How ‘World Economic Forum’ Threatens Montana & the Rest of America

By Edwin X Berry, PhD, Theoretical Physics

May 31, 2024

I have seen the face of evil.

My professional work in climate physics and my effort to bring climate truth to the people and our elected leaders has let me see things few ever see.

A powerful cabal of evil Republicans are working to steal Montana’s freedom and turn good Montanans into slaves.

Every preacher, pastor, priest, and rabbi, scientist, public servant, and all who care about freedom must warn Montana voters before June 4, or these voters may vote for their own slavery.

Republicans purposely lost Held v Montana.

In June 2023, Montana Republican Attorney General Austin Knudsen PURPOSELY lost the critical Held v Montana climate lawsuit, which was the most important climate lawsuit in America.

AG Knudsen had three years to prepare his defense. He could have easily defeated Held v Montana. He only needed to defend climate truth, which is easy.

A good trial attorney with good climate expert witnesses would easily have proved the plaintiffs’ climate experts were wrong. That’s why Knudsen blacklisted me and other climate physicists who would have defeated Held v Montana.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) needs the climate myth to support its plan to control us. The climate myth creates dummies who vote to help WEF make them slaves. If we had defeated Held v Montana, we would have destroyed WEF.

To make it a quick death, Knudsen gave away Held v Montana in the first few minutes of the trial on June 12, 2023. His assistant attorney stipulated that Montana agrees with the Plaintiffs’ climate and damage claims. Game over. WEF won.

Knudsen’s trial attorneys did not challenge any Plaintiff expert witness. They presented no expert witness in climate or law. They laid down a legal red carpet to let the Plaintiffs easily win. Knudsen is not that stupid. Knudsen serves WEF.

Knudsen’s purposeful loss of Held v Montana gives the WEF a legal pathway to checkmate Montana’s economy, energy production, and education. His loss gives Democrats free reign to indoctrinate Montana’s kids in the climate myth and global government.

While the Montana Supreme Court can overturn the district court’s ruling on legal technicalities, it cannot overturn that Montana lost the climate science debate.

Montana’s primary election on Tuesday, June 4, is Biblical.

Hosea 8:4 describes what is happening in Montana’s 2024 primary election:

They set up kings without my consent; they choose princes without my approval. With their silver and gold, they make idols for themselves to their own destruction.

Hosea 8:4 New International Version 4 

The cabal of evil Montana Republicans includes Montana Senator Daines, Congressman Zinke, and Governor Gianforte. The cabal also includes Knudsen and Republicans who work in the shadow.

They chose Tim Sheehy without our approval to be our next US Senator, who would be the richest US Senator. With their money and power, they make idols for themselves to their own destruction.

These evil Republicans are using national Republican money to promote Sheehy who will be a WEF puppet. They support the climate myth and Montana’s loss of Held v Montana.

“By their works we will know them.” These powerful Republicans are working to help WEF take over Montana, America, and our lives by 2030.

Our only way to save our freedom and Montana is to elect Brad Johnson for US Senate, Mary Todd for Congress, and Tanner Smith for Governor.

But few Republican voters know they will be choosing between good and evil.

If Republican voters nominate the cabal candidates, we can kiss Montana’s freedom and economy goodbye. WEF will have won control Montana.

The World Economic Forum plans to make us slaves.

The World Economic Forum (and Bill Gates) wants to cull 80 percent of the world’s population and take ownership of our land and property, so we will, in their words, own nothing, go nowhere, eat bugs, and “be happy” submissive, quiet socialists. Their planned “great reset” now in progress plans to put America under socialism.

On June 20, 2023, District Court Judge Seeley gave the Plaintiffs the win Held v Montana.

Senator Daines wrote on X:

“Activist judges, even here in MT, are helping far-Left environmentalists push their green hallucination down the throats of Americans. Shutting down energy projects that support an all-of-the-above energy portfolio is setting America on a dangerous path. We must reverse course.”

