Chicoms to Rewrite the Bible
by Lee Duigon
July 27, 2023
The Chinese Communist Party has a ten-year-plan to completely rewrite the Bible. We are unable to confirm or refute reports that “devout Catholics” Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi have already signed up to receive their copies.
There are several hundred millions of Christians in China, and Comrade Xi Jin-Ping wants to make sure they behave themselves. It’s still very much a minority, compared to the rest of China’s billions—but the Chicoms worry about minorities and would much rather there were no Christians at all in China.
The next best thing, as communists and Democrats (excuse the tautology) see it, is a counterfeit Christianity subservient to the state—obedient, compliant, and captivated by a bogus theology cooked up by The Party.
The Chicoms say the Bible is only Job One, they’re going to rewrite the holy books of several world religions. Well, that’ll show how serious the Muslims are about that jihad thing. It’s so much easier to impose false faiths on Christians.
Hey! Remember that 2016 presidential campaign, in which Hillary Clinton (D-Mordor) said “religious beliefs must change” to accommodate abortion? And then the New York Times said “religious beliefs must change” to accommodate same-sex parodies of marriage. And it was only months ago that “devout Catholic” Biden said “transgendered people” are “the soul of America.”
Comrade Xi, you’re racing neck-and-neck with our country’s Democrats. Who will be the first to turn the real Bible, as the Holy Spirit gave it to us, into a mere misty memory? “In 55 genders created He them—and it took all week!” “Render unto The Party that which is The Party’s, and unto God… nothing.” “Chairman Mao’s word is a lamp unto my feet.” And so on: you get the idea. Can you imagine the horror of a Book of Beto?
Western liberal homunculi have for years been denouncing the Bible as “hate speech” and calling for its ouster from the public square. But lately they seem to be crafting another tune to sing: the Bible, as we have received it down through the centuries, is wrong. “But not to worry—we can fix it!” All those so-called “laws” about whom (or what) you can have sex with, and whom (or what) you can’t—really, how could you have believed that for a minute? And by the way, there is no God. Our Bible tells us so!
It’s a showdown. Who are you gonna believe, God or The Party? Hint: God can’t pack you off to a forced labor camp—but The Party can. And will, if your mind’s not right. The COVID-19 lockdowns were only tyranny taking its warmups.
Oh, they’ll have to repeal or rewrite the Constitution, too, when all is said and done. But what price, socialist utopia?
I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit, before we call get packed off to the gulag. My articles can also be found at .
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