How the Communist Comrades Fool Conservatives
By Cliff Kincaid
February 26, 2025
A Special Report on Russian Influence at CPAC
As a veteran attendee and speaker at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), when Ronald Reagan’s anti-communism was on display, I was shocked to discover that “former” Communist Robert Fico, the Prime Minister of Slovakia, was a featured speaker at CPAC 2025. His role demonstrates that CPAC has become a vessel for supporters of Russian President Vladimir Putin to confuse Western audiences about what is happening in Europe, especially Ukraine, and Russia itself.
Ironically, CPAC, which describes itself as “the largest and most influential gathering of conservatives in the world,” still holds its annual “Ronald Reagan Dinner,” named for the former president, even though the Reagan legacy was clearly dead with the organizers of this event.
Anti-communist scholar Paul Kengor, a professor of political science at Grove City College, told me he was disappointed that the 2024 popular movie “Reagan” wasn’t shown at the event. The film is based on Kengor’s 2006 book The Crusader and examines how Reagan faced down the “Evil Empire” then known as Soviet Russia.
Kengor, whose books include All the Dupes Fit to Print, about Communist propaganda, was not invited to speak at the event.
Fico the Fraud
CPAC advertised Fico as someone who “has been known for standing against the European Union’s migration policy, opposing gender ideology being taught in school, and standing for Slovak national sovereignty.” Opposition to transgenderism is one hook many of these “populist” and “nationalist” so-called right-wing political parties use to convince American conservatives they share the same values, even though they are under Russian influence in matters of foreign affairs.
Concern about “migration policy” was another big issue at CPAC, but a “Make Europe Great Again” featuring representatives of “conservative” parties in Europe said nothing about the more than 6 million Ukrainian refugees generated by Putin’s war in Europe, with millions more displaced within the country. It was a strange omission.
The term “weaponization of refugees” was originally used by NATO’s top commander in Europe, Philip Breedlove, to describe what the Russians and their Syrian client state regime were doing in the Middle East by deliberately targeting civilians and producing millions of Islamic refugees in the 2015-2016 period from Syria and other countries. Since then, of course, the pro-Russian Syrian regime led by Assad has been overthrown by Islamists and he fled to Moscow.
Germany’s Angela Merkel (Chancellor of Germany from 2005 to 2021), suspected by many to have been a Russian asset and/or agent, welcomed the refugees, destabilizing Europe and creating the conditions for the rise of such political parties as the Alternative for Germany (AfD), which, ironically, is pro-Russian in foreign policy and characterized by the integration of neo-Nazi elements in its leadership. It received 20 percent of the vote in the recent German elections largely based on anger over immigration and Germany’s no-growth “green” economy.
Strangely, Vice President J.D. Vance and Elon Musk supported the AfD, which is led by a lesbian in a gay “civil partnership,” Alice Weidel.
On a recent America’s Survival program, Bible prophecy expert Richard Palmer said that Trump’s decision to encourage the rise of nationalist elements in Germany means that the “former” Nazi state could once again become a major threat to the world and especially Israel. The next probable chancellor, Friedrich Merz, is already talking about Germany acquiring nuclear weapons.
The immediate threat, however, is Russia, which started World War II through an alliance with Hitler’s Germany.
Peace on Moscow’s Terms
Having waged full-scale war on Ukraine for three years, with hundreds of thousands dead or wounded, Russia and its agents of influence are now calling for peace on Moscow’s terms and apparently having an influence on President Trump and the MAGA movement.
Though he comes from a small country in Central Europe bordering Poland, Fico’s participation in CPAC was significant and ominous.
With big money behind him, a press release from a public relations agency representing Fico declared that he “took the stage at CPAC” and made “a bold call for peace in Ukraine and stronger U.S.-Slovak ties.”
I asked the public relations agency representing Fico when or if he had in fact ever denounced communism and received no answer. This is telling.
“In the name of millions exterminated in the past, and to safeguard future generations from a recurrence, Nuremberg Trials for Communism must be enacted as soon as possible,” notes the petition for justice for victims of communism. I am a signatory of this petition, which applies to Putin and his comrades from the Soviet era, such as Fico, just as the Nazi leaders were put on trial, hunted down, and hanged.
Fico is said to have left the Communist Party when the USSR collapsed and the communist regime in Czechoslovakia fell part, splitting into the two sovereign states of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. He joined the successor party, the Democratic Left, and then formed a new left-wing party, Social Democracy, commonly referred to as Smer, now spouting populist and nationalist rhetoric designed to appeal to Trump and MAGA conservatives.
A Con Job
His CPAC sales pitch was a con job, comparable to Putin, a former KGB colonel, posing as a defender of Christianity and traditional values. The facts are something else. “Russia today has the highest rates of disease, poverty, alcoholism, drug abuse, imprisonment, AIDS, prostitution, abortion, and divorce and the lowest life expectancy rates in the entire modern world,” notes Vernon Frolick, a Canadian lawyer who has documented Russia’s decline as a Christian and moral nation.
