By Lex Greene

December 28, 2023

We have to face the reality that our government, through satanic Hollyweird, the government-controlled news media, social media, academia, and the worst K thru 12 education system anywhere in the developed world, has managed to cause a total disconnect from reality in their deaf and blind loyalists.

And…All true Americans will be forced to deal with it in 2024…by whatever necessary. Today’s democrats are as anti-American as George Soros, Klaus Schwab, BLM, ANTIFA, Bill Gates and the pro-Hamas terrorists in our streets.

No matter how peaceful and patient conservatives remain, democrats will continue to ratchet up their anti-American violence, theft, arson, and mob rule, eventually leaving Americans no choice but to confront their evil.

Today’s democrat voters have sunken to the bottom of the anti-American pit headed for hell. In truth, they have been Pavlov-trained driven to hell by their lying, cheating, criminal anti-American Party leaders. Unfortunately, they are so disconnected from reality now, that many of them are beyond reform or salvation.

I’ll talk about misled Republicans in another piece. Right now, America has a huge problem in the democrat voting bloc, including millions of illegal votes in their ranks. If real Americans are not ready to deal with this, our Constitutional Republic may gasp its last breath long before the November 2024 elections.

Nothing current democrat voters believe is true…

  • They believe there’s more than two human genders…There is not.
  • They believe in the Climate Change hoax, despite science proving that there hasn’t been any abnormal climate change on earth since the Ice Age.
  • They believe that socialism and communism are better than freedom and liberty.
  • They believe that Trump is a criminal despite every attempt to charge him having resulted in acquittal after acquittal.
  • They believe that false accusations are enough to convict someone without a trial or judicial conviction.
  • They believe that Trump was involved in “Russian Collusion” despite all evidence proving it was the Clinton Campaign and DNC who was caught colluding with numerous foreign enemies in an effort to take down Trump.
  • They believe “nobody supports Trump” despite knowing that Trump leads the GOP primary field by 50-points or more, at 69% in GOP polls and gaining ground with democrats and independents.
  • They believe that women have a “constitutionally protected Right” to murder their own children in the womb, despite a fundamental Right to Life in our Founding documents.
  • They believe Biden won the 2020 elections despite Biden not even campaigning, and Trump receiving 11-million more votes in 2020 than he won with in 2016.
  • They believe America is a “democracy” when the Constitution guarantees every Citizen and State “a republican form of government.” They don’t even know the critical difference between the two.
  • They support known global terrorists like Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and the #1 terror sponsor state Iran.
  • They believe they are entitled to the earnings, incomes, and assets of those who work hard to earn those things and they vote for candidate who will rob others to give to them.
  • They believe Biden is a great President, knowing he can’t complete an intelligible sentence or even read a teleprompter correctly. Kamala Harris is even worse.
  • They love Obama, even though it’s foreign agent Obama who doubled the national debt in eight years, divided our country beyond repair, and set our country on the path to extinction.
  • They believe that illegal invaders should have a Right to vote if that’s what it takes to win elections and get more taxpayer-funded gifts from the treasury.
  • They believe that lying and cheating, even political persecution is an acceptable means to an end.
  • They believe J6 was an “insurrection” despite the FBI Investigation concluding that there is no evidence of an “insurrection” on that day.
  • They believe Trump is guilty based on false accusations alone, instead of innocent until proven guilty, no matter how many times Trump is charged and acquitted.
  • They believe they have a right to riot, loot, burn cities and murder to get what they want, that which they lack the decency and courage to EARN.
  • And they also believe that it’s right for government to be weaponized against all political opponents, without realizing that those weapons will take them down too in the end.

I could keep going for a few pages here, but this should be enough for any sane person to conclude that the future of our country is not safe in the hands of people who have quite clearly…lost their minds.

Democrat voters have been so dumbed down and drugged up that they now represent a serious threat to the future of freedom, liberty, real justice, peace, and tranquility. Our country is doomed to extinction in their hands.

If this truth offends you, then the shoe must fit, and you should kick yourself with it!

Today’s democrat voters are the most immoral, unethical, ignorant, lying, cheating scumbags in our country. Our country would be far safer and happier without any of them!

As for you so-called “independents” who lack the courage or good sense to take a side in the fight for the future of this country, shame on you! You people act like there’s such a thing as perfect candidates in a world full of nothing but imperfect people. Grow up…realize that as long as you sit on that fence, your future is doomed along with everyone elses. You’ll get no award for helping to destroy this country by simply refusing to work with others to prevent it.

America is in very deep trouble now, thanks to many who have chosen Satan’s path, and those who have refused to work with others to save this nation.

Everything on the list above is true and we all know it. We cannot continue to “go-along to get-along” because at the end of that road is total collapse of a once great nation and people. Modern Marxist democrats have become entirely intolerable.

There are some fights in this world where the odds do not matter. Some fights have to be made no matter the odds, because it’s the right thing to do and the future of our way of life will depend upon it.

On December 25, 2023, millions of Americans celebrated Christmas almost as if everything is normal, when nothing is normal or even safe right now.

But on December 25, 1776, General George Washington crossed the Delaware in freezing temperatures without even shoes on their feet, to free this country from a tyrannical rule that was nowhere near as bad as the tyranny coming from our own government today.

It’s going to require that level of commitment from every American to free this country from government tyranny again, in 2024.

If We the People are not up to this challenge, even God will not save this nation! Believe it…because God isn’t a dictator, he gave free will and works through his people here on earth. God is in “total control,” but what God chose to do with his control, is put each of us in control of our own destiny and that of this blessed country.

WE are God’s stewards responsible for what happens in this country. We all have a duty, the same as our forefathers. God will provide for our victory if we stand together to fight evil. If God was going to do it alone, he would not have needed Moses or Noah.

Let’s get busy!

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