Do Nothing, Get Socialism – Is America Stupid!

Since I got involved in politics it has become more and more evident that the things that I said when I started 10 years ago are now a reality. To my wonderful supporters, I love you. You have given me such insight. Your research enabled to connect the dots (my specialty) and report what is happening, what you can look for, what to expect. We must understand the plan, if we’re going to do anything to “fix” America.  It’s America stupid, says it all.

Let’s face it, America is the top dog and as we know Dems, Globalists, Communists, etc. want to silence the dog. These people were taught in school by socialists and now believe America’s founding, constitution, Bill of Rights, values, economy are rooted in racism.

Globaliasts try to convince us that America is a democracy – America is a Constitutional Republic  These Globalists in both parties believe that Donald Trump and his supporters are EVIL, RACISTS and MUST be destroyed.

What are we actually facing? Let’s review:

  1. Goal:  One World Government with the United Nations or some other unelected communist group making the rules, laws and Rights.
  2. How:  Money, Power, Control
  3. Tools: Education, Media, Hollywood
  4. Propaganda:
  • Lies, lies and more lies – Example: the environment is the weapon of choice. If you scare the people enough, they will assist in control themselves by giving up things to save the planet – like plastic straws, or AOC’s latest scare about only 12 years left for earth as we know it. What do the lies do? Put straw manufacturers out of business eliminating competition/opposition while restricting peoples movement. The science is settled you can only say to someone who has NO understanding of science. The purpose of science is to find new frontiers, to explore, therefore science IS NEVER settled. [Link]
    1. Overpopulation: too many people to control.  The schools teach there is not enough food, water, resources to support 9Billion people. There is no G-d and what you feel today might not be acceptable tomorrow.  In a democracy the mob rules. LGBTQ and abortion are promoted as a means of population control.
    2. People dying are hardly noticed unless it fits their narrative.

America is at a breaking point that most people are not taking seriously.  This time in history will be considered the Tipping Point.  Will America take a left or right turn? As socialists become more vocal, we must call out restrictions and lies that are hammered constantly about any opposition.  Do the Covington School, Kavanaugh, Dossier scandals ring a bell?  We can look forward to more of these character assignation attacks because they are part of their plan? Character assignation is straight out of their plan, Alinksy’s “Rules for Radicals”.  If you haven’t read “Rules for Radicals” I suggest you do.  It is the blueprint Globalists follow.  If you want to take down the enemy, KNOW THEIR PLAN.

Make no mistake, over the edge lies, now called journalism, are designed to transform America.  When hats, chants and smiles become destructive we see first hand how unnerved the Globalists are. We the People will now be guilty of what George Orwell, 1984, called “facecrimes.” for making “wrong” facial expressions.  The only tool in their tool box is a hammer used to destroy opposition no matter what; for the ends justify the means. Lying is OK as Joy Behar said, “Because we’re desperate to get Trump out of office.”  By calling out Trump, she means the American middle class, his supporters.

Does America succeed or does the world become a one world government with a new world order?  Just listen to the “criminal” elite attending the Economic Summit in Davos, Switzerland who have gotten richer on climate change lies while the people are fooled into using less but pay and pay more.

According to them – they are “shaping the future”. As they shape the future, they are slowly using government to create policies to eliminate competition, free speech, private property, private businesses in order to enrich themselves.  I don’t want them shaping my future. Do you? [Link]

In Venezuela for example President Maduro is now a billionaire while his people get $8 a month for wages.

Make no mistake, they are NEW WORLD ORDER. Money, power control is all they are after. Plundering their own country is how they make it happen.  If they can’t kill opposition in the womb, they will use lies and manipulated statistics to control the rest of us.  Why?  Remember Depopulation is the main objective. 9 Billion are too many people to control.  Look at NYS.  Gov Cuomo is celebrating legalized murder by killing babies in the womb up to birth. In NYS you can’t kill a criminal for heinous crimes but you can kill an innocent baby?  If a heartbeat means life, what is a full term abortion of a baby with a beating heart? Is it not murder?  Lack of a science education ensures full term abortion.    From 1970-2016 over 46,151,640 human beings were murdered by abortion. Abortion, drugs, crime, murder, etc no biggie because they just decrease the population and perfectly fits into the current narrative of depopulation. Or maybe they are afraid that if the baby is adopted, the loving couple might be conservative, Christian or Jewish.

