Immigration Driving America and Europe Over a Cultural Cliff

By Frosty Wooldridge

February 24, 2025

At some point, endless and massive immigration from the four corners of the planet—-into Western countries, will prove the disintegration of Western Culture, law and order, values, mores, religious/spiritual affinity, and commonality of community.  Love of one’s country finds itself being replaced by chants of, “Death to America” by recent immigrants from the Middle East into Detroit, Michigan.

This past week, February 15, 2025, in Munich, Germany, an Islamic immigrant ran his car into shoppers killing a mother and her daughter, and wounded 37 people.  Almost weekly, immigrants stab Germans, Brits, Danes, Swedes, Norwegians, French, Italians and Fins to death.  You don’t hear about it because they keep a tight lid on the harsh realities of immigration afflicting Europe.  In Paris several years ago, a bunch of Islamic immigrant terrorists shot up restaurants and killed dozens while attacking a huge theater crowd.  Imams have declared that Sweden is now an Islamic State.  Where they become a majority, no woman can walk down a city street alone.

The infamous hundreds of “no go” zones in France and most other Muslim dominated areas means that natives of those countries are not welcome in those areas because the Muslim inhabitants don’t tolerate women’s rights, equal rights, religious choice, Western laws or anything having to do with law and order.

Nearly half of London has become dominated by Middle Eastern immigrants, both legal and illegal.  This was on YouTube:  An Islamic scholar in the UK said, “Impose British values on Muslims? No, we don’t like your culture or democracy. Islam is better and we want Sharia law. We only believe in Allah!”  That holds true in America where Detroit Muslims during the recent marches against Israel chanted, “Death to America.”  They aren’t kidding!

In Minneapolis with 125,000 immigrant Muslim Somalians, the majority of them choose and practice Sharia Law.  They defy U.S.  Constitutional law.  Same anywhere in the USA where those Middle Eastern immigrants dominate.  “Somaliland” in Minneapolis is already a “no go” zone in America. Ditto for Detroit where 300,000 of them dominate Dearborn.

Canada continues on the same course of destroying its own culture to bow to Islamic culture.  What most Western Cultures don’t understand is the fact that the Quran teaches only one Prime Directive,  “Convert or kill all non-believers.”   They don’t immigrate into Western Cultures to assimilate.  They come to dominate, destroy and replace.  If you look at Vancouver, Canada, it’s completely dominated by Chinese immigrants, yes, a little more civilized, but they have imposed Chinese culture to run out the Canadians.  You almost have to wonder if Western Culture wants to commit suicide of its own way of life.

In the USA, Omar Ahmad, director of the Council of American Islamic Relations said, ”Islam is not in America to become equal to any other faith, but to become dominant.  The Quran should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only religion earth.”

Fellow Americans, those Muslims can’t make it any clearer than that.  One look at the nightmare in Europe and Canada gives you a sobering idea of what’s facing America with continued Islamic immigration into our Western Culture.  They aren’t and won’t assimilate into Western values, community or mores.

For the past 20 years, you have been subjected to  “Celebrate Diversity and Multiculturalism” here in the United States.  Where has that motto gotten us?

  • Muslim shot to death 13 people at King Sooper’s grocery store in Boulder, Colorado three years ago.
  • Immigration gave us 9/11 from Muhammed Atta and crew.
  • In New Orleans, Muslim ran over and killed 14 with 57 wounded this past December.
  • We now suffer an average of 23 to 27 honor killings annually of women in our American Western Culture because of Muslim immigrants. (Source: Department of Homeland Security.). It’s 20,000 honor killings worldwide according to the United Nations reports.
  • Female genital mutilation in America is now into the millions of little girls under the age of nine.
  • “Death to America” chanted by Muslims in Detroit.
  • Full-fledged American Muslim terrorists supported October 7, 2023 slaughter in Israel at our college campuses.
  • This is only a short list of Muslim atrocities in America.

So dear fellow American: how far do we want to go down this nation-destroying rathole of endless immigration madness?

Who will be the next victim of an Islamic attack on America soil?  It could be your loved ones being shot up or stabbed at the grocery store. It could be your entire city going dark from an attack on our electrical system.  They could poison your water supply.  They are clever and they are relentless.

Please understand this harsh reality: Muslims don’t change. They are brainwashed by the Quran. Once it’s imbedded in their brains, nothing can change their terror concepts or quests. Those 72 virgins await every Muslim martyr!  The modern world won’t change them.  Facts, logic, education, freedom, choice, women’s rights, and a free country—none of Western Culture will ever change that 6th century violent religion into any kind of moderation or acceptance of mutual respect in a Western society.

“My position is that this idea of a multiethnic society is a disaster. That’s what we’ve got in Central Europe, and in Central Africa. A multiethnic society is insanity.  We should restrict immigration for that reason.”  Garett Hardin

—Interview with The Social Contract, 1997

At the very least, in America, we’ve struggled with our black/white situation for over 250 years.  It’s torn us apart with the Civil War. It’s caused riots and anger virtually every week in the news. We’ve created laws, affirmative action, D.E.I., C.R.T., SNAP, WIC, EBT cards, and much more to level the economic playing field. But for the most part, we keep struggling along with our racial conflicts. Thankfully, race-baiter Joy Reid has been tossed off MSNBC because of her outrageous hatred of white people.

But if we continue to import incompatible religions and cultures, there will come a time in the near future when all hell will break out in our cities where we have imported immigrants that simply cannot and do not get along.  When that time comes, we won’t be able to quell it or deal with it or solve it.

What are the possible solutions?  We need to pause all immigration for at least 20 years.  Or, if we continue it, we must follow the “ingress equals egress” plan with compatible and educated people who actually want to and can contribute to America’s wellbeing—rather than chanting, “Death to America.”

For the most part, Europe has immigrated itself to death.  They are already cooked beyond redemption.  Read the book: The Strange Death of Europe by Douglas Murray.  It will sober you as to our future if we continue mass immigration.

The final question is:  Do you wonder if America wants to commit suicide of its own way of life?  If we continue on our current path, we will suffer national suicide.

© 2025 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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