- Unbelievable Statements by Public Officials, 12-28-15
- "The Plan" Proceeds on Schedule, 12-14-15
- Why San Bernardino?, 12-4-15
- How to Destroy America, 11-30-15
- Transpacific Partnership, 11-16-15
- Common Core, Part 11, 11-1-15
- Common Core, Part 10, 10-19-15
- Are There Any Christians Left?, Part 2, 9-28-15
- Are There Any Christians Left?, Part 1, 8-10-15
- Common Core, Part 9, 7-27-15
- Common Core, Part 8, 6-8-15
- Common Core, Part 7, 5-25-15
- Common Core, Part 6, 5-11-15
- Common Core, Part 5, 4-28-15
- Common Core, Part 4, 4-13-15
- Common Core, Part 3, 3-30-15
- Common Core, Part 2, 3-16-15
- Common Core, Part 1, 3-2-15
- Conspiracy, Part 24, 2-16-15
- Deflate-Gate, 2-2-15
- Conspiracy, Part 23, 1-19-15
- Conspiracy, Part 22, 1-5-15
- Conspiracy, Part 21, 12-22-14
- Conspiracy, Part 20, 12-8-14
- Conspiracy, Part 19, 11-24-14
- Conspiracy, Part 18, 11-10-14
- Conspiracy, Part 17, 10-27-14
- Conspiracy, Part 16, 10-13-14
- Conspiracy, Part 15, 9-29-14
- Suspicious About Baghdadi, 9-15-14
- Conspiracy, Part 14, 9-1-14
- Conspiracy, Part 13, 8-18-14
- Conspiracy, Part 12, 8-4-14
- Conspiracy, Part 11, 7-22-14
- Conspiracy, Part 10, 7-7-14
- Conspiracy, Part 9, 6-23-14
- Conspiracy, Part 8, 6-9-14
- Conspiracy, Part 7, 5-26-14
- Conspiracy, Part 6, 5-12-14
- Conspiracy, Part 5, 4-28-14
- Conspiracy, Part 4, 4-14-14
- Conspiracy, Part 3, 3-31-14
- Conspiracy, Part 2, 3-17-14
- Conspiracy, Part 1, 3-3-14
- Planned Incompetence, Part 3, 2-17-14
- Planned Incompetence, Part 2, 2-3-14
- Planned Incompetence, Part 1, 1-20-14
- Secularism, Federalism, Interdependence and the New World Order, Part 5, 1-6-14
- Secularism, Federalism, Interdependence and the New World Order, Part 4, 12-23-13
- Secularism, Federalism, Interdependence and the New World Order, Part 3, 12-9-13
- Secularism, Federalism, Interdependence and the New World Order, Part 2, 11-25-13
- Secularism, Federalism, Interdependence and the New World Order, Part 1, 11-11-13
- The Manipulation of Americans, 10-28-13
- Hypocrisy and Contradictions in American Society Today, 10-14-13
- America: Founded on Judeo-Christian or Economic Principles?, 9-30-13
- The Rockefellers: Nazis or Communists? Part 2, 9-16-13
- The Rockefellers: Nazis or Communists? Part 1, 9-2-13
- Multinational Corporations and the Loss of Sovereignty, Part 2, 8-19-13
- Multinational Corporations and the Loss of Sovereignty, Part 1, 8-5-13
- David Rockefeller and America's "Best Interests," 7-22-13
- The House of Orange, Part 2, 7-8-13
- The House of Orange, Part 1, 6-24-13
- Will Israel Attack Iran, Part 4, 6-10-13
- Will Israel Attack Iran, Part 3, 5-27-13
- Benghazi, 5-13-13
- Will Israel Attack Iran, Part 2, 4-29-13
- Will Israel Attack Iran, Part 1, 4-15-13
- Women are Smarter Than Men, Part 2, 4-1-13
- Women are Smarter Than Men, Part 1, 3-18-13
- The Importance of Hydration, 3-4-13
- Lincoln, Part 2, 2-18-13
- Lincoln, Part 1, 2-4-13
- Reflections on Current Events, 1-21-13
- The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood, Part 17, 1-7-13
- Post-2012 Election Reflections, 12-24-12
- The Psychological Conditioning of Americans, Part 2, 12-10-12
- The Election of 2012, Part 2, 11-26-12
- The Election of 2012, Part 1, 11-12-12
- The Psychological Conditioning of Americans, Part 1, 10-29-12
- The Power Elite's Use of Misdirection, Part 2, 10-1-12
- The Power Elite's Use of Misdirection, Part 1, 10-1-12
- The Knights Templar, 9-17-12
- The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood, Part 16, 9-3-12
- The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood, Part 15, 8-20-12
- The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood, Part 14, 8-6-12
- The Power Elite’s Historical Outline, Part 4, 7-23-12
- The Power Elite’s Historical Outline, Part 3, 7-9-12
- The Power Elite’s Historical Outline, Part 2, 6-25-12
- The Power Elite’s Historical Outline, Part 1, 6-11-12
- The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood, Part 13, 5-28-12
- The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood, Part 12, 5-14-12
