don’t think that opposing views to their own should be allowed. There is no debate allowed. There is only one side to the conversation, theirs. That view is being fed by teachers, from elementary school to college, who have a socialistic point of view. A religious point of view is scorned and even mocked.

Students who have a biblical point of view about marriage are failed in some classes and the courts uphold the schools right to push an anti-biblical point of view, of course anything that’s anti-islam is not accepted. A student that does not believe in the ‘Theory of evolution’, even though it’s only a theory, can be flunked for that reason only. There is a reason for this. If creation is true, then there is a higher power that we must answer to and main stream society does not want to have to answer to a higher power. They are their own god.

Some will ask “How did we get from the Christian nation we were founded as to such a godless society?” It is simple. Charles Finney warned how this would happen. “If there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the public press lacks moral discernment, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the church is degenerate and worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the world loses its interest in Christianity, the pulpit is responsible for it. If satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it. If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it.”

That is it in a nutshell. The pulpit has stopped preaching the true Word of God for fear of offending someone. Sin is still sin but it has been glossed over to the point where abortion, living together outside of marriage, and same-sex ’marriage’, is celebrated in many churches.

I am familiar with a church that will not address the problem within the black community, 63% of all black pregnancies end in abortion, 72% of black children grow up in a single parent home, 98% of black murders are done by other blacks, because it will offend the blacks in that church! This is insane! If a community refuses to address its own problems they will never be corrected and the problems will only get worse.

We have lost a couple generations because of this and are on the verge of losing another one because of the refusal of that community to make a stand and demand that these things stop. Even many black preachers won’t talk about it. There is racism in the black church as bad as anywhere else. My son played in the band at the church we attended many years ago and they were going to play at a black church one Sunday but when the Senior Pastor of the black church found out there was a white boy in the band, he cancelled the event. Is this how the body of Christ is supposed to act towards other members of the body? Paul wrote in Galatians 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” Where is this doctrine in the church? The church is failing to do what it is called to do. For part two click below.

© 2016 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

The cure for Trump violence and common idolatry

On Thursday night June 2nd in California’s third largest city again there was violence against Trump supporters. When the indoor rally ended, violence was directed against supporters as they departed. “Trump’s foes surrounded the San Jose Convention Center, where scuffles broke out between them and Trump supporters. Some of the altercations were physical, resulting in bloody injuries…. At one point, a large group of protesters surrounded a Trump supporter, throwing bottles and spitting at him as he walked back to his vehicle. [Link] Protesters also surrounded police cars, also banging those vehicles.” One policeman was assaulted, hit with a metal object, but very few arrests were made.

There is video of a gang displaying the Mexican flag knocking down and beating up an attendee of the rally. And in a particularly bizarre twist, the mayor of San Jose blamed Trump for the violence displayed by the anti-Trump protestors. Why is it that leftist are let off the hook, they care nothing for the life, liberty, property or safety of anyone but themselves, and they become violent and then they are not to blame? Why is that?

I believe it is more than simply political, what we see on display in these violent actions is the response of idolators when their idols are challenged. What is their idol? The idol of ever increasing Statism. As that idol is challenged it is the beneficiaries and devotees of that idol who become violent in their response.

Clearly we see the idolatry of materialism, fame and immorality displayed everywhere. That later one, immorality, is one idol which seems supreme, above many others in the modern pantheon. For example when push come to shove between competing commitments, the idol of sexual immorality in our land seems to always win. So bakers, photographers, florists and wedding providers are being forced to violate their religious convictions or pay enormous fines so that perverts can practice their immorality.

In other words the idols of immorality trump the religious convictions and trump the protections offered in the First Amendment, that is they trump God’s Law as given to us in the Bible and trump the Constitution and Bill of Rights. And should you have the temerity to speak out against this supreme idol in our land, you will be pilloried night and day until you recant of your violation of the power that has been granted to this supreme idol. You will be labeled, ostracized and outcast, considered a pariah, a homophobe, a Neanderthal when you are simply following the Law of God as well as the Supreme Law of the Land. Thus we have the hypocrite in the White House this week claim that his Christian faith cause him to change the rules so boys could use girls bathrooms and vice versa.

And in this current election cycle more than ever I see the idol of Statism raising its ugly head. I don’t recall any presidential election ever having this level of ongoing violence. This idol of Statism is worshiped by the millions of Bernie and Hillary followers and probably even by some followers of Trump as well.

It promises that civil government can and will provide for you cradle to grave; it will give you food, housing, education, transportation, a cell phone and everything that you need and beyond. But they admit that there is a trade off, and that is that it will regulate and control every single aspect of your life, it will spy on you 24/7 as an omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent power in your life. And they are happy with that trade off. In other words they love to have a totalitarian civil government as their idol. And if anyone threatens their idol, look out, violence will follow. Perhaps that explains some of the violence by anti-Trump protesters.

With idolatry all around us, what shall we do to guard our hearts and to eradicate any of infection from that idolatry?

Learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2016 Rev. David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

Cops stood down – allowed mob to attack Trump supporters

Police – Don’t Stand Down, Stand Up

So, this is how the general election is going to be…leftist Hillary Supporters, the San Jose Mayor and asleep at the wheel San Jose police are going to ignore the assaults and violence against families women and children at Trump rallies. The San Jose rally and the Mayor and lack of any police response said it all. There wasn’t even any ‘cloak in dagger’ or hidden code to it. They simply screamed and their anti freedom drool flew out: “The only rights at a Trump rally are mob rights and they get to attack and terrorize anyway Trump supporter they want. “We want everyone in America to be intimidated and scared away from upcoming Trump rallies and speeches.”

The election plan on the menu for all us Trump supporters is that if we go to a Trump rally and exercise our freedom of expression and speech, we might get punched, kicked, surrounded and spat on, while getting called every name in the book. This apparently will be experienced by many of us while the ‘Stepford Wives’ ‘Stand down’ cops look on in a daze and do nothing because their boss told them not to stir up the organized anti Trump mob. Of course, the assigned anti Trump rent a mob is already stirred up, paid for and organized when they show up.

So, what are Trump supporters and Americans to do? Vote for Hillary to stay alive and out of a wheel chair? Perhaps prudence and common sense tells us to stay away. After all, weren’t we just reminded by the latest attack on Trump that he and his supporters are evil little racists when he went after Judge Gonzalo Curiel? As usual, the ‘stand down’ media and sold out journalists lunged at Trump calling him all kinds of racist. Thankfully, a real journalist Sher Zieve, curious about the facts not the fiction exposed the details and truth about Judge Gonzalo Curiel and his extreme racism as opposed to Trump being the evil little racist to be shunned.

What I want to know as an American, are you going to do? Are you planning to join most of the media and now some Cops who know better and stand down regarding the truth and Trump? I am a Mom, survivor, commentator and former national radio talk show host of 16 years and here is what I plan to do….you know, the common sense solution:

Here is my plan. Will you join me America

I plan to go to every Trump event I can and instead of tell 10 friends to come I will invite 1000. Please do the same if you want to protect and keep your freedom. When you and I go to hear Trump speak, go in groups, take your cell phones and capture all threats and violence and immediately post it on line. Take a Taser with you and have it in your pocket in case someone starts kicking or punching you and the Cop line stares off in a submissive glaze and does nothing. Maybe, just maybe the ‘stand down’ cop will rush to help the contorted shape of the person screaming obscenities who has just been tased by you or I. Then move on peacefully and listen to the Trump speech.

I am not advocating any kind of violence at a Trump event but I sure am not advocating any more of you becoming a victim of violence as authorities look on and do nothing and then yet again blame Trump.

How many will join me and my response to the threats against Trump and those who go to his rallies? “Oh, I am so scared. I just don’t know what to do…oh my”

You free speech and criminal mob Trump haters can Kiss my Grits. Most of us Trump supporters will now grow even larger and we will feel like a nasty yeast infection to the Hillary Supporting and violent left. Keep bringing it and see what happens.

America and Trump supporters, continue to be peaceful and show up but in groups, with phones and a way to protect yourself and let the world know what is happening.

Learn and spread the truth about Hillary. She must not be elected President.

© 2016 Dr. Laurie Roth – All Rights Reserved

Anti-Trump stormtroopers: campaign of destruction, dishonesty and fear

It finally happened: following the posting of my Open Letter to the Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) of Oberlin College, my computer was hacked and malware planted on it. The culprit(s) couldn’t have known that I recently contracted with a firm to keep a watchful eye on my equipment. No one can ensure 100% security, however, and the result was several hours disinfecting my computer and installing an extra layer of protection. We have a record of the hack. When the time is right we will be acting accordingly.

I don’t believe in coincidences. If you write a piece like that and it gets circulated, you make enemies. These days, you risk the high-tech equivalent of a brick lobbed through your front window. Behind such acts is a need to intimidate or destroy what is perceived as a threat, whether it’s to the offense-free “safe space” SJWs want or the prospects of a President Donald Trump.

My aim had been to throw cold water on the sort of politics dear to a generation that grew up with Internet access, mobile devices, social media, and hackers (not all of whom are psychos, by the way). This generation has probably forgotten more about technology than geezers like myself who went through college barely knowing what computers were have learned. What few in this generation can do is, though, argue credibly for their convictions, whichever government school inculcated them, that America is deeply racist, sexist, “homophobic,” and now “transphobic” (the latest PC neologism).

And speaking of Trump, do we not see the same destruction being visited upon his events and supporters, coupled with mainstream media dishonesty by omission?

A guy filming a group of so-called progressives protesting a Trump appearance is attacked and is lucky to escape with his scalp intact.

A large group of protesters in Chicago back in March compels Trump to cancel an event out of fears for attendees’ safety.

Groups of blacks and so-called progressives block roads leading to a Trump event just outside Phoenix, Arizona.

Pro-Trump writing appears on sidewalks on Emory University campus. SJWs go berserk. “Come speak to us!” an anguished student group demanded of the Emory administration. “We are in pain!” One student even broke down in tears during a meeting. The poor thing. (One reader took me to task for using sarcasm in my Open Letter. But do these kids have any idea how they look and sound to rational beings?)

More violence erupted in San José, California. Images of one woman in particular, spat on and pelted with eggs and tomatoes by Mexicans, have gone viral. This reinforces the convictions in many Trump’s supporters’ minds that these people are not just lawbreakers but criminally violent, just as Trump insists, and need to be sent home on the next train.

Have you noticed that these people, likely supporters of Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders, show up at Trump events with the intention of being disruptive? Trump supporters do not show up at Bernie Sanders rallies or Hillary Clinton ones. Mainstream media has yet to report this. Small wonder Trump calls reporters sleazy and dishonest to their faces.

I presume the vast majority of corporate media footsoldiers have their marching orders, which they follow to keep from losing their jobs.

They refuse to give him credit for things he does, such as raise millions for Veterans. When he does not produce an exact count of what was raised, with every i dotted and every t crossed on how the money was distributed, mainstream media accuses him of nefarious deeds, neglecting to tell us that Trump is the only candidate to have raised any money for Veterans. (What the Clintons have donated to Veterans groups is insulting by comparison; although plenty of money goes to the Clinton Foundation!)

Last in this litany: George Soros, hard-left globalist billionaire, and Occupy Wall Street sugar daddy, is discovered to have bankrolled at least one group of anti-Trump Stormtroopers. Again, total silence from mainstream media.

Behind the disruptive tactics and professionalized dishonesty: frankly, I smell fear. No, it’s more than that. One looks at these events, in light of half-assed stunts such as GOP neocons trying to nominate the comparatively unknown David French to run as an independent, and one recognizes stark, abject terror!

The neocons have lost control of the GOP for reasons in addition to their neglect of the party’s base. When Trump called present-day (neocon-crafted) foreign policy “a complete and total disaster,” he was spot on. Should he become president, this will mean an end to the quixotic “nation building” the Bushies started, which has cost American taxpayers trillions of dollars, killed or maimed thousands of our troops, left tens of thousands of Iraqis homeless. Obama and Hillary continued this madness, destabilizing much of the Middle East, causing the massive refugee crisis inundating Europe, and making Americans still more enemies. Neoconservatism, for those who showed up late to this party, has nothing to do with traditional conservatism which has been dead in the Republican Party for decades. It is either uninformed or dishonest to call present-day GOP elites or corporate donors “conservatives.” In the interests of balance, neither does neoliberalism, which I’ll get to in a minute, have anything to do with the classical liberalism of Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill which is just as dead in the water.

We see abject terror among the Western power elites generally, those with real privilege gained from having financialized the U.S. economy (production having been offshored) or moving money around all day (the way Soros got rich): abject terror that Trump may actually win this election, set out to keep his promises, and end the party. Whether he’ll be able to build a wall on the Mexican border, I have no clue. I’m not even sure it’s a good idea when there are better strategies for dealing with illegal aliens (penalizing employers caught hiring them, for example), but Trump would be the first president in decades to take securing the border seriously.

Trump might also stand firm on his previously-stated moratorium against unvetted Muslims being resettled in medium-sized U.S. cities and towns, in light of events such as that of San Bernardino, California. Yes, yes, I know: there are over a billion Muslims on the planet, and the majority are peaceful. True, and completely irrelevant! A minority of Muslims, especially those from the Middle East, are not peaceful! We cannot read their minds. Therefore we have no advance means of knowing who has evil intent until a bomb explodes in a workplace or a nightclub or a supermarket somewhere in an American city instead of Paris!

Folks, this is not rocket science!

Even more frightening for the elites and those who identify with them (I have both received email and corresponded with others about this, sometimes in agreement and sometimes in fierce disagreement): Trump may follow through with his plan for the global economy, working to implement responsible trade instead of “free trade” (corporate-controlled trade). He charges China with protecting its industries and manipulating its currency to boost exports. There is every reason to take such allegations seriously and to hold the Chinese accountable. Incidentally, last time I checked, China was still a Communist country, its corporations state-controlled. How Americans can have “free trade” with a Communist country, one of the most centralized and repressive regimes in the world, is one of those mysteries of neoliberal-globalist economics.

So suppose Trump is elected, makes deals, and however it happens, his policies begin a renaissance of U.S. manufacturing! That would discredit roughly 70 years of neoliberal economics. Just about everything since the first Mont Pelerin Society meeting and the formation of what economic historian Philip Mirowski calls the Neoliberal Thought Collective (NTC) will have to be thrown out. Small wonder neither the academic nor the Beltway economists like Donald Trump!

According to neoliberalism, the “free market” is akin to God. Neoliberals do not really oppose central planning, though. They never believed in pure laissez faire, and haven’t minded furthering plans that empower global corporations. This is because the latter (Walmart, Halliburton, Monsanto, Merck, etc.) represent the “free market at work.” Yes, neoliberals appear to believe such things. Privatization is good; it shifts control from “the state” to corporations, even if the latter proceed to plunder entire nations driven into “austerity.” Neoliberals believe free migration is good for an economy; cheap labor means higher profits. Outsourcing jobs to third world countries for more cheap labor is good for the same reason, regardless of how many domestic workers are dumped into the streets. Professor Mirowski observes that neoliberalism has a conception of the human person: we are malleable, like lumps of clay, no less than what any leftist or behaviorist has said; the best of us respond to “market incentives” and continuously retool to “monetize” ourselves. If the “free market” is God, then money is salvation!

Perhaps I simply don’t understand “economic theory” (i.e., the NTC paradigm) but I am at a loss to understand how any of these has been “good for the U.S. economy” understood in terms of real, flesh-and-blood Americans on Main Street. I can see it has been good for Wall Street and Walmart. No one says it hasn’t created millions of jobs in China, which pay pennies on the dollar compared to their former U.S. equivalents. No one argues it hasn’t allowed floods of cheaply made Chinese products onto the shelves of Walmart and its affiliates: products that last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months before they fall apart. U.S. consumers buy them because this is all the former middle class can afford. A real craftsman dares not give up his day job (if he has one).

Perhaps I don’t understand the benefits of the jobs base disappearing, real wages for average Americans having flatlined, or public institutions from schools to hospitals being overwhelmed by people who can’t speak English.

Perhaps I do not understand the benefits of structural economic inequality (as opposed to natural inequality caused only by some working harder than others). As everyone knows, inequality within nations has skyrocketed, especially since the Meltdown of 2008. Not “one-percenters” but a 0.01% has been the primary beneficiary of neoliberal economic policies. Actually, the number could be more like 0.0001% or even 0.00001%; recent findings show that the world’s richest 62 billionaires now control more wealth than the entire bottom half of the world’s population.

This is not the “free market at work.” This can happen because billionaires are positioned to exercise their free choices to buy the world’s cooperative political classes and build global structures of domination. None dare call this protectionism!

Those who call Trump a fascist need to check their definitions. If we define it as Mussolini did — as the merging of corporate and governmental control for policy purposes — then do we not have “soft” fascism now??? Surely we have the anti-Trump Stormtroopers!

Missing from the status quo is, of course, the nationalist element Trump has brought back into the conversation. Neoliberal economics has no use for national borders or local laws (e.g., food labeling), because they interfere with the freedom of corporations to do as they please, whatever the consequences to the people who live within those borders.

We have to keep in mind the goal of the billionaire elites: establishing corporate-controlled world government. A single, global regime would replace the nationalist element present in old-style fascism. United Earth Über Alles! One “free market” under corporate boards! It is towards such a regime that globalist political economy has been taking the world: actually for over a century, but when the Soviet Union collapsed the pace accelerated, and since the Meltdown of 2008 it has accelerated faster!

The elites never let a good crisis go to waste!

They both are and should be worried about rising populist unrest all over the world, much of it prompted by inequality and a sense that absent the uprisings we are beginning to see, the majority of the peoples of the world would be denied a say in what happens to them and their communities. Credit the Internet: the fact that people the world over can investigate for themselves, find out who the elites are, and figure out at least a rough sketch of what they want. They see that their lives, livelihoods, and cultures are little more than expendable roadkill on the creative-destructive superhighway leading to United Earth Über Alles.

Upshot: with a President Trump, and with other populist and nationalist leaders around the world (e.g., Rodrigo Duterte, just elected president of the Philippines), we might approach the cusp of what the historian and philosopher of science Thomas S. Kuhn would call a paradigm change in political economy — away from neoliberal corporate-globalism, which has led to massive inequality, civil unrest, cultural devastation and the plundering of natural resources, and finally financial instability via massive indebtedness, the creation of asset bubbles, and fiat currency manipulation and debasement.

Even the International Monetary Fund is now hesitating over the neoliberal political economy it has done much to help create.

Were the SJWs taking note of all these things, instead of whining about “white privilege” and demanding “safe spaces” free of “micro-aggressions,” I would be impressed. But very few if any seem aware that there are more important things than their feelings of safety.

Be this as it may, where do we go from here?

That’s a much bigger issue, requiring attention to what has worked in the past. It requires, that is, attention to university subjects SJWs have partly destroyed, like history, moral and political philosophy; and a subject the globalists have mostly destroyed, what E.F. Schumacher once called “economics as if people mattered.”

© 2016 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

Conservatism: ideas not executed have consequences

With Donald Trump as the eventual presidential nominee of the Republican Party, the old Republican guard is still in shock over what has happened to their former control over the conservative Republican electorate. They now have to face the reality of Trump representing the Republican Party in the general election. Their current narrative is that Mr. Trump isn’t genuinely conservative. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! But is there any basis for their criticism of Trump’s conservative credentials?

The doubters are from the usual sources in talk radio and among Republican operatives. Here are some of their many comments:

• “Is Trump really a conservative?”
• “I don’t know what Trump is but he’s not a real conservative.”
• “Trump is not a conservative purist.”
• “With Trump, what will happen to true conservatism?”

My favorite lines come from the old-guard commentators:

• “[Trump] must work harder to earn conservative votes.”
• “Will Trump destroy the conservative movement?”

Then long-time conservative leader Richard Viguerie adds:

• “He is not part of the Republican conservative family. He needs to prove he is worthy of our support.”
• “Right now conservatives are mostly on the sidelines waiting to see if Trump governs as a conservative.”

These comments are laughable, especially the ones by Mr. Viguerie. We have a candidate in Mr. Trump who has received more conservative votes in Republican primary history, peeling off a considerable number of voters from the enemy party, and the gatekeepers of an ineffective conservative political system are worried he is going to damage their system of conservatism, a system that has had very little influence in government for decades!

That’s like worrying about someone hindering the Washington Senators of the late ‘50s: can you get any further in last place? They act as if modern conservatism is this great engine rolling through the land, changing politics and culture everywhere it goes, and, therefore, has something to lose from Donald Trump’s leadership.

You have to love Viguerie’s lament that Trump is not part of the Republican conservative family. Maybe that’s why he was so dominant in the Republican primaries—because the voters were fed up with the conservative Republican family!
It sounds like the old-guard Republicans are losing control over THEIR “conservative” movement—and they don’t like it.


This primary season is challenging all thoughtful conservatives to reflect on the meaning and effectiveness of conservatism with much needed introspection.

We have come to the place politically where people are asking: “What does ‘conservatism’ actually mean anymore?” The answer should be, by definition: conservatism is a political and social philosophy promoting the preservation of traditional, historic, and social institutions of culture and policy.

Has modern conservatism been “conserving” America’s traditional Christian, historic, and social institutions?

The following is a statement by Robert Lewis Dabney (1820–1898) lamenting the Northern conservatism of his day in his 1871 pamphlet, “Women’s Rights Women.” Dabney was a Presbyterian minister and Southern statesman. When you read Dabney, see if he is not describing Bush Republicanism and the politics of John Boehner and Paul Ryan.

Northern conservatism: This is a party which never conserves anything. Its history has been that it demurs to each aggression of the progressive party, and aims to save its credit by a respectable amount of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation. What was the resisted novelty of yesterday is today one of the accepted principles of conservatism; it is now conservative only in affecting to resist the next innovation, which will tomorrow be forced upon its timidity, and will be succeeded by some third revolution, to be denounced and then adopted in its turn. American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always advances near its leader. This pretended salt hath utterly lost its savor: wherewith shall it be salted? Its impotency is not hard, indeed, to explain. It is worthless because it is the conservatism of expediency only, and not of sturdy principle. It intends to risk nothing serious for the sake of the truth, and has no idea of being guilty of the folly of martyrdom. It always—when about to enter a protest—very blandly informs the wild beast whose path it essays to stop, that its “bark is worse than its bite,” and that it only means to save its manners by enacting its decent role of resistance. The only practical purpose which it now subserves in American politics is to give enough exercise to Radicalism to keep it “in wind,” and to prevent its becoming pursy and lazy from having nothing to whip.

I borrow from Mrs. Clinton when I ponder modern conservatism and ask, “What difference does it make?” Modern conservatism is not a political movement that actually conserves anything of what was traditional America. It has become a political movement whose primary purpose is an exercise of discussing conservative ideology but has no real influence on the practical issues of American life.


R.L. Dabney’s commentary on Northern conservatism of the late 1800s is true in every generation and transcends time because he addresses the failings and temptations of human nature and of political men.

His words are an analysis of political realities and also a warning to future conservatives. He nails the reason why conservatives in his day always “acquiesce” and “never conserve anything”—because of their timidity. Timidity within the political guardians of conservatism gives the reason for its “impotence.”

Courage—what in life amounts to anything without courage? What religious, political, business, or social endeavor succeeds without courage? It is the internal drive that gives the politician the ability to stand strong on the traditions of the past and refuse political innovation.

When Dabney writes of risking attacks by standing in “sturdy principle” he is really introducing a religious element into politics. How can a politician stand against progressive innovation unless he has a transcendent, religious conviction for the truth. Without such conviction the politician will always fall to expediency.

Dabney wrote of Alexis de Tocqueville’s prediction that political innovators will always be successful in America because of the selfish timidity of her public men:

It is the nature of ultra democracy to make all its politicians timeservers; its natural spawn is the brood of narrow, truckling, cowardly worshippers of the vox populi, and of present expediency. Their polar star is always found in the answer to the question, “Which will be the more popular?” As soon as any agitation of this kind goes far enough to indicate a possibility of success, their resistance ends.

Dabney concludes his list of conservatism’s failures by describing its fake “role of resistance.”

This corruption has been exposed as Washington’s fake Left/Right paradigm of public political polemics by day, and dinners and companionship by night.

Courage: it has no replacement and it is the very thing that has attracted the conservative electorate to Donald Trump. Trump’s courage is a character trait they haven’t seen in a generation and it is the very thing they’ve been craving in their political leaders.


Modern conservatism has evolved into more of an academic institution than a political one.