In America for the last 60 years these criminal elite think they are in control because we let them.  Look at the deBlazio election in NYC. 8.5% of the population elected Comrade deBlazio and now New Yorkers complain that homelessness, filth, murder and drugs are on the rise.  People are complaining.  Did they vote?  Americans without a civics education see no importance in voting.

We now allow non-government unelected bureaucrats to rule us. Perfect example is the US Chamber of Commerce, who demands through donations to legislators, to keep borders open because open borders are necessary to bring business cheap labor. Do they care about Americans or just what they can plunder from America? With America rich in talented people, land, natural resources plundering is their goal.  The America middle class is in their way so killing the middle class is on the menu.  Obama constantly talked about lifting people into the middle class.  Hello!!! Most of these people were in the middle class until you, our government, regulated them and their businesses to death, sent their jobs overseas just so you could plunder their homes and assets.  One of the biggest lies in 2008 was people bought homes they couldn’t afford.  NO people could afford their homes until YOU sent our jobs overseas.  (I was a mortgage broker and saw this first hand).

We have allowed these people to destroy the middle class (that’s us) by not correcting their lies.  We have allowed them to change the meanings of words to suit each group and when we don’t comply we allow them to call us racists. Remember when Donald Trump made one of his first speeches.  He said he wants to be President of ALL the people. All is an interesting word. It is inclusive of everyone. But because Trump did not say of Back people or Hispanic people etc he was called a racist. NO one corrected them. They were allowed to continue until today saying POTUS is a racist. Yet when you ask for an example, you get no answer.  When POTUS was asked about blacks and Hispanics etc, he said look at the job numbers they are the best they have been in decades. Not good enough since he did not name them by group.  The day I heard Jesse Jackson (sometime in the 1980’s) use the phrase African-American, Black American was the day I realize the division was well underway. America should be first: American Blacks, American Jews, American Hispanics, etc. Why?  If Americans knew their rights and freedoms, Americans would be the largest group of free people, impossible to divide.

The beauty of America is: You can get anything you want, if you work for it.  That is called equal opportunity.  We ALL have the opportunity to earn the income we want. All of us can make our own choices. The problem is when skills are not taught in all schools, some people have an edge over others.  If I teach skills in a White neighborhood, whites have an advantage. If I teach skills in a Black neighborhood Blacks will have the advantage. Get the picture. School is the perfect set up for divide and conquer. Divide and conquer has many names:  Tracking in school, Income inequality in finances, LGBTQ in culture, Identity Politics in the political arena.  Each one of these “tags” divides the populace and uses jealousy and victimization till now we do not talk to each other.  Mission accomplished. A country divided WILL FALL.

When I speak I am usually asked, “Karen, How did this happen?”  My answer is, “Look in the mirror.”  This one is on us. The insanity is, we know this is happening and we’re not doing anything because it’s easier to say: I’m old.  Who cares I’m not going to be around to see it happen. Who cares I am but one. I can’t make a difference. After all are we not the “Silent Majority”?  All I can tell you is you are buying into their plan, shut up and don’t make waves.  Is it not time to create our own plan?  Let POTUS and the HS students at Covington be our example.  You can’t win if you don’t play the game.

The question I always ask:  Is America worth saving?

What are you doing to save America?

Our power is our numbers.  For a very short while there are more of us than them.

Will you call your legislator and say, “vote for money for border security including a wall”?

Will you go to your school board and help get America back into schools?

Will you call a station and correct lies you see, hear or read?

Doing nothing will get us nothing. It’s America Stupid.

© 2019 Karen Schoen – All Rights Reserved

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