- Oracle of the soul: discovering gems of understanding, 12-28-15
- A Christmas Story: A Single Thread In The Tapestry Of Life, 12-24-15
- What If There Were No Muslims In America?, 12-22-15
- Obama Said, “This Is Not Who Were Are!â€, 12-18-15
- America Losing Her Ethos: Why Trump Rises, 12-15-15
- Giving Away Our Country: The Motive of Muslim Immigrants, 12-8-15
- Why We Must Stop Syrian Refugee Invasion Of Western Countries, 12-6-15
- Americans Demand Total Shutdown Of All Muslim Immigration, 12-4-15
- Let’s Rescind Poem At Base Of Statue Of Liberty: Too Deadly Today, 12-1-15
- Bottled Lightning: Skin Your Knees On Eternity, 11-26-15
- Most Violent Religion On Earth-Islam: Any-town in America the Next Paris, 11-24-15
- How You Can Stop 250,000 Syrian Refugees Coming Into America, 11-20-15
- Immediate Shutdown Of All Immigration Into America, 11-17-15
- America’s Black-White Grand Canyon Divide, 11-13-15
- Knife Wielding Muslim Attacks Students at Cal. Campus, 11-10-15
- U.S. Congress Filled With Corrupt Career Politicians, 11-6-15
- Most Violent Religion On Earth: European Islamic Invasion Advancing Into America, 11-3-15
- How to Un-invite 200,000 Muslim Refugees Away From America, 10-30-15
- Turning America Into An International Doormat, 10-27-15
- Unlimited Compassion For Refugees Not Sustainable, 10-23-15
- Injecting 200,000 Syrian Muslims Into America: Multicultural Chaos, 10-20-15
- The Most Violent Religion On Earth: Islam’s Honor Killings Growing in USA, 10-15-15
- The Most Violent Religion On Earth: Islam’s Animalization of Human Beings, 10-9-15
- The Most Violent Religion On Earth: Islam’s Seeding of Western Countries, 10-9-15
- 1965 Immigration Reform Act by Teddy Kennedy: America’s Real Downfall, 10-6-15
- The Irony of Sanctuary Cities: Increased Illegal Alien Crimes, 10-2-15
- Speaker John Boehner: “I did a good job!†NOT SO!, 9-29-15
- The Most Violent Religion On Earth: Islam’s March On Europe and America, 9-25-15
- The Most Violent Religion On Earth: Islam, 9-22-15
- No John Kerry: We Do Not Want 10,000 Syrian Refugees, 9-18-15
- Coming To Grips With Mass Immigration Invading America, What to do?, 9-15-15
- Coming To Grips With Mass Immigration Invading America, Canada and Europe, 9-11-15
- Syrian Invasion Of Europe: A Day That Will Live In Infamy, 9-7-15
- Losing Our Civil Society: Says Cop Deserved to be Executed, 9-3-15
- Europe’s, Canada’s, Australia’s and America’s Refugee Predicament, 9-1-15
- Post American Culture: A Growing Awareness That Something Is Wrong, 8-28-15
- Post American Culture: Becoming a Separated Tribal Nation, 8-24-15
- Post American Culture: Speaking Sanely of Deep Things, 8-20-15
- Who Are We? The Islamic Mission, 8-18-15
- Who Are We? And Why Are We Not Who We Were?, 8-14-15
- Post American Culture: Silent Death of American Citizenship, 8-12-15
- Post American Culture: Structural Depression With No End In Sight, 8-6-15
- Post American Culture: Reframing the Immigration Debate, 8-3-15
- Post American Culture: Becoming A Refugee Camp For The World, 7-31-15
- Post American Culture: Muslims As Change Agents, 7-28-15
- Post American Culture: Congress’ War On American Citizens, 7-24-15
- Four Dead Marines: Collateral Damage in Washington’s War on American Culture, 7-21-15
- Immigration Invasion: Only Trump Speaks Up For Americans, 7-16-15
- President Donald Trump: A Man For All Americans, 7-14-15
- Chicago: Already the Next Detroit, 7-9-10
- American Dream Dead On Arrival, 7-6-15
- You Can’t Come To Grips With This, 7-3-15
- Dismantling America’s National Identity Via Endless Immigration, 6-30-15
- America’s Growing Multicultural Quagmire, 6-26-15
- America’s Limited Carrying Capacity—Out of Control Cities, 6-23-15
- Adios America: Turning America into a Third World Hellhole, 6-19-15
- America’s Limited Carrying Capacity—Running Out of Water, 6-16-15
- Immigration Shutdown Now: Immigration Policy Illogical, 5-29-15
- Immigration Shutdown Now: Oil Created a 100 Year Window That’s Closing, 5-23-15
- Immigration Shutdown Now: We Must Think Like Our Planet, 5-15-15
- Immigration Shutdown Now: Hunger in America, 5-8-15
- Immigration Shutdown Now: Gridlocked Traffic, 4-28-15
- Immigration Shutdown Now: The Oceans Sustain Our Lives, 4-20-15
- Immigration Shutdown Now: Extermination of Insects That Pollinate Our Crops, 4-14-15
- Immigration Shutdown Now: Large Consumption Costs Raising Animals For Food, 4-10-15
- Immigration Shutdown Now: This Heart Within Me Burns, 4-6-15
- Immigration Shutdown Now: Food Scarcity in America, 4-3-15
- Immigration Shutdown Now: Ecological Footprint Disaster, 3-30-15
- Immigration Shutdown Now: Overshoot into the Future, 3-27-15
- Immigration Shutdown Now: Tragedy of the Commons, 3-24-15
- Immigration Shutdown Now: The Need to Halt Mass Immigration into America, 3-19-15
- National Discussion on Endless Legal Immigration Needed, 3-17-15
- Jeb Bush Undermines Working Americans: Pro Amnesty, 3-13-15
- How Many Legal Immigrants Are Too Many?, 3-9-15
- Constitutional Republics Die With A Shrug: America’s Gasping, 3-5-15
- Impregnating America with Muslims: We Don’t Know What We’re In For, 3-2-15
- At The Oscars: Hands Up – Don’t Shoot, 2-27-15
- It’s Obvious Obama Doesn’t Love America or Americans, 2-24-15
- Impregnating America with Muslims: Endemically Insane Religion Bent On Conquering All Humans, 2-20-15
- Impregnating America with Muslims: Becoming A Holding Pen for Islamic Violence, 2-17-15
- Impregnating America with Muslims: Deadly Consequences to Women, 2-13-15
- Impregnating America with Muslims: Islam Stuck in 6th Century, 2-9-15
- Impregnating America with Muslims: Calling a Muslim a Muslim, 2-6-15
- Impregnating America with Muslims: How Do We Stop Islam in the United States?, 2-3-15
- Impregnating America with Muslims: Islam, A Violent Religion, 1-30-15
- American Woman Speaks Out: Thoughts on Our Country, 1-26-15
- Impregnating America with Muslims: Islam Expanding Fast in the USA, 1-22-15
- Impregnating America with Muslims: What Language Do You Speak Neighbor?, 1-20-15
- Impregnating America with Muslims: Violent Religion of Conquest, 1-17-15
- Impregnating America with Muslims: Islam Forces Western Ideals Into Extinction, 1-12-15
- Impregnating America with Muslims: French Massacre to Become American Massacre, 1-9-15
- Impregnating America with Muslims: onslaught on our ethos, language and culture, 1-5-15
- Half of All American Children to be Born into Autism by 2025, 1-1-15