The academic dimension of the last six-decade conservative movement bears a similar resemblance to academia in the university. There is, in both domains, much emphasis on discussion, publishing, policy papers, and conference after conference. In both institutions theory always takes priority over implementation and application.

Conservatism has succumbed to an intellectual discussion and debate over “purity” of ideology. Every 2 or 4 years we debate which controlled Republican candidate is the purest conservative, then we vote for him, and he goes to Washington and eventually becomes part of the Washington Republican Establishment and serves the money oligarchy like the others. With all of the wonderful rhetoric during the election cycle, we never get a bill that is written, passed by a Republican-controlled committee, voted on the floors of House and Senate, passed and sent to the president for his signature. It is what Donald Trump is forever saying, “All talk and no action.”

I ask again, what does it matter anymore who is the “purest conservative”? It doesn’t matter. We have all these great ideological Republican conservatives in Congress and all they do is oversee the demise of the country—illegal immigrants streaming over the border, the destruction of our industrial base and jobs, trillions poured down the never-ending hole of these endless wars of the neo-conservatives. We elect supposed conservatives, and they do nothing and conserve nothing.

For 40 years all we’ve got has been Reagan-esque speeches and more New World Order control, less income, and less freedom. None of the wonderful conservative ideology ever becomes a tangible reality, filtering down to practical improvements in the lives of Americans.

So while our conservative leaders are pontificating over political ideology, writing policy books and holding more conferences, the globalist establishment is continually applying an aggressive plan for their New World Order run by central bankers and multi-national corporations.

This is the very heart of the historic rebellion against the Republican Establishment ruling class. In the last decade Republican candidates were sent to Washington with a mandate to implement a clearly acknowledged conservative ideology and in the end did nothing.


Conservatism’s iconic guiding phrase by Richard Weaver since 1948 has been, “Ideas have consequences.” Sixty-eight years later, in the maturing of the conservative movement, there should be room for a new phrase to fit our present condition: “IDEAS NOT EXECUTED HAVE CONSEQUENCES.”

The meaning of the above statement is two-fold. The best political ideas held in the abstract are of little value, and whoever has the vision and will to implement their ideas will rule the day.

People do not live in the abstract; they live in the physical world. Ideas and life are never held in a vacuum. Life rolls down the corridor of time and in this life someone’s ideas will be implemented. Whoever can implement their ideas in the realm where people live can determine the direction of the culture and nation.

While conservatives are debating the “purity of conservatism,” an alien political worldview is being adapted and applied in the institutions, laws, and culture of American society.


What is starting to become clear to a wider conservative electorate is the reality that Wall Street controls the government and their money controls federal politicians. This is evidenced in Mrs. Clinton’s donor speech list filled with international bankers, pharmaceutical conglomerates, foreign companies and governments.

Money from Wall Street funds Establishment candidate campaigns (see Ted Cruz) with the expectations of future payments due.

In just a few years, your bright, passionate ideological conservative becomes just another controlled Republican who can’t even tie his shoes in Washington without permission from someone.

This may be the single greatest reason that “ideas are never executed” in Washington—that politicians serve the money interests, not the people.

A vast majority of Republican congressmen and senators and all their leadership are controlled and beholden to the money oligarchy.


The “conservative” label does not matter anymore. What does it even mean coming from the few who are still hanging on to a term that was gutted long ago of its original substance?

One of the phenomenal benefits in the ascent of Donald Trump is his masterful job of exposing the faults of political operatives who had been hiding in the conservative tent for decades. The list is long and it starts with the Republican Party elites and apparatus, Fox News, Karl Rove, Bill Kristol, talk radio hosts like Glenn Beck and Mark Levin, the Republican leadership of McCain, Graham, Boehner, Ryan, National Review, Weekly Standard, the ever-long list of neo-conservatives, and, of course, Bush Republicanism.

Of course, the greatest of the fake operatives are the neo-conservatives. They have exercised great influence, beyond their numbers, in American foreign policy with their promotion of all the disastrous Middle Eastern wars.

A significant number of these prominent neo-conservatives have dual citizenship with the United States and Israel. With few exceptions, the first love of these dual citizens is always Israel. The purpose of their U.S. citizenship is for the benefit of personal wealth and to give them a platform to lobby and promote Israeli interests.

These neo-cons of divided loyalties have dominated US foreign policy in the last three decades and have done much damage to the image and position of the Unites States abroad.

These men and their policies need to be further exposed and rejected as infiltrators within conservatism.

One by one, these people and organizations are taking on water as the Trump candidacy gives them over to self-destruction. In their protests of Trump, they expose their own false political allegiances. As so-called conservatives, they were among us but they were not really part of us. They have been exposed by Trump, and they will never regain their legitimacy with the conservative electorate.

With their departure goes their corruption, their false political doctrines, and their misguided worldview, which involve American imperialism, national poverty through free trade, illegal immigration, preventative wars, corporatism, and the national pillaging by Wall Street’s crony capitalism.

The constant lamenting of the old guard about the loss of conservatism is really about them being exposed for not being truly conservative with their addition of illegitimate elements to the historic American conservative movement.

The hope is that once the internal battles within American conservatism settle a new conservative movement would arise, cleansed of the infiltrators and fakes. It will be good riddance to them all.

Trump has shown that the safeguard to a “new conservatism” is one with an America first nationalistic appeal. As Trump has said, “No country has ever prospered that has not put its own interest first.”


In consideration of a new political conservative movement replacing the old, one must start with a thorough cleaning of the “old house” with all of its imposters.

Then new men, with truth, courage, conviction, and resolve must replace those timid, old, compromised leaders of the old order.

The best of any conservatism is always rooted in a transcendent religious foundation. For America, that religious tradition has been orthodox Christianity based in the Law of God.

Its Law gives the civil realm a basis for its law system and its guardians the courage and conviction to “conserve” such great religious and civil traditions for the good and well-being of its people.

© 2016 Thomas Ertl – All Rights Reserved

How the CFR globalist conspirators miscalculated Pt. 3

On September 19th, 1962, the CIA’s Office of National Estimates (ONE), motivated by concerns about strange developments in Cuba, produced its September Estimate. It predicted that the possibility of the Soviet Union deploying strategic nuclear missiles on Cuban soil was extremely low because it “would be incompatible with Soviet practice to date and with Soviet policy as we presently estimate it.” Less than a month later, however, a U-2 reconnaissance plane flying over Cuba photographed installations very similar to what the CIA believed were strategic nuclear missile bases in the Soviet Union. The CIA showed the photos to President Kennedy who in turn ordered a blockade of Cuba. This was the onset of what later was known as the Cuban missile crisis.

The CIA analysts at the ONE were left with egg all over their faces. Nevertheless, some time later, ONE Director Sherman Kent adamantly told a friend that the one who had miscalculated had been Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev not the ONE analysts, because logic and previous Soviet practice indicated that Khrushchev should not had taken that foolish decision. Many years later, I discovered strong evidence that professor Kent was right — to the point that I dedicated my book The Nuclear Hoax: Kennedy, Khrushchev, Castro and the Cuban Missile Crisis to his memory.

In a similar fashion, in “The Obama PsyOp,” an article I wrote in early 2007, I predicted that the CFR conspirators would never appoint Obama for a second term. I reached that conclusion because doing otherwise was incompatible with the conspirators’ policy and practice — their modus operandi — but that was exactly what they did. Nevertheless, following Dr. Kent’s line of reasoning, I think that it was not me, but the CFR conspirators, who miscalculated. The direct consequence of their big miscalculation is Donald Trump.

Why was I convinced that the President the CFR conspirators would appoint in 2012 would be a Republican? Because one of the most important things the CFR conspirators need to accomplish before turning the United States into a full-fledged communo-fascist totalitarian dictatorship is taking the guns from the hands of law-abiding, patriotic Americans.

Traditionally, there were two ways to illegally grab control of a country: by force through a mass revolt — the communist way — or through a coup d’état — the fascist way. But the CFR conspirators have used a not-well-known third way: by infiltration and brainwashing. That’s the Fabian way. No wonder the symbol of the Fabian Society is the wolf under a sheep’s skin. And we have to admit that the Fabian system has worked to perfection.

The first step the CFR conspirators took on their way to implement totalitarianism in America was to infiltrate and take control of the mainstream press — a key brainwashing tool. The second step was to infiltrate, first, the Republican Party and, second, the Democratic Party. The third step was to infiltrate public schools, colleges and universities. Once they had full control over these they were ready for the next step.

Nevertheless, despite all their advances into forcing Americans into totalitarianism, the CFR conspirators have found several major obstacles they have not been able to bypass. In the first place, Americans believe that freedom and liberty are their birthrights. Secondly, and even more important, they are fully convinced that the only thing that ultimately guarantees such natural rights is the possession of firearms.

Testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17, 1950, Paul Warburg (CFR), son of CFR founder James Warburg, threatened the spineless politicians: “We shall have world government whether or not you like it—by conquest or consent.” It seems that it will not be easy for the conspirators to enslave the American people by consent, so they are getting ready to do it by force.

Their problem, however, is that despite all their control over the American government, the military, the press and the most important institutions, the CFR conspirators cannot impose their communo-fascist New Gay World Order upon the American people without depriving them of their firearms first. This is exactly what the Bolsheviks did in Russia, the Nazis in Germany Mao in China and Castro in Cuba.

But there was something Barry Soetoro, or any “progressive” Democrat cannot do: taking the guns from Americans. If any Democrat president tries to ban and confiscate guns, it would trigger a shooting war. After Soetoro was appointed to a second term and he began openly attacking Americans who owned guns, the result was counterproductive, though not surprising: many Americans of all political persuasions ran to the gun stores to buy guns and plenty of ammo.

In their arrogance, the CFR conspirators failed to see that, as it happened after hurricane Katrina, gun confiscation has to be done by a “conservative” Republican — much better as the reaction to a 9/11-like catastrophic event. Currently they have compounded their mistake by trying to push Hitlary Clinton into the White House.

The direct result of the CFR conspirators’ miscalculations is none other than Donald Trump. He is the enemy they themselves unknowingly created. The reason I erred in my 2007 prediction is because I overestimated the conspirators’ intelligence. Far from being clever, however, they have proved to be a bunch of arrogant fools.

Granted, puppet impostor Barry Soetoro has advanced the cause of totalitarianism in America by leaps and bounds. We are entangled in several never-ending military conflicts abroad, unemployment is growing, the economy is in shambles, and a veritable invasion of illegal aliens is making is turning America into a Third World hellhole. The so-called Obamacare — created to benefit Big Med, Big Pharma and Big Insurance — will tax even more the limited resources of American workers.

Other valuable “accomplishments” of Soetoro are the success of CFR-backed gay politics: gay marriage, gays in the military, gays in the Boys Scouts, and appointing more openly gay officials than any other president in the U.S. history. Last, but not least, he has pushed the rights of transgenders to use the public restrooms as they see fit. Of course, this is very difficult to understand if you ignore that the gay movement has wittingly become a spear point, a fifth column of the New Gay World Order the globalist conspirators are working hard to impose upon us and the rest of the world.

Paradoxically, despite their constant claims of patriotism and respect for the Constitution, “conservative” Republicans have always been eager to justify the thrashing of the Constitution — provided the thrashers are members of the Republican Party. They loved it when George W. Bush approved the Patriot Act, one of the most antipatriotic laws ever signed by an American President, after having been passed without even a perfunctory reading by a Congress with a Republican majority.

The conspirator’s plans for the 2016 elections were simple: using Ted Cruz to play the same bogus role Gore, Kerry, McCain and Romney played in previous elections. This time their goal was putting Hitlary Clinton in the White House. But then, out of the blue, the unexpected happened: an American who never before had been involved in politics, but loves his country and became sick and tired of its systematic destruction by a group of America-haters, decided to run for President of the United States and make America great again — and all hell broke loose!

Why so many Americans of all walks of life support Donald Trump.

Probably their main reason is because Trump is not a Council on Foreign Relations or Skull and Bones member. In addition, he has never attended the globalist conspirators’ conciliabula at the Bohemian Grove, the Bilderberger Group or the World Economic Forum. Moreover he has never called for the elimination of U.S. sovereignty, the opening of borders, the cancellation of the Constitution and its fusion into a global government. Trump sympathizers have interpreted this as a clear sign that he is not an America-hater.

Of course, being human, Trump is not perfect — which makes him even more attractive for the masses of people who are sick and tired of the CFR globalists’ control over the U.S. government. Until now he has shown he has what is needed to oppose the CFR globalists.

According to some “conservative” commentators, Trump’s idea of repudiating the so called “free trade” and imposing protectionist tariffs on goods that could be easily made in the U.S. by American workers will negatively impact the American working class. They claim that currently American workers are profiting from buying cheap merchandise made in China at Walmart and other big chain monopolistic stores. What these commentators don’t see, however, is that American workers need to buy cheapo Chinese-made merchandise in Wal-Mart because, due to the outsourcing of well-paid jobs, they need to save every penny.

Before the implementation of “free trade” and outsourcing, American workers enjoyed one of the highest standards of living in the whole world. They were the backbone of the American middle class. Currently, however, most of them live paycheck-to-paycheck from low-end jobs, barely making ends meet while worrying about huge credit card debt.

It is obvious that “free trade” and globalization have been beneficial, but only to the big international corporations who have outsourced their production to countries where workers earn miserable salaries in sweatshops. Also, they have not passed on some of their huge profits to the American consumers, but to their stockholders and executives. This explains why they love “free trade” and globalization as much as slave masters loved slavery.

During an interview with journalist Sarah McClendon in 1992, President George H.W. Bush shamelessly told her “Sarah, if the American people ever find out what we have done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us.” Well, the American people finally are finding out what they have done to us and, if the globalist conspirators were less stupid than they are, they should be thankful to Donald Trump because he is the only one who may solve this critical situation in a civilized, legal way. Otherwise, Americans wielding pitchforks and ropes will soon be chasing the CFR traitors and their minions down the streets.

Recently, Rush Limbaugh has been repeating his opinion that presidential elections are not ideological but situational, meaning that the important matters are the economy, employment and the like. Well, he cannot be more wrong, because this coming election is perhaps the most ideological one in the recent political history of America.

Granted, the dismal state of the economy, the unemployment and sub employment, the growing police state, the inept foreign policy, the social chaos and the government’s lies, corruption and disrespect for the Laws of the Land and the Constitution are factors Trump’s supporters are not happy with. But the main thing not many people seem to see is that most people support Donald Trump essentially is because they believe he is against the destructive ideology of the New Gay World Order.

Americans are sick and tired of seen their government encouraging corporations to outsource jobs abroad and destroying the country’s industrial base. But we are even more sick and tired of political correctness, censorship, moral dissolution, the attacks on the family and religion and the imposition of destructive social practices. We are sick and tired of the two-party hoax. We are sick and tired of the U.S. government opening the borders to a disruptive mass of illegal aliens sneaking into the U.S. We are sick and tired of the brainwashing by the mainstream media. We are sick and tired of schools and universities indoctrinating our children and turning them against their parents.

We are sick and tired of global warming, carbon taxes, “free” trade, globalization, open borders and gay pride. We are sick and tired of American becoming the major producer of pornography in the world. We are sick and tired of sending the best of our youth to fight never-ending wars to benefit spurious interests. We are sick and tired of having the largest incarceration rate in the whole world, of being one of the largest consumers of drugs, of the hypersexualisation of our culture and mores.

Enough is enough!

No wonder a large majority of Americans see Donald Trump as the only one who has had the guts to openly and firmly say “no” to this madness.

The Trump phenomenon took the CFR conspirators by surprise, and they still don’t know how to deal with him. Their off-the-cuff reaction was to unleash all their agents in the media against him. But they were out for a big surprise.

To the CFR conspirators’ utter surprise, Trump became overnight the Godzilla of American politics: the more bombs they dropped on him the stronger he got. He has also shown that the seemingly all-powerful CFR globalist conspirators were not what they seemed to be. Their power resided in the fact that they have brainwashed us not fight back against their attacks. But Trump opened the way fighting them back with courage, intelligence and wit and showed us that they are just a bunch of cowards and their CFR is a paper tiger.

The bottom line is this: The Council on Foreign Relations is against Trump. The Bilderbergers are against Trump. The Rockefellers are against Trump. Warmongering neocons are against Trump. The CFR-controlled mainstream media is against Trump. Both “conservative” Republicans and “progressive” Democrats are against Trump. The UN and the EU are against Trump. The Pope is against Trump. The Clintons and the Bushes are against Trump. New Agers are against Trump. Satanists are against Trump. Fanatic Muslims are against Trump. Most CEOs of transnational corporations are against Trump. Wall Street bankers are against Trump. Gays, lesbians, transgenders, and queers are against Trump. Blacks racists are against Trump. Illegal aliens are against Trump. La Raza is against Trump. The Southern Poverty Law Center is against Trump. Corrupt politicians are against Trump. Constitution haters are against Trump. Gun grabbers are against Trump. Brainwashing college professors are against Trump. The Hollywood cesspool is against Trump. Glenn Beck is against Trump.

Well, if as the saying goes the enemy of my enemy is my friend, it seems that our enemies are clearly telling us whom we should vote for.

Unfortunately, however, I feel compelled to end this article with a pessimistic tone.

In his book The Second World War, Volume I: The Gathering Storm, UK Prime Minister Winston Curchill wrote:

If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.

I think that, unfortunately, we Americans have waited too long to solve this problem. I don’t think that the globalist conspirators would ever allow Donald Trump to become President without a fight and let him to destroy in a few months the huge machinery of treason, deception and lies that took them more than a century to create. So, I have no doubts whatsoever that the same globalist conspirators who planned and carried out the 9/11 false flag PsyOp will resort to extreme measures to stop Donald Trump — including termination with extreme prejudice.

If everything fails, however, the CFR sociopaths most likely will create another 9/11-like incident, but in a larger scale, such as detonating a low-yield nuclear device in a large American city — a possibility Dick Cheney has repeatedly mentioned. After that, Barry Soetoro would declare Martial Law and postpone the elections indefinitely. What this may trigger I don’t want even to think about.

I sincerely hope I am wrong.

Servando is the uthor of Psychological Warfare and the New World Order and I Dare Call It Treason, and the DVDs Treason in America and Partners in Treason, all of them available at NewsWithViews.

© 2016 Servando Gonzalez – All Rights Reserved

Trump’s Judge Gonzalo Curiel a suspected lawbreaker and racist

“Today’s U.S. justice system has been turned upside-down by the progressives in both political parties: lawyers who help suspects break laws are elevated to federal court benches; candidates for president of the United States are undergoing criminal investigations for alleged actions perpetrated while serving as a cabinet member; and the entire Justice Department finds clamping-down on institutions and businesses to allow transgendered people access to ladies’ toilets is more important than investigating suspicious activity by Muslims.” — Chief of Police Geoffrey Lionel Lawtonson (Ret.).

On Tuesday night, American men and women from all backgrounds and all races stood up together and cast their ballots in delegate-rich states of California and New Jersey for Donald Trump as the Republican Party’s nominee for President. Many of his supporters say that Trump has united our nation after eight years of Barack Obama’s racially and economically divisive political agenda behind a singular vision: Trump’s AMERICA FIRST.

As Donald Trump said in his victory speech: “I understand the responsibility of carrying the mantle and I will never, ever let you down.”

Unfortunately, the news media preferred to cover Trump’s media battle with Judge Gonzalo Curiel taking the side of the Obama-appointed federal jurist. What they failed to cover is the fact Curiel broke the very laws he swore to protect and enforce. By this own admission, Judge Curiel helped an illegal alien get a scholarship to an American university, thereby aiding and abetting a lawbreaker.

Judge Curiel has been praised for such alleged illegal actions that were used by the Bush administration to arrest and incarcerate U.S. businessmen who were frequently targeted by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement directorate of the Homeland Security Department.

Many may argue that fetching a hefty scholarship for an illegal alien is not the same as hiring one, but the argument is an example of political chicanery. The man who hires an illegal alien and the man who helps an illegal alien secure a reward that’s denied to many American students are aiding and abetting a lawbreaker. During the Bush administration, when immigration laws had some semblance of enforcement, many business owners or managers stood before federal judges to answer for the alleged crimes. With Judge Curiel, it is the judge — a lawyer-in-black robes — who should be charged or at least removed from the bench to disregarding a law he swore to uphold.

For example, a Texas businessman who employed an illegal alien charged with capital murder in connection with the shooting death of Houston Police Department Officer Rodney Johnson, was arrested and charged with harboring an illegal alien here. The case was investigated by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Houston Police Department, and rightly so.

Robert Lane Camp, 47, who owned Camp Landscaping in Deer Park, Texas, was charged with encouraging Juan Leonardo Quintero-Perez, the accused killer of Officer Johnson, to unlawfully enter and remain in the United States, and also with harboring the illegal immigrant Quintero-Perez. The complaint was filed in federal court following an investigation by ICE special agents and the Houston Police Department. Camp surrendered to federal authorities at the U. S. Marshals Service where he was arrested.

Meanwhile in Ohio, ICE agents arrested the owner of a restaurant on felony charges of harboring illegal aliens after 10 of his illegal workers were apprehended. In Arkansas, agents arrested the owner of a construction business on felony charges and apprehended 27 of his illegal workers.

“ICE is taking an increasingly tough stance against egregious corporate violators that knowingly employ illegal aliens. Bringing criminal charges against these unscrupulous employers and targeting their ill-gotten gains is a tactic we are adopting nationwide,” said ICE Assistant Secretary Julie L. Myers in 2006.

In fiscal year 2006, DHS arrested 445 individuals on criminal charges in work site investigations and apprehended another 2,700 of their illegal workers on immigration violations. During all of fiscal year 2005, ICE arrested 176 individuals on criminal charges for aiding and abetting illegal workers and another 1,116 illegal aliens in these cases.

As digs deeper into Judge Curiel’s background and work history, it may be discovered that Trump is absolutely right about the Obama judge who gave thousands of dollars in campaign contributions to the Democratic Party.

Hillary Clinton Proposes Same Wall and Deportations Without Media Outrage

“Build a wall, deport illegal aliens, Mexico is literally sending people across the border” – Sen. Hillary Clinton 2006

While the Democrats, the Republican establishment, Judge Gonzalo Curiel, and the corrupt reporters in the news media became enraged over presidential hopeful Donald Trump’s border security plan that includes the construction of a large wall on the U.S.-Mexican border, there wasn’t a peep when Hillary Clinton called for the same thing.

The short-memory-prone news media forget how the presumed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her party cohorts took every opportunity to bash then President George W. Bush over his Homeland Security Department’s lack of border security between Mexico and southwestern states.

Not only did Hillary Clinton beat the drum calling for more deportations of illegal aliens, she also sounded the alarm that the United States required a state-of-the-art physical security program to keep Mexicans out of the U.S.

A video from the popular Council on Foreign Relations (see first video) shows Hillary Clinton clearly calling for deportations and the building of a “physical barrier” to keep illegal aliens from crossing the Mexicans-U.S. borders and plaguing the southwest states such as Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and others.

In fact, the news media — who have always adored Mrs. Clinton and her husband Bill to the point of running dishonest stories about them — praised Clinton for taking a tougher stand on U.S. sovereignty than President Bush.

In addition, two Democratic governors — Elliott Richardson of New Mexico and Janet Napolitano of Arizona — announced a state of emergency and posted National Guard troops on their borders with Mexico. Most observers believed it was just another ploy to make Bush look bad since Richardson sent only 12 troops to the border and Napolitano sent about half that many.

In one of the videos, Hillary alleges that the policies of Mexico’s Vincente Fox are pushing illegal aliens across our border and she is heard stating that the U.S. needs to “secure its borders with physical barriers.” She also called for tougher sanctions against those who hire illegals or those aid and abet illegals in staying in the U.S.

“Hillary Clinton’s 2006 speech would surely upset President Fox who all but physically attacked Donald Trump over his proposal to build a barrier at the border and deport illegal aliens. But when Clinton spoke, Fox and his echo chamber kept their mouths shut,” reminds former police officer Iris Aquino, now a security consultant and terrorism analyst. “The media also kept their mouths shut because they know Clinton is a liar and will say whatever she thinks will garner votes,” Aquino added.

Alas, not one major news outlet — print or broadcast — bothered to look for the videos in this news story and even if they had found them a sure bet would be they’d ignore it or bury it on their web sites to “cover their butts,” notes political strategist Mike Baker. “But the videos are here and they show Hillary Clinton talking tough on border security and illegal immigration,” said Baker.

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

The crime that will destroy America

Are the U.S. and NATO inciting Russia into war? To thousands of objective experts, it does appear so. BALTOPS 16, a NATO military exercise, is now taking place in the Baltic Sea in very close proximity to Russia.

