Equality v. Equity
By Lex Greene
September 13, 2024
Throughout most of my life, I have been a firm fighter for equality, freedom, liberty, true justice, national sovereignty and security, peace and tranquility. Millions of Americans think they stand for these same things and many do. But today, millions do not stand for these things at all and fundamentally, it is what divides our nation in every election.
The primary division in the USA at present is the division between those who still believe in and will fight for the foundations of freedom as established and protected by the Charters of Freedom versus those who think leaders like Chairman Mao, Vladimir Lenin, Stalin, Marx and even Hitler had a better plan. Those who believe in “equality” versus those who think they prefer “equity.”
These two terms are not synonymous, but in fact polar opposites.
To explain the difference between the two in our intentionally and systematically dumbed-down and drugged up society today, I’ll put it in terms that even the average 3rd grader can comprehend. You may not know it today, but words have very specific meaning. There is the factual definition of a word, found in dictionaries, and then a proper application or use of that word or term.
EQUALITY: noun, plural e·qual·i·ties. the state or quality of being equal 2; correspondence in quantity, degree, value, rank, or ability
PROPER USE: In the USA, regardless of race, gender, political views or religion, “all men” (mankind, human-kind) are “created equal” with certain “inalienable” Rights, among them, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, as “endowed by our Creator.”
This means that citizens deserve “equal opportunity,” and if they happen to possess equal talents, equal work ethics, equal productivity, and equal ambition, and perform the same job equally, they are entitled to “equality” in return, in this example, “equal pay” and “equal benefit.”
But let’s say you are a top-level performer, and I am the slacker of all slackers, and you out-produce me 3-to-1 every day. “Equality” dictates that although we had the same “equal opportunity” to succeed, we did not take “equal” advantage of that opportunity. Do we still deserve the same “equal” pay and benefit? Should I make the same as you, even though you out-perform me 3-to-1? If so, what is the motivation to excel at anything? What is the motivation for me to not continue to be a “slacker?”
EQUITY: noun, plural eq·ui·ties. the quality of being fair or impartial;
Interestingly enough, this term is most often used improperly today. There is nothing at all “fair” or “impartial” about today’s misuse of the term “equity,” based upon the factual definition of the term above.
This term is often misused as a mere political tool of division today, suggesting that first and foremost, some people are born less equal than others. Misuse of this term is in reality, not only a misuse of the term, but a divisive and often “racist” use of the term, as in the case of New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s recent claim that “blacks are not equal because they don’t even know what a computer is…”
Aside from being a false statement, as there is no one in America today who doesn’t know what a computer is, when almost every citizen holds one in their hands, known as a “smart phone,” her statement was also entirely “racist” towards the entire black community, as if they simply are not “born equal” to all other ethnicities.
The misuse of the term “equity” is designed to establish a ground upon which to then “buy votes” from certain voting blocs by first declaring their natural deficiencies, and then using promises of taxpayer funds to “level the playing field” for those who according to them, are not “equal” by nature. Honestly, it’s hard to imagine a more “racist” point of view.
“Fair” means everyone is treated equally, impartially. “Impartial” means that no one is given special treatment above another…no one is given an “unfair” advantage as a “special group.” This is a protection of all legal citizens via the “general welfare” clause in the U.S. Constitution, forbidding government from choosing favorites at all.
But is this how the term is being used to divide Americans into two political groups, those who believe in “equality,” equal opportunity and equal outcomes for equal output… versus those who think they are entitled to an equal outcome for unequal input, “equity?”
Whose idea was it to divide America into nice, neat little predictable and totally controllable voting blocs? Whose idea was it to eliminate “equality” with misuse of the term “equity?”
This concept is not an “American” idea based upon the foundations of freedom…quite the contrary. This idea was born of tyrants who sought ultimate unbridled control over their people, a means to, as Karl Marx put it, “take from each according to their ability; and give to each according to their need.”
Of course, there are a couple other important parts to this nefarious agenda. Before government can “save someone,” they first have to “hurt” them. They must create a “people in need” in order to buy their votes with promises to serve those needs, by taking from others.
I recall a story I heard years ago that made the point perfectly. A father was listening to his college age daughter teach him about how unfair equality is, and how great equity is. The father listened patiently to everything she had learned from her college professors. When she finished “teaching the old man,” he responded…
The father asked his daughter what her grade point average was for her last semester, and she proudly told Dad she was carrying a 4.0… to which Dad was quite proud as well. Then he asked, “what’s the overall GPA in her class,” to which she answered, “oh, it’s awful, like a 1.8 to 2.0…”
The father then said to his daughter, “I have an idea for you. When you return to classes for your next semester, suggest to the professor that he change your 4.0 to 3.0 so that he can give the 2.0 students a 3.0 in the name of equity.”
His daughter immediately gasped and replied, “are you crazy? I worked my butt off for that 4.0 and these other students don’t even show up for class half the time.” To which her Dad replied, “now you understand the difference between “equality” and “equity.”
Freedom requires that every citizen have an equal opportunity to succeed without any interference from government. It also requires that there be no government-imposed limit to what one has a right to earn and achieve through their own talents, work ethics and intelligence, and that government shall have no legal power to take from anyone, that which they earned. This is economic freedom at its foundation…without which, there can be no freedom at all, for anyone.
But those selling “equity” believe that others are entitled to that which you have earned, and that government has the power to take earnings from some against their will, to buy votes from others. It’s a form of socialism, Marxism and in the end, communism and it’s entirely anti-American.
Throughout world history, governments that have used these methods to seize assets from those who earned, and buy power from those who don’t earn, have failed 100% of the time…in the end, unable to feed their own people due to a total lack of productivity in a society which penalizes success and encourages sloth behaviors.
The USA was not driven to over $35-trillion in public debt by wars or national security spending, which accounts for less than 13% of the national budget. This debt is from Marxist “social spending” which now accounts for over 62% of the national annual budget.
“Equity” as designed by lifelong losers like Karl Marx, is how whole nations and societies go bankrupt and eventually collapse. “Equality” is the basis of freedom, liberty, and true justice, and the means by which the most productive and prosperous nation ever known to mankind was built, the USA.
Those who oppose the foundations of freedom…oppose freedom itself. Watch what and who you vote for, as in every election cycle, we only get a chance to vote for or against FREEDOM…FOR OR AGAINST EQUALITY!
Last, taking from others that which they have rightfully earned, against their will, is NOT “charity.” Charity requires the consent of the giver. It’s THEFT and when you vote to put someone in power that promises to steal on your behalf, it’s a cowardly act of theft on the part of the voter!
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E-Mail Lex Greene: LexGreene24@gmail.com