My latest suggested reading list

I am often asked to recommend reading material. I have published my suggested reading lists before, but it’s been several years. Therefore, today’s column will be devoted to this subject.

First, here are a couple of maxims about reading in general. “Leaders are readers.” And, “A man is the sum total of the people he associates with and the books he reads.”

Accordingly, here are a few of the books that I have recently read, that I am currently reading, or that are on my short list of books soon to read (in no particular order).

Life Of Washington
A rare, faith-filled, historic biography of America’s first President, George Washington.
Originally published in 1842.
By Anna C. Reed

George Washington, Frontiersman
By Zane Grey

A History Of The American People
By Paul Johnson

A History Of Christianity In The United States And Canada
By Mark A. Noll

By The Hand Of Providence: How Faith Shaped The American Revolution
By Rod Gragg

The Essential Thomas Jefferson
Edited by John Gabriel Hunt

A Commitment To Valor
A Unique Portrait Of Robert E. Lee In His Own Words
Compiled and Edited by Rod Gragg

Call Of Duty
The Sterling Nobility Of Robert E. Lee
By J. Steven Wilkins

Stonewall Jackson
The Man, The Soldier, The Legend
By James I. Robertson, Jr.

A View Of The Constitution: Secession As Taught At West Point
By William Rawle (1825)
Edited and Annotated by Walter D. Kennedy and James R. Kennedy

The Real Lincoln
A New Look At Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, And An Unnecessary War
By Thomas J. DiLorenzo
This book is absolutely MUST-READING. It carefully and truthfully unmasks America’s worst president.

War Is A Racket
By Brigadier General Smedley D. Butler
Every American should read this classic. I try to stay reminded of General Butler’s wisdom by reading his book every year or two.

Boston’s Gun Bible
By Boston T. Party
A terrific manual on the Second Amendment, shooting, guns, self-defense, etc. Every American who claims to love liberty should read the chapter entitled “How To Become A Rifleman.” That chapter alone is worth the price of the book.

Lex, Rex, Or The Law And The Prince
By Samuel Rutherford (1600 – 1661)

Second Treatise Of Government
By John Locke (1632 – 1704)
John Locke was The Father of America’s Founding Fathers. His “Second Treatise Of Government” is MUST-READING. It just might be the most succinct explanation of Natural Law of all.

You can order Locke’s masterpiece on my web store here:

The Law
By Frederic Bastiat (1801 – 1850)
This is another classic that needs to be read every year.

Vindiciae, Contra Tyrannos
Or Concerning The Legitimate Power Of A Prince Over The People, And Of The People Over A Prince
Edited by George Garnett
This is another MUST-READ classic for all freedom lovers.

They Preached Liberty
“An anthology of timely quotations from New England ministers of the American Revolution on the subject of liberty: its source, nature, obligations, types, and blessings.”
Edited by Franklin P. Cole

I wish every preacher in America would read this book and also these next two:

Political Sermons Of The American Founding Era, 1730-1805
Edited by Ellis Sandoz
Read these sermons from America’s Colonial pulpits, and you will realize the kind of preaching you are NOT hearing but should be.

The Battle of Lexington
A Sermon And Eyewitness Narrative
By Jonas Clark, Pastor, Church of Lexington

Originally Titled: The Fate of Blood-Thirsty Oppressors and God’s Tender Care of His Distressed People

Here is the eyewitness account of the pastor of the Minutemen as they fired the “shot heard ’round the world” on Lexington Green on the first anniversary of the Battle of Lexington, April 19, 1776. What most history books omit is the fact that the Minutemen were comprised mostly of the male congregants of Pastor Clark’s Church of Lexington. READ THIS BOOK!

Plus, on Sunday, April 19 of last year, I publically delivered Jonas Clark’s famous sermon word-for-word to my congregation at Liberty Fellowship in Kalispell, Montana. That presentation is available on DVD. As far as I know, it is the only recording of its kind in existence. Find it here:

Hitler’s Cross
The revealing story of how the Cross of Christ was used as a symbol of the Nazi agenda.
By Erwin W. Lutzer

As I have said many times, this is a book that everyone needs to read. I have personally recommended this book to hundreds of people. GET THIS BOOK!

The Pilgrim’s Progress
By John Bunyan (1628 – 1688)

This is the immortal classic that has sold more copies worldwide than any other book, with the exception of the Holy Bible. A timeless treasure that everyone should read.

Death By Government
By R. J. Rummel

Read this, and you will discover that, compared to the mass murders committed by governments throughout history, John Dillinger, Al Capone, and Bonnie and Clyde were rank amateurs.

A Foreign Policy Of Freedom
“Peace, Commerce, And Honest Friendship”
By former congressman Ron Paul
A great book by America’s greatest congressman.

The Black Book Of Communism
By Stephane Courtois, Nicolas Werth, Jean-Louis Panne, Andrzej Paczkowski, Karel Bartosek, and Jean-Louis Margolin

This is the most definitive and comprehensive book I have ever found on the true history of communism all over the world.

A Christian Manifesto
By Francis A. Schaeffer

The Normal Christian Life
By Watchman Nee

The Cost Of Discipleship
By Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Bonhoeffer’s BEST! A CLASSIC!

The Genesis Flood
By John C. Whitcomb and Henry M. Morris
Maybe the best defense of creationism in print.

Written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God
Listen to these testimonials about the Bible:

“The Bible is one of the greatest blessings bestowed by God on the children of men. It has God for its author, salvation for its end, and truth without any mixture for its matter. It is all pure, all sincere; nothing too much; nothing wanting.” (John Locke)

“It is impossible to mentally or socially enslave a Bible-reading people.” (Horace Greeley)

“I have known 95 of the world’s great men in my time, and of these, 87 were followers of the Bible.” (William Gladstone)

“I have always said and always will say that the studious perusal of the Sacred Volume will make better citizens, better fathers, better husbands…the Bible makes the best people in the world.” (Thomas Jefferson)

“The Bible is the rock on which our republic rests.” (Andrew Jackson)

And, if I may be so bold: I strongly recommend that people read the two books co-authored by my constitutional attorney son, Tim Baldwin, and me.

Romans 13: The True Meaning Of Submission

This is a blockbuster book that shows from both testaments of the Bible that nowhere does God give civil government (or any other government, for that matter) the right to exercise tyrannical power and authority over men; and nowhere does God command His people to give unlimited submission to tyrannical government. This is must-reading for every Christian and non-Christian alike.

To order Romans 13: The True Meaning of Submission, click here:

To Keep or Not To Keep: Why Christians Should Not Give Up Their Guns

This is another book that I believe should be read by every Christian–including every pastor. Once again, my son and I examine both testaments of the Bible and show that God REQUIRES that His people maintain a diligent armed defense of themselves, their loved ones, their community, and their country. We show from Scripture that the right to keep and bear arms is not only a “right” (as recognized in the Bill of Rights–as important as that is) but also a divine DUTY.

Order “To Keep or Not To Keep: Why Christians Should Not Give Up Their Guns”

There’s my list. I’m sure many of you have your own lists that are just as good. Let’s all read a good book this year…or two or three.

© 2016 Chuck Baldwin – All Rights Reserved

March 31st — why a holiday for Cesar Chavez?

“I am convinced that the truest act of courage, the strongest act of manliness, is to sacrifice for others in a totally nonviolent struggle for justice. To be a man is to suffer for others. God help us to be men! ” —Cesar Chavez

March 31st, anniversary of the birth of Cesar Chavez in 1927 in Arizona, USA, is now observed as an official holiday in California and several states, and commemorations of various kinds are held in communities all across America. Why should he be so honored?

An irony is that in his lifetime, Cesar Chavez, leader of the United Farm Workers of America, shunned all personal publicity and celebrity. For Chavez, it was always about “La Causa,” the cause of justice for farm workers, who have always been excluded from the protections of the National Labor Relations Act and other statutory protections, although theirs is regarded as the most dangerous occupation in America.

Among other things, Cesar, at the height of national attention to the farm workers movement and his personal though unsought fame, refused offers in the millions for the rights to make a movie of his life. He refused similar offers to buy the right to write his authorized biography. The clos-est thing to an authorized biography is “The Autobiography Of La Causa,” by Jacques Levy. He didn’t “buy” the right to write it; he earned it by working in the movement with Cesar for over a decade.

Although it was never about him and always about La Causa, Cesar Chavez deservedly became internationally renown as the moral heart of the American Labor Movement. He became an icon in the American Civil Rights Movement, too, before it lost all honor due to the black race-exploiting likes of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakan, and Jeremiah Wright, and others of their exclusionary black racist ilk, along with white, black, and 50 Shades Of Gray Progressive Liberals like Barack Obama in between infected with anti-American “we will transform America” totalitarianism.”

Despite Chavez’ own reality in his life of eschewing all personal aggrandizement, Liberals and Latinos have attempted to exploit his name and fame and “transform” Chavez into their own Progressive Liberal image, just as they desire to “transform” America into their own image. Lib-erals and Latinos have diligently exploited Chavez’ life, name, and work, to claim an ownership of him by race , ethnicity, national origin, or ideology, and transform him from what he was into what they want him to be, and he wasn’t.

They want him to be understood by Americans as like them. He wasn’t. He was uniquely himself: He was an unabashed, unapologetic Christian, a devout Catholic attempting to live a life of faith in God and service to others, all out of love for Jesus Christ, his savior in a world of hurt, and injustice.

At his death, although Cesar was not a priest and held no office in the Catholic Church, then-Pope John Paul II, now a saint, issued a statement from the Vatican on Cesar’s passing. Of all the many awards and honors he received, perhaps Cesar would have been most touched by the fact that in the U.S. Bishops Catholic Catechism For Adults, in the section on “Life In Christ,” the life which is used as exemplary is that of Cesar Chavez.

Almost as distasteful and repugnant to Progressive Liberals as is Chavez’ essence as a Christian, is the fact that Chavez was an American veteran, a third-generation American, born in Ari-zona, who volunteered to serve in defense of his country, the United States, in the U.S. Navy in World War II. (I spell out “World War II” these days as I have learned that the modern genera-tion of Americans have been taught so little about the history of America by liberals running government schools, that many don’t know what “WWII” means anymore than they know what “WWI” means.)

An example of Liberals and Latinos transformation and exploitation of Chavez to celebrate and honor themselves by purporting to honor him arises in Portland, OR, the Principality Of Progres-sive Liberal Political Correctness, a “Sanctuary City” which spends several hundred thousand dollars a year extorted from taxpayer’s to operated an an illegal aliens hiring hall, to undermine working conditions of American workers for work elitist Progressive Liberals have no need to compete.

Portland Progressive Liberals and race-baiting Oregon “Latinos” exploited Cesar Chavez’ work and name to celebrate themselves by insisting that the name of historic 39th Street, a major thor-oughfare running through the city, be changed to “Cesar Chavez Blvd.”

They said it was to honor him. It was, in fact, to honor themselves as just so much more noble and good they are than the rest of us, because they are busy “honoring” him — but not, however, by bestirring themselves to drop their government or non-profit corporation jobs or college stu-dent status and go to California and work for justice in the fields with Chavez’ United Farm Workers of America. That, in fact, is the only way in which he desired to be “honored.”

Far from honoring Chavez, renaming 39th Street for Chavez is, in fact, an insult to Cesar Chavez. He never sought such personal publicity, especially in a city in which he had such minimal actual contact. Cesar did next to nothing in Portland. He had no real connection or rela-tion to the city. He was used by Liberals to celebrate their politically-correct better-than-thou self-righteousness, and by resentful Latinos to poke other white people in the eye. (Latinos, after all, are but Caucasians who speak Spanish, the language of slavery in the Americas, Spain be-ing the first leading slave-trading power in the world.)

I have no doubt, based on actually working with him including as one of his lawyers for more than twenty-years, until his death on April 23, 1993, that if Cesar had a choice, Cesar would have asked the name of 39th street not be changed to honor him, especially if he learned of the overwhelming opposition to re-naming 39th Street of the people who actually live there. They turned out by the thousands to be oppose it. But they were merely tolerated (given “1 min-ute” to express opposition), then ignored by the city’s liberal rulers on the All-Liberal Portland City Commission. When the Oregonian newspaper finally thought it might be a good idea to find out what the Chavez family thought about re-naming 39th Street for him, Chavez’ son, Paul, for the family, said: “I think my Dad would have said that there are a lot more important things to be doing than naming a street after him.”

Indeed, especially cringe-worthy is the fact that self-righteous Liberals and resentful Latinos of Portland who have done nothing or next to nothing in the civil rights movement insisted on changing the name of 39th Street for Cesar Chavez — who had never been in Portland except for driving through it or giving an occasional speech — while ignoring such Oregonians who had ac-tually resided on 39th Street as world-famous scientist, double Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling.

Renaming a street in Portland on which Linus Pauling lived to allegedly honor Cesar Chavez who had no real contact with Portland, is as preposterous as would be East Los Angeles renam-ing a street on which Cesar Chavez lived to honor Linus Pauling. But one must not in Portland question the acts of totalitarian Liberals–their motives, after all, are “pure,” even if their acts appear to be naught but anally birthed political dross.

However, notwithstanding such Liberal and Latino distortion of Cesar Chavez’ own reality, Ce-sar was, in fact, a humble and faithful Christian living as best he could the theological and moral teachings of Jesus Christ, the latter of which Thomas Jefferson wrote were “the most sub-lime ever offered to humankind.”

Cesar Chavez was an American proud of his Mexican heritage but also proud to be an American. He was a man and leader who lived and preached racial inclusiveness not exclusiveness, and who, in the two decades I was with him, never identified anyone as a “Latino” or a “His-panic” (from which derived the slur, “Spic”), and refused to use the term “La Raza,” expressly telling me that was because he believed it was racist. In the millions of words he spoke in fight-ing for justice in ‘La Causa,” I don’t believe one will ever encounter the three words together: “Viva La Raza!” (Long Live The Race!)

Although often held out as a “Mexican-American Civil Rights Leader,” or just “Mexican,” Cesar himself did not identify himself as a civil rights leader. On the contrary, he consistently identi-fied himself as a “union leader,” leading a union composed of all farm workers whatever their race, and not a “Mexican union,””Chicano union,” or “Latino union.”

It should be remembered that the famous march that Cesar Chavez led from Indio, CA to the Mexican border in 1969 was not in protest against growers exploiting farm workers: It was to protest the federal government’s failure to secure the border from illegal entry of Mexican who were used as strike breakers. Ten years later, in 1979, Cesar Chavez testified before Congress that the border had to be sealed as it was all but impossible to better farm workers’ wages, hours, and working conditions when there is an endless supply of exploitable labor from Mexico through a porous border. He also cooperated with the the Border Patrol and INS (now ICE) to secure the border and keep out strike breakers and others undermining the effort to improve farm workers lives through the union.

Those who demand that the border be secured today are denounced as “bigots” and “racists” by Liberals when they are in fact making the same demands the Cesar Chavez made. Was he, too, a “racist”?

The essential reality of Cesar Chavez, untransformable no matter how much Progressive Liberal propaganda is pumped out that Chavez was really one of them, is that Cesar Chavez was a Christian living a life in Jesus Christ.

That is the man, the Christian man, who is and should be honored on each March 31 marking the anniversary of his birth because of his service to others through consciously attempting to live his life in Christ.

That is the man whose deeds as well as words brought dignity to so many who were without it. That is the Christian who “transformed” lives by the example of his own life in Christ. That Christian cannot be “transformed” now in death by Progressive Liberals feeding vulture-like on his life.

We Americans treasure freedom, which our Declaration of Independence declares is not given us by government but which God, our “Creator,” endowed each of us with at conception. But the truth is that there is no dignity without freedom; and there is no real freedom without dignity. Cesar Chavez did many things for many millions of Americans in his lifetime, of all races. But perhaps most importantly, by living a life in Jesus Christ and his teachings, Chavez brought dig-nity to those who had not known it.

Cesar did that not by rendering onto Caesar, but by rendering his life onto God — hour by hour, day by day, every day, to the best of his ability, in service to others. His faith and love in Jesus Christ informed his life, and made him what he was.

The quote of Cesar Chavez cited at the beginning of this tribute — “ I am convinced that the truest act of courage, the strongest act of manliness, is to sacrifice for others in a totally nonviolent struggle for justice. To be a man is to suffer for others. God help us to be men!” — is carved into the stone memorial to him at his gravesite at “La Paz,” the headquarter’s of the United Farm Workers of America in the Tehachapi Mountains, in Keene, CA, now a National Historic Memo-rial.

What Liberal would say those words of Cesar Chavez today? Which of those Progressive Liber-als transforming Cesar into a clone of themselves would dare to say those words, referencing “God” and “manliness” and not be figuratively stoned by contemporary Progressive Liberal De-mocrats?

Cesar Chavez was in his own reality, not as transformed by those who would exploit his life for their own purposes, a great man, a Christian man, the lessons of whose life have inspired and in-fluenced so many others’ lives, including my own.

Thus, in 2016, at a time when the 89th anniversary of his birth on March 31, 1927, is remem-bered and honored in various ways, I respectfully once again salute, honor, thank and remember him for the lessons he taught by the example of his inspiring life in Christ in service for others. Please take a moment, if you will, to read more of the tribute I wrote on the 80th anniversary of his birth. “Lessons From The Life Of A Great American–Cesar Chavez.” [Link]

On Cesar Chavez Day, and every day, I will always walk in his shadow.

© 2016 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

Warning the wicked is love

As regular readers know we spend much of our time ministering out on the streets. This enables us to see an entirely different world than the average church-goer. For most Christians their faith is lived inside the four walls of the church or trapped within the four chambers of their heart. Christianity has devolved into a “personal” experience rather than a world-changing power.

Our churches have been such a cataclysmic failure in their job of pushing back the darkness. Instead of being the “salt of the earth” the exact opposite has happened…the world has become the “salt of the church.”

Rather than changing the world, the church has, for the most part, incorporated the ways of the world as the true Gospel has fallen prey to marketing techniques and entertainment designed to draw a crowd. Jesus never told us to draw a crowd. He told us to go…go to the highways and the byways…and compel men to come to the saving knowledge of Christ.

“Come ye” is a poor substitute for “go ye.” The idea of gathering a crowd merely to tickle the ears of the attendees is anathema to everything the Gospel teaches. The Truth is divisive. The Truth is offensive. The Truth is controversial. But it is only the Truth that can set people free. Believing a lie only keeps one in bondage.

The Gospel has become so sweet and syrupy that it is losing the ability to change lives. The idea of good and evil, sin and judgment, turn or burn has become verboten in the modern American church. The only thing worse than sin is talking about sin…rebuking sin…speaking about sin…pointing a finger at sin.

That is called being judgmental…or intolerant…or unloving in today’s sugar-sweet culture. Judging sin is hateful, unloving and a turnoff to the lost.

At least that is what many of my “Christian” friends like to tell me. I guess we are supposed to love them all the way to hell.

I caused quite a stir the other day as I was contending for the faith outside of our local body-parts store known as Planned Parenthood. I was taking-to-task one of the deathscorts who regularly volunteers her spare time aiding and abetting the baby slaughter taking place inside the “clinic.” (What a name for a place where they kill and dismember little babies.) We call them “deathscorts” because thy escort the women from their cars to the safety of the clinic. (Safety of the clinic…go figure.)

“You are a wicked woman,” I cried out to the deathscorts as they stood guarding the door breathlessly awaiting their next ex-mother to pull into the parking lot. “You are going to stand before a righteous God one day and give account for your wicked behavior. God is not mocked. You are an accessory to murder and the Lord sent me here to warn you to turn from your wickedness and ask Jesus to forgive you of your wicked behavior.”

“Apart from Christ, John 3:36 warns us, the wrath of God abides upon you. Unless you cry out to Him for forgiveness and repent of your evil ways, you are facing a very dark and desperate future. Fall on your face and ask Christ to forgive you of your wickedness. God sent me here to warn you. When you stand before Him you will no longer be able to claim ignorance. I have warned you today. Your deeds are evil and God will not hold you guiltless.”

I could tell when I was done with my warning that not all of those standing on the sidewalk with me appreciated my open rebuke to this wicked woman.

A kind Christian young man said “Coach Dave, you sure were harsh with those ladies. I am not sure that is the most effective way to get people to come to Christ. You catch a lot my flies with honey than you do with vinegar.”

“That’s probably true.” I responded. “But I am not looking to catch any flies. I am looking to rescue souls from the halls of the doomed and the damned. Those women standing in that doorway are in a very precarious position. They are teetering towards eternal separation from Christ. You can tell them how much Jesus loves them if you want to. I’d rather warn them that HIS wrath is waiting for them just around the corner.”

Then I opened up my Bible and shared with him Ezekial 3:16: And it came to pass at the end of seven days, that the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me. When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.

Harsh? Hell is real and hell is harsh. God is the one who called the people wicked. God is the one who called their deeds wicked. God is the one who called the way they were heading wicked. Part of our job as Christians is to warn the wicked that God is angry with the wicked every day.

I have searched my Bible until the ink is about to come of the pages and I can not find one place where Jesus told us to tell people how much God loves them. But the Scriptures are replete with the exhortation to warn those who are lost. Here are 54 times we are exhorted to warn the non-believer.

Loving them in their wickedness may make the sinner feel better, but warning the wicked is the greater act of love.

Time is running short. The door to the ark is getting ready to close. Failure to warn the wicked about their wicked behavior is miss-applied love. Sometimes God’s love hurts.

We are the salt of the earth…not the sugar. Speaking the sugary Gospel may fill a church but failing to speak the salt-laced Gospel is filling hell.

Rescue the perishing. That is the evidence of your love.

© 2016 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

Cruz and his media try to bring down Trump

If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin. —Samuel Adams

If a republican government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the divine commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the laws. —Noah Webster

Romney and Beck Join Together to Win Utah for Cruz

Here’s how they took Utah, but it’s more than the state having a large Mormon population. Romney and Beck, both Mormons, helped Cruz to win Utah in order to keep Trump from gaining the delegates.


However, A Soros board member chaired the firm running online balloting for Utah’s caucus, and the voter fraud in Utah is also linked to the same source, Soros, and the United Nations. Sen. Ted Cruz walked away from Utah with the state’s 40 delegates, but some voters left disillusioned due to billionaire George Soros’ ties to the process and fishy behavior at caucus sites. [Link]

United Nations Deputy Secretary-General(2006), as well as development specialist at the World Bank and United Nations (1994- 2005), and a communications consultant and journalist.

Most folks understood Trump would lose Utah when Romney re-entered the political scene. What must be galling to Donald Trump is the amount of money he donated in 2012 to Romney’s campaign when the latter asked Trump for help. But then again, maybe Trump is used to this by now. The entire purpose of Kasich and Cruz staying in the race is the hope of bleeding off delegates resulting in a brokered convention to keep Trump from the nomination.

Cruz Blames Trump for Belgium Attacks

Even with all this, I’m surprised that Utah voted for “open borders” Cruz after the Islamic terrorists injured so many Mormons in the Belgium attack.

Yet, Cruz had no trouble blaming Trump for the Belgium attacks. Don’t try to say he didn’t, it’s right there in the video.

Ted Cruz and the GOPe jumped into the fray of Soros Chicago politics and actually blamed Donald Trump for the protests. According to Ted Cruz, Trump is to blame for not being politically correct, and thus causing the protests and violence. Anti-Trump protesters are now admitting they were hired on Craigslist, and several admitted answering a Craigslist ad paying $16.00 an hour for protesters. [Link] The lead anti-Trump protester in Arizona was also just exposed as a Soros community organizer. [Link]

Cruz Blames Trump for Violence

Ted Cruz’s campaign issued a statement Tuesday afternoon in response to the charge against Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, taking issue with the “behavior” of his GOP rival’s campaign.

“Unfortunately, this abusive behavior seems to be part of the culture of the Trump campaign,” said Alice Stewart, Cruz’s campaign manager. “Personal attacks, verbal attacks, and now physical attacks have no place in politics or anywhere else in our society.”

Again, this is total hogwash. Corey Lewandowski was charged with misdemeanor battery after allegations of forcefully grabbing a reporter at a Jupiter news conference. Following a March 8, conference at Trump National Golf Club, Michelle Fields, a 28-year-old reporter formerly with Breitbart News Network, said she was grabbed on the arm by Lewandowski, 41, after she asked Trump a question about affirmative action.

Fields, who Tweeted photos of bruises on her arm she said resulted from the battery, resigned Breitbart less than a week after the incident. She cited Breitbart’s refusal to stand behind her amid the allegations as her reason for leaving.

Lewandowski replied to Fields’ Tweet, writing: “You are totally delusional. I never touched you. As a matter of fact, I have never even met you.” 

Ben Shapiro, former Breitbart editor-at-large, also resigned, claiming in a prepared statement that the conservative news outlet, seen largely as supportive of Trump’s presidential bid, “abandoned” Fields “in order to protect Trump’s bully campaign manager.”

Several other employees followed suit in the following weeks and resigned, according to multiple reports.

Donald Trump’s campaign manager allegedly grabs reporter at event.

So, you’ve got Cruz supporters, Ben Shapiro and Fields both resigning from Breitbart, but what they aren’t telling you is that Breitbart is owned and funded by Robert Mercer, and Mercer is the main donor behind four of Cruz’s Super Pac’s, who raised a total of $31 million. Makes you wonder if Fields’ allegations were true or not since Breitbart wouldn’t back them up.

Members of the secret service have said that Fields touched Trump twice before Lewandowski intervened. She was warned she was too close to the presidential candidate. [Link

Here is Trump’s video on what happened to Corey Lewandowski.

We’ve Got a Voice Now with Trump

Billy Inman’s son was killed, and his wife crippled when an illegal alien rear ended their car at 60 mph. Their son was killed instantly, and he and his wife terribly injured. 

“It’s like we’ve got a voice now. People are listening,” says 53-year-old Billy Inman, whose teenage son was murdered by an illegal alien nearly sixteen years ago. “Donald Trump gives us a little bit of hope. … For years, I’d talk to our ‘elected ones,’ and it was like talking to a wall … [but] Donald Trump is bringing us onto his stage.”

Inman said that he does not believe any of the other politicians running for president are committed to securing the nation’s borders. “Cruz is a talker,” Inman explained, adding: “He can talk about it, but I haven’t seen nothing done. He might come out–especially during election times–and say, ‘This needs to be done, and that needs to be done,’ but nothing has ever gotten done on illegal immigration with any teeth to it. … He’s going to be more of the same. He didn’t say nothing about this until after Donald Trump got into it. Why?”

“I wish he [Cruz] cared as much about American people–and got as angry about what’s happened to us–as he’s gotten about Donald Trump tweeting about his wife,” Inman said. [Link]

Cruz and Bimbo Eruptions

This all started with a pro-Cruz Super Pac putting out the GQ magazine picture of Melania Trump posing nude, although the photo doesn’t show much. Most people are speculating that it was purchased or approved for purchase by Ted Cruz’s campaign manager Jeff Roe. Given Jeff Roe’s long history of running dirty campaigns I would not be surprised. If someone from Ted Cruz’s campaign is involved, that would be a violation of the FEC rules. Not that Senator Cruz takes those rules very seriously.

Ted Cruz did not denounce the ad run by the pro Cruz Super-PAC. It makes you wonder why Ted Cruz gets a pass, but Mr. Trump is denounced for re-tweeting a side by side photo of his wife and Heidi Cruz. It should also be noted that Donald Trump defended Ted Cruz when his children were depicted as monkey’s. Here’s his tweet:

Donald J. Trump Verified account?@real Donald Trump
The @washingtonpost, which is the lobbyist (power) for not imposing taxes on #Amazon, today did a nasty cartoon attacking @tedcruz kids. Bad

Rubio campaign, but Ted Cruz blamed Donald Trump. This is Cruz’s modus operandi…blame Trump.

Bill Still is reporting that the number of Cruz babes has now reached eight.

In this article, Texas Lobbyist and Ted Cruz Operative Admits Origin of Campaign to Attack Donald Trump’s Wife…, a video from early March clearly shows the origin of the Ted Cruz campaign plan to target Donald Trump’s wife, Melania. Here’s the interesting part of this expose’ from The Conservative Tree House:

Liz Mair’s Super-PAC “Make America Awesome,” took their marching orders and began sending controversial flyers of Melania Trump to upcoming states. Thus kicking off the response from Donald Trump in defense of his wife.

However, as with all campaign machinations, and poorly hidden campaign to Super-PAC coordination efforts, there’s a little more to this story.

Look closely at the mailing address for Liz Mair’s Super-PAC: [Make America Awesome, P.O. Box 26141, Alexandria, VA. 22313]

Now look at the mailing address for Carly Fiorina’s Super-PAC (Carly for America):[Carly for America, P.O. Box 26141, Alexandria, VA. 22313]

The post office box is exactly the same.

Again, as with almost all of the discoveries within this political cycle, we discover the same political operatives are working multiple campaigns. In essence, the heart of the “splitter strategy” is evidenced. Multiple candidates all coordinating their efforts and campaigns toward a common goal, retention of the UniParty. (And elimination of the front runner and America’s choice, Donald J. Trump.)

Ashley Madison

In Dr. Eowyn’s article, Ted Cruz’s Senate e-address was a Subscriber of Ashley Madison Adultery ‘dating’ Service, she exposes the following:

Last July, Ashley Madison, the Canadian-based online “dating service” for adulterers with 37 million subscribers, was hacked by a group that calls itself the Impact Team.

The hackers made public the personal information of the subscribers, including their names, email addresses, and sexual fantasies. Some of the subscribers actually used their work email addresses, as shown by the many addresses that end in .gov, .mil, a company name (e.g., WellsFargo), a university name (UTexas), and even the United Nations.

What we weren’t told then is that there was one U.S. Senate email address among the Ashley Madison subscribers — the email address of Ted Cruz’s senate office.


Cruz is a first term senator, ineligible for the office, and his birth and citizenship records are sealed. Doesn’t this sound familiar? Cruz is nothing but Obama in Republican drag, and his globalist intentions are the same. Check out this 12-minute video that explains Natural Born Citizen.

Jeb Bush’s endorsement of Cruz is very telling, especially since both Cruz and his wife Heidi worked for Jeb’s older brother, George W., and the globalist cabal sticks together. Infamous Silverado Banking scandal brother, Neil Bush, is also on Cruz’s campaign staff. George W. however cannot stand Ted Cruz.

The American public should surely see by now what is happening, and that we have only one party, a snake with two heads. 

The GOP keeps searching for ways to stop Trump. Donald Trump captured victory in Louisiana by a narrow 3.6 percentage points over Texas Sen. Ted Cruz during the state’s Mar. 5th primary, 41.4% to 37.8%.


But despite victory in the state, Trump is set to lose ten delegates to Cruz — and
Trump is preparing a lawsuit over it. [Link]

The bottom line is that all these establishment people have joined together to stop Donald Trump because Trump is not a GOP approved globalist candidate. Things have turned topsy-turvy for the elitists in charge. They are dragging out the biggest artillery to destroy Mr. Trump, hoping beyond hope that something they do will work to ruin his charge toward the GOP nomination. Should Trump lose a couple more important states to Lyin Ted Cruz, there could be a brokered convention. 

What the American electorate wants, compared to what the globalist cabal of politicians want, are two diametrically opposed choices. Pray for our country, and pray for Mr. Trump.

Cory Lewandowski set-up by a professional man hating scammer

Objective journalism is one of the main reasons that American politics has been allowed to be so corrupt for so long. —Hunter S. Thompson

“Crippled America” by Donald Trump

In Trump’s latest book, “Crippled America,” he talks about the media in chapter 15.

He says, 

“It’s incredible to me how dishonest the media in this country really is. People sometimes forget that the newspapers and television stations are profit-making businesses – or at least they’re trying to be. If they have to choose between honest reporting and making a profit, which choice do you think they will make? The sad thing is that all it does is prove that both liberal and conservative news outlets can lie and distort the news shamelessly. I’ve had meetings with reporters who faithfully recorded what I said, then changed the words and meaning.”

“There are some experiences I’ve never forgotten. I had a so-called journalist from a well-known publication come up to my office and interview me and several of my executives. We gave him a pile of paperwork, we gave him financial reports and statements, anything he asked for – then he wrote one of the most inaccurate stories I’ve ever read. The public pays attention to a story for less than a week, especially when you get as many stories as I do. But the impression a bad story leaves lasts a lot longer.”

What Mr. Trump says is absolutely true, and it is why the establishment is trying to fill the media with phony stories that will hurt the Trump campaign. They can lie with impunity as well, all because of the 1964 Supreme Court decision in NYTs v. Sullivan.

The Set-Up

Journalism and today’s reporters are now two different things. There still is journalism, but the majority of main stream media is so tainted as to be utter propaganda. The brainwashing of the dumbed down electorate (thanks to the government schools) continues.

Corey Lewandowski is Donald Trump’s campaign manager. He was charged with misdemeanor battery after allegations of forcefully grabbing a reporter at a Jupiter news conference. Following a March 8, conference at Trump National Golf Club, Michelle Fields, a 28-year-old reporter formerly with Breitbart News Network, said she was grabbed on the arm by Lewandowski, 41, after she asked Trump a question about affirmative action.

Fields, who Tweeted photos of bruises on her arm she said resulted from the battery, resigned Breitbart less than a week after the incident. She cited Breitbart’s refusal to stand behind her amid the allegations as her reason for leaving.

Lewandowski replied to Fields’ Tweet, writing: “You are totally delusional. I never touched you. As a matter of fact, I have never even met you.” 

Ben Shapiro, former Breitbart editor-at-large, also resigned, claiming in a prepared statement that the conservative news outlet, seen largely as supportive of Trump’s presidential bid, “abandoned” Fields “in order to protect Trump’s bully campaign manager.”

Several other employees followed suit in the following weeks and resigned, according to multiple reports.

So, you’ve got Cruz supporters, Ben Shapiro and Fields both resigning from Breitbart, but what they aren’t telling you is that Breitbart is owned and funded by Robert Mercer, and Mercer is the main donor behind four of Cruz’s Super Pac’s, who raised a total of $31 million. Makes you wonder if Fields’ allegations were true or not since Breitbart wouldn’t back them up. Shapiro is a Cruz bot and I’d imagine Fields is as well.

Trump Tweets

Who is Michelle Fields?

I really have to wonder what she got paid to bring assault charges against Corey, as I definitely believe someone hired her to do what she did. Twice she touched Donald Trump, and the Secret Service who were several steps behind him told her to stop. Corey Lewandowski was there and moved her away. She had a pen in her hand which is not surprising for a reporter, however, it can be seen as a weapon. This woman has a history of complaining about her treatment by those she’s trying to interview or ask questions. 

Here is the actual video showing that she was not thrown to the ground, that she didn’t lose her balance, that Corey actually just gently moved her away from Mr. Trump.

Michelle Fields crossed the threshold of the secret service and did not lodge a complaint for three days. Again, one wonders who paid for her to complain because it was a non-issue. Corey barely even looked at her or made eye contact with her, he was just protecting Trump…he doesn’t know her, even though these reporters think everyone knows them.

Who is the Prosecutor?

Corey Lewandowski is only guilty of doing his job, and that includes protecting his boss. He has stepped in before to avoid tragedy.

From the Conservative Tribune

When anti-Trump protesters and hecklers turned violent in Arizona on Sunday, it didn’t take long for the media to do what they do best: blame Trump.

They were even more stoked when video emerged of Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, grabbing the collar of a protester. Most every media outlet described the incident as being totally unprovoked.

However, new video from the Tucson, Arizona, rally Saturday night shows something even more disturbing: the anti-Trump protester was about to attack a young woman and Lewandowski prevented the attack through quick action.


Feminist Media ask Trump to Fire Lewandowski

Make no mistake. This is a gender-identity based attack on Trump. The signatories use their status as women to push this anti-Trump agenda.

Letter from Female Media

The press is to have an adversarial, yet civil approach to those in, or running, for elected office. Never in this line of work is it acceptable to respond to reasonable and legitimate questioning with use of physical force. The photographs, audio, videos, and witness accounts documenting the treatment of Michelle Fields by Corey Lewandowski, Donald Trump’s campaign manager, are inexcusable and unprofessional. Donald Trump should immediately remove Lewandowski from his campaign. However, unlike the Trump campaign, we believe in making a statement on the record to clearly highlight the difference between right and wrong,” it concludes.


Dana Loesch (Radio America, Blaze TV) (Glenn Beck – Cruz supporter)
Katie Pavlich, (Townhall, Fox News) (where she works tells it all)
Meghan McCain, (America Now Radio, Cosmopolitan, Fox News) (same here)
S.E. Cupp, ( New York Daily News, Glamour, CNN) (same here)
Mary Katharine Ham, (CNN, The Federalist) (same here)
Christine Rosen, (New Atlantis, Commentary)
Christina Hoff Sommers, (American Enterprise Institute) AEI gathered the billionaires to stop Trump
Bethany Mandel, (The Federalist, Acculturated) (and CNN)
Emily Zanotti, (American Spectator)(funded by pro-abort Richard Mellon Scaife)
Elisha Krauss, (Ben Shapiro’s radio co-host) (Shapiro for Cruz)
Karol Markowicz, (New York Post)
Kristen Soltis Anderson, (Washington Examiner)
Mona Charen, (Ethics and Public Policy Center, Creators Syndicate)
Sarah Rumpf, (freelance)
Brooke Rogers, (National Review) (The hate Trump group)
Mary Chastain, (Breitbart) (funded by Cruz supporter Robert Mercer)

Back Stabbing Ted Cruz

First he stabbed Carson in the back by telling Iowans that Carson had dropped out. Then he stabbed Rubio in the back in Hawaii by telling voters Rubio had dropped out. 

Donald Trump’s presidential bid.


Will Corey Lewandowski get a fair shake? Highly doubtful with the political connections. The Florida prosecutor hates Trump and has called him names in the past. Since he is a democrat aligned with Hillary Clinton, it certainly doesn’t bode well. Yet, there is video, as seen above, where it is obvious that absolutely nothing happened to Fields. One wonders why it took her three days to file a complaint, not to mention where the bruise on her arm really came from. Even more so, will Donald Trump get a fair shake?

Remember folks, the GOP establishment, the left, and the media are all in on the globalist agenda, and that’s why they hate Trump. It’s also why the American people love him.

Are democrats using Google to silence free speech?

The Internet has brought an explosion of information to the general public across the globe. Unfortunately, much of the information we get from the Internet, whether it be by websites, e-mail, or on social media, is un-vetted and much of it is misleading and simply not true. Finding the truth can be a real chore sometimes, requiring hours of research and even then the truth may be illusive. Yes, the information flowing unchecked in cyberspace can lead to disagreements from time to time, but thankfully you can’t throw a punch, or pull a trigger, on the Internet.

Nevertheless, the Internet, through all of its medium forms, has provided a conduit for individual expression like never before in the history of man. Opinions, thoughts, beliefs, ideas and images flow freely to tens of millions of individuals in microseconds, every minute, every hour, every day. People of like mind can hook up at the speed of light and organize forums around either specific or general subjects or issues at will. The free flow of ideas, however flawed, is the very epitome of freedom. But what if someone could tamper with this free flow of ideas for a political agenda, or any agenda?

The growth of the Internet has also led to the formation of corporate giants like AOL, Facebook, Google, Instagram, Dell, HP, Microsoft, IBM and thousands of smaller companies. The corporate profits generated by the Internet are in the tens of billions of dollars every year.

Unfortunately, one of the drawbacks of corporate giants, awash in cash, is the wielding of great financial and political power to manipulate and exploit the people they allegedly serve. We ran into that manipulative power just recently when we discovered that some conservative authors, including us, are being silenced by a tricky Google tactic (yes, Google) through their web browser, “Google Chrome,” by attaching a Security Alert to any website that doesn’t fit the Google liberal narrative. On the website ( Google has attached a Security Alert to over half of the authors that write for this conservative, on-line publication. In further research, we found that other websites offering a conservative point of view have also been targeted by Google Chrome’s Security Alerts.

Google’s Security Alerts advise the reader that the particular website they have logged onto may contain Malware and advised to go back to a “safe” page. The Alert is clearly bogus and obviously done for political motives in a highly charged presidential campaign season. Ironically, these Security Alerts only happen with the Google Chrome browser. We could find no such tampering with other browsers. Who controls Google Chrome? Google of course.

Now, if you are thinking that this is just an isolated incident, or an accident, or a coincidence, or a quirk of the Google Chrome browser, think again. The Google Chrome Security Alert suddenly appeared on multiple conservative articles a week or so ago, right after Donald Trump held up an article from the Newswithviews website and the website received over 3,000,000 hits in one day. One might ask, why would Google do this? The answer is simple and glaring.

The political ties to the Democrat Party of Google founders, Larry Page and Eric Schmidt, including thousands of Google employees, is well known: From one source we learned that:

“Few Silicon Valley companies have ever embraced a political party as passionately as Google has. Its executive chairman, Eric Schmidt, has been described as a “kind of guru” to President Obama’s campaign manager, and Google employees emerged as the No. 2 donor to the Democratic National Committee in the last election.”

We were incensed that a major U. S. Corporation would use its power to tamper with free speech and more specifically attempting to silence our conservative articles. So incensed in fact that we penned a terse message to the Google Board of Directors, e-mailing it to their Investor Relations department at the following e-mail address: We have reprinted that message in its entirety below.

To Google’s Board of Directors:

Larry Page Sergey Brin Eric E. Schmidt L. John Doerr Diane B. Greene John L. Hennessy Ann Mather Alan R. Mulally Paul S. Otellini K. Ram Shriram Shirley M. Tilghman

I am a national author and president of a non-profit corporation that acts as advocates for the American rural landowner. I have been writing a conservative weekly column for 10 years. I have a significant following.

Just recently, I have found many of my articles and many other conservative articles are being tagged with a SECURITY ALERT, for those users using Google Chrome, driving people away from our right to free speech. With specificity, many of the authors that write for the on-line magazine have been targeted for this Security Alert treatment. But Google is also targeting other on-line publications with this treatment as well.

Google’s Mission is, according to the Google website:

Focus on the user and all else will follow.

“Since the beginning, Google has focused on providing the best user experience possible. Whether we’re designing a new Internet browser or a new tweak to the look of the homepage, we take great care to ensure that they will ultimately serve you, rather than our own internal goal or bottom line. Our homepage interface is clear and simple, and pages load instantly. Placement in search results is never sold to anyone, and advertising is not only clearly marked as such, it offers relevant content and is not distracting. And when we build new tools and applications, we believe they should work so well you don’t have to consider how they might have been designed differently.”

Does focusing on the user mean censoring what he or she writes? Is that your mission Google Board of Directors?

If that is your mission, then you are un-American and show a perverse propensity for progressivism, socialism, or even communism. Or, you just want to shut up and silence any other debate except the liberal view you obviously hold.

Google has immense power. With power comes responsibility, or that power descends into absolute power.

Which is it Google?

Remove the SECURITY ALERTS now from your Google Chrome browser! Or lose your stellar reputation via the very medium you exploit to advance a political agenda and make huge profits.

We will be sharing this message with thousands of other Internet users.

Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners

If you are as angry as we are that Google, a great provider of Internet information and services, would under handedly use its immense cyber power to silence opposing views to their own liberal views by electronic trickery, using the Google Chrome browser as its weapon, then perhaps it is time to shut down the Google Investor Relations e-mail address with messages of your displeasure to the Google Board.

It will cost you but a few minutes of your time and you can do it right from your own desktop, laptop, Ipad, or Iphone, using the very Internet that Google is abusing for political purposes. Get creative. Do it today. But keep it clean, pithy and professional. Expletives and pejoratives detract from any message.

Google is a huge corporation with unimaginable financial and political power with direct access to President Obama and his administration. To have any effect at all, this article must go viral. It takes millions of people to make a difference in America today. The Internet gives the people the power and the voices to coalesce around an idea or an issue and overcome the power of giant corporations and government. That is if the people aren’t totally distracted by drugs and entertainment and hopelessly apathetic, like we see on the O’Reilly Factor’s Water’s World.

Will you take action by sending your displeasure to the Google Board of Directors for trying to silence free speech? It is our firm wish that thousands of you will do so. Use your voice to make a difference!

If you did send an e-mail message to the Google Board, let us know HERE. Constructive comments are welcome.

[NOTE: The forgoing article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

© 2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved

Texas refuses to answer Cruz question

It is no secret that Ted Cruz is not eligible for the Oval Office. What remains a secret to many, is why the Republican Party is allowing known frauds to appear on the Republican presidential ballot.

In a letter dated March 10, 2016 and received by the Texas Secretary of State on March 15, 2016, The North American Law Center asking the following question –

“In light of the attached official citizenship records for Sen. Rafael Edward (Ted) Cruz in Calgary, Alberta Canada, dated December 22, 1970 (attached) and a document confirming the renunciation of his Canadian citizenship dated May 14, 2014 (attached), is it your official opinion as the Chief Elections Officer for Texas that U.S. Senator Rafael Edward (Ted) Cruz was in fact a legal citizen of Canada in November of 2012, when he ran for, was elected and certified by the Texas Secretary of State as the new U.S. Senator representing the good people of Texas, as a legal citizen of Canada?”
As of today, March 29, 2016, Texas Secretary of State has declined to respond to this one simple question with only one possible honest answer…. YES

The official Canadian document accepting and affirming Sen. Ted Cruz’s wish to renounce his Canadian citizenship documents two very important facts…

1. Sen. Rafael Edward (Ted) Cruz became a legal citizen of Canada on December 22, 1970, the day he was born in Calgary, Canada.
2. Sen. Rafael Edward (Ted) Cruz remained a legally documented citizen of Canada until Canada accepted his request to terminate or “renounce” his legal citizenship in Canada on May 14, 2014.
This means that Sen. Rafael Edward (Ted) Cruz was indeed a “legal citizen of Canada” when he sought a seat in the U.S. Senate in 2012 and accepted that sworn office in January of 2013. It also means that Sen. Ted Cruz defrauded Texas voters in 2012 by never disclosing this fact and not allowing Texas voters to decide whether or not they wanted a Canadian citizen to represent them in the U.S. Senate.

Today, the GOP race is looking more like a shootout at the OK Corral than a political primary process. At present, two out of seventeen GOP contenders remain in the race, Trump with 739 delegates (61.4%) and Cruz with 465 delegates (38.6%).

I find it very interesting that Cruz supporters claim that Ted is “the only one who can beat Hillary” when Ted can’t even beat Trump. I also find it very interesting that Cruz supporters claim to be “constitutionalists” who support our nation’s best “constitutionalist” – a man who was a legal citizen of Canada at birth, and remained a legal citizen of Canada until May 14, 2014, a direct violation of the U.S. Constitution regarding Oval Office eligibility.

The documented facts surrounding the legal citizenship of Ted Cruz create a serious problem not only for the Cruz presidential campaign, but for his seat in the U.S. Senate as well.

One document alone sinks the Cruz ship… the official Canadian document accepting Senator Cruz’s request to renounce his legal citizenship in Canada. On that document, it states that Ted Cruz became a legal citizen of Canada on December 22, 1970, his date of birth, and during a time when Canada did not allow any “dual citizenship.” It also states that Ted Cruz remained a legal citizen of Canada until he officially renounced on May 14, 2014.

This document alone proves that Ted Cruz was NOT a citizen of the United States at birth, much less a “natural born Citizen” of the United States, that he was NOT a “dual citizen” at birth and that he was indeed a legal citizen of Canada in 2012, when he misled Texas voters in his campaign for the U.S. Senate. Texas voters had no idea that Ted was a legal citizen of Canada in 2012… they were misled by Ted.

In December of 2013, North American Law Center asked Ted to do the right thing in a letter. A letter which Ted Cruz has never responded to…

In March of 2015, I wrote about a Republican Party official from Texas who heard Ted Cruz state face-to-face, that neither he nor Barack Obama are eligible for the Oval Office. The name of the witness remains protected still today, due to concerns over vicious backlashes against his family from blind Cruz loyalists.

Interviewer: “Hello Mr. Cruz, it’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is (redacted). I am a (redacted) County GOP Precinct Chair and you have my support and vote. I have one question for you if I may?”
Cruz: “Sure, go ahead.”

Interviewer: “What is your understanding of how one becomes a natural born Citizen?”

Cruz: “Two citizen parents and born on the soil.”

Interviewer: “Not exactly, but as I don’t have enough time to fully explain how one does become an natural born Citizen, based on your understanding, would you agree that Barack Obama is ineligible to be POTUS?”

Cruz: “I would agree.”

Interviewer: “So when we get you elected, will you expose him for the usurping fraud he is?”

Cruz: “No, my main focus will be on repealing Obamacare.”

Interviewer: “But Mr. Cruz, if he is exposed as the usurping fraud he is, everything he has done will become null and void. Everything!”

Interviewer: “At that point, Cruz reiterated his main concern, so it was obvious the conversation was over as far as Cruz was concerned. I thanked him for his time and wished him success in the runoff.”

People have written asking about this witness numerous times since. The above dialogue is held by North American Law Center in the form of a sworn affidavit. The witness is willing to go public only when Texas, a court or congress has opened an investigation on Cruz lies and fraud. Until then, they wish to remain anonymous with good reason. I have witnessed the vicious nature of Cruz supporters myself, many times now.

Because Cruz defrauded Texas in 2012 and is currently defrauding the nation in his presidential campaign, collecting millions in a fraudulent bid for the Oval Office, we do not expect to ever receive any answer at all from the Texas Secretary of State. If we do, I will issue an update to this column immediately.

Clearly, the effort to defraud American voters reaches far beyond any one candidate. Rubio was also an ineligible fraud, as were Bobby Jindal and Barack Obama. The current endorsements of Cruz by Republican Party insiders like Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Greg Abbott and Lindsey Graham confirms what many of us already knew… Ted is a Republican Party insider and a chosen fraud intended to forever eliminate the “natural born Citizen” (NBC) clause in Article II.

Take a look at all of the Republican Party insiders who now support Cruz, a known fraud from Canada masquerading as a legal U.S. citizen with no U.S. citizenship papers whatsoever. For a single American conservative to believe that Ted is anything but a Party shill, here to finish off the NBC requirement for the Oval Office requires that American to own stock in tin foil hat theories. You’d have to not only believe in the existence of alien life forms, but illegal alien eligibility as well.

The statement that “Ted Cruz is NOT a legal U.S. citizen at all” is a matter of documented fact. But many Cruz fans remain unimpressed by any facts. This is largely due to the fact that many Cruz supporters are blind loyalists who believe Ted is a “chosen messiah” anointed by God to save our country, in accordance with the dominionism doctrines of Ted’s religious beliefs. Many evangelicals, who are not subscribers to the dominionism cult, have fallen for Ted just because they seek a leader who wears his Christianity on his sleeve.

Ted Cruz isn’t “anti-establishment.” Ted is a constitutionally ineligible establishment shill now openly supported by a laundry list of Republican Establishment stooges. Former Tea Party darlings like Mark Levin and Glenn Beck have lost nearly half of their listening audience by openly supporting a known fraud, Cruz. Republican Party media groups like World Net Daily, Newsmax and American Thinker are tanking with the Cruz ship Oh Canada.

Carl Gallops and Mike Zullo discussed the Cruz and Obama fraud in a recent radio interview…

Bottom line… Both parties are in deep trouble in 2016. The DNC is running two Marxists, one a criminal and the other a total crackpot… And the RNC is trying to pass off a known fraud from Canada for U.S. Commander-in-Chief.

Contrary to Cruz supporter rhetoric, none of this has anything to do with Trump. All of it is about Cruz and his habit of lying and defrauding the people. All of this is about the Republican establishment working in concert with the Democratic Party to End the American Presidency.

If you are offended by the facts… you are on the wrong side of the truth.

© 2016 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

The earmarks of liars

Earmark – “To mark, by cropping or slitting the ear.” —Webster’s 1828 Dictionary

This last week and a half have been a history lesson only to reaffirm and solidify the message in which I have been preaching for the last 20 years.

While speaking at colleges, churches, on radio and other meetings this last week, I traveled through Maryland, Virginia, Delaware and then Pennsylvania. Let me share a few of the lessons I learned.

First, I stopped off at Jamestown, Virginia. Upon entering into this gated replica of a village that was established by the first settlers to come to this land, known as “Saints” now known as the Pilgrims, the first thing that I saw is a large church.

When entering the church, I saw on the front walls the 2 tablets of God’s moral Law (Exodus 20; Deuteronomy 5).

In between the Ten Commandments is the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13). When walking out from the front, there on the back wall was written:

“Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” Acts 2:39

There it is, the full counsel of God (Acts 20:27).

I then traveled over to Yorktown, Virginia, where the American colonies, along with the French, delivered the final blow to the British Empire by breaking the back of Cornwallis and his disgraced military.

There in Yorktown, was the Victory Statue, where it was inscribed:

That the United States in Congress assembled, will cause to be erected at York, in Virginia, a marble column, adorned with emblems of the alliance between the United States and his Most Christian Majesty; and inscribed with a succinct narrative of the surrender of Earl Cornwallis to his excellency General Washington, Commander in Chief of the combined forces of America and France; to his excellency the Count de Rochambeau, commanding the auxiliary troops of his most Christian Majesty in America, and his excellency the Count de Grasse, commanding in chief the naval army of France in the Chesapeake.

I then set off to Williamsburg, Virginia, where close by was where Patrick Henry gave his famous speech.

“It is vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, peace! But there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” – Speech at the Second Virginia Convention at St. John’s Church, March 23, 1779

Just down the street in Williamsburg were the head and arm restraint stocks, which were located right outside of the local courthouse. A historian and reenactment actor was outside educating the people who had questions.

One question asked was, “What is the head and arm restraint stocks for?” She said that before and after the revolution, the local magistrates would administrate Ecclesiastical Law (Romans 13).

She went on to tell us that crime was not tolerated in the least bit by the colonies because they understood the price paid to establish their freedoms (John 15:13). The stocks were used for those who would lie or commit the act of perjury (lie under oath; Revelation 21:8).

The criminal would be punished by being thrown in jail for up to 6 months (1 John 3:4). A fine would have to be paid, and this all took place after their head and hands were placed in the stocks for their crimes and public punishment.

First, they would bind them, take the criminal’s ear, and nail it with a long nail to the stock for one hour. After that hour was up, they would then go to the other side and nail the other ear to the stock for one hour.

When removing the nails, they would often slit the ear completely off, marking the offender so other colonies, as well as other cities or states, would understand that the person was not to be trusted. Thus, they fulfilled the true definition of “Earmark.”

She ended with saying that it was to teach the person here to repent before God so they would not end up in hell (Matthew 3:2; Leviticus 19:17).

Can you imagine the “earmarks” that we would see today in the American church, government or in businesses if these laws were still enforced? How they loved their freedoms by demonstrating zero tolerance for crime. (Deuteronomy 23:14).

Oh, the efforts of foolish men today (they are fools for their pains), such as the modern day revisionists, historians and even professed uneducated self-proclaimed Christians, who have attempted to re-create America’s founding forefathers in an image not of their own. How many earmarks there would be on the lot of all of the above who are helping to blind the up and coming generations, which is a curse they will surely bear.

America’s Indisputable Christian Heritage

Reading of the Declaration of Independence

Matrix of Liberty

© 2016 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

After Brussels massacre: shut down all Muslim immigration into America

After Muslim immigrants blasted Brussels’ main airport into millions of glass shards and metal shrapnel—it’s time to shut down all Muslim immigration into America. For that matter, shut it down in all western countries like Canada, Europe and Australia. Muslims prove themselves too violent to dwell in civilized countries. As their numbers grow, their violence accelerates.

Thirty-one innocent people died and 300 suffered life-threatening blast injuries. The people of Brussels, Belgium didn’t deserve that terrorist attack. They welcomed Muslims into their midst for the past 40 years. In fact, Muslims stand on the verge of turning Belgium into an Islamic caliphate, also known as a “new Islamic state.” Sooner or later, native Belgians expect to lose their country to the Muslim immigrants.

What exactly does it take for Western leaders to understand that Muslims follow the most violent religion on the planet: Islam’s teachings via the Koran. It advocates violence toward everyone: “Convert or kill all non-believers.”

Since the 1972 Olympic slaughter of athletes by Muslim terrorists, the litany of Muslim attacks on Western countries grows in numbers and magnitude. None of it makes sense. France hosts five million Muslim immigrants, but suffered Charlie Hebdo as well as the Paris massacre and 70 ‘no go zones’ of Islamic violence. Muslims create separate countries within host countries. A whopping 90 percent of Muslims live on the backs of working Europeans via welfare. Muslims NEVER assimilate into host countries; but in fact expect to take them over.

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any faith, but to become dominant. The Qur’an should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” Omar Ahmed, director of Council on American Islamic Relations.

Muslims decapitate citizens walking down the street in London, England. They march against the police. Muslims rape and violate Swedish, German, Spanish, Austrian, French, English and German women. Muslims plant bombs on subways. They plant bombs on airplanes. Muslims run down their daughters, known as ‘honor killings’ for wearing jeans in Phoenix, Arizona. (Source: February 21, 2011; “Noor honor killing in Phoenix, Arizona.”)

Muslims behead enemies, and their wives and daughters in America and around the world. By Sharia Law, Islam mandates a man can beat and behead his wife if she fails to obey him. Islamic women live fearful lives with their husbands or brothers who, on average, according the United Nations “Honor killings report” kill 10,000 women annually for reasons such as: “I wanted a new wife.” (That’s a direct quote.)

In New York, February 16, 2009, FOX News, Joshua Rhett Miller reported, “The estranged wife of a Muslim television executive feared for her life after filing for divorce last month from her abusive husband,” her attorney said — and was found beheaded Thursday in his upstate New York television studio. Aasiya Z. Hassan, 37, was found dead on Thursday at the offices of Bridges TV in Orchard Park, N.Y., near Buffalo. Her husband, Muzzammil Hassan, 44, has reportedly been charged with second-degree murder. “She was very much aware of the potential ramification of her filing for divorce might have,” said attorney Elizabeth DiPirro, whose law firm represented Aasiya Hassan in the divorce proceeding. “But she wanted to proceed despite the potential for it to erupt.”

This week, February 19, 2013, the New York Daily News reported Islamic violence in Buena Vista, New Jersey: “Cops arrested Muslim Yusuf Ibrahim, 28, of Jersey City on Sunday after detectives found the bodies of the two men, aged 25 and 27, behind a home in Buena Vista Township. Their severed heads and hands were discovered at a separate burial site. The investigation into the grisly murder began Thursday following reports of suspicious activity at the Buena Vista home. Cadaver dogs located the bodies, which both suffered a single gunshot wound to their chests.” (Source: New York Daily News, 2/19/13)

In Clayton County, Georgia, January 26, 2009, a Pakistani immigrant father, Chaudry Rashid strangled his daughter for not accepting his choice of a husband. She wanted a divorce. She was 14 when she died. “Man Accused Of Killing Daughter For Family Honor” by Jamie Tarabay of NPR. “Honor killings are old rites of murder within families, committed because of some perceived dishonor or shame. The United Nations estimates around 10,000 deaths occur each year — mostly of women, mostly in South Asia and the Middle East.”

In addition to this kind of Islamic barbarism, our First World country must deal with Islamic “female genital mutilation”, which defines hideous removal of a woman’s genitals.

“The ancient, brutal practice of female genital mutilation (FGM), once considered primarily a problem of the developing world, is a growing threat to girls and women in the United States, according to a new report. The New York City-based non-profit organization, which specializes in gender-based violence, said up to 200,000 girls and women in the United States are at risk of FGM and that the number is growing.” (Source: FrontPage News, March 16, 2013. “200,000 girls at risk for FGM in U.S.”)

“Immigrants devoted to their own cultures and religions are not influenced by the secular politically correct façade that dominates academia, news-media, entertainment, education, religious and political thinking today,” said James Walsh, former Associate General Counsel of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service. “They claim the right not to assimilate, and the day is coming when the question will be how can the United States regulate the defiantly unassimilated cultures, religions and mores of foreign lands? Such immigrants say their traditions trump the U.S. legal system. Balkanization of the United States has begun.”

Whether immigrants murder their wives and children through honor killings, or cut their daughters into submission—with more Muslim immigrants, we face devolvement of our civilization into a barbaric future. A recent report showed that 51 percent of Muslim immigrants demand Sharia Law in the United States. As their numbers grow, they will implement it. Defacto Sharia Law already manifests in Detroit, Michigan; Minneapolis, Minnesota and New York City. Why? Because millions of Muslims practice it under the rug with no consequences!

Whether it’s Paris, France or Brussels, Belgium or San Bernardino—more Muslim immigration into the USA guarantees another 9/11 of some magnitude in our country. It’s coming as surely as the dawn. That’s why we must shut down all Muslim immigration if we hope to survive the 21st century as an intact civilization.

If you don’t want a Paris, France or San Bernardino or Brussels, Belgium event in your community, it’s time to call for a total “Immigration Shutdown Now.”

Call your senators and House rep: 1 202 224 3121. Demand a stop to all immigration and stop to any Syrian immigration.

Definition of slogan: “Immigration Shutdown Now means the American people want a total shutdown on all legal and illegal immigration. That means we want all illegal immigration stopped by arresting, prosecuting and jailing employers of illegal aliens. We deport all illegal aliens by taking their jobs away and as we catch them. We want English mandated as our national language. We demand a cessation of Muslim immigration in order to protect our culture, language and way of life. We can’t save the world but we can destroy our civilization. We demand a stable population that allows everyone to live, work and thrive into the 21st century. Especially our children.” FHW

That’s why you need to take action. Send this series to everyone in your network. Educate them. Urge them to take action by joining these websites to become faxers of prewritten letters and phone callers. We must force Congress into an “Immigration Shutdown Now!

Share these videos all over America: ; ; ; ;

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five minutes to see for yourself.

“Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck
This 10 minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

America: ; ; ;
United Kingdom:
Australia: Sustainable Population Australia

© 2016 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

Free Otto Warmbier

A student who studied economics at the prestigious University of Virginia has been sentenced to 15 years in the North Korean gulag for stealing a banner praising the patriotic socialism of the late communist dictator Kim Jong Il. Otto Warmbier was on a trip to the communist workers’ paradise sponsored by Young Pioneer Tours, and apparently wanted a souvenir or memento.

It’s not clear if he was a Bernie Sanders-style socialist or a member of the campus Democratic club. In any case, he didn’t realize the power of the state. Perhaps he is a victim of academia or Sanders’ notion of socialism.

Washington Post columnist Christine Emba, in an article on our “socialist youth,” writes about how socialism seems to have become “the political orientation du jour among voters of a certain (read: young) age.” Emba says socialism has ceased to be a dirty word, and there’s nothing wrong with young people turning out in support of the “democratic socialist” Sanders.

“When Sanders’s critics raise the alarm about socialism’s return, they paint a picture of collectivization, supply shortages and totalitarian regimes,” she writes. “But in fact, the socialism that most millennials want is simply a return to a more muscular form of traditional liberalism, one that would have felt right at home in the administration of FDR.”

So is FDR’s New Deal to be found in North Korea? Perhaps Emba ought to devote some time and attention to the bloody record of 100 million dead from communism.

Despite running around the country as a “democratic socialist,” Sanders insists he is not a socialist or a communist. He says, “The next time you hear me attacked as a socialist…remember this: I don’t believe that government should take over the grocery store down the street, or control the means of production. But I believe that the middle class and the working families who produce the wealth of America deserve a fair deal.”

Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) National Political Committee Member David Green says, “Our goal as socialists is to abolish private ownership of the means of production.” That’s communism.

Sanders has appeared before various DSA conventions and rallies over the years and has been reported to be a member of DSA. He has thanked the group for supporting his various campaigns for public office. He hasn’t been asked by the media to comment on the fact that one of his prominent supporters in the Washington, D.C. area is a convicted former spy for the Soviet Union and East Germany who is still a member of the DSA.

DSA has signed on as a co-sponsor of Democracy Spring, a march from Philadelphia to Washington, D.C. beginning April 2, with “actions” in the capital April 11-16 that are predicted to include “mass civil disobedience with a potential for arrests.”

It’s too bad Warmbier won’t be here to participate. Will Sanders travel to North Korea to get freedom for the American student?

“Welcome to Young Pioneer Tours, the first company to offer budget tours to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea [DPRK],” says the group that sponsored Warmbier’s trip to communist North Korea. It also sponsors tours to Cuba. The symbol of the tour group is a person holding a red flag with the hammer and sickle.

You may recall that the media discovered, through digging (because the Sanders campaign was not forthcoming), that Sanders lived in an Israeli commune whose members paraded around carrying red flags and were dedicated to Joseph Stalin. Sanders and his wife later went on a honeymoon to the Soviet Union.

Stalin engineered the North Korean invasion of South Korea, resulting in the deaths of 54,246 Americans.

In a question-and-answer section on the tour group’s website, we are told that North Korea is “Extremely safe!” and that “Despite what you may hear, North Korea is probably one of the safest places on Earth to visit. Tourism is very welcomed in North Korea, thus tourists are cherished and well taken care of. We have never felt suspicious or threatened at any time. In fact, North Koreans are super friendly and accommodating, if you let them into your world. Even during tense political moments tourism to the DPRK is never affected.”

You may have seen Warmbier crying on television and apologizing for his crimes against the communists. He blamed the United States, saying, “I wish that the United States administration never manipulate people like myself in the future to commit crimes against foreign countries. I entirely beg you, the people and government of the DPRK, for your forgiveness. Please! I made the worst mistake of my life!”

The University of Virginia Cavalier Daily described Warmbier as a third-year student in the McIntire School of Commerce, where he is pursuing a double major in commerce and economics.

Rather than insist that these students merely want a “more muscular form of traditional liberalism,” it would appear that some of these Sanders supporters desire socialism or full-blown communism.

“President Obama told a group of young people in Argentina not to worry about the differences between capitalism and communism and ‘just choose from what works,’” The Washington Times reports. Obama knows his Marxism. According to the Marxist dialectic, socialism is just one stage on the way to communism. What “works” is what works at a particular time in a particular country.

Obama had just left Cuba, which is a Marxist-Leninist single-party state.

Not much is known about the political views of student Otto Warmbier, but it’s a safe bet he was a victim of academia and the media regarding the nature of Marxism and Marxist regimes.

Did he not understand that the term “young pioneers” harkens back to the Young Pioneers in the Soviet Union? According to Russia Today’s Russiapedia, “…the Pioneers was militaristic in style with many symbols of hierarchy and the state. Flags, bugles and drums all helped to instill a sense of belonging to a cause, and young pioneers wore uniforms with badges of rank.”

Sanders has said, “I worry very, very much about an isolated country,” in regard to North Korea. He says it’s “a very, very strange country because it is so isolated, and I do feel that a nation with nuclear weapons, they have got to be dealt with.”

Yet, on February 10, when the U.S. Senate approved new sanctions on North Korea for its nuclear tests by a 96-0 vote, Sanders was absent. “GOP presidential candidates Marco Rubio of Florida and Ted Cruz of Texas came off the campaign trail to cast their votes on the important national security issue, while Democratic 2016 hopeful Bernie Sanders of Vermont did not,” CNN reported.

Clinton campaign spokesman Jesse Ferguson said, “It is unfortunate that yet again, Senator Sanders has shown a lack of interest in vital national security issues, failing to vote on sanctions against the country he said poses the greatest threat to the United States.”

How exactly is the Sanders brand of socialism different from that practiced in the DPRK? Perhaps Warmbier can now enlighten us.

“The DPRK is an independent socialist state representing the interests of all the Korean people,” the government’s official website declares. “The socialist system of the Republic is a people-centered social system in which the masses of the working people are the masters of everything and everything in society serves them. In accordance with the nature of its socialist system, the Government of the Republic defends and protects the interests of workers, peasants and intellectuals and all other working people who have become masters of state and society, free from exploitation and oppression.”

Was Warmbier a true believer? Or was he duped like so many of the others?

Come on, Bernie. Demonstrate your commitment to democratic socialism by traveling to North Korea to get the American student back. Denounce the regime. Stand up for freedom.

© 2016 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

Lyin’ Ted Cruz?

An anti-Trump super PAC, Make America Awesome, recently ran a Facebook ad aimed at Mormons in Utah to help defeat Donald Trump in that state. The ad endorsed Ted Cruz but its focus was not on either Ted Cruz or Donald Trump but on Donald Trump’s wife, Melania. The ad presented a picture of a half-nude Melania from a photo shoot sixteen years ago in 2000 by British GQ. Melania was a model. The ad included the following text on the screen: “MELANIA TRUMP. YOUR NEXT FIRST LADY. OR, YOU COULD SUPPORT TED CRUZ ON TUESDAY.” Although Ted Cruz said that his campaign did not have anything to do with the ad, the ad reflects adversely on Cruz rather than on Donald Trump, or Melania for that matter. Therein lies a fundamental problem for Cruz, a problem that makes him unelectable.

Among Christians there is a well-accepted doctrinal recognition that no person is free of sin, that each must seek redemption by turning to Christ, and that none other than the Lord may pass ultimate judgment on others. Cruz has made it a centerpiece of his campaign that he is an evangelical Christian. Despite that, those who identify themselves as evangelical Christians have voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump rather than Ted Cruz. Why is that?

The answer may rest in the fact that the blunt and honest Trump does not profess himself to be morally perfect, but as for Ted Cruz, he describes himself as the only evangelical Christian candidate, a preacher’s son, and the only “consistent conservative.” In other words, Cruz implies that he is, well, perfect. He faults Trump for changing his positions on issues, suggesting that he himself has never done so and he condemns Trump for use of foul language, for name calling, and for superficiality. While an evangelical Christian by self-pronouncement, Cruz does not walk in the path of Christ who did not condemn the sinner, only the sin, and who redeems sinners. The problem with Cruz’s approach is that it rests on a false premise, and there are few things more offensive to evangelicals than the hypocrisy that attends a candidate who proclaims himself the only true evangelical yet engages in dishonest politics.

It is a fact that Ted Cruz changed his position on immigration, having initially favored a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants and then later opposing the pathway. That shifting position is not “consistent” as he argues but it would not be dishonest either, except for his insistence that he never wavered in opposing illegal immigration. It boggles the mind to understand why Cruz simply would not confess that he had a different position earlier but changed it in light of the hordes of illegals that have poured over the border since that time. His insistence that he never wavered on opposing citizenship for illegal immigrants is false, and it conflicts with his dogmatic insistence that he is the only “consistent conservative” in the race. He is not consistent, at least not on one of the most important issues in the campaign, stemming the tide of illegal immigration.

It is also a fact that senior members of the Cruz campaign maintained a false narrative that Ben Carson had left the campaign in the first caucus, Iowa. That false representation to delegates in the caucus caused some to vote for Cruz on the false assumption that their favorite candidate, Carson, was out of the race. While Cruz later agreed that those actions of his agents were improper, he nevertheless did not take any step to rectify the problem (like ask for a second caucus vote or disclaim those votes he received under false pretenses).

And now we have the Melania Trump matter. It is a fact that Melania Trump was a model. It is also a fact that in her twenties she posed nude. It is also a fact that she is beautiful and intelligent. Born in Slovania in 1970, she studied at the University of Ljubjana. She speaks five languages. She is the owner of a jewelry line. She is a devoted mother. Cruz’s failure to condemn the Make America Awesome PAC ad when it first aired is far more revealing and damaging to Cruz than to Trump. Indeed, were Cruz truly an evangelical, he would regard any prior transgression of another as forgivable, not his place to judge ultimately, and not appropriately reflective of either who Melania Trump was then or who she is today. Moreover, he would regard the use of this low tactic in an effort to besmirch Donald Trump itself sinful, because Donald Trump certainly cannot be deemed unfit for office solely because his wife posed nude in 2000 for British GQ. Yet beyond a tweet disclaiming involvement in the ad, Cruz did not upon the ad’s release condemn it, explain that he did not think it appropriate to question Trump based on Melania’s photo shoot, and did not think the image itself a reflection of the honesty or integrity of Melania, but again, as with the Carson incident, Cruz remained largely mum. One can surmise that he did so because he hoped both tactics would redound to his political benefit, but that legerdemain is more characteristic of the Pharisees than of Christ.

Indeed, we do not have qualifications for the position of First Lady; it is not an elected office. But, nevertheless, I for one think Melania Trump would be a great First Lady. I find her refreshingly honest and, like Trump, a Washington outsider, not a career politician’s wife. She comes with none of the dishonest baggage and corrupt political history that accompanied Hillary Clinton to the White House when she was First Lady. Melania’s reputation is one of honesty. She is dignified and elegant. She is fluent in five foreign languages. She is from Eastern Europe, the very part of the world now besought by acts of aggression and political intrigue from Vladimir Putin. She will be a solid link to our Eastern European allies and will give them comfort knowing that a person who has lived among them and is a byproduct of their culture has the ear of the President of the United States.

In the end, I think Cruz’s inconsistencies telling, but I also think his dogmatic insistence on his own perfection politically unappealing. In the primaries thus far, Cruz has held a subset of the conservative vote, but he has not shown any broader appeal.

By contrast, Trump has shown broader appeal, causing conservative Democrats, Republicans who have not voted for years, independents, and disaffected individuals who have never voted along with a segment of the Latino vote to go his way. Because Cruz has shown no facility to reach beyond a subset of the conservative vote, he cannot win in a general election unless, that is, he becomes an inconsistent conservative. In light of Cruz’s insistence that he and he alone is “consistent,” the inconsistencies present give substance to Trump’s charge that Cruz is “lyin’ Ted.”

© 2016 Jonathan W. Emord – All Rights Reserved

Ted Cruz, Kasich, Bush and George Soros – partners in globalism

Donald J. Trump is the New World Order globalists’ worst nightmare. Now even Sunday sermons are being disrupted by the Obamanistas. Many people believe the right is joining hands with the left, only to destroy the Trump candidacy, but the right has been in bed with the left and with the left’s agenda for over a century now. Today’s Obamanistas are the Soros communists as well as the false friends on the right.

It really became visible in the 1960s when Goldwater ran against LBJ in 1964, and his own party worked to destroy him, including George Romney, father of Willard Mitt. Yes, the entire Romney family voted for LBJ because they were so angry that Goldwater got the nomination instead of George Romney. The latter was a moderate who leaned left, and of course Goldwater was still representing old right Constitutional conservatives.

The avalanche against Trump shows the knowledgeable electorate just exactly who has been in bed with the left for so very long. When so-called conservative pundits tell you they’ll vote for Hillary if Trump wins the Republican nomination, then you know they are in the bag with the leftists. They prefer another globalist NWO agenda president rather than someone who will bring America back to her glory days. It is so obvious that I’m astonished at the lack of discernment by Christians and even secular voters. The hatred and lies against this man are so overt. The Democratic and Republican parties are just two heads of the same snake, and by now, even the politically uninterested should see it. 

Cruz and Kasich on Free Trade

The well-researched in our electorate know John Kasich absolutely loves and embraces all kinds of free trade. He voted for NAFTA and is on board for the Trans Pacific Partnership. He’s all for common core, throwing the borders open to foreign elements, and giving amnesty to the law breakers already here. And don’t fool yourselves, for over 20 years the media pundits have been saying we have 12 million illegals in America. It’s more like 50 to 60 million by now.

The same is true of Ted Cruz, albeit he’s waffled so many times, that his middle name should be flip flopper. Check out this video in Cruz’s own words where he flip-flops on so many issues.

Remember Cruz voted for TPA which is fast tracking for the Trans Pacific Partnership, which, if passed, will destroy sovereignty, the Constitution, and jobs, more of which will go out the door to foreign countries. 

The entire purpose of fast-track is for Congress to surrender its power to the Executive for six years. Legislative concessions include: control over the content of legislation, the power to fully consider that legislation on the floor, the power to keep debate open until Senate cloture is invoked, and the constitutional requirement that treaties receive a two-thirds vote. Legislation cannot even be amended.

By contrast, without fast-track, Congress retains all of its legislative powers, individual members retain all of their procedural tools, and every single line, jot, and tittle of trade text is publicly available before any congressional action is taken. [Link]

United Technologies boss gets $192 million, 110 ft. yacht, as 2100 jobs move to Mexico at $3.00 per hour. If you want more of this, just keep voting for those who love free trade.

Kasich doesn’t have a chance of winning, and in reality, neither does Cruz, but these are men with establishment banking and corporate interests, men who will continue the downward spiral of the globalist New World Order.

Kasich and Soros

Oh yes, Kasich, Cruz and Rubio all blamed Trump for the riots by Soros’ and Ayers’ elements in Chicago. The three of them joined with the likes of communist Van Jones to excoriate Trump as though he was behind the Chicago protests. What a farce! 

Both Rubio and Cruz who claim to be Christians have even praised Fidel Castro’s comrade, Communist Nelson Mandela, a man who never repented, even in prison, for the torture he perpetrated on so many.

When Rubio knew he was failing as a candidate, he told people in Ohio not to vote for him, but to vote for Soros-funded John Kasich in order to keep Trump from winning Ohio.