“Over the next three weeks BALTOPS 16 will draw together some 6,000 personnel, 45 warships, and 60 aircraft from 17 nations, including the United States, Germany, the U.K., the Netherlands, along with the littoral states of the Baltic States who are NATO members (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Denmark) or NATO partners (Sweden and Finland).”

“Washington’s move to place a new ground-based missile defense system in Romania with Poland’s recruitment drive and the BALTOPS 16 exercise will surely raise tensions with Russia which are at an all time high since the Cold War. Russia views this move as a threat to its security with NATO’s encirclement of Russia is as reckless and as dangerous as you can get in terms of escalating the possibility of a disastrous war.”

Imagine how the American people would react if Russia or China began putting missile systems on our northern and southern borders.

The report continues, “Russia is more than prepared to fight a war against NATO which would not last more than three days at best according to the Rand Corporation, a think tank based in Santa Monica, California. The Rand corporation employed well-known players in the political arena including war criminal Henry Kissinger as an advisor and George W. Bush-era Neocons such as Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld (former Chairman of the board 1981-1986 and again in 1995-1996) and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice who was a former intern and trustee. The RAND corporation report admitted that a NATO war against Russia would last between 36 and 60 hours . . . .”

“If NATO were that foolish to start a war against Russia, European countries across Western Europe would be open to Russian missile strikes crippling Europe’s already fragile social and economic fabric. An attack on Russia would be the end of NATO, literally. Russia has capabilities that are far more advanced than what the U.S. and NATO forces have in their arsenal . . . .”

“The U.S. and its allies including Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia and other Gulf puppet states were all involved in creating the civil war in Syria in 2011 through a proxy opposition group to oust President Bashar al-Assad. The ‘protests’ were orchestrated by a covert operation led by US-NATO-Israeli intelligence agencies to create chaos in order to fault the Syrian government through propaganda. Washington and Israel want to destabilize Syria as a Nation State and break-up Syria into several small nation-states easier for the governments of the U.S. and Israel to control. Israel’s interest in destabilizing Syria goes back decades, perhaps as far back when the State of Israel was declared a new independent state in 1948.”

“For now, Washington . . . will continue to target smaller, weaker nations with their terrorists who they fund, train and manage in the Middle East and Africa. They will continue to destabilize governments through ‘regime change’ in Latin America as they recently did in Brazil and are in the process of targeting Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia through their Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) or controlled ‘opposition groups’ allied with Washington and Wall Street.”

“As for NATO forces on Russia’s borders, they would be destroyed in less than three days if they were foolish enough to follow Washington’s orders, then again Vassal states have no say in their own foreign or domestic affairs in the first place. NATO is a willing participant waiting for its annihilation as they sacrifice their lives and their nations in a war against Russia not for Europe, but for the American Empire.”

See the report here.

Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under Ronald Reagan, Paul Craig Roberts, was absolutely right when he said, “The crazed filth that controls US foreign policy is capable of defending US hegemony with nuclear weapons. The neoconservatives must be removed from power, arrested, and put on international trial for their horrendous war crimes before they defend their hegemony with Armageddon.

“Neoconservatives and their allies in the military/security complex make audacious use of false flag attacks. These evil people are capable of orchestrating a false flag attack that propels the US and Russia to war.”

See the report here.

Both major political parties in Washington, D.C., have brought the United States to the precipice of economic ruin. They have shredded the U.S. Constitution to the point that, for all intents and purposes, it does not even exist. Far too often, our court systems have failed to provide justice for the American people. Federal agencies such as the EPA and BLM have brought the American citizenry to a boiling point. The only thing that keeps the power establishment intact is their lying propaganda ministers in the mainstream media. But people by the millions (from both the left and the right) are seeing through the façade.

At some point, the only way the Neocons in Washington, D.C., and their crony monopolists (they are NOT capitalists) in New York City can keep their charade afloat is via a major war. War is the ultimate tool of globalists to enslave free societies. People will accept usurpations of their liberties during a time of war that they would NEVER accept otherwise. Plus, global war would provide the power establishment with the opportunity to create a new currency (no doubt a cashless system), wipe out national debt, and suspend constitutional law.

Is this what D.C. has planned for our near future: WAR? Think of the “national emergency” orders that could be executed by the President; think of the abridgments of the Bill of Rights; think of the entire American nation under “lockdown.” Not to mention the loss of multiplied thousands of innocent American lives in the process.

The United States has not tasted real war on its homeland since The War Between The States. For the most part, the American people have no idea what war is like. War is something that is fought “over there.” On the other hand, Russia has recent memories of the horrors of war and, in my mind, is showing great restraint against NATO’s encroachments and incitements. But Mr. Putin will only tolerate so much.

What the U.S. and NATO are doing in Eastern Europe is insane. To goad Vladimir Putin into war is the mark of desperate and despicably evil men. Then again, insanity and evil tend to go together.

Come to think about it, what the U.S. is doing in the Middle East and Western Europe is insane. Make no mistake about it: U.S. foreign policy has created the massive immigration problem in Western Europe. It’s time to admit it: U.S. foreign policy has brought both Europe and America to the precipice of economic disaster and nuclear war.

And for those of us who still believe in the importance of “Just War,” please remember that the greatest international crime that nations can commit is the Crime of Aggression. Nothing equals its condemnation under Natural Law. And right now it seems crystal clear that the U.S. and NATO are the aggressors, and therefore, if forced into war, Russia would be fighting a defensive, and thus, “Just War,” while the United States and NATO would be fighting an unjust war of aggression.

In the past, Germany, Japan, and Italy found themselves on the wrong side of history. Right now, it seems obvious that it is the United States and NATO–along with Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Israel–that are on the wrong side of history.

The American people had better turn off the sports channels long enough to pay attention to what is happening RIGHT NOW in Eastern Europe. It will be too late when nuclear missiles start landing in your backyard, folks.

And as is the case with every major failure within a nation, it is the pulpits that are the most culpable. For at least a half century or more, pastors have taught the American people almost NOTHING in regards to the fundamental principles of liberty, nations, and Natural Law. Think of it: in the State of South Carolina in which there are probably more professing Christians (and churches) per square mile than in any other State in the country, a reprobate Neocon warmonger such as Lindsey Graham (a 2016 Bilderberg participant, by the way) is the State’s senior senator.

Thanks to pastors and Christians who vote for people such as Lindsey Graham, the United States has been involved in myriad crimes of aggression all over the world for decades. That’s not an unpatriotic statement; that’s a factual statement.

Many people like to quote Missouri Senator Carl Schurz’ (1829-1906) statement, “My country, right or wrong.” But they seldom finish the quote. What Senator Schurz said was, “My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right.”

When we turn a blind eye as our nation commits crimes against humanity in violation of both international law and Natural Law, we are NOT being patriotic. If that’s not the case, we owe the people of Nazi Germany a huge apology.

The leaders and people of Old Testament Israel thought God’s prophets were “unpatriotic” too. But they weren’t. Who loves their nation more: the ones who say nothing and let their country slide into human oppression and divine judgment or the ones who try to call their nation back to the side of human dignity and divine approbation?

Again, there is no worse crime for a nation to commit than the Crime of Aggression.

About a year ago, I delivered a scriptural analysis of the seriousness of the Crime of Aggression. I showed how Jehovah God treats this crime so seriously that He almost ended David’s kingdom over it and in the process destroyed thousands of David’s men. Had David not repented of the Crime of Aggression that he was about to commit, God would have destroyed the entire nation. And, folks, God is no respecter of persons (or nations), and if America does not repent of this egregious Crime of Aggression, He will destroy us.

I can honestly say that in my entire life of being in church, I have NEVER heard a single pastor or minister say a word from the pulpit about the Crime of Aggression. Not one. Yet it is one of the most significant events in the life of King David. The only sin we ever hear about David committing is his adultery with Bathsheba. That was horrible, yes. And David paid a terrible personal price for that sin. But in terms of national impact, David’s intended Crime of Aggression was astronomically more jeopardous to Israel’s survival than his adultery. But I doubt that most Christians have ever even heard about it.

I tell you the truth: there is NOTHING more pertinent and relevant to America’s current crisis than the Crime of Aggression. Yet this is the crime that America seems to be the most addicted to, and this is the crime that pastors and Christians seem to be the least concerned about.

I urge readers to watch my message DVD: “The Crime Of Aggression: Condemned By The Law Of Nature And Nature’s God.”

America has taken its crimes of aggression to weak and impotent nations that are mostly helpless to resist. But now America is taking its crimes of aggression to the doorstep of Russia–and is even beginning to do the same in China. If the American people do not soon rein in these rogue out-of-control Neocons and Neolibs running U.S. foreign policy, we will tragically discover that a nuclear Armageddon will soon be at our doorstep. And these Christians who think they are going to escape it are in for a rude awakening. Their indifference is helping to create this nuclear apocalypse, and their false prophecy theology will not save them from it.

But if we all understood the divine principles of Natural Law that govern nations and began holding our civil magistrates accountable to these principles–and to our Constitution–we could indeed prevent what seems now to be inevitable.

© 2016 Chuck Baldwin – All Rights Reserved

“Roots” remake: Snoop Dogg got it right

Quoting the Pointer Sisters song, “I’m so excited!” Black pop icon Snoop Dogg’s comments about the remake of the “Roots” TV series, in essence, is what I have been preaching to fellow blacks for decades (without his profanity).

Snoop said, “I’m sick of this s—. They are going to just keep beating that s— into our heads about how they did us, huh?” Snoop spoke against new shows and movies such as “12 Years a Slave” which “keep showing the abuse we took hundreds and hundreds of years ago.”

Snoop said, “I ain’t watching that s—, and I advise you motherf—ers as real n—— like myself; f— them television shows. Snoop continued, “Let’s create our own s— based on today, how we live and how we inspire people today. Black is what’s real. F— that old s—.”

I say, “Right-on bro! (in my 1970’s lingo)” Folks, for decades, I have been frustrated; trying to get through to fellow blacks that continuing to view themselves as victims and using slavery as an excuse for bad and trifling behavior only weakens them. America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for it. My reward has been to be trashed in black and liberal media; called a traitorous self-hating Uncle Tom.

I pray that the truth coming from a hip black celeb like Snoop Dogg will help to remove the scales from the eyes of black youths.

The last thing the Democratic party wants is real black empowerment/independence. The Democratic party’s very existence is rooted in convincing as many voters as possible that they are forever victims of America in some way.

This is why when Oprah came out with her movie, “Selma”, I said I hoped the movie failed. I knew her movie was propaganda to convince blacks that not much has changed in America since the 1950s and that only their continued monolithic voting for Democrats will keep eternally evil and racist white America at bay. Sure enough, in a press conference promoting “Selma”, Oprah ranted about how in America, blacks still suffer the injustices portrayed in her movie on a daily basis. Meanwhile, Oprah is an American Ga-zillionaire with enormous power and influence due to her millions of white fans.

Upon seeing commercials for the upcoming “Roots” remake TV series, my reaction was pretty much the same as Snoop Dogg, “I’m not watching that crap.” Like everything Leftists produce today, I know the “Roots” remake is a political tool to promote Democratic party narratives; America sucks, government must become bigger and more controlling – blacks should be paid reparations. I also wondered how the producers would include the LGBT agenda in the remake. Would the Kunta Kinte character in the “Roots” remake be transgender?

As a young black man in 1977, I remember the original “Roots” TV series viewed by 130 million Americans. I was elated because I thought “Roots” presented slavery in a human context that decent people of all races could relate to; bringing people together. The first “Rocky” movie achieved the same universal humanity. It was such an eyeopener hearing my radical black power, whitey sucks, fellow black college student buddies excitedly raving about their new “Italian Stallion” hero after seeing the movie, “Rocky”.

In 1977, some feared the “Roots” TV series would cause riots in the streets. The American Left/Democrats of today are so divisive and so crazy with hatred for their country that they probably hope the remake of “Roots” will spark riots.

Riots in the streets would equal a crisis. The Left’s golden rule is “never let a crisis go to waste”; an opportunity to implement more government control and infringements on personal freedom.

Things Democrats label a crisis (typically fake) provide Democrats with ammo to propose more government control; more government handouts which equals more government dependency which equals more loyal Democrat voters. It is all a scam folks. And Democrats/Leftists have been playin’ blacks for decades.

So, I agree with Snoop. Enough with the Left’s relentless efforts to fill black heads with victim-hood-ism constantly rehashing how America did us wrong.

I also refuse to watch the “Hate in America” TV mini-series. The series focuses solely on white racism against blacks. If the TV series seriously sought to address hate, it would include the Black Panthers and Black Lives Matter declaring open season on killing whites and cops.

Again, the TV mini-series is another Leftist tool to sell blacks the message that America is eternally racist so vote for Democrats to watch your backs.

I learned years ago, that the Left does not view Black History Month as an occasion to showcase blacks contributions to our country. The Left uses it to instill guilt in white Americans; instill that America still sucks and still owes blacks reparations, big time. With the Left’s true purpose in mind, I renamed February, “Annual White America Sucks Month.”

When the movie, “The Pursuit of Happyness” starring leftist Will Smith came out, I thought, “Here we go again; another movie about how America sucks, is racist and blacks can’t catch a break.” I am not going to watch that crap. Well folks, I was wrong. The movie was great. It featured the true inspiring life story of Chris Gardner, a highly successful black American entrepreneur.

Surprisingly, the movie even showed how white businessmen (typically portrayed as racist, greedy SOBs) helped Gardner to pursue his dream. I related to Gardner’s story because throughout my careers, white businessmen helped me pursue my ambitions, as early as high school.

The movie, “The Pursuit of Happyness” was recently added to Netflix. Check it out. I think Snoop Dogg would approve.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Are you looking for some truth?

Please forgive me if this seems a little self-promotional. I certainly don’t intend for it to be viewed that way but I know that is how some readers might take it.

The exact opposite is true. I am writing about this because I believe it will be a help to YOU!!

There are a lot of things available on the web. I hardly ever turn my television on any more…except for an occasional sports event. I loooong ago gave up cable news and I certainly don’t waste time watching brain-dead entertainment.

If you are like me, you are hungry for Truth…and something to watch that will be worth the investment of time that you put into it.

Over the years I have also come to the realization that there is a great spiritual hunger as well. Our churches have failed to present the Truth and so much of what we hear from the pulpits is pabulum that often has no relevance to what is going on in the real world.

As one of my friends told me, we have become so heavenly minded that we are no earthy good. By the hundreds of thousands Americans have stopped attending church. Although they love the Lord they have voted with their feet and have chosen to “do church” at home in hopes of finding a deeper, more relevant faith to where they live their lives.

This is not good. Too many former church-goers are “dying on the vine” as their spiritual nourishment is not sufficient for the times in which we live. But they are sick of being laughed at, shunned by church leadership, and written off as “kooks” by others who are oblivious to what is happening in the real world.

As I have written in the past, I am not now, nor do I ever plan to start a “church.” I have never been to seminary, but I can read and I can think. I know that in my own life I have been hindered less by what I didn’t know, than by what I had been taught that simply was not true.

I am a seeker of Truth and I not afraid to look at the possibility that I don’t know it all. Even in my coaching days I was smart enough to employ the strategy that “in the multitude of many counselors there is great wisdom.” Chances are we will learn more truth from each other than we will ever learn from some politically correct pastor standing in America’s pulpits.

“My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.” Could it be that the American church is suffering so badly because Christians refuse to look outside the box of traditional Christian orthodoxy? The availability of information on the World Wide Web has helped me discover Truths that had been hidden from me before. I seek out knowledge and then let the Holy Spirit guide me to all Truth.

It has truly been an invigorating journey.

Many of you have been reading my writings for over a decade. I hear from you regularly and enjoy the feedback that I receive from y’all. I am inviting you to go a little deeper.

This past January I launched an internet TV/Radio show on Google hangouts. It is an interactive show that allows the participants to join with us on the air where we are able to have live dialogue. We spend an hour discussing the issues of the day and the SPIRITUAL significance to what is going on around us.

In addition, the show is simulcast LIVE on our YouTube channel and archived for viewing at a later time. Our group has been meeting live EVERY WEEKDAY from 7-8 EDT and our numbers are growing.

But even better than that…WE ARE GROWING…spiritually…as individuals. Many no longer feel alone and isolated but are being fed daily!! We would LOVE for you to be part of this exciting adventure. It is mainly men, although women are welcome. My wife listens regularly on her phone but she enjoys the “masculinity” that oozes from the show.

The show is FREE. We don’t ask for money…membership…and we stay free from doctrinal differences. We simply open the Bible, start reading, and discuss what the WORD speaks to us.

But here is the exciting stuff. We bring up topics that you will never hear in church because our pastors are too PC to bring up controversial stuff. Yes, you may have to bring your tin foil hats because some of the things that we discuss are a bit out of the mainstream…meaning you won’t hear it discussed on FOX News. But do you really want to know what is going on in the world and what role we as Christians are supposed to play?

So, I invite you to join us. I don’t want to start a church and I don’t want to be your pastor. We are interested in learning the Truth and have found that these hour-long sessions are providing the spiritual nourishment that so many are longing for.

Here is all you have to do. Simply log on to The show starts at 7 am EDT and there is only room for 10 “Live” participants. If you don’t get in the queue live you are immediately transferred to live viewing on YouTube.

I challenge you to go to any one of the archived shows available for FREE viewing or downloading at The shows are edgy, Gospel centered, action oriented, and invigorating. Our shows connect the Spiritual war to the natural world.

Stop wasting away at home all alone. You have many fellow travelers out in ether land. Come in and join us. The water is fine!!

© 2016 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

D-Day: is this what we fought for?

Just a few days ago was the anniversary of D-Day, June 6, 1944: 72 years ago. To many it was “the longest day.” To many more, their last. But on that day the free peoples of the West, commanded by General Dwight D. Eisenhower, landed on the shores of Fortress Europe to wrest it from the hands of Adolf Hitler.

We wake as from a dream into the present time.

Shortly before the D-Day anniversary, Michelle Obama made a speech to graduating seniors at City College of New York. The president’s wife reminded the graduates, “I wake up each morning in a house built by slaves.” She means the White House. Violins, please.

Slavery in the United States ended 151 years ago. Michelle Obama vacations in Hawaii, Martha’s Vineyard, and toney ski resorts. She jets all over the world, accompanied by her entourage—hairdresser, wardrobe serfs, chef, yes-men, yes-women, and Heaven knows what else—and stays at the costliest luxury hotels, rooms for thousands of dollars a night. You could pay your mortgage several times over with what she spends on shoes and shiny objects.

And the beauty of it is, Michelle doesn’t spend a dime of her own money for any of it. No—she spends your money, that you worked for: public money raised by taxes.

But she—when she’s not staying at a five-star resort—wakes up each morning in a house built by slaves.

There are no more slaves here, unless you count the taxpayers

Donald Trump likes luxuries, too. The difference is, he pays for his and you pay for Michelle’s.

But the president’s wife was trying, in her speech, to make a bigger point than that. She encouraged the graduates to rejoice because “the American dream” is still alive—her version of it. Our old version of it, if it lives at all, is on life support.

What is her “American dream”? If I read the speech aright, it has something to do with tons of people swarming into America from every country in the world, all refusing to assimilate, all speaking their own mutually unintelligible languages, all united by only one thing: the paternalistic rule of an ever-growing, power-seeking government. As another Democrat put it, four years ago, “The government is the only thing we all belong to.” By “belong to” they mean “owned by.”

Would you have waded ashore onto Omaha Beach, with shells and bullets flying all around you, and land mines planted everywhere, for that?

Meanwhile Michelle’s hubby occupies himself with the task of “fundamental transformation” of America—most recently taking the form of giving grown men free access to women’s public rest rooms. Wow. Let’s scale those cliffs, men, with Germans shooting at us all the way up, for that. “You are whatever you call yourself!” No matter how ridiculous it is. Let’s storm Rommel’s pillboxes for that.

D-Day ought to be a national day of mourning for what we’ve permitted our country to become. In one lifetime we’ve gone from Eisenhower to Obama. If that’s not cause for mourning, what is?

But more than mourning, it ought to move us to repentance. The God who preserved our country through terrible dangers, and crowned it with prosperity, peace, and stability, is waiting for us to turn to Him again—not to the swollen government, in hopes of special favors and big chunks of other people’s money, not to a lot of blithering “scientists” trying to scare us into further submission with threats of Climate Change, not to rich-as-Croesus liberals who climb out of their private jets to moan about “income inequality” and promise to fix it if only we give them much more power.

Not to any of those idols and false prophets, but to Him: who made the heavens and the earth, and gave us His only begotten Son, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of all the world.

That’s worth dying for. And living for.

The other stuff is only garbage.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog,, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Donald J. Trump’s authorized super pacs

“I will tell you that our system is broken. I give to many people, I give to everybody, when they call I give, and you know what? When I need something from them, two years, three years later, I call, they are there for me” — Donald Trump

Time to Support Mr. Trump

Donald Trump is right, but there’s another side to his giving. He has given to people he doesn’t even know because he cares about them, and what they’re doing, or what they’ve done. It is now up to us to give back to the man who has stepped forward to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. 

For those of us who are in the working class and struggle to make ends meet and even save a few dollars, we are unable to give large donations. However, we can send what little we can spare to help Mr. Trump win the presidency. How many thousands have shown up at all of Mr. Trump’s wonderful rallies? Now, we all need to show our appreciation and donate to his campaign to beat Hillary Clinton. It’s time to put our money where our mouths are! If we truly want America great again, we must help. Hillary Clinton needs to be soundly defeated, and Trump is the man to do it. Let’s take a look at where to donate and know that every penny will go to Mr. Trump.

Authorized Trump PACs

My email seems to always be flooded with people asking me what PACs for Mr. Trump are valid. Here again are the valid PACs, and there is a new one on the horizon which is not yet blessed by Trump, but looks great.

 Committee for American Sovereignty, Headed by a key player and close friend is former Trump exec, Nick Ribis and Ben Carson’s former advisor, Doug Watts. This is a totally legitimate PAC. Make sure you check the “about” portion of this PAC. Our wonderful former County Sheriff is on the advisor list, along with Admiral James A. Lyons USN (Retd.), remember his speech at the Center for Security Policy’s “Defeat Jihad Summit.” – several informative articles on this page, and a great way to keep up.

Giving to either of these PACS is a safe bet.

The Newest PAC on the Scene

Tom Barrack is one of Donald’s closest personal friends, truly a peer. Barrack pulled together hard commitments for $32 M virtually overnight – (remember Pro-Hillary PACs have $45M cash on hand and are about to start a heavy negative TV buy for June). 

This new Super PAC hired Alex Castellanos. He previously worked for Mitt Romney and was quietly supporting a Stop Trump effort last fall. Castellanos is now helping guide “Rebuild America Now” along with its backer, Tom Barrack. The Trump campaign has not publicly blessed the super PAC. However, Castellanos has come out with a 30 second video that is amazingly good, and never mentions Mr. Trump.

Roger Stone sees this as the number one PAC to help Trump. He thinks it’s a hard money PAC, and a big money PAC.

Unauthorized Trump PACs

trademarked name of Trump’s campaign, Make America Great Again. It was officially shut down in October of 2015.

Mike Ciletti, a Colorado GOP operative, was working for this PAC. After initially telling media that he did not know Ciletti, former Trump Campaign Manager, Corey Lewandowski, acknowledged that he was familiar with the Colorado consultant. But he said he did not ask him to start the super PAC, as Trump was self-funding his primary campaign.

Lewandowski knew Ciletti, because Ciletti’s WizBang Solutions had done extensive work as a mail vendor for Americans for Prosperity (AFP), in both 2012 and 2014, and Corey previously worked as a regional director and national director of voter registration at AFP. 

 Great America PAC – This is a very aggressive PAC, and it is NOT authorized by the Trump Campaign. They advertise on internet, and Fox News, and constantly send you emails. They have huge lists of potential donors via dominionist Gary DeMar’s Liberty Alliance. [Link] This is a scam. This is NOT the place to go if you want to donate to Donald Trump’s campaign. It is run by Jesse Benton and Ed Rollins. See my previous articles here and here on this false PAC. 

Jesse Benton, grandson-in-law of Ron Paul was convicted of falsifying campaign records for attempting to conceal the use of campaign funds to secure the endorsement of an Iowa state senator during Paul’s 2012 campaign. Benton has ties to Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell.

Ed Rollins currently works at Teneo Strategies, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Clinton, Inc. Roger Stone believes this is a sabotage operation. Even Mother Jones magazine has reported that only $5.00 of any donation goes to Trump. So where does the rest of the money go?


