Drain the Swamp 2025

By Lex Greene

December 5, 2024

More than anything else, the 2024 election results are a broad-based voter rebuke of the past global government corruption, democrat party lies and double standards, the O’Biden weaponization of our government to defame, prosecute and assassinate their political opponents, and the total extreme LEFT insanity that had almost become a norm in the USA.

It was not so much Donald Trump defeating the unfit and unelected democrat opponent Harris, or the worst possible running mate in history in Tampon Tim Walz, but rather the defeat of a 4th Obama term as the puppet master over whomever Obama coronated as the face of his administration[s].

In 2016, some 62,984,828 American voters cast their ballot for the first Trump administration, almost entirely on the basis of his promise to “drain the DC swamp” and “lock her (Hillary Clinton) up.” Despite all of Trump’s very real accomplishments for the American people in his first term, he failed at the one thing people elected him to do, “drain the swamp.”

But in 2020, 74,223,975 American electors were even more determined to give Trump a second chance to “drain the swamp” with an increase in voter support of more than 11.2M more votes than he received in 2016.

The message from voters could not have been any clearer… DRAIN THE DAMN SWAMP!

Also proven by the 2024 election is, 2020 was absolutely a “stolen election” by team O’Biden. Without delving into all the details in this piece, over 2.5M 2020 alleged Biden votes went to Trump in 2024. In addition, another 4.4M 2020 Biden ballots vanished entirely in 2024. (more details here)

In 2024, Trump increased his voter support yet again, by more than 2.5M votes for a popular vote total of 76,779,944. He won the Electoral College vote, all seven swing states, 31 of 50 states, control of the U.S. Senate and House, and 8 of 11 governor races. It was by modern standards in a deeply divided country, a “landslide” victory for the Make American Great Again team!

All of it is for one major agenda item, DRAIN THE SWAMP!

The American people are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. The people are fed up with government corruption and political weaponization. Despite Biden’s promises to not pardon his son, regurgitated by leftist media personalities as the gold standard of law-and-order democrats, there was never any doubt in my mind that Biden would pardon his son before leaving office.

That’s because any ongoing investigation or prosecution of Hunter Biden is going to end on the “big guys” (Joe’s) doorstep at some point, and when these international crimes result in the indictment of a sitting president, the charge has to be treason. Joe did not pardon an innocent son out of a father’s love, he pardoned himself to protect himself, Obama, and the Clintons.

The laundry list of evildoers that must be brought to justice in the next four years is long, distinguished, and very powerful. Trump won’t be able to do it unless he has good majorities in both chambers of Congress, and a Supreme Court willing to rule on the basis of Constitutional Law instead of British Common Law customs of the courts, wherein they ignore the law and invent it themselves, falsely referred to as “case law.”

“Case law is the [alleged] body of law developed from judicial opinions or decisions over time, whereas statutory law comes from legislative bodies and administrative law comes from executive bodies.”

“Case law is sometimes called judge-made law. In the United States, lower courts must follow precedent of higher appellate level courts in the same jurisdiction. The decisions of the appellate level courts are binding case law – – judge-made law – – that inferior courts must follow.”

To some degree, this legal theory makes sense. If a superior court has already established a legal position on something, lower courts lack the power to overrule a superior court. That said, no court opinion is in reality, a law. It’s a legal precedence, as-in already determined by a superior court. But that is not a “law.” The error is to treat it as if it is…

The U.S. Constitution grants all law-making powers exclusively to only one branch of government, the Article I Legislative Branch, known as statutory law. Meanwhile, administrative law by Executive Order only applies to Executive Branch agents and employees, administrative staff, no one else. So-called “case law” via court opinions, is not actually law at all, at least according to the Constitution. None of the three branches has authority or power to overrule, infringe upon, extend, or diminish the separate powers assigned to each branch.

Constitutional Law is the check and balance of government authority and power, limiting each branch to the powers granted to each via the Constitution itself. Supreme Courts were originally granted “original jurisdiction” over cases concerning the “constitutionality” of government actions, for the sole purpose of expediting the case in an effort to avoid the need for States or citizens to take matters into their own hands, when government abuses of authority take place.