During Kasich’s 2016 presidential campaign he has received $202,700 from none other than Soros Fund Management! Yes, you read that right– as in George Soros! But why not? Kasich loves Obamacare, Common Core, Trade agreements and amnesty, all right up Soros’ alley. Soros is the Demon behind some of the most extreme and dangerous communist activism in the U.S. and worldwide. Remember Ferguson and Baltimore riots? That was Soros, his tax records show he spent $33 million in Ferguson alone bussing people in to riot in that city. [Link] There’s even more, totaling $700,000. [Link]

Now a growing sex scandal linked to a major backer of Kasich has come to the fore. Venture capitalist Michael Goguen has been accused in a shocking sexual assault lawsuit that alleged he kept a woman as a sex slave for more than a decade. The super-PAC, “New Day for America,” backing John Kasich’s candidacy said Tuesday it will turn over a $250,000 contribution from embattled Silicon Valley investor Michael Goguen to nonprofit groups fighting human trafficking — as a result of these allegations that he “sexually abused” a woman for 13 years, including subjecting her to “countless hours of forced sodomy.” [Link]

The problem with something like this however, is that it has nothing to do with the candidate. Kasich is a moderate at best, he loves what the left loves, but linking him to Goguen because of a scandal is farfetched. Goguen obviously prefers leftist Republicans, but Kasich cannot control who endorses and/or funds him.

The same goes for Donald Trump. The media yammered and yammered about former KKK nutter David Duke endorsing Trump. All of it was a lie. Duke never endorsed him, and Trump never accepted that endorsement anyway.

Kasich is not a leader I’d want in our White House, especially with his ties to Communist billionaire, George Soros.

Cruz Endorsements

The latest endorsement for Cruz is Lindsey Graham who, when he dropped out of the race, originally endorsed Jeb Bush. Needless to say, Jeb and Cruz have a lot in common.

Cruz joined the Bush-Cheney campaign in 1999 as a domestic policy adviser, advising President George W. Bush on a wide range of policy and legal matters, including civil justice, criminal justice, constitutional law, immigration, and government reform.

Cruz assisted in assembling the Bush legal team, devising strategy, and drafting pleadings in the Florida and U.S. Supreme Courts during the 2000 Florida presidential recounts.

After President Bush took office, Cruz served as an associate deputy attorney general in the U.S. Justice Department and as the director of policy planning at the U.S. Federal Trade Commission.

Remember the Neil Bush Silverado Banking scandal that cost American taxpayers $1.3 billion? Neil also has a rather sordid past of consorting with cultist Sun Myung Moon, just as his father did. He also is involved in education reform; the same kind of reform we’ve been fighting for decades. [Link]

Carly Fiorina has also endorsed Cruz, which is absolutely no surprise. It was Cruz’s Keep the Promise I PAC that gave Carly Fiorina $500,000. Did Cruz PAC give Carly $500,000 to help his data mining agenda with Cambridge Analytica which creates psychometric dossiers on American citizens? Cruz Partners with Donors ‘Psychographic’ Firm. Carly KNOWS NSA data collection to a “T.” She was chairman of the CIA’s advisory board helping the NSA to develop privacy invading spy networks on American citizens after 9/11. Hewlett Packard was the private business that supplied the government with the spy hardware and software. Carly knows everything.

These endorsements, along with many others, are from the establishment globalists. Add in his connections through Heidi to Goldman Sachs, the CFR, and the North American Union, and this is not a man who should lead America.

Heidi Cruz Also Worked for G.W. Bush

Ted met his wife, Heidi, when they both worked on the Bush campaign. She later worked for the Bush administration in 2003 as a top deputy to U.S. Trade Rep. Robert Zoellick, focusing on economic policy. Zoellick was counselor to Secretary James Baker. Remember Baker was the wonderful Republican who made the deal with KKK Democrat Robert Byrd which states that until December of 2017, the Republicans cannot go after the Dems for voter fraud. Zoellick heavily promotes free trade and environmental issues. He has also served on the boards of the German Marshall Fund and the European Institute and on the pro-abortion World Wildlife Fund Advisory Council. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and was co-chair of the CFR Independent Task Force on building a North American Community. He works for Goldman Sachs, just like Heidi Cruz, and he was president of the World Bank.

Heidi was then appointed director of Western Hemisphere on the National Security Council, reporting directly to CFR member, Condoleezza Rice. Don’t forget that she’s spent five years at the CFR helping to write the North American Community just like Robert Zoellick.

The Cruz’s are total GOP establishment.


What we need in a leader, is one who is not indebted to banking and corporate interests, or beholden to any group of lobbyists or the globalist cabal.

Donald Trump doesn’t know everything he should know, but he is learning. He does listen to the American people, and it’s up to us to keep him informed. He is a leader, and he is hated by the entire New World Order gang on the left, the right, and in the media. This alone should tell the American people that we need this man in our White House.

Christ is immutable and the government is upon his shoulders

This week I had the opportunity to speak with two very different audiences. The first was in Annapolis where I testified before the House Judiciary Committee on the subject of our God given right to carry firearms which is denied by our State “government.” I pointed out to them aspects of the Maryland State Constitution which require them, by the oath they have taken before Almighty God, to pass legislation that secures our right to carry.

Others, of the 500 who testified, spoke of the 2nd Amendment and many other reasons they should do so. While there are a few patriots on that committee, the chairman and the majority are opposed to securing our God given rights in this matter. Their ears were deaf to our statements, their hearts cold to our appeals. They cared nothing for what the U.S. Constitution says, nor what the Maryland Constitution requires of them, let alone what Jesus Christ commands us, His disciples, in Luke 22:36, where He told them to by a sword – that is a military grade weapon for the purposes of self defense.

I have no illusions about the chairman and committee. The chairman will probably just put those gun bills in the drawer and that committee will never even vote on them, but I went to be a witness to him and the members of that committee so when they stand before their judge and maker at the great white throne judgment; they will not be able to say their punishment is unjust. They will not be able to say no one ever warned them. Our Lord will remind them that they were warned, that they were told about their violations of their oath to obey both the U.S. and Maryland Constitutions.

Now the second group I spoke to was up in Gettysburg. A wonderful group of patriots that I have spoken to several other times but on this occasion I had a difficult message to present to them – I spoke on the two lies contained in the pledge of allegiance (one nation and indivisible). In truth we are 50 States, not one and we are divisible. These are difficult truths to convey and they listened patiently, respectfully and thoughtfully, in contrast to my experience earlier this week in Annapolis.

I pondered the reason for the difference between these two audiences. We might suppose that arrogance and pride play into that contrast, and certainly power has a role, but I think the biggest difference in those two audiences was how they answered this question: where does Law come from? For the first group in Annapolis, the politicians believe that law comes whenever they spill ink on paper. They believe as State legislators they not only make law, they are the source of law. There is no authority higher than their selves. Should they decree that the sun should not shine on Wednesday each week, well the Sun better submit to their commands.

You say that is over the top? Well consider what they have already done, they have decreed that they are they one’s who define and control God’s Holy institution of marriage. If they decree that two men can marry, why not a man and a horse? Marriage, which is integral part of the moral laws of the universe they believe is subject to their control and indeed to their redefinition. When you examine that idea rationally you can see that only a lunatic would hold such a belief. Well indeed we have let them out of the asylum and they now inhabit the highest circles of power both at the State and Federal level.

Now for the second group in Gettysburg, the blessing is that most of the audience holds to the Biblical view that God is the source of all law. That when our Founders spoke of the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God they were referring to the Bible – God’s written revelation to mankind of His Law and His Will which are immutable. Just as no man can alter the physical laws of the universe, no man can alter the moral laws either. As we would rightly label someone a lunatic who believed they had magical powers that when they spilled ink on paper their actions actually changed the physical laws of the universe; so we would rightly label them the same if they believed they had powers to alter the moral laws of the universe. The issue of where law comes from was actually what underlies the events of that very first Palm Sunday. We have already read the Matthew 21 account of that day in our responsive reading.

Learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2016 Rev. David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

Communist party isa (CPUSA) recruits 1100 priests to join Catholic church

It is Easter… the day of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Easter proves that love is stronger than hate, good triumphs over evil, and that truth sets us free. The cobwebs of ignorance are removed by shining the light of truth on them. Slimy secrets exposed no longer withhold truth from people who seek it.

It doesn’t always happen on our time schedule, but it always happens.

That is why we are told to seek… why we are promised that if we seek we will find answers to our questions. People, it seems, are lazy. We stopped seeking and began saying prayers asking Jesus to seek and provide the answers for us… or we relied on our Parson or Priest or a television personality to do our seeking – to find truth for us. We must find our own truths.

We stopped seeking answers to worldly matters, too. We turned everything over to politicians so we would have more time for ourselves… our personal needs. And that’s how we got in our current mess… overtaken by corruption in the hands of power seekers.

How could a greater contrast between two philosophies of life be made clearer during this Easter Week? Those who follow Islam gave us Brussels. Jesus Christ gave His life for Christians.

How did our lives, our sovereignty as a nation, our peaceful world get lost so quickly? How did our world change so fast? It did not. What we are seeing today is the result of plans that were put in place long ago and have been implemented one small step at a time. For example, Thomas Jefferson was the first President to declare war against radical Islamists.

It is reminiscent of what happened to the Catholic Church when it got caught up in the evil of pedophile priests abusing young boys. It is the worst kind of abuse of power. It is a puzzle that took years to figure out and Rome is still working to resolve it. Rome thought evil could be swept under a rug… but the light of truth always surprises evil doers.

Before Catholic haters jump to conclusions and before Catholics become defensive, what follows is a true story. It explains how the communists plotted the downfall of the Catholic Church – and have come a long way toward achieving their objectives. It is a story that is difficult to believe… but it is the absolute truth and is exemplary of just how far diseased minds go to achieve the objectives of world dominance.

The book School of Darkness was published in 1954. It was written by Bella Dodd, from 1932 – 1948 an organizer for the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). For four years, she sat on the CPUSA’s National Council. Bella Dodd says: “In the 1930s we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within.” In a Fordham University lecture, in 1950, she said: “Right now they are in the highest places in the Church.”

This may help some people understand the socialist/communist messages that periodically emerge from priestly commentary at Sunday Mass – or from the Pope in Rome. Just as America today is the result of policies put quietly in place in the late 1800s to turn our Republic into a corporation, the Church today faces the problems caused by those eleven hundred communists placed in the Catholic Church by CPUSA way back in the 1930s and 40s.

Today, we count the ways in which people can abuse power and impose the cruelest of life-changing experiences on others while, simultaneously, holding themselves and their association with the abuse above it all—because of position. Politicians do it, teachers do it, policemen and judges do it—and priests do it. All are human.

It is important to realize that those who abuse the power of position are those who suffer from the greatest sense of personal powerlessness. They are the weakest, most insecure among us. When asked why they abuse others, many respond “Because I can.” Their power over others makes it possible. Not all politicians, teachers, policemen, judges — or priests or presidents — gain a sense of personal power from their occupations. Most seek to serve. Too many, however, do not.

Emotion can carry us into the darkness of half-truths, but there is a greater point to be made. All believers suffer persistent attacks against Christianity, family, and everyday goodness and we must not allow them to overcome us! Be aware of the attacks and why they are occurring. They want to take your faith, your family, and your goodness from you. It is the only way they can bring down this Great Nation.

To prove my point, between 2001 and 2005 the Associated Press investigated sexual misconduct in our public schools. They found 1,801 educators were guilty of sexual misconduct with youths. We don’t hear about this sexual abuse in government’s public schools… but the mainstream media makes sure we hear about any deviance within any religious organization. Ask yourself why.

In a 2004 report for the U.S. Department of Education titled “Educator Sexual Misconduct: A Synthesis of Existing Literature” done for the “No Child Left Behind” program, Dr. Carol Shakeshaft said that a study she did of complaints against Catholic priests versus public school abuse over a 50-year period proved “the physical sexual abuse of students in public schools is likely more than 100 times the abuse by priests.” Still, parents appear to have no time for School Board meetings. When did you last attend a Board meeting?

When the first Catholic priest abused his power to sexually assault a child and was protected by the Church rather than reported to the police, a Holy obligation to “let the little children come unto Me” was violated. That command was given by the highest possible authority within any Christian Church.

The Vatican has said that sinful and criminal abuse of minors by members of the Church must be condemned. They agree there is a need for justice and amends. I say the Church needs to clearly define at what point it’s time to dial 911 and let law enforcement handle unlawful behavior. All humans must be held accountable to the same standard before the law. An Oath to God and the designation as a “Man of God” does not change that simple rule of the most basic definition of civilization. Too, it’s pretty clear that a “Man of God” doesn’t sexually assault children.

All of the above takes me back to Bella Dodd’s book, School of Darkness. A graduate of Hunter College and New York University’s School of Law, Mrs. Dodd was a school teacher and lawyer by profession. Reading Bella Dodd’s book made me realize the Church has been fighting a communist recruitment program put in place in the 1930s by CPUSA. All Christians have been fighting this battle and the Communist Party is still up to its old and very dirty tricks in our fight against radical Islam.

It is for this reason I draw the analogy between what Bella Dodd reports about the CPUSA and our President’s inability to accurately define our current Middle East enemy in the war on terror. Until Mrs. Dodd wrote her book and explained what happened in the 1930s and 40s, the Catholic Church couldn’t define its enemy. And, I would point out the communists are as anti-Christian today as they were in 1940.

Specifically, Mrs. Dodd said: “In the 1930s we (CPUSA) put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within.” The idea was for these men to be ordained and progress to positions of influence and authority as Monsignors and Bishops. Just 12 years before Vatican II, held in 1962, she said: “Right now they are in the highest places in the Church.” The plan was to weaken the church’s effectiveness against Communism. She stated that these changes would be so drastic, “you will not recognize the Catholic Church.”

During her Fordham University lecture in 1950, Dodd talked of the chaos planned. A monk who attended the lecture is quoted from Christian Order:

“I listened to that woman for four hours and she had my hair standing on end. Everything she said has been fulfilled to the letter. You would think she was the world’s greatest prophet, but she was no prophet. She was merely exposing the step-by-step battle plan of Communist subversion of the Catholic Church. She explained that of all the world’s religions, the Catholic Church was the only one feared by the Communists… The whole idea was to destroy, not the institution of the Church, but rather the Faith of the people, and even use the institution of the Church, if possible, to destroy the Faith through the promotion of a pseudo-religion: something that resembled Catholicism but was not the real thing.

“Once the Faith was destroyed,” the Monk continued, “she explained that there would be a guilt complex introduced into the Church… to label the ‘Church of the past’ as being oppressive, authoritarian, full of prejudices, arrogant in claiming to be the sole possessor of truth, and responsible for the divisions of religious bodies throughout the centuries. This would be necessary to shame Church leaders into an ‘openness to the world,’ and to a more flexible attitude toward all religions and philosophies. The Communists would then exploit this openness in order to undermine the Church.”

Has anyone listened to the recent comments of Pope Francis lately? They ring with “openness.”

In New York, the CPUSA got into trouble and Dodd was a featured part of the problem in the New York Times reports. Dodd, who parted ways with CPUSA, went to Washington to argue an immigration appeal and met with a friend from the old East Bronx area of her childhood. He talked with her about testifying against the Communist Party in front of the House UnAmerican Activities Committee and asked if she wanted FBI protection. He then asked if she would like to see a priest. She was startled by the question, but was amazed at the intensity of her own answer as she said she would.

“Perhaps we can reach Monsignor Sheen at Catholic University,” he said, and an appointment was made for her late that evening.

From School of Darkness, Chapter 16:

“A thousand fears assailed me. Would he insist that I talk to the FBI? Would he insist that I testify? Would he make me write articles? Would he see me at all?

“…By what right, I thought, was I seeking the help of someone I had helped revile, even if only by my silence? …I rang the doorbell and was ushered into a small room. While I waited, the struggle within me began again. Had there been an easy exit I would have run out, but in the midst of my turmoil Monsignor Fulton Sheen walked into the room, his silver cross gleaming, a warm smile in his eyes.

“He held out his hand as he crossed the room. ‘Doctor, I’m glad you’ve come,’ he said. His voice and his eyes had a welcome which I had not expected, and it caught me unaware. Monsignor Sheen put his hand on my shoulder to comfort me. ‘Don’t worry,’ he said. ‘This thing will pass,’ and he led me gently to a little chapel. We both knelt before a statue of Our Lady. I don’t remember praying, but I do remember that the battle within me ceased, my tears were dried, and I was conscious of stillness and peace.”

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen (as he was at the end of his life) never hesitated to point out the evils of communism on his popular television broadcasts of the 1960s. He was an exceptional man. He counseled Bella Dodd as disease sent her to her death. He is the reason she wrote her book.

The impact of Archbishop Sheen’s counseling is apparent in Bella Dodd’s words:

“On my way to the airport I thought how much he understood. He knew that a nominal Christian with a memory of the Cross can easily be twisted to the purposes of evil by men who masquerade as saviors. I thought how communist leaders achieve their greatest strength and cleverest snare when they use the will to goodness of their members. They stir the emotions with phrases which are only a blurred picture of eternal truths.”

There is no doubt the current crisis and liberal attitudes within the Catholic Church have hurt many people. The headlines achieve the objectives set by CPUSA over 80 years ago. This, then, established the battleground of the Catholic Church from 1950 until—today. It is also the battleground of our schools, families and all other character-building tools used by humanity to keep evil in its cage and civilization moving forward and not “progressing” back into the cave.

As Bella Dodd said, “I thought how communist leaders achieve their greatest strength and cleverest snare when they use the will to goodness of their members.”

That is a danger all Christians face. Goodness misdirected can deter us all from its very purpose. We must keep a clear line of delineation between how faith and religion are defined. Our First Amendment rights to freedom of religion do not carry with them the right of Islam to establish a separate government with its Sharia statutes and laws as part of its religion.

What is “Goodness?” It is best defined by the reason we celebrate this day: Easter and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ who sacrificed His life so that we might have eternal life.

Compare that with the tyrannical taking of other lives so radical egos can celebrate its power over the powerless… whether it is done via violence in Brussels or non-violence in Washington, D.C.

Happy Easter!

2016 Marilyn M. Barnewall – All Rights Reserved

Dereliction of duty

First, I want to say that the statement I am about to make will quite possibly really upset a bunch of folks, and probably cause even some who have supported me in the past to drop me like a hot rock. Unfortunately, telling the truth and exposing a falsehood that has been believed and “cherished” by people for generations can be very uncomfortable, and it can tend to cause an angry response. Although an angry initial response is to be expected, as it was from me, a sincerely honest individual will listen and search out the truth for themselves. As someone once said, “An honest person who discovers he is mistaken, either ceases being mistaken, or ceases being honest.” So here we go.

No man, group of men, society or nation have ever been given unalienable rights by their creator! (Jehovah-Yaweh God) Mankind received only “blessings” from obedience to God! How arrogant we have been as mere humans to proclaim and demand “our” rights while in rebellion against God’s laws! God alone, being the only potentate, ( i.e., sovereign) has the rights we proclaim we have as His “creation”! The creation is completely under the power and authority of the Creator to do with as He pleases! (Rom. 6:21-23, Is. 18:1-10, Rev. 4:11) The pure, righteous and forever settled and established Word of God very clearly tells us that He blesses those people who obey Him and curses those who don’t. (Deut. 28)

We have sadly mistaken our many blessings as rights and falsely assumed that we “deserve” the so called “rights we say are eternally and immutability ours! In Matt. 6:33 we are plainly instructed to put the Kingdom of God first and His righteousness; and all these things (blessings, not rights) shall be added unto you.

For men to proclaim that they have “unalienable” rights is to imply that they are “sovereign”! That is blasphemy! No man, king, kingdom or nation is “sovereign” or exempt from the laws of God! Nowhere in His Word does He declare men have rights.

Mankind all over the world, but none more so than here in America, cry “give me liberty or give me death”! The man who made this famous statement fully realized the only true source of liberty came from (II Cor. 3:17), not from the alleged “unalienable” rights declared in the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights. That is exactly why he would not attend the Constitutional Convention or participate in or endorse the document that falsely claims that men are guaranteed unalienable rights. Liberty only comes by and through obedience to Christ! God alone, as the only potentate-sovereign, is the only Judge, Lawgiver, King and Savior! (Is 33:22). Outside of His will we have no reason to expect anything but what we are witnessing in America today! We cry out to our “government” that we demand our rights, our freedoms and our liberty! How positively ignorant, arrogant and idolatrous! How can we be so “damned” stupid as not to see that we live in the society and under the government we have because we have disobeyed God’s word?! No man, group of men, political party, church organization or earthly power can save us!

Page 2 — Dereliction of Duty

Without total repentance before God Almighty we will continue to be destroyed and perish off the face of the earth! (Luke 13:3, Rev. 2:5, Luke 5:15-18, Is. 60:12)

If you aren’t already offended and angry with me, hang in there — I’m not through yet. Certainly my intentions are not to upset you, but rather to cause you to think, reason and then to finally understand why America and “we the people” are being cast into confusion, chaos and tyranny.

We have mistaken rights that we proclaim are due us, whether civil, human or Constitutional as mandated to us from God! I understand completely! I’ve been there for years! I was ignorant of the truth and clear teachings of God through His Word! God does not grant or guarantee rights to men, He sends multitudes of blessings if we fulfill our duties to Him and our fellow man. Blessings, not rights! Such as liberty, prosperity, peace, security and rest to our souls! We have lost these “fundamental blessings” because we as a nation, and even the church have not fulfilled our duties before Him.

For example, let’s take a look at what is probably the most touted “unalienable” right we hear the most. The second amendment to the Constitution. It says, “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed”. Let’s face it, this guaranteed, unalienable, not-to-be-infringed-upon right is the most abused and restricted “right” that we say we have! Obviously, writing it on a piece of paper as part of a contract between men and man’s sphere of authority has not done much to stop the “infringing”.

Now, let’s see what the Word of God says about keeping and bearing arms or weapons if you prefer. I’m not talking about hunting as the reason to bear arms. Let’s look at the duty we have to keep, bear and use weapons when necessary!

No one is more accountable to obeying God’s Word than those who profess to be His people. His blood bought, spirit filled redeemed church (Strong’s Concordance — 1577, Ekklesia — called-out ones). In today’s language, the church. He plainly and clearly instructed His disciples (followers) which we are if we keep His word. In Luke 22:36, “and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one”. (Sword in Strong’s Concordance — 3163 — a knife, i.e. a dirk, sword). (Dirk: Webster’s Dictionary 1828, a kind of dagger) The “sword” referred to in this passage is not the Bible, but a literal weapon of self-protection and protection of others. Now that that is settled, let’s move on.

In I Tim. 5:8 we can read another clearly defined duty, not right, commanded by God to His people. “But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel!” Provide, Strong’s Concordance 4306 — consider in advance, look out for beforehand. 1828 Webster’s, “Provide” is to procure supplies or means of defense; to take measures for counteracting or escaping an evil. Clear so far? Let’s continue. “Denied” — Strong’s 720 — to contradict, i.e., disavow, reject, abnegate, deny, refuse. “Infidel” — Strong’s 571 — disbelieving, i.e., without Christian faith, a heathen, untrustworthy person, that believeth not, faithless. A verse very easy to understand if we desire to, but how many “believers” do you see fulfilling this “God ordained” duty, not right?! If we as Christians sincerely meant what we say, we believe in, namely the infallible Word of God, the so called right to keep and bear arms could never have been infringed upon! But because we have not fulfilled our duty to “provide” for our families and others, we are losing the blessing of the ability to protect ourselves. Simple, huh? How many Christians do you know keeping the command to carry a weapon? Also see Ex. 22:2 and Neh. 4.

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It would take volumes to expose and explain how we have lost our liberties and other blessings, but we will examine just one more. Ex. 20:13. Thou shalt not kill. (Kill — Strong’s 7523 — to murder) or has as Christ made a little clearer in Matt. 19:18 — “Thou shalt do no murder.”

Now I am certain that all people, especially those that call themselves Christians, will say something like “I would never harm anyone intentionally, much less commit murder”. Well, that in itself is very commendable, but it still has not fulfilled our God-given duty to protect and preserve our fellow man’s lives! “We the people” have tolerated, allowed, condoned, and in some cases, upheld the “right” of women to commit infanticide! I know we call it “abortion” because it “softens” the sound of the crime against children, but it’s still murder, i.e., infanticide! You see the duty not to commit to murder is also a direct command to save and preserve life! Especially of the innocent! Prov. 24:11-12. In essence, we have been a partaker in the death of 60,000,000 children! Our duty to keep and bear arms was given to provide for the protection of all innocent life! We have lost much of our blessings to keep and bear arms because we have not fulfilled our duty before God.

Many will say, preacher, are you advocating taking up arms to stop the murders of innocent children?! My answer is simply this, it is far too late now! January 1973 would have been the time for His people to rise up! We failed miserably! II Kings 24:4 plainly states that it is over for America! Because the church forgot her duty to God we have cursed our nation and our posterity! We are under a tyrannical man-made government because we did not obey His “The Righteous Duty” given to us. We have become soft and effeminate! To cry out against the loss of liberty and freedom and demand our rights is on the verge of blasphemy! Instead we should be on our knees before Him in repentance with a contrite and broken heart! And then get back into the battle! Stand, cry aloud, and proclaim righteous judgment o this damned nation!

As the disciples of Christ preached the gospel of Christ and the believers stood their ground in exposing the evil in their society of all kinds, they were willing to give their lives for the gospel. We, as the people of God, must do the same in our day. We will never regain what we have lost in what we call “our rights”. Let’s stop proclaiming our rights and instead fulfill our God-given duties! We have been guilty of what our Savior said in Matt. 23:24, “we have become blind guides which strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.”

Yes, we have been brought into captivity and bondage for the same reasons Israel was. Dereliction of Duty! Ecc. 12:13-14, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter! Fear God, and keep His commandments; For this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.”

May the Holy God have mercy on our souls, and give us courage to do our duty while there is still some time left and a “little” light remains! (John 9:4) Read and consider Ps. 2:10-12, Ps. 9:17, Prov. 14:34, Ps. 33:12, Jer. 17:22-31, Ps. 96:4-5, Ezek. 21:1-5, Rev. 13:4-9

2016 Pastor Butch Paugh – All Rights Reserved

Lyin’ Ted Cruz attacks Trump’s wife Melania

People who live in glass houses, shouldn’t throw stones. —Anonymous

Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren Calls out Cruz

The Make America Awesome super Pac, recently put out an ad with the now famous 16-year-old picture of Melania posing nude aboard an airplane on top of fur. The picture is Playboy-esqe in nature and was taken some years ago (2000) for GQ magazine. Yet, the pose actually showed far less than anything Playboy would have shown.

Mrs. Trump is the lovely Melania, who has had a pretty decent modeling career, and is now a businesswoman in her own right. The “Make America Awesome” (again Cruz has to copy Trump) ad reproduces the nude photo with the text, “Meet Melania Trump, your next first lady. Or you could support Ted Cruz on Tuesday.”

What’s wrong with this? Let us count the ways. A dirty move against a candidate’s family member. Spouses are noncombatants unless they’re also involved in policy, which Melania is not. 

Ted Cruz’s wife, on the other hand, is very involved in policy. Not only is she still a Goldman Sachs VP, but she’s also responsible for helping the Council on Foreign Relations task force to write the North American Union (building the North American Community). Heidi Cruz is in bed with the one world government cabal.

But the idea that a 16-year-old nude photo of a leading candidate’s wife is fair game? One article calls it, “nonsense on stilts.” It’s smacks of dirty politics again, something Ted Cruz and his campaign folks use willingly, over and over again.

Of course, Ted Cruz didn’t say the ad was inappropriate, neither did he apologize. Instead he claimed he wasn’t responsible. Yet, a Texas lobbyist and Ted Cruz operative admit the origin of the campaign to attack Melania Trump

Trump warned him stating, “Be careful Lyin Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife.” He may not have, but others did. [Link]

Needless to say, Trump didn’t have to do anything. Another tweeter, Mark Gillar said, “Let me do it for you.” 

In 2005, Heidi was going through a rough time, and apparently left her home and sat dangerously close to a busy highway with her head in her hands. We don’t know what caused this, but reports have said Heidi suffered from depression. Whatever the case, police happened upon her and a report was written.

Heidi Cruz responded with, “A lot of things Donald Trump says has no basis in reality.” But, Donald Trump didn’t say it…

Unfortunately, Heidi, the tweet is true, and there is a police report to prove it. Many of us go through hard times, and can become as depressed as Heidi obviously was at that moment, but it’s already been out there in the media, and to make the statement about Trump was rather foolish. She’d have been smarter to have kept her mouth shut.

Nevertheless, I don’t believe this was what Trump was talking about. Trump didn’t put this out…but it is a documented police report. We know of Heidi’s trade involvements in selling Americans out to China, and we know she’s still employed by Goldman Sachs. We also know Ted is on Goldman Sachs’ health insurance. Heidi was also part of drafting NAFTA which started the destruction of American jobs, and was a part of the CFR in helping to draft the North American Union. Her husband Ted, called the CFR a “pit of vipers,” so why then did she work for them for five years? Ted also has claimed he was honored to hang out with fellow CFR member and NAU drafter, Henry Kissinger.

pit of vipers” who are “working to undermine our national sovereignty,” and then tell everyone you are “honored” to hang out with cold-blooded war criminal scumbag murderers like Kissinger, who sold our Viet Nam POWs/MIAs down the river,…what are we to think? Cruz has even argued in his own amicus brief to the Supreme Court that assault weapons bans in certain states are “reasonable regulations.”

Attacks Come Back to Bite Cruz

The tabloid National Enquirer has run an article on Ted Cruz and five of his alleged mistresses. The article is written by Pulitzer Prize winner, J.R. Taylor, who won the Pulitzer for his expose of John Edward’s affair and love child. The National Enquirer broke the story of Rock Hudson’s homosexuality along with the San Francisco Chronicle, as well as the expose’s on Jesse Jackson and Gary Hart. Now other media are picking up the story and it is gaining feet. 

One of the alleged mistresses was Carly Fiorina’s deputy campaign manager. Although the half million given to Carly by the Cruz campaign was allegedly because she’d worked with the NSA while at Hewlett Packard, and could help with Cruz’s data collection on voters, it may well have been hush money. [Link]

Of course, Ted Cruz blamed Donald Trump for this attack. Donald Trump responded Friday afternoon to Cruz’s charge that he’s responsible for the story. Here’s what he said in a tweet:

“I have no idea whether or not the cover story about Ted Cruz in this week’s issue of the National Enquirer is true or not, but I had absolutely nothing to do with it, did not know about it, and have not, as yet, read it. I have nothing to do with the National Enquirer, and unlike Lyin’ Ted Cruz, I do not surround myself with political hacks and henchmen and then pretend total innocence. (He’s talking about Jeff Roe). Ted Cruz’s problem with the National Enquirer is his alone and while they were right about O.J. Simpson, John Edwards, and many others, I certainly hope they are not right about Lyin’ Ted Cruz. I look forward to spending the week in Wisconsin, winning the Republican nomination, and ultimately the Presidency in order to Make America Great Again.”

pushing the story before he dropped out — but it’s not clear whether those efforts led to the Enquirer piece. Two of the five women have stated “the Enquirer article is pure B.S.” Here’s another reportwith more info. Drew Johnson of the Washington Times confirmed on Twitter Thursday night that two of Ted Cruz’s mistresses named by the National Enquirer are accurate.

Truth or fiction, we don’t know yet, and we may never know. I don’t believe Ted Cruz is a babe magnet, so we’ll have to wait and see if someone else can find the truth.

Ted Cruz Takes a Line from the Movie, American President

The Gateway Pundit happened to catch this comment that Ted Cruz made regarding Donald Trump and his wife, and it exactly matches a comment from the movie, American President with Annette Bening and Michael Douglas. Check out the video on the Gateway Pundit site

Cruz likes quoting movies and shows. He quotes The Princess Bride, despite Inigo Montoya himself asking Cruz to stop doing so


Ted Cruz consistently starts something with Donald Trump because he knows that Trump’s Achilles heel is liars, but attacking his wife, Melania, for her modeling career and a nude photo shoot from 16 years ago was in extremely poor taste. This time however, it may backfire on Ted, not because of Trump, but because Cruz carries a Bible in one hand and a knife in the other. He has lied so many times in this campaign that even CNN has proven him wrong. He has hired Jeff Roe, an aggressive campaign strategist who uses dirty tricks and lies against opponents. Roe knows nothing can be done because of the 1964 Supreme court decision in NYTs v. Sullivan, where lying about public figures can be done with impunity.

It really is a sad state of affairs that for over 50 years we have not had honest discourse in the public arena, and the lies are so egregious as to permanently damage one’s character. We would hope the media is truthful, but knowing who owns them makes us doubt their veracity.

I have been appalled at the number of lies perpetrated by Ted Cruz and the GOPe against Donald Trump. However, we know these puppets want their globalist plans to continue. Trump’s candidacy has spoiled their carefully laid plans to put Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton in the White House.

There is a huge army waging the battle to destroy Trump. Nevertheless, without lies and voter fraud, I believe he would have won every state so far. As it is, he’s still in the lead. The masses need to come out and vote for him, and if you’re registered as a democrat and want to vote for Trump, make sure you don’t have to change your status in your state, or you’ll be denied the ability to vote for Trump.

I’ve never seen an election cycle like this, and it’s been over 50 years since I’ve seen a candidate I can truly support. That in itself is so amazing! Pray for our country and pray for Donald Trump and his family.

Evidence of foreknowledge and planning in belgian bombing attacks

As with every terrorist event that happens any place in the world, the police state is brought out in full display to demonstrate how afraid we all should be to live our daily lives, how vulnerable we would be without our armed, kevlar-wearing, jack-booted saviors to protect us from our shadows. With the victims’ bodies not even cold yet, the security state is already using the incident to clamor for more funding.

However, Tuesday’s bombing events in Brussels only serve to knock down the argument that more security will prevent these terrorist attacks. The bombings took place, after all, in a subway and in a Brussels airport — a place known for some of the strongest security in any developed country. As one news commentator rightfully inquired, “how could this have happened right under the noses of their security personnel?” Still other talking heads commented about what a huge intelligence “failure” the attacks represented.

It all reminds this writer of the September 11, 2001 fiasco and the many events we’ve seen play out since then where we’re being led to believe that the intelligence agencies are just a bunch of mumbling, bumbling idiots, asleep at the switch, even though we must funnel more and more funding to them. We must also give them more police state powers to use against us, allowing them to pry further into our private lives, yet they are blind to the real threats when they actually happen. Then again, what amounts to a real threat when most of the terrorism that happens in the world today is engineered by the same people who are crying out for more money and more police state powers?

Just days prior to the Belgian bombings, critters from the U.S. Congress and the Obama administration were having meetings with the Belgian government and other European officials, discussing the very topic of terrorism. Perhaps, the meeting didn’t go too well? Or, perhaps, it went exactly according to plan.

Also, just days prior to the attacks, Belgian officials announced that they were aware that there were attacks being planned! Josh Rogin at Bloomberg wrote,

“Only days ago in Brussels, as Western leaders celebrated the arrest of a key terrorist suspect, Belgian officials warned that there were dozens more jihadists at large in the city and that more attacks were being planned. They couldn’t have known how right they were.”

Oh, really? Are we sure about that? Obviously, they did know that they were right, or they never would have issued the statement. Furthermore, as happened with the shooting attacks in France, there were warnings that were ignored from other countries. According to the Associated Press, Turkey’s Erdogan warned that attacks could hit Europe, and he even named Belgium as a possible target just four days prior to the attack. We now know from the Israeli news service Haaretz that Belgian intel had “precise” warnings that the attackers were going to hit the airport.

“The Belgian security services, as well as other Western intelligence agencies, had advance and precise intelligence warnings regarding the terrorist attacks in Belgium on Tuesday, Haaretz has learned.

“The security services knew, with a high degree of certainty, that attacks were planned in the very near future for the airport and, apparently, for the subway as well.

“Despite the advance warning, the intelligence and security preparedness in Brussels, where most of the European Union agencies are located, was limited in its scope and insufficient for the severity and immediacy of the alert.”

As we have talked about numerous times, the U.S. and its allies in the Middle East have built up the Islamic State through funding and arming rebel groups against Syria, as revealed by partially-declassified documents, obtained by a Judicial Watch FOIA request. Furthermore, there is a close cooperation between various known terrorist radicals, and U.S. allies in the Middle East, such as Turkey. As Brandon Turbeville of the Activist Post points out,

“Turkey, the United States, and Belgium all consider the PKK a terrorist organization but the West has been working closely with the Syrian Kurds (PYD,YPG) on the ground in Syria for their own geopolitical agenda.

“Nevertheless, Erdogan’s statement is interesting considering the fact that the Brussels attacks came shortly after his warning which predicted not only the attack but the location.

“After all, Turkey has been a major supporter of terrorists and even ISIS itself in Syria since the beginning of the Syrian crisis. With such close cooperation between the two, one must wonder whether or not Erdogan or MIT had foreknowledge of the Brussels attacks.”

Rogan goes on to talk about the forum that was being held on terrorism that were taking place by members of the United States Congress, the Obama administration, Belgian, and other European officials, just days prior to the bombings. The delegation walked through the very airport in Brussels where the attacks would take place a few days later. What are the odds?

“I traveled to Brussels on March 16, to attend the German Marshall Fund’s Brussels Forum, a meeting of U.S. and European officials, foreign policy experts and journalists, where the fight against terrorism was at the top of the agenda. Two U.S. senators and several Obama administration officials who attended had just passed through the main terminal of the Brussels airport. On Tuesday morning, it was hit by what Belgian authorities described as a suicide attack. At least 26 were killed and many more wounded at the airport, and in a parallel attack on the city’s subway system.”

Hence, we have a long-standing collusion between western powers, terrorist groups, and those governments that work with them. We have warnings being issued in advance that attacks were imminent, and we have western officials, known for backing state-sponsored terrorists, at the epicenter of the attack, merely days before the attack is executed. Again, what are the odds?

If we are to believe these attacks are organic — that is to day, they were not the work of high-level planning in the form of a false flag operation — then they make the argument, perfectly why the nations of the world should not allow their countries to be flooded with unvetted migrants from the Middle East and other places.

Leading up to today’s attacks, Belgium has accepted thousands of “asylum seekers” into their country, as have other Eurpean nations. These refugees have been the cause of numerous problems in Germany and other parts of Europe, including Belgium which has seen robberies, rapes and other inappropriate sexual behavior toward women and, in some cases, even children. These actions are not unique to Europe as women in the United States are being increasingly victimized as more unvetted foreigners are allowed to flood the country, inaccordance with globalist multi-cultural integration policies. According to Refugee Resettlement Watch, 154,160 Muslim refugees have been admitted into the United States since the fall of 2008, about the time Obama took office.

The publication goes on to note that in a total, just short of a half million refugees for all religious persuasions have been admitted into the country, since the same time. Of course, not all of these people will turn out to be terrorists, but how many would it take to cause devastation? This puts the lie to the notion that invasive security measures which violate the privacy of the American people are really intended to protect us from the “bad guys”.

The United Nations plan for global development is called Agenda 21, which is well underway toward implementation. Chapter 7 of Agenda 21 states that,

“All countries, where appropriate, should develop and implement resettlement programmes that address the specific problems of displaced populations in their respective countries…”

The UN/globalist plan is to break down borders by flooding every nation with refugees from other countries until the culture, economy, governments, and other standards are all the same. It is a Criss Cross Double Cross war on national sovereignty, being waged upon all fronts. The problem is globalization. The more of it we do, the more diseases we get, the more poverty we get, the more terrorism we get. The asylum is being run by the deranged.

2016 Darren Weeks – All Rights Reserved

Donald Trump’s delegates are not for sale

The suicidal GOP continues to fall on the floor awkwardly, rolling around in their ongoing panic attack over Trump and his continued surge forward. “We have to stop this guy at all costs.” “We must change the GOP rules at a contested convention.” “We have our candidates who fit nicely on our establishment kiss up leash…perhaps Romney and Kasich can fit the bill.” They just can’t have Trump, the man off their leash who intends to repair, inspire and build back the real America. That would be the end to many of their jobs, sell outs and power.

Even as Cruz continues to insult and attack his way forward (in between scripture sharing of course) ‘uncontrollable wild-man Trump’ continues his lead. The battle is fierce and it continues.

Now, we see Cruz’s latest chess move against Trump is to attack his wife Melania. Cruz’s people released an ad showing a suggestive, 16 year old photo of Melania at a GQ magazine photo shoot. Cruz is attacking with comments like, “You don’t want someone like that in the White house do you?” Naturally, Trump is striking back at Cruz’s wife Heidi, saying he will spill the beans on her.

Heidi and Ted just play the threatening response from Trump as evidence that he is a sexist, liar and woman hater of sorts. The whole nation is wondering what ‘beans’ Trump may have on Heidi. Even with the back and forth attacks between Cruz and Trump, some beans are most clear about ‘high ground’ Heidi. We know she works for Goldman Sachs and is on a leave for a time to help her husband’s campaign. Heidi is known to work for the Council on Foreign Relations – a New world order and anti US Sovereignty hub of power. It is also known that ‘high ground’ Heidi worked hard to keep illegal aliens coming into the U.S. It may not be an old and alluring 16-year-old photo but looks like current sellouts and treachery with her former and not so former associations. I prefer an old and pretty photo myself.

Will Trump continue his lead and growing delegate count with all the vicious and growing attacks? Well…time will tell, but so far Trump delegates are saying they will stand with Trump. They will not change their vote at a contested GOP convention. There are just not enough therapists available for the GOP and anti Trump attackers right now. I’m so sorry. Pick yourselves up and get ready for real healing, confrontation and change back to the real U.S.A. Vote right and pray hard.

2016 Dr. Laurie Roth – All Rights Reserved

Survey: no God, no prayer, no church, but heaven is real

America’s entitlement society has now reached its zenith. For over a half-century, the United States government and its 501c3 corporate churches have indoctrinated several generations of Americans in welfarism–or more commonly known as socialism. When I was a boy growing up, my dad had another name for it: something-for-nothing. And in his lexicon, that term was more than an oxymoron: it represented something that didn’t even exist. To him, there was no such thing as something-for-nothing, even if people acted as if there were–and to desire such a thing was the height of dishonesty and villainy. Oh, and Dad was a Democrat. But hardly anyone today (Democrat or Republican) ISN’T sucking on the government teat, including churches and a sizeable percentage of the “worshippers” inside them.

In fact, the something-for-nothing crowd now dominates modern politics, education, religion, economics, and the media. Parents, pastors, and politicians alike constantly cater to the something-for-nothing mindset. The average American (including the average Christian) seems to have the attitude that they are “owed.” And if they don’t get what they want, boy can they pitch a royal temper tantrum.

Well, as I said, America’s entitlement society has now reached its zenith.

A new survey reveals that more Americans than ever do not believe in God, do not pray, and do not engage in any form of worship. The survey indicates that this is the least spiritual generation of Americans in U.S. history. At the same time, however, the survey says that MORE Americans believe in Heaven.

How can people deny the existence of God and yet believe in Heaven, you ask? Think about it. It’s the ultimate entitlement attitude: even without God I am entitled to enjoy everlasting happiness. No conditions; no requirements; no faith; no repentance; no salvation: I am entitled. I say, again: America’s entitlement society has now reached its zenith.

See the survey report here.

Actually, the results of this survey should not come as a shock. As I said, politically-correct society has been catering to the something-for-nothing crowd for decades, as has the dominant political and media establishments–along with most churches. Politicians promise people that they will be given government goodies, while pastors promise people that they will be given heavenly goodies. No strings attached. It’s all about them and their entitlements.

The vast majority of sermons delivered every Sunday morning around this country are little more than 30-minute pep talks telling everyone how wonderful they are and all the things they deserve. They deserve to be happy. They deserve to be healthy. They deserve to be wealthy. They deserve to get what they want. They deserve that God should cater to their desires. Some of these heretics even teach that they can COMMAND God to give them what they want. What is missing from these weekly sermonettes, of course, is such things as duty, responsibility, work, thrift, sacrifice, humility, dedication, commitment, honor, truthfulness, trustworthiness, loyalty, respect, etc.

Add to the mushy, sloppy, touchy-feely, lovey-dovey, don’t-offend-me kind of churchianity a rabid make-the-Arab-sand-glow warfarism so typical in the average evangelical church–along with a church house filled with gossiping, backbiting busybodies–and it is little wonder that more and more unbelievers prefer to stay that way.

Believe me, if my faith was based on the way so-called Christians have betrayed me, knifed me in the back, lied about me, gossiped about me, slandered me, tried to ruin me, tried to bankrupt me, ad infinitum, I would have no faith either. Thankfully, my faith doesn’t depend on THEM.

I realize that other people cannot personalize what is purely another man’s experience, but all I can tell my unbelieving readers is that I met (in my soul and spirit, of course) a crucified, risen Savior, and He changed my life. He has been my best Friend since the day I first met Him. He has never failed me. He has never forsaken me. He has walked with me through every storm and tempest. And my faith is in HIM.

So, on this Resurrection Sunday, I will stand in my pulpit and tell the wonderful story of how my Friend was crucified for my sins and rose from the dead to save me. If anyone wants to watch my message live this Sunday afternoon at approximately 2:30pm (Mountain Time), here is the link.

And for those who won’t watch the video message, I will simply share my Friend’s story as told by Saint Matthew:

“In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow: And for fear of him the keepers did shake, and became as dead men. And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead.” (Matthew 28:1-7a KJV)

The survey mentioned near the beginning of this column is probably a true reflection of how milquetoast preachers and pandering politicians have created America’s ultimate entitlement society. That’s a shame, because if people knew my Friend the way I know Him, they could never let phony Christians and warmongering preachers keep them from loving and trusting Him either.


Please order my message, “The Right Of Revolution As Justified In Natural And Revealed Law” here.

© 2016 Chuck Baldwin – All Rights Reserved

Voters don’t pick the nominee, we do

The fight for justice against corruption is never easy. It never has been and never will be. It exacts a toll on our self, our families, our friends, and especially our children. In the end, I believe, as in my case, the price we pay is well worth holding on to our dignity. —Frank Serpico

Communism has never come to power in a country that was not disrupted by war or corruption, or both. —John F. Kennedy

The neo-conservative politicos and their corporate buddies are making plans to eliminate Donald Trump. In previous articles, I’ve mentioned that the onslaught would become worse. The globalist elitist New World Order gang has a number of plans up their sleeves, including a brokered convention and the nomination of Jeb Bush. It was a puzzling statement when Jeb Bush said early on, in his run for president, that Republicans need to stop trying to win the argument, and that he would rather lose the primary in order to win the general. 

Rush Limbaugh warned his listeners that members of the Republican establishment have a blueprint for foisting former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush on the American people despite his disastrous campaign. The plan was for Hillary and Jeb to be the contestants, either one would follow the NWO agenda, but the chosen one is Hillary. 

From an MSNBC article entitled, “Voters Don’t Pick the Nominee, We Do.”

Political parties, not voters, choose their presidential nominees, a Republican convention rules member told CNBC, a day after GOP front-runner Donald Trump rolled up more big primary victories.

Squawk Box.” He even questioned why primaries are held.

54 Private Jets at Meeting to Stop Trump

Billionaires, tech CEOs, and top members of the Republican establishment flew to a private island resort off the coast of Georgia for the American Enterprise Institute’s annual World Forum, according to sources familiar with the secretive gathering. The topic of this meeting was how to stop Donald Trump. [Link]

Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google co-founder Larry Page, Napster creator and Facebook investor Sean Parker, and Tesla Motors and SpaceX honcho Elon Musk all attended. So did Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Bush guru Karl Rove, House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senator Tom Cotton, Senator Cory Gardner, Trump supported Senator Tim Scott, Senator Rob Portman, and Ben Sasse, who recently stated he “cannot support Donald Trump.”

The meeting was the annual World Forum, an off-the-record conference hosted by the American Enterprise Institute. AEI has hosted the “secretive” event since 1982, but this year had the focus on their biggest globalist threat, Donald J. Trump. Bilderberger Bill Kristol was there. Kristol had previously stated that if Mr. Trump were the nominee, he’d vote for Hillary Clinton. That should tell you their mindset.

Remember, Bill’s father, Irving Kristol, (former Trotskyite) along with William F. Buckley (CFR, CIA Agent, Skull and Bonesman) were responsible for destroying old right Constitutional Conservatives and bringing to the fore, the neo-conservative Trotskyites as the new Republican party. Trotsky was a communist just like Stalin and Lenin, he just wished for people to “choose” Marxism rather than having it foisted upon them. As is quite obvious today with the democratic candidates, we can see the plans of the Trotskyites, as well as the propaganda and brainwashing of today’s American education, have been successful in creating a class of American communists.

American Enterprise Institute

AEI’s founders included executives from Eli LillyGeneral MillsBristol-MyersChemical BankChrysler, and Paine Webber. To this day, AEI’s board is composed of top leaders from major business and financial firms, corporate America to be exact.

In 1954, William J. Baroody, Sr., became executive vice president of the association and changed its name from American Enterprise Association to AEI. The institute is often cited as a center right-leaning counterpart to the left-leaning Brookings Institution. However, the two entities have often collaborated: from 1998 to 2008, they co-sponsored the AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies (now housed solely at AEI), and in 2006, they launched the AEI-Brookings Election Reform Project. So crawling in bed with the enemy is obviously not a problem for AEI. AEI is the most prominent think tank associated with American neo-conservatism, in both the domestic and international policy arenas. These are the GOP enemies of Donald Trump.

Link). Many prominent neoconservatives—including Democrat CFR/TC/UN Ambassador, Jeanne Kirkpatrick, Democrat Ben Wattenberg, and Democrat, Joshua Muravchikspent the bulk of their careers at AEI. Muravchik was National Chairman of the Young People’s Socialist League (YPSL) from 1968 to 1973, and supported the majority of the Socialist Party of America in renaming the organization to Social Democrats, USA. Bernie Sanders would love them. 

Tully Friedman. Current notable trustees include Arthur C. Brooks, who published a survey and analysis of “Gross National Happiness,” which we hear about as it relates to UN Agenda 21 happiness project. [Link]

Gordon Binder, former managing director and CEO of Amgen; former vice president Dick Cheney; and Daniel D’Aniello, cofounder of The Carlyle GroupHarlan Crow, is chairman and CEO of Crow Holdings, and a founding member of pro-amnesty and Trump hating, Club for Growth. Crow is also a close friend of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, who was Monsanto’s corporate lawyer. [Link] Crow is a member of the all-male Bohemian Club, and as early as 1997 had hosted Thomas as a guest at the group’s annual summer encampment: the Bohemian Grove.

Peter G. Peterson Foundation who gave a grant to AEI. And just who is Peterson? He’s the chairman emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations and founder and chairman of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation. He was also the former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York between 2000 and 2004. Remember too, Peterson is a partner with the Club for Growth. 

In an editorial in Newsweek, Pete Peterson describes his inspiration for starting his Foundation, and his goals:

Eli Broad—each with a passion to do good, each getting so much pleasure from giving their money away. I decided that’s what I wanted to do. But to which worthy cause would I direct my money?”

So, Petersen believes the likes of these men have a passion to do good? I would beg to differ, especially after Soros’ communist followers were the protesters against Trump in Chicago.


Gardasil vaccine.

Frederick M. Hess who authored reports and other education projects and whose working group includes Washington, D.C. schools chancellor Michelle Rhee and Michael Feinberg, the cofounder of KIPP.

Our Principles PAC

The name of the “anyone but Trump” multi-million-dollar effort calls itself, Our Principles PAC, and is headed by former Mitt Romney deputy campaign manager, Katie Packer. John McCain supports this group. According to Open Secrets, this PAC has spent more than $12 million against Republicans, and nothing against Democrats. 


This majority of GOP politicians and corporate entities are all globalists. They certainly want nothing to do with Donald J. Trump who has thrown a wrench in their NWO plans. They’d rather have a ringer like Cruz, Kasich or Clinton in our White House again because they know they’re controlled, and would continue the downward spiral of America into a third world country.

Their fear of Trump is so overwhelming, that the GOP are willing to destroy their own party, even more so than they already have with their leftist agenda. The attacks will continue, and they will escalate. The powers that be simply cannot allow Donald Trump to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

Pray for Mr. Trump, and pray for our country.

Thanks to the diligence of Paul Walter, CEO of NewsWithViews, many ideas for my articles have come from him. Paul immigrated from communist Yugoslavia, providence of Slovenia, and therefore he sees more clearly the dangers to our Republic than those who have always known free America as home. Please support

Pastors looking to the state for protection from homosexuals

I now think that I have just about heard of it all. In my wildest dreams I could not have imagined such diabolical legislation could enter into the heart of a minister of the Gospel.

Yes…diabolical…you read that right. Diabolical has as its root diabolos, which is Spanish for Devil. The legislation currently making its way around the legislatures of the various states is legislation that has originated in the land of the doomed and the damned.

The Pastor Protection Act is the name they have given to protect the “men of God” who hide behind America’s pulpits. The promotion of this “law” flies in the face of everything that the Gospel represents.

To put it in everyday terms, the Pastor Protection Act is designed to protect “pastors” from the consequences of preaching the Truth of the Bible. The homosexual mafia has now officially scared the pussy-cat pastors into the protective arms of their local State governments.

“Please protect us Mr. Government!! Don’t let those mean homosexuals bully us into compromising what we believe. Please put into place a law that allows us to be Christians without having to pay any price. If you don’t pass a law there is a chance that those mean old homosexuals will come and make us marry them. In fact, the may sue us and try to take away our property. Please pass a law that protects God’s property from the Devil’s kids.”

The weakness of America’s pulpits makes me want to puke. The pussy-cat pastors have appealed to the pandering politicians for protection from the pansy perverts who never saw a religious principle that they didn’t want to destroy.

Is it just me or do we have it backward? Isn’t it the power of the pulpit that is supposed to protect the people from the advancement of the kingdom of darkness? Can you even conceive of the idea of the church turning to the government for protection from the hoards of hell?

Give me a freakin break. The Pastor Protection Act…Jesus must be weeping.

I’m sorry to say it but I think America might be a different country if some of the prissy pastors got their powdered posteriors thrown behind bars. If jail was good enough for the Apostle Paul then it might be just the cure for the cowards who are directly responsible for Christianity’s capitulation to the forces of darkness.

That’s right. I think locking up some pastors would be a good thing. Maybe it would wake folks up to how dire a situation we currently find ourselves in. Don’t protect the pastors, persecute them. Persecution is good for the soul.

Try as I might I can’t imagine any of the Apostles of Jesus turning to Rome for protection for preaching the Gospel.

I can’t picture Jesus begging Pilate to protect Him from the Diabolous and his minions.

Daniel didn’t pray for government protection he opened the window and defied them. The three Hebrew boys didn’t appeal to the King to rescue them from the fiery furnace. They climbed head first into the fire and trusted God to deliver them.

John The Baptist manned up and went head-long after the King’s adulterous wife. He didn’t even take time to check the law books to see if his actions were a hate crime.

Can you imagine Martin Neimoller appealing to the Nazis for protection from Hitler?

Can you muster up in your mind’s eye Patrick Henry begging for “legal immunity” for defying the King and placing his signature on the Declaration of Independence?

Can you think of any great deed ever done for the cause of Christ that didn’t require some courage? Pastors want to fight a war without casualties.

The Pastor Protection Act…I wonder if they have one of those in Syria?

Good grief man!! Let them arrest bakers who won’t cook homo cakes. Let them imprison printers who won’t print wedding invitations for deviant weddings. Let them destroy business that dare to speak out against sodomy and their deadly behaviors.

But the pastors….why they need protection!! How about a Baker Protection Act….

Here is my message to the pastors. Man up ladies. It is time to quit hiding behind your skirts. There is a real war raging in this nation against anyone who would dare to speak out against the debauchery masquerading as “civil rights.” Every day I turn on my computer and read boundless stories of individual American’s being attack for nothing more than living out their faith.

…and the pastors need a protection act. Stand up and fight for your people and your Lord!!

I heard a new take on the story of David and Goliath the other day. One of my friends told me that he thought David was successful against Goliath because of the three stones that helped him drop the giant.

“Three Stones?” I said to him.

“Yep,” he replied. “One stone in his sling and two stones in his underwear.”

Our pastors don’t need a protection act. They need some stones. No wonder America is in such a mess. Jesus is the only protection a real man of God ever needs.

2016 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

The sin of race-baiting

In a recent debate held at Harvard, which was once a university, the winning team suggested that white males could atone for having “white privilege” by killing themselves. Declared the winners, who were black, “white life is wrong” and “must never be affirmed.” The cringing liberal white debaters let it stand unchallenged.

Imagine, if you can, any two white persons, under any circumstances, publicly declaring that black males ought to kill themselves, and so on. Every celebrity in the country would be denouncing it. They would levitate. Their heads would spin around 360 degrees. The president, the attorney general, and every oppressed black entertainer earning a zillion bucks a year would all be screaming for the speakers’ heads and apologizing to the whole world for America’s intractable racism. And they would be calling for radical policy changes to cope with it.

America has had almost eight years of uninterrupted race-baiting, coming straight down from the top. But the political leaders, despite their high visibility, are only the tip of the iceberg.

In colleges and universities all across the land, students are being taught that “white privilege” is the root of all evil. Now they’re teaching it to military recruits, too.

If you’re black, every problem that you have in life, every short-coming, every bad judgment, every error, every failure—hey, it’s not your fault! It’s not your responsibility. You’ve only got those problems because “white privilege” gives those horrible white people an edge over you, and you’ll never be able to catch up, they’re in an ages-old conspiracy to keep you down, blah-blah. That’s what they’re teaching you in college. You will never amount to anything unless The Government—by which is meant left-wing politicians—acts to avenge you on these privileged whites, knocking them down and giving you their stuff.

You’d think people would be ashamed to listen to such a message, wouldn’t you? “What do you mean, I’ll never amount to anything unless the government sticks it to white people and gives me their stuff?” But if no one was listening, they wouldn’t be teaching this lesson.

If you’re white, the lesson is that you, personally, are responsible for every difficulty ever faced by every non-white individual—and you have got to be made, by The Government, to make up for it. There’s no escaping your guilt: white privilege is like Original Sin, you’re born with it. So if you’re unemployed, hungry, and living in a lean-to, but you’re white, you are exploiting some black entertainer who gets paid a million dollars an hour to be on TV and tell the whole world how exploited and oppressed he is.

This is making me mad, just writing about it—and that’s exactly what our race-baiting leaders and educators want. They want blacks hating whites and blaming them for everything. Which will naturally result in whites hating blacks and blaming them for everything.

When we should all get together to hate liberals.

They want us racially divided, they want us hating each other, because it’s good for them politically: divide and rule, and stay in power till the sun burns out. That’s why the colleges teach “white privilege.” That’s why H. Clinton says to blacks, “I’ve got your back”—because she wants them to believe Whitey’s going to stick a shiv between their shoulder blades unless they elect her to protect them.

God blesses peacemakers. He doesn’t bless those who stir up strife where none exists, who teach people to hate and fear those who’ve never done them any wrong, who raise up storms of envy, all merely for their own advantage. Those who do this are guilty of atrocious sin; and those who abandon their better judgment, and listen to the troublemakers because it’s what they want to hear, are also guilty.

I don’t know how the Lord will handle such a nation of blockheads. If God’s judgment came crashing through their living room ceilings, they’d never recognize it for what it was. White privilege must’ve caused it. Or homophobia, income inequality, or climate change. Whatever. Anything but our own sins. Anything but our own folly. If our politicians couldn’t explain it away, then surely our scientists could.

Lord God, hear us, who still pray to you! These things are done without our consent and against our will, and we have spoken against them repeatedly, to no effect.

God save us.

2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

What would life be like without toilet paper?

Forgive us for entering into a subject that is best left in the bathroom, but without certain items of biological comfort we could be sent back to the dark days of outhouses and Sears catalogues. With the insanity that is radical environmentalism aside, our lifestyle and its comforts are a direct result of industrial ingenuity in turning trees (a renewable resource) into highly useful paper products from toilet and computer paper, to feminine napkins, Scot towels, packaging and grocery bags, etc., each product making our lives a little easier. Industry keeps coming up with new ideas to turn trees into paper, in all of its various forms. Of course, there are always the 22-year old brain-dead actresses telling us we can get along with one square per event. Obviously she never had a ………………………….., Never mind, we won’t go there.

But oh my God! When you make paper from trees it takes energy and in the process that evil CO2 is emitted. And of course we have to kill the trees to make the paper. That’s bad. But even worse is that we reduce the absorption of CO2 by removing the trees as well, except that we can re-plant trees. That’s why trees are a renewable resource.

Obviously, we must be killing the planet by our hedonistic lifestyle of greed and avarice, especially those rich Americans, and this practice must be brought to a halt immediately to save the planet. The environmentalists and the government tell us it is so and they have brainwashed millions of Americans (including our young school children) into believing it is true, except for a couple of little scientific “things” that the government and the radical environmentalists choose to ignore to promote their green agenda.

Two of these scientific “things” come to mind. CO2 (carbon dioxide) is heavier than air. CO2 sinks. It is a fact of physics. Yes, a small portion of CO2 that doesn’t sink to the ground to feed the trees, plants and plankton, ends up in the upper atmosphere due to churning, but a very tiny portion. Of all of the greenhouse gases, CO2 makes up 0.177%. But what is even more striking in these statistics is that the CO2, supposedly caused by man, is a small fraction of that 0.117%. In fact, the greatest greenhouse gas (95%), over which man has absolutely no control, is water vapor and obviously has the greatest effect on planet warming, or cooling as the case may be, if any, not withstanding the effects of that giant yellow orb in the sky.

So the government and the radical environmentalists would have us believe that a miniscule fraction of a gas, that is heavier than air, a gas that all living things on this planet could not survive without, is somehow heating our planet into a runaway global warming event and we are all going to die or drown, if we don’t repent to the God of Green! If you believe this poppy cock, we question your intellect.

The environmentalists and thus the government, don’t want us to drill for oil anywhere in the U. S., or won’t let us build any new pipelines, power plants, refineries, or dams. Meanwhile, other countries, like China and India are exploiting their sources of energy every day, in spite of their greenhouse gas emissions. But these same insane folks who run our asylum called a government, want to lock up as much of our land as possible from livestock (food), resource extraction (minerals, oil and trees) and people. They then implemented by law, the positively outrageous and questionable practice of turning our food into fuel, (ethanol from corn – Sorry Iowans) thereby driving up the price of almost every food group. Anyone with half a brain could see this coming 30 years ago. Some did and warned us, but the warnings went unheeded.

Let’s follow these events to their illogical and deleterious conclusion. Crude oil is the very foundation of the energy that powers our civilization in the western world. Just about everything is affected by the cost and availability of crude oil. A large fraction of crude goes into the production of fuel for cars, trucks, airplanes, ships and heating our homes and businesses. The rest goes into the production of plastics, paints and resins and many other products, you know, like nylons for women.

Transportation and the infrastructure that supports transportation, is absolutely vital to the distribution of every product we buy or sell, including food. If trucks and trains don’t roll and ships don’t ply the open seas, Albertson’s, Safeway, QFC, Costco, Fred Meyer and a host of other retailers and big box stores don’t get products to sell to you. Have you ever thought of where you will get your food, if your local grocery store’s shelves are empty? Perhaps from your neighbor at the point of a gun, if he has any food and if government hasn’t taken away your guns.

Food is kind of important to survival you know. Some think that if you can’t buy it, then you will have to take it by force. Now of course in such a scenario, your benevolent government would step in, declare martial law, nationalize all food production and distribution and ration it out as they see fit. Do you want to be at the end of the long line of how the government sees fit? How easy it is to control people when you own food and energy production. Could that be our future? Many think it is.

But this all fits a very evil pattern, driven by international environmentalists, one-world-order types, and the United Nations and Europe, in their eternal quest to bring the United States down to a third-world country by re-distribution of our wealth, our property rights and the destruction of our freedom. By driving up the price of everything, the thinking of governments and the radical environmentalists is that you will use less of things and move into cities where you won’t have to drive as far for your food or work and where you are much easier to control by government. And of course they are encouraging you to bicycle, walk, or take mass transit. It’s good for your health you know and the government and the radical environmentalists are very concerned about your health. Hardly!

If the environmentalists and the government succeed in taking away, or outlawing, crude oil and trees, we will be driven back into those days of outhouses, palm leaves and candles. We covered this possible outcome in our fiction story of Jeremy’s one day in the future. The article starts out:

“Jeremy huddled in a corner of the old log cabin, out of the wind, even though it blew through the cracks in the walls and whistled and moaned with a haunting, bone-chilling sound. The sky was dark, gray and menacing. The coming twilight filled him with dread. There would be no artificial light for the approaching darkness and he tried not to think of the long night ahead.”

“Our own oil, coal and natural gas resources had been shut off by the environmentalists and the Obama administration. The entire energy infrastructure had fallen into disrepair. Oil, gas and coal companies had shut their doors because of too many restrictions and exorbitant emission taxes. The wind and solar power that Obama promised would replace fossil fuels, was just one of his worthless, but very expensive pipe dreams, like so many other socialist and radical environmental policies he implemented. Power plants quit running for lack of transportation, energy resources and maintenance personnel. The power grid was ravaged by neglect, natural forces and frequent domestic and foreign terrorist attacks. But that was of no consequence. There was no power to distribute to the grid.”

Read the rest of the story HERE.

Throughout history dictators have herded the people out of the countryside and into large cities where they can be controlled to a much higher degree. Remember the Nazi’s Warsaw ghetto? A dictator’s, or a liberal president’s worst enemy is a freethinking rural landowner, who just might start a revolution.

So the next time you have the opportunity to send a donation to an environmental group, or vote for a politician that will do whatever the environmentalists or socialists want them to do, think twice, or maybe four times. You could be funding and voting for your own demise, not to mention the high possibility of losing your freedom and control over life-sustaining food and toilet paper. Right now government controls your money, your land, your water, your food, your energy and your health care. What’s left?

WE THE PEOPLE have a choice, either become the CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED again, or be slaves to the GOVERNMENT, where they take your money, your land, your health care and control the distribution of your food and energy.

Imagine what the world would be like if there were no toilet paper, or worse, no food at your local grocery store. A hungry belly has nothing to lose by stealing, looting, killing, or going to war. It is happening in many parts of the world right now. And don’t be fooled. It can happen here!

People who fail or refuse to confront and stop tyranny, are destined to be enslaved by it.

But then, who is going to lift a finger to stop the socialists, the environmentalists and the one-world-order types? Americans could stop this freedom-robbing madness within a few years if there were enough people willing to act and enough money to fund their efforts. Sadly, out of 320,000,000 people and the richest nation on earth, there is neither ….. at least not now. Evidently, things just aren’t bad enough yet, even though half the people are living off the sweat, blood and tears of the other half and the former half get to vote to force the latter half to pay. One hundred years ago, that egregious injustice would have ignited a revolution. But not today where we live in a cesspool of political correctness, irrational compassion, radical environmentalism, multi-culturalism and the liberty-starving ideology of social justice.

[NOTE: The forgoing article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved

Truth is hate to those that hate the truth

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” ~Joseph Goebbels

The above statement stands true, as well as “They will always get away with whatever you let them get away with.” And let me tell you America, they are. Notice that Goebbels said, that the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie! So what is it that exposes the lie? (Romans 3:20) The truth! (John 14:6)

It has been reported that “Hillary Berns Sanders in 5 states.”

How did that happen? Especially with the known voter fraud that has been exposed by the designers themselves.

Clinton Eugene “Clint” Curtis told the truth while shaming the devil.

Curtis, who is an American attorney, computer programmer and ex-employee of NASA and ExxonMobil, told the world in open testimony that voting machines are not only hackable to determine an election, but that he designed the program to do it in 2000.

Curtis’ testimony came in 2006 before the US House Judiciary Members in Ohio. Curtis was hired by Tom Feeney to build software that would rig an election using electronic voter machines. According to Curtis, he could rig the machines in such a way to determine a 51/49 split in favor of the person that was wanted to win.

“The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.” ~Joseph Stalin

Thousands of America’s college students are following Bernie Sanders (Proverbs 22:6), a full-fledged communist, who has never owned a business, never had a 9-5 job, never proposed a bill in 25 years that has passed, and lived on welfare before he was elected to office. Yet, he fills auditoriums! The opposite is true, however, when it comes to Hillary Clinton rallies, where she does not even come close to filling the venue.

Remember, this is a woman whose Twitter account is 56% fake and that her Facebook likes were bought and paid for, $630,000 to be exact; and during the commencement of her presidential run in Iowa, for example, she had little to no support.

We know that just recently it was found that the Clintons are selling Uranium Ore to the Russians from underneath the ranchers in Oregon.

Why is this not being brought to the light? (Ephesians 5:11) What about these scandals?

• TheTravelgate scandal
• The Whitewater scandal
• The Filegate scandal
• The Lootergate scandal
• The Drug Dealer Donor scandal
• The Ponzi scheme and political favor scandal
• The email scandal
• The Mena, Arkansas drug trafficking scandal
• Dead bodies were strewn across the path of the Clintons (147) etc…
• Benghazi

Now this disciple of Hell claims:

“Libya was a different kind of calculation, and we didn’t lose a single person.”

For some reason or another, she is wiping up Bernie Sanders we’re told when the numbers prove the opposite. Regardless, neither of these people are legitimate when it comes to any position in American government.

Frederick William Robertson was right when he said, “There are three things in the world that deserve no mercy: hypocrisy, fraud, and tyranny.”

Yet, America overlooks her duty when it comes time to act in accordance with judgment, unlike our forefathers (Jeremiah 9:24).

Mercy vs. Judgment

To the shame of this once godly nation, the people have allowed the standard to be lowered so far that it is at the point of transforming into the hell that God promised to the wicked who forsake Him (Psalm 9:17). Furthermore, Americans have allowed the corrupt to lead every step of the way (Jeremiah 5:31).

Apparently, Americans have confused representative government for a monarchy or some other form of arbitrary dictatorial government. American government represents the American people, it does not dictate to them. Americans have successfully taught politicians that they can do what they will, when they want and without the consequences of violating the law.

Representative government has historically denoted a system in which people elect their representatives, who are then held accountable to the people for their activity within the government. “They derive their just powers from the consent of the governed.” (Declaration of Independence; cf. Exodus 18:21)

Representative government, which is the kind the Constitution speaks of as the “republican form,” is that which is established by God’s Law and not of man’s opinion through democracy, or of the will of the “mobocracy.”

“This Bible is for the Government of the People, by the People, and for the People.” –John Wycliffe

These criminals, like Clinton and Sanders, mock society’s laws. Your compassion is something that your enemies will not and do not share. These criminals thrive on society’s misunderstandings. They depend upon your ignorance of the United States Constitution and its enumerated laws.

When you live in darkness, the only light (John 1:1-5) you have is the truth. We would do well America to stick to the truth that not only exposes the darkness but also reproves it!

© 2016 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

Can Senate reject Obama’s Supreme Court nominee?

Can and should the Senate reject Supreme Court Nominee Merrick Garland?

In the words and overtone of Vice-President Joe Biden, the Senate can and should refuse this nominee. In a speech on the Senate floor in June 1992, Mr. Biden, then chairman of the Judiciary Committee, said there can and should be a different standard for a Supreme Court vacancy “that would occur in the full throes of an election year.” He demanded President George H.W. Bush should follow the example of “a majority of his predecessors” and delay naming a potential conservative replacement.

Mr. Biden also remarked.

“It would be our pragmatic conclusion that once the political season is underway, and it is, action on a Supreme Court nomination must be put off until after the election campaign is over…That is what is fair to the nominee and essential to the process. Otherwise, it seems to me,” he added, “We will be in deep trouble as an institution.”

Finally Biden concludes that if the president refuses his advice he would “oppose his future nominees, as is [his] right.”

James Madison covered this subject in The Federalist No. 51 affirming, “The structure of the government must furnish the proper checks and balances between the different departments.”

Article 2, Section 2, of the Constitution allows the President to appoint Supreme Court justices but they may not hold office without the approval of the Senate. It appears the former Senator Biden was determined to use this constitutional check on the executive branch, one that has been used in the past by different political affiliations and parties.

Now that we know Senate can refuse this nominee, should Judge Merrick Garland be refused?

As the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals Chief Judge, Garland is required to apply the Constitution to all cases that come before him.

Has he done this?

In his tenure Garland voted to rehear (and overturn) the D.C. Circuit’s pro-gun Heller decision. The result, had he won, would have been a Second Amendment which didn’t convey any individual rights to Americans — merely the right of states to form a militia.

Another troubling revelation for anti-crime Americans is when a panel of the D.C. Circuit issued an anti-gun decision in Seegars v. Gonzales, Garland, in 2005, voted against rehearing en banc., a jurisprudence where the government has no gun grabbing boundaries, and the citizenry has no rights to defend themselves with firearms.

A basic analysis of Garland’s judicial record shows that he does not respect our right to keep and bear arms.

William Blackstone, an English jurist whom our founders frequently referenced while framing our Constitution, knew the need for individual citizens to enjoy the right to self-defense. In his Commentaries on the Laws of England, he asserted that the right of self-defense “may be considered as the true palladium of liberty…”

If your concern is the preservation of liberty, I believe the decision of Garland’s refusal is clear.

Learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and his “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

2016 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

Using free speech to silence your free speech in America

The Democrat-leaning demonstrators crowded the streets of Chicago this month to close down a Trump campaign rally. The next day, they chanted, “We stopped Trump.”

In reality, they stopped his 1st Amendment right of free speech guaranteed by our U.S. Constitution. The single greatest reason the framers of our country placed free speech as the number one amendment: the right and need to express yourself in order to enjoy a free country. Without free speech, we become a dictatorship ruled by really nasty people.

In Arizona, last weekend, Democrat-leaning liberals tried to shut down a Trump rally by blocking the freeways leading to convention center.

At several of Trump’s speaking engagements, liberal hecklers tried to create a riot by shouting down the front-runner of the Republican Party.

First of all, America and her people stand for freedom of speech. We stand for respect of all citizens’ rights to speak their minds. Yes, you will hear name-calling of anyone who pokes his or her nose into the political arena.

Twenty years ago, when I spoke out against illegal immigration, pro-illegal alien officials and citizens called me all sorts of names. They used the “r” word, the “n” word, the “x” word, and the “h-m” word.

When in fact, I called for “law and order” and the enforcement of our U.S. Constitution and immigration laws. As you can see, Bill Clinton, George Bush and Barack Obama didn’t and haven’t enforced our laws. They remain in violation of our laws. Obama continues in violation of our laws. His executive amnesties violate our Constitution. Hillary Clinton, if she becomes president, will continue violating our immigration laws by providing open borders and amnesty. It’s a guaranteed fact.

Interestingly, men like U.S. Senator Harry Reid, as well as Senators Boxer, Feinstein, Hatch, Levin, Schumer, Rubio, McCain and most of the rest of Congress created “Donald Trump” because those representatives did nothing for the past 35 years to ensure our security and our borders. Article 4, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution mandates they protect our borders. They failed and they failed to the tune of 15 to 30 million illegal aliens jumping our borders and illegally inhabiting our country.

They failed us with the 9/11 Muslims, Boston Marathon Muslim bombers, Chattanooga, Tennessee Muslims killers, Fort Hood Muslim killer, New York Times Square Muslim car bomber, San Bernardino Muslim killers and dozens of more Muslim killers they let into our country and continue importing into our country.

Why would you allow the worlds’ most violent religion to accelerate inside your own country when Muslims state they intend to make America an Islamic state?

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any faith, but to become dominant. The Qur’an should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” —Omar Ahmed, director of Council on American Islamic Relations.

After 30 years of not enforcing our laws, we American citizens feel just a wee bit pissed off. Angry, frustrated, despairing and exasperated! In the past 51 yeas, we watched over 100 million third world immigrants invade our country legally, while another 15 to 30 million illegal aliens violated our country’s borders.

Democrats may use all the nasty “words” they want, but Trump stands up for America’s sovereignty. He’s the only one!

Therefore, if you try to silence his 1st Amendment rights, you silence your own voice because at some point, when you kill our U.S. Constitution, you kill the foundation of your free life. At all times in history, a Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, king of any country, Mao, current North Korean dictator, Muslim kings and other dictators crush people without free speech and free press.

Therefore, celebrate Trump’s right to speak his mind. Celebrate Hillary and Bill Clintons’ ability to lie under oath and get away with it—until one day, the law catches up to them. Celebrate the criminality of Harry Reid, Diane Feinstein, Charles Schumer, John McCain, Lyndon Baines Johnson and even the sexual dalliances of John F. Kennedy—because in the end, our 1st Amendment rights allow historians, journalists and citizens to dig into the truth.

If not for free speech, Barack Hussein Obama would get away with the biggest lying scam in history by keeping his records sealed as he has for the past seven years. No one really knows the country of his birth, his real social security number, his back-dated Selective Service numbers, his student ID card as a foreign student, all his sealed college records, how he obtained the presidency with no credentials other than a lying tongue, why the Nobel Prize people awarded him the “Nobel Prize for Peace” when he didn’t earn it or deserve it. Historians will expose Obama’s violations of our Constitution because of the 1st Amendment.