Tim Sheehy parroted Daines on X:

“The latest example of a liberal activist judge trying to legislate radical Green New Deal disastrous policies from the bench. We must fight back and take a strong stand against the climate cult and their job-killing agenda.”

Judge Seeley is not an “activist judge.” She made the correct decision based on the arguments presented, because Knudsen presented no argument to defend Montana.

Daines and Sheehy won’t tell you that AG Knudsen purposely lost Held v Montana because that would tip you off that they are lying to you.

In May 2024, Senator Daines sent a letter to Montana Republicans, saying Knudsen is “on the front lines, fighting for our freedoms and defending our way of life.”

Senator Daines lies again. Knudsen did not fight for our freedom or defend our way of life.

What’s the scoop on climate?

The myth of “human-caused climate change” is the most destructive myth in human history. It destroys people’s minds as well as their economies.

Climate alarmism is based on the false assumption human CO2 stays in the atmosphere longer than natural CO2, which is impossible because human and natural CO2 molecules are identical. So, natural and human CO2 have the same half-life in the atmosphere, which according to the IPCC, is about 2.5 years.

These facts easily compute that natural CO2 is now about 400 ppm and human CO2 is about 20 ppm, which means human CO2 is negligible and cannot have any measurable effect on climate change. It also means carbon taxes and carbon capture projects are irrational because they cannot stop mother nature from increasing the CO2 level.

Climate alarmism also assumes CO2 increase causes temperature increase. However, valid published papers prove the reverse, that temperature increase causes CO2 increase.

The Earth’s reflection of sunlight decreased slightly since 1984. A simple physics calculation shows this change of reflectivity explains all the measured global warming since 1984. Human CO2 does not cause global warming or climate change. For more information, read WEF Climate, Amicus Brief, Epoch Times, Berry Papers.

Brad Johnson vs Tim Sheehy for US Senate

Brad Johnson is a proven Montana conservative leader. In 1982, he served as a campaign coordinator for the Montana Republican nominee for US Senate. His conservative values and strong faith guided him while he was serving as Montana’s conservative Secretary of State. Brad’s experiences and long tenure in Montana provide him with an in-depth understanding of the issues that matter most to Montanans.

He won two Montana statewide elections, Secretary of State and PSC Commission Chairman. He worked in the Montana Republican Party for over 40 years. He was a statewide voting member of the MTGOP and a member of the MTGOP executive board.

He supports the Montana Republican Party Platform 100%. He improved the Republican Party Platform as a voting member of the Republican State Platform Convention.

Brad Johnson will vote for climate truth in the US Senate. He is the only candidate for US Senate with genuine experience serving Montanans.

We don’t know the real Sheehy.

The cabal authors his emails and produces his videos. He sends us dozens of emails every day. He has YouTube videos everywhere. He has never held a public office. He is not even from Montana. He is not a cowboy. His past record shows he is a liberal. He does not know what Montanans want or need.

In the fall of 2023, I attended a Pachyderm meeting to meet Sheehy. His talk was a long boring monotone. He held the mic too close to his mouth, overloading the mic and causing big pops from the speakers. When he finished his talk, he disappeared, vanished. He did not stay to meet Montana voters.

He is not a conservative. He embraces radical leftist causes. He achieved his wealth at taxpayer expense. He has Democrat friends in government who helped him get rich, and he owes them.

