Children Suffer Under A Silent Church, Part 4

We have become so accustomed to the debauchery of the LBGQT community that they have become bolder and bolder in their public display of their devil spawned lifestyle.  They have their gay pride parades where they flaunt their lifestyle in the public realm: Thousands of people clad in rainbow colors marched Sunday through Greenwich Village and up Fifth Avenue for the annual Gay Pride parade, a massive celebration of LGBTQ identity.

One of this year’s grand marshals was tennis legend Billie Jean King, along with transgender advocate Tyler Ford and civil rights organization Lambda Legal.

Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” blared from loudspeakers as people marched, danced, stomped and watched along the route. The attire at the 49th annual parade was loud and proud – rainbow suspenders, leopard heels, thongs and fairy wings.

But the jubilant mood was also tinged with frustration. Signs deriding President Donald Trump, who has not acknowledged LGBTQ Pride month for the second year in a row, rose above banners declaring love. [1] I won’t describe what some of these perverts do in these parades.  A lot of what they do would get most people arrested but local police don’t seem to think there’s a problem with the public displays of same-sex physical relations.  In the 49 years that these disgusting displays of depravity have been going on, I have yet to hear of a church that opposes them.  Could it be political correctness?

They not only put these acts of perversion on public display but now they are bringing it into our schools and public libraries.  We now have trangendered people, in full costume, going into our schools and public libraries reading LBGTQ books to our kids!  A gaggle of toddlers gather on the floor of a room in New York’s Brooklyn Public Library in Park Slope for their 10 a.m. story time — and the reader on this day is Lil Miss Hot Mess.

Yes, it’s Drag Queen Story Hour. And if you haven’t guessed by now, Lil Miss Hot Mess is indeed a drag queen.

He pulls out a kids’ book titled “Worm Loves Worm.”

The book’s description reveals that “when a worm meets a special worm and they fall in love, you know what happens next: They get married! But their friends want to know—who will wear the dress? And who will wear the tux?”

The answer? “It doesn’t matter,” the description reads. “Because Worm loves worm.”

Lil Miss Hot Mess at one point says, “We can both be grooms!” [2]

You can see a video of this pervert here;

If you think this one is bad there is one that ‘reads’ to children at the Michelle Obama Public library that is dressed satanically: Transvestite Xochi Mochi dressed as a satanic clown with red-tipped demon horns and read to little children for Drag Queen Story Hour at the Michelle Obama Public Library in California.

“DQSH captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models,” the Drag Queen Story Hour website stated. “Kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where people can present as they wish, where dress up is real.”

DQSH is a growing fad promoted by LGBTQIA+ activists in collaboration with publicly-funded libraries across the nation. Mochi’s performance was worked out by the Michelle Obama Public Library in Long Beach, the LGBTQ Center of Long Beach, the Genders and Sexualities Alliance Network, and the LGBTQ Imperial Court of Long Beach.

The DQSH website claims that it is catching on “regularly” in New Jersey, “L.A., New York, and San Francisco, and … all over the world!” [3]

Is it any wonder that we have problems in this nation?  We allow our children to be exposed to this kind of trash and the church does nothing!  If the church doesn’t stand up against this assault on our children, we will only have ourselves to blame.  God will not hold the gay community responsible for this happening, He is going to hold the church responsible.

I don’t want to seem to pick on the Catholic church, but they are the ones in the news concerning sexual assault on children not the Baptists or any other protestant denomination.  For more than a decade, a conservative Catholic diocese in Nebraska was the only church in the U.S. that refused to participate in annual reviews of sexual misconduct that were a key reform enacted in the wake of the 2002 Boston clergy abuse scandal.

As a new wave of abuse scandals rock the Roman Catholic church, critics say the Diocese of Lincoln is now paying the price for its unwillingness to change and lack of transparency.

Accusers have been coming forward in recent weeks with allegations of sexual abuse and misconduct by clergy in Nebraska, and the diocese is facing a potential criminal investigation and criticism that it mishandled abusive priests even as it should have been subjected to increased scrutiny after the Boston scandal.

From 2002 to 2015, leaders of the Lincoln diocese refused to participate in annual audits designed to uncover sex abuse allegations and gauge how well church officials were complying with child-protection policies. Church leaders called the audits a pointless endeavor that assumed wrongdoing by the diocese and its priests, but one of the bishops during that period knew of at least two allegations against priests, according to interviews and a letter obtained by The Associated Press.[4]

The defiance of these priests and Bishops and even Cardinals is appalling.  It’s like they feel they have a right to abuse our children.  Bishop Richard Malone of Buffalo, New York, is refusing to step down in the wake of leaked documents from the chancery that suggest he mishandled allegations of sexual abuse and misconduct by priests he oversees in his diocese.

