Contagious Plague Of Clinical Stupidity Has Struck America And More
SACRAMENTO— Governor Moonbeam does it again proving that this plague is beyond restorative remedy. What is more, the disease is highly contagious with no effective antidote available. It can strike anyone within hearing distance of those infected.
The most vulnerable of those who are captured by this disease are Democrats, news reporters, movie stars, and especially, political figures. Indeed, that malady seems to be a requirement to be a successful politician.
Jerry Brown occupies the governor’s chair in the ultra liberal state of California, so much so that drivers find they must frequently have the front end of the cars re-aligned since they constantly bear to the left when driving in that state.
As is well known, California is plagued by a vicious gang called, Ms-13. They have committed countless murders, thefts, drug dealing, prostitution, human trafficking and overall violence. That gang from Guatemala slipped through our borders as “refugees” and set up shop.
Deport them all? Nah. That would be unconstitutional and un-American donchah know. But Governor Moonbeam came up with a brilliant liberal solution that would solve the problem. Now sit down as you read this. He has established a program he calls, Advance Peace, with a budget of $1.5 Million to offer cash stipends to gang members who remain peaceful and not kill anyone. This money comes from our tax money and Sacramento’s General Fund. That is how our tax money is spent. California is already $500 Billion (with a B) dollars in debt. Meanwhile, California’s infrastructure is crumbling.
This genius program is called, Advance Peace, which offers huge cash stipends to gang members who remain peaceful. In other words, California has surrendered to liberal nuttiness.
It is to be remembered how the New York Mafia had a “protection racket” where they approached store owners offering to protect their stores from damage from hoodlums for a fee. If they don’t pay up, thugs come and trash the store.
Governor Jerry Brown studied to be a Jesuit Priest, turned instead to Buddhism. To become a Buddhist, one must first empty out his mind, to make total room for Karma. Apparently, Governor Moonbeam is still a member in good standing.
Our deepest appreciation for a correspondent with the handle, Icraig, who supplied this information when the original had been misplaced as well as info on the Cecil Rhodes statue below.
SOUND OFF! The best of people and the worst of people have been on clear display in Texas where Hurricane Harvey caused such destruction. People came from everywhere to help rescue people and animals. Donations to help were staggering. That is except for Black Lives Matter. They did not help one bit even though most of the victims were black. .
Not one BLM individual showed up to help. These people take but never give. And they receive quite a bit of money from George Soros. They feel like every individual on earth owes them.
However blacks took full advantage of the disaster to loot flooded houses and businesses. Savages! This is how stereotypes are birthed. We create our own stereotypes by our own conduct and behavior. So don’t be so outraged when you are caught in a stereotype web that you weaved yourself.
Others took full advantage by price gouging which is the worst example of taking unfair advantage, by jacking up prices on everything during emergency situations. Cases of bottled water were sold for $99.00. For this writer, price gouging during emergencies is the most hideous kind of crime and should result in the worst kind of punishment with no mercy. The same should be for looters who make bad situations worse. That is not supposed to be how it works.
A tip of the beret to Jet Blue Airlines that made flights available to get out of the area to any destination for $99.00. This was a very honorable decision that actually helps victims of this calamity. To our knowledge they are the only airline to do this. May God richly bless people with a kind heart who put others first.
Blacks Demand Cecil Rhodes Statue be Demolished at Oxford
Blacks have again disgraced themselves with this latest demand to demolish the statue of Cecil Rhodes, the founder of Oxford University, the most prestigious university in the world. Mr. Rhodes died over a century ago.
Some black students are there under scholarships. Going through Oxford is the ultimate accomplishment. Yet, these black students have chosen to squander their time there by engaging in identity politics rather than taking advantage of the education available in this prestigious university.
Any black, no matter how low their IQ, squeals and yells when they are refused a scholarship that they do not merit, accusing Oxford of Racism. Only a few receive scholarships.
One who did, Ntokozo Qwabe, who is only in Oxford as a beneficiary of a Rhodes scholarship, has boasted about the need for “socially conscious black students” to dominate white universities, and do so ruthlessly and decisively! These blacks use racial politics and cheap guilt-tripping to ruin the life and fabric of a beloved university.
The black students there have this ludicrous notion that a bronze statue of Cecil Rhodes should be removed from Oriel College because…”it’s symbolic of “institutional racism” and “white slavery”. Nonsense! The headline of the Daily Telegraph was: “Oxford will not rewrite history.”
Oxford Historian RW Johnson stated to the black students: “What you are trying go do here is no different from what ISIS and the Al-Queda have been doing to artifacts in places like Mali and Syria. You are murdering history.”
It is not whites undermining blacks. It is blacks undermining themselves. I do not want to hear the words, ‘white man’ or ‘white privilege’ or ‘black man’ again. We are all people. And we are all of one race….the human race. Please people–Wake Up!
So far we have,142 thousand-009 signatures. We should get a million. If you do not sign it you will have no right to complain when Soros meets his goal of turning America into a 3rd world Communist nation with the United States made a part of the New World Order.
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