Helene’s Odd Trajectory – Lots of questions

Authored by Devvy Kidd not AI

October 7, 2024

The Internet is a treasure trove of conspiracy theories.  So many are worthless but with so many smart super sleuths and investigative reporters and journalists because of the WWW, a lot more are now being proven to be truth years later, not click bait.  I’ve debunked a few myself which hasn’t been appreciated by some who want – need – to believe.  FEMA’s Prior Knowledge of 9-11 Put to Rest, Nov. 25, 2002

When the fire hit Lahania, Maui, theories abounded it was caused by a DEW (directed energy weapon) just like Paradise, California, a beautiful town in the Northern California Sierra Nevada mountains.  It was proven beyond any doubt PG & E was the cause of the fire that killed 88 Americans because they did not, would not get downed power lines off the ground in a fire-hot spot.  There were photos taken by residents of the downed lines taken to PG & E and local officials.  It was a powder keg waiting to blow and it did.

PG & E filed for bankruptcy protection and began moving 10,000 miles of all electrical wiring underground which will take years to finish. A financial settlement was reached and now five years later, they’ve rebuilt that city and added necessary escape routes.

The people of Lahaina, Maui complained for YEARS about those above ground power lines and what a threat they were but of course, nothing was done until one of them ignited.  Without any proof, some web sites claimed the Lahaina fire WAS caused by a DEW.  That billionaires like Oprah wanted to buy land there as well as big name tourist hotels.  None of that’s happened.

When I challenged that theory, I got some nasty emails.  I suggested filing a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act request).  Was the U.S. Air Force conducting any experimental flights that day over Lahaina?  It couldn’t have been HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) which I’m betting 90% of adult aged Americans knew nothing about.

HAARP was based in Alaska, controlled by the U.S. Air Force and cost $290 million BORROWED dollars to build.  Conspiracy Theories Abound as U.S. Military Closes HAARP, 2014.  They did. “The National Science Foundation in 2021 awarded the UAF Geophysical Institute a five-year, $9.3 million grant to establish the Subauroral Geophysical Observatory at HAARP. The observatory explores Earth’s upper atmosphere and geospace environment.

“The Air Force originally developed and owned HAARP but transferred the research instruments to UAF in August 2015. UAF operates the site under an agreement with the Air Force.”

Lawsuit over deadly Maui wildfires in 2023 settled for $4bn, Aug. 3, 2024: “Hawaiian Electric said the settlement will help re-establish the company’s financial stability. Payments would begin after final approval and were expected no earlier than the middle of next year, it said.

“For the many affected parties to work with such commitment and focus to reach resolution in a uniquely complex case is a powerful demonstration of how Hawaii comes together in times of crisis,” Hawaiian Electric’s chief executive officer, Sheelee Kimura, said in a statement.

“The seven defendants will pay the $4.037bn to compensate those who already have brought claims, Hawaii’s governor, Josh Green, said. He called the proposed settlement an agreement in principle and said it would “help our people heal”.

“My priority as governor was to expedite the agreement and to avoid protracted and painful lawsuits so as many resources as possible would go to those affected by the wildfires as quickly as possible,” he said in a statement.

“He said it was unprecedented to settle lawsuits like this in only one year.  “It will be good that our people don’t have to wait to rebuild their lives as long as others have in many places that have suffered similar tragedies,” Green said. On Wednesday, Green told the AP in an interview the settlement money would be important for Lahaina’s recovery.”  Not all the houses and apts burned so there’s been a housing shortage since that tragedy, but the re-building is happening in small bites.

I’m no fan of their governor, but it really does take years sometimes for lawsuits and/or settlements to get finalized.  Like I said, the people of Lahaina really did beg (I watched several videos on that for public hearings after the fire) for something to be done about those above ground big electrical wires. While it’s been a year, I think one of the videos I included in one of my columns showed the downed lines across the street from an apt building that was catching fire as people filmed in shock.