Therefore, as we see our civilization fragmented and fractured by legal and illegal immigration, we enjoy exposing career, corrupt politicians. As we see Muslims inject themselves into our country in order to squash our 1st Amendment rights, we maintain the right to call them out—at least until they behead us or bomb us. As the illegal aliens continue their onslaught of our borders and jobs, we need our free press to expose them and their employers.

Because, without our 1st Amendment, we fail as a free people.

© 2016 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

Hillary-Merkel: partners in ‘invited refugee invasion’ crime

German leader Angela Merkel leads the world in refugee resettlement at 2,000,000 (million in 2015). Note that Germany, the same size as New Mexico, USA, houses 82 million people in that already overloaded country.

Without thought or planning, Merkel opened Germany’s doors to Islamic terrorists, endless Muslim hordes and accelerating fragmentation of her country’s future. She overlooked Paris, France. Merkel evaded the Charlie Hebdo massacre. She forgot 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombers.

“Germany saw a record two million ‘foreigners’ arrive in 2015 – more than the number of asylum seekers who came between 1954-1989. According to the head of the Statistics Agency, however, it could be a conservative estimate.” Breitbart

On America’s side of the pond, Hillary Clinton states that our country must accept another 65,000 Syrian refugees. She advocates for total amnesty for anywhere from 15 million to 31 million illegal aliens. She supports the continued immigration of 1.2 million legal immigrants annually as mandated by the 1965 Immigration Reform Act.

Hillary spits venom at Cruz and Trump for mentioning that we need a “pause” in Muslim immigration because, as Obama said, “It’s not who were are.” Note that Obama admitted to George Stephanopoulos in a documented interview in 2007 that he followed the Islamic faith through the Qu’ran.

One look at history shows that Charles Martel drove back the Muslims mobs at Poitiers in 722 to save Europe from Islamic barbarism. Thomas Jefferson created the U.S. Navy and Marines to defeat the Muslim Barbary Pirates from sinking our trading ships off the coast of Africa. Our Marine “leathernecks” coined that moniker because they strapped thick bands of leather around their necks so the Muslims couldn’t cut their heads off.

Andre Servier, French historian said, “The deadening influence of Islam is well demonstrated by the way in which the Muslim comports himself at different stages of his life. In his early childhood, when the religion has not as yet impregnated his brain, he shows a very lively intelligence and remarkably open mind, accessible to ideas of every kind; but, in proportion as he grows up, and as, through the system of his education, Islam lays hold of him and envelops him, his brain seems to shut up, his judgment to become atrophied, and his intelligence to be stricken by paralysis and irremediable degeneration.”

Exactly what don’t Merkel and Hillary Clinton not understand about Muslim refugees after the endless events such as: Muslim shoe bomber, Lockerbie plane bombing, burning prisoners in cages, 10,000 honor killings annually of Muslim women, 9/11, Boston Marathon killers, Fort Hood Muslim murders, Times Square car bomber, Chattanooga, Tennessee Muslim murderer, Paris, France, Charlie Hebdo, endless rapes in Sweden, San Bernardino and the latest in Brussels, Belgium. Oh, at least hundreds of other Muslim killings from Boko Haram to subway bombings in Spain and London.

What do these two women not “get” about Islam? Imam’s would have both women beheaded for dishonoring men by becoming leaders. Islam’s followers remain rabid in their determination to bring the civilized world to its knees. At this point, demographers show that Muslims make up around 57 percent of Belgium; imam’s brag that Belgium will become an Islamic caliphate (new state) within 30 years if not sooner. Muslims marched on the civilized world since the 6th century. Now, they carry C-4 bombs to blast Western countries in horrendous fear and submission. All the while, they yearn for death to be with 72 virgins in heaven.

Anthony Flew, British philosopher said, “I would never regard Islam with anything but horror and fear because it is fundamentally committed to conquering the world for Islam… it is, I think, best described in a Marxian way as the uniting and justifying ideology of Arab imperialism.”

As these two intrepid women sit back in their gated and guarded homes, the rest of the Western world cringes every time its citizens walk into public.

“Islam possesses no work ethic. Islam’s philosophy remains: conquest. Islam’s economic system means the conquerors live off the bounty of the conquered and look for new people to loot. You see it in Europe today, but Canada, America and Australia grow large in their cross-hairs. You may forget that the Middle East remains a desert, however oil makes its leaders rich, but it’s people remain illiterate and poverty stricken. Their oil gives the illusion of functioning economies, but foreign interests run their management of the oil fields. Importing millions of Muslims creates welfare and conflict within a host country.”

If Merkel remains Germany’s suicide commander and Hillary Clinton reaches the White House, both face history’s torrid placard: “Two women who single-handedly destroyed their own countries, cultures, languages and ethos. They displaced their own countries with Islamic barbarism and issued a return the Dark Ages by dislocating their own people in favor of Islam and its barbaric history. May both women rest in hell.”

© 2016 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

The First amendment and political speech

The First Amendment protects a person’s right to communicate ideas, information, and opinions free of government restraint, but it does not protect a person who wishes to incite riot, commit assault, or destroy the property of others nor does it authorize trespass or deprivation of the rights of others. Individuals affiliated with and Black Lives Matter are engaged in criminal incitement and are countenancing physical assaults and deprivation of and destruction of private property at Donald Trump rallies. Those are criminal actions, not protected speech.

When a politician pays for a forum and invites supporters to attend a rally, that public event is not an invitation to riot, obstruct the planned speakers and events, or destroy property. Indeed, those attending are admitted on conditions. They are admitted if they will occupy a seat and avoid obstructive actions. They are guests of the speaker and the sponsor of the event. If they incite riot, commit assaults, or destroy property, they are appropriately arrested, charged, and prosecuted. The First Amendment is not a shield for illegal action.

If the event is held on private property that is made open to the public for the purpose of allowing a political speech to a candidate’s supporters, the property owner retains the right to control the forum, determine who is allowed to speak and what may be said. That right is one of editorial control and is vested in the person who owns the forum to the exclusion of all others. That right has been a freedom of the press since the founding of the republic. Consistent with the First Amendment, there is no super-editorial power in government to deny the forum owner the power to determine the content communicated via his own property. Consequently, the New York Times may editorialize in liberal ways deemed offensive to some conservatives, just as the Washington Times may editorialize in conservative ways deemed offensive to some liberals. That is the essence of the freedom of the press. As a result, the private forum owner may expel any attendee who trespasses, any attendee who obstructs the planned event, or any attendee who commits an assault. He may do so confident in his First Amendment right, which in this case inures to protect him in his right to editorialize, to sponsor and promote the political views, with which he agrees.

If the event is held on public property that is within the confines of a stadium or a building, the government is barred by the First Amendment from engaging in viewpoint or content discrimination but not from imposing reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. Consequently, if the government owner of the public property wishes to allow Donald Trump to use the facility to speak to his supporters, the government may prohibit actions that obstruct Trump’s right to speak and the audience’s right to hear, so long as the government makes reasonable accommodation for those who wish to speak in opposition to Trump.

Ordinarily, this involves adoption of a content neutral system for allowing the public forum to be made available to alternative speakers and their supporters on different days, and allowing the public streets and parks outside of the government facility to be available for presentation of competing speeches and protest, again subject only to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions (such as preventing assemblies that block traffic, block ingress and egress from buildings, or prevent the normal operations of government or private businesses).

The crowds of college youth, often supported by university faculty, who condemn any viewpoint with which they disagree and act on that condemnation by shouting down speakers, destroying private property, and committing assaults are criminals and thugs who ought to be arrested. They have an undoubted First Amendment right to their own viewpoints and a right to communicate those views in places held from time immemorial for public protest (the streets and parks), but they have no First Amendment right to obstruct political addresses in forums reserved for that purpose, to attack those who support the speaker, or to destroy the property of those who support the speaker. That activity is indeed criminal, and the appropriate response is to arrest the perpetrators, prosecute them, and incarcerate them as the law allows.

© 2016 Jonathan W. Emord – All Rights Reserved

Resurrecting sixties radicalism to silence Trump

It is sobering to reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence. –Charles A. Beard

We need a revolutionary communist party in order to lead the struggle, give coherence and direction to the fight, seize power and build the new society.Bill Ayers, Weathermen Underground

Threats Against the Trump Family


What so few of the ignorant and brainwashed commie protestors don’t know is that the entire Trump family is not only generous to a fault, but gives more to society than any of the other candidates. Remember Cruz hasn’t even given 1% of his income to charity. The Eric Trump Foundation alone has given over $20 million to St. Jude’s, the children’s cancer hospital who does not charge the parents, and who treat youngsters with the toughest cases. Often times they find cures.

The 60’s Commies Are Back!

Dr. Rich Swier had an article out today that exposed the 187 organizations directly funded by George Soros who are attacking Trump. Take a look at this amazing article.

The highway was blocked by a few dozen people, and closed for over an hour with cars lined up for miles trying to get into Trump’s rally in Maricopa County, Arizona. Protesters were arrested for blocking the roadway, but there weren’t that many of them. Sheriff Arpaio who was there to introduce Mr. Trump, said, “The main mission is to make sure Donald Trump is secure, protected, and also everyone else in the town.” [Link]

In New York, the protestors, which included (illegal) immigrants’ rights activists, students and socialists, (read Communists) gathered in Columbus Circle near the Trump International Hotel and Tower. Understand that Soros recruits these protestors by paying them $10 to $15 an hour. They come from areas of deep unemployment, and these people are easily manipulated by the lies of the MSM. 

The reality is the Mr. Trump’s policy plans with trade and immigration would open up more jobs, especially those in the black communities. They are protesting against their own futures which would be rebuilt with Trump’s policies.

If you do not believe we are dealing with the Communists on the left, on the right, and in the media, then ask yourself why all the establishment globalists want to stop Donald Trump. McCarthy was right, and today we’re seeing the end result. The New World Order globalists all hate Trump, and their desire is to squelch his free speech to Americans who love him, to Americans who he resonates with, to Americans who want our country restored to her glory days. They hate him so much that if he is nominated, they have stated they will vote for Hillary Clinton. They would rather a corrupt, lying, thieving, murdering woman be in power than someone who would turn America around. This is what Mr. Trump is dealing with, and I would hope by now the American electorate would wake up to that fact.

TPP Tries to Still Free Speech

And Jenny Beth, if you really feared for free speech you’d be violently opposed to the communists leading the propagandized college youth and paid Soros unemployed to protest against the free speech of Donald Trump. But where the heck is your voice for Trump’s free speech? It’s unheard, and we’ve known exactly what you are since your very inception. 

Communist Hatred on Display

This short film is eye opening and shocking. If you want to know the true intentions of the Chicago protestors that shut down Trump’s rally, then you need to hear it straight from their mouths. It’s nothing more than radical leftists attempting to silence the opposition.

Rebel Pundit’s, Jeremy Segal and Andrew Marcus, directors of the motion picture Hating Breitbart, documented the “protest” on film, including an interview with Bill Ayers, a founder of the violent Weather Underground, who discusses the motivation behind the premeditated and well-funded demonstrations.

Watch this seven minutes of exposed filth if you can stand it. Their message? We all have to live under their choice for president:

Soros Plans More Violence

From The Horn News, “Soros Planning Ten Day anti-Trump Protests”:

The same anti-Donald Trump protestors who scheduled violent demonstrations in Chicago are plotting their most ambitious plan yet.

Funded by billionaire liberal George Soros and big union thugs, they’re organizing a mob of thousands of radicals into “one of the largest civil disobedience actions” in American history.

Their goal: march across the East Coast in the thousands and spark a “fire that transforms the political climate in America” by taking over the U.S. Capitol Building.

The new left-wing group is calling itself Democracy Spring, and is receiving help for their plan of “action on an historic scale” from the usual suspects. Leading the charge is noted liberal group, an organization funded by Soros that recently played a key role in shutting down the Trump rally at the University of Illinois.

They’re not alone. The country’s largest labor union, the AFL-CIO, has announced they’re “all in behind Democracy Spring.”

Also throwing their weight into the plan are over 115 labor unions, socialist groups, and other radical leftist organizations, some of which have also been implicated in disrupting Trump events.

Democracy Spring’s announced plan involves meeting up for a mass protest at the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia in early April, and then sending waves of protestors on a 10-day march into D.C.

Once in our nation’s capital, the group has announced their intention to invade the U.S. Capitol Building on April 11th with over 2,000 fellow radicals, which the group has announced training sessions for leading up to the protest.

While they claim the intent of the protests is to return government to the people and remove special interest money (especially ironic given the participation of labor union), critics see a more nefarious purpose. In short, Soros and his liberal pals are attempting to activate thousands of potential activists ahead of the 2016 election.

“We will make this election a referendum on whether our democracy should belong to the People as a whole or to the billionaire class alone,” the group said in a release — one that was likely paid for by billionaire Soros.

Remember that GOP candidates Kasich, Cruz, and Rubio all sided with Soros and Ayers stating that it was Trump who caused the Illinois protests at University of Chicago. (Personally, I’d love to know who scheduled a rally at that bastion of communist ideology, as it’s the last place I’d want to go.)

How very sad that communist billionaire Soros and the likes of Bill Ayers are not repudiated by the GOPe, the DNC and the MSM, and especially the other GOP candidates. What does that tell you?

Watch this new ad by Trump, he even calls out Soros!

Ephesians 6:12 says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” This is so very true, and many of these ‘rulers of darkness’ are the two-legged variety.

Truly, evil comes in many forms, but the evil I’m seeing today I have seen before. Many have said we need to form our own protests, and perhaps that will happen. 

Instead, I’m calling everyone I know into deep prayer. We truly must be on our knees against the powers of darkness, for the protection of Donald J. Trump and his family, for our failing country, especially for the unborn babies, and for the American people to be heard in this election. I believe with all my heart that God has given us a chance to change our direction, but it is up to us to follow through.

Thanks to the diligence of Paul Walter, CEO of NewsWithViews, many ideas for my articles have come from him. Paul immigrated from communist Yugoslavia, providence of Slovenia, and therefore he sees more clearly the dangers to our Republic than those who have always known free America as home. Please support

Conservatives reject Obama’s Merrick Garland for Supreme Court pick

While the news media welcomed President Barack Obama’s latest Supreme Court nomination with opened arms and told the American people that Obama’s nominee — Judge Merrick Garland — is a “centrist,” conservative and Christian groups are already announcing their opposition, some representing pro-life Christians and American gun owners.

For example, the hugely successful pro-life group, Operation Rescue, upon hearing of the nomination, has already announced its opposition to President Obama’s nomination of Garland to replace Justice Antonin Scalia on the U.S. Supreme Court. To many Americans, the late Scalia was the highest court’s quintessential “originalist” when it comes to the U.S. Constitution.

But Garland, who currently serves as chief judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia and is considered a “liberal,” by Operation Rescue and other conservative groups.

“Millions of lives hang in the balance of each ruling on abortion put forth by the Supreme Court. I refuse to support any nominee – Republican or Democrat – that will not renounce Roe v. Wade and commit to restoring legal protections to the pre-born,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue.

Former political activist and strategist Michael Baker agrees with Newman: “Even several liberal-left legal scholars have decried Roe v. Wade as being ‘legislating from the bench.’ They have said that Roe v. Wade is ‘bad law’ and not based on the U.S. Constitution,” Baker added.

Meanwhile, Republican-controlled Senate leadership has pledged not to confirm any nomination for the Supreme Court made by President Obama in this election year. The Judiciary Committee, which would be responsible to hold confirmation hearings for Garland, has vowed not to convene hearings for Obama’s pick.

“I strongly urge the members of the Judiciary Committee to hold fast to their promise, for the sake of the future of our country and the future of our posterity,” said Newman. “The Senate Republican leadership cannot afford to break this important promise to their conservative, pro-life base, if they expect us to vote for any of them ever again.”

Meanwhile, another organization opposing Judge Garland is the National Rifle Association (NRA).

According to the executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action, Chris W. Cox, “With Justice [Antonin] Scalia’s tragic passing, there is no longer a majority of support among the justices for the fundamental, individual right to own a firearm for self-defense. Four justices believe law-abiding Americans have that right – and four justices do not. President Obama has nothing but contempt for the Second Amendment and law-abiding gun owners.”

Cox points out that President Obama has “already nominated two Supreme Court justices who oppose the right to own firearms and there is absolutely no reason to think he has changed his approach this time.”

A basic analysis of Merrick Garland’s judicial record shows that he does not respect our fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms for self-defense. Therefore, the National Rifle Association, on behalf of our five million members and tens of millions of supporters across the country, strongly opposes the nomination of Merrick Garland for the U.S. Supreme Court, according to an NRA statement.

According to the Washington Free Beacon’s Stephen Gutowski, “President Obama’s nominee to replace Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, has a record of opposing gun rights as a federal judge, which includes a vote to undo a landmark gun rights ruling.”

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Sanders exposes himself on national tv

Democratic presidential candidate and Senator Bernie Sanders has finally been exposed as the hard-core communist he is. It happened at the debate in Miami on Wednesday night, hosted by Univision and The Washington Post, and broadcast on CNN. On Thursday, CNN trumpeted the news from the debate that Sanders had refused to disavow his previous support for the Castro dictatorship in Cuba. Instead, he had reverted to anti-American nonsense while smearing a Democratic president named John F. Kennedy in the process.

As we have been saying for months, “democratic socialism” is just another name for communism.

Until that point, Sanders had been riding a wave of support from foolish Democrats who thought socialism was somehow different than communism, and that Sanders didn’t favor a dictatorship of any kind. He had spoken of socialism in places like Denmark. He was seen as the friendly face of “democratic socialism” with a powerful message of taking it to the so-called “one percent.”

But on Wednesday night, the real Bernie Sanders came through loud and clear.

Hard-core Marxists had been rallying around the Sanders campaign for months. Alan Maass, the editor of, had said, “…the Bernie Sanders campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination has done more than anything else to bring the discussion of socialism into the mainstream.” Maass was ecstatic that “the opinion polls tell us that more and more people are identifying with socialism, or at least preferring socialism over capitalism…”

It was true. A poll of 1,000 likely Democratic voters by the American Action Forum (AAF) found that 57 percent answered “positive” to the question, “Do you think socialism has a positive or negative impact on society?”

This was happening because news organizations had not explained how socialism makes people poor and dependent on government—and murders those who get in the way of the Marxist planners. Hence, in the Fox News Democratic presidential town hall on Monday night, even moderator Bret Baier highlighted how Sanders is considered “honest and trustworthy” in opinion polls. This followed Sanders’ claims that he would control the national debt by giving people free health care and college.

During that town hall, when asked how he would get his proposals enacted into law, Sanders said, “I was the chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. Working with people like John McCain, Jeff Miller over in the House—he was chairman in the House Republican. We put together the most comprehensive veterans’ health care bill in the modern history of America, okay?”

A new health care bill was needed because the socialist VA health care system failed veterans. We have pointed out that Sanders’ pitiful performance as chairman of the Senate Veterans Committee came under serious scrutiny by CNN and other media for defending the VA bureaucrats, putting their interests above the veterans they are supposed to serve.

It’s true that Sanders, who had become chairman of the Senate Veterans Committee in 2013, had worked with Republicans to craft a bill designed to fix the problems. But after playing down the serious nature of the scandal, Sanders was forced to recognize, under pressure from Republicans, that the government-run VA health care system could only be saved by giving patients a private health care option.

We had previously reported how Fox News groveled to Sanders to get him to appear on the town hall. It took several more weeks to get Hillary Clinton to agree to appear. While Baier asked Mrs. Clinton some tough questions, the appeasement of Sanders continued. Baier failed to ask about such topics as Sanders’ membership in a communist Israeli kibbutz called Shaar Haamakim that was dedicated to mass murderer Joseph Stalin, and whose members celebrated May Day with red flags.

But during Wednesday night’s debate in Miami, the issue of Sanders’ support for communist totalitarian regimes was brought up. It will prove to be a major turning point in the campaign. Univision anchor María Elena Salinas said to Sanders: “In 1985, you praised the Sandinista government and you said that Daniel Ortega was an impressive guy. This is what you said about Fidel Castro. Let’s listen:”

Sanders: “You may recall way back in, when was it, 1961, they invaded Cuba, and everybody was totally convinced that Castro was the worst guy in the world. All the Cuban people were going to rise up in rebellion against Fidel Castro. They forgot that he educated their kids, gave them health care, totally transformed their society.”

The “they” Sanders was referring to was the anti-communist U.S. presidency of Democrat John F. Kennedy, who was determined to overthrow Castro. The evidence shows that Kennedy was killed by a Soviet-Cuban conspiracy involving Marxist “Fair Play for Cuba” member Lee Harvey Oswald. A Palestinian Marxist Killed JFK’s brother Robert.

Sanders, the independent-turned-Democrat, had shown callous indifference to the anti-communism that used to dominate the national Democratic Party. He seems oblivious to the evidence that Castro was involved in the assassination of President Kennedy.

Salinas asked, “In South Florida there are still open wounds among some exiles regarding socialism and communism. So please explain what is the difference between the socialism that you profess and the socialism in Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela.” Socialism is so successful in Venezuela that the currency is worth less than toilet paper, which is in short supply.

When Sanders failed to answer the question, Salinas shot back: “Senator, in retrospect, have you ever regretted the characterizations that you made of Daniel Ortega and Fidel Castro that way?”

This exchange then took place:

Sanders: I’m sorry. Please say that…

Salinas: In retrospect, have you ever regretted the characterizations of Daniel Ortega and Fidel Castro that you made in 1985?

Sanders: The key issue here was whether the United States should go around overthrowing small Latin American countries. I think that that was a mistake…

Salinas: You didn’t answer the question.

Sanders: …both in Nicaragua and Cuba. Look, let’s look at the facts here. Cuba is, of course, an authoritarian undemocratic country, and I hope very much as soon as possible it becomes a democratic country. But on the other hand… it would be wrong not to state that in Cuba they have made some good advances in health care. They are sending doctors all over the world. They have made some progress in education.

Except for the rather vague and misleading reference to Cuba being “an authoritarian undemocratic country,” it was noteworthy that Sanders had not one word of criticism for the Castro dictatorship.

Sanders talks a lot about non-intervention. In fact, however, Sanders supported NATO’s bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, an illegal and unconstitutional war waged by President Clinton.

On the matter of Cuba, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was prepared, coming back during the debate to say, “I just want to add one thing to the question you were asking Senator Sanders. I think in that same interview, he praised what he called the revolution of values in Cuba and talked about how people were working for the common good, not for themselves. I just couldn’t disagree more. You know, if the values are that you oppress people, you disappear people, you imprison people or even kill people for expressing their opinions, for expressing freedom of speech, that is not the kind of revolution of values that I ever want to see anywhere.”

An anti-communist Hillary had suddenly emerged on the scene. We all know it’s about getting votes in Florida, but it was a decisive moment nonetheless.

The day after the debate, the Hillary Clinton campaign let loose, noting that Sanders “has a troubling history of admiration for the Castros.” The headline over the item on the Clinton-for-president website blared, “Bernie Sanders just refused to disavow his past support for Fidel Castro.” Among other things, Sanders had called Cuba “a model of what a society could be.”

Referring to the poll on Democratic Party support for socialism cited earlier, an editorial in Investor’s Business Daily asked, “How could average Americans of a supposedly mainstream political party throw their lot in with a creed that’s responsible for more human misery and poverty in the world than any other? It boggles the mind. Socialism, and its evil twin, communism, murdered well over 100 million people during the last century, a scale of slaughter unmatched in human history.”

The answer is that some people, like Sanders, deliberately try to separate socialism from communism, despite the fact that the father of both is Karl Marx. Analyst Trevor Loudon notes that so-called “democratic socialism,” as preached by Sanders, is simply a euphemism for socialism. “Socialism is the last stop on the road to Communism,” he notes. The Marxist dialectic is said to produce the final stage of communism through struggle or conflict.

Some people get confused because they think that Communist China has abandoned both socialism and communism in favor of capitalism. Those who doubt that China is still communist should take a look at the recent Wall Street Journal article entitled, “China’s Xi Jinping Puts Loyalty to the Test at Congress.” It’s all about enforcing loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party. The communists are using capitalism to strengthen communism. They consider it another phase the country has to go through to achieve the highest stage of communism.

One of Ronald Reagan’s favorite jokes was about two Russians walking down the street, and one asks, “Comrade, have we reached the highest state of Communism?” The other replies, “Oh, no, I think things are going to get a lot worse.”

This is the brutal and bloody record of socialism and communism.

Yet our media let Sanders run around the country talking about socialism being “democratic.”

Our media have tried to get around this question by framing the issue as one of “income inequality.” It’s just another term for Marxist class warfare.

Now we know that when Sanders talks about imposing socialism on the American people, he’s talking about a dictatorship. Thanks to Univision and anchor María Elena Salinas for bringing out the facts in this case.

© 2016 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

The real reason for a contested convention

In all my years of following America’s political process I don’t think I’ve ever seen a time when the front runner in either Party has been attacked so viciously by his own Party. It almost seems insane to try to stop the one person that seems to have the momentum to take back the White House and really make a difference in this nation. After all over the last 25 years the Republicans that have made it to the White House haven’t really done anything to help America. George Bush did love America but not enough to close the southern border to stop the invasion of illegals that are nothing but leaches on the American taxpayer. Neither did his dad Bush 41. The last Republican president that tried to do anything about the border was Reagan. He compromised amnesty for border security with a democrat controlled Congress and the Democrats got their amnesty but voted down funding border security. No real surprise there. Now we have a man who will, in all likelihood, secure the border and the republican elite goes ballistic!

Trump is also very good at deal making. Virtually all the trade deals we have with other nations the other nation benefits more than we do. The TTP with stick America with the short end of the stick again. China, Japan, Mexico are all warning us about electing Trump because all of their sweet deals, paid for by the American taxpayer, will be renegotiated to benefit America and that isn’t making them happy. The surprising thing is it isn’t making the establishment happy either.

Look at the fact that Dwight Eisenhower, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and many other Presidents were members of the Council on Foreign Relations. This organization and the Trilateral Commission works with the Bilderbergs to set things in motion for a One World Order. Also keep in mind that as far back as Franklin Delano Roosevelt our Presidents have been chosen not elected. FDR stated “Presidents are selected, not elected.”[1] I believe that Dwight Eisenhower was speaking of the ‘secret government’ that FDR referenced when he stated “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”[2] Are these the people that are opposing the election of a man that the people seem to want? Are they ignoring that we, as Americans, have the right to elect whom we want or do they simply no longer care about our rights? Are our elections simply a exercise to make us think that we are electing our leaders. Are these ‘leaders’ actually the chosen ones picked by this shadow government? Is this why Mitt Romney has all of a sudden decided that we need a brokered convention?

If Trump isn’t a major threat to the establishment Republicans, and I say in a good way for the American people, then why is there such an uproar over his popularity? What damage can he do to the Republican Party that requires all efforts to derail his campaign? Who is he going to expose and what is he going to expose if he wins the presidency? Who is making millions of these trade deals that the US is on the short end of the deal? Just how good are these deals with China and Japan and Mexico? Why has the US Chamber of Commerce warned Trump to back off of China?[3] Trump’s Campaign Senior Policy Advisor Stephen Miller addressed Friday why immigration and trade are key issues in the Republican frontrunner’s campaign.

“Well, there is very little right about our trade deals, there is virtually nothing right about our trade deals. We’ve been getting taken to the cleaners by every country we trade with. We have a trade deficit with almost all of our major trading partners. If you look at, for instance, say Japan, and our car trading deficit, or you look at China, where we have hundreds of billions of dollars in trade deficits, so our entire trade policy needs to be retooled,” Miller told the FOX Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo.[4] What kind of kickbacks are people getting for giving America a raw deal?

Over the last seven and a half years we have seen this administration do everything it can to redistribute the wealth of America. We are the richest nation in the world and most of the world thinks that we owe them something. We owe the world nothing! We’ve saved the world from dictatorships who were trying for world power twice. The world owes us! The wealth of America has aided every national disaster for the last 150 years. What organizations like the Illuminati, Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission want is a One World Order but the sovereignty of America and the American people won’t let that happen. Trump wants to strengthen that sovereignty and that is what these groups don’t want. Trump could set them back 25-30 years in their goal.

Several organizations have schemed on how to stop trump. Republican governors met in mid February to discuss the ‘Trump problem’; “The scenario Karl Rove outlined was bleak.

Addressing a luncheon of Republican governors and donors in Washington on Feb. 19, he warned that Donald J. Trump’s increasingly likely nomination would be catastrophic, dooming the party in November. But Mr. Rove, the master strategist of George W. Bush’s campaigns, insisted it was not too late for them to stop Mr. Trump, according to three people present.

At a meeting of Republican governors the next morning, Paul R. LePage of Maine called for action. Seated at a long boardroom table at the Willard Hotel, he erupted in frustration over the state of the 2016 race, saying Mr. Trump’s nomination would deeply wound the Republican Party. Mr. LePage urged the governors to draft an open letter “to the people,” disavowing Mr. Trump and his divisive brand of politics.

The suggestion was not taken up. Since then, Mr. Trump has only gotten stronger, winning two more state contests and collecting the endorsement of Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey.

In public, there were calls for the party to unite behind a single candidate. In dozens of interviews, elected officials, political strategists and donors described a frantic, last-ditch campaign to block Mr. Trump — and the agonizing reasons that many of them have become convinced it will fail. Behind the scenes, a desperate mission to save the party sputtered and stalled at every turn.”[5] You have to ask the question’ How will Trump destroy the Republican Party?’ By exposing the corruption in the higher ranks?

There are others out there that are doing all they can to stop Trump. Eric Ericson has used vile vitriol, name calling, super pacs and has even called for a third party to run against trump, which would guarantee a democrat win, just to keep trump from winning: “Two days after Donald Trump won in four of five primaries, efforts to knock the frontrunner from his perch limp forward.

But the impact of the money and time spent knocking Trump are coming into question after the real estate mogul surged ahead of Ted Cruz by more than 250 delegates.

Katie Packer, a Republican strategist who founded Our Principles PAC to hinder Trump’s success, said she is evaluating the path forward.

“We’re having conversations with donors, gauging the interest in moving ahead,” Packer told NBC News.

A group of conservatives led by Erick Erickson, editor of Red State, met Thursday and pledged to continue their efforts to prevent Trump from winning the nomination. A signed statement by attendees said they call “for a unity ticket that unites the Republican Party.” That unity ticket would preferably include Sen. Ted Cruz, who is second behind Trump in the delegate count, and a presidential contender who dropped out already. But the group did not discount including someone not in the race like Paul Ryan or Mitt Romney.

If a unity ticket fails to garner a majority of the delegates in the primary process, the group agrees, “We encourage all former Republican candidates not currently supporting Trump to unite against him and encourage all candidates to hold their delegates on the first ballot.”

“Lastly, we intend to keep our options open as to other avenues to oppose Donald Trump,” the statement said, providing no other details on what those other options might be.”[6]

With all this opposition against Trump who only wants to Make America Great Again, we have to realize that the corruption in DC is massive and if exposed will bring a lot of people down. Who are these people? Go here to see who are members of the CFR, an organization that is bent on One World dominance.

Some of the names may shock you, some may not. There are politicians, actors, actresses, military, and members of both parties. I’ve always said that our political system is nothing more than a two headed snake. When you look at the names you see why I say that. It’s time to kill that snake!

2016 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved


1. Presidents are selected not elected
2. Dwight D. Eisenhower quotes
3. Trump advisor: A vote for Ted Cruz is to send American jobs offshore
4. Trump advisor: A vote for Ted Cruz is to send American jobs offshore
6. Stop Trump movement limps forward

Alabama Supreme Courts attitude of gratitude

There was good news this week from our friends on the Alabama Supreme Court. Chief Justice Roy Moore wrote the following unanimous opinion.

“Today this Court by order dismisses all pending motions and petitions and issues the certificate of judgment in this case. That action does not disturb the existing March orders in this case or the Court’s holding therein that the Sanctity of Marriage Amendment, art. I, § 36.03, Ala. Const. 1901, and the Alabama Marriage Protection Act, § 30-1-9, Ala. Code 1975, are constitutional. Therefore, and for the reasons stated below, I concur with the order.”

• I agree with the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, John Roberts, and with Associate Justices Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito, that the majority opinion in Obergefell has no basis in the law, history, or tradition of this country. Obergefell is an unconstitutional exercise of judicial authority that usurps the legislative prerogative of the states to regulate their own domestic policy. Additionally, Obergefell seriously jeopardizes the religious liberty guaranteed by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

• Based upon arguments of “love,” “commitment,” and “equal dignity” for same-sex couples, five lawyers, as Chief Justice Roberts so aptly describes the Obergefell majority, have declared a new social policy for the entire country. As the Chief Justice and Associate Justices Scalia, Thomas, and Alito eloquently and accurately demonstrate in their dissents, the majority opinion in Obergefell is an act of raw power with no ascertainable foundation in the Constitution itself. The majority presumed to legislate for the entire country under the guise of interpreting the Constitution.”[1]

So the highest court in the state has ruled that Alabama’s laws hold on the grounds that the Supreme Court’s ruling only applies to the parties of the case. Praise be to God, they have taken the proper stand against the evil of homosexual marriage. I pray that their example would inspire other State Supreme Courts and even State Legislatures and Executives to resolutely stand against this evil in our land.

That reminds me of that time in our land when States stood up against tyrannical opinions issued by the Federal Supreme Court. For example in the 1850’s, “Wisconsin Legislature passed a series of resolutions denouncing the actions of the U.S. Supreme Court as “an arbitrary act of power … without authority, void and of no force,” and urging “positive defiance” by the states as the ‘rightful remedy.’”[2]

In the midst of many reasons for us to bemoan the state of our country, there are still reasons to give thanks to God. And when we thank God, it changes our whole demeanor, our attitude shifts in a new direction. Now that is not to say we forget all the problems in our land, or that we no longer speak about them, nor does it mean we cease to actively work to seek to change these things so that evil may be put down and righteousness exalted. What it means is that we do all these things within the over all Attitude of Gratitude – Grateful to Almighty God for all of His good and perfect gifts, for His abundant mercy and grace and the speed at which He will pardon and forgive. We must fight the good fight of faith Christ has called us to enveloped with this Attitude of Gratitude. So the question is ‘How are we to cultivate a grateful heart?’

The Word of God instructs us in this vital task. Cultivate a grateful heart was so important that God set time aside in the annual calendar of His people to focus on developing a grateful heart. The second of the three annual feasts was designed to develop a grateful heart. Though we in the New Covenant will not take all the specific actions called for in this feast, nonetheless it is very instructive for us who desire to develop a grateful heart.

We need to take the time to pause and reflect, to count the many blessings we have – physical provision, food clothing, shelter, family and friends. To thank Him for the great salvation He purchased with His own precious blood, and to thank Him for the joy of wonderful fellowship that we now have with Him — fellowship beyond that which anyone ever knew until the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. For it was on that Pentecost, the 6th day of the 3rd month Sivan in the year 30 A.D. that the Holy Spirit came to earth to permanently indwell believers for the first time in the history of the universe. We will examine that event next week, which is actually the day of Pentecost. If you have placed your faith in Jesus Christ, then you have God’s Holy Spirit resident within you.

Learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2016 Rev. David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

2016 – Race to global oneness

Primordial Awakening to Universal Consciousness

Despite escalating wars, and rumors thereof, ours is an increasingly united, albeit complex world. More than ever, all reference to the future demands global perspective—economically, geo-politically, and religiously.[1] Internationalists hold promise of presumed perks—e.g., harmony and security—and, to those ends, incite primordial awakening to universal consciousness.[2] By ballyhooing the collective common good, academics join politicians and religionists alike in championing practical politics. For example, come June, Director of the Campaign for a UN Parliamentary Assembly Andreas Bummel[3] will join presenters from Yale and Johns Hopkins for a two-day event in Brisbane. There, within the context of planetary integration (as if straight from the Baha’i playbook)[4] academics will explore challenges relating to world democracy, justice, and security in view of regional crises.[5]

Global Oneness Day, October 24 (Kah, Hope for the World Update, 7)

While the Guinness Book of World Records recognizes seventy-eight feet as the largest wave ever surfed,[6] it pales in comparison to today’s tidal wave of one-world interfaithism. Those riding the wave’s crest—from virtually all of the world’s major religious groups[7] —are expected to increase in number, hence influence, by 2050.[8] Enthusiasts apprehend their sacred selves[9] and, along with fellow demi-gods, advocate for official sanction of a Global Oneness Day.[10] Come October, “enlightened” participants will engage in Drumming Circles, Sunday Oneness Services, and a major telesummit featuring New Spirituality gurus Neale Donald Walsch,[11] Barbara Marx Hubbard,[12] Ken Wilbur,[13] Jean Houston,[14] and Ervin Laszlo.[15]

In persistent effort to unite our world, the United Nations has instituted an annual International Day of Peace and Vigil, supported the Buddhist Yun Lin Temple, the Mennonite Central Committee, the Aetherius Society,[16] Church of Scientology,[17] and In the Light.[18] Celebrations and concerts, rituals, ceremonies, meditations, and prayer meetings all herald world harmony.

Additionally, the first continental North American Interfaith Network (NAIN) Connect Conference will draw trend-setting interfaith groups as United Religions Initiative,[19] the Parliament of the World’s Religions,[20] and the New York City-based Temple of Understanding.[21] Problem is, deceptive, one-world cries for “peace and safety” are destined instead for sudden destruction.[22]

The Sacred Self: PantheaCon, Paganicon, Festival of Faiths, International Day of Yoga (Kah, Hope for the World Update, 4-6)

Self-god purportedly paves the way for global co-existence. Toward this end, February 2016 will mark the twenty-second year for PantheaCon, serving the pagan community in the Bay Area of California with workshops on goddess spirituality, ceremonial magic, shamanism, and (you guessed it) green living. In March, Minneapolis, MN will host the annual convention, Paganicon, a nationally recognized event, drawing pagans (including Druids and Wiccans) to their sacred fires and rituals. Participating at the Kentucky-based Festival of Faiths, otherwise known as “the Sundance of the Sacred,” will be a potpourri of Hindu teachers, Islamic scholars, prominent mystics, and even an ambassador under six US presidents, Thomas Graham, Jr.

Dubbed a petri dish for postmodernism,[23] attendees of the Burning Man festival postulate “what the world could be” under pagan influence.[24] A standard-bearer of transformation and counterculture events, this clothing-optional event in the Black Rock Desert of northern Nevada is certain to inspire self-discovery, inclusiveness, and visions of global utopia.[25] Never mind the fate of pagan societies historically relegated to ignominy. Pagan pride is alive, well, and slated for global celebration with over one hundred public events to be held mostly in the US,[26] Canada, and Brazil, but increasingly in Chile, England, and Italy.

Interfaith Dialogue (Kah, Hope for the World Update, 4)

In February, the UN World Interfaith Harmony Week will coincide with a Toronto film festival exalting the Paradigm of the Sacred Bee. By gathering nectar and pollen from spiritual gardens of Moses, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna, Master Peter Deunov,[27] Master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov,[28] and other spiritual traditions, the “sacred bee” ostensibly ensures human survival by combining science, art, and spirituality into a collective, sacred attitude.[29]

Arguably, attitude and dialogue matter but, in the real world, they cannot possibly bridge the chasm between diametrically opposed, counterintuitive worldviews.[30] True, Tibetan Buddhism is among many pagan religions broadly accepted today, even in the West, but the wellborn son of a feudal lord who summoned fortune tellers at Buddha’s birth doesn’t hold a candle to the son of God. Despite Buddha’s title, Tahagata, or “truth-winner,” Jesus is Truth personified.[31] Whereas Buddha’s religion was devoid of the supernatural, the Spirit of the Lord was upon Jesus to heal, deliver, and restore.[32] While Jesus assumed the intrinsic character of a slave, Buddha felt elevated above peers;[33] and unlike Buddha, who abandoned his wife and son at his Great Going Forth, Jesus never broke sacred vows.[34]

Better to cast down imaginations that challenge the knowledge of God.[35] Forging fellowship of light with darkness is folly.[36] Case in point: Chrislam—that is, “ecumenical reconciliation” between Christianity and Islam. Truth be told, correct practice—i.e., orthopraxy—depends on orthodoxy, not congeniality, as Chrislam would have us to believe. Keep in mind the Qur’an explicitly subjugates People of the Book (Jews and Christians) as second-class citizens, subject to burdensome fees and Sharia Law. Believers are allowed to live, yes, but only under Islamic terms.

Moroccan scholar Fatema Mernissi fingers the centrality of fear within Islam, but the Bible equates God with love that casts out fear.[37] In the words of Caesar Farah, “Allah may vary his ordinances at pleasure, prescribing one set of laws for the Jews, another for the Christians, and still another for Muslims.” In contrast, with the God of the Bible, there is no partiality, no variableness—not even a shadow of turning![38]

According to Dr. Moorthy Muthuswamy, “About sixty-one percent of the contents of the Qur’an … speak ill of the unbelievers or call for their violent conquest; at best only 2.6 percent of the verses … show goodwill toward humanity.” To “gently unite” with Islamic zealots is inconceivable; nevertheless, the Doha Interfaith Conference intends to promote the same with interfaith dialogue aimed at resolving world conflicts by restoring peace and harmony.[39]

ISIS has yet to get the memo, but no problem. By merging “science” with spirituality, attendees of the annual Science of Consciousness conference commission assistance of quantum and neuroscience, artificial life and virtual reality, transformational encounters, paranormal experiences, and—of course—yoga to realize the vision.[40] However, as offspring of God, we ought not to think that the divine nature is like an image formed by the art and thought of man.[41]

Even so, today’s “inner voice of humanity” purportedly begs for “a pure moment of one” whereby, contrary to biblical mandate,[42] the clear boundary between physics and metaphysics is obliterated; and scientific study of the universe (cosmology) defers to its worship (cosmolatry).[43] The UN-endorsed International Day of Yoga may well create “elevated” consciousness, but “yoking with Brahman”[44] is an unlikely solution to climate change as proponents suggest. Truth be told, God Himself is sovereign over laws and principles that govern nature. Even the storms do His bidding.[45]


While the Bible advances no cosmic plan for global enlightenment, collaboration and empowerment apart from the Lord, Jesus Christ, what it does offer exceeds human imagination and desire. Ultimately, by His doing, the believer partakes of the divine nature—but only in measure and in strictest accordance with God’s plan. As recorded in John, Chapter 17, Jesus prayed to the Father that His followers would all be made “as one” together with the Father and Him (God incarnate).

To realize this destiny, the Christian disengages, not from terrestrial illusion, but rather from sin, defined biblically as “transgression of law.”[46] Jesus’ redemptive work bridged the sin gap and thereby provided believers access to Christlikeness.[47] In no way do they commandeer His godhood, but Christians share a common portion of the Father in much the same way that human offspring possess the nature of their biological parents. In fact and indeed, God’s children are fashioned over time so as to reflect “a measure of stature of the fullness of the Christ.”[48] Primordial awakening to the universal consciousness has nothing to do with it!

2016 Debra Rae – All Rights Reserved

Click here for part —–> 1, 2,


1. Carl Teichrib. Forcing Change, Volume 9, Issue 12, December 2015. Endnotes are drawn from this online publication.
2. Bible Prophecy Anticipates a new, one-world order in the bogus name of peace (Dan. 2, 4, 7; Re. 12, 13, 17) inclusive of:
• Its totalitarian nature, 2 Th. 2:4
• Its nature-worship component, Ro. 1:25; 1 Cor. 15:39
• Its “one mind” promoting what it claims to be the universal good, 2 Ti. 3:5; Re. 17:13-14
• Its fall from traditionalism (e.g., nuclear family to alternative lifestyles), Ro. 1:26
• Its heightened sense of human potential; humankind measuring all, 1 Jn.2:16 & 2 Ti. 3:2
• Its moral relativism; its calling light dark and dark light, 2 Pe. 2:1, 2, 15
• Its escalating ethnic issues, Mt. 24:7
• Its celebration of pride and ascent to the “higher self,” 2 Ti. 3:2; Ro. 7:24
• Its one-world religion which mirrors ancient mysteries, Re. 17:5
• Its animosity toward Christians, 2 Ti. 3:12
• Its broad expanse (peoples, nations, multitudes, tongues), Dan. 7:3; Re. 13:1: 17:5
• Its false gurus of “Christhood,” Mt. 24:5; 2 Ti. 3:13
• Its misplaced self-image, 2 Ti. 3:1-5
• Its misplaced loyalties, 2 Ti. 3:1-5
• Its misplaced godliness, 2 Ti. 3:1-5
• Its global brain trust, 2 Th. 2:10,12; Dan.11:39
3. Known as an international advocate of a global parliament and world federalism, Andreas Bummel is co-founder and director of the Committee for a Democratic United Nations, a non-partisan and non-governmental group located in Berlin. Andreas is a Council member of the World Federalist Movement-Institute for Global Policy in New York. Accessed 5 January 2016.
4. Hutter, Manfred (2005). “Baha’is.” In Jones, Lindsay. Encyclopedia of Religion 2. (Detroit, Michigan: Macmillan Reference). 737–740. Accessed 6 January 2016.
5. Gary H. Kah. “Global Calendar of Events 2016” (Noblesville, Indiana: Hope for the World Update. Winter 2016). 6: The Practical Politics of Global Integration in Brisbane, Australia, 13-14 June 2016.
6. “Surfer Rides World Record 78-Foot Wave.” BBC News. 12 May 2012. Accessed 29 January 2013.
7. With the exception of Buddhists.
8. 15 striking findings from 2015. Accessed 6 January 2016
9. No more than rehash of a very old lie, enticement to be like god is a timeless seduction. Described in the Bible as a beautiful, anointed cherub, Lucifer exalted himself above all others. He purposed to usurp humans as crown of God’s creation; even more, he wanted to become as god. With that very ambition, Lucifer seduced Eve to partake of the forbidden fruit of knowledge, reserved for God alone. Earth’s first lady, Eve, learned the hard way that “playing God” rendered no service to her relationship with God, her family, or humanity at large. As a result of self-god delusion, Lucifer fell as lightning from heaven; and both Adam and Eve were ousted from paradise. To this day, self-esteem has become the unremitting mantra of secularists and mystics alike. While secular humanists seek “a heightened sense of personal life,” New Age mystics journey inwardly in search of an alleged “spark of the divine.”
10. October 24 likewise commemorates UN Day. In 1971 the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution declaring United Nations Day an internationally observed public holiday.
11. Neale Donald Walsch is quoted as saying: “Our greatest invitation is to live in divinity, as divinity, and with divinity in every waking moment.”
12. Barbara Marx Hubbard of the World Future Society (which pinpoints who should be “sacrificed” to achieve the world’s desired population level for optimum sustainability) accepts that “we are Generation ONE, and our time is now.” The so-called “evolutionary woman” is awakened and connected through the heart by a passionate desire to express her unique creativity for the good Self and the whole human family. Ultimately, it is she who will guide humanity as this planet transitions toward a new world that ostensibly works for everyone.
13. Former Christian and now Buddhist mystic and Emergent thinker, Ken Wilbur identifies stages in one’s growth process. No stages can be skipped, as each step is an ingredient to a successor step to achieve one’s next highest Self until, at a certain point, Oneness emerges.
14. After Jean Houston married Robert Masters in 1965, the couple gained notoriety for their work in human potential. In 1982, Houston began teaching on “the ancient mystery schools.” Upon suggesting an imaginary meeting between Hillary Clinton and the deceased Eleanor Roosevelt, she became known as “Hillary’s Guru.”
15. Dr. Ervin Laszlow co-authored Oneness Declaration – Sixteen Hallmarks of the New Consciousness. In his view, the wisdom of the One Heart is awakened to the consciousness of Oneness to preserve our beautiful planet.
16. Firmly based in theosophy, and founded by George King in the mid-1950s, the Aetherius Society resulted from alleged contacts with extraterrestrial intelligences (“Cosmic Masters,” telepathically contacted and channeled). The Society combines UFO claims and yoga with diverse ideas from world religions.
17. Starting in 1952 as a successor to his earlier self-help system, Dianetics (metaphysical relationship between mind and body), the Church of Scientology promotes a body of beliefs and related practices created by L. Ron Hubbard. Dianetics. “Remember Venus?” Time Magazine. 1952-12-22. Accessed 20 July 2007.
18. In the Light is an interfaith organization on behalf of Hindu-Muslim relationships.
19. Founded by William E. Swing, the non-profit United Religions Initiative is a global grassroots interfaith network that engages people to cultivate peace and justice, to bridge religious and cultural differences, and to work together for the common good.
20. The 14th Session of the Parliament of the World’s Religions met December 27-29, 2015, in Kolkata, India, to endorse aims and objectives of the Provisional World Parliament. Over the course of twenty-five years, 145 Honorary Sponsors have come alongside acts, resolutions, and memorials that the Parliament adopts. Sponsors represented a plethora of faith traditions. Many serve (or have served) in key positions at the United Nations.
21. Founded in 1960 by Juliet Hollister and located in New York City, the Temple of Understanding is an interfaith organization that, in its early years, convened large “Spiritual Summits” in Calcutta and Geneva. The Temple brought together religious/ spiritual leaders of diverse traditions to engage in dialogue and thereby address problems of intolerance, injustice, and religious persecution. The TOU maintains a strong presence at the United Nations.
22. UN International Day of Peace and Vigil, September 21 (Kah, Hope for the World Update, 7) with 1 Thessalonians 5:3
23. Postmodernism acknowledges no “grand metanarrative”—that is, no big story. For this reason, truth is perceived as nothing more than a social or personal construction. It is more often than not self-serving. Without God and His Plan, reality dissolves into paltry bits and pieces (Isaiah 14:12-20; Ezekiel 28:11-19).
24. The Bible expressly forbids paganism as an abomination that excludes adherents from the Kingdom of God (Exodus 20:1-26; Deuteronomy 18:9-12; 2 Corinthians 6:9-11).
25. The Burning Man (August 25-September 1) is a massive, transformational festival and clothing-optional counterculture celebration of inclusiveness, radical self-reliance and expression, and community. Building a temporary utopian community in the Black Rock Desert of northern Nevada, tens of thousands engage in bohemian living, “self discovery,” sexual adventurism, pagan encounters. At the end of the week, a wooden effigy is ritually razed to the ground.
26. In 1892, the U.S. Supreme Court declared, “Our laws and our institutions must necessarily be based upon the teachings of the Redeemer of Mankind. It is impossible that it should be otherwise; and in this sense and to this extent, our civilization and our institutions are emphatically Christian.” Even so, people of other faiths historically have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship. (The Pluralism Project at Harvard University)
27. Also known by his spiritual name Beinsa Douno, Peter Deunov (1864-1944) was a Bulgarian philosopher and spiritual teacher, called “the Master” by followers. Touted as “the most published Bulgarian author to this day,” he developed a form of Esoteric Christianity. J. Gordon Melton; Martin Baumann (21 September 2010). Religions of the World, Second Edition: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Beliefs and Practices. 59.
28. A leading 20th-century teacher of Western Esotericism in Europe, Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov (1900-1986) was a Bulgarian philosopher, pedagogue, alchemist, mystic, magus, and astrologer. He was a disciple of the universal spiritual Master Beinsa Douno, founder of the Universal White Brotherhood practicing prayer, meditation, breathing exercises, yoga of nutrition, and paneurhythmy dance. Aïvanhov taught “perennial wisdom” expressed through ancient principles of initiatic science —i.e., in the higher world, all things are linked—consistent with one’s level of spiritual evolution. Cosmic laws govern the universe and humans—the macrocosm and microcosm, respectively—with exchanges constantly taking place between them. Esoteric Christians seek the “Kingdom of God on earth” within the sacred self.
29. The Sacred Bee Paradigm gently unites world religions by means of science (providing healthful nutrition and healing with bee products, called apitherapy), art (capturing the essence of world religions likened to pollen), and religion (ancient folklore surrounding Shamanic ways of the bee). Accessed 4 January 2016.
30. Talk is cheap. That is to say, it’s easier for one to say he will do something than actually do it.
31. John 14:62
32. Luke 4:18
33. Philippians 2:7
34. John 14:6
35. 2 Corinthians 10:5
36. 2 Corinthians 6:14
37. 1 John 4:8,18
38. Acts 10:34; James 1:17
39. Doha Interfaith Conference, February 16-17 in Doha, Qatar (Kah, Hope for the World Update, 4)
40. The Science of Consciousness, April 25-30 in Tucson, Arizona (Kah, Hope for the World Update, 5)
41. Acts 17:29
42. 2 Corinthians 6:17; Isaiah 52:11
43. Romans 1:20ff
44. Sanskrit for “union,” yoga is the means for “yoking with Brahman” (the god-head in Hinduism). It facilitates mystical union with a personal deity through the practice of self-hypnosis to rise above the senses by abstract meditation.
45. Psalm 148:8
46. 1 John 3:4
47. 2 Peter 1:4
48. Ephesians 4:13 (Young’s Literal Translation)

Donald Trump will be our next president

On March 15, Donald Trump won 5 states. Cruz won zip. Here are the delegates to date:

After losing his home state of Florida, Marco Rubio dropped out.

Kasich barely won his home state of Ohio only because Rubio and Cruz told their supporters to vote for Kasich. Kasich should drop out.

Here’s the summary.

For Kasich to get 1237 delegates, he needs to win 106 percent of the remaining delegates. That can’t happen.

For Cruz to get 1237 delegates, he needs to win 79 percent of the remaining delegates. That won’t happen.

For Trump to get 1237 delegates, he needs to win 53 percent of the remaining delegates. That will happen.

Here’s why Trump will get over 1237 delegates.

The March 13 poll shows Trump’s national popularity rose from 40% a month ago to 53% today.

Trump gained popularity while the GOP elite tried to take him down. Trump gained support while the media blamed the Soros-funded Democratic riots, in Chicago, Dayton, and Kansas City, on Trump.

Trump will win the “winner take all” states of Arizona, Wisconsin, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Nebraska, California, Montana, New Jersey, and South Dakota. And he will dominate the “proportional” delegate states of New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Oregon, Washington, and New Mexico.

That’s enough to give Trump over 1400 delegates.

How the GOP wastes money.

The GOP’s attack on Donald Trump has nothing to do with his platform. It has everything to do with who controls Washington DC. The elite are scared Donald Trump will end their power over America.

They are right. Trump will return the power back to the American people where it belongs. As more Americans catch on to this fact, they will support Donald Trump.

The GOP elite, led by Mitt Romney, spent more money trying to stop Donald Trump than they did to try to stop Obama from winning in 2012. Makes you wonder whose side they are on.

Romney cost Trump Idaho. The Mormons in southeast Idaho who previously supported Trump voted for Cruz. Utah will likely vote for Cruz even though their values differ from Cruz’s values. Mormons seem to follow their leaders more than Catholics follow their Pope.

The GOP elite wasted $35 million on attack ads against Trump in Florida and Illinois. Trump spent no money to counter the GOP attack. Trump won Florida and Illinois significantly.

This is why we need Trump. The GOP elite don’t know how to manage money. Trump does.

Why a brokered convention will fail.

Some anti-Trump folks want a brokered convention to choose Romney, Ryan, Rubio, or Bush. They think these losers can beat Hillary. They think wrong.

The latest RCP poll shows Obama has a 51 percent approval rating. Obama has had a 49 to 51 percent approval rating for the past year.

Some anti-Trump folks claim face-off polls show another candidate would do better than Trump. They do not understand data. Face-off polls mean nothing. The general public can barely keep up with the present election, much less forecast an election that has not even begun.

The only way a Republican candidate can win the presidency is to pull votes from Democrats, Independents, and voters who have never voted before.

Donald Trump is the only candidate who has brought in new voters. Trump brings Democrats, Independents, and Republicans who had given up on the Republican Party.

Donald Trump has doubled and even tripled the number of Republican primary voters that Romney pulled in 2012. Trump’s new voters are there for only one reason: to vote for Donald Trump. They are the voters the GOP establishment screwed and long ago forgot.

If the GOP feeds them any candidate but Trump, these Trump voters will not vote GOP. Any candidate but Trump will lose to Hillary by a greater margin than Romney lost to Obama in 2012.

Many GOP elites have announced publicly they prefer Hillary over Donald Trump. They don’t belong in the GOP. They are Democrats.

There are only four kinds of voters. Which are you?

1. American: You want Donald Trump to be our next president.
2. Irrational Democrat: You want a brokered convention.
3. Delusional Democrat: You want Ted Cruz to be our next president.
4. Real Democrat: You want Hillary Clinton to be our next president.

It does not matter who you claim you are. We judge you by the results of your actions. If your actions help elect Hillary, you are a Democrat.

Irrational Democrats and Delusional Democrats are Democrats. If you are undecided, you are a Democrat.

There are only two sides.

Let’s be clear. There are only two sides in America right now. You are either for Trump or you are against Trump.

Dr. Ben Carson supports Donald Trump. Ben Carson is an American.

Ben Carson explained, according to Michele Hickford in

“The key thing for me was recognizing that the political establishment was pulling out all the stops to try to stop Trump. It seems to me that’s thwarting the will of the people. The people are the ones who are supposed to make the decision.”

Why a vote for Ted Cruz is Irrational.

The national YouGov poll has Cruz in second place with 22%, less than half of Trump’s support.

Cruz’s support comes from two sources: Very Conservative Evangelicals “Tea Party” (VCEs) voters who are Delusional Democrats and anti-Trump voters who are Irrational Democrats.

Don’t confuse “Very Conservative Evangelicals” with “Moderate Evangelicals.” Moderate Evangelicals support Trump.

Ted Cruz does not represent Tea Party values. Tea Party leader Debbie Dooley wrote in Breitbart:

I was disheartened to learn that you [Ted Cruz] recently joined progressives and Republican establishment elitists by attacking millions of activists like me that support Donald Trump by calling us low information voters.

I would encourage you to climb down out of your Ivy League tower and find out just who we are and why we decided to support Donald Trump.

You would find among Trump supporters people that cherish the U.S. Constitution and The Bill of Rights. We have watched as candidates pledge to uphold the Constitution on the campaign trail and once elected they forget about their pledge in order to institute policy supported by their donors. We know until the corrupt D.C. system is upended, the Constitution will continue to be ignored.

Cruz is a Dominionist

Cruz is not your normal Evangelical. Cruz is an extreme rightwing evangelical Dominionist. He wants to replace our Constitution with his version of God’s laws. He believes God called him and anointed him to be president so his church can control America.

Cruz does not do tithing. His tax records show he made over $1 million per year from 2006 to 2010 and he gave ZIP to his church.

Cruz is a serial liar.

In the past month Cruz has told more lies about Donald Trump than we can count. Cruz believes the end justifies the means. Smart Evangelicals will drop Cruz and vote for Trump.

Cruz supports a pastor who tells you to kill gays.

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow reviewed the anti-gay diatribe by wacko Pastor Kevin Swanson at a National Religious Liberties Conference. Swanson held up his Bible as he shouted that God commands we kill all homosexuals.

Then, right after his sermon, Swanson introduced presidential candidate Ted Cruz who walked on stage and shook Swanson’s hand.

Cruz is a Globalist.

Cruz, like Obama, is a globalist. He supports NAFTA. He was a policy advisor for Bush/Cheney. Canada Cruz wants open borders, amnesty, and no wall.

Cruz’s wife Heidi is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and an executive in Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs wants a North American Union. Cruz wants to be the first president of the North American Union, which would join Canada, USA, and Mexico into one union.

Cruz can’t negotiate.

In two debates, Donald Trump said he would try to negotiate a peace agreement between Israel and its neighbors. Cruz called such a negotiation a compromise of “principles.” Cruz said he would never compromise his “principles” for the sake of a negotiation.

Twice in the debates, Cruz called negotiation “moral relativism.” Cruz believes in “moral absolutism,” which means, “It’s my way or the highway.” Cruz cannot negotiate.

Cruz is an economic moron.

Donald Trump said he would improve America’s economy by using tariffs where necessary. Cruz claimed tariffs would raise prices and harm the economy.

Cruz does not understand feedback. Cruz sees only the immediate price effect of tariffs. Cruz does not realize that Trump’s tariffs would protect America’s manufacturing jobs and even bring manufacturing jobs back to America.

To have a good economy, America must manufacture its own goods where it makes sense. Manufacturing jobs pay higher wages. These higher wages more than make up for tariffs on imports.

Cruz choose the wrong side in the Chicago riot.

George Soros funded the riot in Chicago. Rioters included Sanders’ supporters, known members of ISIS, and Bill Ayers. Police reports show the riot was much worse than most media told you.

Riots are illegal at events protected by the US Secret Service.

Breitbart reported:

The most stunning part of this whole storyline is perhaps not that liberals got violent trying to stop him: It’s that Trump’s GOP primary opponents, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Ohio Gov. John Kasich, blamed him and not the violent liberals for the chaos. reported:

Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and John Kasich sided with Bill Ayers, Black Lives Matter, Communists and violent far left protesters.

Ted Cruz lost support of prominent conservatives.

Cruz is not fit to be president.

Cruz is ineligible.

Cruz’s VCEs claim they are “constitutionalists.” Yet they support Cruz who is not a “natural born citizen.”

Lawrence Tribe, Cruz’s Harvard law professor, says Cruz is ineligible to be president. When Cruz was born in Canada in 1970, the Canadian government did not allow dual citizenship. It required Cruz’s parents to choose between USA and Canada for Ted Cruz’s citizenship. They choose Canadian.

Ted Cruz was still a Canadian citizen when Texas elected him to the US Senate. He illegally served in the US Senate because was not a US citizen. Cruz is dishonest and unethical. See video below.

In 2014, Cruz became a “naturalized” citizen. This is further proof he is not a “natural born citizen.” Cruz knows he is not eligible to be president. So he lies about it.

Don’t expect the 5 or so eligibility lawsuits filed by non-candidates to stop Cruz. Only Donald Trump can prevail in an eligibility lawsuit against Canada Cruz. Trump’s lawyers are ready to prove Cruz is not eligible. The problem is politics.

If Trump files the lawsuit, he may lose votes because the general public does not respond well to negative actions. So Trump must decide if and when he will drop his “trump” card on Cruz. Meanwhile, the best way to beat Cruz is with more votes.

To resolve the “natural born citizen” issue, elect Donald Trump. He will ask Congress to define “natural born citizen.”


Americans will vote for Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is the only Republican candidate who can and will win the presidency.

He is the only candidate with the necessary and proven CEO experience to run American and to save our economy.

Trump will win the final election against Hillary by a landslide.

He will choose the best people for his cabinet and advisers. He already has Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Carl Icahn, Rudy Giuliani, and other superstars on his team.

Trump will choose the best Generals and Admirals. Trump will not micromanage how they do their job.

Trump will choose the best science adviser. I hope Trump contacts Princeton Professor of Physics Will Happer.

Trump will not take orders from the CFR. Trump will audit the Fed. Trump will build America’s economy. We need a strong economy to make America great again.

I stand with those who want to build up America. I am an American.

© 2016 Edwin X Berry, PhD – All Rights Reserved

Ridicule warriors

When Resisting Syrian “Refugees” Gets Personal

“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.” —Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals #5 [1]

On November 16, 2015, Indiana Governor Mike Pence[2] announced: “In the wake of the horrific attacks in Paris, effective immediately, I am directing all state agencies to suspend the resettlement of additional Syrian refugees in the state of Indiana pending assurances from the federal government that proper security measures have been achieved,”

The Governors of 25 other states joined Pence in refusing Syrian refugees asylum. Republican front presidential runner Donald Trump called accepting Syrian asylum seekers “insane.” President Obama responded by Tweeting; [3] “Slamming the door in the face of refugees would betray our deepest values. That’s not who we are. And it’s not what we’re going to do.”

On November 25th, the ACLU [4] filed a lawsuit against Pence in federal court on behalf of Exodus Refugee Immigration, the nonprofit that had planned to help a Syrian family of three resettle in Indiana. According to Judy Rabinovitz, deputy legal director of the ACLU’s immigrants’ rights project and spokesperson for the ACLU, “He does not have the power to pick and choose between which lawfully admitted refugees he is willing to accept. Singling out Syrian refugees for exclusion from Indiana is not only ethically wrong, it is unconstitutional. Period.”

On February 29, a federal court denied Indiana’s effort to prevent resettlement of Syrian refugee families. The same Judy Rabinovitz, responded to the results of the lawsuit: “This ruling puts the brakes on Governor Pence’s end run around the Constitution, no state can unilaterally ban a group of refugees that has been vetted and admitted by the federal government. By trying to block Syrian families based solely on their nationality, Indiana is flouting federal law, the U.S. Constitution, and our fundamental American values of providing refuge for families fleeing war and violence.”

Six days later, Alinsky’s lackeys at the New York Times responded to the decision in an op-ed piece entitled “A Judge’s Message to the Xenophobes.” [5] True to their Leninist/Alinsky roots, the editors of the New York Times pull out the mockery tool from Alinsky’s handy toolbox and smear anyone who opposes the asylum of Syrian refugees in their state.

Using such inflammatory statements as “The shameless display of jingoism was prompted by the Paris shooting massacre in November and fears — wildly driven by the Republican presidential rivals — that terrorists could infiltrate the United States as refugees despite a resettlement process that is one of the strictest in the world;” and “The ruling delivered a jolt of reality to the xenophobic politics now inflaming the presidential primary campaign. The state was forced to concede that it does not really have the authority to bar refugees from crossing into Indiana, a concession that no Republican governor was willing to make in the states-rights bombast of last fall;” the article matches the best propaganda of Joseph Goebbels.

Terrorists could enter the US through the refugee program? Maybe if the editors spent more time reading newspapers other than their own rag they would understand that terrorists have entered the US through the refugee program. How about the machete wielding Mohamed Barry, [6] a Somalian Muslim immigrant that hacked four people in a Columbus Ohio Israeli owned restaurant; Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, [7] the Kuwaiti born murderer of four marines in Chattanooga, TN; the Boston Marathon bombers , Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and his older brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, [8] were Russian Muslim Immigrants , Tamerlan had been given US citizenship three months before he and his brother set off the bombs which killed three and wounded more than 260 others; Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, [9] the Muslim San Bernardino couple who killed fourteen and wounded another twenty two at a Christmas party, Syad was a natural born citizen but Tashfeen was an immigrant from Pakistan who went through the very same “resettlement process that is one of the strictest in the world” that the New York Times Alinskyites tells us to trust.

Then, in a masterpiece of deceit, the same editors that support every anti-Christian lawsuit the ACLU engages in, tells us how Donald Trump, with his “venomous nativism;” “falsely suggested that federal officials steered Syrian refugees to states with Republican governors, when in fact resettlement decisions are made by mainstream social agencies like the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Mr. Trump’s claim was one more example of propaganda being used to distort the truth on the refugee issue.” Let that sink in, the most rabid supporters [10] of the nonexistent Constitutional “separation of church and state” are telling us it is not the federal government that is selecting where the refugees are headed, but the Conference of CATHOLIC Bishops, [11] along with other social agencies (six out of ten are “Christian” based while the seventh is Hebrew). The other nine others are Catholic Charities USA; [12] Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Services; [13] World Relief Corporation; [14] Church World Services; [15] Episcopal Migration Ministries; [16] Hebrew International Aid Society; [17] International Rescue Committee; [18] US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants [19] and Ethiopian Community Development Council. [20] So the separation between church is solid when it comes time to block anything Christian but non-existent when it comes time to stop Muslim immigrants that are NOT properly vetted. [21] Once again, the level of treachery coming from the main stream media is staggering.

Continuing on with the Times opportunistic love for religion and the state together, they forget to mention how much money these same voluntary agencies (VOLAGs) make by being so charitable to these refugees. As Michael Patrick Leahy [22] explains; in 2015, [23] the State Department, through the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration and the Office of Refugee Resettlement, spent more than $1 billion on these programs, which settled international refugees “vetted” by the United Nations High Commission [24] on International Refugees in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Then these Ministry of Truth [25] wannabes close with this colossal lie: “The fact is, the refugee resettlement program in this country involves a cautiously paced investigative process that contrasts sharply with the uncontrollable floods of refugees in Europe that Republican politicians are using to arouse terrorist fears in this country. Over three million people fleeing persecution and war have been investigated and welcomed to the United States in the last four decades. Syrian refugees must be no less welcome.”

Oh really? Maybe the spin masters are right, maybe the 12-21million illegal aliens residing in the US do not constitute an “uncontrollable wave” of immigrants;” maybe it should be called Operation Barbarossa [26] on steroids.



1. Rules for Radicals
2. Indiana Governor Pence Suspends Syrian Refugee Resettlement
3. ACLU sues Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, demands state accept Syrian refugees
4. President Obama takes to Twitter to make his case for refugees
5. A Judge’s Message to the Xenophobes
6. Jihad in Columbus: Somali Muslim Attacks Restaurant Owned by Israeli Christian
7. Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
8. Tsarnaev brothers’ homeland was war-torn Chechnya
9. San Bernardino Terrorists Receive Traditional Islamic Burial
10. The New York Times, Church-State Law, and Equality
11. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
12. Catholic Charities USA
14. World Relief Corporation
15. Church World Services
16. Episcopal Migration Ministries
17. Hebrew International Aid Society
18. International Rescue Committee
19. US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants
20. Ethiopian Community Development Council
21. FBI Says There IS No Way to Vet Incoming Syrian Refugees
22. Unholy Alliance: Christian Charities Profit from $1 Billion Fed Program to Resettle Refugees, 40 Percent Muslim
23. Proposed Refugee Admissions for Fiscal Year 2015
24. CIS study: UN is choosing who will be NEW Americans!
25. Ministries of Nineteen Eighty-Four
26. Operation Barbarossa

© 2016 – Steven Neill – All Rights Reserved

Right versus wrong – standards versus feelings

I recently received this email from a guru who teaches about buying and selling notes, a contracted financial instrument where one party promises to pay another party a determinate sum. The subject is not notes, rather, it is an opinion about a subject with societal import.

[From: Jack Sternberg-NoteWorthy []
Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2016 9:55 AM
Subject: [NoteWorthy Newsletter] Not the Right or the Left – Right and Wrong Matter]

Hi Again,

When you were a kid, you might have justified certain behaviors to your parents with the classic kid line “but everyone was doing it.” They’d ask you back: “If everyone else were jumping off a bridge, would you, too?” Supposedly, the lesson was to think for yourself; don’t let the crowd form your thoughts or determine your behavior. The question is, now as adults, are we following peers off those bridges?

We all get that the United States has a political structure that’s designed as a two-party system. Sure, there are more than two in actuality – minor-league groups – and people call themselves “independent,” but basically there are Democrats and Republicans.

Left or right. Right or left.

And if you’ve been paying attention over the years, you might notice that there’s a bigger divide than ever playing out. The aisle between right and left is widening. This is occurring, at least in part, because career politicians backed by big money supporters rely on appealing to the basest of the base ideologies of their respective parties.

I don’t think you have to belong to one party or another to realize this is the case, and if you can look at things objectively, you might notice that, whichever your party, you can see how it’s become more liberal or more conservative. I think people in both parties would hate to hear this, but if you do some research and look up the stances on multiple issues of both Ronald Reagan (revered/reviled conservative) and Barack Obama (revered/reviled liberal), you’d learn that they actually aren’t far off on many things.

I’ve written before that we’ve become this nation of ideological extremes. Politics are combat, not compromise.

Recently, I’ve been reading about the commuting of criminals’ sentences by President Obama. In case you haven’t heard, he’s ordered the release from prison those convicted years ago for crimes that are dealt with much less harshly today. For example, there were people back in late 1980s and early 1990s that were given life sentences for non-violent, drug-related crimes.

These days, life sentences for non-violent crimes are rare. Many who were sentenced decades ago would have already served their time had they been sentenced under today’s laws. Why does this matter? Well, it’s hard to justify keeping a guy in prison for 40 years in Colorado for selling marijuana when, these days, it’s legal there and the government is profiting from it.

Of course, those who consider themselves Democrats support the president’s commuting of certain sentences. And those who consider themselves Republicans don’t. Don’t you think, though, that they’re looking at the issue from a purely partisan political perspective, rather than something much simpler?

Right and wrong.

Maybe the drug offenders’ releases from prison aren’t the greatest example for you. If you, like many people, believe drugs ruin families and communities, then maybe you believe small-time drug convicts should spend their lives in jail. Do you think that because you really feel that way, or because that’s the way those you share a political party affiliation with feel that way?

I’m not going to reveal my own political leanings here, but I know that I can put political ideals aside when I examine the criminal sentencing issue. If you can look at things logically, does it make sense that a guy busted with too much weed back in 1990 gets the same prison time as Bernie Madoff, who committed the biggest financial fraud in history, stealing $80 billion from many, many victims?

Maybe worse, what about the convicted child molester, who, yeah, might have to register his address the rest of his life, but will likely get out of prison much, much earlier than someone caught selling drugs in the late ‘80s. Is this right?

Or is it wrong? That’s the choice. Not right or left.

A bigger disappointment in someone I know is the real reason I’m writing about this now. This person, whom I believe to be more influenced by his political leanings than the average individual, was complaining about criminals being released from jail. But he wasn’t talking about Obama’s commutations.

He was talking about criminals being released after re-examinations of DNA evidence revealed they were innocent. There’s a big difference between physical proof of a wrongful conviction and the commuting of drug sentences that some see as too harsh. If you’re proven by science to be innocent, shouldn’t you be let free? Isn’t this even a simpler, cut-and-dried case of right and wrong?

Not for my acquaintance, whom I will never name. His political beliefs have blinded him to the difference between the two circumstances, which are very different despite both involving convicts released from prison.

Logic would make it a matter of right and wrong. The influence of hardline partisan politics has made it a matter of right and left for him. I feel like his sense of party overwhelmed his logic.

And he jumped off the bridge because everyone else was doing it.
Hope this helps,


I responded:

You bring up the “fairness” argument, a good subject, but give very selective context.

Punishments are mostly based upon two thoughts, 1. The current law, 2. The disposition of the judge. As laws change, so do the punishments. The Constitution, Article 1, Section 10, does not allow for ex post facto Law, the prosecution of old crimes based upon a new law. This is only fair and logical. Something is not a crime until there is law making that action a crime. New crime can only be punished by the new standard. In the same way, using the same logic, a new punishment standard does not allow for old punishments to be done away with, excepting a pardon. You cannot take a 10 year sentence, which has newly been reduced to five years and readjust the sentence of all those criminals who are serving under the old punishment.

There is the argument that the Constitution is a “living document.” You broaden that idea to having “living punishments.” I do understand that your sense of what is right and wrong can be affected when yesterday’s punishment does not fit today’s crime. However, today’s political uproar and desire for a better way is a direct result of the significant problems stemming from a “living” or changing standard.

Sadly, gone is the understanding, even at the Supreme Court level, that the reason for having a Constitution is to put down a set of standards that are inviolate. The notion of an inviolable standard has been taken over by textualism, the idea that everything is open to discussion, which automatically means that there are no standards. How then is a society to move forward with surety? It cannot. The result is our current upheaval and chaos. Our societies upset is real, as can be seen by the increasingly disparate political opinions engulfing this nation.

Constitutional standards are lost through textualism or a ‘living’ Constitution


Article 1, Section 8: Congress has power “To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin,”

Article 1, Section 10: No state shall, “make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts;”

It is clear that the Founders did not want paper money, for they knew that fiat currency and the inflation it brings is the secret thief used by governments past to promote themselves. However, a changing mindset, a different view, the “living” Constitutional standard, a public without knowledge, allowed FDR to promote and for Congress to pass a mere resolution voiding this Constitutional prohibition against paper money. By voiding the Gold Standard, our government took the opportunity to spend, spend and spend some more. All “for our own good” of course. Need I say that the massive US debt is close to bringing down our entire society? This is the harm of change.

A “living” 10 Commandments. Change the name to The 10 Suggestions!

As a contrast, let’s look at the idea of a “living” Ten Commandments, like we do the “living” US Constitution. People are hungry and poor. Does this mean that we should allow for wanton theft of food, goods and money? Is the dictum against stealing elastic, or is it so necessary to a functioning society that it must be inviolate? I certainly understand that the punishment for taking an apple should be different than robbing a bank, and so does Talmud, from which much of Common Law is derived.

When special interests infiltrate our education and other institutions, over time, and to such a degree, that a substantial part of society has changed its mind on issues, something becomes “the old way” to them. Yet, there are many who cleave to the standard way of doing things. To be conservative, typically means to hold precedent in high regard, be it cultural traditions or law. Conservatism understands that ideas and feelings have developed in humans over long periods of time, that they develop for good reason, and that they are meant to have a bear hug hold on our mind, so as to help keep generations functioning in a similar way, at a similar level, using the same values. This is how societies develop their culture and retain their unique aspects.

However, the Progressivism of the last 100 years has dramatically imposed itself upon our society – mostly for the worse, but at the insistent urging and calculation of those in charge, who have their own purposes in mind. This last idea is conversation worth having.

