Cities are Incubators for the Ignorant and Violent Communists
By Andrew Wallace
May 6, 2023
It is unconstitutional and unlawful for the federal government to use our tax money (distributed through their unlawful departments) to fund the indolent and violent Communists in the cities!
States can lawfully fund their Communist cities if they have the money, but it is unconstitutional for the federal government to do so.
The major Democratic cities are now dangerous, ugly Communist Hell-Holes with no redeeming value to America.
Even if these cities had value to the country, which they don’t, it would be unconstitutional for the federal government to fund them. Communism will soon run out of other people’s tax money by bankrupting Americans who work in other states, if we don’t stop them.
Communism will not permit private property rights, freedom, religion, or families.
Communists want everyone to live in cramped and dangerous high-rise apartments, use public transportation, own nothing, and be totally dependent on them. This is exactly what is being done in the Communist-ruled cities.
It makes my blood boil when I see thousands of young black people (called “teens”!) destroying cities, looting, burning and attacking people with no reason or penalty!
Only the ignorant would visit these cities where, if attacked, they will put you in jail for defending yourself. Major food and chain stores can’t afford to remain in the cities, so where will the people get food?
When the expected Economic Collapse occurs, there will be no way to get anything into the cities.
This is the result of inadequate schools, brainwashing, no ethics or morals, no guidance from a family, no sense of responsibility. But what else can be expected when 70% of inner-city blacks have single mothers (many only 15 years old) who have babies for government checks and independence . Black men are obliging, since they pay for nothing and believe that if girls are old enough to bleed, they are old enough to breed. It has become their culture. Anyway, 50% of black babies are aborted. Now you know why the Democrats want legal abortion to satisfy those who act as their lab rats.
Is it any wonder that blacks comprise only 13% of the population but commit 50% of the crimes?
It is simply because many live under Communism and have no knowledge of right and wrong, which doesn’t forgive their conduct. It is why you see mostly black faces in the riots.
If whites made up the majority in the Communist cities, we would be describing them in a similar manner, but as “white trash”.
Make no mistake: I am talking only about the blacks who are Lenin’s “Useful Idiots”; some of my best and most-talented friends are black.
The Communist ‘woke’ corporations funded the BLM and Antifa terrorists to riot, loot and burn down their small-business competitors, and to affect the elections! The evidence is overwhelming.
It has been reported that San Francisco lost 49% of its small businesses. Permanently. All of this is part of the plan to impoverish everyone and concentrate control with the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), wealthy families, their minions in ‘woke’ corporations, and government.
The working people of this country must refuse to allow the government to use unlawful fake departments to unlawfully fund the indolent and despicable Communists in the cities with taxes from all working Americans.
Everyone should know that the federal government can only enact laws and spend money that is allowed by the “Enumerated Powers” (Article 1 Section 8).
It is a violation of the United States Constitution for the federal government to spend money in the states. Only the states can spend money in their cities.
Cities are self-proclaimed sanctuaries, and it is unlawful for federal government to fund their legal or illegal immigrants.
States can spend money on illegals if they choose, but the federal government can’t. Federal government can’t spend money on foreign aid. Federal government can’t spend money to finance the fake unconstitutional departments. It is unlawful for Federal government to finance the Ukraine war or commit our troops to combat without a Declaration of War, etc, etc, etc.
As we speak, all of our traitorous members of Congress continue to enact unconstitutional laws and spend our money for purposes not allowed by the Constitution.
The purpose is to enrich themselves and the PSRRC. At some point in the very near future, our economy and government will have to collapse from this unlawful behavior, and government will not be able to stop it. Then our cowardly legislators should run like hell before an honest court tries them for treason.
The residents of Sodom and Gomorrah were Saints compared to the ignorant, violent, brainwashed, and useless criminals in the Communist Inner-City Plantations.
Government officials are ALL traitors and cowards. They should all be prosecuted and deprived of their bribe money and benefits; they are a disgrace!
There is no hope for the Democrat cities because their ignorant residents continue to elect racist Communist demagogues who line their own pockets.
The people continue to kill one another, including the innocent, and destroy the infrastructure.
Red-State Americans can’t stop the lawlessness or the killing in Communist cities, but we damn sure don’t have to pay for it, because it is unconstitutional!
If the Democrat states want an operating Communist government, they should finance it on their own dime. But, as good Communists, they can’t do it without the working people’s money.
Demand that your Governors take back state powers usurped by federal government, and kick unconstitutional federal “fake” departments out of the state and nullify their actions!
If governors refuse, it is because they are bribed.
For details of what federal laws and expenditures are allowed by the ‘Enumerated Powers’ under the Constitution, see my recent articles.
God Bless You and Our Constitutional Republic
© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved
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