- Crossing the Bridge into 2015, 12-30-14
- A Christmas Tale: Dead from the Neck Up in Australia, 12-25-14
- Impregnating America with Muslims: Consequences to Our Society, Part 2, 12-22-14
- Impregnating America with Muslims: Consequences to Our Society, Part 1, 12-18-14
- Interesting Takes on Ferguson and New York City, 12-15-14
- African-Americans Self-Destructing in America: Here’s Why, 12-12-14
- Endless Immigration into America: Chaotic World Views, Part 3, 12-9-14
- Endless Immigration into America: Chaotic World Views, Part 2, 12-5-14
- Endless Immigration into America: Chaotic World Views, Part 1, 12-2-14
- The Journey Back: I choose me, 11-27-14
- Emperor Obama: Dismantling Our Constitution, 11-24-14
- Boyan Slat: Cleaning up 300 million tons of ocean plastic, 11-21-14
- Obama’s Amnesty Grave Threat to Our Country: Take Action, 11-18-14
- We Must Not Surrender to Immigration Amnesty, 11-14-14
- America and Western Countries: Becoming the World’s Refugee Camps, Part 10, 11-11-14
- America and Western Countries: Becoming the World’s Refugee Camps, Part 9, 11-7-14
- America and Western Countries: Becoming the World’s Refugee Camps, Part 8, 11-4-14
- America and Western Countries: Becoming the World’s Refugee Camps, Part 7, 10-27-14
- America and Western Countries: Becoming the World’s Refugee Camps, Part 6, 10-30-14
- America and Western Countries: Becoming the World’s Refugee Camps, Part 5, 10-24-14
- Plain Stupid: Obama Sending Troops to Ebola-Ravaged Africa, 10-20-14
- America and Western Countries: Becoming the World’s Refugee Camps, Part 4, 10-16-14
- America and Western Countries: Becoming the World’s Refugee Camps, Part 3, 10-13-14
- America and Western Countries: Becoming the World’s Refugee Camps, Part 2, 10-10-14
- America and Western Countries: Becoming the World’s Refugee Camps, Part 1, 10-6-14
- Let’s stop being a country of immigrants, 10-3-14
- Muslim-American Beheads American Woman, 9-29-14
- Obama and Congress Engineering Immigrant Invasion, 9-25-14
- Prepare for a Different America, It’s Coming Fast, 9-22-14
- Bicycle Coast to Coast Across America, Part 14, 9-18-14
- Bicycle Coast to Coast Across America, Part 13, 9-11-14
- Bicycle Coast to Coast Across America, Part 12, 9-1-14
- Bicycle Across America—Oregon Coast on the Pacific Ocean, Part 11, 8-28-14
- Bicycle Across America—Oregon Coast on the Pacific Ocean, Part 10, 8-26-14
- Bicycle Across America—Oregon Coast on the Pacific Ocean, Part 9, 8-22-14
- Bicycle Across America—Oregon Coast on the Pacific Ocean, Part 8, 8-19-14
- Bicycle Across America—Oregon Coast on the Pacific Ocean, Part 6, 8-15-14
- Bicycle Across America—Oregon Coast on the Pacific Ocean, Part 4, 8-8-14
- Bicycle Across America—Oregon Coast on the Pacific Ocean, Part 3, 8-5-14
- Bicycle Across America—Oregon Coast on the Pacific Ocean, Part 2, 7-31-14
- Bicycle Across America—Oregon Coast on the Pacific Ocean, Part 1, 7-28-14
- Becoming victims of our own destiny: relentless immigration, 7-24-14
- Why I Like Lucas McCain The Rifleman, 7-15-14
- Bird Tracker on Bicycle: Dorian Anderson, 7-10-14
- Strength to Your Sword Arm: It’s Going to Get Worse, 7-7-14
- We can’t keep taking on the world’s children, 7-4-14
- Actually, Obama’s Successful Presidency in Destroying U.S. Constitution, 7-1-14
- Walking Across America for Little Children: Anna Harrington, 6-26-14
- I Think We Are Looking At A Failed Presidency, 6-24-14
- The 300 Million-Immigrant Factor Swamping America, 6-19-14
- Chad Pregracke: Cleaning up the Mississippi River one piece at a time, 6-16-14
- America: Escape Valve for Third World Refugees, 6-12-14
- Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl: Obama’s Waterloo, 6-10-14
- A Bursting Heart: Dynamic Infusion of Intentions, 6-6-14
- The Snowden Interview: Patriot, Honor, Citizen, 6-2-14
- Hold the Sky: What You Can Do About Personal Grief, 5-29-14
- What Americans Don’t Care About: Details Can Kill You, 5-27-14
- What Americans Don’t Care About, 5-23-14
- California adds 1,655 people net gain daily, 5-20-14
- The One Billion Pound Gorilla Bearing Down on USA: Screwing the Pooch, 5-15-14
- Multicultural America: Land of Strangers, 5-12-14
- Embracing a plausible future, 5-8-14
- Genetically Modified Organisms: Monsanto, ADM and Dow Chemical CEOs ruthless, 5-7-14
- Genetically Modified Organisms: Frankensteinization of fish, 5-2-14
- Genetically Modified Organisms: cross contamination of other crops, 4-29-14
- Genetically Modified Organisms: cover up and obfuscation, 4-25-14
- Genetically Modified Organisms: killing the natural world, 4-21-14
- Genetically Modified Organisms: Sobering Consequences, 4-17-14
- GMO’s: Unleashing Frankenstein on the Natural World, 4-15-14
- Extricating yourself from the dark night of the soul, 4-11-14
- Who should be concerned? Answer: everyone who wants to eat, 4-8-14
- Immigration: from the eyes of a 30 year border patrol officer, 4-4-14
- Forks in the road, stop signs, cul de sacs and dead ends on the highway of life, 3-31-14
- Follow-up on our corrupt U.S. Congress, 3-28-14
- Our stupid, stupid congressional representatives, 3-24-14
- Follow-up on Sharia Law in Detroit, Michigan, 3-20-14
- Muslims Demanding Their Own Sharia Patrols in Michigan, 3-17-14
- No ordinary moments: your epic life, 3-13-14
- The grinding predicament of Canada, Australia, Europe and America, 3-11-14
- Ukraine foreshadows America within 30 years, 3-7-14
- Monsanto causing extinction of the Monarch butterfly, 3-3-14
- Empty chair in the White House more apparent daily, 2-28-14
- Arrhythmia: stroke, heart attack and choices, 2-24-14
- Who lost America? The true crisis in Americ, Paart 4, 2-20-14
- Who lost America? Institutional failure, Part 3, 2-10-14
- Half of Americans hate Obama; other half get free stuff, 2-14-14
- Who lost America? Institutional failure, Part 2, 2-10-14
- Who lost America?, Part 1, 2-7-14
- Super Bowl Dreams: the high drama of self-discovery, 2-4-14
- Digging Ourselves A Grave With Drugs and Chemicals, 1-30-14
- The enormity of passing S744 by the U.S. House of Representatives, 1-28-14
- Igniting the creative dynamo within you, 1-23-14
- Everything you said is coming true, 1-20-14
- Saving the Redwoods for Future Generations, 1-16-14
- Violence becoming the new norm in America, 1-14-14
- The fraud and deceit of Obamacare, 1-9-14
- Ten most corrupt politicians in Washington DC, 1-7-14
- America’s greatest challenge for 2014, 1-2-14