The two places to donate to Donald Trump’s campaign are the Committee for Sovereign America, and Tom Barrack’s PAC looks to be great for collecting from large donors. 

BuzzFeed. They became the first national news outlet to swear off Trump’s ad dollars. CEO Jonah Peretti said the company had canceled a $1.3 million contract with the Republican National Committee to run political ads for Trump’s presidential campaign beginning in the fall — in the final key months before the election on November 8.

Dish Network has also dropped Newsmax, which featured pro-Trump, Steve Malzberg and others. Newsmax didn’t even charge Dish for their show. Their shows were actually the only ones on cable who reported a truly Constitutional conservative view.

So there you have it. If people ask you where to donate to Mr. Trump’s campaign, simply send them this article. Time is short, please do whatever you can to help.

Setting the slaves free

“I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.” – Unknown

As many now know, just this last week, co-founder of TBN Jan Crouch died of a stroke. The Crouch family issued a statement on the passing of Mrs. Crouch:

“Laurie and I have just watched the transition of our precious Mother from this world to the next; watched her step into the presence of Jesus and into her heavenly reward. Jan Crouch, known around the world as Momma Jan, has gone home. Jan Crouch loved many things, but most of all she loved Jesus, and now has seen Him face to face and has experienced His grace in fullness. She has taken a piece of our hearts with her, but it’s so wonderful to know that Paul and Jan Crouch are together again, in the arms of Jesus.”

Now, with all due respect to those who should know better, what Jesus are these people talking about because it is not the Jesus of the Bible in any way, shape or form when it comes to what these charlatans preached (1 Timothy 6:5). What does the Scriptures say about these individuals?

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. –Matthew 7:13-23

Therefore, let me show you Scriptures in which Mrs. Crouch left off and the scriptural process of leading someone to The Lord…

In Proverbs 20:6 it tells us “most men will proclaim every one his own goodness…” That means when you ask someone if they think that they are a good person, most everyone will say yes. I have not met a person yet who said no. I often meet lots of people and I will engage them by asking, “Let me ask you some questions to see if you really are a good person. Have you ever told a lie before?”

They’ll answer with, “Yes.”

“What do you call someone who tells lies?” I continue.
“A liar,” they answer.
“Have you ever stolen anything before, irrespective of its value?” I will ask.
“Well, yeah I guess,” the person will say.
Then I’ll ask, “So, what does that make you?”
“A thief,” they will say.

I will then add that God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, and the 7th commandment tells us “Thou shall not commit adultery” (Exodus 20), but Jesus came along and intensified that Law in grace and said that even if you look upon a man or a woman to lust after them, you have already committed adultery with them in your heart (Matthew 5:28). When I ask if they have ever done this, the answer is always, “Yes.”

I then point out that by their own admission, they have admitted to being a liar, thief, and an adulterer at heart. I also ask them where do they think God will send them when they die and stand before Him on Judgment Day. Heaven or Hell? In most cases, they answer, “Heaven.” When asked why that is, they respond, “Well because I’ve been told that God is a loving God and He’ll forgive my sins” (Psalm 9:16).

Well, try that in a court of law. Let’s say that someone raped your sister, burned down your house, and stole your car and then stood in front of the judge and said, “I know that I am guilty of all these things, but I have been told by many people that you are a loving judge and I believe that you’ll just forgive me of my crimes.”

Suppose the judge said, “You know, you’re right. I am a loving judge, so I think I’ll just overlook your crimes. You are free to go.” Would that be a good judge? Of course not, that would be a bad judge. A good judge and a loving judge will not overlook a person’s crimes. A good judge will bring down justice upon crime. In fact, it is because the judge is loving, that he must punish evil doers (Jeremiah 9:24).

In the same way, it is because God is loving, good, and just that He must punish evildoers who violate His Law and commit crimes against Heaven. Isaiah 13:11 says, “And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity…” Only an unloving judge would overlook crime and let criminals off scot-free. A criminal deserves to be punished and so should you and I. However, the good news, is that Christ stepped in and paid the price for our crimes against God and His Law by spilling His own blood and dying on the cross for our sins (John 3:16). That is why the Gospel is called “Good news.”

The Law showed us our transgressions and proved that we are the guilty criminals (Romans 3:20). Rightful Judgment comes down upon us, the guilty criminals, and justly gives us the sentence of death and hell. However, the good news of the Gospel is this: Jesus Christ stepped in between (1 Timothy 2:5) the wrath of God and us and took our punishment upon Himself and made a way for us to escape Judgment and to be forgiven through His death on the cross and the atonement of His own blood. Leviticus 17:11 says, “…it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.”

The Bible says in Romans 5:8 that “But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” However, until you are made to see your guilty state, you will never see your sin against God or your need for a savior.

If I gave you a vile of medicine and said that I sold all that I had, every possession in the world for you to have this, you would say, “That’s great, but I’m not sick” (Matthew 9:12). Yet, if you had just been told that you have only days to live because of a deadly disease that was destroying your body, and then, after receiving the diagnosis and the surety of death, I came in and told you I sold all I had for you to have the cure, then you would be overjoyed because of the good news of receiving the cure that would save your life, and accept the cure willingly and gratefully.

In the same way, the fact that Jesus Christ suffered and died for you on the cross will not mean anything to you, until you are made to see your true sinful state. For the Gospel to make sense it must be delivered in the order it was intended:

1. Judgment – The punishment you deserve which is death and hell for breaking those Laws – Taking you through the Ten Commandments (Psalm 19:7; Galatians 3:24; Ezekiel 18:20)
2. Mercy – Christ stepping in and paying the price for your crimes or sin against God (1 Peter 3:18)
3. Faith – Which is the faith of the Son of God who loved you and gave Himself for you (Galatians 2:20)

Simply put, The Law detects, grace conquerors (Romans 5:20).

Therefore, to whom the Son makes free, is free indeed (John 8:36).

© 2016 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

Clinton queries: “if” the second amendment is a constitutional right

The natural and God-given right of self-defense is perfectly summed up by this exposition found in America’s fundamental law which regulates all our civil government institutions: “The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Definitive, bright, unequivocal, and by no stretch of the imagination is the Second Amendment confusing.

Let’s look at the words of Jesus on this topic. “Then said He unto them…he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” The sword Jesus was speaking of was a military grade weapon. It was a very effective lethal weapon. We know Christ would never command something that is intrinsically sinful so this command is clearly an act of love to protect one’s life and the lives of those near him/her.

Recently, Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton was interviewed on ABC News’ “This Week”. Clinton, who has refuted GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump’s claim that she wants to abolish the Second Amendment, refused to acknowledge that individuals have the right to bear arms!

The question from George Stephanopoulos was, “Do you believe that their conclusion (referring to the recent Heller decision) that an individual’s right to bear arms is a constitutional right?”

Clinton responded, “If it is a constitutional right, then it, like every other constitutional right, is subject to reasonable regulations…”

She did later acknowledge, “Reasonable people can say – as I do – responsible gun-owners have a right,” but her overall conclusion was, “There are real costs that people incur because of the terrible gun violence epidemic. And we have to deal with it. And I’m going to be looking for ways to deal with it.”

Incidentally this is a duty delegated to the President of the United States and their entire executive team by the Constitution, a duty that I fear this seeker of high office may be derelict.

Referring to anti-gun ownership laws and regulations, Clinton stated, “I do want people to ask themselves, can’t we do better than to have 33,000 people killed every year by guns and many thousands more injured? And I think we can.”

Considering, the overwhelming majority of public mass shootings occur in places where guns are outlawed and yet criminals disregard those bans, I think we can, too. I believe in the solution of our founders who determined to eliminate King George’s “pretended legislation” and legalize liberty and self-defense.

Since the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land, and since the Second Amendment declares that the right of the people to keep and bear arms “shall not be infringed,” then gun control measures are NOT law, they are what our founders referred to as “pretended legislation”.

Let me repeat, gun control measures ARE NOT law.

I believe Americans need to call on sheriffs and police officers to declare their intention to uphold the law by refusing to enforce these measures. Moreover, Americans should ask these same oath-takers to keep the oaths they have sworn before God by actively protecting and defending us against those who would violate the law by seeking to enforce these vain enactments.

This is because unconstitutional acts of legislatures are NOT the law.

Learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and his “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2016 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

How to destroy America—eight ways: Revisited

In October 2003, I attended an immigration conference where former Colorado Governor Richard D. Lamm presented a stunned audience with “How to Destroy America—Eight Ways.”

For the record, I based my book on his speech: Immigration’s Unarmed Invasion—Deadly Consequences.

At the time and even today, 13 years later, the majority of Americans don’t possess a clue as to the invasion of their country and how fast it’s being swept into the dustbin of history. What boggles my mind: the sheer speed of our fragmentation as a society! We added over 35 million immigrants since that speech.

We flooded ourselves with Muslims bent on destroying us. We face an entire takeover of Latino-Hispanic-Mexicans becoming the new majority within 26 years by 2042. We face terror attacks within our own country by “new” citizens from the Middle East. We suffer “Black Lives Matter” stomping on Old Glory while they burn and loot Ferguson, Missouri. We saw the Boston Marathon and San Bernardino terror attacks along with a dozen others, but we keep importing Muslims.

We stand at the threshold of self-destruction, but Congress continues the 1.2 million legal immigration juggernaut without pause.

During the conference, speaker after speaker astounded the audience with facts on how fast the present administration and Congress continue dismantling the American Dream for average citizens. Moments later, former Colorado Governor Richard D. Lamm, stood up and gave a speech on ‘How to Destroy America’. The audience sat spellbound by the eight methods for destruction of the United States.

Lamm said, “If you believe that America is too smug, too self-satisfied, too rich, then let’s destroy America. It is not that hard to do. No nation in history has survived the ravages of time. Arnold Toynbee observed that all great civilizations rise and fall, and that, “An autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide.”

“Here is how they destroyed their countries,” Lamm said. “First, turn America into a bilingual or multi lingual and bicultural country. History shows that no nation can survive the tension, conflict and antagonism of two or more competing languages and cultures. It is a blessing for an individual to be bilingual; however, it is a curse for a society to be bilingual. The historical scholar Seymour Lipset put it this way, “The histories of bilingual and bicultural societies that do not assimilate are histories of turmoil, tension and tragedy. Canada, Belgium, Malaysia, and Lebanon—all face crises of national existence in which minorities press for autonomy, if not independence. Pakistan and Cyprus have divided. Nigeria suppressed an ethnic rebellion. France faces difficulties with Basques, Bretons and Corsicans.”

Lamm continued on how to destroy America, “Invent ‘multiculturalism’ and encourage immigrants to maintain their own culture. I would make it an article of belief that all cultures are equal. That there are no cultural differences! I would make it an article of faith that the Black and Hispanic dropout rates are due to prejudice and discrimination by the majority. Every other explanation is out of bounds.”

“We could make the United States an ‘Hispanic Quebec’ without much effort. The key is to celebrate diversity rather than unity. As Benjamin Schwarz said in the ATLANTIC MONTHLY recently: “The apparent success of our own multi-ethnic and multi-cultural experiment might have been achieved not by tolerance but by hegemony. Without the dominance that once dictated ethnocentrically and what it meant to be an American, we are left with only tolerance and pluralism to hold us together.”

Lamm added, “I would encourage all immigrants to keep their own language and culture. I would replace the melting pot metaphor with the salad bowl metaphor. It is important to ensure that we have various cultural sub-groups living in America reinforcing their differences rather than as Americans, emphasizing their similarities.”

“Fourth, I would make our fastest growing demographic group the least educated. I would add a second underclass, unassimilated, undereducated and antagonistic to our population. I would have this second underclass have a 50 percent dropout rate from high school.”

“My fifth point for destroying America would be to get big foundations and business to give these efforts lots of money. I would invest in ethnic identity, and I would establish the cult of ‘Victimology’. I would get all minorities to think their lack of success was the fault of the majority. I would start a grievance industry blaming all minority failure on the majority population.”

“My sixth plan for America’s downfall would include dual citizenship and promote divided loyalties. I would celebrate diversity over unity. I would stress differences rather than similarities. Diverse people worldwide are mostly engaged in hating each other—that is, when they are not killing each other. A diverse, peaceful or stable society is against most historical precedent. People undervalue the unity it takes to keep a nation together. Look at the ancient Greeks: “The Greeks believed that they belonged to the same race; they possessed a common language and literature; and they worshipped the same gods. All Greece took part in the Olympic games. A common enemy Persia threatened their liberty. Yet, all these bonds were not strong enough to overcome two factors…local patriotism and geographical conditions that nurtured political divisions. Greece fell. In that historical reality, if we put the emphasis on the ‘pluribus’ instead of the ‘unum, we can balkanize America as surely as Kosovo.”

Lamm continued, “Next to last, I would place all subjects off limits—make it taboo to talk about anything against the cult of ‘diversity’. I would find a word similar to ‘heretic’ in the 16th century—that stopped discussion and paralyzed thinking. Words like ‘racist’ or ‘xenophobe’ halt discussion and debate.”

“Having made America a bilingual–bicultural country, having established multiculturalism, having the large foundations fund the doctrine of ‘Victimology’,” Lamm said. “I would next make it impossible to enforce our immigration laws. I would develop a mantra: “That because immigration has been good for America, it must ALWAYS be good. I would make every individual immigrant sympatric and ignore the cumulative impact of millions of them.”

In the last minute of his speech, Governor Lamm wiped his brow. A profound silence swept over the room. Finally, he said, “Lastly, I would censor Victor Davis Hansen’s book “MEXIFORNIA.” His book is dangerous. It exposes the plan to destroy America. If you feel America deserves to be destroyed, don’t read that book.”

No applause. A chilling apprehension rose like an ominous cloud above every attendee at the conference. Every American in that room knew that everything Lamm enumerated was proceeding methodically, quietly, darkly, yet pervasively across the United States today. Every discussion is being suppressed. Over 100 languages rip the foundation of our educational system and national cohesiveness. Barbaric cultures that practice female genital mutilation, terror, horse tripping, cock fighting, dog fighting and worse–grow as we celebrate ‘diversity’. American jobs vanish into the Third World as greedy corporations create a Third World in America—take note of California and other states—to date, 20 million illegal aliens and growing, fast.

If you look around you, our president and this Congress are dismantling America by design. Call it ‘multi-culturalism’ or ‘diversity’ or ‘one world government’ or ‘globalism’. In the end, it will mean the finish of the United States of America as a free, cohesive, sustainable and functioning society.

It reminded me of George Orwell’s book, ‘1984’. In that story, three slogans are engraved in the Ministry of Truth building: “War is peace,” “Freedom is slavery,” and “Ignorance is strength.” It dawned on everyone at the conference that our nation and the future of this great republic are deeply in trouble and worsening fast. An invasion of diseases, clashing cultures, languages, balkanization, mounting environmental dilemmas accelerate by the day. If this immigration monster isn’t stopped within two years, it will rage across the United States like a California wildfire and destroy everything in its path, especially the American Dream.

If you as an American citizen continue standing by saying nothing, this country is going down for the count. Everything you work and hope for—will not be there for your children. It’s time for your participation. Conviction without action is worthless.

© 2016 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

The killing fields: A final chapter

Several years ago I wrote three columns people found horrifying. Tons of email from readers who just cannot understand how people can commit such heinous acts upon others.

• The Killing Fields of America, 10-20-12
• The Killing Fields of America – Infants, babies, teens, 11-16-12
• Killing Fields of America – The Deadliest Of The Deadly, 3-12-13

The amount of savage violence in this country every day does shock people when you put together a list a mile long. Since I wrote those columns, nothing has changed. The nightly news might have a story once a week or so about a murder, but looking at a collection from all over the country really drives home how uncivilized a country we’ve become.

There is a sickness covering this country one can read about everyday of the week:

Mother, 52, sentenced to 20 years in prison for prostituting her two mentally disabled teenage daughters for $5 bills to support her crack cocaine habit
Teen girl’s body found stuffed under sink. Killed by her ex-boyfriend. She was 15. Her killer raped and murdered her and recorded the audio which police found. Karen Perez begged for her life. A beautiful young girl’s life snuffed out by an animal.

This final column is about the massive epidemic of animal cruelty in this country. Now, some people will say, so what and who cares, they’re just dogs or cats or horses. Well, I care and the reason for what’s going on is damned important.

Like the three columns above, it’s very painful for me to do this type of research (the photos are agonzing) and write about it. My beautiful, sweet West Highland Terrier, Miss Muffin, died May 13th from massive kidney failure. There was no way to save my baby girl. I miss her so much. And yet, look what people in this country do in huge numbers to the helpless when people like me just want five more minutes with our muggers:

• Horrific note left on top of Fox the Pomeranian who was found dead with 10 cracked ribs, a broken spine and missing teeth: We beat it 2 death lol HAHAHA!’
• Woman arrested for ‘drowning 3-week-old puppy in airport bathroom’ after she was told she couldn’t bring it on the plane
• Former NFL player Terrence Cody jailed for nine months after starving dog to death
• Hunt is on for ruthless dog abuser who doused pit bull named Zeus with gasoline and left him with burns so severe the pup had to be put down
• Landscaper Gets Year In Prison For Running Over Family Of Ducks With Lawnmower
• Horrific pictures of turtle bludgeoned to death with a GOLF CLUB while laying her eggs in a bunker

• Adorable puppies abandoned in a box with their umbilical cords still attached make swift recovery as carers prepare them for adoption – Ten puppies abandoned in dumpster
• Minn. deputy pleads guilty to drunkenly beating K-9 partner
• Woman, 19, poisoned and then beat her family dog to death with a shovel and hammer claw before bragging about it to friends
• Shame on people who eat that stuff: Shocking footage shows female ducklings crushed to death while males have their beaks ‘snipped’ with white hot metal inside French foie gras factory
• Man tortures, kills dog that kept coming home

• Rescue dog saved from being put down is punched to death by its new owner just four days after adoption
• Man ‘killed German Shepherd puppy by putting it in dishwasher and dumping it in trash can’
• Heart-Wrenching Video Shows Starving Dog Burying Her 11 Puppies After Man Knowingly Left Them to Die in His Yard – a Memphis man willingly starved his dog and sat by while her 11 puppies died in his driveway.
• Teen girls shown in Twitter video putting helpless kitten in the microwave and turning it on
• $1,000 reward offered after fox terrier is stabbed and skinned alive in Detroit

• Horrific injuries of dog abandoned and abused for so long her collar is FIVE INCHES embedded in her neck and can’t be removed
• Meet Van Gogh, the puppy left to die by heartless dog fighters who cut off his ears
• Woman who left her six pets to die in her foreclosed house is jailed for a year. They ate garbage and furniture to try to stay alive. After the 2008 meltdown this was truly epidemic across the country.
• Police officer arrested for battering his 7-month old Jack Russell named Rocko and texting his girlfriend a picture of its body

• Beloved rescue horse Jolean dies in agony after mystery assailant injected her with gasoline
• 2 Florida horses left to die survive months eating wood, manure
• Man is arrested for ‘beheading two small puppies for fun’ and another is charged with stabbing golden retriever to death
• Cat survives after being impaled by thugs who decided to use him for target practice (arrow)
• Shocking moment two men chain up and abandon dog outside Wal-Mart, forcing it to chew off its own paw to escape the cold – freezing temperatures owners drove off; vets amputated her leg

Profile of the Sociopath:

Callousness/Lack of Empathy
Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims
Lack of remorse
Early Behavior Problems – aberrant behaviors such as cruelty to people or animals, stealing, etc.

12 Million Americans Are Sociopaths. “Psychologist Martha Stout – who – clinical instructor in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School for 25 years – estimates in her book The Sociopath Next Door that as many as 4% of the population are conscienceless sociopaths who have no empathy or affectionate feelings for humans or animals.”

If you read the first three columns at the top, every one of those killers is a sociopath and so are the ones who torture and kill animals. They are dangerous people and they walk among us.

Dogs are the most amazing of animals for too many reasons to go on about in this column. Cat lovers feel the same way. Our pets become part of our family. They comfort us in times of grief, they bring joy in their silly everyday antics. Dog, cat, horse, doesn’t matter. They’re our pets and we love them. It’s inconceivable to imagine how any man or woman can be so cruel to those most vulnerable. But look what has become of our culture over the past few decades. With abortion, a culture of death. The Ten Commandments mean nothing to an increasing secular society.

This type of mass killing and animal cruelty in all these columns was unheard of when I was growing up; the same for my parents generation. After doing some research on sociopaths, it appears it’s both biological and environmental. The key is in spotting the warning signs. Childhood trauma and a child raised in a dysfunctional home can contribute greatly to that child becoming a sociopath. With the destruction of the true family, mother and father, look at what’s become of our society and culture over the past few decades.

I believe animal cruelty classes should be mandatory for every classroom in this country starting at the kindergarten level. Little kids just love animals. Color books, story time – they want more. Having someone in the classroom with a dog or two or a dog and a cat makes them excited and want to learn more and interact. I know some humane societies in this country as well as animal groups give their time and energy to give presentations on a regular basis to the schools in their area – every year, but a few here and there isn’t enough. This madness is epidemic.

Teach those children that hurting animals is wrong and that kindness and love is what makes that child happy. Not violence like crutelty to animals. That they hurt when you hurt them. That they are innocent and not deserving of cruelty. That puppies or kittens do make potty mistakes but not because they do it on purpose but because they have to learn. In one of the links above the male (I won’t use man because a real man would never do such a thing) killed a puppy because it had poop problems. I truly believe if we as a society can do this it will make a big difference. I also believe animal cruelty classes should be given to all freshmen in high school just so they don’t forget and think things like organized dog fighting rings are cool. They are not.

The next time your school board has a public meeting, attend and bring up this horrible problem plaguing our country. I know it probably seems trivial to some, but it’s not. Too many serial killers started with senselessly killing dogs, cats, squirrels and enjoying it. Then they move on to humans.

While it’s politically incorrect to say such a thing, I also believe flushing the Ten Commandments down the toilet has had a huge, negative impact on this country. Look at the culture out there. Lying, stealing, cheating in politics and everywhere else it seems. Money is worshipped over morals. Kids killing a parent or both and a culture of death where life in this country has become cheap and of no consequence. 17-year old Tyler Hadley killed both of his parents (he beath them to death with a hammer) and had a party with about 40 kids while their dead bodies were still in the house. Those interviewed said Hadley complained his parents wouldn’t let him throw a party. A true sociopath as he felt no empathy for his parents and certainly ‘honor thy mother and father’ was foreign to him. Hadley nicknamed himself ‘the hammer’ in prison.

Change in our society can only reall come from we the people, one family and one child at a time if someone is willing to make the effort. When enough people say enough is enough and do something about it.


[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. Just released: New Expanded Global Edition. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]

© 2016 – and Devvy – All Rights Reserved

The coming cashless society: big brother & the mark of the beast

Sweden is the first nation in the world to embrace a cashless society, where according to the central bank, Riksbank, cash transactions made up only 2% of the value of all payments last year. Swedish economists believe that by 2020 cash transactions will be only 0.5%.

Various apps like Swish and the Danish app, MobilePay, are being used to make purchases from various street vendor sales and even to give church donations. According a Guardian article, “Sweden leads race to become cashless society,” by Jon Henley dated June 4, 2016, “Swedes are blazing the trail in Europe, with banks, buses, street vendors and even churches expecting plastic or virtual payment.”

Promoters of a cashless society point out that there are countless benefits, such as control, tracking, and identification of criminals, along with the ability to block deposits, purchases, and withdrawals. In 2014, Cass Sunstein, the “regulatory czar,” former head of the office of Information and Regulatory Affair (OIRA), promoted the idea that a cashless society would reduce street crime. Sunstein believed that there was a relationship between (EBT) Electronic Benefit Transfer system for welfare benefits and a drop in crime. Although there has been no proof that Sunstein’s theory is true, in the spring of 2014, the Department of Justice came under fire for “Operation Choke Point,” which was designed to shut down payday lenders and other merchant activities that were labeled “high-risk.”

Sunstein appears to believe that society should be run by something resembling Plato’s Philosopher King System, controlled by “elites” such as himself. In effect, our world already is ruled by a class of wealthy and powerful people who view themselves as the philosopher or god-kings described by the Greek Philosopher Plato, who had studied the legendary super-civilization of Atlantis. I outline the historical progression of this in A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016-2017.

Although Sunstein would not call himself a Marxist, his ideological beliefs are totalitarian in nature, such as the belief that people should be prevented from being exposed to different belief systems on the Internet. So it is no wonder that Cass Sunstein wrote an op-ed advocating a cashless society.