The U.S. Constitution has only one “guarantee clause” defining the primary purpose and function of the federal government, found in Article IV – section IV.

“Article IV, Section 4 is generally known as the Guarantee Clause.1 Through its terms, the United States makes three related assurances to the states:

(1) a guarantee of a republican form of government;

(2) protection against foreign invasion; and

(3) upon request by the state, protection against internal insurrection or rebellion.”

For years now, the federal government has miserably failed to meet any of these three guarantees, all three branches. There is no way to “drain the swamp” without correcting the most fundamental constitutional abuses of government power. Most of what the federal government does in modern times is “unconstitutional.” The courts are supposed to prevent this from happening but have failed miserably in this duty as well.

Until the courts begin to truly uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, and enforce the laws passed by Congress, the courts will be not only be entirely useless in the process of draining the swamp, but they will also continue to be an intentional obstruction of justice as well.

Either the U.S. Constitution still stands as the supreme law of this land, or the federal government has no right to even exist, much less rule over this country.

Have Trump supporters learned their lesson yet?

Draining the swamp at this point in history is the biggest and most dangerous undertaking since the American Revolution to create our free independent nation. Trump doesn’t just have to overturn the past four years, or past fifteen years since Obama 1.0, but the past two-hundred years of British Common Law practices used to undermine and destroy our Constitutional Republic.

“A constitutional republic is a state where the chief executive and representatives are elected, and the rules are set down in a written constitution. The head of state (president) and other representatives are elected but they do not have uncontrolled power. What their power is limited to is written in the constitution. If there is dispute about what the constitution means, this is decided by a court system that is independent from the representatives, and President, but not independent of the Constitution itself, including the original Bill of Rights.”

We either have a constitutional republic, or no nation at all. The U.S. Constitution creates and limits the federal authority as defined in the quote above. Article IV – Section IV guarantees every member State of the Union and every legal American citizen “a republican form of government.”

Has the U.S. Constitution been repealed or terminated? If so, by whom, when, and under what authority?

If not, then all three branches of the Federal Government are still required to abide by, uphold, defend, and enforce the Rule of Constitutional Law.

But for over two-hundred years now, the Federal government has abused its limited powers in an effort to destroy our constitutional form of government and rule over the people by unconstitutional acts, be they “Executive Orders” or “Judicial Opinions,” neither of which has any law-making authority whatsoever.

The people should have learned this lesson with the overturning of Roe v. Wade, that court opinions are not laws. One court’s opinion was wiped out in an instant by another court’s opinion, which happens every day in the USA. The entire appellate process exists so that superior courts can overturn lower court opinions any time they see fit.

The question is, are court opinions based upon Constitutional Laws? Is the nation subject to rule by Executive Order, as if we were some sort of mob-rule democratic dictatorship? Or are we subject to British Common Law court opinions, as if the Constitution created an unelected and unaccountable oligarchy of nine lifetime partisan political appointees? The notion that there is anything politically unbiased by courts occupied by partisan appointees, is just silly.

At our foundation, this is the difference between a “democracy” and a “constitutional republic.” Our Founders correctly referred to a democracy as mere “mob rule,” wherein a simple majority is free to rule over any minority by simply outvoting them.

Our Constitutional Republic is not a pure “democracy,” nor should it ever become one. Our republican form of government is not ruled by court opinions, executive orders or even unconstitutional statutes created by the legislature. We are self-ruled under “the supreme law of the land,” the U.S. Constitution…or we are not a united nation of fifty-member states anymore and the federal government no longer has a right to exist at all.

The mission 2025 is to “drain the swamp.” Trump is going to need the help and backing of all 76,779,944 American voters who just chose him to lead this mission. Now is not the time to rest or wait to see what happens next. Now is the time to stand all day every day with everyone committed to achieving this mission.

We won the 2024 battle. Now comes the war of 2025!

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene: LexGreene24@gmail.com