There is NO question “our” government has been experimenting with DEW’s which I covered in my columns on Lahaina.

Now to Hurricane Helene.  Catastrophic, Apocalyptic, Biblical proportions – all used to describe the monstrous destruction from Hurricane Helene.  Probably a billion people on the planet have seen footage of the aftermath.  Hurricanes have been hitting the gulf area all the way to Florida since long before I was born so it’s nothing new.  Tragically, too many people don’t take warnings seriously enough from their governors and mayors about the potential strength of a tropical storm turning into a hurricane and pay the ultimate price.

Florida is hit every year as well as some states north.  As I write this it looks like another hurricane is going to hit Florida:  Milton expected to become a major hurricane before slamming into Florida, Oct. 6, 2024: “An alarming change in the forecast now shows the potential for a dangerous hurricane to strike the west coast of Florida later this week (week of Oct 7th) with damaging winds, life-threatening storm surge and torrential rain.”  DeSantis on X, Oct. 5, 2024:  “As Tropical Storm Milton continues to strengthen in the Gulf, I have issued EO 24-214 ahead of potential landfall on Florida’s west coast this week. This EO declares a state of emergency in 35 Florida counties.”  His EO is hereNBC News, Oct 5, 2024:  Tropical Storm Milton expected to make landfall in Florida as major hurricane.

We’re not alone:  Powerful Hurricane Kirk on path to impact Europe as massive post-tropical cyclone (Was a Cat 4 three days ago), Oct. 6, 2024

I do give credit to Gov. Ron DeSantis as Florida does seem to be very and early prepared for the worst and hope for the least loss of life and damage.  While I detest Gov. Brian Kemp of Georgia, like DeSantis, he took the predictions very seriously regarding Helene.  Watch Live: Trump, Gov. Brian Kemp speak to reporters on Hurricane Helene, Oct. 4, 2024 (Video works fine.)

NC’s governor, a member of the Democrat/Communist Party USA apparently didn’t give a damn:  North Carolina’s Democrat Governor Roy Cooper Still Hasn’t Deployed 1,000 Troops Approved to Assist in Hurricane Helene Recovery, Oct. 3, 2024.  Helene made landfall on Sept. 27th and he couldn’t see a potential monster coming his way when tracking said get out?  (TX) Governor Abbott Deploys State Resources To Support Hurricane Helene Recovery In North Carolina, Oct. 2, 2024 and:

Governor Abbott Deploys Additional State Resources To Support Hurricane Helene Recovery In North Carolina, Oct. 3, 2024: “Governor Greg Abbott today announced that he directed the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) to deploy additional emergency response personnel to assist with Hurricane Helene recovery efforts in North Carolina following a request from North Carolina Emergency Management.”

Sure, sometimes, thankfully, a tropical storm that was going to be a bad hurricane turns into a dud, which is good.  Sure, it’s a lot of work preparing (and loss of income) and then the worst doesn’t happen but preparation is truly a must AND evacuation.  Some of the people interviewed in videos in NC pointed out that everyone was given a warning ahead of time that Helene could hit land as a Cat 1 and that their area might get hit; rain causing flooding.  Then it went to a Cat 3, then a 4 in some places in when it finally hit land with winds measuring 144 mph.

By the time it got to Georgia, news reports announced it was a Cat 1 as predicted.  This is a very good blog keeping up with its path and all the warnings given to the public in real time.  All the governors, mayors and news stations warned people over and over:  Catastrophic flooding is coming, get out. But, up in the Appalachian Mountains that kind of flooding just doesn’t happen. It’s also so remote and maybe some either couldn’t get out (elderly) or don’t have a TV, no cell phones or land lines.  Just heart breaking. So many dead with the numbers rising every day.

I want you to go look at these two maps; here and here (enlarge it).  On the first one you’ll see very hard-hit Ashville way on the other side of the state from the Atlantic Ocean and not that far from the Great Smoky and Blue Ridge Mountains.  Map 2 was particularly helpful to me as I’ve only been through Georgia once but I wanted to track where the storm eventually hit as it moved around north with outer bands just raining to beat the band.