- Oklahoma City Bombing Anniversary, Part 2, 4-30-12
- Oklahoma City Bombing Anniversary, Part 1, 4-16-12
- The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood, Part 11, 4-2-12
- The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood, Part 10, 3-19-12
- The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood, Part 9, 3-5-12
- The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood, Part 8, 2-20-12
- The Disarmament of America, Part 3, 2-6-12
- The Disarmament of America, Part 2, 1-23-12
- The Disarmament of America, Part 1, 1-9-12
- A "Bold New World" and "Forces Too Powerful," Part 5, 12-26-11
- The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood, Part 7, 12-12-11
- The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood, Part 6, 11-28-11
- A "Bold New World" and "Forces Too Powerful," Part 4, 11-14-11
- A "Bold New World" and "Forces Too Powerful," Part 3, 10-31-11
- The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood, Part 5, 10-17-11
- A "Bold New World" and "Forces Too Powerful," Part 2, 10-3-11
- A "Bold New World" and "Forces Too Powerful," Part 1, 9-19-11
- Dropping the Ball 9-5-11
- The Absolute Power Game 8-22-11
- The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood, Part 4, 8-8-11
- The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood, Part 3, 7-25-11
- The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood, Part 2, 7-11-11
- The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood, Part 1, 6-27-11
- The “Ministry of Love”, 6-13-11
- Looming Economic Disaster, 5-30-11
- The Theory of Evolution, Part 2, 5-16-11
- The Theory of Evolution, Part 1, 5-2-11
- Abolish the U.S. Department of Education, 4-18-11
- Socialist Sunday Schools, 4-4-11
- Eugenics, Part 2, 3-21-11
- A Guinea Pig Remembers, 3-7-11
- The Illuminati, Part 9, 2-21-11
- The Illuminati, Part 8, 2-7-11
- The Illuminati, Part 7, 1-24-11
- The Illuminati, Part 6, 1-10-11
- The Illuminati, Part 5, 12-27-10
- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan, Part 22, 12-13-10
- The Illuminati, Part 4, 11-29-10
- The Illuminati, Part 3, 11-15-10
- The Illuminati, Part 2, 11-1-10
- The Illuminati, Part 1, 10-18-10
- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan, Part 21, 10-4-10
- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan, Part 20, 9-20-10
- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan, Part 19, 9-6-10
- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan, Part 18, 8-23-10
- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan, Part 17, 8-9-10
- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan, Part 16, 7-26-10
- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan, Part 15, 7-12-10
- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan, Part 14, 6-28-10
- Statue of Liberty: Part 4, 6-14-10
- Statue of Liberty: Part 3, 5-31-10
- Statue of Liberty: Part 2, 5-17-10
- Statue of Liberty: Part 1, 5-3-10
- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan, Part 13, 4-19-10
- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan, Part 12, 4-5-10
- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan, Part 11, 3-22-10
- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan, Part 10, 3-8-10
- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan, Part 9, 2-22-10
- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan, Part 8, 2-8-10
- Looking Backwards, Part 3, 1-25-10
- Looking Backwards, Part 2, 1-11-10
- Looking Backwards, Part 1, 12-28-09
- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan, Part 7, 12-14-09
- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan, Part 6, 11-30-09
- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan, Part 5, 11-16-09
- Ministers of Euthanasia Part 3, 11-2-09
- Ministers of Euthanasia Part 2, 10-19-09
- Ministers of Euthanasia Part 1, 10-5-09
- Obamacare?, 9-21-09
- 9/11 Eighth Anniversary, 9-7-09
- A Falling Away, Part 2, 8-22-09
- A Falling Away, Part 1, 8-10-09
- Conditioning by Music, Part 2, 7-27-09
- Conditioning by Music, Part 1, 7-13-09