Many examples can be given of changing standards and lowered expectations, but possibly the best example of bad Progressivism is the idea that change is good, that nothing is sacred and that self-restraint is passé, i.e. “if it feels good, do it.” Acceptance and tolerance can seem like a good idea, especially if we believe in “equality.” However, when we “accept” and when we “tolerate” we also lower the standards upon which our society had accepted as valuable. The emphasis on self-esteem has lowered standards to such a degree that the last two generations are acknowledged to be narcissistic. A narcissistic people is very open to Authoritarianism, a very drastic change from our history.

Western Civilization and the US in particular developed faster than other parts of the world precisely because we felt the opposite, that self-restraint and personal responsibility were the cornerstone of personal behavior. This, along with a religiously based moral code, is what allows freedom to prevail. Part of this mindset was the development of the Common Law, i.e. law and judicial rulings based upon common sense and precedent. We have gone to statute to correct perceived wrongs and our society has never been in worse shape.

Correcting yesterday’s wrongs, but in the wrong way

The impulse to correct yesterday’s real or perceived faults has had dramatic negative consequences. By not staying on the gold standard, we have had run-a-way inflation, necessitating that woman must work, a great societal change. We have gone from holding a woman in high regard to today’s wanton date rape. We’ve gone from very few births out of wedlock, e.g. 5% in 1960 to 44% illegitimate births with about 75% illegitimate amongst Americans of African descent. To achieve equality, we have lowered the standards of the military to allow woman in combat. Woman now serve in the line in fire and police departments.

Changing standards, to promote equality, put men in much greater danger.

However, the greater danger to the lives and limbs of men are, seemingly, not a part of the Equality Calculation. I would bet that statistics of how women have increased injury to men are not kept, because it would not be politically correct to do so.

Similarly, we take in refugees, a wonderful US trait, despite our leaders knowing full well that terrorists will be amongst them. I ask you to please give me the politically correct calculation: How many saved refugees equals how many hurt or dead Americans because of the havoc from an infiltrated terrorist? Additionally, on certain college campuses, “feelings” based logic of the politically correct crowd, which is not logic at all, have conjured up the notion that certain words are not protected free speech and that you can be punished severely by uttering them, e.g. saying anything other than “Black Lives Matter.”

Seemingly, acceptance and tolerance are to be imposed upon the traditionally oriented population. But, those who scream “intolerance” seem able to be hypocritical with impunity. More changing standards.

The idea that new evidence proving innocence should release an imprisoned person is beyond just, it is righteous. However, under normal circumstances, at the time, the criminal knew the price of the crime he was committing, and he went forward in spite of the danger. The harm caused to victims has not remitted, why should the punishment? One of the best ideas of the Founders was that each state should be able to decide its own path. That Colorado has temporarily lost its mind and leads the nation in jumping off a cliff is no reason that the rest of US should follow. Nor is it a reason for holding your position that Arizona or New York should follow Colorado’s poor example.

Let us suppose that you purchase a note and that your ROI, Return On Investment, is 18%. Based upon your idea of all having the same standard, you should not seek more than 5% ROI, or to be in line with the current mortgage rate, because it is not “fair” that you should profit from someone else’s situation. The idea of “fairness” can be very elastic, based upon the political calculation and motivation of any person.

That someone should impose their idea of what is fair onto your situation is another new change. Now, everyone’s opinion is taken into account before you can do with your property what you wish – even though you are the one paying the property taxes, not them. How is it fair for someone to stop you from doing something to your property for your convenience or profit? Are they paying you the difference for your loss of profit or convenience? No! There now seems to be the idea that we all are a “village” and we all have an equal say. Hello Socialism and despotism, goodbye personal responsibility and freedom. More change for the worse.

When skipping a flat stone across water, each skip causes a ripple. In the same way, each change has a consequence, each consequence leads to other consequences. This culminates, slowly, to an entirely new culture and to a new country. See the country that awaits US because of the imposed acceptance of lowered standards: [Link]

In this case, your ideas of right and wrong are not based in the logic of justice, but rather, are based upon feelings of injustice. I know that you can’t help it; I struggle also, for we both come from a tradition which upholds righteousness. It is part of our common and long developed attitudes and traditions. Talmud teaches us that feelings sway, but logic does not alter. We must be careful to not let feelings alter logic.

I welcome your response.

2016 Mitchell Goldstein – All Rights Reserved

America a nation of immigrants: not really

Up until 1965, 95 percent of Americans became Americans by being born within the United States. Yet, political propaganda tells us that we are a “nation of immigrants.”

In this ongoing series of interviews with former U.S. Army officer, 1st Calvary, George Phelps, he takes a different approach to our nation.

“I’ve been hearing for years that we are “A Nation of Immigrants,” said Phelps. “Not true: it’s propaganda. I decided to research that well-known phrase to see just where that came from. I looked through our Constitution at great length, and I couldn’t find anything there about us being “A Nation of Immigrants.”

“Of course, the Statue of Liberty has a phrase on it that says “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless; tempest-tossed to me I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” However the statue of liberty’s declaration is NOT the law of our land. It’s a philosophical phrase only. And, officials tacked it to the base years after the construction of the statue.

“Here’s what I discovered about the origin of the phrase, A Nation of Immigrants. It first appeared as the title of a book written by John F. Kennedy—“A Nation of Immigrants.” This was a propaganda book pushing his legislation to end the ‘quota system.’ It was written in 1958 to promote Senator Kennedy’s changes to the immigration system. Later it became a ‘campaign tool’ to pass an Act known as the Hart-Cellar Act. This act was the beginning of the immigration dilemma we’re dealing with today. According to my ‘research’ the ‘phrase’ is political, primarily designed to help pass certain pieces of immigration legislation. A re-issuance of JFKs book, by Ted Kennedy, was a part of the legislation intended to ‘erode’ our borders.

“Even in the 1920s and 30s the sociologists of immigration did not use the term ‘nation of immigrants.’ It wasn’t until the 1950s that the phrase began to be used by Americans.

“In an effort to prevent Congress from including national origins quotas in the 1952 McCarran-Walter Act Harry Truman began declaring that “the United States was and always has been a nation of immigrants.”

“So there it is. That phrase has no legal authority, but has been used as a propaganda tool for the ‘no quota’ and ‘open borders’ advocates.

“As I understand it, President Kennedy’s position on Immigration was outlined in his book “A Nation of Immigrants.” President Kennedy felt that no immigrants should be excluded from entry into the United States, either by country of origin or race.

“In President Kennedy’s book; “A Nation of Immigrants,” his essential argument is that Americans are all immigrants — and therefore excluding certain immigrants from certain nations is “nothing more than racism.” He was very explicit that Mexicans were targets of racial preferences.

“However, I personally don’t believe he would have been in favor of open boarders and the entry into this country of people who did not abide by America’s legal system of admitting immigrants. As I mentioned, it has become an invasion of ‘immigrants’ accompanied by terrorists, drug traffickers, human traffickers, people with diseases, no particular working skills, and they ‘impose different and alien value systems on our society.’ I don’t think President Kennedy could have anticipated the immigration problems we have today. He most certainly wouldn’t have imagined the invasion of Muslims in this country.

“This is the problem we face today, and we must stem this tide of people, especially those from third world countries who have no concept of hygiene, and carry all sorts of diseases some of which we had resolved in this country and are once again on the increase. Certainly we know the problem with terrorism, and yet our government refuses to secure the borders, the airways and the ports of entry.

“And just recently, a flood of illegal juveniles have entered our country from Central America; This flood of illegal ‘immigrants’ is estimated to be 47,000+. It is said that the administration has orchestrated it!

“This invasion of illegal immigrants has not only overpowered our medical facilities, school systems, job markets and political culture, but it has impacted our environment on a national basis. The environmental impact is immeasurable. Our borders are strewn with debris left there by the invading illegal aliens, our water supplies are being stressed, as are our food supplies. The pollution added by the increase in the automobile ‘population’ is further contaminating our breathing air and last but not least significantly causing unnatural temperature increases, known as global warming.

“What is going on now is pure lawlessness and government dereliction of duty, even criminal intent and control.”

© 2016 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

Trump, the candidate who listens to Americans

“Trump fills the vacuum left by a political faction that has for years promised its voters it would do things it had no intention of doing.” —The Federalist

“Trump has the fire in his belly to make America great again, and probably do it the right way.” —Mike Ditka, in a Chicago Sun-Times interview

Oregon cowboy, LaVoy Finicum died at the hands of local police. He was shot in the back three times according to autopsy reports. [Link] Ranchers all over the west are losing their land, and it’s the Bureau of Land Management who is the culprit. [Link]

When Trump was first questioned about the land in the Western states being held by the Feds, he thought it was okay. Then he got some flak from the American citizens who know what’s going on. So he sent his son to investigate, and this is the outcome of that investigation.

Trumps do their homework!!!!! And Donald Trump listens to the people. I know that for a fact myself, because he’s talked about two of my articles in public and on twitter. I don’t know of one politician in power today who listens to anything we have to say. Watch this video where Trump takes on the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and calls them a dictatorial agency.

The latest article in the Reno Gazette Journal is Trump: Nevada, US Needs a President Who Obeys the Law. Here is part of what Donald Trump states in this article: 

The United States of America is a land of laws, and Americans value the rule of law above all. Why, then, has our Congress allowed the president and the executive branch to take on near-dictatorial power? How is it that we have a president who will not enforce some laws and who encourages faceless, nameless bureaucrats to manage public lands as if the millions of acres were owned by agencies such as the Bureau of Land Management and the Department of Energy? In Nevada, the lack of enforcement of immigration laws and the draconian rule of the BLM are damaging the economy, lowering the standard of living and inhibiting natural economic growth. The only way to change these circumstances is to bring to Washington a president who will rein in the federal government and get Congress to do its job. It’s not that we don’t have talented people in D.C. It’s that we have no leadership there.

The BLM controls over 85 percent of the land in Nevada. In the rural areas, those who for decades have had access to public lands for ranching, mining, logging and energy development are forced to deal with arbitrary and capricious rules that are influenced by special interests that profit from the D.C. rule-making and who fill the campaign coffers of Washington politicians. Far removed from the beautiful wide open spaces of Nevada, bureaucrats bend to the influence that is closest to them. Honest, hardworking citizens who seek freedom and economic independence must beg for deference from a federal government that is more intent on power and control than it is in serving the citizens of the nation. In and around Clark County, the situation is even worse.

Read the rest of the article, it’s quite informative as to what Trump sees and understands. 

Trump Listens to The People

Look, Trump isn’t a politician, he’s a businessman, and he knows how to run a business and get along with people, but he doesn’t know about everything we know. Those of us who have been watching the destruction of our country for over 50 years know many facets of the globalist agenda. Trump knows there’s something very, very wrong, and he knows he can fix it. Reading his book, Crippled America, will tell you he understands the problems we’re facing. Yet, just like the BLM grab of western land, which we all know is UN Agenda 21, Trump is getting educated on more and more of the problems that face American citizens, problems that he really had no information about previously.

The mere fact that this man reads and listens is a huge plus in the argument for him. How many of your local state reps or your federal representatives send you back these meaningless letters that say they’ll keep your thoughts in mind when they vote. Like hell they will, they don’t give a rat’s behind what the American Citizen thinks or wants. We all know it too, and that’s where the anger has come from, and that’s why Trump resonates with the hearts of the people who love America.

One of my cyber buds who I think a great deal of, because she’s so very knowledgeable on the horrors of Islam, actually called Donald Trump an idiot and said to me that only the uneducated and ignorant are voting for him. Well, excuse me all to hell and back, but if Mr. Trump is an idiot, we need a lot more like him to come to the fore. How many idiots do you know who could take $1 million and turn it into $10 billion? Granted, he later inherited $200 million from his father, but he still made a lot more on his own.

Let’s take a look at just a few of the things Donald Trump stands for, and what he’s actually said. All the subjects below are Mr. Trump’s own words. There were many more, but these were the top ones.

Education – I’m a tremendous believer in education, but education has to be at a local level. We cannot have the bureaucrats in Washington telling you how to manage your child’s education. So, Common Core is a total disaster, we can’t let it continue. We are rated 28th in the World. The United States, think of it, 28th in the World! Frankly we spend far more per pupil than any other country in the world, by far, it’s not even a close second. So here we are, we spend more money and we’re rated 28th. Third world countries are ahead of us. We’re going to end common core and have education an absolute priority.

(Mr. Trump has stated he likes charter schools, and I would suggest he doesn’t understand that charter schools are tax funded, but have absolutely no oversight. They do not report to the local school boards. We have Islamic charter schools, new age Waldorf charter schools, Chinese charter schools, and any other number of charter schools that we know nothing about. We are taxed, but we have no oversight. Charter schools are taxation without representation! No, Mr. Trump, I am not for Charter schools, and neither should you be.)

The Military – I’m going to make our military so big, so powerful, so strong, that nobody, absolutely nobody is going to mess with us. We’re going to take care of our vets and we’re going to get rid of ISIS, and get rid of them fast.

Jobs – One of the things I’m proudest about is that I create jobs, over the year’s tens of thousands of jobs for our country, and I’ll do that for you. I will tell you this and I will say it with certainty, I will be the greatest jobs producing president that God ever created. I love the subject, I love doing it, and I love helping people. There’s nothing like helping people than getting them and their family great jobs.

Political Correctness – I have a great education, I went to an Ivy league college, but I’m not politically correct. Because to be politically correct just takes too much time, it takes too much effort. We have to get things done in this country, and you’re never going to get it done if we just stay politically correct.

Law Enforcement Respect – The police in our country are not appreciated. We do not give them the kind of respect that they have to have. Sure, there’ll be a bad apple, there’ll be a bad thing happen, and it ends up on the news for two weeks and everybody hates the police. The fact is, they do an incredible job. We have to give them more authority and more respect. Without the great police forces we have throughout the United States, we wouldn’t be sitting here, and we wouldn’t have the lives that we have. They do a fantastic job, we have to appreciate and respect our police.

First Day in Office – So many people are asking me, what would I do on my first day in office. Well, you have executive orders all over the place. So many would be terminated. The good thing about an executive order signed by our president is that it can be unsigned immediately. You don’t have to go through Congress. So I would get rid of the attack on our second amendment, because that’s what Obama is doing when he does that. I would very, very strongly get rid of the attack on the border. We have a border that’s like a piece of Swiss cheese, people are pouring through. That order will be the single first thing I do, and we will work on all of these executive orders, and the bad ones of which mostly that’s what you have, will be terminated immediately my first day in office.


Crippled America for more in-depth discussions of his plans.

Ted Cruz has said “Donald Trump’s voters have relatively low information and are not that engaged.” I beg to differ with Mr. Cruz. Mr. Trump’s voters want to return America to her past greatness. We want to make America great again, and we know it can be done with Donald Trump!

Thanks to the diligence of Paul Walter, CEO of NewsWithViews, many ideas for my articles have come from him. Paul immigrated from communist Yugoslavia, providence of Slovenia, and therefore he sees more clearly the dangers to our Republic than those who have always known free America as home. Please support

The realists, vs. The cry babies

Liberalism vs. Common Sense

Today I picked up the morning paper and was confronted by two articles on the opinion page that correctly depicts the difference between modern day liberalism and conservatism i.e. a realistic political orientation advocating the preservation of the best in society and opposing radical change. Upon reading the articles I was immediately struck by the conflicting versions of the reasons for the turmoil and conflict in regard to the present day on-going strife within the Republican Party.

The first of these opinions was written by that gushy progressive, Leonard Pitts, Jr. This article consisted of this writer’s opinion, which typically consisted of a liberal progressive rant in regard to the on-going reformation within the Republican Party. This was indeed the typical liberal progressive claptrap in regard to the present disaffection between differing present time political perspectives that are of the current rocky road within the Republican Party. To be sure it was the liberal political view of the conflict within the current rift. It was a two hanky piece, and of which the conclusion was that any progressive’s hanky would have been soaking wet with copious and foolishly spent tears.

Level-headedness vs. insensible reasoning

The second article was authored by that archivist, Charles Krauthhammer, and was of a political wisdom that is a less maudlin opinion on the reformation within the Republican Party, that is taking place as I write this article. The article referenced the kick-ass campaign for the presidency by Donald Trump. And the article was written with a clearer and more realistic take on Mr. Trump’s campaign and the reason that it is indisputably successful, particularly in view of the more traditional and irrepressibly boring of the more traditional campaigns of Rubio, Cruz, etal.

Mr. Trump’s campaign is less based upon current political correctness in regard to an off the road course in regard to progressive leanings and in regard to failed political leanings and to the failed policies of a foolishly long standing nature. It is less about steering a course through unwisely adhered to current political realities and the much more important objectives such as restoring and protecting the universal priorities of a sovereign United States and its’ citizens.

In Mr. Trump’s eyes the absolute sovereignty of the United States and the absolute safety and well-being of its citizens is paramount and necessarily superior. Mr. Trump never wanders off of the road to pursue a status quo, but rather to maintain a course to guarantee the sovereignty of the United States and to protect the inviolable rights of the citizens of the United States. He cares not about securing an existing state of affairs, but rather strives to protect that which is due to a person and government by law, tradition, or nature. Mr. Trump’s fellow citizens are for him paramount. He cares not about securing or protecting failed or useless policies, He feels that to protect failed policies and useless strives is foolishness that does little or nothing to protect Americans, secure jobs, ensure a right to religious liberty, or to secure personal safety, but rather subjugates these rights to political scrutiny. And he is right. Americans of a discerning nature are seeing the wisdom of his priorities.

Mr. Trump is right! Put your faith in him and not in one of these political wonks such as Rubio and Cruz and you will not go wrong. And tell Mr. Mitt Romney and company to go jump in a lake, let the son-of-a-guns drown in their own stupidity!

© 2016 – Jim R. Schwiesow – All Rights Reserved

The Gospel as I understand it

There is absolutely only one way to ensure true personal salvation. and that it through a personal experience with Jesus the Christ. Ingrid asked me to explain who God is. I told her that Jesus is God, but that God is actually a combination of three God spirits. Jesus (Jesus is identified in scripture as the Word. the Bible actually reads “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” He created everything and nothing that was created was not created by Him.

The God Head Head – Three Spirits One God

The other two God Spirits are God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit and the three are known as the Triune God or the God Head – Three Spirits acting as One God. After the Garden of Eden experience when Adam sinned deliberately and knowingly God, who had created man to live eternally, (Eternal Salvation) had to be altered and a substitute way had to be made for eternal life. Jesus the God of all creation became a substitute way to personal salvation. Christ entered into life as a man and was crucified, and though He was innocent and not guilty of any transgression willingly allowed himself to be nailed to a cross and tortured to death. He was subsequently resurrected by God the Father and to become forever the God of proprietary forgiveness. In other words His death and resurrection provided the perfect lamb of forgiveness and salvation.

The Only Way To Salvation – Do IT Now !

There is absolutely no other way to personal salvation!!! One has positively to accept Jesus as a substitute for his, or her, sins, and this has to come about by recognition of Jesus as Lord & Savior.

There is no other way to personal salvation. All of this I explained to my wife in exactly this way. And she indicated that she fully understood my words, this transformed her from an unforgiving sinner to become a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and the recipient, by Jesus, to eternal life”

© 2016 – Jim R. Schwiesow – All Rights Reserved

An evangelical analysis of the Trump candidacy Pt. 1 of 2

On February 29, 2016, the day before Super Tuesday, I attended a Trump rally in Valdosta, Georgia. I was not prepared for what I was to see. I have followed presidential races since 1964, in the days of Johnson and Goldwater, and I must say I have never seen anything like what I witnessed at the Valdosta Trump rally.

8,000 south Georgians were packed into a 5,000 seat arena two hours before the time Trump was scheduled to speak. Another 12,000 were outside and could not get in. For two hours, I was watching a new wave of American political history as it flowed through this state, a populist insurrection. It is a movement fueled by the indignation and frustration of middle class people against the established ruling order, a movement that has found its mouthpiece in the newly ordained political persona of Donald J. Trump.

How can a brash New York City businessman become embraced and adored in 2016 as the national political leader of rural south Georgians?

The answer to that question is not hard to understand. After several decades of failed representation and disillusionment, the people see in Trump a political candidate who finally appears to be willing to represent them and take their values to Washington. Here is a man who gives them some hope for the representation of their 30, 40, 50 years of built-up frustration against America’s political class and their tearing down of this once great nation.

I will attempt to examine Donald Trump as an option for Evangelical Christians in the 2016 presidential race. But the question of a Trump candidacy cannot be effectively answered or understood without first explaining some political fundamentals. These have to do with the national and geopolitical situation and the place the Christian Church has in modern America.


It is generally believed by Americans across the political spectrum that elected federal politicians in the legislature (House and Senate) and in the executive (President and Cabinet) hold the true authority and real political power in the United States.

This statement could not be further from the truth. Western countries are, in fact, dominated and run by private central banks and multi-national corporations. This fact is not difficult to discover considering the tremendous amount of information available. Yet, because of the banking and corporate control of the media, Americans are led to believe that the elected federal politician holds the authority and that their vote actually counts for something.

Since the end of 1913, with the passing of the Federal Reserve Act, where Congress gave the issuance and control of the US currency over to private European bankers, the United States has lost its economic sovereignty. One hundred years later, it has also lost much of its national and political sovereignty.

Instead of a government for and by the people we have a government for and by the central bankers and their multi-national corporations.

Thomas Jefferson’s warning has never been more pertinent.

If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered… I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies… The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.

It is interesting that Jefferson feared central banks more than foreign armies.
Much more could be written here, but for the sake of space, I will label this globalist control grid and call it the Establishment.

The Establishment not only determines most aspects of American economic life, but also controls all federal regulatory agencies (for example, Monsanto has 21 executives in the Food and Drug Administration). Not only is the federal government run by the Establishment, but it also rewards the Establishment with a state monopoly maximizing their profits.

With this understanding, we realize that the purpose of elected politicians is to serve the banking and corporate establishment. The modern American politician is there to serve the money oligarchy (which is why the term “crony capitalism” was coined). Without this basic understanding of the American political power structure, all political analysis is skewed.


The other fundamental fact that is highly important for the Christian to understand is that America is no longer a Christian country. The United States of America in its public institutions and government is not Christian. Though many of its people are Christian, the nation has been secularized.

Practically, we do not have enough of a national Christian consensus to elect a Christian candidate with a pure biblical ideology. The Church is living in a form of internal exile – a modern type of Babylonian captivity – in which the people of God have very little influence in the public affairs of the country. The Church is on the outside looking in to a country their spiritual ancestors once created. This is another important fact for Evangelicals to appreciate when considering a Trump candidacy.

In our current context, it’s worth noting the captivity of Israel in ancient Babylon and the call of God on Cyrus, King of Persia. Cyrus was a typical idolator in antiquity who built pagan temples to false gods, yet God calls him His “shepherd.” Isaiah 44:28:

Who says of Cyrus, “He is My shepherd,
And he shall perform all My pleasure,
Saying to Jerusalem, ‘You shall be built,’
And to the temple, ‘Your foundation shall be laid’.”

Looking back, we see in God’s providence the raising up of a pagan ruler at a critical time in Israel’s history to protect and bless the people of God. The lesson here is for the church to be open to God’s providence that may be very different from our own spiritual expectations including the kind of leaders he may raise up in unusual times.


We live in a time and are witnessing before our eyes a historic pushback and outright rebellion against the Establishment and all of its controllers, especially those within the Republican Party hierarchy. The rebellion is not so much one of political ideologies but more of the middle class rejection of the rule of the Establishment.

Peggy Noonan, Reagan’s speechwriter, stated in a February 13-14, 2016 Wall Street Journal article on the “American Rebellion”:

What is happening in American politics? We’re in the midst of a rebellion. The bottom and middle are pushing against the top. It’s a throwing off of old claims and it’s been going on for a while….There’s something deep, suggestive, even epochal about what’s happening now….Yes, it is about the Democratic National Committee, that house of hacks, and about a Republican establishment owned by the donor class.

Laura Ingraham, after the South Carolina primary, said:

The establishment GOP is lying to itself. This election at its core is a rejection of their globalist economic agenda and failed immigration policies — and of rule by the donor class.

Roger Stone, the 45-year GOP insider, in discussing the Primary domination by Donald Trump, said:

The anti-establishment vote…is repudiating the foreign policy, immigration policy, trade policy, fiscal policies of the Bush wing of the Republican Party.

The rebellion is quite extensive. It has found its way into criticizing what a decade ago was considered acceptable and even untouchable in conservative and Republican circles. This includes the Bushes, Fox News, Neo-Cons, The Weekly Standard, National Review, Rove, McCain, Graham, Romney, Boehner and Ryan.

In this year’s Primaries, the Republican electorate is repudiating 40 years of Republican bipartisanship in the economic and cultural dismantling of America.

This revolt against the established order is truly historic and it did not begin with Donald Trump, but Trump recognized what was going on and positioned himself to represent this Movement in the current presidential election race and, because he did, he is seeing his popularity soar. The people see in him a leader who represents them, and who is quickly earning their trust because he speaks their language and seems to have the track record and strength of personality to bring them and their principles out of 40+ years of political wilderness. Especially with a strong leader, this rebellion by the conservative rank and file has the potential to change the political landscape for a very long time.


The Republican Party has launched a full-frontal attack on Donald Trump and, therefore, also against its own Republican voter base. They behave as if they hate their own base. Reports even surfaced about the Republican Party Establishment wanting to resurrect Mitt Romney as a preferred alternative to Trump as the Party’s presidential nominee.

The Republican Party is in the process of committing political suicide as it rejects the people’s choice for president. If they are successful, the ramifications of their arrogance will be felt for a generation. This may well involve the introduction of a new federal conservative party to replace the dying husk of the 162-year-old GOP.

Over the past four decades, the Republican base has voted dutifully for the Party’s candidates and has sent their sons off to fight Republican Neo-Con wars, and what have they got for it? Political civil war by Party leadership that is willing to go great lengths to exploit these foot soldiers of the party to advance their own interests. Amazing!

The Republican Establishment would prefer a Hillary Clinton presidency than Trump’s victory. That is where their ideological loyalty lies. Trump, to his credit, is smoking out of the Republican tent the Neo-Cons and liberals who really belong in the Democratic Party. As he wins more races, the curtain will be pulled back further on the Party bosses. They are no friend to our Christian faith.


In the selection of their civil leaders Christian people often use a somewhat narrow “spiritual” standard for making their decisions. If a candidate declares he is “born again” or verbalizes some acceptable religious lingo, he can capture a huge block of Evangelical voters. The man may be incompetent — or worse, a tyrant — but he passed their self-styled spiritual test.

Sixteenth-century Swiss Reformer Pierre Viret wrote that there were certain “detestable, villainous” rulers who “pretended the Christian religion” for social and political reasons. That tactic is nothing new.

I agree with Viret that “the best magistrates are Christian magistrates,” and we must always aim for such a time when this is the norm. However, considering life in Babylon, a much more important requirement than a surface spirituality would be a candidate’s commitment and ability to preserve personal liberties and limited government in the battle against the Establishment.

Dick Knodel, an Ohio pastor, writes, “Many Christians don’t seem to have the capacity to think broadly and strategically (philosophically). They only think morally, or theologically. The problem with that kind of thinking is Genesis 4:16-26, where such thinking would accuse the Living God of promoting the world of unbelief. God uses the many facets of creation (culture) to accomplish his ends, not just theology and personal morality. And right now, he’s promoting Donald Trump — for our nation’s good. It’s a mercy. I don’t pretend to understand it, but I can see it.”

This presidential election is very unique in comparison to any federal election in the last half century. Everything in national politics has changed. The traditional method of selecting the best candidate based on a precise evaluation of character and political positions, though important, is not as relevant as it once was.

The reason is the change in the American electorate and of their massive pushback against the Establishment and Republican Party. It is a historic revolt of the middle class against its ruling elites.

So, it is not so much a battle of ideas as it is a battle of authority and control of the federal government and the people looking for representation against the moneyed institutions that have ruled them for a century.

Instead of promoting the politician with the purest of ideas, the nation is in greater need of a president to lead the resistance against the ruling national and global oligarchy which is directly responsible for the devastation of much of the country.

The approval of today’s candidates is more based on which candidate has the courage, spirit, and will to fight to represent the American people in this historic political battle of authority.

The Christian must understand the times and respond in a proper and new way: “And the children of Issachar, who were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do…” (1 Chronicles 12:31).


Knowing the real source of political power, we can have a clearer view of what are the primary and critical issues of our day.

The primary political issues are not homosexual acceptance, the definition of marriage, pornography, educational decline, family breakdown, or even socialism, the Democratic Party or liberalism. These are all symptoms and downstream manifestations of the political beast, not its core or head.

This is why the 50-year effort of the Conservative Movement and the Christian Right has experienced limited success: its activism has always aimed at the symptoms and manifestations of its enemy, not at the foundation or the head. This mal-informed, defensive, rear-guard action has produced failure after failure in what has become known as “Culture Wars,” conserving nothing.

The head of the leviathan is the international banking cartel’s control of the money supply, political parties, media, American military, foreign policy and immigration policy, and the control of multi-national corporations over public and private life. These represent the key elements of Establishment control, and they form the head of leviathan that is the enemy of America and of Western Christian civilization in the 20th and 21st centuries.

It is critical for Christians to recognize the times in which we live. We are seeing in the political realm a historic awakening and monumental shift that is far greater than one personality, and yet Donald Trump has become the political figurehead and catalyst of this movement at this time because he has tapped into this populist spirit of dissatisfaction and fomented it with hope and expectation for a better America. In this upheaval and insurrection against the failed old guard, Christian people must see the bigger picture of the Establishment power base and aim their political activism at this source. This is the way the American population is moving, if Christians don’t figure out what’s going on, they will be playing catch-up once again instead of exercising leadership in the next stage of American history.


Donald Trump’s personality, as well as some of his business issues, have made it difficult for many Evangelicals to support him. He is often crass and uncouth, disrespectful and abrasive. There’s his cursing and arrogance, his casino ownership, three marriages, and questions of personal faith. He is what he is and his shortcomings are obvious to all.

Trump is a brawler; when attacked he will attack back. His fighting spirit is not something we have seen much in recent political figures, especially on the national stage. This may be an unfamiliar and an uncomfortable characteristic, but is it objectionable?

But we have to remember that in life in Babylon we are not going to get many faithful Christian candidates for federal office. We also have to remember we are not voting for a national pastor but for a civil office.

Most Evangelicals probably have not seen an “alpha male” like Donald Trump in operation very often. Western men, since the emergence of feminism in the early 60s, have been weakened and feminized.

An “alpha male,” by definition, is a man who assumes a dominant role in his affairs. He is an assertive, persistent and purposeful man. This defines Trump and his lifestyle of a 20-hour work day. With Trump, you have a man who is similar to his peers of three generations ago. Today, the “alpha male” character type is actually still very highly esteemed – but only when it’s exhibited by women!


Movement conservatives complain that Trump does not have a pure conservative ideology. That may be so. He certainly has some views that are contrary to my conservative liberty ideology.

I disagree with him on eminent domain, subsidized ethanol and in some areas concerning the role of the Federal Government. Cruz is better on some of these traditional conservative issues. I would differ with Trump on the partial defunding of Planned Parenthood. He, like Reagan and the Bushes, has come late to the correct side of the abortion issue. Some of his views are still in the process of development. Trump only entered the political stage nine months ago. These issues are much more important to a politician than to a businessman. But these areas of disagreement are matters of secondary importance on today’s political battlefield. Trump is setting his sights on primary issues. Matters like eminent domain and transgender rights are not critical until the Establishment is exposed and judged, and a law-order and a framework for liberty and justice are re-established in a functioning Christian republic.

The GOP Establishment is not made up of purist conservatives either, but they have established litmus test issues or have learned how to answer correctly those issues that have become litmus test positions by interest groups, including Evangelical organizations. They have also put forward their political candidates who would successfully champion these issues and advance their reforms. These conservative leaders apparently have a great product, but they can never get it to market. The people never see and benefit from all this great and true conservatism.

Trump calls it “all talk and no action,” but it is really worse than that because these so-called “Movement Conservatives” end up backing politicians who are subservient to the corporations and the money elites who bankroll them. So the middle class never gets any practical delivery of their ideas via the candidates screened by the Republican Establishment. Instead, the government money trucks seem to flow to Georgetown and the suburbs of Northern Virginia where the donor class live, and especially to Wall Street. These deliveries never seem to be interrupted no matter who is in office. For part two click below.

© 2016 Thomas Ertl – All Rights Reserved

An evangelical analysis of the Trump candidacy Pt. 2 of 2


During the present election cycle, we are seeing the usual endorsement of candidates by Christian Right leaders alongside all the other endorsements being announced. Most Christian Right endorsements are going to Cruz and Rubio. Very few prominent leaders have endorsed Trump; exceptions are Jerry Falwell Jr., Pat Robertson, Phyllis Schlafly and Dr. Robert Jeffress.

Sadly, many of these Evangelical Establishment leaders are not qualified to make informed political assessments. They may well be effective and successful businessmen and administrators. They are no doubt sincere and well-qualified for the day-to-day work involved in their ministry leadership. Most of them, however, do not have a biblical view of civil government and have not been theologically and strategically trained in the art of Christian political theory. American elections are plagued by “low information voters.” Evangelicalism suffers from its “low information leaders.”

Most of these leaders get much of their political knowledge, insight and beliefs from Fox News, thus the term “Fox News Christians.” Their political worldview is taken more from Krauthammer, Kristol, and Will rather than from Augustine, Calvin and Beza. In fact, most of them have no idea who Theodore Beza is, much less his Christian political theory published in the 16th century. Charles Krauthammer was a Mondale speechwriter, Bill Kristol’s father, Irving, was a Marxist and a disciple of Leon Trotsky. George Will is a self-proclaimed soft atheist. Relying on sources like these for one’s political worldview and, baptizing these views with a thin veneer of “Christian-ese” is a recipe for failure. Today’s supposedly conservative outlets for news and commentary are more often part of the problem rather than contributors to real solutions.

These are the Evangelical leaders who have enthusiastically supported all of the unbiblical, unconstitutional Bush Middle East wars and the slaughter of over 1.5 million innocent lives. They have never studied or understood the historic Christian theory of just war, established long ago by Augustine and the Protestant Reformers. Their promotion of this Neo-Con, Republican blood-letting has greatly compromised their pro-life doctrine and stands in direct violation of the command in Scripture against the “shedding of innocent blood.” Do the fifty-one verses against the shedding of innocent blood mean anything? Well, at least Trump is dealing with this critical pro-life issue with his criticism of American foreign policy.

These respected Christian leaders are often tied too closely to the Republican Establishment, so they can’t prophetically confront them and call them back to truth and justice. These men are easily manipulated by the Republican Establishment, which figured out long ago how to manipulate Christian Right leadership. Give them a little “God talk” (“I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ”), tell them you support the sanctity of life and traditional marriage and, voila, you have their support and their vote. The Evangelical Establishment should be hammering the Republican Party for their treasonous policies and their sell-out of the country to the money class. They should be calling for a new party or a complete overhaul of the present one, yet they remain silent.

The Christian Right has been politically irrelevant on the federal level mainly because of its limited two issue constituency. The four decade failure of the Christian Right to influence American culture is because they have been a reactionary group in their strategies and organizations instead of one with an aggressive Christian vision of cultural renewal. They have failed to take a comprehensive worldview in every area of culture and life and develop strategies to build new Christian institutions in the places where ordinary Americans live out their daily lives.

What is interesting about Trump’s candidacy is that the Christian Right rank and file is separating from their leadership and voting for Trump. They seem to be expanding beyond the traditional two issues to the ones Trump is raising. They are very worried about the future of their country, its economic and national security.

Both the GOP Establishment and Evangelical Establishment lost big in the South Carolina Primary. The people are finally starting to figure out who the GOP really is. The indignation is at unforeseen levels. The peasants are mad. The trust is gone. In the recent primaries, if you add the numbers of both Trump and Cruz, who are considered as anti-Establishment candidates, you get an anti-Establishment vote well over 60%. I don’t think the GOP will ever recover from this to re-establish its control over its base. This is a historic battle and a positive step towards liberty.


Along with Donald Trump’s populist theme of “Make America Great Again” come many key issues on which he is outspoken.

This is where I see his real strength. Trump goes after issues of national interest that other politicians won’t touch. Many of these issues are of primary importance and so are more critical than the ones raised by conservative purists.

Trump, labels himself as a “common sense conservative,” not a purist but, in doing so, he shows himself to be the most conservative of all the Republican candidates on the issues he is raising. Following is a list of some of his political positions.


o He is firm in his position of building the wall, sealing the border, and talks of changing immigration policies.

o He talks aggressively of reversing all of the anti-American trade agreements that have sent industry overseas. He might possibly undo NAFTA, GATT, WTO and TPP.

o The US industrial base is being dismantled by the globalists and their politicians and Trump seeks to reverse it.
o He talks about dealing with the US corporate tax rate to get industry back on American soil.
o He uses threats of tariffs to get industry back.
o He talks about dealing with China’s internal tariffs that hurt US industry.

o He has attacked present healthcare which he says was written by corporate interests for the enrichment of the corporation. He promotes a repeal of the current system with a plan that involves much more free enterprise.

o He has been a huge critic of the Bush foreign policy that is used to serve global interests rather than that of the United States.

o He is a constant critic of the human and financial cost of the Iraq War and calls it a 2 trillion dollar fiasco.
o He questions US soldiers in Europe and South Korea for over 70 years.

o He knows that the Federal Reserve is a private corporation. What he will propose here is unknown. At least he is making an appeal for an audit here.

o He has gone after hedge fund ethics and he talks of reform in this area.
o By not taking Wall Street donations he may be more effective in dealing with their criminal activity.

o He questions the toxic vaccine industry and complains that pharmaceuticals, because of their control of the political class through donations, get a free ride. He said he will start bidding on federal pharmaceutical purchases.

o This is where most of the Establishment works for their dream of a world government and one world currency. Trump might reject any movement in this direction in favor of American sovereignty.

o Trump has come out against the Federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and has called them a “dictatorial agency.”

o He advocates the elimination of the Department of Education and Environmental Protection Agency and states that he will go after government fraud and waste.

o Solid on the 2nd Amendment.

You can see with this list that Trump is going after the Establishment’s financial and corporate control. This is the heart of many of our national issues, including issues related to US sovereignty and protection of the American people’s interests.

Related to Trump’s policy positions is his constant attack on elements of the Establishment, whether Wall Street, corporatism, or Republican Party policy. This courageous stance, if continued, will reap many political rewards. Trump, in his policy positions, is truly going after the head and core issues that have led to our national demise.


Donald Trump follows two lines of populism in American presidential history.

The first is that of 19th-century populist Andrew Jackson. Jackson was the “alpha male” in his time. He had the tremendous courage and determination to take on the international banking Establishment represented by Nicholas Biddle. He was victorious in that great battle against the Second Bank of America and the Establishment of his day.

Jackson has been criticized for his lack of personal refinement, his crudeness, and his questionable manners. Sounds like Trump!

The second line of populism came in the 20th century. Here Trump is in the line of four American populists, Charles Lindbergh and his America First Committee of the early 1940s, Senator Robert Taft of the 50s and Pat Buchanan and Ross Perot of the 90s. A common characteristic of national populism is its attack on the Establishment’s agenda.

Trump’s aggressive America first populism is his tremendous appeal. In a day of undelivered political promises made by compromised conservative politicians, we have Donald Trump addressing the areas where Republicans have sold off America’s future and economic well-being. He is exposing how these so-called conservatives have promoted all these horrendous trade agreements where our country has lost its economic and political sovereignty. These agreements, supported by the Bushes, McCain, Cruz and Rubio, will one day create a North American union of the United States with Mexico and Canada. This would be intolerable to Trump and most Americans. All such agreements could be dealt with and possibly reversed by the new American populist Donald Trump.


At this stage, does one have to say much to make the case that Marco Rubio is the Establishment candidate? If he loses to Trump in the Florida primary, his donors will ask him to bow out. They may then recruit Romney or Ryan to take his place as their man.

Ted Cruz is a whole different candidate, and is not who he appears to be. In-depth research on him and his wife, Heidi, is very revealing and shows strong ties into the Establishment. He is an Ivy Leaguer, having attended Princeton and Harvard Law School.

Ted Cruz was a “Bushman” and an insider and top policy advisor to George W. Bush. It was Cruz who vetted and encouraged Bush to nominate John Roberts to the Supreme Court. So much for principled conservativism!

Cruz is also a confirmed Neo-Con and very much a supporter of the disastrous Bush wars and the current aggressive involvement of the American military in the Middle East and beyond. He has former CIA directors as his advisors and recently hired Neil Bush to join his national finance team.

His wife Heidi Cruz worked under Condoleezza Rice in the Bush Administration in the crafting and implementing the North America Free Trade Agreement. She is also tied to David Rockefeller’s globalist, one world government organization, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). She is still listed on their site as a member who worked on the Taskforce of the Future of America.

She served as deputy to U.S. Trade Representative, Robert Zoellick, who was formerly president of the World Bank (2007-2012). She worked with the globalist, Zoellick, on the U.S.-China trade policy.

Mrs. Cruz is on leave from her vice-president position at the notorious investment bank, Goldman Sachs, which is well known as a key player in the Establishment’s global financial control apparatus.

You can hardly get more Establishment than the Cruz family. Their close political association inside the Establishment would be detrimental to the sovereignty and future well-being of the United States.


Age and experience always temper political hopes and excitement. Despite Trump’s high energy and passionate promises to bring our country around, as president he will need a consensus with Congress to move aggressively on his agenda. Even more difficult in carrying out his agenda will be all the maneuverings of the Establishment that would seek to undo the Trump agenda. The latter is of greater concern.

Even with that understood, commentator Alex Jones says that if he can deliver only 20% of what he promises, he will be in the presidential category of a George Washington. Geo-political expert Joel Skousen says if he could only seal the border and build the wall, it would be a monumental accomplishment in light of our useless Republican leaders.

The Christian is told in Scripture “Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help” (Psalm 146:3). How wise. This puts our political hopes in perspective with the reality of the human condition, putting our final rest in God’s sovereignty.

As president, would Donald Trump become some kind of a great Christian statesman? No, probably not. But, in a Trump presidency, we hope we would get someone who will fearlessly go after the Establishment, its financiers and corporations that, in monopolistic fashion, have pillaged the country. He may make a tremendous leader who will hold back the forces of evil and of further destruction of our country and culture, benefitting the Church in the process.

When considering a Trump presidency there is still the unknown. If he starts to appoint Establishment men as his close counselors – vice-president, chief of staff and cabinet positions – then his effectiveness as an American populist will be greatly diminished and possibly co-opted.

This was the case with Reagan. The Reagan revolution was over before it began when he succumbed to Establishment pressure and appointed George H.W. Bush to the vice presidency and Bush confidant, James A. Baker, to Chief of Staff. Reagan, the outsider, became president over a Bush, Establishment, CFR staffed administration. The reform of government was stopped in its tracks and all we got thereafter was great speeches.

The pressure on Trump to line his administration with globalist, CFR insiders would be beyond intense. It would take a tremendous depth of courage to reject the Establishment and staff his administration with true American patriots. Reagan caved! Will Trump? Time will tell.


In our political activism and responsibility in the public sphere we can never forget the goal of our faith. The Word of God gives us the assurance of Christ’s triumph in time and history. The Christian also is to build for the day when the nations of this world are discipled (as per the Great Commission), and bow their knee to Jesus Christ as Lord. Until we see a worldwide Christian renewal, we work to keep our enemies at bay and to labor with what we can to improve the Church’s situation in the world.

We are in the midst of a historic political movement, a sea change in the political landscape for many years to come, and most of the Evangelical Establishment leadership has no idea what is happening politically right before their eyes. Instead of embracing this historic national rebellion and pushback against the Establishment, admitting their four decades of mistakes and compromise, rethinking their positions and strategies, they remain in the comforts of the past, endorsing Establishment Republicans with the hope of maintaining their status quo positions and living off the political crumbs that fall from the Republican table.

Fortunately in this election cycle, the Evangelical rank and file is not listening to their Establishment Evangelical leaders.

Many Americans, for the first time, are beginning to understand how the geo-political world works. This means they are also grasping the bigger picture in the domestic battle over the future of America. They are seeing that the real enemy is not secondary institutions like the Democratic Party (within the false ideological/political paradigm of left and right) but the Establishment itself.

Fundamental to Christian responsibility is questioning anything that comes out of the Establishment. The rejection of their influence goes beyond that of the political parties to their policies and their candidates for federal office. A candidate who espouses so-called conservative ideology but who is tied to the Establishment should be rejected by the Christian voter because that politician will end up falling in line with Establishment policies. Marco Rubio is a case in point.

Evangelical Christians are now given a unique opportunity in American political history to play their part in reversing the fortunes of Establishment control and redressing the Establishment’s pillaging and destruction of their country.

© 2016 Thomas Ertl – All Rights Reserved

My belated tribute to the defenders of the Alamo

March 6 marked the anniversary of the fall of the Alamo outside of San Antonio, Texas, back in 1836. This event was so significant in my mind that I always try to devote a column that honors the heroism of these men on or around the anniversary of the occasion.

For 13 days, 189 brave and determined patriots withstood Santa Anna’s seasoned army of over 4,000 troops. To a man, the defenders of that mission fort knew they would never leave those ramparts alive. They had several opportunities to leave and live. Yet, they chose to fight and die. How foolish they must look to this generation of spoiled Americans.

It is difficult to recall that stouthearted men such as Davy Crockett (a nationally-known frontiersman and former congressman), Will Travis (only 26 years old with two little children at home), and Jim Bowie (a wealthy landowner with properties on both sides of the Rio Grande) really existed. These were real men with real dreams and real desires. Real blood flowed through their veins. They loved their families and enjoyed life as much as any of us do. However, there was something different about them. They possessed a commitment to liberty that transcended personal safety and comfort.

Liberty is an easy word to say, but it is a hard word to live up to. Freedom involves much more than financial gain or personal pleasure. Accompanying Freedom is her constant and unattractive companion, Responsibility. Neither is she an only child. Courage and Honesty are her sisters. They are inseparable: destroy one and all will die.

Early in the siege, Travis wrote these words to the people of Texas: “Fellow Citizens & Compatriots: I am besieged by a thousand or more of the Mexicans under Santa Anna…The enemy has demanded a surrender at discretion, otherwise the garrison are to be put to the sword…I have answered the demand with a cannon shot & our flag still waves proudly from the walls. I shall never surrender or retreat…VICTORY OR DEATH! P.S. The Lord is on our side…”

As you read those words, remember that Travis and the others did not have the National Education Association (NEA) telling them how intolerant and narrow-minded their notions of honor and patriotism were. They didn’t have the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) telling them they were a hate group. A hostile media did not constantly castigate them as a bunch of wild-eyed extremists. As schoolchildren, they were not taught that their forefathers were nothing more than racist jerks. The TSA didn’t have them on a terrorist watch list. Neither did they have 501c3 pastors constantly filling their hearts and minds with this imbecilic “Obey-the-government-no-matter-what” misinterpretation of Romans chapter 13.

The brave men at the Alamo labored under the belief that America (and Texas) really was “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” They believed in God and that their cause was just. They also believed that the freedom of future generations depended on their courage and resolve. They further believed their posterity would remember their sacrifice as an act of love and devotion. It all looks pale now.

By today’s standards, the gallant men of the Alamo appear rather foolish. After all, they had no chance of winning–none. Yet, the call for pragmatism and compromise was never sounded. Instead, they answered the clarion call, “Victory or death!”

Please try to remember the heroes of the Alamo as you watch our spineless political, corporate, and religious leaders surrender to globalism, corporatism, socialism, and political correctness. Try to remember the heroes of the Alamo as you watch the Republicans and Democrats in Washington, D.C., create a more draconian Police State than Santa Anna would have ever dared to create.

One thing is certain: those courageous champions at the Alamo did not fight and die for a political party or for some “lesser of two evils” mantra. They fought and died for a principle–and that principle was liberty and independence.

On March 6, 1836, those 189 defenders of the Alamo joined the ranks of the world’s greatest freedom fighters. Patriots such as the 70+ Christian men from the Church of Lexington who stood against 800 British troops on April 19, 1775, at Lexington Green and the hundreds more who joined them at the Concord Bridge; men such as the great Scottish freedom fighter, William Wallace, and his band of 2,000 men who stood against an English force of over 13,000 men at the Battle of Stirling Bridge on September 11, 1297, and again on July 22, 1298, when Wallace and 5,000 Scots went up against an English force of over 15,000 men at the Battle of Falkirk; and let’s not forget the single greatest example of men who chose to fight for liberty against the greatest of odds: the 300 Spartans who squared off against more than 100,000 Persians at the Battle of Thermopylae in August or September of 480 B.C. These stories–and hundreds like them–are the heritage of free men everywhere. And the willingness to stand against overwhelming odds for the cause of liberty is certainly America’s heritage.

At the same time, it is extremely important to note that the Alamo defenders (and the rest of the honorable men mentioned in the above paragraph) did NOT act as a mob. Their resistance was just and righteous under the Natural laws of God. Men do not have the right to take the law into their own hands; they do not have the right to act as a mob; and they do not have the right to violate Natural Law.

Natural and divine law must be the ultimate authority regarding men’s conduct, up to and including the right of resistance–and even the right of revolution. A man’s individual, personal opinion is NOT the final authority of one’s actions–and men who behave as if it is are truly lawless men. Such men have no right to lead anyone, and only a fool would follow such men.

The heroes of the Alamo, as well as the heroes of America’s fight for independence, acted bravely and in good conscience under the moral law of God and the just laws of Nature. They did not act on their own authority but on the Natural authority of the Body Politic.

“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.” (Declaration of Independence)

Human experience shows wrong judgments are rendered in individual cases, but such errors in judgment do not give the right of individuals to judge their own cause and manipulate recompense by force. This is why we form government, so that individuals are mutually bound by the same laws as everyone else and that all individuals agree not to live in a state of war, but of society, which necessitates a common authority with common laws.

“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.” (Declaration of Independence)

John Locke (The Father of America’s Founding Fathers) said, “If a long train of abuses, prevarications and artifices, all tending the same way, make the design visible to the people, and they cannot but feel what they lie under, and see whither they are going; it is not to be wondered, that they should then rouze themselves, and endeavour to put the rule into such hands which may secure to them the ends for which government was at first erected.”

Of course, even if the right to forcefully resist may technically exist, the right itself is a right of the Body Politic or “We the People”–not necessarily of one individual or of a group of individuals acting as a mob.

Since the right to oppose tyranny rests in the People–as the Body Politic–individuals have a responsibility to persuade a critical mass of society to make a finding that the government is tyrannous and to take as many procedural steps as possible to redress the specifics of what makes the government tyrannous.

“If a controversy arise betwixt a prince and some of the people, in a matter where the law is silent, or doubtful, and the thing be of great consequence, I should think the proper umpire in such a case should be the body of the people.” (John Locke)

Factions, by themselves and without the support of the People, can never put the power of government into different hands, because it takes the will and consent of the People to put sovereignty into a government created by the People.

When factions, on their own, begin using offensive force against persons in government, the People must view their actions as an attempt to put them and the rest of the world in a state of war with each other. Thus, in that case, the factions have no civil law on which to use to protect their actions. That is, just as they use force against others, they permit others to use force against them. A state of war, by its nature, has no common authority, and all disputes under that state are settled only by force.

“Whosoever uses force without right, as every one does in society, who does it without law, puts himself into a state of war with those against whom he so uses it; and in that state all former ties are cancelled, all other rights cease, and every one has a right to defend himself, and to resist the aggressor.” (John Locke)

On this score alone, factions must have the moral approbation of the People–or at minimum a sufficient part of them–from among the community that would judge them in a trial, so that their peers can give their actions moral justification.

Without such support from the rest of the community that suffers or is familiar with the same evils that presumably gave rise to the factions’ resistance, the faction cannot pretend to do the rest of that community a favor by simply “taking the law into their own hands,” because the rest of the community has not given them the authority to break the laws that the People have consented to and have agreed should govern the Body Politic for the sake of the peace, unity and protection of that society.

Put it this way, society is formed for the protection and progress of the individuals in that society. When society sees the actions of a few as an attack on the purpose of that society’s formation, that society can take whatever means necessary to defend themselves against factions that threaten that society’s peace and existence.

In line with the law of conscience, for those who advance that civil society’s rules must be abandoned and resistance taken (thus putting that society in a state of war with each other), there is a standard of proof that must be met, so as to convince the “jury” (i.e., “the People”) that their actions taken outside the rules of law–that all have agreed to follow in the constitutional form enacted by the People–are justified. If factions have not met that burden of proof, their actions cannot be justified by that society, and thus, the faction’s actions will have no positive or legitimate end.

This is why it is absolutely obligatory that:

1. The American citizenry is thoroughly informed and educated regarding the Natural laws of government–including the divine principles of lawful resistance to government.

2. Clergymen immediately familiarize themselves with the Natural laws of God and quickly begin teaching these principles to their congregations.

3. Pro-liberty men and women themselves become educated regarding the Natural laws of God and begin educating everyone in their sphere of influence regarding these sacred principles of liberty.

4. State legislators, governors, attorney generals, judges, sheriffs, etc., not only become familiar with the Natural Law principles of liberty, but also come to a comprehension and conviction of their responsibility and authority to use their office within State government to galvanize the Body Politic in the defense of liberty.

On one hand, every instance of government overreach and usurpation of power moves more people toward the liberty movement. On the other hand, every instance of an aggressive, armed-mob reaction by those claiming to be part of the liberty movement (even if they are well-intentioned) only serves to move the Body Politic against us.

The Alamo defenders, America’s Founding Fathers, William Wallace and his band of Scots, and King Leonidas and his fellow Spartans all acted in accordance with the Natural Law principles stated above. They did NOT engage in armed resistance as individuals or as a mob but under the Natural Law authority of a Body Politic.

P.S. A few weeks ago, I delivered a comprehensive message on the subject, “The Right Of Revolution As Justified in Natural and Revealed Law.” Please help me distribute this message to as many freedom-minded people as you can. We simply MUST educate men and women as to these fundamental liberty principles quickly if we are to have any chance of obtaining the approbation of Heaven upon our liberty fight. And without the approbation of Heaven, there can be NO VICTORY.

Furthermore, if we continue to go forward in a manner that does NOT comprehend and incorporate these immutable Natural Law principles, all we will do is turn the Body Politic (not to mention government itself) against us and hasten our own demise.

Please order my message, “The Right Of Revolution As Justified In Natural And Revealed Law”.

© 2016 Chuck Baldwin – All Rights Reserved

On the GOP debate, and Muslim “hate”

I was asked to comment on “who won the GOP debate” on CNN on March 10, 2015. In short, I think the GOP candidates won, CNN lost — they could not provoke a dogfight.

But they definitely tried hard, especially by attempting to make themselves look “good,” as in “politically-correct-good,” and to make Donald Trump look bad by baiting him by asking whether, when he stated in an earlier interview that he believes that there is a problem of “hate” in Islam, he “meant all 1.6-billion muslims.” It was and is a loaded, cheap, “gotcha” question as asked. It is also utterly hypocritical in light of the media’s general reaction after 9-11: “Why do they [Muslims] hate us?”

To his credit, Trump did not cave-in politically-correctly and rabbit-like retreat from that which is manifestly evidence of “hate” among Muslims inspired by the doctrines of Islam, itself. Instead, he said we need to face it and investigate, not pretend it doesn’t exist, from Paris to San Bernardino, CA, and Islamic terrorism all across the world.

But here’s my question about CNN’s question, which is a question embraced by other media, utterly hypocritically: After 9-11, CNN, and almost all major media were filled with stories on: “Why do they [Muslims] hate us?” So, why is it wrong to even raise the question of “hate” now?

That question, “Why do they [Muslims] hate us?” dominated the news after 9-11. No one questioned that it was “hate” we faced; the question was only (and pathetically): “Why do they hate us?”

In 2015, Donald Trump states what was obvious in 9-11: It is about “hate” of Islamics toward us. But the same media that acknowledged “hate” was a motivating factor of Islamic terrorists on 9-11 now paint Trump has some kind of awful anti-Muslim monster while they are ever-so-good in their political correctness, no matter that in 9-11 those same media acknowledged Muslim “hate” for America–and Americans.

Indeed, the evidence of hate in the act of the 9-11 Muslim terrorists could not be denied. That hateful act was celebrated by dancing in the streets by Muslims all over the world, and terrorist Osama bin Ladin was raised up as a Muslim messiah.

Media in America made pouty-faced “but we are innocent” postures expressed in multiple “Why do they (Muslims) hate us” articles and broadcasts. They didn’t question that it was “hatred,” only lamented that how and why could Muslims “hate us”? Articles even appeared that it was all our fault that Muslims hate us. Even those pathetic articles didn’t deny Muslim hatred for us, but instead only argued that Muslim hatred was our fault.

After 9-11, I read the Koran cover-to-cover, without any prejudice but instead a desire to learn. I found very, very little in the Koran evidencing that Islam “is a religion of love and peace,” but an awful lot of evidence, in the Koran itself, not only advising but commanding hatred for, and death to non-believing “infidels,” in particular Jews and Christians, and even of one’s own father, mother, brother, sister, should they have an “infidel” friend. It is undeniable that the Koran commands that “infidels” have but three choices: (1) Convert to Islam. (2) Pay a special tax and life in a second (third, or fourth, etc.) class position in Muslim society. (3) Or die, be killed. Osama bin Ladin declared war on America based on those principles of the Koran, not ones he invented. If you doubt it, read the Koran yourself, and decide yourself.

I am not a Trumpeter, but there should be no doubt, on this issue Trump is right–the evidence of Islamic hate is in the hate-filled acts of terrorism by Muslims throughout the world, which Muslim leaders have the power to stop and refuse to stop, fearing to take effective action which would make themselves targets of Muslim hate and terrorism.

That objective evidence of hate cannot be denied by politically correct pieties of hypocrites in media and government. That hate, condoned and inspired by the Koran itself, represents an existential threat to America, and cannot be defeated by pretending it does not exist. It exists–and must be defeated.

2016 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

Climate change champions: threats, lies and gobbledygook

It is a dogma of the Democrat religion that “Climate Change,” better known as “Global Warming” when the weather’s hot, is the biggest, baddest threat the human race has ever seen, and vast new powers must be granted to the government, huge new taxes levied, and basic liberties curtailed in order to Save the Planet.

They’ve been preaching this for years now, and they still can’t seal the deal.

In the month of March, so far, we have seen three different strategies for driving the Climate Change stake into America’s heart.

Just last week, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, so aptly named, told Congress that yeah, sure, you bet the Justice Dept. has been exploring the feasibility to prosecuting “Climate Change deniers” is if they were criminals.

Here she is blazing new trails in the abolition of the First Amendment. Obviously, it’s impractical to ask Congress to outlaw a particular opinion. But by treating anyone who disputes Climate Change as a threat to the public health and safety—hey, we’re saving the planet here!—there may be, Ms. Lynch suggests, statutes such as the RICO Act (intended for the suppression of organized crime) that just might be flexible enough to allow liberals to stamp out dissent from their favorite “scientific” opinion.

For a good illustration of the word “instantaneous,” see how long it takes a liberal, whenever you try to debate him on the subject, to come out with “97% of scientists agree there’s Man-Made Climate Change—and that’s a consensus!”

Well, gee, how hard is it to get a consensus, when you threaten to prosecute anyone who disagrees? I mean, government action, potentially resulting in a prison sentence, is just bound to be more effective than the threats they’ve had to be content to use so far. We’ll cut off your funding, we’ll get your kids blacklisted from all the best colleges, we’ll assassinate your character in the media, etc.—all pretty small potatoes, compared to three or four years in the big house.

Meanwhile, in case the threat of prosecution fizzles out, there’s always lying.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA, an agency of the U.S. government, has once again been caught fudging and finagling temperature readings to prop up otherwise unsupportable claims of Global Warming. There are several ways of doing this, and NOAA knows them all. The end result is phony figures.

One wonders how many times “climate scientists” have to be caught doing this before the private jet crowd disowns them as an embarrassment.

If the threats don’t scare anyone, and the lies don’t convince anyone, then out comes the secret weapon: pure, unadulterated crapola.

The National Science Foundation recently paid more than $400,000 to some nutty professor at Oregon State for a “peer-reviewed scientific paper” he wrote on applying “a feminist political ecology” and a “feminist postcolonial approach” to the study of glacial melting.

Now they’ve got us wondering whether science is even science anymore, or has just been melted down into pure humbug. “Feminist political ecology.” “A feminist postcolonial approach.” Do those words mean anything? Could they possibly have anything at all to do with a serious study of glacial melting? Well, the National Science Foundation paid 400,000 smackers for it, so clearly they want us to think it’s science.

Oh, what won’t they do to get their carbon tax! What wouldn’t they do, to get the power to turn off our electricity at 8 p.m., take away our air conditioners and cars, and cram us into crowded, cranky buses whenever we want to go anywhere?

Go ahead, though—argue that threatening people is “science.” That telling lies is “science.” That whipping up a big bowl of word salad is a form of “science,” too.

These actions by the Global Warming gang are news. They are facts in evidence, and cannot be wished away. If they damage the reputation of science as an institution, it’s up to scientists to put their house in order. If they don’t want the public to think of them as liars and B.S. slingers, they ought to stop doing those things.

Because, just now, all they look like is a passel of liars and B.S. slingers.

2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Don’t mess with the landowners of Tazewell county

NOTE: For the last 10 years NARLO has been trying to get across to rural landowners that they can’t fight city hall alone. Finally, we found an example of where the people of a county decided to fight back against big money and crony capitalism to preserve their rural lifestyle. Their efforts paid off big time. These brave people slew the government-developer dragon. Linda Sheets of Tazewell County, VA provided most of the information for this article. We have added some background material to the article to fill in the story.

Whenever government and business get together and make deals, the public suffers. It’s what they call crony capitalism. Business is looking for profit and the government is looking for tax revenue. Such is the case in little Tazewell County, located in Southwestern Virginia, straddling the West Virginia state line. But crony capitalism and corruption are not isolated to a small county in Virginia. They are everywhere, throughout the political process, local, state and federal. Control this crony capitalism and corruption or it will control you. Right now, they do.

It seems that someone came up with the idea of building a giant industrial park (680 acres) along Virginia State Highway 460. The Park was named the Bluestone Regional Business and Technology Center (“Bluestone”). We haven’t been able to determine whom the individual or individuals are who came up with the plan, but what we have found is that the plan appears to have been the brainchild of Tazewell County Supervisors, the Virginia Economic Development Partnership and the Virginia Coalfield Economic Development Authority. But you can bet that there is a developer in there somewhere.

According to the County Supervisor of the Eastern District of Tazewell County, one Charlie Stacy, “The concept of Bluestone is live, work and play,” he said, adding that, “the center will include upscale companies as well as restaurants, a hotel-conference center, a residential area, recreation facilities, hiking trails, and rental cabins and a lodge higher up on the mountain.”

According to Stacy, the county and the other two agencies used a $10,000,000 grant from the Tobacco Commission to build Bluestone. When we say build, it means that all of the infrastructure was installed (roads and utilities) and building pads were graded. That’s it. The park is just bare land with roads water and sewer. Nothing else.

Stacy said that Bluestone was a “wonderful vision for the board” and the grant was the county’s to lose. “You lose that opportunity for the funding if you don’t act,” he said. “Everybody is competing for it. That money would have been allocated somewhere else if Tazewell County had not worked for it.”

Grant funding was also used for much of the remaining $3 million, costing taxpayers relatively little, Stacy added, and the investment will eventually pay off as the economy changes and improves. The word “eventually” is a relative term and could mean anywhere from one year to 100 years.

Unfortunately, this “great vision” of the County Board of Tazewell County Supervisors has sat empty for six years with no takers. It appears that the county threw a party and no one came. This is what happens when government comes up with a commercial idea to raise its tax base. Consequently, county and state government have a costly red herring on their hands and they are working feverishly to cover their collective tales with ordinances to protect that red herring, to the detriment of the local landowners.

To add to the County’s “great vision”, Supervisor Stacy pushed for zoning in the county to allow Dominion Power to build an electricity generator Wind Farm on the ridgeline of East River Mountain, directly behind Bluestone. (Remember: Government is always looking for tax money to pay for their expensive promises in exchange for votes.)

However, the other supervisors on the Board objected to the Wind Farm and passed an ordinance to stop Dominion. Then the Board went farther with another ordinance to protect the “great vision” of their red herring.

The farmers of Tazewell County got wind of the Wind Farm (no pun intended) and started digging into the provisions of the two proposed ordinances. They were aghast at what they found in the second ordinance. Which brings us to what the county farmers did about the proposed ordinances, relayed to us by Linda Sheets, a Tazewell County farmer, in her own words.

Tazewell County is located in the southwestern part of Virginia in the Appalachian Mountains. Most of the mountains are so steep that they are inhabited only by deer, turkey ….. and snakes.

In the valleys, beautiful farmland abounds. Some of the farm owners can trace their heritage to a time before Tazewell County existed.

Farming and coal mining had been the backbone of the county until the EPA regulations closed the coalmines. Since most businesses were coal related, there has been a major increase in unemployment rates in the area.

The farms are a major source of income to Tazewell County, and most farmers take great pride in their land. Since there is little employment opportunity, many people have started in-home businesses and several have been quite successful. Citizens are hardworking and resourceful.

Located between the towns of Bluefield and Tazewell on SR 460 is the 680 acres, $13,000,000 Bluestone Industrial Park that has been vacant for the six years since it was built. One business that showed interest in the Park was a dental school that could not procure funding.

Statements made by the purveyors of Bluestone inferred that only high-end companies would be accepted in the park. (Ladies and gentlemen, high-end companies are moving offshore due to lousy trade agreements that eliminate American jobs.) A housing development, recreation area, lodging and, cabins, an upscale restaurant and meeting center are also planned in part of the park. Obviously, if the County Supervisor’s (Charley Stacey) plans materialize, this park will be for the elite. It will have draw on an employment base that is mostly outside of Tazewell County.

Other businesses such as B.P. and Dominion Resources wanted to build a wind electric generation farm on the East River Mountain, but members of the Board of Supervisors led the charge to protect the beauty of the mountain and the home of the snake. The County turned down the $23 -25 million dollars offered by Dominion and passed a tall-structure ordinance to rid the county of an “undesirable” development.

A few months ago Board members announced that another ordinance was needed to protect the park from “undesirable” business, especially from the Wind Farm.

We thought that the tall-structure ordinance was all that was needed. Being skeptical however, some of us attended a planning committee meeting and were shocked to see that the zoning was on farms and that the plans for the farms were to phase some of them out and replace them with residential use.

In-home businesses were to limit the number of their customers. The farmers were told the hours that they could operate their business. UPS and FedEx would be limited to the number of packages delivered to homes. The number of cars parked in a driveway was limited, restricting large family gatherings. The size of trees and shrubbery was specified. Even restrictions were placed on churches. Owners of older homes that could not meet the code would be fined.

Thank goodness Bill Osborne, the president of the Farm Bureau Federation, and some of the Farm Bureau members were also present at the meeting. As word spread from farmer to farmer, people began to question the motives of the Supervisors and the need for the new zoning called for in the proposed ordinance. They began to feel betrayed and angry. Some called the action akin to communism.

As the time for the meeting approached, so did a blizzard. Many people had to remove snowdrifts before they could attend the meeting. They were determined as many of the farmers felt that they were going to lose everything that had been in the family for generations if they did not stand up.

It was estimated that six hundred people attended the meeting. Seventy spoke with only four or five in favor of the new zoning. Emotions were high. Although people acted with restraint they made their feelings clear. They were not going to give up their rights to use their land as they saw fit. They pointed out that the members of the Board and members of the Planning Commission would not be in office after the next election. It was democracy in the purest form. Informed people stood together, united in a common cause to fight for their freedom. The next day the headline in the newspaper read “Ordinance Scrapped.”

Is it over, I would like to think so, but I have my doubts. Farmland is being transformed into residential and commercial uses at an alarming rate all across America. When outside developers are involved, farmers suffer. We have learned from our ordeal that we must always be vigilant. We will make an effort to be informed; we will attend meetings to see for ourselves the topics of discussion. We have learned that there is power in numbers and that we must stand together to protect our freedom.

The landowners of Tazewell County found the formula to protect their interests and that formula was to find out what their government was doing and then stand up in large numbers in opposition to what government was doing when it conflicted with the people’s rights.

The landowners of Tazewell County did something. They acted. They didn’t just sit on their hands or pretend the enemy wasn’t there like most Americans do. And they even had to travel through a blizzard to punctuate their displeasure with government. What they did was to beat government at the local level and that is no small task. Because you see ladies and gentlemen the simple fact is, “life is a continual struggle against competing interests. Either protect your interests, or the other side wins.”

Do you have a story to tell where you and other landowners beat government, or where government is hurting landowners? Let us bring your story to our national audience. Contact us HERE with the details. OR, if you are having land use problems with local government, it is quite likely we can help. Click HERE. OR, if you have received a notice of a code violation, we can help as well. Click HERE. If you do receive a notice of a code violation from government, contact us immediately. Don’t delay. You may lose your appeal rights if you do.


Ladies and gentlemen, the actions taken by the Tazewell County farmers are what all landowners in America need to do if they have any hope of protecting their Constitutional property rights. But rural landowners must also realize that their property line is their first line of defense. Government agents and law enforcement, at every level, believe they have the right to come on your property anytime they wish, for any pretense. They are wrong in that belief. The truth is, each landowner has the constitutional right to exclude anyone from their property, including government agents and law enforcement and that right is fully supported by law precedent. The language from that law precedent appears on NARLO’s new RIGHT-TO-EXCLUDE No Trespass sign. This new sign is a companion to our powerful, legally intimidating, constitutional 18” x 24” No Trespassing sign. Thousands of our signs have been installed on rural lands throughout America. The fact is, land that is not posted with No Trespassing signs is essentially open to all intruders, including government agents and law enforcement. There has to be constructive notice of the right to exclude and our signs provide that notice. To learn more about your first line of defense and NARLO’s valuable No Trespassing signs, click on the links in this paragraph.

[NOTE: The forgoing article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved

Look what the grown-ups have done to America

“A society whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the facts, who refuse to believe that their government and their media will routinely lie to them and fabricate a reality contrary to verifiable facts, is a society that chooses and deserves the police state dictatorship it is going to get.” —Ian Williams Goddard

Ever since I can remember, I have always heard of people referencing the analogy of the frog in the pot. You know the one where the frog that boils little by little without anyone’s notice until the point that it boils the frog to death? Yet, it never ceases to amaze me that according to the American people, for some reason or another, that water never seems to boil the frog to death. However, everyone can smell it except the American people!

The sad part is that Americans have no one to blame but themselves (Luke 7:30).

Either Americans are going to bring forth judgment to establish righteousness concerning corruption or God’s judgments will fall upon our land to America’s destruction. There is no in-between.

This is the message America is either going to accept or reject (Acts 20:21).

Accept and mercy will ensue (Deuteronomy 4:5-6). Reject and judgment will fall (Deuteronomy 28).

“They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy.” Jonah 2:8

Let me say it this way, the frog is not only boiled but has been boiled to death.

When are the American people going to take responsibility and turn the heat up on those who should be in the pot of boiling water?

This is where Americans are failing the test (Amos 5:24).

It is now at the point where the American people are legitimizing, or at least allowing, the media to set the narrative. We have a full-fledged Communist Bernie Sanders (who is garnering support from America’s ignorant and dumbed down posterity, Hosea 4:6) and world renowned, repeat criminal Hillary Clinton are actual candidates for the presidency of the United States. Keep in mind that their support is contrived out of thin air, and does not exist.

And that is just the left side of the deceptive paradigm. But the American people already knew that (Jeremiah 5:21).

This has all taken place over the course of decades because the standard has become lower and lower through an incremental demoralization and dumbing down of the American people.

Remember that we now live in a nation where doctors either destroy health or the doctors that promote health are killed.

But America, you already knew that!

Lawyers destroy justice (Luke 11:52).

But America, you already knew that!

Universities destroy knowledge by accepting burnt communist hippies that are still tripping on PCP to indoctrinate their posterity.

But America, you already knew that!

Government destroys freedom.

But America, you already knew that!

Religion destroys morals. The greatest advocate to the homosexual and abortion lobby is the professed church in America.

America, you already knew that!

Our banks destroy the economy.

Yet again, America, you already knew that (Numbers 32:23).

Let me add, the people would have it so (Jeremiah 5:31)

American Government has become a system of dangerous incompetent, corrupt, vile, oppressive and ungodly compromised special interest operatives and minions. This is because the people in this country are just as corrupt as those they allow to remain in office, who go so far as to even rig the voter polling machines to win elections that they could not otherwise win honestly.

But the American people knew that.

In fact, these people are so corrupt that if these things were taking place in a foreign country, the American people would demand our government send in the military to get them out of power. However, since it is at home, they accept the corruption.

Rather than judging what is in plain sight, Americans have become submissive little slaves to a totalitarian system (John 8:34) by believing what they are told rather than by what it is that they see.

LaVoy Finicum is just one example. He was ambushed by the FBI and shot dead on a desolate highway in Oregon. Of course, the feds and the Oregon State Police are attempting to justify the murder of Finicum. All of this is taking place so that corrupt politicians can steal the resources of the state’s land to continue their unlawful behavior.

America, how backward can you become! The frog is boiled (Isaiah 5:20). It is not like you can kick the can down the road any further. You have run out of road and excuses.

Instead of the grown-ups actually growing up into the grace of Christ (2 Peter 3:18), leaving off corruption and taking on incorruption (1 Peter 1:23), they look to excuse themselves; and the things that they excuse, only lead to America’s demise (Isaiah 30).

“Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore shall they fall among them that fall: in the time of their visitation they shall be cast down, saith the LORD.” —Jeremiah 8:12

© 2016 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

How should we vote?

What should we do now that the elections are approaching? How should we act? What should we know? What should we ask? What are we looking for? And finally, knowing what we know (and don’t know), how should we then vote?

Whether we’re talking about Dog Catcher, city or County Council, State House, or our national government, it seems to me that, just like the Marines, we are looking for a “few good men.”

Let’s start with the word “good.” Although the people that wrote the commercial for the U.S. Marines probably don’t know it, the word “good” derives from the word “God.” To be good is to be Godly. A good man is one who appreciates and rehearses the attributes and the characteristics of God.

And so, if our man is someone who understands his oath of office, then he fears God and believes that there is an eternal system of rewards and punishments that applies to him personally.

This is precisely what an oath is all about.

And I think we can assume that if he does not see himself accountable to God for the truthfulness of his oath, then there is little hope that he will feel himself accountable to you or me once he is elected.

But he needs to show us more than just fear of The Eternal. He also must demonstrate that he understands the Biblical limitations of civil government as well as the limitations placed on him by the State Constitution and the Constitution of these United States. Unhappily, few, if any, of the candidates who come to you asking for your vote and your money, have even taken the time to read either of the documents that they are promising you, before Almighty God, that they will uphold.

Moreover, our candidate must not only show us that he knows what is required of him, but he must also demonstrate that he will act on that which he knows. It won’t do us any good electing someone who knows what to do but won’t do it, whether out of fear of men or desire to be re-elected, or whatever. This would be a vain thing, indeed.

To summarize, my precious vote can only be spent on a candidate that:

*Acknowledges and fears God
*Demonstrates that he has an American view of law and government
*Demonstrates that he will take actions that are driven by and in harmony with God’s law and the limitations of the Constitution

I firmly believe that if I cast my vote for someone who doesn’t meet these requirements, then I will stand before God and be judged for my failure to obey Him. To vote for someone who does not meet these criteria is to do a vain thing before God and men. The chaos and incompetence and corruption of our civil government in all three branches is a result of our failure to choose wisely. When we choose “the lesser of two evils” we continually get evil and we certainly deserve it. After all, we chose it, didn’t we?

Learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and his “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.
2016 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

New Soros funded industry out to destroy Trump’s campaign

During a fundraiser in Philadelphia, President Barack Obama said he was going to counter his Republican opponents in the House, the Senate and in the States. “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun. Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

People like George Soros know how to plan ahead to manufacture mob violence masquerading as social movements. It worked like a charm in Ferguson, Missouri, and laying the groundwork for energizing the critical black turnout in 2016, courtesy of BlackLivesMatter and others. BLM is also serving as a useful vehicle for suppressing the Donald Trump for President phenomenon. And guess what group is helping Soros, the Democratic Party and their support groups? “None other than the mainstream news media including Fox News Channel. There’s always a good guy and a bad guy in their simpleton coverage and so the good guys are Black Lives Matter and the bad guys are Trump supporters,” said political strategist Michael Baker.

“While no one died as a result of Trump appearances and speeches, the news media openly launched an attack on him in order to portray him as a “Nazi,” a “fascist,” a “bully” and other pejoratives. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton — who’s being investigated for a number of “actions” she took including abandoning Americans in Libya who ended up dead — is being portrayed as the voice of reason,” Baker also pointed out.

