Conviction and Repentance
By Pastor Glynn Adams
February 2, 2025
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” (2 Timothy 3:16 KJV)
Something horrible is happening in our churches and only the people can put a stop to it. We are attempting to grow churches but we are neglecting the Word of God and not following the pattern for Christianity that God has ordained in His Word. Today, our lying pastors are leading us into futility. These lying and deceived positive ear tickling pastors are preaching “another Jesus” lying to us that we don’t have to deal with sin in our lives. The cross that Jesus Christ died on is all about sin and the cleansing power of His blood. God has a divine order and it is becoming evident that these pastor’s deviation from God’s order is producing dead religion and not the vibrant, abundant life that we are to experience through the completed work of Christ.
These lying pastors have no moral authority to grow churches by their worldly information that flows from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. John 16:8 says the first ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of every man and women in Christ is the Spirit will reprove the world of sin. If the spirit someone is dealing with does not start with the truth of humanity’s sin nature, then our pastors are communing with darkness and “another Jesus.” The first words Jesus said when He started His ministry on this earth are: “Repent; for the Kingdom of God is at hand.” (Matthew 4:16-17) He revealed that we are sitting in darkness and we must repent of our sins. Hear me now: A gospel without a clear biblical definition of sin, a call to repentance, and fully trusting in the completed work of Christ is “another gospel.”
Without the Word of God serving as a reflection of the sin in our lives, our altars in our churches will remain cold and that is why the church altar is collecting dust and not the repentance of sinful Christians. It is the preaching of the Word of God and the stirring of conviction by the Holy Spirit and the cry of repentance in the hearts of the Christian that calls the fire of God to fall upon our altars. The strange fires of humanism, communism, or any other philosophy drawn from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil are working in our nation and many of our churches because our altars are cold and without any fire. As Charles G. Finney said years ago when America had preachers who preached on sin, “Just as in the case of a converted sinner, the first step is a deep repentance, a breaking down of the heart, a getting down into the dust before God, with deep humility, and the forsaking of sin.”
The further that we stray from the model represented in the words of Finney, the weaker the church in America becomes. Too many of our false and lying pastors have developed a culture in our churches that avoid unpleasant feelings at any cost, and true biblical repentance has become a rarity within our Laodicean/Babylonian mindsets. Like Christian in the Pilgrim’s Progress, we will never seek to flee from the City of Destruction or discover the power of the cross, until we experience the burden of sin in our lives. Conviction is uncomfortable. In fact, conviction is supposed to become unbearable. Not only are our lying and false pastors to blame for this spiritual mess we are in, but modern Evangelicalism is simply too quick to provide an emotional release from the power of conviction before it can fulfill the real purpose in that person’s life. When you interrupt a person’s conviction of sin by having them pray a short prayer without counting the cost and no repentance, then you have a false gospel that does not change a sinner. Only when the realization of sin in our lives becomes unbearable do we seek Someone to bear it for us. It is at this near breaking point that real surrender to Messiah occurs.
I went to a Baptist Seminary, Bible School, and College for seven years and most of what I was taught was how to grow a church and to babysit Christians. Because I did not know the Word of God, I have as a Christian lived in the flesh, neglected prayer and the Word of God, loved this world, lived as a carnal and backsliding Christian, and no repentance. Those days were the most miserable days of my life and for those around me. But one day the Holy Spirit convicted me of my lifestyle and sin, and I repented, began the process of dying to my flesh and my life has changed forever.
My journey through the wilderness testing and the Word of God has taught me the things of God for living in the Kingdom of God. I still have a way to go but thanks to the Holy Spirit and great pastors who write great books that equip the Body, I am learning the Ways of God and at 86, I am having the best spiritual days of my life. Today, when the Holy Spirit convicts me of sin, I immediately in humility, confess my sin, repent and God restores me. 1 John, Chapter 1 says if we say we have no sin we call God a liar. Paul says in Romans 3:23, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” In Christianity we don’t hide sin or act like it’s not there; we deal with sin!!! When you read the Word of God and it tells you to do something and you are not doing it, that is sin.
Only the true born-again Christians can stop this madness going on in our churches. Only God- fearing Christians can put a stop to these false pastors that are leading us into futility and judgment. We have been lied to long enough. We have lost the presence of God and our false pastors are creating their own “temples” to bring God down in their own terms and in their own names. This is bringing grave consequences of judgment to the American Church and to our nation.
We must get back to self-judgment and repentance through the reading and obedience to the Word of God and the Holy Spirit that we are expected to exercise when we sin. As Paul said, “For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.” (1 Corinthians 11:11) Either the old sinful nature is entirely consumed by the fire of God now, or the individual will burn in the judgment fire of hell forever!!!!!
You know I love you because I tell you the truth!!! I hope this article helps your fear of God!!! God bless, I remain His servant and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks to Dr. Michael Lake, J. Daniel Hays, and Dr. David M Levy for their books on the Tabernacle of God and their commentary on Scripture. Without their expertise and clarity of Scripture, this article would not be possible)
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