- The Occultic Wizard of OZ, 6-29-09
- The Racism and Anti-Liberalism of Abortion 6-15-09
- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan, Part 4, 6-1-09
- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan, Part 3, 5-18-09
- What is the Role of Iran? Part 5, 5-4-09
- What is the Role of Iran? Part 4, 4-20-09
- What is the Role of Iran? Part 3, 4-6-09
- Obama and the New Age 3-13-09
- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan, Part 2, 3-9-09
- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan, Part 1, 2-23-09
- The Rockefeller Plan, Part 5, 2-9-09
- The Rockefeller Plan, Part 4, 1-26-09
- The Rockefeller Plan, Part 3, 1-12-09
- If War Had Not Come in Fierce and Exaggerated Form 12-29-08
- The Rockefeller Plan, Part 2, 12-15-08
- The Rockefeller Plan, Part 1, 12-1-08
- Acts 10:34 and Cognitive Dissonance 11-17-08
- Eugenics 11-3-08
- The People's Republic of America 10-20-08
- Rush Limbaugh 10-6-08
- Threats Used For Coercive Compliance 9-22-08
- Educational Problems & Solutions 9-8-08
- The Management Plan, Part 2, 8-25-08
- The Management Plan, Part 1, 8-11-08
- Obama, McCain: Tweedledum(b) Tweedledum(ber) 7-28-08
- How Did They Know? 7-14-08
- Think you have a choice? 6-30-08
- Government and Press/Media Cover-Ups 6-16-08
- The Global Economy and School-To-Work 6-2-08
- Foundations and A Close Look at Ford, Part 3, 5-5-08
- Foundations and A Close Look at Ford, Part 2, 5-5-08
- Foundations and A Close Look at Ford, Part 1, 4-21-08
- Transformation by Crises and Syntheses 4-7-08
- Back to the 1930s "Papiere, Bitte" 3-24-08
- You Will Come to Love Big Brother 3-10-08
- Geo-Politics, Economics, and Globalization 2-25-08
- Tavistock 2-11-08
- The Power Elite's Use of Wars and Crises 1-28-08
- The National Education Association 1-14-08
- Iraq, Iran and Pakistan 12-31-07
- The North American Union & The Larger Plan 12-17-07
- And The Word Was Made Flesh 12-10-07
- What The Power Elite Uses 11-26-07
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 36, 11-19-07
- American's New Religion 11-5-07
- Court-Ordered Busing Has Failed 10-22-07
- "Corruption" in Athletics 10-15-07
- North American Union & Global Integration 10-1-07
- Competition in America? 9-17-07
- 9/11 Anniversary, Pakistan and Iraq 9-3-07
- Politics and Religion 8-20-07
- Do Americans Care About an Atlantic Union? 8-6-07
- Javier Solana and the Larger Plan 7-23-07
- Why Should God Bless America? 7-16-07
- The Power Elite’s Planned Dialectical "Crisis" 7-2-07
- Christian Principles 6-25-07
- Mental Health, Education & Social Control, Part 35, 5-28-07
- Mental Health, Education & Social Control, Part 34, 5-21-07
- The Power Elite's Use of War and Debt 4-30-07
- Downplaying Activities That Dictate Certain Geopolitical Goals 4-23-07
- TFN's Political Agenda 4-16-07
- Marc Tucker's "NEW" education plan 4-9-07
- The Iraq war, oil, and world government 3-26-07
- New edition of the BLP's textbook still has problems 3-19-07
- Wake-Up Call 3-6-07
- Communitarians & others connected to the BLP 2-18-07
- Economic Coercion 2-12-07
- Planned Slavery 2-5-07
- What are we doing in Iraq?, Part 2, 1-29-07
- What are we doing in Iraq?, Part 1, 1-15-07
- The power elite's conspiracy against America 1-8-07
- Dialectics, Rockefellers, and population control, Part 4, 1-1-07
- Yes, Virginia, There is a God! 12-18-06
- Dialectics, Rockefellers, and population control, Part 3, 12-4-06
- Dialectics, Rockefellers, and population control, Part 2, 12-4-06
- Dialectics, Rockefellers, and population control, Part 1, 11-27-06
- Democrats, Iraq and 2008 11-20-06
- Religion and World Government, Part 4, 11-13-06
- Religion and World Government, Part 3, 11-6-06
- Religion and World Government, Part 2, 10-30-06
- Religion and World Government, Part 1, 10-23-06
- The Media and 9-11 10-5-06
- The "Robbing Hood" & Other Power Elite Principles 9-25-06
- Javier Solana and The End Times 9-6-06
- Mental Health, Education & Social Control, Part 33, 8-21-06
- Security & Prosperity Partnership Background 8-7-06
