God’s Laws and Commandments That Restrains us

By Pastor Glynn Adams

January 12, 2025

God has revealed to me the many ways why America is in such bad shape spiritually. God has revealed many reasons why America is imploding, unraveling, and out of control with death, destruction, sickness, disease, sexual immorality, sexual perversion, violence, suicide, crimes, division, big oppressive government, runaway debt, destruction of the family, wayward children, disrespect, deceived, full of demons and darkness and on and on, There is one thing that God revealed to me that stands out and that is today parents, town leaders, pastors, the people of God, and the community as a whole are no longer restrainers of evil while the Pastors and people of God no longer teach the reasons for the restraints of God, His laws and commandments, to our children, adults, communities, and our nation. Consequently, America has only limited restraint against evil so Satan and his powers of darkness has moved in and filled the void with deception, lawlessness, chaos, destruction, and death.

God made laws and commandments for our own good if we obey them. We must realize these laws and commandments of God are designed to restrict us; not because God does not love us or does not want us to have fun or enjoy life. These restraints against evil are for our own good and protection; it is for our own good we do not steal; it is for our own good we do not lie, covet, or commit adultery. It is for our own good and safety that we do not abuse alcohol, it is for our own good we do not take drugs, eat anything we want, act unseemly in places or to people, or ignore God and His Word.

When I was a boy in the 40s and 50s in Louisiana, there were restraints of evil everywhere and parents, pastors, and people in authority were the restrainers and taught it. The people did not feel as slaves to these laws and commandments. “For this is the love of God that we keep His commandments and His commandments are not burdensome.” (1 John 5:3) In our families, most everyone had a mother and father. They set the laws for children to follow and if you showed no restraint to laws and authority, you received discipline by some sort of punishment that depended on your lack of restraint or a belt across your back side.

When I started school, mom and dads did not send their children blindly to just any school. At that time schools were controlled by the local elected school superintendent and school board. Parents knew them personally; they knew what was taught and who the teachers were. School was not political and had but one agenda – to educate you in the 3Rs and help you to become productive citizens. I never knew if my teachers were a Democrat or Republican. You were in English class for one hour; for one hour you studied English and nothing else. Same for all subjects.

You were taught and you were expected to learn. You had test and if you failed one, you re-learned and took it over. Every month, the PTA (Parent/Teachers Association) met. All teachers were there, and it was discussed what went on in school, who was a slow learner, who needed more instruction and help from home and who was acting unseemly in school. If they had to spank me at school, my parents were informed. Students did not cut classes in those days because of the consequences at school and parents.

In the 50s, our government was limited, obeyed the laws of the land, and showed restraint. God was at home in America, the FBI, judges, courts, and policemen were of the highest of integrity and served this nation and the people. The Congress worked for the good of the nation and both Democrats and Republicans worked together. It was swift justice if a politician took a bribe. In our churches, the pastors preached hellfire and brimstone. Hell was hot and God had laws and as a Christian you were expected to obey them. It was not by works but a clear message if you loved God, you would obey His laws and commandments. The pastor had no positive message to sooth the sinners but a gospel that was positive if you obeyed it. The fear of God was high in that day.

Today in America, we are a nation with no restrains or a moral compass. Very little is being taught or preached on the laws and commandments of God by our government leaders, our local communities, parents, pastors, or God’s people. We have too few restrainers of evil and not enough teaching on the purpose of the laws and commandments of God. Our Pastors and God’s people are no longer restrainers of evil in our society and the land mourns. That is why Satan and his powers of darkness have overtaken America. Our pastors and churches preach another Jesus and a false gospel so pastors can get numbers to build their mega-churches and many campuses which gives the pastors bigger buildings, more staff, larger offerings, more TV stations, and more programs while Satan fills him with pride for helping God out. Perversion is in the church; Jesus said He would build His church not some hot shot pastor. Demons fill the void and move in!!!

As a result, we now call evil good and good evil while lawlessness and chaos fills the land with darkness from their demonic strongholds. Our pastors in America have clearly known since the mid-60s to call America and God’s people to repentance and back to God to be restrainers of evil and teach the restraints of God’s laws and commandments but in their fear, they have deliberately sat idly by in their comfort zones with their pulpits silent while demons and evil spirits moved into our nation bringing destruction of families, divorce, children in rebellion, immorality, sexual perversion, torment, depression, suicide, violence, rebellious and dishonest leaders, division, lawlessness, abortion, and all manner of evil and death.

Many of these pastors are mentioned in Jude 11, “Woe to them for they have gone the way of Cain, and for pay they have rushed headlong into the error of Balaam and perished in the rebellion of Korah. These men are those who are hidden reefs in your love feasts when they feast with you without fear, caring for themselves, clouds without water, carried along by winds; autumn trees without fruit, doubly dead, uprooted, wild waves of the sea casting up their own shame like foam, wondering stars for whom the black darkness has been reserved forever.” Get your eyes off man and on the Lord Jesus and His Word.

A nation can’t get much worse off when their pastors and Christians sat idly by and refuse to resist the evil invading their land when God has given them the victory of the cross, the Name of Jesus, the authority of Jesus, the Word of God, the power of God, and the mighty weapons of God. Something is amiss here when our pulpits are silent, when most Christians do not even read the Word of God, most Christians are deceived and worldly, and Christianity has been reduced to going to a building on Sunday. That is a false religion, a false Jesus, and a false gospel and if we don’t repent and return to God, God will say to many in our American churches, “Depart from Me, I never knew you.” God have mercy on those who call themselves Christians in America and the rotten fruit we are producing. God bless us to repent and forsake this false form of Christianity and return to You, I remain His servant and watchman, Glynn Adams

© 2025 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Glynn Adams: glynnadams@sbcglobal.net