Christians Must Stop The Spreading Sewage Of Jew Hatred
How odd of God to choose the Jew, but not so odd as those who choose the Jewish God and hate the Jew.
The Judeo-Christian ideals upon which this nation was founded are abhorrent to the new left and the Democrat party because they are an obstacle to government usurpation. —David Horowitz
Jews appreciate every moment of life. It doesn’t matter if things are going the way you want them, stop and pause, and raise your glass to the delicious opportunity life is giving you right now. You’ll never get that moment back again. “L’Chaim!” – a traditional Jewish toast. —Rabbi Jack Kalla
Most of my articles are political in nature, and truly this one isn’t that different, yet readers will find the flavor of it directed at our Judeo-Christian culture and beliefs. Virulent anti-Semitism is again on the rise here in the United States, even with the most pro-Israel and pro-Jewish President in history, but the hatred is not just directed at Israel and the Jews.
The satanic hatred is against all of God’s people, especially our Jewish brethren but also our fellow Christians. Why? You guessed it! Muslims and their allies in Congress, the left, the universities, the colleges, and the old-line anti-Semites.
Stuart Kaufman wrote a brilliant article recently entitled, At the Boiling Point, and his words echoed in my heart. He says, “I am sick to my stomach, at the boiling point with anger. The swamp gases of Jew hatred are seeping through the surface of civilization so rapidly that I cannot see how they can be contained, especially given the tepid response of so many, including my Jewish brothers and sisters. Jew hatred is a disease that corrodes the soul. It erupts periodically into epidemic proportions and we appear to be at the inception of just such an eruption. It unfortunately is to be expected in Europe, where it has festered for centuries, but it has now broken into a fever here in the United States and it is spreading like wildfire.” He then goes on to tell of our Congress now being infested with Jew haters.
So, let me tell you why I love these people and why I love Israel!
My Chicago Childhood
Rogers Park, Illinois was my home until 1960 when we moved to the suburb of Park Ridge. I loved Chicago, loved my grammar school, Stephen F. Gale, and I loved all of my 40 some classmates, 75 percent of whom were Jewish. Rogers Park was a mixture of gentiles and Jews and we lived together in harmony. My first schoolgirl crush was on a boy who lived down the street from me. His name was Barry Weinstein and we walked to and from school together nearly every day.
My best friend Sandra was in front me in this 1956 picture, my other best friend Flo, was second from the right in the third row from the top. Barry was the third from the right in the bottom row. See if you can find me.
No one can look at these children and tell which of us are gentiles and which of us were Jewish. All of these children had parents just like mine, their doors were always open.
After we moved to the suburb of Park Ridge in 1960, I went to Maine Township High School East with over 6,000 enrollees. It was built in 1929 with an indoor rifle shooting range and swimming pool. The ratio of Jewish students was much smaller in Park Ridge, but there was never a separation between us.
College was a local school and the students were every ethnic and racial background. One black upper-classman who we all absolutely loved was murdered because too many white folks were always at his apartment. This was the 60s folks! The funeral was one of abject misery and bereavement for the loss of such a terrific classmate and friend.
When I married, we lived in another Jewish neighborhood in Chicago with a synagogue caddy corner across the street from us. Most of my friends were Jewish and Italian. Jews, Italians and Greeks are very similar in their love of people, their joy of life, children, good food and dancing. (During the Holocaust, those life-loving Italians and Greeks smuggled Jews to freedom and hid them from the National Socialists.)
When my firstborn came along, she had colic and I rarely got any sleep. And who came to help me? The mothers of my Jewish girlfriends came over and took care of my little one for several hours, cooked meals for us and let me get some sleep. They got me through the first few months until the colic passed. What a blessing!
From my early childhood, I have had dear Jewish friends, and in our once wonderful Judeo-Christian society and always in my heart, we are brethren and friends, but times are again changing and hatred has reared its ugly head.
