Illegals, Come One and All, We’ll Give you Thousand$ to Kill and Rape
by Kathleen Marquardt
December 7, 2024
It has been almost 10 years since 5-times deported illegal immigrant Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez murdered Kate Steinle in San Francisco. The country was outraged. Today, we are inviting this behavior – on a scale that is unfathomable.
Yes, I’m well aware that a major goal of Agenda 21/2030/the Great Reset is to reduce the human population by over 90%, and this is just one of the tools being used to achieve that goal. But I do keep forgetting that we are just natural resources to be tended to and controlled by the New World Order Globalists – who are, thus, themselves, natural resources but, instead, consider themselves all-powerful beings of a higher order, not the scum they are. It is very difficult for a sane, rational person who operates on logic, reason, and sound science to take in these ideas as anything more than unhinged idiocy. But it is the operating principle for the Globalists and the uber-gullible masses they have programmed.
In the past several years, illegal immigration has multiplied many-fold. And those being welcomed in are the dregs of the underworld. We now have cartel gangs taking over apartment buildings, raping young and old alike, and being given the keys to the kingdom – money, cars, and carte blanch to rape and pillage like the marauders of feudalism days.
But, an American who, as he put it so eloquently to me, “I’m a US citizen, US taxpayer, US veteran, and I can’t get past the iron curtain known as US immigration.” Watch the short video re a wife with a Green Card since 1990, and paying U.S. taxes ever since. Her Green Card expired a while ago, but assuming that they have been paying taxes (and extra taxes — see video), it would just be a formality to get a new one.
But no such luck. They are now being told it could be a year or two before she is able to return to their home in Florida, where their daughters are living.
My advice was to move to Mexico and come back that way – maybe they would even have the extra $20,000 in taxes returned to them.
Hearing their story makes me madder than a wet hen. Daily, we read about the illegal gangs – murders, rape, pillage – you name it, if it is illegal and disgusting, they will do it – laughing. And go on collecting their thousands.
I want to know if you, reader, see that this is part of the plan, the plan to reduce the legal human population. Once the illegals take out enough of them, they will become the cannon fodder. But, for now, they have a license to commit mayhem and get written up as heroes for it – as that is what they are to the Globalists – heroes of 1984, Brave New Word, and Soylent Green.
We need some outrage here, folks. We need to let those bought-out bums in D.C. know that we are not going to be cowed by them anymore, that we want a clean house and will do the cleaning if they are willing.
Now, we are about as upside-down as we can get. When do we say NO!?
Right is wrong. Good is bad. Evil has a free hand. Our children have been brainwashed, programmed, and had their brains turned to mush. Our teachers have been programmed to spew Marxist dogma, and instead of teaching the 3 Rs, they are inculcating the students with sexual aberrations and causing them to be averse to good, clean work.
Our civilization is on the verge of collapse, and people cannot take their heads off their phones long enough to see the abhorrence of what is considered proper behavior. It is time for every still fairly sane person to be counted. You can start by writing to your Congressmen and women and Senators and tell them it is time to grow up, be adults, and send those bearing bribes or threats to get lost. At the same time, please tell them the Department of Homeland Security needs to be demolished, post haste.
ICE needs to get rid of all illegal aliens now! And we need to become conscientious citizens who do not put up with the behavior of those breaking the law and threatening our neighborhoods. Either “See something – do something” or “See something – call someone (police)”. Man up – even you women. Stand up for what is right and stand against wrongs.
Watch Dave’s video and realize that when illegal aliens are welcomed with open arms and well-behaved legals are denied entry, there is something grossly wrong with our system.; it needs a rebuild.
Let your elected officials – federal and local – know that we are no longer scared of them; that we are in charge, and we want to once again live in Freedom.
Slay the beast.
© 2024 Kathleen Marquardt – All Rights Reserved
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