Forcing A Flower
By Late Roy Masters
August 14, 2024
You husbands and wives, especially, can learn from this discussion. It is your own lack of love and virtue that forces the benevolence of others to function before the time of grace.
You’re impatient, you see. You expect others to love and understand you, and when they fail, you find ways to force them to love and understand you. You do not realize that love and understanding cannot be forced—and this lack of understanding grows out of your own lack of love and understanding.
If you had love and patience, you would realize that even if they did bring forth the understanding you expected from them, their grace is not your grace. It won’t do you any good. The talents I develop are not the talents you develop.
Realizing this, you would not nag and force others—you would allow them to unfold by themselves, like a flower.
And if you realized this, you would already have found within yourself the values you have been expecting from them—and there wouldn’t be any problems between you, would there?
Ask yourself this question: can you truly give what has already been demanded of you? How can you expect love? When love is expected, it can not be given, unless one has a great deal of self-control and understanding, to overcome the pressure of another’s expectancy (which, incidentally, is a far greater amount of understanding than our children have).
“It is lust for power, greed, selfishness, and impatience that will destroy all of you. We must change our approach to one another. We must discover the true meaning of grace and love.”
It is lust for power, greed, selfishness, and impatience that will destroy all of you. We must change our approach to one another. We must discover the true meaning of grace and love. I have found a way to change your home life. Our national economy will improve also.
All we have to do is bring people to the way, or the method, by means of which they can motivate themselves. This is healthy. We must lay claim to our own common sense, and function out of it.
When we finally learn to do this, all the motivators of human souls will find gainful employment and learn to stand on their own two feet as productive members of society. Every thing we buy for which we have no need, every penny we give to a meaningless cause, encourages the larcency of the motivators, and the weakness of those who are leeching you.
Every drug you take needlessly makes you sicker and more dependent on drugs. And encourages the motivators to grow fat on your decaying self. One day there will emerge a new kind of dictatorship, such as we have never seen before, because the obvious ones will have been conquered.
Once they become obvious they can no longer survive. The new order will bear no resemblance to the fine government you have (which most of you don’t deserve), which you are all bickering against, which you should learn to respect, but one that will be headquartered perhaps on Madison Avenue. It will be a dictatorship of vampires, draining their blind zombie victims.
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