Have the Entrepreneurial and Cooperative Spirits Been Spirited Away by the “Newcomers?”

By Sidney Secular

November 15, 2023

The buck$ are passing to the non-white migrants and newcomers. Why? Because either we whites are passing the buck – that is, losing the initiative and letting it happen – or the powers-that-be are destroying small mostly-white businesses using faux crises such as pandemics and exaggerated claims that climate changes are about to do us in. When the immigration promoters keep claiming that their charges are charging ahead and doing the work Americans won’t do, they are both helping to create the situation and observing what is happening quite independent of their hand in creating it.

I used to work for the US Small Business Administration(SBA) for 12 years, and despite the bad rep/rap that government agencies always get, the SBA does offer many resources useful to small businesses in establishing and promoting themselves. These are resources that are often left on the shelf or otherwise shelved out of ignorance of or disbelief in their efficacy. As sort of a reaction to assistance gone wanting, like every other institution in our society, available SBA assistance is now directed at or catered to domestic or foreign minorities, as America’s present wealth creators.

The following is a sort of example of this phenomenon based on my living in a neighborhood where Ethiopian immigrants continue to migrate in large numbers and although they are still far from a majority of the population, they seem to dominate the economic and social scene. It appears that half or more than half of the small businesses popping up in an area of several square miles hereabouts are Ethiopian owned. Most of the people walking the streets or congregating in groups are Ethiopian. They have a  distinctive appearance and are easily recognized. They are very socially cohesive, acting as one big family and “assimilate” to the point of learning English, but their efforts at “Americanization” do not go much further. Personally, they are very social and have a very large number of cafes and coffee shops sprinkled all over the area where they gather and interact. When one Ethiopian sets up a business, his racial networking quickly results in an assortment of other Ethiopian businesses being set up in the same general area; that is, there is a sort of collective result from Ethiopian entrepreneurship.  For example, one small office building had an Ethiopian  printer, immigration lawyer, tax preparer, hair salon, travel agency, tailor, cafe, and so on. The non-Ethiopian population has to look hard to find preferable vendors as the different ways of using English –  thus making yourself understood – makes it an ordeal instead of a pleasant experience to deal with these “non-Americans.” This whole situation represents a sort of a “soft takeover,” a model of the consequences of the demand for diversity.

Indirectly, this infiltration also discourages the formation of white-owned businesses. For, as the sheer numbers of non-Americans overwhelm the small business fields, whites see themselves as the odd man out, or, in the alternative, have to bend to the curse of mingling with the “diverse.” Ordinary Americans often aren’t aware of all that their neighborhoods have to offer in the matter of goods and services and therefore can’t offer advice on where to find more “acceptable” service providers that the customer may be seeking. Meanwhile, the newcomers stick together, dealing only with their own brethren. And this affects more than who is running what business. Many “immigrants,” unfamiliar with “American English” –  or any English – find it difficult to even communicate with ordinary American customers. For instance, obtaining something as simple as directions to the location of their business can become a real ordeal as they will often tell you they “are next to” some large business like a supermarket while in reality they are a half mile away! In some cases, their commercial offerings are simply not sufficient for a “non-immigrant” customer. For instance, using one of their many travel agencies is completely unproductive as they are unfamiliar with popular American vacation destinations. However, despite not being useful to American customers, the fact is that there are no commercial reasons that the entire area will not became one of their enclaves as through sheer numbers, they eventually elbow everyone else out.

The flip side of the coin is that Americans are not seeking out their own kind to form similar close business and social ties. There are two distinct reasons for this. First, many continue with their individualistic attitudes refusing to coalesce as a group either in business or cultural associations. The second is that most whites have been chastised to the point at which they actually seek out non-white businesses to demonstrate to their critics that they aren’t “racist!” But whatever the reason, this anemic response to white displacement further strengthens already strong feelings of anomie and guilt for even entertaining the idea of networking or forming alliances with their own kind. In chemistry or civilization, there are points of no return that once passed, result in the destruction of the original amalgam through an overwhelming addition of external ingredients. Indeed, one can easily see that this is how great civilizations die.

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E-Mail Sidney Secular: Success_Express@yahoo.com