Former Federal Prosecutor Takes Democrats’ ‘Extortion’ Ploy Apart

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

U.S. House of Representatives Democratic leaders Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Chairman of the Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff are counting on Americans being as dishonest as Congress’ leftist lawmakers or of being too stupid or ignorant to understand the Democrats’ and news media’s use of Kafkaesque tactics, a number of police commanders told

However, they didn’t count on having top legal experts like Andrew McCarthy, who prosecuted the Blind Sheikh and other Islamic terrorists responsible for a bombing in the garage of the World Trade Center in 1993, and Fox News Channel talk show host Mark Levin, who served as the chief of staff in President Ronald Reagan’s Justice Department and besides his TV and radio shows is the founder and CEO of the Landmark Legal Foundation.

McCarthy, the former federal prosecutor in New York City is one of many attorneys and police criminal investigators who see the world of surrealist writer Franz Kafka materializing in the United States at the hands of the Democrats and their news propaganda-spewing partners in the media.

For those unfamiliar with the term Kafkaesque, it is a reference to the Czech/German author of the early 1900’s, Franz Kafka, who wrote the classic book “The Trial.”

The word describes a situation where the individual being arrested, interrogated, tried and imprisoned is sane and cannot find out what crime he was supposed to have committed. The sane prisoner struggles against an illogical and insane bureaucracy and authority. All of the characters appear to know what the book’s hero perpetrated but they refuse to tell him the charges against the hapless prisoner.

“Take the Kafkaesque scenario and add a hardy spoonful of the Orwellian nightmare contained in 1984, written by George Orwell and you have a glimpse of the nation’s capital in the hands of an out-of-control bureaucracy,” said former police commander and commissioner of corrections, Lyle Zavillawitz.

Andrew McCarthy told Brian Kilmeade on “Fox & Friends” on Tuesday that the latest attempt by liberal lawmakers and media personalities to change their accusations against President Donald Trump aren’t bearing the desired fruit.

“Every time I think we’ve gotten to the bottom depths of nonsense in this, Brian, from a legal perspective, they sink even lower,” McCarthy said.

During Tuesday’s interview, Kilmeade asked about the recent push by Trump opponents to reframe the accusations against him from a “quid pro quo” — seeking the Ukraine government’s assistance against the presidential campaign of former Vice President Joe Biden in return for U.S. aid — to using “extortion” or “bribery” against Ukraine for help in his own re-election.

McCarthy claimed that the legal term extortion is suitable in a criminal case in the United States, but relations between governments – the U.S. and Russia or the U.S. and Ukraine — are predicated on power relationships – both military power and economic power.

“In foreign relations, what countries do to each other is basically say, ‘What do I have to do for you or to get you to act in a way that is consistent with what our interests are?’” McCarthy said.

And McCarthy didn’t hesitate to describe the circus ringmaster Rep. Adam “Shifty” Schiff. McCarthy said that ironically the GOP’s most “lethal weapon” in the House impeachments that started on Wednesday is the very man Speaker Pelosi and the House majority Democrats chose to lead the close-door and public hearings.

The fact, say legal and law enforcement sources, is the weakness of the California Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff, who turned the important House Intelligence Committee into an ineffective watchdog.  The committee’s critical job of overseeing 17-intelligence and counterintelligence entities is being ignored in order to destroy POTUS and scatter his millions of supporters.

When Americans who aren’t blinded by partisanship can see for themselves how the process is stacked by Democrats, it’s unlikely the already-low enthusiasm for impeaching Trump will grow.

McCarthy is the author of the book “Ball of Collusion: The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency.”

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