Eligible vs. Ineligible Voters
By Lex Greene
March 16, 2024
According to long-standing US Election Laws under the US Constitution, voting rights are not based upon ones presence in the USA at election time. There’s a distinct and critical difference between those who are eligible to vote in US elections, and those who are not.
To make it clear, the following individuals are not currently eligible to vote in US elections under US election codes.
- Non-citizens, including permanent legal residents, illegal aliens, foreign citizens visiting the USA, and foreign individuals in the USA under a temporary VISA, cannot legally vote in federal, state, and most local elections.
- Some people cannot vote after being convicted of a felony or if they are currently serving time for other types of crimes.
- Some people who have a mental disability may not be eligible to vote.
- People under the legal age of 18 cannot vote.
- S. citizens residing in U.S. territories cannot vote for president in the general election.
- Anyone attempting to vote on behalf of someone else.
- Anyone attempting to vote outside of the resident district or vote more than once.
Because US Law dictates who is and is not eligible to legally vote in US elections, it is entirely constitutional to require all voters to prove their individual eligibility in order to vote in the USA. Depriving “ineligible voters” of any right to vote is what government is required to do, under the law.
I have been voting in US elections for 44-years. I have never been able to vote without showing my voter registration card and photo ID as proof of who I am, my legal residency, and if I’m eligible to vote under US and State election laws.
But in recent years, politicians and kids indoctrinated into global Marxist theories think every person in the USA should have a right to vote, despite election laws that say they can’t. The recent open borders policies responsible for more than 40-million non-citizens in our country is an overt operation to replace legal American citizens, aka eligible voters, with what democrat politicians have concluded is a more desirable voter…ineligible voters.
Today, as we head into what promises to be the most critical election cycle in 247-years, democrats are working around the clock to “legalize illegal voting.” In states like Michigan and Colorado, democrat-controlled governments have rushed in new election legislation designed to legalize the illegal election procedures used in the 2020 and 2022 elections. It’s a direct assault on legal American eligible voters.
The democrat party is also working hard to use millions of intentionally imported foreign citizens to redistrict congressional apportionment. Why would any sane nation allow foreign citizens to be used by one political party to upend and subvert the will of legal Americans? Why would any American tolerate illegal aliens being placed on US Courts, in law enforcement or used for redistricting purposes, leading to ineligible voting?
Only someone with an agenda to subvert the will of legal Americans and destroy the Constitutional Republic, could support any such notions or policies.
Of course, the same people responsible for this disastrous policy also claim, “there’s no evidence of election fraud.” Those at the top of the leftist food chain know better, even if their deaf, dumb, and blind sheep don’t.
- If someone is legally ineligible to vote, and they vote, it’s election fraud.
- If an eligible voter votes more than once, it’s election fraud.
- If someone votes as a deceased person, it’s election fraud.
- If people no longer living in a district, vote in that district, it’s election fraud.
- If someone uses “ballot harvesting” to cast numerous ineligible ballots, it’s election fraud.
- If someone engages in counting votes cast before or after voting deadlines, it’s election fraud.
- If voting machines are connected to the internet, it’s election fraud.
- If any foreign government or entity has access to our election procedures, it’s election fraud.
ALL of the above items took place in 2020 and 2022.
Every “ineligible vote” cancels an “eligible vote.” The result is a Deprivation of Rights, an act of subversion against the American people, and if any organization is involved, it’s “conspiracy to defraud voters.” If any governmental body is involved, and many are, it is a “deprivation of rights under color of law” and it’s illegal. If it’s illegal, then it’s election fraud.
Now, this is the easy stuff, which no American can honestly deny or disagree with, as we watch millions lie about it, including the entire mainstream media.
Add to this, any effort to switch votes on election day, whether via paper balloting (such as knocking hanging chads to the ground in endless Florida recounts circa 2000, or ballot harvesting) or via electronic machines programmed to switch votes in the tabulation process…you have witnessed a major operation to defraud voters, deprive them of their constitutional rights as legal citizens, and overthrow a government via massive fraudulent activities that can only be described as intentional…treason.
Three things have always been true.
- No government in human history has ever earned the trust and faith of the people. They are all at best, a necessary evil that can never be trusted with unbridled power.
- Election fraud has happened as long as elections have existed.
- Neither side wants to fix it.
Therefore, it’s up to ALL legal American citizens to fix.
We must have free, fair, lawful, and transparent elections or we don’t have a country. We must have secure borders, or we don’t have a country. We must hold fraudsters fully accountable for their actions, or we don’t have a country or government of, by or for the legal American citizens.
In my previous piece Two Visions, Two Agendas, No Middle Ground, I put a very fine point on what’s really at stake in the USA 2024 elections.
So, the remaining 70% MUST unite for this fight, or we will lose our country for all future generations, in just one election cycle.
Understand? Reach out to me if you do… I have some work for you!
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E-Mail Lex Greene: LexGreene24@gmail.com