How Elections Are Stolen 101

By Lex Greene

April 15, 2024

At this point in history, the vast majority of people all over the world know that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen from President Donald J. Trump, who received over 11-million more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016, a sure sign that his re-election was secure.

Unless you cheat, of course.

Even most democrats in the USA know that the 2020 election was rotten with fraud, and that Biden, who never even left his basement to campaign, never had a chance of defeating Trump in any legitimate race. Never mind what they say…they know, and don’t care.

Stealing an election is much easier than people think, especially when using software from foreign companies and countries who perfected the art in numerous 3rd world countries years ago. But before I discuss machine voting and tabulations, I’ll address the more common methods of stealing an election.

The Basics

  • Control the voter rolls – keep dead people and those who moved away years ago on the voter rolls. Add illegal aliens ineligible to vote and have them “vote by mail.”
  • No cross district or cross state verification of who votes in what districts or how many districts.
  • Use broad mail-in balloting (not to be confused with legal absentee voting).
  • Allow people to vote who have no ID to prove who they are, where they are from, or any eligibility to vote.
  • Control the polling places with limited or no public access to monitor election activities.
  • Recruit partisan-friendly poll workers only.
  • Allow “ballot harvesting” wherein party operatives gather ballots in bulk from people “they assist” in voting, by filling out the ballot for them, or guiding their votes.
  • Avoid signature matching on ballots, even though hundreds or thousands of ballots have the same signature, including counterfeit ballots.
  • Avoid residency verification, allowing thousands of ballots to be filed using the same address, which is often a vacant lot somewhere in the district.
  • Only allow partisan “state officials” to manage, monitor, count, or audit the voting results.
  • Use a variety of “emergency conditions” to justify altering the election process in violation of State and Federal Election laws.
  • Use billions of foreign donations through ACT BLUE and other international money laundering schemes to fly below the radar of the FEC and any campaign finance laws.
  • Accuse your political opponents of exactly what you are doing.
  • Use “motor-voter” and “same day registration and voting” laws to make it impossible to verify or track voter eligibility — or prevent multi-district voting.
  • Control the public narrative via News Network and Social Media censorship, making the public believe “there’s nothing to see here” even when they can still see it.
  • Establish hundreds of 527 groups to flood the market with bald-faced false propaganda against your opponents.
  • Directing “cross party” voting to pick their opponents in “open” primaries, then returning to vote democrat in the general elections.
  • Using 15-million illegal aliens for Democrat Party redistricting.
  • Extended voting deadlines before and after election day, when it’s easy to know how many votes are needed to overturn the natural results of an election.

All of the above tactics are well-known methods of manipulating election results that have been around for decades, and they are all an overt attempt to defraud American voters and dilute the legally eligible American vote by flooding the system with ineligible votes.

If your state has engaged in any of these tactics, or is engaged in them today, then your state is involved in “election fraud” with a specific purpose and end goal in mind.

More Advanced Tech Methods

In addition to the fraudulent tactics listed above, modern electronic election technology has made it even easier to steal elections via real-time electronic manipulation of election procedures and final results.

An old adage about controlling election results goes something like this… “I don’t care how people vote, so long as we get to count the votes.”

As the USA has grown from 3-million population during the revolutionary war, to over 330-million people today, advances in election technologies have been developed allegedly to make voting easier, faster, and more efficient…. But NOT more reliable!

These more advanced tech methods include but are not limited to the following.

  • Electronically flipping votes in the vote collection and tabulation process. Software is programable, as-in, the software can be preset or adjusted in real-time to flip every 3rd or 5th vote from a particular candidate to their opponent, electronically.
  • Count votes as they are cast in real-time, indicating how many votes need to be dumped into the system to offset the natural votes and overcome the natural results of the election after the polls close, during “extended hours.”
  • Connecting machines to the internet during the entire election process, allowing both foreign and domestic technicians to alter the programming in real-time via internet access to the machines while voting and tabulating is taking place.
  • Use of private 3rd party companies or organizations like ERIC, to maintain voter rolls for contract States, wherein the voter rolls themselves can be manipulated based upon recorded voter histories for every voter registered in the system.
  • Use of foreign owned election machine and software companies allowing foreign interests to determine the outcome of our elections.
  • Use of foreign countries or companies to provide tabulation services, opening the door to foreign intrusions and fraudulent manipulations of our election results, in real-time, or once the polls close.
  • Programming the software to over-count or under-count votes depending upon the number of votes needed to arrive at the desired outcome.
  • Marking “in-person voters” as having already voted by mail prior to election day when they didn’t vote by mail. This pushes these ballots into false “provisional ballot” status.
  • Lawsuits filed against anyone challenging these tactics as a means of preventing any transparent audit of the systems and softwares in use.

All of these tactics are also overt efforts to secretly manipulate election outcomes in advance, real-time, or post-election time frames. In addition to the basic methods listed above, which can sometimes be detected before, during or after polling periods, these tech methods can finish the job in secret with no public access to audit what’s actually happening inside the technology being used.

When anyone attempts to challenge any of these known tactics, they are immediately labeled a “conspiracy theorist” and “tinfoil hat” nut. If that doesn’t shut them up, then the government responsible for these fraudulent actions goes on the attack to destroy the individuals or groups asking appropriate questions out of deep concern for the legitimacy of our current elections.

Detection, Investigation, and Severe Consequences

Face reality! Everyone involved in any of the tactics listed in this piece is involved in “election fraud.” Anyone who supports the use of these tactics or the people employing them, is also involved in “election fraud.” If there are no consequences, then there is no solution.

No matter political affiliations or philosophy, one thing all Americans should be able to agree upon is the fundamental need for free, fair, lawful, and transparent election procedures, without which, the USA is neither a “democracy” or a “republic” of, by or for the lawful Citizens of the United States.

Almost no one trusts the integrity of our elections today, and how could they, based upon all the tyrannical tactics being used to deny all Americans free, fair, lawful, and transparent election procedures. The courts try desperately to stay out of the matter, but by doing so, they too are responsible for the total lack of trust in the system, essentially protecting the ongoing fraud, claiming Americans “lack legal standing” to ask any such questions.

Approval of Congress and the press are in the single digits today, and rightfully so. Neither does anything to deserve the trust of the people, and they in fact, do so many things to deserve the utter distrust and disdain they currently enjoy. The vast majority of Americans know that we are being lied to and manipulated 24/7 by everyone in a position of power.

There is no one to stop this insanity, except YOU!

If you expect this swamp to drain or reform itself, you expect something that will never happen.

Only YOU can change the course of history. Indeed, this late in the game, you’re up against overwhelming odds, yet the mission remains possible.

Of course, if YOU stand up alone, you will be treated no better than Trump. That means YOU will have to make this stand in united numbers too big to fail.

Do it now, the clock is running and those in power do not plan on giving YOU the power back. If YOU want the power back, YOU will have to take it back, together.

Start by joining those already determined to Make Elections Legitimate Again!

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