- Reflections on 2013: a year of growing tension, 12-30-13
- What America will look like in 2050? Part 16, 12-26-13
- Christmas gift: your fate follows your vibrations, 12-23-13
- Drink, Drive, Kill Four People: Get Off Free, 12-20-13
- What America will look like in 2050? Part 15, 12-16-13
- What dream has your name on it?, 12-12-13
- What America will look like in 2050? Part 13, 12-9-13
- What America will look like in 2050? Part 12, 12-5-13
- What America will look like in 2050? Part 11, 12-2-13
- What America will look like in 2050? Part 10, 11-28-13
- What America will look like in 2050? Part 9, 11-25-13
- What America will look like in 2050? Part 8, 11-21-13
- What America will look like in 2050? Part 7, 11-18-13
- What America will look like in 2050? Part 6, 11-14-13
- What America will look like in 2050? Part 5, 11-11-13
- What America will look like in 2050? Part 4, 11-8-13
- What America will look like in 2050? Part 3, 11-4-13
- What America will look like in 2050? Part 2, 11-1-13
- What America will look like in 2050? Part 1, 10-28-13
- By 2042: new Latino-Hispanic majority US population demographic, 10-24-13
- Case for $15.00 minimum, livable wage, 10-21-13
- 21st century slavery: Food stamps, ADC and Section 8 housing, 10-17-13
- America’s advancing calamity: radio interview with Frosty Wooldridge, 10-14-13
- California suffers no shortage of immigrants whatsoever, 10-10-13
- Amnesty S744 bill: 2 million legal immigrants to be imported annually, 10-7-13
- Can we recover America back to America?, 10-3-13
- Welcome to the United Violent States of America, 10-1-13
- Laws passed by Congress are not merely suggestions, 9-26-13
- This heart within me burns—worldwide tragedy for humanity, 9-23-13
- The movie: “The Butler†with Whittaker and Oprah, 9-20-13
- The Myths of S744 Amnesty Bill, 9-17-13
- Sacrificing African-Latino-Americans to S744 immigration amnesty, 9-12-13
- Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama, about to rain bombs on Syria, 9-9-13
- Fukushima: radioactive effluent circulating into all oceans, 9-5-13
- Former Navy Seal’s story on Vietnam and the coming war in Syria, 9-2-13
- Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria: America war-monger nation, 8-29-13
- Fifty years after Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream†speech, 8-26-13
- We Killed Him For “The Fun of Itâ€, 8-22-13
- Barack Obama: basically dishonest, incompetent and corrupt, 8-19-13
- Amnesty bill S744: Send this letter to your U.S. senator and congressman, 8-16-13
- Exploding racial and linguistic divide in America in 2013, 8-12-13
- California in Severe Drought: Amnesty Would Admit 33 Million More People, 8-8-13
- Growing fraud: 47 million American food stamp recipients, 8-5-13
- “Ima kill dat dumass cracker be racis” black tweet on Zimmerman verdict, 8-1-13
- Detroit – Coming soon to a city near you, 7-19-13
- Continental Divide Bicycle Ride 2013, 6-11-13
- Normalizing PH Levels Can Stop Cancer in its Tracks, 6-3-13
- Too many negatives crop up with senate amnesty bill 744, 5-31-13
- So many of my friends coming down with cancer, Part 2, 5-23-13
- So many of my friends coming down with cancer, Part 1, 5-23-13
- Immigration-linguistic equation to Amnesty bill S744, 5-20-13
- Follow-up commentary on our plastics predicament in America, 5-17-13
- Plastics: an ocean of grief, 5-13-13
- Enormous $6.3 trillion cost of immigration amnesty, 5-10-13
- Afghanistan: gut check on what we are doing to ourselves, 5-6-13
- Onslaught of illegal and legal immigrants lining up for amnesty, 5-4-13
- Immigration bill to bring in at least 33 million people in one decade, 4-30-13
- Boston bombers: collapse of assimilation theory, 4-26-13
- Amnesty to include a 50 percent increase of legal immigrants if S744 passes, 4-23-12
- The 1965 Congressional lie on immigration; the 2013 lie even bigger, 4-19-13
- The 100 million immigrant amnesty equation, 4-16-13
- Mass amnesty’s ultimate results: poverty ensured for low income Americans, 4-13-13
- Congress repeating the second basic law of stupidity, 4-9-13
- Exposing a mass amnesty’s ultimate results: 100 million immigrants, 4-5-13
- The voluptuousness of living, 4-2-13
- Immigration accelerating unemployment among black Americans, 3-30-13
- Disturbing realities across America: living at the margins, 3-26-13
- Obama shows no interest in enforcing immigration law, 3-23-13
- Rivers of trash running throughout the United States, 3-18-13
- Can America withstand mass immigration that creates mass illiteracy? 3-15-13
- Obama administration furthering amnesty agenda, 3-8-13
- We sweep so much under the rug in America, 3-5-13
- Five realities facing Americans as to continued mass immigration, 3-1-13
- We must stop the comprehension immigration flood bill, 2-25-13
- Islamic butchery manifests in America with Muslim immigrants, 2-22-13
- “Affirmative action” Obama not being held responsible for anything, 2-19-13
- Americans don’t want blanket amnesty of illegal aliens, 2-15-13
- Opening up a can of worms: Gay Scouts of America, 2-12-13
- Boy Scouts vs Gay Scouts, 2-8-13
- Legalizing illegality: Americans too ignorant to realize their fate, 2-5-13
- Immigration Reform Favors Illegal Aliens Ahead of Americans, 2-1-13
- 300 Million Americans Pulling in 300 Million Directions, 1-29-13
- Everyone who voted for Obama voted for more free stuff, 1-25-13
- Our children’s legacy: debt and environment, 1-22-13
- Are we losing our country?, 1-18-13
- Life on the Brink, 1-11-13
- Our new year: your new moment, 1-7-13
- The irony of the devolvement of America: incompetence, 1-4-13
- We must leave Afghanistan and the Middle East immediately, 12-31-12
- The irony of 48 million Americans on food stamps, 12-29-12
- Adventure in Antarctica: a moment frozen in time, 12-25-12
- Aftermath of Newtown, Connecticut overwhelming sadness, 12-22-12
- Newtown, Connecticut: our violent culture, 12-17-12
- Black racism alive and flourishing in America, 12-14-12
- We cannot continue on this path much longer, 12-10-12
- U.S. Congress imports 100,000 immigrants every 30 days, 12-7-12
- America not dealing with reality, 12-3-12
- Suppose you were an idiot, 11-30-12
- The charge of racism in America, 11-26-12
- What do we do with 100 million more immigrants? 11-22-12
- Faustian Bargain with Hobson’s Choice headed toward USA, 11-20-12
- Exit Poll Shows Support for Immigration Enforcement, Not Amnesty, 11-16-12
- Intractable poverty and cultural poverty create multicultural perfect storm, 11-12-12
