Is Washington DC Ruling For or Against Americans?

By Jeffery Dover

February 21, 2023

Seymour Hersh has recently reported that it was the CIA which carried out the attack to blow up Russia’s Nordstream Pipeline.  Not surprising.  After all, who believed the CIA’s media when they suggested that it was Russia itself behind the attack?  That was an out and out LOL!  Russia had absolutely no motive for such an act and every reason to never consider such abject stupidity.

When one understood in advance that everything about Ukraine and US involvement there, with EU support, was about the New World Order agenda, it wasn’t difficult to ferret out the lie.  It had to be the CIA who was behind the attack.  Remember…if it doesn’t make sense, it’s not likely to be true. The idea that Russia might have been the perpetrator made no sense.  Contrarily, that the CIA in aid of the New World Order would seek to destroy this source of revenue for Russia while claiming that it was an assault on the EU economy was very plausible.

Interestingly, it was Hersh who reported back in the late 1970’s and into the ‘80’s that US submarines – Halibut, Sea Wolf and Parche – had planted listening devices on underwater Soviet communications cables in the Seas of Okhotsk and Barents.  Forty some years later, with the Cold War long gone and technology far advanced, to take out an undersea pipeline would be comparatively simple for US forces.  A submarine-deployed ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) would plant the explosives.  Most of the crew, however, would have been in the dark as to the mission and even the area in which they were operating.

Does it make sense that the USA would commit so much money and material to Ukraine?  As an American, how does that expenditure make your life better?  Does it make sense that the US would also fund the construction and work of dozens of bioweapons labs in Ukraine?  Why couldn’t such labs be constructed in the USA if our powers thought it was beneficial to the nation to have them?  Who pays for whatever it is that they produce?  What does Ukraine give the USA in return? What is our trade basis with that nation?  Why has the CIA been operating there for more than ten years, installing first one then another puppet president?

We know that whatever the reason, it is not because Russia poses any kind of a threat to the people of the United States.  Even during the Cold War years, with intelligence discovered by the recording devices planted on Soviet undersea communications cables, the US learned that Soviet military intentions were completely defensive, that is, that they sought no “first-strike” capability.  Their only imperative was that they possessed a second-strike ability as a deterrent to any first-strike.[1] We know that the 2016 “Russian Collusion/Election Interference” was a total lie.  Ditto the phony “pee pee dossier”, the entire fiction said to have taken place in – guess where – Russia, freshly prepared in the UK and then dutifully transported to the USA by Senator John McCain.

So, what is the animus against Russia within the halls of US power?  Whatever that animus might be, it’s clear that Washington has one. It’s equally clear that their media don’t want the American people to know what it is.  All we get are the lies.  Russia has no designs on the EU, other than in trade nor do they pose a military threat there.  In the meantime, neither has Russia acted in any way against the United States nor, on the other hand, does Ukraine mean anything to the America citizen.  Is all the lying and falsehood designed to thereby justify NATO, thirty years down the road an organization with no longer any valid reason to exist with regard to its stated mission?  Does it exist only to keep the billions of our dollars flowing to the EU and its banks?

Russia is a nation with a population that, until the early 1990’s had no experience whatever of property ownership or free enterprise.  Prior to the 1917 revolution, all land was owned by a small group of nobility.  The rest of the many millions of people were mostly illiterate serfs bound to the nobility, save for a tiny mercantile class of free people.  Late in the 19th century the serfs were freed by decree of Tsar Alexander II, though they still owned no property and remained illiterate.

Following the revolution, not much changed for the people.  Only the five percent who belonged to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union lived well and had access to luxuries.  There was no private property and no free enterprise.  The party’s power was absolute. The communist party members simply replaced the nobility of tsarist times, the rest of the people still essentially serfs to the party.

Today thirty or so years after totalitarian rule, Russia is a nation of people grappling with free enterprise and the novelty of owning property.  Americans take private property and free enterprise for granted, our population having centuries of that experience.  Not so Russians.  With much of the nation’s people lacking indoor plumbing, that they manage to occupy 11th place among the world’s economies is fairly amazing.  However, as a nation, they have much to do in order to reach a standard of living for their population which equals that of the western developed nations of the EU and USA.  War is not one of those things.  It’s trade which they seek.  That’s what makes sense, not destruction and the attendant waste of valuable resources in terms of people and materials.

Putin is characterized in the media and by some politicians as some evil KGB agent of Stalin’s era, running around with needles to poison people or torturing them in the cellars of the Lubyanka.  In fact, he wasn’t that sort at all, but rather a diplomatic agent.  Far from seeking a return to atheistic communism – a thing few Russians would ever want, which is why they toppled the old regime – Putin has returned Russia to its Christian roots.  Does Fox News ever speak of that?  The New York Times?

