‘Cornerstone’ One Mega Church Waking Up and Hopefully Many More!!!
By Pastor Glynn Adams
August 18, 2024
For the past several weeks, the only church news I have received is the three huge mega-churches here in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and the moral failure of their pastors. It’s all over the internet, podcasts, talk radio, You-Tube, on and on without end. But I have some good news, I know of a church here in Texas that is waking up and speaking out against what is going on in our culture and the Marxists takeover of this nation. I will name this church and their pastors at the end of this article.
This church here in Texas that is waking up is great news to me because many have been screaming for our pastors and churches in America to wake up. The message is finally going out that we are very close to losing this nation and the only chance we have is we must wake up to prevent this. To remain silent means the Marxists and their New World Order demonic elites will destroy America.
“Now, I say this not because I’ve had a dream or vision about it. Rather, I have simply read and studied the Word of God and I have discerned from the Scriptures that God is dealing with America in the same way He’s dealt with all nations who have forsaken him. We must understand the Lord’s dealings with the nations because God never changes; He will always move according to His eternal purposes.
If you study the Word of God, throughout the Scriptures you will discover that God has a pattern for nations and people who turn away from Him. God will send them warnings through His prophets. If the people don’t respond, God will often send violent storms and drastic weather changes and plagues to wake them up. And if that doesn’t work, God will send them one final message – He will inundate them with prosperity. It will be the last great mercy call!!!
In most cases, the people will despise God’s blessings and goodness, turning to indulgence. And when that happens, judgment quickly follows. Paul writes, “.Despisest thou the riches of His goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God, who will render to every man according to his deeds.” (Romans 2:4-6)’ (“America’s Last Call” David Wilkerson)
Day after day, our prosperity here in America grows. Yet we have not humbled ourselves. We’re storing up God’s wrath against us and soon He will pour it out!!! You only have to look south to Venezuela who has untold wealth in oil and minerals but the judgment of God has come upon them. Will America be next? I can assure you that if we don’t repent and change our wicked and disobedient ways, we shall surely be judged by God. “To him who has been given much, much the more is required of him.”
Pastor John Hagee’s sermon to ‘Save America’ August 11, 2024 – starts at 50.00 min.
Many Christians believe our nation is immune to such judgment due to the large number of praying believers. Many pray 2 Chronicles 7:14. I thank God for that promise but where is the evidence that America has repented? We haven’t humbled ourselves or turned from our wicked ways – no matter how many Christians have prayed. Folks, read the remaining verses in 2 Chronicles 7, especially verse 19, “But if you turn away and forsake My statutes and My commandments which I have set before you and shall go and serve other gods and worship them, then I will uproot you from this house which I have consecrated and I will make it a proverb and a byword among all peoples.” The Lord is saying, “If you refuse to repent, the result will be calamity”!!!
This article today is not for those who are religious and who want to claim they are a follower of Jesus but their heart is far from Him. We are in the days of the great falling away from Jesus and no one has counted that cost. Another thing is in play today because God has not forgotten those pastors and church-goers who have allowed evil to capture this nation and have not taken responsibility to resist evil in this nation and have refused to repent of their sin. Today Satan rules over us and not God. We have become a habitation of demons and the return of the gods of Babylon and Egypt – Baal, Ishtar, and Molock have moved into America in the sixties because of the vacuum our disobedience has left!!!
Pastor John Hagee’s sermon to ‘Save America’ August 18, 2024 – starts at 41.00 min. Part 2
But it is worse than that. America was once a Christian nation that followed Christ. But over many years, the church of Jesus Christ has refused to maintain God in this nation. We stop making disciples of Christ and made ineffective disciples of our religious systems, and refused to resist the evil that was appearing in our culture and nation. This has caused us much harm!!!
Jesus told a parable in Matthew 12:43-44, “Now when the unclean spirit goes out of a man, it passes through waterless places, seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came’ and when it comes, it finds it unoccupied, swept, and put in order. Then it goes and takes along with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself and they go in and live there and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first. That is the way it will be with this evil generation.”