- A multicultural society is not logical or workable, 11-9-12
- To the Presidential Winner: Financial Katrina Coming, 11-6-12
- What Barack Obama has done to our America in 46 months, 11-1-12
- The immigration factor: importing cultural poverty, 10-29-12
- The immigration factor: lack of energy to sustain our civilization, 10-26-12
- Pre-hab instead of re-hab to save your health and life, 10-22-12
- What speech would absolutely win the presidency? This one! 10-16-12
- Americans staggering at the mercy of world events, 10-12-12
- The immigration factor: if we do nothing – Environmental America in 2050, 10-8-12
- The immigration factor: if we do nothing – America in 2050, 10-5-12
- True grit: Dave Carder running across America, 10-1-12
- The immigration factor: if we do nothing – individual consequences, 9-24-12
- The immigration factor: if we do nothing – accelerating consequences, 9-24-12
- Making my position clear on saving our country, 9-21-12
- Muslims in America: violent clashing culture, 9-17-12
- When someone doesn’t do their job, let them go, 9-13-12
- The immigration factor: if we do nothing—ecological footprint, 9-10-12
- The immigration factor: if we do nothing—what we face, 9-6-12
- The immigration factor: Power you Wield to Change History, 9-3-12
- The immigration factor: using social media to bring change, 8-31-12
- The immigration factor: the reasons for endless immigration, 8-27-12
- The immigration factor: inviting additional 100 million into USA, 8-24-12
- Multiculturalism and diversity led to Sikh shootings, 8-20-12
- Trashing America: actions you can take to make change, 8-16-12
- Trashing America: there is no “away†in throwaways, 8-13-12
- Trashing our world: More laws won’t change human behavior, 8-9-12
- It’s time for deposit-return laws across America, 8-6-12
- Bikes in bloom across America, 8-3-12
- For your optimal health: avoiding cancer and heart attacks, 7-30-12
- For your optimal health: protein, high fiber and your colon, 7-26-12
- For your optimal health: exercise and proper nutrition, 7-24-12
- For your optimal health: vegetarian culinary life path, 7-19-12
- Can America withstand the coming transformation of itself? 7-16-12
- Losing our country slowly but surely, 7-12-12
- Barack Obama’s falsified Social Security number, 7-10-12
- Frustrated Montana woman tells it like it is, 7-5-12
- Most threatening internal issue since slavery, 7-2-12
- Diane Sawyer’s bias in favor of illegal migration, 6-28-12
- Kicking the can down the road: slavery, silent assertion and immigration, 6-25-12
- Obama defiantly breaks the law and our Constitution, 6-21-12
- America’s ecological future tied to relentless immigration, 6-14-12
- Perfect storm coming to America, 6-12-12
- The deconstruction of America: California mutating into another country, 6-4-12
- The deconstruction of America: California’s growing third world population, 5-28-12
- The deconstruction of America: California in two parts, 5-24-12
- Obama and Congress in violation of oaths of office, 5-21-12
- A complete fraud: Department of Homeland Security, 5-17-12
- What illegal immigration costs you the taxpayer, 5-14-12
- World’s poor would love to immigrate to America, 5-10-12
- America catering to Mexicans for votes in presidential race, 5-7-12
- The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration, Part 3, 5-3-12
- The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration, Part 2, 4-30-12
- The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration, Part 1, 4-26-12
- Favoring multiculturalism over American culture, 4-23-12
- Arizona: Countdown to the Showdown on S.B. 1070, 4-19-12
- Our country is totally unprepared for the future, 4-16-12
- Multiculturalism’s deadly manifestations growing in America, 4-12-12
- Harsh treatment of Muslim women: Muslims in 21st century America, 4-9-12
- Our next president: anybody but Obama, 4-5-12
- American crime: black on black; black on white, 4-2-12
- America’s racial divide, 3-29-12
- High altitude adventure: skiing at 13,000 feet, Part 2, 3-26-12
- High altitude adventure: skiing at 13,000 feet, Part 1, 3-26-12
- A letter to my preacher, 3-22-12
- America’s addiction to war and madness, 3-19-12
- Insane Afghanistan war creating more insanity, 3-15-12
- Changing our country into several countries, 3-12-12
- Illusion of permanency: our denial as a nation, 3-8-12
- Teaming wreckage of humanity: immigration’s ultimate path, 3-5-12
- Why are we still in Afghanistan? 3-1-12
- How to Destroy America: A Speech by Governor Lamm, 2-27-12
- How to kill America: add endless immigrants, 2-23-12
- The 100 million immigrant equation, 2-20-12
- The Elevator Metaphor to the Cassandra Syndrome, 2-16-12
- The Cassandra Syndrome for Canada, Europe, Australia and America, 2-13-12
- Gross misinformation by Newsweek on immigration, 2-9-12
- Our fraudulent president cannot pass an E-Verify check, 2-6-12
- Ensure a sustainable future for all life on Earth, 2-2-12
- America Cannot Afford More Immigrants, 1-30-12
- Creating National Disunity, 1-26-12
- California: America’s first failed state – Readers Respond, 1-23-12
- California: America’s first failed state, 1-19-12
- Immigration challenge not over—America as sacrifice zone, 1-16-12
- Man Swarm: West becoming the sacrifice zone for immigration, 1-12-12
- Man Swarm: the slaughtering of America’s wildlife, 1-9-12
- 2011 full of flash marriages, digital underwear and Kim Kardashian, 1-5-12
- My top ten wish list for America in 2012, 1-2-12
- Heartfelt Reflections on 2011, 12-29-11
- Iraq: Who Won, Who Lost, Who Got Screwed? 12-26-11
- A Christmas Gift to You, 12-22-11
- Multiculturalism Assumes America Lacks a Unique Culture, 12-19-11
- Trashing America: Readers Respond, 12-15-11
- Trashing America: Our poisoned waters, Part 5, 12-12-11
- Trashing America: killing animals, Part 4, 12-8-11
- Defrauding the American Taxpayer, 12-5-11
- Time Magazine’s Fareed Zakaria: Intellectually credentialed innumerate, 12-1-11
- Trashing America: Chemical and Animal Litter, Part 3, 11-28-11
- Trashing America: Container trash litters the landscape, Part 2, 11-24-11
- Trashing America: Litter Everywhere, Part 1, 11-21-11
- 60 Minutes catches Nancy Pelosi with her dress down 11-17-11
- The American tragedy of Joe Paterno 11-14-11
- Mass immigration and amnesty will not save Social Security 11-10-11
- Illegal immigration: the cost of amnesty = $999 billion 11-7-11