“George Soros’ anarchists, along with Bernie Sanders, Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street, F**k the Police, and typical Chicago-Style-Democrat-thug politics were responsible for the riot in Chicago where Trump was to speak. Many were carrying Mexican flags and wearing Muslims Hate Trump T-shirts. This is the second stage of planning to derail Trump. Because Trump had to cancel the Chicago speech, these gangsters will try this again and again,” said NewsWithViews columnist Kelleigh Nelson

Recently during an appearance on Univision, the Hispanic television network, presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton said, “I believe there are all kinds of underground movements and efforts in our country that try to use violence or assert beliefs that I find often lead to violence.” Clinton said that before outright accusing some police officers of being terrorists. “I think that when you have police violence that terrorized communities, that doesn’t show the respect that you’re supposed to have from respecting people in your authority, that can feel, also, terrorizing,” she said.

“It doesn’t take a Sherlock Holmes to discover that thugs from Democratic Party-supporting unions, Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street, Code Pink and other progressive and socialist organizations have planned to turn public opinion against the GOP’s bad boy of politics, Donald Trump,” said former police detective and military intelligence operative Sid Franes, who is African American. “He may be the Republicans’ bad boy, but at least he’s not the Democrats’ pathological liar or crime lord,” he added.

While the Black Lives Matter movement (BLM) casts itself as a spontaneous uprising born of inner city frustration, it is just the latest — perhaps more dangerous — well-funded communist/socialist organization to come down the pike. These radical groups have been agitating against America for decades and with few exceptions have been linked to the Democratic Party. One of these groups’ biggest financiers is none other than multi-billionaire George Soros.

Not long ago, the Occupy Wall Street movement was on the march especially in New York City. Their actions — including violent episodes — weren’t blamed on Trump, but on a terrible economy. However, many of the same people involved then are involved now and their anger and actions are blamed on Donald Trump.

These groups have provoked police killings and other violence, lawlessness and unrest in minority communities throughout the U.S. BLM appears to be exercising considerable leverage over the Democratic Party, in part by pressuring and intimidating Democratic candidates such as Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders (VT) into embracing their cause.

The movement could also assist President Obama’s exploitation of racial divisions in society beyond his final term in office.

Exploiting blacks to promote Marxist revolution is an old tactic. The late Larry Grathwohl, former FBI informant in the Weather Underground, understood from personal experience how white communists exploited blacks and other minority groups. He said that Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn regarded Barack Obama, whose political career they sponsored, as a tool—a puppet—to use against white America. Obama’s legacy at home will certainly include more racial division.

BLM launched in 2013 with a Twitter hashtag, BlackLivesMatter, after neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman was acquitted in the Trayvon Martin killing. Radical Left activists Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi claim credit for the slogan and hashtag. Following the Michael Brown shooting in August 2014, Dream Defenders, an organization led by Working Families Party(ACORN) activist and Occupy Wall Street anarchist Nelini Stamp, popularized the phrase “Hands Up–Don’t Shoot!” which has since become BLM’s widely recognized slogan.

Garza, Cullors and Tometi all work for front groups of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), one of the four largest radical Left organizations in the country. The others are the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), and the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS). Nelini Stamp’s ACORN—now rebranded under a variety of different names—works with all four organizations, and Dream Defenders is backed by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the ACLU, the Southern Poverty Law Center and others.

One of the few Trump defenders is Fox News Channel’s Judge Jeanine Pirro (see video above) who stated on Saturday night: “Since when if you state an opinion are you responsible for someone’s reaction?” she asked. “Since when do you have the right to interrupt my First Amendment right to listen to a candidate for the highest office in the land?”

“This is America. Not the Soviet Union,” said Judge Jeanine.

“Your free speech, if it differs from mine, doesn’t mean that you’re right and I’m wrong, and therefore I must be silenced. But that is exactly what the left tried to do in Chicago last night, and again moments ago in Kansas City to more than 25,000 who came to hear Donald Trump.”

Protesters, of course, have the right to dissent, said Judge Jeanine. “But you cannot defend assault by arguing verbal provocation,” she warned.

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

America becoming less America with every passing year

According to census reports, out of 8.4 million people living in New York City, nearly 40 percent of them arrived from foreign countries. The city features 800 different spoken languages other than English.

Educational standards degrade into chaos with endless language conflicts. Ethnic groups situate themselves in various enclaves like Flushing, Sunset Park, Bronx, Corona and Manhattan. These new citizens maintain their home language, customs and cultures. Among them: Dominican Republic, China, Jamaica, Guyana, Mexico, Ecuador, Haiti, Trinidad, Tobago, Columbia, Russia, Honduras and El Salvador. Not far behind, India, Brazil, Argentina, Pakistan, Kurdistan and Puerto Rico add their citizens to the Big Apple.

In other words, New York City no longer enjoys being called an “All-American City”, but in fact morphed into an “international city” with little resemblance to America as to culture or language.

At current immigration rates, America morphs into being less American every year with 1.2 to 1.5 million refugee immigrants allowed into our country annually.

On Facebook, you may read: “Paying for other cultures to mass immigrate into your country to outbreed and replace you doesn’t make you a more tolerant or better person. It makes you a fool.”

At this point, latest records show that 91 percent of legal immigrants become cyclical welfare recipients because they lack language, educational and needed skills. They escaped their poverty in their own countries to re-manifest their poverty in America.

Yet, no one on the national scene mentions a single sentence about the demographic fact that we remain on course to add 100,000,000 (million) third world immigrants within 30 years. For the life of me, I cannot understand why all American citizens aren’t screaming at the top of their lungs to enforce a total shutdown of all immigration. It can’t end well for anyone. It won’t end well for all Americans.

If you look at California, it grows by 1,655 people, net gain, every single day of the year. reported that 98 percent of California’s growth stems from legal and illegal immigration. (Source: But as California becomes unsustainable as to water, food and arable land—those immigrants expect to stampede across the USA. Note: California expects to add 20 million people within 30 years. Talk about a demographic train speeding over a cliff!

One look at American-Californians shows you that Americans cannot keep up with the birth rate of immigrants. The U.S. Census Bureau projects that Hispanic-Latino-Mexicans will become the new majority in America by 2042 or sooner. At some point, there will be no one left to repair or replace basic services of overwhelmed cities. Yet, you won’t hear a word about it from any leaders.

Our civilization screams into the future without a plan, without a clue and without any understanding of what it’s doing to itself. But be assured that what’s coming, if Americans don’t call for a total shutdown on all immigration, WILL manifest in this country, i.e., massive poverty, joblessness, illiteracy, disease, ethnic conflict and religious conflict like never before, and a total breakdown as to water, energy and resources. It’s called “exponential growth” and it cannot be sustained.

“Unlimited population growth cannot be sustained; you cannot sustain growth in the rates of consumption of resources. No species can overrun the carrying capacity of a finite land mass. This Law cannot be repealed and is not negotiable.” Dr. Albert Bartlett, , University of Colorado, USA.

Ask yourself what you want for your children. A viable future or miserable future? Enjoying a cohesive society or a fractured and fragmented country? One with a single language or one with 800 languages?

At this point, the majority of we Americans choose another 100,000,000 (million) more legal immigrants by 2040-45. And, we’re going to get that number, too. Or, at least our kids will discover our folly. And, no matter what, the third world keeps adding 80,000,000 (million) people, net gain, annually, so they don’t care. And, what we’re doing to ourselves defies comprehension.

“Most Western elites continue urging the wealthy West not to stem the migrant tide [that adds 80 million net gain annually to the planet], but to absorb our global brothers and sisters until their horrid ordeal has been endured and shared by all—ten billion humans packed onto an ecologically devastated planet.” Dr. Otis Graham, Unguarded Gates

That’s what’s coming dear reader. It’s coming at 1.2 to 1.5 million added immigrants annually or, excess of 100,000 every 30 days—enough to fill the Rose Bowl every month and dump them into your lap. Note: that’s just the legal ones!

Thus, America will no longer be American much longer.

If you don’t want a Paris, France or San Bernardino event in your community, it’s time to call for a total “Immigration Shutdown Now.”

We either sit back and allow more Muslim immigration that will destroy our civilization, or we stop Congress from continuing mass immigration. It’s up to you, an American citizen.

Call your senators and House rep: 1 202 224 3121. Demand a stop to all immigration and stop to any Syrian immigration.

Definition of slogan: “Immigration Shutdown Now means the American people want a total shutdown on all legal and illegal immigration. That means we want all illegal immigration stopped by arresting, prosecuting and jailing employers of illegal aliens. We deport all illegal aliens by taking their jobs away and as we catch them. We want English mandated as our national language. We demand a cessation of Muslim immigration in order to protect our culture, language and way of life. We can’t save the world but we can destroy our civilization. We demand a stable population that allows everyone to live, work and thrive into the 21st century. Especially our children.” FHW

That’s why you need to take action. Send this series to everyone in your network. Educate them. Urge them to take action by joining these websites to become faxers of prewritten letters and phone callers. We must force Congress into an “Immigration Shutdown Now!

Share these videos all over America: ; ; ; ;

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five minutes to see for yourself.

“Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck
This 10 minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

America: ; ; ;
United Kingdom:
Australia: Sustainable Population Australia

© 2016 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

Euthanasia first in Oregon

Sixty Minutes aired the Death with Dignity Oregon law on Sunday about the 29-year old recently married young lady from California named Brittany Maynard who had been diagnosed with a serious cancerous brain tumor and she was determined in her heart she did not want to go through the treatments so she chose to make her required residency in the State of Oregon legal to use their Euthanasia law to end her life. Euthanasia had been legal since 1997. The doctor simply administered a drug that put her to sleep and then administered an injection that stopped her heart a short time later. Her husband still stays in touch with the Oregon doctor who administered the drugs. Should we be surprised today that Oregon has the highest rate of suicides and murders among our young people. Hardly a day goes by that the T.V. news doesn’t report murders in the black community in Portland. Even Multnomah County Commissioner Randy Leonard’s 31-year old daughter after a long battle with drug abuse shot and killed herself.

And, of course, Dr. Kevorkian will have played a major role in conditioning Americans that Euthanasia is normal and healthy. It seems like yesterday when we were hearing about Dr. Jack Kevorkian in his suicide van coming to Portland, Oregon to assist Janet Adkins in her death from Alzheimers. She pressed the button on his little suicide machine and she died.[1]

However, as early as 1958 Kevorkian suggested that convicts be allowed to volunteer for medical tests that were known to be fatal. In 1960 he wrote that killing inmates without experimenting on them was a waste of healthy bodies. In 1980 he stated that all people facing imminent death should be used for experiments. In 1986 he declared that Nazi experiments on Jews were “not entirely negative.” In October, 1993, he advocated allowing death row inmates to donate their organs before they were executed.[2] And, of course, now people are voluntarily donating their organs to needy recipients by a simple notation on their driver’s licenses. However, in the U.K. possible donors must opt out if they don’t want to donate.

In March 1998, Troy Thompson, 36, from Newberg, Oregon suffering from the progressive and deadly neurological disorder known as Lou Gehrig’s disease said he would dedicate his last days to trying to stop physician-assisted suicide in Oregon and agreed to serve as a plaintiff in another legal challenge to the assisted –suicide law twice approved by voters. Opponents of assisted suicide were trying to revive a lawsuit in U.S. District court in Eugene to stop doctors from prescribing life-ending medication for terminally ill patients with less than six months to live.

By April 13, 1999, a dateline article from Pontiac, Michigan indicated Dr Death had been nine years outside the boundaries of conventional medicine during his assisted suicide crusade and he might have been sent to prison that day. It seems he was finally convicted in March 1999 of second degree murder for giving a lethal injection to a man with Lou Gehrig’s disease and recording it on videotape to goad prosecutors into charging him. Prosecutors planned to ask a judge to send the retired pathologist to prison for a minimum of 10 to 25 years. The maximum is life. Kevorkian’s lawyers planned to tell Judge Jessica Cooper that the case shouldn’t be treated as any other murder and doesn’t require sending a 70-year old man to prison.


Mercy killing had been a fact of life in the Netherlands for decades but in 2002 the Netherlands became the first country to legalize Euthanasia and to allow patients to request that the procedure be performed by their doctors. Now, a new service known as “Life End” has been established in the Netherlands through which a patient wishing to end their lives will be able to have doctors and nurses dispatched to their homes to carry out the procedure. A spokesman for the Dutch Association for the Voluntary End of Life, stated: “The Life End Clinic will have mobile teams where people who believe they are eligible for Euthanasia can register. If they do comply, the teams will be able to carry out Euthanasia at patient’s homes should their regular doctors be unable or refuse to help them.” The procedure is simple: The patient will first be given an injection, which will put them into a deep sleep, then a second injection follows, which will stop their breathing and heart beat.[3]

It was reported in 1999 that Euthanasia “safeguards” were routinely disregarded by Dutch doctors. Derek Humphry, Founder of the Hemlock Society, the largest organization in the U.S. promoting physician-assisted suicide and was active in Oregon promoting it said the elderly are increasingly recognized as “greedy geezers” and are “putting a strain on the health care system that will only increase and cannot be sustained for the paupers while the kings will do well.


Of about 99,000 eligible people from 1998 to 2007, 341 chose to do it.[4] – Portland. A new study by two Oregon doctors concludes that the vast majority of dying Oregonians are either not interested in or medically ineligible to participate in Oregon’s doctor-assisted option. From 1998 through 2007, about 296,000 Oregonians died of all causes. About 99,000 died of the same diseases as afflicted the 341 people who ended their lives with a legally prescribed overdose.

“This is a very small number at the end of life,” said Dr. Katrina Hedberg, lead author and interim state epidemiologist. “It’s not surprising. It takes a pretty assertive individual.” People unlikely to use the Death with Dignity Act include: the very old (85 or older), people dying of causes other than cancer, AIDS or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; people with less than a high school education; and people who are not white or Asian.

The study shows 82 percent of the deaths under the law were people with terminal cancer: Cancer patients are more likely than others to face a prognosis with a life expectancy that can be estimated as less than six months as required under the law.


In 1998 I had an elderly friend who said her home health care provider that assisted her would often ask if she had ever considered suicide? As early as 1975 parents were learning that the public schools would be teaching Death Education.

With “controlling costs,” a primary goal of Obamacare, and half of all medical costs coming in the last six months of life, “rational care” takes on a new meaning for us all as they are killing us softly. Therefore, we shouldn’t be surprised that Obamacare’s “proposal would pay physicians who counsel elderly or terminally ill patients about what medical treatment they would prefer near the end of life and how to prepare instructions such as living wills.” And if you are elderly and you’ve visited the doctor, I’m sure he’s gone through those instructions with you. You can choose to decline.


A funny joke came across the Internet recently. When the elderly get to this point in life where the system cannot provide for them because of the cost, then they should be given a gun and a bullet not so they can commit suicide but rather to shoot a politician. Then they’d be put in prison where all their medical needs plus shelter and food would be taken care of the rest of their lives and their children could even visit them or the elderly could plead…


And then there is John Hinckley, rather than suffer a heinous punishment for his attempted assassination of President Reagan and near murder of three other men, he has been found not guilty of all crimes by reason of insanity and spends his days in St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington, D.C. , a century-old brick psychiatric facility where he lives a soft life, eats in the cafeteria, attends therapy sessions, shoots pool, plays his guitar and watches TV. He can listen to any music he likes, and his hair remains long and shaggy says Bill O’Reilly in his 2015 book: KILLING REAGAN. There are no shackles on his wrists or ankles. The only significant difference between this new life and his previous one is that Hinckley can no longer travel impulsively and his monetary woes are a thing of the past.


We’ve experienced this in our family. My 87 year old diabetic father lived with us the last nine years of his life. He went to the hospital in 1996 with a minor problem which I can’t even remember. Our daughters visited him at noon and he was in happy spirits. At 5 p.m. the “angel of death” had been to his room and when I went to see him, he was acting strangely. I called the nurse. The male nurse looked at him and said, “Oh, he’s shutting down.” He’d been in the hospital three days and was looking forward to going home.

It was after his funeral that it dawned on me he was having the same symptoms when I overdosed him with insulin per doctor’s phone order after an earlier hospitalization. If a home nurse hadn’t arrived to check on him that day, I’d probably be in jail for elderly abuse but she helped save his life by bringing him out of his diabetic attack. I had argued on the phone that day, “I have NEVER given him that much insulin before” but the doctor yelled back, “Give it to him.” So I did. But there would be no way I could prove my innocence and blame the doctor so I was indeed thankful that the nurse arrived when she did.

My husband’s 90 year old dad went to the same hospital in 1998 with pneumonia and was dead within three days.


In Allentown, before receiving six more life sentences, a former nurse who confessed to killing at least 29 patients in two states was gagged with a cloth and duct tape in court in March 2006 after he began loudly repeating the same phrase. Even after deputies tried to tighten the gag, Charles Cullen’s muffled chant of “Your Honor, you need to step down” drowned out statements from some of the victims’ relatives who spoke at the sentence hearing, and continued as the judge read him his sentence. Cullen, 46, gave lethal drug overdoses to patients at nursing homes and hospitals in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The serial killer had been given another life sentence in Pennsylvania earlier and 11 consecutive life terms in New Jersey.


The Supreme Court in January 2006 rejected the Bush administration’s attempt to block the Oregon’s law that was voted on not once but twice that lets doctors prescribe drugs to help the terminally ill end their lives. The 6-3 decision in favor of Oregon’s assisted-suicide law opens the door to similar laws at a time when the nation’s evolving demographics- baby boomers are entering their 60s- are pointing towards spike in the elderly population and fueling debates about how much control patients should have over the end of their lives.[5] Meanwhile, back in Oregon, the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision drew deeply emotional responses from Oregonians bringing to an end the long battle.[6] The State of Washington and Vermont have sense enacted the “right to die” law and others are considering.

Believing it would be more to his advantage in promoting his “right to die” ideology if he could pass laws, in 2008, at the age of 79, Kevorkian filed to run for Congress in Michigan but failed. And little more was heard about him until a blog noted that Dr. Jack Kevorkian died on June 3, 2011 at age 83. He’d been hospitalized for pneumonia and a kidney related ailment. It was uncertain whether he died of natural causes or had some help.


The Blaze reported in March 2015 there’s a condition known as “Exploding Head Syndrome” and apparently more people have it than previously thought. Scientists at Washington State University took 200 college students to experiment and nearly one in five experienced a loud bang in the head similar to a bomb exploding, a gun going off, a clash of cymbals or any other form of loud noise. Researchers believe it happens when the brain is shutting down to sleep. At first they thought it only happened in older people but now it’s happening in younger people. We are like those gerbils running on the spinning wheel.

After all the morbid things I’ve written above just goes to prove once again, human nature is depraved and in need of a Savior. I started out with Kevorkian and his invention of a machine that allowed people the “right to die” and now I’m ending with the robotic sex machines that McGuire writes about in his article.

Toss in the current presidential election with a liar and a socialist running on the Democrat ticket and the neocon Republicans opposing Trump on the Republican ticket, mudslinging campaign ads, and we are looking at the Illuminati’s motto: Order out of Chaos” Saul Alinsky style of violence – a manufactured crisis in order to bring in a Marxist society never before experienced in my lifetime. Is mankind at the final turning point? It’s a crazy, crazy world in which we live. Come quickly Lord Jesus.

2016 Betty Freauf – All Rights Reserved


1. New York Times 6/6/1990
2. The Forum News – Summer 1994
3. Last Trumpet News, April 2012, P. 3
4. 8/6/2009 Associated Press
5. 1/18/2006 Gannett News Service by Joan Biskupic
6. 1/18/2006 Oregon Statesman Journal by Beth Casper

The party versus the people

Mitt Romney’s uncharacteristically harsh attack on Donald Trump revealed the extent of desperation felt by Republican leaders over the prospect of a party take-over by Trump and his supporters. Republican leaders are apoplectic. So enraged are they that they are willing to risk a loss in November to ensure that Donald Trump is not the nominee. In other words, they would prefer Hillary Clinton or another Democrat to Donald Trump. Indeed, despite his conservative ideological purity, Ted Cruz is loathed by the Republican leaders almost as much as Trump. They find Marco Rubio their only comfortable choice, but Rubio is so far behind that he cannot win. How then can Americans thwart the anti-Democratic efforts of Romney and Republican leaders to prevent a Trump nomination? The answer lies in an intelligent recognition that Cruz, while popular among Republicans, has no appeal outside of Republican circles and, so, is unlikely to win in a general election. Because of that, Republicans can overthrow the establishment and keep Romney and Republican leaders from thwarting the will of the people only by voting overwhelmingly for Trump in the remaining primaries. If they do so, Trump will win on a first ballot, and the machinations Republican leaders are planning will be foiled.

Why is it that Republican leaders are so willing to sacrifice Republican prospects in November to ensure the nomination of a candidate not supported by rank and file Republicans? It is not because they adhere to some sort of conservative litmus test. Despite his ideological purity, Cruz is persona non grata with them. Indeed, they have embraced the likes of Mitt Romney and George Bush in the past who were often proponents of big government. Remember, Romney brought us Obamacare writ small when he was Governor of Massachusetts, and George Bush championed the passage of Medicare Part D (the prescription drug benefit for seniors), the largest welfare program adopted in the United States before Obamacare.

Republican leaders, the old party guard, are not ideological purists like Ronald Reagan was, they are protectionists, more interested in feathering their own nests than in limiting government power. They have long allied themselves with Democrats to favor political appointees who, and government programs that, are favored by industry special interests who hold out the promise of lucrative paybacks for them.

In short, they support the corrupt government quid pro quo with industry that is crony capitalism. Crony capitalism is a form of corruption wherein politicians align themselves with specific industry special interests against others, to pass legislation or enact regulations that are anti-competitive, favoring the economic interests of select industry players at the expense of those others. That game has become the primary business of Congress and the federal agencies, and the leaders of the Republican party cling to it and are responsible for perpetuating it.

Donald Trump, in particular, and Ted Cruz threaten crony capitalism. Because Trump has not sold his soul to Republican leaders and threatens to take dramatic steps that will increase competition, restore upward mobility, and oust the old guard from power, he is intolerable to the leaders. Likewise, Cruz who refuses to curry favor with Republican leaders and has openly condemned them is not an acceptable pick for the old guard.

Driven to the extremes by the very real prospect of a Trump nomination, Romney and his establishment cronies would thwart the democratic selection process by using old fashioned strong arm tactics at the convention to undo the will of the people in favor of the choices of party elites. If that anti-democratic revolution takes place, and Trump is prevented from obtaining the nomination, the Republican party will experience a profound loss in popularity, rendering it incapable of achieving that unity necessary to win the White House in November.

Republican leaders know that, and they do not care! They do not care, because they would rather have a Democrat in the White House who will keep crony capitalism in place than achieve conservative goals of limiting the federal government, revitalizing the nation’s defenses, and restoring competition to the market. Indeed, truth be told, they are not conservative at heart, they are self-interested politicians willing to sell the nation’s founding ideals down the river if it means improving their own financial futures and enhancing their own political power. As they condemn Trump for being a con man, they themselves have presided over the greatest con in American history: selling Americans the idea that government programs are essential when, in fact, they are ordinarily just a cover for political deals that give federal protection to industry leaders at the expense of competition.

What then can Americans do to stop this? A rout at the convention depends on public acquiescence to a greater or lesser degree. Republican leaders’ present plan is to ensure that the remaining primaries deny Trump sufficient support to secure a nomination on the first ballot at the convention. Therefore, if Republicans vote for Trump overwhelmingly, the plan will be thwarted.

But how can conservative purists reconcile that with the risk that Trump will bolt from the conservative reservation on occasion and favor bills of a liberal bend? It is either vote for Trump or watch as a Democrat dedicated to a far left agenda becomes President of the United States. The fact remains that most Americans outside of the Republican Party will not support Cruz for President, but a significant number of Independents and blue collar Democrats will vote for Trump. And a Trump who supports blocking illegal immigration, restoring America’s defenses, aggressively annihilating terrorists, and unleashing free enterprise is a Trump worth voting for, even if he thinks Planned Parenthood outside of abortion services has helped women and even if he thinks he can find a way to bring peace between Israel and the Palestinians. If we are going to alter the dynamic in Washington, we need a meat cleaver, not a tooth pick. Only Trump wields a meat cleaver.

© 2016 Jonathan W. Emord – All Rights Reserved

The coming bloody revolution in America

This is an interview with Roy Masters by David Kupelian on November 11, 1987 for the New Dimensions Magazine.

America IS being intentionally destroyed, says Roy Masters, and he’s not talking about Russians.

As an Englishman who loves America, the real America, Masters has for 27 years been warning Americans about the disintegration of their country on his syndicated radio program, “How Your Mind Can Keep You Well.” Here for the first time, he is laying out what he sees in store for this country in the years ahead.

The American system was founded on an idea so radical and seemingly beyond human nature that, technically speaking, America shouldn’t even exist. And the notion that human beings could govern their own lives responsibly, respecting the rights of others, without the need for a king or tyrant, but only for public servants, ran contrary to all other governments in the history of the human race. In just two short centuries, America has shamed the rest of the world with its mind-boggling success, freedom and wealth.

Today, eighty million people in America receive a government handout; almost half the people are dependent on the labors of the other half. What happened to individual responsibility? Has this country truly fallen into socialism, corruption, immorality, crime and violence, as has so often been said? Or has it been pushed? According to Roy Masters, Americans have not understood the nature of the people they have elected to lead them. Men who aspire to have power over others are a different breed, he says. And it is up to the good people of this country to recognize this difference if they wish to save their country.

MASTERS: There are people in this world who are plain wicked; they are the walking dead.

These people want you to be on welfare; they want you to mismanage your life. They promote promiscuity and human weakness. They promote the downfall of the human spirit and they pretend sympathy and love for it and then they rise to cure it with tax money.

NEW DIMENSIONS: Sounds like you’re talking about liberals.

MASTERS: The liberals in this country, the labor party in Britain—it’s the same mentality. The liberals mother the weakness of a certain segment of the population. They have no intent to make better human beings. Their intent is to breed more of them because then there’s a broader base for their election. Does that make sense to you?

NEW DIMENSIONS: Are you saying that with these people in power, it’s intentional, consciously or unconsciously, to do this, to create debilitated people?

MASTERS: Correct. You see, there are two types of people in the world. There are those who have a very strong moral sense of conscience of right and wrong and wish to adhere to it. When they are wrong, and when they make mistakes, they are able to correct them, or at least seek for answers in a rational way. But there are other people who don’t love what is right and are not aware of the fact that they are wrong. They don’t have a moral conscience like our types do. Their types typically argue against moral absolutes because when you can make everything shades of gray, then you can rationalize any way of life, especially the wrong way of life. There are two classes of human beings in the world, of every race, color and creed. It has nothing to do with race or color. I’m saying that those who come from the dark place seek to rule their brothers; and all the suffering, all the misery, all the tragedy, sickness, disease, war, horror, murder and insanity have come from these people who cannot see how mad they are.

NEW DIMENSIONS: But why is it that they are always the people in power?

MASTERS: Because ever since the fall of man, whenever people are traumatized, even good people, they become addicted to the power of the traumatizer. In other words, once you leave behind your innocence, there is a little piece of them in you that is subject to that which put it there.

NEW DIMENSIONS: So, just as an individual is subject to his traumatic conditioning, you’re saying the whole world is subject to its source of trauma in terms of political power, but what is it that these leader-types are getting out of leading everybody to be so corrupt?

MASTERS: Power. It’s the love of power. If you believe in good and evil, then obviously evil wants to dominate good, or destroy good, and be the god of those who are not good. You see, people have to understand something, and this is a very hard thing to grasp because we are talking about the evils of the world; the Nazis’ extermination of the Jews, the massacres of the Armenians, the things that went on with the Viet Cong, the massacres in Africa. We talk about what human beings do; how they chop off children’s heads and rip open pregnant mothers’ bellies and pull out the embryos. You wonder, “What is this?” You see, there are two forces that are opposed to one another. The Bible says there are two forces that wait upon a man; good and evil, and whatever enters is what we incline our heart to, and some people are permanently subject to that evil because whatever they have become as a result of that sin is who they are, and they cling to that which created them.

NEW DIMENSIONS: Are you saying that a person who becomes corrupted like that and they don’t change from that; that’s what they wanted to become?

MASTERS: Well, you increasingly defend the wrong that’s growing up in you, so it grows up more in you. If you’re incorrigibly prideful, that’s what happens. The trouble is, when your brother grows up to be not so prideful and has a different nature from you, coming from a different place.

NEW DIMENSIONS: It reminds you of the way you are.

MASTERS: Yes and the wicked don’t want to be reminded because it is like dying for them. So that creates the impulse to kill or to destroy that which tends to stand as a contrast. That’s why parents destroy their innocent children. They cannot stand the look of that child that reminds them of what they’ve lost and what they’ve become. This society has become increasingly intolerant of innocence.

Let me make a point: If you spoil a child and console him and don’t let him feel the pain of his mistakes, he will become dependent upon the person who provides that kind of answer. Never will he put roots down inside of himself. He can always reach outside to someone who will give him sympathy and take his pain away. As a result of that, instead of him becoming a better person, he starts to take on the direction of the person who set him up for this. So he becomes less and less able to fend for himself, more and more dependent, not only on the answers and excuses provided by his benefactor, but he also becomes dependent on welfare, someone helping him to exist. So he becomes totally dependent. Eventually, if we don’t cure the condition, the condition worsens because he produces more offspring who, as they grow up to become teenagers and adults, also produce offspring and are now stuck in a vicious cycle of welfare dependency. There are more and more of them and less and less of us.

NEW DIMENSIONS: And you’re saying this is by design? I can see that one thing it accomplishes is to create a power base, a voting bloc.

MASTERS: Right. It creates an electorate. Therefore, the communist-socialist type of mentality (who are the ones who want power) can only have power by creating dependent people; more and more of them. Because once they are created, they’re going to have their own representatives and that’s where the idea for big government spending comes from. Because those people who are now receiving some sort of government handout, are now becoming the majority. Pretty soon the Americans who work and have to support that will have to go out and have two jobs; mother and father both working, the taxes becoming higher and higher ….

NEW DIMENSIONS: You have that situation now.

MASTERS: But it will get to the point that, by political decree, they can’t even save for their own future, their own independence. Eventually, they will become wards of the state too. Pretty soon, everybody’s on welfare. Because the money you could have saved for your own future, you have to pay to some whore with twelve kids in the ghetto. The point is this: eventually, people like us are going to say, “Just a minute! That’s enough. Our own survival is at stake. We’re just not going to let that happen anymore.” And when we do that, there’s going to be a tax revolt. When the tax revolt comes, those people who have been on welfare? Their funds will be cut off.

NEW DIMENSIONS: They’ll go nuts.

MASTERS: They are violent enough anyway because of the humiliation of being on welfare. They need it, but then they feel humiliated by taking it. You see, once a person has been humiliated and dehumanized by welfare, he becomes addicted because he can’t fend for himself. But the average ego cannot stand the conflict of having an existence that is dependent on somebody else. It is humiliating to his ego. So what he does, because he can no longer take money that is handed down to him, he has to go out and steal and rob for it; that way he humiliates while he takes. These people are already becoming killers and the conflict of not being able to grow, and the conflict of being addicted to the violators who are pretending to love them and help them, and who pretend to have their welfare at heart, but are creating slaves, goes on and on. The conflict of growing up that way is so great, that many of them spend their welfare checks on dope, and when whose funds are cut off, those people are going to come streaming out of the inner cities into the countryside, pillaging and robbing and murdering. It’ll be them against us.

NEW DIMENSIONS: You’re saying that the productive people are going to stop paying taxes….

MASTERS: They’re going to say, “No more.” If I know Americans, they’re a lot different from Europeans. There’s a certain element in America that is different from their counterpart in Europe.

NEW DIMENSIONS: A little more gutsy do you think?

MASTERS: A little more gutsy.

NEW DIMENSIONS: This rebellion that you’re talking about; the form that it takes right now is the huge underground economy. It represents people refusing to pay taxes, because taxes aren’t fair and they’re pocketing it, or they’re not declaring it. Are you saying there’s going to be an open revolt, like the Boston Tea Party? Because remember most people are afraid of the government. The IRS is cracking down; they’re requiring that five-year-olds have a Social Security number now. People are very afraid of the IRS and they’re very afraid to come out and openly defy the government.

MASTERS: Oh yes, you’d get destroyed.

NEW DIMENSIONS: You get a few people like that Gordon Karl, who was a kind of religious nut patriot tax-protester type who shot a couple of federal agents and was shot himself in a big shoot-out. There’s a little of that. People openly rebelling against the government over taxes, but for the most part, it’s very little.

MASTERS: But the problem is that it’s going to come to a head because of the tremendous number of loathsome and low types of human beings we are creating. In other words, we are down-breeding this nation. We’re becoming like a third world nation because of the welfare thing. Where a woman can have ten children and not know who their father is, and not be responsible, and not be moral. Then you and me; we have to take care of whose kids who don’t have any hope for a future.

NEW DIMENSIONS: Let me give you an interesting comparison. In Sweden, they’re further along than we are down the socialistic road. They have cradle-to-grave security and their taxation rate is way above 50 percent, maybe 70 percent. The way it is now, you have a big suppression; they’ve all given in.

MASTERS: Sweden is not America. Americans, the real Americans, are the kind of people who originated the Boston Tea Party. They are the type of people who came over on the Mayflower and got away from the European dark ages.

NEW DIMENSIONS: That was then. Do you think we still have it in us now?

MASTERS: I think it’s in our genes. I think there are enough Americans over here that have that quality. There are still enough of us around who want to fight for this country.

NEW DIMENSIONS: So you’re saying we’re not going to just knuckle under and “join the system” like in Sweden?

MASTERS: It wouldn’t be America anymore! Sweden is a nothing power. What made America great? It’s that pioneering quality, the willingness to stand on your own two feet, to fend for yourself and be your own person.

NEW DIMENSIONS: Yes, but remember we’re talking about a country now that has really fallen and has millions of homosexuals and drug addicts….

MASTERS: But I say there are enough of us left, enough of the real American types left to make a difference.

NEW DIMENSIONS: What form you visualize such a rebellion of taxpayers could take?

MASTERS: It could be just people saying, “No more,” and sort of disappearing, like in the story, “Atlas Shrugged.”

NEW DIMENSIONS: Are you predicting a happy ending to the story here in America?

MASTERS: No, I think it’s going to be full of bloodshed and violence. The dehumanizing of people in this country because of the freedom here, because we are so radically different from the other countries of the world, we have fallen here so low and have produced such great masses of dehumanized beings, it’s going to be bloodshed. You see, there are going to be more and more people on welfare; and these people in the inner cities, they are very much dehumanized and very violent too, very hateful and cruel.

NEW DIMENSIONS: I think people can remember the Watts riot and other riots around that time, like the ones in Washington D.C., there were whole blocks that were totally burned out.

MASTERS: That’s right, that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

NEW DIMENSIONS: When will it happen?

MASTERS: It will happen when the major [world] powers are balanced, meaning there are no more hostilities. As long as you can have a war, you can turn the hates and the frustrations of a people toward a common enemy. Everybody unifies together, so instead of fighting each other they turn their angers and rages toward an outside enemy. That’s what wars are for, basically. Because in every country since time began, the exploiters eventually made people’s lives miserable and just before the people would turn and rebel against their leaders, the leaders would have a convenient war and turn the energies against a common enemy and therefore survive exploiting a little longer.

We’ve had the longest period of peacetime we’ve ever had. We’ve had 40 years with no major, declared war. So I think it will happen when we’ve got a balance of power; when we’ve got peace agreements with Russia and China and everything looks rosy. And we have to do that, or we’re going to have an atomic war on our hands; our leaders are forced to do that, we have no choice. So at that time when everybody is saying, “Peace, peace,” that is when the whole country will collapse and the revolution in America and in other countries will happen.

NEW DIMENSIONS: How many years away do you see this coming about?

MASTERS: I don’t know, but I could guess. What I am talking about could be prevented, it could be reversed. If people would stand up now and say “No” to higher taxes, before there’s more of “them” than there are of “us.” If we could have a system where we hold people accountable and discourage welfare mothers, where we aren’t encouraging and condoning immorality… It’s got to be a hue and cry, but I’m afraid there are too many people now who have some sort of government paycheck.

NEW DIMENSIONS: Just between you and me, it seems unlikely.

MASTERS: To me it seems unlikely; I don’t think it will happen because there are already more of them than there are of us. So I don’t know when it’s going to happen, but my guess is before the year 2000.

NEW DIMENSIONS: That would you say people should do?

MASTERS: Listen; hole up in Southern Oregon (laughing). What do you think I’m up there for? It’s relatively unspoiled, there’s more of us gathered there, people who are running away from the big cities with the crime and corruption. People are willing to settle for lower salaries and have the simple life. There their children won’t get contaminated by the mores and morals of the inner cities. So those kinds of people are thinking people and they’re moving away regardless of the loss of economic income. They’re moving toward places like Grants Pass (Oregon).

NEW DIMENSIONS: I think that within a year or two it’s going to be like it was in the late 70’s with Carter. Once Reagan is out, it’s going to be “survival” days again.

MASTERS: Well, Reagan was a strong bulwark; he was a strong buffer between them and us. He knew how to deal with them. The trouble is the news media is on the side of them.

NEW DIMENSIONS: The Iran-Contra thing was as though a big dike of media hate burst through. The only reason the media held back all whose years was because Reagan was so popular; the media can only go so far because they’ll lose credibility if they defame a president that the people love.

MASTERS: Well, to me, that’s hopeful because of the fact that people see our kind in him; no matter what the media tried to do to degrade him, there seemed to be enough people who love goodness….

NEW DIMENSIONS: … that resonates to that decency. It was the same thing with Oliver North. They saw Ollie North and they loved him.

MASTERS: Yes, and they couldn’t degrade him either. They couldn’t say bad about him, it only made him look better. So to me that’s very heartening, but all I am doing is saying what’s in the hearts of millions of people, but you won’t see it in the newspapers because the newspapers are controlled by them.


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Listen to Roy Masters radio show Monday to Friday from 9 PM to 11 PM Pacific on KDWN Radio in Las Vegas, NV.

© 2016 Roy Masters – All Rights Reserved

John Kasich loves NAFTA, TPP, Common Core, Amnesty and Clinton’s gun ban

One of the biggest challenges facing the American economy is that we lack a domestic manufacturing base. Simply put we do not produce anything anymore. We buy tons of foreign goods and then wonder why we are lacking jobs. We import most of our goods which has resulted in a huge trade deficit and industrial job losses. Our economy has transitioned from an agricultural society to an industrial society to a service economy. —Mark Riddix

So who is your choice? John Kasich? He voted for NAFTA when in congress and then presided over the industrial exodus as governor of Ohio. NAFTA was the beginning of the end of middle class jobs. Now he’s promoting TPP which not only will destroy more American jobs, but will threaten American sovereignty and our Constitution.

Marco Rubio, an ineligible anchor baby pawn of the Koch Brothers who wants to throw open American doors to the entire world? Rubio cast the deciding vote for the TPA fast track, and didn’t even read it. Link Now he’s telling people to vote for Kasich in Ohio, to stop Donald Trump.

Ted Cruz, an ineligible Canadian Bush globalist, who quadrupled the H1B foreign worker program? Cruz even backed fast track for Obama for the TPP. [Link] Probably one of the worst deceptions I’ve seen in a long time. He has a Bible in one hand, and a knife in the other. 

Donald Trump, a self-confessed Establishment slayer and successful real estate developer- and ELIGIBLE who wants our borders closed and a wall built to stop the influx of illegals? He is for trade, but not for the rotten deals that destroy American jobs and leave us with huge deficits. Is he a politician? No. Does he know every facet of America’s problems? No. But this man, unlike all the rest, listens to the people of America.

Kasich and NAFTA

North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act. In doing so, the exodus of America jobs started going south. See the best Trump rally to date in Boca Raton Florida yesterday.

The calls to our Congress Criminals were 10 to 1 against it, yet the Republicans saved the day for NAFTA and voted for this job destroying agreement. Within 10 years, over a million American jobs were lost. [Link] American industry has been decimated. 

After two decades of NAFTA, we can measure its actual outcomes. The grand promises made by proponents remain unfulfilled. Many outcomes are exactly the opposite of what was promised. Many U.S. firms used the new investor protections to relocate production to Mexico to take advantage of its low wages and weak environmental standards and to attack NAFTA countries’ environmental and health laws in foreign tribunals. Over $340 million in compensation to investors has been extracted from NAFTA governments via these “investor-state” challenges. The American people have suffered, and the old statement of jobs being sucked south to Mexico is radically true.

Kasich and TPP

GOP presidential candidate Ohio Gov. John Kasich came out in support of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement during the fourth GOP primary debate hosted by Fox Business, saying the deal is “critical.” So far, Ohio has lost 112,500 jobs to TPP.

Donald Trump has a totally different take on the Trans Pacific Partnership. Here’s what he said in answer to a debate question posted by WSJ’s Gerard Baker:

Trump was exactly right…China will come into it, and it is a deal that is more destructive than all the other trade deals combined.


The Obama administration-backed agreement is bad news for a number of other reasons too, threatening U.S. sovereignty, the economy, and the Constitution. As such, it must be stopped, according to a recent four-part video series examining different elements of the regional agreement by researcher and analyst Christian Gomez, who has studied the treaty, and William F. Jasper, senior editor of the New American magazine. [Link]

Kasich on Second Amendment. 

In 1994, when he was a US Congressman John Kasich voted for the Clinton Gun and Magazine ban. Nothing more needs to be said. Kasich not only lacks a solid understanding of world affairs and world history, but he is also anti-gun.

And if voting for the Clinton gun and magazine ban is not enough proof, as Governor of Ohio, Kasich signed Medicaid reform that contained a version of “see a shrink lose your guns.” Governor Kasich is simply another politician who will excuse criminal behavior as mental illness and by extension would likely void the Second Amendment rights of anyone who sees a “shrink.” [Link]

Kasich on Amnesty

Illegal immigrants are “a critical part of our society” and should be provided a route to amnesty, Republican presidential candidate John Kasich tells a coalition of Hispanic company executives. Kasich wants a path to legalize all Illegal aliens, see video below.

“For those that are here that have been law abiding, God bless them,” he told the business group, which is a major advocate for expanded immigration.

“Then I think the [illegals] should have a path to legalization… I think that can pass,” Kasich said, using one of the euphemisms for granting legal residency to illegal immigrants. [Link]

Syrian Refugees

Kasich was all for taking in Syrian refugees and encouraged Obama to accept them. Then the Paris attacks happened, and he decided perhaps it wasn’t such a good idea, and joined other governors saying no to refugees. Instead, he wants a more robust U.S. military presence in the Middle East and pointed to his experience in Congress on the House Armed Services Committee. [Link]

Personally I believe our soldiers have spent enough time in the Middle East, bring them all home, and put them on our borders.

Health Care

Despite saying he’s against Obama Care, Kasich accepted the Medicaid expansion under the bill for the State of Ohio. [Link]


Gov. John Kasich defended his support for Common Core, claiming the standards were developed by governors and adopted locally. Critics argue that Common Core was written behind closed doors with little evidence governors were closely involved, then forced on schools by the federal government. Who says our governors are any good at deciding what American education should be? How about taking us back to academic teaching instead of behavioral modification a la Pavlov/Skinner?

“Governors themselves wrote the standards,” Kasich said at the National Review Institute’s Ideas Summit. “We’ve implemented the standards. I didn’t implement them, Obama didn’t implement them, nobody did. The local school boards have adopted the standards, and now, the curriculum is being written by local school boards. I don’t know what’s wrong with that.” 

Kasich paints a picture of Common Core that would be nice, if only it were rooted in reality. [Link

What a joke!

Charters, Choice and Vouchers

Fethullah Gulen charter schools, Chinese charter schools, (Chinese investors are putting millions into Florida Chinese chartersWaldorf charter schools, etc. etc. ad nauseam. Do you want to support Islamic, communist, and Rudolph Steiner’s Anthroposophical Society charters with your tax dollars, to name just a few?

Politics, Markets and America’s Schools, 1990). Please read that again slowly. Get it in your heads…they want a choice system that is beyond the reach of the taxpayer and parents!

Please understand that private schools cannot remain independent once they have accepted federal funding through vouchers/choice.

The desire for total government control of education started long ago. However, back then, we had preachers who told the truth and informed the public. In August of 1933, Dr. J. Gresham Machen, gave the speech, The Necessity of the Christian School. He was Professor of New Testament in Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pa. The lecture was given at the Educational Convention held in Chicago under the auspices of the National Union of Christian Schools.

Whatever the government funds with our tax dollars, the government ultimately controls.


John Kasich is a pro-life governor, and has closed many clinics in Ohio, he also wants to defund Planned Parenthood in the state. As great as that is, his stances on education, free-trade, jobs, the second amendment, and amnesty are those of the left. At best, Kasich is a moderate.

Thanks to the diligence of Paul Walter, CEO of NewsWithViews, many ideas for my articles have come from him. Paul immigrated from communist Yugoslavia, providence of Slovenia, and therefore he sees more clearly the dangers to our Republic than those who have always known free America as home. Please support

Chicago protesters: ignorant, useful fools

Before I get into the ugliness which took place in Chicago and other cities, there were two more presidential primary caucuses on Saturday, March 12th. According to the Wyoming Secretary of State, as of this month, there are 139,955 registered Republicans in that state. Turnout for their county caucuses was beyond pathetic:

Cruz (644 votes): 66.3%, 9 delegates
Rubio (189 votes): 19.5%, 1 delegate
Trump (70 votes): 7.2%, 1 delegate
Kasich (0 votes):0%, 0 delegates
Uncommitted (68 votes): 7%, 1 delegate

A grand total of 971 out of almost 140,000 registered Republicans on a Saturday bothered to participate in the process to elect a new president of these united States of America.

According to the Washington, DC Board of Elections there are 330,571 registered Democratic/Communist Party USA voters, 27, 228 registered Republican voters and a whopping 72,406 No Party. Turnout there was as pathetic as Wyoming:

Marco Rubio 1,059
John Kasich 1,009
Donald Trump 391
Ted Cruz 351

Out of 27,228 registered Republicans a grand total of 2,839 bothered to participate in the process to elect a new president.

As for the protesters who caused Donald Trump to cancel a scheduled event, March 11, 2016, at a large ‘diverse’ state university, we know many outside the event were supporters of socialist, Bernie Sanders, who should not be in this race at all. Sanders has been working feverishly in the Outlaw Congress for the past 25 years to overthrow our legal form of government and turn America into a socialist nightmare. Furthermore, He is NOT a member of the Democratic/Communist Party USA so why is he allowed to run on the Democrat party ticket?

Protesters outside the venue chanted the worn out ‘Trump is a racist’ because of his stand on stopping illegals from sneaking into our country bankrupting county and state resources.

Protesters outside the venue held up all kinds of signs like Dump Trump, Trump is Hate, Vote 4 Trump You Get Jumped, Your Hate is Killing People and other bull fed to them by organizations funded by another seditionist, George Soros. I’ve watched endless clips of what happened. One I caught was a reporter who ask five different protesters why there were there and not one of them could come up with a single reason other than to shrug their shoulders or come up with this classic: I don’t want to tell you. Such brilliance!

Inside the Madhouse: Firsthand Account of Chicago Shutdown from Trump Supporter (Truly sickening and dangerous. As with other protests by Trump haters, they seem unable to get by without flipping the bird and using the F word. Sad to have such a limited vocabulary, but then what can one expect from public schools?) Not to be left out of the pool of nitwits, Marxist Bill de Blasio, Mayor of NYC sent out a tweet thing: Trump is a racist.

On the organized side, we know thugs from BlackLivesMatter were there was well as Experienced agitators who are quite adept at the herding technique. As with illegals out in the open in places like Arizona at the state capitol, protesters over the weekend were flying the Communist flag.

Trump spoke in Ohio at an airport on Saturday, March 12th. A 22-year old useful fool apparently wanted to kill Trump by jumping the low barrier around Trump. Secret Service immediately took him down and away. Besides being a supporter of Bernie Sanders and his toxic message, there is allegedly ties to ISIS. Thomas Dimassimo is no stranger to that type of behavior. One can see pictures of him stomping on the American flag at other college campuses on the Internet.

Here in America thugs egged on by the criminal impostor in the White House, former Attorney General Eric Holder and phony civil rights pimps like Al Sharpton we now have dangerous individuals who want to assassinate a presidential candidate. Mrs. Trump andhis children must have felt such fear watching in real time. THAT is how deep the division has become in this country since Barry Obama usurped the office of president. His useful idiot supporters will sputter and claim it isn’t so, but it’s as true as the sky is blue.

Then came Kansas City. I was watching it live on FOX. What a sickening spectacle. The first twenty minutes Trump attempted to get on with his speech, but was constantly interrupted by hoodlums who managed to get in the door. That batch of ignorant, useful fools were thrown out, but a new one kept popping up someplace in the massive audience.

Voters Slam Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio for Blaming Chicago Rally Shutdown on Donald Trump

If anyone thinks this planned coordinated attack on Donald Trump each time he appears somewhere is going away, they would be wrong. The victim hood industry owned by the Democratic/Communist Party USA is as threatened as the dirty traitors called the Republican establishment elites who have worked hand in hand with Demorats in the Outlaw Congress to destroy this country. That is what Americans are finally waking up to and what is driving the movement launched by Trump.

Unfortunately, tens of millions of black Americans as well as Mexican, South American and others who were either born in this country or legally became citizens don’t understand: the Democratic/Communist Party USA wants you to stay poor. They want you to stay dependent on mother government so you will keep voting their incumbents in the Outlaw Congress back into office. They do not want you to be successful despite all the braying by lying pieces of crap like Hillary Clinton. That’s what all those minorities at the Trump events just don’t understand because they’ve been through the government’s indoctrination centers they call public schools, they read sewer web sites like the Huffington Post and watch propaganda on the book tube on CNN and MSNBC.

A small percentage have awakened and switched to vote Republican. Hopefully they will pass on the message of freedom and liberty to their friends and family. Hopefully they will listen and start rejecting the global agenda of the impostor in the White House and dirty dogs in Congress who care nothing about them. They only lust for power and money.

Those protesters are also victims of the finest Soviet-style propaganda brainwashing as one can see outside the old Kremlin. They are ignorant useful fools of the tyrants working to bring America to her knees. Remember those 45 goals of the Communist Party International? These are germane to what happened over the weekend:

– Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
– Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
– Gain control of all student newspapers.
– Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
– Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy making positions.
– Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

Successful on every count in this country under the banner of ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive liberal’. America’s children for the past 40 years have been indoctrinated and brainwashed in those toxic institutions they call public schools and on college campuses across this country. What we saw over this past weekend is the successful implementation by the evil doers.

If any of them had an ounce of intelligence they would listen to what Donald Trump has been saying since last June which Trump alluded to while waiting for disrespectful protesters to be removed:

Many of these protesters are unhappy – especially black Americans who were going to hit the jackpot under racist, Barry Soetoro (Obama) – because they can’t find work, because wages are stagnant and can’t keep up with inflation. I feel confident in saying none of them understand the disabilities of our monetary system so they can’t process the problem with the dollar. They are so dumbed down from public schools and so brainwashed by the boob tube, Hollywood mouthpieces and corrupt politicians they simply cannot see how they’ve been led down the path to their own destruction.

Trump has promised to stop the complete destruction of our most important job bases, manufacturing, industrial and agriculture, from destructive trade treaties like NAFTA and bring jobs home to America. Trump has never said those jobs would not go to black or Mexican or Asian Americans. He stands before you with the promise to stop the bleeding of jobs and bring jobs back to America for ALL Americans.

• Kasich, Cruz, Rubio Talk Tough on Foreign Workers While Concealing Efforts to Expand Guest Worker Programs
• Ohio losing high-paying manufacturing jobs under Kasich,Backs free-trade deals sending employment overseas
• Ohio lost 112,500 jobs to trade with TPP countries
• More Foreign Graduates to Compete for STEM Jobs Under Newly Unveiled Obama Rule

• EXCLUSIVE — Tea Party Founder: An Open Letter to Ted Cruz – She forgot to mention Cruz is ineligible to even run
• Ted Cruz Loses Law Enforcement After Siding With Bill Ayers, Violent Mobs Beating Cops in Chicago
• Excellent: Ted Cruz Joins George Soros Group in Trump Attack

Trump’s stand on illegal immigration is not only about national security but making jobs available to ALL Americans stolen by illegal aliens by closing the southern border and, I pray, getting the Outlaw Congress to reintroduce Dirty Harry Reid’s strong anti-illegals bill which I wrote about in August 2014 which the current incumbents in Congress have done NOTHING. If Congress would pass Dirty Harry’s old bill and President Trump signs it into law we will see millions and millions of liars, cheats and thieves, illegal aliens, immediately self-deport. Take money to the bank on that.Tragically, Americans continue to vote to reelect almost all incumbents so far.

• Kasich promises ‘legalization’ for illegals within 100 days if elected (that should finish off Father Teresa)
• Guess What? Kasich ALSO Didn’t Get Enough Signatures For The Illinois Ballot!
• Three Illegal Alien Convicted Rapists Arrested Sneaking Back into Texas, March 11, 2016
• ‘We Got All These Illegals Working Here, Something’s Got To Happen’ – Democrat Chicago

‘I want to vote so Donald Trump won’t win’: Illegals Applying for Citizenship to Vote Against Trump – We are going to see vote fraud in Ohio and Florida tomorrow night along with illegals voting in every state. If Kasich takes Ohio, Trump needs to audit the vote throughout the state. Not just walk away like wimp, Mittens Romney did.

Donald Trump also believes we should stop all legal immigration for two years. No. We need to shut down legal immigration for at least five years. We have 92 MILLION Americans from all walks of life, skin color and political persuasions out of work. They’re out of work because both Democrats and Republicans have sold the American worker out to foreign interests. Massive of abuse of high tech visas has kept college graduates and very experienced IT types on unemployment and food stamps. It’s out and out BS that the Silicon Valley and other hubs of high tech employees can’t find qualified workers. They want CHEAP workers while Americans go without.

• Donald Trump Says Massive Legal Migration Is Eroding Middle Class
• Illinois company to force tech workers to train foreign replacements (Taking a page out of Disney’s playbook)

We need to shut down legal immigration for at least five years to clean out the illegals which includes background checks on ones suspected of being connected to ISIS and other terrorist groups,and round up traitorous Muslims in this country and get laws passed to protect we the people against any implementation of Sharia Law. America needs a minimum of give years to clean up and reset. There’s nothing in the U.S. Constitution that says we have to flood this country with immigrants – especially when they bring nothing to the table. OUR citizens have the job skills to fill jobs in this country. Now we have to bring them home to America.

Because NWVs gets so many new readers, I once again strongly encourage you to read an excerpt from Jerri Lynn Ball’s book, Masters of Seduction. It’s 25 pages, but explains exactly how the American people are being brainwashed to accept slavery instead of freedom. While it was written in 2000, nothing has changed in the psychological war against we the people, just the players. It is imperative Americans understand how they’ve been manipulated and how to break away from contributing to the total destruction of our constitutional republic. Share with family friends and anyone else who is concerned about what’s happening. Read it.

WATCH free on line – Cultural Marxism – The Corruption of America. This is the full length DVD that, like Masters of Seduction, will give Americans not only the truth but ammunition to counter the propaganda being fed to our fellow Americans on a daily basis. That video should be given a showing at every church in this country – especially in black communities as well other ethnic categories. They need the truth. I am not your enemy because my skin is a different color. Your enemy is the forces at work in this country destroying all that America has ever stood for that was great.

As you watch that superb video, keep in mind these communist goals at mentioned earlier in this column; my comments are in parenthesis:

– Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.” (We see this all over America unconstitutionally paid for by we the people.)
– Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”
– Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press. (The introduction of porn in print and movies as well as ‘sex education’ in America’s classrooms.)

– Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
– Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
– Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”
– Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”

– Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
– Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.” (How many times have we heard Demorats in the Outlaw Congress refer to our Founding Fathers as old white men who repressed blacks?)

– Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the “big picture.” Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
– Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture–education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
– Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
– Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
– Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use [“]united force[“] to solve economic, political or social problems. (Exactly what we saw in Kansas City and Chicago. Useful fools chanting the old commie standards of income equality, racism and those nasty Republicans.)

We know Ohio and Florida are two of the worst states when it comes to vote fraud. Believe me when I tell you we will see the same thing we’ve seen in presidential elections since 2000. Here’s one example already: You Won’t Believe What They Did to the Ohio Ballot to Stop Trum

There’s no question John Kerry won Ohio in 2004 denying George Bush, Jr., a win and not enough electoral college votes to win the general election. Witness To A Crime: A Citizens’ Audit of an American Election. While Comrade Kerry would have been another disaster, electronic vote fraud put Bush, Jr., in the White House. If anyone thinks it can’t happen with Donald Trump they had better think again. Rigged elections and oblivious voters

The machine hasn’t been able to stop Trump so far, but as someone who has been on the vote fraud issues since 1993, I’m telling you it’s their ace in the hole.

[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. Just released: New Expanded Global Edition. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]

© 2016 – and Devvy – All Rights Reserved

Ted Cruz joins Soros group in Trump attack

It is by its promise of a sense of power that evil often attracts the weak. ~Eric Hoffer (1902-1983) American philosopher and author.

Leftist anarchists sparked security fears in Chicago on Friday and shut down a rally that had drawn tens-of-thousands of Trump supporters.

Thousands of Donald Trump fans were stunned to hear that riots had succeeded in derailing the event at the University of Illinois-Chicago. The announcement came amid protests outside the venue.

Oh yes, George Soros’ anarchists, along with Bernie Sanders, Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall street, F**k the Police, and typical
Chicago-Style-Democrat-thug politics were responsible for the riot in Chicago where Trump was to speak. [Link] Many were carrying Mexican flags and wearing “Muslims Hate Trump,” t-shirts. This is the second stage of planning to derail Trump. Because Trump had to cancel the Chicago speech, these gangsters will try this again and again. Yes, it’s the 60s again, with commies fomenting hatred for freedom of speech from the only candidate who wants to return America to her founding principles. And of course, Obama’s buddy, Bill Ayers, was in the crowd demonstrating

Born and raised in Chicago, I know the politics of this democratic held city only too well, and it very, very ugly.

Ted Cruz Claims Trump Responsible

Ted Cruz and the GOPe jumped into the fray of Soros Chicago politics and actually blamed Donald Trump for the protests. So, Ted Cruz blames Donald for not being politically correct and thus causing the protests and violence.

Diane Marshall of the Marshall Report writes this:

What if the Trump supporters decided to go ballistic and riot Cruz town halls because of Glenn Beck’s garbage mouth calling them ALL NAZIS and Trump Hitler! He can’t blame that all on Beck…he stood their nodding with that snaky grin approving all of the liar messages every time they were spoken, over and over and over again.

Cruz has lied over and over again about Trump, and even about Carson and Rubio. His supporters don’t seem to understand the deviousness of his campaign and continue to say it’s untrue, but we’ve documented his lies many, many times. Cruz has even accepted monies from David McIntosh, the president of Club for Growth. 

Remember Club for Growth is pro-amnesty, and when they asked Trump for a million-dollar donation, Trump refused. So CfG spent $3.3 million in attack ads against Trump. Of course Ted Cruz has no problem accepting money from McIntosh, and why wouldn’t he, he’s for open borders. Heidi Cruz spent five years at the Council on Foreign Relations helping to write the North America Union, and that filthy sovereignty destroying piece of legislation eliminates the borders between Canada, Mexico and the United States. If Cruz becomes president, we will become just like the now failed, European Union.

Fox News Joins in Blaming Trump

Fox News, (especially Megyn Kelly), who has proven to be worse than CNN, has even joined the left ( and George Soros) in blaming Trump for this communist demonstration from the far left anarchists. They’re saying Trump should accept that America no longer allows total free speech, that it should be curtailed to be more “inclusive and politically sensitive.” Excuse me, while I go get my barf bag. If this doesn’t sound like commie rhetoric, I don’t know what does!

Who Owns What?

The GOP establishment, the DNC establishment, the MSM establishment, and the anarchists from Soros’ leftist organizations all hate Trump, but even the web outlets we believe give us the truth have questionable ownership.

Robert Mercer

Billionaire Robert Mercer founded Cruz’s super Pac for $10 million, but he also purchased for another $11 million. [Link] Mercer has given $750,000 to the infamous Club for Growth (CfG). In my article, Why The GOP Establishment Hates Donald Trump, I exposed CfG partners and allies include the Peter G. Peterson FoundationPeterson is chairman emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations and former chairman of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. Another ally is the US Chamber of Commerce, who is so behind the invasion of illegal aliens on our southern borders. 

Mercer has also given $2 million to American Crossroads, founded by that stellar neo-conservative commie, Karl Rove. Mercer was/is the originating financial backer for the Ted Cruz “Keep the Promise” (KtP1, KtP2 and KtP3) Super-PACs. Mercer is also the financial backing behind Cambridge Analytica.

Cambridge Analytica is the receiver of the contact information provided to Breitbart when you participate in their on-line Presidential Poll. [Link] They were hired by Cruz as his spy machine on voter attributes via Facebook.
Wilks Brothers

The Daily Wire is actually owned by the Wilks brothers, Levi and Farris Wilks. These two are the other end of the Ted Cruz financial team, and massive multi-million dollar donors to Cruz’s presidential bid. Ben Shapiro is the front-man for The Daily Wire, and as such he is 1000% behind Cruz

prominent faith leaders (including David Barton, James Robison, and John Hagee) at the ranch of Texas tycoon, Farris Wilks. Wilks supports most of the phony rightwing groups in the secretive Council for National Policy. Farris and his brother Dan have donated $15 million to a super PAC which supports Cruz. Cameras and recording devices were not allowed at the Wilks ranch when Cruz spoke, so only God and attendees know what was said at the event. However, one might be able to get an idea of how Cruz views God’s role in American politics by reviewing his associations. Farris Wilks heads the Assembly of Yahweh, Seventh Day. Here’s what they believe

National Review

National Review, who came out with their list of who hates Trump not long ago, now is endorsing Ted Cruz. We shouldn’t be surprised at that since those on the list are the neo-cons claiming to be conservatives. Remember that the National Review was founded by William F. Buckley, CFR member, CIA agent, and Skull and Bones man. Buckley actually appointed the present head of National Review, Rick Lowry, in 1997 to carry on with the neo-conservative propaganda of the founder. If you haven’t read John McManus’s book, “William F. Buckley, Pied Piper for the Establishment,” I’d really suggest getting a copy. It is heavily referenced and has a wonderful index. 


By now, most Americans, who have been politically astute for many decades, can see just exactly what the Republican party has become in the last 60 years. Very few of them are friends of the Constitution, and neither are they conservatives. 

The establishment Republicans, and media all claim Mr. Trump isn’t conservative enough, but this is a euphemism for saying he isn’t a globalist establishment insider. Americans who flock to his rallies know this, they know he resonates with freedom. They know he isn’t perfect and he doesn’t know every subject, but they know he’s a good man, rough around the edges like General Patton, but always telling us the truth the way he sees it. We rejoice in hearing this truth. It’s thrilling after so many years of hearing the false drivel from the moderate left leaning Republican candidates.

Am I thrilled that Ben Carson endorsed Trump? You bet I am because even though I have my problems with Ben, I believe this skilled doctor is a good man who is decent and who can spot another honorable man. And, if Trump becomes President, maybe he can consider appointing Dr. Carson as Surgeon General.

Why do I think Ben Carson endorsed Trump? Because Trump showed that he was the only gentleman among the candidates…truly, a gentleman. [Link]

Let’s give America a Nineveh…vote Trump!!

Thanks to the diligence of Paul Walter, CEO of NewsWithViews, many ideas for my articles have come from him. Paul immigrated from communist Yugoslavia, providence of Slovenia, and therefore he sees more clearly the dangers to our Republic than those who have always known free America as home. Please support

When government is like cancer

The human body is an amazing Creation of an all wise God. Open minded students of our biological frame stand in awe of the marvelous design of God our Creator. “There are between 50 and 75 trillion cells in the body…. Each type of cell has its own life span, and when a human dies it may take hours or day before all the cells in the body die.”[1]

There is a myth circulating that we replace every last cell except brain cells are replaced every seven years, but it is more complex than that. “It is true that individual cells have a finite life span, and when they die off they are replaced with new cells… Red blood cells live for about four months, while white blood cells live on average more than a year. Skin cells live about two or three weeks. Colon cells have it rough: They die off after about four days… while brain cells typically last an entire lifetime (neurons in the cerebral cortex, for example, are not replaced when they die).”[2]

So the process of replacing all the dying cells in our body with brand new cells is an extremely important function. Imagine what would happen if a newly minted cell decided not to function as it was designed to function, to go rouge, to rebel against the Creator’s design for it as a cell. Just consider the liver for example.

The liver is our largest internal organ. “The liver performs many essential functions related to digestion, metabolism, immunity, and the storage of nutrients within the body. These functions make the liver a vital organ without which the tissues of the body would quickly die from lack of energy and nutrients.”[3] Some estimate at least 500 vital functions are preformed by our liver.

So what if the liver cells designed by God to manufacture bile, which is essential in digestion, decided on their own to stop making bile? If one or two cells did that, you might not notice. But if those few cells begin the reproduction of other rebel cells, very soon you are in serious trouble. If enough of those rebel cells reproduce after their kind you will be diagnosed with having liver cancer. What have each of those cancer cells done? Rather than preforming the task they were designed by the Creator to do, they have gone their own way; instead of serving the human body in which they reside, they have decided to only serve themselves. They greedily demand a continuing supply of blood, of oxygen, of nutrients but now these cells will no longer serve the body, now they will only serve themselves. They have rebelled against their designer and gone rouge. They have become an enemy to that very body they were created to serve; indeed they have become a deadly enemy.

We know that unless those cancer cells are stopped in their tracks, deprived of blood, oxygen and nutrients, the body they were designed to serve, the body which they inhabit will ultimately die. And ironically, those cancer cells, unlike a parasite which might migrate from one host body to another, those cancer cells are going to die in the body which they killed. In other words, cancer cells by choosing to go rouge are choosing the path of suicide.

I’m reminded of the discussion we had at IOTC’s First Friday lecture. We know that our Founders designed the civil government to be a servant of the people, to serve us by protecting and securing our God given rights.

But what happens when that government goes rouge, when it becomes a rebel against the purpose for which it was created, the purpose for which God ordained it, when it rejects the design of the creators and begins to only serve itself and not the people, when it greedily consumes the resources of the people for its own selfish ends, when it no longer operates as the servant of the people but turns itself into the master of the people? How then is this rouge civil government any different than liver cancer? The decision to go rouge, as with liver cancer, is the deliberate choice of suicide. Proverbs 8:36 puts it this way as God is speaking as the personification of wisdom. “But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death.” What is true of the cancer cell is also true of rouge civil governments. And what is true of rouge civil governments is true for each of us in our own self government. Turn to Exodus 23:14 as we continue in our study Celebrating Our Lord.

Learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2016 Rev. David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

Alabama’s full faith and credit in law not Obergefell

Faced with the impossibility of consummating and thereby conceiving children, two women living as a couple in Alabama set up a second residence in Georgia where lesbians are allowed to adopt children. These children were conceived in one of the lesbians by insemination from an anonymous male donor.

Later in 2011, the two women split up, and the non-parent lesbian (V.L.) sued in an Alabama state court, accusing biological lesbian mother (E.L.) of denying her access to the children, one now 13 and 11-year-old twins.

The case made its way to the Alabama Supreme Court, which refused legal standing for V.L. The U.S. Supreme Court then issued a 6-2 ruling, to summarily overturn the Alabama order.

While the press and V.L. are making the argument this recent case is about a rejection of the full faith and credit clause, it is not! This goes back to the SCOTUS opinion of Obergefell not being based on legal reasoning, history, tradition, the Court’s own rules, or the rule of law, but upon the empathetic feelings of the “five lawyers” in the majority.

As Americans we find ourselves in another philosophical conundrum with many people believing the courts have already determined the definition of marriage. Well if they are talking about earthly courts, they are grossly misled.

Here is the definition of marriage given by our Creator incarnate, Jesus Christ, as recorded in the 19th chapter of Matthew:

“Have you not read that He Who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh?’”

The jurisdiction over this sacred institution is the family and the Church. Government’s duty is to recognize and defend the institution of marriage.

For just a minute, think about the pretension that it takes for mere human beings to think that they have the authority or ability to change what is eternal and forever fixed by the Creator. To attempt such a foolish and vain thing is to do nothing less than to make the claim that you are God.

Random courts, legislatures and governors all over America have already done exactly this.

Chief Justice Roberts put the court’s self-aggrandizing claim of power in historical context: “Those who founded our country would not recognize the majority’s conception of the judicial role. They, after all, risked their lives and fortunes for the precious right to govern themselves. They would never have imagined yielding that right on a question of social policy to unaccountable and unelected judges.”

I am reminded of a prophetic warning given by Paul, an original apostle of the Christian Church:

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own lusts, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and shall be turned aside to fables.”


The notion that a court can change the sin of sodomy into a substitute for marriage is a dangerous, destructive fable.

Learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and his “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

2016 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

The real class war

“There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.” ~Warren Buffet

Is anyone so naïve as to believe that a new Cold War hasn’t started? This one isn’t about capitalism vs. communism. It’s not even two-way but three-way, because there are now three major distinct classes, each with its own culture. They are presently pulling the U.S. in three incompatible directions. Donald Trump, as of this writing still the GOP frontrunner, is drawing the bulk of his support from one of these classes. The other two hate everything he stands for. There should be no surprises here.

There is, first, the U.S. branch of the globalist superelite (my term for them), housed in entities ranging from the Trilateral Commission to Goldman Sachs to the Federal Reserve, and their bought-and-paid-for political subclass with all its functionaries. This class includes GOP corporate donors who threw millions down the Jeb Bush rathole as well as those who have donated millions more to Hillary Clinton. Their original goal for Election 2016 was another Bush vs. Clinton non-event! One may thank the good Lord we were spared that particular cure for insomnia!

Second is the politically correct (PC) crowd: Black Lives Matter militants, radical feminists as well as large numbers of single career women influenced by them (a-woman-needs-a-man-like-a-fish-needs-a-bicycle types), homosexuals, secular Jews, at least some Muslims (when not throwing homosexuals off tall buildings in their own countries, that is), illegal immigrants, academic leftists, and those in government aligned with the so-called progressive mindset.

Finally, there is the increasingly self-aware white working class and former middle class. They don’t always have their t’s crossed and the i’s dotted, and are routinely dismissed as “uneducated.” But with information now available on the Internet to compare with the song and dance they get from government, corporate media, academia, etc., about the economy, race, and much else, they can see that what they are told does not fit reality. They conclude that they have been lied to and screwed up one side and down the other for at least the past quarter century. Small wonder they are angry! And although millennials have come up more recently, I would reluctantly place many of them in this group, to the extent they’ve been taken advantage of by unscrupulous university student loan officers and lied to about their income prospects.

Hence the massive support Donald Trump has gotten from this third group. Note also the support Bernie Sanders is getting from millennials, many trapped in student loan debt serfdom. The “populist” insurgency of 2015-16 is not limited to Republicans, after all. Trump, we should note, has created tens of thousands of jobs. Sanders has never worked outside government in his life. This speaks volumes about the most poorly educated generation in U.S. history (and the institutions “educating” them), their agility with the latest gadgets notwithstanding.

The Elite Class has no interest in social issues such as abortion and gay marriage. They have little interest in minorities beyond their potential to keep the masses divided and distracted. They want the “little people” to be good employees (or, these days, good career-changers), obedient taxpayers, and mindless consumers. The Elite Class is about political economy. Its goal — as I have patiently explained in many articles — is to build piece by piece, “free trade” agreement by “free trade” agreement, a de facto world government answering to corporate interests: technofeudalism. While they have no interest in philosophy, obviously, they are operational materialists as I explained this concept. The idea of answering to a Higher Power is meaningless to them. There should be little doubt that Hillary Clinton is their first choice for President of the U.S. starting in 2017. She may be corrupt to the core, but she knows who is buttering her bread.

The PC Class cares passionately about social issues. They care about their so-called rights; rarely about responsibilities. It is now abundantly clear, given the campus disruptions last fall: many in this class would shut down free speech and even eliminate the First Amendment if they could get away with it. They pontificate about inequality, but in their Orwellian world, “some are more equal than others.” They are economic illiterates. They believe redistribution of wealth and jobs will make us all one big happy prosperous, diverse family, despite hundreds of years of history testifying to the contrary. While many of them also prefer Bernie Sanders, they will join the Elite Class in backing Hillary if she is the Democratic nominee. They will ignore her labyrinthine connections to the war machine that has destabilized the Middle East and to Wall Street, the most visible manifestations of her own Elite Class membership. Hillary’s disdain for those outside her class, whom she sees as “beneath her,” comes through loud and clear in clips such as this, and also explains her treatment of the women her slimy husband has sexually abused his whole life. Almost all are in that third class.

The Country Class (I am borrowing political scientist Angelo Codevilla’s term, for those who identify with the U.S. as a country, and with individual freedoms) tends to be conservative. Their conservatism is frequently a conservatism of the heart, not the head, of experience and instinct rather than reason. They will turn to their Bibles and say that they know some things are right and others wrong, absolutely. They also care about social issues, but come down on the other side from those in the PC Class. They have no interest in transforming the world. They don’t identify with the economic agenda of the Elite Class. The better informed recognize how NAFTA and GATT II sent millions of U.S. manufacturing jobs overseas for cheap labor, and how the Trans-Pacific Partnership threatens to continue hollowing out the U.S. economy and destroying what was once the largest financially independent middle class in history. They see open borders and unlimited immigration as threats to their culture even as it drives down wages.

The three classes are barely civil to one another. They have no interests or values in common. For all practical purposes, they inhabit different worlds. The first lives in a connected world of high finance, global confabs, and quasi-secret agreements able to move nations. They indulge the PC Class as it generates sensational non-events and disdain the Country Class as dumb rednecks. The PC class inhabits an academized world of activism, where you either agree with us or else! They hate the Country Class and are barely aware of the Elite Class. The world of the Country Class includes the Ten Commandments and NASCAR, the workaday world of men and women who entered adulthood wanting to do honest work feeding their families, be good neighbors, attend church, hopefully send their kids to college, and otherwise be left alone. They despise politicians of the Elite class for wasting their tax dollars. They believe the PC class should grow up, quit whining about how mistreated they are, and take some responsibility. Their ideal was a peaceful retirement late in life with a sense of having contributed something to society. Their hope was to see their children do better than they did.

The primary benefit of the Elite Class’s globalism to the Country Class has been the flood of cheap goods at Wal-Mart, made with Chinese slave labor, items that break or fall apart six weeks later. Which means, back to Wal-Mart, since it’s all they can afford. The “new economy,” after all, created mostly low paying “services” jobs. NAFTA left many of them unemployed or underemployed; the Meltdown of 2008 and ensuing Great Recession made matters worse. Their college degrees, if they have them, are wasted since the majority of “new economy” jobs can be done by high school kids with a little vocational training and a few tech skills that can be acquired online. Seeing their millennial children return home from universities unable to find decent-paying work and saddled with crippling student-loan debt, they’ve largely given up on that last above — not to mention that peaceful retirement.

The Country Class’s members came to realize they have no real representation in the political system. They are routinely denounced as racists, sexists, homophobes, etc. ad nauseam, especially if they stand up for what they believe in, which may be Christianity or genuine race neutrality as opposed to affirmative action preferences. They recognize the fundamental absurdity, moreover, of a man tying the knot with another man and calling it a marriage. They’ve spent a quarter century watching their economic fortunes decline and their influence on the public conversation wane. They know they have no “white privilege.” Many have begun to suffer from the maladies afflicting lower classes and the increasingly hopeless in any society: alcoholism and substance abuse, premature death from treatable illnesses, and suicide. A recent widely-cited study shows their life expectancies dropping, while that of other groups is still rising.

This group has been animated as never before by the Donald Trump candidacy, which (as of this writing, post-Super Tuesday) is looking increasingly likely to deliver Trump the GOP nomination. The pundits are shaking their heads as Republican primaries have seen record turnouts. Did the other two classes really believe they could continue their agendas without eventual pushback? Donald Trump dominates the airwaves of corporate media. He’s ratings. He knows it, and they know it. Democratic capitalism in action, folks!

I do not know what Mr. Trump’s actual chances are of becoming president. Some of the GOP elites are openly refusing to support him. This reflects their commitment to their class. Some have floated the idea of running their own candidate, should Trump win the GOP nomination: dividing the GOP vote and giving Hillary a landslide. This won’t bother them because as we noted, the Elite Class prefers her anyway.

Nor do I think it realistic that Trump or anyone else could reverse a half century of engineered economic decline and cultural decay in just four years (or in eight). It might be quixotic in any event. Republics tend to turn into empires. Empires do not tend to turn back into republics, no matter who is at their helm.