As the horror was unfolding, I was following it closely even though I don’t own a TV; FOX Weather News was doing 24/7 coverage.  I kept thinking to myself, why is this hurricane going up in the inland direction?  One of my dearest friends for decades lives in Huntsville, AL; all his life so he knows that entire region very well: the Appalachians.  I was worried about Helene but he told me they expected rain but the hurricane wasn’t going to hit Huntsville.

He also told me as others had – there’s something very wrong with the MASSIVE flooding in those mountains.  Something just isn’t right.  I agreed with him just from looking at map 2 and the path Helene eventually took.  Entire towns no longer exist from the flooding. Bridges gone; mudslides destroyed roads so people couldn’t/still can’t get out.  More than one million homes, apts, businesses, etc., as I write this still have no power in various places in the three states.

Checking all the updates over the weekend, you can see that many of the smaller towns, Marshall, etc., while buildings were still there, it was the flooding that absolutely destroyed their homes and the downtown businesses.  Photos showed the clean-up going on once the rain left.  Mud. Oh, my God. Inside of homes with water 4’ deep and more mud.  It’s going to take a long time to rebuild just like Paradise which literally burnt to the ground. Some will stay because it’s their homes, their memories; others financially destroyed or simply broken hearted will leave.  I doubt many in that entire area have flood insurance.

Election. Early voting starts in NC on Oct. 17th.  A majority of that whole area of NC are Republicans.  Supposedly, local election officials in all the affected areas are working to make sure everyone can vote.  I sincerely hope Trump’s election teams get to those areas because the Democrat/Communist Party USA is counting on Trump voters not being able to vote.  David Axelrod Says the Quiet Part Out Loud as Biden Blocks Ongoing Rescue Efforts, Claims Hurricane Helene Victims in North Carolina Are Mainly Trump Voters Who Will Find it Hard to Vote, Oct. 4, 2024

Tropical Storm Milton discussed below (CBS link has trajectory map) looks like it’s going to go across the big red voting section of Florida.

Rescue operations & FEMA

There is absolutely NO justification or piles of excuses by FEMA, that POS, Myorkas or Ho Harris for the lack of response and for actually hindering rescues and getting badly needed water and food to our fellow Americans.  (Forget Biden as he’s nothing but a talking mannikin now.)  FEMA forbidding private rescue operations and those bringing badly needed food, water to do what they were not doing.  X: “It was so bad that their Sheriff, Bill Beam, ended up kicking FEMA out of his county and taking it over himself.”

SHAME on the U.S. Senate for not impeaching Alejandro Myorkas; luxury shopping while NC was drowning.  That bastard should be indicted, tried and thrown into a federal cage for the rest of his miserable life for aiding the human invasion of our country.

Whistleblowers Blow the Lid Off of FEMA: Pre-Disaster Funds Allegedly Withheld and First Responders Left in Limbo Without Orders Before Hurricane Helene Strikes, Oct. 4, 2024

Mountain Mule Packers Deliver Relief Supplies to North Carolina Flood Victims as Biden-Harris Regime Fails; MUST-SEE VIDEO  //  While Biden-Harris Fail Americans Impacted by Helene, the ‘Cajun Navy’ Are the Ones Actually ‘Giving All They Have’, Sept. 30, 2024 – I read it with tears in my eyes.  God bless them. // As search for Helene’s victims drags into second week, sheriff says rescuers ‘will not rest’, Oct. 3, 2024: “We know these are hard times, but please know we’re coming,” Sheriff Quentin Miller of Buncombe County, North Carolina, said at a Thursday evening press briefing. “We’re coming to get you. We’re coming to pick up our people.”

There’s something nefarious going on in the mountains of Western North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee, where hurricane victims are being left to die; stories emerge of bodies washing up in rural areas.

