Confessions Of An American Journalist About America

By Frosty Wooldridge

October 2, 2024

It’s been one heck of a journey from 1965 to 2024. As a reporter for the largest college newspaper in the world at 44,000 copies daily at the Michigan State News, I interviewed top professors, activists, and wrote commentaries about the Vietnam War. At the time, being a service brat, I thought presidents and our U.S. Congress offered the finest men and women to guide our country. I thought truth, justice and the American way were the hallmarks that made our country Great. I thought that, “Father Knows Best” and “Leave it to Beaver” were the standard for American families. I was proud to be the son of a WWII veteran U.S. Marine. Boy, was I in for a surprise.

Instead, the Military Industrial Complex’s corporate heads had different plans for my life as they created the Korean War, and the Vietnam War to make profits while they killed 33,000 and 58,479 innocent kids. They wounded over 150,000 kids, brought drugs to America, and created P.T.S.D. that ruined tens of thousands of innocent lives. You can bet that those money mongers could care less about one single military life shed in Vietnam. When I ran through Boot Camp at Fort Benning, Georgia, U.S. Army “Queen of Battle” Infantry in 1968, I KNEW i was a walking dead man. In war, it makes little difference if you’re tall, short, fat, lean, educated, or stupid–if a bullet has your name on it, you’re done. And, in the end, nobody cares other than your family. Sobering stuff for a 20 year old kid trying to become the first college graduate in his family clan out of LeRoy, Michigan, population 500 farmers.

After I survived the U.S. Army and the Vietnam War, which I am proud that I served because I DO believe in America, I taught in the inner city. Wow, what a drastic change from the “Father Knows Best” fantasy family life protrayed on television! Detroit is a teacher’s nightmare. illiteracy, incest, violence, drugs and horrible inner-city misery prevailed, American Blacks may be victims, or they may be perpetrators of their own problems because of their cultural inclinations brought to America from Africa. “Don’t be like Whitey,” they chant in their gangs. I found that tribalism of Africa does not fit the White Man’s cultural laws of democracy. Mixing two incredibly different cultures has been America’s greatest failure and nightmare. Or, it’s simply impossible to mix drastically different races and cultures. We’re seeing the problems surface in 2024 even worse than 1965. Blacks like P. Diddy Combs give all of us pause as to racial differences. He is a violent, sick and perverted human animal. But then, you’ve got movie mogul Weinstein drugging and raping women until he, too, got caught.

But then you look at the way Muslims treat their women, and you get sick to your stomach because Islam is a violent religion that promises its brutes 72 virgins in the afterlife. The fact is,It makes you want to give up on the human race. America might find itself sending more U.S. kids into the Middle East to die in the name of “what”, I don’t know.

As I sit here in America, we’ve got an Alzheimer’s President Biden who thinks that trans men should compete in woman’s sports. That’s as stupid and disgusting as Muslims not allowing their women to ride a bicycle or drive a car. Not to mention female genital mutilation and honor killings. Can’t wait to see what happens when Congress ships another 10 million of those religious savages into our country.

Same with Springfield, Ohio. Whose bright idea was that? Why did they sen 15,000 illiterate Haitians into a tiny 60,000 person midwestern white town? It shows you that those people in Congress valid Mark Twain’s sage words, “Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress…ah, but I repeat myself.”

Then we’ve got an anchor baby presidential candidate in Kamala whose parents are Indian and Jamaican, but were not citizens when they birthed her. Plus, her father is a Marxist, and she’s made of the same cloth. Not only that, she was picked for VP because of being a “Black woman”, who did not possess any other credentials for being VP. Ironically, she’s done nothing of merit, but invited over 15 million illegal aliens into America a against her oath of office and against our laws. That’s called Treason. But because she’s a “black woman”, she is exempt. Also, during her tenure as VP, 92 percent of her staff have quit in disgust of her behavior. Should give you an idea of what we’re in for if she hits the White House.

Then you think of the consequences of Kamala’s open borders: A mind numbing 250,000 fentanyl overdose deaths.Not motion 500,000 convicted criminals

Also, if Tim Walz gets into power, we’ll have women’s tampons in every men’s bathroom so trans men can use them to swab their rear ends or whatever those mentally ill dudes do to themselves.

God help us from ourselves.

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