  • His Bridger Aerospace company promoted itself to the far-left Woke community as a “fundamentally-driven ESG business,” thus securing a $160 million ESG industrial development bond – one of the largest ESG-accredited “sustainability” bonds ever.
  • After becoming a candidate, Sheehy scrubbed all ESG references from his website. He stays invested in climate alarmism-based enterprises, such as the sustainability service Cloverly, a firm that helps companies watch their “planet-threatening” carbon (CO2) output.
  • Until Sheehy announced for the senate, his company boldly represented itself as “fighting on the front lines of climate change” and attacking “CO2emissions to combat climate change.”  This, too, has disappeared from his Bridger website.
  • In August of 2022, Sheehy was still urging “international cooperation” in fighting climate change and described Bridger’s “fundamental business principles of environmental and social sustainability” and the ability “to effectively combat today’s changing climate.”
  • While earning $5 million a year in personal salary and bonuses from his company, 96% of whose revenues are derived from government contracts, Sheehy aggressively fattened his bank account through direct taxpayer subsidies.
  • This included a $774,300 payroll “forgivable federal loan” (swamp-speak for subsidy.) Then he personally donated $700,000 to his senate campaign.
  • Sheehy feasted at the corporate welfare trough a second time, taking a $221,000 federal SBA subsidyso taxpayers could underwrite the training of his employees.
  • Having gained his probable net worth of over $200 million from government grants to support the climate myth, Sheehy will not vote for climate truth in the US Senate.
  • In his TV spots, Sheehy dons his cowboy hat while planted in the saddle of a sturdy quarter horse. He describes himself as “rancher” or “cowboy.” Yet no serious rancher would have “forgotten” to register his livestockwith the Department of Revenue as required by state law.
  • Sheehy avoided Montana state tax by incorporating on the east coast. He recently merged with Jack Creek Investment, a “blank check” corporation and a tax haven for the wealthy in the Cayman Islands.
  • His post-military largesse with lewd photos and erotica connect to his early years on Facebook.
  • On May 5, 2024, the Montana Association of Rabbis and the Montana Jewish Project called on Sheehy to stop his hatred, antisemitism, and bigotry. See their full letter here.

Mary Todd vs Ryan Zinke for Congress

Mary Todd is much smarter and more honest than Zinke. She has dealt with more government problems than Zinke. She has suffered more due to government actions and inactions than Zinke. Mary Todd will make a better member of Congress than Zinke.

Mary Todd’s book – Hard Drive, A Family’s Fight Against Three Countries – is about who left her son, Dr. Shane Truman Todd, a young American engineer, hanging in his Singapore Apartment just a week before his scheduled return to the United States. Her book describes her fight with three countries to find the truth.

Mary Todd writes,

In June of 2012, my son’s life was unjustly taken. Shane died because he was unwilling to illegally trade American secrets. We are still waiting for justice. When I tell you that I am courageous, know that I have had to face the giants. When I tell you that I will give a voice to the voiceless, it’s because I, too, had my voice taken away. When I tell you I will listen to those who have been ignored, it’s because I, too, have been brushed off. When I tell you that I will look you in the eye and fight for your needs, no matter the cost or odds of success, know that I mean it. Because I, too, have been avoided and cast aside. Because of my experiences, I can assure you that my resolve and dedication to the security of this country and to the safety of your family will never waiver.

We are currently in a battle for our nation’s survival. A battle between those who love America and those who hate her. Those who hate her want to destroy it. Those who love America want to keep the American way of life and uphold our Constitution. This is a fight we must win.

Mary Todd attended my climate lecture in March 2024.

Ryan Zinke

Retired Navy Seal Commander Zinke supports Sheehy, the climate myth, and WEF.

Zinke refused to attend my climate lecture in March 2024, even though he was in town. He told me he has no time to talk to me about climate, but he spends hours listening to climate cultists. Zinke is a liberal who will waste our tax dollars trying to stop climate change.

Tanner Smith v Greg Gianforte for Montana Governor

Tanner Smith will be a welcome governor who understands Montana. He will listen to my conclusions about climate truth.

Governor Gianforte supports Knudsen’s purposeful loss of Held v Montana. He has not taken one minute of his time in four years to talk to me about climate. He supports Sheehy and the climate myth.

Vote for freedom.

Vote for Brad Johnson for US Senate, Mary Todd for Congress, and Tanner Smith for Governor.

© 2024 Ed Berry – All Rights Reserved

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