“FEMA is a fraud. The Federal ‘Emergency’ Management Agency is ‘nowhere to be found’ in hurricane-ravaged areas where decomposing bodies are being discovered amid the rubble and debris.” Leo Hohmann, Oct. 3, 2024.  You’ll want to cry first and then rage against what’s going on; truly heart breaking and ignored by the prostitute media.  I read everything Hohmann writes and what he’s describing is happening in other locations.  Locals say the stench of rotting bodies is awful.  WHY are they leaving Appalachia to DIE?? – Short video you should watch.

That was just confirmed by FEMA whistleblowers who state the Obama-Biden-Harris regime stole FEMA money intended for storm victims and gave it to illegals and FEMA is delaying help to US citizens on purpose. // ‘Treasonous’: Biden-Harris spend billions on illegals, leaving disaster fund to help Americans empty, Oct. 3, 2024 (Which of course they deny.)

Volunteers rescuing NC Helene victims ask where federal government is: ‘No support, no leadership’ – Oct. 4, 2024:  Volunteers join ‘America’s Newsroom’ after rescuing 11-day-old baby in need of oxygen (short video showing rescuing the baby and adults).  Amazing.

Maybe pathological liar, Ho Harris, was at another fund raiser as she was while the worst of that storm was hitting.  Comrade Harris and truth have never met each other.  Career criminal, Joe Biden: “I’m wondering what storm you’re talking about,” Biden continued. “They’re getting everything they need and they’re very happy across the board.” Sure they are, Joe. See the destruction. Gone. They have nothing left:  Video shows aftermath in Chimney Rock, North Carolina, after Helene’s floodwaters decimated village, Sept. 30, 2024.

Biggest lithium deposits in the country – western N. Carolina. (Plus other minerals like quatz.)

There are tons of articles claiming Helene was deliberately directed at the Appalachian area and those mountains for a land grab to steal the lithium. What Are the 14 Most Popular Applications & Uses of Lithium Batteries?

Pacemakers, Digital Cameras, Personal Digital Assistants, Smartphones, and Laptops, Watches, Portable Power Packs, Solar Energy Storage, Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) or Emergency Power Backup, Surveillance and Alarm Systems, Electric Vehicles and Mobility Scooters, Golf Carts and Trolleys, Marine Vehicles, Leisure Activities and Vehicles. Most of the batteries come from our loveable trading partner, Communist China. Medical Lithium and it’s uses, side effects.

We’re talking about massive mining money and of course, buyers.  But, there’s not enough to for the needs of this countryLithium import volume in the U.S. 2010-2023, April 25, 2024:  In 2023, the United States imported 3,400 metric tons of lithium for consumption in the country. Up from some 3,270 metric tons in the previous year, this represented the highest import volume reported by the North American country during the period in consideration.”

Why did Helene make such a turn? 

How to Steer Hurricanes, Flood Homes, and Steal Lithium, Greg Reese, Oct. 1, 2024 – not a long read. “Last year, the Department of Defense entered a ninety-million-dollar agreement with Albemarle Corporation to increase domestic production of lithium for the nation’s battery supply chain. Specifically, from Kings Mountain, North Carolina starting by 2025.” That is true.  However:

Charlotte-based Albemarle builds an integrated lithium business in NC to power the world, “A three-story blue building with a large American flag on the side houses Albemarle Corp.’s lithium processing plant in Kings Mountain. Unprocessed lithium comes in from the company’s mines worldwide, and refined white-powered lithium goes out — thousands of tons per year.

“Nearby is the company’s research and development center. And just down the hill, Albemarle is hoping to reopen a former open-pit mine that was among the world’s major lithium sources until it closed in 1988…”In the Charlotte and the Kings Mountain region, we’re about 1,100 employees, up 85% over the last several years. So when you think about economic impact, it’s significant,” Lenny-Pessagno said.”