Why aren’t we Americans being told these things, other than the nonsense they feed us?  Is there something else going on?  Are the Russians the bad guys or have the tables turned and now that’s our role?  Well…not us, those of us reading here, but those in Washington who no longer represent us but nonetheless occupy elected (?) office and bureaucracies?  The bad guys being not most of the crew of the submarine which planted the pipeline explosive, but rather those few aboard who knew the mission and carried it out?

Now we read that congress got a “classified” briefing on the recent Chinese balloon overflight.  Why “classified”?  Are they trying to keep it secret so that the Chinese won’t find out why their own balloon traversed the United States?  That’s another big “LOL”.  Or, are they telling congress what was going on, and what lies they plan to feed to the media so that the congress and the media are all on the same page when the people begin asking questions?  It’s clear that it’s us, the US citizens, who they want to keep in the dark, not foreign powers.

February 15, 2023

The above was written a few days ago.  Today we learn that they weren’t Chinese “spy balloons” after all!  According to the Pentagon, now they are claiming that the objects were likely “private”.[2] Speculation has it that all the baloney about “Chinese Spy Balloons” was a ruse to keep the revelation that it was the CIA who blew up the Nordstream pipeline out of the headlines…but then, how could you really have believed that it was anyone else who did that?  Equally amazing, how could we believe that the Chinese would use something as archaic and easily discovered as a balloon to spy on us?  That’s even more absurd.  Those observations aside, is this a new ruse?  Is the Pentagon telling us that “private” balloons such as these routinely traverse N. American airspace and that we have no idea whose they are or what their purpose?  I smell yet another total lie!  It should be amusing to see how their media will spin it now.

Is anyone in Washington being honest with American citizens?  What if the people learned that 9/11 and Covid were both inside jobs?  There is plenty of reason to believe that they were.  We’re told that “you can’t handle the truth.”  Rubbish.  It’s the perps who can’t handle the truth being known.  Truth is the bane of all those seeking total power, which is why all such regimes also have powerful propaganda tools to drum the truth away and silence critics who dare to bring it to light.  Haven’t we seen that in spades with Covid-19?  Doctors and scientists who spoke out against the treatment protocols and vaccination narratives were threatened with loss of employment and/or licensure, their pronouncements censored to the greatest extent possible.

Project Veritas has recently recorded a senior Pfizer executive discussing ways in which they might make the Covid virus more potent so that they could invent more vaccines.[3]  Former Pfizer V. President and Chief Scientist Michael Yeadon and others say the vaccine productions were colluded between the pharmaceutical companies and were toxic by design, that is, on purpose. [4], [5] If Project Veritas can uncover this, so can the CIA, FBI or any other intelligence group ostensibly looking out for our welfare.  If that’s not bad enough, the so-called “vaccines” don’t prevent Covid infection yet do in fact cause a host of other adverse reactions, including sudden death.  Knowing these facts, our government officials continue to maintain the absolute fiction that they are “safe”.

Just who are our elected representatives and bureaucracies working for?  We elected a president in a landslide in 2016 in order that he lead the nation in the reversal of so much which the people oppose.  In response, his party in the congress who we relied on to back him up in our wishes, destroyed him, denying us all those wishes.  Instead, they doubled down with the Biden installment continuing on a course set to upset and destroy American founding principles.

Apart from those political powers in Washington in which we have misplaced our trust, what groups approve of Washington’s direction?  A few of them are the EU, the Council for Foreign Relations, the World Economic Forum and the United Nations as well as associated and powerful elites.  Our direction as a nation in terms of government and control of the actions of our population dovetail nicely with the stated aims of those groups and persons.  It is those groups for which it appears that our government is ruling, not the people.  It is squarely up to the people to change that.  At present, Washington is as much as saying “So what if we lie?  So what if we brazenly work against your interests and welfare?  What are you going to do about it?”

Let’s create an organization of our own and show them.

© 2023 Jeffery Dover – All Rights Reserved

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[1] “Blind Man’s Bluff”, Sherry Sontag and Christopher Drew

[2] Political/sudden-narrative-shift-pentagon-admits-mystery-objects-probably-private-craft-not-tied?

[3] pfizer-executive-mutate-covid-via-directed-evolution-for-company-to-continue

[4]  mike-yeadon-covid-injections-are-toxic/

[5]  Toxic-by-design-with-Michael-Yeadon-phd