During an interview on my Rumble channel, Frolick explained how Russia’s “conservative Christian” facade has fooled many people and how Trump’s proposed “deal” with Putin over Ukraine facilitates a Russian foreign policy of aggression going back decades, before and after its birth as the first communist nation.
Frolick notes in a research paper that “While Russia generally and Russian males in particular disavow homosexuality and loudly proclaim themselves strictly heterosexual, the widespread practice of dedovshchina speaks to a brutal sexuality and an abasement of lesser Russians not seen anywhere else in the world.”
The term “dedovshchina” refers in this case to the widespread practice of homosexual anal rape.
Ignoring the reality of Russia’s depravity, Putin adviser Alexander Dugin wrote a book on an alleged “Great Awakening” in the world, leading to a bright new future for humanity under a resurgent Russia and its allies.
His book gives high praise to the “Trumpist” Alex Jones, the Texas-based radio host who once regularly appeared on Moscow-funded Russia Today (RT) television and wrote a book with a similar title, The Great Awakening: Defeating the Globalists and Launching the Next Great Renaissance, which includes a foreword by Stephen K. Bannon.
Dugin, who figures prominently in our book, Back from the Dead: The Return of the Evil Empire, has praised Bannon as the “American conservative intellectual” because he takes Russia’s side in Ukraine. Bannon was fired by Trump during his first term.
Before taking Russia’s side in various conflicts with former Soviet republics, Alex Jones had claimed that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were an “inside job” by sinister forces other than al Qaeda-inspired Muslims. He was later sued for claiming that the Sandy Hook school shootings were a hoax and forced into bankruptcy when he was ordered to pay damages to the families of the victims.
Alex Jones and Stephen K. Bannon
Nevertheless, Jones and other MAGA figures like Tucker Carlson are featured in the $50.00 glossy book Rebels, Rogues, and Outlaws: A Pictorial History of War Room, named after the show on the “Real America’s Voice” channel that Stephen K. Bannon dominates with his pro-Russia rants and blond sidekick Natalie Winters. Copies of the book were available to CPAC participants.
At CPAC, Bannon was broadcasting from a “Real America’s Voice” studio erected on site at considerable expense and was treated as a major media personality, even signing autographs.
Bannon’s view is that an alliance with Russia will somehow enable the United States to concentrate on the Chinese Communist threat. However, Dugin’s theory of “geopolitical Eurasianism” involves a revival of the Russian empire that includes Communist China and a nuclear Iran, as well as opposition to the United States and Israel. Russia, China, and India, which is Director of National Intelligence Tulsi Gabbard’s “Mother Country,” are united in the BRICS alliance of nations that aims to undermine American financial dominance and sink the U.S. economy.
Our 2015 book, The Sword of Revolution and the Communist Apocalypse, explains the history and nature of Russian-Chinese collaboration in military affairs and demonstrates how the so-called “Sino-Soviet split” that resulted from the Marxist dialectical method of thinking among communist countries that have ideological disagreements about the best way to achieve the goal of world communism. The West was fooled, again.
Looking back, it seems clear that the Russian regime fooled the West — making itself seem like a new and modern and democratic state — to attract Western capital and underwrite subversion and aggression against the West.
The Chinese communists conducted the same kind of pretense but kept the Communist Party officially in power, realizing they could get rich and maintain their communist identities.
Poland’s President Speaks the Truth
On a positive note, Poland’s anti-communist President Andrzej Duda met with President Trump on the sidelines of CPAC and was praised by the president for increasing his country’s defense spending to counter the Russian threat. Last year he was in Pennsylvania to unveil a new memorial to the Polish anti-communist workers’ “Solidarity” movement, which fought to overthrow Poland’s communist regime in the 1980s with the support of the anti-communist Pope John Paul II.
The KGB had tried to kill Pope John Paul II in May 1981, while a series of KGB dissidents have been murdered over the years, often with Russian poisons and chemicals. One victim, Russian FSB agent Alexander Litvinenko, was killed by the KGB because he exposed how Soviet intelligence spawned Islamic terrorism and trained al-Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri.
Like Robert Fico’s staged exit from communism, Putin established a “new” political party, United Russia, part of a strategy to fool the West into thinking communism was dead in Russia. Now, Putin is hoping to solidify his gains in Ukraine through a “peace plan” that gives Russia parts of Ukraine and no NATO membership for the anti-communist state where hundreds of Lenin statues were toppled and the people finally thought they could be free of Moscow’s rule.
Anti-communist conservatives are hoping that Poland’s President Duda has the final word with Trump. “We must not allow Russia to defeat Ukraine,” he says. However, at the United Nations on Monday, the United States voted for a resolution refusing to blame Russia for its invasion of Ukraine.
With Vice President Vance scheduled to attend the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast on February 28, another point must be noted and that is that Russia’s role in world Communist revolution figures prominently in the Fatima revelations about Russia becoming a source of “errors” throughout the world, leading to catastrophic loss of life.
The Catholic view is that the Virgin Mary appeared to the children at Fatima, Portugal, in 1917 and requested the consecration of Russia through a special religious ceremony. It never happened.
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- Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.