Lastly, I’m not sure Mr. Trump or his supporters realize the full scope of what they’re up against, given the global connectedness of the Elite class. What they’re up against is not merely other billionaires but well organized groups able to control trillions — who, with a few private text messages could lead to movements of investments able to precipitate the next economic downturn in the U.S., possibly even a depression. Since they control mainstream media’s six corporate leviathans, they could see to it that President Trump got blamed. He was a “con man” who “lacked experience.” He was “hateful.” He was a “bully.” He was “reckless.” Have another narrative? You’re a “conspiracy theorist.”

This is just one of the scenarios someone has to think about. Also what could happen if things are not allowed to progress to that point, because something happened to Donald Trump between now and November. No one in his right mind, after all, thinks the Elite Class is going to roll over, while one man with a Country Class following they despise upends a world they’ve spent the past century building.

2016 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

Is the class “Cold War” about to turn “hot”?

“I need some muscle over here!” —Melissa Click, formerly of the University of Missouri (here, 6:34).

We live in amazing times! The very night before my article The Real Class War appeared, a Donald Trump event was disrupted by members of the politically correct (PC) Class I discussed in that article (which, incidentally, you should read before continuing with this). Trump himself called off the University of Illinois – Chicago event out of safety concerns. It is clear, the provocateurs were working for others. The disruptions both inside and outside the UIC arena were clearly planned by, the hard-left organization funded, in turn, by George Soros’s Open Society Foundations (formerly: Open Society Institute).

In other words, Black Lives Matter (BLM) militants along with others are working for the Elite Class, or at least, for its Soros branch. To be fair, I doubt they knew. To say of these people that are not very bright is to pay them a compliment. I wonder how many could get Rosa Parks in the right decade.

As others have noted, corporate media (which also works for the Elite Class) blamed … who else? … Donald Trump. Most corporate media pseudo-pundits and talking heads also have no idea who they are really working for. Small wonder Trump can call Megyn Kelly a bimbo. Guess what? Megyn Kelly is smart compared to some of what’s out there!

The problem now is, Soros-backed groups are promising more disruptions. They discovered, after all, that they can get away with it. Corporate media hates Trump, after all. Both they and other GOP nominees dutifully reported events from the PC Class perspective. That means blaming Trump and his supporters for whatever happens at his events regardless of the truth. They might get away with it. Or perhaps the Country Class will decide it’s had enough. That will mean: the “real class war” could turn “hot” at almost any time. There is definitely a potential for one of these events to explode into a riot, on a level with those of Ferguson, Mo., and Baltimore (Soros-backed organizations also funneled millions into at least the former).

Corporate media would spin such an event in such a way as to inflict as much damage on Trump as possible. The present strategy, after all, as Paul Walter reports, is to deny Trump the 1,237 delegates he needs to secure the GOP nomination. Then the GOP wing of the Elite Class can stage a brokered convention in which they — literally — steal the nomination from Trump and put one of their own back in the driver’s seat. Mitt Romney, perhaps? No, they would not just be being stupid. There would be no plan for Romney to win. As Walters also correctly notes, now that Jeb Bush is out of the picture the Elite Class wants Hillary Clinton in the White House. Another Romney nomination would accomplish this as he would lose in a landslide, even more so if Trump bolted the GOP and ran as an independent, something which he has repeatedly promised. The effort to deny Trump 1,237 delegates might fail, of course. The ball will then be in the Elites’ court. They might run their own candidate as an independent, again dividing the vote and assuring Hillary the presidency. Or they might show their true colors and just back her against their own nominee. That (not a Trump nomination) would be the death of the Republican Party!

This is the reality: whether anyone likes it or not, Donald Trump is the only thing presently standing in the way of a Hillary presidency!* If she becomes president, the Country Class is screwed! So is the effort to stop globalist technofeudalism!

The Country Class has one collective character flaw. Its members, especially those who are older and grew up in a saner world, are too nice. The people — I have to include myself in this category — who supported Ron Paul, were also too nice, as was Dr. Paul himself. This is because their best instincts are to be productive, good citizens: earning their livings, raising the next generation morally, etc. When something gets under their skin, they might write a letter to the editor. Or make a polite speech at Toastmasters. They are not, by nature, agitators. They don’t have “transformative visions” of society. They want to reason with the other side. The problem is, being unused to the Machiavellian world of politics and assuming the other side is amenable to reason, they end up being bullied and then marginalized.

Gradually they have wised up. They learned, for example, about NAFTA. They began to show up at town hall meetings. They watched the bailouts of the “too-big-to-fail” banks and watched Wall Street soar amidst the economic non-recovery on Main Street, about which Washington pseudo-pundits lie like a rug with phony-baloney job statistics. They’ve been pushed into political activity (e.g., Tea Party groups) because their backs are to a wall. As I noted in my previous article, they’ve figured out they have no real representation in a political economy that works systemically to their disadvantage. They are routinely libeled in academia and made to look silly on major media.

Not being practiced organizers or trained operatives, their tactics are bound to be rough and ready, the product of those who have just discovered that nice doesn’t work. The incidences of violence at Trump events are unfortunate. But watch the videos that are available. You won’t see a single case in which Trump supporters initiated the conflict. In each case, they were provoked. In the case of the photographer thrown to the ground by security personnel, he had yelled an obscenity at one of them that can be clearly heard here. A protest instigated by BLM troublemakers was in progress as can also be seen. Security personnel do not take kindly to being cursed at. That’s not the most intelligent or professional way to exercise your First Amendment rights.

Trump has been accused of being a bully. I submit that the PC Class is full of bullies. I’ve had my share of run-ins with these people, struggling to begin an ill-fated academic career in the late 1980s / early 1990s. One idiot even thanked me in his own letter to the editor for “exposing [my]self” in an American Philosophical Association publication. That little metaphor speaks volumes where these people’s minds are. Another idiot called me racist because, he argued, most of my articles were then posted on Lew Rockwell’s site, and Rockwell cofounded the racist (because pro-South) League of the South. He did not, of course; he founded the Ludwig von Mises Institute. These people make fools of themselves when they can’t do the most basic fact-checking.

Today, the problem is magnitudes worse, as I predicted back then it would be. Last fall, BLM militants ran amuck on university campuses, including an incident (at Dartmouth) where BLM militants disrupted the library filled with white students trying to study, bullying and screaming obscenities at them. Anyone with a functioning brain should see that PC Class students and faculty, are on the edge of violence, as the Melissa Click incident demonstrated last fall.** To their credit, the University of Missouri fired her. She’d clearly crossed the line. But she’s just one person, and the videocam just happened to be in the right place at the right time. The PC Class has access to Elite sources with very deep pockets. The “cold war” in danger of turning “hot” is between the PC Class and the Country Class, to the extent some of the latter decide they are fed up and decide to stand up for themselves. Today’s college students are, after all, racking up tens of thousands of dollars in student loans. Were my studies interrupted by a group of troublemakers, I would not simply sit there and take it!

The Elite Class does not need to bully people, of course. It indulges the PC class, because they distract, while being culturally destructive. The two have the same targets: your rights under the Constitution, in a sovereign nation, under the rule of law. All Elite Class members such as George Soros and his functionaries need do is direct their money wells in certain ways, and not others. They can ensure that certain agendas (e.g., BLM) are bankrolled. Others struggle for survival. Were Trump not a billionaire with instant name recognition because of his businesses and especially his reality TV show, he would doubtless have disappeared by now.

Occasionally, in leftist commentary, intelligence slips through. Bernie Sanders is surely right about the U.S. being an oligarchy. Moreover, those who support a near-absolute right of corporations and other organizations to use money any way they see fit (e.g., as a form of “free speech,” as in the Supreme Court’s disastrous Citizens United decision), appear not to realize that in a social order in which money is worshipped, like a surrogate for God, and easily used to buy political loyalties, this is a bad idea! One of the hardest lessons the Country Class has had to learn is that today’s leviathan corporations are not their friends, are not friends of freedom. A friend of mine, good at crunching numbers and starting small businesses, put it this way:

ideally, in an enlightened world, an unhampered free market is the best economic system. I was about to observe that we do not live in an enlightened world, if indeed we ever did, but in the next breath he beat me to it. Such thoughts enjoin upon us the need to reexamine the Liberty movement and its premises.*** But that’s another article.

*I am assuming Hillary will not be indicted. That ball is in the court of the head of the FBI, James Comey, who looks for all the world like an Establishment man to me. Were he not, he probably wouldn’t be in that job. According to his Wikipedia entry he gave money to John McCain’s campaign back in 2008. Need I say more?

**Melissa Click was also filmed screaming obscenities at police (3:02). She was a faculty member, mind you. Incidentally, the title of her doctoral dissertation was “It’s ‘a good thing’: the commodification of femininity, affluence and whiteness in the Martha Stewart phenomenon.” Don’t take my word for it; read her CV for yourself. You will find other stunning exemplars of what passes for scholarship in academia today.

***By way of preview, it is badly divided and scattered. Some of it has simply cracked up. One guy, who had an office next to mine in the Mises Institute in 2002-03, calls Trump a “fascist” and anyone finding merit in his campaign a potential “brown” (see, e.g., here, which begins with a credible account of the establishing of the GOP Establishment but then devolves into a rant about “hate” and “brownshirts” worthy of the most PC-addled leftist; cf. also this). He irrelevantly recommends visiting the Holocaust Museum (communication on a Facebook thread). He is an “anarcho-capitalist,” part of a movement believing that a society of millions of anonymous human beings would maintain itself, by some kind of market-driven magic, without any leadership from governing systems able to control greed, impose penalties on bullies and scam artists, and correct for stupidity — however imperfectly, in this sin-drenched world. People who believe this should consider visiting Somalia.

2016 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

Scientists use cult science to promote global warming agenda

Those who claim our CO2 causes significant climate change are delusional. They do not use the scientific method. They refuse to acknowledge data that proves their climate theory is wrong. They think they defeat a message when they attack the messenger.

They are more than half of our American population. They never learned to think because their schools never taught them how to think. Worse, their schools forced them to accept dogma rather than to always question dogma. It’s not in our DNA to think logically. We must learn it.

The inability to think is not restricted to the left wing liberals. Many right wing conservatives have the same problem.

I found in my climate lectures that many right wing conservatives rejected the climate scam but only because this belief was part of their political religion. They never understood the logical reasons I presented to show why our CO2 does not cause significant climate change.

Below, I show you replies I made to two opinion letters in my local newspaper. Both letters attacked me personally which means the authors were morons. The authors, a PhD in ecology, a PhD in molecular biology, and an MD, thought their backgrounds made them better atmospheric physicists than me.

My replies show you that a PhD behind one’s name does not make you smart. In fact, if a PhD has not learned how to use the scientific method, that PhD is not a real scientist. Unfortunately, too many universities grant PhD degrees without demanding the recipient understands the scientific method.

Before I present my two rebuttals, let’s observe some important related politics. As we have seen from Obama, the president has significant influence on how America views climate change.

Marita Noon reviewed the views of presidential candidates on climate change in Breitbart:

Donald Trump is the biggest opponent of climate change, having called the man-made crisis view a “hoax” and tweeting that the Chinese started the global warming ruse “in order to make US manufacturing non-competitive.”

In his book, Crippled America, Trump opens his chapter on energy with a tirade on climate change in which, talking about historic “violent climate changes” and “ice ages,” he acknowledges that the climate does change, but concludes: “I just don’t happen to believe they are man-made.”

Therefore, the outcome of the current presidential election will have far more influence on how America views climate change than 1000s of letters like mine.

Nevertheless, you should be able to learn something important about how to think by reading my two letters to the editor below.

The first opinion author is a moron who believes attacks on the messenger proves the message is wrong. So I had to defend myself as well as my message.

Click Daily Inter Lake to see my rebuttal in print on the right side of page 24. Notice the article to the left titled, “Montana fishing industry gutted by climate change.” The authors are morons who claim Montana must “address climate change” to save its fish.

Face it. The average logic-impaired homo sapiens is not too logical. They “addressed” village problems by burning innocent ladies at the stake. They “addressed” lack of rain by cutting out beating hearts and rolling decapitated heads down temple stairs.

Today, they “address” climate change by raising our taxes, erecting uneconomical wind farms, and shutting down our abundant cheap energy. They can’t tell the difference between facts and their political religion.

First Rebuttal: Matthews Bradley promotes Climate Lysenkoism

Matthews Bradley, a PhD in molecular biology, (Daily Inter Lake Feb 7) admits he is “not an expert in climate science.” Yet, he makes irrational claims about climate science.

In the 1930s, Soviet biologist Lysenko made irrational claims. Lysenkoism set back Russian biology some 30 years until 1964.

Bradley promotes “Climate Lysenkoism.”

He avoids logic and the scientific method. Like Lysenko, he thinks ad hominem attacks make a scientific argument.

Here are Bradley’s unfounded claims followed by facts.

Bradley: Berry denies fundamental principles and facts in climate science. Berry never studied statistics. Berry’s climate denials aren’t credible. Berry claims to be a physicist. Berry doesn’t understand that all quantitative scientific models and results are considered correct within a certain probability.

Facts: My physics mentors were the best in the world. My theoretical PhD thesis received instant worldwide attention because it solved a key problem in climate physics. It combines probability, statistics, numerical mathematics, and the scientific method. The Director of Nevada’s Desert Research Institute credited my 1965 thesis with putting the institute on the map. Today, 50 years later, after most PhD theses are long forgotten, scientists still cite my thesis every month. Science textbooks discuss my thesis. Geologists, cosmologists, and engineers use my thesis to make calculations.

Bradley: Berry is an anomaly and huge outlier among the vast majority of scientists and particularly atmospheric physicists and climate scientists.

Facts: Only 64 of 11,944 peer-reviewed papers agree with Bradley. On my side are more than 1000 climate scientists, a huge number in this field. We are the majority. My side includes Dr. Ivar Giaever, a Democrat who won the 1973 Nobel Prize in Physics. Giaever concludes Bradley’s climate claims are a religion because its believers reject data that show their belief is wrong.

Bradley: The earth would be an ice-covered planet without CO2.

Fact: The water phase diagram, an elementary concept in climate physics, shows ice sublimation would add enough water vapor to produce today’s greenhouse effect, with or without CO2.

Bradley: The basic science is not very complicated: CO2 traps heat. CO2 has risen dramatically. Those basic facts will convince anyone that human fossil fuel burning causes the earth to warm.

Facts: Only fools believe a complex problem is so simple. The scientific method proves Bradley’s simplistic cause and effect claim is invalid. Dr. Willie Soon’s 2015 peer-reviewed paper shows CO2 does not even correlate with temperature, but solar radiation does.

Bradley: No credible scientist denies that CO2 is one of the most important greenhouse gases.

Facts: Bradley is not a credible scientist. Water vapor is more important than CO2. Data show water vapor and clouds keep the Earth’s average greenhouse effect constant when CO2 changes.

Bradley: Each climate model prediction has a certain high probability of being correct (typically 95 percent or better).

Facts: We have had 37 years to test climate models. The 102 climate model average over-predicts temperature by a factor of 2.5. That is far outside Bradley’s claim of 95 percent accurate, which would be acceptable. If your prediction is wrong, your theory is wrong.

Bradley: Oceans are warming, sea levels are rising, glaciers are shrinking. We have a serious problem. Ignoring it is disingenuous, irresponsible, and perhaps worse. Doing nothing is not an option. Deniers are either ideologues with rigid minds or on a paid agenda.

Facts: Rate of warming since 1950 is lower than in previous centuries before human CO2. Dr. Murry Salby’s textbook “Physics of the Atmosphere and Climate” shows temperature, not human emissions, causes atmospheric CO2 to rise. Follow Salby’s lectures here.

Nature, not our CO2 causes climate change.

Matthews Bradley is an ideologue with a rigid mind.

Second Rebuttal: Elwood and Thiessen promote Cargo Cult Science

Elwood, and ecologist, and Thiessen, and MD, (Daily Inter Lake Feb 14) try to prove true the popular illusion that our CO2 emissions cause dangerous climate change. They fail. Let’s call this failed illusion “AGW.”

Before we proceed, let’s park our partisanship and focus on truth. Climate change is a nonpartisan issue. We must decide nonpartisan issues on truth, not partisan votes.

The only way we can find truth about AGW is to use the scientific method.

Unfortunately, few people ever learn it and Elwood and Thiessen flunk it.

The method says we must use our theory to make a prediction. Then we test our prediction against new data. If our prediction disagrees with new data, our theory is wrong.

Richard Feynman explained: “It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn’t matter how smart you are. If it doesn’t agree with experiment, it’s wrong.”

We can never prove a theory true.

Yet Elwood and Thiessen claim to prove AGW true. We can only prove a theory false. We approach truth when we discard fiction.

Climate models use AGW to predict future climate. Today, 37 years later, climate models way over-predict future temperature, by 2.5 times on average. Therefore, AGW is wrong. AGW makes many more wrong predictions outside the scope of this letter.

Elwood and Thiessen use what Feynman in 1974 called “cargo cult science.”

Cargo cult science seems to be scientific, but it does not follow the scientific method.

Elwood and Thiessen’s statements, “multiple, independent lines of evidence show conclusively,” “vanishingly small,” “thoroughly examined and tested” are cargo cult science.

Their statement, “the projected rate of global warming … is greater than … past 65 million years,” is cargo cult science. “Projections” are meaningless when your theory is wrong.

Their list of organizations that agree with them is cargo cult science. Their ad hominem attack on me is cargo cult science. Their letter contains NO science.

Before playing climate physicists, ecologist Elwood and medical doctor Thiessen should at minimum study Murry Salby’s textbook, “Physics of the Atmosphere and Climate.” Otherwise stick to something they know.

Using data, not theory, Salby proves surface temperature, not human CO2 emissions, causes atmospheric CO2 to change. Follow Salby’s lectures here.

Dr. Willie Soon’s 2015 peer-reviewed paper shows CO2 does not even correlate with temperature, but solar irradiance does. No correlation means no cause-effect. CO2 does not drive climate.

Elwood and Thiessen deny science that proves their theory is wrong.

They promote cargo cult science. They promote extremely costly illusions.

If Elwood and Thiessen were Aztecs they would claim cutting out beating hearts causes rain.

© 2016 Edwin X Berry, PhD – All Rights Reserved

Brokered convention – a middle finger to gop voters

Though it has been nearly 70 years since the GOP has had a brokered convention, the establishment is leaking and screaming that they may do just that. All this is due to the surge and popularity of Donald Trump. Of course, we all know the race and primaries aren’t over yet and Cruz, Rubio and Kasich are trying their hardest.

Numbers are changing all the time but according to NPR Trump currently has 319-226 in a delegate count over Cruz. Rubio has 110 and John Kasich 25.

…So, the brokered convention rumors are pushed on the people like a deadly octopus intending to squeeze the voice and freedom out of the GOP voters. All this because of Trump’s popularity with the people.

Magically, the desperate establishment pulls their sterile and ‘dead to the world’ trump card out of the hat – Mitt Romney. You know, the one who Trump endorsed back in 2012 when he was running for President. Many millions have heard the speech of Romney thanking and complimenting Trump. How, the ‘Judas’ trail turns from support to betrayal and lies.

We have watched the pretend ‘non interest of a run’ by Mitt Romney if Trump prevails. Suddenly he is acting if there is a brokered convention and no other option to get rid of Trump, Mitt would comply as a candidate. He will throw himself under the GOP bus and reluctantly become a presidential candidate. Aren’t you all shocked? We the people never anticipated that the GOP would actually consider a rule change, brokered convention or pulling Pee Wee Herman out of their card deck…sorry, my bad, I meant stiff-Mitt Romney, but they are.

So, assuming Trump wins most of the delegates and his dreaded supporters build to millions more and the GOP pulls a brokered convention? What will the majority of people and Trump do? For the good of the country and winning against Hillary will all get behind whom the GOP picks – perhaps stiff-Romney? I say, No No and triple No.

If the GOP pulls the dreaded brokered convention, mega millions of us will place the GOP behind Obama and Hillary – the anti America, voter and freedom attackers where they belong. I predict it will be a suicide blow to the GOP. The angry and fragile list of millions will be all right but not the supporter part. I predict this will finally launch the insurant class – the independent ticket right behind a Donald Trump win. Bring it oh arrogant ones and see what happens.

Having never in my conservative media life as a former conservative national radio host for 16 years and a commentator, voted for any President but a Republican, I will leave and go Independent. If the voting will of the people is violated I will be the first to lead the charge in a massive revolt. Everyone must search their heart and vote for whom they feel will best serve America at this unique and troubled time. Get mad at me…hate me…put me on another bad list, but I am proudly voting for Donald Trump whatever party he runs on. GOP, are you planning to live or die? America won’t be controlled and violated anymore!

2016 Dr. Laurie Roth – All Rights Reserved

Terrorists & terrorism in the U.S.: know your enemy

Part 2: Know your enemy; understand your situation; take action

In the 21st century, terrorists and terrorism visit the United States like never in the history of our country. Previous to 9/11, we enjoyed tens of thousands of miles separating us from vagaries of the communist and Islamic worlds. While we fought wars in Korea and Vietnam, we never met an enemy that would “bring war” to us. That changed on September 9, 2001.

In Part 2 of this series with former U.S. Army officer, 1st Calvary, George Phelps, you may garner an up close and realistic view from a commander in the field.

Today, most Americans feel totally vulnerable to terrorist attacks. Congress and our last five presidents refused to secure our borders. Governors allow illegal aliens to gain driver’s licenses, as was the case with Mohammed Atta and his cronies as they flew planes into the World Trade Towers.

Could you give us an idea as to why we face terror in our own country?

“There’s an old military saying, “know your enemy.” said Phelps. “To better understand the people of the countries of the Middle East and Central Asia, I did some research into the history of these countries and that region of the world. History shows that these people and their ancestors have suffered the results of hundreds of years of invasion and oppression ad nauseam. The only thing that they have had to “cling to” is their religion.

“People who have been oppressed, tortured, killed and subjected to untold and unspeakable abuses need something to give them hope of a better place to go and a supreme power, or God, to guide them in this life and in the life hereafter. This is Allah. The one and only thing that gives them hope and enables them to endure is their belief in Islam, Mohammed and Allah. The religion of Islam may not endorse death and violence, but many of the followers of Islam are willing to defend their circumstances, they’re territories and their honor with violence, when necessary. (As a journalistic note: I have read much of the Qur’an and it does advocate violence over 162 times in its passages.) Here are a few:

1) Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them. Qur’an 2:19
2) Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood. Qur’an 9:123
3) Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable. Qur’an 3:85
4) The Jews and Christians are perverts; fight them.” Qur’an 9:30.
5) Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam. Qur’an 5:33
6) The infidels are unclean; do not let them into a mosque. Qur’an 9:28
7) Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies. Qur’an 22:19
8) Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; behead them when you catch them. Qur’an 47:4

“Osama bin Laden managed to unite them, and convince them, that they are faced with the challenge of defeating the “Great Satan”; the United States. Again, even if his true motivation was only hidden behind the fa?ade of religion, the “religion connection” is what provides him with the dedication and devotion of his followers.

“What kind of human beings would treat women and children with such cruelty and oppression, as do these Muslim fundamentalists? The “western world” can’t begin to understand the kind of thinking that it takes to prosecute this warped and bestial war against the world. And, that’s what it is; a war against the world, not just the United States. It’s a mistake to think that this is a war against only the United States. The rest of the world has to “step up to the plate” and confront this mutual enemy that threatens world peace and the lives of all the citizens of the world we live in.

“Peace is the most elusive goal known to the human race. The preferred method to pursue and achieve it would be at the negotiating table. Unfortunately this has never worked. The perpetrators of violence perpetrate it because they like it, they understand it and it has the greatest probability of success. History bears this out. There are people who say, “Violence should not be answered with more violence because violence begets violence.” We should “hold that thought.”

“We need to have the option of discussion and negotiation “on the peace table” at all times. But, it is na?ve to think that those determined to be violent, and obtain power and influence, using violent means, will negotiate. There are too many examples of conquerors vanquishing those they are intent on conquering with violence, not discussion. Nor have they been discouraged in their intent by presentation of the olive branch and offers to discuss their intent peaceably. They do not respect appeasement. They only have contempt for it. To them appeasement is a sign of weakness and cowardice.

“It is important to “know your enemy.” It’s important to know their strengths and their weaknesses. I think that Osama bin Laden and the Taliban fear freedom. Their every action is framed around the suppression of women, children and those who do not agree with, or follow, their warped and distorted interpretation of their Holy Book, the Koran. They are intent on suppression and oppression.

“They do not want people to think freely, live freely, and most of all, become educated. Since the “Great Satan”, the United States is the beacon of freedom, they not only attack us, but they fear us. Free people do not put up with tyrants and demagogues. The hierarchy of these fundamentalist Muslims want power. Free people, free nations and people of free will stand in the way of their desire for world power and world dominance.

“We must not be intimidated; we must not cower before them. We must stand united against them, or we will fall before them. If we have the resolve and the determination to overpower tyranny, we will prevail. Otherwise we will drown in the quicksand of oppression, slavery, misery and terror. Just ask the holocaust survivors.

“Ditto with the late Saddam Hussein. Make no mistake; he was a member of this band of tyrants seeking world domination. We must not allow the appeasers and pacifists to lead this fight against tyranny and terrorism. If we do, the Hussein’s and bin Laden’s of the world will bury us and turn us into their slaves.

The attack and destruction of the World Trade Center, the attack on the Pentagon, the hijacking of the airliner in Pennsylvania and the bombing of the World Trade Center in early 1990s, the bombing of the Boston marathon runners, the attack on the people in San Bernardino are just a few examples of attacks on America and Americans by Muslim Terrorists.

“The refusal of the White House and Congress to secure our borders,” said Phelps. “Along with air corridors and ports of entry is an open invitation to terrorists to enter our country without any consequences of the breaking of our laws and threatening the security of our citizens. Attacks on our police officers by Muslim radicals is another area of the activities of Muslim terrorists randomly executing our citizens in the name of the Quran—their book of their hero Mohamed.”

We either sit back and allow more Muslim immigration that will destroy our civilization, or we stop Congress from continuing mass immigration. It’s up to you, an American citizen.

If you don’t want a Paris, France or San Bernardino event in your community, it’s time to call for a total “Immigration Shutdown Now.”

Call your senators and House rep: 1 202 224 3121. Demand a stop to all immigration and stop to any Syrian immigration.

Definition of slogan: “Immigration Shutdown Now means the American people want a total shutdown on all legal and illegal immigration. That means we want all illegal immigration stopped by arresting, prosecuting and jailing employers of illegal aliens. We deport all illegal aliens by taking their jobs away and as we catch them. We want English mandated as our national language. We demand a cessation of Muslim immigration in order to protect our culture, language and way of life. We can’t save the world but we can destroy our civilization. We demand a stable population that allows everyone to live, work and thrive into the 21st century. Especially our children.” FHW

That’s why you need to take action. Send this series to everyone in your network. Educate them. Urge them to take action by joining these websites to become faxers of prewritten letters and phone callers. We must force Congress into an “Immigration Shutdown Now!

Share these videos all over America: ; ; ; ;

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five minutes to see for yourself.

“Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck
This 10 minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

America: ; ; ;
United Kingdom:
Australia: Sustainable Population Australia

© 2016 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

Ted Cruz at “kill the gays” dominionism rally

Dominionists provide the most enthusiastic constituency for stoning since the Taliban seized Kabul.

No matter how simplified I try to keep the definition of Dominionism, it is such a huge topic, that it’s difficult to make it concise, or even use the K.I.S.S. method. I constantly receive emails from people asking me to explain this aberrant doctrine in Christianity. Despite my previous efforts, many still do not understand. There are wonderful researchers who I’ll link to for your perusal, hoping this will help. It is really of the utmost importance because one of the candidates is steeped in this false doctrine, as are his close supporters, Glenn Beck, David Barton, and Ted’s father, Rafael Cruz, Sr.

What is Dominionism?

There are three basic tenets to Dominionism 

 Dominionist wants a theocracy (government) of their form of Christians leading the country.
 Dominionists wants a theonomy (Old Testament Law) in this theocracy, which means, their beliefs are based on Old Testament Mosaic laws, minus a few dietary restrictions, which will govern/rule the society.
 Dominionists want to use Old Testament law, including “stoning” to rid the country of sinners such as homosexuals, adulterers, disobedient children, those who take the Lord’s name in vain, etc., although not all Dominionists subscribe to this tenet of the doctrine. 

Al Dager in his book VENGEANCE IS OURS: The Church In Dominion (Sword 1990) lists two further definitions of Dominionism:

A basic premise of dominion theology is that when Adam sinned, not only did man lose dominion over the earth, but God also lost control of the earth to Satan. Since that time, some say, God has been on the outside looking in, searching for a “covenant people” who will be His “extension” or “expression” in the earth to take dominion back from Satan. According to the dominionist interpretation, this is the meaning of the Great Commission.

Some teach that this is to be accomplished through certain “overcomers” who, by yielding themselves to the authority of latter-day apostles and prophets, will take control of the kingdoms of this world. These kingdoms are defined as the various social institutions, such as the “kingdom” of education, the “kingdom” of science, the “kingdom” of the arts, and so on. Most especially there is the “kingdom” of politics and government. (Dager, p. 44)

Dominion theology is predicated upon three basic beliefs:

Dominionism Popularized

The term “Dominionism” was first popularized in the 1990s by researchers, including Chip Berlet, scholar Sara Diamond, and Fred Clarkson, who needed a term to describe the political aspirations of Christian Rightists who believed that they have a biblical mandate to control all earthly institutions –including government – until the second coming of Jesus. But the idea of conservative Christians gaining political power sufficient to take dominion over society predated their use of the term by decades.

The two main schools of Dominionist thought include Christian Reconstructionism, founded by the late R.J. Rushdoony, which advances the idea not only of the need for Christians (of the right sort) to dominate society, but institute and apply Old Testament “Biblical Law.” Again, a theocracy (ruled by Dominionist Christians only), will be on Old Testament law, (a theonomy) and this includes all 613 Mosaic laws, other than a few dietary laws. Those hardcore Dominionist leaders, like Gary North, believe in stoning sinners in the street.

The other, closely related form of Dominionism is advocated by the Pentecostal New Apostolic Reformation, which exuberantly advocates for Christians to “reclaim the seven mountains of culture”: government, religion, media, family, business, education, and arts and entertainment. [Link]

Yet, both forms cross over into each other’s territory. In the 1980s, the Reconstructionist leaders—despite their pretensions of theological integrity, worked compatibly alongside Charismatic leaders in the Coalition on Revival (COR) for political action, spelling out how they planned to rule over 17 “spheres” of society in America. These 17 spheres are a direct precursor to the 7 mountains taught by C. Peter Wagner and his group of “apostles” who claim they will reign as “kings.” (See KINGS and PRIESTS) Rafael Cruz’s sermons have spoken of the “seven mountains and kings and priests.”

Seven Mountains Mandate

Sarah Leslie, has just completed research on these doctrines in dominionism, and written an article on the Seven Mountains Mandate with Dr. Orrel Steinkamp. It is titled, 7 Mountain Politics and Theology. It is an in-depth overview and is important in understanding the entire culture of this apostasy in the church today. The Herescope website states:

Herescope has published many articles about the 7 mountain theology. Our critical perspective is distinctly biblical, and thus distinguishable from the criticism of the seven mountains coming from the political Left, although we do share some of their concerns about this radical agenda for the church to transform society and/or government(s) into a church-state via cultural, political and/or “warfare” activism. In our articles, we clearly articulate our theological differences with this 7 mountains teaching.

I urge readers to delve into this article in order to understand the full ramifications of this heretical doctrine. Sarah Leslie is one of the finest researchers on aberrant doctrines in today’s church, and I cherish her friendship and her work.

Dominionists Who Support Ted Cruz

Swanson then introduces Ted Cruz as the next president of the United States after his diatribe against homosexuals. In addition to Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal were also at this conference as speakers.

Swanson actually said he would give some time for homosexuals to repent, but he didn’t say how long before the executions would begin.

Cruz claims he doesn’t know what Swanson has said or not said, but he certainly didn’t take time to find out about this very controversial pastor. Neither did Huckabee nor Jindal. Swanson’s supporters also distributed “death to gays” pamphlets at the event.

Swanson bragged on his radio show about the “amazingly successfully” National Religious Liberties Conference held in Iowa in early November, during which he declared he was “not kidding” when he said he’d spread excrement all over himself if his son ever married another man.

“I’d spread it all over my body,” he preached. “That’s what I would do and I’m not kidding! I’m not laughing!”

Cruz’s Rally for Religious Liberty

After appearing at the Kevin Swanson Iowa rally last November, candidate Cruz hosted his own anti-LGBT hate fest in South Carolina.

Cruz’s “Rally for Religious Liberty” was held at Greenville’s Bob Jones University, which once famously argued that its racist policies were protected under the First Amendment.

Among the speakers at Cruz’s event were Dominionist Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, would-be reality TV stars the Benham brothers, also Dominionists, and anti-gay Houston activist and Dominionist, Dave Welch. Perkins is also a United Nations Non-Governmental Organization member.

Other Dominionists Endorse Cruz

Phillip “Flip” Benham, another Dominionist pastor, once arrested and prosecuted for stalking the judge who heard Kim Davis’s case, is also endorsing Ted Cruz.

And, Senator Ted Cruz, isn’t backing away from the endorsement of Mike Bickle, a controversial evangelical pastor who once characterized Hitler as “a hunter” sent by God to go after Jews who don’t to convert to Christianity. [Link]

Despite calls from Jewish groups to denounce Bickle’s interpretation of scripture, a senior advisor to Cruz instead welcomed the pastor’s support in a statement published in the Jewish Journal.

Cruz trumpeted Bickle’s endorsement in a post on his website. Sadly, Christians do not do any investigation into these endorsements.

Bickle’s IHOP/New Apostolic Reform

Here is a brief synopsis of the IHOP/NAR history from

Kansas City Prophets” that has been around since the mid-1980s.
 These Kansas City “prophets” are leaders who track a direct lineage back to the old Latter Rain cult.
 John Wimber became an overseer of the KC group in the late 1980s when their cult excesses became public and controversial, and set them up under his Vineyard denomination.
 John Wimber was a mentor to C. Peter Wagner and vice versa, and the two of them have a history that tracks back into the mid 1970s at Fuller Theological Seminary where they concocted doctrines together.
 C. Peter Wagner’s “Third Wave” movement, the predecessor to the NAR, was founded on Wimber’s signs and wonders mysticism.
 C. Peter Wagner’s “New Apostolic Reformation” was founded on the convergence of the mystical streams of John Wimber, the Kansas City group, and Fuller Theological Seminary.

Be sure to click on this link:

In January, 1990, Ernie Gruen, a Charismatic pastor in Kansas City for 27 years released a 233-page document listing erroneous prophecies, statements, doctrines and incidents involving the Kansas City Prophets. Gruen’s shocking report on the Kansas City Prophets, “Documentation of the Aberrant Practices and Teachings of the Kansas City Fellowship (Grace Ministries),” is filled with evidences of spiritual abuse and theological excesses of Bickel, et al. 


In several previous articles, I’ve exposed the Dominionist teachings of Rafael Cruz Sr., David Barton, and now, even Glenn Beck who seems to have joined the Dominionist ranks. Ted Cruz masquerades as a Christian, yet his actions speak otherwise. Cruz has openly lied about other candidates, he’s used tactics via Jeff Roe, his campaign manager, that are deceitful and dangerous.

Cruz lied about Dr. Carson dropping out during the caucus in Iowa, and then lied again about Rubio dropping out in the latest Hawaii vote. His actions speak louder than his words and his public prayers. The Lord tells us to judge them by their fruits, yet today’s Christians seems to swallow the hollow words and accept everything as gospel. The lack of discernment is telling.

Take the story of Pastor Jack Morlan. He was radically saved out of a homosexual lifestyle by Jesus Christ. He and his wife, and their two sons boldly proclaim a Gospel of Salvation. Jack’s ministry was treated very badly during the 1990s by the Christian Right leaders, who told him frankly that they found much more enjoyment in bashing gays, and that they made much more money attacking gays in their fundraisers. They informed Jack that they didn’t WANT to share the Gospel with homosexuals. Pointing a finger and screaming “SINNER,” wins no one to Christ and salvation.

With Dominionist theology, there is no grace, and the opportunity to change would be cut short with their punishment. When Ted Cruz said as a teenager that he wanted to rule the world, people found it humorous and the silly statements of youth. But, his form of aberrant doctrine truly believes he should rule the world.

WHERE IS THE REAL GOSPEL, TED? This isn’t the Gospel of Salvation!

Thanks to the diligence of Paul Walter, CEO of NewsWithViews, many ideas for my articles have come from him. Paul immigrated from communist Yugoslavia, providence of Slovenia, and therefore he sees more clearly the dangers to our Republic than those who have always known free America as home. Please support

GOP leaders may wreck party with Trump hate fest, says top lobbyist

Earlier this week, the published a story regarding the lengths to which the RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) — a/k/a the GOP establishment — will go to thwart the Donald Trump presidential juggernaut. GOP political strategist and author Roger Stone had reported that participants at a meeting held by the Democrats’ favorite bogeymen, the uber-wealthy Koch Brothers, and presidential hopeful, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, somehow leaked their plans to sabotage the nomination of Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention later this year, according to the story.[Link]

The two brothers, Charles G. and David H. Koch, met with other Republican millionaires and billionaires had allocated an immense $75 million figure to be spent targeting and terminating Trump’s successful political race. According to Stone, they also discussed how they would use the already-defeated 2012 President Barack Obama opponent, Mitt Romney, as their ‘Plan B’ if Rubio’s also ends up a loser on Super Tuesday.

However the plotters later came to the decision to drop “Plan B” and any other anti-Trump activity by the billionaire industrialists.

“Members of the so-called Republican establishment could destroy the GOP because of their selfish hatred of GOP rank and file favorite Donald J. Trump,” John M. Snyder, a police organization adviser — who was recently designated a power broker by The Trace — said on Wednesday.

“They really are a pretty disgusting bunch,” Snyder added.

Snyder, an advisory board member of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, said, “It seems they would rather lose this year’s presidential election than let Trump, the popular choice, receive the GOP presidential nomination. Public rallies, primaries and polls show Trump as the clear favorite, but establishmentarians reportedly are trying to devise all kinds of electoral and political schemes to thwart the will of Republican voters.”

Snyder continued: “These characters do not have the good of the country at heart. It appears from various television and Internet reports they would rather have the wretched Democrats continue to undermine the United States than truly work to make America great again.”

Snyder’s remarks followed reports that certain GOP leaders met last weekend with CEOs from certain companies to — just as did the Koch brothers at their meeting — figure out how to stop a Trump nomination dead in its tracks. According to Vanity Fair magazine, the meeting was held at the Sea Island Resort as part of the American Enterprise Institute’s annual World Forum.

Among those present, according to Vanity Fair, were “Apple CEO Tim Cook, Tesla Motors and Space X CEO Elon Musk, Napster CEO Sean Parker, and Google co-founder Larry Page. Top Republicans, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senator Tom Cotton, and Karl Rove also attended the forum, as did billionaire GOP donor Philip Anschutz and New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger.”

“This was a gathering of crony capitalists, business leaders who straddle the fence between the Democratic and Republican Parties, RINO lawmakers and the publisher of the leftist New York Times with one goal. Stop Donald Trump. And stop him by any means necessary.”

According to, “The Huffington Post [also reported] that the main focus of the meeting was ‘how to stop Republican front-runner Donald Trump.'”

“Hopefully,” said John Snyder, “this cabal will not succeed. Middle America wants change. It’s obvious. It wants Trump. GOP elitists, get over it. Conservative cry babies, grow up. Cease intramural conflict. Unite now. Fight the real political enemy, the Democrats. With the Lord’s help, we can crush the malignant entity.”‘ Besides his work for police organizations, Snyder is a top gun policy maven and former NRA publications editor.

“Snyder is absolutely correct. How in God’s name can these Republicans operate in such a way as to help the Democratic Party’s and the news media’s heir apparent to the presidency — Hillary Clinton? They are so outraged by Trump that by their actions they will help a proven liar, incompetent sociopath become President of the United States? It’s madness, it’s what it is — madness!” exclaimed an angry former police commander, Paul T. McDermott.
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© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Political fascism and religious fanaticism: the worst possible marriage

Say the title above, and many conservatives in the United States will immediately assume that what follows is a tirade against militant Islam. And, granted, Islamic regimes, such as the one in Saudi Arabia especially, truly fit the deadly description of what happens when a nation combines a fascist-style political system with religious fanaticism. But what Americans seem to have trouble understanding is that the marriage of political fascism with religious fanaticism is not limited to Islamic states.

The truth is, elements of the old fascist state in Germany have been growing inside the United States since the end of World War II. In fact, what we are witnessing with the rise of neocon domination of U.S. foreign policy is nothing more than a modern revival of the old Germanic reich. And what the media has kept hidden from us and what most conservatives don’t want to admit is that the Bush family has been one of the principal reasons for fascism’s American reincarnation.

At this point, it would be very helpful if readers would re-familiarize themselves with this author’s column entitled “What Is A Neocon?” Read it here.

The Bush connection to the fascist state in Germany goes back to Prescott Bush (G.W. Bush’s grandfather) and Herbert Walker (father-in-law of Prescott).

In 2004, the London-based Guardian newspaper reported, “George Bush’s grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.

“The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

“His business dealings, which continued until his company’s assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.

“The evidence has also prompted one former US Nazi war crimes prosecutor to argue that the late senator’s action should have been grounds for prosecution for giving aid and comfort to the enemy.”

See the report here

John Loftus has written a fully documented exposé on the Bush-Nazi connection. “Loftus is a former U.S. Department of Justice Nazi War Crimes prosecutor, the President of the Florida Holocaust Museum and the highly respected author of numerous books on the CIA-Nazi connection including The Belarus Secret and The Secret War Against the Jews, both of which have extensive material on the Bush-Rockefeller-Nazi connection.”

On March 6 (four days ago), Professor Michel Chossudovsky referenced Loftus’ work (and others) by saying, “Evidence of the Bush family’s links to Nazism was available well before George Herbert Walker Bush (Senior) and George W. Bush entered politics. According to John Buchanan (New Hampshire Gazette, 10 October 2003):

“‘After 60 years of inattention and even denial by the U.S. media, newly-uncovered government documents in The National Archives and Library of Congress reveal that Prescott Bush, the grandfather of President George W. Bush, served as a business partner of and U.S. banking operative for the financial architect of the Nazi war machine from 1926 until 1942, when Congress took aggressive action against Bush and his “enemy national” partners.

“‘The documents also show that Bush and his colleagues, according to reports from the U.S. Department of the Treasury, tried to conceal their financial alliance with German industrialist Fritz Thyssen, a steel and coal baron who, beginning in the mid-1920s, personally funded Adolf Hitler’s rise to power by the subversion of democratic principle and German law. Furthermore, the declassified records demonstrate that Bush and his associates, who included E. Roland Harriman, younger brother of American icon W. Averell Harriman, and George Herbert Walker, President Bush’s maternal great-grandfather, continued their dealings with the German industrial tycoon for nearly a year after the U.S. entered the war.’

“While Prescott Bush’s company’s assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, George W. Bush’s grandfather was never prosecuted for his business dealings with Nazi Germany.”

See the report here.

One of fascism’s most fundamental tenets is the promotion and usage of war for financial profit. America’s current preoccupation with foreign interventionism and preemptive war began in earnest with President George Herbert Walker Bush and escalated exponentially during the two presidential administrations of his son, George W. Bush. Add the fact that the Bush and Clinton families have been “best buds” ever since Bush, Sr. was president and Bill was governor of Arkansas, and what we have is 28 years (Barack Obama did nothing to wrest neocon control from America’s foreign policy) of continuous neocon domination of U.S. foreign policy. And we might be able to say 32 years, if we include Ronald Reagan’s second term over which G.H.W. Bush had significant influence.

When I was hosting my radio talk show back in the 1990s, a close friend of Bill Clinton, L.D. Brown, told me that the Bushes and Clintons routinely vacationed together and were best friends. For a little background: L.D.’s wife was Chelsea’s nanny, and L.D. was Governor Bill Clinton’s chief of security. Clinton also helped L.D. get into the CIA with G.H.W. Bush’s presidential approbation, which ultimately led (sadly for Bill) to Brown’s discovery and eventual exposure of the whole Mena, Arkansas, affair. Bill assumed that his friendship with L.D. would negate any convictions of honesty L.D. might have had. Bill was wrong.

Please understand that the Bush neocons are still ensconced in Washington, D.C., to this very hour. It is the Bush neocons that are calling the shots for America’s foreign policy and are also calling the shots for the national Republican Party. The neocon agenda is the driving force at the U.S. State Department, CIA, and DOD.

But it was G.W. Bush that coupled religious fanaticism with the already established political fascism long embraced by his grandfather, Prescott, and the Bush Crown Royals. Whether GW’s religious infatuation was genuine or cleverly concocted by Karl Rove, I am in no position to say. But the younger Bush definitely tied the misguided religious teachings of “war for Israel” with the old and hackneyed “war for profit” ideology.

By tapping into the commonly taught (albeit misguided) religious doctrine that the modern state of Israel is the same as Biblical Israel, neocons discovered a brand new resource for promoting war: fighting to protect and/or expand the Zionist state of Israel. Christian Zionists such as John Hagee, Pat Robertson, et al., have rallied millions of evangelical Christians into a perpetual war fever–all under the rubric of protecting Israel (which, again, they falsely believe is Bible Israel).

Neocons have been so successful in rallying Christians around the war flag that we are now hearing political and religious leaders talk openly about instituting “Greater Israel.” This is the idea that the U.S. war machine has a divine mandate to invade and conquer all of the land originally promised to Abraham and fulfilled under David and Solomon. Of course, in the modern world, this would necessitate war with Russia and probably China, which is what the neocons really want.

At this point, let me encourage readers to obtain my four-part message series (on one DVD) entitled “The Church And Israel.” In these messages I expose the fallacious teaching that the modern state of Israel is the prophetic fulfillment of Genesis 12–which is the undergirding argument Christians use for supporting all of these wars of aggression in the Middle East.

Find my DVD “The Church And Israel” here

In current politics, presidential candidate Ted Cruz has taken up where G.W. Bush left off. He is pushing the “war for Israel” button HARD. And don’t forget that both Ted and his wife, Heidi, are ardent disciples of G.W. Bush–and Heidi was also a long-standing member of the quintessential neocon organization, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Ted’s preacher-father is an outspoken leader in “Greater Israel” prophecy circles. He (Ted’s dad) goes to churches all over America preaching the idea that God has called Ted to “save Israel” and usher in the Second Coming of Christ.

Let me say this straight up: any human being that believes God needs his or her help to fulfill Bible prophecy and start the timeclock for Christ’s Second Coming is both delusional and fanatical.

As faithful readers know, I have not and am not endorsing Donald Trump. I endorsed Rand Paul, and now that Rand has suspended his campaign, I currently have no horse in this race. However, Pat Buchanan is absolutely spot-on with his analysis of why the neocons in the Republican Party are willing to do ANYTHING–including giving the election to Hillary Clinton–to keep Trump from winning. Remember again, on foreign policy matters, Hillary is just another Bush neocon.

See Pat’s column here

So, you see, Saudi Arabia is not the only country where the marriage of political fascism and religious fanaticism is taking place. The difference is: compared to the raw military power of the United States, Saudi Arabia is using cap pistols and squirt guns. Folks, this is the world’s perfect storm that is brewing.

© 2016 Chuck Baldwin – All Rights Reserved

Lindsey Graham’s astonishing attack of Trump, angers voters

Sen. Lindsey Graham unleashed an astounding attack on Donald Trump on national TV the other day, faulting the Republican front-runner for fueling the party’s poor showing among Hispanics and stating bluntly the billionaire businessman ought to be kicked out of the GOP.
In so doing, he provided the perfect case-in-point of why voters are backing Trump in the first place.
What part of “the status quo has got to go” messaging of this current campaign trail did Graham miss? He represents a class of politicians the voters are tired of hearing, the same type who’s fueling this campaign season’s unstated “insider-out, outsider-in” phenomenon.
Graham said of Trump: “He took our [party’s] problems in 2012 with Hispanics and made them far worse by espousing forced deportation. Looking back, we should have basically kicked him out of the party.”
Put aside for the moment the line of logic Graham is suggesting here – that Republicaans ought to consider immigration policy a political issue first, and matter of national security, second. Even CNN host Wolf Blitzer picked up on the other curious facet of Graham’s assertion, asking him to explain: Just how in the heck would you have accomplished that?
Graham – who apparently goes by the vaulted titles of Keeper of the GOP Key and Grand Watchdog of the Party Member List – responded thusly: True Republicans could have banded together to fight Trump and in so doing, driven him from the party. Or, in his words: “We could all [have] ganged up and [do] what we’re doing now.”
The problem, of course, with that viewpoint is it’s not working. The gang’s all ganged. Trump has been fighting off media scorn, Republican Party derision and presidential primary contender attacks for months – partly by going on the offennse, partly by swatting on the defense with a playbook that seems to return 10 times the insult. And newsflash: He’s winning.
So taking to national television to boldly proclaim that kicking the front-runner Republican primary presidential candidate out of the Republican Party is the direction the Republican Party ought to go is not only ineffective, because it fails to take into account the millions of voters who support Trump. It’s also outrageously elitist.
Graham’s remarks underscore why Republicans hate the Republican Party in power right now – because the very people who’ve corrupted the conservative message by deal-making to death with Democrats are now trying to paint themselves as not just defenders of the GOP, but definers of what constitutes a GOPer. National Review tried it, with a full-blown assault of letters from those at the supposed forefront of Republican politics pointing out why the Donald just won’t do. Mitt Romney, twice-failed presidential candidate, tried it with a nasty verbal press conference that rocked the national media and included such phrases as “Trump is a phony, a fraud,” and Trump is a “bully,” and Trump offers the nation little more than “bsurd third-grade theatrics.”

Yet in the days that followed, voters and Trump supporters said: We don’t care.

Trump may not be the best candidate for the White House job. He may not be the best candidate for the Republican Party to fight off what’s sure to be a savage campaign battle against Hillary Clinton. But note to Graham and others who share and seek to spread his viewpoint: Enough already.
Like Obama with guns, who surges sales every time he addresses the nation post-shooting and touts the need for more Second Amendment crackdowns, the attacks on Trump are only fueling more support for him. If you truly don’t want Trump as president, stop exposing the reasons conservatives are rallying behind him in the first place – because of the elitist “we know better than you” attitude that’s coursing through much of the present-day Republican Party.

© 2016 Cheryl Chumley – All Rights Reserved

Americans are voting for manhood

I couldn’t put my finger on it until the other night. What is it about The Donald that is engendering so much support?

By all accounts he is, uncouth, petty, and a bastion of other un-biblical behaviors. Yet he is very popular. What is it about Donald Trump that has drawn so many to his side?

Donald Trump is a MAN in a nation where manhood is in very short supply.

His popularity is not about his “conservatism” or his “Christianity.” But, as we saw again last night, in Mississippi of all places…the buckle of the Bible-belt…the Trumpster again won a majority of the evangelical vote.

The South was supposed to be Cruz country…the heart of Christianity where clinging to Bibles and guns is passed through the DNA from one generation to the next. A state where using the name of Jesus is a token of praise rather than an object of damnation… where Ted Cruz values were as common as gumbo and rattlesnakes. The official beverage of Mississippi is milk, for Pete’s sake.

Yet supposed Ted Cruz voters pulled the lever for Donald Trump. Something BIG is going on in America and most people have yet to put their finger on it. Why are “Christians” voting for Donald Trump?

Sweeping the South was the plan that Ted Cruz had drawn up as the path to The White House. Certainly his unashamed Christianity would resonate in the Land of Dixie. The solid-South has been the stronghold of Conservative Christians and their favorite politicians for the past 50 years.

Yet this moderate, some say liberal, from the Northeast was swooping in and sucking up all of the energy…and votes…in this most-religious area of the nation. Rattle them off…Virginia, Kentucky, Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, South Carolina, Louisiana, Georgia, were going solidly for the reality TV star resident of the home base of progressive politicians.

Trump, not Cruz has swept the south. Something HUGE is happening before our very eyes.

Now, before you get yourself into to tizzy, you have to understand that I am not supporting the crude, crass, calloused side of Trump. In fact, many of the things I hear him say make me cringe. But we cannot deny that the things that he does that make American’s queasy are the same things that draw people to him. America is starving for manhood. America is looking for a MAN.

For at least two generations American Christianity has been creating soft men. We see it everywhere we turn. Men that are afraid to offend. Our pulpits are filled with soft weak men. Our “worship leaders” are dainty men with spiked hair and skinny jeans singing sissified songs about an effeminate Savior. Women, and men who act like women, run the average American church.

Americans know we are in trouble and realize our politicians are dainty “men of culture” who use words as weapons in a faux fight against an unrelenting foe. They realize that the last person you would ever call if you were in a street fight would be either a pastor or a politician. In a time when we need a John the Baptist we get Joel Osteen.

Trump is a bit rough on the edges and he may not be up-to-snuff on all of the social graces expected in our political leaders, but he oozes manhood…not Biblical manhood…but secular manhood. We like a little grit in our champions.

The Christians in the South have analyzed the situation that is confronting this nation and although they would like their President to be someone who shares their values, their belief in God, and their quiet faith, they realize that the times demand a warrior…someone to stand and fight against the thieves who are stealing this nation.

Trump makes women feel safe. Trump says what the average Christian man is thinking. They are sick of PC America and pastors and politicians too cowardly to speak the truth. They see The Donald as a man who doesn’t bend to pressure and doesn’t need their approval.

American’s are looking for a fighter. Donald Trump, as crass and harsh as he is has proven that he will not roll over when attacked. They are sick of compromise. They look in the pulpits and they look at the politicians and they see nothing but capitulation. Let’s all get along types.

America is not electing a king or a pastor and because they are so disgusted they are ready to roll the dice on a gambler from Atlantic City.

“Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition. Kill ‘em all and let God sort it out.” Americans are voting for a return to the days of straight shooters like Clint Eastwood and John Wayne.

Masculinity is making a comeback in America. It is no more complicated than that. Now, all we need is pastors with a spine and we may be able to save America.

2016 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserve

A spot of culture rot—within the church

On a nice day, when I have something to read or write, I like to sit outside and do it while smoking a cigar. So it was, this past Sunday morning.

Directly across a very busy street from our apartment building is a Catholic school, attached to a Catholic church where services were in progress. Remember, it was a Sunday morning.

One of the school’s windows was open, and crowded into it was a group of small children, I estimate ten years old or a little less. They were amusing themselves by shouting at people passing by on the sidewalk.

Then they spotted me, some 200 feet away, minding my own business, and started shouting at me. If the language offends you, please note that it is not my language, but theirs. I merely report it.

“Ooh, look, a smoker! Smoking man! He’s smoking! Cough-cough—he’s trying to kill us with his smoke! Hey, smoker! He must be a homosexual! Hey, homo! Homo man!” And so it went for the better part of ten minutes, during which I judged it best to ignore them.

But it was distressing to hear this erupting from a church building, even while worship services were being held in another part of it. Once upon a time—wow, it was in another century!—I used to teach at a Catholic school. They didn’t mind my being a Protestant, and I taught according to the curriculum. Those children whom I had the pleasure to teach never showed the slightest sign of being capable of such behavior. I can’t believe it would have occurred to them. They’re all grown up now, though. And in the intervening years, our popular culture has coarsened and decayed more than I would have thought possible.

So here was this abuse pouring out of a church building, and I could only wonder what these children’s families and parents had taught them, that they felt entitled to shout really vile insults at an adult.

When I reported the incident on my blog, a reader surprised me, or rather astounded me, by commenting that I was somehow to blame—that I was part of a culture of “doing nothing” that permitted evil to flourish. What he would have advised me to do, he didn’t say. Walk up to the window and get into a shouting match with children? Go into the church and interrupt the service? Or just write a letter of complaint to the monsignor of the church, who probably wouldn’t have believed a word of it?

I’m a writer. That’s my calling. I write about stuff. I don’t go banging on people’s doors. I haven’t provided you with the name and address of the church because I can’t believe it’s the one and only church in America where children haven’t been taught how to behave tolerably. No, this is something that ought to be considered in all the churches—which are, or are supposed to be, ambassadors for Christ.

“Oh, but it served you right!” answers the Pharisee. “Because smoking is a sin!” I don’t agree with that, but let’s just say it’s true. And if it is, does that authorize the children of the church to shout abuse at sinners? In whose evangelism tool kit is that to be found? Besides which, they would thus be authorized to shout abuse at everyone, because everyone, in one way or another, or in many ways, is a sinner.

What do the churches teach these children? What do their families teach them? Or do they just go through the motions on a Sunday, and the rest of the time, leave the teaching up to movies, TV shows, video games, and rap music?

When you can’t tell the Christian children apart from the children of the unbelievers—or the adults, for that matter—what does that say about the churches?

That’s what needs to be considered.

2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Leader of tea party patriots attacks Trump at CPAC

18 minute speech and was appalled at her lack of Constitutional knowledge, not to mention her support for a liberal Warren court decision, NYT’s v. Sullivan, which allows media and public figures to destroy the reputations of others with impunity. 

Cruz’s campaign manager, Jeff Roe, who has no problem lying about opponents, and in one instance Roe’s lies and attacks even caused a public figure to commit suicide.

lawyers Cruz and Rubio know this, but to pass the CFR’s North American Union (NAU) may well require another Constitutional Convention. Remember, Heidi Cruz, along with Ted’s friend, Henry Kissinger, were on CFR’s NAU Task Force.

As a matter of fact, while Meckler was still with TPP, he co-sponsored a conference on an Article V convention at Harvard with several pro-Convention leftists, including Obama associate, Lawrence Lessig. Absent were the people and groups against a Convention. [Link], [Link] They were never invited.

Meckler and Martin

New York Times v. Sullivan

the lies of Ted Cruz against both Donald Trump and Ben Carson. The Court’s decision eliminates the 9th Commandment in the public arena. “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”

Jenny Beth Martin, GOP establishment

Koch brothers’, Americans for Prosperity. There were originally three founders of TPP. Mark Meckler and Amy Kremler left for various reasons, and Martin retained control. Before Martin became a Tea Party star, she was scrubbing floors and cleaning houses for suburbanites after her husband’s business went bankrupt in 2007. Nothing wrong with physical labor and hard work, but she’s sure had a lifestyle change heading up TPP. In 2011, she was making $6 K a month at TPP. What was disturbing to many people within the TPP, was that she put her husband in charge of TPP’s finances, especially since they had huge IRS debts because of his bankruptcy.

Ralph Reed, formerly Director of the Christian Coalition, and infamous for the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandals, along with Grover Norquist. Martin has appeared on panels at Reed’s “Faith and Freedom Coalition” conferences, and Reed has returned the favor by speaking at TPP gatherings. During 2004, both of them worked on the Bush campaign, as did Ted and Heidi Cruz. All of them are Bush establishment GOP!

Link] Martin wouldn’t even accept Brat’s phone calls. What does that tell you?

While the national TPP group is flush with cash, much of it raised through fundraising pitches that tell donors the money will be directed to grassroots activities. The smaller TP organizations around the country are struggling on shoestring budgets. TPP is not and never has been a grassroots organization. It is strongly affiliated with the GOP establishment and has been from its inception.

Jenny Beth Martin is just another GOP establishment clone, following the lead of the globalists to derail Donald Trump. They are desperately afraid of him, and have pulled out all the stops to eliminate him from the nomination, despite what the American people really want! With voter fraud, with intimidation, with attacks and lies, with Romney and Ryan, he still leads, and the people still love him.

Thanks to the diligence of Paul Walter, CEO of NewsWithViews, many ideas for my articles have come from him. Paul immigrated from communist Yugoslavia, providence of Slovenia, and therefore he sees more clearly the dangers to our Republic than those who have always known free America as home. Please support

Without people and money, there is no solution

“The Government of the absolute majority instead of the Government of the people is but the Government of the strongest interests; and when not efficiently checked, it is the most tyrannical and oppressive that can be devised.” ~John C. Calhoun

Many years ago, as we entered the 20th Century, we were a different stock of people. We were defiant in our freedom and we rejected or purged what we considered infringements on that freedom. We didn’t let important things slide or look the other way like we do now. The truth is, had government instituted all the laws and restrictions it has now placed on the people of America, but they had done it 100 years ago all at once, there would have been a revolution that would have made the American Revolution and the Civil War pale in comparison. Has government become the enemy of the people in some ways? It would seem so.

But ladies and gentlemen, you cannot fight an enemy if you cannot see him. You have no defense if you are surrounded in darkness but your enemy controls the light. You have no options if you cannot pierce the veil of your enemy’s deceit. There is absolutely no defense if you cloak yourself in ignorance, or convince yourself that the enemy is not there. But rest assured, the enemy is lurking just outside your door and your door will not protect you or your children from government coming inside and destroying your blind tranquility that you thought was freedom. The American government is now all-powerful. They own the law and the capability to enforce it, by whatever means and they are determined to do it. You will be subjugated or you will be fined, or you will go to jail, or you may just disappear.

That enemy is knocking on your door right now but you don’t know it, or choose to ignore it. And if you don’t open it, the enemy will break the door down and come in anyway. They will take your children away and put them in government-run indoctrination and propaganda schools, just as Japanese Americans were locked up in internment camps at the start of World War II. But wait a minute! Your children are already in federal government-run indoctrination and propaganda schools, or didn’t you know that? What do you suppose Common Core State Standard education, or collectivism, or political correctness, or multi-culturalism, or the one-world-order represent?

The difference is, you have willingly given your children to the state and are exposing them to that indoctrination and propaganda without so much as a whimper in opposition. You have been doing it for decades. The government uses the public school system and colleges to institutionalize an agenda and that agenda has nothing to do with the three “R’s”, reading, “riting” and “rithmetic.” That agenda is to make all of our school children into compliant adults that won’t complain when they are oppressed, or will act as snitches to the government if a “maverick” reveals him or her self. Hitler would be proud.

Now, the people have allowed government to become so powerful, they fear its wrath. We have let frontier justice, wherein we did not fear government, morph into absolute power by government in a police state where we are deathly afraid of government. People are hesitant to raise their heads above the noise level for fear it could be chopped off, figuratively speaking of course. Our lives are comfortable and we are very reticent about upsetting our precarious apple cart. But those who fall afoul of the law through no fault of their own cannot escape the long hand of government by hiding in the shadows. They become sacrificial lambs to government’s power and those in close proximity to the victim scurry for cover, saying to themselves “….. thank God it wasn’t me”. This is equivalent to running from the battlefield while the real heroes hold the enemy at bay, or advance upon the enemy. The federal government is reading our articles and rifling through our website all the time. We have put ourselves in danger just for writing this.

Those that continue to say that America’s best days are ahead of us are delusional. Its best days can hardly be ahead of us, if the last three generations have been brainwashed in the public school system, a school system that has dumped out millions of dunderhead idiots that believe everything the government tells them, including the fraud that is man-caused global warming. Why else would millions of Americans vote for a Barack Obama, a Hillary Clinton, or a Bernie Sanders?

And you have to go through 100 or more colleges to find one that isn’t loaded with liberal professors that have consumed gallons of the socialist-laced Cool-Aid. Most of the press has gone liberal.

But hey, what’s the problem? Life is good in America. Most people aren’t going hungry and the poor do better in America than anywhere on the planet. Only 93,000,000 people don’t have jobs and have given up looking. But that’s OK, they are just living at the expense of the dumbed-down compliant taxpayer that is afraid to open his or her mouth for fear the government might raise taxes even more.

So what if the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and other federal agencies are coming down hard on the rural landowner. What does the urban dweller care if a few ranchers and farmers lose their land or their way of life to abusive government agencies that don’t recognize or ignore the law.

So what if the national debt is at $19 Trillion and headed to $33 Trillion in 10 years? America’s rich. It can pay the debt back by just raising taxes, or printing more money. Can’t it?

So what if ISIS is sending terrorists into the U. S. to do us harm. We’ve got the FBI. They’ll get ‘em. Won’t they?

So what if the government has been decimating our military readiness to the point where we may become vulnerable to attack by another super power, or some Islamic splinter group like ISIS or Al Qeada that don’t fear us any more.

So what if illegal aliens are flooding across the border and filling up the welfare rolls and getting “free” money from the government for children living in Central or South America? So what if some of the thousands of those illegal aliens have evil intent in their hearts, or will vote Democrat?

So what if Obama Care is going broke and is on its way to bankrupting America. No big deal! America is a rich country. We can afford it. Can’t we?

So what if all of our jobs are being shipped offshore in international trade deals that provide better benefits to foreign countries than they do to American workers and American interests? It’s OK if we reduce America to a third-world nation. We deserve it. After all, America is bad ….. in the Liberal’s mind.

So what if the student loan debt is over $1.2 Trillion and could be the next bubble that drives America back into recession, or depression, or bankruptcy. You can’t pay the loan if you don’t have a job.

So what if millions of Americans live on food stamps and are getting many kinds of aid from the government, paid by the ever-shrinking taxpayer? Pretty soon there will be more people in the wagon than those pulling the wagon and those pulling the wagon will join those in the wagon. Then the wagon will stop and the people in the wagon won’t know what to do, especially if the wagon is rolling backwards and picking up speed.

So what if every government agency, at every level, is systemically corrupt, where Constitutional fundamentals are purposely ignored. The people aren’t watching. They don’t care what the government does.

Sure, millions of Americans know of these different problems, but then what can any of them do about it? The problems are just too big to try to solve them, aren’t they? It’s hopeless, so why even expend the effort? Why indeed! Because if the effort is not expended, there will be no more free America where life is good and everything is just peachy. We will just become another third-world nation where everyone is scratching to stay alive except the very rich and government becomes a dictatorship, declares martial law, suspends the constitution (if it wasn’t suspended already) and rations everything, you know, like food, gasoline, tires and toilet paper.

So many people are looking for a cheap way to reclaim freedom. Or, they are wishing for a savior that will sweep the bad guys out of the way and open the door to freedom so they don’t have to lift a finger. That’s why so many people are looking at Trump because they think he is that savior. They are delusional. One man can’t save America from committing suicide.

The hard truth is, there is no John Galt, or a Ronald Reagan, showing up on the scene to set America right again and restore her values, her strength and her liberty. The people are going to have to reclaim America all by them selves, that is, if they aren’t totally brainwashed by the public school system and the liberal colleges. And if they do decide to take the plunge, it’s going to take millions of them to do it. Unfortunately, most people just like to talk or write about freedom. Very few ever get in the game, or pick up a sword. Thomas Paine called these people “Sunshine Patriots.”

In spite of what Americans are up against, they don’t have to resort to frontier justice “…. to set the country right.” The tools to win were handed down to us from our Founding Fathers in the form of a Constitution that took our natural, God-given, individual rights and codified them into the law of man. All we need is the courage to fearlessly proceed under those essential tools of freedom and restore the vision of those great men for our time and our children and grandchildren’s time, unless we cower in fear, or refuse to challenge authority because of that fear. In a Constitutional Republic, the people have the power but only if they choose to exercise that power.

The sad reality is, you can’t take on a powerful government without a large group of smart people and lots of money, just like an army can’t take on an enemy without soldiers, weapons and money ….. lots of money. Government has the law, the attorneys, the courts, the police and your tax money to fight you. They won’t go quietly into the night.

It is abundantly clear that Americans can’t restore America at the ballot box. Knowing that, we have come up with a Plan containing three viable components to get around government’s power and the vexing problems we all face. We have uploaded a brief description of this Copyrighted Plan to our website HERE. Our solution is not dependent on which party controls Congress, or who sits in the White House. But our Plan and its viable components won’t happen without the people and it is certain that: “There will be No People, There will be No Organization and There is No Solution ….. Without the Money!”

Of course, you won’t be looking for a solution if you can’t see or won’t admit to your self that there is a problem, or if you fear government, or if you don’t care.

We do care, but it isn’t enough just to write weekly articles, which we have done for the last 10 years. We have tried for five of those years to get people to “get in the game” and make a difference and even take up the sword if need be. We are “in the game.” What about you?

[NOTE: The forgoing article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved

Handing it to Hillary – confusion by design

“And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” ~Mark 3:25

As the Republican Party, along with the help from FOX News, who just happens to be a financial supporter of the Clinton’s Foundation, continually disrupt support for candidates that are leading with support from the American people. In their latest attempt to help usher in Hillary Clinton, they sent forth their unqualified, two-time loser Mitt Romney to hypocritically attack Donald Trump. That was proceeded by anti-American Obama minion Paul Ryan giving Barack Obama everything that he wanted and more when he helped push through an omnibus bill that places $2 trillion deficit on the backs of The American people.

And, of course, don’t forget that Mitch McConnell’s father-in-law being busted for cocaine onboard one of his ships only helps things further things along.

For those that did not know, it was Mitt Romney and his top advisor Jonathan Gruber who were the ones responsible for the unconstitutional RomneyCare, which you know now to be the blueprint for ObamaCare (Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution).

MIT professor Jonathan Gruber, who advised both Romney and President Obama on their health care reform plans, told the Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin that without Romney’s plan, and more specifically, that plan’s individual mandate, President Obama never could have gotten his plan through Congress:

He says that as the federal health care plan emerged, the Massachusetts plan was “widely discussed.” […]

In his opinion, without the Massachusetts plan, the federal individual mandate plan wouldn’t have garnered acceptance and gotten through. “It was huge,” Gruber says, to have the Massachusetts plan to point to. And without it, he thinks “it’s likely” ObamaCare wouldn’t have become law.

Mitt Romney is also a pro-sodomite supporter (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Romans 1:24) and an advocate for the murder of the innocent in the womb (Proverbs 6:17). I know that is not what he said, but friends it is what he did (Matthew 7:16).

While the attempt to further divide and conquer continues by adding more confusion (Daniel 9:8), Harry Reid from has now demanded that Paul Ryan denounce his support for Trump, who is said to be in support of the KKK because David Duke supports Trump. How does that work?

Confused yet? You should be! It is all by design.

America, it is the Democratic Party that is responsible for the creation of the KKK!

Furthermore, America, we have one Constitution, not two! We are ruled by Law, not party.

“There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.” –President John Adams

Also, remember that every single one of these players is an outlaw when it comes to the enumerated laws of our Constitutional Republic. Every single one of them!

Why are the American people confused?

President James Garfield quickly brought this to resolve when he said,

“Now more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness and corruption.”

Why aren’t these (effeminate thugs) representatives calling for the indictment of Bill and Hillary Clinton? It is not like they have to speculate when it comes to the list of crimes committed against the American people when it comes to the Clintons.

We know that just recently it was found that the Clintons are selling Uranium Ore to the Russians from underneath the ranchers in Oregon.

Why are they not bringing this to light (Ephesians 5:11)?

What of the Travelgate scandal? Whitewater scandal? Filegate scandal? Lootergate scandal? Drug Dealer Donor scandal? Ponzi scheme and political favor scandal? Benghazi? The email scandal? Mena, Arkansas drug trafficking scandal? What of the dead bodies strewn across the path of the Clintons (147) and the list goes on and on concerning who Hillary is and what she is truly about.

Why are they not calling her out America? To call out Hilary for these would be the same as exposing themselves in so many different ways. Just look at their records. They are just as guilty as she is, and that is exactly why they are attempting to protect her.

America, it stands true, these are protecting themselves against those who are raising some serious threats to the ground (the establishment) that they mean to hold. It is vital that these usher Hilary in so that things remain the same.

We were warned by George Mason in Article 3 of Virginia’s Declaration of Rights:

That government is, or ought to be, instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people, nation or community; of all the various modes and forms of government that is best, which is capable of producing the greatest degree of happiness and safety and is most effectually secured against the danger of maladministration; and that, whenever any government shall be found inadequate or contrary to these purposes, a majority of the community hath an indubitable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to reform, alter or abolish it, in such manner as shall be judged most conducive to the public weal.

Wake-up! (Ephesians 5:14)

© 2016 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserv

A political party gone berserk

The Republican Party is in the process of self destruction, given the continuing and seemingly enduring dim-wittedness of the collection of present and past so-called conservative Republicans that have, and are, exhibiting a complete diminishing and passing out of sight of any semblance of honorable integrity. The disappearance of these numbskulls from the political scene would be a blessing and in the very best interest of the nation as a whole.

These halfwits most certainly contribute nothing of value in regard to the best interests of the people. A people that have, I might add, already lost any respect or regard for the arrogant imbeciles that make up this simple-minded collective, and I need not name names as the people have had ample demonstrations of those responsible for this goofy flight from common sense and reality.

It is readily apparent to any who have been witnessing this mad flight from realism and good sense that these nattering jackasses are effectively diminishing any hope for success as affective representatives of the people. And the worst of the bunch seem to be those who bleat most loudly about their so-called conservative values. I do not know which values they address as I can discern no illusion or likeness of any quality (positive or negative) that renders something desirable or valuable in regard to the people of this nation or its people.

What seems to have precipitated this flight into insanity is the candidacy and conversion to conservative principles of Donald Trump who is mounting an effective and possibly effectual campaign for the Office of the Presidency. Mr. Trump who has in the past held other than strictly conservative principles in regard to politics, or otherwise, has for reasons unknown incited the vindictive hatred of an ample number of those who righteously embrace their so-called purity as conservative politicians, rather than value and welcome the turnabout – in their estimation – of a convert to their political philosophy they have done everything in their destructive hearts to devastate his sincere ambition to lead this nation in an elimination of inimical political policies.

Examples, galore!

At the present time the dimmest of the dimmest are Senator Marko Rubio of Florida and Ted Cruz of Texas. These two donkeys parading as elephants have done everything in their power to eliminate any sign of unity or wholeness from the campaign process. Their underhandedness and invectiveness has been absolutely inimical to the election process, to the point that the Republican Party should be wiped out and remade in to a party of undivided and unbroken completeness of totality with nothing wanting. Everything that they have done to date is exactly the opposite. They use verbal abuse as a crude substitute for argument.

Cruz in Iowa

Cruz, who claims to be a born again Christian, has done just about everything to diminish such a claim…he claims to have won the Iowa Caucus, but the truth is that he obtained it through trickery and chicanery, and by doing so he may well have doomed the political career of a true Republican conservative. That person is Iowa Congressman Steve King.

Ted Cruz used Congressman King deceitfully and dishonestly, to spread false information about another candidate in order to enhance his own political interests. Unfortunately Congressman King was taken in by Cruz’s deception and at Cruz’s behest tweeted that Dr. Ben Carson was withdrawing from the race, it worked and Cruz went back to Texas and boasted that he had actually won the Iowa Caucus, which was in fact false, he gained the so-called victory through trickery and deceit. To this day he claims that as his lone victory over Donald Trump, when he could not defeat Donald Trump on his best day. So this fraud hi-tailed it back to Texas and left Congressman King swinging in the breeze.

Marco Rubio, here is another so-called Christian

To observe Senator Rubio, one must imagine that he must have stolen his election to the Senate because everything that he has done in his bid for the presidency has been underhanded, sneaky, and marked by deception. He has only proved in my sight that he is a master liar and dispossessed of moral soundness, this guy is not fit to be a dog catcher. In my years I have run across many who are liars and cheats, but this guy seems to hold that title most legitimately, if his candidacy is an example of his true integrity that has to be the case.

Vote for Donald Trump and feel good about it

Throughout of his candidacy Donald Trump has been convincing that he has the will and expertise to root out the governmental corruption that has so angered the people of the United States. The best thing that he has going for him is that he is neither a Cruz nor a Rubio. If he has something to say, he will say it outright and then do his best to live up to his word. This is an important election and we need capable and honorable representatives who will live up to their words. I would ask that this article be forwarded to all of the political individuals identified in it, and also to Mitt Romney the incompetent who was so soundly defeated by another loser, Barack Obama. Good Luck with the reformation of the Republican Party.

2016 – Jim R. Schwiesow – All Rights Reserved

The 60s feminist agenda coming to fruition

Three names associated with contemporary feminist agendas during the sixties and beyond were Bella Abzug, Betty Friedan, and Gloria Steinem. During the decade of the sixties, the stage was set for the agenda and stream of bills to be introduced for Universal National Service. Another earlier activist and feminist, Margaret Mead, had advocated for such a program “that replaces marriage for girls even more than for boys, as the route away from the parental home.”

In 1966 Former Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, proposed a public service requirement for all Americans starting at ages between 17-19 to serve the country for two years in military, health and social services, and welfare programs.

In 2003 Rep. Charles Rangel introduced “The Universal National Service Act of 2003” and reintroduced it in 2006, 2007, 2010 and 2011. Draconian implications of that Act, if enacted, were laid out in an article in 2003 in which this writer collaborated, “Uncle Sam Wants You, Your Sister, and Your Girl Friend or Wife”.

The article is posted on under Charlotte Iserbyt’s name. Other articles including, “Returning the Draft: the Universal National Service Act of 2006” are also available on under Charlotte’s name. Just drip, drip, drip through the years the nation becomes conditioned to ignore, or fails to take seriously the drum beat of implementing a system of mandatory universal service for every young person 18 to 25-26.