According to an article written in the Atlantic magazine on April 8, 2016, “How a Cashless Society Could Embolden Big Brother,” by Sarah Jeong, a bare list of bullet points put out by the FDIC include some of the following merchant categories associated with high-risk activity.

“Ammunition sales, Dating Services, Get Rich Products, Government Grants, Life-Time Memberships, Pharmaceutical Sales, Pornography, Pyramid-Type Sales, Surveillance Equipment, Travel Clubs, etc.

One major bank shut down the personal accounts of hundreds of “adult entertainers,” which caused them to lose access to medical treatment, food and rent money.

Sarah Jeong wrote,

“A cashless society promises a world of limitation, control, and surveillance, which the poorest American already have in abundance.”

According to Jeong, EBT and the cashless society targets the most vulnerable people in our society.

Interestingly, one of the most widely read books in human history, the Book Of Revelation, deals specifically with a global cashless society where no individual can buy or sell without receiving what is called “the mark of the beast,” which appears to predict some kind of microchip implant with a computer-brain interface. This “mark of the beast” technology will only be distributed to individuals who have the required religious and political beliefs, making it an all-powerful global control system.

Despite the intellectual bias against the Book of Revelation even being looked at, the reality is that it brings up the themes of a cashless society and some kind of microchip over 2,000 years ago. The other thing that is interesting is that in order to receive this chip and participate in the economic system and be able to buy or sell, you must have specific beliefs. The specific condition is that you must choose to worship the charismatic world leader the Bible calls the Antichrist.

No matter what your previous religious beliefs were, you must renounce them and declare your worship of the Antichrist as God. This appears to specifically target Christians, in that they must renounce their belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and openly state that they will worship the Antichrist.

Over a century ago readers of this passage from Revelation Chapter 13 had a difficult time understanding exactly what the Mark of the Beast would be and how it would work. But now, in a world where nano-chip implants and computer-brain interfaces are evolving every day, it is easy to see how such a system could be put into place. Already a host of secular writers are warning of the Orwellian control that is coming through a cashless society. Could it be we are near the point where our political or religious belief system will determine whether or not we will be allowed to participate in the economic system? It is not too difficult to believe that in just a few short years microchip implants could be distributed on the basis of our political belief systems.

The microscopic chips are already being manufactured. The technology is already in place; all it would take is a legal order, either national or global. In order for that to happen, all it would take is some kind of national disaster, terrorist attack, or economic collapse. I explore the realities of how soon this could be coming in my book, “A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016 – 2017.”

© 2016 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

Biblical truth or tradition Pt. 3

I would like to continue discussing the false belief that ‘’no one knows the will of God.” There are so many references to this that when I began to study it years ago I was amazed that a preacher would even think about making that statement. The Apostle John has something to say about this subject. In the first chapter of the book of John he states: John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. Here he is clarifying that there is a will of God and a part of that will has been made known to man in the form of being born again. Jesus is quoted in John 7:17 stating: “If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.” Again I have to say that if we are not able to know God’s will Jesus would never make a statement like this. In John 9:31 we read “Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth.”

In the book of Acts we see where Saul ran into Jesus on the road to Damascus. While staying in Damascus Ananias was sent to Saul to pray for him and to tell him God’s will: Acts 22:14 “And he said, The God of our fathers hath chosen thee, that thou shouldest know his will, and see that Just One, and shouldest hear the voice of his mouth.” Too many times a preacher will say ‘’no one knows the will of God” because something bad or tragic has happened and the preacher doesn’t have a soothing answer for the people involved. These are tough times all around but when someone dies suddenly we don’t know why and that is an easy answer. The thing is we don’t know all the details of everyone’s life. Some people that we think are super spiritual die at a very young age and we cannot explain it. But there are times when we know the answer. A person that never lives for God, lives his/her life as if there is no God and then has a health problem and then blames God for it. When we live outside the protection of God’s hand we are open to everything that is in the world. If you don’t stand under the umbrella when it’s raining, why complain about getting wet?

We can know God’s will simply by seeking Him. His Word is His will. God wants all men to be saved, 1Timothy 2:3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. This isn’t hard to figure out. God wants the church to tithe: Malachi 3:10 “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” But many churches don’t preach that tithing us something that God wants us to do. Then there are the preachers that preach nothing but giving with no balance in the Word.

How many times has a preacher stated “We don’t know if God wants us healed”? This is one that baffles me. Jesus healed all the sick that came to Him except in His home town and that was because of their lack of faith, Matthew 4:24, 8:16, 12:15, 14:14, 15:30, 19:2 just to name a few but some preachers don’t know His will concerning this. James_5:14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: 15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Really, this isn’t brain surgery. When the pulpit is confused, the pews won’t be any better.

I stopped going to the denominational church that I had attended for years because what I read in the Bible was not what I was hearing from the pulpit. What I was hearing was almost the opposite of what I was reading. Paul tells us to study, the Word, to show ourselves approved. But most people only get what the preacher says never taking the time to study for themselves. Jesus declared in Mark 7:13 “Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.” One denomination won’t let its priests marry. There is no biblical doctrine to that. They get that from Paul’s first letter to the church in Corinth: 1 Corinthians 7:7 For I would that all men were even as I myself. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that.

8 I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I.

9 But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn. Paul was not always single though. He was a Pharisee and they were required to be married. When he converted his wife did not. But we also have to keep in mind that this was Paul’s concept not God’s. In Genesis God stated: Genesis 2:18 “And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” There are those that can live alone and it not bother them but the majority can’t.

Even in that denomination there has been lots of evidence that indicates that neither the males nor females could maintain that vow of celibacy. It is nothing but a tradition of man and not the will of God.

What is needed in the church is to set aside the things that are not of God and a return to the things that are of God. Traditions are nice but when they make the Word of God ineffective then it’s time to drop them. I know that some preachers don’t believe in speaking in tongues, healing, prosperity and all the other promises of God but we can’t believe one part of the Word and deny another. This is what drove me out of denominations. I believe the Holy Spirit should run a service not a bulletin. We you have to stay strictly with structure God has a hard time moving. Church is not man’s agenda, it’s God’s. It’s His ‘show’ not ours. Let Him reign.

All Scripture is from the KJV unless otherwise noted.

© 2016 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

LGBT idolatry in the pulpit

Who is to blame for the mess our country is in?

This week I read about the United Methodist’s in their quadrennial General Conference earlier this month, they sidestepped making any decision on the issue of sodomites in their denomination. Some defend that decision as a means to avoid a schism in their group. Before the Conference 111 LGBT leaders, I won’t call them pastors, came out and revealed to the world they were so wholly committed to this abomination that they want everyone to know it. And of course they demanded that the United Methodist change its book of church discipline so that sodomy is no longer a sin and that sodomite unmarraige ceremonies be incorporated into the practice of the churches and insist those in leadership not be disciplined for their immoral abomination. It is interesting to see that those defending the decision do so on the grounds that they are seeking to avoid schism, while those virulently opposed to it are the sodomites. They demand a change be made right now to force all United Methodists to support their abomination. Oddly absent in all this, is that no one is stating what the Scripture clearly commands.

The Apostle Paul addresses the unwillingness to discipline church members in 1 Corinthians 5:1-7

“It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father’s wife. And ye are puffed up, and have not rather mourned, that he that hath done this deed might be taken away from among you. For I verily, as absent in body, but present in spirit, have judged already, as though I were present, concerning him that hath so done this deed, In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump? Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us.”
So we ask today, where is the mourning, where is the Biblical judgment, the removing declared devotees of abomination from every position of leadership of the United Methodists, the 111 self declared LGBT? It is obvious there is no stomach for church discipline.

Paul is clear that when a member or especially a leader sins, he needs to be publicly rebuked so that others will be warned away from the same sin.

So when we ask the question whose to blame for the mess in our county, the most often stated response is that it is Politicians. And while they bear a great responsibility, it goes deeper than that. I believe President James Garfield’s had it right in his 1876 Speech on the 100th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence when he declared,

“Now more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave, and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the national legislature… If the NEXT CENTENNIAL does not find us a great nation… it will be because those who represent the enterprise, the culture, and the morality of the nation do not aid in controlling the political forces.”[1]

So is it ultimately not the politicians but the citizens. But that begs the question, who is to inform the citizens of the righteous standard to which President Garfield referred? If the citizen’s don’t control the political forces by a righteous moral standard who is behind that failure? I would contend that it is the pulpits of America – it is there that the telling rejection of the righteous standard of God has first taken place. The United Methodists are but one of numerous examples in our land of pulpits which refuse to be salt and light, and refuse to uphold the righteous moral standard of God’s Holy Law.

Learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2016 Rev. David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

Danger: Gulen charter schools and the Fethullah Gulen movement Pt. 2

Knowing how we have been misled by those we trusted hurts, especially from people like the Bush Clan who most Republicans blindly put a great deal of faith, time and money into. Knowing there are those who are going to support a person no matter what, hurts more.

This information has been researched and reported by many and has even been in our courts, so please read and help us remove the Gülen Charter schools and the entire movement from our shores and bring awareness as to our governments involvement in changing the world thru the hidden efforts of the CIA and world leaders.

In addition to his schools in the US, Gülen has schools and Madrasas (Arabic word for educational institutions) all over the world. His Madrasas were outlawed in countries like Russia and Uzbekistan and his schools were under investigation in the Netherlands. Plus, the origin of his immense wealth, which he uses to open and operate these schools all over the world, is unclear. As proven previously a great deal of it is American tax $$.

The CIA’s Graham Fuller, former handler of Fethullah Gülen, is currently one of the top American experts on Turkey and the Middle East. As a former CIA agent it was HE who endorsed Gülen to be allowed to not only enter the U.S., but take up residence in the Poconos Mountains, start over 100+ Charter schools collecting our tax dollars in the process along with the freedom to indoctrinate our children. 

One of the frequently discussed issues in contemporary Turkey is the political influence of “The Gülen Movement,” (Hizmet) or the religious network inspired by the teachings of Fethullah Gülen. Almost all observers including the FBI agree that the movement needs to be taken as a serious “radical threat”. The very fact that one part the U.S. government gave this man permanent residency in our country claiming him to be an excellent scholar, while the rest of the country including the FBI look at Gülen for what he is – a “radical Muslim” while using our children and working within the confines and protection of our government is treasonous to me. 

In an interview last year Fuller was asked if the U.S. would be sending Gülen back to Turkey as Prime Minister Erdogan had asked and Fuller basically stated Erdogan has no proof of any of the charges against Gülen and he would be staying in the US – Obama agreed.

With the very large role Fuller played in bringing Gülen to the U.S. (and keeping him here) he still fails to admit the dangers the Gülen schools and movement is placing on Americans within their very borders. Could this be because of Fuller’s link to other “radical” Muslims? You betcha!

In my previous article I explained his role in the Gülen “invasion” and now interesting facts are coming out in regard to how and when Gülen actually started working for the CIA. 

Some Americans (especially in Washington) are upset with Wikileaks for the information he has released. I am not as I consider most of what he released was informing “we the people” of the back door maneuvers of our government and most of them against us – their main enemy.

TrueBright was refused a renewal of their contract and closed in December, 2014 because of numerous “failures”: failure to meet academic goals, lack of a defined curriculum, failure to attract students from its catchment area, not offering world languages or Advanced Placement courses as promised. TrueBright since its opening had not only been part of FBI and Dept. of Labor investigations but sued by several American employees alleging discrimination.

Another perfect example of the system not following up on the certification of teachers working in Charter schools and their unelected school boards. They are pleased to be able to offer these people less money and no benefits until caught (Teach for America teachers?) Most non-American teachers at the Gülen schools are uncertified in this country and here on the H-1B non-immigrant status visas. One-third of this schools teachers alone were from Turkey.

The reason they need to use so many H-1B visas is they bring over a person and they work for 6 months then they let them go and bring in a replacement. The first person then just stays in the US if and when forced to leave. Most are not!

Am I the only one here screaming at the parents who complain their children cannot understand most of the Turkish teachers? Then why in the heck (I am being nice) is your child in that school??? Didn’t you tour it or talk to anyone there before enrolling your child? Talk about putting the cart before the horse!

Can you believe the president of TrueBright’s unelected parent/teachers association was a minister – Rev. James W. Wright, Sr., who stated he had no knowledge that the school administration had lied about the number of seniors who had graduated from the school – they said 50 students and it was only 33.

Now the real wake-up call!

Former top CIA official Graham Fuller spent 20 years as operations officer in Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Hong Kong. In 1982 Fuller was appointed the National Intelligence Officer for Near East and South Asia at the CIA, and in 1986, under Ronald Reagan, he became the Vice-Chairman of the National Intelligence Council, with overall responsibility for national level strategic forecasting.

Following the days of the Boston bombings a brand new name began to emerge – Ruslan Tsarnaev. Discovered to be the bomber’s uncle, he became known to the press as Uncle Ruslan. “Ruslan” gained notoriety for the ferocity with which he denounced his own nephews and their alleged Islamic radicalism. He said all the right things the right way to the “authorities”. But wait – who is this guy anyway?

Uncle Ruslan, a lawyer, and his nephews and their family are from Chechnya! They are Russian Muslims! 

As more information came to light about these brothers we find they had worked with the CIA/USAID and they were working and living at the home of none other than our reported Graham Fuller, strong proponent of political Islam, inspiration for the Iran-Contra affair, character reference on more than one occasion for Gülen, former Rand Corp. analyst and former FATHER-IN-LAW to Uncle Ruslan. Oops! 

Fuller was also the senior CIA person who was the architect of the Afghan Islamic fundamentalist Mujahideen war against the Soviets and he was also involved in creating a global jihad network, presumably acting on behalf of CIA interests.

Are Americans to still believe the CIA is not behind the increase of “radical Islam” in this country? 

More than a little embarrassed, Fuller spoke to the press claiming Ruslan was “homesick” for Chechnya and that his English was “shaky”. Yet a few days later a very English-fluent Ruslan gave his press conference from his very affluent Maryland home denouncing his nephews to the world. 

In 1995, Ruslan Tsarnaev incorporated the Congress of Chechen International Organizations in Maryland, using on the incorporation documents the very same address as Fuller’s home address in Rockville Maryland. Tsarnaev also at one time worked for one of the Dick Cheney’s Halliburton shell companies used as a front to obtain oil contracts from the Kazakhstan government and in 2005 was also working for the CIA/USAID which is part of the State Dept. and actually a front for the CIA allowing access to an array of places around the globe.

(USAID were the ones responsible through the Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (Canvas) who took Middle East students and trained them in readiness for the ‘Arab Spring’. CANVAS is part-funded and supported by globalist foundations like George Soros’s Freedom House and Open Society Institute, as well as CIA-linked National Endowment for Democracy and, of course, the full frontal USAID – our $$.)

Through the investigation of the Boston Bombings, Fuller continued to state it was “absurd” to try and link the CIA to the Boston bombings. Really? 

In addition, Fuller has long made the argument that Islam is a potentially useful geopolitical tool for the United States to manipulate for their own use. He has been quoted as saying, “The policy of guiding the evolution of Islam and of helping them against our adversaries worked marvelously well in Afghanistan against the Russians. The same doctrines can still be used to destabilize what remains of Russian power, and especially to counter the Chinese influence in Central Asia.”

The summer of 2011 interview of Tamerlane and his family didn’t reveal any problems according to the FBI. In January 2012 Tamerlane returned to Russia for 6 months and supposition is that he spent that time with Chechen Islamic rebels. His father claims he never left the US.

I might be a female, but when I went to school the object was to have you learn and become smarter – not like today where you are to leave after 12 years of schooling as a “dumbed down” indoctrinated shell! The CIA has its name tagged all over many dirty dealings which include things done inside and outside the US which have and continue to affect our lives and not necessarily in a good way.

Imam Gülen’s “movement” is described as “religiously-inspired” and some refer to Gülen as a scholar, however he only attended school through the 5th grade, but he seems to have smart enough people under him running his several hundred educational organizations such as K–12 schools, universities, and language schools (mostly English) that have been established around the world, mainly in Central Asia, Caucasus, Balkans, and 146 Charter schools in the U.S. You understand, Gülen claims he has NOTHING personally to do with the schools or foundations. But, isn’t Islam a religion?

How did he receive his U.S. residency status while he was ‘wanted’ by the then Turkish Government, is no longer a mystery. Now, this man owns and operates charter schools all across America obtaining our tax dollars through various foundations despite the fact his Madrasas were outlawed in countries like Russia and Uzbekistan.

Of course, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton helped in the establishment of the Turkish Gülen Charter Schools and the Gülen Movement in the US with a brokered deal to split the revenue from the sale of the oil captured in Iraq by ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorists, a deal made between Prime Minister Erdogan’s and Gülen’s factions in Turkey and overseen by the CIA. The captured oil was subsequently driven to the Turkish border in oil truck caravans to be sold by Prime Minister Erdogan’s son. For using her good offices to help Gülen, Clinton was paid an estimated $1 million with half going to the Clinton Family Foundation and half to the Clinton Presidential Campaign (payment to a political campaign by a foreigner is in violation of US Federal Campaign Laws). “So what difference does it make?”

Never forget that “a poor man’s war is terrorism while a rich man’s terrorism is war” – and sometimes those lines cross for the purposes of big-power politics.

Anyone wishing to form a national coalition to remove all Fethullah Gulen activities from the U.S. may contact me at

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Regarding Sharron Angle: I got angry the other day

Folks, I got angry the other day. Mary and I were on the road most of this year campaigning for Ted Cruz. We’re back home in Florida. My grass is over a foot tall, neighbors are still polite and my lawnmower won’t start. I dropped off the lawnmower for Darrell our mechanic to fix. But that is not what made me angry.

I got angry thinking about how insane policies mandated by government are becoming the norm in America. We are being forced to accept numerous insane things like allowing men, even dressed as men, to enter girl’s restrooms. All of us folks whose common sense tells us that these government mandates are insane had better keep our mouths shut or be branded bigoted, mean-spirited, intolerant and haters; face prosecution and jail time.

I got angry thinking about how in the midst of surrendering more and more of our freedoms, conservatives are still being coached not to dare run true conservative candidates to stop the Democrats/Lefts insanity. Folks, I feel like that guy in the movie, “Network”. I want to run to my window, throw it open and yell, “I’m mad as heck and not gonna take it anymore.”

Our nation was founded upon patriots who were fed up. They said, “Screw it, we ain’t taking it anymore from the all powerful British.”

The American colonies were broken into two groups; the Loyalists and the Patriots. Patriots felt they were treated unfairly by British government; taxed without any say or representation. Patriots wanted to break free of British rule.

Loyalists behaved similar to battered spouses. Though treated unfairly, loyalists saw benefits in remaining British citizens, fearful of being totally on their own. Loyalists were also extremely afraid to go up against the mighty, seemingly unbeatable, British military.

Thank God there were courageous patriots, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, George Washington, Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, Ethan Allen, Patrick Henry, and Ben Franklin who refused to listen to cowardly gloom and doom loyalists.

We have fearful GOP loyalists today cautioning us to be reasonable, don’t make the Left really angry by pushing back too hard and don’t dare run real conservatives. Thank God that we have conservative patriot warrior candidates today like Sharron Angle, Rob Maness and Kelli Ward to name a few.

True rock-solid conservative Sharron Angle is running for US Senate, Nevada. Patriots we must get behind this courageous, laser focused on liberty patriot sister. If I hear another person on our side say a real-deal conservative can’t win, I am going to slap them. Well, not really. But for crying out loud folks, when do we start firmly supporting conservatives with proven records of loyalty, patriots with histories of putting it all on the line for us? When do we stand for what we believe to be right rather than surrendering to the Left’s seemingly unstoppable fundamental transformation of America?

Patriot and national conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin gets it and has endorsed Sharron Angle for US Senate. Levin said he realizes that Angle faces an uphill battle against all the forces against her, but he is sick of it (mad as heck, not taking it anymore). Levin’s and other endorsements are great, but not enough folks. We need patriots across America to rally behind our patriot sister; calling family and friends in Nevada, telling them to vote for Angle in the fast approaching June 14th primary. Early voting starts May 28th.

Sharron is seeking to defeat a RINO named Heck who voted with Pelosi and the democrats 62% of the time. Heck, Nevada’s so-called republican senator voted with democrats for gun control, to fully fund Obamacare and voted for amnesty. Well, what the “Heck” is the benefit of having a RINO, a democrat in disguise, in that seat?

Three items atop Sharron’s list of democrat insanity she will correct is to eliminate Nevada Obamacare exchange, require voter ID in Nevada and protect student privacy.

My fellow Americans, we find ourselves in a similar situation as did our Founding Fathers, choosing to side with fear-driven GOP loyalists or brave conservative patriots. Battered conservative GOP loyalists will go along with the status quo, allowing Heck, a RINO to represent them in the general.

Taking a cue from our courageous Founding Fathers, brave patriots will back the true conservative in the race, patriot sister, Sharron Angle.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –

© 2016 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

Christian right establishment: big failure in leadership

In war, after a great battle ends, the wounded are attended to and the dead are counted. When the dust settles, analysis of the conflict becomes much clearer. From there, the historian can see where the battle was won and lost, which general excelled, and which failed.

By late spring of 2016, a similar time had arrived in the heated battle of the 2016 Republican primary. The Republican primary season of nine months was much more intense than typical primary elections. And it was a battle of the political ages; one that may go down as the beginning of a great political revolution in American history.

It started with 17 combatants and ended with one man standing by Tuesday, May 3rd, the evening of the Indiana primary.

The symbolism of war is appropriate for what transpired. The Establishment/Goldwater battle of ’64 was nothing compared to what we have seen this election season.

One by one, the upstart Donald Trump picked off his opponents. The ones who left early—Paul, Christie, Carson, and more—left with fewer wounds. Those who continued—Jeb Bush, Rubio, and especially Cruz—may have suffered politically mortal wounds.

The primary war even inflicted damage on non-combatants such as the two former Bush presidents with their legacy which was hit hard by Trump’s verbal artillery against brother Jeb and the Bush family.

The other non-combatant who suffered severe wounds was the candidate supply line known as the Republican Party Establishment. Traditionally, in primary battles, the party establishment remains in the background, taking a neutral position, waiting for a winner to emerge.

Instead, in an unprecedented fashion, the Republican Party Establishment has entered the battlefield, seeking to take down the leading general. History may well show that they have suffered the greatest wounds of all, having lost the loyalty of their troops for a long time due to their duplicity. Who knows if they will ever get it back? When an organization’s corruption is exposed and trust is lost, it is difficult for them to recover loyalty.

Another big loser in this historic primary battle is the Christian Right leadership. By the end of the battle, this leadership was seen in retreat behind Rubio and Cruz. Only a few of these leaders has sided with the winning general. Despite so many Christian Right leaders backing Establishment candidates, over half of their Evangelical supporters broke rank and placed their support behind Trump, many switching allegiances in the middle of the battle.

The louder the Evangelical officers yelled at their forces to hold the line for Cruz or Rubio, the worse things got, until, in South Carolina, a huge Evangelical backing of Trump shocked the Christian Right leadership. The rest of the southern troops soon followed. No amount of name calling by the Christian Right officers could hold the line against Trump. The greater the threats, the more their men went to the outsider from New York.

The primaries have shown that Evangelicals do not vote as a monolithic group and that the Christian Right leaders cannot control their own people anymore. This exposure and embarrassment of the Christian Right Establishment during this public primary battle has deeply wounded them. You can’t be leading if nobody is following.

Of course, the primary setback for these Christian Right leaders did not come as a surprise. It is the culmination of four decades of failed leadership. They have failed to make the case for distinctively Christian positions on issues for decades, so a tipping point had to appear at some point as the beginning of the end of their influence.


A glaring weakness in the leadership of the Christian Right is their unwavering allegiance and servitude to the national Republican Party. Their loyalty is based on some kind of supposed common ground: as if the Republican Party is synonymous with liberty, the Bill of Rights, conservatism, and the Christian faith.

This is the Republican Party that is state-ist, big government, pro-central banks, pro-Wall Street pillaging, pro-war and pro-NSA illegal spying—and has been for decades. Is there anything Christian about these positions? The Christian Right is to the Republican hierarchy what the black constituency is to the Democratic Party. The Party placates them on a few issues, and then uses them for political advantage while finding reasons to ignore those “social issue” positions.

These Christian leaders are tied too closely to the Republican Establishment so they can’t confront them and call them to reform the Party. This has been made very clear in the 2016 Republican primary season. The Republican Establishment of insider politicians and donors has been railing against Donald Trump. They have enthusiastically conspired against their own electors’ overwhelming choice for president. During the primary there was a period in which every week was filled with stories of secret meetings among Party Establishment donors and operatives desiring to destroy their own frontrunner.