Work to begin in early 2024 to reopen Kings Mt. lithium mine, Dec. 6, 2023: “North Carolina’s revival as a major source of lithium will take another step forward early next year. Albemarle Corp. expects to obtain permits and begin draining water in the next few months from the 168-foot- deep lake at the former mine off I-85 in Kings Mountain.”

Kings Mountain – a growing city; official web siteKings Mountain slowly reopens after Helene, Sept. 30, 2024 – “Kings Mountain is slowly opening up again after Helene took out power to much of the city — including stores and gas stations.

“At gas stations there Monday customers were filling up generators and gas containers.  Robert Hitchcock from Matthews stopped at one to fill up his truck. He was headed to Asheville to drop off bottled water and gas.

“Many grocery stores and restaurants in Kings Mountain are also now open as power comes back on.  The Food Lion off East King Street was still closed Monday after it lost power Friday.  Kings Mountain officials say most of the city will have power restored by Monday evening, and the city’s nighttime curfew has been lifted.”

So, it doesn’t appear to me anyone is trying to steal lithium in that area.  In the near future there probably will be other corporations that want to buy land in that area rich in lithium.

Below is just a dribble of all the articles I’ve been saving.  My friend in Huntsville and three others I know who live in North Carolina (email buds) all say the same thing: They have never seen what happened happen.  None of them are spring chickens (age) and have like most of us, seen dozens of hurricanes over the decades but nothing like what happened and is happening.

A lot of speculation is not proof of anything.  What you need is proof.  Weather modification or geo-engineering has been and is on-going daily in this country. Yes, that is a provable factDane Wigington has done a great job investigating.   This is a very long piece with videos that people should watch and make up their own minds.  I guarantee the time you spend reading and watching is well worth it.  Scary.  Now the question becomes:  WHO is behind this?  Names of the geoengineers and are they Air Force or some other black agency we don’t know about?   WEATHER WARFARE & GEO-TERRORISM: Here’s how the geoengineers make, amp up and aim these superstorms

I absolutely believe there’s something not right about the trajectory of Helene looking at map 2 cited above not to mention the massive amount of water.  Does the U.S. government and all it’s dark research and spending have the capability to steer a hurricane?  I would bet the odds are good the answer would be absolutely yes.  Control of the world’s weather is a big deal for the US and other major countries.  But did that happen with Helene and why?

What next?

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Says FEMA Director Deanne Criswell to Face Oversight Committee — ‘Will Face Worse Than the Full Kimberly Cheatle Treatment’ Over Blocking Aid and Misusing Disaster Funds, Oct. 5, 2024

Criswell’s worthless and incompetent ass should be fired today.  Lord Almighty, every single cabinet or agency head of the illegitimate “Biden Administration” have been incompetent cronies, DEI’s and sexual deviants. ALL failures on the job. Hope the committee hearing is soon as I’ll be watching on C-SPAN.

FEMA, Whose Mission is to Support Citizens, Caught in a Lie: Claims ‘No Money is Being Diverted from Disaster Response’ While Funding Illegal Immigrant Resettlement, Oct. 4, 2024 – Go look at the proof they lied.

Second and this is something I cannot do because I don’t have the knowledge and expertise like Judicial Watch and a few other government watch dogs:  File a FOIA to the Secretary of the U.S. Air Force, Frank Kendall and Rick Spinrad, current Under Secretary of NOAA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration under the umbrella of the Dept of Commerce.

We know the Air Force flies special planes into the eye of hurricanes to gather data; very dangerous but thankfully we haven’t lost any crews.  We know that for a fact.  Did they send any planes into the eye of Helene at any stage of its rampage before it hit landfall?  If so, we want a precise list of ANY chemicals or (and here I don’t know what else to ask) that were dispersed, if any.

Plane That Flew Into Hurricane Helene Provides Update, Sept. 27, 2024: “A plane that flew into Hurricane Helene for scientific research has returned safely, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said in an update.  One of the weather agency’s Hurricane Hunter aircraft flew into the eye of the hurricane on Thursday.

