Communism In America, Part 4

By Pastor Roger Anghis

April 23, 2023

Another aspect that indicates that communism has infiltrated our government is the nationalization of industries. We saw this back in 2008 when Maxine Waters, a card carrying member of the Democrat Socialists of America, while during congressional hearings with the oil company executives spilled the beans on what Democrats want to do with the oil companies. California’s most influential black lawmaker, Democrat Representative Maxine Waters, made the threat during recent congressional hearings with oil company executives. She said the federal government would take over their industry if they failed to do something to stop the escalating price of gasoline.

Waters told the president of a major oil company to “guess what this liberal would be all about? This liberal would be all about socializing — uh, uh, would be about basically taking over and the government running all of your companies.” One renowned commentator, who said Waters made an absolute total fool of herself, points out that the congresswoman’s associates can be heard laughing in the video of the embarrassing exchange.

This is just the latest shameful performance in Waters’ storied congressional career. She has been crowned among the nation’s most corrupt members of Congress by a reputable ethics watchdog for awarding federal contracts to businesses owned by or connected to members of her family, including her husband and children.[1]

It is not just the oil industry democrats want to nationalize. They want every industry under total government control. We have seen in just the last few weeks their move to begin to nationalize the banks. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, utilizing a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly. The SVB bank was salvaged by the federal government, I believe because most of the depositors were supporters of the Democrat Party. Janet Yellen that Midwestern banks would not receive the same treatment. Senator Langford asked Yellen if the banks in his state would have the same protection. Sen. Lankford: Will the deposits in every community bank in Oklahoma, regardless of their size, be fully insured now? Are they fully recovered? Every bank, every community bank in Oklahoma, regardless of the size of the deposit, will they get the same treatment that SVBP just got or Signature Bank just got?

Janet Yellen: A bank only gets that treatment if a majority of the FDIC board, a supermajority, a supermajority of the Fed board, and I, in consultation with the president, determine that the failure to protect uninsured depositors would create systemic risk and significant economic and financial consequences.

Sen. Lankford: Right. So what is your plan to keep large depositors from moving their funds out of community banks into the big banks? We have seen the mergers of banks over the past decade. I’m concerned you’re about to accelerate that by encouraging anyone who has a large deposit in a community bank to say, we’re not going to make you whole, but if you go to one of our preferred banks, we will make you whole at that point.[2] Also keep in mind that there were companies invested in SVB that have connections to the CCP. I am sure that did not have anything to do with the decision to bail the bank out. Really, nothing to see here.  Move along.

Also, keep in mind that the government does not just want to control the bank they want to control your money. This is why Biden signed an Executive Order to investigate and establish a form of digital currency. The bottom line on this is there will be no cash sales. Everything will be done in cyberspace but the most important aspect of this form of banking is the government will control everything you buy. They will know what you bought, when you bought it, and where you bought it and if they think you should not have a gun you won’t be able to buy one, or the ammunition for the gun you do own. See how liberals backdoor their control policies?

Biden is doing what Obama did. Govern by executive fiat. Both use Executive Orders as if the EOs were law. They are not. Executive Orders were designed for when Congress is not in session and something has to be addressed quickly. The EOs were for the very early years of the United States but when Congress reconvened that EO was to be voted on. We no longer do that. It is just taken as if it was a law passed by Congress.  All presidents have used them but Biden is overreaching the boundaries that the federal government is allowed in the Constitution. Both parties have done this but now the Biden administration is removing rights they have no right to take away in a manner that is unconstitutional.  One could write a book on the time that the government has overstepped its bounds and nothing has been done to reign them in.

We have witnessed the government withholding information by restricting our 1st Amendment rights by collaborating with Big Tech companies like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others to deplatform anybody who disagrees with their agenda. The federal government has no right to silence their political opposition by not allowing them an opportunity to voice their opinion. That is what Hitler and Stalin, Mao, Maduro, and Castro did. Banana republics and socialist regimes. That is the road Democrats want us on.

Everywhere you go you see products that are either grown or made in a sustainable environment. This is something the UN came up with thinking they can better control the population and control ‘climate change’ a non-existent existential threat. Their ultimate goal is the extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State, the bringing into cultivation of wastelands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan. This is not how a free market operates. This is not what grew the wealth of America and made it the breadbasket of the world. This is the communist control of the very necessities of life.

America was not designed to be run by socialist elites. We were designed to be a free nation with a free market and sovereign unto ourselves not controlled by any foreign nation but to be governed by the people.  The World Economic Forum should have no say or control over what we do as individuals or as a nation. The United Nations is no better and has historically proven to fail at most of what it does. The time has come for us as a nation to take a stand for what America was intended to be. Free!

© 2023 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

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Foot Notes

  1. Maxine Waters wants socialize oil companies
  2. Janet Yellen admits smaller regional midwest banks will not be bailed out only big chosen banks deemed worthy – video