Despite this unprecedented behavior of corruption, compromise, and treacherous policy from the Party hierarchy, many in the Christian Right leadership remained silent, while others publicly joined in with the Republican elites to destroy the peoples’ candidate. As the Republican Party was being exposed weekly, complaints came in from everywhere, but the Christian Right remained silent, revealing their compromised alliance with the GOPe.


The modern Christian Right leader has little understanding of the leadership and influence the historic Church has had in its 2000-year history in relation to its high calling and authority in the world. Instead, today’s Western Church has become a place of seclusion and comfort; an institution hidden away from the secular world that seeks to destroy it.

The true biblical picture of Christ’s Church is of an institution that is on the offensive, storming the gates of hell, tearing down secular strongholds and philosophies that are alien to God and His Word. It is a picture of a huge force of redeemed saints of God, seeking daily to advance the cause of Christ, building His Kingdom. The modern Christian activist has replaced this vision for the humanist notion of political salvation whereby politics is the singular means to expand God’s Kingdom. This heretical and false hope that has permeated the leadership of the Evangelical Establishment has muted its prophetic voice against the evils of our day, including the corruption within the Republican Party.

Outside of their three comfort issues—abortion, marriage and human sexuality—the Christian Right has not showed up for the battle over American culture. They have been AWOL in the great fight over human destiny. The enemies of Christianity—many of whom are members of the GOP—have romped to cultural victory after victory, unopposed by the Church.


The lack of the prophetic voice of the Church is ever so clear in the realm of US foreign policy, and the endless, unbiblical, unconstitutional wars of aggression.
The Bible is clear concerning the prohibition of the “shedding of innocent blood” and the terrific loss of innocent human life by unjust wars. But the Christian Right leadership would rather embrace the worldview of war-loving neo-cons with the illegal Bush Middle Eastern wars than take a biblical stand for life.

Christian Right leaders will mobilize and unite to save one life like Terri Schiavo, which is admirable, but if they see 1½ million innocent dead Iraqis and Afghanis, they will not lift a finger. The neo-con warmongering worldview has captivated the Christian Right leadership, and they have greatly compromised their pro-life position. Being pro-life is more than being anti-abortion.

History will haunt the Church with the question, “Where was the Church in this great human slaughter in the Middle East and North Africa?”


Over the last thirty years, the Christian Right leadership has embraced the “Social Conservative” label. The implication of this self-labeling is that there are other issues for which there are conservative positions, but those issues are of lesser import because they do not exist within the new synonym for “Christian.” That’s a politically expedient classification of issues, but it’s not a biblical distinction.

Social conservatism has generally limited itself to three areas of action: abortion, family, and human sexuality. This strategy of addressing only self-styled “social” issues has been a recipe for disaster in the manipulative hands of the national Republican Party. Establishment Republicans only have to win over the vote of the Christian Right by giving lip service to three issues, while doing as they please on the multitude of other important issues of life. The modern American Church has handed to the enemies of God the right to set the agenda and ethics for all the other areas of interest to our political masters; this includes economics, sound money, taxation, war, foreign policy, civil jurisdiction and limitations, all realms of education, and the many other areas of culture.

Within the three social conservative issues, the Christian Right leaders have always taken the most compromised positions to appease the governing establishment. For a long time the Christian cause has lost tremendous ground in these three areas that the Christian Right leadership holds dear. They hold these issues as their own, but in political battles over them they often compromise in a moment. They never seem to be able to see the fight through to victory and in the end they appease the politicians and betray the Christian position.


The problem is not simply one of ethics. The Christian Right leadership has sought to engage in the political sphere without a fully developed epistemology (source of knowledge), dealing with all the issues relevant to political theory. Their worldview has been an eclectic mixture of a little Bible, some general conservative thought, American traditions, talk radio, and Fox News. Their worldview is a syncretism from many sources.

The result of this limited and faulty theological worldview not based solely on Holy Scripture is the ineffectiveness of the Christian Right to advance the true foundational Christian position in the political sphere.

Issues of interest in the political arena are many, and can be very complex. For the Christian to speak into all these areas he must be equipped with a conviction of the sufficiency of Scripture alone, and the proper intellectual tools of an unpolluted comprehensive biblical worldview that flow from this conviction to battle those who oppose the Christian faith.

Christian Right political leadership has also been largely reactionary instead of proactive—because they have not developed a comprehensive worldview to apply God’s truth to every area of life; to the world in which their people live.


America’s Christian Right leadership has also compromised itself when it comes to the sources of news it has supported, advocated, and uses. The daily gathering of truthful worldwide news is of critical importance to be able to effectively determine policy and to speak into the issues of our national life and culture. Christian Right leadership, for too long, has been dependent on the news feeds from the various corporate venues of the Establishment media.

Christians should be the most interested of all people in truth, searching diligently for it, instead of naively accepting whatever is handed to them. Yet the Christian Right would rather be spoon fed propaganda from neo-con networks like Fox and talk radio than making the effort to find truthful sources of news.

The national and geo-political world is complicated, but one that could be understood with some effort. The modern world of publishing and the internet has given everyone in political leadership a wealth of resources to sort out all of the Establishment media’s disinformation. Yet the Christian Right never seems to venture past their easy sources of news information.


For several decades, influential Christians have taken on the role of drafting political policies, leading political causes, promoting political parties, and endorsing candidates. With their vast resources and organizations, they have not developed influential think tanks and theological centers to do this work, so they suffer without sufficient biblical training in the vast realm of Christian political theory. These men are grossly unqualified for this important public task, yet these are the leaders of the Christian Right.

These men often raise vast sums of money for political activity, but do not have the biblical epistemology, worldview, and wisdom to effectively represent Christian positions. Instead, their activism has often supported non-Christian views. Evangelical witness has suffered greatly from these “low-information leaders.”

A new group of Christian Right leaders must start to develop a host of schools, organizations, and think tanks to train a new generation of leaders who will have the courage and intellectual capabilities to press the total claims of Jesus Christ and His Word into a hostile political world and culture.

The Church’s enemies have done the painstaking work to create such institutions of their own to train their leaders. This is what thoughtful people of vision do. The Church historically has advanced with such vision, but the modern American Church has walked away from this legacy.


The definition of “naïve” so accurately describes the Christian Right leadership: to be trusting, simple, gullible, innocent, and immature. Another definition: lacking worldly experience, knowledge, and understanding, thus not having critical judgment and a developed ability of analysis and reasoning.

Denny Burk writes, “…among Evangelicals, there is a naïve belief that if only we were winsome enough, kind enough, and compassionate enough, the culture would welcome us with open arms.” Evangelical leaders operate in their own moral idealism that often hinders their judgment in the battle over politics and culture.

Evangelical leaders think the CIA is there to protect them and American interests, and that the Republican Party is their friend. They are unaware of how the world works and think elected politicians run the federal government. They always seem to exalt Israel’s interests above the Church. Evangelical leaders couldn’t give a simple paragraph on who is Prescott Bush, or provide a 30-second definition of the history of central banking.

I can’t think of an American political constituency as unaware and naïve as the Christian Right. Why? Is it Christ’s own words in Luke 16:8: “…the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light”?

Yet in Church history when the people of God were faithful you did not see such a naïve understanding of the world as you do in our modern era. No matter the reason, this present naivety does a huge disservice to the testimony of Christian faith in the world of politics and culture.


The lure of power politics so captivates the minds of many who pay it homage. 21st-century American culture is dominated by politics. Political rhetoric and promises dictate the conversations and lives of so many people. Its pull is at times inescapable.

A December 14, 2015, article in National Review revealed a closed, secret meeting of some 50 Evangelical leaders led by Family Research Council president Tony Perkins. The meeting’s purpose was to achieve a consensus where the group could publically endorse a candidate for president. After 5 ballots and discussions until dawn, Ted Cruz held the majority vote, and soon after, some of its members started publically endorsing Cruz.

The 50 assembled Christian Establishment leaders were mostly members of the Council of National Policy and of the more secretive Arlington Group. They were hoping that unity among them would be adequate to bring their Evangelical support base with them in support of their endorsed candidate. In the end, with all their efforts at king-making, their Evangelical constituency didn’t heed their endorsements.

Underlying most Evangelical political activism is the same salvific hope embraced by today’s heathen world—that their redemption will come from their political saviors. Among activists, it includes the hope that if they can get the right bill passed, a particular politician elected, a majority on the Supreme Court, or Republican congressional majorities, then they can turn around this culture and have a Christian country. They seek a political revolution by power politics instead of an ethical reformation accomplished by applying the Word of God to all realms of life.

Civil government is but one of many spheres of life God has given Christians to redeem for His glory, but it can only accomplish so much. Its biblical jurisdiction is limited; Christian civilization cannot be accomplished by political activism alone. Cultural transformation of a society is a painstakingly long-term grind where plans and strategies must be developed over time—generationally—to redeem every area of life.


In a January 8, 2016, article by Matthew Sheffeld, titled “Mike Huckabee: The Religious Right is a Giant Scam,” he touched on the abusive fundraising practices of the Religious Right:

Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee lashed out against religious conservative leaders Wednesday, accusing them of trying to bilk gullible donors out of money while actually having no desire to pursue goals like outlawing same-sex marriage and banning abortion.

“A lot of them, quite frankly, I think they’re scared to death that if a guy like me got elected, I would actually do what I said I would do. We would abolish abortion based on the 5th and 14th Amendment. We would ignore the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage decision.”

Because he would take such actions as president, Huckabee said that he presents a problem for many Religious Right organizations since they would no longer be able to raise money to promote such causes.

“A lot of these organizations wouldn’t have the ability to do urgent fundraising because if we slay the dragon, what dragon do they continue to fight? And so, for many of them, it could be a real detriment to their organization’s abilities to gin up their supporters and raise contributions…”

Many of these Christian Right groups have turned fundraising into an art form under the appropriate motto “we’ve never seen a crisis we couldn’t exploit.” Huckabee’s complaint hit two key areas of much of the Christian Right’s fundraising.

First is the constant reactionary chasing of every national moral and political crisis with donor pleas for money. Second is the acceptance—unconsciously or otherwise—of the political status quo with never any hope or goal of political victory. Year after year, these Christian Right organizations settle for losing, and accept being the controlled opposition. Political losses are embraced as long as their organizational funding, salaries, status, and power are maintained.

These organizations put their constituency in constant panic mode, living off of crisis after crisis with no real plan for any advancement of the Kingdom of God or of Christ’s Church being the dominating influence in American culture.

Their bilking of the base will not change until Evangelical donors wise up and realize they have been conned by religious profiteers, and start shifting their giving to Christian organizations with sacrificial, long-term, victory-centered plans for true cultural reform.


Whenever the Christian Right leaders engage in public debates over their social positions, it is never with an apologetic using the standard of God’s Word/Law. They always default to humanist natural law reasoning as their strategy of defense. They appeal to cause and effect, statistics, demographics, and various studies. There is no appeal to transcendence or a higher order so it becomes a polemic of their logic over their opponent’s logic.

The Christian Right has made it their strategy to engage on their opponent’s turf of human reasoning thus they never have any kind of home court advantage. As a result, they keep losing. This is not a matter of spouting endless Bible verses in debate; it’s about the use of the transcendent claims of God over his creation and of the clear principles in His Word in the face of empty and weak humanistic speculation.

The Christian Right should take a page out of George Washington’s playbook. In a speech to the delegates at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, he said: “If to please the people, we offer what we ourselves disapprove, how can we afterwards defend our work? Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair [rally]; the event is in the hand of God.”

If the Christian Right used this approach, then, win or lose, God is honored and truly represented in the public sphere. That in itself will lead to future victories in the culture war—because a holy standard of biblical truth has been raised.


Joel Skousen, in his June 3, 2016 version of his World Affairs Brief, stated the following concerning Al Mohler:

In an interview with National Public Radio, Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, said that culturally and theologically conservative Christians “are on the losing side of a massive change that’s not going to be reversed,” regarding the definition of marriage and other moral issues. From his perspective, “Christians must adapt to the changed cultural circumstances by finding a way to ‘live faithfully in a world in which we’re going to be a moral exception.’”

I was shocked at this key Christian Right leader’s statements admitting and accepting the defeat of Christianity in the United States. But, then again, Dr. Mohler’s comments are typical of today’s Christian Right and Protestant church leaders. They have raised the white flag and have declared to the enemies of Christ: “You have won; your god is greater than our God. The giants of your anti-Christian culture are too great for the Church to overcome.”

Why do these Christian Right leaders not encourage their people, no matter the current circumstances, of the great promises in God’s Word of Christ’s victory in time and history? Do they think the Great Commission of the future – the great Christian renewal, where the nations are discipled and bow before Christ – is simply a suggestion and not a promise?

As popular culture is destroying itself with sexual immorality, humanistic education, and low marriage and birth rates, it provides a tremendous opportunity for the Church to prevail in this unique time in history.

We have the numbers and resources, but not the will – the “want to” – or leaders who have courage and a biblical vision of victory for superior Christian culture and civilization. In the midst of all the cultural decay, the Christian has a world that is theirs for the taking if they will show up for the fight.

To demonstrate Christianity’s capacity for victory, Christian leadership has to demonstrate biblical leadership in only two areas of life: education and children. Develop a nationwide Evangelical movement to get every Christian child out of our enemy’s (government) schools and teach from the pulpit the biblical command and blessing of large families.

Think of a future generation of Christian children sent out into the world that far outnumber their enemies, all with a sound Christian worldview. Is there anything the Church could not accomplish?

But, this advice will never be taken by the present leadership of the Christian Right, for such a strategy would involve long-term planning, work, sweat, and courage. Republican politics is much easier and gives the appearance of influence.


This unprecedented day of American political change and upheaval has given way to a new American nationalism with the rejection of the old established order. The failures of the old order are being exposed more broadly and deeply with revelations of the corruption in both political parties and the ruling oligarchy in Washington, including a good deal of light being shed on the banking and corporate ruling Establishment.

Also facing more examination and criticism is the leadership of the Christian Right, and its unholy alliance with the Republican Party and their neoconservative worldview. They will have to give an account for the way they have sold out the prophetic voice of the Church and the Kingdom mandate from God.

Christians are seeing their Evangelical leadership as politically impotent; they have been unable to achieve any victories or accomplish the smallest goals in politics or culture. They can’t even get Planned Parenthood defunded at the federal level and in most states. They now view their leaders as part of the status quo or “controlled opposition.”

We are in the midst of a historic political movement, a sea change in the political landscape for many years to come, and most of the Evangelical Establishment leadership has no idea what is happening politically right before their eyes. Instead of embracing this historic national rebellion and pushback against the Establishment, admitting their four decades of mistakes and compromise, rethinking their positions and strategies, they remain stuck in the thinking the past, endorsing Establishment Republicans with the hope of maintaining their status quo positions and living off the political crumbs that fall from the GOPe table.

The Establishment Christian Right leadership has again promoted and endorsed Establishment candidates in the Republican primary. What’s interesting this time around is that the Evangelical rank and file is no longer respecting and listening to their misguided leadership. In increasing numbers they are voting and promoting the candidacy of the American nationalist Donald Trump.

When followers see their leadership compromised and ineffective they begin to reject their guidance and start the process of looking for new leaders.

© 2016 Thomas Ertl – All Rights Reserved

Unauthorized Trump pac showing up in your email?

“Greed is a fat demon with a small mouth and whatever you feed it is never enough.” —Janwillem van de Wetering

Teneo and Ed Rollins

Teneo was actually founded by Hillary’s former ambassador to Ireland, Declan Kelly, and Bill Clinton’s former aide, Doug Band. Even Huma Abedin, Hillary’s closest aide, has worked for Teneo. The founders of Teneo have profited by their close affiliations with the Clintons. Guess who is promoting this unauthorized Trump PAC via email?

Dominionist/Reconstructionist Gary DeMar

A good friend of mine with a sharp eye, scrolled the email she received from Ed Rollins’ Great America PAC. What she found at the bottom of the email was very telling.

Copyright © 2016. is a member of Liberty Alliance (address). All rights reserved.

147 Ponderosa Trail | Dallas, GA 30132

The Dallas Georgia address belongs to Gary DeMar of American Vision. Here is the leadership of Liberty Alliance, and virtually all of them are Dominionists/Reconstructionists (D/R). Note that Gary DeMar of American Vision is on the Liberty Alliance board. Scroll down the page to see their member sites and partners.

Google map the address at the bottom of the email. Then Google the address itself in a search engine. Then google it with “American Vision” and/or “Gary DeMar.” This address has come up on dozens of campaign email literature this past year and some smart researchers have tracked it to this 147 Ponderosa Trail, which is the SAME ADDRESS as Gary DeMar’s headquarters.

For a while DeMar was hard-core pro-Cruz, but it appears he has switched now. What concerns me the most is that this 147 Ponderosa Trail is the repository of all of DATABANKING going on — anyone who presses reply, or donate, is then part of DeMar’s LISTS! This is building a Reconstructionist empire, and bet me Ed Rollins and gang have gotten the lists of a great many groups of people.

Other DeMar promoted Email Websites

Clash Daily – Note, Steve Deace and Mark Levin, both supporters of Dominionist Ted Cruz, and both support a Constitutional Convention with Cruz.

Patriot Depot – Note the request for funds from Ted Cruz for President. – Note, Patriot Update and Liberty Alliance at the bottom of page. 

Patriot Update – member of Liberty Alliance and also promoting Rubio.

Patriot Update – And here’s more datamining with a presidential primary survey by none other than Reince Priebus, Chairman of the RNC.


There are far too many websites to list, although if you’ll click on the leadership of Liberty Alliance and scroll to “member sites,” you’ll see the many websites affiliated with D/R Gary Demar’s American Vision address. Liberty Alliance promotes fellow Reconstructionists/Dominionist websites and people, Eagle Rising, Godfather Politics, Political Outcast, and dozens and dozens more.

Thanks to some vigilant researchers, and you two gals know who you are, now everyone will know the various sites which are emailed and promoted by Liberty Alliance. One needs only to look at the address of 147 Ponderosa Trail, in Dallas, Georgia, or for Patriot Depot and Liberty Alliance at the bottom of the email, to know you’re in a website promoted by D/R Gary DeMar.

Gary DeMar’s Liberty Alliance is promoting Ed Rollins unauthorized Great America PAC via email, and to lists garnered in various ways. They even have the anti-Common Core lists from Glenn Beck and David Barton, so I’m sure you’ll see one of Rollins’ emails in your inbox. When you do, you’ll now know who is sending and promoting it.

Solomon Yue, the rules committee and the Trump nomination

“Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception.” — Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince

Donald J. Trump is all too aware of the underhanded tactics of the GOP establishment (GOPe). It is why he hired the best man to help him with delegates and rule changes at the RNC Convention. That man is Mr. Paul Manafort, and he is already aware of the various dishonest shenanigans by the GOPe in several states. He will level the path to Mr. Trump’s nomination at the Cleveland Convention in July. 

A Look at Oregon

Oregon Trump supporters have a convoluted and menacing problem within the GOPe. There are any number of players, but for the purpose of brevity, we’ll concentrate on only one in this article.

The one to worry about is Solomon Yue. Yue may be one of the Cruz delegate organizers, and he may well be the one who will do all he can to hurt Trump. Yue, like Cruz, is itching to make trouble at the convention. It even looks as though he’d like Trump to lose, in the hopes that Cruz can run and win in 2020.

Perhaps Mr. Soloman Yue lives by the above quote from Machiavelli, and deception is the key. Oregon’s Trump supporters are very concerned about Yue’s alliances. 

Who is Solomon Yue?

Yue is involved in a number of organizations, but the few we’re concerned about include his membership in the Republican National Committee’s Standing Committee on Rules, and his membership as the National committeeman for Oregon’s Republican Party for the last 16 years. In 2013, Mr. Yue assumed the role of Founder, Vice Chairman and CEO of Republicans Overseas, representing and influencing a large percentage of the 8.7 million U.S. citizens abroad. Some inside sources feel Yue is independently funded by several Super Pac schemes and by Chinese Communist sponsors. 

Yue’s bio reads that he’s an escapee from Chinese communism, and now a virulent anti-communist and Constitutional conservative. Inside sources in Oregon believe Yue wears a conservative mask that belies his true agenda.

Yue Immigrates to U.S.

Solomon Yue says his grandfather met Democrat Glenn Olds, then president of Alaska Pacific University, at an international Methodist conference, and asked him to assist his 16-year-old grandson, Solomon, in Shanghai, to immigrate. Olds was a consultant to President John F. Kennedy on the creation of social programs, including the Peace Corps, and the formation of Vista, Volunteers in Service to America. Olds was a devout globalist. He was appointed to the United Nations Economic and Social Council, and he was also the Chair of the World Federalist Association Board of Directors. [Link


The Rules Committee

Solomon Yue has been regarded as one of the driving forces bringing change to the Republican National Committee (RNC). He sits on the committee that could rewrite the rules for the party’s nominating convention for president and vice president from July 16th through 18th in Cleveland, Ohio. There are 112 members of the RNC Rules Committee, and Yue is among the top 20 most senior members. 

Yue wants the RNC’s rules committee to recommend that the convention adopt different rules for how the process works. As it stands, the convention will be operated under the same rules that the House of Representatives works under. Accordingly, Paul Ryan, Speaker of the house, will be in charge and wielding the gavel with absolute power. Believe me, this is not my idea of a great situation either, however, this will mean no funny business and no filibusters.

In April of 2016, Solomon Yue proposed rule changes for the Convention. [Link] He proposed replacing the complicated Republican rules book — based on the rules of the U.S. House — with Roberts Rules of Order. Yue clashed with RNC head, Reince Preibus, on this proposal. A GOP rules committee meeting in Florida rejected Yue’s proposal on a voice vote. [Link] Yue knows what he wants and why he wants it, and it’s certainly NOT to protect Mr. Trump’s nomination on the first ballot.

What Yue and a sizable number of committee members would like, is decentralized power with many opportunities for delegates to block the process. 

Since Mr. Trump’s hiring of the brilliantly capable, Paul Manafort, it seems that it is the Cruz delegation who has the most to lose under a heavy speaker’s gavel. Now Cruz faces the very strong possibility of an establishment yielding to Trump, and slamming the door on the first ballot without Cruz never getting to stage a floor fight. 

Trump has his 1237 delegates, and more, but many of the delegates and their preferences are in dispute, especially because of state GOPe involvement in Trump’s delegates. Under Yue’s desired rule changes, Cruz’s team would hope to be able to disqualify some delegates or even unbind some that don’t have autonomy on the first ballot. A powerful parliamentary officer can shut down procedural tactics, calls for further debate, or the re-visitation of credentials or rules. Ryan, however, could hammer closed the selection process on round one, and send furious Cruz backers out into the northern Ohio night. 

Saul Anuzis, Solomon Yue, and Ted Cruz

Saul Anuzis, who is tight with Muslim loving CFR and CNP member, Grover Norquist, was also Cruz’s Hezbollah loving Michigan campaign chief. Anuzis has a long record of reaching out to Hezbollah’s American agents and supporters. As Chair of the Michigan Repubs, Anuzis made it a point to pander to Shi’ite Muslims in Dearbornistan who were and are open supporters of Hezbollah. In an article by Debbie Schlussel, she states, “Saul Anuzis ran for Chairman of the Republican National Committee, a position which he lost to Reince Priebus, (even though Tea Party Nation backed Anuzis). But when he was running, my previous articles about Saul Anuzis and his Hezbollah-pandering on this site (including here, and here, and here,) came back to bite him.”

According to Breitbart, Cruz instructed his operatives to build up a bloc of votes to dominate both the party’s Rules Committee and the writing of the platform, said Saul Anuzis, a senior advisor to the Cruz campaign. The article also stated, 

The former manager of Cruz’s Michigan campaign said the campaign is still organized, with state chairmen and coordinators in each congressional district, and the campaign is developing its whip system for the convention.

In addition to the 559 delegates already bound to Cruz, Anuzis said he is confident the Cruz bloc will reach up to 700 delegates at the convention in Cleveland. “They are conservatives and they care about the same issues that Ted Cruz cares about,” he said. More than 300 delegates have not yet been designated.

Anuzis and Yue are well acquainted with each other, both traveling in the same circles and on many of the same committees. Their goals are the same, both working for a disruptive convention, Yue with rules changes at the last minute, and Anuzis hoping Yue succeeds so Cruz has a chance at stopping the first ballot for Trump.