Anti-Semitic Attacks
The main stream media ignored President Trump’s joyous National Day of Prayer where he again called for unity. The highlight was when our President asked Poway, CA survivor Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein to say a few words. The Rabbi had been injured when a gunman attacked his Chabad Synagogue killing one of his congregants and injuring several others. Rabbi Goldstein said, “The way to react to darkness is with light.” He told the audience to stand up and face down hatred and he thanked America and “mensch” Donald Trump for standing with the Jewish people. But this was only the latest attack.
The Tree of Life Synagogue assault last October 2018 in Pittsburgh may be the deadliest attack against Jews in American history—but it’s nowhere near the first. [Link]
Rising anti-Semitic hatred is changing Jewish life across the United States. In 2018, there were 1,879 recorded attacks against Jews and Jewish institutions. That was the third-highest year on record since the 1970s, when anti-Semitic attacks were first recorded against Jews and Jewish Institutions.
Capped by the deadly shooting that killed eleven worshippers at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue on Oct. 27, 2018, assaults targeting Jews rose 13% in 2018, according to Tel Aviv University researchers. They recorded nearly 400 cases worldwide, with more than a quarter of the major violent cases taking place in the United States.
In Germany there was a 70% increase in anti-Semitic violence. Critics say British Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn, a longtime critic of Israel, has long allowed anti-Jewish prejudice to go unchecked. Anti-Semitic hate incidents in the United Kingdom hit a record high in 2018, with more than 100 recorded in every month of the year. Corbyn’s supporters have been accused of sharing Holocaust denial and international Jewish banking conspiracies on social media. Several members of the party have quit it in protest.
In France, attacks against Jews rose by 74% last year; an alarming trend experts have linked to the spread of hate speech and the tension surrounding “Yellow Vest” protests. Jewish graves are desecrated with swastikas. Anti-Semitic acts already account for half of all its documented hate crimes. [Link] Simon Wiesenthal Center has had a Jewish travel ban to France for decades.
There’s more…the Netherlands saw a 19 percent increase in recorded anti-Semitic incidents in 2018 to a record 230 cases. Sweden, Greece, Spain and other Europeans have seen an influx of refugees who have brought Islamic anti-Semitism and anti-infidel hatred to the countries they now occupy.
The Jerusalem Post listed the nine worst global attacks on Jewish sites, not including the numerous terror attacks on Jews in Israel, some of which have targeted synagogues.
And this past week, Gaza jihadi groups launched at least 600 rockets and mortars at Israel since the latest conflict began, while the military has struck what it says are hundreds of Hamas and Islamic Jihad targets in the coastal enclave, Israel Defense Forces said on Twitter.
The latest conflict was sparked after militants shot and injured two Israeli soldiers. The attack prompted swift military retaliation, which resulted in the deaths of two jihadis. That, in turn, led to an onslaught of mortar and rocket fire from within Gaza, unraveling the tenuous calm.
NYTs Vitriol Raises Nazi Hatred from the Grave
In addition to the shooting attacks, assaults and vandalism, there has been increased anti-Semitic vitriol online, especially in social media and from Islamic congresswomen, and in newspapers, including a recent anti-Semitic cartoon that appeared in The New York Times’ international edition. It is the “cartoon” at the bottom, shown below the graphic featured during Hitler’s reign of terror. Notice how identical they are.
After a huge outcry, the NYTs removed the first cartoon, only to replace it with another Jew-loathing graphic.
Christian Persecution
Those who worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are targets, both Jews and Christians. People from different religions, various organizations gathered at the Indonesian Christian Church to pray for the nation in light of the 2018 church bombing in Surabaya. Every month, 105 churches are attacked, vandalized or burned in the top 50 countries on the World Watch List. [Link]
Christians are being persecuted, attacked, and murdered in numbers not seen in years, according to Open Doors, which tracks the numbers involved in Christian persecutions. [Link]
Every month, according to statistics compiled by Open Doors, 345 Christians are killed for faith-related reasons, and 105 churches and other Christian buildings are burned or attacked. Worldwide, one out of nine Christians experiences high levels of persecution.
