Eighty Years of Unconstitutional Wars Required Income Tax & Corrupt Congress

By Andrew Wallace

March 22, 2025

We lost every war in the last eighty years, none of them for the national security of America or with a Constitutionally-required Declaration of War.

A majority of Congress is complicit, corrupt, well-bribed and swimming in the blood of millions of dead innocents and 105,000 of our military. No group in history is more contemptible than a majority of the blood-sucking Congress that have no ethics, morals, honor or redeeming qualities whatsoever.

How can the people tolerate a Congress responsible for unconstitutional wars, death of millions (including your sons and daughters), while impoverishing the people to do so?

It is a damn shame that during the last eighty years, young people served in the military based on false propaganda. Many were killed or disabled for life. I say it is criminal because the wars were unconstitutional without a Declaration of War, and had nothing to do with the security of the United States. The media and establishment propaganda lied and our military died for profit and bribes.

Veterans must be honored for serving to protect the United States, even if it was based on propaganda. People of military age are mostly interested in the opposite sex and accept media and government-sponsored educational and establishment propaganda as fact, and so do their parents. This reality is difficult to accept if you have been maimed for life or lost a child in an unconstitutional no-win war for profit of the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC).

We need the military on United States soil to protect us from Mexican cartels, freeloaders, and criminals crossing our borders and to deport those already here. The military must also protect us from internal Communist and terrorist attacks.

I repeat what is obvious: the United States can’t be invaded, and it can only be defeated in a nuclear war or by Communists and insurgents already here. Enemies just don’t have the ability to get here in quantity to fight a war (oceans). We have no genuine right or benefit to fight wars overseas unless attacked. Bring the troops home where we have 20 million illegal invaders that could be a Democrat/Communist force to overthrow our Republic!

These foreign wars for profit could not have been fought without funding by the income tax and fiat dollars printed by the unconstitutional and private Federal Reserve Bank. We have unconstitutional fiat money because they couldn’t print gold. All of this was made possible by the Great Coup of 1913 ( see my recent articles).

Note: The PSRRC learned from the Civil War that while tariffs and excise taxes funded the government quite well in peacetime, additional fiat money (Greenbacks) were required to fund a war. The income tax provides that funding.

Of course the Military Industrial Complex portion of the Parasitic Super- Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) ordered and profited from the wars and paid bribes to Congress. The PSRRC consists of the wealthy owners of stock who control and direct corporations to pay minions in the establishment to do their bidding.

Remember that the federal establishment is not a government, so I don’t refer to it as such. It has unlawfully usurped many state functions, but it is still not a government.

President Trump, please obey the Constitution and bring all of our troops home from 150 countries, terminate all foreign aid and care for the veterans as promised. We have no business in NATO; let Europe defend itself .We have no right to project military force unless we are attacked or to combat piracy. In simple terms, our troops should never be in combat in another country since any effective attack on us must be nuclear. Most of what the government tells us about Israel and Ukraine is a damn lie. Sorry, that’s the truth.

As is my wont, I have only covered important points of the subject to increase readership and understanding. Please pass this article on to officials and others who could benefit.

God bless you and the Republic

© 2025 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace: natlmktg@gte.net