Islam’s Onslaught of America: Stopping Jihadists By Halting Immigration

Part 17: The flood of potential America-hating Jihadists must be stopped, and stopped now

In 1952, Congress passed the McCarran-Walter Act that gives a sitting President the authority to restrict immigration into the United States and removal of anyone determined to be engaged in subversive activities.  Carter used it and Obama used it.

With the terror attacks within our country in the past year, Trump needs to use it and expand it to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Ethiopia and more.  Those countries prove hotbeds for Muslim terrorists training for their jihad against America.  Immigration via the refugee program remains their ticket to killing our citizens.

Obama revised one of his Executive Orders to kick Russian ‘diplomats’ out of the United States.  McCarran-Walter, co-authors of this act were both Democrats. Harry Truman, also a Democrat, vetoed it but the Congress overrode his veto.  Truman was a Democrat but also a ‘Progressive’ in the same vein as today’s Progressives.

“In fact, Presidents Truman and Teddy Roosevelt were considered founders of the Progressive movement,” said George Phelps, former U.S. Army officer.  “Obama’s E.O. 13694 authorized the imposition of sanctions on individuals and entities determined to be responsible for or complicit in malicious cyber-enabled activities that result in enumerated harms that are reasonably likely to result in, or have materially contributed to, a significant threat to the national security, foreign policy, or economic health or financial stability of the United States.”

According to the law, President Trump maintains complete authority to restrict entry of immigrants from designated countries based on the McCarran—Walter Act and Obama used an Executive Order to do the same thing when he had the Russian diplomats removed from the US.

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (Pub.L. 82–414, 66 Stat. 163, enacted June 27, 1952), also known as the McCarran–Walter Act, restricted immigration into the U.S. and is codified under Title 8 of the United States Code (8 U.S.C. ch. 12). The Act governs primarily immigration to and citizenship in the United States. It has been in effect since December 24, 1952. Before this Act, a variety of statutes governed immigration law but were not organized within one body of text.

H.R. 5678 was named after its sponsors, Senator Pat McCarran (D-Nevada), and Congressman Francis Walter (D-Pennsylvania).

President Harry Truman, a Democrat, vetoed the Act because he regarded the bill as “un-American” and discriminatory.  Truman’s veto was overridden by a vote of 278 to 113 in the House and 57 to 26 in the Senate.

Speaking in the Senate on March 2, 1953, McCarran said:

“I believe that this nation is the last hope of Western civilization and if this oasis of the world shall be overrun, perverted, contaminated or destroyed, then the last flickering light of humanity will be extinguished. I take no issue with those who would praise the contributions, which have been made to our society by people of many races, of varied creeds and colors. … However, we have in the United States today hard-core, indigestible blocs which have not become integrated into the American way of life, but which, on the contrary are its deadly enemies. Today, as never before, untold millions are storming our gates for admission and those gates are cracking under the strain. The solution of the problems of Europe and Asia will not come through a transplanting of those problems en masse to the United States. … I do not intend to become prophetic, but if the enemies of this legislation succeed in riddling it to pieces, or in amending it beyond recognition, they will have contributed more to promote this nation’s downfall than any other group since we achieved our independence as a nation.”

The Act abolished racial restrictions found in United States immigration and naturalization statutes going back to the Naturalization Act of 1790. The 1952 Act retained a quota system for nationalities and regions. Eventually, the Act established a preference system, which determined which ethnic groups were desirable immigrants and placed great importance on labor qualifications.

The Act defined three types of immigrants: immigrants with special skills or relatives of U.S. citizens who were exempt from quotas and who were to be admitted without restrictions; average immigrants whose numbers were not supposed to exceed 270,000 per year; and refugees.

The Act allowed the government to deport immigrants or naturalized citizens engaged in subversive activities and also allowed the barring of suspected subversives from entering the country. It was used to bar members and former members and “fellow travelers” of the Communist Party from entry into the United States, even those who had not been associated with the party for decades.

This video showing Muslims marching in Chicago recently that read, “Death to America”, shows you why Trump needs to enforce this precious McCarran-Walter Act.

It expanded the definition of the “United States” for nationality purposes, which already included Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, to add Guam. Persons born in these territories on or after December 24, 1952 acquire U.S. citizenship at birth on the same terms as persons born in other parts of the United States.

A 1962 guideline explained procedures under the Act:

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 requires an alien to apply for a petition for naturalization. This form may be obtained from any office of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, a division of the Department of Justice, or from any court authorized to naturalize aliens.

Today, more than ever, we need to keep Muslims out of our country. That march in Chicago with the banner “Death to America” indicates the trauma of our future as to Muslim immigrants.