“Observers noted online that the aircraft appeared to be circling inside the eye, and some expressed concern about its safety. (Note: Thankfully the crew and plane were just fine when they landed.)

“In a post on X, formerly Twitter, the NOAA Aircraft Operations Center said: “To address rumors – the NOAA WP-3D Orion N42RF #NOAA42 and crew are in good condition and have completed their mission.

“During their second of four eyewall passes in Hurricane #Helene, the crew orbited within the eye to release a second uncrewed aircraft system for research purposes. The crew was also evaluating if landing conditions would allow a return to home base instead of point of origin.”

An uncrewed aircraft system released into the eye of Helene? Well, I’d certainly like to know exactly what aircraft, where did it go, data, etc.  We know the AF was involved:  EXCLUSIVE: Hurricane Hunters fly KPRC 2 inside the eye of Hurricane Helene, Sept 26th, (day before it hit land) “BILOXI, Mississippi – “Their job is considered one of the most important parts of forecasting a hurricane. Known by their nickname, the ‘Hurricane Hunters,’ members of the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron fly right into the eye of tropical systems to help keep you and your family safe.

“Stationed at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Mississippi, the Hurricane Hunters is a component of the 403 Wing of the U.S. Air Force. They’re the only routinely flying weather reconnaissance team in the world.

“We’re going to get into this storm so I can make sure we get the most information out to the National Hurricane Service and everyone back home,” pilot Major Alex Boykin said.”

Many questions. We need answers backed up by emails, memo’s, etc. Otherwise, it’s just a lot of speculation.  Pray for the dead, their families and all our fellow Americans in those three states. Just awful.

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, Taking Politics Out of Solutions, 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

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2024 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@protonmail.com, Web site: devvy.com


Volunteer firefighter who rushed to help Hurricane Helene victims is threatened with arrest, Oct. 2, 2024.  His own helicopter, private property to rescue elderly Americans, not violating any FAA or laws and he’s threatened with arrest?

Kamala Harris Announces $750 for Hurricane Helene Victims After Announcing $8B for Ukraine, Oct. 3, 2024.  IMHO blackmail money.  Proud Southerner Tells Kamala to Take her $750 and “Wipe Your A$$ with It!” (VIDEO), Oct. 3, 2024

What is happening in Western NC? Here’s town by town look at the latest in areas hit by Helene, Sept. 30, 2024

Whistleblowers Say Troops, Other Responders Sat Idle Waiting for FEMA Orders to Assist with Hurricane Helene, Oct. 4, 2024

‘ALL ABOUT MONEY’: Private Citizen Volunteering to Help with Helene Shares DAMNING Story About FEMA, Oct. 3, 2024

Neighbors stand in chest-deep floodwater in North Carolina home to save pets from drowning during Helene, Oct. 2, 2024 // Tennessee dog trapped in tree rescued 3 days after Helene floods – Video shows the stranded pup being helped down from 20 feet up by the Kingsport Fire Department and Murfreesboro Police, Oct. 3, 2024

Asheville shelter saves 100 pets from Helene’s floods but more help is needed – “Now comes the struggle to find more permanent housing, as the shelter would later become destroyed in the historic flood.”

Musk blasts FCC for ‘illegally’ pulling Starlink award, says it would’ve helped victims of Hurricane Helene – Musk said Starlink access will be free for people in areas affected by Hurricane Helene, Oct. 3, 2024

Migrants Accused of Looting in Tennessee After Hurricane Helene’s Destruction, Oct, 2024.  Mug shots of the human garbage; 8 of them.

Hospitals Brace For Major IV Fluid Shortage After Helene Shuts Baxter Factory, Oct. 4, 2024

Helene warning issued that electric vehicles, if flooded by salty seawater, could short out and explode, Oct 1, 2024 // Reports of Electric Cars Exploding After Being Exposed to Saltwater from Hurricane Helene (VIDEO), Oct. 1, 2024