Pastor Matt Hagee’s message on how to ‘Save America’ and the role of the church, August 25, 2024 – starts at 1hr. 34 min. Must watch
So how could the spirits and gods return to Western civilization, especially America? There is only one way — if that civilization should ever turn away from God, from His Word, from the gospel, from Christianity, from Jesus. If it should do so, then that which drove out the spirits will no longer be present to protect it against their return. And the civilization that had been delivered of the spirits will become repossessed by them. The gods will return and will be seven times more wicked!!!
That is what has happened in America. “We do not war against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” This is what we now have in America but seven times more wicked. Evidence abounds that the Dark Trinity has moved into America sometime in the sixties: Baal, Ishtar, and Molech.
Also in the sixties, Saul Alinsky and the Frankfurt School marched through our institutions, keeping all this in secret until the Marxists leaders were firmly in place in our institutions. The Dark Trinity would move into the lives of humans and influence them and they had no idea who they were until it changed their behavior. You know Marxism is near by the speech and behavior of the people. I did not find out about any of this until we fought them in the 80s.
“Baal is the embodiment of paganism. A god that turns a nation away from God. Baal is the anti-God, the other god, the substitute god instead of God. Baal is the bull god. One has only to look to Wall Street and their bull sign. Ever heard of a “bull market” from Wall Street? And it was no accident that as America began driving God out of its life, culture, churches, schools, and government, it began opening itself up to other demonic entities.” (“Return of the Gods” Jonathan Cahn)
“’Ishtar is the goddess of sexuality. She is the breaker of rules, the trespasser of boundaries, and the transgressor of standards and conventions. She is the goddess of prostitution. Her worship was saturated with carnality, sensuality, and open sexuality.” (“Return of the Gods” Johathan Cahn) Folks, do you remember America in the early sixties with the free sex and also at this time the women’s liberation movement to get the women out of the home which was the beginning of divorce – the destruction of marriage and the family in America?
“Molech is associated with the darkest of sins –the sacrifice of human beings and in particular, the sacrifice of children. It was the Christian faith and the biblical valuing of human life that brought protection to young and unborn children and the definitive end of their large-scale murder.” (“Return of the Gods” Jonathan Cahn) But today in America our children are not safe from abortion and kidnapping.
Our pastors must wakeup and they must feel the heat from the people for failure to warn them of what is happening in our culture and teach us how to resist this enemy in our cities and nation. Pastors have remained silent long enough and has not warned the people of the impending danger of these demon entities.
Our pastors and churches have no creditability or influence in our culture or nation. We have forgotten God and there is no sufficient repentance in America. We just can’t see how our disobedience and how much evil we have allowed to come into this nation!!! We must dog these pastors until they start warning the people what is going on in the culture.
God promised to preserve America only if we will turn from our evil ways. He promised to change His mind and hold back judgment. Yet nothing is clearer in all the Word of God than His threat against a corrupt nation to ‘scatter that nation as with an east wind before the enemy; and I will show them My back, and not My face, in the day of their downfall” (Jeremiah 18:17) I think we are seeing God turn His back on this nation. We simply will not repent and obey the Lord in the area of resisting the evil overtaking our nation and our pastors are silent and asleep and we must wake them up!!! We must learn how to confront those who are exalting themselves against the Word of God rather than ignoring them.
Don’t listen to the prophets of peace and prosperity. They are deceived. They have not heard the true Word of God. They are not of the spirit of Elijah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Jeremiah. They have not been weeping and travailing over the sins of the nation and God’s people!!! We are in big, big spiritual trouble in this nation and few realize it.
I might add this – Everyone should vote for the candidate they feel is best for this nation but realize Donald Trump by himself cannot fix America. He can help by providing some safety to the Body of Christ but only God can fix America with the obedience of His Body. Unless we repent and quickly and start confronting these pastors and learn how to resist this Marxists evil, a strong judgment of God is coming upon our nation.
Now for the church in Texas that is waking up. The name of the church is CORNERSTONE CHURCH in San Antonio, Texas. The pastors are John Hagee and his son Matt Hagee. The church address is P. O. Box 1400, San Antonio, Texas 78295, Email: jhm.org and their phone number is 1-800-854-9899 The church is on You Tube Sunday at 8:30 am CST. Contact Cornerstone Church. It would be nice if some of you would send them a kind word of praise and encourage and thank them for being awake and for preaching the truth of God’s Word!!! God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams
© 2024 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Glynn Adams: glynnadams@sbcglobal.net