“My handling of recent claims from some of our parishioners concerning sexual misconduct with adults unquestionably has fallen short of the standard to which you hold us, and to which we hold ourselves,” Bishop Malone told Catholics of his diocese in a statement posted to the diocese’s website on August 26.

In rejecting the calls for his resignation, Malone said, “The shepherd does not desert the flock at a difficult time.”

As Catholic News Agency reports, several of the allegations involve “boundary violations or sexual misconduct against adults,” which are not addressed in the same way as those against children in the 2002 Charter for Protection of Children and Young People published by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

The report continues:

However the diocese may have failed its obligations under state law. The Erie County District Attorney has indicated that it is a matter of when, not if, he opens a criminal probe with the Attorney General into Bishop Malone and diocesan administrators. DA John Flynn Jr. told local news if administrators covered-up sex abuse, there are a number of potential charges they could face, such as hindering prosecution or child endangerment.[5]

Then we have the blatant exhibition of homosexuality among the priest themselves.  This is a subject I’ve always wondered about but are seeing the first real report concerning that.  Miami Beach police arrested two Chicago-area priests Monday for allegedly performing sexual acts on one another in a car in full view of the public.

Authorities found Diego Berrio and Edwin Giraldo Cortez of Arlington Heights, Illinois, allegedly engaged in oral sex in the front seat of a car at 3:20 p.m. The car, which did not have tinted windows, was parked on the side of a Miami Beach street so that anyone walking down the sidewalk or passing down the street could clearly see the two men. 

Both men identified themselves as priests from the Mission of San Juan Diego parish in Arlington Heights.[6]

The actions of this church are NOT the actions of a true church of God.  It is disgraceful at best.  But it has been discovered that this behavior has gone all the way to the top and the Catholic church has been found to be funding opposition to laws that would make it easier to expose this type of behavior: In light of the growing pedophilia and sexual assault scandal rocking the Catholic Church, it is important to remember that not very long ago the organization was found paying off a lobbying firm to block bills related to sex crimes against children.

In 2015, the New York State Catholic Conference, contracted the lobbying groups, Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker, Patricia Lynch & Associates, Hank Sheinkopf, and Mark Behan Communications to block a bill called the Child Victims Act, which was aimed at making it easier for victims of child sex crimes to come out against their accusers. The bill also sought to extend the statute of limitations for sex crimes, since many victims are too afraid to speak out until too much time has passed to prosecute.

Just this week another blow to the Catholic church came when a report out of Germany shows a decades long, if not centuries long, abuse of children. The leaked information about the so-called “MHG Study” is causing a great stir in Germany, since it finally brings to light the murky history of the German bishops’ handling of abuse cases. And, as expected, their conduct is similar to many bishops in the U.S.: cover-ups and moving priests into another parish.

As Der Spiegel reports, the study which had been conducted by a team stemming from three German universities (Mannheim, Heidelberg, and Gießen) in the name of the German Bishops’ Conference under Cardinal Marx, looked into abuse cases from 1946 until 2014. Importantly, the study states that there were counted “3,677 mostly male minors as victims of sexual abuse.”

1,670 clergymen have been accused of these crimes.

As Die Zeit specifies in its own report: “62% of the victims are male, and 35% are female. In some partial investigations, the percentage of male victims even went up to 80%.” [7]

Between 2007 and 2015, the Catholic church in New York only spent more than 2.1 million dollars lobbying on various bills, mostly related to sex offenses.[8] I guess we can now see why they are opposing these laws. We know that in the last days God is going to expose the evil in the world and we are seeing that.  But we also know that he begins with the church. We are seeing that too.  It is time for this and all I can hope for is that the people in the pews will wake up and demand that the authorities in the church ACT like they actually represent the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and teach and stand for the principles of God.  This is what we do know about the Catholic church.  What is troublesome is what we don’t know about the Catholic church.

The church has always been a place of refuge, a safe place if you will, for those that need comfort and assurance.  It has become a place of terror for our children.  We have allowed it because of our apathy. If we don’t engage this will only get worse.


  1. New York gay pride parade LGBTQ
  2. Drag queen story hour for toddlers at public library lauded as fantastic and great
  3. Satanic looking drag queen reads to children at library named for Michelle
  4. Nebraska Catholic Diocese rocked old abuse allegations
  5. Bishop refuses to resign allegedly returned priests accused of sexual misconduct to ministry
  6. Priests sex made public in Miami
  7. Thousands molested Catholic church stung by leak in Germany
  8. Roman Catholic church found to have spent over 2 million lobbying to block child sex laws