- Suicide of A Superpower: Culture Wars Within America 11-3-11
- America’s predicament: the 7th billion human on Earth 10-31-11
- Suicide of America: Importing Endless Poverty 10-27-11
- Suicide of America: The Diversity Cult 10-24-11
- Suicide of America: Diversity Versus Freedom 10-20-11
- Losing our Ability to Define ourselves as a Nation 10-17-11
- Why Continue Two Useless Wars? 10-13-11
- Immigration’s Onslaught: Endless Refugees 10-10-11
- Immigration’s Onslaught: Utter Incompetence of Our Leaders 10-6-11
- Immigration’s Onslaught: Crowding of America 10-3-11
- Immigration’s Onslaught: Overloaded Nations and Failing States 9-29-11
- Muslims in America: Honor killings of wives and daughters 9-26-11
- Immigration’s Onslaught: Fracturing America 9-23-11
- America’s culpability in 9/11, 9-19-11
- Immigration’s Onslaught: Extinction of Wildlife 9-15-11
- Immigration’s Onslaught: Air Pollution 9-12-11
- Immigration’s Onslaught: Human Resistance and Constraints 9-8-11
- Immigration’s Onslaught: Crossing Our Agricultural Rubicon 9-5-11
- Immigration’s Onslaught: Losing the Wild 9-1-11
- Immigration: Our Human Dilema 8-29-11
- Definition of Congress: a group of baboons 8-25-11
- Obama to give amnesty to 20 million illegals 8-22-11
- California: The Titanic of Immigration 8-18-11
- Immigration: Poverty in America 8-15-11
- Mass Immigration: Energy and the Silent Lie 8-11-11
- Immigration Caused Coming Mega-Traumas 8-8-11
- Tolerance and Diversity: America’s Achilles Heel 8-4-11
- Water: The Next Great Predicament for America 8-1-11
- Responses to Readers From Last Column on Crazy Humans 7-28-11
- The Craziness of Humans Worldwide 7-25-11
- First God created idiots: practice for creating politicians 7-21-11
- Stop birthright citizenship and chain migration 7-18-11
- American workers must press for E-Verify 7-14-11
- How a Liberal Thinks and Insults a Conservative 7-11-11
- Reader speaks out on immigration 7-7-11
- Devolving America into parallel societies 7-4-11
- Immigration Is Hurting The U.S. Worker 7-1-11
- Impact of 70 Million Added Legal Immigrants In 24 Years 6-27-11
- Afghanistan and Iraq: where the American empire dies 6-23-11
- Free trade destroying American workers 6-20-11
- $12 billion for them, 1.5 million homeless for us 6-16-11
- People prefer comfortable lies to unpleasant truths 6-13-11
- Disturbing language reality facing America 6-9-11
- Worm turning on relentless immigration into the USAÂ 6-6-11
- My daddy is a U.S. Marine 6-2-11
- Supreme Court upheld Arizona immigration laws 5-30-11
- Our Pending Economic Train Wreck Made by Congress 5-26-11
- U.S. Congress Working Against American Workers 5-23-11
- Illusion of Obama and Congress employing 15 million unemployed 5-19-11
- Language, culture and country 5-16-11
- Obama pops up with comprehensive immigration reform 5-12-11
- America is Broke and Borrowing Like Crazy 5-9-11
- The American empire created bin Laden 5-5-11
- Jerry Springer-ification of America 5-2-11
- Changing our culture to their cultures 4-28-11
- Language and culture wars: the battle over amnesty, Part 2, 4-25-11
- Language and culture wars: the battle over amnesty, Part 1, 4-21-11
- Detroit Tragedy Morphing Into National Tragedy 4-18-11
- Why Are Most Democrats Congenital Open Border Advocates? 4-14-11
- Corrupt congress wasting taxpayer trillions 4-11-11
- Can America survive Islam, Sharia Law and cultural chaos 4-7-11
- Why isn’t everyone worried about water scarcity? 4-4-11
- Let’s try to educate the world 3-31-11
- Obama Over His Head: Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya 3-28-11
- Growing illiteracy in America: creating entrenched poverty 3-24-11
- What Happens if We Run Out of Oil? 3-21-11
- When Will Our Government Serve Our Needs? 3-17-11
- The uncontrollable chaos of multiculturalism, 3-14-11
- The next 20 years in America, Part 3, 3-10-11
- Gasoline to Hit $20 a Gallon in the Future? 3-7-11
- The next 20 years in America, Part 2, 3-3-11
- The next 20 years in America, Part 1, 2-28-11
- Quality of American life wedded to carrying capacity 2-24-11
- Abortion, Birth Control, Common Sense and Reality 2-21-11
- Vote to halt the 50,000 immigrants annually jackpot 2-17-11
- Integrity or a missing birth certificate 2-14-11
- Ban all Muslim immigration into America for our preservation 2-10-11
- On a dark horse came death too soon 2-7-11
- Silent assertion boils into reality whether you like it or not 2-3-11
- U.S. Infrastructure decay: cost $2.2 trillion 1-31-11
- Mr. Obama: We Don’t Want Amnesty For Illegal Aliens 1-27-11
- 72 Million Immigrants Added to USA in 24 Years 1-24-11
- Immigration reforms: needed agenda for Congress in 2011, 1-20-11
- America: Locked and Loaded—Guns, Speech and Madness 1-17-11
- America Made in China: Readers Respond 1-13-11
- 21st Century America: Made in China 1-10-11
- This Law Makes Amnesty Impossible For Illegal Kids 1-6-11
- Change Healthcare to Sick Care: Americans Choose Ill Health 1-3-11
- New Year Wish List For America 12-30-10
- Post Christmas Wish List 12-27-10
- Christmas Celebration of the Heart 12-23-10
- Setting the stage for America’s degraded future, Part 3, 12-20-10
- Setting the stage for America’s degraded future, Part 2, 12-16-10
- Setting the stage for America’s degraded future, Part 1, 12-13-10
- The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration—Part 1, 12-9-10
- How Bad Will Harry Reid’s Dream Act Hit You? 12-6-10
- The Enormous Folly and Cost of the Dream Act 12-2-10
- Americans Hiding From Reality, Personal Responsibility 11-29-10
- Has the American Dream Come to an End? 11-25-10
- The Tremendous Dangers of the Dream Act 11-22-10
- They Come to America for a Better Life: No End to the Line 11-18-10
- Immigration: Roy Beck Announces Positive Changes 11-15-10
- Canadian Immigration: Push For Demographic Morbid Obesity 11-11-10
- Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals: B-HAG’s 11-8-10
- Repudiation of Politicians That Refuse to Listen 11-4-10
- What are we Doing to Ourselves and Our Fellow Creatures? 11-1-10
- Americans Need to Drop Down to the Poverty Levels of the Third World 10-28-10
- Three Million Immigrants Annually: Let’s Take 18 Million 10-25-10
- Multiculturalism Displacing Europeans: Americans Following Like Sheep 10-21-10
- Crossing the Rubicon: Governor’s Race in Colorado 10-18-10
- Why We Must Stop Mass Immigration 10-14-10
- Immigration’s Ultimate Destination 10-11-10
- The Ramifications of a Mass Amnesty: Another Direction 10-7-10
