by Lex Greene
February 2, 2024
To fully grasp the reality of the current assault on national sovereignty and security, in the USA and all sovereign countries around the world, you must study Chairman Mao’s Cultural Revolution. What the global cabal is doing to every sovereign country today is taken directly from Mao’s Cultural Revolution playbook.
The cultural revolution in the USA has been underway for decades now, in our public education system, the fake news media, social media, the entertainment industry, churches, and especially in the college lecture halls. Success of the global Marxist revolution underway is entirely dependent upon two factors…
- Mass indoctrination via tightly censored public information access
- Cultural divisions by every means available, political partisanship, race, creed, religion, ethnicity, economic envy, personality politics, cancel culture, gender identity wars, on and on and on…
Of course, in both cases, these two critical tools of the coup d’état trade are dependent upon an ignorant electorate, dumbed-down and drugged-up voting blocs, Pavlov trained to vote their self-interests at every opportunity. In order to utterly destroy a free people from within, you must pit citizen against citizen, divide the population, cause endless chaos, create perceptions of grave threats, and scare citizens into silence, which is then interpreted as your consent.
In 2008, a nobody from nowhere with a totally blank history and resume’ seized control of the Democrat Party and the Oval Office, with an open promise to “fundamentally transform America” into something it was never intended to be, Barack Hussein Obama. It’s the only true words he ever spoke…
The next eight years, 2008-2016, had proven to be the most destructive years in American history, until 2021. Voters had already been dumbed-down enough to vote for a person with no authenticated past, and no past executive experience, who didn’t even show up for his brief time in the Senate, on the basis of “electing the first black President” despite knowing that he isn’t black.
The utter disaster and chaos we see everywhere today is a direct result of the 2008 election cycle, when a global Marxist con man seized the Oval Office and set out to “fundamentally transform America.” Obama also promised to create his own “civilian army,” known today as Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA, street mercenaries called to action via free Obama phones. How did you think Hamas supporters were able to hit the streets with pre-printed pro-Hamas shirts, posters, and flags in less than 24-hours after the 10/7/23 Hamas attacks on Israel? It’s all at the direction of the master community organizer!
On November 3, 2020, Barack Hussein Obama was essentially elected (via massive illegal election procedures) to a 3rd term, under the guise of a Biden-Harris administration. Only a fool believes that Biden or Harris has the mental ability to run a summer lemonade stand. Obama runs the Biden Administration and every awake thinking person in the world knows it. Only the totally mindless blind loyal Marxists still supporting O’Biden, fail to grasp this reality.
Despite knowing that the 2020 elections were rotten with illegal “Covid” election procedures in every state, State officials and members of Congress on both sides of the aisle confirmed the unlawful election of Joe Biden as President on January 6, 2021, and Obama returned to the White House on January 20, 2021. The entire Biden staff are all former Obama staffers.
Since then, the nation has been systematically divided more than ever before in history as Obama’s Biden Administration completed the process of weaponizing all federal branches and agencies against the American people.
Face it, they have succeeded in taking your country and freedom from you in broad daylight. They divided you and conquered you already, and that’s why millions of Americans have lost hope for their future and why young people look ahead and see no future for themselves. It’s why the final death blow to the USA will be the flooding of millions of foreign military age males spread all across the country, to replace you.
They have no intention of ever closing our borders. You’re watching them totally erase all national borders, as they work around the clock to meld the USA into the global commune where “you will own nothing and be happy.” O’Biden’s so-called “immigration reform” is nothing more than an attempt to legalize all illegal entry to our country and grant every illegal invader citizenship and voting rights. They have pre-labeled everyone opposed, a “racist” and “bigot.”
While Americans are busy fighting each other over nonsense, the people in power who caused the divisions with great purpose, have already seized your country. That’s why we see the Supreme Court rule that Texas has no Right to protect its territory or citizens from foreign invasion, death, and destruction.
You allowed them to divide you, and the minute you did that, you lost!
Of course, every problem on earth has a solution. The solution for division is unity, and that’s why they have taken unprecedented measures to destroy the most unifying political figure in recent history, Trump. As you watch Trump continue to sweep the GOP nomination by wide margins in state after state, you must realize that like him or not, he continues to unify freedom-loving Americans from all voter demographics. This is why globalists are determined to destroy Trump!
Because “a house divided against itself cannot stand,” we cannot afford to remain a house divided.
No one can take America away from the American people. The people must surrender it.
2024 is the final hour…Americans will either rise united against all enemies, foreign and domestic, or they will lose their country forever, divided and conquered.
The time for choosing has arrived…
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