The machinations behind the scenes in the GOPe are so complex and twisted, that even skimming the surface of their schemes is overwhelming. As I stated in the beginning of this article, I concentrated only on one individual, Solomon Yue, so that people understand that it’s not over until the fat lady sings, and Donald J. Trump has the GOP nomination for President of the United States.

Paul Manafort is in charge of overseeing this entire process. He was directly hired by Mr. Trump, because Trump hires only the best, and I have complete faith in the man and his abilities. Mr. Manafort knows the will of the American people, and his job is to put our choice in our White House for the next 8 years. As such, we must keep all of them in our prayers.

Peering into the ‘wanna be god’ looking glass

What do we see when peering into the ‘wanna be god looking glass? Here we have Bill Clinton, the sleep around, moral garbage can former President. He still gives his overpriced speeches and loves the attention he gets while ‘humping’ (my bad) I meant stumping for Hillary. You know, – ‘Boys will be boys.’

As I glance onward into the ‘god glass’ there is the famous Hillary Clinton – ”It doesn’t really matter anyway” Former Secretary of State. She has wanted to be the first female President, thus hopefully rendering her behavior and actions untouchable. If you dare point out her chronic lies, disservice and UN American views, you will find yourself torched by the classic and fossil like persecution mantras that Obama and Hillary love to use. If you go after Hillary, you are a sexist and hate women and their need for equal rights. If you go after Obama, you hate all blacks and are a racist. ‘Shut up while we rape and pillage America, we have ‘special’ status and you don’t.

What does it matter anyway

How can we ever forget the famous treasonous and insensitive words of Hillary regarding the investigation of Benghazi – ‘ and the avoidable murders of Ambassador Stevens and his brave crew ‘ It doesn’t really matter anyway.’ For years now, from what we do know, desperate military calls for help were denied during the quickly escalating Islamic terror attack at the Ambassadors compound. They were told again and again to stand down on Hillary and Obama’s watch. As the investigation continues seemingly forever, we now know of all the cover up treachery about arms shipments flying through there that we were supplying to all the wrong Islamic people.

Cover up; Cover up, murders and more cover-ups. Hillary, Obama and their lying mouth pieces all blamed this exploding Benghazi nightmare on a small video on Islam that caused it all. Now, the whole world knows that was a bogus, planned out and a treacherous lie. Hillary’s usual playbook is to say ‘I don’t recall’ or make sure she was traveling somewhere else in the world looking very busy to avoid Congress and their probes on this. ‘ It doesn’t really matter anyway.’

Now, we see and hear the building criminal investigation over Hillary lying yet again, then hiding and forgetting everything she can…the famous unsecured email server and emails flying everywhere, being hacked and exposing America most likely to danger and threat due to her gross negligence. Once again, her playbook screams out the ‘minimization card’ Condoleezza and Other Secretary’s of State did the same thing as I did. Rules changed over time and if I had to do it again I would do it differently but it was no different than my predecessors…on and on.

With this latest email scandal, she loves to play the persecuted female card again and again. Everyone is making a big deal out of nothing so they must just hate women, especially Trump and the GOP.

…But it does matter this time to Americans Hillary.

Let us follow the bouncing ball legacy so far

• Lies, cover-ups, criminal and dangerous fund raising and donations to her ‘mystery’ foundation
• Dangerous and exposed emails, lack of leadership that lead to murders in Benghazi
• Terror, threats, intimidation and set ups against all the women Bill raped or had affairs with
• Drug money and clover ups going clear back to White Water, disappearing bodies and many ending up dead or missing.
The real legacy emerging all over Hillary is to grab up power and keep it at all costs.

Hillary as the first ‘wanna be female president’ represents me about as much as ice cube factories are in hell.

I am a woman and I love my rights. Hillary simply represents none of them.

“Hillary, your eminent exposure and demise as a politician is unfolding in front of us all. It really doesn’t matter anyway.”

© 2016 Dr. Laurie Roth – All Rights Reserved

Trump endorsed by National black pro-life union president

If one believes the people presidential hopeful Donald Trump calls the sleazy media, African Americans and Latinos are not about to cast their votes for the Republican maverick. However, many believe the polls being used to document opinions of minorities are false, miscalculated or just plain phony.

For example, Day Gardner, the president of the National Black Pro-Life Union,
who has been involved in the pro-life movement for more than 15 years told reporters that this was the very first time she felt moved to endorse a presidential candidate. And that candidate is Donald Trump.

“I, like all of America have been watching with amazement this spectacle unfold,” she said, describing Trump’s whirlwind campaign against 16 other Republican candidates and now against the Democratic Party’s — and news media’s – favorite politician Hillary Clinton.

“I was amazed and for a while baffled at the way in which the GOP and establishment conservatives started bashing and trashing Donald J. Trump, a man who has been leading in the polls from the very beginning and has millions and millions of staunch supporters. Why would they do that? The answer came back to me that it was fear of the unknown and of the untried,” said Ms. Gardner.

Many believe the GOP elite and establishment conservatives also fear that with President Trump they won’t be able to cast their lines into ponds of their choosing. They also fear that they won’t be able reel that line in whenever they want to. The NPPU believes that with Trump, the elitists don’t even have a fishing pole!

“We the people are the pole and the line is attached from him directly to us. What a concept,” said Ms. Gardner.

She stated that America is in deep trouble, but we the people have come to an impasse.

Americans are expected to sit back and do the same old thing, the same old way, by voting for the same old establishment politicians. They smile in the faces of voters while patting each other on the back for successfully tricking them one more time — one more political season.

“Make no mistake I believe without Trump, Hillary Clinton will win,” Gardner solemnly warns Republicans, Independents and those people once called Reagan Democrats.

“Without President Trump, we will be stuck with the status quo. Life will go on with fewer and fewer good jobs because the biggest job producers and providers will move to other countries. Without jobs crime will continue to billow especially in cities with impoverished neighborhoods,” the pro-life activist noted.

“Our National debt will continue to grow to oblivion just as it has been.
Millions more illegal aliens will pour across our borders expecting and getting shelter, education and healthcare — while many American citizens not only struggle for those very same things but many times — and maybe even most times do without,” she warned.

She also pointed to a true danger to the nation’s legal system. “Without Trump, we will end up with the most liberal Supreme Court in our Nation’s history.”

Without Trump – and with Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders — the same old establishment politicians will continue to be overly nice and kowtow to foreign countries that not only hate us, but seek to destroy everything America stands for. Clinton and Sanders and many other leftists don’t want to build a strong nation, they want to create a socialist “paradise” such as Venezuela, which is undergoing one of the worst economic slumps in that country’s history thanks to more than a decade of Marxist policies and destruction of that South American nation’s middle-class.

Venezuela also has become one of the world’s most dangerous places to live in, competing with war-torn Iraq, Syria and Libya for record homicides.

Besides Venezuela and other Latin American nations, Europe is nothing to brag about either. “Without Trump, we will be facing the same problems that Germany, Brussels, Hungary and other host countries are forced to deal with because establishment politicians are afraid to stand up to our enemies in the Middle East,” said Ms. Gardner.

Gardner, a former Miss Delaware and a semifinalist for Miss America, previously served as the National Director of Black Americans for Life. She also serves now as Associate Director of the National Pro Life Center in Washington, D.C., and as an executive member of the National Clergy Council.

In a statement sent to newspapers, radio and television news outlets and Internet news media editors, Ms. Gardner made her persuasive argument:

“Without Trump, life will be business as usual — and we will continue to spiral down into an abyss from which we will never recover. Our America will be even more unrecognizable: America the disrespected, America the downtrodden, America the aborted, America the perverted…America the ugly.

“With Donald J. Trump as President we can make America great again. We need to stand with him, to forgo the onslaught of political correctness that spawns a populace of cowards and liars.

“Donald Trump loves America and has the courage to say what needs to be said about radical Islam. He also has the courage to follow through with policies to protect America. We must not — compromise our morals, our values or our beliefs in order to be liked by others.

“Mr. Trump is an extremely successful businessman who will bring decades of real experience to the presidency. Donald J. Trump is also a powerful voice for each and every one of us. He hears the small quiet voices of our veterans and everyday people, he hears the voices of unborn children, he hears your voice, he hears my voice- and I, along with millions and millions of other Americans — now hear his.

“Today, I firmly stand with Donald J. Trump to endorse him to be the next President of the United States of America.”

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

To keep and bear arms: what and why

As an author, columnist, radio talk show host, and pastor who is outspoken in my support of the Second Amendment, I often receive inquiries from people asking for my personal preferences regarding firearms. This column will be devoted to sharing my thoughts on the various types of firearms in an attempt to help readers who may be new or even foreign to the use of firearms. I trust that some of these remarks will inspire people to become more familiar with the different types of firearms that are available and, hopefully, motivate people to take a closer look at those firearms that might be beneficial to them personally.

I’m sure this column will not provide anything new for the firearms aficionados out there. But we are living in a violence-prone society, and more and more people (especially ladies) who never paid much attention to guns before are sensing the need to arm themselves but don’t really know where to start. This column is designed to help those people.

Plus, there are many Christians reading this column who have been brainwashed by pastors who promote the idea that, on Biblical grounds, they don’t need to own a gun and even might be sinning if they did. I trust this column will give these folks some food for thought that will cause them to at least study the issue for themselves.

First, let me emphasize that I am NOT a firearms expert. And I strongly urge you to receive as much instruction and training from a firearms professional as possible. It is also critical that, no matter which firearm you decide to purchase, you practice with it. The firearm you purchase is no better or worse than your ability to handle it.

Second, when it comes to a discussion of which firearms are preferable, the suggestions are as varied as the people who proffer them. These are my suggestions:

I believe every man and woman should be proficient with the following firearms: a handgun in .38 caliber or above, a .22 rifle, a centerfire, bolt-action hunting rifle, a semi-automatic rifle, and a shotgun. But don’t think you have to know everything about all of these firearms at once, of course. Start simple, and go from there. You don’t have to be an “expert” to be able to protect yourself and your family. But a basic working knowledge of these firearms is extremely valuable and will give you much confidence.

My personal preference for a self-defense handgun is a Glock pistol in .40 Smith & Wesson (Model 22 or 23), .45 ACP (Model 21 or 30), or 10mm Auto (Model 20). Of course, the 1911 .45 ACP (I prefer Colt or Springfield Armory) has been proven to be an extremely effective self-defense sidearm for over a century. But I don’t recommend the 1911 for beginners.

And as much as I love to shoot the 1911 (NOTHING “feels” like a 1911), I hardly ever carry one for self-protection. Not because there is anything wrong with the gun. There isn’t. But not being an “expert,” I just don’t trust myself to be able to proficiently handle the 1911 in a high-stress situation.

In addition to the aforementioned pistols, I will also admit to sometimes carrying a 9mm Glock (Model 19 or 17) or a Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum revolver. My two favorites in this caliber are the Model 66 with a 2½-inch barrel and the Model 586 with a 4-inch barrel. My wife prefers to carry a Smith & Wesson .38 Special revolver in the snub-nose, J-frame configuration. But this is primarily due to the reduced weight of these weapons for carry purposes. If needed, she could make a good accounting of herself with the Glock 19. And, yes, I also carry a J-frame .38 Special sometimes–either as a backup or when deep concealment is necessary.

I prefer the .38 Special to the .380 ACP, although the modern .380s are very concealable–and for that reason, I sometimes carry a .380 in a Glock 42. My main complaint with the Glock 42 is it has a stiff trigger pull–around 9 pounds, whereas, most Glock pistols have a standard 5.5 pound trigger pull. (I have found that a lighter trigger pull makes accuracy easier.) When I do carry a J-Frame revolver, it’s usually a S&W 340 M&P, which is built for the .357 Magnum, but, of course, the .357 can also fire the .38 Special, which I prefer when using such a small, lightweight revolver. The .38 Special and 9mm Luger are comparable in power. For deep concealment, I also like the Glock 43 in 9mm (although, it’s not as concealable as the Glock 42). But most of the time, I’m carrying a Glock 23 in .40 caliber.

As you can tell, I’m quite the Glock fan. I believe the Glock pistol is the best place to start for people who are new to handguns. Plus, Glocks are the preferred handgun for many of the most experienced shooters as well. I would guess that more police officers carry Glocks than any other handgun. And in much of Europe, Glock pistols are the handgun of choice for many military personnel. Glock pistols are as simple as revolvers to operate, reliable, and almost indestructible. Plus, they provide increased magazine capacity and are safe. They are also very easy to disassemble and clean. And they go “bang” when you pull the trigger.

But, yes, for some people a revolver might still be the preferred handgun. It has no external magazine to worry about losing; it is very dependable and reliable; it is easy to clean; and it is simple to operate. And, in reality, most self-defense shootings are resolved in less than three seconds, and the good guy normally fires three shots or less; so in most real-life situations, the increased firepower of a high capacity pistol magazine doesn’t even come into play–unless, perhaps, when one is confronted by a crazed, would-be mass-killer or multiple assailants. (That’s where a Glock would shine–and I confess that in today’s environment, I WANT the increased capacity of a Glock or similar pistol, which is why I’m usually carrying one.) But in a revolver, my suggestion would be either Smith & Wesson or Ruger.

Of course, in dangerous game territory, you will need the power of a .44 Special, .44 Magnum, .45 Long Colt, or even a .454 Casull (these four calibers are all chambered in revolvers). These calibers are not for the limp-wristed, but when one is facing a brown bear, it is what one will need to survive. Plus, when your life is on the line, you’ll never feel the recoil. But, truthfully, I would hate to face a Brown Bear (includes the Grizzly and Kodiak) with a handgun of any caliber. These creatures are the fiercest and most formidable animals on the North American Continent (along with the Polar Bear, of course). Against a Brown Bear, I would hope I had a big game rifle or 12-gauge shotgun.

I live in bear country, of course, and when I’m in the woods, I’m either carrying a Glock 20 in 10mm or a Smith & Wesson Model 629 with a 3″ barrel in .44 Magnum. To be honest, the .44 Magnum gets heavy after several hours in the woods, which is why I usually carry the Glock 20. Plus, I feel better with 15 rounds of 10mm than 6 rounds of .44 Magnum. But I hope and pray I never have to test my theory for real. In a real encounter, you can bet that my rifle will be the first line of defense and my handgun (whichever one it is) will be the very LAST.

For a .22 rifle (which is great for hunting small game), I really like the Ruger 10/22. A Marlin tube-fed .22 is also very effective. The CZ bolt-action .22 just might be the most accurate factory .22 on the market. My all-time favorite .22 rifle is a Remington Nylon 66 in Mohawk Brown (which hasn’t been manufactured in a long time). But that’s because of sentimentality. It was my very first rifle. My dad gave one to me for my 12th birthday, and over the next many, many years I probably fired over 50,000 rounds through it. I finally sold it (which I have regretted to this very day). But I found one in EXCELLENT condition at a Montana gun show last year, and the joy it brings me is indescribable. But truly, from a practical standpoint, the Ruger 10/22 stands alone at the top of the heap.

For a big game hunting rifle, my suggestion is either a .270 or .30-06 bolt-action rifle, a .30-30 Winchester or a .45-70 Government lever action rifle. I like the Marlin Guide Gun in .45-70. (Here in Montana, the .300 Winchester Magnum is also very popular.) I usually hunt with either a .270 or .30-06. I prefer the Remington Model 700 BDL (in .270) or Browning X-Bolt (in .30-06), but there are several fine rifles in this configuration by numerous manufacturers. Some ladies may find that a .243 Winchester rifle is much more pleasant to shoot. It’s a great first hunting rifle for young people, too. And on deer-size game, it has plenty of power. Most major gun manufacturers make rifles that come in .243.

For a semiautomatic rifle, I suggest an AR-15-style firearm in 5.56 caliber or a Springfield M1A in .308 caliber. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to appreciate lighter weight rifles. Hence, my personal choice here is the AR-15. Plus, the versatility of the AR-15 platform is virtually without limit.

However, the rifle I almost always keep in my truck is the venerable .30-30 Winchester in a Marlin 336. Yes, everybody needs a “truck” gun.

For a shotgun, a 12-gauge in any configuration is the premier close-range weapon. Nothing equals it. In a pump shotgun, I prefer a Winchester Model 1300, which is not made anymore. So, you’ll probably have to choose between Mossberg and Remington. In the semi-auto configuration, Mossberg is currently making some fine shotguns. For smaller ladies, however, a 20-gauge shotgun is probably a better choice, and at “bad breath” range (where a shotgun shines, anyway), it is just as lethal as a 12-gauge (against two-legged predators, of course). And for home defense, do NOT overlook the double barrel shotgun. And while I often use a .410 shotgun for small game, I do NOT recommend it for self-defense.

Again, whatever you choose, practice with it to the point that you are able to use it proficiently. And be sure to get as much professional firearms instruction and training as you can. And stock up on ammunition (good luck finding .22 ammo). A gun without ammo is reduced to being either an expensive club or a cumbersome paperweight.

Go to your local independent sporting goods or gun store (I don’t recommend the large national chain stores to do your firearms shopping), and get to know your hometown firearms dealer. Most of these people are kind and helpful folks who will be more than happy to assist you in finding exactly what type of firearm is suitable for you and your family.

I hope some of these suggestions are helpful. And always be sure to follow all of the safety rules for your firearm. The last thing any of us wants is an accidental discharge of a firearm that results in the injury or death of a loved one or friend. So, always remember that safety is job one.

I realize that there are many pastors and Christians who try to impugn the necessity–much less desire–to own a firearm. These people are famous for saying things such as “God will take care of you; NO ONE needs a gun.” Of course, these same people always condone police officers carrying guns and shooting people in self-defense. I never understood why it is that Christians who are not policemen are supposed to “trust God” to take care of them and, therefore, not bear a gun, but Christian police officers are somehow exempt from this same spiritual notion. I guess they think policemen don’t need to trust God.

I also want readers to know that there have been FOUR instances in my personal family where the presence of a firearm in the hands of someone who knew how to use it potentially or directly saved the lives of my family members. So, yes, God took care of us, and He used a firearm to do it.

Beyond that, many pastors teach that Christians are obligated to obey civil authorities who demand that we surrender our firearms. They even try to quote Scriptures to prove this ludicrous position.

For these reasons, my attorney son and I collaborated on a book that takes the Scriptures (Old Testament and New) to prove that self-defense is not just a right under our Constitution, but it is a moral obligation given us by our Creator. In the book, we show that Christians who are unwilling to defend themselves and their families have actually denied the faith. We show that nowhere does the Bible teach God’s people to remain defenseless or to surrender their means of self-defense to ANY civil authority.

In the book, we look at the Scriptures that the “no gun” preachers use to support their “no one needs a gun” lunacy and show how unbiblical these positions are. We go through both testaments and show that our Creator has given us the obligation to defend the life He has given us. We also put to rest many of the distortions of Scripture that anti-gun preachers use to turn Christian men and women–who are created to be providers and protectors–into sheepish slaves of the state.

Yes, keeping and bearing arms is a spiritual DUTY. Defending oneself or family is as “spiritual” as praying or reading the Bible or any other “spiritual” exercise.

The title of our book is “To Keep Or Not To Keep: Why Christians Should Not Give Up Their Guns.” To order the book, click here.

It is not only important to be armed; it is even more important to understand the moral and spiritual underpinnings of WHY we should be armed. And that is exactly what our book attempts to do.

If you are challenged by this column, I encourage you to highlight what resonates with you, and then take these suggestions to your local independent firearms dealer (again, not a national chain store) who can further explain the various nuances of what to look for in a gun for your unique and individual needs and can also direct you to the services of a professional firearms instructor. When you do, you might find that the preferences of these men differ from mine, but the basics are the basics, and at least you have my suggestions as a starting point.

And if you are one of those people who just don’t “like” guns, when you actually become familiar with firearms and begin shooting under the supervision of a knowledgeable instructor, you might find yourself REALLY enjoying it. But even if you don’t, there are many things we adults do that we don’t enjoy but that we know are necessary. I would put the proficient use of a firearm in that category.

Good shooting!

© 2016 Chuck Baldwin – All Rights Reserve

The most politically incorrect candidate since Reagan

According to years of voter attacks on political correctness by American conservatives fed up with having their voice silenced by Alinsky-style ridicule tactics alleging politically incorrect language, eventually labeled “hate speech” by the leftists trying to control public opinion, voters were in search of a real plain-talker willing to say what they had been thinking for years…

But when that candidate arrived on the political scene, many were not so welcoming of the plain-talker who had no concern for political correctness at all.

The 2016 HOT BUTTON issues for many American conservatives are as stated all over social media for years now:

• Free-market economics vs. centralized Marxism
• National Sovereignty and Security
• Enforcement of existing Immigration Laws
• No “amnesty” for illegal invaders
• No “jihadist resettlement” in the USA
• The Rule of Constitutional Law
• An end to “political correctness” silencing free speech
• States and individual rights
• Real plain-talking Americans vs. double-talking politicians

Yet, when the most politically incorrect plain-talker since Ronald Reagan entered the GOP primaries and became the 2016 GOP presidential nominee, many who had been complaining about political correctness for years seemed all of a sudden, turned-off by his plain-talk.

The fact that many inside the Beltway RINO types were opposed to Trumps somewhat brash, unapologetic demeanor and bombastic personal persona was no shock to anyone. Their go-along to get-along do-nothing nature was in part, responsible for the rise and power of the unbridled Obama administration, unchallenged by congressional Republicans, even when Republicans controlled both congressional chambers.

But the fact that many so-called “angry conservative activists” were somehow turned-off by the take-no-prisoners and often angry plain-talk of GOP nominee Donald Trump, was a bit harder to figure out.

For years they had been begging for a “real leader” with real executive credentials and an unapologetically pro-American message, which offered no quarter to those who might have a very different future in mind for America. The people wanted to “make America great again” and had been actively engaged in trying to make that happen since 2008… But when the time came to stand united with the “make American great again” nominee, they were all of a sudden, worried about his political incorrectness on the stump.

These folks had lost all faith in D.C. politicians on both sides of the aisle, in the judiciary and in the newsrooms across America, even the once bastion of conservative news, Fox. They were indeed looking for an “outsider” to ride into town and clean house. They said they wanted someone who stood for the same things they did and would not compromise on those principles, or even apologize for them.

However, when just such a person showed up on the scene, they became worried by his irreverent and often visibly angry tone.

Those of us old enough to remember, will recall that the same concerns focused upon Trump today, were also the focus of criticisms of Ronald Reagan 36-years ago, when Reagan became the outsider GOP nominee in 1980. Reagan was often referred to as a “war-monger,” someone with “no national security or foreign policy experience” who was “angering America’s enemies” around the globe, via his often heated rhetoric and unapologetic “America first” ideology.

Reagan, a registered democrat most of his life, would later be recorded in history as one of the best presidents of our time. But upon entering the national political scene, he was most often ridiculed in a fashion almost identical to the criticisms targeting Trump today.

Like Trump, Reagan was feared by status-quo politicians and policy experts on both sides of the political aisle. He was mocked by media personalities as just a “cowboy” from “Hollywood” who had a powerful persona, but was “just an actor.” Reagan was, in the estimation of his many critics, “poorly qualified” to lead the United States and would “lead us into WWIII.”

Of course, in hindsight, all of Reagan’s critics were wrong. He turned out to be a fantastic U.S. President and in the end, was revered and loved by millions here and around the globe, on both sides of the political aisle.

I have been writing columns and essays for almost 25 years now, with more than 3000 published. Over those years, I have received literally hundreds of thousands of reader emails and comments on that body of work. I have also worked as an activist through The U.S. Patriots Union, Veteran Defenders of America, The North American Law Center and, and now co-host TNALC Radio, a two-hour LIVE broadcast every Sunday evening at 5:00 PM ET, with co-host and NALC Lead Counsel Stephen Pidgeon.

I point this out because I have many years of experience, both in research and writing, but also as it relates to public sentiments as received from readers over those many years, on many topics.

The 2016 election cycle is unlike any I have ever seen before. Clearly, mass dissatisfaction among all American voters of all political stripes is the driving force in the 2016 elections, on both sides of the aisle.

On the left, avowed Marxist Bernie Sanders is within reach of upsetting the Hillary Clinton campaign in his bid to force the Democratic Party all the way to the socialist left, as Trump and his supporters have already executed a somewhat hostile conservative takeover of the Republican Party in the GOP primaries.

