If Only Americans Understood The Price Of Their Freedoms?
“Was is it on a football field or in a boxing ring that you’re God-given rights were won? Or was it on a battlefield where men sacrificed themselves to give it?”
Americans can attempt to deceive themselves into believing, with the use of sophistries by the corporate-owned and operated media, that they are given correct and right information. Most of you know that they are not telling you the truth concerning any matter, if, in fact, the topic even matters. Unless, of course, it works to their own ends (Psalm 101:3).
You are taught that if you question their narrative, somehow, that you are just conspiratorial (Romans 1:18).
You can send your children to schools where you know the indoctrinators are the “proselytizers of a new faith,” where their books have been revised and fabricated with intentional propaganda (Article 10 of the Bill of Rights; Hosea 4:6).
Yet, you are taught that everyone else is doing it, and you do not want to be ostracized for raising up your own children (Proverbs 22:6), but happily submit to bring them to an agent of the state who is illegally indoctrinating them.
We’re in an ever-changing con-game (circus of politics) that is being played out through the mouths of corrupt politicians (Luke 22:48) in hopes of incrementally and unconstitutionally creating a new world which looks and runs contrary to the original God-ordained model and purpose.
Yet again, you have been taught that if you dare take a stand against corruption you might look like you are an anarchist, or anti-government (1 Kings 18:17-18).
Most Americans have been good, little subjects when it comes to their masters’ directives.
Americans have even gone so far as to believe the “fictitious” when it comes to Hollywood and their productions in an attempt to create a world in which they want to live in by ignoring reality (Jeremiah 8:5).
The truth of the matter is that the Lord God is bringing a reality to your front door, like it or not, and the issues at hand must be dealt with lawfully (Isaiah 51:4).
I know that to some, the truth is stranger than fiction. Yet, it matters not (Amos 7:8), no more than one has to believe in trucks. If you stand in front of a moving one, the rest will take its course, believing in trucks or not.
You cannot do the wrong thing and expect the right results (Galatians 6:7). You can never be doing the right thing by attempting to change God’s reality and fighting against His spiritual truths (Exodus 20; Romans 7:12).
You must submit and adhere to His model, and that model is Jesus Christ (John 14:6), and Christ is for us to emulate (John 14:21).
I remember, in passing, I noticed a news anchor on a television broadcast addressing politicians that just violated constitutional law, and in response, he said that it was “nothing personal.” When I heard that and understood the offense (scandals, lies, illegal and unconstitutional bills passed etc…), I said it is “totally offensive.” Does he not understand the price paid for American freedoms too flippantly give a pass to these criminals!?
When a game is played (football, hockey, baseball, soccer boxing etc…) and an offense occurs according to the said rules, often times you will see the two players shake hands, pat each other on the back and continue on as if it never happened.
Yet, when it comes to laws and transgression of constitutional laws, we must keep in mind that these laws are to be magnified against crimes. They are there to ensure our God-given rights; rights in which are blood bought, for “justice is the guardian of liberty” (Psalm 9:16).
As a matter of fact, to show you how this is played out in politics, I remember our trip to the federal floor in Washington D.C. Our guide said that around here, you just go along to get along. Apparently, these politicians have forgotten the awful price paid to give them the opportunity to serve!
Do Americans have any idea as to how many unconstitutional bills have been passed in such a fashion? Go along to get along?
I wonder, did our veterans compromise to go along to get along when many were maimed, shot or killed on the battlefield ratifying the Constitution against an enemy to the United States?
Were our veterans fighting for their favorite unconstitutional party line, the Democrats or the Republicans?
Did our veterans, when fighting for our God-given rights, play diplomatic games with the enemies of our country when being shot at? And to think, many of our veterans that came home after fighting for the corrupt politicians and their unconstitutional wars were being protested by their own people at the airports while the compromised politicians that sent them did nothing to stop it. Apparently, they were to busy diplomatically fraternizing with America’s enemies within. After all, they have to go along to get along.
The price of freedom is always a sacrifice of heroic souls on the behalf of their people (John 15:13). The price is always been blood (Hebrews 9:22).
If you look to Calvary, where the Son of Man took to the battlefield in defeating sin on the behalf of man (1 Peter 3:18), you can see that He was crucified and set forth as the propitiation of the sins of the world (1 John 2:2) as the Lamb of God (John 1:29).
Take heed concerning the cost of redemption and spiritual freedom, which is always a great expense of blood. The lesson is to be learned in the natural (1 Corinthians 2:14).
Next time someone wants to use sophistries or tries to teach you a lesson of “sportsmanlike conduct” in an attempt to add strength to tyranny, consider the severity of the price paid for your freedoms (John 3:16).
Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media
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