While North Korea is rated the most dangerous country for Christians (for the 18th consecutive year), Islamic oppression is behind the persecution of Christians in eight of the 10 worst countries. In Muslim-majority countries, Christians are discriminated against for jobs, violently attacked, or even killed. [Link]
Rounding out the top 10, following North Korea and Afghanistan, are Somalia (No. 3), Sudan (No. 4), Pakistan (No. 5), Eritrea (No. 6), Libya (No. 7), Iraq (No. 8), Yemen (No. 9), and Iran (No. 10).
It’s not a coincidence that all of these countries—except North Korea and Eritrea—are predominately Muslim. In fact, “Islamic extremism remains the global, dominant driver of persecution, responsible for initiating oppression and conflict in 35 of the 50 countries on the list,” Open Doors stated.
And it is not just Muslims attacking Christians. Hindu nationalists in India frequently assault Christians, usually with no consequences from official authorities. And in the officially atheistic communist-controlled nation of China, Xi Jinping, the nation’s strongman, is increasingly hostile toward Christians. Vietnam has also stepped up its persecution in recent years.
In just 2019 alone, according to Open Doors, 4,136 Christians have been killed for faith-related reasons, and 1,266 church buildings and other Christian buildings have been attacked. Not unreasonably, when the historic cathedral of Notre Dame was set ablaze in Paris, many assumed it was a deliberate Islamic attack of arson. [Link] Yet, the cross still stood amongst the ruins.
Anti-Semitism’s Origin
Why have the Jews suffered throughout history? There’s one simple answer…Satan wants them destroyed because they’re chosen by God. The evil one not only hates the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but he hates those who worship Him, both Jews and Christians. Satan, the influence that seduces people into sin and evil, is embraced by the Abrahamic religions, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
There are only 15 million Jews in the entire world. Yet the disproportionate hatred against them is rooted in satanic lies. It was theosophist and Russian occultist, Yuliana Glinka, who cooked up the Protocols, and she was the companion and coordinator for Russian occultist, Madam Helena Blavatsky‘s Theosophical Society. [Link] Then too, there’s the anti-Semitic heresy of replacement theology found in so many Christian church doctrines. For centuries this false doctrine has been used to ignite violence against Jews. It happened in the pogroms, the Inquisition, and the Holocaust.
Each year one week is set apart in the Jewish calendar as Holocaust Remembrance Week. Yom HaShoah is the annual day for remembering the Holocaust. The immense tragedy of six million Jews lost was certainly not the first time in history that Satan sought to destroy God’s people.
Israel is described in Jeremiah 2:3 as the “first fruits of God’s harvest.” She is God’s wife, “For thy Maker is thy husband; Jehovah of hosts is his name: and the Holy One of Israel is thy Redeemer; the God of the whole earth shall he be called.” Isaiah 54:5
Satan hates both Jews and Christians because he hates God. As Christians, we have a moral responsibility to commit ourselves to the survival of the Jewish people because they are beloved of God. Paul in Romans 11:1 says, “I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid! For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.”
In spite of centuries of persecution and attempts to wipe out the Jewish people, “Am Israel Chai,” the people of Israel live.
In 1976 Jewish author and ethics professor Philip Hallie, a graduate of Harvard and Oxford, flew to France to interview villagers of Le Chambon who had been taught the Bible literally by Darbyites who had a thorough knowledge of the history of Jews as told in the Old Testament. The entire Christian village of Le Chambon hid Jews from the Nazis, and they are remembered in Yad Vashem as righteous Gentiles. They understood that the Jews were forever God’s people.
In Hallie’s book, Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed, he tells the story of a German Jewess who went to a Darbyite farm to buy some eggs and was invited into the kitchen. The farmer’s wife asked with a light of interest in her eyes, “You—you are Jewish?” The woman who had been tortured for her Jewishness stepped back trembling and became even more frightened when the farm woman ran to the steps leading upstairs and called up, “Husband, children, come down, come down.” The Jewish woman’s fright disappeared when the farm woman added while her family was coming down the steps, “Look, look my family! We have in our house a representative of the Chosen People.”
As Christians and fellow worshippers of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, we must stand with Israel and the Jewish people.
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