- Absurdities Congress Forces Upon Americans 10-4-10
- Our Cities Too Big For Quality of Life 9-30-10
- How we Trashed an Entire Continent in 150 Years 9-27-10
- 70 Million Immigrants Added to US in 25 Years 9-23-10
- Only You Can Stop the Senate From Passing the Dream Act 9-20-10
- America Cannot Survive as a Multiple Language Country 9-16-10
- 40 Million Americans Subsisting on Food Stamps 9-13-10
- Iraq War: Bush’s Mission Not Accomplished 9-9-10
- Illiteracy in America: 7,000 High School Kids Drop Out Every Day 9-6-10
- Muslims in 21st Century America Is America Islamophobic? 9-3-10
- When Diversity Displaces America’s Language and Culture 8-30-10
- Ground Zero Mosque: It’s Their Touchdown Dance 8-26-10
- Empty Chambers: Our U.S. Congress 8-23-10
- Demise of America: One Man’s Cogent Observation 8-16-10
- Citizens Furious About Immigration 8-9-10
- Silent Assertion on Mass Immigration 8-2-10
- A True Story: Squalor, Superstitions and Fatalistic Sloth 7-26-10
- Common Sense on Mass Immigration 7-19-10
- The Manifestation of Aztlan: Mexicanization of America 7-12-10
- Simple, Effective Immigration Reform: Cut the Numbers 7-5-10
- America Cheating Its Children 6-28-10
- Politicians: You Cannot Run or Hide From Illegal Immigration 6-21-10
- Citizens Speak: Giant Cover-up on Illegal Immigration 6-14-10
- American Politicians Serving Foreign Constituents 6-7-10
- Economic Growth versus Economic Wellbeing 5-31-10
- Arizona Man’s Story of Arizona’s Nightmare 5-27-10
- Calderon’s Nonsense Speech 5-24-10
- Presidents in Glass Houses Shouldn’t Throw Stones 5-20-10
- State by State: We’re Taking Our Country Back 5-17-10
- Illegal Immigration: Displacing us From our Civilization 5-13-10
- Five Myths About Illegal Immigration From US Government 5-10-10
- Illegal Immigration is a Happy Invasion 5-6-10
- A Reasoned Moment From an Arizona Perspective 5-3-10
- Importing More Immigrants Keeps Americans Unemployed 4-29-10
- Immigration: The Rule of Law Awakens in Arizona 4-26-10
- States Rights: Arizona Deals With Illegal Alien Immigration 4-23-10
- What do Teddy Kennedy, Palin and McCain Enjoy in Common? 4-19-10
- America in a World of Hurt in 2010Â 4-15-10
- Immigration Enforcement: Pre-Amnesty or Post Amnesty 4-12-10
- When is Enough, Enough Mister President? 4-8-10
- 35 Million Americans on Food Stamps 4-5-10
- Language School in Miami, Florida caught in student visa fraud 4-1-10
- 20 million Americans unemployed: Case for immigration moratorium 3-29-10
- Nine Year Nightmare in Afghanistan Must Stop 3-25-10
- Slavery of Blacks in 1860 To Slavery of Mexicans in 2010Â 3-22-10
- Immigration: US Businesses in it for the Greed 3-18-10
- Place Terror in Perspective: Fix Immigration With Moratorium 3-15-10
- Mighty Casey at the bat: A tale of Barack Obama 3-11-10
- Our Corrupt and Incompetent Congress 3-8-10
- Jackpot Anchor Babies: Lawlessness Begets More of the Same 3-4-10
- Jackpot Anchor Babies: Cajoling America Out of its Own Identity 3-1-10
- Jackpot Anchor Babies: Allowed by a Blind-Eyed Congress 2-25-10
- Jackpot Anchor Babies: Runaway Fraud on American Citizens 2-22-10
- Jackpot Anchor Baby: Transforming America 2-18-10
- How Many more millions of immigrants can America handle? 2-15-10
- Reducing All Immigration Into America 2-11-10
- Deception of Sierra Club and Other Environmental Groups 2-8-10
- Profound Disconnect of US Congress Reps With Their Constituents 2-4-10
- Something Going Wrong in America Today: Lou Gehrig’s Disease 2-1-10
- US Running Huge Deficits While Giving Billions to Illegals 1-28-10
- Muslims in 21st Century America:Ending of Geert Wilder’s Speech on Islam 1-25-10
- Muslims in 21st Century America: Growing Warning from Europeans 1-18-10
- Muslims in 21st Century America: Warning from Europeans 1-18-10
- Muslims in 21st Century America: Nature’s way of saying multiculturalism is a bad idea 1-14-10
- Muslims in 21st Century America: Mosques as Territorial Markers 1-11-10
- Muslims in 21st Century America: Urgent Warnings From Europe 1-7-10
- If Obama and Congress Pass an Immigration Reform Act in 2010Â 1-4-10
- Muslims in the 21st Century: Start Discriminating For Our Lives 12-31-09
- Anti-immigration efforts equal pro-survival for our civilization 12-28-09
- A Christmas Story: A Moment Frozen in Time-Antarctica 12-24-09
- Muslims in 21st Century America: Muslim Mafia Operates With Impunity 12-21-09
- Muslims in 21st Century America: What you don’t know will kill American Culture 12-17-09
- Muslims in 21st Century America: Home Grown Terrorism 12-14-09
- Muslims in 21st Century America: What Historians Say 12-10-09
- Muslims in 21st Century America: Political Correctness Allows Rampant Intimidation 12-7-09
- Muslims in 21st Century America: Arrogant, Righteous and Determined 12-3-09
- Muslims in 21st Century America: What Our Citizens Say 11-30-09
- Muslims in 21st Century America: Harsh Treatment of Muslim Women 11-26-09
- Muslims in 21st Century America: Jihad the Core of Islam 11-23-09
- Muslims in 21st Century America: Turning Our Country Into Their Country 11-19-09
- Muslims in 21st Century America: Political Correctness Deadly 11-16-09
- Muslims in 21st Century America: Racial-Religious Chasm 11-12-09
- Muslims in 21st Century America: Violent Clashing Cultures 11-9-09
- US Sustainable Immigration Policy For All Americans 11-5-09
- The Social Contract: Our Society and the Future 11-2-09
- Personal Responsibility: Personal Accountability 10-29-09
- America Filling up With Dumb People: Chaos of Illiteracy 10-26-09
- US Filling up With Dumb People: Immigration’s Ultimate Dilemma 10-22-09
- Made in China: Importing America to Its Own Death 10-19-09
- Amnesty Assured to Create Added Illegal Immigration 10-15-09
- Progressives For Immigration Reform 10-12-09
- How Long Before we Become a nation of 50 Californias? 10-8-09
- How Immigration and Multiculturalism Destroyed Detroit 10-5-09
- All Immigration: An Unworkable Ponsi Scheme by US Congress 10-1-09
- Futility of two purposeless wars: Iraq and Afghanistan 9-28-09
- $20 Per Gallon: Change Before Crisis Hits 9-24-09
- $20 Per Gallon: Incremental Adaptations to Basics, 9-21-09
- $20 Per Gallon of Gasoline, 9-17-09
- Obama Lied: He Supports Health Care For Unlawful Immigrants, 9-14-09
- Multiculturalism: Europeans’ Guillotined From Their Cultures, 9-10-09
- Multiculturalisn: Crime Against Humanity, 9-7-09
- Multiculturalisn: Snake-Bitten America’s Ultimate Dilema 9-3-09
