Has the American Spirit and Work Ethic Evaporated?

By Sid Secular

December 6, 2023

No matter how early you get up in the morning, there are mobs of people outside — in the streets, on public transit, in the gyms, and in the shops. You’re constantly amazed at the spirit, the toil, the focus, and the raw skill that is typical of the scene . . . in a modern Asian country, something that was once typical of the hubbub in American “hubs” like New York City. Today, however, in the US, everything seems broken, listless, malfunctioning and the product of decay. The entrepreneurial spirit still resides in the Asians who seem to have taken over that particular ethic. Many Americans though animated by anomie, if you will, are lazy, irrational, socially touchy, and tend to gripe about their lot in life, though sadly not without a lot of justification.

The blue-collar workers and white-collared professionals may have the credentials, but they don’t have the competence, the experience and in many cases, the desire to be what Americans once were in this world – a driving force for personal and national betterment. This is especially true of the younger set many of whom allow themselves to get set in their less than satisfactory beliefs and behaviors. Many don’t have any real purpose save for personal satisfaction in whatever means decided upon. Any one-time religious zeal that these young people may have had, has been purposely attacked and drained from them by a secular and atheistic culture whose main motto is, “if it feels good, do it!” Today, people – even older people! – lack pride in what they do, and suffering from a lack of fulfillment, look for things to complain about, get litigious, constantly try in any of their efforts to cut corners but in the end, they simply can’t seem to cut it.

The Covidiocy killed many small businesses and undercut whatever entrepreneurial spirit remained in the populace. Only about half those sent home had the motivation to return to their offices when the lockdowns ended. Between the lack of workers’ competence and the lack of workers altogether, we see “help wanted” signs omnipresent, signs that, in their increasing need, even present the salaries of the positions to be filled! Anger, resentment, cynicism, and bitterness towards the world seem to be the milieu in which everyone is immersed. Familiar things of the culture feel broken and it has gone on for so long that all is accepted as normal.

Is there a way out of this decline? I would say, no – at least not with the “leaders” we keep voting into office.

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