The Selective service Registration has been in effect for young men since President Carter re-actualized the registration in 1980 after it had languished for some years. A Universal National Service is quite another thing.

Fast forward to 2016 when a registration for women was discussed by military service leaders appearing before the Senate February 2, 2016. It would require women registering for Selective Service same as young men have been required to do since Pres. Carter’s Administration. (San Jose Mercury/News (2/3/2016)

Note the shift in EMPHASIS from Congressman Rangel’s Universal National Service Act comprising of “military service, OR a period of civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, and for other purposes” which has its own cans of worms which articles mentioned above address in detail. The requirement for women to sign up with the Selective Service implies availability for military COMBAT service since the Secretary of Defense, Ash Carter, in December ordered all combat jobs open to women. That decree appears to open the prospect of requiring young women to register for selective service as a matter of gender equality.

Implications of that speak for themselves should a military draft occur. The societal implication would be the final cap on movements already in motion. If young women were drafted during some of their prime reproductive years, who would care for the babies and young children? Could the timing of planning for Selective Service draft of young women have anything to with the latest mantra of Universal early childhood “education” which calls for government schools’ oversight beginning with prenatal visits? And documents from “education” sources which say parents are partners of the state re: children? Big Brother dressed in Uncle Sam’s suit to the rescue while Mom is in combat on some foreign battlefield?

Feminism arrived at last! Ultimate equality! To quote the “sage” utterances of the 60’s feminist leaders:

Bella Abzug – “We are coming down from our pedestal and up from the laundry room.”

Betty Friedan – “It’s easier to live through someone else than to become complete yourself.”

Gloria Steinem – “Without legs of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming after all is a form of planning”.

Excuse me but, “Up from the laundry room to a battle field” “Becoming complete with military combat experience” “Dreaming excitement of possibilities” Although I doubt Gloria Steinem who is anti-war, had the drafting of women for combat in her mind’s “Planning”. It doesn’t take a genius to predict that the feminist movement’s “dream-planning” would inevitably result in calls to draft women into military service. It’s been in motion for decades. Let us not forget Robert McNamara who recommended a form of universal service for all young people including women, was the same Robert McNamara who introduced PPBS (Planning, Programming, Budgeting System) into the Department of Defense. Planning accomplished, now the programming and budgeting coming next?

A question to ask the candidates during this campaign season.

© 2016 Mary Thompson – All Rights Reserved

Koch brothers retreat from plan to attack Donald Trump

The multi-billionaires Charles and David Koch brothers, arguably the nation’s most powerful and generous conservative donors in the United States, decided they will not use their $400 million Political Action Committee to attempt to stop Republican front-runner Donald Trump’s juggernaut to the presidential nomination, according to political strategist Michael Baker.

GOP political strategist and author Roger Stone had reported that participants at a meeting held by the Democrats’ favorite bogeymen, the uber-wealthy Koch Brothers, and presidential hopeful, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, somehow leaked their plans to sabotage the nomination of Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention later this year.

The two brothers, Charles G. and David H. Koch, met with other Republican millionaires and billionaires had allocated an immense $75 million figure to be spent targeting and terminating Trump’s successful political race. According to Stone, they also discussed how they would use the already-defeated 2012 President Barack Obama opponent, Mitt Romney, as their ‘Plan B’ if Rubio’s also ends up a loser on Super Tuesday.

The decision to drop “Plan B” and any other anti-Trump activity by the billionaire industrialists is one more example of Republican establishment inability to derail the real estate magnate Trump’s bid for the White House, and their hope for another nominee appears to be dashed since the Koch brothers will not launch a highly financed anti-Trump campaign.

“We have no plans to get involved in the primary,” said James Davis, spokesman for Freedom Partners, the Koch brothers’ political umbrella group told reporters.

According to a Trump political strategist, Roger Stone, the Koch brothers made the decision because they decided based on several recent incidents that spending millions of dollars attacking Trump would be futile and a waste of resources better used in Senate, House of governor races. They decided that none of the attacks against Donald Trump stick.

The Koch brothers lost millions of dollars they donated to the 2012 Republican presidential bid of Newt Gingrich and then Mitt Romney. While Gingrich was their first choice and shared their conservative ideals, Romney was the very definition of a Republican in Name Only (RINO) who actually created government healthcare that Obama copied and was pro-choice and not adverse to big government.

“Romney was not capable of beating Obama and the news media who he seemed to be trusting,” said political guru Mike Baker. “Republicans have got to learn that they aren’t only battling the Democrats who are vicious to begin with; they also have to fight the news media who will always support their liberal-left brethren. Ronald Reagan seems to be the only Republican who understood that,” Baker said.

Donors and media reports have speculated that they would deploy their vast political network to target Trump. Then the Koch brothers gathered America’s wealthiest political donors for a meeting. The Kochs especially disliked his hardline views on immigration — they tend to be more libertarian than conservative. They hated Trump’s promise of building a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico and deporting millions of illegal immigrants.

In addition, Hillary Clinton — who wanted to jump on the anti-Trump media bandwagon this week — has accused Trump of racism for his strong stance against illegal aliens.

While most politicians would respond quietly (if at all), Trump shot back via a Facebook post. Here is what The Donald said:

“Failing candidate Hillary Clinton, who is desperately trying to hold on to her lead in the democratic primary against Bernie Sanders, is knowingly putting out lies about my stance on illegal immigration. I said “Mexico is sending”— I’m not knocking immigration or immigrants, but rather am very critical of the country of Mexico for sending us people that they don’t want. Likewise I am very critical of illegal immigration and the tremendous problems including crime, which it causes.

“She is desperate, she is sad, and she is obviously very nervous when she has to revert to issues that have already been settled given the absolute accuracy of my statement. She speaks about “my tone” and that’s the problem with our country’s leaders. They are more worried about tone than results! It’s not about being nice— it’s about being competent.

“Hillary should spend more time producing her illegally hidden emails and less time trying to obfuscate a statement by me that is totally clear and obviously very much accepted by the public as true. I am honored, however, that she is attacking me, instead of Jeb Bush. Obviously she knows that JEB is no longer her real competition. The last person she wants to face is Donald Trump.”

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Making Mexico pay for the wall

Former Mexican Presidents Vincente Fox and Felipe Calderon have recently made public statements stating that Mexico will not pay for the wall Donald Trump intends for the U.S. to build along the southern border to stem the flow of illegal immigrants. “I’m not going to pay for that f—ing wall,” Fox said on Fusion TV. Unintimidated, Trump responded without hesitation that the U.S. will build the wall, that now it will be ten feet higher, and that, indeed, Mexico will pay for it. How refreshing it is to hear from a Washington outsider the politically incorrect, but perfectly logical and direct statement that Mexico owes us (not the other way around).

Without question, Mexico should pay for the wall. For decades Mexico has failed to police our mutual border, taking no meaningful action to stem the tide of illegal immigrants into the United States. Indeed, by failing to crack down on illegal immigration and drug operations, Mexico has contributed to the constant flow of illegals and the rise of drug trafficking and drug related crime in the United States. It has also failed to stop an epidemic of murders, kidnappings, and robberies of Americans who vacation or tour south of the border.

The present administration does nothing to alter the abuses that stem from Mexico’s failure to stop illegal emigration from its country to the United States and to make any serious inroads against crimes against Americans perpetrated by Mexicans. Indeed, through its words and deeds this administration placates the Mexican government, consistent with its global apology tour whereby it agrees with foreign governments that the United States has been a global oppressor. The reality is, of course, quite the contrary. There has never been a nation more generous in its largesse to the world and more courageous in its defense of liberty around the world than the United States.

To end the abuses, it will be up to a Trump Administration to alter the American relationship with Mexico and with other nations in the world, to reassert American power and directness in defense of American interests. That will mean a change in the relationship with Mexico in fundamental ways, forcing that country to respect its northern neighbor and guard against the violation of United States’ interests.

As part of a new move to ensure protection of American interests, Donald Trump has rightfully demanded that Mexico pay for the wall needed to keep non-U.S. citizens within Mexican borders. The border will cost at least $12 billion, a price we must pay if we are to reduce illegal immigration from Mexico.

How, then, can the United States force Mexico to pay for the wall? In his policy paper on the wall, Donald Trump says that if Mexico will not pay directly, he will raise the money by increasing fees on temporary visas from Mexican diplomats, executives, and North American Free Trade workers, as well as cutting foreign aid and raising tariffs. The former Mexican presidents say that if tariffs are raised on Mexico, Mexico will respond by raising tariffs on goods sold to the United States. Doing so would, on balance, harm the Mexican economy more than the American.

Even without a tariff war, the imposition of fees combined with the elimination of foreign aid to Mexico would be a very good idea and would save significant sums. Depending on the year, the United States now lavishes on Mexico some $50 to $210 million dollars in aid annually. By permanently ending aid to Mexico, the United States could help reduce the cost of the wall, but will not likely cover the cost, at least not for decades. Nevertheless, because the wall has become a necessity due to the failure of Mexico to guard against illegal immigration, we should insist upon elimination of Mexican aid regardless.

© 2016 Jonathan W. Emord – All Rights Reserved

The lies of Romney, Megyn Kelly, and Ted Cruz

Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny. —Thomas Jefferson

Trump has Revived Hope in Americans

death of him. They will do anything to stop him from derailing their New World Order globalist plans. So now they’ve hired Willard Romney.

The Truth of Why Willard Mitt Romney Attacked Trump

Willard the Rat,” and at this point, he fits the description. Romney plans, try to derail Trump for his globalist friends and possibly create a brokered convention. He has been hired to help destroy Trump. Why? Because the plan is to have another globalist in our White House to continue the New World Order Agenda. Since Jeb Bush is out, their last hope is no other than Hillary Clinton. Romney is the hired thug to unseat Trump. 

Romney is again leading the assault.

And guess what? Romney is being sued in federal court for criminal racketeering. Steven “Laser” Haas is the owner and sole shareholder of Collateral Logistics Inc. (CLI) the firm which was retained to oversee the liquidation of assets in the bankruptcy of eToys in 2001. Along with Romney, Haas has named Goldman Sachs, Bain Capital, Michael Glazer, Barry Gold, and Paul Traub in the suit. Haas has claimed that he has evidence that the parties involved have committed perjury on 35 separate occasions — even alleging that there have been murders carried out in attempts to cover up their wrong doing.

Obviously, if Romney were on the stage with these candidates, you can bet this would not be brought up, but a small civil suit over Trump University is a major discussion during the debate. How absolutely asinine. 


The NAU eliminates the borders between Canada and Mexico, and makes us one big North American Union with one currency, and obliterated sovereignty, much like the European Union which is now failing.

he’d vote for Hillary over Trump. So Kristol and his phony Republican ilk prefer to have a corrupt, failed Secretary of State (think Benghazi murders and Libya at the top of the list), than an honest businessman who wants to “Make America Great Again.” What does that tell you?

Glenn Beck Wants to Stab Trump

the stabbing just wouldn’t stop.” Now they’re lying about it after a visit from the FBI.


Beck is not the only crazy in America who is filled with hatred for the one candidate who could turn America around.

Like Louis Farrakhan who has promoted the murder of whitey by 10,000 of his congregants, nothing is done. But let a threat be mentioned against Obama or Hillary and the FBI is there with a warrant for their arrest. 

Report These People!

U.S. Secret Service
Office of Government and Public Affairs
245 Murray Ln,
Washington, DC 20223
(202) 406-5708
For local field office, click here.
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Click here for FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Click here for FBI Field Offices in the U.S.

The Lousy Debates and The Lies

the rating was an A as Trump claimed. 

Rubio and Cruz have jumped on the bandwagon following their orders from the GOP to destroy Trump during the debates with lies, innuendos, and twisted half truths. The moderators were the culprits with starting the attacks on the leading candidate and allowing Cruz and Rubio to continue the attacks. 

CNN did a fact check and found this was untrue. According to the Federal Election Commission and the Center for Responsive Politics, Trump donated one $600 check to Clinton’s presidential campaign in 2007. But Trump also contributed to 2008 GOP nominee Sen. John McCain’s campaign, and gave him more, to boot.


There is only one man who is not part of their train wreck to hell with the New World Order, and you all know, it is Donald J. Trump. Support him or our country is lost.

Thanks to the diligence of Paul Walter, CEO of NewsWithViews, many ideas for my articles have come from him. Paul immigrated from communist Yugoslavia, providence of Slovenia, and therefore he sees more clearly the dangers to our Republic than those who have always known free America as home. Please support

Primary voters still voting for their own destruction

Four states held primaries/caucuses last weekend. All four were for presidential preferences. Trump took two. He barely squeaked by Cruz in Kentucky 35.9% -31.6%. Louisiana was also close, Trump 41.1% – 37.8% for fraudster, Ted Cruz. Constitutionally ineligible, Ted Cruz, took two. Kansas: Cruz 48.2% – Trump 23.2% and Maine with Cruz at 45.9% v Trump at 32.6%.

John Kasich, who seems to be vying for the next nomination for Father Teresa finished 3rd in Maine, dead last in Kansas, dead last in Kentucky, dead last in Louisiana. Rubio finished dead last in Maine., 3rd in Kansas, 3rd in Kentucky, 3rd in Louisiana. Count Chocula*, Ted Cruz, is pretending not to kick a dead horse while he pleads for those two to drop out of the race and send their voters to him.

However, a couple of those states were also full ballots for congressional seats, judges, sheriffs and state offices.

A lot of hoopla being played out is there’s a cold revolution going on which is benefiting Donald Trump. Voters are fed up with being betrayed by Washington, DC. Voters are sick of the corrupt criminal enterprise out in Washington, DC. They are spitting right in the eye of the GOP establishment who control everything out in the District of Criminals by voting for Trump. They want an outsider!

Really? Then why in the hell would voters from either party or independents once again vote for congressional incumbents – the very rats who have taken this country to the abyss?

Oh, yes they did. I went and looked at results in several states whose recent primaries included more than just presidential preference. It sickened me. And, in Alabama voters cast several thousand votes for candidates no longer in the race! Carly Fiorina 541; suspended her campaign Feb. 10th. Rent boy, Sen. Lindsay Graham 253; suspended his campaign Dec. 21, 2015. Huckabee 2,528; suspended his campaign Feb. 1st. Rand Paul 1,880; suspended campaign Feb. 3rd. Rick Santorum 616; suspended campaign, Feb. 3rd. Thousands of votes wasted on candidates no longer in the running.

Voters in Arkansas did the same thing. Casting votes for candidates like Bobby Jindal who dropped out of the race, Nov. 17, 2015. Are all those voters that dumb or were they just making a meaningless statement?

In Texas out of 20 congressional seats on the Republican side, a whopping 15 incumbents won their primary! (A few seats were open because of retirement; a couple unopposed; others ran for different offices.) What? How many times have I written this over the past quarter of a decade?

Are Americans Really This Stupid? June 27, 2012

“In mid-2007, the housing market crash predicted by many and ignored by tens of millions ‘suddenly’ became a raging path of destruction across this country. By summer 2008, panic set in and the thieves in the U.S. Congress literally stole the fruits of your labor to unconstitutionally bail out banks and the auto industry. Without a scintilla of constitutional authority, the federal mafia bled us dry while 401(k)s bled in millions of households.

“Americans got angry. They said we will hold you responsible in November 2010!

“Sure, they did. With an approval rating of 11% for the gangsters in the Outlaw Congress, a whopping 86% of incumbents were sent back to Washington, DC., after the 2010 elections to continue stealing us blind and passing more and more unconstitutional laws while allowing alphabet soup agencies like the FDA, EPA and USDA to continue running amok. I suppose one could say it was an improvement over the usual 96% reelection stats for incumbents.

“Great fanfare went on though over the success of getting tea party candidates elected. Newbies who said all the right things while saying nothing. A new set of Band Aid pushers who have yet to understand the critical issues destroying this country: the disabilities of our monetary system, heavy progressive taxation, unconstitutional foreign aid, getting the US out of the UN; the list goes on and on. They just keep on voting for unconstitutional funding while saying the latest flavor of what appeals to voters.

“In a June 24, 2012, poll finding from Rassmussen: “Only 22% of the nation’s likely voters believe the government today has such consent.”

“In other words, 78% of the American people believe the U.S. Congress is doing whatever the hell they want without any regard to we the people.

“There is a great rage blowing across this country because the thieves in the Outlaw Congress aren’t just spending us into poverty, they are destroying a once great constitutional republic. Well, guess what? People are so dang mad, they’ve gone to the polls and once again voted for their own destruction during the 2012 primary cycle.

“Using two web sites, ballotpedia and the official U.S. house web site, I looked at the primary election results for a handful of states – just the U.S. House. It made me sick.

Alabama – 7 districts – 7 incumbents won
California 53 districts – 44 incumbents won
Illinois 18 districts – 14 incumbents won
Indiana – 9 district – 6 incumbents won
Iowa – five districts – 4 incumbents won
Mississippi – 4 districts – 4 incumbents won
North Carolina – 13 districts – 10 incumbents won
Ohio – 18 districts – 15 incumbents won
Pennsylvania – 19 districts – 16 incumbents won
South Carolina – 7 districts – 6 incumbents won
Texas – 36 districts – 30 incumbents won
Virginia 11 districts – 11 incumbents won

“Some seats were uncontested, either party, so the incumbent will walk right back in come November.”

And people wonder why nothing changes in Washington, DC? Hello?

Donald J. Trump & Congressional Incumbents, February 29, 2016

“What do you think will happen if Donald Trump becomes president and he has to go up against a Congress that hates him – with a few exceptions who have endorsed him (Rep. Duncan Hunter, Sen. Jeff Sessions)? I can tell you right now with Paul Ryan and McConnell heading up the two bodies in the legislative branch they will do everything in their power to block and destroy President Trump. Those two scum bags will do everything they can to block Trump from getting rid of all the destructive “free” trade treaties and agreements to judicial nominations. Mark my words. I’ve been at this full time for 26 years. I know how their toxic game is played…

“If your congressional incumbent, or state rep or senator, hasn’t gotten the job done in all the years they’ve been in Congress or the state house, what makes you think they will get the job done if you reward them once again with reelection?

Despite the massive rage across this country in 2010, 2012 and 2014, the American people voted back almost all the same incumbents to Washington, DC, and then expected something different to happen. The newbies have done absolutely nothing in legislation to cure the cancers. Go look at the reelection percentages for every election cycle back to 1964. Nothing changes because the bodies only change just enough to fool the American people into believing change is coming.”

Rep. Louis Gohmert is very popular here in Texas. He won his primary, March 1st which means he will walk right back to Congress in the November elections. Same with Rep. Lamar Smith. Did either one of them vote for:

H.R.3894 – Senior Citizens Tax Elimination Act to do away with income taxes on social security. No. That bill had all of two co-sponors. All those ‘compassionate’ conservatives in Congress talk about loving senior citizens, but when a bill is introduced to stop federal income tax on social security 432 out of 435 reps said no.

H.R.129 – Return to Prudent Banking Act of 2013. Restore Glass-Stegall – House Committee on Financial Services. Bill introduced by Rep Kaptur, Marcy [OH-9], January 3, 2013. No. 83 cosponsors. 2 were Republicans

H.R. 75: American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2013 – To end membership of the United States in the United Nations. Bill introduced January 3, 2013. Bill Sponsor: Rep. Paul Broun Jr. [R-GA10]. The bill had a whopping 10 cosponsors when it died. Neither Gohmert or Smith voted for it.

H.R. 156: To provide for the withdrawal of the United States from the North American Free Trade Agreement. Introduced by a Democrat. No. Zero cosponsors.

Did either of them or all the others who won their primaries starting March 1st introduce legislation to abolish the unconstitutional ‘Federal Reserve’, tell the truth about the nature of the federal income tax, abolish the unconstitutional Federal Department of Education, Health & Human Services, EPA; stop raping us in unconstitutional foreign aid and a million other unconstitutional expenditures? No.

Support former Congressman Ron Paul’s bill to abolish the unconstitutional ‘Federal’ Reserve if they were in office then (2007) or since? No. Dr. Paul’s bill had zero co-sponsors. Did your incumbent introduce and fight to get passed an end to the scam called withholding taxes? Ron Paul did several times; his bills went no where.

The tax-withholding scam, October 21, 2005. Instead of the nearly $2 TRILLION raped from the American people in those taxes, think about it going back into the economy. When Americans have no disposable income they only spend on things like the rent, food and gas money to go to work to earn money to give to the tax man to give away to foreign banking entities. How many incumbents voted for the NDAA, renewal of the freedom killing Patriot Act? A majority of those ‘conservatives’ in the U.S. House.

I also checked Alabama which has 7 districts. Two were uncontested (GOP only) so those crooks will go back to Congress and the other 4 all won their primaries so they, too, will go back to Washington, DC and spend us into oblivion with never once addressing the core cancers killing this country. The same incumbents who continue to vote for more borrowed billions for endless, unconstitutional, un-declared ‘wars’ over in the Middle East.

I’ve covered this in previous columns but it needs to be said again: A legally elected president has few enumerated duties under Art. II, Sec. 2 of the U.S. Constitution:

Commander-in-Chief when called into service. He may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment.

He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States, whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law: but the Congress may by law vest the appointment of such inferior officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of departments.

The President shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session.

Donald Trump can negotiate trade treaties but those treaties have to be ratified by a legally seated U.S. Senate. Reelect a majority of “free” traders in the senate who have voted for job killing treaties – like Juan McCain who has said NAFTA is a resounding success for Americans – and what do you think will happen with Trump’s efforts to bring home American jobs?

Many Democrats are against “free” trade but we the people gave Republicans a majority in the U.S. Senate in 2014 and it’s likely they will keep that majority come November. Rent boy, Sen. Lindsay Graham, hates Trump as does Mitch McConnell. The people might give Donald Trump the presidency but with all the same incumbents in the U.S. Senate who want him destroyed it’s like a gun with no bullets. Trump can negotiate treaties in the best interests of America and the Senate with the same incumbents could stall any ratifications until the next presidential election. Yes, they can.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record since 1993, it is just this issue regarding the fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment that has killed states rights regarding treaties. As my regular readers know I filed a lawsuit regarding the non-ratified Seventeenth Amendment. The appeals court ruled against me a couple of months ago. I submitted court certified historical documents which proved beyond any legal doubt that amendment to the U.S. Constitution was NOT ratified by enough states. No doubt whatsoever.

The Third Circuit here in Texas said they didn’t care. Those judges simply ignored hard evidence in favor of fraud. The decision was, as attorneys who fight in the federal arena, called it a ‘hose job’. The truth doesn’t matter to judges in this state any more than they do in other states. Political expediency over the U.S. Constitution.

A president cannot introduce legislation, he can only veto a bill or sign one into law.

For the love of God, just what do voters think is going to happen if at the end of this primary season 90% or higher of incumbents win? Why, those same incumbents who have destroyed this country will win in November and go right back to Washington, DC.

What is it people don’t understand about this? No, it’s not the other party’s incumbent, it’s YOUR incumbent just like it has been mine for the almost ten years I’ve lived in the 19th Congressional District here in Texas. Thankfully my incumbent is retiring so voters actually picked out of a large field one of my top two choices for Congress. He should win in November, but one or two constitutionally grounded newbies is NOT going to bring change. It has to be hundreds booted from the Outlaw Congress.

It’s bad enough dogs like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are going back next January, but for the people of this country to again reelect 90% or higher of current incumbents is committing national suicide.

What? Do voters think their incumbent in Congress who hasn’t gotten the job done in all the time they’ve been in office whether it’s 2 years or 20 years is going to suddenly have an epiphany and wake up a constitutionalist?

I don’t know about other states but I can tell you where this ‘group think’ herding comes from here in Texas:

Sincere, Well-Meaning Conservatives Are Killing US, February 3, 2014

“I’ve been in the trenches full time for the past 23 years. I’ve seen, heard and read ignorance by very highly educated people every day of the week. Now, that might sound like a complete juxtaposition, but it’s not. Let me give you this example because it’s not just educated, elected members of the Outlaw Congress and your state legislature, it’s sincere, well meaning conservatives who simply do not understand the issues. Their ignorance is killing us and this is how.

“Last week I received a beautiful color mailing encouraging you to vote early by mail; it is a sample ballot from the Conservative Republicans of Texas. While I ‘m registered no party, I always receive a Republican ballot on election day when I vote; the nice ladies just hand it to me. I blocked out the name of the MD who gave a statement and signed his name representing that organization. I’m not out to embarrass anyone. According to his statement, he’s been part of that group since 1992 “…to present voters a listing of the best qualified, conservative candidates. This is the original endorsement slate of conservative Republican candidates.” I was absolutely appalled when I looked at the sample ballot.

“U.S. Senator. The incumbent, John Cornyn has seven challengers. The Conservative Republicans of Texas want Texans to reelect an individual who has defecated on the Bill of Rights at every opportunity. He voted for the misnamed “Patriot Act”. Voted to extend that monster. Voted yes on the NDAA. Cornyn has voted consistently to kill American jobs and sovereignty. Voted yes on promoting free trade with Peru. Voted yes on free trade agreement with Oman. Voted yes on implementing CAFTA for Central America free-trade. Voted yes on establishing free trade between US & Singapore. Voted yes on establishing free trade between the US and Chile. He has done nothing to get us out of NAFTA or GATT/WTO. He’s nothing more than a pimp for supranational corporations.

“Fiscal conservative? Cornyn Voted to Let Harry Reid Fund ObamaCare. Cornyn Voted for the Wall Street Bailout (T.A.R.P.) A grotesque, unconstitutional theft of your wallet. Unconstitutional: Cornyn Voted to Increase the Federal Minimum Wage. Cornyn Has Voted to Raise the Debt Ceiling Eight Times; rest of short list here. That rotten slug hasn’t focused on the unconstitutional “FED” and the debauched currency we are forced to use, getting us out of the communist UN, eliminating unconstitutional cabinets and agencies bleeding we the people dry and into poverty. Now, doctor, I’m supposed to reward such a snake by reelecting him?..

“The doctor from the Conservative Republicans of Texas wants me to reelect State Senator Kel Seliger. I wrote that idiot when Obamacare became a big issue. His response: Golly, gee, that’s a federal matter, go away. Another ignorant career politician. While an ‘opt out’ regarding ‘smart’ meters is a Band Aid, it was important we get the bill passed in our state legislature last year. One vote was needed – Seliger’s. We didn’t get it. I called Seliger’s office asking he vote for it. Know what I got – as did several in this district? “You people quit calling. Smart meters are not a priority”. I’m supposed to reward another state legislator who cares nothing about the health or privacy of his constituents? I don’t think so.

“And, in fact, that election every single congressional incumbent won reelection here in Texas.”

For all this talk about Trump and rejecting the GOP establishment – what good does it do to elect an ‘outsider’ for president and reelect hundreds and hundreds of establishment puppets back to the U.S. House and 33 to the Senate from both parties?

Paul Ryan, Lamar Smith, do-nothing Joni Ernst, Juan McCain (altho’ he might get ousted, vote fraud could save him again), Steve King (IA). Just go down the list at There they are, oldies and 60+ newbies who sold us out at the first challenge – raising the debt ceiling back in 2011. Then the same dogs screwed us again in December 2014 by passing everything the criminal impostor in the WH wanted; full blown amnesty, ObamaCare and more.

Let me explain it this way. Lone Star Company hires 10 new employees who promise to do a good job. All ten screw things up so badly they’ve practically bankrupted Lone Star Company. What do the owners of Lone Star Company do? They sure as hell don’t keep those 10 failures on the payroll. They fire them and bring in 10 new employees who had better get the job done or they’re fired, too.

When it comes to the U.S. Congress, the American people continue to rehire the same incumbents who have destroyed this country. They re-hire failures every two years; the senate every six years. Now, please explain to me how anyone expects us to survive if it happens again this election cycle? If the Seventeenth Amendment were gone, we might stand a chance.

Some of the states since March 1st including over the weekend have full primaries in the coming months; see 2016 primary schedule here. I pray enough Americans will think about voting for a challenger against your congressional incumbent as well as your state capitol. There are individuals equally or even more qualified than the crook already representing you on the ballot, so why continue voting back the same dirty rat?

Déjà vu in 2016 if the voting trend continues:

• Operation Clean Sweep, January 14, 2005 – Never happened. 96% of the same crooks were reelected
• Blame For Fiscal Mess? Look in the Mirror, January 6, 2013
• Voters, Again, Choose Their Own Destruction, May 11, 2014

The Constitution vs special interests – killing US for decades:

1- Throw out all female members of Congress! March 18, 2005
2- Pelosi & Her Brassiere Brigade, August 1, 2007
3- No Latino Issues For Any Presidential Candidate, June 23, 2012

* Count Chocula – Credit to fabulous writer, Ray Starmann, at US Defense Watch

[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]

© 2016 – and Devvy – All Rights Reserved

Can we trust republicans and democrats?

As the Presidential campaigns churn on there is a great deal of attention focused upon every detail by the media. Who said what to whom, when and how. Americans are stirred up to believe that it is a huge deal who gets into the oval office. Yet when you look back on the past 27 years of the occupants of that office, it really hasn’t meant a molehill of difference in what has happened in our land which party held that office.

There is a uniform track moving us toward greater and greater tyranny from Bush I, Clinton, Bush II and Obama. The Democrats have held it for only 3 more years than the Republicans, and the results are uniform: bigger federal government, higher taxes, ever increasing regulations with a corresponding loss of freedom, useless, needless and unconstitutional wars, and rapid expansion of every form of tyranny. Great promises are always made in the campaigns, yet whoever wins the race give us the very same thing, more tyrannical unconstitutional government – in other words lawless rulers running roughshod over the God given rights of the citizens in this land that was once blessed by God.

Perhaps you’ve seen the Peanuts cartoon where Lucy holds the football for Charlie Brown. He runs toward her to kick the football, and at the last second, as he has wound up for the kick, she pulls the football away and Charlie Brown lands flat on his back. Then Lucy promises she wont do that again, so Charlie Brown, trusting her once again runs toward that football, but Lucy lied and she pulls it away at the last second, and there is Charlie Brown flat on his back. After several go rounds, we wonder why doesn’t Charlie Brown get the message. Lucy lied to him every single time; she will always pull the ball away and he will always wind up flat on his back.

I think Charlie Brown is a picture of the American voters. For the past 27 years we have had every variety of promises possible that a new President would reform Washington D.C., yet they yanked the ball away as soon as they occupied the Oval Office. When will we learn?

I believe we can make the most progress to restore our land at the local level, and most importantly we need to find rest in Our Lord in the midst of all the turmoil. I am not advocating disconnecting from what is happening politically in our land, but rather an approach that is rooted in a profound settled Rest in our Lord. This morning we are beginning new series titled Celebrating our Lord taken from Exodus 23. We will examine the commands of our Lord on how we are to worship our Lord in the celebrations He instructed Israel to conduct.

The Celebrations of the Lord are for Worshipping Him – Exodus 23:10-13 “And six years thou shalt sow thy land, and shalt gather in the fruits thereof: But the seventh year thou shalt let it rest and lie still; that the poor of thy people may eat: and what they leave the beasts of the field shall eat. In like manner thou shalt deal with thy vineyard, and with thy oliveyard. Six days thou shalt do thy work, and on the seventh day thou shalt rest: that thine ox and thine ass may rest, and the son of thy handmaid, and the stranger, may be refreshed. And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth.”

The blessings of productive work – when we examine the Fourth Commandment, we often slide right over the first part. “Six days thou shalt do thy work…And six years thou shalt sow thy land, and shalt gather in the fruits thereof:”

Work is not a curse when it is done in service to Christ – 1 Corinthians 10:31 “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” Our Work is to be done to the Glory of God. If all that we do is to glorify Him, whether eating or drinking, then working also is to be done to the glory of God.

Think about the following three men who worked on a large building project. One was asked, “What are you doing?” “I’m mixing mortar,” he said. The second man said, “I’m helping put up this great stone wall.” When the third man was asked, he replied, “I’m building a cathedral to the glory of God.” Which man are you. How do you view your work ethic.

Learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

© 2016 Rev. David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

Cruz is the republican Obama

Cruz supporters often attempt to compare Ted to Ronald Reagan, the most popular U.S. President in the past hundred years or so. Obama did the same thing when he was running for office in 2008, pointing out that Reagan was a democrat most of his life, and supported amnesty for illegal aliens on his watch, just like Obama…

But the truth is, Ted Cruz is much more like Obama than Reagan, by a long shot…

• Ted was born Canadian…. Reagan was born American
• Ted is a lawyer…. Reagan hated lawyers
• Ted has always been a taxpayer employee…. Reagan entered politics late in life
• Ted is a U.S. Senator…. Reagan never was
• Ted is Ivy League trained…. Reagan attended Eureka College
• Ted is a lifelong Republican…. Reagan was a Democrat most of his life
• Ted has never been a chief executive of anything…. Reagan was, The Screen Actors Guild and California Governor
• Ted is a liar…. Reagan was an actor
• Ted has no U.S. citizenship papers…. Reagan did
• Ted married a rich CFR Goldman-Sachs wife…. Reagan married two Hollywood actresses

In short, Ted and Reagan have nothing in common at all… But how about Obama?

• Ted is a lawyer… So was Obama
• Ted’s father was not a U.S. citizen at Ted’s birth… neither was Obama’s father
• Ted was born a citizen of the foreign country… so was Obama
• Ted is Ivy League trained…. So is Obama
• Ted is often called “a constitutional expert,” – and so is Obama
• Ted is a first term Senator seeking the Oval Office…. So was Obama
• Ted’s father fought for a communist in Cuba… Obama’s fought for a communist in Kenya
• Ted has lied about his eligibility for office…. So did Obama
• Ted married for political power…. So did Obama
• Ted is a narcissist… so is Obama
• Ted lies every time he opens his mouth…. So does Obama
• Ted has Harvard friends…. So does Obama
• Ted has accomplished nothing in the Senate…. Neither did Obama
• Ted has never worked in the private sector…. Neither has Obama
• Ted has a minority ethnic background…. So does Obama
• Ted has never run anything…. Neither had Obama
• Ted is running from the law on his eligibility…. So is Obama
• Ted hides behind sealed records and lawyers…. And so does Obama

In reality, Ted is nothing more than a carbon copy of Obama. The only difference between the two is one has a D behind their name and the other, an R.

Now, I realize that neither Cruz or Obama fans are ever impressed by any facts. Both are emotionally charged bandwagon riders who happily look past all known facts in order to enjoy their ride on the coattails of someone they believe destined for greatness.

But really kids? The above bullet points should totally eliminate any notion that Ted Cruz could be any better for America than Barack Obama…

Worst of all… there are only three words in the Charters of Freedom that prevent foreign agent con men like Obama and Cruz from ever holding foreign reign over the United States…. Those three words appear in Article II of the U.S. Constitution…. Natural born Citizen.

These three words must remain a hard constitutional requirement for the offices of President and Vice President under Article II, as there is no other way to prevent foreign agents from seeking and holding the most powerful political office in the United States.

Last but certainly not least, is this comparison…

Ted Cruz is NOT a “natural born Citizen” of the United States, and neither is Barack Obama!

Found in Noah Webster’s First American English Dictionary of 1828 is this…

Natural – “Pertaining to nature; produced or effected by nature, or by the laws of growth, formation or motion impressed on bodies or beings by divine power.” (not a result of legislative statute)

Born – “To be born, is to be produced or brought into life.”

Citizen – “the freeman of a city, as distinguished from a foreigner”

Naturalization – “The act of investing an alien with the rights and privileges of a native subject or citizen.” (An act of statute or legislative process)

© 2016 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

GOP establishment loves losers

The great divide of the GOP electorate started all the way back in 1992, when Republican Pat Buchanan and political outsider Ross Perot decided to challenge incumbent George H.W. Bush for the presidency. Bush managed to hang on to the GOP nomination, but Perot was able to take 19% of the vote as an Independent in the general election, allowing Bill Clinton to win the White House with only 43% of the popular vote.

The GOP electorate has been systematically divided into competing factions ever since. The GOP ran Sen. Bob Dole against Clinton in 1996. Dole and Clinton were essentially tied, 49.2% of the popular vote each… except Perot grabbed 8.4% of the GOP vote, allowing Clinton to win re-election and a second term.

Since 2000, the GOP establishment has been dead set on flooding the field with too many prospects and picking losers for their GOP presidential nominees. The presumed GOP favorite in 2000 was originally Sen. John McCain.

The 2000 GOP Primary field

1. John McCain
2. Steve Forbes
3. Gary Bauer
4. Orrin Hatch
5. Lamar Alexander
6. Pat Buchanan
7. Elisabeth Dole
8. John Kasich
9. Dan Quayle
10. Bob Smith
11. Herman Cain
12. George W. Bush
13. Alan Keyes

By mid-way through the primaries, everyone had dropped out except Bush, McCain and Keyes. Bush went on to win the GOP with 62% of the GOP vote, but the fracture in the GOP electorate would show in the general election when Democrat Al Gore won the popular vote by a half-million votes, but narrowly lost the Electoral College vote, making George W. Bush President.

In the aftermath of September 11, 2001, the GOP was much more united behind Bush for a period, as the nation recovered from the worst act of war on American soil since Pearl Harbor. So, Bush defeated John Kerry 50.7% to 48.3%…. The political divisions in the nation were galvanized and divisions in the GOP were about to get much worse.

By 2008, GOP divisions would become insurmountable. The GOP field…

1. John McCain
2. Mike Huckabee
3. Mitt Romney
4. Ron Paul
5. Fred Thompson
6. Alan Keyes
7. Duncan Hunter
8. Rudy Giuliani
9. Sam Brownback
10. Jim Gilmore
11. Tom Tancredo
12. Tommy Thompson

McCain won the GOP nomination with only 47.3% of the GOP vote. McCain then lost to a totally unknown nobody from nowhere with a blank résumé, Barack Obama, by a 52.9% to 45.7% margin… the GOP was perfecting the art of losing…

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

In 2012, the worst President in U.S. history was re-elected for a second term. Again, it is due to the fact that the GOP establishment was totally committed to running another loser, Mitt Romney.

The 2012 GOP field

1. Mitt Romney
2. Rick Santorum
3. Ron Paul
4. Newt Gingrich
5. Buddy Roemer
6. Rick Perry
7. Tim Pawlenty
8. Gary Johnson
9. Michelle Bachmann
10. Herman Cain
11. Thaddeus McCotter
12. Jon Huntsman

Romney won the GOP nomination with only 40.7% of the GOP vote… a worse GOP showing than even John McCain in 2008. As a result, Romney went on to lose to Barack Obama in the general election, 51.1% to 47.2%…

Enter 2016…

1. Scott Walker
2. Donald Trump
3. Ted Cruz (ineligible)
4. Marco Rubio (ineligible)
5. Bobby Jindal (ineligible) (endorsed ineligible Rubio)
6. Mike Huckabee
7. John Kasich
8. Ben Carson
9. Jeb Bush
10. Rand Paul
11. Chris Christie (Endorsed Donald Trump)
12. Carly Fiorina
13. Rick Perry (endorsed ineligible Cruz)
14. Rick Santorum (endorsed ineligible Rubio)
15. Jim Gilmore
16. Lindsey Graham (endorsed Bush)
17. George Pataki (endorsed ineligible Rubio)

The GOP field is more divided than ever, and so is the GOP electorate.
As of today, Trump leads the race having won 12 state primaries, 3,596,663 votes and 391 delegates.

Ineligible Cruz is running second having won 6 states, 2,994,300 votes and 304 delegates.

Everyone is out of the race now, except Trump, Cruz, Kasich and Rubio…

The GOP establishment 1st choice was Jeb Bush, who was forced out of the race having received only 1.7% of the vote… a clear losing choice by the GOP establishment.

Then the GOP establishment shifted behind ineligible “anchor baby” Marco Rubio and their endorsement sunk the Rubio campaign instantly, like throwing a boat anchor to a drowning man… Marco will soon be forced to leave the race with only 10.11% of the votes secured.

That leaves business man Donald Trump and ineligible Canadian at birth Ted Cruz in the race for the GOP nomination. Continuing their trend of picking losers, I’m certain the GOP establishment will quickly endorse 2016 GOP establishment loser #3, Ted Cruz, in their effort to stop the conservative grassroots revolt that is the Trump Campaign. They are certain to toss Cruz a boat anchor any minute now…

Not only has the GOP elite made a habit of picking total losers, they have now perfected the art. They are no longer just running unqualified RINO losers like McCain and Romney, they have reached a new low by running totally ineligible frauds like Cruz and Rubio in their effort to throw the election to Democrats.

The Democrats see the U.S. Constitution as just a relic from history no longer of any use or value to our beloved Republic. Clearly, the GOP establishment now agrees with that view, running ineligible frauds like Cruz and Rubio on the GOP ticket as if the GOP and DNC are now one in the same, both destructive of the Constitutional Republic and favoring a globalist agenda.

And then there is Trump…

The GOP elite is in full scale panic mode… dragging old losers like Romney out of the dust bin and propping them up on camera to float the idea of a brokered convention, or maybe even a late entry to the race by either Romney or House Speaker Paul Ryan, both of whom have been rejected by the GOP electorate before…

They thought that getting Rubio to act like a preschooler in a sandbox on the debate stage would derail Trump… but it only served to sink Rubio.

They thought getting Ted, the biggest lying fraud on the GOP debate stage, to call Trump a liar and fraud would work. But it only made the Trump revolution even more angry and more committed to defeating the GOP establishment by any means necessary.

They thought getting their RNC friends, Beck, Levin, Napolitano, Limbaugh, O’Reilly and Kelly, in the so-called “conservative media” to attack Trump, to set “the Donald” up in “gotcha” questions at every debate, stacking the debate audiences with pro-establishment anti-Trump crowds to scream and boo in the background like a Jerry Springer audience, might work….

But no… the more they do to derail Trump, the more the tsunami of conservative anger grows…

How can they possibly miss the message at this point? The GOP establishment says “anyone but Trump,” going so far as to tell voters “it doesn’t matter who you vote for, as long as it is against Trump” – “even if you have to vote for Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton!”

The emperor has no clothes now…

People are not supporting Trump in droves because of who Trump is… They support him because of who he isn’t…. He isn’t “them.”

The establishment who has given conservative voters loser after loser after loser, no longer has any influence with conservative voters, and neither do their minions in the so-called “conservative media.” Trump supporters aren’t just voting for Trump… they are voting against everyone else with any connection to Washington D.C. or the D.C. elite on their résumé.

Unlike Democrat voters who don’t know and don’t care what a “natural born Citizen” is… Conservative voters do know and very much care. They are totally insulted and infuriated by the moronic effort of GOP establishment folks to pass off a Canadian from birth until May 2014 as a “natural born Citizen” of the United States, eligible for the Oval Office.

Trump backers are sick and tired of being sick and tired…

They are ready to take to the streets to stop Obama leftists from finishing off the United States… but they are ten-times as angry with D.C. Republicans, all of them, for allowing Obama & Co. to destroy our country without any effort by D.C. Republicans to stop him, much less hold Obama and his entire evil criminal cabal accountable.

Trump backers are the “conservative base” of the Republican Party. They want control of their party back, in order to retake control of their country…. And that is what scares the hell out of every D.C. establishment insider, both sides of the aisle.

The jig is up, as they say… The people (at least Trump supporters) have finally figured out that everyone in D.C. today should be on the unemployment line tomorrow morning. That includes the two Senate Republicans who have defrauded millions of American voters out of their money and votes, Cruz and Rubio.

I hope they throw everything including the kitchen sink at Trump… because the more they do it, the more the people rise up against them. No matter who or what Trump himself may be, one thing should be very clear to everyone in America by now….

Trump represents the conservative core of America…. And they mean business this time! It’s time to get on the bus, before you find yourselves under the bus!

NOTE: This is NOT a personal endorsement of Trump, as I do NOT endorse candidates. But this is my endorsement of the people waking up and standing up against the D.C. establishment that has been allowed to destroy our country from within for far too long, from both political parties!

© 2016 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

Apple, FBI and a new slavery

I was recently on a speaking tour in the Dakotas and was asked the question, “What relevance does the FBI/Apple issue have with the Fourth Amendment?”

As I attempt and answer, keep in mind I rely on my iPhone for my Constitutional work all over the country and I am currently using it now if you are watching my video column this week.

The Fourth Amendment clearly defines individual privacy limits on the government, stating that government may not conduct any searches without a warrant, and such warrants must be issued by a judge and based on probable cause.

Apple’s General Counsel Bruce Sewell delivered the following statement to Congress this week:

“The FBI has asked a Court to order us to give them something we don’t have. To create an operating system that does not exist — because it would be too dangerous. They are asking for a backdoor into the iPhone — specifically to build a software tool that can break the encryption system, which protects personal information on every iPhone.”

Now just in case you fall for the thought that this would only be used on this isolated phone and case, Sewell continues:

“District Attorney Vance has also said he would absolutely plan to use this on over 175 phones. We can all agree this is not about access to just one iPhone?”

So just what is FBI asking Apple to do from a technical standpoint?

Well, weaken the security of every iPhone user. Hackers and cyber criminals could use this to wreak havoc on our privacy and personal safety. It would set a dangerous precedent for government intrusion on the privacy and safety of its citizens.

Carson, Rubio, and Cruz disagree with Apple’s stance, and they have the right to be wrong, because they are!

Perhaps the aspiring presidents have not considered the Thirteenth Amendment, which explicitly prevents “involuntary servitude”. Neither an individual, nor corporation owned by individuals, can be forced into the service of another unless he/she/they have committed a crime.

Apple has committed no crime and lets be unmistakably clear, they have no software that can break the encryption system. For Government to compel Apple to invent and then build something that does not exist is claiming they not only own their labor, but also their intellect. This is an oppression that goes beyond chattel slavery, which only owns one’s labor; this coercion is claiming ownership of one’s intellect, transcending the bounds of slavery, pushing it into a realm that has never been practiced!

If Government is allowed to do this to a private company owned by individuals then soon to come, on this slippery slope, Big Brother will force individuals to do their bidding. Some may make the assertion that it is back to the plantations for Americans.

However, a glimmer of hope may be found. The propensity of Americans for liberty is unquenchable because its source is God-given. My prayer and work is dedicated to keeping the God-ordained blessing of Government within its jurisdictional boundaries where it secures, not dictates, our individual rights.

Perhaps a better government solution to this very real threat of terrorism is securing our borders, securing the right to self defense found in the Second Amendment, and for America’s sake, stop being scared to label Islamic terrorists what they have labeled themselves: terrorists and haters of America.

Learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and his “Institute on the Constitution” and receive your free gift.

2016 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

Warning! Coming soon to a bank near you – a cashless society

And With It – A Negative Interest Rate Policy

According to Treasury Secretary Jack Lew who recently signed and sealed America’s current audited financial statements, as of 2015 the United States has $3.2 trillion in assets.

As other corporations do, the United States also listed its liabilities: $21.5 trillion. One does not need to be a mathematical genius to figure out that America’s net worth is a negative $18.3 trillion. We have $3.2 trillion in assets minus $21.5 trillion in liabilities.

In 2014, our negative net worth was $17.7 trillion and in 2013 it was $16.8 trillion. In other words, the United States is bankrupt. If you or I had five or ten times more debt than we had in assets, we would be in bankruptcy court.

Another thing corporations do is have their annual financial statements audited by an independent source… usually one of the major accounting firms. The federal government’s annual financial statement is audited by the General Accounting Office (GAO). This is done so people will more readily trust the numbers provided in the financial statements. Though it is part of the government, the GAO maintains a certain independence from governmental control.

Re the 2015 financials, the GAO told the federal government that it was on “an unsustainable fiscal path.” They also said that the federal government (that would be Congress which approves spending, the President whose policies are reflected in money approved to be spent, and the Department of the Treasury which generates the financial statements) often fails to provide “reliable and complete financial information – both for individual federal entities and for the federal government as a whole.”

Anyone who has been awake and who listens to statistical data about unemployment, job creation, inflation, cost of living and other data could have told them that.

Most of us remember that the Department of Defense in 2015 announced that it had over the past 20 years “misplaced” $8.5 trillion of our money. That’s your money and my money… and our children’s and our grandchildren’s and great grandchildren’s money — and on and on for many generations.

Thus it will not surprise anyone to learn that the Defense Department was one of the government departments that failed to provide complete and accurate financial information for the financial statements. Until they find the missing $8.5 trillion, or until new people and procedures are put in place to track money spent, no additional funds should be sent to the DoD. Republican crowds attending presidential candidates’ functions loudly cheer when the words “rebuilding our military” are used. It does need to be rebuilt – but not until the system used to track costs has been audited and changed to keep honest records. If you’ll recall the day before 9/11, then Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced that $3.1 trillion had been lost. To my knowledge, it’s never been found.

The GAO evaluated Social Security and Medicare and other programs wherein Congress has told the American people that reductions will be made to save the programs. GAO says the weaknesses (meaning errors) they found in the stated reductions total $27.9 trillion. That means we are in much worse financial shape than they are letting on – and the debt they willingly admit to defines bankruptcy without the detected errors.

There are those reading this article who will respond by saying “Oh, they’ll just print more money. Nothing will change.” There are many who won’t read this article who would respond that way if they did read it. They represent the “something for nothing” crowd. They simply cannot conceptualize the idea that irresponsible federal spending – mostly designed to buy the votes of the poor and the disenfranchised (and illegal aliens and other non-hegemonic portions of society as described by Antonio Gramsci) – has bankrupted this once healthy economy. They cannot see in their minds the idea that when you borrow something, it must some day, some way be repaid.

The truth is, they are about to stop printing money so those who say “they’ll just print more money to cover the debt” are wrong.

The truth is, your bank is about to stop paying you the pittance they’ve been paying for your deposit dollars, calling it “interest.” They are about to start charging you money for the money in your bank accounts. It’s already being done in Europe and other parts of the world.

Bank of Japan’s Governor Haruhiko Kuroda recently opted for negative interest rates. It is not a new idea. In the 1970s the Swiss government implemented negative interest rates because its currency was driven up in value and was causing inflation. Sweden used negative interest rates in 2009-10. Denmark used the concept in 2012. In 2014, the European Central Bank implemented a negative interest rate policy.

What is about to descend on your head is Negative Interest Rate Policy (NIRP). NIRP means that banks, rather than paying you interest on your deposits, will charge you a fee (probably a percentage of your deposit amount) for managing your money.

“Managing my money?” you may ask. “I manage my money; not my bank.”

Your reaction is likely: “I’ll just take my money out of the bank.” No. You won’t. Why? Because they are about to remove currency – actual money – from the marketplace. I believe we are about to switch to a digital currency — and no, not Bitcoin.

Our economy is not recovering from the longest recession in history – some would call it a depression, but that would be too close to an honest assessment for this government to admit. The economy is going into a deflationary spin which would put us into a depression that would make the 1930s look like child’s play. When an economy deflates, there is no growth – no new business start-ups, no new jobs. People do not borrow and spend. Well, some people do – those who often have no alternative but credit cards to buy food and other survival items… like rent or car payments. People who use credit as a desperation move can seldom repay it and that does not bode well for the near-term future. There is a slowdown in real production of all kinds.

Until the 2007 economic debacle, we lived in an inflationary rather than a deflationary economy. During inflationary economies, people borrow money to invest in everything from the stock market to new business start-ups or company expansions. Consumers borrow to buy everything from cars and refrigerators to new homes and lawn mowers. Jobs are created even though the cost of everything is inflating. America’s horrendous debt burden combined with the real estate devaluation which led to the foreclosure debacle sent us into a deflationary period.

The Federal Reserve decided to fight deflation with an inflationary solution – quantitative easing – and it failed. Miserably failed. A lot of already rich people got richer, but no benefits to the economy or the people were realized. That’s the difference in crony capitalism and capitalism. This “mistake” was not an accident. It was planned.

When negative interest rates are imposed, it is a desperation move to avoid the failed government policies that have pushed the world into non-repayable debt. The greed of central banks worldwide has led to the coming demise of that system. The Keynesian model has proven to be a failed system. The central banks tried zero interest rates, then quantitative easing, and now negative interest rates. Nothing has worked. Hail Mary passes seldom do. In his book Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis, Jim Rickards envisions the emergence of a world central bank as a result of central bank follies internationally.

I believe Rickards is correct. I further believe it has been the plan from the start. People tend to forget that for ten years I have been saying the objective of those seeking one world government is to put in place a world economic system because until that happens it is impossible to implement one world government. Once the international economic system is in place, creating a world government is child’s play. All that needs to be done once world monetary issues have been defined and implemented is which nations control which land.

To review, we have a nation that is bankrupt thanks to irresponsible and greed-based policies which utilized a zero-based Federal Reserve funds cost and that failed, quantitative easing which failed to stimulate the economy, and the powers that be will now very likely implement NIRP – negative interest rates on funds deposited in America’s banks… which will also fail. It is intended to fail.

Why is it intended to fail? There is little doubt in my mind that many who read this will call me a conspiracy nut. They called me that when in 2006 I predicted (in writing) the derivative mess, the 2007 resultant foreclosure mess that would result from MERS, the 2008 stupidity of zero-based central bank lending rates, TARP and quantitative easing, and now what I think they are about to do: The cashless society.

What is a cashless society? Here is a link to an article about the cashless society recently implemented in Ecuador. What negative interest rate policies will lead to is precisely what they have implemented (perhaps as a test?) in Ecuador.

Like everything else “they” do, this has been tested in various ways. The debit card issued to those receiving welfare benefits was part of the testing process. It was begun in the late 1990s. This article explains how it all began.

Rather than issuing a check or directly depositing welfare funds into a checking account, an amount is credited onto a computer system – we can call it “cybercash,” — no real cash involved. It’s just digital money. It can be overseen by banks (though independent banks will fall by the wayside) or it can be overseen by the Department of the Treasury… or even the Federal Reserve System. The recipient of the funds uses the debit card to pay for food, clothes, etc. If it sounds like the government controls what may be purchased with the card that is correct. And now they are ready to expand the program from welfare recipients to you.

Bitcoin, another form of cybercash, was part of the test. Would people accept and use a non-currency form of “money”? Not only did they accept it, it took off like a rocket… until (as I said would happen) some controls were put in place that limited the use of Bitcoin and its stock fell in value as rapidly as it had risen. The test was a huge success.

There will be no cash. If you leave a tip for a waitress, it will have to be placed on the signed receipt which will be deducted from your bank account… or placed on a credit card. Your bank will automatically transfer you tip to the waitress to her bank account… and she will pay taxes on it. If you pay someone for mowing your lawn, it will be via check (no cash) or credit card (or your checking account debit card)… and it will be automatically placed in the mower’s bank account… and he or she will pay taxes on it. When you buy groceries, you will use a check, credit card, or the debit card. The government will have a complete record of your purchases (including cigarettes, alcohol, and other highly personal articles).

I repeat, there will be no cash. Everything you buy or sell will be done via your bank account and it will be tracked for tax purposes. If you can see a clear road to a barter system and an active black market, you’ve got the idea of what I’m explaining.

As I said, it is a desperation move made by a failed central banking system the greed of which convinced those who run it to believe the debt era could last forever.

If this does not give you a clear picture of just how far over the cliff the United States economy is, nothing will. Go to the beginning of this article and read about our debt. Read the article about the cashless society in Ecuador. Then prepare for the only logical future that can result from these economic circumstances. Start a new business that lends itself to being a good source for bartering for food, clothes and shoes.

NIRP and the cashless society will be about as successful as quantitative easing was. If you are prepared, you will make it through. If you are not prepared, you will curse yourself for not paying more attention.

2016 Marilyn M. Barnewall – All Rights Reserved

George Soros and staged Chicago violence

“If they bring a knife to the fight we bring a gun.” Click on that link and read the Wall Street Journal June 14, 2008 article for yourself. These words came from the mouth of Barrack Obama… the same Obama I saw on television this morning saying that Donald Trump’s heated rhetoric is the cause of the violence and it is unpresidential.

What’s causing the violence is anti-establishment candidate Donald Trump who is running for President.

What caused the violence in Chicago is the establishment which is doing its best to crush Trump.

You also need to remember that the group calling itself “Never Trump” are supporters of former President George H.W. Bush and President George W. Bush. It is a nasty, evil group of elitists who think they, not we the people, know what is best for our country.

Do you now understand why no anti-establishment candidates run for political office?

Do you understand why there is so much criminal and perverse behavior among elected officials? Many of those we elect to office are people the establishment can manipulate into voting to support the interests of the elite against the interests of the people. The establishment cannot stand the threat of a non-establishment candidate they can’t buy or bribe with pictures of vile behavior or threats to members of their families.

As I was writing an article to provide answers to the many questions I received via email this week, I watched the Fox News coverage of the Chicago violence. The first thing that told me I wasn’t going to get an accurate view of the news was when Megyn Kelly suggested there were as many as ten thousand protestors who might be facing ten thousand Trump Rally attendees inside the University of Chicago auditorium. A short time before that statement by Kelly, an on-sight news reporter was asked how many protestors there were and he said “several hundred perhaps…” It is now Saturday – and the number of people has increased to 30,000.

The camera pulled back to show a view from the air and if there were more than 500 protestors, I would be surprised. There were, however, 15,000 Trump supporters standing outside of the University of Chicago who could not get in… Trump had made arrangements for them to hear what was going on inside via special microphones. Fox News never corrected Kelly’s error.

Then Fox began interviewing protestors. From the Fox News perspective, those who were inside attending the rally and were awaiting the arrival of Donald Trump did not exist. Their First Amendment rights were non-existent. The First Amendment rights of the protestors, however, were featured loud and clear.

The point is, Fox and other news organizations were obviously active in making more out of this disgusting event than it deserved.

That same on-sight Fox reporter interviewed an 80 year old woman who said she was there because she remembered the speeches of Hitler and Mussolini during World War II and Donald Trump’s messages reminded her of those speeches. She was there to protest that kind of speech.

I’m 79 years old and when World War II ended I was 8. She is 80 so that means she was 9 when the war ended. Anyone who believes a 9 year old remembers speeches made 70 years ago by Hitler and Mussolini when she was between the ages of 5 and 9 is a liar.

My parents (and my brother, sister and I) listened to all of the speeches broadcast on radio – we did not hear more than a handful of Hitler’s speeches (it was considered traitorous in those day to give your enemy access to your airwaves and your citizens) and maybe one or two by Mussolini. There were news briefs when I went to the movies, but nothing of much significance… nothing worth remembering. I remember a lot of Hitler’s yelling and Germans shouting “Heil, Hitler!” but not the content of the speeches (which Hitler made in German and Mussolini made in Italian… we didn’t have translators in those days).

What we saw on Friday in Chicago confuses many people. The protestors have a right to gather. So, too, do those who want to attend a Donald Trump event have the right to gather and hear him speak. There were 10,000 people inside awaiting Trump (10,000 to 15,000 more outside because they were unable to get in — maybe that’s who Megyn Kelly thought were protestors?) and less than 1,000 outside in the streets (many carrying Bernie Sanders signs).

Inside the Chicago University auditorium, numerous anti-Trump “protestors” had infiltrated the pro-Trump crowd. They became physically disruptive. The “Black Lives Matter” chant – the same one heard during the Baltimore riots after a black drug dealer died in the back of the police arrest wagon – filled the night air in Chicago, indoors and out.

Shortly after the protestors became violent in the streets and several arrests were made by Chicago police (who did an excellent job), claimed responsibility for the protest. That means George Soros who financially supports had his hands in the Chicago mess. Additionally, Bernie Sanders (whom everyone seems to think is such a nice guy) is a major supporter of and many “Bernie” signs were in protestors’ hands.

Ask yourself some questions. Who shouted “We won!” when Trump decided to close the event down? The protestors did. That was their objective in the first place. They were not there to protest. They were there to stop a political candidate they don’t like from being able to talk with people who support him. They may have a constitutional right to protest. They do not have a constitutional right to disrupt or threaten physical violence towards those who had come to hear a political candidate — students at colleges and universities all over America seem to have a problem understanding that.

Welcome to socialism and the strategies used by both socialist Adolph Hitler and fascist Benito Mussolini. People tend to forget the Nazis were the national socialist party of Germany. Admitted socialist Bernie Sanders never mentions that.

There are some questions that cannot be answered. One of them is “How do you cure stupid?”

Answer: You cannot. To make matters worse, idiots like those filling Chicago streets Friday night don’t read anything that disagrees with their hate-based “I’m a victim” view of life.

Question: What do most of us think of when the word “Chicago” is spoken?

Answer: The number of murders and other violent crimes that occur in the Windy City each and every year comes to mind. Uncontrolled racial problems are rampant. We recall the crime so much a part of the Illinois political system… the Governors who are regularly sent to prison. We remember that organized crime called Chicago home – and may still do so – even after Elliott Ness and his “Untouchables” brought down Al Capone.

So that is what the community protesting Donald Trump on Friday night is all about… that and it is the city in which “The Good Wife” evidently lives and practices law. Are we going to let Chicago set the standard for acceptable behavior?

I end this unplanned article with the question I asked above: Do you now understand why non-establishment candidates do not run for office?

How we react to Chicago will determine whether another non-establishment candidate will ever run again. How the candidates react to Chicago also shows who is part of the establishment and who is not, regardless of what they say. A Canada Free Press article gives you the answer to that comment.

2016 Marilyn M. Barnewall – All Rights Reserved

Phanton thread of Islam in the fabric of America Pt. 2

Dubious Debt to Islam

Religious tolerance is rooted deeply in the American psyche. Historically, Constitutional freedom of religion allows free exercise of the Christian faith while, at the same time, giving place to differing persuasions.[1] In his 1791 autobiography, for example, Benjamin Franklin “did not disapprove” of a Pennsylvania meeting place designed to accommodate preachers of all religions. “Even if the Mufti of Constantinople were to send a missionary to preach Mohammedanism to us,” Franklin opined, “he would find a pulpit at his service.”[2] The subjunctive mood of Franklin’s comment occurs in a counterfactual dependent clause, used to express a state of unreality—i.e., a possibility or action that has not actually occurred.[3] Clearly, Franklin perceived Islamic influence in America to be counterfactual and, therefore, unlikely.

If Muslims and their religious-political system of Islam were intrinsically involved in the founding, growth, and spectacular success of the United States, as some progressives contend, one would expect long term, high visibility to this day. However, even the Executive Director of Michigan’s chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Dawud Walid, admits how unusual it is that Hamtramck boasts a Muslim-majority city council, not to mention more mosques per capita than anywhere else in the country.[4]

By fashioning stories that plant Muslim Americans squarely in the center of our nation’s history and culture, the New Encyclopedia of Muslim-American History seeks to rectify indignities toward post-9/11 Muslim Americans who, we’re led to believe, are misunderstood, unfairly maligned, and marginalized. With this mindset, President Obama commits to “fighting negative stereotypes against Islam wherever they appear.”[5]

Negative Stereotypes Under Fire

By definition, a stereotype is a fixed, but overly simplified viewpoint applied broadly as if it were empirically authenticated when, in fact, it’s not. That “all Muslim Americans are terrorists” is a fallacious stereotype to be soundly rejected, as is the odious stereotype, “All Christians are hypocritical hatemongers.”

Keep this in mind: Religious dictates are not stereotypes. They’re doctrine. Whereas Christians are enjoined to turn the other cheek, and love their enemies,[6] Muslims are charged with fighting, seizing, beleaguering, smiting, and slaying nonbelievers. Endorsed Islamic practices include female genital mutilation, underage/ forced marriage, polygamy, domestic abuse, honor killing, extortion, torture, and lying to achieve one’s ends (called taqiyya). Muslim men freely scourge their disobedient wives and, for perceived misbehaviors, engage in honor killings. To quote the Qur’an, faithful devotees “instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers,” “smite them above their necks,” and “smite all their finger-tips off them.” Now we’re talking doctrine (not stereotype), Qur’an (not Bible).[7]

Freedom Under Fire

The philosophical importance of the American Revolution was liberty for all. As eloquently penned by Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Heroes dare to die and leave their children free.”[8] Minutemen fought to the death for freedom, not for the death of freedom in some lame attempt to avoid negative stereotypes. It’s folly to subjugate “freedom for all” to combat “negative stereotypes for some.” Yet heralded in The Muslim Discovery of America as the first permanent Arab Muslim settler in New York, an Egyptian Muslim, named Norsereddine, allegedly perpetrated North America’s first Muslim “honor killing.” To play the PC card on his behalf is to deny a victim (in this case, Mohawk Indian Princess Lotowana) both life and liberty at the most fundamental level.

Reverse Nepotism

One would expect that, if a double standard were applied in “the land of the free,” it would favor the biblical principle of freedom.[9] Indeed, in 1892 the U.S. Supreme Court established that “our laws and our institutions must necessarily be based upon the teachings of the Redeemer of Mankind. It is impossible that it should be otherwise; and in this sense and to this extent, our civilization and our institutions are emphatically Christian.”[10] Notwithstanding, the Council on Islamic Education, based in California, guides publishers in how to represent Islam favorably, if not accurately, in public school textbooks. Tinsel-Town executives follow similar protocol, as do all segments of politically correct society; yet selective application of the so-called “separation” principle more often than not denies this very courtesy to American Christians.

Our Debt to Islam

Fact is, there’s no credible documentation for Muslims having arrived in the Americas five centuries ahead of Christopher Columbus. Still, Dr. Youssef Mroueh claims that Muslims preceded European explorers. To prove this, some assign bogus Arabic-Islamic roots to names of places with no known Muslim past. Allakaket in Alaska, for instance, is not derived from “Allah.” It is a Koyukuk Indian name, meaning “mouth of the Alatna River.”[11]

Treaties established with the Barbary Kingdoms called for paying tribute to Muslim pirates in exchange for not raiding U.S. cargo ships. What President Obama identifies as the first iftar dinner in the White House[12] was merely the venue for discussing Tunisia’s piracy against American merchant ships. Thomas Jefferson’s sharing a meal with the Muslim ambassador presumed no Islamic menu.

Legacy of Dishonor

In the 1930s, the Nation of Islam’s founding augmented the Muslim American population among African Americans; and it brought Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, and Louis Farrakhan to the public eye. However, their presumed-to-be “enormous influence on American life and politics” hardly qualifies as a legacy of honor. While portraying white people as “potential humans” who have yet to evolve, Farrakhan applauds Hitler as “a very great man.”[13] Claiming not to be anti-white, Malcolm X likewise insisted, “We don’t have time for the white man.”[14]


Truth that sets free deems all men and women to be equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.[15] Sadly, our nation fell short of the ideal with legal institution of human chattel. Cruelty toward slaves by some American plantation owners was no less egregious than treatment of Muslim traders who burned escaped slaves at the stake, impaled them on huge iron hooks, or had large wooden poles shoved up their rectums (Don Fredrick, July 2012).

Rather than ignore or reimage unsavory reality, it’s far better to face historical facts head on with a mind to combat evil.[16] To embrace America’s self-evident, founding truths is to be blessed so as to bless others in turn. By way of example, a foreigner to Judea, the Moabite widow named Ruth, famously professed loyalty to her mother-in-law by embracing Naomi’s people and God as her own. In willingly adopting the Hebrew culture and religion, Ruth eventually gained security for Naomi, as well as herself.[17]

In following Ruth’s example of assimilation, immigrants today share in the blessings of America’s Bible-birthed, God-kissed culture at its best. Our charge as Christian Americans is to humble ourselves, seek God in prayer, and turn from our wicked ways.[18] Then will we hear from heaven; God will forgive our sin, and He will heal our land.[19] That’s a promise but, even more, a command.

2016 Debra Rae – All Rights Reserved


1. Larry P. Arnn, President. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America (Hillsdale: Hillsdale College, July 2014). 17.
2. William J. Federer. America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations (St. Louis, Mo: AMERISEARCH, INC., 2000). 239-253.
3. Subjunctive Mood. Retrieved 22 January 2016
4. This U.S. city has become the first to elect a Muslim-majority city council. Retrieved 22 January 2016
5. Barack Obama Quotes. Retrieved 22 January 2016
6. Matthew 5:39 and Matthew 5:42
7. The Yusuf Ali translation of the Qur’an reads as follows:
• “Fighting is prescribed for you,” Sura 2:216.
• “Of the Unbelievers: seize them and slay them wherever you find them; and in any case take no friends or helpers from their ranks,” Sura 4:89.
• “Allah has granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit at home,” Sura 4:95.
• “For the unbelievers are open enemies to you,” Sura 4:101.
• “From those too, who call themselves Christians, we did take a covenant, but they forgot a good part of the message that was sent to them: so we estranged them, and with enmity and hatred between one and the other, to the Day of Judgment. And soon will Allah show them what they have done,” Sura 5:14.
• “O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he among you that turns to them for friendship is of them,” Sura 5:51.
• Of the Jews: “When in their insolence they transgressed all prohibitions, we said to them, ‘Be you apes, despised and rejected,’” Sura 7:16.
• “Many are the men we have made for Hell,” Sura 7:179.
• “I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers. You smite them above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them,” Sura 8:12
• “Then fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them. Seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war,” Sura 9:5. (Arab means “to lie in wait”)
• “Therefore, when you meet the unbelievers in fight, smite at their necks…,” Sura 47:4.
8. Concord Hymn, Retrieved 21 January 2016
9. 2 Corinthians 3:17
10. Federer, America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations, 599-601.
11.Insisting that hundreds of place names in the United States and Canada derive from Arabic-Islamic roots, some researchers today argue that Muslims came from Islamic Spain, particularly the port of Delba (Pelos)—this, during the rule of Caliph Abdullah Ibn Mohammed (888-912). Any Arabic-Islamic origin claim to the Floridian name, Islamorada, is bogus. It means “purple Island,” as designated by the early Spanish explorers—not by Muslim pioneers. The same applies to the town of Allakaket, Alaska, which has no Muslim past.
12. Contrast Barack Obama’s Quotes About Islam With His Quotes About Christianity. Retrieved 25 January 2016
13. Search Results, Retrieved 25 January 2016
14. Search Results, Retrieved 25 January 2016
15. John 8:32
16. Proverbs 6:16-19
17. Ruth 1:16
18. “He that covers his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesses and forsakes them shall have mercy,” Proverbs 28:13.
19. 2 Chronicles 7:14

Koch brothers retreat from plan to attack Donald Trump Pt. 1

Donald Trump may not have to worry about beating Hillary Clinton for President in the November election, claim several of his supporters and his opponents today. Clinton’s past transgressions appear to be creeping back into the spotlight.

For example, the U.S. Department of Justice, which many believe has become a hotbed of politicized big cases, reportedly entered into an immunity deal with a former U.S. State Department staffer who worked on Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Mrs. Clinton is facing a criminal investigation over her use of a non-government, personal email system to transmit and receive classified material including secret and top secret intelligence.

A number of news outlets have reported that the FBI secured the cooperation of Bryan Pagliano, who worked on Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign before setting up the private server at her New York home in 2009.

While the Justice Department is being given credit for the immunity deal that’s expected to open the “Clinton closet door,” it’s most probably tough law enforcement officials with expertise in interview and interrogation techniques who managed to encourage Hillary Clinton’s associate, Bryan Pagliano.

“You can bet the farm that had Justice Department officials conducted the interviews or interrogations of Mr. Pagliano they wouldn’t have gotten anything for their efforts. But let real cops conduct interviews and call the shots and you get results,” said former police homicide detective Sidney Franes. “But don’t expect too much since the Clinton gang has a lot of experience and there’s a lot of support for them — crime or no crime — from a large number of news media people and a large number of Democrats who believe they’ll get something for nothing,” Franes noted.

Eventually FBI investigators will want to question Mrs. Clinton and her aides, such as Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, about the decision to use a private server, and whether any of the participants knew they were sending classified information in emails as part of the ongoing investigation.

“Pagliano, who installed Hillary Clinton’s private email server told members of Congress’ Select Committee on Benghazi that he will invoke his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination and that made FBI agents wonder what information is the Clinton minion concealing,” said former criminal investigator and intelligence officer Leonard Rooney, Jr.

Trump has also argued he is a “unifier” while Clinton should be disqualified from the race because she used a private email server while serving as secretary of state.

“Once we get all of this finished, I’m going to go after one person, and that’s Hillary Clinton, on the assumption she’s allowed to run, which is a big assumption,” Trump said, referring to an investigation into the security of that email server and classified intelligence.

Hillary Clinton’s dominoes appear to be toppling as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), inspectors general from a number of government agencies, and an equally large number of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that investigate and expose government corruption intensify their investigations of Clinton and her minions.

While the focus of the probe is Clinton’s privately-owned Internet server being used for the transfer of classified intelligence, the probe may also encompass her husband’s financial bonanza allegedly accumulated through speeches for foreign entities with whom his wife conducted State Department business as the Secretary of State.

What appears to be the first Clinton staff member to acknowledge that suspicious activity may have occurred when one of Democratic Party president candidate’s former aides — who is responsible for helping to install a private email server in Hillary Clinton’s lavish Chappaqua, New York, home — told lawmakers sitting on several Congressional Committees that he will invoke the Fifth Amendment to avoid testifying against his former boss.

Mr. Bryan Pagliano, who many regard as just another political operative for the Clinton family, was an official with Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign team. After she lost to Barack Obama, anticipating her appointment and confirmation to the Secretary of State post, Pagliano helped in the installation of an Internet server system in Hillary’s home.

He has been asked to testify about the server by Rep. Trey Gowdy’s House Select Committee on Benghazi, the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the Senate Homeland Security Committee. But apparently the FBI beat the lawmakers to the punch, according to Det. Rooney.

According to Fox News Channel’s chief intelligence correspondent, Catherine Herridge, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Monday that the Justice Department has no deadline for concluding the Clinton email investigation and that it’s being handled “like any other review,” even with the presidential election just months away.

But Brigadier General Kenneth Bergquist, a former high-ranking intelligence and special operations officer told The Daily Caller News Foundation that Hillary and some of her minions face federal charges, including their intentionally concealing the private server at Clinton’s home from State Department security officials, as well as “a public corruption charge of honest services fraud.”

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Culture of multiculturalism and diversity: doomed to fail

Starting with Teddy Kennedy in 1965, the often drunken U.S. Senator started the United States down a path toward multiculturalism and diversity. Kennedy changed the sociological, religious, racial, linguistic and ethos of this country.

He forced America out of herself into a multicultural Frankenstein. Today, 100 million immigrants later, America fractures and fragments with everyone pulling in different directions.

Mexicans want it their way. Muslims demand it their way. Africans want a separate state. Caucasian-Americans hang on for dear life as they flee big cities.

In this series of interviews with George Phelps, you receive a bird’s eye view of our doomed society.

“A multicultural society is doomed to fail,” said Phelps. “Unless there is one common ingredient—language, and even then it’s a struggle for it to succeed. Throughout the ages powerful societies have crumbled into chaos, anarchy and oblivion. There are many reasons for this, but the most common denominator is multiple languages between the many cultures and the many conflicts between cultures. When multiple cultures enter a country they separate and segregate into groups; and continue to practice the cultures they brought with them. They are ‘steeped’ in their old cultures and do not embrace the culture of ‘their new country’. This automatically sets up ‘segregation’ and conflict with neighboring cultures [the other cultures that have also segregated themselves]. This segregation in the legal sense is called ‘de facto’— not by law. It’s by choice.

“I don’t know when it started, exactly, but there has been a faction that has developed a philosophy that multiculturalism is the answer to peace, prosperity, and understanding among people of a country, or the world. Their belief is that all cultures are equal, and should be acknowledged as such, regardless of their habits of barbarism, hate and destruction. There is no recognition that any one culture may be more advanced than another, but that all societies and associated cultures are equal.

“This philosophy has crept into every facet of our society—government, education, religion, business leadership, and is resident among many of the wealthy elite, although it is contrary to their own social situation.

“This philosophy, this idealistic thinking, has evolved over many decades, to the point where it is now so infused in our society that we will find it almost impossible to overcome. The result will be the end to our society and culture, as we know it.

“People migrating to another part of the world, such as the United States, do not give up their cultural beliefs and way of life. All they do is transfer it to their new surroundings, ignoring and defying the culture of their new country. This results in the corruption of the culture of the land to which they have immigrated.

“The strange part of this is that they have left their countries of origin seeking a better life, peace, prosperity, freedom and security. The country to which they have immigrated is supposed to have supplied them with all of this, but having transferred their cultural beliefs and ways of life to their newly chosen country, they ignore the new countries’ culture and end up turning it into the society from which they have ‘escaped,’ when they should be embracing the culture of the new society which has all the ingredients they are seeking.

“This erroneous concept that this multicultural society can survive with all these competing and greatly different ideologies and cultural differences, including the language barriers, is impossible to understand. The result is the decay and downfall of the country they escaped to.

“Right now in America there are multitudes of different cultural communities many of which/most of which are at odds, or even at war with one another.

“If that continues the United States will become a third world country with all the horrible internal conflicts of the nations from which the immigrants have ‘escaped’.

“It’s happening and there doesn’t appear to be any way of stopping it unless patriotic Americans force the American government to control it.

Washington D.C. is the capitol of Benedict Arnold’s of our time.

