Garbage In Garbage Out: Who Is Taking Out the Trash?
By Frosty Wooldridge
October 31, 2024
“People supporting Donald J. Trump are garbage,” said Lame Duck Joe Biden.
Way back when John Adams battled Thomas Jefferson for the presidency, the papers wrote scathing editorials about Jefferson. He proved to be the second coming of the devil himself. Their extremely tight race ended up in the House of Representatives. Jefferson prevailed.
Both men, at the end of their lives, rekindled their friendship in a series of letters over the years. They both died the same day 50 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
You know, and I know, that “free speech” stands as the hallmark in our U.S. Constitution. It’s the first amendment because it’s the most important amendment. No question that our freedom of speech waxes VERY MESSY at times during political battles. Thankfully, the Founders balanced our Constitution in order to give every free citizen a chance to speak for himself or herself.
That’s how Susan B. Anthony gathered all of America’s women to give the ladies The Vote. Good for her and good for free speech.
For over 50 years of my journalistic life, I’ve said a few things that may have curled a few ears that don’t like my perspectives. But the one thing that I maintain stems from the incredible “right” to speak one’s mind in our free society.
So when pretend president Joe Biden calls half of America “GARBAGE”, I take issue with such a rude, crude moniker. Why is that? Answer: most Americans love this country, love their families, pray to God, go to church, pay their taxes, and stand for Old Glory. Sure, we’ve got warts, callouses, wrongs, and dark rainbows of past mistakes. Most of those mistakes come from underhanded politicians. When historians write about Joe Biden’s “forever” life in Washington DC, it’s going to come out that he was/is one of the most deceitful, lying, dishonest and biggest blowhards ever to live in the White House. His four years in the presidency prove an incredible failure as to following his oath of office to protect and defend the United States of America. He invited/allowed the greatest invasion of America’s borders ever to occur in world history. I can state that because it’s true, and unlike Russia’s Vladamir Putin who kills his opponents for telling the truth, Joe Biden can’t touch me.
But when Old Alzheimer’s Joe calls half of Americans “GARBAGE,” well, he can get away with it. Except, he’s supposed to represent all Americans equally. It’s our country, too.
At 11, I mowed lawns for 25 cents. I delivered papers for two cents a paper. I washed cars for 50 cents a vehicle. I bagged groceries and stocked shelves. In high school, I lifeguarded for 75 cents an hour. I painted houses. I worked as a baggage handler for United Air Lines during college. I waited tables for paltry tips. I became a bartender. I taught dance. I became an ROTC officer in the U.S. Army. I was a head resident advisor in college. I worked as a cardiac catheterization medical tech. I earned a teaching certificate and taught for $5,400.00 annually. Then, I became a United Van Lines long haul trucker moving furniture. A brutal job of hard work and LONG hours. I worked my way into becoming a journalist and author of many books.
All those experiences got me in touch with every kind and type of American. Guess what? From the tire changer, to the waitress, to the trucker, to the grocery clerk, to the plumber, to the electrician, to the secretary—I’ve worked with them all. And ALL OF THEM LOVE AMERICA. And 99 percent of them are anything but garbage.
In the end, it’s not politicians that make America work. It’s US, the common ordinary American citizens who get up each morning and go to work, pay their taxes, serve their country, volunteer at schools, love their husbands, wives and kids.
So, in the end, I really feel sorry for people like Joe Biden or even Kamala Harris because both of them have made a mess of America for the past four years. Opening our borders like they did should have gotten both of them impeached. Allowing criminals into our country should have gotten them impeached. Allowing all those drugs that killed several hundred thousand kids should have gotten them impeached. Getting those military personnel killed in Afghanistan should have gotten somebody fired. Getting Laken Riley and dozens more citizens killed should have gotten Biden and Harris impeached.
Instead, we citizens, who actually make this country run, keep paying the price for our politicians’ lies about the wars they create, the drugs they import, the crime they encourage, the homeless they refuse to solve, and another 100 problems facing America—————HOWEVER, WE, THE PEOPLE, WILL PREVAIL. HOW? BECAUSE OUR VOTES WILL TAKE OUT THE TRASH!
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