- The Real Teddy Kennedy: Deadly Legacy For America 8-31-09
- Anchor Babies: The Educational Chaos, Part 4, 8-27-09
- Anchor Babies: The Irish Got it right, Part 3, 8-20-09
- Anchor Babies: Enormous Taxpayer Costs, Part 2, 8-20-09
- Anchor Babies: Born in the USA, Part 1, 8-17-09
- Let’s have National Moratorium on all immigration 8-13-09
- Anchor Babies: No More U.S. Citizenship 8-10-09
- Mass Immigration Destroying Black American Communities 8-6-09
- Growing Catastrophe From Immigration on Black America 8-3-09
- Mass Immigration Decimating Black America 7-30-09
- Black America Devastated by Mass Immigration 7-27-09
- Change you Never Expected: Health Care for Illegals 7-23-09
- Racism: Glorified Hyperbole in America 7-20-09
- Transmutation of America Into a Tense Multicultural Bouquet 7-16-09
- Immigration Reform: Cut the Numbers, Cut Them Fast 7-13-09
- McNamara and George Bush: Fog of War and Arrogance 7-9-09
- Becoming Responsible Stewards to Our Environment 7-6-09
- Solutions to Immigration: A Way Out 7-2-09
- Fraud & Abuse: Earned Income Tax Credit by Unlawful Immigrants 6-29-09
- California Is the Canary in America’s Immigration Coal Mine 6-25-09
- Twin Crises: Immigration & Aviation Infrastructure 6-22-09
- Call For National Independent Commission on Immigration 6-18-09
- Actions You Can Take to Save America From Mass Immigration 6-15-09
- America Losing its language and culture without a whimper 6-11-09
- Questioning the morality of Displacing American Workers 6-8-09
- Mass immigration destabilizing America’s Political System 6-4-09
- America Cannot Tolerate Unbridled Immigration 6-1-09
- Mexico’s Triumph, America’s Tragedy: Displacing Our Culture 5-21-09
- E-Verify: Support those who support American workers 5-18-09
- Immigration: 36 Chicago students killed sets record 5-14-09
- Obama isn’t Enforcing Immigration Laws 5-11-09
- Water Crisis in Mexico Portends the Same in USAÂ 5-7-09
- America on the Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans, 5-4-09
- The Great American Garbage Patch 4-30-09
- Twin Crises: Immigration and Bridge Infrastructure 4-27-09
- Criminal Alien Border Crossing is a Crime, Period! 4-24-09
- Twin Crises: Immigration & Electricity Infrastructure 4-20-09
- Blind Spot: Save a Planet and Live on It, Part 2, 4-16-09
- How Can You Kill a Planet? And Still Live On It!, Part 1 4-13-09
- Bicycle Across America For Sustainable Civilization 4-9-09
- Twin Crises: Immigration & Mass Transit Infrastructure 4-6-09
- Twin Crises: Immigration & Hazardous Waste Removal Infrastructure 4-2-09
- Twin Crises: Immigration and Hospital Infrastructure 3-30-09
- Twin Crises: Immigration and Education in America 3-26-09
- Twin Crises: Immigration and Infrastructure 3-23-09
- Obama Promotes E-Verify Game for New Amnesty Offensive 3-19-09
- Your Government at Work: Betraying American Citizens 3-16-09
- From the Trenches of the Drug War: A Street Cop’s Perspective 3-12-09
- Fiscal Impact Study on Immigration Costs 3-9-09
- Immigration: Importing Murder, Mayhem and a New Underclass 3-5-09
- Bicycle Across America For Sustainable Civilization 3-2-09
- Save Our Children: Legalize Drugs 2-26-09
- The Most Inspiring Movement in the World: Transition Towns 2-23-09
- Is this President Nuts or What: National Suicide Imminent 2-19-09
- Immigration and Energy: Some Inconvenient Truths 2-16-09
- Divided: America Falls 2-13-09
- It’s the Economy and Immigration: Stupid! 2-9-09
- Amnesty Kills Democracy And Creates One Party System 2-5-09
- Bailouts: A Complete Fraud Against the American Worker 2-2-09
- Impregnating America With Incompatible And Dangerous Cultures 1-29-09
- Trauma, Transformation, Tragedy for America 1-26-09
- Stop Immigration For Our Survival 1-22-09
- Mexico & the Drug War: Success Story? 1-19-09
- New Report: US Infrastructure Overwhelmed by Influx of Immigrants 1-15-09
- Stop the Existence of Parallel Societies Within America 1-12-09
- Immigration Lobbying: America’s Rich Take Advantage of Middle Class 1-8-09
- A New Year! Why no Immigration Amnesty in 2009Â 1-5-09
- A New Year’s Wish For Citizens of the United States 1-1-09
- United States 2009: Unrestricted Immigration 12-29-08
- A Christmas Story: A Moment Frozen in Time in Antarctica 12-25-08
- Bailouts: Keep Blowing and Bubble Will Burst 12-22-08
- Mr. Bush: Free Ramos and Compean 12-18-08
- Where Has Integrity Vanished in America? 12-15-08
- The Inaugural Speech President Obama Needs to Give 12-11-08
- Ideas for Change in America: Enforce Our Immigration Laws 12-8-08
- I Admire Your Tenacity – Fighting A Losing Battle on Immigration 12-4-08
- America Cannot Sustain Unending Immigration From all Over The World 12-1-08
- America’s Perfect Storm: What Will You Do When It Hits? 11-27-08
- Absurd to the Insane: Muslim Immigration Into the USAÂ 11-24-08
- Peak Everything: Waking Up to The Century of Declines 11-20-08
- Good-Bye and Good Riddance Mr. Bush 11-17-08
- 10 Reasons Why Mexicans Captured America: And Americans Lost 11-13-08
- First Change – The Long Emergency, Part 2, 11-10-08
- First Change – The Long Emergency, Part 1, 11-6-08
- Obama or McCain: Which One Ignites the Inescapable Backfire? 11-3-08
- Mr. Obama: Personal Responsibility, Personal Accountability 10-30-08
- Our Troubled Country: Accelerating People Exhaustion 10-27-08
- What World Religions and Leaders Won’t Talk About 10-23-08
- The Open Borders Network: Illegal Access to America 10-20-08
- What if America Opened Its Borders to Unlimited Immigration? 10-16-08
- Jump, You Wall Street Criminals 10-13-08
- America’s Greatest Danger this November: Millions of Illegal Voters 10-9-08
- Economic Growth vs. Economic Wellbeing 10-6-08
- America in It’s greatest crisis since the Great Depression 10-2-08
- Demise of America 9-29-08
- Lunatics in Charge of the Asylum: Gold, Greed and Deceit 9-25-08
- America Must Never Succumb to Islam’s Sharia Law 9-22-08
- Bring America Down to the Third World Level 9-18-08
- Cause and Effect: Why Scientists Succumb to Political Correctness 9-15-08
- Candidates and Media ignoring angry voters over immigration 9-11-08
- Sickening Deadly Legacy of Sanctuary Cities 9-8-08
- Most Important, Least Addressed Issue Facing America 9-4-08
- I Don’t Have a Dog in This Fight: Failed 37 Year War on Drugs 9-1-08
- America Just Doesn’t Have Enough Illegal Aliens 8-28-08
- By 2042, America’s Minorities Become New Majority 8-25-08
- The United States as an international kleenex: Personal Stories 8-21-08