- Our Feudal Future 7-24-06
- Caution: The Dialectic Process at Work, Part 2, 7-17-06
- Caution: The Dialectic Process at Work, Part 1, 7-3-06
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 32, 6-26-06
- Global Integration 6-12-06
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 31, 5-15-06
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 30, 5-15-06
- It Shouldn't Have Happened, But it Did! 5-8-06
- Suckernomics 4-24-06
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 29, 4-17-05
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 28, 4-10-05
- Order Out Of Chaos 3-27-06
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 27, 3-20-06
- What is The Role of Iran?, Part 2, 2-27-06
- What is The Role of Iran?, Part 1, 2-27-06
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 26, 2-20-06
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 25, 2-6-06
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 24, 1-23-06
- Will You Live Under "The Earth Charter"? 1-11-06
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 23, 1-2-06
- President Bush's Speech on Iraq 12-23-95
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 22, 12-5-05
- The Debate Over Iraq 11-21-05
- The Holy Bible in Public Schools 11-14-05
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 21, 11-8-05
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 20, 10-31-05
- New "ABLE Danger" Information 10-24-05
- The ABLE Danger Hearing That Was Not 10-10-05
- Failure to Plan? - Part 2, 10-3-05
- Able Danger Hearings Begin 9-26-05
- Failure to Plan? Part 1, 9-19-05
- 9-11 Fourth Anniversary 9-5-05
- Project "Able Danger" 8-23-05
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 19, 8-8-05
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 18, 8-1-05
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 17, 7-25-05
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 16, 7-11-05
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 15, 6-30-05
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 14, 6-20-05
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 13, 5-31-05
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 12, 5-16-05
- "Babylon is Fallen, is Fallen, That Great City" 5-5-05
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 11, 5-2-05
- "Lord of The World" 4-20-05
- The Alethea Report 4-7-05
- Americas' New "God" 3-30-05
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 10, 3-25-05
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 9, 3-13-05
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 8, 2-22-05
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 7, 2-8-05
- Overly Optimistic View of Iraqi Voting 2-4-05
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 6, 1-24-04
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 5, 12-15-04
- Richard Armitage And The ISI 11-30-04
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 4, 10-7-04
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 3, 9-23-04
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 2, 9-12-04
- Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 1, 8-28-04
- Mental Health and World Citizenship 8-11-04
- It Might Just as Well be Sept. 10, 2001 8-5-04
- American Hypocrisy 7-8-04
- The Leipzig School 6-25-04
- Sept. 11 Probe Must Consider Flawed Air Defenses 6-15-04
- Waiting For Brahimi? 5-27-04
- Defend Our National Sovereignty 5-5-04
- Leaders Missing Root of Latest Iraq Problems 4-21-04
- Where's The Accountability For Sept. 11? 4-14-04
- Why Was Money Taken From Foreign POW's? 4-2-04
- Sept. 11: Hold Government Accountable 3-28-04
- Handicapping The Race For The White House 3-24-04
- The Power Elite Exposed 3-16-04
- From World Citizenship to World Government 3-10-04
- Powerful Political Forces Always at War 3-5-04
- Economic Assault on African-Americans And Others in the US 2-7-04
- Why The 28-Page Gap? 7-29-03
- Expanded Addendum to Cover-Up, Government Spin or Truth? 4-26-03
- Global Ethics and World Government 6-15-02
- The Indiana Connection 4-29-02