Inordinate Amount of Killing and Crime: What About Parenting?
By Frosty Wooldridge
December 6, 2021
A 15 year old kid, Ethan Crumbley, at Oxford High School, Detroit, Michigan, grabbed his father’s recently purchased pistol…walked into his school and with ice in his veins, shot four students dead and injured a number of others.
Notwithstanding, he featured violent figures on his social media site. His parents allowed him to play cruel arcade games. The principal talked to him about the child’s violent drawings and rhetoric. The principal, determining the child was no threat, let the kid out of the office…where Ethan Crumbley casually gunned down fellow students.
My wife and I lived right next to the Columbine killings in Denver, Colorado 20 years ago. The two boys gave every kind of notice that they were violent and ready to kill for weeks before their slaughter of a dozen fellow students at Columbine High School. Nobody paid attention. Their parents ignored all the aberrant signs of their kids.
At a Christmas parade last week in Waukesha, Wisconsin, Darrell Brooks stepped into his SUV, drove downtown and casually mowed down 50 people, killing six of them as they participated in the parade. As a career felon, he advocated for violence, he beat the crap out of his wife, he attempted to run her over with his car, and he rapped violent video music in his world. He jumped bail, and then, the prosecutor gave him another bail to go free that enabled him to kill all those people and destroy all those lives.
In the last two weeks, hundreds of blacks smashed and looted countless stores in San Francisco and Los Angeles. They stole over $200,000.00 in products. These were kids who are also thugs, anarchists and terrorists against the “rule of law” in our society. Worse than that, they get away with it because district attorneys in San Francisco and Los Angeles won’t keep them in jail.
“42 shot and 9 killed this weekend” read the Chicago papers on November 8, 2021. What’s the problem? Answer: that shooting, and death toll occurs every single weekend in Chicago.
Associated Press: Two recent killings in St. Louis and a third fatal shooting in St. Louis County appear to be related, law enforcement officials announced Tuesday.
“The victims were a 16-year-old girl killed in St. Louis County, and a man and woman who were shot 2 miles (3.2 kilometers) apart in north St. Louis, St. Louis,” police Maj. Shawn Dace said.
Last summer, BLM and Antifa anarchists burned, looted and killed to the tune of $2 billion in lost property and goods. You can’t make this stuff up!
So, what’s going on in our society? Answer: at some point in the past 50 years, a certain percentage of parents have lost control, discipline and accountability for a vast number of teenagers.
We lost 100,000 people to drug overdose deaths last year. Why for the love of common sense, would anyone start taking drugs? We’ve got $52 billion in shoplifting thefts annually. We’ve got 130 teen suicides daily in the USA. (Source: Suicide Statistics/AFSP…
The average teenager “texts” 3,000 times per month. That’s over 100 times a day. April 20, 2020 — Older girls who text are the most active, with 14-17 year-old girls typically sending 100 or more messages a day or more than 3,000 texts monthly. (Source: How about school officials “store” all cell phones in individual slots as they walk into school? No child needs a cell phone during school hours? Do you agree?
What about the thousands of video arcades across America packed to the wall daily with kids shooting, stabbing, murdering, killing and maiming their foes? Isn’t that teaching violence to our kids? Aren’t those ‘game’ fomenting incredible violence across America? Is there any wonder that children become violent?
How about the horrible statistic that seven out of ten black children come into this world with a single mom living on welfare? How do you grasp that kind of hopelessness, poverty, misery and loneliness of that woman and her child or children? Is it any wonder that such children join gangs such as the BLM and become anarchists?
What are we as a society losing? How about parental control of a child’s cell phone? What about parental control over a weapon in the house? How about parental guidance and discipline…as to telling the truth, about living an ethical life, about working a job for what you wish to earn and/or buy, or accomplish?
The reality remains: our inner cities have become incubators of violent youth. Just look at the mess Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, Minneapolis, Denver, Miami, Atlanta, LA, San Francisco, Seattle and New York City.
What happens when their numbers outnumber our police forces? What happens when the shoplifting exceeds $100 billion annually, and then $200 billion? Are any of the sociological planners looking at the “rot” in our cities?
Do we want more Black Lives Matter fomenting revolution by advocating that Black People boycott White Peoples’ businesses? Where’s that going as to racial relations?
What about parenting? How about couples heading toward marriage must pass a six month, once-a-week class in raising children, conflict resolution, how to remain compatible, how to manage finances, positive educational/learning environment for their children, signs of children’s violent trends and how to move them into a more positive path?
What about taking all that money for the military and moving a portion of it into building fine young men and women with after school classes, tutoring, recreation centers, basketball courts, hockey centers, baseball diamonds, tennis, music classes, art classes…and any kind of positive social outlet for all children? How about dispensing birth control for teens
As to this journalist’s observation across America, and as a former teacher, I think we’re in a hell of a mess…and we fail to see it. We fail to understand its underpinnings. We keep ignoring its causes. We fail to come up with solutions. That’s why another Sandy Hook, Columbine, Oxford, Waukesha and other killing zones will occur more often across this country. In the big cities, this country and its youth are going stark raving crazy.
Is anyone in America thinking about these questions? Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?
If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you. Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.
Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.
As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future? If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.
This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more. Just click the link below to see the video.
Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge
This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.
If you want to see two documentaries that give visual proof of my book’s contents, go to Netflix, and type in “Cowspiracy” that shows you the damage to the air, land and water. Watch “Seaspiracy” to see how humans are destroying the oceans.
Share these videos all over America:
“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five minutes to see for yourself
“Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck
This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”
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