- Aristotle: Tolerance & Apathy are the Last Virtues of a Dying Society 8-18-08
- Interview with George Noory on Coast to Coast AMÂ 8-14-08
- What I’m Most Tired About With Illegal Aliens 8-11-08
- Political Correctness: Multiculturalism and Diversity 8-7-08
- Planned Collapse of America 8-4-08
- Multiculturalism & Diversity: Not in my Neighborhood 7-31-08
- The Dark Side: The War on Terror 7-28-08
- Growing Economic Crisis Facing Americans 7-24-08
- US Government no Longer Values Citizenship 7-21-08
- We Cannot Drill & Grow Our Way Out of This Energy Crisis 7-17-08
- The New Case Against Immigration: Both Legal & Illegal 7-14-08
- Multiculturalism: One American Woman’s Story 7-10-08
- Anxiety in America: Citizens Ponder Their Fate 7-7-08
- Disrespecting America: Multiculturalism 7-3-08
- Utah voters give pro-amnesty career congressman the boot 6-30-08
- OTC: We Lack a Strategic Energy Policy 6-26-08
- OTC: Trashing America by Endless Immigration 6-23-08
- OTC: Immigration’s Racial Violence Spreading Across America 6-19-08
- Our Troubled Country: Importing Poverty 6-16-08
- Our Troubled Planet: Understanding Carry Capacity or Drink Toilet Water 6-12-08
- Our Troubled Planet: California Leads Our Crisis 6-9-08
- Our Troubled Planet: You Can Make a Difference 6-5-08
- Going Hungry in America: Failed Leadership From the Top Down 6-2-08
- America–War, Oil and Politics in 2008Â 5-29-08
- Immigration Killed Miami, Florida: One Woman’s Story 5-26-08
- Planet Earth’s Accelerating Death Spiral 5-22-08
- Immigration: Politically Correct Scam Job 5-19-08
- Shift Happens: A New Paradigm to Consider, Part 2, 5-15-08
- Fellow Americans: The USA is Not the Land of Oz, Part 1, 5-12-08
- $346 Billion Illegal Aliens Costs: Health and Human Services 5-8-08
- War on Drugs: Post-Prohibition World–Better, Not Perfect 5-5-08
- Congress Imports 182,000 Immigrants Into the US Every Months 5-1-08
- This Ain’t Immigration and These Ain’t Immigrants 4-28-08
- How 5,000 Illeterate Peasants Destroyed the First Amendment 4-24-08
- Enormous Cost of Illegal Criminal Aliens 4-21-08
- Immigration’s Education Impact: America Losing its Mind 4-17-08
- Department of Homeland Security: A Complete Fraud 4-14-08
- Economic & Fiscal Immigration: Americans Taken to The Cleaners 4-10-08
- The Cause of Educational Crisis in America 4-7-08
- Study Highlights Lethal Immigration Flood 4-3-08
- Defining Moment: What a Crock 3-31-08
- Democrats & Republicans: Both Parties Fail Americans 3-27-08
- 10 Million Tons Floating: The Plastic Sea 3-24-08
- Black, White, Brown & Islamic America 3-20-08
- Marijuana Prohibition and Public Safety 3-17-08
- Destroying American Culture: Multiculturalism 3-13-08
- 150,000 American Soldier Suicides 3-10-08
- Immigration: Let’s Sour the Milk 3-6-08
- U.S. National Vision and Strategic Plan 3-3-08
- America in Search of a Leader 2-28-08
- Grumbling Letters From Grumbling Americans 2-25-08
- Drug Free America: Yes We Can! 2-21-08
- Immgrant Human Katrina Flooding Into the United States 2-18-08
- Fracturing America: Politicians Serving us a Bowl of Outhouse Soup 2-14-08
- Republicans’ John McCain to Become Their Waterloo 2-11-08
- Senator John McCain and Brain Dead American Voters 2-7-08
- State of the Union: What Bush Didn’t Tell Us 2-4-08
- Illegal Alien Migrants: Why Here, Why They Stay 1-31-08
- What ya Gonna do When the Well Runs Dry? 1-28-08
- America’s Greatest Problem: Growth 1-24-08
- Black America Hosted by Obama & White Politicians 1-21-08
- Two Things Infinite: The Universe & Human Stupidity 1-17-08
- Amnesty Politicians Running For President 1-14-08
- Iraq War Based on Fraud 1-10-08
- Who Supports the Drug War? 1-7-08
- Wish List For Saving America From Its Problems in 2008Â 1-3-08
- Shabbiest of All Lies: Silent Assertion of America’s Future 12-31-07
- US Citizens Comments & Emerging Power Against Immigration 12-27-07
- Thank the Internet for Saving America From Its Leaders 12-24-07
- Christmas Wish List For America’s Future 12-20-07
- America in the Crosshairs of a Cultural Timebomb 12-17-07
- Time Magazine Advocates Unending Immigration 12-13-07
- Muttering About What’s Left of Our Country 12-10-07
- Where is America Headed? 12-6-07
- America Speeding Into 21st Century Without a Roadmap 12-3-07
- War on Drugs: New Jim Crow–Slavery 11-29-07
- Methods For Average Citizen to Stop Immigration Invasion 11-26-07
- Cold as Ice: National Tragedy of Ramos Compean & Voorhis 11-22-07
- In the United States: Too Many People 11-19-07
- Alien Nation: Immigration and America 11-15-07
- The Population Fix: A Book Review 11-12-07
- Deadly Diseases Migrating Into America With Illegal Aliens 11-8-07
- How to p*** off Americans 11-5-07
- Law Enforcement Corrupting Influence of Drug Prohibition 11-1-07
- What if 20 Million Illegal Aliens Vacated America? 10-29-07
- Americans: Not Wild About Harry 10-25-07
- What all Presidential Candidates Refuse to Talk About 10-22-07
- M.A.D.D.: Ignore Illegal Alien Drunk Drivers 10-18-07
- Former Colorado Governor Lamm speaks out 10-15-07
- White House Calling America’s Perceived Bluff 10-11-07
- Dissolution of Our Culture: Ultimate Breakdown of America 10-8-07
- Reading, Writing, Rhetoric 10-4-07
- Importing Constant Competition Against Our Own People 10-1-07
- Growing Blessings of Denver’s Mayor Hickenlooper’s Sanctuary Policy 9-27-07
- Follow Georgia’s Lead to Drive Illegals Out of USÂ 9-24-07
- Disgruntled Letters From Americans on Immigration 9-20-07
- Iraq War: What a Crock of…Â 9-17-07
- Illegal Immigration Bankrupting America 9-13-07
- Illegal Aliens Following Americans to Their Graves 9-10-07
- U.S. Truckers Jobs on Chopping Block 9-6-07
- The Hellhole Into Which We Fall 9-3-07
- Michael Chertoff as Attorney General? 8-30-07
- War on Drugs: Impact on National Security 8-27-07
- Americans Deceived by Their Mayors in a Dance of Death 8-23-07
- Newark Massacre: Where’s the Outrage? 8-20-07
- Sanctuary Policy: Killing Americans in Their Own Cities 8-16-07
- Peter Boyles of Denver’s KHOW Radio 8-13-07
- Mother Nature Down For The Count, Part 3, 8-7-07
- Mother Nature Down For The Count, Part 2, 8-7-07
- Mother Nature Down For The Count, Part 1, 8-2-07
- Their Own Stories: Ethnic Cleansing of Americans 7-30-07
- War on Drugs: Good for Teens? 7-26-07
- Ethnic Cleansing of Americans in America’s Cities 7-23-07
- What if Bush Changed Course in Next 18 Months? 7-19-07
- Balkanization of America Accelerating 7-16-07