Caught in the crossfire of these movements are a number of media personalities who errantly find themselves on the wrong side of the battle lines, after a contentious and sometimes vicious primary season. Media personalities like Glenn Beck and Mark Levin, both once two of the most trusted men within Tea Party and Patriot group circles, find themselves on the outside looking in now. Main stream darlings like Megyn Kelly at Fox News, have also lost their luster. In all cases, they bet on the wrong horse in the primaries and then they became increasingly vicious in their assaults on the man who would in the end, become the GOP nominee, the choice of the people.

In their attacks, they were not only attacking Trump, but everyone who was supporting Trump, many of whom were once their loyal fans. They grossly miscalculated in these decisions, as did the RNC elite’s and the “expert” RNC strategists. In every case, they misinterpreted Trump and his supporters and they are paying a price for it today.

As I watched events unfold, it became clear that 2016 was fast becoming, at least an opportunity to turn America in a pro-American direction. Indeed, leftists would hate it and even many RNC insiders would not like it, their inside the Beltway games threatened by a real no-nonsense outsider intent upon upsetting the D.C. applecart, by whatever means necessary.

While I remain out of the business of endorsing candidates, I am no less, in the business of presenting real facts and information to American voters in an effort to give them the information they want and need in order to effectively reclaim control over their runaway Party’s, government and country.

In that light, I have just co-written and released a book that I believe will help every American to understand all of the following…

• Why Trump?
• Why now?
• Who has been destroying America?
• How have they been destroying America?
• Why have they been destroying America?
• What is the true state of our union?
• How can America be saved by “the people?”
• What are “the people” doing in the 2016 elections?

Trump is indeed the most politically incorrect candidate since Ronald Reagan. In the book TRUMPED – The New American Revolution, we explain why the time for a politically incorrect outsider is right for America, and how past partisan leanings and affiliations really have nothing to do with it.

The book is not about Trump, the person. It is about “the people” responsible for the New American Revolution that is happening in his name, behind his campaign.

People who have already bet on Trump will want the book to hold all of the facts supporting their decision. People who are still on the fence in the 2016 election, will want the book in order to understand why they must get off of the fence right away.

Even those who “hate Trump” or currently support Clinton or Sanders will want the book as well. We took great care to place information in this book that almost no other American could or would ever put in a book available to the general population. The “secrets” behind the counter-revolution to destroy America are laid bare – and the New Revolution to reclaim America are carefully defined and backed by fact.

The time for all Americans to stand together, unapologetically, without regard for political correctness, or how people “feel” about truth and the very real need to take our country back without providing any quarter to America’s enemies, need to read TRUMPED – The New American Revolution – and they need to read it well before the general election in November.

TRUMPED was written by the people, of the people and for the people. It is not a campaign advertisement. It is the whole truth behind the Trump Revolution and like Trump, there is nothing politically correct about it!

© 2016 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

Looking for someone else

As most of you are probably aware I am pretty active on the cultural front. Although there are many folks who realize that our nation is at risk mainly because of the moral condition of the citizenry, there are very few people who are actually interested in doing anything to stop the moral rot.

As my buddy Jim likes to repeat…as goes the church so goes the nation…and as goes the pastor so goes the church. Most of the problems in this nation can be laid at the doorstep of the self-interested American church.

Actually, I would say that the American Christian Church has an identity crisis. Not only do they have difficulty providing an accurate description of the King they claim to serve, but they have an even greater inability to articulate to others the job description of their congregation.

About three years ago I was awakened to the prospect that the Supreme Court of the United States was preparing to “legalize” an atrocity called “homosexual “marriage. I had gotten wind that there were some radical anti-Christ “Judges” who had wiggled their way onto the nine judge panel in Washington DC and that they were intent on redefining the central institution responsible for the advancement of Western Civilization.

So, being a bit naïve’ and a reputation as a nuisance to the forces of darkness I thought perhaps that I, as a servant of the Most High God, should do all that I could to “expose the unfruitful works of darkness.” Some friends of mine joined me as we visited a local mega-church in Columbus, Ohio and attempted to awaken them to the railroad train running down the tracks in hopes that they would help us stand and fight against the forces of darkness.

Well, much to my chagrin, my buddies and I were confronted by the local church officials, summoned into court for “trespassing”, and slapped with a restraining order prohibiting us from setting foot on the Vineyard Columbus campus ever again.

“We were just looking for the Church leadership to help us fight against the destruction of marriage,” I mentioned to one of their church “elders.”

“Sorry buddy” he hissed at me as he ordered us off of the property. “You are going to have to look for Someone Else to help.”

Discouraged but not defeated, I visited another church leader in the Ohio area and invited him and several of his “congregation” to accompany to the Washington DC for a prayer vigil outside of the SCOTUS building. I mentioned 2 Chronicles 7:14 and explained that maybe if we appealed to Heaven that God might give us a reprieve against the sodomite agenda.

“I would love to be part of it Coach Dave,” my pastor friend lamented. “But unfortunately that is the weekend of our annual Ice Cream Social. Perhaps you can make some calls and see if you could find Someone Else to go in my place.”

In late June of 2015, just as I had suspected, the SCOTUS poked the church in the eye and “legalized” homosexual marriage in all fifty states. Being a student of history and a lover of the Constitution I knew that courts cannot make law so I began to go on another manhunt…this time looking for a few good men who would stand up and defy the un-Godly, unrighteous, Illegal act of the SCOTUS by encouraging the legislature of Tennessee to nullify the decision.

I contacted some of the more famous “professional” Christians in our area and invited them to drive to Nashville with me to represent the Body of Christ before the Tennessee Legislature and demand that they defend traditional marriage. Most of the “Leaders” refused to take my call, although one of the nice secretaries did pass along a message from her pastor. It seems that they don’t get “involved in the culture” and that although he appreciated my spunk, I would have to find Someone Else to go with me.

Eight weeks ago I learned that our local TARGET Store had just announced a policy that permitted men to walk into a women’s restroom in any of their stores. I was greatly concerned about the danger this proposition presented to innocent women and children who might be find a hairy-chested man sharing a stall next to them while they tinkled. I organized a protest and called several “pastors” to come and help with a public awareness project outside of our local TARGET.

Unfortunately, most of the “senior pastors” were unavailable to go and they referred me to Someone Else…who by the way was not a member of their congregation. It seems that most of them were tied up with “Bible School” arrangements.

Two weeks ago President Obummer doubled-down on the whole group restroom thingee and issued another illegal, unenforceable order to require “gender neutral” restrooms and locker rooms in the public schools in every town in America. I know I am considered a little bit radical but I was hoping that maybe the protection of the small children in their public school might be enough to get God’s men to speak out against this outrage.

I did my usual procedure and picked up my phone and dialed some local churches. But I was a lot wiser this time. Instead of trying to speak with the Pastor I simply saved myself a lot of heart ache and appealed for help from the church secretary. I surmised that she probably knew most of those who attended the church regularly and I knew that she would probably be able to help.

“Hello, this is The First Church of the Chosen Frozen. How can I help you?”
“Good afternoon Ma’am this is Coach Dave Daubenmire calling again regarding the bathroom issue?”

“Oh yes, Mr. Daubenmire. I remember you from a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately Pastor Watt Me Worry is not in right now.”

“Oh that is ok; I wasn’t calling to speak with him. I was hoping you could help me with another issue. Since you know most everyone in the church I was wondering if you could connect me with one of you members.”

“I’ll try.” She replied. “Who are you looking for?”

“I am looking for Someone Else. It seems most of the church leadership knows him but I have been unable to locate him. Do you know where I can find him?”

“I’m sorry Coach Dave but I am afraid he doesn’t attend here. The last I heard he was in leadership at the new church in town…the I Don’t Know and I Don’t Care Assembly.”

© 2016 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

This Parable has our name on it

Why is there evil in the world?

The secular humanist dimwit answer, as articulated most recently by our beloved president, is—well, we just need to do some more “evolving.” Surely we’ll be helped along by enlightened leaders, Big Government, colleges and universities, and movies based on comic books. It’s only a matter of time before our rulers coerce us into Utopia.

But God’s word gives a different answer.

In Matthew 13, Jesus told the story of a farmer who sowed good seed in his field; but during the night his enemy came and sowed bad seed in it. When the tares—noxious, worthless weeds—began to come up with the wheat, the farmer’s servants were indignant. They wanted to pull up the tares then and there, but the owner wouldn’t let them, lest they inadvertently pulled out good plants with the bad. When both wheat and tares are fully grown, and easily told apart by the kind of fruit they bear, then he will have his reapers uproot the tares and cast them into the fire, while the wheat is stored in his barns.

The Lord went on to explain the parable. The field is the world, He said, and the farmer who sowed good seed is the Son of Man, Christ Himself, who sowed in this world His word, His example, His body and His blood. The enemy that sowed the tares is the devil.

There are countless species of bad seed, but they all belong to the same genus—the original lie that the devil told Eve in the garden: that, by disobeying God, she and Adam would become as gods themselves, determining good and evil as they pleased.

We are overwhelmed by the variety and number of the tares that we see in our field—crime and cruelty, transgenderism and “gay marriage,” atheism and assorted false religions, abortion, political corruption, Big Government, the whole idea that the state and its pampered “experts” can control the natural processes of the earth, the constant overthrow and redefinition of the basic institutions of human life—oh, so many tares!—but they are all the offspring of the one original lie: the perfectibility of man by man himself.

Yes, we’ve got a hefty crop of tares; but never, never forget that the good seed is growing, too. The seeds of faith, hope, and charity, of love, of truth, of the knowledge of the Lord—we may not see them, for all the tares, but the good seed will not fail, because Our Lord has sown it Himself.

At the end, Jesus said, the Lord will call His angels to perform the harvest, and the angels will know the good from the bad. The good will be gathered into the Kingdom of God. The bad will be cast away forever.

No kind of “evolution” enters into it.

In ancient times God gave man His law, a detailed set of instructions for achieving righteousness. If we could have attained perfection by following the law, then Christ need never have been born, to die on the cross in atonement for our sins. But we couldn’t do it ourselves. That was the lesson God was teaching us: that we cannot become as gods, no matter what we do. We can only deceive ourselves. We can never deceive God.

This is the lesson that the secular world, the world of rulers and experts, the world of Pharisees and Social Justice Warriors, resists with all its might. We can do it—we can! All we need is more power over others, more rules and regulations, more taxes, more penalties for thought crimes, and we’ll do it!

This is the folly of our age.

But the seeds, both good and bad, are growing to fruition. And the Lord will harvest when He’s ready.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog,, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Are Bernie and Hillary the best democrats can offer?

“The job facing American voters… in the days and years to come, is to determine which hearts, minds and souls command those qualities best suited to unify a country rather than further divide it, to heal the wounds of a nation as opposed to aggravate its injuries, and to secure for the next generation a legacy of choices based on informed awareness rather than one of reactions based on unknowing fear.” Aberjhani, a contemporary historian, columnist, novelist, poet, and editor.

In a substantial departure from our usual subject matter of what is wrong with America and how to fix it, we are going to put on our political hat in this ridiculously silly presidential season. And yes, it seems to be even more silly than any previous presidential season and we have lived through 15 of them as an adult.

What makes this silly season stand out more is not necessarily because of the unique, if not unconventional style of one Donald Trump, although that is a factor, it is because of how far left America has become. There is no way to separate ”left” from liberal, progressive, or Democrat, or the ideology they have espoused for the last 100 plus years and the damage that ideology has done to a once-free and prosperous America.

On the Democrat side, there seems to be a contest between how far left Bernie or Hillary will go to pander to that huge segment of the American population that is either a “protected class”, whatever that is, and that segment that looks at government as a gravy train or a free ride. The Democrats look at that segment as the votes they need to stay in perpetual power in America. The tool is simple to get those votes. Just promise the people in that segment, money or benefits taken from the hard-earned money of productive Americans that ends up in the Public Treasury at the point of an IRS gun.

Why anyone would vote for Hillary, given her past and propensity for corruption, is directly tied to what she promises in return for votes. The same is true for Bernie but he doesn’t seem to be as corrupt as Hillary, just an idiot who believes in the socialist mantra as prescribed by one Karl Marx. Both passionately believe in “free” stuff for Americans in exchange for their votes, massive taxes to pay for the free stuff and massive regulations to control all of us. That’s what they do in Europe.

Take Denmark as one example. Income taxes are a straight 40% of income and sales taxes are 25% of retail sales. The tax on a car is 180%. Aw, but everything is free in Denmark, well sort of. That, ladies and gentlemen, is a true picture of a Hillary and Bernie socialist world.

The progressive ideological policies that Bernie and Hillary promote have weakened the human fabric of America by fostering and promoting dependency in exchange for votes. They have torn away and belittled America’s Judeo-Christian heritage. They have blurred the stark, undeniable differences between right and wrong. They have excused bad or criminal behavior as societal ills. They have broken the bank and led us into bankruptcy with little or no possibility of return to solvency. They have stifled the economy by sucking up trillions of taxpayer dollars to pay for the promises they have made in exchange for votes. They have turned our borders into sieves where millions can cross with impunity and then rewarded with more taxpayer dollars. They achieve peace with our enemies by appeasement rather than project strength. They reward and make deals with our enemies and deride our friends. We challenge anyone, black, white, Democrat or Republican, to refute these facts. But if this is what this large dependent segment of America wants, then they are not just blithering idiots, they are totally ignorant of history and have no knowledge of the importance of individual, unalienable rights.

But let’s get back to Hillary. We have turned our literary talents to political poetry to better describe Hillary and Bernie’s socialist utopia. We put the following poem on Youtube, set to the background music of “Pop Goes the Weasel”. Every time the music goes “Pop Goes the Weasel” an image of a weasel pops up on the screen with the head of Bill Clinton. Sure the poem and the video are a little corny, but then so is Hillary. All this would be laughable and silly if it weren’t so serious.

“A Crooked Little Woman”
– An Ode To Hillary Clinton –
© Copyright May 2016 By Ron Ewart
All Rights Reserved

There was a crooked woman
Who walked a crooked mile.

She found a secret document
In a crooked file,
Then put it on her private server
With a crooked smile.

She married a crooked cat
That strayed from their crooked house.
He was never very loyal
To his crooked little spouse.

One day the crooked woman
Ran for president in a crooked year,
Campaigning in a crooked style,
With a malicious crooked leer.

She cackled like a chicken
And barked like a dog.
Her words were always jerky
Her mind in a fog.

This crooked little woman
Walked a crooked path.
She couldn’t help herself
Because of her long crooked past.

Can this crooked woman
Make it to the top,
Or find herself in handcuffs
By a Federal Bureau Cop?

Now most of us who follow this “stuff” know that Bernie has had a lack luster career in the U. S. Senate, put and kept there by the socialists of the socialist state of Vermont. We find it ironic that all of the original thirteen colonies that started this experiment with freedom have morphed into socialist states. The reason is quite clear. Most of the people in the original thirteen colonies now live in high-dense urban cities. The people in cities are dependent on government for their very survival and thus become socialist because of that dependency.

Bernie is a special case. He was always an Independent Socialist who became a Democrat Socialist in order to run for president on the Democratic ticket. Bernie, like most politicians, lives life as a chameleon of expediency. One day a politician is a Democrat, the next day a Republican, or a Democrat Socialist, depending on which way the political wind is blowing. We describe Bernie’s run for president in another poem we just wrote. Remember, poetry is just a different form of expression, where opinion, political or otherwise, can be written in a metered style.

“The Hopeless Ride of Bernie Sanders”
© Copyright May 2016 By Ron Ewart
– All Rights Reserved –

With his shocking white hair
On each side of his head,
He can’t be too many years
Before he’s quite dead.

There is very little doubt
A socialist flag he flies
He’s got Hillary on a route
And snookered the young with his lies.

He’s raised all kinds of money
When the truth he can’t win
But nevertheless
He’s knocked Hillary on the chin.

He’ll campaign till he drops
From sea to shining sea.
He doesn’t care if he flops
Just so long he can be ….

… a pain in the ass
to crooked little Hillary.

He is in it for the long haul
To stroke his giant ego.
He’ll take it to the convention,
Even if he’s a no show.

For all the money he has spent
On the socialist horse he does ride.
He’ll just make a small dent
In little crooked Hillary’s tide.

It is all such a waste
When you look back and see.
Bernie and Hillary are just a sour taste,
Of rising government tyranny.

Are these two the best Democrats can offer?
If such is the case then all we can proffer
Is America is dead or dying
And we are all in a pan
To death we are frying.

Bernie might very well win more delegates in the California Primary than Hillary. Nevertheless, he has no chance of catching up with Hillary’s delegate count but it will be one more poke in Hillary’s eye and the weakening of her presidential bid, not withstanding the potential of her being led off in handcuffs by the FBI. The Democrat convention could be lively indeed.

It’s quite possible that the split between Hillary and Bernie will cause supporters of one Democrat side or the other, to sit out this election from their respective couches, while they are watching “Dancing With The Stars” or some other liberal reality TV show. Because America is so divided the election will be close. Sadly, the “gimee free stuff” side has more votes than the “let my people go” side, that is if they all vote. Since so much depends on turnout, the party with the largest turnout wins. If the Bernie supporters sit it out, Trump wins. If the Hillary supporters stay home, Trump wins. If Republican voters decide Trump isn’t “conservative” enough and refrain from voting, or insert a write-in candidate on their ballot, Hillary wins. If the egotistical “Establishment” members of the Republican Party run a third-party candidate because they loathe Trump, Hillary wins.

If Hillary wins, with her nominees for the U. S. Supreme Court, freedom in America will be set back 75 to 100 years, if ever.

Boil it down anyway you wish,
It doesn’t get any more simple than this.

“Life is a struggle between competing interests. Protect your interests because the other guy will be protecting his and if he is more aggressive than you, his interests will prevail over yours. At this point in America’s history the interests of government and the Progressives are prevailing over yours. You have a choice, fight to win, or be content with losing and eventual slavery.” -Ron Ewart

© 2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved

Government-ordained preying on the innocent

“Mercy to the wicked is cruelty to the innocent.”

Elijah Woods, actor of Lord of the Rings fame, in a manner similar to that of actor Corey Feldman, is coming forward to awaken the American people to the Pedophile organized parties in Hollywood.

Woods claims that numerous “parties” that were “organized” and set up so that innocent, young, naïve actors could be “preyed upon” by the Hollywood elite.

“There is darkness in the underbelly—if you can imagine it, it’s probably happened,” Woods told the London Times.

I remember that when I began to warn people back in 2006 of the things that were happening in public schools concerning the National Education Association and the sodomites, that my ministry came under much media attention and scrutiny. I also came under ridicule from those who should have known better: the counterfeits in the Churches, the conservatives and such.

I was being accused of hate, bigotry, homophobia, you name it. Whatever the accusation was, somehow or another, I was guilty of it. That is what the media (6% approval rating; Romans 1:18) wanted the public to believe in.

The fact of the matter is that it has never been about attacking any particular people. It has always been about protecting a particular people that are under attack (Isaiah 5:20).

Now, 10 years later, the American people realize what I was warning about.

I warned that these sodomites were zeroing in on America’s young, even preschoolers. Yet, to the shame of the American people the victims themselves were not heard.

Even now, we are hearing of teacher on students crimes on a weekly basis.

It was reported by the “useful idiots” that I was calling for the “killing of the gays” (Rachel Maddow and MSNBC) and the “persecution of the gays.” I was even accused of making statistics up concerning the crimes of the sodomites against the children. Of course, they were reporting the exact opposite of what was true. They were shooting the messenger, and they did not want the American people to believe that they were capable of the crimes that they were, and are, committing on a daily basis. They even wanted you to believe that the “Gay Manifesto” was just a satire. How is that working out for you America?

A satire it is not! This could never have been accepted if they had not deceived the people into believing that they were somehow or another the victims. The fact is these are the transgressors of the law (1 John 3:4).

Now we have the target CEO, along with tyrannical permission from the criminal in the White House, giving the green light to make children a prey in the face of sexual predators, which, in fact, both should be lawfully accountable (Romans 6:23).

The reality is that they are taking it another step by attempting to normalize the transgender lifestyle (Deuteronomy 22:5).

Barack has recently appointed a transgender to the presidential council.

He also appointed an open sodomite to the Secretary of the Army.

These are the same kind of people who go so far as to self-inflict crimes only to blame the innocent (Deuteronomy 19:15-21).

Every step of the way these people have revealed themselves…

Kevin Jennings of GLSEN even said that bullying is the affirmation of the sodomite lifestyle. In other words, make yourselves the victims while you perpetuate the crime.

Take a look at sodomite bully Dan Savage.

You sympathize with the very ones who are making your children a prey, and then, after the crime is committed, you realize who it is that has been lying to you. This is the fruit of people who accept what God clearly condemns (Jeremiah 7:1-10).

Then, there is Larry Brinkin. Click here to read more on this racist, sodomite pedophile.

Or consider open lesbian Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan.

Companies that are allied in advocating sodomy (Isaiah 28:18).

Americans can apologize, by bringing forth fruit through repentance (Matthew 3:8) to their posterity by standing up and defending them, as well as prosecuting those who are guilty of the crimes. To do otherwise is cruelty to the innocent.

© 2016 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

Donald Trump’s detractors are the modern day Alexander Hamilton’s

Donald Trump, in recent comments to Bill Clinton’s former White House mouthpiece, George Stephanopoulos, told an ABC television audience that while a unified Republican Party is a good idea, he isn’t going to lose sleep if certain GOP members who oppose his candidacy don’t ever stop opposing his candidacy.
“We want to bring the party together,” Mr. Trump said, on “This Week” on ABC News. “Does the party have to be together? Does it have to be unified? I’m very different than everybody else, perhaps that’s ever run for office. I actually don’t think so.”
Mr. Stephanopoulos, for his part, seemed mystified by the response, and pressed the point that Speaker Paul Ryan, who refused to immediately board the Trump train, was “different,” that he was the “highest elected Republican in the country right now,” and dismissing this simple reality could result in a crushing blow to the billionaire businessman’s entire campaign.
Well, it won’t. In fact, failing to kowtow to the established powers-who-be in and around Washington – not only Mr. Ryan, but other respected Republicans like George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney – will only give yet another notch to the Trump belt off candidacy. Note to GOP: the more the party cries, the higher Mr. Trump’s numbers rise.
It’s the outsider image that’s fueled his campaign thus far – that, and the simple vow to take down the establishment, brick by border wall brick. Just a few months ago, the argument against Mr. Trump was he was a buffoon. But he’s beaten back all his Republican challengers and now stands alone, the sole pick of the party.
So the argument’s shifted to focus on his chances of beating likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. And his detractors say, with just as straight a face and just as much vehemence as they did months ago while calling him an imbecile, circus act and worse, that he can’t beat Mrs. Clinton.
Yet polls are starting to show otherwise on that point.
A Military Times survey conducted in early May of 951 active duty members, reservists and National Guardsmen found favor for Mr. Trump over Mrs. Clinton, 54 percent to 25 percent, and over the self-declared socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, 51 percent to 38 percent.
A Rasmussen Reports poll conducted in late April gave the General Election win to Mr. Trump, not Mrs. Clinton, by a margin of two percentage points. And while several other polls paint Mrs. Clinton as the clear leader in a face-to-face matchup against Mr. Trump, the closer election day comes, the tighter the margins become and in fact, it won’t be long before more headlines, like this May 10 one from Vox, appear on the horizon: “Reality check: Hillary Clinton’s lead over Donald Trump is not that big, and could vanish.”
And you know what else will likely vanish in the weeks to come?
Mr. Trump’s inner-party detractors, particularly ones presently in office. They’ll have to, else face the ire of Republican voters at the polls in their own upcoming elections. Talk of third party candidates is all smoke and mirrors; little more than howling and hubris from the diehard disbelievers – just the type who would during this nation’s formative years rally around Alexander Hamilton while scoffing at Thomas Jefferson.

The reference is not casual.
Founding Fathers didn’t intend for the country’s politics to be run by parties. Rather, as George Washington himself warned in his 1796 Farewell Address, political parties would bring partisanship, division and ultimately, “despotism” and tyranny.

He thought this even while appointing Alexander Hamilton as Treasury secretary and Thomas Jefferson as secretary of State – two men whose views of the rightful role of government couldn’t be more different. Hamilton favored a strong federal government; Jefferson, a stronger system of states’ rights. It’s their contrasting views that helped solidify the two-party system of politicking that stands to this day.
What would Washington say today?
He’d likely look at the division within the GOP, the rancor and very “spirit of revenge” he warned of taking root with a two-party system – a spirit that seems aimed in modern times at Mr. Trump — and shake his head sadly while muttering, in some manner of speech more natural to his era: Told you so.

© 2016 Cheryl Chumley – All Rights Reserved