“Immigration and migration, which I consider one and the same, have been going on for centuries, clear back to the time when Homo sapiens stood erect and left Africa, considered the birthplace of the human race. This was the first movement called migration. I think that today we are faced with invasion; invasion of the multi-cultures from around the world. They are all in conflict with American culture. This conflict may end up in revolution.

“In those days humans were at conflict with one another as they are to this day. Different political and religious beliefs have kept humans at war over the ages. The greatest of empires have fallen as immigrants from other parts of the world arrived with their different cultural habits and beliefs that they brought with them. Although seeking a better life, they could not shed the old beliefs and languages. When communications break down, conflict follows.

“In America there are many cultures that have arrived here seeking better lives, yet their ingrained cultural beliefs have spawned conflicts of a major nature. The cities of America are wrought with ‘wars’ between different cultures and ethnic groups. We have gangs roaming the streets of our cities killing, raping, stealing and doing everything but working for a living. Radical Muslims attacked us on September 11, 2001 and yet we refuse to acknowledge the fact that we are at war with Islam. We even invite Muslims into our country ‘without prejudice.’

“No folks, ‘multiculturalism’ doesn’t work even if there was no language barrier. The Muslim countries in the mid-east are murdering one another even though they are of the same race and religious beliefs. However, they really have no common religious beliefs as shown by the Sunni and Shiite sects that claim they belong to the Muslim religion.

“No, no, no, Multiculturalism does not work. It is destroying our country and I see no hope for change.

“‘Diversity’ is being promoted (‘jammed down our throats’) by the liberal, so called progressive, individuals and groups who have grabbed power and are seriously promoting their beliefs or philosophies regardless of anyone else’s beliefs and philosophy of life. They scream diversity and yet what they mean is ‘you’ must believe our way because ‘it is the right way!’ That’s exactly the opposite of what they ‘preach’ to others. This is destroying our country if we continue to let it happen.

“The following is a definition of diversity as written by one of our universities. Whoever wrote this is only interested in imposing his or her ideology on the rest of us. Believe me it has nothing to do with Common Sense or reality.”

Definition of Diversity

The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences. These can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies. It is the exploration of these differences in a safe, positive, and nurturing environment. It is about understanding each other and moving beyond simple tolerance to embracing and celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity contained within each individual.

“This sounds good but it’s philosophical not practical in the sense of the ‘real world’ that we live in. Look around at what’s going on in our world today. War, hate and conflict, religious and political. Does anyone think the Muslims would embrace this philosophy? Politics and religion seem to be the ‘root of all evil.’”

Finally, we face an added 100 million legal immigrants from 190 different countries in the next 30 years. One look at Europe gives you a sobering view of our future. Do you think your children stand a chance at a decent life as Americans? Answer: not a snowball’s chance in hell!

© 2016 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

GOP spreads vicious lies about Trump

Rev. Charles Finney, 1792-1875

The Lies and Hatred

Remember the media and other public figures can lie with impunity, because of the 1964 Supreme court decision in New York Times v. Sullivan.

The independent ballot document, stamped “confidential,” was authored by staff at Data Targeting, a Republican firm based in Gainesville, Florida. The memo notes that “it is possible to mount an independent candidacy but will require immediate action on the part of this core of key funding and strategic players.” [Link

Perkins has also caused controversy being pictured addressing a group that has been known for white supremacist rhetoric, the Council of Conservative Citizens, while a Louisiana State Representative. [Link]

Max Lucado and Christian Post

Evangelical Immigration Table (EIT) and are for amnesty with far-left Democratic activist, Jim Wallis, founder of Sojourner MagazineBreitbart News has reported, that EIT’s efforts have been funded by the George Soros financed National Immigration Forum. Thus the EIT will be fighting Trump’s nomination all the way. 

Both Samuel Rodriquez and, one-world-religion loving CFR member, Richard Land, were signatories to the EIT statement supporting the 2013 Gang of Eight illegal alien amnesty bill co-sponsored by Senator Marco Rubio.

Planned Parenthood

12th video is out regarding Planned Parenthood’s abortions of intact late term babies. Trump is pro-life, and the argument is moot.

Trump University

Trump has said he will not release his tax returns until an IRS audit is complete.
“For many years, I’ve been audited every year. Twelve years or something like that,” he said during Thursday night’s GOP debate.

Any tax professional that has high end clients that routinely report complex tax matters has had multiple examinations. They may or may not have been successive, but it (as far as the taxpayer and his hired professionals are concerned) is considered ongoing.

Stay tuned, so much more to report!

Thanks to the diligence of Paul Walter, CEO of NewsWithViews, many ideas for my articles have come from him. Paul immigrated from communist Yugoslavia, providence of Slovenia, and therefore he sees more clearly the dangers to our Republic than those who have always known free America as home. Please support

Conservatives take their party back 2016

D.C. insiders are in total panic mode, increasingly aware that they are fast losing total RINO control of the Republican Party they have worked so hard for so long to destroy. They will come after Trump (and his conservative base supporters) with everything including the kitchen sink… But the more they do it, the more popular Trump becomes…

The RINO class is coming after Trump with everything they can muster. They are going so far as to openly denounce Trump (their clear front-runner) and his “angry grassroots supporters” on Fox News and other platforms. They floated a known lie accusing Trump of being a KKK member who had the endorsement of one-time KKK member David Duke. Duke immediately came out and denied ever endorsing Trump, which the RINO media has not been so fast to report.

Romney, one of the most unpopular individuals to ever win the GOP nomination which left at least six-million GOP voters sitting at home in 2012, is being trotted out to attack Trump, now saying the exact opposite he said about Trump when he accepted Trumps endorsement and money in 2012.

In short, there is an all-out war for future control of the Republican Party, being waged by the conservative base of the party through Trump, and the D.C. establishment globalists via two constitutionally ineligible candidates from the U.S. Senate, Cruz and Rubio.

The simple truth is, Cruz and Rubio have no constitutional right to even appear on any presidential ballot. Neither is a “natural born Citizen” of the United States. However, this is of no concern to D.C. insiders or their friends in the so-called media, who are dependent upon D.C. associations for their own wealth and power.

Trump is popular among conservative Americans for one simple reason… he is the anti-everyone else. So, Trump will be the GOP nominee, because the D.C. establishment has so wrecked and divided the GOP electorate that they can no longer trick GOP conservatives into supporting globalist candidates like McCain, Romney, Cruz or Rubio.

Angry Conservatives using Trump to retake control of the Republican Party

Only two GOP candidates are in the race now…. Trump and Cruz… no one else has any chance at all of winning the GOP nomination.

After Super Tuesday, here is what the race looks like…

CANDIDATE Pop Vote % Delegates %

Trump 3,285,545 36.9% 319 46.4%
Cruz 2,853,490 32.1% 226 32.8%
Rubio 1,569,808 17.6% 110 16.0%
Kasich 644,400 7.2% 25 3.6%
Carson 546,671 6.1% 8 1.2%

Carson has since dropped out of the race… Kasich and Rubio are already out of the race, although both will stay in and raise money through March 15th primaries…. Rubio needing to win his home state of Florida and Kasich needing to win his home state of Ohio.

As for Cruz, 43.4% of Ted’s total popular vote count came from Texas alone, as did nearly 50% of Ted’s total delegate count. Take Texas out of the equation and no one is in the race against Trump.

The RINO establishment is in total panic mode. They have already lost RINO control of the Republican Party to the Trump movement, which is the conservative base of the Republican Party that is fed up with the RINO establishment that has spent years purging conservatives from the Republican Party and shifting the party further and further to the progressive left.

Cruz just had the best day he will ever have, in his home state of Texas. Satan could be running and if Satan were from Texas, Texans would vote for Satan…. Texan’s will vote for any Texan, as proven by their support of Canadian Ted Cruz on Super Tuesday. (NOTE: 56.2% of Texas GOP voters voted against Ted Cruz)

National Republican Party leadership is running out of tricks. Even as I write today, Republicans in the House are more concerned with finding a way to destroy their own party front-runner than how to stop Obama’s ongoing destruction of our beloved country.

Although nearly every House Republican has used the words “treason” and “impeachment” in reference to Obama, not one House Republican has had the courage to launch Articles of Impeachment or even a serious House investigation into known impeachable offenses. The GOP is in total suicide mode…

While they target Trump, Obama runs the country off a cliff totally unchallenged by lame-duck Republicans in control of the House and Senate. Republicans were supposed to de-fund Obama since 2010 and have de-funded nothing, allowing the country to be driven to more than $20 trillion in debt.

Republicans said they would impeach once they controlled the Senate. But nothing, not after the Iran deal, not after redefining marriage, not even after ignoring court orders to stop his illegal amnesty, nothing… since Republicans were given control of congress, they have done absolutely nothing with that power.

As a result, conservatives across America want a total new direction for their party and our country. They want a Republican Party that is pro-America, pro-capitalism, pro-national sovereignty and security, pro-military and pro-conservative grassroots.

The Tea Party allowed itself to be co-opted by the RNC power structure and hoodwinked into supporting Republicans that had no intention of keeping their promises to the grassroots people who put them in power.

I do not endorse candidates at all… but clearly, American conservatives have chosen Trump to carry their conservative agenda to D.C., a bastion of globalist elites no longer representing the will of the American people in either political party.

It had to happen sooner or later. Someone had to come along from outside of the system who would turn the system on its head. All election results point to Trump as that person and no one else is really even in the running. Before the people are forced to abolish and start all over again, they are hitting the reset button with Trump.

D.C. still does not “get it…” though. The 2016 GOP nomination is not about who Trump is, but rather who and what Trump isn’t. He’s not one of them… and that’s all the people care about now.

Trump is upsetting the D.C. apple cart… and not a moment too soon!

© 2016 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

Pastor attacked for mentioning Jesus is a threat to everyone

In the latest act of “Mikey Weinstein Takes on God” — the long-running theatrical performance of the Air Force Academy graduate and JAG Corps member who exits service, founds the Military Religious Freedom Foundation and then turns attack dog on all-things-religious in U.S. branches of service – we see a Protesttant chaplain under fire for daring to describe a battlefield conversion to Christianity.
Once again, Weinstein shows why he’s an enemy of America’s freedoms, particularly the First Amendment – and not, as he puts it on his website, “the undisputed leader of the national movement to restore the obliterated wall separating church and state in the most technologically lethal organization ever created by humankind, the United States armed forces.”
The backstory is this: Air Force Capt. Christian Williams, who serves as a chaplain, helped cut a video for the Air Force Recruiting Service in which he explained why he viewed his role as “one of the most rewarding ministries in the world,” he said, as reported. About two-and-one-half minutes into the video, Williams then tells one of his personal stories of inspiration – one of the timess during service that really struck home the importance of his chaplain role.
“Before I left Iraq,” Williams said in the video, “[this female airman] told me that ‘as a result of the example I saw you set … I have accepted Christ as my personal lord and saviorr.’ You can’t put a price tag on that.”
Weinstein complained. Why?
He says including the story of the airman who accepted Jesus in the video – which is five years old, by the way — violates the U.S. Constitution as well as Air Force prohibitions against military leaders proselytizing or promoting their personal religious beliefs.
That’s ridiculous. A chaplain telling a story about Jesus is about as non-controversial and expected as a plumber telling a story about his work with a wrench, or a carpenter recounting a day’s work with a hammer, or a reporter speaking about a politician’s plusses and negatives. It just comes with the job.
Sharing a personal story about the power of Jesus is not the same as actively trying to convert someone to Christianity.
It’s also something that’s well within the boundaries of the freedom of speech clause in the U.S. Constitution.

But Weinstein’s little more than an anti-religion zealot and activist, and his crusade to rid the military of all-things-God has crossed well beyond the realm of logical, far into left-field zany – well into the danger zone for those who caree about the fate of the First Amendment. What’s worse is Weinstein acts as if he’s a defender of religious freedoms, a stellar example we should all follow and support. Don’t be fooled. He’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Well, there’s just one lesson to be learned from him and his latest attack against Williams, and one response to give, and that’s this: Americans, both of Christian faith and not, need to band together and fight his MRFF onslaughts, his personal persecutions against displays of religion and religious beliefs, his attacks on constitutional free speech, his false claims as a defender of a free country. It’s not just a religious freedom issue – it’s a freedom of speech matter. And allowing people like Weinstein to decide what’s OK to say versus what isn’t would be a tragedy for our nation, our Constitution and our ability to exercise what Founding Fathers and early patriots fought so hard to ingrain into our politics and culture – and that’s the basic God-given right to speak onee’s mind, regardless of who might take offense.

© 2016 Cheryl Chumley – All Rights Reserved

A federal judge got it right for a change

Here is the report as covered by

“Apple scored a major legal victory in its ongoing battle against the FBI on Monday when a federal magistrate judge in New York rejected the U.S. government’s request as part of a drug case to force the company to help it extract data from a locked iPhone. The ruling from U.S. Magistrate Judge James Orenstein was issued as part of the criminal case against Jun Feng, who pleaded guilty in October to drug charges. It is a significant boost to Apple’s well-publicized campaign to resist the FBI’s similar efforts in the case of the San Bernardino killers.”

The report continued: “Perhaps most devastating to the FBI’s case is Orenstein’s recognition that the purpose of the FBI’s request is not simply to obtain evidence in one particular case, but rather to grant the government broad, precedential authority to force Apple and other tech companies to take affirmative technological steps to cooperate with criminal investigations generally. That the FBI is seeking to establish broad precedent is a key argument made by Apple and its supporters in the San Bernardino case. To accept that the U.S. government has this power, ruled the court, is to vest law enforcement agencies with statutory authority that Congress itself never enacted.”

And again, “The judge also accused the government of trying to manipulate secret judicial proceedings to obtain powers for itself against Apple that public debate and Congress would never permit. It is, Orenstein wrote, ‘clear that the government has made the considered decision that it is better off securing such crypto-legislative authority from the courts (in proceedings that had always been, at the time it filed the instant Application, shielded from public scrutiny) rather than taking the chance that open legislative debate might produce a result less to its liking.’ Because the government wants the courts rather than Congress to grant this power, the ‘government’s interpretation of the breadth of authority the AWA confers on courts of limited jurisdiction … raises serious doubts about how such a statute could withstand constitutional scrutiny under the separation-of-powers doctrine.’”

Continuing: “Finally, the ruling recognized that forcing Apple to compromise its own security systems at the behest of the U.S. government would impose a considerable cost far beyond financial expenses.”

“This cost, Orenstein wrote, is particularly high since–rejecting the FBI’s claim in the public debate that its request is limited to just one phone ‘the record of this case makes clear that the burdens the government seeks to impose on Apple under the authority of the AWA are not nearly so limited.’ To the contrary, ‘it clearly intends to continue seeking assistance that is similarly burdensome –if not far more so–for the foreseeable future.’”

See the report here

One of Apple’s attorneys was even more direct in assessing the importance of this case:

“Apple’s attorney painted a scary picture if Apple loses its fight with the FBI.

“In an interview with CNNMoney’s Laurie Segall on Friday, Ted Olson warned of a government with ‘limitless’ powers that could ‘listen to your conversations.’

“Olson said the demands would mount.

“‘You can imagine every different law enforcement official telling Apple we want a new product to get into something,’ Olson said. ‘Even a state judge could order Apple to build something. There’s no stopping point. That would lead to a police state.’”

See the report here

Hooray! A federal judge got it right for a change.

The three separate branches of government are supposed to serve as a check and balance when the other branches begin usurping constitutional liberties. For the most part, they have NOT done that. This particular U.S. Magistrate Judge did what courts are supposed to do: serve as a check to the overreach of the executive branch.

Virtually every abridgment of our Bill of Rights is committed in the name of “public safety” or “national security.” Most of us are patriotic, law and order people who want justice served. But in truth, the interests of justice and liberty are mutual. And this particular case–mandating that cell phone companies “unlock” the security and privacy features of cell phones–is fraught with violations of basic civil liberties, because the electronic search sought by the feds extends WAY BEYOND the individual suspected criminal.

The specific case above is only one of at least ten where the federal government is currently attempting to force cell phone companies to unlock the privacy features of their customers’ phones during criminal investigations. The ramifications of this prospective breach of personal privacy are staggering.

Unlocking a person’s cell phone would be worse than the current broad e-surveillance that is going on every day. This is a very specific and finite search that involves a person’s most private and intimate details.

Smartphones are more than talking devices; they record online searches, shopping data, travel information, medical information, private communication, and financial information–along with the personal information of EVERYONE CONNECTED to that cell phone. In other words, it’s not just the targeted person’s (presumably a suspected criminal) privacy that is being breached, but EVERYONE with whom that person had contact. Can you imagine the amount of private information of totally innocent people that potentially would be subject to police reports–all of which become “public record” and, therefore, available to the media, Internet bloggers, etc.?

Please read that paragraph again and let it sink in.

To get a little taste for just how much private information is stored on your smartphone and how dangerous it would be for the government to be able to freely unlock the information stored on your smartphone, read this article.

I’m not sure whether the American people comprehend just how serious an abridgment of privacy it would be if Apple loses this case, but in many respects, this is a technological Waterloo for liberty. I dare say this is a more egregious assault against our privacy (technologically speaking) than even the Patriot Act itself.

And, unfortunately, all of the remaining GOP presidential candidates–Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, and Donald Trump–oppose the protection of cell phone privacy. The Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have said they are “neutral.” But we all know that Clinton is as Big Government as Big Government gets. And if Sanders is truly in favor of cell phone privacy, why does he fudge his position?

In the name of “national security,” “the war on terror,” “the war on drugs,” “law and order,” etc., both Democrats and Republicans are turning America into a George Orwell “1984” surveillance society. And if history teaches us anything at all, it teaches us that a surveillance society is always a precursor to a Police State. ALWAYS.

At any rate, THANK YOU Judge Orenstein. Every obstruction to the burgeoning surveillance society that a judge or governor or State legislator or sheriff or congressman or senator can muster is much appreciated–and very needed.

P.S. Once again, I recently delivered what might be the most important message for RIGHT NOW that I could ever deliver. It is entitled “The Right Of Revolution As Justified In Natural And Revealed Law.” The DVD of this critical message contains the Biblical and Natural Law principles that have been so long forgotten and that are so desperately needed. These are the principles that our Founding Fathers (Christians and unbelievers alike) firmly understood and applied to America’s fight for independence. And these are the principles that this current generation of Americans MUST relearn if we are to have any chance of reclaiming the liberties that are so quickly slipping away from us.

As I survey the political and spiritual landscape of America, I believe this message is of the HIGHEST PRIORITY. I urge readers to get this DVD.

Order my sermon DVD “The Right Of Revolution As Justified In Natural And Revealed Law,”.

© 2016 Chuck Baldwin – All Rights Reserved

Why Cruz and Rubio lie to Donald Trump and their globalist agenda

“The biggest criminals that I have met in life are working for the government. They make mass murderers look like amateurs.” —Steven Magee

Barry Goldwater. 

No matter the cost we must fight for the truth.

Why Cruz and Rubeo Lie:

Senators Cruz and Rubio are deliberately using lies and innuendos to anger Mr. Trump, not only on the stage during debates, but every time they appear on TV they repeat the same lies. Personally, I think it was so obviously childish and wicked, and hope most Americans see through it. 

The Marshall Report, “He is coming in through a partial truth – that states want their federal confiscated lands returned. He then is on your side. Then he says – states have to maintain these, and if they can’t, they can sell them. So the land will be sold to foreign entities for minerals and logging, etc. We the people lose our resources and our land. This is all part of the Wildlands Project to aggregate the land into NWO globalists’ hands and steal it from the people. Read the article here and Agenda 21 in One Easy Lesson.

Heidi a Cruz sits on the advisory board of the faith based, Living Waters International. It is funded by the United Nations. [Link]



video on the NAU, and SPP.

Cruz joined the George W. Bush presidential campaign in 1999 as a domestic policy adviser, advising then-Governor George W. Bush on many topics. 

After Bush took office, Cruz served as an associate deputy attorney general in the U.S. Justice Department and as the director of policy planning at the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. Cruz is a Bush establishment candidate.

Ted Cruz met his wife, Heidi, while both were working on the George W. Bushpresidential campaign of 2000. She worked for CFR member and National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice.

Cruz wrote at the time in the National Review. According to a 2005 Sun-Sentinel report, Cruz once praised Roberts as “one of the best constitutional minds in the country.” With the decisions of the Supremes, Cruz is now back peddling big time on his support of Roberts. [Link]

Two years ago, Cruz proposed amendments to a bill sponsored by four Republican senators—Marco Rubio, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Jeff Flake—and four Democrats. The bill would have tightened border security and employee screening. But it also would have allowed undocumented immigrants to apply, eventually, for legal status. [Link]

Link] and as a “free-trade advocate” by the Wall Street Journal. [Link] All these trade deals have destroyed America’s jobs and middle class. 

Why is the alleged conservative Cruz in support of TPP, otherwise known as Obamatrade? [Link], [Link]

Cruz supported giving Fast Track to President Obama for Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP).


Link] He has flip flopped and lied about where he really stands on amnesty. [Link] Watch Megyn Kelly question him in the January 28, 2016 debate sans Donald Trump. Video


As a lawyer, Ted Cruz knows he is not eligible to be president. Watch this short 12 minute video by retired attorney and Constitutional and federalist paper expert for the clearest explanation of Natural Born Citizen.

The questions can be answered by looking at the very reason why only natural born citizens can be President—foreign influence. As much as conservatives refuse to believe it or even discuss it, Ted Cruz is not a natural born citizen as outlined by the Constitution. (For a very detailed and vetted/sourced explanation, read this article.) 

all his records are sealed, and FOIA requests are denied…one has to wonder why and who gave the order.

Thanks to the diligence of Paul Walter, CEO of NewsWithViews, many ideas for my articles have come from him. Paul immigrated from communist Yugoslavia, providence of Slovenia, and therefore he sees more clearly the dangers to our Republic than those who have always known free America as home. Please support

The fish symbol is becoming rotten

The fish is one of the symbols of Christianity and the fish are rotting.

How could Evangelicals go for Trump? That is the question that is reverberating around the empty halls of America’s churches. It’s very simple. Our churches are full of dead fish. Evangellyfish…fish Pastors without a backbone.

I feel sorry for Ted Cruz. He cannot win the nomination. Most Christians don’t even recognize, let alone vote, Biblical values. He was counting on 70 million of them voting for him. Fish rot from the head down. Our pastors have let us down. Consider the following.

1. If Donald Trump is able to win the vote of Evangelical Christians it is obvious that the problem is not Trump, but rather the fish. I am not taking sides nor endorsing a candidate here, but it is clear to me that Donald Trump does not “know” Jesus as his Savior. This is not a knock on him….I too used to be blind. But because of the Holy Spirit living inside me it is easy for me to spot the “real deal.” Trump may be a Presbyterian, but he is not a “Christian” in the Evangelical-meaning of the word.

But neither are most Evangelicals. Anyone who walks an isle and “asks Jesus into his/her heart,” is considered a Christian in today’s Evangellyfish world. Very few understand sin and repentance. Donald Trump clearly doesn’t because he admitted that he had never had a need to “ask God for forgiveness.” His “theology” would align perfectly with many modern mega-church goers across this nation.

Donald Trump got nearly half of the gellyfish vote because most of those who call themselves “Christians” have never been truly “saved.” They understand grace…but not repentance. “Jesus loves them,” they are taught, but they are not taught that those who love Jesus will “keep His commandments.” South Carolina’s, and America’s, churches are filled with Christians who have never come to true reconciliation through REPENTANCE. Just walk and isle, say a prayer, and invite Jesus into your heart. That qualifies you as a Christian in America today. Those “Evangellyfish” voted for Trump. He is just like them…only richer.

2. Those in the pew selectively listen to those in the pulpit. A majority of America’s churches have become nothing more than feel-good entertainment centers where their favorite sin is “under the blood” while they ignore Jesus’ admonition to “go and sin no more.” The pastor refuses to talk about and confront sin therefore the “squids” get the impression that Jesus is “just all right” with sin. The pastor ignores their sin so the people ignore Trump’s sin. Jesus loves everyone, right? That’s what it means to be saved, right?

3. The pastors separate the “sacred from the secular,” refusing to talk about cultural issues for fear of being “political.” Because the pastor takes no responsibility for the degradation of the culture the “sheep” are taught to look to “political” leaders for the solution to the moral problems facing the nation. The “salt has lost his savor” and has yielded moral authority to the courts and the political parties. Homosexuality is no longer a sin but a lifestyle…just like an abortion is a “choice” and not the murder of a child. Jesus loves everybody, right?

The pulpits have permitted this usurpation of God’s authority by political hacks. If you are sick and tired of the moral condition of the nation don’t call your congressman, call your pastor. But that clearly doesn’t work because the role of the pastor has been relegated by the pastors themselves to nothing more than a guardian of the “sacred” while ignoring their responsibility to a secular society. As goes the pulpits…so goes the nation.

4. Our pulpits are totally failures. They teach the sheep how to be comfortable in the world and not how to change it. “All power is given unto me both in heaven and in earth,” Jesus told us in Matthew 28. The pastors hand-off the gavel to Obama…Hillary…Trump…and political parties.

Just this week I have seen a number of “pastors” come out and urge their clients to “vote Biblically” when they go into the booth. Most gellyfish don’t even know what that means. The live like Trump so they vote like Trump. Newsflash!! A nation that kills its offspring will never be great again.

5. I’ll finish with this which is sure to tick some of you off. Where was the gathering of pastors who spoke out against the treacherous deeds of Obama? Where are the white pastors who failed to call out their black-shepherd-brothers for putting skin color above the blood of Christ while electing the anti-Christian, child-killing, sodomy supporting mulatto in the White House? Blacks in SC just voted 85% for Killary. I assume there are a few black-Christians in the Palmetto State.

Where are the pastors who kept their lips sealed while a member of The Church of Latter Day Saints ran for the President of the United States in 2012? Where are they today as Evangelical Christian Ted Cruz OPENLY prays with Mormon Glenn Beck?

Look, I like Glenn Beck. I used to enjoy his program until he recently ran off the rails. I might be wrong, but I don’t think even Mormons consider themselves to be Christian. Beck claims to be a “born-again” Mormon…really? Is that even possible? If so, it flies in the face of the clear teaching of the Scriptures. I suppose they could be “Christians” but certainly not in a Biblical sense. But I am getting picky, I suppose.

This is not about Mormons. Mormons are fine people. This is not about Muslims. Most Muslims are fine people also. But, in my opinion, neither Mormons nor Muslims serve the God of the Bible.

So let me get this straight….Obama…Romney…Beck…are Christians…but Trump is not? Hillary and Bill are Christians, but Trump is not? Cruz publicly prays with a Mormon and not a whimper. Call me a bigot, but I won’t pray with a Muslim. I won’t pray with a Mormon, and I won’t say a rosary with a Catholic. Unless they are “conservative’, of course…and then I might reconsider.

Where have the pastors been? No wonder no one listens to them. They seem to be very selective in which “Christians” meet their standards. If Trump, Beck, Romney, and Obama have not repented of their sins, and put their trust in CHRIST ALONE for the remission of their sins they are not Christians no matter how “conservative” they might be.

Isn’t it interesting that Christians have swapped their identity (Christians) for an ideology (Conservative)? That’s why the argument is not over which candidate is the most “Christian” but rather which one is the most “conservative.”

One of America’s leading “conservatives” George Will is an atheist. Maybe we should run him for President. I wonder how the pulpits would handle his atheism. Would his “conservatism” make him more palatable to Republicans than a self-identified, unsaved Presbyterian?

It looks to me like the Republican chumming has hooked them a shark named Trump.

Maybe Trump will do for ‘conservatives” what Jonah did for Nineveh.

2016 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

They’re making us mad

I wrote a satire this week that got some readers going. For a moment there, they were afraid it might be real.

In “The Dream Police,” college authorities punish white heterosexual male students for things they say and do in minority students’ dreams. “Don’t give them ideas!” a reader pleaded.

It’s only because things have gone to such ridiculous extremes lately that such a cock and bull story can ring true, if only for a moment. Yes, for just that little blink of time, what should be funny becomes, well, rather frightening. We look at our leaders and decision-makers and can’t help thinking, “Whoa! They might really like to do that! That really might think they ought to regulate our dreams.”

Meanwhile, back in the real world, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (I’ll bet you feel safer already) has recommended mandatory screening for depression for all Americans — yep, all 300 million of us. Like if, after eight years of Obama, there’s anyone who ain’t depressed.

Once they know whose mental health is not quite ticketty-boo, then they’ll know all sorts of useful information—like who shouldn’t be allowed to own a firearm, run for public office, hold a certain kind of job, be able to publish his or her opinions, etc. The knowledge will be there waiting for them when they decide to make use of it.

The steady drip-drip-drip of this kind of news, the awareness that our nation’s rulers are never more than a twitch away from subjecting us to every kind of hardship, cost, or threat we can imagine—think “amnesty,” for instance—along with the daily observation that they really do things like Obamacare and “gay marriage,” and whatever else it takes to put America face-down on the canvas—well, all this stuff is getting a lot of people kind of mad. It’s especially getting normal people mad: those who don’t belong to any cherished and protected minority, but who instead must foot the bill for all these follies and struggle to cope with the consequences.

They’ve gotten so mad, in fact, that even comfortable mainstream commentators like Peggy Noonan have begun to notice it. You wouldn’t have thought any noise softer than the Crack of Doom would wake them up.

Normal people are enraged against their leaders and their thinkers for screwing up the country. The fact that after a hard day of sticking it to America, the big shots can relax on the golf course with the president, or even hop aboard a private jet and wind up sipping sissy drinks at Davos in the shadow of the Alps, really doesn’t sit too well with normal people. One is inevitably drawn to remember Marie Antoinette and “Let them eat cake.”

So far Donald Trump has taken the lead in tapping into this deep, hot, burning anger. It propels his presidential campaign. Those candidates who try to remain oblivious to it are falling by the wayside.

Whatever happens with the politics, the anger is not going to go away. Why should it? The things that cause it, and the individuals who cause it, aren’t going anywhere. It’s going to grow more intense.

The people have a message for their rulers, for the smart set, for the big cheeses.

“You have screwed us for the last time, and we are not going to take it anymore. Stop trashing our country!”

Those who refuse to listen are playing with fire.

2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

How do we convince Robert Berger he’s wrong?

“A person whose house is only open on the west can’t see the Sun rise at dawn. It’s only seen when the Sun sets at dusk. If one tries to compare the color and appearance of the two, one will go on arguing forever. The fault lies not with the vision but with the closed windows. If you look out of only one opening till the day you die, you’ll never see anything new.” -Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay

Now most of our readers don’t know Robert Berger. However a few conservative authors have felt the sting of his acrimonious criticism. He is a died-in-the-wool, set-in-stone, rabid Democrat New Yorker that takes a perverted pleasure in critiquing conservative articles from his distorted, socialist, Democrat point of view. Over the years we have saved several of his rants just to get an idea of where the other side stands on the issues, even though where they stand is one of the reasons that America is in so much trouble on so many different fronts. Here is just one response to one of our articles from Mr. Berger:

“Sir: You are a complete and utter imbecile! Barack Obama is NOT a “fraud and a phony!” In fact he is probably the best thing ever to happen to America, the greatest president in US history and the man who has saved America from near destruction at the hands of the GOP, the imbecile George W. Bush and the de facto former president, the monstrously evil Dick Cheney, who makes Benedict Arnold look like a saint!

“Donald ‘Chump’ is a crude, vulgar, loud-mouthed POS who has no more business being president than Kim Kardashian.”

“He is a lousy businessman whose businesses have consistently gone bankrupt. Anyone who thinks he would be a good president is an idiot! Not one of the GOP candidates is even remotely fit to be president and each one would be absolutely catastrophic for this country and the world!”

“Hillary Clinton is America’s only hope – we cannot afford to elect another GOP imbecile president next year.”

“You are more full of it than all the sewers of the world combined! The GOP has been hijacked by the Christian lunatics of the religious right and has become the most evil, corrupt and dangerous organization on the planet. Who needs Iran, the Taliban, Al Qaeda and ISIS to destroy America now that we have our own Christian Taliban in our own back yard? Wake up, dude!”

We do not know Mr. Berger’s age, ethnicity, or where he grew up, so we do not know what has shaped his opinions and beliefs. Mostly what Robert Berger wrote in his other rants was not fit for print and was a transparent window into his soul. Rather than logically debating the issues we raised in an article, he resorted to generalities, coupled with ample vitriol, invectives and expletives not deleted. It fits well with the Democrat MO of demean, berate, or silence the critic if you can’t debate the issue.

It would be pointless to cover those issues in the above rant that are factually challenged. Suffice to say, Robert Berger represents the mindset of the millions of people on the Democrat/Socialist side of the American political divide that would vote for a corrupt Hillary, or socialist Bernie.

That there is an ideological divide in America is abundantly obvious to anyone that is paying attention.

The contrast between the two opposing sides is stark indeed and growing wider. The Democrat/Socialist wants the government to control, manage, regulate, take your money to buy votes and enslave you. The Conservative wants to be left alone by his or her government to create, work hard, prosper and be generous when he or she does prosper. The Conservative wants government to confine itself to the limited powers contained in the Constitution. It isn’t.

But that’s not the point. The point is, when one ideological point of view takes hold in the American mindset, the nation is shifted in that direction. Today, the Democrat/Socialist controls the national mindset and has the majority votes. That they have the majority votes is no accident. It was part of the plan when the Progressive Movement took hold in America over 100 years ago that led to the 16th Amendment, the New Deal, Social Security, farm subsidies, the War on Poverty, Medicare, Medicaid, radical environmentalism, massive regulations and now Obama Care.

President Wilson, a Democrat, and the bankers gave us the 16th Amendment that appears to violate three sections of the Constitution. FDR, also a Democrat, took advantage of the Great Depression and the people’s vulnerability during difficult times, to ram through as many unconstitutional socialist policies that he could in his three terms in office, under the Democrat banner. President Johnson gave us the War on Poverty, which has obviously not been won.

Obama has done much the same with equal fervor and for the same reasons. Obama Care is one of Obama’s most cherished achievements that he accomplished with the help of all the Democrats, without a single Republican vote.

The question we raise in the title more broadly approached is “how do we convince over 100,000,000 Robert Berger’s, that have the majority vote, that the side they are on has done more to harm America than it has to done to help it.” That is no small task because once an idea is planted in a person’s “Little Black Box”, it takes an act of God to undo that idea, especially if they have grown up with it, or are profiting from it, as are millions of Americans. It’s even worse when a political party promotes that idea through propaganda, lies, distortions, myths and unconstitutional legislation to maintain political power, with the aid of the media, academia, the public school system and the public treasury.

We covered our “Little Black Box” theory in an article dated October 28, 2012, wherein we wrote:

“The ‘Little Black Box’ theory explains many facets of normal and abnormal behavior in the vast majority of humans. It explains radical Islam. It explains a Hitler, a Stalin, a Mao, a Mussolini, a Saddam Hussein, a Gaddafi and a Bashar Al-Asad (current brutal dictator of Syria) and it even explains an Obama. a Putin, or a Trump. But it also explains why we are Democrats, Republicans, Baptists, Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, Mormons, communists, socialists, Marxists and a whole host of other belief systems. We are who we are because we have been “shaped” that way by genetics and by our immediate environmental influences at an early age. Unfortunately, none of this content in the ‘Little Black Box’ is as a result of our own personal adult choices.”

In the “Little Black Box” theory, it makes no difference what the idea is, or which political party the idea is aligned.

At some point it becomes necessary to look closely at the two sides and determine which side has provided the greatest benefit to society, in keeping with the principles upon which America was founded. Any analysis of the two sides will prove beyond a doubt that the Democrat/Socialist side has done more to damage America’s core foundation, its financial stability, its human fiber and done more to reduce liberty, than the conservative side. It was the Democrats in Congress that tried to block Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, as well as the 14h Amendment and it was the Democrats that founded the Klu Klux Klan. Why the Black race has aligned itself with the Democrat Party is unfathomable. It is the Democrat/Socialists that have written and passed every piece of social legislation, including the Internal Revenue Code, a Gestapo-style collection agency.

But even logical arguments will not sway someone who is emotionally, illogically, or genetically locked in a particular mindset, like Robert Berger. What’s in their “Little Black Box” is a closed subject and will only be changed under extreme circumstances.

Since logical arguments won’t change what’s in the “Little Black Box”, it obviously follows that it will take extreme circumstances to alter their convictions. What circumstances can we envision that would make that change? A financial collapse of America would have a tremendous impact on the American socialist mindset, since the government largess that is propping up socialism and the votes to maintain it could vanish. A major violent conflict with one or more nations could have a similar effect, although less so. We have been through wars before and it has not altered the trajectory of the Democrat/Socialist movement in America that the Robert Berger’s of the world so freely espouse.

There have been many attempts by well-meaning individuals and groups to stop the slide into socialism. Many of these individuals and groups are still active. But it is readily apparent, that slide has not been arrested from those attempts. Rush Limbaugh, a powerful and influential conservative radio talk show host, has been on the air for going on 27 years and nothing has changed, except Limbaugh getting richer.

America hasn’t reached the point of a civil war or a revolution yet, so what else could peacefully return America to the rock hard principles of a Constitutional Republic that preserves, protects and defends our liberty? The votes aren’t there, so it simply can’t be done at the ballot box, no matter who is president.

There is really only one peaceful way and it has to be done by the people themselves. The people have to begin to unravel the corrupt, good-old-boy, entrenched, legislative, judicial-political “system” that has brought America 100 plus years of growing socialism, declining freedom and perpetual Democrat/Socialist strangling control. We covered some of this in our article entitled, “The System – Impenetrable, Inflexible and Unyielding.”

Those people that are voting for Democrat/Socialists certainly aren’t going to do it. It is left then, to those who are fully aware of what is at stake and will give their all, in large numbers, to start breaking the “system” down.

It is almost impossible to start breaking down the federal “system” in that it is too powerful, at least for now. The effort to dismantle the “system” must begin at the county and city level (with one notable exception) and then grow to the state and federal level as victories are celebrated in local jurisdictions,.

We first announced a three-prong plan to dismantle the “system” at the local level in our last article. We had a little over 150 visits to the web page we created for it, but only one person decided that the Plan was worthy of a response. If people don’t finally realize you can’t buy freedom on the cheap, or for nothing, the “system” will remain in tack and growing more corrupt by the day. Our Plan, fully implemented, will begin to tear away at the corrupt fabric of the “system” and it makes no difference who is President, or what party is in control of Congress.

We encourage you to take a look at what we are proposing by clicking HERE. We are serious about defending freedom. Are you? We can guarantee you, Robert Berger and his 100,000,000 plus Democrat/Socialist compatriots, who are in the majority, have no interest whatsoever in maintaining and preserving individual freedom. Their only interest is in preserving their political power that maintains the conduit to their “free” stuff, by the same means that Robert Berger employs ….. demean, berate, or silence their critics.

The Democrat/Socialist Party of America believes in and promotes the collective, not the individual. That belief is in direct conflict with individual, unalienable, natural rights as written in blood in the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution. That false belief is the antithesis of liberty.

Preserving freedom is up to the millions of those who will put everything on the line with courage and conviction, as did those brave men who founded America at great cost, in revolution, over 200 years ago. Hopefully, freedom-loving Americans will not have to repeat that act to save America from committing intentional, national suicide. Unfortunately, very few people ever see tyranny coming until they are fully enveloped by it, when it is too late to do anything about it but fight and die.

[NOTE: The forgoing article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved

Tempting fate

“For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.” -James 4:14

Has anybody noticed how many famous people passed into eternity this last year? Leonard Nimoy, Yogi Berra, Wes Craven, Frank Gifford, Roddy Piper, Jerry Weintraub, Dean Jones, Geoffery Lewis, Fred Thompson, Robert Loggia all perished, and many unexpectedly.

Disease, accident, murder, suicide, drug over dose or death by natural causes, the fact of the matter is that 10 out of 10 people will die, for “none can keep alive his own soul.” This is certain (Psalm 22:29).

Knowing that over 140,000 people die every day on planet earth it amazes me as to how people will tempt their own fates by being so frivolous with eternity (Psalm 14:1).

How many of these probably did not expect that it would be there last day on earth? Unaware and unannounced to them that were to expire, the appointment was set, and the time was sealed to meet their Maker.

One thing that we all know is that all roads lead to the Judgment Seat of Christ where “every knee shall bow” and “every tongue shall confess to God” (Isaiah 45:23). So then, every one of us will give account of himself to God” (Romans 14:11-12).

Furthermore. Revelation 20:11-15 tells us:

And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.

And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.

And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

• On January 8, 2015 Legendary Gospel singer Andrae Crouch passed away.
• Bass player for Free, Andy Fraser, passed away March 16, 2015.
• Twisted Sister’s drummer A.J. Pero died at the age of 55 on March 20, 2015.
• On March 30, 2015, Jeremy Brown, guitarist for Scott Weiland’s Stone Temple Pilots, died of unknown causes.
• Blues legend B.B. King died at the age of 89 on May 14, 2015.
• On June 22, 2015, Hollywood composer James Horner Braveheart, Titanic, Field of Dreams etc…died tragically.
• Bassist Chris Squire from the band Yes died at the age of 67 on June 28, 2015.
• On August 7, 2015, Rapper Sean Price died at 43 years old.
• September 13, 2015 Gary Richrath, lead guitarist from REO Speedwagon, passed away at 65 years old.
• On November 11, 2015, Motorhead drummer Phil Taylor died.
• On December 3, 2015, Former Stone Temple Pilots singer Scott Weiland is found dead on his tour bus.
• On December 28, 2015, Lemmy Kilmister of Motorhead died at the age of 70.
• January 10, 2016 David Bowie died at 69.

The list goes on and on and on.

Remember friends, it is a true witness that deliverers souls, for it is not love to withhold the truth (Proverbs 14:25; Leviticus 19:17; 1 John 3:5). “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27).

Don’t let it be said that you did not know, for now you do (Luke 3:7-8; 11:42)

The good news is that God has promised forgiveness to your repentance, but He has not promised tomorrow to your procrastination. -Saint Augustine of Hippo

For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. -2 Corinthians 6:2

© 2016 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

Christianity crisis: time to fight for the first amendment

Fox News host Jeanine Pirro, of “Judge Jeanine” fame, issued a scathing commentary on the state of Christianity in modern day America, telling a crowded NRB International Christian Media Convention audience in Nashville, Tennessee, they better watch out – the demise of the Firrst Amendment first creeps, then floods.
“Although it seems that the protections that we have in the Constitution are protections that no one can take away from us, I want to tell you that they’re already being taken away,” she was widely quoted as saying. “The irony of today’s liberalism that is accepting of anything and everything is that it is sanctioning discrimination against Christians.”
She’s right, you know. Don’t believe it? Parents, send one of your kids to school with a clearly marked Bible to carry to each class and open during quiet times. See what happens. Politicians, try and open the next public meeting with a prayer that invokes the name of Jesus. Private sector professionals and business owners, see how it goes denying service to customers whose demands conflict with long-held biblical teachings and Christian beliefs.
There’s more – much more.
A just-released report from First Liberty Institute in Texas – “Undeniable: The Survey of Hostility to Religion in Ameriica” — sheds some serious light on the ability of Christians in America, circa 2016, to publicly show, profess and abide beliefs.
The atmosphere is chilling.
Some of the report’s findings: Companies have faced prosecution for failing to offer abortion-inducing drugs in employee health care plans. State governments have come under fire for displaying the 10 Commandments – despite the fact the face of Moses, the giver of thee Law, is displayed over the gallery doors of the House Chamber in the U.S. Capitol as part of a group of 23 “historical figures noted for their work in establishing the principles that underlie American law,” according to the Architect of the Capitol. Local governing bodies have faced legal challenge for opening meetings in Christian prayer. High school sports’ coaches, athletic team cheerleaders, public school students and teachers have been brought to court, denounced, criticized, punished and in some cases, fired, for the so-called crimes of praying in public, handing a Bible to a student who requested it, displaying biblically-based messages of encouragement at sporting contests, mentioning the name “Jesus” during a valedictorian graduation speech, or, as in one third-grader’s case, trying to hand out religious messages in goodie bags for classmates at the annual “Winter Party” – the same type of school event that for decades was commonly accepted in this country as the “Christmas” party.

If the argument from the left is public school is no place for religion – that such messaging is better left for Sunday churchh service or for private Christian educational facilities == well, consider this, from the same report: In the recent Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church & Sch. V. EEOC, a private Christian school was told by the U.S. Justice Department it could not fire a teacher with narcolepsy by citing the “ministerial exception” clause – that lets churches choose religious leaders absent governmment interference – because no such clause exists. The U.S. Supreme Courrt ultimately ruled in the school’s favor, but what was the Justice Department trying to accomplish here – control of the churches?

That doesn’t even touch on the crack-downs in the U.S. military against open displays of Christianity – the case of a Navyy chaplain who faced an inquiry because he spoke of sex outside of marriage through the looking glass of his religious beliefs, the case of an Air Force master sergeant who found himself in hot water for explaining his biblical views against homosexuality to a gay commander – who had insisted he expllain.
The report spans a shocking 376 pages. Obviously, atheists and progressives have been having some banner years. So what’s the solution? Fight.
Those who do nothing – who let such take-ddowns of the First Amendment go forth unfettered – simply don’t deserve to calll themselves patriots and defenders of the American way of life.

© 2016 Cheryl Chumley – All Rights Reserved

Migration, immigration & invasion of America, Canada, Australia & Europe

In 2015-2016, the greatest human migration ever recorded in human history continues to overwhelm Europe, Canada, Australia and America. Aided by boats, trains, planes and automobiles—refugees from overpopulated, war-torn countries flood into first world countries—at breakneck speed.

The fact remains: the United Nations projects 50,000,000 (million) refugees within 20 years for lack of water, food, energy and resources. Note: the human race adds 1 billion more of its species every 12 years.

This interview with Mr. George Phelps gives you an idea of what Western countries, which created stable civilizations with stable populations, face with the flood of humanity knocking down their borders.

Mr. Phelps, please give readers an idea of what we face:

“Tens of thousands of years ago when the first Homo sapiens emerged in Africa, their brains were developing,” said Phelps. “They learned how to make tools and they learned how to control fire; among other things.

“As time went on they began to ‘migrate’ (‘disperse’ as it is referred to by specialists in the field of Homo history) to other regions of the world. Some of the migration was to follow food sources and some was caused by climate change; some may have been fueled by the human need to explore and even conquer.

“During this period of migration the regions of the world were undeveloped, had no cities or countries. Eventually, the migrants began to settle, build communities and develop borders around the areas in which they lived (territorial instincts).

“Further, as time passed, these borders became countries or territories which were not open to migrants unless they were ‘allowed’ in by the dominant forces of the territory, or if applied for entry ‘legally.’ Those who were admitted to these countries were called immigrants.

“As the number of immigrants grew, the nations/countries found it necessary to limit/restrict their numbers, as the countries became saturated with the number of ‘citizens’ and non-citizens. The country(s) could no longer support the needs of the population, i.e. housing, food, medical services, education and so forth; also immigrants would not change their religious or political beliefs and soon were in conflict with the people ‘indigenous’ to the areas to which they had immigrated. They brought diseases and some were criminals escaping from their countries of origin. They brought their ‘cultural’ hatreds.

“The immigrants were migrating in order to gain “better lives for themselves” that were not available from their places of origin.

“Since their needs were not being met by their original origins, they sought out these ‘better’ living conditions by migrating/immigrating. Of course they began to ignore any legal restrictions that existed in the countries to which they wanted to live, as well as any of the religious and political morays of their newly found ‘homeland.’ They refused to assimilate into the culture of the country(s)/nation(s) they had chosen seeking a ‘better’ life.”

One look at the multicultural chaos and violence pervading Europe today causes a shudder up one’s spine: Paris, France massacre by Muslims; killings at Charlie Hebdo Newspaper by Muslims; subway bombings in London, England as well as beheadings on the main streets by Muslims. In Sweden, Norway, Germany and Italy—Muslim rapes and violence of host countries’ women. In the USA, 9/11, Boston Marathon Bombers, Chattanooga, TN, Fort Hood killings, San Bernardino and more to come. Honor killings in Canada and America as well as Muslim violence in the streets of Sydney, Australia.

“At that point people entering countries without legal permission/ illegally began to appear as an ‘invasion’”, said Phelps. “They brought their own cultures, many incompatible with those of the countries they were desperately trying to enter and live. This invasion of people of different cultures began to change the cultural landscape of the regions, territories and countries in which they were so intent on living. The very countries they were ‘escaping’ to were then becoming the same cultures and political frameworks, as they were so desperate to leave. This created dissention and violence among the ‘immigrants’ and the original citizenry. They were/are reverting back to the old unfair tyrannical and violent conditions from which they had ‘escaped.’

“The more advanced and modern industrial nations are being degraded by their presence, as they are corrupting the nations to which they ‘migrated’ to escape from the awful conditions of their countries of origin—or regions of origin.

“The modern and advanced nations of the world must stop this for their own good and the good of future generations. What is going on now is pure lawlessness.

“‘Multi-cultures’ cannot live together since they are reluctant to compromise their cultures that are imbedded in their psyche. The result of this is that no ‘multi-cultural’ society can ever survive because of the constant conflicts that result. Finally a nation will be destroyed due to this conflict, and revolution, anarchy, and corruption will become its/their downfall, replaced by tyrannical and cruel governments led by such ‘humans’ as Hitler and Stalin, just to name only two of the many that history has produced.

“The ultimate result is the deaths of millions of human beings through starvation, genocide and any number of other destructive elements/forces.

“These ‘less than modern/primitive’ immigrants are contaminating the more advanced nations that think they are being kind and humanitarian as they allow the more primitive immigrants to enter and take over the modern nations. The result is that the more modern nations will revert back to third world countries with the same conflicts, treachery and putrification that exist in the world today. And let’s not forget the ‘oh so popular ethnic cleansing.’

“Modern cultural societies cannot survive when they allow backward and primitive people to become the majority occupants of their nations. But, look around, it’s happening right now!

“’Political correctness’ will destroy the US as it smothers free speech that is one of our freedoms under the Constitution. It will lead to empowering tyrants! It has lead to the empowerment of tyrants now in control of our government. If you don’t believe me consider the fact that the sitting President does whatever he wants by the issuance of ‘Executive Orders’ rather than going through Congress as required by the Constitution.

“The Constitution is clear on who makes laws; it’s Congress not the Executive Branch of the US government.”

Call your senators and House rep: 1 202 224 3121. Demand a stop to all immigration and stop to any Syrian immigration.

Definition of slogan: “Immigration Shutdown Now means the American people want a total shutdown on all legal and illegal immigration. That means we want all illegal immigration stopped by arresting, prosecuting and jailing employers of illegal aliens. We deport all illegal aliens by taking their jobs away and as we catch them. We want English mandated as our national language. We demand a cessation of Muslim immigration in order to protect our culture, language and way of life. We can’t save the world but we can destroy our civilization. We demand a stable population that allows everyone to live, work and thrive into the 21st century. Especially our children.” FHW

That’s why you need to take action. Send this series to everyone in your network. Educate them. Urge them to take action by joining these websites to become faxers of prewritten letters and phone callers. We must force Congress into an “Immigration Shutdown Now!

Share these videos all over America: ; ; ; ;

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five minutes to see for yourself.

“Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck
This 10 minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

America: ; ; ;
United Kingdom:
Australia: Sustainable Population Australia

© 2016 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

Terrorists and terrorism in the United States

Part 1: Terrorists infiltrate the United States at will.

In the 21st century, terrorists and terrorism visit the United States like never in the history of our country. Previous to 9/11, we enjoyed thousands of miles separating us from vagaries of the communist and Islamic worlds. While we fought wars in Korea and Vietnam, we never met an enemy that would “bring war” to our shores. That changed on September 9, 2011.

In this ongoing series with former U.S. Army officer, 1st Calvary, George Phelps, you may garner an up close and realistic view from a commander in the in the field.

Today, most Americans feel totally vulnerable to terrorist attacks. As realized at the Boston Marathon or San Bernardino, this Muslim ‘army’ of two or five or 19 can strike at any time. Congress and our last five presidents refuse(d) to secure our borders. Governors allow illegal aliens to gain driver’s licenses, as was the case with Mohammed Atta and his cronies as they flew planes into the World Trade Towers. Mayors and City Councils of 240 cities create sanctuary for illegal aliens, terrorists and visa-over-stayers.

Mr. Phelps, could you give us an idea as to why we face terror in our own country?

“Like so many Americans,” said Phelps. “I have tried to understand why we, the United States of America, became a target of attack on September 11, 2001. At first it escaped me. We have provided humanitarian and foreign aid to so many other countries in this world, that I just couldn’t believe that anyone would perpetrate such a savage and large scale attack on us; especially an attack that was aimed at innocent men, women and children.

“I began to do some serious research on our attackers. I, also, did some research beyond, what I believed to be, my own knowledge of our national and foreign policies. I found that my knowledge of our national and foreign policies, and activities, both current and past, was good, maybe even very good. But, I found my knowledge of our attackers sorely lacking.

“My knowledge of the regions of the world where they “reside” was severely limited. I knew where their countries were located geographically, but my knowledge of the climate and topography of the region, their societies, their people, their needs, their religion, their governments, their customs and their feelings and perceptions of the rest of the world, and specifically the United States, were seriously limited.

“I’m not much different than most other average Americans, but I think it’s imperative that we, all of us, try to become better informed, because these countries, these people, these terrorists are not going away. We may be able to mitigate terrorism, but we will still need to understand these people and their needs and make sure they don’t bring their terror to the United States. In Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol,” the ghost of Christmas Present threw back his robe, revealing to Scrooge, two children, a boy and a girl, saying, “the boy is ignorance and the girl is want, but, more than anything, beware the boy”. I would say, “Beware them both, and give each the attention they need.”

“Want, oppression, discrimination, need, lack of freedom and lack of education foster discontent and lead to violent rebellion. History is fraught with revolution, killing and warfare because of these conditions that human beings so inhumanely have perpetrated upon one another.

“The people of the Middle East and Central Asia have been, and are currently, exposed to, and living under, all of these conditions. The entire area is a pressure cooker, literally on the verge of exploding. How do we begin to understand Osama bin Laden, the former leader of the terrorist, militant and fundamentalist “branch” of the Islam religion. He came from a very wealthy, affluent, influential and powerful family. He never experienced want, oppression, discrimination, need or lack of freedom, unless, of course, it was self-imposed or self-inflicted. He was well educated.

“Was he a demagogue, intent on achieving personal power? Or was he a religious fanatic who chose to interpret the Quran in such a way that he was intent on perpetrating a Holy War (JIHAD) to establish Islam as the world’s dominant, or only, religion?

“No matter what his motivations and intentions, bin Laden was a mass murderer of the highest degree, a menace to the world, and we killed him. Did he personally kill thousands of innocent people? No! But, Adolph Hitler did not kill millions of human beings, personally. Yet, I think that we all know that Hitler was a mass murderer of the highest, most savage and cruel degree. To use the metaphor of the fable Hansel and Gretel; there was no trail of bread crumbs leading from the death camps of Europe to Hitler’s headquarters anymore than there is a trail of breadcrumbs leading from the remains of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon to bin Laden’s campsites. Yet, there’s no doubt that they are the responsible leaders for these crimes against humanity. They were both guilty of mass murder.

“Men like bin Laden and Hitler, and there are others in history like them, influence followers to do their bidding for them. Bin Laden was able to marshal the forces of Islam to do his bidding. Many essentially peaceful Muslims have rallied behind this man to become warriors in this Holy War. What the psychology behind all this is, in terms of being able to attract and hold thousands of followers and get them to commit murder and suicide for him, I don’t know. But it’s here, and the world must deal with it.

“There are some whom would say that America brought this on itself, because of its policies, imperialistic ways, demagoguery, arrogance, nation making and so forth. But, make no mistake, people like bin Laden needed “something” in which to foster hate, in order to achieve their goals and rally followers,to implement their warped and cruel plans towards these ends. Today the United States of America is that “something.” Strangely, it’s easy to rally the passion of hatred against a highly developed, powerful and affluent society such as the U.S. It would seem that it’s easier to engender hate than it is to follow the example. Envy and jealousy can’t be ruled out as part of the equation. But, again, it makes little difference what the motivation is. The fact is it has to be confronted and defeated.

“Osama bin Laden hid behind the facade of religion to attract believers in Islam, and “trap” them into doing his bidding while secreting a hidden agenda, or the disease of madness. But, again, it makes no matter his reasons, he was a terrorist, his followers are terrorists, and they must be dealt with.

“How did we get where we are today? Why do so many people and nations dislike us, even hate us? Could it be our past and present policies in that region of the world? Is it because we have befriended Israel, and given them moral support, aid and have continued to support them, even when they may have been wrong in their actions? Is it because that some of the nations in the region have tyrannical and oppressive governments and leaders that seek power and control beyond their current territories? It may be all of the above, or none of the above. The way things are unfolding, it is only important that we vigorously defend ourselves, and maintain an unyielding resolve to win this war against a formidable and determined foe.”

Part 2: Our failure to secure our borders; allowing anyone into the United States; more terrorist equal more terror.

If you don’t want a Paris, France or San Bernardino event in your community, it’s time to call for a total “Immigration Shutdown Now.”

Call your senators and House rep: 1 202 224 3121. Demand a stop to all immigration and stop to any Syrian immigration.

Definition of slogan: “Immigration Shutdown Now means the American people want a total shutdown on all legal and illegal immigration. That means we want all illegal immigration stopped by arresting, prosecuting and jailing employers of illegal aliens. We deport all illegal aliens by taking their jobs away and as we catch them. We want English mandated as our national language. We demand a cessation of Muslim immigration in order to protect our culture, language and way of life. We can’t save the world but we can destroy our civilization. We demand a stable population that allows everyone to live, work and thrive into the 21st century. Especially our children.” FHW

That’s why you need to take action. Send this series to everyone in your network. Educate them. Urge them to take action by joining these websites to become faxers of prewritten letters and phone callers. We must force Congress into an “Immigration Shutdown Now!

Share these videos all over America: ; ; ; ;

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five minutes to see for yourself.

“Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck
This 10 minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

America: ; ; ;
United Kingdom:
Australia: Sustainable Population Australia

© 2016 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

Lavoy Financum’s death with jury instructions

Lavoy Finicum’s death, caused by Oregon state police and FBI on January 26, 2016, will be litigated as his family will likely bring a lawsuit against Oregon and federal government for police’ excessive use of force. When the parties litigate the case, they will be bound by the law on the issues of excessive force. Citizens observing and judging the situation should likewise apply the law to the facts to reach a conclusion, regardless of one’s impression of Finicum and other protesters.

Below are the jury instructions that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has posted on its website for claims of excessive use of force. There are 6 main factors in the instructions. I list the instructions below (in italics) with my general comments following each factor.

In determining whether the officers used excessive force in this case, consider all of the circumstances known to the officers on the scene, including:

1. The severity of the crime or other circumstances to which the officers were responding;

Finicum may have committed a crime when he refused to leave the refuge, but nothing violent happened at the refuge: no property or persons were hurt. During the occupation, media was present, who apparently felt safe near the protesters. Police were present and underwent negotiations with the protesters and likewise felt no serious threat to their safety. Citizens were coming and going to observe or support the protest. Supposedly, the neighboring county sheriff, among other public officials, empathized with the protesters and worked on their behalf.

Perhaps there was probable cause to arrest Finicum and others (a common occurrence in the United States). If any warrants had been issued by a court, police could have served them at the refuge with media cameras and public present. Instead of arresting Finicum and others in this fashion, they concocted a plan to stop them on the road while isolated with plans of a roadblock party, which some onlookers have deemed as unlawfully conducted. Apparently, police had prior knowledge of the community event to which Finicum was travelling well in advance of January 26.

When police stopped Ammon Bundy’s vehicle, Finicum was in his truck ahead of Bundy. Finicum stopped his vehicle some distance ahead of Bundy. Police pulled behind Finicum’s rested vehicle, got out, had assault rifles drawn and pointed at Finicum and the occupants—an obviously provocative encounter. Two witnesses in Finicum’s truck say that police fired a shot at the vehicle while Finicum was stopped during this time. Shortly thereafter, Finicum decided to flee the stop and drive to the next county where the “friendly” county sheriff was, whom Finicum was told would provide protection for him and the other protesters.

Finicum’s response to avoid contact with state police and FBI and travel to the next county was in rational keeping with what Oath Keeper president, Stewart Rhodes, and two other Oath Keeper leaders told Finicum two days prior to his trip to the adjoining county: namely, they told Finicum that he should make a “lateral move” to the adjacent county because police were about to shut them down.

During this conversation, the Oath Keepers implied that the FBI would be doing more than just arresting them. This news, of course, changed the game for the protesters because up to this point, there was normal access to the refuge by police and public. Oath Keepers must have put much fear in Finicum when they claimed that FBI had gathered in Burns, OR in the hundreds to end the protest. They also told Finicum that there would be more than drones hovering over the refuge to ascertain their positions in the refuge, such as helicopters and other assaultive tactics. According to Oath Keepers, who were supposedly negotiating for the protesters and there to help, the game was about to change drastically for the worse.

This conversation was recorded, but Oath Keepers removed the audio recording of conversation with Finicum because they recorded it without Finicum’s permission, and then after his death, posted it on the internet without permission from Finicum’s family or attorney. Notably, even though Oath Keepers knew of the community event to which Finicum and others were traveling and had promised Finicum that they would provide him an escort to ensure safe passage to the next county, they were nowhere to be found when police stopped, blocked and killed Finicum.

When Finicum was traveling to the community event (where hundreds of citizens were gathered waiting for him), police knew exactly who he was, where he was going and why. Finicum had no criminal history, and his protest was, in many ways, a political protest with no property or persons being damaged by him or other protesters. FBI and media had been in continual contact with him and the others for weeks.

Police were not responding to a violent crime Finicum had committed, like, for example, chasing an armed robber who had just committed the crime and fleeing therefrom. Rather, Finicum was traveling to a community event; and knowing this, police planned this event, which had the elements of an ambush specifically designed for Finicum or Bundy attempting to drive to the next county where the “constitutional sheriff” and community were waiting for Finicum.

2. Whether Finicum posed an immediate threat to the safety of the officers or to others;

Finicum posed no immediate threat to police when he exited his truck. This situation was not like a duel where two people are within a short range under equal or similar footing, opportunity and readiness. Just the opposite: police secured an advantageous perimeter and had rifles pointed and sights on him from the beginning. Finicum had his hands raised, faced no officer, was not in position to shoot, and was stumbling in the snow. Finicum had no legitimate chance of timely drawing and shooting a pistol (as if a pistol is worth much in this situation) to shoot anyone—even himself.

Significantly, the closest police to Finicum were the two that rushed him, while the others had firing-line positions from protected positions behind vehicles and in the woods. When the officer at the bottom of the video pointed his rifle at Finicum, Finicum turned away from him, stumbled, briefly dropped his hands but tried to raise them in the air again after he stumbled. Immediately thereafter, the police from the woods rushed Finicum, tazed him and appears to have shot him with his pistol from his waist. Meanwhile, other police shot Finicum when he was in no position to harm anyone. Assuming Finicum ever posed a threat to police, it did not rise to the level of a serious and legitimate threat.

3. Whether Finicum was actively resisting arrest or attempting to evade arrest by flight;

Finicum actively resisted no police. When Finicum left the initial police stop (where Ammon Bundy was arrested), police knew his destination—the nearby county. Then, Finicum surrendered after he hit the snow and exited his vehicle. This surrender, of all things, required police to wait until there was a clear and legitimate sign that he intended to kill police and had the immediate and legitimate ability to do so. That Finicum’s hands briefly dropping in this scenario cannot be equated to a clear and convincing intent to kill police, nor can it equate to legitimate ability to kill anyone.

Assume that Finicum had a design to deceive police (like this: “I’m going to put my hands up and get dozens of police who are pointing rifles at me to think I’m surrendering. Then I’m going to, in such a sly way, pull my small pistol from my jacket—they’ll never see it coming, hahaha!—and I’ll kill all these police with their AR-rifles pointed at me”—really?!). Still, there was no way Finicum could have gotten “the drop” on any police under these circumstances.

4. The amount of time and any changing circumstances during which the officer had to determine the type and amount of force that appeared to be necessary;

Police had the advantage of planning, time and position throughout this incident. They always do in these kinds of tactical plans. That is what separates police operations from personal defense of citizens who are caught off guard from an intruder. This is why police cannot make a simple claim, “We thought he may have been going for a gun, so we killed him,” in the kind of circumstances we see with Finicum.

Police had time to determine if Finicum had a gun, drew a gun and demonstrated the intent to use it against police. As soon as police see a gun-like object in his hand, their fingers were on their rifles ready to kill him—instantly! There was no way Finicum was in the same or even similar position as police. Finicum was alone and surrounded. He was like a duck sitting in a barrel, but police did not even wait to make a clear determination under these circumstances. Instead, they quickly jumped to the conclusion to kill Finicum.

Their killing Finicum because they thought “he was going for a gun” was a type of pre-textual seizure. This is where police search and seize people and property with the pretext of some supposed or alleged lawful reason; but in fact, police either created the reason to search and seize or used a minor or apparent incident to exceed the scope of their authority.

5. The type and amount of force used;

Police used the most extreme of all force: death. This requires police to prove that all of the above jury instructions go in their favor. But the factors do not go in their favor: they go in favor of Finicum. The circumstances simply did not warrant using death as the means of subduing Finicum. After all, police were equipped with many non-lethal weapons, including flash-bang grenades, tear gas, rubber bullets, tasers, etc., which they used against the people in the truck. Finicum did not pose such a significant and legitimate threat of death towards the officers that killing him was within the scope of a lawful seizure.

6. The availability of alternative methods to take Finicum into custody or to subdue him;

Like #5 above, police had alternative non-lethal methods of disabling him; and they had the option of allowing him to get to his destination at the community event and arrest him in a safe, public environment—assuming they even had a warrant for him. Instead, they chose to stop him along and isolated and create an ambush-style operation to seize Finicum.


The government has a heavy burden of proof to prove that their force was not excessive. Given the jury instructions in an excessive use of force case against the government, the factors favor Finicum, not the government. Notably, the government knew they would have to prove their killing of Finicum, but according to FBI, there is no other surveillance that recorded what happened. The only surveillance that supposedly exists is the released video (and another one that was a lesser quality, which they have not released).

This is bizarre. I have handled many hundreds of criminal cases and know that police are almost always equipped with surveillance on their persons and vehicles during even ordinary and mundane course of business. Yet, during this planned operation with state police and FBI, there is conveniently and strangely no other surveillance. Of course, not having any surveillance on the ground will put the government in a position at trial to have police testify about what happened, instead of the jury being able to see and consider much more objective evidence.

Not only does the video that was released demonstrate police’ excessive use of force, but also the intentional plan not to properly surveil the incident creates a bad smell concerning the governments’ actions against Finicum.

© 2016 Timothy N. Baldwin, JD – All Rights Reserved.

Idaho state rep. Phil Hart endorses Trump for president

When I was a teenager, I used to read the print off of Human Events, a conservative weekly newspaper my parents subscribed to. It was in the pages of Human Events where I was introduced to many intellectuals and political leaders who later became my heroes. Congressman Ron Paul, a prolific writer, was among them. I can remember “Dr. No”, our affectionate name for Congressman Paul, standing alone on issue after issue, getting nothing done legislatively. Often he could not find a single co-sponsor to the many excellent bills that he proposed. Yet his constituents loved him, and sent him back to Congress over and over again.

Today I use Congressman Paul as an example as to why standing alone has value. Just look at the issue of central banking and the private Federal Reserve Bank. For decades, Ron Paul was a voice in the wilderness speaking out against the private Federal Reserve, and few people listened back then. But today the majority of Americans are aware that the Federal Reserve is not a government bank, and most Americans want it at least audited. Ron Paul’s voice in the wilderness from the 70’s and 80’s turned into a tsunami of skepticism regarding the Federal Reserve Bank; and as of this date, there is still more good fruit that will be gained from Congressman Paul’s decades of effort on this issue.

All political movements must have a number of moving parts; components of the whole. I learned from my own political journey, that getting things done politically was always a larger task than could be performed by one person. It takes a team.

The Liberty Movement is full of people who what to be left alone; such is the nature of the “liberty mindset”. We have a good number of intellectuals in the Liberty Movement, and this intellectual foundation is necessary for any movement to be successful. Ron Paul is one of our most valuable intellectual assets. But where we are weak, is in the number of people we have with direct government or political experience. Liberty-minded people generally don’t like to be part of the government.

Campaign for Liberty was a great idea of Congressmen Paul’s to train workers to fight in the trenches of political warfare. And his efforts there will pay the Liberty Movement dividends for many more years to come. But what a lot of “liberty-minded” people can’t visualize is how does one get from “Point A” to “Point B”. If we are honest, we will recognize this as a serious defect in the Liberty Movement.

Said another way, “How do we implement our agenda?” “How do we reach our goals?” “How do we restore America to the principles of our ancestors?” We have already won the intellectual debate in the minds of the people. Now how do we get the job done on the ground?

I suggest in 2016 we either recruit, or we support, or we get behind someone who will champion our values, and who also knows how to get from Point A to Point B. It is a simple idea.

In my own life, I competed in long distance running, cycling and alpine ski racing, which was all about getting from Point A to Point B as fast as you can. I must have learned how to do this from my father, who held the American record in the 5,000 meters, getting from Point A to Point B the fastest. In business it is similar. Eighty percent of all businesses fail in the first five years, as many people cannot figure out how to get from Point A to Point B successfully.

I am supporting Donald Trump for President. As I have listened to him these past few months, I am learning that he embraces many of my values, my principles and my goals. While Ron Paul was for decades sowing the seeds of Liberty, and gradually winning the minds of the People; Donald Trump was proving as a businessman that he is someone who knows how to successfully get from Point A to Point B.

As one who has been hugely successful in business, who has a lot of his own money, and has proven himself to be a successful CEO, Donald Trump is in a position to promote his own agenda free from the influence of special interests. Who else can do this? And it just so happens that Donald Trump’s agenda lines up pretty closely with mine.

In my own life, I’ve figured out how to get from Point A to Point B; and therefore I can recognize and appreciate this quality in someone else. And regarding Donald Trump as a candidate for President, I have a further bias in that both he and I graduated from the Wharton School of Business; him in ’68 and me in ’84.

Wharton has always been ranked in the top three business schools. While I was in the MBA program there, I had a cousin and friends in the MBA programs at the other two top business schools. I noticed at the other top schools, once you were admitted to their programs, whether you worked hard or goofed off, you got the diploma at the end of the program. Not so at Wharton; if you didn’t do the work, or you didn’t do it successfully, Wharton would flunk you.

Donald Trump must be good at problem solving; otherwise he would have flunked out of Wharton. He wants to audit the Federal Reserve Bank. (Thank you Ron Paul for sowing those seeds). He wants to get rid of Common Core. He wants to secure our borders.

He will get rid of Obama Care (the son of Romney Care). He will negotiate tough trade deals with our trading partners that will greatly improve what we have now. He’s a real estate developer from New York City and says he will deal with the events of 9-11. He probably knew the World Trade Center buildings inside and out, and probably already has his head wrapped around that issue. And lastly, Donald Trump knows how to get from Point A to Point B.

As a proven CEO from the business world, I believe a Donald Trump in the White House will kick butts and roll heads! Who else can the Liberty Movement support who has proven CEO experience and can guarantee to us they will kick butts and roll heads?

All that said, I support Donald Trump for President in 2016.

© 2016 Phil Hart – All Rights Reserved

Scalia dead: eyes wide shut with queen of the damned

While staying at the Cibolo Creek Ranch in Presidio County, Texas, Justice Scalia died in his room. One might think he actually died of natural causes except the official narrative keeps changing like something from Alice in Wonderland. First a pillow is found completely over his head; then the pillow is found just on the top portion of his head. When the reports of Scalia’s death first came out there was no mention of a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine being found on the nightstand next to him, although, as one who suffered from sleep apnea, he normally needed one. Then, mysteriously, the Washington Post reported that Justice Scalia was found lying in bed with his arms to his side and “his bed covers smooth.” Clearly the Washington Post is trying to tell us something. Who sleeps without ever moving a muscle so that bed covers are smooth? Certainly not a man who had sleep apnea.

A man with sleep apnea tosses and turns like crazy during the night, snoring very loudly, except for the countless times he becomes silent and it appears he is almost dying and then all of a sudden there is a loud gasping for air! A man with sleep apnea doesn’t wake up with his covers smooth. John Poindexter (owner of Cibolo Creek) said Scalia retired around nine p.m. saying he wanted a long night’s sleep. This would have indicated that he was probably very tired because, having sleep apnea, he did not sleep well, so he would have almost certainly plugged in and physically put on the (CPAP) machine breathing mask. At the very least, he would have taken sleep medication because he would have wanted to make sure he slept. Either of these two choices alone would have demanded an autopsy. But let’s suspend logic for a moment, since apparently the authorities charged with carrying out their duties threw logic out the window before they knew any facts to begin with.

The authorities in were Sheriff Danny Dominguez and the Justice of the Peace, Cinderela Guevara. She did not come out to view the body and refused to order an autopsy, and declared that Scalia had died from “heart failure,” then changed it to “natural causes.” This is contrary to Texas law when someone dies alone, no doctor is present before or after death, and the cause of death is unknown (despite all of Cinderela’s magical pronouncements).

As it turns out Justice Scalia belonged to a secret society…the International Order of St. Hubertus, whose American branch was started in 1966 by members of the Bohemian Club associated with the Bohemian Grove. This where things begin to sound conspiratorial, because in an identical manner the Illuminati founded Skull and Bones at Yale University in 1832 as Chapter 322 of a pre-existing German secret order. Apparently, members of the International Order of St. Hubertus, who wear long green robes and use terms and symbols (like the Maltese Cross) also used by the Masons, the Rosicrucian’s, and the Knights Templar), were having a meeting at the Cibolo Ranch. When you see the artwork and the decorative masks hanging prominently on the walls of the resort it looks like something from Stanley Kubrick’s movie Eyes Wide Shut. The artwork is dark and demonic with skeletons and a disfigured woman with her eyeball ripped out of its socket. Just the normal kind of artwork which you would have at a normal spa designed to relax you.

It’s almost as if the artist who decorated the Cibolo Creek Ranch is the same one who painted the sinister paintings of World War III and the apocalypse on the walls of the Denver International Airport. According to a Washington Post article entitled “Justice Scalia Spent His Last Hours With Members of this Secretive Society of Elite Hunters” dated February 24, 2016, “the Society of St. Hubertus, an elite international men’s only hunting club has its roots going back to 1695 in the Czech Republic.”

But let’s go back to the connection of the Society of St. Hubertus with the Bohemian Grove, where numerous U.S. presidents, senators, congressmen, heads of multi-national corporations, and world leaders attend. When the elite gather at the Bohemian Grove they participate in a “mock” sacrifice ceremony called the “Cremation of Care,” in front of a giant owl statue which symbolizes the ancient god of the Canaanites: Moloch. In the Old Testament we read how the Canaanites would offer up their infant children to Moloch and burn them alive as a sacrifice to this demon god. When the ancient Israelites would rebel from the Biblical god they would also participate in the worship of Moloch. But the question has to be asked: why do so many members of the elite, including U.S. presidents, participate in a “mock” worship ceremony to the pagan god Moloch where they burn effigies of human infants? On whatever level you look at this, it is extremely dark, sick, and satanic.

We may never know exactly how Justice Scalia died, but his involvement in a secret society connected to the Bohemian Grove raises far more important questions. In our book The Babylon Code, I and my co-author Troy Anderson, a Pulitzer Prize-nominated journalist, look at the important role secret societies have played in world events and in the founding of America up until present times. In Stanley Kubrick’s movie Eyes Wide Shut the famous satanic cult-orgy scene where the participants were wearing masks to hide their true identities was filmed in one of the Rothschild castles.

While we focus in on how Scalia died and consider the probability that he was assassinated, the bigger question is who were the other 35 members of this secret cult who were at the Cibolo Creek Ranch? We may never know the answers to these questions because their identities have not been made public.

One final note. If you think those masks that were left up on the wall of the Cibolo Creek Ranch were left there by accident and that the empty beds eerily lined up in the hall on the way to Scalia’s room were there because they were cleaning, you better think again. Whatever happened at the Cibolo Creek Ranch was done in plain sight, as Kubrick suggested with his play on words in the title of his movie, Eyes Wide Shut, or we could say, “Eyes Wide Open!” For the average American who lives in a surreal trance state, it does not matter if their eyes are wide open because even when they appear to be open, they are actually “wide shut.” One of the most powerful men in the world, Justice Scalia, died under very questionable circumstances. With so many critical decisions before the Supreme Court, Scalia’s mysterious death, can appear very convenient.

But, ultimately for the mass majority of Americans it does not matter because most of them will have already forgotten. Scalia’s death is just another image among countless images of death and chaos which remain buried in the collective consciousness of America’s kaleidoscopic soul. May God have mercy on us all, or we to will walk with “eyes wide shut” into Hades hand in hand with the Queen of the Damned.

© 2016 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved