John Kasich loves NAFTA, TPP, Common Core, Amnesty and Clinton’s gun ban

One of the biggest challenges facing the American economy is that we lack a domestic manufacturing base. Simply put we do not produce anything anymore. We buy tons of foreign goods and then wonder why we are lacking jobs. We import most of our goods which has resulted in a huge trade deficit and industrial job losses. Our economy has transitioned from an agricultural society to an industrial society to a service economy. —Mark Riddix

So who is your choice? John Kasich? He voted for NAFTA when in congress and then presided over the industrial exodus as governor of Ohio. NAFTA was the beginning of the end of middle class jobs. Now he’s promoting TPP which not only will destroy more American jobs, but will threaten American sovereignty and our Constitution.

Marco Rubio, an ineligible anchor baby pawn of the Koch Brothers who wants to throw open American doors to the entire world? Rubio cast the deciding vote for the TPA fast track, and didn’t even read it. Link Now he’s telling people to vote for Kasich in Ohio, to stop Donald Trump.

Ted Cruz, an ineligible Canadian Bush globalist, who quadrupled the H1B foreign worker program? Cruz even backed fast track for Obama for the TPP. [Link] Probably one of the worst deceptions I’ve seen in a long time. He has a Bible in one hand, and a knife in the other. 

Donald Trump, a self-confessed Establishment slayer and successful real estate developer- and ELIGIBLE who wants our borders closed and a wall built to stop the influx of illegals? He is for trade, but not for the rotten deals that destroy American jobs and leave us with huge deficits. Is he a politician? No. Does he know every facet of America’s problems? No. But this man, unlike all the rest, listens to the people of America.

Kasich and NAFTA

North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act. In doing so, the exodus of America jobs started going south. See the best Trump rally to date in Boca Raton Florida yesterday.

The calls to our Congress Criminals were 10 to 1 against it, yet the Republicans saved the day for NAFTA and voted for this job destroying agreement. Within 10 years, over a million American jobs were lost. [Link] American industry has been decimated. 

After two decades of NAFTA, we can measure its actual outcomes. The grand promises made by proponents remain unfulfilled. Many outcomes are exactly the opposite of what was promised. Many U.S. firms used the new investor protections to relocate production to Mexico to take advantage of its low wages and weak environmental standards and to attack NAFTA countries’ environmental and health laws in foreign tribunals. Over $340 million in compensation to investors has been extracted from NAFTA governments via these “investor-state” challenges. The American people have suffered, and the old statement of jobs being sucked south to Mexico is radically true.

Kasich and TPP

GOP presidential candidate Ohio Gov. John Kasich came out in support of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement during the fourth GOP primary debate hosted by Fox Business, saying the deal is “critical.” So far, Ohio has lost 112,500 jobs to TPP.

Donald Trump has a totally different take on the Trans Pacific Partnership. Here’s what he said in answer to a debate question posted by WSJ’s Gerard Baker:

Trump was exactly right…China will come into it, and it is a deal that is more destructive than all the other trade deals combined.


The Obama administration-backed agreement is bad news for a number of other reasons too, threatening U.S. sovereignty, the economy, and the Constitution. As such, it must be stopped, according to a recent four-part video series examining different elements of the regional agreement by researcher and analyst Christian Gomez, who has studied the treaty, and William F. Jasper, senior editor of the New American magazine. [Link]

Kasich on Second Amendment. 

In 1994, when he was a US Congressman John Kasich voted for the Clinton Gun and Magazine ban. Nothing more needs to be said. Kasich not only lacks a solid understanding of world affairs and world history, but he is also anti-gun.

And if voting for the Clinton gun and magazine ban is not enough proof, as Governor of Ohio, Kasich signed Medicaid reform that contained a version of “see a shrink lose your guns.” Governor Kasich is simply another politician who will excuse criminal behavior as mental illness and by extension would likely void the Second Amendment rights of anyone who sees a “shrink.” [Link]

Kasich on Amnesty

Illegal immigrants are “a critical part of our society” and should be provided a route to amnesty, Republican presidential candidate John Kasich tells a coalition of Hispanic company executives. Kasich wants a path to legalize all Illegal aliens, see video below.

“For those that are here that have been law abiding, God bless them,” he told the business group, which is a major advocate for expanded immigration.

“Then I think the [illegals] should have a path to legalization… I think that can pass,” Kasich said, using one of the euphemisms for granting legal residency to illegal immigrants. [Link]

Syrian Refugees

Kasich was all for taking in Syrian refugees and encouraged Obama to accept them. Then the Paris attacks happened, and he decided perhaps it wasn’t such a good idea, and joined other governors saying no to refugees. Instead, he wants a more robust U.S. military presence in the Middle East and pointed to his experience in Congress on the House Armed Services Committee. [Link]

Personally I believe our soldiers have spent enough time in the Middle East, bring them all home, and put them on our borders.

Health Care

Despite saying he’s against Obama Care, Kasich accepted the Medicaid expansion under the bill for the State of Ohio. [Link]


Gov. John Kasich defended his support for Common Core, claiming the standards were developed by governors and adopted locally. Critics argue that Common Core was written behind closed doors with little evidence governors were closely involved, then forced on schools by the federal government. Who says our governors are any good at deciding what American education should be? How about taking us back to academic teaching instead of behavioral modification a la Pavlov/Skinner?

“Governors themselves wrote the standards,” Kasich said at the National Review Institute’s Ideas Summit. “We’ve implemented the standards. I didn’t implement them, Obama didn’t implement them, nobody did. The local school boards have adopted the standards, and now, the curriculum is being written by local school boards. I don’t know what’s wrong with that.” 

Kasich paints a picture of Common Core that would be nice, if only it were rooted in reality. [Link

What a joke!

Charters, Choice and Vouchers

Fethullah Gulen charter schools, Chinese charter schools, (Chinese investors are putting millions into Florida Chinese chartersWaldorf charter schools, etc. etc. ad nauseam. Do you want to support Islamic, communist, and Rudolph Steiner’s Anthroposophical Society charters with your tax dollars, to name just a few?

Politics, Markets and America’s Schools, 1990). Please read that again slowly. Get it in your heads…they want a choice system that is beyond the reach of the taxpayer and parents!

Please understand that private schools cannot remain independent once they have accepted federal funding through vouchers/choice.

The desire for total government control of education started long ago. However, back then, we had preachers who told the truth and informed the public. In August of 1933, Dr. J. Gresham Machen, gave the speech, The Necessity of the Christian School. He was Professor of New Testament in Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pa. The lecture was given at the Educational Convention held in Chicago under the auspices of the National Union of Christian Schools.

Whatever the government funds with our tax dollars, the government ultimately controls.


John Kasich is a pro-life governor, and has closed many clinics in Ohio, he also wants to defund Planned Parenthood in the state. As great as that is, his stances on education, free-trade, jobs, the second amendment, and amnesty are those of the left. At best, Kasich is a moderate.

Thanks to the diligence of Paul Walter, CEO of NewsWithViews, many ideas for my articles have come from him. Paul immigrated from communist Yugoslavia, providence of Slovenia, and therefore he sees more clearly the dangers to our Republic than those who have always known free America as home. Please support